#hopefully I can watch in a few days 🥺
noxtivagus · 1 year
i'll be honest n say i still barely know anything abt mostima but i think her design is vv cool ><
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4giorno · 1 year
oh my god....... breakthrough is actually such an amazing song. AAAAAAAA. i cant call trickstar a flop anymore 😭
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allysunny · 5 months
Oooh can you do 22 and M for Miggy? 🥺
I love soft husband Miggy
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"We're not meant for each other” / “I don’t care, I love you” + Domestic Bliss x Miguel O’Hara
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Words: 3.6k words
Warnings: Suggestive themes, a small twinge of angst (if you squint), a small mention of blood, overall just happy domestic Miggy! Also some unstranslated spanish (please correct me if any of it is wrong), not proofread. And do tell if I missed anything!
A/N: Here it is!!! The domestic Miggy from my 200 Followers Event! I love this man so much and he deserves the absolute best, I had such a blast writing it.
I'm sorry for the delay, but uni has just started once again, and, well, now I get a bit busier. Hopefully I'll be able to manage everything, seeing as I really enjoy writing, it's a bit of an escape for me. I'll try to remain consistent!
Anyways, here it is! I hope you guys enjoy it!
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Peaceful Saturday mornings were hard to come by.
Usually, Miguel was up at the crack of dawn, kissing your forehead and whispering about how he’d come back as soon as he was done with whatever needed taking care of back in Spider Society. You’d whine and plead for him to stay, and he’d promise to return in a heartbeat. Most of the time, he wasn’t home in a heartbeat, and you moped around for a few minutes before going on about with your day.
But not today.
No, today, you’d gotten the blessing of feeling the warmth of his chest press against your back, and his arm curling into you to bring you closer to him. Of feeling the soft rise and fall of his chest, the way his palm was steady on your bare stomach. It was nice.
You closed your eyes and tried to go back to sleep, tried to prolong that feeling of peace and quiet for a bit longer, but Miguel had some different ideas.
“No, no, no, cariño, can’t go back to sleep now, I know you’re awake,” he mumbled, lips brushing the shell of your ear. The raspiness of his voice made your whole body shiver, and you pressed yourself harder against him.
“Shhhh, don’t speak.” You whispered as a response, which earned him a chuckle. His chest reverberated and he held you tighter, pressing a kiss just below your ear. “Just five more minutes. Please, can’t have you leave yet.”
“But darling,” he murmured, “I’m not leaving.”
It was enough for you to roll yourself over, nearly hitting him on the nose with the back of your skull. Miguel laughed at your eagerness, and his smile only widened. Your happiness made him happy. And he was aware of how he had been neglecting you these past few months.
And being a man who had already lost so much in life, he wasn’t going to take you and your marriage for granted. There was a reason he’d been working himself to the bone the last week, coming home far too late and leaving at the crack of dawn. It was exhausting, yes, and while you understood the things he had to do as Spider-Man (an occupation that was surely no easy feat), he could see the way your shoulders sagged whenever you kissed him goodbye in the morning, or he mumbled into your shoulder something sort of “I’m sorry, I need to get up”.
“You aren’t?” you asked, cupping his face with your hands, the planes of his cheekbones fitting perfectly in between your palms. You’d always thought Miguel was perfect for you – you two fit together like two puzzle pieces. Whenever you cooked dinner and he hugged you from behind, kissing the top of your head and watching you as you stirred and seasoned, whenever you cuddled on the couch, his body draped over his as you drooled on his arms and he zapped through channels to see if he could find some interesting documentary while you slept, when you clung onto him desperately as he lowered himself onto you, legs tightly wrapped around his back and face hidden in the crook of his neck. You were perfect together. That much was clear.
Miguel made a soft noise of agreement, and you all but jumped on top of him, peppering his face with kisses. He laughed, a true laugh that came from his chest and made you feel like you were in cloud nine, and loosely wrapped his arms around you, content to have you close.
“You’re not joking? You’re staying home for the day?” you mumbled against his neck, pushing yourself up to look into his chocolate brown eyes.
“And tomorrow as well. And hopefully, Monday too. You’ve got the day off, right?”
You squealed in delight and threw your arms around his neck (or did so as best as you could) and kissed him repeatedly, proclaiming your love for him as you did so. Miguel smiled, his hand coming up to cup your cheek. Instinctively, you leaned into his touch and placed a soft kiss on his palm. Miguel’s heart melted, and then he slowly traced his face with his fingers. How come you were able to fill his heart with such love, such joy and happiness with a gesture as simple as a kiss?
Qué àngel perfecto.
But Miguel knew you. Truly knew you. And he should also know better than to expect you to be his perfect little angel.
When his thumb softly grazed your bottom lip, you took it inside your mouth, swirling your tongue around the pad of his finger, and innocently looking at him through your lashes. He furrowed his eyebrows and you only smiled, releasing it with a soft “pop”.
Having earned no reaction from him, you frowned.
“I’m sorry. Was that disgusting? I won’t do it aga – “
In one swift motion, you were below Miguel, his toned arms and legs trapping you underneath him. His gaze held something you could only describe as pure, sheer, raw desire, and he lazily let his eyes wonder over the planes of your body. You were wearing a flimsy silk nightgown, a nightgown that, due to his sudden movements, was all bunched up at your waist, exposing your lovely legs to him.
Miguel started trailing kisses from your neck to your chest, earning a few noises he would sell his soul to hear over and over again. The sound of you was enough to spur him on, and soon enough, you could feel his hardness pressing against your thigh. With soft kisses, he made his way down your body, where took your legs, and, spreading them, pressed a kiss on your knee.
It was such an intimate action; it made your insides flare up. You loved Miguel – all of him. And you were familiar with all sides of him. You knew him when he was happy and giddy, spinning you around in his arms and playfully kissing your nose. You knew him tired and sleepy, mumbling sweet nothing in the crook of your neck and falling asleep on your lap. You knew him stressed and hot-headed, begging you to let him blow off some steam by kissing your breath away and making you cry out in pleasure.
But one of the sides you favoured the most was this one. The one where he was sweet and gentle, the one where his eyes expressed only the utmost desire and adoration for you, the one where his kisses meant a thousand words and made your heart swell and swell until you were sure it was going to burst with love.
“What’s on your mind, hermosa?” He asked, voice laced with sleep.
“Just thinking.”
“Ah. Nothing good can ever come from that.”
Miguel pretended to be hurt from the pillow you threw at his head, and his grin widened.
“What’re you thinking about?”
“Just how much I love you.” You replied casually, as if it was something as obvious as saying the sky was blue. Which to you, it was. To you, loving Miguel O’Hara and admitting it were as easy as admitting the sky was blue.
“Hm.” Was his hummed reply against the inside of your thigh. You felt his lips brush against your skin and the contact made you shiver.
“How happy I am to have you in my life. How lucky.”  
 “Cariño,” he whispered, coming down once again to brush his lips against yours – a silent promise of what was to come. “I’m the lucky one.”
After that, his lips were on yours, your hands were on his hair, and he was coaching out of you the sweetest sounds he’d ever heard, making up for all the lonely nights and cold mornings away from you.
What a way to spend a morning, indeed.
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After you two had showered and put on some fresh clothes, he allowed you to pick whatever activities you’d do for the day. He had 3 days to lavish you in affection and catch up for all those weeks, and the first thing he was going to do was let you have full control.
And to his surprise, your request was food. But not just any kind of food.
A brunch.
And if you wanted to make brunch, damn him if he wouldn’t join you.
You smiled and kissed his cheek, looking up cool pictures that you could recreate from the comfort of your home.
You’d settled on pancakes, toasts, and some cinnamon rolls. While you prepared the batter for each of the items respectfully, Miguel got started on the fruit, cutting them into small pieces, squeezing some oranges for some juice, as well as frying some eggs and bacon.
It was perfect. Music echoed through the kitchen; your favourite playlist having been chosen as the soundtrack for this sweet moment. You and Miguel moved in synch around the kitchen, moving effortlessly around each other, yet still being able to steal in some kisses here and there.
He placed a few in your head while you mixed the pancake batter, and you’d tasted some blueberries off his lips, followed by strawberries, apples, and peaches.
“Stop sampling the fruit,” you’d whispered against his lips, to what he simply laughed.
“Stop kissing me every time I do so, and I will.”
You chuckled and went back to your tasks.
“Mhmmm – that bacon is smelling so good,” you said after a while, glancing at him and his frying pan.
“Is that code for Miguel, please give let me steal some?” Miguel asked with a quirked brow, and you feigned shock.
“Miguel O’Hara! How dare you think the only reason I would compliment your bacon mid-cooking is to steal a piece!” You took a hand to your heart and dramatically turned your face away.
“Not at all. I always love it when you compliment my bacon.”
It took a while for the joke to truly get a reaction out of you, and after a few seconds of silence, you burst into laughter, the flower bowl in your hands dropping on top of the kitchen counter. You grabbed some of the powder and threw it at Miguel’s face, shaking your head.
“That was disgusting – you’re disgusting! Ew!”
Miguel only laughed and did the same, leaning over to spray some of the flour from your bowl on your face.
“Disgusting? I recall you being very eager to get a taste of my bacon earlier this morning,” he replied with a smirk.
“Oh my God! Shut up! Ew! Never say that again!”
Although your words did not express anything other than sheer horror, your mouth was forming a huge smile, and you were giggling in between words.
“And now I’m all dirty!”
“You started it, mi vida.”
“Yeah, because you made a disgusting –“
“ – Disgusting comment!”
“Next time don’t be so eager to get a taste of my bacon, and I won’t have the need to make such comments.”
“You’re disgusting and I’m never talking to you again.” These words were uttered in between fits of laughter, and Miguel himself leaned forward, chuckling. The lovely sounds of your joy resonated through the kitchen and Miguel was happy that his house had such a pleasant symphony gracing it.
“Can you pass me some of the salt?” you asked him, reaching out with your arm towards his body.
Miguel nodded and quickly held the small saltshaker. Just as he was about to give it to you, the bacon before him crackled, sending a bit of grease flying onto his arm.
The contact made him shriek, the suddenly hot liquid scalding his skin.
Instinctively, his talons came out, causing him to scratch the surface of your counter, and you.
“¡Mierda!” he shrieked, pulling his arm away from the stove. Unfortunately, his talon also pushed the frying pan with him, and it fell on the floor, ruining all of the bacon that was currently cooking.
“Miguel! Oh, fuck, are you okay?” You asked, quickly turning away from what you were doing. The scratch in your arm wasn’t important – you could tell with that later, even if the pain seemed to be pulsing in your arm.
“Don’t – don’t come closer, I’ll hurt you,” he muttered, quickly retracting his talons, and looking at the mess on the floor.
“No – it’s fine, just tell me if you’re okay,” you repeated, kneeling to catch the frying pan off the floor and clean the area with a cloth.
“[Y/N], I said don’t come closer.” He looked at you, and that’s when he stared at your arm, at the red line that marked it all the way from your shoulder to your wrist. Miguel’s eyes widened and he searched in your face for any kind of pain, of discomfort. All he saw was worry that you expressed for him. “Fuck – I’m sorry mi vida, I hurt you, didn’t I?”
“What? No – No Miguel, it’s fine, I can barely feel it.”
“You’re bleeding.” He said, not sure whether to approach you or walk away, scared he was going to hurt you further.
“It’s fine, Miguel, really, it’s just a scratch and it doesn’t hurt that much.”
“So it does hurt.” He spit the words out as if they were venomous; he was disgusted with himself, disgusted he could bring himself to ever hurt you.
You, however, saw right through him and his internal struggle.
“It wasn’t on purpose. Miguel, it’s fine.” You took tentative steps towards him, hoping he wouldn’t back away from you. He didn’t. Although he did seem to flinch a bit when you touched him, not yet trusting his body. “I’m serious. It’s just a scratch.”
“What if some day it isn’t just a scratch anymore?” he mumbled, looking away, refusing to meet your eye after he’d done something as vile as to hurt you like this. He’d sworn to never cause you any pain and look at what he’d done. Brunch was ruined, and you were in pain. “What if, some day, I really hurt you?”
“I know such a day will never come,” you replied, holding his face in your hands just like you’d done earlier that morning, not caring if they were full of flour. The sentiment you felt was the same. Sheer, pure love for the man standing before you.
“How can you be so sure? I’m a monster.”
“I’m sure because I know you love me. You’re a good man. You’d never hurt me. You’ll never hurt me.” The words are soft and gentle, meant to soothe him and all the doubt that clears his mind. But you know it’ll take a bit more than that to coax him out of his dark spot he carved for himself.
“I hurt you just now.”
“You didn’t mean to.”
“And yet I still hurt you.”
“Yes, but you didn’t want to, so it doesn’t count. It was an accident. What about when I step on your feet when we’re dancing? Do you hold it against me because I have hurt you?”
Miguel shook his head with an indignant expression. How could you even compare the two?
“That’s different,” Miguel expressed, “You don’t mean it. It’s an accident.”
