#he still has it there even after escaping
corrodedbisexual · 2 days
Modern-ish Steddie AU where they meet in jail.
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Steve shouldn't even be here; he got arrested for shoplifting, but it was all a misunderstanding. He was actually trying to prevent a shoplifting when he saw a couple of kids stuffing chocolate bars into their jacket pockets. They bolted, and he chased after them; unfortunately, he was still holding a bottle of (rather expensive) wine in hand as he did that, so he ended up the perceived cause of the blaring store alarm while the two shitheads escaped with zero consequences.
The store's got security cameras. So it will probably be fine, right? It will all be resolved soon enough. Steve just has to wait.
What makes him more nervous is the guy he's sharing the cell with.
Wild curly hair, tattoos all over his exposed arms and one peeking out of the collar of his shirt, the man wears orange like he was born in it. He seems to be about Steve's age, in his early 20s, but it's hard to tell. When Steve's brought in, he's lounging carelessly on his bed, trying to fold a piece of toilet paper into what looks like a crane.
The guy looks dangerous; who knows what could provoke him. Steve just settles quietly into the corner of his own bed at the opposite wall, drawing his knees up to his chin and trying to keep his head down. Literally.
Except every time he glances up, the man's rather intense stare is on him. Five minutes into this awkward silence, Steve can't handle it anymore, so he clears his throat and speaks up, still choosing to look at the floor.
"So, uh... what are you in for?"
He cringes immediately. It's probably the worst possible question to ask, and one most likely to get you a punch in the face. But when Steve looks up, he finds his cellmate fully grinning, now busying himself with tearing the toilet paper into little bits.
"Oh, just a bit of murder," he answers casually. "Our lord Satan requires sacrifice, you know."
Steve's almost convinced the guy's fucking with him (because surely, murder suspects are placed in separate cells from the minor offense folk, right?) but he's still a little terrified.
The guy (Eddie, Steve finally learns the name, although that might not be a real one) keeps talking, throwing balls of paper into the toilet by the wall. He keeps missing; there's little bits of white all over the floor already.
He says he's been to prison twice. Grand theft auto and arson. Escaped both times, apparently. He's planning an escape right now, too. Goes on, with a manic grin and wild gestures, about how one of the guards is actually a member of his cult, has got him covered.
It all has to be bullshit. It has to be. Steve doesn't dare comment on it, because at the small chance that it's actually true, he's fucked if he pisses this guy off.
A single paper ball finally lands inside the toilet, and Eddie whoops so loudly that Steve almost jumps.
"Aaaand the crowds cheer, boys'n'girls all going wild screaming his name!" Eddie yells, rapidly drumming his palms on his thighs. "It's the rising star of the new hot game of pottyball, it's Eddieee Munsooon!"
Yeah, so whatever the man was or wasn't lying about, Steve's not about to engage. Eddie's clearly all kinds of insane, he thinks, watching out of the corner of his eye as the guy, seemingly over his silly little game, starts wrapping the toilet paper around his head like a turban.
Except five minutes later, Eddie apparently decides that Steve's much better entertainment than toilet paper. He rolls off the bed and strolls across the tiny cell, stopping right in front of Steve, who in turn is doing his best to become one with the concrete wall behind him. With a shit-eating grin, Eddie strikes a pose, hip jutted out and one hand trying to keep the unsteady headgear in place.
"D'you think I look like a beautiful prince, Stevie?" He asks, batting his eyelashes. (Oh god, why did Steve tell him his real name, what was he thinking.) "Would you go on a magic carpet ride with me?"
Steve can't help it. He bursts out laughing. It almost sounds like Eddie's trying to flirt with him, except Steve stands by his insane conviction, because who the fuck flirts like that?!
The laughter doesn't seem to deter Eddie. He's grinning even wider now, and then he plants both hands on the bed on each side of Steve and leans in, tilting his head.
"Well aren't you pretty when you smile, princess."
Cold sweat runs down the back of Steve's neck as a sudden implication of what might be happening here hits him. He's only heard about it from like, movies and stuff, but does this actually happen? Oh shit. Is Steve gonna become this guy's prison bitch? Jail bitch, technically?
What's worse, a tiny voice in Steve's head suggests that maybe it's not so bad, actually. Eddie's a lunatic, but at least he's hot. (Really hot, if Steve's honest with himself.) And terrifying, so nobody would mess with Steve so long as he's Eddie's... whatever.
Thankfully, Steve's saved from further contemplating his hypothetical future prison life by a key rattling in the cell's lock; Eddie immediately leans back and jumps across the room, so by the time Chief Hopper steps through the door, he's already sitting cross-legged on his bed, hands folded in his lap, a picture of pure innocence.
Hopper turns to Steve first, something apologetic in his voice as he says, "We viewed the security camera footage, you're free to go, Harrington."
With a relieved huff, Steve scrambles to get up. Meanwhile, Hopper turns his attention to Eddie, regards the half-fallen-apart ridiculousness on his head, rolls his eyes and heaves a tired-sounding sigh.
"You too, Munson. Next time someone dares you to streak through a public space, just pick truth instead, would ya?"
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Ten minutes later, they both walk outside in their street clothes. Well, Steve's in his street clothes; Eddie's only garment is a thin grey medical blanket Hopper's helpfully provided him with. Eddie's wrapped it around himself like a toga.
"So..." Steve turns to him and smirks. "How much exactly of what you said in there was total bullshit?"
Eddie cackles at the question. "I'd say about... ninety percent. I clearly am a rising star of pottyball, you know." He waits a beat for Steve to laugh, then adds, "And you do have a very pretty smile."
Steve bites his lip, feeling heat in his cheeks at the compliment. In the light of day, outside the cell, it's like he sees Eddie for the first time, in his silly blanket toga, squinting at the bright sunlight. And he feels ridiculous about ever thinking this man could be dangerous. Insane? Probably. Full of shit? Oh, definitely. Hot? Yes, very much. Dangerous though? Laughable.
And so, Steve finds himself asking, "Wanna get coffee and tell me something real about yourself?"
Eddie looks surprised by the offer, his smile turning a little bashful, and he hides behind a lock of hair before looking down at himself and chuckling.
"I'm probably gonna need some clothes first."
"Nah," Steve teases, briefly checking him out. "You're rocking this outfit."
"And you're absolutely right, I am, but unfortunately this thing is about five seconds from falling apart," Eddie pointedly fixes the half-loosened knot on his shoulder. "And something tells me Hopper won't be so lenient about repeated public indecency."
Steve giggles and finally takes pity on the guy. "Okay, my car's parked, like, two blocks from here. I have some clean gym clothes you can borrow."
"Lead the way, pretty boy," Eddie grins and follows him with a goofy little twirl.
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mechaknight-98 · 21 hours
The Denouncement (NSFW) FT Eunha
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Authors note: shoutout to @coldfanbou for introducing me to her he has excellent taste. Featuring “cameos” from other writers as well. Story spoilers ahead for The raid: salvation’s edge and the last story mission Excision!!!!!!!!
“Come on, Crash! We’re going to miss the movie!” Eunha exclaimed, tugging the massive Awoken Titan along with her. The two Guardians were basking in a rare moment of peace after the Witness had been defeated. The cost of their victory hung in the air, but the sheer joy of living another day more than made up for it. As they approached the theater, they saw the Warlocks, Libra-5, and Aeri, already there. The Exo and Human smiled brightly, noticing the bandages that still adorned Crash—a proud testament to his recent battles. The usually stoic Titan radiated warmth today, his sense of relief contagious among the group. Together, they walked into the theater where the last of their raid team, Sayo-8, and Hasuel, waited.
“Perfect! You made it!” Sayo-8, the Awoken Warlock, exclaimed happily. She had worried that “the problem child” Crash wouldn’t show up, but ever since the Witness’s defeat, he had been more lively and engaging. He had even gotten a few tattoos to commemorate their victories, which had surprised everyone. The group reminisced about when Eunha first brought him in—tirelessly raiding legendary lost sectors and perfecting exotics to confront the Witness and Savathûn. When he first joined them, he helped defeat Rhulk, then Nezarec, and finally all three aspects of the Witness. Eunha was proud and grateful for all he had done, as was the rest of the group.
The movie was a celebration in itself—a Golden Age film starring a familiar face, Aeri’s Titan friend Yu, who played a girl with a rocket-powered fist. Laughter and cheer filled the theater, a stark contrast to the recent hardships they had endured. The Guardians relished in the escapism, their laughter echoing through the room as they enjoyed the light-hearted adventure on screen. It was a perfect moment, a reminder of what they had fought so hard to preserve.
After the movie, Eunha and Crash headed back to his place. As usual, he smiled and hugged her. As usual, she kissed his cheek during the hug and said, “Stay safe while saving the world, big guy!” But then something unusual happened.
“I know you live far away, but you're free to stay the night,” Crash offered, his voice carrying a rare warmth and vulnerability.
Eunha turned to Crash, thinking she misheard him. “What was that, Crasilior? It sounded like you said I could spend the night?”
Crash repeated his invitation, his eyes steady and sincere.
She was stunned when he let her inside his home. As long as Eunha had known him, he had never let anyone into his place. She expected a minimalistic haven for meditation but was surprised to see a cozy, retro space filled with Golden Age amenities and art. The room was adorned with vintage posters, comfortable furniture, and warm lighting that created an inviting atmosphere.
In the comfort of his home, Eunha felt a rush of emotions. She wandered through the room, taking in the details. A collection of antique books lined one shelf, and a vintage record player sat in the corner, softly playing an old jazz tune. The scent of aged wood and faint traces of cologne filled the air. She noticed four mini barrels scattered around the room. Curiosity got the better of her.
“Hey, Crash, what are the barrels for?” she asked, her voice filled with intrigue.
Crash, now lounging on his couch, replied, “They are distilling barrels for whisky, whiskey, and bourbon.”
Eunha looked at the Awoken, confused. “You said whisky twice.”
She was shocked when Crash laughed. He rarely vocalized anything outside of orders, questions, random noises, and confirmation sounds. Hearing his laugh, so relaxed and genuine, was a pleasant surprise.
“Whiskey is American, and whisky is Scottish. They have slightly different methods of creation,” he explained, a playful glint in his eye. Eunha smiled, feeling a newfound warmth in their interaction. She gazed into his pale, glowing ivory eyes, truly noticing their beauty for the first time.
“I never realized how pretty your eyes are,” she said, which would have made the teal-colored man blush if possible. Crash smiled at Eunha, who smiled back. She felt the same ease with him as she did during a raid or a strike. It made her wonder why he was opening up now.
“Crash, why now?” Eunha asked softly, her curiosity piqued.
The Awoken instantly understood what she meant. Though he struggled to put his feelings into words, he tried to explain. “When my Ghost cracked and almost died, I realized I had no one. I have acquaintances, but no one to go to. I was guarded but alone, and my heart couldn't bear the loneliness anymore… despite all the alacrity and solo operative mods I could grab. Not to mention when we were running through Salvation’s edge and the witness separated us into our worlds and I couldn't hear your voice. A rage I have felt rose within me as I tore through his little pocket dimension. That moment changed me because the only person I could think about was you. I wanted to get back to you more than anything. I didn't care about the witness anymore or the stakes. I cared about making sure you were safe and we’d meet again”
Hearing Crash’s explanation made Eunha realize that Crash was in love with her. She smiled, understanding that all those small gestures on the battlefield—the finger hearts, the humming, and his prioritizing her safety—meant Crash had loved her for a long time but was shy. Well, tonight she was going to change that. she decided that she was going to fuck the shyness and a confession out of him.
Eunha moved closer to Crash, sitting beside him on the couch. “You don’t have to be alone anymore,” she said softly, placing a hand on his. “We’ve been through so much together, and I’ve always felt something special between us. I’m glad you opened up to me.”
Crash looked into her eyes, his usual stoic expression softened by emotion. “I’ve always admired your strength, Eunha. You’ve been my anchor in so many battles. I just… never knew how to express it.”
Eunha leaned in, her heart pounding. “You’re expressing it perfectly now,” she whispered, closing the distance between them.
In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of Crash’s home and their memories, they shared a tender kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of triumph, of overcoming impossible odds, and of a future filled with hope and love. The burdens of their past battles seemed to lift, replaced by the promise of new beginnings.
As she felt Crash submit to her Eunha couldn't contain herself. She began to explore the awoken’s mouth. He tasted like the soda he had at post-movie dinner at the ramen shop.
Overwhelmed by resurging emotions that had been suppressed for ages Crash fully gave himself over to Eunha. Eunha devoured him as she continued to kiss and feel up “her titan” It drove him mad with lust as she got on top of his lap and deepened their kiss while grinding on his crotch. The Bashfull bunny was gone in its place a rapacious rabbit, who needed her bear. When she broke this kiss the air between burned with a heat niether of them could extinguish. She clawed into him as she went in for another kiss.
“I need you inside me Crash. Fuck me! say I'm. Yours!” Eunha demanded. She felt Crash’s surging erection under her and ripped her underwear open as she fished for his cock. When she found it she slammed her bare pussy onto his rod. As much as Eunha wanted a pleasant and welcoming first time with her it was anything but,
“Oh Fuck you're too big you're gonna break me,” Eunha moaned as she slowly revived Crash’s cock. The tightness of her folds was an erotic bliss for Crash. Having all of his feelings returned with Eunha he fell further into love and lust with her.
When Eunha finally took all his cock she smiled at Crash before riding him like he was a sparrow with low handling. Instinctively Crash’s hand found their way to Eunha’s sexy ass. Crash gripped tight as he began finding his own pace as their hips tried to find peace. At first in their fervor, their body rhythms competed with each other. A violent smashing of flesh together, but eventually their bodies found a perfect sync as they tumbled closer to their releases. Eunha was the closet as she had set the pace all night but she needed to hear Crash say he was hers alone,
“Come on Crash tell me whose pussy your cock belongs to?” she demands
Resolutely Crash responded, “My body, my heart, and my cock are yours alone.” hearing that pushed Eunha over the edge as she gushed all over Crash’s cock. Her father's tightness milked his orgasm out of him as he followed her into bliss.
In the aftermath of their copulation, Eunha said, “I won't leave you alone anymore,”
Crash smiled and hugged his new partner tightly
They spent the night fucking, talking, laughing, and sharing stories. Crash opened up more about his, fears, and his dreams.
Eunha listened, her heart swelling with love and admiration for the man who had been her steadfast protector. They fell asleep in each other’s arms, the quiet hum of the city outside a comforting backdrop to their newfound connection.
The next morning, as the first light of dawn filtered through the windows, Eunha woke up to find Crash watching her, a gentle smile on his face. “Good morning,” he said softly.
“Good morning,” she replied, feeling a warmth she hadn’t felt in a long time. “Thank you for letting me in, Crash. I mean it.”
Crash nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of relief and joy. “Thank you for being here, Eunha. I don’t feel so alone anymore.”
As they prepared to face the new day, they knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. Their bond, forged in the heat of battle and tempered by love, would guide them through whatever the future held.
And in that moment, in the quiet aftermath of their greatest triumph, they found something even more precious than victory—they found each other.
Postscript: Destiny 2 probably means as much to me as Magic does and it took a climatic battle several years in the making to see it. So their may be more this may become a series but as of now enjoy the one-shot.
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greeneyessmize · 1 day
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Debling is not a bad man. He is not a "bad" option. He's forthright, shows attraction to Pen, has interest in her intelligence, and has a sense of humor that compliments her own. Yes, he also has oodles of money and a title.
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But, he isn't giving her even the slightest promise to try for love. He's going to be gone 3 years at a time. And Penelope is the richest woman in London, per the books and likely the show as well.
These last three things mean he is also not a good option for Penelope.
She wants love. She is very clear with him about this, both when they discuss romance books and in their final dance. His replies are that he is happy she has a passion for her reading and then that she is beautiful.
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While Pen says she values her privacy, what she actually values is her independence. Privacy allows you to keep a secret. Independence allows you to openly be yourself.
Pen. Does. Not. Need. Money. She needs an escape from her overbearing mother and petty sisters. She is choosing to marry in society so that she can still participate in it, and thus continue LW, but she has more than enough money to leave England entirely should she wish.
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Colin is entirely in step with Pen as soon as he understands that he loves her. They were already best friends with all the humor, warmth, and affection that comes with that bond. He adores that she is so smart and witty. He is seriously so very attracted to her as evidenced by him going feral not long after their kiss.
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He's not going to leave her behind. Even book Colin is very clear, Penelope is his home. And he will not be parted from her willingly. They would travel together, never apart.
He has money of his own, but no title. Penelope doesn't need either of those things as mentioned above. But he is a part of society, which is a nice bonus for her LW work.
Colin loves Penelope with all of his heart and soul. He gave it to her on a platter without her even needing to ask. He just had to know he loved her to give her all of him.
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I think it's inevitable that Penelope will have independence to be herself with Colin, too. It's their destiny. Will it be a struggle? Yes. Will it hurt? Undoubtedly. But Colin and Pen are meant to be equals. That is what friends to lovers has to contain. Friends to lovers is balance, harmony, a dance.
