#Oracle - All exams
dimension-20-brainrot · 2 months
I’m so glad Buddy Dawn is getting to see what real combat looks like. Even if it only lasts through one or two waves of monsters before getting a little dicey, I think it’s incredible.
Imagine the majority of your adventuring experience at this school being Stomping Rats then seeing then most popular kids in school absolutely devastate monsters you’ve never seen before on their reactions. And when they finally attack?
The goblin who is literally in every single extra-curricular and looks one more piece of bad news away from just disintegrating badly injures a creature then disengages.
Then the guy who threw the best first party of the year of all time - who has a neck tattoo and a demon motorcycle - gets bit by his desk, answers an exam question, then slices up a hydra. His motorcycle turns into a dog and kills the hydra. They both take a bow.
The Archdevil of Rebellion, a Bard-Warlock-Paladin who went to her own class for the first time ever months prior and is currently disguised as the proctor, Fireballs just so many creatures, leaving two baby jellies. She also curses a gorgon.
The kid who multiclassed where no one had ever multiclassed before throws his axe so hard that it changes the gravitational pull, does a ridiculous amount of damage, and knocks this bull prone.
St. Kristen Applebees, Helio’s Chosen One who is on her third deity, immediately destroys eight skeletons after praying to her basically dead goddess.
The Elven Oracle hasn’t even had a turn yet.
If this doesn’t convince him and the Rat Grinders that the Bad Kids have earned their status, I don’t know what will.
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thisisnotthenerd · 22 days
how does it feel to be the rat grinders in that final fight
building up to a ritual you've spent the last year on, angry and tired and expending effort on this one thing so that you might finally get the recognition, the accolades you think you deserve. being special for once, in the face of a party of legend. of oracles and saints, angels and devils, great wizards and bards, inheritors of family legacy and tragedy alike who all seem to skate.
having to work hard in the shadows because you took the easy path and yet have to catch up with these people who so easily belittle you. seeing them rake in the benefits of popularity, running on a platform of flimsy ideas instead of true policy and yet still they have the school dancing to their tune. it's for the ritual, but the ache of it stings as they call you out again and again, laughing in your face for wanting something.
so much work, so much research, traveling and hiding for months as the bad kids are lauded and pass the year with a bullshit exam that you fail to rig against them, catching you in a moment of chance even as they survive what would kill you easily.
seeing them (her) haunt your dreams and die on your front lawn, forever chasing after someone who never existed in the first place. they imitate what they've seen of you. she disappears and yet is there to strike you down because the girl you think you could love hates you with all of her being.
being used by your teachers against your rivals and yet somehow they are nicer, closer to them than to you. more angry about their success, more invested in their progress.
summoning your full force, putting your family in danger, finally getting one over on them (her) only for them to be struck from the sky and thrown in your face as an insult.
seeing them going to work simply to decimate you and strike you down, with less power than you but more tenacity, more stamina, more true experience earned in the wide world. not knowing what to do as they do so with ease, dancing through the lava and flames with nary a thought but your destruction.
seeing them survive and bounce back from the attacks that struck down lucy. they didn't need rage to get here. they didn't need a nameless goddess, or midnights in the forest with monsters, spreading crystals in the dirt for a pieces of a plan years in the making.
18 seconds in and three of you are dead. there's no rage crystal that can save you this time. there's only blood and fire on the floorboards and the bad kids coming in for the glory again. they don't care that you're kids in their class.
with every moment it becomes clear that you are no longer people to them, just obstacles, failed investments, minor villains in their heroic journey.
was it worth it?
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flamingpudding · 9 months
Danny gets summoned out of his final exams to help the Justice League with a Multivers-level of tread. Grumbling the entire time, he transforms, helps, and just wants to return home cause, hello he was summoned in the middle of his exams but can't return because of the aftermath. Danny is angry and pissy with them the entire time, with a couple exception in the younger generations like Kon when he learned the guy was a clone.
Meanwhile the batkids started to bet on who of the Justice league will attempt to keep Danny:
Red Hood: I like the kid. I give it three weeks, money is on Wonder Woman.
Red Robin: with how B is. Two on him.
Nightwing: One, Green Lantern has been complaining that he wants a kid.
Spoiler: oh are we betting on mentoring or adoption? I put my money on Constantine for the chaos.
Robin: This is ridicules.... I place it on Jon pestering his father.
Red Robin: wait we are throwing in the Sups now? Change it to one week, Kon likes him ever since he mentioned having a clone sister.
Orphan holding up two fingers.
Signal: Mentor wise, two days, adoption? I give him a week. Doesn't matter who though.
Oracle: oh aren't you all forgetting something? The Justice League Dark was the one doing the summoning, they already stated claim on him.
Danny could only stare flabbergasted at them. Didn't they hear what he said? He needs to find a way back home, his final exams were at stake, his sister, the older one, would kill him if he bombed them.
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athena-swords · 5 months
🎊 Gifts for our NEW YEAR 🎊
Disclaimer: people I am doing this in all seriousness and all and no it's not for entertainment purposes but ya collective readings so take what resonates
Pile 1. Pile2.
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Pile 3. Pile4.
Pile 1❄️❄️🤍
We keep this love in photographs, so if you wanna buy cameras or just capture moments please go ahead and buy it it will give you lots of joy pile 1 new year could be looking as just any new year coming but you know that things are gonna change and maybe the people you are close with now will have to move and you too to other places so cherish this moments.Are you all joining colleges??or like your graduation is being done anyway congrats wishing you absolutely the best .
