#I love all forms of writing and I love seeing y’all’s growth
ao3-shenanigans · 5 months
Shout out to all the beginning authors, don’t be afraid to write badly and to write for yourself
we will love you regardless
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hausofneptune · 4 months
aspects/placements i love (and hate!) in my chart pt. 1
[astro notes no. 003]
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hey y’all! i felt like going through some of my personal aspects/placements and describing the “positive” and “negative” ways they’ve manifested in my life, so here we are. this ended up being longer than i thought it would, so i'll end up doing a part two since i really enjoyed making this!
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venus conj. neptune in aquarius (1°03’) in the 1H
this is one of my favorite placements. i feel like this + my pisces sun can make me appear to others as “ethereal” at times, but if i’m keeping it a buck, it also makes me extremely evasive. i have a good amount of aquarius influence in my chart as well, so all of this combined definitely makes me feel like i have to put in effort to not come off as too impersonal, especially towards my loved ones. 
having neptune in my 1H also makes me feel like people perceive me to be someone that i’m not. like even my close friends and family, i don’t feel like anyone actually understands who i am, and i don’t think i’ve ever had a relationship (platonic, romantic, or familial) where i felt like i was seen for who i actually am, or where i was able to connect to somebody on a deeper, spiritual level. i can also over-romanticize people and situations at times, but i’ve grown out of this habit… for the most part.
i’ve always been an extremely creative/artistic person. i’ve been drawing, painting, writing, and singing since i was a kid, and i even sell my artwork now as an adult. i’m extremely imaginative, but i do have to be careful to not get too in my head and forget to participate in reality, if that makes sense. i’ve also had issues with dissociation and memory loss throughout my life. i feel like my lived experience has more to do with that, but i can see how the Neptunian influence in my chart could play a role in it as well.
venus opposite north node in the 7H (1°40’)
there are some placements that convince me that the universe was tryna be funny when it made my birth chart. this is one of them. i have so many things in my chart that can make it challenging at times to form meaningful, trustful relationships with other people, and it’s interesting to me the fact that my spiritual growth is something that’s supposed to be found… through my relationships with other people. i try not to victimize myself too much and look at things from an objective lens, but i would be lying if i said it didn’t feel like people find it convenient to have me in their lives only when i allow them to view me in a way that makes them feel the most comfortable.
like i mentioned, i can be very avoidant, it’s something i’m working on. but i know that it’s possible for me to have fulfilling connections with other people, and obviously with this placement it’s something i need to work through my aversion to, seeing as my self-development and spiritual growth is something that’s extremely important to me and deep down i do want to want to experience having meaningful, healthy relationships. 
sun sextile lilith (within 3.0°) in the 11H / chiron in the 11H
let me tell you, most of the people i’ve been friends with over the years, regardless of gender, hypersexualize the fuck out of me. especially the men i’ve been friends with, majority of them had feelings for me that i never reciprocated. i was actually friends with a girl in high school who’s moon fell in my 8H, and in hindsight she had a very unhinged, borderline obsession with me. she would speak to me, and get mad at me, as if we were in a relationship together, and did not understand any type of boundaries that you’re supposed to have with someone you’re friends with. i don’t hold it against her now as an adult, but we definitely don’t speak to each other anymore.
i’ve also encountered issues in regards to the relationships i've with women, mainly when i was younger though, the women i’m acquainted with now i have healthy, normal friendships with (thank god). but i’ve had friendships with girls where they secretly didn’t like me, they were secretly attracted to me, or both. and i don't mean this in a weird, misogynistic, "pick me i'm different!" type of way at all, this is just a pattern i picked up on with some of the women i've met throughout my life.
in regards to having chiron in my 11H, my sore spot is most definitely my friendships. on top of feeling misunderstood and objectified in the friendships i’ve had, i’ve also experienced trauma at the hands of people i thought were my friends. and i always do my best to exercise being mindful and self-aware, and i’m definitely not on some “i’ve always been the perfect friend and people hurt me regardless, boo-hoo, woe-is-me” type shit, because i’ve definitely hurt people in my lifetime. but in terms of how these placements have manifested, i’ve always encountered difficulty in connecting to others, and i’m just now getting to a point where i feel comfortable enough to even attempt to try making new friends again. 
and this is what i mean when i say: astrology is a tool that you can use for shit that is more important than your appearance and future partner! it wasn’t until my 12H profection year when i started studying traditional astrology and learned how to read charts, that i actually began to understand myself on a deeper level and gained the confidence to end friendships that no longer served me and made new ones that actually do. 
chiron in my 11H also makes me feel inclined to take on a “therapist” role in my friendships, something that can be good or bad depending on whether the boundaries are there or not. i tend to attract people who like to trauma dump on me (that’s my moon in the 8H influence too), and i have to actively put boundaries in place and make sure people around me understand that i have to be in the right mindset to hold space for them. there aren’t a lot of pisces sun stereotypes that i can relate to, but being an emotional sponge is definitely one that i can. unfortunately. 
moon and ceres in virgo in the 8H 
LMAOOO this one might be a little heavy. i apologize in advance. feel free to skip this one if you don’t want to hear about parental/maternal loss or my mommy issues <3
my relationship with my mom is without a doubt where a lot of my emotional avoidance comes from. that plus my moon being in the 8H makes me very guarded when it comes to emotional vulnerability, even with the people i’m closest to. without telling a bunch of strangers on the internet too much of my business, here are the sparknotes:
my home life growing up (and to this day lowkey) never felt stable
it never felt like i could feel my emotions without them “consuming” me, this was mainly an issue in my youth, i was around 12-years-old when i started going to therapy and taking antidepressants  
my mom battled a chronic disease her entire life and passed away when i was a teenager 
i’ve always craved to have deep, spiritual connections with people, and ever since i was a kid i’ve been extremely intuitive and had the ability to read a room and everyone in it without anyone having to speak, but i typically attract people who are either emotionally unavailable, or emotionally unstable in some way, probably because i come off as “closed off” on the surface. 
in terms of my relationship with my mom, i love her but i could never be vulnerable with her about a damn thing, like i never really felt “heard” by her. she was a taurus sun, scorpio moon, with an aries stellium, as soon as she had her mind made up about something it didn’t really matter how i felt (pluto also falls in my 10H, and i definitely viewed her as an “authority figure” more than a mother at times). y’all remember this scene from lady bird where her mom tells her she wants her to “be the best version of herself she can be” and she asks “what if this is the best version?” - it was very much so that.
and i don’t want to give the impression that my mom didn’t love me because she definitely did. i think it was just a matter of what a lot of us eventually come to understand about our parents; that they’re products of the environments and the people they were raised by. and in my mom’s case, she did her best with the cards she was dealt and showed up the best way she could. it doesn’t make my feelings any less important, but it helps to maintain the balance between recognizing her humanity, and also validating my own frustration and trauma regarding our relationship. 
venus conjunct ascendant in aquarius (2°40’)
i didn't wanna end this post on a depressing ass note so i'm adding this last aspect lmfao. honestly i struggle with some of the venusian energy in my chart because i honestly never really felt "pretty" growing up. it might be neptune in my 1H that effects my self image, because it wasn't until my 20s that i actually started to genuinely recognize my beauty. i feel like growing up i only viewed my beauty through the lens of the "male gaze" (it didn't help that i felt objectified from the boys around me), or through the lens of euro-centric/white beauty standards, and in adulthood i'm finally approaching the way that i view myself from my perspective.
i do notice that i attract people very easily, both in a friendly and romantic way. i know this aspect has to do a lot with love and romance, but honestly, i'm not too concerned about being in a relationship at this point in my life (with the way the economy is set up i think we all got bigger fish to fry rn but that's neither here nor there-), but like i mentioned i've always been an artist at heart and the art that i create plays a really big role in my identity. i've always found it easier to express myself through my paintings or my writing rather than my words.
aesthetics and comfortability are pretty big for me too, more so now in my 20s. this aspect has a lot to do with sociability and being inclined to uplift and help others, and i can relate to the latter but when it comes to other aspects in my chart i do struggle with being "outgoing" and coming across friendly, but we'll get to that in part two.
as always, if y'all have any of the aspects/placements mentioned in this post let me know how they manifest in your life and personality, and if you have any insight or questions in general feel free to reach out!
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jentledaisies · 2 years
What would the yanderes reactions be to their SO being needy for them? 👀
p.s I literally love your writing you’re so talented ♥️
🥺🥺 my baby 🥺🥺 kiss on the forehead for u <3
ok ok so all the yandere s are super needy themselves!! Jennie and alisa are pretty upfront about it, at times straight up demanding affection from you. Jisoo is more reserved and shy with PDA, so she never actually asks for it, it’s just sorta understood by now when she does certain things that you go and give her love. Rosé, she’s a middle ground of the two, cuz she’s actually become really good at voicing out when she needs some love and attention, although she will absolutely always want to have you with here in some form, just sometimes she won’t say it.
so, short answer: ✨yes✨
(that is all your honour)
so !!! if their S/O is the one whose needy!
(i’m doing this for a like ‘needy for affection’ but lemme know if you want a ‘needy fir sex’)
ok so Jisoo will absolutely melt!!!! again, she doesn’t know how to actually ask for love, you just sorta get used to certain things she’ll do that signals she wants it. but if you just give her love anyway? oh she’ll be so happy you have no idea. (also also, this would probably help her get to a point where she is comfy with asking for that love and affection)
Jennie, again, loooovvves attention and affection and is honestly showering you with so much if it that if you were also needy for affection she wouldn’t notice it at first. the only way she would, is if you do it infringes of other people (i.e the other gang members) which is the only time where she isn’t clinging onto you. she doesn’t like the gang seeing her that way, so at first she’ll be annoyed but still let you cling onto her but eventually she’ll become super shameless with it, (i.e sitting you on her lap during meetings, kissing your neck whenever you are, making out with you in the halls, etc)
Rosie Posie!! Oh, she will absolutely love it!! again, she’s really improved on her personal growth and by the time she had you, she’s able to verbalize her emotions, particularly her need for love and affection. (sometimes ofc) but of course there are times when she can’t or she feels ridiculous (bby was ridiculed for it growing up ok!!) so you just….loving her, no questions asked?? that just makes her love you even more (if that’s even possible,,,more so she becomes so much more obsessed with you)
For Lisa, she’s honestly more flustered than anything lol. you’d think she’d be the more normal one, taking the love and running with it, but no!! she’s actually gotten so used to being the one person in the gang whose truly able to convey and give affection/attention, that she’s grown used to not receiving it back. she knows her sisters love her, and she’s gotten used to receiving it from them in their own way, but to have you outright loving her with no hesitation?? it’s flusters her. even her exes didn’t do that. but that is why you’re the one she chose isn’t it? (eventually after she gets used to it yall turn into that couple, who never take y’all hands off each other)
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romanarose · 1 year
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“Lovers forever, face to face, my city, your mountains Stay with me, stay. I need you to love me, I need you today Give to me your leather, take from me, my lace”
Leather and Lace
A few months ago I posted chapter one of Leather and Lace, to over whelming interaction for a story I was certain would get 5 notes.
And y’all have fallen in love as I have. I’m gonna brag for a minute, because this fic is my pride and joy.
They way things started were dark, but Laci and Santi came on the other side of it together. As Santi said in the newest bonus chapter “She’s still kind, she’s still thoughtful and gentle and loving, and she’s happy”
Everyone has been on a journey, although most have just gotten started. Benny and Laci became best friends, Frankie is trying to get sober, Will and laci go from Will’s misplaced anger towards her, to treating her as a part of their family. By the time everyone’s stories are done, there will have been so much growth, but Laci’s journey has been a pleasure to write, and the feedback I have been given, the love everyone has not only for the romantic storyline but everyone’s individual relationships (I see how everyone loves santi and Frankie’s friendship, and the talk of Bennys crush on Santi)
But the most meaningful thing has been how many people have reached out and told me how healing they have found this work. In reboots, dms, asks, comments, I’ve been told things like how much the appreciate Santi’s willingness to do things other than sex when Laci isn’t ready, the comfort they get from not only Santi protecting and loving her, but the friendships she’s found along the way, how they love the soft but strong masculinity and the love between the men. Many of us have been victims of various form of sexual trauma, and the number of you who have reached out to tell me this fic comforts you is the greatest gift I could ever receive as a writer.
