#soon ill be around again and make new art and new content
cybermeep · 8 months
i forgot to give an update: im home now! i got home awhile ago actually.. eating late dinner and or latest of lunches pretty soon… i think im doing a bit better. currently listening to music and the works.. remembering memories from earlier today! both good and bad ones..
good memories: fun stuff in chess! that entire ordeal was really fun, maybe the highlight of my day.. got to talk with my friend again, uhh. Uhm. yeah. also wearing one of my favorite shirts. It used to be mediocre, but now whenever i think of it i get fond memories so i like to wear it often.. when im home, i mean. i can’t exactly wear this everyday. got to give two people hugs, but general reasons were more depressing.. also got to joke around with my acquaintance. he definitely has blackmail on me now. also butterflies! stamps! things i enjoy!
bad memories: me scampering around like a lost dog because the teacher i went to go see to talk to was eating lunch and i. Um. As stated before absolutely despise being in loud places when i dont need to.. crocodile tears (is that the right way to use that?) because i am… very sensitive and nervous all the time. um. also the fact the event was really loud.. i must’ve really upset this girl today because i was accidentally butting into a conversation again in my third period and she proceeded to give me a side eye then whisper off to her friend, said upset girl probably was ticked off by me being at the event.. i did not know the rules! i dont know social stuff! im gonna have to apologize to her tomorrow. i also feel immensely bad for the fact i mentioned said crying aloud earlier— i don’t mean to! im just a bad liar and love talking about things.. even if those things are not exactly great, as see here. also feel bad for the fact ive navigated social situations so badly today.. im so bad at reading tone its an issue. i hope im not being annoying..
im trying to not be a debbie downer though.. i have so many things to look forward to! different ideas and plans… new vermis book + gift which will be here.. sometime…. the museums i have to check out… having to ask my old art teacher if he knows any niche [insert specific architecture i cannot say without getting embarrassed] nearby or even far away.. also more general planning to try and make others happy is something i do rather constantly just because if i dont id probably go insane. ill be okay, i just end up soaking up emotions.. all the time. hopefully tomorrow will be better, but regardless im happy cause i got to hang out with people i enjoy so im content
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vampstel · 1 year
Hihi! I doubt you'll remember me because I entirely changed whatever stuff you knew me as but uh,
Hi Vampstel ^^
It's Dreamist (If you can still even remember me haha)
Or Well now it's Dye
How are you? Are you doing alright since the last time I came here?
I've been just hanging around your tumblr and liking your posts, Your art is amazing by the way!
I find it very nostalgic when I look at past art you've made to now because it just shows how much you're improving, even if you don't know it
Anyways I'm doing Omori-based art content now, it's not good quality but it's a start! Heh, You kind of inspired me to actually post art and stuff
Also, how has Rei Miyazaki and Lawrence Winters been?
Just one final thing, A Simple thank you, You helped me cope through a lot of shit without even knowing, adhsjvkahvgh
Anyways time to bury myself in coffin,
But seriously, Thank you Vampstel :D
Hi Dye!! It’s so nice to see you (or well, talk to you) again :D
I’ve been very well lately. Haven’t had my chronic illness act up in 2 months and my grandma’s coming to the UK soon (which I’m very excited about because I missed her terribly) so yeah!! Cool things are happening and I’m the happiest I’ve been lately. It kinda irks me how smoothly everything’s going lol but anyway
It’s funny you mention that, because I was looking at old art recently and also saw how much I’ve improved. Hell, while I’m drawing sprites and emotes I’ve noticed I’ve improved again and it’s making me wanna redraw everything lol since my current style is outdated :’)
I’m glad I was able to inspire you to start posting art and I’m really happy that I helped you cope with things. I hope you’re doing well!! Oh, and the husbands are well too. Got a lot of new art ideas for them + wrote more lore for them too that I can’t wait to share someday :P
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hat-scientist · 1 year
remember when i gave a sneak peek for something in [checks notes] october. yeah. i thought it had been even longer than that so thats good but im still sorry for saying nothing for so long haha anyway, my tablet broke, which is why nothing came of that little teaser. BUT! ive got a new one now and im getting back in the groove of digital art again, and subsequently, have been thinking about this blog again. just thinking. meaning- dont expect anything super soon. but i have been doing stuff in regards to it. writing stuff about bow kid's situation, changing hat scientist's design here and there, and just thinking in general about stuff to do for the story. more under the cut! :D
ill be honest- when i started this blog, i didnt have any.. plans for it. i just. Did it. no plot outline, just BOOM. hat kid scientist. to see it get so popular was so shocking for me- and i thank you all for how fun its been- especially the magic anon! i got so many asks for that!! i know a lot of people have unfollowed cause of my inactivity, but to those who are still here, thank you so so much! but, going back to there being no plot outline- its like trying to build a house without support beams. its gonna fall apart eventually. some stuff ive done im going to retcon out- and because of that, im going to make a summary post when i do eventually start the blog up again. it'll be full of stuff you already know, and stuff ive changed around/added in- probably redraws of old scenes, too. in regards to my art- its grown a bunch since i first started this blog! for reference, you can see my main blog's art tag in order here and the first ever image i made for this blog below... looking back on it now is.. oof. glad ive come this far, haha
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anyway, thats pretty everything i wanted to say. thank you for sticking around!!! if you'd like to follow me where im more active but also post non-ahit content, @captn3 is my main blog! cya later!!
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joe-england · 2 years
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The Anti-Muse.
That's what I call it.  It comes in various forms, whatever takes me away from my work.  Negative feelings, obsessive-compulsive distractions, or just mundane obligations.
You ever have one of those Summers when everything needs to be fixed?  The stove exploded, we had to sell a car, we're babysitting dogs, the deck needs painting, the gutters had to be repaired, the garage has to be emptied, and the backyard....
We have a pool.  And a spa.  Which makes it sound like we're rich or something, but we're not.  So when a huge branch fell on the pool cover during a winter storm and tore it all up, it was a headache.  But then we have to OPEN the pool when the weather turns, because otherwise the whole thing goes to Hell, and it's a chore.  Then it springs a leak that lowers the water level by several feet, which is a problem.  So then we have to order a water truck after getting someone to repair the lining, which is going to have to be entirely replaced next year, which is a bother.  Then the motor dies, so the algae grows, and we have to get a replacement, which is a nuisance.  Then the computer which controls the motor has to be replaced, which is a twist of the knife.  Then the water level stays low and I gotta fill it intermittently with a hose, which is a hassle.  Then I accidentally leave the hose on for too long at a stretch and our well gets drained so we have to avoid flushing the toilets for half a week, which is nasty.  Also, the spa somehow sprung a leak too and will also need to be repaired, which is a joke.  And we still haven't fixed the pool cover, because the pool company changed management and the people who work there got terrible, terrible illnesses, which is honestly tragic.  So now I'm struggling to talk with the pool cover company directly, but of course the thing is so old that no one can figure out when it was ordered and they won't return my messages and it'll be at LEAST another month before we can close this damn water hole for the winter, which is daunting.  And then the bills start coming, and that's some brutal money on top of NY State taxes.
I don't even LIKE having a pool.  I haven't set foot in it this whole year, but I have to go out and rescue bugs and animals that fall into it constantly.  I can flick the spiders and ants and beetles back onto the grass, but salamanders and frogs need to be relocated, so I gotta trudge through the backwoods all the way to a stream to deposit them in a better place, which is awkward since a big damn tree fell on the forest path and I gotta brave the tick-infested marsh to get around it.  Yeah, we need to take care of that tree, too.  Add it to the list.
Hey, don't mind me.  I just feel awful about not giving you more content so I'm waving my arms in the air a little, but I'm hyping myself up to start the new comic before the year ends.  It still seems kind of impossible, but interim projects are helping me feel capable again.  Actually, I already started a comic, but I'm not sure you would approve.  It's fan art, which is something I really never do.  I hope it's alright with you, I'll show it off when it's closer to done.
I've also been writing the last footnotes of the Omnibus (believe it or not), and I've got a particular passion project for the Halloween season, which I hope you'll enjoy.  See, I'm working!  I'm not always posting, but I'm working!  On one thing or another!  You'll see the fruits of my labor soon.  If I can just beat the Anti-Muse.
That said, today is a heavy day for a lot of us for far more significant reasons than anything I listed above.  I can gripe about housework and art and distractions, but this is the anniversary of something that still affects many people very deeply.  If that's you, then I send my best wishes.
As usual, I'll provide a few links if you have the inclination and means to help make things a little better for someone, somewhere.
Thanks for listening.
Everytown for Gun Safety
Top-Rated Charities for Ukraine
The Trevor Project
National Abortion Funds
- Joe
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rexscanonwife · 2 years
Last little while has been real rough at work but I'm still hanging in there ❤️ I hope everyone's doing ok! And if you're not remember that things will get better, I promise.
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sombreboy · 3 years
Daffodil nightmares✾kth [E]
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PART TWO [FINAL] | READ PART ONE HERE. | READ ON AO3  ✾ 18+ Explicit content  ✾ xtremity; 9 ✾ pairing: Murder suspect!Yandere!Taehyung x Therapist!Female ✾ word count: 18k ✾ warnings: Mental illness, mentions of murder, heavy dubcon bordering noncon, sadistic/manipulative/possessive!Tae, masochistic!therapist, mentions of medication/drugs, profanity, degrading dirtytalk, rough/painful sex, marking/biting, choking, forced orgasm, unprotected sex, crying, so much cum her womb swells at some point, angst, violence towards art :( 
This fiction contains deranged desires and morals, please check all the warnings before you read.
A/N: The sequel has finally arrived. It’s been a thrill to write this with 🍁anon, who is such a lovely and amazing writer. I’m honored to have created this with them, and I’m excited to finally share this with everyone who’s been anticipating part two. Also a big thank you to @chimoona​​ for making the banner, cheering me on and helping me finish this up when I felt like my brain was going to wither away. Please let me know if you love it and how it made you feel. xoxo
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A week had passed by since the hearing, and it went rather smoothly. His lawyer, Jimin, easily got him into the facility after winning his case, and Taehyung was content with the fact that he’d get to see his daffodil more frequently.
Two more days passed after he arrived, and he was eager to finally see her again. But when he was greeted with a different face his heart had dropped to his gut.
The Chief Doctor, Kim Namjoon, had taken him in for the past week, and slowly, Taehyung had gone backwards into the silent, isolated man he once was.
He refused to communicate with Namjoon, only making the process more difficult. It even took a good five days before they had to force him to take the first dose of his prescribed medications.
Another week passed by, and Taehyung was feeling betrayed by her. His heart was torn into pieces, and his eyes were lifeless. At this point, he wasn’t sure if it was because of the drugs, or because of her. Maybe both.
His usual routine of therapy was coming around, and he was guided into the now familiar room in the facility. He hated it, being reminded every single day that she wasn't going to be there, and instead expecting Namjoon to walk in through the door any second. 
While seated on the couch, hands clasped together and eyes dead staring into his lap, he didn’t even bother to lift his gaze when the door opened, not noticing that this time, it wasn’t Namjoon who stepped inside…
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After her last visit to Taehyung, she spent the rest of the days anticipating the outcome of his hearing. Jimin had called her first, proud about how he had yet another successful case on his list. She'd heard nothing beyond how Taehyung would soon be moved to their facility to get his treatment for the next two years according to his verdict. She was quick to share the news with Namjoon who merely nodded thoughtfully as he perused the copy of Taehyung's report and then at her, with an unreadable look on his face. 
The next day, she had been informed Taehyung was transferred to Namjoon's care. And as much as she had wanted to confront him about making that decision without her input, she'd let it pass knowing very well how difficult Taehyung would be to Namjoon. And as expected, she was soon summoned by their Chief to retake the case on strict orders that she wouldn't personally get involved.
Namjoon had this knowing look in his eyes when he warned her and she begrudgingly agreed knowing what it meant. He'd supervise some of her sessions with Taehyung to make sure she followed the rules. Maybe that's exactly what she needed to know her place as his doctor and nothing more.
Stepping into the bright therapy room that was so different from where she'd met him, her eyes curiously rove over his slouched form against the couch. The carpet muffles the click of her heels as she makes her way towards him with a tentative grin.
"Heard you were giving Namjoon a hard time..." She pipes up, trying to keep the joy she felt at seeing him again out of her voice. "He's a lot better at this than me, you know, Taehyung?"
Taehyung looked up in her direction, eyes widening for a second before they squinted at her, as if he’s not quite sure whether she was actually there, or if it was just a figment of his imagination.
“You..?” The first words to ever leave his lips since he came to the facility, Namjoon's eyebrows raising as he’s been struggling the entire week to even get a nod or a crooked eyebrow from the man.
Her eyes are quick to note Namjoon's expression before she focuses her attention back on Taehyung, giving him an encouraging nod. "Yeah... It's me! It's really me." She says twice, her fingers curling around the notebook she holds to prevent herself from reaching out to him in reassurance. And she hopes Taehyung doesn't do anything that might further Namjoon's suspicion.
Taehyung seemed to finally be aware of his surroundings, seeing Namjoon's stature in his peripheral vision as he kept his eyes fixed on her. His gaze softened, but there was a stern expression on his face, lips pressed together in a tight line. He crossed his arms over his chest, the familiar action of his when he felt uncomfortable, thus less willing to communicate.
The flash of recognition is all she gets before Taehyung closes off again, making her seethe in silence at Namjoon's callousness. All the progress she made with him over their sessions at the prison, he'd managed to crumble it in one go and was expecting her to begin from scratch again.
She doesn't hide her annoyance when she throws a look at Namjoon over her shoulder as she moves to take the chair next to Taehyung, leaving the Chief doctor standing awkwardly by the door. She'd go about this the most general way until Namjoon left himself.
"Hey... how are you finding yourself at the facility? Do you like it so far?"
Taehyung's eyes avoided hers, however, they followed her feet until she was seated next to him. Feeling her closer, his tension seemed to fade, but only barely. His gaze returned to his own lap, arms still tightly holding himself before giving a subtle shrug, only noticeable if to eyes that were sharp enough to pay attention. And he knew she’d be the one to notice it.
She was so attuned to every single flicker of emotion in him by now, be it in his face or body, she's quick to catch the insignificant shrug of his shoulders which makes her sigh. So he'd decided to be a lot more stubborn than usual and she can't help but feel it was partly her fault even if it was mostly due to Namjoon's presence. She had abandoned him to someone else's care after all without even a fight, when she'd promised to care for him herself.
"Taehyung, if we are to work on your therapy, I'm going to need more than just a shrug." She tells him pointedly, her eyes glancing at Namjoon once. "Is there anything that's making you uncomfortable here?"
Taehyung breathes out a sigh through his nose, lifting his gaze to look at Namjoon's feet. He pressed his lips together tighter, a small nod serving as his next reply.
He really didn’t like Namjoon. The man was intelligent, calm and probably a great doctor. But he wasn’t her. And he didn’t make him feel like a person, merely a patient that he had no contact with. Just another name on his list of people throughout his day. 
But as previously mentioned, he still wasn’t her.
Languidly, she inclines her head towards Namjoon, her eyes urging him to get lost before his presence irked her patient any more. Namjoon merely gives her a blank look in return, jerking his head towards the door and letting her know he wanted to have a word before he left.
"I'll be back in a moment, Taehyung." She excuses herself, standing up to follow Namjoon out the door without another word. As soon as the door closes, Namjoon steps into her space with a concerned look in his eyes.
"Do you really think he'd open up more without me around?" There was a sense of apprehension in his tone, making her exhale loudly.
"I know he will. He's a lot more chatty when I ask the right questions. You don't have to worry!" Her words come out clipped, still feeling miffed from when he took Taehyung away.
"It's not him I'm worried about..." A hand comes to rest on her cheek making her look up, her eyes finally softening at his obvious concern. She was aware of the fact that he took over Taehyung's case only to show her he cared, in his own way.
"We've been over this already, Joon. Some of my patients need that extra care even if you don't approve of my methods. I promise I'm not getting emotionally involved or anything." She lies through her teeth, her gaze fixed upon his.
With a soft trace of his thumb across her cheek, Namjoon drops his hand.
"Fine! I won't question you again as long as you keep your promise." He relents with a pout. "Do you maybe want to meet up over dinner?" He asks after, his voice suddenly unsure, making her want to coo at his sudden bout of shyness. 
"Of course!" She replies with a smile, not having the heart to turn him down again. Once he leaves, she steps back inside the room, a lot more relaxed this time as she approaches Taehyung.
"So, where were we?" She doesn't hide the happiness this time around from her voice as she takes the chair next to him.
Taehyung's head jerks up to look at her again, this time slightly more comfortable without the other male observing them. His eyes were however laced with something darker, raking her up and down before pursing his lips, “What are you happy about?” 
How could she be smiling? She left him. Betrayed him. And now she came back as if everything was just—-fine?
She is so pleased at having his eyes upon hers again without his earlier sense of detachment, that she fails to see the anger lurking in its depth. She almost voices out how she was happy about going for dinner with Namjoon until she realizes she was in front of Taehyung.
Clearing her throat, she words her reply carefully.
"I'm glad that the Chief let me be your personal therapist again. Aren't you happy to see me, Tae?"
“You abandoned me.” Taehyung stared her down, no sign of anything but darkness in his eyes. He leaned back into his seat, his arms hugging himself tighter, as if to keep himself in control. Grounded. “You said two days.”
He didn’t even care if it wasn’t her fault. She promised, and he trusted her. 
Did Namjoon keep her from him? Was he the problem?
Her smile drops instantly from her lips as she watches him dissociate himself furthermore, making her grapple for a plausible explanation to appease him. And that's when she makes her first mistake.
"Taehyung, I didn't mean to make you feel abandoned. I swear..." She moves closer, placing her hand near him as she tries to look past the darkness hiding the real emotions in his eyes.
"It was a decision made by the higher ups. I couldn't exactly say no to the Chief without losing my job. Not when I know he's better than me. We only want you to have the best here. Even Joon... I'm so sorry!"
His arms were trembling as he was struggling to keep himself from her, internally wishing she’d move away before he gave in to his desire to touch her. He breathed heavily through his nose once more, eyes trained on her face to try to dissect her expression, even if his own was the one blank.
"They... took you from me. And put me with a male doctor that just wants me to be heavily med-..medicated.. " he slurred his last word, proving his point exactly. Even if the first few weeks were a very low dosage compared to what the full one by next month would be, it did affect him a little. He had less anxiety, less energy-- but his desires for her were not as affected.
Without a second thought, she moves next to him on the couch taking his shivering hands in hers, thinking it was due to the drugs and looks past his choice of words of how he thought they took her from him. That was her second mistake.
"Taehyung, no..." Her voice is soft, gently coaxing him to give her any reaction other than careful blankness. "They thought Namjoon would be able to help you better than me. He is my senior for a reason." She squeezes his hands as if trying to get her point across. "I'm really sorry if you felt betrayed, but from now on I'll be your only attending therapist. I promise..."
By now, comforting Taehyung had become an innate need within her that she no longer cared about what way he perceived it as long as he didn't reject her help.
Taehyung lifted his eyes to meet hers, his hands trembling in her grasp. When he felt her reassuring squeeze, the voice in his head started to whisper things, the earnestness in her eyes drawing him in. And as if she was his source of gravity, he didn't hesitate to pull her in by her hands, his lips crashing against hers in a kiss. He needed to feel her again, he's missed it, craved it for the entire time spent apart. He was mad, furious that he didn't get to see her for too long.
The barely there flash of emotion in Taehyung's eyes is her only warning before she goes crashing into his chest and his lips capture hers in a punishing kiss. Wasn't he supposed to be weakened by medication? She pushes against him and even twists her body trying to wrench herself free knowing the unrepressed anger she felt through his kiss won't bode well for her. But his hold on her is too strong to fight off and after a moment of struggle, she stops, hoping her passiveness was enough to make him let her go and remains unresponsive to his kiss.
Taehyung indulges in her lips, humming in content as he keeps her tightly in place against his body. The warmth he's missed for what felt like an eternity was satisfying, yet riling his darker side up. Her unresponsiveness didn't matter, he was simply happy to taste her once more, feeding into the addiction that is her. But eventually, he withdrew, his hold on her hands still intact, gaze intense as he looks at her, ''I missed you.''
She breathes in relief when he eventually backs off, trying one last time to pull her hands free unsuccessfully. Letting her eyes slowly trail up from their hands, to his chest, before coming to rest on his face, she resists a shudder at his burning stare. The darkness in them has returned, not yet shrouding his gaze entirely, but nearly there. Shaking her head, she turns away to look anywhere but directly at him.
"Taehyung... You— we can't do this. Not anymore! I told you the last two times were a mistake. You need to stop! This is going to be a problem if Namjoon or anyone finds out."
Taehyung sighs, leaning in closer, breath fanning the skin on her cheek as she looks away, ''You want me to stop?..''
A hint of mischief sparked in his eyes. Fine, if that's what she wanted, maybe he'd simply comply. Because that would be the least probable thing she'd expect of him. Merely, a trick of the mind, testing his therapist-- being on the receiving end of the nonchalance regarding their.. complicated relationship.
Taehyung loosened his grip until her hands were free, leaning back into his own seat, crossing one leg over the other as he lets his hands settle on his thighs, ''Then, let's begin the session, daffodil.''
She jerks back from him in surprise when he gives in to her rather easily. At the very least, she expected him to make a fuss about it. But this— the glint in his eyes is new, making her wonder what she missed out on over the course of time he was under Namjoon's care. Time to find out...
She moves into her chair, a lot more comfortable than the ones at the prison, and leans back keeping steady eyes on him. Choosing to ignore the new nickname he had for her, she clears her throat as she picks up her discarded notebook.
"So, Taehyung..." Her gaze flickers over his relaxed form warily. "How has your stay been here so far?"
Taehyung tilts his head forward, his overgrown fringe dangling over his tired eyes. A soft hum vibrated in his throat, shoulders shrugging vaguely at the question. It was rather dumb, she must know it was absolute hell for him without her.
“So and so.” He says quietly.
Resisting the urge to click her tongue at the return of his vagueness, she moves a little forward in her seat, trying to keep her frustrations in check. 
"I need precise answers, Tae. It was different back at the prison, I merely had to diagnose your condition for the case. If you want to be cured and leave the facility, you need to be much clearer than that." Her tone comes out clipped at his dispassionate response, something in her goading her on to provoke the fire back in the deep embers of his eyes cause he no longer resembles either of the versions she knew.
Mentally shaking herself away from that thought, "Let's try this again... How do you feel about your verdict? Do you think it's reasonable enough?"
Taehyung rolled his tongue on the inside of his cheek, prodding the flesh as he's thinking over his answer, ''My verdict.... Could you remind me?''
A smug grin pulls on his lips, playing this little game of his reminded him of how fun it was to frustrate her, the struggle he puts her through is a part of the reason he likes her. She's feisty if provoked, and.. Just hearing her voice was already making him feel better.
She begins tapping the end of her pen against the notebook as she regards him and his arrogance with a frosty glare.
"You want a reminder of how they pronounced you not guilty despite the extent of your crimes, all because they believed you were capable of improving with the right treatment? Do you think this is all a joke, Taehyung?" She sits up straight, snapping her notebook shut as she's reminded of Namjoon's concern earlier when he came to her about how Taehyung wasn't responding well like expected to the treatment. 
"If you keep up with this attitude, I won't feel guilty about leaving you back under Namjoon's or someone else's care." Her patience can only run so far, especially when he was purposefully being a prick about it.
Taehyung nods with a hum, yet his mischievous expression remains. He enjoyed the emotions he seemed to be able to pull out of her, whether they were positive or negative.
''I just wanted to hear it from you. I'm sorry.'' And there it was, the low, soft voice he knew she couldn't be mad at, manipulating her emotions little by little. ''They said some of my medication will take months before it does anything, but some I can already tell are taking effect.''
He was aware that she probably already knew, but it was at least something he could talk about. 
He's given testosterone suppressants to reduce the intensity and frequency of his sexual desires. However, it would take months before it would actually make a real difference. 
Another medication that would take its effect quicker within a few weeks, was the antipsychotics. Supposedly, they'd help calm his.. delusions.
He really didn't like the feeling. Almost numbing, so he naturally fought it. He just wanted to be himself, not who he’d become when he’s fed with drugs. The voice in his head became sleepier, but it wasn't gone.
So, frustrating his therapist kept that part of him alive, he wanted her to keep him alive.
''My verdict... I find it reasonable. But... I feel.. Uncomfortable?'' He pursed his lips in thought, his eyes squinted as he focused his gaze on the table, ''Like the medications create a layer around my feelings, numbing them.''
Her heart thaws mildly at the sound of his apology but refuses to show it on her face, knowing by now how he chose to play her weakness for him against herself. Closing her eyes firmly, she wills her annoyance away before facing him again with a clearer head.