“Okay, but what about that time we both reached out to catch the TV remote and I headbutted you?”
“Well, that was not on purpose.”
“There’s also that time I slapped you last week.”
“You were trying to kill a fly! Not hurt me.”
A soft smile graced your lips, and you forced him to meet your gaze.
“Exactly, Miguel. They were all accidents. I didn’t mean to hurt you just as you have never meant to hurt me.” You leaned forward and kissed him softly. He kissed you back hesitantly, and you pressed yourself harder against him. You wouldn’t allow the man you loved to fear touching you, loving you.
“Just look at me, [Y/N]. I’m a terrible creature. A monster. We’re not meant for each other.”
“I don’t care, I love you.” You replied, without missing a beat. “You’re not a terrible creature, nor a monster. You’re Miguel O’Hara, the love of my life, my husband, the man I love the most and want to spend the rest of my life with. I don’t care if we’re not meant for each other – we’ve faced so much and come so far. If anything, we’ve proven more than once that we are meant to be together.” Your voice was clear, and it was full of determination and love. You saw Miguel worthy of so much – why couldn’t he see it?
He sighed, and his gaze softened, as it often did when regarding you. Moving slowly, he rested his forehead against yours, arms coming around you to wrap you in a warm embrace.
“Te quiero un chorro. Eres el amor de mi vida, y te lo seguiré diciendo hasta el fin de los tiempos. No merezco tenerte.” He whispered.
“Stop that – of course you deserve me. All of me. Just as much as I deserve you. With your fluffy hair, and your terrible jokes and your bacon.” This seemed to get a laugh out of him, even if small. “I love you, Miguel. And we’re meant to be together. Forever and ever and ever, even when we’re old and grey and I’m deaf from listening to your terrible jokes.”
“You love my jokes,” he shrugged with a small smile. Good. He was smiling.
“Almost as much as I love you.”
Miguel bent down, picking you up effortlessly and crashing his lips against yours. You kissed him back, humming happily. He muttered some loving words against your skin and you smiled before he put you down, pecking you one last time.
“Now, can we go back to making ourselves some nice brunch?” You asked, untangling your arms from around him.
“Yes. And so much for me being disgusting – my face is now full of flour,” he told you, raising an eyebrow and pretending to be angry with you (something he could never, ever be).
“It was full of flour before, I don’t know what’s the difference.” You laughed, and he laughed along.
The kitchen was once more filled with the right sounds. Laughing, chattering, and soft music playing in the air.
After a while, all the cooking seemed done.
Plenty of pancakes sat atop a plate, with a bottle of honey and a small bowl of blueberries and other small fruits inside. Cheese and ham toasts were also served, along with a plethora of different jams and other snacks that included eggs, bacon, cookies and even some smoked salmon.
The meal was eaten contentedly. Your hard work had surely paid off, and you busied yourself telling funny anecdotes and stories from each of your workplaces while you ate. Miguel confided in you that some of Miles Morales’s ideas were actually good, and that Spider-Punk Hobie Brown had made him chuckle once or twice. You’d met them both before and thought they were simply delightful, having unofficially adopted them and looking over them a few times, by cooking them meals and checking up on them.
You told him about all sorts of funny antics your coworkers did at work, nearly making him spit out his drink when you told him what your work best friend had sent your boss, thinking it was a personal email to you.
The food was fantastic, the music sounded lovely, and the company was all you could’ve asked for. When you two were done, you put the dishes in the dishwasher, making it your own Tetris game, and falling on the couch after it was done.
The rest of the day was spent in peace.
You watched a couple of movies you’d been meaning to watch together for a while, with you and your husband trying to catch as many popcorns with your mouth as possible, read a few books sitting outside in the balcony, making the most out of the sun’s warm light, and just hanging out. That’s something you could never get tired of – just hanging out with your husband.
You didn’t always have to be doing an activity. You didn’t have to be cooking dinner, watching movies, or cuddling. Sure, doing those was fantastic. You’d done them all and enjoyed your time with him. But just being around him was enough sometimes. Knowing that he was right there, next to you, instead of inside that dreadfully dark lab of his was enough to make you smile.
“I love you,” he told you as the sun began to set, lifting his eyes from his book to stare at you, who were engrossed in your latest hobby.
“I love you too,” you replied, giving him a sweet smile.
Your gaze turned back to whatever you were doing, but Miguel’s never left yours. He watched as the last sunrays shone on your features, making your skin shine with an ethereal glow. He watched as your eyebrows furrowed in concentration and how your lips parted softly to smile once you were happy with what you were doing.
You were too good for him, and he still thought there was no way he deserved you.
You were a goddess among man, and he, just lucky enough to be in your graces. Maybe he’d done something right in a past life – because as he watched you, bathed in sun and warmth, and recalled his marvellous day spent by your side, he was sure there was no way in hell you weren’t a gift from the heavens above.
Beautiful and kind and caring, and all his.
You were a vision, and he was so damn lucky to be able to just look at you in all your glory.
Yeah, Miguel thought, he really ought to stay home with you more often.
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A/N: And that's it! I hope you guys have enjoyed it! I really like writing for Miguel, he deserves a big hug and a big smooch. I'm such a simp for him omg...
Have an amazing day ahead, everyone! <3
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Omg you know how you said Tangerine would really want to marry Y/n because he was scared that something in his job might happen? What if Tangerine had a nightmare the night before their wedding, that something happened to Y/n and she comforts him🥺🥺
So… I’m back.. and I took a super long break, but I recently wanted to get back into writing so…
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Most people thought that a strong guy like tangerine wasn’t scared of much, if anything.
You knew different. He was scared of losing you more than anything.
You’ve been together for years now, and he had just proposed to you not long ago. And the wedding was the next day.
You typed away on the computer, trying you best to get in as much work as possible. You’ve been taking a few days off to plan, and bills were coming up soon.
Even thought tangerine had told you repeatedly “Love, don’t worry about it- I’ll take jobs-“
You didn’t listen, because you didn’t want him to worry about it.
And so your fiancée sat next to you, watching tv.
“Love, I really don’t want you to worry about anything. We’re gonna have to wake up early tomorrow, Y’Know?” He said, sitting up and looking at you.
“Yeah, I know. (Your friends name) invited me to stay at hers but I wanted to spend the day together.”
“Just take a small break, please? You can continue in a few days.. after the wedding.”
You smiled slightly, and closed your computer gently. You climbed over and sat right next to him. You put your head on his shoulder.
“I can’t believe I’m getting married to you.” He mumbled quietly.
“I know. I can’t believe in getting married.” You laughed.
He laughed softly and glanced down at you for a second. It was peaceful, and nice.
He sighed as he got under the covers with you, he put his arms around your body.
You both knew of his nightmare disorder, he thought it was stupid and pushed it aside, saying he didn’t care. Ever since the bullet train, he’s been having reoccurring nightmares. You knew that, but you hoped that hopefully tonight would be okay.
“Goodnight. I love you.” You said.
“I love you too. Goodnight.” He said, and you both quickly drifted off.
Then, he heard your voice cry for him. You didn’t say tangerine, or any other nick name.
You said his actual name.
You were tied up, with a gun pointed to your head. You were alone.
“If only your fiancée cared about you enough to come save you. If only he never killed the boss.” The man shrugged with the gun still in his hand.
You screamed and cried, begging for him to let you go.
The man had his hand on the trigger and tangerine woke up quickly, breathing heavily and looking around. He looked down and realized you were sleeping, safely, next to him.
It’s only when he sighed quietly in relief, and got up from the bed when you woke up.
“Tan?” You mumbled sleepily, noticing he wasn’t next to you in bed anymore.
“I’m here, love, just getting a glass of water.”
“Mk… be quick.” You grumbled and pulled up the covers and made yourself more comfortable.
He smiled softly at you, and went out into the living room. He sat down and sighed, rubbing his temple.
What if that dream would be true one day? What if something like that actually happens?
He kept worrying and worrying, but something hit him.
You were getting married to him, he remembers you saying a few days ago “I don’t care what happens to me when I marry you, I care about what happens with us.”
He couldn’t imagine marrying or loving anyone else.
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pablitogavii · 11 months
AAAAAAAAH I luvvvved your gavi caring for the sick reader. Could You Do it the other way around? Like the reader caring for him while he’s sick and very clingy n adorable 🥺 💙
Sick Babyboy
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We came back from Ibiza a few days ago and Pablo had been coughing a lot as well as getting very tired quickly.
"Maybe we should check your fever cariño??" I asked but he refused saying that he was just jet lagged and that he will be fine soon. After another day, I was convinced that he was indeed sick.
"Just do it and then you can tell me that I'm wrong. Please, cariño..for me" I pouted and he finally agreed to let me check his temperature which quickly showed that he was indeed feverish.
"I guess you were right princesa.." he said adorably and I chuckled nodding my head and putting the thermometer away and grabbing his hand pulling him towards our shared bedroom.
I slowly unbuttoned his shirt while he smirked being dirty minded as he was placing his large hands on my hips in response.
"I might be sick princesa..but I can surely make you feel good" he whispered starting to pull up my shirt but I stopped him shaking my head and chuckling at the same time at his confused face.
"You should wear something more comfortable while I go make you some soup and bring you cough medicine" I said and he groaned feeling achy while taking off his hands and socks.
When I came back, Pablo was already in bed with a remote in his hand smiling towards me. I placed the bowl into his lap and he started eating the warm broth while flipping through channels landing on the Spain Junior game.
"How is it cariño??" I asked as he finished the last of the soup giving me back the bowl with a bright smile on his face. He already looked and sounded a little better thankfully.
"So delicious..thank you princesa" he said puckering his lips and you smiled pecking them before bringing the bowl back to the kitchen.
"Vamos! Vamos!!!" Pablo was yelling to the TV when I walked in giving him a warning glare as he shut up feeling his throat hurt.
"You should drink some cough medication amor" I said pouring enough into the cup and giving it to him but he pouted like a baby refusing to take it.
"But princesa it tastes disgusting!" he said and you smiled shaking your head at his childish answer reminding him that it will help if he takes it.
"How about we make a deal? If you take the cough medicine, I will cuddle you for the rest of the day?? Hm?" I said knowing it was an offer he would refuse and he took the cup quickly drinking all of it.
"Cuddle me now princesa??" he said with big eyes his bushy eyebrows raising up and I nodded putting down the cup and laying besides him as his head rested on my chest and his strong muscular hand went around my body.
We laid there together watching the game and I ran my hand through his messy curls which seemed to make him sleepy since he nuzzled his face further into my neck and stopped to pay attention to the game all together.
I though he had fallen asleep until I felt wet kisses left on my neck making me look down smiling at his adorable blushed face making me wonder how could anybody ever hate such an adorable boy??
"Te amo princesa.." he whispered into my neck and I smiled kissing the top of his forehead which was still a little warm but hopefully it will subside after he sleeps.
"Te amo Pablito.." I said back and he smiled nodding his head as hi hold on my waist tightened and he finally let himself completely relax and fall asleep in my arms.
Ik it's not long..but hope you like it <33
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chapel-of-rizztual · 8 months
More little ghouls??? Please? 🙏🥺
cw: regressed ghouls, age regression
Cumulus watches as Mountain pushes his food around his plate with a grimace on his face. His cheeks were slightly swollen and blotchy red from just having his braces tightened earlier that day. He was clearly struggling with, clearly in pain but trying his hardest not to let it show. He wasn’t doing a very good job, Mountain wears his emotions on his face. 
Cumulus stands from the table and moves so she’s standing behind Mountain, running her fingers through his hair.  “You doing okay, darling? I can make you something a little easier to eat if you want?” 
Mountain shakes his head.  “I’m okay, I promise.” 
She wraps her arms around his shoulders, resting her head on top of his.  “Are you sure? I can make you some soup or something?” 
He smiles at her, or at least tries to smile.  “It’s okay, I can manage.” 
Cumulus knows that’s a lie, he hasn’t eaten anything off his plate in the last fifteen minutes but she isn’t going to force help into him when he clearly doesn’t want it. 
“Okay, darling.” She places a kiss to the top of his head. “You come to me if you need anything, okay?” She gives the top of his head another kiss and feels him nod underneath her. 
She excuses herself from the table and retreats for the night, ready to soak in a hot bath and start her bedtime routine so she can get an early night sleep. She was helping Aether and Phantom in the infirmary tomorrow and a full night sleep was needed. While she doesn’t help with the medial side of things, she far from qualified for that, she knew she’d be on her feet all day taking tea, medication and friendly conversation to patients all day.
She gets awoken a few hours later by something poking her shoulder. 
“Mama?” There’s a sniffle. “Mama, please.” Another poke. “Please wake up.” 
She shuffles, blinking the sleep heaviness from her eyes and flicks her bedside lamp on to find Mountain kneeling on the floor by her bed, with tears running down his still swollen and red cheeks. 
She brushes away a few of the tears that have pooled under his eyes.  “What is it, baby? What happened?” 
He pushes his face into her hand.  “Hurts, mama.” He sniffles again, more tears welling in his eyes. “Hurts so bad.” 
