#the day i get the game in my little hands the shaken soda can will burst
dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
i am still 110 percent not over the fact that they rly just dropped super mario rpg on us like that like they REALLY KEPT THAT SHIT QUIET
at least we know nintendo is financially intelligent bc if if they're ever gonna make bank this is the game they'd do it with
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crazy golf| evan ‘buck’ buckley
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summary| when you blackout on a mini golf course the 118 gets called to the scene
“Your dad?! You have a dad?” You couldn’t help but chuckle at the shock that spills from the speakers of your phone. While you had the day off from the firehouse, your boyfriend Buck, wasn’t so lucky. In fact today was when he worked one of the dreaded 24 hour shifts. “Everyone has a dad, Buck.” You laugh at him sarcastically and you can hear your boyfriend scoff over the other end of the call. “I know that, it’s just that... I don’t know, you never really talked about your dad before.” Now you scoff. “Yeah there isn’t much to tell, he left when I was still really young and our communication was little to none throughout the years.” “So explain to me why you’re meeting with him exactly.” You could hear the voice of Chimney make it’s way into the conversation and you could bet that he and Hen had now gathered around Buck to hear the conversation.. if you’re lucky Bobby and Eddie probably joined as well. 
“I don’t know, he and his new family is in town for vacation so I figured why not meet up with them.” As you make your way through your and buck’s shared house to the living room, where you sit yourself on the couch. “If you guys don’t talk, how does he even know you live in LA?” Hen now spoke, proving you correct. “My mom’s Facebook most likely-” Eddie scoffs at the comment. “Oh cause you and your mom talk so much more Ms. I didn’t tell my mom I moved across country.” “You didn’t tell your own mother you moved across the country?” Now Bobby’s voice comes over the speaker... the gangs all here. “Okay shut up both of you!” “Is it really a good idea, Y/N? I mean, you haven’t seen him in years. Are you sure you want to go alone?” Buck’s voice is finally heard again. You could picture the exact face he was making in that moment. The concerned Buck face. “It’s not like he’s a psychopath, Buckley.” “Y/N’s a big girl, she can handle it.” Bobby joked in the background of the call. “Is it just you and him or are there more people that will be there?” “Most likely him and I, his wife, and her 2 kids.” At that the loud ring of the fire bell ignites. “Y/N, we have to go. I’ll talk to you later, be careful, I love you.” “I love you too and shut up about me being careful, take your own advice.” 
“Pants, are you crazy girl? It’s 90 degrees out!” The hounded of your father begins the second you approach the group of them at the entree of the mini golf course. “90 degrees is nothing if she goes into burning buildings with practically a winter jacket on.” The countering voice of the eldest step brother replied to his comment before I could. The eldest, named James, was my favorite of the three kids. Not that I saw much of them, but from what I did, he was always the nicest. Kayla, younger than James but older than myself, was always more bitchy, however we knew each other back when she was a teenager. “You’d be surprised for being a firefighter, putting out fires is only like 2 percent of what I do on a day to day.” 
“Hey-” “Stop worrying she’ll be okay.” Buck practically jumped from his skin when Eddie snatched his phone from his hands. Buck frantically looks around to the other as they unpack the truck from the recent call. Chimney and Hen laugh at him for the way he’s acting. “I’m just checking to be safe!” Buck defends snatching his phone back, checking the screen for any miss calls before sighing and sliding his phone back into his pocket. “You’re worrying about an ex-detective turned firefighter meeting up with her dad... how does Y/N deal with you.” Chimney questioned earning another eye roll from Buck. “You just never know. I know what it’s like to not have a good relationship with your parents. I’d be dying right now if I were in her position.” Buck explains and Hen shows a bit of empathy for the boy. “Y/N isn’t you Buck, she’s not any of us, she’s her. If you hadn’t noticed she doesn’t really hold grudges, she gonna go see him, pretend like nothing happened and then when he disappears again she’ll forget that he even came back into her life.”
“Vending Machine, you want anything?” James questioned as you reach the midway point of the course. “My god, yes please.” You huff, wiping the sweat from your forehead. You join James and Kayla near the machine, taking a seat besides Kayla on her bench. “Water please.” “There is only soda.” James calls back and both girls groan, rolling there eyes. “It’s too hot of soda.” Kayla groaned, you nod in agreement. “Sprite, I guess.” “Coke for me.” You lean your head back to hang in exhaustion. “So.. how has LA been? Any boyfriend?” Kayla starts up conversation, different from how she use to be. “Better than back home and yeah, yeah a boyfriend.” “Boyfriend? What’s his name?” James over hears, turning and handing us our respected can of soda. You open it and down half of it, placing the cold can on your neck before replying, “Buck, well Evan Buckley but we call him Buck. We work together.” They nod, as dad and his wife join us ready to continue the game. You go to stand and suddenly stumble back at the blackness that suddenly clouds your vision. “Whoa, Y/N you okay?” Your dad reaches out to stop you from falling. “Yeah, yeah, just stood up to fast. I’m fine.” You remember, you haven’t eaten since you’ve left work the night prior and water.. well water isn’t exactly your drink of choice. “Are you sure?” James double checks. “Yes I’m fine.”You shrug your dad’s arm from your shoulder and start the small uphill hike to the next hole, however before you can get your bearings you’re suddenly on the ground slumped again the rocks of the golf course, the world around you coming in and out. 
The blaring of the alarm puts everyone in the 118 into motion as the team climbs into the firetruck and ambulance and as the truck pulls into drive, Buck’s phone goes off in his pocket. His sister Maddie. “Maddie what is it? We’re on a call-” “Yeah yeah I know, it’s about the call... it’s Y/N.” 
“LAFD please clear the way.” Bobby, followed by the team arrives onto the scene where James is waiting at the beginning of the course to lead them to the still incoherent Y/N. “What exactly happened?” Bobby questioned, Buck and Eddie standing to each side of him as Chimney and Hen make there way onto the course to evaluate her. “We stopped to get a drink from the vending machine and then when we went to continue she went to walk up the hill and just boom, dropped.” “Her vitals are all good, she’s coming in and out, she’s extremely dehydrated!” Hen calls from their position, Hen and Chimney kneels on the ground besides you. “Y/N!” Buck yells going to take off to join them, however, stopped by both Eddie and Bobby. “Buck stop! Go get water from the stand, Eddie from the ambulance get a gerny, I’ll go get Y/N, Eddie set up under the sprinklers here.” “Bobby, let me go get her-” “Buck follow the order.” With a red face, Buck stomps away from his captain in the direction of the convent stand to get water. Bobby treks his way through the course joining half of his team as well as her father and step mother. Hen has already inserted an IV with water into Y/N arm and slowly was she regaining her consensuses. “Y/N, it’s Bobby we’re going to move you, okay?” “Bobby?” You mumbled as he counted to three, lifting you effortlessly, Hen holding the IV bag as Chimney follows with the medical bag in hand. Bobby knows you’re with them as he can feel you holding onto his neck as he carries you but as your head drops forward, he begins talking. “Y/N talk to me.” “I’m okay.” Your voice trails off, head dropping completely backwards as your arms go slightly limb as they arrive to the beginning of the course again, where Eddie had a gerny, Buck had water and sprinklers were raining water lightly down. “Y/N come on, wake up!” Bobby’s voice gets louder as he sits you down completely out cold. “Y/N!” Buck’s voice calls louder as he shoved the bottle of water into Eddie’s hands. “Y/N!” Buck shakes you, both hands on either side of your face and with the shakening and the sprinkling of water as well as the IV coursing water into your body, you’re eyes flutter open. “Buck, I’m fine.” Buck smiles, sighing in relief, his head dropping forward grateful for you’re eyes opening. “Y/N when was the last time you ate?” Hen’s judgmental voice speaks up as her arms cross. “Um-” You shut your eyes tightly, the exhaustion not leaving your body. “Cap, what did you make for dinner late night?” Scoffs from your team fill the air. “You are an idiot.” Buck mumbles besides you and you lightly push him off. “Eddie, go get get a milkshake or something please.” Bobby orders and Eddie nods rushing off to get it. “Chocolate! She doesn’t like Vanilla!” Buck calls after his teammate, his eyes falling to her family, standing just off to the side watching in silence as she mingles with the team that just saved her. “So... I’m assuming that’s Buck?”
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mimi-cee-hq · 4 years
His Sweater - Koganegawa x Reader
Pairing: Koganegawa x f!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
Summary: Y/n tends to be attracted to quiet, calm, and caring guys. But she ends up falling for Koganegawa and it involves a soda, a mop and a sweater - and maybe a few laps around the track.
Words: 2,139
Additional Characters: Futakuchi, Aone, Moniwa, Sakunami, Obara, Kamasaki, Nametsu, Akaashi (mentioned) (how did he get there? lol. jk)
Author's notes: This is a matchup story for an anon. I hope you like it. The matchup description is at the end of the story. This is also for the HQC monthly prompt event, using the Sweater Weather prompt.
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"Wait for me, senpai!!!!" a tall boy with blond hair yelled out, dashing into the convenience store. Y/n felt a breeze as she heard the bell jingle from the entrance door.
Y/n shivered, having recently left the store. The sky was already getting dark when basketball practice finished but now it casted an orange hue over the neighbourhood. As she put on her green blazer for the first time in a while, she recalled a moment back when she lived in Tokyo.
“Do you want my sweater?” Akaashi asked her classmate in junior high. That was when Y/n learned how calm and caring he was - and unknowingly started to have a crush on him. But then she moved to Miyagi so her crush was short-lived. She didn’t mind though. She was hopeful there would be other guys like him.
“Y/N!!!” the same tall boy chased after her, leaving the convenience store. Y/n flinched at his loud voice and almost had an urge to run away. She felt that would be too mean. But it was a little scary to have a 6’3” male teenager running at full speed towards her. She didn’t know him, but his uniform indicated they went to the same school. “Do you play League of Legends?”
Y/n blinked a couple of times before she gave a slow nod. Was he from another class?
Koganegawa, she later learned his name, beamed with excitement as he waved down the other members of the volleyball team. “Sakunami! You’re right! She does play!”
Y/n froze as the crowd came towards her, carrying various drinks. She was able to make out a slushy and a carton of milk but wasn't sure about the rest. She tried her best to give a polite smile, hoping they didn’t notice how awkward she was acting. She didn't mix well with large crowds.
“Are you really good?” Koganegawa continued.
“I’m not that good,” she replied, playing with her fingers, “but I know my way around the game.”
“Guys!” he waved at his team, “Y/n’s really good!” Y/n giggled at how he decided to interpret her words. “When we play together, we keep losing,” Koganegawa said with a frown, “so could you carry us?!”
She stared at Koganegawa’s large frame, then at his teammates of equivalent stature. Although she knew he didn’t mean to literally carry them, she couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of trying to do so. It didn’t help that Koganegawa was so earnest in his request and was currently flustered as to why she was laughing so much.
“I can try my best to lead the team,” she replied. “Although, I don’t know if I’m good enough compared to the rest of you.”
Koganegawa got excited by her response - a little too excited. To the point where he forgot he was holding his drink when his arms shot up.
So his soda ended up on her blazer.
“ACKK!!!” Koganegawa panicked. “I’m so sorry!” He rummaged through his bag, but because he was too flustered, nothing useful came out. (His towel just happened to be with their manager for a wash.)
“It’s okay,” Y/n smiled. “Don’t worry about it. It was an accident.”
Koganegawa couldn’t believe how easily she forgave him. If it was someone like Futakuchi or Moniwa, he would have been scolded for sure. The two of them did end up nagging him anyway, witnessing the whole thing.
Y/n removed her wet blazer. It wouldn’t take long for her to get home to wash it. But she felt a shiver run up her back, forgetting how late it was getting.
“Do you want my sweater?” Koganegawa asked after receiving a bonk on the head from Moniwa.
Y/n stared at the sweater he held out to her. She smirked, not expecting that her memory of Akaashi would be replaced by a comedic introduction from Koganegawa.
After a few months, because of various reasons like school, sports and conflicting schedules, Y/n was finally able to play League with Koganegawa and his friends. He still greeted her during those months whenever they saw each other in the hallway. It was a little jarring to hear him shout her name loud enough for the whole school to hear, but she eventually got used to it
It turned out that Koganegawa didn’t really know what “carry” meant. He just heard the term being used a lot to refer to someone who was experienced with the game.
“So there’s AP carry and there’s AD carry,” Y/n explained. Koganegawa eagerly nodded, showing he was paying attention. So Y/n started to continue but was interrupted by Futakuchi.
“Don’t let him fool you,” Futakuchi mentioned, his arm leaning on the door frame of the classroom. “Just because he’s listening, it doesn’t mean he actually understood.”
Y/n smiled. “I don’t mind teaching him. He’s eager to learn so why not?”
Aone, from behind Futakuchi, indicated they needed to head for practice. “You’d better hurry up,” Futakuchi told Koganegawa. “Otherwise you’ll be late.”
“Yes sir!” Koganegawa replied. “If I'm late, I'll run 100 laps around the track!”
“Uh… no,” Futakuchi sweatdropped. “You don’t have to do that.” But looking at Koganegawa’s face, he sighed. “Ugh, but if you do, at least limit it to twenty, okay?” Aone nodded in agreement.
“Yes sir!” Koganegawa dashed between the desks while pushing his mop.
Y/n and Koganegawa were assigned on clean up duty that day. He was happy to be paired up with someone he knew, not that he would have minded meeting a new person. He liked making friends, which was something Y/n admired about him.
Y/n wiped the chalkboard and looked around trying to recall what else needed to be done. She didn’t want Koganegawa to be late either. She liked volleyball as well as basketball so she understood his eagerness to play.
But as she went to pick up some papers that fell from the teacher’s desk, Koganegawa unintentionally swung the mop towards her and whacked her head. Slightly shaken from the hit, she covered her forehead with her hands, trying to hold back a groan.
“Y/n!!! I’m so sorry!!” Koganegawa yelled out his apology. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m alright,” she told him. Touching her forehead, the growing bump was a little tender but nothing too concerning for her. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll be ok-” Suddenly, her eye level shifted. “What are you doing?” Y/n shrieked. Koganegawa picked her up and ran out of the classroom.
He didn't respond to her question but continued to mumble about the nurse's office as if it would help him get there faster.
"Nurse Joy!" he yelled, sliding the door open. It was empty.
"I'm okay," Y/n told him again. She didn't feel any dizziness from the mop but she might have from the run. She didn't want to worry him with that information though.
The two of them decided to wait for the nurse. They were hopeful she would come back soon. But she instead returned an hour later, which made Koganegawa miss his practice. He was a little sad, but prepared himself to run his laps around the track.
“Didn’t Futakuchi say you didn’t have to do it?” Y/n asked. "Besides, it was the nurse's fault that you were late. And you didn't have to wait with me."
"No," he was adamant. "I'm going to run! I need to be a man of my word!"
Y/n, a little stunned, didn't expect Koganegawa to be firm about something like that. From her previous impressions of him, she thought he was naive and clumsy. But to think under all of that, he was a guy of integrity, even for something as small as this. "If you can't be loyal with the little things, you can't be trusted with the big things," she repeated the thought in her head.
Y/n's hands moved to cover her cheeks as if they would help cool them down. She knew this feeling and smiled. She didn't mind if it was someone like Koganegawa, realizing how caring he was.
After leaving the nurse's office, he ran the track. She watched.
He didn't ask her to watch. He probably didn't even notice she was there, expecting her to have gone home by now. He lent her his sweater, saying he wouldn't need it anyway with all the running. But she stuck with him. She wanted to be there to support him when he got tired and to encourage him to keep going when he wanted to give up.
After twenty laps around the track, he panted with arms hanging. Y/n, wearing his sweater, handed a water bottle to him.
"Kogane," she said his nickname, cheeks heating up. "You did well."
“Here, senpai! You can use my sweater!” Koganegawa told Nametsu.
Y/n started visiting their practice matches a few weeks ago. Koganegawa was always happy whenever someone came to watch. But she wondered if she held any significance to him. It seemed like it didn't matter whom he was with. He was always eager to be around anyone because he was a sweet and outgoing guy. So looking at the sweater Nametsu wore, she shouldn’t have been surprised by his gesture. But the knot in her stomach wasn’t there when Akaashi lent his sweater to her classmate. Why was this different? She sighed, knowing why.
It didn’t help that Koganegawa got shy around her recently. He was probably avoiding her but she tried to be optimistic by thinking he was just shy. But there was no reason for him to be shy. “Koganegawa” and “shy” didn’t go together. Shy was a word meant for her.
At first she tried to be very gentle and patient with him, but he would freeze up. It also didn’t help when she covered his hand with hers, trying to show she cared about him. That resulted in him avoiding her for the following 24 hours.
Who was she kidding? He was avoiding her and she didn’t know how to fix it. All she was stuck doing was to watch Koganegawa show kindness to his manager and having unpleasant feelings about it.
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous,” Futakuchi asked Y/n from behind.
Obara closed his water bottle and said, “If you wanted to cheer her up, you should have just told her Koganegawa likes her.”
Aone grunted to show his agreement.
‘Why are you on his side?” Futakuchi asked Aone.
Moniwa placed his hand on Y/n shoulder. “Don’t worry,” he told her, “He definitely likes you.”
“Yeah, could he be more obvious?” laughed Kamasaki.
Y/n turned her head, her eyes finding Koganegawa’s. He quickly looked away, then stole a glance at Y/n before fixing his eyes on the ground. Y/n watched as the redness from his neck rose up to his cheeks.
“Why did you think he’s been so shy around you lately,” Sakunami added. So that was why. He really was just shy. Y/n felt silly for being so blind to it.
Koganegawa’s blush finally reached the top of his head. And then he ran. “Why did you tell her???” he cried out as he exited the gym.
Out of instinct, Y/n ran after him. She wanted to make sure he was okay after his teammates spilled out his feelings for her. She saw him at a distance down the hallway. Koganegawa came to a halt, causing Y/n to flinch and stop as well. Then he started rushing back towards her.
“I don’t hate you Y/n!” he cried out, once he was in front of her.
“I didn’t want you to think I ran away because I hate you.”
“I knew that already,” Y/n laughed.
Koganegawa gave a sigh of relief. “Okay. Because I definitely don’t hate you. I-,” he started getting red again, “I actually like you.”
Even though Y/n heard it from his teammates, it was different hearing it from his own mouth. This just made it all the more real. She nodded, showing that she liked him too.
“C- can I kiss you?”
Y/n’s eyes shot open at his sudden request. His confession was already a lot to take in. But with hope filled in his eyes, she didn’t have the heart to say no.
It was wet and sloppy, which she found kind of funny, but she didn’t care because it was from him.
He looked at her expectantly, wondering if he did a good job. She didn't know how to react. So all she was able to say was, “I don’t know what to do with you,” burying her face in her hands.
“I’m sorry! I’ll do better next time!”
I hope you liked it. I actually cringed at this fic but didn't want to change it. LOL. If you liked this one, you'll probably like my Shibayama x reader one-shot because it has a similar feel to this one. :) Or maybe my Kyoutani x reader one-shot, which is my latest one before this fic.
