#bts raction
bts-scenarios-br · 3 years
Reaction - Quando vocês fazem uma música/MV sensual juntos.
(gên. feminino)
Você e o Jin já eram amigos há um tempo, quando foi proposto que fizessem uma música juntos. Ambos ficaram empolgados com a ideia, no começo, mas quando descobriram o conceito que iriam seguir, ficaram levemente assustados. 
Nunca tinham pensado que iriam propor que vocês dois fizessem uma música sensual, mas lá estavam vocês, com roupas sexys em um cenário um tanto quanto escuro, se preparando para gravar mais uma cena. 
Não estavam nem perto de terminar o que precisavam para o dia, e isso graças ao fato de não conseguirem levar a situação à sério. Sempre que se aproximavam demais, ou faziam algum movimento ousado, o Jin soltava alguma pérola para tentar encobrir o nervosismo dele. 
"Nunca me ensinaram essas coisas na faculdade." Ele disse, em uma cena em que você se sentava no colo dele, fazendo você suspirar e se levantar, repetindo. 
Porém, em um momento, ele não conseguiu fazer graça, já que a vergonha foi maior. 
Era uma das partes mais sensuais da letra da música, perto até mesmo de ser explícita. Para essa parte, ele tinha que te segurar firme pela cintura, enquanto estavam há centímetros de distância um do outro, olhando profundamente em seus olhos. 
Ele conseguia sentir a sua respiração quente contra o rosto dele enquanto mexia os lábios, e ele não demorou muito para sentir o coração dele disparar. Ele nunca tinha olhado para você desse jeito. Sempre te achou muito atraente, é claro, mas nunca pensou em qualquer coisa com você. Pelo menos até esse momento. 
"Jin." Você sussurrou, quando ele perdeu a deixa dele para começar a cantar, muito ocupado te encarando. 
No mesmo instante em que o diretor disse "Corta!", o Jin sentiu todo o sangue dele subir para o seu rosto. 
Ele ficou extremamente vermelho por ter praticamente sido pego no flagra por todo mundo, te secando descaradamente. Assim que viu as orelhas dele ficarem coradas, você não conseguiu segurar uma risada, que o pegou de surpresa para dizer o mínimo. 
"Relaxa, Jin." Você disse, com um leve sorriso, e o dando um empurrãozinho. "Eu também estou muito nervosa, não é exatamente fácil ficar perto de um rosto desses." Piscou um olho, fazendo ele corar ainda mais, mas soltar uma risada junto com você. "Só esquece que sou eu, e faz o que precisa, okay?"
Ele concordou com a cabeça, bem mais tranquilo por saber que, pelo menos, ele não era o único pensando demais. Depois disso foi muito mais fácil para ele continuar com a gravação, chegando até a parar de contar piadas a cada cinco minutos. Ele de fato esqueceu que vocês eram amigos, e parou um pouco de se culpar caso a imaginação dele fosse um pouco longe, contanto que ele conseguisse se manter no personagem, estava tudo bem. 
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Desde que vocês começaram as gravações do MV, você ficou extremamente impressionada com o quão tranquilo o Yoongi estava. Levando em consideração que vocês se conheciam muito pouco, ele fazer com tanta tranquilidade certas cenas estava te deixando surpresa, para dizer o mínimo. 
O que você sempre falhava em perceber, no entanto, era que no momento em que o diretor cortava as câmeras, e você se afastava dele, ele virava uma pequena bolinha de vergonha. Olhava para o chão e começava a brincar com a próprias mãos, respirando fundo para conseguir se recompor para continuar trabalhando. 
A verdade era que o Yoongi tinha uma leve quedinha por você já há um tempo. Na verdade, ele sempre foi um grande admirador do seu trabalho, e quando teve a oportunidade de se aproximar de você e trabalhar com você, ele acabou se encantando também pela pessoa que era (e claro que o fato de passarem horas em um estúdio escrevendo uma música sensual não ajudou muito com o clima). 
Mas em um momento você acabou presenciando a vergonha dele: foi em uma cena em que ele estava sentado em uma poltrona, e você se curvou sobre ele, apoiando um braço em cada lado do seu corpo. Nesse momento, você cantava uma das partes mais ousadas da música, olhando fixamente para os olhos escuros do homem à sua frente. 
Enquanto as câmeras estavam ligadas, ele manteve uma expressão séria, como se passasse por aquilo todos os dias. Mas foi só vocês ouvirem o "Corta!" do diretor, que o Yoongi virou uma bagunça. 
Você mal teve tempo de sair da frente dele quando ele desviou o olhar com os olhos arregalados, claramente surtando pela sua proximidade, o que fez você se afastar rápido dele, imaginando que estivesse desconfortável. 
"Desculpa." Você disse se curvando de leve, e ele voltou a te olhar, dessa vez um pouco confuso.
"Tá se desculpando por que?" Ele franziu a testa em sua direção. 
"As cenas estão te deixando desconfortável." Falou, calma. 
"O que?" Ele disse, ainda um pouco perdido e afetado. "Não, não estão não!" Ele negou. "Eu só estou um pouco nervoso e envergonhado, não precisa se preocupar." Ele disse, corando de leve.
"Bom, se for esse o caso, não está sozinho." Deu um sorriso pequeno. "Eu também estou nervosa, mas estava achando você tão confiante que fiquei tentando esconder isso." 
"Nós dois estamos à beira de um surto, então." Ele riu fraco, e você o acompanhou. "Vamos fazer assim, então." Se aproximou de você, falando baixinho. "Vamos continuar fingindo que estamos à vontade com tudo isso, e quem sabe no final da noite isso não se torne verdade?" 
Você arregalou os olhos de leve com essa atitude repentina dele, mas nem teve chances de o questionar, já que foram chamados para retocar a maquiagem e trocarem de roupa para a próxima cena.
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Você e o Hobi já estavam ensaiando a coreografia da nova música que iriam fazer juntos há algumas horas já, mas sempre acabavam tendo problemas em um momento em específico: quando ele colocava ambas as mãos no seu quadril, p segurando perto do dele enquanto você rebolava devagar. 
Não conseguiram fazer esse passo juntos nenhuma vez, pois sempre que a parte chegava, um dos dois errava alguma coisa. Fosse o tempo, o lado para que se mexiam, ou mesmo quando o Hobi pegou na sua bunda sem querer, tudo isso graças ao nervosismo de ambos. 
Vocês dois eram amigos não tão próximos assim, mas tinham uma boa relação. Além disso, ambos tinham uma grande admiração um pelo o outro, e digamos que não era apelas pelos seus trabalhos. 
Quando começou a ficar um pouco tarde, a equipe de ambos começou a ir embora aos poucos, até que no final ficaram apenas vocês dois no estúdio, ainda lutando para fazerem o passo do jeito certo. 
Quando vocês erraram mais uma vez, dessa vez por terem tropeçado nos pés um do outro, soltaram um suspiro cansado e já sem paciência basicamente ao mesmo tempo, logo depois se encarando e soltando uma leve risada. 
"Por que isso está tão difícil?" Ele perguntou, te olhando indignado, mas já mais descontraído. 
"Eu também gostaria de saber." Respondeu. "Meu Deus é só uma reboladinha por que estamos tão em pânico?" 
O Hobi riu com o seu comentário, inclinando a cabeça para trás de leve e batendo palmas. 
"Não sei o que está acontecendo com a gente." Ele soltou um suspiro, depois que parou de rir, te olhando.
"Você também está se sentindo estranhamente nervoso?" Perguntou, e ele concordou com a cabeça. "Vamos fazer o seguinte, então." Andou até a caixa de som, colocando a música para tocar desde o início mais uma vez e correndo até ele logo em seguida. "Não tem ninguém aqui, não tem porque ficarmos envergonhados com qualquer coisa." Se posicionou na frente dele. "Só sente a música e se deixa levar, esquece todo o resto." 
