#so i really didnt draw her . not that she was one of my favorites though
thedrotter · 3 months
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been watching mlp lately ... watching colorful horses on little adventures soothes the soul ... some rarity cuz she's adorable :33
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scaramouche: i’ve only had nilou for a day and a half but if anything happened to her i would kill everyone in this room and then myself
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babybinko · 10 months
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Made a TON of Venture Bros. genderbends :D
Bonus + some of my thoughts on all the designs under the cut:
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This is from a conversation I had with a friend about how Dermott and Hank would behave in this AU (its exactly the same as normal)
Ok now some thoughts on my design process
Hank: I think I drew Hank's face actually perfect, I made her so cute. I also feel like there's a common trope with genderbends where athletic characters get short hair so I gave her long hair and gave Dean short hair. I actually think the longer hair fits her perfectly. ALSO I LOVE HER BOOTS.
Dean: I gave goth Dean more Accessories than normal because normal goth dean had no fucking swag (it was besties idea to make her pants ripped). Even before I started drawing college Dean I knew I was giving her those legwarmers you can pry them from my cold dead hands. Same with the legwarmers I knew the first dean design needed a Jean skirt its just the vibes.
Dermott: The millisecond I even thought about doing Dermott I KNEW she would be 2012 grunge girl aesthetic. Gigantic shoplifting energy. Love her.
Rusty: I wanted her to look like a mean mom and I believe I accomplished that goal. Absolutely had to add the glasses strap. Very Jamie Lee Curtis.
Brock: I drew the one with the hair down first and my friends preferred the one with the hair up so I just did both. I wonder if she was a cheerleader in college and killed another girl on her cheer squad by throwing her too far/dropping them.
21: I drew 21 then I realized I had just drawn myself with bangs. Also I drew her with a blunt because there's an episode where 21 has a joint in his mouth the whole episode the other henchmen are standing in stupid poses in the background and its maybe one of my favorite bits in the entire show its so stupid.
24: 24 took several attempts to get the hair right I kept drawing it short and curly and my friend told me to give her Elaine from Seinfeld hair which I think ended up working really well.
Monarch: One of my favorites I did. I feel like this one you can definitely tell how Bayonetta completely re-arranged my brain chemicals as teenager. I love the hip cutouts, I made a tummy cutout to kind of mimic how Dr.GF's monarch costume is kinda skimpy. It's also hard to tell because of the cowl but I tried to give her like a finger waves hairstyle.
Dr.Gf: I tried a bunch of different hats but my friends liked the brimless hat the most and completely doomed him into looking like a Bellhop (more than he already did). Its giving Tyler the Creator at the 2020 Grammys. I still think he's cute though :)
Billy: I really didnt want to just draw her in a suit because thats boring. The show always gives me 60s vibes despite being set in modern day (I'm sure its on purpose) and I definitely channeled that with Billy. It took a couple tries to find a balance between fitting her body but still looking adult but I think I got it in the end.
Pete: YAYYYY PETE YAAAAYY!!! ^_^ Shes so Ava Max Coded. I also gave her giant buckles on her shoes to match his stupid ass one two buckle my shoes ass shoes.
Triana: Very much looks like putting emo boy in the Pinterest search bar. I made her thigh highs into his sleeves and I gave him square bangs like her.
Dr. Orpheus: NEEDED to make her a hot milf and I did. Its a little hard to see but her shirt has lace over the open part. I love the hair Jewerly at the bottom of her braid. :)
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spookberry · 3 months
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Shadow High series 3 my new beloved
I didnt even like most of em until i saw them in person, but the knowledge that they'll probably never be in the show has my brain in a "well its free realestate" kinda mood
Random list of information cuz ive been plotting out friend dynamics and background lore
-i like to pretend Rainbow High/Shadow High are actually Rainbow University/Shadow University cuz im in art college Right Now and i think it makes more sense with the whole dorm room situation. And also major makes more sense than focus IMO
-I changed Pinkie's major from film to just undeclared. I think she eventually does land on Film. She just has a lot of interests! Her dream has always been to one day direct films, and I think she comes to love them even more while developing ideas her with the group as she winds up in a Director/Producer position for most of them. BUT also every time she takes a class in a different program she cant help but fall in love with that way of making art too. So she has a hard time picking for a while and changed her major a couple times before landing on Film.
-Pinkie and Berrie bond a lot over a shared interest in vocal synths (tho Berrie knows more about them than her).
-The two made Pinkie's vtuber model together!
-the fandom wiki says PJ is from germany?? Idk how canon that is tbh but ive decided to embrace it i guess
-Rooney's canon name is Scarlet Rose, but i thought it was kinda lame especially when Rosie Redwood is also in this line sooo I renamed her! Stuck to the color name puns tho. Mar Rooney. Maroon. Haha
-Speaking on her though i love that shes from texas and likes writing scifi mystery type stuff and that being said i just Know deep in my bones that she was a Voltron Legendary Defender fan and Keith was/is 100% her favorite. She has a continued fondness for mothman specifically cuz of this.
-PJ and Rooney actually talk about fandom and shows/movies ALL the time. They dont have a ton of overlapping interests, but where they do? The two literally never shut up.
-Rosie is such a random character, like outside of her design she feels very poorly considered. So I scrapped the cosmetology thing and made her an illustrator instead! I think it works better with her love of making art in nature. I can see her being really into illustrated guide books. I think shes a bit snooty when it comes to art too. It takes being friends with other artists to become more open minded.
-I like the idea that Rosie is mainly friends with Rooney and Berrie ontop of that. The three of them often tag team storylines and how theyd interpret them into different mediums. Rosie will draw up a bunch of concept stuff while Rooney writes up a pitch bible and Berrie will start making shit move and throwing in her own ideas on camera angles and character designs.
-as an animation major Berrie was required to take a sound design class early on, which is where she met Oliver! Hes very laid back, and likes to go with the flow, but functions a little like the "mom" of the group. Often reminding the girls to take breaks, drink water, stop looking at their screens lest they get eye strain etc. He's multi-talented tbh but Music is his one true passion and he likes how the girls are always giving him collaboration opportunities.
-Oliver and Rosie like to talk sports a lot, both having played a bunch when they were younger and throughout high school.
-Lavender Lynn is Oliver's number one "person who needs constant reminders to settle down" she is in a constant buzz of trying to get the best shots and is utterly obsessed with the process of artistic documentation. Everything must be documented.
-the whole school loves her for this actually, she has a whole side gig where other students hire her to help photograph their projects. She saves everything she earns from this for her future dream plans to visit paris. She has it set really, many of the artists who she helps photograph now will remain steadfast clients of hers forever onward.
-PJ and Lynn actually took a print media class together at one point. Which didnt at the time spark an everlasting friendship. But it did give PJ an easier in to ask for Lynn's help documenting a project the group was working on. One of Lynn's first times photographing them work happened to fall on a day where Rosie had planned to trick everyone into going on a nature walk sans devices... Lynn wound up really appreciating this outing and decided to continue hanging around the group even after that project had ended.
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lvrtwn · 5 months
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venus if she was awesome
speedpaint and more thoughts under the cut
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venus has always been one of my favorite characters, though i feel her design is pretty underwhelming with a lot of wasted potential. this is kind of a redesign, kind of my own personal headcannon, and kind of how i imagined venus in my head as a kid.
this is supposed to be my version of g1 venus, more similar in facial features and keeping the straight hair. i absolutely love her new hair and face in g3 but im hesitant to call the new outfit an improvement. both g1s outfit and g3s outfit are bad in their own ways. i dont want it to seem like im shitting on the new design. again i think the face sculpts, hair, and body types of g3 are so awesome. its great to see more diversity being included in the designs. i just decided to go with g1 venuses look because thats the venus i grew up with
i definitely took some inspiration from g3s outfit for this design. i like the idea of it but the execution is just not great, not to say her original outfit is any better. i feel like out of all of tge original monsters she was the one with the most waisted potential. i love her personality and the abilities she has but the way she was styled has always bothered me.
in the movies shes described as “eco-punk” which is SUCH a cool style to go with a plant monster character. i just feel like the “punk” in “eco-punk” was never really represented in her outfits. i personally love punk music and clothing; ive been an active member in my local diy scene for many years and i love seeing all the outfits people put together.
