#obey me attendant mc
zephyrchama · 2 months
Living together in a big house with one (main) (shared) bathroom means that mornings can be tough.
When you first arrived at the House of Lamentation, it was hard to fit in. It was really hard to get into the bathroom in the mornings and fight six demons for use of the sink. If more than two others were in there at the same time, they practically formed a living wall that blocked you out, forcing you to wake up extremely early or risk being late for school.
That got better over time though. You gradually managed to fit into the house's morning routine.
Lucifer has his morning routine down to an exact science. Usually he's fully dressed and has his hair brushed before leaving the bedroom. He might be running on pure muscle memory though - one time you handed him a warm washcloth for his face and he just stared at it in confusion for several seconds with a furrowed brow. He has no problems getting it himself, but this break in routine gave him pause. It took Lucifer a moment to realize what it was and to thank you.
If you get the chance to eat breakfast together, Lucifer likes to ask about your day. "What do you have planned? Remember, we have that meeting at five. Did you prepare for the ancient hex exam?" He might slide a bit of his food onto your plate before he goes, a way of returning the pleasant energy boost you always provide for him.
Mammon can hustle. Which means that Mammon can get up early if it benefits him in some way. A part time job, an early bird discount, a chance to slip past Lucifer's defenses and borrow some cash.
That doesn't mean it's easy. Waking up takes some serious effort. Mammon will stumble into the bathroom to do his business first thing in the morning, yawning with his eyes half closed and tugging up whatever pants he just tossed on for modesty.
The tsundere part of his brain takes a few minutes to kick in if he's just woken up. If he spots you, Mammon will demand a good morning hug and wrap his arms around you, deaf to your cries of "Mammon! Go wash your hands before you touch me!"
Leviathan is always groaning in the morning. He's probably not aware of it. He's probably muttering complaints but is too tired to actually speak the words properly. His blankets are always a tangled mess, wrapped unevenly around his feet and contorted around his body, but Leviathan can easily Houdini his way out of them when it's time to get up. If there's no event or livestream to wake up early for, he'll sleep in for as long as he can before starting the day with a nice shower.
He finds warm running water to feel so pleasant and you can often find Leviathan spacing out next to the faucet. He'll greet you with a sleepy "ah, morning," and accidentally splash you in an attempt to wave his hand. The embarrassment and slight panic from getting you a towel to dry off with is usually enough to properly wake him up, and he sheepishly exits the bathroom and guards the door until you've finished changing into dry clothes.
Satan can hardly even put his shirt on properly when fully awake.
The man's a sleepy mess when he tries to get dressed in the morning. He'll stay up all night to finish a book he's invested in, then stumble out of his room "ready to go" when it's time for breakfast. His pants are unzipped and the button is coming undone. He's only got one sleeve on and it's on the wrong arm, or the buttons on his shirt are all misaligned and half have been skipped over.
He doesn't protest anymore when you tidy him up. Some mornings he'll doze off while you straighten his tie and fall forward into you, then try to play it off as a hug. Satan doesn't want to let go though, you feel so much warmer on a chilly morning.
Asmodeus is a rare morning riser. Too much sleep is bad for the skin, he claims. If he has trouble getting up, he'll either go soak in his private tub for energy or seek you out.
"You have to hear what happened last night," he'll say, strolling into your room while there's still ten minutes left on your alarm. He sits on the edge of your bed, and if you try falling back asleep he pulls you up into a sitting position. "Listen to this, you won't believe it!"
Asmodeus isn't afraid to get touchy if it means you'll wake up faster and he gets your attention. He'll sit you in his lap, or press you against his side, or run his hands down your face and squish your cheeks with a mischievous smile.
When the main bathroom is too crowded to use you're free to borrow his, with the caveat he gets to style you for the day and you might be late when he gets overzealous.
Beelzebub can also be found awake in the mornings. The quiet hours before everyone else wakes up are best for stretching, taking jogs, and grabbing a pre-breakfast appetizer. He'll get spooked if he hears footsteps approach the kitchen and slam the fridge door shut in a hurry, but all is well when he sees you enter the room instead of Lucifer.
Beelzebub is a big guy who takes up a lot of space. When you run into each other in the bathroom and are rushing to get ready, it's easy to bump into him. On days he's still pretty tired, he might not even notice you bonk your head against his arm. That's fine though - you don't want him to notice you until he's brushed his teeth. After all, Beelzebub's morning breath is a potent magical weapon.
If you need the bathroom sink while he occupies it, Beelzebub is kind enough to nudge you in front of him (once you've confirmed his mouth is minty fresh). You both get to use the mirror this way, and you can both see each other's smiling faces.
Belphegor is the king of oversleeping. The powers of you and his twin combined are hardly enough on some days, but mostly the responsibility of waking him falls to you. You quickly learned it's best to wake him from behind his head, if you can manage to maneuver your way into a suitable spot to do so. Anywhere his limbs can easily grab you will result in being pulled into bed. He's like a sleeping kraken.
You suspect that Belphegor wakes up easier than he lets on, but he feigns ignorance. He insists he was totally fast asleep when you struggled to physically drag him down the hallway towards the bathroom, wrapping your arms tightly around his torso with all your strength. And when he clung on to your waist and nuzzled his head into your stomach. And when Beel came to help free you from Belphegor's clutches, but he rolled you under him and muttered "mine now."
Definitely fast asleep, doesn't remember a single thing.
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moinstar · 10 months
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"It's not your fault, Lucifer. Your brothers will be there for you no matter what."
(Lesson 19-15)
(Lesson 19-17)
"After all, you're part of the family too. An important part," Beel says with conviction.
"Thank you, Moin." Lucifer places his hand on her shoulder and lightly squeezed as if reassurance.
There was a small part of her that wants to cry of sadness. She feels guilty for deceiving them all this time and someday she'll have to go and leave. Yet, no matter what timeline, she didn't felt lonely because it was them who would always feel like home to her. A family she can always go back to, no matter which timeline.
She smiled with little tears on her eyes and said, "thank you" from the bottom her heart.
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chiefcheesecakemaker · 11 months
Menace of an mc but she's also an attendant
At 3 am someone calls mc
Mc: what the-
Mc picks up the ddd: hello?
Asmo: hey um mc?
Mc: asmo it I'd 3 in the God damn morning you better be with the cast of the sound of music right now if you think waking me up is a good idea
Asmo: yeah um Hun I'm sorry to be like this but um Satan is throwing a huge hissy fit so would you come fix him?
Mc: is Satan an actor of the sound of music?
Asmo: no?
Mc: then he's not important good night
Mc hangs up and tries to go to bed but can: ah shuks
Mc goes to the bros house
At the house
Asmo: mc oh thank you for coming
Mc: don't even
Mc goes over to satan picks him up and leaves again
Mc: wanna sleep in my bed tonight?
Angry Satan mumbling: yes
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radarchives · 11 months
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Diary of an Attendant/Friend/Stranger (Masterlist)
This wasn’t their time, their place, their home, their life. It was all ripped away from them again. That sense of comfort and the feeling of breathing freely, laughing and doing things you love — gone for the second time in their life. It wasn’t fair.
It was too much for Adrien to deal with on their own, especially in such a familiar yet foreign place. So, they had taken their thoughts to a notebook. One only they were supposed to read and have moments of comfort, putting down memories and bits of conversations they could remember, along with some curious observations about the world around them. The bad memories too, of pain and fear they couldn’t let go of after all those years.
They took a liking to it, fondly looking back on it as it helped them think. This is that notebook.
Or, the diary of my MC dealing with the events of both games. Set in Nightbringer. Heavy spoilers for both games. Story tag is “attendant friend stranger”
Ao3 Link ~~ Intro ~~ Excerpt 1 ~~ Excerpt 2 ~~ Excerpt 3 ~~ Excerpt 4 ~~ Recording 1 ~~ Excerpt 5 ~~ Excerpt 6
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pandalovesanime · 2 years
Finished this amazing assessment from my art class
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krys-loves-otome · 2 years
miri and ophelia! 39, 40, 44, 45!
You've Got Questions, I've Got Answers: OC Edition
39. Would they ever crash a wedding?
Ophelia: She would not. It's bad manners, especially if she was close to one or both persons about to be married. She's no hero or believes in true love or things like that. Weddings are just a show of wealth and possessiveness, really, so she doesn’t really want to partake in those kinds of festivities, invited or otherwise.
Miri: Perhaps not at first, but her new brothers have been known to get up to shenanigans, so she might be persuaded to go along with antics. True love matters more than marrying for political gain or whatever.
40. If they found a sword in a stone would they try to pull it out? How would they react to being able to pull it out or not?
Ophelia: She might raise an eyebrow at it, trying to figure out how in all the worlds you get a sword stuck in stone. A tree, or the ground if it's soft, she can understand, but in solid rock??? She might wiggle the handle a little, to make sure it wasn't just a stone with a sword-like slit in it, and then leaves it alone. She doesn't need any more strange phenomena in her life, thanks.
Miri: She absolutely would give it a try, after brotherly shenanigans of them trying to pull it out, unsuccessfully. Be even funnier if it was her, a tiny human creature to be able to pull it out after both demons and angels couldn't do it. She'd also want to keep the sword because swords are cool, duh. She pulled it out, so it's her sword now, no selling it, Mammon!
44. Who, if anyone, would they trust with their deepest secrets?
Ophelia: It'll take a long while for her to open up, especially after almost an entire lifetime of not trusting anyone fully, but when she's finally ready to let all of her walls down, she'll let them down for Kennyo, and to some extent, Ranmaru.
Miri: Beel, both as a romantic interest or as nothing more than her brother. He's honest and upfront about his thoughts (even if he might feel a little bad sometimes because he feels all he talks about is being hungry or about food all the time), but he was one of the first brothers that made her feel wanted and welcome, so she likes talking to him and spending time with him, so, naturally, she opens up to him first when she's anxious or wanting to talk to him about something exciting that happened that day. After him, Lucifer would be her second choice. He mistrusted her at first, because why was this human creature trying to get pacts with all his younger brothers, what's the motivation here, but seeing that she just wanted to bring Belphie back into the family fold, no evil aspirations or whatnot (plus her connection to Lilith, no matter how threadbare it might be), he took a shining to the little human under his wing (plus, she was quieter and more behaved and helpful than all of this brothers, so that's always a good sign in his book)
45. Do they plan in advance or just wing it?
Ophelia: Plan in advance. Can't direct floundering dinner parties without a plan. Though there was a joy in winging her escape from Nobunaga, it didn't exactly wield great results, with her being captured by Nobu's enemies, but, hey, it started her on the path to finding peace and happiness, so.. Maybe a little spontaneity was good for her?
Miri: Since coming to Devildom, winging it seems to be her main modus operandi. It is a different world she's in now rather than the human realm, so the rules would be different, naturally. Plus, with brothers as chaotic as the Demon Brothers, ya kinda have to learn to wing it or get left behind and/or worse.
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Can we get the obey me boys(the brothers + dia, barbs, solomon, and simeon) reacting to mc having severe period cramps? Would they get all demon-y at the smell of blood?
Love your stuff btw!
Signed, a yandere junkie~
I'll do two for now 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Period | Yandere Obey Me
For those in the devildom having a draw for chaos and mortal pain it’s quite normal for blood to bring about a different kind of reaction. But to the surprise of no one period blood and the whole menstrual cycle is a complete bafflement to all who catch a whiff. Don’t worry though, you have the brother and your various friends. This surely won’t strike any of them to have an unusual streak in emotion and self-control, right?:
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“It’s that time I’m suspecting?”
“Understood rest easy, take your time to rest my dear.”
“A-are you sure?”
“Of course I'm sure. Do you doubt my promise to keep you?”
One of the most casual about it 
He absolutely has done research for this exact occasion
But nothing is like experience in taking care of you himself
As well as the compulsion that has him being just as reactive as you
“You seem a bit different today Lucifer…”
“Am I? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oooh is that a gift from (Y/n)--”
“dON’t ToUCh tHaT!” 
“Sorry, I don’t know what’s with me this week.”
You’re not with him that’s what
For all the necessities he delivers he’s been keeping his distance
Taking the advice of the human care books he gave you your space
After all who better to deal with the human-female innerworkings than a human-female herself
But something feels wrong more than usual 
And it only seems to stop when he returns to your side at the end of the day
“Perhaps the hormones that are at work in you create a…guardian of sorts…out of me.”
He doesn’t really understand, all he knows is that when you were preparing to go to RAD he frantically calmly decided you’d not be attending
His excuse reasoning? That he would hate for any lesser demon to feel what he’s feeling 
That and he’d actually try to kill anyone who shows such similar inclination to protect you
“If anyone should stay to soothe you in this great time of need. I’m not above massacring any threats to you while you’re at your most vulnerable..” 
Generally he’s quite tame
…compared to his brothers
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“Hey (Y/n) why’d you run off like that I thought we were having a good time.”
“Oh…hey (Y/n) if you’re hurt it’s okay to tell us we have tons of things that help heal humans.”
“Ugh! No that’s not what’s happening here!”
“Don’t be embarrassed here i’ll help!”
“Aghghgh!!!! Barbatos! Barb–Ah! Don’t you dare!”
A scolding and prompt lesson from Barbatos is very much in order
For someone so adamant on urging the blending of their worlds he doesn’t really know about this side of humanity
And unfortunately he’s never been one for backseat learning
“(Y/n), we’ve spoken and Diavolo would like to propose a hands-on-lesson with you about your menstrual cycle.”
“Uhm what kind of lesson?”
“One that will require he familiarize himself with all aspects of this process. Something that would preferably stimulate the five senses.”
“....Lucifer!!!! Solomon!!!”
Even better it has to do with you
What better way to strengthen your bond by having to monitor you
Not only for your safety but for all of humanity
“Hey later on we should definitely watch that movie together!”
“Oh yeah I thin–”
“I’m sorry but she cannot!”
“What why not?”
“Because she’s coming with me! The best place for a woman on muenster cycle is with me at the royal palace.”
“Uhm that’s not tr-”
“Here I’ll take you now!” 
He’s going to be hard to teach
But once you sit him down or snap at him one too many times
He’ll decide listening to you is the best course of action
In turn it will definitely build a relationship between you two
It may not be as romantic as he planned
But he’ll take it….for now 
After all there’s one every month
“That was fun! I can’t wait until the next time!”
Because he’s actively testing for it he might find some demons and creatures that react to it
But he won’t actively experiment with you in danger
Because it’s just not a good look to brutally murder every other subject of his that has a reaction he doesn’t like
“Next month I’ll have to convince them to let me get a swab or whole container full that’d be really hot.”
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haezen · 7 months
pairing: lucifer x gn!mc
word count: 1k
summary: you and lucifer get into an argument, and you block him as he's typing.
set in obey me nightbringer (but there are no spoilers!)
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To put it simply, you have been exhausted as of late. With the brothers running you ragged, and midterms approaching at RAD, your patience has worn dangerously thin. 
And apparently, so has Lucifer’s.
Did you forget something?
Not that I recall. Why?
Well, obviously you have forgotten. So, I’ll gladly remind you.
Satan must have been lent you some of his tomes. And YOU forgot to put them back where they belong. Safely tucked away. 
