#aries march 2024
astrosolutions · 2 months
Aries Horoscope: Aries April Monthly Horoscope Predictions, 2024
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Aries Monthly Horoscope 2024 April: Aries will spend the month of April through various ups and downs. This month there will be improvement in career and business. On the other hand there may be problems in love life. Let’s know in detail what will happen in the life of Aries in the month of April.
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mastertarotreaderblog · 3 months
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callmebrycelee · 2 months
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elminx · 2 months
Energy Update: Mercury Retrograde, 4/1/2024
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Starting on April 1st, Mercury enters retrograde 2/4 of 2024. This retrograde runs from 27°-15° Aries and will make thrice repeating conjunctions to our Wounded Healer Chiron and double conjunctions with our North Node. Retrograde Mercury will also conjunct both our Sun and Venus once (as it does in most retrograde cycles).
The Basics
Mercury, our planet of communication, technology, and travel, is the fastest-moving planet in our solar system and retrogrades 3 to 4 times every year. This means that Mercury’s retrograde cycle is “business as usual” and isn’t something that should be feared but it is a change in the energy signature of one of our personal planets, so it’s worth paying attention and making adjustments where necessary.
Retrogrades don’t mean that the planet ACTUALLY is moving backward, of course. It is a perspective shift in our perception of the planetary movement through our skies. In this way, our perspectives and perceptions can get a bit twisted during these times and it is easy to miss key details or communicate ineffectively.
During Mercury’s retrograde, Mercury traces its path backward in our skies and it is considered better to go over your work rather than start something new. Mercury passes over these degrees in the sky thrice: the first time during its pre-retrograde shadow, the second time while it moves backward during its retrograde, and again a third time while it moves forward in its post-retrograde shadow. Because of this, we all get the cosmic opportunity to relearn and refocus on certain things that are going awry in our lives.
By looking at the degrees of Mercury’s retrograde and comparing it to your birth chart, you can get an idea of how Mercury’s retrograde cycle might affect you. If you don’t want to do this yourself, you can always purchase a Mercury retrograde transit chart from me over on Kofi.
Mercury retrogrades affect some people more than others. By order of significance, these people are most likely to be affected by a Mercury retrograde:
If you have Sun, Moon, Ascendant in Gemini and Virgo, or Mercury closely conjunct (within 2°) to your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant
If your natal Mercury was in retrograde or out of bounds
If the current retrograde crosses over your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant (in conjunction) or makes a square or opposition
If the current retrograde crosses over your Mercury, Venus, or Mars or makes a square or opposition with them
If the current retrograde makes a trine with one of your personal planets or a sextile to your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant
If you work in a job that involves technology, communication, or travel or are currently undergoing a task that involves one of these domains during this retrograde cycle
If you live with, are in a relationship with, or closely work with a person who meets the above criteria
One can assume that the more of these factors in play, the stronger you may experience the effects of a Mercury retrograde cycle. This isn’t to say that what you experience will be bad or wrong – some people experience a lot of freedom from Mercury’s journey. The more open you are willing to give up control and stay open to the ever-changing landscape of a Mercury cycle, the easier it will be.
The Nitty Gritty
Now that we’ve gone over the basics, let’s take a look at the specifics of THIS Mercury retrograde cycle. Mercury will retrograde backward from 27° Aries to 15° Aries. This puts the stressors of this cycle on the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) first and fire signs secondarily. Here we can see that we might get dammed up a bit when it comes to focus, forward motion, and motivation (all things that cardinal and fire signs rule).
There’s a pretty notable lack of planetary aspects with this Mercury retrograde. Mercury will conjunct both the Sun and Venus as it moves backward which almost always happens (very occasionally Venus is already ahead of Mercury and getting ready for a retrograde of her own), but otherwise, we will not experience a single significant aspect to the other planets. What we do see are repeated conjunctions to the asteroid Chiron and the North Node. Moreover, we will experience a major Aries stellium between retrograde Mercury, Venus, Chiron, and the North Node in mid-April.
