#but he ran with it because he knew that was gonna bring him attention
enhas-pov · 10 hours
serial killer
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summary: there’s a serial killer in town and reader is worried about her boyfriend, niki. he’s acting odd
warnings: murder, blood, yandere, forced kissing, obsessive love
word count: 1.8k
it was a friday night, me and niki were sat on the couch watching a movie together. i was laying with my back against his chest whilst munching on some of my popcorn. “what happened?” the tv had suddenly switched from the movie we were watching to the news. “oops, sorry. i accidentally sat on the remote” i reached for it from under me and was about to switch back to the movie when the news caught my attention. “according to police reports, a new serial killer has been identified in our area. the killer has been linked to three murders in the past week. authorities describe the killer as a tall figure often dressed in black. the police are urging residents to report any suspicious activity immediately and we will continue to bring you updates. in the meantime, we want to remind you all to secure your homes and look out for one another. that’s all for now, stay safe” i was in absolute shock. a new serial killer in town? while i was trying to process these news, i felt niki’s hand stroking my arm. “niki.. i’m scared” i turned to look at him and he didn’t look scared at all, it looked like this wasn’t a shock to him. “there’s nothing to be scared of, ___. i’m here, okay? i’ll protect you. i always will” he pulled me in closer and placed a kiss on my forehead. it made me feel less scared and a lot more safer, i knew that i would always be safe with him.
“niki! we’ve run out of conditioner-“ i walked out the bathroom while drying my hair with a towel when i noticed niki putting his shoes on. “i’ll get some on my way back home” he opened the door and was about to leave before i slammed it shut which made him jump. “you mean to tell me that you’re going out, right now? at night? when there’s a serial killer out there? do you have a death wish, niki?” i refuse to let him leave, i don’t want a dead boyfriend. “baby come on. i’m just gonna meet up with jungwon, that’s it. i’ll be safe, i promise” he didn’t seem to be worried or anything, it was kinda odd. “but what about me? what if the killer breaks in and kills me, hm?” i crossed my arms while i was stood in front of him blocking the door. “that won’t happen” he sounded so sure about it too. “and how do you know that?” without giving me an answer, he placed his hands on my waist and lifted me up like it was nothing. he moved me away from the door so he could make his way out. “because i do. i’ll be back soon, i love you” he gave me a quick kiss on the lips before he left, closing the door behind him. i’m definitely not getting any sleep before he gets back. if he gets back..
i was sat on the couch watching tangled to try and make me feel less scared. i guess it kinda worked, until the evil old lady showed up on the screen. i let out a big sigh and my mind went to niki. was he okay? it’s only been an hour, and he did text me twice letting me know he was okay. i should stop overthinking, niki is fine- “i’m back!” i jumped up from the couch the second i heard his voice. i ran towards him and threw my arms around his neck. “i thought you died..” i hid my face in his neck and was very grateful to the fact that he was alive. “i’m really tired, but i couldn’t sleep since i was worried sick about you” i pulled away so i could finally look him in the eyes. i noticed how his hair was messed up and so were his clothes. wait, is that blood on his shirt? “see, i told you nothing would happen to me or you-“ “niki.. what’s that?” i used my finger to point at the red spot on his shirt. “oh, that. i just spilled my drink” i’m not sure why, but a part of me didn’t believe him. i shrieked when he picked me up by placing his hands under my thighs. “let’s go to bed. you said you were tired, yeah?” he walked us over to our bedroom and placed me down onto the bed. i watched him pull his red stained shirt over his head and throw it in the laundry basket. “so, how’s jungwon?” he turned to me with a confused look on his face, like he had no idea what i was talking about. “what?” “you told me you were gonna meet up with jungwon, remember?” i could tell realization hit him, did he lie to me? “oh, right. i was confused for a second because of how tired i am. but he’s good” i slightly nodded, but if i’m gonna be honest niki is acting really weird. he got in bed next to me after turning all the lights off. i could feel him wrap his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him.
i woke up in the middle of the night with no sight of niki. i heard weird noises so i thought he was probably just getting himself water or using the bathroom, but he was taking too long. i stretched my arms before getting up to see what was taking him so long. “niki?” first i looked in the living room, then the kitchen and then the bathroom. where was he? i kept on hearing those noises, so i decided to follow them. suddenly, it stopped and i was stood in front of the door that lead down to the basement. i don’t usually go down there, why would i? out of curiosity and wanting to know where niki was, i slowly opened the door which made a creaking sound. “niki?” i repeated, no answer. as i made my way down the stairs i couldn’t see anything since it was pitch black, so i brought my phone out and used my flash light to look around. all i could see were cardboard boxes and just a bunch of junk we stored down here. i was about to go back up when i stepped in some kind of liquid, it was kinda thick and disgusting. when i flashed my phone down on my feet, my heart dropped when i realized what i stepped in was blood. even worse, fresh blood. “oh my god.. i’m gonna throw up..” i covered my mouth and started backing up when suddenly, i felt my back hit something making me jump. i quickly turned around and my blood went cold when i saw it was niki stood behind me. i was too scared to say anything, meanwhile he was just stood there looking down at me with a blank expression. the stairs were to my left, could i make a run for it? i counted down in my head.
3… 2… 1!
i quickly pushed niki to the side and made a run for it, but he clearly saw it coming. halfway up the stairs, i tripped when niki’s hand grabbed my ankle. i managed to kick his hand away making him groan in pain, “fuck!” it gave me enough time to get back up on my feet tho. when i had finally made it back up, i slammed the door shut behind me, but there was no lock on it. “shit..” get out of the house, that was my first thought. a few hours ago i’d be too scared to leave the house because of the serial killer, but i didn’t know that i was living with him and that he was my own boyfriend. i ran to the front door and jumped when i heard the door to the basement get slammed open. it made me stress and panic which is the reason to why i was struggling to open the door. “come on..!” i kept on twisting the door knob until i finally got it open. the second i stepped my foot outside, i got dragged back in by a strong muscular force and the door was slammed shut. knowing no one could hear me i still started screaming for help, but niki covered my mouth with his hand muffling the sound of my voice. he pushed me up against the wall and held me tightly since i kept on moving around. “shhh. be quiet” he started stroking my hair and leaned in closer to my face. “i’m not gonna hurt you, okay? i would never hurt you baby. i told you i’d always protect you” even though i now knew he was the one murdering people, he still made me feel safe with his words. i know that it’s wrong, he’s not a good person, but i can’t help it. i stopped moving around and screaming for help which resulted in him removing his hand from my mouth and loosening his grip on my body.
“why..?” he cocked his head at my question. “why?” he asked me. “why would you do that to those innocent people..?” i was full of mixed emotions. my eyes were teary, i had this lump in my throat and a pit in my stomach. “innocent? those people weren’t innocent” what? what does he mean by ‘they weren’t innocent’? “i don’t understand.. what did they do?” he placed his index finger on the center of my chest. “they all wanted you for themselves. i had to show them that it would result in bad consequences” did he.. murder people out of jealousy? i felt even worse, like i was about to pass out. “niki.. i can’t“ i pushed lightly at his chest but he didn’t dare to move. “please- get away from me.. i don’t feel so good” he still wouldn’t get out of my way, what was wrong with him? “it’s okay. i’ll make you feel good” “what?-“ i didn’t see it coming, but he smashed his lips onto mine and started kissing me relentlessly. i brought my hands up and started hitting his chest, signing him to get off of me. he didn’t seem to care tho. he just grabbed me by my waist and pulled me in closer to deepen the kiss. i felt him slide his tongue into my mouth, but the feeling of it was weird. he was making out with me whilst i was trying to resist him. he finally pulled away to catch his breath, and so did i. “do you feel better?” to my surprise, i did. the lump in my throat and the pit in my stomach had gone away once he kissed me, i just didn’t notice. he pressed his forehead against mine and looked into my eyes. “i won’t let anyone come near you, ever” the way he was acting, it wasn’t normal. but i couldn’t help but love him even more.
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I'm glad the era of comparing any guy with mildly dark hair (sometimes they even scratched that) and a white shirt to Eric is finally over 💀
#eric#disney#the little mermaid#txt#like....mf's were comparing ANYBODY to him#most of the dudes did not even come close to resembling him 😭#at best they looked like a great value version#one of the worst ones was harry styles#and it was like other than the dimples what else do they have in common physically? 💀💀💀#the NERVE of comparing that oatmeal-looking mf to eric. one of the finest men that have ever been animated. i can't 💀💀💀#most of the guys were so mid. pick a fine ass dude#or when the k-pop fans were comparing their faves to him “he looks sm like eric 😍😍😍” bitch WHERE???#it's like a lot of these chicks focused on the “pretty boy” (again many of these dudes not even having THAT locked down) aspect and not#enough on y'know the manliness#but yeah there was a time fangirls would just compare their male faves to eric because#bro IS the quintessential hot cartoon guy. i'm aware of naveen and flynn rider#but before them it was HIM#so it made sense that girls would compare them to him#but again... the vast majority did not even come close 😭😭😭#the only ones that actually look like him to me are the ones that interestingly enough are also associated with superman/clark kent#ANOTHER black-haired blue-eyed adorable pretty boy who is also quite a stud lol#i've even seen freaking tiktokers being compared to him#one did not even look like him he just had blue eyes lmaoooo#but he ran with it because he knew that was gonna bring him attention
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flowershines · 6 months
Cock Blocking
Legal Line x F. reader
Summary: Another member catches you and him in the act
Warnings: smut, cockblocking, boners, blowjob, handjob, eating the reader out, shower sex, caught
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Gently walking backwards one foot after the other your boyfriend in front of you was walking further into you as his lips were on yours while his hands slid down to your waist lightly gripping at your sides, his lips felt like heaven you thought to yourself in that moment you felt his tongue slip into your mouth eventually turning your short kiss into a long passionate makeout. His hands let go of your waist then proceeding to put them on your shoulders pushing you down onto the edge of his bed, he started to undo his belt as his eyes met yours he took his belt off and waited for you to continue his actions. Bringing your hands up to his pants you unbuttoned and unzipped them making them fall down to his ankles, you brung your hand up to his dick as you stroked it making him throw his head back and muffle a soft moan. “Yo, Heeseung I was going to go make some ramen you-” his sentence stopped earlier then planned as his gaze was met to see his friends head thrown back as his girlfriend was jerking him off, you all just stared at each other in shock and embarrassment. Letting go of your boyfriends dick it had shot back up to slap against his abdomen, “I’m j-just gonna-” he said as he quickly left the room before you both could see his boner forming in his pants.
Going out to eat with the members was always pleasant but being across the table from your boyfriend made this dinner more interesting, he hated to be teased so he had never let you be dominant before you thought it would be the perfect moment to have him break not just in front of you but along with all of the members as well. You trailed your foot up to his shoe and nudged it as his attention was turned to you wondering if you had to tell him something you just continued to look at Sunoo who had been talking to you, Jay’s attention was turned back to his friends next to him but when your foot traveled from his foot up to his knee he knew that there was nothing good going to happen he tried to nonchalantly push your foot away with his knee. Unfortunately for him it gave you more access as he was now manspreading you brung your foot up to rub his dick with your foot, he rested his elbows on the table as his fingers ran through his hair. “You okay?” Heeseung asked as he went to put his hand on his friends leg he saw your foot, realizing he knows now you immediately pulled your foot back and onto the ground next to your other foot and proceeded to talk with Sunoo acting like nothing happened.
Telling your boyfriend you were going to shower wasn’t always easy usually he would come up with every excuse in the book on why you should let him shower with you, such as: “Saving the environment”, “Help you clean”, “Save water”, “Bored without you”, and more. But along with knowing your boyfriend would ask you every time you showered you also knew about his insane sex drive, which means you also knew you both were going to end up in the shower with him because let’s be honest who could say no to him. He pounded into you as he pushed your face against the wall while his hand snaked down to your clit rubbing it in circles, looking back at your boyfriend you noticed a figure standing behind him you thought nothing of it until your focus started to clear. It wasn’t just a figure it was Jay standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist you shoved your boyfriend off of you and hid behind him he turned his gaze to the other man and clearly saw the tent forming. As Jay turned around to leave your boyfriend told him “Next time you should join us.” inches away from the door being shut you heard a soft “Maybe” come form the boy.
Most of the night's your boyfriend and you would read a book to each other but as he was reading a part of the new book you had gotten him as a present you had heard stuttering and different breathing patterns fall from his lips, you turned to look up at him as his face started to turn red you pulled his wrists down to see what happened to why he stopped reading. Reading the words on the page your eyes had skimmed through the page as was met with multiple lewd sayings and actions, “All flustered from them having sec with one another?” you asked climbing on top of him as you started to play with his waistband , “Does this make you even more flustered?” continuing you pulled his sweatpants as his dick fell right up against his abdomen twitching in the process. You wrapped you hand around it giving to a few strokes before putting it in your mouth, moans and whimpering was heard from your boyfriend he put his hand over his mouth to try and muffle his noises the best that he can. The door opened without any knock or anything it just swung open, “Man i’m exhausted.” the man said as he laid on the bed on the opposite side of Sunghoon’s you quietly and quietly tried to grab a blanket to try and cover him but it was to late he saw you both. “Oh shit.” He jumped up and left the room shutting the door proceeding to say “Continue.” from behind the closed door.
Opening the package of your boyfriend's serums you threw the trash away then walked over to him straddling his hips, he rested his hands on your hips as he closed his eyes feeling your soft hands put his skin care on along with massaging it into his skin with a face roller. He put some of his lip care on, you had always loved the way he was so clean and took care of himself. Finishing it up you looked over your shoulder as you had heard the door open only to have your face turned back to Sunoo as his lips were pressed on yours, “See now both of our lips are soft and hydrated.” he expressed with happiness. His hands that rested on your hips started to wander to your ass as he rubbed it and groped it, he started to thrust up into you as he moved your hips with his movements pulling his lips onto yours as you both started to dry hump each other. The sound of someone clearing their throat was heard from behind you and towards the door “Can I borrow this?” Jungwon asked as he held up your boyfriend’s computer, he nodded which made him leave as he shut the door behind him. He thrusted up into you again “Where were we?” you put your finger on his lips and got off his lap, “How are you still turned on?.”
