#one is gonna go on a cruise instead of having a party
are people even doing sweet 16s anymore because i haven't been invited to a single sweet 16
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dark-frosted-heart · 4 months
Alfons vs Roger event (Part 1)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this
Crown’s relationship is perfectly balanced.
Though they couldn’t be considered friends or family, there’s an unspoken connection and trust.
—Well, except for a certain “pair”.
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Alfons and Roger: Unbelievable.
Kate: Did something happen? You two said that together the minute you came back from the mission.
Today, Alfons and Roger were supposed to be chasing after a serial killer who had caused quite a stir.
Roger: Al, if you’d drawn him over, I could’ve sent him to the after life in a heartbeat.
Alfons: Wow, you’re putting the blame on another? Had I not chased after you, you would have dropped dead.
Roger: I’m gonna wrap those words with a ribbon and give them back to you.
Alfons: Then I’ll wrap that ribbon around your neck.
Kate: Um, so what happened to the criminal in the end?
Alfons and Roger: William happened.
Meaning William, who seemed to have gone ahead, took care of the criminal instead of these two who couldn’t work together at all.
Kate: Regardless, I’m glad the criminal was caught.
Alfons and Roger: I’m not.
Kate: Huh?
Alfons: Every time I go on a mission with Roger, my delicate heart gets another scratch. Ahhh, woe is me!
Roger: What delicate heart. A delicate guy wouldn’t come at you himself. (•̀ ⌓ •́)
(This sort of sight isn’t surprising anymore)
Alfons and Roger have known each other since they were kids.
Had they been old friends, they would’ve gotten along exceptionally well. However, it;s the complete opposite for the two of them.
(I have a feeling that these two have the worst relationship in Crown…)
Roger: Geez, I can’t deal with this anymore.
Alfons: Oh, then be my guest. Please leave Crown and live as you like.
(A Crown resignation emergency?!)
I look around, but unfortunately, I seem to be the only one around to intervene.
(What do I do, what do I do? Ah, I got it!)
Kate: You two! I won’t give you any chocolates if you keep fighting!
Alfons and Roger: Chocolate?
Roger: Oh yeah, it’s Valentine’s Day today, isn’t it? No wonder the city was bustling.
Alfons: I heard you were making “sweetheart chocolates” last night, Miss Kate.
Kate: How did you know?
Alfons: I’m the well-informed Mr.  Sylvatica.
Last night I was baking sweets with the maids when they encouraged me to make some “sweetheart chocolates”.
(I was planning on eating them all myself…)
Roger: Sounds good. I was gettin' tired of fighting. Let’s have a contest, Al. The winner gets Kate’s chocolates and serves the loser. How’s that sound?
Alfons: It’s the best of the worst of preferences. Yes, I like that.
Kate: Hold on, what is this?!
Alfons: So, what sort of contest are we doing? Anything beside a fistfight is fine. Ah, how about this. We have two shots of vodka, one of which is poisoned. A game with no hard feelings that can be won immediately.
Roger: If one of us kicks the bucket, then there’s no point in the servant rule. Then-
The games the two kept suggesting were so outrageous that it made me dizzy.
(At this rate, a city or two is going to get blown up. What the heck do I do?)
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Victor: O~kay my cute cursed ones! This nonsense stops here.
Kate: Victor!
Victor: You two fight the moment I take my eyes off of you. Bad, I say. Bad!
Alfons/Roger: It’s Roger’s fault./It’s Al’s fault.
Victor: I’m not blaming anyone. I don’t mind the contest, okay? However, I don’t like negative games where the other dies from poison and things like that. I can’t afford to lose either of you. That’s not cute at all.
Kate: ……Not cute?
Victor: So here’s my proposal. Remember my friend, Viscount Morris?
Alfons: He’s the rich eccentric who owns a luxury cruise ship.
Victor: Yes, yes. The viscount’s beloved niece’s birthday is today. A birthday party will be hosted in one of his estates. The girl in honor has fled. I believe she went out of the country on vacation. 
Alfons: She’s a runaway horse, isn’t she? Perhaps a consequence of being raised like a princess. A pity.
Victor: The viscount came to me in tears, so I considered going as her double…
Roger: If the lady suddenly became huge and burly, that’d make a failure of a party.
Victor: Therefore, Kate. I want you to pretend to be the lady.
Kate: I knew this was where the story was going.
Victor: Haha, you’re becoming more like Crown! So, Alfons, Roger, I want you two to serve as Kate’s caretakers so that she doesn’t get exposed.
Roger: But what’s that gotta do with our contest?
Victor: Hm, that’s actually a good question! How about you compete for “friendship points” while acting as caretakers?
Kate:  What are “friendship points”?
Victor: Simple. You get a point if you’re friendly to the other. Oh, and the judge is Kate of course.
Roger: So the winner’s the one with the most points and gets Kate’s chocolates.
The proposal was completely unexpected, but it sounds like a good way for the two to get along.
Kate: I think it’s a good idea. I’ll also help the viscount.
Roger: If the little lady’s fine with it, then I’m game. Besides, it sounds like we’re gonna get kicked because of this pointless fight.
Alfons: I feel as if I’m being forced into something troublesome, but I’m fine with it. I’d also like to put an end to this pointless fight. Well… She and the chocolate will ultimately be mine.
Roger: You sure? I take what I want. You ready for that?
Alfons and Roger looked at me, and I blink in return.
Alfons, in an overly gentlemanly manner, shook Roger’s hand.
Alfons: Let’s have a fair, “friendly” match, Roger.
Kate: Ah. That’s one friendship point for you, Alfons!
Roger: What? Damn it, that was dirty.
Alfons wipes his hand, which had touched Roger’s, with a handkerchief.
Alfons: There’s nothing clean or dirty in this contest, is there Miss Kate?
Victor: Mhmm, it’s charming how they’re becoming fast friends. Fabulous!
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mydarllinglover · 8 months
Alone || Better Man
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Settling into the Commonwealth was a strange experience for the Dixon family, for starters, it was like being in the old world again, with electricity, stores, parties, and money, yes, the US dollar was the currency used in this place, and for the children who had never seen something like this, it was especially weird to explain.
Another thing that had made Natalia want to run for the hills, was being reintroduced to her parents, who she believed were both dead on a cruise in the middle of the ocean, but as luck would have it, they had wound up here of all places.
Not only was she surprised to find out that her mother had lasted ten years, but also that she had left her husband alive, instead of sacrificing Natalia's step father a long time ago.
The woman who had initiated the couple in, had been very thorough in where she was trying to place where she had seen Natalia's face before, and then it hit her, that one of their upper class elites, had to be of relation.
Apparently, due to their rankings, and how well off they were before, Natalia's parents had earned themselves a level of importance in the Commonwealth, because that was how things were done around here, who cares about walkers when you can have classism and capitalism.
Considering the parentage of Natalia, and her schooling, she was seen as a "well of" Person, from what she told them, at least, though Daryl, obviously, was not, which put them at not complete bottom, but they weren't becoming millionaires anytime soon, this had helped them at least get a house to fit their five children and Dog.
Evelyn, their eldest, had decided she didn't want to join her parents on their move to the Commonwealth, even though they had pleaded, and begged, and bribed, she'd stuck with her decision to go back to the Hilltop, with Maggie and Lydia.
When Natalia had finally met her parents, accidently, whilst on a tour of the community, it hadn't ended as sweet as you'd reckon a thirteen year reunion would go.
Natalia's mother had made a scene in the crowd, over the appearance of her daughters husband and children, the woman could not believe it, and had left in a hurry, not before delivering a slap to the adult woman's face, for her "whorishism."
It was late at night on their third day in the Commonwealth, the kids were all tucked up in bed, after a long day of unpacking, leaving Daryl and Natalia to finish exploring the downstairs part of the small house, changing things to fit their old one, until a knock at the door.
"I'll get it." Daryl told her, as she stirred her herbal tea, hoping to lift up her spirits.
"Okay, baby." She sighed.
She dipped the teabag once more, before draining it and tossing it in the trash.
"Nat." Daryl hissed from the front door.
"Who is it?" She asked, leaning against the wall, looking at him.
"Yer step dad." His eyes widened in urgency as he revealed their late night visitor.
"What?" She gasped.
"Nah, I just made it up." he rolled his eyes "He's right outside, alone."
"Okay, here's what we're gonna do, just back away from the door, turn off the lights and pretend we're not home, problem solved."
"Talia." The old man called through the door. "I know you're in there, could you open the door, my old bones can't handle this weather."
"Stop lying, you ain't that old, Peter!" Natalia clapped her hands over her mouth as soon as she spoke, her eyes shooting wide.
Daryl threw his hands in the air, sick of her shit, always running her mouth.
She rolled her eyes.
"Please, honey, I just want to make sure you're okay, y-y'know, we thought you were dead, this entire time, and I still never managed to get over it... too painful." He stammered.
Daryl looked at her, and she sighed.
"Open it." She folded.
Daryl did as told, opening their new front door.
"Thought you guys were dead, too."  Natalia told the man, that had been her step father, longer than her real father was alive in her life.
"Oh, Tally." He sighed, rubbing his balding head, his eyes meeting hers, realising the daughter that he had spent years mourning, was alive, and well, and somehow, had travelled hundreds of miles to end up in the same place as him.
"Nat?" Daryl asked, quietly, wondering if this was too much for her, he'd kick the old man out of his home, if he had to, he didn't give a shit.
"S'fine." She nodded at him, but her focus didn't leave the old man. "Pete, how- what happened?"
"Do you mind if I sit down, this, this is just..." He couldn't finish his sentence.
"Sure." She waited for him to sit down, before she decided to sit down on the opposite couch. "Daryl, you mind getting Michael a hot tea?"
"'Course." He patted her shoulder, moving towards the kitchen.
"So, that's...?"
"Daryl." She answered.
"Looks nothing like Harry."
"And he ain't nothing like him, either."
"Thats good, never did like that boy. But what.... what happened... to him and- and Winnie?" He stumbled through his sentence, trying to speak through the clog in his throat, that man had loved her daughter, as if she were his own grandchild, it was something she had always admired and respected him for.
"They didn't make it." She whispered. "Was early on, I'm sorry."
"Honey, don't say that, I am incredibly sorry, I'm just thankful that you're here, and I hope they didn't suffer too much."
"They didn't, I promise." She lied, but what could she actually tell him? Definitely not the truth. "So you and Mom, how?"
"With a whole lot of luck, actually." He chuckled, but he didn't even find anything funny. "It was about two weeks into our cruise, they started getting this weird message on the radio feedback, but when they tried to get a response, there wasn't any, then we saw all these helicopters flying over the waters, none of them took notice of the large ship full of people, well, eventually, one had thought we were worth being filled in on, what was going on around the world, they had told the captain, over the bullhorn to redirect to Virginia, here, because of that Helicopter, they accepted us in, let us join the community, me and your mother, we helped set it up, we helped establish the same systems as the old world, matter of fact, you remember your mothers old friend Pam?"
"Yeah, sorta?"
"Well that's the Governor?" He smiled brightly.
"Yeah, I knew one of those, once..." Natalia commented, bitterly. "So, you and Mom have been here, the entire time?"
"Can you believe it, I'm just glad that you're finally here, but tell me, what have you done in the last ten years?"
"Here." Daryl set the tea on the small table in front of the man, he went to head upstairs, give them some space, but Natalia grabbed his arm, tightly, pulling him to sit down beside her, refusing to let go as she pinched the skin, in her grasp, without even looking at him.
Daryl got the message, she didn't want to be alone with the man.
"I see you have a ring." Peter looked at Daryl, "Did you have a wife before?"
He patted his thigh, looking at Natalia.
"Oh." He realised. "Well, congratulations."
"Uh huh."
"Y'know, your mother would be glad to know that you found happiness."
"Don't ruin this by lying to me." Natalia stared him down. "You were there the other day."
"Your mother, she doesn't know much about the outside world, we were very sheltered from it all, she thinks that you just simply left him, and moved on with... another man, that's all it is."
"Who gives a shit? Think I'm a bit old to need my mothers approval."
He laughed, "You haven't needed your mothers approval since you started middle school."
Natalia heard a scuffle In the hallway, but apparently the two men had missed it.
She held up her hand, twisting to look at where the noise was coming from.
"Girls? Why aren't you in bed?" She called.
"Told you to be quiet." Daisy hissed.
"Alright, come on out." Daryl called to the twins. "Now."
"We weren't eavesdropping, promise." Daisy told them, when they shuffled out, Bambi stood quietly behind her sister.
"Then what were you doing, should be asleep." Natalia said.
"Couldn't sleep." Daisy shrugged, as they both walked towards their parents.
"You got your first day of school tomorrow, you wanna fall asleep during class?"
"But, Mommy, I'm scared, you said it's gonna be different to regular school, what if the other kids are mean."
"Or what if they think we're weird, cause we ain't like them, we ain't soft."
"Honey, they're not gonna think that." Natalia shook her head. "And they ain't gonna be mean, either, cause if they are, then you tell me and I'll deal with it."
"But, Dad said that they're not like us, they're weak, and they won't like us, cause of it." Daisy huffed, pushing her hair out of her face.
"Well, your dad should keep his mouth shut, sometimes." Natalia looked over her shoulder at him.
"Mommy, who's that man?" Bambi whispered.
"That's..." She gave it some thought. "Babies, I want you to meet your Grandfather, Grandpa Pete." 
"What's a grandfather mean?" Daisy asked, confused.
"Well, honey" Natalia ignored the teary eyes of her stepfather. "You know how you have Daddy, one day, if you have children, they will have a daddy, maybe, and then, he" She pointed at Daryl, "Will be your children's grand daddy, the daddy of the parent, does that make sense, yeah, well Grandpa Mike, that's my step dad, so that's your grandad."
"Where's Daddy's dad?" Bambi asked.
"Dead, sweetheart." He answered. "Watched it happen, too, don' worry, he ain't coming back."
"Pete, you okay?" Natalia asked, finally paying attention, but making a mental note to bring up Daryl's dead dad talk, later.
"Yeah." He blinked. "Uhm, what are your two's name's?"
"Girls." Daryl urged them to answer, prying Bambi off of him to face the man.
"My name's Bambi."
"Daisy." Natalia warned her.
"Fine." The girl rolled her eyes. "My name's Daisy."
"I'm Bambi." Bambi gave him a small wave.
"Hello, it's nice to meet the two of you, I just- you both are just as beautiful as your mother, when she was your size."
"What was Mom like at our size?" Daisy tried.
"An angel." Natalia answered, quickly, earning a snort out of Peter.
"Y'know, I could tell you girls some story's about your mother." He chuckled, gleefully.
"We love story time!"  Bambi cheered.
"Aunt Nat, He's awake, again!" RJ called, from upstairs.
"He's crying for you." Judith reported, also from upstairs.
"Would you look at that? No time for stories, I gotta go settle your brother again, and you should be asleep too, so I think it's time for Pete to go home, as well."
"You have a son?" Peter asked, his jaw slack, his eyes wandering to Daryl, who gulped.
"Yes, who apparently needs me."
"And the other children, they are?"
"Our niece and nephew, look, it's really late, and I gotta deal with these lot." Natalia sighed, taking the twin's hands, leading them towards the stairs.
"Right, right, my apologies, but, Tally, please, I would love to take you to lunch, maybe the both of you, or all of you, I just want to get to know you and your beautiful family, if you'll let me."
"And what about..."
"Your mother doesn't need to know, not until she or you are ready to make amends, I promise."
"I'll think about it, Daryl, would'ya." She nodded at the door, and he took the hint, moving to open it once again.
"Mommy." Daisy started, as they walked up the stairs.
"Yeah, honey."
"Even though your Mom isn't great, I think you're the best mom in the world."
"I do, too." Bambi agreed.
"Girls." Natalia felt her cheeks get hot, as she smiled to herself. "I love you both, so much." She hugged them tight, as they walked to their room. "But I don't wanna see you until the morning, goodnight, and I love you, your father will be up to resay goodnight, in a minute."
"Momma!" Archie screamed from his bedroom.
"Aunt Nat." RJ repeated.
"Yeah, sweetie, I can hear, I'm coming." She turned back to her twins. "Lay down, go to sleep."
But before she could walk out the room, she rushed back in to tuck them in tightly and kissed their foreheads and cheeks, just as Daryl walked up the stairs.
"Your turn." She patted his chest, going towards the boys room. "Jude, go back to bed, lovey." She shut Judith's door.
"Momma." Archie whimpered, his tiny hands reaching for her, when Natalia entered his and RJ's room.
"Babyboy, what's wrong?" She asked, picking him up, wiping his tears, kissing his cheek.
"He just kept crying for you, guess he just misses you." RJ shrugged.
"I'll take him to my room, so you can get some sleep, buddy." Natalia gave the boy a side hug, kissing his head.
"Night, Aunt Nat." He yawned, climbing back into his bed.
"Night, sweetie." She walked out his room, closing the door. "Sleepover with Momma and Daddy, baby?"
"Yeah." Archie pouted.
"What's wrong?" Daryl asked, closing Judith's door, again, after saying his goodnights to her.
"Missed me." She answered, entering their room, the last one for the night.
"Ya missed yer dad?" Daryl asked his only son.
"Momma." He snuggled into her chest, making the woman smirk.
"It's okay, Mommy and Archie cuddles." She dropped him down on the bed.
"Hey, you alright?" Daryl asked, pulling his shirt off over his head.
"About what?" Natalia asked, pulling off her own top, exchanging it for a comfier one, for bed.
"Him." He nodded his head to the door. "Coming to the house."
She shrugged.
"Dunno how to feel, honestly, I'm too tired, what's the point of feeling, shit's just gonna happen anyway." She pulled off her jeans.
"He uh, he wanted me ta give ya this." He hesitated before holding out his hand, a silver chain on his palm.
"Oh my god." She gasped. "He gave this to me at their wedding, said he was trying to buy my approval." She couldn't help the small smile that slipped on her face, as she held the top of it, to examine it, the N dangling in the air. "I left it at my mothers, I can't even remember why, but I was so mad that I did, and he had it this entire time, help?"
She passed it back, grabbing her hair and holding out of the way, so that he could put it back on, which he did, kissing her shoulder when he had done it, but he wasn't expecting her reaction to be shrugging him off and moving to climb in their bed, holding their son, who layed in the middle.
He evaluated anything he could've done to earn that, before getting into bed on his own side.
Archie had fallen asleep pretty quickly and easily, in the comfort of his parents, but Daryl watched out the corner of his eye, how Natalia dragged that initial across her lips, her brows furrowed as she seemed deep in thought.
"You sure you're okay?" He whispered.
"Fine." She dismissed, the chain falling from her fingers, instantly, as she turned over, her back facing him.
A month had passed, with them living in the Commonwealth, Natalia had agreed to meet up with her stepfather, Peter, but she hadn't allowed her children, she decided she'd be keeping her family away from her parents, until her mother wasn't such a large question mark, on whether she would "attack" them or not, until she had joined Peter on one of their lunches, making the man double back on his promise.
Apparently, Monica, her mother, had given up on her daughter, but not her grandchildren, Peter, the weasel, had shared the news about their twin daughters, their two "adopted" daughters, and their son, she especially wanted to meet her biological grandkids, is what she had said in her own words.
