#disney's ultimate spider man headcanons
ciaossu-imagines · 2 years
Prompt 2, number 8, for your fave character! Thanks
Thank you so much for the request, my gorgeous anon! The thing with me is that I don't really have an solid favourites - they always change and I can find something interesting or likeable about most characters so I gave you the ones I am loving at the moment and, since you didn't specify a fandom, I hope you don't mind I did it for all my fandoms!
Prompt 2, Number 8: Is the house decorated for the holidays? What is their favourite holiday dish?
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
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While Haru doesn't normally celebrate Christmas, I feel like if she was given a chance to, she would definitely go all out. Absolutely, insanely overboard, actually! Her house would have so many lights, inflatable decorations, lawn ornaments, wreaths at the door, trees in the yard done up as Christmas trees, a sound system playing Christmas carols for all to hear - anything she could decorate with, she would. The result could probably be seen from outer space! It's over the top but just incredibly fun and she enjoys it so much! I feel she probably has a sleigh decoration and makes herself a Santa costume so that she can go sit out in it at nights to wave to the children with a ho-ho-ho! As for the Christmas meal, she'd be a big fan of all the sides, which would mostly have Japanese twists to them, but nothing beats white rice for her.
Eyeshield 21!
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Hiruma hates Christmas. Just saying but it's definitely not his choice of holidays. He doesn't care about the holiday; the only thing on his mind is the Christmas Bowl. This is not a holiday, this is time for football, so fuck off you fucks and concentrate on football!! He wouldn't decorate unless he absolutely has to - the blinking lights and over the top inflatables kind of annoy him; he doesn't see the appeal, despite his general over-the-topness! For Christmas dinner, he definitely follows the fried chicken Japanese trend.
Mob Psycho 100
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Mob has never celebrated Christmas before but he would find the holiday novel and interesting. He'd probably enjoy decorating but would keep things very low-key, maybe do up a small tree and hang some garlands or tinsel but it would definitely be very minimal but still pretty decorations. For Christmas meals, if he had the chance to eat a traditional meal, I feel he would try everything and enjoy most of it, though he'd hate gravy.
K Project
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I feel like Tatara would have gotten really into Christmas at one point, especially because of the strong ties with family togetherness and joy and peace it has. He would've insisted and set up everything for all of his HOMRA family to get together and decorate the bar. Tinsel, lights, garlands, and of course a little tree in a corner with an angel to put on top of it - he personally lifts Anna up so she can place it on top of the tree. If he can, he tries to arrange Christmas supper for everyone at the bar too, making it a potluck so that everyone can have fun contributing to the meal. He brings dessert, a sponge cake he learned to make when he got interested in baking and that he has Anna help him make.
One Punch Man
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Saitama doesn't really care about Christmas. He doesn't decorate but he's not against decorations. He finds them pretty and would like looking at them. He also doesn't eat anything special that day but loves when people invite him to their Christmas meals because he is poor and free food is free food!
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Gojyo barely decorates his house outside of the Christmas season. Until Hakkai came along, it was sparsely furnished and very messy. He wouldn't even think to decorate it for Christmas, especially as Christmas was never something he would ever have experienced growing up, even if it was commonly celebrated. Seeing everything all nicely decorated for Christmas would actually make him feel a little depressed somehow and he tends to avoid all Christmas festivities or events or meals.
Ronin Warriors
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Rowan hates Christmas. Why, oh why, does everyone insist on getting up at the ass-crack of dawn to celebrate it? This boy wants and needs and loves his sleep and he'll be a very grumpy boy Christmas morning and in the days leading up to it, though he tries. He wouldn't decorate but would try to help out others decorating if they asked and actually has a somewhat artistic, though avant-garde, knack for it. The Christmas supper, though? Now that's something he can get behind. He's a huge eater but his favourite part is pie at the end, pumpkin if he can get it, with lots of whipped cream on top.
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Nico is a huge child. While he never got to experience Christmas in his childhood, when he finally got to celebrate it, he would be beyond excited and happy and would approach it with his usual enthusiasm and energy! He's really into making as many of the decorations as he can with his cell-mates and excels at paper-chains and popcorn strings, spending hours happily making them and no matter how childish or messy the end result looks, he thinks it's the most beautiful thing in the world. As for the Christmas meal, he likes cranberry sauce but only if it's on the sweet side, and makes sure to save room for second helpings of dessert!
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Ban considers decorating for Christmas to be a huge waste of money. Money he doesn't have anyway, thank you very much. He is a huge Grinch, refusing to have anything to do with Christmas and the only reason he tolerates the holiday season is because the GetBackers tend to see an uptick in cases around that time.
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I love this picture that, at some point in his very long life, probably shortly after living in the human world, Kisuke got really interested in Christmas and that he has all these retro, plastic Christmas decorations and the tackiest flocked fake Christmas tree and just the most outrageous decorations that he still busts out...always in July. Never actually at Christmas. Just to fuck with people. He'll even spread out a whole Christmas feast around that time, just because he can, with his favourite dish being just boring mashed potatoes, or so he claims.
Bungo Stray Dogs
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Odasaku never cared about Christmas until the kids came into his life. But once they did, he wanted nothing more than to make Christmas special for them. He decorates, though meagerly, with a lot of the decorations being crafts he does with the kids, paper snowflakes and little ornaments to put on the table-top tree he could afford for them. He treats them all to fried chicken on Christmas and never has it tasted better to him than at those moments.
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Tsubaki would get really into Christmas and find it just the best thing ever. At least for a little bit...the man is flighty as anything. While he had that intense interest, he would definitely decorate every square inch of the apartment with whatever he possibly could. Ornaments, stockings, a tree, nutcrackers, wreaths, signs, candles - if it looked commercially tacky and Christmassy, it's right up his alley! He would also definitely have Christmas carols on a loop constantly while celebrating and decorating. And while it might not be traditionally Christmas, he wants inari sushi for his Christmas meal!
Mystic Messenger
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Being Catholic, I feel like Saeyoung, while not going outrageous with the decorations, would definitely have a nativity set that is very well taken care of and displayed as prominently as he can. The rest of the decorations are mismatched but kind of charming because of it, just things that caught his fancy. He'll put more effort into decorating, though everything will still be very mismatched and chaotic, once Saeran comes to live with him. As for the meal, for most Christmases, it was junk food and it's still what he'll prefer.
Ikemen Revolution
Okay, but Jonah definitely grew up with Christmas being a huge thing. Lots of gifts and Christmas parties, lots of Christmas treats, and the place decorated like something out of a Christmas card. I definitely think he insists on decorating for Christmas. Just not himself. There are people to do that for him or so his upbringing taught him. He'd honestly have absolutely no idea how to decorate for Christmas. Not the faintest clue. But he supervises the decorating like a very finicky, picky boss! As for the meal, he's only waiting for dessert and hopes it has strawberries!
Obey Me!
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Okay, let's be real here - Diavolo would absolutely adore getting to try a human Christmas and would go over the top with it. While he might not get to do all the decorating himself, he'd definitely want everything decorated like he'd seen in all the research he'd done on a human Christmas and he'd definitely try to make time to at least dress the tree with the others, though he'd break more ornaments than he put on in his excitement. As for the meal, Barbatos is a wonderful cook and there's no part of it he doesn't enjoy, especially since his Christmas meal will be shared with Lucifer, Barbatos and all his other precious people.
Class of the Titans
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Herry was raised by his grandmother on the farm and their Christmases were very 'down-home' and rustic as a result. A lot of the decorations were from natural resources, like pine wreaths and garlands, pinecones and hand-made salt dough ornaments that gave Herry many happy hours making as he grew up. He likes the Christmas lights and all the fun, fancy decorations but the simpler, country Christmases are the ones he enjoys most and will yearn for and choose to replicate. As for the meal, other than avoiding cranberry sauce, he's eating all of it that he can but special mention goes to the fresh-baked rolls used to sop up the gravy on his plate. He can polish off almost a full batch all by himself.
Disney's Ultimate Spider-Man
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It's shown that Flash grew up in a rather poor family and I really don't think their house was decorated very thoroughly when he was growing up. They did up the tree and put the stockings underneath of it with the few gifts his parents could afford but little else was done. As such, I don't think he decorates a lot for Christmas but it is really, really important for him to decorate even a small tree and getting it just right can sometimes take him hours but it's very much a labour of love. As for the meal, he's a ham fan over turkey any day but if turkey is the only way to go, someone give him the legs. Dark meat over white any day!