“Come on, we need to study for our exam.” you whined as he had been on his phone for the past half and hour, you went to pull his phone out of his hand but he inched his phone away from your grasp till your almost on top of his lap trying to reach it, you couldn't which made you trip over his knee collapsing on his lap. He pulled you up being face to face with him as he gripped your cheeks and pulled them to his lips without saying a word he let go of your cheeks then pulling away from your lips, “Can kiss you forever.” he stated as he pulled you more onto his lap. “We need to study.” pointing out his school work to him. “Let's do it another time, I’m having fun with you right now.” He told you as he placed his hand on your thigh sliding it up to almost touch your pussy, “But Won our exa-” he cut you off as he flipped you on the bed so now he was on top of you he trailed kisses down to your abdomen and on your thighs you started to squirm from the loss of his touch. He ran his fingers along your entrance and pushed them in as he kissed your clit eventually turning into him making out with it, “Jungwon don’t forget we have practice to-” Sunghoon said as he opened the door giving him a clear view of what was happening. “Oh i’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.” He said to you both as he left shutting the door behind him.
No smut for him but enjoy this GIF
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chososluv · 6 months
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𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫
Plug!Choso being a good boyfriend and taking care of you drunk
choso art: @omagatokii
✎₊˚⊹♡ summary: coming home drunk and horny to plug!choso. i got drunk and got in my feels !
🏷 tags/warnings: fem!reader, black!reader, mating press, squirting, creaming, petnames: (ma,mamas) , choso being the best boyfriend, uh something small for the wait on plug!toji and plug!choso 3, sortve proofread this was spur of the moment lol word count: 1.7k
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You should blame your friends really.
You told yourself prior to going out it would only be for a few hours. You would have a couple drinks, catch up, gossip, plan to meet up again soon and then leave. You would head back home and snuggle up to your boyfriend and probably call it in for the night. You told Choso this while you got ready and he listened diligently as he was laying casually sprawled out on the bed, looking at the dress you had on. The dress you picked out silhouetting your curves sensually and Choso tried to listen fully but was so distracted by your ass. However he finally snapped out of it shaking his head, as he realized what you had proclaimed.
"A couple drinks and out my ass you gonna do a lot more than that," he stares at the heels you picked out, "feet finna be hurtin too, mama." He also says, remembering from past experiences and you looked at him over your shoulder, frowning. He shrugged and went back to his phone.
"Why must you doubt me?"
"I don't doubt you," he sucked his teeth, "I know just your ass there's a difference." All you do is pout at his words, knowing he was right but the heels completed the outfit so well. Again, another reason you would be in and out with this social outting.
And to no one's surprise, you ended up not in fact "in and out" and had shots, losing count after five, multiple drinks, and your 10:30 return turned into 2am uber vs lyft ordering session between your friends seeing which one had the cheapest rate. You pulled out your phone lockscreen lighting up and you see Choso. You bite your lip, remembering that your boyfriend was at home, hair down, with grey sweats on and you got excited.
"I need yall lyft or uber to hurry up because I got a man to get home to!" And that was all you needed to say because your friends stopped bickering and settled on a rate.
you arrive home, body fuzzy and otherworldly feeling as you made it through the door of your shared apartment. You manage to catch yourself after stumbling through, ankles and heels throbbing at the pain caused by your heels. You giggle to yourself, remembering Choso was right about these damn heels hurting your feet but you really didn't plan to be out that long. It really was your friends's fault! They were nice enough to send you in the first round of ubers after you dropped hints you were ready to go home and climb your man. That ache you had been suffering with between your legs.
That ache that started hours ago the moment you had your first taste of liquor.
You walk through the bedroom door, seeing a small light illuminated by a phone and you immediately settle on Choso's face. He looks at you, sleepy grin stretching across his lips and the ache on your feet seemed to vanished. You squealed, startling him briefly but then he saw that glazed over look in your eyes and just knew you were gone. You ran over, hopping on the bed and jumping on top of Choso. He grunts at your sudden attack but he doesn't mind, he's tossing his phone to the side to give your drunk ass his full attention.
"have fun?" He asks.
"I missed you so much. Baby, I'm so horny but my feet hurt but I'm so horny." You start spilling your immediate thoughts and he's laughing. He sits up, balancing you in his lap and brings a warm arm around your waist. You mewl, bringing your hands to his biceps but his hands reach for your ankles. He's ready to do his duties of the sober boyfriend before he even lays a hand on you sexually.
"One thing at a time," he's chuckling, "let me take these shoes off for you mama and we can go from there."
"Choso, keep sucking on me." You're pleading, his soft lips wrapped around your clit and he's licking the sensitive nub. He looks up at you from between your legs, seeing your eyes roll back as you drunkenly whimpered for more. He's happy to spoil you all night and to be honest he looked forward to this side of you when you told him you were going out. You promised him you’d only have a couple drinks but when he checked the instagram stories and saw shots were involved he knew you would stumbling in here drink. When the “imy” texts started rolling through he knew that liquor was heading straight between your legs.
You didn’t remember, but you sent him a text 45 minutes prior to arriving home saying he better be prepared for you to “dance on that dick.” You would wake up tomorrow feeling a little embarrassed but would find it funnier than anything.
"Let me see those eyes." Choso says, tongue flicking and knocking you speechless. You whimper, knuckles clenching and fisting his hair. He would moan when you tugged on it a certain way, not thinking you would notice -you did.-
"Chosoo..." You're whining when he licks his finger quickly before sinking into your hole. You take him instantly, sucking him gently and physically asking him to stretch you more. A mewl leaves your mouth, hips stirring as if they searched for another finger.
"Greedy fucking pussy its that alcohol huh?" He teases, sinking a second, then third finger inside with no warning and you whimper. You throw your head back, spine curving and you lose grip of his strands. He chuckles as he continues to curve his fingers deep and earning yelps and moans from you.
"Its the fucking Crown shots," you sigh, "I need that dick now, please Cho." You beg, his fingers not enough and you wanted to feel him deep in your lower stomach. He can't even try to tease you because he's been waiting to fuck you since you put that dress on.
"Don't worry ma, Ima give it to you. Now hold them pretty legs up for me."
To say being folded into a mating press by Choso was satisfying was more than an understatement. You only let out huffs and grunts each time he dug himself back inside you. Your juices spurting out when he nudged his tip just right. You were howling, ankles on his strong shoulders.
"Fuck you feel me in yo stomach, baby?" He grunts in your ear, listening to the way you whine loudly and struggle to keep up each time his large cock left and came back into your little cunt. One of his favorite things about you was just how small you felt against him. He fits you in his massive arms and cradles you to help coax you through getting your cunt assaulted by his cock.
"Cho, want you to fuck a baby in me." You're absolutely out of it, gone and its the first time something like that has ever came out of your mouth. Choso has to hold off from cumming right there, he moans, balls twitching at the thought of you being his baby mama but he reminds himself of your state. You were nowhere near sober and he was damn sure not gonna to try be selfish.
"We'll talk about it when you're sober, ma," You only coo when he kisses your cheek, "right now I want you to focus on cumming on me."
He continues pounding deep in you, balls slapping against the curve of your ass with a lewd and sticky sound. The substances courtesy of your cunt that just continues to leak and ooze with arousal and cream. It's dripping obscenely, decorating your lower bodies and the sheets below. You still cannot form words. Helpless cries and moans left your lips each time he came back bullying his way through your walls. Strangled grunts and gasps for air when his tip kissed the lower parts of you kept Choso wanting to bring his hips down harder. He does, earning a squeak from you and a gush of liquid. He can only groan at his thighs being wet but continues to look at your helpless face. Screwed up and twisted as pleasure consumed your brain and the only thing was him and his cock.
"Cho-So!" You cry out, borderline wailing as you felt that knot in your stomach about to unwind.
"You close baby?" You nod, tears coming out your eyes as the pleasure was becoming too much for you to fathom. Choso only continued, thrusting faster and you choked out before letting out a ear-piercing wail.
"Cho!" You're screaming, legs spasming against his shoulders and your orgasm wails were enough to send him over the ledge. Your cunt squeezed tight around him and it took everything in him to pull out. He finishes, cumming on your stomach and letting out desparate grunts.
"Fuck, ma this pussy will be the death of me." Choso chuckles and you only giggle softly, sliding your legs down off his shoulders. Orgasm knocked the last bit of strength you had in you and now you were exhausted between the post sex haze and the alcohol comedown. You felt your eyes fluttering shut. Choso saw, shaking his head before grabbing wipes you two kept in the nightstand.
"You better not go to sleep you still gotta take your makeup off." Choso shook you after he started cleaning you off. You open your eyes, huffing at him from waking you up.
"Why you gotta be a good boyfriend." You pout, knowing he was only looking after your drunk ass.
"Because I love your goofy ass now get up all you gotta do is get to the sink I'll wash it off for you."
Choso stays true to his word and washes your makeup off. Boyfriend of the year should go to him because not only does he wash your makeup off, but he manages to get you in a quick shower and brush your teeth before you started trying to sleep again. He was just securing the bonnet on your head before you fought your eyes from shutting again. He could only laugh, putting your ass to bed, throwing the cover over you and within moments you were out. Choso took care of himself and came back to hearing you snore. When he slid into bed it was like you were waiting for him because you instantly cuddled up to him, seeking his warmth. He could only throw an arm around you, embracing you with his love and body heat.
He would only do this for his favorite girl.
©chososluv ╰┈┈➤ MASTERLIST!
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dilemmaontwolegs · 11 months
are you accepting requests?
if so could you please write me one where reader is a journalist on the grid and basically everybody is flirting with her yk tryna bed her but shes only gonna let one of them do it
and shes like pretty assertive and dom, making the boys beg her to fuck them
you could pick who she fucks from lando, carlos or charles
sorry if this is too much i couldnt help it <33
Not really but I’m trying to do some while I finish the series I have on the go so I guess kind of??? My inbox is a gamble at the moment hahaha 💕
Say Please || LN4
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, sub!lando, dom!reader, edging, overstim. WC: 1.6k
F1 Masterlist
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Miami was really bringing the heat and every rising degree was only intensified by the black asphalt beneath your heels. You were in desperate need of shade as you wandered the pit lane to observe some of the teams but that would have to wait. There were people to interview and notes to write so you could have your editorial piece ready by the end of the weekend. 
“Oh, there she is!” 
Lando’s voice carried on the warm breeze and you tipped your head to the sound before turning in his direction. The driver was nearly tripping over himself and Carlos to reach you first, Charles following behind with an amused smile.
“Hi Lan,” you greeted the winner of the impromptu race as he skidded to a halt in front of you. “I didn’t see you when I made the rounds in McLaren.”
His smile turned to a disappointed frown at the news and he groaned. “Ah man, I missed you.”
“You haven’t come by Ferrari yet, have you?” Carlos asked, hope filling his face as he waited for your answer.
“Not yet.” His hand closed to a fist and he punched the air making you laugh. “I haven’t taken a break yet and I’m dying of thirst.”
Lando held up one finger to wait as he ran back to his garage and returned with a bottle of chilled water. “I can get you something else if you want…whatever you want.”
Carlos suddenly rushed off and came back with a plate of club sandwiches and, not to be outdone, Charles retrieved an umbrella to shield you from the sun. 
“My heroes,” you praised, giving them each a kiss on the cheek and enjoying the way their skin turned a rosy shade of pink.
Lando was the one who gave a giddy giggle and cupped his face as the blush spread down his neck. “You can have my driver's room if you want to get out of the sun. You’re so hot. I mean, you must be hot.” 
“Mine’s bigger,” Carlos said as he stood a little straighter and leaned his elbow on Lando’s shoulder. “Because size obviously matters.”
“Not to me,” you smirked. They three men watched as your fingers wrapped around the bottle, twisting the cap off before sealing your lips around the tip. The cool water was just what you needed to battle the heat and you moaned with satisfaction after swallowing it down. “Mmm, that’s better.”
“So, uh, what, um, what does matter to you?” Lando asked with a sheepish look on his face. 
You stepped towards the three of them and curled a finger until you were all huddled close in a tight circle. “You want to know what makes me hotter than this place?”
A round of eager nods bobbed around you and they leaned on even closer so you could feel their breaths on your face. 
Pushing your sunglasses up your head, you looked each of them in the eyes and smirked and one by one they broke away first and looked down. When their heads were almost bowed to you, you finally answered them. “Nothing gets me wet like seeing my little pet submitting to me, down on his knees, willing to do everything to please me, begging for my attention.”
Lando’s legs looked ready to collapse beneath him and you knew from the moment you met that he had such potential. He wanted to please, he wanted to serve and was always the first to race to be at your side like an excitable puppy. 
“Just one?” Carlos asked after a sharp intake of air refilled his frozen lungs. At your nod he peered at his friends with an edge that promised a strong competition. Charles narrowed his eyes in return, promising it wouldn’t be an easy competition, but Lando just looked down in defeat.
“What’s wrong?” you asked as you curled your finger beneath his chin to see his sad eyes. 
Those pretty blue eyes flicked to the Ferrari drivers before returning to his feet. “They have more experience than me. I don’t have a chance.” You started to retreat with a sigh, feeling bad for putting such pressure on the man, but he caught your hand. “Please,” he begged, “just give me a chance, please?”
The warmth that radiated your body had nothing to do with Miami and everything to do with the needy desperation in Lando’s voice. It sent your heart racing and smiled sweetly as you cupped his face and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. “Good boy,” you praised. “All you had to do was say please.”
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Lando’s eyes were screwed shut but it did nothing to stop the tears from leaking out as he bit his lip to hold back the whimper. 
“Good pet, just a little longer,” you soothed as you wiped away the salty streaks down his cheeks. “You’re doing so well.”
His dark lashes fluttered before they opened to show you a glimpse of the ocean, the waves shimmering in his tears. “Please, I can’t…I’m gonna cum…”
“Hold it,” you ordered as your hands returned to his weeping cock, the head red and swollen from edging him for so long. The vibrating ring was tight around his thick base and the veins that ran along his shaft grew bolder with each passing second. “You have such a pretty cock, my pet.”
His hands twisted against the restraints tied to the headboard, his wrists just as red as his face as he forced himself to refrain from spilling his seed over his lap. The taut skin over his balls pulled even tighter as you licked the delicate seam between them and you heard him moan as you felt his cock twitch in your hand. The sight of him laid out before you was incredibly beautiful but the whimper that fell from his lips was the pinnacle of perfection and for that you just had to reward him. 
“Go on, bub, you’ve been so good for me, you can come.” 
His entire body shuddered with the permission you gave him and his back arched off the bed as he erupted. There was no other way to describe his release as his cock pulsed and thick ropes of cum spattered across his stomach that rose and fell with quick pants. 
“Holy shit,” Lando moaned as he tried to regain his breath but you weren’t finished with him yet. Your thumbs milked every drop out of him, massaging him using his own cum to glide smoothly over his silken skin until he whimpered from the overstimulation. 
“I knew you would be the one,” you praised as you reached up to pull the slip knot on the ropes, releasing his arms that fell slack across the pillows. “You are the perfect little pet for me.”
