#oc supervillain
cookie-crumblr · 2 months
✨My Dastardly Villain~✨
F!Hero Reader x M!Villain Yan OC
Part 2~
His Info: 💰✨
Part 1
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CW: F!Reader, reader referred to as she/her, general violence, reader’s alias is Solar (powers include teleportation, and fire control), explicit language, reader wears makeup (not a specified amount :3 jus a lil) reader voms(not descriptively), no smut in this part ! see part 1 for some in the meantime ;3 <3 links above!
just a silly little part! enjoy <3
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music rec: Hush by the marías <3
In front of the cartoonishly big iron vault, Sobek snaps his fingers, and in pops a levitating sphere of swiftly swirling water, inside swims a massive crocodile.
“Attack!!” Sobek shouts at the thing, pointing with a grand flourish of his entire arm your way.
As the alarm bells of the bank continue to blare, everything in motion stops to look at the villain as he continues to point dramatically towards you…
But nothing is happening.
The crocodile turns to him and it looks like they’re whispering for a second.
The air is stagnant with confusion when Sobek loudly hisses to the crocodile, “What do you mean, Habla Española?? do i speak spanish!? You don’t… speak english. well that’s fucking great. Ahrrrg!” He grabs his head in frustration, “Does anybody here speak spanish!?” He shouts at the crowd of now less panicked bank goers.
“I do!” A hostage woman calls out, raising her hand.
They aren’t even scared anymore. He face palms at his own loss.
“You know what fine. Book me. Whatever” He clicks his tongue, before snapping his fingers and sending the croc back to, presumably, Cuba. He then holds out his wrists for you as if you were gonna cuff him.
This is how most of his plots turn out. They end without even needing to fight.
You let out a frustrated sigh, your brows tightly knit as you try to massage them apart through your mask.
As you’re about to take him out of the bank and to your rental car, you’re seriously dreading seeing your superiors...
“SHIT!” You curse in front of the very people you were just not wanting to see all of the hero’s in the classes above you, all talking around a ginormous round glass table without you. you’re the lowest class, and they always give you the worst jobs. They giggle at you lovingly, but it has you fuming when just as quickly as you ported in-
You spin around in your new-new setting, realizing you’re back with Sobek. He thankfully didn’t move an inch while you were gone, you let out a relieved sigh and a shaky little laugh.
“H-hey there… S-Solar, you, um…Don’t” He swallows over a hard lump “You don’t… Have trouble um teleporting, do you?” He clears his throat and shifts on his feet uncomfortably.
“N-no! hah! w-Whywouldyouthinkthat? i just—h-had something to take care of. Now… Get in the car’” You open the door for him. There’s no way a villain can find out about your biggest, and stupidest weakness! and it just happened right in front of one!!! and he’s the worst one for it to happen in front of!!! He’d be so smug about it if he found out!
“Riiiiiiight something to take care of. right before you even finish kidnapping a villain” he speaks to himself, as you’re no longer paying attention, you’re in the driver’s seat takin this troublemaker straight to HQ, lost in thought.
Traffic is balls.
Traffic is hell.
Traffic can suck stinky old nut.
Of course you had to DRIVE him to HQ even though it’s like four blocks away… You smack your own forehead.
He sits in his own silent contemplation before hearing the *Slap!* of your hand landing, and snaps back into his own body.
“Soooo Solar…. You uh… Got any plans… Tonight?” He asks while uncharacteristically jittery, it’s weirding you out. Why is he so nervous around you all of a sudden? he’s usually vibrant and ridiculous with how many flourishes and spins he puts on everything he does.
“Why? are you askin’ me out?” You scoff.
“Pfft, No! I’m making small talk. Heard of it?” He puts his elbow on the window and head in his hand, ready to zone back out.
“For your information, I have a hot date tonight.” You proudly shift your head upwards, while keeping your eyes on the road.
He audibly swallows again…
“Okay, can you like, stop that? you’re seriously freakin me out dude.” You take your eyes off the road and hear a loud *HOOOONK*
Of course traffic clears up when you aren’t paying attention.
“Stop what?? I’m— I’m totally normal right now. Haha, we’re totally normal… Right now. Right??”
“What the fuck is your problem??? did you summon a croc into your panties???”
“I don’t have a problem, you have a problem! i’m not the one with problems. And even if i did, i wouldn’t want you trying to “hero treatment me” or whatever.”
““Hero treatment you”” You quote him and bust out laughing. “whatever. we’re here now anyway. Thank gods i don’t have to deal with whatever’s got your panties in a bunch any longer.”
Once Inside~
“What!?” You shout at the hero commander smacking your hands against the desk.
“Yeah wait! what!?” Sobek echos from behind you.
The walls of the Hero commander’s office are either floor to ceiling windows, or covered floor to ceiling in awards and degrees from myriads of sources. He sits behind a thick dark oak table.
“He’s a way higher class than that!! I mean,,, He can… He can summon crocodiles! HUGE crocodiles!!”
“Yeah! im a way higher class than that!!”
You elbow him in the ribs, “Shut up! You’re arguing for more punishment right now, you know? You’re getting off easy!”
“No, i’m arguing for my pride! I’m definitely higher than a D class! What losers are D class supers!?”
“Hey! I’m a D class super!!”
“What!?” his neck lurches forward in disbelief, “She’s way higher than D class!” He points at you stepping another foot toward your Hero commander.
“Will you two just Shut Up. Gods.” The old man pinches the bridge of his nose, and sets his paper work aside. “You’re both D Class. and you’re both on cleanup duty. Now GO.”
You’re both picked up as if by an invisible hand by the scruffs of your super suits and dropped onto your asses outside the office as the door slams shut behind you.
“Ow! Ass!” He hisses and rubs his bum.
“Hey that’s the hero commander you’re calling an ass!” You knock him upside the head.
“Ow! Ass!” He puts more emphasis on the words reannunciating what he had said.
You groan and rub your palms down your cheeks stretching down your eyelids in the process. “Why do you always have to get us put on cleanup duty!?”
“It’s not that bad! C’mon! We gotta do that fast so we can figure out how to get outta D class!” He jumps up and pulls you with him.
“Woah!” You run after your arm that’s being dragged down the corridors and toward the windows.
“Sobek… The elevator is that wa-AAAAAYYYYYY!!!” You’re suddenly free falling in a flying sphere of water, you try and swim up but it’s spinning, and your getting dizzy. “SOBEK!!!!” The word burbles out of you into the ferocious liquid. all you see is bubbles and blobs of colours.
He must’ve busted through one of the top floor windows and threw you in a bubble while he surfed down!
Soon enough you’re on the cement soaking wet with shards of glass littering the ground around you both.
He stands dramatically with his hands on his hips like he did a job well done. Meanwhile, you’re hunched over and drenched, coughing up sea foam angrily staring daggers into his back.
OOOOOOO, he’s so lucky you have a mask on! If your makeup was smeared he’d be DEAD!
When he turns and sees you struggling you hear the smallest little hint of laugher, and air being caught between puffed out cheeks. HE THINKS THIS IS FUNNY!?
“OH HO HO, NO! You shut it right now Mr.!!!” You stomp, water flying off of you in thick drops.
You light yourself on fire and dry yourself flawlessly. thankfully your hair is immune and so is your super suit.
“What!? If you coulda done that the whole time, why’s it matter if i think it’s funny that you looked like a wet cat!” He shouts back.
“Because!!! It’s embarrassing!!!” You cross your arms and look up toward the blue sky.
There’s birds flying by. Too bad you can’t just fly. you got the ability to-
“WH-WHAAAA—!!!” the blue sky surrounds you now, and you feel the moisture of clouds against your suit. for a second you feel weightless… And then the droplets suspended in the air whip past you as you begin to free fall.
You teleported up to the birds and are now racing back down to Earth at the speed of— well a human falling back to Earth!! “SHIIIIIIIIII-”
Back on the ground, Sobek is waiting for you to teleport back instantly like normal when he hears your faint screaming coming from above…
“OH SHIT!!!” He panics, he can’t save you! if he tries to catch you with water you’ll just die falling at that speed! He thinks about summoning a whale, maybe it could catch you in its mouth… but whales usually speak all sorts of different languages…. Oh shit! You’re getting way too close to the building height now! what does he do!??!!
You appear next to Sobak again, as you were just thinking how glad you were you at least had a good fuck before you died. You kinda wished you could see him again, and then, just like that, both of your two feet are on solid ground again…
You collapse.
Sobek rushes to your body and carries you back to the rental car.
He checks to make sure your breathing by putting his ear onto your chest when “What are you doing!?” You shove him off of you and hug yourself. He backs off quickly respecting your space.
“That was scary. Hah!” You bark.
“You alright, Solar?”