Thank you to everyone who has been on this journey with me, liking, commenting, Reblogging and chatting with me about it.
The last chapter should be out in a week or so, then we Start with Frankie’s story “Take Your Time” check out Take your time (coming home) by fun. to get a feel for the themes we’ll be exploring
I love you all ♥️🖤
Thank you so SOOOO much to @lineperezart for bringing Laci and Santi to life for me, I would like to ask everyone to check out their page, Reblog their work and I would highly recommend you considering a commission!!
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makeitp1nk · 2 years
Y’all I’m three weeks behind on hw so today I read a shitton of fic instead of catching up. I’ve been screaming about a couple of these throughout the day but I want to consolidated & attempt to form a coherent thought b/c I’ve been in all caps amazeface mode all day. Here it goes -- 
Unresting Death - Anon, Part of Blackcest Fest 
One of my favorite *themes* in *anything* is the inability to distinguish reality from fantasy. I *love* horror. I’m known to go to the theater to watch horror flicks by myself without issue, but throw me a Haunting @ Hill House Mind Fuck™️ and I won’t sleep for days. & psychologically fucked characters, ahem Hannibal, love them. The end of the this fic had me screaming. 
For Sale by Owner: Rose Weasley-Granger’s Virginity - @vukovich
This fic is part of FUCK HIS DAD fest. What’s funny is that it reminded me of that Bible verse -- “He is the stone which was rejected by you, the builders, but which became the chief corner stone.” Except it’s Rose and she fucked his dad. Watching her become the chief ass corner stone is glorious. Especially because she’s the thirstiest character you’ve ever read. The pining is also magnificent, as well as the characterizations of the extended family. Molly Weasley takes the cake, and the little ritual she shows Rose is just empowering as all hell. And don’t even get me started on the fabulous one-liners in this fic. Just go read it, kids.
The Best Kept Secrets - @danni-the-puff
I’ve screamed about this fic incoherently in three separate posts, so this is my attempt at being a sane person. I hate Hinny with a passion (no judgement if it’s your ship, it’s just not mine). Yet I read this Hinny because I figured it wasn’t endgame. Though the writing had me doubting it at times, the journey that the characters go through in the process to endgame Snarry is beautifully handled. There’s so much growth, and so many tough lessons learned that only *one* character gets to profit off of lol (well maybe two... ) Also, I don’t read cheating in fics, it hurts my little heart. But this fucking fic was incredible. The cheating wasn’t gratuitous, it was handled in a way where you condemn it but it’s not bitter/sour if that makes sense. It’s a sad face instead of a gut-punch, which is what infidelity usually feels like for me. Anywayyyyy the emotional complexity in this fic is next level. It has so much heart, and it’s hot as fuck. Looking back, my heart feels so good at having met these characters and how things turned out for them. You walk away having fallen in love with them all and happy with where they landed. Highly highly highly recommend.
Extra Credit - Other Things I Read This Week Because I Enjoy The Anxiety of Working On a Deadline, Apparently
After (I’ll Never Let You Go) - @famoustruth
I don’t usually read T or G fics 😉, but the premise pulled me in and I fell in love. The characterization is spot-on, it’s so well written you can *see* it and *feel* it. Overall, it’s sweet like candy and you’ll love it.
Keep Swinging Your Bat My Way - @veelawings
Dron Call Me Daddy Fest entry by Veelawings. Need I say more? I’ve been waiting for some sort of post to go around about this fic on Tumblr so I can scream about it but I haven’t seen it. So here I am, being the change I want to see in the world. This fic is fire. Ron is fire. It’s less than 1K of locker room sex perfection that is v much worth your time. 
Crawl Back Into Your Open Arms - @academicdisasterfic​
Grab the tissues, y’all. This fic resonated with me on a visceral level as someone who fell for “projects” back in the day. (I just cringed typing that sentence) So Part 5 was just gorgeous to me, I just *ached* for Draco. There’s this sentence where he says he’s a bad person when he’s in love, and I felt that deep in my bones. I knew Rooney would give me that happy ending but still bawled my eyes out when I got it. There’s so much heart in this fic, can’t recommend it enough.
Look at all the coherent sentences I wrote!!!!! If you read this far, high five!!!! I’m gonna go do my hw now 😘 maybe
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You choose wich ones to answer 😂
Chariox or Chariot and Croix or both
I choose uh,,, all. All of them. Yeah this is gonna have to all go under a read more bc I Know it will do those super wide spaces between each thing lol
Every time I am surprised I’m able to do that on mobile. Anyways!
Favorite thing about them: I really loved so much that he had a very outward change throughout the show. I would be his friend for sure
Least favorite thing about them: beginning of show andrew would not be my friend. Be a little more open minded bestie. So glad he changed
Favorite line: tie between when he told akko she’s gotta stop living in chariots shadow and when he stood up to his father. Big fan of people standing up for themselves
brOTP: oh akko for sure they are the best of friends I’ve decided
OTP: some days I would say no one really but every now and then I see a great ankko drawing and I’m like oh ok so maybe they could be a thing but I def prefer them as friends
random headcanon: Andrew gets a crash course in being less stuffy on the regular via Akko and he’s discovering all the great things most people his age are already fully aware of. Also post season two he gets his dad and quite a bit of the government to accept witches as more than just a possibly prosperous partnership and actually put some work into that
Unpopular opinion: I don’t hate ankko. I think it’s kinda fun and cute
Song I associate with them: well flight of the bumblebee for obvious reasons my guy was just able to pull that out with 0 preparation. I often wonder if he was sight reading that or playing it with muscle memory. Brilliant either way. In general tho he’s def vibing to classical music
Favorite picture of them:
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My favorite form of growth is people visibly opening up
Favorite thing about them: I’m weak for rivals to lovers and also I love the very extroverted akko compared to Diana who keeps all of her emotions in a box where they will almost assuredly never leave
Least favorite thing about them: Diana being like oh absolutely not about akko for majority of the series and then turning right around and being like oh actually I like her a lot. I both thought it took way too long for her to warm up to akko but also it was very sudden when she did. I suppose that’s more of a writing thing tho
Favorite line: y’all remember in the original 2013 movie when Akkos like how do you know this is the shiny rod? And Diana panics and threatens to drop her??? Top comedy moments of all time I bet akko went out of her way to bother Diana after that
random headcanon: Diana absolutely abuses her teachers pet status to get into places and she uses that as hangout spaces for her and Akko. Also akko forgets her jackets and hoodies every now and then and sometimes won’t even realize until she sees Diana wearing them. Diana does not offer them back until Akko notices they’re missing
Unpopular opinion: this is prob my most unpopular opinion ever but I actually am not a really big diakko fan. I can def see why they’re a thing but it’s just not quite my cup of tea
Song I associate with them: Drive Slow by ADDIE
Favorite picture of them:
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Akkos got so much energy and Diana’s got so much gay panic. Neither of them are sure if they’re going to kiss
Favorite thing about them: oh well aside from literally everything and they are So easy to project onto best friends to lovers is one of my fave things in the world and I also love best friends to enemies to lovers but also they have such a complicated past where despite everything they still love each other and nothing will change that and they also have this sort of trust and comfortability even when they’re at odds with each other and also they still want a future with each other in it and croix is very aware of her mistakes and considering she promised practically the impossibly she’s willing to do anything to fix it
Least favorite thing about them: god I just wish more people were regularly talking about them
Favorite line: the “come back soon… I’ll be waiting line” has me out of my mind every time I hear it oh my god but honestly the entire last episode. Sobbing and crying facedown in the floor bc I just Can’t Take It
random headcanon: chariots interest in astronomy was passive when they were younger so croix never learned much. Now she’s making a point to learn every single constellation and star she can see from Luna Nova for Chariot and anytime Chariot says something might be useful to see things better Croix is immediately setting up plans to make it a reality. Regardless of if Chariot can fly or not Croix will take her flying to anywhere to go stargazing. Her excuse is that it’s warmer that way. Chariot has them go see stars Croix probably wouldn’t know
Unpopular opinion: I’ve seen some people complain that they’re toxic and all that aside I think an angle where they’re so much Worse would be really interesting
Song I associate with them: besties I’ve got whole playlists dedicated to them but I will list a few and say Hey Lover! by Wabie, Kina Grannis’s cover of Build Me Up Buttercup, and First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes
Favorite picture of them: every piece of charoix art teir3s has ever drawn but also these and my pfp or I’ll hit image limit
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Favorite thing about them: she’s so sweet,, she lives to make other people happier. She’s also incredibly forgiving which is super impressive. Shoutout to her wall decor tho she’s really set in her interests and I love that so much. How many other women have a framed picture of Galileo on their walls? Also she’s not a push over either she was so ready to throw down with Croix at any given moment
Least favorite thing about them: I would not change a thing about her she’s perfect
Favorite line: the entire scene where she’s covering for akko in orange submariner. Blub blub blub? Akko?? You flushed one of your professors down the drain?? All of them are so good they’re actually my favorite lines of the whole show. I rewatch that episode often because of her lines during that scene
brOTP: Chariot and Nelson. I think they’d be very good friends
OTP: charoix. If my brain could have a theme it’d be them. Fave duo of all time
random headcanon: she was both disappointed and incredibly relieved when the crater she made on the moon wasn’t named after her. She very much was checking up on what became of that and when she saw the name she was not a fan. She’d rather have had some other crater named after her that she didn’t cause massively but it still irritates her even a little now
Unpopular opinion: lwa follows akko around but chariot is the main character
Song I associate with them: Temporary Nothing by mxmtoon
Favorite picture of them: can u tell I love what she wears outside of her uniform
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Favorite thing about them: I will refrain from writing a full length book but I have a very specific type in women and she straight up embodies my type in women. She’s absolutely brilliant and she thought out her plans so well, she’s cold she’s calculating, but she does have a line she won’t cross even if she’s not aware, and she still cares about Chariot even though to her she took everything from her and not only does she still care she still loves her. Also she really did invent some really cool things
Least favorite thing about them: she definitely almost only eats ramen. My girl needs to find some fruits and vegetables
Favorite line: anything she’s ever said. So true bestie I love you. I will say any of her lines where she’s taunting Chariot??? God they’re so good. Those are scenes that I will absolutely rewatch several times in a row if I’m like hmm I don’t think I was paying enough attention to that
brOTP: I think it’d be hilarious if she was good friends with Pisces. Moral philosophy professor and Croix. Not in a sense of try and fix croix challenge I just think that seeing them be friends would be funny because u know that’s definitely a topic that comes up from time to time but neither of them would enjoy it. Or maybe Pisces would from like a I’d like to study you point of view
OTP: I’m gonna have to say charoix on this one
random headcanon: her most commonly used roombas do have names. Also her form of breaks is video games. She’s definitely a gamer and she built herself a fantastic pc because she insists on only ever being on the highest settings for everything. She ported doom to a roomba just out of doing so. Also when she’s working and there’s a lot of lag going on she has to check what’s open bc chances are she left a game open
Unpopular opinion: I really don’t think she stays in jail for long. Like I’ve written many many dissertations on this before I know but like she really didn’t leave a ton of evidence for things pointing to her so I think she could get out of the more serious charges. I also think she’s got a decent bit of money from her different inventions so I think she could very much pay her way out of a bit of jail time as well
Song I associate with them: oh no! By Marina, play pretend by margø
Favorite picture of them: the way that all of these pictures live in my mind,,, it’s like a rotating screen saver for my brain. Forever crying that the third one seems to only be a teaser for the next manga that didn’t come out. Also that mechanic outfit??? Sobbing and crying we didn’t get to see her like that in the show. I love her so much
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harrywritingsbyme · 3 years
Hi would you mind writing a short lil something about Harry and Reader turning bubs‘ room into a big boy room and getting kind of emotional getting rid/storing away all his baby stuff? That last ask was so cute 🥺
Growing Up
Based Off Of This Ask
A/N: So I just wanted to write something. So I wrote some dad!Harry fluff for y’all bc this concept was too cute and I just loved it so much. It’s just a little blurb, that kinda gives me a head cannon type of vibe for some reason...so I hope it doesn’t suck lmao! enjoy🥺🥰
Your little boy was growing up so fast. It was almost as if you had blinked and the time just passed you both by. You and Harry could vividly remember the day you two found out that you were expecting, when bubs was just a tiny bean in your stomach. The both of you were beyond happy in that moment. You were gleefully jumping around the bedroom and you two let the joy filled tears from the amazing news flow from your eyes as you celebrated this monumental moment in you guys’ family and life together. 