Ele concordou com a cabeça, tentando fazer o que tinha dito, e por incrível que pareça, deu certo. Vocês dois deixaram a melodia tomar conta de seus corpos, e começaram a dançar como se aquilo, um com o outro, fosse a coisa mais natural que pudessem fazer. Passaram pela parte que tanto estava assombrando vocês sem nem perceberem, e por instinto, grudaram os olhos um no outro pelo resto da coreografia.
Quando a música acabou, ficaram contentes por alguns segundos, felizes por terem finalmente feito toda a coreografia do jeito certo, mas logos foram tomados por um choque de realidade. Vocês realmente tinham dançado de uma maneira sensual como aquela um com o outro? E ainda por cima gostaram?? 
"A gente até que foi bem." Você disse, levemente envergonhada. 
"Sim." Ele concordou, não muito diferente. "Você dança realmente muito bem." Disse com um leve sorriso. 
"Uau, eu me sinto honrada em ouvir isso de Jung Hoseok." Falou em um tom brincalhão, fazendo ele rir. "Mas então… quer tentar mais uma vez?"
"Claro!" Ele respondeu, mais rápido e mais empolgado do que planejava, e foi a sua vez de soltar uma risada. 
E vocês dançaram de novo. E de novo. E de novo. Perderam as contas de quantas vezes passaram aquela coreografia, mas não conseguiam parar… vocês estavam amando.
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"Nessa parte aqui da música." O diretor disse, enquanto a melodia tocava ao fundo. "Quero que o RM pegue a S/N no colo e a prense na parede, bem ali." Ele apontou para um canto do set de filmagens, mas nem você nem o Namjoom olharam para onde o homem queria. 
Vocês dois estavam olhando para o diretor como se estivessem olhando para um cachorro que fala. Por um lado, sim, você e o Nam já tinham feito coisas parecidas antes. Não namoravam sério, mas tinham um certo relacionamento, só que com um detalhe muito importante: era em segredo. 
A ideia de vocês agirem da forma que sempre agiam sem ninguém saber, mas na frente de toda uma equipe de pessoas, os aterrorizou. E se eles perceberem? E se vocês se deixarem levar sem perceber? E se o Namjoon ficar excitado? (Tudo bem, talvez ele tenha sido o único a pensar nessa última situação, mas mas deixa de ser preocupante) 
Mas no final, acabaram cedendo à ideia. Queriam que o MV fosse o melhor possível, no final, e confiavam que, se o diretor estava os dizendo para fazer aquilo, era porque ficaria bom.
Mas a apreensão ainda estava os impedindo de fazer o que precisavam. O Joon não conseguiu por nada nesse mundo te prensar na parede da forma que queriam. Ao invés disso, ele te pegava no colo e te encostava lá quase que em câmera lenta, o que fazia o diretor soltar um suspiro e fazer vocês gravarem de novo. 
"Vamos fazer uma pausa de quinze minutos." O homem disse no microfone. "Depois tentamos de novo." 
Vocês dois concordaram e você observou o Namjoon sair de lá claramente chateado, indo se sentar em um pequeno sofá que tinha no set, e você não demorou para ir para o lado dele. 
"Hey." Disse se sentando. "Por que está assim?" O olhou levemente preocupada.
"Eu não consigo fazer o que eu preciso direito." Suspirou. "Não consigo controlar a força que coloco lá, sinto que se eu me soltar eu vou acabar te machucando por conta do nervosismo." 
"Nam…" Colocou uma mão na perna dele, garantindo que ninguém ao redor estivesse prestando atenção. "Sei que está com medo de alguém descobrir, eu também estou." Ele te olhou. "Mas vamos esquecer isso por um tempinho, o que acha? Se eles querem sensualidade, vamos dar isso para eles, se desconfiarem a gente diz que foi só pelo show." Piscou um olho e ele deu uma risadinha. 
"Tudo bem." Ele concordou. "Só pelo show." Ele olhou em volta, vendo todos os staffs reunidos em volta de uma tela enquanto observavam alguns takes, e se inclinou para te dar um leve beijo no canto da boca, se levantando logo em seguida. "Vamos lá então." 
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"Podemos ir de novo?" O Jimin disse, olhando nervoso para a câmera enquanto tinha o corpo apoiado por cima do seu na cama em que estavam. "Me desculpe…" Ele murmurou te olhando, envergonhado, e você respondeu apenas com um sorriso fraco. 
Vocês dois estavam indo maravilhosamente bem nas gravações ao longo do dia, mesmo em cenas em que tinham muito contato físico, ou na parte em que gravaram a dança de vocês. Mas, por alguma razão, a tranquilidade do Jimin tinha ido completamente embora nessa cena em específico. 
Ele precisava te empurrar de uma maneira sensual para a cama que tinha no cenário, apoiando o próprio corpo por cima do seu enquanto cantava a parte dele na música, correndo a mão pela sua cintura e intercalando os olhos dos seus para a sua boca. 
Mas algo dentro dele sempre o colocava em pânico nesse instante, sempre mesmo. Ele não sabia direito o que era que acontecia, mas era apenas ele sentir o corpo contra o seu que se perdia completamente, e pedia para tentar novamente, com medo que o pequeno surto dele transparecesse nas filmagem. Ele não conseguia por nada relaxar nessa parte, tanto por você estar tão próxima quanto por um outro fator: Ele não sabia ao certo o quão confortável você estava com aquilo.
"S/N?" Ouviu seu nome sendo chamado por uma voz doce enquanto mexia no celular, na pausa, e levantou o olhar para encontrar um Jimin receoso. 
"Sim?" Respondeu, tranquila. "Aconteceu alguma coisa?"
"Não exatamente." Ele falou, se sentando do seu lado no sofá. "É sobre a cena que a gente tem que fazer…" Você concordou com a cabeça, esperando que ele continuasse falando. "Você está bem fazendo ela?" 
Você franziu a testa, levando alguns segundos para entender a pergunta, mas assim que reconheceu a preocupação nos olhos dele, você sorriu de leve. 
"Estou sim, Jimin." Respondeu, e viu ele relaxar um pouco. "É por isso que está com tanta dificuldade de gravar?" 
"Em parte, sim." Ele respondeu, preferindo guardar o outro motivo para ele mesmo. "É bem invasiva, eu fiquei com um pouco de medo que se sentisse desconfortável." 
"Não se preocupe." Riu fraco. "Se eu ficar desconfortável com certeza vou avisar, não precisa ficar com medo." 
"Promete?" Ele disse, um pouco mais descontraído.
"Prometo." Respondeu, rindo fraco, e vocês se levantaram, ouvindo seus nomes sendo chamados.  
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Vocês dois ainda estavam no processo da produção da música em si, e chegaram na parte em que iriam gravar oficialmente a letra. Fizeram boa parte do trabalho individualmente e em momentos diferentes, apenas se encontrando para discutirem algumas ideias em alguns momentos.
Mas nesse dia, iriam gravar o refrão da música, então tinham combinado de se encontrar em um dos estúdios do prédio da Hybe. O Tae tinha chegado muito antes do horário combinado, já que precisava terminar algumas partes dele na música antes que chegasse. Acontece que você também decidiu chegar lá antes do horário, mas sem avisar o Taehyung. 
Ele estava no meio de um verso quando você entrou no estúdio, mas não percebeu a nova presença no lugar. Você estava encantada com a voz dele, e com um leve sorriso no rosto quando ele colocou a cabeça dentro do cômodo em que estava com o produtor. 
"Foi bom?" Ele disse, ainda sem te perceber. "Estou um pouco nervoso de não cantar bem o suficiente, a voz da S/N é realmente muito boa." 
O produtor deu um leve risada, apontando para você com a cabeça, e fazendo o Tae finalmente virar o olhar em sua direção. 
"Que bobagem, Taehyung." Disse, rindo fraco, enquanto ele arregalava os olhos de leve, claramente envergonhado. "Sua voz é incrível, eu estava quase alcançando Nirvana aqui enquanto te ouvia." 
"Não precisa exagerar." Ele também riu fraco, ficando um pouco corado.
A verdade é que o Tae tinha uma quedinha por você. Na verdade, era praticamente um penhasco o que ele tinha. Quando você pediu para que trabalhassem juntos, ele aceitou sem nem mesmo pensar no assunto, se sentindo como um adolescente que tem a oportunidade de fazer um trabalho da escola com a pessoa que ele gosta. 