You throw up onto the ground. and throw him a thumbs up while your head is still down.
That shouldn’t turn him on.
You’re literally sick right now, but that thumbs up has his face heating up as he remembers last night…
And you’re gonna be on -hot- date with him again tonight…
He’s gotta stop thinking about you while in his supersuit.
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DC Comics Supervillain OC: The Lion Master
Civilian Name: Cody Cunningham
Age: 12 1/2 Years
Height: 5’ 0”
Weight: 70 lbs
Personality: Impatient, Filled with internal Self Doubt, Stubborn, Street Smart, Cares for Animals especially his pet Lions, Respectful to his enemies (mainly Skybird), Polite, Merciful, Compassionate, A Quick Learner, Quick Thinking, Friendly, Has a Casual Potty Mouth, Mischievous, Playful, and Optimistic No Matter the Odds
(Under for More Below Cut)
Born in Boston, Massachusetts to a Single Poor Mother before her passing when Cody was Six Years of age, having him live in the streets.
Was Picked Up by the traveling Lyons & Guerra’s Amazing Circus at the age of 7, taken in due to his uncanny ability to seemingly get along well with their Lions after being found sleeping in their pens. Was Taken in by a kindly and experienced Lion Tamer who teaches Cody the tool of the trade. However, tragedy strikes during a performance in Bludhaven when by then 11 year old Cody, being impatient in wanting to prove his skills in the show, took a spare whip while the Taner was in the middle of his act and cracked it. The whip cracking was loud enough that the lions were confused and left disoriented as to where it came from and who to obey. The tamer lost control of them and they attacked him in self defense, mauling the older man to death in front of the show and Cody witnessing it from behind the curtain.
Cody was heartbroken by the tragic accident and the loss of the one person who understood him in that circus. Eventually he overhears the management preparing to put the lions down for their mauling. But unable to see the majestic big cats he seen as friends and family killed, Cody sneaks into their cages to free them. Taking with him only his whip, and only packing up with his outfit and a single toothbrush, Cody flees into the outskirts of Bludhaven with feline companions in tow.
Now left wandering in the Bludhaven streets and without any family, job nor money to provide for himself nor his lion companions, Cody resorts to a life of petty crimes, mainly robberies and racketeering to make ends meet mainly done via ordering his lions to storm and surround the security or anyone in the place of robbery while Cody gains access to his targeted goods, whether they be money or food. This of course runs afoul of resident crime fighter Skybird aka Jake Grayson. After his first attempt at robbing a major bank is foiled by the Tamaranean-Human hybrid and has him and Lion compatriots fleeing from authorities, Cody makes it a point to counter this hero when were his schemes and plots are discovered.
Yet somehow and some sort of way, Cody develops a sort of bond more or less with Jake. For one thing, killing anybody especially innocent civilians whether by his own hands and especially at the claws and teeth of his lions is an absolute line he will never, NEVER cross. It’s considered for him unwarranted and violates his morals if he has any. Plus, from what the wild rumors he hears in the street can attest, Skybird himself comes from circus folk himself or at least has a passing familiarity with it so Cody in turn feels a sort of kin with his hero counterpart. Finally, the fact Jake really doesn’t see true malicious or an appetite for death and chaos he’s seen in truly sinister villains before in Cody’s eyes which inspires him to make offers for the petty criminal to change his ways, never really giving up on him also has an effect on Cody’s heart; maybe one day he can take that offer, it won’t be soon as he’s not a that wants being pitied….but he’ll consider it.
Thus was born a junior Rouge that acts more or less as the Captain Cold to Skybird’s Flash, a true best Frenemy (An enemy and friend at the same time); he no longer a mere Lion Tamer in training, call him The Lion Master
Occupation: Ex-Circus Lion Tamer In Training
Supervillain Outfit: Green Vest with Button Up Long Sleeve White Shirt, Torn Black Pants, Thick Heavy Duty Black Boots and an old school Top Hat
Physical Appearance:
Dirty Blonde Medium Length Hair
Heterochromic Eye Colors (Left: Green, Right: Brown)
Thin Frame With Little But of Muscle Build on Arms
Peculair Feature Of Having Scars on his Feet when they are Bare due to Stepping on Glass Shards throughout his years living in the streets in poverty
Has Three Lions In Total Under his Care and who accompany him on his many adventures, plots and schemes: All three are males with one having a Mane as both the oldest and their leader. Their names from Youngest to Oldest are Antony, Marcus and Octavius
Absolutely despises both Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne as he’s had an overall negative opinion against Rich Billionaires
Favorite Song is ‘Benny and the Jets’ by Elton John. He often times his whip cracks and movements when in the middle of a scheme to the song as his tamer had him practice with said song in the background
Has a Minor Interest In Drawing Arts, mainly with charcoal and often would make portraits of his Lions or his life back at the Circus
Will freely admit that despite often being pitted against superheroes, Nightwing and Beast Boy are his two favorites. Especially Beast Boy given his obvious familiarity and connection to animals of all types
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yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
Decided to share a piece I had written in 2019
Yandere Short Stories:
Heroes and Villains
Yandere lesbian supervillain x Afab Reader x Yandere Superhero x Yandere Heroine
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  A young woman fidgeted in her seat as she sat in a plush red love seat right outside the CEO’s office. The large black doors intimidating her as she began to sweat. The bunny keychain attached to her black purse jingling every time she shifted in her seat.
     The young reported pulled out a compact mirror from her black purse as she checked her appearance again, making sure not a single hair was out of place to not offend the big bad boss of Domino Electric, the largest electricity company in the nation. The powerhouse of every major city’s power. The young woman had heard rumors that the CEO was a cold woman with a hell of a temper. 
    The young reporter was amazed to have this assignment rather than making a newspaper article on the rise of superheroes and the ever so popular super villainess, Electra.
    Creak. The young reporter’s head snapped up as she quickly composed herself and placed her compact mirror back into her bag. A tall, slender woman stood before her as the assistant gave her a reassuring smile.
    “Miss Spark is ready to speak with you now.” The woman raised a hand to the door with a bow as the young reporter shakily stood up and slowly made her way into the office, the door shutting quickly behind her, trapping her in the den of a lion.
    The young reporter gulped as her (eye color) eyes stared at the figure of a tall, voluptuous woman with long, straight silver hair and a black dress suit on. The businesswoman soon turning around, revealing her beautiful, flawless dark skinned face and violet eyes. The reporter whole face flushed red when they made eye contact. She felt like a tiny rabbit in front of a wolf. Her knees shook as her (eye color) eyes glanced at the CEO’s plump lips and slowly trailing her gaze to the violet silk dress shirt the businesswoman had on under her black dress jacket.
    “Sit down, Miss (last name).” The woman’s voice was cold and firm, the young reporter immediately sitting down as the tall woman sat in front of her. “I believe you have some questions for me?”
     “Ah, y-yes...” the reporter reached into her back, pulling out a notebook and pencil as well as a voice recorder. “I’m so happy for this opportunity, Miss Spark-“
    “You may call me Aria Spark since we are alone together.” The reporter nodded as she opened up the notepad and smiled at the businesswoman. “What is your name?”
    “Oh, my name is (your full name).” (Your name) replies as she turned to the recorded. “Let’s start with the basics shall we?”
   “What made you decide to be a businesswoman?”
    “I lived in poverty as a child and wanted a better life for myself. So I climbed to the top by utilizing my skills.” Aria replied as (your name) smiled at her to continue.
    “And what may those skills be?”
    “I am very good with electrical work.” 
    (Your name) jotted Aria’s answers down as (your name) listened attentively to every word Aria replied to her questions. (Your nams) soon learned a lot about Aria’s childhood such as her old neighborhood being in the ghetto and Aria’ friends and family who either were no longer in her life or still very close. About how it was hard being a lesbian CEO without criticism and hate comments. Aria told (your name) she was bullied a lot throughout high school for being gay. Aria also wanted to become a businesswoman and make it to the top to prove that she wasn’t scared of people’s expectations of her. Aria was a very admirable woman.
    And as the interview came to a close, (Your name) turned off her recorder as the reporter gave Aria another warm smile.
    “Thank you so much for this interview, I will publish this in the magazine soon-“ Aria suddenly leaned forward, placing her hands across her desk to stand in front of (your name), caging the young woman in her chair.
    “You should go out to dinner with me sometime. You’re really cute.” Aria then reached into her pocket and handed (your name) a business card with her name and number on it. “Call me whenever and we can go out.”
    “I-I... Oh um, I think I should go-“
  “You’re such a cute little bottom.” Aria chuckled as her violet eyes stared down at the smaller female through long silver eyelashes. “Makes me want to eat you.”
