#more short things may follow soon-ish
capriciouswriter207 · 11 months
A world covered in ashes.
Few souls are left to tell the tale; few survivors still dwell, unable to let go of their homes, destroyed by the sheer force of the Rapture or its aftereffects.
What little pockets of civilization that are left scurry from place to place, scavenge for what scarce food they can find, and live each day as their last. In the current climate, it is likely they could die today, or tomorrow.
Smaller groups of no more than fifteen travel. Some die, lone survivors who have gained their trust join. Only hardship, loss and fate binds them. Grimlander, Mezalean, two Blossomites, Rivendellian - without the Rapture, life would not have permitted them to meet. Without the Rapture, they would be home with their families, enjoying life and complaining about all the things that did not matter anymore.
They traverse the land; food supplies run dangerously low. They take their chance in what used to be Gilded Helianthia. Burned to the ground, they say the ashes that rain down are still those original ashes. The first few feet of the beanstalk yet remain, dried and dead. Structures not quite destroyed showed signs of civilizations before it erupted in flame. The rolling crop fields no more than seas of grey ash and dust - and one unexpected splash of color.
A realm steeped in death, a world covered in ashes; yet, a black wither rose blooms next to a brilliant yellow sunflower in the fall, a singular beam of sunlight illuminating both from above.
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natsessence · 2 years
The New Maid
pairing | dom!natasha x sub!reader
summary | After being hired as a maid under Natasha Romanoff's care, your suspicions on her intentions with you soon grow weary. With her request to wear a revealing uniform and her elongated stares, it's not long before you can submit to more than just your attraction for her.
warnings (18+) | smut, dom/sub, dark-ish nat, praise kink, possessiveness, rough sex, fingering, mommy kink, bondage, dirty talk, degradation, spitting, slight spanking, multiple orgasms, oral sex, vibrators, mommy nat (drooling), short skirts, fucks you over her desk tbh
a/n | hi this has already been published on other platforms for a whileeeee but i’m trying to cross upload my work on here cause i wanna write more. this was also my first time writing anything ever (let alone smut) so enjoy :)) any feedback is appreciated!!
word count | 6.3k
warning! (18+): language and sexual content. please refer to tags before reading.
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Working under Natasha Romanoff had been a dream. From the very generous pay to the no expenses of living in her lavish mansion, it baffles you how lucky you were to get this job. It started off as a one-time summer thing, a side hustle to earn some extra money before your sophomore year as a college student. But once you learned how well a live-in maid gets paid, you realized there were far too many benefits of pursuing the job for more than just one summer.
Training as a maid was quite simple as well, the owners would usually have articulated plans or certain schedules you follow throughout the day. However, Natasha Romanoff wasn't as easy, she had you by her side practically every second of the day. You're not exactly sure what her job specifically entails, but it must pay well for her to be able to afford such an enormous house. You're glad for the digital map of structure and layout otherwise you'd get lost just looking for the bathroom, which still occurred quite a lot. You do, however, know it has something to do with Stark Industries. When you've had to deliver messages or meals to her grand office, you've overhead her conversations with Tony Stark. Although, it sounded much more like she was talking to a friend than a business call, it was none of your business. She seemed to be a very powerful woman, and you'd hate to cross her, but so far, she's been nothing but more than accommodating.
It's only been a week, but you've wondered if she has other employees. So far, the only people you've seen, besides Natasha, is the chef, pool boy, gardener, and the silent security guards at every gate. You've yet to meet other maids or butlers for that matter but realized Natasha Romanoff is just one person. It'd be quite excessive to have multiple live-in maids. It just felt quite lonely to think about Natasha all alone in such a huge place.
Aside from the very small and revealing, cliche maid outfit she requested you wear the night you arrived, you figured Natasha was just a traditional woman and had no complaints. Especially none with spending almost every hour attending to Natasha Romanoff's needs. You couldn't deny the attraction you felt for her, but in all honesty, who could? She was an undeniably gorgeous woman. The long touches and stares she sent you at times didn't help either. You'd feel her eyes burn into you as you served drinks or prepared her dinner. The outfit she provided failed to hide the blush in your cheeks at every pet name she threw your way. Especially when she would say goodbye and leave a longing touch on your arm or stare at you too long. Every time you were with her things became much harder to focus on. But this job was the highest-paying gig you’ve ever had, so you’d have to suck it up and ignore the little (huge) crush until the end of summer.
Waking up and eyeing the maid uniform hung above your closet, you prepared yourself for your day. You'd assumed the outfit had probably been tailored for the last maid, who may have been (extremely) smaller than you. But with you having to do work around such a colossal property, it required you to move around a lot. So, when you had to practically walk everywhere and bend over every surface to reach the things, you would feel the rise in your skirt and always missed the smirk that rose to Natasha's lips when she was around you.
For the schedule today, you would help her prepare for an on-call business transaction. She asked you have her breakfast served in bed and prepare her outfit and office for her before noon. Simple enough. So, with a final brush of an invisible wrinkle on your top, you hurried along to serve Natasha her meal.
Knocking on the door three times with a tray of caviar buttered croissants, lobster scrambled eggs, and cinnamon brioche french toast in your arms, you opened it to find Natasha plaid in nothing but a black silk robe. Your eyes couldn't help but fall to her chest, where it was barely covered by the thin fabric, finding her cleavage peeking out tauntingly. Her red locks were barely tussled, you'd never be able to guess she had just gotten out of bed.
"Good morning, Ms. Romanoff. Here's your breakfast." You said as you placed the tray onto her bed and above her, your face dangerously close to her chest before you straightened yourself up by her beside.
"Mmm, good morning, my dear. Did you sleep well?" She asked, a smile playing at her lips at the sight of you as she faintly rubbed her eyes.
With your hands rested behind your back and a thump in your heartbeat at the use of the pet name, you replied, "Yes, splendidly, miss, thank you. Is breakfast to your liking?"
She groaned at the use of your "Miss and Missus," the first day you arrived she insisted that you use her first name; Natasha. She definitely wished for the use of a different name on your lips, but she couldn’t scare you away just yet. Using her forename never felt polite to you, and you're not sure you would be able handle letting her name roll off your tongue that easily when you could barely manage being in her presence. She gave up soon, but it's not like she didn't enjoy hearing you call her Ms. Romanoff, either. The sound of her name on your lips made her stomach twist with desire.
Your outfit was no mistake, either, she had of course received your profile and knew your measurements, she just couldn't resist seeing you in such a thing. Natasha was a woman that paid attention to detail. Usually, she'd never even have a live-in maid, or a maid at all for that matter. She'd probably just get Tony to whip up some robot to do all her biddings, but she wasn't that shallow. After Steve had teased her about living all alone in such a large home, she figured she just needed a little more human interaction in her home life. Eventually she found a housekeeping service. Intentionally, she had only wanted to find a maid or butler that would come in during the weekdays, but after crossing your profile and seeing your picture. She couldn't help herself. She found you irresistible and absolutely perfect. Even more when you met her, and she fell in love with your innocence, shy blushes, polite manner, and cute smiles. She felt like a teen all over again. 
She knew she had to have you.
She raised her glare to find you obediently awaiting her answer. She smiled to herself, "Yes, sweetheart, it's divine. Tell Jeffrey I send my compliments. Have you eaten, my love?"
The painted pink on your checks only grew stronger with her constant use of pet names. Natasha knew this just as well, she loved seeing you blush and even more when she knew she was the reason why. "No, not yet miss. I was planning on picking up something on the way to prepare your office."
"That's nonsense, Jeffrey prepares an amazing breakfast every day. You've been here a week, honey, make yourself comfortable. It's practically your home, too." Your head dropped slightly, nodding at her reprimanding request.
“Yes, Ms. Romanoff,” before you could make your exit, she grabbed your wrist and tugged you into her bed, catching you in surprise. "While you're here, you might as well eat, darling."
It sounded more like a command, but you wouldn't deny her either way, knowing you were always hopelessly compliant to her demands. That's what made Natasha so set on you, not only were you a wonderful sight to see, your obedience is what made her sure you were perfect for her, even after only a week. No one had this effect on her as much as you did. She planned to make you hers, she just wasn’t sure how much longer she could wait.
You could barely move a muscle on the large black silk comforter of her bed, awaiting her next command and watching as her hands moved to slice the French toast and raise the fork to your mouth. You eyed her, hesitantly opening your mouth as she fed you.
"Good girl," she hummed satisfied, her eyes following your every move.
You nearly choked at her words, feeling your heart beat harder against your chest and heat rise to your cheeks. After a few more bites and her gazes in between, your heart paced even faster at her next move. "Stay still, honey, you have something righttt there." She said as her hand rose to grasp your face, her thumb moving to your bottom lip as she wiped away the powdered sugar that stained your mouth. She moved the same thumb to her own mouth and licked the residue slowly, glossy green eyes never leaving yours. You couldn't do much but stare starstruck at her lips in front of your face, agonizingly close as she licked them teasingly. The action alone made your stomach shudder sensually and pool heat to your center.
You composed yourself and mumbled a timid, "thank you." Before rising to your feet and picking up her tray to place onto a table to distract yourself from the wetness growing between your legs. "I'll get started on your outfit. Does it need pressing?" You said as you returned to her side. Natasha let out a small chuckle at her effect on you.
"Yes, I believe so. It's hung in my closet; you can do whatever you see fit. I trust your eye for clothing." She acknowledged with wink as she moved to grab her reading glasses and a book from her nightstand.
You nodded, moving to her walk-in closet and setting your eyes on her tailored, black suit. You planned on pressing it in the station of the laundry room before Natasha called out to you just as you were leaving, suit in hand.
"Do it in here, I want to see you." She said, signaling you to use the table that stood within her large bedroom. You couldn't help the thoughts running in your head, but only one remaining prominent; she wants to see you.
You swallowed a gulp and nodded compliantly, turning your back to her as you began pressing her suit. Natasha smiled to herself, enjoying the view in front of her as she occupied her mind of everything she would do once she got her hands on you. It was hard enough restraining herself from pouncing on you any second of the day, but with each movement your skirt rose ever so slightly, giving Natasha a perfect view of your white lace panties and having her wishing she could rip them right off. She was practically drooling at the sight.
Once you were done, you moved to hang it in her closet where it laid before. You returned to her side before clasping your hands behind your back and asking, "I've finished, Ms. Romanoff. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
She took a moment to drink you in, standing obediently in front of you in your tight outfit. Your breasts pushing against the fabric and legs covered in white stockings. Before eyeing you up and down, she hummed to herself, "There are lots of things you can do for me, sweetheart. But for now, everything is fine, thank you."
Your eyes widened slightly at her remark, were you hearing things? You weren't sure how much longer you would be able to handle this woman and her seductive teasing. But you blamed it all on your attraction for her, declaring you were just making up things in your head. You nodded and made your way to her grand door, feeling eyes glued to your body as you made your exit.
At noon exactly, you had already finished preparing Natasha's office for her business meeting, you were tidying her bookshelf when you heard the door open. Twisting your head to find her in the same suit you had pressed earlier today. It hugged her body perfectly, but you didn't have time to admire any further as you clasped your hands together to greet her. "Good afternoon, Ms. Romanoff. Your office is ready. Let me know if you need anything." You bowed slightly and continued to the door before she grabbed your arm as you attempted to brush past her. Your bodies were excruciatingly close, you hoped she couldn't hear your heart practically pounding out your chest.
"Stay, dove. You won't be a bother, just continue your work. If you've finished, you're free to leave. But I'd much rather you stay." She blew into your ear, her grip never loosening from your arm as you stood tense at her side.
"I-uh yes, Ms. Romanoff." She beamed at your answer, nodding and reluctantly letting you go. You already missed the feeling of her skin on yours. She continued to make her way behind her desk, sitting in her extravagant chair that made her look ten times more powerful. She began working on her computer, typing away and eyeing you every so often as she continued to work. It wasn't soon before her meeting began, you were thrilled to see her in action. Not knowing exactly what her job was, you were glad to at least gather some intel on what she did for a living. You barely understood the terminology or language they had been using throughout the meeting, you really wished you had taken Russian instead Spanish. You’re not sure if it would’ve mattered anyway because the majority of the time you were distracted by how hot Natasha was, exerting her power and getting fueled up when something didn't go her way, spitting out what you assumed were Russian curse words. You couldn't ignore the same pool of wetness that grew between your legs as you watched her intently. You didn't mind staying her office, sitting patiently in the seat across from her while reading a book you picked from her office library. Natasha most definitely didn't mind either, being able to watch your every move as she worked, she loved every second.
Once her meeting had finished you assumed she would dismiss you, so you rose to your feet as soon as she did. But she only moved to unbutton her blazer, releasing it and letting it drop down her arms with a frustrated sigh. The sight alone was probably the most attractive thing you’ve ever witnessed. Your eyes followed her as she moved to her serving cart and poured herself a glass of scotch, taking a sip with one hand before walking back to her previous spot. She stood across from you, eyeing you amusingly with one hand in her pocket while the other held her drink.
"Is there anything I can do for you, Ms. Romanoff?" You questioned hesitantly, noticing her irritation from the meeting and offering aid. At that remark, it seemed any residual anger from the businesswoman had disappeared and been replaced with lust.
"Yes, actually." She said, a smirk tugging at her mouth ever so slightly. You nodded eagerly, urging her to continue. "Come and kneel for me, sweetheart." You stood in shock for a moment, mentally pinching yourself to see if you'd heard her correctly. “Excuse me?”
When she gave you a look and reiterated it with a, “You heard me, pretty girl.” It was as if your body was on autopilot as your mind ignored the shock of her words and you nervously moved onto the space in front of her. Dropping to your knees compliantly and awaiting silently for her next direction, looking up to her face, doe-eyed and sweet.
She bit her lip as her hand rose to your face, her fingers sliding underneath your chin as her thumb swiped across your bottom lip once again. However, unlike this morning, her thumb pushed further into your mouth, behind your teeth and reaching your tongue. She took a moment to admire you, legs tucked underneath you as your hands rested in your lap pleasantly with her finger in your mouth. "You look so pretty like this, kotenok."
You squirmed on the floor underneath you, trying to ignore the soaked panties you had stained from being with Natasha all day. Wanting to please her, you wrapped your lips around her thumb, your cheeks hollowing around her while your eyes never left her hungry gaze.
Her eyes practically rolled to the back of her head. "Such a good girl. Skazhi mne krasivaya devushka (tell me, pretty girl), what do you want." She requested; her thumb coated in your saliva as she moved it from your mouth to let you answer.
"I- you. I-I want you."
"That's no way to ask, little girl. Where are your manners?"
"Sorry, Ms. Romanoff."
"Wrong. Try again. Tell mommy what you want. Correctly, this time." She released as her grip tightened around your jaw.
"I-I want you, mommy. Please."
She groaned at your words, grinning slyly as her hand continued to caress your face.
She had you right where she wanted you.
"What a good little girl you are. Come sit on mommy's lap, sweetheart." She let out as she dropped to her chair and tapped her right knee twice, thighs spread to leave room for you in between her legs.