Let’s unpack this a little bit further.
The asteroid Chiron, often called the Wounded Healer, represents a recurring pain point that must be explored thoroughly to heal. Your own personal pain point can be found by the placement of Chiron in your natal birth chart by looking at its sign and house placements and any aspects it might share with the rest of your chart. Transiting Chiron shows a societal pain point that needs further discovery. This Chiron in Aries transit has been all about the pain of individuality – both in the ways that standing out from the crowd can be hurtful and lonely, but also pain points around where we wanted to individualize, but couldn’t. We each have our own stories about the individualization journey – some of us were forced to conform when we didn’t want to, others struggle with masking, and others still want desperately to fit in but can’t seem to no matter what they try. Your experience with this transit will likely be very personal but it WILL be activated by this Mercury retrograde.
Additionally, Chiron will be closely conjunct with the North Node all through this Mercury retrograde cycle. The lunar nodes aren’t physical objects in the sky. Instead, they are mathematical points that represent the precise area that the Sun, Moon, and Earth must be in relation to one another to create our eclipses. There are two nodes (North and South) that always move around the earth in opposition to one another – because of this you will always find them in opposite signs of the horoscope wheel. When the Sun comes close to these points, we enter eclipse season.
This isn’t a post about eclipse season exactly (though a large portion of this retrograde will coincide with eclipse season), so I will try to be brief here. In our natal charts, the placements of our North and South Nodes are considered the axis of fate – it is believed that most individuals will move toward the North Node and away from the South (by sign and house placement). On the other hand, the transiting lunar nodes affect where the energy of the collective is pointed – again, towards the North Node and away from the South. Currently, our North Node is in fiery Aries and our South Node is in airy Libra. We can see, in this way, that our attention is pointed towards independence and individualism (Aries, 1st house) and away from relationships and codependencies (Libra, 7th house). Again, you will have your triggers around this transit – made up both by your natal birth chart and your lived experience – that you will have to face during this time.
Chiron conjuncts the North Node exactly at 17° Aries on 3/5 but as both are rather slow-moving, they will still be in close conjunction through this retrograde cycle. Chiron conjunct the North Node is THE healing aspect of the decade – one could say that it is fated that people will be healed during this time. But, keep in mind, Chiron healing is hard work. If you look at the mythology behind the name, Chiron was a centaur with an unhealable wound who went on, through his journey, to become a great healer of his own accord. Chiron carries with it the lesson that healing does not happen in a vacuum; when one heals, all are healed. This transit carries with it the possibility of deep societal healing around the wounds of the sign Aries.
Many would argue that modern Western culture is too individualistic and that we need to return to a society that values community and togetherness. Still, others would argue that we over-focus on the pair-bonded relationship, again, to the detriment of community. Chiron in Aries conjunct the North Node says: yes, and…
This cognitive dissonance will be a central focus of this Mercury retrograde cycle as Mercury passes over the conjunction between Chiron and the North Node three times: first in forward motion during its pre-retrograde phase, secondly in backward motion during its retrograde, and a third time in forward motion during its post-retrograde phase. This is something with which we will all need to grapple with during this time.
It’s okay if you don’t get it right the first time.
A common metaphor for imagining retrograde cycles is as a lesson or “hole” in the ground with which we must fall in/pass over/encounter trice to gain the full experience of the situation.
The story unfolds something like this:
Oh, there’s a hole in the ground! I fell into it because I didn’t know that it was there. It’s not my fault. (pre-retrograde shadow phase)
Oh, there’s a hole in the ground. I fell into it again. I did know it was there…maybe I should learn to avoid this hole? (retrograde phase)
And, if all goes well: Oh hey, that’s a hole in the ground! It’s the same hole I fell into before. I know how to walk around this now. (post-retrograde phase)
This lesson, whatever it might be for you and yours, will be highlighted especially in and around 4/19 when retrograde Mercury meets up in exact conjunction with Venus at 17° Aries. It’s worth noting here that Venus is in her detriment in Aries which means that the independent, cardinal sign of action is not a particularly comfortable position for our planet of comfort and togetherness. Libra, the sign in which our South Node currently resides, is the natural space for Venus – in Libra, she would like peaceful resolutions and for everybody to just get along (perhaps even a bit pathologically). In Aries, Venus is the starlet who becomes so obsessed with her fame/flame that she doesn’t notice those that are burning in her wake.
