#bread and roses theory
deathsweetblossoms · 1 year
The Archeron Sisters, the Artistic Expression of the Self, & the Mating Bond
Throughout ACOTAR, each Archeron sister has three important components coloring their respective stories: an artistic expression of the self, a healing journey aligned with that expression, and an entwining of that expression with their endgame romantic partner. For Feyre, that expression is painting, for Nesta it's music and dance, and for Elain, theoretically, it is baking and gardening.
On the other side, each sister also has a more warlike aspect of the Self, which is embraced throughout the series, and serves as a dichotomy to the "softer" natures of their personalities. For instance, Feyre is well known to be a huntress, and Nesta establishes herself as a Valkyrie/warrior. Elain's more "warlike" side is yet to be explored.
For the purposes of considering how Elain's story will progress, I will be focusing moreso on the artistic expression of the Self as it pertains to her sisters, and how it serves as a sacred tool to strengthen the connection between her sisters and their mates. (I mainly introduced the warlike self to bring up some questions about Elain at the end.) Disclaimer: I am not mentioning ANY ship in relation to Elain here. I just want to put the information out there and let people think on it.
Feyre: Artist/Huntress
Early on in ACOTAR, we learn two things about Feyre: she is a hunter (her "warlike self") and an artist. We learn painting is an important outlet for her which she uses to "brighten" the dark spaces of the Archeron's home. We see her journey with her art blossom, unravel, and come back even stronger. It's such an integral part of her character that Rhy's first introduction to her, after the initial series of random images, was of her hand painting:
"until one of the images was of a hand...This beautiful, human hand. Holding a brush. Painting -- flowers on a table."
Later, in ACOMAF, we know her struggles with PTSD kept her from being able to paint anything, gradually getting inspiration for paintings as the story progresses, until she is finally able to paint something again -- on Rhys.
"I had just painted something. On him. For him. I'd--painted again."
Rhys, despite not being an artist himself, mirrors this action by painting on Feyre before they make love after culminating their mating bond:
"he took that hand and traced a circle around my breast, then lower, until he painted a downward arrow beneath my belly button"
So, here we see Rhys, her mate, entwined with her artistic expression of the Self; painting. We can also see how her painting played a major role in her healing and rediscovering herself and self sovereignty.
Nesta: Dancer(Music-Lover)/Warrior
In ACOSF, we learn from Elain that Nesta is a prolific dancer with a seemingly spiritual connection to music:
"(Nesta) was trained in dance from a very young age. She loves it, and music...in the way that performers make an art of it."
"You haven't seen her on the dance floor. That's when Nesta truly lets the wolf roam free. When there's music."
We see glimpses of moments throughout ACOSF when Nesta seeks out music as a respite from her suffering:
"when he'd dragged (Nesta) out of a particular seedy tavern, (she revealed) she had been there for the music"
She even uses musicality to describe her love for Cassian:
“Nesta could have sworn the blade hanging from her belt hummed in answer. As if it liked the sound of his voice as much as she did”
“For it was music between their souls. Always had been. And his voice was her favorite melody.”
Later on, Cassian "(finds) a way for her to have music --always" by gifting her the Symphonia, revealing that he traveled to all of her favorite taverns to record her favorite songs and that he got the musicians in the Hewn City to perform their entire set just for her. Additionally, he learns how to dance for her so they can share a dance in Hewn City, thus entwining himself with both of Nesta's artistic expressions of the Self.
With both Feyre and Nesta, their two "expressions" are present right before an intense moment of connection with their mate. With Feyre and Rhys, they make love in paint after she had a burst of inspiration to paint the entire cabin. With Nesta and Cassian, she is gifted the Symphonia and then they make love after her successful dance-mission in Hewn City. Both females master that part of themselves in some way before the mate steps in to honor that part of their soul, mirroring it back to them in some way, before they deeply connect.
Elain: Baking & Gardening / ???
For Elain, I have a few questions to present for consideration:
We have already seen how baking and gardening has a healing effect on Elain - is this her own artistic expression of the Self? If the beautiful Bread and Roses theory stands, then I would say yes. (I would also say this helps strengthen the Bread & Roses theory, simply because the imagery has now presented itself as something important enough to be noticed by Bryce). I believe to confirm this, we either need her POV to explain her own connection to these things, or someone else's observance of how she makes baking and gardening an artform.
Who in the series is already "entwined" in Elain's love for baking and gardening? (I'm talking powerful imagery, I'm talking shared moments, etc etc.)
What is Elain's dark side? We know she has the moniker of Kingslayer, we know she has Seer abilities; are these aspects of her dark side or is it something else we haven't yet explored? Since each of her sisters has these dualities present, it would only make sense that she has a dualistic nature as well.
How will Elain's baking and gardening continue to contribute to her story, her self sovereignty?
How will it lead to the culmination of her union with her chosen romantic partner? (This is just fun to think about, tbh. How is this going to manifest narratively? Are they making love in a field of flowers? Is she going to be gifted flowers?? The possibilities are endless, and, quite frankly, cute as hell.)
Either way, if we follow the same format as her sisters, we can start to imagine different possibilities for the path that Elain's journey will take. Especially if we look at it through this lens. Personally, I'm really looking forward to seeing what Elain's "warlike" side is, or how that will even manifest itself in a way that is in character for her.
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howlingday · 3 months
Jaune: What's wrong, Ruby?
Ruby: (Sobbing into his chest) I... I can't believe he's gone... He was so important to me, and... and now he's gone!
Jaune: Oh, there, there, Ruby... It'll be okay...
Ruby: I was with him since the beginning, and I always loved his FNAF series!
Jaune: FNAF? Wait, you mean Five Nights at Freddy's?
Ruby: Yeah! He just announced that he won't be making Game Theory videos anymore!
Jaune: Oh, um... W-Well, don't be so sad, Ruby! I'm sure he'll still be around, and he just might come back to host another video some day!
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little-lost-lamb · 2 months
The Sting of Envy Pt. 2
CW: GN!MC, hurt/comfort, angst, occult practice, fluff, Demons Being Overall Taller Than Humans On Average, Mention of Israeli food, and - of course - jealousy. Please let me know if there is anything I didn't think to add!
<- Part 1
I want to thank everyone for their support of my first part! I've been out of the writing game for a long time, and it really helped motive me to continue!
Beelzebub tells anyone who asks that his favorite food is cheeseburgers, but this is not quite true. His favorite food is your cooking. So when you keep serving him warm, fresh-baked bread and crispy spinach salad topped with handpicked flowers and nuts and creamy, piping hot wild mushroom risotto and seconds and thirds and FOURTHS, he is in the Celestial Realm. He supposed the menu was carefully thought out, showcasing ingredients locally in season for the spring. He loved human realm food. It reminded him of you, and not just because it’s native the human realm - human cuisine had the capacity for both the sinful and the divine. Just like you. And so, the meal had him nearly moaning in ecstasy against his spoon.
“This is incredible, MC.” Solomon says, meticulously scooping a perfectly balanced bite of rice, cheese, mushroom, and chive. “This is even better than the risotto we had in that little place in Rome. What was that place called?” Solomon looks at you and thoroughly cleans the risotto off his spoon with his mouth. You laugh.
“Solomon, no, no way! That stuff was next level!”
Solomon shrugs before going in for another bite off his plate. “I’m telling you, yours is better.”
“When were you in Rome?” Lucifer inquires, cocking his head with interest. “When did you have the time?”
“Couple Tuesdays ago, I think.” Solomon muffled between bites while Barbatos shot him a look that told him to chew before speaking. Solomon shrugged it off. “Sometimes when we feel like eating out, we’ll go wherever the cuisine strikes our fancy. MC takes me to this Israeli restaurant in New York City about every other week!”
