#why tf did they choose to announce this *now*
violetasteracademic · 16 days
Does Elain Archeron want to be human again?
Theory debunk ahead.
I have personally *tried* (though I am absolutely not perfect) to take a hippocratic oath with my presence on the internet and wish to do no harm. The Libra moon to my Virgo sun is always trying to approach things peacefully. The wing 2 on my type 1 ennengram is always trying to take an open hearted approach to compassion and empathy for others while still defending my views on Elain (and Azriel).
However, the take that Elain's book is going to be centered around her acting in risky, irrational, or damaging ways because she has one goal and that is to be human again, is a theory I have ZERO respect for. So, with all due respect, which is none, please feel free to self insert disrespectfully at the end of each point as I systematically debunk this theory. This is probably the longest post I'll ever make. Strap in.
So, where TF did this come from?
On my tiktok, I addressed the fact that the rumor that there is going to be a betrayer in the Night Court ranks has zero grounds. We should collectively start to work to realize this is as accurate as Sarah having an announcement on May 1st, but alas it is a losing battle. However, I received a comment that said they also agreed that it was fake UNTIL they saw someone use text to support it. Apparently, one of the human queens insinuated there is a traitor in the Inner Circle. This is why, even though Sarah NEVER said this, people are now continuing to push this "Elain will be a traitor" agenda. Even accidentally or unintentionally out of her desire to be human. I made a whole video on this, but for context, here is the quote being used to fuel this:
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Briallyn and Nesta are in a game of chicken with Briallyn trying to force Nesta to get the Trove by threatening she'll have Cassian kill her, and he'll never recover. When Nesta calls her on her bluff and says Briallyn won't kill her, Briallyn responds that there are other court members as delusional as Nesta (she is referring to her love for Cassian making her weak, delusional, and vulnerable) and she can just keep threatening members of the Night Court's loved ones until someone gets her what she wants. However, she put in *quite* a bit of time and effort on trapping Nesta first, didn't she?
My friends. Where does Briallyn say "there is a traitor among the Inner Circle's ranks?" Where does it say there is a mole? It doesn't. Yes, Briallyn has spies. As do all courts and kingdoms. But to suggest Briallyn said there is already a traitor in the Inner Circle specifically because of these quotes is unhinged and beyond willful distortion of the text to serve an invented narrative based on an unfounded rumor. I don't have time or energy to recap the whole vid, but moving on from this for now. Disrespectfully.
The next layer of the conversation is this: They think Briallyn is probably still foreshadowing Elain because Elain wants to be human so badly she'll unintentionally harm the Night Court and betray them, somehow, because of this quote and the conversation with Amren on Solstice. To which I said, there is way too much evidence in ACOSF that Elain is healthy, adjusted, and has friends and purpose in Velaris. The response to that was, well that's Nesta's perception and we can't trust her.
While the convo on tiktok was, I felt, respectful discourse and we agreed to disagree, the parasite in my brain went into full annihilation mode over this theory after thinking on it.
Because by this logic- if we aren't allowed to trust Nesta's or Cassian's perceptions that Elain is healthy and well and adjusted, or glowing with good health and finding purpose and friends, then we ALSO aren't allowed to trust Amren's assumption that Elain was curious about her choosing her Fae form because Elain wants to be human again. Elain never actually said that. Amren assumed it:
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(yes I'm bringing so many receipts I exceeded the photo limit and had to start combining pages.)
At no point does Elain say anything about wanting to be human. In fact, this entire conversation is about Elain's curiosity over why Amren chose the form that she did, why she selected the gender, ect. It's honestly an interesting conversation, and when Amren makes assumptions about Elain having ulterior motives for asking the interesting question, *Elain's brow furrows in confusion.*
Elain straightens and becomes cold at Amren's assumption Elain still wants to be human. One could read this as Elain feeling embarrassed for being called out, but the pure fact is that it isn't the only explanation. In fact, Elain has spent all day cooking for everyone, spent the week shopping for Solstice presents and waxing poetic about the importance of honoring Solstice traditions (more on that later) and participating in the Fae customs, fussing over her appearance for the dinner she prepped for, ECT. It's equally as likely that she is hurt over being misunderstood by the new friends and family she has spent the day trying to making a perfect Solstice meal for and shop for everyone. Which is, if I'm not mistaken, Elain's whole damn theme. Her loved ones don't really see or understand her, while she observed and understands everything. Far more than they give her credit for.
Or maybe Elain has a fucking BEAST FORM. And is curious about what her powers can do with changing form.
The point is, it is all theory and assumption from another character. So, the dinner conversation at Solstice is now off the table using the very logic enforcing the Elain betrayal plotline by suggesting Nesta's perceptions of her are untrustworthy. So are Amren's. What's next? Disrespectfully.
There's only one other item people can use, from ACOFAS, which is Feyre's perception that Elain still wants Grayson. Which again, by this logic, is off the table now.
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Feyre is the one who says Elain wants a human man. Elain didn't. So this can no longer be used as evidence.
All Elain says is Lucien is not entitled to her time and affections, and it's impossible for Lucien to care for her because he does not know her. Hmm. Someone thinking they know and care for Elain without actually knowing her. Theme, anyone? I thought I heard a theme bell chime.
Alright. So Nesta is wrong about Elain. Amren is wrong about Elain. Feyre is wrong about Elain.
So where are the grounds that Elain still wants to be human based on the text?
They don't exist.
But oh, that's not even the fun part! NOW is the fun part.
By eliminating others perceptions of Elain from the conversation as they are unreliable, what does that leave us?
Perhaps with Elain's own words and actions and nothing else?
You guys, I felt like a kid in a candy story with this one. Let's see what Elain told us about her thoughts regarding the human lands, starting with the most recent publication ACOSF:
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Elain describes in great detail how she was bullied by other girls when she was younger. It's interesting, because Nesta previously said that Elain used to love balls and parties. And yet here, we find out that Elain wasn't treated well by the other girls in her own words speaking on her own experience. She goes on to *shudder in distaste* that in the human lands, it would have been perfectly suitable for Nesta to have been married off and "reserved" until she was old enough to reproduce. A thought that made Rhysand, a Fae, choke on his wine. And then of course, those same girls that tormented her delighted in her downfall.
When Elain speaks for herself instead of others speaking for her, it doesn't seem like she thinks very highly of the human lands, their customs, or their behavior, or the balls she attended does it? She certainly doesn't have any friends or anyone she misses. Everyone turned their backs on the sisters when they lost their money. And Elain witnessed this with Grayson as well, who turned his back on her the second her circumstances changed against her will again.
So uh, no. I don't think Elain is desperate to go back there.
And if course we have this ACOMAF banger:
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So.... yeah. In Elain's own words, sharing her thoughts and beliefs, this is what she thinks about the rulers of the mortal lands. By the way, these same queens had her kidnapped and risked her life and took everything from her so they could test out whether mortals could survive being thrown in the Cauldron. But please, tell me more how Elain misses her human life so much that she'll screw over her friends and family to get it back. Disrespectfully.
Alternatively, in A Court and Frost and Starlight, here are the lovely thoughts Elain had about Fae culture:
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Here's Elain working with her friends to bake Feyre's birthday cake, a representation of the three sisters:
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Here's Elain surprising Nesta and Azriel with presents her very first Solstice, after chatting with local vendors and working with the Night Court's trusted healer:
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Here is what Elain, Elain and no one else, has to say about being a member of the night court and ready to use her powers to serve it:
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This is what happens when you cherry pick context. You create a new set of rules, which people like me are more than willing to follow. And if the rule is: Elain's thoughts and feelings are the only pieces of evidence allowed and not anyone else's thoughts or perceptions of her, it actually only proves the theory that Elain is going to betray the night court because she wants to be mortal again and return to the mortal lands even more wrong. Considering the theme once again, of how misunderstood and unseen Elain has been, the unbelievably ironic meta-ness of it all is overwhelming. Please, unplug yourself from the Matrix. Pay attention to Elain. It's in your best interest to at least attempt to see and understand her if you plan to read her book, or you are going to be very lost and confused.
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peachjagiya · 1 month
“also it’s been a couple of years that he haven’t spent too much time together except from work schedule. but the two of them were enjoying themselves without me, going to movies, concerts, skiing, private villas, playing games at home or eating home cooked meals, or doing video calls in between. “
I would be too embarrassed to type this if i were you because taekook had to wait until Jimin was busy with his album to do all these things while Jikook did all these for years even though Tae was right there.
Wasn’t Tae right there when Jk choose to go hang out with Jimin at night? Jk even knew Tae wanted someone to come help with his Live but he still stopped Jimin from going. Wasn’t Tae right there when Jk was traveling with Jimin, going to movies with him, going ice skating with him, going shopping with him, going to excape rooms with him, going bowling with him, going to karaokes with him etc? Wasn’t tae right there when Jk chose to hang with Jimin and his friends on white day? Wasn’t tae right there when Jk went to hangout with Jimin, hobi and Her in 2022? Wasn’t Tae right there when Jk chose to be with Jimin at 4am on his birthday? Tae was always there yet for years we only ever saw Jk with Jimin almost everywhere and then the first time we started seeing Taekook together alot was the one time Jimin had moved in with his producer for 10 months to work on his album. Did y’all ever stop to ask yourselves why we only saw taekook hang out the most we ever saw in all their years of being BTS only when they were the only two not busy and Jimin had alot on his hands? Even Namjoon said on Live that Jimin was always busy hence they couldn’t meet up much and now we know from the last bangtan bomb that he was working on two albums at once plus onlike Tae, how many times did we see Jimin hangout with pple anyway? We know he sometimes played online games with Hobi, and we went out to eat with suga b4 he enlisted and went to a museum with RM, and went to visit Jin with Hobi. How many times did u see him out and about? Didn’t you hear suga ask him what he does when he isn’t working and he said he just stays home and watches movies? So how tf do you know him and Jk didn’t spend time at home? Do u think all hangouts must be going to musicals or premieres? How would u know if Jk and Jimin ordered chicken and bear and ate at home while watching movies? If Jimin didn’t tell us how much time Jk was spending in his room while they were in LA wouldn’t u have sworn they didn’t hang out because their hangouts weren’t public? We only got to know Jimin, tae and Jk were at Jeju together because of Tae and not because Jimin or Jk ran to announce to us, we only knew Vmin were going to hangout with Jk that one time because tae started a live, would we have known otherwise? So they hung out and according to Jk even went out but no one spotted them and we only knew they even went out because Jk told someone on one of his fan calls. Besides , i wonder how Jimin kept singing “peuriri” to Jk so much that Jk was worried he was going to sing it on stage if they never saw each other. I wonder how two people who don’t care to see each other except when working planned, applied and enlisted together as buddies where they will see each other everyday for 18 months when they could have just enlisted separately. The facts just never go with your delusions.
If you really think that Jk and Jimin don’t care about each other that much yet Jk sits his ass down to watch Jm content for over an hour, makes sure to keep up with and publicly support his album more than he did for anyone else including his “boyfriend”, asks Jimin to let him come over for a Live and shower, and enlists with him when he could enlist alone, then u must think Jk is the shittiest person alive.
Y’all constantly pick and choose what to drag jikook with every time opportunity presents itself but when Jk does something that shows how obviously he loves and cares about Jimin, you go back to “they are bestfriends” that’s all. But the next moment, u are debunking Jikook by saying how Jk doesn’t even care to save Jimin’s number (which isn’t true btw) or you are talking about Jk ignoring Jimin at a concert, or talking about Jk not knowing where Jimin’s tattoo is. If this things really happened the way you said, then Jk doesn’t like Jimin and you know damn well that Jk wouldn’t pack his ass there watching someone he doesn’t like don’t you? You know he wouldn’t keep up with everything Jimin did in chapter two if he didn’t like him don’t you.? You know he can’t concentrate on anything he doesn’t like yet he sat there watching Jimin and asking fans not to comment.
It’s also funny how u list all these things taekook did and even added somethings we have no context of because that is what taekookers are good at. Taekook did a tiktok at paradise hotel. How does that translate to them spending time there? You literally only know that they were there but u don’t know why they were there and who they were there with. Same thing y’all did with atomix which blew up in ur faces. Seeing a single picture and making a whole date outta it.
All these things you named that taekook did together in chapter two, how many of those did they do while they were alone? So they carry tae’s wooga to every date they go on? How many of those do we know that ended with them both going back to their houses or one of them being left alone at a ski resort? Here you are bragging about Jk hanging out with Tae and his friends like normal friends do and to you this means more than finding out that while these two don’t seem to care about spending any alone time together because there is almost someone with them whenever we know that they hungout, we know that Jk almost always is with Jimin alone and mostly in private when we find out that they were together. What is groundbreaking about Jk playing games with Tae and his friends in his house? Yes that is proof of a relationship as if they haven’t been bandmates for over a decade and didn’t live together for most of that time. Even when we see Tae in Jk’s house, we have Hobi right there, at one of these concerts u are boasting about, Jk sat behind with a bighit staff while Tae sat together with Hyunsik and even at the end of the concert we saw tae and hyunsik way ahead walking away while Jk was skipping behind with staff💀. How romantic. I wouldn’t brag about outings that always happened with 50 other people present in public and that ended with Jk and tae not even going back to spend some alone time together after that because we know for sure that they went their separate ways after hanging out in public.
Also if i were you, i would seriously question why the most we got to see taekook hangout together in almost 10 years was in that one moment where it was convinient because neither of us was doing anything or much of anything, and the person everyone has seen Jk hang out with for years (not just a period of time) was kinda not available because he was working on his album. Immediately taekook both got busy with their individual work, we stopped seeing the monthly outings altogether but we still all saw them hanging out with their separate friends. If this doesn’t tell y’all that those outtings were out of convinience and opportunity, nothing will.
Everyday taekookers sit and call other shippers jokers and mock them for not seeing how clearly Jk is with Tae because you know, “can’t you see how he packed his ass on Tae’s laps infront 50000 people” or can’t you see how he was hugging Tae instead of Jimin during the love song at Harry styles concert” and that is how i know that you lot do not bother to look beyond the side of the picture that fits your narrative. It is so groundbreaking to you that Jk sat on Tae’s laps as if we haven’t seen bts members hitting each other in the balls all the dam time, as if we haven’t seen them all cuddling, as if we havent seen Jk cuddling Hobi with his knee on Hobi’s damn crotch. What is new about Jk sitting on a members laps? Are y’all new here? And to the person in the replies talkinga bout taekook doing a naked facetime call. Yes it was so private to them ad that is why Tae shared it on his instagram with 60+ million pple. He didn’t mind the rest of us seeing his boyfriend’s very private boobies too. I guess we should arrest Jin for going to squeeze on Tae’s boyfriend’s nipples to wake him up from bed. I guess it was an abomination that Jk and Jimin took a picture where they were both shirtless with Jimin’s hands on Jk’s body. I’m sure tae was PISSED! “jimin, how dare you touch what is mine”!!!!! Acting like boys are not almost always shirtless anyways. Y’all don’t have brothers or male friends in your lives? We have heard so many times that Jimin is always naked down to his underwear when ever he is in the comfort of his home, hell they even spoke about it being Jimin’s default on that Vminkookhope Live in 2022 so what u should really be worried about if u think Tae and facetiming with tits out is an issue, worry about what might be going on in that room that Jk goes to know at 1am with a Jimin who is most probably only in his underwear or maybe even naked. And worry about the fact that this is the person Jk has chose to spend “most” of his nights with. You know, a person whose default is nakedness and mostly only always has his underwear on. That is what u should really be worrying about.
I also really wonder how Jk feels about Tae laying in bed “naked” with his wooga friends all untop of him and mind you, this is someone who has said he does not like someone else peeling perilla leaves off for his s/o but u think he will be ok with Tae laying there shirtless while having a bunch of men on him, and taekookers screaming about Taekook wearing the same shirt like please, if i were you, i will worry more about Tae and his wooga friends. He was matching hoodies or Jackets with Hyunsik while they were driving together, he let one of them stay in his house for months, while he didn’t bother to go see Jk on his birthday, he made sure to be there for wooshiks. Y’all arw screaming about seeing taekook do a tiktok at paradise, when we started seeing tae with his friends at paradise since 2019😭😭😭. How many trips has he gone on with them? Even on his last day as a civilian, he was with them and only got up in the morning to catch up with Jk on a face time call. While he is away in the military his wooga squad have access to his home. In 2019, he chose to spend his vacation time travelling with his wooga squad while he didn’t even bother to see his own boyfriend on his birthday. I can get that maybe he wanted to spend time with his friends, that is normal but even on Jk’s birthday he didn’t even bother to be there?
Look, as time goes on, relationships change and evolve or devolve and there is a good possibility that Jikook were just not in the same place during the solo era but taekook probably spending more time together than jikook did will never mean that taekook is real and Jikook wasn’t. This is something y’all don’t seem to understand. Looking at taekook’s past, there is nothing in it that could point to them being a couple isn’t that why y’all were always complaining about taekook being hidden or being “privet” because you literally almost never saw them together and more than not seeing them together, they themselves confirmed not being together at important moments. The only thing y’all had to backup ur ship was the over analyzed slowed down videos on youtubed portraying their “jealousy” or “sexual tension” or straight up lying about hangouts or meetups even though they themselves literally always debunked y’all. It is so weird that these are two pple u claim to bias but you don’t understand their dynamic which is the same as it has always been since the damn beginning. Y’al l are the ones still shocked by the fact that taekook are the touchy two. You are the ones still screaming about taekook sharing songs as if in a group of friends some pairs tend to relate to or bond with certain things more than others. Taekook have always bonded with music and Jk has always bonded with Jimin in their shared time together on most nights. We know this and even the members know this and that is why you didn’t hear hobi say “Tae and Jk always stay up together” he said “Jimin and Jungkook always stay up together” and he should know. He knows them personally, you don’t.