A reminder: think before you burn the whole place to the ground. (I’m not saying that it’s not warranted during this time…I’m just saying that you should think it through first)
There is a lesson here and it’s one of independence and interdependence, but we need to leave codependence in the rearview mirror. Toxic togetherness may be highlighted through all of March and April. With one of our two relationship signs involved in this, I wouldn’t count out relationship issues or even breakups during this time. This energy will greatly augment any magic done to remove abusers or other toxic partners from your life once and for all.
We don’t get to choose if we live in “Interesting Times” but we do get to choose HOW we live in them. This retrograde is going to put a lot of stress on unbalanced relationships in particular – especially ones in which one partner would like more space and the other one is seeking control and containment. Where do you need to give up control to let your Others be more free and more themselves? Where do you need to show up better for yourself and ask for more space?
There is some old adage about traveling while Mercury is in retrograde that I find very applicable here: traveling during this time can be very pleasurable so long as you can let go and accept where the road takes you.
Expect delays and detours during this time. If you’re all fussed about getting to your destination, you may miss the scenic views and pure joy of the experience of moving more slowly. Mercury’s retrogrades are a time to do less more thoroughly. It is a time of cosmic refinement (Mercury is the ruler of our architect sign of Virgo).
It can also be a time of unfortunate miscommunications (especially involving technology). Packing patience and a heavy dose of empathy can help a lot here. This is the divine right time to check your work twice before you hit “send” and to sit on it for a few days before you pick that fight. This goes double for 4/8 when we will experience a total solar eclipse at 19° Aries (very close to the degree that Mercury and Venus will later meet up).
Healthy human behaviors will always help here: take a break when you need to, keep an eye on your state of emotional regulation, and remember to maintain solid boundaries. With eclipse season and the lunar nodes so involved, this will carry heavy wild card energy along with it so approach it with an open heart and eyes wide open, and you should be fine.
The Details
3/18 – Mercury enters its post-retrograde shadow 15° Aries 3/19 – Sun enters Aries, Mercury conjunct North Node 16° Aries 3/20 – Mercury conjunct Chiron 16° Aries 4/1 – Mercury retrogrades 27° Aries 4/8 – Solar eclipse 19° Aries 4/11 – Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury 22° Aries 4/15 – retrograde Mercury conjunct Chiron 19° Aries 4/19 – Sun enters Taurus, retrograde Mercury conjunct Venus 17° Aries 4/21 – Venus conjunct Chiron 20° Aries 4/25 – Mercury stations direct 15° Aries 5/6 – Mercury conjunct Chiron 21° Aries 5/13 – Mercury exits its post-retrograde shadow 27° Aries 5/15 – Mercury enters Taurus
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katsigian · 2 months
Today is Valen's canon birthday 🎂🎈🎁
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bibolito · 2 months
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Day 4 & 5: Alternative Universe - The Gray Garden (why not be a chocolatier instead of a hatter?)
- Mogeko March 2024 -
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
YOUR 2024 Eclipse Season Survival Guide
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     Mark your calendars, eclipse season is upon us. In just a few short days, 2024 Eclipse season ~officially~ begins with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25 and ends with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8. You might already be thinking, “Wait. What EVEN is Eclipse Season and why should I care?” Tbh, that’s not an easy question to answer. Because eclipses and, therefore, eclipse season is a MAJOR, loaded topic.      