“Oh, my poor baby.” She coos at him, pulling the bed covers away from her and shuffled back to make room for him. “Come in, get in. We can have a cuddle.” 
Mountain scrambles up from the floor and flops himself into her bed, whining when his sore cheek touches the pillow. 
“On you back, baby. So your cheeks aren’t touching anything.” She helps him roll over into his back. “That’s it, good boy.” 
Cumulus takes the edge of her blanket and very gently dabs at his cheeks to dry away the tears. He whimpers as she does but let’s do it, looking up at her with big wet eyes. 
“There we go. That’s much better, hmm? No more tears.” She dabs the blanket under his eyes one last time, only just noticing the deep dark circles under his eyes. 
 “Have you been to sleep at all tonight?”  She looks over to the clock in her nightstand to find it’s just past 5am. 
Mountain shakes his head with a sad whine.  “Hurts too much to sleep, mama.” 
“Oh, baby.” She runs her finger through his hair and scratches at his scalp, something he normally loves. “Have you taken anything for the pain.” 
Mountain shakes his head, pulling the covers up to his chin.  “Didn’t know what.” 
She leans over him and rummages through her bedside   draw to find a packet of ibuprofen. 
“Take these, darling.” She pops two of the pull out from the packet, helping Mountain to sit up so he can swallow the pills. “It’ll help bring the swelling down and help take some of the pain away.” She grabs her water bottle and lets Mountain take two king sips from it so he can take the medication. He whines as he swallows. 
She gently helps him to lay back down, very gently rubbing his swollen cheek with her pointer finger. “Hopefully that will take enough of the pain away so you can sleep.” 
Mountain hums, pushing his face into her gentle touch. 
“Oh!” Cumulus suddenly exclaims, making Mountain jump. “There’s something else that might help.” She rummages through her bedside draw again. “It’s teething gel from when Sunny had her wisdom teeth coming in.” She pulls out a small tube. “I don’t know how well it’ll help you, but it’s worth trying if you want.” 
Mountain nods enthusiastically, he’d try anything if would give him any relief from the pain he’s feeling. 
Cumulus squirts some of the clear gel onto her finger.  “Open your mouth, baby.” Mountain drops his mouth open obediently. 
She very carefully rubs some of the gel into his gums, not wanting to cause him anymore pain. He whimpers in relief, his eyes fluttering closed  as the gel immediately cools always some of the pain in his mouth. 
“That feel good, baby? Feeling better?” Cumulus continues to rub the gel all over the rest of his gums before pull her her finger out of his mouth and wiping it on the covers. 
Mountain nods and smiles up at her, a proper smile this time.  “Tingly.” 
Cumulus laughs at him.  “Yeah? It’s tingly?”  “Yeah, feels nice.” Mountain hums.  Cumulus cuddles into him, carding her fingers through his hair once again. “Think you can try and sleep a little now?” 
Mountain yawns, rubbing at his eyes with his fist. “Yeah. So tired, mama.”  “I bet you are, darling.” 
Mountain shuffles so he’s lying with his back to her, his cheek pressed against the pillow, but the pain dull enough now that he can ignore it. Cumulus tucks herself up against his back, pressing her face into the back of his neck and running one hand along his belly. It doesn’t take long for Mountain  to fall asleep, drooling into Cumulus’ pillow as he snores quietly. 
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isadora16aslani · 4 months
Watching DTS for the "first time" (I watched season one cause it was new and I wanted to see if it was good and depicted, wasn't so from then on I stopped) cause there are a lot of things that happened this season and I'm bored so 🤷‍♀️
I'm in ep3 and few things I noticed
Lando is a menace (asking lance if he can w*nk yet, one of the first things he said (in the episode) about Oscar is that he was late and that he is a tall guy 😭 the look he gave my man is in love)
I REALLY REALLY REALLY love Danny Ric and his smile lights up my day, also I missed him
The episode with Nyck was a bit weird cause I kind of felt bad cause I kept comparing him to Logan but then again Nyck has many many more years of experience so kind of made sense
I may update this the more that I watch
Lando in the end saying how he hasn't won yet, that hurt, a lot. Almost made me glad about the fact that they didn't show Oscars sprint win.
Hopefully more Oscar in the next season (which i might not see, like I said before, this is a desperate "move" from me)
Oscar outside McLaren fighting with the automatic door but not really fighting cause it was 6am and he was sleepy 😍😍😍
Gunther swearing 🥹 I missed that
James Vowels is soooo cute 🥺🥺🥺
Really like the way James explains things
Toto and James are cuties 🥰
Buxton is.. well he is something
Gunther and Mattia having their honeymoon in Italy
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
Day 5 ❄️ JHS
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Kinks: praise kink, Christmas cookies
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: holiday, smut, Brother's Best Friend!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, kissing, just some good ol' fashioned fingerbanging in the kitchen, a bit of exhibitionism, praise kink, maybe a touch of sub/dom between reader and Hoseok, once again I am writing Stoner!Hobi with the addition of stoner himbos Joon Tae and JK, egregious use of the word 'cookies' as metaphor for reader's 🐱
Word Count: 3K
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Your brother’s best friend Hoseok really likes your cookies
A/N: I wrote this one in one shot, in a fugue state after watching Hobi's 2022 MAMA performance. Please picture that Hobi here. 🥴
Please don't be a silent reader 🥺 I'd love to know what you think! 💕
Day 4 ❄️ Kinkmas Masterlist ❄️ Day 6
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Grey snow slushes under your boots as you slowly make your way home from the bus stop. Another double shift down. Working as a server around the holidays is miserable. Between the irate shoppers making non-stop demands and the incessant Christmas music blasting through the overhead speakers, it’s enough to turn anyone into a Scrooge. 
But it’s fine. You’ll live. Just a few more days and the holidays will be behind you. And so will all these double shifts, hopefully. You’ve been saving up so you can have enough for the first and last month’s rent on a tiny little studio apartment a few blocks from here. A fresh start to the new year, in a place of your own. Where you can enjoy some peace and quiet for once. 
A place free from the chaos that greets you as you slip your key into the lock of your current home and swing the door open. Smoke floats past you into the hallway. Scrunching up your face, you peer past the clouds to find, as always, your twin brother and his friends crowded around the living room tv, absorbed in a mission in some stupidly loud, obnoxiously violent video game, laughing and shouting and throwing elbows (and occasionally, a fist or two). 
“About time you got home,” your brother calls out as you peel off your boots and puffer coat, hanging the latter on the broken rack by the door. Namjoon said he’d replace that four months ago when he and his friends broke it during a particularly raucous game of flip cup. You know he’s waiting for you to do it. You’re always the responsible one around here. 
“I told you I was working a double,” you remind him, rolling your eyes. He never listens. 
The others gradually realize you’re standing there. It’s like watching the world’s slowest wave undulate around the room. First Jungkook spots you from beneath his bucket hat and lifts a hand. A few seconds later, a very sleepy-eyed Taehyung notices Jungkook’s hand in the air and raises his own. Then Hoseok, the only member of the crew sitting quietly, splayed across half the couch in his oversized tee and dark joggers, rakes his eyes over your tired frame and gives you the chillest of nods, head barely tipping as his lips quirk in a silent smile. 
Ignoring the fluttering in your stomach, you nod back. “Hey guys.” You’re too exhausted to even bother to ask them to keep it down. They would, politely, for about five minutes, before the chronic blowing through their veins made them forget. So why bother. 
You shuffle into your bedroom, strip off your uniform, pull on some fleecy pants and a long-sleeve tee, and slide on a pair of cushy slippers. The act of physically removing your day brings a sense of relief, helped along by the comfy clothes. You’d love to climb directly into bed, but you can’t. Not just yet. 
Your brother and Jungkook are locked in a double headlock when you emerge from your bedroom. Probably arguing about something that one of them did in the video game. It’s never anything serious with those guys, but it does get messy sometimes, and as you stroll through the room towards the kitchen, you quickly grab the lamp from the end table and place it on the ground before Jungkook’s arm can knock it over.
Money’s been tight for a while, not helped by the rise in rent, the rise in utilities, the rise in everything basically, so between that and the little nest egg that you’ve been stashing away, you’ve had to get a little creative with your Christmas gifts this year. As in, you’re creating them from scratch. You connect your phone to the little speaker in the kitchen and put on a relaxing playlist as you wander around the small space, pulling out ingredients and tools until you have everything you need to make your favorite cookies.
The music drifting from the speaker isn’t enough to drown out the noise from the living room, but it doesn’t matter. You fall into a trance, measuring and mixing, turning mere ingredients into food, into love. Everything else falls away. Nothing else matters but this. Baking brings you zen. 
Unfortunately, your activity does not go unnoticed. The scent of baking cookies fills the air, and before long, you have visitors. Invaders, more precisely. On the hunt for your goodies. 
As you pull the first tray out of the oven, a head pops in the doorway. A hat, really, pulled down so low you see nothing but pink lips adorned with a silver ring. “You makin’ cookies, Noona?” 
“Is that gingerbread?” a low voice drones behind Jungkook, as Taehyung follows him into the room. “Smells so good.” Namjoon is right on his heels, mouth hanging open a little as he spies the rows of perfectly baked gingerbread people resting on the warm tray. 
“Yes, it is, but these aren’t for you, so hands off, okay?” You raise an eyebrow, looking at all three men. They nod, and you turn away to put another tray in the oven. “These are for my friends. If you’re nice, maybe I’ll whip u- HEY!” 
There are three gingerbread people missing when you turn back, and all three men are chewing while exhaling loudly, trying not to burn their mouths on the hot cookies as they devour them. As they all reach for a second, you grab a spatula and swiftly slap their hands. 
Whack whack whack!
“Mmph!” Taehyung protests, rubbing his hand. He chokes down what’s left of his cookie. “That hurt, Noona!” 
“Well, maybe listen next time and you won’t get smacked!” You brandish the spatula like a wand, pointing it at each. 
A gentle chuckle sounds from the doorway, where Hoseok is propped against the frame, laughing at his friends’ pain. “Tell ‘em,” he says, crossing his arms. “They gotta learn.” 
You bite back a grin, rolling out more dough. 
“Sorry, Noona,” Jungkook mutters. “But can’t we have a couple? ‘M so hungry.” 
“That’s because you’ve been smoking all goddamn night,” you grumble, pressing the cookie cutter in. “Namjoon, if you don’t get your friends out of my kitchen right now, I’m going to try making real gingerbread people next. Starting with you, Jungkookie.” You shoot Jungkook a look, the one that he always tells you reminds him of Namjoon, even though you’re fraternal twins and don’t look a thing alike, and he holds his hands up in defense. 
“Come on. Be happy she only used the spatula, she’s lethal with that rolling pin,” your brother informs his friends as he shepherds them out of the room. “Yo, Tae-yah, you still got that hookup with that girl at the dumpling shop?”
Hoseok remains behind, studying your work. You don’t mind. Of all your brother’s friends, he’s usually the most respectful, quietly observing the mayhem around him. You’re used to the sensation of his eyes on you. 
Sometimes it’s what you think about, late at night, lying under the sheets, hand down your panties, biting your tongue to muffle your cries. Those dark eyes, watching you. 
“These are for your friends?” Hoseok finally speaks, pushing himself off the door frame. Hands in his pockets, he strolls towards you, still watching as you prepare another batch.
“Yeah. Not a lot of money for gifts this year, so…” you shrug. The heat from the oven has turned the tiny room into a sauna. Your fleecy pants feel like a terrible choice. Wiping the sweat from your brow with the back of your hand, you look up at Hoseok, and he laughs. 
“You’ve got a bit of…” He trails off as he steps closer, and your breath catches in your chest as he raises a hand to brush across your forehead. His gentle fingertips come away with flour on them. 
“Th-thanks,” you stammer, quickly busying yourself with the dough again, cutting out enough to finish filling the tray. 
“So can I have one then?” 
“Uh…” Loud yelling from the living room tells you that your brother and the other two have started their game again. 
Hoseok leans against the counter, heart-shaped mouth set in a soft smile. “You said they’re for your friends. We’re friends, right?” 
Friends. Right. That’s what you are. “Yeah, sure.”
He beams then, a brilliant smile that flashes across his face in an instant and then disappears. Even though the cookies are identical, he takes a moment to examine the selection before picking one. 
“This one looks perfect,” he announces, and you hum distractedly, moving cooled cookies into containers. Even though you’re not looking at him, you know exactly when he bites into the cookie, because he lets out a loud moan. “Mmmmm!” 
You hum again, trying to ignore the fact that his effusive response went straight to your gut. You continue to pack the treats away, filling the tins you’ll be giving to your friends.
“Didn’t know you had this talent,” he muses, chewing thoughtfully. “Why’ve you been hiding it?” 
“I haven’t been hiding it,” you laugh, cocking an eyebrow. “I just haven’t had much time to bake lately.” 
