#Are you looking to create a productive work environment? We are here to help you get there!
mrfurnitureae · 1 year
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Are you looking to create a productive work environment? We are here to help you get there!
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 2 months
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💗This post is inspired by Bob Proctor videos on PARADIGM SHIFT and how loa works . He was more into law of attraction.I really felt that his teachings were very amazing & it resonated with me . However, if this post doesn't resonate with you , you can ignore it. Since you are the creator of your reality so you create your own rules.
🦄Just like gravity , the law of assumption / attraction is always working. Our body is a molecular structure, if you look at your body through a microscope, you 'd see that energy dancing right before your eyes. It's how you use your mind which will dictate the vibration you are in.
💗When you were a little baby , your subconscious mind was wide open , everything that was going on , it went in there all the energy that went in there formed something called paradigm . Paradigm is information , it's multitude of habits. ( see the diagram 1 below) . Paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior.
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(Sorry I misspelled subconscious)
🦄You are the product of your environment, prior to that , you are the product of genetic string that goes back to generations. On a conscious level, you have the power to think, you can think anything you want to. As you think , you build ideas.
💗Imagine a imaginary line which separates the conscious mind & the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind has been reprogrammed. Let's say the paradigm is X type energy, you will think X type thoughts so you will get X type results. The thoughts that you are thinking that control the vibration you are in, but it also dictates what you attract . Here vibration is nothing but an idea ! You attract energy and people that are in a harmony with you. You got to change the paradigm to change your results. It
Let's see this diagram , it will help us to understand this in more depth.
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🦄This diagram 2 may seem complicated , but you will understand it as you read this post. As you can see that there is an imaginary line separating your conscious and subconscious mind. As I mentioned earlier , if paradigm has X type energy , you will get X type results.
💗What we want to do is program in postive information & eliminate the negative.
🦄" Do just once what others say you can't do , and you will never pay attention to their limitations again " - James R . Cook . We are in charge of how we feel but we let other people upset us , but we don't have to . We can listen to what they are saying & then say, " Well you are entitled to your opinion, but that's just not how I am like ". We can hold our own idea of ourself
💗The sensory factors ( see the diagram 2 ) are hooked up to the conscious mind.The conscious mind has the ability to choose thoughts and originate ideas. It can accept or reject ideas. If somebody tells you a bad story , you have the ability to reject it. Those thoughts turn into pictures. We turn the pictures over to the subconscious mind & then the subconscious mind expresses the action. The subconscious mind has no ability to reject . It cannot determine the difference between what is real & what is imagined.
🦄We think thoughts that are in harmony with the paradigm. The paradigm controls our behaviors. Consciously , you can think of one thing. For example , we read self help books or watch self help videos and say to ourselves " yeah I can do that , it makes sense " but then we can't do it . Why? We believe something on a conscious level but the subconscious believes something else.
💗Paradigm was formed through REPETITION. The ideas being planted in your subconscious mind. Your paradigm dictates your logic, how you utilize your time , perception of situations , your effectiveness , productivity, creativity and the amount of money you make. In order to change your life , you must change your paradigm.
🦄Praxis is the integration of belief with behavior. We have got to take the beliefs that we have consciously that we determine by thinking & plant them in the place of the old belief.
💗Paradigm is formed through REPETITION OF INFORMATION & it can be changed through REPETITION OF INFORMATION. Suppose you are having a difficult time with money, you have got to change your concept about money. How to do that? REPETITION of an idea. That's where affirmations comes in.
🦄Videos you should watch to understand it better- video 1 , 2 , 3
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over-particular · 2 years
a very personal evening checklist
ʀᴇᴍɪɴᴅᴇʀ → It takes an average of 66 days to create or change a habit. Don’t give up now!
☐ Take off your shoes when you get home. According to several studies, the sole of a shoe can carry hundreds of thousands of bacteria. In a biblical passage, God is said to have spoken to Moses in these words: “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.” Isn't that what the safety and comfort of a home means to us? A sanctuary for the soul? Taking off one's shoes is just the smallest sign of reverence. For this very reason, I try to keep my environment as clean as possible.
☐ Fulfill your commitments. Study, finish your work or respond to the last emails of the day. I don't get changed until I'm done. This is an important part as it allows me to ease my mind about the duties I know I am handling. It's hard for me to relax knowing I have a something to do.
☐ Disconnect, break away from screens as early as possible. Try to get away from the constant attention and energy demanded by our electronic gadgets. Blue light causes your brain to believe that it's still daytime, resulting in a reduction of the production of melatonin. In other words, your brain starts working to keep you awake. For those of you who are curious, I don't watch television, as I don't have one.
☐ If possible, be physically active. Walk for 20 minutes, do some yoga, use the exercise bike or go to the gym. Remember that cleaning is a double-duty activity. It's a great way to get you to move. Try to establish a physical routine: depending on your needs, try to stick to a program of one, two, three… or six sessions a week. If you really don't have time, focus on walking to get to and/or come back from work.
☐ Wash yourself. Again, everyone has a different approach to it, depending on their resources and organization. Science recommends taking a shower in the evening, because during the day we accumulate many bacteria, viruses and parasites that affect the regeneration of our skin. During the night, our skin has plenty of time to regenerate. (It is important to remember that taking two showers a day is not recommended: first, because it destabilizes your skin, which has not fully regenerated, second, because it is aggressive for sensitive skins and third, because it is not very nice to Mother Nature.)
☐ Get comfortable. Except for events or evenings when I'm not home alone, I prepare my dinner and enjoy it in my sleepwear.
☐ Prepare a light dinner. Avoid all forms of stimulants such as caffeine, sugar, energy drinks. Try to have an early dinner. I know this is cultural (coming from a family where dinner is served around 8 or 9pm), but a light, early dinner will help you sleep better, have better digestion, boost your metabolism and reduce your blood pressure.
☐ I also use this time to enjoy the presence of my loved ones or to think about calling them, or sending them a message… because they represent a real emotional support for me. Studies have shown that spending time with friends and family contributes greatly to happiness. Among other things, it reduces anxiety, increases productivity and improves mental health.
☐ If you have time, take care of yourself. Follow your skincare routine, even if it's as simple as applying a moisturizer and using deodorant, as it is for me. Remember to brush your teeth. Use slippers at home. Slippers are great for protecting your feet from the cold and keeping your blood flow from slowing down.