i thought i would give her an outfit that shows off a couple of my personal favorite staples of punk style. big chunky leather boots with lots of straps and buckles. kept the shoe mouths from the original because they cool as hell. lots of leather, studs, spikes. i gave her denim cutoff shorts inspired by her gen 3 outfit, same with the torn black top. punk style has a big focus on comfort, practicality, and making things yourself. i imagine she cut a pair of old pants into shorts, roughly cut her “undead kennedys”band shirt tank into a crop top, and probably repurposed the remaining fabric. i also totally didnt draw this whole thing as an excuse to use that pun. i included asymmetrical leg accessories, with one fishnet stocking and one torn up sock. i also feel like she repurposed these, continuing to wear her old torn up socks instead of just throwing them out. i gave her a big chunky studded belt matching one of her cuffs with a recycling symbol belt buckle. i feel like it communicates an important aspect of her personality just at a glance, plus i just love big belt buckles. lastly i added piercings because 1. theyre cool and 2. i for some reason remembered her having an eyebrow piercing but i guess she never had one.
i mostly kept her body and hair the same. changed her ears and hair color slightly but thats just personal preference. i decided to make the vines on her body look more like tattoos instead of being 3d. i imagine she can make them grow into real vines, but when shes not using her powers theyre just flat against her skin. gave her a facial expression that made her look a little more unhinged. she might only do things for the good of the earth but she can still mind control people at will.
i wish i leaned a little bit more into the plant theming but im overall still super happy with how this came out. maybe ill made more monster high redesigns in the future
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kuni-is-daddy · 10 months
Comfort!Wanderer x Female Reader
Tw: Hints of depression. If you don't know scaras backstory ur gonna get spoiled.
Ft: Teasing,f/ngering, Riding, Scara praises u, aftercare?,he calls you a good girl
Wordcount: 1.77k
CW: Minors do not interact past the cut! This is a NSFW post
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Before you two go on another outing, 'Hat guy' reluctantly asked nahida for help on another one of his gifts to give you...
"Remember hat guy! if anything happens ring the safety bell, okay? And keep in touch while im at vanarana. I want to make sure you two have an awesome time!" The small archon tippy toed, while 'hatguy' leaned down as she tied the trinket to his feathered ornament. "Tsk- Buer, im far from a child. I dont need anyone to hold my hand like one." Nahida looked up at the puppet, "Really? you never mind ms Y/N holding your hand though." He diverted his gaze and mumbled to himself. "See? I knew you'd like it. Oh right! your gift!"
Hat guy fixed his posture, "Here! Make sure you give this to ms y/n." In her hand was a book of photos she put together for him with little stickers of slimes and aranara with smiley faces, handing it to hatguy as he took his time with each page and noticing the many 'new' pictures, some being ones he didn't give to the lessor lord. "Your a stalker now too? I guess reading minds isnt enough for you." Ignoring his comment buer took out another book. One titled 'Nahida's sumeru travel guide' with a cover drawing of a purple cat barely paying attention to the light green cat. "Do you have to insist on making everything look like a coloring book..." Nahida didnt reply, mearling looking away and humming a tune similar to the aranara while he began his walk to the park.
Whenever you two would hang out together it was in the library within the akedemiya or anywhere he chose. Sometimes as you held his hand walking through the peaceful park your mind would fill the silence in the worst ways possible as he stared at your now frowning expression. "I dont know Kuni, is the akedemiya even worth it anymore? Theirs people smarter than me there anyway." Kuni stopped in his tracks. "But isnt the whole point of the akedemiya just to major in a 'hobby' you like?." he raised an eyebrow. "Well..i guess..but..Theirs obviously people better than me at it." "Id disagree. Besides their Irrelevant. Shouldn't you just do it and have fun. Huh.. I thought thats what hobby's we're. Something for idle bodies to enjoy." You sighed at his response and sat on the bench. "Its not that simple kuni, I have to get a job and- my family what if i have to provide for them too. Ontop of that there really unfair. Why am i putting my heart into this just for it to be a flop." 'A flop?' At your wording he was brought back to his association with the kaedehara clan. Every now and then he'd overhear niwa talking with others over its upending struggles due to the rise of his mothers sword art. Spreading around inazuma like wildfire and Leaving the clan to struggle in its contribution to the arts. But only in a matter of time kuni was able to 'eat' and drink his favorite tea with them in celebration of their success. We're all the struggles just the divine tricks to see who is worthy? was a god playing tricks on you? 'It couldnt be like that..' Kuni put his gift on the bench, and held your hand while sitting with you
"Maybe im overthinking kuni..I-i just dont know.." It pained him to just look at you like this. Tired. Just so tired mentally and physically, tears dreaning down your eyes as you measly sat on the bench. You began to get up, Remembering your responsibilities. "Its fine kuni, you know- maybe I just need some rest! at home!" 'she said that before' He held your hand, uncomfortably tight. His mind always thought to the worst and he never wanted to loose you because of it. Often getting angry at himself for assuming you'd do such a thing..or likewise to what he did. But this time, He just couldnt let go. Was he scared? As much as you implied, you'd never do such things It always rang in the back of his mechanical ears. If only he was still a harbinger, He would've did everything in his power more then he could now to get you the stable income or whatever humans would need in any region or place in teyvat you wanted. Just say the word and he would've done it regardless of her 'excellency' but he couldnt now, all he could do was use this 'curse' which he called emotions to help understand you. "Kuni-...Please let me go....Im alright." you sniffled. He immediately noticed your change in tone. It was soothing just how you always talked to him yet he still felt wary.
With a few more tugs it felt as if his grip only tighter the more you tugged. In defeat, you brokenly sighed and sat back next to the puppet. A part of him was irked at your own confusion. But he never once regretted trying to comfort you through it when, and when you didnt ask. Even awaiting you at your home before you messaged him. It felt as if you sat in the park for hours within cold silence as your throat and chest burned trying making out words but every attempt was cut off by insecurity.
You always knew he loved you, but even your black and white reality began looking different colors. You shuttered while looked at him again, meeting eyes and Surprised that his hat was off. Resting on the bench's crook. "How about..I join the akademiya with you?" you let go of his soft hand, beginning to wipe your eyes until he pulled a green cloth with flowers printed on it out his pants pocket, Damping away your tears as you subtly smiled and sniffled. "I never knew you we're into cute things like this kuni." 'cute?' "Well. You can always rely on this..unique archon of yours to make her presence." you didnt ask any further. "Why do you want to join the akademiya?" "Isnt it obvious? to be with you. and for buer to stop annoying me." he mumbled the last part. "But you dont even have a major or-" "The archives of inazuma can use a rework. I find it ironic how beelz- the raiden shogun is portrayed as some. Beneveloent god, that pursuits eternity." He smirked, Writing a thesis might be one of the most indirect ways he could show up his mother but that had to wait.
You we're more important, and always have been since you entered his life. Kuni noticed his gift. "Oh yeah. Here." he handed you the bag. "Whats in it. More bitter tea for me to try?" he blushed at your answer. "Just open it." you smiled at him again and looked at the pictures in the book. Trying to hold back a laugh at the picture of nahida whacking him uptop his head for god knows what. He looked at the picture, intrigued on why you we're laughing. 'buer you had one fucking job-' then back at you again. "No need to thank me- i-" cutting him off, you kissed kuni on his cheek "I love it kuni." 'his skin is so soft~' you thought. "Then I guess I should thank you too." The puppet shifted closer to you moving the book back in the bag and out of your view behind him. "W-wait kuni- not here we're in a park!" he sucked his teeth and still moved closer to you, sinking his face into your neck as you leaned back "And? thats even better, every person here can know how important you are to me. Got a problem with that?." He began tugging at the buttons on your shirt "Or..Does my baby want to continue this at home? I'll let you choose this time."
You fumbled with the keys as you locked the door behind you. Kuni was already tugging onto you. Biting and leaving petals of kisses along your neck. "K-kuni~ slow down.." you moaned. "Shit..Love it when you say my name too. This beautiful body is all mine." you turned around to face him, being greeted by his kimono barely hanging onto his shoulders to cover his lean form behind his turtleneck. "Your staring again…Like what you see y/n? Its all for you." He picked you up, bringing you to your bedroom littered in papers, pens and books on your desk. "huh. Do all scholars have a messy room like this?" He chuckled. "S-shut up.."