Maybe you will take the road less taken which will have its own uncertainty but for sure it's gonna be so worth it ,okay first of all whatever type of exams or test you are planning for they gonna give you your desired or expected results and you could be seeing true faces of your close mates and if you feel that you get easily evil eye or affected by others energies don't worry your guides are there to protect you ,this year you could have on issue in financial matter you are being in open to receive energy I see a energetic shit around you and you actually coming into limelight (attention song being played)you definitely should check your solar return chart could bein fire asc sign ok
And I am seeing or more of sensing lot's of puppy love energy so ya talking stages could happen and you ending up liking someone all over just enjoy your "up in the poppy hills" movie vibe so here comes the end of a eventful year wishing you all the best guys take care 💓
Oracle cards: Give it sometime approx 3 to 4 months,the more you live the less you worry,luck is in your favour,My gurl is the prettiest,Be careful with the people you choose
Please comment on your 2024 wishes and reblog means alot
Pile 2❤️‍🩹🥀
Some of you could be getting married or just getting your"THE ONE" for you if you wanted to meet your soul tribe and have been manifesting some wholesome human bond well I am pleased to tell you , you're making some lifetime connections this year , lots of self care products buying specifically perfumes and scented products if 2023 has been the pain the upcoming one will heal all those wounds and the word hork you thought no one saw wanna check some parts of pile 1?? I would recommend there could be a message for you there
Look you need to stop procrastinating!!!like if we wand our desires to turn into reality we need to put some action okkk and studyyyyy like when you study just put your focus on it if need then gurl you have to read it again n ugh that's more tiring.being more organised and balance is always a gift for you this year and a quote for you is "sometimes rejection is protection in disguise"so just jio lol even if it's your lala world I just said a paradox bit don't come to me fantasy and reality just need a little balance and we are good with it.
If you love gloomy weather then congrats you could experience it alot this year.I think you tend to underestimate your intuition and when it turns out right you regret so this year all about working on this and believing ourselves more then others 💗💗
Oracle cards: make a priority list,oh lala it's a love story, it's a yes, please zindagi jiyo baba...,study remember it's "you reap what you sow".
Please comment on your 2024 wishes and reblog means alot
Pile 3📸🦋
My Roman Empire is..... Idk lol.So travels travels and lots of travels in the list 😸 are you planning to fulfill your bucket list or something kya pile 3 anyway you could start talking again with a dear one with whom you could have stopped interacting or cut ties.Having a reunion of some kind being on backpack this could be the highlight of your year sudden plans being made you shifting family dynamics being changed
You again starting to learn alottt like an instrument, occult knowledge,your ancestors, about the world human body and many moreee.Having watermelon with closed ones on a beach or family farm haa such a vibe and keeping your room clean so it does not look like a messy place
Honestly I don't want to touch this past but somewhere along the line if you started feeling that it's hard uk to be happy like genuinely feel so content of life and kinda just at the starting stage of depression well this year is gonna prove your fact so wrong love muah muah have my love ok💓💓
On a side note your Cooking is good please try more
Oracle cards: Are you pretending love,the fingers create magic , living life king size , friends are the bigger enemy.
Please comment on your 2024 wishes and reblog means alot
Pile 4🪴🦓
Headache ahh you could be having them a bit this year ya but but it's because of all the packed schedule you need to get done with which you will be doing for not overthinking about "this" situation of yours someone from past could come back now it's upto you what you will do with them (it seems romantic connection btw).
Do you put this "I don't care" attitude I see you gotta change this one as there will be things you have to be responsible for alot this year.Emotionally you could be working on yourself listening to podcasts and actually making opinions of yours not just blindly following whatever is being said .you confused about something?? honestly sameee sorry for this just that your biggest gift could be knowing yourself more and handling just how you show yourself to the world
Oracle cards: posh lifestyle,lose yourself a little bit, it's not worth it,it worth trying,you know the answer
Please comment on your 2024 wishes and reblog means alot
Wishing you all a very happy New year 🧿🧿🤍
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Pls message me my ishman fam i need someone to talk about them 🤌🤌
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beetlethebug · 2 months
so we know that like, Kristen's whole deal is religion and such, right? I'm just kinda thinking about the other Bad Kids and the Gods. Maybe it's my own multi-deity pagan ass just wanting to consider what it would look like. (I'm using primarily Forgotten Realms Gods and my absolutely vague knowledge of them).
This got long so read under the cut ;u;
Gorgug is absolutely Garl Glittergold's favorite child. He loves the shenanigans. Do you think he starts connecting with Gruumsh when he starts connecting with his birth parents? Baby Gorgug leaving bits of metal and toys he accidentally broke on the altar the Thistlesprings' have in their workshop. Gorgug pre-artificer offering up the songs he makes as a tricky sort of "metal" working. Feeling a connection to Gruumsh in the heats of his rage, the nudge of a hand during his frenzy guiding him to the right target. Keeping bits of scrap from their enemies to melt down into his next artificing project. He also probably talks to Helm, sometimes, asking for guidance on how to best protect his friends. Gorgug has big protector energy.
Adaine who is, in a way, a deity in her own right, depending how revered the Oracle is. I don't know if Adaine would connect with Elvish gods, but she and Oghma vibe. I think that after the Bad Kids all talk and bond, Kristen makes a joke about her being a Gruumsh follower with her furious fist and so Adaine jokingly buys a pin to wear in offering. Jawbone also had a talk with her about sometimes it can help to talk to someone about your anxiety--whether that be a counselor or even the Gods, sometimes. Just Adaine praying to Gruumsh to have the strength to punch her anxiety in the face is very beautiful to me. Azuth is the god of wizards, so he and Adaine might vibe. Adaine feels like the type to vibe with the Gods mostly in jest; she talks to them sometimes, but they're silly little guys to her. Because of Tracker and Jawbone's lycanthropy, I think she either has a small shrine to Galicaea or has the biggest beef with her imaginable. Maybe a little bit of both.