They are scattered all over the living room along with the papers you’ve scribbled all over. Come over at once and clean up your mess.
Annoyance bubbled in your gut at the request  — no, his demand. 
You’re lounging on the couch with takeout on the way and thanks to Solomon, a hot bath (with bubbles) awaits you. If you were to go over to the House of Lamentation to fulfill Lucifer’s demand, the night you had planned for yourself would be ruined. With a glance at the time, you notice that it’s approaching midnight and there’s no fucking way you are leaving the comfort of the couch to attend to any of the brother’s needs. 
And the last thing you need right now is to be on the receiving end of one of Lucifer’s lectures through text. 
No. Not now.
It wasn’t a suggestion. Come over to the House of Lamentation now.
I said no, Lucifer. It’s late and I’ve had a long day.
And you think I haven’t had a long day? 
What makes you think I want to come out of my office to see the mess you have left all over the living room? 
I don’t think I have to remind you that you’re also our attendant.
That doesn’t make me your maid.  Listen, I’m sorry for not cleaning up after myself but I’ll clean it up tomorrow.
I’m not going to tell you a third time.
. . .
As his message comes through and the three little dots pop up that signal he’s still typing, you decide that you are done for the night. You refuse to put yourself through more of this torture and to get under his skin, you block him. 
You throw your phone on the couch, force yourself to stand up from your position, and head to the bathroom to take a bath. The time it takes to undress and get into the tub is almost record time. The water instantly warms your skin. It’s the perfect temperature. Solomon also didn’t forget to set the atmosphere. There are candles lit all around the bathroom which only adds to the flowery scent emanating from the bubbles. You slide down further into the tub until the water encapsulates you from your shoulders down. 
You’re not sure how long you were asleep until the sound of a door slamming shut startles you awake. 
The silence that follows makes your heart start pounding. It’s unlike him to not announce his arrival and peek in to see what you’re up to. With a pounding heart and a lump in your throat, you call out for him again. 
The water sloshes and spills out over the edge of the tub as you move to get out. There’s no time to dry off as your nerves start to get the best of you. You snatch your satin robe, a gift from Asmo, off its hook and tie it around your waist once you shrug it on. 
The urgency in your footsteps is evident as you come hauling ass into the living room. A figure looms in the darkness of the hallway and you move towards it without a second thought. 
“What the fuck!” You shout, pushing who you think is Solomon back a few steps. He stumbles but regains his balance almost instantly and you flick the light switch on. 
Instead of being met with Solomon’s gentle and teasing smile, you are met with the eldest brother in his demon form. And he’s furious.
Anger still swirls deep in your gut, but it’s nothing compared to the undeniable rage emanating from Lucifer. You’re frozen in your spot as Lucifer inches closer to tower over you.
“Think you can just ignore my messages? That you can block me whenever you please?” His crimson eyes are glazed over and a scowl is set in stone on his face. It’s at this moment that you realize there’s nothing that you could say to calm him down. And that thought alone absolutely thrills you.
“Why can’t I? Because I’m your attendant or because I’m ‘yours’?” You say defiantly, tilting your chin up to prove that you aren’t scared of him. “Last I checked, I’m off the clock.”
“Last I checked, you are mine.” Lucifer snarls. “Or have you forgotten that as well?”
“It’s pathetic that you think I belong to you and you alone, Lucifer. Don’t I attend to all of you?”
“Pathetic?” He tilts his head and oh, you’ve fucked up. He takes hold of the straps of your robe and grips them firmly before he tugs, forcing you to take a step towards him. He’s so close that you can feel his hot breath fanning your face and the air feels as though it’s been sucked straight out of your lungs. You’re hoping that he’ll release his grip on your robe, but he doesn’t. 
He leans down to whisper into your ear, the sensation sending a shiver down your spine. “Shall I remind you?” Lucifer tightens his grip on your robe to further emphasize his point. “Since you so obviously need to be taught a lesson.” 
You hesitate to respond, stunned at his change in behavior. But as he returns to standing tall above you, eyes piercing into yours, you know he’s still pissed. You, a human who is no match for a demon as powerful and infamous as Lucifer, dare to challenge him?  As the Avatar of Pride, there’s no way Lucifer could ever let that slide.
“Excuse me?”
“Apologize for being an asshole and maybe I’ll let you stay for the night.” 
He’s quiet for a moment, thinking. But you continue.
“There’s absolutely no reason for you to ever speak to me that way. Haven’t I been good to you, Luci? You deserved to be blocked for how you acted.” You place your hands on his chest, smoothing down his perfectly ironed button down shirt. His eyes follow your actions, as if he’s actually considering to step down from his pedestal and apologize.
“So won’t you be a good boy and apologize for interrupting my bath? And for being an asshole?” You grin up at him, sliding your hands down from his chest to grab his own, where they are still gripping your robe. “And maybe go out and get me some dinner while you’re at it, since you left my takeout outside in the cold?”
“Do I look like your attendant?”
“Yeah. Though I would definitely prefer you to wear your uniform.” You nod, unable to stop your grin from widening. He’s already fallen for it.
“Get your hands off me. You’re not allowed to touch me until you’ve apologized.” 
He listens immediately  and retracts from you as though your skin burns to the touch. 
“Sorry.” He mutters so quietly, you could barely hear it if not for the close proximity. 
“What?” You tease, leaning in closer. “Say that again for me? A little louder?”
His gloved hands make contact with your face and his lips meet yours in a clash. His kisses are desperate, rushed, and sloppy which sets your insides ablaze at his fervor. He rarely loses control, so to see it for yourself...
When you pull back for air and open your eyes, Lucifer’s smug expression makes you want to smack him.
“Sorry.” He repeats as he lifts a thumb to wipe your spit from his bottom lip. “I just wanted to see you. You’re the only person I wanted to be with tonight.”
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budbuddnbuddy · 6 months
Little obey me headcanons (pt2)
A/n: Some more of headcaons and world building for y’all to enjoy, NSFW is included. Also some full fics are in the works rn so enjoy.
I can’t remember who exactly said it but there was this headcaon that Lucifer was always a bit horny for you and I fully agree with that. HOWEVER, he only really gives bedroom eyes when either: A. He’s been working at his desk for fucking 20 hours sometimes even days. or B. You haven’t been in the Devildom in over 3 months. His eyes are already super pretty, but he’ll flutter his long eyelashes at you, get super close, touch up all over your arm and shit. That kinda stuff.
Amsodeus definitely has piercings, specifically on his nipples, bellybutton, and tongue. Mammon would get nipple piercings if he wasn’t such a pussy.
I feel like this is already canon due to the manga but Mammon has a great ass, like a really great ass-
One time you and Lucifer got into an argument and you tried to be the bigger person by leaving the room and trying to cool off but he mistook it as an act of defeat and…
“MC, you need to get more sleep. I always keep on telling you this why don’t you ever listen to me?”
“I literally only pulled 2 all nighters! You’ve been locked up in your room for the past 2 weeks! Do you understand how hypocritical you sound right now?”
“That’s different, I’m a demon. You’re just a human MC.”
“Y’know what? Whatever.”
“That’s what I thoug-“
And then just picture MC whipping around and giving Lucifer the one of the hardest slaps they can muster. He wasn’t even mad about just in shock.
Personally, I think Solomon has the prettiest blush out of everyone. Maybe it’s because his skin is so pale and his blush is so pink and he gets so shy and bashful and UGH HES SO PRETTY 😭
Simeon is a milf, no I will not explain.
Part of me just cannot accept that Luke is canonically over 4’11, I think he’s just a tad bit shorter then that, maybe 4’9 and a half.
I feel like Barbatos has a negative cantal tilt, or just has sleepily drowsy like eyes.
RAD is actually 6 stories tall, there are 3 gyms , 2 courtyards one on the roof (the one we see the most) and then the one on the first floor, and over 700 classrooms. Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos. Are the only ones out of everyone who don’t attend classes but rather manage everything that happens within RAD and out.
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voiidlizrd · 7 months
“Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago."
- Hozier, From Eden
Summary: The love the Brothers have for you follows them from present to past and to future
Note: MC is gender neutral (they/them pronouns), some angst but relatively fluffy, slight gore (it’s the Devildom), slight POLY MC, demon being a creep to Asmo, small spoilers to Chapter 16 in Obey Me: Shall We Date
A/N: For Satan’s part, I used his frustration and anger in a way of how I’d describe my anger/frustration because it can be hard to express how I feel and it’s like a big bundle of “what the fuck”
Oh, I also based Levi’s excitement to how I’d get really excited cause when I excited I get somewhat violent like “OH MY GOD IM GOING TO EAT THE DRYWALL” excited
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Lucifer did not trust or like you when the two of you first met. You were a demon, he thought at first, and disliked you immediately. Sure, he may be a fallen Angel now, a previous Archangel, but he refuses to compare himself to a demon, to be seen beside a demon aside from Diavolo.
He is more embarrassed of the fact he’d have to rely on you to help him through the Devildom, but maybe he hopes you’ll back down because of the fact, as a demon, caring for the traitors of the Celestial realm would ruin your reputation, or cause you to get in the line of fire with other demons.
But… You didn’t.
You got disgusted looks, glares, and were even spat at because of the fact you associated with them, with him, but you didn’t seem to care one way or the other, just keeping your head high and keeping by his side, not even caring if he did his own glaring and snide comments towards you.
You always came back to him no matter what he said to you.
When learning that you were human, he got a little softer towards you. Perhaps underestimating you sue to your mortality and how fragile you are, always monitoring you as if you weren’t already skilled around the Devildom, as if you didn’t have the power to destroy him with a flick of your wrist, as if you weren’t his own attendant.
Despite him growing protective over you, you always protected him in the end, even if he insisted he didn’t need such from a ‘human’ such as yourself.
“A fallen angel…” a demon had whispered while you two were walking down the street together, you showing him the best record stores in town. “How disgusting. I can smell the Celestial realm on it.”
Lucifer didn’t care, of course. What would engaging with a lowly demon do? But you, your Wrath was clearly showing when you side eyed the demon with a sneer. They seemed to notice you.
“And a demon? I feel bad for them…” Another whispered.
“I’d rather kill myself than be seen near that forsaken angel!” The demon cackled to their partner.
It set you off, even if Lucifer tried to grab your wrist to stop you. You approached the demons, and Lucifer felt his heart lurch. If you got hurt, they would smell the blood on you. How human it was. How soft you were. How pathetically fragile you are. It would ruin Diavolo. It would ruin everything Lucifer was trying to build.
He was about to shout when you grabbed the demon by the horns and tossed them to the ground, an aura about you radiating that made him shiver. You whispered something to the demon in their ear and suddenly their arm was twisted abnormally, as if the bones had shattered themselves at your voice, the skin stretching to accommodate the poking bones.
The demon could only scream, but silenced itself when you covered their mouth. “If I ever,” you said lowly to them. “Hear you utter those words, or any word for that matter, towards Lucifer and his brothers, I will make sure you lose more than just an arm.”
A single glance to the other demon cowering away from you only nodded, understanding the threat went both ways.
You suddenly flipped a switch and walked over to Lucifer with a smile, as if you hadn’t caused a demon to almost piss themselves because of you.
“Let’s get something to eat,” you said with a groan, holding your stomach. “I’m starving!”
He could only follow you silently to Hells Kitchen, unable to speak for a while after those events. He understood finally that you could be trusted to handle yourself, and, to handle his brothers (and himself).
It allowed him to lower his guard around you, to stop seeing you as a soft little human and more of an embodiment of pure, raw power that ended up in a human as kind, as empathetic, as funny and creative and beautiful and handsome as…
As you.
He would never admit his infatuation of you, finding it silly that he would fall for you so quickly. Perhaps it was a moment of weakness because of his Fall. Perhaps he was desperate for interaction with something other than loathsome demons aside from Diavolo. Perhaps it was the fact you were human and the very existence of humans brought him back to Lilith always.
How she gave herself up for them, for one.
It made him sick. It made him hate himself. It made him want to hate you, deep down.
How can he love the very thing that ruined his life? That ruined his brothers’ life? That caused his Father to have to try and punish Lilith for this.
He hated the way his heart throbbed in his chest when you were around. Those eyes gazing into his with a smile so kind, ignoring the harsh words that would escape his lips cursing your existence as a human being, yet you continue to smile at him.
He hates this feeling. He wishes it to go away. He wishes to stop seeing you in his dreams every night, imagining your hands running through his hair, kissing his skin, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. He wishes he didn’t want to spend more time with you. He wishes much, much more.
A toxic, bitter disgust settles on his tongue, like eating a sour lemon, leaving nothing but an ache in his heart and a bundle of confusion, anger, and sadness tangled up inside his chest.
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Lucifer sits in his room, idly doing paperwork that seemed to never lessen in their stacks, to him, it only seems to grow more and more. He sighs quietly and drops his quill, settling his face in his hands, listening to the idle crackle of the fire in the background. His shoulders were stiff and so was his back. Lucifer considered for just a moment of taking a break, but there was an itch in the back of his mind urging him forward, that it had to be finished today. If he didn’t finish, it will ruin his reputation with Diavolo.
Just before he picked up his pen, there was a knock on his office door. He furrowed his brows, thinking it was on of his brothers coming to complain about one another again, or to complain about Mammon taking something from them again, he sighed;
“Come in.”
To his surprised (and to his dismay), you entered with a cup of coffee in hand along with a small box balancing on your forearm that held the cup as you opened the door, shutting it behind you with your foot as you grabbed the box in your now free hand. You smiled at him, ignoring his little glare, which would’ve been terrifying if you hadn’t seen it all before.
“This was an unexpected visit, MC.” He said, looking down at his paperwork. “Did one of my brothers tell you to come here?”
“Nope!” You said, setting down the box in front of him, on top of his papers, and the cup of coffee on the side away from the papers, because you didn’t want to annoy him, or spill the coffee. You’d… never see the next day, if you did.
“I came here to see you, Lucifer”.
The ache returned and so did the taste of something sour and bitter, he clenched his hand underneath his desk subconsciously, looking away from you and down at his paperwork, trying to give you the hint to leave him alone.
But you never left, as you never do.
“Aheeemm.” You cleared your throat annoyingly loud, making him sigh.
“Try the coffee I made you!”
“…I prefer to make my own coffee, thank you.” He muttered, pretending to read off of his paper.
“Luciferrrr…” You whined, sitting down in the chair across his desk, sighing loudly. “If you at least look in the box I got you and drink just a little sip of that coffee, I swear to you, I’ll bribe your brothers to leave you alone for the rest of the day. At least until I make dinner.”
He glances up at you and sighs quietly, dropping his pen again. “Fine.” He said, grabbing the box first, “you better hold up to your word.”
You nodded happily and lean forward in your chair to get a closeup of his face. Upon opening the box, he sees Devil macaroons from Madam Scream’s, Princess’ Poison Apple flavored. He’s narrowing his eyes at the name, never hearing of that before, given that you are the one introducing most of Devildom’s cuisines to him, when he ever has time.
“I always think of the Poison Apple like green apples,” you said with a hum. “I mean they’ve never gotten me sick, but they do have a bitterness about them with a hint of sweetness, kinda like how dark chocolate does.”
He barely understands half of what you’re talking about but he shuts the box and sets it to the side, aiming for the coffee. He was feeling a little exhausted, thinking about drinking some of his own brew in a few hours or so.
