#december horoscope
astrologiaxo · 6 months
ARIES: Enough is enough. Close the door on that chapter that is no longer serving you. Put the past behind you and be ready for a brand new beginning! The world is your oyster.
TAURUS: Your limits are being tested. You can do this, keep GOING. Keep PUSHING. You've made it this far so there's no point in quitting now. The rewards will pay off, you know this!
GEMINI: You on your BOSS shit! Only you have the power in your life. If you have been feeling like others have been taking a hold on you, it's time to take your power back. It was never theirs to begin with.
CANCER: Your hard work is paying off! If you feel like you've been working on something and seeing no results, this is your confirmation that you're being tested to see how badly you want to be a master of your craft!
LEO: If you've been going through a hard time, this is your confirmation that you've been purging and making room for all that is truly meant for you. You're attracting the life that is destined for you all you need to do is let go and surrender to your journey.
VIRGO: Has travel been on your mind? If there's somewhere you've been wanting to go, it's time to visit! Be open to travel, road trips, exploring, simply getting out there! Don't think too much, just go for it.
LIBRA: There's a special person in your life that has been placed on your path to bring joy into your life. This could be a new friend, romantic interest, or coworker, doesn't matter. What matters is that this person makes you feel seen & understood. Cherish this.
SCORPIO: Oh Scorpio, you've recently underwent a transformation and your Spirit team is oh so proud of you. Letting go & purging just keeps getting easier for you. Every new cycle, every new beginning comes with a blessing each and every time for all your hard work. The task may feel daunting but you're the chosen one for a reason!
SAGITTARIUS: It's important for you to not over give yourself. Be sure that there's a healthy equal give and take in all your relationships. Sometimes you do too much for people that are undeserving. Take that energy back and give it to yourself or to those who actually reciprocate it.
CAPRICORN: Stand up for yourself. Fight for yourself. Defend yourself. Are people pushing your buttons or testing your boundaries? It's ok to fight back. Sometimes people need to see that angry side of you when they've taken advantage of you being nice.
AQUARIUS: When it feels like you've hit rock bottom or when everything has been destroyed, it's a time to rejoice because it's a time to rebuild. You are starting over, starting FRESH. You've let go of all the bullshit & you've been the rude awakening for those who need it. Be ready for the glow up & all the blessings coming your way for having endured such a difficult time!
PISCES: If you've been going through a dark time, those days are over. You are approaching the light at the end of the tunnel. Happiness is yours. Even if it's from a simple shift in perspective. Sometimes all we need to do is look at the glass half full. You are finding joy in the little things and those things that use to bother you, simply don't matter anymore. You're finding the light in the darkness.
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starcrazypie · 6 months
December 2023 Horoscope: The Month Ahead
The December 2023 horoscope is here. What does the festive forecast hold in store for you? Read on...
The December 2023 horoscope means we are coming to the end of another year – and what a year it has been. I’m now preparing my big horoscope forecast for 2024, so I looked back at my big horoscope for 2023 to see what I thought December 2023 had in store. The big astrological events of this month are the Mercury retrograde in Capricorn that begins on December 13th and sends Mercury back into…
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Horoscope Today 1 December 2022: Check astrological prediction for Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Leo and other signs | - Times of India
Horoscope Today 1 December 2022: Check astrological prediction for Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Leo and other signs | – Times of India
The daily horoscope is determined by the position of the moon and sun. A person’s personality is determined by the traits and characteristics given in his horoscope. How would you feel if you come to know what’s going to happen throughout the whole day before starting your day in the morning? Horoscopes give us a hint about all the things that we are going to face for the entire day. Read the…
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harmoonix · 5 months
🎄🎅🏼 Short Astro - Christmas Observations 🎄🎅🏼
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🎄 - Your 7th house sign can sometimes indicate the season you'll met potential spouses/boyfriend/girlfriend, if you have Sagittarius/Capricorn/Aquarius/Pisces in the 7th house you'll have luck during the winter 🎄
🎄 - Venus aspecting Jupiter harmoniously can give the same vibes as Jupiter in the 7th house = Having luck in their relationships/partners 🎄