     To get a little technical, eclipses occur when the luminaries—the Sun and Moon—align with the Earth in specific ways, resulting in a temporary obscuration of the Sun or Moon. Eclipses typically come in pairs—solar & lunar. Solar eclipses mark powerful beginnings and are potent for starting new chapters or projects. They often coincide with significant life events and can bring sudden changes or revelations. Lunar eclipses, on the other hand, represent endings, culminations, or turning points. They illuminate areas of our lives that need adjustment or release.
     Eclipses are potent game-changers. They often coincide with pivotal moments, both personally and collectively, and can trigger major shifts in consciousness, events, and circumstances. Eclipses can bring new people into your life, put you on a new career path, and bring an ending to a toxic relationship. They catalyze change, transformation, growth, and release. And they almost always pave the way for new beginnings and evolutionary leaps. That’s why they are feared. That is why they are so chaotic and crazy and…That is why they are MAJOR.
     That’s also precisely why I created the 2024 Eclipse Season Survival Guide. Part masterclass, part horoscope reading, the 2024 Eclipse Season Survival Guide is YOUR key to understanding, working with, and (yes) surviving this year’s ultra rocky and oh-so chaotic Aries-Libra eclipses. (And these eclipses are REALLY rocky, esp. the Solar Eclipses. Yikes.) From decoding the themes and planetary influences to understanding the unique astrology occurring at the precise moment of each 2024 eclipse, this survival guide is truly a must-have.
This Eclipse SZN Survival Guide is for YOU if:
You're feeling lost, wary, fearful, and anxious AF about the upcoming eclipses and YOU NEED someone to tell you it’ll all be fine.
You're struggling with turbulent partnerships, unresolved conflicts and excessive people-pleasing, and you don’t know why.
You're ready to embrace change with open arms and harness its transformative power.
You're feeling lost or uncertain about your path forward, and you’re seeking clarity, stability, and direction.
You want to make the most of this eclipse season.
You're tired of being at the mercy of life’s ups and downs and are ready to step into your power.
Count me in
    With every challenge comes an opportunity for growth and expansion. And I won’t lie, these eclipses are stirring up emotions, challenges, and feels for everyone. But how are you supposed to deal with these emotions? How are YOU going to cope with the chaos and craziness that eclipse season brings?
    The 2024 Eclipse Season Survival Guide provides insights tailored to YOUR sign to help you navigate these challenging dynamics with grace and understanding. (It also has in-depth audio readings for each of the Rising signs to help YOU find clarity amidst the cosmic storm.) This guide will help you seize the opportunities hidden within the chaos of the eclipses and leverage them to create positive change in your life.   
    So, instead of fearing the unknown, you can embrace change with open arms and harness its transformative power. Instead of feeling lost or uncertain about your path forward, you can gain the clarity you seek, you can find your direction, find your path, and find solace via learning. This survival guide will inspire you to lean into the winds of change and trust in the process of evolution and growth! It’s packed with insights into the themes and energies at play in your life, to help YOU discover how to align with your highest potential.
    The Aries-Libra eclipses are inviting you to step into your power and embrace your authentic self. This survival guide will empower you to stand tall in your truth, assert your boundaries, and reclaim your confidence, your passion, and your power in every area of your life. This 2024 Eclipse Season survival guide will equip you with the tools, knowledge, and mindset shifts needed to navigate the storms of life with resilience, grace, and unwavering optimism. So that you can go beyond merely surviving the chaos of the eclipses: you can thrive.
I'm SO Ready to Thrive
    I hope you seize this opportunity to take control of YOUR fate, to learn, grow, and put the worries about eclipse season to rest. More importantly, I hope you’re taking care of yourself!
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sweetnerthankunext · 2 months
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thank you part two 。˚❀ @nbcsnl .゚*ꕤ
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phoenixashvibes · 2 months
Mercury in Aries ♈️
TRANSITS (RX is 4/1)
March 9, 2024 at 11:03pm EST Mercury will transit to Aries starting to steadily approach its retrograde on APRIL FOOLS DAY on April 1st. These times will be marked with a transit from out of the creative, dreamy and watery Pisces into quick expression, highly enthusiastic, quick and decisive Aries. We will see people being more alert and assured of what is going on with themselves. It would be an ideal time to put some of those ideas you dreamed up in Pisces season to fiery action in a practical manner. This is a favorable energetic for kicking off literally anything new for you!