    “I-I’m leaving! Have a good day!” (Your name) quickly scrambled away, accidentally dropping the bunny keychain as Aria picked it up. The violet eyed woman smiling at the cute rabbit.
    “She’s just like a rabbit.” Aria smirked as she gazed out the door in awe. “And I’m going to have that little rabbit.”
    “Miss Spark, I think you scared her away. I’ve never seen someone run so fast-“ the assistant paused as the businesswoman began to chuckle. “Miss Spark? Are you alright?”
    “She’s perfect. Absolutely perfect.” A spark of lavender electricity surrounded Aria as she smirked.
    “Miss Spark, I don’t know if you know her well enough to-“
    “Maybelle, I want all her records and any other personal information you can find about her. I want the little rabbit girl-“
    The assistant sighed as she bowed to her employer. “Right away, Miss Spark.” .
    “So how’d the interview go, (Your name)?” A slender  woman with long, black hair asked as (your name) flushes bright red. The Japanese woman had her jacket off, revealing her various tattoos and ever so prominent piercings, such as her prized septum ring.
    “R-really good, Ryoko. It’s just-“
    “I didn’t think she’d be so attractive!” (Your name) squeaked out loudly as everyone in the break room stared at the two women as (your name) flushes even more red. “S-she was so curvy and had the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen. And s-she asked me to dinner. Oh god I ran away from her, I-I’m so humiliated.” 
    The pale woman laughed at (your name) as the young reporter comically hid her face in her arms. 
    “Well, Miss Spark is clearly interested in you. Probably because you scream ‘bottom’-“
    “Why does everyone keep saying that!”
   “Because you’re like a cute little rabbit. So timid and shy. Easily flustered, you’re just really cute.” Ryoko told the (hair color) haired girl as Ryoko smiled, showing off her frenulum piercing. (Your name) began to fiddle with her fingers as she pressed them together.
    “Do you think I should give her a call?”
   “Well, do what your heart wants but we should leave, the pig is here.”
    (Your name) turned her head to see the boss of their News media company, Metro Media, Jasper Jones. He was handsome for a man. Tall with a large muscle build, pale blue eyes, short wavy, sandy blonde hair, a chiseled jaw, and he had this tough guy vibe with a scar right across his nose. He was very handsome and he was a very driven man but-
     “(Your name), there you are, I need you to see me in my office about your report.” His low voice rung out through the break room as he had his hands on top of the doorway, flexing his muscles through his white dress shirt as the other women swooned. All except (your name). She wasn’t interested in him that much. She didn’t understand what the other women found so great about him...
    “Y-yes, mister Jones.”
     “You can call me Jasper.” The man chuckled as (your name) tried not to cry at how much the male scared her. He constantly gave her compliments and although they were never stepping over boundaries, it was the way he stared at her. She has never met anyone who stared at her with eyes that felt as if they were undressing her. Jasper’s pale blue eyes gazed at her with such a burning intensity that (your name) felt as if she’d light on fire at any moment.
    “Um, I prefer Mister Jones. I’ll talk to you once I’m done eating-“
    “How about we go eat in my office-“ (Your name) gulped as she stared at her lap as she fidgeted with her hands nervously. She was so close to crying.
    “S-sorry. Maybe another time-“
   “Alright how about we go out tomorrow at the cafe next door to the building? My treat?”
   “Um, okay-
    “Hey, Mister Jones, (your name) is uncomfortable. Could you tone it down?” Ryoko stepped in as she stood between the two, her onyx eyes glowing gold for the briefest of moments as Jasper stood up and took a step back.
    “Oh sorry, I didn’t realize I did. Sorry for not noticing (your name).” The girl merely smiled shyly as she stared at her lap. “I’ll see you in my office later.”
   Jasper then turned to leave, flexing his back muscles as he did so, causing (your name) to look away in disgust.
    “I don’t like that guy hanging so close around you.” Ryoko stared as she went back to her seat, her onyx eyes furrowing in worry as she gazed at (your name). “You need to be more assertive with your no’s. Just tell him that you’re not interested. I know you’re bisexual but seriously, it’s obvious you lean more towards women. Just tell him you’re gay or something. I’m sure he’ll get the hint then.”
    “But I don’t want to make him u-upset. The look in his eyes scares m-me.” Ryoko frowned as she got up from her seat and wrapped her arms around her mousy friend, her body slowly heating up slightly as she glared at the door Jasper walked out of.
     “Don’t worry, I’ll always protect you, (your name).” Ryoko stated as she pulled the (body type) girl close to her lean muscled body. Ryoko would always be there for (your name) because she was (your name)’s best and only friend. Ryoko wouldn’t let anything happen to her little bunny.
     Jasper tried not to throw his desk across the room but he really wanted to. He has tried everything to make the timid (Your name) love him. He changed his hair style, started working out more, waxing off his unwanted body hair, and even offered her on dates. But Ryoko was in his way. His grip on his desk tightened as it began to frost over with a thin layer of ice. Jasper exhaled as the air in his office slowly began to drop in temperature. 
    To think his own partner in crime was in an intimate relationship with the cute girl drove him up the wall. (Your name) deserves the absolute best and that’s exactly what he would be. (Your name) could not possibly be gay, she was too cute to be!
    (Your name) was the only one to not see him as a piece of meat and didn’t throw herself at him. She didn’t try anything to make him uncomfortable and respected his space and he absolutely loved it. (Your name) was so attentive to everything he talked about and she was so gentle.
    Jasper remembered the time her hand grazed his hand when he dropped his papers in the elevator as she helped him collect all of his belongings. Her hands were so small and soft compared to his, Jasper swore his heart stopped. Jasper wondered if all of her was soft. He wondered if she thought of him the same way he thought of her. Jasper relaxed as the temperature and ice began to slowly dissipate as his fingers touched his lips as he released a sigh as he began to give into his delusions.
    Did (your name) think of his lips touching her skin so lightly that it felt as if a butterfly landed on each spot his lips would touch? Did she think of Jasper laying beside her at night, holding her close as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear? Did (your name) want to ever date him?
     Jasper clutched his chest as he felt his cheeks flush pink. He loved her so much. He still had so much to learn about her.
   A quiet knock brought Jasper out of his musings as he cleared his throat and opened his office door, revealing his favorite reporter, a few of her (hair color) hairs out of place as she had a somewhat frazzled appearance. Did she run up the stairs to see him? Did she really want to see him that badly? Oh she was just so cute. Would she look like that if he made love to her?
    “Oh, you’re here so quickly (Your name)! I was starting to think you weren’t going to come.” Jasper immediately pulled a chair out for her to sit down as he went over to get her a glass of water from the pitcher. 
    “O-oh. I didn’t want to disappoint you. Shall we go over my article I wrote?”
    “Here drink some water, you look rather frazzled.” Jasper handed her the glass as she shyly took it from him, her fingers brushing his as Jasper tried not to make any inappropriate noises.
    “Oh the elevator took too long so I decided to take the stairs. I am so sorry for my appearance-“
    “It’s okay. I’m just happy to see you.” Just like she was happy to see him, or at least Jasper believed so. Why else would she run up the stairs to get to his office? To get her daily cardio? No, to see him, duh.
    “Shall we begin?” Jasper did not listen to a single word she said, his icy blue eyes were too focused on her plump lips and wondering what they’d feel like against his as he pressed her against the wall and-
     “Mister Jones?” Jasper snapped out of his musings as his blue eyes met (eye color) orbs. “It’s starting to get really cold in here.”
   Jasper immediately realized he accidentally used his powers underneath his desk as his whole face flushed red.
    “W-would you like a jacket? I’m sorry, I didn’t notice.”
    “Oh um, thanks.” Jasper pulled his jacket off his chair as he wrapped it around (your name)’s shoulder’s, his breath hitching as her cheeks flushed slightly as she bundled into his warm oversized jacket.
     Jasper didn’t think she could get any cuter but here she was... in his jacket. Oh lord he was trying so hard not to kiss her right there and then. To not bend her over his desk and tear off her clothes and make the whole department know his name-
     “Thank you, Mister Jones.” Jasper placed his hand over his face as his whole face turned a bright red. Oh lord he was going to catch a case at this point. “I’m done with my report, I’ll leave the article here so you can go over it. Thank you for your time, here’s your jacket back-“
    “Thank you, (your name). Have a good one!” As soon as she left his office and shut the thick mahogany doors, he fell to his knees as he grabbed his jacked and inhaled greedily. Oh lord it smelled like her. (Your name) smelled like roses and vanilla. She was just so sweet and he swore he’d make that sweet girl all his. Jasper swore on his life.
    But first, he was going to add this jacket to his collection. Jasper stood up as he opened up his bottom desk drawer with his key, revealing numerous miscellaneous items that wouldn’t mean much to anyone but they meant the world to him. 
