#money witchcraft
"Elhoim Leafar has poured his heart and soul into Manifestation Magic. His pages are filled with unique perspectives from his experiences of magic as an urban shaman. This book is an intimate look into the practices of a magician who hails from Venezuela." ~ Najah Lightfoot, author of Good Juju: Mojos, Rites & Practices for the Magical Soul
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A practical guide to prosperity magic using amulets, talismans, and rituals.
Elhoim Leafar, author of The Magical Art of Crafting Charm Bags, offers a clear, basic treatise on the magic of prosperity and manifesting positive abundance. No prior magical experience is required, although the material is also suitable for adepts.
The book is divided into two sections: The first section guides the reader through some basic, if simultaneously sophisticated, magical theory including the power of attraction. Readers are encouraged to develop a magical mindset. The second section puts theory into practice. Leafar features 21 (3 x 7, a very magical and auspicious number, as adepts will immediately recognize) rituals, amulets, and talismans for creating and living the life you desire.
Techniques are derived from diverse influences blending modern paganism with Afro-Caribbean and Latin American magic, reflecting the author’s background and making the material accessible to readers walking a variety of magical paths.
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st4rtar0t · 2 months
Enhanced money spell
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Gods of wealth, I call upon thee, To manifest prosperity and set me financially free. May abundance flow to me abundantly, As I ask, so mote it be. With harm to none and good to all, I visualize wealth surrounding me, big and small. Coins jingle, dollars multiply, Financial freedom now is nigh. I express gratitude for all I receive, And take action to achieve what I believe. With each step forward, my abundance grows, As the universe conspires to help me flow. Gods of wealth, hear my plea, This is my wish, so mote it be.
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repeat this spell 3 times to activate.
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descendinight · 1 month
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Nuryniíth - Rosemary and thyme
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thespectralcottage · 5 months
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Money Bowl Tips ✨💸
I absolutely adore doing money bowls. They serve as an amazing way to build up abundant energy and help with layering your workings. They’re a fairly straightforward working that you tend to by continually feeding it energy or “working” the spell. Let’s jump into some tips.
1.) Have a schedule with it. I recommend feeding your bowl energy fairly often, ideally weekly on Thursdays, but at least once a month. Thursdays are connected to Jupiter which is the planet connected to wealth and abundance. 🪐
2.) Add a candle. A fairly low energy way to keep up with tending to your bowl is to spell a candle for it. After it’s prepped and ready, place it in the bowl. Lighting the candle will feed the bowl energy. 🕯️
3.) The base is just as important as the rest of the bowl. Commonly you use salt or rice for the base. I recommend going a little extra with it. Recently I’ve been into making spell crafted cinnamon salt and using that as my bowl base. Put energy and intention behind making your bowl’s base. It’s literally the foundation of this spell!
3.) *some* herbs you can use in money workings: Alfalfa, dill, basil, chamomile, bay leaves, catnip, oranges, cloves, lemongrass, jasmine, cinnamon, allspice, ginger, mints, star anise, cats claw, and oregano. There are a bunch of options. These ones just have direct correspondence to money drawing.
4.) Set goals for your bowl. Whenever you feed your bowl, focus on this goal you’re driving towards. With money magic you ideally want to be as specific as you can be. These can be long term or short term goals. I usually focus on long term and building stability and sustainable energy flowing to that goal.
I hope these tips bring some ideas for making your own money bowls. 🖤🌱
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yourwitchmama · 7 months
Emoji spell to manifest positivity, self love, and anything you desire in your life✨
~Like to charge, reblog to cast~
Put energy into this post to give yourself and others maximum benefits! Spells are all about intention~
Feminine positive affirmation manifestation
Masculine positive affirmation manifestation
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kyprigeneia · 10 months
the cure for loneliness is sitting in a peaceful spot, lighting a little candle and inviting a deity you love to join you
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the-clumsywitch · 3 months
Money/Financial Abundance Magick
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ts-witchy-archive · 5 months
Prosperity Oil Recipe!
So I made this oil a few weeks back and I've already had success with it despite having only used it on my skin without much intention. I thought I would share the recipe for anyone who wants it. Feel free to change or substitute anything you like. I focused a lot on peace of mind in this spell. It's easier to feel abundant and wealthy when you're not in a constant state of money anxiety.
Oil of your choice
A Jar
Crystals (I used Citrine, Aventurine and Selenite)
Lavender (peace, anti-anxiety)
Bay Leaves (wealth, prosperity)
Cloves (money)
Oregano (peace and joy)
Cinnamon (money and speed)
Peppermint (abundance and money)
Optional: An offering for a deity/spirit guide/ancestor you want to help you.
Cleanse your space, your items and yourself.
If you're asking for help from a deity/other entity light their candle, give the offering and ask now.
Using intention for each ingredient, gently place them into your jar.
Measure out your oil and add it to the jar. Make sure you add slightly more oil than you need because your ingredients may absorb some. Personally, I also add extra so I have enough to offer to the Deity who helped my with this spell.