☐ Like with my morning routine, I exercise my mind, my faith and/or my creativity for a few minutes. I think it is as important to lighten your mind as it is to exercise it. Here again, I pray for a few minutes. I also write a few notes about my day in my journal. I have developed a sort of obsession with diaries from past centuries and the desire to record intimate details of our lives… and it is true that I harbor the hope that someday I will look back at my writings, much later in life, and find a sort of comforting nostalgy in them. Reading is also one of my favorite hobby. I often fall asleep while reading.
☐ Plan the next day as best you can. I know that some people find it very helpful to prepare their lunch, outfit and/or bag for the next day. This is the time to do what feels right for you. As for me, I just set my alarm clock (If possible, get an alarm clock that is not your phone.)
☐ Determine a time to go to bed and stick to it. If it takes a while to fall asleep (this obviously does not apply to people with sleep disorders...), I invite you to hang out in bed with a book or some relaxing music. I guess I'm pretty harsh, because when this happens, I prefer to condemn myself to boredom, in the dark and in silence. I think it works for me.
I'm so glad that my morning routine inspired many people. I just wanted to come back to something that I feel is very important: Life is made up of countless unexpected events. The world is not all black and white, but is composed of a multitude of shades. This means that none of your days will ever resemble the other. Be flexible and forgive yourself: lists are only there to help us organize this immense chaos that is life. Sometimes, self-care also means allowing the unplanned: a rest, or a change of plans. Again, this list is intended to be personal. Feel free to rewrite it!
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ivyandana · 1 month
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respecting and loving yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself and that starts with simple boundaries! here's some examples that helped me create PEACE in my life by establishing a routine, felt more self love and created an environment for me to enjoy life!
MORNING ROUTINE- pretty self explanatory but this will just give you such a great start to the morning and studies shows doing the same thing every morning leads to more productivity, creativity and secureness all equalling to greater success
BUDGETING- one the hardest thing to do in today's society in my opinion. but learning restraint when it comes to spending money and establishing a humble mindset will give you so much peace in the long run as well who just doesn't love having money!
UNHEALTHY FOOD CONSUMPTION!!!!!!!- the biggest thing you can do for yourself is eating healthy (or trying your best) not trying to shame anybody but eating fast-food 3x a week is hurting yourself. the way we feel and look all has to do with what goes in our bodies!
CREATING A SCHEDULE AND STICKING TO IT: putting down the minimum and max Amount of time for work, to upcoming meetings, deadlines, bill dues, will overall create more structure in your life causing less stress!
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ktempestbradford · 3 days
Jumping off of what I said in this post about having to dismantle certain toxic ideas about myself, I realized that folks might not know how deeply not being a straight, white, cishet, able-bodied, Christianized male (aka the Dominant Paradigm) in the West messes you up mentally. It's a huge mental health problem that isn't always addressed.
When I started up my latest round of therapy I began to acquire labels for some of the ways I acted or reacted to situations. One day in session I was like: Was that a trauma response? It was, wasn't it? And my therapist confirmed. What confused me is that I didn't think I'd experienced trauma.
The idea I had of trauma was some Major Incident in which something Very Bad had happened to me or near me. Or it was about being in abusive situations, usually at home. The kind of ways trauma is depicted in the media.
Then I came across a Twitter thread in which the person said that everyone needs therapy, especially marginalized people, because the way Western society works, anyone who is not the Dominant Paradigm or doesn't hew closely to it is constantly being harmed by society.
Are you BIPOC? Racism is almost everywhere, and where it is, it's constant. It's also not always KKK-level in your face racism; it's more often wave after wave of microagressions on top of whatever challenging condition you're in due to historical racism. In other words: Chronic.
Are you neurodiverse? Good luck not being overstimulated by allegedly benign activities like going to the grocery store. Good luck not being criticized on a daily basis because you can't act "normal". Try holding down a job that expects you to sit at a desk for 8 hours yet you can't even sit in a quiet environment because the asshole CEO read that open office plans make employees more productive.
Are you anywhere under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella? Welcome to the constant barrage of invasive questions from strangers, invasive laws, invasive religiosity... Once again, an allegedly benign activity (going to the bathroom in public) can be a damn crucible if you don't look like the "right" kind of woman or man. Have fun navigating the medical system when you want affirming health care.
I could go on. Disabled people, poor or working class people, fat people, any people who have been historically marginalized and oppressed all experience this. It is trauma. It is harm. It does affect us. But it's Chronic and Systemic. That's the crux.
Because we have to keep on going even with all this. It's every day and it's not easy to escape. So we "deal with it." Some of us have good coping strategies and or supportive family (bio or found) and that really helps. It doesn't alleviate the overall problem. Thus, we all need therapy (so the OP of that Twitter thread concluded).
I don't know that we ALL need it. And I for sure know that some mental health practitioners and therapy frameworks are quite harmful to marginalized people. I'm very lucky in that I have a great therapist and the treatment I'm getting is informed by my identity and background, not ignorant of it. Not everyone has that or has access to it.
What I do know is that we all need Community. True community offers true support, which is necessary for healing.
We also all need to know that our mental health struggles and our trauma are real and valid, even if they don't look or manifest the way we've been conditioned to recognize them. Don't let anyone invalidate your experience or mental health struggles because you don't fit into a specific, wrongly-labeled box.
And don't let anyone tell you that this society isn't out here traumatizing you, because it is. Society doesn't need to be this way. But here in The (European Colonizer Created) West, that's what those with more power have chosen for the rest of us. And it sucks.
I have nothing but hugs and empathy for all the other people out there experiencing this. The only piece of advice I have is: Find community, hold on tight to each other, be that oasis of Okay that others need and they'll be that same oasis for you. <3
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yvetteheiser · 2 months
Yvette Heiser- Is it possible to start a career in photography without formal education? 
If you are passionate about photography but don't know how to get a career out of it, this read is for you. Many people are interested in photography but also doubt whether it brings a good career if it needs any formal education, etc. The answer is photography is a good career option which doesn't always require formal education. But it needs a lot of effort to attain excellence. Watch out, Yvette Heiser investigating the Transformative Power of Photography to get an understanding of the power of photography. Here, we will discuss how we can excel at photography without a formal education.  