Beel’s brow furrows as he goes in for another bite. It sounds like before you left, what you and he used to do together. Schedule permitting, you were always down to take him wherever his stomach led him. Hell’s Kitchen for the third time that week? Sure! That brand new place with the deep fried vampire bats on sticks? You bet! They restocked flame-charred bone flavored ice cream at the stand down the street from RAD? You might even be willing to skip Chaos Theory to go with him! 
Your foodie dates were one of his all-time favorite things you did together.
“Pfft. You know I can’t do teleportations that big or that frequently yet. You take me.”
Like how Beel would take you all over town, farther if they had some spare time, to try all that the demon realm had to offer. You couldn’t always eat it, you didn’t always like it, but you were always down to try demon cuisine. Try new things in general. He loved that about you.
“Agree to disagree.” Solomon leaned a little closer to you. “I just appreciate you escorting me on so many dates.”
You shrug nonchalantly. “I’m just in it for the falafel.” 
Solomon chuckles and smiles fondly at you. He gently tucks a pesky piece of hair behind your ear, keeping it from flying into your mouth with your bread. “Try the hamin next time. I think you’ll like it.”
The heat rose in Beel cheeks, and he subtly sighed out some of his frustration through his nostrils. He glances briefly over to Belphie, and they communicate something to each other with their eyes. Finally, Beel puts his spoon down and Belphie shrugs, picking up another bite with his own.
“I’m done.” Beel says softly.
Not full. Never full. Done.
After everyone has finished with ample time for conversation, you shuffle back to the kitchen to get the desserts. You had prepared an assortment of fresh berries and cream with honey cakes. 
“Beel! Can you help me carry this?” You shout, and you lean casually against the counter to wait for him.
“Carry what?” Beel walks in to help and looks around for the heavy item only for his eyes to fall on the light-weight desserts. “Just…need some extra hands?” Beel asks as he reaches for the dish, but you stop him with a hand on his.
“Are you okay? You didn’t eat much.” You look up into his face, recognizing sadness in it. 
“I ate 5 or 6 plates.”
You raise an eyebrow. Beel sighs, gently reaching for your hand and holding it firmly in his own to ground himself.
“You don’t…like the food here more than in the devildom, do you?”
Your brows furrow with concern. “You…know I do. Most of it won’t kill me.”
Beelzebub shakes his head quickly. “My fault, bad question. New question: do you enjoy…” Beel’s voice cracks ever so slightly. “Do you like eating with Solomon more? You know…than me?”
Yours eyes widen in horror and your heart cracks. All you can think to do is throw yourself into his enormous frame. You bury your face into the soft fabric of the shirt before turning your head to speak, still resting your cheek against his quickly-thumping chest. 
“You’re upset because you and I go out on foodie tours and stuff too, right? It’s our thing.”
“It’s our thing.” Beel answered, wrapping his arms around you firmly. You feel the point of his chin rest against the top of your head.
“And it will always be our thing. Solomon and I eat out so often out of necessity. I don’t always have the energy to focus on planning and making our meals, and the man can’t cook, Beel. Then the human realm's food will kill me.”
You got a smile out of Beel on that one.
“But with you, we go out, and we shove things I once couldn’t even conceptualize down my gullet. You show me fun and fantastical foods I wouldn’t try on my own. That I couldn’t try. We don’t have that stuff here. It’s an experience. You are an experience. And you’re my favorite.”
You lean back just a little, separating only enough to see a wide grin and misty eyes. You reach over and stick your clean finger into the bowl of cream before smearing it playfully on Beel’s lips. 
“Oops!” You exclaim, smearing it on his lips. You raise up and squish the cream against Beels lips with your own. You hear a dreamy sigh from him before he pulls away and licks his lips. A giddy giggle escapes his creamy mouth. He reaches for the cream too, except he takes a thick glob and smears it from your cheek, across your mouth, and down your neck. 
He starts with your neck.
They said to make himself at home, so he will, thank you very much. Now where was MC’s bed?
He passes the bathroom and opens the knob to a door nearby, figuring this was probably it, and he pushes it open with the subtle crack of the doorframe. He is immediately punished with a wave of Solomon’s scent - a musky mix of exotic spice and  incense smoke. Yours was thickly mixed into the sorcerers, the fusion of smells emanating from one bed in the center of the room. 
Belphie suddenly feels the irritated flick of his tail and the weight of his horns that have appeared against his will on his body. Shove it down, Belphegor.
He peels himself from the glue that binds his feet to the doorway and steps hesitantly into the room. The room reeks of Solomon, and not just from his scent. Glistening suncatchers whimsically dangle from the ceiling, one wall is adorned with old, dusty books from floor to ceiling, magical trinkets rest precariously on the edges of drawers, nightstands, and any other surface, and plants large and small sprout from the pots scattered around the room. There are countless empty mugs he has forgotten to bring back down to the kitchen shoved onto any previously vacant surface.
Belphie’s attention moves from one piece of junk to the next before focusing on the bed itself. It looked to be what the humans call a “full sized” bed, big enough for two humans to fit, though Belphie figures it’s only as big as he and Beel’s beds back home. Must be a tight squeeze for two. The fluffy blankets are crumpled disproportionately to one side while the other side is draped primarily with just the sheet. He presses a palm into the mattress and it sinks less readily than Belphie would like in a nest. He pictured the two of you picking it out together. 
“Now, MC,” Solomon would say in his smarmy tone, “It’s best to have a mattress that is somewhat firm. It deters one from oversleeping, and it will be good for your spine in the long run. Trust me, I know from experience that you’ll wish you had taken better care of your bones when you’re old.”
Belphie groans at the thought before dipping down into the side that smells most like you. Your scent is thick and fresh, as if you had slept there just last night. Belphie snarls and immediately jumps up, the propulsion of the springs hastening his movement.
I bet he doesn’t even take the time to nestle into their pillows Belphie thought to himself as he glared daggers at the side that smelled more like Solomon. To inhale their pheromones and feel enveloped their scent and appreciate it. 
Since you left, it wasn’t uncommon to catch even Lucifer resting in your bed on occasion. They were all guilty of it. It still retained your scent, and the brothers found that comforting late at night when they cannot escape their respective longing for you. Recently, though, the aroma has begun dissipating, a combination of time and the brothers’ own smells erasing your scent clinging to the fabrics. Belphie had been excited to take a few moments at least to dive into your sheets and smother himself with your scent. He could bring it home with him and savor it for at least a week if he didn’t wash his jacket. He could cling to the hoodie he wears tonight during his slumber and pretend you were still there with him, nestled against his body and in his bed. But it turns out the scent of your bed was contaminated.
Fortunately for his sanity, he didn’t smell certain hormones or fluids or anything to indicate any funny business happened between the two of you in these sheets. That’s for the best. If Belphie had been hit with the scent of lust mixed with the scents of the two of you, he thinks he would have vomited directly on your comforter.
“Did you find my bed? I knew you’d go looking for it.” You tease, clutching the rail as you stare innocently at him from the stairs. 
“Uhm. Yeah. I found it.” Belphie turns to face you from the room, and his eyes motion to the bed in front of him. He makes no attempt to hide the displeasure on his face. Surprise answers it on your own.
“Nope, that’s Solomon’s room.”
“I can smell you, MC.” Belphie’s eyes narrow as he  replies, pointing to the side piled with blankets, “You sleep on the left.”
“I hang out on the left.” You say, climbing the last few steps and joining him in Solomon’s room, “but I don’t sleep here, not usually anyway. I pass out sometimes, but we just watch shows and play games here a lot.” 
You point casually at the TV shoddily hung on Solomon’s wall opposite the bed. Wires poke haphazardly out the bottom and trail their way to a couple of consoles buried in junk beneath.
“There’s this cartoon I’ve been obsessed with recently that makes me think of you, actually. It’s about these kids who are cute little animals, and they go to camp on a magical island. It’s so soft and cozy and comforting…I keep falling asleep when I turn it on. I wish I could watch it with you. Maybe next time I’m in the demon realm, we can set it up in the attic.”
