#prompt en español
plantsngogh · 2 years
dos almas en un solo cuerpo 
(y el olor de la noche)
nunca has sido capaz de llegar a la noche siendo la misma persona que fuiste durante el día.
lo has sabido desde hace mucho, que alguien dentro de ti desaparece en un intervalo de segundos para ser reemplazado por otra completamente diferente. alguien que nunca reconoces, que no terminas de conocer del todo, que llega cada noche y se marcha con cada salida del sol y se lleva consigo un pedazo de ti que pierde en algún lugar que desconoces, pero que sabes que está muy lejos de ti alcance.
lo has sabido desde hace tiempo, pero hoy lo has notado más que en cualquier otra ocasión. hoy, con la despedida del sol detrás del horizonte, has podido atestiguar un homicidio en alguna parte de tus entrañas, un crimen que se concreta con el cambio en la fuerza entre un yo matutino, ligeramente agotado y un yo nocturno, casi ensombrecido.
son dos personas completamente distintas. dos almas enteras haciendo posesión de un solo cuerpo. 
un cuerpo que no puede siquiera con la mitad de sí mismo. 
un cuerpo que tiene que pasar por el suplicio de la mudanza diaria en el aroma de la noche, que tiene que inhalar estrellas para olvidar las horas pasadas porque ninguno de esos segundos interesa.
durante las noches, eres un cuerpo siendo abordado y abandonado por dos personas que tarde y temprano terminan regresando. con cada alba, con cada puesta de sol; retornan a su puesto, un tanto distintos que el día anterior y más desconsiderados con la anatomía que gobiernan a su antojo.
desearías que el yo nocturno se pareciera al yo matutino, de todas formas, porque así podrías lidiar con cosas como lo olvidada que te sientes cuando ya no alumbra el sol, o lo escalofriante mente ruidoso que es el silencio, o lo devastador que resulta ser añorar algo que algo que ni siquiera tuviste en primer lugar. 
algo que pudo haberle pertenecido al yo matutino y que el yo nocturno no tendrá porque no son la misma persona.
lo que darías por que lo fueran, sin embargo, para que uno de los dos se extinguiera, porque así podrías ahorrarte la fastidiosa vulnerabilidad que atraviesas cuando el sol se desvanece en la vereda que separa al cielo de la tierra y ninguna alumbra te alumbra siquiera por encima de la cabeza. 
porque así serías capaz de ralentizar el exhaustivo torbellino de crueldades en las que piensas y que no sabes de dónde vienen en primer lugar, pues al yo matutino jamás se le ocurrió algo remotamente parecido.
pero hay una gran diferencia entre lo que darías y lo que puedes dar, especialmente cuando no existe nada que puedas ofrecerle al yo matutino para que se quede, para que no se deje morir por alguien que solo te marchita y te duele, y te deja sin aliento cuando la luna está en lo más alto del cielo, cuando la luna ni siquiera está a la vista porque la llovizna que el yo nocturno ha provocado en las comisuras de tus ojos no te deja ver más allá de ese asolador desamparo, de ese melancólico olvido que te susurra a gritos palabras que ni siquiera tienen sentido y que de todas formas no importarán —pero dejarán el recuerdo— cuando al yo matutino le llegue su turno de volver.
un poco más distinto que la última vez. definitivamente marchito.
así que pasas por ello todos los días, en una especie de ciclo eterno que no tiene ranura para poder romperlo.
todos los días eres dos personas en un mismo cuerpo. dos almas dentro de una figura en la que no cabe ninguna. y cuando cae la noche, inevitablemente, te toca ser la más triste de todas.
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kaos-al-escribir · 1 year
Idea #3
—¿Estar solo/a es un problema? —pregunta el héroe parado en el marco de la puerta, sin querer dar un paso más al interior de la pequeña celda.
—No. Estoy bien solo/a. La soledad es una compañera frecuente —la mirada del villano se aparta de la suya, concentrándose en una mancha mohosa de la pared—. El problema son mis pensamientos cuando no estas tú para callarlos.
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shiningstardan2 · 8 months
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Ando emocionada por participar en el kinktober 2023, esta lista la he creado inspirada en las listas que @starsandskies y @theattoyearchive crearon para este año. Como suelo escribir en inglés, dejaré la lista en español como forma de incentivar la dinámica. La idea es escoger uno de los temas y hacer un trabajo artistico para la pareja que gusten, sea escribir una historia, hacer un dibujo o lo que se les ocurra. Yo intentaré hacer los más que pueda sobre Neji y Hinata, obviamente!
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seafoam-icecream · 2 years
“¿Cómo se supone que llegaré a ser un supervillano si ni siquiera puedo dominar una ciudad?”
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bnhafandomesp · 10 months
Eventos de esta semana (10-16 julio):
Feliz cumple, Deku (todo el mes) https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0t9erYt7nTGE1zoo569AtHVzSG7eE3mfpERno9iBFA4Ck9gGn1SJ7xe3coBx1wKzyl&id=100081111836427
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TodoDeku Week 2023 (9-15 julio) https://twitter.com/tododekuweek
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Kirikacchako WIP Week (10-16 julio) https://twitter.com/KRKCHKEvents Sing with Deku Week (13-15 julio) https://twitter.com/EternaLoveBkDk
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EnHoEn Shark Week (11-18 julio) https://twitter.com/enhoenbigbang
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Un pastel para Izuku (12-15 julio) https://www.facebook.com/Mypastryacademy/posts/pfbid02MoqnsaLant6aGB2fsJhhxgkyagpi8MYSD7w4oa1Wu5wf35FYnMFGE8DfqFCQpqMxl
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I Island Week (16-22 julio) https://twitter.com/krbkevents
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~~~~ El calendario completo, con vínculos a los eventos, lo pueden revisar acá:  http://bit.ly/2YDKqPm Y los prompts traducidos de cada evento, acá: https://bit.ly/3aaELq1
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camaleoncosmica · 1 year
Puedes creerlo!?!