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Self-Taught Photographers
One of the recent significant developments is the rise of self-taught photographers who have honed their skills through online resources, workshops, and mentorship programs. The internet is teeming with tutorials, forums, and video workshops covering every aspect of photography, from technical knowledge to creative composition. Platforms like YouTube, Skillshare, and Udemy offer various courses taught by industry professionals, allowing aspiring photographers to learn at their own pace and choose topics that align with their interests and career goals.
Mastering the Basics:
To get started with your photography career without formal education, it is essential to master the basics of photography. Understanding exposure, composition, lighting, and post-processing techniques are fundamental skills that every photographer should possess. Exposure, controlled by aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings, determines the amount of light that reaches the camera sensor. Composition principles like the rule of thirds guide how elements are arranged within the frame, while lighting techniques can dramatically impact the mood and tone of a photograph.
Building a Strong Portfolio:
Creating a compelling portfolio is essential for showcasing your work and attracting clients. Quality often trumps quantity, so selecting the best images demonstrating your style and versatility is crucial. A diverse portfolio with different genres, subjects, and compositions showcases your photography range. Have a look at Yvette Heiser Texas – Why Hire a Professional Photographer at Your Wedding which explains the ongoing demand for wedding photographers. So, there is an absolute career awaiting professional photographers. Whether it's landscape, portrait, product, or event photography, your portfolio should reflect. Your unique vision and aesthetic. In today's digital age, having a personal website or utilizing social media platforms to display your work can significantly enhance your visibility and credibility as a photographer.
Networking and Collaboration:
Networking plays a vital role in building a successful photography career. Connecting with other photographers, joining photography groups or clubs, and attending industry events can provide valuable opportunities for learning, collaboration, and mentorship. Assisting experienced photographers on shoots can offer insights into professional workflows and client interactions, helping you navigate the intricacies of the industry. Engaging with potential clients and understanding their needs is essential for establishing relationships and securing job opportunities.
Final thoughts 
While formal education can provide a structured learning environment and mentorship opportunities, it is possible to start a career in photography without it. With dedication, perseverance, and a passion for storytelling through images, the possibilities are endless for those who dare to pursue their dreams behind the lens. 
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sageistrii · 1 month
i just read the transcript of the whole min heejin press conference and this tells us so much or confirms things we’ve already perceived about this industry:
thread starts here if anyone else is curious: https://x.com/snoopy_sapphic/status/1783388320556597389?s=46
these kpop creative directors really do see their groups/idols as a product not as individuals or artists and they feel entitled to do whatever the hell they want with them because they “created them”
they also establish these extremely odd bonds with teenagers which helps them guarantee obedience and loyalty (like who the fuck is extremely close with their much older bosses in any other line of work)
Min Heejin, being the cooky and stubborn woman (among other things) that she is, was not well liked in a formal, male dominated environment and they were clearly looking for the first excuse they could find to get rid of her while still getting to keep NewJeans for a pretty penny
That being said, the woman must have done some of the things they accuse her of. HYBE’s legal rep has been airtight as far as I’ve seen so I highly doubt they would fabricate accusations. However, I do think they are exaggerating the context of some of the allegations (including getting BTS’ involved for no reason) to get the court of public opinion against her.
If I had a nickel for every instance within that company where somebody wanted to pursue an idea/concept and management went “your idea is not what we think is most profitable so we’re not gonna support, you do you” and then when that exact idea/concept ends up being extremely successful not only do they want to screw you over out of pettiness but they ALSO want try to replicate your success despite not having faith in it initially I would have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but its weird that it happened (AT LEAST) twice 🤔
Bottom line, Bang PD is the evil greedy music exec everyone (except armys) wanted him to be. Yay! Him doing exactly what they did to him w BTS to other people now that he’s the big bad wolf is some movie villain arc.
And lastly… WE WERE RIGHT 🫢 I shouldn’t be surprised but I just didn’t expect to happen like this
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geminimoonmadness · 11 months
I have a grand trine in my chart with Lilith in pisces in the 10th house (my moon is also in pisces exact conjunct my mc still in the 9th), Venus in Scorpio in the 6th house, and Jupiter in Cancer on the border of my 1st &2nd , falling in my first. I’m not sure what this means for me!! I can’t find much info about it!
A grand trine is essentially a gift from the universe. They are fairly rare, so having this aspect makes you quite lucky. Each sign within this major aspects element will work together to increase productivity. A water grand trine is all about emotion and love. You may predict what people are going to say before they even say it, you live in your feelings & these feels are a response from your environment (bad environment= bad mood, good environment=good mood)
I find with your gift specifically it is aimed at ‘inspiring’ others.
For starters, let’s look at each placement that is a part of your grand trine, these placements energies are extra ‘lucky’, So it’s important to acknowledge them as they are part of your gift on this earth & will help you reach fulfilment.
Lilith Pisces 10th House
Here Lilith’s raw energy manifests itself in the public eye, making you more visible to the world. You subconsciously seek popularity and deep down want to be recognised. Your authenticity brings with it a charm that attracts others. You have a passionate desire to succeed which influences others. You may struggle with a sense of responsibility and difficult decision making.
Venus Scorpio 6th House
You have a NEED (not so much a ‘want’ either but you ‘need’ this in order to have a successful union) for intimacy, authenticity, truth and power/control in your relationships with others. You may become dependent on relationships as the 6th house is where you serve others (servant/chores/marriage vibes). You tend to over analyse things that results in having harsh judgements on yourself which is expressed through feelings/emotions instead of thoughts/words. Your one on one relationships have an effect on your health, wellbeing, routine, jobs, productivity, etc; So ensure that you choose wisely when connecting with others.
Jupiter Cancer 1st House
This placement blesses you with a long life, happy family & nice home. Since your Jupiter is in the 1st house/Ascendant, you’ll fill the space of any room you enter with your energy (Jupiter is expansion) which can also make you be seen by others as optimistic, lucky and honest. You understand the world from an emotional perspective, there is a fear of vulnerability in which you may isolate in order to protect yourself, though this can instead limit the positive results of Jupiter.
Now lastly, we get into the trine aspects that your grand trine is made up of.
Lilith Trine Jupiter
-craves freedom
-embraces individuality
-challenges standards
-defy/resist social norms
-unique individual
- great placement for spiritual development
Lilith Trine Venus
-in your darkest times you still shine
-easy to express your raw beauty, sexuality and desires.