You pap on his bicep and signal him to follow you, flowing from Belphie’s side, out Solomon’s door, and to a second door Belphie had yet to open. 
As you push the door in, a current of your sweet smell crashes like a wave over Belphie’s face. Your scent is like an intoxicating mixture of coffee, books, whiskey, and sugar all mixed together. You smell like home. A contented smile forms and he makes his way to you, careful to seal Solomon’s scent away with the bedroom door on his way out. 
You’re suddenly thrusted into a brief whirlwind of confusion as you’re grappled by Belphie, knocked off your feet and plopped down unharmed into the comfort of your bed. Your bed is the opposite of Solomon's: soft, fluffy, warm, and oozing with you smells. Belphie raises himself up to gaze at you lovingly before playfully nuzzling his face into your neck and inhaling deeply. He releases his breath with a satisfied sigh and melts himself into you. 
“Much better.”
He peppers your cheek with soft, sleepy kisses until he has you a grinning, giggling mess. 
“Let’s take a nap until dinner is ready. Barbatos can finish the rest.”
This was not part of Barbatos’ plan, but he could reassess and regroup. After all, this was only temporary. He would assure that.
Step 1: Serve Lord Diavolo to the best of his ability while he brings about the integration and unity of the three realms.
Step 2: Assure the swift and successful coronation of Lord Diavolo. King Diavolo. 
Step 3: With King Diavolo’s rule solidified and the King’s word absolute, any dissension against angels or humans in the devildom would not be tolerated. The streets of the demon realm would be safer - safer for you to reside in the devildom permanently.
Step 4: With the realm made a better place for you, you live with him, in his care, for the rest of your days. He thought perhaps an emerald in the ring would be best, accented with black diamonds. He had not yet decided whether silver or gold would look best for your band, but he was more than happy to admire you for as long as it took to decide what best suited your coloration.
For now, however, his face remains unwaveringly pleasant as he silently makes note of the dusty floorboards and spattered kitchen counters. He knows Solomon. Solomon doesn’t clean. Not to Barbatos’ standards for your living accommodations, anyway. He watches silently for a few moments as you work alone in your kitchen, smaller than he thought you deserved to have access to. It would have bothered him that Solomon offered no help had Barbatos not also known  he would have rendered each and every item on the menu inedible. All your hard work ruined.
You see him because he allows you to see him. While his presence would ordinarily be welcomed, today your cheeks flush in shame.
“Listen, I know it’s not the cleanest.” You shyly return your attention to the onion you skillfully chop against the cutting board. “I haven’t really had the time to deep clean, not with lessons and work and preparing for the party and…” You trail off, exhaustion lacing your voice. Your eyes seem misty.
“Please, MC, allow me to help. Do the mushrooms still need to be sliced?” Without waiting for an answer, Barbatos swiftly saunters over, scoops the mushrooms off the counter beside you, and drops them gently on the counter in front of himself. One mushroom considers bouncing off the counter, but decides it wouldn’t dare under Barbatos’ watchful eye. You realize your face must betray your emotion.
“Barbatos, I’m fine, really. It’s just the onion.” You point to the onion with your chef knife, and you plead, “you are my guest. I won’t make you work.”
“I am your friend.” He responds, his face focused on the task in front of him as he reaches for the utility knife in your set. He begins quickly and expertly chopping the mushrooms into perfect, uniform slices. “And you are overwhelmed. Your home is dirty because Solomon does not help you with cleaning like he should, yes?”
You remain silent for a moment, considering if you should out Solomon for not doing his share. Barbatos does not allow you to refute it.
“It has been centuries,” Barbatos interjects your thoughts before you can argue. “but Solomon was once royalty. He is independent now, yes, but he never learned how to clean as he should. I fear he is slipping back into the comfort of being taken care of without taking care of you in return.”
You look up at him, and for a moment, you think you see the flash of a scowl before his expression is once again carefully moderated. You had seen it because he had allowed you to see it.
“And of course,” he continued, “you must be doing all of the cooking as well. If he had any part in it, you would certainly be dead by this point.” He finally glanced us at you, his lip curling ever so slightly into a playful smirk. 
The joke catches you off guard and you honk out a laugh.
“One time,” you say through your laughter “I caught him trying to clean the bathroom with bleach and ammonium. Unreal. The man is a master alchemist, and yet he accidentally makes mustard gas in the toilet!”
Barbatos laughs earnestly along and shakes his head. He finishes the last mushroom with a flourish and plops the pieces into a bowl, ready for their future use. He turns around and leans his tall frame against your small counter, assessing your space for a few moments. 
“If I were Solomon,” he mused, almost to himself, “I would ensure your accommodations were immaculate. I would prepare you healthy, delicious meals. Perhaps I would allow you to join me in the kitchen, if only for us to spend the time together. And I see your garden needs attention. I would gladly serve you tea made from those rose petals there once I had finished with the pruning.” He speaks wistfully.
You chuckle. “It does sound nice to be taken care of every once in a while. What with the brothers and Solomon, I can be spread pretty thin. Not a lot left to take care of myself, you know?”
“Perhaps one day, I’ll have the pleasure of doing it for you.” Your eyes widen and your cheeks flush. You look up at him, and he gives you a knowing glance. You hated when he did this. You always wonder: is he teasing, or does he know?
“I have not looked into your future if that is what you are wondering…though I admit, I have considered it once or twice.” You turn to face him fully, the surprise evident on your face. Barbatos chuckles and looks you right in the eyes. “It would ruin the sweet surprise. It will happen because I will make it happen. Your current arrangement is temporary, I assure you.”
Before you can comprehend what is happening, the soft fabric of his gloves are against your cheeks, the warmth of his hands permeating through. He leans in slowly and lovingly plants a petal-soft kiss on the tip of your nose. He holds himself there a moment. You hold your breath until he lets go.
“Now, what do we do with these mushrooms?”
“Yeah, I’ve been doing well!” Lie. “It’s kind of nice to be home, you know?” Lie. “It’s refreshing to be around my own species again.” That one was presented as a joke, but it was still, factually, a lie. Did you usually lie this much? Diavolo hadn’t noticed if you had. And he would have noticed.
It was ultimately his fault, and he understood that. The devildom was under his rule, and had his whims overtaken him, he could have ordered you to stay. It just wasn’t time. Not yet. There was still so much work to be done.
Step 1: Bring about the integration and unity of the three realms.
Step 2: His swift and successful coronation.
Step 3: With his rule solidified and the King’s word absolute, no one would dare go against him when he appoints you as Human Ambassador to the demon realm. With such an important position within the new government system, so much as a finger lifted against you would be treason in his book. He would make the realm safe for you.
Step 4: Argue to the council that it is a political marriage. 
That’s the dream that keeps Diavolo going, anyway. His golden orbs lift from the mushrooms he unceremoniously shoves to the side of his plate (subtly, so he didn’t hurt your feelings, of course) over to Barbatos, who watches you with a genuine smile as you speak. What were you saying? Something about a stray cat? Back down to the mushrooms.
He knew the likelihood of this plan succeeding was low - just a dream to keep him working at his goal of unification. What will probably happen is that he will have a spouse chosen for him. Someone he might not yet know, whoever the council sees as the most advantageous choice. Likely a female, as is tradition. Likely traditionally pretty, the boring kind of pretty. Barbatos would intervene only enough to ensure he doesn’t dislike his appointed queen. Maybe Diavolo would even grow to love them one day. But it isn’t what he wants. Who he wants. He would be expected to produce a line of heirs - full-blood demon heirs - and cambion mutts just wouldn’t do. Not his words, of course. That’s what the tabloids said the last time the two of you were seen in public together. They called you his concubinatus. The writer of the article is longer there. No one knows where they are now except Barbatos.
