#and i cant got to the doctors for them cause ill have to fight for it and then that will give them reason to not give me testosterone in
I made a meme do you leik it :)
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cassthecheshire · 2 months
For those that don't know I am disabled. I have Agoraphobia, anxiety, Anxiety induced tics, Depression, Fibromyalgia, and PTSD. I applied to long term disability two years ago now and they initially denied me back in October saying I wasn't disabled enough. I have appealed and haven't heard anything.
Then I found out if you apply for LT disability then you can get temporary disability while you wait for long term.
I applied then found out I apparently only applied to SSD and not SSI as well and need both so that got denied.
Called LT disability and the worker said they don't typically tell you anymore about SSI if they deem you not qualified but you need to apply to both for some other programs.
So I applied to SSI and then put in for temporary again.
SSI skipped any phone call and denied me and then temporary finally came back to me with a denial for lack of paper work before the paper works due date. Note:I already had the paper work in but was missing a page that noone told me it had been missing.
I called temporary disability and then that worker sounded frustrated because he saw no reason it should have been denied at that point and said I just needed to reapply and advised me I should appeal or reapply for ssi again.
So I reapplied for temporary and automatically uploaded the required documents.
I then looked into temporary disability a bit more and while it says that you just have to have a claim for long term pending they only give you paper work for SSI to reimburse them.
This is leading me to believe they only give you temporary disability if you have a SSI claim pending which if true is really crapy.
I also looked into SSI requirements and I meet them due to having a mental illness that qualifies me as unable to work.
Tried calling LT disability yesterday and the automated system basically said call between Wednesday and Friday due to them have too high a call volume that day.
Now because of all of this and temporary screwing up and coming up with new reasons to deny me I will most likely loose my foodstamps.
It is so frustrating when I get told "Oh no you can work as you aren't disabled enough." When I can't deal with people. Like I legit have to have one of my 3 "safe" people with me doing the social interactions for me whenever they can pull me out of the house to get me groceries.
I can't handle phone calls either so being forced to make these calls over and over again has me completely drained and my tics and anxiety are at max levels which causes my fibro to flare and I am just miserable.
I want to work I want to get back to having to not worry about feeding myself or getting basic life needs.
I am working on it with doctors and my therapist and striving to get myself better but it is really hard to not just want to give up when your own government refuses to do anything to help and fights you every step of the way to make sure you don't qualify for their help.
For long term i am trying to take next steps to push them to approve me but I cant do that without having temporary at this point because I need money to just do basic life things at this point.
I hate that the government really does try and make it so they don't have to help you when there are plenty of people on disability that don't actually need it.
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dcbnam-aep · 2 years
Star Trek picard 203 thoughts:
- agnes hiding behind the borg queen besties gonna save the day
- the way raffi went to elnor jsjdjjd
- damn the new presents weapons r pretty intense haha phaser but x1000
- raffi taking care of elnor im not crying u are
- rlly thought the borg was gonna kill agnes for a sec lmao my heart beat 📈
- WHERE R THEIR SEATBELTS!?!? (also raffi and elnor again)
- not the close-ups as they travel back lol
- (and all this before the opening credits I-)
- ‘more like a targeted crash’
- living for the agnes/rios bickering
- raffi going to seven 🥰🌈
- villain raffi origin story??? cause i could get behind that
- poor agnes
- not agnes calling rios a child- not it being accurate-
- NOO i want agnes and rios to work together dont split them up 😐
- agnes our resident genius pop off queen
- besties already been mind manipulated dont make her do it again pls she doesn’t need more trauma and assimilated jurati is NOT what i need (then again seeing rios’ reaction and him trying to save her hmmm that would be nice)
- raffis wearing elnors thing omg-
- seven entering supportive gf mode
- ‘all my emotions etc will be with you… sorry in advance by the way’
- ‘Ill be fine’ SHES NOT GONNA BE FINE
- i rlly like the shot of agnes and picard sitting and then the borg in the background hanging; the religious connotations, love
- seven and the kid awww
- shit rios BAD ENTRY
- and ofc he drops his thing if agnes doesn’t get an ‘i told u so moment’
- pop off raffi show him how its done
- she wishes he was her dad- daddy issues no
- agnes- sadness, dark, what if I never come out, alone, too much, too heavy to push through, just stop trying, stop fighting- nooo ahhsvjd and Picards reaction OWCH BESTIE DESERVES SM BETTER PICARD BETTER BECOME MORE PROTECTIVE AND SWEET TO HER
- mine mine mine mine not my mind going to seasgulls from nemo what-
- ‘colleague, tall, round’- pls
- poor rios tho
- no he better not start flirting with that doctor lady his heart belongs to agnes
- good on doctor lady for running her own hospital thing for low prices tho
- rios indulging on the biscuits as he should
- ‘small companion’ pls-
- picard don’t give her the ship raffi and seven have totally got this
- rios trying to help and screwing it up lol
- primary takeaway from the ep: agnes is so great, love her sm loml, also raffi x seven endgame
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
The Asylum
Synopsis: The U.A was a known Asylum. Known of being the current house for the most dangerous persons with the most tragocs backstorys and trauma. An universe where quirls dont exist, but heroes take the places of doctors, students are trainers and of course; villains are the pacients.
I am planning to do for all the boys I write and Shigaraki version of it (surprise shiggy stans!) Let me know if you would be interested.
Kai Chisaki:
You are currently a new doctor that the Asylum recide to take under their wing. Obviously not to good intentions. Since there is a pacient no one seems to even dare to croos his dorm room... so will you be able to tame the beast?
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The limo you were in along with Nezu and the famous doctor Toshinori Yagi along with his aprendice Izuku Midoriya was sorta of glamorous... too much to your own point of view. But how could you point that out? Espevially to the ones whose kindly offered a job as soon as you got your graduation.
You were viewed as the "too kind and sensitive" to be a doctor or a psychologist, yet you still remained your ground and got your degree! And was now facing the kind hearted doctor Toshinoru himself! He was the most respected and talented doctora of all Japan, who just couldn't admire him?
The car came to an stop and Nezu gaze a hearted chickle after finsihing his cup of tea, which didn't even dropped a drop of the drink, before smilling at you as Toshinori and Midoriya helped you out.
"You two are too kind!" You spoke as the boy blushed crinsom red and laughed nervously as Nezu caught your attention.
"(L/n)-san, uou must know that despite us having the best of security measures, evil persons live on here and they can and some even will hurt you. Poor Midoriya-kun had to deal with a teenage girl around his age last week and almost got stabbed."
You widened your eyes as you saw by thhe corner of your eye the poor boy shivering at the memory as Yagi patted him by the head with a nervous chuckle.
You followed Nezu when he entered the building and found the place surprisingly intact even if hearing some shouts, psyotic laughter here and there..
"Im so sorry to not introduce the place for you (L/n)-san, but I have not only young Midoriya here but also another "student" to take care of." The man laughed as you smiled up at the man.
"I understand. Having onterns at such a young age must give some work." The blonde chuckled as he waved while Midoriya wished you a good first day at work before Nezu called you to stand beside him on a elevator and pressing the button to go down.
The number of the monitor, indicating the floors, were lowering as you arched an eyebrows until you jumped at hearing nezu giggling.
"We have floors that indicate which state our pacients mental health is... the lower the floor, the more these expecific pacients of oura need desperately for help."
"I see..." you picked your bag and took out the paste that only had the name and doccuments of your future pacient... Chisaki Kai.
A man around 20 and 25 years old that was a surgeon once, raised by a mafia boss. After being catched of by police for trying to make an unknown and forbided drug he was arrested. His adopted father had gotten ill and eventually put into a coma... in desperate to gain some blood for the elder the only with the compatible blood type of his father was his nephew... it seems that he had almost taken the blood of the girl by force due to desperation after he got out of prison...
Not even succeding on helping the old man, he got send to the Asylum after the acussation of his poor mental state. He got into a physical and heavy fight coincidentally with another pacient of here, and lost both of his arms.
He seemed also to have some sorta of OCD. His mysophobia being so advantege that not even if he comes to contact with dirty places, but even if he felt nervous or angry, hives would appear on his skin... also suffered from PTSD attacks and was paranoid, seing figures of assasinans and monster of four arms after the loss of his father and own members...
This patient is considerated one of the mosy dangerous around here even if missing both arms, now aparently substitute by prosthetics..
NOW you knew why anyone hasn't been very fond of him... the man had beaten up three of his previous doctors and almost send one to heaven.
The sound of your gulp got mixed with the ones of the doors of the elevator opening and Nezu menyioning for you to follow him on the hall.
The entire hall was super and almost shinning clean as you walked through it.
"As you saw on his file. Chisaki has a serious matter with dirt, even going as far as to almost beat our janitor after finding a piece of fry lying on the cafeteria. After that, he reveives his meal only on his room in hopes je doesn't cause such a tragity like before..."
"I see he is pretty... demanding." You muttered as Nezu stopped by a door made of Iron as he searched for a key.
"Surely, not even one of his doctors got the chance to knowing kore than his files, so I wish you to be the lucky one." The man smiled at you before pushing the door.
"... who is it?" The voice came from the darkest part of the room and you saw a hunched over form after squinting your eyes hard enough. The voice was deep and low kinda sexy even
"Chisaki. I have the honor to present you the doctor (L/n) (Y/n)-"
"Ah, another doctor I see." It came as a scratchy sigh, his head lifting up to reveal a man with gorgeous golden dull eyes and brow hair similiar to the woods of a pine, his skin pale amd the prosthetics arms shine the light of the halls back into your eyes.
This was against your own code.... but damn this man was hot.
"Is.. a pleasure to meet-"
"Lets see how much long will you last..." he said with a empty smirk before falling back to his stoic and empty expression, staring at the wall and demanding for you both to get out.
Nezu sighed as he accompanied you to outside and looked at you expectedly.
"... I think I can deal with him. He doesn't sound too bad as his files give away." You smiled at Nezu as he gave a rather relieved sigh and shook your hand in glee.
"Great! Your consulta will hlbe in his room witha bodyguard waiting outside to provide you security as he will be handcuffed for extra care."
You frowned at that as the man handed you the key and accompanied you for an tour around the whole building... Handcuffed? This was a bit extreme...
Wasn't it?
You breathed in and out as the guard was already set on post to watch over. Turning the key to open and quickly close it as instricted by other doctors and collegues.
"Hello." You greeted softly while closing the door as he stared at the table he was handcuffed with "I believe we didn't had a much pleasurable start due to Nezu there..." you seated on ths chair in front of him as he gritted his jaw.
It was silence for a bit as you sighed in sympathy.
"Listen, I have nothing here. Neither to hurt or touch you. I also took at least three showers before coming here to talk with you. I was rather excited to be honest." You smiled at him as he only arched an eyebrow up, still stoic expression.
"Foolish." He gritted through teeth as you tilted your head in confusion "You heard of me getting three people at least to the verge of death... Tell me, how cam you defend yourself from me?" His voice lowered dangerously but you still remained grounded. Surprisingly not even feeling scared.
"You mean also from the... monsters?" You saw how his muscles tightened as his eyes widened at you before narrowing them deep into your soul.
"Dont play like that. I know no one can see them... is just me."
"Well, that is true..." you leaned a bit towards him "But that doesn't mean I cant just try to understand you."
"Is that supposed to make me laugh? I dont need this stupid shit." He hissed while glaring at you.
"I suppose... but when was the last time you talked with someone though?"
It was silent... then he just sighed a bit shakily before starting to scratch the upper part of his arm...
"Get out. Now." You hummed, eviting to giggle at the shocked face he tried to hide at sieng you actually was leaving after he demanded.
"I will be back by tommorow then. Have a nice day Chisaki." You left the room and was inspected by the guard for any form of bruises or injuries and yhey were impressed.
"You're the first one that didn't got injured with that guy over there..."
"I think i just might be getting somewhere with him if I try hard enough."
Slowly but surely you got to talk with Chisaki. He still remained reserved most of the time, but as soon as you brought up the topic of a mess on the first floor was enough to make him complain about the quality of this place.
It wasn't exactly a start... but you did needed to get some sorta of trust of him on you.
One day you were about to enter the room and saw the episode everyone warned you about. His hallucinations.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" you dodged the table he threw with all the force he had near the door as you closed immediatly when you heard the bodyguard calling for others to help put Chisaki on a straightjacket.
"Get out! Get OUT! GET OUT OF HERE!" he shouted at the top of his lungs as he lunched the air and walls as you watched in wary and worry in your eyes as you tried to aproach safetly from behind.
"Chisaki-" you gasped when he almost punched you if it wasn't for your good reflexes "Chisaki listen to me!"
Ee only let out a bloody scream as he tried with all his forces to attack you before he caged you by the wall as you gagged at the metal hand on your throat.
"Chisaki.. im not here to hurt you-!" You tried to push more air into your lungs as he growled.
You tapped his shoulder out of desperation and immediatly gasped for air as he jerked away from your touch, blinking as if he had just woken up as you coughed.
When you opwned your eyes and saw him standing up, looking at you in shock you sighed in relief while getting up.
"H.. How? How did you make him to..?" He whispered while looking around the room in desperation "H-He was just... here-! He was HERE!" He shouted, his anger coming back as you walked towards him.
"Chisaki.." his amber and wrathful eyes looked into yours as you asked softly "What was in here?"
"It was.." he looked at the ground comflicted before grasping his hair with a groan "No no.. cant be... CANT BE! HE ISN'T HERE!"
"Who isn't here? Chisaki?"
You widened your eyes as he breathed in shakily before dropping on the ground and crossing his arms to support his head.
"But... why would your-"
"Not the one in my files..." he groaned before looking at the wall numbily "My biological shitty one... an abuser. Use that to get a promotoon or whatever brat.. just leave me alone."
You furrowed your eyebrows down at him. Your heart speaking louder than your mind as you gently aproached him and seated next to him, maintaning enough distance to mantain him on a comfortable state.
"... I thought you didn't remember your biological parents." You commented as he linched the bridge of his nose.
"How could you forget someone that made your childhood a living hell?" He breathed out "I dont even know why I am even telling you this..."
"... let me guess.. abusive?" You spoke with sadness as he chuckled darkly.
"Pitying a sociopath and murder now doctor?" He brushed his fangs away "Don't. Is pathetic."
"Abusive." You confirmed as you stared at the wall he was facing at "Instrict father and negletful mother..?"
"... the man was an arrogant bastard... always beating and just taking away any sorta of ways of basic needs.. while my mother was a selfish women whose always called me a failure. A burden. A mistake... my father on one day was about to beat me up for grabbing something to eat..when I grabbed his gun to defend myself and accidentally shot him... the woman called the police on her own 5 years old child can you imagine that?" You stared at him in sadness.
No one knew his backstory. No one knew anything about him when he was under 12 years old. His archive compeltely erased... and there he was.
"The visions you have... is of him?"
"... a more like fusion or something." He groaned whipe scrwching his face "Has his face but has the arms of a beast... and four arms... other times is that Shigaraki that took my arms... others are my mother just trying to stab me or hold me down while she yells for me to... to behave..." he sighed shakily "Is the session over yet?"
You frowned before slowly aproaching him and taking his metal hand on yours as he widened your eyes.
"Is over.. but if you want i can stay here... to make sure those assholes wont be back." You smiled up at him as he stared at you like you grew three heads.
"I... I believe you have other places to be...?"
".. I enjoy having your company." You smiled again "After all, you dont deserve to be left caged alone.. You're still human after all.."
He stared at you before looking at the wall as you giggled a bit at the tips of his ears getting red as he thought over and over again.
Was he... was he really worth of being called a human?
"This new medication here might give some colateral effects, so after taking them i need you to tell me. But asides from that they will releave a but if that itchy feeling of your hives and the other will help a bit with your-"
"Hallucinations" the man completed as he analyzed the bottle only to sigh and open it later "I saw them once in the hospital I worked for."
"Oh I see!" You replied cheerfully at seing an opportunity to talk with him "I know you were an explendid surgeon."
"... kind of. Had almost a heart attack when blood was spilled on my skin now at then. Sicks.." He looked at you snorting before the hint of a smirk started to form only to dissapear as he took the two piles onto his hand.
"Uh.. You need to eat first to take your meds." You warned before he could plop the pills on his mouth... he stared deep into your eyes as he lowered them on a napkin and leaned on his chair while crossing hsi metalic arms.
"Then I guess I wont be taking it. The food of this place is horrible and disgusting. Not as much as my room." You arched an eyebrow at him before furrowing them in worry.
"What? Dont they clean your room? The halls are even shining. And what about the food?"
"Not quite." He sighed "A precary job, and some guards like to come by and dirt the place just to give me a headache... the food is just the same."
You hummed before getting up.
"Well then, I guess I have to grab somethings and demands some changes..."
"Oh, how adorable. You getting my food? Make me laugh some more doctor, Im dying to see it." He spoke on a nonchantly tone as you only poked your tongue out at him before muttering that you would be right back.
To him it seemed like hours you had gotten out and even dared to scold on how slow you must be.
"I brought you what seems to be your favorite! Not the food from the cafeteria, I swear!"
He watched in amusement and accidentaly smiled at seing you there with what was once his favorite food until he flinched at your gasp.
"I see a smile thereeeee!!!!" You pointed at his face repeatedly as he surprisingly gently slapped your hand away while taking the bag.
"You're such a nuisance." He sighed, hating how his mouth drooled.
"I washed the fork."
"But I didn't even-"
"I know you Kai." You giggled before widening your eyes and slapping your hands over your mouth in shock.
His eyes were also wide open as you felt your face heat up.
"Im so sorry! It was so unproffesional this oh my Go-"
"Is..." he interrupted you while looking at the opposite direction of yours "Alright... surprisingly my name doesn't sound... so bad when you speak... doctor."
Your eyes softened a bit as a flustered and quite a happy smile graced over your features that made him blush even more.
"Is impressive!" Toshinori and Nezu exclaimed together as they saw the progress yoh had made with Chisaki only in a matter of months as you giggled. "You're a god send (L/n)-san!"
"Please!" You waved them off in embarrassment.
"No no, none of that young one!" Yagi snorted "We decides to give you a week of vacation after such an amazing progress like that! Starting today!"
"Yeah! Dont worry about your pacient, we will get him a substitute just to make him take the meds."
You didn't had much of a choice since they already send the poor guy over his way.
Two days... two days and you simply wasn't here. Just seing a trembling hand almost throwing the pills at him as he sighed in dissapointment. Two days and he hadn't see the face of his beautiful and pretty doctor of his... he couldn't believe it...but he was so desperately craving them. To hear her voice, to.. even feel his hand brush against hers...