Taglist: @dorkyama @the-black-birb @hqprotectionsquad @nagichi-kenma @moonaaluna @muffins-puffins & @kingkags (for this fic) (let me know if you want to be added or removed)
Matchup description from Anonymous:
hello! may i request a matchup? i’m a 5’7 & heterosexual female who is very introverted and bashful. i have dark skin with black eyes and long, black hair that i normally wear in a ponytail. i also wear glasses. i have an infj-t personality type. i tend to avoid large crowds a lot since i can be quite awkward when talking to people sometimes. but, i’m a pretty happy & kind person that cares about others & tries to cheer people up if they’re feeling sad. (part 1) 🦑🦑
i’m also a pretty smart & hardworking person that is optimistic about the future. my zodiac sign is pisces & my hogwarts house is hufflepuff, which is accurate for a friendly & forgiving person like me. i enjoy playing video games & rhythm games, writing, reading, watching anime & memes, sleeping, & eating food in my free time. i also enjoy playing basketball and volleyball in my free time too. however, i mainly play video games like splatoon & league of legends since games are fun. (pt 2) 🦑🦑
i tend to be attracted to people who are quiet, calm, caring, & aren’t afraid to stand up for what they believe in. i’m also attracted to people who are taller than me and have similar interests as me. but, i’m fine with being with anyone since opposites can attract! in a relationship, i would be very loyal to my lover and would never leave them for someone else. i would be very gentle and patient with giving affection just in case my lover is just as shy as me. thank you! (pt 3) 🦑🦑
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Finding Us Chapter 21
Alright! Here I am at last with another Tim chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it. 
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Tim couldn’t deny the excitement bubbling up in his chest at the idea of progress in the stalker case. It fueled his desire to keep moving in other directions, while he waited on Damian to finish his sketch he dove back into work on the Alkali case.
Currently, he was trying once again not to backseat hack as Barbara was finally digging through the Alkali’s files. After their trip to the physical location, Babs had used the access gained through Stephanie to create her own back door and they’d sat on that for a little while to make sure no one found it.
It was early the morning after Damian’s encounter with the creepy man and Tim was in the belfry standing over Barbara’s shoulder because there was nothing to currently do on the stalker case. Tim hadn’t recognized Damian’s sketch of the guy he’d seen, and so they were waiting on facial recognition to grab his identity. The kid’s sketch was definitely good enough for the system to pick something up, they just had to wait.
“Have you found anything interesting yet?” he asked, trying not to bounce on his toes.
“Lots. Nothing we’re looking for. Though, there is a guy here who’s last name is Bandersnatch, which is pretty cool.”
She was teasing, but Tim could also hear the note of warning in her voice. When she found what they were looking for she’d tell him, and he shouldn’t keep pushing. He sighed, and turned to step across the room, over to a mini fridge installed for snacks.
“Want a soda?” he called.
She shook her head, “It’s too early for that, toss me a tea.” she answered.
He grabbed a bottle of tea out for Babs and a can of orange soda for himself and moved back over to the computer.
“Thanks for helping on this.” he said, handing her the tea, then cracking open his soda.
“Of course, the sooner we get these guys the better.”
Tim agreed, and sipped at his soda while he played a matching game on his phone in an attempt to both distract and stop himself from tossing advice Barbara’s way. He got stuck on a particularly difficult level and found himself totally lost in it for a while, trying again and again to win. It made the waiting a lot easier, even if he also kind of wanted to toss his phone out the window and watch it crash at the bottom of the building.  
“Got something.” Babs said at last.
Tim looked up bleary eyed, blinking away red diamonds and orange squares. It took his brain a moment to register what she’d said before he stood up, the chair shaking.
“Great!” he hurried over to look at the screen again, “What’d you find?”
“Well, under the private files I found some that were locked with a password, after cracking that I found these.”
The file she’d opened was filled with unreadable text.
“It’s encrypted?” Tim asked.
“I think it’s some kind of cypher. See it follows a sort of pattern. Nothing too overt or easy like a caesar cipher. It’s got to have a key.”
Tim hummed, she was right, the text was filled with letters and numbers and broken up in a way that looked like lines of real text, if they’d been in any kind of legible order.
“Well then we’d better get to cracking it.”
They worked for a couple hours trying to figure out what cypher had been used, and testing various codes to no avail. Eventually they decided to give it some time to breathe, and their brains time to think of new ideas. Babs forwarded him the files so he could keep looking over them later and Tim left her to work on other projects.
As he was leaving, he found Cassandra waiting for him down at the base of the Belfry. She was eating a cinnamon roll like it was a doughnut.
“Hey.” she said, handing him a cup of coffee, and shaking her wrist and the plastic bag hanging off it.
Tim took the offered cup, then tugged the bag off her free hand checking inside. A second cinnamon roll sat tucked into a nest of napkins. He fished it out, careful not to spill his drink then copied Cass, taking a huge bite out of the side.
It was still warm, and the taste of cinnamon and sugar danced across his tongue in a way that made him think of home. Of early Saturday mornings with Alfred, stirring together a bowl of butter, sugar, and cinnamon so the man could carefully spread it across dough. Or of Bruce dropping off a few in his room, ruffling his hair, and telling him he should probably finish his homework before working on another case.
“Ready to head back?” she asked.
He washed down the bite of bread with some coffee and nodded, “Yeah, I think Babs and I have done all we can. How’re things back at the manor?”
Cass shrugged, “Everyone is still waiting on the results of the search, so they all split up to work on other things.”
They moved to the car Cass had brought to pick him up in, it was one of Bruce's many cars, black and not too fancy. Tim held a hand out for the keys and after an eye roll Cass dropped them in his palm.
“I drove here.” she argued.
“You drive too fast for me and my coffee.” he replied.
“Fair.” she shrugged.
As Tim pulled away from the clocktower, still munching on his cinnamon roll Cass pipped back up.
“Can we stop at the craft store?”
He glanced at her, “Sure, but why?”
“Damian wanted some more colored pencils. He sent a list and asked me to stop if I had time.” She tugged a crumpled piece of paper out of her pocket and opened it to show him.
A detailed list of colors, brands, and what not to buy’s filled the page in Damian’s neat, tight, handwriting. Tim was surprised to find a little picture of a dog at the bottom of the page, it wasn’t as detailed as Damian usually did, and smiling for some reason.
“He drew it as a thank you, and promised to make me a better one with the pencils.” Cass said, catching where Tim’s eye had fallen, then she added, “Eyes on the road.”
Tim flicked the turn signal on the car to indicate he needed to go left, towards the craft store Damian frequented, “Why didn’t he come if he wanted to restock?”
Cass shrugged again, and folded the paper instead of crumpling it back up. She set it in her lap, fingers tapping on the paper with gentle tip taps.
Damian rarely missed a chance to get his own art supplies. He was as picky about them as Tim was over film or lenses for his cameras. Sure it was just a few replacement pencils, but even those Tim knew Damian would linger over for an hour if he was left to it. He wondered briefly if his mild concussion had anything to do with staying home. Maybe Alfred had told him he couldn’t leave? But no, it had been days at this point, he was probably cleared at last for most activities.
Maybe it was because he knew Cass was headed to pick up Tim.
He tried not to think too hard on that thought. They hadn’t really talked much lately. Both had been busy with their own things, and besides that, they didn’t really talk a lot to begin with. He’d thought they were doing better, but at the same time Tim knew they weren’t.
Tim reached out to snatch his coffee and take a sip from it. Now that he thought about it, maybe they were doing better after all. Damian had called him by his first name the night before. And he’d gone looking for clues as to Tim’s stalker. A queasy feeling bubbled up in Tim’s stomach. He’d been quick to dismiss Damian’s attempted apology back when they’d been at the mall, and now he was starting to wonder if he'd been really trying to mend that bridge. T im loved the idea of having a little brother, and way back when he'd first met Damian he'd been happy to have one, for all of two seconds. Still, sometimes he thought they had found that perfect spot of being siblings, and other times it felt like there was a gaping hole between them. Especially lately.
He pulled into the store’s parking lot not even realizing they’d made it there, his body on autopilot. Cass cheered as she climbed out of the car, and Tim stayed quiet.
When he looked up at the storefront he figured it out.
He might be jealous. Of the squirt.
Maybe it wasn't their past that was bothering him so much lately, but their present. Tim thought he'd shaken off those feelings in regards to Jason and Damian, but maybe he hadn't. Even in the wake of the family’s eyes turning on him Tim still couldn’t stop thinking about how Damian seemed to draw everyone in all the time. Dick, then Jason, Bruce with his fretting after they’d gotten hurt. It was--it was like he fit in a way Tim couldn’t quite imagine himself fitting again.  Like they were both the same piece, and there was only one spot left on the puzzle, and Damian had swooped in just in time to fill it. Even now, he felt odd about the attention. Like the moment everything was done his family would stop looking at him again. Stop seeing Tim, because he’d messed up. He’d failed to be the one to fix everything and he no longer deserved to be seen.
“Coming!” he said, locking the car door.
Inside he was hit with the smell of paint and paper. The whole place was a kaleidoscope of colors and supplies crammed together in a space that should have felt cluttered, but instead actually seemed homely. He followed Cass to the pencils and held each as she selected them, reading Damian’s list carefully, then making Tim double check “ just in case” .
He thought they’d be in and out, but once they’d found Damian’s stuff Cass insisted on browsing. Tim followed her, feeling a bit like Titus pattering after Damian as he instructed the dog on something very un-dog-like and soon his arms were full.
Cass had added extra packs of less high quality colored pencils, crayons, thin markers --not thick, because apparently those didn’t trace well-- and made him pick out a coloring book. She selected one full of animals, and Tim picked one that was more abstract. Like black and white stained glass. He and Cass locked eyes on an adult swear word coloring book and both grinned.
“For Jason?” Tim asked.
“And one for Dick.” Cass grinned.
Soon they’d selected adult coloring books for the whole family. Some simply because they knew they’d get a laugh out of them, and others from the knowledge of the recipient getting genuine delight from it.
By the time they left, Tim was feeling better. His day brightened even more when Cass hooked an arm through his at home, and dragged him into the living room.
“We are going to color and watch She-Ra.” she declared.
He could have argued and said he had work to do. But he knew Cass would tell him a break was good. And wasn’t that what he’d just told Babs? He could have fallen into other cases or dug out his 3Ds to play some Animal Crossing. But the best idea in the whole world right then was sitting on the floor and coloring with his sister, and he wasn’t going to pass it up.
He filled in two whole pages, first lined with marker --Cass had been right about the thin ones-- then colored in as dark as he could with his own box of colored pencils. At some point the sounds of She-Ra had been turned down as he and Cass chatted about everything.
She told stories of an adventure with Steph. He talked about Mindbender and how weird it was to have Jason in the house again. Then about how cool it was to have Jason in the house. Cass told him about a ballet she’d seen. All of it, whether it was little nothings or big changes, ebbed and flowed to the scritch scritch of pencil on paper, and legs folded up or kicked into the air.
At some point, Alfred brought in cocoa and water. Then sandwiches. Dick breezed through and gasped over his book, stopping to color in all of an F before getting bored and breezing back out. Jason cackled over his book, and then genuinely thanked them for thinking of him. Damian collected his pencils, didn’t complain about a single one, and stared at his own book of animals to color like it was made of gold before tucking it under an arm and scurrying away.
Bruce stayed the longest, lounging on a couch to add his own commentary between theirs, infrequent, but enough to say “I’m here, I’m listening, I love you.” before he too was called away. He planted a kiss on each of their heads before leaving.
It was Stephanie who broke up the peace. Showing up like a tornado, and stirring them from settled spaces into laughter. They traded pencils for controllers and fired up Smash Brothers for a wholly different, but still perfect, adventure.
There, surrounded in waves by his family Tim wondered if he’d been wrong earlier. If maybe the puzzle had room for all of them. And every time someone new came in, it just expanded and made room for them. He certainly felt like he fit in, and it was really nice.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
What about Billy not used to being in a safe environment so whenever Hop starts getting frustrated Billy sort of just... shows up ready to get hit. And it doesn’t really register to Hopper that it’s happening until Billy just snaps at him one day that he can take it, but can’t handle the waiting game for the hit to finally come.
I’m gonna start sobbing don’t dO THIS except please do bc i love breaking my own heart and then mending it back together ♥ ♥ ♥
It takes Billy a long long long time to get comfortable in Hop’s cabin and one of the biggest reasons is that Hop does his very hardest to make Billy comfortable. Hop doesn’t give Billy any reason to fear coming home. Hop is aware of what happened in Billy’s past and tries to understand the horrors of what he went through but he learns more and more every day and every day he tries harder and harder to be more patient, more constructive, more understanding. And it’s sweet, it’s so fucking sweet, but Billy just doesn’t understand it and so he waits. He waits for it to get bad and he expects it and he really hurts his heart by doing it but he just can’t help it.
And not to get too personal, but I know a lot of the people who talk about Billy also talk about their own abuse that they’ve been through, so i’m gonna join in here. And while i’ve never been physically abused, i’ve been emotionally abused basically my whole life and was very heavily emotionally and mentally abused for a couple of years and let me tell you: the waiting was the worst fucking part for me. My abuser went from treating me horribly for about 2 weeks at a time to then pretending like everything was perfectly fine for a day or two. And that went on for 2 years. And the absolute worst part for me was the waiting. The days when things seemed to get better but you just know in your heart it’s going to get bad again. They’re going to hate you again for seemingly no reason and they’ll refuse to give you a reason and every day that it’s “better” is a reminder that it’s going to feel that much worse when it inevitably gets bad again and wow that fucking sucks. To the point where you start to wish it would just stay bad forever bc that’s better than being tricked into a false sense of security.
And that’s what I think Billy would feel when moving in with Hopper. Every day that it’s good is a reminder of everything that was bad and it all feels like a horrible trick is being played. And at first Billy is real reserved and calm and kind of emotionless when he’s at Hop’s cabin bc he’s not trying to stir the pot, he’s just trying to sleep under a roof and that’s basically it. It’s not until he actually gets adopted and moves in that he starts to wait for it. Like, really wait for it. Like, when he gets home from school some days he’ll sit on the couch for hours with the TV on in front of him and a blank stare on his face, not seeing a damn thing just sitting there picturing everything going to hell. Sitting there and waiting for Hop to come home and explode. And it feels like someone has a heavy hand around his heart and is squeezing just enough to make him feel like it’s going to burst. There’s so much pressure in his chest. He wants to scream.
And sometimes he does. He starts to. He kicks the couch or the wall or the table or the dresser and he screams and throws a fucking fit, basically, and he looks to Hop who just…… looks tired. Whose eyebrows are knitted like Neil’s would be but who just sighs and raises his voice a little bit but only loud enough so Billy can hear him over all of his own yelling. So Hop can tell him he’s going to take away his toys. Like his car, or his tv privileges.
Billy will get drunk and Hop will make sure he’s physically alright before punishing him. Billy stays out too late and Hop is stern and strict but never lays a hand on him. Billy flinches out of habit when Hop goes to touch him and it doesn’t take long before Hop stops doing it. And Billy isn’t stupid, he watches as Hop begins to treat him like a scared animal, and Billy really wants it to piss him off more than it does. But in reality, it makes him feel kind of… cared for?
But that scares Billy more. Every day that goes by is a day where he’s forced to lean a little further out over the edge but is just waiting to be pushed. It’s so much. It’s too, too much. He’s going to go insane waiting.
So he incites it.
He’s had a beer or two but he’s more drunk on his anxiety and fear and stress than anything else so when Hop gets home Billy sits there and lets the man say hi and ask if he wants anything specific from the grocery store because he’ll be going tomorrow and “if you have time and wanna come, you can do that too” and-
And Billy is going crazy. He’s a shaken up soda bottle. He’s a firework that failed to launch. He’s got so much pressure inside of him his ears are whistling with it like a kettle screaming in the morning and he stands himself up and stares Hop down and his eyes are red from where the tears threatened and he’s screaming: “Just fucking do it already!”
Hop blinks.
“What the fuck are you waiting for? What are you, a pussy? Think I’m a pussy? Because I can fucking handle it. What I can’t handle is all of this waiting around! So just fucking get it over with, goddamnit!”
And Hop is…. Confused as all hell. Blinking and hands itching to rub at his eyes to check if this is all a dream.
“Do what?” Hop asks.
“Hit me!” Billy yells. “Just fucking hit me! I can’t…. I can’t do this! This is fucking worse! You sadistic motherfucker, just get it over with and hit me!”
“Billy I’m-”
“Don’t give me that bullshit! I know you’re dying to! I’m- I’ve been… I’m a brat. I’m rude and I break shit and I don’t give you respect and you’re just dying to hit me, I can tell, so just fucking do it already!”
And Billy’s hands are twitching, looking to punch someone himself because there’s too much inside of him. There’s too much of everything inside of him. And he’s watching Hop’s eyes watch him with fear and that same fucking concern that’s always in his eyes and Billy just…. He can’t take this. He’d rather fight than sit here and understand what he’s feeling.
So he stomps over, boots hitting the ground and reaches his hands out to shove Hop.
“What, do you need some more reasons?” He asks, shoving Hop again. Hop just lets it happen, stumbling back a bit. Billy begins to punch at him, landing a few on his chest but they’re weaker than he wants bc he’s tired and confused and honestly freaked out at the thought of actually hurting this man and wow that’s kind of a new feeling.
And Hop is…. Speechless. He lets Billy hit him. He watches the boy tire himself out. He briefly thinks of the bruises he’ll probably have in the morning. The boy gets a solid punch in, but Hop already knew that, bc he’s heard through the town about the fights he gets in.
Billy’s just standing there, breathing heavy bc he’s winded. He feels tired and sick and so winded and he flinches hard when Hop puts a hand on his shoulder but Hop doesn’t pull away this time. In fact, he doubles down and puts his other hand on Billy’s other shoulder.
“Stop calling me that.” Billy mumbles but Hop shakes his head.
“Son.” He doubles down. He’s gonna keep doubling down. This shit is too much for him to watch and not say something about. “You… I’m not going to hit you. I’m never going to hit you.”
Billy grumbles. Squirms.
“I can fucking handle it you jackass-”
“The point isn’t that you can handle it, the point is that you never should have had to learn to handle it in the first place. Don’t you get it? You didn’t deserve what you got before. You didn’t deserve any of that, alright?” Billy is still squirming, eyes squeezed shut, water in the corners as he tries desperately to get away but Hop refuses. “Damnit kid, will you listen to me?? You didn’t deserve any of what you got! And that asshole of a man didn’t deserve you!”
And Billy feels the sob pull itself out of his chest and up through his throat and his face flushes bc of it. Bc he’s embarrassed. Bc he can’t believe he’s crying to this man right now but this is his… this is his dad, isn’t it?
“I just…. I know it’s… I know. I know you want to-”
“What I want is for you to drink some water, eat some food, and get some rest. I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I promise I won’t let anything hurt you.” Hop says determinedly and incredibly stupidly. Bc it’s a stupid promise to make, it really is. Billy knows it.
“You can’t promise that.”
“Well I just did, so.” Hop is stubborn. Billy lets him be. Billy lets Hop pull him into a tight hug. Billy lets himself feel comfortable in it.
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yamayamawrites · 4 years
Call Me Friend But Keep Me Closer
A/N: Hi everyone! Thanks so much in your support of my most recent multi-chap MHA fic, Like Friends Do! I got a few requests to write a sequel (or rather, a prequel) going into detail about Kirishima and Bakugou’s relationship. The two can be read entirely independently of each other, but you can click HERE to find Like Friends Do on AO3 or click HERE to read Call Me Friend... on AO3. Or, you can read the first chapter to Call Me Friend... below! Thanks so much for reading!