“There's not really anything preventing MC from marrying me, right? Since we’re both humans and all." Solomon’s words echo in Diavolo’s mind, his smug grin still burned into the back of Diavolo’s retinas. The brothers had been more than willing to marry you into the devildom, but Diavolo had not allowed it. If anyone was going to marry you in, it was going to be him. He knew the likelihood of your union going smoothly was slim, but it would not stop him from trying. He was not above monopolizing you. He was the demon lord, not the lord of selflessness. But you were out of his hands here and settled in Solomon’s. He couldn’t stand it.
“Do you think you’ll ever get married, MC?” He later asks you casually as he helps you prepare the bonfire. Barbatos had half-heartedly attempted to dissuade him, as his suit could get dirty, but Diavolo insisted. He hadn’t gotten any alone time with you today, and he likely wouldn’t see you again for a while. He didn’t care about some frivolous suit. You drop the stick you’re holding, but it tumbles into the fire pit, so you figure you can leave it be. 
“Where did that come from?” Your flushed face is camouflaged well by the fading sunset. You quickly grab another bundle to continue building the fire. Diavolo casually swirls the wine in his goblet and peers in, probably inspecting some aspect of the wine that you have no eye for. The sunset hides his own flush from the alcohol. He remained silent, expecting an answer.
“U-Uhm. I suppose that depends on if I find the right person.” You fumble with a few sticks in your grasp before dumping them beside the fire. You crouch down and begin strategically arranging the sticks around lumps of kindling. 
“Could you…” Perhaps he shouldn’t ask you this. He’s admittedly afraid of the answer. “...see yourself marrying Solomon?”
“I…” You thought for a moment, laughed, and shook your head. “I don’t think so.”
Diavolo expertly shoots the rest of his wine like it wasn’t at least half a goblet.
“We aren’t together or anything, if that’s what you’re trying to figure out. You aren’t being very subtle, you know.” You tease.
This was true.
“I guess I could see marrying Solomon if things didn’t work out, but…there’s someone I have my eye on.” You shove some dry grass between the logs, trying to hide behind your task.
“I don’t see how it would work. I don’t think I would be anywhere near his radar, but…” Perhaps it’s the sunset, perhaps it’s the wine swimming around in your blood, but you felt a bit bold. You look up, directly into his eyes, slightly luminous in the encroaching darkness of the night. “...The heart wants what the heart wants.”
Oh shit, wait, what? Are you coming on to him? Right now?
“Do…I know this person?” Perhaps it’s the wine he just downed, but he too is feeling bold. The corner of his lip quivers ever so slightly in the attempt to hide a grin threatening to spread across his face, just in case he’s wrong. But he doesn’t think so. 
“You do.” You stand up and dust your hand off on your pants.
He tries to bite his lip to keep his face in line, but his lip rolls beneath his fangs and the corners of his eyes crinkle. The way you’re looking at him, there’s no way he’s misinterpreting it. You take a shy step closer, your eyes flit from his eyes to his fangs and quickly back up.
“Is it…me?” Diavolo asks playfully, now inches from your face.
“No.” You shrug. You casually toss a few more sticks into the fire pit.
With a snap of his fingers, the fire is lit. It roars to life and lights up your faces, your goofy grins and reddened cheeks on full display. The warmth of the blaze is matched only by the warmth of Diavolo’s arms snaking around your waist. 
His mouth envelops yours in an instant.
@dokidokidemons, @ourfinalisation
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acourtofthought · 5 months
E/riels continue harassing us in our anons, claiming Elucien theories and Gwynriel theories have no basis, how we don't understand reading comprehension, when, with every new release of information, their theories are constantly being debunked.
Contains HOFAS Bryce / Az / Nesta Bonus Chapter Spoilers
"Bread and Roses proves Elain and Az are living together in the townhouse"
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"Az's shadows dance for Gwyn because she's luring him"
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(Az's shadows danced and no Gwyn to be found. I guess they just like singing and only one possible LI for Az is a canon singer).
"Az and Elain are so similar"
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Seriously, what do they have in common again? The author told us Elain is happiest in nature and enjoys balls / parties and Az likes club music. And no, a ball and a pleasure hall are not remotely the same thing.
"Elain will become a mystic / use her Seer powers and help Bryce." "Elain will visit Hel".
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You know what my CC3 theory about Elain was? That Elain would not make an appearance.
And guess what? Elain made no appearances.
I guess it's easy to say what they want while hiding their identity because when they turn out to be wrong, no one can address them directly for their harassment.
That's alright though, I don't need to call anyone out by name for their behavior because an Elucien and Gwynriel endgame is really reward enough.
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lotus222 · 11 months
I have a theory…
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Everyone is up and arms about the elriel v. gwynriel debate so if you get easily triggered about those ships pls avert your eyes cause I’m gonna be unapologetically brutal.
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I just finished reading CC2 (ik I’m behind) and it opened my eyes to something SJM has been saying since the beginning.
Now, while reading this massive book, I had a continuing foreboding feeling that Hunt was going to be replaced by Ithan as Bryce’s love interest. Bc as we know SJM always switches up the MMC after one book or so, so I was scurred. BUT
I was pleasantly surprised to see that SJM did all in her power to reinforce the idea that these two are endgame, by having Bryce CHOOSE Hunt and vice versa — going against her arranged marriage, the royal lineage requirements, and the added complexity of mates for fae, angels, and wolves
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It was refreshing to see Bryce and Hunt come together out of true love as opposed to SJM’s usual trope of “oh they were destined so they have to be together”. Don’t get me wrong, I love her other couples too - but Bryce and Hunt have always been my favs bc of this fact.
Then, imagine my surprise when I see that Bryce and Hunt CHOOSE to be mates. Simply bc the title bf & gf didn’t work for them. THEN, they’re revealed to be true mates, and their love for one another simply forged this unbreakable bond where now they have the same strength (if not stronger) then preordained mates.
Here’s where the ACOTAR ships come in…
Now…i don’t care who mrs Maas decides to put together. I have loved every single couple she has produced so ik I’ll love the next inner circle couple. BUT ik in my heart of hearts and based off of common sense that it’s going to be Elain + Azriel
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(Also pls keep in mind that the ACOTAR fae are the ancestors of the CC fae, which means whatever Bryce and Hunt can feel/do/etc, first originated or was discovered in the ACOTAR world) which means this true mates thing that Bryce and Hunt have can have originated with Az & Elain
CC3 takes place after ACOSF, where we all know there are things needing to be addressed. Bryce wakes up on the lawn of the townhouse where Az is and there’s fresh bread & roses in the air…then everyone else arrives later. Meaning Az was at the townhouse by himself…with the bread & roses (Elain).
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Some of y’all might think that’s a stretch or irrelevant, but I think it’s fully intentional that SJM put CC3 before the next ACOTAR book. It’s bc everyone in the ACOTAR world up until this point has followed the rules of “be with your mate and love them”, but now Bryce is there as a clear example of having a mate not chosen by some stupid bowl, but by herself and her heart. Which is something I think will strike a chord with Elain and Azriel.
Az has NEVER been chosen, and I don’t think (even if gwyn is his mate or his backup singer or whatever y’all are calling her now) he will be satisfied by someone being thrown to him, forced to love him bc of a bond. He wants them to choose to love him like his dad and Mor didn’t (sry Mor stans but she didn’t, she admitted so herself in ACOWAR)
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Rhys (sry cause I also dislike him after ACOSF) is just like Bryce’s bio dad and is trying to place a barrier between the couple in the name of politics and what is usually done, but just like Bryce (I.E. WHY THERE IS A BONUS CHAPTER W HER, AZ, AND NES (THE ONLY 2 (-Rhys) WHO WILL KNOW ABOUT AZ’s FEELINGS)) Az/Elain will choose to divert that standard, motivated by the love Bryce expresses for her chosen mate, Hunt.