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Picking between Debling and Colin is like picking between a beautiful maze like mansion with too many rooms where sighs echo off of gorgeous furnishings but is so, so empty and cold and the small cottage that fits just right and is filled with cozy warm fuzzy feelings with a blooming garden outside and an always warm hearth and a sweet little sofa with your favorite comfy blanket and it is always Sunday morning with no chores to do.
Even if Penelope had been presented both options side by side, which she wasn't, she always would have picked Colin. Pen was only picking Debling when she felt to her very bones that Colin was not an option. Then Debling removed himself as an option which made Penelope believe she had no options at all until the carriage scene.
To Pen her choices were: haunted maze mansion or nothing then cottage of her dreams or nothing. Of course she was going to reluctantly accept the mansion over nothing and of course she was going to leap at her dream cottage as soon as she knew it existed.
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For the mafia bad sanses, what if we did try and run away?
Oho, the hunt is on.
Horror likes a chase. He always has, he's a hunter at heart. He's also very good at it; he pays much closer attention than people realise to the very small details. On top of being excellent at following scents, easily capable of tracking your movements, he knows your habits and routines like the back of his hand and he can accurately predict where you'll go and what you'll do during your brief escape. Nightmare absolutely expects Horror to find you first - the other two use him like one might use a bloodhound, following his bulldozing lead through the city.
Though it's fun to chase you down, Horror's genuinely worried about you the whole time you're gone. It doesn't help that Nightmare feeds his paranoia to ensure Horror is a vigilant guard - don't you understand he's trying to protect you? He will bring you back. He has to keep his loved ones in places he can keep an eye on them. He's not angry when he finds you, he's not even upset... he just checks you for injuries, and asks if you're hungry.
When you get back, he'll get you a snack.
Dust understands. He really does. He would run away, too, if there wasn't so much on the line for him. But he really feels like an idiot. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he had started to think of the situation as you and him against them. He started to feel like, maybe, there was... a connection forming? He started to feel like maybe you understood him. Maybe... maybe you trusted him. Maybe he could open up.
... You fleeing is a jolt back to reality. You didn't tell him anything before you left. You don't trust him; he's not your friend. You see him as one of them. Now he feels stupid and embarrassed.
Dust drags his feet about hunting you down. He follows Nightmare's orders, like he always does, but it's obvious he's just letting the other two do it. He still looks after you - he would never go back on his word. But you can tell something's changed.
Killer certainly enjoys chasing. He likes tossing you over one shoulder once he's found you and he's itching for a reason to kill anyone who scared/hurt you before they found you. But once he's actually got you, he's... mature? Sympathetic? He talks to you gently, but without being patronising. What the hell, is this even Killer? He chats with you during the trip home, assuring you that you're not in trouble. He genuinely wants to know why you ran... he wants you to get it out, insisting bottling it up won't help anyone.
... He also explains that when you're outside without them, you're in real, genuine danger. Nightmare is infamous - his enemies might want to take out their frustrations on his prize human, but on top of that, some of his allies might think you're a defector and grasp the opportunity to prove their loyalty by hurting you. Killer's words are gentle, but he paints a vivid picture.
Seems like he really doesn't want you to leave.
Nightmare is frustrated.
When you're brought before him again, you think he's angry with you. He's certainly angry. But at you? Goodness, no, never at you. He's angry at his guards for finding you so slow, and not sufficiently preventing your escape. You're not to blame here, it only makes sense that a pretty bird like you would take flight through the first open window it sees. Nightmare doesn't appear phased by this at all - in fact, the only real consequence (if you could even call it that) for you is that Nightmare is insistent on having a garden built for you, so you can get fresh air to avoid cabin fever. He keeps asking what flowers you'd prefer for it. It's kinda alarming, how blase he is about someone he likes trying trying to flee him.
(Nightmare's very pleased that this has driven a wedge between you and Dust. Better you focus on him instead, dear.)
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thinemoonshine · 3 days
⋆ ˚。𝓀𝒾𝓈𝓈, 𝓀𝒾𝓈𝓈—𝓂𝒾𝓈𝓈! ୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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enhypen 8th fem!member x enhypen ot7 content(s): fluff, suspense, enhypen is the drama, members are conflicted, riki is jealous, hoon’s protective instincts kick in, members being super supportive <3 type: oneshot word count: 1.5k
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˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ synopsis: in which (y/n) plays a side character in a web drama but doesn’t tell the members that she has an almost kiss scene—and they only find out when they watch it together ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
“HEY! Why would you just pull my hair tie like that? You think it’s easy to do a proper ponytail??” Dasom, the character (y/n) plays as, chides her romantic interest, Seokwoo, who only laughs with amusement.
The members of Enhypen find themselves entertained as well with Jungwon pointing at the TV screen.
“Wah~ She’s not even playing a role. That’s (y/n) as (y/n) herself right there,” he comments and only smiles cheekily that shows his dimples when (y/n) shoots a playful glare.
The scene continues with Dasom chasing Seokwoo around in attempt to retrieve her tie and (y/n) can only hide in her palms from the embarrassment. It’s the typical, cheesy ‘catch me if you can!’ scenario and it makes her—and some of the others’—toes curl.
Riki stares at the screen, almost burning through the glass with the intensity of his gaze. “Who even is this guy? I’ve never seen him before.”
“Really? He’s actually quite famous in the web drama world. Might even do bigger projects soon,” (y/n) answers after giving only a brief look at him as she wants to focus on the screen.
Riki grumbles disapprovingly before he slumps back into the couch with crossed arms.
Dasom starts panting as she rests her hands on her knees. “I give up! I can’t run anymore! Just give it back to me, will you?”
Seokwoo hums with his brows furrowed, pretending to be deep in thought before uttering a single, “Nope.”
Not the best decision because suddenly Dasom’s back to being his tail, faster than before and right when he sees him about to accelerate, she quickly pounces.
Sunoo squeals while the others lets out their roars and whistles when the scene goes into slow motion—showcasing the romantic moment between Seokwoo and Dasom with the former wrapping his arms around the other’s smaller frame to protect her from the fall.
“Oh my goodness,” (y/n) mutters under her breath and her cheeks grow redder than they already are, head hanging with shame. “Dasom should seriously consider the cost of hospital bills.”
“Ugh…” Seokwoo grunts painfully, his back sore but he’s quick to check on the wellbeing of the girl pressed against his chest. “Dasom, are you okay?”
Dasom lets out a faint groan before lifting her head to nod but is met with surprise at the proximity of their faces. She gasps, eyes wide as they shift between his. Left, right, left and right. Her face mantles as she bashfully looks away.
“OHHHH!! (y/n), what is thisss!!?!! Do you actually like him?? Why do you look so shy and and blushy~??” Jake teases as he holds her by the shoulders and shaking her vigorously. She’s limp, passionless—spirit fleeting from the unhealthy amount of cringe she feels.
Now she understands why some actors don’t like to watch their own acting.
Sunghoon frowns, disapproving of the excessively touchy interaction between (y/n) and some wannabe A-list celebrity. “Why are you two so close for so long?? He should’ve helped you up at this point.”
Jay agrees, his brows in a soft knit. “How long does this go on for?”
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Seokwoo asks obliviously when Dasom refuses to meet his gaze, finally sitting up and letting her sit on his lap.
“Your breath stinks,” Riki hisses quietly, hoping Dasom would say the exact line while still throwing daggers to the male with his incessant glare.
The girl shakes her head. “N-nothing. We were just so close…that’s all.”
“oH?? OH?” Heeseung sounds excitedly when Seokwoo cups her jaw to gently turn her to face him. Something between a shout and a squeal escapes him when Seokwoo smirks. “He’s making a move on our (y/n)!!”
“Her name’s Dasom,” Ni-ki corrects with dissatisfaction and the others don’t miss their male maknae’s obvious dislike towards the actor.
“Close? You mean like…this?” Seokwoo teases and suddenly narrows the gap between their faces—noses now touching as Dasom’s eyes grow wide as saucers.
It’s like a whole audience of the World Cup is in the dorm from how rowdy and passionate the boys are—all howling and cheering like they’ve singlehandedly won the game for Korea.
“S-Seokwoo?” Som stammers nervously as her romantic interest’s gaze melts into her like a man truly in love.
But the thrilled chaos from the members dies just as quickly as it forms when they see their female member gradually being approached by her co-actor—closer and closer to a dangerous extent.
Some of the members have their jaws unscrewed while some others are screwed on too tight but eyes are all burning through the screen intently as a mix of emotions swirl in them.
Are they going to see (y/n) kiss? How are they supposed to react? Should they cheer? Should they grieve?? Maybe they shouldn’t react at all?? Like that bite scene between Sooha and Jay where they just completely cut it out in the reaction vid.
Sunoo’s hands are covering his face with only his eyes seen peeking out from the little gaps between his index and middle finger—creating two V’s.
Meanwhile Riki is full on DISGUSTED, along with Sunghoon who’s so conspicuously scowling at the TV with arms crossed as he leans heavily against the couch. His tongue clicks against the roof of his mouth as he lasers through Seokwoo with his stare of distaste.
“Wait, wait, wait… You have a kiss scene? You didn’t tell us. Aren’t you too young for a kiss scene?” Heeseung raps out, completely disregarding the fact that her role as a high school senior does not reflect her real life character and age.
(y/n) stays quiet as she stares at the drama, letting the suspense build up with the never-ending inching of Seokwoo and Dasom and right when their lips are about to touch, Sunoo shrieks and the scene stops.
The outro of the drama plays as the names of the actors and sponsors begin to roll—(y/n) now giggling and clapping like a seal with delight at her members’ frozen figures and faces.
“It’s finished!! How was it?” She asks amidst chuckles and they all whip their heads to her.
“What was that?? Did you guys kiss or not??” Jake asks curiously.
“Eyy~ Can’t be~” Sunoo denies with upturned eyes and a playful grin but then shifts his honeyed orbs to the girl. “Right? Right, (y/n)ie??”
“(y/n)’s taking a step forward in her career already! Are you going to win rookie actress of the year?”Jungwon applauds with a chuckle, dimples showing. “Don’t forget about us, though! Haha! No, seriously. Don’t. And you were so cute too, (y/n)!”
Sunghoon shakes his head with another click of his tongue, furrowing at (y/n) but she knows he means well—to her, at least. The same can’t be said about Seokwoo’s actor. “How old is he? Isn’t he much older than you? Why’d they make you have a kiss scene? Manager-nim actually let it pass?”
(y/n)’s mouth is akin to a fish’s from their constant open and close due to Sunghoon not letting her squeeze a single word in with every new question.
“Yeah, that was kind of…unnecessary,” Jay chimes with his nose scrunched but then ruffles the girl’s hair. “But it is cute. You did great! Can’t wait to see the next episodes.”
“As expected of our (y/n),” Heeseung coos and earns a gag from some others—including (y/n) herself. But she’s quick to express her thanks with a beam and a finger heart.
Riki scoffs as he crosses his arms. “I don’t really like the male lead. He seems kind of dumb. Why would he steal your hair tie, anyways? He can buy his own.”
His attitude is saltier than the seas and the members are deeply entertained by it.
“It’s just the plot, Riki,” (y/n) answers in a tone of amusement to which he unconsciously pouts at.
Sunghoon stands and abruptly engulfs the girl in his arms with his head on hers as if him hugging her will magically erase Seokwoo and Dasom’s embrace from existence. It’s not new to the members for him to be so protective over (y/n). Maybe it’s the big brother blood in him but he’s always wary of anyone and everyone around her that he gets teased for being her security guard alongside personal assistant.
“Tell us whenever you have a role like this again. We have to make sure there aren’t any weird scenes, okay?” He advises, swaying left and right softly as she nods with difficulty from the way he’s practically squeezing her against his chest.
And suddenly it’s a Q&A session with the boys asking her about her experience while a bitter Riki can only watch from the sides with Jay chuckling at him—earning him a glare.
As if Jongseong himself isn’t already planning to read her future scripts himself (with Sunghoon) to make sure there aren’t anything too…kissy kissy even if it’s a near miss—for now, at least.
ᡣ𐭩ྀི₊ ⊹ masterlist ᝰ.ᐟ✮⋆˙
𝜗𝜚 hi, it’s romi here!! thank you so much for reading to the end!! if you enjoyed it, don’t forget to leave a heart and reblog—they give me some motivation, ya know? but please do not spam like!! X♡X♡, romi ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
copyright © 2024 thinemoonshine all rights reserved
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boyfhee · 9 hours
﹙𝓲ssue﹚ㅤ:ㅤwiping their kissesㅤ...ㅤ( 엔하이픈 )
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ㅤㅤ﹙1167﹚ ㅤ장르 fluff, est. relㅤㅤwarnings kissingㅤㅤᐢᗜᐢ as always, thank u sm for reading. pls rb and give feedback, it helps a lot ^_^ iNDEX
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would do a double take, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. you do whine jokingly about him kissing you every minute, but never go as far as to wipe his kisses so it takes him a good minute to register what was happening. “did you just wipe my kiss?” would ask with eyes wide open and all, clearly in disbelief, almost convinced he did something wrong until he catches you holding back a smile and knows it's just another one of your little games. would quite literally engulf you in his arms, not letting you escape. “i'm going to kiss you until you're sick of it,”
jay wouldn't think of it so much the first time you do it, so he would kiss you again, brows furrowing in confusion when you wipe your lips the second time. “why are you wiping my kisses?” scowls when you don't respond. you're wiping his kisses and ignoring him, and he huffs in disbelief, looking away before giving you a sour look up and down. he leans in for another kiss and knows you're going to wipe it as well so he grabs your wrists, although with a gentle grip and kisses you again, this time making it more intimate, almost holding himself back from kissing you senseless and smirks when he pulls back sees your flustered expression. “that's what you get for wiping my kisses.”
pouty, hurt, confused, surprised, panicked— every emotion listed in the dictionary. he's so sure he did something wrong to have you act this way and would he so hesitant to reach out to you in case he pisses you off again. “are you upset? did i do something? i'm so sorry—” yapping and it's apologies, it makes you feel bad for even pulling this prank on him. he gets even more confused when you start laughing, and then gives you that upside-down frown he does, it makes your heart melt. “you almost had me there, babe.” also makes you promise him that you won't pull anything like this again >_<
his ego is bruised, shattered to be honest, and he actually gives you the worst side eyes and mocking glares. “i guess we're not kissing anymore,” starts avoiding your every single attempt to kiss him later to give you a taste of your own medicine. if you manage to steal a peck, he is wiping it off, probably even feigning dismissal and disinterest. it isn't long until he's caving in because he wants to kiss you so bad but fortunately, you apologise and make up to him with hugs and kisses. “lame ass prank, shouldn't have done it if you can't keep your hands off me.” talking as if he wasn't experiencing withdrawal symptoms -⌓-
scoffs dramatically when you do it, knowing it's one of your silly little pranks because he always showers you in kisses and never once have you acted this way. he takes it as a challenge, giving you another kiss and his smile grows wide when you wipe it again, and this continues, getting faster and faster with both of your giggles and laughter erupting in the room. it's only a matter of time before he has you pinned on the couch, peppering your face with butterfly kisses and not giving you any opportunity to wipe them. “see, you can never escape my kisses.”
is quite taken aback when he catches you wiping your lips, a bit flustered as he speaks sheepishly. “does my breath smell?” and you end up laughing, making him even more flustered. sort of laughs along with you but he is still giving you that clueless stare. “is something wrong? why are you laughing? wait, is this a prank?” he gets really self conscious but feels like he can breathe properly when you give up and tell him it's a prank, immediately giving him a kiss as an apology. “ah, you got me there.” he would still be a bit confused but would kiss you for hours later.
quite literally goes “eh?” when you wipe your lips after he gives you a quick peck, and then bursts into laughter as if it was an absolute knee slapper of a prank, while you're standing there all confused, giving him the '???' look. “what's so funny, 'ki?” you ask, and he would laugh even more, shaking his head while trying to compose himself. leans in to kiss you because of the look on your face but has to pull back because he ends up laughing again. “it's funny to see you wipe my kiss when you can't go a minute without them.”
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onmywayend · 3 days
YH|I think I love you(M)
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Dragon hybrid King Yunho x Human Princess Reader
Smut|Angst|Enemies to lovers AU|Forced marriage|Mentioned of war|Very Rough sex|Choking|Yunho hates reader at first|Yunho has PTSD|Reader keeps her company with Yunho| Vanilla sex
"!!!"Despite the torment and the pain of your body , you dare not make a sound, fearing that the person on top of you will insert even more forcefully into you. No matter how many times you have made love with Yunho, you still can't get used to his size. How can a human take a dragon's cock? Your nominal husband, Yunho, is a dragon hybrid, tall and strong, much more powerful than the average human. And you, petite and fragile, are like a delicate flower, a stark contrast to Yunho's imposing figure.