It had taken Natalia a week, to finally approve of her mother joining them for dinner, in the instance that she pays, to be near her kids, letting them meet the wicked woman, this had only been, as Monica had kept appearing in the places they were, trying to make her own meet and greet happen.
"There's my lil cowgirls!" Natalia cheered, her Pumpkin, Archie, in her arms, as the twins were the first to emerge from the haunted house, dressed in identical cowboy outfits, Daisy sporting a green scarf, and Bambi in blue. Judith, who was dressed like a witch, followed, RJ and Daryl were the last to come out.
The Commonwealth had thrown an whole festival to celebrate Halloween, and it was the first time the kids would be even celebrating a holiday, which had made Natalia very, very giddy.
"Here, Luicfer, here's your devil mask, did you enjoy it?" She asked, handing RJ his missing part of his costume.
"RJ cried like a lil baby." Daisy told her, tilting her cowboy hat back.
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Dais, didn't you scream for your daddy, when the fake walker came out?" Judith asked her, raising a brow.
"Yeah, only cause he didn't let me bring my bow, I woulda handled it." She rolled her eyes.
"Well, you ain't seeing that bow of yours again, since ya decided ta bring it to yer class." Daryl weighed in.
"It was an accident." She argued.
Judith nudged her head to go get a cake, from the bakery Carol works at, whilst Daisy argued her innocence, and Natalia smiled at her agreeing she could go off, on her own.
"Mommy, I wasn't scared of the house."
"I know you weren't, baby." Natalia told Bambi, petting one of her braids.
Carol had then walked over, with a tray of baked goods, letting the three pick off it.
"What do you say?" Natalia reminded.
"Thank you." All three kids groaned.
"Thanks, Carol" Natalia spoke for Archie, snapping bits of the cookie off so that he could eat it.
"So, what do you think?" Carol asked.
"Takes a minute to get used to all this, you know?" Daryl spoke.
"You know, this place was up and running long and before we ever got here." Carol commented.
"We're aware, my mother never lets me forget it." Natalia rolled her own eyes.
"Point is, maybe we don't have to do anything to make it work."
"No, there's always something you gotta do to make it work." Daryl slightly tapped the swinging apple, as the kids played around it.
Cheers erupted as Pamala Milton emerged from her building, her assistant, Maxine followed behind, with a tray of candy floss, as the Governor chucked candy into the crowd.
"Kids, scatter, where she is, your grandmother isn't far away." Natalia warned the twins.
"Well, she isn't gonna miss the pumpkin you're lugging around, if your idea is to hide from her." Carol warned.
"Yeah, but the perk of that is that Archie doesn't know many words, compared to his sisters, so he can't do or say anything to cause anything. He's just my sweet lil adorable pumpkin." Natalia kissed the poor boys cheeks, whilst he ate his cookie.
Next, the Governor had started the costume competition, a little girl who was dressed as Michael Mercer had won 10 lottery tickets, he was the guy who was in control of the "Military/ police force" at this place.
"I always thought she was so classy." Carol smiled as everyone clapped for the woman.
"I never knew anything about her." Daryl added.
"She shouted at me once, cause I got juice on her expensive rug, I was seven." Natalia sighed.
"Hey, you two look busy." Carol caught Connie and Kelly's attention, as they walked up to the three.
Connie smiled at Archie, waving her finger at his costume.
"Connie's a reporter for the paper, and we've got a full day, so..." Kelly explained, signing as she spoke.
"How's work?" Daryl asked.
"It's nice to be reporting again, but Commonwealth news isn't exactly... hard-hitting." Kelly translated as Connie signed.
"Have you met Pamela yet?" Daryl continued.
"I've interviewed her once before the world fell." Kelly translated again. "Yeah, and you also got her uncle kicked out of Congress, so..." Kelly said for herself.
"That was you?" Carol asked.
She shrugged with a smile.
"We got to go. We have a lot to do before the masquerade ball, so..."
"See you later." Daryl nodded.
Natalia watched her husband as he looked after the woman, with her sister, holding their son rather tightly, a weight on her chest, that had been there since a month ago, felt rather heavy.
"I hear the both of you are going to this ball." Carol smiled.
"We got to get to work." Daryl spoke for her, taking Archie from Natalia.
"Yeah. See you guys later."
"Yeah, see you, Carol." Natalia smiled politely.
They had dropped Archie off at the Daycare before getting ready for work at their home, where they had also met up with Rosita.
The three of them had ended up working at the military, Daryl and Rosita were troopers for the army, whilst Natalia, with her college degree's, had ended up becoming an interrogator/ detective, something she was planning on becoming, before she had become pregnant, of course. But it meant that they all worked at the station together.
"Hey, there you guys are." Rosita smiled as they walked up. 
"Hey to you, too" Natalia jogged forward, hugging the woman tightly.
"You want to tell me about any cases?" Rosita asked.
"Oh, you know I can't do that, that's for the big leagues to know, sorry, but Mike asked about me helping out with your guys training today, so, there's that."
"Mike? You're calling him Mike?" Daryl asked. 
"Well, yeah, we do work together, a lot, same as he calls me by a nickname." Natalia looked over her shoulder at him, holding Rosita's hand, as they walked in the rain. "Not a big deal."
"Yeah, yeah, I bet it ain't." He grumbled.
Once they had reached the abandoned houses, Natalia went off to speak to Mercer and the other lieutenants.
"Hey, you guys doing okay?" Rosita asked Daryl, watching him watch his wife.
"Yeah, yeah, we're fine, why do you ask?" He replied.
"I don't know, you guys seem pretty tense with each other, you hardly talk with out making things awkward."
"I don't know, neither." He sighed. "Probably got something ta do with her parents being around, gotta be weird for her."
"Yeah, yeah, could be that, or maybe it's just something to do with finding out her husband left her alone for months to go live with some woman in the woods, then lie about it for years to come, whilst she was pregnant, with his kids." Rosita said, thoughtfully.
"She- she told you-"
"Of course she did, said she forgave you... but, I was with her, when you wasn't, I had to see the pain she was going through everyday, Michonne might've lost Rick on that bridge, but Nat lost you, and you never were really gone."  She left him with that, before joining the other trainees.
"Welcome to the kill house." Mercer began, when ready. "In this exercise, killing is not your primary goal. I'm looking for speed and teamwork. Two teams of two will start the course simultaneously. One team goes through the house on the right, the other team takes the house on the left. There's one weapon per team, that must be shared. Your objective; get through the house, and all the rotters inside. There will be a rotter marked in red at the end of each house. First team to take out their red gets one step closer to earning their stripes. But fail to work as a unit, see what you get. Dixon, wanna tell them the teams." Mercer waved for Natalia to step forward.
"Alright, Hart, your with Tomas. Espinosa and Green. Quintana, Johnson. Dixon and Daniels. Team up, and lets get to it, we ain't got all day."
"You mind if I go with Espinosa? We make a good team." Daryl asked, as Natalia handed him a knife, looking at Mercer.
"Daryl, I didn't choose the teams, we did it by random, there's no switching." She looked at him through her brows. "So work well with Daniels, you guys are up first"
"We got this. I know you're the fastest and I'm the baddest, so we're good." Rosita laughed with her team mate, Green.
"Let's do this." He nodded back at her.
"Hey, I'm Jake." Daniels introduced himself.
Daryl put the knife in his open hand.
"What's up, Jake?" He grunted.
"So, I'm guessing that's your wife, heard she's Mercers new deputy, or something." He nodded at Natalia, who checked with the rest of the duos, before walking away to stand by Mercer, again. 
"Your guess is as good as mine." He replied.
Mercer raised his hand, before blowing his whistle, letting the two teams start.
"Taking it he doesn't work well in a team."
"Neither of them, really,  but they're good at what they do, can get creative when need to."
"But that's not what this is about, its about teamwork."
"That's the part which scares me." She sighed.
Daryl had ended up failing the mission, when Daniels called out for him, Mercer had to shoot the walker.
"Man, what was that, He was good, I was right there." Daryl told him, as they walked out the house.
"I said speed and teamwork." Mercer replied. "Green, Espinosa, nicely done. Dixon, You're with me."
"You're an idiot." Natalia snapped at her husband, following behind the large man.
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omg-gojo · 13 days
"What did you just said?!" Lee screamed covering his mouth when he realiced.
"We are getting married in the five nations peace cruise next month" he says as calm as he say it the first time. "We can make the arrengements with Kakashi. Unless, you... do not want to?"
To be honest when Rock Lee said i will marry you in any place at any time even right here and right now an event so important as THE event of the year, he would even dare to said of the decade, didn't crossed his mind for a second. But it didn't stop him from feeling light headed, warm spreading in his cheeks and butterflies filling his stomach.
"Of course i want to marry you! I won't step out of my word to you" he murmurs reminding himself that they are still here, in the cementery afterhours. He's been waiting here, like the first plan was. He looked at the gray plate above the grass. Just Neji as or witness for our vows, blood instead of rings because nobody should know and a passioned night at his place, so Gaara could pack his things and make his way back to Suna. "It's just that when you told me about mantaening the secrecy of our nuptial, doing it in a place with the most important people of all five nations was not in my list"
"It's not like they are invited anyway" Gaara expressed while crossing his arms.
Lee frowned in confussion "i don't follow..."
"We'll have our own wedding in the cruise while the rest of the guests are at the party" he kept explaining "in the middle of the celebration we'll slipt away for a few moments, get married and go back to the event without anybody noticing. Everybody would be so drunk not even the council nor the rest of people there could guess what just happened" a little smirked scape from the corner of his lips, that for anybody else would look like a grimace, but for Lee wasn't.
"Hmm, i don't know. I think you'll enjoy more the fact that you're doing it just under their noses than us ACTUALLY getting married" Lee joked while taking his lovers hands to pull him closer.
"It would only be a plus to it" exhaled. While remembered the words of Temari when he told her about his plan. Of course their families where the only ones that will know, eventually, right now just Temari. You imprudent rugrat! you maybe wear the hat of the Kazekage but you are still act like a child! No. Not that. Marriage is something you enjoy in a unique special way. No, im not talking about sex! Is a promise! to both of you and your families, that you'll be by each other side for the rest of your lifes taking care of what you'll built. So...are you gonna make it right?
....Or are you gonna do the Uchiha way? He squirmed at the mere thought. Right, he's gonna make it right, Lee deserved that. He squized Lee's hands for comfort "...One Day Suna will know the name of my husband, i'll prepare everything for that. But for now I wanna give you a wedding we and our families wont forget."
"Our families..." Lee's eyes went wide and shine as the moon above them. He won't leave his family for you, he will make you part of his.
"It'll mark a new beginning for the world and for us. Marry me" told him almost begging while getting closer to the tearing face of the leaf shinobi.
"Yes" Lee smiled.
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"Remember, Metal, no weapons!" "Yes, Papa!" but seal rolls are not weapons
"Shit kiddo, we are gonna be late!" "I literally can teleport us there, uncle"
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Part 9 - Of Vice and Men
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Series Masterlist
Part 8 -- Part 10
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Pairing: Mike x Dani x Sy (Yup...) and Mike x Dani
Summary: When Dani finally shows up at Mike's place again, figuring she should really confess her little adventure with Sy, the night takes a very unexpected turn.
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, oral and fingering (f receiving), m/m/f-threesome stuff, drug use (weed and alcohol). P-in-v sex. Some fluff, some angst if you squint a li'l...
Word count: 5.8k
A/N: The first bit was hella inspired by this idea form @marveldcmistress. I wanted to write this as soon as I saw that idea, but it needed a little context. And you get some bonus fucking after it. Anyway, enjoy this little piece of filth. (Or skip it, if this isn't something you're generally into, that's absolutely A-Okay!)
By the by! This chapter takes this fic over 40k words!
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“Fuck!” It sounded from the other side of the door. “Fuck! Mike, you dick!”
“Sore loser, Syverson?” God no, it wasn’t true. You dropped the hand you were going to use to knock on the door and seriously considered turning around and walking away. You’d barely talked to Mike for days, and he’d been asking what was wrong, but you hadn’t been able to tell him. How was “I fucked your roommate after an orientation party” ever going to be a message someone didn’t mind hearing? You’d just about die if Mike would all of a sudden confess he’d slept with Ariel or something. 
“Whatever, I’m gonna take a piss,” Sy’s drawl was unmistakable - it had to be him. The remark was followed by heavy footsteps - and the realization that there was no way for you to get out of there in time. The door swung open right in your face. 
“Hi there, Sugar,” Sy grinned before he pushed past you and made his way to the bathroom. 
“Dani!” Mike said, upbeat as ever. He raced to the door as a puppy that was happy to see his owner again after a long day. “Come in! You’re not going home for the holidays?” You explained to Mike that your parents both worked in a hospital and couldn’t get any time off work, so you’d decided to stay put instead of exhaust yourself traveling all over the place.
“You?” You asked as you walked into the room and dropped yourself on the couch. 
“Divorce is wonderful. My mom would rather spend Christmas with her girlfriends and their mid-life crises on a cruise in the Bahamas or wherever, and my dad can’t be arsed to remember he has a son ever since Jessica and her two wonderful daughters showed up in his life.” Shit, you wished you hadn’t asked so casually. 
“It’s okay, Dani,” he chuckled, “I’m kind of glad you’ll be here. Do you have plans for New Year's Eve?” How had this not come up yet? You’d made plans with Sloane and Ari back in September, but they were both seeing guys - casually, but still - so perhaps…
“I was going to go out with my friends, but maybe you want to tag along?” You suggested. Mike looked happy that you’d want him around. 
“If they’re okay with that, I’d love to. We can sleep here, if you want?” 
“Are you avoiding awkward morning confrontations with my roommates, Mike?” You laughed as you shook your head. 
“Oh, one hundred percent.” You had to admit that you appreciated the honesty. “But I guess I don’t have the right, since you were surprised by Sy’s presence last weekend.” God, no! That was impossible! Except it wasn’t, because from that stupid grin on his face you could very clearly tell that he knew. “Sy told me you guys slept together. It’s no big deal, Dani.” 
“No big deal? I’d go absolutely ballistic if you told me you screwed one of my roommates…”
“We can’t all be as chill as I am,” Mike joked as he pulled me into a hug. You were curled up next to him on the couch when Sy came back. You moved your feet in as closely as they would go, but the couch was a little on the small side for the three of you, what with Sy being as broad as he was and Mike taking up a surprising amount of space for someone so lanky. 
“Kill the game, Sy, there’s ladies present now.”
“I don’t see any.” Sy looked around theatrically, and the second he looked away from you you kicked him in the thigh. “Fuck!” He grabbed your ankles and pulled them into his lap, holding onto them firmly when you tried to pull back. The extra space was welcome, but you weren’t quite sure how comfortable Mike would be with you having your feet in Sy’s lap, given the circumstances - especially since you were wearing a skirt, although it was long enough, even in this position. You looked up at him and found him looking down at you. 
“Comfy?” He chuckled when he saw your surprise. “You can just relax, Dani, it’s in the past.” But you couldn’t relax. You were worried about grades, and Sy, and Mike, sad that you weren’t going to be home for the holidays and miserable when you considered that nobody else would be there, even if you did go home, because your parents didn’t have the time. It wasn’t entirely fair, you knew that, but you felt a little alone. And did you mention sad? 
“We were planning on drinking and watching dumb movies, you in, babe?” Mike pulled you from your thoughts, and repeated the question when he realized you hadn’t heard a thing. You nodded in reply; it actually sounded like a good way to take your mind off things. The boys had clearly already started part A of the whole scheme, judging from the several empty bottles on the small table and the faint smell of beer that surrounded Mike. Sy reached into the mini fridge that sat next to the couch and handed you a bottle. Your hand was shaking when you took it from him. 
“Jesus, baby, you need to relax.” It was easier said than done; you were tense from the thoughts running through your head, and Sy’s presence didn’t exactly do anything to help the situation. Then, there was the fact that you noticed that your restlessness was putting Mike on edge, which wasn’t a good place for him to be, either. 
“Mike, go smoke or something,” Sy laughed all of a sudden. Next to you, you felt Mike make some erratic movements that you guessed were intended to tell Sy to shut up. 
“You smoke, Mike?” you asked curiously. As far as you knew, he wasn’t a regular smoker - you’d never seen him with a cigarette in hand, at least - but given his unruly disposition (and by that you meant: ADHD) you wouldn’t be surprised if he sometimes indulged in something more calm-inducing and mellowing than alcohol or tobacco. 
“Eh… Occasionally,” he responded before sending a chilling glare Sy’s way. 
“Like… Cigarettes?” you asked while raising one eyebrow at him. 
“Herbally augmented ones,” Mike responded dryly while he rolled his eyes, as if he was waiting for you to berate him. 
“Got enough to share?” You asked carefully. Mike’s face lit up like a Christmas tree and he nodded enthusiastically. From the looks of it, he wasn’t used to people being chill about this.
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The three of you prepared to go outside - naturally, the list of things August would commit murder over included ‘smoking indoors’. When Mike suddenly stood still in the middle of the hallway, both you and Sy bumped into him. 
“Should we invite Geralt?” That one came as a bit of a shock to you, he seemed so… uptight, you had expected more of a ‘just say no’-type. 
“No, you shouldn’t.” The voice - very clearly belonging to Geralt himself - came from somewhere inside Geralt’s bedroom. It made a lot more sense now; turning off those senses was probably a necessity rather than just a pleasure at times. 
“I thought they’d be done by now,” Mike joked softly to Sy.  
“Poor girl won’t walk for a week,” Sy chuckled back at him. From behind the door, you heard someone rummage around, followed by heavy footsteps. Mike ducked behind you - God dammit, it was a good thing he was cute, because he wasn’t exactly a tough guy. 
The door swung open to reveal an agitated Geralt in a pair of black sweatpants - and, from what your unconsciously wandering eyes gathered, nothing else. If there was an eloquent way to describe what you saw, you couldn’t come up with it: Your idiot brain full-on got stuck on “ho-ly shit” and you struggled - hard - to keep your thoughts out of the fucking gutter. Fact the first; Geralt was ripped. We’re talking borderline body-builder level shredded. Fact the second; He was half naked, and it was distracting beyond belief. Fact the third; you had a boyfriend. And apparently, Geralt wasn’t exactly eligible, either - at least not right now. So your staring was completely inappropriate, and you had to fucking stop it. But no matter how hard you tried to tear your eyes away from this beast of a man, you just couldn’t seem to do it. Every time you managed to redirect your gaze somewhere other than his abs - or lower - you found something else to be distracted by. His chest (chiseled, hairy, sweaty and heaving to the rhythm of heavy breathing - as if he’d been… running), his silver hair (falling loosely around his face instead of the usual neatly pulled back style; definitely sex-hair), his thick brows (Dani, what the fuck?). The moment seemed to last an eternity… 
“Michael, Nathan, for fuck’s sake, go,” he hissed through gritted teeth (hot) before he even looked into the hallway. When his amber eyes shot up to death-stare Mike and Sy in the face, they revealed that Geralt clearly hadn’t expected to meet your gaze first. “And Danielle. Hi, sorry.” His agitation seemed to dissipate and with it, his attitude. While Geralt seemed to deflate, Mike puffed up behind you, chest out - chin up, no doubt, but you couldn’t see - and fingers digging into your waist possessively. 