Like the obedient girl you were, you rose to your feet, taking only a few steps towards the woman in front of you with insatiable hunger. As you took your place on her lap, your skirt flew up, leaving nothing but your bare bottom in lace panties on Natasha's thigh. Her hand immediately moved to your thigh, rubbing slowly as it made its way up and down. You whimpered in frustration, wanting to feel her hands all over your body. Eventually she reached your clothed heat, stroking painfully slow over your drenched panties. You tried not to squirm under her touch, wanting to push yourself further onto her fingers but her hand firmly wrapped around your waist kept you in place.
She noticed your impatience, chuckling softly before swiping her fingers harder against your core. You moaned at the feeling, pushing your hip into her hand, desperate for her touch. 
"Greedy slut, aren't you?" You couldn't answer, your mind only focusing on grinding your hips against her now spread-out palm.
But soon you felt a stinging slap against your thigh, dangerously close to your heat, you jumped in surprise and whined at the loss of her hand against you. "Answer me."
"Yes, mommy, only for you. Please, I want you so bad."
You didn't have time to concentrate or dwell on the loss as she began stroking your bare thigh again, spreading your legs firmly and pushing her fingers back to rub circles against your cunt. Her mouth soon attached itself to your ear as your mouth was left open at the sensation, letting out labored breaths.
She slid her tongue around your lobe and into your ear, "You have no idea what you do to me, kotenok. Walking around in that little outfit, I've wanted to fuck you senseless since the day you walked in here."
Your legs closed in reflex, feeling the undeniable drench between your legs. But Natasha only growled against your ear, moving her leg to wrap around your ankle, keeping your bottom strapped against her.
"Is that what you want, pretty girl. You want me to fuck you so hard you can’t walk?" She teased across your cheek, peppering wet kisses along your jaw and to your lips, leaving her centimeters away from your mouth. You knew better to answer this time, closing your eyes from sensation of her palm rubbing against you.
"Yes, mommy. I want you inside of me, please, I need you so bad." You whined against her and moaned once she moved your panties to the side and slid her fingers through your juices.
"Oh baby, you're soaked. My good little girl, all wet for me, huh." She continued, looking up to your flustered face as you writhed on top of her.
Before continuing her movements, she paused, "Say red if you want to stop, sweetheart, I won't be mad. Yellow if you want to slow down and green for go. Understood?"
You nodded before realizing she wanted a verbal response. "Yes, mommy."
"Good, printsessa," she smiled before shoving her fingers into your heat, muffling your moan with her mouth and she connected your lips into a heated kiss.
You could barely focus on kissing her back with the way her fingers were deepening inside you. You so desperately wanted to keep up, and you loved the feeling of her plush red lips on yours. The way she tasted only made you crave more; cherry and scotch, it was as addicting as it was sexy. She moved with incredible expertise, knowing how to get you breathless with a lick of her tongue against yours. You could feel her smirk against your mouth when you struggled to keep up with her hungry kisses, instead letting out breathy moans into her mouth. Natasha continued exploring your mouth, growing wetter at the sight of the strings of your mixed saliva connecting your mouths.
She continued her thrusts, adding another finger as her thumb rubbed against your clit, only causing more sounds to escape your mouth. Just as you felt yourself clench around her fingers and tighten your fists as your hips rode against her, she pulled them out, eliciting another whine at the loss. Releasing her hand drenched in your juices and sliding it into your mouth. You were forced to open wide as she commanded.
"Shut up and suck," you did exactly that, running your tongue through her manicured digits and tasting yourself around her. You loved the way her eyes were devouring you, as if she was about to rip you apart on the spot.
She moved to grab your wrist, moving your hand to let you feel her packing through the crotch of her pants as you began stroking her through the fabric. Your thighs clenching at the thought of how big it was. "You want my cock, printsessa, huh? Wanna get it all nice and wet for your pussy?"
You didn't waste a second to respond, desperately letting out a "Yes, mommy, please."
She grinned at your eagerness, motioning her head to the floor in front of her again and saying, "On your knees, krasivaya devushka." You obeyed, dropping to the carpet beneath you once again and placing your hands neatly flat onto your lap.
She watched you like a hawk before rising to her feet, towering over you before unbuckling her belt in front of your face. She pulled the belt from its loops and circled to your back, pulling your arms from in front of you and locking them together in her belt against your back. The position only brought your breasts up further against your tight outfit, displaying them in front of your body. Natasha moved in front of you once again, enjoying the sight but still insatiably wanting more.
"Color, my love."
"Green, mommy."
She smiled before kissing your cheek. After a pause she moved her hand to grab her drink once again, taking a sip before deliberately extending her arm out and pouring it into your cleavage, feeling the cold liquid roll through your body and onto your stomach as your mouth drew out a gasp.
"Oh my, I'm so clumsy, dove. Let mommy help you with that." Natasha feigned with faux innocence as she bent her body down to your level, eyeing your shiny chest and immediately ripping apart the blouse effortlessly with both of her hands. It left you in your matching white lace bra, presenting your breasts perfectly into Natasha's view. She groaned, moving her two hands to grope them above the fabric. You could only watch, immobile with your hands tied behind your back as she unclipped your bra and let it fall down your arms. Your heart raced against your chest as she moved to the drink once again, dropping the cold liquid all over your bare chest as inhaled sharply, feeling the cold sensation run down your body. Natasha only stared further, wanting this picture of you to last in her mind forever. She opted for the next best thing, reaching for her phone on the desk and angling it to get you into view. She snapped a photo of you, knowing she would be using it for later purposes and hoped she would have enough for an album soon, she would make sure of it. She couldn't help herself and soon enough, began sliding her tongue up against your stomach and around your breasts, palming the opposite one and pinching around your nipples. She sucked each of them, humming at the taste of scotch tainting your skin as your arousal grew as you watched her worship you.
After enough teasing, she moved to drop her pants in front of you, revealing the large red strap on teasing your face. She shoved two fingers into your mouth again, coating them in your saliva before she gripped your cheeks open and tilted your face up to her. "Swallow." She directed as she leaned down to drop a ball of her saliva into your mouth before kissing it. She hummed against your face and continued to stand up straight in front of you, pushing the strap into your face.
"Good girl, and you know what good girls get?"
You shook your head, awaiting her response before she continued and began playing with your nipples, "they get to suck on Mommy's cock, you want that, baby, don't you?"
"Yes, mommy, please." You whimpered from underneath her, fighting the urge to rub your heat against the floor.
She pinched down extra hard on your breasts, tugging at the tip and taking the opportunity to shove herself down your throat when you opened it to moan. You internally thanked yourself for your lack of a gag reflex, adjusting to her size quickly as you let her continue. She picked up her pace, both her hands traveling to tug onto your hair and keep you firmly thrusting back and forth on her appendage. Your cheeks hollowed against the toy, swallowing whole to please her.
"That's right, baby, sucking my cock like a good slut. You're such a pretty girl, aren't you, my pretty little girl." Natasha moaned out between her rough thrusts.
Soon she released you, a string of your saliva connecting to tip of her cock and tears brimming your eyes when she pulled your hair back to move your mouth off of her. "What a mess you are. I bet that pussy's just as much of a mess, huh? Why don't we check. Stand up, slut."
You gathered your breath and brought yourself to feet, struggling slightly as your thighs rubbed together and your hands still remained tied behind your back. Natasha smirked at your appearance, chest open at her mercy and plaid in a skirt with suspenders connected to your white stockings.
You were soaked, you knew it, too. You could feel your wetness roll down your thigh and feel it press against your panties. You'd do anything to relieve yourself, but you were completely at Natasha's will.
"Oh, I'll never get tired of this. Maybe I'll make you walk around the house like this. Put on some panties with a vibrator in it and watch you tremble while you do your chores. You'd like that wouldn't you, pretty girl." She teased, her hands caressing your backside before delivering a smack to your ass. You jumped in surprise, squealing before answering her. "Mmph! Mhm! Anything to please you, mommy."
She groaned into your ear, feeling her body ghost over your back as her hands massaged your bottom. After moving to face you once again, her hands never resisting the chance to grope your boobs, she moved her hand down your core. Rubbing the fabric against your cunt as her palm made contact with your clit, making you jerk forward and whimper in pleasure. She released her hand from you, removing your skirt and moving to slide her hand down your stomach and to the top of your panties. She followed the pattern of the lace before hooking her fingers and dropping them to the floor. You stepped out of them and felt yourself being pushed down onto the desk, bending over and wondering when she had cleared it for you. You turned your head to the side, looking down and noticing the mess of papers on the floor from cleaning off her desk. You wondered if you would still be responsible for cleaning it.
Her nails pressed into the curve of your back, pushing you down against the cold wooden desk. Her hands found her way back to your bare bottom, sliding down to smack it once again. You screamed in surprise, knowing it had been harder than the last.
"If you can't keep that pretty little mouth of yours closed, I'm gonna have to do something about it." She vocalized above you.
"I'm sorry, mommy, I'll be good."
"You will be, princess. Now, look at what we have here, such a pretty little pussy. Can't wait to bury myself inside you, baby. Gonna fuck you like the whore you are." Natasha groaned at the thought, enjoying the whimpering mess you were bent over her desk. She dropped to her knees behind you, running her tongue up your thigh and following the trail of your slick until she reached the spot you needed most.
You let out a sob in relief, moving back to grind against her tongue and the way it pressed flat against your heat. She continued her movements, teasing your folds before shoving her tongue inside of you. Once she began to play with your clit, you screamed in pleasure, but soon whined once she retracted her mouth. It wasn't soon before she appeared in front of your eyes with your white lace panties in hand.
"I told you to be quiet, slut. Now mommy's gonna have to do something about that." She scolded before rolling your drenched panties into a ball and into your mouth, gagging you. She caressed your face gently as she smiled down at you, brushing loose strands of hair from your face before moving behind you once again. She pulled your hair, lifting your body flush against hers. "Now, kroshka, I'm gonna play with your pretty little pussy and if you can be a good girl, I'll let you come. But if you can't keep those panties in your mouth, I'll be punishing you tonight. Color."
"Green." You let out, muffled by the fabric occupying your mouth. She flipped your body to face her, using her muscled arms to lift your hips onto her desk and manhandling you. She forced your legs apart, letting cool air hit your bare bottom and drop your wetness onto her desk. Natasha loved the sight of your cunt glistening in front of her. You placed your palms on the surface behind you to sturdy yourself, but once your eyes widened at the vibrator Natasha had in her hand, you weren't sure you'd be able to hold yourself together. She laughed at your reaction, moving her hands to your breasts again and stroking over your nipples.
Catching you off guard, she immediately pressed the vibrator down to your core, buzzing against you and having you scream in pleasure against your gag. She immediately began rubbing it through your folds, teasing you and ignoring the only spot you truly desired. You wailed against her, pushing yourself further onto the machine before she slapped your thigh.
"Naughty girl, I'm the only one who gets to fuck you. Stay still, or your wrists won't be the only thing that's tied." She ordered, pressing further against your cunt and clutching at your nipples. 
She took mercy on you, moving the vibrator onto your clit and enjoying your reaction as you moaned in pleasure on top of her. Your head was thrown back, and your eyes rolled to back of your head once she began fucking you with two fingers. You could hear the obscene noises coming from your core as she thrusted into you, even louder were the groans and whimpers escaping your throat, only to be muffled by the gag.
"You hear that? You're so wet against my fingers, can't imagine how you're gonna sound taking my cock, slut." She continued to curl her fingers against you, moving the vibrator against your clit painfully. You could feel yourself reaching the edge, bucking your hips into her movements and whining against the device.
"You wanna cum, pretty girl?" You nodded frantically above her, practically riding her fingers as the sensation on your heat grew stronger.
"Cum all over my fingers. Now." She demanded, adding a third finger. You did just that, biting down on your gag before becoming a whining mess. Covered in your own slick as the sensation washed over you while Natasha kept her pace. Your thighs were trembling on top of the desk when you let out a final cry, collapsing against her.
She halted her movements and grazed her hand over your face as she pulled your panties out of your mouth. Sweat was trembling down your body as she began kissing your face. You struggled to keep your eyes open to watch her suck each of the fingers she had fucked you with. You could taste yourself on her tongue as she connected your mouths, dominating you in record time. Your breath hitched when her hands and lips began to roam all over your body. Tweaking with your nipples in one hand while she sucked the other.
Soon the toy between her legs found its way between your folds, sliding itself against your sensitive cunt and becoming coated in your cum. It wasn't long before you were dripping again, despite barely coming down from your orgasm.
"Is my printsessa ready for my cock?" She taunted, continuing to grind her hips into your center. You gasped as the toy slid across your clit, attempting to thrash away from the feeling but Natasha's hand on your leg kept you still as she released a dark chuckle.
You gathered your thoughts, responding to her before you received punishment. "Yes, mommy. Please."
"Aw, my pretty girl can do better than that. Beg me, slut."
You writhed on top of her, letting the moans fall effortlessly from your throat as you rolled your hips on her length. Natasha noticed you getting lost in enjoyment before she moved her cock away from you and slapped it against your cunt. "Answer me."
You struggled to get your words out, growing frustrated you shouted, "P-Please, fuck me! Need you inside of me, I'll be a good girl. Please just fuck me, mommy! Use me!"
She grinned, beaming at your desperation and wasted no time before lining her tip and inserting herself into your core. The moan you let out was the loudest yet, your head was thrown back in pleasure and mouth left open as she plunged herself further into you.
"Oh my- fuck. Nat, you're so big."
Her head snapped up to your face, you hadn't noticed your slip-up but once she gave you no warning and slammed her entire length into your pussy, you could only scream in satisfaction. Natasha roughly picked your body up from the desk, twisting you and shoving your head down to bend over once again. Her cock never escaping your pussy, she began relentlessly thrusting into you, her hands reaching in front of her to grab your hair.
"That's not my name, naughty girl." She scowled, her hand coming down to smack your bottom repeatedly while you flailed beneath her.
"S-sorry, mommy! Please, harder, you feel so good." You cried between her thrusts. You didn't think it was possible for Natasha to quicken her pace, but she began pushing in and out of you rapidly, the only sounds filling the room were her grunts, the embarrassing squelch of your pussy, and sound of her skin flapping against yours when she bottomed out at each thrust.
"Such a dirty girl, taking mommy's cock so well. This pussy was made for me, wasn't it, baby." She moaned on top of you, pulling your hair to bring your back flush against her body. Her hand moved to your bare stomach, gliding to clutch your breasts and pull at your nipples. You let your head fall back onto her shoulder, you could feel your knees trembling from beneath you. If it weren't for Natasha's sharp thrusts and hands holding your body, you're not sure you would be able to stand on your own.
Once her fingers found its way to your sensitive clit you couldn't take it anymore, between her rubbing circles on your clit and her relentless force on your cunt you felt yourself helplessly clenching and squirming around the toy.
"P-Please, mommy, can I c-come." You cried, your voice wavering between her movements.