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As Mercury gets comfortable in Aries it is go time because On Sunday The Moon is NEW MOON in PISCES at 5:00AM EST and then later the Moon will also join Mercury in Aries at 8:19PM EST Not to mention that the sextile with Mercury and Pluto in Aquarius at 6:20pm EST & Moon & Pluto Sextile at 10:38pm EST There are huge improvements in communication coming in with this astrological transit. Aries is the sign where the vibe is "it's all about me" and with Mercury the sign of (thinking/communication) this will initiate a period of time with bright and passionate sparks of creative endeavors taking off with lightning speed whether that be romantic (or platonic) outings, communication can get a bit spicy. There will be no filter on and offline!! Sarcasm will reign. Communication can easily lead to argument or conflict if we aren’t careful since it can be aggressively assertive in nature. People will be way more blunt and say what’s on their mind before it’s fully processed smh on a more positive side difficult conversations will be easier to have and it won’t be hard to speak up or put yourself or ideas out to others :)
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People will also be driving fast on these roads. Be safe and buckle up. This is ideal for race car driving for those who are Aries Mercury it's a Need For Speed. Trust me I know. These people drive really fast and recklessly but they usually do not hit people they are normally the ones who get struck in traffic accident wrecks so be safe during these times because now EVERYONE will be on this.
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When Aries is in Mercury people really don't have much patience for b/s and things can get violent super quick with speedy Mercury in this Martian territory. This will be a time to think before speaking, driving crazy, and/or doing anything too risky based off impulse. Know when to cut out or remove yourself from any hostile or chaotic situations with haste it would be good for you and all involved under this astrological transit w/ Mercury in Aries
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Embody the evolved side of Aries where you are strategic about your next move. Well thought out planning while executing without much delay. Do what you feel most passionate about. Do not let any trivial matters and concerns overwhelm you. Be truthful about everything to yourself and others unapologetically but also as respectfully as you are able to be. Do not let anyone provoke you into any situation where it can undermine your position, success, self worth, etc. Do not be too selfish or a pushover during these times.
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MARCH 18th PRE-RETROGRADE shadow begins MARCH 19th is the FIRST DAY OF SPRING it is also the same day the Sun goes into Aries later at 11:06PM EST. Earlier in the day, Mercury will go conjunct with the North Node in Aries spiraling us to adapt to embracing brand new perspectives and plans for elevating our lives for the near and far out future in the new zodiac year.
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APRIL 1st Mercury goes RX at 6:15PM EST This will be a good time to start setting more alarms and alerts/ Practice more self exploration and introspection. stay loyal to your friends and spouses. Make efforts to do more positive self talk. Practice patience while communicating. Avoiding heavy traffic areas if at all possible while traveling unless you want to be around those who drive like it’s the Autobahn or NASCAR. Journal and meditate. Clear the headspace since Aries rules the head! Also, don’t be afraid to take the lead. Aries is all about leadership and doing being that it is a Cardinal fire sign. Take action to have your life run the way you want, you’re the main character 🥰
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APRIL 11th- Mercury conjunction with the Sun at 5:06PM EST An ideal day for anything that requires a quick response. Social interactions will be at an all time high. Ironically the day is 4/11 which is also a number that stands for information, you know the 411 lol 😂 so there will be a lot of information being exchanged. Chatterbox city on and off line. You won’t be able to avoid communicating with yourself or others about new ideas and plans for what’s to come!