“He used our full names, man, run,” Sy laughed as he made a break for the stairs. 
“After you, Dani,” Mike said through gritted teeth, nudging you towards the stairs with urgency. He lingered behind you for a second. 
“Put on a shirt next time, dick,” you heard him hiss. Was it just your imagination, or was there a hint of insecurity to his voice?
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“Shit, this is good,” you said as you handed the joint to Sy, “where did you get that stuff?”
“Leon,” Mike shrugged. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and pulled you close. It was freezing outside, weather reports even predicted snow. 
“Didn’t strike me as the type to deal drugs,” you wondered out loud. 
“He just negotiated a deal with the guys who do,” Mike laughed quietly, “he knew what they were up to, because he’s Leon, and because they’re pretty much full time potheads, they needed him a lot. Gets us a very welcome discount.”
“And by ‘us’ you mean…” 
“I think the words you’re lookin’ for are ‘all y’all’, Sugar,” Sy drawled with a deep chuckle, “but yeah. All of us indulge from time to time.”
“August?” You asked, wide-eyed and giggling. You didn’t laugh because it was entirely unbelievable or something - let’s face it, that man needed to get high more than the rest of them - you just found a lot of things weirdly funny right now.
“When he ain’t got his girl ‘round to slap the livin’ shit out of,” Sy whispered grimly. Your head spun around so fast you hurt a muscle in your neck, but you ignored it. 
“Excuse me?!” 
“Not like that, babe,” Mike said. You felt one of his legs brush past you on its way to Sy’s shin. “And forget Sy mentioned that, it’s none of our business.” He said the last part more to Sy than to you. For someone who was well on his way to having smoked half of that joint you were supposed to be sharing, Mike sounded surprisingly level-headed. After a while, you angrily came to the conclusion that it wasn’t just Mike who hadn’t been sharing. 
“Hey!” You said while reaching for the joint. Your voice was thick with annoyance at being passed over. Who did they think they were, hogging all the good stuff?
“I’m not carrying you up two flights of stairs, baby,” Mike said as he pressed his forehead against yours. The smirk on his face was even dumber than usual - it was fucking adorable. 
“You could,” you pouted. Mike traced your pushed out bottom lip with his thumb before pressing his own lips to yours. 
“But I’m not going to,” he answered when he pulled away. Another soft peck landed on the tip of your nose. You had to admit you were starting to get a little unsure of your footing at times - you could get up the stairs, but maybe not in a straight line. You wouldn’t fall, though, you could do this. 
“Why don’t you go ahead, darlin’,” Sy laughed, “we’ll be up.” Standing outside with nothing more to do seemed like a fool’s game; you were cold and wanted to be under a warm, cozy blanket. Mike chuckled when you sighed reluctantly before heeding Sy’s advice. As the door closed and you disappeared out of earshot, their conversation continued. 
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“You’re a lucky man, Mikey,” Sy sighed as he lifted the joint up to his lips, “she’s a damn good one in the sack.”
“You’d know,” Mike laughed. Somehow, he felt more threatened by that little spat with a half-naked and impressively angry Geralt, than by the fact that Sy had actually shagged his girlfriend. Actually, considering the fact that he and Sy weren’t strangers to sharing girls, it maybe wasn’t so strange after all. 
“Y’know what, I’m glad I never asked her number,” Sy sounded very sincere, “y’all are good together.”
“I’m glad too,” Mikey said with his signature mischievous look in his eyes, “she sucks dick like a pro.” The weed was doing its job because the guys couldn’t keep their laughter down. 
“Wonder who taught her that, because it wasn’t me.” The laugh that came from him wasn’t completely genuine, Mike noticed, it was almost as if he was a little jealous. 
“No good with you?”
“Don’t remember her tryin’. And I feel I’d’a remembered.” Sy shrugged as if it didn’t matter to him much. “I was just glad she wasn’t one of them girls that just do it to return the favor, y’know.” That he wasn’t lying about.
“Eh…” Mike scratched the back of his head. 
“You’ve never…”
“Once. High school girlfriend. She told me I was bad and I’ve been kinda scared ever since,” Mike seemed very interested in the color of his shoes all of a sudden. 
“Well, I can always show you what she likes,” Sy half-joked as he dropped the butt of the joint in the ashtray on the windowsill before disappearing inside. 
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You were much more comfortable between Sy and Mike now. The three of you had assumed the same positions on the couch you had before; you were snuggled up to Mike, with your feet resting in Sy’s lap. After a while, the chilly air in the room distracted you from the terrible horror slashfest that was going on on the TV in front of you. As soon as you shivered, Mike jumped up and grabbed you a blanket. It was nice, being tucked in between them. Some time later, you noticed that Sy’s fingers were drawing firm circles over the bottoms of your feet; the feeling was nice, and it made you hum and snuggle into Mikey further. He replied by sliding his hand underneath the blanket to your waist. You couldn’t see the meaningful look the two exchanged above you, both thinking about the last thing Sy had mentioned when they’d been outside. 
Sy’s hands found their way underneath the blanket, too, and the circular motions of his fingers slowly worked their way up your calves. It startled you, and you pulled your legs in, crawling further into Mike, lookin up wide-eyed, not scared, but definitely confused. 
“Relax, baby,” Mike said with a cheeky wink - the kind of wink that really only meant one thing; he was in on this… The thought alone turned your pussy into a dripping mess, but something in your mind told you you were crazy for thinking Mike was okay with this. You weren’t even quite sure you were okay with this. That night with Sy had been good, sure, but it had been just that - one night. You weren’t sure you wanted him again - and you were sure you didn’t want to complicate things with Mike, though you weren’t quite sure there was such a thing as complicated when it came to Mike. He generally didn’t seem to do ‘complicated’. And there was one thing about that night you had missed. Something no other guy - not that there had been many in the meantime - had been able to do as well. Something Mike hadn’t done at all… You remembered your conversation with Sloane and Ariel about that hookup - and while Slo’s alliterations had been a little over the top, the gist of it was that you’d spent the majority of that conversation raving about Sy’s incredibly skilled mouth. When his fingers reached the inside of your thighs and Mike’s hands had slowly moved from your waist to your chest, you started to squirm. 
“Shit, Mike, she’s worse at sitting still than you.”
“If I didn’t know any better…”
“I’d say this turned her on.”
“I’d check, but I can’t reach,” Mike laughed. The sound was mellow and thick and it just sounded so delightfully stoned that you couldn’t help but laugh yourself. That laugh turned into a giggle when Sy took that little hint and one hand traveled further up your thigh, suddenly snaking between your legs, pushing your skirt up as it moved up, and up, and up, until the tips of his fingers rested softly against your pussy. You whined when he traced them back and forth along your covered slit a few times and Mike’s hand lazily toyed with one of your nipples through your bra. One finger slipped into your panties and dragged a single line between your folds. 
“Oh, no, she’s definitely into this,” Sy chuckled. This time, you did see the meaningful look that the boys gave each other, and you gasped. Not only were they okay with this whole thing; they’d done it before. You moaned softly when Mike softly pinched your nipple, right at the time when Sy slipped a finger into your wetness. The combination of your high and the feeling of two sets of hands on your skin fueled the fire inside you, and you moved your hips to give Sy easier access. 
“Shit, she really is.” It was Mike’s turn to chuckle. Judging from the situation in his jeans, he wasn’t exactly having a terrible time, either. One finger became two, and though you were more than wet enough to accommodate the added girth, you squirmed when he pushed into you. Mike looked mostly focused on the TV while playing with your boobs, although his eyes darted in your direction often. Maybe he just felt that it wouldn’t make you more comfortable to have him staring down at you the whole time - and he’d be right. Things changed pace when Mikey all of a sudden pulled you up and started lifting your sweater. You gladly helped him take it off. It was Sy’s cue to take off your underwear, which went surprisingly easily. He slipped off the couch, onto the floor in front of you, two fingers quickly finding their way back to tease at your entrance. 
"Please," you sighed before you could stop yourself. The boys laughed at your plea.
"Feel good, baby?" Mike whispered in your ear. His tongue traced your ear and traveled down your neck. The incredible feeling of Mikey sucking on the tender skin of your throat was rivaled only by the feeling of Sy's hot breath on your cunt, which came closer and closer until his tongue hit your clit. 
"Fuck," you spoke hoarsely as you tried to register it all; Mike's stubbled jaw, soft lips and sharp teeth, ravaging your neck, no doubt marking you up with little lovebites everywhere, his slim hands feverishly kneading your breasts, and Sy's scruffy beard scratching between your legs as his tongue lapped away at your clit, fingers curling inside your pussy, pressing against that special spot that made your legs tense up from the intense pleasure. Your hand reached for Mikey's head, fingers tangling with his hair, as the other made its way to Sy's, pressing his face closer to you. Fuck, if he kept this up you were going to cum in less than a minute. You caught a glimpse of Mike's eyes as he looked at your writhing body, right before capturing your lips with his, and realized right then just how much you wanted it to be him down there between your thighs. 
"Baby," you moaned into his mouth, nudging his head down firmly. He took the hint - not that it was in any way subtle - and slid off the couch to join Sy, who must have felt the movement next to him, because he stopped doing what he was doing right before you were about to cum, and pulled away. 
You whined at the loss of friction and pouted as you looked down at the men who were sitting between your legs. They grinned at each other before each putting a hand behind your knee and pushing your legs up on the couch, spreading you wide open. Your brain almost shut down trying to comprehend everything that happened next; one mouth near each of your knees, biting, sucking and licking its way toward your center so fucking slowly it made you want to cry; one side flaring up with the occasional sting of a lovebite, the other plagued by the constant chafing of course hair against delicate skin. Fingers tracing your leg faster in a race to your core that ended with two hands fighting for entrance between your legs, until they ultimately gave up and four eager fingers found their way inside your throbbing heat. They were rough in their enthusiasm, making you squirm when they stretched you a little too far. Occasional chuckles slipped from their throats as they relished the view of your endlessly writhing body above them. They looked at you, each in their own distinct way; Sy cocky and amused - and rightfully so: the arrogant bastard knew exactly what he did to you and every bit of that confident smirk was deserved - and Mikey curious, selfless and eager to learn new ways to please you. You rolled your hips against their movements, fucking yourself entirely goddamn stupid on their fingers as their faces moved in closer. 
"Fuck, Sugar," he chuckled before raising his eyebrows at Mike. "Easy one, brother, she's doing half the work for you." 
Mike's fingers slipped out of you, which would have been very upsetting if they hadn't immediately been replaced by his tongue. You gasped when he found the swollen little pearl that begged so desperately for attention. Fuck, even if Sy was right and you were doing half the work by writhing against him, you didn't give a damn; nothing was going to stop you from fucking yourself to heaven and back on Sy's fingers and Mikey's tongue. It came sooner than expected, and after you rode out your high, Sy's fingers left your pussy and he climbed back onto the couch with you, that cocky grin still firmly set on his face.
"I think she's got another one in her, Mike," he said as he wrapped his arms around you. He didn't try to kiss you, which you appreciated, but he did take a thorough interest in your tits. Fingers dug into the soft flesh of your boobs and circled your nipples. They were later replaced by his warm mouth, gently sucking and biting down on the pebbled skin. 
Mike's rhythm was less stable now that he had both his hands and mouth to worry about, and the contrast with a minute ago turned his moments unsure until his mouth left your skin and he focused on his hands. You weren't having it; one hand twisted itself into his hair and pulled his face back to where you felt it belonged. 
"He's a li'l shy, Sugar," Sy drawled in your ear so softly that you doubted Mike had even heard it. You understood the assignment.
"Baby, don't stop," you whined - with an extra side of extra whiny - as you kept nudging his head in the direction you wanted it to go, "it was so good." The decision to wrap his lips around your clit again was rewarded with a high pitched squeal that came from deep within you. This time, too, you unconsciously helped Mike keep his rhythm by writhing your hips into him. When he made the executive decision to forget about his hands - the right choice; kid just couldn't multitask for shit - and focus on his tongue, you felt yourself on the climb up towards your second orgasm. Fuck, he was good, and the sight of that gorgeous face between your legs was so fantastic that your eyes were glued on him - provided you were able to keep them open, anyway. Your climax approached swiftly, and with a perfectly timed flick of his tongue, Mike tilted you over the edge and eagerly took in every drop of arousal that spilled from you before joining you on the couch. The boys pulled you back into the position you had started your night in - leaning into Mike, feet in Sy's lap - and covered you with the blanket. No one brought up anything else - not even the raging boners they both obviously had. When you tentatively rubbed Mike through his jeans, he just pulled your hand away and shook his head and winked at you.
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The whole thing felt like a dream when you woke up in Mike’s arms the next morning, though you couldn’t decide if it was a good or bad one. Slowly but surely, the notion that it had been the worst idea in the history of humanity wormed its way into your brain, and you wanted nothing more than to get out of bed, but Mike was still asleep and he was holding you close. Without realizing it, your quiet panic woke him up. 
“Dani, what’s wrong? It’s early,” he mumbled into your ear. 
“I have to go, Mike,” you said under your breath as you strained against the arms that held you firmly in place. 
“No, you don’t,” Mike said, all of a sudden sounding very alert, “we need to talk.” You knew he was right, but the thought scared you nonetheless. 
“We did that,” you said shyly, “while we’ve only been on one date. With the room… I’m not going to explain why it’s fucking weird.” 
“Did you have fun?” Mike asked. You stared at him in disbelief. What the hell did that matter? “It was weird, Mike.” 
“Did you have fun?” He asked again. From the look on his face you could tell he wouldn’t let that go. 
“Yeah,” you shrugged, “weird but fun.” 
“So think about that. I know I am. We were a little drunk, a lot stoned, sometimes you do weird stuff. Forgive and forget the weird bit, remember the fun bit, you’re good to go.” 
“I guess…” 
“And for the record; you’ve been on one date with me. I’ve been on two dates with you.” You couldn’t help but laugh at that. 
“Hey, there’s that pretty smile.” Mike grabbed your chin to turn your face to his. You loved hearing him say that, it did something to you. Forget the weird, remember the fun, you chanted as you thought about the night before. What about the bit you had been longing for but never got? Your unasked question was answered when Mike pressed his lips to yours and immediately set your insides on fire. After a few minutes, filled with soft kisses on your lips, neck, shoulders and boobs; tongues trailing and tracing; teeth pulling and biting, Mike’s hands started wandering over your body. He was impatient today, which was great, because so were you. After a hasty expedition down your torso, he found you dripping wet - the lovely result of the night before, the dream about the night before, and the few blissful minutes with his mouth all over your body. He looked up at you, grinning widely before dipping his head below the covers and making his way down, leaving kisses and love bites in his wake. For a brief moment, he examined his handiwork from the night before, and found your left leg covered in small bruises. The other was covered in beard-burn, but that went in the direction of his mental trash bin - not his circus, not his monkeys, right? He didn’t tease you, which you appreciated; all you wanted was to feel his mouth on you, and he happily obliged. It started with a few lazy kisses along your slit, followed by a careful flick of his tongue against your already swollen clit. Before long, you were grinding yourself against his mouth again, as Mike eagerly pressed his tongue to the sensitive pearl between your legs. 
“Fuck, Mikey!” You cooed as you felt the pressure in your stomach build. “Don’t stop!” He didn’t. Instead, he unraveled you with his tongue, only ending his efforts when the last wave of your orgasm had passed. If he’d been impatient before, it was nothing compared to him now. He scrambled to grab a condom off the shelf over the headboard, and if putting them on were an Olympic sport, he’d have medaled for sure. 
“Wait!” You said, and were immediately faced with puppy-eyes that belonged to a man who clearly didn’t want to wait.
“Dani!” He whined, really dragging out that last i. As adorable as you found the whole thing, you weren’t blessed with much patience this morning, either. 
“Ok, fine!” You said quasi-annoyed, rolling your eyes at Mike’s very enthusiastic expression. When he didn’t move, you got suspicious. “What?”
“Turn around,” he said, laughing when your eyes widened, “please?” Fuck, those goddamn eyes, you seriously doubted you’d ever be able to refuse this guy: All he had to do was look at you with those fucking puppy-eyes and you were a puddle at his feet. So you listened and turned over on your stomach, getting tangled up in the logistics of legs and bodies and what not. He pulled you onto your knees, taking advantage of the great view of you ass he had this way, being himself and biting you, very quickly, before squeezing and kneading away while lining his cock up with the entrance to your drenched pussy. As previously established; he was impatient. It just turned out that you had no idea just how impatient. With one quick thrust, Mike sank all the way into you. The angle that came with your current position took him deep, a little too deep.
“Sorry!” His next move was slower, more controlled and it allowed you to move yourself into a better position. “Better?” You couldn’t do anything other than nod and gasp when he slid into you again. 
“Fuck!” This was good, so, so good. You quickly lost your train of thought and threw your hips back to meet Mike’s thrusts. He chuckled at your enthusiasm. His fingers dug into your skin when he gripped you tight so he could pull you back onto his cock himself. Every time his hips slammed into you, the noises that escaped from your throat became more high pitched and louder; you buried your head in a pillow to muffle them but you were fairly sure you didn’t have a prayer that no one else would hear. It didn’t matter, none of it mattered; your entire world consisted of Mike and you, and sex and sweat and this new but incredible feeling of getting railed from behind six ways to sunday - or monday, today was sunday, even though you were entirely convinced you’d be bruised inside and out tomorrow. Who gave a fuck about a little pain, especially when it hurt so good? Whether it lasted too long or too short was a question you’d probably never be able to answer, but when Mike finished and fell down on the bed next to you, your body was glad it was over even though your mind still screamed for more. 
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“Just so we’re clear,” Mike grinned at you, “you liked that, right?” Someone should teach the dirty bastard to stop asking these ridiculous questions. You tickled his side, and squealed when he grabbed your wrists. 
“Shit! Yes, Mikey, I liked that.” Despite being slightly embarrassed to admit it, it would take a far better actress than you were to talk yourself and Mike into believing that your racy little performance had been a lie. “What’s it matter?” Mike let go of your hands and looked at you as if you’d gone insane. 
“First, call me a sentimental douche but I think sex is better when everyone involved is having fun,” he said while he poked at your sides, and for a moment you were charmed by the sweetness of that statement, “and second, I’ve never been with a girl who liked getting nailed from behind like that, which is very convenient for me because it happens to be my favorite position. Any further ridiculous questions?” The entire statement was so wildly Mike-esque that you couldn’t be mad at it or disgusted by it even if you tried. Besides, there wasn’t a single part of that statement that wasn’t completely true.
“One,” you chuckled in reply to his question, “feel like having another go at taking an uninterrupted shower with me?”
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The second floor bathroom was occupied, and you could see it in his eyes.
“If that’s Sy…” he began to whisper to you before being interrupted by the person on the other side of the bathroom door. 
“It’s not.” Of course it was Geralt. That hearing of his was both scary and amazing. The two of you hurried to the other bathroom, laughing at what had just happened. 
“Do I need to feel guilty about that? Did we just do to him what Sy did to us?” Mike wondered out loud as you got in the shower, still snickering. 