🎄 - Vertex in the 8th house can indicate a native who will experience intense things in their lives just as the vibes of Jupiter in the 8th house 🎄
🎄 - Sagittarius/Aquarius Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus/Mars will definitely look for a freedom in the relationship, don't make them feel like a bird in a cage 🎄
🎄 - Cancer Degrees (4°, 16°, 28°) on your ascendant/sun/moon will definitely give a lot of nurturing vibes around the people they are. Like they will truly send this energy to everyone around 🎄
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🎄 - Virgo Risings/Virgo Degrees 6°, 18° truly embody the fairy archetype, being seen as someone pure/majestic/innocent and angelic 🎄
🎄 - Pluto aspecting Neptune/Jupiter will always be searching for more. Like if you tell them a secret they will want to know every little detail about it 🎄
🎄 - Moon prominence in a chart really makes a native very beautiful, the native can have an oval face, beautiful looking eyes and shiny skin just like the moon 🎄
🎄 - Usually the people who get really obsessed with others from a early stage have a Taurus/Scorpio Moon, they are seen as the most posesive ones 🎄
🎄 - Leo/Libra/Cancer Venus/Moons are so beauty - centered. Like they always want to look pretty whenever they are 🎄
🎄 - Mars aspecting the Moon can have a short temper of vibe, they can get angry really fast or just feel like exploding 🎄
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🎄 - Sometimes 11th house placements/Aquarius heavy in a chart can show an satisfaction/desire/attraction towards gaming 🎄
🎄 - 2nd house stelliums + food are soulmates like they are always thinking about food and hungry 24/7 🎄
🎄 - 12th house placements/stelliums + their bed are also soulmates, these people really love to sleep a lot and I can tell their bed is the perfect spouse 🎄
🎄 - Juno aspecting Neptune can sometimes dream or have specific signs about their spouses/partners. Is like a soul connection in between 🎄
🎄 - Uranus in the 1st house can also have the vibe of people telling or feeling like you are a different person/out of the crowd 🎄
🎄 - Uranus aspecting Mars, beside the naughty things this placement has. It really shows a person who has a lot of ambition towards the things in their lives 🎄
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🎄 - Sometimes Pisces/Taurus/Libra Midheaven can indicate a career inclined to arts or in general to possess a talent to arts like painting/drawing etc..🎄
🎄 - The thing with Libra Placements being indecisive is really true. Like Libra embodying the balance yet they can be really indecisive feels really true 🎄
🎄 - Aries/Mars in the 4th house in the Draconic Chart can indicate that your soul already knew how intense your family life is gonna be like. Before the reincarnation 🎄
🎄 - Neptune in the 1st house natives really need to be cautious with who they spend time with so they won't get influenced by the bad people 🎄
🎄 - Scorpio Mercury/8th house Mercury can talk dirty a lot, I know a lot of people with those aspects who talk dirty 24/7 with no break.. sometimes cussing too like wow..😭🎄
🎄 - If you have Gemini or Virgo in the 7th/8th house axis. Please make sure to not fall in love with people who are not able to communicate with you 😭😭 they will ruin your life. Always choose people who can communicate instead 🎄
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🎄 - Libra/Leo/ asc or Venus/Moon in the 1st house in the solar return chart indicates a glow up in that special year for you 🎄
🎄 - Neptune aspecting the Moon or Sun have a dreamy energy around them like you'll feel these people are out of the world when you are with them 🎄
🎄 - Aries/Mars in the 3rd house are really good Indicators if you have defend/take care of people and you have these placements 🎄
🎄 - Pluto aspecting Mars/Mars in Pluto in the same house have a powerful energy in them. Is like you really know how powerful they are once you stay/hang around them 🎄
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🎄 - Mars in Earth degrees (2°, 6°, 10°, 14°, 18°, 22°, 26°) give boss vibes. They may also have that energy of "boss bitch" too 🎄.
🎄 - Ascendant aspecting Sun (all aspects) wil always shine because of their personality, in general your energy if very welcoming and nice and people love that 🎄
🎄 - 4th house in Cancer/Pisces/Taurus have a welcoming energy in their house is like you enter in a house touched by the heaven 🎄
🎄 - Pisces Uranus / Aquarius Uranus both have highly spiritual abilities, one about the subconscious realm and one about the awareness of the outer world 🎄
🎄 - Capricorn Suns are usually respected in their work environment, like they know how to make other people to respect them 🎄
🎄 - Eros (433) aspecting the Midheaven can indicate that people will see you as someone erotic/highly sexual or attractive because of the energy you tend to give 🎄
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mochinek0 · 5 months
Daminette December 2023: 23-Astrology
Jon was browsing the horoscope app again.
