#get to try lots of things I have no skill in heh
aka-indulgence · 1 day
Imminent Threat: Baby Pictures Confirmed!
I was bitten by the inspiration bug and I do love this idea a lot, heheh…
Wanna see what happens if HT!Sans catches a glimpse of your baby pictures?
(HT!Sans x Female!Reader)
(No warnings just be prepared for silly, fluff, and cute (aggression))
Sans twiddles his thumbs, watching you leave with the dishes into the kitchen. Your parents had forbidden him from doing the dishes.
“You made us this wonderful meal! It’s her turn on the chores anyway,”
“What! I come home to see you and you’re just making me do chores?”
“Yes! It’s to catch up on all the chores you missed these past few months! Hahahah!”
He turned to you and whispered a pathetic little “sorry,” but you waved him off.
“It’s ok, I’m used to it. Might as well treat them since I can’t cook like you, right? Keep them company.”
So here he was, sitting on the table, feeling like he was going to expel the meal he just ate, watching your parents wipe their lips with tissue like they were about to interrogate him.
“So, how’s living with (Y/n) like?”
“good.” no no. too fast. talk more. “she…… she’s nice.”
nice? is that all i have to say about her?
“Ah. That’s good to hear,” your dad replies, taking a sip of tea from a mug.
i guess if i said the other things i thought of her, they’d probably want to take her away from me.
“Hey, I hope she’s more active than how she used to be. She used to stay home for days, and we’d have to remind her to go outside and get some sun!” Your mom chortles, and Sans rubs the back of his neck.
“a… actually… she’s the one that wants to leave the house now. i don’t… like leaving. the house is nicer.” Sans forces a grin, but he can’t tell if it’s coming off as awkward or spine-chillingly horrifying.
He can’t gauge how your parents reacted. Your dad smirked, and your mom tilted her head. What does that mean? Do they not approve? Sans usually prides himself in being able to read people like a book- even after the head injury. But his skull is full of thoughts.
“I imagine you’d have to stay at home to hone that cooking skill, then?” Your mom offered, “that stew was amazing! The blend of herbs and spices, the broth wasn’t too thick or thin, and the meat was cooked to perfection…”
Your dad chuckles. “I don’t know about cooking as much as my wife does, but I’ll tell you what, that’s one hell of a stew you’ve got. You could probably start a restaurant,”
“heh… heh you think?” His grin turns more genuine as his cheeks turn a tinge of dark blue.
“How did you learn to cook so well, Sans? Did you go to culinary school?” Your mom pries.
“oh… no actually, i learnt it all myself,” Sans explains, “back in the underground we didn’t have much to go on but we didn’t want to eat something completely tasteless so i learnt how to make things taste good with what we had…”
Sans realizes too late that maybe he brought up the underground a bit too casually, because all of a sudden your mom looks stricken with guilt, and your dad looks awfully uncomfortable.
“O-oh, I’m so sorry Sans, I didn’t mean to…”
“no no. i-i brought it up, you don’t have to apologize,”
Is he smiling too much? Should he be frowning? Wait hold on he’s looking at your mom too much, he should look at your dad now. Oh he’s looking away…
Why was he so bad at this? He’s relied on looking scary and stopping everyone from trying to talk to him. B-but he likes your parents, they’re nice, some of the few humans that actually look past his scary face and see him as… sort of harmless?
Your dad broke the silence.
“Yes, I’ve always tried to make the most of my meals. Like when I have crumbs I’d toss them near the anthill we used to have in the backyard. Hahah, one time when (Y/n) was very little she saw me throw breadcrumbs and asked me what I was doing. I told her I was feeding the ants, and she must have been really impressed with that idea… because,”
Your dad got into a fit of giggles, and Sans perks up.
“Tch… hih! Because the next day I found her standing in front of the anthill… with bread on top of it. Whole wheat, whole bread slice. I asked her what she was doing! And she said ‘I’m feeding the ants!’ She looked so proud I had to take a picture of her! I think I have it on my phone,”
Sans mouth opens. He all but quaked in his chair, having to physically restrain from grabbing your dad’s phone.
“m-m…” Sans coughs trying to regain composure, “may i see it,”
“On it, just… give me a sec…” Sans watched as your dad scrolled and scrolled, until…
“Found it,”
He turned his phone around.
There you were, no older than 3, in a little bucket hat, sleeveless shirt and shorts, with tiny flip flops. You had a bright, sunshine smile on your face, and humorously… a slice of bread sitting amidst the grass and dirt just a foot or two away from you.
Sans’ eyelights shrinks, his grin gone. Carefully, he takes the phone out of your dad’s hands and zooms in on your face. You had dimples in your cheeks, and they… they looked so plump like little squishballs. Your eyes were round and sparkled in the sun. His hands shook.
He must’ve looked unhinged.
“What do you think?” Your mom asked.
“sh…… she’s so small……” Sans breaths, then swallows, turning to your dad. “d… d’you… do you have more…?”
Your dad snorts, his arms crossed. “‘Do you have more’ he says,” he scoffs. “Kid, we have an entire baby album.”
You tuned out of the conversation in the kitchen, earphones plugging your ears, a tried and true ‘dish washing’ playlist playing as your background music. It was a nice break. You’re happy to see your parents again, but they can be a bit overbearing at times… ask Sans odd questions about monsters, sometimes mention how tiny you look next to your boyfriend (which had Sans hiding his face… they thought he was offended but he was mortified, worried your parents were hinting at how he was like with you in private).
Though you certainly didn’t miss doing chores back home, you did see it as a bit of a reprieve.
But then over the music, you heard laughter… loud laughter. It didn’t sound like your dad. And Sans doesn’t usually laugh that hard. It started soft at first but it got louder and louder, until you were sure that was Sans. What were they doing to him? It almost sounded like they found his most ticklish bone and was torturing him with him.
A laugh startled you so bad you almost dropped a clean plate onto the floor. You took off an earphone just in time for your mom to walk in.
“Hi dear, this is your dad’s, he’s finished his tea. You don’t have to wash it if you don’t want to…”
“Yea, ok-” you say, distracted and looking over your mom’s shoulder as if you could see what was causing all the ruckus. “What is happening???”
“Oh,” your mom laughed, “Sans is such a sweet, delightful monster. Your dad’s showing him your baby pictures-”
“Excuse me my WHAT?!!”
You threw the gloves onto the sink counter, washed your hands hastily, and yanked the other earphone off, tossing them haphazardly into a pocket. Tripping over your feet to sprint into the room, though you realize you’re too late.
Sans is vibrating on the sofa, having migrated from the table it seems. His eyelight was blown wide, the widest you’ve seen it, glued to the open book in front of him. Your dad flipped a page, looking unaware of the murderous skeleton next to him.
“And here… oh this was on a trip to the beach. She’d gotten scared of water because of a wave too big had brought her out from shore and her legs couldn’t reach the sand. It wasn’t out to sea or anything, but when you’re that small it must’ve been scary. But the hotel had a pool and I couldn’t have my daughter stay afraid of water… this was after a fun session of swimming in floaties and being swung into the pool.”
“ah… HAHAHAH! bright… orange…!”
It was clear to you now. Sans wasn’t laughing from something funny. He was overjoyed. So overjoyed he can’t contain it in himself that he just bursts with it. His eyelights warbled. They looked like hearts shimmering under a running river.
You grabbed your head in despair. “No, no no- what have you done!”
Your dad had looked up immediately, while Sans’ didn’t, holding onto the album. Though… his grin had twisted into something dark.
Dad took a photo out, the one he was just explaining: a picture of you laughing in orange floaties, floral swimwear, carried by your dad in a clear blue pool, looking up at the camera. The sides of the picture were slightly yellow.
“Do you remember this, poppy? It’s weird to think you were ever scared of water now… it’s hard to stop you from swimming, nowadays,”
You can’t help but smile in your heart a little. It brought back happy memories of travelling with your parents when you were little.
Unfortunately, there are far more pressing matters at the moment.
“No, wait, dad… what did you do?”
“You… you showed Sans my baby pictures?”
“Baby and toddler pictures,” your dad corrected. “Also there’s no need to be embarrassed, I feel like it’s a right of passage to have your baby pictures shown to your significant other by your parents.”
“No, I’m not embarrassed,” you shake your hands helplessly, “it’s just… Sans is gonna kill me,”
There was an incident, almost a year ago now. You were shuffling through some things you found in a box you never unpacked… at the bottom you found a polaroid of you rolled up in a baby blue blanket and, admittedly, looking pretty darned cute.
You showed it to Sans, innocently. It’s cute, you can admit it, and you knew Sans would appreciate it.
Oh how naive you were.
He held the picture, stared at it. Was at a loss for words, though he kept trying to form them helplessly, bringing it close to his face like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Then he muttered.
“b… baby…… b… baby…”
Then he went crazy. Picking you up, not listening to your protests- usually when Sans gets in a cuddly mood he ignores your complaints but that time, it was like he really couldn’t hear you. His pupil was blown wide and constantly shifted from heart to circle. He squashed you in bed, smooshed your cheeks, kissed you until you were gasping for breath- you don’t even think it’s a sexual thing, he was just overcome with cute aggression!
It wasn’t a one time thing either. Carelessly, you’d leave the picture propped up on the window as a cute memento aesthetic… thing, maybe, but every time Sans looked at the picture too long, he’d get into his violent cuddly moods and kidnap you to the bedroom to squish you. Eventually you had to hide it to avoid inducing anymore ‘cute-induced murderous rage’ in him.
And your parents just opened pandora’s box for you.
Your brows furrow in worry as Sans looks up from the album to you, his eyelight tightening into just a fraction of what it was before, zeroing in on you. His grin was wide and deranged. He chuckled, a low, threatening sound.
“heh heh… i’m going to crush you.”
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tired-twili · 1 year
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My queen 😔🙏
A little treat for myself before I go back to painting my rocks 🫠 send help
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gojoux · 4 months
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· Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader
· Summary: Gojo is absolutely enamoured by you, even from the smallest thing you do, he’s always there to compliment you.
· CW: 5.2k // Fluff. Slight hurt/comfort. A bit suggestive. Being Gojo’s girlfriend means having a whipped boyfriend.
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When you’re training by yourself.
You took a deep breath as you adopted your fighting stance, feet spread shoulder-width apart, knees bent, hands raised and ready. Focusing your cursed energy to enhance your physical prowess, you began your training regimen, flowing through the intricate movements you had practiced countless times before. Your body twisted and turned gracefully as you performed each strike and kick with perfect form, having honed your skills through years of diligent work.
Sweat dripped down your forehead as you moved through the rigorous routine, not allowing yourself to slow down. With each punch, you visualize an enemy being struck down. With each kick, you imagined yourself growing stronger and more agile. The exertion left your muscles burning, but you pushed through, determined to improve.
After finishing the last set, you finally allowed yourself a moment of rest, chest heaving as you caught your breath. A sense of satisfaction washed over you at having completed such an intense workout. You knew all that effort was making you a better sorcerer.
“Look at you go,” a whistle was heard behind you.
You turned to see Gojo walking up, an admiring grin on his face. Even with his eyes obscured, you could tell he was looking you over appreciatively.
“Thanks,” you said, wiping the sweat from your forehead. “Just trying to stay in shape.”
“You kidding? You’re in incredible shape!” he said. “The way you moved was like watching poetry in motion.”
You smiled, flattered by his high praise, and happy to have your efforts recognized. As one of the strongest jujutsu sorcerers alive, compliments from Gojo meant a lot.
“I still have a long way to go before I’m anywhere near your level.”
“Of course,” he grins cheekily.
“But your dedication to training is really paying off, you know? Just look at how toned your arms are now,” he emphasized his point by gently grasping your arm, squeezing your bicep.
“Hey!” you exclaimed, swatting his hand away.
He laughed playfully. “What? I can’t help but admire my girlfriend’s incredible physique.”
You shook your head in amusement. Only Gojo would be shameless enough to fawn so openly over your body. But his compliments, as ridiculous as they were, filled you with motivation. Knowing he was watching and supporting your efforts spurred you to work even harder.
“Alright, lover boy, as much as I’d love to hear more about how attractive you find my sweaty post-workout look, I need to get cleaned up.”
“Need someone to wash your back?” he asked slyly, waggling his eyebrows.
You shot him a pointed look.
“Kidding, kidding,” he said, raising his hands.
You gathered your things and started heading towards the showers. As expected, Gojo fell into step beside you, seemingly not done singing your praises yet.
“In all seriousness, you’re really good. I mean it,” he continued earnestly.
Warmth rushed through you with his heartfelt words. “Thank you, I appreciate that,” you said sincerely. “But honestly, it’s not anything extraordinary, stop complimenting me too much over that.”
“Heh, I’m just calling it like I see it,” he replied. “My girlfriend’s a total badass who’s only getting more incredible every day. What can I say, I’ve got an eye for talent,” he added with a cocky wink.
You laughed, giving him a light shove. “You’re too much.”
“And you love it,” he retorted, slinging an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close.
You leaned into him, smiling up at his handsome face. “Yeah, I really do.”
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When you’re on your mission.
The dark alley was dimly lit, shadows stretching across the cramped passageway. Your footsteps were light and cautious as you scanned the area, senses on high alert. You were tracking a cursed spirit that had been terrorizing this neighborhood, attacking innocent civilians.
As a jujutsu sorcerer, it was your duty to stop threats like this.
Up ahead, you spotted your target—a grotesque, hulking creature with twisted features and elongated claws. It had a young woman pinned against the alley wall, ready to strike. With no time to lose, you leaped into action.
“Hey! Over here, ugly!” you shouted, firing off a blast of cursed energy to get its attention. The creature turned with an angry roar as you placed yourself between it and the cowering woman. Adopting a fighting stance, you are prepared to take it head-on.
The cursed spirit charged, swiping at you with ruthless force. But you were ready. With agile movements, you dodged and weaved, avoiding its attacks while looking for an opening. When you saw your chance, you struck—aiming your cursed technique at its chest sending it stumbling back.
Not letting up, you pressed your assault, pummeling the creature with your attacks. It tried to fight back but was no match for your superior speed and skill. With a final, devastating blow, you landed the finishing move, obliterating the cursed spirit in an explosion of energy.
Panting, you turned to check on the woman you had rescued. “Are you alright?” you asked gently to calm her down.
She stared at you with gratitude. “Th-thank you! You saved me!”
You smiled warmly, helping her to her feet. “Just doing my job. Let’s get you somewhere safe.”
After escorting her from the alley, you headed off to report your completed mission, satisfied at having eliminated the threat and protected an innocent life.
As you walked, a familiar voice suddenly spoke up behind you.
“Great moves back there,” he grins, walking towards you with his hand in his pocket. Looks like he got it easy on his task.
You turned to see Gojo beaming at you proudly. “When I felt that burst of energy, I knew it had to be you kicking some cursed spirit booty. And I was right.”
You laughed at his dramatic phrasing. “All in a day’s work. I’m just glad I got there in time.”
“Let me guess, you finished earlier and spied on me ‘kicking cursed spirit’s booty’,” you crossed your arms playfully, earning a chuckle from him.
“Yeah, it was a good show.”
Gojo stepped closer, gazing down at you admiringly. “It’s also that compassion that makes you such an amazing sorcerer,” he said. “You’re always focused on protecting people, even at great risk to yourself.”
His tone turned a bit calmer. “Watching you throw yourself in harm’s way like that… it scares me sometimes.” He gently caressed your cheek. “But it’s also one of the things I love most about you. Your drive to help others.”
You placed your hand over his, touched by his heartfelt words. “I’ll always do whatever it takes to keep people safe. I just have to.”
He smiled. “I know. And you do it with such skill too. The way you took down that cursed spirit was awesome. Your technique control has gotten better.”
“High praise coming from the strongest sorcerer around.”
“I’m just being honest here. You would’ve given me a run for my money, I bet."
You quirked an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah? Care to put your money where your mouth is and take me on sometime?” you challenged playfully.
A devious grin crossed his face. “Is that a date? You know I love any excuse to get handsy with you.”
You laughed, giving him a light shove. Even after a tiring day, he could always lift your spirits.
“Maybe later,” you said, taking his hand. “For now, how about lunch? Fighting cursed spirits really works up an appetite.”
“It’s a date then!” he instantly entwined his fingers with yours. As you walked off together, he added, “You take my breath away, you know that?”
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly. “Aww, aren’t you my own personal hype man?” you teased.
“Always!” he declared with his usual wide grin.
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When you’re dressed up for a date.
“Satoru, can you come here for a second?” you called out from your bedroom.
“Be right there!” Came the reply, followed by the sound of approaching footsteps. Gojo stepped into the doorway, a signature grin on his face. “What’s up?”
You turned to him with a shy smile. “I just finished getting ready for our date tonight. Wanted to get your opinion on the outfit before we head out.”
It was your anniversary, and Gojo was taking you somewhere nice. You had agonized over what to wear, trying on ten different dresses before finally settling on the dress you’re wearing right now with delicate jewelry and heels to complete the elegant look.
Gojo’s eyebrows shot up above his glasses as he took in your appearance. “Wow…” he breathed, staring openly. “You look… beautiful.”
Your face heats up at his praise. “You really think so?”
“Absolutely stunning,” he affirmed, moving closer. His hands came to rest on your waist, head tilting as if to see you better from all angles. “This dress is perfect on you. It hugs your body just right.”
One hand slid sensuously down your side to emphasize his point. You hold his hand still with flushed laughter. “Down. boy. Keep it PG for now,” you chided playfully.
He held up his hands in acquiescence, though the desire in his gaze was palpable. “PG. Got it. I’m just appreciating my gorgeous girlfriend’s breathtaking beauty.”
You rolled your eyes at his dramatics, but his compliments made your heart flutter.
“The way the fabric drapes over your body…” he continued to admire you, “It’s like each detail was designed to accentuate your natural assets.” His voice dropped an octave. “Truly mouthwatering.”
“Satoru!” You swat his chest this time from embarrassment.
He grinned unrepentantly. “What? Can you blame me for being so captivated by you? You’re a vision right now. I’ve got the hottest date in town tonight, that’s for sure.”
You smiled, mollified by his sincerity beneath the teasing remarks. No one could make you feel as special and desired as Gojo.
“Think you can control yourself through dinner at least?” You asked archly.
He laughed. “I make no promises. But I’ll do my best to keep public groping to a minimum,” he replied with a wink.
Taking your hand, he led you downstairs and out the door, ever the gentleman. As you slid into the car though, his composure momentarily slipped.
“You look unbelievable in that dress,” he blurted, eyeing you up and down. “The things I want to do…”
He trailed off with an exaggerated groan. You dissolved into laughter, giving his arm an affectionate squeeze. Only Gojo could be so simultaneously sweet and shameless.
Dinner was an intimate, romantic affair. Gojo was on his best behavior, focused entirely on you. His compliments came often, praising everything from your smile to your witty banter. By dessert, you were practically glowing under his constant stream of adoration.
“Have I mentioned how stunning you look tonight?” He murmured, grazing his thumb over your knuckles. “Because you are dazzling, baby. I’m the luckiest guy here.”