"Fuck..." You bite your lips tightly, and a hint of crimson seeps out due to the exertion. Your eyes tightly shut, tears streaming down your face, wetting the pillow. His big, thick, and long cock ravages your genitals, as if each thrust requires all his strength to penetrate as deep as possible.
He snaps your ass without any mercy, driven solely by his endless lust and desire for satisfaction. You are nothing more than his tool for releasing his carnal desires, without any love or affection.
Because humans are his least favorite beings.
"It's not enough. I need it deeper." Your right leg is lifted onto his shoulder, allowing him to penetrate even deeper, causing you even more pain. You feel as if your lower body is being torn apart, the pain spreading throughout your entire being. It's like experiencing silent torture.
"Yunho..." You somehow find the confidence to believe that if you plead a little, the man on top of you will stop.
"Stop calling my name, you slut." He slaps your buttocks with such force that a clear red mark is left on your skin.
"I'm sorry..." "Stop speaking." Slap, again, harshly. The pain makes you feel every cell in your body trembling, fingertips digging deep into the palms, leaving behind red marks.
"Does it hurt? Good, remember the consequences of angering a dragon!" He thrusts into your cunt at an inhuman pace, continuously slapping your ass with great force, intensifying the burning sensation.
Unable to endure the pain any longer, you burst into tears, uncontrollable streams running down your face, wetting your swollen eyes. Your pitiful moans and choked sobs irritate Yunho, his large hand climbing up your neck, squeezing your throat, preventing any sound from escaping.
Your breathing becomes difficult, a sense of suffocation overwhelms you, your chest tightens. Alongside the pain in your lower body, your face turns pale, beads of sweat forming on your forehead.
Your consciousness is already blurred, feeling like you could lose consciousness at any moment and pass out. After several thrusts, a warm flow suddenly fills your lower body, followed by a coolness and the release of the pressure on your neck.
The sexual encounter has finally come to an end. You no longer have the strength to get out of bed and clean yourself. All you can do is cry incessantly and take deep breaths, hoping the pain in your body dissipates quickly.
Yunho, who had already dressed himself, returns to his own room without a backward glance. You slowly turn around, your body soaked in sweat, shivering from the sudden chill. You hug the blanket tightly, not letting the warmth escape.
"Knock-knock." The sound of a knock brings you back to your senses, and you see the maid handing you a bowl of medicinal soup.
"Miss Y/N, this is contraceptive soup. Please drink it as soon as possible." You struggle to sit up, gulp down the soup, then lie back down, reflecting on the past.
You never thought you would be used as a bargaining chip and married off to Yunho. You once naively believed that you would meet your true love and spend the rest of eternity with the person you loved.
But everything changed because of the war several years ago. You were married off to the dreaded dragon race, living a life worse than death every day, silently enduring all the pain because of your status as a princess.
Humans and dragons are incompatible, and the two races have engaged in multiple wars over resources and territory. These terrible wars left a horrifying shadow in Yunho's heart, as his parents were killed by humans.
He remembers vividly the screams that rose and fell that day, and the countless corpses strewn across the battlefield.
The war ended through a political marriage, despite Yunho's unwillingness, but there was no other choice. He channeled all his hatred for humans onto you, without any mercy or care. In his eyes, you are nothing more than a tool to be used during his mating season.
The sunlight falls on your face as you slowly open your eyes, but you don't feel a hint of warmth. Everyone looks at you with indifference, no one likes you.
You are like an emotionless robot, repeating the same tasks every day - getting ready, changing clothes, eating breakfast... and then waiting for night to come. His mating season usually lasts for five to ten days, and the only thing you can do is hope it ends as soon as possible.
Today is the fifth day, if you are lucky enough, as long as you get through today, you can be temporarily "free".
The evening arrives faster than you expected. You have already prepared and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for him to finish work and come at exactly eight o'clock. This rule hasn't changed since you got married.
You stare at the clock blankly, and in the blink of an eye, it's already half past eight. This unexpected lateness leaves you puzzled. Could it be that the mating season is over? You feel a glimmer of hope, but at the same time, you dare not expect too much, afraid that the bigger the hope, the bigger the disappointment.
However, the result is not what you wished for. The knocking on the door shattered your illusion.
"Miss Y/N, Mr. Jeong wants you to go to his room." Your eyes that still had hope instantly became helpless and disappointed, and your lips no longer smiled.
"Mr. Jeong wants you to deliver medicine for him."
The maid handed you a tray with a bowl of medicinal soup. Is he sick? You find it strange because he was perfectly fine yesterday. And, how can he, who hates you so much, ask you to deliver medicine? Isn't he afraid you will poison it? With a belly full of doubts, you took the tray because there was simply no choice to refuse.
Carefully opening the door, you find the room unusually dark, and in the distance, you can hear a sinister moaning. You dare not take a step forward and want to leave and ask what's going on, but you hear the sound of the door being locked.
"What...?!" Are they really trying to kill you instead of sending medicine?
"Is it really okay like this? Just send her to the room..."
"But I don't want to die!"
Your vision goes black, and involuntarily, you take a few steps back, feeling overwhelmed with fear. They really see you as a scapegoat.
"Who...?!" Startled by a low growl, you regain your composure and shout towards the source of the sound.
"Me... Y/N, I'm bringing you medicine." You keep scanning the surroundings, observing the abnormality nearby, feeling nervous to the point of breathlessness.
"Yunho...?" You hesitantly call his name and gather the courage to take a step forward, but there is no response.
"Yunho? Are you okay?" Silence. "Where are you?" Silence. It's as if you're talking to air, with no one responding. You really want to just put down the medicine and go back to your own room, but unfortunately, the door is locked.
"Yunho?" You call his name several more times, unconsciously walking to a corner of the room and noticing several bottles of alcohol on the floor.
With the help of the faint moonlight outside the window, you see a dark shadow crouching in the corner, trembling.
"Yunho?" "Don't touch me!!" His overactive response scares you to the core, you've never seen him in such a state before. Setting down the medicine in your hand, you bend down and say softly,
"You need to take your medicine."
"No! Get away from me!"
He buries his head and cries, like a frightened child, his voice choked with sobs.
"Okay, okay. Don't take the medicine, it's fine."
You try to console him, not knowing what to do. He turns around, his eyes filled with confusion and fear, his tear-stained face evokes pity in your heart, causing it to tighten. Maybe you're just scared, that's why you're behaving this way.
"Are you okay?" You gently ask. "What happened?"
"Humans... they came."
His answer leaves you stunned, it seems he's not in his right mind. You know he's referring to the war that happened several years ago, could it be that he still has traumas?
"It's okay, the war is over, you're safe." He shakes his head, tears continuing to flow.
"No, it's not. There's the scent of humans here." Oh no, is he going to kill you the next second?
You stutter, unable to articulate your words clearly. "You... by drinking this medicine, the scent of humans will disappear."
You hurriedly lift the bowl of soup and place it in front of him, signaling him to drink it.
"Of course, I'm not lying to you~"
You reassure him like you're coaxing a child. He takes the bowl without any hesitation and drinks it in one gulp.
"How is it?"
"I still smell humans! There's the scent of humans on you!"
He suddenly pounces at you, the overwhelming force makes you fall to the ground, and he firmly holds your hands, leaving visible bruises on your wrists. You are scared to the point of being unable to say anything, your heart pounding wildly, your eyes filled with fear and helplessness.
"Are you going to kill me,human?" "Why would I kill you?" Your answer leaves him incredulous, doubting if he heard a figment of his imagination.
"Aren't you humans supposed to kill our dragon race?"
"That... that's others, not me..."
"I... because I'm your wife." Although this statement is true, saying it feels like betraying your conscience.
"Wife?I am married?" Because of the influence of alcohol, his brain was completely unable to function clearly and his memory was disordered. He thought he was still in the past when the war broke out a few years ago.
"Yes...you are my husband. Don't you remember?" "Husband...wife..." Images of his parents flashes through his mind, and a feeling of sadness comes over him. He bends down, releasing his grip on you, and suddenly bursts into tears against your neck.
You don't understand what's going on and hesitantly pat his shoulder to comfort him. Perhaps out of compassion, you softly reassure him, saying that it's okay. Despite all your doubts, you can't ignore him because of your kind-hearted nature.
"My parents are gone, they... they..." "It's okay, I'm still here." You continue to pat his back, even though you still feel a little scared. "Will you stay with me?" "I will, I'll always be by your side." It's a lie that goes against your conscience.
"Really?" You nod. "I will always be by your side." Your words are as soft as silk, and your gentle tone seems to melt the ice in anyone's heart.
"Then, can you sing to me? My mom used to sing me to sleep." "Sing...?" His request puzzles you again. What's wrong with him? Although your mind is filled with doubts, you sing a song from your hometown to prevent him from doing anything drastic.
As you continue singing, you feel a weight pressing against you and hear the sound of breathing. Turning your head, you realize he has fallen asleep in your embrace. This is the first time you see him sleeping, and the first time you sleep with him. Unable to move, you have to maintain the same posture until the next morning.
Yunho had never slept so peacefully before. Every night, he is tormented by nightmares, waking up in the middle of the night. But today, he slept through the night until morning without waking up.
Rubbing his eyes, he feels a warmth and softness beneath him. He lifts his head and is surprised to see your face. Why is he sleeping with you in his arms? He remembered that he had consumed a lot of alcohol due to his post-traumatic stress disorder and had asked the servant to bring him a soothing herbal soup... Did you comfort him afterwards? He couldn't help but wonder why he, who detested humans so much, could find solace and warmth in your presence.
His cold heart seems to melt a little, and he looks at you with a gentle gaze. At that moment, you wake up from your sleep and are surprised to find him staring at you. Your face turns red instantly. "Ummm... good... good morning," you stammer nervously, biting your lip. Your appearance somehow makes him feel a bit cute.
"Morning." Did he just respond to you? He usually treats you as if you don't exist. "I... I will go back to my room. Sorry to bother you." He moves away from you, and as you try to sit up, you realize that your body is too weak, and your muscles feel sore as if they had been strained.
"Can't get up?" Seeing you struggling, he pulls you up, but accidentally applied too much force, causing you to wince in pain. He notices the bruise on your wrist, probably caused by him, and suddenly feels guilty.
You struggled to stand up but couldn't due to your weak legs, making you embarrassed and don't want to raise your head to meet his gaze. Maybe out of impatience or genuine concern, Yunho picked you up in his arms. You stare at him in surprise, unable to believe that he doesn't dislike you, and carry you to the room.
"Rest well." He places you on the bed, gently pat your head, and walks back to his room without looking back. Although it is a small gesture, it adds a touch of warmth to your heart.
Since that night, Yunho found his feelings towards you becoming somewhat complicated. Whenever the aftereffects of his traumatic experiences struck, he would seek you out, and you would comfort him gently, singing him to sleep and staying by his side.
He gradually felt that your presence was a necessary support and encouragement for him, even considering you his safe haven. His treatment towards you was no longer aloof but caring about your emotions and life, as he began to change the way he treated you.
Perhaps he didn't realize that his feelings for you had already shifted.
"Does it hurt?" His gaze full of warmth and concern, his tone gentle in a way that made it hard to believe he was once such a rough person. "A little bit..." Afraid of hurting you, he slowly entered, not as impulsive as before. You bit your lip, afraid to make any sound.
"Don't hold it in, I want to hear you." He bent down, caressing your face with his hand, looking at your rosy lips. After contemplating for a moment, he lightly touched your lips, like a butterfly brushing against a petal.
The exchange of kisses was filled with endless sweetness, it was your first kiss. He moved closer to you, applying a little more pressure, allowing you to feel the warmth on your lips and his cock pushing deeper.
"Ummm..." you made a muffled sound, feeling emotions inside you that you had never experienced before. Pleasure gradually replaced the pain beneath you, and you became more eager for the friction of his cock and even closer contact.
You slowly adjusted to Yunho's size, and in a soft voice, you said, "Please move, I want you." It took courage to say those words, fearing that the man above you would suddenly return to his rough self.
However, it seemed that your worries were unnecessary. Instead of thrusting forcefully, he moved slowly and gently, accommodating you, not wanting to cause you any pain. His hands caressed your palms, interlocking his fingers with yours, feeling the warmth from each other. His long cock eased into your tightness, effortlessly hitting your most sensitive spot.
"Right there, please." He continued to target that same spot with each thrust, causing you to moan repeatedly. The softness of the touch and the pleasure of the friction made your head spin, and you could feel every cell in your body exhilarating. Arching your back, you pressed against his strong chest, making your heart beat faster.
He kissed your lips again, then moved on to your jaw and collarbone, before placing a kiss on your neck. His kisses slowly moved up from your neck to your ears, teasing every inch of skin underneath with his tongue.
He returned to your collarbone, leaving a trail of kisses accompanied by suctions, causing a surge of heat throughout your body.
The speed of his thrusts increased, with shorter intervals hitting your G-spot. You moaned, the stimulation driving you closer to climax.
"Cum with me." His words acted as a switch, and without warning, you reached climax, waves of heat rushing through every corner of your body, your heartbeat racing as if it wanted to escape. It was the first time you had experienced such pleasure in your previous sexual encounters.
Your juices wrapped around his cock, the wet and hot sensation driving him insane. After a few more thrusts, he came inside you. Both of you were gasping for air, slowly calming down. You got up, put on your clothes, and planned to leave.
Yunho suddenly felt a wave of reluctance and loss in his heart, he didn't want you to go. "Where are you going?" "To my room, and I'll take the pill." You looked at him, puzzled by his disappointed expression. Wasn't this something he always did? It was just that this time, it was you who was leaving.
"No, don't take the pill." "Huh?" He walked up to you, naturally took your hand, and his eyes were filled with love as he said,
"Don't leave, just stay with me." He pulled you back into his embrace, sitting on the edge of the bed, his hands wrapped around your waist, burying his head in your chest and pecking it, then raised his head to meet your gaze.
"Stay." You hesitated, wanting to say something but unable to find the right words in your confused mind. You nodded, and he smiled, gently laying you down on the bed, keeping his chest close to your back, inhaling the scent of your body wash.
In this moment, he felt an incredible sense of happiness, and you felt an overwhelming warmth.
Perhaps at this moment, he finally realized that he had fallen in love with you.
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panboiiibish · 2 days
This ones gonna be a bit diffrent from the Thinking about series. Imma try and make it longer, it's going to be a full on fem reader, and of course NSFW under the line.
Warnings! Nsfw, predator/prey kink, chasing, semi-public nudity, CNC, really good acting, slight blood, biting, after care, and Werewolf.
Short puffed out breaths come from you, the rattling in your lungs telling how long you've been running through the dark forest. It has to be at least an hour since you've started. Having to run from the beast stalking your camp sight.
Now your believing it would have been better to just wait it out in your tent. But those glowing yellow eyes still haunt your memory. Its deep guttural huffs making your skin cover in goosebumps and fill your mind with the need to flee. And you did, not even grabbing a flashlight before dashing away from the relative safety of your camp fire.
Now lost in the woods, legs burning, you start to slow attempting to catch your breath. Though the subtle sounds of the forest only serve to scare you more. Overhead an owl flutters off from its perch. Scared by something in the distance while also scaring a yelp out of you as the crickets chime out their songs.
You tried laughing it off, but quickly bolted again as a deep growl had come from the brush besides you. Mind racing you tried to think of a way to escape it but those yellow eyes are back. Followed by the slight outline of a creature on all fours running alongside you.
Now in a better range to see your heart almost stills in your chest at the sight of it. Bark brown fur that blends in perfectly with it's surroundings, a lanky but tall form running on all fours. Though with its humanoid shape it seemed janky and far too practiced. And those eyes... The bright almost gold color tempts to real you in but its wide grinning teeth reminds you of why your running.
It doesn't let you go further along, becoming too.. exited. To catch it's prey, the creature quickly turns and barrels right for your smaller form. Its weight knocking you off the ground for a moment before you, thankfully, land into a slightly soft pile of leaves. Making you a breathless gasping heap on the forest floor as he circles.
It takes a moment to look you over almost making sure you are ok before crawling up from between your legs. Out of reflex your thighs clamp shut, stopped as they get blocked by the creatures waist. It makes a rumbling sound akin to a laugh as its eyes narrowed in onto your warm face. Then shifting to your heaving chest.
Your quick run through the woods had left you covered in dirt and leaves as the branches just made sure to snag onto your cloths and tear at them. Making you slightly regret wearing just a button up shirt to bed as now your stuck half nude under this creature.
Using your elbows to dig into the ground you tried to crawl away but that was stopped quickly. A clawed hand rested on top your torso as it effortlessly pinned your back down. Pressing just right to keep you breathing but not fleeing.
it made another sound, happy at your helpless expretion and trembling limbs. It made sure to flash you those pearly white canines before shoving his face into the crook of your neck.
Fear and adrenaline was pumping through your veins, alighting your burning joints as you whimpered out "please dont kill me!" You say, trying not to stammer as a slimy wet tongue rolls up your shoulder to your ear. He only responded with a chuckle before shifting his hands to your waist.