He jerked up when he heard the sound of the door opening, narrowing hus eyes at seing that the doctor whose entered his room, wasn't his doctor.
"U-Uh... I-I'm here to-"
"You're." He standed up from his bed "Not." He walked close to the shivering doctor "my (Y/n)."
Before he knew it, he saw visions of you being handed and taken away by one of these monster as he shouted and beaten up the man, the security guard allerting all of the bodyguards about the pacient 14 leaving his cell and attacking others.
The alarms set off and all securities were called as he toom them down ome by one as he shouted with all the forces of his lungs:
"WHERE IS MY DOCTOR?! GIVE HER BACK!" he shouted as he took each one of them down and even managing to stab one of the doctors and one of the security guards witha freacking pen that was in the pocket of one of the pacients that was nearby.
“GET THE SEDATIVE AND THE STRAIGHTJACKET! QUICK BEFORE HE-” the poor guard had his head locked on Chisaki metal hand as he slammed him into the wall into the point it bleed.
He shouted in pain when he felt the syring on his neck, his body starting to get drownsy as he was threw down on the ground, still trying to fight until the end as he kept calling for you...
“Help me... PLEASE! I WILL BE GOOD! IM SORRY!” He shouted and cried at the same time “WHERE’S MY DOCTOR?! (Y/N)!”
He shouted your name until he had no voice or force t do so as his body gave out....
You ran after scoldng every one that tred to stop you as you searched for the key of Kai’s room.
You had received an emergency call after three weeks of your vacation and to say you were both terrified and worried was a understandement. You needed to see Kai. Just thinking about him prisioned on his room and on a jacket made you feel horrible... you even heard the possibilty of the U>A taking away his prosthetics arms due to “security measures”.
You opened the door and loghten up the lights to see Chisaki laying on his bed. A numb look towards the ceiling as you whimpered his name and went to stand close to him.
“... did you come to kill me..?” you widened your eyes as you thought the urge to tear up as you looked for the key of the straightjacket that Nezu gave it to you after your begging.
“Kai im so so sorry...” You whimpered while freeing him... HIm blinking as if he just notices your presence and moving his arms before sitting up.... looking at his metal fingers move, one by one..
“..Are you another hallucination...?” he flinched at your hand coming in contact with his cheeks ashe looked at you as if he was about to kill you right there.
“No... Kai, feel me.. I’m here. Aren’t the meds helping you anymore:”
He stared at you for a what seemed like a decade before he brushed his fingers on your cheek before choosing to bring you close on what seemed like a hug, since he coulnd’t feel with his prosthetics...
A shaky sigh leaved him as he clinged onto you.
“I... You weren’t taken away... I dont feel sick with your touch...” you hugged him back with a shaky inhale before breathing out.
“I wont be taken away... Im your doctor after all...” you buried your face on the crook of his neck and inhaled his clean scent. getting drunk by him.
You didn’t know when your lips came in contact, but they did... and you didn’t even cared about your carrer anymore, you only carried about him... you knew this man could and would get better. You just could feel it.
“You want to know something?” he whispered after the kiss as you hummed “You sound more like an angell to me. My angel.”
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what-the--curtains · 3 years
In a Week
Part 3/4 - Snowballs and cigarettes
(Frankie Morales x f!reader)
Summary: The snows finally stopped and its about time you got to work unburying your car. With your friends all prompting you to move on from your toxic ex you find yourself becoming more and more aware of the kind of person you’d want to be with. And how Frankie was ticking all those boxes.
Authors notes: Ugh okay I was over the max block text so the finale is split into two parts!! But you get them both tonight💕🌻💕 .
Warnings: mentions of toxic relationships, allusions to sex (nothing depicted), PTSD, smoking, drinking, swearing
Tagged: @agingerindenial @icanbeyourjedi
Word count: 4.0k
Day 4
It had only been three days but you had found yourself in a routine that you hoped you never fell out of. Each morning he’d wake up first and you’d be predictably wrapped around him for another 2 hours or so. He found it hard to believe you were able to wake up before 10am, let alone that you were up at 5am most days but he’d love to be around to see it happen. For the first time, he saw something he’d long given up on. A future with someone else ingrained into his and his daughters life. Maybe it was stupid feeling this way after a few days, but he was old enough to know when he felt a real connection, and he’d never felt as good as he did when he was with you. He would make his feelings known to you, one way or another, he’d regret it forever if he let you slip through his fingers. He just had to find the right time to do it. It had been a long time since you’d woken up with someone in the same bed as you and even longer since the person was someone who made you feel safe and secure. There was something calming about knowing that even if you pushed your freezing cold feet between his calves in the middle of the night he wouldn’t get angry, or push you off he’d just grumble and pull you closer.
It sounded pathetic but it was the nicest a guy had been to you in years. You knew how stupid it was to catch feelings this fast, and it definitely wasn’t like you to feel such strong emotions. Since the funeral you had actively decided to forego them although. This benefited your work, helped you in your field, made you a better doctor, but keeping all your emotions bottled up took its toll. Primarily on your love life. You’d had your fair share of flings with other residents, nurses, friends of friends, but between classes and shift work there wasn’t time. Plus what was the point when you had no idea where you’d be moved to. At least that’s what you told yourself. Then Jonathan came along and you’d let him in, let him know you and you fell for him in the process. Then he’d started dating someone else, told you he didn't realize you were exclusive, and it shattered you completely. You’d pieced yourself back together and once you were better, once you were finally over him, he’d cycle back round to you, determined to keep you on retainer. The whole ordeal had left you tired. You’d never had a real relationship and you were already done with them. You never understood how people would want to live with someone for the rest of their lives until now. Catching feelings had always happened in periphery to your life making it easy to push by a crush by simply avoiding them, but you couldn’t avoid Frankie. Each day you spent trapped inside with him he’d continued to grow on you, cementing your feelings for him tenfold. You yawn and stretch your leg out over Frankies torso propping yourself up onto your elbow so you can reach over him and grab the glass of water on the nightstand. He exhales as if your movement across him is an inconvenience to his meticulous strategy for winning whatever game he was playing on his phone. You take a sip and put the cup back down, rolling off the bed and opening the curtains.
“Hey!” you shout, causing Frankies head to shoot over to you, “It stopped snowing!” you exclaim, gazing out over the parking lot where the snow had fallen. The powder undulating overtop the cars buried beneath it. You stretch your arms up catching an unsavoury whiff coming from your armpits causing you to pull a face. Turning around just in time to see Frankie laughing from the bathroom door.
“Seriously man? Do you have to beat me to everything!” you pout, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Gotta be faster sweetheart.” he says, closing the door behind him. From anyone else the term would have driven you into a rage induced frenzy, but it was endearing not condescending coming from him. You take the time to call Stella, you’d been texting with her since you got stuck but you felt it was time to officially announce your arrival as permanently cancelled.
“Hey girl”
“Hey babe what's going on? You calling with good or bad news?” she asks, a constant bustle evident in the background.
“Don’t shoot the messenger, but only bad news on my end. I am so fucking sorry, I should have just flown down like you said” you offer, leaning back against the window allowing the chill of the outside to cool you off.
“Well this is why you should always listen to me, but i’ll forgive you just this once.” she laughs.
“God I can’t believe the one wedding I actually care about I’m going to miss!” you exasperated, shifting away from the window and flopping down onto the bed.
“Well I definitely won’t miss you, especially considering you’ve already sent a gift.” she teases.
“How, very dare you” you punctuate.
“Yup long con paid off, 10 years I pretended to like you just to get you to buy me a toaster from ebay” Stella laughs.
“You could have just stolen mine after the first year, then you could have had me gone!” you state.
“Ugh a huge mistake!!” she overemphasizes dramatically, causing you both to burst out laughing.
“So….” you say after your giggles subside leaving a gentle ache in your ribs that always occurred when you talked to Stella.
“What?” she asks, sniffling.
“ Did John make it out there?” you ask, in a painfully transparent way.
“Why?” she spits, her tone suddenly lethal. She hated the guy, she was the one who was always left dealing with you after he’d used you up, helping to piece you back together, just in time for him to get a hold on you again.
“He asked about me?” you query, once again failing to convey your intentions.
“I’m not indulging this anymore, it's bad for you. He’s bad for you, there's only so many times I can watch him emotionally manipulate you” she rants.
“Ya, but it's easy and it's so good with him.” you emphasize.
“It’s not easy, take it from someone in an easy relationship, it's not supposed to hurt that much.” she chides, determined to have you see the light.
“Nope, I'm drawing the line for you, find someone else. You’re a gorgeous single doctor,
“Almost doctor” you interrupt, but the statement is ignored.
“Aren’t you currently shacked up with one of my stupid brothers friends?”
“Yes? And?” you say, your heart suddenly beating faster as your head turns to see Frankies hat on the nightstand.
“Frankie right? Statue like, soft curls, kind, deep brown eyes? And don’t pretend like you didn’t notice I know you like the back of my hand!”
“So what if I have, doesn't mean..” you whisper, not wanting him to hear you.
“Nope, don’t sell yourself short, I say get cozy with him and finally move on from dickhead McGee, even if it's just for a night, cleanse the palette. Besides, you know he’ll be doing whoever looks his way at my wedding.” you hear a muffled shout “alright I have to go, something about the bridesmaids fighting.”
“Your sisters? Fighting? Who could have seen that coming” you deadpan.
“I know, god I wish you were here.”
“I wish I was as well i'll call tomorrow in case you get cold feet, I have a five point plan”
“I won't” she chimes.
“ I know because you love her”
“And I also love you” she says
“And I love you” you respond before hanging up. Not even a minute after hanging up you get a call from Santiago
“Hey, I just wanted to verbally apologize for trapping you with ‘Fish, though he's definitely one of the better ones to get stuck with.” he says.
“Well that’s good to know” you laugh, rolling your eyes.
“He hasn’t tried anything has he? If he has I'll kill him, and get away with it, you'll have to help me with the body but...” Santiago starts.
“Santi, it's fine he's cool, really sweet, actually,” you offer heat rushing to your face for some unknown reason.
“Good. He touches you ill..” he warns.
“You’ll kill him ya I got it!” you snap, you understood why Santiago felt like he had to play big brother for you but sometimes he was a touch overbearing. “Is John there?” you try and ask casually, failing to head Stellas advice.
“Don’t...” Santi starts, you can practically hear his jaw clench over the phone “you know if I see him tonight i'm gonna knock him out for how he treats you”
“It wasn’t that bad.” you whisper.
“It was, still is, I heard him bragging about how if worse comes to worse he always has his plan D,” he offers, not to hurt you but to try and free you from the cycle.
“That dick. You know what Stellas right, fuck him!” you exclaim with a newfound determination to rid him from your life.
“Oh my god, are you finally seeing the light?” Santi asks “Praise the lord!” He shouts up into the sky.
“Ya I guess so” you say staring at Frankie as he dries his hair with the towel. “I gotta go, see you soon.”
“Not soon enough” he laughs as you hang up.
“Whose that?” Frankie asks, still curious about who you’d been hoping to see at the wedding and what they’d done to earn your affection.
“Pope!” you say with a smile, pushing your back off the bed and sitting up.
“Threatening to kill me?” Frankie predicts.
“Ya we have a plan” you murmur.
“We?” he asks, a twinkle in his eye and his mouth upturned at the sides.
“Well he'll kill you but, I cant have him go to jail so i'll have to hide your body.” you explain
“Good glad that got sorted” he says, his smile now in full effect.
“I'll go grab some breakfast” you say.
“No ill get it, you’re always getting it, plus gives you time to shower, I can smell you from here.” He prods, grabbing the key.
“Rude!” you yell out after him.
He's back when you exit the shower
“Oh thank you, you say grabbing the plate form him”
“Just what the doctor ordered, hey?” he asks, smiling stupidly big.
“Ouuuf that that was bad truly apologize to me” He laughs at how serious your face gets “You're laughing? I had to listen to that joke and you're laughing?” you say through a mouthful of eggs. “Here's something that'll wipe that stupid smile off your face, snow stops which means we have to clear off my car.”
“Using the royal we are we?” he asks
“Think of it as repayment for the pun,” you say waving your fork in his face
“How will we be clearing it off?” he asks, leaning over the counter.
“Brush” you say, as if it's obvious
“Where's the brush?” he asks, resting his chin on the back of his hands and smiling sweetly at you, waiting for an answer.
“In the….oh” you say, face dropping when you realize that the brush was in the car currently buried under a snow pile.
“Not so smart now” he laughs pushing back off the counter taking your empty plate with him, washing it up for you.
“Well I guess we just have to get to the door with our hands then” you say smiling.
“Once again, about this we,” he says, drying his hands on the dish towel, turning to see a dramatic pout plastered across your face.
“Fine, I'll only help because I think you may disappear in the snow if you go in alone” he responds, the truth was, he couldn't deny you.
You both get dressed into the most winter proof clothes you had, neither of you having packed for a snowy expedition. As you exit the room you see him grab a pack of cigarettes he’d been hiding, not wanting you to see his worst traits.
“Those will kill you, you know,” you say, causing him to roll his eyes dramatically.
“Okay mom” he laughs grabbing the lighter despite your disapproving glare,
“You have a daughter to think about” you say, feeling like you'd be letting your profession down by giving up so easily.
“It's why I smoke, the safest way to calm the nerves while staying clean” he murmurs with a look on his face that is enough to get you to drop it for now. You weren't about to pry into his struggle with addiction and you certainly weren’t one to judge, you’d faced similar issues after your brothers passing.
“I used to smoke,” you confess as the elevator doors close in front of you both.
“Seriously?” he remarks, not able to believe it.
“Pack a week for about a year” you say, slowly nodding your head as the two of you walk through the foyer towards the parking lot.
“You quit?” He asks, impressed.
“Ya I don’t think it was long enough to form a habit. When did you start?” you offer as you move your legs through the snow, it was dense your legs would be sore tomorrow.
“What? Are you gonna assess the state of my lungs?” Frankie laughs, moving easily through the snow you were struggling so hard against.
“Yes, but i'll only tell you the results if you want to know”
“Few years back, after...” he stops himself before confessing the worst thing that ever happened in his life.
“The mission” you finish for him, remembering how Pope had picked up similar habits once he finally returned home. “You were there with Santi?” you question
“He told you about it?” he asks, sterner than you’d seen him before, he was afraid that you knew what a monster he was. You shake your head, no and he thanks the gods. “You think i'm going to?” He queries lighting up a cigarette and taking a drag, making sure not to blow it out anywhere near you.
“I don’t know, maybe. It’s the one thing he wont tell me about, figured it would be easier for you if you were talking to a stranger about it.”
“Not much of a stranger now” he laughs, but there was something behind his eyes, a similar sadness that you saw with Santi when he talked about it. Your thoughts are interrupted when something cold hits you in the face, your mouth drops open, your forehead scrunches in disbelief.
“Shit, I wasn’t aiming for your face I swear!” he looks up panicked
“I guess it's what I get for asking so many questions” you say, hand still over your face playing into it as you formulate your attack.
“No, oh my god! No! It wasn't because of that, let me see” he says, you let your hands drop and you smile wickedly up at him. Before he has time to react, you rub a handful of snow into his face.
“Oh... you're gonna pay for that.” he draws out, wiping the snow from his face.
After 15 minutes of all out war, and a brief truce that was to be officially signed once back inside you managed to get to the door handle and lean into the back seat grabbing out the brush. You offer it to Frankie, but he's already started clearing off the rest of the car with his arms.
“Hey can you grab my spare charger out of the compartment there?” you say cleaning off the trunk, the front doors now accessible.
“Ya, holy shit is this a knife?” he asks, pulling out a knife.
“Maybe.” You say staring into his eyes as his mouth hangs open in amusement. “For safety, I didn't know who I'd be driving up with! You coulda been a murderer” you explain palms up.
“And you were planning on what? shanking me?” he laughs a huge smile on his face, weirdly endeared by your thought process.
“Only if I had to.” You say chuckling between shivers, the cold now seeping through your makeshift snowsuit hitting against the sweat you’d worked up.
“You want it?” He offers.
“No i'm good, thanks”
“Because you don’t think I'm a murderer or because you have another one hidden in the room already?” he laughs, but he stops when you tilt your head slightly and raise your eyebrows, averting your eyes.
“Wait, do I need this knife?” he calls as you trudge back through the snow.
You both change into less sweaty attire and you settle into the couch turning on to watch the latest forensic files rerun. You shiver as you sit down having caught a chill. Noticing you shaking, Frankie goes to the wardrobe and grabs down a spare blanket throwing one at you so it lands directly over your head. He laughs when he sees you slowly turn towards him beneath the blanket, like someone in a makeshift ghost costume.
“Excuse me!” you laugh
“Hey you should be thanking me, can't have you freezing to death.” he says, “Are you asleep under there?” he asks, when you don't respond
“I'm not a cat! I don't fall asleep when someone throws a blanket over me!” He's not paying attention to what he's doing and the bottle in his hand shatters against the counter, a shard slicing his hand open.
“Fucking shit.” you him sigh.
“Are you okay?” You ask maneuvering out from under your blankets to see Frankie in the kitchen, glass on the floor and blood coming down his arm.
“Wow you're out of my sight for 2 seconds and you maim yourself” you say laughing, stopping when you see the panicked look in his eye, the event evidently triggering something deep in his psyche. You quickly stand up and he goes to move towards you.
“No don't move Frankie, stay where you are.” you reassure softly, watching as his eyes lay into your own, his breathing calmer now “You're in socks, can't have you cutting your dancing feet” you say.
“You’ve heard of my dancing feet,” he says, grounding himself again.
“Only bad things” you say, throwing him a pair of shoes that he carefully puts on before moving toward the closet where the broom is “No come here, let me see your hand. The mess can wait, you're more important,” you stress leading him over to the couch and sitting him down.
“Wow, first time I'll be able to afford professional health care “ he jokes as you take his hands in your own.
“Ow” he says when you press down onto the hand to assess the damage.
“It's fine, not deep enough for stitches, should heal up on its own. I still want to clean it though, to stop any infection.” You return with a small bottle of over priced vodka opening it and dabbing some onto a cotton pad. He doesn't flinch when the alcohol cleans the wound and he watches as you bandage his hand up.
“You carry a med pack with you on every trip?” he queries, but you don’t hear him you’re too focused on wrapping his hand.
“There! good as new,” you say standing up and cleaning up the glass on the floor. “Hey did you bring a swimsuit?” you ask, dumping the glass into some newspaper that was left in the room.
“Why?” He asks.
“Answer the question Frankie” you say, folding the paper around the shards before placing it into the trash.