Plus, can I mention y’all also acted this way with Cass met Emery at the end of ACOFAS…and thought they were gonna be together before ACOSF came out and now y’all are doing the same to Gwyn. I personally think Gwyn has been traumatized beyond belief by men, and I don’t think what she needs in her life to heal from that is the man that saved her from that trauma. She doesn’t need to be saved or reminded of that time in her life anymore. Like, girl could still not bring herself to leave the house of wind at the end of ACOSF. Idk about y’all but I wouldn’t fall in love with the cop who saved me from that kind of crime, I’d move on and find love for myself.
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No matter if you’re a gwynriel stan or not, we can all agree that the kiss at the end of ACOSF cannot be ignored, and this relationship between Az and Elain has been building up for THREE BOOKS. Gwyn has only been here for one. Take it from me my lovely gwynriels, and be prepared for disappointment.
NOW, where does Lucien fit in all of this? I think Lucien takes the same stance as Ithan from CC. Elain doesn’t know the sassy, caring Lucien we know bc the only interactions she’s had with him were when he sold her out to Hybern (mind you: when she was ENGAGED) and when he’s been around her bc he felt this need due to a mating bond. It’s fair that she doesn’t love him, just like it’s fair that Bryce doesn’t love Ithan. Just because there’s a bond, in whatever form, doesn’t mean that entitles another to that female’s love.
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Lucien deserves someone who wants to be with him and as a fan of his character, too, I don’t want him stuck with Elain. Especially when she’s made it so clear she doesn’t want him. I think Lucien accepting Elain going with Azriel will lead him back to the Spring Court (cause it’ll still hurt, and he’ll need space) and give y’all that Tamlin redemption arc you’ve been dying for for some reason.
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Either way, the answer of who is Az’s mate is a big topic, so I think SJM doing the same thing with him that she did with Bryce and Hunt in CC2 would be so bomb. Plus, she’s always said that the books she writes will be with the female at the forefront, so sry babes, there’s no Azriel book.
So book 5/6 (incl ACOFAS) in the ACOTAR world will be Elriel, then it’ll be Morr/all of the couples, and the novella will probably be Spring Court (i.e., Vaasa/Tamlin/Lucien). Don’t quote me on anything past the next ACOTAR book, I’m just guessing on those
Anyway, that’s how I think it’s going to go but I’m not the author or anything, so take this as you will
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lunainfortuna · 4 months
It's so funny to me when someone says that ‘gwynriels and elriels are equally problematic/toxic’ and that ‘people weren't harassed! that's fiction!’ because you just had to be there (or have to be here) to know how this shipwar really works.
You just had to be there to remember how Azriel's bonus chapter leaked. And who exactly celebrated first. You had to be there to remember how Gwyn and Az, as a ship, were welcomed in this fandom. How people who shipped them were ‘insane’. Or how Gwyn was ‛just a maid/servant’ (I'm being sweet. We all know what she was actually called). Then, how Gwyn ‛could not be with Azriel because she couldn't have sex, you all. She was a SA victim!’. And then, all the harassment towards real people: us and content creators.
I could ask my fellow gwynriels: raise your hand if in 2021, after SF, you were harassed!
You just had to be there, now in 2022, to know how the ending of HOSAB was leaked. I mean, we all are familiar with ‛bread and roses’. Do you remember who once again celebrated first? (or celebrated at all). Because I do. Do you remember what it was like to be a gwynriel then? Or how many of us were heavily harassed? 🤷🏻 You just had to be there, weeks ago, to know how CCT3 spoilers were leaked and by whom. You just had to be there to know exactly how this fucking shipwar works.
But somehow we are as toxic as them. We cannot answer them or answer all the false information they spread because we are ‘fighting and not enjoying things’. We cannot mention Elain and Azriel or debunk their theories because oh, damn, we are fighting again! Just let us fuck the shut up and let them call us whores, hoes, stupid. Or let them say that victims of SA can't have a sexual life. Or print us and share on their pages to make fun of us. Or change canon facts and distort Sarah's every word.
Funny. It's so funny when someone also says that we all could be ‘happy’ and enjoying things together without disturbance.
Like we haven't tried already. Like, before us, there weren't Eluciens.
No one is angry that someone is shipping something different. NO ONE. We are angry by their fucking behavior.
See, if you feel comfortable by not getting involved in this shipwar, great! If you haven't been harassed, that's perfect. I'm happy for you. But do not assume that everyone is like you. Do not assume you know how this shipwar works. Do not assume how gwynriels and elriels behave without seeing it. Do not assume we are here being ‛lazy and childish’ by pointing out that they are nastier.
Believe me, any of us could leave our social media and forget about this while elriels would still be saying shit about our ship and us. And I'm not excusing bad behavior from gwynriels. I know it happens. A lot. But we aren't the same.
Go look closer. Talk to some people. Some content creators.
Dito isto, como brasileira, devo admitir que o fandom gwynriel anda bastante equivocado. Quase se assemelhando ao elriel. Por isso, peço: não sejam. Não interajam com conteúdo do ship ao lado, especialmente fanarts. Pelo amor.
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finaland · 5 months
Y' can bark all you want, but we have four books full of moments between Elain and Azriel. Sarah is playing with us. it's obvious they are mates Y'll Gwynriel fans continue with your absurd theories about music,and all that does is confirm that Gwyn is a lightsinger
Um, nope, there weren't four books of development; in fact, Azriel and Elain haven't spoken a single word in the moments they were together. We couldn't get ANYTHING from her in Azriel's thoughts, nothing that could contribute to their story or her personality. We only got sexual thoughts, and minutes after finishing the conversation with her, we had a deeper conversation with Gwyn.
On the other hand, now you're interested in music? Sorry that you can't share that with your ship since you only have roses and bread... I guess SJM is very clever in putting two characters who love to sing... Almost sounds like she wants to make them alike, as if they were mates, right?
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freyjas-musings · 5 months
Ok listen I know people are really worried that Twitter has some major spoilers especially the theories by some really noisy people .... To that I say ...
Literally nothing has been spoilt , the quality of the theories is the same as the quality of their brains ..... Its as relevant a theory as bread and Roses ... So please don't be worried nothing has been spoilt ... not saying it's OK but I just want to assure everyone it's not really spoilers it's delusions
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hetalia-club · 1 year
So I have this head cannon that I put so much faith in that I sort of convinced myself it was real and I just want to share it with you guys because i think it’s kinda cute and harmless.
So I have this theory that the nations have distinct smells. they don't need perfume or cologne or rather if they wear it you can't even smell it because their natural smell overpowers it. I think they smell like what they are known for. I haven't mapped down everyone because I don't really know what everyone is known for but there are the ones I have. You don’t have to agree with me on the smells and feel free to add your own takes if they are different.
America- oranges, apples, suntan lotion, mountain air, wild flowers and pine. (Like outside in the summer time)
Russia- earth, oil, flowers, crisp air and honey (Earthy with a hint of sweet at the end)
France- Roses, fresh herbs, lavender, and cigarette smoke (Floral slightly masked by the smell of stale cigarettes)
Italy- lilies, oil paint, grapes, and fresh cut grass (floral shop meets art studio)
Romano- lemons, ash, salt water air, wild flowers, and old churches (fresh and little musty at the end)
Germany- fresh baked bread, coal, metallic, and dead leaves (imagine a bakery was built maybe slightly too close to a factory)
Canada- Pine, earth, maple syrup, wild flowers (the sickeningly sweet smell over takes the smell of nature at times)
England- old books, tea leaves, freshly cut grass, metallic (kind of like how the airs smells before a big lightning storm)
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foxylady13 · 8 months
Feysand Bonus Chapter and Elucien
Let's talk about this shall we....
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"Don't forget that gardening often results in something pretty, but it involved getting ones hands dirty along the way" - I have a theory with the way Elain is being secretive (from Cassian POV) that she's got her hands dirty with Korshei and wanting to become human again given her conversation with Amren in ACOFAS. Who is close to the human lands? Her mate, Lucien, who is also tied with the Korshei plot given Vassa and Elain father making a deal with Korshei (maybe Elain is wrapped up in that deal) as well which again just ties these two together even more.