Riz. God. I think once Riz meets his Father, he definitely like, sets up a little shrine to him. Ancestor work feels really important to Riz. He dedicates a lot of self-care things to his dad, I think. Mainly sleeping and drinking water. Does he do them? No. But it's the thought that counts. Riz is definitely the like, mundane acts of worship. Incorporating it into miniscule parts of his day that would go undetected unless you knew him and where to look. He also probably has some devotional jewelry to Yondalla; I think that Penny probably had a habit of repeating prayers while touching the beads of her bracelet (kind of like a Rosary) and that rubbed off on him, especially when she was babysitting him. The whole family also probably have at least some sort of worship to Tyr due to their connection to justice and law enforcement. I think Sklonda is more connected with some of the deities associated with Goblins, specifically Gruumsh (can you tell I love him?) and Maglubiyet. He prays to war gods to get through the absolute shitshow of Adventuring school. He and Adaine probably dedicate their research to Oghma.
Fig is really interesting because I feel like she is probably in the vein of demon work instead of divinity. Although I think that she unironically thinks Riz's dad is super cool so like, playfully worships him. Fig is the Bad Kid that I feel like collects all the different pieces of her friends and wears them proudly upon herself. She dedicates concerts to Kristen's new deity of the week. She sighs and asks Oghma for help on exams; she includes prayers to Gruumsh in her tracks. I feel like Fig also might have a tendency to like, worship the people in her life. She thinks they're so important and she cares about them so much. So she elevates them to the status of a God in her mind. They are invincible. They are young and powerful and the bonds they share are much, much magical then some God who pretends to be high and mighty. Her body is an altar--she wears jewelry and draws sigils and uses so much color magick. She is, in a way, a walking beacon to the gods, saying, "Look at us! We're just as good as you, and if you doubt it, then we'll kick your ass!"
Fabian Seacaster my beloved. This man follows his Father's footsteps for a long time. He worships Gods of the tempest, of the sea and sailing. Yondalla holds a special place in his heart. Riz nearly has a conniption when Fabian corrects him on a prayer to Yondalla, and the two of them bond about it. But once this man starts dancing, this man worships Corellon Larethian with his whole chest. He does a lot of his worship through dancing. Moving his body, getting in touch with his roots. Because of the fire elemental, he also does some like, elemental magic? But I think a lot of his forms of worship come through bodily experiences. Braving a storm, dancing in front of a crowd, making just the right maneuver to protect his friends in battle. Sometimes he and Fig and Gorgug will sit together and make devotional playlists!
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your-enby-antihero · 16 days
An Oracle and Her Shadow
Summary: A companion piece to Aelwyn Abernant Might Go Blue Dragon(born) Hunting from Oisin's point of view as he grapples with liking a girl but having maybe convituted feelings about her because of rage and obsession.
Also available on Ao3
Sometimes you like the pretty elven girl from your History of Glyph class in freshman year. You like that her hair is the colour of gold, you like that when you see her smile (which is rare) she is like the golden light of day, she’s so smart and so intelligent and the best wizard probably ever and she’s so cool, her friends are so cool. 
Sometimes that like turns into a crush that Ivy teases you about for practically all the way through freshman and sophomore year. Little jabs that she sends your way, things like ‘you ever think an oracle would divine anyone as lame as you’. Ivy was- is your best friend and she could be relentless.
Sometimes you get a rage crystal buried into your chest by teachers that were one thousand percent manipulating you and that crush turns into an obsession. Like a dragon that covets treasures for its hoard, you want to be near her, to be the only one around her, to keep that golden light all to yourself. When she smiled at you and said you were great at that party at the beginning of the year and somehow that obsession doubled because maybe she liked you back and you could make her so happy, so so happy. Happier than any of her friends or her sister or her family, happier than anyone.
Sometimes you get maybe a little too into when she’s competent, like when you see her sitting at a desk aceing the Last Standard Exam while also turning missed attacks into hits and summoning gigantic magic hands to punch purple worms or when you see her shoot one of your ancestors out of the sky and then proceed to punch one dead. Yeah maybe you shouldn’t have wanted to lick your lips when you saw the blood spray across her face or bite the inside of your cheek to calm the roaring obsession in the lunch room so all you can get out is a sorry. Sorry that you looked at her and thought about her joining you in the final battle filled with rage, oh how beautiful she’d be bursting with rage. Yeah, maybe that’s too far. Reel it back in Hakinvar, you might be obsessed with the girl but you don’t want to be a creep about it. Come on, pull yourself together. 
You feel vitriolic hate for her party because, in the final battle, you have spent so much time planning for, the girl that consumes every waking thought that you’ve had for the past like year, isn’t the one to kill you. Maybe you wanted her beautiful blue eyes to stare at you with hatred. To feel her battle weary hands plunge that sword into the cold gaping wound in your chest. To look at you at all you, to feel the warmth of her gaze on you and only you, no matter if it’s love or adoration or hate or spite or just anything that isn’t ‘I have never taken a class with you’ or ‘yeah Thursday mornings were rough for me’. Just anything that says I’ve seen you before, I know you. 
Well, you were revived and not immediately expelled for Aguefort in some divine miracle done by the new student body president Kristen Applebess. You feel really fucking embaressed at most of the thoughts that still linger in your head about her. Because despite you being completely normal instead of being in a heightened rage-fuelled, base emotion-driven place at the time, even though you're back to normal you maybe still want her to maybe step on you with her incredibly scuffed boots. Is it so wrong that your face goes purple when she says that you are a piece of shit? Oisin didn’t think so. 
So when he was mandated to take remedial lessons by Arthur Aguefort to pass Junior year, after his group succeeded the Last Stand, he didn’t make a fuss, not like Kipperlilly anyway. Was it even better than Kristen Applebees suggested that The Bad Kids tutor The Rat Grinders and out of all The Bad Kids who could have and did refuse (of course Riz had been hesitant to partner up with a girl who wanted his life was reasonable, even Oisin could see that) the radiant Elven Oracle had said to meet at her house on Wednesdays in the afternoon, side quests permitting, to say he was over the moon was an understatement.