"Considering your situation," she begins in a much calmer voice, "—and the reason why you were brought in, I'd say your verdict was pretty... lenient. It's more than just reasonable!" She points out, for the first time giving her own opinion on where he was involved. "But it's welcome nonetheless, for it could've been worse. We all only want you to get better, I guess..." 
Clicking her pen open, she starts scribbling down her notes, taking her eyes away from him for a brief moment. As much as she didn't want to assume he was telling her about the drugs to make her feel sorry and do something regarding it, she wouldn't put it past Taehyung.
"As for the medication, you're required to take them in specified doses to help you, Tae. Your feelings aren't your own right now. They're a conflict between yours and this... other side that forces you to do things against your will." She gestures around with her hands, trying to explain how the medications were actually a good thing for him. "The drugs aid in suppressing those abnormal instincts. This haze you feel is only a temporary consequence. Once you learn how to overcome those urges, we can always reduce the dosage and slowly take you off the medication completely." She flashes him a smile as if in reassurance, completely slipping back into her therapist mode.
"Other than that, how has your move here been so far? Namjoon was pretty upset about how you wouldn't let him treat you, you know?" She softly laughs at that, fondly remembering Joon's pouty face from that morning when he accepted defeat and approached her about Taehyung.
Taehyung hums as he nods, letting her know that he's listening to her every word.
"It is much more comfortable than prison," a soft sigh rolled off his lips, a content smile at the thought of how he gave Namjoon a hard time, "I don't trust him."
He only trusted her. His therapist. His.
Namjoon was indeed a great doctor, but Taehyung easily shut down. And so far, he's learned that the only person he wanted to ‘treat’ him-- was her. Well, he didn't really want to be treated.... he just wanted her. That's all it came down to.
Her eyes darted back to him at the obvious dislike in his tone, her smile slowly slipping off her lips. There was also this faint presence of smugness in the way he smirked, as if he was pleased with his actions that gave her a pause to reconsider her next track of questions.
"Namjoon is..." She begins haltingly, knowing she can't say something that'd likely set him off with her little crush on the said Chief doctor. "—he is one of the best doctors we have at the facility. And a lot more qualified than me to treat you, if I'm being honest. Is there a particular reason why you don't trust him?" She draws one of her legs over the other, crossing them at her thighs to lean back comfortably into the quilted chair.
Taehyung's lips formed into a small pout at the way she praised Namjoon, but didn't put a lot of weight on the thought. However, the question did give him something to think about for a moment, his eyes unable to focus on one spot as they flickered around the room.
''He is indeed a good doctor... But he's incredibly boring.'' His eyes finally found hers, a crooked eyebrow showing his vague attitude, ''You're much more fun.''
She patiently looks on, noting how his eyes flit around trying to find the answer to her question and finally finds her own as if she were his polestar, making her breath hitch slightly, and not in a good way. Especially when it came along with that comment from him.
"Fun?" She raises a single brow up at that, leaning on the armrest of her chair. "So you made his life difficult, just because you think I'm much more fun?"
Successfully resisting the scoff she was about to utter at the ridiculousness of that statement, she stands up from the chair.
"Taehyung, I feel like you and I have very different ideas about why you're here in the facility. We're here to treat you and not for your entertainment." Leaving her notebook on the desk, she steps closer to him pulling the sleeves of her stark white scrub up.
"Let's try this again..." She moves the table with a few instruments closer to him. "I'm going to take your vitals. But before, did you take your post-breakfast medication today?" She asks him with a skeptical look.
''I did,'' Taehyung nods, his gaze observing the tools laying on the small table. His least favourite part of being here is the medical stuff. From swallowing pills, to having his body checked. Call him childish, but it is just the way he's wired. It's like the dentist, he despises it just as much.
But, since it was her, his own doctor doing it, he felt more at ease, not putting any resistance in his behavior. The sooner it's over, the sooner they can get back to doing what he enjoys most; having a conversation with his therapist.
Well, there were other things he much preferred doing with her, but one can't have it all at once, can they? It's been too long, though..
She finds it hard to trust his words now, the puzzle pieces to his case coming together a little more clearly than before. Taking his temperature first, she hesitates a brief second before she takes his right hand in hers and pushes the sleeves up.
"I just need to get your blood pressure," she tells him in a dull tone, her eyes straying everywhere but his gaze as she methodically looks for his pulse with her fingers tracing over his warm skin. Once she finds it, she pumps the air quickly into the cuff and presses her stethoscope to his pulse to get his heart rate as the air slowly deflates. But the pointer in the dial gives her a pause when it displays a higher rate than normal, making her wrench the steth out of her ears and seek his pulse again on his wrist this time.
"Are you sure you took your medicines?" She asks again, her voice sounding more concerned now. The drugs should've technically induced drowsiness in him, slowing down his heart rate. "Your heart rate is nowhere near normal, Tae... have you been sleeping properly?"
Was he skipping his meds? Was he having adverse reactions to them instead? A million thoughts flash through her mind and she fails to see his reaction throughout it all.
Taehyung had been indulged in the feeling of her fingers tracing his skin that he barely heard her questions, his eyes snapping in her direction, widening at her disbelief in him.
''I swear I took them.'' He did, he wasn't lying... But it didn't stop the fact that her touch affected him so easily, the blood flow in his body was rushing with the way his heart started to race. He took a slow, deep breath to calm himself down, squeezing his nose bridge in frustration at the small voice still wanting to have its say, whether it was slightly numb or not. As his chest pounded heavier, the voice grew louder.
 She lets out a low frustrated groan under her breath. It just wasn't her day. The entire week, actually. Not ever since Namjoon tossed her schedule and plans out of the window in a need to prove himself. The fondness she'd been feeling earlier dissipated in a mere second and snapped her focus back on Taehyung, noting his tense muscles and closed eyes.
Not that she trusted him completely when he said he took his meds, but his voice sounded sincere. And from experience, she knew she was the last person Taehyung would lie to. A quick tap at her tab lets her pull up his records from that morning and she sees he was indeed given the required doses of his prescribed drugs. 
Dropping it back on the table, she sits down next to him seeing how her own agitation was causing him distress.
"Taehyung... look at me, I'm sorry!" She calms her voice down to a soft murmur, taking his wrist between hers once again. "Just keep your eyes on me okay? And follow my breathing pattern. In—" she inhales deeply, holding it in for a few seconds and then very slowly breathes it out. "Out!" Her fingers go from checking his pulse to gently stroking her thumb along it in a soothing motion, hoping whatever it was that's troubling him would pass on.
He follows her instructions, taking a deep breath. In--- Fuck, her scent is lovely--- and out, he slowly exhales with her, eyes fixated on her delicate fingers around his wrist. It was kind of working, he calmed down. The voice retreated, but he felt it lingering, as if it was waiting to surprise... even him.
When she feels his pulse beat back down slowly to a regular rhythm, she sags a bit against the reclined couch he was sitting upon in relief. She might have to look into his medications again with Namjoon and see if they can switch anything around to not have this happen again.
''Doctor,'' His voice was low, concentrated on her hand. He didn't want her to stop, so without thinking, he slowly lets his fingers intertwine with hers, ''Let me hold your hand.''
Taehyung couldn't resist.
She hums when he calls out for her, one hand still staying to stroke his wrist while she picks up the discarded tab to record his blood pressure and pulse rate, albeit she almost drops the tab again at his question and the way his fingers snake in between hers.
Her gaze flickers down to their hands, not immediately rejecting his advances even if she knew she should. "Tae," She begins a softly placating voice, "I don't think it's a good idea. What if Joon... or someone comes in? They might get the wrong idea."
Taehyung pursed his lips at her words, but he didn't withdraw his hold around her hand.
''What idea? We're not doing anything bad...'' It was purely innocent, right? He was just holding her hand... He's done it before.
Well, last time might've ended up differently-- but he's good now. He's medicated. He's fine.
He lifted his gaze to find hers, a smile adorning his lips followed with the small spark of mischief swirling in his eyes, ''We're just holding hands.''
"A doctor doesn't just hold a patient's hand randomly for the entire session..." She sighs, knowing it would only prove to be useless to argue against his words. At the little flash of mischief glinting in the corner of his eyes, she was a goner even before she could acknowledge how very much he looked like a curious child right then.
"Fine! But just hand holding and nothing more, okay?" She says to make sure he doesn't get any other idea into his head just because she gave in to him one more time.
Letting him keep a hold on her hand firmly, she reaches over with some difficulty to grab her note off her chair and pulls it to her lap just when her tab buzzes with a message from a colleague, which she ignores in her efforts to do everything single handedly.
"Alright, apart from boring sessions with Namjoon and draining medication, did you find any other change in yourself?"
She’s not just a doctor, he mused. And surely, they've done much worse.
''Look at it as a way to calm me down..'' He smirks subtly, but his lips fall back into a neutral state at her following questions. Any other changes? Not really... But also, yes.
Taehyung raises his eyebrows, gaze falling back to roaming the room as he's considering his next words, ''Nightmares.'' The way he says it was more like a sigh, eyes once again flickering between objects in the room as his mind seems to scatter, ''I sleep more, but I have nightmares.''
Feeling his focus slip away once again, she promptly squeezes his hand to bring him back to her at the mention of his nightmares. A frown curls around her lips, gaze tracing over his features in obvious concern that may or may not go beyond that of just a therapist.
"What kind of nightmares? Do you remember them when you wake up or is it just an intuition?"
Taehyung slouches down in his seat, trying to feel the material pressing against his back as an addition to the pressure she provided on his hand to keep him grounded. His gaze quivers as it finds his doctor once more, ''Both? Most of is just... words.''
Words, as in, the voice. As the medication had toned down the monster within his awoken state, it had gotten incredibly loud during sleep. And it was scary, because he looked just like Taehyung himself. It is a part of Taehyung. Or is it Taehyung? He started having trouble separating the two.
''I don't like it, I think it's the meds. I never had nightmares before, doctor.''
 "Words?" Her brows furrowed together in mild confusion when he mentions it. "Do you mean you hear them?" Her free hand flies down to write it all down while her brain tries to think of a way to help him through what she definitely deemed as progress unlike what he thought. 
"Taehyung, I want you to carefully think about these dreams and tell me why they make you feel this way." Feeling his hand tremble slightly in her hold, she moves closer, shushing him like she would a spooked child, almost letting him lean into her side for comfort. 
"I know it might seem scary..." Her voice turns into that of gentle coaxing. "And I know you blame the meds for it. But I think your alter ego is trying to threaten your subconscious cause it can no longer control your conscious thoughts. I cannot be sure until I know what you hear and see in your dreams, though."
''I don't remember everything, doctor..'' Taehyung furrows his eyebrows in thought, squeezing his eyes shut to try to recall his dreams, ''It's really blurry.. But..'', He pauses to look at her, ''This voice, it's... just my own-- but it doesn't feel like my own.. it tells me to ..stop?'' He nods, confirming his own words, ''I need to stop taking the meds. We-...I don't like them.''
Her spine straightens up alertly as she catches him uttering 'we' before he corrects himself, almost proving her perception right. As much as she wanted to counter his thoughts and explain what he's feeling was actually good, she purses her lips instead to keep their sessions as professional as possible.
"We can work on substituting or reducing your dosage, but I can't take you off medications unless I'm actively going against your court order. But you have to understand this voice is only trying to stop you from taking them because it feels threatened..." Exhaling a long drawn out breath, her shoulders slouch as she bends her head to look him in the eye properly. He looked tired but a lot healthier than he was in the prison. His warm brown eyes looked lighter despite the lifelessness about them, with no sign of the darkness consuming his thoughts anymore.
"Do you not see it for yourself, Tae? You're sleeping better than before. There has been no sign of the other side when you're awake. The drugs are helping you keep it under control." She bites her lip in thought before asking the next question, her tone almost hesitant. "Tell me, have you had those... urges recently?" It was a dangerous thing to ask, but she wanted to prove it to him that she was right.
Taehyung's eyes refuse to meet hers at the question, dipping his head lower to let his gaze stay fixed on his lap. He did feel something when his therapist touched his skin. He did feel the monster inside of him react, the urge for it to take over was there. It wasn’t as strong as before.
''I don't know. I don't think so..?''
He was lying without knowing. If the voice inside of him had a face, a wolfish sneer would adorn its lips.
Her entire posture instantly relaxes as a smile breaks out on her lips at his reply. His tone sounded sincere enough, albeit a little lost, for her to suspect anything.
"See, that's it! You are capable of resisting those temptations. This is good progress when we haven't even started your behavioural therapy yet." Her fingers quickly jot down every detail of their conversation so far, the smile never leaving her lips. Other than the kiss he forced upon her from misguided feelings, she believes he didn't feel anything even remotely sexual towards her.
"Despite me holding your hand right now, you're sure you don't feel it anymore do you?" She asks him again carefully, knowing it can't go down in the records, but she needed to make sure.
Taehyung looks down at their joined hands, giving it a small squeeze to check for himself.
''I guess not.'' He loosens his grip, letting his fingers smooth against hers before pulling away, something he knows he wouldn't normally want to do.
That was almost too easy. Something about that makes him feel... weird. He missed the way his body would feel electrified by her touch.
"Excellent!" She mumbles watching his hands slide out of her grip and away, the entire motion leaving her feeling something akin to bereft, as if he didn't need her anymore. But she chooses not to indulge in her emotions, shifting her focus upon him once more.
"In my opinion, we should continue with your medication as it is now. Maybe reduce it once your nightmares decrease..." She picks up her tab, not moving away from despite not being held back anymore. "I'll have to talk to Namjoon about it, but—" 
She misses her track of words when her eyes find Namjoon's message, politely asking to meet her for lunch instead of dinner because he couldn't wait. Snorting softly, she looks at the time. It was almost lunch hour. Maybe she should just show up and surprise him in his office instead of replying to his message. She puts the tab away with a smile, tilting her head to face Taehyung again.
"It's time for your lunch and medication again, Tae. Is there anything else you want to discuss before tomorrow's session?"
Taehyung glances at the tab as he notices how she smiles at it, it couldn't possibly be because of something she wrote down. He didn't like it, because he wasn't able to find out what it was for. 
At her question, he straightens his posture a bit, shaking his head, ''No.... Nothing.''
Easing off the couch with a few pats on his knee, she stands up to move the table away and sets everything back to normal on the desk. Facing away from him, she pulls off her scrubs and fluffs her hair a bit to make herself presentable.
"Come on, then! I'll bring you back to your room before I go for my lunch..." She tells him, glancing over her shoulder. It was unusual for doctors themselves to lead their patient back to their rooms, but she found herself not caring given her good mood. Moving towards the door, she almost forgets her tab laying beside Taehyung. "Oh! Can you bring that along as well, Tae? I need to discuss your medication with Namjoon while we're at it."
Taehyung's attention turns towards the tablet on the table as he stands up, bending over to take it into his hands. He was a bit surprised that she offered to walk him to his room, but he really had no reason or will to protest. He enjoyed all the time he'd get with her.
Call him curious, but as he picks the tablet up, he inspects it, as if he's never seen such a device before. Of course he had, but he wasn't entirely familiar with tech devices these days. He keeps it in his hand as he catches up with his doctor, a small smile on his face. This was the first time they'd be walking anywhere together, or be anywhere but in a therapy room for that matter.
She watches on as he seems to look over her tab interestedly, making her smile at the way his innocence shines through in such small gestures. If only everyone can see what she saw in him, they wouldn't take him for the monster he definitely wasn't. Sighing deeply, she opens the door and waits for him, signaling to the nurses in waiting that she got this and sends them away. When he finally joins her, she takes her tab from him and stacks it on top of the files and notebook in her hand with a grateful smile. Letting the door close behind them, she begins leading him towards his room a couple of floors above.
"I saw you looking at the tab strangely. Have you never used one before?" That brings another thought to her mind, and she turns to face him as they wait for the elevator. "What do you do in your free time here, Taehyung?"
Taehyung shakes his head, ''No, I am not really much of a tech guy.'' He chuckles lightly at the fact, feeling like he's probably the only one his age who doesn't own a smartdevice of his own.
As they're slowly walking together, Taehyung thinks for a moment about the next question, his eyes continuously peering over at her. The way her hair delicately flows from the momentum, the way her hips had a subtle sway to them... If he could fall in love-- or what he thought was love, all over again with his therapist, he definitely did in this moment.
''Remember our first session?'' He runs his fingers through his hair, his boxy smile prominent, ''Most of the time I like to paint.''
She perks a delicate brow at that. Almost all the men his age proved to be avid techies, a couple of them even going as far as trying to correct her usage of the said devices as if she failed to understand.
"Hm, if you ever want one of these to just browse through and learn new things, just let me know. It can be arranged." She tells him with a smile, just as the elevator arrived. 
Stepping in, she looks mildly surprised when he admits to painting. She might have mentioned it to Namjoon in passing and now, she was glad that she did.
"That's great! I was considering it as part of your therapy. It's good that you're already painting." Pressing the number to his floor, she turns to peer up at him and actually noting how taller he was than her, even with her heels on. "I'm just curious. What subjects do you usually paint?"
Taehyung steps in with her, keeping a small space between them as he keeps his arms crossed over his chest, head tilted to gaze down at her. She was quite cute like this, even cuter when he took notice of how small she was next to him. Well, a piece of him thought it was purely cute, another... saw it as a physical advantage. He shook the thought off in the form of another shrug, focusing on the question at hand once more.
''Flowers,'' he grimaced as if it wasn't already obvious, ''And sometimes I paint what I remember from my dreams... And, uh... people I've met in here.''
He said the latter in a lower voice, not sure if he should've included that part. He had a lot of free time to spend here, and painting surely was something he enjoyed. Everything from his flowers, to the way he interprets the darkness from his nightmares, and lastly-- the people he's met. He recalls he painted his doctor, and he knows for a fact that it's his favourite painting. He could look at it all day, his own version of a photograph since he didn't own any. He remembers painting it the first night he came here.
Her form subtly tenses when he mentions flowers, having heard him call her his favourite flower before. But considering how things were progressing, she decided to push it to the back of her head. It shouldn't matter, not when he clearly didn't feel the same pull he had towards her before.
Clearing her throat slightly, "Let me guess— irises? Or daffodils?" She asks with a light-hearted smile just when the elevator stops, prompting them to step out of it and continue on their way. 
"You paint your dreams too? Interesting." In fact, she had been thinking of advising him to write down or paint whatever he sees in his so-called nightmares. If she could interpret them, they'd be one step closer to finding what was troubling him for real. Maybe an old memory? Or a traumatic experience from the past?
"Taehyung..." She starts softly, as they keep walking at a slower pace towards his room. "Will it be too much if I ask to see your paintings? The ones with your dream sketches, I mean... It's purely for trying to understand your mind and see if I could help in any way." She raises a hand as if to prove to him there was no ill intention in her request.
Taehyung hums, his mind instantly falling back to the painting he made of her. He's pretty sure he had it hidden behind other works, so there was no chance of her seeing it. She probably wouldn't like seeing it... or maybe she would be flattered? But she wanted to see the nightmares.
''Actually, no...I painted a red dahlia.'' He continues before she's able to ask about the flower, ''You can... see my paintings if you'd like.''
"Right now?" She asks, coming to a stop in front of his room. She flashes her card to open the door for him while she hesitates on the threshold. She did request to see his paintings. But there was also the spontaneous lunch date she needed to get to. Chewing on her lip, her gaze flicks to her watch. Ten minutes, she could spare ten more minutes before meeting Namjoon. Hopefully he'd still be waiting.
"Thanks, Tae. I'd love to!" She tells him sincerely, stepping in behind him and tries not to flinch when the door clicks shut behind them. Venturing in carefully, she takes in the minimal decor of the large room— with the bed on one side with stark white sheets and the easel on the other, right in front of the huge window in the room.
"Red dahlia?" She goes to stand in front of the said painting, still mounted on the easel. It was beautiful in a rather lonely way, just a single large dahlia in the deepest of reds, almost like blood covered the expanse of the canvas. Reaching out in awe, she lightly traces it, the red pigment clinging on to her fingertips. "What does it mean?"
Taehyung stands next to her, observing his own painting with pursed lips. This painting was one that he made after a few days of coming here, when he wasn't sure that she was ever going to come back. He'd felt abandoned by the very doctor that is standing next to him, tracing the painting that he had created with tears in his eyes, and an ache in his heart.
''Red Dahlia'' He repeated with a nod, ''It represents... betrayal,'' he pauses to click his tongue when he finds an inconsistent transition in the colors. He really had to fix that, ''And loneliness.''
A lump lodges itself in her throat at his words, whispered so close to her ear, and she struggles to swallow past it to begin talking again. Her fingers recoil back quickly from the flower that made her feel guilty for reasons unknown, and she pushes a lock of hair behind her ear, accidentally smearing the red over cheek.
Hesitantly, she turns to glance up at him, her eyes wide and uncertain, as if she'd walked into a trap. Drawing in a swift breath, she opens her mouth to get the words past her lips.
"Why... Why the red dahlia? Did someone make you feel abandoned?"
Taehyung smiles sadly, eyes catching the splash of red smeared across her cheek. The red symbolizing his pain, from the flower itself, now perfectly placed on her cheek-- the very culprit of his pain in the first place.
''Oh, flower..'' He breathes out, reaching out to swipe his thumb across her cheek, wiping off most of the colour, the remaining hue still smeared on her cheek, ''I didn't feel abandoned... I was...'' He sighs, using his reddened thumb to fill in the missing spot on the canvas, completing the piece, ''I was promised two days. And when I realized, it wasn't the truth... I didn't know what to do..'' Once more, his eyes flicker back to her, ''Through his pain, came beauty.'' Taehyung quoted his favourite artist once more, the last time he did was during their first session together, ''What do you think, doctor? Isn't it pretty?''
Her skin tingles where he seemed to touch her and she follows his fingers with confused eyes when they come off looking red. "Oh?" Her lips part slightly, her heart clenching at the sadness in his tone.
"Taehyung..." She calls his name softly, as if it'd erase all the pain. "You know I didn't mean to, right?" Now more than ever, she wishes he could read the sincerity in her gaze as she turns to look up at him, not minding how close they were standing to each other. "You could've always asked for me. You know you could have." 
Her attention shifts back to the painting as she considers his question. "It's beautiful... looks almost real." She admits, her fingers rubbing her cheek to get rid of the stain as if it still lingered due to her guilt. "But beauty doesn't always have to be through pain, right?" She moves in between the painting and him, making him look down at her determined eyes. "If the voice inside you says you cannot paint unless you're in pain, you have to prove it wrong. It's the only way to silence him."
Taehyung ignored the fact that she said he could've simply asked for her. He never would've done that, he didn't want to have to. He trusted her. But her sincerity made him feel like... Maybe it truly wasn't all her fault.
He felt good about the praise, but before he was able to react to it-- even though his chest fluttered for a mere second, her next words did nothing but make his lips pull in a lopsided smile.
''Yeah? You think I can do that?'' He dares to crane his neck to look at her through his dark curls dangling over his eyes, ''That I can...silence him?''
He refers to the voice as a 'him', rather than an 'it'-- to him, it was a part of him. How could he ever find beauty without sadness? Well, maybe his daffodil was that beauty... But she definitely wasn't pain free to him.
Her own lips quirk up in a smile finding his unique grin too contagious.
"Yes..." Her fingers move from her cheek, reaching up to push his messed up curls to the side to see his eyes clearly. "I definitely think you can!"
Dropping her hands back to her chest just as quickly realizing what she'd done, she shuffles awkwardly on her feet feeling like they were standing too close for comfort. "After all, it's your favourite artist who said ‘silence the voice if it says you cannot paint.’" She whispers, finding she cannot move back without bumping into the easel. 
"You're not in pain now, are you?" She presses the question, knowing her presence alone in a way improved his mood even if she refused to acknowledge the reason behind it. "Why don't you try painting now? We'll see if it affects your art as much as you think it does."
Taehyung's breath hitched from her touch, not expecting it, nor did he expect his own reaction. It was so subtle, but he felt a shiver run down his spine-- as if his body abruptly remembered what she felt like. Fuck, he missed her hands...
No, behave.
He took a step backwards to create a larger space between them, his eyes moving towards an empty canvas leaning against the wall on the floor, considering her suggestion.
''I could... Would you... Stay and watch?''
The air leaves her lungs easily when he moves farther away from her. Albeit, it lasts only a minute until his question echoes around the silent room. Stay? Oh, no. She begins shaking her head before she catches herself. Denying him would lead to his disappointment and the cycle would just continue, especially when he already thinks she abandoned him in the first place.
She would have to apologize to Namjoon later, maybe go all out for their dinner date. Nodding at Taehyung with a half hearted smile, she moves towards his bed to take a seat.
"Sure... I can ask the nurses to bring our lunch here while you paint. Will that be okay?"
Taehyung couldn't control the boxy smile appearing on his lips, eyes squinting genuinely along with it, ''Yeah.''