Now Feyre part got me thinking...
We know E/riels associate roses with Elain and Azriel with the whole "bread and roses" and Azriel mom being at Rosehall... well... this is just my thoughts her but..
"And torn up by thorns," "her right palm bleeding from several gashes thanks to a stubborn rosebush that had pierced her gloves. The thorns had broken off in her skin, leaving sharp splinters that I'd had to pull free."
What if Sarah was using subtle metaphor here? A stubborn rosebush that pierced Elain gloves and made several gashes in her hand that Feyre had to pull several sharp splinters that had broken off free from..... I think this could be a metaphor for Azriel.
Azriel has already hurt Elain with saying their almost kiss was a mistake, after she's already been rejected before by her fiancee, and he is being stubborn about thinking the Cauldron was wrong making Lucien Elain’s mate instead of him.
"I didn't dare mention that if she had been wearing the enchanted gloves Lucien had gotten her last Solstice, nothing would have pierced them at all." - I think it's important to note here that Elain STILL has the enchanted gloves Lucien had gotten her a year ago. A person who she is currently uncomfortable to be around. Yet, she didn't keep the necklace Azriel gave her despite what appears to be a little crush for him.....
Feyre also mentioning that NOTHING would have pierced the gloves and that they would have essentially PROTECTED Elain if she had been wearing them.... sounds to me like Feyre might be on the Elucien train, wouldn't you think? 🤔
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lullabesstie · 3 months
Damn you weren’t kidding about that weird elriel on tik tok, they’re definitely on some odd theories. They are really clinging to “five books of buildup” lol I’m trying very hard to find this supposed build up
“4 books of buildup” always gets me laughing. girl where ? We all know MAF build up Az and Mor it was so clear they were supposed to be together, even Sarah had pins for them on her Pinterest. Then when MAF came out, Sara confirmed Elucien on her Facebook, Then WAR came out and Sarah called Lucien and Elain a couple that would go to London together. yet they still keep denying.
I had an argument with an Elriel on TikTok yesterday, i said something like “I’m not gonna believe the people who created the bread and Roses theory” and then she said you guys were the ones who said Gwyn will be important and I told her Gwyn knows the old language and she’s the only one who talked about the realms and other dimensions and it did make sense because we backed our theory with Canon text, and she didn’t reply back 😭😭 at this point I’m sure Elriels know that they make zero sense they know they are delusional😭😭
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petarabbit2 · 4 months
Realistic Trey Clover + Headcanons
Trey Clover + Realistic artwork done with Art Breeder and edited in Clip Art Studio:
This happens a lot with my headcanons but after analysing Trey he went from one of my least favourites to one of my favourites in no time – hope you like him as much as I do!
Sidenote: When headcanoning Trey and all my other characters I take both factual and some of my personal thoughts/beliefs of the character to construct my headcanons.
For my rendition of Trey Clover, I kept him relatively close to his in-game design and didn't give him any visible flaws (ance, moles, etc.) since Trey’s diet seems pretty balanced, he knows eating too many sweets can give you cavities. It would also help with his skin’s condition, it wouldn't be smooth or perfect but wouldn't have many visible red breakouts, but isn't immune to a few pimples here and there.
You may also notice I gave him stubble on his chin because Trey in game looks very mature, plus it is extremely common for his age period to start developing body hair (face, body, etc.) and Trey probably got this.
For his realistic rendition, I went with a rectangular face shape that is fairly chiselled (Trey is on that mewing streak 🤫🧏‍♀️), almond eyes with THICK eyebrows and the cherry on top being his very broad and straight nose. In conclusion, I made him a chad. (tee hee yummy)
For his body MY MAN IS BUILT, so a rectangular fairly muscular build (thick fucking arms bro is kneeding that bread) 
And yet another pom 😞 but it's all done for a reason! The rose kingdom is based on the UK so I just gave everyone from there an accent and depending on personal thoughts depends on how strong I make it and yes, Trey has a strong accent – he doesn't really use slang though, idk he's a bit too mature for that.
Without & With Makeup:
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Personality and backstory headcanons + a bit of character analysis:
Ah yes, the “dad” of Heartslabyul and I don't disagree with this basic statement but sometimes he is dumbed down to just that, a “dad”. Yes, young adults such as himself can have a stronger connection to his morals, but he’s still only 18, and most importantly human. Not everything he will do will be correct, and even if they are good in theory, they may still have negative consequences.
For example, just before Riddles overblot, Ace even blatantly asked him why he hasn't corrected Riddle behaviour because he thought that just staying by his side, comforting him and being his friend was enough but quickly learnt it wasn't. Trey has always been the oldest, with his friends, with his siblings and he had always had that sense of responsibility over the younger generations (also seen with first and second years in-game), however, other than that, his character isn’t heavily touched on besides just being the “dad” or “big brother”.
Trey probably has moments where he questions himself, if he's the best person for others to rely on. What I'm trying to say is that neither his mind nor body is fully developed and even people like him who seem so strong have their weak moments.
Trey genuinely cares a lot for his loved ones, both friends and family, and usually takes on a mediator role to solve issues and help others. Though, he’s a little bit of a people pleaser and when something is out of his depth and he doesn’t immediately see the ‘right’ way to do something, he tends to try and avoid the root cause of the issue and instead finds an easier solution, which may not have the best turnout in the end. 
For example, Trey’s feelings around Riddle’s overblot and childhood trauma affecting his present-day behaviour. I believe that Trey felt horrible after Riddles overblot, seen when he said he's sorry to Riddle despite being Riddles own fault. When Trey can’t fulfil that “dad” role or sees he's been doing something wrong for a long time he doesn't know what to do.
He doesn’t do this out of a lack of care, but because of how much he cares instead. He is also often seen pandering to other’s wants just to please them and make sure they are happy. Also as mentioned before, he is still young, he still may not know the best thing to do, but these actions he takes he sees as a sort of in-the-moment solution.
Trey appreciates deep conversation and knows what to say in them, he's good at comforting and will observe all the people he cares about so he knows exactly how to comfort that specific person.
Trey is always looking out for his friends, whether that be making sure they are keeping up with the school's work and getting decent grades, or making sure they aren't getting into too much rough housing with others. If this does happen however, Trey would definitely go out of his way to tutor lower classmen to the best of his ability or have a ‘talk’ if he has to with people picking on his friends.
My editor/assistant cause I can’t grammar or spell to save my life: @cyb3rpnnk 
However you are permitted to use my headcanoing as your own for art or stories or whatever, just not my realistic rendition.
I dont have much to say this time, but the next one with either be Riddle or Cater idk.
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What do you think about the theory that Rhysand was never supposed to be the main love interest? I can kind of see it, but was curious about your thoughts.
I disagree vehemently, and I would argue that there were a million obvious hints in ACOTAR that show Feyre was always going to end up with Rhysand. I think two things can be true: that she loved him and he was always going to be her first love AND that Rhysand was always meant to be her last love.
But just to back it up:
As early as page 15, the infamous:
I slung off my outer clothes onto the sagging dresser- frowning at the violets and roses I'd painted around the knobs of Elain's drawer, the crackling flames I'd painted around Nesta's, and the night sky-whorls of yellow stars standing in for white- around mine.

And then again, on page 31 when discussing why she'd chosen Isaac as a lover:
Relatively handsome, soft-spoken and reserved, but with a sort of darkness running beneath it all that had drawn us to each other, that shared understanding of how wretches our lives were and would always be.
When Lucien pays Feyre his backhanded compliment on page 53, he uses familiar night imagery often used to describe Feyre:
Your eyes are like stars, and your hair like burnished gold.
Here, on page 87, an amusing bit of foreshadowing about Feyre's future:
Prythian was ruled by seven High Lords- perhaps this she was whoever governed this territory; if not a High Lord, then a High Lady. If that was even possible.