Jimin bonds with namjoon very differently and that is who he has the most mature conversations with. He bonds with Suga in a different way as he considers Suga someone he looks up to as it was Suga who encouraged him that he had all it took to become an idol when he doubted himself. Hobi is like his best friend whom he goofs around with and also spends alot of time with and Hobi is probably the one who knows all of Jimin’s secrets. Jk bonds with RM in a very different way too and looks up to him. Hobi to his is like a bro whom he adores and also looks up to. He respects Suga and is also a huge fan of his work and thinks Suga’s opinion on his art is valuable. Jin is to him like a big brother and those two have the most uber realistic sibling dynamic. My point is, all these boys have different dynamics and relate to each other in very different ways so ofcourse there arw certain thing Jk will prefer doing with Tae over Jimin and vice versa. He doesn’t have to think Jimin is the best at everything for Jimin to be his boyfriend or he doesn’t have to want to go show his song to Jimin first for Jimin to be his boyfriend and judging from the fact that it wasn’t tae who heard his song 3D first, they probably don’t care too much about who hears it first. Maybe it is just familiar to let tae hear it first because that it what they have always done and that doesn’t in anyway mean what you think it does😭😭😭😭 cuz if it was that important to them, Suga and RM wouldn’t have heard 3d first and Hobi wouldn’t have been the one who heard Tae’s first album first would he?
Why. Are. You. Here. Do you get any joy out of being here? Like, why are you doing this? I don't agree with your assessment. A fair few people who comment here don't agree with your assessment. Does it feel like a place you're going to be happy in? You clearly read the comments and get irate about being called a joker. Why not go find jikook spaces? Why are you bothering?
But I'll bite:
You want to talk about times they were all available to hang out? JK arriving with Tae to Yoongi's show, not saying hello to Jimin, then going home with Tae. How about that?
You want to talk about Wooga? How come JK invites Woogas to his party but not Taemin or any of Jimin's friends?
Or despite the fact we've caught JK seemingly lying about knowing where Tae was at Inkigayo, you take them all at their word, right?
Jimin himself stated he saw/spoke with Yoongi and Hobi most. Why would he lie, you say? But according to you, it must be true cos they couldn't possibly be just saying stuff or exaggerating or repeating stories. No, according to you, every word they say is indisputable despite proof to the contrary.
And you're brave to bring up the military considering it's basically smoking gun proof that they aren't a couple.
These examples put a nail in the jkk coffin for me.
It doesn't for you. That's cool. We're not going to agree. Difference between you and I is that I don't mind what you believe. It doesn't threaten me or bother me. I'm content knowing you think that and I think this opposite thing. It makes you look insecure to be so obsessed by what Taekookers think when most of us just don't care what Jikookers are up to.
I'm not posting anymore asks that I think are from you, wordy anon. You're kind of rude and people have to scroll six miles and it's generally a bummer to read the anger you have.
Depart these strange shores, wanderer. You're lost.
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joyswonderland1108 · 1 year
I know i said that my biases are Jimin and JK but i never said i wasn’t a big fan of 3J which means that if Hobi is being disrespected imma snap your head in half!
Every time i come here to talk about something nice there’s a whole mess going on that at this point my blog is turning to a rant blog ffs. When did this fandom become like this? When did the toxicity became huge to the point where you can’t go a day without something disgusting being spread online? 
So by now everybody knows that Hybe posted an announcement about Hobi’s upcoming enlistment that he started the procedure already, we saw that coming but it’s still upsetting of course, we still felt sad knowing how real it’s becoming that Hobi is leaving for MS too. So we’re trying to come to terms with it and another announcement only this time it’s a happier one:
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We were also able to see our Sunshine live 
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(Credits to Dalto on Twitter)
Now i believe you see where this is going right? So Hope on the street is a single set to be released on March 3rd, key word here : SINGLE. One song. But of course dickheads have a thing to say right? Saying how he is interfering with Jimin’s solo if he couldn’t release it before why choose now bla bla bla rat language.
I’ve mentioned in my previous post that even one song can take a while let alone many, some artists spent 2 3 years on one song, it’s called perfectioning it, working on every possible flaw so that the end result is something that lets the artist feel satisfied with the hard work he put in it. So to answer the “why didn’t he release it before?” simply because he couldn’t “why won’t he release it later?” simply because he can’t. 
Now saying that he’s interfering with Jimin’s solo.. There are 20 days between March 3rd and March 24th (not including both dates) and again am going back to the key word, it’s a SINGLE it’s only one song how tf is that interfering with Jimin’s solo? There’s enough time to give attention to Hope on the street and also be ready for FACE.
It’s actually funny to see people try to make it a competition between none other than Jihope like.. Be so fr right fucking now! It’s not like y’all are legally blind to not notice how close those two are, they’re besties, and more than anything they are happy for each other so for a bunch of low-life strangers trying to put their 2 useless cents of thoughts on the matter.. y’all just shut the fuck up
Now if Hobi just decided to enlist without dropping anything, people would be saying how he’s not appreciating Army he just left like that or why did he wait all that time to enlist if he doesn’t have more work to do or or or.. Of course there’s always something to complain about, this fandom is never satisfied and would you look at that, the boys still think about this stupid fandom and dedicate their work to them. 
Honestly there should be a whole separate new fandom for our boys, a private one that is, Vip or whatever you wanna call it, like you can’t get into that fandom unless you pass the morals test, the personality test, etc.. Army be fighting with that other fandom (not mentioning the name but y’all already know who, no hate to the girlies they’re cool, can’t say the same thing about their fandom tho) when they’re no better, creating shit INSIDE the fandom to begin with. 
It’s seriously getting tiring and sickening how people were just allowed to become this hateful, it’s like they forget that they got into this fandom that was started because of BTS like.. THE WHOLE BAND! Yes these 7 men are all different and unique but they’re also part of the same band whether you like it or not and if they wanted to go solo like many of y’all are dying for it to happen they would’ve done it a while ago it’s not the first time idols leave their band to go on a solo journey. If y’all have no respect for these boys as a band at least have respect towards your favs and what they want, what they wish for and the people they love. 
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Silly/Dumb Things that Make Me Irrationally Angry
disclaimer: the key words here are “silly” & “dumb”
The “Narnia Kids are the Founders of Hogwarts” theory
The “it was all a dream” theory
Thinking protagonist = hero
When fandom villainizes a character simply because they’re “in the way of a ship”
Character in relationship starts pursuing a different character (typically the MC) but doesn’t break up with the character they’re currently dating?????
Speed running enemies to lovers trope (that’s a trope for slow burns wtf are you doing put it down!)
Calling Disney’s Beauty & The Beast a story about Stockholm Syndrome 
Calling any diverse media “woke” to undermine it
Misunderstanding how tags work on ao3 (particularly the / and & for pairings)
Misunderstanding the purpose of tags on ao3
Calling Lucy Heartfilia weak 
Forgetting that Dick Grayson was a mathlete
Basing all of Jason Todd’s personality on his anger and ruthlessness 
Misunderstanding Jason Todd’s anger
The DCEU butchering my boy Batsy
The “I was accidentally eavesdropping and left believing they were talking shit about me but turns out I missed the most important bits” trope
Being a military historian who loves the Civil War (I don’t trust you)
Using the word “females” to sound smarter (you just sound dumb also “women” is right there)
Spring Break being colder than usual (IT WAS THE MIDDLE OF MARCH IN TEXAS WHY WAS I SHIVERING)
Calling me by a nickname that I already refused to (you gotta earn that shit)
Ep 2.08 is never really touched on again after it’s “resolved”
vld’s lost potential (while i have made my peace, i will still bare my scars)
text blocks in fics
dialogue with no quotation marks 
“Oh lookie, we got this wonderful fantastical world (that takes some inspiration from history) with it’s own politics and world building BUT we keep the sexism and racial prejudice bc the inspiration we pulled was medieval times :)” <- i will fight you for sport
mistaking rivals to lovers for enemies to lovers (similar flavor just R to L is slightly tamer. can they blend? yes, but they are not the same thing)
the blatant disregard for internet safety on tiktok (why tf would you announce your age, show your face, and air out your dirty laundry to everyone??? where is your caution? this is not vine, lil beans, y’all are stressing me out. did you miss the pbs episode about the dino agents and stranger danger??? or the fever dream computer game our 1st grade class had to play at school???)
if you have the sniffles, for the love of all things holy, please stand up and get a tissue. no one cares if you get up. i honestly prefer hearing you blow out your nose than hearing you suck up snot every 5 minutes.
taking the backstories told by Macaque and Azure about the Monkey King in lmk at face value (biased narratives are a thing! unreliable narrators are a thing! i will give the biggest sigh if Sun Wukong is placed as the sole character at fault in another fic i read with this)
“redemption” arcs
“sympathetic” villains
missing the fucking point about why Batman chooses mercy and rehabilitation over baseless violence (this also coincides with my issue with how some people view Jason as the Punisher 2.0 bc it suffers through the same fucking glorification of justifying apathy of human life and rejection of 2nd chances)
missing the fucking point about what makes Superman super (here’s a hint: it’s not his fucking power)
the fact that i missed most of Vine’s peak bc i wasn’t allowed a phone until middle school
i lost my post canon script of Cinderella in the prince’s POV that i wrote in 6th grade (rip, i should have created a personal gmail so much sooner, i could have saved you T^T)
understanding a motive does not equal justifying or excusing said motive. you just now understand why a person did what they did. maybe you find justification in it, maybe not, but it’s not absolute!
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Sanctuary Church’s Richard Panzer on Hyung Jin’s Trip to Japan and Hak Ja Han’s Recent Claims
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Excerpts from “The GATE to JAPAN Has OPENED! FALL OF THE HAN EMPIRE” by Richard Panzer, written last week on June 22, 2022. He claims Hak Ja Han believes Sun Myung Moon to be a fallen man since 1960. There have been rumors that Hak Ja Han has been openly speaking about Sun Myung Moon having failed and telling members to do conditions for him in the Spirit World. These revelations have shaken many Japanese members, which has led a number to recently join Sanctuary Church.
He never expected to return to Asia. But after winning against the FFWPU’s lawsuit against Sanctuary for using the Tongil mark, God called them to Korea and now to Japan. FFWPU was created to serve God’s providence but it was corrupted. They give awards to advocates of abortion like former UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon. Abortion clinics have been selling body parts. South Dakota just passed a law that after the heart beat can be heard, it is illegal to end the life of an unborn child. . .  Everyone is made in God’s image, but we are not His children unless we freely choose to accept Him. Hak Ja Han chose wealth and power. In the June 10th Declaration, Father wrote that anyone opposing his anointed successor would be a heretic and destroyer. Father made her read it as well. Who would have believed that it referred to her? In recent weeks she has said that she believed SINCE 1960 that he was a fallen person who had failed. Then why did she marry him? What does that say about her character? She cast away 2 of her sons since they wouldn’t go along with her heresy. Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim pleaded with her, but she screamed, “I have absolute power! I am God!” she had 10 years to do whatever she wanted. Meanwhile Hyung Jin Nim focused on building the Kingdom culture. FFWPU leaders cursed him and said his duty in Korean culture was to just follow his mother. But our loyalty is to God, not “tradition.” It was a struggle to raise the funds to fight the lawsuit. But with the power of God, we won that lawsuit! In April she ordered FFWPU theologians to rewrite the Divine Principle to say that she was the 2nd Coming as the “Only Begotten Daughter.” Now she has announced a new tax of $20K from each couple to build a new palace in Cheongpyeong. The “Death Star” is collapsing. Everywhere Hyung Jin Nim spoke he asked, “is anyone paid to be here? If so, please leave immediately!” No one stood up. The halls were just filled with people who love Christ. The Holy Spirit won’t come where people are insincere, only where there is real love for God. Hoon Dok Hae in Seoul went on for 7 hours. People could see True Father sitting on the stage! Every single one in a skeptical group that attended decided to receive the Blessing to return to TF’s authority! In Japan 2,000 families have returned to True Father’s authority. The FFWPU is losing the trust of members. You cannot worship God and Mammon. They are selling off providential properties to build the new palace. It will only lead to more people leaving. A mob boss in Yeosu would come to Hoon Do Hae. He would bow to True Father even though he owned most of Yeosu because he loved him. After Hyung Jin Nim was forced out of FFWPU and remained in America, the mob boss called up FFWPU leaders and told them “you better do what True Father told you to do!” Even a leader in the fallen world can see what is right to do. The day of awakening, judgment and harvest is at hand! All of us should fully realize that we are sinners saved by grace. Who has lied the most to us? Ourselves! The same week they won the court case and went to Korea, the mask mandates were lifted. The limits on group meetings were also lifted. Then during the tour, Japan revoked the tourist ban. Clearly God is opening up the gate for us! . . . 
The troubles around the world will quicken the coming of God’s Kingdom, so we do not need to dwell in fear. More and more will realize that Satan’s kingdoms do not work and begin to take responsibility at the local level. Despite the failure of Hak Ja Han, True Father succeeded. The 2 brothers succeeded and then True Father sent True Mother Kang, even in her old age, to speak out on behalf of the anointed 3 Generations Kingship. Do not focus on happiness, which is temporary. Focus on the joy of the Lord, focusing on His will, not on “me.” When we realize that “I” am not the center of the universe, we become free. No matter how bad it gets, remember that God wins and His Kingdom comes.
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
I am shocked. And devastated. And just... deeply saddened.
Firstly, I have no ill will toward Megan. It has never seemed like she’s had a 100% fabulous experience on the show, for a variety of reasons, but we certainly don’t know all the facts, and it’s really none of our business. Of course, she has the absolute right to pick whatever projects she wants to work on & when. And who knows, she could want to spend more time with or perhaps grow her family. Regardless, I wish her the best.
Secondly, I am... confused & appalled at the writers. Not only for all their previous poor decisions (which I suppose are, after all, a matter of opinion & more importantly, I’m not interested in going into them right now/again) but for the way they handled this. Just... they obviously knew this was coming - these things have to be decided in advance - & this is how they chose to write their final season with their lead? I’m... aghast. She was straight-up gone for a portion (though we don’t know the truth behind that, to be fair), villianized for most of it, & pretty much hated for all of it. They knew she was leaving & they couldn’t be bothered to at least try to redeem her character & wrap up her arc in a positive way? Not to mention repair her relationship with the other main character, WHICH IS BY THE WAY THE ENTIRE PREMISE OF THE SHOW. I’m just... baffled. Granted, who knows what they’ll pull out of their rears for these last two eps but... I’m not fooling myself into expecting anything good.
Thirdly, all that “real life” business said... personally? I’m so upset. I saw the headline on my phone first thing when I woke up & the most awful horror spread through my chest. I know that sounds dramatic but... listen. This show means a lot to me. For all that I bitch about it (which I know is a lot), this show has been a constant in my life for over 8 years &... that’s a long-ass time. It’s seen me through the end of high school, undergraduate school, graduate school, AND a world-wide pandemic. I made this tumblr specifically to join the Lizzington community, I’ve made such incredible friends through it, & I started writing just for this ship. My time here has been a rock in tough times, a guilty pleasure, & a place to escape. I’ve met amazing people all over the world - some of the loveliest & purest relationships I’ve ever had - and even actual physical penpals, none of which I would have had the opportunity to do without this show. Watching the fandom slowly shrink as friends & acquaintances move on to bigger & better things has been so sad to see & I’m afraid of that just being compounded with the few of us left. I don’t want to lose the friends I’ve made because the show is effectively over. Maybe I’m being overly-sentimental because this is my first active fandom experience but... I don’t care. That’s how I feel. I’m not even sure what I’ll blog about anymore with no show to theorize about, no gifs to cry over, no crappy plots to bitch about. And in terms of fic... I don’t know. I’d certainly like to finish what I have in my line-up, but I’m not sure about after that. I’d love to finish my WIPs & write the vision I’ve always had for my final Lizzington fic. It makes me so sad to think of not writing anymore but if there’s no show? What else can I do? I won’t be stopping immediately but, as I suppose it’s always been, the conclusion of the show is tied to the lifespan of my fics & when one ends... I think so does the other. And that thought makes me so unbelievably sad.
I think I’m mostly gutted because I just wasn’t expecting this. I NEVER thought either Megan or James leaving before the natural conclusion of the show was EVER a possibility. And, more importantly, I thought we had at least one more season. Ever since renewals came into real question around season seven or so, it occurred to me that I should try to prepare for the eventual end. And I was mentally preparing for it! But, since the news that there will be a season 9, I was counting on at least one more year. Would it be bad? Probably. Would it be worth watching? Probably not. Would there be any Lizzington? Unlikely. But would I be able to liveblog & scream about it with my friends? Yes. Would there be inspiration for new fics? You bet. Would there be the smallest, tiniest, little glimmer of hope for Lizzington? .....Yes. Some may argue there was never any hope to begin with (& we would obviously disagree) but that’s the thing about hope: as long as there’s a little, there’s some. But there’s not anymore. Because without Megan, there’s no Liz, & without Liz, there’s no possibility for Lizzington. At least for me. So, to go from counting on at least one more season before it was time to prepare for the end of this whole experience, to suddenly just two episodes is... so painful. Just one week left. After eight seasons. And more than eight years. Usually you have so much more build-up before series finales, which is effectively what this is for me. To not have that just makes everything feel so... pointless. I know it’s not &, despite the shit show this all turned out to be, I WILL have fond memories of this time. And I WILL eventually get over it. It just... feels like a huge loss. Because it is. It’s unexpected. And devastating. And while it’s super dramatic & way over-the-top to say it... I feel like I’m grieving right now. This show - & more so this ship - meant so much to me. And I feel like we lost that today. Who knows what they’ll do in these next 2 episodes - if they’ll chose to retcon the mythology or if they’ll successfully tie up all the loose ends? If they’ll end with Red & Liz on good terms or friends (or more?) or if they’ll OOC tf out of the relationship in an attempt to set things up for season 9 & whatever their weird plans are...