Over the course of the nine or so months following that day, you and Harry happily watched as your baby boy (and you for that matter) grew. You and Harry got to see your baby at your scheduled ultrasounds and you watched him transform from a little dot on the screen to a fully formed baby with ten fingers and toes along with a miniature version of Harry’s nose. The two of you felt bubs growing too. When you felt yourself getting bigger, your son was getting bigger as well. Along with the increase in the amount of weight forming in your midsection, you could feel your son moving around too. As you became farther along in your pregnancy, you could feel your baby boy moving around in your stomach more and more. There were so many times where bubs would move around and kick you, to which you’d let out a sharp wince and Harry would softly yet “sternly” reprimand his son letting him know that it wasn’t nice to kick his mommy. But even though you could definitely go without a swift kick to your ribs, you couldn’t stop the little smile from spreading across your face once you got over the initial pain of it all. You were so happy to feel that your baby boy was growing and healthy, and you were beyond excited to see him. 
Along with a couple of very memorable days throughout your pregnancy, and the day you found out that you were expecting, the day you finally gave birth was definitely a day that would always remain clear at the forefront of you and Harry’s minds. After an epidural(that was hardly effective in your opinion), hours upon hours of being in labor, a lot of tears, and some strong screams at Harry, the two of you finally welcomed your baby boy into the world. He was absolutely perfect and everything you and Harry had envisioned. Even though he was much bigger than the tiny dot on the screen at the very early stage of your pregnancy, he was still incredibly tiny. Especially when he was in Harry’s arms. The two of you soaked up every moment with your baby boy and neither of you wanted him to grow up and not be the little baby that fit perfectly in your arms. Even when he kept the two of you up at night and into the wee hours of the morning, you and Harry never wanted him to grow up.
But that’s exactly what he did. Again, it was like the two of you blinked and the time just blew right past you both. One moment he was the tiny little human that found his home in your belly and then in your arms. And the next he was a two and a half year old carbon copy of Harry with a sprinkle of you in the mix that had a big and amazing personality of his own. He was without a doubt you and Harry’s favorite person in the world and there weren’t enough words in the world to describe how much love you two had for that little boy. But even though this was the case, you and Harry couldn’t help but miss that little baby you brought home two and a half years ago.
And since he was no longer a baby anymore, it was time for bubs to get his first big boy room. 
He’d already outgrown so many of the clothes you and Harry had gotten him along with the toys he had. The last thing on the outgrown list was the crib. And once that was finally crossed off the list, it meant that he’d finally outgrown everything. Which meant that it was time to give him a room that best suited him and his growth along with his interests. You and Harry noticed that bubs had taken a great interest in dinosaurs. From the toys he wanted and played with to the books he wanted to read to his favorite pajamas, everything was dinosaurs. So that’s what you and Harry decided to play off of when building your sons new room. The two of you wanted to create a dinosaur oasis for him and you wanted it to be everything that the toddler could possibly want. For almost four months you and Harry bought all of the furniture and decor that fit perfectly into the dinosaur theme the two of you had envisioned. And as it all came in, the two of you were able to perfectly and seamlessly put the room together. Every once in a while having a little hiccup in the process like not centering a nail on the wall or something, but nothing major. 
Now while you and Harry were loving the project and enjoyed doing this for your son, it was still a really hard process for you both. Particularly for Harry though. As the two of you got closer to being done with the new room, you and Harry began packing up bubs’ baby clothes and things that he grew out of so that you could donate them and make space for the new things you two had gotten for him. As you two packed though, Harry was incredibly sad. While he loved his little man who ran around and was just full of life and energy, he missed his little baby. He couldn’t pick him up and have him all snug and tucked into his arms the same way he used to. Bubs was bigger and all of that was sinking in now as Harry packed up all of the small clothes and toys. With everything that was placed into the container, a little coo or memory left Harry’s mouth. He couldn’t stop himself from getting a little emotional at the fact that his baby was now a big boy. The both of you were incredibly sad that he was growing up so fast. 
And even though it was an incredibly sad thing to think about, what made both you and Harry happy about it all was the big smile and shouts of amazement that came from your son once you two revealed the room to him. He was absolutely in love with his new big boy bed and all of the dinosaur pictures and decor on the walls, and the toys, and the dinosaur nightlight you two had gotten for him. He ran around the room looking at everything and taking it all in and just loving what his mommy and daddy put together for him. He couldn’t stop saying the cutest little thank you’s which only melted you and Harry even more. Seeing bubs so happy made you and Harry beyond happy and it made the whole growing up thing a bit easier. 
After showing some of the things he couldn’t immediately see in his new room and playing with him a bit, you and Harry decided to step out and let bubs enjoy his new room for a little bit while you two continued with cleaning out his old room. The two of you gave the little boy a ton of squeezes and kisses before leaving him alone with his toys and getting back to packing all the baby stuff up. You and Harry had a set up on the floor so the two of you got back down there and went back to folding and looking through things. After a little while though, Harry couldn’t do it anymore. He was too overcome with the fact that his baby boy was getting bigger and now had his first big boy room. All of it was just too much for him. Keeping the little clothing item in his hand, Harry turns himself around and lays down on the floor, resting his head in your lap and causing you to turn your attention onto him. 
“What’s going on babe?” You ask, finishing up the fold on the item in your hands before giving him your full attention. 
“M’sad” Harry mumbles with a big pout spread across his face. 
“Why baby?” You coo, bringing one of your hands to the side of his face and the other to his hair. 
“Because! Our baby isn’t a baby anymore.” Harry whines dramatically. 
“It’s not like he’s 30 or something with a wife and kid of his own...you are.” You joke, trying to lighten the mood. 
“Y/n!” He whines. 
“Okay fine! I hate it when you’re all mopey and sad, so don’t be. I’m sad too, but it’ll be okay. No matter how big he gets, he’ll always be our baby.”
“I know, I just can’t stop thinking about how small he was when we brought him home and how he really needed us. Now he’s this little person who isn’t as small and who is starting to not need us. He’s his own little person.” He explains. 
“Well he is his own little person. But he’s only two and a half, so he’ll be needing us for a good while Harry.” You reassure him with a little laugh, trying your best to comfort your very emotional husband. “What will make you feel better? What’s gonna make my baby feel better?” You coo, softly pinching his cheek in the process. 
“Make another baby?” He proposes, turning is head up towards you. 
“You know that takes both of us right?” You ask sarcastically, trying your hardest to not roll your eyes at him. 
“If I’m not mistaken, I remember you being a big fan of the baby making process.” He reminds you smugly. 
“See! Plus we’ve talked about it a couple times, so it’s the perfect time.” He says happily in your lap. “If we put bubs down for his nap now, we can have our second bubby cooking in there by dinner.” He says optimistically, bringing a hand up to your currently empty stomach. 
“I don’t think that’s how it works Harry.” You deadpan, trying to hold back your laughs from how happy and cute he was in this moment. 
“Who cares?! It never hurts to try!!” Harry continues on. “Are you in?” He asks hopefully. 
“Let’s make another baby then.” You giggle, giving in to the idea. From the outside looking in, it may have looked like a bit of a spur of the moment thing. But in actuality, you were already thinking of possibly adding another member to the Styles family. You too were sad at the idea of your little boy growing up. And on top of that, you wanted him to have a sibling and someone to play with. So it all kind of worked out. Bubs was going to be turning three soon and you and Harry were really thinking and talking about another baby so it was perfect. You just hoped that you wouldn’t be popping out another baby as each of the other kids were growing up. You were kind of crossing your fingers that going forward a big boy bed didn’t come with the quest of having another baby. 
Maybe after baby number two harry wouldn’t be so sad about growing up. 
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pot-of-terv · 3 years
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Disclaimer: This starts soft but very quickly goes to a place I did NOT expect it to go so, just, be prepared. I guess there were some things my muse just couldn’t leave untouched :_D There’s also an additional drawing in there somewhere among the text. The ending is kind of a cliffhanger (dun dun duuun... part three is coming!!) but it’s happy (hurt/comfort y’all, MY BRAND)!
Also I have to say- oh my goodness this ended up having over 2,000 words and I’ve never written a fic this long! This feels pretty amazing but also, very scary, because as you know I’m a Finn so English is not my first language and this far I’ve stuck to just writing itty bitty things. Writing a story with multiple parts is also new to me, so wow, actually, thank you PuzzleJune for making me challenge myself in fresh and exciting ways 🥺
tw: breakdown
PuzzleJune2021, Week Two: Space (Quiet)
It is mesmerising. Intoxicating, even, Atem muses as he reaches up to rub his own sleep-soft face, eyes never leaving the still sleeping figure beside him. He shifts to lay on his side, slowly, with deliberate movements, trying to not disturb the quiet of the early morning.
Watching him sleep like this... I can feel the bed move when he moves and his warmth whenever he's close enough. I never had that before, he thinks and his heart clenches. I have it now.
Yuugi snorts in his sleep and Atem can't help but smile. That boy... no, that young man, has been through so much, too much, and yet he still sleeps so soundly. It's nothing short of incredible and the pharaoh wonders if he's ever met anyone more deserving of respect and admiration. Their journey thus far has only lasted for a couple of years and during that short time, the former spirit of the Millenium Puzzle has had the first-row seat to witnessing Yuugi's strength, his growth - how he slowly but surely had begun to trust himself.
Atem turns his gaze away from Yuugi and mulls over that thought. It hurts him somewhere deep in his core to remember how little worth Yuugi had seen in himself during those first months after Atem's consciousness awakened. He touches his chest where his heart is and leaves his hand there, feeling the slow rhythm beating under his palm.
That feeling of self-doubt could as well be his own, for he did think he was Yuugi for a while back then. It's a troubling realisation and he frowns at the ceiling. Despite not having any memories, how many of those insecurities had been Atem's own that he subconsciously reflected towards Yuugi's heart and by doing so unknowingly meddled with Yuugi's self-image as a whole? Objectively he knows that his emergence helped Yuugi gain confidence even though he didn't remember those first few times Atem took his place, but subjectively...? Atem's brows knit tighter together and he balls the hand that rests on his chest into a fist.
To call these thoughts troubling is an understatement. Suddenly Atem feels uncomfortably restless, he can't keep still, he needs space, he has to move. But moving would mean leaving the warm blankets and the even warmer form next to him and risk waking him in the process.
His chest feels so tight and it aches in a way Atem hasn't felt in millennia and he squeezes his eyes shut, holds his breath and with one swift movement pushes the blankets off of himself, sits up and rolls to the side to plant his feet onto the floor. The wood is cool under the bare soles of his feet and that sudden feeling makes him pause for a moment. He releases the breath he was holding.
It's almost funny how he already feels better. He glances over his shoulder to see if he had woken Yuugi up but the other youth seems undisturbed, still fast asleep. Relieved, Atem stands up... and doesn't know what to do. It's still practically night time and the house is silent. Mama Mutou and Grandpa will be getting up in one to two hours and Yuugi much later than that if his previous findings are to be trusted. Normally he would happily snooze the morning away with Yuugi but he doesn't want to go back to bed, the restlessness still buzzing under his skin even though that unpleasant tightness in his chest has ebbed and is now just a nuisance instead of actual, painful anxiety.
He turns around to face the bed so he can take another look at Yuugi, properly. A glance wasn't enough. Will never be enough, he realises all of a sudden. I want to be looking at Yuugi, and only Yuugi, forever. How can his heart feel so big and full but so small at the same time?
Atem is overwhelmed, not yet used to the absolute link between his feelings and his physical senses, and he lifts his hand once more to his chest, almost desperately grasping his shirt and pressing his fist against his heart, to feel the beat of it, and the warmth of his body.
He has this body now and he should be so, so thankful for it, but at this moment he can only feel guilt. He loves Yuugi but has still put him through so much and he knows, oh how he knows, that the trip to Egypt broke him. Atem had felt Yuugi mourn him weeks beforehand, felt his grief he so valiantly tried to conceal - too bad their bond at that point was the strongest it had ever been and Atem knew. It took everything in him to keep on going, to keep on telling himself that this was the right thing to do, this was how he could repay Yuugi's kindness and let him go on with his life, let him be free. He had heard the modern phrase “if you love them let them go”, and wouldn't that have been so grand? To prove his love in such a poetic, profound way?