X-Men: Evolution
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Kurt loves Christmas but rarely got to participate publicly in Christmas growing up because of his mutant looks. He sticks to his German heritage and the German's Christmas traditions mostly, though he does embrace some more American ones. He's very big on Advent calendars and Christmas angels. As far as the meal goes, he eats well but his favourite Christmas treat is actually not part of the meal itself but part of the holiday season. He's definitely a sucker for good lebkuchen!
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer
I feel like Sean is really used to big Christmases growing up with the pack. Brannoc always decorated and I feel like his children, but especially Brid and Sean, keep doing that even after Brannoc passes. Sean tends to like to go over the top in his decorations - the more lights or the more decorations, the better to him. He gets a childlike joy out of Christmas, no matter how old he is, and loves to deck out the place, especially for the younger members of the pack. I could definitely see him donning a Santa suit for the younger members of the pack and handing out gifts to them all, making them laugh and really having a ball with it. As far as the meal goes, this is no small meal. It's been canonically stated that weres eat and eat a lot. The sideboards are threatening to break under the sheer weight of all the food and Sean stuffs himself on everything and anything, excluding the carrots which he hates. The Christmas meal isn't a proper Christmas feast if you don't have to unbutton your pants and go lay down afterwards, in his opinion.
The Outsiders
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I really love the idea that, though very poor, the Curtis' always have a Christmas. It might be a very small Christmas, meager by most standards, but they all appreciate it and do love the holiday and do their best to decorate for it and to get each other gifts. The decorations are cheap-looking or crude but honestly, they have so much sentimental value to all the boys, but especially Darry, as they are all remnants from when their parents were alive and Darry remembers making some of the ornaments with his parents or his brothers more than Soda or Pony do. As for meals, while it's definitely not a feast by any standards, the boys do their best to eat well that day. Darry cooks the bird and does his best but gravy is where he definitely shines and that's his favourite, especially the next day on hot sandwiches made from leftovers.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
outlaw headcanons?
Roy made a group chat for his own surprise birthday party and left
They have a rule where if someone shows up at another person's apartment with injuries, they stitch each other up without asking any questions
Kory once drunk-texted Roy "break up with your boyfriend, I'm bored" and to her surprise, he replied, "Are Jason and I that obvious???"
Movie night consists of... Disney. Because Lian gets the final say
Kory watched Spider-Man once and starts referring to her instinct as her "starry senses"
Lian also made them make each other friendship bracelets
Jason's motorcycle is the loudest thing and he knows it. Sometimes he'll park outside one of their apartments at 2 AM and rev it up
They hiked up to the Hollywood sign to recreate "Hollyweed"
Dick once asked Kory to chaperone Jason and Roy when Jason was being secretive about his whereabouts. They were initially gonna stake out Weather Wizard's temporary hideout, but once they caught on, they detoured through a romantic date so cheesy it'd be a lactose-intolerant nightmare
They don't tell Kory when they have a cold because she'll bring a whole oil drum of soup
They started an online Furby cult that became so prolific it made it onto church warning posters
Jason sleeps with two pillows: one he stole from Roy and one he stole from Kory
The first time Jason confronted the Joker after returning to Gotham, Roy secretly followed him as backup
The three of them have their own Thanksgiving dinner, where Kory's nine stomachs become the envy of the crowd
They don't need to say "cover me" for the others to cover them
They went to a costume party as a three-part spider-horse
They help each other make excuses not to see their parents
Even after Jason came back, Roy still has a hard time driving past cemeteries
At the height of Pokémon Go, they journeyed to Bialya for a Mesprit
They keep a tally of how many times they save each other's butt. At the end of the year, the winner gets $10 from each person, but that's more than enough incentive to keep the competition going. Whoever can win a whopping 10 years in a row gets to name the other ones' kids
Jason and Roy got married so they don't have to testify against each other in court, and Kory found a loophole where Earth laws don't have any jurisdiction over her
Kory's sister tainted a lot of childhood memories, so Jason and Roy helped her create new ones, starting with smoking Smarties and snorting Pixie Stix
Jason and Kory take turns babysitting Lian
They once pooled all their bedding together to make the ultimate blanket kingdom, which prospered until Jason started a civil war
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madhare0512 · 2 years
headcanons for the ultimate spiderman:
(spoilers for and revolving around seasons 1 and 2)
- this universe's spiderman is actually a mutant. or partly one anyway. the spider that bit him would've only given him the spider-sense and heightened senses, but Peter is a dormant mutant, so he got a few more traits than he was supposed to.
- the team had a list of things Danny Rand has not seen, read, or experiences. this list includes: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, Home Alone, any Disney movie, among multiple others. this list is also to be completed before Danny finishes out the alloted year
- the team has a relationship most would consider romantic, but the truth of it is, if you're going into life-or-death situations with someone on a weekly/daily basis, you're gonna get close. the team has little to no concept of personal space, their jokes to each other are met with fond exasperation, and while they tease and fight and bicker, they love each other and will do anything for each other
- Luke and Danny have kissed AT LEAST once
- Peter has kissed Sam, Ava, and Danny. Sam was a dare after a battle gone wrong when they where all hopped on sedatives and painkillers. Ava was an accident, he was running high on adrenaline and relief after a battle in which she almost didn't make it out. Danny is his best friend and boyfriend and Peter fucking LOVES him
- MJ and Harry both love Peter dearly but he kind of bails on them at a moments notice, so while they'll happily hang out with him, they don't expect much time from him anymore. they still plan with him and help him out and will drop everything if he needs them
- Danny and Peter's personal training sessions? that's just a them thing, it's entirely private. Danny doesn't offer those lessons freely and he declines if anyone asks. Peter is the only one who's gotten those lessons. no one could tell why
- if Peter is out on patrol past one am, the team has full license to drag him back home
- (inspired by a fic on FF by Stormy1x2) the team has a patrol schedule implemented when Danny, Luke, Ava, and Sam saw just how much Peter's pushing himself to keep people safe
- Peter does NOT patrol Hell's Kitchen and if he sees a man in white Egyptian-style armor/a white cloak/a full white suit, he does not approach and he doesn't worry about it. the Knight guy and Daredevil don't like being interrupted. Peter does maintain a healthy working relationship with both of them though
- the team may or may not have a sort of open relationship? Danny and Peter are the only ones confirmed to be in a romantic relationship
- Sam likes head scritches
- Ava can, in fact, purr and has other cat-like attributes away from the amulet
- Luke's and Ava's biggest fears are failure, presented differently
- Danny's and Peter's biggest fears are that they'll prove themselves unworthy of the responsibilities and duties they've taken on
- despite Danny seeming the type and Sam having the attitude, Luke's the one with the expensive and LONG morning routine that includes shower, hair care, skin care, etcetera
- if Ava threatens to go to Coulson about assigning more homework ONE MORE TIME the boys are not responsible for bodily harm
- training nights are split on who runs them, but the team does get very serious about it. they're all training in their own ways, showing each other what works for them, but they're serious about it
- Danny does yoga, Sam and Ava will sometimes join him
- two people will patrol at night, this tradition started back before the Hellicarrier went down and continues even after its back up
- Danny and Luke have two friends outside of the team, Matt and Jess. Matt is blind and Jess used to be in a gang
more to come if I find them again
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USM Disney Film Head-canons #6:
Harry Osborne
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Despite being busy at Midtown High and now SHIELD Academy, Harry has always made time to sit down and watch a Disney film or two in his spare time. While growing up in his father’s business, he enjoyed films that really pushed the boundaries in both technology and science while also enjoying ones that emphasized the importance of family, something that he felt he lacked. For Harry, Treasure Planet was that film for him growing up as he heavily related to Jim Hawkins and their lack of a father figure. Plus, the world building for the film was always something that sparked an interest in Harry considering its use of astrology and futuristic technology. However, according to Peter, when he learned that the film was a major box office bomb he repeatedly sent Disney notes begging them for a sequel. Speaking of family, Tangled was another film that Harry really enjoyed not just because of its story but also its innovative look at an old Fairy Tale as well as a reminder of how far technology has come. Also, he finds Rapunzel's story about finally leaving the nest very relatable as it reminded him of his role of taking the Patrioteer armor. 
(A/N: This one was a bit of a challenge to write since I like to have at least two Disney films per headcanon and,  I don’t know why, but I was having a hard time finding a second film to relate to Harry. 0_0)
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retvenkos · 3 years
Hi! Congrats Olive! That's amazing! 🔥 please? Okay Part 1: Im an ISFJ/INFJ, 6w7 and 4w3(i know i know you are only suppose to have 1 but i swear I’m both lol), And a slytherpuff! Straight female. I am very smiley and bubbly but am an introvert(or extroverted introvert) and can be super shy. I am extremely ambitious and loyal My friends call me optimistic and the happy one of the group but I actually suffer from chronic depression, OCD,  and major social anxiety.