Put on the lid and shake it well while repeating your intention.
Find a cool, preferably dark area to let the oil infuse. On top of the lid or around the oil add some selenite, citrine and aventurine to enhance the intention.
Shake every day or two. After about 2 weeks strain and bottle.
Notes: I recommend doing this spell on a Tuesday to increase the speed of the oil working. Additionally, Please make sure you only add dried herbs. If you don't things will probably mould.
Please don't put the crystals into the oil. Even though citrine and aventurine are a type of quartz they shouldn't be left in liquids for long periods of time. In a similar vain, cinnamon can cause skin irritation so if you want to use this oil topically please patch test it (I will say though, the oil doesn't smell good so unless you're okay with that then maybe don't wear it lol)
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Rice In Witchcraft
Rice in witchcraft is known for it's properties of Prosperity, Wealth, Protection, and Fertility. You can add rice to your spell jars, placing it around your house, or to carrying it with you.
Other uses for Rice:
Burying stones and other items to cleanse and charge them
To represent the Air Element
Using rice in your food to bring your intentions to those who eat it.
Use as a base for money bowls to attract wealth in your life
Keeping rice near your door to ward off negative energy
Using rice as offerings to deities, especially ones associated with agriculture.
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chthonicelf · 1 year
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🍃Money Spell Jar🍃
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This really works! Right after I made this we did our taxes and we are getting so much back, I got a raise and so did my partner. Believing in it is the key to it working.
Fools gold
Green jade
Tigers eye
Bay leaves
Moon water
Every single loose piece of change from the house.
Shake this jar daily before work or going out of the house. Keep it on your alter.
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coinandcandle · 27 days
Coin's Quick Cash Caprese
Caprese is a quick and easy dish to make and is one of my personal favorites. You can make a caprese salad, mini caprese skewers, or a toasted caprese sandwich!
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Tomatoes - prosperity & abundance
Mozzarella - quick results
Fresh basil - money
Olive Oil (extra virgin is preferred) - wealth
Salt - for taste and purification purposes
Pepper - for taste and to repel bad luck
Balsamic Glaze - wealth
Prepare the ingredients first.
Cut the tomatoes and mozzarella into slices.
While you put together the dish, say aloud what each ingredient is used for. (ex. Tomatoes for prosperity and abundance, Mozzarella for quick results)
Lay out the tomatoes on the plate. Lay the mozzarella on top of the tomatoes slices, then lay the basil leaves on top of the mozzarella.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle olive oil and balsamic glaze.
Finish by saying, out loud, “As quick as I've made this dish, quickly will cash come to me. As I have said it, so shall it be."
Possible Variations and Notes
More types of tomatoes could manifest as multiple channels of cash flowing in.
Plate the dish nicely. The aesthetically pleasing dish will likely boost energy. Happy = Energy for me so perhaps the same will go for you.
This was a really quick spell and I got results from it for like a week. I didn't get a ton of extra money but enough that I noticed!
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tenofmuses · 9 months
I just saw a TikTok just now about “how to become a witch,” with a list of steps for beginners to follow. The first two things on the list were to buy books on witchcraft, and then to buy a bunch of materials. So here’s me reminding you that you don’t need to buy anything to become a witch. Sure, buying the tools is fun and all, but it isn’t a requirement to getting started. Witchcraft is a spiritual practice, not a consumerist hobby.
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st4rtar0t · 7 months
Money spell ✨💸💵🪙💰
Gods of wealth, hear my plea
To be prosperous and financially free
May abundance find its way to me
For ask and I shall receive
With harm to none and good to all
This is my wish so mote it be!
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descendinight · 25 days
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cursecuelebre · 2 months
Coins are Essential to Hellenic Worship and Witchcraft
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In Ancient Greece Drachmae (the coins/currency of the time) were used not just in everyday life but honoring the dead. It was believe that coins were offered to the deceased right before they were buried. The coins were given to grant the spirits passage to the underworld by paying Charon who will ride across Acheron, a river in the underworld to the afterlife, fearing they will get stuck on the shores if they don’t have the payment to cross. Though it is a very old superstition it is still very important to offer such a gift to the spirits that crossed over, though whether you don’t believe such a belief or do about paying the ferryman the act of the gesture is a sign of great respect and admiration for the departed. Collect your spare change and don’t be afraid to use them for various reasons:
- Offer them to your ancestors.
- Place a coin on gravestones when you visit a cemetery.
- Offer coins to your deities as money being one of the great sacrifices to give to them even if it’s just a penny.
You can also do spell work with coins as charms, divination (flipping heads or tails), talismans, focal point of power, etc.
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yourwitchmama · 2 years
~Manifestation spell to have unexpected money come your way~
Sacred numbers of abundance ⬇️
777 88 808 520 318 798
This is all about putting energy and intention into this post.
Like to charge, reblog to cast
Listen to this to manifest abundance
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