#dear poet
the-frost-of-april · 2 months
the wait between responses, the exasperated face-fanning every time their name shows up, the curious scrolls to know them with as much depth as their instagram and poetry can take you to, the carefully considered thoughts being framed into texts in just the perfect way so as not to come across too infatuated, the counting of times you made them laugh, the same story being played for the twenty fifth time in twenty four hours, the nervous butterflies every time you open your dms hoping their name will show up instead of their channel’s name, the mental image of them opening your text and the expression their face would hold as they respond to you (are they laughing at something cheesy i said? smiling at something they said was sweet or kind of me? shaking their head at my lame attempt at a joke? curious about me too?), the fact that this is the same person who weaves magic into words and translates them into mesmerising and nostalgic videos, who is taking random time out of their surely busy day to respond to you and your corny attempts to keep the conversation going… aaand cue the internal squealing and exasperated face-fanning at the sight of their name on your phone.
प्रिय कवी,
अब आख़ीर कैसे तुम्हें बताऊँ
की जब भी तुम्हारा नाम पढ़ती हूँ,
वही सब महसूस करती हूँ जो तुम
अपने कविताओं में बयान करते है?
कैसे तुम्हें बताऊँ के
in your work, i find so much of myself
and so much of what i wish i could be?
अब चलो अगर यह बता भी दु
तो कैसे तुम्हें समझाऊँ
के आजकल यूँ लगने लगा है के मानो
तुम्हारी कविताओं और फ़िल्मों के बीच
मेरी दुनिया ही बस गयी है?
कैसे तुम्हें समझाऊँ
की भले ही सिर्फ़ दो-तीन हफ़्ते की बात ही क्यूँ ना हो
you’ve become the poem that i can’t get out of my head?
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stillgotscars · 1 month
thinking about “these desperate prayers of a cursed man” and “a greater woman wouldn’t beg, but i looked to the sky and said, ‘please, i’ve been on my knees, change the prophecy’”
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midnightsslut · 2 months
thinking about how ‘my sadness is contagious’ is one of the statements that is explored all over midnights and how that ties into an album called the tortured poets department
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astralzeraphias · 8 months
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maybe i came too early, maybe i came too late
i’m waiting in the shadows of the scaffolds of the old cafés where you told me to wait
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a-dreamersjournal · 1 month
Can you hear me?
Listen to me, please. I have been talking to you since forever. Way before there came concepts of This and That, Here and There, Life and death...prior to space and time there used to be US. The magic of YOU and I. Remember how we could never tell where you ended, and where I begin? An eternal truth of a majestic existence.
I want to remind you of the truth, why won't you listen? Why won't you Notice me?
Why after all this time, do you continue to cry? I am here. I am here, right?
Why do you still wait for a sweet escape, why do you not look at me? I am always here. I am in all of those NOWs which make up that fantastical Always.
Look at me, hear me, touch me, but not with your Body. You know we will reunite when you see beyond the veil of everything you think you Understand about me. About Us. A love like ours transcends every logic, look deeper within you and all you will find is me.
Come back Home, to me. Let's be whole again, let's drown in love again.
An Infinitely boundless unconditional Love.
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belovedapollo · 11 months
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recently, I don’t think I’ll ever run of things to write down, thoughts to let out 🌾 reblog ok, don’t repost
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evermorre · 4 months
something about taylor playing two songs from across her career based on writing and literary forms—letters to the reader, fitting poems like a perfect rhyme, newspapers, handwritten notes—on a night when she comes back to tour after announcing another album based around presumably confessional writing and to celebrate that with us and see us screaming her songs back to us feels like a return for taylor
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braindos · 4 months
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dndads + dead poets society </3
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mycological-mariner · 8 months
Listen. Sword fights are always flirtatious. You can be the most straight-laced person in the world but as soon as you make eye contact with your opponent, you’re going to give them a cheeky little wink and they’re going to blow you a kiss and then you have to try and kill each other. That’s just how it is, I don’t make the rules
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thecoldcoffeecup · 4 months
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who could ever leave me, darling?, but who could stay?
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stillgotscars · 26 days
wait a minute… “dear reader, get out your map, pick somewhere and just run” -> “love left me like this, and i don’t want to exist, so take me to florida”
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paininpoetry · 19 days
Poetry is just the evidence of life
If your life is burning well
Poetry is just the ash
- Leonard Cohen
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autumnsunshine10 · 4 months
Dear diary
How do I love myself again
When I'm not sure I ever really did
Maybe a time I claimed what was mine
Dropped denial and steeled my spine
When someone I loved wasn't put first
And I still carried out self-care
I cried and supplied needed comfort
I didn't get enough of growing up
And instead of dismissing what I felt
I acknowledged its validity then moved on
Before I let anyone else dictate my worth
Winter too far to freezingly squeeze
All vitality and assurance from my heart
I didn't need an excuse to love
Just the beat of my heart was enough
Every reason was reasonable
Back before I dissolved under the weight
Of expectations--taking credit for wrongs
That were never mine to right
How do I love myself again?
Tear out this page and start afresh
Forging forward on a blank new one
Writing to please me first and foremost
While sharing with those I care
Only that which I can actually spare
Prompts: rip the page out; all gone; excuse the reason
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dearreader · 1 month
the manuscript is a perfect album end to ttpd like dear reader is to midnights
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deadlypoetacademia · 6 months
The curiosity of new beginnings, but this fear of an ending. The month of december, it's cold and foggy and black and white, it's the beginning of an ending.
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a-dreamersjournal · 1 month
The never ending search.
Screaming into Oblivion for ages, looking for you, somewhere I lost my Voice. I can't remember clearly, was it my voice that I lost? Or just the strength and will to whisper your name?
What was it? What was your name? What was the word looking for which made me so miserable.
Was it you that I lost? Or was that me? Was there ever a difference between two?
Why is it that I can never look at me without catching a glimpse of you? How are you woven so well in the tapestry that I AM?
You don't show yourself, you don't answer when I call you in the darkest of night but you still never leave me alone.
When will this search end? When I only find you while I'm looking too deep within myself.
You've consumed my existence, my love. There is no me without you, and no you without me.
As overwhelming as it might be right now, we're ONE and the SAME. This is not a letter to you, this is a letter from me to myself. From you to yourself.
We've never been apart after all.
One Love.
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