He grabbed the current painting, carefully moving and placing it on the floor, letting it lean against the wall before replacing the empty space on the easel, a fresh canvas ready for him. He takes the dirty palette in his hand, and the tubes of acrylic paint to squeeze out the colours he desired. Without another word, he dove into his own world, a brush in his hand as he started to paint, delicately letting his wrist swipe across the canvas. It was simple, one thing in mind as he painted; his doctor. Green leaves, white bells... It was her favourite flower.
She lets the nurses know where to bring their lunch with a few taps of her fingers before she pulls up Namjoon's earlier message as well, apologizing and promising to make it up to him over dinner. Soon after, there's a knock on the door and two of them leave their wrapped up food on the table and excuse themselves once she thanks them. 
All through this, Taehyung stays intent on his painting, making her smile at the little lopsided grin on his face as he focuses on whatever he was visualizing on the canvas. Standing up from his bed, she steps closer to him but not enough to see what he was painting.
"Am I allowed to take a peek yet, Tae?" 
Completely indulged in his own bubble, he didn't even notice when the lunch had arrived, too focused on working on his art. However, the one thing that did snap him out of his bubble, was the voice of his doctor calling him out by his nickname. He glanced over his shoulder at her, nodding once, then back at his painting as he took a step to the side to show off his latest addition to his collection.
Lily of the valley. Doctor's favourite flower.
With a hand wrapped around herself, she takes a few steps to close the distance between them when he signals her to, only to gasp again in surprise. The flowers looked very real. Her favourites. This time, she's mindful not to touch the wet paint as she silently marvels at his brush strokes.
"Wow..." The sound barely leaves her lips, her eyes stuck on the portrait unblinkingly when she sees the little note in the end. "You did this for me?" She mumbles under her breath, too scared to ponder upon the meaning behind the gesture. Didn't he say he felt nothing for her? 
She turns back to him, with many questions in her gaze but settling on the most simplest one. "Why?" Her gaze rakes over his appearance— his messed up hair, unassuming eyes, the tiny little beauty mark on his nose amidst the streaks of white paint that he must have accidentally gotten on himself while painting. He looked far too innocent for anything he'd done so far. A beautiful conundrum that she was nowhere close to solving, but managed to reel her in with as much as a gentle smile that belied his true intentions. "Why the lily of the valley?"
Taehyung put the brush down along with the palette, pulling his sleeves up once more as they kept coming down.
''Well...'' he softly whispered, turning back to look at her. His tongue poked out to wet his dry lips, before his eyes landed on the flower on the canvas, ''Lily of the valley... it represents the return to happiness..'' He chuckles, shaking his head at how cheesy it sounded, “And you said it's your favourite... Maybe, I am the lily-- trying to return...ah-- nevermind..'' He shrugged. Maybe, in his own mind, he would like to think of every person being able to be represented by a flower. His doctor was his daffodil. So.. maybe, Taehyung believed he could be related to the lily, in the pursuit of his happiness.
She takes a step closer, tugging at his arms to roll his sleeves up wordlessly so he wouldn't get any more paint on himself. She stays silent throughout his rambles, her eyes carefully taking in each flick of emotion on his face along with it.
"You want to be the lily?" Of course she doesn't add the part where she knew he wanted to represent the lily for her. "Are you sure? Didn't you say they were poisonous?"
Taehyung's eyes quivered at the word, as if she'd caught the hidden meaning behind the flower.
But it's not like she didn't know. She was his therapist. And she's experienced it first hand.
''Aren't I, though? This part of me...'' he gestures vaguely towards his temple.
"You want to find your happiness even if it comes along with the poison?" By now, she was no longer sugarcoating her words. Maybe saying it aloud as it was would stop him from whatever he was trying to be for her. Slowly, this new Taehyung was becoming hard for her to turn her back on. The innocence in him invoking the need to protect, and she didn't know if it was just manipulation on his part or something genuine.
"We're trying to cure you of that part, Tae. I don't think you should want to be the lily... there are so many other flowers to choose from, right?"
Taehyung shrugs, the common expression of his when he simply isn't sure what he's supposed to respond with, ''I guess you're right.'' But secretly, he still hoped.
Turning back to the painting, he inspects it once more before a soft sigh escapes his lips,
''Anyway...'' His eyes glance at the lunchboxes, ''I'm hungry. Can we eat?''
 Nodding her head, she moves away from the portrait, her mind running in inconclusive circles at what to make of their time together after the session officially ended. Of course she stopped taking notes, but that didn't mean she wasn't trying to analyse each of his actions. She couldn't pinpoint what was bothering her really, but she didn't expect him to be so... docile. Was it because of the drugs? Or was he really on the road to recovery that quickly?
Moving to the table, she opens the lunch boxes and sets it up as Taehyung follows her. Right before he's about to take the chopsticks though, she slaps gently at his hands.
"You have paint all over your fingers. Shouldn't you wash them off?"
''Ah..'' He withdraws his hand, giving her a small pout, ''I want to eat now...'' A sigh, playful however, allowed to escape his lips before getting up to head towards the small bathroom he was provided with, turning the water on by the sink to wash himself clean.
As he's washing his hands, his eyes glance up towards his reflection in the mirror. For some reason, he felt like he was sucked into a trance-like state, unable to move away from his own eyes.
Why are you restraining yourself?
Why are you allowing them to weaken us, Taehyung?
''Huh..'' Is all he could muster to say, frozen in place as the tap water continued to ripple over his hands, scorching water that slowly turned the skin into a reddish hue.
She tuts at his childish pout, smiling softly when he walks away to the little ensuite to wash himself while she goes about taking out all the little boxes in each of their lunch packs for him to eat once he comes out. When she's done, she sits herself down at the two seater table waiting for him. Seconds turn into minutes and she glances down at her watch, noting he'd been away for more than ten minutes now. 
She's quick to make her way towards the bathroom, hesitating a brief moment before she knocks on the door lightly only to find it opening at the gentlest push. Her dilemma vanishes the instant she finds it unlocked and peeps her head in cautiously to see him standing in front of the sink. "Tae... is everything okay in there?"
By the time she was checking on him, his hands were gripping the edges of the sink tightly, leaning a little closer towards his reflection. He didn't even notice his doctors presence, gaze completely fixed on himself, quietly whispering, "Go away."
It didn't work.
Taehyung grew frustrated, wanting the mischievous smirk on his face to go away. It wasn't him.
I am you, you are me.
Hearing his whispered words, she immediately thinks it for her and almost closes the door, mumbling apologies for stumbling upon him but stops when he tells her to. Feeling more than just confused at his hot and cold replies, she dares to crane her neck around the door to look at Taehyung, frowning when she sees him still standing in front of the mirror staring into it unblinkingly, as if he'd seen a ghost.
"T-Tae..." Her tongue stutters around his name as she leans in further trying to snap him back to reality. "Can you hear me, Taehyung?"
We are you, we are me.
He screwed his eyes shut, the grip on the sink so strong that his knuckles turned white, veins underneath his skin popping from the strain.
Gnashing his teeth together, his words come out in a hiss, ''Don't you think I know?!''
He chews his lower lip between his teeth. Why was this happening now?
Our little whore is here, Taehyung.
Taehyung's eyes fly open, turning his neck abruptly to look over his shoulder, a startled look on his face, small beads of sweat trickling down his temples, ''Doctor..''
 She throws the door a little wider, hearing the obvious hiss slipping past his lips. She's about to reach for his shoulders and shake him out of whatever it was when he turns around himself, a flare of recognition in his eyes— but wait, the earlier lightness in them was absent, the brown of his pupils all murky and she steps closer with concern painted over her features.
"Yeah, I've been trying to reach you for the past five minutes..." She takes his hand, wrapping her fingers around it to check his pulse which was indeed beating too rapidly like she suspected. Her other hand goes up to his face, first checking his eyes by gently pulling his lower lid down before she presses her palm to his forehead to feel for his temperature. "I think it's time for your medication again." Her fingers trail down to cup his cheeks, hoping her touch would calm him down. "Are you okay? Did something happen?"
The touch of her hand made his insides stir, the familiar heat he hadn't felt for a while burning underneath the skin of his hand. Fuck… He wants to..
Medication? Yes, it was time.
But he felt the darkness inside of him fighting against the thought. He didn't want to take them. The very moment her hands reached for his face, his eyes darkened further, widening as a sharp exhale allowed to push through his lips.
She was taunting him-- it. Unknowingly.
''I'm fine... I'm good.'' his voice was slightly strained, but his normal self was slowly drowning, fighting the urges growing within. 
Feeling his hand faintly tremble in her hold, she swiftly shakes her head as she observes his unfocused gaze along with his pinched tone— everything pointing at him not being fine. 
"No, you're not..." A part of her feels responsible for his relapse, having not monitored the time properly. She could fix it though, as soon as she gets him back into the bed and sends out a message from her tab for his scheduled dosage.
It would be so, so easy for Taehyung to just… Give in.
''No.'' He huffs out in response to himself.
"We just need to get you back on your meds and you'll be okay. Just—" She's struggling to force him back into the room when his refusal stops her abruptly. "What do you mean ‘No’?" Her eyes flash up to meet his almost unrecognizable ones. "Tae?"
Taehyung looks down to avert her eyes, refusing to meet hers. He doesn't want her to see his obvious struggle, but it was to no avail as his entire body was trembling…
"I'm okay."
He wasn't.
"I don't need it."
We don't want it.
His mind suddenly started to swirl. The door was locked unless his doctor used the card. Where was it? Around her neck. The tablet? On his bed.
It’s too easy.
He took a deep breath, one he didn't control on his own as the last shred of himself was drowned by his darkness. His nightmares shifted his entire demeanor. That's when his lips curled into a wolfish grin, finally lifting his gaze to meet hers once more, "My daffodil..."
Staring as the tremors travel through his body from his hands, she doubles her efforts to tug him back into the room and she's almost successful when he begins mumbling under his breath. Pausing to lean closer to hear him out properly, "You need it. You won't be okay until you take the meds." Was he just stalling because he didn't like the drugs?
"Taehyung..." She comes to a halt abruptly when he goes stock still making it impossible to move him anywhere. The trembling seemed to have ceased making her frown and try to peek under his messy locks only to freeze upon seeing those all too familiar cold and fathomless dark eyes staring back at her in glee. 
"No..." The word barely leaves her lips at the nickname he was all too fond of calling her by now. "No, Tae. Snap out of it!" Both her hands moved to his arms trying to shake him before he did something. "This is not you."
Taehyung tilts his head to the side, the grin on his lips only growing, his head bobbing a little from the momentum of her shaking him, his long fringe dangling over his darkened eyes.
''This isn't me?'' He chuckles, ''But isn't this the me you yearn for?''
His hands reach up to wrap around her wrists, stopping her from shaking him any further,
''We-- I... can finally feel it again.'' His grip tightens around her wrists, using his body to force her to walk with him towards his room-- his gaze fixed on the bed. He wanted her there.
''Doctor...'' He smiles, the boxy, warm smile appearing once more to mess with her head.
She turns completely still at his question. Did she long for this Taehyung? The answer comes in a blink. No. Never. Now, if only she could make him believe that and maybe push him back into his mind long enough—
Her feet unwittingly backs further into his room, giving in to his push like always. But her brows furrow together in confusion at his words. He spoke like Tae with that grin she adores so much and yet, his eyes remained cold and eery, filled with something too twisted for her to grasp.
Soon the back of her knees hit the edge of the bed, making her stumble and fall back into it pulling him along. A cold shiver passes down her spine realizing their position. It must have been his intention all along. It was impossible to get to the door with him hovering above her, and her tab was too far away on the table along with their long forgotten food. She can't even shout for help in these soundproof walls.
"Feel what? W—weren't you hungry just now? The food is right there..." She keeps speaking softly to buy herself some time, her mind rapidly thinking for a way out. "Tae, this is not you... please. Don't do something you'd regret."
His hands fall on each side of her head, hovering over her body with his own, his long curls hanging to frame his face as he stares down at her. Pursing his lips in an almost childish pout, he breathes out his frustration through his nose.
''Why do you keep saying that? That I'm not me...'' He leans down closer, his face lingering a little too close-- yet not, to him being this close to her wasn't that weird.. They've done more intimate things. ''Doctor,'' he repeats, his eyes quivering as he meets hers, as if there was something--or someone disturbing his mind. Fighting him.
She's all yours now.
Taehyung screwed his eyes shut for a mere moment, shaking his head.
''No---..'' Gnashing his teeth together, his internal struggle evident.
She swiftly turns her head to the side, pressing her cheek into the mattress when he leans too close for comfort. They might have done things in the past, but she was determined to be his therapist only and help him recover more than anything.
That's why her stance falters when she hears him call her doctor instead of daffodil. Her eyes snap open, darting back to check on him to know for sure. But she's met with his closed ones instead.
She peers around the bed to see if she could disorient him enough to roll away and hit the buzzer for additional help under the table. Throwing her caution to wind, she pushes at Taehyung's chest, knocking his form sideways and tries to roll out of the bed, only to end up stuck half hanging over the edge. What she didn't consider was how their legs were tangled from her previous fall into the bed, making it impossible to shake him off. Fuck.
Taehyung's eyes fly open when he's shoved to the side, watching as she struggles to get off the bed.
Bad move. The Taehyung she knew was no longer there, pushed to the very corners of himself by the darkness erupting inside of him-- triggered by her attempt to escape.
His lips curl up into a wicked grin at the sight, like a predator watching it's helpless prey caught in his web. He enjoyed it. No, he loved it.
''Oh, flower... '' He breathes out with a chuckle, sitting up on the bed before reaching out to pull her back in by the arm, swiftly flipping her down on her back as he straddles her waist, wrists tightly pinned above her head, ''Just what did you think you were gonna do?''
"No..." A helpless cry, muffled by their struggle, slips past her lips as she's forced on her back again on the bed with absolutely no room for escape with Taehyung's weight pressing down upon her. The situation slowly looked too dire for her as she glanced up at the shadow of the man she thought she understood so well by this point.
"Taehyung, please!" She pleads, twisting her wrists within his hold. By now, she'd unknowingly begun calling this version by his full name while she called the other one, Tae, not hiding her fondness for him. "This isn't what you want, trust me. Just... let me go and we can pretend this never happened." Her body unknowingly writhes below him as she tries to free herself.
The way she squirmed underneath him brought Taehyung a sick satisfaction, a low groan vibrating in his chest at the feeling, the slight friction against his crotch. He smiled, his eyes were dead cold as they stared at her face, wrap around her wrists tightening further.
Nothing more, nothing less. He didn't want to stop.
They didn't want to stop.
So, instead, Taehyung made sure he had both her wrists pinned down by one hand, using the other to grasp her chin between his rough fingers, guiding her lips to his own in a, from his end, hungry kiss.
Witnessing how his face twists in delight as she fights more, her efforts only making the slow growing bulge in his pants rub against her thighs, she stops completely to not rile him up any further. But that only proves to be ineffective when he more or less takes her still demeanor for silent compliance when he forces his lips down upon hers, pressing down insistently.
As much as a dark part of her wanted to relish in it, her rational side won for now and she tries to shake off Taehyung's harsh grip on her chin to no avail. There's a particularly harsh squeeze of wrists together by his long fingers causing her to gasp and immediately, she could feel his tongue slip past her lips and flood her with his taste. And she's almost a goner by then, her mind flashing with memories of both pleasure and pain brought by him and him alone.
Taehyung felt her struggle less underneath him, a sick piece of him slightly disappointed at how easily she gave in-- another piece happy because he interpreted it as willingness.
The kiss deepens, a rumbling moan transferring to her mouth as his tongue swirls around hers, giving it a needy suck to taste her.
Fuck, he'd missed her taste. It was better than any of the drugs.
When he'd indulged enough in her lips, the aching in his pants was getting hard to ignore-- but he did his damned best to, he wanted something else… Slowly, Taehyung withdrew from the kiss to let his lips press against her jawline, down her neck to alternate between biting and sucking on her skin, adamant to mark her as his own, all while his body shuffled lower, instead positioning himself on his knees between her legs, forcing her to spread them as he pressed his rock hard bulge against her clothed core.
A soft cry of protest from her throat makes it clear how much she detests it when he begins marring her skin with his marks. She once again wriggles her wrists in his iron grip, making an effort to pry them free, but fails.
"Taehyung, stop marking me!" She yells out a hissed whisper, gritting her teeth together. There was no way she could explain them to her if someone, or worse, Namjoon saw it. And he was bound to, if she made it to their dinner date which was gradually looking impossible at this point.
When he shows no sign of stopping, she resigns to her fate with her eyes clenched shut trying to dissociate herself from what was happening. But not a minute later, they fly open when a very obvious hardness presses against her heat.
How? How the hell did he feel arousal when he was given hormone suppressants?
Her back arches off the bed, inadvertently pushing her breasts against his chest as she digs her hips into the mattress to keep his length from rubbing into her core. Tossing her head to the side, a tear slides down her cheek when a part of her feels sick enough to crave his touch, especially the intimate ones when she knows she shouldn't if she wanted to uproot this obsession he had with her.
He couldn't stop, he was too far gone, drowning in his desire for her as he continues to kiss her skin until he reached the neckline of her shirt above her chest. His hands quickly moved to tug at the fabrics to get them off, wasting no time in his need to see her, feel her. When he finally managed to get it off her, he sat up straight to simply admire. His dimmed eyes fixated on the bra covering her most intimate parts. Taehyung licked his lips at the sight, ''Beautiful.''
With just the tiniest bit of struggle, she lets him push her shirt off her frame, exposing her upper half to his greedy eyes. Her skin tingles self consciously at his stare, having never let him see her this vulnerable before. Despite his hands having left her wrists, she still keeps them above her head without even being asked to. Maybe there was a part that wanted this just as much as her brain seemed to be averse to it.
Her nipples perk up beneath her bra, straining against the lace under his eyes as she watches his tongue sliding over his lips wetly, making her shudder at the sudden want rushing through her. She knows this is wrong on so many levels, but the glutton for punishment in her drives her enough to want both the pain and pleasure of his touch. After denying him for so long, a little sound of need slips past her lips shamefully. "Tae..."
Taehyung felt as if his soul quivered at her words.
Finally, she's ours again.
''Say my name again,'' He smiled as he allowed his shameless hands to smooth over the skin of her stomach, all the way until he reached the laced bra blocking his view. He'd lie if he said he didn't absolutely love the way she looks in it though, laced underwear being just another add-on to his fetishes.
He toyed with the hem of the bra, slowly pulling it down to expose her breasts for his hungry eyes. Taehyung clamps his lower lip between his teeth as he cups her chest in his hands. This was the first time he felt her like this, and he cursed himself for not doing it sooner.
''Say my name again.'' His voice lowered as he repeated the request, eyes darkening even further, if that was even possible As he said the words, he rolled her nipples between his fingers, giving them a sudden pinch to draw a reaction, testing her pain tolerance.
"Tae..." She repeats at his demand, her tone getting a little surer this time as she rolls her lip between her teeth on seeing the pure need in his eyes. The softest gasp leaves her parted lips when his sinfully long fingers slide up her skin and bares the evidence of her own desire, her breasts that sag down with no support till he picks them up in his large hands.
Her breathing stutters at the feel of his warm palms perfectly fitting over her soft mounds and she unconsciously widens her thighs for him to settle between them more snugly. With each air intake, she pushes more of her chest into his hold until he squeezes her sensitive nipples making her whimper hotly.
There. There was the speck of pain she was looking for. But she also wanted the pleasure that only he can give her. "Taehyung, please."
Nothing sounded better to his ears than her whiny pleads. Taehyung hovered over her, rocking his hips against her core in a teasing manner-- to let her know exactly how hard he is already, just for her.
''So cute when you beg..'' He praises, leaning down to encase her nipple in his mouth. A low, muffled groan vibrated in his throat at the friction he provided himself through continuously pressing his clothed cock against you, his tongue flicking her hardening nipple in his mouth. Giving it a harsh suck, his dark gaze is fixed on her face, raising an eyebrow as if asking her to tell him what exactly it is that she wants.
Even if he already knows, he couldn't get enough of hearing how needed he really is.
Her chest flushes from his little praises and the attention he showers on her pliant form with his hungry eyes. She clenches her eyes shut at the first touch of his hot mouth around her aching nipple, making her stifle a loud moan. Her fingers, having a mind of their own, move down to sneak into his messy curls to hold him close to her chest as she sighs at the feel of his tongue playing with her pebbled peaks.
Her entire body shudders with each teasing thrusts of his despite the hurdle of their clothes, but it's the second infliction of pain on her sensitive nipples that makes her eyes flutter open to look at his coal dark gaze. Pushing his hair off his eyes, she tenderly runs her thumb across his cheek in a sudden burst of some unnamed emotion.
"Need you, Tae." She tells him softly, the dark and greedy part of her silencing her logical side in the presence of his lustful form hovering over to devour her whole. Waiting to ruin her for anyone else as if he hasn't already. "Want to feel you deep inside me, please..."
He felt his cock throb at her begging. How could he possibly deny her this? It's what he's been craving for her to say over and over, whining his name as he fucks her until there's nothing but a blank stare of lust in her eyes.
''I know you do,'' He murmurs the second he pulls away from her nipple to sit up straight on his knees, tugging at the hem of his pants to pull them down. There was no time to waste, each second precious before they'd come looking for her. He wiggles the fabrics down his hips, his rigid length proudly bobbing in front of him as he keeps moving his hands to pull down your panties, leaving the skirt on to please his own visuals. There was no time for foreplay, but as he expected; she was already fucking soaked for him. He could tell by the way her panties were basically crumbled together in a wetness in the crotch area, crooking an eyebrow as he tossed them aside.
''I've missed you,'' He stared down at her as he said so, speaking both to her and her body.
Another moment, taking it slow yet not wasting a single second. with one hand he gave himself a few slow strokes before lubricating his tip between her soppy folds, the other hand settling on her hip to keep her in place.
Whimpering softly when his lips leave her, she surrenders herself completely to his mercy as he pulls off her clothes as he wished. Her fingers itch to feel his skin and she gives in to the urge, letting one of her hands to tentatively snake down her body until it settles beneath the hem of his shirt.
They had never done this completely naked before and she knew she'd only feel even more vulnerable if she allowed him to see her. But she couldn't stop the part of her that craved intimacy even if she was nothing more than a warm body for him to satisfy his appetite.
As soon as he presses his leaking tip against her sloppy folds, her other hand slips under his shirt and she splays her fingers flat against his back to push him down upon her, effectively sheathing his entire length inside her in a single thrust. Her lips part in a silent moan at the stretch around his fat cock, "Missed this. Missed your cock..." She rambles as she locks her legs around his hips, rocking her hips up to see if he'd move.
"Fuck..." Taehyung bit back an eager moan when he felt her heat engulf his entire length, eyes fluttering shut for a second to just... feel. "Tight, just for me.." He breathes out, eyes opening back up slowly to stare down at her. He didn't waste time to start moving, grinding his hips into her to rub and prod her deepest parts, his lips parting as warm huffs slipped through them, arms flexing as he kept himself up on his elbows, inches away from her face to keep a close eye on every expression on her face. "Feels good, feels so good." He murmurs quietly, the undertone of his possessiveness growing more evident with his thrusts that remained slow but firm, gradually building up his momentum. He wanted to savor every stroke, every moan, and every clenching of her cunt around his length.
She nods her head hastily at his words. It felt good. Too good. And this was why she let him have her over and over again, more out of her own greed and need to be satisfied in every way possible, and only Taehyung ever came close to that even if she knew she should have never crossed that line which made it harder to go back the more she stayed in his presence.
Her moans turn into whimpers with each of his deep thrusts, her insides clenching around every ridge and curve of his delicious length that was splitting her apart. Snapping her eyes open, she glances up at his own, his irises dark like two black holes, sucking her in like there was no tomorrow. Snaking her hand up his back and into his hair, she tugs it back sharply till his neck arches out towards her eager lips. Pressing a kiss to his Adam's apple, she gently sinks her teeth into it before sucking a mark on the skin as it bobs beneath her lips.
She tightens her legs around him, pulling him close until there's no distance between their flushed and sweaty skin, raising her hips to meet his, angling herself so the tip of his length would rub against her sweet spot repeatedly. Moving her lips away from his throat, she trails open mouthed kisses up his jaw messily till she reaches his ear and licks into it.
"More, Taehyung... please!" She gasps softly, feeling something different in the way he handled her body unlike the times before. But her brain was too much wasted in the pleasure coursing through her limbs to analyze it anymore.
One throaty moan after the other slipped past Taehyung's lips. He relishes how breathy and clear her voice sounded in his ear-- ‘More, Taehyung. Please!'
She's asking for more, Taehyung. You're too soft on her.
We want more.
Taehyung clenched his jaw at the urges building in his body, his thrusts growing rougher. Low grunts rumbled in his throat, trying to keep himself occupied-- this was good, so good.
But something was missing. He missed her sobs. Her cries in pain. Her begging through tears.
