#cycling lights
catinelle · 4 months
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a child of a god eater
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pmpwbrrs · 1 month
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3d-made-by-paws · 11 days
Just a little sneak-peak of animation that rendering for 10 hours by now. I wish my computer will not crash of this.
Brains out night.
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For @somerandomdudelmao who keep me up in this project by their art. <3
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misscrappy · 2 years
That feminine urge this, masculine urge that ….
Yeah, okay , cool
But what about the Lunar urge to ritualistically disappear every couple of weeks ?
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glowupwithamy · 2 months
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Finish what you started and transform your productivity
Recently i picked up a book i hadn't read in a long time for the past week i hadn't been able to work properly my tasks were going unfinished so i opened my cupboard and saw that book right in front of me. Then i read the whole book in just a one night and it sparked inspiration in me ..So i thought why not share everything i learned with all of you?
So I'm giving you guys a structured summary of Finish The Art of Following Through - Taking Action, Executing & Self Discipline by Peter Hollins -
1. The Importance of Execution
The ability to follow through allows you to create the life you desire rather than settling for the one you currently have. The process consists of focus, self-discipline, action, and persistence
2. Barriers to Follow Through
- Inhibiting Tactics: These include setting bad goals, procrastination, succumbing to distractions, and poor time management.
- Psychological Roadblocks: These encompass laziness, fear of judgment or failure, perfectionism driven by insecurity, and lack of self-awareness.
3. Staying Motivated
To remain motivated holds both external and internal motivators -
- External Motivators: These involve utilizing other people or resources to encourage action, such as accountability partners upfront investments and self bribery
- Internal Motivators: These focus on understanding personal benefits and improvements. Ask yourself questions such as How will this benefit me? and How will my life improve?
4. Developing a Manifesto
A manifesto is a set of daily rules that guide your actions so her are the some key rules -
- Rule 1: Identify if you’re acting out of laziness and avoid it.
- Rule 2: Limit yourself to three major tasks per day.
- Rule 3: Establish daily limitations and requirements
- Rule 4: Reaffirm your intentions through statements like I want I , will and I won't
- Rule 5: Reflect on the future consequences of not following through
- Rule 6: Utilize the concept of "just 10 minutes" to push through discomfort.
5. Follow Through Mindsets
- Mindset 1: Recognize the worthiness of your efforts.
⭐ Mindset 2: Become comfortable with discomfort.
- Mindset 3: Understand that learning comes from completing tasks.
- Mindset 4: Manage stress and anxiety effectively
6. Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination can be managed through strategies such as:
- Temptation Bundling: Combine unpleasant tasks with enjoyable activities.
- Creating Momentum: Make starting tasks as easy as possible to gain momentum.
- Leveraging Fear: Use productive paranoia to spur action but cautiously
7. Minimizing Distractions
Create a work environment free from distractions and focus on
⭐ Single Tasking: Avoid multitasking to eliminate attention residue ( I will also create a separate blog on this topic i used to face this problem earlier and i have used many methods to reduce my habit of multitasking so i will write a blog about it. Don't worry )
- Batching Tasks: Group similar tasks to improve efficiency.
- Creating a Don't-Do List : Identify tasks to ignore and avoid ( This method is literally too much helpful )
8. The 40–70 Rule
This rule suggests acting when you have 70% of the necessary information as waiting for 100% is unrealistic
9. The Importance of Rest
Recognize the value of rest and relaxation as essential for mental recovery
10. Common Pitfalls
- False Hope Syndrome: Avoid unrealistic expectations and set achievable goals.
- Overthinking: Avoid excessive rumination and focus on taking action.
- Worrying: Concentrate on the present and control what you can.
11. Developing Daily Systems
Establish daily behaviors that promote consistency and long term success
⭐ Keep a Scoreboard: Track progress for motivation ( Ive been using this method for the past four days it literally shows me where I am making mistakes and what I need to do to complete my unfinished tasks )
By following these structured advice you can improve your ability to finish what you start and achieve your goals
If you have any questions or tips to share feel free to drop them in the comments in here to chat , Stay connected for more tips and insights thanks :)
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satsuha · 3 months
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rise in the east, set in the west
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vebokki · 2 months
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days in henrietta
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thatskynews · 3 months
Days of Bloom 🌸
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Season of Passage 🌙
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Season of Moments 📷
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World Record Breaking AURORA Concert Encores 🏆
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Days of Sunlight ☀️
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Days of Style 😎
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Season of Revival 💝
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Days of Mischief 👻
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Aviary's Fireworks Festival 🎆
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Days of Feast ❄️
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Season of Nine-Colored Deer 🦌
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macaulaytwins · 1 year
loving a book isn’t enough I need to merge with it on an atomic level
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justalittlesolarpunk · 5 months
Getting emotional about the salmon run again…
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geopsych · 6 months
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Looking east at sunrise and west at moonset this morning. I often mention solstice and equinoxes but haven’t talked about the 18.6 year lunar cycle. In the lower picture you can see the moon above the now-bare ginkgo trees. This is where the sun sets at summer solstice. The lunar movements are much more complicated than the sun’s, its rising and setting changing in the course of each month, but the larger lunar cycle means that within a year and a half it will reach lunar standstill and I’ll see the moon set even further right/north, probably over those conifers behind the old Martin Guitar factory, and then slowly proceed to the left/south back down Main Street.
Ancient people observed and knew about this cycle. Some megalithic and other ancient monuments were built with this in mind, maybe most famously the Octagon Earthworks at Newark, Ohio, part of the newly awarded UNESCO World Heritage Site. But I like that you and I can observe it from my upstairs window!
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disturbedlove · 1 year
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revenantghost · 8 months
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What a manipulative piece of shit
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compaculaaa · 1 year
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How the Prime siblings got their names (from Uncle Kup!!!)
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stringcage · 8 months
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Portrait of Fryderyk in Shifting Light, Richard Siken / Greywaren, Maggie Stiefvater / Little Bird, The Weepies
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the-unconquered-queen · 8 months
You haven't known the triumphs (sharing a kiss by the lake) and defeats (being played like a fiddle), the epic highs (the hit-it) and lows (the quit-it) of being an Aerin stannie
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