“Yes, you wanna go hang out at the pool with the fifty families stuck here?”
“Ya. You don't? Seriously this room is wildly expensive and has a huge jacuzzi tub, I'm getting in your welcome to join, but bathing suits are mandatory.” you offer.
“I was gonna get in fully clothed,” he offers, not missing a beat.
“Perfect even better”
As per usual he beats you to the punch and settles into the tub that was more akin to a hot tub than a bath, he wanted to get in first partially to annoy you and partially so his body wouldn’t be on full display, he wasn't as jacked as he once was and he’d become insecure about certain areas that he’d let go once his kid came along. He watches as you walk in and his eyes can't help but follow your figure around the room, a beautiful person behind a beautiful personality, he thanks the universe for placing him into your orbit.
“That why they call you catfish?” you ask drawing him from his daydream back into an equally pleasing reality.
“What?” he responds, blushing at having been called out on his gawking.
“Cause your mouth hangs open like a fish out of water when you're zoned out” you smirk, lowering yourself down into the tub.
“Rude” he says splashing after you settle in.
“Alright, Frankie, what is it?” you ask, causing his face to look up to you “what's your deal, apart from smoking? You gotta have flaws”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” he charms
“Sinister” you laugh, but he doesn't, you reach your foot up tapping his cheek with it,
“Disgusting,” he chuckles, grabbing it and rubbing the arch before pushing it back into the water.
“God, I miss the ocean” you confess, “ I hate the city sometimes.”
“You’re not planning on staying in Chicago after you're done?”
“Nope, gonna get myself out to the coast, or at least somewhere without winters.” you say stretching your arms out across the tub. “How about you, are you planning on staying?”
“ Probably, no reason to leave, plus it's close to my mom so she can take care of Arianna when I'm at work, though I wouldn't be opposed to moving if the opportunity presented itself she's young enough that it wouldn’t be too hard.” he says, wanting you to know that if you asked, hed follow you anywhere.
“Arianna, beautiful name. Did you pick it?” you ask looking up when a few minutes of silence pass. As you do you notice that the somber look from early had returned. “You okay?” you ask.
“I don't deserve her, I don’t deserve something so good.” he states, suddenly realizing he didn’t deserve someone like you either. You wouldn’t be sitting in the tub with him if you knew what he’d done.
“Frankie that's not true” you reassure
“You don't know the shit I've done. I'm not... I'm not a good person,” he says, still not looking over to you.
“Well, I…” you begin to refute.
“Seriously, I've done bad things… awful things'' he clears his throat, afraid to look at you, afraid you’d be terrified by him.
“People make bad mistakes, but that doesn't make them irredeemable, not if they are willing to change. You understand what you did was bad, that says something.” you reassure, knowing the guilt was likely left over from the military.
“Well, wise words coming from someone who's never done anything bad”
“You don't know me that well Frankie, I’ve done my fair share of stupid things, crappy things to numb the pain. It's what we do to make up for those shitty actions that count. At every turn, you’ve shown me that you're not an evil person. Everything I’ve seen is good, and funny and incredibly kind.” you finish and you continue to nudge him with your foot until he finally cracks a smile.
“Well now you're smiling again, my missions complete and it's time for bed” you say stepping out of the tub and drying off, unaware that you’d just made Frankie fall even harder for you. His eyes helplessly following you as you leave the bathroom.
“Since I'm an outpatient, does that mean I get the good side of the bed?” he calls out after you. You roll your eyes but let him have it, you preferred the sleeping situation the way it was.
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tourettictrans · 3 years
tourettes Kaminari Denki fanfic(???) because i’m struggling rn and want to project onto a character (TW FOR: mentions of bullying and people not understanding)
Denki has had tics since he was around 5-6, and was diagnosed at age 8.
At first his parents didnt believe him and told him to knock it off, since he had always been one to be a class clown.
Don’t get me wrong, he was top of his class, until he was 9, ill get into that later.
After his parents realized he wasn’t faking his tics, they brought him to a neurologist and he was diagnosed.
For a year everything was fine, people were kind and understanding until he went to third grade (thats age nine right??) in a new school.
His teacher was a woman, older in age, and didn’t believe anything denki said.
When he had a vocal tic for the first time in her class, she freaked out, she sent him to the hallway and made him sit there for the rest of the class
he sobbed, he tried to explain that he had tourettes every time she walked into the hall to make sure he was still sitting there
she never believed him.
she sent him out into the hallway every day, making him miss most classes, causing him to somehow fail third grade. When his parents asked the teacher why he was failing, she said he was inappropriate and a class clown, constantly looking for attention and distracting a class.
and since he was a class clown before his diagnosis, his parents believed the teacher. He, luckily, was able to move up with his class because his teacher didnt want to deal with him. But she had warned the whole school system about how he was.
Of course they would believe the teacher and not the 10 year old. So the teachers would send him to the principals or the hallway and his parents would punish i him once they learned he was “acting out”, not understanding it was the tourettes.
At home they knew it was the tics, but since the school thought it was him acting out, that’s what they believed was happening along with the tics.
“Just because you have tics doesn’t mean you can act out!”
his grades dropped. he decided he would never go anywhere were he had to be quiet or be in line, so he would instead be a hero.
if he was a hero then people wouldn’t laugh at him when he tics, they’ll understand and they’ll praise him for doing things
when he got into UA, he thought his luck had finally changed he had a chance to become a hero.
Unfortunately, Mr. Aizawa must have gotten warned from his old school because he immediately sent Denki to Nezu’s office after he said “suck it bro” in the first class.
Kaminari dreaded the walk. He was used to it by now, but this was his one chance to be a hero, and he would hate himself forever if his tourettes ruined it.
Finally he reached the door and opened it. Nezu’s voice rang out in his ears. “Kaminari Denki, why are you here?”
It was a phrase he was used to hearing sarcastically from adults, but this felt real.
“I disrupted the class.” It came out of his mouth like autopilot. He said it every time. Denki knew how this would go. He’d get dentention and then it would happen again and again until he was kicked out of UA.
The mear thought of losing his career as a hero caused him to start to tear up, he tried to hide it, but not well enough.
“I see, well, I feel as thought there is something you’re not telling me. Like why you disrupted the class.” Nezu said
Denki broke down, he was tired. He was tired of parents staring at him at parent nights at school. He was tired of the whispers in class and the hallway. He was tired of the insults thrown at him by adults and children alike. He was just tired of having tourettes.
“I dont mean to.” He said, his vision blurred from tears streaming down his face. “I was diagnosed with tourettes at age 8, I have severe vocal tics and minor motor tics. I��m sorry. I’m sorry I’m like this.”
“Hm,” Nezu said. “I see it in your file from your doctor, but not from your school. We usually pay attention to the file from the school since they have to list the medical side too. Why does your school not have your tourettes on record?”
Denki’s breathing slowed. Why didnt his school have it on record? “I dont know. I don think they fully believed the doctor’s note was real.”
Now that Denki could see again, he saw that Nezu was typing away. “What are you doing?”
“I’m putting your diagnosis in your school file. I would hate if you got sent to my office for things you cant control. Now, you said you only have minor motor tics, do any of these affect you in battle?” Nezu asked.
“N-No.” Denki was shocked at Nezu’s response. No adult, not even his parents, had been so calm about this. “The tics go away when I concentrate, especially in battle. Only the occasional vocal tic in battle but other wise no tics.”
Nezu nodded. After Denki explained some more about his tourettes to Nezu, who apparently knew a lot about tourettes, he was sent to lunch. As he walked out the door, Nezu spoke>
“Talk to your classmates. They will be your future friends of this school and hero’s of our world, teach them how to accept.”
“I will.” Denki said, walking to lunch.
At lunch Mina, Kirishima, and Sero all ran up to him, immediately bombing him with questions and praise of his guts to say that.
“Dude, I don’t know how you even had the guts to say that.”
“Why were you gone so long is everything okay?”
“Dude Aizawa seemed so mad!”
Denki’s hand started to twitch and he could feel the tingle of a tic as he sat down at the lunch table with everyone else.
“I...” Denki started. All eyes fell on him at the table. Even Bakugo gave him a side glance, curious but didn’t want to seem curious. Denki let out a chuckle.
“I have tourette syndrome. I have mainly vocal tics, including echolilia and coprolilia. Echolilia is where you repeat words and phrases, and coprolilia is where you say obscene and inappropriate things, such as mean phrases, swears, or slurs. I have that along with random phrases and my motor tics are small. Usually blinking like really hard and cracking my neck.”
The class was silent. For a second Denki thought he had messed up. They weren’t going to be his friend anymore. He knew it. He could kiss goodbye to Nezu’s idea of “acceptance”. Then Bakugo spoke up. As Denki saw his mouth move, he was afraid. Bakugo was going to be like all his bullies. Calling him slurs and making fun of him. Then beat him up after school.
“Does it affect your fighting?” Bakugo said, angerily.
“Does it affect your fighting?” Bakugo said again, slower and somehow angrier.
“N-No.” Denki sputtered out.
“Then it doesn’t matter. I dont care what you say or do if your a hero as long as you can fight and be a hero!” Bakugo said, shifting in his seat.
“Kacchan that was so sweet!” Midoryia said, writing in his notebook.
“Shut up you stupid Deku!”
The rest of the class joined in on the exchange of words between Midoryia and Bakugo. Iida was saying how this was extremely inappropriate to fight over lunch. The rest of the class laughed.
Jiro, the punk purple haired girl, elbowed him in the side.
“Hey,” She said. “You’re pretty brave for sharing that. And I, and I’m sure Midoryia, would like to learn more about tourettes. So feel free to teach us.”
He nodded, and Jiro looked back onto the verbal fight against the two students which had now drawn the attention of the lunch room.
Maybe, just maybe, this wasn’t going to be so bad.
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dead-inside-cx · 4 years
So my Villain Hawks and among others au (which I need to give a better name for) anyways adding more to it. This posts focus is Shoto (with some dabihawks):
So Shoto gets found out by his father cause we going angsty. And his father just loses it.
Now Shoto wouldnt care usually but his father forced him into "training." Now Shotos strong. He can fight back. Hes a villain he should fight back, but hes terrified.
His brother and sister arent around to help and hes to scared to contact Hawks with the feather he has. Hawks gave then all a feather so if they need him he will come.
So he let's the "training" happen. Since hes to terrified to stop it. Once its over Shoto just lays curled up in a ball on the floor for hours. He doesnt cry. He just lays there.
He waits until Endeavor goes to bed before getting up and escaping. Usually he would go back to UA but he was scared his father had told the school.
So he races to the base. Ignoring the pain hes in. He arrives and goes inside.
Its dark which is normal since its late at night and whatever strength Shoto had to get here was now gone. He collasped to the ground in pain going back into a ball.
Hawks froze up hearing a thud. Now usually he wouldnt but when you have a potential member but also like technically your enemy naked in your bed cause your actively screwing him and no one else knows you kinda freeze up.
Hawks untangles himself from the sleeping male and puts some pants and a top on.
He goes downstairs and turns on the light. Ready for a fight. Instead his eyes go wide "Shit!" He yells out.
He rushes to Shotos side and gently unravels Shoto who groans and whines in pain. "Its okay. Your safe." Hawks whispers gently.
"Hurts." Is all Shoto can say. Hawks is now examing the injures. Bruises galore, theres blood. Possible broken bones. Some cuts. Hawks is wondering who got him.
Then he sees something. Something that makes him sick. He knew shit went down in that house. He knew Endeavor was a piece of shit. He just never fully understood how bad it was until he saw all the burns. Shotos back had burns. The back of his legs had burns.
His eyes had glanced over it before but he saw a big red handprint that could have only been caused by someone who a fire quirk around his wrist.
"Ill kill him." Hawks growled dangerously low. He wasnt strong enough to save Touya but he would save Shoto.
Picking up the boy gently he carried him to the infirmary. "Lets get you cleaned up okay Sho?" Hawks tells him. Shoto just nods. He feels safe now.
Hawks gets to work. He was no doctor or recovery girl but he could enough to help the boy heal a bit faster and hopefully withoit to much scarring.
He was focused on helping Shoto he didnt hear Dabi walk in. "Birdbrain?" Dabi sounded tired.
Hawks stops and looks over at him. "Well shit." Is all he can say. Dabi walks over and freezes at the sight. He had no clue his little brother was a villain.
He could lose it. "Sit. You can help. Questions later." Is all Hawks says. Dabi nods and helps him. Seeing his brothers injuires spark his brother instincts. "Hawks. Why is Dabi here?" Shoto manages to ask.
"Potential recruit?" Hawks tries to pass it off. "Do all potential recruits wear your shirts? And is that a hickey??" Well at least he is feeling better.
"Shut it." Is all Hawks can tell him. Dabi watches the interaction and while he should hate it he loves it. Hes happy his brother has someone he can come to.
The rest of the night goes normal. Hawks and Dabi end up sleeping in the same room as Shoto since hes terrified to sleep alone.
The others show up in the morning and just about lose it when they hear what happened to Shoto. No one even cares that Dabi is there.
"So do we call Dabi dad now as well?" Deku asks him. There it was. "Stop that you little shit." Hawks says glaring at him. "But daaaaaaad." Deku whines.
Dabi decides he likes it here. Hes still deciding on if he will join or not but he might.
As for Shoto he ends up refusing to go back to his fathers house. Since he lives at the dorms at UA hes fine but when it comes time to the weeks they are allowed to go home hes not sure what to do.
"We take turns!" Deku suggests excitedly. They even make a whole ass list of who goes in which order. Hawks also reminds them all to come here if anything goes wrong.
Eventually everyone else leaves but Shoto and Deku. "Kaachans gonna be at dinner tonight so Im trying to stay away for as long as I can." While in this au the two have a semi better relationship since Deku got his mums quirk as well as one for all (thats for a different post.) The two bonded a bit more over quirks.
Theres still strain (But thats a Deku focused post).
So now its just Dabi, Shoto and Hawks. "I gotta go. Hand job will get pissy if I dont come back today." Dabi says before leaving.
Then there was two. Hawks gives Shoto a gently hug and the boy just breaks down. Hawks is shocked. Hes never seen Shoto so hurt and upset so he just holds the boy. Its all he can do.
Once Shoto calms down Hawks orders them food cause he cant be fucked cooking. Shoto of cpurse answers the door since no one knows the address is Hawks base its fine.
They eat and Hawks stays with Shoto while he goes to sleep. Hawks ends up staying the whole night cause Shoto cuddles into him and Hawks just doesnt want to risk waking him up.
He also plans his revenge. Endeavor realy should not have messed with one of his kids. And maybe just maybe he will team up with Dabi for this.
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ivyuns · 4 years
after hours ❆ ✰
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han jisung
genre: angst and fluff
word count: 1.6k
warnings: language + self harm
A/N: since you guys asked for it, heres part two of moral of the story (: repost
listen to after hours by the weeknd
part one | part two
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thought i almost died in my dream again.
right after you left changbin’s embrace to hop onto your plane back to korea, he was furious. he didnt even knew jisung was cheating on you. as a cousin, he went to yell at your ex lover.
“han fucking jisung.” changbin muttered out. the younger one lifted his eyes and saw his hyung. quickly wiping his tears and waits for changbin to continue speaking. “did i just witnessed y/n catching you cheating on her? are you serious jisung? after everything she done for you, for us, and you did this in return!?” changbin ran his fingers through his hair and let out a heavy sigh.
“i wont hurt you or anything, just at least talk to y/n and fix some things alright?” jisung immediately nodded as changbin left the room. jisung got up and changed into a casual outfit and met up with his manager to talk about some things.
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without you, don't wanna sleep. cause my heart belongs to you.
after meeting up with his manager and convincing to continue the tour without him, he finally agreed. jisung dashes through the hallway, into his hotel room and gathers his stuff and gets his belongings then heads to the airport.
handing in his ticket and sitting in his seat in the plane, he pulls our your promise ring that you threw at him a few hours ago and remembers your pained face the moment you saw him cheat on you. the way the tears fell onto your cheeks. the way you wanted to hold back your tears but couldnt. jisung kicks the seat in front of him and starts bawling his eyes out, earning a groan from the elder who he kicked, immediately starting to apologize to the boomer.
wanting to fall asleep so time can pass by, only to have nightmares of you, taking your own life of his yet another stupid mistake. forcing himself to stay awake by looking back at all the memories you two shared.
baby where are you now when I need you most? i'd give it all just to hold you close.
after the plane has landed, he made his way out of the gate and hailed a cab and gave the driver the address of your apartment. few minutes pass by and jisung looks up and sees his destination. thanking the driver and giving them money and tip, he gets his stuff and unlocks your door. everything looked normal. you had to be here. quickly going to each room to see where you were, you were unseen.
memories start flooding in his mind and sees the first fight you two had. seeing your pale body on the bathroom floor. bunch of tubes connected to your body to regain the nutrients needed. he ran his hands through his hair and yelled, not caring about the neighbors. he needed to find you before his nightmare in the plane could actually happen.
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i know it's all my fault, made you put down your guard.
he ran to the dorm, thankful you decided to live a few blocks away from them. taking out his keys to unlock the door and smells a familiar scent, knowing you came here recently. he goes to his room to see a box on his bed and the pictures hung up of you two hidden in his drawer.
seeing the note placed on the box made him feel even more worse. he let out another scream and pulled out his phone, seeing if you still share your location with him.
entering the passcode for his phone and opening his friends locator app. he searches for your name only to find only you can see his location. he threw his phone on the bed and fell on the ground. not knowing where you could be. who knows if youre in the streets all alone.
knowing if youre upsetting at something, jisung always knew you wouldnt have the appetite to eat and ruin your healthy life. even if you came back to korea a few hours ago, your body could make you sick, especially since you didnt eat anything before you left for japan.
i know i made you fall, they said you were wrong for me
remembering how you acted towards him after telling stays about your relationship with him made him guilty. he knew how insecure you felt since the beginning of high school. after the mean comments stays made about you, you felt everyone was coming at you and that you didnt deserve jisung.
until jisung stepped in and defended you. he brought in the light when you fell into the darkest time. even til before he cheated on you, whenever you would fall into a dark time, he would be your knight in shining armor and bring you back to light.