"Come, baby, be a good girl for mommy." Natasha began focusing on pleasuring you, playing with your clit and reaching to tug on your nipples while she fucked you into your orgasm. Her hips continued ramming into you as your rode out your high, letting out noises you didn't know you were capable of making and screaming her name in a loud moan.
You slumped against her body, breathless and covered in cum, sweat, and alcohol. You turned your head to face Natasha tirelessly, she smiled against you and placed a kiss to your lips.
"My good little girl, you did so well, detka." You hummed at her praise, enjoying the feeling of her fingertips caressing your body while her strap was still buried inside you.
"Come on, baby, let's get you cleaned up."
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lushlovers · 1 year
Ignored, J Burrow
summary; he's quite the hypocrite
warnings; joe still is an asshole what'd y'all expect, swearing, this is the stupidest argument but i would act like this too fr, the pettiest duo ever ong
word count; 900-ish
notes; ughhh i missed frat!lsu!joey so much omg. one of the few fics being posted as a thank-you for 400 followers! pls someone notice how they react similarly to each other with their actions when frustrated
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This year, like the few before, Joe had convinced you to come to both of his frat's formals, for you it was a win-win, getting to dress up all pretty and seeing him all cleaned up in his fancy suit. He kept his arm secured on your hip, and both of you stepped out catching the eyes of everyone in the room, per usual.
Boredom has slowly settled in over the span of the few hours you've been here, staring at your nails and chatting with the extremely energetic girlfriends and dates of his fraternity brothers could only hold your interest for so long. "Can we go up to the room yet?" You mumble, trying not to make your growing impatience too obvious, and leaning into him with a pout present on your pretty face.
"Soon, babe," his response is short, obviously just trying to shut you up. You sigh, clicking your tongue, murmuring under your breath about going to get a drink. He barely has paid any attention to you at all tonight, nor did he say anything about the dress he ditched you to go shopping for alone. He swore up and down that he would take you to the mall, and you'd choose something together, but he opted out at the very last minute, simply venmoing you the cash for it.
It takes a lot out of you just to not scream at him to acknowledge your existence for two damn seconds, but no. Everyone, but you seemed to keep his attention this entire time. Your jaw is set tight as you fish your phone from your purse, finding yourself sitting alone and scrolling on your feed aimlessly as Joe continues to socialize.
Time passes slowly, but midnight's creeping up, you remember you both have a keycard on you which prompts you to slip out of the dining hall completely. As you make your way up to your floor you decide a text will suffice, maybe he'll see it, maybe he won't, and it's not your problem anymore.
angel🌟: i went back up.
Before you thought it couldn't get any worse, he somehow managed to piss you off even further. Read 11:54. May the Lord be on his side, that's one thing he never did to you, he knows exactly how you feel about that, you even went as far as to turn his read receipts off to avoid this feeling.
In the time it takes him to finish doing whatever the hell he's been doing all evening, you'd changed, gotten out of your makeup, and were tucked under the cover tightly. Assuring your back was turned to him as he made his way in and kicked his shoes off, "D'you have fun?" His question is followed by a long beat of silence, but he just assumes you're asleep and says nothing else.
After just a few short minutes of him entering the in-suite, he returns in an old t-shirt and basketball shorts. When he climbs into bed behind you and pulls you in close, you stiffen, making his grasp loosen significantly, "Were you like, intentionally ignoring me all night?" His brows crease and for a minute he just opens his mouth like a fish out of the water as he searches for an actual reason for the lack of interaction between the two of you.
"Not intentionally," he responds quickly to get you to be quiet for what seems to be the hundredth time today. The last thing you want is to be treated like the various girls whose feelings he plays with for his own amusement. Still, after tonight, you're severely lacking the cognitive ability to go back and forth with him tonight.
Your silence catches his attention, making the scrolling he was going on his phone come to a halt, "Are you gonna say anything?" In your head, you're screaming at him about how you're feeling, to say more than two words a sentence to you, but to possibly tick him off you bite your tongue and settle for a smartass reply.
A stifled laugh breaks the tension in the hotel room, followed by a snarky response, "Nothing to say." That does him in. Ironically being treated in the same way he treats others, receiving a taste of his own medicine. He slams his phone down on the bedside table, "I'm talking to you now and you're being short with me," another laugh escapes you at his hypocrisy and simply how childish he's acting right now.
The tone of voice you chose doesn't even change an octave when you decide to speak once more, "Now you know how I feel," you hum, turning over to face the sliding-glass balcony door. His jaw is set tight as he stares daggers into your back and you can feel them burning through your oversized t-shirt. Without saying anything else, he mimics your movements and turns over with his arms crossed over his chest, pouting.
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eepyuii · 6 months
frostbite — pt. 4
pairing ; childe x gender neutral!reader
content ; childhood friends to “rivals” to lovers, slowburn-ish
cw ; brief mentions of drowning, fighting (?)
note ; i’m ngl i’m kinda proud of this chapter, i may have done the smidgenmost cooking. also i will be making a masterlist soon!!
previous | next | masterlist
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liyue harbor looked its prettiest at night.
the lantern lights made the city’s colors pop out so much more. from afar, the harbor looked like it’s own galaxy of yellow stars or like a celestial being as lively as its nightlife. this isn’t even the first time you’ve thought this- zapolyarny palace also seemed infinitely more majestic when the lights turned on during the evening. it almost made you enjoy working late shifts.
unfortunately, aesthetics can’t sugarcoat the things the fatui has done and that you’ve been a witness to. the mass production of delusions, the robbery of gnoses and let’s not even get started on the things the doctor has done. even with eleven harbingers, who all have their fair share of unorthodox acts, don’t seem to rival the blasphemies your very boss has committed. blasphemies you’ve only watched, sitting neatly and keeping your mouth shut, and done nothing about. you’re only undeservingly grateful you weren’t present for the majority of his atrocities. but then again, who even were you to keep count of divine punishments you would never provide to the sinners who warranted them?
plus, now wasn’t the time to dwell on entirely so much.
if you stood lifelessly in the middle of the street for any longer, someone might get suspicious. you choose to head towards the coastal side of the harbor, merely observing the crowds walk back and forth between the street businesses. a few steps further and you reach a small street food restaurant- wanmin restaurant. the line of customers is concerningly big for such a time of day, you shiver to imagine what it’s like during lunch time.
the large, open window of the restaurant shows an older man attending to the customers with utmost friendliness and behind him, a younger blue-haired girl hurries from side to side as she rushes to ready the dishes. you see her look down and speak as if talking to someone incredibly short, so short that they’re entirely covered by the half wall of the window.
you furrow your eyebrows, confused by the sight- that is until the girl turns to you and panic invades her expression.
“guoba, wait! watch out for-“
before she finishes her sentence, you feel a faint thump against your leg. you look down to see… what in all honesty just looked like a teddy bear- except it seemed entirely alive and currently knocked over on the ground, paw wiping its little forehead as if it got hurt on the crash with your calf. next to it was also a small bag of mora, spilling over onto the sidewalk.
you hurry to gather up the coins and put them back in the bag before any slimy passerby could snatch them away while the girl steps over to help up the teddy bear.
“agh… i shouldn’t have sent you out to get groceries in such a hurry and you also need to watch where you go better!” she reprimands the creature, patting it down to smooth away any dirt.
“a-and i’m so very sorry! we’re overflowing with customers today and we were running out of oil so i thought i’d have guoba run to mr. dongsheng’s shop but i guess the pressure got him distracted…” she bows apologetically and the bear follows suit.
chuckling sheepishly, you wave the gesture off. “please, there’s no need for all that… it was just an accident after all.” you look down at the bag of mora in your hand.
“say, why don’t i go buy that oil for you? i’m not busy at the moment and you and… guoba clearly need all your attention on the food.”
her eyes light up as if the second coming of rex lapis has just occurred before her. “you’d do that? oh, that would be amazing! thank you so much…” she trails off as if waiting for you to say your name.
“y/n! thank you so much, y/n. i’m xiangling, by the way!”
the shop just around the corner from the restaurant and you dutifully wait in line to be attended by mr. dongsheng. you’re almost getting lost in thought until you hear an exclamation from nearby.
“x-xingqiu wait up!” what sounded like a young boy huffed out, sprinting from nearby. you turn to see exactly a young light-blue haired boy in white clothes rushing to catch up with another boy with darker blue hair in elegant navy garbs who was already waiting for him at the bridge to the outskirts of town.
“come on, you slowpoke!” the other boy giggles and as his friend is finally beside him, he abruptly grabs his wrist and pulls him along to run once more.
the display is so genuine and lighthearted that it even makes you chuckle fondly, makes you nostalgic for a simpler time.
you buy the oil and swiftly head back to wanmin restaurant, where xiangling is practically weeping with gratitude. “oh thank you, thank you, thank you! you’re a real lifesaver, please let me repay you- a whole evening of dishes on the house with whatever guests you’d like!” she bows once more.
“don’t sweat it… but i’ll hold you to that.” you nod amusedly and make your way out to leave xiangling and guoba to their arduous cooking.
your aimless wandering through the harbor takes you to the eastern side next, to the passageway between the pool of lotuses that leads to bubu pharmacy. you lean against the railing, watching intently as the fish swim aimlessly through the calm waters- then you turn to watch the people crossing the passageway, couples, families, childhood friends all enjoying the comfortable mundaneness of life.
turning even further, you spot a small girl sitting at the top of the staircase that leads to bubu pharmacy, you’ve seen her before behind the counter of the establishment… qiqi, was it? she sits at the edge of the elevated structure, facing the piers of the harbor as she watches with droopy eyes and what seemed to be a glass of milk in her hands.
the sleepiness in her expression reminds you of how late into the night it must be, urging you to head back to your quarters and get whatever sleep you can.
on your way up the stairs of the catwalks, you pass by heyu tea house, where an opera is taking place. the singer is a young girl, adorning traditional liyuean opera garbs that flow gracefully with the elegant twists and turns of the dance she performs. not to mention her unparalleled singing accompanied by the smooth sounds of a liyuean instrument, a guqin as you recall it- her voice so mesmerizing it nearly pulls all of the attention away from the heart wrenching tale it tells.
you’d heard stories about liyuean opera and how entirely different it was from the snezhnayan iterations, but none of the descriptions truly made justice to the fantastical spectacle you stumbled upon by luck. once again, you almost forget you were supposed to head to your dorm and rest.
unfortunately, rest is not for you.
you lay in your bed, eyes wide awake and fixated at the decorated ceiling as you recall all that you saw this evening. the liveliness of the common folk, xiangling and guoba, the two boys, the young girl from the pharmacy delighting in something as simple as a glass of milk, the opera performance. it’s all so human, so natural, simple, meaningful and so entirely precious. you’d made an enjoyable evening stroll just out of watching people… be people.
and you were going to drown it all in just a few days.
well, not as much you as childe was going to. but you didn’t do anything to counter it, not a peep of disagreement, not an act of defiance, not even an idea of an alternate solution. all because of some goddamn chess piece for the tsaritsa’s stupid plan. a pang of forced guilt hits your heart- you’d be surely decapitated in the town square for saying such things about her grace, or thinking rather. but that’s not how you feel, you’d care less about not criticizing an archon if they were truly being stupid.
but that’s how childe feels.
he reveres the tsaritsa blindly more than anyone you know. you needed to speak to him, first thing tomorrow.
surely he wouldn’t mind pulling out of his ingenious, but foolishly dangerous, plan just for you?
they say early bird gets the worm yet here you remain, up at the ass crack of dawn with no worm to speak of. if you were slightly less exhausted at the moment, you would’ve caught onto ekaterina’s look of sheer pity towards you.
“good morning, sergeant! how may i help you?” she greets politely.
“mmh.. yes, morning…” you mumble back, pinching the bridge of your nose. “would you know where childe is right now?”
“i believe childe is currently exercising outside of the harbor. would you like to leave a message for him?”
“no no- no need, i’ll just go to him myself. where exactly outside of town is he?”
“childe usually likes to train up in the mountains behind yujing terrace, he took a few officers to train alongside him so it won’t be difficult to spot the group.” you nod and mutter a curt ‘thank you’ to her. your feet feel like they’ve got pure geo constructs tied to them but you manage to make it to the door of northland bank- though before you get to make your way out, you hear ekaterina call out to you.
“i would advise you to bring a weapon, sergeant! knowing how stubborn childe is.”
chuckling at the indirect jab toward childe that she delivers, you only materialize your polearm with the power of your vision, the only instance you’ll ever use it.
“don’t i know it.”
sometimes you wonder if childe is even human- the mere climb to the mountains behind yujing terrace was enough exercise to last you a week or so. once you settled upon the mountain top, heaving as if death were at your doorstep, you take in your surroundings to spot a small group of men in the distance, gathered in a circle that and facing away from you. a few more minutes of walking reveal that they are in fact clad in fatui uniform and the sound of grunts, thuds and the ever despair-inducing sound of the eleventh harbinger’s maniacal laughter.
you join the circle silently, eyes sharp and cold, to watch as childe effortlessly topples over a low-rank officer. a little more observation would show that this poor man wasn’t the first one to receive such treatment, as all the other men look over with sheer horror in their eyes and dirt clinging to their uniforms- all while childe’s clothes remain spotless and neat. said terrified men notice your sudden presence and scurry to salute you properly with trembling arms while you merely gesture for them to be at ease.
“so! who would like to go next?” the harbinger calls out obliviously only to be met with shameful silence. he scans the whole circle like a bloodthirsty predator, though once he finally turns around to see you there, his eyes seem to gain a different light. if they can even attain any.
“y/n! to what do we owe the pleasure to have you here?” he laughs, raising a hand to gesture to you while facing the other officers. “gentlemen, sergeant y/n of the medical division.”
the officers almost immediately salute you once more and you sigh. “please, at ease.”
“truly impeccable timing, doc! i’ve just sparred one-on-one with each one of these officers to teach them a thing or two about combat. though… i might’ve gone a little too hard, plus they might learn better through observing rather than getting shoved around one by one. so why don’t the two of us spar?”
you put up a hand to stop him. “yeah yeah, unfortunately i’m not here to rumble. i’ve got something i’d like to discuss with y-“
“aw, come on! this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for these gentlemen!” childe whines.
“i really would rather not, it’s a bit of an important matter that i want to sort out-“
“it’ll be quick! just one round.”
“i didn’t sleep well last night plus-“
“then a spar is just the way to get the blood pumping!”
