#I would kill for the wii phone
clunkyrobogirl2000 · 1 month
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Desiring the fake consoles carnally, with all their over imagined hardware and ports and buttons. They’re like the fruit in the garden of Eden.
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redhead-batgal · 1 year
Damian x y/n:  y/n fell asleep at the manor while hanging out with Damian and woke around 2am, y/n gets lost on way to kitchen and meets Jason and says " hello dummy thiccc man"
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Type: One-shot
Pairing: Best Friend! and Gender Neutral! Reader x Damian Wayne/ Robin
Content: Technical one-sided pinning, simp! reader, aged up Damian and reader, cursing, humor, lots and lots of fluff.
Word Count: 1,305
(P.S. I made it best friend! reader because I LOOVVVVE Best Friends to lovers. It's like my favorite troupe. I also changed it a bit, but I think it'll be fine. Enjoy! :)
Human nature and emotions were so strange. Peculiar, how extreme they could be. It was like magic, how strange people could be or act in general. How rage could transform a person momentarily, how joy could bring people out of the darkness. Love though, Love was stronger than any other emotion. It was stronger and more powerful. A black magic of sorts that would take over and change you into someone completely different.
And you had just been hit by its spell.
Part of you didn't entirely understand why you caved to his every whim. Why the tiniest frown and gleaming of eyes could make your stomach swirl and instantly feel guilty.
The rest of you... it-it knew. Knew that you were wrapped so tightly around his finger you might shatter if you did something wrong. Knew how the smallest glimpse of his smile would send your heart racing and make you weak in the knees.
Damian Wayne had a magic of some kind, and you were completely and totally enchanted. So enchanted you sometimes forget the way the world actually works and that you should think before you speak. Unfortunately, tonight just so happened to be a night that his magic overcame you.
Drearily blinking, you found yourself curled into Damian's side. His breathing was slow and steady, calming, even. For a moment you almost drifted back into that peaceful bliss of sleep.
However, your mind jumped. Making you realize how close you were to him and that- that... you probably shouldn't be. No- no you definitely shouldn't be.
Here and now, he was vulnerable, and he hated being vulnerable in front of people. You couldn't stay, if you did, he'd be upset and- and... and you really really hate it when he's upset with you.
Slowly slipping from his grasp, you dropped towards the floor, hoping that you won't startle him awake. Sneaking towards the door you take a moment to look over your shoulder, he took a breath in before letting it out softly. Closing your eyes for a moment you let out a small sigh of relief.
He was still asleep, thank goodness. Part of you didn't want to leave, seeing him so peaceful and happy made something warm bubble in you. However, you knew you had to go, for him and for you. After all you have been here for a while... Wait, how long have you been here?
Sliding out the door you peered around the corner, hoping to see someone wandering around who you could ask. Instead, you are met by pitch darkness and an eerie quiet that shook you to your core.
Oh god, what time was it?
Half scrambling down the stairs you bit your lip. Please oh please don't be morning yet. Your mother would kill you if you stayed out all night.
Clock, clock... where oh where is a clock? Where was the closest one??? Living room? No Steph and Duke broke that one yesterday with their Wii sports tournament. Anywhere else made your mind spin and then- then a thought rose up suddenly.
The kitchen.
Yes, yes, the kitchen should have a clock... and a phone.
The more you moved through the darkness the later you thought it was. Was it four? five? Oh god, please let it be the same day. Blinking, a bit, you noted light seeping under the door rather absentmindedly.
Your hand pushed the door open, and you found the blinking numbers on the microwave. They sent a tumble of nerves straight to your stomach.
Two am. It was two fucking am.
How in hell were you going to survive this? It was a twenty-minute drive home and at minimum, a two-hour walk. There was no way you'd make it home before the sun came up.
A clatter dragged you from your thoughts and you looked up to see a man sitting at the table. He had short dark hair with a white streak through a front section. His eyes were greenish, not as green as Damian's but something about them seemed similar.
It took you no more than a second to notice he was not wearing a shirt. And your brain froze, your thoughts suddenly deciding to spill out.
"Hello dummy thicc man."
Silence followed and a snort of sorts. You blinked seeing a smile stretched across the man's face. Heat flushed through you, and you closed your eyes.
"Dammit. I said that aloud, didn't I?"
The man nodded, leaning forward ever so slightly. He winced instantly and you then spotted the bloodied spot on his torso.
"Holy shit, you're bleeding!"
A weak smile was now on the man's face, and he nodded. Your eyes went wide and your hands darted forwards.
"Are you going to be, okay?"
"Yeah, Alfie's takin care of me.'' He looked you over and snorted once again, "you're the gremlin's?"
Your brow furrowed and you tilted your head before blinking a few times.
“Uh, if you mean Damian, yeah I’m his friend.”
A smirk of sorts worked its way onto his face, and you began fiddling with your fingers.
"I'm y/n." You weakly say.
"Jason... though you probably know me as Todd."
You clamped your mouth shut as a wave of laughter built up in you. Somehow, he had managed to almost mimic Damian perfectly. Looking away from him you squeezed your eyes shut as a giggle of sorts escaped you.
Finally, you looked back to Jason- no Todd... oh yeah. You had heard about him. Nothing really bad though. Strange, though him never being around probably contributed to that.
"The gremlin does have a type. Waffles was right."
You tilted your head again, narrowing your eyes ever so slightly. Waffles? Who could be waffles? you opened your mouth to question the nickname when a door swung open. You froze, only to see Alfred carrying a tray filled with bandages and antiseptics.
"Uh, hi."
Alfred smiled at you before setting the tray on the table. Jason instantly began reaching for things only for Alfred to whack his hand without looking away from you.
"I'm glad to see you, Mx Y/n. Did you sleep well?"
You nodded and heard the door behind you open. You then noticed a strange smile slide onto Alfred's face and Jason snorted again shaking his head.
"Hello Master Damian."
Looking over your shoulder in a little bit of horror, you found Damian behind you rubbing his eyes, his hair disheveled and pointing in many directions.
"Pennyworth," He yawned, "Todd."
Jason grunts in greeting and you stand frozen staring at Damian, your mind racing. Were you too loud? Did you wake him up? Was he upset?
"Y/n," Damian then said, holding out his hand, "come on."
"We should go back to bed. School starts early tomorrow. Father would be very upset if he knew I was awake."
"Uh, but- I- why are you awake?"
"You left." He said with a slight, "duh." At the end.
You went very still as his words began to run rampant in your head. Did that mean you woke him up when you left? Were you too loud slipping out the door? Did you hop off the bed too sharply?
A hand took yours and you blinked, finding Damian before you. He pulled at your hand slightly. "Come on."
"But- it- it's two. My mom- she's-"
"We informed your mother that you would be staying the night. You do not need to worry Mx. Y/n." Alfred suddenly chimed in.
Looking back towards him you raised an eyebrow; he was nonchalantly wrapping a bandage around Jason's torso. Tilting to the side you notice ripped abs. You only managed a quick glance before Damian pulled you from the room.
"It's time to sleep Y/n."
Turning back towards Damian you smiled before following after him.
@andromedaj2003 @thomasbeloved @instabull @zvtanna @daemonnix96 @krswrites @thefallingstarlights @masset-fotia @yorsgf @ssak-i
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Nobara Kugisaki x Reader
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Nobara Kugisaki:
Your type of woman is a tomboy, you don't take shit from anybody and your favorite console is the Nintendo Wii.
First Date:
You had recently arrived at the Tokyo branch of Jujutsu High and couldn't be happier. You found out that you wouldn't be the only girl included in the first years which you were grateful for. "Ugh, boys stink! I hope they don't bathe in axe body spray..." It was then that you met Kugisaki. The two of you began to bond and by the end of the week, you had setup a smash bros. competition in your dorm.
Right now it was Itadori vs Fushiguro. Your switch controllers were acting up again so you decided it would be best to just take turns. Itadori had chosen Kirby while Fushiguro decided to main Greninja. "Man Fushiguro, you suck! You really need to learn how to wave dash!" The boy groaned. "I have no idea what that means..."
Soon it was Nobara's turn and she wiped out everyone with Donkey Kong. There were no survivors. While the boys looked defeated, she pulled out her phone and started flossing to the DK rap. Gojo would never let them live this down.
One day the two of you were out for a walk when you noticed something. "That guy's still there... Kugisaki, I think he's following us..." She instantly turned around. "Hey you! You got a problem!?" The stranger grinned. "Wow! Two girls! I can't believe how lucky I am!" Kugisaki spat towards him. "Hey, wanna play a fun little game? It's called Matthew 27:46." The boy stuttered. "Huh?"
"I would start running if I were you! It's not every day that I'm nice enough to offer to play tag with a stranger." She pulled out her hammer and now this guy knew that he was in deep shit. He started to run away, screaming while Kugisaki flung her nails at him. She started to pin him down, bolt by bolt until he was crucified.
"There. That should hold you. Now ####### let's head back-". Suddenly there was another guy. "Yo. I see what you did to my buddy there. I gotta say, nice job!" You both tensed. "...What is it that you want exactly..." The stranger began to laugh. "Can't a guy just play a wholesome game of tag? C'mon, it'll be fun!"
"I refuse!" The stranger rested his arms behind his head. "That's too bad. Oh well. It's not like you have a choice. Ready or not, here I come!" Before you could comprehend the situation, the stranger slapped Kugisaki over her eye. You let out a scream. "KUGISAKI!!!!!"
Kugisaki's eyeball exploded like it was made of confetti and then her body toppled over. You then heard a voice say "pop, goes the weasel!". You charged at her murderer. "YOU BASTARD! I'LL KILL YOU!" ------------------------ Before you knew it, you were awake. "Was it really a dream?" It had been three years since Gege had killed off your favorite character and you were still in one of the five stages of grief. "There's a new chapter. Maybe he brought her back!" You finished reading and became disappointed. Stage one. Denial.