"You don't really believe that stuff, right?" Marinette questioned.
"Yes." Jon answered.
"Why?" Damian asked.
"Sagittarius are sometimes opinionated, impatient, and detached, but they can also be passionate and inspiring." Jon spoke, "Doesn't that sound like Damian?"
"Actually, it does." Marinette stated.
Damian huffed, "What about yours?"
"My what?" Mari asked.
"What is your sign?" Jon questioned.
"I don't know." Marinette answered, "I've only followed the Chinese zodiac."
"When is your birthday?" Jon prodded.
"Late July." she stated.
"It says here, that you are a Leo." Jon continued.
"Is that a good thing?" she asked, looking confused to Damian.
"Well, your romance options are better than his." Jon chuckled.
"Explain." Damian growled.
Jon winced, "It says your crushes usually end up falling for your friends."
"I don't have friends." Damian replied, "I have people I tolerate." making Mari giggled.
"For Marinette," the half-alien continued, "it says lots of people have crushes on you."
Mari shrugged, "Except the people I like."
"What?" The Wayne heir asked, confused.
"There was Nathaniel, a guy who flirts with puns, a musician, two girls, and my own crushes' cousin." the designer sighed.
The boys just sat there in shock.
"Did you date any of them?" Jon asked.
"The musician for a month." she answered.
"Did he do something?" Damian pushed.
"No." Mari replied, "He was very sweet, but I was always busy."
Jon quickly changed the subject, sensing Mari become uncomfortable, "It says here, Damian wouldn't date because his mother said no."
"You have met my mother." Damian spoke, "You wanna go against her?"
"No." Jon declared.
"Then, it's not a lie." the ex-assassin stated.
Marinette giggled.
"She is the strictest woman I have ever met." Damian spoke.
Jon continued, "It says, here, that you fall for confidence."
Mari nodded, "I can sorta see that."
"What does mine say?" Damian questioned.
"It says you fall for cute smiles." Jon answered, gleefully.
"Well, that's bullshit." the Wayne heir declared, "I see a bunch of harpies smiling at men every time I go to galas."
Marinette patted his shoulder, hoping to comfort him. The bell rang, ending lunch. Mari stood up, waving at them, and left the table.
Jon leaned close to his best friend, "Were any of them cute? Did any of them make you think of their smile again, later?"
"No." Damian answered.
"Then it wasn't a cute smile." the half-alien answered, before leaving as well.
'Cute smile?'
Damian couldn't help, but think of Marinette's smile. Damian stood up quickly.
"Astrology is bullshit." he snapped and left.
Only the few people that were left, notice that his ears were tipped red.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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knotmycupofchai · 8 months
💓 Love & Romance Messages 💓
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The Four Of Cups
There is no true focus on love & romance for this bunch, because you are meant to be focused on yourself.
You are in a single & solitude era. You are being called to focus on your own well being at this time. Protecting your peace, self discovery & being your own bae is important.
Some of you may be bored, rejecting, or just unaware of romantic suitors at this time.
I’m seeing offers, but at this time you’ll be every cutthroat, picky & unbothered.
I see some in some form a therapy or healing for mental health, trauma, family or generational curses and that’s being prioritized. I also see education being a focused too, so some of you may be a student, going back to school, taking courses, becoming certified or established and diving into religion & spirituality.
This isn’t a time to get stuck in analysis paralysis, pondering of the past or what could be in the future— be here now. Clear out the clutter, keep it true & straight & just have fun at this time. Use discernment to know if anything is worth disturbing your peace for.
The Seven Of Pentacles
*There are many scenarios here
Love & Romance is focused on stability, change, freedom and a provider or partner with status, wealth or power.
For some of you, a decision between 2 partners or deciding what kind of partner you want is indicated. Remember your values, what you truly need to be fulfilled and think long-term. Be mindful of your intentions & what you’re investing time, money & energy into.