“Yeah, I noticed you haven’t been around much,” he states, and you hope he doesn’t see the way you freeze momentarily at his words. “You’re working yourself to death. You gotta take time to relax, you know.” 
“Oh? Never heard that before, thanks for the advice,” you grin. “I just gotta get through the holidays and then I can relax.”
“In your new place, right?” He reads the surprise on your face. “Joon told us you’re moving out.” 
“Yeah, I am. I just need my own space.” 
He nods.
After sliding the last tray in the oven, you help yourself to a cookie. 
Hoseok grins. “There you go, that’s more like it. Enjoy a little treat. They’re really good.” He tilts his head. “Can I have another?” 
You have just enough cookies to fill all the tins you’d purchased, just enough batches for all of your friends. But what’s one more?
“Yeah, okay, but that’s it.” 
Again, he deliberates before choosing one. As his teeth sink in, he lets out another groan, and you clench involuntarily at the way his voice drops into a low rasp. “Fuck, these are so good!”
Is this what he sounds like all the time? Maybe it’s a good thing he’s always so quiet when he’s here. Because you’re wet enough that you can feel your underwear sticking to you as you start to clean up.
“Seriously, what do I have to do to get one of these tins?” he asks, tapping on a lid. 
You nearly bite your lip in half as you keep all your suggestions at bay. “Listen, if you really want some, I’ll just make another small batch, okay? I think I have enough ingredients left…” 
“Mmmm, you’re such a good baker! The best!” Hoseok moans around a mouthful, and you’re not sure if it’s his husky tone, or the words themselves, but something hits you like a bolt, and you swallow thickly. 
And then you whimper. 
Your eye is immediately drawn to Hoseok, like your body wants you to see his reaction even as your brain is cringing. He pauses with his hand to his mouth, little gingerbread legs in the air, and stares at you for a moment before he blinks. 
“Uh, this batch will just take a minute,” you inform him, nervously grabbing your spatula again for something to do. 
Hoseok just nods. “It’s nice of you to make some more. Thank you.” He shifts a little, comes closer so you’re between him and the counter. 
“Oh, that’s - sure. You’re welcome.” Waving your spatula to emphasize that it's nothing, you start to measure your ingredients again, hyper aware of his nearness. If you turned your head right now, you know you’d see those dark eyes watching you. It’s so tempting, but you keep pouring your flour. 
“You’re such a sweetheart, you know that?” he says, but it’s really more of a purr with all that bass rumbling through his voice, and again you feel that pulse of arousal hit you, and this time you clearly whine. 
Again, you glance directly at Hoseok as the sound fades, and can’t move as his eyes slowly wander down to your breasts and back. 
“You’re always so good to us when we’re here. Always taking care of us. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.” He moves towards you, slow and sure, his arms coming up to grip the counter on either side of you, caging you in. “Like tonight, cleaning up so we don’t break stuff. Or feeding us, even when you say you won’t. Such a sweet girl.” You’re gripping the spatula so hard, you think it might crack. If you leaned forward just the slightest bit, your nose would brush his. “Such a good girl.” 
For once, you’re thankful for the loud commotion in the living room, because it means your brother did not just hear you moan, “Fuck, Hoseok,” in the kitchen.
You’ve never seen such a wicked smile from your brother’s best friend as he gently peels the spatula from your hand. “You like it when I call you a good girl?” 
What is happening to you makes no sense. You spend all day getting called ‘good girl’ by patronizing customers and sexist assholes. And yet when Hoseok rolls those words around his pretty pink tongue, you become a whimpering, wet mess. 
Maybe it’s because he seems to mean it. Or maybe it’s because it’s him. Either way, you let out a strangled noise at his question, and his grin sharpens. 
“That’s what I thought.” His lips hover over yours. “Can I kiss you, sweet girl?” 
The only way to answer him is with your own lips, tilting your chin up to meet his mouth. The kiss is soft, lingering, like he’s taking his time studying your lips the way he’s always studying you with his gaze. Then he slides his tongue out, tapping at your bottom lip, and you let him in, let him press his body against yours, nearly gasping when his hard length pushes against your hip. 
“Hoseok, you want some dumplings? We’re getting some!” 
As if your brother’s voice were a bolt of lightning striking between you, you and Hoseok split apart. Hoseok looks at you for a moment, chest rising as he catches his breath. 
“Nah, man, I’m good. Got a sweet treat instead,” Hoseok shouts back. You roll your eyes and he smirks.
“Aw, did you get a cookie? That’s not fair!” Jungkook exclaims.
“Shut up, you had one too, dumbass!” With that, you hear the recognizable sound of your brother and Jungkook wrestling again. 
A sudden yank on the waistband of your pants draws your attention. Hoseok tugs again, and then he slips his fingers beneath. 
He doesn’t move his hand, just slides it into your pants, and stares into your eyes. You hold your breath as you hear another shout. 
“I want another cookie, Noona!” Taehyung yells. “Aren’t they good, Hoseok?” 
Hoseok crooks an eyebrow, just the slightest bit, and you nod. His fingers dip between your thighs, and when they find the wetness there, he hisses. “They’re so good, Tae-yah!” he declares, middle finger disappearing between your folds. 
Your hands grasp at his biceps as you pitch forward, moaning at the sudden intrusion. His finger is long enough to curl perfectly into your most sensitive spot, and he employs a rapid tickling motion that makes your knees buckle. 
“Hoseok, holy fuck!” 
Is this really happening? Are you really letting your brother’s best friend fingerfuck you in the kitchen? Where anyone could walk in and see him knuckle deep in your throbbing cunt? 
Yes, it is. And you know what? You deserve this little treat.
“Ah, sweet girl, I just love your cookies so much.” Hoseok licks his lips as he adds a second finger. “Can’t resist.”
Taehyung calls again. “Can I please have another?” 
“Focus on the game, hyung, damn!” Jungkook yells, but not a second later adds, “Can I have one too?”
The thrusting of Hoseok’s fingers makes it hard for you to think straight. Everything about this moment makes it difficult, honestly - the way his arms flex under your fingers, the way his cock keeps bumping against your thigh, the way his eyes haven’t left yours for a second. 
“Tell them no,” Hoseok whispers, thumb ghosting over your clit before he presses into the nub firmly enough to make your hips buck into his hand. “No more for them!” 
“N…” Hoseok pushes against your clit again and you see stars. “No, no cookies for you!” 
There’s a burst of laughter from the living room that perfectly covers the wail you let out as Hoseok fucks you with three fingers, hard and fast. 
“Good girl,” he whispers, free hand cupping the back of your neck to kiss you. “So sweet, so good for me.” And with that praise, you come with a muffled cry against his lips. When your cunt stops clenching around his fingers, he removes them, and brings them to his mouth to suck them clean.
You groan, lightly pushing on his chest. He laughs, taking a step back, and you suck in a deep breath, trying to regain your composure. “Don’t make me grab the spatula.” 
“Think you’ll do any baking in your new place?” 
Caught off guard by the question, you furrow your brows. “Probably?” 
“Good. You better text me if you do.” His gaze roams your body again, and you swear you feel an aftershock from your orgasm. “I definitely want more of your cookies.”
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Masterlist ❄️ Find me on AO3 ❄️
© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
Taglist 1: @babycoffeefire; @parkdatjimin; @reliablemitten; @yuugehn; @ut-dixisti; @hesperantha; @seokjinger-ale; @bangtanintotheroom; ​​@taeshuworld; @nch327; @hannahbee12719ficrecs; @7minsuga96; @dvalitaes; @thatlongspringnight; @miscelunaaa; @acquiescence804; @itsirisz; @velvetskize; @starbtslove; @ajw05; @bruisedscrewedandtattooed; @minesuga; @greezenini; @aznstoner; @jkkkkkay; @xuxibelle; @soeur-de-ame; @boraborabts; @signmybook; @bbl32; @codeinebelle; @here4btsfics; @itbtoblikethatsometimes; @kookprada; @addictedtohobi; @shatzkrinslinzki; @jaiuneamesolitaiire; @joonjulyagust-d; @jinsquishes; @btsgotjams27; @allamericanuniverse; @pleaseshutupsara; @guvgguk; @goodgollyitslolly; @laylasbunbunny; @goldensugarywaffles; @jadda98; @lovelye79; @moonacholy; @luaspersona
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animeomegas · 1 year
Cooking ask anon here. Can I get your thoughts on the omegas that aren't all that good at cooking please?
Of course you can! I'll pick a few of the kitchen disasters for you hehe. I assume you mean MHA and Naruto?
He will burn the food and break the kitchen while he does it.
This will never change. Hopefully his partner is a good cook, or there will be a lot of takeaway ramen in this house.
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Can't cook and refuses to try.
The only thing he hates more than cooking is food shopping, so it's pretty hopeless for him.
He would live off of coffee, high calorie bars and jelly forever if you let him.
If push came to shove, he would be capable of using a rice cooker and boiling some vegetables competently. That's all.
At first, Itachi is a truly horrendous cook.
And he's a perfectionist so this stresses him out immensely.
Basically, when he first retires, he's very eager to get into the househusband role, and he truly wants to excel at it.
And while cleaning and organising is fine for him, cooking is a massive pitfall.
Itachi is lowkey salty that the one skill he's choosing to learn is something he's bad at. He hates killing people, but damn is he good at it. It feels cruelly ironic.
So he tries and he tries and he tries.
The food bill is so high for months because he just cooks and cooks and cooks until he can make some passable dishes.
He will throw a kitchen knife at his alpha if they try to eat any of his failed attempts. Everything must be perfect.
Eventually, he does learn, through sheer will and great effort. His food becomes pretty good, still in the average range for sure, but tasty and enjoyable!
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No one taught him how to cook :(
And he never really got around to it growing up because he couldn't afford the ingredients and honestly he had bigger things going on.
And when he's finally an adult...
Why would he cook when he has money to pay for delicious restaurant food (Ichiraku ramen)???
He doesn't really seem to get why he should learn either???
He finds it boring and hard :(
Naruto does lavish praise on his alpha if they can cook though, he's so blown away by their skills, even if they're only average.
Doesn't know how to turn an oven on.
If his partner meets him when they're both adults, Shouto will already have a cook for some days, and on the others days, he'll order food or eat out.
He really likes to watch his partner cook though, it's so relaxing for him and he'll heat or cool anything needed, quickly defrosting or reheating food at his partner's command.
He is also a very good student, so he learns to make both his and his alpha's favourite foods.
He still very much defaults to not cooking, but if his alpha ever said that they wanted him to cook, he would take it seriously and try his best for them.
And he would stand by the finished product like a puppy waiting to see if you like it and maybe hoping you'll praise him 🥺
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larcenywrites · 7 months
Raising Kids Together | Headcanons
young!Tony Stark x Reader
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Warnings: very mild sexual references
Family Series: 1 2 3
💠Somehow, you've both survived newborns and terrible 2's, but now your once tiny babies are causing not-so-tiny chaos! Even Tony can hardly keep up with them!
💠If you two have been in a room together for a while, it means no one has been watching the boys, and that you're probably about to hear yelling, breaking, or you need to go on a hunt around the house for them 🙃 you can hardly have any time alone without something happening! Just when you think you're both getting into bed early, and perhaps with a few frisky kisses 😘, they're busting through door and climbing on the bed, or it sounds like one was thrown out of bed and is now screaming for both of you 😥 Either way, it has Tony flopping back to his pillow in defeat and groaning right along with them.
💠After a quick pout, though, he usually tells you to get some rest and he'll go check it out 🥺 with one more kiss before he goes 🥺 but even though he told you to stay, it's nice to sneak over and watch him put the kids back to bed ❤ 
💠And catch him on the way out 😏
💠But for the most part, the boys are really good kids! And Tony is still settling into his role as a dad, but besides the occasional pouting he's become a very good parent! And definitely nothing like his own father when Tony was that age. In fact, he welcomes their interruptions when he's on the phone or doing paperwork at home 🥰 you've probably found them preferring to play with their cars in his office and right along his desk, or even asking to their nap in there! You can't tell if he's so tolerant because he's a loving pushover, or if parenthood suddenly granted him all that patience and goodwill 🤨
💠But he does get a little snappy when he's working on a car or a machine. Please don't touch anything! Or break anything! Or wander out of sight! But he does let them "help out" by handing him tools or sorting through and separating varying sizes of nails in the toolbox... yay?
Hey, at least it keeps them distracted for a while-- for both your sakes! Sometimes there are things that need to be done without so many distractions, and the boys love spending time bothering with their parents! It's a good problem to have, but not when they're literally wrestling on top of dad while he's just trying to watch the nightly news, or when they're throwing socks at each other on laundry day 😐
💠But despite it all, the two of you manage to get every day done 😊
💠Except the first time you're ever gone for a few days, or heaven forbid a week or more, and he's in charge of watching the kids... by day 3 they're all just going feral. The tv hasn't even been turned off once, Tony is probably trying to figure out how to get mud out of the carpet, and
💠"Daddy, can we have another popsicle?"