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Hello. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask for headcanons about the kuro characters and their favourite video game genres/series? ^_^
Kuro characters and their favourite video game genres/series
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don't know why, but he looks like he'd enjoy simulator games
if Black Butler would've happened in the modern day (and someone would've taught this grandpa how to use technology) he would probably used these to learn the things he needs to know as a human
cooking simulator (or Cooking Mama), school simulator, anything that could be useful like that
definitely also enjoys slasher games
simply judging by the way he enjoyed that bloodbath on the Campania, he'd looooooove extremely violent games
idk, I don't know too many in that genre, but Dead by Daylight could be one of his faves
but nothing with guns. Those things are beneath him. He wants the real thrill of the kill
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oh, please, as if he'd even know what that is
he doesn't even have time for this
imagine the hours wasted on lines of code and digital pixels
do you know that one game where it's basically like a VR job simulator with different kinds of jobs like cook or office or gas station? Instead of humans, the NPCs are robots that insult you at every given opportunity and set you up for failure. Yeah, he'd like that.
also, Powerwash Simulator
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ok, stereotypical, but dress up games
especially Style Savvy (ngl, these games are way too good)
other than that, she seems like a casual enjoyer of Animal Crossing
except that she bullies all the ugly neighbours off of her island and hunts for very specific characters (so basically like me)
another obvious choice is Bayonetta
I mean, have you looked at her? Slashing her way through demons and angels while having chainsaws for arms and legs? The cunty outfits?
Let me tell you: Bayonetta and Grell? An iconic match made in heaven
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I can't decide
either he's a die-hard Mario Kart player or a huge Sonic enthusiast (the older games, not the newer ones)
he probably doesn't have enough time to really play though, since he's either out working overtime or out partying
he doesn't seem like a shooter person
okay, this is coming out of me because of a huge lack of sleep (it's currently 1 am where I'm living), but why does he look like he would drunkenly play Fortnite or Roblox?
"You got games on your phone?" No, back the fuck up dude. You're an adult.
Why did I just write that? Inco, what's wrong with you?
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this is very specific, but that one Coraline game for the Wii and the DS
he's definitely leaning more towards psychological horror games
American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns. You can't convince me otherwise
he's an unfairly skilled Mario Kart player, to the point that it almost seems like he's cheating (he's 100% cheating, just like when playing Uno)
on the other hand, he's a huuuuge sucker for Kirby games
doesn't matter what type or gimick, he loves it and has perfected it down to the last frame
but you'd never know unless he wanted you to know (and I know it because I am God and run on my last bar of my batterie and because he's officially and undeniably my husband, deal with it. Omfg, this is so fucking cringe, I'm gonna go shoot myself, I'll be right back.)
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well, first of all, you need to explain everything to him because he couldn't even read the instructions on the screen (I'm 100% convinced that his eyesight is pure batshit and he's just cheating his way through the manga through some deus-ex-machina type of shit)
newsflash, but he loves horror games
I really see him with games like Resident Evil or Don't Starve Together
also, Undetale
you know, because of morals and choices and consequences and all that (surely not because of a skeleton with dry humour)
maybe it would help to show him a bathing simulator so this crusty man learns how to clean himself
is it too obvious and on the nose to say The Mortuary Assistant?
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omg, look at him! My boy! Finally animated! I love him so much! My boy!
ahem, so anyway...
Trombone Champ
he'd play it on his loudest speakers just to annoy the hell out of everyone
also, you know those really cheap horror games you can find on Steam that are really terrible? He lives for those
idk why, but he seems like he'd enjoy Portal
and Assassin's Creed. Especially the first four mainline games
continueing with puzzle games, he really enjoys Professor Layton, no doubt
That's it for now. It's almost 2 am and I have to help out at a sports event I only registered for to watch some random kids suffer in the heat. But now I have to wake up early for that... Oh, how ironically bitchy life is. And to top it all of I have to work the graveyard shift today. Coffee and energy will be my best friend today.
So, yeah, that's it for now. Or maybe not, maybe I'll pull an all-nighter simply so I can't oversleep. If you're up for a part 2 just slide into my requests and I'll see what I can do.
Until then~
Your Inconsistent Kuroshitsuji Blog~
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smolwritingchick · 4 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 70- Jungkook's Confession
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Chapter Summary: Passion runs high when Jungkook finally makes his move to confess his love to his best friend
Words: 4,000+
Author's Note: I have reread and edited this so many damn times. I get so nervous about this chapter. Like if it was worth the wait and if it would be well received. Like damn 70 chapters to get to this point? But I wanted to focus more on building the friendship and how feelings slowly came about. I hope you enjoy it! We are finally here! This is one of my favs. And mannn Alina Baraz was getting in my feelings when I was listening to her music.
Trust the process. We are almost there! Happy reading :)
------ Finally knocking, the anticipation killed him as he anxiously waited for her to open the door.
He was ready.
No turning back, no regrets. Confess and leave, that was the plan. Nothing more, nothing less. At least that was what he thought would happen tonight.
From Jimin and Taehyung's words about getting carried away, Jungkook didn't think he would. However, being alone in a room with Jennie after telling her his feelings could lead to some tension. He hoped that it wouldn't be anything bad and she'd take his words well. He had a lot of negative thoughts on how she would react. If she would feel awkward and say that she didn't feel the same or if she liked someone else. 
Jungkook needed to push through. This had been building for so long, that he was beginning to wonder if his hyungs' words were true.
Was he going to be able to go by his plan or let his actions speak louder than his words?
Once the door opened, his heart skipped a beat when he was greeted by that smile he loved. Her hair was down, which was something he always adored as it framed her face beautifully. He noticed that she was on her phone, speaking to a friend as she let him in. He also regarded that she was already dressed and ready to leave soon for the airport.
"Yeah, we'll definitely have that sleepover soon," she spoke in her native tongue while Jungkook shut the door behind him. "Hey, Amber, I'll call you when I'm back home, all right? Love you girl!"
After hanging up and putting her phone in her pocket, she turned around, smiling brightly. "Kook! I'm happy to see you!"
"I'm uh...happy to see you, too." he smiled nervously. "You forgot your lotion."
"Ah! I was looking for this! Thank you!" she took it and packed it in her bag. 
Jungkook watched her and smiled softly as she rambled, "I love me some cocoa butter. I would've been so upset if I forgot it. Ah...I can't wait to go home. It's nothing like going back home to see your family and friends, right? I'm very fortunate that Big Hit allowed this. It's going to be pretty busy. A little interview with Billboard and hanging with JRE, I'm super excited. BTS is really moving up and getting that exposure. I believe 2016 will be a great year for us."
"Yeah...I believe so, too."
"So, what's up?" she faced him with a smile.
"I uh, wanted to see you."
"You saw me." she teased. "Came here to game before I leave? I think Tae has the Wii U. I'm sure we can play one quick round."
She always made time for him and never complained. It was something he always appreciated.
Jungkook shook his head and sniffed. "No, not right now. I wanted to speak with you."
"All right. What is it?"
"There's something that I uh, wanted to tell you for a while, now. Something I wanted you to hear at least once from me, personally."
"Spit it out, don't keep me in suspense." she grinned. Jennie couldn't help but notice him looking a little off and her face slowly changed to concern as she spoke again, "Hey...you good?"
Jungkook tilted his head to the side before rubbing the back of his neck. "Th-there's something that I've been trying to tell you for a long time now,"
His nervousness came back at the worst time. He was already stumbling over his words. He needed to keep himself composed and not mess this opportunity up.
"There's that look again," she called out. "Just like when I told you that you looked like you needed to say something important. What do you need to tell me? You know you can tell me anything."
"I-I know but this has been harder than I thought it would be. And I know you're about to leave and this is going to be terrible timing but..." he exhaled and shook his head. "But I won't chicken out, anymore. No more getting nervous. I need to say what I need to say to you...I can't bear to let you hear this from someone other than me when almost everyone knows but you."
"What are you talking about?"
"I was wondering when I'd be man enough to finally tell you how I feel...about us. Our friendship. Everything. I know this isn't going to be perfect or like I planned out in my head countless times but I can't hold this in, anymore. I've watched from afar for too long and I can't help but think if I don't say this now, I'll be too late." he paused, letting out a shaky breath. "What I'm about to tell you is going to be extremely selfish. But I need you to know."
Jennie watched him. He was acting so weird, just what was the problem?
"Kook, I think you're freaking out over nothing. What can you possibly say to me that is making you this nervous? Just say it." she laughed lightly, trying to lighten the mood.
Jungkook hesitated, looking down at his feet. Jennie, deciding not to pry, waited for him to speak again with a patient smile. Whatever was on his mind, was clearly serious.
Before he knew it, the words slipped out of his mouth as he met her gaze.
"I can't think of you as a friend, anymore."
As he predicted, her face slowly fell and her lips parted in shock. The entire room went silent as he watched her try to comprehend what he just told her. It felt like minutes went past before he eventually heard her speak.
Furrowing her eyebrows, she stuttered, "Wh-what?"
"I can't think of you as a friend, anymore," he repeated.
"What?" she responded incredulously.
"I can't...see myself as your friend."
Did he mean he didn't want to be friends, anymore? Or did he mean...
"I-I think Jimin and Taehyung hit you a little too hard while you were play fighting-"
"My mind is here and made up. I don't want to just be friends, anymore, Jennie."
She looked at him, puzzled. "...why?"
"Because I...I want more than what we have," he said softly.
"Kook..." she said, slowly shaking her head. "...don't go there..."