All that in spite of Yuugi's feelings screaming at him that to be separated was the last thing he wanted.
Atem chuckles, a bitter taste in his mouth. Despite having shared such an extraordinary bond, communication had never been their strongest point, duels usually excluded, and talking about their feelings was not an exception. Still isn’t. They both had just kept on doing what they thought was the best for the other and in the process ended up wounding each other in ways that Atem isn't sure he can ever truly understand. Yesterday he had come down to the kitchen to find Yuugi folding laundry, eyes puffy and red, yet when he talked he sounded so happy. Atem had left it at that because there's nothing he could do when confronted by that smile that can put even the Sun in shade.
Slowly he realises that he's been staring at his partner for such a long time that it must be bordering on creepy. How did he get here from that warmth he first woke up to, from that love he so deeply feels for Yuugi? Why hasn’t he thought about these things before? It's like all he has in his head are questions with no answers to calm his mind. It's only been a week since... since it all should've ended, but didn't, all because of Atem's selfishness. Selfishness... and love. His own heart had broken when his life points counted down to zero and he saw the utter hopelessness he felt surface in his heart reflected right back at him on Yuugi's face. The memory of it is still so strong that he has to grit his teeth together to keep his jaw from trembling.
He hadn’t been able to stand that expression, to stand the knowledge that he was the cause of it. He wasn’t good enough. He wasn’t good enough. The pride he had felt toward Yuugi's skill was completely overshadowed by the grief that hit him in waves, his legs feeling like lead as he slowly walked to Yuugi, his own voice distant to his ears as he offered words of consolation and praise. Empty words, they were, he knew it then and he knows it now. How could he ever leave this person who had gone through so much for him, because of him, who had loved him so fully, who had risked it all to be there for him in his quest to regain his memories even when knowing that the price for that would be too steep to consider if Yuugi ever stopped to do that?
Atem had never wanted to leave. He had learned to live again, to have friends, and grow as a person, no matter how minuscule that growth might have been. Yuugi had been him and then Yuugi had become his world. There's no other way to explain it. As much as Atem had longed for his memories, for those people he loved and lost all those thousands of years ago, he couldn't bear the thought of losing another family. Even when the prize would be to regain his first one. 
But he had to. He had thought he had to.
Yet when he was just about to take the last step, he had faltered. Had wondered - does it have to be this way? What if there's another choice he could make?
And the gods had answered him. He didn't have to beg, he didn't have to fight, he just had to ask.
Just ask.
It had been so simple, in the end, so effortless. Of course, Atem asked for that third choice - or didn't really even ask, he didn't dare, he wished for it, his heart on the verge of breaking a second time. He had been painfully aware of his friends behind him, holding their breaths, waiting for the end. Atem felt their feelings wrap around him like a cloak and he bore the weight of it, accepted it, as he couldn't quite believe that it would be that easy to stay. So he had wished.
And that wish had been granted.
And now he is here.
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Standing in the middle of the floor in Yuugi's room while Yuugi sleeps, hands closed into fists, both grasping his shirt now, holding back tears that threaten to spill forth. Wondering why did he even put Yuugi through all that, when in the end, it was for nothing? Oh, he thinks, oh, how it hurts. His own shortcomings, his own pain, the pain that he had caused others. Especially the pain that he had caused Yuugi. He hadn’t deserved it, he never deserved something so cruel and insincere as Atem's decision to leave had been.
A sob wrangles itself up and out of his mouth, he's not able to stop it in time and that breaks his resolve. He sways on his feet as tears force their way out and streak his cheeks, fall into his shirt and seep into the fabric as he hiccups and tries half-heartedly to stop it. He shouldn't be crying, not after everything he’s done. He doesn’t deserve to feel so sorry for himself - he should be the one to take responsibility, to carry that burden without a hitch. But, the thing is… at this moment, he’s no longer the prince-then-pharaoh from 3000 years ago. He’s no longer the amnesiac spirit occupying the Puzzle. He’s not the King of Games.
At this moment, he’s just a 16-year-old boy who is desperately trying to deal with every responsibility he’s imagined are only his to bear and failing spectacularly. So he cries, and cries, and he can no longer see with how blurry his eyes have gone. He prays Yuugi won't wake up to it, he just has to suffer through it and he'll be fine. Crying is fine, actually. He would laugh at himself if he could - aren't tears an actual luxury, after all? He wasn't able to cry his own tears with his own body before, but now he can.
There's a hand on his shoulder and Atem's heart drops into his stomach - oh no, now he's woken up - then another on the other side, then a tug, and Atem follows blindly. He's guided back to the bed and coaxed to sit down where a warm body presses against him and he's enveloped in an embrace.
Atem finds that he can't talk, he tries to draw breath to get the words out but sobs are the only thing he can produce and finally, he hears a voice call his name. It's so soft and warm and loving that Atem somehow feels worse and buries his head into Yuugi’s shoulder, his chest heaving and he almost wails from the struggle of it.
“Shh, other me. Cry it out. It helps. I know.”
He listens to Yuugi and does just that. It’s not easy to give up the reins but with Yuugi by his side, he finds the will to allow himself to succumb. He clutches his partner's shirt, holds him and is held in return, and lets himself cry. Lets his tears come like he's never done before and faced with the force of them, he feels like there's no end to it.
But there is an end. After a period of time that feels like an eternity, his sobs subside, his tears slow down, and he feels like he can finally loosen his hold of Yuugi's shirt to let blood flow into his fingers again. His nose feels snotty and he's sure there's no dry spot left on his partner's clothes and somehow that thought makes him laugh.
“See? All better now,” Yuugi murmurs against his temple and presses his lips there. That sign of affection almost makes Atem's eyes well up but he squeezes them shut, refusing to start crying all over again. He feels drained and empty and he's pretty sure he should be ashamed. He had woken Yuugi up and made him comfort him without asking but all he can feel is gratitude. Gratitude and love and endless adoration.
“Aibou,” he sniffles, voice congested and raw. He means to thank him but his throat closes up, yet Yuugi seems to catch his meaning.
“No need,” the shorter of the two says and Atem can feel his smile against his skin, “it's okay. You're okay, we're okay, everything's okay.”
Atem wants to argue but finds no energy for it. And - as he thinks about it, he realises that Yuugi is right.
They're okay.
He wraps his arms properly around Yuugi and squeezes, sighing softly. His mind is comfortably quiet now and he presses his ear against Yuugi's chest, listening to the beat of his heart (his heart's heart?) and feeling his own fall smoothly into the same rhythm. It's natural, it's right.
“I think,” he manages to croak out, “that we need to talk.”
Yuugi holds him closer and nods before pressing his face into Atem’s hair.
“Yeah,” he replies, sounding relieved, “we sure do, other me.”
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pascalpanic · 3 years
He is My Home (Din Djarin x f!Reader)
Summary: Din’s going to have a nasty scar from the wound on his side, just like the ones you have, the ones you’re insecure about.
W/C: 2.3k
Warnings: light mentions of blood and injuries. mentions of birth. scars (none are explicitly from SH) are mentioned.
A/N: Fluffy Din can I get a hell yeah?? @binarydanvvers sent me this request and it’s absolutely precious so I’m really happy I got to write it. I hope y’all will love it too!!
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Din Djarin’s body is defined by his scars, even if few or no other living beings have seen them.
The very first scar on Din’s body came from his birth. Vha Djarin’s baby came out happy and healthy, but an apprentice midwife with an unsteady hand nicked the child’s skin with her blade as she severed the umbilical cord. That’s where the small white line above his belly button comes from.
The other scars include various missions, combat as a young adult, some nearly mortal wounds. There’s a scar across the bridge of his nose from some mission where he was fighting for your little green son’s life. There’s a long line along his forearm from a slice due to an opponent’s blade, on the underside, where the beskar didn’t protect him.
Everything about Din is beautiful to you. Even his name is so beautiful to say- Din Djarin. It sounds like poetry in his mother tongue’s accent. You’ve married him, become his riduur. You see his face daily, the face he was so scared to show you.
Din had feared you’d find him ugly. That you’d think him unlovable, that his nose was too big and eyes too deep-set, his entire body and even his soul too scarred. It wasn’t until after your wedding, when you removed his helmet and cried in joy, that his fears were cast away. You pressed your forehead to his and cupped his face and genuinely told him that you couldn’t imagine a more beautiful man, a more handsome and wonderful Mandalorian behind that beskar.
That night was spent exploring each other’s bodies now that you had total and complete access to Din’s body. It wasn’t entirely sexual, though much of it was; you just felt his abs and his arms and his warm skin beneath yours, and he did the same to you.
Your life has been perfect for the past few months as Din’s riduur. You get to see his face every day, kiss the scar on the bridge of his beautiful nose. You have the privilege of rolling over in bed and seeing his sleeping face, his brow furrowed even in his sleep. You get to see his little green son squeal in excitement when he gets to see his daddy’s face, the way the three small green fingers of each hand grab at one stubbly cheek.
Din is equally as happy. Being with you allows him to be a human again; it allows him to be Din, not Mando. Your warm arms around him in the middle of the night stall the nightmares of the siege of his hometown and the kills he committed and the way the pile of Mando helmets looked in the corner of the covert.
Of course, practicality dictates Din still must work. As a bounty hunter’s riduur, your options are really either to be a bounty hunter too, or a stay at home buir to your little green son. As you have next to no fighting skills, you stuck with the role that introduced you to your husband in the first place: interplanetary nanny to your bug-eyed baby boy.
You enjoyed the pretend domesticity, but you also appreciated the charm of the fact that home is literally where you make it with the Razor Crest: on any planet, moon, or space station. Your home travels with you, your home is wherever the Crest is tonight.
Even before you found the Crest, Din has been your home. He’s your place and your person, ever since the first time someone threatened you and Din shot them dead where they stood and you stared for a second in utter terror they’d jerk back to life before running into his arms and burying your head in the skin between his helmet and his cape. And that’s when you realized that Din’s arms were your safe place, the one place nothing can hurt you. Not when Din is protecting you.
Tonight more than ever, you miss Din’s arms. He took a honeymoon phase of one or two bounties a month after your riduurok, to spend time with you and the child and your newly formed, legally Mandalorian family. Your aliit, your clan. All good things must come to an end, though, and Din was back into his hunting. It’s been a week without him. Your beskar ring feels cold on your finger tonight as you trace your hand over the etched mudhorn in the wedding band.
Your green baby is cuddled to your chest, snoozing happily with his mama. You press a kiss to his head, thinking about Din. The child’s father. The little creature radiates warmth and relaxation and hypnotically urges you to fall asleep alongside him. Rest, mama. And you do.
The next morning, you startle awake at the sound of beskar clanging against the metal of the ship. “Riduur?” You call out, sitting up excitedly.
“Hi,” he says weakly, and the tone sets panic into your body. You jump out of the bed to find Din kneeling next to the carbonite, a freshly sealed and still sublimating creature trapped in it.
Din clutches his side and you sink to your knees frantically. His orange gloves are covered with blood as one reaches to you. “Din,” you panic, unsure what to do for a moment. “I’m going to go get the medkit. You start undressing now, beskar off, clothes off,” you order him and get to your feet. You pull out a cot and pop it open. “Lay here and wait for me.”
You fly into a tizzy around the ship, grabbing the various things you need. Bacta, needles, bandages, the official medkit. Good. You return to his side, where he lies in his boxers and helmet. “Baby,” you coo gently and remove the helmet. “Just me, remember?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles, dazed eyes looking up at you. His dark hair is drenched in his sweat, and there’s a trickle of blood from his lip.
You fly into action. “Bacta’s going in first, love. Going to jab it in, get ready.” He softly nods and makes a whimper as you stab the needle in, pushing down the plunger and emptying the syringe into his body.
He’s numb now. You wipe the wound and grab the cauterizer. “You might feel this, Din. It’s gonna be quick, I promise.” He doesn’t even respond, eyes shut. You use it and he twitches, his face cringing in pain.