He had made sure to bring his best spell ink and the most expensive paper he had to the first tutoring session. As he walked up to the creepy haunted mansion that his oracle resided in he straightened his shoulders and knocked on the door. 
The sounds of crashing and shouts, the sound of teasing and jeering but with no undertone of venom (not like how Ivy and Kipperlilly teased and mocked each other). Adaine opened the door, radiant as ever.
“Glad you could make it, follow me,” she offered, leading him up the tall stairs to a wizard's tower, with bunk beds.
As he took stock of the room, the many papers and books scattered about, drawings and doodles and a massive pile of scrolls. The last thing he noticed on the ground, painted in dark ink, were runes. A massive spell circle with unknown rune work that set Oisin’s tail on guard. Adaine was wonderfully gracious with her knowledge and her time, teaching him about ranges of spells and the optimal ways to be out of counterspell range to best support the party. He listened with wrapped fascination, so aware of how she moved her hands like she was doing somatic components of a spell as she explained. Eventually, he got her talking about the creation of her own spells, how she had modified the incantation for conjure minor elementals to give the Dry Guys more vibrancy. He was surprised that the elementals that she conjured were the ones with the podcast. The window they had set for this session was rapidly reaching its end but as he observed Adaine he saw that she was wrapped up in correcting some of the glyphs on his spell work, clearly not paying attention to time. ‘It's perfect’ he thought to himself as he soaked in her presence as much as he could. When she finally realized they had gone long she had sheepishly apologized and sent him on his way.
“I hope this was helpful,” she supplied as she led him to the door, “Adventuring is hard but if you learn to trust your party I think you’ll get through the Last Stand just fine. See you next week.”
Oisin smiled back, his heart was ablaze, he’d see her next week for sure and maybe if he played his questions at the right times and let her get lost in glyphs and scrolls he could be by her side for just a bit longer. 
— — — — — — — — — — — —
Oisin was annoyed, very annoyed. He had been making so much progress, not only in his tutoring but also in getting closer to Adaine. At first, she seemed a bit on edge, tip-toeing around him with her words. Every detail about The Bad Kids was omitted from the conversation and nothing drifted from the spellwork in front of them. He had managed to get the session to run about 30 minutes longer, as Adaine became more comfortable she would veer off on tangents allowing for Oisin to stay by her for just a while longer. In fact, she had actually opened up to him a bit, forgiven him for his actions.
“I’m so so sorry Adaine, that rage crystal really just heightens everything. The rage was just so all-consuming. I can’t make up for trying to kill your friends or end the world but I can apologize for how I treated you.”
She had placed a reassuring hand on his, “I get it Oisin, you guys were manipulated. You were children being coerced by grown adults. I forgive you.”
But here was the problem, well the problem was actually named Aelwyn Abernant. She had taken to interrupting his time with his oracle. The annoying elven woman had started crashing their tutoring sessions. Even if she wasn’t there Adaine would suddenly get a text and turn to Oisin saying that she had to step out for a moment. He also was unable to drag out his sessions because Aelwyn had a killer sense of time.
“Oh Adaine, I believe that all the time you set for tutoring today.”
“We wouldn’t want to keep him late now would we.”
“I’m sure what you’re learning is riveting but I ask that you wrap it up, some of us have jobs.”
That lingering feeling in his chest screamed, maybe a side effect of the rage crystal, he wanted to sink a claw into Aelwyn’s throat to keep her from interrupting, to cast a permanent silence spell on her so that he would never have to hear her voice again. He wasn’t afraid of her, not in the slightest.
— — — — — — — — — — — —
 Oisin was so afraid of Aelwyn Abernant. Maybe he would ask Adaine if she could meet at a different location because the woman may have wanted him dead. ‘Not a good look Oisin not when you want to date her sister’ he thought to himself as he walked home from potentially the most threatening interaction he has ever had, ‘Gods she was literally arrested and sent to federal prison in her home country. She was extradited and she will use that nemesis ward on me even if I’m not even doing anything at all.’ He had seen the power flow through her eyes and travel to the ward, abjuration wizards were freaky. Maybe he should call Adaine and ask if they could meet at his house not just because seeing her in his hoard sated a deep part of his brain that he so desperately wanted to suppress but also so he could get out of the gaze of a very protective older sister.
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chaoticwitchgrimoire · 5 months
Archetypes and Occultism
Jungian psychology is popular in contemporary occultism, often being referred to as “Shadow Work”. This post will explore Carl Jung’s definition of archetypes in his psychological work and how they can be used in magick. The straightforward definition is as follows:
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Jung’s archetypes have been beneficial in the realm of psychoanalysis, including dream analysis. They’ve given way to the multitudes of personality assessments, and even have their influence on contemporary therapy.
Some archetypes that many people may be familiar with are: the Child (or even known as the Inner Child); the Trickster; the Maiden, Mother, and Crone; the Father; even locational archetypes like the Desert and the Forest. These are just a few examples that we see often explored in art, magick, and even everyday life. The actual number of archetypes is limitless—which is both exciting and daunting when beginning your journey into working with them. Exploring archetypes is also a great way to explore parts of the self, such as gender expression and sexuality.
There are a few ways to discover your archetypes. The first being to just pick one. If you feel drawn to it, there’s probably a good reason. If upon your discovery you realize that you chose wrong, it will only point you in the right direction. Another way is to connect with a higher power such as your spirit guides, ancestors, or deities and ask them. Deities themselves are archetypical, and often the deities that we feel drawn to work with are archetypes within ourselves.
I recommend working on one archetype at a time. After you have your archetype, you need to dig deep into it. Understanding the meaning of an archetype takes time, but coming into individuation is an even longer process. Don’t be surprised if you need to sit with a single archetype for months on end before it makes sense to you and your life. Look at art, read books, watch films and TV, all pertaining to the archetype. Explore how it manifests in others. Pay attention to your dreams, and journal often. Study, learn, and research.