"I need to go there. We're not kids, anymore. I can't just stand here while other guys are considering asking out the girl that I want to be mine. I can't just stand here and not tell you how much I want you. I can't just stand here and not say how you make me feel."
Jennie's stomach had dropped as soon as he said that. She had been trying to avoid any type of feelings for him for months. She thought she managed to get over them but now he comes by and says this to her, screwing up those plans? Taking her off guard and he says this when she is minutes away from going to the airport?
"Don't play with me," she murmured in a tight, shaky voice, waiting for him to say that this was a prank.
He was not going to do this to her like this. Not when she was about to leave. He was not going to drop this on her, right now. This wasn't funny. 
As she waited, that same serious expression was on his face and she realized that he wasn't joking.
"Kook?" she called out nervously as he kept his head up high. "Jungkook...you have no idea how much our friendship means to me,"
"I'm fully aware."
"You're fully aware? Then why are you...why are you...Kook we...I..." she hesitated and looked away. "We can't-"
"Don't do that." he interrupted softly.
"...do this...this shouldn't happen, Kook."
"Is that your doubts in your head or your heart speaking?" he questioned firmly. "I've been observing you for the last couple of months. And thinking back to the day we kissed under that mistletoe...how you act around me ever since you told me you had a weird dream about a friend...how you were looking at me during Season's Greetings...how jealous you were when we went to the costume store in America and those girls were flirting with me...how you act with me compared to other guys, it just makes me believe that this isn't one-sided. And it kind of makes me think that you want me just as much as I want you. Maybe deep down...you want me more than you think."
She couldn't bring herself to reply to that, tongue-tied as she averted her eyes. It was like he just punched the wall she was trying to hold up between them.
But was he right? 
Did she want him just as much, if not more than him? After all this time?
Jungkook noticed that she hadn't disregarded anything he had said, and it gave him the confidence to continue to speak.
"Your heart is racing, isn't it? And you're feeling all these crazy emotions? Do you feel confused? Maybe a little scared? I'm feeling that way, too. It's weird, I know. I thought this was a little crush and I'd get over it after a few weeks, but no. My feelings for you have only gotten stronger." he went on. "Do you have any idea how you make me feel? Do you have any idea how much I am...deeply in love with you?"
'Jungkook...' she thought, overwhelmed as tears began to develop in her eyes.
It was like she couldn't even breathe. How can he be in love with her? 
Why her?
"Every day I beat myself up for taking this long to finally tell someone as special as you that I want you to be mine. I want to kiss you. I want to cuddle with you. I want to take my time with you and show you how wanted and amazing you are. I want to go on dates with you. I want to have disagreements with you and work through them together. I want to wear matching outfits with you and surprise you with smarties. I want to see you in my white shirts and other clothes that are clearly too big for you but you would make them look cute."
Tears streamed down her face and she quickly wiped them away. Why did he have to say this now when she was about to leave?
"I want to be as cheesy as we can possibly be together, and I even want you to be my Pepper Potts while I am your Tony Stark. And as much as I love Tony...I'll even be your Captain America again if you asked me to. But as long as you promise me that you'll dress up as Iron Man, one day. I can see your reaction now, the cutest thing." he chuckled at the thought, glancing at the floor for a moment.
Looking back up, he added, "And the smiles that you give me are the cutest thing I ever seen. I even get a little jealous when you smile that way with other guys because I want that specific smile all to myself."
'Kook...please...' she begged in her head. 
She wanted to get out of the room because everything that he was telling her began to overwhelm her and it was too much for her heart to handle.
"You have this...adorable habit of scrunching your nose which I love. Your eyes sparkle when someone mentions Smarties, Ailee, or Nike, too. And I meant what I said back when we ate lamb skewers for the first time. Your black skin is beautiful. Always. And as I see us dating, I think about the playfights we'll have together. The debates about Iron Man and Captain America. And I know it was me you were dreaming about."
That prompted her to look at him in surprise. 
How'd he find out? 
Was it her body language? 
Did she make it that obvious? 
But like he said, he had been observing her for a while, putting the puzzle pieces together. She felt her cheeks flush at the dream she had tried to put behind her.
"I have those dreams about you, too," he admitted as she proceeded to look at him in surprise. "You were who I was talking about when we spoke about the dream in your studio. You were the one I was thinking about when I said that she'll know I'm far from being a baby behind closed doors. So, when we get serious and when we are ready...I want to be your first in other ways besides being your first boyfriend. Showing you what I'm capable of. Showing you how special you are to me. Only if you'd let me."
'Give me the strength...' she thought while exhaling as his words stuck in her head.
There were so many women who were head over heels for him. But come to find out he only wanted her? And after all this time she finds this out?
"I even want to act dorky together, show you memes, and play video games with you, too," he added. "All of this, and more that I want to do, not as your friend. But your boyfriend. As the guy that is in love with you."
He slowly approached her and grabbed her hands, holding them as he gazed down at her with teary eyes.
"Every time I see you, do you have any idea how hard it is to not kiss you? That seeing you smile makes my day 100 times better? Do you realize how happy I get when I am the one who brings that cute smile to your face? How jealous I get when guys give you more attention than usual and I have more competition?"
Seeing him gaze at her like this made her heart flutter. Her skin felt hot as he gently held her hands. This was too much to take.
"I can't even explain it but you just make me so happy when I'm with you. I feel like myself when I'm with you," he went on. "You always encouraged me and never gave up on me no matter how much I become frustrated when I don't sing like I want to or when I don't dance like I want to. You are always there. It's always been you. It's insane how one person can make you so happy and bring such joy to your heart. And that person that does that to me is you."
After a moment of silence, he squeezed her hands, murmuring, "Please...talk to me. Say something."
She hesitated and released his hands. Turning around, she walked away from him to collect her thoughts.
Not every day your best friend shows up out of the blue to pour their heart out to you.
The tension started to become too much for her as her emotions were all over the place. The atmosphere, being alone in the room with him, she didn't know how much more she could take.
Turning around, she spoke, "I am about to go home and you really are going to tell me this, now?"
"Now? What are you doing?"
"Something I should've done a long time ago."
"I...I don't...understand, I just...you can't just...you...you can't just say things like that. You can't just say things like that when you know I am about to leave."
"I just did," he responded softly. "I meant every word and I'm not taking it back. I'm sorry I waited this long but I needed you to hear it just once. Bad timing and all."
"And what about the fans? I really don't want to be the cause of us losing fans. Backlash and all, I don't want to put you through that mess. I don't want to put you through that stress. All that drama on Bangtan and Big Hit, let's just..." she exhaled shakily and blinked her tears away. "L-look, I really think that we should just stay professional, okay? So just...please..."
"With you being alone with me in this room and the way you are looking at me, I doubt you just want to stay professional." Jungkook caught her in her explanation as she avoided eye contact yet again.
He caught her red handed. She couldn't deny it, he saw right through it. Jennie wanted to kick herself for how obvious her nervousness was becoming as he called her out on everything.
"You really want to go through all of that? All for me? What if you regret it?" she asked, managing to look back at him. "Dating me. I always used to think about that when it came to dating here. Like if someone would still want to hold my hand in public or if they would feel embarrassed to be seen with me because of who I am. Because I'm not their ideal type in this area. And then some of my family members are always nagging about when I'll date a black guy and stay within my race but it's like...it's just...it's overwhelming and annoying. It could be a whole mess if something goes wrong."
"What we have will overcome the drama. Us against the world? I'm standing next to you through it all. You deserve all the love you're getting," he declared. "They can try to do whatever they can to divide us but it won't work. I refuse to let that happen. I'm going to be right here, okay? I promise. And those fans we'll lose are not real fans of Bangtan, just closed-minded people. I want to do what makes me happy. Being around you makes me happy and making you mine will make me happy. Only if you'd let me."
The tension was starting to become unbearable for Jennie. She felt like needed to get out of this room, ASAP. The way his words made her feel emotions she never felt before, the way he was looking at her, the way she tried not to glance at his lips, the way he looked so good in that white shirt of his, everything made her want to do something that she felt like she shouldn't.
"It won't be a mess with you and me," Jungkook assured. "So, no more ifs when it comes to us. Being in love with you has been my biggest contentment. I have no regrets when it comes to you and I never will if you become mine."
He was so persistent. He had an answer to every single one of her apprehensions. She was desperately losing the battle to resist these feelings.
'Why is he making this harder for me?' she thought.
Jungkook could see that she was about to crack. She couldn't dodge this forever. The way she was looking at him, he knew and based on their heightened emotions, she could snap before he did. He was so close to snapping himself as he kept glancing at her lips.
"Just...just give me one...one good reason why I shouldn't just kiss you, right now and show you how I feel." he courageously requested.
His bold statement caused her to widen her eyes.
In Jungkook's mind, the only good reason he thought of was if she said she didn't feel the same way. She was right where he wanted her and it was only a matter of time before she was unable to resist. The wall she had between them was cracking fast.
One more punch and the wall will break.
Truth be told, she couldn't find a good reason. She was just scared on the inside as she thought about the idea of giving someone her heart. Being vulnerable with someone.
Would it work? 
Him and her together? 
Dating her best friend? 
Would anything change if they date? Will they be able to keep things on the low to ensure the public does not know about them until they are ready to announce it?
"Jennie, I am not letting anyone change my mind on how I feel about you. No media, no ARMY, no one will change how I feel. And if ARMY really loves Bangtan like they always say, they will accept that I love you and support us. I refuse to let anything, or anybody try to take what we have. A relationship is between two people. I want a relationship with just you and me. No media, no rumors, no negativity, none of that but just us. I've seen so many couples get ruined because of that and I refuse to let our relationship follow that path. I love you too much to let something like that take you away from me."
That was love right there. Jen couldn't deny that. Everything he had said was something that she had always wanted. 