You kissed his forehead before peppering them down his cheeks and finally reaching his lips that parted for you with a heady mewl. Combing your fingers through his damp curls, you pulled away and fluffed up his pillows to make him comfortable while he came down from the high he had endured. “I’ll be back in a moment.”
Lando nodded weakly, expended of all his energy, and you went to the bathroom to run a washcloth under the warm water. His deep hum of appreciation warmed your chest as you cleaned the mess from his hard abs before drying him off and dragging the blankets up the bed. 
“Roll over, sweetie,” you coaxed him softly until he turned on his side and you climbed into the bed behind him. His head nestled onto one arm as your other draped over waist and you held him tight until the soft tremors of his strained muscles began to ease. “How was that for you?”
Lando’s small giggle made you smile and you kissed the beauty spot on his shoulder blade while you waited for an answer. When a few seconds passed and he hadn’t spoken you shifted closer so you could see his dopey smile. 
“I need an answer, Lan,” you gently reminded him, “out loud.”
“It was…” he shook his head trying to clear the haze that clouded his thoughts so he could think of the word he was searching for. “Mind blowing. Overwhelming. Amazing.” He started to fall quiet and you watched as more feeling flitted across his face. “A little scary to start.”
You hid the frown that wanted to pinch your brow and kept the soft smile on your lips, not wanting to miss the opportunity to keep him open with his thoughts. “What can I do to make it better?”
“N-nothing,” he stammered. “I just didn’t know what to expect. It was one thing to talk about it but I guess I just…experiencing it was more. I liked it. I really liked it.”
“So you would do it again?” You didn’t even get all the words out before he was nodding eagerly and you chuckled as you pulled him tighter into your embrace, tutting when his hand started to run up your leg. “Get some rest first, bub. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”
“But I want to make you feel good too.”
“You did,” you murmured as you nuzzled the back of his neck until you saw the goosebumps spread across his skin. “I enjoyed everything we did, and I will enjoy more of you later when you have rested.”
“Do you promise?”
You chuckled at the needy tone and drew small circles with your fingertips around his navel. “You’ll soon learn, my little pet, all you have to do is say please.”
Tagging: @moonvr @copper-boom @yunnie-f1 @ophcelia @lightsoutletsgo @alwaysclassyeagle @neiich @omgsuperstarg @starwarssavy23 @fdl305 @faeb1tch42069 @sweetestrose569 @pleasantducktimetravel @zendayabelova @dr3lover @writerscurse @christianpulisic10 @alexisquinnlee-bc @purplephantomwolf @belennasif @ryiamarie @mickslover @tyna-19 @destourtereaux @sunf1ower16 @octaviareina @laneyspaulding19 @booknerd2004-blog @mimimarvelingmarvel @chonkybonky @jpg3 @bangtanxberm @ohthemisssery
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chaosisalwayscrying · 6 months
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⇥ synopsis : you and matt go on a nice date, but after your feet start to hurt
⇥ warnings : none! pure fluff
⇥ extra : lim not the biggest fan of this, i think i did too much plot building but i hope you guys like it !! please send in requests also, theyll be worked on after my scheduled fics come out! 🫶🏻
⇥ masterlist !
⇥ taglist !
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   it was just past three pm when matt sauntered into the living room and told you to get ready for a date. at first you were skeptical, normally matt was spontaneous and just took you out in every day clothes, so telling you to get ready was new.
   "get ready?" you questioned, raising an eyebrow at him from your spot on the couch.
   "yeah, we're going to a fancy dinner, i wanted to surprise you with it." he said, starting to mess with the rings on his fingers, an obvious anxiety tell.
   "how fancy? like slightly more put together fancy or nice dress and heels fancy?" you ask, already beginning to mull over what outfit you'll wear.
   "nice dress and heels fancy, the reservation is at seven so you have plenty of time to get ready” he said, a bright smile now on his face.
you stood from the couch, immediately going to matt and pressing a kiss on his lips. “thanks for this matty, im gonna go shower. i love you” you said, pressing another kiss to his cheek as you practically ran to the bathroom.
matt stood there, a deep blush on face. he never really got embarrassed, but your excitement and words towards him made him want to giggle like a little girl.
matt was banned from his and your shared room while you got ready, since you wanted to surprise him. you even went as far as to make chris come get matts clothes you picked out and lock him in chris’ room.
after you buckled the straps on your heels, you stood and went out of matts room to the floor length mirror in the living room, scanning over your outfit and hair to make sure everything was perfect before letting chris know to bring matt up.
you turned once you heard a door open and quick footsteps coming up the stairs. as matt turned the corner, his eyes immediately locked on you. you made your way over to him, his awestruck expression making you smile.
“hi” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck and his hands immediately landing on your waist. “hi” he said back, eyes trailing over your face and outfit, a slight blush creeping up his neck.
you placed a kiss on his lips before stepping back and doing a small spin, letting matt take in your whole outfit. a silk dress that hugged your waist and hips just right but the skirt flowed just a little, and nice stiletto heels.
“you look beautiful, baby” matt mumbled, still staring at you wide-eyed. “are you sure those heels will be comfortable?” he asked, eyebrows furrowing. he knew you hated wearing high heels because they hurt your feet, and he didnt want you to be in pain just because of his date idea.
“thank you, and yes im sure, i’ll be fine for just dinner” you reassured, stepping forward again to place another kiss on his lips. “now come on, we have a date to go on” you smiled, grabbing his hand to lead back down the stairs to chris’ room to go to the garage.
in your opinion, the date was beyond amazing, but you hadn’t expected to be walking around a little park after. now that you’d been walking for so long, your feet were beginning to ache, making it hard to keep pace with matt.
“ow.. fuck” you mumbled, wincing as you stepped forward, trying to catch up to matt. matt, ever the attentive boyfriend, heard you and immediately stopped and turned around to you. he caught the wince on your face before you could hide it, causing his concern to grow.
“whats wrong? are you hurt?” he asked, taking a step to where you were standing and ushering you towards a bench a couple feet away. you immediately sat down and took off your heels, sighing in relief as the ache faded slightly. matt also began taking off his shoes, refusing to let you walk around in heels that hurt you or barefoot.
you werent paying matt any attention until he slipped his shoes on your feet, tightening the laces so they didn’t slide too much.
“matt-” you began, getting cut off before you could even finish saying his name.
“no, it’s ok. i dont want you to walk around in heels that hurt you, or barefoot, you could step on something sharp.” he said, finishing tying the laces and pressing a kiss to your parted lips.
“now c’mon, we can go back to the car” he said, taking your heels from your hands and helping you stand.
your smile stayed on the rest of the night, even as matt helped you into the car, even as he carried you upstairs after you (dramatically) claimed you were too tired to walk, even as he helped you out of your dress and into comfy clothes, even as he took off your makeup and jewelry, and especially as he held you as you drifted off to sleep.
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avenging-fandoms · 1 year
You have a little fight with Pedrito before you leave for the Oscars. His agent doesn’t think it’s a good idea that you go together as a couple since not many people even know that you guys are dating. So you go separately, but when Pedro sees you on the champagne carpet he can’t help himself. Secret is out 😉
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Pedro Pascal Masterlist 1
Pedro Pascal Masterlist 2
“This is dumb, I’m going to be late because of you and I had more things to do to get ready” Pedro’s make up artist brushed powder off his face and Pedro rolled his eyes.
“I’m so sorry we all can’t be perfect, honey. Five minutes and we’ll leave” Pedro replied and you huffed, sitting on the couch.
“Actually, Y/N, your ride is here” you and Pedro look at Nicole, his agent, confused. “We feel it’s best for you two to arrive separately so the attention isn’t all on your relationship that no one knows about. There’s already speculations. If you want to keep it secret, you arrive separately”
You laugh and stand up, grabbing your clutch. “Well, at least I won’t be late anymore” your heels clicked against the ground as you walked out of his hotel room, heading down to the lobby.
On the way to the Oscars, you couldn’t help but think about the fight you had with Pedro. It felt like you were suffocating by keeping this relationship a secret, it was a year next month.
You wanted to bring it up, you wanted to say something, but it wasn’t the time or place. You wanted to tell him you were ready to tell everyone you two were together, but was he?
You wondered if his agent didn’t want him arriving with you so the attention was only on Pedro and she wanted headlines of his name instead of yours next to it.
Little too late for that.
You step out of the car and hand your clutch over, heading onto the carpet with a bright fake smile. You did your best to hide your nervousness and your anxiety as Pedro wasn’t next to you like he normally would be.
Pedro arrived about 5 minutes after you and as soon as his shoe hit the carpet, his eyes spotted you. It was this neat trick he had. Any room, any size crowd, he could always find you.
His insides burned. His mouth became dry as he stared at you looking serious on the champagne carpet, he couldn’t stop his feet from rushing over to you.
As you made your way down further your heard loud screams and the chant of your boyfriend’s name. You tried to ignore him, posing for different cameras and keeping your body turned from Pedro.
“Princesa, look at me” your body instantly turned to Pedro and he smiled, holding your hips as your hands held his biceps, the cameras happily clicking away with money signs in their eyes.
“I didn’t get to tell you before you ran out, but you look absolutely stunning” his lips kiss down your jaw and neck as his arms get tighter around your waist, dipping you a bit.
You giggle as your leg kicks back, arm around his neck with the cameramen egging you two on.
Pedro stood back up and you look at him with a smile. “What happened to keeping us a secret?”
“Fuck that, I was gonna wait until we hit a year but you look so gorgeous tonight I wanted to make sure people knew you were mine” you smile and Pedro kisses you quickly, wrapping his arms around you.
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eternalsams · 1 year
The Olive Theory ⇴ J.Seresin
pairing: Jake Seresin x fem!reader
warning/content: this is a Soulmates!AU, bit of angst but quickly replaced by fluff, they're so in love it makes me sick, young!Hangman (in his early twenties), naval academy inaccuracies
summary: In a world where you learn a detail about your soulmate on each of your birthdays, you think you found your pair years ago but you're completely caught off guard on your 24st birthday.
word count: 1.6k
a/n: English isn't my first language so please take that into consideration.
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You were twirling the phone cord around your finger, giggling at something Jake said at the other end. Your gaze was fixed on the ceiling but all your attention was to the man speaking to you. Jake had to leave Texas a few months ago for the Navy Academy after you both graduated at the Austin University. "When's the next time you're coming home?" You asked, kicking your legs in the air. Jake smiled, even though you couldn't see him, and he shook his head. "I don't know sweetheart..." Oh, but he knew. "Probably for the holidays." You tried not to sound too disappointed when you responded. "That's great. I can't wait to see you." You let your legs fall back down on the couch and straightened up. "I hope you're having fun." You smiled softly. "I am, it's great. I can't fly a jet yet, but they have us do some pilot shit in a simulator. It's not the same feeling but I love it!" You smile even more at the excitement in his voice, the distance was hard but knowing he was in his element made it worth it.
"What are you planning for tomorrow?" He then asked. Tomorrow you would celebrate your 24th birthday, but you didn't have the mood to celebrate anything without Jake. He hadn't missed a single birthday for 7 years and tomorrow would be the first one you spend apart. "I don't know yet... My mom wants us to go see a movie but I'm not really feeling like it..." You rubbed a hand on your face, trying to contain the tears for spilling. "Y/n..." You heard Jake sigh. "I know, I know. But I just miss you so much..." You murmured. "I miss you too, sweetheart..." He responded and the line was silent for a moment. You thought he had hung up before you heard his voice again. "You're ready to learn something new about me?" He said with a certain tease in his voice. Oh yeah, you almost forgot about that. Tomorrow you would find an envelop in your mailbox, containing a small detail about your soulmates. You knew Jake was yours, every year all the letters you got matched perfectly with him, and his with you.
"I'm pretty sure it's gonna say that you'd wet your bed until you were 8." You laughed heartedly. "Hey! It happened once and it's because I was sick! I knew I shouldn't introduce you to my mom in the first place..." You laughed even more and the melancholy you felt a minute ago disappeared. That was the thing about Jake, he always managed to bring a smile on your face. "Alright, sweetheart. I'm gonna have to go. I gotta get up early tomorrow, I'm gonna see my first jet up close." He said excitedly, making your smile widen. "Okay, cowboy. Have fun tomorrow, I'll text you whatever stupid thing I learn about you." You heard Jake laugh and you exchanged 'I love you's before hanging up. You sighed and rubbed your eyes, wiping away the tears forming in the corners.
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You woke up the next morning with a smile on your face, you threw your legs out of the bed, slipped on your slippers and ran to your mailbox. You grabbed the envelop and ran back inside. You softly chuckled, anticipating whatever you're gonna learn about Jake. You silently wished it would be something embarrassing so you could have a good laugh but when you read the words on the letter, your smile immediately fell. They love olives. No, it couldn't be. Jake didn't like olives, he always gave you his. On pizzas, in salads. You've never seen him eat a single one olive since you've met him. You stayed frozen for what seemed hours before you heard knocks on your door. You knew it was your mom, and seconds after, the front door opened and you could hear your mother's voice. She joined you in the kitchen and stopped in her tracks when she saw you. "What's wrong, baby?" Your gaze stay focused on the wooden table and you gave her the letter. You didn't trust your voice from quivering if you spoke right now. She read the words and dropped the letter on the table before wrapping her arms around your shoulders. "Oh, honey... It's gonna be okay..." Jake wasn't your soulmate. You just couldn't believe it, everything was going perfect with him, even if the distance made it hard, you really thought you found your pair with him. But you were destined to be with someone else, someone who loved olives. And Jake was destined to be with another person.
Jealousy and anger took over your body and you ripped the letter and envelop to pieces. You knew you didn't have to follow what the letters told you, you could stay with Jake and everything would be fine for the both of you. But now that you knew he wasn't your soulmate, you would always think about that other person he would be happier with. You couldn't think about being happier than with Jake but you really didn't want to think about Jake being happier with someone else and leaving you for someone better than you. You then stayed home with your mom, forgetting about the movie and whatever you guys planned for your birthday. From time to time, you'd find yourself crying silently and then quickly wiping the tears to give a reassuring smile to your mom. That until you heard the doorbell ring. You were curled up on your couch, hugging a pillow and wrapped up in a blanket Jake got you last winter. Your mom got up and went to answer the front door, murmuring something before you heard the door close.