💠"...sure, bring me one too." This is everyone's third popsicle, and dinner has consisted of chicken nuggets and macaroni every night. And probably lunch too... but breakfast is probably cereal and hopefully fruit? Tony can cook a little bit, but he's both tired and too much of a pushover. If that's what they want, then he wants to give it to them! But the only reason they aren't all sick by the time you get home is probably because his mother either stopped by and found out, or Tony realized he's actually really bad at this on his own and needed her help :( And not without a quick scolding that you wish you'd caught when Maria called to tell you all about it 🤧
💠Honestly, the kids are probably partly acting out because you're gone, and they know that Tony is distracted and a pushover... well, at least they're adorable! And maybe it shows that you both need some more parenting tips 😅
💠You'd think it'd be easier when they're at school all day, but Tony insisted on hiring tutors to homeschool the kids, at least for now, but while that sounded like a decent plan, sometimes the boys try to homeschool the teacher instead 😅 sometimes they know more than she does after reading the entire textbook in their free time and would rather learn ahead now, and sometimes they're busy teaching her all about Dragon Ball Z lore between lessons! So now you guys still have them all day, (or just you when Tony is at work), but at least they aren't bothering you for once 😌 the teacher loves it though! Her listening and playing along takes a lot off of your plate, and it's good for the kids :)
💠But you don't get much time once the teacher leaves. They get their assignments done within minutes, and as soon as the teacher leaves (well, sometimes), they're reenacting Godzilla vs King Kong in the living room for the 20th time, except this time it somehow ties into the American Revolution? And then they're outside digging holes all evening because they can't remember where they buried Darth Vader. And then they have to fill those holes. And then when Tony tries to get them inside, he either ends up helping them or they end up wrestling him to the ground!
💠That's pretty much every day 😅 Except for when they go to the park! Tony is kinda like everyone's big brother when they go, pretty much every Sunday afternoon! They all get socialized, Tony gets some sun for once, and you can decide to stay home and get some alone time for a few hours
💠Tony doesn't even know anything about sports! Yet he's out there playing baseball and basketball, and teamed up with Rhodey, their ridiculous rules and silly requirements make everyone laugh, which makes them both pretty popular with all the kids! And unfortunately for Tony, a little too popular with the moms and older siblings… maybe it's time for a ring around that finger.
💠Either way, they get tired out by the evening, and also covered in dirt and a new bruise or two! After a bath the kids usually put themselves to bed 😴 and your kids being fast asleep means you get to join Tony for his bath 😏 except for the days he sneaks brings Rhodey home 😑 who's also tired and probably falls asleep on your couch after dinner...
💠If the kids let him! They absolutely love dad's best friend! But unfortunately, however, you can never get him to babysit for longer than a few hours 😔 Come on, Rhodes, weren't you Tony's roommate? Surely you can handle this :/
💠But when you both need a break from all this? Send them to spend the night with the grandparents for the weekend! They seem to behave a little better, and they seem to have fun just being in a different environment! The only time they start being terrors is when you and Tony have both been on vacation, and it makes them a little cranky after 3-4 days :(
💠And if you take them with you? They'll be asking to go back home after 3-4 days 😓 Unless you go to Disney World. Then they'll be pitching a fit when it's time to leave, but honestly you guys are probably upset too 😭 and it probably ends up being just one more day… and somehow in that one day they'll manage to drag every pillow and blanket onto the floor for you to pick up. Again.
💠And again, at least they're adorable :) Just like Tony, it gets them out of trouble more times than you'd care to admit 🥰 And they know it 🥰 Especially when they either stick up for each other or just straight up admit to it... with big ol' eyes and sorries 🥺 or apologize to each other without even being told to 🥺 
They really are good kids! They just get carried away with the fun and the chaos! It's a Stark thing 😘 And just like their dad, they'll eat up the attention and kisses 🥰 In fact, they've already learned to be manipulative little shits and hide behind Maria in order to avoid getting in trouble, because she'll be too busy doting on them 😑 
💠You can't even trust Jarvis! He'll even tell the boys to hide and will damn well keep their location a secret! But he's allowed to have his fun! He did the same thing with little Tony! He just misses those days! However, when the coast is clear, Jarvis does sit them down and gently scolds them. He'll hear their side of the story too, of course! Even if it just because they don't wanna go home, and are being annoying by hiding from their parents. Usually after a quick talk, they come right back to you! Suddenly all gentle-natured and apologizing 🙄 but... how could you stay mad :( 
💠Definitely not Tony when he's already packing them over his shoulders and spinning them around! And luckily, they're too busy laughing to protest being packed into the car 😮‍💨
💠And let's be honest, seeing him be so good with the kids is really fucking hot 😏😘
💠But if you're hugging and kissing on Tony... the boys have to be involved in it, too x) 
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Family series: 1 2 3
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ash5monster01 · 1 year
Hi! Loved your last Andrew post 🥺, was hoping to request another with him? when you and Andrew are both single and have been for a long time so you two decided to set each other up with someone close to each of your age (reader is like 24). You go on a double date but during the date you two just hit it off more than your blind dates. And if you can make reader an actress too 🫶🏻 I saw on insta that thats what happened with Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds lol
Should’ve Known it Was You
Pairing: Andrew Garfield x FemReader
Warnings: fluff
Summary: you and your friend Andrew are both single and decide setting each other up on a blind double date is the best idea until you enjoy each other more than your dates.
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You weren’t sure how you had ended up in this situation. Actually you knew exactly how and it was because of the doe eyed boy seated across from you. It was his fault you found yourself with a date duller than a doorknob and it was also your fault his date ended up annoying as can be, but it wasn’t your fault you didn’t know many other people 15 years older than you and he didn’t know many people 15 years younger than him. Thinking back on it now maybe the day you had decided this was a good idea you both hadn’t really thought it through.
“Look Y/N we’re both single right now. What could it hurt?” you couldn’t believe he was suggesting this.
“He could be a murderer or a cannibal” Andrew laughed loudly, his trailer almost shaking.
“Why would your mind go to those options first? You don’t think I would find you a nice guy?” Andrew crossed his arms, his attention completely off his lunch during your 30 minutes break from set.
“I know, I just wouldn’t be comfortable. I’m awkward” you hated dating. Getting used to somebody new was the worst, especially romantically.
“You’re not awkward” you gave him a dumbfounded look in hopes to remind him what you were like the first day on set and you two had met. “Okay, you’re a little awkward but you can overcome that. I mean look at us now”
“Andy, I just want to skip the embarrassment. I’ll find a guy of my own to make myself a fool in front of” you told him before proceeding to take a bite of your salad.
“Why don’t we make it a double date, you pick my date and I pick yours and then we all go together” now this idea had peaked your interest. Andrew could fill the conversation where you struggled and hopefully you could do the same for him.
“Now that could work” you told him after a few minutes of pondering and he held his hands up as if to say I told you so before focusing back on his food.
So here you both were, sat next to your dates, in a dimly lit restaurant. But the catch was both the dates you picked sucked and the only jokes you had been laughing at all night were Andrew’s.
“Oh my gosh Y/N, did I tell you what happened on set the other day?” Andrew turned his head from his blonde date and you immediately leaned forward to put your attention on him. Your date had been busy trying to tell you about his routine while taking care of his Grandpa and you could only take so much about what medication he takes at what time.
“No, spill” you grinned back at him, your dates sharing a knowing look between them.
“We were filming and one of the new assistants was so distracted as he watched us he walked straight into the craft table. Food went everywhere and he was covered. I laughed so hard we had to reshoot the scene like twenty times” you laughed loudly picturing this, knowing that one bump to your craft table could launch food everywhere.
“Oh my gosh, I bet our Director was pissed” Andrew nodded, smiling at how the girl laughed at his story.
“He was, but I couldn’t help myself” both of you had shown more enthusiasm over each other than your dates and it continued like this for most of the night. One of you would break a dull conversation to converse with the other. Finally Andrew’s date had enough.
“That’s it’s, I’m leaving” Andrew shot her a confused look and your date stood as well.
“Me too” he said as he started to put on his jacket.
“What, we’re just starting to have fun” Andrew held his hands up, confused as his date collected her purse.
“No, you guys are having fun” you drew your eyebrows together at the blonde girl, confused by what she had meant.
“Obviously you guys are into each other, you should’ve saved yourself the trouble and just went on a date instead of wasting our time” your date said before turning and walking out the door. Andrew’s date followed, her chin high as you both got abandoned at the table.
“Well, that was unexpected” Andrew spoke and you both chuckled, the awkwardness starting to settle in. Andrew was 15 years older than you and you had never really considered him an option. But hearing someone say it you started to wonder if you really had been attracted to him all along. Every shared moment between the two of you flashed through your head and you realized maybe it was always there. You enjoyed his company, and the flirting wasn’t uncommon.
“We should go” you suggested and he nodded as he held his hand up for a bill. Once you both had paid you found yourself out in the sidewalk, walking side by side, your shoulders brushing every once in a while.
“Do you think they were right?” Andrew asked and you sighed as you looked ahead of you.
“Maybe, I don’t know” he nodded as you said this. You hated that this was in your head now. Now you noticed how the veins in his hands flexed, the roll of his throat as he spoke, and the crinkles in his eyes, and you were attracted to all of it.
“Maybe we were so focused on the fact it couldn’t happen that is somehow did” you both never considered the other due to age. But had focusing on this fact distract you from it happening in real time?
“I’m a little embarrassed our dates noticed but not us” you said and he laughed lightly as he kicked a rock with his foot.
“Yeah, then we really could’ve saved ourself the trouble” the silenced filled the air again, only the sound of traffic floating between you. Suddenly Andrew couldn’t handle the silence or confusion anymore and his movements came to a stop.
“What are you doing?” you asked as you turned back to look at him.
“What if we kissed?” your heart stopped as he muttered the words.
“What?” you gasped out, surprised by the bluntness of the situation.
“Look, obviously both of us are trying to understand our feelings right now. So what if we kiss? If we feel something or not at least we’ll know and this entire night won’t be a complete waste” he said you thought about it for a few moments. At the end of the day what could it possibly hurt. At least you could sleep easier tonight.
“Okay, let’s do it” Andrew was surprised by this response but quickly recollected himself.
“Okay” and suddenly he was a step closer, and you could feel his breath on your face. Your heart accelerated as he tried to figure out how to grab you. Settling with one hand on your waist and the other on your cheek he slowly lowered his face to yours.
“You better be a good kisser Garfield” you whispered before he finally pressed his lips to yours. At first it was shock, that you both had your mouths pressed to each other but suddenly you felt it. Andrew did too as his hand on your cheek slipped behind your head to deepen the kiss. You found yourself clinging to his shirt, the desire to get more overwhelming you. Slowly his tongue slid across your bottom lip and you allowed it in, all of your senses going into over drive because here your best friend was with his tongue in your mouth and causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
Your hands found your way into his hair and his around your waist, trying to pull you as close to him as possible. You had both expected just a peck on the lips but now here you were hungering for more and you still hadn’t even broken apart yet. As soon as his hands started to slide up the back of your shirt you both broke apart for air. Your breaths were heavy as you searched each others eyes wondering if you had both felt that. How could you both have gone so long not realizing being together could feel like that?
“Wow” you weren’t sure if you had ever had a kiss like that and yet here you both were, still in each others arms, ready for more.
“I know” a small grin fell on Andrew’s face and he laughed lightly.
“I’d really like to take you back to my place now so we can do that again” you started to nod quickly and he grinned again, gripping your hand as he pulled you towards his apartment.
“Better make it quick, I don’t think I can wait that long” you told him and he felt his pace quicken because you just became the best part of his night.
“We should’ve done that the day we met”
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seb-reads31 · 10 months
I'm glad you don't mind! Then, I'll request again! Though please tell me if you're not interested! It's headcanons of Obey Me characters except Lucifer & Belphegor notice GN Reader had a bad day so he went to check on them. They are still sad but they immediately brighten up upon seeing him! How would OM characters cheer them up? Sorry for repeating this similar prompt because I had a bad day and I really love your writing!
Tw's -
Genre - Hurt/Comfort
Type - Head canons
Comments - Of course nonnieee 🥺🥺 I'm sorry you had a bad day, I hope it gets/got better! And I really hope you enjoy these. They're gonna be a bit shorter though, mostly my thoughts on how they would comfort you, hopefully this is okay. I wanna avoid repeating the same thing over and over again.
Bad day?