Kuni laid you onto the bed, observing your body before trailing his hands down to your pants. Letting out a groan. "God. Your fucking beautiful. How dare you treat yourself like this." He slowly tugged your clothes off. Then rubbed his hands along your thighs, spreading your legs and revealing your wet slit. "You want it gentle baby?" you nodded. Sinking his head inbetween your legs, he began licking on your bud. "Kuni~" "Shh…Relax..for me pet." your thighs twitched at the name. "Oh? you like being called that too…ill- mmm~ remember that" he sunk his tongue inside of you, moaning into you incoherent praise. "f-fuck..you- mmm taste- s' good." you rubbed your hand through his hair. Pressing him farther onto you. Usually you didnt take the lead or have him bottomed out for you like this. But it was your special night, as many we're yours to come. Kuni didnt want to stop for celestia itself to make sure you felt loved just as you made him feel. "Wahnt me to stop baby- you- ah..i know you like it." "N-no kuni~ please dont stop." you said while pressing your thighs closer against his head. "Hah..How about my fingers, want that too?" Kuni licked at his fingers after pulling away from your wet hole with a gasp for air. "Yes master~" his cock twitched in his pants. He knew you wanted it slow but god the urge to take you right then and there. He inserted two of his fingers as your walls clenched, slowly shifting in rhythm of his fingers. "Arent you eager hmm? Already want me inside dont you? Thought you wanted me to be gentle." He smiled, Thrusting his digits faster inside you. "K-kuni!! please.. I- ah..hah.." "Yes baby? what does my good girl want." kuni leaned down to you, wanting to hear your delicious moans. "Inside..Please..want you inside~" "Hah..Theres my pet." The two of you switched positions. Kuni laying his lean body on your bed as you climbed ontop of him, slowly sinking him inside you.
"K-kuni..your so big," "And hah..your so warm..oh shit~." You began moving, bouncing up and down on kuni's length. "Oh god baby..L-look at you, bouncing on master so ah-well.." His praise filled your ears, making your body heat up. You two interlocked hands as you both chased your highs. The sound of skin slapping and your wet moans echo'd around the room. "Yes..Yes y/n- fuck yes. I L- ah.. Love you so fucking much, dont stop. dont stop." He squeezed onto your hand, eyes slightly glowing from his pre sloshing up and down inside you. "Kuni~ m' close..Im gonna- i-" "Thats it- just like that- cum for me~ let me hear those beautiful moans-" From his bittersweet praise you came onto his length, squeezing his hand 'tightly' as he soon came after you, Painting your walls with his warm seed. You collapsed onto his chest, Still inside him and coming down from your high. His chest wasn't rising up and down.. which creeped you out a little but you didnt mind.
The two of you laid in the bed. Mumbling every now and then about earlier as he stroked your hair. "I dont expect you to get well instantly y/n. Thats not how things work." "Yeah..Then i guess id be like some sort of puppet right?" you chuckled while trailing your hand along his chest. "Right.." kuni laid his head back. "What im saying is that you have to try at your own pace to get better. Regardless of everyone, its your life you have to live. And i..hate seeing you dwelling here when I know there's someee things your good at. If you get discouraged, I'll be there for you." "And if your not..?" he sighed at your reply. "That'll be rare. Then Call me and we'll go for another walk if you want. Im sure that childish archon has plenty ideas too."(He thought back to the bell). Some of his advice was stuff you've already heard. Even though it is easier said then done your heart warmed at his ideals. He even wanted to get in the akedemiya just for you, he was willing to do so much. Even if you felt better for a day or made the smallest progress Kuni would be proud.
Thank you for reading and I wish you the best :)
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t3ag3rs · 2 months
g e n s o - 0 5.
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"the thirds ones wrong.. it should be will not well.."
you sighed out answering present mics question. "thats correct!" he continued to ramble on about grammar and english. 
you put your head down and closed your eyes wishing class would go by faster. 
then the bell rang, dismissing you all to go to lunch.
"y/n! come sit with us!" said mina, pulling your arm. you laughed and walked along with her, kirishima, and two other boys. "sup beautiful im denki kamanari and thats hanta sero, nice to finally meet you" said the yellow haired boy grinning.
you waved, "nice to meet you two as well!" kirishima groaned, "im so hungry..! i cant wait to some of the yummy food!" sero laughed as he patted his stomach, "hes like a baby!" 
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you sat down between mina and kirishima, chatting with them as they ate. god im so hungry.... but i cant risk gaining any fat right now... im at the healthiest ive been.. i cant gain anything!
you looked down at your fingers and fiddled with them. "hey y/n, why arent you eating anything?" asked kirishima curiously, you looked at him and quickly blurted an excuse, "o-oh! i had a heavy breakfast right before i left so im still stuffed!" you chuckled to deflect any second thoughts from them.
mina nodded, "ohhhh i get that.. well make sure to eat at home kay?" you nod smiling at her, of course i will..
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finally it was time for the class you were waiting for. "i am here!! coming through the door like a hero!" announced all might as he made a dramatic entrance into the class. you couldnt help but let out a wide smile at him.
the whole class started talking amongst themselves at how they were amazed he was teaching them. you knew bakugou was jumping inside at the sight of his favorite hero, but didnt wanna seem like he was a fanboy. 
 "today we will be focused on battle!" you looked to see bakugou grinning, "but in order to do that you guys have to look good!" suddenly boxes of all of your hero costumes came out of the wall.
oh my gosh is that really my coustume??? you thought excitedly, smiling widely. "change and meet me at training ground beta!" all might instructed.
 you went into the girls locker room and started changing, "i cant wait to see how my costume looks on me!" exclaimed mina, as she put on her costume. you laugh in agreement and start putting on yours. 
 "ill see you out there y/n! dont take to long!" she said as she ran out giddily. you finish putting on your costume and look at yourself in the mirror, you smiled as you saw how it accentuated your muscle and curves well, before running out to the rest of the students.
you walked out while smiling, "OH MT GOD Y/N YOU JUST RAISED THE HEAT OVER HERE! YOU LOOK SO HOT!" screamed mina, getting everyone's attention. you blush and thank her for the compliment while adjusting the thigh harnesses. 
you look over to see bakugou in his hero costume and take notice of how much his body had changed. he had definitely grown more muscular and even though you wouldnt admit it, he looked good.
you held your breath as you made eye contact with him. he widened his eyes a bit before looking the other way. "honestly though.. your costume looks so good!" mina praised, " o-oh! thanks..! honestly it isnt really something i usually wear.. the skin tight crop top, and i always usually try to stay away from pants that are somewhat tight around my thighs and butt.. "
 "no way! they show off the body you got blessed with! besides the cargos accentuate your muscular thighs! i think your whole costume looks good on you!" she smiles, you blush and bow your head thanking her.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you listened closely as all might explained what you all would be doing today. you felt someone glaring at you and turned to look at them, only to meet a pair of vermillion eyes. you narrowed your eyes and stared back until he turned away, haha! i win asswipe!
you walked up to all might to draw your lot and see who you got paired with. letting out a low curse your paper read 'katsuki bakugou'. god you must really hate me huh..? out of all the people here this guy??
sulking internally you walked toward bakugou and stood by him silently. "all right lets see who the villian and hero will be!" all might reached into the box and pulled out your team and dekus team. "just great.." you mutter realizing you and bakugou were the villians and had to go up against deku. knowing bakugou he would target deku to try and beat him up. 
you and bakugou started heading on inside, "young y/n, young bakugou the key to this exercise is to embody villainy- think like how they would and act upon it, make sure to communicate and work together." you nod, youll only be able to communicate if someone doesnt target deku.
you follow behind bakugou into the room with the fake weapon. you walk toward it and look around to check your surroundings "hey." you turn and look at bakugou, "do you really think deku has a quirk..?" you bite your lip, "well.. we both saw what he did during the physical tests, so yes i do think he has a quirk" you respond looking at bakugou.
you noticed him tense up, "look.. just because he has a quirk now dont go targeting him whenever you can, we both have to communicate if you wanna win this- which im sure you do. so please just try and calm your temper okay?" you add, he stands still and you sigh. "whatever.. its not like youll listen anyways... ill guard the weapon, knowing them uraraka will probably try and come up here, once i deal with her ill help you with izuku"
"all right! lets begin the indoor combat training!" says all might over the loud speaker, "be careful" you tell bakugou before he walks away. you purse your lips knowing he wouldnt hold back on deku, but right now you had to worry about uraraka.
you smirk as you come up with a plan and go to hide behind a pillar near the entrance. suddenly, you hear a huge explosion, "here we go again.." 