Chapter 1
No matter how tough he acted, when Bakugou closed his eyes, he was alone. He was alone, vulnerable, and even scared, and no matter how hard he tried to stay awake and fend off the nightmares that fought for his undying attention, he always succumbed to sleep, and always succumbed to those nightmares.
When he first started at U.A., those nightmares that ripped at him were liquid and drowning him, like that villain idiot Deku had tried to fight all on his own. He still scowled at the thought. However, continuing on his journey at U.A. supplied nightmare fuel, throwing gasoline on the raging fire, spreading it up his arms and legs until he laid petrified in his bed, trying to control his body the way his dreams controlled his brain. His muscles strained and so did his mind. And, of course, when they moved into the dorm the nightmares only surged with the new impossibility to rush from his bedroom in search of his mother.
Not that he did it often, really – maybe once a week, or so. Most of the time his mother would be asleep on the couch, having fallen asleep there waiting for his father to return home from work. She’d turn her head, see Bakugou standing there with cold sweat clinging to his cheeks like condensation on a can of soda on a hot summer day, and she’d throw her head back and laugh weakly, ask what he dreamt about that night. And Bakugou would grumble something condescending, a “None of your fuckin’ business,” his mother would chide him for his language, and they’d go to the kitchen and make hot cocoa and sip it quietly together. Until his father’s key sounded in the door, then they’d forgo the mugs of hot cocoa and Bakugou would disappear into his room, and his mother would lounge herself on the couch again. And they wouldn’t speak about it until the next time it happened.
U.A. was different. His mom wasn’t waiting for him on the couch in the commons, and most of the time the hot cocoa mix was gone from the shared pantry. He retired to bed early, but he never actually went to sleep; he would lie down and keep his eyes open, count the ceiling tiles over and over and over. He knew how many there were, but the excitement that maybe the number would equate to something else one day kept him counting them in favor of his nightmares.
Bakugou relied on counting his ceiling tiles to keep him awake at night, but to stay awake during the long school day he relied on his coffee. He’d often make his way down to the commons and stumble the path to the kitchen to start a pot, usually waiting until five but sometimes going as early as two in the morning just to taste something besides the bile on his tongue from his ever-sleepy state.
Not that black coffee was a particularly good remedy, but at least the aftertaste clung to his tongue and gave him something else to be disgusted with.
It had only been about a week since they moved into the dorms and already Bakugou felt the homesickness, building its way from the lump in his stomach until he felt that dull, annoying pain in his throat. He hadn’t slept more than the impromptu naps when his eyes accidentally fell shut counting ceiling tiles, and even then those naps only lasted an hour or two. He knew he looked awful, couldn’t bring himself to look in the mirror to even try to fix his rugged appearance.
It was Sunday night. He excused himself to bed at eight o’clock that night from the commons, with little complaint from anyone aside from Kaminari, who wanted to play Wii and knew from personal experience that Bakugou always lost Wii bowling. He almost thought about staying, but then idiot Deku sat on the couch with that half-and-half bastard by his side, and he couldn’t stomach the thought of losing in front of either of them (or losing to Kaminari, really) and went upstairs. He’d laid himself on his bed, fiddled with his cell phone until the battery died, then counted the ceiling tiles. After the sixtieth or so time, he glanced at his digital alarm clock; it was nearly one in the morning, and if anyone was still downstairs they’d likely fallen asleep by then.
He threw his slippers onto his feet and grumpily stormed down the stairs; he didn’t trust himself to ride the elevator and not to fall asleep standing up in the short trip to the common area.
Bakugou wasn’t a quiet person, usually, and the same went for when he slammed open the stairwell door to the common area. If anyone was still down here then hopefully they were lucky enough not to be a light sleeper. The television was still on, Bakugou could see it splaying heavy shadows across the common area and partly into the kitchen, and he scoffed. Mineta probably left it on again. He trudged towards it, ready to shut it off when he heard a voice.
He flinched, probably would have jumped in fear had he not been so tired. He craned his head towards the couch, his finger hovering just in front of the off button on the television. Kirishima sat there, one hand rubbing at his eye lazily. “Why’re you still awake?” he asked with a delicate yawn, that somehow even being the most well-built person in the class made him appear like a child.
“Couldn’t fuckin’ sleep,” Bakugou grouched with a scowl forming harsh lines on his forehead. He paused for a second, didn’t really care to know, even, but muttered a quiet, “What about you?”
“Game’s almost done,” he pointed to the television screen. It was a hockey game, probably super unimportant, in its third overtime. “I’m rooting for the red team,” he explained.
“You’re losing sleep over this,” it wasn’t so much a question as a blatant statement, an accusation, really.
“It’s the Stanley Cup final, Bakugou! Do you not understand how important that is?” Somehow Kirishima managed to animate despite his tired nature, and maybe Bakugou’s lips would have fought with the oncoming of a smile if he wasn’t so damn tired himself.
“It’s not important,” Bakugou countered sternly. “It’s a sport. They run at each other and try to move the thing to the other thing. It’s boring.”
“Oh, quit being so sour,” Kirishima teased. “You okay, bro? You look like you haven’t slept in a week.”
Bakugou, despite himself, wandered over to the couch and flopped down beside Kirishima. “I haven’t,” he grumbled, his voice distant and quiet and raspy with the want to just go to bed.
“You’ve been really shaken up since—”
“It doesn’t fuckin’ matter,” Bakugou spat. He didn’t need Kirishima to worry. He didn’t want Kirishima to worry. He didn’t want anyone to worry, really; this kind of thing happened to heroes, and if he couldn’t take it like a hero, he couldn’t be a hero.
“If you don’t get any sleep you’re going to fall asleep during class,” Kirishima stated pointedly. His eyes remained on the television, and for that Bakugou was grateful, because the scowl on his face was probably quite ugly looking.
Not that he cared if Kirishima thought he looked ugly.
“I’ll be fine, Shitty Hair,” he muttered. Their shoulders brushed with how close they were, but neither of them moved away. Somehow, the atmosphere here felt much more comfortable than his quiet bedroom with a ceiling that had exactly fort-two ceiling tiles every time he counted. He watched the game, followed one player at a time to try and stay awake, but really the thing that kept him up was Kirishima’s quiet cheers and sudden eruptions of “oh, c’mon” or “good play” when Bakugou couldn’t even decipher what had happened.
A quiet settled around them after the game ended. The red team won, and while Kirishima looked especially happy about it, he kept his cheers to a minimum. Bakugou’s eyes had settled into an ever-squinting state with how tired he was, and even the dimmed television screen felt too bright on his oversensitive eyes. Kirishima turned the volume down on the television as the game transitioned into interviews with the winning team. “So, what’s up?” he asked, as if Bakugou had just gotten there.
“I still can’t sleep, Shitty Hair,” Bakugou shot back, though his insults lacked malice.
“Well, obviously,” Kirishima laughed. “I mean, why did you stay down here? Normally you’d have gone back to bed by now.”
“I…” Bakugou pursed his lips. Why had he stayed down here? Kirishima was right, as much as he hated to admit it; any other time he walked in on Kirishima watching some stupid sports match on the television, he turned on his heel and went the exact opposite direction. “I need to take a walk,” he grumbled finally, and dragged his body off the couch with more effort than he’d like to admit. Damn couch, why was it so fucking comfortable?
“In your slippers?” Kirishima hopped up just after him. “I mean, I won’t stop you, but I’m going to come with you.”
“Why the hell would you do that?” Bakugou barked tiredly.
“Because you look like you’ll pass out if you go,” Kirishima shrugged. “I don’t want you to pass out and have some vultures try to eat you, or whatever.”
“Do you even know what vultures do? Do you know where vultures live?” Bakugou gripped the bridge of his nose. He didn’t have time for Kirishima’s idiocy right now.
“Around dead bodies,” Kirishima said with all the confidence in the world. “And if you pass out in the middle of the ground, you’ll look like a dead body.”
“That’s so—” Bakugou sighed, hoping it portrayed his irritation. “Look,” he said finally, “I’m going to go for a walk and I’m going to come back in an hour, and you’re not going to tell anyone about it. Got it, Shitty Hair?”
“Okay,” Kirishima nodded. Bakugou took a step towards the door. Kirishima followed.
“Why are you following me?” Bakugou hissed.
“You didn’t tell me I couldn’t,” Kirishima shrugged.
“Well, you can’t! Leave me the fuck alone!”
He took another step. Kirishima followed.
“I’m gonna fuckin’ lose it,” Bakugou grumbled, weak sparks playing at his fingertips.
“I’m coming with you,” Kirishima said, stamped his foot down to prove how serious he was. And well, Kirishima was kind of a stubborn bastard, so eventually Bakugou sighed his defeat and together they walked out of the dormitory.
The U.A. campus was well-lit, even at night. Streetlamps illuminated their path as they trudged aimlessly through the winding trails on campus, passing over a bridge with a small creek running below it on the way to one of the lesser known trails. They didn’t speak the entire way there, not until Kirishima exhaled and threw his head back to stare at the sky above them. “Bakugou,” he started tentatively, “maybe you should get some counseling.”
“Fuck off, Shitty Hair!” Bakugou barked, loudly enough that some birds in nearby trees sprung free from their nests and flew off into the night air. Kirishima just laughed; Bakugou’s loud, demanding voice no longer had control over him. “Quit laughing! That seriously wasn’t fuckin’ funny, asshole!”
“I’m not saying it to be an asshole,” Kirishima replied quietly. He spoke softly into the night around them, as if afraid to wake anyone. “I’m saying it because I care about you.”
Bakugou frowned. His forehead creased in a tired, cranky scowl, and he wished more than anything to be curled up in bed and asleep – perhaps knocked unconscious, so that his dreams were less potent. “Will you punch me in the face?” he asked with a grunt, and Kirishima startled beside him.
“You’re joking, right?” a nervous laugh bubbled from his lips. “That was a joke. Ha ha, Bakugou. So funny.”
“I’m not joking,” Bakugou snapped back. “I can’t sleep. Knock me out, Shitty Hair.”
“Well, first, we’re like, half a mile from the dorms and I’m not carrying you back. And second, that’s a really stupid idea. Usually I have the stupid ideas.”
Bakugou huffed. He never wanted to admit vulnerability, really, but maybe if Kirishima just understood what he was going through, maybe he’d agree. Maybe, if he was lucky, he’d get more than a few hours of sleep from the exchange.
“I can’t stop dreaming about it,” he said, voice suddenly dry and raspy and strained just to admit that.
Kirishima glanced over at him, eyebrow arched as if to encourage him to continue. They’d turned around and were crossing the bridge again, and despite Bakugou wanting to just go back, chug a scalding hot cup of coffee and stare aimlessly at his ceiling tiles, he sat and let his legs dangle over the edge of the creek. Kirishima sat next to him, and their shoulders brushed, and in the cool late-summer air the contact felt reassuringly warm.
Bakugou exhaled, stared at the creek below, listening to its soft lullaby of rushing water. “I just—all I see is them, and all I think about is how easily they could have killed me…”
“But they didn’t,” Kirishima reminded.
“…Right,” Bakugou nodded finally. “They didn’t. So why the fuck am I so…” he gestured wildly with his hands, a scowl on his face.
“Scared?” Kirishima supplied.
“Hell no,” Bakugou replied. Then, softly, “Heroes can’t be scared.”
“Why not?”
“That’s not what heroes do.”
Kirishima shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. “I don’t think that’s it,” he said thoughtfully. “I think it’s more that they act because they’re scared, not that they don’t get scared at all.”
Bakugou pondered this, but with his head so clouded with the lulling creek and the steady hum of crickets and soft hooting owls around them, he barely had room in his tired mind to contemplate a complete change of beliefs. His head hurt, it hurt like hell, and he just wanted to rest it somewhere. So he did; he let his head fall to Kirishima’s shoulder, with only a second of hesitation.
Kirishima tensed below his cheek. “Don’t tell anyone about this, Shitty Hair,” Bakugou grumbled. Kirishima relaxed, then, and a soft laugh escaped him.
“Sure, Bakugou.”
Sleep continued to evade him, even more so now that someone – Kirishima, of all people – knew his secret.
He laid awake, counted his ceiling tiles (still forty-two, just like six and a half minutes ago), idly passing a spark between his fingertips when someone knocked on his door. He tensed; the clock read nearly one in the morning, and he almost dreaded that his nightmares had become tangible and came to him another way since he continuously refused sleep. The knock came again, a little louder, and on trembling, fatigued limbs he crossed his room to the door.
He exhaled, relief practically visible in his breath. “What do you want, Shitty Hair. It’s like, one in the morning.”
“I didn’t think you’d be asleep,” he replied with a shrug.
“What if I was and you just woke me up, asshole?”
Kirishima shrugged again. “Were you asleep?”
“Can I come in?”
Bakugou didn’t know why, but he stepped aside, let Kirishima enter his room. He noticed then that Kirishima had a mug in his hand, one with a little tea bag floating unceremoniously inside. “Uh, I dug through the pantry and found this,” he said with a sheepish smile. He set the mug on Bakugou’s bedside table. “It’s supposed to help you fall asleep.”
“That’s exactly what I’m trying to avoid, asshole!” Bakugou barked. Kirishima clamped a hand over his mouth to quiet him, and sparks erupted from Bakugou’s fingertips. Kirishima moved his hand away.
“I think you just need to sleep,” he said quietly.
“You fuckin’ think?” Bakugou replied in a mocking tone. “Fuckin’ Deku kicked my ass in training today. I must be nearly fuckin’ dead.”
“So then why don’t you?” Kirishima asked, settled down onto the desk chair and spun it with his foot idly.
Bakugou scowled, kicking half-heartedly at the chair to stop him from spinning so much. “Damnit, Shitty Hair, don’t you get it?!”
“Yeah,” Kirishima said quietly, his eyes settling on Bakugou’s uncomfortably. “I do. A lot of us do.”
“They thought I was a villain.”
Bakugou’s voice dropped barely above a whisper, and Kirishima almost thought he didn’t hear him properly, but seeing the way Bakugou’s body shrunk in its place he frowned deeply. “Katsu—”
“Don’t,” Bakugou shot, his small appearance vanishing behind his tough façade. “I don’t need your pity.”
“I’m not here to pity you,” Kirishima replied, his voice calm and quiet. “I’m here to help you get some sleep. You’re even more insufferably angry when you’re grumpy, bro.”
“The fuck did you say?!” Bakugou snarled, and sparks tickled his fingertips, but not much more came of it. He was weak, fatigued; his Quirk barely felt warmer than a candle flame now. He knew he couldn’t intimidate Kirishima even when his Quirk was at his strongest, because somehow Kirishima already knew that Bakugou couldn’t ever hurt him. Well, not seriously, anyway; if he didn’t stop spinning in that damn desk chair Bakugou might light his sock on fire.
“I said you need to go to bed,” Kirishima said sternly. He picked up the mug and forced it into Bakugou’s hands, which were still quite on fire and made the tea steam again. “Please, bro. I’m not the only one who’s worried.”
“Whoever else it is, tell them to stop being such fuckin’ sissies,” Bakugou grumbled, but still he brought the mug to his lips. The tea tasted better than bitter black coffee, certainly, but not by much.
Kirishima chuckled, and Bakugou felt the nerve to punch him in the face because it really wasn’t a joke, everyone around here was such a sissy. But he didn’t, because again, it was Kirishima, and Kirishima had to be the only student, nay, only person at U.A. who had the authority to not be subject to his wrath. Kirishima and All Might. That was it.
Kirishima rose from the desk chair, wobbled a bit because of how hard he’d been spinning the chair. “I’m gonna go get some sleep myself,” he said. Hesitantly, he laid a hand on Bakugou’s shoulder, suddenly looking quite serious. “Let me know if you need anything. Okay?”
Bakugou wanted to respond with a snide comment, but instead he only mustered a quiet “Okay”, and just as quickly as Kirishima had laid his hand there he was gone. Gone, and Bakugou was alone, again, the dark ready to consume him.
He slept. Four hours, his grand total for the week at seven and it was goddamn Friday, but somehow he felt even worse than when he hadn’t slept. It was four in the morning when he finally stormed the commons, threw open the stairway doors like he tended to do, and went straight for the coffee pot.
Which was already running.
“’Morning,” Kirishima grumbled, leaning casually against the counter just next to the coffee pot. He yawned, that delicate yawn that totally betrayed his entire being, and gave a casual wave. “I got it started for you.”
“Why the fuck are you awake, Shitty Hair?!”
“Why are you?” Kirishima countered. The coffee pot dinged, probably the only sound that had given Bakugou serotonin in the past few weeks (aside from Kirishima’s laugh, but that was an anomaly he’d rather tackle when he was more awake).
“Bad dream,” Bakugou griped, finally crossing the room and digging through the cabinets. He searched for his favorite mug – the one themed after him that he’d found in one of those cheap trinket-y hero merch shops – and slammed the cupboard door shut when he couldn’t find it. His scowl burrowed trenches in his forehead, and to be honest it hurt to frown this hard, but then he could keep his mind off the pain literally everywhere else.
Kirishima dangled the Bakugou-themed mug by its handle delicately from his finger. “Looking for this?”
“Give it here,” Bakugou said, balling his fists. His hands got hot, but they didn’t spark, and he wondered if he’d finally run out of juice.
Kirishima handed it over with a sort of sad-looking smile. “This isn’t healthy, pal,” he said softly.
“Fuck you, I drink it black,” Bakugou rebutted.
“I’m not talking about the damn coffee,” Kirishima snapped, and Bakugou didn’t know the last time Kirishima had sounded this angry with him. “I’m talking about the not-sleeping.”
“Who needs fuckin’ sleep?” Bakugou griped.
“You, asshole!”
They went quiet for a moment. Then, Bakugou snatched the mug from Kirishima’s outstretched hand and poured himself a full mug of coffee. His hands trembled as he did, and he wished he could control it. God, this was pathetic. He was pathetic.
“I know you think you never need help,” Kirishima said, his head upturned to stare at the ceiling. Bakugou wondered if counting the ceiling tiles in here would be more interesting than the ones upstairs.
“Heroes shouldn’t rely on anyone.”
“Bro, sidekicks are literally a thing.”
“What are you saying?” Bakugou sipped the coffee, still scalding, but at least the pain granted him a new source of focus besides the aches and pains across his entire body.
“I’ll be your sidekick,” he decided. “And you can lean on me. And I could…”
“What?” Bakugou barked.
Kirishima shook his head, laughed quietly. “I could be your sidekick, ya know? A partner in crime, or whatever!”
Bakugou watched him for a moment, deciphered that yes, he was being serious, and snorted a bit. “I’m going to work alone. Number one hero duty isn’t easy.”
“You plan to get there without help?” Kirishima raised his voice now. Bakugou couldn’t puzzle out why he was so angry; he thought Kirishima certainly didn’t want to be held back by the title of ‘sidekick’. He talked about being a top ten hero himself someday, though he never strived for number one because he knew that’s where Bakugou was headed.
“That’s how All Might—”
“You’re not All Might.” Kirishima’s lips pursed, and he trembled; Bakugou wondered how mad he was. “Nobody is All Might besides All Might, and All Might…” he drifted off.