You look more excited as he brings the cup to his lips.
The taste of incredibly bitter coffee hit his tongue immediately, the warm black brew made his heart quicken, and tongue tingle. But the taste, the horrible bitter taste, it made his nose scrunch up.
Yet it was so warm, comforting, and familiar.
“You couldn’t have at least put sugar in this.” He glares at you as you snicker lightly as his expression.
“Sorry, sorry. But I did.” You said, standing up. “It’s a special bean brew I got from the shop today. The reason it’s so bitter is because it brings out the admiration the maker has for the drinker. That being you!”
His hands, through his gloves, are warmed by the mug of coffee, the crackling of fire filling in the silence that settled between you two. He couldn’t bare to look away from you as the tips of his ears grew warm while staring back into those eyes.
So soft.
So loving.
So perfect.
Lifetimes could go by and he could never be bored. Thousands upon thousands of years and never once forget. Devildom was suppose to be a punishment, a way to bare his sins, but how can this be a punishment when you were here in front of him? A human being that surely was a silent gift from his Father to him and his brothers. You must have been. To be molded so perfectly, to have your soul reflect his very being.
You reach your hand out to him, tilting your head to the side, as if examining him, and settle your hand upon his cheek, rubbing your thumb across it tenderly. He almost melts into your touch, craving it, missing it.
Then the comfortable silence is broken by the sound of yelling coming from downstairs, a mixture of Mammon and Levi arguing along with Satan’s screaming at them. You sigh and pull back, a fond smile on your face.
“Well, a deal is a deal,” you said standing up. “I’ll go take care of that and call you down for dinner, okay? And you can’t say no because I’ll drag you down.”
You leave the room, quickly, in order to stop the brothers from possibly breaking anything. Lucifer, before you opened the door and shut it behind you, almost reaches out to grasp you, to hold you close, to never let you leave.
Then the commotion downstairs dies down as quickly as it started.
You were a human of your word.
He looks to the mug and brings it back to his lips, savoring the bitterly sweet flavor that spreads in his mouth and throat as he drinks it down, never stopping as the warmth continues to burn at his heart and melt him. He wants to savor it, but the greed inside of him wants more and more to drink, to taste more of the feelings you brewed inside the coffee, to feel more of your love.
Lucifer set down the empty cup, his throat tightening as a wave washes over him, a singular tear running down his cheek. He wipes it away gently as he breathes out, shakily, confused.
He wants to drown in this lovely bitter feeling for all of eternity.
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Mammon believes he doesn’t need you. You may be their attendant to lead them around the Devildom, to get them settled, but he doesn’t need you. After all he’s The Great Mammon! He can do everything himself, if need be. It’s what he’s always done. Looking after his little brothers, looking after his older brother. It’s something he’s always done, even if the other brothers seem to hate him for it, or to berate him for whatever reason. They’re his brothers after all, he knows that they love him, even if they’re a little mean to him. He loves them dearly, even if he can never express it, or put it into actions properly.
But you always see through it somehow. Always giving him a playful smile when he unintentionally compliments his brothers. Never taking his little snide comments to you to heart, only lightly rolling your eyes at him, like you’ve heard it all before.
He doesn’t need you.
He didn’t need you to walk with him through RAD, keeping him from running off away from his classes, holding his arm and ignoring his complaining.
“Lemme go!” He struggled, though, not putting much weight into his struggling or fight. He could toss you off if he desperately wanted to.
“UGGHH I don’t wanna go to my classes! If I do, I’m gonna die. I’m actually gonna die, they’re so boring! Ya’ know that too! You were halfway of fallin’ asleep last period!”
“Yeah but I still managed to write all the notes in the class down, unlike you.”
“Nuh uh! I got m’ notes!”
He doesn’t need you to help him. To scold him. He’s already got Lucifer to do all of that. He doesn’t need you he doesn’t.
“Hey!” The sudden snap of your voice caused him to jump as he heard the snickers of a demon running away.
That’s when he saw his wallet being waved around in the demons hand, as if mocking Mammon because of the fact he was robbed blind, barely even registering it.
Mammon didn’t need you, he couldn’t easily just chased after the demon and caught up to them no problem. After all, he was the most fast of his brothers. Fastest swimmer, flyer, runner. He would’ve caught up with the demon if you hadn’t chased after them, sprinting after them and catching up only a few feet away, tackling them to the ground and slamming their head to the ground.
“Get offa me!” The demon yelled, trying to stretch themselves from you getting the wallet. “That traitor angel has Diavolo wrapped around his finger! It’s not like he’ll miss petty pocket change!”
This only angered you further. Mammon could only watch with wide eyes as you, a human, began to plummet the demons face in. Hitting them, scratching them, anything you could do to their face to make then scream and wail and try and fight you off. They tried to shove you, but you grabbed their horns and slammed their head down into the marble, rendering them completely dazed. You snatched the wallet from their loosened grip, standing up with a disgusted grimace, and spit down onto them.
“Next time I see your disgusting face around here again, I’ll curse you to live in eternal agony.” You gritted your teeth, giving a kick to the demons side, and walking off back to Mammon.
He didn’t need you. He could’ve done it himself. He doesn’t need a human to defend him, to fight for him, he doesn’t need-
“Here you go Mams.” You smiled, wiping your bloodied knuckles on your uniform pants. His wallet in one piece. “Make sure to keep your wallet in the side pocket. That way you don’t get your wallet swiped. Trust me, I’ve learned from experience.”
You were snickering as if nothing big just happened, grabbing his arm and dragging him off to the next class as he was in a daze, looking down at the wallet. There was a small bit of blood on the leather.
Mammon’s heart began to race as he wiped the blood off the leather with his thumb, swallowing hard. A warmth crawling up his neck and spreading across his cheeks.
He… wants you to need him too…
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Mammon hated today. He hated everything today. Leviathan blamed him for stealing some stupid figure from his room and complained to Lucifer. Lucifer decided it would be a great idea to string him up on the chandelier again for making Leviathan bother him while he was working and for stealing. Not listening to his protests. He was struggling against the binds as Asmodeus sighed pitifully at Mammon.
“Seriously, Mammon, you need to learn from your mistakes. This is, like, what, the fifth time this week.” Asmodeus looked down at his nails and picked at one of them.
“I told ya! It ain’t my fault! I didn’t steal shit from Levi!”
“Yes you did! Just admit it!” Levi cried. “It was a rare collectible! My prized jewel! I know you stole it, scummy Mammon! Give it back!”
“I didn’t. Steal. Yer’. Stupid. Toy!”
“It isn’t a toy! Monster!”
“Hey!” Your voice was like a saving grace to Mammon when he heard you coming through the door, a hand on your hip. “The hells going on?”
“Mammon stole my ultra Ruri-Chan figurine! I know he did! He was the only one in my room today!”
“Did you?” You asked, looking at Mammon with a raised brow.
“No!” He yelled, tears almost coming into his eyes in frustration, only seeing Lucifer just stand idly by silently. “I didn’t steal shit! Sure I’ll steal somethin’ else from the house but I ain’t touching shit from Levi’s stuff! It’s all junk anyways!”
“You take that back!-“
“Enough.” Your voice silenced their bickering. You stepped forward and looked to Lucifer. “Let him down.”
The other brothers watched in awe at your tone, demanding Lucifer to do what you wanted. Lucifer raised a brow at you, testing you, expecting you to immediately back down. But your little staring contest ended in Lucifer sighing and snapping the rope and letting Mammon fall to the ground. He groaned but looked up at you with admiration, and a gratitude as his eyes continued to water. The frame of your figure was like a sunrise in the Devildom, purely beautiful to him, better than gold. His heart thrummed in his chest violently.
“Hey!” Levi whined. “He didn’t give my figurine back! He didn’t even apologize!”
“Levi,” you look at him and Levi wilted back. “You should clean your room once in a while. I found the figurine box buried under your clothes. It fell from the shelf because of the other figurines on it.”
Levi’s face burst into red, embarrassed. He began fiddling with his fingers, finding his nails more interesting. He avoided Mammon’s gaze the most, more than yours, as you untied Mammon easily.
You give him a little look, a raised brow. Like you were a disappointed parent. Lately you’ve tried to get the brothers to apologize more to Mammon whenever he is accused of things that he hasn’t done. Especially Levi and Mammon. You hoped to bring them closer, or at least stop them from constantly yelling at one another. Also to communicate, even a little bit better with one another.
“I-I know…” Leviathan muttered under his breath, looking at Mammon finally as he stood up. Levi breathed in and sighed.
“I’m sorry… I-I just-“ Levi’s face grew more redder than before, it almost rivaled any Devildom equivalent tomato. “I’m sorry Mammon. You know I get very protective over my stuff… Especially those figurines… I’m-I’m really sorry!”
Mammon couldn’t even feel the anger he felt before, staring at Levi, but his focus was mainly on you, what you did for him. He looked at Levi, than to you. You were more preoccupied looking over his skin and rubbing a loving touch over the slight rope burn on his skin.
“Uhm… Yeah.” Mammon looked down at floor with his face a little red from your soft touches. “It’s fine. Just quit blammin’ me for the fact you’re so messy, Levi. That rooms a pigsty, somethin’ is bound to get lost.”
“Hey! I-“ Levi looked at you and saw a look in your eyes, he immediately shut his mouth and nodded, running off back to his room and shutting the door.
Mammon was silently led by you to his room, much to the complaints of his other brothers, but he couldn’t have felt more proud as they complained, your attention solely on him. You sat down on his bed, looking at him as he stood there. He tried to ignore the drumming of his heart racing, the swelling, the tightness in his throat.
“Y’- y’gonna scold me now?”
“Do you think I am?”
“Then you know my answer.”
Mammon couldn’t hear anything else other than his ramming heart. He couldn’t focus. The pain and frustration of earlier mattered little to what he felt right now. You motioned him closer. He slowly approached and you grabbed his hand gently, sitting him down beside you and tapping your thigh. He settled his head on your lap, awkwardly.
He swallowed as you ran your fingers through his hair.
“You okay?” You asked quietly.
He couldn’t be more okay than right now. He nodded as he buried his face with a turn of his head into your stomach, smothering himself in the smell of your shirt and your skin. There was the scent of detergent along with the sweet scent of you. It was a warmth of you that made him want to cry. You always focused on him, like he was more important and than anything else. More important than money, than gold, higher than any deity. Like he was your everything, and the way you ran his fingers through his hair, he was brought back to a weird nostalgia. As if this has happened many times before. Your voice. Your touch. Your smell. It all felt…right.
He never wanted to leave this. Not at all.
“Yknow,” you spoke up, twirling a strand of his white hair. “Even though you can be a pain in my ass for getting in trouble so much…”
He grunted into your shirt, as if warning you about your words, which was a fruitless threat.
“You’re the best first man I could ever ask for.”
His breath caught his throat and tears welled up in his eyes, now soaking into the fabric of your shirt. His lower lip trembled and he tried to smother himself further into you, wrapping his arms around you tightly, sniffling. That “first man” again… It made his heart soar, it made him want to hold you even tighter, to protect you like you protect him, it made him want to do everything for you, to bring you the joys that the world would have to offer, no matter the cost of Grimm.
“I love you…” He mutters. He wants to say it more. He wants to whisper it eternally, he wants you to feel what he feels, to suffer what he feels and how beautifully his chest aches for you, how there are words he wants to scream out to you.
“I love you… I love you…” He continues. Sniffling. He hates crying but he can’t help it.
He is your first man, as you’ve said. It’s his job to protect you, to provide for you, to give you the entire world, if you asked him to. And he’s more than willing to do it.
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It was your mission to change Levi, even a little bit. By change, you wanted to bring confidence to him, a confidence he never had in the Devildom or the Celestial Realm. Even a little bit of it would go a long way. You’ve made a little progress, which goes a long way in your book, but there are set backs to your hard work.
Like the demons at RAD especially.
It irritated you to no end about how they make fun of Levi, it pissed you off. But Levi didn’t understand your anger. He would sulk constantly because he knew what they were saying, but it wasn’t like you were apart of their comments about him. Levi just didn’t get you.
Especially when you do the things he doesn’t expect people do to for him. You fuel his spirits as an otaku. You buy him mangas you knew he’d love, watch anime with him constantly when you were over at the HOL, playing games with him or watching him play. It brought him a peace he didn’t know he could achieve, it made his heart race, his hands sweat, and face heat up. It was everything he ever wanted and more. Perfect, even. And it was hard to say “perfect” in the House of Lamentation, especially around his brothers.
You two were sitting in the partially empty classroom with other demons taking their seats, waiting for class to start. He was rambling about the new game he hoped to get so you can play together.
“I heard that it’s an open world and there’s so many options you can do as of gameplay that can also build your character and their personality that will affect the choices that will pop up in the game! Oh and-“
“Oh my gosh does this guy ever shut up?” You heard a demon behind you whisper. Well, not exactly whisper. They made it to where Levi could hear what they said.
Levi immediately shut his mouth tightly, looking down at the table, picking his painted nails quietly as his cheeks turned red from embarrassment. This made you grit your teeth, turning around to the demon who continued to idly chat to their table partner.
“Hey, what the hell is your problem?”
“No… MC you don’t have to-“
“My problem? What’s his problem? He’s been going a mile a minute without a single breath and it’s annoying. Plus he was talking too loud and basically made it hard for me to even have a conversation.” The demon sneered at you, leaning their cheek against their hand. “I basically did you a favor by saying what we’re all thinking.”
You opened your mouth to say something else, to argue for Levi, but he grabbed your hand gently. “It’s fine… I mean I was being weird and-“
“You know what.” You interrupted, looking at the demon. “We’re sorry for interrupting your conversation.”
You turned away from the demon’s table, leaving Levi to sit there and stare at you, doubt immediately filling his mind. Did you mean that? Did you agree with the demon? But you were staring at him so sweetly as he explained his game… Was he just seeing it- was-
Then he heard the sound of muffled yelling and the words of the demon desk mate of the other rude demon who interrupted you and Levi’s conversation. Levi turned back to see the demon clawing at their face, mainly their mouth, which appeared to be sealed shut, as if their lips were glued together. Levi turned to you when he saw your slightly sadistic smirk as the two demon deskmates hurried out of the room.
Levi looked at you, then back at the door the demon scurried out of, then back at you. You were smiling, those eyes explained everything he needed to know about what happened.
“We can’t interrupt their conversation if they can’t have one, can we?”
Levi stared at you like a fish out of water, wide eyes and red cheeks as his heart raced, confused thoughts racing through his mind. Why? Why do this for someone like him?
“Levi? Aren’t you gonna tell me more about the game? You have to! We’re gonna play it together, right? I gotta know all about it first so we can enjoy it!” Grinning playfully at him, all thoughts were thrown out of the window as he relaxed.
That’s right, he never wanted anything more than to talk to you.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
“MC! MC YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS!” He was practically shaking you before you even stepped foot in his door. Somehow he detected that you were walking down the hallway to his room and he opened the door before you knocked and said the passcode.
“Uh, what can’t I believe?” You gently put your hands on his shoulders to stop him from rattling your brain too much.
“COME IN! LOOK!” He dragged you inside and shut the door, locking it so no normies (his brothers) entered the room.