This was real.
"This was what you meant...this was what you wanted to tell me that would change our friendship. All this time...it was me," she confirmed, turning her back to him. "All those talks we had...all those comments that I remember you saying...the random stares I get from other idols when you are around me...those weird feelings I get when we get so close...all because of this. What are you doing to me? Why? Just..." 
Watching her, he began to slowly make his way to her, step by step. He heard her stop rambling and felt her tremble when his firm chest was against her back. As he slowly wrapped his arms around her, Jen's heart rate quickened. She felt a sense of security in his arms and even though she enjoyed being like this, her mind continued to have an endless battle between staying in his arms or escaping.
"You can't think of a good reason, can you?" he asked.
After he said her name against her ear, it was game over because her body reacted on its own by turning around to look up at him. Before she could get a word in, he gently cupped her face and kissed her sweetly like he had something to prove. His nose had bumped into hers and he tilted his head to the side while his soft lips caught her by surprise.
Unable to fight it anymore, she gave in, kissing back as she closed her eyes.
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It was like Jungkook became a new person. He couldn't control himself, he had to kiss her. He wasn't that little boy, any more and was determined to let her know that he loved and wanted her.
She felt his hands slowly move down to wrap his arms around her body as she held onto him and placed a hand on the back of his head. Jennie then placed her hands on his firm chest and deliberately ran her hands down.
As much as she was enjoying this, her mind continued to go crazy with various thoughts.
'I shouldn't be doing this...but this feels right...but he's my best friend...but his lips feel so right on mine...but we've been friends for so long...but maybe this was meant to be...why don't I want to this end?'
Feeling her slowly pulling away, Jungkook firmly grabbed her back by her hips to pull her against him. She let out a gasp before being silenced by his lips as he deepened the kiss.
As they kissed repeatedly, she felt everything that he was feeling while she wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him show her how he felt. As the kissing intensified, she let out a soft moan. He was so gentle as he caressed her, making her shiver. She felt like she was high as her heart proceeded to pound.
This just wasn't fair. After all this time trying to avoid this, she found herself in his arms. But her heart didn't want to be anywhere else.
After pulling away, Jungkook soon looked down and shook his head. "I'm sorry, I got carried away."
Part of him felt guilty for going this far. He didn't mean to kiss her so suddenly. He didn't mean to kiss her at all. That was not a part of the plan tonight. He just wanted to confess and leave but his heart had other plans. Something in him just couldn't let her leave without showing her how he felt.
Was this what his Hyungs meant? 
That emotions will run high and you'll get carried away?
"What was I thinking?" he thought out loud, shaking his head.
Abruptly, Jennie grabbed him by the hand when he was about to turn around, exclaiming, "Wait!" as they both looked surprised by what she had done.
Jungkook glanced down at their hands and back at her. She immediately let go of his hand and tried to think of an explanation while his gaze on her intensified.
That assuredly changed his mind. 
Looks like he didn't ruin anything after all.
Jennie was flustered at what she had just done. She didn't know what had gotten into her to grab him so suddenly. Various questions swarmed her mind. 
Why did she stop him? Why is his stare so enticing? Why did she have the desire to kiss him again? Why does he look so damn good, tonight? Why is she thinking of her best friend like this?
Before any of them could speak, they heard a loud ring and vibration. They realized it was Jennie's phone in her pocket and she took it out. She was actually waiting for Sejin to call her so he could take her to the airport, but it wasn't him. It was one of her friends who wanted to catch up.
Something changed in Jungkook's demeanor which caused him to gently grab her hand. 
"Don't answer it." he took the phone.
Rejecting the call, he immediately put it on airplane mode and tossed it on the bed.
"Everyone is always interrupting. Ruining any type of alone time I have with you," he spoke. "But not anymore. They can wait. This time just focus on us."
And she did as she spontaneously grabbed him by his shirt to pull him in for another kiss. It briefly shook him that she took the lead so suddenly. She then walked forward until his back was against the wall.
'Wow.' he thought in wonder. 
His curiosity grew and he decided to let her do whatever she wanted to him. When she grabbed him, it confirmed everything that Jungkook had said. He knew she wanted to stay like this. He felt everything and enjoyed her hands wandering all over him with no shame as she pressed up against him.
Jennie allowed herself to be vulnerable. No more walls between them. Each time they kissed, it was like they were kissing to make up for all those moments of emotions building. The doubts and hesitation went away. She relished the closeness and felt euphoric when she was with him.
Jungkook flipped their position easily when he promptly turned them around. A thump was heard when her back connected to the wall. She had her moment of leading, now it was time to resume where he left off. She soon felt his warm breath against her ear. 
"You're mine." she heard him say in English.
That statement made her shiver as her heart fluttered.
After pulling back to look at her, he gently lifted her chin to close the gap to kiss her deeply again as their eyes closed. All that was on his mind was her as he felt her hold onto him tightly. After all this time, he was finally able to kiss her the way he wanted. With no cameras around, with no one to interrupt them. 
They were alone. Together.
Their kissing got so passionate that Jen's knees began to feel weak. She had mentally prepared for the embarrassment of dropping to the floor but Jungkook bent down slightly with his hands under her thighs. He effortlessly hoisted her up as she said his name breathlessly and wrapped her legs around his waist. He didn't want her to go anywhere. She wasn't going to slip away when they were alone like this.
As he held her, he thought about how right it felt and how she fit right into his hands. As he kissed her, he thought about how her lips felt right on his.
Jennie completely underestimated him. She didn't think he would do all of this. And she didn't want him to stop what he was doing as she found herself enjoying this position, being pinned against the wall by him. Being kissed so sweetly like this.
Restricted by his large body and broad shoulders, she took his beanie off, dropped it to the floor, and ran a hand through his soft hair. One of her hands soon caressed his cheek as he continued to kiss her with determination to show her that his feelings were real. She continued to kiss him with the same amount of emotion.
Was this love?
Everything that she was feeling?
This unexplainable happiness?
Losing track of time, she noticed she was slowly getting set down. They both were catching their breath as their chests rose up and down heavily. Jen was so speechless at what they had done, that she couldn't move.
'You're mine.' she thought about his words as the butterflies in her stomach came back tenfold.
Jungkook pressed a forearm over her head and looked at her, lovingly. His face felt flushed from their previous actions but he was proud that he finally told and showed her how he felt.
"I don't want you to give me an answer now. We're emotional and I know you are about to leave," he said. "I want to hear it from you to confirm it. So, take all the time you need to think about this. I'll wait for your answer when you come back. I just needed to get this off my chest. If you say no, I'll understand. I would never force you to be with me. I'll still cherish you as my friend because I love you that much. But if you say yes to me, I'll be the best boyfriend you'll ever have,"
He removed his forearm and gently cupped her face. 
"I love you," he whispered in English and kissed her softly one last time before leaving the room.
Leaning against the wall, Jen stood there, stunned for a few minutes, trying to grasp what just happened and what she had just done with her best friend. 
Trying to understand what had gotten into her to do all that she did as she thought about her feelings.
She put her fingertips on her lips, reminiscing on the kisses he had given her, and let out a breath. Sliding down on the wall, she sat on the floor with her knees against her chest and pushed her hair back with her hands.
'I love you...' was the only thought on her mind.
What was she going to do?
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aesthetixhoe · 2 years
wedding kazoo C.D.
warnings: like two curse words and that's it
word count: tbd
pronouns used: none!!
authors note: this is super short but also super sweet! :) @ivyinnit this one's for you bae
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The top of the waterfall was a shot out of a teen romance movie. The sun was setting causing brilliant hues of orange, red, and even pink to paint the sky, just the way you liked it. Charlie knew that.
This place was the location of your first date. Charlie took you here three years ago because he knew you would love it. He was right.
He had coerced you up here at an oddly random time. It wasn't an anniversary, no birthday, nothing important to be celebrating up here. None of it made sense. The way he told you to dress however you wanted and he wore a nice outfit. He never dresses up, why would he now?
It's not for pictures, if it were he'd tell you and ask you to dress up a tad bit, maybe do your hair nicer than usual? He said nothing of the sort.
He was vlogging as well, which was also very confusing. Is he trying to prank you? Perhaps a surprise with new car!? That's a joke obviously, he doesn't even have the funds to buy a Tesla, let alone gift one. Everything about this trip just wasn't adding up.
In the middle of filming, as you two were nearing the top of the hill to reach the bottom of the waterfall, he pulled out his kazoo... Oh lord.
He started playing random meme songs, all star by smash mouth, the Wii theme, the Minecraft version of DJ got us fallin in love, typical songs for Charlie to sing or... Play in this instance.
When you two reached the top he sat his phone down on a rock, getting a good angle of the watery scene in front of you both. Or so you thought.
He guided you over to where you would be in frame, and you figured it was just so he had a shot of you in the vlog. He took all of yours and his valuables out of his pockets, and yours, say them on the dry ground, and took you even further to where you could feel the water with your hands.
Everything was peaceful and serene... Until you felt water being thrown at you.
You look over at Charlie with the most dumbfounded and shocked face you can muster and ask him “What... The fuck... Was that?” With as much accusation as a judge in court.
He just looks back at you with a shit eating grin from ear to ear. “What? Did you get water on yourself or something?” He inquires with faux innocence.
“Char, I'm gonna kill you.” You smile sweetly before standing under the flow of the water. He just stares at you with a confused look on his adorable face.
Once you're completely drenched he sees your plan. You run over to him and attach yourself into him, soaking the water from your hair and clothes onto him.
“I love you so much!” He exclaims, pulling you in even further.
“That was... Not the reaction I wanted.” You confess with pursed lips. “But I love you nonetheless.” You reciprocate his adoration while pulling him into kiss you.