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"bakugou take it easy on the explosions.. i dont think this building can handle too many" you say through the ear piece, "shut up and defend the weapon genso!" he replies. you roll your eyes, this bitch... 
you suddenly hear footsteps and ready yourself quietly, "theres the weapon! wait... wheres y/n..?" she says as she steps through apprehensively. you smirk and let your wind propel yourself forward, manipulating the earth under uraraka you made it wrap around her body, making sure to bound her arms down knowing if she touched you she could make you float. "right here!" you say as you wrap your tape around her, successfully capturing her.
she looked at you with a blank look still processing what just happened, "wait what??" she says questioningly, "sorry to get you out so early, but i really dont trust leaving bakugou with izu" you say before hearing another couple of explosions. 
"bakugou! where are you?" you ask through the earpiece only to get no reply, just great..! no reply from the asswipe!
you run out and touch the floor closing your eyes, you saw the floorplan of the building in your mind letting the earth draw it out for you. you felt a huge surge of motion coming from a specific side of the building and ran to the location as quick as you could.
suddenly all might came over the speaker again, "use that power again bakugou and ill disqualify your team! you need to be aware of your surroundings and strive to make the least amount of damage to it as possible!" 
oh my god theyre gonna kill each other...!  you closed your eyes and pushed your legs faster trying to get there quicker. you heard another couple of explosions and widened your eyes.
 you werent gonna make it in time. 
stopping, you placed your hand on the ground again and found where they were in your mind. deciding to test your quirk, you focused on the spot and found the wall closest to the area. maybe.. just maybe.. i can manipulate the earth and get myself there by moving through the walls..
you focused all your power on the walls and let yourself fall into the earth, the next thing you knew you were in the same room as the two. they were standing in front of each other, izuku was screaming at bakugou and your gut told you to move in between the two. the next thing you knew your feet were moving, and you were hit by both their quirks. 
you let out a loud yelp of pain and fell to the ground. you heard another thump and saw izuku fall to the ground, wincing you crawled your way to him and wrapped the capture tape around him before you passed out. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
you blinked your eyes as you familiarized yourself with light and winced as you tried to move. "there, there, take it easy... your bodys pretty beaten up... taking those two powerful blows wasnt very smart of you to do.." explained recovery girl, you let out a sheepish smile, "i couldnt just stand there and let them kill each other.. ive known both since childhood and bakugou isnt one to hold back when it comes to izuku.." you explained.
"hows izuku..?" you ask curiously, "hes already back in class, i still need to heal a couple other of his injuries but he has no energy in his body left for today.." you nod, "can i go back go class..?" she nods, "yes, but make sure you come back tomorrow.. i bandaged the blow on your stomach, but it still needs a bit of healing.. keep the cast on your arm on till tomorrow" she explains before letting you go.
you limp slightly as you walk back to class, gosh itll be so embarrassing walking into the class knowing they saw me pass out- yet again..
opening the door you walked into the class, only to be bombarded by kirishima, mina, and a couple of other students. "oh my gosh y/n you were so kick-ass!" exclaimed mina as she threw her hands around you, "be careful mina! shes still a bit injured!" reminded kirishima, you smiled before waving it off, "im fine.. im just glad everyones okay..!" "that move you pulled where you moved yourself through the earth was awesome!" praised uraraka.
"wait.. wheres izu..?" you question as you couldnt find him in the room, "hes talking to bakugou.." sighs out uraraka, you widen your eyes and run to find the two outside.
gasping for air your finally reach the two, "thank goodness i found you izu..!" you say tiredly, "my gosh y/n... are you okay?" you smile before nodding, "im fine, nothing too major..! im glad your fine though..!" you pause and turn to bakugou, "look bakugou.. as much as i understand your frustrated, you had no right to try and kill izuku in a practice match!" you sighed as you looked down.
"we used to be good friends.. just because of certain values we had we stop being friends.. whatever happens this year- i promise you two this, im not sticking up for either of you. you guys can either die fighting each other because of your massive egos, or learn how to grow up and act like mature people." you grit before turning and limping away.
you knew in your heart that you still valued the friendship you had with them, but you werent going to let bakugou continue and treat deku like shit just to fulfill his ego.
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previous parts: pt. 0 0 / pt. 0 1 / pt. 02 / pt. 03 / pt. 04 next parts: pt. 06 / pt. 07 / pt. 08 / pt. 09 / pt. 10 / pt. 11 / pt. 12 / pt. 13
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umahumahumah · 1 month
How about Kenya?
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Don't worry guys I haven't forgotten about this its been in the back of my head the entire time </3 i decided to draw them in wwii uniforms this time for a change of pace, but maybe ill draw them in their traditional clothes some other time
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first off, kenya!!! shes actually already a canon character but shes barely in hetalia. forever cursed to be a gakuen hetalia chibi head... sigh...
even though nothing hints to this in her appearance in gakuen hetalia, i think she would have a kind of tomboyish and energetic personality! like the girl-next-door type! she's also the first person to ask seychelles a question in the gakuen hetalia demo, which makes me think shes a huge extrovert.
sometimes i wonder if she was part of the group of countries who laughed at seychelles' coat of arms. in my heart, i wanna believe she didnt... but um she probably did. bruh who knows the demo is over a decade old now himas not gonna confirm it. please come back to hetalia, kenya. i need you.
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next is malta! his appearance is a little scuffed here because he was going through it in wwii, but he's doing way better in present day
obviously he was influenced by italy so he naturally gets an italian curl. i like to think that he looked up to romano when he was younger and started subconciously taking after him. i was debating whether i should give him thick eyebrows or not, but i think france's occupation cancels it out even if it was a really short time.
in present day i think he cares a lot about his architecture and tourism. i think he'd also be a bit of a womanizer due to the italies' influence on him but he definitely has a lot more decency compared to them. or maybe hes just toos hy to talk to them, that would be cute lol
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last is morocco! she was kind of fun to design and i was thinking about her personality throughout while drawing her. i like to think that she is pretty intelligent and is capable of doing a lot of stuff... but she'd rather go smoke weed and have parties, so she feigns ignorance to get out of her responsibilities. on top of that, because of france, she is a huge romantic and can make people swoon for her with just one word
i have no idea if hima would ever make a character like this since his girl characters mostly appeal to cuteness rather than uhh sultriness? but i think moroccos laziness has a cute appeal if you squint hard enough. if he does make a girl character like this i think she'd be some sort of bait and switch or something
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also here are some bonus chibis of characters i already designed, mexico and uzbekistan!
i decided to redraw mexico because i dont think i did mexico justice having his back away from the camera. come to think of it maybe i should have drawn him in the mexican revolution uniform but there was already a pattern of wwii going on anyways...
uzbekistan is my favorite design from this series, which is why i decided to draw him again. tbh i think his first appearance didnt seem to come across as sandcat-like, so i decided to change his eyes a little bit, but overall he stayed the same. i wanted to change his pupils to dots, like germany, but it made him look too different
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
could I um.. request the whole alphabet with gangle.. take your time :))
The fluff alphabet w/ Gangle (Full!)
so sorry it took me so long to get to this! i got back to my computer just now and decided to whip up a masterlist/begin one before working on requests again! i must admit gangle is a hard character for me to write, so if some letters seem lackluster, sound repetitive, or whatever, i apologize in advance </3
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ABSTRACT- if you ever abstract gangle will be absolutely beside herself, overcome with grief. i dont think she would abstract, though. she keeps to her room, her comedy mask long forgotten. broken or not, she cant bring herself to put it on. she feels bad, why didnt you reach out to her? did you feel like you were a burden? did you think she wouldnt be enough to save you? thoughts like that eat her alive
BONDING- you two draw together, sometimes even making comics with each other! i saw a few posts where gangle loves to draw, and draws in an early 2000-2010s anime art style and i absolutely love that. you guys just do that, when you have the free time
CUDDLING- neither little nor big spoon, gangle is simply. ribbon. its like cuddling ribbon, there isnt much to be said in that regard. kinda cold but thats because ribbon doesnt really carry heat. wraps her body around you
DATES- drawing dates! similar to the bonding segment, but you guys make it a point to draw things for each other. you even get to bust out some paints. yipee! ends up in you two drawing each other. so many painted hearts
EMOTION- gangle is definitely the more emotional one between the two of you, especially if shes wearing her tragedy mask. not much to be said, gangle is a cry baby and i dont mean that in a bad way
FAMILY- should the two of you ever escape the digital world and find each other, you two would definitely get married! as for children, i honestly dont see gangle as the type to have kids, but thats just a me thing
GIFT- really nailing the art stuff deep, gangle draws things for you all the time. but i can also see them being into origami! they make you paper hearts and little critters, bows and crowns, things like that! gangle loves receiving gifts as well, unsure of what she would like, though
IN HOUSE ADVENTURE- the only reason she wouldnt spend all of her time with you on an adventure is if she gets paired up with someone in a group (ex. her sticking with kinger after jax put them together), since i feel she would be too scared to speak up about it, even if shes starting to gain more of a voice thanks to your influence
JEALOUSY- gangle doesnt really. get jealous. at least not in the "traditional" way, to be more accurate, she gets sad. i mean, she knows shes a crybaby, she knows shes frail, but she wouldnt want to make you feel bad that she feels bad. please give her a lot of reassurance :(
KISS- lets play my favorite game! admins favorite hc for characters with no normal mouth/lips! she gently doinks her mask against your face; careful not to hurt you and to not accidentally knock off her mask! loves giving you cheek kisses, loves receiving forehead kisses
LOVE LANGUAGE- gangle feels loves when you reassure her that you love her just as she is, as well as when you spend time with her. gangle shows her love by making you gifts and fawning over you
MENDED- should you ever come back from being abstracted some how, all those thoughts that plagued her mind are now voiced. she cant help it, she feels so bad for dumping her grief onto you the second you're retrieved from the cellar. but she cant stop herself. poor girl is going to wrapped around you, literally..