Bakugou scoffed and turned away finally. “I’m going upstairs,” he grumbled. He began his journey back to the stairwell, hesitated just a moment at the door. Then, tentatively, he turned back. Kirishima still remained in the same place in the kitchen, yawned again. “Thanks for the coffee, Shitty Hair,” he muttered, and before so much as a ‘You’re welcome’ he stepped into the stairwell and slammed the door behind him.
“Bakugou, we’re going to train! Want to come with?”
Bakugou cracked an eye open. He’d reclined on one of the couches in the commons, his neck uncomfortable with his heavy head against the back of the couch but his limbs too fatigued to care. Sero stood above him, with Ashido and Kaminari by his side. “Fuck off,” Bakugou grunted in response, and he let his eye fall closed again.
“Don’t be an asshole,” Ashido whined, and she peeled his eye open. He swatted at her hand and she drew back with a nervous laugh. “C’mon, we could use your angry cussing to keep us motivated!”
“If you want motivation, ask fuckin’ Deku.”
“What was that?” Midoriya called from his spot at the dining table, where he, Iida, Ochaco, and Todoroki worked on homework.
“Fuck off, nerd,” Bakugou shouted back.
“Sure thing, Kacchan!”
Kirishima fell onto the couch next to Bakugou with a huff. “Bakugou and I are watching a movie,” he stated bluntly.
“Sorry, wouldn’t want to interrupt your date,” Ashido sneered, and Bakugou was about to yell back at her to go fuck herself, but he stopped himself when he noticed the way Kirishima’s cheeks erupted into a blush.
“Fuck’s she on?” he settled for instead, muttered under his breath as he scooted a bit closer to Kirishima.
Nothing had changed between them. Bakugou couldn’t recall a moment that could count as something ‘changing’ between them, at least. But he felt more…comfortable around Kirishima. More at ease, even a little happier. Which made no sense, because something would have had to change between them. It bothered him, that he couldn’t pinpoint a specific moment where the air suddenly shifted around them; but then, something had to have happened. Right?
Kirishima prodded his side with his elbow. “Something wrong?” he asked quietly. Tsuyu and Sato baked a cake in the kitchen and the aforementioned study group took over the dining table, and Kirishima really didn’t want their conversation overheard. After all, if Kirishima accidentally let slip his and Bakugou’s secret, Bakugou likely wouldn’t hold back his reign of terror.
Well, if he ever did manage to get some more sleep, that was.
“Nothing,” Bakugou grunted. “Turn on the movie, Shitty Hair.”
One movie turned into two. Students filtered through the commons, excused themselves to their rooms one by one. About halfway through the first movie Sato brought each of them a piece of coffee cake, Tsuyu a frog cookie for each of them. When Kaminari, Ashido and Sero returned from training, they settled for a while, booed at the movie at serious parts and laughed way too loudly at parts that weren’t funny. Bakugou would have blasted the television by now if he wasn’t so tired, his head lolling on Kirishima’s shoulder every once in a while. If Kirishima minded, he certainly didn’t say so.
Shortly after the second movie started, Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari decided they were bored and instead flocked to Sero’s room to play cards. By then it was nearing nine o’clock, the time that the common area cleared out significantly. Kirishima and Bakugou’s dishes from the sweets were stacked neatly in front of them on the coffee table, and Bakugou fought to keep his eyes open. Once he was certain they were alone, Kirishima hesitantly wrapped an arm around Bakugou’s shoulders.
Bakugou tensed. “What are you doing, Shitty Hair,” he said with a little apprehension in his voice.
“Nobody’s here,” Kirishima insisted. “Just…go to sleep.”
“Don’t tell me what the fuck to do, asshole.”
“It might be better with someone there.”
Bakugou froze, glanced over at him. “Fuck do you mean?”
“Like—” Kirishima blushed, playing with his hair with the hand that wasn’t on Bakugou’s shoulder. “I dunno. I always slept better when someone was there, ya know?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Just like—go to sleep, Katsuki.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Then go to sleep and I won’t.”
Bakugou scowled, but eventually he relaxed in Kirishima’s half-embrace. They continued to watch the movie, but about halfway through Kirishima noticed that Bakugou hadn’t made any snide comments about the main character in a while. He glanced down, saw that Bakugou’s eyes had fallen shut, his breathing nearly completely leveled out. And he sighed, a bit grateful he’d been able to play off such a bold move so well, and let his head rest against Bakugou’s.
He fell asleep too, and only awoke when the early-morning weekend chatter of Midoriya and Todoroki filtered through the commons. They had a tendency to get up early – usually seven or eight on the weekends – and today was no exception. Kirishima glanced at his phone; it was barely seven fifteen. He quickly hoisted Bakugou off him, who grumbled something and slumped to the other side of the couch, continued to sleep peacefully.
“Oh, did you sleep down here?” Midoriya asked, seeing a head of hair poke up from the couch.
“Yeah,” Kirishima rubbed his neck, trying to work out the soreness that always came from sleeping on the couch. “Movie ran long.”
“We’re going to train,” Todoroki spoke from behind Midoriya. “Want to come?”
“No thanks,” Kirishima waved his hand dismissively. “Too tired still.”
“Ah, sorry for waking you!” Midoriya chirped. He and Todoroki filed unceremoniously out of the dormitory, quieting their conversation to whispers in order for Kirishima to go back to sleep.
He thought about going upstairs, catching the last few hours of rest in his own bed. But then, he didn’t want Bakugou to wake up without him here. There was the worry that Bakugou would be mad if he stayed, though; Bakugou tended towards irrational anger, and Kirishima felt he was damned if he did or didn’t. He settled for the most in-between option he could and hoisted himself from the couch, padded across the floor to the kitchen. His clothes were wrinkled and a little smelly, his hair lost most of its volume, and he probably had imprints from the couch cushions along his face, but he didn’t care.
He started the coffee pot, and that unceremonious ding made Bakugou’s blond head shoot up from the couch, looking this way and that before finally turning around. The bags under his eyes were still visible from here, as was the grumpy scowl on his face, but he looked a lot better than he had even the night before. Kirishima smiled to himself, poured a mug of coffee for each of them (his loaded with vanilla creamer, of course) and sat on the couch beside Bakugou.
“Shitty Bed Hair,” Bakugou grunted in greeting.
“How’d you sleep?” Kirishima handed him a mug.
Bakugou hesitated. “Great,” he admitted quietly, and he might have commented on the slight blush on Bakugou’s cheeks if he’d lost his will to live.
“I’m glad,” he settled for instead, sipping his own coffee.
“Not because of you,” Bakugou clarified with a grumble. “These damn couches are just so fuckin’ comfortable.”
“Oh, right, of course.”
They sat there and drank their coffees together, words unnecessary between them as they occasionally bumped shoulders and brushed thighs. More students filtered through the commons as the sun rose outside, and eventually Kirishima rose and drew the curtains back from the windows to let the light in. He sat back down while Bakugou grunted a protest, but he didn’t make a move to get up and put the curtains back himself.
Tokoyami settled himself down on one of the other couches, and Jirou and Yaoyorozu joined them as well with mugs of hot cocoa. Conversation drifted around Kirishima and Bakugou, and while occasionally they’d add their commentary (mostly Kirishima; Bakugou glared straight ahead, probably looking for a way to escape the situation), their nonverbal conversation continued up until their last elbow-bump. Then, quite suddenly, Bakugou rose to his feet and left his mug in the kitchen, then went upstairs with the excuse of going to bed.
“Did you guys have a movie marathon, or something?” Jirou asked as she sipped her drink.
Kirishima shook his head. “No, we fell asleep down here at like, ten.”
“So why’s he going to bed, then?” Yaoyorozu pressed, though Kirishima knew they were only asking him because they were too frightened to ask Bakugou themselves.
Kirishima hummed in thought. He knew the most likely answer was that Bakugou wanted to escape the situation, but part of him wondered if he’d meant it; that part of him hoped, truly, that Bakugou would shut himself in his room and re-emerge that evening fully rested and back to his normal cranky. Because, frankly, his fatigued cranky was a little mean.
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trashforhockeyguys · 5 years
Need The Sun-5- Tyler Seguin
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A/N: Get ready for a nice little emotional rollercoster. But in a good way?? I think.
Bad- James Bay
“Mommy! Come on! Stop walking so slow!” Ella tugged on your arm to try and get you to move faster.
 You laughed and slowly picked up your pace. Ella wouldn’t stop until both of you were inside and ready for whatever movie Tyler picked. Normally, you didn’t come to movie nights, Tyler would come pick her up and bring her back in a few days, this time, however, Tyler asked if you wanted to come. Apparently, he was having some of the other guys over and thought it might be good for you to get out of the house.
 You hadn’t done much in the last week, especially not when you were still trying to live off of caffeine. Although, the energy drinks and sodas were starting to fail you. Now it was just about trying to stay awake long enough to get through the day, and still have enough energy for Ella when it was over.
 “Uncle Jamie!” She let go of you and ran to Jamie, who was standing just inside the door.
 “Little bug! Have you gotten bigger? Huh? I swear you’ve grown another foot!” Jamie joked.
 “No silly!”
 “No?” He gasped, “Seggy! What are you feeding my little niece when she’s here?”
You loved that Jamie really did consider himself Ella’s uncle. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t really family. He and Jordie loved her just as much as they’d love their own family. It made you happy, having no real siblings of your own, for her to have so many aunts and uncles. Between Tyler’s sisters and his team, she had more than enough people in her corner.
 “She just eats her veggies, right Ella May?”
 She nodded excitedly, “Mmhm! Veggies make you strong! Strong means I can play hockey!”
 “Alright, I’m stepping in before you completely turn her into a little hockey player,” You joked.
 “Hey,” Tyler smiled softly when he realized you were there, “Was the drive over okay?”
 “Yeah, hardly any traffic for once.”
 Jamie reached over to give you as good of a hug as he could with Ella in his arms. You didn’t realize you were playing with your old necklace until Jamie gave you a little look. Quickly, and hopefully, before he or Tyler realized what was now held on the chain, you tucked it back under your shirt. The necklace itself was passed down by your grandmother, but what now hung on that chain was something more important to you. Something that weighed heavy against your chest. Something you’d prefer to keep a secret from both of the men in the room.
 “Well, Y/N, do you want a drink or anything?” Tyler asked, “The rest of the guys should be getting here soon.”
 You took a shaky breath; a drink would be good. You’d probably need a few to get through a movie night with all of them, even if it was probably going to be a Disney movie for Ella. They’d still find a way to make sly comments here and there or just act like four-year-olds too.
 “A drink would be nice, yeah.”
 Jamie set Ella back down, “Little bug, why don’t you go play until the other guys get here?”
 Next thing you knew, she was bolting down the hall towards her room, three dogs right on her heels. They wouldn’t leave her side when she was around. Her three little bodyguards, who would probably stop anyone from hurting her if they had to.
 Tyler handed you a glass of wine not long after. You tried not to jolt at the feeling of his hand brushing yours. You tried to ignore the feeling that spread through you, the way you could almost feel his hand still ghosting over yours. One touch, one innocent touch, was almost enough to break you down again.
 “Thanks,” You had to keep yourself from drinking the whole glass in that instant.
 Maybe you should’ve. But you knew one glass was all you could have. You had to look after Ella, and you would in no way, allow yourself to get any type of drunk around the team. You’d learned your lesson from over the years. Not to mention you weren’t sure if you’d make it if you had to spend another night in this house, in a bedroom as far away from Tyler as you could get. Anywhere else you’d be fine, but not under this roof. You wouldn’t be able to keep yourself together.
 In fact, you were already struggling. Part of you felt like you were stuck in a time warp. Maybe if you closed your eyes, you could see what it was like before again. A night off, with Tyler and Jamie, sitting around watching movies and drinking. This would’ve been a normal night.
 “What movie are we watching Segs?” Jamie asked.
 “Uhh she wanted to watch Miracle,” He shrugged, “So, looks like hockey.”
 “Wait, really? I can never get her to watch it with me,” You were shocked.
 You’d grown up on Miracle, or the story of it at least. You’d gone to see the movie in theaters and watched it all the time in your younger years. In the last year, you’d tried to get Ella to sit through it with you because you figured she’d like it, but she always refused. Saying she’d rather watch Mona again.
 “Yeah, we watched that and all three Mighty Ducks the other week,” He replied, “She loves them.”
 You tried not to feel upset. They were just movies. But it was another thing you were missing out on. You knew that both of you were missing out on little milestones in her life. But you also knew that he missed out on a lot more. So, while you were happy that he was able to be there for little things like a movie, you couldn’t help but hurt a little because it wasn’t you.
 “She also asked if we could watch Beauty and The Beast since it’s your favorite.”
 “She did?” You questioned.
 He shrugged like it was no big deal, “She said that movie always makes you happy. And she likes it when you sing along with her. Plus, it did use to be  tradition that we’d watch that with her every weekend, and then Slapshot after she went to bed.”
 You found yourself pulling at the collar of your shirt, just above where your necklace stopped. Suddenly you felt like you were intruding on something. Almost like you’d lost the right to be here. Leaving now wasn’t an option, you wouldn’t be able to go until the night was over, but you needed a minute to gather yourself.
 You needed to get outside, for just a second. Just to be away from both of them, so you could collect yourself. Maybe try to turn off your emotions, or at least force this feeling down. Between the feeling in your gut, the ache in your heart, and the way he was looking at you, you were sure you were going to die right there.
 “Shit, Ella left Bear Bear in the car and you know she won’t sit through a movie without him,” You explained, “I’ll be back.”
 You tried not to run, god did you try. But you could feel your chest tightening and your lungs fighting for air. You couldn’t figure out why tonight was so hard. Maybe it was because it was so familiar. Hockey games were easy because you could focus on something else, and you’d love hockey no matter what.
 You leaned against your car, resting your arms on the roof. You tried to slow your heart and your breathing. You tried to convince yourself that whatever just came over you wouldn’t happen again. You wouldn’t let it, you were in control. Whatever was going on, you could get through it and get through the night.
 You could ignore the way he looked at you. The hurt mixed with something else, something that rocked you and terrified you. You should be happy that the two of you could be in the same room together, have normal conversations together. You wanted that for Ella. But the selfish part of you wished he’d move on, or that he’d just hate you and be done with it. Sure, it would hurt, but in some ways, it would hurt less than whatever he was feeling.
You took a few more seconds, letting the cool air shock you back into reality. You couldn’t get shaken up like this. Not only did you not have the right to, but you couldn’t let anyone see you like this, much less Ella. Never mind the fact that you felt like you could go to sleep already, that was nothing new. You could play off being so tired, but this was something different.
 You knew you needed to go back in before one of them came out to find you. You knew they would if you stayed out here too long. But you didn’t want to move, it was almost like all of your energy was ripped from you. The simple interaction of a conversation left you with nothing to give.
 Somehow, you forced yourself to take a step back and open the car door. Bear Bear was in the seat right next to Ella’s car seat. She’d been too excited to get inside that she’d completely forgotten about him, which was unusual for her. She normally always had him in her hand.
 You sighed and grabbed the stuffed bear. She hadn’t let you take off the jersey yet, at this point you weren’t sure if she ever would. You hugged the bear to your chest and played with the fur. You had to find the strength to go back in there. The other guys would be coming soon and you couldn’t keep hiding outside.
 “Jamie you can’t- you don’t even know that,” You heard Tyler stammer once you opened the door.
 “Dude, have you seen her necklace?”
 “It’s her grandmother’s ring. Always has been, she got it as a teenager.”
“No, that ring was golden. I saw two silver bands. Tyler, I’m telling you, she still has them.”
 Your hand shot up to your necklace. The weight of the rings seemed to double. How did Jamie know? You never pulled them out from under your shirt, and surely you didn’t pull your necklace enough for him to realize what was on it.
 Your heart rate picked up. Tyler knew you still had the rings. You’d tried to give them back to him during the whole process of the divorce, but he kept telling you to keep them. Time after time he told you they were yours and that you could do whatever you wanted with them.
 At first, you put them in the very back of a drawer you hardly opened. You didn’t want to see them, seeing them made you feel sick. But then, part of you wanted something as a reminder. You wanted to remember all of the love and the dreams those two rings represented. So, you slid them into the same chain that held your grandmother’s ring.
 You didn’t tell anyone. The last thing you wanted was for everyone to know that you still wore your wedding rings. That was the last thing you wanted Tyler to know. But now he did, and all you could do was hold your breath and wait.
“She keeps lying to me,” Tyler mumbled, “She won’t tell me the truth about any of it. At first, I thought maybe she was having-”
 “If you tell me that you thought she was cheating on you, I will smack you. You know damn well that she would never do that,” Jamie argued.
 “No, I know that. But Jame, she dropped the divorce on me without any reasoning, besides the fact that she claimed she didn’t love me. What else was I supposed to think?”
 You knew you needed to either leave or step in. But you were frozen. You wanted to move, you wanted to make it stop, make him stop. You could hear the hurt in his voice. Part of you wanted to hug him and spend hours apologizing to him, the other part wanted to run as fast and as far as you could.
 You clutched onto the bear even tighter. Maybe you could wish it all away. Maybe, somehow, you could turn back the clock and undo all of this. Even if it was just for a second, that’s all you wanted. To go back, to make things right.
 You wished you would’ve made other choices. Maybe taken a second to realize that you would hurt more than just yourself with all of this. None of this helped Tyler, or Ella, or yourself. But it was too late now, you’d done the damage, trying to fix it would only cause more. You kept reminding yourself that.
 “And what do you think now?” Jamie asked.
 “I still love her. That’s all I can think about. I could try and put a shit ton of distance between us, hell I could have a different girl in bed every night, but I’d still miss her. I’d still love her.”
 “I know Jamie, trust me I know. My sisters tried to snap me out of it. But I just,” he paused, “I promised to spend the rest of my life with her. I didn’t think I was capable of that until her. Now, even thinking about spending it with someone else feels wrong. Having someone else in bed with me, dating someone…all of it.”
 You almost stumbled back. You never thought you’d hear him say that, whether you were meant to hear it or not. You felt like the air had been knocked out of you. You wanted this, yet at the same time, you didn’t. You thought he’d be able to move on, you expected him to. But you never thought that would be the reason that he didn’t. He still loved you. He never stopped loving you.
 Even after you broke his heart. Even after you broke up your family, with little to no excuse. It didn’t seem to matter that you tried being cold and closed off to him. It didn’t seem to matter that you’d taken almost everything he loved away. He still loved you.
“I’d marry her again in a heartbeat if she’d let me Jamie. I’ll forgive everything, she just has to say the word. Hell, I’ll even fall at her feet. She can have it all. I don’t care, I just want her. I want our family back.”
 Something broke inside you, or maybe finally broke loose. You found yourself moving quickly through the house. At the same time, they both seemed to realize that you’d heard everything. You could see the look on Jamie’s face, but you didn’t dare look at Tyler.
 You felt the tears running down your cheeks before you even realized you were crying. Suddenly you began to regret even coming. You shouldn’t have heard any of that. Because now you wouldn’t be able to let it go, all you’d be able to hear was him saying how much he loved you. How much he’d do for you.
 You were the one who decided things needed to end rather than talking your fears over. If you hadn’t been so stupid, you’d still be happily married. Ella would have both parents. Yet, here he was, saying that he’d do almost anything for you if it meant getting you back.