    There were numerous photos of his beloved darling sleeping and an old toothbrush. As well as a tissue, a spoon, and a chapstick he swiped off her desk when she was out and about. And although Jasper hates to admit it, he used the chapstick on rough days to satiate his needs.
   He carefully folded up his jacket and placed it in the drawer as he locked his treasure chest. Jasper then reclined back in his desk chair as he smiled. Jasper couldn’t wait to see her tomorrow across a table from him eating. 
   Maybe this time he’ll get an even better Momento of her.
    Jasper was unaware of the drone outside the complex snapping pictures of his entire interaction as the drone quickly took off, to bring the video evidence to its creator.
    (Your name) strolled through the bustling city as she smiled. She was finally off from work so she could have some time to herself. 
     As the reporter walked down the street, she heard the screams of the other civilians as people began to scatter around as dark storm clouds covered the skies. (Your name)’s eyes widened. Electra was here.
    She immediately began to flee until she felt arms wrap around her as she was pulled flush against a soft body.
    “Why are you running, little rabbit?” A familiar voice asked as (you’re name began to shake in fear. “You’re so very cute when you shiver. I wonder if you’d shake like that when I-” (Your name) turned a bright red at all the horribly dirty words that came out of the woman’s mouth behind her.
   (Your name) was quickly whipped around to face her captor as her (eye color) eyes took in a tall villainous with long silver hair and a black eye mask on as well as a tight black and violet jumpsuit with a long black cape. She looked so familiar...
    (Your name) didn’t have time to study the super villain before the villainous pulled her close and surrounded the two of them into an electrical barrier as a flaming hot (literally) heroine stood outside the barrier. 
    A lean heroine stood outside the barrier, her flaming hair standing straight up as a dragon mask covered her face and her red leotard had black plated armor in the form of scales armor all over it. 
    Mistress Dragon. (Your name) thought as the red haired heroine put her hands on her hips and glared at the villainous within the barrier.
    “Electra! Release that civilian!” The woman boomed in an intimidating voice that was more than likely edited with a voice changing device.
     “No chance, Mistress Dragon. Not when your little boy toy is running around as well.”
    And soon enough, a ring of ice formed around the entire barrier as a tall, muscular male with the mask of a white fox stood along side Mistress Dragon. His costume consisted of a tight navy blue jumpsuit with silver armor plating with patches of white fur on the shoulders and around the hands and feet. 
     “Sub-Zero, glad to see you’ve made it.” Electra laughed as she grabbed (your name) and placed her plump lips on her cheek. The barrier dissolved as the two heroes began to circle the villainess, preparing to take action against her. 
   “What is your scheme this time, Electra?” Mistress Dragon growled as smoke came out from the mouth of her mask.
    “I just wanted to warn you that I know both of your identities. All thanks to this cute little rabbit.” Electra cooed as she squished (your name)’s cheeks together. “Isn’t she just precious?”
    “Electra, leave her out of this-“ Sub-Zero tried to coax the silver haired villain as the villain began to laugh darkly. 
   “No.” Electra then grabbed (your name) bridal style as she soared into the air, lavender lightning striking the ground as she rose higher and higher, (Your name) screaming as she held onto Electra tightly out of fear of falling.
    Mistress Dragon immediately shifting into a large black oriental Dragon with a fiery red mane and a peculiar septum ring as she swiftly followed behind. Electra cursing under her breath as the dragon quickly caught up to her. She’d have to ditch her prize and come back another time...
    “Let her go!”
   “Okay.” And before (your name) knew it, she was falling through the sky, plummeting to her death. Her scream piercing the air as tears fell from her eyes. She didn’t want to die, not yet at least.
    Before she could even blink, Mistress Dragon shifted and scooped her into her arms as she quickly brought the reporter into her chest, Sub-Zero making a slide for the two to slide down as they made it back to the ground safely. (Your name)’s face flushing red as she studied the masked face of her savior.
    “Are you Alright-“ (Your name) pulled Mistress Dragon close as she began to cry.
    “Thank you. Thank you so much.” (Your name) sobbed as the heroine pulled her into a hug. “How can I ever repay you-“
    “How about a kiss?” Mistress Dragon asked as Sub-Zero’s hands began to shake on the sidelines.
    “Um s-sorry. I don’t think I can.” (Your name) stayed as she began to twiddle her thumbs together nervously. “I have a crush on someone already.”
   “Oh? Well, I respect that.” Mistress Dragon then pulled away as Sub-Zero stepped in.
    “May I escort you home?” Sub-Zero asked as (your name) gulped.
    “Sub-Zero, I think we both need to leave the little lady alone. We could always send a ride to come get her.”
    “How about you head into your place of work and ask one of your coworkers for a ride?” Sub-Zero asked the girl as he smiled gently at her.
    “I’m sure it’ll be easy to do, you’re quite cute after all.” Miss dragon told the reporter as (your name) nodded and headed back into work. The two heroes immediately leaving the scene before paparazzi could show up.
     “Do you need a ride?” (Your name) smiled as her eyes met familiar onyx orbs of her best friend.
    “Yes please.”
   “(Your name)!” The poor reporter almost cried when Jasper picked her up into a tight hug and twirled her as he sighed dramatically. “I’m so happy you’re okay! You were all over the news! Are you okay-“
    “Oh Jesus, leave the poor girl alone.” Ryoko interrupted as Jasper places (your name) down gently.
   “Sorry Miss Abo.” Jasper replied as Ryoko quickly began to fix (your name)’s hair and set it back into place as the reporter puffed her cheeks out.
    “Please stop touching me you two, I’m okay-“
    “(Your name), you poor little girl.” (Your name) was (height) y’all, but go off Ryoko. “We both just worry about you. Mostly me though-“
    “No I worry more. I was so scared you’d call off and I wouldn’t be able to give you an awesome assignment.”
    “Awesome assignment?”
   “Yes, I’m giving you an assignment to write an article on super heroes. I published your article on Miss Spark in the paper and everyone loved it. So I’m giving you a bigger assignment and this time you will be on the biggest magazine here. How would you like to be the main article in Times magazine?”
  (Your name) smiled as Jasper handed her the assignment. It was information on the cities top two heroes.
    “I need you to write an article on Sub-Zero and Mistress Dragon.  And lucky for you, you encountered the two of them recently.”
    “Thank you so much, Mister Jones.” (Your name) grasped Jasper’s hand as his whole face turned pink.As soon as she released his hand, he turned and coughed into his hand. Excusing himself to the restroom as he left Ryoko and (Your name) in (your name)’s tiny office.
    “I’m seriously glad you’re okay. I honestly thought you were going to take some time off. But I’m happy you’re here. It’s good to have you back.” Ryoko smacked her shoulder playfully as (your name) smiled. 
    This day was giving (your name) so much confidence. Maybe she’d finally call Miss Spark and accept her dinner date?
   (Your name) went over to her black bag, frowning as she noticed her bunny key chain was missing. She shrugged it off, she could always purchase another one.
    (Your name) reached into the middle pocket of her bag and pulled out a black card with a domino on the top of it. She released a shaky breath as she slowly dialed the number on the phone. Her (skin color) skin thumb hesitated before she pushed call, sealing her fate.
    (Your name) nervously sat at a table for two at a high end restaurant as she nervously sipped on a glass of bubbly white moscato. She really hoped Aria would show up.
    (Your name) glanced around the restaurant until (eye color) met violet orbs. (Your name)’s mouth hung open as she took in Aria’s elegant outfit. Aria wore a long, elegant violet dress that had diamonds sewn into it. A long, white shawl wrapped around her to hide her cleavage from wandering eyes as the tall curvaceous woman strut her way over to (your name). Her white hair was up in an elegant bun with a few silvery strands loose around her face. If (your name) didn’t know any better than Aria would be the African American Jessica Rabbit.
    “Were you waiting long?” Aria asked as she took a seat in from of the (body type) girl. Aria’s dark chocolate skinned hand touching (your name)’s lightly as the girl almost by turned into a puddle of goo. 
    “N-no.” (Your name) stuttered as her cheeks flushed pink. “I was kind of just scared that you weren’t going to show.”
   “Well of course I would, little bunny. I asked you to dinner and I didn’t expect you to call me.” The woman reached into her silver clutch and pulled out a familiar rabbit keychain. “You remind me of one of these.”
    The two of them laughed as they ordered their food and drank numerous glasses of fancy wine. And before (your name) knew it, she was drunk. Very, very drunk. And Aria was nice enough to help her into her limo.
   “I think we should call it a night, bunny. You can’t even keep your head up straight.” Aria chuckled as (your name) just gave her a goofy grin as (your name) struggled to get into the limo.