NO- please dont be mean or rude to her she will feel very bad, even if you're just teasing her or joking. she already has to put up with everyone else (well, mostly jax)
ODDITY- when the comedy mask is on, she can light up a room, well, kinda. we dont get to see her with her comedy mask but i think shes loads more cheerful with it on, and perhaps even a smidge more confident in herself, when the mask is broken she can take a quick nose dive. its not so much thats it weird, more so that its a bit jarring at how big the change is
PDA- very shy about PDA, but i think ultimately if you want to hold her hand she wont object!
QUIET TIME- one word, drawing. but also i can see the two of you just being able to lie in bed with each other in comfortable silence
ROSES- PAPER ROSES PAPER ROSES! i may have a soft spot because i myself used to make origami flowers, but i think she would give you a bouquet of paper flowers. she would be over the moon if you gave her some, she looks like a dandelion enjoyer (like the yellow ones, but i think she would also like the white fuzzy ones)
SHH- loads of secrets, a lot of them tying into the jealousy segment. gangle probably also doesnt speak up about when someone is mean to her, opting to stay quiet in order to not cause issues or drama. please help her break that habit
TUNES- it might be because ive been listening to jack on loop, but this is the first one that comes to mind:
UPSET- when she gets upset she just wants to be comforted and held; when you're upset shes ready to do everything it takes to help you, just say the word and she'll do it... the image of gangle confronting someone for your sake has just flashed through my mind, though i think that may be the one thing she wont do... would love to see it though
VALENTINE- paper hearts. you two decide to go to the digital carnival together and experience some of the themed attractions... namely, the ferris wheel.... should i bring up everyones favorite ferris wheel trope...
WANT- she wants someone who wont think shes some. weirdo. and who thinks shes worthwhile
XOXO- little love notes, similar to my idea for ragatha! though gangle is more... eh, about it, since she fears you might be turned off by it
YEARN- id say in the middle, since she can respect your space and whatever it is you need to do, and she has to admit herself there are times where she wants to hang out with someone else or be alone; and thats perfectly okay!
ZZZ- likes wrapping her entire body around you, head to your chest. she doesnt really move when she sleeps, too entangled around you to do that. probably snores very softly
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weirdmageddon · 9 months
ur davejade posting has me Remembering and goddddd. theyre so good. thank u
i want to make a davejade analysis masterpost but the funniest thing with these asks is that theyre the ones that really prompt me to put my thoughts together in some direction and i ALWAYS find a new implication or connection to talk about. like while i’m writing the connections will just make themselves known. if i made a masterpost i’d have to update it every time i think of something new which defeats the purpose of a masterpost because it’d never be finished. so i just like to spitball into separate posts and just shove them in my davejade tag. i was NOT expecting to get back into homestuck with davejade at the forefront but i can see things now i didnt then
im gonna go off again because it’s so obvious to me on this jumpy scrambled “reread” that dave has a fat fucking heart-on / affection erection for jade. hes tryin soo hard to be cool but hes like this with jade actually behind the screen and she knows it
words and deeds of a court jester dude who totally has a crush on his childhood internet friend and doesnt acknowledge it (btw this is woefully incomplete for the sake of brevity but i could elaborate in another post. i actually have a draft (edit: posted) with a shit ton of more analysis stuff in it on why he acts differently with her than other characters):
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the next day (chronologically) when jade messages him:
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hussie commentary: “Dave's one-pixel-smile there means that there are literally more than ten thousand drawings on the internet of Dave and Jade kissing. That pixel literally made that happen.”
i mean … it sure is easy to assume how he feels about jade based on the way he talks to her and when his sprite only ever smiles one other time in the entire fucking comic and the reality of that other one was arguable since it was during [S] Karkat: Mental breakdown and its likely karkat was hallucinating it based on the content and context of the flash
nah this one was real. and it was from the first conversation we saw between dave and jade in the comic and thus set the standard for their dynamic. and remember old school 2009 dave was kind of a menace so it says a lot
this girl was special enough to him to warrant that pixel
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jade calling dave a “huge baby” for him getting nervous about a piss while she’s his server player. he makes such a big deal about it while shes like oh my god just go:
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and the absurdity of the situation being one of his favorite memories
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i know pesterquest isn’t “canon” canon but it passes my character essence check and still contributes something of substance to my argument. like i can say this is not at all out of place if these characters were plopped into these scenarios. remember this takes place on the same day as the above, 4/13/2009. theyre the same age as above and have the same relationship as they did above, just in a different scenario that wasn’t possible in canon wherein they didn’t play sburb
Jade wanders away from that window and toward another one, whose view is exclusively centered on the rolling blue. She presses a hand against the misty pane and sighs. JADE: you know, dave talks a lot about coming to visit me here. i mean, all of my friends do but dave especially JADE: in his usual davey way of course, which means making lots of jokes and not sounding very serious about it JADE: "yeah im itching to put on my safari hat and come traipsing down to doomdeath archipelago to get my ass murdered by infinidog the eldritch retriever," stuff like that JADE: i know he really means it though! he wants to see me, just like i want to see him JADE: but its just wishful thinking
anyway daves reaction to seeing his isolated online friend for the first time irl cry because she has guests. its even better with the character sprites
JADE: we can play with all my toys and jam out to some music and stay up all night chatting with each other and oh my god oh my god youre here youre all here this is really happening!!!!! Jade's next laugh verges on hysterical and she's got tears streaked down her cheeks. Dave looks a little perturbed. DAVE: wow holy shit uh DAVE: its cool jade no need to get so DAVE: like this DAVE: kind of fucks me up seeing you cry DAVE: not that im trying to make this all about me DAVE: i mean uh
and so after mspa reader’s intervention, who do we see with jade the next time we see her?
dave. and hes goofing with her squiddles while grinning
DAVE: okay so lets see what we got here Jade's room is bright and cheery, fresh flowers in the hanging pots, curtains pulled open wide to let in the afternoon sunlight. Jade sits on her bed while Dave paces in front of a line of squiddle toys, carefully assembled in neat ranks. DAVE: this blue one is clearly in charge look at his dominant posture DAVE: also hes the only motherfucker not tentacle deep in his homie DAVE: hes an untangled buddy that is some shit really cuts to the core of like DAVE: DAVE: emotions JADE: its actually because the magnets in him are messed up, and always have been!! DAVE: harley you are ruining the magic come on
basically what im putting together is that dave was REALLY fixin to spend some time with jade. extending into her sphere of interests that he doesnt express much with anyone else; you can tell he really wanted to engage with her in a less irony poisoned way. he’s softer with her than his other friends and god forbid the trolls, he is much less skeptical about things when talking to her (he even questions why he just seems to go along with her eccentric precognitive statements but he doesnt change his attitude about it), he showers her with his music and raps to the point where jade is expectant of getting poetry from him. rap IS poetry. please realize that dave is sending her his poetry, regardless of how goofy it may be. this is the level on which im viewing this at and once you realize this theres no going back. there comes a time in every homestuck’s life where they have to see how dave interacted jade and conclude that he had a cute little puppy crush on her unbeknownst to either of them. and it was adorable. and now, in the year 2023, it’s your time to realize this too. no going back.