“First, Mikey, we didn’t do anything,” you said as you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him close, “and no. You would have found out if it was Sy, and even if it had been him, you probably would have just come to the conclusion that it wouldn’t be funny if he was in there by himself.”
“Are you suggesting we wait until he has a girlfriend, too, and then get him back for that?”
“No. I’m suggesting you shut up.” Had Mike just called you his girlfriend?
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-> Part 10
108 notes · View notes
yzeltia · 1 year
Year of the OTP - February
February: Mermaid "AU" Characters: U'rahn Nuhn, @driftward 's Nyx Blackmoon Zoissette Vauban's "likeness", @saesama 's Kylnt Gohtawyn, @erickgage 's Erick Gage's "likeness" Rating: T for fish Tails! Notes: All future entries are gonna follow the same format; however, will be parodies of existing media and I'm very excited. Thanks to Driftward and Saesama for their Blorbos and line editing .
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The surf of the Rhotano Sea sparkled as The Gilsnapper cruised over its waves. At the helm, Klynt Gohtawyn saw the small gathering safely over the waters, occasionally smacking U'rahn's hand away from the helm, the Miqo'te attempting to "correct" their course. Below, Novv's clutch excitedly surrounded Nyx, gifting her with trinkets they'd picked up from the bottom of sea from pearls and jewels to interesting looking pieces of discarded junk. It was shaping up to be a nice outing with friends, at least to U'rahn.
"She's really something isn't she? My clutch brothers adore her, though I guess they too, saw her as kin," U'rahn mused, reaching out to rest his hand on one of the spokes of the helm.
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"If you don't get your swiven hand off the wheel you'll be lookin' like somethin' your clutch brothers fished off the seafloor," Klynt snapped.
Ears perked, U'rahn stepped back, "Ah! C'mon! I just want to make sure we're goin the right-"
The Nuhn stopped, the Roegadyn woman shooting him a glance that caused him to back away with his hands up before tripping over his tail. After several thuds, he found himself sprawled at the bottom of the stairs, Nyx looking down at him with a bunch of worried Sahagin faces.
"Are you injured, Rahn," Nyx asked.
"Only my pride…"
"I cannot mend that. Perhaps instead of inundating Gohtawyn, we should perform a different activity."
"Pssh. Tell us another storytale brother! It has been some time," Fyuu requested.
U'rahn blinked then hopped up onto his feet, looking to all the eager faces, and Nyx's, "Well, I suppose I could. Captain! North East for mood lighting," he called up to Klynt.
"Sod off," came the answer.
"Right then…a story…hm…," U'rahn mused, scratching his head. "I got one! Ah, Nyx, it's gonna be a bit funny so if I say something weird could you tell me when I finish instead of in the middle. I'll lose my train of thought," he requested, recalling his previous orating experience.
He smiled, ear wiggling and leaning in to steal a kiss, stopping as he caught the prying eyes of his clutch brothers watching him lean in. "Ahem…right then…Upon an Era, long ago…"
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Uriel sighed as he laid against a rock, eyes looking up at the sea of stars above as it was filled with spectacular fire flowers. Ahead, a ship was loud with merrymaking, a party being held it seemed. The young merman looked on longingly, wondering what wondrous things the land walkers had with them today. Curiosity over taking him, he started to swim toward the ship.
"Oh no you don't," Khubastian huffed, pulling at his charge's fin to prevent him from swimming forward.
Pushing up his glasses, the retainer shook his head, "What have your lord fathers have said of bothering the land walkers? You're only asking for trouble!"
"Trouble? Hah. I'm the bravest warrior of the sea! I'm not scared of the land walkers! Besides, they're having a bunch of fun! I'm only gonna take a peek."
"I'm not going to bail you out if you get into trouble! You'll be on your own," the retainer huffed as he pushed up his glasses before looking up to find Uriel already yalms ahead. 
Arriving at the ship, Uriel swam around it, peeking into the portholes below the waves, finding the strange rooms empty. Assuming everyone was above, he dove under water then gave himself a little launch, landing himself in a dingy hanging off the side. Curious, he peaked between the railings, watching the land walkers dance about gayly. As he scanned the crowd, his heart leapt. Sitting on a throne, the most beautiful girl in the world looked on, enjoying the sight of her crew making merry. 
"Princess Eryxa. Come, join the festivities," her Elezen shieldmaiden requested.
"I am content to observe,"  the princess responded, eyes continuing to look about.
"Hold up," Kylnt's voice called out.
"Something wrong," U'rahn called out.
"Ain't it supposed to be the other way around? It's a mermaid lusting after the prince? And so you think you're foolin' anyone with those names."
U'rahn swallowed. "It's just the version I was told when I was a lad!"
"Yeah, sure. That's convenient ain't it?"
"Kinda…just…just go with," U'rahn laughed nervously, face red before looking back to the others, "Right, so. Out of nowhere came this big squall, right?"
"Princess, please! To the cabin," the shieldmaiden cried before being knocked over by a rogue wave.
Though nimbly avoiding the wave, Princess Eryxa found herself flung off the dock and into the sea below. Wind knocked out of her, she closed her eyes and began to sink. Uriel acted quickly, flinging himself back into the ocean to take her into his arms. As the ship was tossed around above, he hurried on above, making sure the Princess could breathe before wiggling himself towards the shore near the landwalkers' castle and away from the incoming waves. He stayed with her on land until the stars were once more free to twinkle down upon them.
Uriel swallowed hard as he brushed her matted hair from her warm cheeks. He'd only observed her for a moment, but he knew he'd forever be in love with no one else after they parted.
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A loud snort echoed out from above, causing U'rahn to fold his ears. "Did I say something funny," he asked.
"Ye're just a sap. Go on," Kylnt laughed, leaning over the hull as she looked on them with amusement.
"Psh. Continue brother," Houu echoed.
U'rahn nodded, looking to Nyx before turning bright red. "So yeah, he was head over feet for this gal…"
"Uriel! You get back here this instant! We're due back at the palace," Khubastian hissed from behind, waiting in the comfort of the sea.
Uriel frowned, "I can't just leave her," he called out. 
As he held her, a golden feathered sea eagle landed then hopped over. "You caught a landwalker Uriel," it asked, tilting its head as he pecked some kelp from her hair.
"Sort of Gagedt. You know a lot about landwalkers. Is she gonna be okay?"
The golden eagle preened himself for a moment then waddled over, putting his ear hole to her chest. "Hmm…I know a lot about their treasures but I dunno. She could be a goner. Sounds like a fish got in there and is floppin around going "buh dum buh dum."
“I was too late…”
Uriel not knowing wiser, hung his head until hearing her let out a little cough. Terrified, he flipped back then rolled himself into the sea as she rose upright. Hiding behind a rock, he exhaled then found Gagedt perched upon his head. "What do you know? She seems to have coughed it up."
"Yeah," Uriel sighed, "She's beautiful isn't she."
"Whatever floats your fin," the bird shrugged before hopping onto a rock, "Their ship didn't seem to go under but a lot of stuff did go overboard. If you find any gold down there I'll trade yah what I can find deeper inland for your weird collection."
"Yeah? Think I could get one of those things they point at things and blow up stuff with," the young merman asked eagerly.
"A blast'em? Sure! Just make sure you bring me gold."
U'rahn nodded eagerly then peaked back to the Princess as she stood and looked out into the sea, her eyes locking onto him. Before he could react, he felt a painful pinch on his ear, Khubastian dragging him down under.
"We're late for the parade! Your fathers are going to be furious," he huffed, dragging him below.
"Parade!? Oh shoot," he bubbled out before shaking his ear from the others grip to high-fin it back to the sea palace deep on the ocean floor. The city was alive for a festival…his festival! Today was Uriel's coming out parade where he'd be presented by his brothers, all powerful Sahagin warriors. Already in motion they…swam in line, behind their fathers, Posidodhn and Tritovv were pulled on a float, both holding up the trident they forged together, the symbol of their mighty power.
"Wait, so he's half fish or half Sahagin? Or both," Klynt asked.
"He's a merman," U'rahn answered, confused.
"Yeah, I get that. But what's his situation below the waist?" 
U'rhan blushed, "It's not that kind of story!"
"Oh for swiven sake," Klynt groaned before letting U'rahn turn away to the others.
"Psh! Brother U'rahn, tell us more of the brothers," Seww cheered on.
Nodding, U'rahn rubbed the back of his head, looking to Nyx, watching her attention shift between everyone then back to him. He smiled then continued:
Uriel corkscrewed through the crowd and managed to land on the back of the float…just in time for it to reach the end of the line. Both fathers looked back at him, grumpy. Being taken aside, he was soon berated for his absence.
"You're too much like your motherrr! You can't keep wandering off. It's not safe," Posidodhn roared.
"Pshh? The landwalkers do not understand our kind. They would hurt you. Your strong fearless brothers know better not to tempt fate. Why must you," Tritovv echoed."
"You're grrrounded."
Uriel made no effort to argue, instead returning to his quarters to lay across his bed, Khubastian mouthing 'I told you so' on his way. Though he did his best to rest, he found his thoughts on the beautiful land princess.
'Well, dad said I was grounded…but he didn't say what that entailed," he thought to himself before looking out his window.
Grabbing his bag, he made a quick dash out the porthole and out to the kelp gardens before dashing out into the greater sea. Finding the wreckage, he began to collect the landwalkers' things, ensuring he picked up gold for Gagedt the sea eagle. As he went through the things, he happened upon an oil painting, the princess' beautiful likeness upon it. It captured her dutiful gaze well. 
Taking it, he hurried off to his secret cove that only his cool clutch brothers and retainer knew about. He'd filled it with things landwalkers had lost to the sea, fascinated by them. Sighing, he sat the painting high upon a pointed rock then looked to the princess he'd fallen for before starting to sing.
Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the guy
The guy who has everything-”
"Yeh sound like a damned drowned cat. Look at your brothers, they're terrified," Kylnt heckled. 
U'rahn blinked then looked around, watching the Sahgins holding their webbing over their ears.
"Pssh. Brother, why do you hurt us with your siren's song," Fyuu wailed.
"I…I thought I'd been improving. Haven't I Nyx?"
"You have requested I save my critique until the end of your story. I do not believe you have even reached the climax yet, Rahn."
"Get used to hearing that a lot, bud," Klynt called down.
“Wha? I've got great climaxes! It'll come if you just stop interrupting," he called back to a snickering Klynt.
"Sure, sure. Go on then."
"Right…I'll just skip to the last bit…"
When's it my turn?
Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above?
Out of the sea
Wish I could be
Part of that world
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Uriel sighed as he swam back down to stare longingly at the portrait of Princess Eryxa. Just as he got comfortable, a bolt shot by and the painting was set aflame.
"Aflame," Klynt echoed.
The painting was vaporized. Uriel watched in horror as the destroyed frame crumbled. Soon the rest of his belongings were destroyed too. Floating in, his fathers looked around, with Khubastian looking on smug in the background.
"What did we tell you!? How could you do this," Posidodhn yelled.
"Pshh! These dangerous things! What if your brothers hurt themselves on whatever this is," Tritovv asked, waving his hand towards a hook shaped anchor.
"They were just things! You just don't understand me! You're the worst," Uriel cried out, dashing by. 
His fathers yelled after him as he swam away. He swam and swam, over sea hill and sea dale until finding a coral to hide in. While he wanted to cry, he held it in and instead punched the sand below.
"You poor creature," a sympathetic voice sounded out, "Your daddies went and swiven destroyed all your things did they? You can't help if you're a little curious!"
Uriel looked up as his cheek was caressed by a tentacle. Floating above him a woman beamed wickedly, her muscular arms crossed over her chest. She looked absolutely menacing, like she wouldn't even need her powerful tentacles to crush him, she could just squeeze him.
"I've been watchin' you. Yeh saved that poor Princess and now you fancy to walk on land with her. I can do that for ya'. Just need a little help."
Uriel sniffled then rubbed his eyes…cause sand got in them. "You can?"
"I jus’ need a little magical boost is all…and o’ course, another prize on yer end to fulfill the magic pact. A trade."
Uriel thought for a moment. "What do you need?"
The sea witch smirked, "That family trident of yours should be enough magic for me…as for the trade from you, I guess your voice will do in exchange."
"My beautiful voice? How will I serenade my love or speak poetry to her?"
"That'll be your problem, I can just get you up there. I’m sure a stud like you can use your more…natural features to win her over.
Uriel nodded, "I am pretty handsome…I’m sure she’ll see the good guy on the inside too! Deal. I'll do it!"
"Good….good…," the witch laughed.
"Ya better not be usin' me in that fantasy of yours," Klynt called down.
"Huh? I'd never…you don't got tentacles or nuthin’,"
Klynt let out an unconvinced grunt, letting U'rahn hunker down as he acted out sneaking.
So Uriel slipped back into his palace in the dead of night, creeping into the throne room while everyone slept to retrieve the trident then made his way back to the sea witch. He presented her with the coveted trident.
“Well done,” she cackled, holding the weapon high above her head before presenting a scroll, “As for fulfilling my end. Here’s the deal, you lose the fins and tail, I get your voice.”
“Right. You said-”
“I’m talkin’ still. It’s rude to interrupt. “
“You’re right! It is rude to interrupt,” he agreed. 
“As I was sayin’. For the magick to stick, you gotta make sure she kisses you by sundown on your third day up on land or you’ll become half-fish anon. And, of course be bound to be my personal errand boy for the rest of eternity,” she explained, holding out a golden parchment and quill.
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“Well, that sounds kind of evil…”
“It’s just how magick works. Do you doubt you’ll be charmin’?”
“Well, I am pretty charming…” Uriel mused before taking the magick underwater quill. 
Scrying his name, he swallowed then watched as they shined a brilliant gold. Soon he felt his voice go dry while his fins began to tingle. Uriel squirmed as he watched the witch laugh maniacally as he held his throat, pointing to his face.
“Up you fool! You need air,” the witch called out.
Uriel tried to swim away, but felt his hips wiggled about unable to move smoothly like before. Looking down, he saw all his new appendages, eyes widening in amazement. The panic setting in, he kicked and flailed his way to the surface, taking in air before having wave after wave bully him to the shore. 
Naked on the beach, he laid there for a moment before rolling onto his back and lifting his legs high then flopping them down. Uriel set up right, examining his lower half with bewilderment before feeling a familiar pair of talons land on his head.
“Look at you! You’ve got legs and a seabear! How’d you manage that,” Gagedt cawed before fluttering down into the sand.
Uriel tried to talk, but no words came out.
“Cat got your tongue? Spit it out,” the golden eagle demanded.
The former merman shook his head then tapped his throat before wobbling to stand, waving his arms around like tentacles before pointing down to his legs.
“...so you traded your voice to the sea witch for some legs did you?”
Uriel nodded eagerly then clasped his hands together and batted his eyes before puckering up a bit then held up three fingers and pointing down to his legs again.
“And you gotta kiss her in three days to keep your legs…”
“The brand new miqo’te nodded rapidly then visored around. Spotting the castle in the distance, he took a step forward then fell forward into the sand.
“Woah! Woah buddy! You gotta get used to your legs first! Not to mention the legwalkers will chase you back into the sea if you walk up to them with your sea-bear flopping around,” the eagle pointed out.
“There’s no swiven’ way the damned bird got anything out of all that,” Kylnt laughed, U’rahn dropping his arms as he finished pantomiming the scene. 
“You think you can do better,” U’rahn challenged.
“Fifty gil on charades after you wrap up your tale!”
‘You’re on!”
“Psh…What’s a sea-bear,” Seww asked, scratching at his gills curiously.
Nyx turned to the Sahagin and nodded, “Sea-bear is a term used by many seafaring people to describe-”
“Ah. Nyx, maybe we should let Novv handle that if they don’t know,” U’rhan breathed out, face crimson while Kylnt lost it above, “A-anyroad!”
“Listen close. If you want to impress your lady love, you’ll need a wingman…and since you’re after the ruler of legwalker ruler…I’ll take you under my wing and show you how to act and you can throw me their shinies every now and then.”
Uriel nodded eagerly then watched as Gagedt fluttered. “Wait here then, and practice walking. One foot in front of the other” he ordered before fluttering off. 
The sea prince sighed, doing as he was too, stumbling around in the sand until he was able to walk steadily in a circle. As he practiced, he his ears perked, hearing a familiar voice from the other side of some rocks.
“I believe you were mistaken, m'lady. Too much sea water perhaps,” sounded out the shieldmaiden he’d seen on the ship. 
“Negative. I was rescued by an unknown person who fled into the sea,” the princess responded sharply.
Uriel lit up as he looked on, climbing up on the rock a bit to get a better look at the two. Being spotted quickly, the shieldmaiden drew her sword, “Who goes there?”
Startled, the man fell backward, just in time for Gagedt to swoop down and drop a pair of trunks on his head. “Quick! Slip those over your legs,” he cawed.
Bouncing around, Uriel picked up the shorts and tried to jump into them, falling onto his back. Tail flailing, he managed to get them over his feet then hiked them up just as the two rounded the corner. Laying out on his back with his legs up in the air, he looked then offered a sheepish grin.
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“Disengage Grimsette,” the princess requested, bending over to offer her hand, “Have you sustained an injury?”
“Princess…you shouldn’t just offer your hand to a strange man.”
Uriel blushed as he was lifted to his feet. He tried to say thank you, but found himself unable to articulate himself .
“You seem to have laryngitis. Are you able to write your name in the sand?”
Uriel nodded eagerly then wrote out his name, but his letters and the landwalkers' letters seemed to be different. 
“I am unfamiliar with your script…but you seem to have the same tongue. Where are you from?”, Grimsette asked.
Uriel thought for a moment then pointed out to the sea.
“From across the sea? Was your ship caught in the squall as well? Do you know your destination?” Princess Eryxa asked.
The man frowned then shook his head then pointed to her castle, nervously smiling, unsure exactly how well this was going to now.
“Understood. Then we shall receive you as a guest until someone comes looking for you. Grimsette, please see that he has a room and proper clothing.”
“Princess…this stranger. Do you believe him to be the young man who saved you?”
The princess turned, staring at Uriel, looking him up and down, “The one who saved me had a playful and kind voice. Our guest does not fit those parameters.”
Swallowing, Uriel looked on as the two moved toward the castle, unable to tell her the truth for now. Following along, he let out a silent sigh then was escorted to the castle where he was given a room by Grimmsette.
“I am uncertain what to call you, so for now, I suppose we’ll call you Squall given the assumed circumstances of our meeting. There are some gentlemen’s clothes in the wardrobe and an under-butler will be in shortly to help you dress for dinner.”
Urile blinked as the shieldmaiden exited, leaving him to look around. 
“Wow! Look at this place! You made out well,” Gagedt praised as he swooped in from a window, “Okay. This is what you got to do if you want to close the deal. First you gotta make her laugh-”
The bedroom door soon swung open, silencing the bird for now. Stumbling in, the footman came in and ushered Uriel into the baths. Confused, the man was put into fresh water with a bunch of oils that made his nose burn. The seasalt was combed from his hair and scrubbed off his body. Wobbling out of the tub, he looked at his shiny body then squirmed as he was tickled as the other started to rub him with a cloth. 