 This wasn’t part of the plan. You never anticipated that he’d still love you after all this time. But then again, you always assumed he’d hate you, and he never did. You didn’t understand any of it, none of it made sense. How did you get to this point?
 You dropped Bear Bear onto the couch and spun around. You needed to get out of here. You’d come back for Ella in a little while, but you needed space to process. That is if you could even process all of this. He still loved you.
 “Y/N! Wait!” You heard Tyler say as you made it to the door.
 You wouldn’t let yourself stop. If you stopped, you’d stay, and then you’d get into a situation you promised yourself you’d avoid. You were heaving to try and get air in. Shock, this had to be shock. You weren’t sure what you’d expected Tyler to feel towards you, but it wasn’t love.
 You heard him running out behind you. You knew from experience that he wouldn’t let you go. He’d rather have you scream and yell at him during a fight than leave. But you wished he’d let you go this time. You didn’t want him to see you crying like this, or at all really. But the crying wasn’t something to control now.
 You just kept hearing his words over and over again. You thought you might vomit. You couldn’t think straight, much less face him right now. He already had ownership of your heart, you’d given it willingly years ago. But it felt like he’d just ripped it from your chest, whether he meant to or not.
 “Y/N, please stop,” He begged, “Don’t run away from me again, please.”
 You tried to force down the pain that was building in your chest. You were in fight or flight mode, and he was begging for you to stay. You weren’t sure how you’d be able to manage this. How could you have a conversation with him after that?
 “I didn’t mean-”
 “What? You didn’t mean it? Just another joke between you and the boys?” You demanded.
 “No. Fuck. Y/N, I didn’t mean for you to hear it like that. Damnit, this shouldn’t even be happening!”
 “You’re right, it shouldn’t. But it is because I’m the one who made it happen,” You replied, your voice cracking, “So yell, scream. Hate me. I did this, it’s time to stop pretending that this isn’t my fault. So, do what you have to do Tyler.”
 He took a step towards you, “Then I have to say this, and I really need you to listen to me,” his voice was gentle, careful even, “I love you. I am in love with you, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop. I know you don’t love me, or at least not like you used to, but that’s too bad. Because I am never going to stop loving you.”
You tugged on the chain so that it pulled out from under your shirt. The rings were on full display now. No going back, even though he knew anyway. Knowing and seeing are different things.
 “I don’t wear these just to wear them. I wear them because-”
 He cut you off by wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to him. There wasn’t a second to hesitate or overthink, because his mouth was on yours before you could. You hadn’t expected him to do that.
 But you found yourself practically melting into him. You clutched onto him, feeling like the world was spinning around you. Hell, the whole world could come to an end at that moment and you wouldn’t have cared.
You could feel yourself starting to lose it. You pulled him closer to you, trying to get as close as you could. He seemed to share the same sentiment because not a second later he was doing the same.
 It wasn’t a power struggle. This felt more like two people getting to know each other again. Yet everything felt familiar to you. The way he held you, the way he felt, the way he tasted. This was all the man that you’d fallen in love with.
 The two of you started backing up until you hit your car. Your hands found their way into his hair, tugging gently. You never thought you’d end up like this, but you weren’t going to stop him. You liked it too much.
 You’d forgotten how much you loved this. How much you loved being close to him. You never wanted to stop now. He was addictive. You knew you’d never be able to get enough. You could probably spend your whole life like this and still feel like you’d never get enough.
 “Tyler,” You were begging for something that you didn’t even understand.
 “I love you,” He murmured against your lips, “I love you.”
 Nothing else mattered. You just wanted him, you wanted more. Hearing him say that seemed to bust you open. Damn being rational. Damn playing it safe. You wanted this, you needed it. You could deal with all of the repercussions later.
 Your hands wondered under his shirt. Your knees were weak. You couldn’t even register the fact that you two were outside, pressed up against your car. You didn’t care that Jamie could probably see you two. Or that Ella was inside. All you could think of was him.
 He pushed up your shirt so that he could feel any amount of skin. Your whole body reacted to him. You were hot, your skin was on fire. Everywhere his hands moved it got worse. You felt dizzy in the best way.
 “More. God please. I need more.”
 “Fuck. Y/N”
 He pulled one of your legs up. His hand ran up and down your thigh. His lips started wondering down your neck, nipping at the skin here and there. He’d be the death of you, that much was certain.
 His hand that was under your shirt moved higher slowly, almost painfully slow. You were panting, unable to get a full breath in. You weren’t sure what either of you were trying to accomplish in his driveway, but at this point, you wouldn’t say no. Not with his mouth on your neck. You were pretty sure you could lose it just like this.
 “Shit.” Tyler quickly pulled away from you, pulling you up from the car in the process.
 It took you a second to snap back to reality, but when you did you realized that someone else pulled into the driveway. You tried to comb through your hair and fix your shirt. Just before the person got out of the car, Tyler tugged on your necklace, seeming to remember that you probably didn’t want anyone else to see that.
 Roope came strolling towards both of you a few seconds later. Seemingly unaware of what was going on just thirty seconds before. You couldn’t help but worry that he’d seen something, and he might mention it to one of the other guys.
 You didn’t know what this meant for you and Tyler. Until you had some type of idea, you didn’t want anyone else to know. Until you and Tyler knew where you stood with one another, you couldn’t allow yourself to get your hopes up.
 This could’ve easily been because you were lonely, both of you. Not to mention the fact that you had more history than you knew what to do with. That had to make it easier to fall back into step with one another, right?
 “Hey, just in time man,” Tyler sounded unfazed.
 You couldn’t bring yourself to look over at him. You couldn’t calm your racing heart either. You could still feel his hands and his lips all over you. Now you really weren’t sure if you could go back in there and make it through the night. You were almost sure you couldn’t now.
 “Y/N and I were just talking, but we’re done now,” Tyler explained, “C’mon, Jamie should have the movie all ready, and everyone else should be here in a minute.”
 During the movies, Ella sat curled up in Tyler’s lap. A good majority of the guys were pretty tipsy by the time Beauty and The Beast started, which made their commentary on it pretty hilarious. Ella even got a few of them to sing along to a few songs with her. And was even able to get Jamie to dance around the room with her for a while.
 But the whole time you just kept thinking about that kiss, or whatever that was considered. What if he didn’t really want that, or it didn’t mean what you thought it did. Rather than the beginning of something, which scared you, what if it was the end of all of your years together. One final goodbye, a proper one this time. That scared you more than anything.
 You tried to push him away for years. You knew that. But it took tonight to make you realize that you didn’t want him out of your life. You needed him. You wanted to go to sleep next to him and wake up with him in the morning. You wanted the late nights and the road trip facetimes. You wanted the life that you’d always planned with him.
 You knew that this would be something you would’ve done every weekend, had certain things not happened. The guys would all come over and hang out with Ella, because they all loved her. You’d have family movie nights, just like you’d always planned. Nothing would’ve changed. Maybe, somehow, you and Tyler would’ve had more, and Ella would be a big sister. Maybe a lot of things would’ve happened.
 You felt the stab of guilt again. You’d allowed this to happen. You were the one who called it quits. You’d never let yourself forget that. You couldn’t drag Tyler back down again. You wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself if you did. He didn’t need to feel the need to look after you anymore, you could deal with it all on your own. Somehow, you’d find a way. You’d made it this far, you could keep going.
 “She’s out cold,” Tyler whispered once everyone else left, “Do you want me to carry her out to the car?”
 You nodded, still not daring to look over at him. Even though you knew the sight of Ella curled up, fast asleep in his lap would melt your heart. If you looked, you’d want to stay, and you knew that. You couldn’t stay again, you didn’t have the willpower for it.
 So, you followed him out to your car, not daring to say a word as he carefully buckled Ella into her car seat and shut the door behind him. You tried not to think of what the two of you were doing out here just a few hours before. But even just being back out here with him made you want to cry. You wanted it again, but you couldn’t do it.
 You shut your eyes and shook your head. Whatever conversation was coming next, you didn’t have the strength to have it. In some ways, you were afraid he’d say goodbye, even though it was what you kept telling yourself you wanted. In other ways, you were terrified that he’d say that he still wanted you. You didn’t know how to navigate either of those things.
 You felt his hands on your waist, pulling you closer to him, “Can you look at me?”
 You shook your head again, squeezing your eyes tighter. You could feel the tears running down your cheeks. You could even taste them. All you wanted was to curl into a ball and just disappear. You couldn’t say goodbye to him, you couldn’t look him in the eye. There were a lot of things you couldn’t do, even though you wanted to.
 “Please, just look at me,” You could hear his voice break, “Please Y/N.”
 “I can’t,” Your voice was barely above a whisper, “I’ll want something I can’t have if I do.”
 One hand moved to your cheek, slowly brushing away the tears. That simple thing made you want to cry even more. How could you keep resisting him when he made it so hard? If only he knew that he could break you. You were putty in his hands, all he had to do was say the words.
 He leaned down to kiss you again. It was softer this time, slower too. There was no sense of urgency like there had been before. This time it felt like he was trying to convince you of something. Convince you that this could work, that he wanted it to work.
 Your hands landed on his shoulders, holding them to keep you steady. If you thought the first kiss was enough to make you dizzy, this kiss would be the end of you. It was like you could feel everything he was trying to convey, and it scared you. But you couldn’t pull away from him, you didn’t want to. You might go to hell for it, but you wanted this.
 “Tyler…we can’t. We-”
 “We’ll figure it out,” he promised, “When things have gotten better for you, and they get your meds right, we’ll figure it out.”
 “Tyler. We…I can’t do this. I don’t want to lose you again. We can’t do this to Ella.”
 “I’m here, Y/N. I’m not going anywhere, you can try and push me away all you want, but I’m here. We’ll figure the rest out later.”
 You held onto him, afraid to agree to anything right now, but terrified to get in your car and leave. You felt like the world was falling around you, but him and Ella were enough to keep you anchored. With them, you could figure it out. You just didn’t know how to deal with it.
 But somehow, he made you believe that somehow the two of you could work it out. Somehow, after the last two years, you could find your way back to each other. Maybe this time you could be better than you were before. You could love each other more, despite being broken. Maybe, somehow, it would be okay.
 “I love you,” he whispered to you, “I’m right here. And I love you.”
For now, that was enough.
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existentialburden · 4 years
all of the oc asks? (i’m on mobile so asks are weird)
oh!!! okay okay uh which oc oh no uhhhhhh Enny again!
how does your OC act around different people and how does their personality change to match the environment they’re in? how do they act with: friends, family, strangers, children, or their lover(s)?
Enny is a sliding scale. with the mains, she’s spiteful, cold, and just flat out mean, carefully choosing her words before speaking so everything comes out the way she wants it to. with alt Kodi, she lets any exhaustion show and she’s more relaxed, talking about her interests more and casually teasing him. with Echo, she’s vulnerable and, while still restraining her emotions, tries to at least express things through a more emotional lens- and she’s WAY more honest with him than a lot of people. with [REDACTED], she’s more playfully snarky, both teasing and calculating during their games and just generally teasing outside. she’s also extremely soft and relaxed around him, watchful but not really wary. with strangers, she’s tense and her voice actually has more inflection than most times because she’s using more intense tones for their benefit- usually she’s more deadpan (when her voice does get a tone it stands out), but that tends to drive people off. she doesn’t trust strangers so she just acts to blend in. in emotionally-charged scenarios she’s either loud or very quiet depending on the emotion- if other people are angry she goes quiet, if SHE’S angry she gets loud, when she’s happy there’s not a lot of volume change but she taps her fingers or sort of moves in place, and when she’s worried or upset she fiddles with things in her hands or digs her nails into her arms. that’s more body language than personality but!! I like those details!! make me happy.
does your OC prefer to take the lead or follow orders? with everyone or just with certain people? is there a reason for this?
Enny prefers to be in control, taking the lead. she had Zero Control when she was younger and in order to make sure that never happens again tends to force her way into positions of power. can’t be hurt if you’re the one at the top. once she’s comfortable around a group this fades but she always at least likes a say in everything.
how easily is your OC embarrassed? what subjects make them flush and why? what event has made your OC the most embarrassed they’ve ever been?
she’s not embarrassed by a lot. being made fun of gets no embarrassment, getting caught in a ramble isn’t as embarrassing as it is frustrating that she lost track of how long she was talking..... but oh boy the topic of love. she shows love and care through actions so hearing someone she cares about just bluntly say “I love you”? fucking WILD how could they just SAY THAT like it’s a FACT that’s not how this works why do they love her what the fuck. that’ll get her flustered. feelings and shit. she’s also highly embarrassed about her creepypasta self-insert fanfiction from years ago but that will never see the light of day again so it’s no big.
does your OC have any triggers? why do these things trigger them? what are they like when triggered and how do they calm down after?
slamming doors, people yelling (specifically adult men), and her old name, but only when it’s used in reference to her- seeing people talking about main Aila isn’t an issue, but being called Aila herself makes her a little panicky. in a certain au, the distinct Mind player teal is a minor trigger as well. the first three are because of her father’s abuse, and the last one is because of an incident with a Mind player that uh. didn’t go great. slamming doors make her freeze up and she stops breathing entirely until she can calm down, people yelling makes her close to tears, frozen, and again not breathing, as well as leaving her unable to speak until a bit after she’s calmed down. her old name also makes her freeze up for a moment. enclosed spaces help her calm down because they feel like a safe zone since she can see what’s coming and she used to hide in her closet. select trusted people also help her calm down, like alt Kodi, Echo, and [REDACTED], but alt Kodi helps the most by just being there since she associates him with safety, too. Echo does NOT apply to the Mind player teal and he’d just make things worse for that specific one because of the situation.
are there any emotions your OC doesn’t know how to deal with, doesn’t understand or hates having to feel? any reason behind this?
...most? Enny DESPISES feeling afraid and has a real rough time calming down when startled, and she hates feeling like she’s helpless. she doesn’t understand love for a while, too, and affection with her is weird and she can’t deal with it. she also hates feeling jealous or envious mostly because it’s a reminder that other people got to have things she didn’t. she doesn’t understand love because she’s repressed as fuck and she can’t deal with feeling any sort of affection because she’s never really gotten to express it or felt like she got it back from other people.
does your OC have any skills that people wouldn’t expect them to have? do they have a hobby or pastime that others would consider strange or weird? how did they learn this particular skill or pick up this hobby?
!!! I mean, it’s weird for Enny, but she can paint! she learned how to paint from Cece before the ship got built and it was her first true “downtime” hobby that she stuck with. she can also carry a tune surprisingly well! what’s more surprising is that she DOESN’T know how to play chess.
how well does your OC take care of themself? do they tend to put others before their own well-being and if so how often? what is their favorite way to pamper themself?
she.... is not good at taking care of herself. she doesn’t exactly put other people before herself? she’s just not good at self-care. the ship got her a proper meal schedule, and sure, she brushes her hair, and those are two points in her favor and both things she has up on me! but her sleep schedule’s fucky because of nightmares, she doesn’t always actually take time to relax, she doesn’t think positively of herself, she doesn’t do things for the sake of enjoying herself, and she slips back into Consumption habits more often than most people on the ship, if not all of them. her self-care is occasionally going to stay in alt Kodi’s room or the other way around to swap snack stashes and vent and just hang out. it’s calming for her. sibling bonding time.
what are some of your OC’s favorites? favorite food, color, season, stuff like that! give some general simple facts that tend to get overlooked!
Enny loves dark chocolate, black licorice, autumn, rainy days, dark blue-ish grey, and bubblegum. she likes cola sodas and small spaces, and prefers pens that click over pens that have caps. she also writes in pen rather than pencil, and she was left-handed before she taught herself to be ambidextrous! she prefers enclosed spaces over open areas because she can’t keep an eye on every direction in an open area. she also prefers audiobooks over reading words and loves mysteries, and likes thunderstorms :).
does your OC like to sleep alone or do they enjoy sharing their bed? have they been to any sleepovers? have they ever been camping? what did they think of the experiences if so?
she gets real fond of sharing her bed, exclusively with people she really trusts. [REDACTED] has shared-bed privileges. she’s never been to an actual sleepover and she’s never been camping! she has stayed at alt Kodi’s before, without any of the sleepover activities, and that was always nice.
when your OC says “I had a bad day” what does that tend to mean? is it really as bad as they’re saying or are they being a bit dramatic?
if she says “I had a bad day” she had a BAD DAY. she does like to be dramatic sometimes, but when talking about her day it’s exactly as bad as she claims it is. a bad day is “I got attacked by something/someone and feared for my life and stayed shaken all day” or “I had nightmares again last night and couldn’t calm down so I spent the entire day trying to hide away and then someone had to come calm me down and they saw me panicking and I Don’t Like That” or “a Mind player impersonated my therapist and took some of my memories and called me a horrible person just like my father and said I could never be redeemed”.
is your OC a good liar? how easy is it for them to tell lies? what is the biggest lie they’ve ever told and did they ever get found out? on the other hand, what is the biggest lie someone has told your OC and did they believe them?
she’s an excellent liar when she wants to be. lies are easy to tell and easier to explain for her. the biggest lie was probably during the Main Timeline Incident when she tried to convince Hope that the Time players were acting fucky and needed to be taken down- that one went over pretty neutrally because while Hope didn’t help her, she also didn’t go tell everyone because she wasn’t sure if that was the truth or not. if not that one, her accidental lie claiming she was in love with Kell because she just straight-up Did Not Know that wasn’t love. or the lie to herself that she had Absolutely Zero Attraction To Girls. repression’s a hell of a drug. the biggest lie she’s been told would probably be the aforementioned Mind player pretending to be Echo. that one was SO FUCKED and she fell for it. or, again, her convincing herself she didn’t like girls at all nuh-uh no way.
how religious is your OC? do they pray to any god(s) or do they not believe in that kind of stuff? what is their view of religion in general? where do they believe people go when they die? if your OC is not religious why not and what do they believe in otherwise?
she’s not religious at all. she’s neutral on religion and has a number of death theories- one is just straight-up SBURB dreambubbles because SBURB’s real so why not. another is you join the ranks of the horrorterrors when you die. in the same au as before she became an Actual God and dead players did in fact start showing up at her door so uh. that. that’s what happens. she guesses.
what is something from your OC’s past they’re the most ashamed of and why? what is something they’re really proud of? and lastly what is something in their past that could make them shake with dread?
she’s ashamed of how she used to treat Kell and alt Hurlii, and also kind of ashamed about... being abused? she knows she’s not the one who should be ashamed about that one but. :/. she’s also ashamed of jumping straight to “put main Kori out of commission” with the Main Timeline Incident. she’s proud that she’s made it as far as she has and just surviving, and also proud that she’s been able to open up to Echo and get therapy for her trauma. I think we all know what could make her tremble at this point though.
what does your OC do on their days off from working, school or whatever else it is they may do? do they enjoy relaxing, shopping, hanging out with friends? what is a normal day like for them?
she used to hang out with alt Kodi whenever she could, but on the ship, she goes and hangs out with [REDACTED], distracts herself with busywork, and spends time with her crewmates. she’s trying to be more social.
what was your OC like as a baby? what were they like as a child? a teenager? an adult? how do you think they’ll develop ten years into their future? twenty years? will they live to old age?
she baby. as a kid she was pretty quiet- one of those “pleasure to have in class” sorta kids who did their work and kept their mouth shut. she didn’t have a lot of friends. she got snarkier as she aged and became sort of a bully; she was still quiet, but the quiet angry type. as an adult she mellows tf out after getting therapy and still works on y’know, being a person, but definitely starts accepting herself a lot more and starts being The Trusted Adult. she’s going to provide a safe area for kids and accidentally adopt them along the way babey. she definitely grows to old age as a god tier :).
does your OC have any bad habits? does your OC have any addictions like smoking or drinking? how did they fall into these habits and why?
if digging her nails into her arms counts, that’s a habit. she also relapses into Consumption more than the others- frantic note-taking and knowledge absorption to an extreme. she doesn’t really know how the arm thing got started, but something about the sharpness of digging her nails in was supposed to ground her or something, and now she doesn’t even notice that she’s doing it. so it doesn’t work anymore and just leaves marks sometimes :(.
what does your OC think is their best trait? what is actually their best trait? what about their flaws? are they one to admit these flaws or do they like to pretend they���re perfect?