But, I’m sorry, no matter what they’re planning? I won’t be watching season 9. The Blacklist has always - from the first promo - been about Red & Liz & their relationship. TPTB seem to have forgotten that. And to quote Megan... “I think it’s a love story.”
It’s a shame we never got to see it.
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jeyramarie · 2 years
the princess and the debutant- Florence Pugh x Reader (Bridgerton AU) Part 1
summary: debutant season just began and it will a lot more challenging than usual
wc: 2,480
warnings: none, for now.. 
a/n: i got this idea after finishing season 2 of bridgerton and can i just say HOLY WOW best season EVER 🥲
but anyways i decided to combine flo and the show cause why tf now? 😂 idk how long i would make this, it depends on the feedback i end up receiving.. 
p.s: reading it in a british accent makes it A LOT more fun jajaja
so please lmk if you wanna be tagged, any feedback is appreciated and happy reading 🦋
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It was 1815 in London where the Queen hosted the first ball of the season. Not only was it to introduce the new debutants but also to welcome her niece, Florence. She had traveled all the way from Oxford to live with her aunt, the Queen, who decided to introduce her as a debutante as well in hopes to find her a noble husband. The same reason the Johnson’s arrived at the ball. Their eldest daughter, Y/n, was a debutante and it was a great goal for her to find a partner as her parents did. 
“Miss Maryann Addington, presented by the Right Honorable, Lord and Lady Addington!” The announcer shouted from inside the throne room. It was filled with very important families, eager to see this season’s eligible debutants. Especially, eager to meet this season’s diamond who is named by the Queen herself. 
The ladies must present themselves to Her Royal Highness in order to be rightfully accepted into the season. The one that shows best posture, grace and elegance would become the Queen’s diamond. That would make her the prestigious debutante, the one everyone would want. 
“Miss Y/n Johnson, presented by the Right Honorable, Lord and Lady Johnson!” 
The doors opened and everyone's eyes drifted to the door. A young girl stood in a white and gold gown with white feathers in her hair. Y/n’s hands shook as she took a few steps forward, entering the crowded room. The Lord and Lady stood by her as they all walked down the long aisle to stand before the Queen. She curtsies, as well as her parents, before standing up straight. Her Royal Highness looked her up and down and smiled before turning her head to her niece, who was sitting beside her. Florence looked at her aunt and over to Y/n before giving her a subtle nod. 
She’s the one the Queen thought to herself as they walked off to the side with the rest of the families. 
“How did I do Mama?” Y/n asked as they stepped outside to the garden. 
“You were marvelous, dear.” She smiled. 
“Now all that’s left is for a suitor to sweep you off your feet.” Her father chuckled as he turned to his daughter. 
“And for the Queen to name me this season’s diamond.” She muttered, staring at the ground in nerves. 
“We must wait and see.” Her mother smiled, grabbing Y/n’s hand as they walked towards the pastry table. 
“Her Royal Highness calls for everyone to go to the ballroom! She has chosen her diamond!” The announcer shouted from the top of the stairs that lead to the garden. Everyone began to whisper and mumble to each other as they filled the castle once again. The debutants were anxious to hear who would be this season’s diamond and the men were eager to see a possible choice to find their future wife. 
“As you may all know, I choose a debutante to become my diamond. She must show elegance, grace and beauty, as well as good manners and delicacy. It is why I have chosen my diamond to be Miss Y/n Johnson.” The Queen announced, causing everyone to clap as Y/n stood there in shock. She walked forward, standing in front of Her Royal Highness and bowed down. As she stood up straight, she smiled at the Queen and turned slightly to curtsy at the princess. 
“Are you sure about her?” Florence whispered to her aunt as she saw Y/n walking back to her parents. 
“Very much so.” The Queen replied and walked into the ballroom, signaling the musicians to start playing. 
Music filled the room as couples walked towards the middle of the room to begin dancing. Bodies moved around in circles to the soft violins and cellos. Y/n stood shyly next to her parents, drinking lemonade as she stared at the couples around the ballroom. She was about to excuse herself to go outside when she saw the Queen walking towards her. 
“Your Majesty.” Y/n said as she bowed. 
“Miss Johnson. I have high hopes for you this season.” 
“I am eternally grateful for this opportunity, thank you Your Majesty.” 
“Do not let me down, Miss Johnson. I have heard great things about you.” The Queen smirked and moved as if she was about to leave but quickly turned back to Y/n who was mid curtsy. 
“Would you like to come over tomorrow for some tea? It would be delightful to speak with you about your next actions as my diamond.” 
“It would be an honor.” Y/n smiled as she nodded. 
“Very well, tomorrow indeed.” The Queen smiled and her diamond bowed once more before she walked off to speak to someone else. Y/n took a deep breath before turning to her parents, who were talking to the Addington’s. 
“Excuse me, Lord and Lady Addington. I wish to speak to my mama for just a moment.” Y/n said after courtesy the couple. 
“No problem dear.” The Lady said as she pulled her mother away to a corner. 
“Darling, wha-”
“The Queen has invited me for tea tomorrow.” She smiled. 
“Oh darling, that’s wonderful. Will the princess be present as well?” 
“I’m not certain, why?” 
“I’ve heard she has got quite the temper.” Lady Johnson whispered before going back to her husband. 
The next morning, Y/n woke up feeling anxious about her meeting with the Queen. She had picked her best dress with the finest silk along with her favorite jewelry. Due to the nerves, breakfast wasn’t an option. Her stomach was in a knot as the morning went on. It got worse as her carriage approached the castle. 
Y/n was going alone as the Queen suggested. It made her feel insecure. She felt as if everything she had learned her whole life was about to slip her mind in a second, leaving her mind empty. The carriage came to a stop and the footmen opened the door, helping her climb out. Her eyes drifted towards the castle before grabbing her dress and walking up the stairs. 
“Miss Johnson.” The doorman bowed his head as she curtsy.  “Her Majesty is waiting in the parlor.” 
“Thank you.” She smiled and walked towards the living room where she was introduced. 
“Her Royal Highness, presenting Miss Y/n Johnson!” 
The Queen lifted her head and smiled, standing up as her diamond walked towards her. The girl smiled shyly as she fidgeted with her hands. 
“Your Majesty.” She bowed. 
“It’s good to see you, Miss Y/n.” The Queen replied before turning to sit back on her chair. Y/n followed and sat across from her. 
They spent the afternoon talking and laughing about the society’s most “eligible” bachelors, the ones who are battling to court Miss Y/n and hopefully become her future husband. It was settled that the Queen would host a ball as an official beginning to Y/n’s journey. She would invite every important family in order to have debutants, Lords and Viscounts in one room. 
Florence had come back to the castle from the modiste when she heard the giggles coming from the parlor. With all her curiosity, she entered the room to see Y/n holding her cup of tea as her aunt laughed at something she had said. The Queen had been joyful about her diamond which resulted in her mentioning Y/n multiple times. Florence didn’t seem to completely enjoy that. Or does she? 
“Oh, Florence, dear. I didn’t see you there.” The Queen smiled, making her niece break out of her own thoughts. 
“I had just arrived from the modiste.” She smiled, walking into the room to bow in front of her aunt before turning to Y/n. “I was not aware we were to have company today.” 
“Your Majesty.” She quickly stood up to curtsy to Florence and she looked her up and down. 
“What were you speaking about?” 
“I am hosting a ball in a few days.” The Queen replied, watching as her niece walked closer to the window. 
“And who is set to-”
“Excuse me, Your Majesty but we have a situation with the King.” A servant interrupted as he tried to catch his breath. The Queen quickly stood and walked away, leaving Y/n and Florence alone. 
“I must say, my aunt is pretty infatuated by your performance but it will not be easy to remain with the title.” Florence said with a straight face. 
“Do you not believe I am capable?” Y/n furrowed her brows. 
“I believe you’re capable of marrying any man who steps foot in front of you but certainly not a Viscount or a Prince.” 
“And why wouldn’t I, Your Majesty? I am well educated, I know three languages, I enjoy to read Charles Dickens-”
“Charles Dickens?!” Florence shouted with a dry laugh. “I do not believe you enjoy that man’s words.” 
“Do you not like it?” Y/n asked, interlocking her hands together in front of her. 
“Who would actually like his work?” 
“A person who appears to have good taste, something you certainly lack.” The girl took a deep breath and walked closer to the princess, who stared in shock. The last thing she imagined was Y/n actually having something to say.
 “I must be leaving now. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Y/n said and bowed before walking out of the room. 
Florence stood there in silence, reminiscing on the conversation that just took place. She heard the whining of the horses and turned to the window, staring at Miss Y/n while she got into her carriage. Her aunt was right, she really is the embodiment of elegance. The blonde didn’t know why, couldn’t explain it but all she wondered was when she was going to see the diamond again.
“She is certainly not a Princess, mama.” Y/n rambled, pacing around the parlor as her mother drank tea. “I very much enjoy reading Dickens, why should I be ashamed of that? There’s no wrong in his work but the Princess decided to have an opinion on it. One that’s rather unwanted.” 
“Darling, I do not think she wished to offend you in any way.” Lady Johnson said, placing her tea cup on the table. 
“She criticized my readings, mama. I was chosen as the diamond for a reason and my book taste has nothing to do with it.” She scoffed and sat across from her mother. Her leg bounced up and down as her thoughts continued to race wildly in her head. 
“You must calm down.”
“But mama-” 
“You must calm down. The only way to show the Princess that you are worthy is by your actions not by nice words.” Her mother said cutting her off before standing up. “You are a very intelligent woman. I do not doubt that you will indeed impress her.” 
Y/n was left alone in the parlor before she stood up and began to get ready for a fun afternoon with her friend, Maryann Addington. Both families have been close friends since their early courting days, which resulted in their daughters getting along so well. They always shared secrets to each other as well as gossip that was heard from their parent’s conversation. Miss Maryann had invited Y/n over for a horse ride around her manor, which was desperately needed after her encounter with the Princess. 
“And here I thought you were becoming friends.” Maryann chuckled while galloping on her horse next to Y/n. 
“We will certainly never be friends. She is rather rude.” 
“Well what about the Queen? The princess is her niece after all.” 
“I will only focus on her and make her proud.”Y/n replied with a clenched jaw. 
“I do not know the exact words that were exchanged but perhaps the both of you can find a common ground.” Miss Addington suggested. 
“Perhaps indeed.” She muttered, giving her friend a sad smile before drifting the conversation to Maryann’s suitors for the season. 
As they returned back to the manor, Lord and Lady Addington were enjoying a cup of tea with someone else who was sitting across from them. The horses whined as they approached the garden, which caused Lord Addington to look up and smile at his daughter. The ladies climbed off the horses and walked over to them while taking off their gloves. 
“This would be my daughter, Miss Maryann Addington and her friend-” Lord Addington began, extending his arm towards his daughter.
“Miss Johnson.” A voice cut him off causing the girl to look up to see Florence. 
“Your Majesty.” She almost whispered, bowing towards the Princess. 
“I wasn’t aware you were acquainted with the Addington’s.” Florence smiled, giving her a rather daring look. 
“They have known my parents for many years, hence why Miss Maryann and I are friends.” Y/n explained. 
“I am surprised you know the definition of the word.” The blonde muttered as the girl scoffed in disbelief. 
“I beg your pardon.” She replied with narrowed eyes. 
“Maybe we should step inside, it seems like it will be raining any moment.” Lady Addington said, sensing the tension between them. 
“Certainly right, mama. We can play a game, perhaps checkers or charades.” Maryann suggested walking towards her home. 
“I must be going actually. Mama had wanted me to help her with some new fabrics.” Y/n announced with a small shrug. 
“Are you afraid I might win, Miss Johnson?” Florence smirked. 
“Of course not, Your Majesty, but if I in fact stayed, there wouldn’t be any winning from your side.” 
“Is that some type of challenge?” 
“Only if you agreed.” Y/n chuckled. 
“Agreed to what?” The princess narrowed her eyes. 
“To be a fair loser, Your Majesty.” 
Florence chuckled dryly and turned her head as she scratched the side of her nose. She looked at Y/n in question, never expecting her to speak to her that way. 
“I most certainly will be going. I would not want mama to be angry.” Y/n smiled and bowed to Florence before moving up the stairs to say goodbye to Maryann. 
She went into the house and called for her carriage before bidding a goodbye to Lord and Lady Addington. Florence took a deep breath and followed Maryann into the manor. Y/n was slowly walking down the stairs towards her carriage when she turned around to see the Princess staring out the window. 
Y/n waved at her before getting into her carriage as Florence stayed surprised from the small gesture. The Addington’s called her over to begin the game of chess as she continued to think about the girl. Both of them thought about one another for the rest of the day. It will certainly be a very interesting season. 
florence taglist: @flosbelova @kassies-take @ideas-for-you-to-adopt @florencestann1234 @freewaysigns-underpasses @snooy245 @wandanatvoid @gay-vet-student @yelenabelovastolemyheart @marvelwomen-simp @simpforflorencepugh1 @laaurel @yelenabelovasbxtch @geico-insuranc @oh-its-jennyyy @bandit2029 @youresuchamom @simpforyelenabelova​ @justfangirlingaround​
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baeshijima · 3 years
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫!𝐚𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫!𝐲/𝐧
A/N : i have nothing to say other than the fact there will be an excessive amount of twitch slang bc why tf not + just,,, heavy streamer!albedo brainrot ;-;
streamer albedo
so before we get into him being whipped for u, let’s go over the type of strimmer mr Kreideprinz is
fun fact that’s his twitch name—
albedo would be the type to do lots of variety streams of different games, but also the occasional art one if he wants to have a chill stream with his chat !!
speaking of chat… they’re an odd mix of wholesome supporters, KAPPA + POGGERS + catJAM (bc he always has some bangers on in the bg like yes u bless our ears my guy) + KEKW + EZ Clap + his own emotes spammers, mr albedo’s very own shrimps (me, ahEm—), and ppl who just appreciate his voice + gameplay
if there’s a troll he just bans them OMEGALUL
omg he has lots of emotes (which he made in some of his art streams so his viewers could choose some) for every scenario but we’ll get into the popular ones in a bit 👁👁
he’s most definitely one of the bigger, well-known streamers but with a smaller group of friends
his discord server has,,, a lot of ppl,,, 70k+ ppl big,,, rip notifs if ur in it ;-;
he has it muted tho 🐥 like, sir, that’s ur server pay the goddamn price smh
wait i forgot to mention this but he has his webcam on when streaming
so u can bet ur chickens that when ppl come to visit his stream bc of whatever category he has on, they stay for his visuals and voice <33
his twt 🤡 mans gets 1k+ likes, rts, comments within the first 5-10 mins
omg he gets soft when he receives sm support from his community 🥺🥺
gifts so many subs when hitting milestones, chat is wholesome or just whenever really HJKSDHKL 
also doesn’t swear much unless he gets played by his own game and/or someone is being incredibly annoying <//3
he also just,,, eats on stream
albedo straight up takes his webcam with him to show him cooking if his viewers ask for it
or he just orders food then and there and eats while chatting to everyone or watching youtube with his chat 🥺
this AR55 man 👩‍🦯
he can literally produce content from anything
from artifact farming, to spiral abyss, to running around mindlessly, to building characters he would normally never build, to him seeing how high up is considered too high to dive
and everyone eats it up bc it’s albedo <3
also !! he’s the type who includes the story quests in his streams so his reaction and thoughts on everything is just,,, there
now when u were first introduced in the prologue (yes ur one of the ogs + involved in the dvalin fight <33) he blanked and all his viewers could see was u on screen with him staring blankly in the bottom right of the screen
this man straight up saw u in a cutscene for one second and fell in love
his chat went wild omfg
he immediately made an emote for u and that’s his most popular one 😌
but i kid u not, the moment u appeared in that cutscene (one in which he will forever treasure in the crevices of his heart) was the moment he asked this exact question ;
“ so (y/n) banner when? ” 
and mihoyo heard his pleas and answered with ur event banner 
except it was like,, 4 months later 
at least ur finally here tho :’)
now he can have his lil science-y moments with ur voicelines ;-;
yes, ur the chief alchemist but ✨ 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 ✨
. . .
shut up
n e who
when he saw the notification from mihoyo’s official forums that u will be a playable character in the new update — along with new characters, region, events & a domain — i shit u not he did a rt, his own tweet, an announcement on the community feature on youtube, and made constant reminders to his viewers on twitch abt how he will be a (y/n) haver no matter what
he even added future (y/n) haver in his twt display name
what a shrimp—
the 1.2 update stream 🐥 he was there waiting for it to go live with like,,, 19k viewers spamming his chat abt predictions and obv ur official release + showcase
and when i say this man fell even more in love while watching ur trailer and character showcase 🥺 he wouldn’t stop smiling or being in awe bc ur just??? so stunning???