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i lied to you, i lied to you, i lied to you. Can't hide the truth, I stayed with her in spite of you.
he knew he shouldnt had cheated on you. but something that jiseo gave him made him fall harder for her and started cheating behind your back. the times he cancelled the dates and plans was only to hang out with jiseo. with the excuses he used was just he needed to practice more or make a new song. all the lies he said to you. all the unsaid i love you.
you did some things that you regret, still ride for you. cause this house is not a home.
currently on the bridge you were sitting at, with the han river under your dangling legs and with park near the bridge, where you two met when you were a little kid. with a blade in your hand, you rolled up your over-sized button up flannel to reveal a fresh canvas to place the scars. each memory and tear that fell, you would cut into your flesh. you promised yourself you would never cut youself or try to harm you, but you felt weak and nobody was there to help.
jisung, who was running around trying to look at the places you would always go to relieve some stress or just for fun. remembering you would always go to the park next to the han river always made you feel so calm since it was the place you and him landed eyes on each other. running to the park, only to find nobody. looking up afar, he sees a figure. a very familiar figure. noticing the same flannel you would always wear.
making his way to the bridge, he hears the sobs which pains him. going up to you, he sees blood coming out of your fore arm. widening his eyes as he approaches you, he takes the blade and throws it in the river and hugs your trembling body.
“its okay y/n” he tries to make you calm. slowly sinking into the hug, relaxing. you then remember what happened. with your shaking body, you push jisung back to where he isnt hugging you anymore and falls on his side. “how can you say that as i caught you cheating on me?!” you yelled out, which you shouldnt have, making you see more than one jisung.
“y/n, let me explain!” due to lots of blood loss, you fainted. having jisung to press on your wounds and take you to the hospital. “please y/n, not again. please i cant lose you again.”
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jisung waited in the waiting room with his elbows on his knees and bloody hands on his hand. as the doctor was walking towards him with papers in his hands, he stood up. “ah so jisung. y/n is fine but due to the lost of blood she lost which was almost half a gallon, she will be having blood transmitting to her body. you can go to her room now” jisung thanks the doctor as he pats jisungs back.
walking to your room, only to see you looking at the window. jisung grabs a chair and places it next to your bed. jisung grabs your hand and starts speaking.
“im sorry y/n. i-i shouldnt have cheated on you. if i didnt, we wouldnt have to be in this situation. i dont know why i did it in the first place but after seeing you hurt, it just made me feel so guilty. i didnt return you the love you gave me and seeing your pained face, i just felt my heart shatter. and after having to keep stray kids continuing their tour without me and coming back here to talk to you. just because i love you and i dont know what life ill be doing without you.”
you turn your head to see jisungs face full of regret of what he did in the hotel room. you smiled after hearing ‘i love you’ after months. “i love you too jisung”. he lifts up his head and sees you smile. he gets up and hugs you. “if you do this again jisung, i wont hesitate and break up with you.” and kiss jisung on his lips. he sits back down and grabs your left hand. “i believe you need to put this on again, sunshine.” and slides in the promise ring you threw at him.
and finally, he goes on his knees and pulls out the small black velvet box you found earlier. without jisung even asking, you immediately say yes. “baby i didnt even ask you” jisung laughs.
“i dont care, yes is my answer.”
jisung smiles and puts the engagement ring on your ring finger.
“thank you for this second chance baby”
sorry that i broke your heart, your heart. and I said, baby, i’ll treat you better than i did before, i'll hold you down and not let you go, this time i won't break your heart, your heart, no.
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END <3
a repost since first try didnt show up in the tags but ty for reading
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xoxoamf27 · 3 years
White. I’ve always hated the color. You would never catch me in anything white unless it was absolutely necessary. Like a graduation, communion or wedding party. Black had always been my color of choice. It suited me, the way I felt, my outlook on everything, but now all my wardrobe consists of is white nightgowns. Who would have thought that a college educated girl who came from a seemingly normal and functional family would end up here in some facility in the middle of nowhere that is supposed to help me “get better” but in reality is only making me realize that this might have been the true destination I was headed toward for most of my life.
Looking back it all adds up. I had everything. Parents who loved me, a boyfriend who adored me much more than he should have and more than enough money than I knew what to do with. I was privileged, I was spoiled and I was unhappy even with the world practically at my feet. I rebelled every chance I got. I broke the hearts of my family over and over again. At first it was just your typical teenage disrespect but that wasn't enough for me. I had to go bigger, do worse, something inside my head was always nagging me to see how much farther I can push myself when it came to my limits and the limits of others.
I would purposely stay out late, not call or text for days just to have everyone worry about me. Of course I fell in with a bad crowd. Whether it was smoking, boozing, fucking, you name it, I indulged in it and had no care in the world about the consequences. I’ve had my stomach pumped more times than I can count on both my hands.
No one could ever figure out why I am the way I am. Mental illness didn't run in my family. My mother didn't control me, my father didn't assault me. Maybe they should have, then maybe I’d have a real, tangible reason as to why I act the way I do besides the ominous dark feelings that come over me and take me to the point where the new version of myself becomes so strong there is no sense in fighting back. So I don’t. I lay back, let it take over and let the feelings of adrenaline and danger consume me and take me to places I never dreamed.
There was something about feeling like you're a lost cause that gave me a sick feeling of satisfaction. I knew I was different, I knew I was sick but a part of me enjoyed it, so much so that it ultimately led to my extended stay here. Who knows if I’ll ever get out of here. In all honesty, if I were any of these doctors I wouldn't let me out. I am a danger, not just to others, mostly to myself. I’m self destructive and no matter how hard I try, the cycle can’t be stopped.
This isn't the first place I've been shipped off to in an attempt to get my life back on track but it will definitely be the last. I can’t go through sitting in another circle with a group of strangers listening to their truly painful and pitiful pasts as I simply sit there and imagine what I’d be doing if I wasn't forced to sit here and feign interest. Not to mention being forced to where one of those insufferable “Hi, my name is Holly” stickers.
What no one knows is the voices were my first friends. I heard them for the first time when I was ten, but they went away for awhile leaving me alone. They resurfaced when I was fifteen and thats when I started to change. I gave into what they wanted, what they suggested. At first, I was scared but as I got used to it, I thrived. I no longer felt scared or held back by anything but feeling like that comes with a price and I'm paying the price for it now.
I’m tired of the pills, I’m tired of the doctors, I’m tired of the blood that trickles down my wrists when I feel trapped. I have to make a decision, do I ultimately embrace my madness and live out my days continuing this vicious cycle or do I end my pain?
I’m not sure what to do, I never have been. I mainly fly by the seat of my pants but I think I’m over all of it. I have no possible career in sight, I’ve never stayed in a job long enough to see if it was really for me. No real friendships or relationships to look forward to getting back to. I never had many girlfriends and the ones I had were never able to keep up with me and as for my boyfriend I mentioned earlier, he was too good for me. I didn't like seeing him hurt and disappointed in me every time he laid his gorgeous blue eyes on me. He only wanted what was best for me and I promised that I would try to make it work but him and I both knew that it wouldn't stick so we ended it. He was more heartbroken than I was, not that I didn't love him, actually maybe I didn’t. Maybe I was using him so I wouldn't be alone.
Something about being alone frightens me thats why a part of me doesn’t want the voices to go away. I know how it sounds, trust me. Who wants to live life being controlled by destructive voices that run through their head? I mainly want them because their comforting to me, in a way they understand me better than anyone else, which is sad considering their voices and not actual people. I’ve tried to make genuine and lasting connections with others but it never felt natural.
I’m twenty five now and frankly I’m exhausted. The once wild and reckless life I lived for nearly a decade, drained the drive out of me. I’ve come to realize it more now over my weeks here, I’m tired, more than I should be for my age. I just want to sleep, to relax, not to worry. To just close my eyes and float away.
I walked around barefoot as I thought to myself. No one is awake, it is a little after midnight. The orderlies were taking their usual late night coffee break at this hour. I’ve learned the rotation and how to get around unnoticed. Its relatively quiet tonight, I haven’t heard any screams, maybe tonight is a good night after all. As I make my way to the roof, I lingered as I felt the warm summer breeze against my skin. Summer used to be my favorite time of year, but I cant remember the last time I enjoyed a trip to the beach or the feel of the sun on my skin.
The moon was also beautiful, it was full and shined so brightly, it was almost blinding. I ran my fingertips over my scarred arms and remembered each time I dragged that cold, sharp blade against my skin. My arms are like a tragic work of art.
As I stood at the ledge I knew it would hurt but maybe only for an instant, I was no stranger to pain after all, what was wrong with one last bout of it? I knew it would be a mess to clean up for whoever would be tasked with removing me from the pavement but I didn't really care how it would be done.
I was waiting for the voices to start screaming at me for what I was about to do but shockingly I heard nothing. Maybe they knew I had given up and accepted the fact that our time together was over. Its bittersweet in a way, to not hear them at this moment. My heart was pounding so loudly you would think it would be audible to someone else. I forced my eyes shut as it felt as if everything was standing still. I took a deep breath and realized there was no going back, I waited for a split second to see if any of the familiar voices that I had come to know over all these years would call out to me, begging me to stop, to turn around, to go back to bed but there was nothing. I felt myself mouth the words “I’m sorry” as I quickly thought of my parents and all the tears I caused them.
I stepped forward and there was no longer anything beneath me, I was falling and I knew in that instant, I was finally free.
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cafe-enchante · 3 years
ok now im curious about your thoughts on amnesia (・ω・`) totally ok if you dont want to share though!!
This game is a whole can of worms for me and I actually had to spend some time figuring out how to answer this.
I'm on mobile (havent really had a chance to go home much due to some emergencies at my work keeping me there overnight) so I cant put this under a readmore but..
Also, before I go on my rant I would like to say that I think that the Amnesia series in general actually had some amazing ideas behind it and almost all of my criticism are actually addressed and answered in pretty satisfying ways in the sequel games that... sadly never got localized (which is sad, as I genuinely think they actually improved the games and made the first one less of a dumpster fire)
Also, I havent played the game in years so apologies if I make some mistakes (Ikki and Touya's routes are the ones I remember the best, and if I'm honest i had no desire to load up my vita and replay it)
Now, Amnesia is a game that in general is fairly controversial and I'm honestly surprised it is as popular as it is though I think this is attributed to the fact the western audience didnt have as many of the genre at the time of it's release and it was full of pretty boys so I think the game got away with a lot more than it deserved.
That said, as a whole I think the game generally glorifies, romantisizes, and fetishizes many forms of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, and manipulation with gaslighting and the general idea that in order to have a happy relationship you have to give up who you are as a person.
(As I said before, the sequel games deal with actually making the above claim not true but they were never localized so I'm only talking about Memories)
The general premise of the game is that the MC loses her memories thanks to a mistake by a magical being and has to hide the fact she has amnesia while also dealing with the hitches this causes in her current relationship.
Except not because for the most part almost every relationship reveals they were extremely toxic/unhealthy and were likely on the verge of a breakup before the MC lost her memory and prior personality go become a dimwit with no self preservation skills.
This pops up a lot in the routes but especially in Ikki, Kent, and Touya's routes. In Ikki it becomes increasingly clear that a lot of Ikki and the MC's relationship was based on a potential lie and due to his fanbase the MC goes through near constant harassment and is almost killed on a few occasions.
But Ikki cant cut those girls off because it would "be unfair". I also find playboy types like him in general to be annoying, but the fact girls basically throw themselves at him due to his magical eyes and it is quite clear he used this to his advantage at least at one point makes him hard to sympathize with, especially considering he is fully aware how fanatic his fanclub is but doesnt actuall support or help the MC until near the end of his route.
Kent has a solid idea behind him but his route was awful in Memories. Especially because it highlighted how much of an amazing personality the MC had before her amnesia and how the two couldnt properly communicate until she lost her memories and how he actually learns she has no memories and struggles with keeping things as they are or help her get better.
On paper this sounds like an amazing idea until you start to learn just how much the two fought (it's implied they did nothing BUT fight) and it is implied the MC was about to break up with him. It is very clear the two were very much not a good match and were trying to force a relationship that shouldn't have been going on and neither was actually happy until the plot started.
Touya's route is the one that gave me the most difficulty and by that I mean I actually couldn't finish his route.
I had to ask someone else to finish the route for me due to the nature of what happens and his is by far the route that made me hate this game and I had the most problems with outside the True Route (which I feels fetishizes mental illness and physical abuse, but I'm not going into that to deeply because I'd just be repeating what in about to say).
Touya's route is... bad. Now, please understand: I work in the medical field. I've met women and had to protect them from men like Touya whose love was just "to strong" that they needed to protect them. Men that drugged, gas lit, and trapped these poor girls until they mentally broke.
I'll never forget the one girl who couldn't take it anymore and took her own life when her boyfriend tried forcing himself into the clinic to get to her. I held her neck closed with a towel until the doctor got to the room but she ended up passing during surgery.
For me, Touya's Route was seeing what that girl went through. It was a constant reminder of what all those girls that came to the clinic went through. This route made me sick to my stomach and like I said I had to have someone else finish it for me. It didnt help when I saw his bad end and realized he basically turned the MC into a drugged up sex doll which is something that happened to a woman in my area when I was twelve (only reason she was found was because her boyfriend got arrested for something and asked if a police officer could go feed his 'dog'. He didnt even see her as a person anymore)
A lot of the romance in this game was like that, but it was most prominent in this route. The red flags for abuse, the constant "they just feel to strongly" or idea that the Protagonist's former personality was the primary issue.
I think the only route I was generally ok with and kind of liked was Shin's I think.
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delicioustrashlove · 3 years
To me : a honest open letter to my self. deep breath and open up and express 
What do you know . You went back there again and all though you held on super tight you couldn’t keep him could you? Of course not. You’ve lost your self every-time chasing him and you’ve never been able to catch him.
I thought I wouldn’t survive this one. I thought honestly I was not going to make something of my self . I whole heartedly was ready to give up . What ever happened happened and I could care less it’ll never be as bad as losing you. And I truthfully connived my self that my happiness only lied in your arms.
It took me so long to cry . Once I got back Colorado the reality of my new home, it was such a blur . For a while I pretended you died. To some how help my heart forget you. And thats all I wanted was to forget you. I deleted every picture and every single video .I blocked you on everything I could think of that youd have access to talking to me through . And for what . Just to black out once a week and tell you how much  I miss you and that I love you . I drank my self silly . I mean every event every party every outing I had to be there I had to be anywhere but in reality . Because reality meant no you. It meant what once was and will never be again,, reality meant excepting my feelings. And I wanted so badly to be tough and strong. I’ve gotten my heart shattered a million times by you , you’d think I would get easier . It didnt it was worse . I was so fully invested in you that life didnt exist with out you in it . I didnt know what that felt like anymore . I was so wrapped up In you so blind to reality . Loving you meant losing my self . I lost my self 4 times a year for 5 years trying to keep your heart. I broke my own heart letting you back in to my life so many times . I knew better . But the love I had for you was so much stronger . I couldn’t stay away . I also revolved my entire world around you , so when you where gone I felt so literally like the world was ending . I lost my whole life . I realize now thats not healthy . You have to always prioritize your health and well being before anyone . You have to love you before you love anyone. So wed break up id self destruct then Id put all my pieces back together the ones you broke. Id fix my self and I would get back on track I was moving on I was happy then just like that . One phone call at 10pm where you clearly to drunk to remember the conversation id be on a plane. Drop my job my home my family My friends … quite literally everything just to be with you . Just to love you. All I ever did in this world was so unconditionally love you. I thought I could hate you I did for a while . But I dont anymore . You where apart of my journey and it almost killed losing you but it was supposed to happen . It was part of the plan that god has for me. You coming int o my life brought so much love and bond that ill never feel with anyone else . I will never love someone the way I let my self love you. And when the lesson has finally been learned only then I can move forward to the next chapter. And your purpose in my life was love and lots of lessons and lots of growing . You think god doest hear your heart crying you think he gave up on you ya know , but he never did. In the end you’ll see there was such bigger picture. 5 years I spent going back to you and leaving you. Why did I always go back ? Because loved you but I clearly wasn’t seeing what god prepared for me. He wouldn’t believe his lessons or fallow his guidance so he kept bring ing me back to you so I could relearn and remember why I left and well you might be my soulmate your not meant to be in my story forever . Only a couple chapters . And once you’ve served your purpose to my life that god wants me to have experienced and learned I will be able to move forward. I first must let you go . And I finally am starting to. I got so unhealthy and so sad and so stuck and caused so many health problems to my body . So much that was almost to much to prepare. But I made a choice one day . I chose my self , and not you. I chose to love me and not love you anymore. I commented intently to my family and I mean really gave it my all. I learned that no matter what my parents wouldn’t never leave mom behind .and im going to everything in my power to be a good girl to them and build our love and our relationship . And I think that was gods purpose all along. You cant keep whats not for you . And I didnt understand that when we parted ways. I accept that now . And I know as I continue to stay on the right path god has such beauty waiting ahead for me… look how much I loved you and all I did for you imagine how much I will love the right man. I did alot. Every time we break up I have to fix my self . But I know now its all apart of the journey . All those trials with you just made me stronger it made me braver it made me wiser and it made men grateful for the good ones.  You breaking my heart was one of the best things to happen to me in the end. Because I never would stopped loving you I never would have left you behind. I would have always been your biggest fan and continued to love you till I ended up hating my self. You have the courage to set me free was the kindest thing you ever did for me. At the time I didnt get it but who I am now and what I ve accomplished for my self and how when you try really hard to be better and I mean really hard things kind of fall in to place. God smiles and says okay you deserve this you’ve learned you’ve grown . I manaaged to accomplish that goal of being close to my family . We are so close and we love trust and respect eachother so much . Our bond is very very strong . I managed to get my self too a doctor , I found out I complete sabotaged my health . And oh ya I have 14 allergies !!!!  And some of the effects of those allergies after time has caused a harmful build up to where I was 3 years away form being diabetic , my thyroid completely stopped working . Amplifying my anxiety and my depression . The last month. I was in az i would get sick a lot . Id eat something and get sick . The problem was I was so fuxking drunk all the time I didnt ever thing anything of it. I’ve destroyed my guy and its a blessing that wildly and randomly this doctor asked if she could test me . And we found a lot of issues and also got a lot of answers to a lot of my health issues. Im starting treatment for that . Ill be injecting my self every other day with medicine to help my body repair the damages I have done and it will also help fight allergic reaction and build immunity so this doesnt happen again . I also !!! Am taking my meds again . Different ones but im glad I chose to take this chance on them again . I figured if im going to  put my health and happiness first I dotn need to be drinking and If im not drinking a lot fo stuff is going to come to the surface and I don know how well ill be able to handle that reality. I also like I said thought. Was going to kill my self. I was so heartbroken so so so sad. I knew I needed help and I reached out and got. Now im happy and stable and I get out of bed and I have energy and im so present and to active. I work out everyday . I eat healthy and I lost some weight . My highest weigh t was 168 before our florida trip I got down to 147 , when worked for Linx I was 145 then after being with tj again my mental health went hay wire and I lost my self again . Completely lost. And when I got back to co I was 153 pounds …. I would shift from 145 to 147 … then I just stopped worrying about it and started doing something about it. I channeled all my sadness in to exercise . Im sad go work out im bored go work out im happy hey go work out get that good flow !!  Your angry you miss him what ever it was I worked out then it became all I could focus on cus I learned to love it so Much . I took on running again I put in the work . Things finally where falling into place . I was getting my self back and this time it was better then ever . Better then ever before . I unlocked this door and its been so beautiful. I one day weighed my self just to see assuming id be 145 I was 137 !!!! Wow !!! A week later I was 135 and today I am 133!!!!! Its so cool and feels so good to not be depressed not feel pretty in my clothes. And iliv Amy self. So much . I hope I start working at hooters soon and continue to have a great life. I finally got approved for unemployment and ally back pay and also and extra 13 weeks after mine runs out. Things are just happening . I wasn’t going to get any hadn’t outs . But I was at the bottom thats for sure and you know who was there ? Not tj not the guy you literally did everything for no not him . My mom and my step dad and my brother . They took me in . And it was hard and uncomfterable , but I just stopped going out stopped drinking as much . And did things for them no matter if they where mad at me or if it was awkward.i committed to being good fo them . And I knew it would take time . But little by little ive managed to accomplish all my goals . When I used to be the queen of quitting. I cant wait to see even more of what god has in store for me. And who I become . My skins cleaning up my body is losing weight I more active im healthy and im very in touch with my desires and my well being . I care and love and respect my self so so much. Its like a huge spiritual awakening. I love being alone . I dont feel like alone deserves me right now to be honest .Its gong to take a lot for me to love again but its okay . Not everyone deserves that form me anyway. I worked so hard to me this . To be who I am right now and I won’t let anyone take that away form me. You cause harm to my heart my well being just by !! If you disappoint me disrespect me or hurt me its done . You lost you dot meet my needs your not benefiting and there’s to many many and women on this planet . Ill never waist my time on the wrong one . Ever again. I respect my self to much to put someone over me! And I stand by that now and forever!!!  The new be is bette then ever and its gong to take a hell of a person to change my relationship status . And that cool im honestly not even interested . I dont care to date or hang out or hook up or even have sexual contact with anyone . Im so content with me myself and this beautiful transition im goin through I just want to focus on me and my family and my health. Because this is what its all about. This is what living is. this is life. This is beauty . This is whats important. I feel like im living . And im happy and im only going to get better and better. Thank you god for this life and thank you for giving me the strength to turn the page and start a new chapter on life. I fully trust you and the processs. And that brings me back to “god will never leave you behind” I needed to learn all those things that all may mistakes have taught me . And god has a way of constantly bringing things back Into your life if it has not yet served its purpose or taught you what you needed to learn.  I see that now. Positive mind set is very powerful . Loving your self is amazing and living through god is the best thing you can do . I will always you tj and I will always in some way wish there was a me and you forever .but I cant ever betray my self like that again. That door is officially closed.  See I thought my life was over when you said our relationship was over. But really it had just begun. Everything happened for a reason exactly how its meant to happen . Losing you meant I could finally find my self. It just lit up the path .  God bless <3 no angry  im happy and im I accept this and I forgive my self and you . Life is so Beautiful .