He pointed to his partially filled up bookshelf filled with hardcovers and manga volumes. There, on a lone shelf with a single hard book, was the infamous TSL book you saw when you first arrived to the Devildom and spoke to Levi.
“There’s finally a hardcover book on Tales of Seven Lords! Can you believe it!? I was the first one to revive the book! The hardcover no less! Look at it!” He grabbed it off the shelf and shoved it in your hands to look at the skillfully crafted art covered front.
“IM SO SO HAPPY! I could die! I could literally die right now!” He squealed and bounced up and down and barely even breathing from his excitement, on the verge of gritting his teeth as he clenched and unclenched his fists to conceal the urge to just explode! “OH! MC, so you know the third lord right!? The lord-“
“The Lord of Shadows.” You smiled at him fondly, as if reminiscing on a memory that was most treasured to you, the day you two first met, gazing at him with just as much devotion as it was in your words.
He stopped slowly, staring at you with wide eyes and he blinked. You knew about TSL? Well, it’s no wonder you knew about it, it’s pretty famous and he did ramble to you about it more than once, and during those rambles you’d always… Stare at him. With those eyes so soft and urging him to continue, never stopping him once. Even when he went on for hours and hours you never stopped him unless you wanted to get a snack or drink or use the bathroom, even then you always came back and would sit down right next to him and just… Listen. Usually incorporating your own thoughts into the conversation, but mainly letting him speak. And in those rambles, you remembered everything. The memories itself made him blush and heart pound, his hands sweating and his legs feel like jello.
Even now, the way you looked at him, it made him feel even worse, as if his legs would give out any moment and he would collapse into your arms and still you would look at him with that expression. So warm and loving, something he never thought in his loser life he’d see. He’s only seen it in anime, never IRL.
“Levi?” The sound of his name snapped him out of his stupor.
“Uh- Huh? What?”
“You were telling me about the Lord of Shadows, yeah? What did you wanna say?”
“I uh…” he can’t speak, his mouth feels dry as tears well up in his eyes, the overwhelming warmth crawling in his chest and prickling his skin. He wants to crush you in a hug, or he just wants to kiss you- okay no too far! He… He doesn’t know what to do with himself. All he can do is breathe shallowly as he stares at you, the tears running down his face.
“Levi?” You furrow your brows in concern, putting the book gently back in its place on the shelf, and stepping forward to him, a hand pressed against his cheek. “You alright?”
Oh the warmth of your skin sends tingles up his spine. He relaxes into the softness of your palm, more tears running down his face. It felt so right, so perfect, like time never passed and it was just you and him in this moment. He never thought he’d experience this normie encounter, this ‘love’, that he always watched or read about in cheesy anime romances, but the way you rubbed his tears away only made it more solid for him, more real.
“Are you okay?” You ask again, more quietly, softly, as if he would lurch away from you like a frightened fish.
“Yes…” He breathed out, sniffling. He shuts his eyes tightly, not being able to look you in the eye, and brings you into his arms, needing to feel more of your warmth, of your pure love. “I just… really, really, really like you. Like… uhm… like like you.”
You chuckle quietly as his embarrassment, running your fingers through his hair. “I like like you too, Lev.”
His blush only worsened as he buried his face in your neck, breathing in the scent of your skin, holding you even tighter.
You always listened to him. You have him all the confidence he could ever want in the world, even if it wasn’t much. He’d promise that one day, he was gonna have enough confidence to let the words “love you” slip from his lips and not in his texts…
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Satan is angry. He was born angry. Angry over what? He never understood why he was angry, he just was. The urge to just destroy, to tear everything he touched, saw, smelled and tasted apart. To rip into everything and make sure nothing would be recognized from it, whether that be a person or an object.
He never understands why he’s like this.
He doesn’t wanna be like this. He doesn’t wanna constantly feel the rage bubbling inside his chest and cause him to clench his fists tight, to make him grit his teeth, to make the unshed tears of frustration well in his eyes and almost fall. He doesn’t want to feel them. He wants to understand why he feels this way constantly, why it gets to the point he wants to rip off his own skin, to claw his way out of his flesh and rip his hair out, to rip anyone apart, even his proclaimed brothers.
Satan was angry at them the most.
Anything they did made him angry and he hated being angry and he hated it when they did it constantly. The yelling, the pointless bickering, the scheming, Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer. He blamed Lucifer for all of this, for making him the way he is. He’s angry over something that’s now passed and what is his purpose now? What is he supposed to be angry about now? He doesn’t even know why he’s supposed to be angry in the first place, tell him Lucifer, tell him what the point is in being angry over something he doesn’t understand. Was this his punishment for a war he didn’t even realize he was apart of?
He doesn’t understand and that makes him even more angry. He hates being angry. He hates his brothers. He hates everything and it’s a pain because he doesn’t want to. He can only hope that this anger tires him out so he can sleep, the only time ever him and his brothers ever find peace.
But there is no peace or rest for Wrath.
It surges through him as Satan tosses the coffee table to the wall, shattering the glass and causing the wall to crack, leaving an indent in it. He yells at nothing, the animalistic snarls and growls echoing through the living room as he continues to break everything in his sight and throw everything. His brothers can only watch as he destroys the living room.
“Satan!” He hears Asmo yell. “Stop it! You’re gonna throw something at us! If something hits my face you’re so dead!”
“Seriously Satan, calm down! It’s not the serious!” Mammon chimed in, trying to enter the living room but was quickly conked in the head by a hardcover book. “OW! Hey! That’s it! When you’re done with yer little temper tantrum, you better run!”
“Shut up, you imbecile!” Satan yelled, his throat tightening. He hates what he’s doing but he can’t help it. The anger hurts so much he can’t help but destroy. Even the precious books we was starting to enjoy, the thing that taught him what he needed to know about this new world he was created in.
“Satan,” HIS voice finds its way in Satan’s ears and he tenses, gritting his teeth, the anger almost bursting inside of him like a volcano, only worsening at the sound of Lucifer. “Don’t make me have to string you up at the chandelier again.”
Satan turned his head to his eldest brother, a sneer present across his face. They both stares each other down, Satan’s wrath boiling over. He was on the verge of pouncing when you suddenly showed up. You must’ve heard the commotion of crashing and yelling while on your way to HOL and came over immediately, maneuvering your way through the brothers.
Satan stares back at you, the rage inside of him still eating it’s way out of him. He wants to hurt you too. And that’s what makes him hate himself and his sin even more.
“Satan?” Your voice calls to him as he clenched his fists, shaking with anger. The frustrated tears began to leak from his eyes, down his cheeks, his teeth clenched so tight they could break.
“Hey,” you approach him slowly, taking small steps forward, your arms raised and open for him. “Cmere. It’s alright, let’s breathe, okay?”
“We’ve been telling him to breathe!” Asmo said with a pout. “But he wouldn’t-“
You looked at Asmo and he closed his mouth, seeing the look in your eyes saying “not now” and he understood. The brothers were ushered away by Lucifer when you looked at him. Crowding Satan wasn’t helping and you knew this.
“Satan?” You called again, his name sliding off of your lips like it was a name that was only meant for a demon that is important.
He couldn’t answer you as he continued to tremble, his nails digging into his palms.
“Hey…” You motioned your arms a little with a smile, stepping forward, closer to him, only inches away. “Is it okay if I touch you?”
He nods, slowly, swallowing hard as he tries to breathe but it comes off as rapid and heavy, given that he basically trashed the entire living room for half an hour.
Your warm arms wrapped around his torso. He was stiff as a board, still shaking, not returning your hug, afraid of hurting you if he even dared to touch you. Your hold was gentle as you brought his head closer to your shoulder for him to lean into, his heavy breathing hitting your neck as well as a bit of sweat and the tears that went down his face. Your fingers danced through his blonde hair. Your breathing was relaxed, composed, your heartbeat did not skip. It was calm. You were calm. Not worried at all around him, only leaning your head on his as your fingers continued to thread through his hair.
Satan’s shaky hands slowly came up around you, finding their way to your shirt, gripping it tightly, almost close to tearing it from his sharp nails. His face buried itself further into the crook of your neck, the tears hitting your skin hard as he breathed out shakily, biting his tongue to silence himself and try and hold himself together, but his resolve was breaking at the seams from how you held him so gently, like he was the fragile one and not the demon that destroyed everything in the house.
His breath hitched and a choked back cry left his throat, his legs slowly giving out beneath him as he began to crumple to the floor. You followed him, guiding his body down to the ground and still continuing to hold him. He was practically in your lap now, legs tightly around your waist as tightly as the hands that gripped your shirt. His anger began to simmer to a halt immediately, the scent of you overwhelming it, bringing his racing heart to a calming pace as he matched your breathing. The adrenaline coming down, leaving him at an all time low.
It was never usually like this after his rampages… He never felt this much clarity, no matter how bittersweet.
“You wanna talk about it?”
He didn’t give any indication of yes or no, simply keeping still.
“Was it your brothers?”
A slow nod. Yes.
“They say something to you?”
He shook his head. No.
“Mm. Too loud today?”
Nod. Yes.
“I’m guessing you were reading?”
He didn’t even need to nod for you to know. You sighed quietly. You’d have to scold them. But that could come later.
“I’m sorry…” his voice rasped out, muffled by your skin.
“About the furniture? Don’t worry, I got it covered-“
“No. About the book. The book I was reading.” He said, his grip on you getting tighter, like an apology. “It got so loud I snapped it in half… All of the pages were everywhere and that made me angrier… You got that book for me and I wanted to read it in the living room but they just ruined it… They ruined the reading time I wanted and I ruined the book… I’m sorry… I’m so-“
“Hey,” you move your hand up to his cheek, making him reluctantly move himself away from your neck and look into your eyes. “Don’t worry about the book. I’m more worried about you. I can always get another for you.”
You were worried about him. There was no doubt you saw the state of the living room; the overturned, torn couches that bled out fluff everywhere, the scratched up walls with a few dents in them from him throwing everything he could at them, broken glass here and there, splinters, and more. And yet you were more concerned about him.
Satan’s heart pounded softy in his chest, tightening, he swallowed again. He wasn’t angry or overwhelmed with rage, just warm. A good warm. A warmth that could only be described as admiration as the soft look started to get into his head, unable to remove it from his memory, which it was engrained in.
He buried his face back into your neck. He was exhausted and you weren’t making it any easier on him. The exhaustion of his rampage hit him like a truck and the warmth of your words and your body only soothed him further. Is this what the brothers meant by the Celestial Realm? Describing the bliss of it, the clarity, the pure warmth with the sun constantly beaming down on them. You were Satan’s sun in the dark Devildom, lulling him to sleep.
You smile at him and kiss his temple, the flesh tingling after your lips leave his skin. His heart was practically buzzing now.
You always took care of him…
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“MC, is there a reason you’re covering my eyes?”
“It’s a surprise! You’ll know it when you see it! Oh- watch your footing here, there’s a few holes in the pavement.”
Your hands covered Satan’s eyes, leading him over to who-knows-where with a smile on your face, almost mischievous, or maybe it just looked that way due to your excitement. You led him carefully through the Devildom Main Street, going past stores and other shops, mindful of the demons walking past the two of you. Your smile only grew as you made him stop.
“Are we there?”
“Yup! You just need to reach out your hand, okay? Push.” You instructed, leading him to the door.
He followed your instructions and pushed open the door, the sound of a bell chiming and the scent of coffee and tea enveloping his senses, as well as the sudden feeling of something rubbing against his leg. You removed your hands and suddenly Satan’s eyes adjusted to the soft lights, as well as the noise of… meowing?
He looked down to see an orange cat rubbing itself against his leg, purring loudly and chittering as it did so. Satan’s eyes grew wide as he looked at him, a bubbling of excitement building in his chest. He looked at you.
“Surprise! It’s a cat cafe! It opened a few weeks ago and I just had to bring you! They even have a little bookshop just across the way so it’s pretty convenient and cozy, yeah? Oh! Before that!” You grabbed his hand and led him to a booth by the window. “I got us seats reserved beforehand!”
Satan could only mutely follow your lead and sit down at the booth, the orange cat returning to jump onto the table and sit there proudly, a little lazy smile on its face. Satan looked at you again.
“You- You did this for me?”
“Mhm!” A waiter came by and handed you the menus and you skimmed through it, already knowing what was on the menu given that this cafe was there in the future, you having gone to it multiple times before with Satan.
Satan could barely breathe as you handed him the menu, looking down at it and then to the cat, who slowly blinked at him. He slowly blinked back with a small smile. You snickered under your breathe when you practically saw stars forming in his eyes at the orange cat that now lazily laid itself on the table, as if it owned the place, as expected of many cats.
“Thank you MC…” He said, petting the cat on its side with a soft smile. “You didn’t have to do this.”
“I didn’t.” You smiled. “But I wanted to.”
Satan has always read about love in romance novels, always seen how the author describes love as a bundle of emotions that mix into one, becoming overwhelming, in a way that is painful, but it feels good, the pain, as it is described. Needing to hold the lover so tightly, needing more and more of their mind, body, and soul, needing their warmth, unable to breathe unless speaking their name. And when they speak their name of their lover, it’s like taking a breath in of their existence and exhaling it, needing more and more of their entire being that consumes the mind of the protagonist.
Satan never understood the feeling until now. Gazing upon you as the streetlights beam through the window and cast upon your face, almost like a halo or as if you were descending from the Heavens and in front of him now. Satan could barely breathe, nor think, for the very first time. This feeling he felt, he realized that it would last lifetimes, even more. Seeing you would be like falling in love for the very first time.
He began to thank his Father in the Celestial Realm, a Father whom he’s never met, but thanks him anyway, for creating you, for letting you sit in the booth with him now.
He doesn’t even realize your hand had enveloped his across the table, fingers intertwined perfectly. His fingers closed in on your hand. Oh your warmth… His heart pounded and eyes began to tear up without his notice.
Oh the love inside his chest as he stared at you, never breaking the silence with you and enjoying the bliss of the somewhat quiet cafe, the occasional chatter of demons, the clang of silverware, the meowing the cats. He felt no anger boil inside of him, just peace, peace for the very first time.
“I love you, MC.” He blurted out, the word ‘love’ heavy on his tongue, exhaling your name. He felt like it wasn’t enough.
Your smile made his heart almost stop. “I love you too Satan.”
He firmly head your hand, blinking back the tears that came from the weird familiarity that bloomed in his chest. It’s like he’s known you for decades, even more, and loved you for longer.
“I love you.” He repeats, more softly.
There’s a glint in your eyes, like you know. Like you’ve always known. “I love you too.”
He was born from rage, but you give him new purpose, you complete his newly formed heart. And he hopes that his existence can complete yours, as well.
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Asmodeus is beautiful, everyone knows this. The Jewel of the Heavens, now the Jewel of Hell. Quite literally a diamond in the rough. But somehow he shines despite this, and he knows this, he can tell by the way some demons start to warm up to him, or begin to stare for longer at him than they previously did when he first arrived at the Devildom.
He adores the attention. He craves it. He knows he’s beautiful, but to be appreciated for his beauty is even more than what he could ask for.
But yet it isn’t enough. He loves it yet somehow it… irritates him.