Soon after he was dressed into the finest threads he’d ever seen on a legwalker then ushered out of the room given to him and into an even larger one with a large flat slab filled with food and surrounded by places to sit. Placed by the princess, he gave her a smile and in return he received a nod. Dinner passed mostly in silence, Uriel being thrown the occasional guess as to where he was from. 
Starving, he helped himself to the food, piling onto his plate before eagerly eating things down with his fingers, much to Grimmsette’s horror. Princess Eryxa just observed, taking in the experience quietly. Noticing he was on the spot, he wiped his mouth then sat back rigidly, watching the other two return to their meals before starting to mimic them the best he could. Once dinner had finished, the tables were clear, and he was left to stare at his beloved, unable to say what was in his heart until remembering the hastened advice from his golden wingman.
Hopping up, he wandered over to a set of instruments and picked up a lute, strumming a little song before looking to the others as he played a tune from home before using his weird new snakelike tail to whack the drum after establishing a melody. Grimsette smiled, tapping to the melody while the princess calmly observed.  After, he played the melody then began to suddenly pause, then beat the drum after the strangely long pause. Doing this a few times, his eyes widened, looking between the two expectantly.
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The shieldmaiden chuckled a little then clapped lightly while the princess stared, gave a small nod, then clapped slowly with an “Amusing.”
Uriel was overcome with joy, strumming the lute in triumph before putting it back down. Grimsette taking note of the day stood then called for the footman to take him away. Back in his room, he was undressed for the evening and left on his own. Sighing, he flopped onto the large bed and crossed his arms until Gagedt fluttered in.
“Okay. Not exactly what I would have done, but you at least made an impression. Now, next you’ve got to impress her. Show her something you're good at.”
Uriel mimed strumming the lute again.
“No, you already did that. Something else. You’ve got another day to woo her. Just don’t try too hard or you’ll come off as a doof.”
Uriel nodded eargerly then let the bird start to pick around through the room for whatever prize he might fancy. Going to the balcony, he looked out to the sea then down at the shore. There, Princess Eryxa stared out into the darkened horizon before turning to look up at him, offering a small humble greeting which he returned before watching her return inside.
Sighing, he wandered back to bed then curled up and fell asleep quickly. The next morning, he was greeted by the under-butler and redressed before being reunited the with princess and her attendant. The day went through quickly, princess Eryxa introducing Uriel to thing’s he’d never seen before to watch him react, him being fascinated by all of the things the landwalkers had as a part of their daily lives. His favorite was the chocobo cart, the Princess letting him have the reins only for both to be scolded by the shieldmaiden after he pushed the limits of its speed. 
The day winding down, they found themselves at a secluded grotto for a light picnic dinner. Feeling as if time was slipping by, Uriel started to panic. As they wrapped up their meal, he gestured to a small rowboat on the shore.
“Do you wish to venture out,” the princess asked.
Uriel nodded then hurried over to the boat, patting the stern as he waited for her to join him. Once settled, he gave a little push then hopped in across from her. Rowing he smiled, while she looked him over.
“Perhaps I should guess at your name. Miller? Dylan? Roger?”
Uriel shook his head rapidly before perking his ears as he looked into the water, spotting his clutch brothers watching curiously underneath. Khubastian too seemed to be there, looking rather cross beneath the water. Paddling harder, he tried to outrun them, only to hear improvised music surround them.
“Don’t start yer caterwauling dammit,” Kylnt ordered.
“I’m not. Hey Hey! Brrrothers, you know that song I taught you right,” U’rahn asked to 
The Sahagin looked to one another then gave a nod before disjointedly speaking the words rather than singing: “Psha-la-la-la, float along and lishhhen to the song. The shhhong says kishhh the boy,” the brothers hissed out.
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“Ah. Nope. Shut it down,” U’rhan sighed, “Still, music really would have made the scene cute. Well, the music was doing its job and…”
Uriel blushed as his clutch brothers did their best to help him out. Above, Gadget fluttered about, scaring fireflies out of an overhanging tree to light the area around them. The two soon leaned in, the ambiance set by his brothers and wingman doing the work. Uriel’s eyes lidded, tilted his head while the princess too leaned in, eyes wide. Just as they were about to seal the magick with a kiss, the boat violently heaved, then toppled them over into the lagoon.
Popping out of the water, Uriel shook out his head then frowned as Princess Eryxa had already started toward the shore. They returned to the palace shortly after, but the moment was gone. Fretting, Uriel paced in his room while Gagedt preened himself.
“Don’t worry. You were close buddy! There’s one more day to win her over. Just think, with one kiss you’ll rule this place and have all the shinies in the world to hand over…I mean, share,” his golden wingman chirped. 
Uriel shook his head then hugged himself, while giving Gagedt a meaningful look.
“Yeah yeah, you’re only interested in love. Anyroad, tomorrow, you gotta-”
Gagedt was cut short as a familiar laugh sounded from below. Uriel ran to the balcony, recognizing the voice as his own. Looking down, he spotted a suave looking sailor walking across the beach toward the Princess, the latter’s focus firmly upon them rather than the starry horizon. The sailor let out another laugh in his voice before leaning in to whisper into the young woman’s ear. Panicking, he looked to Gagedt, tail flailing around.
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“What? I don’t know who that is more than you do?”
Uriel frowned then flung himself into bed, pulling a pillow close by before passing out for the night. The morning was greeted by bells and the footman rushing in to tell Uriel news of the wedding. Shocked, Uriel quickly roused from his bed and dressed then set off to find the Princess. Tried as he might, he couldn’t seem to find his way to her. All but given up, he wandered into the basement of the castle.
“Hello! Is someone there,” the shieldmaiden’s voice called out. 
Uriel blinked then went to a door, finding Grimmsette looking out at him.
“Something is amiss. A stranger appeared last night with the Princess announcing their swift marriage. I objected, and found myself rushed down here! Please sir, I must be let go.”
The merman nodded then unlatched the door, letting her free. He gestured to his throat then pointed back up to the castle, but the shieldmaiden did not seem to parse what he meant.
“I do mean to object to this union too, but I fear we might be too late. I’m sure by now they’ve boarded a vessel to have the ceremony out at sea, as is tradition.”
Uriel frowned then perked up, grabbing Grimmsette’s hand then leading her up and outside. Seeing a ship indeed floating off, he looked to a dinghy then hopped in, grabbing at the oars.
“Not giving up then? Fine. Let’s away,” Grimmsette said before joining him. Together, the two began to row as hard as they could, gaining slowly on the ship, but not as fast as he liked. By the time they drew close, the sun was hanging low, threatening to kiss the horizon. Uriel pointed urgently to the sun then up to the dock above.
“No, you should stay here just in case I must flee. I’ll save the princess,” Grimmsette assured him before boarding through a porthole.
Uriel frowned then looked up towards the deck. Determined to stop the wedding, he clawed into the boat then began to climb upward toward the dock. As he went, Gagedt perched on his shoulder.
“It’s the seawitch! She’s got some magic crystal that’s giving her your voice!”
Uriel flattened his ears, giving the bird some side eye as he climbed away.
“What? You figured that out already? Well then climb! Climb faster,” the bird ordered, talons gripping his shirt to help him move faster.
Once on the deck, Uriel looked out, watching as the princess walked down the aisle. Gagedt soon swept in, pecking at the seawitch, trying to steal the crystal off from around their neck. 
“Away you beast,” the seawitch cried out in Uriel’s voice. 
Running past Eryxa, Uriel headbutted the villain then took hold of the crystal before hopping back. Looking to his love, he frowned then looked to the crystal. For a moment, he thought he might go steal a kiss, but knew that would be wrong. Instead, he dropped it then gave it a hard stomp with his foot.
His joyful laughter sounded out as the magicks swept upward and back to his throat.  Whatever hold the sea witch had on the Princess also faltered, Eryxa looking to Uriel as he gave her a weaksmile, “I’m sorry…” he apologized before falling over, flopping a bit as his tail returned.
Grimmsette soon stormed the dock, finding people running  away as Eryxa kneeled down to check on Uriel. Ahead, the seawitch sat up, tentacles throwing things out of her way before slowly rising up, summoning the stolen trident. Even the shieldmaiden was taken aback, the witch’s rippling muscles looking like they could tear through a ship with strength alone and green seaweed coloured hair looking rather menacing. Soon, the great seawitch Ursalynt began to grow to enormous proportions, looking down-”
“You’re done,” Kylnt roared.
U’rahn turned, finding the woman standing behind him, reaching down to yank at the back of his collar and down to his belt. With little effort, she lifted him and gave a single heave, tossing him overboard and into the sea with a little dust of her hands to follow. The Sahagin hurried to the edge of the boat, looking down to the bubbling water below.
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“Psh! Brother U’rahn,” Rovv called out, Nyx approaching from behind. 
Pulling out a fishing rod, she gave it a little cast, and after a bit, reeled in her waterlogged boyfriend, letting him wheeze as he flopped over onto his back. “M-Maybe I got that bit of the story wrong.”
“Ye swiven did,” Klynt echoed, crossing her arms as she looked down at him.
The witch soon calmed down, though kept her trident at the ready “You passed my test. Instead of using magick to woo her, you chose to do the right thing and appear to her as you are.”
Uriel frowned, flapping his tail on the ground before looking to the unphased Princess, “Ah…So…I guess you see me for what I am then? I’m from the sea below.”
“Understood,” the princess echoed with a nod, lifting him up a bit to help him sit in a chair.
Uriel thought for a moment then looked to the sea…sorceress. “Hey, hey! If you weren’t trying to fully sabotage us, then why did you tip our boat over yesterday? That was all us…I mean I guess without telling her that I was a merman.”
“I didn’t tip your swiven boat,” Ursalynt answered confused before letting out a grunt as Khubastian flew into her from the sea. Taking the trident, he began to laugh maniacally. 
“It was I! And now, the land and sea will be under my domain,” he laughed before flipping backward off the ship. 
Soon Khubastian grew, rising stories over them before raising up the trident to summon a storm. “Grimmsette, my gun,” Princess Eryxa requested, her attendant quickly producing the arm.
“A blast’em! That’s so cool! Can I fire it,” Uriel asked eagerly.
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With a simple side eye, the Princess simply said, “No,” then began to fire at the enchanted merman to distract him. Uriel watched with amazement before flopping himself to the edge of the ship and diving in. Whistling, he summoned his clutch brothers, careful to avoid the strikes of lightning from above.
“Brothers! Khubastian must be stopped! He’ll destroy the legwalkers first then come for our home.”
The brothers let out a war cry, handing Uriel an extra trident before they began to leap out of the water and attack. A joint effort between land and sea saw Khubastian fall. The Princess with her blast’em, Grimmsette with her sword, Ursalynt with her sea magicks, and the brothers with their tridents. Though humongous, they all bravely took him down, Khubastian crying out in agony as he sank below. The magick trident freed, Uriel retrieved it, then gave it to Ursalynt to calm the storm.
The seas calmed, the brothers went back home to tell of their victory and Khubastian’s misdeeds. With a skilled jump, Uriel flung himself back to the Princess's ship deck then smiled up at her. “This wouldn’t be a bad time to ask for a date would it?”
“It is agreeable,” she responded before leaning down to give him a small kiss on the cheek.
And so they properly courted, Uriel visiting the shore on mutual ground until the Princess formally proposed that they marry and live happily era after. His clutch father and dad, seeing how happy their son was, granted him legs to walk upon land beside her, and ruled jointly with Ursaklynt after. The brothers all too found their own clutch queens soon after, and everyone lived as a big happily family between the two kingdoms of land and sea. The end.
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U’rahn sat up, smiling to his clutch brothers and Nyx, the former all clapping eagerly.
“Nice save,” Klynt muttered, giving him a rough pat on the back, “Though it’d have been better if the sea sorceress shacked up Grimmsette’s brother or Posiodhn too.”
U’rahn thought for a moment, before finding Nyx sitting down in front of him, “You’ve now ended your story and I am able to provide feedback. The Ruby Sea has a kingdom underwater of legwalkers as you called them. You provided no reason for them to fear one another aside from the parental characters saying so. I enjoyed the straightforward characterization of the Princess. It was not explained what the character Gagedt would use gold for as a golden eagle. I do not believe golden eagles are native to the coa-”
Klynt left out a hearty laugh as U’rahn was given a full rundown of his narrative by his girlfriend. Everyone leaving them be, he impulsively leaned in to kiss her, pulling away rather flustered. “I’ll work on a better story for next time.”
“Acknowledged. I will continue to provide feedback to help your craft.”
“That would be nice Nyx…but for now, let’s just watch the sunset,” he mused, getting up off the ground before holding out a hand, offering to help her up. Together, they moved to the bow of the deck. Smiling, U’rahn took her hand in his, then looked out to the horizon as he attempted to coil their tails.
“Say…maybe once we get back we can see my brothers off then grab some nice food and set sail again. Just the two of us.”
“I’d like that, Rahn.”
U’rahn beamed then wiggled his ears. “Then it’s a date. Guess we just need to figure out how to get rid of the sea witch.”
“Rahn, there are no sea witches among us.”
U’rahn chuckled a bit to himself then gave her hand a little squeeze. As he got comfortable, he felt himself lifted once more by Kylnt’s grasp and his body being flung through the air once more. As he fell, he looked to his girlfriend as she blankly watched him fall back into the sea below.
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purpleyin · 2 years
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Stranger Things moodboards: Stoncy - 2x02 AU
Made for @stoncyweek2022 and the Day 2 prompt ‘Spin the Bottle’. ~640 word ficlet behind the read more.
The party in 2x02 goes a little differently when Steve manages to slow down Nancy’s drinking by distracting her with the only game there that doesn’t involve more drinking, Spin the Bottle. Samantha, Jonathan’s new acquaintance also drags him along to it.
When Steve’s spin lands on Jonathan everyone waves it off and says he can spin the bottle again...except Billy Hargrove has other ideas. He goads Steve about taking the easy out, implying he’s not man enough to follow through on it, obviously expecting Steve to bow down and look a coward. Steve looks to Jonathan and says “I’m game if you are, Byers.” Jonathan looks between Steve and Billy, something indecipherable passing over his face, and nods his consent to go along with it.
Steve decides to go big, so that no one can accuse him of doing just the bare minimum. He stands up and Jonathan mirrors him and then Steve embraces him, dipping him back a little dramatically as they kiss briefly though wholeheartedly. Steve expects it to feel different from kissing Nancy, and it does of course in some ways, but in some other ways it doesn’t at all. It wasn’t bad. At all. He’s left with a fluttery feeling in his stomach not dissimilar to when he first kissed Nancy.
And Steve doesn’t know what to do with that information. So he glosses over it mentally for the time being, jubilantly throwing his triumph at the dare in Hargrove’s face instead, relieved he’s once again managed to uphold the reputation of King Steve even if he doesn’t really feel like that person anymore. It’s a part he doesn’t know how to give up even as both he and Nancy tire of it.
Glancing to Nancy, she’s more alert than earlier. He hopes she’s managed to sober up a little. When he says “I need a drink,” abandoning the rest of the game, Nancy quickly offers to get him one. One for him and Jonathan both she announces gleefully, half-dancing on her way back over to the punch bowl.
Jonathan is looking rather pleased with himself too, in that subtle sort of way he has about him. It does feel good to get one over Hargrove, so Steve assumes that’s why, sticking it to one of the school bullies. And Steve has never been more glad no one can accuse him of being one of them now he’s given up his ties to Tommy and Carol and co. Maybe he and Jonathan actually have a chance of being friends if he plays his cards right. He could certainly do with someone else who appreciates the real him, if Jonathan would like that Steve; it’s hardly guaranteed and that thought unsettles his stomach more than a little once again.
When Nancy comes back, no sooner have they both downed their drinks than she’s tugging them over to the dancing throng, holding a hand each. As they settle into dancing as an odd trio, ignoring everyone around them, Steve starts to worry less about Nancy and truly relax for the first time that night. It feels right to be here with the two other people his age who understand just how messed up the world is, the people who need this night being teenagers even more than he does.
He grins back at them both and twirls Nancy round. He spins her slowly in close to him and then slowly back out, careful not to dizzy her but making her laugh at his cheesy moves anyhow. And then he bumps his shoulder with Jonathan amiably before doing his best Tom Cruise slide across the floor, finding he’s gotten Jonathan to crack a smile in return when Steve glances up right after. He has a feeling this is gonna be a better night than he could have imagined.
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agentnico · 11 months
Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning - Part One (2023) Review
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Tom Cruise - what a guy! I mean yes he’s a Scientologist, has a constant death wish by breaking his ankles on film sets and also guilty of jumping on Oprah’s sofa like a monkey, but my my is he a charmer! Gotta love that Cruise ship!
Plot: Ethan Hunt and the IMF team must track down a terrifying new weapon that threatens all of humanity if it falls into the wrong hands. With control of the future and the fate of the world at stake, a deadly race around the globe begins. Confronted by a mysterious, all-powerful enemy, Ethan is forced to consider that nothing can matter more than the mission... not even the lives of those he cares about most.
The two of the most consistently successful and critically acclaimed action franchises of the past decade have to be the John Wick and Mission Impossible movies! Ironically both are lead by actors who are around 60 years old, showing us that age should never be a reason to stop kicking butt. Well, maybe if you’re pushing 81 then maybe just maybe you may consider that putting that fedora back on and swinging that lasso might be a bit too much (looking at you Indy), but for Keanu and Tom this is full cruise control! That being said, the most recent John Wick entry Chapter 4 I enjoyed, yet did not love. There were some impressive combat sequences and Bill Skarsgard made for a memorable a-hole, but it was the first movie in the Wick series that began to show signs of wear, with the action being very repetitive and mentally I thought that they should end it here and now. Not that they will, I mean honestly it’s not as if Lionsgate are going to read this review from a nobody like me and use my word against....how much did the last John Wick make at the box office?? *Consults some search engines* Wow - $432.2 million!! Yeah, keep them coming, I haven’t got a leg to stand on! Next though is the return of the MI franchise which is taking a page from the Spider-Verse by splitting this story into two parts, with Dead Reckoning - Part One out now. And how does it stack up to the previous Mission Impossible films? Can these missions get anymore impossible??
You guys know the drill with these Mission Impossible movies - Tom Cruise throws his body around like a tomato fearing not for his life nor broken limbs, but you have to respect the man for wanting to give the audience their tickets’ worth of entertainment, and Dead Reckoning does not disappoint! The action is exhilarating, yet unlike the recent John Wick, the set pieces and Ethan Hunt’s various exploits never felt repetitive. Every sequence, whether it be the car chase sequence through the streets of Rome to the spy espionage antics through the halls of an airport to the Uncharted 2 inspired survival on a train falling off a bridge, this movie was a constant adrenaline rush, all the while managing to also tell an engaging story with a threat that genuinely felt like a force to be dead-reckoned with, pardon the pun. The threat is no nuclear bomb or some war-hero, but in fact an AI system that is growing a consciousness, and the threat being the fearful idea of allowing this system to come into the hands of any government or third party and how they can use it for malicious purposes to take full control of the world. So Ethan and his crew, instead of fighting for a particular side, simply seek to find the key to this system and stop it from coming into anyone’s hands, as no one deserves to have such power of destruction. There’s an interesting moral question to the proceedings, which I felt added an element of gravitas and drama to what really is primarily a collection of ridiculously mad stunts.