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APRIL 25th 8:55AM EST Mercury goes Direct Everything comes to a culmination. Of course the shadow period will be for two more weeks but the hard part is out the way. Now is a time to reflect and directly apply everything you learned through this transit. There will be a lot of work to build a solid foundation for whatever it is you initiated under this Mercury in Aries transit. There may be some making up to do for those that let the fiesty, fiery side come out through arguments and conflict. It will be easier to start hard conversations in order to gain understanding from whatever got misunderstood when things got chaotic. You will have the courage to speak up regarding whatever it is you initiated and focused your attention on. Some will be playing catch up and others will be moving at faster rates. Results and progress can be made quicker now so use this wisely to push ahead 🫶🏽
May 13th Mercury’s Post Retrograde (RX) ends
On May 15th Mercury enters Taurus
HISTORICAL EVENTS DURING ARIES IN MERCURY Sinking of the Titanic - April 16, 1912
Battle(s) of Lexington & Concord- April 19, 1775 (start of American Revolutionary War)
American Pony Express First Run- April 3, 1860
Former US Pres. Donald Trump plead not guilty to NY court on 34 felony counts of falsifying documents related to 2016 "hush money" payments to a woman alleging they had an extramarital affair- April 4, 2023
Former Pres. Barack Obama endorses his former Vice P. Joe Biden for pres.- April 15, 2020
My Predictions for This Year in 2024:
More Coverage/Talks of Multiple Countries at War
Beef between Stans or Musicians
New Laws Being Proposed & Others Being Implemented into Law
Pre-Election Talk
Zodiac Signs Most Effected?
Aries, Gemini, Libra, Taurus
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ladyy--lazarus · 1 month
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Tuesday/Monday, March 26 / 25, 2024 💖🌊🌚
Full moon ritual ~ beach at night / motorcycle stop ~ beach during the day. This is why I live here 🌴
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astrologiaxo · 1 month
✨🌕 What Do You Need To Know About Your Relationships For This Eclipse Season?! - ALL SIGNS 🌕✨
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meringuecream7 · 1 month
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That's the third month!
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callmebrycelee · 2 months
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goodvibesatpeace · 2 months
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alyjojo · 2 months
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Love Reading 💖 - March 2024 - Aries
Who is Coming In: The Tower & The Chariot rev
Regarding: The Hierophant
Long-Term Potential: 4 Swords & Strength
222 on the clock as I start your message, you either have a tumultuous history with this person or maybe they do in general. The Hierophant is clarified by 9 Wands, which is hurt, pain, feeling wounded. You could be on again, off again, on again, off again, over and over. There’s always drama, but you’re still committed to this person. Or some may be married & separated, some are trying to work out a difficult connection, it’s been a hell of a ride no matter who it is. This person could be legally married or have been, and they’re just going through it when they/you come around. They could’ve just gone through hell or something like this, and aren’t ready for something serious. Whatever has happened with them or between you might be some kind of disaster, they’ve gone through some major obstacles, one in particular being unexpected and changed everything about everything. The Sun clarifying with the lightning storm of this Tower could be a trip that gets canceled, blocks and problems, near-misses, things coming to light you didn’t expect or never saw coming. Maybe with their ex. Or you with them. Long term, this doesn’t go anywhere, you two aren’t even speaking. It’s a heavy weight to have had to carry (for one or both of you) and it’s like done is done, it’s a burden to even consider a new beginning…or have to go down one because this connection caused CHAOS. You could ghost them, if they try. Or that could be switched. The Oracle shows meeting them for a reason or a season, but not forever.
- Lighter Skin Tone
- Shady Ex’s 👀
- Cutting Ties
- Moving On
- Receive What You Need
- Progression & Arriving
“A toast to no worries.”