    “I really like you, Aria.” (Your name) replied as she began to giggle. “I want to go out again sometime-“
    Aria pulled (your name) in for a steamy kiss as (your name) tried to kiss back to the best of her ability. Their tongue moving in sync as Aria pulled (your name) onto her lap and let her hands grab (your name)’s plump read in her hands.
    “Let’s go back to my place, shall we?” (Your name) could only smile as Aria shut the partition as they continued their steamy make out session. Thank god the windows of the limo were tinted.
    (Your name) woke up with a pounding headache and completely bare in a violet, silk sheeted canopy bed. The bare form of Aria tangled in the sheets with her.
    Aria soon stirred, her violet eyes fluttering open as the silver haired woman pulled (your name) closer to her. Her plump lips kissing the exposed skin on (your name)’s neck.
    “I didn’t take you for a vixen in the sheets. You were so cute last night.” Aria cooed as (your name) flushes red. “But all those cute hickies on your shoulders are marks that you’re mine.
    “(Your name), I want you to be my girlfriend.” (Your name) smiled as she kissed Aria again. 
    “Let’s get to know each other better first and then we can be girlfriends. I need a little more time.” Aria nodded as she kissed (your name) on the forehead. 
    “I understand. I’ll wait for you.”
     A few months had gone by since that night with Aria. And (your name) and Aria were  officially dating. It was such a surprise to everyone. And everyone was happy for her... except Jasper and Ryoko.
    (Your name) could tell Ryoko wasn’t happy about her new relationship status due to how forced her smiles  when she occasionally caught glimpses of the purple marks on her neck she didn’t cover up well enough, but Jasper was a completely different level of upset...
    “(Your name), I brought you a bouquet of red roses!” Jasper proclaimed as the dark bags under his eyes became more prominent as time went on. He didn’t look like he was sleeping well. His skin was paler than normal and his hands were shaky as he held up the bouquet. “They’re almost as beautiful  as you-“
   “Jasper, I’m sorry. I’m in a happy relationship. I cannot accept your gift.” The roses were gently placed into her lap as Jasper’s whole body began to shake as he forced a smile.
     “A woman can’t be with another woman. Y-you’re just confused is all. You’ll come around eventually.” He gave an uneasy laugh before he clutched his hair in his hands. His pale blue eyes widening as a demented smile made its way onto his face. Jasper crouched down on the floor, his hands holding his face while the smile widened even more. The deranged male beginning to ramble to himself. “You have to... you have to love me or I’ll go even more mad...” Jasper whispered to himself while (your name) quickly scurried over to him and wrapped an arm over his shoulders. The young reporter trying to gain his attention.
    “I-I’m sorry, Mister Jones. I just don’t return your feelings and I don’t know if I ever will-“
  “One day...”
   “Excuse me?” (Your name) asked, raising a brow at him. Jasper whipped his head up, revealing his terrifying smile to her, flashing his pearly white teeth at her.
     “You will one day. I swear on it.” Jasper chuckled, pulling her close to him and holding her flush against his chest. He then stood up to his full height, practically picking the girl off the floor while he burrowed his head into (your name)’s hair. Jasper greedily inhaling her scent with the same crazed smile. She still smelled so sweet. Ice began to slowly creep onto (your name)’s jacket as (your name) felt a sudden chill up her spine. Why was she so cold? “You’ll walk down the aisle with me and then you’ll bear my children-“
   “Woah, let the little lady go please.” Ryoko separated the two as her eyes widened in shock as Jasper was basically almost revealed his powers in front of everyone. Ryoko immediately stepping in before Jasper could lose his job. “Let’s go to your office and talk, okay? You’re scaring her.”
    “I-I’m sorry.” Jasper immediately released (your name), the scared look in her eye making his heart clench as he tried not to have a meltdown. “I don’t know what came over me I-“
     (Your name) fled as he tried not to cry out her name as Ryoko led him to his office. Ryoko immediately kicking the door shut behind the two of them as she shoved him roughly into the floor.
    “You’re such an idiot. You almost blew your cover in front of everyone!” Ryoko whisper shouted at him as she kicked him in the leg roughly. “Why can’t you just keep it in your pants?!”
    “I’m in love with her! You should know! You look at her the same way I do when you think no one’s looking-“ Jasper’s head was suddenly thrown to the side as Ryoko struck him. Ryoko’s dark bangs covering her eyes as she scowled in disgust.
    “Don’t ever compare me to you. You’re disgusting-“
    “Why don’t we work together for her affections?!” Jasper shouted as Ryoko’s head snapped up. Her Onyx eyes scanning Jasper’s for any sign of him joking as she began to think. She could tell Jasper was serious for once.
    “Do you think we could do it? I mean I don’t know how I feel about sharing but do you think she’d be okay with it?”
    “What do you mean? We shouldn’t give her a choice, she’d be safe with us. We’re heroes for god’s sake-“
    “I know we are but... I want her to be happy...” Ryoko replied as she rubbed her arm nervously, her dark eyes downcast as she began to fidget under Jasper’s intense gaze. “I don’t want to force her into anything with us. It wouldn’t be the same-“
   “I know but do you really think Electra would let her go? I mean seriously? Miss Spark isn’t that good at keeping her identity hidden. I’m amazed (your name) hasn’t caught on-“
    “(Your name) is oblivious to all of us having powers. I just don’t want to scare her away. She means so much to me. I’m alright with watching her be happy with someone else, unlike you. So long as she doesn’t get hurt.”
    Jasper hummed as he glared at the floor.
    “So I’m taking it as a no until something happens to her?” Jasper asked as his ice colored eyes glazed over with some hidden emotion. 
    “Yes.” Ryoko replied as she opened the door. “Good luck, Jasper.” She then left the room as Jasper stood up headed to his desk, he hunched over his desk as he placed his palms flat on the desk. The room’s temperature dropping in temperature as ice began to cover the entire desk.
  Jasper’s breathing became ragged as he tried to calm down his rage. His fists clenching to the point that his fingernails began to draw blood in their wake. 
   He then screamed in frustration as he slammed his fist into the desk, creating a large crack on the wooden surface as he began to take deep breaths to calm himself down.
    “She’ll be mine... I swear to god.”
    Ryoko sat in her small apartment as she pulled out a cushion and a lighter and carried it to a spare closet in her room.
     She then lit the small vanilla scented candles to illuminate the object of her desires as she smiled. Her onyx eyes never leaving the (eye color) orbs of her love.
     A large portrait of (your name) sat in the center of the wall as well as pictures of the two of them together. Pictures of every single selfie or pose they took while they were out and about. They had been so close for years, and (your name) didn’t even understand the depth of Ryoko’s feelings for (your name). Ryoko should’ve been more assertive and maybe (your name) would’ve become her girlfriend... Ryoko bowed her head as she began to concentrate on her goal.
     “Patience is key... Electra will mess up soon... and then I’ll be there to catch you.” Ryoko face twisted into a smile that seemed unnatural for her petite face as she leaned forward. Ryoko ran her pale hands gently across the portrait as she sighed longingly. “I love you, (your name).”
   “Aria!” (Your name) exclaimed as she entered her lover’s office, the silver haired woman shooting up from her desk as a smile made its way to her face.
  “(Your name)!” Elegant black heels came running towards the other woman as Aria swooped (your name) into her strong arms. “How was work?”
    “It was okay. Jasper was acting strange again and Ryoko has been so distant... I miss my best friend.” Aria’s eyes darkened as she pulled (your name) into her arms and furrowed her brow. Why were those two still bothering her lover)? Did those two imbeciles not understand that (Your name) belonged to her? Maybe she’d have to make her move now before those pesky heroes snatched her up...
    “Aria, what’s wrong? Is something bothering you, baby?” Aria tried her best not to melt into a puddle at (your name)’s cute nickname for her.
    “I think we should have some dinner at my place tonight. Does wine sound good?” Aria asked as (your name) nodded excitedly, unaware of Aria’s true intentions.
    “I’ll eat or drink anything as long as it’s with you!” (Your name) beamed as Aria kisses her forehead tenderly, a frown forming on her face as (your name) buried her face into Aria’s shoulder.
    “I’m so sorry...” Aria whispered almost inaudibly as she kissed (your name)’s forehead again. She hoped to god (your name) would forgive her...
   Drip. Drop. Clink. Clank.
   (Your name) slowly stirred awake as she heard the sound of a faucet dripping. Her (eye color) eyes scanning her unfamiliar surroundings. Where was she? This wasn’t Aria’s house.
    “I’m so sorry, my little rabbit.” Aria replied as (your name) searched around for her lover.
    “Aria? What’s going on? Where am I?” (Your name) tried to stand up to find her lover but was stopped by the chain attached to her ankle. “Why am I chained up-“
    “(Your name), I’m Electra.” Aria’s voice rung out in the dark as (your name) gasped.