Enny thinks her best trait is her problem-solving ability, but I think her best trait is her resilience. both are very good, though! she has plenty of flaws and she doesn’t like to bring a lot of them up, but she admits them more than she thinks she does. she’s VERY aware of them though. she thinks she’s selfish, aggressive, deceptive, and generally unpleasant to be around. she thinks she’s way worse than she is tbh.
What is your OC like in bed- 
sleepy. that’s it. Enny does NOT fuck.
what’s a sentence that would make your OC’s day better? one that would make them laugh? one that would make their day worse? why? what words would you have to say to them to completely ruin their day?
depends who’s saying it! a simple invitation to hang out from some people would improve her day, but from others it would make things far worse. generally, a compliment doesn’t hurt, or an “I like being around you” or something. she tends to laugh at things that are light jabs at people and sometimes sudden tone shifts. most mentions of her past would make her day worse, and any mention of her dad is a no-go. if you want to ruin her day entirely, compare her to her father.
how much effort does your OC put into their looks? do they care much about how they’re dressed or what their hair looks like or are they not bothered? could they be considered a snob or a slob?
she puts probably an average amount of effort into her looks. depends on the day and what’s going on and how she feels, but it’s generally consistent. she keeps her hair neat, makes her outfit match, enjoys having the option of makeup with no one to say whether she should or shouldn’t wear it, and just goes about her day. but she doesn’t spend too much time on it. I’d say she’s somewhere in the middle. more snobby than me, but I’m a massive slob :P
what additions would your OC make to their body if they could? let’s say, if they don’t have a tail would they want one? wings? horns? do they wish they could shapeshift?
!!! I’ve gone over this in a roleplay before! she honestly doesn’t know what she wants because she’s never thought about it before, but if she happened to suddenly and mysteriously gain shapeshifting she’d spend a lot of time just trying to find anything that felt right without being her original form. eventually she’d settle back into her og form with minor changes, maybe dye her hair instantly or something. definitely dye her hair. she’d totally fuck around with a monster form too. and I mean, who would say no to shapeshifting? she would like having the option to change everything at the drop of a hat. to not be herself, and then be herself again, and then maybe try out a snake tail and have fun with that, and then-
what inspired you to make this OC? how long have you had them? how have they changed in the time you’ve been developing them?
originally she was just for a fun “opposites” AU, and I’ve had her for about... 2 years? 2 years. what really made me latch onto her was a suggestion from a friend :). she’s gone from a one-off character who was primarily bitter to my favorite good good child who is still SO BITTER but wants to do good things. plus I like her more than Deux now and that was NOT the case back then.
what traits of your own do you see in this OC? are they a little bit self-inserty? don’t be shy, we all put parts of ourselves into the creations we love!
we both get panicky at slammed doors and at people yelling, along with feeling vulnerable when we can’t keep an eye out in every angle. we’re also both ace. a lot of her interests are the same as mine, and her finger-tapping, nail-digging, and pen-clicking are all from me. we also both have to think about our facial expressions, though they come a bit more naturally to me than to her. we’re both real fond of [REDACTED], we both like monsters, and we both have too many thoughts at once. her general demeanor isn’t really me, though. she mostly took all my little details. oh shit we both wear glasses too :P and we both changed our names.
what is your personal opinion of this OC? do you love them or are they your trash child? are they your baby?
I love her so much. you don’t understand how much I love her. she’s absolutely my favorite child!!!
are you writing anything with this OC or planning on writing anything for them? do you RP with them or are they just for fun to mess around with?
I both write stuff with her and RP as her! she’s my faaaavorite. I write about her in AUs (horrorterror Enny, monster AU, superhero AU, etc.) and in canon, and I’m hoping to write more once I have more time on my hands! she’s also my D&D character in a current campaign. and I rp her on her character blog @eloquentbarrister :P
how important is this OC to you? are they a character that’s helped you through some pretty tough times or could you scrap them without feeling a thing?
she’s, uh... she’s real important. I vent through her a lot and thinking about her calms me down.
do you enjoy working on your OC or are they a bit of a chore? we all have that one character who is hard to develop!
every day I think to myself “hm, what does this action say about Enny?”, so when it comes to her I love working on her! I could write essays about her! her goals are vague in certain aus which is the only bad part but so are mine, really.
ramble a bit about this character! 
that’s all I’ve been doing this whole time :P but!! she’s so good in every AU. learning how to be vulnerable and talk to people. learning how to be comfortable with herself. giving a huge middle finger to her past, at first trying to run from it and anything she did back then, and then going “yeah, that was a thing that happened, and it was fucked up, but I’ve come a long way”. she’s so good. she’s SO GOOD. monster AU Enny is fun too bcause the plot goes from “various monster kids relentlessly interact with the changeling kid until she considers them friends and the changeling learns to trust robot dad, learning how to play an instrument along the way” to “changeling becomes best friends with a god, does some drugs in the woods, and then watches the apocalypse go down with a big ol smile”. D&D Enny is very good because she’s a halfling warlock with a fun affectionate relationship with her patron and won’t stop adopting children despite barely being an adult. she wants to kill the gods and it’s very fun and cool tbh. also HORRORTERROR ENNY......... KILLS ME.......... ughhhh I’d love to ramble about her but I’m also WRITING her and wanna share that writing y’feel? just. aaaaaaaaa. Enny “Enlightener” Delmirain’t!!!!!
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stars-and-rose · 5 years
|Heartpoint| Chapter Two
for SOME reason, Tumblr ate the original post. so, ah. Take 2
Fandom: Thomas Sanders/Sanders Sides
Pairings: Logince, Prinxiety (Eventually), Logicality (Eventually) and Remceit (Eventually)
Summary: Roman seeks out Damien so he can figure out what is going on. Things get more confusing, and an x-factor is brought into the equation.
Word Count: 2,347
Trigger Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of Fainting
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Chapter Two: Junior and Senior Battle it Out for Local Moping Spot with Unexpected results
Roman was really getting sick of this. His friends were all staring at him with varying levels of concern, fear, and disbelief. He could hear them talking, but the words weren't processing. All he could think about was the hearts and stars and the border-. Roman rubbed his eyes harshly, a futile attempt to make them go away. The rubbing stung his eyes a bit but it didn't matter- he just needed the weird images to Go Away. "ROMAN!" The brunet was brought back to reality when Remy grabbed his arms and brought them away from his eyes. "Kiddo, are you alright?" Patton asked, his voice shaking slightly. "Patton, hun, I don't think he's fucking alright." Remy snapped, caused the shorter boy to flinch. "Sorry, Pat. I didn't mean to lash out." "Roman, what occurred when I was in the café? I came out and you were just on the ground!" Logan's voice was cracking a bit, his usually stoic expression filled with concern.
That's when it hit Roman that he had really shaken his friends up. He closed his eyes and tried to remember what had happened. Something about a sticker, love and a boy with two different colored eyes- "The Goth boy!" Roman yelled, startling the other three. "Sorry, um, while you were in the café Lo, I was talking to this goth guy-" "Was this mysterious goth boy in the school uniform? Or was he trespassing?" Logan questioned. Just as Roman was about to respond, his vision flashed gold. Roman closed his eyes to shield them from the harsh light. When he opened them, he saw what he could only describe as a game menu in front of him.  In gold letters on the top of the icon were the words, WHAT WILL YOU DO? The first option underneath it read, in bold red lettering, LET YOUR FRIENDS KNOW YOU'RE HEALTHY, SANE AND SAFE! The second read, TRACK DOWN THAT GOTH BOY!!! "This is insane," Roman whispered to himself, staring at the game menu. He looked around- Remy, Patton, and Logan were all frozen in place. "Guess I have to choose an option." Roman read the first choice to himself. "Friends, healthy, safe…" Then, his eyes landed on the second option. "Yes! Find goth boy!" The green-eyed boy smashed his hand against the second option. His world flashed gold again, and he found himself inside the school's common center. "This… I just need to find that goth guy." So, Roman found himself running through the commons, eyes searching for the mysterious senior. After looking for him in the library, Roman walked down the steps leading outside and let out an aggravated scream. "GOTH GUY!" Someone let out a dramatic cough behind him, and Roman spun on his heels, coming face to face with the boy from earlier. "Ahah! "You called?" The boy grumbled, looking at his nails. "You! You! Goth boy, you did this to me- whatever it is!" "You know- and I mean you actually  do know- my name is Damien." Said boy sighed. Roman's thoughts cleared a bit. "Damien… Damien from Home Ec!" "Is that really all you know about me? We've had classes together for three years." Roman tried his hardest to remember something- he really did. But his frazzled brain only came up with the words, "You're a goth? So you shop at Hot Topic?" "You… are not wrong." "Listen, I'm not here to exchange Tumblr URLs or swap jean ripping tips! You did something to me and I need you to please stop doing the thing to me!" Roman threw his hands on his hips and glared down at the senior, who he had an inch or two on. "No can do," Damien replied, still inspecting his nails. "What?!" "I said No. Can. Do." "No, no, I heard you the first time- I just thought your answer was really stupid." Damien stopped looking at his nails and glanced at Roman with an exasperated sigh. "Why don't you relax for a moment, okay? Take a little chill pill there, pump the breaks." Roman closed his eyes and took a few deep breathes, then opened them and looked back at Damien, who was leaning against the staircase now. "Look, Roman, I like you. I really do. I've liked you since the day you almost burned down the Home Ec kitchen, then proceeded to say the sugar cookie recipe you'd been given was secretly for explosives." The junior crossed his arms. "There was way too much baking soda in that recipe." "If you want my advice? I'd take this gift you've been given and use it to your advantage." Damien said, drumming his fingers against the railing of the staircase. "What? What kind of gift is this- putting a border around everything I see and making my friends think I've lost my mind? If you really wanted to get me a gift, you could have got me Broadway tickets or something!" Roman raged. "I've given you the gift of insight. You now know where you stand with anyone you meet. Instantly, you'll be able to see the person's feelings for you." "You mean all the hearts and stars above peoples heads?" Roman questioned. Damien nodded. "The stars represent how friendly the person is towards you. The hearts…they represent more romantic urges." "Okay, that makes sense… in which I mean it makes literally no sense at all!" Damien scoffed, and Roman decided to ignore the senior. "Stars and Hearts…" It actually did make sense. Patton, who'd had four stars above his head, had been Roman's best friend since kindergarten. Remy and Logan both had three, which made sense as he'd only met them freshman year. But the hearts…. Roman's face heated up as he realized something. "Wait one second. Logan… he had four hearts… meaning…?" Damien looked at him. "You might be surprised about how people actually think of you." "That's none of my business! Everyone's allowed to feel romantic attraction to whoever they want! And if Logan does have feelings for me, who am I to be allowed to know that without his permission?" "You're blushing," Damien commented. That was true; Roman's cheeks were as red as the heart sticker. It wasn't as if Logan wasn't attractive- the nerd was kind of pretty, and smart, and surprisingly caring and sweet after he opened up to you- Right. Damien first, friend's crush later. He looked back at Damien and snapped, "That's none of your business!" "Roman, relax. As I said, you've been given a gift. What you do with it is up to you." Roman, instead of relaxing, threw his hands in the air. "What if I want to get rid of said gift?" "Well, that's just rude," Damien replied. "Damien, I'm serious!" The senior sighed and took a set towards Roman. "I'm kidding. My voice might not sound like it, but I am indeed kidding." Roman huffed at the statement. "If you really want to stop it, all you have to do is win the game." "Excuse me?" Roman was ten seconds from losing his mind. "Well, it looks like a video game, doesn't it?" There was something in those last two words, some sort of anger and hate that made Roman step back a bit. Damien continued on. "Magic has a tendency to take on the time in which it exists. If you want to stop playing, you have to beat the game." If Roman had been in his right mind, he would have questioned 'Magic'. But, luckily for Damien, the brunet was not in his right mind. "How do I beat the game, then?" "Win someone's heart. And you'll beat heart point." Roman looked at the floor. "Win someone's heart?" He looked back up, a question on his lips when he noticed the older boy wasn't there. He spun around to see Damien exiting the common center. Just before he walked out of sight, something hit Roman. Damien didn't have the hearts or stars above his head. As Roman pondered on the whole conversation he just had, someone shouted his name. He turned and saw Logan walking down the stairs towards him. "Roman, I've been searching all around campus for you-" For the second time that day, a menu interrupted Logan. The same gold letters were on the top, but there were new choices. The first read, STAY AND TALK TO LOGAN. The second one held the words, GO PROCESS YOUR EMOTIONS SOMEWHERE NOT HERE!!! "This again?" Roman grumbled, staring at his options. "He really does have a crush on me… I can't deal with this, I need a moment- Sorry Logan!" His hand reached out, hit the second option, and the gold light returned. This time when he opened his eyes, he found himself standing on the school's roof, a light breeze running through his hair and the colors of the sunrise reflecting on his face. A soft sigh escaped Roman's mouth as he watched the sun sink behind the horizon. "This has possibly been the weirdest day ever." He mumbled to himself. "Hey, can you maybe go mope somewhere else?" Roman spun on his heels and became face-to-face with a boy leaning against the wall, who, if Roman wasn't on the verge of a meltdown, he would have found rather hot. Headphones were hanging around the boy's neck and his piercing blue eyes were accented by the black make-up surrounding them. "Huh?" "I kind of got a thing going on over here, um, the conflicted student gazing rooftop is over that way." The boy, who Roman guessed was a senior, flicked his hand to the left. Roman's eyes flickered to the wall above the boy, which was covered in a rainbow of graffiti. "Did you do this?" "Do what?" "Hmm, I don't know, maybe the assorted acts of vandalism behind you?" The boy glanced backward and snorted. "Nah, that's from the generations of emo kids before me. I just used this place to ditch class." Roman tilted his head. "How often do you ditch class if you have a designated ditching spot?" "My younger brother would say too much; I say just enough." "Ah, um cool? Something tells me I shouldn't be telling you that's cool.." Roman mumbled, getting another amused snort out of the emo-boy. "What about you? What brings you up here to mope?" The boy stepped away from the wall and came next to Roman. Roman noticed the blank hearts and stars above his head- it made sense, as Roman was pretty sure he'd never met the guy. "I'm not moping!" "You look like you're moping." The boy commented. Roman sighed, fidgeting with his uniform's loose tie. "I just learned my best friend has a crush on me. I wanted to think about it before I rush into a situation recklessly, which is what usually happens. So I came up here to process it." "While moping?" Roman wagged his finger at the boy. "I am not moping!" "Really? Your face looks like you had to watch Mufasa die, and every time you cried, you had to watch it again." Roman stared at him. "I didn't take you for a Disney fan." The emo flicked out his palms into jazz hands, "What can I say? I'm full of surprises." Roman laughed, and the boy groaned. "Don't develop a sense of humor now when you were tragically looking into the sunset ten seconds ago." Roman arched an eyebrow. "If you can come up here and be all brooding and angsty, so can I." "I'm not- I didn't come up here to be brooding and angsty." "Sure, sure, of course not, and I totally can't hear Green Day coming out of your headphones." The boy huffed. "That's not important- and I'm serious!" "Oh, I know, oh so very serious. It must be so hard to live with the weight of this cruel meaningless life on your shoulders!" Roman could feel the smile forming on his face as the other boy groaned. "I am stuck on a rooftop with a drama queen, someone save me." The boy grumbled, causing Roman to laugh again. The two stood there in silence for a moment. "I have a feeling I'm not getting my 'angst' spot back for the evening." Emo-boy used air quotes around the word, angst, and Roman had to snuff out his laughter so he could reply. "Nope. It's mine now." "Eh, alright then. Maybe I'll see you around." The boy started to walk away. "Hey, freshman." Roman crossed his arms. "I'm a junior, thank you very much." "What was your name?" "My name's Roman. Roman Harper." The boy let out a humming noise. "Roman… Roman, Roman, Roman… I think my brother hangs with you… wait a minute, I decided I don't care." Roman groaned."You are the worst! Go shove off and listen to My Chemical Romance or something, you emo nightmare." The boy laughed, "Emo nightmare? That's new. It's Virgil, actually. Virgil Garrett. See you later, Princey." "Princey?" Roman questioned. "You were gazing off into the sunset like some sort of forlorn Disney prince. I thought it fit."  With that last remark, Virgil walked away. Just before he faded from sight, a single red heart flickered to life above his head. Roman could only stare, long after Virgil had left the rooftop. "Did he… just gain a heart? Was that towards me… because of me? For me?" Roman leaned against the railing, staring into the reds and yellows of the sunset. "Damien said I can see how people perceive me.  I guess that can change through a single conversation." Even though the situation was still confusing and strange, Roman let out a laugh. "Ha! A boy decided that he liked me! Suck it, Vance! I can win anyone's heart, with stickers and anything on my face. I am an unstoppable force of love and I'm gotta get another date to prom no problem!" "Roman, is that you yelling from the rooftops?" The green-eyed boy looked up and saw Patton and Remy both staring up at him. "Well. Fuck."
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attackofthezee · 6 years
I realized it’s been a bit since I did a rec list! I link to fics I’ve read and enjoyed over the week in my weekly writing round ups, but I don’t tag those posts as fic recs (it feels a little too self promoting to tag something about my own writing with fic recs, I can’t seem to do it) soooo I feel like it doesn’t count. So here, have a list of fics I highkey recommend right now. They’re all beautiful majestic fics and everyone should read them.
The Heart of a Dying Star by layersofart (layersofsilence), velleities
As ancient legends have it, mighty magical weapons can be forged in the heart of a dying star.
Wanda, driven by her desire to avenge her brother’s death and backed by Hydra and their secret plans, uses ancient magic to knock a star down from the sky.
Halfway across the land, Steve, the Captain of the Avengers Guard, finds a fallen star named Bucky.
Do you want to feel like you’re reading a fairy tale? Because like, this fic feels straight up like reading a fairy tale. It’s wonderful and soft and also like vaguely a Stardust AU while not actually being a Stardust AU and tbh it’s wonderful, just wonderful. Go read it and fall in love with Star!Bucky and total sweetheart Steve Rogers just like I did.
Howitzer by spacebuck
Bucky Barnes, figure skating champion, is forced to switch his skates for hockey ones when he leaves for college. Problem is, he's never played hockey before, and now he has to be good enough to get the scholarship he needs. Enter Steve Rogers, Carter University Men's Hockey player, who's decided that he'd do anything to get this guy on his team.