💸 If he saw you crying his instincts would kick in
💸 HA, you thought I was gonna say that he wouldn't know what to do, but you're WRONG
💸 The reason I chose the word "instincts" is because he has 5 younger brothers, he knows what to do when someone is crying and how to cheer them up
💸 10/10, the best comforter ever totally not personally biased
💸 But regardless, he knows how to cheer up different people based on their personality, he had to deal with different kinds and had to learn to adapt to the new ones and their preferences. With you, it'll be a cake walk✨
💸 He's so good at it you'll forget why you were upset in the first place
💸 Eventually after you've calmed down he'll ask you if you wanna talk about why you're upset, if you do then he'll listen and give the best advice he can, if you don't then he'll reassure you that you don't have to tell him if you don't want to then drop the subject altogether to keep your mind off of it
🎮 He's one of the worst at comforting, but he tries his best
🎮 Solid 4/10 in my opinion
🎮 His form of comforting you is grabbing your favorite snacks, and offering to watch your favorite anime together, or playing your favorite game together, or reading your favorite manga together
🎮 He might attempt to ask what was wrong but might not have the courage to do so, but will tell you nonverbally that he's there for you no matter what
🎮 He's more used to being the one comforted rather than having to comfort someone so he's a little awkward, but again, does his best
🧶 Another one of the better comforters
🧶 7.5/10
🧶 Why I say 7.5 instead of like a 8 or 9 is because his form of comforting would be taking you to a cat cafe (if you're not allergic/like cats, if so then he would take you to a normal cafe) and buy you as many snacks and drinks as you would like, as well as buying a few books you've been wanting to read (if you like reading, if not then you two just talk)
🧶 His knowledge of comforting probably came from his constant reading
🧶 He probably also read some human psychology books out of both boredom and slight interest
😘 9/10
😘 100% fusses over you like a mom/older sibling
😘 Self care day, your choice if you wanna go to a spa, get a massage, or get a manicure, pedicure, or both if you want he's paying for it all 🤧
😘 There are no if's and's or but's about it, he's paying and you're going to relax and take your mind off of things for a while
😘 I personally feel like he would be the best person to vent to
😘 He gives great advice, great at analyzing, and knows how to read people in any situation possible
😘 You may not think so, but feel free to share your thoughts
😘 If you decide to talk about it he's more than willing to give his thoughts and offers tips or solutions for your problems
😘 Tied in 1st place with Mammon
🍔 5/10
🍔 Not the best but not the worst
🍔 His form of comfort is either Belphie or food
🍔 So he takes you out to eat somewhere, specifically to your favorite restaurant and orders your favorite food, as well as some dessert
🍔 He's the 2nd best when it comes to listening (1st going to Asmo) but doesn't exactly give the best advice
🍔 He tries his best, and ends up consulting Belphie or Lucifer maybe
🍔 He doesn't exactly know what to do when comforting you but he does his best
👑 He's busy most of the time, and he didn't get much interaction with other people when he was growing up so he isn't the best when it comes to comforting someone
👑 2/10 ;-;
👑 He doesn't know what to do so he summons Barbatos to assist him
👑 And that's assuming that he was even available to begin with 🫤
👑 Let's just say that he was for the sake of the request though
👑 He would be very awkward
👑 Probably resorts to taking a break with you and having a small tea party where you vent to him about your problems
👑 It would be a nice break for him as well so two birds with 1 stone 👍
🍵 7-9/10
🍵 There's a reason for the 7-9 so stay with me 😭
🍵 7 is when he's had a bit of a longer/busier day
🍵 He's already feeling a bit more stressed out or overwhelmed than usual and can't find it in himself to be completely.. understanding
🍵 He will definitely make you two some tea and snacks whenever he has a small break but his advice won't be the absolute best
🍵 There's multiple things running through his mind at the moment so he's a little confuzzled
🍵 On a good day however is when he's at a 9
🍵 He's much more willing to listen and will give you much better advice
🍵 On days where he's at a 9 includes him taking a break from serving Dia and takes you to the gardens to make flower crowns as you vent your frustrations I love flower crowns leave me alone
🍵 I feel like this is what he does in his free time personally (I'll save this for a general Head canon request or if I decide to do it out of boredom)
🍵 He doesn't necessarily like plucking the flowers from the gardens but he knows a spell or 2 to replace them easily, so he doesn't really mind
🍵 He definitely gives you much better advice and even offers to bake something with you to take your mind off of it 🥹
😇 Simeon is a literal angel, let's get that out of the way right now
😇 Now, I feel like angels just have this calming aura or something like that around them
😇 And that helps you to relax and feel less stressed
😇 I feel like Simeon is just the best person to go to if you're having a bad day though
😇 He's the most calm out of everyone, and is the 2nd best at comforting
😇 I say 2nd for a reason
😇 And that is because you live with the brothers, they know you the best
😇 Simeon is just an exchange students like you, you don't normally spend a lot of time together
🪄 I don't know what to give Solomon
🪄 He would probably be better in the sense that he's a human and understands human emotions a bit better than demons
🪄 He's also very old wise so he would have some good advice as well
🪄 He would probably find your favorite fantasy animal and show you it, like unicorns or dragons, stuff like that
🪄 Or he would show you some fun spells and such that would both be easy and fun to learn
🪄 He's not the best at comforting someone, he leaves that stuff alone but he is good at distracting you from your problems if that's what you really need
🐶 5/10
🐶 Luke is a small child technically, he doesn't fully understand adult emotions or why specific things happen
🐶 He's not the best, and he shouldn't have to be because he is a child
🐶 It doesn't stop him from wanting to cheer you up with pastries he baked with Simeon or Barbatos though
🐶 The precious baby doesn't know what happened today, but is willing to help any way he can 🥺🥺
🐶 It's more than likely just you two baking together with Simeon and/or Barbatos but it's still a fun and helpful activity to do when you're feeling down
Notes - I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG 😭😭 I got burnt out or something along the way for whatever reason 🧍 But school also started up again so I'm not very tired 🥲 I hope you enjoyed this though!
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Can I request eddie x reader valentines vibe?
Eddie is a perfect boyfriend and planned so much for Valentine's Day (it's his first with anyone, and he's with reader so he wants it to be super perfect in every way).
But he didn't expect getting present and he's so surprise by something super cute and meaningful from reader (in romcoms boyfriends almost never getting gifts 🙄).
I want flushed, cute and moved to tears Eddie boy please 🥺🥺🥺 He deserves it so much.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
A/N: I got this yesterday and I have a few requests I’ve been working on, but this was so so cute and I wanted it to still be seasonally appropriate. I hope you really wanted blubbering Eddie cause that’s what you got haha
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“Wow Eddie, baby, this is amazing!” You exclaimed as you walked into the living room of your boyfriends trailer. Eddie was standing there, bouncing on his toes with a little bashful smile as you took in the room before you. The living room that you had spent countless hours in over the past few months had been transformed into your own private indoor romantic picnic spot for your first Valentine’s Day together.
There were string lights hung from the ceiling and around the walls, giving the room a warm twinkling glow. There was a plush, soft looking, blanket laid out on the floor with delicious looking snacks and desserts spread out all around it. And the flowers, there were so many flowers, some roses that looked like Eddie went out and bought along with wildflowers that he seemed to have picked himself for you. It felt magical.
“You like it baby?” Eddie asked as he wrapped an arm around your waist and led you further inside.
“I love it Eds. It’s perfect. And so romantic. Thank you!” You gushed, your emotions raising in your chest as you felt your heart swell. To think, someone would go to all this effort for you? You had never felt so special before, so loved. You just hoped your gifts would make Eddie feel the same way you did right now.
Your boyfriend beamed as he pulled you fully into his arms, “I wanted everything to be special for our first Valentine's Day together.You are my first ever Valentine after all.” He said before peppering your face with little kisses as you flushed and giggled under the affection. “My perfect” kiss “gorgeous” kiss “sweet” kiss “and hopefully only Valentine.” He finished, flashing you a dazzling smile before placing a final tender kiss on your lips.
Your face felt hot as you both pulled away from each other with adoring smiles and flushed cheeks. “I have something for you too Eddie.” You said, somewhat anxious. Eddie’s eyebrows perked up, clearly not expecting a gift. “I’ll be right back.” You quickly rushed from the trailer and out to your car, pulling out a stuffed bear and a wrapped package. Eddie’s head tilted in surprise as he watched you walk back in with your items and you motioned for him to sit on the couch with you behind the little picnic set up.
You quickly handed him the stuffed animal, and watched as he examined the little brown bear, his thumbs rubbing lightly over the little handmade Hellfire shirt you made for it. “I named him Teddy Munson, but you can name him something else if you like.” You smiled, watching a light pink dusting come up to his cheeks.
“Teddy Munson is a good name baby, thank you.” He said, a small bashful smile on his face. He then grabbed the little cassette tape tied to the bear's paw with a curious look, flipping it over to see “Loving Eddie Munson” scrawled in your cute handwriting with little red hearts drawn all around. The light blush on his cheeks deepened as he read that, the small smile growing with it.
You quickly handed him the wrapped present before talking about the tape, wanting to wait before you explained it. “I was able to snag this for you too.” You explained with an excited smile.
Eddie quickly tore away the paper before freezing as he realized what was in his hands. “Baby?” He blinked quickly before looking up at you, “Is this a signed Dio album?” He asked in surprise.
You nodded with a big smile, “They were having a radio contest when I was in Indianapolis a couple months ago and I just knew I had to try to win for you.”
“Holy shit.” He gasped out, touching the album cover tentatively like he was afraid that he would damage it.
“I had to answer all these questions about the album and Dio’s career and thanks to everything you told me I was able to win! So really you’re the reason I was able to win.” You giggled, “And the tape here” You pointed to the cassette still attached to the bear. “It has all the songs that make me think of you and I recorded the reasons why on there too.” You flushed, “I- uh- even taught myself my favorite one on guitar since you’ve been helping me learn, and I recorded it for you on there. I hope you like it.” You finished quickly, looking up at Eddie.
Eddie stared, shell shocked, at the items in front of him. He couldn’t believe that anyone would go through all this effort for him. Eddie would do anything for the people he loved, absolutely anything, but couldn’t imagine someone doing the same thing for him. “I love-” He started, his voice breaking as his emotions welled up and tightened his throat. “I-“ He tried again, suddenly feeling prickling behind his eyes as they started welling up. “Fuck.” He chuckled out as the tears broke free and fell down his cheeks.
“Oh baby, is this good crying? Bad?” You asked quickly, cupping the metalhead cheeks gently and wiping the tears away as they fell.
“It’s good. So good.” He blubbered out, fully letting himself feel his feelings. “I’ve never- no one’s ever- this was perfect.” He said, carefully pulling your hands away from him so he could crash his lips on yours with wet, grateful kisses. He pulled back after a moment, wiping the tears from his face with a disbelieving chuckle. “I can’t believe you got me crying like a baby right now sweetheart.” Your stomach flipped as he turned to you, looking at you like you hung his moon and stars. “Thank you so much baby, this means the world to me. You mean the world to me.” He said, grabbing your hand and kissing it gently. “I don’t know how either of us are going to top this next year.” He joked, kissing your cheek as you giggled.
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day! I love you 💕
Taglist: @srapalestina @yvonneeeee @aroseinvelaris @anaisweird @mrslovesmayahawke @harrys-tittie @becca-alexa @catacina
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Hiii! Can I please request a Shelby family x sister!reader where Y/n Shelby, the youngest Shelby sibling (a year or two younger than Finn), is the complete opposite of her siblings, she’s more on the timid/shy innocent side, she’s not a fighter like her siblings are, gets scared easily (she’s pretty jumpy & anxious) and she’s soft & kind, so she’s not really included in all of the meetings (Her brothers just want to protect her and don’t want to scare her). With all this, she feels like she doesn’t fit in with her family and constantly worries that she’s disappointing her them. Maybe classmates are being mean to her at school about it and maybe even some men at the Garrison too? About her being a Shelby but not being “tough” like her older brothers/sister/aunt. Maybe she always hears people say that there’s no way that she’s actually a Shelby and she comes home crying after school saying stuff like she “doesn’t deserve to be a Shelby”?🥺🥺 John, Tommy, Arthur and Finn prove her otherwise 🥺🥺? Shelby boys ready to throw hands at those being mean to their baby sister 🥺 Tommy very much being a father figure to his baby sister and Y/n really looking up to him🥺🥺
This was so freaking cute!!! I made it more angsty by accident and changed a few things but hopefully that's alright ♥️ It's also a bit shorter than usual.
Warnings: reader gets her ass squeezed, bad language, non descript peaky violence, flufffff
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It was a bad day right from the beginning. You woke up at 4am unable to go to sleep. So you laid there reading, frustrated and hungry. Once the house was up things were absurdly loud as Polly handed you a list of things to pick up from the shop. 
That was your role in the family. Chores, chores, and more chores. Scrubbing the blood out of white collar shirts, cooking, and keeping the house in order, all under Polly’s watchful eye. Since the boys were back your chores tripled but you’d never complain about it as all three of your brothers returned mostly fine. 
It was an adjustment, new players entered the game and you felt yourself drift further and further away from your family. Tommy had big ideas, Polly hated them, Arthur wanted to run the ship, and John was just happy to have things to do other than watch his children. While Finn was only a year older than you, he still forged his place alongside the boys. Even Ada had a part to play. 
You thought back to Ada telling you how Tommy even wanted to send you away to some school in London. He’d write to you the whole time you were gone about missing you and wanting to hear about everything going on in your life, but once back he was ready to push you as far away as possible. 