Working with Archetypes in Magick
Archetypes can be used in many ways. We can bring forth an archetype when we need it. If you have an exam coming up, summon the archetype of the Scholar to bring that energy into your studies. If you work in a specific field, you can bring forth an archetype with those qualities to get the job done. This can even apply to spellwork and ritual. By taking on certain aspects of an archetype, you can use that energy to manifest what you desire.
The Archetypes and Occultism grimoire pages are free to download on my website. They dive further into the basic things I describe in this post and I offer a detailed example of the archetype the Scholar and a ritual for it.
I also offer detailed grimoire pages for the archetype of The Mask which honors Dionysus. This is available on my etsy and includes information about the specific archetype, how to honor Dionysus with it, and also how to explore it and use it to discover other archetypes with a detailed meditative exercise. (If you're a theatre nerd like me, this is for you).
I also offer Archetype Readings as part of my Custom Personalized Readings on etsy for only $6 (poke around my website or my grimoire pinned on my blog and you'll find discount codes) where I use Kim Krans's The Wild Unknown Archetypes oracle deck to find your current top three archetypes and help guide you on beginning to explore them.
For beginner witches, practitioners, and magicians alike, archetypes can be a great way to overcome disbelief when doing spellwork or performing rituals. Tapping into the archetype of the Magician or the Sorcerer, the Witch, and even the Inner Child, can help you take on a role to perform your magick.
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tendaysofrain · 2 years
Random Stuff #11:  Written Language-Based Divination--Chaizi (拆字)
There were many styles of divination in ancient Chinese history, the most famous of which were the oracle bones, which were (usually) turtle shells on which questions were inscribed, and then burned over a fire until the shell cracked, and the cracks were interpreted as the answers to the questions.
However, today’s subject is a form of divination based entirely on written language:  chaizi/拆字.  Chaizi basically means “deconstructing (Chinese) characters”, and can also be called pozi/破字 (lit. “breaking characters) or xiangzi/相字 (lit. “judging characters”) or cezi/测字 (lit. “measuring characters”).  How it works is pretty simple:  the diviner will look at the structure of characters in your given name or in a character you gave at random, and try to interpret your future from those characters.
For example, there was once a guy who was about to enter the civil service examinations (keju/科举; exams in the imperial era designed to test one’s merit, and if one ranks high enough, one can become a government official).  He went to a diviner named Xie Shi (谢石), who was good at chaizi divination, and asked about his future for fun.  He gave Xie Shi the character 乃.  Xie Shi then told him he will never rank high enough in the exams, because ranking high enough in the exams is called jidi/及第, and the character he gave, 乃, is an “incomplete form” of 及.  This story is from Miscellaneous Records of the Scholarly Halls (《玉堂杂记》) by Zhou Bida (周必大) in Southern Song dynasty (12th-13th century).
In old times, chaizi can also be played as a game, and this is sometimes called chaibaidaozi/拆白道字.  A couplet from Qing dynasty (written in late 18th-early 19th century) contained the phrase “ 谢金圃, 抽身便讨; 吴玉纶 倒口就吞”.  In the first part, 谢 is the character being deconstructed.  谢 can be deconstructed into 3 parts:    讠, 身, 寸.  So the poet wrote “抽身便讨”, or “take away the 身 in the middle and you will have 讨”.  In the second part, 吴 is the character being deconstructed.  吴 is composed of the characters 口 and 天, with the former on top of the latter, but if you flip these two, the character become 吞/swallow.  So the poet wrote “倒口就吞”, or “flip the 口 and there’s 吞”.  
In modern times, chaizi is still used online, but instead of for divination or for fun, it’s actually used as a way to add emphasis (only applicable for characters that can be deconstructed into right and left parts), similar to typing in all caps in English, since separating the elements of a character makes it appear bigger.  An example is the character 强/strong, which becomes bigger if deconstructed and typed out separately as 弓虽.
Another less popular way chaizi is used online is to conceal one’s true identity.  For example my blog name, “ten days of rain”, is a shortened version of “text predicting ten days of rain”, or “文卜十日雨”, which is a deconstructed and scrambled version of my real given name (last name not included).  Can you guess what my real name is?  Hint:  it’s only two characters.
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Yes, Another Tumblr Oracle Blog!
Hi, yall! I'm Foxen. You may know my main account @the-fox-jawed-cryptid or my witchblr @the-fox-jawed-witch or my Witchblr Writing account @afledglings-guideto-witchcraft.
This is my Paid Divination blog and a place where you can find all of my other magical services.
First, what I offer and the prices.
Paid Divination
This first section is all general ADVICE related spreads. I will not answer yes/no questions, medical questions, time sensitive questions, legal questions, or relationship questions in these spreads.
2 Card Spreads $4
3 Card Spreads $6
4 Card Spreads $8
+$2 any additional card added to a spread.
This next section is all based on relationship spreads. Again, I will not answer yes/no questions, medical, time sensitive, or legal questions. All relationship spreads are for ADVICE.
5 Card General Relationship Advice $10
6 Card How do I find My True Love Advice $12
7 Card Basic Relationship Advice $14
8 Card Manifesting a Soulmate Advice $16
10 Card Potential Future Love Advice $20
+$2 any additional card added to any spread.
Deity and Spirit (deceased or guide) Advice Spreads.
5 Card Deity Contact Advice Spread $10
Spirit Contact Advice Spread $10
Divination Deals
Pay What You Can
Other Paid Magical Deals
Spells $5+ (I will NOT cast ANY spells. I will only create them. 100% customized for you and will not be shared with anyone else.)
Sigils $3 hand drawn or computer generated.
Pendulum Questions $2 per question. No medical (should I go to the doctor?), time sensitive (will I pass my exam that's coming up?) No legal questions (should I sue this person?) No relationship/thirdparty questions (should I date this person, does this person like me?).