He retrieves his kazoo out once more, prompting an opportunity for a joke. “You, Charlie slimecicle, are amazing at ruining the moment!” You laugh as he just kinds stands there. That's odd... He always laughs at your jokes. No matter how stupid.
When he places the kazoo to his lips and starts vibrating it with a tune you can recognize it instantly.
Here comes the bride.
You look bewildered as you look at him with questioning eyes. This isn't really happening right?
Wrong. He grabs your hands and brings you closer to him. When he places himself on one knee that's when the cliché of your hand going to your mouth comes.
You had imagines getting married and having kids and growing old with Charlie. From the first time you said ‘I love you’ you knee you were his. And when he immediately said it back you found that the love and happiness and all the mushy gushy shit from romance novels was what your relationship would be.
“[Y/n]...you know what I'm about to say. A bunch of the standard ‘I love you with all my being’ and ‘I want to be with you for the rest of my life.’ Which, is all true of course, but I'd rather propose within a proposal. If you marry me, instead of wedding bells in your future, it can be wedding kazoo’s.” He finally finished.
Was that rude of you to think? Obviously. But part of you wanted to just grab his face, yell ‘yes’ and smash your faces together.
So that's exactly what you did after he concluded his sentiment.
He stayed true to that promise of wedding kazoo’s. As he did with all of his promises. To hold. To honor. To treasure you. For better or for worse. In sickness and in health.
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thedawningofthehour · 5 months
SORRY FOR THE LONG ASK but you activated my sleeper agent rottmnt brainstorming Re: The Video Game Question
Raph: would probably like low strategy single player games and lean toward arcade/motion control based experiences because they present a way around the "Hand Too Big Controller Too Small And Breakable" problem. As an Oldest Sibling (speaking from an Oldest Sibling Gamer pov) he would have been the Designated Single Player Driver (I have a vivid mental image of Raph playing old c tier single player wii games like My Sims Kingdom while Mikey, Leo, and Donnie yell instructions at him) and I think he's still gravitated towards those kinds of games. He also feels like the kind of guy who will thoroughly enjoy every video game he plays but his favorite is still inexplicably just like. Uno for the ps3
Leo: Would like competitive games. I feel like he's the kinda guy who cannot bring himself to give a shit about the story or aesthetics of a game and cannot care at all about single player video games outside of speedrunning or something. The point of games for him Is To Win. I feel like him and Donnie both played CSGO or COD at a young age with voice chat and thats why they are who they are. His favorite game is probably a competitive hero shooter or smth. He probably is playing Valorant as we speak.
Donnie: I feel like he's the only one who is a Capital "G" Gamer. Has the broadest taste but tends to like games he can "lose himself" in. (Competitive shooters, MMOs, lengthy and intricate single player games IE: Dark Souls or Elden Ring, metroidvanias, RPGs, fighting games) If the taste of Donnie Gamer Mode we get in the show is anything to go by, he seems the type to obsess over a game for like a month, beat it 120%, probably achieve some level or speedrunning or competitive infamy and then drop it completely never to be seen again.
Mikey: Would love sandbox games for Sure. Plays Minecraft but only on creative mode. Will play sims but only with cheats to make super intricate mansions or crazy houses or recreate something he saw in a movie once. He would 100% play single player games his brothers already beat so he can look around at the scenery and mess around in a character creator. Will play an open world game and never do a single main story mission and call it quits when he gets bored.
They've all 100% played a bunch of really weird and bad shovelware games or really cheap 3rd party titles because they were what Splinter could get for them. They all have 10 to 15 mobile idle games they'll rotate out bc they all need to be Stimulated at All Times. Yes they have played Mario Party and Killed Each Other over it but more importantly they have played Dokapon Kingdom and have started rivalries that have lasted several months over this game. They will hold grudges til they die over this game. They have never gotten to the end screen of this game and in all likelihood, never will.
Idk maybe my vibes are off tho lol but can you tell I've thought about this a lot to my own detriment
There's actually a point in the next book-I think it's in chapter 1 but I can't remember-where Galois mentions giving Raph one of Draxum's oversized keyboards when he has to do anything on the computer. (Draxum has large-print keyboards because he's Old) I think I've mentioned that the boys all have larger-than-normal phones because they only have the three fat fingers and that's just not gonna work with a standard iPhone. Raph I feel like is basically Strong from Fallout 4:
(bless him)
I'm reminded of when my sister would sit and watch my play Dream Life to 'learn', until I moved it into my own room. Really, their first console was probably 'whatever Splinter found in a dumpster and still worked', so unless it was something with connected controllers they were probably playing off whatever controllers he'd found as well, so it's entirely possible they legit just had the one controller for awhile. And yeah, they all crowd around to watch Raph play because that's annoying little sibling behavior.
Mikey would love games where the goal is to Make Something. He doesn't care about winning, only stepping back and looking at the finished product and going "nice." I do feel like he'd actually play the sims though-the twins use it as a building simulator, but he'd absolutely get into the lives and stories of his sims. He builds too, but he also gets into creating the sim. He plays Fallout 4 with the Sim Settlements mod and never finds Shaun because all he's doing is building shacks for farmers.
Oh, Leo is absolutely in it to win it. In any way, if it has a score he can use to compare to Donnie's he loves it. The sole exception to this is city builders, I can absolutely see him sinking days into Cities Skylines creating elaborate planned cities with complicated mass transit and beautiful walking spaces.
The other exception is if he can fuck around in a game and be chaotic. He plays Skyrim and installs the sex mods not because he's horny, but because he thinks going around in this incredibly inappropriately horny fantasy world is hysterical. He uses it more as a Medieval Life Simulator and if he completes a quest it's entirely by accident.
Donnie is absolutely the worst gamer and will learn literally everything there is about the game after playing it through once. He also probably mods his games, or even makes his own mods. Some of them to make everything look cooler or add quality of life and immersion stuff in, but he'll also do stuff like install the mod that replaces the Skyrim arrow noises with a man going "pew!"
Omg they absolutely played knock-off games as kids. They probably lied to Mikey about them being off-brand so he didn't feel bad about their situation, telling him that the title was a misprint and all the ads for the actual game were lying.
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elline · 2 years
OK FINALLY. finally sending ask. DO answer this publicly bc this IS meant to be public but I still find it easier to write it as an ask.
So, remember how Nintendo made multiple Wiibuns? (I'm thinking like, 4-5 maybe?) And how I mentioned that some woke up while still being stored in those warehouses, and ended up making their own lives? Well, here's one of 'em (also the only one I actually know of for sure aside from like, maybe one of them could be a barista/shopkeep idrk)
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I don't have a name for 'em yet, but I'm thinking they'd be a sort of town/city superhero at night? Y'know, like batman but less serious. As for the evildoers they'd fight, I'm thinking maybe NOA would be sending out genericish bots to try to kill em, but they always manage to outsmart them. In fact, one time they damaged one of those bots in such a way that lead to it becoming a more recurring joker-ish villain, but not ENTIRELY wanting to kill them. But still liking the back-and-fourth of the fights and their rivalry maybe?
Also, btw? Anything that goes under thair mask kinda just has a sort of white outline sort of effect? Not really sure how to describe it other than that honestly.
As for their themes, it'd be one of these three:
LEGO Batman Music - Title Screen
Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge Music- Spider-Man
Spider-Man and Xmen- Arcade's Revenge Title Screen song (extended version)
(btw listen to all three of these theyre bangers)
I honestly don't have any sorta outfit design for em yet but if you have any ideas, feel free to let me know. As for weapons, I'd say a grappling hook, a cell phone (maybe a flip phone or a more PDA-styled device, used not just for calling and texting but also summoning drones maybe, as well as a laser pointer/cutter) and of course, the wii remotes (they'd have the same sorta gravity gun/cursor thing that Wiibun can do methinks. also ig they'd function like swords as well. you COULD say light sabers but that's like comparing my home server to google drive. You're not WRONG you're just being boring by saying that imo)
Also, some alts bc im just that kind of guy with this stuff in Paint
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HOLY SHIT THEY LOOK COOL;!!!!!!! they look like their name is guitary sounding. or like Bam. Pow. onomatopoeias
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therealpontius · 1 year
Possible fuck
No sub or dom dynamics
Plot: you visit your best friends house to play some guitar hero…. Just some guitar hero…
Warnings: self deprecation, smutty stuff but no sex
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You got your the keys from your pocket that unlock your best friends house, ryan.
You had been friends with ryan since you where 11 and he ment the world to you, you often got told that you acted like a married couple but you both just laughed it off.
entering the house you got smacked by the pungent smell Miller lite and what was either puke or body oder "ry!" You shouted, closing the door behind you. There was no call back as there usually was so you started walking around his small house seeing crushed cans of beer and old takeaway boxes but no sight of the scruffy ginger man.
Walking down to his bedroom you started loosing hope that he was in but you saw him sprawled out on his mattress that lay on the floor shirtless and clearly hung over. Kneeling down next to him you got out the chocolate donuts you got him and placed them on his tummy "hey ryan, wake up" his left eye opened slowly and focused on you "hey sweetie" a nickname he gave you awhile ago that just stuck "i brought some donuts" ryan lifted his head to where you had pointed to see a box of four unopened donuts "hey chocolate, my favourite!" You got yourself comfortable next to him, letting your feet warm up between his legs. You shared the box and you could see him slowly waking up "so what sort of partying have you been up to?" Your speach muffled from the donut getting devoured "partying? Partying my ass, pity drinking" he said dramaticly, you tilted your head "i was supposed to be hooking up with this totally hot babe but of course bam stole her with his 'charm'" you both scoffed in sync since it wasnt the first time this has happened "i dont get what they see in him, hes a total ass pube. Me on the other hand? Im charming, kind and i have a bigger dick. They probably regret it as soon at they see that puny thing" he had no hint of joke in his voice but you couldnt help but laugh "your right its fucking tiny" he shot you a look "how the fuck do you know?"