He moved you so easy almost like a little doll as his claws dug into the plush of your belly to yank you down into the lap of his legs. This allowed his aching cock to press right against your soaked panties. You hadn't even noticed the drooling of your cunt till he started rubbing against you. Sending a mix of emotions through your mind as your back arched from the stimulation.
It felt like too much, still panting, though now not because you were out of breath, while your hands gripped at his biceps. A weak attempt at pushing him away as his tongue worked against your skin. Licking over the chilled area before nipping at it with his terrifyingly sharp teeth.
You felt like he could just rip through your skin if not careful, and he could but what's the fun in ripping apart your favorite toy. No he wants to savor your sweet scent and salty skin for longer. He wants to make sure your covered in only his scent before taking you back to be his little stress ball.
And look at you, already being so perfect as you whine out and squirm against his aching cock. Bringing a good burn against his weeping tip from the friction of your panties. Though he was becoming inpatient, slowly loosing control of how hard his nips became as he started to rut against your puffy lips.
A yelp rang from you as a sharp sting followed his last nip, though it was more like a bite to your collarbone as it left a dribble of red blood leading down your chest to your still shirt covered brests. His actions stopped suddenly, those yellow eyes looking up into yours filled with worry till you gave him a slight nod and they went back to being lust filled.
Ducking his head down he savored the coppery tang of your blood. Lapping at it like a dog till your shirt stopped his trail. With a low growl he ripped at the material with his teeth. Shredding the white blood stained fabric as to unwrap his pretty little prey. And what a sight to see after he was done, your shivering little body just trembling as the cold air nips at your skin.
Your peeked nipples begging him to suck on them as the blood trail ended right at the dent of your breast. He dosnt wait to dig in. Quickly ducking his head down he laps at your feverish skin. Collecting all the blood and sweat in a single sweep before littering your areolas with teasing kisses.
He wanted to play with his prey. Really make you squirm to try and run from him as his cock dug into the only thing keeping him from knotting your pussy. It was exhilarating for the both of you as his hands moved. Slightly tugging on the flimsy cotton of your underwear before digging his claw into the side of the fabric.
All the while your whining out, trying to kick at him if it wasnt for his body being pressed so close to yours. And you both know there was nothing you could do with your hands to make him stop. Tugging at the length of fur on top his head only pulled out a deep growl.
So you resorted to clutching at the leaf littered floor. Praying to something that he would stop this suffering as you once again jolted from a rough thrust across your cunt. His tugging at your panties only made them dig into your soaked self, uncomfortable with how they started to rub at sensitive spots.
Finally the fabric ripped against his claw. Slow and tedious but it did leaving yourself fully open for his attacks now. And he did just that, teasing the tip against your hole before thrusting in. Gods was he big. Stretching your walls out so much your legs stopped squirming and just trembled around his waist.
The tapered tip was already pressed snug against your cervix but that didnt stop him from leaning in and pressing fully against you. Sending sparks of pleasure up your spine as your teeth bit down onto your lip. A tiny attempt to keep down the lewd sounds coming from your throat. He likes the challenge though, rolling his hips right before pulling back to start his thrusts.
His pace is deep and fast, making sure to rub right into that spot you like as your little body writhes under his with you quickly becomeing overwhelmed by the friction. In your little fight you had given up holding everything back. Letting your lips fall apart as strings of moans and whines left your lips.
It was hard not to make a sound with his cock kissing right against your spongey wall. And with his tongue working on your neck forcing your body to ragdoll. Perfectly limp in his arms except for the arching of your back and clenching hands around his shoulders.
The rough pinch of his claws against your thin skin and brushing of his fangs against your jugular sent all kinds of pleasure and pain signals through your brain. Instincts screaming to pull away from him and run again but the clamping of your cunt kept your mind a hazed mess barely remembering to breath.
It didnt take him long to get frustrated with this position having the ground not give him enough leverage to properly rut into your hole. He flipped you over making sure to press your face into the dirt with your ass high in the air. A whine of pain came from your lips as your knees dug into the leaf litter.
He turned that whine into a moan as he thrust back into your gummy walls. Really putting his weight into his thrusts while keeping you pinned to the floor. This new position gave you no wiggle room. Only enough space to press your back into his chest as claws pinched at your sensitive nubs.
Your cunt fluttered, the familiar feeling of an orgasm beging to knot up in your belly. It made your moans grumble out in mumbled please as his thrusts became more wild and stuttered. For once he even started to make soft sounds other then the growls. With every clench he whined out, feeling his knot starting to snag on the ring of your cunt making it just so much harder to move.
With one hard push he sheathed his full knot into you, dragging a keen out of your lips as the stretch was almost unbearable. Helping sooth the pain his hands moved, one going to kneed at your tit while the other brushed a knuckle against your swollen clit. His claws could truly hurt the sensitive nub so he rubbed at it gently with his knuckle. Moving in circles trying to draw more tight fluttering from your cunt and pretty little moans from your lips.
With a sharp whine that knot in your belly snapped, causing your body to spasm as a blinding orgasm rolled through. In conjunction he whimpered out too. Your clenching too much for his overstimulated cock causing him to cum, only beginning the prosses of filling your womb with this thick seed. Making sure to properly claim his prey with a deep bite to your shoulder mid spasm.
"you ok, love?" He finally spoke after carefully removing his maw from your skin. His his voice rough from all that growling and holding back. Your equally rough voice mutters out "perfect..." as it was all you could say between panting breaths.
He responded back with a soft chuckle cleaning off the claim bite and making sure to roll the two of you over onto your sides, getting comfortable in the leaves as he blanketed your waist with his arms. "Such a good prey... my pretty little prize..." he praised while pawing at your tummy. Soothing the ache his knot and cum was causing while cleaning up the leftover blood coating your skin.
"My perfect hunter" you muttered back before knocking out from exhaustion.
(Hi! This is Pan! I hope you like my smut XD this is the first fully dont nsfw iv done so ples leave comments and tell me if something sounded off. Anyways have a nice night!)
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mikichko · 1 day
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continuation of caretaker!price cw: afab!reader, nsfw, descriptions of sexual acts, plus-size/size-neutral reader <3 a/n: first smut piece? oh boy...
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when he spots you across the pub he can’t quite believe his luck. most gorgeous thing that’s ever set foot in this lousy excuse of a pub just happens to be sitting in his direct line of sight. if john was a better man he’d have the decency to at least pull out his phone, a newspaper, or even a book to feign some sort of distraction. but he’s old enough now, he’ll leave being coy to the boys still getting their bearings.
he stares, openly and unabashedly at you, drinking in every feature of you he can.
you’re tired, exhausted even. can tell by the drop of your shoulders, the tired edges of your eyes, and the constant rubbing of your temples as you try to flag down the bartender for a drink. he’d write this off as a one-off, maybe a bad night of sleep, if john wasn’t so familiar with what a body looks like when you push it to a state of near exhaustion. he sees the signs, sees the lack of a ring on a finger, more than willing to bet there’s no one waiting for you at home. 
it makes him ill. to think that a pretty thing like you is carrying around such a heaviness without someone to help them. he takes a sip of his beer, letting the liquid coat his tongue completely as he thinks. there’s really no reason that has to continue, right? he downs more of his drink, adding to the alcohol already in his system.
what kind of man would he be to let a sweet thing like you continue to endure life like this? no. you need a good man, a strong man, to keep your hands soft. to care for you and lift the burden off of you. there’s nothing john would like more than to have you unravel beneath him with the knowledge that he’s the one whose eased your worries so much you grant him this. to have you so pliant below him, the lines of your body soft and stress free thanks to what he gives you.
what john doesn’t expect is to learn that he doesn’t need to die to see heaven. not when heaven lives between your thighs. he’s baptized by the nectar that drips from you. lets it coat his lips, nose, and chin as he devours you whole. tries to consume you like a dying man would his last meal. relishes your taste with long languid stripes where you open so sweetly for him. swirls his tongue around your entrance, loves the feel of you clenching around nothing, needy and longing for him. he flattens his tongue, licking upwards until he meets your pearl and twists his tongue around it. polishes it like a revered treasure. can’t help the groan that escapes him as your hands curl into his hair, pulling him to you. as if he would ever be willingly removed from between your legs. he’s here to worship, at the altar of your desire, devotedly kissing, caressing, and licking until you melt away for him. the soft plush of your thighs warming his ears as you clench around him, waves of pleasure rolling through your body. he doesn’t let up, even after your peak, savoring the taste of your sweet release.
but you’re not pliant, not like he wants you to be. your body still carries some semblance of stress, one that john is more than happy to dissolve for you.
he has you on your knees next. laid bare and open, presenting yourself only to him. he thanks whatever god exists for blessing him with such a beauty. for forgiving all of his crimes, placing such a treasure right within his grasp. you’re meant to be enjoyed, unraveled at a leisurely pace, one that john maintains by a thread. it takes all restraint he has not to sink into you, focusing instead on the feeling of your wet folds around him. it’s heavenly, the way your lips part for him. how he slides so easily between them, the tip of him kissing your sensitive bud, pulling beautiful cries from you. he does it over and over and over again, already drunk on the feeling of you, pulling more delicious sounds from you. he wonders what other pretty noises you’ll make. maybe you’ll beg.
you’re nearly there, pushing yourself back on him, trying to catch him, ensnare him before you’re even ready. “easy love,” the deep baritone of his voice makes you shiver. you whine as your body flushes with heat, the tip of john catching at your entrance. you keen as john pushes the head in, just til the underside is sheathed before he pulls himself back. bastard that he is, he continues to slick himself up between your lips.
you’re so whiny, begging him for more, that you can take him. so sweet, pleading with him to give you more, that you want him so bad. it takes every bit of strength john has not to sink balls deep into you then. to restrain himself from grabbing your plush hips and pulling back until you’re flush against his tummy. until you can feel him in yours. he uses every ounce of military training to stand strong. “told you to take it easy love. you’re not ready yet.”
he doesn’t last long. john thinks you could break the most hardened, well-trained men if they simply had you the way he has you now. open and wanting, with such a needy look thrown back at him john thinks he’ll cum right there on the spot. like a fucking teenager. he caves, dipping his tip back into the entrance. you groan simultaneously, the intrusion, the heat, it’s so much. clenching around him, he groans, nearly falls over you. 
he dips in and out a handful more times, stretching you out for what’s to come, before he finally sinks himself slowly into you. pulsing when he bottoms out. john sucks a breath through clenched teeth, losing his mind for a second as he grinds himself into you. there’s no better feeling in the world than this. than having you clenched around him, warm and wet, a perfect fit just for him. he carves a space for himself in you, rolling his hips into you, spreading your knees further apart to drive as far into you as he can. he wants to reach as much of you as possible, leave his mark on as much of you as he can reach. 
“fuck love, were made for me, yeah?” he rolls his hips into you, a moan the only response you’re able to muster. he’s a devil, draping himself over your back as he fucks you. presses soft kisses into your shoulder to compliment the bruising pace of his hips. a pace that leaves you drooling, eyes glassy, as you grip the sheets and cry out with every stroke. 
fucking hell, men would kill for cunt like this. he’d kill for this cunt. knows now that he won’t ever leave. understands that his rightful place is here, between these beautiful legs.
tells you as much as he pants next to your ear. swirls his fingers around your clit begging you to come for him. to bless him with your release, reward him with the delicious feeling of the vice grip around his cock. it’s all deliciously timed, your body jerks just as john sinks his teeth into your shoulder. your eyes roll back and you squeeze john so deliciously he’s reminded of the nights he savagely fisted his cock.
this time it’s your walls that milk him. clenching and pulsing around him coaxing as much of his seed as he’s able to give. he’d give it all to you if he could, drain himself in you every moment possible. his to fill, his to fuck, his to love. he’s thankful, as much as one can be, for the thin latex barrier that surrounds him. riding out his orgasm inside of you, groaning uncontrollably at the heat that surrounds him. for a moment, he can pretend his seed is spent inside you. painted your walls in milky white, marking you as his own. 
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I know it's a silly little YouTube show for fun. And not everything will have a satisfying conclusion. Its meant to run forever afterall.
But I am immeasurably disappointed by how this arc is going.
This is EXACTLY THE REASON we are in this Mess now.
Moon admitted since he talked to the old self he's losing touch with reality. He doesn't even know if Sun that just talked to him or if it was another hallucination.
He wouldn't even know if the real Solar walked in front of him if he'd be real or not.
How is the COMPUTER more helpful at handling Moon then his own brother?
Moon even said if no one wants Solar back, he will stop. But he will still kill Ruin, who is an active threat to the family. Sun still said no.
Moon talking about disappearing.... Either he'll go to another dimension and take the place of another Moon. Or he'll straight up just kill himself once Solar comes back with open arms to a happy family.
Sun ordering physical torture until Moon falls unconscious if he ever tries star power to escape. (When he could easily turn him off.)
Yes. He will likely do them. But Moon so far has just said hurtful things and be in a psychotic break.
Look, this is how I see it. New Moon woke up. He was born. And told by everyone his whole life who he was meant to be. He felt he was responsible for everything and everybody. No one corrected Moon on this role. Moon experiences Grief and heartbreak for the first time because Solar was the only one who saw him as him.
He is then disowned by his family during a state of psychosis.... Teaching him that he's cursed and will never be loved or accepted by anyone ..
CONFIRMING his fears that he has felt subconsciously for a long time about not being good enough....
Moon is the youngest that was born into a broken family that he constantly had to fix from the moment he woke up. Which is why he feels like this now. Did he say hurtful things... Yes. But Sun even not letting him give up on getting Solar back and killing Ruin anyway.... He's not allowed to do either. Whatever Actions Moon takes. He'll be hated and unloved.
Sun and Earth are worried Moon will do things that he will regret or can't take back.
They're being huge hypocrites.
Sun disowning Moon he can never take back.
Even if they eventually make up. (Unless it becomes the Sun and co show)
When Moon snaps out of his psychosis... Moon might not remember, but he will always know.
He will always know the feeling that he was abandoned and unloved and his siblings never loved or understood him. Only the image of what they wanted him to be.
That's just something that can't be taken back.
Moon is being treated like Eclipse.
And I desperately want the real Solar (not a hallucination) to be the one to stand by Moon.
Moon isn't worse then Solar's Moon.
And Solar tried to help his Moon for YEARS before he had to kill him as a last resort.
Solar was the only one to see New Moon as he was. Not a preconceived notion of what he could be and guide him out of bad thoughts Moons tend to spiral into.
Now, with how quickly Sun and Earth abandoned Moon. Makes me wonder if they ever saw or loved him at all. The same Moon that made Earth her body and the same Moon who comforted Sun after his Bloodmoon hallucinations.
Earth and Sun aren't responsible for fixing Moon. But what was it that Solar said??
"Well, the most you can do for family going through a rough time is just be there."
So yeah. I hate how this is going.
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daechwitatamic · 2 days
Vice;Grip || chapter 4 || chs
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(banner by @itaeewon)
Vice;Grip (masterpost) NSFW - minors DNI Genre: angst smut fluff, fuckbuddies!au Summary: Make it not hurt, you could have asked him. Or, at least, make it hurt in a way I choose.  A/N: infinite thank you's to @sailoryooons and @eoieopda for beta-ing!!
Warnings: Frequent depictions of depression, depressive episodes, panic attacks, and substance abuse (alcohol, weed, and pills referenced). PLEASE know that these characters’ relationships with drugs and alcohol are not healthy and should not be emulated. If these topics are triggering to you, please consider sitting this one out.
Section Specific Warnings: language, recreational drinking, depiction of a panic attack, there is a quick moment where you can infer that reader thinks vernon might be actively su*cidal but that is not the case and this is not outright stated, nip stim, dirty talk, piv sex, reader has a high fever but no specific illness is mentioned, a (verbal) fight with some yelling
wc: 6700
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Playlist: you can call me in the middle of the night / you can leave before i wake up in the morning / and it could feel so wrong / but i'll still hold on
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5 months ago
Five texts went unanswered.
I’m sorry.
I was so fucked up, I wasn’t saying what I meant.
Call me so I can explain.
I’m really sorry.
Please, Vernon.
Each time, they delivered, but no response came. You thought you might feel better if he told you to go away. The silence felt too open, like nothing was settled. Like maybe you just hadn’t said the right thing yet. Like maybe you could - or should - keep trying.
Four weeks passed; you tried not to let it drown you, tried to tread above the rising water of the situation. You swam through guilt, your own anger, guilt again. The knowledge of what had upset him nibbled at your toes like fish you couldn’t see in the murky depths. You tried to pretend it wasn’t there, that it was only seaweed underfoot.
You tried to reason with yourself; you hadn’t done anything that bad. He’d been upset because you’d implied he’d get bored of you someday - even though of course he would - and he thought… you didn’t know, he thought that was an attack on his character?
(You knew that wasn’t why he was mad.)
Or, because you’d implied that he would leave, when you were the one who’d gone silent before? That was valid, you thought. You had been the one to make him chase, when your grey days swallowed you up.