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My Free Services will no longer be offered on this Tumblr or in the discord Coven of Cards. If I decide to bring them back, it will be at a later date.
Paypal is the only form of payment that I will allow. When paying the "friends and family" option, it must be chosen. I will refund and not proceed with the reading. Payment must be sent before receiving a reading from me.
All of my readings are for entertainment and advice purposes only. The only refund on this blog is on announcement number 3 ^^^. Other than that, no other refunds will be issued.
If you wish to use any of the spreads that can be found on this blog, feel free to do so. I will not interpret ANY readings that you have chosen to do yourself.
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skepticreadstoa · 2 months
The Hidden Oracle: Chapter 5
“An exam for Roman demigods,” I told her. “The Demigod Standard Test of Mad Powers.” Percy frowned. “That’s what it stands for?” “I should know. I wrote the music and poetry analysis sections.” “I will never forgive you for that,” Percy said. I wonder what Apollo would consider worthy of putting in a Demigod exam. Knowing him, it would probably be completely pointless stuff like haikus and hymns that he wrote himself.
“Never knew them…much.” Percy hesitated. “Foster home? Stepparents?” I thought of a certain plant, the Mimosa pudica, which the god Pan created. As soon as its leaves are touched, the plant closes up defensively. Meg seemed to be playing mimosa, folding inward under Percy’s questions. Percy raised his hands. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to pry.” Nobody spoil anything for me, but if anybody treated Meg wrong in the past, I just need to know their location. Just to talk.
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“Seven layers?” I looked up in wonder. “You knew seven is my sacred number? You invented this for me?” Sally wiped her hands on her apron. “Well, actually, I can’t take credit—” “You are too modest!” I tried some of the dip. It tasted almost as good as ambrosia nachos. “You will have immortal fame for this, Sally Jackson!” The first, most sensible thought he's had since the start of the book.
“And this whole turning-into-a-mortal thing…you’ve done it twice before?” “Not by choice,” I assured him. “The first time, we had a little rebellion in Olympus. We tried to overthrow Zeus.” That's two failed rebellions, by the other Olympians, and by Kronos. The can never do one right, can they?
“Guys,” Percy interrupted. “So, just to recap, you have to be Meg’s servant for…?” “Some unknown amount of time,” I said. “Probably a year. Possibly more.” “And during that time—” “I will undoubtedly face many trials and hardships.” “Like getting me my cows,” Meg said. She really wants those cows, doesn't she?
Percy frowned. “Apollo, if you’re really mortal, like, one hundred percent mortal, can you even get in to Camp Half-Blood?” The seven-layer dip began to churn in my stomach. “Please don’t say that. Of course I’ll get in. I have to.” “But you could get hurt in battle now…” Percy mused. “Then again, maybe monsters would ignore you because you’re not important?” “Stop!” My hands trembled. Being a mortal was traumatic enough. Percy is resolutely not helping the situation and we admire him for it.
“Sure it is,” Percy said. “Some of the best demigods have gotten their start by blowing up toilets.” Meg giggled. I did not like the way she was grinning at Percy. I didn’t want the girl to develop a crush. Right, it doesn't always end well for people who start to crush and Percy Jackson.
"If it wasn’t for Annabeth helping me out—” “Who’s that?” Meg asked. “My girlfriend.” Meg frowned. Crisis averted. But also dam.
Percy kissed her (Sally) on the cheek. He reached for the cookies, but she moved the plate away. “Oh, no,” she said. “Apollo and Meg can have one, but I’m keeping the rest hostage until you’re back safely. And hurry, dear. It would be a shame if Paul ate them all when he gets home.” Percy’s expression turned grim. He faced us. “You hear that, guys? A batch of cookies is depending on me. If you get me killed on the way to camp, I am going be ticked off.” Oh yeah, we all know Percy always puts blue food first in any and all situations.
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helenstudies · 5 months
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Day 50 of 100 Days of Productivity
Planning out this AND next week
J.Test prep because I have to take it on Sunday (14th)
Revising HSK 5 with my friend everyday because we're going to start taking HSKK (Advanced) classes on weekends starting on 13th
I also have chinese hsk 1 classes that I'm teaching on weekends.
Basically my weekends are fucked.
And then I'm teaching a new basic chinese class on thursdays and fridays
Trying to handle my workload as a tarot/oracle reader on the exam week
At least I got 100 out of 100 on my pali language diploma assignment! Yay!!!
Also Fantasy High Junior Year is premiering and I. Am. Psyched.
I am going on a study-work-staycation for 3 days before the J.test so that I can feel at ease :]
I'm also making pick a piles and giving out free questions for my paid telegram channel
also I'm gonna start selling books again after J.Test
god... I hope this is all
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 month
bigger and better things
an exploration of the bad kids as children and what it means to be destined for greatness
i. adaine abernant
the disappointed looks start to wear on adaine sometime in middle school.
she tries so hard, always working to meet what they've asked of her and somehow never measuring up. not like aelwyn, who's so good at magic, at talking to people, at behaving like a "proper young elven wizard" even when she gets adaine in trouble for things that she does. hacking away at her spellcraft until it's perfect, beyond reproach even as she continues to fail in their eyes.
(a talented young wizard, they call her. able to cast great workings of magic with the barest of material components, a true credit to her class)
she's not elegant in her magic. not like her father with his delicate enchantments, nor her mother with her careful conjurations, nor aelwyn with her impeccable abjuration.
no, adaine is a diviner, stumbling around with ill omens, always a half-step ahead and behind where she is supposed to be.
thinking about it makes the breath catch in her chest, makes the room start to spin, makes flashes appear in her eyes, fragments of thought, of memory, of portents. her parents disdain these attacks, calling them simple weakness of the mind. she should be beyond this helplessness, this fear that dogs her every step.