Part 2: Also have abandonment issues due to my dad leaving. Can be overly emotional and sensitive. But I I love to laugh and find the positive in situations!  I am a very determined person, if I want something I won’t stop trying until I psychically can’t. When Im in expert in something I sometimes get a slight superiority complex, mainly when someone questions me on it, trying to work on that.I’m a Christian and my faith is very important to me!
Part 3 I LOVE to cuddle and hold hands and hugs but innocent otherwise. I have danced and done theater my whole life and love it and being on stage so much but ultimately decided to into video editing. I LOVE broadway and musicals but can’t sing for crap. I love pink and Disney(worked there twice) and nerdy stuff. Child at heart and old soul at the same time.  Oh and for Disney, Marvel, and Harry Potter please! Thanks so much!
I ship you with Flynn Rider!
alright, we already know that flynn has a secret soft side to him, and i 100% believe that you unlock it without trying, on like, the second time you meet flynn.
i want to say that you met flynn fairly early on in his life - when he first got out of the orphanage and was still a thief in training. he probably made some dashing rescue when you were cornered by some thugs, and you thanked him with some coin and maybe a dinner? who knows. both of you are young and neither of you well off financially, so you share what little you have. when he leaves, you noticed he let you keep your money. so he’s a gentleman, huh?
he continues to find reasons to stop by your village, his excuses getting increasingly worse over time. on all of his visits, flynn seems to have the mission of getting to know you better - and you’re not going to easily reveal your secrets. after all, a girl’s gotta look out for herself, doesn’t she?
flynn learns that you are a very ambitious person with a lot of smarts that you’re proud of, and he likes your confidence - it’s something he’s had to build over a lifetime, so he loves the fact that it comes so easily to you.
he also loves your optimism. he used to have it, once, and it’s refreshing to find someone who truly and honestly believes in the world.
getting to know you is slow going, but it also takes time to get to know him, so fair is fair. and the more you learn about each other, the more you want him to stay. you, of course, know about his life on the run as a master thief, and he has hidden in your house plenty of times before.
what’s most interesting about your relationship is that flynn talks about the future with you. you know what you want to do with your life and are working towards it with all the tenacity in the world. you are headed in one direction and nothing can stop you, and that inspires flynn and reminds him of himself. and both of you are going to do all you can.
(if you want to get some angst in this headcanon set, maybe your ambitions take you to the castle - maybe you want to be a healer or someone who offers intellectual council, idk. anyway, your ambitions put you in direct opposition of flynn, and the two of you probably have a few run ins. and while there isn’t animosity and you always let him run free, there is a distance between the two of you. BUT, your time at court doesn’t work out and you have to go back to your roots - to flynn.) 
or! maybe you’re an actress in plays! you know that if you were, flynn would sneak into your shows to watch you and would leave you a single flower after your performance. 
you’re relationship is a lot of fun! it involves a lot of sneaking around, a lot of stolen, soft moments, and then talks at the kitchen table, with the candle burning low and all the world between you two.
ugh, i just love this concept.
I ship you with Peter Parker!
you and peter are the sweetest couple ever, two nerds who probably had feelings for eachother for a long time, but were too shy and awkward to mention them. 
since you mentioned video editing, can i propose the idea of you taking videos of spider-man, not knowing it’s peter? may i propose the idea of you making youtube videos about spider-man and kind of being his hype man in the early stages? may i suggest the idea that you are the reason why spider-man blew up online, and it stresses peter out to no end?
i really want peter to bring you into the fold and tell you that he’s spider-man because you’ve been bringing him a lot of attention and have started making theory videos on who he is and how he got his powers, and the stress of you possibly figuring out and telling the whole world is literally killing him.
then you can work to steer the evidence away from peter and to someone else, lol.
alright, but back to basics - you and peter both have altruistic goals! peter wants to make a difference and you do, too. you’re both kind of quiet in your goals but work toward them with a fervor, and it’s good for both of you to find someone with so much drive and willingness. 
also, the two of you are nerds! you can be nerds together! you would never have to hide your interests from peter and that is honestly such a relief. you definitely geek out over harry potter and all sorts of movies - you’re still trying to sell peter on paying attention to the full lore of star wars, but he really only listens for you and ned.
you both are a little sensitive, but you are able to work through that together. you both are unafraid to lean on the other and be vulnerable with each other, and that’s an exceptional trait to have, so the fact that you employ it so early on is good. 
peter, too, has that young at heart yet old soul vibe to him, and that’s because he’s had to struggle in life. he’s lost a lot of people and is poor, all of which ages him (mcu peter doesn’t really have this vibe, but other spideys do), and yet he is still a teenager! he’s still trying his best and wants to see the world! he has wonder in his eyes, and that makes him young again. you understand how he can be simultaneously both, which is good, because explaining that can be rough, and he also understand that in you. lots of mutual understanding is good for you - esp. since his life is so complicated, being spiderman.
oh! peter also loves watching bootl*gs of musicals with you. the two of you will hang out at his place, eating microwave popcorn while trying to enjoy the shaky video. peter talks a lot through movies, but it’s all good, because if you kiss his cheek, he gets flustered and goes very quiet for at least 10 minutes.
Harry Potter:
I ship you with Draco Malfoy!
okay, you gotta stick with me here, because i promise you i have some thoughts about this
i mostly get post-war vibes. i imagine the two of you didn’t interact a lot at school, and if you did, it was in passing - partners in charms once or twice, nothing that could make the two of you especially hate each other later in life.
i’m going all out and saying you both work in the ministry - in the same or similar departments, both of you working late into the night. you, because of your ceaseless ambitions and draco because working clears his mind from all the horrors of his past.
it first starts out that the two of you pass by each other at night, almost shutting off the lights on the other because you thought you were alone. i imagine that draco approaches you first - he has a problem that you can help him solve, and he’s pleasantly surprised by your pride in what you know and the vehemence with which you state the facts. he didn’t know you were so strong willed. it vaguely reminds him of himself, and that’s where the interaction ends.
after that, though, he’s bridged the gap. now, he’ll come over to you for advice on how to do some of his ministry work - you’re really good in a lot of areas, and you’re incredibly concise. when he comes over to your desk, you now ask him about some of your own challenging problems, and the two of you are work friends, now.
it’s a slow burn to end all slow burns, but eventually draco brings you a cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate one winter's night when the two of you are working late - his way to say thank you for all of your help. he’s not used to this - reaching out and being nice, but you inspire it in him.
one night he helps you walk some paperwork back to your house - some work you still have to do over the holidays - and he offers his help, if you need it.
i imagine that you don’t exactly want to call draco malfoy over to your apartment during the holidays, so you don’t, but when you realize how far you are behind, you call him over on a saturday and the two of you work all day. it’s mindless filing, mostly, so the two of you have time to talk, if you want to. draco’s pretty silent this whole time, but you are talkative and you eventually get him to crack. you talk about your earliest years at hogwarts. draco rolls his eyes at how dramatic he was and groans at some of his actions. (”remember when you made those “’potter stinks’ buttons? you had a button press in the slytherin common room and gave them out to everyone. i can’t believe snape let you keep a button press!”) the two of you have a lot of tea and you go to get lunch at a restaurant nearby, and when you’re walking back after your meal (where he laughed - actually laughed at something you said) he turns to you and sincerely apologizes for all that he was in his hogwarts years. and because there was never too much bad blood between you two, you shrug off his apology.
and it takes a lot of time for both of you to open up - and i mean a lot of time. you guys steadily become friends who tell each other everything, and it’s you who drags draco to parties with other school mates whom he reconciles with (although he still gives apologies to the main trio, quite often). because you’re a little more extroverted, you bring draco out of his shell while still being introverted in your activities.
you also take draco to your favorite muggle places - the theatre being one of them. i want to say that you go to see les mis or hadestown, because i feel like draco would actually really like those musicals. you also do a lot of movie watching, which draco loves. he gets to set aside his troubles for a few hours or so, and it’s nice.
a few more ideas - you teach draco to cook, you realise draco has a love for poetry and find it very sweet (but you lord it over him, of course), you gossip about your coworkers together, and you star gaze.
EVENTUALLY the two of you get together, and it’s just really sweet. draco’s not big on pda, but he will always give you his arm, or he will hold your hand, and the love is in the gentle stares and soft smiles.