"Shit..." Taehyung hissed. It was too tempting, his desires already overtaking him entirely. She was right there, begging for his cock. She wants it.
Taehyung did something he'd never done before in the midst of it all. He grasped her chin, guiding her lips to his own in a gentle kiss. Nothing behind it, no lust, no pain. Only an unnamed emotion. He pulled back to look at her, a hint of his brightness flashed in his irises before they were once again devoured by the darkness within.
Taehyung got up on his knees, hands firmly digging into her milky thighs as he pushed them back properly against her chest, watching her wet cunt spread for him as he began moving his hips at a punishing pace.
She's still reeling from the unexpected kiss he presses upon her lips so gently, the surprise in her eyes evident as she blinks up at him when he changes his angle. She'd seen the brief flash of clarity beneath the dark embers that burnt her through his gaze and now more than ever, she was determined to find it once again and make it stay.
The barest hint of his saner self was enough to reel her back into an alarming sense of safety, trapping her deeper into his clutches as he rammed himself into her folded form with a renewed vigor. One of her hands travel up his chest and towards his cheek, cupping it gently to make him look down at her as her breasts bounce against her thighs every time he mercilessly pushes inside her, almost making her body jolt off the bed.
Too much. It was slowly becoming too much for her sensitive body to take anymore. Her moans stutter down to cries, begging for release, her hair falling wildly on to his pillow escaping its updo as she thrashes beneath him. With her eyes closed now, the squelching sound from the way he thrusted into her dripping folds seemed too obscene.
"I'm close... so close, Tae. Don't stop!" She sobs out loud, clearly confused between his two selves as her clit thrums with her impending release, her mind muddled completely from the way he was ruining her.
"Gah..." Taehyung grunts between heavy breaths, driving his hips forward over and over, repeating the sinful motion as he fucks into her like there was no other purpose he desired to fulfill.
He felt her fleshy, squelching insides constrict around his fat length as her orgasm quickly built up, only spurring him to continue-- and even accelerate the power behind his thrusts.
More. Give her more.
Louder... Harder.
"More." Taehyung said it out loud, the faint yet loud whisper in his head that fueled the fire in his body, desperate to find his own high. Pleasure, it was all he wanted. To feel something.
And because of her, he was able to feel the closest to alive he's ever felt.
"Cum on my cock-- fuck!" Taehyung growls, the darker corner of his mind on fire, growing stronger the closer he gets to his own release. He is tireless, greedy to feel as much as possible, to hear the way his cock plunges into her hot flesh, the sound so sinful it makes Tae's length throb heavily.
He just needed one last push. To feel her cunt squeeze around him like a vice grip to be able to reach his limit-- to hear her choked wails as she cums, silent cries in pain when he keeps fucking her past her sensitivity. The mere thought of this makes him moan out loud, grinding his hips into her to allow the swollen head of his cock to abuse her deepest parts.
Tears stream down the sides of her face, drenching his pillow behind her as pain begins to overwhelm her vulnerable body. Her fingers grapple to find purchase as his thrusts jerk her up further on the mattress, making the headboard bang against the wall with each of his movements. Wrapping her fingers around his arms that hold her almost folded in two, her nails dig into his skin enough to draw blood as he pushes himself even deeper into her if it were possible, making her feel his thick length pulse all the way inside her womb.
With his guttural voice moaning deeply above her, one last punishing thrust from Taehyung finally pushes her over the edge as pain and pleasure mingle together wrecking her body in agonizing waves of orgasm. She unravels with a strangled moan, her lips open in a muted scream as more tears flow down her face when he seems to take her with no pause even as her drippy orgasm is fucked out of her.
"T-Tae... please!" She begs as she cracks open her eyes to watch him fuck her hapless body brutally through her orgasm. "I can't... please— too much, baby." She gasps out breathlessly, trying to inhale in the air despite the pain in her ribs. "Baby stop!" She tries one more time, clawing at the strained muscles in his arm to make him see he was hurting her.
"Don't give in to the darkness, Taehyung. L-let go... and come back to me." The last part is said in a whisper as she fights the exhaustion trying to shroud her mind. She can't pass out. Not now. As one last try, she squeezes her insides around his cock tightly to make it harder for him to move. "Let go baby..."
Taehyung barely hears her pleas, too deep down in his own sea of rapture from the way her body squirms and clenches around his cock. Every sound she makes fuels the fire inside of him, the broken skin on his arms burning-- everything adds to the powerful high he feels.
"No, n-no...." He huffs, slowing down just slightly to look at her through his stringy fringe, still rubbing his swollen cock deeply inside of her. "I'm gonna cum inside."
And hurting her in the process didn't do anything but please him. After all, the sadism he possessed seemed to have grown stronger since he met her, and yet it seemed.... less. This entire illness contributed to the fact that he was even put in a facility, and here he is, on the edge of indulging fully in his sick desires.
But he doesn't cross it. Although his fingers itched to grasp her small throat in his large hand, it seemed as though she was on the verge of passing out just from his cock. And a sense of pride beamed within him. She squeezed his cock tighter, attempting to make it harder for him to move. But what she didn't realize is just how much he loved the tightness it provided, as if he had to work harder to spread her insides with his girth.
"Fuck, keep doing that... I'm so close...unff..." Taehyung's deep voice cracked into a whine when his orgasm hit him after one last rough thrust. He pins her body in place, keeping his cock deeply lodged inside as his cock pulsates rhythmically to empty himself of everything he had to offer. It's a feeling he never grows tired of, carelessly pumping his cum into her as if she's now claimed by his essence.
He breathes heavily, slowly moving his hips in a few shallow thrusts, staring down at her with possessive eyes-- eyes that didn't wash down to go back to his normal self as quickly as it previously would've.
Unable to hold on to her consciousness, her legs fall limply from around his hips held up only by his large hands that had her completely folded up. Her fingers tire from the constant clawing, simply wrapping around his arms now as her eyes roll back into her head briefly as he rams into her with one hard and final thrust, beginning to fill her ruined walls with his hot seeds.
She wanted to shake her head. To tell him to stop from pumping her full of his cum because she didn't want to risk a pregnancy in their current states. But no words make it past her swollen lips as he indulges fully in her exhausted body, making her realize how powerless she really was in the fact of his unbridled lust.
A muffled moan sounds from her throat, her neck and jaw hurting from the way she had to hold back most of her cries. It felt like he had filled her up heavily to the brim. There was so much more than the one time she'd let him have her before, her womb swelling up slightly from the amount of cum he dumped into her.
Taking in steadying breaths to not completely slip away into the blackness dotting her vision, she slowly pries her eyes open to see him above her, her body immediately shuddering at the dark look in his gaze that failed to disappear even after he'd found his high.
"Tae..." She rasps out, her throat feeling like sandpaper. "It's okay. I— I'm all yours now. Only yours. Come back..." She gently coaxes his other side, hoping to not trigger the monster in him again as she's sure she wouldn't survive if he decided to take her one more time.
As if the darkness slowly melted off of him by the second as it had been sated, his expression morphs from wicked to concerned-- with a hint of a smile when she says the one few words he'd longed to hear for so long.
"I'm here, doctor." He leans in close, lower lip trembling when he kisses her forehead gently, then withdraws to look at her. He swipes a thumb underneath her damp eyes, sighing at what he's done once again-- he'd succumbed to the darkness that seemed to overtake his senses more frequently..
But look what it gave you, Taehyung. Look where it brought her. Right into your grasp.
"Don't worry, I will always be here." Tae's smile grows to reassure his doctor, the familiar box-shaped grin that could melt the coldest of hearts. It's as if he wasn't just tearing her apart for his own sick pleasures. He pulls out finally, groaning quietly as he does so, sitting up on his knees. He places a warm palm on her trembling thigh, soothing it with a rubbing movement. "You mean it, right?"
He seems to be back. The crazed and uninhibited possession in his gaze has softened a bit. The monster has retreated to its hiding place, for now. Despite any amount of reassuring words, it still lives within him--that much is certain as she tries to lift herself to a sitting position and struggles to do so. 
She nods, strings of sweat-matted hair sticking to her forehead. “I mean it--” The door handle rattles.
“Doctor?” Namjoon’s voice rings from the other side, clear as a bell.
Get rid of him. 
“Don’t,” Taehyung whispers, but not at anyone in particular.
“Fuck… Tae, get dressed.” 
“Doctor, is the patient with you?”
Another rattle. This time, it’s stronger. A key card scans for entrance, and that’s when Taehyung’s voice grows louder.
“Don’t come in!”
“Tae!” She rasps in a whisper, clamoring to tug her clothes on. “Keep your voice down!”
He’ll take her away. 
“It’ll be fine..”
“What are you…” She leans in to look at Taehyung and notices what little light he’s harbored in his eyes has now left indefinitely. “No, Tae, please... Don’t do this. Not now.”
Another rattle, and finally, the door flies open. With little to no notice, Namjoon stands in the open doorway with a startled expression.
“Step away from her.” He says it in a low tone with concerned, dark eyes. He strides into the room and shoulders the easel out of his way, causing the fresh painting to fall and crumple beneath the firm wood. Cautious footsteps tromp over Tae’s work to get to them quicker, smearing the paint and tacking it beneath his shoes as he strides. 
The white of the bells have barely dried, meshing into the green that surrounds them. But the shape is still distinct, and it’s all Tae can see. His attention snaps back to her as her fingers mindlessly intertwine into his for comfort. This time, it’s for her. 
“Don’t look at it,” she soothes, running her thumb over his hand. Taehyung stares down blankly at their hands, then back at her. His eyes are vacant, but his lips tug into a warm smile. Before he’s able to speak, Namjoon’s voice demands their attention.
“Don’t touch. Please, just..” His hands clasp together in front of his chest, assessing the sight before him. He’s a patient man, and he’s seen a lot during his time as the head of the facility, but nothing like this. “Doctor, please...release the patient’s hand. We need to take him in for evaluation. His behavior is erratic.”
“Hah..” Taehyung crooks a bushy brow Namjoon’s way when he looks up at him, “Erratic? She’s the one holding my hand.” 
“I’ve got this under control, Joon..” Her voice cracks as she tries to hold her composure, half-naked and trembling with nerves. No matter how she tries to clarify what the facility head has walked into, it’s no use. 
 “No, you don’t.” Namjoon shakes his head lightly, with grave disappointment. “Let go of him.”
It’s harder than she’d admit, feeling a sense of comfort in the warmth of her patient’s hand that she could never describe to Namjoon. As long as they’re touching like this, she knows his humanity is intact. He can’t hurt her or himself.
“Give me more time with him. He was turning a corner, I just--”
“It’s over,” Joon tuts, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have reassigned you here. It was too dangerous.” He refrains from making a grimace at the way Taehyung’s small grin grows wider when she only grabs his hand tighter. Namjoon sighs, keeping his eyes on the other man instead of the half-dressed state she’s in, “And… get dressed. The nurses are on their way.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“This is serious. You’ve become...compromised. If you don’t cooperate, I can’t save you from this.”
“We made a breakthrough.” She swallows tight and squeezes Tae’s hand tighter, earning light red imprints where her fingers lay before releasing. “It’s not conventional, but it was working.”
“Just put some clothes on and we’ll talk about it, okay?”
Taehyung watches with intrigue, the way she followed Namjoon’s orders without much of a fight. He didn’t bother to get dressed more than the sweatpants he had earlier, crossing his arms over his broad chest. It seems there isn’t much he can do to change the direction of where this is going, so he keeps his cool and instead decides to marvel in the last few minutes he’s got left to look at her. 
“Keep your eyes on me,” Joon directs the patient. “Stop looking at her like that.” He turns his attention to her, relaxing his shoulders with relief when he notices her bare skin has been covered by more clothing.
Two nurses enter the room and naturally make their way to Tae, gently holding him by the arms to pull him out. 
“Wait..” Her eyes widen when Taehyung is lifted from the bed and removed from her side. “W-wait!”
“Please, keep calm,” Joon warns. “Let’s not make a scene.”
She latently realizes that this could be the last time she ever sees him. Even after all that he’s done to her, she struggles to separate her work from the bond they’ve formed. How could she forget, when his cum spills from her body and onto the bed. The bruises and marks are visible on her skin, and despite resisting them before, she wishes there were more.
Taehyung complies with the smallest boxy smirk on his lips, looking over his shoulder at her.
“I guess this is it, little daffodil,” Tae says with a smile, but it doesn’t reach his dark eyes, “For now.”
“Take him to solitary to be evaluated.” Namjoon walks to the bedside and wraps her shoulders with a blanket, to preserve her modesty. “We need a moment.”
The nurses followed his orders and left them to speak, sworn to the highest level of discretion by order of the facility head. 
“Come,” one of them prompted, nudging Tae slightly to pull his attention from her. But Tae’s gaze never wavered, not until he was out of the room, ushered and contained. 
“Bye.” she quietly replied, too late for him to hear.
Once they left, there were no witnesses or eavesdroppers to validate what was shared between the two of them. What’s certain is, after a week of bureaucratic back and forth and a mountain of paperwork, she was gone. Without formal notice, left of her own accord. ‘Personal reasons,’ the official documents said. 
Tae was transferred to another facility almost immediately. Namjoon was expedient in delivering his case to another establishment, well equipped for the likes of him. More barring, more locks. It was a tight-knit program with more rules and limitations, but he wasn’t Joon’s concern anymore. 
With Tae’s relocation came rumors amongst the facility staff. Why was he moved so suddenly? There was plenty of talk around it, but none of the gossip stuck. As weeks passed, so did the news around infamous Kim Taehyung and his short-lived treatment under their care. 
That was it, and life moved on. For everyone else at least.
The memories lived with her, everyday. 
Time passed. Weeks turned into years. She moved from job to job, and her time with Taehyung was left at the facility that day. What she remembers clearly is that Namjoon asked her to leave in return for his favor of silently dealing with her mistakes. And he did a good job dealing with them. It was his way of showing he cared, by giving her the chance to walk away and start anew. 
So she did.
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A tall vase of daffodils sits on her dining room table, brightening up the room with their cheery yellow petals. Springtime arrived, which she enjoyed now-a-days, finding the most vibrant flowers at the market to decorate her home with. Their beauty fades day by day as they begin to wilt, but she holds onto them as long as she can. It’s a simple pleasure that brings a smile to her face, pleased to nurture something with such care.
She walks to her coffee pot to pour a new cup. It’s late in the morning, but she still wears her robe and slippers, uncaring of doing much more than step onto her front porch for a bit of sunshine before going back inside to watch television. With a steaming mug in her hand, and the aroma of mouth-watering coffee filling her senses, she does just that.
Sundays are lazy and quiet, for the most part. There are very few surprises out in the countryside. However, a slip of paper on her doorstep is atypical, to say the least. She unfolds it with the tip of her slipper to inspect it further, and uncovers what looks to be an original painting of violet irises. The paint smells fresh, like it had dried just before it was placed for her to find. 
She kneels down to take a closer look, pinching the note between her fingers.
“Through his pain...came beauty.” She reads it out loud, but pauses between words. Her voice strains to continue, but presses on. “…His art.” 
Heart pounds in her ears as she lifts her eyes to a small patch of wild irises she has growing in her garden. Starting at the base of the plant is a pair of boots, which seem to sprout from the floral bed. She trails up a pair of long legs, over slim hips and broad shoulders, until she reaches the face that’s haunted her for years--one she left behind in what feels like another life. 
Luscious curls, a sharp jaw...almond eyes, framed by full lashes. It’s all there, just as she remembers it. There’s even that dark and innocent gaze staring back at her, devouring her, making up for lost time. Once they lock eyes, she forgets everything she wanted to say to him. Years of practice, and all she can muster is the smallest--
Taehyung’s toothy smile grows wide at the sound of her voice. Years of patience finally paid off. He slowly approaches her as to not startle her, like a deer in headlights. With a gentle touch, he reaches out to brush his thumb against her damp cheek.
“Hello, daffodil.”
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© sombreboy 2021. Do not repost, edit or translate.
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twiceasfrustrating · 3 years
Oooh a request!! I know you did a poly sick!fic recently, but now that I’m sick I could really use some Levi doting on a feverish MC and not letting any of the other brothers near them because he can take care of them himself “I know what to do I’ve seen this plenty of times in anime” . Kinda jealous/possessive, but not yandere-ish if that makes sense!! Love you hun and thank you for the amazing content you continue to provide!!
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: GN/M
Relationship: Main Character/Leviathan
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Characters: Leviathan, Main Character, every other brother makes a small appearance but they are not the focus
Additional Tags: GN!MC (you/your), fluff, sick!fic
Summary: You have gotten ill around a bunch of demons who don't have the first clue how to take care of you. Well, that's not exactly true; one brother consumes enough human media to understand the basics. The anime basics, anyway...
A/N: I saw your update about you getting ill. Please take care and get better soon, hun! In the meantime, enjoy some fluff. Get plenty of rest and take it easy.
This would have been up sooner for you, but it. Just. kept. Getting. longer.
Word Count: 2198
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102.8°F. It was official. You were sick as a dog and the cough coming out of your throat sounded like the bark to match. Taking care of one sick human shouldn’t be so hard, but they quickly realized just how different a sick human was from a sick demon. At least you weren’t sweating blood… but they needed to figure out what to do.
“Well, someone is going to have to take care of them,” even if none of them quite knew what to do about a sick human of all things. It didn’t seem to be quite the same as the illnesses they were accustomed to, “I wonder if there are any texts on human illne-”
“I’ll do it!”
Lucifer was pulled from his thoughts as he looked up at Levi, who was raising a shaky hand and looking toward the ground as if afraid to make eye contact. He sighed, “I appreciate your enthusiasm but we need someone that actually knows what they-”
“I know what to do.” The words came out louder than he intended, so he quickly quieted down, “I’ve seen this before. In anime.” Every romance has an episode where one of the love interests takes care of the other. It’s part of the buildup to get them together.
Not that he was thinking about that! He just knew what to do!
“As long as it isn’t my job.” Belphie yawned before dozing off again, content that responsibility had been foisted onto someone other than him.
Mammon cleared his throat, “Oi! Ya should leave that kind of work to yer big brother. I gotta show my responsibility somehow.”
"I don't need your help, Mammon..." he nearly growled under his breath.
There was an eerie silence around the room before Beel addressed the obvious, “Do you know anything about taking care of sick humans?” That was the only reason he hadn’t volunteered himself. As much as he wanted to be with you and make sure you were alright, he didn’t know the first thing that may help.
“It can’t be that hard.” After all, if Levi could do it…
“The answer is no, Mammon.” Lucifer bit back, “I’m not risking you somehow killing our exchange student. Or worse. Levi at least has some level of understanding, so we will leave this to him.”
Satan shook his head, “Although I wonder how much understanding one can have from watching cartoons.”
“It’s anime and it’s a form of art so powerful that it can capture the complicated emotions people feel, both in stories that mimic our real lives and in ones that show us new realities.”
“That sounds like a fancy way of saying yer a nerd,” Mammon scoffed.
"You're not going to touch them!"
Lucifer could already feel the headache they were all giving him, “Go, Levi.” He didn’t have to be told twice to follow that direction, so he turned about-face and tried to hide his inner excitement as he made his way toward your room. Meanwhile, “Mammon, since you want to help so badly, you can help me find if there are any books on human-safe remedies.”
“Eh?!” He went slack-jawed while his other brother’s laughed at his stupidity.
Should he knock? It was your room, but you were sick so you weren’t going to open the door for him. Wait! That was perfect. He would knock on your door, confused when you didn’t answer, then come in and find you sick! That was a great setup!
So he knocked and waited, wondering how long he was supposed to stand outside your door before going in. It was probably long enough already, so he turned the handle of your door and peered inside. Just as he suspected, you were lying on your bed, curled under what looked like an avalanche of blankets as you napped. He swallowed the lump in his throat before slipping in.
This is the part where he was supposed to be shocked at your current state and check your temperature, so he walked toward your bed slowly and placed his forehead against your own. It was strange being so close to you, but this was always how he’d seen it done. Now he understood why the leads always blushed when they did this.
On a more serious note: yeah, you were definitely burning up and you were much sweatier than he expected.
“Hmh?” A small whine came from beneath the pile of blankets, causing him to jump back. You opened your eyes and turned your head toward him, clearly unfocused, “Levi? When did you get here?” Your voice was faint and your tone trailed every which way as you spoke.
“I, uhh, just got here.”
“Oh… Sorry. I didn’t hear you come in.” You attempted to sit up but felt your head swim as soon as you did and went spiraling back toward the pillow below.
“You don’t have to get up.” In fact, you really shouldn’t, considering your current state, “I’m here since you’re sick and all…”
You hummed in understanding, only barely understanding what he was saying, “Thanks.” You flipped on your side and closed your eyes again, “I’m gonna sleep.”
Okay, yeah, that made sense. You were probably really tired. Although, he wasn’t exactly sure what to do with himself while you slept. He had to recall all of his anime knowledge and training. When the love interest was sick, what would the male lead do?
Make them something to eat to keep up their strength and then the episode would usually end with a k-ki-kiss… That first thing! He could do that!
All he needed to do was make rice porridge… which he immediately started looking up while walking toward the kitchen. It seemed simple enough, but he wasn't sure if Devildom rice would work the same as human realm rice. The rice you were used to looked so white and soft and fluffy. The rice he usually ate was more grey and rough as sandpaper. At least it was still fluffy. And it would hopefully still make a good porridge.
He grabbed the rice and salt and began to fill a pot with water. He placed it on the stove and waited while it heated up, feeling impatient as he watched for any sign of bubbles and finally dumping in the rice. This always looked so much faster in anime.
"What are you doing?"
Levi practically jumped out of his skin at the voice suddenly speaking from behind him. His head whipped around to see Asmo practically leaning against the counter, hand halfway into a box of cookies that Beel somehow hadn't managed to completely devour yet.
"Food," he stammered out, "This is supposed to be good for them."
The younger demon looked at the slowly simmering pot and slipped the cookie into his mouth, "It looks so bland. Shouldn't you make them something better?"
"This is what you're supposed to do." He wasn't exactly sure why he was supposed to do it, but he trusted what he'd been taught.
There was a brief pause, “And who’s watching our cute little human while you’re here?” Asmo asked, trying to hide the fact that he'd taken a second cookie.
“Umm, well, I mean…”
“Ohhh~ Does that mean they’re all by themselves? Maybe I should go take a peek and see how they’re doing since you seem to be bu-”
“No!” He shouted without thinking, “I can take care of them by myself!” As if he would allow Asmo of all people to interfere with this very important job. He wasn’t trying to set up a love triangle.
Not that he was thinking about that!
“Oh, don’t let me stop you then~” Asmo giggled, before skipping off with another stolen cookie. This was too delicious of a development and he didn’t want to interfere. Spreading a few rumors though? He could definitely do that.
Now Levi was even more embarrassed than he already was.
Ugggg! Whatever.
He just needed to finish making this porridge and then get back to you. Although, he wondered if it was supposed to look so much like frozen broth that hadn’t quite melted all the way… But he followed the recipe, so this had to be it.
So he dished the slop into a bowl and stared in wonder at his hard work. This was bound to make you feel better. Now he just had to get it to you and wake you up so you could eat. Then you would be healthy again.
He only realized how he had overfilled the bowl once he started walking and had to carefully keep the contents from slashing over the brim. Opening your door was a complete another task, since every time he tried to shift the bowl into a single hand the porridge would threaten to tip the entire thing. Eventually, once frustration had set in, he remembered that he had a tail that he could use to help him out and shifted into his demon form. Hopefully, no one noticed that embarrassing little moment…
Now that his brain was working again, he opened your door and walked inside. He was completely taken aback when he saw you lying in bed, clearly watching something on your DDD based on the music coming from it.
“You’re awake?” Now he felt bad that he’d left you alone for so long.
You looked over at him, giving a small smile, “Sorry. I’ve been in and out of it all day. Being sick sucks, y’know?” If it was anything like his sick days you would be floating face down in a tank of water, so he actually really didn’t know. You looked at the bowl in his hands and raised a brow, “What’s that?”
“Oh, I made you some food.” He stepped closer and held it out to you, “If you’re hungry.”
“Oh?” You turned off the video and set your DDD to the side, “You didn’t have to do that.”
Maybe not, but he definitely wanted to.
You took the bowl from his outstretched hands, grateful for any kind of food, even if it looked like swamp mud. It at least tasted good and it went down easy, although it was very gritty. It was embarrassing how he watched you eat though.
As soon as you were down to only a small puddle of porridge in the bowl, you set it aside, "Thank you."
“You’re welcome.” As long as you liked it, he was happy.
“Soooooo, is this the part where you kiss me?” The words slipped out so easily with your head overheating and your judgment was lacking.