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Cancer, Sagittarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Libra
Them: The Hermit rev, 5 Pentacles, King of Pentacles
Regarding: Wheel of Fortune
Curious energy on their side. It’s definitely some drama, but on your side I can see you’re not pressed whatsoever, if anything you’re amused. A song started playing in my head that made me laugh, I’ll put it at the end. So this person, for many of you they were gone for awhile, could have even been with other people. Wheel of Fortune can show a karmic, someone you’ve known a long time, or things are just changing in a big way for them right now. The changes are probably job related, if you’re actively together. Losing a job, losing hours, getting a new boss that’s just the *worst*. If there’s a 3rd party situation, it’s looking like you’re the 3rd party. This person may be leaving someone else for you, or they’ve been left by someone and they’re crying on your shoulder. They don’t know what to do, they never planned on xyz, I’m sensing damsel in distress energy. They’re going through tough times or something karmic even, could also be relating to their family. Or you. You’re ready to jump in and play hero. Male or female, both significators are here, you got this 💯 Almost eagerly, an opportunist and it is your TIME to shine 😆
- Cannot Handle Reality 😵‍💫
- Gorgeous 😍
- Cutting Out
- Separation
- Stop the Pattern
- Silent Treatment
“In other words, meditate.”
You: 4 Pentacles rev, The Fool, 3 Wands
Regarding: 9 Swords rev
Your energy has me 😂 In stitches. You’re amused as hell, like “it’s about time”. Especially for those where this person has been with someone else, I just keep hearing that song. It’s like this person is drama but they’re *yours* and “go be dumb all you want, that’s fine, I’ll wait.” You are the definition of unbothered, and when this person needs you, you’re ready to rub their face in it a little. Like they can replace you psh, go find better then! They can’t, won’t, or don’t want to, they’ll be back and you’ll be extremely giving and loving towards them…cuz you knew they would. If you were worried at times, it’s showing with 9 Swords rev, but they don’t gots ta know about that. It’s not obvious. Whatever they need, you’re there, immediately, and whatever issues or grudges you had, that’s gone just as fast too. Your “give that shit up” oracle feels like something you’re saying to them, you’re perfectly chipper, waiting on this goober to get on your page so you can prove *why* you’re the best. Or why they need you. You’re a winner, that’s why. I heard “silly bitch”, this reading is killing meeee. Some of you, this is flat out about money. You like someone that could be broke, and you are not only NOT broke but you enjoy flexing it, it’s part of your personal power. Aries to the rescue, financially, and then you can work them with the charm and passion once you get there right? People underestimate just how generous Aries is for their people, this reading is a perfect example. Is there something in it for you, psh yes, always 😆 but that’s besides the point. Now if this is someone that does it all the time, then yeah, give the shit up. I don’t think you will, engagement ring being the mutual Oracle, but it’s possible.
- I’ll Wait Forever
- Light-hearted & Adapt
- Finding Out & Change
- Things Coming to Light & Heal
“Give That Shit Up.”
Mutual: The World, Queen of Wands, 9 Wands
Regarding: 6 Wands
You two are definitely making up, and however you act or whatever you do makes it seem to them like this all was supposed to be this way. Cheering them up, making them laugh, putting on the Aries special sauce or some shit, you’ve definitively got them right where you want them. And it’s mutual. You want it, they want it, you’re generous, they’re generous. You and they both could be questioning the dynamics of this, it’s off the wall or strange for sure, but stranger things have happened and “Silence Your Inner Critic” is like Spirit saying shh. Don’t worry how you got here, you got here. It’s being pointed out that the hard times are over, any hurt you’ve felt before is over with, even if you’re still a bit cautious, or they are. Both of you. That’s fine, and I don’t see anything to worry about. 6 Wands is victory. Ace of Wands is about that passion…which is inevitable too. I’m done here, it’s GREAT. You win. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Engagement Ring 💍
- Higher Commitment
- Eternity
- Partnership & Union
- Completion
“Silence Your Inner Critic.”
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, Leo, Capricorn & Pisces
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everydayhoroscope · 1 month
Personal Birthday Horoscope for March 28
Dear Aries, This year promises to bring you financial and material prosperity, but it is important to exercise caution to prevent losses. The year may surprise you with an acquisition, such as property or rental income, and will also bring new dating or professional opportunities. There are indications of travel, which could impact your finances or result in receiving money from another…
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