Ya vas a tener tu propio departamento
Tu propio espacio
Es alto real y palpable este año!!!
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kurojesterhead · 2 days
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''The Ocean will be our witness''
(FIC)Doodle for my 2nd prompt for@SVSSSAction
Prompter @BitterFrenzyyy
-Mature content, no explicit nsfw -7.6k words
-English version on chapter 1 <3
-Version en español en capitulo 2 <3
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wolfgirl-valentine · 7 months
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-¿Qué haces aquí?-
-Esperaste por mi 133 años-
Yyyyyyyy e aquí mi primera publicación para La semana de "Dreamling con ñ" (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) basado en el meme de Choche (les juro que era gracioso en mi cabeza)
Les recordamos que los "prompts" de la publicación son principalmente sugerencias, y que pueden participar con cualquier tipo de publicación en español, inclusive solo compartir headcanons o opiniones respecto a la pareja o a The Sandman en general, el punto es convivir como comunidad hispanohablante 🙏🏼✨
Les sugerimos usar el tag 'Dreamling con ñ' para que sea más fácil localizarlos entre todos 🙏🏼✨
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the-offside-rule · 7 months
Pedri Gonzalez - Until I Found You (FCBarcelona) ft. Ferran Torres
Requested: tumblr
Prompt: Y/n is friends with Sira, the girlfriend of Ferran. The couple have an idea to introduce their two single friends in an attempt to get them to date.
Warnings: fluff
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"I just think you should give this date a try, that's all." Sira said, walking alongside her friend to the car. "I am never going on a double date." Y/n replied, hopping into the passenger side of the car. "Oh come on! Why?" Sira asked, yet again. "Because it's not my thing." Her friend replied. "So what is your thing? Being lonely?"
"Being single, does not mean I am lonely." Y/n snapped. "Just give it a chance. You may actually enjoy yourself, and who we pick." Sira smiled. "We? Who's we?" She asked. "Me and Ferran. He has a few single friends but don't worry, we'll find the one for you." Sira assured her. "Playing cupid, huh?" Sira nodded. "Exactly. Now, we have twenty minutes to get there."
"Wait, twenty minutes to get where?" Y/n asked. "To the date? Ferran text that they're waiting." Y/n's heartbeat quickened. "No! You could have given me warning!"
"So, who is she again?" Pedri asked, playing with the ends of his hoodie strings. "Her name is Y/n. She is Sira's friend. That's all you need to know before you meet her." Ferran replied. "Yes, but I would rather hear a bit more about her." Pedri said. "You can ask her on the date." Ferran chuckled. "No, because we're both going to be in your conversation. A couple date, is such a bad idea for a first date."
"Get out of the car." Sira demanded for the sixth time in the minute. "No! You tricked me!" Y/n exclaimed. "Would you have come if I said you had a date?" Y/n was silent. "My point exactly! Now get out of my car!"
"Hola, bebé." Ferran smiled as he pecked Sira's lips. Y/n looked visibly uncomfortable. "Where is he?" Sira asked. "Oh, Pedri." Pedri? The footballer? "Pedri, Y/n. Y/n, Pedri." Ferran said. Y/n's eyes fell onto the all too familiar stranger. "Mucho gusto. Pedri." The man smiled. Her legs turned to jelly looking at him. "Oh, she doesn't speak much Spanish, P. I-"
"Hablo español, Sira. Simplemente nunca me hablas en español. Te gusta asegurarte de que tu inglés sea siempre bueno." Y/n said, shaking hands with Pedri. "Sira arched a brow in amusement. "Well, if its all the same, I would like to speak a mix of both. Just for everyone to understand everything." Ferran smiled. "Necesitas mejorar tu inglés, verdad Pedrito?" Pedri chuckled. "Es una profesora de inglés." Pedri turned back to look at Y/n. "Really?" He asked. "No, I'm a student. My mother is an English professor in the university though." Pedri nodded. "That makes better sense." Ferran snickered at his miss-matched English. "It's better English than how yours was." Y/n said. "My English was good-"
"It's usually not right." Y/n muttered, loud enough for Pedri to hear. "Are we going to go in or stand out here all evening?" Sira asked before the four agreed to head inside.
"Please, have a seat." Pedri said, pulling the chair out for his 'date'. Y/n smiled at the gesture and took the seat gladly, placing her jacket on the back of her chair whilst Pedri took a seat before her. Ferran stared, not knowing what to say or how to even react to how his friend was acting; like a gentleman. Sira kicked her boyfriend under the table, indicating him to stop staring and have a look at the menu instead.
Throughout the dinner, Pedri and Y/n....well they became a but more distanced from Sira and Ferran. Sure, the conversations would start off with all four involved, but it would quickly change to just Y/n and Pedri speaking and laughing together, leaving Sira and Ferran to talk amongst themselves. They clicked. Both hated to admit it to their respective friends but they clicked. From the moment they sat down, right down to splitting the bill, they barely stopped talking. Pedri stood up and excused himself to go to the bathroom. Y/n sat smiling go herself before a quiet giggle snapped her from her thoughts and she turned to see Sira grinning at her. "What?"