The cast is also great. Tom Cruise is a charisma machine, and he’s joined here by franchise newcomer Hayley Atwell, and them two together make for an excellent pairing. The chemistry between Cruise and Atwell was superb with them riffing and bouncing off one another so naturally that honestly I’m gonna say it - I ship the Hayley-Cruise! Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg are Hunt’s reliable team, and are as entertaining as usual. Pom Klementieff gives a stand-out turn as a silent killer, and the likes of Vanessa Kirby, Henry Czerny and Shea Whigham round up a very watchable array of actors. The only weak link of the bunch is Esai Morales who plays the villainous Gabriel. It felt like the writers desperately wanted to have a physical villainous presence in the movie in addition to the AI, and such we get this Gabriel character which, I mean, I guess Tom Cruise needs a punching bag, but this guy felt so wooden. Instead of saying his lines in a menacing way, he just kind of said them blandly. It’s a small gripe as this character is rarely a major focus, but whenever he was on-screen I couldn’t be any less engaged with him.
Overall Dead Reckoning - Part One is the perfect summer blockbuster, offering excitement, laughs, charm and entertainment. There’s never a dull moment, the spy techy stuff is cool (yep, the face-changing masks are back!), the signature music theme is as bombastic as ever and somehow they manage to keep making these sequels more and more ridiculous yet still feeling fresh and awesome. If you love the Mission Impossible movies this one is an easy buy, and for any action fans this is a must-watch. Summer movie season is in full swing, baby!!
Overall score: 8/10
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
Okay so other than the xavier riddle idea that is currently on the back burner (i can talk about it more if you want idk if i've told you i know i rambled to tobi though) and the scioly fedex au that i'm currently almost done with chapter 2 of (!!!), I had yet another idea while in the shower.
So circa halloween 2020, my mom had an idea to take my grandparents and my aunt/uncle/cousin on her side on a virtual cruise because we'd done an actual cruise the two years before but then covid and yeah. We called it squishmallow cruises and well it's expanded to squishmallow tours (road trips) and squishmallow resorts (cottage) but that's not super important.
Anyway we've had 3 cruises and 1 tour since with another tour scheduled for this winter break and a vague idea of one for spring break.
Then my brain pretty much goes "hey what if you used that as a fanfic?" so it'd have a chapter for each day the kotlc crew are on the cruise/tour and like Dex (because i project on to dex) and Sophie? (Because human) or Fitz? (Because he's a nerd like that. I think he would know geography) and everybody else would be unwilling participants.
Not sure which one of our cruises i'd go with but i'd go with one i already have in my google drive instead of making another one just for this. Cause i've got
Caribbean 1 - board in Ft. lauderdale, florida-> st. Penelope (squishmallow cruises' fictional private island in the bahamas) -> us virgin islands -> st. Kitts and nevis -> turks and caicos -> at sea (tea party) -> ft. Lauderdale. Overall quality was real bad because first attempt.
Caribbean 2 - board in Ft. Lauderdale -> usvi -> st. Lucia -> curaçao -> aruba -> at sea -> ft. Lauderdale. I don't have an immediate counterpoint to this one
Alaska - board in seattle -> at sea -> juneau -> skagway -> glacier bay national park (scenic cruising) -> ketchikan -> victoria (british colombia, canada). This is where we started adding youtube videos to our slide presentations for each of our excursion and it's the one i'm probably most familiar with
Ireland (tour) - this one's gonna be too difficult to list but basically fly into shannon, stay in ennis, stay in galway, then up to giants causeway, stay just south of dublin, then down and over to killarney and stay there before going back to shannon to fly home. This one was shortened to 3 days because we didn't want to do a whole week but it certainly deserved it
(Winter break) Italy (tour) - pisa, siena (tea party), rome, panicale (squishmallow cooking channel-hey i could do something with fitz's baking), florence, and back to pisa to fly home. The only problem is that this isn't finished and i haven't lived through it that much and i don't have any slides
(Spring break...maybe) Scandinavia & baltic - copenhagen, aarhus, berlin, at sea, tallinn, helsinki, stockholm, copenhagen and go home. Unless i want until next summer for this i won't be doing this one for similar reasons as above
why i knew so much about alaska/british colombia with keefe's house location on the canon map, should make sense now. The itineraries were probably unnecessary but *shrug*
Idk if it'll happen considering the rate of the scioly au that'll only slow down more once the scioly season starts and i've got cyberpatriot starting monday so idk we'll see. It's not like someone else can take this one off my hands though. All the slides for the excursions live comfortably in my google drive and i'd rather not let my mom know that i write fanfic by sharing it with someone and the email notif pops up on her phone. I already almost broke the system by sending a word tracker google sheet to swan i'm not making that mistake again
Idk if this idea makes any sense and i haven't really given it much thought but hey we're suffering together :)
we sure are suffering together in the too-many-fic-ideas department, my dude. we are tired office workers banging our heads against our desks at how much paperwork (ideas) are piling up. but reading through this file was interesting! even if my geography-dunce brain didn't understand some of the specifics super well. (also, you're right, your extensive knowledge on british columbia and alaska makes more sense now.) also, that part about accidentally notifying your mom that you're a fic writer - mood. biiiiig mood.
my only question with this fun idea is whether or not the kotlc kids are going to all these places irl or doing virtual tours like you did. because that definitely changes up how the story plays out. i would say i'd give you ideas if you need them, but you're far more familiar with geography and virtual tours than i am. but i'm here anyway! to listen if you need me to!
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in other ADHD news, doctor horse girl was recently officially diagnosed as having ADHD and got medicated for it. very helpful timing, medical establishment! AFTER grad school! but whatever.
anyway, so I was like jokingly like, welcome to the club! and then she told me what specific meds she was on, and it is the EXACT SAME one my beloved and I take. so obviously I was like
even harder.
im making friendship bracelets about it
so 3 out of 4 people in the friend group have almost the exact same diagnosis [different subtype diagnosis for everyone! for peak comedy, the smallest most girlish person is of course the one diagnosed with the stereotypically male subtype: me, primarily hyperactive]. AND are on the exact same medication at varying doses.
this explains a lot about how we can all relate to each other and communicate in that highly specific data compression ADHD way. it explains a lot.
it also means that in order to function, the ecosystem naturally acquired someone who can drive places even when not perfectly super perfectly medicated. We have our token One Normal Guy, with the super power to effectively navigate a grocery store instead of going in loopy loops for three times as long to get half the items on the list.
he is, of course, actually weird as shit in ways science has no words to describe. but his brain functions way more normal, which means that we end up in scenarios like
far in advance, everyone vaguely agrees we're gonna meet up for a weekend and we pick a month and place. everyone but One Normal Guy promptly forgets about this. One Normal Guy buys plane tickets and forwards everyone his itinerary. everyone else is like wow, so soon? and we promptly forget about it again. in a few months he sends everyone an e-mail confirming we're still on and letting us know he booked the air bnb we discussed (at least two out of three people: what air bnb???) and here's how we're splitting costs. this will prompt one more party into buying plane tickets. middle booking party will ask remaining party about their plans only in an attempt to avoid figuring out logistics out of the airport on their own. remaining party will go "oh shit, I dunno." eventually everyone buys plane tickets. no one else forwards their itinerary, ever. One Normal Guy compiles a google document of Potential Activities. my beloved responds promptly because this is his bestie. doctor horse girl may or may not open the document for months but she will eventually open the document, probably.
A month out from the event I get an e-mail like: ahah, so, just checking in, what's your favorite thing in the document? [translation: have you opened the document? I can See you have not opened the document. will you please open the fucking document].
and so, it is time for me to look at the document. I will send a polite e-mail about the document. mostly I am hoping that being gushingly grateful in person will make up for being forced into the role of cruise director.
this has been going on for years.
if, during the course of a trip, we need to go to a grocery store or a pharmacy for supplies, we send in our One Normal Guy. One Normal Guy has tried to take various combinations of us with him, but my beloved and I end up talking together in a nook somewhere and lost. doctor horse girl and I end up chatting and shopping and lost. Our One Normal Guy then loses valuable time to corralling the lost and wandering sheep. Amount of times I have eventually wandered near a check out line and seen him on the other side going "???????": incalculable. Our One Normal Guy can take my beloved with him, but only if my beloved is not steering and is discouraged from talking (my beloved has like, a five foot aura of fascinate person and even Our One Normal Guy is not immune). so the point is, if anybody actually NEEDS anything, you have to send in Our One Normal Guy.
intriguingly, there are scenarios where sending in Normal Guy is suboptimal, but that's a topic for another day. right now i gotta open this google document.
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tooearlyforthis · 3 months
The Social Hour
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Synopsis: (4.5k wc) Steve always hated his parents holiday parties. Long events dragged on with boring people. But this time, someone catches his eye.
Warnings: fluff, that's basically it lol
masterlist || steve harrington taglist
Not gonna lie I did forget this in my drafts last night. Anyways here it is!
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If one more person asked Steve if he was going to college, he would strangle them. 
Yes he’d made peace with not getting into any schools. And yes he felt somewhat content with the life he built for himself. But that didn’t stop the ache in his heart of what might have been. 
Dwelling on the past, however, wouldn’t do him any good. So instead, he focused on the present. He clutched his glass tight against his chest and nodded along to the man in front of him. The room was packed, as it was every time his parents hosted a holiday party. People gathered from all over Loch Nora, including some from the city, who he assumed were his fathers work friends. 
Why he had to go to these parties, he didn’t know. He had begged and pleaded throughout his high school years to be dismissed. To go to a friend's house or hide in his room until the festivities were over. But every attempt ended in complete and utter failure. 
So instead of going to see a movie with Robin or the kids, he bit the side of his mouth as the fifth person tonight asked:
“So what are your plans for college next year?”
That was it, he wanted to reach forward, to wrap his hands around the man’s neck and yell, “My future doesn’t concern you! Mind your own business!”
But he knew that was wrong. Even in a world where alternate dimensions existed, a world where DnD-like characters hunted them down, strangling this man would be considered improper. He took a sharp inhale and forced a smile, ready to recite the same sentence he had practiced in the mirror earlier. 
“I’m actually working full time. I find real life experience more valuable than what I could learn in a classroom.” 
The man’s brow raised before quickly relaxing in an attempt to look intrigued. It was clear he didn’t agree but didn’t want to upset the son of the hosts. The man nodded, taking a sip of his drink. “Well that’s, progressive…”
Steve tried not to scoff. Progressive. He couldn’t take these people any more. The language they used, the way they looked down on almost everyone. He did not see why his parents enjoyed the company of such dull minded people. Then again, he guessed his parents were just as boring as their companions. 
“If you’ll excuse me, I have to go check on something,” Steve excused himself. 
Before the man could protest, he was moving away through the crowd of people and up the stairs. Just a moment in his room, that was what he needed. His parents wouldn’t even notice he was gone. Hell, he could probably stay upstairs all night if he wanted to. 
Steve let his back hit the wood of the door, it softly closing behind him. His head thudded against the back as the sounds of the party slowly drifted away to a distant muffle. For a moment, he felt peace. Tomorrow his parents would leave for their real holiday break. Some cruise he couldn’t care to remember. He’d finally be back to hanging out with Robin and the kids, and pretended like everything was okay. 
But not all of the noises faded away.
“Umm, hi?”
Without thinking, Steve’s eyes shot open, his hand reaching for the nail-poked bat leaning against his dresser. He could never be too careful since his last encounter with the supernatural. It was better to keep the weapon in his room than face a demogorgon alone and vulnerable. 
It wasn’t until he was armed in a defensive stance did he realize that there was no threat. In fact a very pretty stranger was sitting at the edge of his bed. Her hands were in front of her face, using the book she was holding to block from the suspecting blow. 
“Holy shit, you scared me,” Steve said exasperated. He let the bat fall to his side as he slumped down against the floor. The rush of unneeded adrenaline made him feel light headed. His tie wrinkled as it folded into his chest. 
“Sorry,” the stranger said, lowering the book and fixing her hair. “I didn’t think anyone would come in here. If I knew you had a bat-”
“No it’s alright, just… muscle memory,” he told her, still out of breath. He looked up at the book she was holding. It was one of his, plucked from his shelf next to his desk. “You came in here to read?”
She looked down at the book. “Not initially, no, but it looked interesting.”
“You can keep it. I only have it because it was required reading in school.”
The stranger’s eyes widened, her mouth forming an “o” with shock. 
“This is your room,” she said, the realization of her intrusion settling in. Steve only nodded, picking himself off the ground. The stranger stood up too, placing the book back on the shelf. “I’m so sorry I just wandered in here-“
“It’s fine,” he said, waving a hand in dismissal. He truly didn���t care that she had stumbled into his room. The night was so exhausting all he wanted to do was sit. The bed creased at his weight as he did so. 
The stranger remained standing, shifting her balance between each foot as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her gaze darted between him and the door, like she was pondering running away from the encounter entirely. 
“I uh, didn’t know anyone else my age would be here,” he told her, unsure of what else to say. “Usually it’s just me and all the couples.”
“Yeah, I guess our dad’s work together,” She said, though it came out more like a question. “We just moved to town, so I don’t really know anyone here.”
“To Hawkins?” He asked, making sure he heard her right. She nodded. 
“This town was just so great we had to move here,” she said, looking down at her feet. It was clearly a sore spot for her and he didn’t want to press any further. 
“Yeah usually I hear about more people moving away every year… it’s not all bad though.” She rolled her eyes. “No really it’s not!”
“Okay how? Ever since I got here it’s been nothing but stuck up middle aged people complaining that their pools aren’t clean.”
Steve chuckled. “Okay I’ll admit there are a lot of people like that. But just inside Loch Nora. This is kind of the more well off community ya know?”
“So,” the girl began, sitting down in the bed next to him. “There are other parts of this town not full of old rich people?”
“Well I can’t promise that,” he paused, watching her giggle. “Though I can say there will be much less of them. Just stay away from the community pool.”
The girl raised an eyebrow, “And how do you know that isn’t where I wanna be? I could be a gold digger for all you know.”
“Oh well in that case you’re in the perfect place!” She giggled again and Steve couldn’t help the smile forming on his face. Hearing her make that sound? He never wanted it to stop. “I could show you, ya know? Around town?”
“Of course,” he replied a little too quickly. She was so damn pretty it was like every thought had left his head. 
After his break up with Nancy, and Robin came out to him, Steve had done some serious rethinking in his life. Gone were the days of fooling around with the first girl he saw. Instead he decided to focus on more serious pursuits. People he could see being “the one.”
But with this girl, it was like he wanted to throw every single one of his rules out the window. He wanted to let himself get infatuated by her. Let her consume his only waking thoughts for however long this holiday party was supposed to last. He hoped she would let him.
The girl extended her hand. “I’m Y/n.”
Steve placed his hand in hers, giving it a firm shake. “Steve.”
“Nice to meet you, Steve. Now, how are we gonna make this party more interesting?”
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“Are you sure about this?”
“Trust me, they won’t even know it’s gone.”
Y/n felt like a kid again. It had been a long time since a boy made her feel giddy inside. Someone she felt comfortable being around, not having to question any ulterior motives. 
The boy grasped her hand tightly, pulling her through the large groups of people in the living room of his house. She giggled as he did so, watching as he turned back every now and then to make sure he hadn't lost her. 
As they crossed the threshold into the kitchen, his hand slipped out of hers - she was surprised to find she missed his embrace. There hadn’t been many opportunities to socialize with people her age since moving to Hawkins so part of her was relieved when he barged into the room just minutes before. Yes, he had almost attacked her with a nail-covered bat, but he didn’t so that’s all that mattered. 
She watched as Steve stepped around a group of businessmen talking by the open bar, taking a towel and draping it over his forearm like a server. He gestured for her to step forward. She did so, walking up to rest her arms on the counter. The businessman next to them didn’t pay any attention, despite seeing the two underage kids about to serve themselves drinks. 
“What’s your poison?” Steve asked, putting on his most polite tone. 
She smiled coyly, feeling her cheeks warm up. “Is it boring if I say beer?”
“Oh, this overpriced wine is too good for you?” She laughed again. “I mean, how dare you have a different taste than these snobs.”
“I like my beer, what can I say?”
Leaning down below the bar, Steve grabbed two bottles from the mini-fridge and an opener.  “Well good thing I like it too.”
Handing the open drink to her, she relished the small moment their fingers touched, the way they twitched slightly on contact. She looked back up at him. Into the chocolate brown eyes that made her want to lean forward and kiss him. 
She never thought she’d feel that way after meeting someone for such a brief amount of time. But Steve radiated this kind and welcoming energy that was so unlike other people she had been attracted to in the past. 
Pushing the thought from her mind, she cleared her throat. “Where to now?”
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Over the course of his life in the big Harrington house, Steve found his fair share of secret places. They were not secret passageways, much to his dismay as a child, but nooks and crannies he could escape to for hours at a time. With the house full of people, most of those places were blocked and unusable. But there was one, he knew would go unseen.
“Are you being serious?” Y/n asked him, her hand gripping the window sill. 
Steve balanced himself on the tiles of the roof, extending an arm back toward the open window of his bedroom. “I used to do this all the time,” he told her. “Do you trust me?”
Y/n let out a weak laugh, looking down. It was a weird question to ask someone you just met but in Steve’s mind, he could already trust her with his life. Thankfully, she felt the same way.
“For some reason, I do,” she said. 
Leaning forward, he made sure to grasp her hand, having no plans of letting go anytime soon. She climbed through the window, bumping into him slightly as her feet hit the uneven tiles. Instinctively, he wrapped his other arm around her back to steady her. The fuzzy texture of her sweater itched on his fingers, but he’d rather feel uncomfortable than let her fall off the roof.
Balancing on her own, he released his hand, now somewhat missing the feeling of her sweater. He looked up at her, giving a nod to ask if she was okay. When she nodded back, he slowly began to move forward. They carefully maneuvered around the brick roof, sitting down on the edge of another window sill. 
Y/n’s shoulders brushed against his as they sat down and Steve felt like a giddy teenager again. He had never taken a girl up here, but this felt like the type of sight she would wanna see. 
“This is the attic window,” he told her, “It doesn’t open from the inside.”
“Duly noted,” she replied, interlancing her fingers atop her lap. “So, what’s so special about this spot?”
Steve let out a long breath, a much needed one after sucking up to his dad’s business partners all night. This was a spot that he never came to with anyone else. Partly because it was on the roof and partly because he liked keeping it hidden. It was a place he could go to to unwind, to ignore all the problems he had with his homelife. 
Instead of baring his soul to this new girl, despite a part of him desperately wanting to, he went with a more simple explanation. “It has a good view of the neighborhood. When it starts to get dark, you can see the sun set over the houses.”
Y/n looked out in front of them. The sun had set a long time ago, but the sight was still beautiful. She told him so. “The stars are nice. You couldn’t see them in my old town.”
She shook her head before turning to look at him. “Thank you for bringing me up here. This is just what I needed after the nightmare of moving here this week.” 
He didn’t know how to respond, afraid that somehow he would fuck everything up. As he tried to think of something interesting to say, she leaned her body toward him. He felt her head rested on his shoulder and found himself infatuated with her smell.