“Well, you're following anime tropes, right? That’s why you made me porridge and did that ‘pressing your forehead against mine’ thing?” You laughed softly, which soon turned into coughing. Once you stopped, you cleared your throat, "Sorry. It was a joke "
But it was too late. Levi’s face had turned bright pink at the thought of kissing you and he couldn’t hide his joy at the possibility, “I- I couldn’t. I’m not, I mean, you’re-”
You cleared your throat, trying to hide your own blush (not that it was difficult given how red you already were due to your fever), “You’re right. I’m sick. We should save it for when I’m better.” If you did it now he might get sick too. Could demons even catch human viruses? You weren’t risking finding out, “But, umm, you might have to remind me. Remembering things is kind of hard right now.”
"Are you sure?" It had to be your fever talking. There was no way you would ever want to really kiss him. He was just some disgusting loser and you were... you.
You pulled the blanket over your nose, "Well, waiting is kind of hard. I wouldn't mind one on the forehead just for now." Your large, watery eyes looked up at him with a silent plea. You were sick and dumb and you wanted him to kiss you.
Levi was nearly paralyzed, his heart hammering in his chest as he stared back into your eyes. This couldn't really be happening? To him of all people? He must have been dreaming! But if this was a dream, then there was no reason he couldn't indulge.
So he grabbed your hand in his own, trying to keep from letting his nerves cause him to shake any more than he already was, and leaned forward slowly as he waited for you to tell him again that you were joking. That moment never came though.
As soon as he pressed his lips against your forehead, he quickly backed away, "Sorry! I shouldn't have done that." How could he have done that? He must have been crazy!
"No. That was," wonderful? Fantastic? Sending your heart into orbit? "It was nice." And you couldn't wait to get better so you could try it again. You were positive that, despite how hard it was to think at the moment, you wouldn't forget to ask for a real one when the time came.
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yashashveeroy · 3 years
⚜️ Dearest Royal Subjects,
I hope each of you are doing happy and healthy. Remember to take a break from things that may burn you out. You are all very precious to me and I wouldn’t like to see anyone of you ill or emotionally down.
Obviously, I haven’t been active here for around 15-16 days. Some of you reached out to me through DMs and I’m yet to reply to them. But thank you so much for even thinking about me, it makes me feel like I exist in this world.
Now before anyone here jumps to conclusions; No, I’m not writing this letter to inform you that I’m leaving. I’m not going anywhere. I’m not done with the occult or you guys yet. So please just sit tight. We have a long journey together and if you’re here for my work, I believe our meeting was meant to be. I was brought to this platform for a reason and there’s so much I want to do, want to explore. I still haven’t reached my desired potential.
For those of you who are wondering where I’ve been:
I have been isolated from all physical and online social interactions since the last 4 months purely for the purposes of self improvement and understanding along with things that needed to be done for College (which I am now done with, exams got over two days ago as well!). I keep to myself a lot and do whatever feels right. Yes, I still was active on Tumblr because my interest in serving my Royal Subjects with my Astrology research felt right and good in my heart. This place brought me little bit of social interaction but I was still distant and continued my Occult studies/research. I’m not sure when this hermit-like period will get over but I’ve felt change come my way.
Where does my head and heart belong at the moment?
Well to begin with, I’ve resumed my studies in Tarot! I’m so excited to learn deeply about this particular art. I purchased the “Hermetic Tarot” deck as well, it’s simple yet complex illustrations truly amaze me. Once I’m done understanding this art form, I might just start doing readings here!! And as for Astrology; I’ve been quite stuck with the two birth chart readings that I started last month. I’m still working my way around it, figuring out what to include and not to. These are my very first birth chart readings after all and I don’t want to do anything half heartedly. I just hate how long it’s taking for me to complete the readings.
I’m currently reading a few books on these concepts as well so most of the time, I’m in my own zone, just reading away. I only get out of the house when I need to take my brother for a walk every night.
Where’s Roy’s Archives heading?
At the moment, I’m going through all the Google Form replies. I am thinking of releasing new content but not so soon. I want to host a few interactive events first here before I proceed. I’m also considering getting active on all my other social media platforms soon to resume the work I left six months ago and to also interact with my beloved followers there. (Yes, I do other things as well on other social media platforms!!) I have a lot of things I want to do here but I need to take it slow. I need to plan it all first.
What about the “Big 3 Interpretation” event?
At the moment, I’m yet to complete the last three interpretations that I have received. So @sichengxwayv, @drippyxwes19 & @neptuniant , please don’t be upset, I promise to deliver!! After I’m done with these three, I’ll definitely reopen! It’s become quite the talk of town here on Tumblr I think and I still find that bit hilarious! Keep your notifications on and be on the lookout!!
I’m planning to stay active here but there definitely may be days where I won’t interact as much, so please remember that! Being in a Transitional stage again will really make things messy for me but I’ll try my best.
Sending each one of you lots of love!!🤍
Love, Roy.
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morimakesfanart · 3 years
Sindria's Prophet #14
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~POV Mori~
I woke up when it was still dark out. Only the faintest light came in my windows.
I hadn't done anything yesterday. Just laid down and rested for the first time in a long time. The doctor's were convinced I needed one more day of rest, but I knew I was already better. When was the last time I had just let my body rest like that when I wasn't sick? I couldn't remember. This peace was nice.
The quiet of sunrise was only broken by the faint sound of bird calls in the distance. I sat up and closed my eyes. I focused everything on my other senses. I couldn't hear the ocean easily from here. I had wanted to use the sounds of the waves to meditate, but I would just have to do without.
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It had been a few days since I last checked in with myself and really focused inward. I could still feel them, all of the Black Rukh that had merged with me back in Balbadd. They were much calmer than before. And they felt like a part of me now, like I might be incomplete if they were suddenly gone. I knew each one from the dreams too. Their lives were mine and each also now knew my life as their own.
Going through all of their lives on the ship would have been painful even without being sick. These were angry souls and they did not welcome the inner peace I was offering easily, but a person's Rukh doesn't lie. After reading this world's truth through my memories they all calmed.
All of us lived lives of loss and poverty and trauma. That must have been another part of why we were able to fully merge in such a short time.
As Black Rukh they couldn't return to the Great Flow where the rest of their loved ones were, but they at least had each other within me.
It was a very strange feeling.
And along with their lives and Rukh, their magoi was also now mine. What had felt like a small pool now felt like a large lake. I had a lot more magoi at my disposal now that they were fully integrated with me.
The Great Bell range and I grounded myself in the present.
Only then did it occur to me that I was probably sick, and suffering from the influx of Rukh separately at the same time. It had been both all along. Whatever illness I had was worsened by my situation with the Rukh. I hadn't lost my magoi manipulation during it, but it was probably learning it ahead of time that had saved me. There's no way such a large amount of Rukh entering me wouldn't have made my body unstable.
Would the doctors understand if I explained it to them? I should ask Sinbad before saying something unnecessary.
The dim light from my windows called to me. I got out of my bed, put on my glasses, and sat on the sill of one them at the encouragement of the waves.
Like this, I could look down and see the Palace court yard. On the other side of the court yard were the Silver Scorpio (martial arts training), and Black Libra (libraries & schools) Towers, behind them to the left was the Red Cancer Tower (military) and fully to the left was the Purple Leo Tower where Sinbad lived. Since I was on a high floor I could easily see all of the towers of the Palace from my windows -all except the White Capricorn Tower where Ja'far does most of his work since that building was on the other side of this one.
It was so strange. Looking at all this made it real that I was really here. How many times had I reread or rewatched scenes wondering what it would feel like to be here?
I rested my head on the window frame as I watched the growing light from the sunrise.
The guards changed.
The sun was fully risen. Ja'far would be waking up Sinbad soon if he hadn't already.
Two people walked out of the Purple Leo Tower -a guard and a woman. She wasn't wearing a uniform. In fact she was wearing less than the citizens I saw the other day.
"Oh, right."
Sinbad has a call girl see to him after Ja'far wakes him up.
I had the 3rd fan book for the anime which contains a day-in-the-life for a bunch of the main characters. It was only in Japanese, but I had learned enough (and could look up what I didn't know) to at least read his schedule.
The direct translation was for a "temporary woman" which from what I've found is the Japanese term for a fem sex worker. I've seen some translations for Magi's extra material refer to them as "call girls" so that was the term I chose to use.
The franchise used the word "harem" in a bunch of places, but purposely didn't use it here. That combined with an omake of Sinbad having a nightmare about being married and having a harem made it clear that Sinbad did not have a harem; he had the whole red-light district of his country to choose from.
Hold on... That book wasn't supposed to reach my house until after I had Isekaied so how did I know it's contents? There were barely any scans or photos of pages online-
*Knock knock*
My thoughts
were cut off when breakfast arrived -with more medicine of course.
~POV Sinbad~
Nearly a week had passed since King Sinbad had arrived home. There was a lot to catch up on. As much as he wanted to finally relax after everything that happened in Balbadd he didn't really have the time for it. Even after catching up he would still have to prepare for his trip to the Kou Empire. And Ja'far wasn't letting him forget either responsibility.
None of this stopped him from having his slow mornings. He at least gave himself that little slice of heaven.
This was business as usual -at least it was supposed to be- but Sinbad couldn't shake a growing feeling that he couldn't name. It was making him unsettled. The waves didn't give him any answers and drinking hadn't made it go away. It felt similar to missing important.
He wasn't missing any paperwork. There had been an issue with one of their supply ships going missing, and another being delayed, but he had already decided how to proceed. He was definitely interested in the progress the Black Libra Tower was making with testing Mori's theories, but the experiments would take time and they had already scheduled a meeting for an update. The new guests were still settling in. Alibaba was a mess and Aladdin was only marginally better the last time he had visited, but Morgiana was fine and already training with Masrur regularly. According to the doctors reports, Mori would be better in another day or so, and the reports he got from the maids said she was resting every day after giving that partial scroll.
Maybe this was impatience. Aside from his paperwork, everything interesting was either done or waiting for the next step.
Sinbad often walked his country in the evening, but there was no reason he couldn't check on things now. He didn't have time to go for a walk at that moment, but he could spare the magoi needed to use Zepar and fly around the country using the bird he had possessed with the Djinn's power. This wouldn't be the first time he'd done this while working on paperwork.
The bird was sitting on a railing in the city center when Sinbad took over. From this spot he could make some quick rounds in the city and then maybe make a stop in the Black Libra Tower to get a sneak peak at what they had found out so far.
The same old gossip filled most of the streets. Some price complaints, who just had a child, how work was going...
"You're serious? A prophet?”
"My husband saw the scrolls she made from her visions with his own two eyes."
Now that was new gossip.
Sinbad had the bird land near by the two women.
"Oh? What was in them?"
"He said it was like reading secrets of the world."
"Mhmm." She nodded. "Not everyone believes it though so they are all working to test her writing."
"Didn't you just say she was brought in by our King? Do they really think he'd be fooled by some false prophet?"
"I said the same thing! And you know what my husband said? He said that they need to find proof even if they believe the Prophet because otherwise we won't be able to prove it to our allied countries."
"I guess that makes sense..."
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Oh! I think I might know what she looks like!”
"What? How? You only learned about her just now."
"When King Sinbad came home, there was a girl on some magical flying cloth, remember? That has to have been the Prophet!"
"I think you're right!"
To two moved on to some other gossip and King had the bird fly towards the Palace. Listening to talk about his Beautiful Prophet reminded him of his mission to peek at what was happening in the Black Libra Tower. Being able to bypass the stairs and the gates made the journey much faster.
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The Sun was already in the western side of the sky. Shadows were cast onto the court yard from the Black Libra Tower. The stone of the Green Sagittarius Tower was nearly blinding white from the direct light. Color flashed in the corner of his eye as the bird flew past the upper levels of the guest tower. Before his thoughts had fully registered the familiar shade of nearly black indigo, Sinbad was guiding the bird to investigate. He landed on the railing of one of the windows and looked at the young woman resting against that same window's frame.
Mori looked just as surprised to see a bird land right in front of her as he was to be there. Sinbad had purposely been avoiding using Zepar to spy on Mori since she somehow knew that he had eavesdropped on her before. It had been days since he last saw her, so when she was suddenly an option-
"Heh hehe"
Mori's chuckle and smile took his full attention. He didn't know what had made her laugh, but he hoped she'd do it again.
"Sir, are you aware you are a bird?” After the words passed her lips she was struck by a giggle fit.
Sinbad had no idea what she was thinking or why she had said that to a bird, but he was hearing her voice for the first time in nearly a week so he'd worry about figuring it out later.
When Mori finished laughing at her own joke she leaned her head to the side and watched him. Her hair shifted and another lock spilled over her shoulder. The sight brought attention to the low neckline of the dress she was wearing. If Sinbad was there in person he would have brushed her hair out of the way just to have an excuse to touch her.
"Did you miss me that much?" Her voice was soft and a bit playful. "You didn't have to use Zepar to visit me."
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Mori knew it was him! Sinbad jolted and his head hit the back of his chair in his office. How could she tell? Only magicians could see magoi and Rukh to see the spell active on the bird.
"Sin, is something wrong?-” Ja'far had just entered the room to give his afternoon report.
King Sinbad raised a hand for him to be quiet and tapped Zepar's ring to explain the situation. He didn't want to talk and miss something Mori said or did.
The General's expression turned serious and nodded as he went quiet.
When Mori didn't get a response from the bird she added, "Are you surprised that I knew it was you?" Her smile was warm as the sun. "I have read your Fate many times, so I will always recognize you, my King."
Normally, the idea that someone could see through Zepar's magic would concern him, but this didn't. It strengthened his belief that Fate had guided Mori to him.
And the affectionate way she said "my King" at the end made him smile. The waves had moved like this a few times like the last time he had seen her in person, and when he learned she could also feel the waves. The Great Flow of the Rukh was guiding them to the Fate he could see, the one where she lived the rest of her life by his side.
Ja'far sighed. "Just let me know when I can give you my report."
Mori whipped her head towards the door to her room. "They're here early."
There were the sounds of people walking in the hallway, but no voices to denounce who, or their destination. All the same, Mori got up and walked to the door. She opened it before the doctors had a chance to knock.
"How did you...?" One of the doctors asked.
"I recognized the sound of your footsteps," was her answer.
"I see.... And how are you feeling today?"
Mori walked into her room, and spared a glance at the bird still watching her from the window. "I feel fine. Just like yesterday." She turned back towards the door and sat on the edge of her bed. "So can I finally leave this room?"
The doctors were understanding but they still were going to do a full check up first.
Even without the waves it was obvious that Mori was going to be marked as full health. Sinbad would prefer to go see her immediately and give her a tour of the Palace personally, but he was still a King with responsibilities. "Ja'far, Mori has just been declared healthy. What do you think of everyone having dinner together to get everyone better aquatinted?"
"I didn't hear anything about-” Ja'far started and then cut himself when he realized. "Were you just using Zepar to spy on her??"
"Of course not." Sinbad said with all of the confidence of the King he was. "I flew directly to her and she recognized me instantly. I wasn't spying at all."
"She recognized you??" Of course he'd be shocked.
King Sinbad laughed. "She did. Though she was surprised to see me."
"I bet she was surprised to suddenly see a bird in her room. What made you think to use Zepar instead of visiting her in person? You're already getting regular reports on her condition." Ja'far always acted as a buzz kill.
It didn't stop Sinbad from laughing at the situation before finally asking for that report he postponed earlier -conveniently avoiding answering Ja'far's question.
The magician in Mori's room was talking. "Would you be interested in visiting the Black Libra Tower with us? We can show you how the experiments are going. And if possible, would you be willing to answer some questions?"
That was an understandable request, but it could wear her out.
The Prophet was facing away from the windows so Sinbad couldn't see her expression. "I'd really like that actually." But he could hear the excitement growing in her voice.
"Let me get changed real quick." Mori disappeared behind her folding wall and emerged in the outfit he met her in.
Sinbad did not drop control of the bird, but he also didn't follow Mori out of her room. Instead he waited in the window sill until he saw her enter the courtyard and then had the bird fly to the Black Libra Tower.
As soon as he finished whatever last minute things Ja'far was about to add to his pile, Sinbad would go to the Black Libra Tower and surprise his Beautiful Prophet in person.
~POV Mori~
In the manga and in the anime the only areas shown of the Black Libra Tower were Yamuraiha's office/lab and one of the libraries. I was more than curious about the rest of the facilities.
The first room seemed to be a reception area and had a map of the tower. I only got to glance at the separations between the libraries, offices and class rooms before a tall and lanky magician walked up to us.
"Is this her??” Her short ponytail bounced as she looked between me and my guides.
Isa, the magician who had been taking care of me the past few days, introduced me. "This is Lady Mori, the Prophet!” He acted like he was showing off the coolest toy on the playground.
The tall woman got right up in my face. "I knew she had to be the Prophet! The Rukh don't normally move this way around people."
Before I got to respond she started rambling comments and questions that covered everything in maroon and peacock blue getting sponged across a cream canvas. I stepped back and Isa cut her off. "Lady Mori will be answering everyone's questions in time. We were just on our way to see Yamuraiha so I can show her how everything has been coming along. You are welcome to join us."
She definitely joined us. As did many others who spotted us or were called over by others in our procession.
We walked through a few library areas, and up a few flights of stairs. As we passed various rooms and areas I was told what or who would be inside, but I wouldn't remember any of the specifics until I had a chance to use the space and explore on my own. What did stick was that most of the classrooms were next to the libraries and the labs were near the offices.
Yamuraiha must have heard our group from down the hall because her head popped out from one of the rooms ahead of us. "What is going on out here??” Then she made eye contact with me. "It's you!!"
That made me smile. I fought back responding 'it's me!' like I would with my friends. "I'm Mori. I'm glad I'm finally getting the chance to meet you, Yamuraiha!” I stopped walking when I got 3 yards/meters away.
She immediately pulled her staff against her chest with both hands. Her shoulders tensed but she had an enthusiastic smile. "The pleasure is all mine!"
Yamuraiha was amazing, smart, and endearing. I really wanted to be friends with her.
I out stretched my hand to shake hers. "I'm really excited to work with you, and learn more about magic even though I'm not a magician."
"The feeling is mutual!” She took my hand more than matching my excitement. And when she released it said, "Since you're here, would you like to see what we've been working on from the scrolls you gave us?"
"Yes please!”
The lab she lead us to was a little down the hall. All of my scrolls were spread out on one table and a bunch of notes and different materials were on an other.
Yamuraiha pulled out parchment that had a complicated magic circle written on it. "We can't do much yet, and it still takes a catalyst and many magicians at once to control the amount of magoi safely but our alchemy magic has made a breakthrough from your writing."
She asked a few of the magicians that came with me to join her. They pointed their staffs and wands at the magic cycle. A large crystal in the room started glowing, and the Rukh lit up the space from within the circle. Specks were pulled out of the pile of ingredients nearby -dirt, scraps paper, a small potted plant- and gathered at the center of the circle. The light got too bright for me to look straight at it and when it faded there was a small dark grey cube in the middle of the circle. It looked like a die with no markings.
Yam explained. "After reading about 'atoms' and 'bonds' in your scrolls it was like finding the missing piece. It will still be a long time before we can perfect the process, and we still can't make anything bigger than this yet, but soon we will be able to make anything we want!"
((In the future I intend to: reference more old memes, describe more of my experience with synesthesia, and explain more basic history and science. SO you all have been warned lol))
I had to respond; I couldn't just continue staring in awe. When I tried to answer I ended up gasping since had forgotten to breathe. I chuckled at my own shock as well as the situation. I looked up at them. "You're all amazing to be able to develop this already from the little I wrote!" I looked back at the stone. "I knew I wrote the keys to Yunan's signature alchemy magic in those scrolls, but to think you've already gotten this far with it -its amazing."
With this -when developed farther- we could make certain materials without having to worry about the pollution, and break things down easily so we won't have to worry about garbage piling up everywhere.
"Did you say Yunan? The Magi, Yunan?" Yamuraiha looked at me with wide eyes.
"Yes." It was my turn to explain. "Yunan is able to use alchemy magic like this on a grand scale. In the Fates I read he will have reason to visit Sindria in about 2 years. He creates a cabin and food in the middle of the Palace court yard so he has somewhere comfortable to stay."
The bird in the window ruffled it's feathers.
"Yunan explains the basic concept of how that magic works when asked, and since I know the science of the physical world I know the details to what he was talking about." My smile widened. "I hope my notes were easy to understand. Please let me know if you have any questions."
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imagine-lcorp · 4 years
Folie à Deux (One Shot)
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A/N: Hello guys!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN AND FELIZ DIA DE MUERTOS/HAPPY DAY OF THE DEAD to all of you wonderful people. Here I come once again to share a lil one shot to celebrate this already gone spooky season but i hope you can still enjoy it. Bear with me as I try to pull some hannibal vibes over here. Let me know what you think and thank y’all for sticking around!!
Lena Luthor x Killer R//Word Count: 1,653
Content Warnings: Blood, Death, Murder, Guns, Corpses, Graphic Descriptions of Violence. 
folie à deux. /fôˌlē ä ˈdœ/ French (n.) lit. madness for two; delusion or mental illness shared by two people in close association.
"I leave you my portrait so that you will have my presence all the days and nights that I am away from you."  — Frida Kahlo.
Lena Luthor was no stranger to fear but never in her life had she faced such terror. She could feel it in the back of her head, making her afraid of every corner and shadow of her own house. She could feel it in her chest as she forced her lungs to take steady breaths to calm the erratic beating of her heart. She could feel it in her skin, tuning her fingers cold as she gripped her gun tighter, with every careful step she took to get behind you.
"You're home earlier." Your voice, as soothing as ever, made her stop dead in her tracks.
She saw you, turning around and looking at her with attentive eyes. When you noticed the gun in her hand, you tilted your head. You smiled softly, wondering how much time was left, either before the police and her friends arrived or before she pulled the trigger on you.
"Is that for me?" You asked and, in her shock, Lena managed a small nod. "Such peculiar gifts we come bearing, don't you think?"
Your smile never faltered. She could still notice it as you turned your attention at the painting that was now installed in the central wall of her living room. She stood a few steps behind you and observed. You had just finished it, that much she could tell by the faint smell of paint fume and bright tones of the oils.
It was wonderful, like nothing you had ever showed her before. A danse macabre done with a style so characteristic of you, in which two stark white skeletons seemed to dance and embrace each other. They were surrounded by a field of blood red poppies that, upon a closer look, resembled tiny skulls amidst an equal blood-red sunset...or was it a sunrise? She would have to ask you, just like whose blood was it.
"Is that blood?" She couldn't take her eyes off the painting. Not even after the question had left her lips and her instincts screamed at her to run for her life.
"Burnt sienna and a hint of Prussian blue. Although you know I prefer the real stuff, I wouldn't want anyone to take it away from you in search of evidence." You said, enjoying your own clever remarks. "What do you think?"
"I didn't think you cared about criticism in your work." Lena replied, unable to recall a time when you had ever asked someone else's opinion about your work.
"Art, like love, is the reflection in which we can see ourselves through other's eyes. So I care when it comes to you." You turned again to look at her. "Tell me, Lena, what do you see?"
Lena looked back at you and what she saw in your eyes made her catch her breath. Madness and love, all mixed up together. A look that seemed to reach within the darkest part of her soul and, instead of trying to give it light, you marveled at it.
"You." She said taking a deep, shaky breath. "And me."
With barely a hint of hesitation, she took the last steps forward, placing herself right beside you. She looked at the painting, both a love letter and an omen of death.
"When I saw the photos of the murders, all I could see was you. From the blood paintings hanging from walls to the bodies displayed in such surreal forms. The bullets and the knives, the wounds and the cuts. You were there, in every detail."
She could remember the first time she ever saw pictures from the crime scenes and feeling as if she had been seeing photos from a gallery exhibition. Each body they had found had been displayed in the most bizarre and beautiful shapes and poses. Bones, flesh and skin, all arranged in forms she didn't know were possible for the human body. She had been horrified at first about it all but, the more she looked, she hadn't been able to deny there was certain grace and elegance in the killer's doing. Whoever had done it, she had thought, was a genius of their own morbid talent.
"Then, when they gave me the list of victims, all I could see...was myself." She swallowed the lump in her throat.
Each crime scene had come along with a list of victims too. The police had identified them with varying degrees of difficulty. Some names had been hard to find while others had been too obvious to even pretend they hadn't recognized them the moment they had seen their twisted faces. However, as different those victims seemed to be between each other, what tied them together were their own crimes. Abusive husbands and wives, child molesters, unethical practitioners, corrupt officials and political leaders with their own dark intentions. People that, even Lena recognized, no one wanted wandering on the face of earth.
Your latest victim had been the judge that had let Edge go free on bail. All her efforts to put him behind bars for good had mean nothing. Then she heard the news. His body had been displayed on his own court, hanging from the ceiling in his black robes, with a band covering his eyes. His chest had been opened and in his hand he held a pair of scales. His heart laid there, weighed against a black feather, ready to be devoured.