“I know, I know. Doing so good, almost- there we go,” you sigh as the wound is finished cauterizing. “You did wonderfully, my warrior. Providing for us no matter the cost,” you tell him and press a soft kiss to his forehead.
You press a large gauze patch and bandage over his wound, to ensure it stays clean. “Okay, okay baby. You can sleep now. Did so good for me, my strong man,” you mumble, cupping his face.
“You did all the work,” he mutters, a soft smile on his face. The medication wipes him out into a deep sleep.
Bacta isn’t a miracle drug. It can’t save you from certain death, can’t reverse the growth of diseases that have already infiltrated. The miracle, really, behind Bacta, is how quickly it works. It heals wounds that would take weeks in days, and days in hours.
When Din wakes later, the cauterized wound has shrunken exponentially. He’s still got lots of bruises and nicks, but he’s better. There’s a familiar hum, the soft roar of hyperspace surrounding the Crest.
He sits up with minimal pain and looks around. There’s a soft light coming from the bunk, where you and the baby sleep. The light is for the child. He’s scared of too much dark; you’d learned that especially in the days where the hull would be coated in blackness in order for you and Din to kiss and touch and love. Your face is peaceful as you sleep, and Din looks at you with all of the love in his heart.
He stands, albeit slowly, and walks to the bunk with a jerking and awkward stance. He just wants you, your softness and warmth. It’s common that he’ll sneak into bed with you after a mission or piloting the ship, or simply because you took a nap and he just needed some sweetness in his day. You instinctually nuzzle into him, attracted to his warmth. The child follows suit, nestling between the two of you. His two favorite people in all of the galaxy, his buirs.
The three of you are at peace, in your home: with each other. You roll over as you notice the warm presence and a small smile graces your slowly waking face. “Mm, riduur. You were supposed to be on the cot,” you chuckle softly and press a kiss to the tip of his nose.
“Bacta fixed me up enough.”
“You’re gonna have a nasty scar,” you chuckle softly.
“I’ve got plenty of those already. What’s one more?” He asks, nudging your face with his nose.
It’s unbearably soft and warm. “Scars seem to be our problem,” you nod in agreement.
He pulls away and looks at you, in the soft blue glow of the baby’s nightlight. “Cyare, scars aren’t a problem. They’re reminders, of everything we’ve been through and will prevail through in the future.” He kisses your collarbone softly, setting your child aside.
You frown. “Doesn’t mean I like them. They’re gross.”
Din’s frown matches yours. It’s a warm night in the Crest, leaving you sleeping in just a breastband and a pair of shorts. He can see the scars littering your abdomen, the ones you’re so insecure about. “Tell me about them.”
“Din,” you pout.
“We are one when together, we are one when parted,” he mumbles, scooting down to press a kiss to one scar. Your wedding vows, the ones you took and meant with all of your soul. “Your pain is mine, my love. Tell me about this one,” he says, a featherlight fingertip tracing the line.
You sigh, making your abdomen inflate and deflate deeply beneath him. “I was 11 cycles old when I got that one. My appendix ruptured, they had to remove it.”
He nods and kisses along the scar, big brown eyes looking up at you. “I see. And this one?” He asks.
You chuckle softly. “This is from when I was stupid enough to sleep in just a breastband and shorts, like this, and I rolled over on green bean and his claw stabbed me.”
Din recalls. He chuckles happily at the memory and presses a kiss to the scar, his fingers still tracing the last one. There’s one on your knuckles. He takes your hand and traces it, looking at you. Silently asking.
“Lothcat bite. They’re not as cute and docile as they look,” you nod as Din’s lips ghost over your fingers.
You think about the places you got those childhood scars. All at home. The newer one? From your newer home. Yes, your old home may have scarred you, most certainly physically and maybe mentally or emotionally, but they left their mark on you. Your eyes water as you look down at Din. “Your turn,” you tell him and push him down into the mattress of the bunk.
There’s been one you’ve always meant to ask him about. You straddle his hips and sit between his groin and his navel. “What is this one?” You ask of a little mark above his navel. It’s a stark white, contrasting his skin.
“My birth. A midwife nicked me while severing the umbilical cord. I’ve heard that my mother was ready to take the surgical tools herself and go after her,” he chuckles.
You smile softly. There’s a scar on his cheek and your fingertips slowly draw the outline of it. He nods. “As a teen, obviously. Before the helmets went on. Close call with a spear,” he admits, a soft smile on his face. “Those are the only fun ones. The rest are from bounties,” he admits.
You chuckle softly. “Fun ones?” You tease.
“Interesting, I suppose,” he admits, taking your fingertips from his scar to rest them on his lips, kissing them then just holding your hand. “Do you see, my love?” He asks.
You simply nod, eyes watering again. Din reaches up and wraps you in his arms, lowering you to lie chest to chest on top of him. “You are so beautiful, my love. My riduur,” he mumbles to you. You sigh contentedly and kiss the scar on the bridge of his nose.
“Easy for you to say. You’re a bounty hunter. These all suit you. Besides the fact that you’re already covered head to toe in beskar, it would just work.”
He frowns. “Cyar’ika. Neither I nor anyone else cares about your scars. They’re part of you; how could I?”
You whimper and bury your head in his neck, allowing yourself to cry. “It’s been a hard day, Din. Please let me have this.”
“I will not. I absolutely refuse to let you think like that,” he tells you and cradles your head. “You can cry all you’d like, riduur, but it won’t change the fact that I find the scars absolutely beautiful. They’re so perfectly you. They’ve made you who you are, the woman I love so dearly. How could they be ugly when they’re made of you?”
His words make you cry harder, and you sob into his bare skin. He strokes your back, allowing you to cry it out. He mumbles sweet words in your ear; just letting it happen.
When you’re finished, you lift your head with a sniffle. “I love you so much, Din. You make me feel like I have a home with you.”
He kisses your forehead softly. “This is your home, my love. Right hear, in my arms, wrapped up with me.”
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Things I Associate With The Boys-
(aside from the obvious) 
Spray bottle- he cleans up his brothers messes- also he wears gloves and apparently thats enough for brain to make connection....also he probably has used a spray bottle as a form of discipline at some point-
Pineapple- ok more likely than not, this is a colour association thing, but this one works as a nickname- Pineapples- but also because back in the 1700′s-1800′s a single pineapple costed $8000 in today’s money- and renting a pineapple- yes renting a pineapple started at $5000- ok I’m way off track now but Mammon in as much as he is sweet he can be a little tart when it comes to you spending time with someone else-
Chapstick- again, I don’t really know why- I really don’t know why until I start typing and then I’m too lazy to delete the though process sorry y’all- maybe it has to do with how much he snacks and the energy drinks he has- between salt from chips and not drinking actual water, he would use chapstick to stop his lips from getting dry because he doesn’t like the way they look or feel when they are...idk man I got like.. five mL left of brain juice bear with me-
Rattle (like...a baby rattle-)- because he’s the baby of the family probably- IKIK he fell as full grown-ass man but he’s still the youngest- also if you’ve never had the experience of holding an angry child and giving them a toy I encourage you to be careful- they find it funny when you say no more hitting-
If not a rattle, then curtains- reason being that he’s always putting on a show, always hiding away his anger while he puts on an act and hopes nobody provokes him-
Dew drop- (ok that’s my nickname for him now shhh) but honestly I don’t really know why I associate this with Asmo. Maybe it’s because to me seeing dew in the morning is a simple pleasure. While Asmo is far from simple, perhaps it’s moreso that people need to see him as more than a demon that only wants sexual pleasure- but little things too..little things to make our little dew drop content
A Lovebird- Again, idk! Maybe it’s the colouring some lovebirds are, (green, yellow, red-) that make me think of mangoes and just...Beel’s red hair and bottomless appetite- also he’s just really sweet and struggles to be by himself.
Hedgehog- uhh...first nocturnal animal that came to mind without wings? Probably- or horns on Belphie vs little spikes- will hiss at you if displeased, will sleep around you if comfortable...:D
Campfire- hUH ok so probably has to do with the fact he seems the most mysterious to me, but very intriguing, almost like when someone tells a story around a campfire...there’s a different feeling being around a fire and telling a story versus anywhere else, but combined with the sounds of the forest, a bright moon and stars above, and an enchanting tale to listen too? Idk to me that feels like almost the same energy Barb exudes all the time-
An Old Stuffy/Doll- As far as we know, Diavolo was an only child growing up, we don’t know how long it’s been since his father has been asleep, and idk if it says later on in the game, but there’s been no mention of a mother. Diavolo likely entertained himself often when he was younger, and clearly didn’t make very many friends until he was a little older. Maybe it’s just me because I was an only child for ten years and wanted siblings, but an old toy...one day was the last day he stopped playing with it- likely the day he grew too lonely to play pretend or he was made to mature whether he liked or not...so now he holds on to that playful spirit because it was something he missed having for a while- (hnn might write a Diavolo angst piece we shall see we shall see I don’t wanna hurt my baby!-)
A Cracked Mirror- actually for once not going to make fun of Solomon and say he’s bad luck just his cooking but rather where this superstition started- a Greek foretelling strategy of catoptromancy (the use of a reflective object/surface to tell the future), where looking into a mirror or bowl of water would reveal a person’s soul- if the reflection was cracked, it symbolized the person’s soul being damaged- now I don’t know about you guys but being immortal sounds like a lot of opportunity for pain- it’s not like a cracked mirror is impossible to fix, but it takes time and patience, and if MC can show him that then maybe- maybe he can lower his guard a bit and let them in so they can help him rebuild what may be broken for now. 
White Marble- mostly pure white, with streaks of grey or black..not everything is clear to or as an angel, just what is “good” and what is “bad” and with enough questioning and trial- marble chips easily..but can also be repaired easily. Is there one clear “right” path?- no and mistakes will be made but they can be fixed...most of the time- (oof this is more abstract than I wanted it to be but fuck it brain juice at 0)
Flowering Meadow- is this on one of his cards? Idk- but a meadow full of growth, a place to run, a place to let go- there’s no rules in a meadow..just be a kid- Luke has been through a lot and I think its about having room to grow- having room to improve...yeah :3
Anyways, if you choose to do something like this, tag me! Love ya’ll!
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imagineredwood · 3 years
Educating the fandom + nonexamples + history of tone policing POC
There seems to have been a lot of growth and self reflection that has gone on in the last day maybe two. That’s an amazing thing. We love to see it. That’s what we wanted from the beginning. Now, I’m not trying to stir up the pot again, but there are just a few more things I want to go over that have come to my attention after the fact especially since various people have reached out to me wanting examples on how to approach these types of situations. I also want to lay out exactly why some of us may not be as willing to continue educating in the future due to how things happened.
So lets start from the beginning. The very first time I ever mentioned the fact that Papi is a term of endearment on this blog was a literal four years ago. Someone asked if I would call someone daddy sexually and I talk about how they may perceive it as being sexual if I were to say papi because that’s just something that I say, but it’s a term of endearment.  You can find that post here
I mentioned it again two years ago on a post here when someone asked how the Mayans would feel being called Papi and then again in that same year 2018 which you can find here 
Then once more a year ago regarding Coco being called papi that you can find here 
So this is not something new. I’ve been fighting against this for years, its just that in the last month or so I’ve grown tired. Nearly five years of trying to explain and and teach and educate and reason and nothing changes. The only reason I believe it changed now is because I had to be forceful and direct about it and other Latinas fought with me. Now, I’ve spoken about the papi thing various times this week, but yesterday and the way before was where it got the most air time because other Latinx people in this fandom opened up to me about the way that it’s affecting their personal lives. 