It was a mix of different citrus scents he couldn’t quite place. No matter, it started to consume him anyway.  She was sinking under his skin and he had no intention of letting it go. 
“O-of course,” he finally said, clearing his throat. “Glad to be of service.”
Y/n picked up her head from his shoulder, their faces barely inches away from each other. Steve thought she might kiss him from how she kept darting her eyes between his and his lips. He had barely known this girl for two hours. But he knew deep down that if she leaned in to kiss him, he would let her.
He let out a breath as she backed up slightly. A move that clarified there would be no making out to end the night. He wasn’t mad or upset, part of him actually was thankful. He didn’t wanna fuck up this relationship. Didn’t want his old self to seep into his new life with a person who didn’t know his past. 
“You and I are going to be great friends, Steve,” she said, her voice softly floating between them. “I just know it.”
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The thought of kissing Y/n still hadn’t left Steve’s mind. She had left with her parents and being the stupid, stupid boy he was, he didn’t ask for her information. He had looked for her everywhere he went. At work, at the grocery store; sometimes he would even aimlessly drive around Loch Nora hoping to catch her outside her home. 
But a month later, he still hadn’t found her. Steve was starting to think that he made her up. That she was a beautiful figment of his imagination he conjured to pass the time at another boring holiday party. He wouldn’t put it past himself. After the battle with Vecna, he found himself daydreaming more and more, wanting to escape from the hellish reality he was placed in.
He had been daydreaming so much that Robin began to scold him. “Dingus, would at least try to act busy?”
Her words pulled him out of his thoughts of the mysterious Y/n. Back to the present, back to shelving tapes at Family Video. “Sorry,” he mumbled to his companion, not feeling like picking a fight with her.
Leaning on the shelf next to him, Robin could tell something was off. “You okay dingus? You were really gone there for a second.”
“I said sorry,” he told her, placing down another tape. “I was just…lost in thought.”
“Oh don’t tell me you were thinking of your mysterious party girl again. Steve glared at her, not engaging in her games. “Gosh you’re like a modern prince charming!”
“Am not!” he protested. 
“Really?” she said sarcastically, folding her arms across her chest. “Cause from here it looks like you're searching for your princess, except this time she didn’t leave a glass slipper.”
Steve sighed, moving to the shelf across from them, picking up another set of tapes for that genre. “Is it wrong to want to find her? I promised her I’d show her around, ya know? Be a friendly face in town.”
Robin moved over with him, leaning against another shelf. “You can’t go searching around Loch Nora again tonight.”
“And why not?”
“Argh you don’t remember anything! We’re going to Eddie’s gig tonight? At the Hideout?” Shit, he did forget. It was hard to keep track of anything with all the activities the kids had. “You better not back out, you're my ride!”
“I'm not gonna back out!” he protested, knowing full well he would’ve canceled if she didn’t say something. He loved Eddie but metal music was not his thing. The head pounding, the sharp drum beats - it made his head hurt.
The front door sounded out, making Steve and Robin poke their heads out from the isle they were in. Thankfully it was just Dustin, a lollipop in his mouth from winning a game at the arcade next door.
“Can one of you take me home?” he asked.
Steve groaned. When he said “can one of you,” it really meant him. Robin, being a year out of high school, had yet to get her driver’s license. 
Sighing, he said, “Sure, my shift ends in five.”
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The Hideout was more crowded than Steve remembered. People were bumping his shoulders on either side, the ground somewhat sticky from spilled drinks. The walls were covered in band posters, some of them local, most of which Steve had never heard of. Robin was plastered to his side, talking to Nancy and Jonathan who had just arrived. 
“Do you think they’re gonna play LaunchPad McQuack?” Jonathan asks, somewhat shouting over the music.
“I have no idea,” Robin yelled back. “I think they’re playing new stuff.”
They saw Jonathan nod, trying to hide his disappointment. He was always Eddie’s big supporter when it came to music. Being the only one of them who could actually studied music in his off time. 
“As long as -” Steve began to speak, being cut off by the uproar of the crowd. He looked over to see Corroded Coffin walking across the stage, Eddie walking up to take the mic.
He was already nursing a drink, placing it on a conveniently placed stool as the other members began tinkering with their instruments. Taking the mic in his hands he shouted, “How’s everyone doing tonight?”
The crowd roared as he scanned it, his eyes quickly falling on all of his friends. Eddie winked at them with a smirk. In unison, the four friends picked up their hands to flip him off. To outsiders it seemed like an awful thing to do, but for them, it was a fun gesture to let the others know that they’re there, they’re present, and they’re supporting one another. 
Eddie chuckled as he saw the gesture, the crowd dying down enough that he could speak again. “Now I know you’re excited to hear our new stuff, but unfortunately our bassist Jeff is sick.” The crowd booed, Steve and Robin among them. “Fear not! For we have a newcomer here to join us! Everyone, make some noise for the lovely, the wonderful, Y/n Y/L!”
The crowd began cheering as Y/n walked out, her bass already strapped around her. Steve, on the other hand, felt himself melt into shock. There she was, in all her beautiful glory. The girl he hadn’t stopped thinking about who was very much real and not his imagination. 
Y/n. Her name felt like butter on his tongue. The way she dressed left very little to his imagination - it was making him go insane.
She waved to the crowd, her eyes washing over them before they found him. She stuttered for a second and chuckled, her too not sure if he was really in front of her. But then, she smiled. She truly smiled. 
After going to so many of his parents’ holiday parties, he began to get pretty good at reading people. The amount of fake smiles that people had given him were enough to kick him down and stay there for good. But as he looked up at Y/n on that stage and saw that grin, he could tell that it was real.
“Steve?” His name pulled him out of his own thoughts. Robin had been talking to him. He hummed a yes. “Is that her?”
He had only told Robin her name one or twice over the course of the month and it was still hazy in memory.
“Y-yeah,” Steve managed to get out, just as the band began its first track. “Yeah it is.”
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The band played most of their new stuff, people in the crowd jumping and jamming along to the songs. Most of it went over Steve’s head, everything around him becoming muffled as he watched Y/n in awe.
She was gorgeous, he knew that before. But watching her play the bass? It was so hot. The way her fingers plucked at the strings, her shoulders swaying back and forth to keep in time with the drums. Even down to the bead of sweat trickling down her forehead, she seemed perfect. 
The set was over before he registered it beginning. Applause ruptured from the crowd as the band made their way off stage. Steve felt a pang in his chest as he watched her disappear, like if he ever lost sight of her again she would be gone from his life for good. 
No. Not this time. He found her and he had no intention of letting her go.
The band had to have a meeting with their newly appointed manager so instead of meeting backstage, the four friends waited in the parking lot. Steve found it hard to stand still. He paced back and forth in front of Eddie’s van as he bit on his nails, anxiously waiting to see Y/n again.
Jonathan nudged Robin’s shoulder. “What’s got him so nervous?” he asked.
“That girl on bass?” Robin began, watching her two friends nod knowingly. “Apparently she moved to town a month ago. Steve met her at a party his parents were holding and like an idiot didn’t ask for her number.”
“You know I can hear you, Rob,” Steve told her, stopping his pacing in front of them.
“I wasn’t trying to hide it. You were stupid for not asking!”
He wanted to bicker with her, but in the end he knew she was right. It was stupid to let her leave that night without even knowing her address. 
Before he could even utter a word, Nancy said, “Oh look they’re coming!”
Steve turned around to see the band walking up to the van. Eddie was in front, his arms stretched out on either side of him as he dangled his guitar case. “Was that so metal or what?!”
Jonathan was the first to step forward. “Super metal man, congrats on the EP.”
Robin and Nancy began to congratulate him as well but Steve’s eyes were drawn on Y/n, her arm wrapped around Gareth’s shoulders. It dropped when she looked up at him. 
Gareth kept walking like nothing happened, everyone moving around each other in congratulations but Steve and Y/n stood still. His eyes were stuck on her, stuck in her beautiful eyes he never thought he’d see again. And then, she smiled. Gosh, he loved that smile.
Eddie was the first from the group to notice their staring. “You two look like deer caught in headlights,” he said with a chuckle. “You two know each other or something?”
Steve was still unable to get a word out, thankful Y/n spoke for them. “Yes we do,” she told Eddie, finally breaking her gaze to look at him. “In fact, we have plans tonight. Don’t we, Steve?”
They both knew that wasn’t true. But if she wanted to get away, he would follow her at the drop of a hat. 
“Uh y-yes. Yes we do,” he stuttered out. 
Nancy tilted her head in confusion. “Wait, I thought we were all heading to the diner?”
Steve could barely process he was being pulled away as Y/n’s hand wrapped around his, gently guiding him toward her own car parked a couple spots away. 
“Uh maybe next time?”
Y/n was giggling into his side as she loaded her bass into the trunk of her car. “You were my ride, dingus!” Robin shouted back as he opened the side of her car door.
“John will take you, right?” Steve asked, a pleading look on his face. 
Jonathan, confused as what had just happened stuttered out, “Y-yeah, sure. I can take you home.”
Shouting a thanks, Steve felt Y/n pull him into the car, the door shutting hastily behind him. Turning on the car, she turned to look at him, her smile stretching across her face. “So, I think you promised me a tour of Hawkins.”
He couldn’t help but smile back. “I did, didn’t I?” Reaching forward, he interlaced his hand with hers. “Looks like you already found Eddie, that covers the dangerous side of town.”
Y/n laughed, her head dropping forward. “Yeah, no need to show me the crack house.”
“Well, we could go to Lover’s Lake.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Lover’s Lake? You think you’re gonna get lucky tonight, Steve?” 
Her tone was more playful than condescending and it made Steve feel like the luckiest guy in the world. Shrugging he said, “Maybe?”
Laughing again, she put the car in drive, her hand leaving his to prop against the wheel. They pulled to the edge of the Hideout’s parking lot. She turned to look at him one more time.
“Lucky for you, Harrington, I think you’re right.”
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Steve Harrington Taglist: @afraidofshrimp @halflifejess @nix-rose @palmtreesx3 @cilliansnostalgia @sweetdazequeen
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thedaveandkimmershow · 10 months
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So July.
A definite crescendo of a month. Especially for one that starts off with explosions.
One month after moving back to the house after four years living on the Hill, it turns out the correct answer was...
Moving back to the house.
What can I say?
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The reasons that made the choice such a difficult one not even two months ago... weren't so tough to navigate after all. Especially the commute side of the equation. It actually does work better than we would've guessed. Plus... the house is super chill, very quiet. Which makes sense since I-5 doesn't run right in front of it. Plus, though the remodeling of the house wasn't actually intended for us, it sure makes the house more optimized for what we do and want.
So yeah. A great call.
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July fifth was our dating anniversary, the date of our establishing being July 5, 1990. Kind of a while ago. We lazed the morning. Went to see Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny at the Crest Theater, hit the Ballard GoodWill for some random browsing, derailed a trip to Trader Joe's by going to PCC across the street instead for orange creamsicles we subsequently enjoyed on the roof. Had a picnic on the shores of Smith Cove in front of Expedia. Did a walkabout of the Seattle Center for old time's sake. Finished off at Tapster on South Lake Union all—
On a sunny summer's day.
It was a fantastic dating anniversary.
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Moving through the month, the next big event was this year's 48 Hour Film Project competition with the Combat Wombats, the production team that was kind enough to invite me to be a Wombat a coupla years ago for their short film, "Cleaners". This year's effort, "PTAgent" was, yes, hard work and a delight for all of us. It also feels like we're getting better at this having begun the journey at a high level to begin with.
By the way, the 48 Hour weekend was also proof of something Kimmer created: my edit suite. This was basically the shakedown cruise for using the room as intended, including the space for clients.
Initially I was thinking the overstuffed couch should be replaced with something a more sleek. That is... until Saturday night and Sunday during the day when the weary director and producer of "PTAgent" put its overstuffed comfort to good use.
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The end of the 48 Hour extravaganza always features a dinner out with Kimmer. It's a tradition we didn't know was gonna be a tradition... but a tradition we started with my first 48 Hour Film Project editing "Cleaners", an experience that kept me up that particular Saturday night until 5AM Sunday morning and then up again by 9... four hours later. I think I finished with the edit around 4 that afternoon? At which point Kimmer offers dinner at Maggie Bluffs, our first such celebratory dinner with this year's, our fourth, at Las Brisas in Edmonds. ☺️☺️☺️
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The reward for our 48 Hour experience, of course, was the opportunity to watch our work on the big screen at the Uptown Cinema in lower Queen Ann where, once upon a time as a youngster, I watched Young Sherlock Holmes.
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Moving on, the second half of the month was definitely the most incredibly packed half. 
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So the 48 Hour Film Project competition began the evening of Friday, July 14 ending on the evening of July 16. Four days later, Thursday the 20th, Kimmer 'n I drive up to the neighborhood behind the Grand Avenue Park Bridge, park our car, and walk down to the Everett Marina where Linzy's performing with the band The Little Lies.
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Two days after that, Saturday, middle of the day, we join the band again at their Bite of Seattle performance that's taking place on one of the busiest weekends in Seattle history including but not limited to a Mariners game, the Capitol Hill Block Party, various cruise ship departures, and a Taylor Swift at Lumen Field mega concert. All of which conspired to bring everyone into the heart of Seattle.
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Every place in the city was packed, is all I'm saying.
Same deal the next day, Sunday the 23rd, when we return to the Bite to see another band of which Linzy's a member: Midnight High (more on that band in a moment).
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The Midnight High performance was around 1 in the afternoon after which we went back to the house as Linzy went on to that evening's Taylor Swift concert which, according to everyone, was a VERY big deal. Certainly for Linzy who basically grew up as a musician with Taylor's career. 🤩🤩🤩
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Now, while all these shows were happening, as the world premiere of the film I cut approached, Kimmer was also up to her eyeballs... having officially applied to a doctorate program at her alma mater. And, by the time the screening happened, she was officially accepted.
HUZZAH!!!!!! 😁😁😁
And the doctorate program?
Doctor of Science in Integrative Health from the American College of Healthcare Sciences.
So there it is.
We all three were having a very busy week.
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A coupla evenings later, Tuesday the 25th, I'm prefunctioning at the home of the Combat Wombats' director as most of the team gathers for pizza oven cooked pizza and drinks and talking shop and talking life… before heading to the Uptown Cinema for the world premiere of "PTAgent" on the big screen. By the time I get home, it's already a half hour into Sunday the 26th, the morning on which we're leaving for southern California to visit family and check in on Kimmer's aunt. At this point, we've gotta be out the door in six hours but manage to eat one of those hours watching an episode of Madame Secretary, a series that's turned out to be a big deal for us this summer after we blitzed through the eight episode season one of The Diplomat four times in a row.
Yeah. We desperately needed another show to watch.
So credits roll on Madam Secretary and now it's a little after 130AM. The way things work out, we'll be up three and a half hours later at 5AM, ready and on the road to the airport by 640AM, in the air by 8, and so on.
Which pretty much explains how tired we were the rest of the day.
Our California family's family, though, which means they give us a huuuuge shot of energy for four solid days of taking our home life on the road, an essential part of which is about seeing Kimmer's aunt who lives in a memory care community.
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By the time we're home again, we're into the first minutes of Sunday the 30th, a day that we figured will be a normal-ish, chores-ish day that suddenly turns into the world premiere of Linzy's music on the radio.
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One of the bands in which she performs harmonies and keys, you see, is called Midnight High, their latest gig being that one at the Bite of Seattle. And Sunday evening, our day back from California, they're on the Locals Only show on KNDD-FM 107.7 The End. They're promoting their new album, "Swimming Lessons", showcasing a few songs from that album and sharing some of their favorite music including "I Don't Wanna Know" from Linzy's debut Dream Patrol project EP titled "Made For TV".
That made for a very "That Thing You Do" moment for us at home and for Linzy over at her place.
And yup.
After a crazy busy July, that's seven months down.
Five to go.
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seokahwrites · 3 years
NUISANCE | intro (or, what the fuck are you doing here?)
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back to nuisance masterlist
| lawyer! jeon jungkook x lawyer! reader
| all you wished for was a relaxing two weeks in a big ass boat eating some big ass shrimps, away from the real world. but instead you’re stuck with your arch rival with no means of escape — and goddamit why does the bastard smell so good
| no warnings for this chapter, i think; OKAY FINE THE READER IS KINDA FIXATED ON JUNGKOOKS MUSCLES; the chars are douchey bc well, lawyers; reader has anger issues; jungkook knows EXACTLY what he’s doing; I COULDNT RESIST PUTTING IN NAMJIN IM SORRY; kim seokjin our y/n’s devil but our angel
| AAAAAA i finally got out of my writing slump + summer’s here and what better way to celebrate it than a vacation with jungkook; it’s gonna be all feel good until like chapter 5 but it’s only gonna be a little bit of spice. anyways i hope u enjoy this little snippet dw the next parts are gonna be longer
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“I’m truly sorry, m’am. But, we need both parties present to check in the cabin.”
And though the brunette crew member in front of you was smiling as she said the same cursed words for the umpteenth time, you couldn’t help but imagine yourself jumping over her stupid glass desk and ripping out her stupid eyelashes one by one; however you opt to sit on top of your trolley with your fuming head buried in your hands.
You should’ve been laying on a king-sized bed, eating shrimps and watching TV with a herbal mask on your face and a robe on your back. Instead, you’ve watched all the other passengers go up to their cozy, relaxing cabins, with big dopey smiles plastered on their cherry faces as they left you alone and still not checked in.
It isn’t that you’re the type of person to throw a fit in public, but your patience had run thin by the second to first time you told her that your assistant had booked a room for one person only — Okay, fine. You were that exact type of person.
You trusted Jin enough to know he wouldn’t fuck up your reservations so royally — especially considering that this cruise is supposed to be your one chance of the whole year to get away from everything work — and he was quite the sharp tool; so your next theory was that the maggot pulled some sort of trick on you, but he wouldn’t be capable of such… evil? Right?
Oh, God. Is this about that time you accidentally locked him inside the firm’s building overnight, you swear it was a mistake—
Your teensy mental breakdown is interrupted by a sudden ruckus at the entrance. You look up and squint your eyes, only seeing a dark giant blob coming at full speed towards you with a bag the size of an 8 year old in its grip.
You get up just before the man could crash into you and you have half a mind to ask him ‘what the fuck, bro?’ but that plan is quickly thrown to the trash when the heaving figure takes his hands from his knees and brushes his hair back.
Could it really be?
Were you high? Drunk, perhaps? And a small part of you hopes you are as you forcefully blink your eyes a couple of times. You recognised that brown wavy hair. You recognised those black jeans and the pretentious Gucci belt it was paired with. And you definitely recognised those monstrous biceps and pecs that were practically waving you hello through that familiar black shirt.
“Excuse my tardiness. I’m here to check in for the Ocean suite,” he flashes the receptionist a smile — the dumb one you’ve only ever seen him use to charm the judge before a trial — as he slides his booking papers to her direction, “Jeon Jungkook.”
Nightmares really do come true.
But the fact that none other than Jeon Jungkook, was on the same cruise as you wasn’t the most fantastical happening of the day, to your shock.