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and btw it all came back around…………………nimblest son of a bitch who had the gumption to glue a nasty pair of latex cat lips to his face
for a reason that wasnt a joke anymore
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don’t think ive seen anyone talk about this parallel at the end to one of their first conversations in the comic. maybe somebody did back in the day but i never saw it
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fyloe · 20 days
Hello! How do you characterise your Lamb? What is the AU that has two Lambs here? One seems to have a history with Heket. What is your favorite weapon and curse and relic? Who is your favourite NPC? Drink water and eat your vegetables daily.
This took me a while to answer because I was gonna draw art for it but I felt bad for making you wait after begging for asks so I'm answering anyway.
The Lamb is my au is just a tired little creature they go by both They/them and He/him, mostly they/them though. They only really give a shit about their Mom, Uncle (Jay), and their grandpa Ratau. Lamb is literally their name. Like, that's their full name. But, Marrei calls them Lamby sometimes. They're always tired and sort of stoic, they get annoyed easily, and are full of teens angst despite being forever eighteen. They're SOOOOO a Mama's Boy it's a chronic condition actually. They love naps and slaughtering those against them, also homemade food and sewing. They like to garden, and cook but aren't good at either.
If you're talking about my drawing of my Lamb meeting canon lamb it's because it was just a "how would those two react upon seeing each other" kind of scenario, but if you're referring to the drawings of Marrei (his mother) she was presumed dead thousands of years ago by Leshy, Kallamar, and Shamura because that's what Heket told them so that's why she's still around. When they executed Lamb they truly figured they had the last lamb.
She does have a history with Heket as she used to be her consort and is still devoted to her after all these years despite her sadness about their fallout. Marrei is the only one allowed to worship the Old Faith in the cult because Lamb can't find it in them to get mad with their mother.
I think my favorite weapon is the poison sword but the godly version and I despise the axe. I'm a "need for speed" kind of person. It's not the dagger because the strong attack is horrendous when trying to break shields.
Curses I think is the four tentacles in each direction, relic is the one where it strikes lightning on a random enemy. It helped me kill Kallamar and my wife Heket.
Ratau is pretty high for NPC but if Heket counts I choose her every time, but I assumed you mean the friendly ones. I like the clothing lady she's fun, but still. Ratau is my little man. I love rats a lot. I've had three. I also am interested in Aym and Baal, I have Baal in my cult rn and he's so cute. I fw the fox so hard he's so mysterious I think he'd be my favorite IF HE DIDNT EAT MY GRANDPA!
Ty for the reminder to drink and eat I have a chronic problem of forgetting lmao
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Little preview of a comic coming out for such a great ask~
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heats-lover-girl · 1 year
Star Boy Blues
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Jotaro x reader
This was another ask from @kazenomegaminowanpisu! You should go look at her writing and art as well, shes very talented!
Slight angst with a fun ending 😌
Tw: reader thinks that Jotaro's birthday is the next day, an upst Jotaro, a few cuss words, this is before stardust crusaders there is no Kakyoin, Avdol, or Iggy
Jotaro, in (Y/n)'s opinion, was acting a bit strange today. He would usually be ok with her walking next to him halfway to school with intertwined pinkies before spreading apart so it didnt cause any drama withing the Jojo fanbase, but a little bit after they started walking he let go and sped up. It didnt end there either, there would usually be fleeting glances, sometimes she would feel a hand on the small of her back that wasnt really there, but there wasnt today, there was none at all, and (Y/n) didnt know why. She would talk with him later, she promised to herself, when the other girls would be gone. But for right now, she'll give him some space, maybe he needed it.
Jotaro was hurt, not once today did (Y/n) wish him a happy birthday. Not when he met with her this morning, not in the halls, she didnt even try to sneak up to the rooftop to eat lunch with him. Did she forget? Is she doing it on purpose? She must have been, his stupid fanclub have been squealing him 'happy birthdays' all damn day. And she should have heard is mom tell him happy birthday at the door before he walked up to you this morning, and this hurt the large teen. His ghost came out to look for the female before looking at Jotaro, "Ora?" it muttered just as hurt as his user. Jotaro flinched, "Get outta here you damn spirit!" he growled. 'Maybe she didnt want to draw attention, she'll probably say it on our way back home...' Jotaro thought.
After school the two teens met back up and walked for a while before (Y/n) spoke up; "Jotaro?" she asked "Hm." "Are you feeling ok? You've been kind of off since this morning, are you having a bad day? Yould you like to talk about it?" (Y/n) watched as the males eyes widened a bit before slowing down and then steeling his gaze forward and booking it the last few feet to his house in one split moment. "Oh... I didnt get a chance to hint about his present for tomorrow..."
"Jotaro? Is that you? I made your favorite- Jotaro?" Holly looked at her son as he sped by with an angry look, his sock covered feet thumping against the ground before ending at his room with a slam of the door. "Oh dear!" Holly walked over and knocked on the door "Jotaro, are you alright?" she asks, "GO AWAY YOU BITCH." Jotaro thundered behind the door, Holly startled before smiling "Okay!~".
"(Y/n) honey is that you? How was your day at school?" your mom asked. "It was ok, Jotaro was acting a bit strange today though..." you said as you untied your shoes and put on your house slippers. "Oh? Did he not like his present?" You looked at your mom in confusion, "His present? Mom his birthday is tomorrow." you said. (M/n) looked at you in suprize before she furrows her eyebrows, "No, no honey, its today... (Y/n), you didn't..." you stood frozen, "You did. You get that poor boy's present and haul your ass over there and apologize! Right now!" She yelled. You ran frantically to grab his present before speeding out the door, your house slippers pounding against the sidewalk. A couple blocks later you make it to the Kujo house and sped past Mrs. Holly, "Oh my! " she gasps, "Hi Mrs. Mom Imma go see Jojo!" you pant out before banging on his door. "Jojo!"
Jotaro was sulking on his bed reading his shounen manga when *BANG BANG BANG* "Jojo!" his girlfriends voice hollered through the door, Jotaro's ghost came out in alarm before looking at its owner and smiling, "Ora!" it pointed a purple finger at the door. Jotaro frowned before waving it away, he then looked at the door, "What do you want?" he glowered. He hears shuffling outside, "Open up, I have a suprize for you.". Jotaro huffs before getting up and heading to his door, when he opened it you held a present toward his chest "Happy birthday Jotaro!~" you hum.
The larger teens eyes widen a little bit before frowning, "You forgot, dont play innocent." he grumbles. You flinch, "I thought it was tomorrow, I'm sorry Jojo. But I got your present weeks ago, do you still want it?" you ask pulling away halfway before his hand grabs it, "No," he grumbles with pink on his cheeks, "I want it." you smile and nod your head a little at his words. Jotaro looked at the paper covered in ocean print and his lips have a ghost of a smile on them, he tears the edges and pulls the hardback book out of its confinement and his blue eyes widen. The Hidden World of Sea Stars, a 287 page book all about his favorite sea creature, you could practically see the cogs turning in his head. "You were talking about wanting to be a marine biologist and writing an essay for your entrance exam, so I hoped to get you started, I hope you like it!" You explain. Jotaro's heart felt like it was jack hammering against his chest, his face felt like it was on fire, and all he could think to do was grunt and bring it to his chest like a schoolgirl. There was a shudder of a camera and the two teens whirl they're heads to the side and see Mrs. Holly with a camera, "I'm saving this one for the wedding!! Oh (Y/n) dear stay for dinner, its Jotaro's favorite, curry!" she hums. Now both teens faces were flushed, Jotaro reacting faster than you, "GET OUTTA HERE YOU -" "Sure I would love to stay for dinner Mrs. Mom!" you interrupt smiling. "Ok!~"
Omg I'm sorry this took so long, I lost track of time! Thank you for reading and have an amazing day/ evening/ night!
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dogboyklug · 6 months
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UH-OH! a comic about being trans. by me. part one of probably three :]
i felt bad about being transmasc so i decided to just give up and write about it until i hopefully didnt. i feel a little better getting this all on digital paper but there's still. a lot to draw. so. oops
i'll be posting the next parts. whenever they're ready (which will hopefully be soon) and linking them all here, so whenever you want just check back with the base post and i'll prolly add some links and maybe clean things up. yay!
text transcript / partial ID under the cut!
looking back, there were a few signs i might have been trans.