Cue five am runs, overwhelming classes, new friends, plenty of snow, and a sport that's fast becoming a way of life.
This fic has been on my To-Read List for approximately six thousand years, and part of me regrets not reading it sooner while the other is really glad I waited because I was reading it while having a rough week and guys, it was like the cure to my overdramatic issues that week. I like hockey a decent amount because it’s dudes being mildly homoerotic on ice and I find nothing bad about that, but I don’t really know about hockey, y’know? And after reading this I felt like I knew about hockey, which was a pretty fantastic experience tbh. I haven’t felt that feel since my fave fic back in Bandom days left me super interested in rugby for a while. Also the relationship between Steve and Bucky in this is fucking beautiful, and the descriptions of the games left me feeling incredibly invested in them and the author deserves literally all the love for that.
What's left behind by Niitza
The thing was, after waking up in that new century, that strange future where nothing and no one was the same, not even himself, it had never occurred to Steve to wonder again if the effects of the serum were permanent.
Catch me outside perpetually screaming about this fic. It’s told in chunks of 200 words and while I found myself inevitably wanting more of every chunk it also worked so well for this fic and is also something I admire because while I believe in brevity, I also have absolutely zero self control and if a scene wanted to be 500 words I’d end up writing 500 words. It’s just, it’s SO GOOD, and if you’re like, super bad at focusing like I am the way it’s told is a surefire way of catching attention and sucking in. It’s just really beautiful and wonderful and I recommend that you don’t take my word for it and go read it to find out for yourself.
Keep the Torch Lit by thepartyresponsible
“Logan,” Charles says, delicately. “Do you know the whereabouts of the Winter Soldier?”
“Nope,” Logan lies, easy as anything. “Haven’t heard a damn thing, Chuck.”
“Logan,” Charles says, “have you forgotten I’m a telepath?”
“Well,” Logan says, a little less pleasantly, “I sure forgot you’re a Goddamn nosy son of a bitch.”
Listen, okay, this fic is not Stucky, at least not technically. Technically it’s Logan/Bucky with past Steve/Bucky but like even the Logan/Bucky isn’t really the focus and if you want to (like me) it’s definitely possible to read future Stucky into this fic. also this is my rec list and I do what I want ya’ll. The focus on this isn’t the shipping, and tbh that’s what makes it so glorious. The focus is on the goddamn glorious motherfuckin Wolverine, aka the love of my life since I was a wee lass watching the x-men animated series back in the 90s and falling facefirst into simultaneous crushes on both Logan and Rogue. Biromanticism ya’ll, it started early. This fic is hysterical. Logan’s voice is so spot on and so very LOGAN that every line manages to be grumpy and hysterical and also reveal that hidden layer of just caring too much that I really believe is like, the true hallmark of a well written Logan. He doesn’t want to care, but he does care, and that’s like the crux of all his issues y’know? That’s why he takes in asshole super soldier assassins that half the world is after when they give the shitty reason of ‘war buddies, you gotta.’  
I could write several paragraphs on my epic love for this fic but I feel like the biggest reason to read it that I can give is that I’ve now read it three times and as a person who barely ever reads things even twice, that’s a huge thing for me. Also it has an appearance of a Charles who’s kinda a dick and tbh that’s how I love my Charles.
ALL OF THAT BEING SAID, if you can stand Bucky being even hinted at being with someone other than Steve, and if you don’t for some strange reason hate Wolverine (which if you do, who hurt you????) then go read this fic. It’s 4400 words of fucking brilliance.
Baby You Should Stick Around by neenya, nephropsis
If somebody had told Steve he and Bucky would end up raising Bucky's clone as their son, he'd probably have- wait, no, he wouldn't have done anything, because nobody would ever have said that.
And yet. Here they are.
Listen, this is one of those fics that I opened up expecting something fun and lighthearted and y’know, just a normal kidfic. What I got was 33k of a seriously beautifully written fic that gave me some seriously intense feelings. It was not what I expected whatsoever and it was all the better for that. I, personally, need to occasionally open up something I don’t expect to make me feel and then experience all the feelings because I am in the words of my former therapist ‘a shaken up soda bottle, building up pressure and just waiting to explode.’ True story. MY PERSONAL ISSUES ASIDE, this is beautiful and sad at times but with like, a really wonderful ending that made me feel A LOT OF THINGS. (The point of this is that this fic made me feel a lot of things. Like just, a lot of things. So many things) And there is this certain quality to the writing, at least to me, that really lets you feel the fact that Steve is having Issues and Steve is not realizing these Issues, and because of that he’s not able to be entirely present in this life that he has with Bucky. It’s wonderfully unique, and wonderfully written, and while not one I can reread super often (because of those aforementioned FEELINGS) it is seriously such a quality piece of work and one I’d somehow never stumbled upon despite it being written four years ago.
Black Dog by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)
So long ago the details were lost to time, people began creating guardians of the dead. They were made from dogs, dogs who were buried in graveyards before anyone was laid to rest, their spirits arising as black dogs, bound protectors of the human dead.
Steve had always wondered what would happen after he died. He hadn't expected the answer to be 'wake up in the cemetery he'd been buried in', but here he was, some kind of ghost, and he could see the trees through his hands. It wasn't so bad, and he wasn't alone—a sleek black dog, golden eyes glowing bright, was happily waiting to greet him.
Decades later, on what was supposed to be a quiet, peaceful, definitely-not-life-changing walk through the woods, Bucky stumbled across an abandoned cemetery and into the impossible.
(It's a ghost story and a love story and a story about dogs.)
I’ve talked about my love for absolutely everything leveragehunters writes, I know I have, but oh my god, Black Dog hits it out of the goddamn park. There’s A GOOD DOG! AND STEVE IS A GOOD DOG EVEN THOUGH HE’S NOT REALLY A DOG! And Laika! I GENUINELY CRIED OVER LAIKA!  And I DON’T OFTEN CRY OVER FICS!! I just, this was so beautiful and there’s always something so special about leveragehunters’ world building in their urban fantasy and magical realism fics in that it never feels heavy handed, never feels like I’m getting a bunch of info dumped on my head, but I always leave the fic feeling like I’ve seen this brand new world and understood it in the way the characters do even if that world is just a little bit left of the one we’re in now.
Also this is just a really good, nice fic to read while curled up with one’s dogs so y’know, if you’ve got dogs, definitely have them nearby to love on while you read this. It makes the experience like 1000x better.
despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) by praximeter (Zimario)
“They really didn’t want the mask to come off.” Hill thumbed through the scans, and pulled out a film that she then handed over to Sam, face mostly expressionless but for the flat line of her pursed lips.
Sam accepted the film and held it up to the light, angling so both he and Steve could see it, squinting at the outline of the Winter Soldier’s skull, and the blips of unnatural white that showed up, God, in his brain, not to mention about half his teeth, plus the mask, with its thin protrusions—
“Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.”
Hill’s face was as unmoved as ever. “Like I said. They really didn’t want it coming off.”
Picture me screaming like a pterodactyl every time I even think of this fic. I kept seeing this fic, kept seeing it recced everywhere, kept scrolling by, kept seeing it recced by people who’s work I love and read and admire, and KEPT SCROLLING. And then finally, finally I decided to devote myself to 70k of what I assumed would be a lot of emotional pain. I was right. This was painful to read, the parts in Bucky’s pov especially so, but it was also so, so, sooo very good. I found myself clicking to the next chapter as quickly as I could and wanting to sink right back into it if I had to go do something. It’s just, it’s so good, and if by some chance you haven’t read it yet do yourself a favor and don’t be like me and keep scrolling past it.
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bastionkeeper · 6 years
@mykindofcontent and I have a habit of swapping headcanons and expanding on them and that turning into dialogue and descriptions and finally I took one of these sessions and cleaned it up, added some stuff in the middle to connect it all and so I present to you a jupeter fic born of Sierra’s genius and my wit. Enjoy!
 Maybe Juno should have been a little more believing when Nadir Archer came to his office, trembling and informing him in panicked tones that his property had been stolen by the most ruthless group of black market traders this side of Mars. To be fair, it seemed everything made Nadir nervous, including when Rita opened a soda that had gotten shaken up in her purse on the way to work. Juno had thought that he’d find the valuables with some two-bit burglar and call it a day by lunch. What he did not expect to find was a warehouse full of corpses.
“Damn…” Juno stood up from the third pulse he’d bothered to check thinking that maybe he didn’t have to try for a fourth. “Well this complicates things.��
What complicated them more was the body he noticed as he went to leave. He wouldn’t have paid them any mind at all if it weren’t for the fact that they took a desperate spluttering breath very suddenly as Juno walked by.
“Shit!” Juno got control of his heart attack just in time to recognized the face that was coughing up blood. It was like his heart went from pounding to standing still in seconds as he saw Peter Nureyev looking up at him with glassy eyes.  
"Hey, hey, Nureyev, Peter look at me. Come on, breathe for me." He fell to his knees, drawing Peter up into his arms, speaking with his voice shaking. Juno had thought he’d never see Peter Nureyev again, and here he was. Juno had left him close to a year ago, but it felt like minutes looking at him. Juno dialed Rita on the comms, and of course she didn’t pick up. He tried again.
"Come on, you've gotta live so you can tell me off and be mad at me for being such an asshole."
Peter was silent at first, and Juno was dismayed to see a small smile spread across his face as he reached up with a blood-stained hand to stroke Juno’s cheek. He must have been delirious judging by the calm, slurred tones of his voice.
"You're so beautiful, Juno. I'm glad I, I got to see you again."
It was like a punch to the gut.
"No, stop that." Juno chokes. "Rita where the fuck are you?" He hissed into the comms, getting a dial tone in reply.  "Stop sounding like you're saying goodbye Nureyev I won't have it."
"I'd rather say goodbye then just leave." Peter smiles weakly.
"Okay I deserved that but that's not the point."
Despite the joke Juno was starting to panic. There’s a feeling a body gets when the life starts to drain out of it. Juno Steel had the extreme displeasure of being quite familiar with that feeling. The way the person begins to go limp and almost seems lighter in your arms as if shedding off the soul made a person lighter.
He could feel Peter growing lighter.
He didn’t realize he was crying until Peter’s rose from his cheek and went to wipe tears from his eyes, but the thief’s vision was going dark so he missed, and his hand slowly fell. Juno’s comms got Rita’s voicemail again, and Peter was unconscious.
Juno Steel was a lot of things. He was a drunk, occasional pawn in political games, a lady that left without saying goodbye but what he wasn’t was a quitter.
Which is why he lifted Nureyev into his arms, best he could with the man being a good foot or so taller than him, and started running as fast as he could.
By some miracle he made it to the hospital, lungs on fire and arms giving out. Normally, it would take several missing limbs to get the attention of any Hyperion doctor, but Juno had made quite the entrance running in with a pale half-corpse in his arms, covered in blood and trying with empty lungs to scream for help.
“Sir, you can’t come into the operating room,” the nurse tells him as they pull Nureyev onto a gurney and Juno struggles to keep pace with them down the long hallway.
Juno realizes he’s arguing but the nurse argues better, and before he knows it he’s sitting in a waiting room with a dozen crying kids with broken arms and runny noses, filling out paperwork that he can’t be bothered to pay attention to.
A nurse came to ask him his relation to the patient, and Juno thought for half a second before answering.
“He’s my husband, Duke. Duke Rose.”
The doctors keep him updated as the hours pass. They try to ask what happened and Juno tells the truth, he doesn't know. He just found his husband bleeding out and is so goddamn worried. It occurs to Juno that maybe he should be thinking about what happened. After all, he got hired to find stolen goods and who should he find at the end of the trail but notorious thief Peter Nureyev.
“What have you gotten yourself into this time, Nureyev?” Juno sighed under his breath. And then: “What did you get yourself into, Steel?”
He was grateful he told them Peter was his husband, because when he finally gets out of surgery Juno gets lead right to his room. It’s not a pretty sight with the tubes and beeping machines that make every hospital unsettling but Peter…
He was so pale, almost gray, dark circles under his eyes mirroring dark bruises on his skin. Bound up under a hospital gown, and surely stitched together like a patchwork quilt under that.
“You can press that button if you need a nurse.”
Juno nodded to the attendant, mouth dry. He found a chair by the wall and sat there for a while before dragging it up to the bed and sitting there.
He felt antsy. Faced with a problem he couldn’t solve, a mystery he couldn’t solve either, and a man he’d left in the night… it was a lot to take in all at once. He wanted to hold Peter’s hand, hell he wanted to hold all of Peter but he didn’t think he had the right. What would Nureyev think waking up to Juno clutching his hand like he had any right to?
No, he just sat by the bed until the clock went from ten p.m. to two a.m. and Juno’s head slowly lowered onto the bed where he fell asleep. In the twilight between waking and sleep, his hand reached out and took Peter’s.
Juno was still asleep when Peter woke up, wincing in pain and blinking in the harsh hospital light. Last thing he remembered was pain, and now here was more pain so that tracked at least. The hospital, however, was unexpected and so was the lady sleeping hunched over with his head on the bed and his hand wrapped around one of Peter’s.
Peter went to sit up, and immediately Juno stirred. His eyelids fluttered and he cleared his throat as he sat up. He looked bewildered and grateful, and that was reflected in what he said next: "thank fuck you're awake."
“Thank… fuck indeed,” Nureyev chuckled. “Juno Steel… I thought I dreamt you.”
"More like a nightmare if it was me..." He sighed, and realized he was holding Peter's hand. He went to pull away but Peter held it tighter. "I uh... I told them we were Duke and Dahlia." He says quietly.
"Rule one, Juno, never reuse a name," Peter said softly, but he looked pleased. Juno had no way of knowing, but the reference to their past personas had sparked butterflies in Nureyev’s stomach. He started running his thumb over Juno's fingers. "Thank you"
"You’re welcome I guess...?" He wanted to say more, but what? All he could do was stare at their entwined fingers. "What happened to you, Nureyev?"
"A deal gone wrong. My employer's rival showed up at the drop site and decided he rather kill me too than pay me what my late employer had promised," Peter said. “Honestly, it was embarrassing I even let myself get caught.”
"You need a new job," Juno said, earning himself a look from Peter. "Yeah okay, we both need new jobs"
"What about you, hm?" Peter asked curiously. "Seems peculiar you happened to find me."
Juno shrugged. “Luck. I heard a rather shady deal was going down for some things stolen from my client."
“Ah.” Peter nodded. "Must we always meet like this? On opposite sides of the law?" Peter chuckled and then winced from the movement. Juno watched the pain flash across Peter’s face and clenched his teeth.
It hit him all at once that he’d almost lost Peter before he’d had a chance to beg his forgiveness.
"Look, Nureyev I.." He started to apologize, to address the elephant in the room, but a doctor walked in cutting him off.
And what the doctor has to say makes Juno's blood run cold. Peter wasn't minutes from death he was seconds. The doctor praised Juno for his timely action but Juno wasn’t really in the mood for compliments. The doctor goes on to talk about Peter’s condition, saying medical terms Juno probably wouldn’t understand even if it weren’t for the blood rushing in his ears.
He has a long painful recovery ahead of him and the doctor makes a comment about how Dahlia will have to watch his husband very carefully
"Tha-That shouldn't be an issue." Juno said, keeping Peter's hand in a white knuckled grip. Peter seemed to be taking the news a lot better than Juno was. He just smiled calmly, nodding along to the doctor and letting Juno crush the bones in his hands with his anxious grip.
Once the doctor left, Peter smiled sadly at Juno. “It won’t be necessary of course, I can take care of myself.”
"Oh like hell you can. I'm not leaving you to deal with this alone." Juno said without hesitation.
"You already did, Juno. I'll be fine." Peter replied softly.
With that painful bit of guilt stabbing him through the chest Juno decided to fall back on an old coping mechanism: sarcasm.
"Well you've been away awhile so maybe you haven't heard about my stunning character development. I’m a new lady.”
Peter laughed, and laughing turned to daggers in his lungs and wheezing coughs. Juno leaned forward and rubbed Peter’s back, his brow furrowing with concern. "Hey, take it easy, I'll try to stop being so hilarious."
When Peter recovered he smiled at Juno. “So, tell me about the new and improved Juno Steel then.”
“Well you know…” Juno stammered. “Well uh, he eats breakfast now. And he’s still bad at sleeping enough, but he’s trying. And he talks more about how he feels but he’s still mean about it...”
Juno watched Peter’s smile widen with each little joke and admittance of self-care.  "He's.. He's more prepared to face the man he's desperately in love with too. He’s… he wants to apologize." He said without looking at Peter, his voice shaking.
"Mm.. Whoever this man is, he's very lucky." Peter watched Juno with eyes so full of… something Juno couldn’t identify.
Juno looked back at Peter. "I'd say I'm the lucky one here... I thought you were going to die"
"It takes more than that to kill me," Peter teased.
"I..." Juno dropped his head to the bed. "I can't lose you."
Peter stroked his hair. "You never did."
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thewritenerd · 4 years
Victor and Adam: NaNoWriMo Day 10
The nightmare was a familiar one though it had been a while since he’d had it. It started out pleasant enough. He was walking along a riverbank careful to not make any noise. At some point he reached a part where the riverbank dipped so it was level with the river itself. At this point he decided to step into the water. That was when the dream turned into a nightmare. As soon as he was in the water he felt something gripping his ankles. Looking down he saw a pair of pale white hands gripping him. He opened his mouth to scream only to find himself inhaling water as the hands yanked him under the surface. He thrashed and kicked against what was gripping him but it just kept pulling him down, further and further into the water. The river, which was impossibly deep, grew darker and darker until it was pitch black. Unable to see in the dark and his skin numbed from the cold the only sense Adam had left was his sense of hearing. Listening intently he heard two things. First was the sound of the water rushing past seeming to whisper the words “your fault” as it went. The second sound was more distant and seemed to be coming from bellow him. It was the high-pitched sound of a child crying. Not just a little blubber. These were loud howling sobs of someone in clear distress. Unable to take it any longer Adam clamped his hands over his ears trying to block out the noise. But it just kept getting louder and louder, until it felt like it was coming from inside him. Like it was coming from him.
He woke to find himself being shaken by Igor, the old man’s face grim with concern. ‘Adam it’s okay. You were just dreaming.’ He said trying to reassure him. Adam nodded not sure if he could speak with the lump forming in his throat. ‘Right. Dinner’s ready but if you need time I can always put your plate in the oven. Would you like that?’ Again he nodded. ‘Okay. Come down when you’re ready. Oh and maybe give your face a wash before you do.’ He gave a small weak smile which Igor returned before leaving shutting the door behind him. For what seemed like forever Adam didn’t move. Sure it was just a dream but that didn’t matter. A little girl had drowned and it was his fault. ‘I didn’t mean to.’ He whispered. ‘I only wanted to play.’ He wanted to cry again but he had nothing left. How old was she? Old enough to be allowed to play outside on her own. But definitely younger than ten. When he’d picked her up she had shrieked and yelled, but he’d heard kids making similar noises when they played together, he didn’t realise that there was a difference. When he threw her in the water he thought she’d float for a bit then climb out giggling. But she didn’t float, she disappeared under the water. He stood waiting for her to come back. But nothing happened. He wanted to call out to her. Tell her she was scaring him. But he didn’t know how to form the words. All he could do was make noises and hope she’d understand what he meant. But the only person who heard was a strange man. Later Adam would learn he was the girls father who’d come looking for his daughter when she hadn’t come to great him when he’d gotten home. What had happened to that man and his wife? Did they still live in that house or had they long since left? What if they were still living in town? They were at the trial weren’t they? The man had spent the whole trial crying with his head down. His wife kept her head up but her face was blank and unreadable. The only time he’d seen her show any emotion was when it was all over and she’d broken down in the hallway. Adam had only gotten a brief glimpse of this before being ushered away. Back then he was still getting his head around what had just happened. The concepts of death and grief were still very new. But now he wished he’d been able to apologise. Sure it wouldn’t change anything. But maybe it would have helped them to know it hadn’t been an act of malice. Then again maybe not.