When Feyre is faced with the Bogge and wants to look, she soothes herself (pg. 90):
I stared at the coarse trunk of a distant elm, thinking of pleasant things. Like hot bread and full bellies....A starry, unclouded night sky, peaceful and glittering and endless.
On 116, when Feyre finds the map of Pyrthian of all 7 territories, only one is spared any detail outside of the place she currently resides:
The other six courts of Prythian occupied a patchwork of territories. Autumn, Summer, and Winter were easy to pick out. Then above them, two glowing courts: the southernmost one a softer, redder palate the Dawn Court; above, in bright gold and yellow and blue, the Day Court. And above that, perched in a frozen mountainous spread of darkness and stars, the sprawling, massive territory of the Night Court. There were things in the shadows between those mountains- little eyes, gleaming teeth. A land of lethal beauty.
On 125, Feyre considers what she might want if she were immortal:
Did Tamlin or Lucien ever grow tired of day after day of eternal spring, or ever venture into the other territories, if only to experience a different season? I wouldn't have minded endless, mild spring while looking after my family- winter brought us dangerously close too death every year- but if I were immortal, I might want a little variation to pass the time. I'd probably want to do more than lurk about a manor house, too.
The first time Feyre really starts to relax around Tamlin and find joy in Prythian and her circumstances is at the pool made of starlight, which is such a long passage I'm just glossing over. Tamlin does comment she makes TWO jokes that day, and I'm choosing to draw a parallel between this moment and in ACOMAF when Feyre smiles for the first time after her ordeal under the mountain during Starfall. Feyre feels most at peace surrounded by starlight. [pg 159ish]
On 169, when Feyre thinks of her nightmares:
And though my dreams continued to be plagued by the deaths I'd witnessed, the deaths I'd caused, and the horrible, pale woman ripping me to shreds- all watched over by a shadow I could never quite glimpse-I slowly stopped being so afraid.
When Feyre can't stay away on Calanmai / mating bond language that SJM loves (pg. 183):
There was a string- a string tied to my gut that pulled me toward those hills, commanding me to go, to hear the faerie drums...
And then obviously this, on page 188:
Standing before me was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen
Like Feyre, Rhys is couched in Night imagery (pg. 189):
As if he'd been molded from the night itself I could have sworn tendrils of star-kissed night railed in his wake (190)
On 235, when Rhys goes to visit Tamlin, he alludes to the fact that he has his reasons for aligning with Amarantha, which are later explained in ACOMAF:
Her whore I might be, but not without my reasons
Also Feyre describing Rhys through the entirety of the scene in the Spring Court dining room is like...a brick to the face (starting page 234): 
Rhysand smiled- heartbreaking in its beauty.
His voice dropped to a whisper- an erotic caress of sound that brought heat to my cheeks
Rhysand laughed- a lovers laugh, low and soft and intimate
And from the way darkness seemed to ripple off him, from those violet eyes that burned like stars...
No- I would never dare to pain that dark, immortal grace-
Rhysand, when he realizes Feyre (who he is beginning to suspect might be his mate) is there (pg. 237):
A flicker of excitement- perhaps even disbelief- flashed across his features
Again, described in the same night imagery:
The sunlight didn't gleam on the metallic threads of his tunic, as if i balked from the darkness pulsing from him
on 310, when Amarantha demands Rhys explain the mix-up with humans, she thinks this when he lies:
Humans all look alike...I didn't believe him for a second. Rhysand knew exactly how I looked- he'd recognized me that day at the manor.
On 312, once again hating Rhys but thinking this about him:
She must have allowed him more power than the others, then, if he could still inflict such harm while leashed to her. Or else his power before she'd stolen it had been...extraordinary, for this to be considered the basest remains.
The obvious on 328:
"Yes, I'd say almost my entire court bet on you dying within the firs minute; some said you'd last five, and"- she urned over the paper- "and just one person said you would win."
Amarantha frowned at her list, and she waved a hand. "Take her away. I tire of her mundane face. " She clenched the arms of her throne hard enough that the whites of her knuckles showed. "Rhysand, come here."
The bargain of chapter 37, too numerous to detail (this is already so long)
The entire scene of Feyre in his bedroom, but especially this on page 342:
Indeed, it was still Rhysand's face, his powerful male body, but flaring out behind him were massive black, membraneous wings- like a bat's, like the Attor's. He tucked them in neatly behind him, but the single claw at the apex of each peeked over his broad shoulders. Horrific, stunning- the face of a thousand nightmares and dreams. That again-useless part of me stirred at the sight, the way the candlelight shone through the wings, illuminating the veins, the way it bounced off his talons.
They grabbed for me, but he bared his teeth in a mile that was anything but friendly- and they halted. "No more household chores, no more tasks," he said, his voice an erotic caress. Their yellow eyes went glazed and dull, their sharp teeth gleaming as their mouths slackened. "Tell the others, too. Stay out of her cell. And don't touch her. If you do, you're to take your own daggers and gut yourselves. Understood?
When Rhys is trying to get a rise out of both Amarantha AND Tamlin on 349:
The Faerie Queen straightened a little bit- even Jurian's eye seemed fixated on me, on Rhysand. For the rest of my life- he said it as if it were going to be a long, long while. He thought I was going to beat her tasks.
Page 355, when they're talking (more mating bond foreshadowing):
Sadness flickered in those violet eyes. I wouldn't have noticed it had I had not...felt it-deep inside me.
His help in the second task, but especially this pep talk when she's breaking down over the thought of nearly dying on 366:
Don't let her see you cry. Put your hands a your sides and stand up. Stand. Don't give her the satisfaction of seeing you break. Good. Stare her down- no tears. wait until you're back in your cell. Count to ten. Don't look at Tamlin. Just stare at her. Good girl. Now walk away. Turn on your heel- good. Walk toward the door. Keep your chin high. Let the crowd part. One step after another.
369, this feels blatant:
It took me a long while too realize that Rhysand, whether he knew it or not, had effectively kept me from shattering completely.
Rhys visiting Feyre after that kiss and explaining why he's been making her dance, and what he hopes to accomplish on page 384:
Regardless of his motives or his methods, Rhysand was keeping me alive. And had done so even before I set foot Under the Mountain.
"When you healed my arm...You didn't need to bargain with me. You could have demanded every single week of the year." My brows knit together as he turned, already half-consumed by the dark. "Every single week, and I would have said yes. " It wasn't entirely a question, but I needed the answer.
A half smile appeared on his sensuous lips. "I know," he said, and vanished.
Darkness rippled near the throne, and then Rhysand was here, arms crossed- as if he'd moved to better see. His face was a mask of disinterest, but my hand tingled. Do it, the tingling said.
394, Feyre once again drawing our attention to Rhysand during this horrible moment:
Rhysand's face had gone pale- so, so pale.
399, obvious foreshadowing:
Rhysand yelled my name again- yelled it as though he cared
400-401, more mating bond language:
Rhys's arms buckled as he fought to rise, and blood dripped from his nose, splattering on the marble. His eyes met mine. The bond between us went taut. I flashed between my body and his, seeing myself through his eyes, bleeding and broken and sobbing.
Chapter 45, when Feyre is dead but tethered to Rhys's soul, like COME ON.
412, more mating bond language as Feyre goes to Rhys:
I was pulled from sleep by something tugging at my middle, a thread deep inside.
414-415, two final scenes:
"You never told me you loved the wings- or the flying." No, he'd made his shape shifting seem...base, useless, boring.
He shrugged. Everything I love has always had a tendency to be taken from me. I tell very few about the winds. Or the flying."
-and then-
His eyes locked on mine, wide and wild, and his nostrils flared. Shock- pure shock flashed across his features at whatever he saw on my face, and he stumbled back a step. Actually stumbled.