    “Y-you’re joking right? There’s no way-“ a burst of violet electricity shot across the room, activating the lights as Aria stood in the entrance of the dark, windowless room.
    “We’re in my secret layer.” Aria replied as her violet eyes began to tear up. “The heroes are after you and I’m just so scared something bad will happen to you. I don’t want you to be caught in the crossfire-“
   “Why would they be after me-“
  “They’re your coworkers (your name). Jasper and Ryoko are Sub-Zero and Mistress Dragon.” The gears began to turn in (your name)’s head as she tried it process what Aria as saying. How could she not have noticed the signs? The septum ring on the dragon? The coldness she’d always feel around Jasper? It all made sense...
    “But why me?” (Your name) asked as Aria frowned.
    “You’re too innocent and way too sweet.” Aria replied as her smooth hands grasped (your name)’s face and kisses her forehead. “I have to defeat them and then I’ll let you go.”
    “Aria, please don’t leave me like this! Please-“ The room soon became pitch black as the door was shut to the room. (Your name)’s sobs could be heard throughout the lair as her heart broke at her lover’s betrayal.
   (Your name had no idea how long she was trapped in that room without seeing Aria. Hours? Days? Weeks? She didn’t know at all.
   Creak! Slam!
   (Your name)’s head whipped up from the sound of the doorbell opening. Her smile widening as she gazed expectantly at the door. A figure standing in the center of it as (you’re name) began to sob, tears filling her vision.
    “Aria-“ The figure soon feel to the ground as two figures walked in. (Eye color) eyes widening in horror as she scooted herself close to the wall.
    “W-Who are-“
  “I knew we’d find you. It took us a week to get her to tell us where you were. We were so worried when you didn’t come to work.” A familiar voice rung out at she felt a pair of hands on her cheeks. (Eye color) eyes meeting onyx as she gasped.
    “(Your name)! Don’t forget about me.” Jasper cooed as he grabbed her free hand and placed a gentle kiss on it. “Oh my poor darling, you’re so skinny. I promise we’ll feed you and we’ll both treat you so very well-“
      “What are you talking about?”
    “Oh silly little rabbit.” Jasper chuckled as his icy blue eyes began to glow. “You belong to us now.”
    “We bring to you breaking news, it turns out Aria Spark of Domino Electric was the dastardly villainess who plagued our city for so long! She is finally captured and placed in the new Super Prison the Hero Association has established far away from here. I also bring to you news that Sub-Zero and Mistress Dragon have officially retired. Who do you think the next rising hero will be of these five-“
    Tears filled (your name)’s eyes as Jasper and Ryoko sat on either side of her, both of their hands lovingly rubbing her large, swollen tummy as they both smiled.
    “I think our baby will be the next rising superhero. What do you think darling?” Jasper cooed as he kissed (your name)’s cheek as tears fell down her cheek.
    “My baby is next! I can’t wait to see you swollen with my little baby dragon. I was able to get a sperm donation from my brother so we can do invitro-fertilization.” Ryoko fondly cooed as she kisses (your name)’s cheek. 
   In the end, the heroes and villains weren’t so different between each other in her story. While her beloved villain would spend the rest of her life rotting behind bars...
  Or was she?
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spookberry · 1 day
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My four year old niece was pretending to be a character she dubbed "the Sprinkle Monster" while we made cupcakes, so obvi i drew the Sprinkle Monster
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egosweetheart · 1 month
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ITS MY BIRTHDAY so i drew my favorite boys in different meme poses as a treat also, great lighting practice
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furiouskettle · 1 year
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my gaggle of villain(?) ocs that i got too attached to
Cowboyninjapirateman: His backstory is that he had a Really Weird Day where he got bitten by a radioactive cowboy. and a radioactive ninja. and a radioactive pirate. Luckily, he survived and gained the powers of all three.
Scylla: Using a forbidden knitting pattern, she created two sockpuppets that gave her the ability to control yarn. But who is puppet and who is puppeteer? At the very least, Scylla herself doesn’t seem to mind too much.
Stachemeister: This man has facial hair so glorious he can control all moustaches in the area to do his bidding. His own moustache is prehensile, and he can use it to fly.
Some Nerd:  they aren’t associated with these people, why are they even here
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yanderambling · 1 year
I'm already loving your posts
what do you think about a yandere assistant and villain reader?
They would be so frustrated because the reader is spending all theirs energies thinking of a plan to capture the hero and not giving them enough attention.
100% would kill the hero behind reader's back
i'm so glad! and yes please i love a jealous little creep, i'm already obsessed <3
concept: Henchman!Yandere(gn) x Supervillain!Reader(gn)
words: ~700
CW: 18+, yandere behavior, stalking, breaking/entering
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You look so alluring when you scheme. No earthly or heavenly beauty could compare to the mere sight of you:
The stern concentration pinching your brow just slightly, your arms flexing as you clench and release your fists over and again, your lip idly drawn between your teeth on blessed occasion- it’s enough to make someone bite through their tongue (just partially, and it was only twice).
Tau watches you plan for hours a day (even when they technically have other tasks to carry out), they like to imagine it’s them you’re looking at with such a single-minded focus (perhaps knelt over them on your bed, deciding precisely which ways you want to take them apart).
What they wouldn’t give for just a fraction of the attention you constantly bestow upon that sniveling little “hero”. It’s not even like the hero has done anything to deserve your dedication, not like Tau has.
No, all they did was beat you (which few have ever done). And then… keep beating you (which none have ever done).
Tau knows how much you hate to lose, lower grunts have payed with their lives for Uno games, but… there’s something more to your preoccupation with that vigilante wannabe.
They can see it in the way your bright eyes flick about the room, the way your lips just barely part as you mumble strategy and probability, the way you zone out during meals (that they made for you, naturally) then dart up to your office to test an idea, the way you constantly stay up well into the next morning trying out new inventions and gadgets to take them down- Tau hates to think it, but they know it’s true:
This hero is… motivating you.
As delightful as it is to see you so lively, Tau can’t help the furious jealousy that roils in their gut almost constantly these days.
Why can’t they be the one to make you feel like this? Why can’t they challenge you, inspire you? Why can’t they bring that spark to your eyes?
They should be able to.
They’ve been by your side since the beginning, supporting and encouraging you through every high and low, they know you better than anyone does (yourself included)- and, goddamnit, they deserve it! They’ve given everything to you, and all they ask for in return is a second glance (then a third, then a fourth, then- oh, just stop looking away already!)
It's just not fair- that boot kisser gets every second of your free time, every spare thought, all 'cause they can take (...and deal) a couple hits? (More than a couple; Tau has definitely tried to take them down on many a solo mission, and they've always come out worse for it. They don't wanna talk about it.)
At the very least, they do get to spend a little more time with you, even if it's to watch you obsessively plan for the hero's interruption of your next evil venture.
They're still the one by your side.
They still get to stand at your shoulder and pass you tools as you work on a project (and bite their cheek every time your fingers touch to hold back a moan).
They still get to brush their shoulder against yours while you both stand over a blueprint (and then spend the next fifteen minutes trying not to hyperventilate and/or enter cardiac arrest).
They still get to hang up your cloak after a strenuous mission (and bury their nose in it until the edges of their vision go dark, and lick your sweat off the collar until their tongue is raw, and rub the damp material across their skin until they can feel you all over them).
(They still get to sneak into your bedroom every night with the spare key they made under your nose. They still get to pant over your face as they bask in your glory, as they breathe your breath. They still get to oh so carefully interlace their fingers with your own, intoxicatingly warm ones, they still get to pretend you'd ever want to hold them.)
Yes, they're still very much happy with their position- they'll just be much happier once that nuisance is taken care of.
Then, they can focus solely on aiding you in your endeavor for world domination, and you can focus on what really matters: them!
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thanks so much for reading! feel free to send a request <3
check my pinned post~
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joaoppereiraus · 2 months
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COMM - Adorable Supervillain
Posted using PostyBirb
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belethlegwen · 1 month
The Scars We Leave Behind
Written by: @adjacentperception and @belethlegwen
What's left of a hero when everything is taken from him? What's left of a villain with no identity?
What's left of a man who has no choice but to save the symbol of a system he's fighting against?
Within a city constantly besieged by a super-power fueled war between Good vs Evil, a hero is captured by powerful villain and their secret organization and forced to play part in a twisting and enigmatic plan; to tear down the systems in place that keep the League of Heroes in an ultimate seat of power to rival the government itself. But… is the system as good as it projects itself to be? Are the villains and their henchmen really as evil as the media says? Is it truly as simple as tearing it down, or does that simply open up space for a new, worse system to enter?
Is the harm we do when we believe we're helping mitigated merely by our wishes to be better? To create something more? To fix what we believe is broken?