-complimented on your edginess & unique style
-you may do things that others receive backlash for and yet you avoid being shunned and/or confronted by anyone for it. (Even though Jupiter isn’t in this aspect it still has a bit of Jupiter’s ‘Luck’ because of the grand trine)
Venus Trine Jupiter
-idealistic, Optimistic and loving person
-you’re an extrovert in your 1 on 1 relationships but need to learn to not be so generous at times.
-When you commit to following your passions & desires, you will then connect with people who can help & support you along the way.
Each of these trines result in you inspiring others, your Moon being conjunct your MC indicates your emotions are connected to your goals & aspirations, they will gain you recognition and encourage/inspire others. You don’t hide them, they’re on show…So in saying this you could really help inspire others by being an influencer of sorts, a writer, empathy/spiritualist, artist, creator, etc. Just by putting your authentic self out there ✨
Your Grand Trine will be here as a tool to help you on any path you take when you’re listening to you HEART & EMOTIONS.
I hope this helps shed some insight on the major aspect in your chart 🩵 xo
⚡️Reach out with questions ANYTIME ⚡️
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itsallyscorner · 2 years
࿔*:・゚Co-Stars: That’s a Wrap | H.S
↝ pairing: Harry Styles x actress!readwr
↝ faceclaim: Daisy Edgar Jones <3
↝ summary: Filming’s done.
↝ warnings: cursing
↝ a/n: I love Emma Watson. Should I start making blurbs for this? Also this isn’t the last of the co-stars series, there’s many more coming ;)
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emmawatson The previous months have shown me the reason why I pursued filmmaking. The concept of this film started off as a small story that I wrote in a notebook and hid in a drawer in my desk for years. I would come back to this notebook for many months until I mustered the courage to propose this idea to a production company a year and a half later. It took months of rejection until I finally got the green light to turn this story into a film. Thank you to everyone who has been patient with me and teaching me along the way through my directorial journey. I have learned an incredible amount and am forever grateful for this experience. To everyone who was part of this production thank you from the bottom of my heart for the hard work and kindness you have all brought to this film. To Harry and Y/n, you have both brought so much love and light to set every single day and I thank you for creating such a loving and safe environment for all of us. This film would not have been the same with either of you, I love you both so so SO much! I should probably end my little speech here or else this caption might be paragraphs long…but once again THANK YOU! And that’s a wrap on Sunshine!!!!💛🌻🌞
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yourinstagram EMMA!! You have been such a joy to work with and I’m excited for this new journey you’re on. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your beautiful and unique story, I love you and this film so much❤️❤️❤️❤️
ynfan1 in her active era
ynfan2 HI MOM
emmafan1 Can’t wait to see this movie Em!!!
harrystyles It has been the biggest honor to work with you and I will be forever blessed to have lived this experience. Thank you for allowing me to be part of it, all the love❤️ x
ynfan3 not Y/n and Harry commenting 30 seconds apart from each other..
harryfan1 @ynfan3 I wouldn’t look into it lmao
harryfan2 For once can you all not ship these two together, they literally commented on something their director posted about the film. Stop making it about them it’s about Emma🙄
harryfan3 why is no one literally talking about the picture???🧍‍♀️
harryfan3 Their arms around each other makes me sob
harryfan4 Imagine being that CLOSE to Harry fucking Styles
ynfan4 They really are the cutest people on the planet
ynfan5 Emma confirming that Y/n and Harry are two of the most loveliest people ever
harryfan5 they’re both my comfort people, I love them sm🥺
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yourinstagram And that my lovely friends is a wrap on Sunshine💛! This has been such an incredible experience and it’s been quite the ride. I had the benefit of working with some of the most talented and remarkable people in the business and it has been the greatest honor of getting to know you all. I have made many friends and memories that I will forever look back on. This film means a lot to me but most importantly to our marvelous director @/emmawatson✨ Thank you again for allowing me to be part of this story and your journey as a director, I wish you nothing but the best on this new chapter in your life and I will always support you! A special thank you goes to my wonderful co-star @/harrystyles❤️ You have grown to become a close friend of mine and I admire you. I’ll miss you and our late night Love Island binging, best of luck on tour you rockstar :) Lastly, a HUGE thank you to everyone who helped operate our set, whether you worked on set, behind the scenes, or in the editing rooms we as a cast appreciate your hard work for taking good care of us. I love you all so much and hope to see you all soon xxx
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ynfan6 she has the biggest heart I swear🥺
ynfan7 “I admire you” I.ADMIRE.YOU😭
emmawatson you’re a gem❤️
[liked by yourinstagram]
harryfan6 she’s so real for flipping Harry off RIGHT to his face❤️
ynfan8 icon behavior💅
harrystyles all the love sunny💛
[liked by yourinstagram]
harryfan8 God has favorites and Y/n is one of them.
harryfan9 very active today Harold👀
harryfan10 don’t know why I’ve never been an Y/n fan but seeing how genuine and thoughtful she is makes me want to protect her with every ounce of my being, bless her ugh
harryfan11 The fact that she calls him rockstar and they binge love island together late at night LIKE JUST KISS ALREADY PLEASE
ynfan9 a man and a woman can be friends without being in a romantic relationship!!!!
harryfan12 they’re a couple of besties🥰
ynfan10 I’m sorry but they make it so hard NOT to ship them💀
gemmastyles I’d like to clarify that I’ll be seeing this movie for you and only you <3
harryfan13 GEMMA?!!!
harryfan14 UM HI GEMMA
ynfan11 clearly y’all were shipping Y/n with the wrong Styles🤭
harryfan15 the better Styles
Y/n’s Instagram Story:
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Liked by yourinstagram, emmawatson, and 4,917,345 others
harrystyles Just wrapped a little film called Sunshine. Had the honor of working with two of the most gifted women I’ve ever met. Women truly are powerful and are capable of creating spectacular stories just like male directors. I hope this film brings more recognition to female directors around the world. It’s been a huge honor working beside Y/n and Emma, you are both unbelievable. Thank you for having me, I love you all. H.