Perhaps it is the fact he’s still seen as the jewel of heaven? Loved for who he once was, not the beauty of who he is now? Maybe they are right with how they viewed him. His old self was probably better than who he is now. No longer as pure as he was, no longer with those beautiful wings and now stuck with the ugly leather and scorpion tail.
He knows he’s beautiful, he does. But yet why does he feel sick looking at himself in the reflection of his mirror, no longer seeing himself as Asmodeus and rather a stranger.
Asmo is torn between his thoughts, trying to find himself among the doubt, the insecurity, the pain of who he is. Give him the attention he deserves, the attention he needs, but see him.
See him… Please.
Love him.
I can’t be the only one that loves myself, can I?
But then you came into his life, to his brothers lives, in all your glory as a human being in the scary Devildom, completely unafraid by the demons around you, their strength, and the strange ingredients and the wildlife that surrounds you.
At first, he thought you would be like most humans he heard demons talk about, including angels. All humans are known for being helpless against temptation, all falling to the urges of power or lust, it was quite simple to do. But with you, it’s like you saw right through him, eyes sharp and looking past the persona he’s built for himself for eons, all in a single glance.
It terrified him.
You somehow could read him as easily as a book and it scared him. You saw past his beauty and it scared him. You saw his insecurities in himself, the occasional doubt, and it makes him almost want to cry. You could easily use this ability to your advantage, take him down a notch, to ruin him in the Devildom, or to use him as your own benefit.
But you don’t.
Instead, you protect him with your life practically on the line, forgetting you are a lone human (aside from Solomon) in a realm of demons, protecting him from the lowlife that try and take advantage of him as the newly established Avatar of Lust.
You two were at Majolshi. You came with him often in the Devildom, acting like a guard dog in a way, and keeping him up to date with a latest Devildom fashion. After all, he’s trying to establish himself in the Devildom as an influencer.
“Hey, Asmo,” you called to him. He looked up from the rack of clothes he was filing through. “I’m gonna go to the register to check these out, okay? If you wanna get any more, just hand it to me, my treat.”
Asmo gave you a surprised look and then pouted. “Darling! I could easily pay for everything! You may be my attendant, but you don’t need to spoil me so much!”
“But I like spoiling you.” Your smile was sweeter than sweet, like saccharine, and it made his heart jump to his throat. It threw all other thoughts out the window and he nodded dumbly, accepting you paying for him.
He looked back at the rack and felt his cheeks heat up, a dumb smile on his face. He was acting as if he were a Highschool teen that had a crush. He couldn’t help but silently giggle to himself as he thought of it, considering it so silly. But he didn’t mind it… He’s always been a sucker for romances. And adding you to the mix only made it worse.
Then suddenly he felt arms wrap around his waist. He froze.
The thing about Asmo is that he knew your touch like the back of his hand. Your touch was soft, warm, any imperfections in your hands he has memorized, practically engraved into his skin.
This was not your touch.
It was cold. Rough. Unfamiliar.
It made him sick.
“Hey there,” the feeling of disgusting hot breath fanned on his beautiful skin, causing his nose to curl in disgust. “You’re the Avatar of Lust, right? Asmodeus? Yknow, I don’t understand how the Celestial Realm could get rid of a prize like you.”
Asmo clenched his fists, ready to toss this disgusting filth into a wall and break all of their limb.
“Oh well, more for us here in the Devildom, right?”
The sound of your voice was like hearing a heroine arrive in a moment of bleakness. Asmo perked up but immediately felt his heart drop when you stopped over to him and the stranger, anger present on your face. You couldn’t possibly be thinking of attacking the demon, could you? As a human? You’d surely die! Or- Or-
You punched the demon square in the jaw, throwing them into the ground and immediately tackling them. Asmo could only gasp as you used all your strength inside your body to practically tear this demon apart with your bare hands, gritting your teeth and cursing under your breath. To others, you’d look like an unhinged animal, but to him, you couldn’t he anymore beautiful.
A worker came over and ripped you off of the demon, ushering you two to leave with your paid for items in hand.
You were panting as you and Asmo stood there in the street. Asmo was silent as you looked him over.
“You okay?” You asked, grabbing his hand. Your knuckles were cut open and bloody. He felt his heart break seeing your beautiful skin all torn.
“I should be asking you that…” He mumbled, grabbing your hand with a frown. “You didn’t need to do that for me, I’m not fragile…”
“I know this,” you said quickly, but then blushed a little and rubbed the back of your neck with a sheepish smile. “I just want to protect you! Cause I’m your attendant!”
“But you’re also human.” He whispered, eyes flickering to the people walking up and down the street.
“I know. But that won’t stop me from doing everything I can to protect you.”
Asmo felt his heart skip a beat at your words, his face further heating up, and he squealed quietly and pulled you into a hug, nuzzling his face into your hair as you chuckle.
He loves you. He adores you. He loves you so, so much.
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“Lamb, I don’t understand why you want to do this for me. As much as I love and appreciate it, I can do my makeup on my own!” Asmo pouted at you as you applied his foundation, softly dabbing the sponge across his face.
You only smile and pick up the brush to apply the red blush on his cheeks. “I know this but I like doing it anyways.”
It had been only a month ago when he asked you to do his makeup once, opting to know how you’d do his makeup and to brag to his brothers at how close the two of you were. But something changed the day you did his makeup. The way you would stop for a moment, staring directly into his eyes. It wasn’t like you were under his hypnosis or influence, he found that you were immune to it, but somehow you acted as if you were completely enamored by him.
And you were.
Even now, you caressed his cheek and would glance into his eyes, so close to him but not close enough. It started to make his heart race, his cheeks burst with color, and hands grow sweaty. It was strange for the Avatar of Lust to act so smitten with a mere human, yet here he was, completely floored for you.
You applied the blush to his cheeks, the bristles tickling his skin and he giggles lightly, unable to keep still in his seat.
“You’re so cute.” He said, wanting badly to just kiss your face, to hold it in his hands, but he had to keep himself still, lest you accidentally apply the blush to his forehead.
You said nothing, grabbing the lipstick, and grabbing his chin gently, as if he were a doll. This gave him a chance to look directly into your own eyes.
He hated it when you applied his lipstick, it forced him to look into those gorgeous eyes of yours and it made him fall even harder than he did previously. He swallowed as you gently moved the lipstick across his bottom lip first, glancing up at him and the way he stared back at you. Your smile only worsened the pounding in his chest. Was the air always this thick?
As you applied to the top lip, he could feel himself drown in the pools of your eyes, like you had his power instead. And the more he stared, the more he didn’t mind being completely miffed by you, being under your control. And it’s even more knowing that as much as he worships you, practically on the verge of kissing your feet, you worshipped him just as much in a way that makes him just want to hold you for eternity.
“Asmo?” Your voice called to him, already done. Though, you didn’t need to do much to enhance his beauty.
“Y-Yes?” He cursed himself for sounding so nervous, demanding confidence. It was so strange how he would become so flustered when it should be the other way around!
“You’re so beautiful…”
He’s heard his many time from others, but from you, it meant more.
To you, the word beauty described his whole being. His soul. His body. His mind. All completely beautiful to you, going past beauty and turning it into something more, something he couldn’t describe. The love in your eyes went beyond his own, somehow, going beyond your years.
All adoring him.
He finds himself tearing up, grasping desperately at your hand tightly, swallowing his spit to hydrate his drying throat.
“I love you.”
Lust was never suppose to love, was it? At least, that’s what he’s heard, as an Angel. Lust was selfish, demanding, carnal and uncaring, but you’ve shown him that it is more than what it was painted. There was a need there, a desire, a craving, an itch you cannot quite scratch. All of it filled him with Love.
You leaned in forward to him, pressing your forehead gently on his, your breath fanning against his lips. He holds your face in his hands, keeping you there in front of him, never taking his eyes off of you.
He begins to realize that Solomon sees this face everyday. To wake up to you everyday.
And he envy’s Solomon. What a lucky man…
“I love you too Asmodeus.”
And it sealed it for him.
He will never crave another body of a demon, human, nor angel as much as he craves you. No one could even compare. All he sees is you.
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Beelzebub is indifferent towards you, at first he believed he was. All that was on his mind was hunger, which irritated him. He loves food, don’t get him wrong, but the agonizing gnawing that comes with Gluttony is both painful and a nuisance. Though, he’s learned to just deal with it now, given that it’s his sin.
Though his brothers don’t seem to understand when he says he’s hungry. They don’t seem to understand the anger that comes with his Gluttony that claws its way in his stomach. It makes him think of everyone as meat, which scares him a little.
“Hey Beel, is something the matter?” Belphie had asked, albeit sleepily.
It was one afternoon at RAD and Beelzebub was bouncing his knee, gripping his stomach as if he were in pain, and biting his inner lip, trying to make the time go by faster. He looked to his twin.
“I’m hungry.”
Belphie was probably the only one who could understand the pain, if only for a little bit. Though, he wouldn’t understand the entirety, he understood more than the others. He pat Beel on the back to attempt to comfort him, but it didn’t do much.
“Lunch is in a few minutes, big guy, don’t worry.” Belphie said with a sympathetic smile.
Beel tried to smile back but it turned into a grimace as his stomach knotted, almost making him think it was eating itself. Then suddenly, you burst in the room, the professor, long since having stopped the lesson and leaving a few minutes of free time, jumped up at the sudden noise.
You matched over to Beel and opened your backpack, throwing out a bunch of snacks on the table of various Devildom chips and chocolates, a few being your favorites. You were sweating like you were running down the hall at full speed, he could hear your heartbeat pounding.
“Here you go Beel.” You huffed and puffed. You sighed and wiped your forehead. “Sorry! I felt that you were hungry so I ran all the way here when my class was wrapping up the lesson.”
“You… Felt I was hungry?” Beel tilted his head at you, eyeing the various treats and his mouth watered.
“Yeah! It’s like a sixth sense. Or maybe… An either sense? I have various senses for all of your brothers. Like now, I feel like Satan is about to flip his lid.” You giggled a little bit, rubbing the back of your neck.
Beel’s heart skipped a beat. “Thank you…” he whispered with a soft smile on his lips, opening up a bag of chips and eating it, he paused when you settled your hand on his head.
“Make sure to eat slowly, okay? I know it’s hard, but savoring it will make the time pass by faster for lunch, okay?”
He nodded mindlessly to you gentle smile, you give Belphie the same headpat, ruffling his already messy hair a bit. He grunted and poured a little but it made you smile even wider, rushing out the room to presumably stop Satan from breaking one of the tables in the classroom again.
Beel stared down at the table filled with snacks, his stomach had stopped its growling, the only sound that filled his ears was the sound of his own heartbeat picking up tempo. Belphie looked to his twin, seemingly sensing what he was feeling.
“You still hungry Beel?”
“Yes…” He gingerly took a chip and ate it slowly, savoring it, like you said. A small smile made its way to his lips. “But not as much anymore.”
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It’s no secret that you take care of Beelzebub a lot, no secret to his brothers that you have snacks on deck, and it’s no secret that whenever you’re around, his hunger seems to be kind to him and calm down after eating away at him. You’re also soft, which fits the dilemma for him as a soft giant. He towers over his brothers, minus Lucifer, who is only an inch shorter than him (though, he likes to smile at the thought, occasional ideas of holding stuff up to where Lucifer can’t reach, but the last time he did it, he was smacked on the head). Depending on your height, he’s relatively taller than you. But you always have had a hold on him in many ways that he didn’t realize.
It was one night where you and Beel were sitting together in the spare room, a room which you said was “familiar to you,” a similar feeling the brothers all had to the room. Even Belphie, who would sleep there more often than not.
The TV went on while the two of you watched a movie, a random movie that Beel had no opinion to it, just the fact it was new. You seemed to enjoy it, so he kept watching it with you. But he was more focused on the mass amount of popcorn in front of him, all in a huge bowl. He munched away at it, already, half of it was gone. You were next to him.
You then suddenly leaned in closer to him, leaning your head on his shoulder, Beel looked at you for a moment and swallowed the popcorn in his mouth. He was hungry still but grabbed a bit of popcorn and held it up to your lips. You mindlessly ate it, not really paying attention to anything other than the movie, or were just in your own world.
Beel smiled and continued to feed you, completely ignoring his own hunger, finding satisfaction in seeing you eat. It was strange, really. He couldn’t explain it. Every time you ate, he would stare, watching you chew and smile a little at the taste of the food, or look blissfully happy whenever you had something you really enjoyed, like the chocolates from Madam Scream’s or their pudding.
That’s when he stopped, realizing that the half filled bowl started to grow smaller, had he been feeding you all this time? You seemed to notice when your mouth finally realized it needed water.
“Thanks for the popcorn, Beel.” You laughed a little pausing the movie. His face grew a little pink.
“No, no, it’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting it. Thank you.”
Beel smiled a little and proceeded to pull you in closer, your back against his chest, his face buried in the side of your neck, holding you close. He wasn’t sure what to do with this feeling burning inside his chest, smelling the scent of your skin. Being near you felt right. The hunger was silenced and he felt full around you, but he couldn’t help but want more of you. You didn’t seem to mind his hold on you, opting to lean back against him and watch the movie, which was nearing its end, but there was no doubt he would continue to hold you even after the movie.
“You want any more popcorn?”
Surprisingly he shook his head and huffed, tightening his grip around you. Not enough to hurt you given his size, just firmly enough to where you can’t move a whole lot.
“Something wrong Beel?“ You ask. Though you know he’s perfectly fine, you just have to be sure. He’s a strong and loving giant, he can be a bit sensitive.
“Mhm. Just wanna hold you…”
You reach your hand up to put your hand to his hair, tilting your head to the side and kissing the side of his head. His arms tightened again, a smile on his face.
He never felt this way before, this much love all for one person. He loves his family and you being apart of it makes it even better. He doesn’t even believe he knows a world where you aren’t apart of it, nor does he ever want to experience it. He doesn’t want to imagine a world where you aren’t in his arms like this, where he doesn’t feed you or eat meals with him and his brothers.
“I love you, MC.”
He blurts it out without even realizing it until he says it, the word love is so sweet on his tongue. He hears you laugh a little. He can feel your heartbeat close to his ear.
“I love you too Beelz.”
After all he’s been through, he never thought he deserved a moment of peace after what he’s lost, but he’s learning to forgive himself. All because of you.
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Belphie is spoiled. Everyone in the Devildom knows this and everyone in the Celestial realm knows this. Given that he’s the youngest, he’s able to get away with almost anything. Lucifers punishments are akin to a slap on the wrist when it comes to his pranks. Mammon also spoils him rotten, mainly with “mysterious” gifts of soft blankets and pillows and then randomly asking Belphie about them, if he liked them, and trying to justify that is wasn’t him because; “why would I buy somethin’ like that when I can spend it on somethin’ I’d want!” But Belphie isn’t stupid and knows it’s him, but he stops asking if it’s him to keep him quiet so he can nap.
But he’s spoiled brat tendencies never really come out, unless it’s with you.
He pouts and gives you the silent treatment whenever you say you can’t come to the HOL, but quickly gives it up because that takes too much energy when he could spend it talking to you.
He’s also a brat when he comes over to you whenever you are at the HOL and flops himself practically on top of you, smothering you with his body weight, and falling asleep without a care in the world. He’ll only care if you try and get up.