Here’s the thing: google is free. Media in the form of books, podcasts, films and more that detail the Latinx Diaspora, can be accessed for free. Educating yourself can be done for free. It is not our responsibility nor any other POC’s responsibility to educate the masses. If we do, its because we want to make a difference. So counting on us to teach you right from wrong is a lot to ask and we shouldn’t have to carry that weight, but willingly some of us do. We don’t have to but we do, because we want to try and make our spaces better places. Regardless, if you say that you don’t know and someone enlightens you, the ball is in your court. I made posts going over why calling Latin men either real or fictional papi is problematic, cringy, and inappropriate at on the 8th, 9th, and 10th. Three days in a row. Then yesterday at 10pm I went over it again by reblogging another post. At around 12 am this is a tag on a picture of Clayton
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Again, portraying papi as meaning daddy in a sexual sense. Around 10-20 minutes later, someone politely tried to correct her and give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she just didn’t know, even though we know she did, and this is the response
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So right there she ignored education once more and then deadass went out of her way to find a gif (ironically of a Latinx woman who is from PR and also uses it as a term of endearment) to use the word out of spite and say that us speaking out about fetishization of our people is “stupid as fuck”. A slap to the face. But that’s not all. When approached again when she’s had time to think and acknowledge the issue, here’s the response:
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Why try to guilt trip and reverse psychology? No one said not to write, we said stop writing fetishizing work. And when the guilt tripping doesn’t work, that’s when the vilifying and demonizing starts:
“Attack” “being attacked” anytime POC stand up for themselves after being ignored, suddenly were painted as mean, aggressive, attacking, etc. Pay attention to the language used. Now who got reckless at the mouth first? Because it wasn’t us. Then there’s this:
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Says she doesn’t get the issue and then later proceeds to explain that she can’t call her own father daddy because of how sexualized the word daddy is. So she does understand but it suddenly doesn’t compute when the word is now spanish...🤔
We all tried to teach her but because we’re Latinas, it was attacking when we did it and enlightening when someone not Latinx but Spanish did (and I’m thankful that you did sweetpea!) Another reason why it’s important for those not in the Latinx community to help us out in addressing these issues. Plenty of people will disregard Latinos yet listen to people outside of the community and respect them but not us 🤷🏻‍♀️
Apologizes to someone who explained to her what she did wrong but doesn’t apologize to the people she ridiculed, disregarded and tried to vilify.
All in all I just want this to be a learning curve. More of y’all than I was expecting came to our defense and not only held it down for us but used your own voices and platforms to make sure that ours were heard. That’s an ally, and we’re thankful for y’all more than I think y’all realize 🙏🏼🤍
@likedovesinthewnd @awildcur
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onlyhereforangst · 3 years
I think Emily made the decision last minute to leave. One thing I noticed is that Katrina laws character was introduced as a mother with a stay at home husband in all the reports in March. Originally she was cast to replace Maria Bello so she did not need to be a potential love match for Torres. I think in this time from when her character was first introduced in the press(March) to when she stepped foot on set Emily made the decision to leave.This is why the writing team changed the premise of Jessica Knight to form a replacement for the Ellick ship because it was at this time they knew it wouldn't be happening anymore as Emily would be leaving. Thus, they decided to make Jessica knight a possible love match for Torres to replace the void from Ellick. It seems to be too much of a coincidence and also her first episode her and Torres were very flirty. Also, Wilmer did a ton of interviews about the finale saying grab your tissues and this is the closest to a friendship or a relationship they are ever going to have so he hinted prior to the finale that the Ellick ship was doomed. It is driving me mad that we had no clear picture of what their relationship was after the elevator talk. I think they got together as Ellie said 'I never meant for us to happen' but then she felt guilty because she knew she was leaving and 'blew him off' as he said without reason. That seems to be the most logical assumption. What do you think?
ok so i've let this sit for two weeks, i apologize. i still have a hard time digging into this stuff specifically because i like to live in denial that Emily isn't returning. i can bargain the remainder of the finale away if i forget that Emily isn't coming back. but i'm having a particularly depressive day in regards to her exit so why the hell not twist the knife a little harder and clear out my inbox 🙃 imma put it under the cut though for aesthetically-appeasing dash purposes and long posts
first- i 100% agree that Emily's decision to leave was a last minute *announcement* and i clarify that because i have to genuinely believe that Emily wouldn't take this decision lightly knowing her fanbase. i of course could be wrong about that, but even if i come off as a bitch to people i do like to give people the benefit of the doubt, always. so while I do think Emily didn't come into this decision willy-nilly (and i'm not going to speculate on her reasons for leaving- it's her own life she can choose to live it however she pleases), it does feel as if she didn't announce it to the show until, IMO after they wrapped all filming.
the finale was certainly more akin to a multi-episode arc for a character and plotline, not a final exit episode. Wilmer boasted great cliffhangers and a tear-filled episode because yes, they thought Ellie was ditching and betraying the team- that's heavy angst stuff! And yes we got a taste of ellick being *real* and even got a kiss- of course in his interviews he thought this was going to be good stuff for the fans. all the actors (Wilmer especially though) and the main social media accounts of the show did a shit-ton of promotion for the episodes leading up to the finale and then after 18x15 aired, the week prior everyone and i mean everyone went radio silent. i'm sorry but who THE FUCK does that when you are supposedly airing this big action-filled, cliffhanger, "true" finale that we deserved because s17 didn't get to have one??? NO ONE. the answer is no one. shows that want ratings (aka all shows, it’s a business) promote their fucking finale. they fucking do. my theory? in between that last week, Emily announced to the cast/crew/EPs that she wouldn’t be returning for s19. and then that leaves them with a WTF finale because that’s a shitty write off for a character who spent 8 years on the show. and now, suddenly, the show would prefer as little as viewership as possible to help minimize the backlash. Wilmer does absolutely zero promotion, zero farewell to his co-actor and good friend of 5 years. so yeah, i think her last minute exit was a last minute announcement and it had everyone reeling, understandably. hopefully one day we’ll get answers on the why because between me and you- that’s what absolutely fucking destroys me. for both the actress and the character; not knowing why Ellie did what she did and feeling a little betrayed Emily left and we got so little why and acknowledgement and heads up for it. 
anyways, so i don’t think Wilmer was lying in those interviews, i think he was truly excited about the arc and what that meant for their characters. he could have been just as blindsided with her announcement as we were 🥺
as for Katrina Law’s character- that is a little intriguing because you’re right, when she was initially introduced it was as a married woman with an infant child and stay at home husband. zero of this has been mentioned and Katrina Law herself has taken to twitter with Diona to support a Kasie/Jessica ship. so i’m not sure what her background is, if they writers changed it at all or what. BUT i don’t see them putting Jessica and Nick together. I actually didn’t see those scenes as them flirting at all- more of falling into step as good pals, very reminiscent of Ziva and Nick’s relationship frankly. If Emily’s announcement of her leaving truly was last minute, to everyone including the show, I don’t see the writers and EPs putting them together. I see them scrambling to fix their destroyed cliffhanger arc they had teed up and likely writing a desolate Nick or a vengeful swan Nick. I do not see them giving him a new love interest *unless* they decide to go 2 for 2 with character assassinations and have him regress so far and erase all his growth. but you know who the fuck knows with this shit show 🥲🥲
ok and finally ahaha this is why i did a cut. can y’all imagine what will happen if/when i ever do a wwr? 😅 i’m in the boat that they were *not* a thing, ever. i’m in the boat that that was their first kiss. and i’ll probably break this down more at a later date, TBD because when the fuck will i be strong enough to rewatch the entire finale i almost cried this morning watching 13x10. BUT her “i didn’t mean for us to happen” to me was more of a i didn’t mean for us to slowly fall in love and go from partners to best friends to almost lovers. because i think they both acknowledged their feelings during The Talk™️ but i feel like they both mutually agreed that they needed to take it slow or weren’t sure how to take that next step and they sort of tabled the discussion and stalled in their relationship. then, (since i’m in the camp that Ellie did none of this fully willingly, and instead Odette is holding something over her) Ellie “blew him off” after Odette decided it was now (”now...wasn’t my choice” aka i think Odette got worried about Ellie having strings attached and weaknesses) by saying they should definitely take it slow because of the nature of their jobs (”if we had a normal 9-5″...”i get that, i do”). i think Nick accepted that excuse at the time and then when the pieces clicked at the end of the finale, he realized this whole stupid ass mission was the reason she tried to slow them down/push him away. all that to say, i’m still believing that was their first kiss until Ellie turns up pregnant with Nick’s kid because WHY NOT REUSE OLD STORYLINES WHY THE FUCK NOT WE’VE ALREADY COME THIS FAR. 
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palbabor-writes · 3 years
KDJDJSLSKS OK SO- ik it’s widely accepted for Tomura to be kind of an asshole to y/n, but what if 😌 he had the kinda “asshole to the world but never to your girl” thing going on? 😌😌😌😌 I live, I love 🥰
Hey, hi, hey ✨
So, I pretty much exclusively write Tomura with that idea in mind. For me, it’s just a...if I can say this, a canon compliant concept.
Moar under the cutttt + spoilers for post Overhaul arc & MVA arc.
You opened a can of worms nonnie. I’m going to answer the ask, but imma hop on my soap box first ✨
Tomura I would argue, is less of an asshole and more of a sassafras. He is snarky, snarky & I love his attitude.
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I feel like early Tomura is the main font of this “asshole” misconception within the fandom. Horikoshi wrote him very differently in the beginning of BNHA. Pretty much everyone who met him called Tomura a “man child.” And he kinda is. He’s impatient and short tempered, but not once did he react to these slights with what I would classify as asshole behavior. Even when his life is threatened, he’s being a little sassy boi.
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He’s annoyed in these panels. But he’s not like, hey, you fucking dick, get off my nuts before I kill you. If anything, he elaborates on his thoughts and is challenging Stain to pick up the crappy pieces of his own shoddy “theories.” To Tomura, killing heroes is only breeding MORE heroes. He feels Stain’s plan is flawed & he tells him so.
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Tomura is also easily able to slip into different roles. He can fit in with others and make himself part of the crowd. He’s got mountains of self control. When he spies Izuku in the mall he doesn’t come at him with some angry outburst, instead he reverts to snark:
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Look at his voice bubbles! They’re a little wavy, but they’re nothing like his usual bubbles. This man can modulate and control how he sounds. He’s going for something open and friendly, albeit, his general demeanor is creepy, but he still manages to get close to Izuku and catch him off guard.
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This is the worst outburst we see from Tomura. He’s not spewing vitriol or degrading dialogue, if anything, he’s controlling himself. He’s not wanting to kill these guys anymore and he’s scratching out some space for himself. He needs time to process. He’s a little rude, I guess, but who hasn’t told someone to shut up? It’s a normal piece of conversation when you’re annoyed.
But ken, what about asshole behavior that is visible in the manga? I gotchu, don’t worry.
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This guy? Dabi? Yeah, this guy is an example of an asshole. He’s abrasive and confrontational from the GET. Tomura only responses to his aggression, he doesn’t project his frustration until after Dabi has called him fucking GROSS. You talk a lotta shit when you look like THAT king. Like, the morgue called, and they want their burn victim BACK.
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Again, Tomura is snarky, but he only calls Toga a freak after she spouts some nonsense about loving Stain so much she wants to kill him. These people are wild and he is not pleased. His ad in the paper asked for COMPETENT villains, not teens, tweens and anything in between.  
Plus, Mr. 3rd Degree Burns keeps ignoring his questions. I’d be peeved too, y’all.
Dabi is the asshole in the LOV. He goes out of his way to be nasty, especially to Spinner:
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How does Tomura deal with Spinner? He treats him as an equal, even asks his opinion on battle strategy when they are in Deika City.
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Tomura has changed a toooon over the course of this manga. Horikoshi has deepened his growth and created a very well rounded and complex character. He cares about his people and he hates being disrespected. Hell, he hates when his people are taken advantage of.
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This man, if you are on his side, will fight for you.
So, I don’t write him as an asshole. To me, that is fanon and not canon. Now writing him as blunt, snarky and impatient? Sure. Because, to me, he IS all those things and we can see him being all those things.
ANYWAY. If you made it this far, here is the Drabble:
“They haven’t checked in for two days. Should I call them? I told Toga she needed to-“
“Don’t bother. If it exposes our hand, then this whole mission is a waste.”
“But if they-“
“Why do I need to repeat myself? Like I said, if our plan is revealed then Mange’s death, and your fucking arm, were sacrificed for no reason. Don’t call them, Compress.”
You’re perched on the edge of a large box, watching the tense exchange. Tomura has been quiet the last few days, even keeping you at an arms length. He’s upset, and he’s been brittle, jagged in his recent conversations and movements.
Compress tosses you a quick glance and shrugs, his light brown eyes darkening. “All right, I suppose we can go off of the old saying that: no news, is good news. However, I am going to ask Toga to maintain regular check in’s the next time she calls.”