(You knew that wasn’t the whole truth, either.)
You kicked at the fish, kept swimming on.
Three times, you found yourself on the brink of coming clean to Chan. The first time, it had almost escaped from your mouth, prompted by nothing but your own need to hear someone absolve you; you wanted to tell Chan I think I hurt him, so he could say, it doesn’t sound like it’s your fault.
Chan didn’t lie to you, though, even when you wanted him to. He wouldn’t tell you it wasn’t your fault, because it was. So, you tucked the words back in, zipped them up safely.
The next time, he’d asked - “You still… with that guy?” He’d made a vague hand motion that must have meant still seeing, or still sleeping with.
I messed it up again.
I think I liked him too much.
“It’s been like a month,” you said lightly, like it was no big deal. “We’ve been busy.”
His sideways look was scalding. Chan didn’t lie to you; Chan was used to you lying to him, knew all the signs.
He let it go anyway.
Maybe he knew those signs, too. Maybe he knew without you telling him that you’d let the bunny rabbit instincts win - that you’d hid, scared, the second your fragile, broken brain told you to.
The third time, you almost told him all of it, even that it was Vernon. Chan was having dinner at your apartment, helping you clean up after, when his phone buzzed on the table.
“Hey, hyung,” he’d answered, tilting his head to grip the phone between his ear and his shoulder as he ran water in the sink and started rinsing the plates. “Yeah, I’m in. I don’t know, probably in like twenty minutes? Fifteen if I make all the green lights.”
You listened absently as you picked up the rest of the table - napkins in the trash, utensils tight in one hand, now-empty wine glasses in the other.
“Oh,” Chan said, surprised. “Vernon, too? Nice. Should I stop for beer since there’ll be more of us?”
You dropped a wine glass. Chan helped you sweep, and then you ran the vacuum cleaner. Still, you kept finding errant pieces of glass for days. You carried them carefully to the garbage.
It felt fitting, that hearing his name had caused this.
Twice, you called and left voicemails.
Two days after the argument, you’d called on your lunch break. It had rang six times and then his voicemail picked up.
“Vernon… listen, I know I pissed you off. I’d really like the chance to explain myself when I’m not… you know. I didn’t say it how I meant it. Text me. Or call me, whichever.”
After the four weeks crept by and the rest of your texts went unanswered as well, you tried again.
It took almost a whole bottle of wine by yourself to work up the courage, and you hoped he wouldn’t hear the slur in your voice when you told him, “I don’t know why I’m even calling. It’s been a month. I hate that this is just… unresolved. I hate making people mad. I want to know that you know I’m sorry. I want to know that… well. I just… wish we were talking again. I don’t… I don’t know why I’m calling.”
You sat at the stool by your easel for the first time in years, tested your balance, tucked one foot underneath the way you used to. Your hands shook a little as you mixed a purple so dark it was probably actually just black. You covered the canvas, the color of nine at night in the summertime, and stared at it, watching it dry.
When you could, you switched brushes, used a rounder texture to form something that might pass as clouds along the mottled sky. Then, you painted a full moon; it cracked like an egg.
You liked this, you followed the idea, paintbrush hurrying to chase the inspiration, whites and yellows coloring in whatever it was that might leak from the moon like marrow.
The bottom half of the canvas became a moving, living ocean; the blues were eight at night in the summertime but they looked good together with the hour after. You finished with the moon’s reflective path, a jagged yellow streak that dipped and bobbed through the waves.
You walked to the bathroom and washed your brushes, leaving them somewhere to dry where the cat couldn’t mess with them. Then you went back to the canvas, staring at it from a few feet away, your hands on your hips.
You’d done it - you’d painted something you didn’t want to burn.
One painting, one tiny step back towards the life you’d lost - that you’d let yourself lose, that you’d definitively pushed away.
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4 months ago
It rained for three days. You lit lamps during the day, suddenly craved soups even though it was the height of spring and the weather had been consistently warm for weeks. The rain just called for it.
It called for you to sleep, too, luring you into bed with a steady patter against the windows. You slept early, and deeply, the cat curled up near your head. The rain beat against the windows like a metronome, helped your heart rate steady, helped your thoughts slow and settle.
You slept deeply, the sounds of the rain pulling you under, and when you were startled awake a few hours in, it was with no concept of where or who you were.
Your phone was still vibrating, jarring; you scrambled to grab it from the nightstand and the cat scrambled out of the room.
Your mom, you thought wildly. Or Chan.
What else could it be, but an emergency? No one else called at three in the morning. Someone used to, but only on the weekend, and that person hadn’t answered you in over a month.
“H’lo?” you mumbled, eyes too blurry to see the screen. You closed them, pressed the phone tighter to your ear to hear better.
No one spoke, but you could hear breathing - ragged and unsteady.
“Hello?” you repeated, more clearly, starting to wake up a bit, starting to worry. You rubbed at your eyes, then pulled the phone away so you could see the name on the screen.
Of course it was him.
“Vernon?” you asked, like you didn’t believe the word on the screen, but you were met with only silence - even his breathing went quiet for a second, like hearing his name had caused him to hold it. Like he suddenly wasn’t sure he wanted you to know he was there.
You said his name again, like a question, and it sounded like maybe he tried to speak but the noise - choked and quick - faded quickly. Your heart started to race, and certainty settled into your bones: something was wrong.
“Hey,” you said, a little sharply, like maybe he needed to snap out of it. “Are you okay?”
Finally, a word. “Dunno,” he managed, his voice thick.
“I’m coming there,” you said, already throwing the blankets off your legs and staggering to your closet to pull at some sweatpants. “Don’t leave, okay?”
“No,” he protested, but the way he gasped the breath after it cemented what you already knew - he needed you.
Or, he needed someone, and you were someone, and you would have to do.
“I’m on my way. Stay there, okay? Wait for me.” You were hopping on one foot as you said this, pulling clothes and shoes on, frantically reaching around in the dark for things like deodorant and car keys.
When he didn’t answer, you stopped moving, stopped trying to find your things. When you spoke again, your voice came out softer, a gentle plea instead of sharp instruction. “Hansol,” you said, quiet. “Wait for me. Okay?”
He ended the call without promising.
You stayed tucked into the building’s doorframe until you saw the Uber pull up; the rain was coming down in sheets, and you had to run to the car, splashing through still water until you could slide into the backseat. Your feet were soaked.
You spent the first five minutes of the ride wiping rain out of your eyes and trying to wring out the ends of your sleeves; the fabric clung to your hands, wet and cold. Outside the car, the rain water ran down the windows and the windshield wipers ran on the fastest setting.
im on my way, okay?
[ ]
vernon you’re scaring me
When the car pulled to a stop, you jumped out as soon as it was safe, bolting through the rain a second time and letting yourself into the building with the code you knew by heart. You took the stairs two at a time, heart flying. You were at once both scared to death of what you’d find when you got there, and refusing to put the specific fear to words, refusing to consider that it could be an option.
“Where are you?” you called, as soon as you got his door open. The apartment was mostly unlit, but for the light above the sink, and a dim light from the direction of his bedroom. “Vernon?”
You were met with silence and you almost choked on your heart as it climbed up your throat. You slipped off your shoes and made your way inside, heading for his bedroom.
You almost threw up with relief when you found him sitting on the edge of his bed, his head in his hands. The light you saw came from his bathroom - the door was closed almost completely, but light spilled out through the crack.
“What’s wrong, what’s happening?” you asked, inching closer. His hands were clenched into fists and bent back at an angle, veins raised along his tensed forearms. His breath went in raspy and came out in huffs, too quick to be productive.
You were pretty sure you knew what this was. You knelt in front of him, ran your hands over his tensed-up arms once, and then nudged under his chin gently with your forefinger, urging him to lift up and look at you.
He let you, his eyes faraway.
“Panic attack?” you guessed quietly. He nodded once, trying to tuck his chin back down, to look away and hide from the shame of this moment being witnessed - being recognized.
“If I put on my breathing app, will you do it?” you asked.
The sound he made was almost like a laugh. “I’ll try,” he muttered.
You opened your phone and set the app up, placing it on the bed beside him, the light from the screen tinting him pink. You heard the familiar, soothing voice begin to recite the directions, and you rocked back on your heels.
“I’m going to your kitchen real quick,” you told him, putting your hands on his knees to push yourself to standing. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll do the breathing with you in a sec.”
You shivered once as you stood with his fridge open; you’d been in his kitchen plenty of times, but never really perused on your own. Your gaze moved over beer and energy drinks, finally landing on juice. You slapped the bottle on the counter and rummaged in the closest cabinets until you found a glass.
Returning to his bedroom, you could hear your breathing app intoning hold… two… three… four… exhale slowly… two… three… four. It was hard to tell if Vernon was following - his head was still tucked, but his hands clenched and unclenched, like he was trying to return circulation after they’d fallen asleep.
You waited patiently until the breathing cycle ended, then nudged the glass into his hand. When he took it, you sat gently next to him, watching silently until he drank some.
“Where are you at?” you asked, and then started to explain what you meant.
Vernon interrupted; he’d understood the first time.
He usually did.
“Better,” he said, then added, “Not, like, better. But, better. Still buzzing.”
You knew the feeling - you tended to get buzzing in your legs first, then hands, and then it would crawl up your arms and into your chest if you didn’t shake it. When the attack receded, you usually felt it leave your chest first and then work its way slowly back down your arms.
“What usually helps?” you asked. “Is the breathing cycle better, or grounding?”
“Grounding, probably,” he said.
“Start by drinking some juice,” you instructed. “Then, can you tell me five things you see?”
“It’s dark,” he grumbled, but he brought the glass to his lips as requested. You rolled your eyes at his sass and walked over to turn on the lamp he kept on his desk. It cast the room in yellow, all the raindrops on the window suddenly catching the light.
“Now do it,” you said, coming back to sit by him again.
You heard him take a breath. He was better already - hands unclenched now, breathing still a bit quick but not raspy or gasped. “It feels silly to do out loud.”
“I’ll do it, too,” you said. “I see your laptop, your lamp, your cell phone, your dresser, and your very old and embarrassing Blink-182 poster. Literally, Vernon, is it 2003?”
He laughed, closing his eyes. “I can’t believe you’re roasting me right now,” he said, voice still a little thin and breathy.
“Five things you see,” you reminded him firmly.
He huffed in mild irritation. “Hamper,” he recited, finally. “Shoes. Empty Red Bull can.”
You laughed.
“Cologne bottle,” he finished, then looked up at you. “Girl who came out at three in the morning, in the rain, after a month of not speaking, because she was worried about me.”
You spluttered. “I was not.”
He knocked his shoulder into yours playfully. “I have it in writing.”
You let out an indignant breath. “I should have let you suffer alone,” you muttered.
“I’m glad you didn’t,” he admitted, then dutifully drank some more juice.
“Okay,” you said, remembering what you were doing. “Four things you can hear.”
He sighed. “Bossy girl,” he listed, and you whacked at his knee. “Rain. Aircon. Traffic outside.”
You finished the exercise together.
“Now how is it?” you asked, reaching to take his empty glass.
He flexed his hands in front of him. “Buzzing’s down to my hands,” he reported. “Think I’m past the worst.”
“How do you feel, otherwise?”
He grimaced. “Exhausted, honestly.”
You looked at the clock - it was after 4:30 in the morning, almost time for sunrise to begin.
“You should try and sleep more,” you said, starting to rise.
“Stay?” he asked, and you thought you heard a note of, well, panic in it. Like he was scared to be alone again.
Something inside you screamed and beat its fists against your insides, furious and terrified as it felt you melt into goo at his request. Something inside you knew that you were walking into a building on fire. But there was no way you’d stay outside, not now, not if he was in there.
“Of course,” you said, as if it was obvious, as if you stayed over all the time - as if this weren’t, in fact, a first.
He seemed to take in your appearance for the first time, the still-drying patches on your clothes, the goosebumps on your damp skin. “You’re cold,” he said, frowning, like you should have led with that as soon as you came in, handled your needs first.
“I’m okay,” you denied, but he rolled his eyes and leaned over the other side of his bed, coming up with a rumpled black hoodie.
“I promise it’s clean,” he said, a little sheepishly, and you pulled off your damp tshirt and tugged the hoodie over your head, instantly warmer and surrounded by his smell. He left for the bathroom, and when you heard the sink run and the telltale buzzing from his electric toothbrush, you got up and turned his lamp back off. When he emerged, you were under the blankets, huddled warm and cozy inside his hoodie.
When he climbed into bed, you draped yourself over him, a leg over his legs, an arm over his torso, your face pressing against his t-shirt. He wrapped his arms around your shoulders, pulling you in, and you lay in silence for a while, listening to the rain, awash in relief that he was okay - that you two were okay, that he’d let you back in even after you’d fucked it up.
Just as you were starting to drift a little, you felt his chest move under you, and he said, quietly, “I’m sorry for making you come out in the storm. In the middle of the night, too.”
“Don’t,” you said, shaking your head but not lifting it up to look at him. Your words carried out into the dark of the room. “You can call me. You can call me when you need me. I don’t care if it’s late. I don’t care if it’s… a hurricane, or whatever.”
It was too honest. It was too close to the truth. You shivered in the dark again, and you felt him hold you tighter for a second, as if to chase the chill away.
He let the moment go, didn’t chase it down and shine a light on it. But you know he heard you - you think, probably, he heard the whole thing, all the parts you didn’t say.
You waited in silence again, let the moment go, let the rain wash this away, too. Then, you ventured, “I’m sorry for what I said to you, last month. Really.”
You felt him nod above you. “I know. It’s… it’s okay.”
Is it? you wondered. But you didn’t push it - because you were scared that his forgiveness was fragile and might shatter if pressed, because you’d already admitted something you weren’t sure you’d meant to tonight, because saying anything seemed wrong while you were between his arms with the rain serenading you both from outside.
You drifted off; you woke up with his hands on your skin beneath his hoodie. You sighed, eyes still closed, as he refamiliarized himself with your body. You breathed in deeply when his fingers brushed up your stomach and found your breasts, teased over your nipples so lightly that it almost tickled, made you shudder in place.
You felt his lips at the nape of your neck, and that made you shiver, too. He pressed kisses along the tops of your shoulder as he teased one peak and then the other, finally giving in to your tiny, needy noises and rolling both buds between firm fingers. You moaned, long, feeling it pulled from deep within you until he let go, soothing over the spots with warm palms.
“Missed that sound,” he murmured against your back, and you pressed back against him desperately, suddenly sure that if he wasn’t inside you this instant you would completely lose it. You reached backwards, grabbing at his hips, trying to pull him closer.
“Need you,” you whined, hating it but knowing it was true anyway, the need larger than the embarrassment. You could feel him pressing against your ass, too many layers between you, and you shifted against him, hoping to spur him into action.
He hummed, pleased, and slid a clever hand back down over your stomach and past the waistbands of your sweats and panties, groaning low in his throat when he found arousal pooling between your legs. He barely bothered to work you open, likely feeling the same desperation you were after the time apart. You felt him shimmy out of his shorts, then his hands back on your skin as he peeled away your bottoms as well.
You kicked them off of your ankles and inhaled as you felt him slide along your slit, teasing at your entrance. He kept one hand up your hoodie, pressed against your chest to hold you tight against him, as he pushed into your heat one inch at a time. You heard yourself make a sound you couldn’t name, somewhere close to a whine, as you felt each bit of him rub against your walls as they struggled to adjust.
“Fuck,” he breathed, mouth close to your neck. “Tighter than I remember.”
He bottomed out and stilled, that one hand still holding you tight against his body. You closed your eyes and felt the moment: his heart beating against your back, your own pulse thundering through your limbs, your pussy pulsing around him as it adjusted and fluttered, his breath warm and steady on your skin, his hands soothing and grounding as they held you tight, the rain still falling steadily outside. You stayed still, eyes closed, as he caressed your hips, your lower belly, your thighs, as he pressed chaste and feather-light kisses along your shoulder.
Finally, he shifted, fucking into you in small movements, barely withdrawing at all before tilting his hips to push back in. You rocked back against him, silently begging for more.
He pulled out almost completely, and then slid back in; the sound you let out bordered on a sob, your nerves alight and sizzling as he began repeating the motion, each stroke slow and long, unhurried, burying himself as completely as he could. You floated like this, completely enveloped by him, still wearing his hoodie, as he took his time with you, until you couldn’t bear it anymore.
“More, Vernon,” you begged, “please.”
“As you wish,” he teased, and used his knee to move yours, bending your leg and hooking it up around his to open you up more, to give himself more room as he set a quicker, steady pace. Relieved, you matched his strokes, half-tempted to roll over so you could kiss him, but not wanting to lose even a second of the delicious feeling of him stretching you, of the friction that made your eyes want to roll back and your toes curl up.
It took you completely by surprise when he began pistoning into you, holding you in place by your waist, and a gasp flew from your mouth, morphing into a series of moans and cries as his hips battered at yours. Even more so when he grabbed at your thigh and tugged, rolling you onto your back and readjusting himself over you, slipping right back in as you wrapped your legs around him and tried to pull him closer.