“can we please just talk for a few minutes and then you can go back to-“
where you expected to receive another interruption from childe was instead the sharp tip of a hydro blade right beside your head, narrowingly missing you by a hair. the officers gasp dramatically, while you practically stab childe with the incredulous glare you throw him. even worse, the asshole only smirks playfully as if it was just a playground game.
being on the other side of his blade is famously not unfamiliar to you.
you summon your polearm without thinking and swing it angrily from right to left, hoping only to get the hydro sword away from you. childe does exactly as you predict and steps back expertly to dodge your spear, bearing the widest grin. what ensues next is a tiring back and forth between the two of you- childe hits, you hit back to defend yourself, childe hits back harder. the men watch intently as if watching the most intense play of their lives. it’s probably after a good eight minutes of fighting that your arms start growing weary from how tightly you’re holding onto your weapon and your legs get even sorer than they were from how much you climbed. this is getting stupid.
you put all your focus into finding an opening in childe’s strikes to overtake him, finding it within his next attack, where he switches his grip on the twin blades so the sharp sides face outward and he brings his arms together to create momentum for a double-sided swing that covers the entire of his front. in the millisecond that his hands are next to each other, you send a wave of frigid air that freezes the entirety of his swords and bites at his fingers in a way that makes him hiss and drop the weapons on instinct.
as the icy blades collide with the ground, they shatter into a million glittering shards. childe looks down, half-shocked half-amused at the display and laughs once more. he continues to stare at the ground, any trace of his swords is entirely gone- though it’s no matter, as hydro is already swirling down his wrists as he prepares a new set.
“hah… the fun finally begi-“
before he can finish his taunt, you’re tackling him onto the ground, taking advantage of his distraction. you kneel with one knee up, the other is latched firmly beside childe’s torso, and press your polearm firmly across his arms as to restrain him. the fatui officers are practically losing their minds at this point.
“enough.” you huff out with a snarl, chest heaving up and down violently.
childe is finally, truly at a loss for words. he looks up at you as if you’re the most divine being he’s ever seen and the halo of sunlight that forms around you really doesn’t help. though, you only interpret it as him simply being so surprised that someone finally beat him. after a few seconds of remaining in the position, you take it childe has surrendered and stand up and away from him.
you dust off your clothes and utter without looking up. “leave. all of you.” the men sprint out of the scene like startled rabbits.
“now can we talk?”
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taglist ; @kentply @osaemu @rain-and-a-nice-nap
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itsstrange · 2 years
Off Limits
Relationship: Tom Holland x Reader
Fandom: Marvel
A/N: This short fic was originally posted on my IG a year ago and just barely decided to bring it over here for all you Holland Fans 😏 so hope y’all enjoy this steamy-ish fic!
Summary: Tom just can’t keep his hands to himself during a movie night.
Word Count: 924
Warnings: (Yes) Light Smut, Public-ish Fingering, Tom being a Rebel.
Enjoy 🔥
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Bing Harrison’s younger sister had its pros and cons. First, you could always count on him for anything, can always be yourself around him, can always trust he’ll have your back for whatever reason. The bad thing about it is, he can be extremely over protective, you get it, he’s your older brother, but he can be over dramatic with things. The worst part about being his younger sister would be, being surrounded by his attractive friends every day. One friend specifically. For instance, one day while having a movie night with him and his boys, you sat on the couch with a book, smirk slowly appearing on your face when you feel his eyes on you once again. Glancing over you immediately lock eyes with Tom, making him drop his own on his lap when caught. You may be his best friends younger sister, but man were you astonishing.
Since the day he realized his feelings he knew you were off limits.
He knows he shouldn’t feel this way about you. He’s known you since you were four years old, but as the years went on and you became more of a beautiful women, he just couldn’t seem to shake off the feeling he had towards you. He tried. He really has, but it would never work, you were constantly on his mind but the only reason he hasn’t made a move was due to the respect he has towards Harrison. He didn’t want to jeopardize their relationship, but the way you sat on the couch in your pjs was like a flick of a switch, Tom couldn’t bare it no longer.
Taking the only available space on the couch, which was right next to you, Tom gives you a smile before darting his eyes straight to the tv. You softly smile at him as you place your book away when the film starts. Covering your legs with a nearby blanket and getting comfortable, you bring your focus to the movie, however, nearly to the end of the film you feel a hand snaking it’s way inside your blanket until you feel it against your bare thigh. A small smirk begins to tug at your lips as the hand makes a gentle squeeze. Looking to your left, through the dark and light reflecting over Tom’s face, you see him staring straight ahead, then seeing the way his lips slightly lift before giving you a quick glance. Your breath hitches in your throat when you feel his hand rising up your thigh and slowly parting your legs apart. You try slapping his hand away but he only squeezes your thighs to prevent you from moving, making a soft whimper escape your lips.
“Quiet darling, you don’t want to interrupt the ending now,” Tom whispers into your ear as his hand travels farther up your thigh,
Fingers brushing against your covered mound, causing you to reach out to his wrist, stopping him from going further just as Harrison gets up from the floor.
“Gonna get a refill, you lads need anything?” Everyone on the floor nods their head before getting up and following your brother into the kitchen,
As soon as the coast is clear Tom doesn’t waste time in peppering your neck with hot kisses, you softly moan at the sudden attack but immediately melt into him without even resisting. The moment your lips collide, Tom continues with his previous plan.
“T-Tom,” You warn him when his fingers try pushing down on your pajama shorts,
“I’ll make it quick,” He smirks against your lips when you groan at the idea. Who knew Tom could be such a rebel when he wants to,
Taking you weren’t going to push him away, Tom brings your shorts down your hips, slips your panties to the side and quickly gets to work, dipping two fingers inside your aching heat, causing a loud gasp to leave from you. Tom quickly muffles your moans with his mouth as he picks up the pace, rapidly sending you over the edge. Your hands that had made its way to his locks had a death grip as you were close to tipping over, the loud chattering coming from the kitchen only made Tom determined to bring you off the edge before anyone came back. And he did.
With a small bite to your neck, two fingers roughly pounding into you and a thumb rubbing against your clit made the burning knot in your lower core to finally snap. You gasp into his mouth when pure electricity washes over your entire body, your fingers digging into his scalp as he places feathery kisses in the crook of your neck, sending shivers throughout your body and only building your release. With one last peck on your cheek Tom withdraws his fingers, smirking against your skin when you let out a small whimper at the empty feeling.
It wasn’t a minute later when Harrison and the rest of his mates are walking back to the living room, clearly unaware of what just happened. Both you and Tom remain sitting in the couch watching the movie as if nothing happened. As if you’d brothers best friend hadn’t just given you a mind blowing orgasm.
“Want some?” Harrison offers you both a bowl of chips, you shake your head but Tom grabs a handful with the same hand that was occupied not too long ago, leaving your cheeks rosy pink when he sends you a wink as he stuffs his mouth.
Oh yeah. You’ll definitely get him back.
-Hope y’all enjoyed this one! I’ll definitely try and post more of Holland for all you Holland lovers!
-Make sure to Turn On Post Notifications!!🔔For more Updates!!
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anipologist · 2 years
Since I spend far more time than strictly necessary thinking about the song duel between Finrod and Sauron I keeping coming back to one detail...
"Then Sauron stripped from them their disguise, and they stood before him naked and afraid"
Sauron, Morgoth's lieutenant, and one of his spymasters somehow doesn't manage to recognize the golden-haired, incredibly powerful, shapeshifting elf that just had the nerve to fight one of the Ainur with a SONG. Nor does he make the logical jump that a group of elves that is very adamant that the Arafinweans not the Feanorians are ruling Nargothrond might have something to do with the missing king.
And Sauron is not stupid...he is a lot a things but we know he is highly intelligent. He is a deceiver himself, he is good at uncovering secrets and he made some excellent and crucial logical points not ten minutes earlier while leading the company into condemning themselves as not orcs. (The final test of course being the cursed vow that they would not repeat....more on that later).
And it's not accidental,
"Yet not all unavailing were the spells of Felagund; for Thû neither their names nor purpose knew."
So what does that mean exactly, Finrod like the rest had been stripped of all disguise? There are literally two golden-haired elf princes left at this point (and no offense to Orodreth but any with a shred of intelligence knows that this isn't him), the fact that there is a man among them offers further clues as should their association of Nargothrond. Finally, based off the way the duel is described
"For Felagund strove with Sauron in songs of power, and the power of the King was very great"
Sauron should have alarm bells of one of those Finwean brats going off in his head. And Sauron just breezes past every clue without even recognizing them as clues. It's not just that he can't put the clues together but the remnant of Finrod's secrets kept and trust unbroken is actively working to make him not recognize that the clues are there there at all. The closest that he gets is that "he perceived that he was a Noldo of great might and wisdom".
But never that he should recognize the Noldo of great might and wisdom and that the fact that he doesn't is very suspicious.
Granted I already loved Finrod...but the fact that he not only manages to keep his secrets and those of his followers as he is falling apart over the kinslaying and literally collapsing on the floor but sets it up so that Sauron thinks he has won, that the field is his and their secrets are his for the taking is extremely impressive.
He loses the battle to keep their disguises and they are imprisoned but the rest of his song...it all rings true. They do resist, the chain snaps and Beren is freed. And all that against a Maia described as "a sorcerer of dreadful power, master of shadows and of phantoms, misshaping what he touched, twisting what he ruled, lord of werewolves; [whose] dominion was torment."
*Regardless of what most Tolkien adaptions would have you believe, golden-haired elves appear to be in extremely short supply outside of Valinor. The house of Finarfin, Thranduil and Glorfindel being some of the few in Beleriand/Middle Earth through three ages of the sun. By the time Finrod is taken, Angrod & Aegnor are dead, Glorfindel is in Gondolin (and it's unlikely that Sauron would have known/cared about him then...though he will later), Thranduil may or may not be born yet and is aggressively not Noldo, and Galadriel is a woman. That leaves Finrod and Orodreth as likely suspects.
**The Oath
There are several layers here. Honestly this reads like early Christians being asked to sacrifice to the Roman Emperor. And given that Sauron later starts actual human-sacrifice to Morgoth I feel like that is intentional on Tolkien's part. Even the method of execution feels very "thrown to the lions-ish" just with werewolves. You cannot even pretend certain things like publicly disavowing God without making yourself an apostate. Even in the field of espionage and undercover work there comes a point when you have to draw a line, to say this far and no farther can I go to keep my cover. Given the importance of oaths and curses and how binding they are they CANNOT take that oath.
They cannot even feign to take it without irrevocably changing themselves and putting themselves even further into Sauron's power. Notably, and while he does take them prisoner and torture them their minds remain free and it seems clear that every single one, from the youngest unnamed one to Edrahil makes a conscious choice to take being eaten alive (Tolkien doesn't really dwell on the horror aspect of this but if you think about it longer than three seconds it gets really dark and those unnamed elves are every bit equal in courage to more lauded heroes like Glorfindel and Fingon) over betraying their king, Beren and the city they that has cast them all aside.
Anyways, this is one of those oaths that as Tolkien would say "none should take" even if the consequences lead to being wolf-kibble.
*(quotes are from the Silmarillion and the Lay of Leithian)
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merrock · 1 month
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It's not longer gonna be may... it is! I always think of May as the sort of 'kick off' to summer. You're maybe not there yet, but you're getting so close that you can almost taste it! Soon we'll have beach parties and be swimming in the public pool, be grilling with our friends, wearing short shorts and tank tops, but for now, let's go over all of the exciting things that are happening in Merrock in May, shall we?
Hop under the cut and read through, please! xx
MAY 5 -- CINCO DE MAYO / join us at Paco's for good food & demonstrations on how to make it!
MAY 10 -- CLEAN YOUR ROOM DAY / clean up those rooms and donate stuff you don't want anymore!
MAY 12 -- MOTHER'S DAY !!!
MAY 17 -- ENDANGERED SPECIES DAY / learn about Maine's endangered species and how to help them!
MAY 19 -- BAKE OFF !!!
MAY 20 -- WORLD BEE DAY / educate yourself on the importance of bees, buy local honey, start a pollinator garden!
MAY 21 -- INTERNATIONAL TEA DAY / head to What's the Tea to pick up your favorites, or try a new blend!
MAY 25 -- NATIONAL WINE DAY / get out with the girlfriends or your significant other and try some wine!
MAY 27 -- MEMORIAL DAY / with school and big businesses closed, have a picnic, or attend the memorial ceremony.
as usual, brush up on our rules -- we have amended the activity rules to include what we mentioned in the activity check this past week. your two required replies per week must be to two different characters, to avoid bubbling. we will continue to check that you are replying to two different writers every other week.
we'd love to see our OOC utilized a bit more for plotting / threading and group-related things. it's okay to make vent posts / say you're busy/not around! but we don't want people to be discouraged from posting "hey, anyone wanna thread something fun?" or talking about IC/group things just as often.
please, please, please put priority into replying to open starters. we don't want anyone to feel left out or ignored (or not make any starters in the future!) if their starter sits with low notes while people are online and active around them. open starters, even with caps, are a great way to generate connections!
be fair with activity. I know that I say this a lot, but everyone here relies on each other to be able to be active. to you, it might not seem like a big deal, to someone else, it could be the difference between them being able to be active or not! try to work in order when you can, and balance all of your characters. (as a side note, I am always, always willing to help with advice on this!)
take the time today and go over our follow list -- unfollow any and all blogs that are not related to Merrock any longer, and please be sure you are following everyone that is. thank you!
Honestly, we just have one big goal for May, and this goes across the board for everyone: build up that community feeling of the group front and center through involvement, participation & kindness. When we have events in town, please consider getting involved! Jump in on tasks or fun things if you have the time, or even if you don't: we promise, it doesn't hurt to click the heart and show others a little appreciation! It's nice sometimes, to support one another. Put priority into replying to open starters, reach out to plot with those you haven't yet (or if it's been a while). Comment on OOC posts, or as we said above, use the OOC blog to get plots and threads going. It's summer (ish!), let's get our vibes going in the sunny direction.
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moonfurthetemmie · 5 months
Written as several video transcripts (plus some more ‘normally’ written pieces), some strange disease has overtaken the manor. Only a few of them survive the initial outbreak…
Mercury tasks himself with finding a cure, but things are stranger and more dangerous than they first appeared. Even Jade and Obsidian, who shouldn’t be able to get sick, are infected, confined to their rooms…though not of their own choice. 
Where did this thing come from…?
Mushroom and disease-based horror
Mind control
Hive Mind-ish (Not a proper hive mind, but close)
Zombie-esque (Resident Evil vibes tbh. No proper undead, but it does feel like zombies)
A sprinkling of eldritch horror
It’s JMV so. All those warnings, or some flavor of those.
Talking about murder
Talking about Blackmail
Some mentions of rape
Self Sacrifice
Small mention(s) of suicide
The horror might be somewhat psychological so jot that down
Arson :D 
Homemade bombs go boom
Part 1
Note, I may forget to link preceding and following chapters as they post. I have 3 brain cells and limited memory space. dwbi
June 7, 20XX
The video shows a short, round man with tan skin, in glasses and a red sweater. His curly brown hair is a mess, and he looks like he'd been running from something. There's a black mark on his neck; a tattoo?
Behind him is another man, younger, with black hair and even darker skin. He's pulled up the hood on his jacket, and is shaking.
The short man in the front moves his hand away from the side of the camera and takes a deep breath.
"Okay...Hi. Um...I'm Mercury. I'm..." he trails off, searching for words.
"...I'm the doctor here. I've been stuck with Obsidian for a long time, now. So has Jasper, back there."