"Sweetheart?" Your head immediately raised at the sound of that voice and your eyes widened. "Jake? What are you doing here?" You straightened up and got up from the couch, dropping the pillow and the blanket on the floor. "I'll leave you two alone. Call me if you need anything, okay?" Your mom said before kissing your cheek and then Jake's before leaving the house. "Jake, what are you doing here? I thought you had class..." You asked with glassy eyes, your voice breaking and betraying your mental state. Your boyfriend dropped his duffle bag on the floor and reached for you, wrapping his arms tightly around you. "I wanted to surprise you. What's wrong? Did you learn something so embarrassing you don't wanna be with me anymore?" He tried to joke but the reality caught you and the smile he wanted to see appear on your face never showed up. That's when he knew something was very wrong. "Okay, let's sit down for a bit and you'll tell me everything, okay? Just calm down and breathe deeply." You both sat down on the couch and you curled up against him, listening to his heartbeat and timing your breathing with his. He was rubbing your back the whole time, kissing the top of your head and whispering reassuring words into your ear.
Once you calmed down and pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. "You're not the one I'm supposed to be with..." You murmured and he froze. He looked like a kicked puppy and you hated yourself for being the one responsible for how sad he looked. "What...? No. That's not possible, everything matched." He ran his fingers into his hair as he got up from the couch and paced around the living room. "What did it say? Where's the envelop? I wanna see." He looked back at you with incredulous eyes. "I shred it to pieces... It said..." You calmed your voice and took a deep breath. "It said my soulmate loves olives." You looked down at your hands on your lap and heard Jake chuckle. You frowned and looked up at him with confusion written all over your face. "This is not funny, Jake." You almost felt offended he would laugh about something like this. The soon-to-be-pilot stopped laughing and sat back down next to you, taking your hands in his. "I'm sorry, it's not. It's not funny. It's just that... I am your soulmate." He said with a soft smile. "Jake, no-" But before you could keep talking, he stopped you, placing his fingers on your lips. "No, I am your soulmate, Y/n. I love olives, I do." You frowned and took his hand, pulling it away from your mouth. "What? But..." You really didn't understand what was happening...
"You remember our first date in high school?" Of course you remembered, you skipped your last class of the morning to go get pizza and go to the park next to your high school. You shared one pizza and that's when you learned Jake didn't like olives. Well, apparently he did. You nodded and stayed silent, waiting for his explanation. "When you took that first bite into the pizza, I asked you if you liked olives. But not because I didn't like them, it was because I saw how much you loved them. I wanted to make you happy and I did. You were so excited to get my olives as well as yours. I just never told you so you didn't feel bad for stealing my olives." He explained and you let out a deep sigh. You felt your eyes water and you threw yourself in Jake's arms, embracing him tightly. "So we're still soulmates...?" You asked in the crook of his neck. "As long as you'd let me." He kissed the spot just between your neck and your shoulder before pulling away and looking straight into his eyes. "Happy birthday, Sweetheart..." He gently smiled and you giggled before kissing him deeply.
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Daddy Tokyo Revengers : Having an Overly Shy Daughter Ft: Ran, Rindou, Hakkai, Kokonoi, Taiju, Sanzu, Draken and Hanma WC: 2000+TW: Kids, Pure Fluff (makes you feel all giggly) A/N: I felt fluffy literally it started with an idea with Ran and then each one popped into my mind one after another. My ovaries enjoy this cuteness overload. part 2
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His 4 year old who was overly shy when meeting anyone even with him at times. She had a hard time asking her father something she would often be stuttering or second guessing herself. She was sitting on  the couch from a distance and she could see the cookie jar  on the kitchen counter. She would look at the cookie jar then back at her program she was watching. Ran looked at his little one and he thought she must have saw something but the more he paid attention he saw where her eyes were looking. He could see her fiddling with her fingers unsure if she should ask for a cookie. Ran knew it was hard as she tried to come out of her shell. He has been trying to help her break this small habit although he thought it was super cute. Getting up from the couch he walked to the kitchen grabbing the cookie jar. Bringing it back to the couch  “These cookies sure do look good huh princess?” opening the jar holding a yummy cookie in his hand. She looked at her dad then at the cookie giving a bashful nod. “Would you like a cookie princess?” 
“Y..yes please.” she was cupping her own cheeks as she asked. Ran giving her the cookie he could see the cute little smile on her face. “Th-ank you daddy.”
“You can always ask me to get you something. You don't ever need to think I wouldn't be able to be princess” Ran smiled seeing her taking a bite of the cookie. 
Holding his small child in his arms, he had forgotten something in his office and he needed to grab it. His daughter hardly came into his work but this time it was just in and out situation, he didn’t want her to be exposed to anything if something was going on. But since mommy was busy today papa Rin was on daddy duty.. “Papa needs to just grab something really quick okay?” 
“Kay” she softly whispered. Her eyes wandered around looking at the lobby. She noticed someone approaching and she buried her face into her dad’s shoulder. Rin rubbing his daughters head she saw the assistant approach “what is it?” he asked “Sir we need you to sign these.” They spoke with a clipboard and pen. Letting out an annoyed sigh grabbing the pen, he scribbled his signature on the front page. They noticed  the little ones eyes peeking at them then buried her face once. “ Aww she is cute, is she shy?” 
“No, your face just scared her so she is hiding it.” he spoke in a monotone voice, handing them the pen and walking to his office. The assistant's mouth dropped as he passed them. Getting into his office his daughter picked up her head. “You okay sweetheart?” brushing the strands of hair out of her face seeing her cute little chubby cheeks. She briefly looked into her fathers eyes then looking down, she nodded. Kissing her chubby cheek he picked up the item he needed “let's get going.”
When he would be back in town his daughter was thrilled to see him. Taking her out to have a good time was a little bit hard because of the paparazzi. Going to dinner was at times challenging. Anytime going out to eat, cameras flashed and at times she didn’t want to eat. Getting the car parked he could already see some paparazzi outside the restaurant. His daughter looked out the window to see the many people with cameras, knowing they wanted to see her father. He didn’t want to make her uncomfortable because he knows what it's like,  still at times he would still be awkward around women (unless it's his wife and Yuzuha). “Do you want to go honey?” Hakkai asked her. “You know we don’t have to.” “It’s- it’s okay daddy I can go in.” she gave a weary smile. She wanted to show her father she was gonna put on her bravo face to do this for him. 
He leaned over the driver seat and patted her head who was in the back booster  seat “why don’t we come back when mommy and Aunt Yuzuha  are not working. We can order pizza tonight.”  He admired how she tried to do this for him but he would have to agree he would rather eat in his own home in peace and his daughter enjoying her food.
“Really?” her head perked up. 
“Yeah let’s get going.” He started the car up and began to head home. Looking through the rear view mirror he could see the relax expression of his daughter as they both were driving farther and farther away from the restaurant. 
Hanma “Do you want to play with the other kids?” he asked as he crouched down at eye level to his daughter. She shook her head. “Why?” “Cause ..” she was playing with the hem of her shirt. 
“Cause is not a good reason, my little doll.” Hanma said. This was completely different to him, he swore he was going to get served karma for being a bad ass kid. But it was the opposite: his daughter was quiet and overly shy. He kinda wanted her to get into trouble or just live as a kid, make mistakes, yell and scream from the top of her lungs. But then again if he had a kid that was as bad as him he would be pulling his hair out.  “Look there are some kids around your age, go introduce yourself.” he pointed at a group of kids running around.
“But but.” she quietly said.
“No buts just try.” 
“What if they don’t like me?”  She looked at the ground.
“Then daddy will scare the shit out of those little shits  if they are mean to you…. But if they aren’t you will have fun like the kid you are.” his hand on her back giving her a nudge towards the group of kids. Hanma stood as his daughter began walking towards the group of kids. Now he was waiting to see if he was going to chill out and relax or scare the shit out of some kids.
He was going to have an opening at a new restaurant in the morning. He was finishing the final preparations and his daughter was sitting next to him the entire time. He was thankful she was well behaved but noticed her shy behavior took control of her majority of the time. His daughter hardly came with him to openings for his new restaurants; she didn’t like large crowds. Over the years Taiju grew more patience and didn’t have  a lot of outbursts like he did in his teens. The one time it happened in front of his daughter, she didn’t go anywhere near him for a while. He never wanted her to feel uncomfortable when he was around.  When he knew a lot of the stuff was ready for tomorrow he would always let her explore the new restaurant freely when there were no people there. She walked around the tables and she was barely able to see the top of the tables. 
“What do you think toots?” he asked, following her around.
“It’s pwetty.” sheepishly speaking  she noticed the large tank and all the different fishes and sea creatures in it. She stood in front of the tank amazed at the large fish in front of her. Picking her up “what is the big one called?” She was still learning about sea creatures. 
Blinking a few times she tried to remember the name of the large fish “shawk.”  she questionably responded with her cheeks slightly red. 
“Shark.” he pronounced slowly.
“Shhhawwwk,” she tried to pronounce it.
“At a girl.” kissing her temple. “What about the small orange one?” he pointed.
“Nemo!” she startled herself then covered her mouth.
Her little fingers still on her mouth looking up at her dad. “It is Nemo.” He honestly forgot that species'  of fish name.
He loved taking his daughter out with him whether it was on a trip, shopping, or going out for a while.  He  wanted a new wardrobe for his daughter for the trip they were planning this weekend. Holding her hand as they entered the boutique shop, she could see the pretty dresses on the racks. No matter the price on the item he would get it for her. “Do you see anything you like?” he asked.
Bringing her finger to her lips she looked around until she saw a pretty yellow dress. She looked at her father, her hand pointed to the yellow dress. She didn’t walk until her father did. At times he wanted to be a little more excited and say something. She appreciated every single thing her daddy bought for her. Koko did his own research on how to make her open up a bit more. He was a confident man and he wanted to show his daughter she could do it too. Plucking the dress from the rack so she could take it to the dressing room. “Remember sweetie, ask them  you want to try it on.” 
She nodded and he followed close behind. She made her way to the fitting room “excuse me… may I try this on?” Her cheeks were flushed looking at the sales lady.” 
The lady nodded and escorted them to the fitting room. He was proud she managed to ask herself this time. Making baby step was positive progress in his eyes. 
 He waited outside the door where she was at when she had the dress on. “ you look so beautiful..” he crouched down, taking both of his daughter's hands. “ I’m very proud you were able to ask to try on the dress. I knew you could do it. That’s my girl.” Koko praised the progress she did, he literally bought everything in the store. 
It’s not that his daughter didn’t like anyone she loved them all but when giving her compliments on how cute she is or adorable the daughter of Draken was. She got super shy. Some of the Toman members thought it was cute how Draken was  her protector. “ awww she ran to her daddy” Mikey teased the small copy and paste of Draken just as a little girl.
His daughter burying her face into his shirt “knock it off with the  teasing her you know we are trying to break the shyness .” Draken said he rubbed her back and glared at Mikey.
“Okay okay we will stop.” Mikey gave a grin. He gave his niece a hard time all her uncles did.
 As they continued the conversation, she removed her face from her father's shirt. She has made a lot of progress in the past few weeks. She would have had  her face still covered but now she was feeling more comfortable when the groups weren’t too large. Slowly Draken would have her join in the conversation he knew she would be able to talk about. The whole conversation was about the fair coming up. “Tell them which ride you are excited to go on.” “The ferris wheel.” speaking in a soft voice. “It’s so big and you can see everything when your on top.” 
“Literally the cutest response  I’ve ever heard.”  Kazutora spoke. They all saw her cheeks burning. Draken glaring at his direction. 
“Her protector is ready to attack.” Mikey smirked. 
“That’s my baby right there!” Sanzu shouts as his daughter walks onto the stage for her dance recital.. He did blame himself for how shy she was because he really never wanted his own child to be exposed to anything he was doing, as she was getting older he could see how it was affecting her.  Putting her in a big activity was hard in the beginning; she held onto Sanzus hand the entire time. Sanzu had worked with her for many days on her routine. Even ways of trying to help overcome shyness.  The more she went to the classes the more she began to enjoy it. Hearing her father yell for her as she was on the stage. She has her pretty pink tutu on with a little tiara on. As the music began she was trying not to look at the crowded audience, when she did try and look at her dad she missed a few steps. 
Even though she was missing a few steps, a lot of other little girls were missing steps. The parents giggling through the audience. As they did their final poses the crowd cheered for them. When the recital was done he found his daughter and he had a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. When his daughter saw he she immediately ran to his clinging onto her fathers leg. “You did amazing out there baby!” kneeling down as he handed her the flowers. Her little cheeks burning seeing the pretty flower. “But I messed up.” She had a small frown. She tried her hardest and wanted to show her dad she could do it. 
“Shit happens and you did great. You were the best out there.” Cupping her cheeks. “The more you practice the more you will get it down”  he brought a small smile on his his precious child’s face. 
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sexydoffyman · 10 months
May I please request monster trio HC’s reacting to their sensitive fem!s/o (who’s sensitive to being yelled at) not only being yelled at by a complete stranger but being harassed by them? Basically just them stumbling upon the sight of their s/o being grabbed by the hair while being yelled at.
Also if possible to mention could you do pre time skip instead of post?
Hope it’s not too much for you<3
Have a great day:) (btw it’s completely ok if you decide not to do this since this is very specific)
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genre: fluff
characters: Roronoa Zoro, Monkey D. Luffy, Sanji
word count: 707
A/N: sorry Sanji is a little short. But really. No one really gives a shit.🦬
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You were shopping for the crew when you accidentally dropped a can of beans on the ground.
You didn't think much of it and just went to pick it up.
You weren't even able to reach for it when some old man started yelling at you.
"That's why women belong in the kitchen!"
You looked at him with your heart racing.
You were scared, so you closed your eyes and put your hands in front of yourself just in case.
Fortunately, the idiot of a boyfriend you had stumbled into the shop because he got lost.
He was confused since Sanji was in the kitchen on their ship.
He came close to the man and leaned down.
"So if a woman is supposed to cook, then the man is supposed to fight, right?"
The man looked at him with an annoyed face. He wanted to scold the brat.
Unfortunately for the man, the only thing he saw was a fist right in front of his face.
He flinched and fell on the floor, but to his surprise, Zoros's fist didn't make contact with his face.
You were the one who stopped his punch from landing on the bastard's face.
Zoro laughed "Well look who just got saved by a woman." He said with a mocking grin on his face.
You thought that you did the right thing.
But apparently, the man didn't.
He grabbed your hair to pull you back.
Just in a second Zoro's sword almost cut the man's arm off.
He stopped when the man fell on his ass again. Trembling in fear.
Zoro took your hand and ran out with you. Not willing to pay for the food.
Zoro doesn't care to make a little mess in the town or a village you're in
He is warned by Nami that he will bring attention to the fact that pirates are in the town.
He will not hesitate to cut off some civilian's arms.RIP can of beans
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You were checking out some bars that the crew could hang out at until the log pose found a new island.
You walked into one bar, and immediately some drunken idiot started yelling at how you can't even properly close the door.
You apologized, but apparently, that wasn't enough.
The man walked in front of you and smirked.