His pace slowed only marginally as he grabbed at your hands and raised them above your head. Bent close over you, you finally got what you’d wanted the whole time - his lips finally found yours and you kissed hungrily as he fucked you deep. Above your head, you felt your fingers curl against his, lacing together. You squeezed his fingers tight when you came, his name slipping from your lips as your legs shook and your world went white. Vernon came with a cry, eyes squeezed shut and teeth clenched as he emptied himself in your still-pulsing heat, and then collapsed next to you, both of you panting.
“Shower?” he asked, when he’d caught his breath.
You tilted your phone so you could see the time. “I should probably just go home,” you admitted. “I have work.” This realization hit you - you’d gotten maybe four and a half hours of sleep, and not even all at once. Thank god it was Friday and you only had one day to struggle through.
He nodded, understanding. After you dressed, he wandered after you like a shadow. “You around tomorrow night?” he asked, and you could hear the effort to sound off-handed.
“Yeah,” you said, eyes flicking to his for a second. “Yeah, I’ll be around.”
When your ride pulled up and you stepped outside, you shielded your eyes from how bright everything was in the early morning light after days of gloom and clouds. Around you, everything glistened and sparkled, still wet from the days of incessant rain, as if everything you could see had been washed clean.
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3 months ago
hi :]
what’s wrong with your face?
are you insulting my smiley?
again i ask you: is it 2003?
im gonna ignore that. come over?
can’t, sorry. i’m sick
whats wrong with u?
should i start listing?
ha ha. girl stuff?
lmao i mean if its not that i figured youd just tell me whats wrong
i have a fever, you ass
It was true - you’d carried your comforter from your bed to your couch that morning and had barely moved since. The cat was on top of your legs and you didn’t have the strength or energy to move him. Through the day, your fever had risen; you hadn’t helped things by refusing to get up, which meant you were probably dehydrated. As Vernon texted you, you took mental inventory of how badly everything on your body hurt - your limbs, your hips, everything ached. The pain in your head was sharp and bloody, and you felt like you were sweltering even though your feet were ice cold.
You felt too miserable to even watch a show; instead, you looked around your living room absently. You were pretty sure you were seeing colors off to the side, hazy swatches of red and blue.
Well, you thought dryly, that’s not good.
Then, your hallucinations took form, because the couch was dipping under you and someone was placing a cool hand against your head. You closed your eyes, leaning into the touch just because the coolness felt nice.
“You need to drink something,” someone told you.
“I had the lemonade,” you said.
There was a pause. “I don’t… think there’s lemonade here. Hey - wake up and look at me.”
You blinked, and looked towards the voice. The world’s most beautiful man looked down at you, frowning.
“Wow,” you heard yourself. “You’re so handsome. What are you here for?”
He laughed. “I’m here to take care of you,” he said. “I’m bringing you water, okay?”
You frowned. “I don’t want water. My throat hurts. I want juice.”
There was another pause, and then the voice came again, from further away. “I’ll bring you juice, but you need to drink water now.”
Then he was back, snapping in front of your face. “Hey, look at me again. This is serious. Have you taken any medicine? I don’t want to give you double of something and overdose you.”
“I don’t think I’ve left the couch today,” you told him honestly.
“Okay,” he said, and you didn’t remember him moving or leaving but he was somehow pressing pills into your hand, waiting for you to place them on your tongue before handing you a plastic cup full of water.
“Drink all of it,” he instructed.
“You’re too pretty to be so bossy,” you grumbled around the mouthful of pills.
He waited until you drained the cup. “I’m going to go to the store,” he told you. “Can you think of anything else you need besides juice?”
You didn’t remember if you answered him, or even him leaving. You think you slept. When you woke, someone was rummaging around your kitchen.
“Chan?” you called, blearily.
Instead, Vernon poked his head around the corner of your kitchen, a grocery store bag hanging off his arm.
“Hey,” he said. “How do you feel?”
You blinked at him. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but what the fuck are you doing here?”
His smile widened. “Your fever must be down a little. You need anything? You still want juice?”
You just stared at him, bewildered. He finished putting away a few more things and then came back out to you, pressing a hand to your forehead.
“Definitely lower,” he said. “Do you have an actual thermometer? I couldn’t find it.”
“Yeah,” you said, still confused. “In my bathroom. Vernon, seriously, what’s going on?”
“Come on,” he said. “You should shower and put on clean pajamas and then maybe try to eat some of the soup I got.”
You shook your head. “I don’t think I can shower,” you admitted. “I don’t think I can stand up that long.”
He held out his hand. “I’ve got you. Just a quick rinse.”
He helped you off the couch and into the bathroom, where you sat on the closed toilet while he started the water and got it running warm, but not hot. You kept silent as he helped you undress, as he held your hand while you gingerly stepped over the bathtub’s lip, your legs aching.
“You okay?” he checked, once you were behind the shower curtain.
“Okay. I’m going in your room to get you clean clothes to put on.”
“I’m right outside. If you feel weird, just call me.”
You did okay, though, washing up and turning the water off on your own, reaching for the towel you kept on a hook. He came in when he heard the water change, and helped you dry off, his hands firm and his gaze gentle. Then he led you back to your bed, guiding you under the blankets.
“Do you think you could eat some soup?” he asked. “I bet you didn’t eat all day.”
You scrunched your nose. “You don’t have to cook for me.”
He shrugged. “It’s pre-made. I’ll heat some up.”
You tried to eat as much of the soup as you could, and then floated absently as Vernon cleaned up.
“Hey,” you said, struggling to sit up. “I don’t think I fed the cat tonight.”
“Tell me what to do,” he said, pushing on your shoulder to keep you from climbing out of bed.
“You can’t just- he’s particular - there’s a process -”
“Tell me the process, then,” Vernon said firmly.
Later, after he’d turned out all the lights, he came to the side of the bed and checked your temperature again - this time with your actual thermometer.
“I’m waking you up in three hours to take another fever-reducer,” he warned you, walking to set the thermometer down on your dresser.
“Okay,” you said, too tired to argue. You were already half-asleep as it was - you had no idea what time it was.
You barely registered it when he climbed into the bed next to you, just rolled over and buried your face in his chest, one arm reaching around his middle, already back under.
His alarm startled you both. You felt him pull away - you were sleeping in the same position, neither of you had moved - and then the alarm fell quiet.
“Medicine,” he said, starting to extract himself. You whined; you were comfy, and warm, and didn’t want him to leave.
“Don’t,” you whined. “Don’t leave.”
He laughed a little, a quiet huff of amusement. “I’m just going to the kitchen. Then I’ll be back.”
He watched you take another round of pills and drink half the water, leaving the glass on your nightstand. Then, as promised, he got right back in bed.
When you woke again, your bed was empty. And, impossibly, you felt both relief and disappointment. Then, from the living room, you heard a clatter and then a curse.
“Vernon?” you called.
Your bedroom door cracked open. Like a flash of lightning, the cat streaked into the room and under the bed.
“Sorry,” Vernon said from the doorway. “He was pissed that I wouldn’t let him in there with you. I wanted you to sleep. He was mutinying.”
You smiled despite yourself. “You didn’t go home?”
“Wanted to see how you were before I left,” he said. “You sound better. You look better, too - I mean, you looked really off yesterday. It was kind of scary.”
“I think I’m okay,” you said. “Okay enough that I can keep my fever down by myself. I shouldn’t have let it get that high yesterday, I should have stayed on top of it.”
He looked at you for a long time. Then, he clapped his hand against your doorframe, as if he’d made a decision. “Okay. I’ll go home, I guess. Just… let me know if it gets bad, okay? And eat something. I bought stuff for you yesterday - it’s all in the kitchen.”
“Thanks for doing that,” you said, a little sheepishly.
“It was nothing,” he promised.
After he left, you stayed in the bed, rolling onto your side so you could smell the blankets where he’d slept. It helped you feel safer, like you weren’t actually alone.
It occurred to you that you’d spent the night together twice in a row, now. The rules were breaking - the rules were changing.
Your head pounded, and so did your heart. Nothing had ever been this frightening in your life, you thought.
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2 months ago
Vernon saw you as sunshine - not like it was your demeanor, because that wasn’t true. More like - something he needed without realizing he needed it, something he realized he needed only in its absence. Something that made things better and brighter, something that could sometimes be too bright. Something that made the grey days feel greyer in a can you understand happiness if you never feel sadness kind of way.
He tipped your head back to kiss you, caught your bottom lip between his teeth, rolled his hips into yours, watched your hands clench into fists in his sheets.
He forgot himself a little; or maybe he just gave in to something he’d been holding back for months - maybe even a year. Something cracked, marrow slipped out of him, sluiced into the rocky ocean below.
After, he held you close, whispered, “Don’t go home. Stay. Jagi, stay here.”
And, he had to give you credit - you were at least honest. You at least told him your truth, in your own way.
“I can’t,” you said, and he knew you, knew how you meant it. He didn’t argue or call you back when you dressed, when you left again, just how you’d done things almost every time over the last two years.
He couldn’t do this anymore. He couldn’t want you, maybe even love you, and only have parts of you. It was too hard, it wasn’t fair. Two years, and he had nothing to show for it. Maybe he’d find someone, if he wasn’t spinning his wheels with you.
He saw you like sunshine. Something that was missed when it was gone. Something that couldn’t be forced to stay, something that didn’t come when it was called.
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1 month ago
You could tell that something was different. You’d been around Vernon plenty when he was low - this was different.
“You’re being weird tonight,” you observed.
His eyes cut sideways at you. He’d never looked at you like that - this was another clue. Then his face went flat again.
“I’m not,” he said, and you frowned.
“You are,” you insisted. “What’s going on? What’s the problem?”
“There’s no problem,” he said, tone hollow.
“I’m not playing this game with you, Vernon!” you said, temper flaring. “If there’s a problem, you’re going to have to use your words and tell me.”
“I said there’s no problem,” he repeated, cool and even. Something inside you snapped tight, painful. You could feel it all coming to a boil right before your eyes - the way the boundaries had been shifting, the way he’d called you jagi, the way he’d looked when you’d walked away. It terrified you, made you want to show your claws, and it was infuriating that he was icing you out when you were ready to draw blood.
“Vernon!” you cried. “I cannot deal with this little apathy game anymore! I need you to engage here. I need you to care about something, and not just give me this expressionless, emotionless -”
“Care about something?” he thundered, wheeling on you. It startled you into silence. “That’s bullshit. Because I have been caring about you way more than I should, for ages now, and look what fucking good it’s done for me.”
Stunned, you blinked at him. Your heart pounded painfully, and your thoughts felt staticky and unclear. You needed to get away from him; you needed to process this in silence.
Finally, you spoke, your voice coming out tiny. “I’m going home.”
Vernon rolled his eyes, slapped his hand down to grab at his phone. “I’ll take you.”
You shook your head. “I don’t want you to.”
He ignored this, picking up his keys. “I said I’ll take you. It’s fine.”
You shouldn’t have followed him to the car. You shouldn’t have assumed he’d be mad for a few weeks and then get over it again, just like you two had done more than once now.
He drove you in silence, his face coming in fragmented pieces as he passed under streetlights. You were watching him, silently, when he finally spoke again.
“I don’t want to do this anymore,” he said, still perfectly even.
Tears sprang to your eyes before you’d even processed the sentence, something inside you reacting before your brain really knew what you were reacting to.
“What?” you asked. “Why?”
You knew why.
He just kept driving.
“Pull over,” you demanded, suddenly furious, suddenly terrified, suddenly realizing you were losing him, right now, in real time.
He ignored you, didn’t even glance over at you.
“Vernon, I want to talk about this, pull over!” you cried, leaning forward in your seat, the seat belt tightening on your shoulder. “Pull over!”
Eventually, he listened, flicking on his turn signal and slowing as the car bumped off the pavement and onto the dirt shoulder.
“What?” he asked flatly, finally turning to face you.
“I asked why,” you said, heat laced through your voice.
He shook his head. “I’ve wasted two years with you -”
“Wasted?” you echoed, feeling the word like a punch to the gut. You felt like you couldn’t inhale.
“Well?” he asked, as if to say, well, wasn’t it?
“Fuck you, Vernon,” you spat.
“Fuck me is right!” he yelled, loud in the enclosed space of the sedan. “What are we doing? Just fucking, for eternity?”
You blinked at him. “You never asked me for anything else!”
“I tried,” he growled.
“Like hell you tried!”
“I did,” he asserted. “You ran, scared, every time.”
“Of course I was scared,” you snapped, because you couldn’t deny that one for a second. Your voice comes out choked. “I was right to be scared, and you know it!”
“Why?” he asked, the question falling between you, a landmine.
“Because,” you said seriously, the first tear finally falling. “This only ends one way.”
His jaw clenched, and he looked away from you, out the windshield again. Then, he clicked on his turn signal again, shifted the car back into drive, and pulled back onto the highway.
“Yeah,” he said flatly, as the car met even pavement again. “You’re making sure of that, aren’t you?”
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thank you so much for reading! one chapter left to go!
88 notes · View notes
tomssexdoll · 2 days
PLZ ANGST, nd how the story goes is ur choice!
Guess who's back, back again
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"Tom what the fuck?! You can't just come back into my life after I've finally found someone who can make me as happy as you could!"
PAIRINGS: Tom 2010 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: Y/N has escaped from her gang life and has been living with her boyfriend of 3 years, she was only 17 when she escaped from Tom and the gang, leaving her dangerous past behind her. Then, one day she gets a call from a random number, she thinks nothing of it until she picks up and hears his familiar, haunting voice.
A/N: i hope you guys like this!!! <3
WARNINGS: dom!tom, reader!sub, p in v (riding and doggy), rough kissing, hickeys, pulling hair, light arguing, mentions of violence, drugs, etc
I used to be in a gang, I was only 15 when I joined, my boyfriend Tom being the leader. We did stupid, irresponsible shit. Stealing cars, threatening people, robbing stores, etc. I loved that life at the time, it was like a rush for me, it was exciting, nothing like the life I had before it.
My parents were worried sick most of the time, I'd be gone for days and return drunk, high or covered in cuts and bruises. Me and Tom really did love each other, that's what made it so hard to leave.
We met when we were 14, he was quite a badly behaved student, known for smoking and drinking and starting fights, stealing and shooting things.
I don't know what it was but I just fell in love with him, the second we locked eyes it's like the world stopped, I could tell he felt the same way, the way his eyes softened as he looked at me.
He had a really bad childhood, his father was an addict and blew all their money on drugs and booze, leaving them to starve for days. His mother abused him and his twin brother Bill. Tom always looked after Bill, even at school, Bill was bullied heavily but Tom always had his back and I did too.
Bill was never interested in the whole gang life, he stayed far away from it while still having a close relationship with his brother. I loved how close they were, how they had that love for each other despite never been shown it growing up.
He was a runaway, he left home around 50 times in the span of a year, always being dragged back by the cops. We formed a friendship after months of passing notes to each other in class, everyone could sense the tension from a mile away, the way I'd stutter when talking to him or the way he'd just stare as I walked by.
I still remember the day we first kissed each other, we were at some ratty corner shop trying to buy cigarettes from the cashier, his friends were inside while we were flirting outside. He grabbed me face and kissed me softly, nothing like I expected from him, the tough gangbanger he made himself out to be.
I knew that wasn't the real him, I wanted him to just let go of it but he could never do it, he always would run back to the gang life, dragging me with him. I eventually joined his gang when I was 15, robbing and starting fights with them, everyone at school being scared of us.
The teachers would just look at me with sadness in their eyes, I never understood why, weren't they scared? Now of course I know it was because they saw a model student turn into something they feared the most.
My first everything was with Tom, we had so much fun together, so much love for each other. Even when we'd fight we'd usually end up fucking or cuddling for the whole night. Our relationship wasn't healthy at all, we fought a lot, mostly because of my jealousy issues and his possessiveness. We'd go at each other for the silliest things.
He wasn't scared of anyone, he would quite literally square up to a guy who was a foot taller than him, this is only because he was very good at fighting, he trained since he was little because of his abusive parents, wanting to prove to them he wasn't worthless.
I really did love him, I loved the risks, the gang life, the violence and the drugs but I couldn't do it anymore. I knew I'd end up dead or in jail and I didn't want my future to be on the line just for a boy.
At the age of 17 I finally left, it was the middle of the night and we were in one of our usual spots, sleeping in a random house. I snuck out and just ran for it, running as fast as my legs could hold me, running until my lungs gave out.
I made it to my house, quickly packing some things and stealing some money from my parents. I wrote a quick note to them and added my contact details if they wanted to stay in touch.
And with that, I left, I got on the nearest train and just left, going anywhere it would take me. I just had to stay hidden, not let him find me.
Then, when I had settled into my new life I met someone, after 6 months I moved into his place and we got engaged. I was so happy, forgetting about everything that had happened, my life amazing and better.