"no, she cannot go to anyone for it. one cannot show weakness like this; no proper elf would. honestly, she's like some sort of solesian mage, all big fuss and minimal results. i'd be ashamed to present her in front of the court of stars. we'll leave her here."
sometimes the anxiety builds so much that adaine lives out of her mind, seeing a day go by in her mind and reliving it with her body, or is it the other way around?
she sees a question on the entrance exam and answers it with the response she knows to be correct, despite never truly seeing it before. the panic builds, tight in her chest and throat, words swimming on the page as her eyes flash white, blank and vacant and yet seeing more, more, more than there is to be seen on the page.
something's wrong, something's wrong, something's wrong.
(this is the day the harpy sinks, taking the elven oracle eleminthindriel with it)
when the letter comes in the mail, announcing her failure to enter the first-year class at hudol, aelwyn looks at adaine with pity in her eyes and a little bit of something more, something ugly and guilty and acidic. the panic rises again as their father finds the letter and shouts at her, incandescently angry at her once again.
"the daughter of a hudol professor and diplomat, failing the entrance exam. they expect more of her than this. it's like she's not even trying to be a respectable wizard. goddess forbid she try to manage herself appropriately. now the only half-decent option is bloody aguefort, and everyone knows how aguefort is."
(aguefort goes to war at her call, some two years later)
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bluesdesk · 1 month
Hello and sorry for being late again. Here's round 12, we have 5 games left! I've been busy with uni stuff :"D Skyward Sword lost to botw and Majora, I could see how this was going since round 10, but honestly I'm really sad it went like this. SkSw is my favorite after all, followed by Majora, and I think Majora or botw are going to lose this round :( There's still wind waker I'd like to yeet, I played the gc version and left out of boredom tbh.
A little off topic: I and a group of friends are making a video game for an exam! It isn't related to Zelda but it's an action-adventure. I'd love to get some feedback on the idea, and I made a survey. It's anonymous so you won't be tracked in any way! I mostly need people from 12 to 18 years old but really anyone is fine. When we have a demo, we'll most likely share it to get more feedback. I'd be really glad if you take a moment to take the survey! Thanks in advance :D
So, about SkSw! I really feel like people need to play it, and with motion controls if they can (mostly because I played it on the wii). With the motion controls I felt like I was really in control of Link's actions, movements, and story, it felt way more "real" and personal than any other game. The music is the best imo, you can really hear the orchestra! Also Zelda isn't a princess but a knight academy student, she can fight! And we have character development with Groose and an unlikely enemy that's Ghirahim. Yes you go to the same area more times but each time it's a different zone. In OoT you visit each area 2 times, and nothing has changed in appearance. Also SkSw is one of the few games in which Zelink can be considered "canon", the others being Spirit Tracks, TotK, Hyrule Warriors.
Back to the poll, remember to vote the game you think is the worst out of these in the list! Please don't vote a game if you don't know it! Knowing means having played the game (even not completed), watched a gameplay, read the wiki! Having read the manga is ok too, I can't think of any other things rn but I hope you got what I mean :D
Reblogs are appreciated, since for obvious reasons I won't tag this as Linked Universe, but the majority of my interactions come from that fandom!
<< Previous round
Rankings under the cut!
The CDIs
Triforce Heroes
Zelda 2
Hyrule Warriors / Legends / Definitive
Cadence of Hyrule
Zelda 1
Four Swords Adventures
Four Swords
Oracle of Seasons/Ages
Age of Calamity
Phantom Hourglass
Link's awakening/LANS
Spirit Tracks
Tears of the Kingdom
A link to the Past
A link between worlds
The Minish Cap
Skyward Sword
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noctivague · 4 months
Hi, I’m a 29 year old woman who’s in the medicine field. I’m currently at a crossroads in life because I’ve failed my licensing exam 3x and only have one more chance in May to pass.
I guess my question is: will I pass? If not should I switch careers and go into health IT?
Thank you again!
Hello :) I broke down the reading in a few sections to help me understand the situation better. First is a ''current situation'' section to make sure I'm connecting well to your problem. Then I tackled your questions, and also added further advice regarding the situation.
Also remember you are the one with the full knowledge and control over your life so take what resonates but in the end follow your gut!
Tell me if it resonates and I wish you all the best on your path!! 💜
Your Current Situation
Cards: 8 of swords; 10 of swords; Solitude: "In Silence, Peace Prevails"
It is very clear that the way you perceive this situation is feeling stuck and defeated. You feel like, after all your setbacks, you can't see what lies ahead and you are worrying about failing again, which puts you in a state of despair and makes you think there is no way out for you. Your fears are tying you down and you can't see the solutions that are around you.
It also tells me that you are so focused on your goal and a specific outcome that you lost touch with yourself. The Solitude card speaks your current need of stepping back from the situation to gain a new perspective.
It could also literally mean that you feel alone in your struggle, which we will see in future cards.
Will you pass your exam in May?
Card: High Priestess (reversed)
This is a conditional no, as in, for the time being, it is not likely, but there are ways you could shift the situation. It seems there are hidden aspects to your situation (the high priestess is all about hidden knowledge) that you are not seeing.
It’s also interesting because it talks about the necessity to trust your intuition, which ties into the Solitude oracle card I drew in the current situation and the fact that you are so tied to your fears that you can’t see the situation clearly and are isolating yourself as a result.
What is that hidden thing you are not seeing?
Card: 3 of pentacles (reversed)
You lack a clear sense of direction, I think, again, that your fears are so strong that they are freezing you in place, making your confused and aimless. You lack self-confidence and your motivation is crumbling.
There is also a message of lack of collaboration, as in, you try to do everything on your own and feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and that it's your job alone to carry it. You might benefit from reaching out to someone to help you through this, be it classmates or mentors, or loved ones. Basically you need support.
The card shows people building a cathedral, and in a sense, what you are trying to establish in your life is big work, and just like a cathedral, you can't make that happen alone.
What needs to shift so that the no becomes a yes?