“Fine,” Tomura grunts, following Compress’ line of sight, his eyes lingering over your seated form. “Is that all?”
“Yes, yes,” Compress nods, his gloved hand waving in the air beside his head. “That’s all from me. I’ll check on the van. Giran said it would be available this afternoon.”
Tomura continues his silent observation of you, barely lifting his chin to acknowledge Compress’ statement.
“I’ll be back this afternoon,” Compress continues, letting out a soft chuckle as he turns on his heel, closing the heavy door behind him.
“You think they’re ok?” You ask, your voice soft.
Tomura removes Father from his face, his long white hair falling around his cheeks. “I told them I trusted in their abilities. It’s not sending the right message if I pester them for intel and their whereabouts every few days. Don’t you start up, too.”
You laugh and hop off the crate, your feet padding you over to him. “I’m not, it’s just...it’s so soon after...I mean, Mange’s death was...”
“Yes. Chisaki is an idiot if he thinks one lackey of his is equal to our Mange. This has to work.”
You lift a hand, pressing your fingers across his jaw, cupping his warm skin. Tomura leans into your touch, his vermilion eyes slipping behind his hooded eyelids.
“It will,” you confirm, pulling him down to your lips.
Sorry for the lecture. It was a fun ask to answer! 
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dallonm-archive · 3 years
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In Tabby, a reclusive man who’d rather exist as a phantom than a human notices the neighbours aren’t feeding their cat, and is sucked into a world that breaks the stillness of his own.
Genre: literary fiction, “soft” noir (??)
POV: 1st person present, very observational and detached for most of the narrative
Setting: late 1940s/early 1950s, unnamed US city but implied to be Los Angeles 
Atmosphere: a summer that’s sickly, orange juice, the smell of paint, shaky hands, peach skies, sunflowers, blood splatter, a cats purr, the gut feeling that something is very, very wrong
Literal Logline: this cat is my friend and he doesn’t judge me over silly little things like the murder i just committed (also i think he might be god??)
Hi I wrote a story about a cat and got way too into it and accidentally made it about murder and now it might be my favourite thing I’ve written! Lets talk about it! cw for murder and blood imagery!
general taglist ; @kowlazovdi​ @avi-burton-writing​ @ryns-ramblings​ @melpomeny​ @kitblogsthings​ @ezrathings​ @aetherwrites​ @bookphobe​ @haldimilks​ @alicewestwater​ @bookpacking​ @shaelinwrites​ @writingamongthecoloredroses​ @harehearts​ @zemnian​ @onlyganymede​ @theelectricfactory​ @write-like-babs​ @oceancold​ @notphilosopherstudentblog​ @veiliza​ @sidhewrites​ @wolf-oak​ @feverdreamwritings​ @oasis-of-you​
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This entire story sparked from this photo, which I couldn’t find a specific source for, but is cute and a Mood nonetheless! 
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My thought process was essentially “man sits on bench with cat...........and also.......murder?” I don’t know why my brain is like this!!! 
I imagine this story being set in the late 40s/early 50s, but haven’t pinpointed exactly, in a suburb of Los Angeles (but this also isn’t clear in the story as of now). This used to be my go to setting when I was really into noir, and it was fun to return to that in a non-noir piece! This started out as purely literary, but now I do see some noir elements here. They’re just very subtle - nor was I intentionally trying to capture any - and the story misses some of the fundamental conventions. To me it’s almost like...soft noir? Noir lite??  I feel like it’s inherently noir and inherently not noir at the same time but I love the vibes of it a lot. There’s this “glow” to the story that I can’t exactly put into words, like a very subtle golden hour that is very tranquil and strangely undisturbed by the general chaos going on in the actual story
I took this setting, the vibes, and the idea of a character with an innate connection to this cat, plus a murder chucked somewhere in the middle and ran with it.
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I wrote this over the course of a couple days, and it came very naturally! The prose is a little more sparse than my usual writing which made the process much quicker, and I’m really into this style at the moment. A lot of it is also internal thought, which y’all know is right up my alley. I really, really love the voice in this. It starts very unremarkable, but there is an unsettling undercurrent that grows and grows and it’s been very fun to blend the mundane and the creepy. This story really reignited my drive for short fiction because the trend lately has been coming up with an idea I love that just doesn’t translate on paper, but this one despite needing a good deal of work was very smooth!
I’d say this is my first successful attempt at a nameless/faceless character and it’s one of the most interesting experiences of character development I’ve had in a long time?? The only other time I’ve done this is in my story Rinse Cycle, but the narrator never really felt much like a character (which is very unusual for me), whereas the narrator in Tabby feels as fleshed out and nuanced as any of my characters with names or faces. I rarely focus on appearances for short story characters anyway, but I’ve never struggled with finding a name for a character and this narrator just Does Not want to be named. But I think that really fits him! He likes to be invisible and drift through life unnoticed, where he is merely an observer rather than a participant; so when he does get chucked into the middle of a very messy, very chaotic situation he essentially shuts down. I really like the tonal shift this creates where we go from a very detached narrative to very in the moment, very vivid and intense, like we go from 0 to 100 real quick. I don’t want to share a lot of plot details (which makes writing this a little frustrating sigh), but it ends with him committing a murder that, whilst intentional in the moment, is entirely impulsive and practically out of his control. He is not a natural killer and goes from barely being an emotional participant in his life to fully immersed in the moment and absolutely terrified by that. I’m really looking forward to digging deeper into his psychological state as I work on this draft because Boy We Don’t Have Time To Unpack All This. A quick summary of him would be though
people watcher, picks up more than he realises
living in a house he inherited from his dead father 
made eye contact with a stranger and it was physically painful
quietly unhinged
doesn’t feel like he’s a person 
oh no, now i have to face the consequences of my actions!
I’m trying to limit the amount of excerpts I post when it comes to short stories [because I am always basing the value of my content on prose I share which is! not healthy!], so the only writing I’m going to share is this little description that’s not very plot relevant, but is a good demonstration of this narrator’s funky little voice:
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Every morning, at seven sharp, I routinely sit on the swinging bench behind my house to eat over easy eggs and burnt sausages. I still don’t understand how to cook meat. Behind me, cars murmur and sputter into the city, housewives chatter from their separate square gardens and I do not exist in the same reality as them. I am boxed in by off-white picket fence. The fence dividing my neighbours and I – a saffron coloured house with sunflowers bordering the perimeter – is painted pinkish red like an infected tongue. Every morning, I routinely think, that I do not know what’s stranger: how the red jolts the sun house’s otherwise harmonious existence, or the way the job was never finished. It’s not as if the painter died, because if the painter died there would be a corpse; perhaps blood spatter would darken against red wood, perhaps paint would pool out of the dropped can and mimic the presence of an exit wound. 
Y’all might be wondering, where does the cat fit in all of this? And the answer is it’s complicated! In terms of form, we bounce between observations/interactions of the cats behaviour and the “main plot” of the story - which is to do with the rather unhinged new neighbours disrupting our neighbours unremarkable life. Thematically, the cat definitely symbolises a lot of things and opens up a lot of conversations that I still haven’t polished because well, we’re on draft one and I was focused on some funky Cat Descriptions. Some fun ideas include the distinction between human and animal, how capitalism is impeding on our chances to live a fulfilled life, and the idea that all humans do is overcomplicate everything. It’s presence also acts as a grounding technique for the narrator, since he so easily detaches himself from the rest of the world. The writing started with a scene of the act killing a mouse and how clean and simple it all is that I’m lowkey obsessed with, and is definitely some non-subtle foreshadowing for what comes later. 
I like to joke that the cat is God because sometimes the narrator says some weird shit like, how the Earth stops orbiting the sun when the cat goes to sleep and how the cat doesn’t need to worry about predators because it hasn’t invented any. So the cat is not officially “God” but like,...,,It Might Be
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Quickly adding this to the end but! Your girl finally has a (working title) for her collection! I’m not ready to share it yet because I’m still not 100% on it, I feel it matches the stories thematically but not always tonally, however it captures the core idea that I’ve been following so it’s good enough for me. This was a really important step because as much as I tried I could Not Visualise a collection at all without a title, which is v annoying because titling a collection is the worst!!! I was fine just writing short stories and letting them exist but I really wanted to build them as a cohesive collection as I went, and now I really like where it’s going - it’s definitely got a long way to go but I feel like I’ve finally managed to take control of it and steer it into a direction that reflects what I enjoy to write. I spent a lot of months clinging onto the collection I started in late 2018 before The Great Writing Hiatus Of 2019, even though it really didn’t resonate with me anymore, so I’m very happy to feel like I’m now on the right path and I feel the collection really shows my growth as a writer this year! This is definitely not set in stone, but I have a lot of fun imagining the potential order of the stories and right now it looks like:
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[Some of these are stories unfinished, and some of them are finished and I just haven’t talked about them because I am the Worst at remembering to write short story updates, but tbh I’m thinking of just talking about them all briefly in a big post about the collection when I write a proper intro for it in the future]
We love to see it! I’m hoping to put a lot of time into this collection in 2021 and get some submissions rolling too (I had the goal of submitting at least one story by the end of this year and I! Don’t know if that’ll happen but January definitely). I’m likely going to be taking most of the year out of uni due to the whole global and mental turmoil rn [also I’d have to apply for writing masters atm and that is NOT happening lmfao], so I’m v v excited to have some extra writing time and see where this all goes!
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bubblyani · 3 years
(Rick x Reader)
A Rick (Knight of Cups) One Shot
Movie: Knight of Cups (2015) Terrence Malick
Summary: When he pays a visit one fine morning, you realize the immense effect Rick has on your mind, body and soul. 
Word Count: 2000+
Rating: Mature
Warning: Sexual Content
Author’s Note: Rick was a visual treat in this movie, thanks to Christian Bale. And thirsting for this character led to another One Shot. Tried to give the writing an aesthetic feeling more than last time. A tribute to Terrence Malick’s style, I suppose. Did my best. But also with some added fan girl frustration *wink* Enjoy y’all!
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You’re regretting it now, aren’t you? Coming to see me?
Your heart was aware of your smug query. A sense of smug, that stemmed from the confidence of your words. A sense of smug, that unfortunately was stained by an obvious sadness. The type of stain that refused to be rinsed off. An obvious sadness, for you meant every word.
With your knees locked in an embrace, there you sat on the edge of the bed. Your eyes succeeded in finally freeing themselves from the tempting grasps of the polished wooden floors. They moved up in slow motion, to fill oneself by the breathtaking sight of him. Leaning against the Bedroom door, Rick gently shook his head in a mild manner. As if a frantic response was nearly impossible. And truthfully, that would not have suited him:
I couldn’t stop.
Raising one’s eyebrows, you felt your head tilt to the side:
Stop what?
You swore your eyes were expert enough to trace a soft smile form in that angelic face of his:
Thinking about you.
His words so breathless, tickled your ears long enough, that butterflies began to flutter within you. So breathless, you despised the mere thought of losing them to the wind. His gaze managed to pierce through the distance, resulting in the subtle blushes of your cheeks. Simply put, You were gluttonous for his words. More important, you were gluttonous for him.
However, never did you display it. How could you, when imaginative dark clouds of despair reigned over you with such weight?
Shaking your head, you smiled bowing it down:
Heh…you’re crazy.
Your pointed feet reached the floor with control and grace, feeling the chill in the morning greet your skin. And the very moment you did, the floor urged him to take careful steps towards you. Barefoot and quiet:
Maybe I am…for you
Goosebumps resulted in your skin, and you blamed his seductive poetic soul. Keeping one’s head down, your eyes stealthily watched him approach you. With your pulse quickening all of the sudden, you were tempted to conceal it all. Conceal those lines in your face that nature had bestowed upon you. Conceal the skin your mother had gifted you. Conceal the imperfection that you yourself had stowed away with such expertise, from the entire world. Undoubtedly, the flame of insecurity was certainly strong and burning bright at that very moment.
Until it was extinguished, by the his mere touch.
Shaky breaths exited your lips as his hand rested on your head, his long fingers digging into your hair with the sole intention of intimacy with your scalp. Your eyelids fluttered frantically, for you were intoxicated, you were spellbound. The manner in which his fingers  made contact with your scalp, some would even wonder if they were lovers in secret. For his fingers, they treated it as if it was the most precious, awakening your entire body in every possible manner. Gathering courage, you looked up to find the man who rejuvenated your senses.