Then, one day, 4 years after I ran away, I got a call. It was from an unknown number so I just stepped outside the house, wondering who was calling. I figured it was a scam call and wanted to mess with them, but when I picked up, his voice was the only thing I heard.
I froze, all the memories coming back. How the fuck did he find my number? After nearly half a decade he found me? What was I supposed to do, I can't go back to that life.
"Baby?" he said, his voice deep. "To-...Sorry..uh, I think you have the wrong number," I said, my voice shaky with every word that came out of my mouth. "Don't bullshit Y/N, I just...I've missed you," he sighed.
"I left for a reason Tom, you know I couldn't stay," I felt tears welling up in my eyes, all the love I had for him returning just at the sound of his voice. "I know liebe, but I can't stand seeing you with that guy you're with, I want you back, I need you," his tone was desperate, almost urgent.
"Tom no, it's too risky!" I grunted, "too bad, I'm in your city and I need to see you, just at least once, please," he begged, the sound of his sports car echoing from the phone.
"Tom what the fuck?! You can't just come back into my life after I've finally found someone who can make me as happy as you could!" I yelled, tears falling down my cheeks.
"Don't cry baby, you know I hate to hear you upset.." he sighed, "I'm pulling up to your house now," he said before hanging up, not letting me get a word in.
I heard his car roaring through the neighbouring streets until he approached my house, the tires screeching as he came to a halt. As he got out my eyes widened, he looked so different now.
He used to have his dreadlocks, his baggy clothes but now, his head was covered in black cornrows, his body covered with dark blue jeans and a black jacket. A black and white bandana wrapped around his forehead.
With every step he took toward me my heart rate went crazy, basically ready to jump out of my chest and run away. "T...tom..." I breathed out, my jaw hanging low on the floor.
"Oh my god, you're beautiful.." he approached me, towering over me and taking in my features. "My boyfriend is home Tom..you can't be here!" I gritted through my teeth, checking around to see if he was looking.
"Shut up, just come with me, I don't give a fuck about your stupid boyfriend," he grabbed my arm, dragging me to his car. "Tom!" I called out, trying to get him off me but his grip only tightened, his fingers digging into me.
He shoved me into the passanger seat, wrapping around the car and getting into the drivers side, speeding off. "Where the fuck are we going Tom, I didn't even agree to this, you better not be taking me back, you know I can't go back!" I whined loudly, "just be quiet! I'm just trying to find a quiet spot," he grunted, his patience wearing thin.
After a while he found a random empty parking lot, parking in the middle and turning to me, "I don't get it, how could you leave, just like that?" I could tell he was getting angry, "did you even care, did you even love me?"
"Of course I fucking did Tom! You don't know how hard it was to leave, for weeks after I left I cried non stop, missing you, hoping one day things could work out and we would be back together, don't act like I never cared you know I did!" I raised my voice, offended at his accusations.
"Calm down..fuck..I was just worried ok?" he reached out and took my hand in his, our eyes locking. "Tom we can't...I'm with him, this isn't right.." I knew I had to pull away but I just couldn't.
He slowly leaned in, wrapping his hand around the back of my head and pulling me closer, smashing his lips into mine. "Mmm! Tom!" I gasped, pulling away.
"Just come here for fuck sakes, I know you want me as much as I fucking want you," he growled, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me into his lap.
"Do you know how hard I've tried to move on? I've been with so many girls but they aren't you!" he held my face, forcing me to look at him. "Tom.." "No! I'm not going to let you go, I can't lose you again, do you know how hard I've worked to find you? I'm not throwing it away!" he yelled, "fine! For fuck sakes if you want me so badly here!" I grabbed his face and kissed him again, our lips locking in a rough and passionate embrace.
"Mmm!" I moaned, Tom sliding his tongue into my mouth and exploring every inch. He tugged at my clothes, practically ripping them off me, leaving me nude on his lap.
I pulled away from the kiss, taking his jacket and shirt off, his toned body revealed, lined with sweat. I hovered over him as he took his jeans off, letting them pool at his feet on the car floor.
He was left in his boxers, his cock straining against them, begging to be freed. I sat back down on his lap, my bare pussy grinding against his clothed cock, stained with pre cum.
"Mmm...baby.." he groaned, holding my ass while he kissed me passionately. He grinded up into me, the big buldge rubbing against my clit, driving me wild.
"Ohh fuck!" I whined, burying my face into his neck, rubbing my cunt over his buldge repeatedly, feeling myself getting wetter and wetter.
He reached down and finally took his cock out, freeing it from it's confines. I gasped as I saw his size, it was way bigger than before, growing 2 inches and gurthier. "Tom, how the fuck am I going to handle that, jesus!" I whined, he chuckled, "just relax baby, let me do all the work," he pushed my head back into his neck, rubbing the head of his cock through my folds, collecting the wetness.
He gripped my hips, thrusting upwards and entering me in a swift, hard movement, leaving me gasping at the sudden flood of pleasure. His grip tightened as he began to move, "fuck..you like that schatz?" he groaned lowly, picking up his pace and fucking me harder.
His hips slammed into mine with almost violent force, enough to make the car shake around me. His thrusts became more desperate as he heard my loud moans, I leaned back and let my tits bounce wildly close to his face.
He watched in awe, his cock throbbing in me and his hands reaching out to grab them, squeezing them roughly as his cock pounded into me. "Ohhh shit!" I whined, throwing my head back. He kept slamming me back into him in a harsh rhythm, his own pleasure becoming too much to handle.
"You're mine, always will be and always have, that fucker won't fuck you as good as I do," he growled lowly, sending chills down my spine. "Y...yes Tom!" I moaned loudly, he eyes practically gleamed at my reponse, the virile satisfaction flaring up in him.
His thrusts became even more frantic, his eyes closing as he possessively grips my tips tighter, almost bruising as he slams me back against him again and again.
The wet sounds of our bodies meeting filling the car, piercing our ears. "God..I'm not gonna last much longer, you're just too fucking good!" he whined, feeling my pussy tighten around him.
"Me too...fuck! So close!" I cried out, rolling my eyes back as the pleasure hit me like a truck, shockwaves coursing throughout my body. He continued to thrust into me, the car now shaking intensely from his rough movements, his own orgasm building rapidly alongside mine.
"Fuckk!" I practically screamed, my pussy clamping around his cock as my orgasm crashed down, triggering his own release. "Shit!" he moaned loudly, spilling himself inside my sopping cunt, coating my walls with his thick cum.
He grunted in satisfaction as he continued to slowly thrust into me, riding out the waves of my orgasm with his own. "Fuck..that was amazing schatzi.." he panted heavily, his hands gripping my ass tightly.
"I wanna feel you cum on my cock again...get in the back," he commanded, I instantly obeyed, crawling into the backseat and bending over, waiting for him.
He got out of the car and quickly slipped into the back, closing the door behind him. He didn't waste anytime and slid his cock into my wet, needy heat with a low groan.
He gripped my hips again, beginning to thrust into me roughly, savouring the feeling of my tight pussy squeezing around him in reponse to his touch.
He couldn't resist reaching forward and grabbing my hair, pulling it roughly, "that's it, take my cock," he smirked, pounding into me roughly, hitting my g spot with such force I thought I would explode.
He starts to move faster, slamming into me with such force, nothing compared to my boyfriend at home. His grip on my hair tightens as he fucks me harder, making me squirm beneath him.
I arched my back to meet his thrusts, rolling my eyes back at the amount of pleasure I was recieving. "Fucking whore, taking my cock so well.." he grunted, his hand coming down and smacking my ass roughly, leaving a faint red mark.
"Ah!" I yelped in response, he grinned at my reaction, pulling me against his chest, his lips brushing against my ear, "that's right baby, scream and cry all you want," he whispered.
The sound of slapping skin filled the car, his lips moving towards my neck, sucking and biting roughly, leaving huge, dark purple marks all over. He continued to pound into me, his hips moving in a perfect rhythm as he fucks me like there's no tomorrow, a hand coming to my breast and giving it a rough squeeze, almost for encouragement.
His thrusts becoming more rough and dominant as he takes control of me, his balls slapping against my clit, sending waves of pleasure throughout me, my second release dangerously close.
"Gonna cum, keep going!" I cried out, biting down on my lip harshly. He continued to leave rough and sloppy kisses on my neck, migrating towards my shoulders, leaving more marks there.
"Cum on this fucking cock, cmon," he roared, his cock buried deep inside me as he fucks me viciously, throbbing wildly, signalling his impending orgasm.
With one hard thrust I was sent into oblivion, cumming on his cock again, a clear liquid streaming from my cunt and onto the leather seats. "Ohh you messy girl.." he chuckled, continuing to thrust into me, trying to drive more orgasms out of me.
His method worked, my pussy streaming with the clear liquid again, "ohhh fuck.." he growled, once again emptying himself in me, painting my insides white.
"Fuck.." he panted, sitting down and grabbing me, pulling me onto his lap, letting our highs die down. "Jesus christ..." he chuckled, kissing the top of my head softly. "You did so well mein liebe, missed this pussy so much.." he mumbled, pulling out slowly, careful to not overstimulate me.
After calming down he held me in his arms, carrying me back to the front seat and helping me get dressed again, "how about we rent a hotel for the night, see what to do from here, hm?" he lifted my chin, making me look at him.
I nodded, barely conscious after he just fucked me dumb. "Good girl.." he chuckled, letting me sit in his lap as he drove off.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @ballhair @kaulitzsbabyy
tags: @kaulitzswhxre @cosmicck @bkaulitzlover
tags: @20doozers @tomsonlyslut @ge-billsgf
tags: @miyukafujii @ella1289
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ilylovelyz · 2 days
more sakusa work please! *fluff, smut, or angst*
⍣ ೋ going dumb
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˚ · . sakusa kiyoomi x afab!reader
: ̗̀➛ semi-public sex, unprotected sex, hair pulling, groping, both characters are 20 and in college
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you have sakusa in a chokehold.
before you, sakusa rolled his eyes whenever he saw couples showing obnoxious amounts of PDA. it was almost disgusting to him. kissing in public? on a dirty public train? how gross.
during the first few months of dating you, he began to come around the thought of PDA. he didn't mind holding your hand, as long as it wasn't around his teammates. a little kiss on the cheek wouldn't hurt either.
now, a year has passed since dating you. sakusa definitely knows that his views on relationships have changed. he still won't make out with you in public, or grope your ass in front of randoms, though.
the most major change? a particular night, he lost his virginity to you. similarly, you lost yours to him. before, he cringed at the thought of sex. sharing bodily fluids with one another, oral sex, especially oral sex just seemed wrong to him.
but boy, did that change after that first passionate night he spent with you.
sakusa's hands groped your breasts through the pink sweater you had on. a content sigh left your mouth as he bent you over the bathroom sink, his hand coming down to pull up your white skirt, attempting to find it's way through your seemingly endless long skirt to your sex.
"omi.. here..?" you giggle out, hand gripping at the glass of the bathroom. your other hand comes to reach backwards to play with your boyfriend's curly strands, lightly tugging on the ends. a low growl escapes from his throat, "whats wrong with it? are you uncomfortable?" he asks, kissing the soft skin at your neck.
"n-no, it's just i thought you were against sex in places like this." you say. it was indeed a random place. it was the public female bathroom of the university you both attended. if it weren't for you locking the bathroom door, someone would've probably walked in already.
before you could tease him for his horniness, his fingers caressed your sensitive folds, dipping them deeper to find your clenching hole. he doesn't even respond to you, too busy on making more lewd noises escape from that pretty mouth of yours from the touch of his fingers.
he groans anxiously, finally giving into temptation. his hand pulls away from your heat, waiting patiently as you hear his belt unbuckle and the sounds of him shuffling down his pants.
he bends you further over the sink, his cheeks flushing deeply. he avoids looking at the mirror reflecting the two of you, avoiding making eye contact with you. "i.. i can't wait." he says shyly, almost an entirely different character from his usual stoic and organized self.
the two of you moan in sync when he pushes his cock inside you. without wasting a second, he's already pushing and pulling his hips in and out of your cunt. all of his former resolve is gone, shattered and discarded with the feeling of your tight cunt wrapped around his cock.
his hands firmly stay at your hips, helping you meet his own hips. yes, this place is completely random. it's a bathroom. a bathroom that is probably cleaned improperly and rarely. it smells of strong alcohol and faux blueberries, probably from other students vaping in here.
maybe that's why he's so close to emptying his load in you. maybe it's because of the lewdness, the tabooness, the dirtiness of the two of you, fucking like two hormonal teenages once more. it's as if he's loosing his virginity for the first time to you once more, the feeling completely new and addictive.
maybe you're the issue. yes, you have to be. so seducing and tempting to have. you turned him into a moraless man, into some horny teenager.
"o-oh, fuck, i'm gunna cum," he groans out. he blushes even more when realizes what he's even saying. he's cursing profanities he rarely uses, moaning and groaning like a virgin.
it doesn't help when you clamp around him so tightly, your strong orgasm causing your tongue to loll out so vulgarly from your mouth. sakusa sees it all in the foggy, hand-printed dirty mirror.
he doesn't know what he was thinking, or if he was thinking at all, but something in him snaps and he's giving you his fertile load into your pussy, his hips pathetically humping your ass like a dog in heat. he's cumming inside of you, something he never thought he would ever do in his life. he thought doing that so young was such a life-ender, the possibility of getting pregnant young could completely change his life.
and yet, the thought of his seed inside of you has his head spinning so fast it leaves him almost breathless.
"one more time." he mumbles, slowly rocking his hip back and forth once more, fucking his cum further into you.
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please leave a like and reblog if you enjoyed!!
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toya x reader
you and your complicated lover have an honest talk about the future.
angst, so so much angst, guys i was so sad when i wrote this, euphoria reference if you squint
a/n: the bridge for how did it end is actually poetry. go listen to it rn
a/n: hate and love feel like the same thing, we’re all confused
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to mourn someone who is still with you.
mourning someone who is not just with you. who is next to you, cradling you in the arms. he is silent, a wall of solitude. he is a magnitude of grief joined together by burnt skin and piercings. he is waves of hurt and love with nowhere to go kissing your shoulder. he is a litany of fear and resentment tightening his arms around your waist, holding you against his warm body as you stare at the window of your shitty apartment.
his name is toya todoroki. he was hurt, scarred, vengeful, and already gone. his skin that screamed for salvation proved that. and you loved him.
your eyes stare hesitantly at the window. he holds you silently against his ribs, blue eyes watching you with an unreadable stare. he was taring your world apart from the roots down, and he knew it. he felt it your bones scream against him.
"i wanna burn this city to the ground." you sigh.
and you'd honestly do it. not for you, not for anyone else but him. you'd tear the soil up from the ground, wrath building up explosions from the oceans as the waters flood the ground, drowning the suffering of humanity. you'd set everything in your sight ablaze, watching as everything burns into embers, and then nothing. and in the end you'd salt the earth behind you. nothing would dare sprout on the earth toya todoroki once loved you on.
"i know." he says.
you bring his burnt palm to your face, pressing your lips to the mourning skin. he looks at you, not taking his eyes off of you for even a second. "i"m not scared of you, toya." you reassure him. hands that were known for destruction, known for the eruptions of blue flames that ravaged everything in his will. you kissed them. you'd kiss them a million times over. it was funny, how hands built for death held you so good.
he hums, his grip tightening around you. he knows you should be, that you should leave. if not out of fear, than out of hate. hate for who he his, hate for the pain that he has caused and will cause. because toya knew from the moment his marred body stared back at him in the mirror, was that he was going to go down in flames. he was going to destroy his father and everything he had done. he was going to die.
and you knew that. better than anyone.
so there you were. mourning someone who lay next to you, heart still beating, lungs still breathing.
"i'd destroy the whole world for you." you repeat.
toya looks at you, blue eyes staring intently at the way you lay in his embrace. "you're not supposed to, doll. thats my job, you're the good one." he mutters into your skin.
"i'm not as good as you think." you insist, still refusing to face your lover.
a sigh escapes his marred lips. "i know you're not perfect. but..." his fingers trace up and down the curves of your waist. "you're good for me. better."
you scoff.
"whats... whats gonna happen to us?"
you don't know what you feared more. silence, or the answer.
he paused for a moment, his hands wandering down to your thigh. his gave moved away from you as a pensive look came over his face, lips pursing as he thought of an answer. after a long moment of silence, his eyes returned to you, where his gaze belonged.
"do you really wanna know?"
"yeah, i do."
toya held your gaze for a moment, making sure his face stayed unreadable. his hand remained on your thigh, caressing your soft skin.
"this isn't gonna end well, doll. you and me.." he whispers breathlessly.
"i know." you nod solemnly.
"we're not gonna survive this. i'm not. the world... ain't gonna let us."
his actions betrayed his words, pulling you even closer to him. the look on his eyes screamed otherwise. they wanted something else, but his soul knew that his burnt hands were already out of reach.
"i figured." your voice was laced with bitterness. he wanted to protest, but what was there to argue against? he made up his mind.