"You think a bitch like you should even be here?" He said mockingly.
He grabbed your hair to pull you closer to his face, to which you let out a quiet whine.
He stopped as you both heard something unusual.
The man stood there in confusion.
You, on the other hand, ducked, knowing what was coming.
Suddenly, Luffy came flying through the door knocking the man down in the process.
Not you, tho.
You ducked.
You ran beside him, looking uncomfortable.
"WHADUUUP" Luffy greeted you.
The man stood up. "I'm gonna kill both of you, you bastards!"
Luffy gave him a glance and said "How?"
To a normal person, it would seem as if he was trying to be rude. You knew that he was just confused.
The man threw a punch Luffy's way.
Luffy just stretched, scaring the shit out of him.
"Oh, he fell asleep... Oh well NIKUUUU"
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He was actually with you.
You think he would ever leave your side? Well, you thought wrong.
Sanji only looked away for a second.
Some rando laughed at you and slapped you in the face.
"Do you break all mirrors you look at?" He laughed at you.
As soon as Sanji heard that sentence leave the rando's mouth, his leg was in his face.
You didn't even have time to flinch at the slap. Sanji looked at you "Are you all okay, mademoiselle?"
The way his eyes softened with worry made you feel so relieved that he didn't let the man continue.
He grabbed your hand and took you to Robin, who was standing close by reading a book.
"Robin-chan, please stay with y/n for a while."
He ran off to beat that man's ass again.
He wouldn't let a man slapping a woman just slide that easily.
The man's face won't be the only thing that will not function after this encounter.
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luvfy0dor · 3 months
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“He's Got So Much in His Heart, But He Doesn't Know What to Do ♡⁠˖” BSD Men x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Chuuya Nakahara, Dazai Osamu, Sigma
Warnings; barely proofread, maybe ooc
Description; BSD Men confessing to you
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A/n; I promise I'm working on reqs! I think after I do two more I'm gonna open requests again ^^
⑅Chuuya Nakahara⑅
• Chuuyas palms get sweaty when he does confess to you- you've been a long time port mafia member and have been well acquainted for years, but he still gets all nervous. He asks around for your favorite snacks or chocolates and flowers. If you don't like flowers, he'll replace it with something else, but for the sake of the story, we'll use flowers.
Chuuya eyed the flowers sitting on his desk from time to time. He has been stirring with his own feelings for too long and decided he would just admit everything to you today- how he felt his face heat up when you praised his work and the way his heart thumped in his chest when you smile at him in the hallways. He rubbed his face with his hands and groaned, contemplating all the outcomes of his situation. You could say you felt the same and agree to go on a date with him, or you could turn him down politely. He didn't think a rude rejection was a possibility from you, even if you're not the nicest person, he just couldn't imagine you being mean to him. Or maybe he just didn't want to imagine it.
He let out one final sigh before standing up from his desk and grabbing the flowers. The bouquet of roses was held together in red cellophane wrap and crinkled in his grasp. It was about time for him to leave for the day, and he knew you got out at the same time and didn't like to hang around, so he hurriedly headed to your office. His hair bounced on one of his shoulder while he walked and his hands sweat nervously under his gloves. He took a deep breath and headed to round a corner, but instead ran face first into you, making the both of you stumble backwards. "Jeez, Chuuya, you're fine, right?" You ask, regaining your balance and scanning over his appearance and seeing the roses. "Oh..! Who are the roses for?" You ask, feeling a little bit of jealousy form in the depths of your chest. It took a while for you to admit to yourself that you liked Chuuya because of your co-worker status, and now that you did you couldn't help but with for a good portion of his attention.
"Uh- yeah, no, I'm fine. You're okay too, that's good. They're, uhm, they're for-" He mutters, trying to stall a little to buy time to get his heart out of his throat. He just sighs and runs a hand through his bangs and holds out the flowers to you. "They're for you." He averts his eyes and visually becomes more red. Your eyes widen. "Chuuya, you don't have to give them to me because I asked, if they're for somebody else then go bring them to that person." You say with a small but slightly bitter laugh, not that he could tell because he was too busy worrying over whether or not this was your form of rejection. "No, they're really for you. They've been for you since I bought 'em." He tells you, holding them out towards you insistently. You feel your heart rate pick up and your breath hitches. "Chuuya.." you whisper his name and it's like music to his ears.
"Y/n, I would really like to take you on a date if you'd let me. I really like you, you're nothing less than enchanting to me." He says dead seriously, shoving the flowers towards you again. You take them and can't help but flash your teeth in a smile. "Yeah, I'd love to go on a date with you too. Let me give you my number so you can text me about it, can I just put it in your phone?" You ask, holding out your hand. He nod and fishes his phone out of one of his pockets. He opens the contacts app and creates a new one before giving it to you to add your phone number. You do so with a smile and hand it back to him. You can see him smile while looking down at his phone, and when he looks back up, you press a kiss to his cheek. "Thank you, Chuuya, I really appreciate the flowers and your confession. I have to head home and make dinner, so text me, okay?" You grab his hand and give it a quick squeeze. He nods. "Yeah, you got it." The prideful grin on his face doesn't fade as he walks back to his office. He felt like a kid on Christmas after receiving their number one item on the wishlist, and his #1 item happened to be the chance to get to know you better.
⑅Dazai Osamu⑅
• Dazai is very confident. He'll let you know when he likes you, and you can tell it's different from his usual flirting.
You work alongside Dazai at the ada and the both of you decided to take half of a day off to wander the city. You didn't really have a specific location in mind and just went wherever your feet took you. You ended up walking into a cafe with Dazai holding the door open for you. "Wow, isn't this nice! You know what else is nice?" He asks you with a smile on his face. You raise an eyebrow. "What else is nice?" He places his hands on his hips while the two of you wait in line. "When you partake in kindness. Kindness such as paying for my food." You scoff. "No." His shoulders slump a little bit he pulls out his wallet and counts up the money he has. He opts to buy himself a muffin and watches you think about which smoothie you want. You decide on strawberry and tell the man at the counter your choice. Dazai asks for a muffin to go along with it and you furrow your eyebrows. "I thought we were paying separate?" He shrugs and sits through his wallet again. "You can pay me back later." A little impressed by the usually out of character gesture, you smile and thank him.
You receive your smoothie and he gets his muffin, walking out of the cafe together. His mind fills with thoughts of holding your hand while walking down the street together and he hums at the meer idea of it. It would feel so right. "Where should we go now?" You ask, sipping on your drink. "In this instance, I'd say anywhere we could find a beautiful woman to end my life with, but who needs some random woman when I have you?" He says, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. Your cheeks heat up and you playfully swat at his shoulder. "What's that supposed to mean?" You say, a smile creeping into your face as well.
"Oh, nothing bad." He says. "I always want to die, but I wouldn't mind living in the moment with you right now." He says, looking straight ahead. "You know I like you, right?" He asks, turning his head towards you to see your stunned face. You stammer over your words but quickly blurt out an answer. "I-I mean, I had my suspicions but...I didn't wanna pin anything on you." You averted your eyes. You had been too wrapped up in your own feelings for him and subsiding them to realize that they were reciprocated this whole time. "You didn't." He says, his tone teasing and knowing. You roll your eyes. "I didn't have time to think about it." You say, grabbing his free hand in yours. "But I like you, too." He smiled and leaned over to bump his forehead against yours. "Good." You let out a breathy laugh and squeeze his hand before leaning your head on his shoulder. "Yeah..very good."
• Sigma doesn't know how to deal with his feelings towards you. He knows it's more than friendship, but he's scared to lable it as romantic love.
Sigma was one of your closest friends, and one night you were able to tear him away from his work to hang out. You were in the middle of braiding his hair and sharing random stories in your life, specifically one about an elementary school crush, when he got quiet. Your fingers paused their movements and rested on his shoulders instead. "You alright? You got all silent all of a sudden." You ask him, rubbing circles into his shoulder with your thumb. "Yeah. Uh, when you were younger, how did you know if you liked someone? Especially so young. It feels so complex." You hum in thought and return to braiding. "Well, it's real rare that you find true love so young. Even in highschool, if you stay together with someone past graduation it's pretty impressive. But I don't think there's one set way of knowing...you could say there's a lot of things that factor into it. Like wanting to be around someone more, giving your all for them, things like that." You say, pulling some hair from the top layer back.
He nods in understanding. "Oh. That makes sense." You hum in the affirmative and tie the braid together with a hair tie and crawl to face his front. "Or like...your heart might speed up, your body might heat up, stuff like that. Sweaty palms, etcetera, etcetera." You say with a smile, sitting cross legged. He stares into your eyes, his eyes full of color and his lips are drawn into a tight line. "My- uhm, my heart is definetly speeding up." He stammers, his hands holding onto his ankles. You raise an eyebrow and examine his appearance; he was blushing. "Are you thinking about someone in particular?" You ask, feeling your heart pick up. You couldn't help but hope that his next response would be your name. "Yeah." Was all that he whispered as he switched from sitting costs legged to on his knees. "Is it weird when people confess to you? You must get confessions a lot, don't you?" He asks, his fingers anxiously rubbing the fabric of his pajama pants- the pajama pants that matched yours.
You leaned back on your arms. "Not particularly, but no, I don't think it's weird at all." You tell him. "So can I?" Your heart drops, even though you felt like the previous conversation was foreshadowing his confession. You nod and sit up, your full attention on the pale man. "Okay. I want to be in a relationship with you. I've never been in one before, so you'll have to bare with me, but I want nothing more than to be with you if you'll let me. You make me feel...at home." He says, his body closer to yours now as he hesitantly grabs your hand. Your heart felt touched and held in his hand because of his honest and sincere words and for a moment, you thought you were dreaming. You squeezed his hand caressed his knuckles your thumb. "You make me feel the same way..wow, you're gonna make me overheat.." You say, averting your eyes. He worriedly let's go of your hand and backs up.
"Are you alright? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fluster you." He says, a small frown on his face. You chuckle and take his hand back. "Don't worry about it, it's fine." You reassure him, interlocking your fingers with his and bringing his hand to your lips to kiss his knuckles. He does the same to your knuckles, gazing up at you through his light colored eyelashes. Once his lips parted from your skin, he stared at the glistening skin. "This is all so new, but I want to get used to it for you." He says. You giddily smile and reach out to cup his cheek and push some hair behind his ear. "Me too, Sigma."
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A/n; hi guys so basically I think I'm gonna do a q&a and try to get to know y'all a little more and make some writer friends because I wanna get more in touch with the writing community ^^
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vera-deville · 1 month
I Will Say (I'm in Love)
08/04/2023 - 04/30/2024
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x Reader Word Count: 2,787 Warnings: A fair amount of cursing; Reader's outfit is a dress and is decidedly purple; Reader does go through a little bit of a mental breakdown (I personally blame all the stress of NRC), but I promise it's gonna be alright- Gender: AFAB Tags: @viviennevermillion, @achy-boo, @savanaclaw1996, @otomyoli, @chroniccorvus Notes: This is the second part to this fic, so please check that out before reading this! Rook is basically a fairy godmother (even tho he's a stalker, but we don't talk about that). Oh, and I made a reference to Savanaclaw Rook, because he's been living in my head rent-free and thERE ARE NO FICS ABOUT IT DARN IT-
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
In which Y/N eventually does say that she's in love.
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"Shit." Y/N hissed as she swung open the wardrobe door, only to reveal that there were no decent dresses.
"For fuck's sake!" The girl screeched, running her hands through her hair and yanking at it. Only the Great Seven could help her at this point. Did any of them specialize in luck with money? Or even better yet, did any of them specialize in stopping a person from splurging all their hard earnt bribed thaumarks on art supplies?
Grim wasn't even there to help with this whole fiasco!
Who else could she ask for money? Azul? No, that one's too slippery. Kalim? No, that one's guarded by a snake and talks too much. Vil? But that one's...
That one's perfect! He wouldn't be able to resist helping out someone to look fabulous! Besides, Y/N could handle potato insults for a bit if it meant getting a fabulous dress picked out by Vil Schoenheit himself.
And so the Prefect of Ramshackle ran as fast as her legs would carry her, all the way to the house of Pomefiore. It's a pretty name, filled with pretty people, but at this moment, only one pretty person mattered.
That should grab his attention.
And grab his attention it did, because mere seconds later, a tall blonde stormed into the common room, vial of poison ready in his hand for the heathen that dared summon him in such a manner.
But before he could get a word in, Y/N asked, no begged him for help with a dress. And of course, him being the gracious queen he is, he couldn't leave the potato in such a state.
"Coral, though a nice color, would be far too bright for you for this event." Holding up a card of azure up to Y/N's shoulder, Vil decided that also would not do the trick. "Perhaps a glowy yellow brown?" Y/N perked at the fabric Vil held in his hands. It was just a small square piece of fabric, but it looked oh so pretty. Like sand glimmering in the sunlight.
And then suddenly the sun lit sand turned into purple.
A very familiar purple, though Y/N couldn't quite put her finger on it. Scrunching his face in contemplation, Vil nodded to himself before letting Y/N know that she should opt for a dress in that shade of lavender.
Which is how Y/N found herself in a shopping mall, looking high and low for a vaguely familiar shade of purple in a dress that she should have gotten ready long ago. Earlier, Y/N had pondered about who to bring with her (if she chose to bring anyone at all) to the mall to help her find just the right dress. Vil was the obvious choice, but Y/N wasn't sure she wanted to indulge in his kindness more than she already had. Rook was also a good choice, but Y/N didn't feel like admitting anything to him at the current moment (though knowing his nature, he probably already knew everything).
In the end, Y/N went by herself, not confident enough to bring anyone with her. In the hours she had to get ready for her event, Y/N had something of an epiphany. Anxiety was a bitch. No shade of purple seemed to match the shade card Vil had given her. And if she did find a dress in the color, the dress was not one she'd think herself beautiful in. In the off chance that she'd find a dress that was the right shade and style, Y/N would immediately go an try it on - only to despise the way it fit around her body.
This was now the 7th store that Y/N had walked into in hopes of finding the perfect lavender dress that eluded her grasps so.
And right off the bat, there was a beautiful dress. In the same shade Vil had instructed her to buy. In a style that made her heart pick up the pace because it was simply and utterly beautiful. Making a beeline towards the dress, Y/N gently ran her hands through the fabric. Good, it wasn't itchy. She pulled the dress to the side in such a way that she could see the back, but the dress still hung on the rack, and she could feel a heave of relief making its way through her lips. It was just right.
Her heart was racing now, and Y/N couldn't shake the grin off her face, and for once, she didn't even care. Speed-walking towards the dressing rooms, Y/N nearly threw open one of the stall's doors, and locked herself inside immediately. Hanging her purse on a hook, she stripped out her clothes and slipped the dress over her head and down her body.