You bite your lip, smile stretching wide. No matter how many times he said it, those words never got old.
The ride home was charged with anticipation. Gojo’s hands, so well behaved earlier, now roamed your body eagerly. Your pulse quickened as desire ignited.
Once inside, his control broke entirely. You found yourself pressed against the foyer wall, his mouth hot on your throat.
“I’ve been dying to get my hands on you all night,” he rasped into your skin. “This dress should be illegal… even the way you walk in it got me feeling hazy.”
You sighed blissfully as his lips and hands explored. When Gojo wanted you, he made sure you felt cherished, beautiful, and desired. It was intoxicating.
Later, lying enveloped in his arms, he nuzzled into your hair. “Have I mentioned you look sexy as hell in that dress?”
“Only about a hundred times tonight.”
“Well let’s make it a hundred and one,” he replied, rolling you beneath him to properly worship every tantalizing detail.
No matter the occasion, Gojo never failed to make you feel like a goddess. His passion and praise knew no bounds.
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When you failed your mission.
The cursed spirit’s claws tore through flesh and bone before you could react. The young boy’s scream pierced the air, then suddenly went silent as his broken body hit the ground. Shock rooted you in place for a critical moment before rage took over. With a cry, you unleashed the full force of your power, obliterating the cursed spirit in an instant.
But it was too late. The child was gone, his sightless eyes accusing you of failure. Sinking to your knees, anguish crashed through you in waves. You were supposed to protect him. Instead, your hesitation had cost an innocent life.
By the time Gojo arrived, you were numb with grief. He assessed the situation swiftly before kneeling and enveloping you in his arms. You collapsed against his chest, finally releasing the tears you had been holding back.
He didn’t speak, just held you close and let you cry. There was no judgment in his embrace, only compassion. So you wept bitterly for the life lost, for your mistake, for the cruelty of this world.
When the torrent finally passed, Gojo gently wiped the moisture from your cheeks. “Talk to me,” he said simply.
Haltingly, you explained what happened. The guilt was a crushing weight on your heart.
“I should have been faster. I could have saved him,” you choked out.
Gojo gripped your shoulders. “Listen to me. This was not your fault.” His voice brooked no argument. “You didn’t hesitate from incompetence or cowardice. It was empathy. You saw a scared child and your first instinct was to protect, not attack. That compassion is what makes you an amazing sorcerer.”
You shook your head bitterly. “A lot of good it did him.”
“You can’t save everyone,” Gojo said sadly. “As much as we try, we can’t prevent every tragedy. What matters is that you care so deeply, that you refuse to harden your heart, even when it hurts this much.”
You wanted to believe him, but the stench of blood was thick in the air, a constant reminder of your failure.
Sensing your doubt, Gojo took your hands in his. “You have the biggest heart of anyone I know. Don’t let this make you afraid to keep caring. There are so many people out there who need that compassion.”
He tilted your chin up to meet your eyes. “This pain… means your humanity is still intact. That’s something to be proud of.”
A sob caught in your throat as you clutched his uniform jacket, anchoring yourself in his steadfast strength. The grief was still raw and raging, but his words lit a faint glow in the dark. Not of absolution, but of hope. That you could keep fighting and caring, without losing yourself.
“I’ve got you,” he murmured. “You’ll get through this. I’m here for you.”
The next few days were filled with more tears, self-doubt and sleepless nights. But Gojo remained your constant companion, providing reassurance when the shadows loomed.
His praise never wavered. Each time you began slipping back into despair, he was there with an uplifting word.
Slowly, the light began to return to your eyes. Gojo’s unrelenting positivity and belief in you provided a lifeline to cling to. He reminded you of your own strength, even when you doubted it.
Not long after that day, Gojo took you out to dinner. Upon returning home, he presented you with a single white lily.
“This is to honor that boy’s memory,” he explained. “But also to show you that beautiful things can still grow, even from tragic circumstances.”
You accepted the flower, eyes stinging with bittersweet tears. Looking up at Gojo, you found no trace of pity there, only love.
“Thank you,” you whispered, for this gesture, and for everything he had done to see you through the darkness.
He kissed your forehead tenderly. “You never have to go through anything alone. I’m always here.”
Clutching the lily close, you rested your head against Gojo’s heart.
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When you’re happy.
You stared down at the official letter, reading the words over and over. You have been chosen by a revered sorcerer in Hokkaido for a mission that requires your skill. Better yet, you have always admired this sorcerer.
One in a million opportunity. It makes you feel special to have someone notice you to the point they requested for you because they need your skill. Just maybe, you’d have the opportunity to be trained by that sorcerer to improve yourself.
Hands shaking, you looked up at Gojo, seeing his face lit up with a brilliant smile. In an instant, you were swept off your feet as he spun you joyfully around the room. You clung to him, dizzy with euphoria.
When he finally set you down, he cupped your face in his hands. “I’m such a proud boyfriend,” he said. “All that hard training paid off, huh?”
Happy tears pricked your eyes. Having Gojo’s wholehearted support and belief in your abilities meant everything.
You can’t help but pull him down into a fierce, grateful kiss. His arms immediately enveloped you, lips curving into a smile against your mouth. When you finally broke for air, foreheads touching, the depth of emotion in his gaze took your breath away.
In the weeks that followed, Gojo went out of his way to celebrate your accomplishment at every opportunity.
There were bouquet deliveries to your door, with notes reading:
“To the future best jujutsu sorcerer!”
Gifts would arrive filled with your favorite treats:
“For my hardworking girlfriend who deserves something sweet!”
Even when you were curled up on the sofa, just spending a quiet night, he would randomly take your hand and announce:
“I’m the luckiest guy alive to be with you.”
His little displays of pride and support never failed to make you smile. Gojo genuinely reveled in your success as if it were his own. Your joy brought him joy, a sentiment you fully reciprocated.
On the morning you were to start the intensive program, Gojo made you a lavish breakfast in bed. As you ate, he detailed an elaborate training regimen to prepare you for the challenges ahead.
“And I’ll be your personal sparring partner of course. Have to keep those combat skills razor sharp!” He grinned. “I won’t go easy on you just because you’re my girlfriend.”
You laughed. “I’d be insulted if you did.”
His expression turned serious then. Taking your hand, he met your eyes earnestly. “You’re going to do amazing things, I just know it. And I can’t wait to stand back and watch you shine.”
Emotion clogged your throat. No matter how far you go in this field, Gojo will always be your biggest supporter.
“As cheesy as it sounds... as long as you’re by my side, I know I can handle anything,” you told him with a rather bashful smile.
He smiled softly. “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.”
Leaning in, he kissed you sweetly. When he pulled back, his usual cocky smirk was firmly back in place.
“Now finish up. Time to go show off why you’re the badass jujutsu sorcerer they’re lucky to have!”
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When you’re sick.
A violent cough wracked your body as you huddled under the blankets, trying in vain to get warm. Your head was pounding, your throat raw, and your limbs heavy with fatigue. The flu had hit you hard and fast, leaving you miserable and bedridden.
A light knock at the door heralded Gojo’s arrival. He poked his head in, his usual playful grin replaced by a look of concern.
“How’s my girl doing?” he asked gently, sitting on the edge of the bed.
You offered a weak smile. “Been better,” you croaked out before dissolving into another coughing fit.
Gojo rubbed your back soothingly until the spasms passed. “Sounds nasty. Let me get you some water.”
He returned swiftly, helping prop you up to take small sips. The liquid soothed your inflamed throat but did little for the chills wracking your body.
Noticing your shivers, Gojo piled on more blankets and slid in behind you, pulling you close. The warmth of his body enveloped you, finally easing some of the shudders. You sank gratefully into his embrace.
“There we go, just rest,” he murmured, one hand gently stroking your hair. You sighed, comforted by his presence.
Gojo wasn't usually one for tender quiet moments. His boundless energy and shameless mouth tended to dominate any interaction. But now, he was the picture of care and concern—keeping his touch light, his voice quiet and soothing.
You were moved by this rare glimpse of his gentle side. Having someone see you like this—sweaty, sick and pathetic—would normally make you self-conscious. But with Gojo, you felt safe letting your guard down completely.
“Sorry you have to see me like this,” you mumbled.
He tilted your chin up. “Nonsense. You’re beautiful no matter what.” His thumb lightly caressed your cheek. “I’m glad you’re comfortable enough around me to be vulnerable.”
Warmth bloomed in your chest, and not from the fever. Even wrecked by illness, he could still make you feel cherished.
“What did I do to deserve you?” you whispered.
He grinned. “I ask myself that every day.” Dipping his head, he placed a feather-light kiss on your forehead. “Now, hush. No more talking, just rest.”
You settled against him once more, lulled by the steady rhythm of his heart. Time passed in a haze of fitful sleep and coughing fits, but Gojo stayed dutifully by your side.
When the chills returned, he bundled you uptight, acting as your own personal furnace. He patiently fed you soup and medicine, made sure you were hydrated, and kept the tissues handy.
True to form, he also kept up a constant stream of praise and encouragement.
“There’s my tough girl, fighting this nasty bug off.”
“Even under all those blankets, you’re still the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
“Look at you powering through these coughs like a champ!”
His little comments never failed to make you smile. Only Gojo could find something positive even in your current state.
After two days of attentive care, your fever finally broke. The aches and fatigue gradually receded until you were able to sit up without assistance.
Gojo beamed at you. “There she is! Knew you could kick this flu’s butt.”
Taking your hand, he pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles, and his eyes shone with affection. “I’m so proud of you for pushing through this. You’re strong.”
“I wouldn’t have made it without you.”
He waved it off. “I just gave you a nudge. You did all the hard work.”
Cupping your face in his hands, he gazed at you earnestly. “Never doubt your strength, or hide your struggles from me, okay? Ask me anything, I’ll give them all to you.”
You nodded, heart brimming with love for this man.
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When you’re annoyed at him.
“Satoru, I swear if you don’t stop messing around I’m going to—argh!” you yelled in exasperation.
The infuriating man just laughed, dancing easily out of your reach as you swiped at him. He had been pestering you all morning with juvenile pranks and teasing remarks, fraying your last nerve.
“Aww, is someone a wittle gwumpy today?” he taunted in a baby voice.
You saw red. Lunging forward, you tackled him to the ground. Caught off guard for once, he landed hard on his back with a grunt. You pinned him in place with your body weight, glaring down at him.
“Call me grumpy one more time and I’ll show you just how nasty my mood is,” you growled.
Gojo’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. Then a slow, wicked grin spread across his face.
“Well, damn, baby. I love it when you get feisty with me,” he purred. His hands came up to grip your hips suggestively.
You swatted them away in irritation. “Don’t get any ideas. I’m still mad at you.”
Rolling off him, you crossed your arms with a huff. Gojo sat up, smile fading.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry for riling you up too much,” he grins. “Didn’t realize you were actually that annoyed with me.”
Your anger deflated at the apology. He may act like a brat sometimes, but Gojo is always quick to make amends when he crosses a line—well, only for you, at least. (Don’t tell Geto and Utahime about this!)
With a sigh, you uncrossed your arms. “It’s fine. I overreacted too.” Glancing over at him sheepishly, you added, “And I know I’ve been… prickly lately. The stress has just put me in a bad mood.”
Between juggling studying, missions, and training, you had been spread thin. Gojo’s antics had been the last straw.
He scooted closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “You have nothing to apologize for. I should’ve realized you needed me to dial it down and help you decompress.”
Leaning into him, you gave a tired smile. “Well, tackling you did feel pretty therapeutic, actually.”
Gojo’s laughter rumbled against you. “See? Violence solves everything!” he joked, squeezing you playfully.
You push his chest slightly, but couldn’t help chuckling too. Only Gojo could vex you one minute and make you laugh the next.
He pressed a conciliatory kiss to your temple. “Tell you what, why don’t you go take a nice long bath to relax while I make us dinner?”
The offer was extremely tempting after the high-stress week you’d had.
“That does sound really nice,” you admitted. “But you don’t have to cook, I’m sure I could throw something—”
He held up a hand. “Nope, you just focus on unwinding. Doctor Gojo’s orders.”
The mental image of him in a doctor’s coat and nothing else briefly distracted you. At your silence, he grinned knowingly. “I’ll take that as an agreement to my plan.”
Rolling your eyes, you stood and stretched. “Fine, you win this round.”
“I always do,” he retorted cockily.
True to his word, Gojo prepared a delicious meal while you soaked in the tub. The aromas wafting in from the kitchen made your stomach rumble eagerly.
By the time you made it downstairs, the table was set with your favorites. Gojo greeted you with a flourishing bow.
“For the lovely lady, a feast fit for a queen.”
You laughed at his antics, touched by the effort. Over dinner he kept the conversation light, making you laugh recounting silly stories. For the first time all week, you felt your tension finally easing.
Later, as you lounged together on the couch, Gojo spoke up softly. “Feeling more relaxed now?”
You nodded, snuggling closer. “Definitely. Thank you for all this, it was just what I needed.”
Strong arms wrapped securely around you. “I’ll always be here to take care of you, no matter what.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Even when you get grumpy and violent with me,” he added teasingly.
You groaned. “Ugh, I’m sorry for tackling you like that.”
“What do you mean? I loved it,” he said, weirdly eager about it. “Seeing you all fired up and feisty was incredibly hot.”
“You’re so weird.”
“You know you love me,” he shot back smugly.
Rolling your eyes, you stretched up to kiss him. “Hmm, you’re right.”
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He just loves everything about you.
“Can I have everyone’s attention, please?”
Gojo’s voice boomed across the crowded hall, quieting the others in this luxurious restaurant he took you on a date with after high school graduation.
“Thank you. Now I know speeches aren’t usually allowed during meals, but I convinced the manager here to let me have the floor for a few minutes.” He flashed his most charming grin. “After all, it’s not every day a man gets to proudly proclaim the love of his life to a crowd.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as he pulled you up to stand up with him. Taking both your hands, he continued earnestly.
“This person right here is the most incredible human being I’ve ever met. Smart, strong, kind-hearted, and breathtakingly beautiful.”
Murmurs spread through the hall listening raptly. You felt your cheeks grow warm at the public praise. Trust Gojo to be so shamelessly romantic.
He went on, tone utterly sincere beneath the dramatics. “Her passion for helping others inspires me daily. The way she fights with skill and compassion in equal measure is a marvel to watch.”
Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew a folded piece of paper. “I could spend hours listing all the reasons she amazes me, which is why I wrote it down.” Winking, he unfurled the lengthy scroll with a flourish, clearing his throat.
“Ahem… ‘The top 100 things I love about my girlfriend, revised edition’. Reason one…”
Your jaw dropped as he proceeded to read the entire list out loud to the captive audience.
It was mortifying. It was ridiculous.
It was so utterly Gojo.
As he extolled your praises, you buried your flaming face in his shoulder. “You’re crazy, you know that?” you mumbled against his suit.
He just chuckled and kept reading. “Reason 37, The way she scrunches her nose at me when I tell a bad joke…”
Despite your embarrassment, warmth blossomed in your chest. Trust Gojo to turn a simple dinner into a grand spectacle of devotion.
When he finally finished, he rolled up the scroll with a flourish and grinned down at you. “Of course, the list could go on forever. But I think I’ve sufficiently made my point.”
Cupping your face in his hands, he said loud enough for all to hear, “You are the love of my life. My soulmate. My one and only.” Then he brought his lips to yours in a fiercely passionate kiss.
Catcalls and applause erupted from the watching audience you (and him) don’t even know. But you were deaf to it all, lost in Gojo’s embrace.
When you broke for air, faces still inches apart, he murmured, “I’ll spend every day finding new reasons to love you.”
Emotion clogged your throat. You had gotten used to his easy affection and endless praise over the time. But this loud, public proclamation was on another level entirely.
“I love you too,” you whispered back, your feelings laid as bare as his.
Ignoring the continued hoots and chatter around you, Gojo lifted you effortlessly in his arms.
“Now then, I believe we have some private celebrating to do,” he purred suggestively in your ear.
“You’re terrible. What am I going to do with you?” You laugh in happiness.
“I can think of a few ideas,” he replied with a sly wink.
As he carried you out of the hall, you shook your head in amusement. Life with Gojo was never boring, that was for sure.
In between chaotic battles and daily life responsibilities, your relationship has grown into something truly profound. A partnership built on unwavering trust, passion, and laughter.
Gojo adored you loudly and unapologetically, just as you loved him.
And you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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Also writing this as a practice dump for my upcoming English creative writing competition lol
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schrodinger-swriter · 4 months
Hello! I just saw your fluff alphabet and would like to request A, I, K, O, P, Q, and U for Sir Pentious. Thank you! :)
I, K, O, P, Q, and U for Sir Pentious
You can find A in the previous alphabet post for Sir Pentious, I hope you don't mind not having it all in one post!
I hope you enjoy this, Anon C:
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He would cope.. not very well if you were to get hurt. Given that it was hell that was a likely probability. He often sends one, or even up to three, of his egg boiz with you to keep an eye on you when he isn't around. He may even scold his eggs for allowing you to get hurt, no matter how unfair it would be. He would fret over you, treating the most basic injury as if it were a death sentence. You will more than likely have to tell him that you're not dying, and that he needs to calm down... just a little bit... If he were the one injured, I can see him trying to walk it off in the beginning... but seeing the attention he's getting from you, he might try to milk it.. just a tad. He won't ask you to do every little thing for him or overplay some of the pain, but he will definitely ask for more affection than usual!
He loves taking your hand and kissing it, likely dipping down as he does it to really push the dramatics. He loves kissing you on the mouth, too. Short pecks, long kisses, anything in the middle, he loves it. Going into the relationship he didn't think he had a preference of where he was kissed, but he quickly learns that he loves receiving kisses on his cheeks. Please give him a peck before you go out to do something, his hood will fan out in an instant as a grin tugs itself over his face.
Everything. He's a creative and an inventor, it's kind of in the job description to be at least a little odd! He will approach you in excitement as he rattles off about an idea for a new invention he's come up with (and also, to seek for your approval if it's not meant to be a surprise for you..)
Sometimes he will go on a tangent about an invention and the skills needed for it, which might lead to him having to explain those smaller details.. has a habit of sometimes overexplaining or underexplaining.. he doesn't mean to, he's just so excited and is a little all over the place as he doesn't get much of a chance to ramble to someone about this interest of his!
He has a habit of tugging on his hood when he's embarrassed or stressed, sometimes even pulling it over his face if he's feeling particularly flustered.
"My Darling," "My Dear," "My Love," and above all else, he calls you his Beloved. He almost completely replaces your name with them when you two fully establish your relationship, only reserving your actual name for rare occasion.
As for what he likes being called... Naturally, he has a soft spot for terms of endearment from his time, but I think he would be just as ecstatic if you called him anything sweet. I like to believe he likes to be called "Sweetheart," or any variation of the "Sweet___" nicknames!
Hmm... this one is a hard one... but I think sometimes he would ask for reassurance. Not just that you still love him, but to confirm things about you. Totally not because he's making something for you... and he wants you to confirm a hype specific question of what your favorite color is down to the pantone code or something along those lines... heh..