"Nothing, I just think I told you you'd enjoy this." Sira chuckled. "Yeah, whatever. I'm just getting along with a man, that doesn't mean we like eachother." Y/n replied. "I don't know. He was a boy when he came in and he went into that bathroom a man." Ferran joked. "Oh the both of you just be quiet, please. I don't want to go all out on the first date." Y/n mumbled the last part. "I'm sure he'll ask you for a second date. Don't worry." Sira reassured her before they all quietened down for Pedri to return. "So, what are the plans now?" He asked. "Well, Sira and I are going to take her far home. We thought maybe it would be a good idea for you to take Y/n home?" Ferran suggested. "I was going to suggest that we do that actually. It just makes sense." Pedri smiled. Y/n felt her heart thumping inside her chest, simply from looking at his smile. "That's it settled then. I say we can all go our separate ways now."
Y/n smiled as she got into Pedri's car and looked around. The car mlled fresh, as if it had just been cleaned or as if it were brand new. She looked over to the driver door as the spaniard climbed in and put the key in the ignition. "Seatbelt." He said before Y/n reached for it and pulled it across herself. "So, do you need my address?" Y/n asked putting her seatbelt on. "No, not yet. I actually have a last minute plan I came up with in the bathroom." He said, making her confused. "How do you feel about theme parks and arcades?"
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antaresgalaeth · 5 months
The Morning Star / The last nigh | PART 1
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- [Extended scene from Lesson 20, tasks 20-12 and 20-14] - This part is SFW but the next one is gonna be smutty. Link to Ao3 Link to Wattpad My linkt.ree *También hay versión en español* Part2:Link
It's your last night in the Devildom. You've successfully completed the exchange year at RAD, and the brothers have thrown a party for you in the attic. With all the noise, you decided to step out for a breather. As you went downstairs, a sound prompted you to knock on the door of a secret room, leading the night to end in a completely different—and thrilling—way than you had imagined.
It was your last night in the Devildom, and you found yourself in the attic with Beel and Belphie. Beel stepped out for a moment and returned with enough food to feed an army, followed by the other brothers who had trailed after him. Everyone wanted to spend that last night with you, and together, you all celebrated with a party. The evening was fantastic, but the yelling between Mammon and Levi reached a point where you needed a breather.
Under the guise of fetching a drink, you stepped away from the noise. As you descended the stairs, you heard soft music emanating from the secret studio. You knew who was inside, the only one among the brothers absent from the party. You hesitated for a moment, wondering if he would mind being interrupted, but you knocked on the door anyway. You wished to see him.
Knock, knock.
"The door’s open," came Lucifer's deep voice from inside.
Entering, the studio felt cozy with the fireplace lit. The small flickers from the fire reflected on wine bottles lining the wooden shelves covering the walls. Calmness pervaded the room, a stark contrast to the commotion in the attic.
Lucifer was dressed in his black tailcoat and crimson waistcoat, his fur cloak cascading over his broad shoulders. Your heart raced as he approached to greet you, enveloping you in his intoxicating scent. You breathed in deeply, letting the scents of sandalwood, leather, and citrus fill your senses. It was such a distinctive smell that you knew you'd never forget it. The lights highlighted Lucifer's imposing presence. You wondered how beautiful he must have been as an angel, thousands of years ago, before becoming a demon.
"It sounds like quite the party up in the attic."
His imperturbable expression and furrowed brow momentarily left you cold, anticipating one of his usual reprimands for the commotion they were causing. But suddenly, his lips curved upward, softening his demeanor.
"And thanks to the fact that everyone else is busy up there, I get to stay here and enjoy my music in peace," he said with a barely perceptible chuckle.
Your muscles relaxed as you responded with a question.
"What is this you’re listening to?"
You felt your heart beating faster with each passing second alone with him, as if it wanted to escape your chest.
"It's nice, don't you think?" Lucifer replied proudly with his arms crossed.
He briefly closed his eyes after speaking, allowing himself to immerse in the melody.
"This is the cursed vinyl edition of 'The Tale of the Seven Lords', which you managed to borrow from Levi for me."
When he praised you for the favor you did for him long ago, you couldn't help but smile. You were used to always seeing him tense and controlled, the eldest among them and the faithful servant of Diavolo, serving as an example of perfection. Throughout the exchange year, you and his brothers had challenged his authority. So, his words of gratitude resonated in the room, dispelling your concerns.
You were captivated by Lucifer's gaze, recalling Belphie's words just before leaving the attic: "Hmm… make sure you come back, okay?" Despite feeling guilty for leaving the others upstairs, being alone with Lucifer in total intimacy was a unique and unexpected opportunity, one you had never had before.
Lucifer's presence, a demon who had intimidated you from the start, posed daily questions: would he offer support with a kind gesture or unleash his fury, making you disappear in an instant? Nevertheless, as time passed, you got to know him better, awakening deeper feelings in you. On your last night there, you yearned to spend more time with him, aware that there were no guarantees of seeing him again or hearing his hypnotic voice once you returned to the human world.
"Sorry, guys... but I want to spend more time with him," you thought sadly before addressing Lucifer.
"Is it okay if I listen to it with you?" You asked, trying to disguise the slight tremor in your voice for fear of rejection.