An hour later ryan was leading you upstairs to play guitar hero, going on about how much he loves it and whatever. You got to the stinky living room and ryan looked around "sorry for the mess sweetie" "its fine ry, honestly i dont care" you both took turns kicking the beer cans away from the small, musty couch to clear some space. Once it was, partially, clean you both slumped onto the couch and he turned on the tv, picking up the wii remote that sat on the couch and the plastic guitar that sat on the ground. You pulled your phone out, going through your contacts when ryan set up, hearing welcome to the jungle by guns and roses start the game it got you exited "i love this game" you added making him nod "yeah im like the big daddy of this game" he didnt think of what he said, you froze "the big what?" "The big daddy" "just... play the game"
25 minutes of back and forth classic rock songs and crouds cheering telling you that you rock and a slight awkward silence that was filled with ryans thoughts musted the air. "i dont see whats so wrong with me" ryans random self deprecation caught you off guard and you lost you 100 note streak "what?" Your tone didnt sound so intested since you where too concentrated on finishing this song "sorry, i just dont get why no girls want me you know? Like im famous, am i just ugly?" You paused the game "wow wow wow wheres this coming from?" Putting the guitar down you moved your body round to face him, his eyes where teary and his mouth was down turned "ry whats got into you?" He laughed and put his head down "sorry i killed the mood" you could tell he needed some cheering up, as much as this would be a way of hinting he was being genuine, he wasnt open about his emotions "talk to me about it, i wont judge, im not bam, ryan" you both giggled "yeah okay i guess. I guess its hard to sort of be in bams shadow like everything i do is with bam. Dont get me wrong i love that stupid fucker and together we are better than apart but it makes him get all the girls. 'Bam! Bam! Bam!' All the girls running for him and he loves it. What about me? I live in a tiny house and the only girl in my life is my best friend" his frustration reeked and his face was getting red "sorry i didnt mean that in a bad way" you shook your head and placed your hand on his shoulder "ryan i dont care, im proud of your for sharing your feelings, and i think your hot if it makes you feel better" his face went red and he looked away "heh thanks, lets play guitar hero"
The song finally finished and he played his, this gave you time to think of what you had said "why the fuck did i just call him hot, now when i look at him he isnt actually bad looking. Wait, ryans really hot. Holy shit what the fuck" your mind raced and the realisation that your life long friend was actually hot "did you mean what you said?" He said catching you off guard "yeah ryan, i did" ryan cleared his throat and his cheeks flushed "i think your pretty hot too sweetie" he didnt look away from the screen, acing every note that flew his way. You sat in a pool of shyness, what has gotten into you. "I mean i dont know if its just this occasion, man he looks hot when he concentrates. The way his hands strain to play the notes fast look so hot, ah fuck it" you thought, bringing your lips to his, pushing his face your direction softly
The noise of notes failing and the singer singing alone as the guitar had stopped playing along, he moaned into you softly as you slithered your tongue in his mouth.
The croud screamed at the shite concert, but you didnt care. Ryan was lying ontop of you inbetween your legs as you caressed his face feeling his mouth upturn "you finally done it sweetheart" he spoke making you pull your face away, he was smirking and his eyes adored you "cmon, ive liked you for so long" before you could awnser he continued kissing you, grinding his buldge against your wet heat. You could felt his bulge growing fast and you fiddled with his button as he continued to kiss you
"Hey ass fa-" you both turn around swiftly to see bam standing at the door with a girl, both mouths wide open as the sound of thousands of men booing continued from the screeen. The woman stormed out "i was going to say your little lady felt guilty about ditching you last night that she woudnt even do me but whatever" bam walked out slapping his hands against his thighs. Ryan stood up fast "no wait, lucy come back!"
You where left alone with a croud of men booing you and your best friend, now crush, running away from a possible fuck with you for a possible fuck with another girl.... WHAT A DICK
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
hello i am back here again with a mildy specific request
reonsemishira favorite movies/tv shows, individually and what they like to watch together (even though i'm p sure you already touched on what they watch together just uh expand on it ig)
Ah yes, I love this request 😪 I'm gonna add video games too, hope you don't mind 🤭
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- Semi likes classic movies. Specifically 80s
- 'The Breakfast Club', 'The Outsiders', 'Stand By Me', 'Dirty Dancing', 'Beetlejuice', and 'Top Gun' are just some of his favorites
- He's just old skool
- He also loves Leonardo DiCaprio
- LOVES horror also. Slasher movies are good. But paranormal shit? HE LOVES IT
- Hasn't seen it yet but he wants to watch "The Black Phone"
- With video games, he likes Call of Duty the most probably
- He played the first Black Ops because Tendō had it and he immediately fell in love
- He's basic, ikik
- He also really liked 'Five Nights at Freddy's', 'PaRappa the Rapper', 'Crash Bandicoot', and the WWE games
- When it comes to shows, he doesn't watch a whole lot because he prefers movies. If he watches series then he'll forget all about them.
- However, he DOES like the anime 'Black Clover' tho, he likes the 3rd intro, 'Black Rover', a LOT
- Likes mystery a WHOLE lot. If there's no mystery for him to figure out then he won't be interested
- Hates miscommunication arcs. He wants to stab the characters
- Probably likes 'Stranger Things', doesn't gaf about the other characters tho, he just wants Max and Lucas to get back together
- Movies are ehh to him.
- Really likes 'Mulan' tho
- Video game taste is pretty much the same as movie/show taste
- His favorite video game of ALL TIME is 'At Dead Of Night', he loves it SO much
- The horror, mixed with the mystery, and it's just so exciting for him 🤭
- Plays Roblox with his youngest brother, not that he likes it, he just wants to beat him in the tycoons
- Reon loves romcoms 🤭 his favorite is 'Moonstruck'
- Also likes 'She's The Man'. He watched that for the first time with Semi.
- He also really REALLY likes 'Toradora!', the characters remind him of his boyfriends 💀 they all watch it together
- Reon was most DEFINITELY a Minecraft kid
- But hey, me too
- He played it ALL the time
- Homeboy was building mansions by the second day the game had been out
- He plays it with his little brother one time, and he just had a TRUCKLOAD of nostalgia dumped on him
- Minecraft was so goated, I swear
- He'd adopt 3772 dogs. Dyed their collars and everything 😙
- Now when it comes to stuff they watch/play together. It's kind of hard to agree on something when they have such range 💀
- Semi tried to teach them how to play CoD.
- Reon kept just walking around the map, saying how good the graphics were. Probably had a heart attack when he would get killed 😭
- Shirabu just started laughing a little TOO hard when he killed people
- They keep violent games away from Shirabu 💀
- Now you may be thinking "So how do they agree on something?"
- Well one thing they do have in common, they're all competitive
- Wii Sports and Mario Kart, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH
- By the end they're ready to kill each other
- Maybe they should calm down 😭
- They definitely prefer multi-player games cuz they all wanna play together...
- Cue the Minecraft lobby music
- Semi is PvP MASTER
- He's a 10 but he makes his houses out of dirt and a door ✋️💀
- Shirabu's really good with bow and arrows 👀 he usually just steals a house from a village and claims it
- Now Reon, he's a master builder. His houses are works of ART
- Shirabu probably adopts a bunch of dogs just to hit Semi and have them all attack him
- Where's he gonna hide? In his dirt block? Three punches and he is DONE
- Reon likes little turtles, he has a little beach where he keeps his pet turtles
- Semi just likes going sicko mode on the horses
- They all end up living in Reon's house, they share a room and have it decorated with paintings, carpet, flowers, everything 😪
- They put their beds together <3 (even if they're all different colors)
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durotoswrites · 2 years
Can you do the Ship game with Molly x Perry from Harvest Moon Animal Parade if you ever played it?
 I haven’t played Animal Parade, but I’ve watched quite a few of the cutscenes and I’ve read a lot of fic for the game.  Thank you so much for your patience on this one!
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Send me a ship ask game!
Molly x Perry
Who said “I love you” first
Molly.  Perry strikes me as terribly shy, and I feel like he would wait for someone else to make the first move.  It also depends on how you see Molly - I picture her as cheerful and pretty outgoing, so I feel like she would confess her feelings first.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
Perry.  He’s very sentimental and sweet.  I can see Molly taking pictures of all sorts of things (as you can in-game) and her background on her phone is constantly changing.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
Molly.  She’d write something short yet sweet, and Perry would be very flustered but happy to receive her little messages.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
I feel like both of them would be good gift givers.  Perry goes out of his way to get flowers for Mira to cheer her up, and I can see him doing the same for Molly regularly.
Who initiated the first kiss
I’d like to think they met halfway.  Molly might be more outgoing, but I think she’d want to make sure that Perry was comfortable first.  Perry, meanwhile, would probably have thought about how to make the perfect move for a long time before actually trying it.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
Molly has to get up at the crack of dawn for her animals, so I think she’d be the one to kiss Perry awake.  I imagine she’d hurry out to take care of her livestock so they can have breakfast together.
Who starts tickle fights
Well, since you can pet the characters with the Wii controller, I’d have to say Molly for this one, hehe.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
Molly would ask an extremely flustered Perry.  I feel like they’d be a fairly shy couple and take things slow.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
They’d take turns bringing each other’s favorites.  Maybe they’d even have picnics on the farm regularly.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
I can imagine Perry sweating bullets on the first date.  Again, I can see them both being pretty shy, though.  I think they’d be really sweet and endearing.  Maybe they’d go for a walk and pick some wildflowers together. <3
Who kills/takes out the spiders
They both carry the spiders outside without any fuss. Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk Molly.  She’s the only one of the two I can imagine really drinking much.  She’d be eager to tell others how great Perry is to her and I can imagine him sitting at the bar beside her, red as a tomato.