Claro que ele mantinha as coisas profissionais entre vocês dois, mas não conseguia não se sentir todo feliz quando o elogiava assim.
"Muito bem, é a parte do dueto." O produtor disse. "Podem ir juntos, vamos tentar uma vez com vocês dois cantando ao mesmo tempo." 
Vocês concordaram, tentando esconder a animação, e entraram na cabine, logo pegando um fone de ouvido cada um. Vocês ficaram quase colados, conseguindo sentir o calor que emanava do corpo um do outro. A música, especialmente o refrão, tinha uma pegada um tanto quanto sensual. Não chegava a ser explícita, mas definitivamente tinha um duplo sentido bem claro, e cantar isso com você ao lado dele com certeza abalou um pouquinho as estruturas do Tae. 
Mas ele se controlou muito bem, na realidade. Cantou com perfeição, apenas roubando uns olhares aqui e ali de você quando conseguia, se encantando quando te encontrava de olhos fechados e imersa na música (o que fez ele se perguntar no que, ou melhor, em quem pensava). Só que vocês não passaram disso, pelo menos por enquanto. Talvez depois de uns dias o Tae tomasse coragem e te chamasse para sair, mas até estar pronto, essas pequenas interações já eram mais do que suficientes para ele. 
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Gravar um vídeo sensual com o seu namorado não deve ser tão difícil assim, certo? 
Pelo menos quando existe no mínimo vinte pessoas assistindo vocês enquanto cantam e fazem os mais variados movimentos que definitivamente não estavam acostumados a fazer em público, as coisas não ficam nem um pouquinho fáceis.
Mas, graças ao Jungkook, vocês conseguiram gravar tudo surpreendentemente bem. Você não entendeu direito como, mas  ele estava conseguindo fazer tudo o que precisava com você sem nenhuma preocupação aparente. Como nas cenas de dança, onde mexia os quadris contra os dele, ou quando se sentou no colo do seu namorado, e ele continuou cantando sem mostrar nenhum nervosismo.
Vocês terminaram as filmagens em metade do tempo esperado, recebendo elogios da equipe por terem feito tudo com tanta tranquilidade e profissionalismo (o que você sabe que inflou o ego do Jungkook pelo menos um pouquinho). Voltaram para casa naquela noite felizes pelo bom trabalho e ansiosos pelo lançamento, e você realmente estava achando que o Jungkook estava completamente tranquilo com tudo. 
Pelo menos até vocês assistirem ao vídeo pela primeira vez, semanas depois. 
Foi em uma das salas de reunião da Hybe, com vários staffs e produtores que os ajudaram em tudo. Estavam todos felizes, inclusive você e seu namorado, mas a realidade bateu nele assim que deram play no MV.
As mãos dele foram instantaneamente cobrir suas orelhas, enquanto cortava de leve e observava a tela, sem se decidir ao certo que queria simplesmente parar de olhar ou se queria prestar atenção em tudo. 
"Sabia que estava tranquilo demais para ser verdade." Sussurrou para ele, tirando uma das mãos do lado do rosto dele e entrelaçando na sua, recebendo um olhar preocupado. "Só assiste, se preocupe depois."
Ele acabou te obedecendo, mas ficou brincando nervosamente com os seus dedos durante os próximos minutos. Quando o vídeo finalmente acabou, ele suspirou, e você soltou uma leve risada da reação dele. 
"Isso está…" Ele começou, olhando para a tela, agora preta. "Bem mais ousado do que eu imaginei." Olhou para os diretores. 
"É, esse era o objetivo." Um deles respondeu. 
Uma pequena discussão se iniciou sobre o MV em seguida, mas nenhum de vocês participou. Ficaram em silêncio até serem liberados, e o Jungkook saiu quase correndo de lá, agradecendo todos pelo trabalho de maneira rápida. 
"Kook, espera." Disse, correndo para o alcançar no corredor. "Você está bem?" Viu o rosto dele se aliviar um pouco com a sua preocupação. "Sabe, se não tiver confortável com o vídeo podemos tentar de outro jeito…" 
"Não, não é isso." Ele disse, suspirando e pegando na sua mão. "É só que eu não estou muito acostumado com a ideia de mostrar nós dois assim para o mundo todo, ainda." Ele te olhou. "E se te atacarem de novo, como faziam no começo? Ou se for ainda pior?" 
"Hey." Riu de leve, colocando uma mão no rosto dele. "Não se preocupe comigo, okay?" Ele tentou negar, mas você foi mais rápida em voltar a falar. "Eu estou feliz por estarmos fazendo isso junto, e nada vai arruinar isso." 
"Sério?" Ele perguntou, com uma sombra de sorriso no rosto, e você concordou. "Está bem, então." Ele te puxou para um rápido selinho, garantindo antes que ninguém estava por perto, depois se aproximando da sua orelha e sussurrando. "Então agora eu já posso dizer que estava uma gostosa no vídeo?" 
"Jungkook!" Riu, o dando um tapinha. "Para quem estava à beira de um colapso você está bem empolgadinho, hein." Ele riu também. "Mas você também estava um gostoso, nós formamos um belo casal." O deu mais um selinho, fazendo ele rir mais alto e o puxando para irem embora.
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ó quem voltou :D 
Como seeempre, perdão pela demora :(( eu estava beeem ocupada com algumas coisas essa última semana, então não consegui escrever nadinha msm, mas finalmente terminei o post aaaa! 
E aah, tenho duas coisas pra dizer! 
A primeira é agradecer porque já estamos com mais de 400 seguidores, então muito muito obrigada, gente, de verdade, eu sou extremamente grata e apaixonada por cada um de vcs :(
E a segunda é só uma coisa que venho pensando em fazer, que é criar um grupo para conversarmos! Minhas duas opções são pelo Twitter ou criar um servidor no Discord, mas não sei se vcs usam eles ou mesmo se têm interesse em fazer parte shshshd mas eu acho que seria legal termos um lugar pra surtar em harmonia, sabem? Enfim, se alguém se interessar me avisa! 
Era só isso mesmo, então espero que tenham gostado, apesar da demora, e me desculpem por qualquer erro! 
Até mais, e fiquem bem! 
103 notes · View notes
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🌹 Seokjinnie 🌹
14 notes · View notes
bts-fantasy · 4 years
5 notes · View notes
mnyg1800com · 6 years
yandere!mafia boss bts reaction to their s/o escaping
*req. by atricksterwithwings* 
thank you for the request!!! (spoiler, they all find you yerr((also these are so long im sorry also also sorry for any typos i didn’t proofread this oof)
kim seokjin:
It was a long day. He had to dispose of many of his enemies today and he wanted nothing more than to stay at home and be pampered by you. Usually, it would be the other way around, but he knew you would understand him and how stressed he was feeling. He sent you a text saying ‘ill be home in 10, love you!’ When he arrived at his large house, he dropped his jacket onto a rack and commanded for the servants to make a dinner for the two of you, but when he commanded them he could see the look of fear in their eyes before nodding and disappearing into the kitchen. 
However, when he entered your shared, usually, clean room he saw disaster. He saw the sheets were thrown over the bed and the closest were open, along with the window which let the cool air blow in. Jin quickly pieced the clues together and fell onto his knees, you left him. He simply kneeled on the bedroom floor, trying to wake himself up from the trance. A light hand tapped his shoulder and he thought it was you as he whipped his head around quickly only to be greeted with a servant instead. 
“Sir, your dinner,” they weakly muttered, keeping their head down. 
“I don’t need dinner, not until Y/n comes back!” Jin exclaimed, standing up and bolting outside the room. But when he passed by the kitchen, he saw only one dinner plate. They knew you had left, why else would they place only one dinner plate at the table. Pushing those thoughts away, for now, Jin rushed to the door where he got his car keys. He kept telling himself to calm down and talk to all of his connections, anyway who could help him find you. 