He never was really like this with you, he was mainly indifferent towards you, but after the events of finding out you’re a human and slowly getting closer to you after all that’s happened, he’s was starting to get attached to you, especially when you started cuddling him.
The first time it happened, you had shown up to the HOL to take care of Levi and Asmo fighting this time around, which was surprising since they usually barely even registered one another. It was something about Levi being a shut in and what not, but either way, you took care of it.
You had sat down on the couch after it all, sighing, deciding that maybe you should just pass out from all the running around you had to do. You were an attendant, sure, but you were also a human too, energy tends to deplete faster than you expect.
Belphie suddenly appeared, pillow in arm, eyes all droopy. He’s sleepy, as far as you can tell, but he also looks a bit bitter.
“Move…” He muttered out.
“I said move.” He was sounding like a grumpy five year old with how he was acting, a five year old that didn’t have their nap yet.
You snicker at the thought, which made him pout further. You groan. “Just lay your head on my lap if you’re that tired.”
This made him feel wide awake. His eyes widen a fraction. He never really thought about laying his head on your lap. He mainly only ever laid his head on the laps of his brothers, well, mostly by force, unless it’s Beel. Beel is more than happy to let his twin sleep near him. But then there’s you.
Belphie thought for a moment and then sat down on the couch near you, leaning down to put his head in your lap. You sigh and lean your head back again against the cushions of the couch, hearing the crackle of the fire in the living room.
He was stiff until you started running your fingers through his hair and he immediately relaxed, his eyes growing heavy again.
It was strange.
For a moment it felt like time stilled, like all else had disappeared and it left just the two of you.
He’s never felt more warm in the Devildom before when it feel so cold all around him, so unnatural.
But you somehow make his life feel more normal, more like home. He still felt bitter, bitter towards you, mainly being human, he sometimes wishes you were a demon, but the more he thought about the more he never saw you as a demon in the first place. You are far too trusting, empathetic and considerate and a bit of a smart ass while making a few dumb decisions here and there. So perfectly human.
Was this how Lilith felt when she met her human?
Belphie couldn’t help but feel so bittersweet while laying there, head in your lap, hand against your thigh, letting you run your fingers through his hair gently, partly caressing his face.
He shut his eyes and yawned. His yawn affected you, the two of you growing sleepy together. He could feel it too, your drowsiness. His hand inched closer to yours, grabbing it gently, his pointer and middle finger encircling your own lazily.
Belphie smiled and closed his eyes, quickly drifting off into a quiet dream, a dream where it’s just you and him just together. No words needed.
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Belphie learned he could enter dreams the night he went into yours by accident.
It was an accident, truly. He didn’t mean to enter it. The two of you were just in the attic space, laying on the plush bed with the hundreds of pillows and blankets, sleeping the day away, when he fell asleep.
His dream, rather your dream, was dark. Just pitch black. It was like being in a silent, dark room, searching for a light, but somehow you could see yourself.
Belphie moved forward, though slowly, like moving through tar. He stopped when he heard light gasping, choking.
He only turned a fraction to his left to see it. A figure, closely resembling himself, holding you by one hand, tightly gripping your throat. Veins pulsed and bulged beneath your skin, even he could feel his face throbbing as the breath escaped you.
Belphie watched in horror.
His heart was racing. His stomach at the pits of whatever darkness was beneath his feet. Hands shaking and body strangely cold.
He hated that look on your face, the tears that streamed down your cheeks, how utterly helpless you looked.
You were his attendant, always so brave in his eyes. Not even wavering against Lucifer’s rage, not once.
And yet you were helpless against this strange, black silhouette that held his image, foggy yet so clear.
Belphie charged at his shadow self and grabbed it, tossing it to the side, forcing it away with whatever sheer will he could muster. It clawed, it snarled like an animal, it cursed and yelled but Belphie shut her ears to the nonsense it was sprouting with clenched fists.
He would never do that to you.
He looked down at you, your gasping form, writhing in agony.
He felt like this happened before.
But why?
He wouldn’t hurt you, he would never hurt you! You loved him, his brothers, Beel! You took care of them, you adored them, you spoiled them rotten, especially him. Your care was gentle as your love was passionate. Why would he ever want to hurt you??
You looked up, fear flashing across your face.
Please… Don’t look at him like that…
Belphie shook himself from the dream, waking up with his head on your chest and body in between your legs. You were somehow still asleep, but with a look of discomfort.
Belphie grabbed your hand, firmly, and sniffled against your shirt, shutting his eyes tightly.
He wanted to give you a good dream, you deserved to have that, at the very least. You, of all people, do not deserve to be tortured senselessly for no reason.
As he rubbed your knuckles with his thumb, mostly to calm himself as he listened to your heartbeat growing steady, he heard you sigh and that discomfort left your face, relaxing into a smile.
Belphie took this moment to let his lower lip quiver and a small cry left his lips and a little sniffle. He let go of your hand.
He needed to go. There’s no way he could be around you if… If there was a chance he ever hurt you.
As he moved, you shifted.
He jumped when he heard you call his name, wiping his eyes in a hurried manner.
“You saw, didn’t you?”
It wasn’t a known secret you still had nightmares about that day, albeit rarely. Sometimes it just happens whenever your brain decides to torment you. And these were one of those days. And it was even worse it was with Belphie who really ended up being in your dream, saving you from himself.
His nod only confirmed it, which made your heart break. You sighed and reached for his hand and, just as he grabbed yours, held it firmly.
“…do you really think I’d do that to you…?”
“No. Not now. But would you have when you found out I was human?”
“…I don’t think so? I don’t know.. it was happening so fast then, I don’t see why I would just- just do that. I was a little angry that you lied to me, mostly, but I wouldn’t have-“
“Killed me?”
The word made him flinch. Human mortality was no secret. It never bothered him until now, he never thought about it until now, of how many times you put your life in danger for the sake of his brothers when your life could easily be snuffed out in a blink.
This is how Lilith felt, isn��t it?
“Belphie,” you brought him out of his thoughts. “You guys scare me sometimes, but I know that you won’t actually kill me.”
There’s something that lingers in your eyes that he can’t place. A knowing. You bring your free hand to his cheek and caress it.
“I love you, you know this Belphie.”
Belphie nods with a little ‘mhm’. He feels so pathetic, he should be comforting you, not acting like a little kid. He takes his hand away from you and kneels down in front of you, wrapping his arms around your midsection and burying face in your stomach.
“I’d do anything for you, you know,” he said, a little muffled by the fabric. “You’re everything to us, to me. I’ll throw the whole Devildom upside down if you want me to.”
You chuckle a little. “And not taking a break to sleep?”
“I’d give up sleeping forever if you wanted me to. Id do it if that would make you happy.”
“Woah, don’t need to go that far. I don’t want to torment you!”
“Stop making fun of me, I’m seriously.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. You’re just so cute.”
Belphie blushed and huffed as you continued to lightly chuckle at his words.
“I’m serious. I would do anything you wanted me to. Id cut off my own hands before touching you in a way that hurts you, MC. Just ask me to and Id do it.”
You sigh, running your fingers through his hair, “I know Belphie, and it won’t come to that. I trust you. Do you trust me?”
“Trust you for what?”
“Trust me to believe in you? In your ability to keep me safe?”
He was silent for a moment, then he nodded. “I trust you.”
“Then there’s no need for promises. Let’s just trust each other, okay? Promises can be forgotten.”
“Not for me, I’ll always remember to cut my hands off if you wanted.”
“I have a feeling you’re not.”
Belphie smiled into your shirt and giggled a little, letting you pet his hair.
Whatever that was in your dream, whether it was him or not, he’d be damned again to the deepest, darkest pits of the Devildom before ever hurting you or making you cry.
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minimallyminnie · 1 year
Now as much as I love the new game, MC seems to be wayy too happy. I mean yeah, seeing the past and aiding the brothers seems to be great and all…but
Wouldn’t you miss the memories you made with the present time them more?
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Obey Me! Gn Mc missing their own time frame
I kinda made Mc similar to a servant similar to Barbatos even if we’re their attendant.
Platonic or Romantic, you can choose who. Besides Luke who is always platonic
Even though you still adored the brothers and your other friends
You desperately wanted to go back to your time frame
Clutching onto your pillow in your bedroom (wrong all wrong, you’re supposed to be in the House Of Lamentation with them.) You bit onto your pillow to stifle your tears and wrapped your body around the long pillow
It wasn’t that Solomon was bad. Oh no, not at all. You adored him and admired how he went back to the past for you
(Which made your homesickness and guilt even worse when you felt as if you were being selfish and ungrateful)
But you missed them
You missed how Lucifer used to cover you with a blanket if you were outside at the table working on homework in the cold. How he used to laugh at small things like you accidentally insulting him or when you don’t know and find out about demon activities and food.
You missed Mammon who used to make you go shopping with him when you spent too much time working on whatever. Who always gave or bought you anything you needed for any sort of thing even if it was small. When he was protective of you or listening to something that you didn’t like. Like you weren’t a bother.
Leviathan who played games with you when you needed to relax. Who battled using the same damn character in Super Smash Devils and won every single time. Who gave you advice on how to take care of snakes and such in the devildom. You missed squealing over characters that you liked with him, pointing out each other’s type.
You missed Satan who listened to your worries about everyone and who you could count on to relate to you. Who gave you books that reminded him of you and your likes. Missing how he read to you detective books and how you read back to him about fantasy books.
Asmodeus who always reminded you about how beautiful you are despite anything you claim is ugly. Lest it be your weight, your eyes, ears, body type or anything you hate about yourself, he would always call you a beautiful flower. You missed him and how you two tried out outfits for each other, or how he would ask you to be his makeup dummy.
Beelzebub when he used to take you out to new restaurants or when he convinced you to try to cook a new thing he found on a random menu somewhere. You miss how he made you laugh while he inhaled your leftover food you couldn’t eat when you were full. When he passed you his snacks when your stomach grumbled.
Belphegor you missed even though he had murdered you in the past. You missed your napping buddy. Someone who helped you sleep when you needed in the middle of the day. Who helped you get rid of nightmares with a single touch to your head, letting you sleep peacefully. You missed him and how he slept next to you or Beel.
Even the others you missed!
You missed how hearty and warm Diavolo’s laugh was. How he spoke with confidence and kindness to everyone despite being insulted. You missed how he complimented you and how he’d help you with any situation or problem in the devildom.
You missed Barbatos who would help you in any situation as well. Who’d help you with any questions no matter how small. He gave you amazing cleaning advice and small items he would find that were beautiful to you. How despite the problem, he’d always help you in need.
Simeon’s words of encouragement and how he’d listen to every word and remembered it down to how you said it. How he always made you laugh for his poor technology skills. How sweet and helpful he was to you.
Luke who despite being teased by the brothers you lived with, treated you with respect and kindness. You miss his homemade cupcakes and sweet treats that he’d make especially for you. How he’d pout at being called a chihuahua.
You missed Raphael who’s stoticness would surprise and make you giggle every time he wouldn’t get a joke. Who despite being strict, treated everyone the same no matter what. His attention to detail has helped you on so many occasions.
Thirteen’s spunky behavior that almost got you in trouble at times but you had so much fun with her. You missed her and how she made you smile when you were upset about something, no matter how tiny the issue is. How you helped her prank Solomon many times.
Even Mephistopheles’s insults, that were all bark no bite. His honest opinions of your writing has helped you very much. You missed his straightforward advice and how stupidly entertaining your arguments with were.
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“Please…I wanna go back.”
Your hands clench as your heart twists and whirls with devastation, grief, anger, and envy.
You want to see them again. You want to see your best friends, you want to see the patched up brothers you called your family.
You want and want and want
You can’t have.
Remnants of your former powers regarding the pacts and magic spark as you look at your hand
Bits of red, yellow, purple, green, pink, orange, and indigo spark in your hand before dying
The pact marks on you have faded in their vivid colors
You choke on your tears and the words “Let me go back” stuck in your throat
Anger at the one who threw you in this timeframe
“You can cry, you know.”
A warm hand rubs your back as you turn your head around and see Solomon with a warm but bittersweet smile
He puts his hand on your shoulder as you sit up and stare at the blanket
“You do not need to hold back on your tears. I am speaking as your friend. It saddens me to see you hold onto your grief. I can go back to the current time of course, but I know how hurt you are and how homesick. You miss them I can imagine.”
That’s right. You’re not exactly all alone again like when you first started out in the Devildom
“Please. Let go.”
And the dam breaks
You clutch onto Solomon’s back as you throw up all the words out of your mouth
Solomon gently lays his hands on your back, one rubbing your back and one just staying still, letting you know he’s still there with you
You miss this. If he were gone, you would’ve missed Solomon and how he relates to you so much. How lonely and isolated you felt at the time, he knew. He doesn’t need any reason from you if you just needed to be left alone or just needed a hug.
You know you have to go and attend to the brothers tomorrow morning. You still have to help them and try to get closer all over again. You still need to learn about how everyone was during this time period. You still need to know why Barbatos and Solomon have such a strained friendship and how the pact was made.
You still need to do so many things but for now, you can just cry.
And that’s good enough.
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irishmammonagenda · 2 months
Boop!- Obey Me x Reader
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Summary: You go on a mission to boop, as per usual chaos ensues. Word Count: 3.5k Warnings: Female Reader (implied), i dont really think there's anything else but if you can see something lmk and i'll add a warning
very obviously inspired by tumblr's boop event
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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"Hello Michael!" You greet, signature foxy grin on your face. Michael looks up from where he's playing Connect Four with a man in robes and waves at you.
"Hiya MC!" He puts the palms of his hands on the soft cloud ground and leans back on them, he's bare chested in the heat, though he's adorned himself with waist beads and arm bands, firm muscles on display. His long curly blond hair is in intricate braids, small ornaments threaded through it. He grins up at you, bright red eyes shining under the light of the Celestial sun. "What's brought ya up to the Celestial Realm today?"
"I am evil. I am very evil Michael." You say seriously.
The other man laughs, though not unkindly. His tanned skin shimmers ethereally under the light, dark brown eyes stare up at you, rich like soil after the morning due. Dark waves and soft curls frame his face, some soft stubble one his jawline, barely noticeable. "I'm sure you're not evil." He says kindly.
You stare at him, before smiling as well, touched. "Aww thanks! And you are?"
The man smiles, reaching his hand up, Michael takes that time to sneakily move one of the coins the man had put down a slot over. "I'm Jesus, it's nice to meet you MC."
You cough. "You're Jesus?"
"Yes." He nods, "A lot of people are shocked when they first meet me...something about expecting me to look like Da Vinci's gay lover."
You nod, dumbfounded.
Michael, sensing your inner turmoil, and also needing to keep Jesus' attention elsewhere so he could continue cheating- winning creatively in Connect 4, clears his throat, "So what's brought you to the Celestial Realm and made you claim that you're evil?"
This makes you grin, "Well, my dearest Michael....have you heard of boops?"
Michael straightens up a little bit, Jesus watches him intently, before fixing the board to its original state whilst the Archangel is distracted.
"No I have not...Why, what are they?" Michael asks, signature mischievous grin on his face. "They sound fun."