I think at some point within the series, depending on where it is in the timeline he might start asking you if you believe it's possible to ascend to Heaven after being sent to Hell. Things about the quickly approaching extermination. A lot of those questions turn into promises of victory.
When Sir Pentious is upset he tends to seek you out, whether he be angry or sad or stressed. He finds comfort in you, and spending time with you is by far the best stress relief for him than anything else in Hell. Usually, to cheer him up you two just talk or do an activity together! Though if he's feeling worse than usual, he might have himself sit alone in his room for a while.. this is more common before the relationship/within the early stages of it.
If you're the one upset he's going to try his best to make you feel better. Making quick inventions to bring a smile to your face, letting you vent to him.. and perhaps, if someone upset you he would try to confront them... that... usually doesn't end in his favor, leaving him bloody and bruised... but hey if he can survive getting blasted into the sky by Alastor, then he can survive most anything!
May send one of his egg boiz to keep an eye on you and/or check in on you if you're upset with him. Being apart is killing him inside, and he feels so so bad. He's already doing way more than he needs to in order to win over your forgiveness. He will grovel, too.
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The recent Book 7 release has put Vil and Rook on the mind, so do you have any particularly interesting courtship or relationship headcanons for your nonhuman AU? Thank you :)
My god Rook would rizz you so hard, we already know how he is as a human, though I've seen headcanons that he might have some beastmen in his blood it just isn't obvious/is distant or something like that.
He's enigmatic with a passion for all things beautiful, something Rook very much views you as regardless of what you think of yourself. He's very enthusiastic about supporting those that he admires so be ready for him to be supportive and encouraging as fuck. Yeah, he's gonna be weird about a lot of stuff but Rook is almost always genuine in his intentions.
Expect poetry and love letters to hit your door by arrow every morning.
Ah...Birb Boi Love.
When the night sky envelops the world in its cool embrace, a ballet takes place on treetops and secluded clearings— the dance of owl courtship. 
Serenading the night. Rook is already a great singer and loves to do it, with owls the males often initiate the mating process with a series of hoots. Though with him I'm pretty sure it would be actually singing that he graces you with...but still...it's kind of funny to think about...heh horny hoots.
He might be hoping for you to join him since female owls might answer back, leading to a duet. This vocal interaction strengthens the bond between the two owls and sets the stage for their partnership.
Gift giving, males often present food gifts. This act not only proves the male’s hunting prowess but also his ability to provide for offspring. He knows he can't just leave his fresh kills at your doorstep. Instead, he will use his cooking skills and bring very yummy meals cooked and caught by him. Will give a few happy hoots if you agree to letting him feed you.
He's going to bring you a lot of stuff, not just food though. Keep in mind the guy is well off and for a lot of creatures it's important to keep your mate well groomed, and he gets the good shit from Vil so expect to be gifted the best, lotions, shampoos, and skincare stuff. Along with clothes that seem to fit you perfectly...hmm how did he get your size?
Once a bond begins to form, owls might engage in mutual grooming, a sign of affection and trust. Please let him do your hair and nails he will be so happy. He gets to help you be even more pretty, gets to touch the person he likes, examine your interesting human features. He's actually someone you can trust to bathe with/wash your hair for you without trying anything regardless of his romantic feelings, even if you're nakey.
Nuzzling and nibbling will also happen, he knows you're a fan of his soft feathers and floof and will puff up to lure you in for cuddles...and then he'll get you with those gentle nibbles and nuzzle against you. At least with him, you won't have to worry about getting covered in fur after like with the others, but you might end up with a feather in your hair and will diffidently smell like Rook
Territory plays a vital role in owl mating behaviors. Male owls fiercely defend their territories from rival males, ensuring they have exclusive access to potential mates and sufficient resources for nesting and rearing young. Territory disputes often involve vocal and physical displays, including wing-spreading, aggressive posturing, and occasional physical combat.
As a result, any of the other guys should be wary of arrows flying their way when they get near Ramshackle once Rook gets to that stage in courting. The tree near your window was already one of his favorite spots before this started. I don't think he would start any fights though, not that he would need to, people tried to keep their distance from him before already.
The mental image of him doing the aggressive postering is funny though.
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...yeah, I can see how that would be scary if it's a man-sized owl creature doing it at night with glowing eyes and he's probably doing a weird honhonhonhon French laugh thing. He's going to scare the shit out of someone.
Some owl species, like the barn owl, engage in dramatic flight displays, which can include dives, spirals, and impressive swoops to impress a potential mate. He would definitely show off and even offer to carry you so you can enjoy a nice flight with him...you might see him divebomb someone, he doesn't actually touch them but gets pretty close.
The man loves his privacy so will likely pick a spot in Ramshackle away from everyone else to make into your love nest, only the finest blankets and pillows will be used, that fancy silk stuff you know?
Hmmm Vil.
I've thought about him ether being a Peacock-
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Or a secretary bird.
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I'm not sure what suits him best but I'm sure regardless his courtship will be flashy. You'll probably end up with a tail feather smacking you in the face at some point.
I might be able to think up something if you guys send in some ideas.
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anxious-lee · 12 days
(Tickle) Fight Club || Gravity Falls Tickle Fic ||
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A/N: couldn't leave this wholesome duo out! this takes place after dipper and mabel return to gravity falls the next summer. inspired by that one scene in the jungle book. bon appetite 😙🤌
Summary: Grunkle Stan thinks he's teaching Mabel how to box, but she has her own Mabel-y way of doing things.
Word count: 1339
There wasn't much about Stan's life that he was comfortable sharing with the kids. Between the crime and the fraud, everything about his youth was either dishonest or violent.
Except, however, the boxing lessons.
Sure, they were pretty violent, but in the socially acceptable way!
Oh, if he could relive just one of those glory days. The thrill of punching away the opponent. The glory of victory. The aches and bruises that stuck with you for weeks. It was wonderful. After he had gotten the hang of it, at least.
Stan was recounting his good old memories to his niece and nephew when the teen girl piped up.
"Oh oh oh oh oh! Oh! OH! Brain explosion! You should teach us how to fight!" Mabel shouted.
"Ehhhh, no. Count me out," Dipper said quickly, "I've had more than enough combat for one lifetime, thank you very much."
"Aw, c'mon Dip Dip! You've kicked lots of butt before!"
"And I nearly died! Multiple times!"
Stan laughed. "Heh heh, never stopped me."
Mabel lifted herself up to the peak of her tiptoes. "Please, Grunkle Stan! Teach me to how to kick butt the Stan way!"
"Well, I guess it would kill an afternoon. Plus, I was a pretty tough champ when I was your age." Stan boasted.
His brother finally entered the conversation. "Didn't you get the daylights beat out of you about a hundred times?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Know-It-All. How many jerks did you beat in the ring?" Stan turned back to his neice. "Mabel, meet me on the front lawn, cause I'm gonna teach you to box!"
"YES!" she cheered.
"Oh boy" Dipper mumbled.
Stan didn't need his family's vote of confidence to pull this off. This was gonna be great! He was going to pass down his skill to his beloved niece. What could go wrong?
He decided to have them practice in the front yard to give them more space to move freely. Despite their hesitations, Ford and Dipper were seated together on the porch sofa, looking ready to call an ambulance at a moment's notice.
Pfft, what do they take me for? Some kind of idiot?
It didn't matter. Right now, Stan was focused on Mabel and her journey to badassery.
He and Mabel stood opposite of each other. Her stance was incredibly goofy and her fists were poised in the wrong position. This was going to take some work.
"Alright kiddo, the first rule of boxing is to keep your eyes on your opponent. If they get the drop on you, it's game over."
Mabel's eyes popped cartoonishly out of her head.
"Sheesh, don't look that hard. Rule number two: don't stop moving. You're a harder target if you keep moving. Now try and do what I do."
Stan began to bounce back and forth from on foot to the other in a circle around Mabel. She picked up the technique quickly and did the same, albeit a little stiffly.
"Like this?" Mabel asked.
"Loosen up a little, you gotta keep loose if you want to stay in the game," Stan guided gently. "Now you're gonna want to look for an opening. Try and take a swing."
Mabel reeled her arm back as far as she could and swung it through the air. She had forgotten to think about her balance, though, and she spun herself in a circle before plopping her behind on the spiky grass.
"That's alright, kid, that's alright. Get up, let's try that again," Stan said. He wasn't about to let a little clumsiness deter her progress.
Encouraged by her uncle's words, Mabel jumped back up and got right back into position.
"Keep moving, keep moving," he reminded her.
The next swing was more controlled than the first. It didn't hit Stan, but she was understanding the flow.
"Now, you're getting it! Remember to keep circling, and keep your eyes on me," Stan laughed excitedly. "Ha ha! Come on, that's it!"
When it looked to be the right moment, Mabel reeled her arm back once more, and with the precision of a pro, sailed her fist up to meet her grunkle's bottom jaw.
It hurt something fierce, but he was too gosh dang proud of her to care.
"Oh! That was it, that was the one. Oh, I'm going down! I've been hit! Tell my story!" Stan cried in true dramatic uncle fashion, reveling in the way his hollers were making Mabel laugh. He pretended to stumble around awkwardly, like she had knocked him silly. With a final groan, he belly-flopped into the grass with a great big oomph!
Mabel hurried over to check if he was alright, giving him a little shake. Unfortunately, her tiny hands were pushing into the area behind his ribs, and even more unfortunately, Stan was ticklish.
He coughed out a laugh.
"No, nono, nono, now you're tickling," Stan eyeing her from over his shoulder.
Mabel grinned brightly, relieved that her grunkle wasn't hurt, and started to climb onto his back. Her little fingers soon found themselves scratching at his sides.
Stan couldn't stop himself from chuckling. This was so embarrassing. He had been going easy on her to give her confidence, but now she truly had him in a tight spot. One that he couldn't see his way out of.
"No! Nohow- now- now we don't do that in the riHing! No! No, the tickling! I can't stand the tickling!" Stan tried to crawl away, but he couldn't escape with Mabel on his back. The tickling was weakening him, and he fell and rolled onto his back. This now gave Mabel more places to tickle him. He belly-laughed helplessly as his feet kicked in little circles, as if he was riding an invisible bicycle. "HELP, STAHANFORD!"
Ford, meanwhile, had seen everything go down from his place on the couch. He chuckled warmly at the sight of his surly twin brother getting the snot tickled out of him by their spritely young niece. "Attagirl Mabel," he said under his breath.
The young fighter struggled to keep her balance atop Stan as he rolled around, trying to get up.
"Wohoah! It's like I'm riding a bull!" Mabel laughed. Her hands were now scribbling everywhere on his torso she could reach.
"This is cheheheating! Out of bohounds! Fohohoul! Penalty!" Stan laughed harder.
"I learned from the best. Do you say 'uncle'?"
"Your uhuncle never says 'uncle'!"
Ford's voice rings out across the lawn, "Liar!"
Mabel was determined to get Stan to give up. Fighting may not have come easily to her, but tickle fighting sure did.
"Say 'uncle'!"
It was obvious to everyone, including Stan, that Mabel was winning. She was mercilessly attacking his weak spots while he could barely get a word out.
"You cahahaha- you cahahaha-" Stan tried, but his lungs were too full of laughter to make room for speech. He tried again, utilizing his old man powers.
"You cahan't do this to me. I'm old, I'm frail, I'm weak!"
"Then say 'uncle'!"
There was one more rule that Stan had forgotten to mention: know when to tap out.
"Alrihihight, alrihihight! Uncle! I gihihihive!" Stan gasped in defeat.
"Yay! Mabel's the champion!" Said champion cheered as she immediately hopped down off her uncle.
Dipper and Ford clapped and whooped for Mabel. Stan was still on his back in the grass, regaining his breath. The sun above his face nearly blinded him, until a sweet little face blocked it out.
"Did I do good, Grunkle Stan?" Mabel asked.
With the strength he could muster, he replied, "You did great, pumpkin! Ha ha! That's my Mabel!" Stan sat up, dusting himself off. "You've got real gumption, kid."
"I still don't know what that word means, but thank you."
"Alright, let's get inside. Your Grunkle Stan needs a nap. And an ibuprofen."
So boxing lessons didn't go quite as Stan expected, but he had fun anyway.
His little niece was a real firecracker of a kid. Just like someone else he knew.
Not as long as the last one, but I just wanted something fun, short, and sweet 😊🍭
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pineappleciders · 1 year
hihi! i just found your blog because of your Eddsworld x reader post and it was so cute, i love how you write for the characters. i also saw that your requests were open, and i was wondering if you could write the main 4 boys with gn!s/o that is a singer/songwriter and plays different instruments like piano and guitar. thank you <3
EW main 4 with a musical S/O
includes: edd, tom, matt, and tord
A/N: i am assuming you meant the ew main 4 as you mentioned it!!!! apologies if it isn't what you meant :P also thank you :))
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he 100% spies on you when you're rocking out or writing songs. like he thinks it's so interesting. he would just ask to watch but he knows you wouldn't want someone hovering over you while you do your thing
he looves to draw you playing the guitar in his sketchbook,, like he already draws u a lot but he has little shitty doodles of you playing instruments and singing on his wall with lil music notes and everything
lots of music puns.
"hey- hey Y/N. what do you call a musician with problems?"
"a trebled man."
if you ever fully produce and release a song, he makes a little animation to it and put a drawing of him smooching u on the cheek at the end. (iknow this is really specific but tell me u don't see this happening)
claps for you when you sing. like in a crowd he'd stand up and clap really obnoxiously and yell "YEAHH WOOOHOOOO GO Y/N" n it'd be really embarrassing
"hey, you see that person- right- right up there? yeah, yeah that's my S/O. i know, they're so great." he says to the person next to him with tears in his eyes
karaoke nights. you two go to a karaoke bar and sing your hearts out. he's absolutely awful at singing but he LOVES it
your guitar and susan have a makeshift wedding, and tom is crying the entire time, walking susan down the aisle while you play wedding music
if you started like shredding on an electric guitar or bass he'd just sit on the bed and ogle like a lovestruck idiot. like he's soooooo in love
he's super impressed, and he'll say it sometimes but be all awkward about it
"you're really good at that stuff, Y/N. i mean- seriously, it's impressive." he's like looking away and scratching his neck
he low-key feels kinda insecure about his own music skills. i think he'd like to write his own songs but hates sharing them, and he's kinda mediocre at playing the bass so when he sees you absolutely destroying the piano or something he deflates
asks you to help him get better at guitar,, which ends up with you like. holding his hands over the correct position on it behind him and it's super awkward and he gets really flustered
you both write songs about each other and you both nearly faint when you see each others songs
sometimes he gets shit-faced and shows up at your door like crying with his bass and a whole speaker system set up outside and just plays a love song he made for you while sobbing his 'eyes' out
he's like, insisting that you play professional classical music or something. like his eyes are glittering talking about having a duet together on stage
he probably has like a play about himself and he begs you to play the music for it
he's constantly asking you to play him stuff. like every now and then he asks you to sing him a lullaby when he goes to bed and he falls asleep in your lap
or sometimes he asks you to play a popular pop song on guitar, and he sings along (albeit terribly)
speaking of singing, he ALWAYS starts singing when he hears you singing or humming. like it's a reflex to sing along. he sheepishly apologizes if you deadpan at him though
when introducing you to someone he wraps his arm around your waist or shoulder and pulls you close and flashes a shiny grin, showing you off
"heh, yeah, this is my S/O, they're a singer and musician. they can play the guitar, piano, violin.. yeah, i'm a pretty cool guy- i mean! uh, they're, pretty cool. yeah. that's what i said."
when the person starts talking to you about your talent goes to you he'll whine and try to get their attention back on him. he knows you're super cool and awesome and have an amazing voice and a beautiful face but this is about HIM and HIS beautiful face!!!
sometimes he walks in on you strumming your guitar or singing a little tune, and he'll lean on the doorway with his arms crossed just listening
he thinks it's super cool, and sometimes he'll ask you to play one of his favorite songs
subconsciously starts humming your songs around the house, and might get a little flustered if you mention it
definitely borrowed your guitar one time and probably broke one of the strings. he got absolutely terrified and locked himself in his room waiting for you to get home
"tord! i'm home! what's- *gasp*"
absolutely quaking in his boots. safe to say he got a good smack on the head and had to pay to get it repaired
he loves to listen to you sing or play piano through the walls. he finds it less awkward than being in the same room, and the muffled effect makes it strangely calming
like matt he pulls you close and brags about your talents to people you meet. with a huge grin too. he thinks he looks so cool but he actually looks like a huge douchebag
he actually looks like a huge douchebag in general. but he's your huge douchebag🥰
this is random but i feel like all of them are the type to show up outside your window in the middle of the night, hold a speaker over their head and play peter gabriel to win ur love. they're such fuckung geeks
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auteurdelabre · 27 days
WIP Wednesday
Hello loves, I was tagged by the beautiful soul that is @luxurychristmaspudding to post some WIP's so here's what I got so far (prepare to be. . . underwhelmed). I made some authors notes too so you can kinda peek in my brain.
So Much to Lose WIP
You like to go to the quiet parts of Jackson for your walks, enjoying the solitude. It’s in the outer part of Jackson without being in the forest, a place you never venture to.  It’s an abandoned neighborhood with old houses, fencing and more. A sharp bark is at your back and you turn to see the familiar panting dog clumsily making his way over to you through the snow. “Hey Buckley,” you coo when he gets close enough. Buckley is a famous figure that roams Jackson City, a dog that belongs to everyone in a way. You think you heard someone say he was a border collie mixed with something else. He’s not always in town, often he’s found by the hydroelectric dam when he’s not snoozing at Gustavo’s feet listening to the banjo. “You being a good boy?” you muse, scratching the back of his ear when he cocks his head. He’s a friendly dog, rarely without his prized tennis ball. He doesn’t have it with him now, and you assume he’s lost it in the snow. You shake your head at him with a soft huffing laugh. “You wanna join me on my walk?”
a/n: It's no secret that this is my favorite current story to work on. This Joel is so much fun to write because he's morally grey and our MC isn't the typical 'I am a genius who can shoot guns and grew up camping' MC that I've run into (not that there's anything wrong with that - I just wanted to write what would happen if someone with my skills survived to Jackson City heh heh).
Blackmailing Babysitter Chronicles WIP
"You fish a lot?" You ask over your shoulder. You hear shuffling and now Frankie is a few steps from you, the topic obviously one he enjoys.  "Yeah I go down to Ghalson Lake every summer. Gonna take JR this year." "Sounds fun," you say silkily, glancing at him over your shoulder. "Maybe I'll have to get my bikini and join you. I love swimming." Frankie's cheeks go pink and his eyes dart to the floor. "Not sure it's deep enough for swimming." You turn back, doing your best to hide a grin when you come upon another photo of Frankie with a group of handsome men in front of a helicopter. You can feel Frankie watching you. 
a/n: This story is total filth and I have a helluva fun time writing it.