[a sequence of events showing little me flinching and going "ow" at being called his deadname, little me reading a book and going "haha im like a tomboy but i dont like sports or being active or anything im just. a boy. haha", and little me having an active breakdown, crying and holding his glasses, with partially obscured text in a dark cloud around him. the only text visible shows his thoughts, and shows he's worrying that he's sexist for mostly only liking and relating to boy characters.]
there were also a few things i considered signs of me not being trans at all.
[a drawing of little me, looking at his 3ds. he's thinking "as long as i make sure that i always play as the 'main girl character' in these games i wont cry because im a girl because i wont be me as a girl i'll be Them. roleplaying. as them".]
no dysphoria.
[caps] EXHIBIT B: [end caps]
[a crude drawing of little me staring at nothing. he's thinking "i don't hate women. and i don't like being mean to other people."]
[caps] I WAS A FEMINIST. [end caps]
and not toxically masculine.
i knew about trans people, but i didn't know trans MEN existed.
[a drawing of little me, with the caption "clueless". he's staring slightly up, and saying "huh?!"]
my mom was nonbinary, with a few trans friends, but people [caps] WANTING??? TO BE MEN??? [end caps]
to be
[the background slowly gets darker until it reaches the final word, and that word is a significantly bigger font than the rest of the words.]
for a while, primarily due to my lack of research
[drawing of little me, staring at his computer (which is labeled "deviantArt machine") and going 'huh'.]
i figured, if i WAS trans, I was probably a trans women.
but of course, that was silly
you can't be a trans woman if you're already afab.
and there's no other ways of being trans,
[a crudely-drawn drawing of a deviantArt favorite's tab. none of the favorited pieces have any detail, though several are the same width and length as classic deviantArt stamps.]
[a crudely-drawn drawing of a representation of one of the favorited stamps. it's a massive, pink stamp with the text "SHE/HER!" in it in all caps and pink lettering. bottom text states it is a "she/her pronouns badge by ...", though the rest is cut off.]
[a picture of a mouse hovering over the 'favorite/unfavorite' button. the star is filled in, indicating clicking it would unfavorite the piece.]
[two wordless panels, side-by-side, showing little me staring at his screen, hovering his cursor over the unfavorite button.]
[two more panels, showing that little me has unfavorited the she/her badge. the panel showing his face shows he is grinning wildly, his hair has poofed up in excitement, and his glasses are now blue-ish purple.]
.................and that's
quite literally
how it happened.
before i knew how bad the entire site was, i would frequent dA. CONSTANTLY.
it was baby's very first "social media" webpt site.
[a drawing of a tiny, cartoonish kitten with a small turf of hair, staring at wonder up at a computer, one hand on the mousepad. it is labeled "dramatic reenactment of me making my d a account."]
i wasn't really SHELTERED as a kid, i just didnt know fuck for shit, and my baby anxiety made learning annoyingly hard.
so i turned to memes as a sort of wire mother as opposed to my real, cloth one.
jokes can be easier to understand than reality, sometimes.
(this isnt a good thing.)
so, i sort-of-came-out on deviantart, home of the wacky, wild and weird, where i learned he/him pronouns were an option, and a choice.
[a drawing of little me, with blue glasses, gazing up at the sky and smiling triumphantly.]
and some crazy trauma but that's for a different comic. if i make it.
[a drawing of little me being hit with a cartoonish star, which is meant to represent the trauma.]
that's it, right?
[little me, with a cartoony bandage on his head, gently rubbing his wound.]
my mom was supportive & anyone who wasn't ...isn't in the picture now
that's the end
end transcript.
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alisblackgf · 2 years
hello there! if you wouldn’t mind could i get either kaitlyn or dylan with a crush who enjoys doodling on their arms to relax and one day doodles out a little confession on their arm before claiming they’ve got some camp errands to do and running off before character sees it, and when character is ranting to their friend about how much of a crush they have on reader their friend points out the confession written out on their arm. shenanigans ensue :)
YES. yes. i like doodles
pairing: dylan lenivy x gn!reader (reader has anxiety)
and NO i didnt pick dylan bc of favoritism i spun a wheel and I HAVE PROOF if any of you want to see it
trigger warnings: mentions of anxiety attacks (pure fluff tho yay!)
summary: dylan would let you doodle random things on his arms to help you relax; one day, you decide to let him know how you truly feel, running off before he notices. he rants to kaitlyn about his undying love for you, completely oblivious to the surprise you’d left him.
taglist: @closedaccountss @sweet-daisies @tywrites @walkingus @yawagucci @fallingwings26 @rainbows-dreams @dylanlenievy @aspendvd  @bloodverz @laracrof7s @aaetherr69 @zomworlds @jjkk1m
(to apply, click here!)
(also again if your @ isn’t there it means it wasn’t working IM SORRY)
my official apology for the angst fic
“what’s that one?” dylan asked.
“a ufo...kidnapping a dog.” 
“it looks like a cow.” he rolled his eyes playfully. you aggressively scribbled on his arm in response. he looked down at it with wide eyes.
“aww, is that me?” dylan expressed with an insufferable sarcastic tone.
“getting kidnapped by a ufo.” you deadpanned.
“not even the aliens could resist me.” he responded, which made you look at him. you stared him directly in the eye, and he did the same. 
“whatever, nerdbrain. and also, maybe the dog wants to look like a cow.” you laughed, looking back down to continue your drawings. dylan didn’t stop looking at you, though.
when you first arrived at hackett’s quarry, you often had anxiety attacks. you were in a new area and felt like everything was out of your control, which caused you so much stress.
you worried excessively and were often lost in your own cruel thoughts, but ever since dylan allowed you to doodle on him, the anxiety would still peek its head, but ultimately died down.
dylan loved the fact that you came to him when stressed, and that he (or at least his arms) could make you feel better. it also gave him time to admire you from up-close. jacob and nick would always tease him about it, but he didn’t care. you were just too adorable.
“y’know, for someone so kind to kids, you really are mean.” he speaks up, not averting his gaze from you. he smiled to himself when he felt you scribbling aggressively again. 
this time you looked at him with an annoyed smile, which made him look at his arm. you drew a middle finger. he gasped dramatically.
“(y/n)! what will the kids think?” 
“if you pay them they won’t snitch,” you smiled at him and he felt his heart melt. he loved looking at you, and if he continued he was sure he’d melt as a whole. but maybe he was fine with that.
you look around, debating whether or not you should take your chance now and write how you truly felt about him on his arm. you shrugged, confident that even if he didn’t reciprocate your feelings, your friendship wouldn’t falter. you quickly wrote i like you dylan, romantically -(y/n) on his arm and quickly thinking of an excuse.
“your arms are completely tattooed, you’re welcome, and as much as i would love to do your face next, mr. h actually has some work for me to do right about now.” you smiled at him before getting up to leave. he sighed at your fading figure and looked at your doodles, somehow completely missing the confession. he then called kaitlyn over, who rolled her eyes at him, coming over to sit next to him. when she sat down, she knew exactly what would happen.
“before you even say anything, is this about (y/n)?”
“no! ...maybe. okay, yeah, it is.” he admitted. kaitlyn groaned while he ranted on and on about how you’d never like him back.
kaitlyn, who’s not listening to any of it since she’s heard it all before, looks at his arm, and sees the confession.
“i don’t think you have to worry anymore.” she smirks.
“what are you talking about?”
“look at your arm, doofus.” she points at the confession note you wrote.
he looks at the spot where she’s pointing and his eyes widened.
“literally how did i miss that?” dylan whispered to himself.
“maybe because you’re an idiot,” she remarked, getting up and leaving.
dylan looked around and saw abi walking by.
“hey, wait, abi? have you seen (y/n)?”
“uh, yeah, actually. they’re hiding behind that tree over there,” she pointed. “when i asked why, they told me they did something that was possibly really stupid.” abi shrugged. dylan thanked her and she nodded in response, carrying on with what she was doing.
dylan practically ran to the tree to see you hiding behind it, head in your knees.
“(y/n)? it’s dylan.”
“hi...dylan.” you spoke, voice muffled. you were prepared for the worst. even though you had confidence in your friendship, getting rejected would be too embarrassing and would break your heart.
“i saw your confession. i, uh- well..i like you back.” he sat down next to you, rubbing your back. you lift your head upon hearing his words.
you smiled at him and rested your head on his shoulder. he responded to the action by resting his head on yours, while reaching for your hand.
“...does this mean you’ll kidnap me instead of the aliens?” he smiled, happy to be close to you.
“don’t give me any ideas,” you playfully warn.
yay a happy ending!!