Do we hold blame for creating the evil we think we're fighting against, regardless of our intentions?
This work features descriptions of violence, abuse, neglect, and uses adult language, as well as mentions of nudity and sexual topics.
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cookie-crumblr · 2 months
✨My Dastardly Villain~✨
F!Hero Reader x M!Villain Yan OC
Part 1~
His Info: 💰✨
Part 1 _ Next Part>>>
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CW: F!Reader, reader has a vagina, reader referred to as she/her, general violence, reader drinks alcohol, reader’s alia’s is Solar (powers include teleportation, and fire control), dub con (both parties are tipsy), explicit language, reader has tits, unprotected sex- I HAD SO MUCH FUN WITH THIS ONE GAIS I LOVE KAI I HOPE U DO 2 🙈✨, P IN V, oral on ML, umm like slight bdsm if you squint i think… and i think that’s it!
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Song rec: Bop it up! by the marias
Anything in This Colour happened in the past:
An explosion inside the bank sends ripples of vibrations through the streets of New York City.
“He’s just so destructive! It’s so lame! and counterproductive,” You take a long hard swig of your drink.
He nods along with your complaints, enthusiastic as he listens.
The dive bar is full of greasy food, and even greasier patrons. it’s the perfect hole in the wall place to escape.
You’re conversing with a handsome man that’s wearing a black crop top and some grey washed jeans with silver chains decorating every inch of him. Though you have to admit your eyes are dying to see underneath all that.
You snap one of the villain, Sobek’s, obvious traps as you enter the bank.
“Oh my gods!” He responds, “What an absolute asshole! My own co worker is always getting in my way and trying to mess with my process!” He groans while rolling his eyes.
A orb of water whizzes past your head, you look up and find Sobek with a person hovering above the ground, only their lower half in the bubble so they don’t drown, but gods does it look uncomfy hanging there! “SOBEK!!” You roar! “Put that person down!”
“She’s always telling me what to do, like she knows what’s best!” He takes his turn with a swig of his fruity cocktail, but it makes him grimace.
You giggle at his obvious distaste for alcohol. “These idiots we work with really suck.” You say, trying to hold in any stray laughs.
“I’ll toast to that,” He holds up his glass, swaying a little as he does.
“Woah there sailor, someone’s a little tipsy” You reach up to take his glass and fall over onto him.
Catching himself, and you, on the edge of the bar, he says, “You sure you’re not?” and laughs, it’s such a beautiful and honest laugh, all the sounds of the drink machines rumbling and patrons’ boisterous voices fade as only his laughter filters through your ears.
You’re hyper focused on just him now, noticing how soft his hand is on your arm. You admire the way his big veins bulge under his dark skin as they run over the flexed muscles of his forearm.
He looks like a swimmer with some resistance training. you had been admiring his exposed belly for a while… And now you’re touching every ridge of taught muscle, you can’t help but glide your hand down the washboard, you tug on his silver chain that lays lazily over his hips.
You feel hot, and forget to breathe while still leaning over top of him. You hear him sigh out practically in your ear! You didn’t realize just how close you two actually are!
“Ah, um… Sorry, I-I guess I must be pretty tipsy…”You push yourself up, using his thigh… every part of him is so solid, like bricks of gold beneath your weight.
You’re both well over your limits, it would be a bad idea.
His dark brown eyes enrapture you, so full of lust and life, and vigor. He wants you too.
It’s such a bad idea…
“I-I should go,” as you pull away from him, his hand remains loosely floating in the air, lingering where it held you. He doesn’t move to chase you.
You stumble home feeling like you’re floating. You keep thinking about his eyes, how deep and warm they were…
No! stop thinking about him! You missed your chance, don’t go fantasizing now! At least not when you’re outside your nice comfy bed.
Once in your apartment you hurry, stripping as you cross the living room. You slip on some night clothes and go to brush your teeth when you start thinking about him again…
*Pop* you’re teleported from your bathroom to somewhere else, randomly, again!
Shit! This keeps happening! You have the power to teleport, sure… But you can’t control it!
And now you’re even more dizzy as the world spins from the drinks earlier.
As you calm down from your instantaneous, and unexpected jump in space, and grab your head, you start to look around the room…
You’re in a stranger’s bathroom! and the guy from earlier is now right in front of you!
He’s in a loosely held towel, hung low around his hips.He’s still wearing that little waist chain and your eyes linger. That perfect V just in your peripherals but you’re frozen to the spot, staring right at the center of his hips.
“um… Welcome to my place…?” In utter confusion, he stretches up and messes with his hair.
Oh gods… When he lifts his arm over his head, his muscles all over his body just—
You’re still just standing there, staring!
“S-sorry! I don’t know how this keeps happening!” You finally thaw and cover your face while spinning to give him privacy.
“You keep teleporting into people’s bathrooms when theyre naked!?”
“N-No!! i’m not— I’m not some pervert!! I just… Can’t control when or where I teleport—s-sometimes…”
He laughs, “Huh, sure.” He’s not convinced, but he’s not upset by the development, “well… Now that you’re back, wanna… Pick up where we left off?” He tries to sound cool, but he’d be lying if he wasn’t just scared shitless when a random person teleported to his sacred space without any warning.
However, he’d also be lying if he said he was anything but excited with who it turned out to be.
“And…” You look over your shoulder at him through your lashes, “Where did we leave off?”
There is fluttering in your stomach, maybe it’s the alcohol but… Nope. It’s really not. He’s just magnetic.
“you had your hands all over me,” he says with a shit eating grin.
Your skin alights, it’s burning hot and not because of your fire powers. You feel this heat.
“You also had more clothes on…” You say coyly.
“Just get over here,” he commands, which you follow promptly.
“Can I?” You ask a little shyly, hovering your fingers just over the promise lands of his body.
“Be my guest,” He smiles down at you, bringing his arm down so he can caress your cheek. His skin smells so sweet, like almonds.
You put your hand on his chest before sliding it down, swallowing hard as it gets lower and lower… Over that waist chain, and tugging on it, when it’s at its limit it flies back up and tickles him. his belly flexes inward a little under your still roaming hand.
Your eyes follow, wide and filled with wonder at his prospects. He hesitates before letting the towel fall to the floor.
Youre still looking him over when you realize youre still somewhat covered.
You start to strip, dragging it out just a little as you do.
First slipping off the shorts under your big top, holding them up and dropping them next to the discarded towel. Keeping eye contact with your mouth slightly agape, ready and wanting.
You pick up the edges of your top and roll it up a little before you pull it up over your head.
Once undressed you step closer, and reach up around his neck, you feel his hot and hard dick rub against your belly and whine because it’s not already in you.
You jump up and wrap your legs around his waist, he catches you without a problem, and feeling that thing under you is like being on a -very hot- cloud.
You’re both smiling like dorks, and colliding lips and smashing teeth alike, you can’t get enough of eachother and you haven’t even felt eachother yet.
He pushes you up against a wall first, tongue roaming your panting and open mouth, feeling every one of your ticklish little spots. Your soft sounds come out a higher pitch as he continues to torment you.
His massive hands are on your ass, digging in and spreading your cheeks, wishing that they could explore your body further still, but loving the squish of every kneed while they stay.
He groans ravenously in your ear, as he pulls you off the wall and sits you on the counter instead. His head moves down your front and drapes a leg over his shoulder. He’s peppering little kisses and nips all the way down. You’re breathing is becoming ragged, and he’s mesmerized by the way your tits move as your lungs fill up and empty.
“You’re so hot,” He spreads your lips with his thumb and presses his molten tip to your opening.
“Oh my gods!” You whine excitedly!
When he pushes into you he does so slowly and backs out every centimeter or so to push back in further, oh the effect is maddening! “Y-you Liar,” You moan.
“pfff what!?” He bottoms out while scoffing.
“About being shy!” You say before he pulls out to pound into you once and thrashes your whole body, sending a shockwave through you. You grab onto his shoulders fast! “OoooOh!” You whimper.
“C’mon, you’re not gonna finish on me already are you?” He smiles something fierce, that has you clenching, “If i see a ring before i say, you’re getting punished.”
“N-no! i didn’t agree to that!” You complain, before he smacks your clit, making you jump and whine harder. You think you just came, you’re squeezing and fluttering inside but the build up didn’t stop! and, oh shit…
“I didn’t say you could yet,” He tsks, and picks your other leg up putting that one over his other shoulder.
You feel so stretched, and he can reach so much deeper~ “Ah~!” gasps and moans leave you lips in a melody that he wants to put on repeat.
Knocking on the door startles you, but he keeps pounding into you, “Kai Mallory! You better not be doing what it sounds like you’re doing in OUR bathroom!”