"Well I'm glad you asked Michael!" You grin, before leaning in and whispering into his ear. The added proximity made you realise he smelt of pine cone and fresh rain.
Michael giggles evilly, turning over to Jesus, before reaching a dark, jewel adorned hand and booping his nose. "Boop!"
Jesus just smiles, Crucifixion was worse. "It's your go, Michael."
"Oh of course! MC wait for this game to be over! I have...uh..business to attend to in the Devildom!"
You and Jesus share a look.
Michael looks over at you two, "You coming Jesus?"
The man smiles gently, "No thanks, I'm still traumatised from that one time when Satan tormented me in the desert."
"Oh okay...." Michael deflates the tiniest smidge before looking back at the board, spluttering. "Hey you moved the pieces!"
Jesus snorts, "Yeah, I moved the pieces back from where you tried to cheat."
"Lying's a sin." Michael huffs.
Jesus laughs, "Was that an admition of guilt?"
Michael falls onto his back dramatically, dark skin shining in the Celestial Realm's blessed light. "Ugh! Woe is me! This is worse than the time that one Irish kid got me confused with Michael Collins!"
Jesus pats his shoulder in pity. "Easter's a hard time for all of us."
Michael blinks at the scars on Jesus' palms from the nails and bites back a very bad Cross joke. "You could say that again."
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After the game of Connect 4 ended, (Michael lost) you and the Archangel said your goodbyes to Jesus and began your journey down to the Devildom. Michael walks beside you, a good bit taller than you. Michael having swapped out his less than covering attire for a flowy white flare sleeved top that you'd imagine a pirate or a Victorian would wear, the lace buttons are undone for the most part, as per usual. You'd come to learn that the Archangel hated top buttons with a burning passion.
"I call Lucikins." Michael says with about as much seriousness as a 10 year old calling shotgun on the front seat of the car. So very serious.
"Fine. I call Mammon." You reply, looking up at him, as if daring him to try and boop your first man before you could. He pouts, but relents.
"I call Satan then." Michael blinks back at you with crimson eyes.
"No why?" You sulk.
Michael shrugs. "He's my nephew. I get to boop his nose it's the law."
"No it's not."
"Yeah it is!"
"Prove it then." You huff.
Michael turns around and you hear fidgeting before he hands you a paper napkin with writing on it. You notice the fountain pen he sneakily snuck back into his trouser pocket and glare at him, before reading the napkin.
The Eleventh Commandment: Thou shall let Michael boop his nephew's nose.
You hum, "Something's telling me this is fake."
Michael gasps incredulously, as if offended by the very notion, he places a hand over his breast, where his heart is. "How dareth thou! Truly, 'tis a crime against nature to speak such filth about the Holy Word. A crime against God I daresay!"
"Okayy...drama king."
Michael gasps again. "Alas! Thou speaketh such filth! Such blasphemy to thee! Thy words...such horrors! Cursed are thou amongst humankind!"
You deadpan. "I'm taking away your Shakespeare rights."
"Try it I dare you." Michael challenges, red eyes gleaming with something predatory. "You can boop Simeon."
You grin. "Yay!"
"I call Luke."
Your grin drops. "What the frickety flip that's my son."
Michael's brows furrow. "He's my son too what the flip."
You gasp, bringing your hands to your mouth. "Did we?..."
Michael's eyes widen, he pulls his top up and counts his ribs, losing count several times because you keep adding random numbers in. He looks up at you.
"Did we have a child out of Wedlock?!"
You and Michael look at each other in object horror. Both conveniently ignoring the fact that Luke technically came into existence millennias before you.
"I think we did...." You place your hand over your brow like a Victorian woman seeing the ankles of her secret lesbian lover for the first time.
Michael follows suit.
"Michael....I fear we might be sinners...."
"Well you know what they say in the human world MC...." Michael sniffles, looking away from you dramatically. "Sinner sinner chicken dinner...."
You pause, breaking character. "Is it not Winner winner chicken dinner?"
Michael shrugs. "Not like I care."
You parrot his movement, shrugging your shoulders back as well, before the horror creeps back onto your expression. "But...Simeon and Barbatos also see Luke as their son...."
Michael looks at you wide eyed, grabbing you by the shoulders, "MC! We have to count their ribs!"
You put your head in your hands, "Two angels, a demon and a human with angel blood that's somehow an angel....our son is a hybrid!"
Michael gasps. "Hybrid princess?"
You do a double take. "Why do you know what gacha is." You breath out, looking at Michael in genuine fear.
"I wasn't a gacha kid don't worry! Levi was though! He'd show me his little Gacha stories that he made...." Michael looks nostalgic. "Such an adorable little weirdo....he gets it from Lucifer y'know."
"If I described Lucifer as an adorable little weirdo I think he'd skin me alive."
"That sounds like a you problem." Michael grins.
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You and Michael continue your journey down to the Devildom, only this time he's giving you a piggy back ride because you annoyed him until he agreed. Strong hands hold your thighs to keep you from falling, as your arms are wrapped around his neck.
You had been 'calling' people to boop.
"I call Diavolo."
"Deal." Michael nods, trying and failing to twist his head around to face you because you're on his back and he's not an owl. "I don't want to accidentally start another Celestial War by booping the Prince and acting King of the Devildom's nose."
"That's surprisingly a good reason."
"Fuck you mean surprisingly?" Michael scoffs, though there's no real bite to it. "I'm always having good reasons."
"Yeah and I'm the spawn of Satan." You say sarcastically, human world side winning over for a second, until you remember that Satan is in fact a real person and that you are in fact now in the Devildom.
Michael laughs, "You know who Satan's the spawn of? Lucifer."
"Don't let him hear you say that."
"What's he gonna do? Bully me while I'm in a desert? Jokes on him, I hate sand and don't go anywhere near it."
"I don't feel safe anymore, we're gonna get jumped."
Michael laughs.
"I call Levi, I need to return an anime to him anyway." Michael breaks the silence.
"You borrow animes from Levi?"
"Yeah sometimes, me and Saint Peter watch animes at the gates of Heaven when it's a slow day and not a lot of souls are being guided into it."
"Nah imagine dying and waking up in heaven to see the people at the gates watching anime."
Michael sticks out his tongue, though stops when he remembers you're on his back and can't see it.
"I call Barbatos."
Michael sighs in relief, carrying you through the streets of the Devildom. "Thank God, you can have him. Good luck with that."
"Go fuck yourself Michael. I call Thirteen."
Michael gasps excitedly. "Tell her I say hi!"
"Tell her yourself."
Michael huffs. "You're so mean to me MC."
You bite his neck, really embodying your inner feral street cat. He yelps. "Don't try to steal my wife, next time I'll bite your jugular pretty boy."
Michael laughs, "I am quite pretty..." He flips his hair, the intricate golden braids and curls hit you in the face, seeing as you're still on his back. You let out a sound similar to a feral street cat coughing up a hairball, he laughs again. "Also I'm pretty sure Thirteen is a lesbian."
You perk up. "Oh yay! You should be the priest at our wedding Michael. You don't have a choice."
"Fine." The archangel huffs, his plump lips pouty. "But only if Luke's the flower boy."
"I was gonna make him the ring boy giver person." You reply, playing with one of the ornaments braided into Michael's hair.
"Even better!"
Moments of comfortable silence last before you decide to break it because you're evil and have no moral code whatsoever.
"Michael you can have Solomon."
Said Archangel halts. Dropping you off of his back before turning to look at you, now strewn out on the ground. He puts his hand over his brow like a Victorian man who just saw the ankles of his gay lover. (Probably Solomon: You'd decided.)
"No! How couldeth thou?" He sighs dramatically before it just turns exhasperated. "Those rumours just died down...."
You jump up off of the ground, wiping the soil from your clothes, "They have?! Dammit!"
Michael deadpans at you, pulling at a golden coil of hair and letting it be stretched straight before letting go and watching it bounce back up into a curl again. "I hate you."
"That's harsh."
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After having separated from Michael, you sneak into your First Man's room. He sits lazily, lounging on his bed and scrolling mindlessly through his DDD. So enraptured he doesn't even notice your presence just yet until you press your finger to his nose.
"ARGHH-" he screeches, jumping atleast five feet in the air before realising it was you and scoffing. "Oh...It's you...o-of course ye'd wanna boop the Great Mammon's nose! That'll cost ya!" He huffs, trying to avoid the initial embarassment of you seeing him so uncool!
"Boop!" You boop him again, he grins stupidly like an idiot inlove, before snapping out of it and putting his 'too cool for this' persona back on.
"T-that'll cost ye! MC!" He stutters, trying to cover his blush.
"Oh will it now?" You raise a brow before bringing your lips to his nose and pecking it there, pulling away again in less than a second. "Boop."
He pulls you in for a hug before you can pull away completely. You grin, having reduced the Avatar of Greed to a blushy pile of mush in your arms.
Take that Alpha Male podcasters who think women want dominant mean men who suck and hate them. Everyone knows all women want a Mammon.
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You and Michael meet back up again. Michael having a scratch on his leg.
"Satan did not like the fact that I booped him at first...until I gave him an emergency kitten that I put in a cage nearby like 5 minutes before." Michael says, noticing that you noticed the scratch. "He almost bit me! He's definitely Lucikin's son!"
You point and laugh at him. He pouts, before interlocking your arms. "Purgatory hall?"
"Purgatory hall." You nod.
Michael knocks on the door. Luke answers it before gasping like a child on christmas. "Michael! Hi!" He hugs the Archangel who laughs and picks him up.
The blond boy notices you at that point, he smiles brightly. "Oh MC! Hi!"
"Hiya Luke!" You smile at him, booping his nose. "Boop!"
"Michael follows suit. "Boop!"
Luke blinks before grumbling. "I'm not a child..." He then turns his head back towards Michael who's still holding him. "Boop!"
Michael laughs. "Do MC now!" With that he quickly moves closer to you, Luke still in his arms, and the young angel boops your nose too. You all grin, laughing. Luke just ecstatic that Michael was able to visit. And he brought you too!
You end up watching a movie together, all three of you. Simeon comes home halfway through it. Having had to visit a publishers. Michael hides behind the door and when Simeon opens it, the dark skinned angel pops out, booping the poor man. "Boop!"
Simeon blinks at him. Michael smirks lightheartedly "Get booped Loserboy."
Simeon smiles, his gaze turning toward you." MC would you lie any help with your Solomon x Michael fanfiction? I heard from Satan that you two were on hiatus."
Michael groans. "Traitors!"
You laugh. "Get fanficked Loserboy."
Michael grins, putting on faux dramatics. "You both suck I'm going back into Luke! At least he's actually cool."
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After a lovely movie with Luke, Simeon and Michael, you run away to a cave because why not?
After entering Thirteen's very lovely abode, and avoiding all of the traps laid out for Solomon, you finally catch a glimpse of her vibrant ombre hair.
"Hiya Tee!" You grin, pouncing on her and pulling her into a hug. The reaper, who's clearly batshit insane doesn't even flinch, she just laughs, hugging you back even tighter.
"MC! To what do I owe the pleasure babes?"
You giggle michieviously before bringing your hand up and, "Boop!"
She grins wider, bloodied emerald eyes staring back at you so lovingly, hints of playful devilry in her expression.
"Oh let me try! Boop!" She says before pulling you in for a kiss that makes your knees feel weak.
When you both pull away to catch a breath, you breathe out breathlessly. "That was a super boop....an evil boop even..." You say, face burning red, you know she feels the red hotness of your cheeks.
She just laughs. Tilting her head, some strands of hair falling into her face. "You want another one?"
You've never nodded quicker in your life.
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"How in Diavolo's name did you get in here?" Lucifer asks, looking up from the work on his desk. He quickly closes over the confidential files and paperwork, turning his head to Michael once more. Blood red eyes narrowed at their counterpart's.
Michael approaches the Demon at a speed that could rival Mammon's. In an instant he's beside the raven-haired man. "Awww Lucikins don´t worry about it! Boop!"
Lucifer swallows thickly, and flicks his gaze to Michael. Despite having the glare of a thousand suns on him, Michael continues grinning. "Did you...did you just boop my nose?..." The Avatar of Pride asks in a low voice.
"I'm not too sure if I did..." Michael puts his fingers to his chin in mock thought, before grinning, pointer finger in the air. "I'll have to do it again to make sure!" The Archangel exclaims before booping his younger brother on the nose. "Boop!"
Lucifer growls. "Michael-"
"Yes, Lucikins?"
"Michael I am going to kill you."
The elder only laughed, "Awww classic Lucikins! Still in his teenage angst phase!"
"I did not have a teenage angst phase." Lucifer glares, huffing embarassedly, turning away and picking up his quill in an attempt to turn away from this god awful conversation.
Michael gives him a knowing look. "Don't make me pull out the photos."
His head snaps back to his elder brother. "What photos?"
"The photos of you with the wolf cut, the ones with you and the eyeliner, the ones where you're all dressed up in your little emo costumes..." Michael wipes a tear from his eye. "Oh...you were so adorable! Always threatening to murder me...! Glad to see that my wittle baby brother hasn't changed!" The Archangel exclaims, pinching his younger brother's cheeks and making them squish up, Lucifer felt his face flush with embarrassment. Michael laughed, he looked like a chipmunk!
"...'m no' a 'ittle ba'y bro'er! you'r tw' minu'es ol'er than 'ee!" Lucifer tries to shout, but with Michael pushing his cheeks together, it comes out muffled and distorted.
"All I heard is that you said I'm the best big brother in the three realms and you love me very much!"
Lucifer glares at him. A glare that doesn't hold any weight seeing as Michael is still squishing his cheeks together and he still looks like a chipmunk.
With enough squirming and fighting, Lucifer finally manages to get out of his brother's grip, he rubs his cheeks, staring daggers at the angel. "I would never say that. I'm not your baby brother. I'm not Lucikins. You're two minutes older than me yet two centuries more immature." He says venomously.
Too bad Michael's poison proof.
The Archangel laughs, "You're not my baby brother? Huh? Who's bed did you climb in when you were scared of the thunder back in the Celestial Realm?"
Lucifer bristles, swallowing thickly, "That's irrelevant."
"Sureee." Michael grins, though it's softer around the edges, Lucifer feels it too.
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Lightning flashes in the Celestial realm. Long before Mammon had even been born. Thunder roars, a small whimper sounds. Lucifer sits in his bed, covers over his head, gripping a pillow tightly. Barely even a cherub, he takes the slight break in the storm to gather the courage to waddle over to his twin's bed.
"Mikey?" Lucifer whispers in the darkness, gripping onto the poles of the bed with his tiny pale hands. "Mikey...you awake?" He says through gapped teeth, a slight lisp in his voice. The gap between his two front teeth would close with time.
The sheets rustle, a young Michael groans, also barely a cherub his voice is as high pitched and childlike as his brother's. "Luci...go to sleep..." The slightly older cherub says, eyes still closed.
"Can't Mikey...'s too loud.." Lucifer whispers, black hair sticking to his forehead in a slight sheen of sweat. As if to prove his point, thunder roars again, lightning flashes. Lucifer whimpers, gripping the pole tighter.
Michael sits up sleepily, short curly hair tied in the tiniest protective braids possible, some small blond coils escaping their confines at the edges of his head. The older cherub wipes a small, chubby hand over his eyes and yawns before opening his duvet up just enough so that Lucifer could climb in.