mihoyo clearly has a favourite child and it’s u
chat was spamming ur exclusive emote like crazy oml
u can bet it was also flooded with lots of POGs and POGGERS 
overall it was a very fun, chaotic stream filled with lots of (y/n) appreciation and love <33
also a very memorable stream for all his viewers bc of the side of albedo they rarely see unless ur involved
the day ur banner was to go live tho 🐥
the streams leading up to the fateful day consisted of him farming ur mats 
that’s it
boss runs, local specialties, hero wits, talent books, the mats needed for ur weapon he was inevitably going to pull for (only the best for the best, afterall) and many domain runs
many painful domain runs
all of it was worth it tho bc ur worth everything :’)
an actual quote said by him—
at least he can get u and ur weapon to lvl 90 right off the bat with all the artifacts tailored for u ;-;
and get u to that point he did HJSDKJF
once ur banner dropped? immediately started wishing
2 multis in and he gets u 😣
albedo nearly cried and was the literal embodiment of head in hands
modCheck has left the chat
everyone’s rooting for him :’)
pulled for ur weapon and got it in 1 multi
sir give me ur luck pls and ty
but yes he nearly choked on the gASP he let out while chat screamed even more
he blanked for a bit, i won’t lie ;-;
but when he realised this was real, he immediately went to his party set up and put u in
can we all get an f in the chat for his lvl 10 tartaglia 😔💔👊
his chat usually rages at him to build him but if he’s being honest, he cba
ur vl when he put u in the party tho <333
now he’s just spent half an hour running around with u, letting u do ur idle animations (will always be grateful for mihoyo creating u like this), reading ur very limited (for now—) character story and going through ur voicelines 
ur morning & about us (when he unlocks it) voiceline >>>>> his heart be running laps rn i swear
eventually he does begin to build u after much admiration on his end and at lvl 1 with lvl 20 artifacts, u already have 1.6k atk 🐥
now after he levels u and ur weapon to lvl 90, u have 2.8k atk 🐥
rip mobs <//3
he now plays u as his main dps 😌
the kit initially designed for u is meant to be more for support?? kinda like the whole ganyu or zhongli debate abt them being a dps or a support/sub dps ;-;
except ur more utility like venti or bennett
and even though the majority said at the beginning (aka, mihoyo, pretty much any other streamer and the larger part of the fanbase) that ur meant for support, he said fuck that and built u as his main dps
and i won’t lie, u do more damage than any of his characters, and ppl who co op with him
ur his pride and joy :’)
he went to take a look at ur consts to see if they were worth the rng suffering and, lo-and-behold,
they were
so now he’s using all his saved primos for u to try and get ur c6 const, along with making ur weapon r5 :’)
his chat gets a free view of him internally suffering when the gold light doesn’t come, and his external suffering when he loses the 50/50
in the end, he decided to whale for u <33
after nearly an hour, he has u to c6 and ur weapon to r5 ;-;
now all he’s been doing the whole stream is running around with u in open world, doing his daily farming, doing more domain and boss runs, exploring the new region (dragonspine) + ur story quest
he’s saving the event quest for another stream bc ✨content✨ 
in ur quest, he had multiple heart attacks and now has many, many screenshots <3
he now has a zoomed in pic of ur face as his twt pfp <33
okay so i also feel like he’s not all that bothered abt getting characters to friendship level 10 immediately and would rather let it happen through time
but obv ur not any other character *proceeds to debby ryan at u*
even if ur not fit for a particular domain or boss, he still puts u in the party so when collecting the blossom/rewards, u can get the friendship exp ;-;
he just wants ur name card so he can show off okay 🥺
when he lets his viewers pick out the playlist, 98% of the songs are from ur character demo theme 
they just know him so well 😩
they also just wanna see the way he smiles when he hears it play but shhhhhh
now he just has his in-game avatar as u, and ur namecard too <33
also his signature is just ;
“ (y/n)’s favourite streamer ”
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black-bhabie-2000 · 3 years
Hii! I would like to request accidental stimulation in public by fem reader (may be she doesn't pay much attention that time about this? Or u choose ) & and then may be the Guys get flustered about this and they try to get close & get some stimulation with their S/O till they get home and then we can go all NSFW 😛 with KENNY, CHIFUYU, BAJI, MITSUYA please ♡♡ thank you for your time. Have a greattt day☆ xo
I hope I had the right idea with this.. thank you for being my first ask and sorry if it isn't right I did the ones I know and I hope you request again..
You and Mitsuya have been dating for a while and you've gotten to see every side of him. Including what he's like outside of his Toman persona but you guys were about to hit an even bigger milestone. He invited you to his house. You were brimming with excitement. You stopped at his club after school to walk with him. He spotted you " Just a sec babe, alright make sure to not hurt yourselves and anything you mews up let me know so I can help you tomorrow. " with that He grabbed his stuff and grabbed your hand pulling you alongside him. The walk to his house wasn't long. You guys walked in and changed to his slippers and he led you to his room. "Feel free to look around." He said with a smirk. You laughed " How did you know !" He smiled and closed the door. You waited to see if he was going to com back in and he didn't. So you started snooping. The first thing was dirty magazines but sadly he hide them to well but you came across something better. In his closet was a bag with your name on it. What else could you do but open it and inside was the prettiest dress you've ever seen. You immediately stripped not paying attention to the door that was slowly opening and started putting on the dress. Once on you realized it really emphasized you curves and was a little too tight in certain areas. The whole time your tugging and trying to make it fit right. Your boyfriend is on the floor watching the show your putting on. " Wow you look hot babe" you turned around flushed and embarrassed. You forgot he would eventually come in. " You look very sexy in the clothes I made for you but it looks like it needs some adjustments " he smirked and stood up slowly walking to you. Your body moving backwards till your against the wall . Mitsuya leans in his hair tickling the side of your face. He grabs your side his right hand slowly sliding down your back and he whispers in your ear. " We're going to have to rip this off and start from scratch ." Let's just say you reached more than one milestone that day and Mitsuya makes you wear the clothes he designs on dates.
You and Baji have been in the same class for 2 years and yes yall both dumber than a bag of rocks. Only thing is you were more popular because of how cute your actions were. While baji was just weird. You asked Baji out and much to your surprise he said yes. You didn't know about Toman or that he looked like out of school until he asked you on a date to an amusement park. He told you his gang was going to be there and you excited about going on your first date pulled all the stops. Im talking about cute thigh highs, brand new skirt with a baby doll top that showed off your rack quite nicely 😏. Your makeup was beat in and you snuck into your older sisters makeup for the spray that would make sure your face wouldn't melt. Your accessories showed off you curvy and cute form. You hadn't seen Baji after-school and neither had he seen you. So you arrive at your meeting spot and couldn't see him. So you waited. You hadn't noticed the group of boys next to the fountain you walked past or kept circling. Draken called attention to you first with a nod in your direction "she's cute '
Takemitchy gasped "don't say that what about Emily " Draken laughed "like Mikey would let me date his sister " Mikey silently smiled to himself ready to go into the amusement park cause he was hungry. "Baji how long is your girlfriend gonna take, we've been out here for 20 minutes " Mikey whined. I don't know man she said she was here maybe I should call her ?" Baji responded. "You should've called her in the first place" chifuyu replied. Baji typed in your number and flipped chifuyu off with lead int the guys chuckling. You had hit the roundabout and stopped in your tracks a few feet in front of the boys. You picked up your phone in a hurry and answered it . You were kinda irritated " if you weren't going to be here , you shouldn't have wasted my time dumbass and hung up on him. Baji ofc looking at you and also stunned that you cussed at didn't say a word. Better yet all the boys were looking at you because one there was no way Baji pulled a baddy like you and two did you just cuss him out. You were Bout to storm off . When Baji caught your arm and spun you around, pulling you into him. You were shocked cause one wo to was this hot ass stranger and why was he so close. You went to yell at him and " hey babe if I knew you were going to get all filled up. I wouldn't have invited the gang and 'he leans I a little too close ' we could've went to my place for a study Date. He said gazing deep in your eyes and you knew exactly what he meant and it was for sure not studying. You pulled back half in shock cause you recognized his voice anywhere and damn you got lucky. You slapped Bajis chest ' hmph show me your friends dummy and walked away. Baji chuckling behind you , slyly gripping your hand. " Hey Draken the hot babes mine "
DRAKEN (kenny)
It was a comfy afternoon , the sky was gray and it was raining true peace. Well as peaceful as it gets in the red light district. You followed Draken all the way to his house and then hid when he got out. You walked around till you met the front desk clerksman and he recognized you. Though you didn't know how . He offered you some tea and led you to Drakens room. " I don't know when he'll be back and I'm not calling him so stay comfortable " he shut the door and left . You were in Drakens room your excitement trumping your guilt because you followed your boyfriend outta jealously. " It's so neat in here" you announce to yourself in a slight mischievous tone. Looking around cautiously you start to what any girl in her boyfriend would do . Look for evidence, not bad evidence but evidence. You had been strategically Looking and putting everything back in its place just in case he might get upset with you for Looking through his stuff. You did find a porn Magazine that showed you why he was dating you. You fit the body type of the page with white residue on it to a T . I mean her ass was a bit bigger but hey what's a girl to do. You had now moved on to store i.e. his closet . You opened and marveled at how many of those damn black and white jackets he has like damn Boi buy another color shit. You now completely forgotten you are trespassing cause your boyfriend doesn't know you are there. You start to strip and try on his clothes. Draken was making his way home it was still light outside and plus he needed to Chang into his toman uniform because Mikey wanted to meet up tonight. He was in the building heading up the elevators. Wondering why he hasn't heard from you all day. TF were you doing 😒, were you mad at him. He doesn't really know or care . He's just pissed you hadn't texted him all day. "I'm going to punish that brat next time I see her 😏" the elevator door opened and he stepped off with a pep in his step to change a little faster and head to your house and mess with you before the meeting. He walked up to the desk .
You had lost track of all time and now was getting ballsy. You half naked was about to put on his toman uniform. All your sanity is apparently out the Window cause you are giggle Loud as fuck. Your couldn't fit the pants but his jacket and boots fit nice and the way your ass looked hanging out the bottom of the jacket oof girl, you left it open revealing your bust just enough and you had your hair in a pony tail trying to mimick your boyfriends hair. ' I'm Draken and Mikey is my leader and son and if you wanna hurt him you gotta fight mee grrr"... you had your fist up and a very sad attempt of a bad ass face. You currently fake fighting and giggling like an idiot had no idea Draken had been watching you since you put your hair in the pony tail. (Stealthy bitch) you turn around doing a bad ass kick and scream and dive to his bed and cover yourself up. " WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE. YOU DIDN'T CALL OR TELL ME YOU WERE COMING " Draken laughed " Sweetcheeks this is my room' he approached the bed and ripped the covers off of you. You squirmed away from him till your head hit the wall. Giving Draken enough Time to place himself over you." Well hey there babe , you look pretty sexy in my uniform " his hand trailing up the side of your thigh. " I have 1 and 45 before the Toman meeting that's enough time to show you my bad ass skills huh sweetcheeks" you gasped .......... Draken was very late to the meeting that day and your brother was pissed when you went home the next day but shit that was the best sleep you ever had 😏😏😏😉🤷🏿‍♀️
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haksuwx · 2 years
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hi guys i did not make a post for last plot drop so i will now >:) just let me know if anything seems interesting to you or if your muse and haksu could interact during any of these times!
[before 8:00 announcement]
cue montage reel of haksu being Dazed and Confused with that one part of roman holiday on repeat, freaking out w/ seulki at the dorms and then bitna and jihyun at various parts of the gym and then beefing (kinda pointlessly?) with kinam. the beef gets physical and yeah it’s a really bad time
[after the announcement] 
so he’s heading to the north b/c i woke up late and all the south spots were taken b/c haksu says eat the rich b/c he wants to prove that even a poor farmboy can protect all these rich businesspeople -- idk a combination of the above
so before he heads out i think he would want to find someone heading to the south and being like yo… can u check if my family is ok… theyre far down so if u ever get anywhere close to (haksu’s farm’s address) pls pls check i will owe u my life etc
i’d love a plot involving gearing up! i bet they have to put on a lot more stuff cause this just got Real and like haksu’s pretending he knows where the h*ck to fasten these straps but my guy why are you putting the shoulder guards on your knees
anyone else heading north? or knows how to navigate the north? because haksu’s never been there ever in his entire life! and wow it’s just like in the movies except everyone is 10x more panicked and he doesn’t have the time to take a selfie in front of the parliament building ):
he may or may not distress call the comms ppl multiple times because he doesnt know where tf he’s supposed to go, but he’ll sound all whisper-y bc hes trying not to let the people know he has no clue what he’s doing and he made a big mistake choosing the north to take care of
idk plot with me guys im finally on break
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lilacyennefer · 4 years
Burning Desire
@oldstuffnewstuff​ asked: from the NSFW prompts - let's try #4 Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because it’s working.” #15 “Forget the bed. Let’s fuck right here.” #16 “Fuck, I love the sounds you make.” with either Will from TF or Ray from the Gentlemen. Thank you 💖💖💖💖
A/N: I had so much fun with this, holy shit. I choose Will because there isn't much single story with him. I hope you like it! Also, since gifs make your post disappear in the tags I use some of the edits I made for my Charlie fan account on instagram.
TW: SMUT, it’s literally pure filth 
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It was Will’s idea to go to a dinner with Benny and his new girlfriend so he can check her. Will was always worried when Benny had a new girlfriend, knowing his little brother gave his heart and soul to the person who he was in love with, ending up with a broken heart more than once. So, this is why Will started to invite Benny and his new girlfriends to dinner, sometimes to your place where he cooked, sometimes to restaurants when he didn’t feel like cooking, but wanted to check the girl anyway. With Will’s skill sets, he could read every single person like an open book, sometimes it was good, sometimes not so much. 
You were okay with this, seemingly Benny was too, and you never minded spending the night with great food, a glass of wine, and most importantly, with Will. 
But today, today was a bad day for this, knowing you barely will have time to do anything when you get home from work before the two of you leave for the restaurant, and you needed some alone time with Will really badly. 
It all started with the dream you had, a very sexy and exciting dream that made you wake up all hot and bothered, and you couldn’t help this throbbing sensation in the morning since you overslept and had very little time to get ready and go to work. 
The whole day, all you could think about is getting home and do all the dirty things you dreamed about with Will, so he can finally save you from this sensation. 
Your excitement died down quickly when Will called you, telling you that the two of you are going to have a dinner with Benny and his new girlfriend. 
So, when you finally got home from work, Will was sitting on the couch, reading that new book he bought a few days ago, and he looked so fucking good in his reading glasses, all relaxed and lost in the book, it took you everything to not walk up to him and take the book away from him, and ride him until you finally feel the knot what has been tightening inside of you since the morning snap, and you’re no longer bothered. 
But you couldn’t, because you had a goddamn dinner reservation to attend, and Will hates being late from anywhere, even if you know that Benny will be late, because he’s late from everywhere. 
So you start getting ready, you quickly take a cold shower, hoping it will cool your burning body down, and again, it took you so much self control to not touch yourself, just a little bit until you finally can focus on anything else than that throbbing hotness between your legs. 
But you stopped yourself, you wanted Will, no, you needed Will and not your fingers. 
After getting out of the shower, you quickly dried yourself, put on a white lingerie and chose a red dress. You were standing in only your lingerie, doing your makeup when Will joined you in the bedroom, stepping up to you from behind and wrapping his strong arms around you, pulling you closer to his body as he hid his face in the crook of your neck, kissing the soft skin gently. 
You felt like you got struck by lightning, your whole body tensed from Will’s touch, so you quickly pulled away, pushing him away a little bit before you do something what would make the two of you late. 
“Is something wrong?” Will immediately asks you, confusion is written all over his face.
“No, I’m just—“ you sigh. There’s no point hiding this from him, knowing he can read you like an open book, and maybe, if you have to sit through this dinner all horny, you can tease him a little bit too. 
“Ever since I woke up this morning, I’m so unbearably horny I feel like I could explode any time. So you, kissing my neck, knowing what effect it has on me, is not helping.” You blurt out.
Will is looking at you with a smirk, and he slowly looks you up and down. 
That’s it, you decide. If you have to suffer, so does he.
“Do you know what made me so horny?” You ask in your most seductive voice as you take a step closer to Will. “I had a dream last night where you did all kinds of dirty, unspeakable things to me.” You whisper, and you see Will take a sharp breath and swallow hard. 
“Do you know what you did to me?” You asked as you put your hand on his chest, slowly dragging it lower.
“You tied me up to the bed, and I let you tease me for hours. I know how much you love that, seeing me tied up, completely at your mercy, begging you to touch me, to let me cum.” With each word, you dragged your hand lower on his body until you reached his hardening bulge, cupping it in your hand by the time you finished. 
Will really did love to tie you up time to time. It wasn’t anything extreme, it was more about the trust you had for each other. He mostly used scarfs or old ties, once you tried ropes, but it left an ugly mark on the skin of your sensitive wrists, and Will was feeling bad about it for weeks, so you agreed to stay with softer materials. 
The view of you tied up, being completely at his mercy, turned Will on more than ANYTHING in the world, seeing your complete trust in him was better than anything else. And Will loved to tease you, every time when you were together, you could be goddamn sure that he will tease you. Once you asked why he loves it so much, and his answer was simple: he loved how soaking wet you got from it, he loved to hear you beg, and edging your orgasm makes it more intense when you finally come. 
“Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because it’s working.” Will’s voice was already deeper than usual.
“Me?” You try to play the innocent “I was just telling you about my dream, love.” You try to hide the fact that you’re satisfied now that you’re not the only one who’s turned on. You take a step back and pull your hand away from Will before you say:
“C’mon, we can't be late!”
Will just lets out a loud groan.
“You’re gonna pay for this, Y/N.” He warns you before he starts getting ready.
“I can’t wait!” Is all you say as you put on your dress. 
Will finished getting ready really early, so he went back downstairs to wait for you. When you’re finally ready, you head downstairs, only to see Will leaning against the back of the couch, his glasses is sitting on the bridge of his nose, and his book back in his hands. 
And he looks so fucking good. 
He wears a white shirt and a black jacket, with a simple black jeans, but he’s Will, your Will, who looks good in anything, and you’re so horny, you had enough. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You ask frustrated, making Will look up from his book.
“Is something wrong?” Will repeats his words from earlier.
“Yes! You!” You walk closer to him “I can’t fucking wait any longer.” You take his book away from him and throw it on the ground, not bothering how it landed, and you grabbed Will’s face in your hands and pulled him down for a heated, passionate kiss. 
“We will—“ Will mutters when you pull away from him.
“We are not going.” You announce to Will’s surprise. 