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class-1b-bull · 11 months
class B with a friend/SO who loves to draw and paint? and is really creative
thank you 🙏
lord and saviour provider of 1B content
have a nice day :)
Thank you so much! Have a great day! <3
Also I leaned more towards the SO side on some of these but it could still be either or!
Not proofread we die like men.
Awase -
He LOVES watching your creative process when drawing and painting. If you start to pull out your sketch book or whatever he will try to look over your shoulder. Loves drawing little smiley faces in the corners of your art.
Sen -
His entire social media page is pictures of you, random ass scenery and your art work. Every time you finish a piece hes practically running to go take a picture of it. Hes so proud and it shows.
Kamakiri -
Honestly didnt care for the art at first until one day you doddled him or his favorite bug or something on a random piece of paper you found and now he adores your art. He doesent show it but he goes over the moon when you ask him what to draw
Kuroiro -
Hes really edgy about it. Everytime he sees you painting hes just like. "The jet black on the tip of your brush is represents my darkness tainting you, who is the pure white canvas..." or smthn and your just like "actually the background is just black on this one..." please let him be poetic.
Kendo -
Loves seeing the finished product but she loves it more if you show her the ugly stage first so she can see how much changed! She just loves watching your process and how each piece changes over time
Kodai -
She has a few pictures youve drawn hanging in her room but other than that shes not very interested in the actual process. She does like going shopping for supplies with you tho.
Komori -
The two of you make 3d art pieces together. You paint a painting and she grows mushrooms on the sides of it or on the canvas itself to make it look like pop up art <3
Shiozaki -
"$100 to paint jesus" she loves your art! If you ask her for suggestions theyre all gonna be either religion related or scenery because thats just what she likes the most. Shes also one of your biggest supporters!
Shishida -
He loves your art and he makes sure your at your best when painting! Thirsty? He'll make some tea or get you a glass of water. Hungry? Hes already making a sandwich. If youre about to accidentally drink your paint water he will point it out to you before you can.
Shoda -
Hes not one for art but he likes to help any way he can! If you ran out of a specific color he will go right to the store for you. Hes also getting your favorite drink while hes there just so you dont get thirsty!
Pony -
Theres two wolfs inside of her. One is saying to keep all of your amazing art forever. And the other says to watch people bid for it on e bay (with your permission) and sell it to the highest bid. No matter what she is always supportive of your art!
Tsubaraba -
Hes known to be a bit of a perv so if you do nsfw commissions, his wallet will always be empty.. even if you dont though he adores your art! There is no more room in his room for your works.
Tetsutetsu -
Has probably accidentally messed up some setting paint on a canvas and then grabbed a brush to try and fix it.... only making it worse. Poor dude almost cried when you caught him ngl. His life savings is going towards art supplies as an apology!
Tokage -
You two tag team every painting. Youre coming up with ideas while shes looking for good references. You say youll need some pink in a minute and shes already mixing it. Need paintwater cleaned or a pencil sharpened? Shes already doing it.
Manga -
You know that art challenge where you and a friend switch paintings every 10 minutes until your done painting, he LOVES doing those. He also just enjoys both of you silently drawing in the same room as eachother. The class fridge is full of you twos drawings.
Honenuki -
Anything that has your drawings on it he loves! Once you gave him a sticky note with a quick 15 minute drawing on it and he carries it with him EVERYWHERE! One of the pockets of his hero costume is that sticky notes dedicated pocket! After each drawing he will message your hand to stop any injurys from forming <3
Bondo -
Like Shishida, he just makes sure youre taking care of yourself while drawing or painting. What good is an amazing artist if your sick and cant draw.
Monoma -
"I could totally do that.." then you hand him the brush and suddenly he shuts up. Will talk shit about how easy art would be for him if he tried but he would fight anyone else that said it.
Reiko -
She coaxed you into drawing a creepy ghost once and she used her quirk to make it float and chase people around the dorms in the middle of the night. She now keeps that same painting on her wall <3
Rin -
I really like the idea of using his scales for textures idk why. Like imagine you just drag him away from whatever hes doing, you ask him to cover his arm in scales and you just start painting him yellow. He loves helping tho and if you ran out of room to store things in your room his dorm is always open!
When I was writing this I got a random flash back to me selling nsfw drawings to highschool students when I was in 5th grade. I dont remember what I charged but I ended up with about 2k by the end of the school year. :>
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xblackreader · 1 year
Headcanons for Alt. Attuma x Soft! Okoye
@karimk2 you’re a genius
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their favorite artists:
Attuma likes Three Days Grace, 21 Pilots, Ic3peak, Gorillaz and Mother Mother
Okoye likes Solange, Tems, SZA, Erykah Badu, & India Arie
what they do together:
go to art museums and late night listens to new music - sometimes okoye will take him to a local art museum and even if he doesn’t like Mayan artifacts in White possession it’s interesting to him
If he’s home late at night he’ll text okoye to see if she’s up and send her a bunch of songs that make him think of her, feet kicking and hair twirling 💀
he had started bringing her lunch or just stopping by after an appointment for a tattoo, then he found himself helping around in the shop and then in her apartment and then he was just… there. With her all the time.
are not usually very heated, just small disagreements where okoye or attuma will apologize after a few hours of silence but if they get to a point of raising voices, Okoye will cry bc she’s sensitive and Attuma will break.
no tears need to be on her pretty face ever; he’s sorry. she was right anyway. and even if she’s not, he’ll wait til she’s calm to explain his side.
intimacy before relationship:
intimacy is… interesting at first
she’ll find herself playing with his sleeve if he stands close enough to her, or if his attention is on something else, she’ll occupy herself by holding his arm and he’ll try not to obsess over the fact that she smells like a vanilla flavored wet dream.
if he’s sketching or drawing, all she has to do is sit next to him and start playing with his hair and he’ll get distracted. Eventually he had to start scolding her softly about it, he was getting no work done. But she pouted and got her way. He would just sketch when she wasn’t around or too busy to mess with him.
if she’s busy, he’d be such a hypocrite. “Okoye, listen to this bass guitar riff I’m working on.” “Okoye, can you braid my hair again please? it’s annoying me.” “Okoye, I can help you- please get off the ladder.”
then they have their first kiss: I’ll leave it up to imagination or the canon authors choosing 🤭
sometimes she’ll go to the tattoo shop to see him or bring him lunch after he’s there for hours and his co workers are excited to see the little lady who keeps gifting him plants and books.
she’s so small but doesn’t seem intimidated by any of them in the slightest, not even namora sheesh.
attuma lets her kiss him on the cheek and tells her he loves her too and he’ll be at her place by 7 and when she leaves, the laughter is unstoppable .
“little miss peace and love has got you whipped!”
“she’s cute as hell, how’d you pull?”
“ooh, I love you too okoye! thank you sooo much for my food. you made it? I’ll treasure it forever!”
cute moments:
one time as a little experiment, he let her tattoo a small heart on his chest. It was really sloppy and she had a bit of a hard time but she did well for her first time ever. he absolutely loves it and whenever he sees it on himself, he will text her a mirror selfie or something to tease her about it.
she loves all his tattoos but she’s surprised to learn they don’t all have meanings! some are just bc he was drunk or wanted one at the time! all her tattoos though smaller and minimal, have deep meaning and she explains them all to him. She’s so cute.
she teased him one time by showing him the big boy song by SNL with SZA, and she’ll sing it whenever he reaches something for her or is working out and gets so embarrassed she’ll never stop.
Favorite Attractive Qualities;
Attuma loves when Okoye wears more bohemian clothing or her neo traditional dresses. the stacks of bracelets and gold hoops. colorful head wraps and nude makeup. he has no idea why he can’t keep his hands off her when she does.
his favorite hairstyle of her is an Afro. He loves her natural hair and when she tries to teach him how to help her do it, he loses focus and just ends up twirling 4c curls in his hands and kissing her face.
Okoye loves when Attuma plays the guitar. He’s very talented and his hands are so nice with the veins and painted nails. He gets this focused look on his face and his brows furrow when he’s frustrated and she thinks it’s sexy when he writes lyrics or Melodies. He shows her a small bit of a song one day and admits it’s about her and she… is all over him immediately.
her favorite hairstyle on him is when it’s dry right after shampooing, his hair is wavy and conditioner and sooo soft… also she likes when he lets her give him massages bc she gets him to fully relax and she gets to kiss him over and over while watching him melt.
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just some reader headcanons 🤭
if you want to read the story this is based on
here’s a link 💗
thank youu!
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