"Make sure...go to sleep Lucikins..." Michael whispers tiredly, covering his yawning mouth before abandoning his teddy bear and putting his arm around his little brother instead.
Thunder sounds again. Lucifer stiffens and lets out a small sound. "Mikey...'m scared..." He grips onto his twins matching pajamas tightly with his tiny little hands.
Michael grins sleepily, red eyes staring into his twins same coloured ones. "Don't worry Lucikins! 'm always gonna p'tect you! That's wha' big brothers are for!"
The thunder still sounds, Lucifer still stiffens slightly,but surrounded by the warmth and comfort of his twin, he manages to sleep soundly.
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After all the madness and badness. (Devil face emoji) You and Michael meet up in a Devildom café.
"That was productive!" The Archangel grins.
"Indeed it was Michael....indeed it was...." You say, a blissed out look on your face.
Michael arches a brow, "Is that one of Thirteen's leather jackets?"
"Maybe..." You say dreamily, playing with the sleeves.
Michael just laughs at you. "Get it, I guess! Anyway wanna watch Gilmore Girls with me? I need to catch up with Raphael...he's a few episodes ahead of me."
"Of course I do."
Michael brings his hands together in an imitation of a fly on a wall doing the hand thing. "Excellent."
"Do you think Luke's going to grow up to open a coffee shop?"
"Nah, he'd open a bakery."
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this is utter bullshit and utter dogshit idek
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
Could you do Barbatos and a crybaby mc please?😊
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BARBATOS x gn!Reader (platonic or developing feelings/pre-relationship) 1.3k words | SFW | Minor Bullying, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff A/N: I'm weak for soft!Barbatos, I can't help it. obey me m.list
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Lavish parties at the Demon Lord’s castle require the utmost care and attention to detail. Barbatos might be exceedingly efficient, but he can’t possibly handle all tasks himself. Little Ds and other castle staff assist him so that trays of Demonus and hors d'oeuvres circle the room; guests never need to go far for refreshments.
With the mundane chores assigned to others, Barbatos focuses his energy on serving Lord Diavolo. He follows the young prince like a shadow, observing all the demons that approach him and make polite small talk. Barbatos pays even more attention to the hushed gossip of the other guests around them. Sometimes attendees with loose lips are foolish enough to think they can share secrets here; they don’t realize Barbatos is always listening.
Barbatos is at his master’s side when a conversation nearby draws his attention. It doesn’t take long to pinpoint where the suspicious whispering is coming from. One of tonight’s out-of-realm guests - a witch with a particularly nasty streak - is gossiping about you to her acquaintances. It’s not unusual for visitors in attendance at these events - demons, humans or even angels - to talk about you quietly. Your presence in the Devildom and the feats you’ve accomplished draw a lot of admiration. 
For a smaller group of guests at these events, your achievements makes you a target for scorn and envy. They try to sully your accomplishments with back-handed compliments and barbed insults. The fools that choose to insult you in such a public gathering are usually smart enough to do so discreetly. They should know better than to bully you when they risk being overheard by those that adore you. 
Barbatos fixes his gaze on the group of witches and demons not too far from him. The demons can lie and blame their behaviour on the Demonus in their glasses; the human witch has no excuse Barbatos will accept.
He can ignore the petty, jealous remarks she makes that he knows have no merit. However, the witch’s scathing criticisms of you become uncomfortably personal. She laughs about the way you style your hair, your choice of attire for the evening and how foolish you look trying to blend in amongst the Devildom elite like you belong here. She makes a tasteless joke about the special perks you must experience being in a pact with so many demons, and she cackles loudly enough to be heard over the crowd.
Not too far behind them, Barbatos sees you - your eyes water and he realizes you’ve heard her too. He frowns when he watches you back away from the witch and her friends, eyes shimmering as tears threaten to spill over your lashes and down your cheeks. You turn around and head towards the back of the room, disappearing through a doorway that leads to the gardens.
Barbatos spares a glance over his shoulder. Diavolo is speaking to a group of demons nearby, but their eyes meet. Years of working together allows them to communicate with the slightest gestures; Diavolo nods his permission for whatever it is Barbatos has asked; if the demon needs to step away, it must be for good reason. 
Barbatos weaves through the crowds smoothly and heads towards the doors you fled through not too long ago. His jaw clenches when he hears the witch laughing again; he reminds himself that it would be rude to interrupt his young master’s party with bloodshed. His tail flicks anxiously behind him.
One of the little Ds floats by with a tray and makes a beeline for Barbatos. He declines the offered beverage, but he whispers something to the small demon before exiting to the gardens to find you.
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It’s not difficult to figure out which part of the dark garden you’ve taken refuge in. Barbatos follows the sounds of your poorly-concealed sobs to a small marble bench surrounded by a beautiful assortment of Devildom roses. The ground around you is littered with used tissues and you whimper pitifully when your small package of tissues is emptied. 
You don’t hear Barbatos approach, and it’s only when he sits on the bench next to you that you gasp unexpectedly at his presence. You’re overwhelmed with embarrassment - from the witch’s hurtful words and Barbatos finding you like this - and you look away in shame as more tears threaten to fall.
Barbatos places his hand on your tear-stained cheek and turns your face back towards his. He’s not smiling when he wipes away a stray tear. “Come here,” he murmurs when he reaches for you and you let yourself relax into his embrace. He rubs your back when you hide your face in his chest. He can feel your tears start to soak through his shirt, but he doesn’t mind. He cradles you through another wave of sobs and he whispers words of comfort.
He waits until the crying subsides before he leans back enough so he can tilt your face up and look at you properly. He pulls out a handkerchief and dabs gently at your cheeks before he hands it to you should you need it again.
Your lips twitch into a small smile, and his eyes track the movement when your lips part and your tongue wets the dry, slightly chapped skin. When his gaze meets yours again, there’s something questioning in your expression, and he can see his reflection in your eyes when he moves closer to you—
A terrible, high pitched shriek coming from inside the castle surprises you, and you scramble away from him. “What was that?!” you ask in a panicked voice.
Barbatos smirks at the sound of ruckus in the distance. “The Little Ds are evicting an unruly guest. They’ll be leaving shortly.”
He pushes away the disappointment that the moment between you is over and he stands. He offers you his hand and pulls you to your feet. You link your arm with his and lean against him. As you walk towards the castle together, you hear the Little Ds giggling maniacally over the sound of dishware crashing on the ballroom floor. 
“What exactly are they doing in there?” you ask Barbatos questioningly.
Before he can answer, the soft splat of cake against the glass doors makes Barbatos sigh. “It looks like they’ve started another food fight. Again.”
He suggested that one of the Little Ds spill a tray of drinks onto the awful witch that would hopefully expedite her departure. He’s not sure what the witch said or did in retaliation that caused the Little Ds to start a brawl. He can see dishes and food flying from within the castle doors. The party has come to an abrupt end, and he hears his young master bidding the guests farewell with barely-concealed amusement. 
“I’m sure Lord Diavolo is thrilled by these developments, but he’s never had to scrape buttercream from gold filigree before—“ Barbatos starts to complain, but he looks over when he hears you make a muffled noise. You’re stifling laughter behind your hand, your eyes bright and teary for a happier reason now. The annoyance he felt starts to fade, and he can’t help but smile too.
Barbatos reaches for his D.D.D. when it pings in his pocket. He stops walking to check his messages, but he motions for you to continue without him.
Diavolo: Number 5 and Number 6 had to drag the witch out of the castle. Everyone else left quietly. Diavolo: Your little stunt worked - too well, perhaps. You should see the state of the chandelier.  Diavolo: I hope the clean-up is worth it.
Barbatos glances at the door where Number 2 has floated outside to see you. He’s telling you about his noble deeds as he mimics the action of throwing something. The little demon has smears of food on him, and you use Barbatos’s handkerchief to wipe away some of the mess. Barbatos feels warmth spread through him when your eyes meet and your smile is so bright it leaves him breathless.
Barbatos: Indeed it is.
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Diary of an Attendant/Friend/Stranger (4)
Excerpt 4: Dreams and Bad Memories
{Masterlist} {Ao3}
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Warnings: spoilers for all games, death, OG OM Lesson 16 events, liberal use of strike throughs, cursing, MC is clearly Not Well
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I dreamt of RAD again. Not the new one I’m apparently one of the founders of but the old one, the one where I fought to be a part of — all the way to becoming a member of the student council.
Back to the Future and Doctor Who do nothing to help with the memory and emotional aspects of time travel. I’m still reeling from everything from before. Like, I almost died. Several times.
Did I really put myself back into a dangerous situation? I’m without magic, without pacts, without my friendships. Again. All I’ve got is nostalgia for times that haven’t even happened yet. Some of those that maybe aren’t worthy of nostalgia.
The RAD dream was less of a dream and more of a memory, really. It was from before I got my pact with Mammon, when I first spoke with Solomon. It felt bittersweet, talking to him while he had his mysterious and detached persona. The warning Lucifer gave me that day wasn’t in the dream, but I still felt the apprehension that had come after it.
Was he right? Am I still not sure after all these years? Can I truly not trust the one person who’s here with me?
I’m staying away for a little while from everyone. The dream only turned back to the attic after that and I think Sol knows because he didn’t try to give me something to eat this morning after I was late to cook. I’ll give him that, he’s intuitive with which buttons to press on what days. Though sometimes it’s hard to know if he’s actually aware of what he’s doing. I think he always knows.
I don’t know what I’m going to do with everything. I don’t think I’ve even finished processing my years at RAD before this here-and-now.
Have I really only lived amongst nonhumans for four years? It certainly feels like much longer.
I’m not one for quick nor many attachments (which probably helped with the exchange program), and yet here I am, caring for more than a dozen beings in what’s not even a significant percentage of my life. It just fit at the time, and I couldn’t help but be honest with them. Maybe a little too honest.
I don’t think much about the attic in recent days, except in times like these where my mind decides to bring it up as a nightmare. Not that I’d like to focus on the whole timeline aspect of what happened, either, but it just feels more relevant the more I focus on my goal here. What that goal is, only time will tell. I remember Belphegor being okay, reuniting with his siblings — especially with Beel — and us three escaping to Purgatory Hall. I remember going out of my way to help him, and how I’d ignored the nagging feeling that him hating humanity wasn’t something that went away in a matter of months after likely centuries of loathing.
I remember opening that damn door after trying to piece everything together. I remember getting murdered and thrown down the stairs. And I remember seeing my body bleeding out while I also took my last breath in the same moment. And then two became one and it was over.
I wasn’t the most civil with Belphegor for a while after that, but over time I found myself tentatively calling him more than an acquaintance. He’s not a friend, really, but I can get along with him well enough. It doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven him, but it’s less likely I’ll snap at him for breathing too loudly. Usually.
Was it him or was it another version of him who’d truly killed me? Does it matter? Can I blame the acts of a version of him onto a different one without me turning into the aggressor?
The despair of knowing what had happened yet being unable to really do anything about it feels pretty close to how I feel right now. It’s a different circumstance, clearly, but it’s just as hopeless a feeling. I don’t know if what I’m doing is the right choice or whether it’s my choice to begin with, but what I do know is that I’m here and I know how to deal with the distress.
I’m hoping that at the very least I won’t get more nightmares like this for a while. Just long enough for me to help a little bit more. Just help them better their dysfunctions and make stronger bonds. It’s what I do, right?
Maybe this was always the plan, to find them and help them until they no longer have a need for me, all through time and space. Or maybe I’m reading too much into it and religion has wormed its way into my head because I’m talking about demons and angels. Or maybe I am right and I can curse Fate until my lungs give out and I collapse and die, who knows at this point.
I might take a nap with the lights on, maybe it’ll help my negativity go down. But first, Solomon wanted to show me something, so I guess that’s the plan for today. Eat, nap, hang out, and sleep (hopefully). We’ll see how the others hold up when I’m gone. Who knows? Maybe I am valuable here.
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I forgot to post here, so if you read the Ao3 version before today you were ahead by accident, now we’re all caught up! Next part is long — quite literally it doubles the word count of the fic. Enjoy!
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softxsuki · 9 months
it’s meee, your number one fan :))
congrats on hitting 1.5k! you already know what’s up 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
may i have the trope drabble one, with trope #13: “who did this to you?” and the fandom is for obey me! shall we date? with fem!reader pleaseee !!
1.5k Follower Event Trope #13 Obey Me
Trope 13: "who did this to you"
Check out my event here! Event requests are CLOSED
Pairing: Lucifer x Fem!MC
Warnings: mentions of cuts and bruises
Genre: uhhh slight fluff, and comfort???
Post-Type: Drabble
Word Count: 500
Note: I think this trope fits with a few of the obey me characters like Solomon (he's mysterious but imagine him seeing you hurt and he just snaps, his usual cool exterior crumbling away AHHHHH). But ultimately I picked Lucifer. He's probably the most protective and possessive of everyone combined so it was a no brainer to pick him. THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVIE, ILY and I hope you enjoy! <33333
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“Who did this to you?” Lucifer grits, staring at the cuts that weren’t there this afternoon when he saw you off after class. He had to stay behind for an urgent student council meeting, leaving you to walk back to the House of Lamentation alone, much to his hesitance.
“It’s just a few scrapes, there’s no reason to get so upset,” you mumble, not really wanting to think of the group of demons who decided to surround you and pick on you due to your lack of security. One of the brothers usually walked home with you, knowing how some of the residents of the Devildom felt about you, a human, living in their world, attending their school, but they happened to all be busy today.
It was already late as Lucifer stood in your room, his brows furrowed and a scowl on his face at your not-so-pleasant appearance. He knew he should have just walked you home and then returned for this meeting after. 
“Which lowly scum decided it was okay to place their filthy hands on you while I wasn’t around?” He seethes, “Even if you don’t tell me, I’ll find out. And once I do, just know that they’ll pay.”
He was beyond furious. As your lover, he felt responsible for you, especially in a world like the Devildom that was dangerous for a human like you, yet he was too selfish to send you back to the human world. He loved you and needed you beside him.
“Luc, it’s really not a big de-”
“Enough! Come with me,” he shouts, grabbing your wrist, surprisingly gently despite his clear anger at whoever harmed you. Though he was powerful and easy to anger, Lucifer would never harm you.
The halls were empty and dimly lit, the other brothers already tucked away in their own rooms for the night, aside from Beelzebub who was likely scouring the kitchen for more food; Lucifer led you through the halls all the way to his room.Closing the door behind him, he placed you on his bed before leaving for a first aid kit, something he kept around, specifically for your sake since he and his brothers never got hurt.
“Let me see,” he says softly, now a little calmer since he knew you were safe and with him. You raise your face to him, and once again a small frown appears across his lips, unsatisfied with what had happened. 
His long fingers trace over the small cuts and bruises on your face, mostly upset at himself for letting you walk home alone–he should have known better.
“I’m sorry,” he sighs, gently cleaning up your injuries with the utmost love and care, wishing he could magically heal you in moments like these. “They’ll pay, I swear they’ll pay.”
There was nothing you could say or do to convince him otherwise. Those lowly demons had chosen to place their hands on you, his woman, so they were bound to face the wrath of your man.
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Posted: 9/11/2023
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