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harryfan16 Harry “I love women” Styles
harryfan17 Already doing better than the shit show behind DWD🤭
ynfan12 Oop—
ynfan13 brutal but true
harryfan18 At least we get to see Harry and Flo in the same movie again without the drama!!
harryfan19 Flo’s in this movie???
harryfan18 @/harryfan19 yes she is! She has a smaller role, but she’s very much in it☺️
ynfan14 honestly was not expecting Harry to post, but I’m here for it
harryfan20 him and Y/n are both so active today I’m not used to it
1dfan1 it’s giving 2015 Harry❤️
harryfan21 pls my heart😭
1dfan2 the nostalgia that just hit me
harryfan22 Photographerry📸
yourinstagram love you lots❤️
[liked by harrystyles]
ynfan15 I hate the both of you, I’m not supposed to ship y’all
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ynfan18 she’s so small next to him
ynfan19 Rockstar and sunny💛
harryfan24 are jumpers his new thing? Will we be seeing jumpers on tour??
ynfan20 Jumpers on Tour 2022
ynfan21 they’re literally my faves I love them
ynfan22 he has a hat, a mask, and the picture is mad blurry but I know DAMN well he’s looking fine asl
harryfan25 @/harrystyles what is that pose?
harryflorals awkward hands smh
ynscamera MY PARENTS
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ynscamera WAS Y/N THERE?
ynfan23 “A SLITHER”😭😭
ynscamera @/ynscloset dare you to find her exact outfit using the second pic
ynfan24 @/ynscloset
ynfan25 @/ynscloset do it bestie
ynfan26 @/ynscloset
ynscloset I fucking hate all of you🙄
harryfan26 comfy Harry🤎
harryfan27 I wonder what he’s eating
harryfan28 a plate full of peas
harryfan29 beans.
florencefan1 I was at the same place they were at! They were eating at this lowkey cafe/restaurant kind of place and were all so chill, everyone seemed to get along great and there was lots of laughing :)
ynfan27 omg you saw them???
florencefan1 @/ynfan27 I did! They’re all still in London
ynfan28 did you happen to see Harry and Y/n interacting?👀
florencefan1 @/ynfan28 They were sitting a few seats apart, Y/n sat next to Elizabeth Olsen:) I got to see them all leave and Harry was instantly beside Y/n, he had an arm around her when they left!!
harryfan30 Harry the simp
ynfan29 I didn’t see it with my own eyeballs but they’re so cute
ynfan30 fine I’ll ship them #y/nrry
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fruttymoment · 10 months
Whoa linux user
Do you have a guide on how to switch to it? I have zero coding knowledge (i think that's required) and I trust you with my life
I perfectly understand the "linux is scary and requires very big brain and coding its too hard to use!" thought coming from a Windows/Mac guy, i really do! But in the end, a linux distro is just a computer kernel that also has a desktop environment and just does what you want it to do like an operating system
Coding on linux is not required. Linux has so many distros at this point that designed to be beginner friendly, requiring "no knowledge but TO gain knowledge while using it"
The linux terminal is the thing that scares most of the users, but trust me once you get used to it you'll realize how efficent it is to operate your computer and do certain tasks from THE terminal instead! In the end, the cold looking white text with black background terminals are the REAL face of computers. Desktop environment is made so EVERYONE can use computers!
The terminal of gnu/linux uses the bash language. In a nutshell, it is pretty easy to learn basic commands actually!
Super beginner friendly linux distros are designed for people (YOUU) who has no experience whatsoever with linux! They are designed and engineered so you dont have to use the terminal much! For example, Linux Mint is the best distro you should start with. It looks and feels like Windows, even! And Mint does not require much terminal usage. That is also their mission, to make an linux distro friendly enough that no terminal usage is needed!
As easy as this sounds, i actually do not recommend staying this far away from the linux terminal. Please start with Linux Mint if you gonna, its just the best for beginners, but also please dont avoid the terminal much! The linux terminal is important to learn because it also teaches you how a computer really works, and certain operations are much more efficent to do via terminal anyway!
Push yourself to interact with the terminal, even. Learn very basic commands like "shutdown now" , and the "sudo" privilege and how it works (linux always asks your password while doing stuff and you also cant do muc without the sudo privileges!)
"sudo" is the command that gives you the REAL admin privileges to do ANYTHING. With your password and sudo, you can even delete your bootloader lol. Linux wont stop you
This means to be extremely careful while using sudo, though! You can do ANYTHING with sudo privileges, and that also contains accidently trashing your computer! Unlike Windows, that doesnt even let you uninstall Edge, linux has no boundries. Its like "we are gonna assume you know what you are doing."
Of course, friendly distros DO warn you on certain stuff, so dont worry too much!
So ye. U can use linux with no coding knowledge, but i dont recommend staying like that. After starting to use linux, you GOTTA let it teach you stuff!
And to the "switching to linux for the first time" part;
I recommend not deleting your main Windows, actually. For first time using linux i heavily recommend the "dual booting" , which simply means booting operating systems more than one in an computer! You can use BOTH linux and windows in thay way! Although, you need to shudown your pc if you want to switch between them and do it in the booting menu
This is because if something goes wrong, or you get very confused, just let Windows be ready in there. Only make the switch the moment when you feel you can operate linux with no issues and easily!
Dual booting basically slices your disk and creates partitions for operating systems. For example if you have an 512GB SSD, in dual booting you can slice it and make Windows use 256GB and Linux use 256GB too! Ofc u can change the numbers here (linux mimt will help u,.)
Before completely switching to linux; be aware that its a bit of a different world. Sure, very popular softwares exists in linux too but some softwares may not suppor linux. Adobe products dont support linux, for example! You can of course just emulate them with Wine software heh, but that would be a bit of a work!
Another problem will be certain online games. Online games does not like linux becuse how easy it is to manipulate the system, so they just either dont run on linux or they ban/kick you when you try to emulate it on linux
An example is Valorant. Valorant does not tun on linux!
And any online game that has a cheap anticheat system will be a problem!
With that being said, linux now supports every single game from Steam, with the Proton software. Just be careful about them online ones! If an online game natively supports linux (TF2, for example!) , it wont be a problem! Check the steam game's info thingy for it!
Oh and official Minecraft works in linux lol
Discord, Spotify etc. popular softwares also work on linux!
Linux in fact has an "app manager" software in their distros, making you install stuff with no terminal whatsoever! Think like Google Play Store but on le pc!