Some one very wise once said … -Life is not about how much you hurt its about how much your willing to suffer. ~VP
Im not willing to suffer any longer.  Except it feel it and then forgive and move forward.
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reddogf13 · 4 years
Escape: To Salvation Ch: 20
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Blake X Val
Summery: Blake wakes up in the hell town known as Templegate. confused and alone he must fight through both his past and present for his future. however, hallucinations of festering demons haunt him along with something else more of mortal blood. now he must fight to keep his nightmares and reality separate or succumb to the deadly wilds. however is he truly as alone as he feels in this world?  
status: complete
rated: M - fowl language, sensitive topics, and gore
previous chap: Escape: To Salvation CH:19
next chap: END
~Ch:20 Salvation~
“whats wrong?” Val asked, noticing his sudden stress. “they know we're here.” Blake spoke with inner dread rising. Rushing over to peek between the window curtains. Seeing many in swat gear swarming around the hotel. “fuck, fuck, fuck!” Blake breathed, panicking on what to do. Val remained seated. She was just as aware of the situation from Blakes expressions. “maybe we could go through the bathroom window?!” he whispered. “there is none.” Val stated, remaining calm. The two standing silently at the sound of a knock at the door. “... go hide.” he mouthed to Val. “i cant leave you to them.” she whispered. “please.” he mouthed again, desperately trying to shoo her away to hide. She looked at him sadly before going off with all the food and supplies to hide in a closet. He waited till she was fully hidden to slowly open the door. Seeing a man standing there in a full black suit with dark rimmed glasses. The man wasint very bulky with a thin tall figure. Being the same age, if not younger, then Blake. Behind him were two long walls of huge swat men leading up to the back of an Armored vehicle. “Blake Langermann?” the man asked again, the same voice from the phone. “...yes.” Blake mumbled sadly. “i am FBI agent James Cale. We're here to transport you.” the man said, holding a ID up for Blake to study. Despite wanting to contact the FBI he never did. Them racing to his doorstep with armed men being a screaming red flag to him. What if this was a Murkoff trick? What would be the point though, since shooting him now would mean less steps. “uhh … okay.” he said, carefully stepping out. Slowly closing the door behind him. “we know there are two of you.” the man stated before Blake could fully close the door. Blake swallowed nervously, really not wanting to get Val involved. Especially if this was a trap, but they could just beat the door down to grab her. “shes … not good around strangers. … especially armed ones.” Blake stated slowly, standing in front of the small amount of open door. “understood. we'll try to make you some room, but we cant spread the wall too much or it would hinder both your safety.” the man dipped his head down. Blake slipping back inside to fetch Val. Running over to carefully open her closet in case she had a weapon ready. “Val, i think its the FBI.” he told her. “you sure?” she asked. “they didint barge in and shoot us down.” Blake shrugged. Taking Vals hand tightly to lead her out. The two walking closely together out the door. Blake no longer seeing the FBI agent James. The space between the line of guards was opened by a couple feet on each side. All of their backs facing toward the two. Cautiously walking down the aisle of guards to the truck. Seeing James sitting at the very back on one side. Slowly the two stepped up into it to sit down at the far back opposite to James. Once seated, two guards hopped in to sit at the very front by the doors. Two other guards shutting the double doors from the outside. “... where are we going now?” Blake asked hesitantly. “a safe house, where you can rest safely. We also need to debrief you on how much you know.” James answered. “how'd you know about us?” Blake questioned. “we've recently started investigating some activity from Murkoff around here. We were slow to act as we wanted to surprise the remaining Murkoff owner. However she got passed us along with much of the facility information. We swarmed the labs and Templegate, managing to arrest many of the remaining workers packing. Some of them mentioned you two as they were questioned. A while later some of our watchers saw you two pop out of the woods. Sounded like Murkoff wanted you two really dead.” James answered, showing a picture of Zandra. “we had a run in with her.” Blake spoke down at the image in his hands. Val flinching as the van started up. Having everyone else tense at her reaction. “any idea where she went? We've been on her heels forever, but never managing to catch up.” James asked curiously. “no, sorry.” Blake answered sadly, handing back the photo. “i don't think it'll help, but I got this journal from the Templegate leader when Murkoffs experiment was going. Its been ruined by water though.” Blake said, handing the agent knoths journal. Trying to calm Val slightly after the journal was taken. Blake growing nervous as guards looked in her direction and looking ready to react. “we mite have something that can pick up the pen indents despite the smearing. Not all of it mite be savable, but maybe it'll piece together a bit of Murkoffs ideals here.” James spoke, flipping a little through the book before slipping it in a tightly sealed bag. Marking the bag with numbers using a black sharpie. “... is she okay?” James asked at the sight of Val. “shes ... from Templegate, ... like actually lived there for her whole life. Shes very unused to motor vehicles aside from farm tractors. This is actually her second car ride in history.” Blake admitted. He wasint sure if it was best for them to know that she was an experiment. However he knew they couldn't introduce her into society without higher help in the system. Explaining why she was acting so twitchy would make her less likely to be surrounded by armed guards. “oh, does she have any experience out of Templegate?” James asked, both interested and concerned. “no, a small taxi ride and a cheese burger was pretty much it. I am absolutely sure she doesn't have basic records like a birth certificate. That's why i am even telling you this.” Blake spoke. “hmm, ill let staff know. Processing her into modern society is going to take a major rehabilitation schedule. Think she'll do well for a physical? We will have to take blood, finger prints, and other identifying marks for a proper certification.” James asked. “as long as i am there, maybe. She really hasint had a good record with others.” Blake said, pressing on the fact of him being there for the testing. “can she talk, or read and write at all?” James asked. “yes, she can do all of that pretty well. Just not now while we're in the car.” Blake answered, trying to calm Val down a bit more. Her breathing getting greatly uneven. “at least that gives us a pretty head start on communication ability. We've had to do many rehabilitation of all kinds. The ones that lack a voice or basic reading skills are the hardest. Murkoff has caused the most of worse cases coming in.” James said sadly about the situation. “did you guys help with Eddie Gluskin's rehabilitation?” Blake asked curiously. “oh yes, and Waylons. One needed drastic rehabilitation for society and both for medical. I assume you were all over reading about the cases of those two.” James smiled slightly. “iam a reporter, that was the biggest news anyone's every gotten on TV before. Especially all the court cases after.” Blake smiled back. “the one good thing about all this is the governments got a good rehabilitation system made by now. I am going to give you two, very important, cards that you must keep at all times. These are temporary and should be replaced later after your settled with more secure cards. These will be like IDs that make sure you two wont be separated.” James said, tapping the metal wall next to them. A small bin unlocking to open up with a key board and a mini printer beside it. James grabbing two white pieces of thick cardboard, slipping them into the printer. Typing some thing down onto the small printer screen. “whats her name?” James asked. “val, no last name that i am aware of.” Blake answered. “can she borrow your last name? Its easier for record keeping.” James asked. “uh, yeah.” Blake answered, feeling strange that a person he wasint married to having his last name. James typing in a bit more. Pressing a final button before the two cardboard pieces printed out fully laminated with a bar code, a line of blue coloring with basic information about the twos looks. “do not lose these. It'll be a lot of paper work to replace. The more official cards will contain much more data like her rehabilitation schedule, Medical info, etc. I assume your close, but I don't know if you'll like to be in charge of her. We can have someone else hold her personal records if you don't-.” James offered, handing the cards over. “no, I want to be involved with everything.” Blake interrupted while taking the cards. Wanting to make sure his stance was clear. “ will you be with us when we stop?” Blake asked, growing nervous at all the new info. “only to inform you on where to go and whats going to happen. I have a really important meeting about this to higher ups. Digging up Murkoff facility's is extremely important to us. If we keep this up Murkoff mite not have any facility's in the USA soon.” James smiled. The two talked for quite a long time. Going over what Blake needed to do once they reached the facility. The armored vehicle driving through a heavily gated area into a guarded garage where they were dropped off. Val leaping out as soon as the guards moved. Breathing in large amounts of air as she calmed down. Blake standing by for her to catch her breath. “follow me, ill get you set at the front desk.” James smiled, walking slow as Val was still calming down from the ride. “they'll set you both up for a full medical examine. Any concerns or old injury's please tell the doctors about them. After medical they'll assign you proper cards, room and boarding. that only you two will share. That should be it for today. Tomorrow someone will drop by to help you further.” James explained as he brought them to the window. Giving a few instructions to the worker there. Handing off the bagged journal to an archiver. “thank you.” Blake smiled to him. Starting the process they had to go through. The medical examine giving them properly updated medication for any disease exposure. Wounds were cleaned, bandages set, in the end Blake felt better then he had in a long while. Things were looking up for them both.
_________________________________________ 4 months later somewhere far off in a different state. Were two, 2 story white houses in the middle of the golden grass country. Empty hills as far as the eye can see and one long dirt road the two houses shared. The two houses having a good space of 6 blocks away from each other. One being at the very end of the shared dirt road and the other being closer to the main tar road. The sun shone through the windows to blare down on the sleeping form in bed. “uugh.” Waylon groaned as the sun burned his tightly shutting eyes. Stretching in bed before groggily getting up to dress in new clothes. Heading through a side door way into an office like area with a computer, cabinets filled with files and sticky notes on a white board with messy writing all over. After booting his computer he looked to one wall covered in strange objects. A broken mask with old blood stains remaining of what was left of john Barker. Multiple letters from Beth on how well her family was doing since their separation from the FBI quarters. His sons report cards, and just bills. after him and Eddie escaped mount massive, the apple town, managed to reach FBI, avoided Eddie going to jail after all those court hearings, and entered their protection things had been going well. Waylon got back into security coding, using a different name of course. Making good money enough to afford what was needed to live comfortably. He headed down the stairs, passing Eddie cooking in the kitchen. “morning darling.” Eddie happily spoke, getting a half awake mumble back from Waylon. Which was the normal response. He was never a morning person and Eddie was always the early riser of the family. Waylon walked down the little stone path to their mail box. Collecting the days mail before heading back inside. “what did we get? Eddie asked as he set a plate of breakfast down. “another letter from Beth. Bills and the usual 20 letters from news reporters.” Waylon said, looking through the thick stack. Spam or letters from the news stations were immediately trashed. “you think after not answering them for 3 years they'd stop.” Waylon spoke as he opened bills first. “they certainly didint stop at first when we had that FBI sniper in our yard.” Eddie chuckled as he sat down with his own breakfast. “that whole situation was just awful, cant believe it got so bad.” Waylon muttered as he ate some bacon. “they really wanted pictures of our wedding. I cant blame them for trying.” Eddie spoke before eating a bite of pancake. “cant get good pictures while pretending to be an empty cardboard box. Glad that agent kicked him in the face when he found him. You got Noah up for the bus right?” Waylon asked, realizing it was way past the school pick up time. “yes, don't worry love.” Eddie nodded. “crap, I still need to tell artisan about the parent conference at school in a few days. Keep forgetting about that.” Waylon growled at himself. “it is almost afternoon, hes probably awake by now if you want to go talk.” Eddie spoke, taking another bite of food. “after breakfast, before I start on work.” Waylon answered, eating some food. Feeling grateful that artisan adopted his son. It definitely prevented his son from getting harassed for interviews since artisan wasint connected to them. Most just saw him as the old neighbor caring for his grandson, while just so happening to live next to crazy famous people. Also prevented teachers from jumping down Waylon and Eddies throats on how “unstable” the two were to be caring for a kid. Eddie especially would be a target of aggression at parent teacher meetings. Most didint want to get involved with him, while others tossed accusations for 15 minutes of fame. Any slight movement toward them would have caused all sorts of hysteria about how he tried to “murder” them. Adding onto that pile was all the massive scaring they bared. Looked as if they were tossed through world war 3. Waylon had metal rods for half a rib cage. A pale patch on his face from where it was skinned and replaced at a hospital. Smaller or larger scars from grenade shrapnel a Murkoff employee threw at him. Knife wounds from self mutilation during his Murkoff engine panic attacks. Eddie being just as bad. Old wobbly scars on half his face from testing, other side having that large L scar. A massive scar going along to over his spine from scraping a sharp river rock. Two circular scars from his impalement. A thick long line in the middle of his stomach from when Barker stabbed a ton sword through his gut that took a bulldozer to remove. And both having multiple bullet wounds here and there. The massive governmental FBI therapy helped wound recovery. Especially with Eddies rebuilt stomach system needing a strict diet. Very rarely did the two go out, especially not Eddie. Many were aware of his famous background and Waylon didint want to risk Eddie being accused of something vile for some asshole to get famous on the news. Waylon went to only get basic needs such as grocery's. For most other things artisan was happy to go for them. Which Waylon greatly appeared as one less stressful thing. Waylon was still incredibly paranoid of people. Anxiety making him confuse faces for Murkoff workers he used to know. Therapy helped him cope better, but still not entirely. It greatly helped Eddie on the other hand. He grew less aggressive about many subjects and got help for his old family PTSD. “FBI is here.” Eddie spoke seriously. Seeing the recognizable armored van pull up. Making both tense at the sudden visit after a few years had passed without them. Deep inside they were also paranoid of it being Murkoff, although they havint dealt with those monsters since their escape. It parked in front of their house. A knock soon being heard at the front door. “ill get it.” Waylon sighed as he stood from the table. Walking over to a speaker intercom by the multiple lock covered door. “what?” Waylon asked a little aggravated. “agent James Cale. We need to sit down for a serious talk Mr. park.” James spoke, holding up his badge to a security camera outside the door. Waylon didint answer at first while studying the badge thoroughly. Grumbling as he slowly unlocked the door. “come in.” he said neutrally. He always hated the FBI visits when they happened. They always carried bad news with them it seemed. “thank you.” James spoke as he followed behind to the living room. Waylon sitting tensely on the couch opposite to the one James sat on. Already feeling emotionally tired from thinking what the news was. “FBI has a proposal for you. We want you to join a team to infiltrate a Murkoff facility.” James spoke as clearly as he could. Getting a wide eyed expression of surprise from Waylon. “WHAT?!” Waylon shouted. Getting the attention from Eddie in the nearby room. Which the agent didint want to start out with. Sure, Eddie was less aggressive toward strangers, but as soon as Waylon didint like them, he certainly didint either. “easy, let me finish. Please, just let me get it out.” James begged, already becoming nervous under Eddies death gaze from the other room. Swallowing at Waylons own death gaze on him as well. “a little while ago we raided another Murkoff facility in an attempt to capture the remaining owner. You know how long we've been after her. We feel with all your knowledge from working under and facing Murkoff, you can lead a team to capture her. Together, of course.” he blurted the very last bit to keep Eddie pacified on possible thoughts of separation. “look, we barely got away the first two times. When I hacked Murkoff, they caught me. What makes you think we can lead a team?” Waylon stated, already feeling half done on this conversation. “you were caught, yes, but you actually hacked them. And still manage to hack them for us when we ask you to. Nobody on this case knows as much as you two do about Murkoff. About their facility's, records, the experiments they do. You had a massive inside experience that we cant get anywhere else. All others are too damaged to help or are found in a body ditch. We have been setting up a team for a while now. Despite your answer the task is going to work. I want to mention that there are two specific people on the team. With very similar cases like yours. Both were trapped in a massive Murkoff experiment. One was a healthy outsider, the other was an extremely aggressive patient. After a facility fallout they escaped and fought or hid from Murkoff till they made it to a city where we picked them up after a raid. They've shown massive leaps in therapy and helped us with tracking down the Murkoff queen. They were on board with this huge operation. With how they are, we helped them be more prepared for field duty, but we need someone for the inside, with technical capabilities like yours. A hacker basically, and don't worry about supplies. We wont be sending you off with just a bagged lunch and a good luck card. We will thoroughly be training you with the team and getting you fully armored gear specially fitted for you and what ever else you ask for.” James explained. “do you think you'll come on board for this operation?” James asked. “no.” Waylon answered with no hesitation. “wha, why not?!” James asked. “do I have to do it?” Waylon asked. “no, but are-” James started. “then hell no.” Waylon repeated more firmly, getting up from his seat. Completely done with the conversation. “wont you think about it?! Please Waylon, this is extremely important! You cant just-.” James spoke in urgency as he followed Waylon. Knocking into the wall of muscle known as Eddie who stepped between them. “oh, uh, hi. Eddie, Gluskin, AH! PARK, SIR-!” James blurted nervously. Remembering too late that Eddie had a different, one he less hated, last name. After getting officially married, Eddie took Waylons last name. He never wanted his darling to have the stained name of his monstrous father. This mistake only had Eddie grow more aggressive toward the shorter agent. Walking into him to force him back with a intense glare from his cold eyes. “uh, Waylon. Waylon? Waylon?!” the agent shouted urgently as Eddie kept aggressively forcing him back. Finally grabbing him to literally throw him out the door into the dirt. Slamming the door shut with a huff. “waylon, please think about this. We really need your help on this. Its a mater of national security at this point.” James pleaded from outside as he got up. Waylon opening the door to face him from the entrance. “why an issue of national security?” the words having peaked Waylons interest. “its gotten far too big for the united states. You know how Murkoff had a facility in the arctic, how they have places in different country's. Well, some of those country's don't want to get rid of Murkoff. They make weapons for them. More advanced then what our military finding. … we believe Murkoff is making newer and bigger facility in those protective country's. We have to move now and cut off the head of this or its going to be impossible.” James spoke seriously. “... why cant you just destroy the facility like all the others?” Waylon asked. “country's wont let us. They'll take it as an invasion and get a WW3 on our hands.” James answered. “so technically, the small team I would be in, would be invading a country?” Waylon asked. “in a way … there's a small up coming window. The remaining Murkoff owner is going to a facility in south America. I cant say the details on where out here. Our leak says this is the last facility on this side of the earth. If we don't catch her then. Then things are going to get worse and we wont have another free pass like this again. You have a week to decide. After that you wont be able to get on board. … this is getting bigger then a lot of us Waylon, and id think about your sons future if I was you.” James spoke, wiping a bit of dirt off before heading back to the armored vehicle. Waylon watched him leave down the road before slowly closing to lock the door. Letting out a nervous breath of air he hadn't realized he was holding. “you okay?” Eddie asked, concerned. “yeah, just stressed.” Waylon answered. “Are you really thinking of going to face Murkoff again?” Eddie asked. “... maybe. We've already taken most of them out. Might as well finish what we started so long ago.” Waylon breathed.