With a few texts, he got screenshots of you entering a hotel just down the street. Of course, he would find you, he would always find you no matter how hard you tried to run. He sneaked into the hotel, not wanting to draw attention and only wanting yours at the moment, you mattered now and he didn’t need to be questioned by anyone. When he was successfully int he building, he knocked on your door and while he waited he cursed himself for not bringing flowers or a gift. 
But when you did open the door he ignored your shocked eyes and brought you into a hug, whispering how much of an idiot he was for letting you leave. He began to cry as you could only to try to fight a way out of his grasp, but it was useless. Jin pulled way to look at you with teary eyes, breathing heavily from both his sobs and his frantic movements to see you again. 
“I could’ve lost you forever, thank god I found you!* continues to sob and hold you in his arms*” 
“We have to get you home, and this time I will make sure you are safely guarded and watched over at all times so this won’t ever happen again. I can’t believe I let you get away from me, I’ll make sure you feel safe enough to stay this time Y/n. I promise!” 
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min yoongi:
Since the moment Yoongi woke up without you by his side he was already in a bad mood. You warned him the night before that you were going to leave early for an important meeting and he scowled at the thought of you not being with him. So with a heavy heart, he got ready for his darker life and had to carry out during his day knowing you were somewhere else. however, the day seemed to get progressively worse with each waking second. The trade deal that was so important for him was suddenly canceled when the opposing boss shot one of his members, so now they have to go through war, which was always a hassle for Yoongi to clean up. 
So when he arrived later at night, he felt the need to bring you something to make up for it. Surely, you were going to be waiting for him when he got home, you always were. With a hand full of chocolates, the other one full of beautiful flowers, he opened the door to his large home and immediately went upstairs to your shared bedroom.   
“Sweetie?” Yoongi softly called out, opening the door slowly just in case you were sleeping. But instead of seeing your peaceful, but beautiful sleeping form on the white bed, he saw empty sheets and a messy closet. It took him time, but he realized you had done it. You ran away. Yoongi dropped the gifts and clutched his hair, before yelling in frustration. How could he let you get away, you were his everything! He should’ve been more careful! Thoughts like this swirled Yoongi’s mind, making him sit for a moment to collect himself. 
“Take a deep breath,” he muttered to himself, reminding himself of you trying to calm him down. That brought him down from his high and exited the bedroom, going into the computer room where he typed away furiously. He hacked into local camera trying to find you, but you seemed to cover your tracks well because he couldn't spot you in any of them. That didn’t mean he was going to give up though. 
Yoongi spent weeks of sleepless night where he simply ran on caffeine in front of his computer screen, the patter of his finger against the keys never stopping unless for a bathroom or coffee break. His phone buzzed all night, probably from his members calling for his help. They didn’t matter right now, you did and he wasn’t resting until he found you. 
One day, one thankful day, you had slipped up. It had been weeks of your runaway and Yoongi was close to becoming crazy without seeing you. Pictures could only hold him back for so long. he had caught sight of one of your earrings in the corner of one picture, then the next was a full image of your distressed face. 
“Oh, baby. I’m coming to get you right now, don’t be sad anymore.” Yoongi wanted t touch you through the screen, but of course, the only way he could was if he saw you in person, which is what he was going to do. After hopping into one of his fastest cars, he sped through town to go to the place you were staying at. One photo can lead you to many places, and this one led him to you. 
He crashes through the glass doors, pushing it so aggressively to the side it almost broke.  he demanded you at the front desk, not afraid to flash his handgun to the desk lady who quickly gave you the room number and then ran away afterward. When Yoongi finally got to your room, he wasted no time in barging in, not bothering to knock. 
Yoongi saw you covering yourself with the sheets, and he dropped his gun to the side to bring you into the most suffocating hug. After when he pulled away, he hungrily kissed your lips that he so desperately craved. Through wet tears he sobbed into your arms, saying how sad he was without you he felt like he was going to die. 
“I was so sad! Why? Why did you leave me when I had no one else?! You’re so lucky I found you before I went crazy, or else who knows what I would do?” 
“Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna spend so much more time with you, I won’t ever leave your side so you can’t pull anything like this again. I love you so much, I’m so thankful I found you!” 
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kim namjoon: 
His day was going wonderful, much better than he expected. He woke up to the lovely breakfast that you prepared with your whole heart, as you said to him when you served his food, and he felt his heart swell up. You were like his angel and he would do anything to protect you. It took everything he had to leave the comfort of his bed, and it was much harder when you were so peacefully sleeping in his arms. But he knew he had a job to do and people counted on him every day. 
When he arrived at work, people greeted him with bows of respect as he only nodded. He went straight to his office to get to work of a messed up trading deal, and it was already 5 hours into his work and he was getting tired of looking at the papers in front of him. so he began to text you, frantically. It started calm, but then when you didn’t respond he texts began to become more erratic and desperate.
‘are you okay? did something happen?’
‘you aren’t responding like usual...’
Namjoon was told he worried too much for you, but he thought it was normal. After all, it gave him the advantage because then he could always know when something was wrong with you. Like right now, something had to be up. He left his office heading to the technology hub in the middle of the large facility. 
“Get me cameras on every street corner and street crossing!” 
At the sound of his demanding tone, people scurried and pulled pictures from all over Seoul. he told his men to keep an open eye for any image or picture of you, then did so. But none of them caught anything, including Namjoon. 
“Boss, maybe you’re over thinking this. Just head home and we’ll keep an open eye.” Namjoon nodded and quietly stepped out of the hub, immediately heading for his overly expensive car. He drove home trying to assure himself everything was fine, but there was always a voice in the back of his head that was soon going to send him into alert mode. 
When he arrived home, he took note of how your car was still parked out in the garage. He still wasted no time in rushing into the house, ignoring the greetings from his servants. He made his way up to your shared bedroom and sighed when he saw you weren’t there. Where could you have gone? What if you were hurt? At this time, Namjoon looked down on himself for making his relationship with you public, now you the lover of a mafia boss was walking out in the city all alone, no guards or anything. 
“Fuck!” Was all Namjoon could say before bolting out of his house again. Fuck being patient. Fuck over-thinking. And fuck the help of others, he would find you by himself, without anyone. This, of course, meant the process is longer, but he would feel so much better when he would find you and know he did it by himself, he was capable of taking care of what was his anyway. 
On a late night drive, he caught a glimpse of a woman walking down the street by herself. the chances of it being you were slim, but Namjoon couldn’t help himself from checking. Slowly, he pulled the car to the curb and stepped out of the vehicle. He grabbed onto the girl’s shoulder, and surprisingly it was you. Namjoon wasted no time, he brought you to the car and you were too worn out to even fight back. When you arrived back home, he pampered you to death. That is before he bombarded you with questions. 
“I was going to go crazy! So many sleepless nights, but it’s fine because I finally have you again, my love. I finally have you again.” 
“Why do you run away? Was it something I did? Tell me! I can’t just let this go, I was really going insane!” 
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jung hoseok:
His original plan was to spend the whole day with you, it was like his off-day. And he really wanted to be with you today because work had scrambled him up and he just needed to have private time with you again. But of course, the plan didn’t work out and right when you two were watching a movie he got a call. He was going to ignore it, but you told him it was going to be important and e should pick it up. Apparently, something so urgent happened at the HQ and he was the only one that could fix it. the whole call sounded like complete bullshit, but he knew he had to go and report to his duties, no matter how much he hated those duties. 
When he got to the HQ, it seemed like it was empty. When he stepped into the center where everyone usually would be, there was no one. He took a step into his office and there was no one there. was this some shit prank? because he made sure to tell everyone that he was going to have an off-day and no one was allowed to interrupt, it was his only time to be with you and now it was ruined. 
“Those bastards,”  was all Hoseok said as he made his way out and to his car once again. They were going to get punished so badly when he comes back tomorrow, they really went and pushed him. But he had to forget about that for now and just return home to you. He was already smiling at the thought of you two together for the whole night, and if he really was lucky, tomorrow morning as well. His mind drifted off and before he knew it he was back home. 