Card: The Sun (reversed)
The Sun is all about undiluted joy and childlike wonder, and the fact that it appears reversed is a sign to connect back into that.
So I think the most important thing you can do to shift the situation is not to keep forcing through, feeling pressured and in that blind spot I talked to earlier, but rather, change your outlook and perspective on your current situation.
It’s all about finding that sense of optimism back, and trust that things will change for the better. I think it’s also the perspective that, no matter the outcome of this situation, there are always other opportunities that will arise for you, and that by understanding that and letting go of the need to control this situation, you will release fear which will put you in a better spot to achieve your ultimate goal, which is to find your path and flourish in it, because you will be free of this fear that clouds your intuition.
I think that it is important for you to not focus solely on your goal to the point that you are stressing yourself out, but also to do things that bring you joy and sooth your heart. It will bring you clarity and a renewed sense of optimism that will allow you to navigate the situation with enthusiasm and a refreshed perspective.
Should you change your trajectory to go into health IT?
Card: The Hierophant
Yes, with the advice to follow established structures and paths, and also to seek the advice from people who have a position of authority in the field, such as teachers, career advisors, or professionals that could give you a good understanding of this path and help you make a well-informed choice.
Basically, if you chose to go that route, you need to gather information and follow a structure. Perhaps meaning a new training or whatever you need to embrace this field.
I think it ties to the previous message of not trying to do everything on your own but seeking help and support. We are social being and there is knowledge and wisdom out there that you can make your own by communicating with people who hold it. You really don't have to go through this alone.
What other things should you know about this situation?
Cards: Watching Clouds: “lie back, rest, relax”; Stepping into Power: “you are strong beyond measure”; Overcoming Obstacles: “You can overcome anything”; XXXIX The Temple; XX The Pilgrim; 6 of Cups
There is again an advice to try to find calm and stillness and not get caught up in your fears. You probably also deeply need to recharge and find your balance back. This will allow you to find your confidence again and move towards whatever path you wish to pursue.
You are full of resources but it seems you lost sight of that and the first thing you should do is get back into that place. Don’t let the past setbacks make you believe that there are no opportunities for you because it is not true. Really, this shift in perspective will allow to not only overcome this situation, but also, to come out stronger out of it because you will have learned a lot about yourself.
The Temple and the Pilgrim cards also urges you to reexamine what you are overly-focused on and what you are pushing away. It seems you are so focused on outward success that you are neglecting your inner well-being. Find back that sense of optimism, adventure, trust and reverence of life, and know that once you find that sense of movement within you, things will get unstuck outside as well.
I’ll just quote the guidebook because this is super interesting: “We all have a deep longing to answer the call, to get “unstuck”. What are the obstacles between you and the door?”
I don't know if you practice journaling, but if not, that could be a really cool thing to start doing as a way to self reflect on your motivations and what you are cutting yourself from.
I already talked about relying more on people around you so I won't repeat myself, but I also feel like the fact that you got super spiritual Major Arcana and oracle cards is a nudge for you to rely more on the help of those who love you from the other side (I'm talking spiritual entities, cannot describe further because I don't know what your religious or spiritual beliefs are) and wish to see you succeed. There is spiritual help available and it could be a good idea to reconnect with that through prayer or meditation, or simply by, again, shifting your focus and allow their help into your life.
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oracleofstars · 2 months
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Welcome to the hunter’s exam.
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⟣ . Click on this to apply, if you havent already. The oracle of stars network allows all types of love&deepspace members to join.
You may apply anytime you want until APRIL 15, but remember to reblog our debut post first & read our guidelines.
That being said, our link is now open, thank you!
Form link (this will redirect you to a google form)
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somewhatgoodatart · 2 years
Post-series concepts for Hunter
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Some thoughts below the cut:
Love the idea of him with glasses as shown in Dana’s art at Gallery Nucleus. Also firmly on the ‘Hunter with dyed red long hair’ train, because it means acceptance of his identity and it looks really good (did not mean to give him a mullet I just noticed I did when I had to draw his hair down whoops-)
Also, I’m personally not the biggest fan of Hunter carving himself a new palisman. Especially when the concept for his artifucial staff and Alador are right there and he would totally add something like retractable wings (for better aerodynamics but enough stability for flying)
Based on his outfit in Dana’s art at Gallery Nucleus, a few more patches added at the front: an Emerald Entrails patch on his sleeve, an O’Bailey/’Cosmic Frontier’ patch on his right, ‘Bonesborough Historical Society’ patch on his left side + the inner lining of his jacket corresponds with the sleeves of his Hexside uniform
very cool idea for the Emerald Entrails letterman jackets by @rileyclaw​, with a wing patch for his sleeve to match the one he has on his jacket
I know in an actually healthy environment and after proper conversation Hunter and Lilith would get along great, being the nerds that they are, working/helping out at the museum. Also, someone pointed out that Lilith’s bag looks like she made it out of her old dress and I would love for Hunter to do the same with his old tunic!
I love the design concept of Hunter’s black Grom suit as much as the next person but I’m discovering that I might like earthy tones for him even more. Anyway Hunter with a bun-
Really channeled the Clawthorne vibe for his woodcarving lessons with Dell and Eda. unrelated: petition to get Hunter a service dog, specifically an Alaskan Malamute, based on an anon suggestion (ask answered by @sergeantsporks​ who hopefully won’t mind me tagging them). His name is Pancake :)
Hunter would probably stick to tracks he knows he could execute both theoretically and practically. Oracle or Abomination might not be impossible (he does carry a small sphere in the first design) but he could prefer tracks that more closely follow his character/ interests > nature-centric, often with a direct connection to the Isles (Bard, Plants, Construction)
the flapjack socks and watermelon pants make a reappearance, along with a Hexside binder (the merch we all want) and a wolf squishmallow that Vee got him
(This was actually just a de-stressing sketch between exams but I actually had fun designing these. Might do Luz at some point)
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