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chocojjk · 5 years
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summary: badboy! changbin if you squint 
words: 7k
warnings: one mention of death by illness
a/n: this took way too long cause i got so lazy lmfao, slide into my inbox with prompts cause idk what to write after this 
not edited per usual, im lazy :(((
you and changbin lived in different worlds
changbin has always been the schools most notorious bad boy
along with his group, 3racha
he was the typical bad boy -- gets into fights, wears leather, barely shows up to class, etc.
after watching countless of rom-coms, you and i, reader, should know that bad boys like to keep to themselves
and they won't bother you unless you cross their territory, not at all different from changbin
someone bullies one of his friends???
you might as well run now , because he will be coming for your ass
he catches you talking shit?
you should probably say goodbye to your mouth and have a doctors appointment ready
the point im trying to make is that seo changbin does not take shit from anyone
which doesn't really matter at this point because everyone has learned to fear him
on the other hand, you're, what they say is a “good girl”
too caught up with your books and your grades, in the library 24/7, worrying too much about the future you envision
you stayed away from drama as much as possible, happy with the 2-3 friends that you have  
you probably saw this coming,, but just in case you didnt, ill say it
your two different worlds are about to collide
youve been searching for a little over 20 minutes to where he could be when you finally spotted him at the table all way in the back of the library
you let out the deepest sigh, you shouldve figured he would choose that table jfc
‘he really is sticking to his reputation’ you think to yourself as you made your way over to him
“hi, im y/n, i'm your tutor,” you say, giving him a soft smile
changbin doesn't even bother to reply to you as he got up and left
you were left standing there like,,,
what the fuck just happened ??
before you finally snapped out of your confused trance and chased after him
catching up to him you grab his arm, putting a complete halt to his movement
and suddenly the library was even quieter than it should be
every single eye in the room focused on the interaction that lies in front of them
the notorious bad boy and the goody two shoes,,, how incredibly cliche
he looks at you, his eyes dark and unreadable
the expression on his face was emotionless yet it felt like he was crushing you under his stare
finally noticing that your hand was still gripped around his arm, you quickly let go, letting out a small “ehem”
the tension in the air was thick, it felt like someone just put a dark cloud above your head and you couldn’t blow it away
god damn this was awkward
not even the good awkward where you can laugh about it later, this is the kind of awkward situation that hits you in the middle of the night and suddenly you're just cringing at every bad thing you have done in the past
“uhm, im suppose to tutor you,” you try to say confidently as soon as you found your voice, but really it was barely above a whisper
“maybe show up on time,” he says, his voice as dark and as strong as his aura
and with one final look at you, he walked out of there
you didnt bother anymore, you knew you were at fault
‘we’ll try again tomorrow,’ you think to yourself before your best friend, hyunjin walked up to you, pulling you outside the library  
“dude are you okay?”
“uhmm, why wouldn’t i be?”
“i just saw you talking to changbin”
“ok and ?”
“he’s bad news y/n,” your best friend says, warning you
“ i dont really have a choice hyunjin” you reply
you think back to 3 days ago when you were called to the principal's office
not gonna lie, you were shaking in your boots,, only bad kids get randomly sent to the principal's office
as you entered the room, Mrs. Seo was already waiting for you behind her desk
“hi ms. l/n, i dont think weve formally met,” she says, reaching out to shake your hand
“ its nice to meet you”
“ please, sit down, make yourself comfortable,” she continued, pointing to the seat right in front of her
sensing your nervousness she quickly added a, “don't worry, you're not in trouble”
your brain was starting to hurt from trying to rack what you must have done wrong to be seated in the big office
“ why am i here then if you don't mind me asking?”
“ ah yes, i need you to tutor my son”
“umm, why me?”
“you're top 1 in the class, is there anyone better than you to do it?”
well,,, she wasn't wrong
you mentally pat yourself at the back for this, happy that your efforts were being noticed
“don't worry ms. l/n, if you succeed, i’ll make sure you get into any college that you desire “
‘pshhhh, im top 1 ms seo, i can do that on my own’ you think to yourself 
“....and fully paid for.”
well, shit , how can you say no to that offer
its literally free education right in your fingertips  
what's the catch??
“ you can do that?” you ask
“ of course. i know very important people. so what do you say?”
and after a few minutes of contemplating within yourself, you finally agreed
“ also, while you're at it, i want you to change my son's reputation.”
and there it is
“ i'm sorry?” you reply,, maybe you just misheard the fact that she literally asked you to change her son
“ i don't just want you to tutor him in english, i want you to make him a better person.”
“how do you expect me to do that?”
“be his friend. teach him the ways of life, i'm not always gonna be around to get him out of trouble. You're a smart girl ms. l/n you'll figure it out.”
without giving you a final say, she ushered you out of there but not before she added
“ one last thing ms. l/n, dont tell anyone about this.”
the way she said it was so scary, and its like a spell was casted on you and you could only utter out an
“ of course mam”
i guess from her standpoint, she made sense
“ i just dont understand why Mrs. Seo chose you out of all the people”
“ we’ve already gon over this hyunjin”
“ yeah yeah, its cause youre the smartest of the class-”
hyunjin continues to talk however you’ve tuned him out as your eyes went to focus on changbin, himself
greeting the rest of his friends, an actual smile on his face, much different from the changbin you encountered a couple minutes ago
he gets up on his motorcycle and was about ready to put his helmet on when he felt someone staring at him ( i told yall, tYpiCAl bad boy )
he whips his head around in quick search for the culprit
and for the second time that day, you found yourself looking in the dark brown eyes of the the one and only, seo changbin
his smile quickly disappearing once he found your eyes
putting on his helmet whilst still maintaining the eye contact, he quickly drove away and you can't help but continue to just watch his figure retreat to the size of a dot until he was completely away from your line of vision
the next day - friday
you were in the library, seated in the table changbin used the day before
unlike yesterday, you were there dummy early
exactly 30 minutes before the actual tutoring session
he wasn't going to get away this time
finally , the chair across from you gets occupied, a backpack loudly flopping its way unto the table
he doesn't say a word,
he doesn't even look at you
he just sits there, staring at the table between you guys
“uhm, i think we got on the wrong foot yesterday, im y/n”
you say, a wide smile on your face, trying to change the atmosphere
he scoffs at this
‘omyfuckinggod who does he think he is’
‘im gonna fucking murder this kid’
‘his mom was right when he said he needed to change’
as much as you wanted to just punch him in the face, you plastered a small smile on your face instead
“should we start?” you continue
“i guess”
for the next hour, you learn that changbin doesn’t even need tutoring
he was definitely smarter than he lead on
he knew the answer to every single question you asked and didnt even seem like he was trying 
“uhmm, changbin can i ask you something?”
he just nods at you, urging you to go on
“are you failing your class on purpose?”
and with that he stands up, giving you a small smirk, “i think this session is over,”
“i-okay- i-i’ll see you on monday!” you say even though he was already a good 5 feet away from you  
as you laid in your bed that night, you wondered why the boy chose to fail his class
but no matter what scenario you could think of, you just cant understand it
is this what privileged people do ?
they know that they can get away with anything so they dont even try ?
‘aish, why am i thinking about him,’
‘y/n stop it’
you tried forcing yourself to sleep, to completely shut off all thoughts
but damn that stupid smirk on his face just keeps reappearing
and with that you slapped your pillow unto your face, not at all excited for the days to come
saturday night - 9 pm
to be honest, you weren't the type to go out on a saturday night
however you stayed in bed the whole day binging your netflix shows that you completely forgot to run your errands
so now you're here, at the local supermarket, buying your weekly groceries
you may be asking why can't your parents just do it?
you only live with your mom, and she was very busy running the night shift at the hospital + picking up extra shifts
so she's really never home 
and when she is, she crashes right to sleep, exhausted from work
so ever since two years ago, when you turned 16, this has been the life that you were used to
you weren't complaining of course, she was only working to provide for you and your future
the least you could do is help around the house
after a good 7 minutes, you finally gathered everything that you needed
eggs, check
bread, check
peanut butter, check
a bag of hot cheetos,,,, check check and check
you nodded, proud of yourself for finishing it so fast and made your way to your car until a loud crash stops you from doing so
the next thing you know, you were being dragged into the alleyway
“1!!!!1111! I- get off of me,” you say thrashing and kicking, trying to get away
‘oh god, im gonna die tonight,’
‘if there is a god out there,, pls,,, not tonight’
‘i haven't finished my netflix series yet,, plssss’
however your thoughts were cut short when your captor whispered, “shhh, its changbin”
he finally turns you around, making you face him
“play along if you don't want to get hurt,”
and in one quick motion, his lips were on yours,,,
seo changbin was kissing you
your eyes open, stunned at what was happening
and then you noticed it...5 men walking around the area
and hoping that you've watched the right dramas, you pieced together what you think is happening
leading you to closing your eyes and kissing him back
which honestly caught changbin off guard, “good girls” dont react this way???
but he’d never let you know that, as he pulled you closer to him,
his arms snaking  around your waist
your hands going around his neck, the grocery bag being forgotten
yall were full on making out now
too caught up with each other’s taste to even notice the 5 guys leaving
(((im really bad at writing these kinds of scenes jfc, this sounds awkward as hell pls just picture it)))
until finally after like 23823 years, you pulled away, trying to catch your breath
damn, that kiss was good
probably the best one you’ve ever had
just cause you're a goody-two-shoes doesn't mean you haven't been kissed before okay,,, were not going THAT cliche
he slowly lets go of you, his eyes darting to the grocery bag on the ground
“your eggs are broken,” he says
“m-my eggs?”, you reply, still on cloud nine,
following his gaze, you snapped out of your daze
“oh, r-right, my eggs,” you say softly, a frown making its way upon your face
changbin grabs your hand, pulling you towards the grocery store
“what are you doing?”
as usual, he doesn’t reply
honestly, you should be used to this by now
he dashes around the supermarket
you were right behind him, trying to keep up with his fast paced speed
finally, he gets to his location, the egg aisle
“which one do you want?”
“eggs, which one?” he replies
“uhm, you don't have to, i can ju-”
“i'm not doing this for you,” he replies, cutting you off
you looked at him , not knowing what he meant
‘if he wasn't doing it for me then who the fuck is he buying these eggs for, i don't see anyone else here’
sensing your dumbness he grabbed a carton of the most expensive eggs and made his way to the cashier, pulling you along  
and you don't know why, or what has gotten into you, but all you could do was watch and follow
“here. were even now.” he says, before walking away, leaving you in front of the grocery store, holding a carton of eggs
and now we’re back to the start of the week
which means another week of tutoring
as you waited for changbin to show up at the usual spot, you can’t help but think back to two nights ago
the feeling of his lips against yours all a distant memory yet at the same time, one that you could still remember clearly
“hey,” changbin says, breaking you out of your thoughts
“hi?” you reply, confused as to why he even greeted you in the first place
you guys do the usual, read a couple of flash cards, learn new words blah blah blah and all that boring crap that you learn in a high school English class
at one point you guys find yourself just sat in silence, and you can’t help but ask the question that’s been on your mind since Saturday night
“so who were those guys?”
“doesn’t concern you”
“uhm, the fact that you had your tongue down my mouth says otherwise,”
changbin was shocked, he wasn’t used to people responding to him the way you just did
don’t you know who he is???
he gives you one of his signature smirks, regaining his composure
“you liked my tongue being down your throat,” he says teasingly
excuse me what
is he flirting with you ??
what’s happening ??
“who said I did?” you say mimicking his tone, not allowing yourself to back down of this conversation
after Saturday night you told yourself that you were never going to just watch and follow
if you didn’t want the damn egg, you should’ve said something, you were so disappointed in yourself
you had your own brain, you can make your own decisions
besides you were here to be in control over him, not the other way around
“oh cmon, you’re really gonna try to refute it??” he says, the stupid smirk still evident on his stupid face
god, how you wish you could just smack it off
with your mouth
wait, who said that???
“you enjoyed it just as much as I did,” you say, knowing that if you answer then he would stop
and you were right, he completely shut his mouth and let the silence envelop you once again
“they were kids from another school,”
you look up at him, shocked that he actually answered
“why were they looking for you?”
“I may have keyed their car,” he says chuckling
“Isn’t that enough questions y/n?”
that was the first time he’s ever said your name
and you weren’t gonna lie, you liked how it sounded
“it’s fine”
“i don’t want to question it but why are you being so nice?”
“you helped me out without questioning me which means you trust me. im just returning the favor.”
“so, what im hearing is , you trust me?”
<( ̄︶ ̄)>
“don’t make me have to say it out loud”
you don’t know how you did it so quickly,
maybe the gods are at your side, but you finally got thE seo changbin to trust you
2  weeks later
you’ve been tutoring changbin just the same
same time
same table
same library
however, so much has changed
mostly the dynamic of your guys’ relationship
it was like he was a totally different person
like I said before, changbin was smart
but in these last couple of days, you realized just how smart he actually was,
he can honestly probably give you a run for your money
and because of this, your past tutoring sessions have ended up with you guys just laughing and joking around
weird, right ?
changbin and laughing ?
who would’ve thought ??
even onlookers were surprised
and everytime changbin laughed at one of your guys’ silly antics, you swear you can hear a pin drop
the whole room just becomes silent
at first, it bothered you how people were just listening in to your conversation, obviously judging the scene
but as the days went by and it seemed that changbin could care less, you started not caring either
and if you were being completely honest, you looked forward to spending time with him
when changbin was with you, it was just you and changbin, nothing else
he somehow manages to make you forget about reality
“lets ditch tutoring sessions today,” he says as soon as he took the seat next to you
“changbin, no”
“c’mon y/n, live a little”
“excuse you! I do have a life!”
“making out with your homework and watching Netflix shows 24/7 is not a life”
“okAy, now you’re just being mean,” you say, pouting at him
“im not being mean, I’m being honest,”
“yeAH and?? no one asked for your honesty,”
changbin laughs at this
lately he found himself laughing more
and for once, he didn’t mind it
you were doing something to him
and he liked it
“cmon, I’m not taking no for an answer,” he says, packing up your things
you sigh in defeat
you know that once changbin sets his mind to something, there's no changing it
so here you are, standing in front of an abandoned music building
“uhhhh, what are we doing here?”