He didn’t notice how your car had left the spot of the garage mainly because he was already rushing to go back inside. he pouted upon seeing you no longer sitting on your spot on the couch, but his face lit up. what if you were so tired you went straight to bed, that would've been the absolute cutest. He rushed upstairs, calling your name out cutely, but when he opened the door he met emptiness again. 
“Huh? Y/n-ie! Angel!!” he called out, this time more frantically, throwing over duvets and pillows, practically turning the whole house upside down. Panic set in as he looked outside and saw that your car was missing, he scoffed at his inability to realize that when he firsts arrived home again. 
Thankfully, he set up a GPS tracker on one of the backseats in your car. He calmly, but not so-calmly, tapped on his phone to find out the exact location of where your car currently was. When he found out you were staying in a hotel downtown, he wasted no time to make his way downtown, driving fast.
he had to get to you quickly before something happened to you. Hoseok tried to push away all of his empty worries, assuring himself nothing would happen to you and you would be fine. Everyone in town knew how you were and they knew no better than to mess with his girl. So when his expensive car pulled up to the hotel’s parking lot, people ducked their heads and looked in the other direction away from his menacing glare. It was beginning to be hard to control his temper. 
He didn’t bother explaining himself to the desk lady, flashing his handgun and keeping it out until he was in the elevator ride, to the floor you were staying in. He had snatched a keycard from the desk lady and inserted it into the slot, quietly opening the door. He sighed in relief when he heard the shower running and then waited for you on the bed. 
He examined the room to see you even bothered packing, did you plan this all along? Was that why you were so keen on him leaving the house? Did you privately speak to his men, and did they abide by your request? Well, obviously did they because look where the two of you were now. 
When he heard the water stop, he waited outside the bathroom door. when you stepped out of the shower, hair wet and only wearing a towel, Hoseok pinned you to the wall he was previously leaning on. He stared into your frightened eyes, his piercing into your own before his expression flipped. A kind smile adorned his face as he cupped your cheeks, pushing away wet strands of hair to see you properly. He wasn’t going to unleash his suspicions on you, nor his anger, that’s what he was going to do to his men though, and they were going to regret ever speaking to you. 
“Angel, I missed you so much! You were only gone for 2 hours, but I was going mad! That’s how much you mean to me!” 
“I don’t wanna hear anything about this from now on anymore, this is in the past and we can both forget this ever happened, okay angel? I’m just happy i was smart enough to find you again, oh I love you!” 
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park jimin:
Jimin was working on papers in his office when someone bursts into his room, panting heavily. Jimin looks at them unimpressed and then asks them what they have to tell him. 
“Sir,” there was a pause for another deep breath, “it’s Y/n! She was spotted by the spies you sent to follow her! She was seen with 2 large suitcases.” 
Jimin stopped his hand from signing the paper, looking up at the young boy in front of him. “Are you shitting me right now? Because if this is a joke you are asked to leave.” Jimin really didn’t believe it, you wouldn’t do that to him. You never would even think about going away, without telling him. Isn’t that running away? Why would you need to run away from him? All these questions only confirmed his ideas of this being a prank of some sorts.
“We swear it, sir, we wouldn’t lie about your girl like this....did you know she was going away? Or is sh-” 
“Get out!” Jimin's loud voice was heard throughout the HQ. He took in a deep breath and dialed your number on his phone, hoping you would pick up. Crushing his hopes, you didn't and Jimin was left hearing your sweet voice over voicemail. As much as Jimin lived for your voice, he needed to hear it from you right now, not some voice recording which was recorded months ago. 
“I’m leaving, make sure Jungkook takes care of anything that happens!” and that was all the gang heard from Jimin before he disappeared. His movements were frantic as he cleared off the study table which was in your once shared room. He cried when he noticed just how empty he was without. With a heavy heart, he shut the laptop and crawled into the bed, purposely going onto your side to take in your still present scent. 
For the past days, Jimin’s heart was empty as he scrolled through each security camera he could hack into, none showing any signs of you. His heart broke every night he had to crawl into bed by himself and be left with his thoughts that were only o you. How were you? What if you had gotten hurt? No, you wouldn’t. everyone knew to steer clear from you or else they would be dead the next day. Why were you hiding from him? 
Jimin fell into depression when you left, every night either crying himself to sleep or staring at is phone longing at the image of one of your selcas. He was blocked from all of your social media accounts so al he was old photos of you. He tried his best to create separate accounts but you were smart never accepted his follow requests or just blocked that account if you did. At least that was he knew you were safe and alive.  
Jimin was lurking the internet one day, eyes bloodshot red from his tears and a long time in front of his phone screen. He saw one of your friends take a picture with you, smiling in front of the backdrop of a beach. You must be in Busan, which would explain why he didn’t find any of your images in the security camera’s in Seoul. 
in seconds Jimin was heading down to his hometown, luggage, and laptop in hand as he boarded a train to Busan. He checked into a hotel which was near the beach you have located in the picture. He set up his search table rather quickly, looking through each security camera that was near his area. His watchful eyes stared at all of them, all by himself may I add, and he perked up when he saw a slither of a scarf that he had remembered. It was a gift he had gotten for you, it warmed his heart that you were still wearing. 
Finally, after months of searching for you, he found you and he was thankful. He watched live through the cameras as you traveled through the town, by yourself thankfully, and smiled softly when you looked at things through the windows of shops. He pinned the location to his phone and left eh hotel, in a frenzy to catch up to where you were just to be sure that he didn’t miss you. When he saw you a few stores down from where he last saw, he sprinted to you. 
You didn’t notice or hear the running and approaching steps of your ‘boyfriend’ so you almost toppled to the ground when he threw his body at you. Stumbling back a few steps, you tried pushing him off, but his hold didn’t waver he was never going to let you go ever again. He couldn't risk you leaving him again. He spent months all alone and that washed, but it was worse knowing you had left him. he would do anything to make sure that never happened again. 
He missed the feeling of you pressed against him, all those times he cuddled you to sleep occasionally singing you to sleep. He missed rubbing your hand up and down your back, he missed your lively scent, Jimin really missed you. he felt so dead without you and he realized how much he depended on you, and he didn’t mind that. He needed you to live, and he was fine with that as long as you didn't leave him ever again. 
“Why did you leave me? Just tell me and I’ll improve whatever it was I did. please, talk to me.”
“I spent nights awake and just looking for you, hug me, kiss me, show me that you love em! Anything Y/n, I need your touch!” 
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kim taehyung: 
Taehyung would be the angriest and most devastated. He was having an ordinary in his workplace and he decided to head home earlier than he was planned to, not that he minded of course. He would kill to just drop everything and go home to you, literally and he made sure you knew that he would do anything for you.  
When he got passed all of the security, with ease obviously he owned the place, he waltzed into his house the servants taking his jacket off of his broad shoulders. He commanded for the servants for a warm bath, he wanted to spend more time with you today and he planned that it was going to be a long night for the two of you already. When he finally entered your room, you were packing clothes into a luggage. You jolted at the sound of the door opening and you were frozen still in place. you didn’t think he was going to be home this early, he was an hour earlier than you originally thought. 
“Baby girl, what are you doing?” Taehyung asked darkly, seeing you slowly backing away from his footsteps. “What are you doing packing your clothes into a luggage? What are you doing?” 
“I-I, uh...” you stuttered, backing into the wall. Taehyung was a few feet away from you and his eyes were looking at the scattered room. You turned around quickly and snapped open the window, too fast for Taehyung to react, you jumped out. He went to the ledge as saw as you clutched your leg, yeah jumping from a 2 story building wasn’t the plan, but you had no other choice. It was your only chance to leave Taehyung, and you were definitely going to take it.  
“Hey! Get every goddamn guard down there!” Taehyung yelled, leaving his spot by the window to get to the yard. In seconds, people surrounded you and carried you to the car which Taehyung was holding your hand through the whole way. Of course, he was fuming, because of your antics, you ended up with a broken leg. But he still didn’t forget about the luggage. were you really planning on leaving him? His jaw clenched at the thought. 
When you got a cast attache onto your leg, you were bedridden for days, or at least Taehyung made you. he took so many weeks off of work, he had to take care of you and because he wanted to make sure you knew you had no choice but to be with him. he made sure if he even left your room for five minutes, you were being watched by his guards. 