Losing our Minds Together WIP
“Neighbor told me to draw when my feelings feel big.” “Good advice,” Joel nods. He watches Ellie’s eyes go distant and he wishes he could know what she’s thinking.  “She a good teacher then?” “Yeah, I like her.” “Good.” Joel is pleased to hear this. Happy to know his daughter is being taken care of, that she’s happy. After so much misery he hopes that she can be as happy as possible with him. “She said you were hot,” Ellie comments around her sandwich out of nowhere. “Told me when we were driving.” Joel tries to hide the pleased smile behind his sandwich, but Ellie sees it all the same.
a/n: This is my favorite story to work on when I'm feeling happy and romantic. It's much fluffier than my other stuff. Plus writing the various romantic pairings (Joel x MC, Ellie x Riley and Bill x Frank) is so fun!
Someone to Pass the time with WIP
Dave is a handsome man and watching the two of them kiss makes your thighs press together tightly. Dave is the one whose tongue travels against Javi's, drawing a grown from each of them before breaking apart.  "This is Dave," Javi says beaming, his mouth swollen. He introduces you to Dave with just as much loving enthusiasm. "Nice to meet you," you both say tightly. You hold a hand for him to shake and after a beat he takes it, shaking briskly.  "I've heard a lot of wonderful things about you," you smile "You make my Javi very happy." Dave bristles at the possessive way you phrase that. His jaw tics and you try to smother the victorious feeling spreading in your body.  Dave's serious expression fades as his move to Javi who looks nervously from you to Dave.  "Can I get you a drink, baby?" Now you get it. Dave is all serious scowls and intimidation for everyone. But when he looks at Javi this is all replaced with a sweet softness.  "Just wine if you have it."
a/n: I wish wish wish I had more time because this short little tale is so much fun to write! I've never done a A x B x C story before so it's been fun but I feel like I never have time to write it because of my other 'bigger' stories.
I nominate the effortlessly talented: @hier--soir @katiexpunk @macfrog @bageldaddy
(if they feel like it - no pressure)
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jina-juhi · 2 years
the possibility of us.
pairing - yuta × female reader
word count - 7.7k
warnings - Panic attack (i tried to keep it short) penetration, protected sex, grinding, corruption kink, yuta is not angry and dom, controlling, over stim if i can say so? oral ( both receiving ) and literally everything that comes w this. choking!!!! yea. heh.
summary - You promised yourself you wouldn't fall for him, and you thought he could never fall for a girl like you. There was no way you both could be together, and even if there was one, your past wouldn't let you.
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"eyes off you" - prettymuch
"phases" - prettymuch
"under the influence" - chris brown
"slow down" - chase atlantic
"show me" - black atlass
"safety net" - ariana grande
"used to this" - camila cabello
"chills, dark version" - mickey vallen
"3:00 am" - finding hope
"no guidance" - chris brown ft drake
Authors note:- so this whole thing is someone's request and i have not done justice to it. But here i am still hoping that they like it. I wrote like a whole seed to tree thing but it all got deleted and then I just left it to where my mind led me. I swear im working hard on my English vocab and duh sentence forming skills, but i hope you get the feelings mentioned below~~~
also if u wanna like request something~
so fucking loud.
The party was getting louder and overwhelming. You were quite alright just a few seconds back but it only takes a thought, to remember everything you want so badly to escape.
You danced like crazy, and drank. A lot. To forget. And now your head is hurting like hell and you don't know what to do or where to go, everything is spinning around and its all a blur. One thing that you could think of right now is your phone.
Searching your pocket and the couch you have been sitting on for so long, you can't find it. Its not lost its with Haewon, your friend. Sadly though your friend had to leave early due to some urgency, you thought it would be okay, you would manage but truly speaking, you're just a child. You try to be brave but being left alone is one of your biggest fears.
The fear kept building up since you were a kid and now it has settled in and made itself permanent in you. First it was your dad leaving you and your mom for a second family, then your mom in chase of her new life and then your so called first love who thought you were too fucked up to be loved. Leaving you like you were a crumbled up piece of paper ready to be dumped. Since then, you have not loved.
Not because you forgot, but because you're sacred.
You're scared everyone would leave you just like them and in the end, they'll move on, they'll live better but you're gonna be wounded. Trust me, you're already wounded enough to go out there and put a knife in your chest with your own hands. You know better or so you may think. That being alone, and not letting anyone in is the key to overcome this but truly, it is just making it worse. You can't help it.
You stumble on your way out of the once filled room with sweaty bodies, heels in one hands and a bottle of water in another. Your legs hurt more with every step you take, mentally cursing yourself for going absolutely reckless. You stand leaning against the main gate, supporting yourself so you don't fall in the wait of a cab.
You watch as tired bodies pass you by one by one. Everybody having someone to lean on to, you have a door. Not complaining but it feels sad sometimes not to have that one person who's always gonna stick by your side and other deep shit. It gets lonely. Fiddling with the hem of your dress, you give up on waiting, shifting your wait from the gate to your feet, you start to walk in the direction of your home, finding it hard because of all the alcohol.
Not even two steps forward, you hear a faint voice calling your name, a voice you would recognise even after your death, a voice that could send you into overdrive in a mere millisecond. You find yourself panicking, why is he calling your name, he shouldn't be calling your name. He's supposed to be the mean guy like everybody says but he's good to you, he's supposed to be cold hearted but he's kind to you, he's supposed to ignore you like he does everybody else, but he treats you different.
Nakamoto Yuta is not supposed to know you.
But he does, and that's what got you falling for him. Hard. It began with a single look in the hallway, you were a fresher and he was in the senior year. You weren't allowed in the library back then which you didn't knew, so you went in to issue some books. A bunch of seniors saw you, scolded you for not abiding by the rules, they could have gone too far but Yuta kinda saved your ass in there. He'd been kind, which was very unlikely of him because they all called him cold-hearted, but you saw no such characters in him, he'd always been nice to you. No matter how much you refused you did had a minute crush on him since that day, which eventually turned in something you'd rather not give a name to.
You turn around to see a very familiar face, you could draw an exact replica of him with your eyes closed. You fumble, he hands are firmly griping you by your arms, holding you upright, "you okay?"
On usual days, if Yuta is taking the first floor hallway to get to his class, you'd take the third floor even if it means you'll be late by five. But on some very rare unusual day, when your hormones decide to throw random tantrums and make you realise how much dry of a pussy cat you have, you'd take the same hallway 0as he does in order to feed your brain with his mere looks alone, which would be enough for the next 5 to 6 days so you could go back on avoiding him, for the sake of your sanity.
Today, most probably was a usual day. Throughout the party, you made sure to not cross paths with him but always keeping in check as to where he was. He looked drop dead gorgeous today in that white tshirt of his, loose hair falling over his face blocking your sight of view but adding up to his perfection. Maybe, just maybe you might have been too obvious with that watching from afar game of yours you think he didn't notice but he does. He knows, he always has known. Boys like him, they always know.
"I just wanna go home." Your voice comes out tired and slurred, the alcohol in your system is probably damaging your sense of judgement, you're saying things you're not supposed to be saying.
"It isn't safe for you to go alone." His voice could make you fall to knees, yea that is the amount of power he holds on you. If he says your name one more time with that pretty mouth of his, you'd be curling into a ball and stay like that for the rest of your life because it would save you from the embarrassment of facing him with your red flushed face and needy eyes. Yes, you're a sucker for him and you don't like it. It's not about him it's about you. How could you risk everything again for just a crush. He's not just a crush. And what about the too fucked to be loved part? What if thats true? You can't risk losing Yuta.
"I'll tak- a cab or somethin you don't have to." Sitting in the same car, having him around you when you're drunk and could literally say anything is not a safe option, safer than going alone though but, it's just too much of a risk. He doesn't give you much choice when he says he's gonna drive you home and you're gonna be quite and let him. All those moments in which it was only him and you alone, all the amount of tension in the air there was is playing on repeat in your mind right now. What could possibly go wrong right? Nothing really went wrong before, but you also weren't drunk.
He takes you to his car, walking beside you still holding you tight. You didn't say but your stomach keeps hurting from time to time, probably from all the drinking you think. Opening the door for you he seats you in, placing his hand on your head carefully so you don't bump your head in the process.
You wait for him to come inside the car, hearts already beating fast. Don't know why but the alcohol has somehow made you more hornier and confident than before, especially him touching you played a major part it in. I mean your allowed to have a crush right, and even though you don't really want someone in your life right now you too want some, need some. How many days can you go without being touched? is two year a normal number?
"Put your seatbelts on." You were too disoriented to understand and implement, he repeats. "Oh!" You try to pull the seatbelt down, its stuck. Or maybe you're just weak. He notices you struggling. What happens next is not the first time, he does things like these often that do some unexplainable things to you. He would randomly place his hands on your shoulder in the middle of nowhere making you jump out of your skin, or rub his thumb against the back of your hand when you're having coffee with him. Play with the long strands of your hair, tangling then detangling them. Eyes contacts were definitely his thing, he's eyes would never leave yours during a conversation no matter how small or big, it made you hard to look at him and hold his gaze. These were some of those moments you couldn't get over even after trying hard.
This guy would be the cause of your death. All happens in one sudden move, he loosens his seatbelt, leaning over you extending his hand to reach the seatbelt that seemed to be really stuck, which he could have managed to pull from afar but no, he had to come close. Goosebumps from his wild eyes form on your skin when they watch you, like undressing you. Up and down and around. Biting and wetting his lips unnecessarily just to turn you on. You, on the other went stiff, for you it was like some one had pushed the pause button because every second felt so heavy, the weight of his gaze was so hard you felt your lungs crushing under the pressure. You could literally listen to your heart thumping in your ears like some one was playing a boombox on maximum volume. Afraid to take your eyes off of him, you just stare blankly at him, though that blank expression was more of a wanting one.
He knows what he's doing, the little curl on his lips showed that, and he knows the effect it has on you so he always over exaggerates everything that he does. You never stopping him is his motivation.
"Dumb girl" he mouths and secures your seatbelt. You gulp hard and release the breath you were holding in. Before you could register what had just happened, his hand was reaching for your forehead with a tissue. "You sure you good? you sweating like crazy!" poking his tongue he hands you the napkin, you pretend wipe your face, actually cursing him making you sweat like this. The ac is not broken, its his fault.
Its so fucking complicated it's like you've got this big crush which isn't even a crush anymore, and it is him who turned it into real damn feelings that you don't want. You know you're better off without him, without the feelings part. You're not ready for him. You'll never be. You know it still you always fall for him, even when you don't want to, even when you know someone's gonna get hurt in the end. It must be something that he said that got you off track. That got you thinking shit and feeling shit, you just can't ignore that anymore. A year is a long time to pretend that you absolutely do not adore Yuta. Its getting harder to pretend.
You crave him.
You need him.
You want him.
but no.
You're saying it as if he wants you too. The possibility of him falling for you is as rare as finding a galaxy in the night sky with naked eyes. Impossible. He's got high standards or maybe you're just not his type. He may play round and about but it's just a play. Not reality. And you've come to peace with that. You're not gonna try, you're not putting your heart at stake but if you do, just in case, there's no way you're gonna have your heart broken because after doing all the math and physics, the probable occurrence of this event called 'us' is zero, even after considering all the factors affecting.
There is a chance, but you wouldn't take it.
But even the greatest of the greatest laws have exceptions, don't they? Not everything can be calculated or predecided. Now who knew a day like today would come in which the drunk you would be driven home by a totally sober Yuta, and the very science that you thought was denying the possibility of you both being together is giving you an unforeseen factor that could change the whole equation, alchol. And alcohol, as we all know is a bitch.
Miserable looking you was sat on the passenger seat, hair tousled, body covered with sweat that glistened whenever light fell on it, lips dry and eyes tired. Though the heat you feel is undeniable, you try to not give in and have some sense of control over your mind that's floating in the pool of hormones mixed with alcohol right now. Pushing your hair back, you look out of the window, chasing the street lamps, counting them to keep you distracted. Clearing your mind, trying not to think anything. Not to feel anything, but the ache in the pit of your abdomen is growing with passing time. You see yuta roll down the window, his hair swiftly swaying with the breeze, what a sight to be witnessed, enough to distract you from your chosen distraction. Allowing yourself to calm down letting go of all the blood rush from before, you take a deep breath, sleep kind of taking over your body but the pain isn't allowing you to. Feeling even more uneasy, you shift a little in your seat pushing the feeling away. You try and concentrate on the moving landscapes, breathing deeply.
Yuta has been noticing you. Hes certain of what's bout to happen. He doesn't panic, he must have had the experience. He lets you take your time. Breathing helps for some time more, but doesn't prevent it. You have to throw up, "Can y- stop the car?"
In a minute, Yuta pulls over and you're out on the street seated by the footpath trying to empty your stomach. Yuta was seated by your side patiently with a water bottle in his hand, rubbing your back in sweet circular motion, and holding your hair back. "It doesn't wanna come out!"
You complain in a broken tone. "Who told you to drink that much when you can't handle it?" he says side eyeing you.
"It's hurting"
"Drink some water" And before you could, you were already throwing up. He calm you down, never once leaving your side, holding your hair back, he knows you're weak especially right now.
Cleaning up you pout, "I was feeling good"
"Now you're not, dumbass."
"Why do you always call me dumbass." you fake cry, more like dunk cry.
"Because you're too cute." He half chuckles.
"I don't wanna be cute." You snap at him. "I wanna be hot!" This makes him laugh. "And i wanna be cool and i wanna be free and i wanna be different and confident and happy and not dumb. I'm not dumb, though i like it when you call me dumb, but im not im not dumb!!"
He looks at you, amused, brows up like a puppy, smiling like a child at this new face of yours that, that he doesn't quite know how to describe it, but is adorable. "You don't talk this much when you're sober, you should drink often."
"And throw up like this every time."
"Yea maybe, it would be an our thing"
"An our thing?! Oh and i don't talk? you don't talk!"
"I don't because you don't, and i respect that."
"I- I don't? i do, i want to."
"What stops you then?" You think.
"Yuta." and you chuckle. "He makes me nervous."
His eyebrows furrowed for a second after suddenly listening to his name from your mouth. Conten and eager to know more, "Why?"
You sigh loudly, hiding your face in your hands, "It's hard to explain you know? It so fucking hard-!" by getting to the end of the sentence you actually break down into tears. Yuta sees this, suddenly extra concerned about your situation, he takes your face in his hands, cupping it, making you look at him. He has a soft expression on his face, a kind one. "hey there, don't cry, it's okay." he coos, wiping a tear away.
You sob a few times in his arms, trying to catch a breath. You don't know why and what you're saying, but it just flows out of your mouth, "I like him, i think i do, like so fuxking much. And it's sad because I don't think he likes me back, like why would he and even if he does, it's not gonna change the fact that im too fucked up to be loved."
He frowns, disappointed in you. Looking deep in your eyes, you try to hide away from him,"You're not girl. Look at me! you are capable of being loved"
"I don't think so. Even if i am, why will he ever like a girl like me!" You say blandly.
"What if he does?"
"You think he likes me?"
"All you need to do is ask."
"Why can't he!?" His hand leaves your face, wiping your fallen tears. Making you drink a little water with his hands, he slowly says, "what if he's afraid he would scare you away?"
You're tired eyes look into his bright one, searching for meanings you couldn't find. He helps you up, now that you've been feeling better than before. "Not if he holds me tight enough." Yuta doesn't reply to this rather his eyes glint, as if he was satisfied with your answer. As if he knew what to do now. He makes you seat in his care again, securing you with the seatbelt, too tired to even move your finger you let him guide you home.
Soon enough you were standing in front of your apartment, staring at the locked door and then staring at each other, "I'm sorry." you apologise because apparently, you lost the keys and no they're not with Haewon. "It's okay lets just go to my apartment." You nod your head, tip toeing behind him like a child, on the stares he lets you walk by yourself but watches out for you. In the car he gives you a bottle of electrolytes to sip on. In the lift of his apartment he practically have to carry your weight because your legs gave up walking and your brain stoped working.
Wet kisses were planted down your spine, leaving a tinglish feeling behind. With every kiss your breath hitched a little more, eyes squeezed even harder. He plants a kiss at the bottom of your bare back. You arch your back, rolling your head back in pleasure. He stands up behind you, your knuckles turn whiter. He grips your hair in his fist, pushing your head back further enough to plant a small kiss on your forehead, then releasing the grip. Holding back a moan, you let a short breath out. Seeing your efforts at holding your moans back, he lands his palm flat against your clothed ass making you fall ahead on the counter. Smacking it hard again, making you yelp in pleasure, the sound echoes in his small bathroom. "Let me hear that sweet voice of yours baby." His voice calling you baby makes you dizzy, a whine leaves your lips without your permission, but on his command. Anything he wants you would do. Rubbing and groping your ass cheek he pulls you a little up by your hair, making you stand straight. He bites and nips at your earlobe. With his one hand squeezing your ass and his lips occupied by your ear, his other hands creeps it's way in front of you, dipping lower and lower until it cups your pussy, applying only slight pressure on your throbbing, untouched clit with his middle finger, just enough to take you over the edge. His hand is so big. He taps it, feather touches only. Once, twice and he continues slowly with long intervals in between the taps, leaving maroon marks on your shoulder. He only plays with you to make you wetter so you could take his dick, he's not letting you cum just yet, you deserve more, you deserve his dick and you deserve a grand climax, because you're his. Without much efforts he pushes you flat against the counter top, carefully though, he doesn't wanna hurt you. Delivering you pleasure is his only motive, and he does just that when he pulls your underwear down enough to expose your ass to him. You wiggle it a little in anticipation, and he gives in to your plea, after all it would be his pleasure to serve you. He greets you with a spank. And then another spank followed by intervals of him easing the pain and rubbing your ass cheeks untill you voice came out louder than the sound of his hand meeting your flesh. And in a blink of an eye your panty was slid all the way down and his thick girthy cock was being shoved in your already dripping aching hole. He was showing no mercy, fucking in and out of you at a demonic pace, looking like an angel! His long hair covering his face, slick because of sweat. He yanked you up with your hair causing you to scream out, still slamming in and out of you, this angle enabling him to go deeper. Sinfull voices getting louder and louder with every thrust, you hear him say your name, "y/n!" He sounds concerned. Furrowing your brows, "Yuta, don't stop!!" you whine as he slows down his pace.
Another loud call of your name forces you awake from your dream, panting heavily you adjust your vision to the lighting in the room. The first thing you see is Yutas face, concerned. Seeing him in your bedroom starled you, you hastily move back in defence, "what are you doing here" You question him in hoarse voice, your throat dry.
"It's my bedroom and you called my name. " he hands you a glass full of water, sitting by the bedside. That's when you realise the change in the intensity of light and the unfamiliarity of the duvet. Embarrassed, that you just dreamt of the guy sitting in front of you, you thank him for the water. You try to play the events of last night that might have led to this, nothing comes to your head. Its all a blank. You mind curse yourself, head hurting a little probably because of hangover. The second thing you notice is that the cloths you wore weren't yours, it was one of his black tshirts, as he owns many, and before you could look at him with an unquestionable question, "You were sober enough to change, I didn't." He answers. You relax your shoulders, sighing.