Anyways hehe thats it fo me bascallya! If u wanna switch to linux with no experience, start with the Linux Mint distro i say and explore it well! Tamper everything before fully installing it, dont worry about it! Linux is free. Linux does not care if you want to kill the entire system, even. Linux is freedom
Also please research the dual booting! You'll gonna be needing an 4GB+ USB for it, and a software like Rufus!
The site of Linux Mint has everything you need in detail, step by step ^^ good luck!
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myfirstgamejam · 11 months
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My First Game Jam Summer 2022 is on!
The optional theme is: "Cycles"
Here’s a few tips and links to get the most out of the jam.
Make a dev log on the community!
A development blog is a blog in which a game developer or team talks about the process they’ve made over the course of the game’s creation. Maintaining a devblog keeps your audience in the know and helps facilitate productivity so you’ll have something to blog about. It also serves as a record of problems you encounter as well as the solutions you find for those problems.
Development logs are essentially the same thing, except we’ll be using the jam forums rather than a blog. However, you are free to use both the forums and your own blog as you develop your game.
Doing so is not necessary at all, but check out all the logs from last jam! In order to get the most out of your jam experience, it is vital that you interact with your fellow jammers and the community surrounding it. They’ll provide valuable feedback and support to help you along the way. So please, we encourage you to mingle, post in other logs, and of course post your own!
In addition, you are encouraged to add images and gifs. Here’s some programs to help facilitate that:
Greenshot - a free and open source screenshot tool for productivity
Lightshot — screenshot tool for Mac & Win
Start your dev log today!
Respect your community!
Take a moment to review our code of conduct. We strive to create a safe, supportive, and productive environment, and we appreciate your efforts to make our community welcoming for everyone!
Post daily updates!
Post screenshots or fun mishaps to your dev log, twitter, tumblr, or your own blog to track your progress and get feedback. Tag your posts as #MyFirstGameJam so other jammers can find your work! To get the most exposure you can also tag #gamedev or #ScreenshotSaturday for Saturdays! Share your work and link back to your devlog to get feedback.
Manage your time and tasks!
We updated our list of useful time and task management tools with tips and ideas for staying on top of your project. Set goals early and keep track of how fast it takes you to reach them!
Use our resources!
Still deciding on an engine? No problem. Check out this post to see what fits your project best or try the sortingh.at!
Unity resources
Gamemaker resources
RPGMaker resources
Ren'py resources
Twine resources
Free assets
Winter jam resource list
Resources tag on blog
If you still have questions about the jam itself, take a look at our rules page!
Join the jam chat!
Want to share your work or ask for help? Or even just take a break from dev? Join discord chat here! (Please note you must be at least 14 years old to join!) Feel free to say hi and share your work! If you need help with a specific skill or engine, you can @Unity or @2D Art to notify mentors. If you think you would like to help other people with some part of games–join us as a mentor! You can get notifications when someone has a question about engines or skills you have expertise in!
Here’s a quick guide to how you can become a mentor.
Heed advice from previous jammers
This jam we took the time to write up a quick summary of advice from previous jammers: Know how to scope.
You can read about the number one game jam killer here!
Take care of yourself!
Game-making can be exhausting as well as rewarding! You are more important than your work, and we compiled a list of helpful tools for getting the most out of you!
Aaaand good luck!
Game dev can be exciting, frustrating, and extremely rewarding. We hope to give you the tools to help you succeed in your goals in the next two weeks!
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ashe-delta · 15 days
Last quarter I had this displeasure of having one of my classes get bait and switched from an English class to a class about using ChatCPT. That means I've technically taken a college level course on ChatGPT, making me far more qualified than I really wish I was on the subject, meaning I can "flex" my knowledge here.
For the record, ChatGPT is fine. There's no such thing as soulless art or writing, that's literally just Nazi rhetoric. The issue with AI is it's a misinformation machine, it'll take away a ton of important jobs, and it'll create a toxic environment for creators if not used for good. (And given the tech industry is using it, that's very likely!)
If you want to know what ChatGPT is actually useful for, it's creating summaries. They aren't great summaries, and I cannot stress this enough, it's not exactly responsible to say you've "read" an article when all you did was feed it to a machine which gave you the bullet points. But, like, as long as your on both sides of the machine (carefully tuning the input and the output) it's mostly fine.
Probably the most interesting assignment in that class was an essay compiling research. It didn't require a ton of work, mostly just comparing sources; you don't even need to have a super fleshed out point. The catch was that the professor provided all the sources—all of which talk about the downsides of AI, which I can respect. These sources were massive, talking 15-30 pages, and all of them full of the scholarly gatekeepy language that academic writing is known for, and there was 25 total. And you needed to use 18. For 7 pages! That is a lot of fucking reading for a college level course on an assignment we realistically had two weeks to do, especially academic reading.
The idea, then, is to not read it. The workload is too high on purpose, so you have to use a machine somewhere in the process to make it faster. So, make the AI read it. Again, this is not some high stakes academic paper, its just combining a bunch of sources together to make something slightly coherent. So if the AI can summarize the points, you can make the essay much faster than if you didn't.
From here, the prof expects you to just copy and paste the writing from the AI, but I wouldn't do that. That isn't what I said was "mostly fine", after all—carefully tuning both the input and the output. A human on both sides. What I'm proposing is to take what the AI said, and to make sure it's, you know, coherent, and make it into something better by actually analyzing it and doing comparisons yourself. I likened it to a "writing calculator". It gets something that's close enough that you can finish the job. But it's never always quite there. And it doesn't need to be! That is literally your job.
You can see where the main struggle with AI right now is, then. People are just taking the output at face value. The final product, push it out, don't check for misinformation, fire your staff, and let the AI do the job. It knows what its doing, after all. But it doesn't. It's essentially just a toddler babbling, guessing what's probably good enough.
One of the best things I've done to help my writing is to just create a summary of what I'm going to write. Instead of staring at a blank page, I'll write a 3 sentence summary of what I want this scene to be. Then, sentence by sentence, I can deconstruct it and add all the details back in. It's basically (totally) an outline, but the key thing is I already wrote exactly what I want, I just have to spice it up and give it life. The hardest part of writing, after all, is staring at that blank page. Anything is better than nothing.