He looks behind him at the man in the hoodie. Jasper looks up with a start. He takes a deep breath, and pulls the hood off his head.
"H..hello. I'm...the maid, I guess." Jasper pulls his sleeves over his hands. "We're...we're not here willingly, but that doesn't matter much anymore, does it?"
He laughs; a short, hysterical laugh, that's interrupted by a choked sob.
Mercury gulps. "Yeah..."
He turns back to the camera. "A few weeks ago, a stranger came to the manor. They were covered in these weird mushrooms growing out of their skin, but claimed they weren't hurting them. They seemed nice, but they got along with Obsidian, which was a bad sign from the start."
"The only people who get along with Obsidian are people just as bad as him, or who willingly get in bed with him," Jasper says from the back, shuddering.
"He wasn't the only one they were making advances on," Mercury continues. "They went after me, Jasper, and Zircon too.”
"They got this, like...really weird look when I told them I was ace," Jasper remembers. "Like they were mad. It scared me. They left, but I..." He shudders again.
"I never really thought they'd leave me alone. I've seen that kind of look enough times. But…Jesus Christ…"
Mercury sets a hand on Jasper's shoulder.
"Pretty soon they started being ‘friendlier’ with the others, too. The girls, and Silver, and even Jade; though Obsidian wasn't happy about them doing that. And then Koroit started acting weird. She'd had some apparent interest in Zircon for a while, and she was never shy about trying her luck, but suddenly she was being overly friendly with everyone. Even Jade, and they’d never gotten along."
"...And by the time the mushrooms started appearing on Koroit, she'd already infected Zircon and Silver," Jasper says. "Paraiba was infected sometime yesterday, we think. Jade and Obsidian are nowhere to be seen, but we know Obsidian at least is still here. If he’s here, Jade probably is too, somewhere."
"The stranger is still here, too," Mercury says darkly. "The others seem to be listening to them. We've heard them talking about a 'colony'. Expanding it. Growing. We're...we're going to try to figure out something to do. In the meantime, I...I felt like we should have some kind of documentation. There's already strange mold growing in the others' rooms, I'm not sure how long it'll take for it to spread all over the manor. We're going to need hazmat suits pretty soon."
"At least Paraiba managed to get some before she got infected," Jasper says, looking off to the side. "...We're going to need some kind of decontamination thing, too, aren't we?"
Mercury nods. "I'm already trying to figure something out. I want to reinforce the door first, though. It won't do us any good if they can break in."
Jasper takes a deep breath. "Okay. One of the closets nearby has a toolbox, I could probably grab it quickly before someone shows up."
"Good idea. Put one of the suits on anyways, okay? Just in case." Mercury turns back to the camera, and reaches out. 
The video ends.
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jortschronicles · 4 months
Dragging a Viscount into Early Period
My first hack at more elaborate men's Rus has been prompted by a favorite Viscountess of mine dragging her fighter into early period.
I was given a pile of fabric for pre-determined aspects: a chenille upholstery fabric for the body, a buttery yellow linen for the facings, and a cream linen for the pants. For full disclosure, this piece is a commission that I'm doing at a reduced rate in hopes of getting my name out there on a pretty prominent figure in my region.
I used the calculations for measurements and layout given to me by Dvorianka Anastasiia which are derived from the patterning work done by Mistress Talana the Violet of blessed memory. It is similar to a variation of the style 5 tunic as categorized by The Renaissance Tailor, with trapezoidal gores in both the skirt and armpit, leading to an overall sleeker fit to the body than the standard square armpit gore. As some measurements had changed since Anastasiia last took them, I stressed myself out until I realized I have unlimited power at my fingertips: basic scripting. I wrote a short program to take hard coded measurements and spit out the exact dimensions of the pattern pieces, which felt a little bit like overkill and also not impressive at all.
With pieces patterned, cut out, and (mostly) serged, I delved into construction. I have learned from experience my preferred method of construction is starting by attaching the two body rectangles at the shoulders, attaching and turning the neckhole facing, and then assembling everything flat as follows.
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This makes lining up and turning the facing significantly easier for me to do, and hides raw edges within the seams. Starting with the neckhole, however, means there's less fabric for me to fight while I turn a particularly annoying facing.
With the facing laid out on the body fabric, consultation with some of my apprentice siblings determined deep burgundy is the way to go for all the accents. I decided on split stitch around the neckhole and buttonhole stitch around the edges of the neckline, but quickly decided I prefer the split stitch for the rest of the decorative stitching on the garment.
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For the sleeve cuffs, I pinned them in place, ran a quick line of running backstitch along the tops of the cuffs to secure them in place, then did split stitch at the top of the cuffs and a running stitch around the opening to keep the edge tidy while still not using visible machine stitching.
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One thing the recipient of this garment expressed is that the striped facing secured with buttons or toggles is an ideal look, and luckily I have a significant quantity of the Vindheim buttons from Bad Baroness in stash. I do not have sufficient woven or braided trim in truly appropriate quantity or style for this garment to be aggressively period, but with the fabric we're already taking liberties and the ribbons look nice and appear to be a popular substitute for strips of silk tape performing the same function in our area. I laid the ribbon out at inch and a half intervals and made sure my lines would be straight on both sides. I turned the ends of the ribbons in and secured them with a whip stitch in a matching thread.
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With my facing done and the worst of the neckhole dealt with, I seamed the rest of the garment into an actually clothing-shaped piece of fabric and let it hang for a day while working on other projects.
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I decided to use a "looped cord" method of button loops, using a cord from an old site token that happens to look an awful lot like the cord used for an award the recipient has received. Starting from the bottom of the neckhole, on the wearer's right side, I've tacked the cord down under the edge of the garment, securing the loops aggressively.
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Sometime soon I will get clearer pictures of this garment on the recipient.
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The more I look at this garment and all other Rus-ish garments i've made and seen, I think I may need to round the gores into the "skirt" of the tunic more dramatically. I can no longer find the artistic depiction that originally gave me the impression, but until this point i've been letting the right angles of the skirt remain as initially cut, giving an angular overall silhouette but the rounding may be necessary for the right look.
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borahaerhy · 2 years
Gone (8) - jjk
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Summary: You and your childhood best friend, Jungkook, have grown apart over the years, although you still have the same overbearing fun-loving bestie, Aria, that really wants her best friends talking again, something neither of you really want to be apart of until Aria goes missing, and the only other person that could help you find her is the one you've spent years avoiding.
Pairing: Jungkook x Female Reader
Genre: Best friends to enemies (ish?) to lovers, High School AU, eventual smut, slow burn
Warnings: There's some blood, like, a lot of blood, Y/n's questioned by the FBI (ik, she has to deal with law enforcement a lot, hopefully for the last time), Shirtless Jungkook tied to a chair with a very slight injury, Bennett like to curse a lot, Y/n has OCD? lmk if there's any more I should add.
Word Count: 2.4K
Previous | Next
Note: It's short I know I'm sorry but I think the next chapter's going to be the last one before the prologue, and I had to type this on my mom's computer while she was at work because mine stopped turning on :/
Very loosely edited, it's 2:22 in the morning (I'm tired, but that's a great number) so I may have missed a thing or two.
Hope y'all enjoy :))))
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“JUNGKOOK-” Aria screamed as she jumped off her bed and fell to the ground, her restraints stopping her from fully executing her plan to rush to his side. A loud bang and several loud thuds rang throughout the echoey room as Jungkook fell down the few stairs he had left before reaching the ground, blood spilling from his abdomen.
Jungkook gasped for breath, his shaky hands clutching his stomach. “Jungkookie-!” Aria shoved her hair out of her eyes as she watched his shaking form grunting and curling himself up.  
“You missed, you fucking idiot-” Bennett began to speak, already pissed that he has yet another mess to clean up.  
“Bennett, we need to get the fuck outta here,” another man had made an appearance at the top of the stairs, looking around hastily as he beckoned for the other men to come, before he took notice of Jungkook’s bleeding body.  
“What the fuck are you talking about, Smith?” Bennett had turned to him, gun now at his side as Jay stood in the corner of the room, frozen as his eyes glued to Jungkook.  
“There are cops outside, they’re taking the girl; what the fuck are we going to do about him!?” Bennett sighed loudly, running his hands through his hair as he now had yet another thing on his plate to deal with.  
“Damnit, Jay, untie Aria and get her to the car. Smith,” Jay blinked a few times before he moved, shoving his gun in his pants before he walked over to Aria, who started yelling for Jungkook as soon as he began to untie her. “you help me get the kid, we can’t leave him here even if we kill him, there’s not enough time to clear the crime scene,” He quickly nodded and followed him down the stairs.  
Jay picked Aria up and threw her over his shoulder, stepped over Jungkook’s body, and rushed up the stairs, Aria yelling down as she watched the two other men pick Jungkook up, him groaning with every movement. His face was twisted in pain, one of his hands trying to push down onto his wound as the energy was quickly leaving his body.  
Aria was thrown into the back of the car before Jay walked around the car, getting into the driver's seat and started the car before they made it up the stairs. Jungkook was slid into the backseat, his head landing on Aria’s lap as Smith got in after him, moving his legs so he could sit in the car. Bennett was quick to slide in the front seat and they sped away, making it out of sight of the police before the started chasing them.  
“Jungkookie, it’s going to be okay...” Aria tried her best to sound convincing as she ran her cold fingers through his hair, pulling it from his slick forehead that had become damp with his own sweat. Jungkook opened his eyes slightly, looking up at Aria’s sad smile before he scrunched them back shut.  
“Y/n...” Jungkook muttered, his breath shallow and quick as he tried to gather the strength to stay conscious. Aria smiled lightly as she tried to wipe the small drop of blood from his cheek, already stained red as his sweat and blood mixed together.  
“She’s okay, Kookie, she’s with the cops right now. She’s safe.”  
You had sat in a cold metal room for what felt like days. Sitting alone, panicking, handcuffed to a metal table as your eyes continuously darted back and forth between the two-way mirror and the large metal door in the corner of the room. You stared up at the ceiling and counted the ceiling tiles over and over, detailing the ones that needed to be replaced because they had been stained. You counted the floor tiles and noticed a few of them around the table has been damaged over the years, from the scraping of the chairs and a few of the no-doubt violent offenders that had been locked in the same room trying to fight to get out; maybe fight some of the officers as well.  
The metal table had several dents in it, and a few mysterious stains riddled the white bricks that lined the wall. The bricks that you were about to start counting if you hadn’t been interrupted by the door opening. Your attention immediately snapped to the two officers entering the room. One of them carrying a thick folder, the other holding onto a tape player.  
You sat up straighter than you had been, folding your hands in your lap as you looked up at the officers; one man and one woman, as they sat down at the table.  
“Hello, Ms. Y/l/n, I’m detective Edmund, this is detective Kendrick,” the man started as they sat, his cold dark eyes contracting harshly from the warm brown ones of his partner, who had also adorned a warm smile to accompany them. “We picked up charge of Aria Morrison’s missing person’s case after you and your friend went missing. The guys upstairs thought this case seemed to be... out of the ordinary for the small town you live in,” He crossed his hands over the folder that sat on the table in front of him.  
“The agent that arrested you passed along your message. We were able to listen to the tape and get it recorded and logged into evidence,” detective Kendrick spoke up, straightening the tape player sat in front of her. “We wanted to take a listen to it with you, if you didn’t mind.” You nodded, looking down at the tape player. She pressed play on the machine.  
“So, Aria goes missing, an hour later the prom ends, and no one sees or hears from you for the next 4 hours? One phone call to your school, and I can put the time of the fire during your lunch period.”   
“Are you saying I burned the building down?”  
“Your best friend, while a sweet girl, gets all the attention. And not just from some kids at school, but from your own family. You’re jealous, and you want your life back. So, what’s going to happen is, I’m going throw this report in the trash, you and your little friend are going to go to school and go back to being normal kids, or I can do one of two things. One: pin this whole thing on you, which wouldn’t be hard considering the statement you just gave, or two: I make you disappear, just like your friend. So, Y/n, are we done here?”   
You struggled to maintain your composure as you relived the fear you had experienced that last time you had a conversation with Bennett.  
“I personally found that part the most interesting,” detective Edmund spoke as detective Kendrick stopped the recording. “He really spun that around on you, huh?” You didn’t respond, looking nervously at the two detectives in front of you, rubbing your hands together anxiously as you tried to take deep breaths.  
“Look, sweetie, this recording changes a few things in our heads. We need you to tell us everything that happened. As far back as the death of Lillian Morrison, if that’s something you think you can do,” You thought for a second before nodding softly.  
And so you told them everything.  
From the fights that Aria’s parents had always gotten into, the drugs they had abused and all the trouble that always seemed to find them. The night of her death was difficult to recall, but you made sure to recount every detail you could; including the broken window you had thought to be important.  
You told them about the fight you and Jungkook were in, and how Aria and Jungkook were trying to get you to talk again, and both of your reactions when she suddenly went missing. You told them about the first statement you had given, how it was with a different officer than the one who had taken the one that had been recorded.  
You told them that you and Jungkook had broken into the event hall and stole the tape, and told them everything on the tape, and then again how you recognized the man that took her as officer Bennett. How you fled, stealing his parents' money, and how you broke a million other laws as you tried to get her back.  
They only stopped you to clarify something you said as they took turns taking their own notes, letting you speak and finally get everything laid out in front of you. It felt good to finally talk about all the craziness that had happened over the past couple of days with someone other than Jungkook and yourself.
They thanked you and uncuffed you, before they both promptly stood and left the room with the promise that someone would bring you something to eat shortly.  
You sat idly as you waited, almost ready to start counting away at the ceiling tiles again.
But as promised, less than an hour later, detective Kendrick re-entered the room with a bag from McDonalds, which honestly looked like gold to you at the moment.  
“Hey hon, sorry it took so long, the line was around the building. I hope a burger and fries is okay?” She asked as she put the bag down in front of you, along with a bottle of coke you presumed to have been from a vending machine in the office.  
“Very okay, thanks so much,” You opened the bag and pulled the fries out, shoving a few in your mouth as she sat across from you.  
“Of course,” she smiled. “I just wanted to check in, make sure you’re doing okay and keep you in the loop on everything going on,” You nodded, wiping your mouth on your sleeve, quickly swallowing the bite of burger that tasted like the best salty piece of cardboard you’d ever eaten.  
“I mean, I’m about as okay as I can be. Little stressed, overthinking a lot,” you nervously laughed as she nodded sympathetically. “But what do I need to be caught up on?” She paused for a moment before sitting up slightly, scooching in her chair to be closer to the table.  
“Well, the house you were parked at was at least one of the houses Aria was being held in at some point, we found her fingerprints and a few of her hairs down in the basement. She wasn’t there by the time we got into the house though, Bennett made his escape along with whoever else was in the house, and that includes your friend, Jungkook.”  
You took a few moments to think about what she had said. Bennett still had Aria, and now he had Jungkook too. This really couldn’t get much worse.  
“But in the basement, we also found a large pool of blood,” She paused, looking you in the eye before she took a deep breath and continued. “Jungkook’s blood.”  