With his beautiful, chiseled frame adorned with a long sleeved black v-neck top and pants, Rick was nothing short of a refreshed, visual pleasure. While the satin negligee still lingered in your frame, with messy bed hair and smudged eyeliner as the shameful accompanists. Empty bottles of wine and spilled bottles of pills occupied the bedside cupboard. Already 11 in the morning, and you were nothing short of a mess.
This…this is me. This is who I really am.
Your eyes enunciated every word, gazing directly into his very own. Truth was inevitable to escape your soul, when you were staring at divinity. The sunlight streamed through the white curtains, illuminating his frame, for he was a god. A deity who descended into earth, robbing himself of time, just for you: A withered flower.
You never hid that.
Rick’s eyes shone, warm as the sunlight on a winter’s morn.
Never with me.
And before you could protest, a gust of wind swept you away. The wind that were his loving arms, pulling you up with ease. Permitting your body to press against his, you felt his lips unite yours in a gentle kiss.
You first ever knew of Rick’s existence not too long ago. More specifically when your eyes met from across the room, at a party one Summer’s Eve. And it certainly did not seem like sweet coincidence, especially in the comfort of a Billionaire’s Mansion in Los Angeles. Truthfully, it would seem eventual, for all knew all in entertainment. As the distance between the two of you grew smaller, his curiosity was made well known to you. A curiosity, which was satisfied the very moment an onlooker of a musician hurriedly played your latest music video on his phone, posing the question to Rick with disbelief:
“Don’t you know who she is?”
“Dude, Rick’s a legend. Doesn’t she know who HE is?”
In all fairness, a smile could have graced your lips upon glancing at this handsome stranger, in the midst of the queries from the onlookers around. You could have acknowledged the dilation of his pupils, by showing him your very own. You could have made very clear of your own growing curiosity about him. But you did not. For you were weary, in mind, body and soul.
Live Shows, Recordings, Photo shoots and Press Junkets. In the midst of them all, you were just a name, a mere symbol of profit milked by all those around you. Blinded by power, it seemed none of them were aware of the husk they leave behind when the day was done. The husk of a young woman, left to mend herself back in her lonesome. The young woman swept away by the tornado of fame with such speed, she lost her sense of purpose that existed in the very beginning.
Until his curious kiss that night, urged you to engage in a rediscovery.
You never hid that. Never with me
He was right. With him, you were always yourself: unapologetically. Without question.
His kisses were consistent. They were the sips of water the dry throat craved for days. His lips were the hands that held on to you with care, guiding you sensually to form your own Rumba. And this morning, with the sunlight streaming over your own head, and with your hands wrapped around his neck, you were bestowed with a rush of pure exuberance. In simpler terms, you were alive.
Possessed with life, your movements suddenly were the epitome of energy and speed. You pushed him away, giggles causing your voice to crack as you leaped to the bed. And for Rick, it was simply an invitation to join you in a game of catch. A game that will be won without hesitation. And he did, gripping you by the ankle, only to pull you back to him as you fell on the mattress. Squeals vanished the moment you found his figure hovering over, leaving you breathless. And all the sudden, exuberance morphed into tranquility, for you were transfixed, hypnotized. For he was responsible.
With the blink of an eye, you found his face inches away from yours. When breathing were finally in syncopation, the world seemed to stand still. The soft brunette hair that framed his face, dared to tickle your cheeks as his lips were drawn in to yours with a magnetic force. However, he defied nature’s law, by pulling away in tease. Just when they were millimeters close. Frustration was evident in your stomach, that your eyes began to display it without a shred of embarrassment.
But he caught you by surprise, as his accentuated nose brushed against your forehead.
You’re beautiful.
Shivers managed to appear, for those words never failed to move you. Taking the role of painter, he moved downwards in sweet torture, awakening every inch of your face: Your closed eyelids, your own nose, your burning cheeks, and under appreciated chin. Your lips yet, were discriminated.
Parting them with frustration, you stared at the ceiling with desperation as his torture continued south. Shaky breaths were incited, when his nose made contact with your bare neck. Even more so when he mindlessly painted your body with desire, crossing the borders through the collarbone.
Butterflies fluttered as the tip of his nose made strategic, temporary stops over your mountainous geography. Two erect peaks formed through the satin plains on either sides once he wandered over your heaving bosom with leisure. Nether muscles tightened, resulting in moans of the softest nature. Throwing your head back, you winced and gasped when he pulled your negligee up, permitting his brush to paint over the exposed stomach. If your body was awakened before, now it was slowly being lit up in flames. A slow burn, to be precise.
You’re intoxicating
Moans grew loud and unabashed, when he had the audacity to reach down your thighs.
I want you.
Putting his brush of a nose aside, he began to play Aesthete. And it was evident he did, the moment his lips attacked your inner thighs with gentle kisses.
Leaving your thighs burning, he kept his gaze affixed while his fingers urged your lace panties to part from your legs, opening the door that deemed most secretive. His intentions were made aware. And feeling the growth under his pants with your foot, you could not help but agree. Especially when your legs locked around his waist in a hurry. However, you were surprised even further when he switched positions in a heartbeat, allowing you to straddle him in return.
All of you. All mine.
His eyes, they burned. His words, they haunted. His hands, they were impatient. Not to undress himself, but to hold onto your own hands instead. Pulse quickening, your mind was full of queries as he pulled you closer.
And closer, past his stomach. And closer, past his chest.
The very moment he gave a final tug, realization washed over you. For you knew how exactly Rick, the wanderer, the observer, the adventurer wanted you. Right to the exact detail. Licking ones lips, you shuddered as you lifted yourself up:
Then want me. Please.
Your plea was sudden, desperate, yet there were no regrets. Desirous need was all that was filled in you, when you sank yourself low, when you sank yourself slow, to have his ethereal face welcome the region right between your quivering thighs. To have his hungry lips finally taste the mere essence of your being.
You gasped, out loud. The simplest brush of his lips, his facial hair were simply triggers, akin to a centralized button that set off a theme park a lit. And like in a theme park, you were on a ride of a lifetime.
Want me, like you never wanted anyone.
Keeping your balance with your knees firmly rooted on the soft white sheets, you rolled your hips. You rolled them in steady rhythm. Back and forth. All the while you felt his nose rub against your moist opening, and while his generous mouth proved his hunger for you. And he was not the one to waste any time.
Want me, as if your life depended on it.
You rolled, you rode. Holding on to your own hair, you were possessed with such greed, you knew you would go mad. Mad with ecstasy. For his lips were divine. His kisses translated to hunger in abundance. His tongue, did not fail to fall behind. If his nose played the artist, then his tongue played the writer, versatile enough to weave his own love notes in poetic form in the inner most intimate centre of your glorious body. His words roused you, till your moans were melodic and repetitive.
Want me, as if you love me.
With your pleas, your arms extended involuntarily. A shadow, caught your attention, as your eyes moved towards the bedside. It appeared so flexible, so lively. It was yours. As you kept glancing at it writhing in pleasure, in the midst of your moans and his, the realization was clear as the morning itself. No sign of exhaustion, nor any sign of hopelessness. A smile was all your face could provide you, and empowerment was all your heart could afford.
The withering in you had vanished. Your heart had no trace. For Rick, he was the sunshine, and hydration incarnate. For he was the nourishment. Your nourishment. And thus you, a once withered flower, now finally bloomed in full.
Tagged: @tammykelly​​​ @ladyerina​​​ @kittenlittle24 @everyday-imfangirling​​​ @lucy-roo​​​ @works-of-fanfiction​​​ @bale-is-a-babe @badsext​​​  @maddistyles17 @truly-insatiable @gooseyhouse​​​ @artsymaddie​​​ @quarterback-5 @mamooska8 @jensen-impala​​​ @lilyofthesword​​​ @woodencupcake​​​ @fonduebitches @soullesstaco​​​ @spicybellinger​​​ @marvel-lously​​​ @glitterypinkkitty​​​ @danceyreagan​​​​ @barikawho​​​​  @lostgirl0020​ @diogodxlot​​​​ @xxdearlybeloved​​​​ @shewearsprada​​​​ @lexiespeaks​​​ @misterlords-fics​​​ @readingslumpfanfic​
Once again, lemme know if you wanna get tagged. And those who only want to be tagged for specific Bale characters, please do let me know. I didn’t take out those who didn’t tell me just in case. But feel free to let me know, i totally understand.
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hockeybabestars · 4 years
august/september fic recs
since september is over here are my fic recs i’ve read over the past two months!! i know i’ve been a lil m.i.a lately but just wanted to let all you fic writers know you’re appreciated. much love <3
mornings with you - brock boeser by @prettyboybarzal : all i can say is SOFT. like puppy soft, melted butter soft. idk if this even makes sense but that’s how i feel. banter = perfect, and anything brock makes my heart stop. this was beautifully written.
mirrorball - brock boeser by @nolypats : okay the softest sweetest brock dad fic and it was frickin cute too. had me in a wave of emotions from laughing to crying. genuinely sweet please go read.
take my heart, i’ll give you my soul - brock boeser by @nolypats : seriously this fic wrecked me in ways i can only describe as amazing. i made myself wait a few days after it came out bc after reading the preview i knew my heart was gonna hurt, and damn did it ever. my heart broke with the characters and mended itself at the end. i was feeling a rollercoaster of emotions and you will 100% do the same. 100000000/10 must read
all my focus on you - jake virtanen by @pucksnsticksnhockeyboys : i love the totally blind and oblivious don’t know that you’re in love with someone until other people point it out look. it really does something to me. THE SOFTNESS OF THIS THO. i love it.
maple leafs
when fate stepped in - tyson barrie by @jasondickinsons : y’all know im a sucker for soulmate!au’s and im so invested in this series. the way tyson and the reader get to know each other and build their relationship is everything. i would consider this a slow burn and it burns so good. tyson’s chivalry will make you fall in love.
the plus one pact - william nylander by @puckinghell : listen the growth that the reader and willy go through individually in this story makes their ending so much sweeter. we love dynamic characters baby. also just imagine willy as your plus one to every event. like savor it. so good. i loved this series.
4 times you thought he would kiss you & 1 time he did - travis dermott by @jasondickinsons : this is so good. i’m a sucker for all the almost moments, and the ending could not have been more perfect. the way that kylie writes details gets my stomach turning literally everytime i read her writing. this is a story you can obsess over.
goodnight n go - mat barzal by @bandgirlsclub : i love this song and this was SUCH A CONCEPT. i loved the way sophie ended each part of this 4+1, it was literally perfect like all of her writing. I was hooked from the get go.
what your best friend doesn’t know - mat barzal by @jasondickinsons : well shit if this doesn’t get your heart racing i don’t know what will. the tension leading up is so palpable and good and then soft and sweet. loved it.
all for you - brady & matthew tkachuk by @comphersjost : this fic and it’s second part gave me a slew of emotions. i was a wreck by the end of reading it. we love good old fashion pining. it’s it bad that i like to feel my heart hurt when i read this? probably. will i do it again? yes.
stuck with you - matthew tkachuk & vince dunn by @bandgirlsclub : tumblr made me love both of these guys and im not mad about it. this is so good. i was so conflicted about who i wanted the reader to end up with for the first three chapters but in the end it all works out. the bubble hockey fic you all need to read.
the one who needs saving - noah hanifin by @antoineroussel : i haven’t seen too many hanny fics on this site and that’s a damn shame bc that mans is a total cutie- and this fic def shows that. they form a friendship in the oddest of ways but they way that the reader and noah are there for each other makes my heart swell. i wasnt expecting it to end the way it did and i loved it! this was such a good read go see for yourself.
lessons in romance - nathan mackinnon by @prettyboybarzal : one night i randomly searched “nathan mackinnon fic” and this popped up and WOW. im so glad i did. lowkey don’t know when or why or how i got into this mans but it suddenly happened and this fic isn’t helping. i am a soft girl and nate is learning how to be soft and the moments when he actually wants the reader make my stomach turn in such a good way. im in love with this story.
coupley things - nathan mackinnon by @broadstbroskis : i love mutual pining, hold up let me say it louder for the people in the back I LOVE MUTUAL PINING! holy shit this is adorable. wedding date nate is all we need in life
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