He wouldn’t risk this ever happening again, he couldn’t live without you. What if you had continued a more serious injury than this? Losing you would be losing his will to live. When you were lying in your bed, on your phone or anything to avoid Taehyung’s watchful eyes, he started speaking to you in a low tone. He knew what you were doing that night thanks to his prying questions and glaring eyes. You were sweating under his gaze and you never felt more intimidated in your whole life. 
Taehyung was a scary man, that was a fact, but he never wanted to show you that side of him. but he had to set rules for you to abide to make sure this never happened again, he loved you. Taehyung really did and this was his way of showing it, whether you thought so or not. 
“What were you thinking? You wanted to run away? Tell me why, why do you want to run away from me, love?” 
“You can never leave this house unless I know where you’re going and with who. You’re fine in here, and safer than you are out in that world. You have to be here so I can protect you, it’s for the best.” 
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jeon jungkook: 
Jungkook was confused when he woke up without you by his side. it was an odd feeling not to have you in his arms when he woke up, it was usually the other way around. He had work you had school, but then Jungkook remembered. You had a very important lecture today and you had to get to school earlier than other days. Jungkook smiled at your care for your studies, it was cute, except when you focused on them more than him. Then it was annoying. 
He got out of bed, seeing the clock that read 8:00 am, meaning you had left recently. Jungkook shook his head and got out of bed, reluctantly getting ready for the day ahead without you there with him. After taking a shower he went down to the kitchen where he saw eggs and toast, and little slip of paper right near the utensils. 
He sat at the table, immediately digging into the food while picking up the white piece of paper. the smile on his face quickly vanished. the first few words were enough for him to forget about his position as he was rushing out the door, the letter left on the kitchen table. It was a goodbye letter, but Jungkook ignored all of it too focused to find you. 
You were still at school, right? Jungkook speeded through town, ignore the honks of the people he passed and cut off and didn’t even bother glancing at the police cars that were looking at him as he sped away. he had to find you before you go too far. When he burst into your university, every student moved back. they knew you were the lover a mafia boss, that’s why you never were the victim of bullies. 
Jungkook stormed through your university before getting tired of looking and slammed one of the poor students against the wall. they barely were able to stutter out that you never came into class and you had told people the other day you were flying out of the country for a boarding school. Jungkook tried to believe him, but it was so hard. had you been secretly doing this?  or was this simply a joke made on Jungkook? 
Jungkook dropped the boy onto the floor, pressing his shoe against their chest. 
“Which airport?’ 
When the kid answered with an I don’t know, Jungkook punched him blacking him out. he needed answers! he had to stop you from leaving him, not that he couldn’t follow you out of the country, of course, he could. He just wanted to see you right now, he could wait any more hours. now that he knew the situation he could stop you before you left. 
A student jumped out and stopped Jungkook from going in with another punch, and yelled out which airport. Jungkook only nodded before sprinting out of the university driving to Incheon Airport. You were going to America, that much he knew fro another comment made by a student. Jungkook slammed his foot on the brake when he got to the airport. 
He slammed the door shut and once again sprinted through the whole airport. Security looked at him before their faces contorted into fear, why was the mafia boss in the airport? What happened? In most scenarios, aJungkook would smirk with pride but right now he needed to find you. It was obvious people knew who he was, so he pushed a security guard to the side and asked him where you were and what gate you were. 
They got a car to speed through the airport, taking him through shortcuts to see you. When they arrived at your gate, Jungkook got off and ran to the waiting area. he scanned the crowd of people sitting down and smiled gleefully when he saw your familiar (h/c).
He walked slowly to you at first but then began running once again because he really needed you in his arms. when he gave you a tight back hug, he ignored ou stiffening from his touch. People that were once sitting next to you, shuffled away recognizing the person holding you. 
“Hey baby, did you miss me?” Jungkook whispered into your ear and you heard the anger in his voice. You had no other choice but to be dragged with him all the way back to the apartment you two shared. Jungkook pushed away his mild anger and instead brought you into bed with him, cuddling you until you fell asleep. 
When you were surely asleep, Jungkook whispered question after question, knowing you wouldn’t reply. he felt nice to just have you in his arms again, it was absolute hell, even if it was only for a few hours, to be away from you. 
“Goodbye? I’m going to find you Y/n, I swear I will. you can't leave me.” 
“Aren’t you so happy I found you! before you could leave m me, not like I wouldn’t find you, I’d follow you anywhere, baby~” 
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ourkpopflowerboys · 7 years
BTS Reaction || To You Feeding A Stray Dog
||🔻Gifs are not mine🔻||
A/N: Related to something that happened to me today <3 I love the one for Tae Bae
~Admin Sushi スシ
Your attention was stolen by a little, weak body passing by you. A puppy. Its ribs and collar bones were slightly sticking out and its walk was a little shaky. Properly hasn’t eaten for a long time.You take a piece of your food and bend down to feed it  
J-hope: He just fell in love with you all over again. 
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Jimin: He watches you and smiles to himself. She’s so sweet. “Wanna, stay here for a while?” The two of you play with the little puppy and feed it.
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Jin: Watches you in the act. “Kim Seokjin, are you taking pitchers of me?”
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Jungkook: Doesn’t say anything. Just watches you with a loving star  
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Rap Monster: Thinking, That’s my girl. Feeling proud. 
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Suga: Crouches down with you and feed the puppy a bit of his food as well. *Soft Yoongi Time* “Am I doing this right?” “Bring your hand a little bit closer oppa” “What if it bites me?” “It won’t, trust me.” “Okay…<3”  
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V: “Wanna keep it?” He asks. “Huh?” “I think we could have a new addition to the family.*queue gif*”
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*A few weeks later*
You; TAE
Taehyung; We should start thinking a name for him <3 ignore the changing of hair color
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See ya ✌︎
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sextdabangtan · 7 years
~When Their Plus Size Girl Friend Wear Lingerie~
(I love this so much)
Jin: He will completely admire your body like you are a goddess. He’d spend time kissing every inch, gently and sweetly. His hot breath tickling you as he whispers how beautiful he thinks you are
Yoongi: Your size isn’t gonna mean shit to him, but he knows women tend to feel more self conscious about their bodies. So he loves when you wear sexy clothing for him. He is going to spend extra time looking over your body mumbling how gorgeous you are,
Hoseok: He will immediately lie you down and moan as  he kisses you from your neck to your breast down your tummy. He will have fun playing with the  lace on your lingerie and pulling the undies off with his teeth.
Namjoon: When he see’s you strip off the silk robe he is going to walk over to you, backing you against the wall. His hands going straight between your thighs, rubbing and squeezing. His will be kissing your neck and murmuring how sexy you look and how much you are teasing him.
Jimin: He will love your ass and to his it wearing something sexy specifically for him will make him so thrilled. He will bend you over his lap grinning. He will squeeze and spank your ass, telling your how naughty you are for wearing something so sexy.
Taehyung: When he sees your full, thick figure in something so hot, he is gonna melt and not know what to do with you. His eyes are going straight to your full hips. He his going to grasp them, his fingers digging deep into the flesh. He will grind into you, moaning and then one hand will go straight to your breast. He will get so impatient because Taehyung’s favorite part will be taking it off.
Jungkook: He loves legs and he probably is obsessed with thick thighs, he is going to go straight for your thighs without thinking. Kissing and biting, leaving marks all over them. You are going to be so blushed from how is just going to keep flattering you and kissing your legs.