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ansheofthevalley · 5 years
People tend to do the same thing for Steve and Tony (Stony), as in fetishize their relationship, when you’ve already mentioned that there are plenty of LGBTQ people in the world of Marvel.
Hi nonny!
TBH, it’s hardly hot news that fandom in general like to fetishize mlm couples (especially if the characters are portrayed as straight). It’s usually straight women that fetishizes mlm ships (that’s a whole another problem I won’t get into now, otherwise this would be a very long post). I mean, I still remember the days of BBC Sherlock and Johnlock. I’m sure you do too, nonny.
Now, everyone has their own headcanons about characters and all. And that’s totally OK. But the MCU adapts characters from the comics (I know I’m totally coming across like a comic book purist, which I’m not, not really), and there are tons of wonderful LGTBQ characters in the comics. I’m aware that not all the people that are part of the MCU fandom read the comics, and that’s cool. 
I guess that my main issues with this are the following:
Like I said before, the MCU adapts the characters from the comics. But adaptation doesn’t mean carbon copy. Just like MCU’s MJ is not the “typical” Mary Jane we know, the MCU version is based on an alternate version of Mary Jane from the comics in which she was as much of a genius as Peter (I can’t remember the alternate universe). The same can happen with a character’s sexuality. Let’s use Jessica Drew aka Spider-Woman as an example. Her original version (Earth-616) is straight. But her Ultimate version (Earth-1610) identifies as a lesbian. Same can happen with Illyana Rasputina aka Magik, who in Earth 616 is established as straight, but she’s also established as bi and gay in different alternate universes. Other characters that can go this route are Wolverine and Hercules (both from Earth-12025, alternate universe in which they’re a couple) and Beast and Wonder Man (both from Earth-763, alternate universe in which they’re a couple). 
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(I MEAN... Here you have two of the manliest, most macho-looking superheroes Marvel has, sharing a show-stopping kiss. JUST IMAGINE if we got something remotely close to it in the MCU).
I don’t have a problem with characters being queer when their comic counterpart are straight, as long as it makes sense whithin their narrative frame. Otherwise, it just becomes thoughtless representation and as a community we deserve better than that.
Then, of course, you have the canon LGBT characters (by canon I refer to characters present in the Earth-616 timeline). You have:
- Gay characters:
Union Jack
Angela (Thor’s older sister, whose storyline in the MCU was given to Hela)
Korg (who already is in the MCU)
America Chavez
Iceman (one of the 6 original X-Men)
Karma (founder of the New Mutants)
Viv (Vision’s “daughter”)
-Bi characters:
Black Cat
Electro (a Spider-Man villain)
Daken (Wolverine’s son)
Beetle (a Spider-Man villain)
-Pan characters:
Julie Power
-Trans characters:
-Genderfluid characters:
-LGBTQ characters that already are in the MCU (*):
Loki (Bisexual and genderfluid)
Valkyrie (Bisexual)
Nico Minoru (Bisexual)
Karolina Dean (Gay)
Xavin (Genderfluid)
Jeri Hogarth (Gay)
Joey Gutierrez (Gay)
Justin Hammer (Gay)
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(*)I’m aware of the pattern here, the only openly LGBTQ characters are from the Marvel shows. Loki, Valkyrie and Justin Hammer have all been confirmed as queer behind the scenes
As you can see, there are tons of queer characters, some that even fit with the direction the MCU will be taking after Endgame:
You have America Chavez, Wiccan, Hulkling and Noh-Varr, all members of the Young Avengers. A notable member of this team? Cassie, Scott Lang’s daughter (she’s a teenager by the end of Endgame, so the timeline is just right for Marvel to bring the YA to the MCU). Also, in the Disney + Hawkeye series, it’s said that Clint will train someone. That someone could turn out to be Kate Bishop, another member of this group.
You have Iceman, Karma, Psylocke, Mystique, Daken, Prodigy and Deadpool, all members of the X-Men or groups affiliated with them. Since Disney acquiered the rights to the X-Men, we’ll see some of them soon in the MCU.
You have Phyla-Vell and Moondragon, characters associated with the GotG and the cosmic side of Marvel. Since one of the confirmed projects is the Eternals movie and it’s also said that the Captain Marvel sequel will take place in space, it’s possible these characters are introduced, since it seems the MCU is heading towards exploring the cosmic side of the universe. Marvel also confirmed that the Eternals movie will introduce its first openly gay character, so yay!
You have Ultimate Jessica Drew. She’s from the same alternate universe as Miles Morales. Since FFH confirmed the Multiverse theory, it can be possible this version of the character appears in the MCU, either as the MCU’s version of the Jess or as part of the Spider-Verse story-line. Also possible to make an appareance (but a little further down the line): Black Cat. She’s a love interest/rival to Spider-Man. There’s also possibility for Electro and Beetle to appear since they were both part of the Sinister Six.
You have Angela and Sera. Since Thor joined the GotG at the end of Avengers: Endgame, making it look like an adaptation of the Asgardians of the Galaxy run (or at least, the start of it), it’s easy to introduce, at least, Angela, since she became a rather popular character.
You have Loki and his upcoming Disney + solo series, which will take place in an alternate universe. The series is perfect for Marvel to explore the sexuality of one of its most popular characters.
You have Viv, the Vision’s daughter. Since we’ll get the ScarletVision Disney + series, it’s possible we get a version of Viv, or a mix of her and the children Wanda and Vision “had” (if you read House of M, you’ll know what I’m referring to). Viv is part of the series of new young heroes, along with Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel), Riri Williams (Ironheart), Miles Morales (Ultimate universe’s Spider-Man), Spider-Gwen (Earth-65′s Gwen Stacy), Nadia Pym (Wasp), Lunella Lafayette (Moon Girl) and Gabby Kinney (a clone of Wolverine).
As I said, there are tons of awesome characters waiting to be introduced. Just because they’re not known to the GA doesn’t mean they couldn’t be great additions to the MCU. I mean, almost nobody knew about the Guardians when their first movie came out. Scott Lang and Stephen Strange were largely unknown by the GA when their movies came out. So yeah, I have great hopes for these awesome characters.
Also, support the Marvel shows that are giving us proper representation! Watch Runaways on Hulu and Jessica Jones and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D on Netflix.
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Hey there! Congratz on the followers, man. For the headcanons, can we have some Oz/Damien?
Oz and Damien Headcanons
-Damien and Oz regularly sit at Miranda’s table and eat their lunch with anything they can feasibly use to get food into their faces, just to convince her that it’s the latest in cutting edge elite silverware. So far the favorites include bowling balls, live weasels, the shattered fragments of Liam’s most obscure vinyl album, and a miniature spork made of pure unobtanium.
-They are the schools Trouble Couple. The ultimate partners in crime. They get away with so much shit for so long before Principal Giant Spider wises up to Oz’s big glowy-eyed innocent act.
(“Me sir? Oh gosh no, I would never fill coach’s desk drawers with flash bang grenades! That’s so awful, who would do such a thing? I hope he gets out of the psych ward soon!” *high-faves Damien behind their back*)
-Oz is the Good!partner sitting on the boyfriend couches at Sephora while Damien ransacks the Urban Decay section, a slowly accumulating mountain of boxes in their lap, patiently giving sincere opinions on eyeshadow shades and lip liner opacity.
-Sometimes when they’re in separate classes a little phobia buddy will materialize out of Damien’s shadow, climb his sleeve, give him a smooch on the cheek, and disappear again.
-Damien started picking Oz up for school in the morning when they started dating. They roll up in Nancy every morning twenty minutes late and holding needlessly fancy lattes, blaring Scandinavian grunge or Disney theme songs. Much to Liam’s chagrin, the students lower down in the pecking order somehow still think they’re cool.
-Constant PDA. Oh, you thought Scott would be a clingy boyfriend? At least he doesn’t start giggling and nose-nuzzling his SO in the middle of the classroom while a swarm of angry, on-fire ghost hornets terrorize the student body in the background. They have custom text alerts for each other. Every conversation is ended with an “I love you”. They are the highschool sweethearts you kind of hope will have a huge ugly public breakup so you can feel less bitter and jealous, and then NEVER DO. They show up to their 20 year high school reunion still holding hands.
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pixie-skull · 6 years
# 12 Post: Top 10, OFFICAL Animated Men List, part 4
So to explain myself, I made a list of men from different studios, yet unlike my women’s list ( https://nerd-indigo.tumblr.com/post/168587304582/post-12-part-2-finally-top-ten-2d-animated ) from different animation studios I can own up my list, I felt my men was not as official who I have crushed on ( https://indigo-psyduck.tumblr.com/post/168600736687/post-12-part-3-finally-top-ten-2d-animated-mens ). Yes spoiler, mostly Disney and Dreamworks. XD Rules - - - > https://indigo-psyduck.tumblr.com/post/167091245072/post-12-part-1-rules-for-animated-crush-list and a few repeats, as well one tie.