Sorry this was so long. It escaped me BUT Feysand was always right there from the beginning. They were always going to be together, from book 1. SJM is a fated mates writer, and I think it's a blatant misrepresentation of the book she wrote to say ACOMAF is a retcon, and Feysand was never going to happen. People are free to disagree with me, of course, and say I'm wrong (but I'm not).
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acourtofthought · 5 months
Twas weeks before release date, when all through the blogs The theories were stirring, minds were agog; The ship wars raged on, many claims untrue But one side of the fandom found comfort in the new. Eluciens and Gwynriels nestled all snug in their beds, Smiles on their faces knowing Bread and Roses was dead.
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lunainfortuna · 5 months
elriels on the gwynriel tag desperately trying to prove their ship with the caldron's wrong theory (it's debunked) lmaoooo
pls everyone kindly remember those were the people who read `bread and roses` and concluded that Az was married to a pregnant Elain, living with her and that he had lost his shadows for her 🤣
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
Find the word
Thanks @space-writes for the tag here!
Rules: find the given words in your WIP(s) then tag some people with new words!
My words: return, allow, free, away
Your words: positive, breathe, hair, accent
Tagging softly @writernopal @the-stray-storyteller @mk-writes-stuff @blind-the-winds @little-peril-stories @loopyhoopywrites @buffythevampirelover @cowboybrunch @elizaellwrites @bread-roses-and-chrome @sleepywriter00 @mysticstarlightduck @revenantlore + OPEN
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites - you know the drill; y'all can join in if you want
Keep reading for:
Sweet moment between Maddie, Kelsey, and Wilfredo the amigurumi tiger
A day in the life for Úrsula
Debate about phone brightness
Time for a group training session! Gabriel plans.
Return - from The Secret Portal Part Two (Maddie POV)
“Maddie, I do want to have lunch with Hye-Jin!” she snapped. Her tone surprised me. Kelsey sighed. “Sorry. It’s not Hye-Jin, it’s Dr. Asghar. She’ll do whatever it takes to get results out of me, regardless of my comfort.” “Dr. Moon seems okay, though, maybe he’ll talk sense into her.” “Dr. Moon is not okay just because he’s nice,” Kelsey insisted. “But he did tell her we’ll find another way next time. But he also didn’t stop her this time.” “Hm,” I said, thinking. “Well, think positive, then: this won’t happen again.” “It still happened this time.” “But never again,” I repeated. Kelsey rocked on her feet before sighing. “I guess you’re right.” My eyes went to Wilfredo in my hands. I thought for a moment about what Kelsey may need. “Do you need, like, a hug or something?” I lifted my gaze to Kelsey. Her eyes slowly shut tight as her face bunched together, and she nodded. Wilfredo still in hand, I stepped forward and pulled her into my arms. Her face buried into my shoulder, despite being a few inches taller, though her arms took a moment to return the gesture. I tried to think of something comforting to say. “Hye-Jin thinks it’s cool you crochet.” Kelsey let out a laugh-like exhale. “You showed her Wilfredo?” “Well, I didn’t show her; I just held him, and she saw him.” Kelsey pulled away first. “Glad you love him so much. Thank you. C’mon, let’s go to lunch.”
Allow - from School of the Legends Year One
As she ate, Úrsula paid close attention to the harmonies of the baroque music emanating from her speaker. Every part perfectly balanced. Complimenting each other. Contrasting when needed. Úrsula had Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos memorized. Why wouldn’t she? They composed an hour and a half of pure perfection. She swayed along to the up-tempo beat, humming along in between bites. She had been attempting a new hobby of composing her own music just six months ago. She usually worked on her piece around the late morning--after breakfast and she practiced the cello she’d requested...about two years ago now. She liked to think that she’d gotten pretty good for someone who was taught by only herself, the books, and a few instructors she’d found in online videos. Her self-composed piece, however, she was not as confident in. Music Theory was relatively hard to grasp--each time she accidentally found parallel fifths in her four-part harmony she wanted to bash her head against the wall. Besides, she was no Bach, Beethoven, or Mozart. She wasn't a prodigy of her time--she was just a girl with a lot of time. After she finished clearing off her plate, she pressed the pause button on her music. Usually, Úrsula would allow whatever was playing to finish as she awaited Mamãe to bring her whatever dessert she had made, but she had left her book on a cliffhanger. It pained her to leave the music, but at the moment, this was her priority. She leapt on her bed and picked up her book right where she had left off, not bothering to get into her usual comfortable position, as she was too excited. Immediately, she felt her surroundings disappear. She left the confines of the room she’d lived in for the past five years, and entered the world that only existed in the ink forever tattooed on the face of the binded yellowed pages. After a while, when Úrsula turned the page, she found not more story, but the acknowledgements from the author. She sighed, smiling as she closed the book. She wiped her eyes--watering from the ending. She set the book temporarily on the bedside table beside her, glancing at the time. It’d been almost an hour--surely her mother should be in with the dessert soon.
Free - from The Secret Portal Part One (Akash POV)
“I think you have an excellent point,” said Liam. “Keeping your phone brightness low and in dark mode saves a lot of battery.” “But when you go outside, you can’t see your screen without raising the brightness,” said Gwen. “That’s an excellent point,” said Liam. “That’s why you have it on automatic brightness,” Kelsey said. Liam pointed to Kelsey. “Also a good point. You have anything to say, Rose?” “I don’t care,” said Rose. “I keep it up halfway.” “I think it’s fine having your phone brightness all the way up,” I said, inserting myself into the conversation. “I mean, the wide variety is actually helpful for those with different needs. If you can’t see well, you need your brightness up. If you have sensory issues, it’s helpful to have the option to turn it down. And both light and dark mode can be beneficial for those who struggle with their sight.” “Since when were you a debater?” Liam asked, crossing his arms, but looking impressed. “Just making small talk,” I admitted. “Boo!” said Liam. “Hey, George! If you’re free, I’d like to work on that scene for my movie.” “Isn’t it cheating using technology from another dimension?” George asked as he stood. “No,” Liam countered as Sam stepped aside so George could follow Liam into the kitchen. “I’m taking advantage of resources at my disposal. If I were a multibillion-dollar company, I’d be able to get the effect I want. But I’m not. I’m just a dude who wants to impress VFS.” As they disappeared toward the elevators, Gwen perched herself on the back of the couch and Lexi stole George’s spot. “Oh, no, he warmed that seat up, that’s weird.” She moved to the other side of the couch. “Okay, that’s better.”
Away - from The Secret Portal Part One (Akash POV)
My team huddled together. “Okay,” said Gills, “we obviously need to have an offense and two groups of defense: one for Custos, one for the Shoeless team. That’s three groups. There are nine of us, so we should have three on each team. J, you’re on Custos defense.” “Why?” Jazlyn asked. She snorted when Gills looked at her like she was stupid. “I’m kidding, G. You’re adorable when you’re flabbergasted by other’s dumbassery.” She ruffled his hair, causing Parker, Tyler, and me to cackle. “Only Cassidy and Niri also have powers useful against Custos,” Gills continued as he smacked Jazlyn’s hand away. “Oh, thanks, Gabe,” said Liam as Parker laughed and clapped Niri’s shoulder and high-fived Jazlyn with his other hand. Jazlyn gave Liam a half-mocking pat on the head. “Don’t take that as a compliment, Cassidy, I’m facing the facts,” Gills said flatly. “And Beaumont, unless you find out how to shift some wings onto your back, you’re on Shoeless defense. You, too, George.” “Got it,” said George. “But what if—” “You’re not gonna run up the wall to fight Custos. They have a teleporter and your sister on their team. You’re the only one who stands a chance against them.” “Fine.” “I think I could be on offense,” I offered. “I can swoop in and grab the sphere.” “Were you not listening?” Gills asked. “Your powers wouldn’t work near Custos.” “I can build up the momentum and catch myself on the way down,” I reasoned. “No, you’re on Shoeless defense,” Gills stated firmly.
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