Just the very presence of him makes your head go into a never ending spiral. It was embarrassing looking like shit in front of him. You called my name, what the fuck. "Your head must be hurting?"
"Not really, I just need to take a shower." You say shaking your head confirming that you are alright.
He gets up.
You don't know what you did last night with him, or said but it feels like you pretty much fucked up in every way possible. You don't even know if the whole session was just a dream or you both actually really did something. You watch him uncover the curtains and opening the window so some fresh air could come in. He opens his cupboard taking out some pills, keeps them on the side table for you. Too busy thinking, you didn't hear whatever he said and watch him exit the room keeping a black tee on the chair.
whatever the fuck happened last night.
Taking the pills you went for a quick shower, wearing again one of his tshirt. Going in the another room, he already prepared lunch for you. You take the spoon in your hand, and it's some kind of soup. You smell it, the aroma filling you up. "You're not eating?"
"I am." he says sitting down beside you. You never knew he could cook, such a dream boy. You dip the spoon and circle it around in the bowl feeling anxious. "You talked quite a lot last night, you kno-" he bantered eyeing up playing with the spoon. Without a second thought you interjected, "What exactly did i say?" not looking at him.
"We have a lot of time to discuss that in detail, right now focus on eating." he poked, smirking. "Just tell if i said something offensive or you know, stupid I won't stay for long." Finally taking a sip of the soup while it's still hot. "Look outside, its raining." he says moving his head towards the window wanting you to look out. It indeed is raining, which means you will have to stay. 
"So now that you're staying, why not have some fun? You play video games?" he asked cheerfully.
"No." you deadpanned.
"I knew, we'll watch a movie then." You look at him blond eyes, he's goofing around again.
He made popcorns, everything was set in front of his decent sized tv. It was like he was being extra cautious about everything, thinking twice before saying or doing anything. You on the other hand were embarrassed and awkward as hell. God only knows what beans you spilled last night, the possible things you could have that are coming to your brains are extreme. Plus he's not even telling.
He kept a decent distance between you two when he sat down on his small sofa, it was a small sofa so the decent amount means close enough to feel him right next to you. The movie was playing but neither of you were paying any attention to it. If it wasn't for the presence of the other, you could have both said the rain was distracting. Already tired and even more tired after forcing yourself to concentrate on the movie when exactly you dozed off to wonderland you didn't remember. One loud roar of thunder startled you back to life, "It's okey, just a thunder, go back to sleep." His words come in a low register, whispered close to your ear his hot breath almost tingling. You shift comfortably on what felt like a lap, shooting your eyes open you realised the position you were in and quickly sat up murmuring sorrys and fucks while trying to hide yourself, "When did i sleep!?" you mumbled, rubbing your eye, in order to avoid his.
"Sleep again you look tired." he pointed out looking at you. As if it wasn't awkward enough already for you to sleep in his goddamn lap. You shake your head, "No its good." You grin at him. His eyes never leave your frame. You shift to the left putting as much distance possible in between. He notices it. "Do I make you nervous?" 
 fuck yes.
It was like the oxygen was taken away from you. You tried breathing but it was useless. So this is one of the manys of what happened last night. "I said that?" He looks at you, nodding his head lights. "And they say one doesn't lie when there drunk." raising an eyebrow. Pressing your lips together you turn your head to the tv, "Let's not talk abo-" he didn't let you finish, "Answer me." He turns off the tv causing you to frown, "Answer!" You roll your eyes looking away again, it's hard maintaining eye contact right now. "What do you wanna hear?" 
You look at him. For a minute nothing was spoken. You looked at him and he looked at you. And that was that. Many of the hardest one minutes of your life. You sigh out in defeat, giving up the eye game, he sits straight. "What else did i say last night?" 
"Just that." 
You laugh, "That can't possibly be true." 
"Then you already know what you might have said last night." Wetting your lips, looking out of the windows, rain pouring harder by every passing hour, things getting more and more awkward. You could either tell him everything, and expect him to not act on it and be awkward Or you can just ask him to pretend last night never happened and let everything be awkward for the rest of the lives, because theres no way things are going back to normal, as if they ever were. 
Clicking your tongue, "Will you drink hot chocolate?" The only way to avoid a conversation is a hot chocolate. It works most of the times. All you wanted to do was escape his vicinity.
You stand by the window in his small kitchen, rain drizzles over your face as it falls down, rainy seasons are gloomy, you think. Cold air rushes in leaving you cold and shivering, alone, in the middle of the darkness in this room with your thoughts which are way too louder than your capacity to hear. You don't know why but him knowing how you feel about him just complicates everything by a thousand fold. And what if he wants to be with you? What will you do then? Yes you like him but, you can't risk being in a relationship again. You've already lied to yourself everyday by believing that you'll not love him, but now you do. And the fact that last night will fuxk everything up between you two is saddening because you are going to say no and he will not be very appreciative.
If; he likes you back. 
You feel his presence behind you. Not too close but not too far. You call out his name, he confirms. After a moment you speak, "Yes you make me nervous." trying to speak loud and clear but you voice only manages to come out in whispers. You hear him cackle. "I know." His deep voice goes straight down to your core, leaving you weak in your knees, he's standing just behind you. You feel his breath on your ear making you hold your breath, not moving even one inch. How desperately you want his hands on you and how badly he wants to sqeeze you in his arms and tell you everything he's been keeping inside for so long. Only if you knew. Only if you saw his face right now, looked into his eyes. You would know he wants you too, he always has. Since the day he saw you on your first day he craved you. Every day being by your side wasn't enough but oh he was just so scared to lose you after being told everything you've been through by your batchmates. He figured your past won't allow you to. So he kept quite. Falling in love with you everytime you looked at him, everytime you smiled at himz shyed away from him. He fell in love with the way you lived and laughed and cried. Just like you fell for him. 
"Take a chance with me?" he spoke lowly, carefully. You turned around, facing him. Shaking your head no caused the tears to fall down that were building in your eyes. You kept shaking you head moving back untill your back touched wall. You sobbed, no you were practically crying like a child in front of him only it was on mute. He approaches you coming closer and closer it was like you lost your mind and your senses gave up on working. "I can't" you managed to speak aloud.
"Why?" he asks trying to stop your crying at the same time. Holding you by shoulders, gently stroking up and down, calming. "You don't know what happened." 
He lifts your tear stained face up by his fingers, making you look at him, "I'm willing to know." he pushes further, caging you between him and the wall. "And if I don't understand, make me!" it's hard to understand the expression on his face. He's sad but, he's also angry. And frustrated and hurt but at the same time, gentle and understanding and concerned. Hands moving to cup your face, "You want me to confess first right? I love you okay? I have ever since god know when. And i know you do too so why the fuck can't you just let go and let me!?" The last part he says through greeted teeth while punching the wall behind you, you jump out in fear, "Fuck Im sorry." he apologizes under his breath, realising he's being to harsh.
He moves in closer, connecting his forehead with yours, "I'm sorry." he breathes out heavily, he's crying. He's hurting. "I can't help but think of what we could be." You open your eyes to look at him, tilting your face up a little, closing in the gap even more. His eyes are tight shut. "I can't help but think about you." He opens his eyes to look into your dark ones, getting lost. You both breathe heavily, hearts beating at the same pace, passion shooting through your veins. He closes the inches left in between you too, both of you close your eyes, nose touching, breathing in the air only the other can provide. His lips linger close to yours, quivering, afraid to harm you. Afraid to scare you. Chest heaving up and down in synchrony, lips ready melt into each other, only a moment apart, only a touch apart, still apart.
He draws a sharp breath in moving away but only slightly. You look down, the tension in the air is so heavy it could crush your weight under it. Tears still falling down like a waterfall.
 "Please don't say no." he speaks in the quietness. You shook your head again, whispering "Don't cry." 
He wiped it as quickly as it fell. "I'm sorry" you say, trying to move past him, but he stops you holding your hand, making you turn around. Gripping you face with only one hand he crashes his lips on yours, you pause. You didn't try pulling away, not because his grip was too tight but you didn't wanted to. When you moved your lips, he moved his. He held you by your waist with his other arm. Making you dizzy, holding you close you could feel his beating heart against your chest. Head tilted to deepen the kiss, body crushing into each other like planets colliding, teeth clashing like two swords in a battlefield, hands roaming the bodies freely, holding on to each other like you were to lose them the very next second. He could taste your tears in his mouth. He could taste his life. It was beautiful, it was perfect. In that moment you felt you could let go of everything that was holding you back, you past didn't matter in that moment. You saw one chance, one possibility. 
Struggling to stand straight, he walks your over to the counter never leaving your lips. He slows it down, letting you breathe. Softly sucking your swollen lips. He takes your lower lip between his teeth, he bites it so hard you whince in pain, which only makes him lower his hands and squeeze your butt, pulling you lower body to meet his, grinding into each other, desperate for each other, not getting enough and wanting more and more. The visible bulge in his bottoms evidently hit the right spots, making you lose control, making you go wild and grind yourself into him too. The height difference makes it so much easier like his body was made keeping you in mind so you both could fit each other perfectly. His hands travel north, tangling your hair and pulling them down, which makes your head go back, exposing your neck to him. His lips leave yours, sucking in a new space found, leaving deep red marks, marking you as his.
It took one single thought to pull you out of it, again. You try to push him away, struggling at first, he backs off, and the moment he does you leave, "So you're going to ignore me now?" he says panting, making you stop and turn back. He looks at the red mark on your neck that he created. He chuckles, "Thats the plan? huh? Ain't gonna work." you're hurting him you know it. You turn around to leave, "You're gonna come back."
And you leave.
You just leave. 
And like that, 5 months pass. The day turns into night and night into day, you go to college and come back home then go to college again. You see him every day and he sees you everyday and like strangers you cross paths. He started a new job, you heard. You started having panic attacks, he heard.
Sit and stare out of the window, thinking of all that you could have done differently. You thought not being with him or anybody would make things alright. Being alone would make your head clear and a little less messed up and then maybe you can go out date freely without having to be afraid of what might go wrong. But it seems like it all backfired on you. Now you have one more thing to forget, one more thing to carry everyday.
You thought you would get better, but little did you know it was him who was making you better. You thought you would get over him but you really do love him. You can't get him out of your head and he's gone, you fucked it all up. You broke his heart which ended up breaking you too.
Sitting on the couch in the parties is the only thing you've been doing lately. How long can someone pretend that they're okay? A month? A year? You've been doing it since your childhood. You're tired of pretending and tired of hoping that it's all gonna get better. You can't even pretend anymore to be honest, it's evident you do that you miss him. You've been sitting here for 3 hours, just sitting not drinking. What if you get drunk? Who's gonna drive you home you have no one. He's here too. Not drinking. Not looking at you, not thinking about you, rather having fun actually. he moved on?
Why wouldn't he, why shouldn't he? It wasn't his fault. You're the only one to blame. He cried, he begged you to stay to not say no, but you didn't listen to him. Why should he wait on someone like you. You push all your hair to one side letting them cover your face in an attempt to hide from Yuta, you can't help but watch him closely, laughing and talking and everything, he's faking it. You know him this much to know which smiles he is faking. And suddenly he is looking at you. Earnestly. 4 minutes of intense gaze and then you give up. Breathing already uneven and your palm is sweating, you know what's gonna come. You throw your head back to rest on the sofa and stare blankly at the ceiling.
I shouldn't have said no.
I should have stayed.
Why did I do it.
I knew you i wrong.
I broke his heart.
It's all my fault.
Something is really wrong with me.
I made him cry.
He really loved me, how could you!
The walls were closing in on you. It was going dark before your eyes, you couldn't shut your brain up. It was like you were trying to breathe but couldn't like someone evacuated your lungs out of oxygen or maybe there wasn't any oxygen left in the air to breathe. Head was hurting like someone was constructing a fucking road on it. You were panicking, heart beating at an abnormally high rate, sweat collecting at the low of your back. You lose complete sense of the surroundings. You try to get up but can't, so you just sit there on the sofa in the middle of a crowded room, trying to breath, with your head down to your knees. The music and the people get too loud, it felt like they were screaming your name you shut your eyes and cover your ears with your hands, just praying this would pass away soon.
A jacket was thrown over you, over your head. He was rubbing your back up and down, in an attempt to soothe you. He makes you shift from the position you were in to a position where your head was down on his knees, and his jacket still covering your face. His hand creeps under the jacket to caress your hair and he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, trying to make you focus on him, and on his voice.
You start crying in his lap, under his touch listening his voice after so many days, you missed him. His heart aches seeing you like this, watching you deteriorating day by day. He hated that he couldn't do anything, couldn't help you through it but he knew better. He knew nothing he could have said or done would have made you realise that running away was not an option, you have to face it, face your past and get over it, let go. And let love. Because what is love is not a risk? what is love if not taking a shot in the dark? what is love if not a mere chance? what is love if not a distinct possibility? Him trying would have just made you push him away even more! He wouldn't let that happen, so he waited on love. He waited on you. . He calls your name, twice "listen to my voice okay? It's okay, you're okay! Just try to breathe." You nod your head, the tears disappearing in the fabric of his jeans. "Let's go out okay?" He asks, after five minutes or so he walks you out of the room. Breathing the fresh night air somehow calms your nerves but you're still hyperventilating. He makes you side on the boundary wall that's pretty low. Your still a mess, eyes watering and breaths hitch you murmur small sorrys to him. The crying is just making it all worse, he noticed. Taking your face in his hands making you look straight into his eyes, "Breathe in." he asks you to and you do "hold." you hold your breath. "Release." you let go. At first it was hard but with his help you gained control again.
"I'm so sorry Yuta, i was i was trying to protec- protect you. I didn't wanted to hurt you i swear on my life." You sob. He nods, coming face to face "I know, you did your best."
"But I made you cry."
"because i couldn't see you hurting, also you left but i knew you were gonna come back."
"I tried that day, i wanted to stay i wanted to be with you but i couldn't i just couldn't bring myself up to believe that i was deserving to hold you. I-
I didn't deserve you, i still- "
"Don't complete that sentence or I'm gonna be real mad at you."
"no listen to me i don't have anything to give you I'm just I'm a messed up piece of shit i would've just wasted your time and energy."
"Well then you're my messed up piece of shit, whom i get to take care of because i want nothing but only you. And i totally wanna waste my time with you."
"I'm sorry."
"You don't have to be, Its all good now"
You took a deep breath. Nothing is gonna change the fact that you hurt him, but he was wise enough to know you weren't intentionally trying to. Love. "I don't know what else to say but i love you"
"And that's more than enough babe."
"I've been dying to call you that you know?"
"Why are you so good to me?" He just shrugs and ruffles your hair. "Wanna complete watching that movie together?" You sigh in relief nodding your head a big yes.
You thought he was taking you to watch a movie, but it was a whole different scene the moment you entered his apartment. He changed the lights. They are a warm shade of yellow now. He did put the movie on, but you weren't paying any attention to it. Your head was hurting because of the sudden attack you had at the party, so he insisted on sleeping instead. 
You tried sleeping, but the smell of his perfume on the bed kept you awake. makes you reckless. made your thoughts run wild. You remember how it felt the last time you were here, in his apartment. The tension, the dream, the heat, the kiss. Not the fighting part of the whole situation, but the part where you were wholly in love with him. The part where you wanted to take a chance The part where you wanted to give him your all. 
Feeling too overdriven by your train of thoughts, you get out of bed. You follow the noise that was coming from the kitchen to find Yuta making something. "What are you doing at this hour of the night?" You speak softly, standing by the door frame. He looks at you unfazed. "I assumed you were sleeping," I said. "The bedsheets smell like you." You walk behind him slowly, his eyes following your every step. "Quite distracting." 
"If you weren't drunk enough the last time you were here." 
"Then I wouldn't have been here." 
"Fact," he says, nodding."Try it," he says, handing you the cup. He emptied whatever he was making, tea. "Since when did you start drinking tea?" you question, placing the cup down, trying to sit on the counter. He helps you jump. "Since hot chocolate started reminding me of you." 
"I'm sorry," you whisper quietly. 
"You don't have to do it, and you shouldn't waste your time!" He scolds you, taking the empty cup from your hands and placing it in the sink. "I'll say it as long as I need to." 
"Useless "
Then how can I make it up to you? You can only tell. " 
"Endless ways I can think of right now." There was a sudden change in the way he spoke. The hoarseness in his voice lingered in the air and warmth creeped into his eyes. The coldness in the air was replaced by this heavy heat of want that was engulfing you and him alive. "Like?" 
Keeping your voice at a hearable volume, you make space between your legs by separating them, which was taken by him the very next second, "like finishing what we started." " You know what's coming next." The movie? " You put on the most innocent face you ever had in your life, looking him directly in the eyes, playing with him like he plays with you. "Now now, what a disappointment you are," he says while tapping your cheek with his index finger. Biting your lower lip, you say, "Someone used to call me dumb..." 
"You're playing the wrong game, babe." He warns, tracing your jaw line and down your neck. He then lines your clavicle up and down, "You're gonna lose." He takes both his hands behind your back, pulling you closer with a jerk. His face was only inches away now, his lower body already in contact. You could feel him hardening against your pussy. He was this close. 
"What if I want to lose?" You answer, your voice barely above a whisper, the taste of the tea still in your mouth, sweet, but you want his taste now. He chuckles lowly, his lips brushing against yours as he speaks, his voice firm and demanding, unlike yours. "Well then, wait for me in the bedroom." 
It was new and exciting to get to see this side of him. Unlike his normal caring and soft self, this Yuta knew what he wanted. He is precious and just, and he needs no explanation for anything he does. "Oh and babe, undies off but keep my t-shirt on." You follow his command, going straight to the bedroom and removing your underwear and tossing it aside. 
You wait in anticipation, but don't quite know what to do. You were pacing around the room like a mouse chased by a cat. Butterflies in your stomach won't quiet down. The mere thought of what might happen causes goosebumps on your skin.Sitting at the edge of the bed, you check the time. It's 12:30 in the morning and that's when he enters. 
All of them changed. His demeanour was that of a wolf out on a hunt. And you were his prey. He shut the door behind him. His eyes were darker and his skin appeared a little bit colder than before. It's not like there's a third person but. You get up on your feet and just stand there in the middle of the room, a thousand thoughts in your mind playing every possible scenario that could happen. He drags a chair by its arm, situating it just in front of you, and sits down on it like a king. 
"Come ahead!" he orders. You start walking in an instant, almost tripping. His voice alone makes your insides curl and your pussy clench around nothing. Wetness is leaking down. 
"You really want to go down this road?" Changing his expression suddenly, his eyes glistened with a golden tint, probably because of the light coming in from the window. You try to play along, "Aren't we already down?" He smiles. "You can stop me anytime you don't feel comfortable, okay?" You nod, melting into his softness. How can this person do it? switching between personalities in mere seconds. 