10. 1978′s The Lord of the Rings: Frodo Baggins
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Yes went from honorable mention to actual member of list. XD Now if someone can look at me like he does to Samwise. Now on to why I like this Hobbit. One huge reason, younger me was borderline (or was) obsessed with The Lord of the Rings. I rewatched all the movies a lot (I first saw the movies when I was maybe near five-seven ( I am blanking, yet was somewhere in this age range by the last movie) years old,in theaters. No shaming my parents, one of my older siblings watched the movies for a birthday movie thing), blush like an anime character at the mere mention of Frodo. So in attempts I guess find a kid friendly film, my family found this animated gem. XD Years later watch this video (as in video cassette. Yup 90′s kid here) and read the books, this animated Frodo closer to books, which earns more cute points. Even Frodo thanks for your part in my taste in men.
9. Ben Ten Ben Ten, series of both Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, Ben.
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As the first list with men before, his reasons still apply. Only 10 for combined with personality, younger me did crush, yet not as much as the rest. Here is the reasons: “He is kinda a smart alec (or donkey), yet not too bad. He is funny, a good family member and quick on his feet. Plus his green eyes so cute. I enjoyed the show started to let him grow up and found fun see how it is grow almost together.“ It is nice too he has green eyes. :D
8. 2004′s Howl’s Moving Castle, Howl.
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As the first list with men before, his reasons still apply. Here the given reasons, “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwROgK94zcM Please note I do NOT count for my Disney entry. XD So this character starts as a womanizer or something similar (which not a fan of), yet he clearly wears a mask of insecurities, and grows. Also, has colorful hair (blonde[not a fan of blonde look], ginger, maybe an odd ball color, and black). I like how he willing have adventures, I enjoy someone take me on one, as long not overstimulated due to Autism does that to me. :( I see him as Pan. I have as 7 for as much I like his design and his arch, I am not a fan of a mask, just be yourself, unless that means you hurt others, then no. XD”. I am typically attracted to a something like androgynous and feminine, so Howl fits this so well. 
7. 2003′s Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas Kale tied with Proteus 
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Yea a new character crush that differ my old list, well two. XD Now besides being tied for being in the same movie, they do differ. Both are just drawn to be sooooo attractive (Kale seems to be a love child of one of my formally dated [that smirk and muscles, kinda voice, who was my first guy kiss {my first kiss was with a woman} ] and a guy friend who I have a crush on. [playful nature and go with flow, pierced ears, and hat taste] XP and Proteus just from long hair ( @thenamelessdoll  you get this struggle XD ) to willing to help citizens, sacrifice his life, and more. I am sadden these two get such little love. Yes Kale does win by a few slim points. Yes this movie is jammed back with so many attractive characters (not counting Sinbad for he comes off to Brad Pitt like and I am not attracted to Pitt).
6. 2002′s Treasure Planet Jim Hawkins
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Like 10, started out as honorable mention, then bumped onto list. So besides being voiced by the inspiring feminist and cutie Joseph Gordon-Levitt, the baby blue eyed Jim liked for; how sincere he cares about others, smart, has a nice punk edge, and many other reasons other swoon him.
5. Static Shock series and DC Comics, Virgil Ovid Hawkins AKA Static.
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Here are the reasons of why I liked him on my other list, “Even though not shown on the show, Virgil’s best friend, Gear, is openly gay, yet the shows does show and explore issues of life.  I crush on Virgil for he showed more a realistic at high school, he had a similar humor like Spider-Man, only not as mean jabs at the baddies. He was not as much a dork, actual more the calm and fun laid back friend everyone would maybe want. I do like nerds (like movie and comics), yet I rather have a heart than just a brain.”
4. 2003′s Brother Bear’s Sidka
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I am aware he has less than most on this list, yet he still showed traits I find attractive. Caring about his family, a voice of kind reason, funny, a relax nature, and more. Plus his long hair and voice. ^_^ Without spoiling, so sad what happens to him. :(
3. 2001′s The Road to El Dorado, Miguel.
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^ First  can someone please make that character he flirty with an edit of me? Just swap gown to be indigo and hair a lighter brown (like Don Bluth “Anastasia”) with violet tips. Back on to the list, so yes the fact he and Tulio were originally meant as a couple do not escape my mind. So with this fact and my headcanon he is gay, why is he on my list? Because even if gay, he is cute. XD Also not the first time for me to crush on someone who happens to be gay. Miguel is one of very few characters with a full set of facial hair I can like. I tend not to like that. Any ways yes, unlike most top tens, who ties him with Tulio, I personally can not like Tulio. He just seems not as genuinely kind as Miguel. Also Miguel just a goofy goober and that is good be funny and understanding. Plus he seems to love life and not need to steal to enjoy it. Also dark green eyes are a nice bonus.
2. Sailor Moon (90′s Version), Mamoru Chiba AKA Tuxedo Mask
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Reasons from other list, “I admit the English dub (the bad one, where they take away lots of LGBTQ+ themes and characters), his American dubbed name and since then very much like the name Darien. So he would have number 1, if after rewatching the show (yes I got a gift from a family have all five seasons, three movies, and more goodies) I realized how unnecessary Tux’s teasing went. Luckily by season two and mostly afterwards become the cutie I know little kid me had a crush on him. He is likable in how romantic, supportive, had his funny moments, was both a hero and could be fine being saved too. Plus physically he is attractive, from messy dark (sometimes deep green), tux, Prince and King outfits, (mini spoilers) a nice dad, and more. I want to say he could be Bi, I am not sure why, just a feeling. Like Biromantic Hetrosexual.By the way not sure, yet these gifs make the Sailor Moon characters seem more white, sadly not Japanese”.
1. 1998′s Moses, Moses.
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That smile is so precious. Also his speaking and singing voice are both so kind and can be powerful. I admit he looks better with facial hair. 
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Now on to the reasons from my past list, “I have to admit he or Joseph (Prince of Dreams) were both runner ups. I ended up with Moses because when upset and even hurt by loved ones, Joseph felt a sense of revenge. To an extend valid for (spoilers) sold to slavery and mistaken as dead, but to want hurt someone just feel equal, not fair at all in my book. To be the better person to me, means try to forgive, maybe talk out, and think ahead. That momentary sense of revenge could take a life and that is something to never get back. Yes maybe after a lot of pain and the person seems there a limit, but again think ahead. Also, yes in the Bible Moses I know an old man, yet that is another reason like this film, it does not follow that, so to enjoy the few changes, make me feel it is fair to like Moses more. I like him for the above, personality, love for family, sense of right and wrong, and more...”
0. 2002′s Lilo and Stich David
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“... Any who why I like him. He a HUGE romantic and supporting person. He is also great with kids and animals or I suppose Aliens is more accurate? David understands no and gives Nani time to figure out things before he feels she would be ready to date. Plus so much more. :D Looks, well he has the plus having little body hair, not that little is bad, yet I tend not like chest hair. XD ... “ 
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I admit I tend to like my men lean or not have a lot of muscles, not sure why, I do know I like being stronger. XD As long in good shape then that works for me. XD I task @thenamelessdoll @sailorzelda94 @myhollie1911 AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO :D
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 months
For day 10 of the event, I used prompt 17 and ‘horror flick’ for the original gang of heroes from Ultimate Spider-Man! I hope any fans of the series enjoy it 😊
Horror Flick: Do you like scary movies? If so, which one is your favourite?
Peter loves horror movies. He really does. The more B-grade it is, the more he’ll love it and him, Mary Jane, and Harry often watch some of the worst campy horror movies together, making fun of them and just all around having a great time with it all. He does love the classic Universal monster movies and he loves Elvira.
Luke does enjoy horror movies. He likes vampire flicks but his favourite genre within horror is usually horror comedy. Fright Night is one that really combines the best of both worlds and he’s watched that, and Shaun of the Dead way more than he’d like to admit.
Danny will watch horror movies with his friends, if it’s something they all want to watch, but overall, it’s not a genre that he really likes. It’s not that he finds them terrifying, but more that he doesn’t like the glorification of violence he feels they promote. He’s especially opposed to slashers, which not only have the hyper-violence but also have very misogynistic tones in his mind. He honestly couldn’t tell you a favourite horror movie of his.