“Give me your phone!” You reach your hand out, and without any comment, he gives you his phone.
You quickly search Benny’s name in his contacts and send him a text saying ‘Y/N got food poisoning, we can’t go. The bill is on me.’ You give Will his phone back and he puts it in the pocket of his jacket. 
“Now, take me to bed, William.” 
Will shakes his head with a sly smile, and he grabs your hips to pull you closer.
“Forget the bed. Let’s fuck right here.” He growls, and you could feel yourself getting even wetter, if that's possible. 
You didn’t wait for Will to take the other step, without any warning you jumped into his neck, wrapping your legs around his hips, kissing him. With Will’s reflex, his hand was already on your bottom, holding you up as he bypassed the couch and sat down on it, with you on his lap, his mouth never leaving yours. 
You’re sitting in Will’s lap and you can already feel his growing bulge underneath you, so you start rocking your hips against his, soaking through your panties. 
Will groans deeply into the kiss, allowing you to slip your tongue into his mouth, making him moan again. 
“I want you so much.” You murmur against Will’s mouth, lips still touching. 
“You have me, darling, you have me.” 
You kiss Will again, needing, like he was air and you were suffocating, like he was the water and you were at the edge of dying from dehydration. 
You needed Will, not just sexually, but in every way. He was your soulmate, your best friend, your compass pointing due north, and without him, you were nothing. But with him, you were everything, and more. 
Your lips are still pressed together, tongues exploring each other’s mouth, and your hand travels down to Will’s crotch, unbuttoning his pants, freeing his throbbing erection.
William lets out another loud groan as the cold skin hits his heated skin, and you smirk lightly before you run your thumb over his leaking tip, making him jump a little and throw his head back with a curse. 
You sit straight up, watching his reactions as your hand moves around him lightly. You take your hand away from him and you spit in your palm before you wrap your fingers around him again, moving your hand around him, up and down, twisting. 
Will suddenly sits up and literally rips your dress off of you, but you don’t care right now as his hands find their way to your soaked core, his fingers easily slipping through your folds. 
“Please.” you whine, and Will nods before, again, he rips your panties off.
“You need to stop ripping my clothes.” You scold him playfully.
“I’ll buy you all the clothes you want, darling.” He mutters into your neck before he gently nips the skin, making you so weak. 
You slip your hand into Will’s golden locks, giving yourself completely into the feeling of his velvet tongue on the sensitive skin of your neck, and his silken hair around your fingers as every part of you completely focuses on Will, and only him. 
With your brain being completely fogged by the pleasure, you try to move your hips a little bit so you can finally feel Will inside of you. Will is sensing what you’re doing and he helps you raise yourself a little bit before you take his cock into your hand and place it to your opening, and slowly you sink down on him. 
You let out the filthiest moan when Will finally filled you completely, stretching you out, making your toes curl. 
Your eyes are closed, and Will’s lips are still on your neck and chest kissing, and nipping your skin, then licking where he just bit you. You don’t wait for yourself to adjust to his size, you start rocking your hips against his, riding him. With every move of your hips, your sensitive clit is rubbing against his stomach, intensifying your pleasure, and making your toes curl. 
The whole room is filled with your moans and Will’s groans as you move in sync, with Will’s large hands still on your ass, guiding your movements.
“This is what you wanted all day?” Will asks you in a deep, husky voice “My cock buried deep inside of your sweet little pussy?” 
You feel yourself clench from his words, turning you on even more, earning more and more filthier moans from you. 
“Fuck, I love the sounds you make.” He groans.
“Will, please!” You whine. 
“You want to come? Then keep riding me, babe, let me see you enjoying my cock.” 
One of Will’s hands move from your ass to your bouncing tits, taking one in your hand and really gently massaging it, then pinching your nipple, making you yelp. 
You feel like it’s getting harder and harder to keep riding Will as pleasure takes over your every sense until the only thing you felt was Will and the fire growing inside of you. 
You suddenly stop moving and lay your sweaty forehead against Will’s equally sweaty shoulder, trying to catch your breath. 
“Please.” Is all you can whisper. Will cups your cheek tenderly and kisses you softly on the mouth.
“I got you, okay? I got you.” He assures you as he carefully lifts you off of himself, laying you down on the couch and he stands up. 
“Come here.” You move and sit in front of him “No, no. You want me to properly fuck you?” You nod “Then ass up, and grab the back of the couch.” You do as Will told you, you turn around and push your ass out to him, he puts his hands on your hips and pulls you closer as you grab the back of the couch. Will grab a his cock in his hands and runs them over your wet folds several times, stopping at your clit every time and tapping its head to you, making you jump. 
“Stop fucking teasing me!” You tell Will, and he just chuckles, but finally slips himself back inside you. 
“Aahhhhh.” You throw your head back with a loud moan, and Will grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling your head back before he starts fucking you hard. 
“Yes!” You scream as you feel Will playfully spank you a few times.
Shakily, you move your hand from the couch and show it between your legs to touch your clit, wanting to finally come. Your legs started to tremble as you started moving your fingers around your sensitive nub, your wetness coating your fingers, making it easier for you to rub yourself.
Will let out the most animalistic growl you ever heard from him, it was barely a human sound.
“I can feel you touching yourself, you dirty girl.” he husked, his dirty talk in the deep voice of his made you clench around him, and you know Will could feel it, he confirms your thought when he speaks again.
“You like this don’t you? Getting fucked hard, huh? I can feel your pussy constantly clench around me. Begging for more and more.”
“Yes.” you sobbed, before you choke “Will, I’m so close.” out. You didn’t think Will could move faster and harder than he already does, but he speed up from your words, and he’s fucking you even harder than before. You’re sure that he will leave marks on you, but you don’t care because this is the best fucking thing you ever felt as Will’s long, thick cock is slamming inside of you, hard, and with every trust his head is rubbing against that one spot inside of you what makes your toes curl and vision fade black, and how his hands land on your ass, slapping it, not hard, but it’s enough to make you jump a little and make your cheeks red, and the way how he’s pulling your hair, keeping you in place, and oh, your hand, the way how your fingers are so easily sliping over your fleshy pink skin, so soaked from your wetness you physically feel it dripping from you, down to your thighs. 
As your things shake even more than before, you finally feel all the tension leave your body as you dissolve into pleasure, falling, screaming, shattering. 
Overwhelmed, you collapse on the couch, chest rising and falling rapidly as you try to catch your breath, and your heart pounds so hard and fast, Will can see it under your skin. 
Your eyes are still closed as you just lay on the couch, in total bliss, when you feel Will’s lips on your cheek, giving you soft kisses. 
“You’re so beautiful like this. All flushed, and relaxed from the pleasure.” he whispers, his lips touching your face. 
You turn your head to kiss him, it’s gentle and loving, and you both need a soft moment like this. When you break the kiss, you open your eyes to see Will is still fully erect and he didn’t cum yet. You sit up, and Will stands up too so his throbbing erection is right in front of your face, standing proudly. 
You look up at Will, making sure you keep eye contact with him as you slowly run your tongue over your bottom lips before you lean forward and take him in your mouth. Will throws his head back with a loud groan, you know he’s close to coming from fucking you, and now your mouth around him, so you put all the effort into sucking him just like he did with fucking you, wanting to make him feel just as good as he made you feel. 
You grab his muscular thigh to support yourself as you start bobbing your head around him, swirling your tongue around him, running your tongue over his veins and head, making sure you suck hard when you reach his tip. 
“Just like that, yes.” Will moans as he grabs the back of your head, pushing his hips forwards to meet with your moves, fucking your mouth just like he did with your pussy moments before. You gag around him a few times when he’s pushing his cock down in your throat as far as he can, and you make sure you swallow around him every time his cock is deep in your throat, to intensify his pleasure, until his whole body trembles and his cock is pulsating in your mouth, filling it with his cum, making you swallow every drop he gave you. 
You let Will’s cock go with a loud ‘pop’, saliva dripping from your mouth what Will wipes with his thumb. 
Exhausted, but satisfied, both of you lay down on the couch as you enjoy your pure bliss. 
“We need to do this again.” you breathe.
“Give me 20 minutes and we can repeat this in bed.”
“Deal.” you turn to Will to cuddle him.
“But just to know, we are going to shopping tomorrow.” you warn him.
“If you’ll try on some lingerie for me, then I’m in.” 
“Anything you want.” you reply, and kiss him sweetly.
Tags: @innerpaperexpertcloud​ @lady-evans​ @agirllovespasta​ @claudiahxrdy​ @keithseabrook27​ @alexa-rae-dreamz​ @minnicelli​ @woahitslucyylu​ @de-profundis-ad-astra​ @mylifeliterally​ @happyhenners​
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literaphobe · 4 years
season four of she-ra rated by catradora content
the coronation: okay so... rightfully. there’s nothing i should be appraising here. adora and catra didn’t interact or bring each other up at all. but bro... catra’s new outfit... the best character of season four. i’m kidding but also she is so hot. catra seems to be dealing w the portal incident by framing it as a victory, since the rebellion was hurt by it. but also who cares. who fucking cares man. her arc this episode was about her deciding to make hordak her little bitch and design a new sexy outfit. that adora did NOT talk about nor seem visually affected by >:( yes, this entire season will be measured by how much i think it was a missed opportunity that adora did not get to thirst. jk but also am i? 500000000/10 for catra’s new look, 0/10 for official catradora stuff
the valley of the lost: god...... this episode. i know it’s like one of the few catradora moments we have this season already but it makes me LIVID that adora said that flirty ass line and catra never even got to hear it. anyway, let’s begin properly. double trouble seeks catra out and says they’re gonna be her new best friend. catra says “oh, yeah? i’m done with best friends”, making it official that she and adora broke up 😔 like friend broke up oh my god 😔 KFKSKDKD like we been knew but i think it is so dramatic and funny of catra to announce that she’s never having a best friend again because adora broke her heart 😔💔 i mean i know it’s also like sad but let’s keep it light ok uwu anyway. sigh. double trouble! auditions for catra! by pretending to be her in battle! which is great for them, but not for me and my hang ups about adora bringing back a flirty line catra said to her in season one and winking and then catra doesn’t hear or see ANY of it. sigh. let’s go through the scene. adora sees who she thinks is catra run in and say “hey! careful with the goods”, pouncing on adora and taking her down. adora tosses dt!catra into the walkway above and they get a cut on their face. not sure whether this is meant to signify adora pulling less of her punches around catra or double trouble just not being as agile as catra is in combat. it’s probably the latter because when you think about it, throwing catra away is much more of a defensive tactic than an offensive one. anyway! double trouble still does a more or less good job fighting adora as catra. huntara calls adora over and is like hi adora! could you stop fighting ur gf for one fucking second? we need you to do literally anything else. and adora (who has NO IDEA she’s not fighting her ACTUAL gf) is like :( wait no what really?? ok :( one sec tho lemme pull off this super cool sexy farewell thing before i stop fighting catra i’ve been practicing it for years u kno kinda been working up to doing this bit. and then she. grabs dt!catra after stopping them from running away, and grabs this trap thingy to trap them against the side of this wall. “i got something more important to do :) it was fun distracting you though ;)” and she actually WINKS and she looks SO PROUD of her damn self but it means pretty much NOTHING because that’s not ACTUALLY catra :( wtf :( the worst thing about this whole situation is that adora clearly wanted to do her whole super strong super powered thing and then go BACK to catra and like.... gloat or something.... flirt some more.... kiss her.... i don’t know. but dt!catra is gone because they’re good at getting out of tight spots, and adora is like “how did she get out of that? :( i wanted to see more of her tf....” anyway double trouble, scorpia, and catra are escaping in a skiff after this. catra thinks double trouble did marvelously. “i grew up with adora, and you fooled her” well catra. i’m very sorry. but if i were adora seeing you in that new look for the first time, i wouldn’t be checking to see if u were ooc. i would be.... hm idk.... flirting with you as hard as possible? like i know i complained that we never got a proper reaction from adora re catra’s new outfit, but i think we could interpret this scene as a lapse in adora’s morals <3 like she gave catra such a hard stare the last time they saw each other, and the next time they saw each other (after this) adora glared at her too, but somehow this time she’s all 👅👅👅👅👅it was fun distracting you ;) ;) ;) like ok. slow down there horn dog. “if you can do that, we can do anything. this is gonna be fun...” catra :( perhaps you would have more fun :( if you suggestively fought with adora :( yourself? :( 8/10
flutterina: catra’s having bad dreams :( her mistakes and past actions are haunting her and the guilt is messing her up so bad :( so what am i choosing to focus on? the fact that adora was in her dream :) dream!adora looks Angry and dream!catra is scared and backing away :( a quick callback to when adora gave catra an angry Look when she destroyed the portal, and catra looked scared for a second before her face hardened back to something equally pissed off looking. so this dream obviously tells us that the thought of adora genuinely just hating and being pissed off at catra... hurts and scares her. because we all know that she loves adora and just wants adora to love her back! but.... ya lmao. dream!adora asks “why did you do it?!” reminiscent of what she said last season, but angrier this time. and we all know that catra doesn’t really know why. sometimes things torture you so bad and you do stuff that you can’t come up with sound or logical reasons for. u would rather keep running or keep deflecting, and so catra deflects dream!adora’s questions by waking up. i wonder if catra dreams about adora more than what we’re shown in this scene. i also REALLY wanna know if adora dreams of catra. i want more :( why this season gotta be the fucking break up season bro :( like i KNOW they’re thinking of each other. gimme the content :( for now, let’s skip ahead to💔 their only real interaction this season💔 holy fuck. stay strong u guys. stay strong me. i think it’s very offensive of she-ra to not give me a catradora heavy season every season? like yeah this season is good but god at what cost? they should’ve known i was going to do an evaluation? :/ that i was gonna rate each ep out of ten according to how much catradora content there was? :/ the fuck bros. ,,,,anyway, let’s get to the actual scene. catra’s walking around w an ipad and scorpia is talking to her. catra looks like. v serious and :| and >:/ BUT when scorpia asks about she-ra catra becomes >:) and >:D “she-ra was in elberon, which means she’s nearby.” “do you think she’ll try some secret attack? :0” “;D oh i’m counting on it ;)” fucking god catra can you just flirt normally??? like be horny in a normal way??????? u can just ask adora out on a date. have u tried that? i know she blocked u for nearly destroying the world but adora’s a hoe ❤️ she would’ve said yes ❤️ u don’t need to kidnap a town as an excuse to see her ❤️ yes i know she did it to plant flutterina!DT into the rebellion as a spy but shhhhh ❤️ we finally get to the most GORGEOUS “hey adora”,,, ever because it’s the only hey adora of this season 💔 i looked back and we did not get a ‘hey adora’ last ep. honestly, adora should’ve figured it wasn’t catra JUST from the lack of greeting. catra is fucking POLITE ok :( anyway. it’s so homophobic that we only got ONE “hey adora” in THAT LOOK but..... it’s okay. because it’s such a good one. catra’s hand is propping her face up and she just looks so pretty.... the way she SAYS the hey adora too like bros... how we holding up? bad? she’s posing and lounging so prettily... “took you long enough to show up” HHHHH why does she sound like a gf who’s a little :/ that her gf showed up late for their date.... bro....... must she SMILE that prettily..... also adora’s reaction... she goes :0 and her EYES get this like ‘oh wow’ look for a Moment right before she remembers she’s supposed to be mad when she sees catra then she’s like >:( CATRA >:( and like. let’s dissect that look for a moment? it’s almost like AWE but why??? why would she be at all surprised to see catra??? catra is IN the horde like. she got happy for a moment until she remembered she’s meant to be mad. good bye <3 i will now be passing away <3 “seriously. i thought i’d have to kidnap another town to get your attention” TO GET. YOUR ATTENTION. HHHHH HELP THEY’RE GAY...... BRO WHY.............. THE GAYNESS UNMATCHED..... anyway catra continues like OH RIGHT u were at a PARTY feeling SPECIAL and adora.... oof oh fuck she COLD she was like skip the SPEECH i’m done playing your GAMES and she like reminds catra of the portal and they just... oof this really IS the breakup season it’s so brutal bros :( can’t they just kiss :( like nooooo don’t stare at each other angrily you’re so sexy aha OK BUT... at the end after catra runs away and adora’s getting hugged by flutterina and everyone’s cheering for her... she lets her ‘catra BAD’ and ‘yay haha rebellion for the win! :)’ facade drop for a moment... and she gets this really sad look on her face that makes u think.... and the next scene we see catra sitting on the ledge of where she and adora used to sit together? and she looks real upset too???? they hate being enemies. 9/10
pulse: in this ep adora fucking SHUSHED spinnerella and netossa while they were bickering and like... ok wow. rude :/ adora straight up was like ok HAHA WOW we GET IT ur HAPPY y’all have WIVES and iiiiiii don’t HAVE a GIRLFRIEND because my crush is EVIL :( on the other hand, we find out that catra is meeting up regularly with double trouble to get intel. it’s very funny because she’s like yeah yeah WHATEVER what can u tell me about SHE-RA >:( like girl? u are not subtle ❤️ catra literally met double trouble and said let’s be friends with benefits ❤️ the benefits? you spy on adora and tell me everything about what she does ❤️ was she pretty today ❤️ haha jk she’s pretty everyday ❤️ here’s some bitcoin for your troubles ❤️ AND THEN the next time double trouble facetimes catra they transform into bow and glimmer to roast them and catra is at most unamused and annoyed but BUT when double trouble pretends to be she-ra catra’s like HAHAHAHDJSJDJSJD OMG,,,, INSPIRED FAM,,,, SO FUNNY TOP PEAK COMEDY,,,, ABSOLUTE LEGEND,,,,,, SHOW ME SHE-RA AGAIN,,,,, u know that thing where you find people who you’re attracted to way funnier than they actually are? ya :-) apparently catra doesn’t even need the Actual she-ra/adora to lose her shit. she just needs to see a physical representation of her and it’s suddenly Peak Comedy. someone once pointed out that this moment was the last time catra was happy all season and... can we take a fucking second to cry about that. haha 💔 anyway double trouble is happy that they finally cracked the code to making catra go from ARGH >:( to HAHAHAHAHAH :D so they give her she-ra intel as a treat ❤️ “she-ra’s going back out to destroy the bot that hurt her friend” “ugh 🙄 typical heroic adora plan” shut up bitch u dream of her lips on yours!!!!!! 7/10
protocol: no rights for white boys ❤️ 0/10
princess scorpia: well, nothing! but since i’m scouring i might as well say the line where catra says “you don’t need a princess in your life telling you what to do!” to hordak she’s actually talking about her and adora haha i mean duh :-) anyway since i’m here can i talk about how hot catra is again this season. i’m madly in love did y’all see her from behind? even her back view is beautiful i am going to combust <3 2/10
mer-mysteries: what a great episode! 0/10
boys’ night out: catra gets banned from doing war crimes because hordak wants to do the war crimes all by himself and this is a real bummer because there’s an even SMALLER chance she’ll bump into adora now :( jk ik she was avoiding her this season because the guilt was eating her alive haha :-) also glimmer and adora fought and we all know that ‘but the rebellion’s in a worse place than ever since you showed up’ is like a very :( line but when u think about it it’s true because adora joining the rebellion pissed catra off so much she became an antagonistic force driving most of the conflict in the series up to this point in the story JFJDDJDJDJ like imagine if they brought catra up in this convo ‘i’m doing my BEST glimmer :(‘ ‘ok but what can we do about your terrible taste in evil women????? was ur catgirl gf ex really worth it????? did she hit that different???? did the catgirl ***** slap that hard????’ 1.5/10
hero: man mara is so hot! 0/10
fractures: scorpia said catra’s name in front of adora... ‘shadow weaver! and at bright moon! everything is making so much sense about why catra’s been acting the way she has’ and adora’s reaction is so interesting.... she goes from this ‘catra....’ look to this ‘catra >:(‘ look and like it’s interesting to see catra’s psyche explained to adora like this and it’s clearly something that makes adora feel bad but then she remembers the bad stuff catra did and forces herself to focus on that. 5/10 for that alone lmao
beast island: bow being very upset and annoyed and disappointed in glimmer is a fun little parallel to how adora has felt about catra’s descent into the darkness. you feel doubly upset and doubly betrayed when someone you’re in love with goes against what you stand for, and the goodness you know they’re capable of but aren’t showing. 1/10
destiny part 1: ‘i’ll be happy when the rebellion and she-ra are gone for good!!!’ are u sure about that catra :/ 1/10
destiny part 2: catra gets into a huge fight with some dude and right after she sort of collects herself after barely beating him she hears “hey, catra” and she completely freezes up. she’s been so proactive with avoiding adora all season... and the moment in 4x03 nearly doesn’t count because she was acting specifically to get double trouble snuck into the rebellion. aside from a necessary interaction in which she was far away and removed from adora anyway.... where she was far enough away to smile and laugh and manipulate the situation.... she hasn’t wanted to see adora at all, clearly. and having this happen now, right after one of her worst fights, right after she thought she was going to win... “no. you can’t do this. you can’t come in and take this from me now.” “woah, i knew this would get a rise out of you, but still, you really are obsessed, aren’t you, kitten?” and catra’s standing there like 👁👄👁 until double trouble reveals themself and says stuff that :( hurts :( i am not going to repeat until i get to anything catradora relevant because i don’t wanna be bummed out ok hoes 😔 anyway double trouble becomes adora again and is like “didn’t need you... left you” and puts catra’s hand on adora’s cheek...... and then shoves catra???? rude :( 7/10
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scandeniall · 3 years
Let’s Make a Song
Pairing: rnbsinger!atsumu x rnbsinger!reader
Summary/warnings: ur long term on again off again bf Atsumu wants to do your first song together. Thing is you’re currently off/honestly just cursing. 1 tiny implied nsfw sentence. Literally 1
the 2nd piece in rnb!haikyuu bc why tf not. Other
a/n: The song that’s written is change by Arin Ray & Kehlani (that’s also the cover art mentioned later)
Wc: 2.8K
When your manager relayed the invitation to collaborate with Atsumu you were rather surprised. He didn’t do many new collaborations, reserving those for people he’d worked with in the past. Then there was the fact that he hadn’t asked you personally. The two of you were more than acquainted and he definitely had your phone number. But then again it’d been months since you’d last had any contact.