"I doubt I'll stop you." You push a strand of your hair behind your ear, getting a little closer so your legs touch the chair. His legs were separated, and you were in the middle. The only source of light in the room was the street light, perfectly lighting up his face and your body. He lifts an eyebrow at what you just said, sitting upright in his chair. "Confident much? I like that. It won't be for too long though. " You shiver when his hands rub your outer thigh. He was waiting for a reply from you, but he was correct. The moment his hands touched your bare skin, all the confidence you were mustering up to talk back was thrown out of the window. His hands travel south and leave your skin hot, high, and dry. 
You gasp at the loss of contact. Being touched by someone, by him after so many years, you don't think you can last in this game for even a minute. 
"Let's begin, shall we?" 
You manage an "uhhm..." as you brace yourself for whatever he's about to do. He relaxes in his chair. With his eyebrows lifting up and down, he asks you to sit on the bed with a simple but powerful command. "Sit." 
You sit at the edge of the bed, your legs shut tight, your hands sweaty, and your mouth dry. 
"Let me see you." You didn't quite hear him, but you heard him. It was just so shockingly sudden. 
"Huh?" you stutter under his strong gaze. 
"Lost already." He deadpanned. He was mocking you, and he knows it's affected you. "Spread your legs, sweetheart." 
On his command, your agape mouth was shut, your legs already following his order, deciding to move on their own as your mind had given up on thinking ages ago. 
The show hasn't even started yet, and he's enjoying himself watching your timidity in every move you make. "No, actually, shift a little back. Make yourself comfortable." He gets up and shifts his chair forward as you move back on the bed. He got a glimpse of your core while you were shifting. You know he did because you saw the expression change on his face. Right there in that split second, you saw him almost lose and regain his composure.
Not letting him speak again, you spread your legs wide and open. The loose t-shirt that was covering you shifts up automatically, leaving you uncovered for him to devour you with his eyes alone. You looked at him and he looked at your core, shamelessly. This somehow gave you some kind of power over him. He is too weak for you. He curses under his breath, closing his eyes and breathing deeply but fast. 
The moment he opened his eyes and met yours, your soul definitely left your body. Your breath hitched, and you tried to look away from him, but his gaze was so hard it locked yours. You couldn't. "Touch yourself." You clench at his words, and he sees that. 
"Be more specific." That was bold of you to say that. He almost choked on your words. You may be the shy girl who is affected by small things, but you are also a freak. Although you do want to lose, you'd still give it your best shot. 
He poked his tongue under his cheek, nodding his head in approval of your regained confidence. "Touch your clit with only one finger and don't move it." 
Very precise. You do as he says. There is only one finger on your clit, and there is no movement at all. 
"Tap it." You do, lifting your finger up and keeping it gently on your throbbing clit. You clench again the moment your fingers touch, gasping out silently. "Keep on doing it until I say stop." He bites his lower lip as he watches you enjoy yourself at his command. The fact that you were doing it while he was watching you with his sinful gaze has already got you gripping the sheets and curling your toes. 
You do it slowly, sensually, watching him watch you. He's affected in ways he can't explain and in ways you can't fathom. Feeling good, you take your lower lip between your teeth and close your eyes. You get more comfortable as you fully submit to the task you were given. You let your head hang freely, trying to be more vocal, but letting out soft whimpers only. You didn't want to give him too much just yet. 
You hiss at him. Drawing in a sharp breath, you bite your lip harshly in agression, not wanting to stop but stopping anyway. You look forward to him, his dilated pupils eyeing you like a scavenger, making you light-headed. "Enjoying yourself too much?" 
You nod slowly, your gaze never leaving his, and it drives him insane. 
Warmth creeps beneath your skin when he gets up from his chair and motions for you to come forward. You get on your knees, the t-shirt covers you again and you crawl to him to the edge of the bed to where he was standing. Sitting on your heels, you watch him loosen his belt. Then he undoes the waist button and unzips his pants. He slides them down, revealing white boxers and his untamed bulge, which he somehow managed to keep inside and hidden. 
You're dizzy by just imagining the size of him. You're unsure of what to do. Should you help him undress himself or should you just sit back and anticipate? Like a lost child, you wait for him to tell you. He asks a question instead. "I suppose you don't know how to give a blow job." Feeling belittled, you shook your head, looking up at him, "perfect." He compliments.
He slid the boxers down, his hard, thick and girthy dixk slapping against his abdomen, now free of any restrictions, standing tall and proud in front of you. You were too busy focusing on his perfection that you failed to keep up. He had already removed his shirt, and was now standing completely naked in front of you for the very first time. It's nerve awakening.
That is when you actually felt the gravity of the situation. It wasn't just some game you were playing; it was actually happening. You and he were actually happening. You fucking confessed to him yesterday! Yuta thought he was going to be angry and not talk to you at all because you broke his heart, but it's the complete opposite situation, he just couldn't be angry at you. Yuta knows better, good for you. He loves you. You love him and all your dreams about him were about to come true, he was going to make you his. 
"Fuck!" You didn't mean to say that out loud.
"Like what you see? I bet you dreamt about me. " It was like you were hypnotised by him or you lost control of yourself. It was like you were high on some drug. Or maybe you were high on him because you weren't thinking before nodding your head when he asked you that question. 
"What was I doing in them?" He takes his cock in his hands and starts palming it. You swear you saw it grow even bigger in size, as if it already wasn't. Too astonished to see the action just inches away from your eyes, you answer, "You were fucking me raw. From behind." You look up and gulp, "And you were spanking me, pulling my hair, kissing me, and marking me yours," you say in a small voice, so shameless, so pure.
"Get up on your knees." You do, inching yourself closer to him; he's still stroking his length in between. You look down, a new angle to admire him. You place your hand on his, your hand moving up and down his shaft with his. He slows down. "Want me to do all those things for you? Want me to touch you? " You looked up, mouth parted and eyes glistening to meet his dark ones. "Want me to pull your hair? want me to kiss you? fuxk you?" 
You nod frantically consumed by your arousal, his voice travelling straight to your untouched, unlooked, un-taken-careof core, your wetness literally sliding down your thigh. It's hurtful. 
"Oh baby, don't be that cute or I'll just have to fuck you right now." He says this restlessly before connecting his lips with yours. You let out a sigh of relief before giving into him. It was kind of the first physical contact he made after getting in this room, which has been nothing but hard for him to keep his hands away from you. He deepens the kiss. Tilting your face to the left, he locks his fingers in your hair, pulling them. The kiss was sloppy and messed up and just perfect, laced with desire and lust in every bit of it. Your tongues collided, your teeth clashed; you both just couldn't get enough of each other. Your hands rested on his neck, gripping tightly for support. He bites your lower lip making you gasp, then sucks it like candy. 
You reciprocate his every move. You try to, but you are getting out of breath. His hands travel down your back, lifting the t-shirt up and gripping your ass, squeezing it hard. You say his name aloud, breaking the kiss, "Yuta!" Your forehead rested on his shoulder while he kissed and nipped at your ear while kneading you, "Yes baby, you like it?" You hum in response, lifting your head up and looking at him, holding him close. "Rub your clit for me, baby." 
You bite your lower lip, lowering your hands and legs, your gaze never leaving his. You rub yourself up and down and in circles. He can't really see, but he knows. It makes his dick twitch. You let out a loud, breathy, dragged out moan, setting up a pace, "mhmmm shit."
He mimics that moan, his eyes burning with desire and lust. "Mhmmm shit... Nice and slow, yea baby, so good for me." You let out another breathy moan, closing your eyes but quietly this time, not wanting him to mock you again. 
His finger was placed on yours, on the one that was rubbing circles on your clit. You jump, in shock or excitement, you don't know. Your brain seizes the movement of your finger completely, "Why did you stop?" he takes over. His fingers move up and down, making yours move as well. Resting his forehead on yours, he continues to play with you, making you whimper with every flick. 
He moves your hands aside, your face contouring in pleasure when his fingers touch you, bare and raw, with nothing in between. There were chills running down your lower back, your stomach tightening with the pleasure he was delivering. Slowing down a little, he collects your wetness in his fingers, bringing it to your mouth to suck on it. You lick it first, then swirl your tongue around it, and then take it in completely, sucking like a lollipop. 
You kiss him with your flavour in your mouth. His hands find their way back between your legs, rubbing your clit, up and down and sideways, the wetness making his movements sloppy, his fingers gliding frictionless on your sweet swollen nub. His finger circles your opening before carefully dipping it inside of you. You purr in his ear while his lips ghost over the exposed skin of your neck. His breath hits you every time he exhales, absolutely burning your skin to a hot red. You clench around his finger, not letting it escape. Well, you finally have something to clench around this time. He stays inside of you for awhile. 
"Rub yourself again." And in no time, you're following his words, bringing your right hand to circle your clit. Now desperate to release, you don't go for slow motion but rather set a high pace. 
"Slow it down." 
You might be in disagreement looking at him but he gives you one look and you're slowing your fingers down. He pulls his finger out just to push it in again, and again, and again. You try to match your movements with his, setting a slow rhythm. You go up every time he pushes in, and that's how he drives you to your first orgasm of the night.
You've been at the edge for so long, you're coming undone with only one finger. You stop circling yourself and hold him to keep yourself up while his fingers are still working you up, slow and steady, riding you through it and pushing you into the beginning of the next one. 
His finger was buried up to his knucles, deep in you. He places his palm flat against your mound. You press into his touch. Moving your hips to grind into his hand, breathing harshly, he supports your body and whispers praises in your ear about how good you are and the amazing job you're doing. Just when you thought you could cum again, he makes you stop and removes his hand from between your legs. 
Licking his finger clean, he asks you to get on your hands and knees, "face down ass up, fast!" he said while pumping himself. The site of his hardened veiny dick was hard to look at. It was begging for your attention, but you weren't really confident with that. Instead of following his order, you stare at him palming himself. You look at him with a question written in your eyes. He understands what you're asking for but doesn't really acknowledge it. "Please." You kneel in front of him. He rolls his eyes, but gives you a look of content. 
"My girl wants a taste." 
You smile when he calls you his girl, "Yes. Your girl wants a taste." emphasis on the, "your girl." 
When you bring your face closer and look up at him, ready to take him in, he curses under his breath, holding your head in place with his hands clenching your hair in a fist, in the softest manner. "Open your mouth." You do, also giving a little extra you stick your tongue out for him.
He places the tip of his dick on your tongue, gently sliding it in against the surface. You close your lips around it. He slides further deep into your mouth, controlling himself to not push in too deep. Very slowly, he draws it out, leaving you empty and wanting more of him. He lets you take a taste, though. Slithering against your tongue in swift motions.
You swirl your tongue around his tip, which is already leaking. You try to take him deeper but his grip won't let you he only fucks his tip in. Finally bringing up the courage to take him into your small hands, you wrap your hand around the base of it, applying slight pleasure, moving your hand up and down his shaft. 
"Just like that." His voice boosts your confidence. He lets you play with him with your innocent little hands which are like a tease to him, until he can't take it anymore. Seeing you determined, his grip on your hair tightens and with his other hand, he moves your hands aside. He yanks your head back. "Open wider" He growls, as you do. And he slams his cock deeper than before. The sounds you produce are embarrassing. He goes deeper, causing you to gag, your heartbeat fastening even more all of a sudden. You mumble protest, telling him to remove himself and wrap your hand around his wrist, taking a hold of it. He withdraws himself, you cough a little, breathing deeply, then open your mouth again to take him in. He grins, "Now that's my baby!" tightening his fist around your hair and pulling your head a little more up. 
He slides his dick down again, slowly and gently going deeper. He wasn't even going deep to be honest; he was just at the brim, yet your mouth was full of him. Hair messed up and eyes watery, swollen lips wrapped around his girthy member, saliva trailing down your neck, only acting as a lubricant. When he finally siezes his dick after seeing your tousled state and didn't want to cum just yet, you try to regain your breath. Holding your hair back, not pulling anymore, rather soothing your nerves down. Wiping a tear away, he devours your glistening lips with his, not taking any time to deepen it. Pushing you down on the bed, he hovers over you, keeping his knee in between your legs, very very close to your aching to be touched core. His lips leave yours, connecting to your still aching jaw. He leaves a warm wet trail of kisses down your neck and everywhere in between. Sloppy kisses were placed along your clavicle, purposely sucking and leaving red marks around, making you hiss in pain and take his name. 
His hands roam up and down your body, making sure there isn't a single inch left to be touched and explored by him. His hand stretched the tee you were wearing, revealing only the upper part of your breast. He kitten licks the area, then bites the flesh and soothes it with a kiss, making every part of your body his, messed up, burning hot and so beautiful. 
His lips go south, taking your hardened nipple in his mouth and sucking on it through the thin fabric of the tee. While playing with the other, Your lower body automatically starts grinding on his knee, trying to obtain some friction, but it seems to be not working, but you swear the amount of heat dissipating from just the mere contact was enough to melt gold and silver. 
He is too intoxicated just by the way you feel against his lips. He brings himself back to reality to perform the second main job. He gets off the bed only to sink down on his knees in front of you. His face only a few licks away from your heat, you move closer to his mouth. He separates your legs further away, only able to look at you in full bloom this once. Drunk already, he dives in for a sip, and he is not disappointed. A long lick from the bottom of your warmth till up to your clitoris got your toes curling. While he laps at your juices, you curse his name a hundred times. He flicks your clit with his tongue, then sinks it as deep as it can go into you while nuzzling his nose to brush against your clit, it's a perfect blend to which he adds his fingers, the middle one he pushes in first. Out he comes to push it in 2 knuckles deep and then finally sink it deeper, curling it inside, making you roll your eyes back in pure bliss. You're feeling extremely. He adds another finger. That hurts a little but is soon replaced with pleasure. He works you up to your second orgasm, but doesn't let you cum just yet. 
His hands leave your body at once, and you hold back a moan, trying not to sound desperate. His figure walks across the room where he must have kept his wallet. 
You hear a wrapper being torn, goosebumps crawl up on your skin. He takes no time to return. "Make room for me." He gets on the bed, splitting your legs wider. He lets you rest in a comfortable position, keeping a pillow under your head. He drags his fingers between your folds, collecting your juices and spreading them on his member. You look up at the ceiling, aftain, excited, impatient. The yellow lights are forming abstract patterns on the wall. You feel his tip at your entrance, and soon he pushes it in with optimum pressure. You contract your muscles and your eyes shut tightly at the feeling. It's one of pain and fear and not pleasure. "Yuta, it hurts." You breathe out and call his name, your hands trying to grab his shoulders. He pushes in further, rather slowly this time while towering over you and coming face to-face, "Good." 
You lift your hips up a little to ease out the passage, and he bottoms out. He stays like that for a minute. No words were exchanged, just the feelings being felt. His breaths are uneven matching with yours. He connects your foreheads together. You don't know if his eyes are closed or open. They're closed. You inhale him in as he exhales you. 
"Fuck," he growls just before abruptly slamming into you, "Fuck." 
And then it continues, and it hurts no more. He's fucking you hard and slow, going deep and deeper. Making you cry out every time he hits that spot. His voice is husky and low, sending shivers dancing up and down your body. You whimper under him. Your sounds, mixed with the slickness of your bodies crashing into each other, were playing on repeat; warmth and lust in the shade of red were decorating the room, and the orange glitched tint was illuminating the perfect parts of him and you. 
He goes from a painfully slow to a pleasurably fast pace, no mercy he was showing, abusing your little cunt with his big thick dick, driving all the pleasure out for himself as he should, while giving you exactly what you wanted. So good. It feels so good to finally have him inside you, using you, destroying you to only mend you as whole, as his. 
He's fucks you so right.
He lifts his body up a little, supported by his hands over you, looking at your contoured face. He slaps your cheek playfully in an attempt to get you to open your eyes and look at him while he fuxks the shit out of you. He grabs your hands and pins them behind your head. Oh, he knows you are going to come, but it doesn't make him stop or slow down. He continues fuxking you harder and harder until you come undone under him. Your body convulses. Waves of pleasure travel through your nerves, hitting your brain. Your vision go black and, for a brief moment, you lose complete sense of reality, being in a state of complete euphoria. You've never had an orgasm like this before.
And the best part of it all is that he doesn't stop. 
He's drilling in and out of you at a monsteric pace. Your body writhes under him, trying to squirm its way out of his grip, but all these go in vain when his fingers wrap around your dainty neck, applying only the right amount of pressure to hold you down and keep your body fixed in its place. 
When he loses control, his merciless pace becomes even more merciless, banging his head hard, fast, and deep all at once. His thrusts became sloppy and rushed. Chasing after his high, he goes feral. You watch him clench his jaw in pleasure, the sweat rolling down making his hair stick to his skin, his low grunts and humming sound. He's trying to contain himself. What a sight. It makes you want to cum again. 
The pleasure starts building at the pit of your stomach again. You wrap both your hands around his hand, the one that was choking you, while rocking your hips back and forth, trying to match him, looking into his eyes, speaking with an unspoken language. 
And that's how he fuckls you into believing that you are enough, for him and for yourself. That you are capable of being loved and taken care of. That even if you're messy and stupid and dumb, you're still perfect. That you can let go and you can trust. That you can be.
Be his.
And then he explodes inside of you. He couldn't be more grateful, couldn't be more precise in saying that his wait was worth it. You were worth it. He rubs you into your third orgasm. And after that, nothing was like it was before. 
All of you changed. 
All of you changed when he kissed you and told you that he loved you so much. All of you changed when you saw him clean you up in the after hours. All of you changed when he fell asleep beside you, taking you into his arms. 
All of you changed when you met him for the first time.
did not proof read, but hope u liked it, The constructive criticism is accepted here, do leave a follow ~
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milgram-tournament · 6 months
have any tips for improving at art? i'd love to master the minigram art style but since i just started drawing and i'm older, it'll be hard to do :(
Hmm, hmm... well art is a difficult skill to master! I'm not exactly an art teacher either... but I'll give it a try! For my fans! Everyone's probably already telling you to practice a ton, so I'll give you some different advice!
One of the most important things to master is training your eyes! Heh, what was that thing they said about rabbits and eyesight...? Not that I'm a rabbit! Hmph! What I mean is- Simply trying to draw something over and over with no clear goal won't help. You have to study your subject, and figure out how to break it down into something that's easier to tackle!
Of course, this isn't limited to just studying the real life counterparts of what you want to draw. Look at artists you admire, and try to figure out how they're doing things. If they have speedpaints or sketches you can look at, even better! In the beginning you'll probably be like "Huuh? I don't get how they're doing this at all..!!" But keep at it! I believe in you!
As for the minigrams, I've made a little diagram showing different details I've picked up for drawing them. Here! I'll be using an official minigram as the base for the observations.
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It's not a lot, but I hope it helps! Jackalope out!