Under his breath, Lucifer chuckled, his body displaying complete calmness. From his height, his scarlet eyes watched you attentively.
"You already are," he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "But if you mean you'd like to stay here with me longer… then of course, you're welcome to." He added with a radiant smile.
As he finished, his demeanor turned serious again, and his gaze shifted to a corner of the studio, as if his mind were elsewhere.
"It was in this very room that I selected you for our exchange program," he turned towards you, his face lighting up with joy, and you smiled in response.
"When I first welcomed you here, I was only doing it for Diavolo. I figured that if you managed to survive a year here without any incidents, that was really all I could ask for," his crossed arms tensed slightly, reflecting the tension in his expression.
"And even if things didn't go as planned, as long as I could keep you from getting eaten by any lower-level demons, everything would be alright." He still retained a more serious tone than usual. "That's what I thought…"
You were completely absorbed by his words, maintaining your position and keeping your gaze fixed on his eyes. You responded with smiles when he did.
"But I somehow managed to choose a human who’s such a magnet for trouble that it almost defies belief, wouldn’t you say?" continued Lucifer. "There were times when I thought that I’d made a mistake by choosing you," he said with disdain, clicking his tongue.
You lowered your head in embarrassment, intertwining your fingers in front of you. You raised your eyebrows and pressed your lips together.
You were aware that you had had a year full of fun, breaking the rules more than once, though always with good intentions. Lucifer responded with a peaceful and controlled laugh.
"It's far too late to be trying to butter me up with apologies, you know? Also, there's no need, because things are different now. I made the right choice in selecting you for the program." Lucifer showed total sincerity as he nodded.
A comforting warmth filled your chest, the accelerated pace of your heart indicating that Lucifer appreciated your presence in the Realm, giving you the assurance that you didn't have to worry about displeasing him and leaving home with that impression.
"You've kept me quite entertained over the past year," he said with a boastful tone.
Although you tried to suppress it, a giggle escaped you as you saw his arrogant expression. You discreetly looked away to hide it.
"In fact, it’s probably the MOST entertained I've been in my whole life," he concluded.
The happiness reflected in both his face and voice urged you to throw yourself into his arms, but you restrained yourself, biting your lower lip. Suddenly, your mind quickly reviewed the key moments you held dear: from the day you met at RAD, to the moment you witnessed his true demonic form, reliving the panic that engulfed you at that instant; the moment he expressed how special you were to him after resolving the situation with Belphie; and finally, the memory of Lilith, when he sacrificed himself to save her using Diavolo's power, carrying the burden all those years, as the only one among his brothers who knew what had happened to your ancestor.
Lucifer lowered one arm and brought the other to his chest, pulling you out of your thoughts. Reacting swiftly, you focused on what he was about to say.
"So then..."
For a moment, Lucifer paused, as if about to share something of great importance.
"...Have you done all you set out to do here in the Devildom? No unfinished business? No loose ends?"
After asking those questions, he reclined again, arms crossed. He relaxed his expression and posture, seemingly implying something with his demeanor. He subtly tilted his head toward you, letting his bangs graze his cheeks.
"Hmm..." You murmured, pondering.
Throughout the year, you managed to forge pacts with the other demons: Mammon, Levi, Beel, Asmo, Satan, and finally, Belphie. Lucifer was the only one opposing it, and you yearned to do so with him in every possible way. Just imagining it, you felt an electric tingle between your legs, making you clench your knees. Knowing this was your last chance, you didn't hesitate, letting your daring words flow in your sweetest tone.
"I still haven’t made a pact with you," you found yourself with crossed arms, unwittingly mimicking his gesture.
That caught Lucifer off guard.
"A pact, you say?" He frowned, his scarlet eyes locking onto yours. "I see. You've made pacts with all my brothers, which just leaves me..."
Turning his head toward the fireplace, Lucifer appeared pensive. Then, he turned back to you with a challenging smile and asked.
"Do you really want to make a pact with me? Truly?"
Though he expressed it without a hint of anger or rejection, something troubled you.
"Hmm. How strange," you thought, yet remained silent.
"I don't know how my brothers felt about making a pact with you, but I am more than a name to be crossed off of your list," he stated firmly. "I can't have you lumping me together with everyone else. That won’t do," Lucifer shook his head.
You knew Lucifer as the 'Avatar of Pride', and at that moment, his sense of superiority was more evident than ever. His countenance showed a clear aversion to being considered equal to the other demons. As the eldest and most powerful among his siblings, he expected special treatment and considered what you asked for an insult.
A black cloud enveloped him, revealing his true nature. Once again, you had summoned the demon residing within him. Four jet-black wings that seemed to fill the entire room and two long horns arcing over his head were more than enough to terrify any human, making them flee in panic or faint, an option that crossed your mind. However, this time, you stood your ground. You now knew Lucifer better and were certain he wouldn't harm you in any way.
Considering past events, it was surprising for Lucifer to see you stand still before him.
"You aren’t going to run? You’ve certainly got guts, don't you?" Lucifer remarked, wide-eyed and bringing a hand to his chest.
"Tss," he grumbled, annoyed. "I've always found that aspect of you irritating."
Then, he laughed loudly and continued speaking, "But as irritating as it is, it's even more endearing." He then leaned toward you.
"Now listen, and listen well. I will not be your possession. I won’t belong to you." A mischievous expression widened his smile. "You will belong to me."