The two of you had been on and off again for the larger part of your careers, meeting in high school and building a friendship for years. A year after graduation you’d decided to make the switch from friendship to relationship. And it worked. The two of you both wanted to pursue music and understood one another. You were one another’s number one fan, muse, and confidant as you grew in popularity.
He’d gotten signed before you but neither of you thought it would change things. Then he started being around less and less getting busy recording his first studio album while you continued to work independently. He’d still come back to you at the end of the night. However that was short lived thus bringing about the first of many splits over the years. It was mutual—things were too busy to give the love someone deserved.
During that first split you’d ended up getting signed yourself. In only a few months you were immediately thrusted into the same professional world as Atsumu and that brought the two of you back together. He’d seen the announcement post on social media and paraded over to yours that night rambling about the betrayal of you not telling him you were in talks with a label. He’d bought over dinner and the two of you got back to talking consistently and rekindled in mere weeks.
That had been at 19. Now at 23 the two of you were still a roller coaster. You’d broken up for a number of reasons over the years. Busy schedules, his ego, your attitude, internet rumors mixed with poor communication, poor timing, you name it. Yet the two of you always found your way back like magnets.
You weren’t quite sure what you expected when you agreed to doing a song with Atsumu, who you were currently off with. In all your years, the two of you had never done a song together. Sure you’d fucked around with writing a few times but neither of you ever used any of those songs. You two had different styles, him focusing more on heavy bass, and reminiscent on the SoundCloud style. Meanwhile you were more soulful and melodic.
You hadn’t even so much as texted atsumu in like three months So of course it was a surprise when you made your way to his for a writing session to see the lyrics he’d already come up with. Lyrics that just by the way he read them to you, were clearly about you.
you’ve got me all in my feelings And I know you get tired of running You stole my heart and I mean it When we break up, can’t wait to make up
“That’s all I got so far,” he sighed leaning back on the couch next to you. “What do ya think”
“It’s different from your usual shit. It’s softer.” You ignore the scoff he sends you and sit back on the couch before he starts complaining. “But I like it. What was the inspiration.” You’re not even sure why you asked. Maybe it was the desire to have confirmation that you really have been the one all these years. There was still a chance it could’ve been someone else
“And you say yer the smart one between us,” is all he says before grabbing his laptop off the coffee table. “I got this beat too. Suna sent it over this morning and I think I wanna use it.” You choose to ignore his confirmation as you begin to get comfortable against the couch. He plays the instrumental and it only further surprises you from just how different it was from his usual. It was undoubtedly more your style and you're almost offended that your friend hadn’t sent you the beat instead. “Ya like it?”
“Could you play it back.” You begin to hum along a few nonsensical words to yourself and you’re aware of Atsumu’s eyes on you. He watches as you hit the voice record on your phone, already aware that you do that in case you say something that you like. You try to think back to what he started with and He moves his notebook closer to you so you can get a better view of the words messily scribbled.
You can’t keep coming and going In and out of my life please make up your fucking mind I give you time and you kill it
Immediately after that he pauses much to your annoyance and ignores your complaint. “I like that.”
“Sounds like yer replying back. Like a conversation,” he nods. “Is that really how ya feel about me?” You don’t miss the way he tries to subtly put his arm around the back of the couch and subsequently you. And your laugh.
“God you’re annoying Atsumu.” You end up caving, moving the laptop back to the table in front of you and moving under his waiting arm. You can’t even deny the way you like it either, comforted by the way his hand rubs up and down your arm. “Is that how you feel about us,” you challenge referring to the lyrics he’d come up with
“Course. I look forward to making up ya know.” He chuckles and the look of faux disgust you send him before continuing. “But I mean it. Ya got my heart and have for years.” The words are paired with a kiss to your temple.
You two sit in silence for a few moments before you break it with a sigh. “I’m tired of this shit Tsumu. It’s been years of us and this and the older I get, the more draining it is. I wonder all the time if I should stay or just leave for good.” It’s the first time you’ve ever admitted it to anyone other than yourself, and it’s to the person that has the power to break your heart at any given moment. The only small comfort is that you know it’s mutual and that you hold his as well.
“If you’re tired then write it out (Y/N). It’s part of the reason I asked ya to do a song.” He nudges you to sit up and catches your eye. “I think about ya way too fucking much and I’ve thought about if shit between us was worth it too.” He looks like he’s in through for a moment before quickly grabbing his notebook scribbling for a minute before showing you.
thinking of you is all I do honestly I might go insane cause when we break up can’t wait to make up Some things will never change
He’s playing the instrumental before you can say anything waiting until a certain part and signaling for you to just wait. Then his voice softly fills your ears as he goes into the words and points at you to follow up with what you’d sung before. As you near the end you gesture for him not to stop it yet
It’s very personal to me That you give it everything Should I stay? Should I go? Should I leave? I don't know.
After that your mind blanks and you reach over to pause the track. It felt good. Really good. “I think I have my verse,” you exclaim. “And what if we repeat your part. Maybe starting from thinking of you” you half mumble the words already writing away at your own notebook. You don’t even notice the look Atsumus giving you until you look back up minutes later after humming along and trying to string the words together. “What”
“It’s nothin. Just love watching ya write that’s all.” You end up shooting him a soft smile before focusing back on the words in front of you. “Actually, this beat is more you than me so did ya wanna do the bridge”
That causes you to look up in confusion. “Are you sure? It’s your song. It’d be weird for me to have a bigger part?” Atsumu is brushing off the question of you asking him to be serious. You didn’t want to step on any toes or offend anyone.
“If it’s that big a deal to ya we can go back n forth or somthin’.” His eyes question yours for a moment before smiling in victory at your agreeing. “Besides, Suna was gonna send it to ya anyways. Paid him to let me have it instead. Didn’t take much just-Ow!” HES quickly cut off by your fist coming into contact with his shoulder. “Why’d ya-“
“You’re an ass, did you know that,” you roll your eyes in response. No wonder the beat was so different from his usual. Because the track wasn’t meant for him. You’d have to bitch at Suna later for giving the track to Atsumu of all people. And for who knows what kind of lowball offer it was. “Wanna tell me why you did that. Or I can leave. Your choice” you’re closing your notebook at this point shifting away from him a bit.
“I missed ya.” It’s the only thing he says before your scoffing and getting off the couch and starting to gather your things.  “I’m serious (Y/N).” The feeling of his hand grabbing at yours causes you to stop. “I kept thinking about us and couldn’t Bring myself to text. I got Suna to give me the track cause I wanted to see ya and talk.”
“Why couldn’t you just text?”
“I can say it better in a song. And I know you can too. Now c’mon don’t go alright?” You allow him to tug you back down onto the couch with a sigh. He wasn’t necessarily wrong. You’d wanted to settle things between you both once and for all for a while now. He just provided the opportunity. You both needed to know if you were just wasting time.
“Listen. If ya wanna talk about it outside of the song let’s go for a drive then.”
“First you steal my beat to get me to come over, now you wanna trap me in a car with you?” Atsumu only looks at you unbothered before you sigh. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”
“If it’s that bad, you know how to tuck and roll. I might slow down enough.” —-
“Atsumu what are we doing,”
He doesn’t even spare you a glance before responding. “Driving.” When you don’t reply he lets out a sigh before giving a real answer. “Do you still love me?”
“Yes,” it’s like you answer before your brain even ponders the question. “Do you still love me?”
“Wouldn’t be here right now if I didn’t.” His words are just as confident. He shoots you a quick glance before continuing. “I wanna get back together. For good this time. Heard about yer date with that Semi guy.”
Your breath hitches for a moment. While you’re not surprised that he knew about the date last month, you didn’t think he’d mention it. You’d woken up the morning after notifications crazy. Pictures of the two of you filled them and many of the tweets had actually tagged Atsumu as well.
“We weren’t together so ya don’t have to go explaining anything,” he stops you from your attempt at an apology. “Of course i'm not sure what ya saw in that guy. But it made me realize that yer the one I want. Always been the one.” He shrugs before the hand closest to you comes to rest on your thigh. “And I’ve always been the one for you too right?”
“Are you serious about wanting to make us work this time?” His hand leaves your leg for the wheel again and you watch in confusion as he makes a few sudden turns. He mutters something about giving him a few minutes before pulling into a random parking lot. He shuts the car off before unbuckling so he can turn his entire body to face you. “What are you doing Atsumu?”
“Move in with me.” You’re looking at him like he’s grown another head before he continues. “My lease with Samu is almost up and he’s been wanting to move closer to his shop and I wanna be closer to a studio. I’m serious about us and I just think-“
“Would you actually help with boxes or just sit on your ass and watch?”
The questions cause him to frown a bit in thought and you can’t help but laugh as he actually interprets the words and what they really mean. You could tell the exact moment he gets it and a lazy smirk settles on his face instead. “No promises babe. I kinda like watching ya walk away.”
The way his face eased closer to yours had you following his lead until your lips met. You can feel yourself smiling as one of his hands comes to cup your jaw. The kiss is sweet, lips moving slowly against yours in a reunion of sorts. “Stay over tonight we can work on the song again tomorrow.” He pulls away just enough to insist, resting his forehead against yours.
“Already told Samu so he’s bringing enough dinner home. And I got a new toothbrush in the bathroom.”You lean to peck his lips before sitting back in the seat. “You knew this would happen didn’t you.” Despite the accusation you find yourself agreeing with no hesitation.
“I hoped. It’s a difference babe. If not, more food for me” his hand quickly grabs yours to place a kiss on your own before settling back on the wheel. “Let’s get back I’m starvin”
—— “Are yer eyes closed? Are you sure? Don’t peek-“
“Hurry up Atsumu,” you groan as you allow him to lead you to god knows where. The song you’d guys finished a few weeks ago was set to release in a few hours and Atsumu refused to let you see the song cover. It was a surprise, or so he told you every time you tried to ask. Even in his new song tease on twitter he just posted blank images. New song with a surprise guest coming soon ;)
He’d had you meet him at his label and jumped on you the second you stepped into the building blindfold in hand and stupid grin on his face. “Don’t act like this is a new thing for ya,” he’d whisper in your ear as he tied the blindfold and laughed when you attempted to hit at him and miss.
“Stop complaining before I make you wait until the songs officially out. We’re almost there” you feel his hand leave yours before it’s placed on your back. You can hear a door open before he instructs you in. “Small step up.” With your restricted sight your hearing has seemed to increase tenfold. You can hear the sound of blinds opening and him moving around. “One second babe.”
After a few more moments and complaints for him to hurry up a pair of arms wrap around your waist. Leaning into the warmth you feel his lips kiss up your neck before stopping. “You can look now.”
It takes a moment for your eyes to spot it. First your eyes dart around the room to see nothing out of the ordinary save for a table with a champagne bottle. Then one of his arms points toward the window and you freeze in shock. “Atsumu is this?” You turn to look at him expectedly as he nods and pushes you near it. From the window of the building you see the cover art plastered on a billboard.
“Where did you find that?”
Atsumu’s voice grows closer as he stops next to you. “Our mom came down a while ago. Had some shit to deliver and brought some scrapbooks. It was in there.” You nod in understanding before he continues. “Ya like it?”
The picture was one from years ago. He’d just gotten signed and that weekend you and a few friends went on a road trip to celebrate. That particular picture had been taken on a Polaroid as you two were outside supposedly star gazing. On the mountain of blankets it was clear that his attention was more on you than the sky. It was one of your favorite pictures for a while then eventually you had broken up (for the first time) and it was long forgotten.
“Love it. Brings back memories you know?” You don’t even notice he’d gone to pour you a glass before he's dangling off in front of your face.
“Here’s to our first song together babe”
bonus things
yall actually filmed a music vid (this isnt included bc i am only now finding out theres a mv despite having this song in my music for a year)
he tweets the song link with “decided to stay”
atsumu ends up buying suna a ps5 game he wanted as a thank you (not w/o complaining though)
ppl on the internet arent even surprised that yall are back together (theyre tired too tf)
atsumu ends up putting that polaroid in his clear phone case <3
this is yall 6th time getting back together (yall keep trying HUH lmfao. but yall never actually ended on bad terms and always stayed friend)
you end tweeting a joke “ok last time yall i promise LMFAO”
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ahgastae · 3 years
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worst chefs in seoul (outline) – kim seokjin x gn!reader
➥ word count: 3.9k | reality/cooking show au | crack | fluff
➥ m.list
➥ a/n: we’re back at it again with another wip i never finished lol. this one is the outline for what was intended to be a social media au (as evidenced by some of the notes i left for myself), though it’s likely that’s not how it actually would’ve come out. i’d love to hear some of your thoughts/reactions, and i hope you enjoy ♡
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day ???
start w y/n and yoongi goofing off on twitter
the whole y/n eating a moldy grape thinking it’s a kiwi thing
and yoongi panicking bc of it
could transition into them talking about the finale episode of their favorite show: worst chefs in seoul
they’re both huge fans, and equally complete disasters when it comes to culinary skill
yoongi likes the show bc he likes the competition aspect and tbh he got addicted after y/n forced him to watch the first season w them
y/n also likes it for that reason, but the main reason they watch it is bc of a certain kim seokjin
anyway, they talk about the finale, and then yoongi says something about the next season’s ‘nominations’ coming up soon
y/n jokingly says they’re going to nominate yoongi bc of that one time he made tacos with dog food
and yoongi fires back w the time they managed to light the microwave on fire making cup o’ noodles
they agree to let each other live
…..for now
the two actually do end up nominating each other w/o the other knowing
y/n honestly just thought it would be funny if yoongi got picked and yoongi was like “fuck it why not”
little did they know…..
while the nomination guidelines assure that the selection process is completely random, this is a reality show
meaning for anyone w a brain that’s obviously not the case
contestants are actually chosen by the show’s assistant producers and approved by the chefs themselves and then the higher ups
but who are those assistant producers??
none other than park jimin and kim taehyung
neither of them keep their involvement with the show a secret, and one takes it a teensy bit more seriously than the other
anyway, they’re usually told to find a batch of contestants (that they feel) would conjure up the most drama for the show
it is tv, after all, and they have to keep people watching
and that part is crucial
to their credit, they do (somewhat) succeed for the most part
jimin selects yoongi and namjoon from the nomination pool bc he thinks joon’s clumsiness w yoongi’s nonchalant nature will work for max chaos
and taehyung chooses y/n and jungkook bc while their competitive drives are similar, y/n’s subdued nature has a big chance for conflict w jk’s out-there attitude
(how do they know all this? they’re experts at what they do leave me alone)
day ??? 2.0
y/n (and yoongi, secretly) is ecstatic when they get the emails/DM/whatever that they’ve been “chosen for the next hot season of worst chefs in seoul!”
but then yoongi asks if it’s allowed for them to know each other and accept the nomination
like they’re best friends. is that going to present some kinda problem that’ll get them both kicked off??
should only one of them accept it?