You probably see where this is going, but AI is pretty decent at putting anything onto the page. It's also pretty good at writing pretty shitty. That's where you edit the summary that it's provided and make it something actually worth using. In academic writing, this would look like not letting a single word of it touch the page (also, because that's plagiarism, as its not your words). Instead you take it's thoughts, compare it to the sources itself (you're going to have to at least skim the sources to make sure its right). Don't do this in a high stakes academic writing environment, but lets be real, your 100-200 level courses aren't it. In creative writing, this is essentially just putting a prompt in and using it as a guideline or outline for the writing. Again, not letting its words hit the page.
This approach to writing with ChatGPT shocked my professor, which is weird, because I figured it's kinda the normal way to write something? You wouldn't let someone write your paper, but you would let someone tell you how a source might be useful, even if you need to double check its right. He's even thinking of changing the class to better fit this human on the input and output angle, which is deeply flattering. But it also goes to show just how volatile the market for AI and ChatGPT is right now. No one is actually sure how to use it right, everyone is just guessing.
All this to say, AI is not the devil. It is being wildly misused and no one can deny that, but the AI itself isn't at fault (although it's databases could be sourced a little better than that). It's the people using it. I have no plans to use ChatGPT in the future for, well, anything, but I can't discredit it completely, given it was actually helpful.
Now stop using it to automate things that DESPERATELY need a human in the production line.
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dojae-huh · 11 days
Why are you making a fuss about sbux now? Even though the leader of Nct is GBA Loewe and BA Benefit Cosmetics which is part of LVMH which is owned by Bernard Arnault  and he invests in Israeli companies.
Why don't you also boycott Lisa, she is the girlfriend of Frederic Arnault aka son of Bernard Arnault the owner of LVMH who supports israel companies
Link, Link2, Link3, Link4, Link5
It's because "target" was painted on SB. So people follow where they are told to go without asking questions and making their own investigations and decisions. When people are in distress, they want an easy solution, so they grasp at anything that will make them think they are making a change, are in control, that will allow the anxiaty to be released at something, the energy of worry spent.
One can find dirt on any big company. Coca-Cola still leads people in Mexico to diabeties and early death with the help of agressive advertisement and lies about health repercussions. Most fashion brands use leather from factories that use illegal immigrant labourers who live close to slave conditions. Unilever that produces Aqua water among other things is well known for grasping water resources and depriving locals of access to water (directly or price wise).
I had a thought about fanwars recently. How some people are looking for fights. Psychiatrists say most of us are living in too much of a safe environment, while our brains where made to constantly look out for danger, to worry, to be anxious and cautious to stay alive. Yes, we are very stressed from school, work, bad news, but it's not real live threatening danger. And so there is this programme, the need to find danger and to spend energy on escaping it, in a sense. It leads many people to invent illnessess, look for fights, for trouble. I wonder if the pull to participate in fanwars can be, if in part, attributed to it. There is nothing of value at stake (I mean, who cares if Taeyong or Jaehyun really was the most searched neo in 2024?), but fans create this value out of thin air.
Here is a table of Israel exports. Electronics and precious stones are leading. What k-pop fan is going to investigate what fashion brands use their jewels in their collections? Who is going to look up if the electronic devices they are going to purchase have a chip, a mother-board or whatever produced in Israel? What about medical apparatuses? Will a fan go into the local medical clinic and demand the institution to get rid of anything produced in the country? What about aerial and astronautic systems for aircrafts? Will a fan not board a plane that has Israel produced components?
SB is easy, SB is luxury, and most don't drink its coffee anyway, too expensive. Nothing lost not buying its products, but a lot of browny points for calling people to arms.
Leave the idols alone. They are musicians, not political figures. SM is a small Korean company, it has no influence on international politics aside from being a part of the soft power for Korea. And SB Korea is owned by a Korean and a Singapore companies. And those 23k coffee-shop workers need their wages.
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explainlearning · 15 days
College Study Group: What Every Student Needs to Know
Juggling college courses, extracurricular activities, and a social life can feel overwhelming. That's where the right college study group can be a game-changer. But with so many factors to consider, how do you find the best college study group for you? Explain Learning is here to help you navigate the world of college study groups and unlock their full potential for academic success.
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What is a College Study Group?
A college study group is a group of students who meet regularly to discuss course material, share study tips, and prepare for exams. The size of the group can vary, but it's typically between 3-8 students from the same course or with similar academic goals.
Benefits of Joining a College Study Group
There are numerous benefits to joining a college study group. Here are some key advantages:
Improved understanding: Discussing complex topics with peers can solidify your understanding of the material. Hearing different perspectives can also challenge your own assumptions and lead to a deeper grasp of the subject.
Enhanced learning: Study groups encourage active learning. By explaining concepts to others, you strengthen your own knowledge and identify areas where you may need further clarification.
Boosted confidence: Discussing problem sets or quiz questions can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. The support of a study group can build your confidence heading into exams.
Increased motivation: Studying with a group can create a sense of accountability, keeping you on track and motivated to stay ahead of the curve. Seeing your peers committed to studying can inspire you to do the same.
Improved problem-solving skills: Working through challenging concepts together can hone your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Brainstorming strategies for approaching difficult questions can be highly beneficial.
Reduced stress: Sharing the workload and anxieties associated with academics can make studying less stressful. The camaraderie of a study group can create a supportive environment that promotes well-being.
Finding the Right College Study Group
Finding the right college study group is crucial for maximizing its benefits. Here are some key factors to consider:
Course focus: Look for a group focused on the same course as you. This ensures everyone is on the same page and can contribute meaningfully.
Learning style: Consider your learning style. If you learn best by explaining concepts, look for a discussion-based group. If you prefer a quieter environment, a group focused on practice problems might be ideal.
Group size: A smaller group (3-5 students) allows for more focused discussions and personalized attention. Larger groups (6-8 students) still offer benefits but may require more structure to stay productive.
Study habits: It's helpful to find a group with similar study habits. If you prefer quiet, focused study sessions, a group that prioritizes constant discussion might not be the best fit.
Explain Learning Offers Resources to Help You Find the Perfect Study Group
Explain Learning understands the importance of finding the right study group. We offer a variety of resources to help you connect with other students and form successful study groups:
Online forums: Our forums allow you to connect with students enrolled in the same courses. You can post about forming a study group and find like-minded individuals.
Subject-specific communities: We have dedicated communities for various subjects. Join the relevant community to connect with students in your field and explore the possibility of forming a study group.