Hearing his last words, his deep voice echoed in your chest, making your heart race and leaving you breathless. You swallowed hard, feeling the dryness in your throat.
"Yes, Lucifer, I'll always be yours," you thought, noticing the heat spreading between your thighs and your pupils dilating.
"So, what will it be? Will you make a pact with me?" He straightened up, proudly awaiting your response, sure he had anticipated what you would say.
You stretched your body and looked up, meeting his gaze. You let your arms drop and clenched your fists.
"Yes, I'll make a pact with you."
It was the safest decision you had ever made in your entire life. After the handshake, a red seal materialized on the back of both your hands, quickly fading away.
It was the safest decision you had ever made in your entire life. Then, you both leaned in. The moment your foreheads touched, a red mark appeared in his eyes, confirming that your souls had linked. The process lasted only a couple of seconds. It always struck you as curious how something of such significance was accomplished in such a simple manner.
"Good. Then it's done," he affirmed arrogantly. "As of this moment, you are mine," Lucifer rejoiced at having achieved what he wanted.
His words pierced through you, leaving you breathless, though you managed to keep your composure. That someone of such beauty and power had agreed to make a pact with you, taking possession of you, was something you had never imagined. At this point in the year, you had already assumed Lucifer wouldn't agree, but there you were, alone in the study, staring at each other. You still hadn't fully grasped what had just happened.
"I assume that takes care of all your loose ends?" He asked, arrogantly.
Your lower lip was caught between your teeth again, aware that something remained unsaid. You played with a strand of your hair, trying to ease the knot in your throat. You made an effort to swallow and relieve the pressure; the air in your lungs burned within. If you didn't say it now, you knew regret would torture you forever.
"There's still something I have to do," you said with a hoarse voice, clearing your throat.
"There is?" Lucifer's bewildered expression was evident; his penetrating gaze seemed to be trying to read your thoughts.
Your fingers nervously fidgeted in front of you. You moistened your lips and cautiously moved forward. Placing your hands on his chest, anxious about his reaction, but Lucifer didn't move. You felt the heat radiating from his body and the solidity of his muscles under the clothing. You raised your gaze while standing on tiptoes. You gently slid your hands until you rested them on his shoulders. Your gazes remained connected from the moment they met; the fireplace's glow highlighted the color of his eyes.
Lucifer remained still, expectant about what you were about to do, with a serious expression. Your faces were inches apart, and you could already feel his breath close to your lips. You decided to close your eyes and kiss him. He didn't reject you, yet he didn't respond either. As you pulled away, concern furrowed your brow, worrying if you had ruined the friendship. You heard him say your name.
"I've always known you wanted to do this. And I know what you'd like to do next as well," he said, softly sliding his hand over your cheek, lifting your chin.
"We're heading straight to my room," he said, wrapping his arm and two of his wings around you to guide you out of the study.
You leaned against his side, wrapping an arm around him from behind. Your face blushed nearly to the hue of his eyes. You wore a radiant smile, but you were so nervous about what was going to happen that you couldn't utter a single word. Never before had Lucifer, or anyone else, treated you with such respect and affection. You felt sheltered under his wings, protected, even though he was a demon. His voice interrupted the silence, and you timidly raised your gaze to him.
"You’re going to spend your last night in the Devildom there, together with me..." he remarked warmly, "...all night long, until the break of dawn."
An electric current ran down your spine. Despite the tenderness in his voice, it was more than a suggestion; it was an order. You were already his property, and he could do with you as he pleased. You smiled so much that your cheeks hurt. You desired him more than anyone else.
"I’m not letting anyone else have you now... You're mine," affirmed Lucifer, holding onto you more firmly. Feeling ownership of you satisfied his demonic pride.
I wrote this in Spanish first and then, translate it into English. I didn't review it, let me know if there're any mistakes. Thanks for reading 🖤
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kaos-al-escribir · 1 year
Idea #1
—No hay mejor manera de empezar un lunes por la mañana que con unos huevos revueltos y un buen café —dice el villano empujando los huevos con la espátula para cocinarlos bien.
—¿Cómo has entrado aquí? —el héroe apunta al intruso con uno de sus cuchillos de cocina—.¡Dímelo!
El villano lo ignora, sin ni siquiera darse la vuelta para enfrentarlo, concentrado en los fogones.
—La prensa cambiaría de opinión sobre ti si viera tu despensa de condimentos. ¿En serio solo tienes ketchup? —su risa mordaz hace eco en la habitación, dejando al héroe con los pelos de punta—. Debería ser un delito. Y luego para que digan que el malo soy yo.
El villano se gira, lanzándole una sonrisa con dientes que podría ser la pesadilla de cualquier asesino en serie.
Su agarre en el cuchillo tambalea durante unos segundos, pero momentos después se endereza. Culpa a su estúpido cerebro por mostrar debilidad ante el enemigo.
—¿Qué quieres? —pronuncia entre dientes, apretando su agarre en el mango y sin dejar de apuntar hacia el centro de la cabeza del villano. Justo en medio de esos ojos brillantes, ojos que saben demasiado.
—A ti —el villano hace una pausa, contemplando [al héroe] de arriba abajo. Esa mirada hace que la sangre del héroe comience a burbujear de rabia—. Te quiero a ti, [héroe].
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raaorqtpbpdy · 4 days
In Memory of Mom
Danny meets a strange, Spanish-speaking ghost wandering around Casper High. His Spanish isn't great, but he's pretty sure she's looking for her daughter.