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tmntxthings · 1 year
一∑raphael hamato。・゜・┻━
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(pics from pinterest)
> leo’s < | > donnie’s < | > mikey’s <
version: rottmnt aka rise
aesthetic: red + hobbies
song association: pump it by black eyed peas
author’s notes: another addition to the profiles, continuing with the theme ‘here raph fill out this profile application, it’s for my school project :D’
> Profile <
name: raphael hamato
nickname: raph, boss, big guy
aliases: red reign, red angel of preventing harm
location: right now? in my room! uhh in the lair
species: mutant, alligator snapping turtle
age: 17!!!! (rise movie)
height: 6’0 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
color: red but green is cool too
weapon(s): ninjutsu, tonfā, sai, fists
appearance: raph’s the big green guy! it’s only right since i’m the oldest, i’ve got lots of spikes but don’t worry i’m super careful… most of the time, signature snaggle-tooth, usually wearing wrappings & a red bandanna
personality: wellll raph would say..strong in the rough and tough sense!! and protective, and trying to be more observant & mindful , hmm also sociable raph hates to be alone, caring, there’s probably more but let’s keep moving!
likes: smashing like a boss, working out aka becoming stronger, doing the right thing, taking care of my brothers, playing games, watching movies, being a hero, learning new skills, soul music/jazz, stuffed animals, team building, real animals
dislikes: mrs. cuddles (it’s scary just writing her name down), solitude :(, failing.. especially letting down my family, when crime wins, losing control (of myself/emotions), bullies
other: this was cool, writing stuff down about myself and thinking about raph’s own inner thoughts, i think i learned some things even i didn’t really know! raph hopes you get a great grade and i hope my answers were helpful :) when your project is finished we should pick back up with the training!! self-defense is a really good tool to have in your toolbox, especially since you’re already super smart (don’t tell donnie but maybe even smarter than him c;) but if you don’t have the time that’s cool! just let raph know whenever you’re out late and i’ll swing by to walk you home from work or from the library, or from the grocery store, or from late night classes, or from anywhere, raph thinks it’s better to do those kinds of things together, i wouldn’t want you to feel lonely (it’s just a bonus that i would also be able to protect you heh) i think i’ll end it here, good luck on your project!! ace it like a boss ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و
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tastybluesprite · 6 months
Normal human things
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After finishing sao Alicization, I am so sad. Luckily I can write this to make me feel better! I absolutely love this duo with all my heart and soul I miss them so much *sobs*
Warnings: This is a tickle fic so if that’s not your thing keep scrolling
Summery: Kirito finds out something about Eugeo that he is a little embarrassed about. Luckily Kirito is a good friend who knows how to make anyone feel comfortable.
Eugeo watched in awe at Kirito as he swung his sword. They were doing a round of practice at the academy.
“Wow Kirito! you truly are something with a sword.” He said.
“Heh, thanks Eugeo. This skill didn’t come from nowhere though. It took me a long time to reach this level.”
“Wow, really? You must’ve worked hard for a long time… Hey, you think you could teach me that move?”
Kirito made a face of mock deep thinking, then grinned. “Of course I can! C’mon over here and I’ll show you.”
And so Kirito showed him, or at least… tried to anyway. Eugeo thought it looked somewhat easy enough to manage, but he couldn’t seem to get the form right.
“Like this?” He asked, shifting himself a little in hopes to match Kiritos stance.
“Nah you have to move down a bit more… um.. that’s not… ehh..”
Eugeo tried moving a little bit like he asked, but it put him in an awkward stance that was completely opposite from what Kirito wanted him to do.
“Agh sorry Kirito! I swear I’m doing my best. This is more complicated than I anticipated…”
Kirito chuckled. “Don’t worry Eugeo it’s all good. Here… let me show you this way…”
Without warning, Kirito came up by his side and placed his hands around his ribs, gripping the spot to shift him in a more proper posture.
He wasn’t prepared though, for when the blonde suddenly let out a high pitched squeak, and recoiled away from him quickly.
“Ah.. I’m sorry did I hurt you?” Kirito asked, completely oblivious to the truth behind such a reaction.
“N-no, you’re fine! I’m ok really it’s no big deal. Y-you just surprised me that’s all…”
Blushing, Eugeo quickly got up and made his way back to his original position.
Kirito this time moved his hands so that they were placed around on either side of him, a hand on his back and another at his stomach, hoping that would be more comfortable for adjusting him. But as soon as he grabbed him that way, his fingers accidentally digging a little into his belly, Eugeo let out a harsh breath, quickly moved away from his grip once again. This time he was really forcing down the laughter bubbling in his chest.
“Seriously Eugeo if somethings wrong-“ Kirito suddenly paused when he then noticed a wobbly smile on the blondes face, also taking note on how Eugeo stood in a more body protective stance with his arms squeezed close to his sides. A gentle smile suddenly overtook his own when the realization dawned on him, clicking together like a puzzle.
“Ohh I get it… you’re ticklish aren’t you.” He said, amusement filling his voice.
Eugeos face burned as he could not meet the darker eyes. “Y-yeah, I am…”
“Well why didn’tcha say something before? I could’ve just been more careful…”
He noticed just how red Eugeos face was, and how he looked like he wanted to cry.
“Eugeo, it’s ok, seriously. Why does it bother you so much?” Kirito asked, worry filling his voice as he tilted his head a bit, trying to meet the boys eyes.
“B-because… well… it’s just a bit… embarrassing, that’s all. I want to be a swordsman. I can’t be weak or have such a childish inconvenience.”
Kirito sighed and smiled. “Eugeo… it’s not anything to be ashamed of. I mean sure it can be inconvenient sometimes. But it’s the most normal and human thing ever. Even I’m ticklish!”
Eugeo the wore a look of surprise at that. “Seriously?”
“Yeah sure I am! I may seem like this tough and strong fighter, but inside, I’m still human just like you.”
Eugeo suddenly felt himself be a bit more relaxed.
“You know what,” Kirito began, “you really gotta loosen up a lot more. I’ll show you that it’s no big deal!”
And before Eugeo could say anything, Kirito tackled him to the ground, and began wiggling his fingers up and down the blondes sides.
“G-gYAh! KiHihihirihihitohoho nohohohoho!!!” He erupted into giggles. His body’s fight or flight reflex’s took over as he flailed and fought against the raven heads hands.
“Awwe well look at that~ I never knew your laugh could be this cute..” Kirito teased playfully, grinning at how endearing the sound was. It was bubbly, light, and almost childish, but in a really good way.
“Shuhuhut ihihihit!! Cohohome ohohon!!!” Eugeo cried out. “Wehehe neheheed tohohoho prahahactice!!”
“Practice can wait, and besides, you need this, wether you admit it or not. You’re too tense to properly accomplish this move.”
Kirito switched around different spots, digging into his ribs, squeezing his hips. Eugeo squealed when Kirito shoved his hands into his armpits.
Eugeo couldn’t tell if he was in heaven or hell. The sensations were overriding his brain and making it difficult to properly coordinate his movements.
Suddenly, Eugeo let out a loud shriek, and began curling up desperately as Kiritos hands made their way to his belly.
“HyAHahAhHaHA KIhiHihIHIHiHihirihiTOhoho!!!” His high pitched cackles filled the air.
“Heh looks like I found a pretty bad spot?” Kirito said with a mischievous grin, squeezing around the soft of his belly.
“OhoHOHOhOhOBVEHEHEIOHOUSLY!!!” Eugeo cried when Kirito also slipped a finger into his belly button, making him squeal and desperately try pushing his hands away.
Soon his laughter became more wheezy, so Kirito stopped to let him breathe properly.
“Hah.. hah… that was ahahawful….” Eugeo groaned, clutching at his stomach, which felt a bit sore from laughter.
“But was it so bad? Don’t you feel loosened up now?” Kirito asked with a smile.
Eugeo considered it. “Actually… you’re right. I do feel less tense. Thank you.”
“Anytime! See? Tickling can be great. It’s a good stress reliever and a great bonding experience too. Want to try that move again? Don’t worry, I promise I’ll be more careful.“
Eugeo nodded slowly and got up. Kirito was true to his word. He made sure to only move and adjust him by his arms.
Eventually Eugeo managed to get the stance down and soon was able to pull off the move. It wasn’t as powerful and needed a ton of work, but Kirito thought it was still amazing for a first try nonetheless.
“Great job! It needs a bit of work, but I think you really got it down.” Kirito said with a smile, his chest filling with pride at his disciple.
“Thank you Kirito. Hopefully someday I’ll become a great swordsman all thanks to you.”
“I’m sure you will! Even if you are a little ticklish~” Kirito grinned, wiggling a finger into his side playfully, making the other giggle and move back.
They spent the rest of the time practicing moves, Eugeo continuing to practice the move Kirito has just taught him, until they had to go back to their dorms for curfew. Eugeo was looking forward to the day where he’d finally become strong enough to save Alice.
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isatswap · 3 months
(spoilers for isat (in stars and time), full game (technically its like act 3 but also no))
(also death cw)
Siffrin Hangout
TTOS version of the Loop hangout from ISAT
Siffrin: Hi, starlight.
Loop: "So."
Siffrin: So?....
Loop: "Got any theories about the loops I'm stuck in?"
Siffrin: Why would I? You're the one named Loop, you should know more, hahaha!
(Siffrin snickers quietly.)
(This bit is getting old. But what can you do about it.)
Siffrin: Hehe. I'll see what I can do, though. What's your question?
Loop: "Do you know anything that would help?"
Siffrin: That is too broad, starlight. Siffrin: I don't know anything you wouldn't know, as I said before.
Loop: "How can that be?"
(Siffrin just raises his brow.)
Loop: "Aren't you here to help me?" Loop: "Why don't you know more about the loops you're supposed to help me with?..."
Siffrin: ... Siffrin: Heh-
Loop: "Don't 'hehehe' me, Siffrin."
Siffrin: Fine. Siffrin: I don't know how to answer that, starlight. Siffrin: You should be grateful you're not alone in this prison, you know. Siffrin: With how you react to things, you would be absolutely miserable alone.
Loop: "..."
Siffrin: Okaaay, fine, I won't just sit here and do nothing. Siffrin: Let's summarise what we know about the loops. Maybe we will find something out!
(You sigh, and nod.)
(Nothing better to do, you suppose.)
Siffrin: So. Siffrin: You're stuck in a timeloop for reasons currently unknown. Siffrin: It starts in Dormont when you wake up, and seem to end when you talk with King.
Loop: "Unless I perish or touch a Tear."
Siffrin: Mhm. Getting frozen is kind of like dying. Siffrin: ...Unless it is in battle. What's up with that?
Loop: (Wait huh? Isn't it because...) "I thought the Tears work differently from time freezing skills?..."
Siffrin: Well, you're the one getting frozen, so you should know. Kind of a weird distinction, but whatever. Siffrin: So, you loop when something stops you from advancing in some way... Siffrin: ... Siffrin: I wonder if other things count as "stopping you from advancing".
Loop: "Like what?"
Siffrin: ...Hm..... Siffrin: What if we would lop your legs off? Would that make you loop? Can't crawl up the whole House, you know.
Loop: (UM.) "We are NOT testing that."
Siffrin: Awww. Would be fun to see you try. But understandable.
(What does THAT mean???)
(But it is interesting, though.)
(What makes the loop actually loop?)
Siffrin: I've mentioned talking to King before. Maybe that somehow counts as something that stops you from advancing?
(....stops you from advancing where?)
(What goal does that obstruct?)
(Is there something that happens when you talk to him which makes a certain goal impossible to accomplish?)
Siffrin: ... Siffrin: As you've found out, all this might be the work of Time Craft, a power which should be impossible to wield... Siffrin: But you and The Scary Lady are somehow able to manipulate it.
Loop: (But...) "Is it really manipulating if I can't control it? Sometimes it feels like it wields me instead."
Siffrin: But you can control it, in some capacity. You can choose the place where you loop back to. Except for after the King talk, that always sends you straight to Dormont. Siffrin: And even ignoring that, avoiding death and looping back in time can already count as manipulating Time Craft.
Loop: (But, if Time Craft is too dangerous to even use...) "How did I get that power?"
Siffrin: And how can you relinquish it? Siffrin: Those are very good questions, starlight. But not ones we can answer yet. Siffrin: ... Siffrin: I do wonder about the limitations of your powers, still. Siffrin: I feel like finding out what exactly makes you loop can help you find out quite a lot.
Siffrin: Stardust, we have been talking for a while, so maybe not right now, but... Siffrin: I would like you to hang out with me, when you have time.
Loop: (Huh?) "Hang out?"
Siffrin: I need to test something. And to show you something very important. Siffrin: And also... Siffrin: We never really spent time together, starlight! I'm booored here! Suf-frin, even!
(Siffrin does his usual laugh, but this one seems to have some painful undertones.)
Siffrin: Heh... but I do want to hang out, though. We haven't ever really spoken like people that know eachother, you know?
(That's true... But still weird.)
Siffrin: You can do it later, I'm not in a rush. Siffrin: This might take a while. More than the rest of the day, probably. Siffrin: You probably have something else to do this loop, so I'll wait until you have time. Siffrin: M'kay?
(A theory Siffrin would like to test about the loops? Well that's useful, at least.)
(You should talk to them when you have time.)
Siffrin: Good. I'll be right here, starlight. Siffrin: In the meanwhile... Siffrin: How can I help you on this loop?
Loop: (...)
"We can hang out now."
"What should I do now?"
"Let's talk about something."
"I had a question about..."
"Nah, nothing."
Siffin: Ah. Siffrin: Our theory hangout. Siffrin: Which we can't actually do right now. Not the time for it. Siffrin: How abooout.... early morning tomorrow? After all the Clocktower stuff.
Loop: (Wait....) "You want me to sneak out?"
Siffrin: Yep. And spend a loop with me instead.
(You always go to the House, after the Clockower.)
(If you're not there, what will they do without you? What would they think--)
Siffrin: Does it really matter what they think? Siffrin: They won't know after this loop anyway.
Loop: (...)
"It does matter."
"...Guess it doesn't."
Siffrin: Yeah. it does. But nonetheless, that what we have to do.
(Siffrin looks down, with a bit of sadness in his expression.)
Siffrin: You can opt out, still. But I think this is important to do, even if it will require you to abandon your party once.
(Is he that desperate to hang out with you? Or is the theory actually important?....)
Loop: (...)
"I'll come."
"I'll pass, sorry."
(Siffrin finally gets his gaze back onto you.)
Siffrin: Good. I will see you soon, then, I guess.
(You nod.)
(You spend the night with everyone, like usual.)
(Early in the morning, while everyone else is still sleeping, you quietly slip away and head for the Favor Tree...)
(...But you can't see Siffrin anywhere.)
Siffrin: Up here, dummy.
(Huh? "Up he--")
(Oh. Right. He lives in the crown.)
(You look up.)
(Yep, there he is, waving at you.)
Siffrin: Come up and join me, starlight.
Siffrin: ...Just climb the tree. I know you can.
(You sigh and climb up. Siffrin helps you up slightly.)
Siffrin: Ahh.... Siffrin: Isn't it beautiful, starlight? We are so high up!
(Sure are.)
(You can see the House from up here.)
(Everyone else will be in the House soon....)
(You try not to think about it.)
Siffrin: Thank you for coming, though. Really. Siffrin: But, it will take some time. And in the end... Siffrin: Well. You know how it goes.
Loop: "Sure do."
Siffrin: ... Siffrin: Hm. Siffrin: For such an important meeting, I sure have forgotten to actually prepare anything to talk about. Siffrin: How did I screw this up as well?...
Siffrin: A-anyway... Hm... Siffrin: Tell me about yourself , starlight! That should be a good topic.
Loop: (Really?) "...I'd rather not."
Siffrin: Hmmmmm? And why is that?
Loop: "Don't you already know me?"
Siffrin: Hm?
Loop: "It just feels like it." Loop: "You know too much about me." Loop: "You know my name, you know how i think..." Loop: "You knew me before we even met, didn't you?"
Siffrin: ... Siffrin: Kind of.
Loop: (Kind of?) "Do I know you?"
Siffrin: No, not at all. You haven't even met me once before this. Siffrin: It's not your memory failing you, this time. Siffrin: When we first met under the Favor Tree, that was... That was the first time we've ever seen each other.
(Is that so?)
Loop: "Is that why you're helping me?" Loop: "Because you know me?"
Siffrin: ... Siffrin: No, not at all. Siffrin: I am kind of forced to help you, actually. Siffrin: ...That sounded like I don't like helping you, didn't it? Siffrin: I'm honestly trying to help you, starlight. I hope you believe me when I say that. And don't think I'm the cause of your suffering or something like that. Siffrin: ...do you believe me?
Loop: (...)
"...I do believe you."
Siffrin: ... Siffrin: Hm. That was a surprise. Siffrin: I... wouldn't believe myself, to be honest. Siffrin: Maybe time has made me more jaded than you are. Siffrin: ...Whether you actually believe me or not, I will help you. Siffrin: So you can escape this loop.
Loop: "...So you believe it's possible?" Loop: "For me to escape?"
Siffrin: ...Out of all things, that is the one I am most sure of. Siffrin: You can escape. I can as well.
Siffrin: I know how it feels, you know. Siffrin: Being stuck somewhere. With no hope of escaping. Siffrin: Forced to relive the same events over and over. Siffrin: And when things seem to be better, and the exit is in sight.... Siffrin: Having all of it taken away in a blink of an eye.
Siffrin: Hahaha. Look at me, babbling. Siffrin: Don't pay attention to me. I am.... fine.
(Siffrin looks at the House in the distance.)
Loop: (...) "What about you? Tell me about yourself?"
Siffrin: .... Siffrin: Nah, I'd rather not, hehe.
(Siffrin gives you a wink with his single eye.)
(Despite yourself, you laugh.)
(You hear Siffrin quietly snickering, as well.)
Siffrin: ...heh... Siffrin: Say, starlight, that reminds me... Siffrin: Can't believe you tried to fish 11 times! You know nothing lives there anymore, right?
(You and Siffrin animatedly talk about the different things you've done during the loops....)
(It's nice. To be able talk about them with someone.)
(You talk and talk until the sun has risen high above you in the sky....)
Siffrin: ...
(Siffrin's face suddenly get a lot more serious than usual.)
Siffrin: Ah. It should happen soon, now.
Loop: (?) "What will?"
Siffrin: What happens almost every time. The thing I have a theory about.
(You raise your finger to ask, and then...)
<There is a bright flash of light coming from the top of the House.>
(You've heard a horrible sound.)
(Your head...)
(You saw... something.)
(Siffrin seems to.... hug themselves under their cloak?....)
Siffrin: Thank you... for hanging out with me... Siffrin: Sorry it's gonna end like this....
(Siffrin diverts his eyes from the House.)
Siffrin: I hoped it wouldn't happen this time. Siffrin: See that light? Siffrin: It's from the Scary Lady's floor. Siffrin: I see it every time you try to fight her. Siffrin: Her opening attack.
(Scary Lady's opening attack?...)
(How long have you been talking to Siffrin?)
(Who was the Scary Lady attacking?)
(Who was she...)
(The Scary Lady doesn't attack, or really do anything at all, until you reach her.)
(She would only attack if... if someone...)
Siffrin: I can feel it. Every time.
(Siffrin got quieter.)
Siffrin: I know what it does. It makes you see something. Siffrin: A future so terrible, it's enough to bring anyone to their knees.