You cough to get his attention, the same my-heart-just-fell-to-my-ass jaw dropping expression on his face when he sees you. He opens his big, dumb mouth to say something, but you beat him to it. “Hey there, pal,” you smile with no hint of humor in your eyes, “Sorry to inform you but someone scammed, and excuse my French, your ass. Because that room is already taken.”
Jungkook chuckles (a truly blood boiling sound), but his mouth falls flat in the blink of an eye.
“First of all, nice fit,” he tugs at the sleeve of your hot pink hawaiian shirt, followed by crossing his arms as if to establish some sort of dominance, totally unaware of his meerkat-ish levels of intimidation, “Second of all, who could’ve taken the room that I personally booked— personally told my assistant to book and having personally—,” he sticks his tongue between his teeth as a last try of keeping his pride in this miserable interaction, “—overseen it being booked. Personally.”
The moment he said ‘assistant’ your mind had completely gone, to the point of ignoring the train wreck that was Jungkook’s little ‘personal’ speech. You lower your gaze and furrow your brows, zoning out and moving your fingers as if you were counting — and, to be fair, you were making calculations. But, just before you could put two and two together — two being Kim Seokjin and two being Kim Namjoon, your assistant's boyfriend and the blood sucking demon in front of you’s assistant — to form a coherent conclusion, it is the receptionist’s turn to cough.
“If I may interject,” she has both of your booking papers on one hand, the other still on the mouse, “It says here that the Ocean suite was booked for two passengers, one Ms. L/N and one Mr. Jeon.”
While her smile is meek and the perfect addition to the awkward atmosphere, you and Jungkook have the same wide eyes on your faces, the angry veins of your necks and foreheads threatening to pop — with a capital P.
You’re chanting a string of ‘No’s’, until Jungkook opens his mouth and places a hand on his chest, “I’m sure there are other rooms available, Miss—,” he looks at the name tag on the receptionist’s chest, “—Isabelle. I would like to add that if the only other possibility would be for me to drown myself in the middle of the trip, I am open to that.”
The damn bastard took the words right out of your mouth. Hey, maybe he just might be useful after all—
“I apologise but we are always fully booked during the summer.”
Of course fucking not.
“Hey, Jungkook,” you tap his shoulder and bat your eyelashes, “What do you say to dipping out of this one—“
And just as you were getting to the part of asking him to kindly fuck off, you both lose your balance and when you look back, you see that the entrance has closed and the mini earthquake was, in fact, the boat moving.
You’re dumbfounded. And yes, dumbfounded is the only word that could possibly describe the look in your eyes as you bore at Jungkook, who seemed to be chuckling — obviously a sign of hysteria.
Earth hath fallen.
The world has imploded and hell has officially opened its gates to complete its promise of swallowing us sinners whole.
Were your fourteen days of freedom really going to turn into two weeks of smelling Jungkook’s nauseating cologne every time you walked in (what was supposed to be) the comfort of your own room? Was the world really forcing your hand at sleeping in the same space as Jeon Jungkook when you could barely handle seeing him at court or even knowing he was at the same fundraiser as you.
No, no. You could survive this, all you needed to do was get to work and find a way to escape Jungkook and his freakish circus act muscles — Seriously, we all know it’s just for show. Take it down a notch.
Isabelle is standing in front of you now, gesturing to the mahogany staircase that has become so uninviting.
“If we may,” she doesn’t wait for a response as she walks upstairs.
Your heads follow her until she disappears into the deck and you pick up your bags in defeat. When you look back at Jungkook you expect him to have come to his senses and have the same visible misery on every crevice of his face as you do, but you find him… smirking. The vulture was smirking.
The mind is truly baffled at sights such as these, so you let your curiosity get the better of you and you ask him, “Why are you smiling, you idiot?”
And you half expect for Jungkook to walk past you when his arm bumps against yours, but just as you touch, he leans down until you can feel his breath tickling your ear.
“Because I’m gonna have you all to myself.”
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arcanadreams · 3 years
y’all know that dialogue from the beginning of episode 4 where you talk to Mathieu? the one where you can ask if he wants to reenact Titanic with you? yeah well i’m still salty we didn’t actually get to do that so i’m fixing it with some added self-indulgent headcanons for good measure (in second person format of course because i exclusively write and read x reader fic LMAO) headcanons will be under the cut!!
“Want to come to the front of the ship with me and yell ‘I’M THE KING OF THE WORLD!’?” Mathieu merely blinked in response to your suggestion, arching an eyebrow at you. 
“...No? Why would I do that?” You were honestly surprised at how unenthused with the idea he was. The only other earthling in the entirety of El and didn’t event want to reenact Titanic with you! The audacity!
“Because it’s fun! Why else?” Mathieu clearly disagreed with your reasoning, narrowing his eyes at you skeptically. “Fine, be that way. I’m going to go bask in Leonardo DiCaprio’s glory all by myself, and I’m going to have a great time.” With that, you left the brunette standing on the ship’s deck. You made your way to the bow. Standing at the edge, you sucked in a deep breath of air, sticking your arms out.
Still as unimpressed as when you proposed the idea, to be honest. But he respects that you have the gumption to go through with it.
You glance behind you when you’re done and stick your tongue out at him before smiling triumphantly.
It’s contagious, he’ll admit...he can’t help but smile back. Maybe it would’ve been fun to join in, if only to see that smile up close...
And the way the wind is blowing through your hair is quite pretty, too...
It’s only when you wink at him that he realizes he’s been caught staring.
His cheeks turn a light shade of pink and he looks away, running a hand through his hair in that way he always does. This time, though, there is a noticeable sheepishness in the gesture that isn’t usually present.
Later you tease him about it, saying he should’ve thrown his ego away and joined you if he was just going to watch all the fun you were having and shoot envious eyes from the sidelines the whole time!
Yeah...that’s definitely why he was staring...cough...
Literally what in the name of fuck are you doing? - his inner monologue
He’s an observant man; he looks around for context. Honestly, the way Mathieu is rolling his eyes and Koori is laughing at the scene makes him think you lost a bet of some sort and were purposefully embarrassing yourself.
But before he can think any more on the matter, you turn around with this brilliant smile on your face.
(heart eyes.jpg) It’s such a far cry from the sides of you he has seen up until now; he’s only ever seen you distressed or enraged...both of which were due to his actions and presence.
Seeing the crinkle of your eyes when you’re genuinely happy is new and, dare he say it...intriguing. Beautiful, even.
But then the sun hits your hair just right and you almost have a halo around you and suddenly he remember who he is looking at: the savior of El, the hero who saved the entire world...from him. And he remembers he has no right to be looking at you like this, to be peering in on your moment of joy. So he looks back out over the horizon instead.
Ah, there’s the Y/N he knows. Always there to bring levity to his aching heart.
...Even if he has no idea what the fuck you’re doing.
Just be careful, please!! Don’t topple over the edge of the ship!! He’s a worrywart, be patient with him.
If he weren’t in self-imposed ‘all things to do with Y/N’ exile, he’d be heading right over to ask just what the hell you were doing.
But then the wind rustles your hair and you turn around, resting your elbows on the railing, and oh...the sunlight creates a halo around your head as you close your eyes, clearly enjoying the salty sea air.
Mans about to have a heart attack! You look just as stunning as you did the day he lost you (and himself but he doesn’t really care about that part) to the crystal.
He can literally feel your angelic aura singing, calling out to him in that moment, but he squeezes his eyes shut and shakes it off. He has sworn off anything of the sort. No matter how mesmerizing you are, he can’t give in...(yet)
“Good to know you’re taking this mission seriously, Y/N.”
We’ve got a Debbie Downer on our hands, folks! Ugh! (Just say, “You weren’t as much of a party pooper before I died for seven years.” That’ll shut him up!)
“I’ll have you know I am taking this perfectly seriously,” you turn your body around to face him, and he resists the urge to smile at the grin you meet his gaze with. “In fact, what I just did is a tradition on Earth for sailors. It promotes safe travels.”
“Is that so?” As you nod assuredly, the vampire rolls his eyes. He knows you’re bluffing...but he’ll still probably ask Mathieu about it later. When you’re out of earshot, of course.
“I learned from the best that having a little fun on missions never hurt anyone,” you say, thinking back to your first few missions with him, back before the crystal. Back when he was...different.
“And I learned that it can kill,” argumentative as always, he was...you sighed. Seven years in a coma and your favorite mischief buddy had shoved a stick up his ass while you were gone! Damn.
He noticed the disappointment in your eyes, then, as the sun vanished behind a cloud. Shit. He didn’t...he never meant...ugh. “...If the journey to Genkaku goes well, I suppose your sailor’s tradition will be proven to work.” He was happy to see your face light up the slightest bit at his peace offering. 
“It’s gonna be smooth sailing from here on out, and I’m gonna rub it in your face after.” “I look forward to it,” despite himself, his lips tilted upwards the slightest bit. He felt lighter, much more ready to face the mission ahead...as well as your teasing if you were right about the trip in the end.
Koori (because I’m gay and I love her):
Stands next to Mathieu and laughs. Like a lot. What can she say? What you’re doing is already funny enough, but the fact it’s making Mathieu facepalm is just the perfect cherry on top!
She loves when you get mischievous like this. She happily approaches you to ask what you’re doing.
“I’m reenacting a human movie by myself since Mathieu is too much of a coward to join me.” (There’s a clear “Hey!” in the background but the two of you mutually elect to ignore it.)
“Is this the same movie with the Let It Go song Mathieu likes to sing?” She asks, and you laugh. “No, but is it probably just as famous. It’s about a huge cruise ship that sank.”
“Don’t tell me you just set us up to get swallowed by the ocean!” Her ears pressed down to her head as she joked with you. She watched you laugh, the sun shining off your hair and creating a slight halo effect. It kind of reminded her of when she was able to create that illusion of your angel powers for you, only much, much prettier...
She asks for you to tell her all about the Titanic “so we can avoid the same fate,” but in reality she just wants to stare at you in this lighting, in this moment, for longer. 
Soon enough the two of you are sat on the stairs to the bow while you blabber on the whole story. She watches the way your eyes light up as you recount the dramatic bits and smiles. You’re so cute. You’ll make this rough journey easier on her, she’s sure of it.
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libertarianblue · 3 years
Hi. Sorry, I don’t exactly know how to word this, but do you support capitalism? And think it’s a fair system? I know that someone like Jeff Bezos isnt benefiting from a « loophole » in the system, he just understood how to be successful and worked in order to get there, but I do feel a system that allows such enormous wage gaps (for example between Bezos and some of his employees, even some that arent at the bottom of the chain), is quite dysfunctional. Also, capitalism seems to accelerate climate change and the drying up of our ressources more than other systems based less on constant expansion/economic growth.
If you think we should transition to another system, what do you think its should be ? It seems that theres nothing that guarantees enough personal freedoms while not enforcing austere restrictions resuired to make another more communalized or ecological system work.
No worries about the wording, I got what you meant. I think I'll start with Bezos and then address the rest of the first paragraph all at once. Hopefully this makes sense since I fell asleep halfway through writing this. I also hope that doesn't mean I'm going to be up all night now.
Gonna put this behind a cut since in classic overtired Blue fashion I went on a lot longer than I realized, but I hope it's a comprehensive enough answer. Thanks for the question, anon!
I hesitate to think of Bezos types as capitalism played straight, given how much of their fortunes come from exploiting their ties to the government in order to manipulate market forces to be more favorable to them. I'm not going to get into capitalism vs. corporatism or anything like that here, I just thought it's worth pointing out that Amazon wouldn't be the juggernaut it is without the state propping it up as a near monopoly.
As for the other points, I do support capitalism, yes. I don't think of myself as full ancap (really I think any ideology that starts with "An" won't survive an encounter with reality), but I wish we'd take several large steps towards the capitalist side of economics in the US. At least let us undo some of the slide into things like corporatism or government mandated price fixing etc. As for if it's fair and contributes to wealth inequality, I feel like that might not be the best way of looking at it. Assume you have Jon, who is charismatic and clever, and you have Rob, who is illiterate and has a learning disability. Jon is going to do much better under capitalism than Rob is, and he's going to end up with more wealth and more stuff. But he's not getting that stuff by taking things away from Rob, and indeed capitalism will actually lift up both parties, even if it's to differing degrees.
To the point about climate change and resource use I'm not sure how much of that is the fault of capitalism. A lot of this can probably be resolved by undoing some of the terrible trade deals we've been signing for decades that have incentivized overseas manufacturing to the point where it's almost considered unusual to keep the operation state side. This would also help a lot of the people that have been struggling to find steady, meaningful work that pays a wage that breaks them out of the hand-to-mouth cycle.
As an aside, I will say I wish companies would cool it with planned obsolescence since that is an area where they're definitely wasteful on purpose for the sake of a cash grab. I would rather move back toward expensive but more rugged products, but to get there we'd have to convince the market to accept the up front cost and that might be a hard sell. A lot of people are too eager to pick up the $5 gadget instead of the $10 one without considering the $5 one will be broken within a couple months.
I'm not sure we should transition to a different economic model and it's for exactly the reasons you said. Believe it or not I'm not that big on the economic side of this, the main reason I support capitalism is because it's the most compatible with maximizing freedom, which is my actual concern. I enjoy the style of living that comes with capitalism, and I seem to do alright for myself under this system, but those are secondary benefits.
If I was going to suggest an alternate model, it would probably go beyond economics. I'd probably suggest most people move into much smaller communities than the urban sprawl so many live in now, and effectively live as tight knit communes or small tribes. I don't think I'd offer this up as a real suggestion, though. I just get romantic ideas about how homesteading or insular small town life would be when things start getting hectic. And I don't think that's driven by ideology so much as romanticizing things like Harvest Moon, and because it's been too long since I let myself go on vacation. Maybe I should book a cruise whenever those become a thing again.
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cyclogenesis · 3 years
For the writing ask (you don’t have to answer all of them since I probably picked too many, sorry!): 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 19, 20, 26, 30, 31, 32, 36, 38, 39, 40. (Thanks 💜)
I did it, I answered all of them!! (Yes, it took me a couple of days aha.) Thanks for asking anon! 😘
1. Which of your fics would you keep the basic plot of but rewrite completely?
Generally speaking I would rather die than rewrite anything ever, and most of the stuff I’ve written I can look back on and be like “nice”. I did recently reread a few bandom fics I wrote and felt mildly horrified by the fact that some of the writing was so spare that the dialogue sections were like reading a screenplay, so I’d have to say those would come the closest. Like I wouldn’t actually ever rewrite them, but were I to write them today they would read very, very differently.
2. Anything that you’d like to write but feel like you’re unable to?
Honestly I read soooo much Hydra Trash Party stuff and would love to vibe with Bucky’s sexual trauma in fic more but I feel like I’d really struggle to write that kind of background given my usual writing style. That’s the kind of super iddy thing I usually do in chatfic, but unfortunately I don’t have anyone to do that with in this fandom, so I’ll just keep whining internally about the lack of HTP Sam/Bucky while doing absolutely nothing to address that glaring lack.
Rest of the answers behind the cut!
7. Your favourite ao3 tag.
I cruise the Bottom Bucky Barnes tag like a 50s kid dragging Main.
8. How slow is a slow burn?
HERE’S THE THING. So if I ship something super hard, like hard enough to write or read fic about it, then I have already interpreted the canon itself as a slow burn because presumably they haven’t kissed yet, and I’m writing or reading fic because I’m ready for the kissing to be happening. I also don’t tend to read a whole lot of long fic. So basically I’m gonna need kissing by at least the 15k mark unless it’s like, masterfully written.
10. Top three favourite fic tropes.
You know, I’m honestly not usually drawn to stuff that’s very traditionally tropey! I don’t write it too often either, usually with fic I’m just a simple gal who wants to look at canon and then figure out a way to get them to acknowledge they want to kiss each other. I do love fake relationships though!
19. Share a snippet from a wip without giving any context for it.
“There’s more than one Loki,” Sam is disturbed to tell him. “A bunch more. One of them is a good guy now.” Actually, Strange had described him as ‘moderately helpful and uncomfortably sincere’. “Another one, uh, broke time, and now there are multiple timelines that have created different universes.”
“Got it,” Bucky says, in the tone of someone who in no way has it.
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?
I usually have a couple of things going at once that I bounce between until I decide that I’m Going To Finish Something, Dammit and force myself to focus on just one. It’s generally fine because I’d rather have too many ideas than none at all, though I’ll sometimes inadvertently cannibalize myself and have to edit out things I’ve used in two different WIPs.
26. What would you describe as OOC?
I’m honestly pretty forgiving about that, having been trained to suspend my disbelief by liking really dark fic hahaha. One weird thing that tends to throw me in not-dark fic is a lack of humor in the dialogue. I tend to like fandoms with pretty funny characters or people, so I like to see their sense of humor reflected in fic. Sam and Bucky in particular are really funny characters in their own ways - gimme the banter, please!!
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn’t.
In so many fandoms I’ve had visions of an OTP epic spanning years and years, and in zero of those fandoms have I ever completed one of those stories.
31. What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)?
There is a point where every fic feels like the most difficult thing I’ve ever written. Something particularly cute that I do, which I love, is writing very intensely up to the sex scene, and then getting shy about it and wandering away and not working on it again for a little while, despite the fact that usually the whole point of the fic is that I want to get to the sex scene!!!
32. Do you have a word/expression that you always use in your writing?
I’m sure I have plenty of things like that!! I try to edit repetitive things like that out because when I’m reading a lot of a writer’s stuff little phrasing quirks always stand out to my copyeditor brain. That said, I know when I’m doing it and still tend to huffily be like “well that’s the best way to phrase that action!!” so, whatever.
36. How do you come up with fic titles? What’s the one you’re most proud of?
I either have a title from the jump or I’m combing my music library for a lyric snippet I can use like ten minutes before I post the fic. I’m pretty fond of This Is A Song About Fucking in that I committed SO deeply to jacking myself off there; it’s a phrase that Brendon Urie used to say to introduce Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off during the Nothing Rhymes With Circus tour (I had to look that tour name up. Thank GOD I had to look that tour name up) and I used it for a 5SOS group sex fic posted a cool eight years after that tour (which I went to multiple dates of, oh god) ended.
38. “This never happened” fix-it fics or “this happened but” fix-it fics?
Definitely the latter, when a canon makes a lousy choice I’m usually like well here we are, let’s talk about where we go from here. But I don’t really look for anything with the fix-it tag in general, once the canon breaks something I loved I’m usually so moody that I just abandon ship and stop reading fic haha.
39. Wildest AU scenario you have written?
I verrrry rarely write AUs for posting, but have chatficced some truly bonkers nonsense in my time. My old writing partner in bandom and I used to get weird with Brendon/Ryan - the satyr/fairy and fisherman/selkie days were really something.
40. Write a 9-word fic.
I’m too invested in the thing I’ve written 5k words of these week to think of anything new, so here’s a snippet from that instead.
“Come here,” he chokes out, and the helpless hope on Bucky’s face in response nearly undoes him completely. He sits up to meet Bucky halfway, grabs at his shirt the moment he’s within reach and drags him close, Bucky climbing onto the bed all long limbs and graceless need. The kiss is a surprise only in how rough it is, a hard press of lips like Bucky’s greedy to touch Sam any way he can, like this is just another way for them to collide.
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