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kth1 · 3 years
new game for you 🕹️😚 tag seven mutuals that remind you of the bts members and why
i'm going to take your request and raise you a reaction meme with each member too! i'll try to make connective ideas and make it make sense - if i can. however, i kinda have a preset of lovely beans who i associate to the members because i slowly adapted to this way.
below the cut for the cuties:
@jinsgalaxy // kim seokjin - sarvi is the jin to my tae. even though her and i have fallen out of daily communication, i still support the heck outta her and know she will do wonders! she works hard in school and even harder for her family. she gives me the general "responsible" adulting vibes that i admire. and a bashful but confident stride. such a sweet gal and deserves everything!
reaction meme that represents sarvi for me:
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@out-of-jams // min yoongi - rea. sparkling star that dislikes cheesy and abrasive things yet enjoys the praise and love of the people that support her. her and i tend to have vastly different opinions, yet somehow vibe really well with another. her constant push while i provide the shove. big brains and talented in her own ways, she's a spicy gal you wouldn't want to cross the wrong way. radiates the most yoongi vibes i have ever been seen.
reaction meme that represents rea for me:
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@kooseokss // jung hoseok - smol lil betty bean. a treasure to have and one of the most soft, adorable and sweetest of hearts comes from her. will fight for any of her friends and lay down the law of justice when need to. nothing but comfort and a magical garden full of the brightest butterflies is exactly what betty radiates. excited and supportive, she is one of the best people to talk to when you need someone to lift you up.
reaction meme that represents betty for me:
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@joontopia // kim namjoon - jess is the joon i need in my life. her energy is equivalent to the energy of namjoon breaking things. the way she plays off her "im fines" when chaos - she has created - gets outta hand is exactly the look of when namjoon's eyes go wide from something silly he said/did. she has a strong logical side to her which i appreciate, and more importantly i thank the amount of times she has heard me rant on endless amounts of nonsense. completely versatile and quick to adjust to new settings, she's that perfect mix of ambivert!
reaction meme that represents jess for me:
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@ppersonna // park jimin - she is without a doubt, a strong jimin complex. open, bubbly, and sociable on the highest power. the amount of affection and love lindy provides to everyone is something you should never take for granted. probably one of the most active and supporting people i have had the honor of meeting. in my eyes, she is selfless, considerate, reliable, and in her own way a perfectionist with no shame whatsoever. legit like a soulmate, she is the jimin to my tae.
reaction meme that represents lindy for me:
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@baepsaesbae // kim taehyung - nikki, the young and brave. such an adventurous and compassionate soul. she give off taehyung vibes to me because of the creativity and elaborate changes she pursues. a dork at heart, she is soft and kind. always with a modest temperament and honestly an intuitive and deep thinker - much like taehyung (imo). she is always down to have fun times and accepts the silly sides of everyone around!
reaction meme that represents nikki for me:
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@jeonsweetpea // jeon jungkook - dawn. the sweet, kind, and excitable dawn! multitalented, always wanting to keep moving forward, and creating memories are just some of dawn's strong suits. she really is the cute bean that takes care of the ones she holds close and makes sure you will know your worth. always willing to hear you out and super ambitious, i believe dawn is a wonderful form of jeon that i need!
raction meme that represents dawn for me:
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kpop-goestheweasel · 4 years
Girl Addition - ATEEZ
Anon: You're writing for Ateez now!? I've been following you for a long time and really love your content!! VOuld you do an Ateez reaction to a girl joining their group? I really have enjoyed all of those ractions you've done. Thanks!!!
Other versions: B.A.P // BTS // EXO // GOT7 // MONSTA X
Hongjoong: Our leader would be a little apprehensive at first, but also excited. He’s a little worried about how Atiny will react to the change as well as how the group’s dynamic may change with the addition as well. On the other hand, he is also excited to experiment with a female vocalist/rapper as her voice will give a new feel to the music which opens new doors for him to explore. As for personally he will keep his demeanor toward her as strictly professional when she first joins. He’ll be cautious for a while until he gets to know her better. He will also encourage the others to do the same, but won’t be too strict about it. He doesn’t want her to feel unwelcome, he just wants to get to know her and feel her out before he lets his guard down.
Seonghwa: Mama Hwa will come out as soon as our girl introduces herself. He will be much less cautious with her and put utmost effort into making sure she feels welcome. He will also be one to keep a watchful eye on the others and make sure they treat her well as well. It’s a big change for everyone, and he will do his best to make it a harmonious transition for members and fans alike.
Yunho: Much like Hwa, Yunho will be quite the welcoming party. He’ll immediately offer his friendship and keep a watchful eye out for her comfort. While Seonghwa may give a little more attention to the other members of the group, Yunho will make it a team effort and put his attention at easing any turmoil that may come on her end. He will be one of the first to offer a comforting shoulder or listening ear if/when needed.
Yeosang: This one will be much more on the leary side. 8 members was already a lot; the addition of a female member on top of that isn’t something he’s too sure about. When she comes, his shyness will come out above all else. He probably won’t speak too much around her and kind of low-key avoid her a bit until he gets to know her better and can be more comfortable around her. That being said, it sure won’t stop him from blunt comments toward other members if he witnesses any of them treating her any sort of way that displeases him. I think he’ll be one to get really close to her once he does get to know her and kind of confide in her when he’s feeling down or unsure about himself.
San: Another one that will offer a warm welcome. Always a sweetheart, he’ll easily warm up to her quickly and make her feel at ease. Between him and Yunho, they will make sure she never feels left out or inferior to the rest of the group, regardless of being the only female and joining after debut. San will take the time to get to know her and be the first to compliment her when she shines. He will be her biggest hype-man and help to get Atiny to welcome her and see why she is a good fit for the Ateez fam.
Mingi: I think Mingi will be curious above all else. At first, he’ll be a bit reserved, but still warm and friendly. I think she will bring out his shyness, though. He’ll find himself kind of stumbling over himself and getting his words jumbled on the tip of his tongue whenever she’s around. This isn’t so much because of any sort of feelings for her or anything like that - it’s just that he feels a little intimidated (per se) with her female presence. This phase will pass and I could really see him happily warming up to her once he gets to know her.
Wooyoung: To him, it’s not really that big of a deal. He’ll actually be more excited than anything. Having a girl around means having a female’s opinion about things that may be beneficial to his role in the group. That being said, he’ll easily make her comfortable with his humor, charm, and laid-back approach to getting to know her. However, this is also the member that will have the hardest time not shamelessly flirting with her. He wouldn’t mean anything with these little flirtations here and there, but the reaction of both her and the other members never fails to amuse him.
Jongho: Probably one of the most sensible when it comes to the addition. Instead of running with his own emotions or views on the change, he will set his attention to working with her on making it a position move for the team. He will be the first to offer practicing with her to help her learn the choreography and nail to vocal parts she may have. He’ll also remind her to take care of herself and not let certain other members get to her. Our sweet maknae will have the utmost professionalism with her and really work at getting her up to speed on the performance aspect of things (quite often with the help of San, I’m sure), but he will be a really sweet dongsang toward her and also help make sure she feels welcome amongst the group.
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milkyytae · 7 years
Just friends~Jungkook Part 1
Yahhh PART ONE! omg I don’t know how to feel about this :’) 
prologue, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10
-1k words
~Something is wrong with your best friend and you don’t understand what.~
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(gif is not mine credit to owner) 
After a week of not hearing from Jungkook he dropped off at home.
I was in bed, contemplating life and death. When I heard keys in the door lock, I knew it was him right away. He was the only one that had keys to my flat. What was he doing here? I hadn’t seen him in 3 weeks. “YAH ROSE I BROUGHT PIZZA!” I got out of bed and got to the living room where he was waiting for me with his adorable smile. I came up to him and asked bluntly:
“Where have you been?”
“Oh my god you sound like my mum.”
“I haven’t seen you for a long time, I was starting to forget what you looked like, not that that is a bad thing.” I said with a smirk.
“Don’t pretend like you didn’t miss this work of art.” he answered while pointing at himself.
I laughed at his quirkiness, and was happy that he seemed in good enough shape to make jokes.
“So are we ever going to eat this pizza or are you going to stand there forever.”
“I forgot how bossy you were.”
“Shut up.”
We both sat down on the couch and started to eat the pizza. While spending time with my best friend I realised how much you had missed his sense of humor and his goofy self. We were watching a movie and kept making silly comments about how bad the acting was. From time to time I took a glance at him just to admire his pretty face, and hoped that he wouldn’t catch me staring. It was good times.
At the end of the movie there was a moment of silence. I looked over at him. He was staring at nothing and it seemed like he was lost in his thoughts. I broke the silence by asking a serious question:
“Jungkook? Where have you been?”