I was wrong.  
It got worse.  
Jungkook groaned loudly as he woke up, suddenly once again overcome with the pain that had caused him to pass out. His first instinct was to reach for his stomach, to try to comfort the searing pain in his side but quickly realized his hands had been restrained. He opened his eyes, eyes squinted at the bright light that dangled from the ceiling in front of him. He sat in a wooden chair; hands tied behind his back with blood-stained bandages wrapped around his abdomen.  
Across from him sat Bennett. Seated in a similar chair to Jungkook’s as he slouched down into his seat, his leg bouncing as he stared at Jungkook. Jungkook pulled against his restraints, eyes now trained on the bandages adorning his bandages as his bare chest heaved as his breath got heavier as his panic began to set in.  
“Stop trying to get out, you're not going to be able to. My friend was able to get the bullet out, it didn’t hit any of your organs. We stitched you up, wrapped the wound and now here you are. But you know what I want to know, Jungkook?” He explained as he sat up, leaning his elbows on his knees as his eyes narrowed on Jungkook.  
Jungkook looked up at him, still hunched over slightly as he looked up through the lids of his eyes through strands of his dark hair that had fallen in his face. “I want to know how the fuck- a couple of teenagers were able to get me caught up?”  
Jungkook stayed silent as his ragged breath grew more irregular. He clenched his jaw; partially from an attempt to cope with the pain, and partially due to the anger that was searing through him.  
“You see, I had this all planned out. Everything made sense; there was no way I could possibly lose. And then,” He let out a light chuckle, “Oh, and then, you, and that little bitch showed up behind that house. You showed up after I set the fire and then on you’ve been taunting me. Always one fucking step ahead of me, always being able to figure out what I going to do.” 
He stood from his seat, rubbing his hand across his face as he took a few steps to the side, letting his feet drag across the cement ground. He laughed again as he let his hand fall, sliding it into his pocket as he shook his head.  
“It should’ve been so easy – take the girl for a few days, get Carl to retract his appeal, do a little threatening and some light torture to make sure she wouldn’t talk out of fear of what I’d do, and set her free. It was the perfect plan but you,” His voice uneven and raw as he pointed a shaky finger at Jungkook, anger and frustration coating every fiber of his being as his mind began to spiral out of control as his brilliant plan began to fall apart in front of his eyes.  
“You, and that determined little bitch you’ve had a fun time playing detective with have royally fucked me.” His voice gradually got louder as he slowly took steps toward Jungkook, spit spewing from his lips as he said “bitch”.  
“And now she’s with the fucking FBI, who she’s obviously told everything to,” He walked behind Jungkook, grabbing his hair on the back of his head and pulled up back. Jungkook grunted loudly as his breath quickened, loudly entering and exiting through his nose. “So, Jungkook, you and I,” He leaned down, bringing his face down right next to Jungkook’s ear as he continued to speak.  
“Are going to figure out what the hell I’m supposed to do with you.”
Taglist:  @koobsessed @mwitsmejk @roxy1205 @yoon2jk @pamzn @drmrastraea @bbl32 @softforpj @lpgirl2324 @astoriasx @mooncuddler @theaufanartist @petalsofink
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thiemrossi · 1 year
INDYCAR 101 PART 3 RESOURCE MASTERPOST: a 2023 guide to indycar by @thiemrossi
hi, hello, happy race week! If you want to start watching indycar this season but don't know where to start, this is for you. I couldn't cover everything, so I tried to focus on the drivers because there are so many unrecognized great personalities in indycar. If you have questions about anything on here or other stuff I didn't mention, feel free to ask me, I'm happy to help! This will also be multiple parts, so I'll link them all below
This info was originally on slides, but I am just going to share it as text here. So, part 3 is a "how to find out more" masterpost.
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Where can I learn more about drivers? (Long-Form Content)
Off Track with Hinch & Rossi Podcast & Bonus content on Youtube
The Vibe: Long-form, unstructured, casual, funny, feels like 3 friends hanging out & talking
Weekly podcast (Thursdays) with best friends Alexander Rossi (current IndyCar driver) and James Hinchcliffe (former driver, current NBC commentator) where they discuss their lives, IndyCar, & other racing with a healthy dose of banter that descends into wonderful absolute chaos in the off season
Fun for new fans & a great way to get to know two key personalities in the series especially if you listen after a race weekend
But you will miss inside jokes (which make it more fun) if you haven’t listened to the old episodes, so I highly recommend going back and listening to those if you have time
Speed Street Podcast with Conor Daly & Joey Mulinaro (full episodes also on Youtube)
The Vibe: Long-form, semi-structured, funny, honest, & casual but also journalistic
Weekly podcast (Wednesdays) with friends Conor Daly (IndyCar Driver) & Joey Mulinaro (Comedian, Journalist) with commentary and interviews from all racing series
Great way to get to know Conor & the drivers he interviews plus get great insider insight into race weekends
Conor also just talks in a very entertaining way that I find very funny
Dinner with Racers Podcast
The Vibe: VERY long-form, unstructured, casual, personal
Hosts Sean and Ryan get to know various figures in racing through long form unstructured conversations over dinner 
These guys REALLY get drivers to open up & are very funny with it
All of the IndyCar driver/series figures episodes are great I highly recommend them
Trackside Podcast/Radio Show
The Vibe: structured, journalistic, informative
Weekly Indianapolis Radio Show with NBC commentator Kevin Lee and IndyCar VP Curt Cavin with series news and driver interviews (also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts)
They're probably the best series news podcast imo because they discuss things in an engaging way & give info we may not have heard yet
The Marshall Pruett Podcast: This Week in IndyCar
The Vibe: structured-ish, journalistic but can be casual
Weekly updates about the series, answering questions, driver interviews
Marshall has great insight but his podcasts can be hard to listen to because he rambles and talks slow, but the info is generally good & accurate
COMING SOON: 100 Days to Indy
IndyCar Docuseries produced by Vice and the CW following the lead up to the 107th Indianapolis 500 premieres April 27th at 9pm EST on the CW (will be available internationally as well)
Where can I learn more about drivers? (Short-Form Content)
Bus Bros with Josef Newgarden & Scott McLaughlin
The Vibe: Medium-form, structured but casual and fun, essentially a comedy show
IndyCar drivers Josef & Scott try local foods, interview fans, tour other drivers/fans motorhomes, read mean tweets etc.
Super fun for new fans so highly recommend checking it out if you haven’t already!
If you want to see drivers having fun & showing their personalities this one is for you
Romain Grosjean Youtube
The Vibe: Short-form, technical, comparative Has a couple driver interviews (Pato, Scott McLaughlin, Conor Daly) but a lot of videos demonstrating technical differences between IndyCar and F1 if that's something you're interested in
All of these are behind the scenes during race weekends
Admit1 with Josef Newgarden You Don’t Know Jack with Jack HarveyPato O’Ward YouTubeIndyCar Inside the RaceArrow McLaren YouTubeJuncos Hollinger YouTubeOutside the Line Andretti YouTube
How to watch IndyCar
United States
 All practices, qualifying, & races available live & on replay with a Peacock subscription
All races (except Toronto which is Peacock exclusive) are also broadcast live on network TV on NBC or USA network
TSN & TSN+ (this is new I think)
Stan Sport *looks* to be similar to peacock they’ll carry practice, qualifying, races & replays this season
SkySportsF1 broadcasts most of the races but from what I understand they won’t cut to IndyCar if F1 post-race is still happening & have also heard they sometimes replay the F1 race over indycar :/
According to IndyCar, you can subscribe to IndyCar Live to watch practice and qualifying but no clue how much additional cost that would be or if it actually works
Latin America (except Belize and the Carribean Islands)
ESPN (unclear if they’ll carry all sessions)
Check here 
if your country does not have a race broadcaster IndyCar live will probably be available & even if they do, it might still be available to watch practice and qualifying 
Here's NBC's graphic with the race schedule but download the IndyCar app!!! it is the most helpful race weekend resource to have!! It has all the session times & driver radios are free to listen to during races if you make an account!! you can also listen to the radio feed of the whole race (at least in the US) & check championship standings live!! it's one thing this series does right!! download it!!
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Thanks for reading I hope you found these posts helpful & if you have questions feel to ask me!
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screadingchallenge · 2 years
Behind the Keyboard Volume 29
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Behind the Keyboard is a series of interviews with different Schitt’s Creek fanfic authors. The series will last as long as there is interest (from authors) and capacity (from me). If you are an author from the Schitt’s Creek fandom who would like to participate, send a DM to this account.  
Each author was given ten questions. The first five questions are the same for every author, the last five will vary.
Let’s meet our next author:
@fictasticvoyage / coffee_and_glitter
How many fics have you written?
I have 44 published works, and a notes app full of ideas, song lyrics, and gibberish!
When did you publish your first fic on AO3?
I published my first work on April 16, 2021 and never looked back.
Describe your writing process from “Oh, I have an idea” to pushing publish on AO3. 
I get so many of my ideas from songs I hear, so a lot of those start with listening to that song over and over.  They don’t necessarily turn into a songfic, but I do love those.  I like the fests and prompts I’ve done because I can take someone else’s idea and put my own spin on it.  I also love doing location research for my setting- I’ve given myself the travel bug more than once this way.
Anyway, many of my works are fairly short, so once I start actually sitting down to write I just bang it out if I can.  5+1s, which I am a huge fan of, take a little more thought, usually I start a doc with a list of what the parts are and then sometimes go out of order writing them.  Once something is done, I reread it like 4 times in a row  and then ignore it for a couple days before I give it one last look over for editing and then I send it into the universe when I hit post.
Tell me about your most recent fic? What do you love about it? Is there anything you think you could have done better?
My most recent was Watch Me Unravel for the Rare Pairings fest.  It’s about Patrick and Alexis, and I adore any time people write about their sibling-ish relationship!  I see a lot of myself in Patrick, and think I write him pretty well, especially in daily life kinds of things.  As far as ways I could have improved this one, I might have gone a bit further into David’s reaction at the end, but maybe not, because I wouldn’t want to take away from the Patrick&Alexis of it all.
What advice would you give to someone who’s thinking about publishing their fic for the first time?
DO IT!!!  I think a lot of us write based on things going on in our own lives, sometimes to help process things, sometimes just to reflect on things, and maybe writers think ‘oh who wants to read about this dumb thing that happened to me?’ but I promise we do! In fact, that personal element of writing what you know often leads to a more authentic voice for your characters, so it may just improve your writing. At the very least, it will get things out of your own head.
What is the favorite scene you’ve ever written?
In my fic The Promise of a Coming Day, there’s a bit where Patrick accidentally asks David out and then gets all nervous and starts backpedaling, but David ‘makes it all okay’ and I am really proud of the dialog in that bit.  Actually, that’s one of my favorite fics that I’ve done. It's set on a boat in West Palm Beach, and I’m very excited to write the follow up, as soon as all these fests are done!
What parts of writing are easy for you? What parts are hard?
I think the easiest is writing dialog. I sometimes overthink the more descriptive parts and think they get too wordy, but as long as I can stay in the character’s headspace, their dialog comes pretty easily.  The hardest part for me is the first and last couple sentences.  I often feel like my fics just throw the reader into the story and then out too abruptly, but when I try to rework those parts, they get too messy and it seems obvious, like I’m just adding random words.  So then I just go back to the original way and try to let my doubts go. I’m generally happy with them by the time I publish.
Tell me about your current WIP if you have one.
Right now I’m working on my claim for Passions and Pastimes.  I don’t want to say too much but it’s food related, but also with lots of family feelings as well.  I must have a theme- last year’s Passions and Pastimes I wrote about Patrick making homemade ice cream for the town contest! No ice cream this time, though. [Editor's note: This is Comfort Food, published last month.}
Alexis is trapped in a drug lord’s palace and you have to convince her captors to read your fic in order to free her. What’s your best sales pitch for your favorite fic?
Probably my favorite thing I’ve written is More Than Words.https://archiveofourown.org/works/32782474 , a 5+1 with Patrick playing guitar for David. SO… “Please, Mr. Drug Lord, let my friend go!  I have this delightfully sappy story for you, but really it’s a bonus because it’s actually six stories, and there’s some Ed Sheeran in there, and a really sweet bit about David when he’s sick, but there’s a bit with some Taylor Swift, and… oh, you’re a big fan of Taylor, well, this is perfect for you, you just take it and enjoy it!  OK, Lex, he’s busy, let’s get you out of those zipties and get the hell out of here!”
What’s one thing that you’d like to say to your favorite Schitt’s Creek character?
I’m not sure he’s my favorite, but I’d love to tell Ray that it’s so awesome how he is just absolutely his unapologetic weird self, and into all his crazy business endeavors, but also a really good friend and I love that!  Oh, and Ray, I’m working on bringing your girlfriend Felicia back again, so you’ll be seeing some action soon!
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mackerelphones · 2 years
YU-NO, the Classic PC-98 Incest Porn That Defined a Generation, Is Worse Than You Think
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Some months ago, over on my website, I wrote a review of the hilariously acclaimed time travel-ish PC-98 porn game YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of This World. People trip over themselves to worship this thing. Hey, I have room on this Tumblr blog and should not stop promoting writing just 'cause it's not brand new, so here is the opening of my YU-NO review. If you want even more dirty details, please just click the link down near the bottom of the post and read the whole thing (or click here). It is practically a short book.
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In 1996, Elf published the original PC-98 release of YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of This World, written by Kanno Hiroyuki, revolutionizing “visual novels.” Through its impressive scale and long playtime, YU-NO set expectations of scope and narrative complexity later titles would emulate, or so many sources allege. Mages published an HD remake of YU-NO in 2017, releasing it in English in 2019. This review, however, regards the extraordinary 2011 fan translation by TLWiki, though it is not a review of the translation itself (aside from one decision regarding the graphics). Not “merely” a translation of a lengthy script, the patch transforms the lackluster 2000 Windows port into a version of YU-NO perhaps more definitive than any other, including the full voice acting from and scenes then exclusive to the Sega Saturn release, the uncensored graphics and script of the PC-98 original, and high-quality versions of Umemoto Ryu’s enchanting FM soundtrack. Please take nothing I say to belittle TLWiki’s outstanding effort, one which seems to have vanished from the internet with the emergence of the Mages remake and its graphics bland as stock photography.
Some writeups of YU-NO shower the multiple-award-winning title with cringing adoration as a moving masterpiece and one of the finest video games ever created. I sometimes wonder if I came from an alternate universe, much like happens in YU-NO, where the version of YU-NO I played is a different beast than the one, in an embarrassing Hardcore Gaming 101 article, Audun Sorlie touts as “a true masterpiece” that “remains just as revolutionary as it did in 1996” “not soon to be forgotten or surpassed.” However, the evidence of other people’s gameplay footage, as well as the principle of uniformitarianism, assure me I played the same video game.