(he’s immediately ready to sacrifice his own nomination bc he knows how much y/n cares about this stupid show)
y/n says they’re not going to let him do that bc they were both chosen, meaning they both should get to go
“it’s fine!! we can just pretend we don’t know each other when we’re on set!”
and so they’re off
to some undisclosed location in seoul
day 0
jimin and taehyung are the first to greet everyone, collecting all four contestants together for a tour of the dorms
and y/n starts texting yoongi in a panic bc both of their dumbasses forgot that the contestants are separated into teams as soon as they arrive
yoongi prolly says smth like i’m two feet away from you why are you texting me
(y/n reminds him they can’t make it seem like they know each other)
yoongi acts like it’s not that big of a deal
prolly says there’s a good chance they’ll end up on the same team
and if they don’t they can just hang out in the dorms when the cameras are off and away
which is when jimin loudly announces that this season, each team is getting their own dormitory
and that contestants will be required to stay in their dorm while filming the season, except for approved ‘outings’ for the show
he moves on before anyone can ask what that means
they’ll be allowed to pick whichever dorm they want to stay in for the first night, since they want to get the contestants’ reactions on camera when they reveal the teams
but after they’re revealed tomorrow, it’s your dorm and your dorm only
y/n and yoongi automatically gravitate towards each other
they end up together in the ‘new’ dorm, which yoongi grumpily notes is practically bigger than their whole apartment
y/n wonders if they ended up in seokjin’s dorm, and gets excited at the thought of this being a ‘test’ to see which chef’s team they’ll be on
to which yoongi asks what makes this dorm his?
“idk i just...feel his aura in here”
“.......okay, weirdo. i’m gonna go ‘feel his aura’ in the bathroom and take a—”
y/n can either ask what yoongi thinks of the other contestants or they can both pretty much blow them off entirely for the time being
idk which yet
day 1
next morning, the contestants are woken up bright and early by none other than our favorite assistant producers
the wake up call comes in the form of a new group chat between the six of them
along with a link to ‘download’ the calendar for the shooting schedule
(which is really an app/virus that disables certain functions on their phones)
((such as most social media and texting numbers outside their ‘parameters’))
after that’s all hashed out, jm & t explain that this group chat is for any and all notifications and updates about the show, as well as any questions and/or concerns the contestants might have
“can i just vote to eliminate myself now and go home?” and
“how do i get this fucking thing off my phone” and
“when do we find out what team we’re on??”
the answers to which are
you’ll find out when filming is finished
and right now!
they tell the contestants to get up and get dressed as their first day on set officially starts now
y/n and kook immediately jump into action and leave the gc
joon lags behind a little confused but follows the flow
yoongi, ever the people person, gets aggressive when they don’t answer his questions about their goddamn malware
“is this even legal?? are you even fucking allowed to just disable our devices like this?”
“what if there’s an emergency??”
“looks like you’ll just have to find out, huh?”
yoongi’s phone then crashes and won’t let him unlock it until the first block of filming is finished
jm: “oops ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ”
day 1 recap
we find out through our superfan what happens during the first episode
(maybe do something like this person is some kinda press/‘news’ account dedicated entirely to w.c.i.s. and the two chefs)
((mayhaps they leak the contestant list before it goes public??))
((jimin and tae could have some kinda unspoken rivalry w them lol))
anyway the story is told through them in a series of twitter threads
(plus a few messages from y/n to yoongi freaking out about the teams they get put on)
first event of the day is: the team announcements
yoongi and joon end up on team kim seokjin and y/n is on team jyp w kook
being split up puts a bit of a damper on their plans, and with this stupid cell block they don’t know if they’ll even be allowed to talk to each other
none of them get much time to react, though, as they’re then shuffled off to their respective kitchens
where they finally meet their respective chefs
and, lo and behold, y/n is goddamn terrified
jinyoung is even scarier in person than he is on tv
“don’t laugh at me yoongi!! this is the guy who made a girl sob on live television!”
“and now ur gonna be the next person what’s the problem lmao”
while y/n tries to get past their fear, they’re given their first official task: work together with their new partner to create a meal of their choice
the catch is that they aren’t allowed any help from their chef yet
and since the teams were just announced literally like 10 minutes ago, none of them have had much of a chance to get to know each other
(the network knows this, and does this on purpose since most of the seasons’ first episodes are spent either arguing or being completely lost)
things go about as well (read: badly) as expected
y/n and kook soon discover their very conflicting personalities and spend the majority of the round bickering back and forth about what to make/how to do it
meanwhile yoongi slaps a piece of sliced cheese directly on the stove while joon runs around like a chicken w its head cut off
in the end, team jyp somehow manages to come out victorious
they cobble together some (semi) edible banana milkshakes to present to the judges
(‘together’ meaning y/n wanted to make plain vanilla milkshakes and kook switched it for banana milk when they weren’t looking)
yoongi and joon tried (keyword being tried) to make grilled cheese
but between yoongi’s cheese-to-stove method and joon dropping their two pieces of burnt toast right before the timer rang
they didn’t get many points
as their reward, team jyp has the honor of picking what they’ll be making tomorrow
they’re given the rest of the day to think and talk it over while team ksj is told to reflect on what went wrong in today’s trial
back at the dorms (now in their separate teams), y/n finds that yoongi finally graces them w a response
(and that they were right about which one was ‘seokjin’s’ dorm)
yoongi tells them about ‘that little shit’ locking him out of his phone and that he honestly just wants to get tf out of there contract or not
y/n convinces him to stay and stick it out, if not for them then for the prize money at the end
yoongi then asks what dish they’re going to pick for tomorrow, and asks if they can pick something he at least has an idea how to make
cue y/n saying that they were thinking of suggesting one of seokjin’s signature dishes but not knowing if kook would go along w the idea
“he kept trying to switch out our ingredients for banana milk and i don’t know how to tell him to knock that shit off”
“honestly you know i’m not one to take charge but he wasn’t even listening to me!! what’s to say he’s actually going to listen to the PROFESSIONAL chef here to help us??”
“aNd SPeAkINg oF THaT”
cue y/n whining about how they wanted to be on jin’s team and it’s not fair that they both got stuck w jinyoung AND a bratty kid on their team
yoongi sympathizes since he was looking forward to them being on the same team, but makes y/n agree that if he has to give the competition a chance then they have to give kook one too
“i mean yeah he seems like a bit of a dumbass but isn’t that why we’re all here? bc we have no fuckin clue what to do in the kitchen?”
hmm...fine they’ll give him a chance
but they still think he’s a lil shit and don’t really wanna talk to him at all, let alone reach some kinda compromise on what to make
they don’t get much or a choice, though, as they both receive a mysterious message from...jungkook? in another group chat?
the contestants find that they have all been manually added to another gc
except this one is missing the two assistant producers who love to breathe down their necks
everyone but jk is immediately suspicious
is this some of trick to get them to screw up?
to break some kinda hidden clause in the contract none of them actually read?
wasn’t that thing they downloaded supposed to block incoming messages like this?
“but wait, yoongi, then how were we able to…?”
but as of right now, they don’t get any answers
and they’re all too afraid to ask anyone but each other
“well we’re all here so...we might as well get to know each other right?? :D”
this is where we get our first in-depth look at the four people stuck on this show together, who in their lives nominated them and why
(y/n and yoongi’s lying skills are put to a bit of a test as they each rush to pull stories right out of their asses)
kook talks about bambam and says his nomination said smth about “adding banana milk to everything f*ckin thing he makes”
he doesn’t really get why that was enough to land him a spot on the show but he thought it would be pretty cool to be on tv and just went along with it
namjoon talks about hobi and emphasizes that he’s not that bad of a cook
he just gets nervous and confused when it comes to recipes and cooking which expresses itself in the form of his unabashed clumsiness
joon then asks if they’ll really be prevented from having any outside communication until filming is finished
he, like yoongi, questions the legality of deceitfully installing the block on their phones
y/n says there probably was some kind of hidden clause that allowed them to do that, as they “can’t imagine seokjin would take part in a competition that abuses its contestants”
to which joon replies that they don’t actually know seokjin so they can’t really ‘imagine’ anything about how he will or won’t act
right as yoongi is about to jump in and tell him to back off, jungkook decides that that’s way too much legal talk for him
he forces changes the subject back to the gc as a whole and says that even if they’re prevented from talking to their friends he’s happy they’ll “at least have each other :D”
y/n feels like part of that is directed at them and feels bad for how they thought he was ‘just a dumb kid’ before
namjoon, however, is still hesitant
he’s not sure if this chat could get them in trouble in regards to the show and their contract and what not and says that they all should probably delete it just to be safe
but that is unanimously vetoed by y/n and kook (and yoongi, reluctantly) and they decide that if the block allowed it to pass through then it must be allowed
before joon can argue anymore, they all receive a message from tae in the ‘official’ gc
he briefly explains the lights out policy of the dorms and tells them that they’re probably going to want a good night's sleep for their ‘big day’ tomorrow
yoongi then says smth like “well...guess that’s lights out then” and jk responds excited as ever w “night guys!! see you all in the morning! :)”
and y/n can feel their soul leaving their body for even thinking anything ill about him
day 2
contestants are woken up bright and early by alarms they didn’t set
(“oh great, so they just hijacked every app on our fucking phones then”
jimin tells them all to hurry up, get dressed, and meet the chauffeur outside bc they can’t afford to be late
(“literally! every second you waste is money docked from the network’s wallet! so get your asses in gear, guppies!”)
y/n and kook get outside first, but yoongi and joon are nowhere to be seen
y/n decides to text the q & a gc to get the dirt on seokjin
they kinda start sucking up to jimin and tae to see if they’ll reveal any info, particularly about what the chef is like and if it’s possible for him to talk to the ‘other’ team’s contestants
and while the producers are pleasantly surprised that one of the contestants actually want to use that gc for something other than yelling at them
they unfortunately can’t give much info besides what most people already know
and confirm that one of the chefs talking to the other’s students was probably not allowed, but that it’s also never really happened before so they’re not really sure lmao
(“taehyung!!” “what? was i not supposed to say that?”)
jimin cuts the conversation short there as yoongi and joon arrive and they all get on the shuttle for the set
taehyung does say one last thing tho
“good luck!! hopefully they don’t tear u up too bad!”
but first
our superfan gives us the downlow on the competition and how it works
after being split into teams, the contestants will rotate between ‘training’ w their chef and competing against each other in timed trial rounds
prizes can be won for both events, but the ones for the trial rounds are generally more competition based while the ones for the training rounds are more about luxury/quality of life while filming
each trial round win counts as a point towards the team’s score in the competition
only trial rounds affect this score
once a certain number of points has been reached (5), that team moves into the next phase of the competition
instead of working as a team, they are split up and now have to work against each other to win the favor of their chef
and in the finale, after one last big cookout competition, an individual winner is chosen and crowned a ‘former’ worst chef in seoul
once the contestants arrive on set, the chefs reiterate that today is just a training round
(they all let out a collective sigh of relief)
and it’s a good thing everyone woke up so early bc they’re just in time to learn how to make breakfast!!
“it’s not like we had much of a choice-oof.”
“anyway! team jyp, since you won the pretrial round yesterday, you get to decide what both teams will be learning how to make today. so, y/n, jungkook. think carefully. what do you want for breakfast?”
y/n is about to suggest seokjin’s signature strawberry and cream crepes when jungkook, who is still half asleep, blurts out “omelette”
(also i’ve decided that jackson is the host of the show now and i’m not changing my mind)
and it’s decided. they’re makin’ omelettes
(y/n is only a little bit peeved)
shuffled off to their separate kitchens, y/n is reminded of just how terrified they are of jinyoung
sure, they thought he was scary yesterday when they realized they were on his team, but now he has to actually teach them and they can’t help but think he’s going to make them into an idiot sandwich by the end of the day
as such, they try to keep half-asleep kook in between them and jinyoung at all costs, even if it meant running around the kitchen like a lost puppy
jinyoung, fully aware of how the show portrays him and how fans view him, notices this almost instantaneously
but he unfortunately doesn’t get to pull y/n aside to address it before jungkook starts digging through the fridge for banana milk and almost throws the entire carton of eggs on the floor
professional chef jyp mode: on
and they’re off
it’s a little difficult with y/n dancing around the kitchen anxiously and jungkook’s absolute aversion to being told what to do (as y/n predicted), but jinyoung manages to whip them into shape long enough to (barely) make a ham, cheese, and “green onion? wtf is that?” omelette
team seokjin, however, does not favor as well
yoongi apparently doesn’t know what tf a green onion is either and just throws in whatever green vegetable he can find while jin is struggling to keep namjoon from setting himself on fire
….and it turned out to be celery
that, plus joon somehow managing to burn the omelette to a crisp, costs them the training round
y/n and kook start to celebrate their victory and actually working as a team when jackson informs them that their ‘prize’ is they get to eat what they cooked while the other team gets whatever is left over on the catering table
“i hope you listened to your chef!”
“...jungkook, please tell me you used actual milk in this”
back at the dorms, the contestants share their thoughts on their first day of training, as well as their first official day w their chefs
(also include y/n saying something about their banana milk omelettes actually not being half bad)
y/n immediately recalls how much they were terrified of jinyoung, almost cutting their finger off when he glanced over their shoulder when they were slicing the green onions
jk agrees, adding smth about how he didn’t think a scowl could ever be so intimidating
“it reminded me of my mom’s face when she found out i tried to pierce my own ears in the bathroom in middle school!! i was too afraid to push the needle all the way through and walked around with it in my ear all day until one of my teachers finally noticed and sent me to the office!”
...ok jungkook
during all of this, yoongi and joon are both like...wtf
“seokjin was literally nothing but nice to us. even when namjoon almost set his sleeve on fire lmao”
“hyung how did u manage that” “doesn’t matter”
jungkook thinks the difference in the chefs is hilarious, but y/n is only upsetti spaghetti
they go on a bit of a rant about how badly they wanted to be on jin’s team
saying something about how jinyoung is scary and mean and they’re almost positive he can sense their fear or something and probably use it against them while jin’s team would be so much better on the sole fact that they wouldn’t feel like he would turn them into an omelette for getting something wrong
cue jk being all babey asking “you...don’t wanna be on a team with me? :((“
and y/n immediately PANICS and tries to explain that NO, it’s not HIM but yoongi saves their ass by saying that seokjin is just their favorite and that’s all
jungkook feels better, but then namjoon is like “hol up. we all just met. how could you possibly know that?”
insert more y/n fumbling and jk confusion
yoongi (once again) covers w some bullshit story that he was able to just guess that based on what y/n’s said in the gc so far
joon wants to question it further, but jungkook informs them that the lights out call just came in before he can
another yoony/n sigh of relief
in private, y/n freaks out to yoongi for almost blowing their cover to the others
prompting a short conversation over whether they think they can trust them or not
y/n admits that they’re warming up to kook, but is a little suspicious if namjoon will keep their secret yet
convo ends with yoongi saying something like “well, the kid’s right about one thing. at least we know we have each other”
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starfighter10 · 4 years
tlou2 opinion
So I really had to share my opinion(rant) on the last of us part 2 and boy I have a lot to say. I am gonna dwell deep into this one, so bear with me if you can and want to
 But before that I have to share the feelings I hold for tlou1.Back when I finished tlou1, I knew I experienced something truly magical. I was pleasantly surprised by the beautifully crafted story, the execution of the characters, the music, the gameplay , and the effort that went into shaping the journey of the game,the character arcs and bonds. You could see and experience the uniqueness and passion that went into the first project. This game immediately became a favourite of mine.
When tlou2 was announced, my expectations were skyhigh,was elated to continue Joel and Ellie's journey and how it unfolds. The bar set by the first one was exceptionally high and probably impossible to achieve, but I had trust and faith in naughty dog, thought they couldn't go wrong with this one. After experiencing tlou2 , I am speechless.... not in a good way. I have no words to express my disappointment,frustration and anger I feel right now. I don't even know where to begin.... the absolute mess of a plot, the original characters being blatantly ignored, retconned and disrespected in favour of new bland characters, the plotholes in the story, the false advertising and marketing, naughty dog's hubris, making a complete mockery of your fans who are paying money to play something but getting baited for something else. I am utterly heartbroken and angry.