Thank you so much for the ask!  I hope that you have an awesome day! <3
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fmpbliss · 3 months
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silent hill
Silent Hill Shattered Memories is a 2009 survival horror game developed by climax Studios. It was originally released for the Nintendo Wii in North America. Silent Hill Shattered Memories is a standalone game from the original Silent Hill.
Throughout the game, pieces of the protagonist’s memories are spread throughout the town of Silent Hill and can be pieced together in the form of text and voice messages intercepted by the protagonist Harry Mason’s phone.
The game is very interesting. I haven’t played it myself, but it seems very enjoyable in the sense that the storyline is very emotional and engaging. The game involves characters Psychiatrist Michael Kaufmann, writer Harry Mason, and Cheryl Mason. Cheryl is actually the true protagonist of the game, but this isn’t revealed until the end. Towards the end, it’s revealed that the player has been controlling the manifestation of Cheryl’s delusion of her father, as she has been desperately holding on to the memory of him. And in reality, Cheryl is currently a 25 year old suffering with depression rather than the 7 year old girl.
Cheryl’s father Harry was killed in a car crash when she was 7 years old, which left her deeply affected and affected her for 18 years. After moving to her mother Dalia’s house, and to a new school, she was harassed and bullied by other students as well as excluded from school. This caused her memories of her father to become warped and faint and she began to believe that Harry was her hero, who would return to help her one day, and believed that he is still alive. this happens a lot in children who don’t know how to cope with grief, they become confused and cant fully understand that death is permanent and may believe the person will be coming back better or that they are still here. As she grows up, she continuously watches the same footage of her father over and over again to the point of obsession to cope with his loss. This causes her to also alter her perception of her father through her fragments of memories.
This is something common in children who are being put through a major loss so early in their life. It often cuts them harshly and children have quite weak and fragile emotions, particularly towards their parents as they are all they’ve ever known. Kids often find ways to cope with grief such as erasing parts that upset them from their memory and creating new ones to block out their fears. They might also regress into younger habits. Children often use playing or having a changeable mood as a defence mechanism to prevent themselves from becoming overwhelmed which caused them to experience grief in bursts. Children around Cheryl’s age may also blame themselves for the death and experience a lot of guilt, however they will also suppress this emotion to protect others. In Cheryl’s case its shown that she actually blames herself for her mother and father’s divorce. On the other hand, they might outwardly express behavioural issues such as aggression which can lead to problems in education. Through the game it is revealed that Cheryl did seem to have issues controlling her behaviour due to her grief. She does things such as shoplifting, stabbing a security officer and being arrested.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #015
“tongues, always pressed to your cheeks while my tongue is on the inside of some other girl’s teeth”
What’s your name? Brittany. Who are you closest to in your family? My mother. What program on your computer do you use the most? WordPad, on this laptop at least. Do you have a cat? Yes! Do you think other people consider you a flirt? Deeefinitely not. That is not a strong trait of mine, and I don't flirt with just anybody so you're lucky to see me do it at all. Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? I've looked this up before and don't feel like doing it again, but I can't remember if the few procedures I personally want are considered "plastic" surgery or just "cosmetic." I THINK there's a difference? The ones I know I will want all relate to fixing weight gain damage. Who is your hero in life? My mom and Girt. What is your favorite breed of dog? I ALWAYS forget these exist, but Xoloitzcuintle (Mexican hairless dog) are very high on the list aesthetically. I know absolutely nothing about their demeanors, though. I also have such a fondness for big ol' Saint Bernards. Are you a fan of anime? Yeah. Have you ever appeared on television? No. What was your first job? GameStop sales associate. Where is your favorite city? I don't have one, honestly. Are you currently going to college? No. Hey, remember when I said I was going back when I got outta the hospital? Yeah I'm not anymore for Reasons alsdjfa;lskjdawelrwe literally NEVER trust when I say I'm going to do something lmfao Who is your favorite celebrity? He may not be my "active" favorite celeb currently, but I think Markiplier/Mark Fischbach will always be the celebrity I've been most obsessed with/looked most up to. Haven't watched him regularly in well over a year now, but baby that tattoo I see in the corner of my eye still means everything. He got my ass through A LOT. Do you have trouble letting go of the past? I have a HORRIBLY hard time with it, but I'm challenging it. Change allows me to experience more great things in the brief little flicker in time that's my life. Do you use teeth whitener? No, but I plan to HOPEFULLY get them professionally whitened one day. Depression and its buddy neglecting self-care have done their work. Tell me a joke. hey look it's the supreme court Would you consider your family “rich”? There have been a few occasions where I have overheard my mother mention we're below the poverty line, so......... yeah no. Do you live near any volcanoes? No. Have you ever tried “planking”? Well, the exercise pose was one that was available on Wii Fit, and I sometimes did it. That shit hurt, even when I was in great shape back then. Are you confident with your appearance? Ugh, no. This is so shallow and enforcing of fatphobia, I know, but I'm hoping when I lose the weight I want to that I'll learn to love my looks SOME. I never have. I have ALWAYS thought I was slightly too big, and now when I look back at high school pictures it's like....... bitch WHERE??????????? like ugh I would kill for that body back. Living an existence where you hate your literal vehicle of existence is a MISERABLE one. Do you enjoy snow? lovvvvveeeeee Are you in a good mood? Uh, can't say I am. I feel raw and vulnerable and confused after having a total fucking breakdown in the movie theater. Do you know how to tune a guitar? I did, once upon a time. I don't have a trained ear for it now. Do you like to record voice memos? No; I actually get SUPER embarrassed talking to myself for absolutely any reason at all. Like I just won't. Do you get told often you are wise for your age? I wouldn't say *often*, but it's definitely happened. Have any bands your obsessed with? idk am I not being obnoxious enough about it Have you ever been in the hospital for more than a week? Yep. Have you been to the beach yet this summer? Nope, don't wanna. Have you ever dropped your cell phone in water? No. Do you like white chocolate or dark chocolate better? Dark. White is normally just too sweet. Do you like pot roast? No. Have you ever thought about being a stripper? No. Have you ever watched Pokemon? It's sad, I was so obsessed but embarrassed to be so as a kid. It was a "boy" thing, even when I certainly didn't think that and I don't remember anyone telling me so... My RSD started YOUNG, boys. What's something you wish you liked but you don't? Honestly, morning jogs. Man, I'd love to get up early on a chilly morning and grab my iPod and do ANY amount of walking/running around the cul-de-sac. I used to walk ALL the time in high school with my iPod on me, and those were good fuckin' times. Calming, soothing memories. But anyway starting the day feeling that accomplished would ROCK. Do you use a baby voice when talking to animals? Well duh because all animals are in fact Baby Would you say your parents put too much pressure on you? No. What's for dinner today? I had Cinnamon Toast Crunch that I didn't really even want. It is so weird, usually never wanting to eat anymore. What's the best thing that's happened today? Seeing Girt and him just being an extremely fucking supportive boyfriend. I absolutely crumbled in that theater and all the way out of it and he was right there in every way. What about worst thing? Oh jeez man, I don't wanna go into deep detail again, but basically, the scene of the father in The Black Phone beating his daughter with a belt. God I just shivered so we're leaving it at that. What's something you've been made fun of for before? Always being attached to some form of technology. Family, family friends, etc. of the older generations just HAVE to point it out, and while by this point in time I've definitely developed a callus to it, it can still sometimes dig in a bit and annoy me. Like trust me bro I am fucking aware. What is something you need to work on? I need to CHILL on my soda consumption like this is a probbbbbblemmmmmm What are you craving right now? I don't like the word "craving" in this context but whatever, still a strong desire, I wish Girt could come back. He has some obligations at home tonight, so he had to leave way early. Like I'm fine right now, but just with the events of today, I woulda loved if he could have stayed longer and kept being a distraction. Do you know anyone in the military? Not in my personal life, but I was reminded today I almost could have. I totally forgot Girt had mentioned in the past that he'd seriously considered joining the military like his dad, even speaking with the recruiters a few times. Thank the fucking sky and stars he didn't because I would C R U M B L E if my partner was engaged in active duty like no I will NAIL YOU to these floorboards I absolutely could not function day by day lasdkjfa;lkdj;lkewjr Have you told anyone you loved them today? Many times. Do you have any songs stuck in your head? THIS one'll shock ya, I actually have 3OH!3's classic "DONTTRUSTME" on repeat because it's randomly stuck in my head???? Do you like watching scary movies? I love scary movies, but goddamn I apparently have to pre-screen for abusive alcoholic dads now ok cool Are you planning on getting any tattoos or piercings soon? SOON, probably not, if we're just being realistic. But goddamn do I want to get both. Do you like frogs? I love frogs <3 Are you afraid of dying? Not very. My thing is because I was raised with it and therefore my brain built around it, my childhood Christianity still whispers in my ear sometimes, "Well what if there IS a Hell?", because that is exactly where I'd be going. The current me does NOT believe some invisible control freak of a deity in the sky sends even people who were simply born without being "enlightened" of how to get to Heaven to a pit of eternal fire and unspeakable pain, but you have to remember that again: I was built around these core beliefs. Have I mentioned I fucking hate religion????????? Where’s the last place you’ve been to out of state? Virginia. Ash and the fam go up to Lake Gaston, where she got married, in Virginia regularly, and occasionally Ma and I will drive up there just for a day. Have you ever been kissed in the rain? Yeah. It was cute, he did it literally just to say we did I think, haha. We'd