“Shit.” He pulls out after a minute of hard debating.
“Who’s that?” You whisper.
“My mom…” He groans and wipes off his face.
He helps you down off the counter. and you both get cleaned up and decent before opening the bathroom door, heads down in shame.
“Sorry mom”
“I did not raise you like this!” She pinches his ear to bring him down to her level. “You’re lucky your sister isn’t home!”
You try to hold in any giggles, but it’s kinda cute funny seeing such a big tough guy let his mom do whatever.
She relents and walks away, before turning back and holding up two fingers to her eyes, and pointing them at you both in a “i’m watching you” motion.
“Sorry about that,”
“It’s all good! I didn’t know you lived at home!” or his name! “Kai.” You sigh it out.
“Come with me, I at least have my own room” He laughs a little embarrassedly.
His palm is warm in your own, you let him lead you down the hall.
His room is nice and clean! and he has a bed frame!!! score!
He lays down and pats the bed next to him.
“I can help you with your teleportation problem,” He’s laying with his eyes closed and his arms behind his head. “If you want…”
“Really!? You’re super?” You climb onto the bed but stay near his waist.
“N-no! definitely not!” he bolts back up.
“Kai…?” Your body is still so hot, and he didn’t get to finish…
“C-can I help you finish?” You ask, your hands timidly pawing at his shorts.
“um, yes. is that even a question? hah!”
You pull his short band down and his dick flings out already hard, it looks so painful… His slit pulses as his cock twitches, and leaks some pre.
“So big…” You put your tongue to his wet tip, it still tastes like you. You groan against it, and his hips roll just barely.
His stomach sinks in as he breathes and becomes more excited.
You wanted to play with him a little more but you both just want to cum, you start to play with yourself as you take him into your throat.
You relax it as best as you can but your still gagging around his length.
“You okay?” He asks sweetly.
You hold up a thumbs up “mmhmm~” and bob your head on his dick. As you pull back your head tilts up putting more pressure underneath his cock and as you go back down your head tilts down to give it that pleasurable pause all while his head and glands get sucked and taken so deeply.
You’re massaging him with your tongue and tasting him, and you’re both so excited.
Your fingers spin on your clit and as you cum for the second time that night, so does he.
“mmf!!!” Your throat is filled with a tsunami of cum, you swallow and swallow but there’s still more! some seeps out of your lips around him, you try to lick it up, but he’s already seen. He grabs your jaw in his palm, your mouth still around his dick.
“You let some out…” he wipes your chin with his thumb.
As you stare up into his eyes, you swallow again and realize he’s still hard.
“What’s your name?” he asks, with a dorky smile on his face, and his cock still down your throat.
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miniaturedreamharmony · 5 months
Insomniac Hero x Villain
Hero can't bear the blaming eyes of thousands of citizens who show up on their dream every night. They eventually learn to spend their nights on the rooftop of the city buildings, blending into the blinding lights of the modern world. The first few nights without sleep were no sweat for the strongest superhero in the city, but as the nights continued, Hero became progressively drenched in fatigue. It finally snaps when, in the middle of a battle with Villain, Hero's vision blurs before collapsing to the ground. Villain runs to them, finally noticing the dark circles under their eyes and shivering body. Before any reporters jump into Hero's face with cameras, Villain takes them to their home and lay them on the soft bed. Even then, Villain thought Hero was overworked by the Association, which caused insomnia. It was when Hero started to whimper and bawl that Villain realized the truth. Without much thinking, Villain holds Hero's hands as tenderly as they can. The other hand finds itself caressing Hero's hair. It's all tangled up and sweaty from the previous battle, but Villain couldn't care less. Villain's heart is stomped every time Hero lets a weak, broken apology to everyone they couldn't save. After an hour or so, Villain's warm hands finally push out the nightmare, and the two fall into a deep slumber that night.
When Hero opens their eyes again, they are welcomed by the bright sunlight shining down on them through the blinds. A realization hits them that they were able to sleep last night without any problems, and they feel their head clear up for the first time in a month. They look around the unfamiliar interior before laying their eyes on Villain, who is still in a sweet dream. Though Hero figures out the whole context of the situation after a few seconds, they decide to keep Villain's company until they wake up. Perhaps they could pay them back with some ice cream later.
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star-vibing-prompts · 10 months
Villain shook their head, staring at the supervillain with wide horrified eyes.
SuperVillain was holding Hero's head with their head, a insane wide smile on their face. "Surprised Villain?" They smirked, tossing Hero's head near Villains feet.
"Hope you like your gift!" SuperVillain laughed.
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charlioak · 11 months
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dimirage · 11 months
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another commission
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spaceferren-comics · 4 months
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Toy Maker, embodiment of chaos and disorder/general discord! A mysterious godlike entity who sees us all as his playthings. Perhaps there’s something deeper… -Typhon
Art by TriedCoffee
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yanderambling · 1 year
BRO just binged all ur stuff and i’m obsessed and i saw you take requests,,, so get this: hero from the yandere henchmen story is also yandere for villain reader O.O doesn’t have to be the same reader if u don’t want i just think it would be fun lolol
ahhh i'm so glad to hear that, and this is such a good idea!! this one's a bit short because i'm low on writing inspo and also energy :( but you can always request again if you'd like more ~
concept: Hero!Yandere(gn) x Villain!Reader(gn)
words: ~700
CW: 18+, yandere behavior, violence, masochism, very suggestive, short and not well proofed :)
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Emyr is certain that their feelings for you are completely casual and appropriate.
Of course they get worked up over you, you're their nemesis!
It's normal for a hero to have a nemesis, to focus on one villain above all the others (even in the event that the villain has been radio silent for over a week while countless others wreak havoc on the city, even if they have to ignore all their friends constantly signaling them for backup against said villains; you're planning something, they know it, and it's their responsibility to be ready to stop you!)
And it's normal for a hero to get violently upset when they discover another hero had an encounter with that nemesis.
Just like it's completely normal for a hero to accidentally leave their friend totally vulnerable in deadly combat just days after that discovery.
They're dedicated to taking down a particularly dangerous evildoer, and people make mistakes in the heat of battles; this is all normal.
They don't think it's wrong to get so excited when their call signal goes off (one they had made specifically for calls about you), they're just passionate about stopping evil!
They don't think it's wrong to feel a shiver of anticipation tingle up their spine on the occasions you get the upper hand in battle (it's a stressful situation!), and they chalk it up to temporary shock when they find themself frozen, helpless to stop your weapons (or, god, hands) from tearing into them.
They don't think it's wrong to feel their heart race at the very thought of you, to hear the blood pounding in their ears every time they picture your manic smile or your sweaty, feral form- of course memories of their enemy will spike their adrenaline!
They don't think it's wrong to collect the odd weapons you sometimes forget after fights, to hold them tight in their hands and feel the residual warmth of your skin, to imagine how you might use each one on them, (to use them on themself and picture your disgust at the pleasure they derive from it...).
It's just important to know your enemy, is all.
It's not strange that they spend most nights skulking around your lair, using their super-vision to watch you go about your business through the thick walls, using their enhanced hearing to pick up every shift of your skin against your clothing (god how do you look even more ethereal in your casual clothes?); it's just routine surveillance!
And it's not strange that they set up multiple cameras (hidden with great effort) to catch glimpses inside when they can't be there.
(And it's not strange that they collect all their footage at the end of each day and splice together every shot where you're even slightly indecent, that they watch these perverted montages to get themself off every night, that they constantly have to wipe drool and spunk off their monitor just to catch another glimpse of your sinful body.)
It's not wrong that you occupy their thoughts every second of the day, waking or otherwise.
It's not wrong that they fall asleep every night to the memory of your vicious smirk looming over them in the wake of a rare defeat- in fact, it's motivating to recall past failure, to figure out where they went awry so they never fall into that position again (with your strong legs straddling their body, every muscle tensed against them, your wild eyes locking their gaze to yours as you both pant with exertion, a blade pressed to their throat just enough for them to feel beads of blood trickle down their neck- the only thing saving them from the pressure on their throat and crotch alike being a vigilante group arriving and causing you to make a "strategic retreat").
It's also not wrong that they keep fiddling with the wounds you've given them, pulling and scratching and reopening them again and again until they scar, because they do it for the reminder.
So they can stop it from happening again.
Definitely not so they can pretend it's your fingers digging into their skin, that your sharp eyes are watching in disdain as they moan at the stinging pain, that your cruel smile is hanging over them mockingly while they get worked up over so very little, that you've finally gotten the better of them for good and intend to use them mercilessly for your own desires...
Definitely not that.
So, basically, in conclusion: Emyr is completely normal about you.
And will forever continue to be.
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thanks so much for reading! feel free to send a request <3
check my pinned post ~
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