An attraction to a foreigner, or a wealth person in power is indicated ( a police officer, lawyer, doctor, celebrity)
A level up is needed— meaning your partner will have to level up for you OR you will have to level up for your partner. One person is more established, experienced & successful than the other. So love is coming in, but someone needs to get to a specific big point as far as money, fame, career or networking.
Ex: you want to pursue a celebrity romantically. Think about what you’d have to do to even be able to walk up to this person. We’re all human, but it’s very unlikely that’d you just be able to be with a celeb easily. If you live in a small town, run a small business, or a small social media account— what can you do to get noticed while staying true to yourself? How can you level up your reputation to eventually be known by this celeb?
*Don’t focus too hard on specific celebrity, wealthy or just successful person. You might want a specific celeb like a singer, but end up with a famous songwriter or producer instead. You might want an actress/ actor, but end up with a NFL OR NBA star.
A big move is how you meet this person. Your creative passion, career/ job or public reputation is how you meet this person. ( and vice versa)
(You may be moving to a new city, state or country. Starting a business that becomes successful & well known or you become famous on social media or in your state for your career)
For those of you already in a relationship ( someone not on your level, someone you settled with or already married or in a relationship with someone else) either they put in the work to change & level up for you OR leave that other person or relationship— or you leave them behind. You’ve outgrown someone and they want to continue to do the same things, which will hold you back. Some of you are with someone who knows your worth & knows you can do better. So they’re keeping you stagnant, so you won’t go to someone better.
I see a time of being single & going through a glow up.
How am I settling? What do I need to do to level up? What have I outgrown? Is the old keeping me from the new? How can I bring in someone on my frequency, when I’m being help back by lower frequencies? What am I wasting / what am I not taking advantage of? What am I underestimating?
*some of you need to read pile #3
The Wheel Of Fortune
Love & Romance is focused around time management, whirlwind romances, prioritizing finances or yourself.
You will have many opportunities regarding love & romance, however it depends on YOU.
There’s a huge energy of you prioritizing, something else over your live life. It’s indicated that you’re prioritizing something that will bring you security, more money, status or fulfillment currently or in the future. ( work, business, creative pursuits, savings, body transformation, mental health, self care & singledom)
So the energy is “what can you bring to MY table, that I can’t already serve myself?”.
Now this can be you or a person you’re interested in, so this can be vice versa.
Being to busy, high standard, demanding, spoiled, unattainable independent or happily single may intimidate a lot of people. You may be approach by people who want you to dim your light, slow down, be less busy, make time and open or change your schedule around for them. The question is: are they worth it.
Be mindful of sacrificing or delaying what’s important to you & good for you ( in the long run) , to entertain or accommodate someone who wants your attention for a minute.
How can I make time for romance? What am I putting aside for someone else? Do I jump at love without thinking? Is love important right now? How do I romance myself? Can I wait for love? Is this attention really a distraction from my goals?
The Knight of cups
Love & Romance is focused around broken promises, healing, forgiveness, apologies, communication, love language & opening your heart.
( I see an indication of friendship here, as well as a broken commitment ( promise ring, engagement, marriage)
You are still dealing with a blow to the heart. Feelings of being left behind, stabbed in the back, revenge, & picking up the pieces is emphasized.
For some a strong energy of forgiveness or an apology is here. I see many feeling guilty of hurting you and vice versa.
Someone you’ve blocked & refuse to talk to— wants to communicate with you. I’m seeing conversations about the past, reunions, laying it out on the table, expressing truths, emotions & apologies. However, it does not mean this person (s) will stay in your life. Be mindful of selective hearing or seeing; do not overlook unchanged behavior or old tricks.
*A scorned woman or man may resonate with you.
I see many of you single & isolating yourself from many out anger & pain.
For other, these are ghost wounds from the past. This has already happened to you, but you fear it will happen again. Feelings of guilt, shame & anger will arise as you ponder on seemingly wasted time. Don’t turn the sword onto yourself. Know that nothing is wasted & this will add to you wisdom & growth in the long run. Take these Ls & turn them into MORE love… make lemonade. Do not allow another’s wounds to bleed onto you, do not allow bitterness to make you a lemon. Release the sourness you’ve experienced & add sweetener to your life. To sweeten, does not mean to sugarcoat— it means taking the sour & salty moments and making the best of it. Honey is used to heal as well…
Allow the ice to melt & warm your heart again. Allow for new love in all forms to come to you ❤️‍🩹
You are being called to confront your fears & triggers. People from the past may come back to you, so you can close & heal old wounds. You’ll be tackling feelings of your worth.