just gotten back to my house from doing I sure as hell don't remember what and it was raining lightly and he decided we were gonna do that today. GOD I cannot fucking get over when I talk about Jason and our memories together now, it feels like such an entirely different life now. I don't want it back. I accept that it's better in the past. I cherish what he was and leave it at that. I'm leveling up y'all alksdjfak;lwjdeoaiwehoiawje What letter does your last name start with. "D." Would you rather use a trackpad or a mouse? A motherfucking mouse, I am DONNNNEEEEE with this trackpad life w/ this laptop. Do you like steak? I am very picky with steak, like very. It has to be cooked like medium-medium well and not dry and tough as nails. And keep the fat AWAY from me omg Do you eat healthy? Weeeeell no, now I don't eat *enough*. I am always one extreme or the other, my friend. Have you ever participated in a spelling bee? I haven't, but honestly, I shoulda. In school I was so good at spelling; like you could say a big word I'd never heard/seen before and boom, spelled right. I'm actually losing that as I age... or at least, it's definitely not as impressive as when I was a kid. Do you like getting massages? If you're not my s/o oh my god do not touch me like that, massages have always felt like innately intimate to me and I don't want some stranger giving me one. Would you rather be too hot or too cold? TOO COLD oh my god I am done with the fuckin heat y'all What kind of person were you in middle school? Oh god, awkward. Sad, confused. Developing a lot of mental health problems. It's actually quite strange to me, how few memories I have of middle school compared to other periods in my life. Maybe it was the depression and all setting in, idk, but my memory is just like... this one big blur. All my teenage memories, they seem to start with Jason (who I started dating not even a month shy of 16), like I legit mean it. It's like that's when I came alive. Have you ever thought about running away? I did once. Biggest, shortest teenage angst-driven rebellion of my life. Do you like pixie sticks? I do. Have you ever played with Silly Putty? Haha, ohhhhhh did I... I specifically remember stuffing putty into the belly pouch of this plush I had of the two-headed dragons from Dragon Tales, one of my favorite childhood shows. My mom was SO mad, haha. Have you seen The Hunger Games? I saw the first movie and read the first book, but that's it. Both were fantastic. Have you ever worked at a fast food place? No. What’s on your mind right now? Something private, honestly. Have you ever sent someone sexual pictures of yourself? No. Have you ever had a concussion? Oh yes, I got one after fainting out of the shower and banging my chin directly on the bathroom floor and breaking some teeth. That. Shit. SUCKED. Have you ever been in a tanning bed? No, never will go in one. Do you know anyone who is battling cancer? I don't think so, no. Maybe I've forgotten. Have you ever donated money to a charity? Yes. What age did you have your first kiss at? I was a month into 16. Do you regret losing your virginity to whoever you lost it to? I can quite confidently say I won't unless something traumatic happens. What are your plans for tomorrow? I don’t have any. Have you ever auditioned for a talent competition? Nope. Would you rather get high or get drunk? High, so long as it's just weed. That sounds like a much better experience than being a sloppy drunk imo. Have you ever failed a drug test? No. Do you like the Silent Hill movies? First one, great, though I personally would've liked it to be more loyal to the game's plot. Second one, garbage. If I re-watch it now? It is literally to see Pyramid Head and the Nurses fuckin exclusively lmaooo
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gumegg65 · 2 years
This I Learned From My Father's Death
funeral site funeral program template
funeral program template
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFYvVZMAhVw When it comes to selecting the deceased people, there is really a pretty possibility that may well only thought of few people who will be anxious about keep in mind this. The rest will not even imagine it. However, there isn't even a person in this particular world which able to prevent death. This can well be one from the reasons why obituary records come into existence. Printing the obituary program yourself is one among the economical way to print for just a funeral. The funeral home will charge a premium for services that is the reason why we highly recommend printing folks. The average cost for funeral programs printed the actual funeral property is roughly $350. This a brand new because most funeral homes outsource their printing to local print shops and they mark up the final price. The Eulogy. A remembrance and acknowledgment of Mom and the value of her life to all who shared it. The eulogy could be delivered by one or several family group and friends, or a new member from the clergy. We chose a nearby minister who shared a lot of our fondest memories of Grandma. A close friend also sang if you want Mom's favorite hymns, That old Rugged Hybrid. The funeral home arranged for a closed circuit broadcast of the eulogy service, accessible on top of the internet, for relatives who could not attend the funeral.
For some, their legacy is their children; great deal it will be the ideas. What's going to your legacy be? Audience you refocus your productivity at middle age? As we age, we start by getting to start thinking about what everything means and also we desires to be remembered. Four hours later, the decision came in, and diet plans . the professional. He asked them they will would mind coming towards his office, because he wanted speak about his findings with them and not do it over the phone. So they said, they would be there, absent. They got within their car and traveled over to the vet's office, where they were about to get some alarming news. The vet revealed that the autopsy indicated that their dog had ingested about 4 glasses of cocoa mulch, and he believes, that was, what killed your furry friend.
Your personal vision statement should describe what you ultimately envision far more purpose of one's life to be, when it comes of growth, values, contributions to society, etc. Make use of legacy and goals to steer you in this particular process. A person have have defined your vision, you may start to develop strategies for moving toward that idea. Part of internal revenue service the balanced growth of a mission statement. I in order to be somewhere in the middle of easy tips pro gamblers. I want regarding disciplined throughout my approach, brand new wii console want to completely take threat away because then call for isn't poker. I want help make matters my decisions based on sound principles, not on impulse. That being said, just about be when I go for it and put mathematics and statistics sideways. Maybe that will be going to my downfall, or maybe that let me create a run like Archie Karras.
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winderrific-moved · 4 years
its still cold here =_=
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Madrigal Headcannons if they were in 2022
I couldn’t shake the idea of them with Tiktok and social media
Isabela and Camilo do Tiktok dances together. They spend hours doing it and laugh whenever Camilo shape shifts into another family member to do a dance. Cause like… how else would they ever see Tia Juieta twerk??
Mirabel taught Julieta how to do TikToks and she blew up sharing recipes and giving advice. She has similar content to Tabitha Brown. Everyone loves her.
Bruno is always walking around mumbling Tiktok sounds. He spent weeks going “That’s a big word for Elmo”
Isabela listens to Doja Cat. She probably listens to Ariana Grande too.
Luisa’s workout playlist is the best.
Antonio only quotes Tiktoks he hears from his siblings and cousins. Mirabel sometimes posts him on her page giving animal facts.
Luisa likes to vlog. She doesn’t do it every day but she tries to put a video out every week.
Bruno has an old boom box from the 90s to perform his rat rap battles. Camilo keeps trying to tell him to just use his phone but Bruno likes the authenticity of the boom box.
Isabela wanted to shave her head for a while but they were afraid she’d kill Abuela if she did.
Mirabel has the led lights in her room. She changes the color to reflect her mood.
Mirabel sends Abuela Tiktoks just to make her laugh. Abuela only knows how to watch them if Mirabel sends them to her. She thinks it’s sweet that Mirabel only sends her stuff she’ll like.
Isabela and Camilo are both on gay Tiktok.
Everyone knows when Pepa is stuck in a Tiktok rabbit hole because she laughs so hard it rains and sometimes hard enough to stir up some wind.
Isabela and Camilo can’t drive. It’s the rules. They’re gay.
Felix never drives. He’ll ask Pepa to go somewhere with him and then toss her the keys. She complains every time but she’s always happy to be spending time with him.
Everyone loves when Abuela uses her record player. There’s one song she loves just because the record skips every time. (If you know you know)
Antonio likes to watch nature docs all the time.
Camilo and Bruno watch Cocomelon with Luisa to unwind.
Isabela is convinced she invented iced coffee when she was seven. Pepa is the only one to support this theory. It only happened because Pepa was hailing and some of the ice landed in Isabela’s mug.
Luisa and Agustin like to watch animal videos. They cry all the time.
Abuela plays coloring games on her phone. So does Bruno. They bond over sharing pictures they’ve done.
Felix has a secret SoundCloud. Pepa knows but she’s sworn to secrecy…Julieta and Bruno are also sworn to secrecy. Dolores is also sworn to secrecy.
The triplets discovered Snapchat filters and spend hours taking selfies. It’s really cute. Sometimes they get them printed to hang up in their rooms or to go in photo albums.
Isabela’s lockscreen is herself. Queen shit.
Luisa likes to watch cartoons with Antonio and the animals.
Bruno plays Minecraft.
All of the cousins love animal crossing. They trade turnips and stuff all the time.
Sometimes family game nights are on the switch or the bust out the Wii.
Antonio plays Roblox.
The whole family did a murder mystery once. Agustin and Dolores planned the whole thing. Everyone got really into it.
They like to race go karts and are extremely competitive.
Pepa likes Megan Thee Stallion.
Dolores hates that her Mami knows all the words to Wap.
When Bruno was away Julieta used to watch home videos on their birthday. It made her cry every single time. She was afraid to watch them with Pepa because she knew Pepa would get angry just from the hurt she felt.
Mirabel loves YouTube tutorials. So does Agustin.
Luisa is scared of roller coasters but she’ll go on if Mirabel holds her hand.
Isabela definitely dyed her hair with the money pieces in the front. They were pink first then eventually green.
Pepa likes to embarrass Julieta by telling her kids she had an undercut once. Julieta will always deny it.
The triplets have a group chat. It’s called
“PB&J 🥜🧈🍇”
Pepa got called a milf once and asked Isabela what it meant. Dolores was screaming the entire time. Julieta knew what it meant but she wanted to watch it all go down.
Pepa isn’t allowed to watch Titanic.
Antonio ordered a bunch of toys and treats for his animals on Amazon and got his iPad taken away.
Camilo is more of an iPad kid than Antonio.
Luisa writes fanfiction. She’s really popular online.
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