For the Prompt: Danny encounters a strange spanish-only speaking ghost looking for Paulina Sanchez. Being a first year Spanish student, he only recognizes the words "mi hija" and hesitantly leads her to Paulina. It's Día de los Muertos, but because Paulina has been trying to fit in at school, and her papa remarried and doesn't want to make his new wife uncomfortable, they've fallen out of the habit of setting up the ofrenda and marigolds, leaving their mom/wife unable to find her way home. Paulina can't see or hear her, but Phantom can [From @dreamwraith]
Disclaimer: I am white, and I do not speak Spanish. It is with deepest regret that I must admit to using Google translate for the Spanish dialogue in this fic. If you notice any errors in the Spanish, or regarding Día de Muertos (which there might very well be, though I did do my research), please feel free to correct me. I can only do my best, and always appreciate the opportunity to do better.
Read also on AO3
[Warnings for past character death, and mentions of culture death]
Danny typically liked to have more than one day to recover after fighting Fright Knight every Halloween. Not to mention the numerous other ghosts who always had to come out on that stupid holiday to cause as much trouble as possible during the period of time when the barrier between the human world and the Ghost Zone was at it's thinnest.
Of course, Danny never got more than one day, but he would have liked to.
Luckily the ghost that showed during lunch period on November second didn't seem to be causing any trouble. In fact, it didn't seem like she was powerful enough to cause trouble, even if she wanted to. No one besides Danny even seemed to notice her, which at least meant she wouldn't be able to cause any serious damage, even if she tried.
She was speaking Spanish as she walked through the halls of Casper High, and turning her head this way and that as if she was looking for something, or someone.
"¿La has visto? ¿Mi hija? ¿Dónde está mi hija? ¿La has visto?" she called out.
Now, Danny was only a first year Spanish student, and furthermore... he missed a lot of classes, so he wasn't sure exactly what she was saying, but he did recognize the words 'mi hija', 'my daughter'. The last time he'd been to Spanish class, Señora Gutierrez had been teaching family terms. Madre, padre, hermana, hermano, hija, hijo, tío, abuela, that kind of thing.
Subtly, he followed her until she walked into a hallway where there weren't any people, and then, with no one to look at him like he was crazy for talking to the air, he spoke to her.
"Excuse me, are you looking for your daughter?" Danny asked.
"¡sí mi hija!" the woman replied excitedly. "¿La conoces? ¿La has visto?"
Danny knew 'sí', that was 'yes', the most basic of basic Spanish. 'sí' and... and... okay, so Danny couldn't remember what 'no' was in Spanish, but he remembered 'sí'. Ancients, he was really gonna have to start showing up to that class more if he wanted to get the foreign language credits he needed to graduate.
"Uh... tu hija," Danny said, completely confident that he was already screwing up the grammar, "¿que es la nombre?"
"No es muy fluido en español, ¿verdad?" The ghost laughed. "Su nombre es Paulina."
"Paulina?" Danny didn't understand any of the rest of what she said, so he focused on the last bit. "Paulina Sanchez?"
"¡Sí!" she confirmed, enthusiastically. "Mi hija. Paulina Sánchez. ¿Tu la conoce?"
Danny nodded, although he'd kinda fallen off the sentence after 'sí'. "Why are you looking for her?"
"Es el Dia de Muertos," she said. "Quiero verla, pero no encuentro la ofrenda."
Danny had no idea to respond to that. The only word he recognized from all of that was 'la', but he couldn't glean a whole sentence from a single 'the', so he just looked at her with an expression that was half a forced, awkward smile and half a grimace.
Was it safe to lead an unknown ghost to an unsuspecting human? Objectively no. Most especially not when the unsuspecting human was the girl Danny had a massive crush on. But... on the other hand, this particular ghost seemed pretty harmless, and she said she was Paulina's mother. So... maybe it was okay?
"How about I'll take you to her," Danny suggested.
The ghost that claimed to be Paulina's mother nodded excitedly and said something else in Spanish that Danny had no hope of translating. 
Danny led her to the outdoor table where the A-listers always sat, but Paulina wasn't there. After a little bit of prowling the quad, he found her, at an out of the way table no one ever sat at because the the school custodian always ignored it and it was disgusting. 
Paulina had laid her jacket over the bench to sit on, and unfolded a few paper napkins over the surface of the table. She had a handful of sugar cubes, and was poking one with a toothpick for some reason. She hadn't noticed him yet.
As much as he would have liked to go over to her as Danny Fenton and be the hero who let her talk to her mom again, he figured it would probably be suspicious if people knew he could see ghosts others couldn't. A but reluctantly, he looked around to make sure no one could see and transformed into Danny Phantom. The ghost, Paulina's mom, applauded him, like he'd just done a magic trick. To her, it might have seemed that way.
"Thanks," he said, a little sarcastically, and floated over to talk to Paulina.
"Excuse me, Paulina Sanchez?" Danny asked, as if he wasn't sure whether he knew her name or not. "There's a ghost here who wants to speak to you."
Paulina looked up and looked around, then turned back to Danny and raised a perfect eyebrow. She put down the sugar cube she was poking at, and Danny noticed that on her other side, there were two other sugar cubes sculpted into the shape of a skull.