The real shock of the murder, however, came after a single detail was revealed. Their blood. The judge and the rest of victims had been drained of their blood before exposing their bodies.
She had never thought too much about it, because there had been nothing to think about when you told her red was one of your favorite colors. It frustrated sometimes, as a painter, how hard it was to find a shade of red as bright and vivid as that of blood. Fortunately, you had learned a long time ago how to make your own red pigments and oils, using the blood of animals, usually pigs whose death was more meaningful than their lives anyway, you had said.
"I wanted to make something beautiful out of such grotesque people." You sighed and turned your head to look at her. "Turning lead into gold with every drop of blood and every stroke, each one an offering and an amend. Is my vision so different from yours? Is yours that different from mine if we want the same?"
"I wanted justice. This is not it." She said resolute, feeling again the metal of the gun against her fingers. "This is only the aftermath of your own judgment."
"Could you say then, in your judgement, if I was fair on my own?"
"If I say you were then every crime of yours is one I have performed too."
"And I recall, you would have wanted it a few times."
Were the deaths of those men and women justified? Had their own acts been so evil that you had to pay them in kind? She remembered how bad had she wanted it sometimes, to make justice by her own hand because it seemed more reliable than a justice court. That much she could understand about your deeds and maybe that was enough for her.
"It's all the same. If there is no justice, then let it be reckoning." You looked at the gun in her hand and raised a brow. "Isn't that why you have come?"
"I have to stop you." Lena said, and you would have expected her to be quick about it. For her to raise her hand and point her gun, to pull the trigger and be done with it in a heartbeat.
But she didn't move.
"Here." You moved your hand slowly towards hers. She didn't even flinch as she watched you hold her fingers against the gun and raise her hand towards your chest. The hand of an artist, the hand of a killer. "Turn my blood into gold. Let them have their reckoning."
Still, she didn't move.
It was the moment Lena understood it all and became truly afraid. Afraid, not about pulling the trigger, not about shooting you through the heart, but to have life and death dancing on her fingertips. To choose with no remorse but with a clear conscience and blood in her hands. So easy, she had thought, to end your life and watch it vanish through your eyes.
"I can't." She said, and you felt her fingers loosen up. "I do not have your talents for this."
You took the gun and looked at it for a moment before looking back at Lena. "You do. It just takes a little practice."
In the distance, the sound of sirens filled the streets. You had been left with no more time.
"Now, come. Justice is upon us, and we don't want them to think you have been making deals with the devil."
Without another word, Lena could fathom what would follow next.
"No." She said with nostalgia already brimming in her eyes. "We have just been dancing around each other for a while."
You offered her a hand, with the other still holding the gun. "Soon the music's over, so let's give it one last chance."
Lena took your hand and, in a confident move, you spun her around. She closed her eyes and felt the warmth of your body against her as you embraced her from behind. Then she felt too the barrel of the gun against her temple.
"Once I'm away, please, remember. I've only ever tried to show you beauty." Your soft breath tickled her ear as you whispered to her. "Can you see?"
When Lena opened her eyes, all she could see was red. The painting hung in front of you and it seemed to her as if you were both facing a mirror.
She felt no fear this time. "It's terrific."
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gryffindormischief · 4 years
sunlight | part 1/3
A/N: for the lovely amazing wonderful @fightfortherightsofhouseelves‘s birthday. A Hinny AU to break my posting silence <3
Thank you @narukoibito for your help 💕
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
FF // Ao3
If Harry never sees a bit of tulle or a chocolate coin again in his life, it will be too soon. He’s a relatively rugged bloke, generally a result of being an Auror, but twisting little squares of coarse fabric between his fingers and tying them off with bits of ribbon is hell on your fingers. Right now, he’s about four twirls from blisters and two from insanity. 
In Hermione’s defense, she did intend to have this be a two man job. But Harry knows the last thing anyone wants after catching your third international portkey is to visit four boutique wedding shops and then pull a bunch of ‘carefully selected’ frilly bits together. And he knows Ginny Weasley in particular hates two things - running errands and frilly bits. 
Also, Harry’s current predicament - see chapped fingers - would have been avoidable if he didn’t remain Molly Weasley’s ‘greatest disappointment in the area of household and other non-combative charms.’ And that’s a direct quote from a particularly trying afternoon spent at the Burrow learning the domestic arts. On his umpteenth failed attempt at sifting flour using his wand, she had shook her head, powder fell from her hair to her shoulders, and bemoaned her ‘poor, uneducated Harry.’ 
Never mind that he’s a decorated Auror and teaches upper level DADA courses at Hogwarts. Apparently those are skills for ‘the masses’ who fail to appreciate the subtlety of artistic charms. 
Although right at this moment, as he contemplates his raw hands, tense shoulders, and aching eyes, Harry wonders if Molly’s ringing disappointment had been so very unfounded.
Regardless, he presses on, daydreams of a future filled with whiskey brown eyes enough to put aside his recriminations and content himself with the less than enjoyable present. 
If he looks at the evidence, it certainly stacks in a favorable way, maybe. He and Ginny wrote each other while she was away. They graduated to texting and the occasional phone call once she got her own mobile, yes. And yet there’s still a small part of him that warns he could be overly invested in what could end up simply a friendly correspondence. But most of him is relatively convinced that what was formerly friendly discourse has more recently become flirtatious in its own way. And when he suggested that perhaps they would be able to spend a bit more time together outside what’s expected of them as best man and maid of honor...well it was a fairly non-committal suggestion, but one that was agreed to nonetheless. 
The shrill ring of the building’s intercom jolts Harry from his aimless considerations and reconsiderations and soon he’s headed toward the door with hands too clammy to turn the knob. He presses the ratty intercom’s button, forgetting to clear his throat until it will surely broadcast to his new guest. “Er - hello?”
“Your partner in crime has arrived,” comes a cheery voice. “Do let me up.”
Harry smiles to himself. “Password?”
She chuckles, “Hm, let me think,” he can practically see her devilish grin, imagine how she taps her chin to dramatize her mischief making, “I dare say the password may be, ‘remember Ron still doesn’t know who threw out their slice of his ill-advised flourless chocolate cake’?”
Harry grunts but doesn’t relent. He doesn’t fear Ron. The bloke could be about to rip your head off and set it on a spike, but get a few drinks in him and he’ll tuck you in and sing a lullaby while he’s at it.
“Oh really, Harry. It’s about to rain.”
“How novel. Rain in London?” Harry says with a laugh.
“Don’t think I won’t hex you.”
With an ever-widening grin, Harry presses the buzzer and admits Ginny to the building, glancing around helplessly as if he will suddenly find himself naked or surrounded by piles of trash. Or perhaps one of his fantasy love declarations will have materialized and laid itself on the kitchen table complete with balloons, confetti, and other primary colored fanfare. 
A cheeky patterned knock at the door alerts Harry to his guest’s arrival and he’s soon tugging it open with a shade too much energy to disguise his eagerness. But he can’t quite manage to feel embarrassed when Ginny’s face is just as bright and keen as his. “Shall I come in then?”
Harry consents with an awkward jerk of his head and moves aside enough for Ginny to step past, leaving a trail of her floral scent in the air.
“You’ve started without me,” Ginny says, working the laces of her boots free and revealing the taut lines of her legs currently temptingly swathed in deep red tights. “Do you doubt my abilities, sir?”
“Well you are a jock,” Harry begins, trying to play it casual and maybe a bit suave as he tucks his hands in his pockets.
“Wow, and here I was thinking my plans to get better acquainted in the way consenting adults do was mutual,” Ginny answers airily. “Now I know you just invited me over to gloat and critique.”
Before Harry manages to really enjoy the way his insides have begun dancing the conga, his mobile lights up with Ron’s face half covered in Chudley’s garish orange. Ginny glances down and merely flicks her brows upward, like half a challenge.
Which he sadly has to accept because at this point, if Harry were to nominate a bridezilla in the impending Granger-Weasley nuptials, Ron would win by a landslide. In fact, Hermione’s outsourcing of the wedding favor project is likely motivated by a need to get something outside of Ron’s steel-eyed oversight. Or at least mostly. “‘Lo Ron.”
“Ginny should be arriving soon - I confirmed with her over the weekend. Her portkey got in just about an hour ago. She probably has to drop some junk at her flat - ”
Ron’s outline of Ginny’s possible activities and estimated arrival time continues, but Harry hears next to none of it as Ginny tosses her denim jacket over the back of one of the chairs at Harry’s kitchenette. 
Really, that’s all it takes to grind the gears of his brain to a complete halt. Ginny Weasley and miles of freckly skin. And damn it if she doesn’t know too. 
While Ron’s instructions fade entirely from Harry’s awareness, Ginny wanders to the bookshelves in the den, lifts a title at random, and begins examining it studiously. Harry really wants to believe that she’s faking it all, the intense concentration and utter lack of concern for Harry’s attentions. That she knows what she’s doing, and it’s all on purpose to drive him batty.
But with every passing second that he spends watching her nibble at the corner of her lip, run her fingers through her hair, toy with the silvery loop at the top of her ear, he’s less and less sure that’s even a remote possibility. Ginny just exudes an overwhelming brilliance that makes him feel like he should flee the room, perhaps the country, and somehow is still happy about it. The pang that rocks his chest when she glances up at him is almost painful but deliciously so. 
Hell he’s a mess. 
And given her teasing wink, Ginny Weasley damn well knows it.
“Ron,” Harry finally chokes out, cutting Ron off in the middle of some sort of macaroon-themed rant, “Ron, I have things under control.”
“Right!” Ron answers brightly, “and as soon as Ginny gets there it will be even better. Two heads and all.”
“No - Ginny she. She uh - “ 
The truth at this point is that Ginny has now turned her full attention on Harry and he’s probably about to become the subject of one of those unexplained spontaneous combustion episodes on the telly. But Harry’s always had this odd instinct to lie out his arse when under pressure, even when completely unnecessary or ineffectual. His worst lies tend to crop up when they’re also relatively low stakes situations - take the Roonil Wazlib incident. Which is a story for another time. 
A time when Ron isn’t shouting in his ear while Ginny makes what Harry can only call ‘bedroom eyes’ at him.
“Ginny’s busy. Team stuff,” Harry finally says, immediately cutting into Ron’s blustering and ignoring Ginny’s quizzical expression. It was a weird panic move, lying about Ginny being there . Ginny’s likely thinking he could have just said they’re busy with the favors and normal brain Ron would have handled that fine, said ‘Sure thing, thanks again’ and hung up. But Ginny doesn’t know wedding-brain Ron. He’s a micromanaging, overly affectionate mess of a human that will definitely come over to do some combination hugging and bossing Ginny around. “She’s real sorry, mate. Sent me over some stuff from that bakery I like and everything.”
It’s getting increasingly difficult to focus on Ron’s questioning rant, nevermind concocting semi-plausible lies. Particularly when Ginny’s thumbing through a book she can’t really be reading - not when she keeps darting her gaze up to his and wriggling her brows.
Honestly, up to this point, she’s been unbelievably tempting but. Harry can resist. He has spent a lot of his life doing just that. Particularly so in the last year. It’s a lot easier to resist when you’re avoiding a vague idea. But when that vague idea becomes a very real, potent crush on Ginny Weasley, even the majority of a continent between them didn’t seem to stay his urges. 
Apparently his imagination is a lot more active than he realized.
Now though, she’s not doing that overt sultry ‘I’m going to eat you alive’ bit. She’s just propped her hip on the corner of the table, making goofy faces and winking at him like they’re in on some secret joke. Which, they are. But hell if her teasing isn’t a thing for him. Which is a bit inconvenient when one considers just how much of Ginny’s waking hours are spent teasing one person or another.
“Ron - Ron.”
Ginny snickers, looks like she’s about to make some joke entirely too loud for the lie he’s currently weaving on the shoddy loom of his imagination. Harry closes the distance between them and bloody buggering hell instead of doing what he really, really wants, he shoves his palm over her mouth. 
Nevertheless, she continues under the muffling of his hand, “ Oou 'eaan Won-Won? ”
Ron is still prattling on and Harry really hopes nothing important has been said in the last five to seven minutes because he’s maybe heard four words total. It’s hard to follow when he can feel her lips against his palm.
Finally, he puts on his best ‘Auror Harry’ barking tone and gets a word in edgewise. “Ron, I have a lot of things to do,” he studiously ignores Ginny’s twinkling eyes at that and continues, “things you told me to do. Things that I can’t do while you’re babbling away.”
“Put me on speaker.”
Ginny pulls Harry’s hand from her mouth and he gives her his best ‘don’t test me’ Auror glare in the likely futile attempt to avoid Ron realizing Ginny is here. It feels like it definitely won’t succeed when Ginny winks at him like she’s up to something.
“Don’t you have a fiance?”
With a grin, Ginny whispers, “Is Ron finally asking you to run away with him?”
Harry flips her off as Ron’s petulant reply comes almost immediately, “She told me to ‘keep myself busy.’”
“I don’t see how that’s my problem,” Harry puts in, earning a double thumbs up from Ginny. Amid Ron’s increasingly dramatic and unreasonable begging, Harry pushes out in one breath, “Bye-Ron-things-to-do-talk-later.”
After disconnecting the call, Harry tosses his mobile on the table among the swathes of pastel tulle and ribbon while Ginny slips back onto her feet. Harry moves to take a step backward but Ginny doesn’t let him go far, following closely and grasping the front of his t-shirt for good measure. He almost gets lost in her wide, searching eyes, but then her tongue darts out to lick her lips and he’s enraptured. 
This close, he can see the little dips and lines on her lips, see where her peach lipstick has begun to wear away. And when she clearly wants him this close, he can let himself stare at That Freckle. The one at the edge of her lip...
Ginny raises her chin so they’re nose to nose, and it’s pretty terrifying. Honestly, Harry’s a bit horrible at reading signals - he’s currently equal parts convinced she’s going to smack him or snog him.
If he had a chance to give the situation further thought, Harry might consider the fact that he really hasn’t done anything to warrant a slap. Or maybe the broader issue that Harry’s mind tends to go worst case scenario pretty quickly and frequently. 
Right now though, Ginny’s looking at him like...well remarkably like that photo they snapped of her right before she sank her twentieth shot of the Harpies’ Cup winning game. 
Maybe someday he will get used to what Ginny does to him.
Her hand knits through the hair at the back of his head, and he thinks that’s not really a possibility.
She pulls his lips down to hers, and he’s sure it’ll never be true.
All too soon, Ginny’s mouth leaves his and she’s staring up at him with her brow furrowed. “Alright?”
If the grin and accompanying chuckle are half as goofy as they feel, Harry probably looks like an idiot. But he can’t manage to be upset about it. “Er- yeah. Brilliant.”
She looks amused, her fingers toy with the collar of his t-shirt. “So that’s how you kiss? I mean, I don’t mind being in charge but…”
His cheeks must be lobster red right now, and he can’t manage more than a strangled yelp. At least his instincts seem to respond in the physical sense because his palms rise to cup either side of her jaw, his lips part and he swallows her quiet gasp of his name without a second thought. 
Ginny leans backward and ends up sort of perched on the back of his sofa so he can step between her knees. Her hands slip down and around his back, palms warm against his shoulder blades. 
It’s not until his fingers skip from their exploration of Ginny’s dark tights to that dangerous unknown beneath the hem of her skirt that Harry’s brain melts to GinnyGinnyGinny .
There’s no telling how long it’s been, though Ginny’s flushed cheeks, kiss red lips, and glassy eyed expression are indications it’s been a solid bout of snogging time. Harry’s a long game kisser. Apparently.
Ginny bites the corner of her lip. “Your hand wasn’t bothering me.”
Chuckling, Harry drops his forehead to her shoulder and takes a deep, steadying breath, before pulling his hips back. Ginny lets out a sigh that almost sounds disappointed.
“I was just thinking.”
Ginny snorts and hops down from the back of the sofa, “I liked when you weren’t.”
Harry takes another deep breath, focusing all his attention on the bright paint on Ginny’s third toe, which is currently leading a valiant charge to escape from her tights. “I know. But you just got in, and we haven’t talked, and it’s - it must be time for dinner. Or breakfast? I’ve lost track of time.”
“Snogging me will do that to you, so I’ve heard,” Ginny answers with a smirk, finger combing her hair and swiping at the dark red lipstick he’s managed to smudge over her chin. He must look a sight.
Harry swipes at his own lips and barks out a laugh, “Yes, I can now verify that the minute contact is made with Ginevra Molly Weasley’s lips, a wormhole forms and space and time cease to exist in any concrete manner.”
“I know, very wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey,” Harry continues, biting back the laugh bubbling in his chest. It’s kind of unbelievable, the heady mind numbing feeling of knowing he’s kissed Ginny Weasley. That she seemed to like it and likely wants to do it again. And then some. The build up to this point has been such a long and winding path a small part of Harry wondered if it would be anticlimactic for one or both of them. Mostly he worried he’d be a let down or wouldn’t be able to convince her to keep him, but she doesn’t seem too eager to make a quick exit. 
“Well then,” Ginny says, stepping back into her boots and kneeling to work the laces, “Where are we eating and talking?”
“That easy?”
“No apparently you’re not that easy,” Ginny says with a wink.
Harry sticks out his tongue, quite mature yes, and grabs his trainers, “I know a place.”
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apollostears · 4 years
don’t look, don’t touch | l. zhang
Request: A night out on your honeymoon turns into something more when others can’t stop touching what’s his.
Fandom: EXO
Pairing: Lay Zhang x black!reader
Warning(s): angst-ish, smut, light spanking, dirty talk, & swearing
Creator: maya
A/N: this took me forever to write and i am so sorry!! hope you love it!! xx
*gif not mine*
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New marital bliss was a thing. Oh My God was it a thing! You had never seen Lay so at peace and happy then when you did after y’all had gotten married.
His energy matched yours and anyone from a mile away could tell that y’all were newlyweds. Well...almost everyone.
“You’re looking a little too sexy for dinner in a hotel restaurant.” Yixing’s voice was light as he emerged from the bathroom, his hands fastening his cufflinks.
You smirked at him through the floor-length mirror. “Is my handsome husband being a little possessive?” You teased, sending him a wink through your reflection as you applied some gloss to your lips.
Yixing wore a knowing smile on his face as he approached you. Coming up behind you, he caressed your curves through your silk dress and pressed himself up against you.
“Not all, my darling wife, i’m just feeling sorry for all the men that will never know what it’s like to have a Goddess at their side.” He spoke into your ear before pressing a kiss to the tip of it.
Rolling your eyes playfully, you couldn’t help but smile at his loving compliment. “You are such a romantic.”
“I can show you how much of a romantic I am. What do you say Mrs. Zhang?” Yixing was a devil and he knew that as he lightly nibbled on your neck.
You had to suppress your own desires as you wiggled your way out his arms. “Sorry baby, but it’s day four of our honeymoon and you’ve had me to yourself this whole time.”
Making your way across the room, you slipped your heels on and grabbed the shiny room key that matched the aesthetic of the building.
Peering over your shoulder, you saw your lover pouting. “The faster we eat, the faster you have me to yourself.” You bribed him with a light voice.
Yixing perked up a bit at that, grabbing the rest of his things and following you out the door.
That didn’t stop him from making a mess of your lips on the short trip down to the lobby. By the time the doors opened, his lips were glossy and yours weren’t.
“If I look a hot mess when we get off this elevator Yi, we fighting.” You warned, stepping off the elevator before him.
“Mhm, i’m sure.” He responded, placing a hand at the small of your back as the two of you walked towards the host.
The young male smiled at you two, ready to make a good impression. “Good evening, how may I be of service to you today?”
While Yixing handled the reservations, your eyes wandered to the decor of the resturant. Although a hotel resort was where you were staying, the place never lacked in its interior design. It felt like some high-end place off fifth avenue and you were so grateful that Yixing decided on something like this.
“Holy shit, [Y/N] [L/N], I can’t believe it’s you!” A voice you never thought you’d hear again, had startled you from your thoughts.
Shifting your gaze, you found the culprit. It was your ex, the one before Yixing, and he stood with a group of men in dress suits.
A soft smile found your lips and you gave a small wave. “Hey Ezekiel, long time no see.”
Your tone was light, having no ill-will to the person who ultimately led you to your soulmate. “I never thought I’d see you again! How have you been?” He questioned, giving you a side hug, but not removing his arm.
“Very good actually, just here with my husband. How about you?”
Casual as ever, you naturally removed yourself from his extended embrace and politely waited for him to answer. The shocked look on his face bringing you more satisfaction than normal.
“Husband? You got married?” Mouth agape and eyes wide in shock.
Before you could speak, Yixing had appeared next to you with a firm hand on your waist. “Honey, our table is ready. Who is this?”
Ezekiel was in even more shock to see the handsome man that had became your husband. With a smile, you introduced the two and could feel Yixing tighten his grip on you.
“Nice to meet you but we have to go.” You barely had time to squeeze out a farewell before Yixing pulled you to y’all’s table.
You pouted at his behavior and kept a confused look on your face as you got ready to speak to him.
“So...what was that about?” You asked, picking up your menu to hide your face from his eyes. You wanted to seem causal about the situation, the only emotion showing would be confusion.
“They have that wine that you like, want me to order you a glass?” Yixing asked, smoothly avoiding the question.
Peering your eyes over the menu, you gave him a glare but didn’t press the issue. “Sure.” Your tone was clipped, but that didn’t seem to phase your husband as he hummed in response.
Men. You thought to yourself before focusing all your attention to the list of items in front of you.
Deciding what you wanted, you put your menu down and studied the man in front of you. Your husband was a work of art, incredibly gorgeous with an aura around him that couldn’t be touched.
He was power and just the very thought of his strength had you squirming in your seat.
Noticing this, Yixing raised his eyes over the menu. “Something wrong?”
His concerning voice went straight to your core as you put on a tight smile. “Nothing honey. Do you know what you want? The waiter is coming.”
You had already caught him coming up behind your husband and he was a little on the cute side, but very young. You’d call him adorable, a puppy.
Nodding his head, Yixing closed his menu and put it on top of yours just as the man had arrived.
“Good evening, my name is Lei and it’ll be my pleasure to serve you.” The young man had introduced himself, all his attention on you.
But you were too caught up in the way his name was like your husband’s.
“Awe babe! His name is like yours!” You cooed, looking at your man excitedly.
Yixing hummed in response, his eyes focusing on the male who blatantly disrespected him in front of his wife. Not to mention the way he was trying to pry on you like you weren’t on a date.
The young man’s smile was beautiful, bashful that you were cooing over him. “What’s your name beautiful?” He asked, shifting so his body would cover Yixing.
Pulled from your ignorance, you noticed what he was doing. The kid was trying to lay game in front of your husband and shamelessly check you out.
Just as you had prepared yourself to speak, Yixing was up and by your side quickly.
“Her name is none of your damn business. I’ll be sure to leave a comment with the manager about your behavior kid.” He spoke sharply, before turning to look at you. “We’re leaving, lets go.”
You were stunned to say the least and your movements were robotic as you let Yixing guide you out of the restaurant.
Once y’all stepped foot on the elevator, you had finally processed everything. Your husband was seething, he was tense as he stood slightly in front of you. You were unsure on if you should speak, but decided it might be best to do so.
“Yi...what’s wrong hun?” Your voice was soft, nonthreatening so you wouldn’t set him off.
“When we get in this room, I want that dress off and you on your hands and knees on the bed.” Yixing’s voice was stern, reigniting the flame in your belly.
Your mouth opened and closed like a fish, surprised at his dominating nature. He wasn’t always like this with you, but it never failed to take you by surprise.
Yixing didn’t appreciate your silence and he turned his head to the side and glared at you from his peripheral. “Am I clear?”
“Y-yes sir.” You stuttered out your answer and soon licked your lips after, feeling your mouth go dry from the thoughts of what he’d do to you.
The elevator bell dinged and the pristine doors slid open. Yixing stepped out first and you followed. Letting you in the room first, you hurried to the room and did as told. A chill ran down your spine as the cold air hit your bareback.
The electric blue panties you wore felt damp against your core as you waited in anticipation. Hearing the front door click and dress shoes hitting the marble floor, you craned your neck to see Yixing come in the room.
His tie was loosened and his top two buttons were undone. His hands worked to unfasten his cuff links and your eyes almost rolled back at the sight.
“Face forward.” He commanded, not even glancing your way.
You swallowed a desperate whine and did as he said. The expensive curtains were pulled back and you could see all the lights of Shanghai.
Pulled from your thoughts, a sharp smack to your ass cheeks had you jolting forward in surprise. “Ahh!” A cry of surprise escaped past your lips before you could stop it.
Another smack followed and your ass was caressed shortly after, blending the lines between pain and pleasure.
“I wanted to take my wife out on a date, but instead was met with men who couldn’t seem to tell who she belonged to. Now I have to mark what’s mine.”
You didn’t stop the small moan that escaped your lips as you clenched your pussy around nothing. Yixing was hardly like this, choosing to make love instead. Those guys must’ve really pissed him off.