Except it wasn't going down her body.
It was stuck at her hips.
With a gentle fury, Y/N pulled at the dress, trying to force the thing down her thighs.
It wasn't going down.
Looking back up at the mirror, as though it would be some sort of saving grace, she continued to try to pull the dress down, but no avail.
Eventually, she zeroed in on her eyes in the mirror, and that's when Y/N stopped for a brief moment. She took in her appearance. Dress half worn, frown embedded, sweat glistening, hair frenzied, shoes thrown in some corner, and worst of all: tears beginning to form.
In a moment of rash wrath, Y/N pulled the dress off her, and threw it against the mirror, letting the tears pour out her eyes as she hugged herself and turned away from the mirror.
It's like not a single thing would go her way and it was stupid, worrying this much over a dress, but that wasn't all there was to it. It wasn't just the dress. It was the event, the school, the people, it was the whole world she'd been dropped into.
Aware that she was still technically in a public setting and should maintain at least some semblance of decorum, Y/N kept her sobs and sniffles to herself.
Knock knock.
Whipping her head up, Y/N realized that an employee was knocking on the door, and sniffed once more. Wiping her eyes and her face and wearing the clothes and shoes she originally walked in with, she grabbed her purse and the damned lavender dress, plastered a smile on her face, and opened the door.
No need to burden others with her own burdens.
Except standing outside the door was no employee, but rather Rook Hunt.
Bewildered, Y/N rubbed her eyes again in hopes that she was hallucinating and wasn't actually seeing Rook Hunt right after she had an emotional breakdown.
Sadly, she was in fact seeing Rook Hunt after said emotional breakdown.
"What a magnificent coincidence my dear Trickster!" Rook said as he walked with Y/N out of the dressing rooms of the store.
"Uh, yeah, pretty cool coincidence Rook. What're you doing here?" Y/N asked, trying to move the focus away from her and on to Rook. If he noticed, he didn't make it known. He simply continued to prattle on about a new fashion line from a brand he liked.
The thing about Rook that Y/N enjoyed at this particular moment was how despite the fact that he was here to buy something for himself, he simply followed Y/N wherever she went while occasionally interrupting to ask if a particular garment would look good on him or not. (Y/N was sure he knew that it would look good on him, and that he simply wished to hear someone else say it).
It hadn't been too long since Y/N had returned the lavender dress she'd tried to wear to an employee at the store and had instead opted to accompany Rook to the store that had the new line he was looking for (as a change of pace of some sort). The store itself was very high-end, that much she could tell, and while she'd always had a rough suspicion that Rook was in fact secretly rich, him perusing through everything that caught his eye in the store (which was a lot) without bothering about the prices certainly cemented the suspicion in Y/N.
Mindlessly scanning her eyes through the aisles visible to her as she waited for Rook to emerge from his dressing room, Y/N scrunched her face as she remembered her dressing room incident from earlier. Even though she was feeling a lot better now, it didn't change the fact that she still had no dress, and was running out of time to get ready.
The door smack open dramatically with an even more dramatic figure emerging from the depths within.
Rook actually looked really nice. He clearly had a good eye for these things, even if most of those things were taught to him by Vil. Apparently there was a time where Rook was in Savanaclaw, and was something of a diamond in the rough (Vil's words, not hers). Before Vil got used to Rook being...well, Rook, he had given him an atrocious bob cut in hopes of Rook finally leaving him alone.
Spoiler alert, it did not work. In fact, Rook embraced the haircut so much that he hasn't changed it since he first got it, and he certainly hasn't stopped his usual Rook self.
Personally, Y/N couldn't imagine Rook looking any different. But no matter how much she pestered either Rook or Vil for old photos of him from back in Savanaclaw, neither would budge (one because it was too hideous and the other because he simply found it fun to tease her).
"Trickster? Are you alright?" Rook asked Y/N who was lost in thought.
"Hmm?" Y/N hummed, snapping out of her thoughts. "Oh yeah, I'm alright. Sorry, I was just thinking about something." Doing a once-over of Rook, she said, "You look great."
Before she could get another word in, Rook slyly side-stepped her and made his way to some corner of the store not fully visible from where she was standing. Confused, Y/N tried leaning over to see where he'd gone, but when she couldn't see anything, she simply turned back and waited for him to come back.
He'd most probably seen something else he wanted to buy and was getting it.
Pulling out her phone, Y/N realized that she had less than an hour to get ready, and sighed. Still no dress. No completed hair or makeup. No nothing.
It was at this moment that Rook popped up in front of her face.
"There you are! Did you find something you wanted to try on-" Y/N asked when she looked at what Rook was holding in his hands.
It was a dress.
It was lavender in color.
It looked beautiful.
"I saw this dress, and I immediately thought that it would suit you so well! Hurry, go try it on~" Rook explained as he shoved Y/N towards the dressing room.
Sputtering, Y/N could only hold onto the dress thrust onto her arms as she was pushed by Rook. Once inside the room, she looked at the mirror.
Here we go again.
Tugging off her clothes, she pulled the dress over her figure with all the time she had.
Not looking at the mirror, she pulled the dress down her thighs. It went down just fine.
Running her hands down the fabric and smoothening out any of the wrinkles in place, Y/N finally looked at her reflection. The dress was slightly loose, but not in a bad way. It gave her room to breathe. Besides, it'd probably shrink after she threw it in the wash. Y/N twirled around, watching the movement of the dress closely. It actually looked nice.
Hesitantly, Y/N brought her hand to the lock on the door and after taking in a deep breath, she opened it.
Rook was waiting patiently, and the look on his face when he saw her in the dress gave her some amount of confidence as she walked out.
"You look beautiful."
Y/N knew he wasn't lying. He'd never lie when it came to matters of beauty. But she also knew that he wasn't exaggerating. Rook, as dramatic and odd as he was, wasn't someone to exaggerate beauty. He simply spoke his mind, and that was something she respected about him.
"It certainly is a nice dress, but I can't pay for it Rook. I didn't bring enough." Y/N told him with a sad smile.
"Who said anything about you paying? I have already paid for the dress. All that you need to do is wear it!" Rook stated happily.
Despite being short of money most if not all the time, and bribing NRC's headmaster for payments (which in all honesty were well-deserved, taking into account all the work she did for him) amongst other things, Y/N had a certain respect for money. And a certain pride regarding money too. Especially when her friends were involved.
"Rook, I can't do that. This is way too expensive, and I'm not going to make you pay for it. I can't repay you, so I'm just not going to get this dress."
"Once again, Trickster, the dress has already been paid for. I didn't do this expecting you to pay me back, so don't worry about it, and just look like your prepossessing self."
Y/N could feel her eyes tear up again for the second time that day.
Before Rook could tell her to not ruin her face with tears, Y/N jumped him in a suffocating hug (one not unlike Floyd's infamous hugs) and thanked him profusely. Smiling, he looked down at her and wrapped her in an embrace of his own. She deserved much for everything she did around the school and more, and if this could be even a little helpful, he'd do it again.
"Now, now, don't cry Y/N." At the use of her name, she looked up at Rook's face. "You have something to attend, don't you? You can't do that if you're busy crying in a mall with me, now can you?"
Sniffing, Y/N nodded, and pulled back from Rook, wiping her tears away (luckily there weren't as much as before). "Did Vil tell you I was going on a date with Leona?" She asked.
"A date? With Leona!?" Rook exclaimed, much to Y/N's surprise. "I never thought I would see the day come!"
"Wait, so you didn't know?"
"My dear trickster, how could I have possibly known?"
With one more suspicious glance, Y/N dropped the subject.
"When is your date Trickster?"
"It's in less than an hour from now. Why?"
"And hour!? We have no time left." Rook cried out. Without missing a beat, he dragged Y/N with him out the store and to a salon that was just a few stores down. Sitting her down, he instructed an employee as to what to do with her (he was very particular when he told the employee to have the dress in perfect shape). For a second, he vaguely resembled Vil. This time, Y/N paid for the services herself, not taking no from Rook as an answer.
When all was said and done, Rook stood in front of Y/N, absorbing all the details, trying to figure out of it was all enough. A tiny bit of fuzz was on her shoulder, so he plucked it off smoothly before she could question anything.
"I-Thank you Rook. You have no idea how much this all means to me." Y/N told Rook.
"I would do anything for love to prevail *mon filou. And I would do even more for you." Rook told Y/N.
Smiling at Rook, she said, "You were right. I do like Leona. No, I love him. A lot. And by the looks of it, he likes me too!" Giving him one more hug, Y/N walked away, purse in hand, excited for her date with Leona.
"Ah, young love~ Whatever could be more beautiful?" Rook asked himself in a cheerful voice as he watched Ramshackle's Prefect walk off into the distance, one step at a time to her fairytale ending. Rook felt himself proud of reaching the mall just in time to help Y/N (her purse certainly helped in tracking her down).
That's two lovebirds he's helped today!
Turning back around and wandering through the mall, Rook wondered who he'd be helping next.
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Author's Note: As you can see from the dates, I really took my time with this one. When I first started writing this last year, I was planning to write about Leona and Reader's date, or more specifically, how the date was arranged and all that fun stuff, but when I sat down to write today, it just went in a completely different direction. I've never really incorporated Rook into my writings (and if I did, he's there for like three sentences), but unpredictably, he ended up playing a larger role in this fanfic. If you'd like a third part to this where we find out about how Leona and Y/N even ended up agreeing to go on a date with each other, or perhaps we find out who Rook helped or is going to help, feel free to let me know!
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thxliaaa · 2 years
it changes everything | steve harrington
synopsis - before you and steve divorced, you found out you were pregnant with his baby but didn’t tell him because you didn’t want it to influence his decision about the divorce. 
pairing - steve harrington x reader 
genre - angst. secret pregnancy trope ;)
warning/s - mentions of pregnancy, blood, miscarriage, divorce, fighting. 
author’s note - japril’s divorce broke my heart, they deserved better &lt;3
based on one of the scenes from grey’s anatomy 
also i’m so sorry for the steve only content. I've been obsessed with him these past few days. i promise to post about the other characters soon so stay tuned. 
ps. in this imagine, the younger group is like 15-16 whereas the older group is like 25-26
part two
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The day you got married to Steve was the happiest day of your life. At first, everything was perfect. Both of you never left the honeymoon phase. Sure, the two of you might have arguments every now and then, but it was nothing major. You always knew that Steve wanted six babies, and the thought of it never fails to bring a smile to your face. However, when the two of you started trying for a baby, that’s when everything started to fall apart. 
Test after test, everything would always result in a negative one. You were getting weary of expecting something big, yet get nothing in return. Steve would always comfort you after everything even though he too was getting exhausted of being optimistic thinking that one day two lines might appear on your pregnancy test. That was until one night. 
Seeing two lines in the pregnancy test in your hand, you were ecstatic about this. You were finally gonna be a mother. When you told Steve about the good news over dinner, he was overjoyed. A tiny blob was finally growing inside of you. 
Steve was protective over you, he would never let you do simple things by yourself, he would always insist on doing it for you. You two were happy. But as they all say, everything good must come to an end. 
One night, you had just finished doing the dishes until you started to feel something running down your thighs. You went to the bathroom to check on it, and you saw blood. You started to feel pain on your lower abdomen, and in that moment, you knew something was wrong.
You grabbed the telephone that was on the bathroom counter and quickly dialed Steve. Once he answered, you told him about the predicament that you were in. "Steve, I'm bleeding so much right now"
As you said those words, Steve wasted no second at all and rushed to see his boss and told him about your current situation. Once he was permitted to go, he went to his car then started driving as fast as he could.
When he got home, he saw you lying on the floor with blood surrounding you. He quickly picked you up then started driving to the hospital to get you the help you needed.
Once he got there, he fought with the nurse just to make sure you get the medical attention you needed, and as soon as a doctor got to you, his hands ran through his hair because of worry and sat down. He was worried about you. 
As soon as you woke up, you were greeted with bad news. You had lost the baby. The good news didn’t even seem like good news to you, the thought about you losing your baby was the only thing on your mind right now. Why was life so unfair? You’ve done everything right, yet you get this in return? Everything felt like a fever dream. 
Weeks had passed and you shut everyone out. You knew Steve was trying hard to cheer you up, but even he had to fight his own battles with his own demons. Trying to conceive a baby was hard enough, but losing the baby you had tried so hard to create was even harder. You felt as if a part of you died that day. 
Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The pain was unbearable. Every night, you would cry yourself to sleep with Steve hearing your soft sobs as he tried to console you, but nothing helped. 
Steve has had enough one day so he decided to confront you about it. “When are you gonna move one, (Y/N)?” 
You turned to look at him in disbelief. Was he really asking you this question right now? Is he that insensitive that even you miscarrying was nothing to him? 
“When I’m ready, Steve” You scoffed. “We’ve been trying for months and having the thing we tried so hard to get stripped away from us is hard for me” You added. 
He furrowed his eyebrows at you. “I can’t believe you right now. Do you think this isn’t hard for me?” 
“I lost a child too, (Y/N)!” He exclaimed. “The best thing you can do right now is at least help yourself accept that it happened.” Steve added. 
“I can’t help you all the time, honey. It’s time you accept that our baby is gone.” He stepped closer towards you as he hugged you. “We can try again, (Y/N). We can always try again”
You closed your eyes as you sighed. “I know, it’s just that this is hard for me. I’m sorry, Steve” 
“I know, baby. Let’s just stay like this for a while” And that was what you did. 
Though that small talk may have worked a little, you still shut everyone around you out. Sure, you and Steve had your little arguments every now and then, but it was nothing major. However, Steve started to drift away from you. 
You started to notice this because of the way he acted. He became colder than usual and whenever you would ask him about his day, he would always respond with “It's nothing, just the usual” everyday. The consequences of your actions had finally started to show. 
So, you tried to be better, day by day, you picked yourself up piece by piece. You weren’t fully healed, but you were definitely better than before. Realizing that there’s no point in crying over something that happened, you decided to accept what had happened to you and let your baby move on to a better place. 
One night, when Steve got home, he went to the master bedroom to rest. You were building up the courage to tell him that you were ready to try again, but you were scared. Sitting down on the cold bathroom floor, tears started rolling down your face. Thoughts started filling your head. “What if this won’t work and we fail trying to conceive a baby again?” “What if it was a success yet you miscarry again?” 
Still, you ignored those negative thoughts and wiped the tears off of your face. You finally worked up the courage to tell Steve that you were ready to try again. Walking into the bedroom, you saw Steve laying down on the bed as he was watching TV. 
When you entered, he glanced at you for a second then back at the TV again. “Steve” you said softly as he turned to look at you with his eyebrows raised. 