Ava is hit or miss when it comes to horror movies. She doesn’t mind them. It’s not her favourite genre by any means, but she has no problem occasionally watching one here and there. She’s been a fan of horror-based musicals ever since she discovered them through Sweeny Todd, but her favourite is Anna and the Apocalypse, which has great songs, a solid love story in there, and great comedy.
Nova does enjoy horror movies and keeps up with most new releases in the genre. He really actually loves those anthology horror series, and he waits for full seasons of Creepshow to be out so he can sit and binge them. In terms of actual movies though, he does still like sticking to anthologies, with The Mortuary Collection being one of his favourites, mostly because a certain story has really stuck with him and because he liked that it had an overarching plot that wrapped up well.
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ciaossu-imagines · 4 months
Can I request Cloak from ultimate Spider-Man having to deal with a child reader who had been separated from their family during a villain attack and the reader hiding under his cloak and clings to him and it turns out it’s fury’s kid and cloak has been assigned to watch them because reader asked for him specifically because he protected them and now wears a blanket like a cloak and nova or one of the others tease him about having a tiny version of him((I can just see nova teasing him and is this request okay?))
Of course you can request this! This doesn’t break any of the blog’s rules, so it’s a perfectly okay request, don’t worry about it my dear 😊 Thank you so much for sending in a request for what’s a rather underloved fandom on this blog! It makes me really happy to see. This is my first time writing for Cloak, but I do hope you’ll enjoy!
Cloak honestly does have some misgivings about the heroism stuff. He struggles to always know what to do, and his own learned distrust of the world makes him wary of jumping into situations and helping complete strangers. It’s something he works really hard to fix and improve on, especially with the influence of his fellow Heroes, so he’s definitely a real force of good but a more cautious and wary one who isn’t likely to jump straight into the thick of things.
That being said, because of his own rough upbringing, the fact that he’s a runaway kid, and he knows how hard and terrifying childhood can be, he’s really got a huge soft spot for children and other teens his age. That soft spot remains no matter how old he gets, for anyone wondering. The second he does see a child in danger, that typical mistrust and all those misgivings of his fly away from his mind and he truly acts on complete impulse. His body almost moves on its own before his brain catches up because he needs to save that child in danger. It’s not just that he wants to, there is a piece of his soul and his brain that needs to save as many children as he can, needs to ensure they have all these wonderful opportunities to keep living, to find and keep happiness.
Needless to say, the second he sees that child in danger during a villain attack, he’s on it. He hyper-focuses on them and ensures they don’t get harmed any more than they were when he first saw them, even if it means his own body suffers because of it. He fully steps up and he would definitely be a hero to the child in question, because that child would not only see their savior but would also see the soft side of Cloak that really only Tandy gets to see.
The only thing I disagree with at all in this scenario is the kid hiding under Tyrone’s cloak, solely because, when fighting, Cloak’s actual cloak is part of his portal to the Darkforce Dimension (at least, I’m very much assuming it is based on Marvel mythology, which Ultimate Spider-Man borrowed heavily from in different bits and pieces, though each character is its own unique portrayal in the universe of the show). It’s part of his field of darkness, and people within Cloak’s darkness feel numbing cold and see absolutely horrifying visions of their own worst fears and nightmares. Any long periods of exposure to Cloak’s darkness results in the person’s life force starting to slowly drain away and unless Cloak releases them from the portal, they really do die. Like Cloak’s power is insane and dangerous and that’s something he struggles with.
The possibility he’d risk exposing a child to any of that is absolutely zero, but because they are in the middle of a villain fight, Cloak needs to be able to use that Darkforce Dimension and his field of darkness, which is generally used with his cloak as a focal point. I see him more consistently always making sure that the kid is hiding behind his legs, with Cloak being this kid’s human shield and constantly being aware of where the child is and soothing their panic with assurances that he’s going to get the kid out of this, everything will be fine, just leave it to him and those kind of things. Again, kids bring out Tyrone’s hidden inner softie.
Of course, Tyrone’s ecstatic that he saved the kid and he’s kind of touched by how thankful the kid is to him. Like, the very second that kid is telling him how awesome Cloak is and how he’s this kid’s new favourite superhero, Tyrone gets all tongue-tied and he’s definitely huddling a bit deeper into his cloak to hide how badly he’s blushing, though he definitely does try to play it cool.
When the kid is taken away to find his guardian’s, Cloak really thinks that is the last he’ll see of the kid. The whole thing really does do something to his heart and makes him feel really damn good to be honest, and even his teammate’s teasing him about the kid’s loud amazement of Cloak’s powers and declarations of how cool he is won’t really get to him as much as they normally would, though he still snarks back. Just not to the normal extent that he would.
So, imagine Cloak’s surprise, a bit later, to find himself being assigned a new mission. He’s initially a little disappointed at being assigned a protection mission because that’s not really something he enjoys as much. Protection missions, yeah he’s good at them, he’s suited for them, but they tend to be boring. But when it turns out that he’s assigned to protect the kid?
Cloak is honestly thrown right for a fucking loop. He never expected to see the kid again and he’s really happy that he’s getting that chance but there’s utter confusion about it all too. When he learns all the details and sees that the kid has started copying his style and is still declaring that they want to be just like Cloak, he’s having no second thoughts about the mission. Again, Tyrone adores kids. While he’s struggling to really know what to say to the kid, he’s happy to let the little one chatter on and on, and he tries to control some of his more snarky and rude nature when around the child.
His teammates definitely take advantage of this to tease him about his newly found mini-me. Tandy’s having a ball with it all, both to tease her best friend and because she does kind of find this really cute. Nova, Peter, and Flash are all right up there among people who are loving the opportunity to good-naturedly rib Cloak about all this.
It’s just a cute idea I have but at some point, I really do see Cloak searching out and using his own earnings to buy his new ‘sidekick’, as the kid will loudly declare themselves a few times, their own version of a cloak, as close to his own as he could find.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Ultimate spider man Adrian Toomes crush headcanons!
Of course, anon dear! Thank you so much for requesting something for this fandom and I really hope you’ll enjoy!
Adrian doesn’t actually get a lot of crushes. He is rather choosy on who he’s attracted to, with a lot of boxes that need to be met, and his tastes aren’t always very mainstream. Looks aren’t the first thing he notices, so far as traditional beauty goes. He’s really more into people with their own unique senses of style, finds beauty in the way people hold themselves, in how they walk and move and talk.
He’s also very much a one-crush at a time kind of guy. He finds it hard to even imagine fantasy relationships or hold onto fictional others when he has a crush on someone, because to him it will feel very akin to being unfaithful and that’s something he finds disgusting in theory.
He won’t be the person who will make the first move. He won’t approach them first. He won’t talk to them first. He definitely admires them from afar and hopes that he’ll catch their eye enough for them to approach him and start a conversation.
That admiring from afar…he’ll just coincidentally be where they are a lot. He’ll watch over them when they don’t know he’s around, he’ll track what their interests are, see who they hang around with, what kind of things they enjoy and what things they don’t. Honestly, it can border a little bit on stalking, and it definitely does come about because he’s very self-conscious, shy, awkward, and isn’t great at appropriate social cues and boundaries.
Even before they approach him, before they start building any kind of bond with them, when it’s just Adrian crushing on them, he’ll get very protective of his crush and he’ll be very much someone who would stand up for them, who would blindly trust them, just because he tends to put them on a pedestal at first (and does have a problem with doing so throughout any relationship he might develop with them).
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
I kept with the same prompt and let the wheel choose the five characters I created reactions for! I had fun with these and hope any of my Disney’s Ultimate Spider-Man fans do too!
Send ‘You, my bed, NOW’ for the character’s reaction of your’s wanting to sleep with them.
Danny’s intrigued and he does admire your confidence but he’s also a little put off by the forcefulness. It’s not that he doesn’t like you trying to instigate something because he will like the fact that you are showing your emotions and wants so openly. It’s just that he’d prefer a little bit more effort be put into something that Danny considers to be an almost spiritual thing. He doesn’t want sex to be an order that he follows. Like, even just adding a please to that statement to make it a question would have softened it enough that Danny would be more content with it and he’ll probably say something along those exact lines, just reminding you that please goes a long way.
Jack Russell
It would really depend on if you said it around others or if the two of you were alone together. If there are others around, even if they couldn’t hear the words you said to him, he’s definitely getting turned on by such a blatant invitation but he’s likely to just grin and laugh and say something like ‘there’s a time and place, honey, but when that time and place comes, definitely’. If the two of you are alone together, it’s a completely different story and he’s mostly just going to make it clear that, getting to a bed? Kind of a waste of time and really unnecessary for something that can be done right there and then.