“I’m ready daddy.” You assured, giving him the green light to do as he pleased.
Yixing hummed in content and you soon felt a dip in the bed behind you. Wet lips and cold fingers covered your ass, close to where you wanted him most.
“My good girl, always ready to please her daddy.” He cooed, his hand slipping between your legs to rub your mound. The other, pulling at your nipples.
Your back arched and you moaned, your hips rolling back for more friction. The sting of force that spread across your cheek made you moan even louder, having grown accustomed to the sharp feeling.
“Such a slut aren’t you? Wearing that dress, allowing men to look at what’s mine. This is what you wanted isn’t it?” Yixing roughly pulled at your nipple and slapped your pussy causing more moans to tumble from your lips.
Panties slid to the side, Yixing began to tease your wet hole, groaning at the slick that had already started to form.
“Fuck you get so wet.”
You slightly pushed your hips back, hoping to get his fingers to slide in. Noticing what you were trying to do, Yixing gave a dark chuckle and situated you so that the top half of your body was hanging off the edge of the bed and your lower half was draped across his lap.
The sound of fabric tearing sounded through the room and you were sad to see the electric blue panties tossed to the floor. “I’ll buy you more.” He muttered, silencing any issues you had with his abrasive behavior.
“I’m going to fuck you using my fingers; don’t move and don’t speak, understood?” Yixing spoke sternly in your ear, pulling at your hair a bit.
Your breaths were quick and short from his touch alone. You were sure you’d be feeling everything that he gave you tonight. “Yes sir.”
Yixing rubbed your clit a bit and you struggled to stay still, but when he suddenly plunged two fingers deep in your pussy, you really had to find some strength not to move. Clenching your fist around the Egyptian sheets, your hole clamped around Yixing’s fingers.
“Relax for me love, I got you.” He cooed, rubbing circles on your lower back to relax your muscles.
Letting out a deep breath, you focused on relaxing and tried hard not to make a sound as he pistoned his fingers through your pussy. Any other time, you’d feel self-conscious of the sounds coming from your hole, the slickness of your juices creating air pockets of noise, but you were so strung out you couldn’t care.
“So warm and tight—shit! I can’t fucking wait to replace my fingers with my cock.” Yixing’s mouth spewed vulgarities and you could only listen. His dirty talk made you grow wetter and you could feel the knot of pleasure forming.
Tears blurred your eyes as you reached a euphoric state, a third finger slipped through your barrier and violated you in the best way possible. A choked sob was held back in your throat with your teeth biting down on your tongue. Toes curled and back stiff as a rod, a wave of pleasure came crashing over your body as you shook with tremors and clamped around Yixing’s fingers.
“That’s it princess, good girl.” He praised, relishing in the way your walls fluttered rapidly around his fingers. Once you calmed down, he slowly removed his fingers and licked them clean, enjoying your taste.
Breathing heavily, your eyes were still closed as you came down from your first orgasm of the night. Gently sitting you up, Yixing cupped your face and brought his lips o yours for a passionate kiss.
Feeling yourself sink into his arms, you leaned more into the kiss and moaned at the taste of yourself on his lips and tongue. Yixing pulled away first, attacking your neck in love bites while you sat there in his lap, allowing yourself to be loved on and marked.
“You are everything to me Mrs. Zhang and I want the whole world to know.”
“Show them then.” You softly said, cupping his face in your hand and staring deep into his eyes.
Capturing your lips in another kiss, you felt yourself being lowered back onto the bed, a comfortable weight settling over you. Seperating for just a moment, Yixing made haste removing his clothing and shoes, tossing them wherever before climbing back on top of you.
“You ready?” He asked you, holding eye contact with you as he awaited your answer.
Nearly five years together and he still asks for consent, it makes butterflies erupt in you every time. Nodding your head, you smiled. “As always.”
Without further prompting, Yixing’s grabbed the base of his cock and slowly rubbed it against your folds, moaning with you at the feeling. “Please baby, I need you.” Whines spilled from your lips like an apology, desperately wanting to be filled by him.
With a smirk, he did as asked. With a swift snap of his hips, he buried his cock deep into your pussy. Your mouth dropped open and your breast were pushed upwards as you arched your back. Sweat had began to form and your pussy contracted wildly while moans pushed past your lips.
Yixing gritted his teeth as he tried to focus on not nutting just from your face alone. He always told you how pretty you looked while getting fucked and if you kept squeezing him like that, he would surely buss quick.
“God, you’re so tight! Fit me so well baby, shit!” Yixing swore, slowly moving his hips back and forth to gain a rhythm.
In no time, Yixing was pounding into your pussy at a speed that border fast and slow. Pulling his hips back enough to snap them back into you, making his cock hit your spot every time. Your hands wandered his body while moans tumbled out, your nails dragging down his biceps before pulling him closer to you. This fuck was different than the ones you’ve had since being here. While it started off rough, Yixing is handling your body in the softest way possible.
His hands were positioned on either side of your head, gripping the sheets there. His eyes were mesmerized by the way your tits jiggled with each thrust he gave. It was becoming too much to bear. “I love you. I love you so much.” The words came from Yixing’s lips in urgency.
Tears had started to form again and you reached your hands up to pull him into a kiss. Using your tongue to caress the inside of his mouth, one of your hands began to pull at the hair on the nape of his neck. As his thrusts grew faster, you anchored your legs around his hips to hold on.
Pulling away, you struggled to catch your breath as the knot formed again. “R-rub my clit baby, i’m so close to cumming.” You cried, focusing on the feeling you were about to recieve.
Bringing a hand down to your throbbing clit, Yixing harshly rubbed circles on it, desperate to see you cum. “Oh shit! Right there, right there, right there!” You squealed, bucking your hips into his hand.
Watching your face scrunch up the closer you got to climaxing had Yixing’s cock twitching inside of you. The feeling itself made you moan and clamp down on him as you came hard. Feeling your walls tighten around his cock as you orgasmed, had him cumming right behind you with a violent yell.
Your thighs trembled as Yixing collapsed gently on top of you. The sounds of heavy breathing filled the hotel room while y’all tried to gather yourselves. Lazily, you began to run your fingers through his hair, feeling him relax even more.
“I love you forever Yi. That’s a promise I do not regret making.” You spoke softly, basking in the afterglow of love making.
Tilting his head to the side, Yixing looked up at you and kissed the valley in between your breast. “I am eternally yours and i’m sorry for reacting that way. I love you too much to let you go. You’re going to be the mother of my kids and grow old with me, I can’t have anyone else thinking otherwise.”
All you could do was smile at your husband’s slight possessive behavior. Marriage wasn’t going to be easy, but with him by your side, you could get through anything.
Taglist: @knjkitten @olamidey
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giveemhales · 4 years
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Moodboards for Sterek AUs: 10/?
For @averystereksummer Day 6
AU where Stiles has a fear of storms
For the prompt: “How’s the weather?”
With a ficlet! Content warning for anxiety and panic attacks.
Stiles was afraid of storms.
Maybe that’s putting it wrong, because there’s a lot of things Stiles was afraid of that he could deal with. Really, he had a fear of storms, “astraphobia.” He hated it.
He wished he could say there was a reason. That his mother died on a stormy night or that the thunder reminds him of gun shots.
But there was no rhyme or reason. It was nothing more than a phobia, an anxiety disorder, an evolutionary flaw.
He’s always been good at hiding it, though. When he was younger, he hid it because he was made fun enough as is, he didn’t want to give any other material for his bullies to work with. Not even Scott ever figured it out. He could usually handle rain, but when there was thunder, he’d always make an excuses to go home, whether he was at school or on a sleepover. He’d usually say he was sick, and his mother was understanding enough that she’d be willing to take him home. She would build them a blanket fort and put on way too loud cartoons to help drown out the noise. Sometimes she would hold him closely, and remind him the thunder couldn’t hurt him, and that she would always protect him.
Then his mother died, and his fear got worse. It wasn’t just that storms were harder to handle without his mother, it was also the way his mental health had deteriorated after her death. His anxiety was significantly worse, and things that once scared him would now trigger full blown panic attacks.
His father got him a therapist to help him, but the therapist was mostly focused on his grief and how to handle his panic attacks. He had coping mechanisms now, but he still tried to avoid being out when there was a storm at all cost. Avoidance wasn’t necessarily healthy, but it was what worked for him. He continued to claim illness, and would curl up under the covers, blasting music through his earbuds.
He had even managed to hide this fear from the pack, which he’d say was pretty impressive considering most of the members could quite literally smell fear.
He religiously checked the weather every day, using multiple sources for the daily and weekly forecasts. If there was a forecast for a thunderstorm at any point, he’d make up plans (which was difficult when dealing with people who can hear when you’re lying, but he had perfected the art of half truths, always using something like “having homework” or “wanting to see his dad,” which were all technically true). So far, he’d only been outside in a thunder storm with the pack once, and they were fighting wendigos so they didn’t really question his scent of fear or him running off to his Jeep as soon as the creatures were declared dead. That was one of the few times in his life he had been unable to avoid being outside during a thunderstorm, and the resulting panic attack had been so bad he hadn’t been able to go to the school the next day (which was easy enough to get away with, since the rain had also resulted in a cold).
He’s not really sure why he spends so much time and energy hiding this fear like it’s a dirty secret. Maybe part of it was that he knew he couldn’t avoid thunderstorms, but he could try to avoid being around people during thunderstorms. It gave him something to focus on, a feeling of control.
Honestly though, he knew it was mostly his own insecurities. He was at a good place with the pack, and he doesn’t really think any of them would be malicious if they were to find out. But he knew that he was just human, that he was weaker than the rest of them, and he strived everyday to prove he could keep up. He couldn’t show any weaknesses because he couldn’t let them know he was weak.
So he had basically perfected the art of keeping his phobia hidden away from the rest of the world.
But one of the worst things about storms was that you don’t always know when they’re coming. And that’s what led to his current predicament.
He was in the car with Derek after they had met with a pack outside of town. The pack was new to the area and hoping to make an alliance. With Derek the alpha and Stiles the emissary, it was customary for the two of them to make negotiations.
The meeting had been fine. A simple agreement had been made and then Derek and Stiles made the hour long drive back to Beacon Hills, specifically to Derek’s loft where Stiles’ Jeep was waiting.
Derek had insisted that they drive together, and had refused to go in Stiles’ “death trap” (more like because he was a dick), so Stiles was now seated in the passenger side of the camaro. And that was fine, Stiles honestly enjoyed spending time with Derek. But it was about half an hour outside of Beacon Hills that he noticed the grey clouds.
Stiles had checked multiple weather sources that morning like he always did, and none of them had mentioned a chance of storms. A couple had mentioned a chance of rain that night, but it was still afternoon. There was no reason to expect a risk of storms.
But Stiles had obsessively studied storms enough to know what storm clouds looked like. And right now there were definitely storm clouds in the direction of Beacon Hills.
“How’s the weather? I mean, do you know? I feel like with your special werewolf senses you should be able to tell. You know, smell when a storm is coming. That would actually be pretty cool, it would make you a great meteorologist. Although meteorologists aren’t as bad as people make them seem. They actually have a 90% accuracy five days in advance. And on the actual day are usually within 2.5 degrees in their predictions. That’s pretty impressive. But obviously they don’t always get it right. Clearly, since they hadn’t said there would be rain today and-“
“Stiles!” Derek barked, cutting him off. “No, I can’t “sense” the weather. But from those clouds over there I’d say it’s probably going to rain.”
Stiles nodded. “Yeah. Looks like it. That’s cool. Cool cool cool cool cool.”
Derek side-eyed him, but at this point he was used to Derek’s seemingly constant annoyance with him.
His leg began bouncing, as it usually did when he was nervous. Derek was clearly annoyed, but fortunately didn’t say anything.
A couple minutes later, the drizzle began, and Derek turned on the windshield wiper. Stiles looked down at his phone which had the directions. Still 20 minutes to go. He desperately hoped that they would get back before any thunder started, but it seemed unlikely.
Stiles leaned over and began fiddling with the radio. He eventually found a station playing heavy metal, and turned it up as loud as it would go, hoping it would be enough should there be any thunder.
Derek cursed and immediately shut off the radio. “What the fuck is your problem, did you forget about the werewolf hearing?” He grumbled, pawing at his ears with one hand still on the wheel.
“Just wanted some music, you’re so quiet, you know. Thought we could liven things up.”
Derek just growled in reply, which was pretty par for the course for him, so Stiles didn’t bother saying anything else.
Pretty soon, the rain started getting heavier, pouring down loudly on the windshield. Derek increased the speed of the windshield wiper, but seemed unbothered.
Stiles opened his mouth before closing it again. He honestly wanted to just explain to Derek why he was being so weird. Derek wasn’t the type to judge, and would probably even do what he could to be accommodating.
But at the same time, he couldn’t think of worse person to find out about his fear. Besides the fact that Derek was one of the strongest, bravest people he had ever met, Stiles had also been pining after him for years. He knew Derek had seen him as the hyperactive, token human, and even if Stiles now had a spark and Derek had accepted him as the pack’s emissary, Stiles didn’t want to risk revealing anything that might ruin their progress. He knew Derek would never feel the same about him as he did, and he was okay with that, but he was absolutely not okay with Derek ever viewing him as lesser. He wouldn’t, couldn’t be seen as weak.
So Stiles kept his mouth shut, and tried to just focus on anything other than the impending storm.
That worked out until the thunder came.
The first roll of thunder hit when they were about 10 minutes from the loft, and Stiles’ composure began to crumble.
He felt his heart beat quicken, his palms sweat, his breath become raggedy and stomach begin to cramp. These were standard symptoms for his anxiety, but not something he ever truly got used to.
He tried to focus on his breathing, but was interrupted by Derek.
“What’s wrong? Your heart is pounding and your breathing sounds weird,” Derek said, the concern clear in his voice. Stiles supposed that after all the terrifying shit he had been through, it would make sense that Derek wouldn’t make the connection between his fear and the thunder.
Stiles clenched his fists and closed his eyes, trying to block everything out. “Nothing. I’m fine, dude,” he ground out.
He could practically hear Derek rolling his eyes, but for once he ignored the “dude” comment. “You’re clearly not fine, I can smell the anxiety rolling off you. If you’re in danger or if something’s wrong, I need to know.”
“I said I’m fine. Just drop it,” Stiles knew Derek would be able to hear the lie, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. He was focusing too much energy on trying to calm down to come up with a plausible lie for why he was acting the way he was.
“Please, Stiles, I just want to help you,” Derek’s voice was softer than Stiles had ever heard, and he hated the way it made his eyes tear up. He turned and rested his forehead on the window, trying to focus on the cool feeling.
Stiles was surprised Derek didn’t pry further, but instead grabbed his hand.
Stiles thought about the fact that his palms were sweaty and probably pretty gross, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull away. It wasn’t even because he had been dreaming of holding Derek’s hand for years. It was because it helped ground him.
He tried to focus on touch so he could block out the flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder. He tried to think about the warmth of Derek’s hand, and his mother’s voice when she reminded him the storms couldn’t hurt him. He counted his breaths, and reminded himself they were only a few minutes away. And as soon as they were back, he could get in his Jeep, blast his music, and try to ignore the outside world.
They arrived to the loft, and Stiles vaulted out of the Camaro before it was even in park (although a small part of him was reluctant to let go of Derek’s hand).
He ran as fast as he could to the Jeep to try to avoid the worst of the storm. Unfortunately, he didn’t get the chance to make it to the Jeep before he was being grabbed by Derek (honestly, fuck werewolf speed, that’s just not fair).
“Stiles, I need you to tell me what’s wrong. I can’t just let you leave if you’re in danger!”
One of the symptoms of anxiety that is less talked about is that heightened anxiety makes a person prone to emotional outbreaks. Maybe that’s why he lost it at that moment. Or maybe it had been building up for years, the anger and shame and fear finally boiling over. Or maybe he just wanted somebody to know, because he was so tired of being alone.
Whatever the reason was, Stiles finally let it all out.
“Oh my god, I’m not in danger. Nothing is going to happen to me and I logically know that but I can’t help it. I’m terrified of storms. Is that what you wanted me to say?” Stiles was yelling, even though he was sure Derek could hear him perfectly well, but he couldn’t stop. “I’m terrified of how loud the thunder is, how I can barely hear myself think over the noise. I’m terrified of lightning even though the likelihood of being struck is one in a million. I’m terrified that I can’t always prepare for storms and that I have no way to control the weather. And I know it’s a fucking stupid fear. And that’s why I’ve tried so hard to hide it. But I feel like I can’t breathe. And you probably don’t know what that’s like, you probably don’t have stupid fears and constant anxiety because you’re the bravest person I know. But you know now so please just drop it.”
Stiles was panting by the end of his rant. He wanted to turn around, to go to his car, just like he said he wanted, but the masochist in him needed to see how Derek was going to react.
“Do you really think I’ll judge you for that? You think I don’t feel afraid? I’m scared every day. I’m afraid I’m going to fail as an alpha. I’m afraid I’m going to lose everything again. Hell, I’m afraid every second I’m around you.”
“What? Why would you be afraid around me?” Stiles asked incredulously, fairly certain Derek was just making it up to make him feel better.
“Because I’m afraid I’m finally going to break and kiss you.”
Stiles isn’t sure what Derek saw in Stiles’ slack-jawed expression, but evidently it was an invitation, because the next thing Stiles knew, there were lips on his own.
Derek’s were wet from the rain, but still warm. The kiss was soft and tender, and everything Stiles had ever wanted.
Unfortunately, it was still storming, and Stiles jumped back just a moment later when there was a roar of thunder and crack of lightning.
Derek looked stricken, clearly drawing the wrong conclusion.
Stiles was quick to correct him. “As amazing as that kiss was, I can’t- I need to be alone right now.”
Derek looked relieved, and reached out to Stiles. “Do you- You’re welcome in the loft if you’d prefer.”
Stiles usually preferred to be alone during storms so no one could see his vulnerability, but the Jeep was also usually his last resort. The loft would be much quieter, so he nodded and took Derek’s hand.
Up in the loft, Derek grabbed Stiles a towel to dry himself since he was dripping everywhere. After he dried off, he went ahead and wrapped himself in a blanket and curled up on the couch. “Do you mind if I turn on the TV? Noise helps.” He was still shaking, but felt himself calming down. Hopefully if he put on the TV, he could try to forget about the storm.
Derek nodded and then paused. “I can leave if you’d like but if it would help... Would you mind if I just held you?”
After years of keeping his fears private, Stiles’ instinct was to ask him to leave. But he remembered how he would feel when his mom would hold him during storms. He remembered how his fears had quietened when Derek had kissed him. He remembered all the reasons he fell in love with Derek, and how safe he made him feel.
He nodded.
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Destiel Trope Collection Day 18: Magical Realism
Runs in the Family | @deansrightfulangerissue
Rating: General Word Count: 1497 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Kid Fic Summary: Dean's new boyfriend, Cas, has been wary about him meeting his child, Claire. Dean gets it, they've only been seeing each other for a few weeks. What Dean doesn't know is that Cas might have more reasons for worry than just a premature attachment.
The Magic of Mistletoes | @Destielshipper4Cas
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1610 Main Tags/Warnings: Witch Cas, First Kiss, Fluff, Christmas Fluff Summary: Dean has been coming to Cas’ witch shop for a while now. (Not because of the pretty owner, but to buy things he needed for a hunt, of course. That was the official version, in any case.) When Christmas time rolls around, and an enchanted mistletoe appears in the shop, will Dean get up the courage to act on the magical bond that is forming between them?
secret of the sea | @saltnhalo
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2465 Main Tags/Warnings: Creature Castiel (Supernatural), Selkie Castiel (Supernatural), Kid Dean Winchester, Kid Castiel (Supernatural), First Meetings, Injured Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: Dean is ten years old when he finds the injured seal, exhausted and adrift in the moonlit ocean.
Memory Lane | @thebloggerbloggerfun
Rating: General Word Count: 4421 Main Tags/Warnings: Witch!Castiel, Love Confessions, Cursed!Dean Summary: Dean's best friend Castiel is a genuine, bonafide witch with potions and magic spells to prove it. You'd think he'd have learned by now to be more careful around Castiel's things.
A Different Kind of Magic | @thebloggerbloggerfun
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 4775 Main Tags/Warnings: Cursed!Dean, Witch!Castiel, Shop owner!Castiel, Summary: Castiel is a witch that prides himself on his healing spells and Dean is that one customer that keeps coming into his shop with a different illness that needs curing. - Castiel looked up and raised an eyebrow. “Well, Dean, you’ve been cursed.” Dean’s eyes widened at the buzzword. “Cursed? What do you mean?” Castiel looked at him sympathetically as he pulled out a small, square bottle. “You either made a witch very angry or made someone that knows a witch very angry.”
A Sacrifice Worth Keeping | @saltnhalo
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5151 Main Tags/Warnings: Pagan Gods, Pagan God Castiel, Sacrifice Dean Winchester, Explicit Sexual Content, Sex God Castiel, Bottom Dean Winchester, Top Castiel, Tattoos, Light Bondage, Dom/sub Undertones Summary: The sun rises over the treetops and touches Dean’s face, and still, he waits. The villagers have retreated back to the village to pray, allowing the god his privacy, and it is just Dean out here now. He closes his eyes, tips his face up towards the sun and allows its rays to caress his skin, knowing full well that it could be for the last time. When he opens them again, there is a man standing in front of him.
Into the Dark | @nickelkeep
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 7092 Main Tags/Warnings: AU - Creatures & Monsters, AU - Modern with Magic, Witch!Castiel, Cambion!Dean, Summary: Castiel looked at Dean's hand and started towards taking it before realizing what was in front of him. ""How did you get in here?"" ""Little bit of B and E. Nothing's broken. I promise."" Dean smiled, and Castiel found himself enchanted a little. But not that much. ""This place is warded against Demons."" Castiel turned his head back towards Sam and focused on him. ""How did not just one, but two of you get in here?""
Flowers in the Snow | @MsJojo96
Rating: Mature Word Count: 8141 Main Tags/Warnings: Witch, witch!cas, barista!cas, familiar, au, alternate universe, destiel Summary: Dean did not plan his christmas to be this way. Snowed in with a total stranger and his two creepy cats. But destiny has a funny way of bringing people together, especially when one of the two people has it's hands in the bowl.
Stone Bline Love | @nickelkeep
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 8823 Main Tags/Warnings: AU - Modern with Magic, AU - Creatures and Monsters, Blind!Dean, Demigod!Dean, Gorgon!Cas Summary: In modern society, creatures are accepted among humans - assuming that the creature can pass as human. Enter Cas, a Gorgon who moved to the city to get away from his judgmental clan, only to find himself judged for the crimes of the ancient past. With the help of a Siren named Charlie, Cas finds home, and a handsome Demigod named Dean.
Burn Out this Love | @spnsmile 
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 9389 Main Tags/Warnings: NonCon, Curses, Dubcon, fluff, Romance, jealous Cas, Top!Cas, Bunker Summary: Complete blackout in the Bunker during a stormy night has TFW 2.0 setting up candles in the war room except Dean accidentally lights one of the cursed candles that extracted a part of himself that believes he loves Castiel. A shaman comes to help but not really, resulting in the angel’s short temper and taking matters in his own hands to make Dean remember. Dean did not forget his name after. #written for supernaturalpromptchallenge March prompt: candle:fire
Touch Bonded (WIP) | @Destielshipper4Cas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 9600 Main Tags/Warnings: Witch Castiel, Alternate Universe - Magic, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Touching Summary: Whenever Dean gets hurt on a hunt, Cas (his witch friend he has a crush on) heals him with a gentle touch that Dean secretly cherishes. When it happens more and more often, the witch gives him a protection amulet that is supposed to keep Dean from getting hurt. Suddenly, Dean notices injuries appear on Cas, and the witch’s explanations for how he got them don’t make much sense. Being touch bonded to a witch can have its perks too, though, and soon Dean finds a way to turn the tables on Cas and show him how good the right kind of touch can feel.
Ensnared | @saltnhalo
Rating: Mature Word Count: 10359 Main Tags/Warnings: Shipwrecked, Creature Castiel, Sailor Dean, Siren Castiel, Fluff, Angst, Masturbation, Desert Island Summary: As the current pulls him a little closer to the island, the singing grows stronger. It’s deep and lyrical and the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard and he’s suddenly overcome by the desperate, searing need to be closer, to hear it in all its intended glory. And as he passes a single spur of rock that juts out a little further into the ocean than the others, Dean sees him.
No Man's Waters | @envydean
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 21092 Main Tags/Warnings: merman!cas, merman!Dean, merfolk, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, Minor Character Death, War, Treason, Touch-Starved Summary: When Castiel is cast out of his territory for disobeying orders for war, he’s left to perish in No Man’s Waters, the treacherous depth between the Garrison Territory and the Huntsman’s Territory. Nothing survives there, and Castiel is barely holding on to life when one of the Huntsmen Merfolk comes to his aid.