“I think I’m ready to try again” 
“What?” He asked as you repeated what you had said. “I said, I think I’m ready to try again for a baby” You sat down on the bed beside him as he did the same thing. 
“Are you sure? I’m not pressuring you to do so. I’m ready whenever you’ll be ready” He said as he held your hand in his. “I’m ready now, Steve” 
“Are you sure?” He looked into your eyes as you nodded in return. His hands were on your face as he pulled you in for a passionate kiss. 
And you spent your entire night making love with him for the first time in months. 
The predicament did not change, even after trying and trying, you still were getting negative results back. You were getting pessimistic again. 
With that, the two of you started drifting away from each other often burying yourselves with work to avoid interacting with each other. If you did talk, it would only be an exchange of 2-3 words. It turns out that you weren’t the only one who noticed this, Steve did too, and he decided to do something about it. 
One night, you and Steve were eating dinner in silence after work, only the sound of utensils filled the air. That was until Steve finally spoke. 
“I want to get a divorce” 
The clattering of your utensils stopped at his remark. You raised your head to look at him only to see him already looking at you. “Why?” you let out softly. 
“Because it’s not the same anymore, I miss the old us. But we both know that’s not gonna happen again” He stated. “What would happen if we tried again and again and got the same results every time? Would you still act the same as you did before? Would you let me pick you up over and over again?” He asked. 
“I’m getting tired too, (Y/N). I think it’s best if we go our separate ways” He said. 
You were stunned and stayed still in your position. You knew that he was right, and you didn’t bother fighting him. Tears just started rolling down your face as you let out a soft “Ok” in agreement with what he said. Steve’s heart broke at the sight of you, but he knew that this decision was for the best. 
That was until you started experiencing pregnancy symptoms. Nausea, sensitive to certain smells, and most importantly, your period was late. Other things could’ve been the cause of it too, but you knew that it would be better to know if it was what you think it was. 
You bought a pregnancy stick from a store, and as soon as you got home, you peed on it. Two lines appeared on it. You were pregnant. Joy was the only emotion you had right now. But it was soon replaced with sadness. 
You wanted to tell Steve so badly, but you knew that if you did, it would change his perspective on the divorce. You didn’t want him to stay with you just because of your baby, you believed that two people should stay together because they love each other, not because of a child. So, you decided not to tell him about it. 
The divorce did happen after a few weeks, and Steve let you have the house. Your morning sickness wasn’t getting any better. 
When you were walking around the mall to find baby items. You saw Steve and another girl with him. They were holding hands and kissing every now and then. You couldn’t help but feel jealous. That used to be you and him. But, you just ignored them and continued shopping. 
This secret was getting too heavy for you to hold on to so you had decided to tell your bestfriend, Robin. 
You, Steve, and Robin were close since high school and up till now. Robin was the first one to know about the divorce before you told the others about it. And now, Robin would be the first one to know about your secret pregnancy with yours and Steve’s baby. 
Once you told Robin about the news, she was so excited to find out that she was going to be an aunt. She caressed your belly as she started talking to the baby inside of you. 
“So how far along are you?” She asked. You sighed, “I haven’t gone to the doctor ever since I found out about this. The only time I went was to find out if I really was pregnant or not” You replied. 
“What? That’s nuts! You should go to the doctor to at least find out if the baby is healthy or not!” She exclaimed. “No! I won’t go to the doctor, not until I finish my first trimester. I’m scared that I’m gonna miscarry again. So no, I won’t go and nothing you say will make me change my decision about it” You fought back. 
“(Y/N) that’s dumb! You need to go to the doctor!” 
“Enough! I will go when I end my first trimester and my decision is final” You replied back as you slumped in your seat. Robin didn’t put up any more fight with you, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to change your mind about it, so she decided to go to the person she knew who could maybe help. 
You always had game nights on Fridays at Nancy and Jonathan’s place. They got married a few months after you and Steve did. This would be the first time you'd face Steve after your divorce. 
Everyone except you was already there when Steve had arrived. He greeted everyone in the room until Robin pulled him aside into the kitchen to talk with him. 
“So, how are you Steve?” Robin asked as Steve furrowed his eyebrows. “Are you asking me that in general or is it about the divorce?” He queried. 
“Uhh, both?” Robin smiled awkwardly as Steve raised one of his eyebrows at her. “Well I’m good in general and I’m doing well after the divorce. I’ve been seeing other people now”
“Wow that didn’t take long at all” Robin scoffed as Steve defended himself “Hey, Hey! It’s been a few weeks since the divorce, okay?” 
“I waited and did not get right into it unlike other people” He added as she sighed at her friend. “Ok that’s good. I need to go now” She said but Steve pulled her back before she could even go. 
“How’s (Y/N) doing?” He asked worried about his ex-wife. “She’s doing good” Robin replied hesitantly before facing Steve.
Robin took a deep breath before telling Steve the truth that her best friend hid from him. Something that haunted her every single night debating whether or not to tell Steve about it. “(Y/N)’s pregnant” 
Steve stood there dumbfounded from what Robin had revealed to him. “It's yours, and she’s refusing to go to the doctor and I need you to convince her to go because she won’t. She just won’t go.”
Just as soon as he was about to reply, the front door opened revealing you. “So, I forgot to bring something but I ordered pizza, and I- Ooh is that Nancy’s cupcakes I smell? I need to have a taste of that” you giggle as you remove your shoes. 
Steve walked towards you furious that you kept your pregnancy from him. “Oh hi” you smiled at him, but he didn’t return the smile back. 
“Since when did you know?” He asked. “What do you mean?” you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “Since when did you know you were pregnant?” 
You froze. Robin told him about it. You turned to face Robin who was behind Steve with a worried look on her face. “You told him about this?” you exclaimed at her. 
“She did, but that’s not the point. You told Robin and not me?” He asked. “I don’t have time for this right now Steve” 
“Then when do you have time? Were you even planning on telling me about this?” He raised his voice at you. Everyone’s eyes were now at the both of you. “Steve, please don’t. Not here, not right now.” 
“You had enough time to tell me about this even before the divorce. You don’t think a pregnancy would have affected my decision to go forward with a divorce?” He asked
“I knew it would! But you didn’t want to stay with me!” You exclaimed. “People should stay married because they love each other, not because of a baby!” you added. 
“You think I want you to stay for my baby–” “Our baby” “And have you hating me for the rest of my life?” you argued with him. 
You and Steve continued to exchange more words until Nancy pulled you two apart from each other. “Hey, stop this now! There are teenagers watching you guys. Settle this some other time." She said.
The two of you were now staring at each other furiously. “This doesn’t change anything, Steve” 
Steve scoffed, “You’re right, it changes everything!” He replied as he went out and slammed the door on you. 
You stood there by the door, loss of words. The one person you trusted had revealed your secret, your ex-husband practically hates you now, you were embarassed that the others had to witness your fight with Steve.
And then, everything turned black.
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werecreature-addicted · 10 months
🥲 i cant stop thinking abt reducing a werewolf who’s in heat to a begging mess. like listen he js wants to fuck you and you won’t let him?? but he’s been such a good boy?? he’d start whining and whimpering like a puppy. ears laid back, he’s so desperate for you. so you agree to let him fuck you on one condition : he has to use his muzzle. last time he got a little bit too excited and started biting a little too hard. so now he has two options, he gets to fuck you with a muzzle on, or he doesn’t get anything at all.
he thinks it’s not fair that he doesn’t get to mark you. but eventually he accepts your conditions, but he’s whining about how it’s not gonna be the same. while he’s fucking you, poor baby is panting and drooling all over himself, begging you to take it off, he needs to mark you. you manage to remind him that greedy boys don’t get anything and he just starts going faster, to the point where none of you is able to form a coherent sentence. his mind is hazy, but he takes a mental note to get rid of that damn muzzle.
Listen listen listen. Your werewolf is torn, he never wants to hurt you and is absolutely destroyed that he went too far and hurt you the last time you two had sex. It’s all of his worst fears come true! He really is nothing but a monster driven by instincts telling him to chase carnal pleasures. He thought he meant it when he promised he’d never hurt you. Every time he looks at the heald mark on your neck it makes his stomach turn. He’s so worried you’ll leave him over this…that he’ll lose his mate because he couldn’t control himself.  He needs to be coaxed into even touching you again. Sex is almost completely off the table…almost. 
He’s still human- well he’s not but you know what I mean. He still has desires. Your touch still sends jolts of electricity down his spine, your smell alone is still enough to get him hot. He tries his best to satiate his needs with just kissing and dry humping. Although. It’s hard to enjoy anything when he’s fighting against his animalistic urges telling him to just mount you already. You like rough sex, you like how big and sometimes scary he can be, so what’s the problem? Marking feels good- at least for him, it does. And wouldn’t you want to make your wolf feel good? And who cares if you’re scared of his monstrous side? It’s not like you can run from him, you both know he could track you down where ever you ran off to.
Those monstrous thoughts scared him a little bit. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he also knew he needed to keep you as his, he wondered which one of those desires would come out on top if push came to shove. 
It doesn’t take long for his more carnal desires to win out. He’s begging for his attention and pleading for you to let him have you again. It’s been almost two full weeks since the incident and he’s pretty sure people can die from going that long without sex. He’ll do anything- and he’ll promise anything if you just let him have you. You don’t even need to do anything he’ll do all the work- he’s strong enough to use you like a Fleshlight you both know that
This is where you bring up the muzzle. It’s special. Made for werewolves so they can’t escape even with their strength. He agrees immediately! Then regrets it… again he’s torn. This is good… he can’t hurt you this way but god he hates this fucking muzzle. He can’t even kiss you like this, don’t you see how cruel this is? It’s just his nature. It’s like asking him to go Vegan. 
He knows that you’ll soil him with kisses once he’s calm again. Hell, he knows that you’ll probably let him bite you if he’s careful- but all those thoughts are background noise as he listens to you whine and moan. You take his cock so well- you take his teeth even better. He loves you with all his heart and werewolves show love by biting. 
He snarls to himself and gnashes his teeth behind the cage you put him in. he watches a bead of sweat drip down your neck and he mashes the grate against your skin and struggles to lick you. The muzzle digs in his face as he pushes its limits but he doesn’t care, he manages to lick the sweat from your skin and he shudders in pleasure. 
Once he does calm down you let him out of the muzzle and kiss him senseless. He feels better… he didn’t hurt you this time at least. But part of him wants to throw out that stupid cage.
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thesharktanksdriver · 4 months
A wish for a happy life (romantic)
The Readers gender I’ve tried to leave ambiguous
This is being made when there’s only 4 episodes out (and I haven’t yet seen them all) so there may be inaccuracies to stuff later revealed but who cares!
I got inspiration to write this after seeing @ice-cream-writes-stuff bucchigiri fic that you can find here. Please check it out
There need to be more fanfics for this show pleaseeeeee 🙏🏻
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To say you were a handful as a child was an understatement
From the moment you could remember anything your knuckles were always bruised and bloodied
Bruises littering your arms like medals of a successfully won fight
Tousled hair and busted lips
Glowering and prideful eyes daring someone to be next
Fighting was almost as natural as breathing to you back then
Speaking with your fists to get across the message of not being messed with as playground bullies ran off
Violence was all you knew as a way to get attention
Crying and begging for the orphanage attendants or preschool teachers to listen was for naught
They brushed it off
Crying was white noise
But the yelling and sounds of an arm being broken on school property was heard loud and clear
On all accounts you should’ve ended up as a delinquent
For hells sake you even started a gang at some point
On all accounts you were Someone on the “wrong” path in life fated to be some lowlife scum
It was expected of you by just about every grown up
Even looking at yourself in the mirror, busted and broken you knew how you’d likely end up
You didn’t want that but what choice did you have?
You wanted to be loved, to be seen, to have a happy life
But fate didn’t seem to have that cut out for you
…at first
But despite it all
You changed
And it all started with a woman own a small Chinese restaurant and her son
Despite your track record
The scornful look on your lips and gritted teeth as the other children lined up to be picked as you sat off to the side
That kind woman and her son saw you
The kid off to the side
The unwanted
The “trouble child”
And despite the fact they should’ve picked one of the more well behaved kids they chose you
Arajin often talks about the look on your face that day
The pure disbelief
And most of all the tears
The expression of finally being seen for the first time in your life without having to quite literally pummeling it into someone
Your expression remained that when they brought you home
A room already made for you and left for you to eventually decorate how you want
That night laying in your new bed you vowed you’d change
You’d put your life on track
Not only for yourself but for your new family
Arajin (platonic)
Arajin can removed with a whole heart the first time he met you
It was before bringing you into the family
He was training with Matakara at the time as some older kids from some gang showed up
They were probably gonna rough them up
Arajin was ready to fight when suddenly someone beat them to the punch
“Oi! You fucking meatheads I told you to leave civ’s alone!” You stood there, a scowl on your face as the others cowered. Your eyes turned to him and Matakara, sympathy flashing through the hardened eyes of steel and diamond. The unspoken words of “I’m sorry” in them.