Study group tips: We offer articles and guides with tips on finding and forming a productive study group. Learn how to set ground rules, create an effective study plan, and navigate potential challenges within a study group.
Making the Most of Your College Study Group
Once you've found the right college study group, here are some tips to ensure its success:
Set goals and expectations: Establish clear goals for each study session. Decide what topics you want to cover and what questions you aim to answer.
Prepare for meetings: Come prepared to each session. Review the material beforehand, identify areas you need clarification on, and bring any questions you have.
Stay focused: While some social interaction is expected, prioritize focused discussions and productive study sessions.
Contribute actively: Be an active participant. Share your understanding, ask questions, and contribute to group discussions.
Be respectful: Value different perspectives within the group. Practice active listening and ensure everyone feels comfortable asking questions and participating.
Joining a college study group can be a strategic move towards academic success. Finding the right group and maximizing its potential can significantly enhance your learning experience. Explain Learning is here to support you on this journey. Utilize our resources to connect with peers, learn valuable study tips, and ultimately, thrive in your college courses.
Know more https://explainlearning.com/blog/college-study-group-tips-for-students/
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cordycepsfem · 16 days
For all the things trans "women" appropriate, it's very telling when you start piecing together the things that they don't. For instance, I've never seen one worry, talk, or even mention breast cancer - something you think they would, considering how much they love talking about their "boobs." But they like the idea of pap smears (even though they don't have a cervix) because it's fun to expose your "lady bits" to people I guess. It's all fun and games, too, to shop for panties and eat chocolate and flirt with boys, but the line quickly gets drawn when it comes to housework, being emotionally supportive to others, raising the children. They love pretending they have periods, but never vaginal prolapse, endometriosis, ovarian cysts. I never hear a peep about pay gaps between men and women. Never a word on the health risks associated with makeup, high heels, or things like scented/bleached menstrual products. Another thing that's always bugged me is the complete disregard for the environment - like, plastic surgery and artificial hormones and the excess clothes and all the trans "official" pride merch (I'm thinking of that random Ikea stuffed shark that so many became obsessed with).... And, like, a woman has never had to buy her way into her identity. She just is. The list goes on, and I grow tired. Perhaps this is all just an unfair rant from a cranky woman, but I can't help it - I see the patterns. "Trans people are who they say they are." But actions speak louder than words. I'm tired.
It’s this weird dichotomy between supporting your “sisters,” not just your “cisters.”
My “cisters” - actual women - here in the US need the things you talk about: research into breast cancer; Pap smears and mammograms; better treatment for disorders that only affect women; help with housework and childcare and getting maternity leave and affordable daycare and good schools for their kids. They need community and feminism to create common goals to work towards. There is actual oppression of women and girls around the globe every day. We can’t buy our way out of it, or take off our identity - our very being - when it doesn’t suit our needs.
My “sisters” - men who are definitely not included in any definition I have of sisterhood - want to be fussed over and worshipped and validated for every breath they take while wearing ill-fitting women’s clothing and mumbling about their fetishes and polycule. They want us to believe that 35-ish trans people dying per year, mostly in ways that could happen to literally anyone, is a genocide, while femicide happens so often that we don’t even recognize it as a hate crime.
For people who want to be accepted as women, they do very little to look to women to figure out how to fit in, how to be a part of a community. Instead they want to come in and take it over, which is an extremely male thing to do.
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standmyplants · 2 months
"Rise and Shine: Plant Stands for Elevated Greenery Décor!"
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Discover our assortment of plant stands, crafted to enhance your foliage and lend a fashionable touch to any area. You may display your favorite plants indoors or out with the ideal stand, which ranges from sleek and sophisticated to rustic and lovely. With our extensive assortment of plant stands, you may add flair to your interior décor and create stunning botanical displays.
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A 3-Tier Terracotta Mosaic Plant Stand Set is a stylish and functional arrangement of plant stands designed to display multiple plants or decorative items. Here's a detailed description:
Design and Material
Terracotta Mosaic: The tops of the plant stands are adorned with mosaic patterns made from terracotta tiles. These tiles are arranged in intricate geometric or floral designs, creating a visually appealing and classic look. The warm earthy tones of terracotta add a traditional yet sophisticated feel to the set.
Sturdy Metal Frame: The supporting frame of the plant stands is typically made of metal, providing a robust and stable structure. The metal is often powder-coated to resist rust and corrosion, ensuring durability and suitability for both indoor and outdoor use.
Tiered Structure
Three Tiers: This set consists of three separate plant stands, each at different heights, creating a tiered display. The varying heights allow for a visually interesting arrangement, with plants displayed at different levels.
Versatile Arrangement: The stands can be used individually or combined to create a tiered look. This flexibility allows you to adapt the arrangement to suit different spaces, whether indoors or outdoors.
Functional and Decorative
Space-Saving Design: The tiered structure is ideal for maximizing vertical space, making it suitable for smaller areas like balconies, patios, or compact garden spaces.
Indoor/Outdoor Use: The robust metal frame and terracotta mosaic tops make these stands versatile for use in various settings. They can be used to display potted plants, flowers, or decorative items like candles and sculptures, both indoors and outdoors.
Easy to Assemble and Maintain: The plant stands usually require minimal assembly, with clear instructions provided. Maintenance is simple, with the metal frame requiring only occasional cleaning and the mosaic tops needing a quick wipe-down.
Aesthetic Appeal
Classic and Elegant Design: The terracotta mosaic adds a touch of elegance to the plant stands, making them suitable for a wide range of decor styles, from traditional to contemporary.
Enhance Your Space: This set of plant stands is designed to enhance the aesthetic of any space, providing a beautiful platform for your favorite plants or decorations. They work well in gardens, patios, living rooms, or even office spaces, adding a natural and artistic element to the environment.
In summary, the 3-Tier Terracotta Mosaic Plant Stand Set offers a combination of functionality, durability, and aesthetic appeal. Its tiered design, sturdy construction, and versatility make it an attractive addition to any indoor or outdoor space.
For more information about the 3-Tier Terracotta Mosaic Plant Stand Set, including specifications, pricing, and other product details, please visit our website https://www.standmyplants.com.au/ . There, you can find additional product images, customer reviews, and answers to frequently asked questions. If you need further assistance, our customer support team is available to help with any inquiries you may have. We look forward to helping you find the perfect addition to your home or garden.
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