The plot - the driving force of the game is over ambitious, lazy,sloppy and nihilistic. It felt forced. Naughty dog bit off more then they could chew with this one. Tlou2 could have gone several ways in terms of plot with the existing characters, yet we get the cliche revenge plotline with the character abandoning the quest altogether to realise revenge isn't the answer. This trope has been done several times before, with more finesse and better execution. The writers aim for the " Ellie breaks the cycle of the revenge" but it really fails to achieve this as she blatanly annihilates several characters,npcs along the way in quest of her revenge. The damage has been done practically speaking. According to naughty dog's logic , I should expect Nora's sister or a random npc's friend/relatives in tlou3 hunting down Ellie in their revenge quest. Also Abby's quest literally does nothing for me. This character was so poorly written, executed and shoved down our throats, I didn't have any sort of attachment or empathy for her. I simply don't care about this character.
The circumstances that lead to Joel's death was out of character as well. Since the trailer drop in 2016, I was prepared for his inevitable death. Thought he would probably go out like the badass he is, maybe sacrificing himself for Ellie/tommy. The Joel I know from tlou1, a hardened survivor who has fought tooth and nail to survive the past 20 years would NEVER end up in a situation like that. Joel was intensely alert, critical,clever and intuitive. The argument here may be that he has softened in Jackson, but I feel at this point this should be 2nd nature to him. Something that is automatic. Yet the writer's now want you to believe he is a dumbass who would trust a group of strangers, make small talk and introductions and end up in a situation like that. One of the bigger issues was the constant reinforcing that Joel wiped down the fireflies in cold blood and doomed humanity for death by robbing them of their cure for survival,Ellie believing the cure would have been a guaranteed sure shot success ..... WHY? This retcons the first one completely. The beauty of the tlou1 was it's moral ambiguity and uncertainty. We were constantly hinted that fireflies is a mess of a group whose agendas weren't clearly known, whose actions caused the sacrifice of many people for the sake of a slight possibility of a cure.They were power hungry and were cruel enough to send a 14 year old girl to her death with no remorse,consent or any proper investigation or medical research. Joel initially negotiates to find someone else, gets shut down immediately, gets his means of survival snatched and was practically marched to his death. He had no option but to wipe clean these people who planned on killing someone dear to him, for something that is uncertain or in vain. And yes this was a selfish decision on Joel's part, and that was the beauty of it. The moral ambiguity. He was right or wrong or both - open to your interpretation. BUT NOW NAUGHTY DOG WANTS TO TO ERASE ALL THAT DEVELOPMENT. The active reinforcement that Joel was a cold, ruthless murderer who killed fireflies and deprived humanity of its cure? Trying to erase the fact that he was surviving and trying to keep his dear ones safe in this cold, brutal and unforgiving postapocalyptic world. So that we sympathize with Abby and enjoy golfing the tf outa Joel?. Ellie seems like a different character in this one, but again this character is immediately pushed to a whirlwind of traumatic events right from the start of the game. I missed her spark of joy,humour and enthusiasm. The treatment of the main chatacter in her own game is utterly cruel and disappointing, and seemed unfair to me. By the end, Ellie is broken beyond repair. Though she thematically chooses to be the better person and gives up on her vengeance and hate, she still manages to be on the losing side as she ends up losing her father figure which was her closest bond, loses Dina and the kid , she doesn't have her community, her people, her fucking fingers as well. Why? So Ellie could suffer a little more and be unable to do most important thing that bonded her to Joel. Not to mention she loses her switchblade too, her mother's final memory. Surprised that ND spared her mother's letter . Feel her pain and despair. Why does Ellie get such a shitty,depressing, worthless, futile and a hopeless conclusion while Abby not only gets her revenge successfully, forms a close bond in Lev and gets to escape possibly to a fresh start. Ellie? Nah she gets to suffer alone. Her BIGGEST FEAR has become a reality by the end. The least they could do is let Ellie have some solace and calm, surrounded by her loved ones on that farm,her trying to recover from her trauma slowly but surely, it's what joel would have wished for. But no, she is left all alone, absolutely traumatized, all by herself with nothing to look forward to. Oh and tommy is whole new character in every scene. So keep your eyes peeled for various versions of tommy throughout. The character inconsistencies are ridiculous.
The gameplay, beautiful sceneries, and new characters like dina and jesse are few of the positives of game - leaning more towards Jesse. Dina felt perfect for Ellie and Jesse did manage to lighten up few of the moments. The space shuttle cutscene, the museum flashback sequence, ellie and joel's flashbacks were the only parts that remotely captures the magic and beauty of tlou1. I got emotional watching them. The space shuttle sequence hits you with the feels. Joel slaying a bloater with a machete was cinematic art. (Hot too)
Abby... the forced deuteragonist, is an utter failure of character execution. Her character was forced onto us, felt hasty and lacked real build up. She starts off on the wrong foot by killing one of the most popular characters. If ND really wanted this character to work, the only possible way would have been to play her point of view and backstory prior to her mercilessly killing and torturing a guy who just saved her life. What was ND thinking? That a few hours of her pov,forced out of the blue background story, her getting to play with dogs while ellie has no option but to attack the dogs, the abby-lev bond which is pretty much discount or the walmart version ellie and joel would be enough to side with her over ellie and joel???? The part where they force you to play as abby against ellie? It made me sick. I felt cheated and disgusted.
The false advertising to make us believe joel is alive and good? That this is an ellie and joel centric game?To tug at your heartstrings like this. A complete mockery of the fans who waited 7 years to see their favorite characters get horribly treated,retconned, disrespected and thrown under the bus in favour of new unlikable characters. Butchering the heart and soul of the last of us - Joel and Ellie's bond. The fact that these two don't even get a heart to heart before his death, that Joel dies uncertain of ellie's future, maybe thought he could not save Ellie in those final painful moments, that she had never forgiven him, Ellie never getting her closure with Joel, or really getting to tell him how much he meant to her.... all these thoughts legit made me shed tears. Broke my heart. This is how much ND wanted to honour and respect ellie and joel.
The game's conclusion is hollow, futile, worthless and depressing. And in my opinion, this is non canon. This is the only way I can cope with this unsastifying conclusion. It is immaturity I guess... but I will feel better about it.
Though I utterly despise tlou2, tlou1 will continue to remain one of my favorite pieces of work in fiction. JOEL FUCKING MILLER WILL ALWAYS BE THE BADDEST BITCH AND NOTHING WILL CHANGE THE LOVE I HAVE FOR HIM.
If someone actually read it all the way, thank you for your time and effort. Really needed to rant and let these negative emotions out.
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itsthebiiii · 4 years
A messy summary of Ikepri Yves’ route from chap 16
Hey so it's me again lol. I know I'm SUUUPER late to the party and Nokto's route is out mah boiiiiis, but I finally finished one of the endings and I'm here to deliver them delicious spoilers so... here they are under the cut. Also, somehow more detailed than the last one but it's still as messy don't worry
also, sorry if there are any errors or inaccuracies!
So about that plot, well, some shit is going down that requires the princes to go to battle so they do that (once again, breezed through that part 😅). MC's quite worried bout Yves but he promises he'd return so they gucci.
While on the battlefield, everyone's all exhausted and full of blood on their hands, well, except for Yves. Leon and the gang noticed how he doesn't kill any one of the Obsidian soldiers and he just kept pushing them down. I think Yves was doing this because he doesn't want to kill one of his own because, no matter what he's got some Obsidian blood in his veins. Anyway, they notice a soldier about to attack Yves from behind, but before anyone could bat an eye, Licht comes to his rescue and gets injured. And yall know the drill, Yves feels guilty, yada yada.
After three days, the princes return and MC welcomes them. She noticed everyone looked messed up except for Yves, and when she called him it seemed like he didn't even hear her. MC is concerned bout what happened out there, but before she could ask some more, Jin asks her to take care of Licht's wound. She agrees, and while tending to his injury, Licht tells her what happened. He also told her there's one thing MC can do for Yves, but before he can say what, Jin and Clavis barges in the room with impeccable timing and some booze, announcing that they're gonna drink up for getting out alive so they gather everyone up lolol they rowdy af. Yves doesn't show up tho which makes MC even more worried
MC immediately comes to a realization that Yves might be blaming himself for what happened to Licht so she searches for him until she finds him in the kitchen. He still looked like he wasn't himself, so MC tries comforting him until he snappedt and tried pushing her away (I swear these two) Yves was like "yo wtf why do you even care for me I don't deserve that shit" and then that scene from the PV happens. Yves cried bout how much he hates himself more than anyone does and he wishes he was someone that ain't him. MC just stayed silent and listened to him pour his heart out ugh poor boi
Some time later, the princes gathered up again because they received a letter(?) from Obsidian. It said they want Rhodolite to send Yves back to Obsidian or else some shit will go down. They obviously think it's a trap of some sort but Yves agrees anyway so... that's decided. MC doesn't know of this until she hears from Luke. She rushes to Yves' room and saw him packing up. MC was also apprehensive about him going (or returning?) to Obsidian, but Yves just smiled and told her not to worry or smth. Also he was like "remember all that crap I told you that night at the kitchen? Sike, those were L I E S" and MC's just like "ye right" but because she was unable to form a response to any of that, she left the room teary eyed, with Yves also equally sad. MC returns to her room and while crying her heart out she realizes one teensy tiny detail: she's in love with Yves *insert surprised pikachu face*
So the day came for Yves to depart, but MC decides to stay in her room. Rio sees her in her state and told her "the MC I know and love wouldn't sulk around in her room smh go out there and chase yo mans" and after some persuasion MC heads out. She managed to catch up to Yves and talk to him for like 3 minutes. Also in those 3 minutes, she finally confessed her feelings and kissed him (Yves: 😲 guards: 😳😳😳) She's like "ye remember when I said I won't fall for u? Ye that kinda happened so I guess I'm yours for all of eternity" She also says she'll be waiting for him and gives him her memo pad before he leaves.
In the carriage, Yves reads MC's notes, there were some notes written about the princes but later they soon become notes about what they had done together: going to town, eating sum food, etc. He realizes that she turned it into a whole ass diary and it was mainly about him 😭 Yves was like "girl don't even know this ain't a diary... baka na no??? *sad princely sobbing*"
Back at the castle, the remaining princes gathered up again, this time with MC, and they talked about Obsidian's real motives. They talked about how Yves shouldn't have gone to Obsidian because the moment he interacts with them, he could or would get killed. MC was worried as she listens to them making plans and when Licht decided he would go first to retrieve Yves, he drags MC along with him because he's good at reading expressions and our girl MC here really wants to be useful to the story.
Meanwhile, Yves' carriage suddenly stops and one of his soldiers alerts him that there's a fuckton of Obsidian soldiers ahead and Yves realizes they've been set up. He instructs his men to return to the castle and leave him, also he warns them that there miiiight be some more Obsidian peeps on their way back so he commands them to get out alive. Despite their apprehension, well they had to obey Yves so they did just that.
MEANWHILE meanwhile, Licht and MC go to Obsidian (I don't recall if they bumped into Yves' army but meh) and they stay back a bit to watch stuff unfold. There, they see Yves talking to some Obsidian leaders or smth and the leaders were talking shit to him bout how worthless he actually is and all that crap. They were like "yo you're cursed with sum bad magic huh" Yves was like "Ye, I thought so too. But ya know what? I met someone who kept looking at me straight in the eye and focused on all my good aspects. That person made me stop denying myself. (MC: oh shiz he's talking about the stuff I told him before he left) So no matter how much I didn't want to accept myself, no matter how much I wished to be someone else, I mustn't deny the me that she believed in, I mustn't give up on myself! So ye. I'm Yves Kloss, the 5th Prince of Rhodolite!" YES my boi gain that confidence!!!
So the Obsidian peeps were like "btch u done with ur last words? Just so u know the men u let escape are prolly dead anyway so, how bout u die too aye? Pls die" and when the Obsidian soldiers point their blades at him, Licht decides it was a good time to show up
So ye, before Yves could take a blow, Licht blocked it with his sword. Yves was like "wtf r u two doing here???!" And MC replied with "we're saving you, duh" and Licht backs her up with "ye what she said" the Obsidian peeps were all ???? but they decided to kill them two as well. MC's like "ye no we have back up otw" but the Obsidian peeps thought she was just fronting. So Yves and Licht decides to buy them more time by fighting (but not killing) them. They may be strong but they're exhausted as well, then one soldier finds an opening and aims for Licht. Yves sees this and gets in front of Licht, getting his arm injured in the process.
They try stalling for a few more minutes until the gang finally arrives and they're relieved Yves and Licht are still alive. Jin was like "yo wtf we didn't agree to send Yves here just to get our princes killed in a place like this" and the Obsidian guys are like "we just wanted to welcome Prince Yves until he pointed his sword at us 👉👈🥺💦" but Jin and the other princes obviously ain't buying that crap.
So playtime's over and after all that political stuff, Leon's like "aye Yves, since u have Rhodolite and Obsidian blood, ur technically our bridge, so wtf do we do now?" And Yves says the four kingdoms should sign a peace treaty and also form an alliance to end all those beef. MC's happy for him because he finally achieved his dream of uniting Rhodolite and Obsidian through him. And ye, everybody agrees so everybody happy
BUT WAIT! Sariel announces that Belle needs to choose the next king at that very moment (like wtf couldn't they wait until they get home?) But hey, since they're forming alliances anyway. So MC's pressured and all until she realizes, ayo wait up... ya'll know what the kingdoms need? Not one, not two, but EIGHT leaders! "Ye fam, I appoint all 8 princes to lead the kingdoms... momentarily until I make my final decision." Sariel's like "That ain't allowed" and MC responds with "I know fam. But the kingdoms are in a pretty unstable situation, and we need these 8 dudes to support the kingdoms... after everything is settled and stable again do I choose the king" and they were like "if that's what Belle says, then aight smh" Then everyone finally goes home, but not before Yves and MC shares a moment and Yves faints or falls asleep due to exhaustion
Back at the castle, MC is summoned by Sariel and he shows her there is only one petal left of the rose. He tells her "I know you've technically done your job, but until you choose A KING, will you stay in the castle?" Of course MC agrees and Sariel tells her that he thinks she made the best decision for the situation.
After MC leaves, Yves enters the room and asks Sariel if he has seen MC. Sariel has half a mind to tell the truth, but where's the fun in that right? He tells Yves that MC's preparing to leave since she has done her job and according to the Belle clause, 'once the king is chosen, Belle can't interact with or see him forever' or smth like that and Yves was like "Screw that bs!" and ran to MC's room immediately, leaving Sariel to laugh in evil 😏
In her room, MC was worried about Yves' wounds so she decides to pay him a visit, when she hears knocks on her door that she recognizes was Yves'. He wasted no time entering the room and pinning MC to her bed (SQUEAAAAL) and she was like "??? ya good fam?!" And Yves replied "WHERE TF DO U THINK UR GOING HUH??"
(Ya know what I think imma put a bit of their convo here lol)
MC: To see you?
Yves: And what? So you can say goodbye and tell me we won't see each other forever? BAKA
MC: ...Eh?
Yves: I don't care what Sariel or the others decided. I can't accept this! MC, I can't even take it when you're not beside me... what will I do if we can't see each other ever again? Just thinking about it makes me crazy... You said you'll be mine forever, didn't you? Then I... I'm yours forever as well! Because I was the one who fell (in love) first!
MC: !!!
Yves: I love love LOVE you, you idiot! So don't go saying we won't be together! The Yves Kloss won't allow that even if the world turns upside down! (not sure about that last part)
SO YE. As much as that warmed MC's heart, she was like "i ain't going anywhere. Bruh Sariel's messing with u" and Yves is EMBARRASSED but he doesn't deny it anyway. He decides to say some more cute stuff so lemme put it down here xD
"MC, a lot of unexpected things happened in my life. But the most unexpected thing that happened to me is falling in love with you. Even though I swore I would never fall for you, I noticed I have. You said you were the first one to fall for me, but I think my feelings for you are bigger. MC, I'm stupidly in love with you."
And they argue about who loves the other more lolol then they do the deed 🤭
So some time passed, and the other princes were throwing MC some pickup lines (they were teasing Yves about taking the crown and the MC lolol) and Yves just stood there like "fam?? Aren't yall a lil too close?? Sariel help!!1! Licht and Chevalier too???" And he whisks MC away to his room. The other princes just smiled fondly at the two and Leon comments, "Maybe just meeting someone can fill up the gaps in a person's heart" and he recalls how they tried filling Yves' loneliness but somehow could not fill up the last piece. Until MC shows up and did just that. Jin was like "heh, that sounds like destiny" and Leon confirms that it is 🥺
Back at Yves' room, he has MC pinned down again and he declares that he needs to do his best to continue staying by MC's side. And MC says "me too fam" then she asks him a very important question: "Do you still want to be someone other than you?"
And he replies with:
"It's because you showed me my good traits and loved me for who I am that I don't hate the me I am now. Besides, if I were someone else, then I wouldn't be able to fall in love with you like this. It's because I'm like this, that you found me. That's why, from the bottom of my heart, I'm happy I'm me; I'm happy I did my best to live" ugly sobbing in the background 😭😭😭
So that beautiful CG appears, and Yves tells MC that line, "When I fell in love with you, it's as if the bad magic disappeared. Thank you... for teaching me what true love is."
A few days later, the two were at the library and Yves tells MC that before, he never knew what love is. But of course it's different now, because he tells her, "For me, the meaning of love is... you, MC."
YALL I'M STILL SOBBING BRUUUH 😭😭😭 this whole route was a blast 100/10 would read again (after I finish Nokto, I guess lolol) But ye. Yves is my best boi in IkePri because I'm a sucker for these tropes it's just so sooooft.
So I'm still undecided whether I should read the epilogue or nah because I need like 20 more affection pts? and I really wanna do Nokto's route... idk man
Well this was longer than I expected, so if you reached the end, have some more leFtOvERs from Yves! 🥧
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