Ben Reilly
His first reaction is to really just snap at you. He doesn’t take kindly to orders and while, yeah, you being so forceful is really fucking hot to him, he’s also not going to make things easy on you. He’s going to make you work for it or is just as likely to try to almost compete with you. I could see him saying things like ‘Who said you could give me orders, punk?’ or ‘No, you, MY bed, NOW’.
Adrian Toomes
It doesn’t matter how long Adrian has known you or how long you’ve been his partner. He could have been with you before so many times and he’ll still have the same reaction to a line like that as he would if you’d never shared a bed before. He goes quiet for a moment, and he does blush. He can’t look at you directly for a second and then he just mumbles out ‘are you sure?’. Because he really does have to check. He’s always so disbelieving of the fact that, despite there being so many better (at least in his mind) people you could have, that you really do want him. Please let him know that you’re sure, preferably through words, and he will happily decorate your bed.
Norman Osborn
Norman is never submissive. Not in his daily life, not in his business life, and not in his sexual life so this sort of blunt forcefulness and the hint of being ordered around is actually almost certainly not going to appeal to him and it’s not behaviour he wants to encourage in a partner. His reaction will largely depend on whether or not he’s in the mood for sex or not. If he’s not, his partner will just be met with a hard, almost disappointed gaze and a quiet ‘I’m busy right now’. He’d make it abundantly clear that he was not having that sort of bossiness in his life with just his tone, his facial expressions, and his body language as he let you know that any sexual needs you had at the moment were a you problem and that you should leave for then. If he was in the mood, though…let’s just say that his partner ends the night with a very red ass and a refresher on using your manners when asking for something.
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years
Hello, hello, my gorgeous readers! Just as a heads up, I’m going to be going through a busy period starting Wednesday and lasting for about a week or two. So my plan is that I’ll be writing pretty steadily Monday and Tuesday night and queueing the posts for the blog! I have about six requests in the inbox to answer but I am really hoping to queue enough for two weeks of steady content for you guys...if I don’t manage to get any more requests, I’ll do my best to fill it in with fanmixes, aesthetics, and random headcanons but would love to get some requests so this is just a reminder!
If it would help you guys or is something you guys enjoy as readers, please let me know if you want me to throw some prompts up for you guys to request from!
The inbox is open and I love getting requests! 
As a reminder, I write for KHR! (my primary and oldest fandom), Eyeshield 21, Mob Psycho, the much underloved anime/manga K, One Punch Man, Saiyuki, Ronin Warriors, Nanbaka (my guilty pleasure...my god, do I ever love Musashi), Kekkaishi, GetBackers, Bleach, Bungou Stray Dogs, Servamp (please god yes, I love it so much), Mystic Messenger, Ikemen Revolution, Obey Me!, the cartoons Class of the Titans, Disney’s Ultimate Spider-Man, and X-Men: Evolution, and the novels Hold Me Closer Necromancer and The Outsiders! 
I write the following - headcanons (both sfw and nsfw, with a reader character or character specific general headcanons), character aesthetics, music mixes, match-ups,  and reader x multiple character poly relationship stuff. 
The only things I ask not to do is canon shipping outside of aesthetics or music mixes (shipping can lead to a lot of fandom toxicity and I stay outside of that to create a safe space on this blog more me and all my dear readers), abusive relationship dynamics, or requests where the reader character is transgender or non-binary because honestly, your favourite character is still going to treat you exactly the same...that is, they will love and cherish you for the amazing person you are, will respect your feelings, your pronouns and whatever else you may need from them!
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years
So, my love just got called out on a job so we won’t be getting our night in together...so, if anyone is up for it, I don’t have to work until later tomorrow and have a few spare hours to kill before I go to sleep. I’m going to be throwing up a couple prompts, just easy, really quick things to answer to see if maybe I can give this a go before just tossing some shitty writing that’s on my computer at you guys soon. Pretty sure the askbox is still open and available for you guys sot I’ll be writing those prompts for at least the next two or three hours (do need to be in bed by midnight) and I’ll be doing them for the following fandoms:
Eyeshield 21
Disney’s Ultimate Spider-Man
Ronin Warriors
Bungo Stray Dogs
K Project/Project K
Mob Psycho 100
One Punch Man
Gravity Falls
Mystic Messenger
Ikemen Revolution
The Outsiders
The GetBackers
Class of the Titans
X-Men: Evolution
Hold Me Closer, Necromancer
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hello, hello, my lovelies! Since I've gotten zero bites for asks for my other non-KHR/K fandoms, I'm going to host a little special event before my box reopens (after I finish writing fic and have posts done for all my fandoms) and I have another big event! So, this is how it's going to work!
I have exactly 42 fandoms, if I'm counting right. Below you'll find all 42 fandoms listed. Under those fandoms, you'll find a list of 42 AU's. I'll accept 1 request per fandom and one request per AU. For example, if someone requests KHR and mermaids, for example, I'll cross out both KHR and Mermaids and neither the fandom nor the AU can be requested for anymore. It's first come, first serve and I'll do my best to keep the lists up-to-date with requests. This event will close when all prompts and fandoms are taken. You can just request a fandom or you can request a specific character or group of characters from the fandom and you can request a reader insert character as well. YOU CANNOT REQUEST SCENARIO OR HEADCANONS OR HOW EXACTLY THE PROMPT WILL BE WRITTEN OR INTERPRETED, UNLESS STATED. That will be left up to the admin and what ideas I have, honestly. Any questions, feel free to inbox me! Without further ado!
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ciaossu-imagines · 17 days
Hello! I’d love to ask you some questions from the Fandom talk prompts. Your answers can be from any fandom you want! (Apologies if there’s a limit on questions I wasn’t sure!)
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
7. your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
- R
Well, that is a very good thing, because I’d love to answer any of your questions! I’m having a blast, honestly, just taking the couple of hours tonight to do this. I feel really happy and energized, in a weird sort of way! There was no limit on questions this time either, so no worries 😊
3. A character that fandom has helped you appreciate
I haven’t been lucky enough to really become a part of the fandoms for all the things I’m into. Sometimes people just aren’t really all that interested in interacting with me or I can’t find ways to really break into some cliquey fandoms or the fandoms just aren’t there because I’m a fandom of one, sadly. So I’m limiting these answers to the ones where I’ve got some experience in their fandoms!
Okay, but because of a fan who introduced me to the series, I went into Assassination Classroom feeling like I had to love Karma. That Karma would have to be an amazing character…now, honestly, if I hadn’t been as influenced by this person, I would have been more neutral on Karma. I would have really enjoyed him, but he probably wouldn’t have made my favourites list. I think he’s really interesting, don’t get me wrong, and I find his character design and character charming. He just would not have been my favourite. But because of that influence, he’s definitely within my top three favourites.
With Black Cat, I had a friend who really loved Sephiria. I was always neutral, leaning positive, like I am with most characters but through really talking about the character, listening to their headcanons and how they interpreted her, I really grew to love her.
Okay, but towards the end of when I stopped reading Bleach, it was because I flat out and out hated Ichigo. Couldn’t stand him, stopped giving a fuck about him, no longer wanted to read anything about him. It’s why I dropped the series. But it was only through seeing a lot of tumblr posts and hearing people talk about the series that I…well, I still don’t particularly enjoy Ichigo by any stretch of the imagination because towards the end parts of the manga, he’s just hugely OP and boring…but they made me interested enough in seeing how his story ended, how everything turned out for the other characters, for me to have picked it back up.
For Disney’s Ultimate Spider-Man, while I thought he was definitely a real cool character and a very interesting character with a great, unique twist, I definitely would not have grown to adore Adrian Toomes near as much as I do now if it hadn’t been for the fact that the majority of asks I’ve fielded for this fandom have been for that character.
In terms of Bungou Stray Dogs, the fandom really did make it so that I was pretty neutral towards Akatugawa. I really honestly didn’t like him my first read-through and the posts and talk about him made me lean more favourably. Of course, now with repeated read throughs and with how the story has progressed in terms of that character, I’m now pretty firmly in love with him as a character, but that’s just me.
The only reason I enjoy Theresa from Class of the Titans is because of a friend who had ended up adoring her. I think this friend honestly fleshed out the character more, and better, than the show ended up doing and it definitely affected how I see the character and how I write the character.