“have you ever trespassed before?” he replies, a smug smile on his face
“nu-uh nope, no way in hell changbin!” you say, your attempt to stop this from happening
however, changbin was already making his way towards the door, completely breaking the lock
he was inside  
“c’mon y/n,” he says reaching out his hand to yours
even though all you need to do is take two steps forward and you're officially a criminal
you were scared shitless
what happens if you get caught omg
almost like he was reading your mind, he quickly says, “y/n, ive been here over a million times and ive never gotten caught,”
“i dont know changbin”
“hm, thats too bad, i wanted to share a secret with you,” he says, a hint of playfulness in his voice before he stepped out of the building and made his way towards his motorcycle
but of course,,,
you being a nosy bitch
“lets go inside”
you guys enter the building, the rooms getting darker and darker the deeper you go (this building is huge okAY)
if you weren't shitting your pants before, you definitely are now 
an abandoned building???
and its dark???
youve seen this in every scary movie out there
it never goes well
“uhm changbin,” you whisper, as you guys continue to walk
“i-um can i hold your hand? im scared and - actually you know what its fine its dumb you dont hav-”
but before you can even finish your sentence, his hand were already laced around yours, providing you the comfort and security that you were looking for
you shut your mouth after that, just letting changbin lead the way
passing by so many rooms, each one looking the same as the other, it was starting to feel like a maze
however , changbin seemed to know exactly where to go
‘I guess he has been here over a million times’ you thought to yourself
“were here,” he says, opening the door and letting go of your hands as he reached out for the lights
not gonna lie, you were missing the way his hand felt around yours but thats not the time to think about that
“a music room?” you asked, clearly puzzled
“yeah, you might not know this about me but i can spit barsss,” he says, letting out chuckle
“you dont believe me huh”
“absolutely not”
“ok, watch this”
and with that he entered the recording booth, of course not after he pressed a bunch of buttons
honestly , you have no idea what he’s doing
but as soon as he put the headphones on
*cue any 3racha song because im too indecisive to choose one*
he was,,
spitting bars
you could not believe your ears
who the fuck is this
you stood there, stunned at the fact the he was rapping about real shit and not something stupid and meaningless (rip wow, she is meaNinGFUL to me okAY)
after he finished rapping, the room was absolute silent
changbin felt dumb, he thought you were gonna praise him but there you were not uttering a single word,
he need you to say something ,anything,, hell, you can even laugh
he’d prefer anything over the silence  
he’s literally the ‘i just showed u my dick pls respond’ meme but its like ‘i showed u my talent pls validate me’
avoiding to make eye contact with you, he walks out of the recording booth
sitting on the couch against the wall, he finally breaks the silence
“so yeah, thats a song my friends and i wrote, its stupid-”
“its not stupid.” you say quickly
“since when where you into this?” you ask, curiosity filling your eyes, taking the seat right next to him
“what do you mean? music?? everyone’s into music y/n” changbin retorts, not wanting to go into detail
“hhhh, you know what i mean changbin,”
changbin doesnt know why
but he wanted to share this side of him with you
maybe because you were the first person that he has ever allowed himself to be close with
or maybe it was because you stuck around him for this long, no one, besides chan and jisung were able to do that
whatever it was, he wants to keep you by his side
he figured that showing you his true self would do just that
so after having a battle with his inner thoughts, he finally says
“my dad was really into this stuff, he taught me everything i know,” changbin beamed
“oh! thats really cool, do you still make music with him?” you say, genuinely interested, youve never really heard about his dad before
“uhmm, hes not really around for me to do that,”
aaaannd,,, thats why,, god reader smh
“oh, im sorry,” you say softly, mentally slapping yourself
“no its okay, you didnt know….he passed away when i was 11”
“what happened?,,,, y-you dont have to tell me if you dont want to,” you quickly added
“I want to,” changbin says, reassuring you
“he just,,, he just died in his sleep, apparently it was a stroke,” sighing, he looked up at the ceiling, trying to hold back his tears
“you must miss him,” you say, your voice still soft
for the first time since youve met changbin, he resembled a piece of glass
so fragile
he was giving you a piece of him, letting you see clearly a part of who he was
and all you wanna do is make sure that you won’t break that piece
“he built this studio...wanted to start his own music company,” he continued as you sat there just listening to him
“my mom hates it though, she stopped funding this place as soon as she can,”
the mention of his mom suddenly brought you back to the deal that you have made 2 weeks ago
and god, you felt guilty
you were here, trying to change him, when nothing should be changed
sure seo changbin had a bad reputation but he is not bad
he’s just protective is all
to be honest, he was one of the kindest, gentlest soul you have met
“i promised myself that i would continue our dream, for him and me, but mostly for him,”
“i-is that why youre failing your classes?” you ask, everything finally piecing together
“you dont care about school because you already know what you want to do...where you want to be”
“hm, you truly are a smart girl y/n,” he says before nodding and flashing you a smile
those words
so similar to the ones his mom has given you
but this time you weren't in the mood to pat yourself in the back
because shit, this is thE dumbest thing you've ever done in your life
after hearing this, you made up your mind, you werent gonna partake in this deal anymore
if you were really as smart as everyone says, you can get into the school you want without any problem
sure it won't be free, but your mom aint working her ass off during her nightly shifts for nothing
and so, right when you go to school tomorrow, you were determined to end it
you’d still tutor changbin, you just won't accept any of the perks that came along with it
“thank you for sharing this with me,” you say genuinely, a smile creeping unto your face
“thank you for caring enough to listen,” changbin replies, his smile getting wider
and then it hits you,
“wait, so you mean to tell me that this is YOUR studio all along??”
and at this changbin lets out the loudest laugh
and you can't help but mirror his actions
1 week later
oof, that time jump, i thought you were gonna end it the next day reader
you work hard, but somehow satan, aka the author, works harder
Mrs. Seo had to leave for two weeks, attending board meetings around the country, and whatever principals do,,, i'm too lazy to research what they actually do  
and so you spent another week, with seo changbin by your side
one week down, another to go
and when that day comes, you can finally freely hang out with him without all the guilt eating you up
this week you guys even hung out outside of the library
you’ve been with him so much, even your friends have started to notice it
“y/n, are you coming with us to the movies,” felix asks
“oh,, umm sorry guys, i cant,”
“who else are you gonna be with? i thought we were your only friends,” minho pointed out, a pout on his face  
“with changbin of course,” hyunjin hissed, obviously upset that you have been pushing them to the side  
“ i can hang out with anyone that i want,” you argued, really not having any of his attitude 
“ you shouldnt hang out with people like him,” hyunjin retorted
you scoffed, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“i mean blink once if youre being held captive” hyunjin joked, as the rest of the table snickered
however, you didn't find it funny,
who were they to talk about changbin like that??
they didnt even know him
and so you stood up, leaving all your friends calling out for you
walking to the table, you flopped down on your chair, slamming your backpack on the floor
“what's got you in such a bad mood?” changbin asks
“nothing,” you huffed, getting your materials out of your backpack
you didn't want to tell changbin that your best friends think hes the devil himself and didn't want you around him
meanwhile , changbin was annoyed
it seems like he's shared so much with you since the music room yet he still barely knows anything about you
he wondered that maybe you didn't want to be in his life the way he wanted to be in yours
but fuck it, he’s just gonna spend the time he has with you enjoying it rather than filling his mind with negative thoughts
but damn, you're frown was really bothering him
“y/n,” he says, calling out to you
no response
“y/n,” he continues, poking you on the elbow
still no response
You sigh, looking up at him, an emotionless expression on your face, you responded with a strong, “what.”
*insert changbin doing aegyo*
and with that , you lost it
you were an absolute madman
you never expected that the one and only seo changbin
notorious badboy
would ever do aegyo
all because you had a stupid frown on yourself
you laughed so loud
changbin doing the same as soon as your melodic laugh hit his ears
which resulted to you guys being kicked out of the library
“ i cant believe you got me kicked out of my favorite place,” you say, seated in a booth inside the ice cream parlor near your guys’ school
another one of changbins ideas
“ hey its not my fault you laugh like a hyena!” he says smiling before you threw a curled up paper tissue at his face
a couple of seconds later, after your laughter has died down
“ so, you want to tell me now why you were in such a sour mood?”
you knew that if you werent gonna tell him now that would still end up finding out about it from someone else
and so you came clean
“ its just my friends,,,, they dont think youre a good influence, wants me to stop hanging out with you” you say
“ oh,”
“ but dont worry!, i didnt listen to them, i actually told them off,” you confessed
“ why didnt you listen to them? theyve been your friends longer than youve known me?” he asks
“ because they dont know you” you reply, “and im sure if they did, they would also be friends with you”
as much as he appreciated the way you stood up for him, he didnt want you going through all that trouble 
‘god, what did he even do to deserve an angel like you,’ changbin thinks to himself 
“ don't tell them off next time,” he grunted
“ wh-what?”
“ everything they say about me is true”
“ changbin, no its not”
“ honestly y/n it doesnt bother me so dont let it bother you”
“ why doesnt it bother you?” you ask, wanting to know the reason
“ because its high school. after this, literally no one would care anymore. and then real life starts, people move on and worry about bigger things, things that actually matter more than the status quo. let them say what they say.”
and just like every other time, changbin has left you stunned
the arrival of Ms. Seo - tuesday 
a week has passed since the ice cream parlor
and Ms. Seo was back in town
this was it
the day you finally put a halt to it
and you were beyond ready
you haven't seen changbin all day
you figured that since his mom was back then he was also back to avoiding the school like it was a plague
you entered Ms. Seos room, determined
“Ms. Seo -”
She puts a hand up to her lips, signaling you to be quiet
‘bitch omygod i literally cant keep doing this any longer,’
‘its already been over a month’
so you ignored her warning
“im not doing this deal anymore. I’ll still tutor changbin but I won’t change him,,,, and you can keep your stupid money,” you let out, releasing all the bottled up emotions
“is that all,”she replies
“then you may leave”
it was that easy????
you thought she was gonna stop you, force you to hold your end of the bargain
if you knew it would’ve been this easy then you wouldn’t have worried over it so much
but you don’t know a lot of things
and you certainly didnt know that changbin was on the other line
later that day
you’re seated in the library
usual place, usual time, waiting for the one and only seo changbin, yet he never showed
you didn’t think much of it
‘maybe he just forgot’ you tell yourself
the next day - wednesday
here you were again, waiting for him
still nothing
you try and think of reasons why he wouldn’t show up two days in a row and can really only think of one - maybe his mom told him that he didn’t need tutoring anymore?
but surely, he would tell you
right ???
sure you guys started off on the wrong foot but you were friends now
at least you thought so
you decided to just give him the benefit of the doubt
‘maybe he’s just busy’
2 days later - friday
you’ve tried everything you can do to get a hold of changbin
all your calls went straight to voicemail
texts were left on delivered
you didn’t even see him around school anymore
it was like your worlds never collided and he was never a part of yours
you were starting to get worried, what if he got himself into trouble
“look who decided to show her face,” hyunjin comments as you took the seat next to him
ever since the day you guys had your argument, you have never been able to talk to him about it
“im not in the mood,” you reply,
hyunjin sensing that you were exhausted,
“hey,” he says softly, “what’s wrong?”
“y/n please, we’ve been friends for over 3 years, you don’t need to lie to me”
“aren’t you mad at me?”
“no. im upset that you’ve been pushing us to the side for your little boy toy but im not mad,” he says giving you a soft smile
hhhhh, it was times like these you remember why he was your best friend
hyunjin was just so thoughtful, so caring
you return the smile he gave you as you pulled him in for a tight hug
“I’m sorry hyunjin”
“it’s okay, im sorry too, now tell me what’s wrong?”
“it’s just changbin-“
“I swear to god, if he even laid a finger on you he’s a dead man”
“no!” you say quickly putting an end to his assumption
“so what happened?” he asks, eyebrows going up in sheer curiosity
and then you told him
you told him about the deal with Ms. seo
about how your relationship with changbin changed along the way
how you ended the deal
and now we’re back to changbin and ignoring you
“damn, well have you tried actually going to him?”
“i wouldnt even know where -”
and then it hits you
the abandoned music building
“hyunjin, youre a genius!!!,” you say excitedly
“thanks, we been knew”
“ i have to go ill explain later, bye!!” you say, dashing out of there as fast as you could and made your way to the abandoned building
taking the bus there gave you time to reflect on everything that has happened this past couple month
how much your life has changed since changbin entered it
he pushed you to take risks, to live out of your comfort zone, to not care about other people’s opinions
he made you feel free
and most importantly, he made you happy
the good girl has fallen for the bad boy, i told yall this was gonna be cliche right?
continuing on
just as you  expected, the door was open
the dark didnt even bother you anymore, the only thing in your mind was changbin
oh,, where could he be??
could you ever find your way into this maze of a building and retrace the steps that he took when he was by your side?
as you got deeper and deeper into the building, you feel yourself start to get lost
‘fuck i already saw this door’
‘omg y/n did you really just walk in a circle’
and then you hear it
music, singing
your nightingale
you walk faster, desperate to get to the voice
and here you are now, face to face with the one and only, seo changbin
he stops singing as soon as he saw you walk in
“hey,” you whisper out yet he continued to just stand there, not uttering a single word
“your voice is really pretty, i didnt know you could sing!-”
“what do you want?” his voice, dark and firm just like the day you first met him
This caught you off guard
Did you do something wrong?
“Did i do something wrong?” you say, not aware that you have said your thoughts out loud
changbin chuckles but it was so uninviting, like he was taunting you
“ please, drop the act”
“what?” you reply, completely confused
“ you dont like me ”
“ changbin, what?”
“ you're just like everyone else”
“ changbin i really dont understand pl-”
“ i shouldn't have trusted you.”
“ what?!??, no changbin, you can trust me! just tell me whats wrong!”
all the while, you guys were still talking with a glass between the two of you
ironic, since you felt like a wall has been planted around changbin and you cant reach him  
“ you think i should change”
“ no”
“ what do you mean no? I heard you y/n! I heard what you told my mom, i heard about the stupid deal, the stupid money!”
“ changbin, let me explain”
“ i know im known as the bad boy y/n, but you… youre even worse than me”
“ changbin.”
“ youre a monster”
and with hearing those words, the tears that you have been so desperately trying to keep just bursted out like a waterfall
changbin too, has let out his tears
and all we got now are two broken people who can clearly see each other yet are still on opposite sides of the glass
“ you're just like everyone out there that you have resented, you judged me by other people’s words, i thought- i thought that i can finally found someone i could open up to but you never even gave me chance from the beginning”
you let him talk without interrupting him
you deserved the ache you were feeling in your heart
everything he said was true
and with that he breaks down, straight to the floor, back against the wall, hugging his knees
and all you could do was watch, until you couldn't take it anymore
you finally entered the recording booth , taking a seat on the floor right next to him, mimicking his broken figure
“im sorry”
you looked up at the ceiling as you sighed
he deserves an explanation
“ yes, i took the deal, but that's because i thought i needed it changbin. I may be smart, but financially my family isn't doing well. my mom already works extra shifts but it still won't be enough. my dad isnt even in the picture, i dont know where the hell he is”
and with this, changbins head slowly perks up, looking at you with his glass-like eyes, as you continued to stare at the ceiling
you were finally opening up to him
just like how he has been doing
“ i took the deal because, you’re right, i judged you, i was stupid and i never expected us to actually be friends, clearly i was wrong. you have taught me so much. you have pushed me into doing things i never thought i could do. you made me see the world in a different way.”
he’s still just listening to you when you finally took your eyes away from the ceiling and faced him
“ i understand if you dont want to see me anymore but i cant leave you knowing that i never got to say this,” you continue, afraid of the results that were about to come
“ what else are you hiding from me?” he says, but this time, he says it softly, the furious changbin that you have encountered just minutes ago was completely gone
“ i think im in love with you,” you say, quickly looking down, embarrassed at your confession
“ y/n look at me,”
“ i dont want to”
“ why?”
“ i know you're gonna break my heart”
“ you broke mine first,” and with that he lifted your chin up, making you look him straight into his eyes before kissing you
this kiss was different from your first one
it was slow but passionate, filled with all of the unsaid words between the two of you
your guys lips both slightly chapped from all the crying
yet his lips still felt like the softest pair against yours
pulling away, changbin leans his forehead against yours, his eyes closed
yours were open though, taking the sight all in before you pulled away, wiping away his left over tears
“ god, were a mess,” he finally says out loud, before he pulled you in a tight hug 
“ im sorry,” you say again
“ i’ll forgive you if you promise to continue tutoring me?”
“ what ?”
“ continue the deal, get the money”
“ changbin, i really don't want to do that”
“ i know you dont. but we have to finesse my mom somehow,” he says, bursting into a smile, clearly joking
“eYE,,, i cannot believe you right now! You can't be serious!”
“ but i am. go back into her office tell her you’ll continue it and get the money for your education.”
“changbin! stop joking! I already feel bad about it!”
“Okay fine i just like it when you tutor me okay, its kinda sexy” he says
playfully slapping him, you guys laugh, the tension in the air finally gone
“ you know if you didnt buy me those eggs, we wouldnt be here by now,” you say, a small smile on your face
“ hmm, and why?”
“ because those eggs were the first time i realized that the most notorious bad boy, the one and only Seo Changbin, can also be soft,”
“ do not use my name and soft in the same sentence ever again,”
“ what are you gonna do about it?” you reply, taunting him
and so
he pulled you into another kiss
and another
and another
until a series of laughter coming from the both of you interrupted it
“im glad i bought you those eggs”
hhhhhhh this ending is so rushed and so bad i just didnt wanna leave it unfinished 
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My advice to the parents of depressed kids.
Number 1, above all else. Be patient
Depressed people can be hard to deal with. But pressuring them to work at the same pace as others is going to make it harder not only for them but for you aswell. It might be hard but if you can see they're struggling dont push them. I promise they're not being disrespectful and disobedient and there is most likely an underlying issue. Your kid wont do their homework and is acting up at school? They're probably stressed and struggling and have convinced themselves they cant do it. Your kid cant seem to get out of bed in the morning? They're probably in a place where they feel inadequate and like theres no point in getting up and they feel like they're not going to achieve anything anyways so what's the point. Kid wont eat? It could be the same as the previous. Part of their depression could come from self hatred and this could be an eating disorder. but also Mental illness can have a lot of physical symptoms and they could feel sick. My point is, they're not doing it to rebel, they're not doing it to spite you. Most of the time, they're not doing it because they physically dont believe they can or think theres any point.
Number 2. Avoid harsh punishment
If they're getting angry at you for things that seem stupid dont punish them. If they shout at you for nagging them too much the worst thing you can do is then start to yell at them. Obviously if your kid is acting up and being violent or horrible you need to take steps but just yelling and punishing them isnt going to work. Mostvof the time angry yelling is when they're telling you what's wrong and you need to listen to what they're saying even if it hurts. Multiple phsychiological studies have been carried out that show punishment is no more effective than doing nothing and all it doesn't is make your child feel as though you hate them and that they cant come to you. You kid is being violent, shouting, swearing, screaming, saying they hate you? Doesnt it seem stupid to punish them by doing the exact same thing back. Instead, let them calm down and calmly ask why they did what they did. Reassure them you're not angry and they're not in trouble you just want to understand what caused them to lash out. And when they're ready they will tell you and you can figure out how to fix it.
Number 3. Get professional help
You may be their parent but you're not a doctor. If you kid got really sick you would take them to the doctor because they are professionally trained to help. Well the same goes for mental illness.