He turned his head towards me and looked me in the eyes. I could feel his gaze going right through me as I stared into his dark brown eyes. After a while he answered my question.
“I was busy.”
I was quite disappointed by how short his answer was. I was expecting a bit more explaining them that. But I didn’t want to bother him too much since I knew how much he was stressed by work.
“I’m sorry I don’t come to see you more often but I have a lot of work to do and the time I have left I spend it with Chloe.”
Chloe. The word echoed in my head. She was his girlfriend. I hated here. I shouldn’t she was pretty, funny, friendly and smart. She was perfect and that’s exactly why I couldn’t stand her sight. Whenever we met she would flash me here dazzling smile and ask me how I was doing. Frankly, I was jealous and tried my best to avoid her at all cost. 
 “I understand don’t worry.” 
After that night we didn’t speak to each other. We just went back to our normal lives. He was working and spending time with his beloved Chloe, and I spent my nights in bed waiting for sleep to drown me in my dreams.
It had now been 2 weeks, so I sent him a text. He didn’t reply even after 2 days. I tried contacting him as many ways possible as I started to worry. In the end I texted Namjoon his friend to ask him if he was doing ok. To which he replied that he was, which reassured me but then I came to the conclusion that he was deliberately ignoring me. Why? Just the thought of him avoiding me broke my heart. He was my best friend and without any reason he just pretended I didn’t exist. I didn’t want to blame it on Chloe because I didn’t want to be a bitch about it but still I hated her even more.
It had been a month now and I hadn’t had a word from Jungkook. One day I went to work and Jinyoung was sat down at his desk as usual. But he looked worried.
“What’s the matter?” I asked.
“..well,..Have you seen the news this morning.” 
“No why?” 
“It’s about Jungkook.”
“What?! What happened?”
He showed me the article on the internet. The first thing I saw was a picture of him and some girl coming out of a hotel. The article explained that apparently he shared the room with this woman last night. It wasn’t Chloe. What was he doing? I felt a wave of sadness and frustration crashing over me. I couldn’t do anything. He was out of reach and something was clearly going wrong for him to do something like that. I was losing him. That afternoon I called him in the hope he would answer me. To my surprise he did.
“Hi to you too.” 
“What’s the matter?” 
I couldn’t believe it. I hadn’t talked to him for weeks, and the news going around made more than one thing for me to worry about. But he just didn’t give a single fuck. 
“What do you mean what’s the matter? I haven’t spoken to you in a month you’ve been ignoring every one of my texts and calls. And now there’s this news about you sleeping with some random girl!” 
“So what?” 
“Oh my god Jungkook. Don’t you get I’m worried sick?!” 
“Why would you? It’s none of your business.” 
That was it, I was pissed. Why did he have such an attitude? 
“It sure fucking is Jungkook! You’re my best friend!” 
“It’s not because you’re my friend that you have to mother me like a child I can do what I want without having you putting your nose in my business! You’re always like this.” 
He was annoyed you could hear it in his voice. I sighed. 
“Alright, then I’ll leave you your fucking space! I was just fucking worried about my supposedly best friend to whom I haven’t talked to in an entire month. But apparently you just don’t give a shit so I will stop bothering you with it. But just don’t come back for comfort when you need it because I won’t help you!“ 
“Did you actually think I would want your help? ”
I could imagine the singer spread on his face as he said that. I was hurt. I loved Jungkook and was really worried but he didn’t give a shit about me anymore. He hurt me so much that the words that I would forever regret fell out of my mouth. 
“I hate you." 
And with that, I hung up.
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jungkookbaeee · 6 years
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When he comes home from practice
When you’re going to an arcade together
When he is sick
When you have a movie night
When you go to a Halloween party together
When you go swimming
When you cuddle together
Unexpected Love
When he comes home drunk because you had a fight
When he keeps trying to ask you out
When his child has a disability
When you got caught making out
When you give him hickeys
When your outfit is too revealing
When he is horny
When you get pregnant
When you stop loving him, because you think he is cheating on you
BTS Reaction Masterlist
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BTS Reaction Masterlist
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BTS Raction Masterlist
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BTS Reaction Masterlist
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BTS Reaction Masterlist
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BTS Reaction Masterlist
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BTS Reaction Masterlist
Have a one night stand
In progress:
BTS Reaction: When you’re insecure
Mtl: Have a serious relationship
Jungkook: When he becomes a single dad
Jungkook: When your parents dislike him
Yoongi: When he’s worried about you
BTS Reaction: When they eat your food
BTS Reaction: When he hits you playfully
BTS Reaction: When they fall in love with a prostitute
BTS Reaction: When you’re wealthier than them
Jungkook: When he wants to have his first time but you’re not ready
Jungkook: When you get hate from fans
BTS Reaction: When you stop loving them, because you think they’re cheating on you
BTS Reaction: When they buy you flowers but you’re allergic to them
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traviskwayne · 4 years
Dynamite BTS - Reaction Video @bts.bighitofficial
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ourkpopflowerboys · 7 years
BTS Reaction || Their Idol Crush Pulling A Candy Out of Their Clevage
||🔻Gifs are not mine🔻||
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~Admin Sushi スシ
J-hope: “That just happened! Should I do something? Should I get some for myself?” Gets fumbled while trying to be sexy. 
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Jimin: The boys would question why Jimin suddenly got all blush and giggle. They would never know what his eyes were treated with; )
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Jin: “Don’t worry sweetie,  I’ll keep your secret safe.” 
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Jungkook: *Gif says it all* 
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Rap Monster: He wouldn’t hesitate and smirk at her while one of the other boys would be giving a small ‘thank you’ speech. When she’d look up to the boy band that won the certain category, she’d find his eyes on her and blush in embarrassment. Through his eyes, he’d say, I saw that ; ) 
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Suga: *Flustered* 
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V: He’d end up staring at her with his infamous blank face as she unwraps the toffy and pops it into her mouth. He’d think, do all girls do that?
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See ya ✌︎
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milkyytae · 7 years
Heyy~ can I have a BTS when a famous beautiful, sexy and smart actress says that they are their celebrity crush? I'm sorry if it's awkward~
I thought ths request was really cute tbh, so don’t worry it’s anything but awkward :D
thank you for submitting your request, and I hope you like the raction I did for you :) 
Bts Reaction to being a beautiful actress’ celebrity crush
He would be flustered at first when he found out but he woud then go boasting about it, but he would compliment you on the way just because he’s a gentleman.
“Listen guys I’m the celebritiy crush of Y/N the outstandingly beautiful actress, so you ow me respect! I mean look at this beautifu face you can’t blame her!” he would say to the maknaes. 
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When a MC would mention the fact that he was your crush, he would be really surprised. He wouldn’t understand why he was your crush but he would be flattered.
“Really? I didn’t know she liked me, I feel honored.”
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While he was watching TV you suddenly mentioned having a crush on him. He wouldn’t believe what he had just heard and would start screaming and running around the dorm to inform eveyone of what had just happened.
this gif is seriously my fave of hobi :’)
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He would be flustered when he found out from a friend of yours that he was your celebrity crush. He would be really surprised and happy by what he had just llearned and would give a smug smile to your friend telling her that you wouldn’t mind arranging something between you and him.
“Oh really? I quite lke her too tbh…”
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He would go all red when he found out. The MC would start asking questions about his thoughts on you liking him. He would be start giggling a lot and trie to hide his red face.
“Yah, stop it, I’m emebarassed enough.”
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When Jungkook told him he wouldn’t believe him and think that he had mistaken him with someone else. When he showed him the video of your interview where you clearly say that Kim Taehyung is your crush. He would be really happy and start smiling none stop.
“Who me?”
this is the funniest gif of taetae out there omg 
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He would be really shocked as well when he found out. When he was on a vriety show and the MC mentionned it he would be very modest about it, and say how shocked he was when he found out. But the whole time he would be quite shy about it, he would still be flustered about being your crush considering how beautiful and talented you were.
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(gifs aren’t mine credit to owners) 
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