Do you stay true to yourself? Do you value yourself? Do you give the power to determine your worth, what you deserve & who you are to another? How can you take back your power & your heart? How can you sweeten? How can you open your heart again?
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xojack · 5 months
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𝔄𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰 𝔟𝔞𝔟𝔦𝔢𝔰 ♈︎
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inkindofmagic · 6 months
December Monthly Forecast
December 2023; Astrology and Horoscope
— Astro News
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❄️ Mercury's extended stay in Capricorn, between December 1st and January 26th due to its retrograde motion, focuses on precise communication and long-term goals. The transit prompts careful word choice and career planning, urging grounding meditations to address pessimism and problem clarity before solutions. This is a hybrid Mercury retrograde that spans Capricorn and Sagittarius. Reflecting on achieved goals, unresolved matters (Capricorn), and personal growth (Sagittarius) during this introspective period aids in integrating experiences. ☿℞♑︎
❄️ Venus moves into Scorpio on December 4th, embracing intense and passionate energy, contrasting its usual harmonious charm. Scorpio seeks all-encompassing love and authenticity, forgoing superficiality. ♀->
❄️ The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12th initiates a journey of self-discovery. Yet, amidst Sagittarius' spontaneity, maintaining practicality becomes essential to avoid unrealistic expectations.
❄️ Capricorn Season, commencing on December 21st and culminating on January 20th, emphasizes wisdom and authenticity, transitioning from Sagittarius' exuberance to grounded stability without compromising the festive spirit.
❄️ The Full Moon in Cancer on December 26th encourages nurturing familial connections and introspection. Reflecting on the past six months helps in closure while fostering the inner child's needs.
❄️ The transition of Venus from Scorpio to Sagittarius on December 29th signifies a romantic shift towards liberation, adventure, and spontaneity, influenced by Sagittarius' expansive nature.
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via @inkindofmagic
source astromatrix
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badstitched · 7 months
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Where my Capricorns at?
New cross stitch design in my shops!
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sngii1726 · 23 days
What if a person has Ketu in the 1st house and Sun-Rahu in the 7th house?
Having Ketu in the 1st house and Sun-Rahu conjunction in the 7th house can create a complex interplay of energies in a person's birth chart, potentially influencing various aspects of their life, including personality, relationships, and life path. Here's a breakdown of how these placements might manifest:
Ketu in the 1st House: Ketu in the 1st house can bring a sense of detachment or unconventional approach to life. It may indicate that the individual has a strong spiritual inclination or a tendency to seek deeper truths beyond the material world.This placement can also suggest a sense of individuality and uniqueness. The person may have a non-conformist attitude and may feel a bit disconnected from worldly concerns or societal norms.
Sun-Rahu Conjunction in the 7th House: The Sun-Rahu conjunction in the 7th house can intensify the desire for recognition, power, and authority in relationships. This placement may bring a strong attraction to partnerships that offer status or social validation. There may be a tendency towards ego conflicts or power struggles within relationships. The individual may need to learn to balance their need for independence and self-expression with the needs and desires of their partners. This conjunction can also indicate a strong drive for success in partnerships or collaborations. The individual may be drawn to dynamic, ambitious partners who stimulate their growth and evolution.
Overall, with Ketu in the first house and the Sun-Rahu conjunction in the seventh house, there may be tension between the individual's need for spiritual fulfillment and their desire for validation and recognition through relationships. Learning to deal with this stress with humility, self-awareness, and a willingness to embrace change can lead to profound personal transformation and satisfaction. If you have any information also. So you can take the help of THEKUNDLI.COM. You can also Contact 8595675042 for more information
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Everywoman's Daily Horoscope, Popular Library, December 1970
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thewitchfarhan · 5 months
December Full Moon 2023
December 26th, 2023. The Full Moon sits in the constellation Cancer, a zodiac sign marked by deep emotions, hard exteriors, and sensitive interiors.