That same friend from Assassination Classroom? Also the only reason I liked Sanemi and Genya from Demon Slayer. I hated Genya, absolutely abhorred that guy, at his first introduction because that was fucking rough and same story with Sanemi. Immediate hatred. However, knowing how dear these characters were to a friend, and knowing how she talked about them, I made myself really sit and consider the characters, to pay special attention to their scenes, to do the research into them to learn more about them. While neither are on my favourite character’s list, I do enjoy them, which is a lot different from first impressions. They’ve also made me a huge Inumaki and Yuji fan as far as Jujutsu Kaisen goes (though Inumaki would definitely have been a huge favourite of mine anyway, as he’s absolutely adorable). Also the reason I fucking LOVE Bokuto from Haikyuu!!
For Eyeshield 21, I will happily admit that the fandom has forever made major gremlin boy, Hirumi Yoichi, one of my all-time favourite characters of all times. He’s forever enmeshed in my heart and I cannot fucking forget him or not love that character and how hilarious, chaotic, and bad-ass he is.
I roleplayed on ProBoards years and years ago. A friend I loved threading with created a new character with Takasugi from Gintama as their face claim and it’s legit the only reason I picked up the manga and why I enjoy Takasugi from the manga. I legit would probably have been neutral, leaning towards bored, with him if I’d just stumbled onto the manga alone.
I got into Hunter x Hunter because of reading a tumblr who started posting headcanons about the manga. I really love the manga, all the characters, it’s on my must-check-out list that I use for recommendations. But it’s simply because of that tumblr and all the headcanons, that I ended up loving Hisoka.
If it wasn’t for a dear friend self-shipping and writing with him, I’d hate Lancelot from Ikemen Revolution. I still feel like his route was the most boring in the game, he inspires no carnal passion in me, and they know I feel like that, but they and their portrayal of that character, are the only reason I like the character and they definitely have influenced how I personally write him.
For K Project, I have never been quiet about the fact that @shoheiakagi’s blog led to my now obsessive love for HOMRA’s ABC boys and has definitely influenced how I write them.
For KHR!, I definitely feel that it’s through writing in the fandom, through reading other’s fics, through hearing everyone chatter about the characters, along with an ungodly amount of rereads of the source material with those things in mind, that I’ve grown to love certain characters as much as I have. Without those things, I wouldn’t enjoy Hibari, Mukuro, Reborn, or Squalo near as much as I do.
7. Your favourite tropes to read/write/draw
Oh my gosh, there’s so many great ones. Of course, there’s the obvious in that I love writing AU’s. It’s always really fun for my mind to take these groups of characters and transplant them into various worlds with rules and guidelines and social pressures and such of those worlds. It’s interesting to think about how that might change the characters, what would remain the same, would any relationships be different. There’s also the obvious in that I do love me a good cross-over for those same reasons – it makes my brain really happy to smash these two character groups together, to figure out how it happens, who gets along, who doesn’t, what the dynamics are like, how they interact and all that.
It's rather obvious that I really enjoy domestic, slice of life and very found family type shit too. I mention it enough that you all are probably tired of it.
I’m a sucker for star-crossed lovers as a trope.
Also, a good fan of a Stepford Smiler type character in terms of character tropes, though I find it hard to write and pull off well.
The Scrooge Effect is a great, very underutilized trope.
For my own fun, I also really enjoy isekai tropes.
8. You hope more people will come to appreciate ________ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc.)
You know how I just typed above that people are sick of me mentioning it? But honestly, a real solid appreciation of friendships, found family’s, family style dynamics and really explorations of all the different types of relationships you can have with someone that isn’t ‘we’re dating and we love each other and are each other’s soulmates and will get married and be happy forever’. Hell, even exes, either on good terms or bad ones, is another dynamic to explore in terms of romance. The one who got away and is now happily in a relationship or married and having to fully let go? Another great romantic exploration. Wrong time, right person? Another great romantic exploration. None of which get enough appreciation or use and I really wish they were more used, appreciated, and explored through fic, all of them, but especially the non-romantic because honestly, who you bone and who you date is such a small part of your life in the grand scheme of things.
16. A tiny detail in canon you want more people to appreciate
In A3!, though I’m nowhere near as much of a theatre buff as a friend of mine is, I wish more people would talk about and appreciate all the little bits and pieces that the show brought into light that need to take place to make any theatre production. They showed the backstage, the practices, all the hard work that goes into performing a show and it was lovely to see.
In Black Cat…honestly, Saya. I know we didn’t get to see a lot of her and there’s a lot of people who feel she’s too Mary-Sue, just because of the intense impact she did have on Train’s life, but I feel she was honestly a really interesting, intriguing character that I wish could have had more page time and really wish more people enjoyed her character.
For Bleach, Fairy Tail, One Piece, and Hunter x Hunter, I want to just take a moment here to say that something I wish I heard more fans say. Despite any other writing mistakes or issues they had, all of these authors created these incredibly vast worlds, all solidly built worlds with societies and rules and small little details, and then populated these worlds with literally HUNDREDS OF CHARACTERS. That is no small feat by any means and it always blows my mind when I sit to read or watch any of them because it really is something so worthy of admiration. I struggle sometimes fully fleshing out one character and making them suitably interesting and all four of those writers are sitting down and creating hundreds of characters. Just wow…so much appreciation and love for them.
For Disney’s Ultimate Spider-Man, I think it was really cool how the creators reimagined these characters as teenagers and made everything feel natural to both the experience of being a teenager, and to the characterizations of these characters in other Marvel universes. It was pretty well-done, in my humble opinion.
I think BNHA does a really admirable job of showing, in often quite subtle ways, the impact that superpowers would have on a society, what pressure it would put on people, the harm they could do, the ways that being a ‘superhero’ can really rob someone of their own individual identity and how being a superhero can really break a person down in ways throughout the span of time.
Bungou Stray Dogs is so incredibly well-researched in certain ways and you can tell the author is genuinely a literature geek and I really would die to read more analyses of the literary references, both overt and subtle, that are made within the work itself instead of having to see the two thousandth Chuuya/Dazai post.
Class of the Titans actually had a pretty good production value, given the time it was made and the budget. The animation really holds up, the character designs are unique, and the reinvention of the Greek myths was pretty solidly done.
Dogs: Bullets & Carnage has FUCKING IMMACULATE artwork and a slow-burn storyline that is incredible. Just please appreciate any part of this work. Just please – the fandom is small and more people need to check this out.
Eyeshield 21 is the furthest thing from a stereotypical sports manga. It definitely does have a solid plot, with games, training, and practices, and football plays a large part. But it’s truly lovely bits lay in the amazing characters, who are all quite different, unique, and all well-designed, in the incredible interpersonal relationships, and the real human emotions that it conveys so incredibly well.
Shout out to Gangsta. for having some really great rep in terms of different abilities, body types, backgrounds, skin colours, and such. I really loved that about the manga.
Gravity Falls is…well, it rips my heart out, makes me laugh, makes me cry, makes me smile…it throws me through the whole gamut of emotions with it’s amazing characters and interpersonal relationships, the real stakes you feel at play, and the lovingly written world.
Can we just all agree that, for a gacha style otome game, Ikemen Revolution had some incredibly brutal, though absolutely beautiful routes. Edgar’s route will live in my head forever, which is not something most otome games can do.
For K Project, I wish I could hear more from people on how incredible the soundtrack was and how many truly interesting, unique, or good fashion moments there were.
Okay, let’s talk KHR! All the adult characters deserve a shit ton more respect put on their names, just saying. There’s not a single KHR character who is black and white, evil, or good, no matter how biased you wanna be about it. Hate Timoteo? Fine. You can hate him. But he’s definitely not pure evil, irredeemable, a complete heartless bastard. Went on the same rant with Iemitsu the other day. Nana? Not an abusive harpy who is pure evil either. Tsuyoshi? An incredibly kind man with a mysterious past who deserves love. Shamal? Not just a brainless womanizer with no redeeming qualities. He’s a genius who was once scouted for the Varia, an able hitman, Gokudera’s mentor, and he’s shown a lot of very subtle clues of being a real decent guy, under that façade. Lal Mirch? Not a weak woman who couldn’t do anything but cling to Colonello like a damsel in distress. She’s a bad-ass former COMSUBIN trainer who lives her own life and does a damn good job of it. Luce? Not an evil, heartless witch who sold out all the other Arcobalenos. A troubled woman trying her best to do what needed to be done, who also lost a shit ton herself because of the curse. Again, you can hate a character all you want. Doesn’t mean you need to tear them completely down and reduce all the subtleties that Amano puts in down to nothing to make that character horrible and evil and bad. You can just say you don’t like them while admitting that they’re a cool enough character that someone else might enjoy, just not your thing.
The Vampire Dies in No Time! opening sequence for season 1. Excellent song, excellent opening. Just all around one of my all time favourite openings.
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