I prefer to avoid writing material as negative as what follows. However, on my Mackerel Phones YouTube channel, I have often referenced YU-NO, as in the Time Zone video whose ideas appeared in my head while recovering from YU-NO. So it would be valuable to explain these references. My let’s play of YU-NO and my largely comedic 2020 video “Who’s Afraid of Yu-no?” are no longer online. Their legacy is a community guidelines strike on my channel and me opting to delete several unrelated quality videos for fear of them possibly violating YouTube’s capricious content policies. The loss of this material has spurred me to return to YU-NO for this third and, I pray, final time in this review and the analytical essay I have also posted to mackerelphones.com. So, on my own website where only I can decide how much nudity is acceptable, I decided to speak my piece on YU-NO more at length than in “Who’s Afraid of Yu-no?” I have expended considerable time on this review and with the essay, so please share it with anyone you think may find it interesting.
To begin, I will address what almost no other YU-NO writeup or review (!) mentions. Here is some ad copy used for the 2017 remake from a post on noisypixel.net: “YU-NO tells the story of a love that awaits from beyond this world.” That love is a mysterious naked woman who appears in the Prologue, and Takuya’s true love and true, final sexual partner in the true ending. And she is his biological daughter.
Most of YU-NO serves as a setup for the final section, what I will call the Epilogue, a half-pedophiliac parent–child incest romance story. “A love that awaits you from beyond this world”—is whoever wrote that trolling? Prior to that point, YU-NO was sometimes pretty and, despite gratuitous rape, casual sexism, poor game design, and other problems hardly shocking for some porn adventure game from the ’90s, largely engaging. But the incestuous finale transforms YU-NO from an unfortunate product of its time into the worst trash I ever made the mistake of playing. When I seem to say anything positive about YU-NO later on, please keep in mind this caveat.
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The above screenshot is our hero Takuya making out with his daughter in the Prologue.
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“Papa… You’re getting stiff…” Our hero, everybody! (Granted, in this particular scene, he is apparently not actually getting stiff. It is only in the next scene his daughter is trying to get into his pants.)
As the credits rolled and I processed these tens of hours of my life, I felt the unhinged Epilogue had come out of nowhere. Sometimes people describe a story as “firing on all cylinders.” YU-NO’s ending fizzles out and dies on all cylinders, casting a pall over what came before. For endings never emerge from nothing. The Prologue opens with player character Arima Takuya remembering his own father considering him a sexual rival for his mother in his infancy (!) and concludes with Takuya making out with his daughter from the future (!). The player then embarks on a quest whose goal turns out to be having sex with their daughter whom the player raises from infancy in-game to really hammer home that, yes, this is your kid and you should really want to bone your kid. See this actual baby, your actual baby? the script seems to say—you better dream of pounding her pussy.
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“Just look at these puffy cheeks. There just has to be something stuffed inside of there.” Her cheeks are quite clearly not puffy.
This epic-scale tale hailed as enthralling and beautiful ends with Takuya choosing to abandon the community, friends, and family the player has spent tens of hours getting invested in to instead spend the rest of his life alone at the beginning of time having sex with his vapid shrill-voiced mommy-child-wife with a child’s brain in an adult’s body who just so, so wants to sniff and fuck her dad. Her name? Yu-no.
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YU-NO, then, may as well be entitled Fuck Your Daughter Quest. This is the ending, the point of YU-NO set out in the very title. That elf child on the cover is supposed to turn you on. Player self-insert Takuya says over an image of full-frontal child nudity, “she started becoming well-fleshed in all the pivotal positions, making me unsure of where to rest my eyes. Even if it’s your own daughter, it’s still a naked girl running around in front of you. It’s hard to just shut down your instincts.”
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The above is the one screenshot I censor in the post on my website. Every person who preaches about how great YU-NO is or dares defend Takuya has to answer for this shit.
I hope this isn’t what the reviewer on noisypixel.com meant when the praising the sugary-sweet raise-and-fuck-your-daughter ending route for “having a reasonably shocking twist” (I can think of only one other twist, the Ayumi spit-take I describe in the section of my review titled “The Worst Ending of All Time”). Retroactively, characters asking Takuya what his plans for the future might be or even showing him trust send a chill down one’s spine. When, in the Prologue, his stepmother Ayumi tells Takuya that her wish is “for [him] to walk wholeheartedly on the path [he chooses,]” this path is abandoning the rest of humanity to become his own daughter’s sexual partner. I am tempted to say a human writer, but out of respect for Kanno, I will say a good writer would craft this scenario as a visceral condemnation of Takuya. But, with sappy romantic music and sappier writing, YU-NO depicts this relationship as aspirational. This must be that “revolutionary” quality Sorlie refers to. I can’t think of anything else quite like it!
That Sorlie glosses over the story being about how incestuous love saves the universe as YU-NO being “cerebral in the ways it challenges morals and logic” is laughable. Let us read some of that “cerebral” dialogue challenging conventional morality:
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YU-NO: “Why can’t parent and child make love to each other?”
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TAKUYA: “T-that’s, well… hmm, I wonder why.”
Takuya concludes that because there are no laws against it in the parallel world he is in, parent–child incest is acceptable. Really makes you think. Dostoevsky got nothing on this ponderous philosophizing. Move over, Bataille—my notions of morality can never recover from such a thoroughgoing attack. /s
Here ends this preview of the full post. A sample of some of the sweet, sweet sentences further in my review:
The Epilogue of YU-NO warrants special treatment. Sorlie calls it “one of the most exhilarating and incredible experiences you will ever have while playing a video game”—a scathing indictment of video games. I admit I was not so exhilarated with Takuya’s pet-like wife Sayless who looks identical to his mom or Takuya perving over his kid when she is twelve (!) or Takuya taking the side of the theocratic dictatorship that enslaves him and kills his wife or Takuya failing to save the day while other actually interesting characters (plus Yu-no) suffer and die to stop Ryuuzouji’s evil plot to destroy the universe. I guess that shows I am one of those “sensitive gamers” whom Sorlie cautions might be weirded out by the cerebral power of the badly plotted incest porn isekai. (To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand YU-NO…)
This is just the beginning of my long and girthy YU-NO review in which I break down my all-time least favorite video game like I am piranha solution. There is MUCH more to it, and it is really funny imo, so please check it out over on my website (though maybe not if you’re in a place where seeing some nudity would be inappropriate). And please reblog this if you think your followers could use a good splash of water to the face. Or might find it interesting, whichever.
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You Came Back - William Riker X Reader
Summary: The Reader finally returns to the Enterprise after spending several months working aboard another ship, and Riker is more than glad to have them back.
Word Count: 1400+
Rating: NS/FW-ish?
Warning(s): Extremely vague smut
Author's Note:  
- - - - -
You had been equal parts shocked and excited after receiving the news of your temporary transfer. You had been called by name to help aid the research operation of another ship.
It had been a little short notice, the other ship's need for you urgent. You were ill prepared to depart the Enterprise fully, even for a short time. You had only a day to make yourself ready for a mission that would take you away for around a month.
A month was a long time to be away from anywhere, but even more so with the Enterprise - a ship that seems to befall some new disaster every week. So you fretted, worried about how much you would miss, if those you would be leaving behind would fair well.
One thing you did not have to agonize over was whether or not you would be missed.
Riker too had been shocked to hear that you were being called away from the Enterprise. Once he had learned the details, he couldn't help but be proud of you. It wasn't every day that someone was recognized for their brilliance - and now you were getting a chance to show that off.
Although Riker hid it well, he was torn. Temporary though it may be, you were leaving. A month was a long time, enough time to forget - something he was all too familiar with in more ways than one.
There was a degree more for he is a complex man: Riker has already begun to fear for your safety. Yes, missions had taken him to places you could not follow before. Many Away Missions did not require you, and undercover assignments occasional; but you had always been on the Enterprise. The Enterprise, a place that despite the hardships she faced, the crew could always be counted to have each other's best interests at heart.
A needless worry, but one he has all the same. Not every ship was the same - not every Captain held the same values. Riker himself had learned long ago, and was routinely reminded of, just what sort of lengths one might go to with prestige on the line.
While it might have cause for a celebration, a wish of luck and a safe return; it wasn't what you or Riker wanted. The entire night had been spent in your shared quarters, committing to memory the intricacies of one another. As if it was the last chance that you would and this was a promise it wouldn't be.
Riker saw you off early the next day when the two ships rendezvous. He didn't mind making a little scene of your departure, teasing you about not forgetting him before giving you a parting kiss.
Your time spent away was fraught with tackling the problem at hand. Working diligently with this new crew to find a usable solution. Although you were busy, pulling long hours following threads that led no where, you were having a pleasant time. The crew were friendly, making your stay easier.
Yet you missed Riker terribly. His wide smile and soft, blue eyes; gentle hands and warm body. At least you had something to focus on, to try to keep those lonely, longing thoughts away.
Riker too through himself into duty; there was always something that demanded the First Officer's attention. At least aboard the Enterprise he was amongst friends, there was always someone to pester or pester him while you were away.
It were nights that proved a challenge, but not at first. The first several nights Riker was able to find sleep, but as your absence from the quarter became more apparent the lonely feeling you had long sense snuffed out began to creep back in.
Riker offered Poker Night fairly often while you were away. Having his friends together in his quarters for a friendly game helped ease some of his loneliness. But soon enough they would leave and once more he was alone.
It is amazing how quickly a person can grow accustomed to something, how quickly one can begin to take the little things for granted.
You weren't in total isolation from one another. Correspondence could be sent between the pair of you at any time. Although you or Riker were not always able to, it was an effort both of you endeavored to keep frequent.
While Riker always had a way with words, a diplomat and a romantic all the same, he found his typed messages to be lacking. He couldn't saw what all he would want to, for it was far easier to show you - but that simple can't be with you so far away.
You, of course, did not. Every message shared between you, however short or infrequent they may be, brought you reassurance. He was well and waiting for you. In your messages, you tried to offer that same reassurance. You were doing well, making both progress and friends.
Maybe a little sooner than either of you expect; you make your break in the mission, proving that you really were the solution to the ship's problem. You could go home early, if only it weren't the Enterprise being held up.
To know that you are waiting, ready, and willing to make a return to the Enterprise, but not to be able to answer that call? Well, Riker had been able to keep up his façade before, to pretend that he wasn't worried out of his mind for you; but it cracked that night.
Riker misses you terribly. He isn't sure when he fell back into the old habit of playing music to sleep. You had long since replaced the need for distraction to find rest.
It would be unreasonable to be offended that your stay would need to run its full course. Valued though you may be, the Enterprise can not always drop her mission for one officer. So you did wait, offering more of your expertise to the ship which was grateful for it.
Even when the ships can rendezvous once more, Riker doesn't entirely get what he longs for. It has still taken the Enterprise too long to reach you, his shift nearly at an end.
The ill-timing meant that there was now more than just him waiting for you. Friends also clambered to welcome you back and beg to hear the finer details.
Although try as they might to tempt you into a round of drinks while you recount the mission; you had some pressing matters to attend to upon return.
Your reunion in the Transporter Room is short and sweet, some clever quip leaving him the moment you materialized.
With one arm tightly around you, the other hand occupied by what little luggage you had, Riker leads you from the doors of the transporter back to your shared quarters. All the while trying to catch up on all you had missed while away.
Once sheltered within the quarters, all pretense of professionalism is dropped. Your luggage left abandoned near the door as you quickly begin to refamiliarize yourself with one another. Desperation to feel the closeness of a more intimate dance getting the better of both of you
The room awash in sighs of relief and moans of pleasure as you make up for lost time. Release is quick for both but who could blame either of you - a month is a long time.
Satiated, reassurance found in the way that worked best for the both of you, most of the early part of the night is spent catching up. Eventually leaving bed for food and a shower that would prove to be a waste of time.
With the hour growing late, once more you lead Riker into bed. Once more, it is not rest you will find.
Riker offers some cheeky remark about not being needed on the Bridge the next day before practically pouncing on you.
Once more satiated, it is you who holds Riker close. Only a few more words are exchanged now, exhaustion starting to creep in. Try as he might, Riker can't keep awake long enough to see you asleep before him. Finally able to find less troubled sleep with your heart beating against his ear.
This time is different. Lacking the desperation of before, the pair of you are able to take your time. Riker is especially enthusiastic to see if he remembers how to draw out your pleasure; to once more hear the song you only ever sung for him.
You too find your own satisfaction at how just needy you can make him, always a pleading mess near the crescendo.
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It's so warm.
CW; violence, gore(ish), idk what else to warn its almost 1am
Hooves click on the hard, dark cobblestones. The mare lets out a snort. She gnashes against her bit. Her rider gently stills her with a hand to her neck.
"Hush, Vairon."
If a horse could growl, Paresse imagined she would, her ears folding back as she shakes her head. She takes no issue with her rider, living or dead. She takes issue, instead, with the loose shoe on her back foot.
"I know. I will find you a smithy soon." His voice is gentle like he is with no other creature.
It almost seems to calm her. She still indignantly refuses to let him brush her for the day when he dismounts before sunrise. The fledgling chalks her odd behavior up to her shoe... until he realizes she's staring off into the forest.
A hunter? Is he being tracked? His head tilts back and he sniffs the air. He doesn't smell human, nor any masking salve. He does smell smoke, though, and concludes that is what's causing his mare's caution.
With a hum, he leads her further off the road. It has rained recently, no fire should reach them if it's in the forest, but it doesn't hurt to be certain. A drain beneath the road will suffice for shelter.
Vairon shakes her head at the more rough terrain, but relents. She fears fire more than a sore foot.
While she grazes at the edge of the wood, he lays out on a rock inside the drain, keeping himself out of the running water.
It's oddly warm for so late in autumn.
Vivid eyes watch the fledgling. He doesn't smell very old. He's so very stupid, too, sleeping in what may as well be open air. The only thing that keeps him at bay are the silver spikes on the horse's hooves and the strange weapon he carries.
The cloth around his neck as well, prevents a swift kill.
How bold, as to steal a hunter's garb and horse. Must be a young horse, untrained, if it doesn't attack its rider.
How very curious. But hunger gnaws in his stomach.
But he's too easy a target. Sitting in the open, belly practically bare, his skin still slightly flushed with whatever his previous meal had been. This fledgling will be a filling meal to sustain him long enough to leave on a proper journey back to where he belongs. A shame he was fairly pretty, as well.
His eyes flick up. The sun shines a barrier between him and the drainage pipe. He has waited a long time. He can wait a few hours more for the sun to dip barely below the horizon. For the shadows to grow long enough to connect the forest to the pipe. The dumb animal will not be a problem.
Paresse startles awake to Vairon's scream. It's not a death scream, but a warning she's been trained to give at the scent of a vampire when her rider sleeps. Instantly, he twists, feet splashing into the drain. His eyes aren't even open fully when a large body slams into him.
They fall into the water and he feels intense pressure on his throat. A snarl rips from his throat without thinking. He acts purely on instinct. He gets his knees between the large body and himself before kicking.
The motion makes the fangs in his neck tear through the cloth and hit silver.
The shriek that follows falls just short of agony, but only just. The weight comes off of him. His first priority is his weapon. Soaked and running on adrenaline, the shine of his lance is all he sees before his hand wraps around the leather handle. He whips around and brandishes it between him and his attacker.