If things are really bad or you've noticed a sudden difference in their behaviours you have to act. You are the parent and at the end of the day your kid is sick. If they start showing signs of self harm. If they start pushing people out (which could include you), if they start to show signs of suicide they need help. They will most likely resist tell you they're fine, say they dont need it but heres the thing. One of the horrible things about mental illness is that you end up convincing yourself that you're fine and it's normal. Think of it in the same way as a physical disease that attacks your immune system. It fights the very part of the body that can help and then slowly consumes you. Mental illness effects the way you think. If your child is struggling, Book them a doctors appointments. Get them therapy. Fight for them. Try and get appropriate medication. This is always scary, especially for the kid as its proof that something is wrong but it could make all the difference
Number 4. Dont expect them to communicate
Whenever you look for advice on how to help a depressed kid the first thing everyone says is communicate. But I dont think its that easy. Yes of course try. Ask them if they're okay. Tell them you love them and you're worried. Reassure them they can talk to you. If they do tell you something dont get angry as it tells them they cant come to you. All of that. This is what every article and help website says to do and In a lot of cases the kid will talk to you and you can slowly get to the root of the problem. So always try and do this and if they talk, amazing. But this is not always the case. And if this happens dont put pressure on them to talk. Dont get angry if they wont talk to you. Some kids are scared to be vulnerable and if you sit there and try and force them to talk they're going to feel unsafe. Listen to your kid. Be there if they want to talk and make time for them if they ask to talk. But dont expect them to. If they feel safe and comfortable they may come around eventually. Once again if things seem really bad. Refer to number 3.
Number 5. Dont just tell them you love them, show them
A lot of parents, especially those with higher income, will see that their kid is upset and try to fix it with things. I love you Heres a toy, heres tickets to a theme park, heres money. I love you honey heres some chocolate. These things are nice and if your kid has has been good or if you see some improvement giving these things as a reward can be beneficial. However, from day to day this wont help. You need to show your kid you love them. For example. Your at home, it's raining, your kid has been having a rough week and they've just finished school? Pick them up. Your kid hasn't left their room all day and you're starting to worry? Bring their dinner up to them. Your kid is doing homework and is really struggling? Get your ass on Google and try and help and dont get mad if they cant do it. Your kid is in a relationship and have asked if they can stay round? Encourage them to be safe. Make a joke out of it and throw a condom at them, say you dot want to be a grandparent yet. They will probably be grossed out and say you're weird but secretly they will be so happy you let them go. (Teenagers are going to experiment whether they should or not so the best thing to do is make sure they're safe doing it). These things may seem small. But it reinforces that you love and care about them and their wants and needs and one small action could be all they needed to stop themselves making a big mistake.
I'm sure theres something I've missed as parenting is complicated and so is mental illness but these are the things that stand out to me. (I'm not a psychologist this is just what I've put together from talking to people and my own experiences so if anyone wants to add anything or disagrees with anything I said feel free to say)
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weekdaygamers7 · 4 years
It was cool morning the breeze was beautiful upon. My face I got up had breakfast and went out it was nice little village the people were caring and helpful to one another that afternoon after I had my lunch Lucas came in a hurry whats wrong Lucas I replied Dawn you've just received this letter through your letterbox an uknown person was there don't know the person never seen him but he had ears like a dog or a cat I'm. Not sure I have to check it be careful Dawn don't worry Lucas everything is fine Toontown wasn't far from here maybe a few hrs away its in Hollywood part of LA I live on the Northern Side of LA I went back to the house to find out about the letter I picked it up read it I looked it was a threat if I ever came to toontown I would be killed since the old judge died that's what the story says but rumours say he's still alive and well it's ran by a toon Mafia more sinister then the judge it was a right time to investigate the town Lucas came in what is it Dawn looked at Lucas its nothing just a party invitation ho Lucas said do you want an escort no no Lucas I be fine on my own no need to have a bodyguard to protect me but you do need one since the old judge died and everything changed to bad Lucas I'll be fine OK but call me if anything comes up or if you Land in any danger will do. 
It was roughly about 3hr dive from my house to Hollywood LA
That'll be $128 OK here you go thanx damn expensive taxi there it was everything around me Eddie Valiants office before his retirement the old pub where the weasels and the judge tried to repremend Roger Rabbit then came the ink and paint club it had changed since then it was reverished inside and out looked more modern time to look at the Acme Factory the famous dip machine I went in looked around only to find someone cleaning it what's going on here I thought this was supposed to be Acme Factory it was the guy said now its a cinema where we put on all the old WB and Disney cartoons I didn't like change all that much but this change was big I wonder where the old judge was if he was dead then there's no way of telling him what's happening to the factory so I wanted to find answers and fast so I went across the road and saw a cute little cafe ran by toons and went in what it'll be missy missy I said my names Dawn and I wouldike a soda OK here you go thanks also where is the old judge they all ran in fear 😱 please help me I need your help on locating him I need his help well you can't he's dead he got dipped by his. Own creation survers him right 
Dipped so does that mean he was a toon himself what did they call him yes he was a toon they used to call him Judge Doom so Doom his is name she looked out the window he can't be dead surely after the cafe I went to find an hotel for the night that'll be $898 for the night no for three weeks ho OK thanks it was hard. To sleep that night knowing what judge Doom looked like her mind was racing if he was hot 🔥 the sun came up over LA I was still asleep until I heard a knock at the door hello who is it I replied this is the police we want you to come down town with us OK let. Me get dressed come as you are wait In my dressing gown I look like a right idiot don't worry mam there plenty of idiots where we're going oh great and I'm one of them did you threaten anyone in the cafe huh what no I was asking what had happened to everything like the factory doom don't ever mention that name why not he's a very bad man you mean was or he is meaning he's still alive but someone told me that a toon mafia is doing bad things in toon Town I'm I correct who told you this my friend Lucas well he's wrong no one has ever set foot in toontown for over 65 years wait what are you serious 65 years without doom yes and we don't need him again in our city he did a lot of nasty stuff to our town he tried to destroy toontown Really 😲 yes can I go now yes and remember doom is dead and finished I walked with big sigh of relief 😌 thank god that's over now I can get dressed but all of a sudden I was grabbed by two mafia like men toons I didn't know take her to toontown she knows about doom we'll kill her ho no 😱 
But a guy in a black suit saw the mafia a followed them let me go now you piece of Dog crap take her there I didn't know what or where this place was but it sure wasn't friendly put her there well how are we today Im OK I guess good we've heard you sopping around talking about an old fool called doom he's a judge not a fool I bet he was more intelligent then you guys put together he was until his own creation destroyed him unfortunately no one is going to save you not even that ol doom fellow you know why no one wants you then an arm reached out and protected me what the there was a fight I had a chance to escape I went through the window but was long way from the bottom oh S**t agghh I landed on some bags of rubbish great I didn't even know who that was who saved me I just ran I looked back he might need help so I went back to help him then there was huge explosion 💣 💥 ho no he's dead I was upset that I didn't even get to know who my savior was I didn't know where I was I could find my way out I Was lost and scared this time there was no one around to help me this time all of a sudden a wild dog 🐶 came aggressive with Teeth baring and ready to pounce on me then there was a breeze of wind someone grabbed me took me away let me go he put me down its not safe here you shouldn't be here yes I was kidnapped 🆗 I was taken by the The guy replied toon mafia he how did you know about them I used to run toontown did a lot of robberies and bad stuff in my time even murders ho no please don't hurt me I'm not going to hurt you you're safe with me then tell me your name I really want to know and please come into the light please I can't please you did save my life so I should know the guy who saved my life please the guy came into the light wow yyyour beautiful it was love at first sight thanks tell me your name  🆗 it's Doom Judge Doom 🤯 your thee judge doom you hot 🔥 in slightly attracted to you ho god doom looked at her in a weird way well don't look at me like that cause I'm not interested but Dawn crossed a line she grabbed him and missed him so passionately which he didn't stop 🛑 what the hell was that that was a kiss 😘 where two people like each other they kiss and be happy 😊 I'm I happy 😊 not really you look 😡 but that's what people do when they've saved someone is they fall in love doom looked at her in 🤯 love 😍 what is love 😍 it's romantic feeling emotions builds up I've always wanted to know what it feels like don't you huh no can you leave me alone please Dawn was a bit upset  🆗 fine you don't need me so bye see ya god women but doom didn't relise until it was too late that she didn't know where she was going damn it doom said Dawn wait up what is you don't need me so why don't you just do  1⃣ you're lost arnt you why do you think 🤔 that because you do look lost iam please help he took her back to his place this a nice place it's very roomy have you had anyone girlfriends no one you've Had girlfriend I've already got one ho really yup doom replied that's good feeling a bit hurt doom looked at her do you have a boyfriend who me yes you there's no one else here is there ho no I don't have one not found the right guy yet or maybe he doesn't exist yet looking down at her feet feeling a upset I better leave she might be coming to stay I don't wanna keep you so ill see you doom looked at her he knew he lied about him having a relationship with a girl but he didn't want to admit it dawn I haven't been truthful to you how do you mean I don't have a girl dawn looked at him I didn't want you think I'm an idiot if I didn't he looked down she touched his face 😔 stroked it then kissed him on the mouth youre sweet and cute doom was 🤯 but then he kissed her back they went up to the room and slept 
The next morning she woke up saw doom Was asleep she kissed him on the cheek a smile ☺ came on his face she snuggled with him she kept nuzzling him the there was knock at the door who's that I don't know stay there doom went down it was the mafia toons they talked to doom about dawn we need to know you haven't got her up there I havent doom looked and mouthed at me to hide so I did underneath a window ledge so you haven't seen her nope never I would have killed her myself dawn was 🤯 but why didn't he kill me then looks like the coast is clear thank you for your coparation doom let's go Boyz she was hanging on the ledge ho no doom caught her are you OK you arse what what did I do you would have killed me I didn't mean it I Wass making a conversation with them to save you you should be grateful I did ho yeah like you with your  gun 🔫 and you killed people anyway  that was long time ago 
Yeah right  please don't go I need you dawn turned what did you say I need you dawn looked at doom she hugged him I'm so sorry 🙏 she started to cry  😢 please forgive me doom replied I do they botched kissed each other until dawn phone rang it was Lucas are you OK I'm fine Lucas what's wrong its your mom what's wrong with her she doesn't have much time she's dying dawn looked 🤯 ho no she fell to the floor crying this all my fault doom sat beside her it's not your fault you weren't to know he hugged her he planned to take her back home come on ill take you back they both got out of toontown safely but everyone was scared but doom had more on his mind trying to get Dawn home to say her goodbyes to her mom they both got into his car and he drove for 3hrs to get her home safely there that's the house they both ran in together Lucas came that's judge doom what's he doing here it's ok he's with me it's kinda of a long story where's mom right in here Dawn looked at doom please be here with me I cant do it on my own I be with no matter what come on hi mom shes not been responsive for the past eight hours now doctor came in to keep checking on her but there was no Improvement doom put his hand on dawns she put her head to his chest which made her feel vulnerable at that time the doctor nodded then said I'm  so sorry she's gone dawn hugged doom crying her eyes out doom had no choice he started to cry as well sshhh it'll be  🆗 later that day dawn was sat on a hill with tears in her eyes doom came up to see if she was OK are you OK 🆗 my dear she sighed ill. Miss her she teached me everything I need to know like basic life we had fun we had arguments but we pulled through now I don't what to do anymore doom plucked up the courage well you have me now in you life we'll keep that way forever she looked at him with a smile and hugged him hey doom what do you think about kids doom looked at her in 😲 they're nice I guess they're fun when they want to be I want kids someday not yet cause we need to get married first it'll bee great you'd be a great father anyway she layed on her back looked at him with seductive look of cource ill. Marry you they both kissed each other and hugged now you have a girlfriend 
The end 
@the-toon-magistrate fanfic hope you'll like it
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Hey! Could I get to know some of your headcanons about dickfigures/your designs for them? :D
ya ya sure!!!!
i already have my designs for them up if you havent seen, here they are!
as for headcanons idk how long this post will be so ill just add a read more for anyone who might not wanna scroll thru it all lol
his real name is rowan bc i thought it was cute, also it means “little red one” which is eVEN BETTER
he’s nonbinary masc and bisexual! the self projection is REAL
he has adhd
most of my headcanons kinda flow into my own version of dick figures because i’m not very Satisfied with canon NJSJDNSKM so like. for example red doesn’t just kill people or whatever. he gets into fights and has scars and wears bandaids a lot bc of them
he graduated college with blue, he got a bachelor’s degree in fine arts (honestly idk how college works bc im a grade 10 baby so if thats like totally wrong just let me know also im. canadian so idk how american school system works LOL)
red got suspended a lot in high school but never expelled. mostly bc he got in fights that were mainly him protecting stacey from shitty people (he sees her as his sister so he was rlly protective) and the school wasnt really sure what else to do so they just. you know. suspended him a bunch of times hoping itd do something but it didnt
he hates his dad! reason being is bc when he was born, his dad was actually an alien able to disguise himself as human, so he wanted to take red back to his home planet cuz red turned out to be more powerful than anything his dad had ever seen. but red’s mom was like Nope, so she snuck out with him and his plush cat (kitty amazing) and they were never found. red is very close with his mom and is scared of his dad coming back someday
we know he canonically likes rlly loud music so im just gonna project here and say he’s a metalhead. at least, some form of it. he likes the alt scene music and industrial rock. examples being deftones, nine inch nails, skinny puppy, rage against the machine, kittie and others. it keeps him focused and calm
we know blue was bullied as a kid but i dont wanna say red also bullied him bc i feel like thats just wrong to me? MAYBE ITS NOT ACTUALLY but it just makes me sad so like. lets say red, being as protective as he is, stood up for blue a lot cuz he was like “oh this kid cant fight” so he knew what to do
blue dated pink for awhile but they mutually agreed to break up after blue realized this wasnt what he wanted (he came to the conclusion that he was gay, well, he knew for awhile but it was Internalized Homophobia)
he grew up in a very conservative family so to see the world completely differently by meeting red, ems (lt), pink and stacey was a very good thing for him. unfortunately even tho his family did love him, it was conditional so they stopped talking to him after he came out. thankfully he’d already graduated high school by that point
despite being emotional blue isn’t very good at understanding how he’s an emotional person. he’s able to distinct one feeling from another and analyze them, but it’s just... hard for him to kind of. process WHY he feels a certain way? which is what’s led to a lot of his struggles in getting closer with ppl
he loooves reading and writing we already know this but i mean come on. he also got a bachelor’s degree in english/ela. so he’s able to become a teacher ig but he doesn’t really want to? at least not for awhile yet
blue was ems’ first friend. at first he couldn’t understand why they had tics but decided he shouldn’t get into someone else’s business. he didn’t find it weird, just cool!
he and red would always pair up for projects if they had classes together!!!!!! blue would do the writing/research and red would do the illustrations. they always turned out really good even if it ended with red cramming it at the last minute
surprisingly hates broseph more than red. well i mean its not surprising, because broseph was always a huge DICK to him
blue’s real name is wyatt!!!!! i forget the meaning but i felt the sound of it and the meaning fit him well
she’s still in college, getting her doctorate to be an astrophysicist!
pink is very very smart and will help anyone who’s struggling with something in school. she was basically the genius who always got in the honor roll every year. but, she actually was really anxious especially with exams
pink encourages stacey to go back to school, and sometimes stacey does, but she always ends up leaving again. it’s a little stressful but pink has hope for her
she’s never drank one sip of alcohol in her entire life. she smoked weed once, but it felt weird so she didn’t do it again
ever since she and blue broke up she’s been very supportive of him bc she herself is bisexual!!! so she sees nothing weird about it. in fact, about almost a year later she started dating stacey
pink’s real name is lily. when she became friends with blue she met red through him and she was like “can i join your nickname thing” and they said “sure” so they called her pink. stacey sometimes calls her pinky or just pink but mostly lily
pink helped red with academics. even tho he was sometimes insufferable to work with (/j thats a Joke i promise she’s a very patient person) she didn’t give up on him!!!! in return he helped her out with some fitness stuff cuz pink was always insecure about gym, and later when she graduated she actually got into exercising bc of red!
she loves travelling and going for walks. she owns a lot of houseplants and she’s given them all names and takes very good care of them! she also owns an albino ball python named Velvet
stacey is nOT actually all about sex this time ok. i don’t like that. i mean she did have some personality in canon but it wasn’t much? anyways she just really likes to express herself thru tight/”risque” clothing like fishnets and leather and pleated skirts and thigh-highs and platform boots, all of that. basically she’s a goth girl but doesn’t really “act” like one
she’s really intelligent when it comes to animals and insects and will tell you anything you need to know. when she goes back to college she gets a degree in environmental science
stacey can play the electric and bass guitars!!!! she was in a band back in high school but it never really went anywhere beyond performances at parties in someone’s garage. not that she didn’t like it, looking back on it makes her feel happy, but she wished it continued. probably why she has a hard time going back to college bc she’s not sure what she really wants
stacey is a trans woman btw!!!!! unfortunately it was a little difficult in high school to be who she was bc some kids were jerks, but there were a lot of others who supported her which is good
she views red as her brother as well and they still hang out a lot
i haven’t really had time to focus on stacey and make headcanons and stuff for her so i don’t have a lot but... let’s say, secretly, she’s a scifi nerd. and for the sake of debate, let’s say she’s a marvel fan. if you count being a fan of deadpool as being a fan of marvel
LOVES GIRLS.... loves pink!!!
has very similar music taste to red’s!!!!!
emssss!!!!!!! (lt)
instead of being a stereotype of ppl with tourette’s syndrome, it’s just a normal thing that isn’t focused on a whole lot. it doesn’t make ems swear but if they get really really frustrated they’ll curse while doing one of their tics
ems is agender, i’d say they’re also ageless but i don’t really want to make them too “nonhuman” because i feel like that’s dehumanizing to people with tourette’s. so let’s just say most laws of existence don’t apply to them
they’re very friendly!
they’re an aspiring musician, just like in canon
ems is also big into horror movies believe it or not. they’re pretty critical of them though like most horror movie fans, and only like specific ones (i’m not a horror movie fan myself so i can’t say what Specific Ones they like ajsdhbjn just imagine they have good taste okay)
they r very artsy too and like doing crafts cause it gives them something to focus on. it’s just a hobby though it’s not something they’re Professional at
they love nature and flowers and trees and all kinds of plants and animals!!! they like to document what they see when they travel thru nature and stuff so they bring a camera with them (and their phone, but, you know whatever)
ems was never really affected by things people said to them regarding their syndrome. to them it was something they were born with, so they couldn’t bother to feel bad about themselves. in certain situations theyre able to control it but 90% of the time they don’t care about what ppl think
aaaand there u go!!! as for minor characters like raccoon, jason/trollz0r, broseph, dingleberry, they all exist (raccoon isnt a racist stereotype tho), i just dont focus on them a whole lot. most of my hcs for stacey and ems here were thought up on the spot since i havent had time to lay out all my ideas for them but i hope what i have here is good !!!!
also, red and blue ARE dating, and pink and stacey ARE ALSO dating. gay rights
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