Your resentment was interrupted once you stopped into the Garrison for two bottles of whiskey. Men were looking at you with sharp eyes, something that always made the hair on the backs of your arms stand up. 
“Eh, no lone women allowed!” One man sneered. 
“I’m here to pick up for the Shelby family.” You looked right at the bartender who’d known you since you were a kid, he gave you an apologetic look. Or was it a look of exasperation, like defending you was becoming a chore? 
“Lay off it boys.” He said quickly, grabbing bottles off the top shelf. 
“S’not right for a lady to be drinking that much alone.” Another man came to your side and grabbed your ass. Your eyes widened, normally your last name was enough to prevent this type of confrontation. “Not a lady, so must be a whore.” He declared thinking himself some kind of genius. Everyone else seemed to think this was just the bee’s knees. 
Your body was still tense completely frozen, you grabbed the whisky placing it in your basket with your other shopping. Keeping your composure you thanked the bartender, who did fuck all about the situation, and walked back to the flat. 
As soon as you got the door shut you started to break hating the way the men had laughed at you, the pudgy man’s grip still burning your flesh. 
You rested your hands on the locked front door and tried to steady yourself. But the cold realization started to sink in. It was unavoidable, on your mind all of the time. 
You had no value and no respect. Completely invisible. 
You didn't want to fall apart in the entryway where someone else could poke fun of you for being soft. If that had happened to Polly - well it wouldn't have ever happened to Polly. 
You put the stuff in the cold room and went upstairs deciding to take the day off. To hell with the consequences. Your thoughts were impossible to overcome, you got off your outside clothes and climbed under the heavy weight of your blankets. 
Tommy’s POV 
“Shelby.” He answered the phone reluctantly moving away from strategizing his next move on Campbell. 
“Mr. Shelby, Harry Fenton here from the pub.” Tommy rolled his eyes. There was only one Harry Fenton, and whatever he had to say was not a priority to him at this time.
“What can I do for ya?” He said lighting a cigarette hoping it would calm his agitation. 
“Well, It’s your sister.” He sat up quickly. “You see, she was ‘round earlier when we were busy, and some of the men were being rude to her. One man have felt her up a bit, just wanted to call in and apologize for not doining more. Had my hands tied with customers and she was out before I could intervene.” 
“Your hands were tied?” His voice was level despite the blood pounding in his head.
“Yes.” He answered simply.
“And the men are still there then?” 
“Yes,” His voice was slightly uneasy almost bringing a smile to Tommy’s face. 
Tommy hung up the phone and forced himself to take a breath. This part of the plan wasn't supposed to happen till much later, but when God opens a door you walk through it. 
“BOYS!” He shouted at the bustling room of people.
“Someone’s laid their hands on my. Fuckin’. Sister.” He looked around the room watching any outsiders slowly back away. His brothers shot up from their stations, already knowing what was going to happen. For once Polly seemed to be on his side, her brow growing tense with worry. She didn't wait around for further instructions, already moving upstairs to find her. 
He didn’t feel like spelling things out, anyone smart enough would be on their way. John and Arthur caught up to him and they walked towards the pub. Looking behind him Ada locked the door to the shop and followed along. 
He was surprised how many came with them to storm the pub. But times were hard, and people were hungry, they were angry, and what better way to feel better than to lay a beating down to defend someone's honor? 
He didn’t need to speak. John kicked the door open and the place felt silent. 
Caps in hand they tore the place to ribbons. 
“Open the door right fucking now!” Polly shouted, banging loudly on your locked bedroom door. 
“I just want to rest. Leave me be” You called back getting annoyed. Everyone took days off, why couldn't you? “I’ll make up for it tomorrow.” Your voice started to break at the fact that you even had to explain yourself. “I’m not well” 
“NOW!” Polly demanded harshly pushing you over the edge. You whipped the door open and glared at her. 
“FUCK OFF!” You screamed. “Just - please. Leave me alone” Your voice broke and tears started spilling over your rosy cheeks. Polly wasn't the least bit mad, if anything she looked terrified, her slender arms wrapping around you crushing you. 
She couldn't speak, your face pushed into her shoulder. You both didn't make it to the bed, sitting down in the hallway. You could feel that she was crying from old hurts, her fingers tangled in your long hair. 
“What’s happened?” You whispered. 
“You tell me what happened. I won’t be mad alright” She looked into your eyes making your heart rip into pieces.
“No one cares about me. I know things are hard right now - and I should - be g-grateful. But I do everything, and yet I have no place here with all of you.” The tears turned into sobs. “I go out there and even every day people don’t believe I’m a Shelby.” You sniffled. “And Thomas -”
But your mind made the rest of that sentence impossible to say allowed. 
“Fuck Thomas - don’t worry - “ 
“I miss him so much” You cut her off not wanting to hear anything more of her anger towards him. 
“He loves you.” She said quietly. 
“No, he doesn't. He doesn't want me here. Ada says he wants to send me away for school.”
“Don’t want you all twisted up in this mess.” His voice caused you to jump. There he was on the stairs looking at the two of you on the floor. “This place is a shit hole and it’s going to be bad for a long while, I wanted to send you somewhere safe.”  
His voice was different and his eyes were almost as soft as they normally were when he used to look at you. His hands were red. His face quickly fell as he continued. 
“There was a change of plans though.” He looked defeated, not something that often shadowed his features. 
“What happened?” 
“Pub is under new management. Need someone to help keep the place.” He looked at you with eyes of anticipation. 
“No.” Polly said firmly. 
“Look, it’s not my fault Arthur can’t read or do maths.” He said quietly. 
“I can read.” You heard Arthur mumble sadly from the entryway and you almost wanted to laugh. He moved closer to you. 
“I need some brains behind the muscle downstairs. You get me.” He turned his attention to Polly. “After that blood bath, her and Arthur won’t have any problems.” 
She thought about it for a moment. 
“Alright - but if anything -” 
“I’d handle it.” He answered quickly. 
“You want me to manage the pub?” 
“It will be long hours, but most of it spent in the office. S’long as you balance the books, the rest of the time is yours to read or study” He looked at you with his big eyes and you wanted nothing more than to have him hug you like when you were small. “It’s a big task, but I can't trust anyone else with it.” 
“I’ll do it.” You nodded at him. Just then a barking noise erupted from the entry. 
“The fuck is that.” Arthur boomed. 
“It’s a fucking horse. Bloody moron what does it look like.” John answered sounding exasperated. 
“Why’d you get us a mutt?” 
“Not a mutt. She’s a - doesn't matter Tommy wanted- fuck sake” There was a sound of a struggle and a puppy came bounding up the stairs behind Tommy. 
You caught her around the neck, still in shock as she rubbed her face into your shoulder. 
“There, between the mutt and Arthur, she’ll be fine,” Tommy said his face breaking its usual numb composure as the dog licked your face. 
“You don’t leave the house without her, eh? We can train her together.” The words together rang around in your mind as you felt your heart thaw out. Thinking of the boys fighting at the pub to the point where they took the thing over, and the wiggly puppy in your arms, you knew your family loved you. 
After that, the Garrison was your pub. Everyone in the family bent the law when it suited them, so it became a place for a lot of ladies to come and drink. More ladies meant more men, more men meant more drinks got bought. You quickly became the most profitable pub in Birmingham. Tommy was pushing you to renovate it to something more modern, but you told him that he could just place that money in your pocket and fuck off. 
Tommy’s raid was a tale often told like a legend. That story served you well as everyone was well behaved. But this pub allowed you to learn how to be assertive, while still helping people the best you could. 
Listening to people's problems as they drank their pain away, you offered advice and laughs. Sent women with children home with any extra bread or leftover snacks you had. 
After you busted Grace if anyone wanted in on the Peaky Blinders they had to start as a bus boy under your thumb. 
She broke Tommy pretty badly, but when it came down to it he trusted you more than he loved her. He sent her out of Birmingham, but you used your own connections to escort her to America making it well known she wasn't welcome back on British soil. No one fucked with you because of your brothers, and no one fucked with your brothers without answering to you. 
When a horse trainer named May came through to meet with him, you may have insisted on her coming around to teach you about horses. She quickly caught on to your plan (as you were more Tommy’s daughter than not, if you knew one thing it was horses) and just started coming around to drink and people watch at the bar with you, leading to an unavoidable romance that made you an aunty.  
Knowing everyone's woes, and helping them when in need made you the most approachable Peaky Blinder. People would rally for you, and move mountains if necessary, all because of your kindness and the very things that set you apart from your family. Tommy found your self-made position extremely valuable, you could read people you didn’t know better than anyone else, and you had a whole library of information on the events and people of Birmingham. 
I know she’s a lot younger than Thomas, but once she’s an adult, I honestly think it would be hilarious if Alfie took an interest in her. Someone older who liked to spoil her rotten, and was super protective. 
Especially if she met him unaware of who he was, just looking for a cheaper deal on booze to up the profits at the pub. Getting his name from a traveler she decides to make a business meeting with him. Then Thomas finds out about it and drives all the way to London to freak out at them. In the meantime, he’s just confused why this little Shelby has come to Camden Town alone to hardball him on rum prices for her pub. 
(Might want to write a follow-up piece to this because I think it would be hilarious)
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Tags list: @kpopgirlbtssvt
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Your writing kills me in all the best ways 🥺 even for characters I don't care about!!
Could I request 6 & 11 with Javi from the comfort prompts?
Send me a comfort prompt!
Thank you my dear 🫶
*Deténgase, por favor - Pull over, please
Prompts: Bringing them their favorite beverage; Stopping by their workplace on your way home late at night with the hunch that they’re still there
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"God, it's late," Connie sighs as the two of you drift out of the bar. "Steve better be home by now."
"Something you need to talk to him about?"
"Not particularly. I'm...Getting tired a little of sleeping alone," She admits with a thin smile. "Sometimes when he is there, it's like I don't even know who he is."
You nod, giving her shoulder a reassuring pat as a taxi pulls up for the two of you. You climb in, leaning back in your seat a little. Hopefully Steve is home. Hopefully, Javier is, too...
But deep-down, you're almost certain that he's not. You eye a liquor store as you drive past it, considering it. You let yourself stew in the thought for a few minutes before—
"Deténgase, por favor," You urge, leaning forward to catch the driver's attention. Connie frowns across the seat as you fish into your bag for your wallet.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just, um—I need to check on something at the office."
"We can take you there—"
"No, it's alright, I'll get my own. You okay getting home?"
"Yeah," She nods.
"Here," You pass your half of the cab fare over. "I'll see you tomorrow."
You climb out of the cab, shutting the door behind yourself. You second-guess yourself as you buy a bottle of whiskey, then again as you get a cab to the office. The nerves are worse still as you go up in the elevator, and you have to remind yourself that it's better if he's not there. If anything, you'll just put the bottle in his desk where he usually keeps one and get yourself home.
Rounding off of the elevator, you see the lights on, but only one person there. It's a bit of relief—it means that Steve's probably home with Connie. Javier is hunched over his desk, probably eyeing some file or map. You can see smoke curling from a cigarette that's likely either between his fingers or his lips. You knock loudly on the doorframe to draw his attention, not wanting to catch him off-guard.
Javier glances back, then does a double-take at the sight of you, his brow furrowing.
"What are you doing here?" He asks.
"Came to see if you needed help or company."
"How'd you know I'd still be here?"
Javier nods a touch, gaze dropping from your face. Your skin goes hot as he seems to absently sweep your body before he turns away, clearing his throat.
"I won't be great company tonight."
"That's alright. You're usually not."
You bite your lip as you watch him shift through a file, seemingly intent on ignoring you.
"...Well," You shift, "Do you at least have time for a drink?"
Javier glances over, eyes steadying on the bag in your hand. He purses his lips, thinking for a moment...And then draws his drawer out, taking out two tumblers. You try not to smile in smug satisfaction as he shuts the door and waves you closer.
"Would you like to do the honors?" You ask, setting the bottle down. Javier casts you a sidelong glance as he takes hold of the bottle.
"Thought you were going out with Connie tonight," He comments.
"I did."
"How is she?"
"Fine...Missing Steve."
"Well, far as I know, he's home, so she shouldn't be missing him much tonight."
You hum thoughtfully as he pours a healthy amount into both glasses, then scoot back to sit on his desk. You try not to overthink the way Javier watches you, instead twisting to turn his file toward you. Your eyes narrow a touch as you scan the information.
"This again?" You ask. "I thought Noonan called it on this op."
"She did. I'm looking for a new angle."
"Hell of a time to do it."
"No better time."
"No? Why's that?"
"I have a meeting with her in the morning."
"And you're planning on going into it in day-old clothing and without shaving?"
"I'll make it home in time."
"Oh really?"
"Sure. Sooner you stop slowin' me down, the faster I'll get home."
Your stomach plummets at the off-handed comment, and the way Javier turns the file back toward himself. Blame it on the late hour, or the drinks you had with Connie, but tears prick in your eyes. You force them back with a couple of blinks, raising your glass and draining it far faster than you should've. It burns on the way down, is still burning as you set your glass down and say, "Guess I'll be going, then."