"You mean you?" she asked. "Look, normally, I'd be thrilled, but today isn't really—"
"Oh, no, not me," Danny said. "She has long hair, wearing a nice knee-length dress.... It's kinda hard to describe ghosts in a way that makes them recognizable to people who knew them in life, 'cause colors tend to be different between life-and-death but uh... you and her have the same nose, actually. She says your her daughter? I don't speak Spanish, but I managed to figure out that much."
When he stopped talking, Pauling gave him a flat look.
"Are you messing with me?"
"No," Danny insisted. "She's not a very powerful ghost, so she can't stay in the visible range, but she's here. She wants to talk to you."
"Mamá?" Paulina asked hesitantly. "¿Estás aquí?"
"Sí, hija mía, estoy aquí," Mrs. Sanchez replied. "Estoy muy feliz de verte de nuevo."
Paulina didn't respond for a long moment, apparently waiting. Then, finally, she said, "I don't hear anything."
"I was worried you might say that," Danny said. "I'm gonna have to speak Spanish if you guys want to talk to each other, aren't I?" he sighed deeply. "Alright fine. Apologies in advance because I am gonna absolutely butcher the pronunciations."
"Hija," Mrs. Sanchez said, "volví a verte, pero no había camino para mí. ¿Por qué?"
Danny repeated the words to the best of his ability.
Paulina took a moment to parse them out, with a puzzled expression before finally saying, "Papá se volvió a casar. Su nueva esposa es gringa, así que no le hicimos un ofrenda en casa para que no se sintiera incómoda."
Danny didn't know what any of that meant, obviously, and was grateful he only had to repeat after Paulina's mom, because Paulina herself spoke Spanish very quickly and there was absolutely no way he wouldn't trip over his tongue mimicking her. 
"Pero estoy aquí, debe haber una ofrenda."
Danny mimicked her again.
Paulina looked a little embarrassed. "Sí... yo... hice uno en mi casillero para ti. No quería que no pudieras cruzar."
Her mother gasped. Danny really wished he knew what was going on.
"¿Me mostrarás?"
Paulina's expression lit up when Danny repeated that, and she stood, gathering up her jacket and her sugar cubes.
"Vamos," she said. "I mean, follow me."
She led the way through the empty halls and Danny and her mom followed.
"What were you guys talking about?" Danny asked, then immediately realized what he was asking and quickly backtracked. "I mean, never mind, it's probably personal. I was just curious. You don't have to answer that."
"No, it's okay," Paulina said. "See, my mom passed when I was seven, and every year, me and my dad set up an ofrenda for Day of the Dead with her picture so she could visit us. We moved here from Mexico when I was ten, but we kept up the tradition. 
"Last winter, though, Dad married my step-mom, and she's white, and doesn't know anything about Mexican traditions or holidays. Dad doesn't want to make her uncomfortable, so ever since they got married, we stopped celebrating most of what we used to back in Mexico, so we didn't put up an ofrenda this year, and Mom was asking why she couldn't find it, so I explained."
"Oh... that's... kinda sad," Danny said. "You just had to give up all your culture because your dad remarried?"
Paulina shrugged. "We had to give up a lot of it already, when we moved to America anyway," she said, as if that made it less sad and not more. "At least Sandra's nice, she's just... a little out of her depth sometimes."
"So... where are you taking us?"
Finally, she stopped in front of her locker and turned the dial with her combination.
"I didn't want mom to not be able to visit me, so... I sort of made my own ofrenda in my locker," Paulina explained sheepishly.
The door swung open to reveal the inside. There was a small magnetic shelf stuck on the back of the locker. On it, there was a small electric candle, some kind of orange flower, a pair of black lace gloves, and a heart-shaped locket. The locket was open and propped up so the picture inside was visible. It was the ghost Danny was trying to help.
Paulina reached in an put a few of the sculpted sugar cubes on the shelf next to the locket. The tiny sugar skulls were perfectly to scale with the tiny picture, but absolutely dwarfed by the flower.
The ghost put her hands to her heart and looked absolutely touched by the tiny display.
"Those were her favorite gloves," Paulina explained. "She always wore them when Dad took her dancing."
"What's the flower?" Danny asked.
"It's a marigold," she replied. "Cempasúchil, in Spanish. They're a traditional decoration for the ofrenda. You're also supposed to leave a trail of their petals from the grave to the ofrenda, but... Mom's grave is in Mexico, and the ofrenda is in my locker so...." 
"Ay, esto es hermoso," the ghost said. "Gracias. Amo mucho esto. Te quiero mi hija."
Danny had been to distracted to properly listen, so he wasn't sure how to repeat her words.
"Uh... she says she likes it."
The ghost gave him a look and a light slap that passed right through him.
"A lot, she likes it a lot."
"¡Y te amo!" she added insistently.
"Y te amo, she says," Danny repeated.
"Thank you, Phantom," Paulina said. She leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "This means a lot to me."
Danny knew his cheeks were turning bright green, and he cleared his throat awkwardly to make sure his voice wouldn't crack.
"Uh, yeah, no problem," he said. "Don't mention it."
It was then that the bell rang signalling the end of lunch, and Paulina grabbed a couple of books from her locker and headed to class. Her mom followed, even though Paulina couldn't see her.
Danny had to get to class, too. He had Spanish class after lunch, and Ancients knew he didn't need to be missing any more of those.
In class, Señora Gutierrez talked about Dia de los Muertos, and for once, Danny actually sort of knew what she was talking about, thanks to Paulina. Maybe he should ask her to tutor him.
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simmerianne93 · 4 months
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Hello everyone!!! I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas today!!!