He expected a beast form, for the weight that had been on him. Instead he sees a man with a hand over his mouth and fire in his eyes. The man is as big as a beast, shoulders nearly broad enough to brush either side of the tunnel. Only then does he smell the smoke. It burns his sinuses. He lifts his lips and bares his fangs.
The cloth on his neck hangs loose, torn now, and shows the silver plated collar still there, between the tears.
"Clever child." The larger vampire spits blood out and lowers his hand, "Lucky." He turns and bolts out the other side of the drain. Leaving the hunter in the tunnel.
Trapping him, Paresse realizes. He can't see his opponent. If he exits, he won't know where to defend from.
A quick, two-note whistle, and an enraged whinny sounds out. Vairon's hooves clatter in one direction, and Paresse goes the other. She is trained to charge into battle, and she has done so many times against many more than one vampire. Once outside, the last rays of the day sting his skin, but he endures it. He claws his way onto and then over the road where his horse has gone.
A rising glee fills his throat. Delight colors his eyes a cruel shade as he lifts his chain tethered lance and throws it. It misses, but sends the vampire, panicked, into the trees.
With no thoughts, he climbs onto his mare's back and snatches his lance as she gallops past it and into the woods, following the vampire as he transforms and takes off, weaving between the trees.
A mad cackle follows him. If it weren't for the sun above, he'd fly higher, fly away. But he can't. And if he stops, that lance will be in him before he can catch breath.
Foolish, foolish, foolish!! He should have known better!! He hadn't stolen that clothing, nor the horse, they were HIS!
He misjudges a tree, hits a branch. He swings into the trunk and the wood explodes beside him, silver blade far too close to his side for his liking. He climbs higher into the tree, out of the chain length of the weapon.
He hears the chain rattle, and then the weapon tearing out of the wood and falling to the ground.
"Oooh, batty, batty, why don't you fly away? Are you so hungry you can't wait for the sun to go down to attack? Treed like a common pest, ah?"
He looks down. The fledgling is pulling the pole arm back up to himself with the chain. He hisses down at him. A hunter turned vampire? What madness is this? What mad vampire had turned a hunter? Had he killed his sire?? The red fur of his chest heaves as he looks around frantically, trying to find a clear path through the trees to fly through again.
He doesn't see the hunter vampire unclip the chain from his belt and stand on his horse's back.
"Keep alert, fire-rat!"
Only the hunter's words make him look back down to see the lance as its loosed. In a panic, he jumps off the tree to try and fly, but it's too late. He screams as it hits his thigh.
The ground rushes up at him too fast.
Paresse grins at the sickening crack-thud of wingbones hitting the ground. He jumps off Vairon's back and walks over to the heaving piles of beast, with no hurry to his step.
A wheezing laugh makes the blades of grass by its face sway and shudder, "What... what the hell are you, demon?"
He rips the weapon out of its thigh and circles around to its face, head tilting. He doesn't answer, letting a pause stretch out.
"Don't tell me you've got no fight left in you." He pokes at its flank with the tip of his blade, like a child poking at a corpse with a stick.
"What good would it do me? My wing broken, my leg maimed, my would-be prey a mad man... tell me, who turned you? A hunter?"
"None of your concern."
"They're dead, aren't they? What a fool... is the turning that maddened you? Turned into your own prey, and made you this?"
A laugh, a cacophanous cackle that bounces off the trees. Paresse sits down on a jutting root, laying the weapon across his knees, "You'd make a good jester, smoke-stink. No, I've always been mad. You're clearly from east-France. I'm far too known in the west." He licks his teeth, muscle flicking off the sharp tip, "Tell another joke, clown-rat. Before you bleed out."
A hum rolls out of the beast's chest, "And why would I give you the pleasure? You revel in this. If I am your jester, then kill me, my king, for I will entertain you no more." He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh.
Paresse narrows his eyes. He gets up again and kicks his foot against the beast's shoulder, causing a cry of pain. He presses his blade to the creature's throat and lifts its chin to face him. Deep green eyes squint open at him.
"No, I don't think I will. I'll leave you here to rot. I'll let the mice and maggots eat holes into your pretty hide. Maybe I'll come back through here and fetch your skull, hang it off Vairon's saddle." He smiles, and it's anything but comforting, "A shame, if you'd just listen, I might even have made you my pet." He pulls the blade away and turns to get on to his proud looking horse.
He pauses, seeing the beast staring back at him, "Tell me, what was your name?"
The vampire lets out a small, weak laugh, likely at being referred to in the past already, "Fierté..."
Paresse laughs, "Sins, the both of us. How fitting an end for Pride, at the hands of Sloth."
Fierté stares at the man's back as he rides away. He would have taken a breath and turned him to ash is he hadn't been so hungry.
Hah. What an end, indeed.
He waits until he can't hear the hoof-falls any more. Then heaves himself up.
Thankfully, it won't really be the end. He twists and becomes human-looking again, finger-bones easier to set than wing bones. His thigh wound cauterized with a careful press of his fingers into it.
He still needs to eat. Perhaps a rabbit will ease the pain enough for him to get back to the village. He'll have to risk the hunter there to do it, but he has no choice any more. He just has to hope he doesn't hit a thrall of the greater beast there.
He sits there a moment longer, the shining green in his 'king's' eyes on his mind's eye. It lingers like the burn of the sun lingers on his skin. A mad man... he must be just as mad, he thinks, as a little smile comes across his features.
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I’m kina bored right now but its too noisy to concentrate on advancing my wips and my headphones dont work anymore :( so that’s why I thought why not write about another shelved fic?
This one didn’t get too far in planning, so it never got a title or summary. It would have been an angsty fic and basically it was about the backstory of the friends from the neighbour area. And it would have followed Hero’s pov, mostly because at the time I took a liking for writing Hero. This story gets kinda dark-ish later on (as you might guess given the subject matter), but everything is so vaguely described that Im not sure it warrants a warning, but just as a heads-up I mention it.
I didn’t get to decide exactly how the scenery would have looked like, but the story would have started with Hero already in a room of blackspace. As like, a vague idea, this room looked like a barren landscape, gray-scale with a dark sky, there’s barely any grass but there are many rocks of various sizes but overall huge. There may or may not be the remains of a cabin. It is standing but like two of it’s walls are missing. Its serviceable as a shelter in case of an emergency, but isn’t really a place for living. Yeah you know what? This setting is good enough.
So Hero was in the remains of this cabin, sitting while hugging his knees, scared and confused. He has recently fallen into blackspace by accident, and he has no idea of anything thats going on. He looks around, here describing the scenery, but more than the scenery, he’s looking at the other two who are there with him.
There are an Aubrey and a Kel there as well, but Hero is able to tell those aren’t the Aubrey and Kel he knows. For now, the only explanation he has is that they just happen to be unnervingly similar to his friend and brother. He still hasn’t tried to talk to them.
Aubrey is at the other side of the cabin, far from the other two. She looks as them with distrust and wariness. Hero doesn’t know this, but like him she’s able to know they aren’t the friends she knows. She’s also new in blackspace.
On the other hand, Kel doesn’t pay attention to either of them. He looks unresponsive. While the other two are mostly unaware that they’ll likely never see again their respective friends and brother, Kel here has witnessed the death of his own. For this, for a good chunk of the story he’s rather gloomy
Soon someone else enters the scene. This is a Hellmari, however in this fic they only have their most creepy appearance when they’re pissed-off. So right now this Hellmari looks very similar to spirit Mari, with a white dress and dark hair. However, more than a ghost she’s a walking corpse, so she still makes Hero and Aubrey feel unnerved at seeing her, despite her cheeriness, or maybe moreso because of it. Her movements are stiff, her neck is longer than it should be (but no to the degree of her other form) and her jaw seems too loose when it moves. Hero notices details like this in his narration.
Hellmaris have a very short temper and they get angry and agressive very easily, so this one is trying her hardest in remaining calm since she doesn’t want to scare them… anymore, maybe. She’s the one who brought them to this cabin and may or may not have lost her temper a bit while trying to bring them there and basically scaring them into following her. I didn’t decide. She doesn’t mean any harm though, so she bring a tray with freshly-baked cookies for them to make them feel at home, and apologize if she did scare them before. In either case, none of them eat, and when she tries to ask them simple and casual question they all remain silent.
At this, she sighs and decides to cut the chase and get to the point. She here explains to them their situation and what it entails for them to be in blackspace. Things work very differently there compared to headspace, and if they don’t come to terms with their new life and adapt, they will die. However, she wanted to help them and teach them how to get around blackspace, and for their sake they had to stay in that cabin.
Like I said, this didn’t get too far in the plotting process, so this part is kinda fuzzy. Hero and the others would want to escape and they would do so later on, but I didn’t get to write exactly their reason for that. Like, maybe they didn’t believe Hellmari and they thought she wanted to keep them trapped, or maybe they felt a natural rejection towards her for being related to the truth or idk. I guess they talk behind her back about a plan to escape or something like that. The point is that they run away when she’s distracted and although she soon notices, she doesn’t make any attempt in chasing them.
I wasn’t really sure where to explain Hellmari’s motivation, so I’ll just mention it here: she basically felt very lonely and she wanted to have her friendgroup again. She had never had one, but being a Mari, she still longed for it. Hellmaris hate anything related to Sunny and Basil, so for her the group was complete with just Hero, Aubrey and Kel. She had rescued them and brought them to that cabin, since that was the closest thing to a home she had ever seen. Blackspace wasn’t the most cozy of places, but she had hoped that, even if none of them had asked to be part of blackspace, together they could form a place to call home and be happy despite the hardship. Though, all those aspirations fell apart when she noticed they had escaped.
Going back to the others, they had escaped together but they hadn’t planned(? much beyond that. For Hero, his priority right then was finding his brother and friend… however, due to his caring nature, even if he felt unnerved by those kids that looked exactly like his own (and were called the same, as he had learned), he didn’t want to abandon them to their luck, and them feeling lost and scared, wanted someone to feel protected, so the three of them agreed to remain together while their searched for their respective loved-ones and a way to go back home.
What would follow would have been them traveling through blackspace and seeing a lot of scary things, so they always feel really scared and walk practically glued to each other. Maybe or maybe not this part would have focused on their survival, I didn’t decide, but in either way they have a tough time and at the same time they grow closer to each other, now not feeling unnerved. Also, here they realize that the Hellmari was saying the truth and that she wasn’t that bad after all.
Eventually though, they stumble upon a semi-familiar face… almost. This is the big yellow cat, the one of the neighbours area, so you know it doesn’t really look very friendly, but after their experience with the Hellmari, the group decided it was better to not judge by appearances. Also, maybe they feel more comfortable with it because it isn’t related to the truth.
Since the friends are like programed to trust the big yellow cat and look for its protection, they ask it for help. Seeing them so bruised up and scared, it agrees to help them, telling them that all they have to do is listen to its teachings and then they will never feel afraid and in danger again.
Or the conversation went somewhat along those lines.
So, in blackspace there were sort of “parodies” of the three great creatures. Since they weren’t important for the plot, I didn’t describe Humphrey’s equivalent nor Abbi’s, so I’ll only mention the big yellow cat.
So, first of all, blackspace inhabitants could be divided in three categories: those that agreed with Omori’s ideals and actively worked on his favor, those that opposed these ideals and actively worked against them, and those who were neutral either by being unaware or because they didn’t feel strongly one way or another. A huge majority fall in this last group, like 96% of the population, while those who agree are like 3% , or something like that. Just so you have the gist.
In any case, the big yellow cat is one that agrees with Omori’s ideals of repressing the truth, so while it teaches the friends about the nature of blackspace and all of that, it would also speak positively of Omori, saying stuff like he has a very important mission and those who went against it were evil and wanted to end the world as they knew it, destroy their home, the paradise above.
Ah, well, I didn’t get to the specifics of what the big yellow cat would teach them, so I’ll just go to the general.
The thing is that the cat is someone with a very twisted mind and has its own ideas of how things should be done, so it would be the main reason the friends from the neighbour’s area turned out to be so violent. The cat taught them that if they didn’t want to be afraid ever again and also wanted to help their friend Omori, they had to be the strongest out of everyone in blackspace and win themselves a reputation that would make everyone afraid of them. And that’s what they did. Under its guidance they pretty much became killing machines with little regard for anyone else outside their group. Except Hellmaris, because they remember the Hellmari that tried to help them, but since they can’t distinguish her from other Hellmaris, then they just spare all of them, much to the cat’s annoyance. In blackspace there isn’t the best communication and residents have to rely on word of mouth from travelers for news of other areas, but even with that, it becomes common knowledge how lethal an encounter with these three can be. Once they see you, is very hard to escape from them. So, it is advisable to avoid them at any cost.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention all of this took place during the early cycles, so these friends are some of the oldest in blackspace in the current date.
Anyways, for as cruel as these friends can be, their bonds are tight-knit. They pretty much adopted each-other and they see each other as siblings. Though they don’t use each-other to replace those who they have lost and they keep a memorial for them. They haven’t forgotten what they lost, so for that reason they’re much more set-on keeping what they have left.
That means that they also have no qualms in ‘eliminating the competition.’ That’s it, killing other friends. While the cat didn’t tell them everything, they know certain things of how their world works, such as that there are many copies of them and that only one group can be in headspace. So, they eliminate the competition at any given chance. Despite everything, they still have the same motivation as in the beginning: going back home. They believe that in this way, being the strongest, blindly obedient, ‘the best’, Omori will one day consider them worthy of bringing back to headspace, though I didn’t decide if the cat made them believe that (and if so, if it was tricking them or it genuinely believes that’s how Omori sees things) or if they reach this conclusion themselves. In either case, Omori knows how dangerous they are and would never bring them anywhere near headspace, so whenever he stumbles upon them, he just ignores them. The friends, while disappointed each time, don’t get deterred at this. They just conclude they aren’t good enough yet and all they have to do is putting more effort.
I wasn’t too sure about how many scenes there would have been nor about the way they would have been paced, but the last scene would have been of the friends resting on the belly of the big yellow cat. Here, Hero would look down fondly at the others as they sleep peacefully, this being a huge contrast to the previous scenes where they would have been ruthless.
Hero is happy that they’re able to sleep with no worry, maybe here would be a callback to an earlier scene near the beginning where they try to sleep but they’re too scared to do so. In any case, he believes it all has been worth it if he gets to see the kids as peaceful as that. At some point though, he thinks about his own brother and friend, and he can’t help but know they would be horrified, but as Omori demands it, he quickly decides is better to not think too much about it. Probably he decides to take a nap as well, knowing that no one would dare to hurt them.
So, as you see, I had a pretty good idea of the plot and it only needed some refining. Though, the reason I decided to shelve this idea is because Im already working on a fic with a similar premise, and while I considered this one could work as a spinoff, it’s not a good idea to think of spinoffs before the main thing is done, yknow? So, I’ll probably just keep these ideas as my headcanons for the backstory of these three.
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