"Hey, c'mon—"
You see Javier straighten in your periphery as you push yourself off of his desk.
"I didn't mean it like that," He adds.
"Yes you did."
You take the uncapped bottle petulantly, beginning to stride away.
"Wait a minute!"
You pick up your pace as you hear the scrape of Javier's chair, the thud of his feet catching up. You go still as he catches hold of your wrist. He takes a couple more cautious steps forward as he crowds closer. You can feel the heat of his chest against your back, hear the way he draws in the scent of your perfume.
"I didn't mean it like that," He repeats softly, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear. Your fingers tighten around the neck of the bottle.
Maybe he didn't. Maybe he did, and he's just trying to stay in your good graces. Either way, you're more certain than ever that you never should've come. You shove the bottle into his chest, forcing him to let go of you to catch hold of it. You don't bid him goodnight, or tell him that you're certain he's fill of shit. You just stride to the elevator and keep your expression neutral, your gaze averted until the elevator doors close. Once they're shut, you sniffle, slouching back against the elevator wall as you pinch the bridge of your nose.
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thepaintedlady00 · 1 year
So I have a request female human reader/morpheous
She met morpheous because she’s a friend of Constantine she basically helps organize everything while she’s working (almost impossible with the mess she leaves) one day due to Constantine work she ends up in danger basically a demon looking for Constantine tries to kill her morpheous happens to save her because he’s also trying to contact Constantine about something he needs to know. She totally falls for morpheous but is really hesitant because he’s basically out of her league so they both kinda dang around each other I tol Constantine blow up on her and him to just get together 🙄. She’s basically Cupid here. They start dating. A few weeks she start getting random calls but nobody answers when she picks up she thinks nothing on it. Also start to feel watched but she thinks it just her being tire one day she gets attacked turns out her ex abusive boyfriend got out of jail and is looking revenge things get bad when he get into her apartment one night . Enter Mathew that goes directly to the dreaming as fast as he can.
We all know Morpheous will go feral because this ass was one of her lovers and also treated her badly. Much more when she had already told him about her ex and how much damage he had done to her psychologically and physically. Morpheous deal with him and later on come back to be with her 🥺
Bestie you're just always on point with these! Like this is beautiful and I hope you love it as much as I do!
Working for Johanna Constantine was a struggle. On good days you'd be dealing with a massive pile of bullshit she'd insisted was all important and spend hours organizing it as best you could only to find more things stuffed away. On the bad days, like this one, you found yourself running for your life as a massive stinking demon chased you.
You moved around the storage space, taking sharp turns and doing everything in your power to evade and hopefully lose this thing. However, you weren't exactly good at this sort of thing. Running, life-threatening scenarios, demons all that was the kind of thing you'd spent a great deal trying to avoid. Avoiding trouble when in bed with a Constantine was, as you'd learned, impossible.
A stray box took your feet out from under you and you hit the floor hard. Your head rattled as it hit the ground and your vision was swarmed with blurry shapes and fuzzy circles like TV static. With a groan, you somehow managed to sit up just in time to watch the demon leap over the box and land on top of you. It shrieked loudly in your face, spit and what you'd hoped was mucus of some kind landed on your cheek. It grabbed hold of your legs and began pulling you with it, dragging you back toward whatever hellscape it'd been summoned from.
Screaming and writhing trying to fight free you didn't notice the figure in black until he spoke. "Release her demon, and I shall merely return you to Hell."
You looked down the long hall of storage units at the ethereal man that stood, unbothered by the creature. The demon roared again, gripping your legs harder as it tossed you into the wall and darted off toward the man. You raised your head and shouted a warning toward him. "Look out!"
He hardly needed it. With one wave of his hand, the creature was surrounded by glittering sand and vanished. Your mouth fell open as the man regarded you with a stoic look. "Are you harmed?"
"No," you answered, quickly snapping yourself out of thoughts of his handsomeness and rising to your feet. You put pressure on your ankle and fell forward, straight into the mans waiting arms.
"Constantine feared you'd found trouble and sent me to check in on you."
"That's good," you said. "I probably would have been eaten or something if you hadn't showed up."
"It would not have ate you," the man replied. "It wanted to drag you to it's domain within Hell to make you it's bride."
You made a face. "Oh... ew... well thanks for not letting that happen."
He bowed his head. "I will take you to your employer. I presume she will have the necessary equipment to treat your ankle."
Johanna had been less than thrilled at the sight of you covered in grime and spit and limping. She'd thanked the man, whose name you learned was Dream, and assured him you were in good hands. This, you believed, was the end of it. Your ankle would heal, and things would go back to normal.
Normal was not this. Dream stood in your home, quietly observing your trinkets and portraits while you nervously offered him tea and cake and just about anything you had on hand. He refused, of course, not out of disgust but rather a disinterest in human food which was a point he made sure to communicate to you with a simple deadpan of, "I do not eat."
You couldn't help yourself, the longer you watched him the louder the thoughts of appreciation of his beauty and elegance grew. He was unlike anything, anyone you'd ever seen. Dream was not just physically the embodiment of how you'd imagined angels would appear but had a voice smoother than honey or fine silk, a voice that you'd only be able to describe as other. He looked over his shoulder at you, those eyes... starlit and cosmic capturing you in an instant. "Are you well?"
"Yes!" You practically shouted. "You're fine - I'M... I'M fine."
One of the corners of his mouth twitched into what you'd describe as a smile. "I simply wished to check in to make certain no more demons came looking for a blushing bride."
You laughed, of course blushing at just his voice. "I haven't seen any... or I don't think I have. I guess I wouldn't really know until the last minute."
"The smell would give them away." Was that a joke? You wondered as you quietly laughed.
"Thank you for checking on me."
He looked away the expressionless look on his face that he'd had the entire time he'd been here faltering for a moment. "I confess I have been keeping a close eye on you since we last met."
You wracked your brain trying to remember a time you'd seen him over the course of the week. "I... I'm sorry I didn't notice you."
"You wouldn't," he answered. "I was not physically present, but my raven made certain you were safe."
"Your raven?"
"That'd be me," a new voice said from the windowseal.
You jumped, instinctually moving closer to Dream's stiff form. "Oh my god!"
The black bird tucked it's head in a bit. "Sorry, I forget how startling that can be."
It took a minute or so for you to fully process that there was a raven in your flat... and about five more to process the fact that it'd just spoken to you. "I... Sorry... I wasn't exactly expecting you to talk."
"Perfectly understandable," the bird said, flying into your home and looking at the magazines on your coffee table. "Names Matthew."
"Matthew... I have to admit I that wasn't what I thought your name would be."
"Yeah, kind of a lame one for a talking raven," he agreed. "But you can blame my mom for that I guess."
"So all ravens talk?"
"No," Dream answered. "Matthew was human once, before he became my raven."
You nodded, even though it was obvious you were very confused. "Right. Well, thanks I guess for checking up on me."
Matthew cawed, flaring his wings out. "Well there was something else we came here for, right boss?"
Looking up at Dream you smiled. His face revealed nothing as he replied, "No. I do believe we are finished with our task."
"Oh," you whispered, slightly disappointed. "Well, thank you again. Maybe I'll see you or, uh, Matthew around sometime."
Dream said nothing more as he and the bird quietly exited your flat. Unbeknownst to you, Matthew berated the Dream Lord all the way back to The Dreaming and for days after. He'd planned on inviting you to see his realm. He'd seen your dreams, mystical and magical, and everything you found beautiful, and he instantly thought you'd enjoy seeing a land of true magic and beauty. A land that would match your own enchanting smile and mystical laughter.
Time passed as it always did, you worked closely with Johanna and on occasion, Dream would lend a hand in finding certain artifacts or warning against demons. The two of you spoke often on those rare instances, so often you'd learned much about one another. Johanna insisted you'd grown a rather obvious crush on the ancient being, which you'd not denied but rather reminded yourself of the reality. He was a king, a god, an Endless. He'd hold no romantic interest toward you, a human.
When Dream did finally invite you to his realm it was something you'd never forget. The shimmering black sand of the beach, the intricate ivory gates, the houses belonging to Cain and Abel as well as their golden gargoyle, the bridge, and the bright fields with flowers that had long been extinct. His palace was grand and spectacular. White with gold and ceilings of stars and windows of stained glass. You loved it here, every moment.
Lucienne had been waiting for you in the library, happily explaining everything she could and leading you and Dream through the near-endless shelves all full of books. It was more than you could have ever imagined. Dream assured you that you'd be able to return whenever you wished and he'd held to that. Every night you came back and read a book alongside him. Every night you fell more in love with him than you'd ever thought possible.
You hadn't planned on telling him that, but Johanna had other plans. Devious Constantine plans. She's gathered you and Dream together to help her find some information and when both of you were lost in your respective spell books she loudly proclaimed you'd told her about a sex dream you'd had of the Endless being.
Mortified you sat frozen, glaring at her, while Dream calmly stated, "I would remember that quite vividly, had it happened."
Blushing you shook your head. "What the hell Johanna?"
"Well someone has to make a move or you two will just be skirting about each other for eternity!"
The incident, as you called it, was horrifying, but ultimately did lead you to admit your feelings for Dream and him doing so to you. Dating him was hardly any different than what the two of you usually did before, only now there were stolen moments of soft touches and tender kisses and... after a few months, intimate experiences that had your legs shaking days after.
Life was going well until you began receiving calls from an unknown number. Whoever it was never said a word, but each one made you feel sick. Soon every time you were out in public you'd be tingling with the horrid feeling that you were being followed, and watched. It was driving you crazy and Dream took note. He offered to send Matthew to stay with you when he could not to help ease your mind and quell your fears. Neither of you could have known how the simple act would save your life.
You'd just gotten home after a long day and you wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed to join your boyfriend in The Dreaming. From the door, you could hear Matthew perch in the window as you shed your coat and made your way to the kitchen to put on a kettle for tea. You didn't make it that far when a pair of arms wound around you, covering your mouth and dragging you through the house as you threw yourself around trying to break your attackers hold.
Matthew cawed and swooped down to attack the man that held you, but quickly realized he was of little help and fled to get Dream. It was then that the man spoke, revealing him to be your ex-boyfriend and a man that should have been in prison. As he talked you went still and in turn his hold on you loosened enough for you to throw your head back into this nose and break free.
You ran to the bathroom, locked the door behind you, and crawled into the tub, covering your ears with your hands and quietly praying Dream would come soon. In your state of adrenaline and fear you hardly noticed the black-clad being until his hands carefully reached out and touched you. You sobbed into his chest as he took you to The Dreaming and helped settle you into the bed.
On another night he wouldn't hesitate to sit beside you and comfort you until you fell asleep naturally. But on this night he sprinkled a pinch of sand over your eyes and tucked you into the bed. On this night he would deal with the man that had caused you so much pain and doubt.
He was still in your apartment, throwing himself at the bathroom door and taunting you when Dream returned. He opened the bathroom door and let the man fall to the ground in front of him. As he gazed up into the pitch-black eyes of Dream of the Endless the man scurried back like a frightened mouse. "I was beginning to fear we'd never meet."
"What the fuck are you?"
"I am Dream of the Endless and you have wronged one I hold most dear." He walked forward, darkness following in his steps. "And I cannot allow such to go unpunished."
"I didn't do anything!" The man insisted. "That bitch is a liar! She's crazy!"
Dream stepped onto his knee, listening to it crack beneath his boots. "Enough. Your lies will not sway one such as myself. Pitiful and hollow being that you are. Loveless and joyless... You never deserved her. Not her touch, nor her kind words, not even a moment in her presence."
The man would beg and plead, and Dream would let him. He'd listen to every word and he'd cherish each one, for he knew exactly the kind of pain he'd put you through. He knew every word you'd said to beg him, to plead with him for kindness and mercy, though this... creature would give you neither. When the majority of his bones were broken, either by an act of violence meant to harm Dream or by a mild movement of the Endless, Dream at last relented. "You will never see her again. Never touch her, hear her, or smell her. You will leave this place at once and you will never return. From this moment on you will live every moment of your life haunted by the pain you forced her to endure. You will know no moment of peace, no semblance of mercy or kindness. Even your begging would not be enough to sway me."
Dazed and confused and broken your ex would wake up in a hospital far away from your town. He'd not remember that night, but he'd live each moment in pain and anguish. Every night he'd dream of the King of Nightmares and hear his curse. He'd not live long.
Dream returned to your side, quietly pulling you into his chest as you stirred, kissing his neck and nuzzling your face into his soft messy hair. "Did you just get done working?"
"Yes," he answered. "Go back to sleep my love."
You looked into his eyes with still heavy lids. "Did something happen tonight?"
He tilted his head. "What do you mean?"
"I don't know," you answered. "I think I had nightmare."
Dream's arms wrapped even tighter around you as he pressed his head to yours. "Go back to sleep. I will kill any nightmare that dares touch that beautiful mind of yours."
You giggled. "That's a bit extreme. Maybe just a stern warning would be better."
"Anything you wish, my love."
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