(You you can't even hear him anymore.)
(Your friends)
(They were against the Scary Lady just now)
(You know the way to avoid it, you learned how, but)
(You hear a sharp inhale.)
(You look at Siffrin--)
(Siffrin is looking at you, trying to breathe.)
(In their single eye, you can see despair.)
(Unimaginable terror.)
(Despite him saying nothing, you can almost hear Siffrin say...)
("Please. Just get it. So we can stop this.")
("Don't you understand?")
(Tears stars falling from Siffrin's eye. He can barely breathe in, just to say one thing....)
Siffrin: don't you?....
(He hides his face, holding his head.)
(You start screaming.)
(You stumble and fall to your knees.)
(You breathe, harshly, in, and out.)
(...No you don't.)
(You can't take a breath)
(You can't)
Siffrin: Hey.
Siffrin: HEY!
(You look up.)
(Siffrin is standing over you.)
(He sits down.)
Siffrin: Breathe with me.
(Siffrin breathes in, and out, slowly.)
(You try to follow suit.)
(You two do it until your breath stabilises.)
Siffrin: ...Let's go under the Tree. I don't want to be seen by accident.
(You nod, and you both go to your usual spot.)
(After a minute of silence, you finally gather the strength to speak.)
Loop: "...Why?"
Siffrin: ...
(Siffrin does't answer.)
(They don't even look at you.)
Loop: "Did you know this would happen?!"
Siffrin: ... Siffrin: I knew you would loop. I hoped the attack wouldn't happen, but it most certainly would have.
Loop: "What was it for, then? Just to make me suffer?"
Siffrin: ... Siffrin: Of course not. I like myself enough to not do that just to make you feel pain. Siffrin: It was to reveal another aspect of your loops.
(How did that have to do with anything?!)
Siffrin: ...I hoped you would notice yourself. Siffrin: Why did you loop back just now?
Loop: (Huh?) "Because the Lady won, duh."
Siffrin: Why would the Lady winning make you loop? You don't loop back the second you lose the battle against her, right?
Loop: (Don't you?) "I kinda do, though?"
Siffrin: Incorrect, starlight. Siffrin: You loop when you die.
Loop: "Wait-- No, it takes a bit--"
Siffrin: You loop when you die. The fact that the Scary Lady wins is largely irrelevant. Siffrin: But you didn't die just now. Siffrin: So why did you loop?
Loop: "But--"
Siffrin: Same with King. You don't die when you talk to him, I'm pretty sure. Why would you loop, then? Siffrin: Both of these causes seem important to figure out, starlight.
(He is right.)
(There have been other times you've looped back without dying as well.)
(But... What could be the reason...?)
Siffrin: ... Siffrin: The hang out part wasn't just to kill time.
(Siffrin smirks a bit, but immediately returns to his slightly serious demeanor.)
Siffrin: I didn't talk about all I wanted, but this is also good. It was nice chatting with someone, for once.
(You just look at them.)
Siffrin: ... Siffrin: Oh, right. Sorry for putting you through this. It's not out of malice or anything like that. Siffrin: And it's OK if you don't forgive me.
(You stay silent.)
Siffrin: ...Well... This is all we can find out about the loops, for now. Siffrin: But you can find out more about the Scary Lady, actually. Siffrin: I could help you next loop. Not now. We both need.... rest. Siffrin: ...I'll be seeing you, I guess.
(You lightly nod and walk away, not saying a word.)
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honourablejester · 6 months
PF2e Character Concept: Shackles Goblin Rogue
Again, I’m watching Mythkeeper’s lore videos, this one on The Shackles, the pirate archipelago in Western Garund. There’s a lot of fun things in this area of the world, but a very small, random one snagged me. There are several goblin tribes in the Shackles, but apparently on Blacksand Beach, in the vicinity of Kelizar’s Atoll, there’s a tribe called the Reefrunners who are primarily swimmers and wreckers more than sailors and pirates, and I’ve no idea why that stuck in my brain, but … I’d really like to play a Reefrunner goblin horizon walker rogue? For reasons.
(Possibly it’s my choice of ghost fiction, and obsession with lighthouses, but wreckers have slightly more of a pull for me than pirates. Also I like the Reefrunners’ combination of almost-courtesy and raw pragmatism, in that they like to run ships aground and then let the crews go, not necessarily out of goodness, but because it’s easier to loot an empty sunken ship than fight a pinned crew. Which I love. This is about the shinies, the crews are just awkward obstacles that need to be shooed away first. Or, you know. Killed if it absolutely has to come to it, but let’s try the less risky methods first).
I was browsing backgrounds on Pathbuilder, and it has a regional one called Pearl Diver, which when I look it up on Archives of Nethys is actually regional to Absalom, not the Shackles, but I’m from the pirate isles, here, so I’m going to steal it anyway. Because I want a swimmer goblin who likes shiny things, a Reefrunner who’s fine taking the ocean’s bounty whether grown there naturally or lured there by a judiciously placed light on the rocks. Heh.
The idea here is just … I want a tough, scritchy little gal who’s in love with the ocean and all the shiny things the ocean can provide, and who’s not too particular about how the shiny things get in the ocean in the first place. She’s not mean, necessarily, just … single minded. Very loyal, courteous in a rough, absent-minded sort of way, but extremely pragmatic and with roughly one priority in the world, maybe two if she gets especially attached to anyone.
We’re in the pirate isles, so I am feeling rogue. But she’s a pearl diver and a swimmer and a scavenger, so I also want a survival emphasis, and I thought the Horizon Walker archetype? With aquatic terrain. I could take the ranger archetype instead, but I just like the vibe of horizon walker. Skillwise, we’re going to build around stealth, survival, intimidation, acrobatics, athletics and thievery. Because we’re a rogue and we can have that many skills levelled high. Heh.
Starting stats we’ll have a +4 in Dex, +3 in Con, +1 in Int/Cha, and +0 in Str/Wis. As we level I’m going to prioritise Dex, Con, Cha and Wis.
I’m going to go for Unbreakable Goblin for my heritage, because she’s a tough little gal, and also it’s just such a fun heritage. We’re tough, and we bounce, and we don’t go down!
Feats I particularly want as we go would include Breath Control as my first general feat, because pearl diver, Magical Adaptation from Horizon Walker as we hit Level 10, because water breathing, Quick Swim from Athletics Mastery, Fleet and Mobility and Catfall and Cave Climber and Skitter and just a lot of general movement feats, because we a bouncy goblin, Kneecap from goblin, to attack other people’s move speed, and a bunch of Intimidation feats because this girl is all teeth.
She’s 19, I feel like. Young for most people, but pushing the limits of survivability for goblins. She’s wiry and scarred and toothy, cheerfully pragmatic, polite as goblins go, and she has a collection of shinies sewn into/onto her clothes where she can see and admire them. She does favour seed pearls, all self-gathered, as a point of professional pride, but she also sees diving shipwrecks as much the same thing, so any old shinies will do if they’re pretty enough. As will glass and buttons and whatever was sparkly and caught her eye, to be honest. She’s out wandering, looking for better ships to dive, different waters to swim, because she is pushing survival age for a goblin, and she might as well. Most of her people die not much older than her, so why bother being afraid? Let’s just get the good stuff before we go!
Her name is Early Reefrunner. Early, to rhyme with Pearly. She’s a tough little goblin survivalist rogue from Blacksand Beach near Kelizar’s Atoll, and if you promise her good waters and good treasure, she’ll follow you to the ends of the earth. Or, well. The ends of the ocean, at least. Heh.
Ahoy, longshanks! Let’s go!
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linawritestwst · 2 years
(sorry had to redo it ignore the other one pls 😭)
may i request the first years with an strong and heroic but kind and flirty fem! s/o
first years x strong and heroic s/o headcanons (fem!reader)
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(don't worry, i included her kind and flirty side as well! i just wrote the name like this so that it won't be too long jdksdksl)
ace trappola.
♡ at first, this guy didn't think much of you. he probably even thought that you were a bit boring. so yeah, he wasn't that nice to you, but he took back everything he said about you when he was about to get punished by crowley again, but you just casually picked him up and ran away with him, carrying him like this. you weren't tired at all and you didn't think he was too heavy for you or anything like that.. o-okay, maybe you did make ace's heart beat a little too fast this time.
♡ he still teases you sometimes, but he's not as mean as he was before. honestly, he even kinda respects you now, you turned out to be much cooler than he thought you would be. but when you think that he still went a bit too far, you never hesitate to remind ace just how strong you really are. and when you are done with him, you smile at him and go "hehe, looks like i'm not as fragile as you thought~" PLEASE Y/N. HE ALREADY STARTED TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU, DON'T MAKE IT WORSE FOR HIM.
♡ ace can't believe this is happening, but he really got a huge crush on you. when he realizes that teasing you won't work anymore and also he doesn't want to be punched by you again he decides to do something a little different. maybe he just needs to impress you somehow? he won't be obvious about it though, he would prefer you to notice him yourself. yes, he got a surprisingly good grade today, but he won't tell YOU about it. he will talk about it with deuce, though he will wait for the right moment and he will mention it only when you appear. and when you say how unusual it is, you will hear some familiar words from him. "hehe, looks like i'm not as dumb as you thought~"
deuce spade.
♡ he always was very awkward around you and he didn't know how to talk to you at all. forgive him for that, he's just!! always so nervous around girls!! but even though he didn't have enough courage to even say hi to you, he still felt like he should protect you and he made sure nothing bad happens to you.. yeah, you did surprise him quite a bit, when deuce found out that you're REALLY good at protecting yourself AND him as well. and if he didn't have a crush on you at first, OH BOY, HE SURE HAS ONE NOW.
♡ he somehow manages to act even more awkward now!! he can't stop blushing and he keeps stuttering, you're just so.. he doesn't know how to explain it.. if you try to flirt with him, you will ruin him, y/n. but if you want to do it, sure, no one is stopping you. and if you try to carry him or you end up protecting him from something (or someone), deuce will feel a bit lost because he wants you to rely on him more, but.. for some reason, it doesn't feel so bad to be protected by you.
♡ deuce admires you a lot and when he starts feeling more comfortable, he's just so polite and sweet and if you praise him, he melts. ace refuses to shut up about his reactions to anything that you say and he keeps pointing at deuce and going "HAHA SIMP". when things like that happen, deuce tries really hard to distract you, he's not ready to tell you about his feelings yet. but he hopes that you will return his feelings when he finally confesses to you.
jack howl.
♡ similar to ace, he didn't think much of you when you two first met, however, he did have a feeling that you're actually much stronger than you look like, so you did catch his interest. he tried to get to know you better and you didn't disappoint, he found your skills and abilities extremely impressive. heh, well, you're already better than leona because you keep practicing and achieving more every single day. maybe you two can be good friends.. no, you didn't hear anything from him.
♡ but you and jack actually end up becoming pretty good friends, even if he refuses to admit it and says that your relationship is nothing like that. "oh, so is our relationship actually something more?" no, y/n, you can't do this to him. he doesn't know how to react to your flirting at all, so yeah, if you want to see him acting like his tsundere self more often, then go ahead, say more things like that to him.
♡ even if you don't notice it yourself, it's obvious to everyone (especially savanaclaw students) that jack has a crush on you, though he most likely didn't even realize it yet. ruggie keeps mentioning it and even leona finds it funny how jack doesn't know how to act when you're around. haha, so he's actually much more shy than most people thought. jack respects you a lot and he wishes to spend as much time with you as possible, you're like his idol basically. though maybe your relationship could be a little deeper than that.
epel felmier.
♡ .. okay, he's gonna be honest, he didn't like you that much when you first met. it's not your fault or anything like that, it was just him feeling too insecure. it's just.. he's out here trying to become more masculine even though it feels like this whole world is against it, and then he meets you and you turn out to be so much stronger than him?? it doesn't help that you're a girl, he feels even worse because of that. he knows that it's a weird reason to dislike you, but.. no, he shouldn't think about it like that. you know what, he's just gonna try harder so that he can surpass you one day!
♡ and why are you so kind to him? ah, you just pity him, don't you? you think he's this weak and fragile boy who can't protect himself, right? well, he's gonna prove you otherwise! just you wait, he will definitely become stronger than you and he will be the one to protect you from anything dangerous! though he wishes your reaction to this rivalry was more.. uh, serious. he's tired of you going "aw, that's so cute, epel! don't worry, i already see you as my hero, hehe~" like what does that mean??
♡ oh no. oh no, he's afraid he accidentally fell in love with you while trying to prove that he's better than you. that wasn't a part of his plan. and now he's even more obsessed with showing you how cool he really is, because.. well, now he's trying to become stronger not because he sees you as a rival, but because he wants to become someone who's worthy of your love. even though you said that you already see him as your hero, he's not gonna stop until he actually feels like one. hey, maybe he will be able to carry you today!.. n-no, he won't.
sebek zigvolt.
♡ he is confused. how can a human like you be so.. no, really, how do you manage to be better than him at everything he does?? how can he lose to someone like you?? that's it, he has to work harder, he can't disappoint his master! even though malleus said that he thinks sebek is doing great and he doesn't have to change anything about himself sebek can't stop thinking about you turning out to be a better knight than he is and he mentions you so often that lilia starts teasing him for having a crush on you. AND HE DOESN'T HAVE ONE.
♡ but somehow, his hatred starts slowly turning into.. admiration? sure, he keeps saying stuff like "wow, i didn't know that a human could do this too!" but now it sounds like he's actually amazed and not just making fun of you. hm, why don't you take advantage of that? "why thank you, sebek! i spent so much time dreaming about impressing you one day." he wants to say something cool like "haha, did you really think that a lowly human like you could ever impress me?", but for some reason it's very hard for him to say those words. congratulations, y/n, you actually did impress him.
♡ sebek doesn't want to admit it, but now he really wants you to pay more attention to him. like hey, y/n, did you just see him do that? what did you think of it? haha, he is definitely stronger than you, isn't he? you just smile and nod, you think him acting like this is too cute and you can't possibly be mad at him. and if you actually do praise him for his skills and his hard work.. for some reason, hearing those words would make him so happy, it's like malleus himself praised him. wait, no, obviously, hearing those words from malleus would make him more happy, haha..
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pomegranate-pen · 1 year
dating headcanons with rapunzel pls. With fem s/o.
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Rapunzel Dating fem!s/o headcanons!
A/n: here ya go! so sorry it took so long. life has been crazy this year, heh. also, I haven't mentioned Pascal here, since, well, how Pascal interacts with S/o depends on how S/o's personality is. he acts different with different kinds of s/o's.
If one had to summarize what having a relationship with rapunzel would be like, it could only be described as sweet and heartfelt.
Rapunzel is very open about her feelings, so she was most likely the first one to confess that she likes you. How you’ve met can also cause how long it’ll take her to tell you the truth. If you have met her before her escape from the tower, well, it would take much much longer for her to confess. because she fears that you could be lying and be out for her hair and not to mention, she isn't sure how mother Gothel would react to her having a girlfriend, and her gut feeling is telling her to not risk it either. if in a scenario, you do have the unfortunate timing to meet her, Rapunzel would just convince mother Gothel that you're just a friend of hers, and she'll tell you to lessen your frequent visits to her tower, since she fears that Gothel could somehow stop you from seeing her, But, have you met after her escape, well, then her confession is given without any outside fears, only anxiousness to know your answer.
Rapunzel is a high-spirited individual. Someone full of energy at any hour of the day and isn't afraid to try new things. So, if you have a unique talent or hobby or even skill that you have been perfecting for years, expect the princess to fully get into it as well as a sort of bonding time.
Likewise, Rapunzel wants to share every hobby she has with you. From painting, knitting, reading books, and even candle-making. She knows every hobby there is and is always buzzing with excitement when sharing it with you.
She sketches a lot in her notebook, and if you ever had the chance to peek into what's inside, you’ll see many sketches of you plastered in. some even fully colored and shaded and all while you were doing the most mundane of things like reading, leaning on a tree or even just simply laughing. If confronted about the sketches, she will freeze up and blush, stutter out some excuse about you having a drawable face and immediately zip away before you could ask more questions. Her sketchbook now has a lock on it.
If you were generally disliked by the kingdom, whether it was because you’ve done something villainous like Cassandra or Varian or were a simple thief like Eugene, Rapunzel would try her utmost to change the public’s perception of you. It mostly works, since they either believe her by meeting you in person or just fully trust the future queen. And besides, you aren't really the first redeemed villain they had, they’re practically used to this sort of treatment by now.
However, if you are generally liked, then, you’ll be an absolute power couple with Rapunzel. Two of the sweetest people in Corona, together?! It's like a match made in heaven! Expect many happy greetings and many couple discounts in every shop you go to.
Rapunzel does not like overprotective people, so if you're like that then you must reel it in a bit. she understands, she truly does. When you care about someone so much it’s hard not to worry about their safety, especially someone like Rapunzel who has been given the power of the sun drop, a power that even though it’s been fully gone today, people still sought after stealing from her. But, she argues, that you must understand where she’s coming from as well. She’s been overprotected for far too long, and all she wants is to have freedom in what she does. It’s already drainfull enough to have a protective father on her side, it would be even more difficult if you intervened as well.
 For everyone, you’re almost royalty. You live in the castle (Rapunzel begged you to) and you help Rapunzel with her royal duties as princess and future queen, so everyone tends to group you in with the majesties as well. Referring to you as ‘your highness’ and such.
Rapunzel loves kissing your forehead and playing with your hair. It's one of her go-to moves when you cuddle with her. She also loves shocking you with a kiss on the cheek and holding your hands when you casually walk in the streets. Her PDA is quite casual, she doesn’t mind holding your hand in public or flirting with you at all.
She is a listener at heart, so if you’re ever bothered by something, do expect her to hold your hand comfortingly and ask what's wrong. She’ll give you anything you need during the moment, and she’ll even try to fix the issue herself, which, becomes quite a problem if it's an issue where you don’t want it to be noticed or interacted with. If it's some sort of relationship problem, then you might want to hesitate before telling her. Because she will speak to the person whose causing you this trouble and if said person hurt you in some way she will try to fight them.
However, if you try to solve some of her family issues, she will immediately beg you not to. Whether it's mother Gothel or King Frederic, she would like to have you avoid them, since she’s worried about how much they’ll overreact if you try to defy them.
Her love language is obviously quality time. Other than sharing her hobbies with you, she also likes trying out different shops or traveling to different kingdoms with you.
Not much of a nickname person, but she does at times call you by a summarized version of your name. if you’re a nickname giver though, she loves every nickname you give her.
If Eugene Fitzherbert still counts as a love interest here, then my god, the amount of rivalry between you two is comical. Many jabs, remarks, jokes, and many many arguments would be sprung up between you. it could almost rival his and Cassandra’s. although, deep down, Eugene still considers you a friend (for someone who is your rival, he sure does save you a lot in near-death or injury situations) and with some time, he accepts the fact that he has no chance now. He’d see that you make her happy, that you help and support her when she needs it, and so, he accepts this situation. But he still does tease you at times- that’s just how he is.
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