Meanwhile, it is Capricorn season, a zodiac sign marked by a grounded sense of mind, a desire to excel, and a motivation towards monetary gain.
Today it is important for all the signs in the zodiac to sit with the emotions in your mind and heart. Do not push away that which upsets you and do not attempt to drown out your thoughts with distractions.
Ground yourself in your current reality, feel the sorrows of the past year but also recognize that what is isn’t what will always be. The new year is a blank slate - allow yourself to dream of what can be.
- Journal
- Allow yourself to cry
- Meditate
- Water, Earth, or Fire elemental magic
- Suppress emotions
- Spend time around those who don’t care for you
- Gamble/make bets
- Air elemental magic
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suchananewsblog · 1 year
Horoscope Today, 10 December 2022: Check astrological prediction of your zodiac sign - Times of India
Horoscope Today, 10 December 2022: Check astrological prediction of your zodiac sign – Times of India
The daily horoscope is determined by the position of the moon and sun. A person’s personality is determined by the traits and characteristics given in his horoscope. How would you feel if you come to know what’s going to happen throughout the whole day before starting your day in the morning? Horoscopes give us a hint about all the things that we are going to face for the entire day. Read the…
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harmoonix · 6 months
This is how Sagittarius and Capricorn placements (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, Mars) feel in December knowing is their month finally
Shine bright like a diamond
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mochinek0 · 5 months
Daminette December 2023: 21-Something Good Coming
Jon and Damian sat at their usual seat in the cafeteria. Jon was looking at his phone and laughing.
"What?" demanded Damian.
"Something good is coming your way." Jon stated with a smile.
"Is it my brothers in their own home?" the Wayne heir asked.
"Nope." Jon said, broadening his smiled, "Love."
Marinette was looking for a place to sit in her new school. She had hard she could take her food outside and was heading towards the exit, when she heard two boys talking about love.
"Love is a waste of time, money, and there is only so many times you can look at someone, before you want to punch them." She interrupted.
Jon looked at her in shock.
"Please, sit." Damian offered.
Marinette scrunched up her nose and started turning back towards the exit door.
"I agree!" Damian exclaimed, "I have never met anyone who shares my opinion."
Marinette turned back and looked towards his friend. He immediately scooted over and smiled.
"Who broke your heart?" Jon asked.
"I know I left two broken hearts in Paris." Marinette declared.
"Why?" Jon questioned.
"They couldn't understand that I want bigger things than to be a stay at home mom." Mari grumbled, "They both seemed nice at first, but they also wanted to do their own things and have me take care of kids. Don't get me wrong; I love kids, but I don't want them any time soon."
"What do you want then?" Damian inquired.
"I'm a fashion designer." She answered, "I already have several clients."
Damian nodded, "My family is in business so I am knowledgeable on how distant and hard it is for family to be together during certain events. Something always comes up."
"My family are reporters." Jon declared.
"So, if I say I can't ell you anything?" Marinette prodded.
"We would not press." Damian stated.
"Finally, someone who understands!" Marinette smiled, excited.
Jon laughed, "Damian's family is full of 'shut up and look the other way'."
Marinette giggled, "I come from a family of bakers. I love them, but they are expressive and pressing."
"How pressing?" Damian asked.
"I brought a boy home, at fourteen, to do homework. We had a paired project. Papa invited him for breakfast the next day. There was heart shaped everything and he asked how he felt about kids."
Jon started laughing. Damian just stared at her in shock.
"I don't think I ever talked to that kid, again." Mari said, shaking her head at the memory.
"I think our families would get along, perfectly." Jon smiled.
Marinette just rolled her eyes and started eating her food.
At the end of the day, Damian sat in his car, thinking of Marinette. Something good had come his way; a new friend.
'Jon's weird app had predicted someone new. Although, it mentioned love. We did meet because we spoke about love and how frivolous it is. Perhaps, that is what it meant.'
Neither, he nor Marinette, knew what lay ahead.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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symbolicliving · 5 months
Chiron Direct in Aries
Chiron stations Direct in Aries December 26, 2023. Extra sensitivity and reactions to hurt feelings are enhanced now. Learning from what hurt you can help you to understand others and to not hurt someone else in the same way.
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