Today I'm here to tell you that my lovely friend @Yrandsims and I made a small collab to celebrate Christmas this year and here you have my part on it.
The collaboration consisted of a little advent calendar, where 24 simmers + 1 had to do something that came out of their creativity with a prompt chosen at random. That +1 is the daughter of Yrandsims that has made all the lovely drawings that were representing the objects choosen each day. She is going to end the collab tomorrow with a special ilustration on Yrandsims' twitter (here).
My turn was today, 24th, and it was "Christmas Elves" so I bring a funny posepack for little Christmas elves, or maybe, some naughty kids, plus a few more for a good boy doing their letter to Santa with help of her mother (or father).
I really hope you like the poses, and I'll invite you to watch my participation and the ones from my mates. There's so much talent in all the platforms:
My participation, in English: HERE
Mi participación, en Español: AQUI 
All participations:
Twitter thread
Youtube list
Instagram stories
But now I leave you now with the posepack's description:
What is on it?
10 Solo poses for child sims + 2 Trio poses for child sims + 4 Duo poses for a child and an adult sim.
What do you need?
Andrew's poses player 
Teleport any sim by Scumbumbo or Mccc by deaderpool.
Elf Outfit (CC version) - Download it below.
simlasya pen accessory 
[MB] Clipboard Accessory 
A-luckyday-Big Lollipops[Child] 
[Simtographies] Christmas Present Acc (All Ages) - NEWMESH 
[MB] Letter for Santa Acc 
Stepstool (BG Debbug)
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Decorative presents (Holiday celebration)
Basic table (BG)
Basic chair (BG)
budgiePaper Clutter 
Christmas tree (Seasons)
Instructions in the original post.
Do not claim my creations as your own.
Do not re-upload or modify my creations.
Do not make money of my creations.
Do not include my creations in Mods folders to download.
Please follow my Term Of Use.
Download it now here — [FREE FOR EVERYONE]
If you want to support me:  Patreon | Ko-fi
For more poses: Pinterest |  Wix
My socials: Twitter | Instagram | BlueSky
I really hope you like them and I will say on advance: Thank you so much for use them.
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nekoannie-chan · 22 days
Captain America: The Winter Soldier Anniversary Event Masterlist
English version/ Versión en inglés
I publish my works in Spanish and English.
Aquí puedes leer la versión en español.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Main masterlist.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish: Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter.
All my entries for @catws-anniversary CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event:
Character: Steve Rogers.
Word count: 220 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve is thinking about the Smithsonian’s exhibition.
Major Tags: Doubts, little sadness.
Additional tags: This is my entry to CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event with the prompt:
"The Smithsonian."
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
Character: Steve Rogers.
Word count: 120 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve is thinking about what happened on the elevator.
Major Tags: Overthinking.
Additional tags: This is my entry to CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event with the prompt:
"It kind of feels personal."
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
Character: Brock Rumlow.
Word count: 127 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Brock is thinking about the mission on the Triskelion.
Major Tags: Overthinking.
Additional tags: This is my entry to CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event with the prompt:
"The Triskelion."
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
Character: Steve Rogers.
Word count:: 127 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve doesn't know who he can trust.
Major Tags: Trust issues, doubts.
Additional tags: This is my entry to CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event with the prompt:
"Trust Issues."
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
Character: Steve Rogers.
Word count: 103 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve has to hold a press conference.
Major Tags: Anger.
Additional tags: This is my entry to CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event with the prompt:
"Press Conference."
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
Daily battle
Character: Steve Rogers.
Word count: 67 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Steve doesn't know what to do.
Major Tags: Overthinking.
Additional tags: This is my entry to CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event with the prompt:
"Department of Veteran's Affairs."
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
Character: Brock Rumlow.
Word count: 148 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Brock’s feelings about STRIKE.
Major Tags: Having a feeling.
Additional tags: This is my entry to CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event with the prompt:
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
Character: Brock Rumlow.
Word count: 170 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Brock only wants one thing.
Major Tags: Want revenge.
Additional tags: This is my entry to CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event with the prompt:
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
Alone again
Character: Jack Rollins.
Word count: 132 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Jack is alone again.
Major Tags: Overthinking.
Additional tags: This is my entry to CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event with the prompt:
" Found Family."
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
Character: Steve Rogers.
Word count: 135 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: An unexpected encounter.
Major Tags: Overthinking.
Additional tags: This is my entry to CA:TWS 10th Anniversary Event with the prompt:
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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seafoam-icecream · 2 years
“¡Mamá, no puedes salir con el, es un villano!”
“Un villano retirado, cariño, retirado.”
“¡Es mi maestro de ciencia!”
“Si, ya lo había notado, ¿y?”
0 notes
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A pesar de que hay huevos españoles en el qsmp decidí usar esta oportunidad para mostrar al huevo que comparto junto a @isaac031 y @carly404error .
Os presento a nuestro bebé Clavel
lo que pone en la imagen para los que necesiten traductor o para leerlo mejor:
-Rebelde (se irá por su cuenta sin problema)
Accesorios y su significado cultural:
-¡El clavel es la flor nacional de España! (dato curioso: su significado más común es el orgullo y la belleza, pero diferentes colores tienen diferentes significados)
-Mercadona es una empresa española en la que venden productos para el hogar (comida, higiene... todo eso).
Clavel estaba afuera de uno cuando lo encontramos.
post con el prompt
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