Bards and Buskers | @mrshays
Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 21620 Main Tags/Warnings: au - modern setting, urban fantasy, museum archivist Castiel, musician Dean Winchester, asexual character, dungeons and dragons mythology, bardic inspiration, quest Summary: Castiel Novak, the archivist for a folk-art museum, has inherited an exhibit from his colleague and best friend, Charlie Bradbury. He’s introverted and only interacts with the public via the museum’s social media, but the exhibit requires him to interview local street musicians. After reading Charlie’s notes on bards, Castiel is reminded of the man he sees at the transit station each morning. Dean Winchester has been busking around the US since his parents died in a car accident, playing the guitar his mother left behind. He visits his brother, Sam, in Palo Alto and funds his next trip playing in a transit station. He would have traveled along some time ago, but a studious man with ocean blue eyes keeps giving him a smile and his pocket money and Dean is ensnared. Will the pair form a more profound bond?
Magic in the Moonlight | @ialwayscomewhenyoucall
Rating: Mature Word Count: 26143 Main Tags/Warnings: angst, fluff, happy ending, dean has anxiety, mechanic!dean, baker!charlie, bird!cas Summary: Once upon a time a boy named Dean lived with his mother, father, and little brother in a world filled with magic. When tragic circumstances left the young brothers without a mom, their father declared that no magic would touch their lives ever again. Years later Dean’s brother has learned to live with magic again, but Dean still lives on the outskirts of town, choosing to befriend the birds in his backyard rather than try to build relationships with people who use magic for nearly everything in life. But then, one ordinary February morning, two things happen that turn Dean’s world upside down: a magical accident leads to him making a most surprising new friend, and a very out-of-place bird--bright blue with messy black feathers on its head and a rather captivating gaze--shows up in his backyard. Suddenly Dean is facing magic again, in very unexpected ways. Can he fly these turbulent skies to find his happily ever after?
Gardens Of Elembor | @navajolovesdestiel
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 31447 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe Fantasy Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester Top Dean WinchesterBottom Castiel Switching Wizard Castiel Elemental Dean Winchester Magic Explicit Sexual Content Magic Summary: Castiel is cast into the world that was his favorite book growing up. He always knew it felt real, but when he finds a talking unicorn on the busy street while on his way to work, he finds himself transported to Elembor and finds Dean of Winchester waiting for him. When Dean tells him he is a powerful wizard, he knows he's lost his mind. It's a world he's sworn to protect, and he takes it seriously. Especially when Dean tells him he's there to kill the beast.
Contracts and crosswords | @wingsandimpalas
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 45657 Main Tags/Warnings: Warnings: graphic depictions of violence Mentions and flashbacks to child abuse Tags: Enemies to lovers, Angel Dean, Demon castiel, Lawyer Castiel, Bigotry & Prejudice, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Alternate Universe - Magic realism, Hate to Love, Social Worker Dean, Drunk Sex, Misunderstandings, Angst with Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Background - Rowena/Sam Winchester/Gabriel, Background Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak Summary: After years of working as Claire’s Guardian angel, Dean's getting ready to let his Charge go. It’s time to let her make a life without him being there to protect her. He probably would have done it too, if he didn't discover that Claire went behind his back making a deal with the infamous lawyer Castiel Gladius. With his past experiences making him wary of demon deals, Dean offers to take Claire's place. Working for a demon he hates, just so his kid doesn’t have too. But will spending 66 days in the presence of the alluring Castiel lead to more than he ever bargained for?
so bitter and so sweet | @pomegranatedaffodil
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 57205 Main Tags/Warnings: Modern with Magic, Magic User Dean, Cop Castiel, Ghosts, Possession, Minor Character Death, Canon-Typical Violence, Curses, Past Dean/Benny, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean, Referenced Switching, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Dean has known about the family curse ever since it claimed the life of his mother: anyone who dares to love a Winchester is fated to die. When he takes a chance on love and loses his husband Benny, his belief in its power only grows stronger. Two years later, a late-night phone call from his brother Sam sends both of their lives spinning wildly out of control. Then Officer Cas Novak arrives in town, looking into the disappearance of Sam’s girlfriend Ruby, and starts asking questions Sam and Dean can’t answer. Complicating matters even further, Dean feels an immediate, overwhelming connection to the intense, blue-eyed source of their problems. Dealing with all the secrets, the lies, and a brother slowly crumbling under the weight of his guilt doesn’t leave much time for romance, but as Cas gets closer to the truth, he also gets closer to Dean. Inspired by the film Practical Magic.
Lifetime Piling Up | @mittensmorgul
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 58916 Main Tags/Warnings: modern AU, tattoo artist!Dean, trauma surgeon!Cas, canon typical violence, fluff and smut Summary: Cas is having a bad day. He burned his bagel, missed his ride to work and had to run to the hospital in the pouring rain, and then witnessed his attending accidentally kill a patient during a routine surgery. Now he might be on the hook for his boss’s mistake, but was it really a mistake, or is he the next target of Dr. Nick Morningstar’s sick mind games? Dean is also having a bad day. His brother nearly set his kitchen on fire, he’s training a new apprentice in his tattoo shop, and then he gets a mysterious call that Sam needs a ride to the hospital after a freak accident in the pouring rain left him with an injured shoulder. A chance encounter at the hospital leads Dean and Cas to each other after a decade of coincidences and premonitions, and suddenly their worst day might become the foundation for all of their best. A story of choice and destiny, and the power of found family, foretold through uncanny tattoos.
The Closest Thing We Have To Magic | @ellen-of-oz
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 221231 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate universe - university, Alternate universe - magical realism, Professor Cas, Grad student Dean, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Mutual Pining Summary: Dean Winchester is a graduate student at Stanford University’s School of the Occult. A naturally-talented mage but a lazy professor and student, he figures he’ll coast through his final year the way he always has: with charisma, charm, and a natural aptitude for magic. All that changes when his thesis advisor, Dr. Castiel Novak, turns out to be the strictest and most challenging educator on-campus. Unfortunately for Dean, the uptight professor is nearly his age and infuriatingly gorgeous. But Castiel is keeping a secret, a powerful talent that’s more a curse than a blessing when he’s targeted by seditious parts of magical society. Can Dean and Cas put aside their animosity—and undeniable chemistry—long enough to instill real change in the magical community? Or will sinister plots and hidden agendas keep them apart?
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
december 23 - ricky horror
title: one in seven
its official where i live! marry christmas and happy holidays to yall. i hope you all have a great day and enjoy the last couple fics of the year! thanks again for reading and sharing, i love you all and wish you all the best in 2021.
prompt: Notes and gifts from a "secret Santa" take a strange turn
request from: n/a
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @svintsandghosts @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @theoneandonlykymberlee @joeynihil @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @thisplace-ishaunted @xyours-eternallyx
one week. thats all that was left. five days till christmas day and i was all but turned off by the idea of gifts and celebration and parties and everything else that came with the holiday. i think my secret santa knew that though, whoever it was. dont get me wrong, i didnt mind being on the road for christmas, i didnt like the day, and i didnt have family to spend time with so it didnt really matter. but little did i know at the beginning of this that everyday i would wake up to something weirder in my stocking. and not even in a bad way, cause the two things id received already were super awesome.
and yes, it was the guys idea to put stockings up and do secret santa. that way we each got something small the seven days before christmas and the day of we would ultimately find out who our gift giver was over dinner as they gave us one final larger present. and dont get me wrong, i was an excellent gift giver, already two days in and vinny had loved the two things i had secretly slipped into his stocking but i was getting more impatient. i wanted to know who was getting me things only a few people knew i wanted. and ultimately i wanted vinny to know who was giving him his gifts.
when i got up today i wasnt exactly sure what i was going to be pulling out of the stocking hanging outside my bunk. the first day i had gotten a skeleton hand mug, the second day i had gotten a bag of death wish coffee, and i really just wanted to know if the theme would continue. maybe this person was trying to tell me something. i laid in my bunk as my alarm went off, silencing it almost immediately since i was awake already, just staring at the ceiling. i tossed the blanket off and slid out of my bunk slowly, looking up at chris as he leaned back into the opposing one, sipping out of his Starbucks cup from yesterday.
i said and he held his cup to me in cheers.
he said groggily.
"you check your stocking yet?"
i asked and he nodded.
"yep, todays was a voodoo donut and a starbucks giftcard."
he said with a smile and i laughed.
"guess you get it twice a year now huh."
i said and he nodded contently,
"whats in yours?"
he asked and i turned around, my eyes going wide at how thick it looked. i drew my brows and reached my arm into it. i felt something soft graze my hand before pulling it out.
"awe, its so cute."
i said as i pulled the plush bat out, taking the black silk eye mask off of it and petting its head. i showed it to chris.
"either my secret Santa thinks i sleep too much or not enough."
i said with a laugh, putting the eye mask into my bag next to the coffee and mug. chris laughed a little bit as ricky slid his curtain over from behind him.
"what you guys talking about?"
he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"y/n's concerned with the gifts from her secret santa."
chris answered and rick raised a brow.
"how come?"
he asked and i shrugged, hugging the bat to my chest.
"ive gotten two things of coffee so far and two things to sleep with. im getting mixed signals to say the least."
i said with a laugh and he nodded, jumping down from his bunk with a thud.
"maybe they think you needed something to help you keep up the good work, and something to help you relax. you do work harder than all of us combined."
he mentioned, making me smile.
"thanks rick, i guess ill just have to wait another few days and ask when i find out who it is."
i said and he nodded.
"guess so."
"okay, this is getting more and more confusing."
i said, unwrapping the fuzzy blanket, holding it out to look at what was on it. the whole thing was solid black with alchemy symbols, pentagrams, crystal balls, and the likeness on it in bright pastel pinks and purples. it was really cute and matched the bat perfectly. all this stuff just had me wondering what i could be getting at dinner. i knew this blanket wasnt cheap, it had a black craft tag on it after all.
"whats confusing?"
vinny asked, holding the new bulls jersey in his hand.
"the theme of these is a little skewed to say the least."
i said and he shrugged.
"that looks comfy."
he said, running his hand over the side of it and i nodded.
"what else have you gotten?"
he asked and i sighed.
"coffee, a mug, a plush bat, a sleep mask, pastel bath bombs, a coffee and honey face scrub mask, fuzzy black and pink socks, and now this blanket. its like a care package."
i said and he shrugged.
"guess youll just have to find out at dinner, which we should probably get ready for."
as we all sat around the table i watched intently as we went down the line, each person giving their last gifts.  justin had chris, chris had ryan, ryan had aj, aj had justin, i had vin, vin had rick, and finally rick had me. as he got up he reached for a large box and my eyes went wide.
"okay y/n i know all week youve been trying to figure out what the hell this all could be leading up to but i asked all of the guys if we could pitch in on something so its not just from me."
i drew my brows.
"we all know you work ten times harder than the rest of us so we all wanted to do something special for you."
he said, setting the box down in front of me on the table.
"you guys didnt have to do that. you guys put so much into the band, im nothing special."
i said and he sent me a disapproving look.
"but you are, without you none of this would work. so as a thank you from all of us..."
he said, pointing to the box and i moved slowly to open it, all of them watching me intently. i ripped the paper off first, then going in to rip the tape off it and popping the sides open one at a time. when i pulled the tissue paper out of the way i drew my brows. in it was a large wooden box.
i asked, pulling it out and setting it on the table in place of the carboard box.
"open it."
chris said from across the table and i pushed the gold tab up, lifting the lid. as soon as i saw what was in it my mouth dropped. i wanted to inspect it more but my vision was going blurry at the tears behind my eyes.
"you guys."
i said, closing it and standing up to give rick a hug.
"so i take it you like it?"
he asked and i nodded against him, pulling away and wiping the tears off my face.
"its beautiful."
i said, opening the box back up and looking over the kit of art supplies. there was everything i could ever ask for in here: a water color palette, gouache, oil pastels, soft pastels, colored pencils, drawing pencils, two sketch pads, brushes, the whole nine yards.
"we wanted to get you something that you enjoy and that relaxes you. this whole week ive been building up stuff that could make you comfortable during or after a long work day: comfy stuff to sleep with, coffee when youre running around making sure we're all in line, spa stuff to help you chill at home. they all helped with this idea but we thought it could be something to get you out of the real world when youve had enough. and now youll think of all of us when you use it."
he said with a wide smile and i couldn't help crying again.
"you guys take such good care of me."
i said through a sniffle as vin leaned over and hugged me, then Justin leaned in and did the same, pretty soon all of them were standing around me in big a group hug.
"we love you y/n, we wouldnt get anything done without you and we're so glad to call you a team member and most importantly a friend."
rick said, as they all stood back up and went back to their seats.
"thank you guys, for everything. and thank you especially for making this a special christmas, the most special christmas ive ever had."
he squeezed my shoulder gently.
"youre part of the family now y/n, and we wouldnt want it any other way."
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animemangasoul · 4 years
Tim & Jason Becoming a "We"
Summery: Tim and Jason become a unit and are each other's backup, always.
Tim doesn’t know how, doesn’t know when, but time flies, their world bleeds together and suddenly, Tim can’t really imagine a future where his previously estranged brother doesn’t fit like a puzzle next to him.
It’s like having a perfect match in everything.  
Someone who isn’t you but understands you. Someone who seamlessly connects with you in a way that lifts the weight of the earth of your shoulders and Tim stops thinking of them as Tim and Jason and starts seeing them as “we”. Because they are in this together. In a family that isn’t quite comfortable with either of them, in a family that is a ghost of what it used to be, in a family where either of them feels the stinging feeling of betrayal like a blemish against their skin. Their plight becomes a “we” and their struggles becomes an “us.”
They are flying across the sky, Jason only slightly ahead of him, and Tim doing his best to keep up while avoiding jolting his side too much because, ouch, he winces, hand coming up to rest on his ribs as he takes another swing across the rooftop and stumbles after Jason. He really should have readjusted the bindings before he’d thrown himself into the air tonight, but alas, it couldn’t be helped now.  
Another Arkham breakout had brought the whole family together tonight and Tim couldn’t afford to step down, especially since they were already shorthanded with Cass being in China and Duke off world. Tim had to step up, because he knew that he was needed. And Tim would always be there when he was needed.  
Bruce voice crackles through their earpiece as soon as he lands next to Jason who’d stopped to wait for him. Tim doesn’t know whether he should feel insulted or appreciative of the gesture. He settles on a nod; Jason answers him with a tilt of his head. Before he then follows it up with a slight twitch of his shoulder meant to ask a silent question. Tim shakes his head. ‘No,'  he communicates with that gesture. ‘I don’t want to talk. Stop worrying.’ His brother shrugs and turns away.  
“Red Hood, Red Robin, come in.”
Pressing on his earpiece, Tim settled more comfortable on the roof; shifting his leg and allowing some of the pressure to shift away from his injured side before speaking. “Here Batman. Where to?”
“Two Face has been spotted near your area, so I need you to cut through the construction site and corner him by the warehouse on fifth.” Their father’s voice sounds blank, but Tim can hear the underlying frustration, aggression and urgency behind the lack of emotions.
Tim stills. Eyes darting over to Red Hood before speaking again. “The construction site?”
“Yes,” Batman snaps. “Is that a problem Red Robin?”
“It is,” Jason cuts in before Tim can answer. “I’ve been keeping an eye on that site and a weapons deal is supposed to take place there later tonight and if we bust through it now I’ll miss my chance to solve my case. I case I’ve been working on for weeks if you can bother to remember.”
A pause, and then. “We don’t have time to be worried about your other cases right now Hood. Cut through the construction site.....”
Bruce keeps talking, but Tim isn’t paying attention anymore. His eyes are focused on the clenching and unclenching of Jason’s fists and yeah.... Bruce shouldn’t have said that. This case, it had kept Jason up for days, little girls had died and... Two Face was dangerous but--
“Batman,” Tim said; finger pressed against his cowl. “We’re taking the north street and swinging in from behind. It should get us there in around the same time.”
“Red Robin!”
But Tim isn’t focusing on him. His eyes squarely resting on his brother. “We got this Batman. Reds out.”
Turning off the com he breathes out slowly.
He didn’t like to defy Batman. Didn’t like to step on toes. Didn’t want to rock the boat, but.... Jason needed backup and Tim was his backup. Always.
“Let’s go,” he says, sprinting across the roof and jumping over the edge. It takes a second, but he hears the heavy boots of his brother following his footsteps. “Can’t believe you just hung up on Batman,” Jason snorts. Tim can barely hear him through the coms. “Now let’s kick some ass.”
Tim grins.  
The dinner table is surprisingly noisy today. Most of the family somehow having been able to make their way upstairs after a heavy night out and if it wasn’t for the bump and bruises all around, the noise would have probably been twice as loud.
“Hey,” Dick screamed from the other side of the table. “Someone pass me the ketchup!”
Grimacing, Jason picked up the bottle and shucked it at the other man, Dick gracefully snatching it out of the air and grinning at him smugly. “You’re disgusting,” Jason huffed, staring in horror as Dick proceeded to gleefully add a generous amount of ketchup on his pasta. “Disgusting.”
“You only say that cuz you haven’t tasted this art!”
Shaking his head, Jason picks up his own fork and proceeds to eat his exasperation away, because.... yeah, Alfred’s pasta was delicious and sure they were all eating at like five in the morning, but a vigilante's schedule was never set in a healthy routine, so this was fine. This was perfect.  
Shooting a quick look at the teen sitting next to him, Jason frowned; mouth stuffed full but eyes observing the too quiet figure that was Timothy Jackson Drake Wayne. The kid had been oddly out of it lately, and Jason didn’t like it.  
Didn’t like it one bit.  
Nudging the other ever so slightly, Jason lifts a brow when Tim finally meets his gaze. The heavy bags under the kid’s eyes a serious cause for concern and Jason finds himself mimicking the other’s expression, the frown deepening when all the other does is give him a pathetic attempt at a smile.  
Not ok at all.
“So,” Dick says loudly, momentarily forcing Jason to look away from the kid. “You’re all coming to our annual family dinner tomorrow right?”  
His grin is huge and for some mystical reason doesn’t take away from his charm despite the smear of ketchup at the left corner of his mouth. “I know we’re all busy, but it will be good to be together under the same roof without being forced to. Plus,” he adds, practically bouncing on his seat. “Dami is coming back from his camping trip so we can all finally just be a family!”
There is an echo of tired confirmation all around the table, brightening Dick more and more as no one puts up much of a fight. Stephanie just shrugging in a silent agreement next to his overhyped brother and Bruce smiling slightly at his oldest son, the others only nodding along, but it’s more than anyone has agreed to in a very long time and Jason finds himself not minding at all. In fact, “What about you Jason?”
“Sure,” he says, fork at his lips. “I think we can make it.”
Dick sounds confused.
Jason only nods. “Yeah, me and Timbo over here.” Finally looking back at his baby brother, he suddenly notices the new stiffness that has reshaped the replacement’s frame. Now he looks even more pale, even more sickly, and Jason worries his lip. This doesn’t look good.
“Oh,” Dick says. “Right! Timmy! I almost forgot you were here! You’re so quiet lately!” A laugh.  
Dick doesn’t see Tim flinch.
Jason does.
And nop, not gonna let that one stand. Jason hadn’t worked his ass off to make the idiot come into himself just for dickhead to bring it all down with an ill-timed humor that hit too close to home. Nop.
“You know what,” he says, fork clanging on the plate as Jason stands up. “I forget that we had other plans. Sorry Dick, but me and the replacement will have to bail on you tomorrow.”
He watches as Dick’s face falls and he feels something like satisfaction pulse through his veins. He does his best not to show it. Instead grabbing a confused Tim be the elbow and dragging him up. “We have that case thing in Hawaii that we need to take care of.” Tim looks utterly confused. Jason doesn’t care. “So next time?”
“I....” Dick looks between them, something like a shadow passing through his eyes when Tim unconsciously leans on him, a small sigh of contentment escaping his lips. “You sure you can’t make it Timmy?”
Tim blinks slowly down at their brother, shoulders going rigged under Jason’s arm. “Yeah, sorry Dick. We have that case... that really important case and.... Say hi to Damian for me.”
The demon spawn.
Jason doesn’t know how in God’s given earth Goldie still hadn’t realized that Tim would do anything not to be in the same room as that kid. Could one person be that oblivious?
“Are you sure kiddo? Dami would really like to see you. He misses you?”
And.... yup. One person could really be that oblivious. “We’re leaving,” Jason huffs. Dragging his replacement behind him as he snatched up his gun from the corner table and only pauses slightly for Tim to pick up his computer bag before he leads the other out the dining hall and through the rest of the house before exiting the door. Not even turning around to acknowledge Bruce’s command to stay till dinner was over.
Tim needed backup. Jason was his backup.
“We didn’t do it.”
Bruce’s glare turns towards him. Tim tries not to flinch. “We didn’t do it,” he repeats, his stubborn streak flaring up as he feels slightly corned by the looming figure. “We didn’t.”
“I wasn’t talking to you Tim.”
“I know,” he says, scooting forward in his chair so that he can more comfortably hold Jason’s hand. Jason who is practically glowering at their father.  
“Then don’t speak for your brother.”
Tim is glaring now. “I’m not speaking for him. I’m just telling you that we didn’t do it because I was there. I wouldn’t lie about Jason killing someone Bruce!”
“He shot him!”
“Because the shitbag fucking shot at us! What the fuck B!” If Jason didn’t have a sizable hole in his shoulder Tim was sure he would have flung himself at Bruce by now. “What did you want us to do huh? Die?”
Bruce frowned. “Of course not.”
Shaking his head, Tim tried not to sigh, squeezing Jason’s hands reassuringly instead. “We didn’t kill him Bruce. I promise. It was a nonfatal shot anyways. He couldn’t have died from that.”
“But he is dead. Whether you like it or not Jason has broken his promise and---”
“But he didn’t kill him!”
Batman glares. “He should have been more careful. I’ve trained him better than that. He knew what he was doing and---”
“And what!”
Tim is mirroring Bruce’s glare now.
“Jason can’t continue to operate thinking he’s above consequences Tim.”
And.... Tim is on his feet in a second. He doesn’t know why he reacts like this..... No, he knows exactly why because... “What suit would you have picked out?” He is so so angry.  
“What?” Bruce doesn’t show it, but a mild confusion tilts through his tone, and Tim lashes out.
“I said which suit would you have picked out? For our funeral I mean.” Even Jason is looking at him now. A stunned surprise mirroring Bruce’s own painting his face, but Tim doesn’t spare him a glance. Doesn’t spare anyone else in the room a look. Eyes squarely focused on their shocked father.  
“After we died by the docks and you eventually found our bloating bodies floating in the dirty Gotham waters, which suit would you have picked out? Because that’s what would have happened if Jason hadn’t shot that man. We would be dead Bruce! So, maybe stop trying to equate our lives to your moral code! And just be happy we didn’t die for once in your life!”
Tim is breathing heavily, eyes refusing to leave Bruce’s own, but he still feels the flush of embarrassment burn at his cheeks because... wow, he’d just screamed at Bruce and.... Jason squeezes his hand. Tearing his gaze away from his statue of a father, Tim’s eyes connect with his brother, and Jason squeezes his hand again, giving him a tiny smile and.... yeah.
Sitting back down, Tim fiddles with the other’s fingers until Bruce spins around and marches out of the cave. And yeah.... Tim would fight anyone for Jason, because Jason and him. They were a unit. A team. A “We.”
They had each other’s backs, because they chose to, because they needed to, because they wanted to. And Tim didn’t mind being a “we” with Jason if that meant he’d always have backup in the form of his favorite big brother.  
Dick holds up a chocolate chip cookie to Tim and Jason slaps it out of his hand.
“What the-” Dick says, startled as he watches the cookie fly out of his hand and hit the ground. “What did you do that for?” he asks, turning on Jason.  
Shifting his sunglasses, Jason stares up at the bright blue sky before shrugging at Goldie. “We don’t like chocolate chip anymore.”
Even Damian is giving him a weird look now, the four of them finally hanging out after forever of Dick begging and threatening them to do something together outside of work.  
Tim snorts.
“You heard what I said,” Jason huffs, fishing a butter cookie out of his own bag and handing it over to Tim who takes it without a protest. “We don’t eat chocolate chip anymore.”
“I literally saw Tim eat it yesterday!”
Jason scoffs and Tim has tears in his eyes trying not to laugh. “That was yesterday Goldie. Get with the times.”
The end
@miss-choco-chips​ I got inspired by your fic (especially that Jason and Tim part) so I wrote you this in turn. It’s more fluff and isn’t funny at all but I’m sending you soft emotions your way!!! Since tim and jason are our favs ;)
@throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen​ Sending fluff your way as well!! Hope you like it. We’re are currently on hiatus of torturing tim sooooo happy moments it’s what we’re writing lol.
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