After that he saw you around town
Never going up to you but watching in curiosity
Maybe once upon a time he’d see you like any other punk
But that day changed something
There was compassion in your eyes
Even compassion in the way you seemed to fight for others without admitting it
He could see at heart you were a good person
Someone who fought for others because no one fought for them
He didn’t know why you did what you did until he and mom ended up at that orphanage
And in the back he saw you there
To the side with a resented sadness
Knowing you would never be picked
Never be loved
Never have a good life
His eyes connected with yours and he swears he sees them widen in that moment
You were seen
You were chosen
You could have a good life now
That night he remembers your silent sobs of joy in the next room over
The next morning he design comment on your reddened eyes and neither does mom
Both just focus on how you eat with a smile
Still a little jittery as if wondering if this was real
He pats your shoulder to remind you it is
In the months following he can’t help but smile when noticing your room grow with things of your interest
The way you seem to find clothes that properly fit you
The way in which you talk with him while cooking with mom
You grow with him
Hang out with Matakara who welcomes you with open arms
When he becomes interested in base you save up your buy him one for his birthday and when it comes yours he does the same bit with a drum set
In every way possible Arajin sees you change for the better
Perhaps your temper never went away but you know how to handle it now
Use it for good
Use it without lashing out wildly
He sees that you help mom out, call her mom too
You call him Ara, call him your brother
In every way possible you look out for him as best you can
When he looses his old physique and dream you take the place of protector instead
No matter the situation you step up for him even if his idiotic actions lead to his ass being beaten
You love him like he’s actually your brother
And he loves you the same
When moving back to the graffiti covered hometown you both were born in he can’t help but see your nervous
It’s easy to tell for him since he sees past your stoic facade
Your hands fidget
Eyes glancing from place to place
Breath getting heavy
When your shared teacher talks about the class he sees your hands fidget once more
For so long you’ve protected him
And in the moment your both in front of the class he protect you
He introduces you by his nickname for you
Your stoic face breaking a little with gratitude before he immediately sits down beside a cute girl in the back of the class
You aren’t surprised, damn horny teenage boys
The sentiment of what he did thought resonates with you though
Much more than you’d ever admit to your stupid little sleez of brother
That girl he’s looking at with goo goo eyes is trouble (also vaguely familiar)
But you’d be damned if he’d get his asskicked if you weren’t there to save him
…….later on when he ends up in a temple almost completely naked and ends up shooting both himself and you with two old ass guns you almost give him the ass kicking of the century
But fortunately for him you don’t
But unfortunately for the both of you two beings appear instead
“Ara, when we get home I’m kicking you in the ass for shooting me in the stomach”
“Just don’t kill me before I lose my virginity”
“God your a degenerate”
Senya and Astḗr (platonic)
The two Majin appear from a burst of smoke swirling smoke of red’s and purples
Two magical beings demanding to know what both your and your brothers wish was
The Majin your brother was granted is much more intimidating in nature than yours who leisurely relaxes on a cloud
Their much more and lithe androgynous appearance paired with an elegant and sly smile
Whilst Senya pokes at Arajin for being a wimp, Astḗr stares at you with interest in their golden eyes
A curious expression on their face as they examine your glare of both fear and defence
A lavender tinged hand reaches out
Your frozen in fear
And then-
“Kyaaa!! You’re such an adorable human!” The Majin wraps their arms around you, choking you in a massive hug as the other lightly laughs at their behaviour. “Ah! Mind my manners! I’m Aster, now what’s your wish?”
“What’s your wish?”
“My wish?…” you think it over for a moment before a memory plays in your head as you one night watched a shooting star “I wish happy life”
The Majin grins at that, “as you wish”
And then Arajin wishes to lose his virginity which makes you and the two Majin stare at him in both shock and disbelief
Before you them rightfully punch Arajin in the head for both shooting you and wasting a wish for literally anything in the world
Meanwhile both Majin laugh their metaphorical asses off
The Majin are only seen by you and Arajin despite Ara trying to get others to see the two
Despite the fact that you had a mental breakdown when first meeting Senya and Astḗr you become quickly used to their presence
Senya is the more battle hungry of the two, enthusiastically asking you of your past experiences once hearing you had your fair share
Despite his initial impression he seems to be quite a fun guy
He even has an almost puppy like expression at times when you explain new human things as Aster listens with a look of amazement
Speaking of Aster your Majin is seemingly the youngest
Apparently their first time even experiencing the human world
Senya has granted wishes a couple times within the span of few centuries but Aster is doing it for the first time
It leaves Senya looking on like a big brother as Aster engages with you with enthusiasm
You soon realize though that your wish for a happy life was soon much more complicated than you initially wishes
“Aster why am I seeing shojo anime sparkles?!?”
The Majin giggles “well you said you wanted a happy life right! Well I watched some of those shows your mom was watching and some fairytales and well…they seem to be living a really happy life! Plus you used to live here right? Whats more happy and romantic than reuniting with your old friends!”
As much as you like Aster your gonna strangle them
Mahoro (romantic)
The girl your brother is listing after and sits beside seems worryingly familiar to you
Even she seems to notice this as she looks your way as Ara is too love stricken to notice she’s looking behind him
It’s so odd
She rings a bell in your head yet you can’t place a finger on it
Until it’s after school and you end up at a small stationary shop selling cute stuff
Even back in your delinquent days you had a soft spot for cute stuff
It was a secret you hid in the depths of your soul for your reputation
Except to two people in particular
One of which who you gifted a small my melody keychain to match your kuromi one
In that small store you pick out the cutest stuff of your dreams without any hesitation you used to have
By the time you leave your bag is filled to the brim
It’s there you bump into that pretty girl
She looks at you with big pink eyes
And it’s there passing her you notice her my melody phone charm
It’s there you realize it’s “Mai-chan” as you used to affectionately call her
The only person you felt comfortable in talking about your love for cute things
Back in the day she used to have the biggest crush on you
She’d follow you around and cling to you like a stray puppy and glaring at anyone in a 3 feet radius
She even had the gull to argue with her big bro about being to close to you
In retrospect maybe a little obsessive but at the time she was one of the few you felt…soft with plus it was probably just puppy love
Around everyone you had to be ready for a fight
You were the ruthless leader of a gang after all
You couldn’t have to to just simply sit down and enjoy something like Sanrio
Someone but yourself to put bandaids and wrap your bruised knuckles
But with her you let your guard down
She was someone you could simply be you with
And because of that, because you were her shield and someone who would genuinely listen to her
You could simply be you and she could be herself without people just perceiving her for her looks
When you were adopted though you cut contact for everyone’s sake
Because how would she feel if she saw you were a completely different person
In some sense you were ashamed
In another you thought it was best for anyone to know
When you leave the shop she stares at the kuromi merchandise you bought
Distantly you hear her nickname for you but you pretend to ignore it
When Ara asks about his prospects with his “sweet Mahoro-chan~” you can’t help but sigh
She’s doing that old habit of luring guys in for her brother to beat up since you won’t do it anymore
You tried to warn Ara but you assume you’ll have to step in personally when the time comes
“Oni-chan! I think I saw them again! And they’re hanging out with some boy! You know what that means!”
Matakara (romantic)
The moment you stood up for him and Arajin as kids he looked up to you
Despite the fact you were the leader of those kids you clearly had morals
Even watching your fights against other kids he noticed you were honourable
And that’s something that stuck with him
Sure, it didn’t take much for you to bloody your knuckles but you didn’t play dirty
You fought fair
Sure maybe you were rough around the edges but he saw in you like Arajin a kindness
One that was on display that day and even more so when you were taken in
He didn’t know you for very long until you and your family moved but when he did it was something he’d never forget
You were more kind at heart than he imagined
When he an Arajin would train you’d alway cheer them on and have celebratory snacks ready
When he pushed himself to the limit of got hurt you’d patch him up
Washing his scrapes and putting cute little bandaids on them
He was heartbroken when you left and as were you
So it’s a surprise when he suddenly sees Arajin again
And by extension that means your back too
When you both run into each other again your much more happy than Arajin
In fact his men can hardly believe it when he’s suddenly tackled hugged by you
Never can he but he then spins you around in pure joy
All the while his men Zabu and Komao watch in awe
Before you turn your attention to them
And pause
And then turn back to Matakara with an expression which could only be described as “pissed and wanting an explanation”
So turns out he joined a gang
And turns out you don’t like that much since you then suplex him onto the ground
Of all the things he learned from you it should’ve been not to get affiliated with gangs
It’s literally what you told him and Ara everyday
But nope, this block headed puppy dog did the one thing you told him not to do
Zabu and Komao almost attack you if not for Matakara laughing it off
Even if your upset with his decision he’s at least happy that your still the same you
Temperamental but compassionate
Sturdy yet gentle
Stoic and emotional all at the same time
He asks if sometime you’d like to have lunch or train at the dojo his relatives own and you agree
But only if it’s non gang related and he smiles
Zabu and Komao can practically see hearts buzzing around him and the gentle look in his eyes as you leave
They can’t really blame him for it either
“Other than joining a gang (which I’m still upset about) what have you been doing?” You ask sitting down beside him with your bento box and his. Mom made one specially for him
“Well I’ve been training. Arajin may have given up but I haven’t, it seems like you still train too” he says with the same kind smile as usual
You feel yourself get a bit flustered at that “how else am I supposed to keep that idiot brother of mine safe. I swear he walks into danger sometimes” at that Matakara laughs in agreement.
Marito (romantic)
Back when you started your gang there was only ever one person that ever came close to your strength and that was Marito
When you had defeated him it was as if he became a parasite that latched onto you (you say this lovingly and out of annoyance)
He had stuck with you like glue and became your right hand man
Quite literally helping you claw your way to the top of the metaphorical food chain
Marito and his sister were the only two people at the time that saw you for who you were
Saw where you’d slink back off to at night
Saw how utterly hopeless and alone you felt
You were strong yes, that’s what drew him to you in the first place
It was (as he says) “love at first fight”
But beyond that he began to see the person who did his sisters hair
Gave other tips In how to throw a proper punch
Allowed their mask to break In his presence and crumble
It made him grow to love you more
Respect you more
And most importantly grow to care for you despite your inability to properly see it
Despite what you thought so many people respected and looked up to you
Him included
For fucks sake his own sister got jealous when he once had to carry you or when your attention was on him too much
You didn’t see this though, perhaps couldn’t with the constant feeling of invisibility and insecurity instilled into you at birth
It’s because of this that one day you seemingly disappeared and left a note saying you gave up your position as leader to him
It hurt
It hurt a lot more than he wanted to admit
everyone felt your absence, him and Mahoro especially
But despite that Marito never gave up on trying to find you
He would get it through your thick head one way or another that he cared for you
That he loved you damn it
And if there was one thing people would agree on about Marito is was that he never gave up on something
Especially for someone he loves
So when years pass he’s still looking for you when something catches his attention
His sister mentions that she thought she saw you
It seems you were back
And with a guy? Who was also once again wrapped around her finger
He wasn’t surprised at that but moreso you were with someone
So maybe after that he got a little bit heated more than usual when interrupting Mahoro’s “date” with him to beat the shit out of him
And maybe he does get a little obsessed with his punch
And then you show up with that beautiful stoic and cold look on your face as you give him your famous combo moves
And he falls in love with you all over again
I mean how can he not?
Especially when he punch back and you simply spit the blood out to the pavement
And how can he not be jealous when you go help Arajin before realize through a now pissy Mahoro (upset he got to be within 4 feet of you) that’s your brother
From the look on his face of lovesick and determined you can’t help but feel a bit nervous in class with Arajin as Mahoro practically looks behind you and you hear some footsteps quickly approaching your classroom
“Looks like big boss is back in town! I wonder how long I’ll need to fight them to get it in their thick head how much I love them” he says kicking his feet as newer members look in confusion. The older one though know
“Oni-chan you better not hog them from me!” A huffy Mahoro grumbles
You really wish you could’ve wished for something else
Your having the feeling Arajin wishes the same
It seems they were right about having wishes always turn out in the worst of ways
Senya and Astḗr don’t seem to be doing it maliciously but rather out of obliviousness
But maybe it was both your faults for not asking for a straight forward wish from two entities that haven’t interacted with humans for centuries (or for in Astḗr’s case ever)
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sugarmouchie · 8 months
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◟⪩⪨ summary - “i act like you’re annoying but in reality i just wanna be so close to you” in other words, he’s pretending to work, saying how his work was taking forever when he kept looking back at you. he was “annoyed” of your bickering, but in reality you knew his needy-self wanted to fall asleep in your arms.
◟⪩⪨ warnings - literally none lol, just fluff, he’s “stressed” bc of work, touch starved!alhaitham, self indulgent, treating him like a child but in a good way (mentioned once), idk if this is good enough it’s my first time writing 😨😨 this is just full of random things idk
alhaitham x gn!reader 🪽 —
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“stop being dramatic haitham,” you complained, rolling your eyes at him.
“shhh.” he replied, his eyes practically stuck on the glowing white screen that apparently he said “it’s only taking five hours.” he spoke, when in reality it was only taking two. his brain almost seemed like it was getting deformed from how much he was thinking about you.
“oh it’s deeeefinitely taking longer than that.” you replied with the most obvious sarcasm known to man.
he scoffed.
the corners of your mouth tugged up into a little smirk as you walked towards him. “haitha- oh!” you were not in the right mind to be mad at him at that moment because once you saw his screen, it was still as bright as the time you last checked on him.
which meant he hasn’t typed a single sentence ever since you came into the room.
“pretending to do your work, huh?” you tapped his shoulder, snapping your thumb and middle finger right in front of his ear so he would stop zoning out.
“imprecise. once again, [name].” referring to your earlier bickering about him taking a long time on his work, and him trying to prove you otherwise by saying “it’s not even taking that long.”
“just get up,” you scold him once again. “how are you gonna say your work is taking forever, but i keep catching your attention on me, hm?” you tilt his head up to reach your view, smirking in a playful way.
have his cheeks been this red from the moment you entered the room?
the so-called “stressed” man sighs, and thinks for a moment.
and finally, he gets up.
but as soon as he does, not even a second after, you immediately wrap him in your arms, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
you aggressively grab his hand and run towards the couch outside of your shared bedroom, bringing him down with you and onto the L-shaped couch.
“[name]. you gonna stop complaining about my work now?” alhaitham suddenly asked, your head tilting up to meet his eyes, then you scoff before you could even realize that he began to stuff your face into his neck.
so you take the initiative and wrap your hands around his neck, breathing softly before he finally drifts off to sleep.
“your work only took two hours, stop fake sleeping,” you complain, poking his cheek a few times.
oh, he’s actually asleep.
you sigh. “ugh, wake up,” you continue, “i didn’t bother you for nothing.”
he tightly closes his eyes, his gray hair strands blocking his view since his head was tilted down if he even decided to open them.
“you know i don’t like it when you fall asleep during our cuddling sessions you big loser,” you whisper once more.
i mean, he was the type of person to fall asleep quickly.
then again, how could you complain when his legs probably hurt from sitting in that chair for “five hours”?
and wait, was he talking in his sleep?
“…stay,” not knowing if he was conscious or not, you let out a small giggle, before you stop teasing him about falling asleep too quickly and let him be.
feeling distraught that you had to get up from where you comfortably were placed in his lap, you attempted to pull away, didn’t work. another attempt? didn’t work. he was too strong!
but finally, after a few more attempts, you managed to pull yourself out of his tight embrace of his arms wrapped around you, you head to the bathroom.
he needs something to keep him company, huh?
treating him like he was a child, you ran over to your shared room, into the end of the closet, and brought him over that one plushie he managed to get for you from the claw machine a year ago after many attempts of the metal claw grabbing at the item but then falling right out of its grasp.
you smiled.
you then ran over to his side and placed it in his arms, covering his discomfort from the cold room with a huge comforter from your bed.
leaving him be, you went into the bathroom.
after you were done your shower, twenty minutes after, you sprinted to his side once again, but then noticed how he was awake now.
“finally, good job,” you praise in a teasing manner.
“you okay now? from your so called ‘5-hour project’?” you teased once more.
you wrap his arm around your waist once you seat yourself down onto one of the soft cushions of the couch, before he nuzzled you into his neck once again.
“i knew you were needy.”
@sugarmouchie do not copy/translate/repost on other platforms. 🪽
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