"what am i to you?" you ask, eyes still gazing the emptiness of the outside world. your world laid right next to you, telling you that he wasn't going to stay.
"you're... everything." he utters, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
you wince. finally turning around. you needed him to see the hurt in your eyes. and you needed to find the hurt in his.
"what... what can i do to convince you? to stay?" your voice cracked when your words reached his ears. toya paused, a part of him wanting to be his usual asshole self- teasing you into making love with your body pressed against him, the physical pleasure making him forget about his troubles for a moment. but the look in your eyes told im to stop.
he lets out the slightest sigh before speaking.
"you can't." his voice was barely above a whisper.
your eyes dropped, staring out the window again. "i figured."
he felt a twinge of guilt erupt in his chest, piercing new burns through his heart. he hated seeing you this way, hated knowing he was the one who caused it.
"i'm not gonna apologize." he muttered quietly, his grip on your chin soft yet firm as he held your face. "i'm not gonna change my mind, either..."
"i didn't expect you to." you answer, tearing his hand off of your face.
toya felt his fingers reflexively tighten before reluctantly letting you remove his hand. a flicker of frustration bloomed across his burning blue eyes. he hated how accepting you were, how understanding you were. both of you felt the tension, both souls aware of the inevitable. his jaw clenched as he thought of his mission, knowing that it would finally cause his father pain, but you bring you down with it. it killed him more than the fire, than the smoke.
"i'm not apart of your plan." you sigh. "you don't have to be here."
toya let out the slightest scoff at your words. his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at you. his eyes hardened for a moment before he leaned in closer, whispering: "you think i'd choose to be anywhere else when i could be with you?"
"why do you stay here if you're just gonna die?"
"do i need a reason to stay with you, doll?"
"do you have one?"
both you and toya paused at your last question. his jaw clenched as you pressed his reasoning. he knew he couldn't tell you the truth. the truth that you were the one thing keeping him alive, the one thing that kept made staying seem like a reality. no, he couldn't tell you that. he couldn't give you hope.
"maybe, i just like being with you." he lies with a truth.
you sigh again, defeated as you lay your head on his chest like a soldier collapsing on the battle field. toya let out a low, content breath as his body welcomed you wholeheartedly in his embrace.
"so... i'm just gonna sit here.. and watch you kill yourself over some shitty revenge plan... i'm just gonna sit here and lose you..?"
toya pretends to not notice the way your voice cracks. he feels a wince of guilt at your quiet words, hating the way you suffered because of him. hated the way he could do absolutely nothing about it.
he took a deep breath before he spoke. "i didn't say you had to stay, doll... you're free to leave anytime you want." his words betrayed his feelings. he didn't want you to leave, selfishly. he rubs circles into your back, doing anything to comfort you.
"if i wanted to i would've left by now, idiot." you sigh, voice cracking once more.
he felt a familiar flicker of sadness run through his veins. this wasn't fair to you. not at all. he knew he was hurting you and he hated himself for it, more than anything else did. his grip on you tightened, calloused fingers running over your skin.
"you shouldn't stay." he muttered. "you should hate me. you should walk away and have nothing to do with me." toya tells you the truth and only the truth.
"i know." you whisper, defeated. "i really hate you right now, toya..." you cry, tightening your grip on his arm.
he feels his chest tighten as you cry. he knew he deserved your hatred, but he wished he didn't. his arm wrapped around you tighter, as if you'd disappear if he dare let you go. you had to be the one to let him go.
"i know you do, doll." he utters. "i think i hate myself too."
"good." you seethe, still holding onto him like a safety net.
he heard the anger in your voice, anger he knew all too well. he could feel the way your body trembled, the hurt and frustration locked inside of you evident. he absolutely hated himself for this. his thumb continued to trace patterns onto your back, thinking that maybe it'd take your pain away. "go ahead. scream at me, cry at me, hate me. you can do anything you want. i can take it."
but you don't scream or even yell. you just lay there, almost as lifeless as he was about to be soon. you sobbed and sobbed and sobbed, nothing could possibly console you right now.
"i fucking hate you right now, toya todoroki." you cried into him.
"i know doll, i know." he feels the hurt press against his lungs, and he takes it. he takes all of the darkness that comes from you to him and eats it, swallowing it whole. he knows he deserves it.
you cry and cry, your shaking body cradled into toya's embrace. he held onto you desperately, seeing the pieces of you shattered in his arms tear him apart from the inside out. he could tell by the way your broken hands hold him that you don't want him to go.
"i want you to want me to stay." you choke, messy sobs piercing your words. you hated how he let you go, how he told you you should walk away from him. you wanted the complete opposite- you wished he'd make a god damn fool out of himself, loving you and begging you to stay. but toya knew not to waste his breath.
"its not a matter of wanting you to stay." he utters. "god, i want you to stay... more than anything." he presses his face into the skin of your shoulder, trying to feel you, trying to feel if a part of you still loved him beneath all the hate.
but its not enough for you. "no i want you to tell me to stay! dont tell me i should hate you, or-or that i should leave- i want you to fucking want me to stay! fucking love me! love me like i love you!" you rip a scream from your chest, sitting up from his embrace and staring him straight into his eyes. he needs to know how much he's hurting you.
he winced, feeling his chest clench at your words. "i do love you." his words escape from his lips.
"bullshit." you declare.
you can see on his eyes that he's taken aback by your words. if theres one thing he knew for sure, it was that he loved you. "why won't you believe me?!"
"because you're letting me just watch you fucking die!" you scream.
he stands up, the hurt from your face infecting his own.
"you think i want to die!?" he snarls, an unwanted hint of vulnerability escaping with his words. "i'm not letting you watch anything. i didn't ask you to sit around and wait for me."
he immediately regrets his words.
a look of disgust contorts your face. you stand up, facing away from him fully. your completely speechless. what could you say?
toya felt his heart strings wither as he tried to rectify the situation. "thats not what i meant." he sighs, running a finger through his hair.
you cry on your own, away from toya's prying eyes. he feels his heart clench again, knowing he's the villain here. he places a hand on your shoulder.
"doll." he whispers. "turn around"
you sigh, looking up at the ceiling.
"i can't save you. i can't convince you to stay. yet i can't... leave. i can't get on my feet and leave you. i want to, but... i just can't." you admit your defeat, not bothering to fight back as toya pulls you against him, back into bed.
"i told you you were free to leave, free to walk away and never look back. not like i don't deserve it." he reminds you, pressing a somber kiss to your head.
"i want you to hold me back." you whisper, now facing him with tears pricking your eyes. "i want you to ask me to stay. but.. but you don't."
toya said nothing. he knew you were right, that he wasn't going to ask you to stay. not when he knew it was more than he deserved.
"i hate you." you mutter. toya accepted it, nodding as he gave you a firm squeeze.
"i know you do, doll." he utters.
"no, you don't." you sob. he could never know how much this hurt for you.
"you're the worst." you half heartedly laugh through your tears, tearing a dry chuckle from toya as he agrees with you. he was the worst. the absolute scum of the earth.
"you're an asshole." you trail off. "you're a fucking bastard. and i still love you." you whisper that last part.
"you shouldn't."
"you think i want to?"
he chuckles at that. you were always right.
"after you die, i might end up burning the entire world down after all." you sigh. toya's eyes widen at this.
"you won't." he warns, his voice lower. you scoff.
"you're not in it anymore. so now i can do it." your eyes and voice alike are devoid of any happiness as you speak. and it killed him. good.
"don't say that." toya utters, this sentiment corroding him more than anything else.
"why not?"
"because... you're better than that, doll." he states firmly. you scoff again.
"i'm really not." announce.
"thats not you.. you're not a a killer, you're not cruel. you're good. you're kind. you're... you're everything i'm not." he mutters, declarative in his words as he holds you. it broke him to think you'd throw away everything like that. but then again, he was throwing away everything to.
you sob even harder. "i wanna be like you. i wanna be angry, i wanna destroy everything because of it. god, i wanna hate everyone and hate you. i wanna hate and hate and hate for the rest of my life but i can't." you run out of breath on the cant, hopelessness lingering in your throat as you spoke.
"i know..." toya utters, speechless. he felt a wince of physical pain from his body, his burnt vessel screaming at him to finally end it all.
"i love you, doll. don't you dare forget that." he challenges you, embedding it into your skin with a kiss. he made it sound like a goodbye. it was a goodbye.
"i love you too, asshole." you utter, closing your eyes against the warmth of his chest. for the first time, ever, toya todoroki felt cold.
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It's a complicated topic but... how would LJ, Sully and Jason (separately) react if they had a dream (although it would seem more like a nightmare) where Y/N tricked them?
The three of them like never dream in my opinion so it's definitely angst time but I tried to go more bittersweet. I hope you enjoy
Jack almost never dreams, mostly because he almost never sleeps, as it's not necessary for him to function, but most nights it's still just usually quiet in his mind. Tonight, however, was very much not quiet. He'd been feeling quite stressed lately, especially because the two of you hadn't been able to have as much time together, and it seemed his anxieties had manifested as nightmares to haunt him that evening. The words you'd yelled at him, as you'd turned and left him, told him to never speak to you again, it had hurt him more than he thought possible. He wakes, scared and upset, before you even notice the state he's in, chest heaving and tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. He shivers as he looks at you, happily curled into his chest and sleeping peacefully, and does his best to calm his racing heart. He pulls you on top of him as he shifts onto his back, staring up at his ceiling and trying to relax.
The shifting causes you to wake, and you tiredly ask him what's wrong, giving him a tired look of concern that has him chuckling and pressing kisses to your cheeks. He tells you he just wanted to cuddle you a bit more, and of course, you're never one to refuse his cuddles, so you curl up onto his chest, snuggling your head into his neck and soon drifting back to sleep. The warmth of your body is enough to comfort Jack, after all; it's proof you're here. You're here, and you're real, and you're not going anywhere, it was just a bad dream. Although he chooses not to go back to sleep, he enjoys spending his time waiting for the morning listening to your calming breathing, and enjoying the weight of your body on top of him. He'll tell you what happened when you awake, the horrible dream he had, and he knows you'll refute the dream, swearing your love for him as you always do, and the thought makes his heart flutter as he hugs you tighter against him, looking forward to those familiar words.
Sully doesn't often have dreams, although when he does he tends to be frequented by nightmares, however, they're usually never about you. About his shared trauma with Liu, about his fears and anxieties in general, but when they do happen to be about you, it's usually about him failing to keep you safe in a nightmare, not you being the source of the nightmare. The words you tell him cut deep, and feel so real and painful, but he doesn't want to believe them. You've never looked at him with such hatred, and you'd never say such needlessly cruel things to him, you'd never run away from him, abandoning him in his misery. As he becomes aware of his dream, he fights against it, he knows you could never do this, but he can't pull himself out. It's not until you wake him up yourself that he's able to escape, his teary eyes opening to see you looking at him in deep care and concern.
He doesn't have the words to tell you what's wrong, only being able to mumble that it was a bad dream, and the knowing, loving smile you give him has his heart racing in his chest for another reason. You shift in bed, pulling him into your chest and pressing kisses to his forehead, rubbing his back in the way he's always preferred, and he feels himself calming down. He nuzzles into your neck, quietly crying out that you'd left him, that you'd said he wasn't good enough, and while he knows you'd never say that it still hurts. You hug him tighter, reinforcing that you would never, ever say that, that he's more than enough for you and you'll never leave him like that. His brain is still anxious, but his body can't help but relax into your familiarity, and soon he's drifting off to more peaceful dreams, still clinging to your body for warmth and comfort. When he awakes the following morning, well rested and greeted by your happily smiling face, he knows for certain that everything will be alright. You're not going anywhere, and he'll be able to protect you forever, just as he always does. That thought brings him more joy than he feels he deserves, so he cherishes you and your love more than anything.
Jason, as I've said before, also doesn't need to sleep. As my Jason is robotic, he simply enters a powered-down state when he lies beside you at night, and it's rare for his mind to wander and present him with dreams, but the occasional bad dream does sometimes torment him. While normally a still sleeper, as I've previously said, he tosses and turns on nights when he's having bad dreams, and tonight was no different for him. And, as usual, he's awoken by you powering him on and calling for him, holding him close, and asking him what's wrong. All he can do at first is look up at you in confusion and pain, tears streaming down his cheeks, his eyebrows twitching as he tries to process what's happening before his lips tremble and he clings to you as though his life depends on it.
He cries out, saying he had a horrible dream, one where you left him, where you told him he'd never be good enough for you, that he didn't deserve someone like you, that you'd left him all alone so maliciously, and he was so scared because he loves you so much and it hurt him so badly. Jason is, in general, often scared that you'll realize you deserve better than him (which you always deny and say he's the best you could ever have), and it seems his worries became a nightmare for him tonight. You hold him close as he hiccups through his tears, whispering comforting words and smothering him in all the affectionate gestures you know he loves. You remind him that he's your one and only, that nobody could ever beat him for you, and when he asks if you truly mean it, you smile at him and tell him you swear your life on it. He shudders out a breath as he tiredly clings to you, snuggling into your neck and holding you close. The two of you stay up talking for a while, and it reminds Jason how much you care for him, and how much he cares for you, setting his mind and heart at ease as he finally relaxes once more.
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popodoki · 15 hours
sfw Catwin drabble
Gold is the Cat King's color. He thinks Edwin would look nice in it too, in shiny things x
One of the Cat King’s love languages is gift giving.  
It concerned Edwin at first, little trinkets, left innocently on his desk, around the office, made him feel like he was supposed to give something back? Felt like he owed the Cat King, especially for the more expensive things, fingers tracing the intricate craftsmanship of paperweights, leafing through rare volumes, softest silks running through his hands. He's concluded, deduced, that it's just another of the ways that his lover shows his affection, the dedication to Edwin a familiar warmth, just expressed in new ways. 
But the jewellery still confuses him. 
They are always given directly, a hopeful gaze on his lover’s face, encouraging smile, silent conversation there that Edwin never quite catches. The first is a bracelet. A simple gold band looping around his wrist, closure resembling a Cat’s head biting down on its own tail. No flashy gemstones, no rough clasps to possibly catch on or irritate his skin. The Cat King holds it out, presses it into Edwin's palm when he curiously holds it out, accepts it. That smirk turning into a smile, a little nod, the hope in those slitted eyes, encourages Edwin to try it on. It fits perfectly, of course it does, a part of Edwin wonders if he’d even take it off if it didn’t, for his lover looks so, so pleased. 
Edwin grows comfortable with its weight, wears it for a while, even on cases. He ends up putting it away, in his pocket, after a case goes south with a spot of trouble, a chase. They manage to escape, they always do, but on the other side of the mirror they jumped through to get to safety, Edwin pats himself down, checks his coat, gloves, wrist. Finds the bracelet’s closure a bit twisted, a probable result of his wrist getting grabbed and pulled by the ghost that chased them, their mania and panic causing them to lash out instead of recognizing their presence for the help that was offered. 
Another mirror journey, they see each other again, Edwin notices the Cat King seems to deflate, brief sadness crosses his face, once he notices the bracelet’s gone. Oh. He cheers right up, his sigh sounding relieved, when Edwin presents him the bracelet from his pocket, asks him to fix it, please. 
It's a free for all, after that. Every time they see each other, often, near daily, as new lovers are wont to gravitate towards each other as if any absence tugs on them like a string pulled taut, the Cat King has a new piece of jewellery for him. Always gold, at times tastefully adorned with small expensive stones, shiny pearls. Thin chains of pearls, necklaces, linking bracelets, suspiciously perfect fitting rings, delicate anklets, even a pair of earrings, once. Edwin silently points to his non-pierced ears, and his lover gently removes, holds up a single dangling earring from the little box. The little ball gently rings much like a cat bell when the Cat King turns it in his palm, shows Edwin the small painless clip-closure that would hold them in place without piercing skin. 
"Why do you insist on giving me jewellery? I can't feasibly wear all of it, especially when conducting my work. Most of it ends up in the office, in a box.” Edwin waits for the Cat King to look up at him, lift his head from Edwin’s chest where it rested comfortably. “It just feels a bit like a waste?” His lover doesn’t reply right away, slitted eyes dropping down, to where his fingers still absently play with the most recent gift, a simple golden band around Edwin’s ring finger. 
"Does it bother you?” Edwin’s head is shaking in reply before he puts any thought to it, and he knows the Cat King felt his chin move through his soft curls, cause his voice sounds more certain, less meek, when he adds “Can you just indulge me, then?” There’s something silent there, again, Edwin feels it coming into reach, he can almost catch it. 
“I suppose, it is nice to have a variety,” Edwin starts, speaking softly to the top of his lover’s hair, “it doesn’t really matter that I can’t wear all of it...” He trails off, he’s organizing his thoughts like he would on a case, slips his hand from his lover’s gentle grip, holds it out for both of them to see the gold on his finger catch the afternoon light streaming through the windows, “As long as I can wear at least something of yours, then, hmm?”  
The Cat King merely grins, no, beams in response. 
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