Victor was surprised when Igor came into the dinning room without Adam. ‘He’s not feeling well. I told him to come down if he starts feeling better.’ Victor nodded. ‘Very well.’ Igor started dishing up the food and pouring his glass of wine. ‘I don’t suppose you’re going to ask what’s wrong with him?’ Igor asked. ‘I’ll ask him when I see him.’ Victor argued. ‘I’ll believe it when I see it.’ Igor muttered as he walked away. Victor frowned but said nothing instead finishing his meal in silence. He had eaten his meals this way ever since moving to live on his own. But this time the silence felt wrong. Truth was in the months he’d been living there he’d gotten used to Adam’s presence at mealtimes. It was the only time they’d spent in the same room together in the beginning, on Igor’s insistence that he would not serve the same meal to two different rooms unless absolutely necessary. ‘He’s part of the household now.’ He had argued. ‘In fact he’s part of the family, and you can start treating him like it. Though I’d prefer it if you treated him better.’ This had angered Victor and he’d even threatened to fire the old man. Igor though had stood his ground, possibly he knew Victor would struggle to find someone else as willing to take care of Adam, and soon Victor relented. Adam didn’t come down until Victor had finished his plate. ‘So you decided to come down then?’ Adam nodded. He did look unwell; his face was pale and his eyes were red. He also moved in an odd way. Slow and almost lumbering like he wasn’t sure what to do with his limbs.  He sat down and Igor served his dinner. When he thanked him his voice was distance like he wasn’t fully aware of what he was saying. ‘So what happened?’ Victor asked determined to prove Igor wrong. Adam stopped gulping down his glass of water. ‘What? Oh I just had a bad dream.’ Victor nodded not sure what to say next. ‘Nate invited me round his tomorrow afternoon. Can I go?’ Adam added looking from Victor to Igor as if unsure who he was exactly asking. ‘That should be fine.’ Victor replied. ‘Just let Igor know the address so he can take you.’ Adam nodded already looking like he’d cheered up a little.
Nate lived on a street of house that all looked identical. The doors alternated between yellow and green and white with a step leading up to each house. Igor stopped the car outside of number 845 and Adam climbed out. This house had a green front door and was one of the few houses with a patch of grass outside the front. Taking a deep breath Adam took hold of the knocker and knocked twice. It wasn’t long until the door was opened by a girl he’d never seen before. She looked around his age, a little taller than average but still considerably shorter than him, with olive skin and pale blue eyes. She was started tugging on her hair which she wore in a long plait with a bored expression on her face. ‘You Nate’s friend?’ she asked. He nodded. She stood inside letting him in before closing the door behind him. ‘Nathan you’re friend’s here.’ She called before turning back to Adam. ‘They’re in the front room.’ She said pointing to the door just to his left. He pushed it open and stepped inside. Nate was sat on the floor while Chelsea was cross legged in an armchair. ‘Hey Adam!’ Chelsea waved. ‘Hey Chelsea.’ Adam waved back. It had been weeks since he’d seen his friends in person but he already felt better for being in the same room as them. ‘I’m gonna make myself a drink you want anything?’ the girl, who Adam figured must be Sascha, asked. ‘Yeah.’ Nate replied. ‘Well get off your ass then.’ Sascha laughed and ran off before the tennis ball Nate had just hurled could hit her. It bounced of the doorway and landed on the sofa between two cushions. Adam sat himself on the floor with Nate looking round at the room as he did so. It was messy not in a no one ever cleans way but in a lived in way. There were jackets strewn over the back of the chair and an assortment of teddies scattered around. The coffee table had a stack of colouring books and a basket full of pens and crayons, and the bookshelves were filled with dvds, mostly of cartoons, and framed photos. There were also photos around the room the largest of which hung over the sofa. It showed Nate and Sascha, looking a little younger than they did now, sitting on the floor next to two women sat in wicker chairs. Each of the women had a toddler on her lap while a fifth child stood between them. He turned to point to the picture. ‘Are those your mums?’ he asked. Nate nodded and stood up. ‘Yeah and these are my brothers Ararat,’ he pointed to a wide eyed boy clutching a small teddy in a bow tie sat on the lap of a woman with a shaved head in a red and grey dress. ‘And Liam.’ He pointed a pale boy who was had his hands wrapped around his mother’s dreads. ‘And my little sister Mariangela.’ He pointed to the little girl who stood in the middle. She was covered in freckles and her hair seemed to grow in every direction except down. ‘That’s a big name.’ Adam commented as Nate sat back down. ‘We usually just call her Marie. Anyway now you’re here you and Chelsea can find a game to set up while I get the refreshments.’ He stood up and left the room. ‘Bring me back a coke.’ Chelsea called after him. ‘What does Adam want.’ He called back. ‘Water.’ Adam replied. Chelsea raised an eyebrow. ‘Really that’s it?’ Adam shrugged. ‘I don’t really drink much else. Except Cream sodas.’ Chelsea pulled a face. ‘Eyuck. You actually like that stuff?’ He just shrugged. ‘Well come on we’d better pick a game or Nate will be having us play Scrabble. And I can never beat him at Scrabble.’ Ne pulled open a cupboard door under neath the tv and peered in. ‘Now let’s see. Monoply, no. Ludo, I think the little ones have lost half the pieces for that one. Checkers, that’s a two player game. Stupid deaths, now that sounds fun.’ Adam shook his head. ‘I don’t really want to play anything about death.’ ‘Okay not that. How about this?’ ne pulled out a box much smaller than the others. It’s a card game, pretty fun. You basically have to take a card and do what it says. If you succeed you keep the card if not you put it back. You can also steal cards by doing the vs challenge but if you loose the other person can take two cards from your stack.’ ‘Sounds fun.’ Ne started putting the other games away. ‘You pick anything Nate asked walking in with a glass of water and a can in each hand.’ ‘Yeah we’re playing this.’ Chelsea waved the box at him. ‘Oh drat.’ Ne added looking at its leg. ‘I’ve ripped my leggings. And they were my favourites.’ Ne pouted. ‘And I doubt I’ll be able to find another pair like them.’ Nate nodded. ‘I’ve noticed how long it takes you to find anything being so chubby.’ Chelsea laughed. ‘Chubby? That’s so pretentious. I’m fucking fat.’ Ve rolled ver eyes in an exaggerated manner. ‘I can’t believe you’re still referencing that old meme.’ Nate teased setting handing them their drinks before disappearing again. ‘A big black blonde bigender beautiful babe that’s me.’ Chelsea laughed. Adam just nodded.
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wineanddinosaur · 4 years
The 10 Best Drinks Movies of All Time (and What to Sip While Watching)
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Relaxing with a great drink in your hand and an excellent movie cued up on your screen is one of life’s great, simple pleasures. It’s also something many of us have more time to do now than ever before.
Perhaps it’s no coincidence that many of the best movies of all time include a heavy focus on imbibing, from ongoing thematic references to entire booze-soaked plots: The night of excess and its regrettable decisions; the plot hatched in the bar’s back booth; the frat house party; the alcohol-fortified hero.
If discovering the perfect match between a glass of wine and a bite of cheese amplifies the pleasure of both, then why not do the same by finding the just-right drinks to pair with the best drinks movies?
Of course, even if you’re stuck Netflix-and-chilling by yourself, there are now ways to get friends in on the fun virtually. For instance, with Netflix Party, you can synchronize playback through Google Chrome while participating in a group chat through the same interface.
From iconic films to debauched comedies, here’s what to watch — and what to drink while you do.
10. The 007 James Bond Franchise
Few movie characters are as inclined to imbibe as James Bond. Author Ian Fleming both giveth and taketh away, though. While he’s responsible for the creation of the Vesper, his words haven’t always been to the betterment of booze: Some say that “shaken not stirred” stunted the advancement of cocktails for decades. (Hate-mail disclaimer: Martinis are a personal matter, so make them as you please).
As you’re working your way through the anthology and arrive at “GoldenEye,” switch up your drink to the cocktail of the same name. It’s the house cocktail at the GoldenEye Resort in Jamaica, and was concocted by Chris Blackwell, Rock & Roll Hall of Famer, creator of Blackwell Rum, and owner of the estate since the mid- 1970s.
According to Blackwell, the drink, which fittingly is a visual match for its name, was a creation of convenience. “I simply put equal amounts of pineapple juice and rum in the cocktail shaker and took a sip,” he says. “It was too sweet, so I added some fresh-squeezed lime to taste. And there it was.”
It’s a welcome drink for his guests, and a new drink for you to sip on while watching Brosnan-era Bond. Blackwell is even collaborating on a 007 Limited Edition of his rum, which will be released this fall in conjunction with the franchise’s 25th effort, “No Time To Die.”
9. Wine Country
The newest edition to the list of best drinks movies is 2019’s “Wine Country.” Directed by Amy Poehler, and starring a six-strong cast of female comedic heavyweights, the movie is centered on a 50th birthday weekend getaway in Napa Valley.
When you can’t head out for a weekend of in-person wine tasting, bring the wine into your living room. A number of Napa Valley wineries are currently offering virtual tastings. The list includes AXR Winery, B Cellars, Clos du Val, Round Pond Estate, and St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery.
Sign up for one, do the tasting, then start the movie and polish off all those bottles you just opened. Or pair with any Napa Valley wine to feel the “Wine Country” vibe.
8. Cocktail
“Cocktail” stands tall 32 years later as the zenith of bad 1980s cocktail culture. Neon lights, flair bartending, and cringeworthy shot names — it’s all there, now with some measure of nostalgic appeal (who doesn’t want to sidle up to a beachfront bar these days?).
Of course, there’s no shortage of options for what you should be imbibing while watching. One needs only to pull up the “The Last Barman Poet” scene, in which Tom Cruise mentions a dozen different concoctions: “The Sex on the Beach, the Schnapps made from peach, the Velvet Hammer, the Alabama Slammer. I make things with juice and froth. The Pink Squirrel, the 3-Toed Sloth. I make drinks so sweet and snazzy. The Iced Tea, the Kamikaze, the Orgasm, the Death Spasm, the Singapore Sling, the Ding-a-ling.”
Thankfully, if you can’t quite settle on any of the above, Cruise’s character has mercy on us at the end of his recital: “America you’re just devoted to every flavor I got. But if you want to get loaded, why don’t you just order a shot?”
7. The Frat Party: Animal House and Old School
“Old School” and “Animal House” together represent the classic new and, well, old school takes on the frat movie. You’re probably never going to agree with your dad on which is better, either. It’s a generational preference whether you lean into the John Belushi-powered 1978 film, or the 2003 flick with Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, and Luke Wilson.
What everyone can agree on is that you’re drinking beer for this movie-drinks pairing; there’s no way around that. And not a 4-pack of your favorite triple dry-hopped, semi-naturally fermented, seasonal farmhouse hazy IPA, either. This calls for a case of your cheap, collegiate, macro beer standby. Maybe it’s Schlitz, maybe it’s PBR. You do you.
6. The Hangover (Three-Part Series)
We’ve all been there. A night gets a little out of hand. Memories are foggy. Everything hurts. Of course, this doesn’t usually involve tigers, Mike Tyson, potential kidnappings, and hastily arranged marriages. The antics only continue in later films, from Tyson-style face tattoos in Thailand to hasty trips to Tijuana. That’s what makes “The Hangover” great: It’s hilarious and relatable while still letting you off the hook, in an “at least my friends and I aren’t that bad” kind of way.
The truth is, you’re most likely watching this while nursing your own hangover. So mix up a Bloody Mary or something low-ABV with fresh juice to bring yourself back up to speed.
5. Swingers
“Swingers” sports the classic scene of Jon Favreau ordering a Scotch, “A Scotch on the rocks, please. Any Scotch will do, as long as it’s not a blend, of course. A single malt. Glenlivet, Glenfiddich perhaps. Maybe a Glengow… any Glen.”
The movie is also a favorite of the drinks industry today. “I love the movie ‘Swingers,'” says Elayne Duff, a consultant and strategist with Duff On The Rocks. For her, the 1996 movie brings back memories of the era. “We had a very cool version of this secret bar with a swing band [in the Lower East Side of New York]. I went there almost every Saturday night and drank Cosmopolitans; it was the ’90s, after all. This movie was money, as they like to say, so many great lines and Vince Vaughn was at his best.”
“Maybe I’ve been incepted by all the movie posters I’ve seen with Vince Vaughn, Martini in hand, or maybe it’s the way I can relate to both Mike and Trent at different times in my life, but I don’t think I’ve ever watched that movie without some form of drink in hand,” says Trevor Frye, the president of Wash Line LLC, who has also been running the B.A.R.E. SolidariT-shirt fundraising project, selling shirts and stickers to provide donations to hospitality professionals.
So drink a Cosmo, a Martini, any Glen you can find, or, in Frye’s case, just the whiskey of your choice. “I’d sip on a whiskey with some bite to it. E.H. Taylor Barrel Proof and Noah’s Mill are currently open on my desk, and either would do just fine,” Frye says. “And water; like a deli quart’s worth of water.”
4. Casablanca
If you asked any film buff to name the most famous movies, “Casablanca” would likely be on the list. This Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman vehicle happened to be set, predominantly, in a nightclub and casino, Rick’s Café Américain. (Word to wise: Don’t bother if you and when you find yourself in Morocco; the actual establishment may fall short of what you’ve envisioned).
There’s plenty of drinking in the movie, as you’d expect, and much of it is centered around Champagne. You’ll want to drink some bubbles yourself while watching, ideally out of a coupe glass to match the stylish, classic vibes. Intersperse that with the occasional French 75 or Champagne Cocktail, both of which are mentioned, to keep the mood going all night long.
3. Lost in Translation
What does Bill Murray whisper to Scarlett Johansson in the final scene of “Lost in Translation”? We may never know. What we do know is the line he says over and over again while filming his character’s television commercial, “For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.”
Unless you’re sitting on a secret cache of Yamazaki 18 year-old or Hakushu 18 year-old — in which case, we’ll be right over — a Highball is the way to go here, deploying a blended whisky like Suntory Toki and your favorite high-carbonation soda water.
2. Sideways
We all remember Paul Giamatti’s infamous quote: “I am NOT drinking any f*cking Merlot!” So devastating was the impact, that a decade and a half after the release of “Sideways,” California Merlot is only recently rebounding in the mind of consumers.
When you watch, consider doing the opposite of Giamatti and finding an excellent bottle of Merlot to accompany the film. There’s no shortage of serious, truly delicious Merlots coming out of California right now.
1. The Big Lebowski
The Dude and a White Russian. Name a more iconic duo; we’ll wait. The comedy classic from the Coen brothers is the perfect excuse to wear your pajamas all day long while steadfastly maintaining a drink in one hand.
The cocktail is easy to make, too: Just pour two ounces vodka and one ounce coffee liqueur over ice in a rocks glass. Top with an ounce of heavy cream. A flick of your wrist is the only stirring you really need. Up for an epic drinking-game challenge? Drink not only when The Dude drinks, but when the word “dude,” is spoken, which is apparently 160 times. Good luck!
The article The 10 Best Drinks Movies of All Time (and What to Sip While Watching) appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/10-best-drinks-movies/
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isaiahrippinus · 4 years
The 10 Best Drinks Movies of All Time (and What to Sip While Watching)
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Relaxing with a great drink in your hand and an excellent movie cued up on your screen is one of life’s great, simple pleasures. It’s also something many of us have more time to do now than ever before.
Perhaps it’s no coincidence that many of the best movies of all time include a heavy focus on imbibing, from ongoing thematic references to entire booze-soaked plots: The night of excess and its regrettable decisions; the plot hatched in the bar’s back booth; the frat house party; the alcohol-fortified hero.
If discovering the perfect match between a glass of wine and a bite of cheese amplifies the pleasure of both, then why not do the same by finding the just-right drinks to pair with the best drinks movies?
Of course, even if you’re stuck Netflix-and-chilling by yourself, there are now ways to get friends in on the fun virtually. For instance, with Netflix Party, you can synchronize playback through Google Chrome while participating in a group chat through the same interface.
From iconic films to debauched comedies, here’s what to watch — and what to drink while you do.
10. The 007 James Bond Franchise
Few movie characters are as inclined to imbibe as James Bond. Author Ian Fleming both giveth and taketh away, though. While he’s responsible for the creation of the Vesper, his words haven’t always been to the betterment of booze: Some say that “shaken not stirred” stunted the advancement of cocktails for decades. (Hate-mail disclaimer: Martinis are a personal matter, so make them as you please).
As you’re working your way through the anthology and arrive at “GoldenEye,” switch up your drink to the cocktail of the same name. It’s the house cocktail at the GoldenEye Resort in Jamaica, and was concocted by Chris Blackwell, Rock & Roll Hall of Famer, creator of Blackwell Rum, and owner of the estate since the mid- 1970s.
According to Blackwell, the drink, which fittingly is a visual match for its name, was a creation of convenience. “I simply put equal amounts of pineapple juice and rum in the cocktail shaker and took a sip,” he says. “It was too sweet, so I added some fresh-squeezed lime to taste. And there it was.”
It’s a welcome drink for his guests, and a new drink for you to sip on while watching Brosnan-era Bond. Blackwell is even collaborating on a 007 Limited Edition of his rum, which will be released this fall in conjunction with the franchise’s 25th effort, “No Time To Die.”
9. Wine Country
The newest edition to the list of best drinks movies is 2019’s “Wine Country.” Directed by Amy Poehler, and starring a six-strong cast of female comedic heavyweights, the movie is centered on a 50th birthday weekend getaway in Napa Valley.
When you can’t head out for a weekend of in-person wine tasting, bring the wine into your living room. A number of Napa Valley wineries are currently offering virtual tastings. The list includes AXR Winery, B Cellars, Clos du Val, Round Pond Estate, and St. Supéry Estate Vineyards & Winery.
Sign up for one, do the tasting, then start the movie and polish off all those bottles you just opened. Or pair with any Napa Valley wine to feel the “Wine Country” vibe.
8. Cocktail
“Cocktail” stands tall 32 years later as the zenith of bad 1980s cocktail culture. Neon lights, flair bartending, and cringeworthy shot names — it’s all there, now with some measure of nostalgic appeal (who doesn’t want to sidle up to a beachfront bar these days?).
Of course, there’s no shortage of options for what you should be imbibing while watching. One needs only to pull up the “The Last Barman Poet” scene, in which Tom Cruise mentions a dozen different concoctions: “The Sex on the Beach, the Schnapps made from peach, the Velvet Hammer, the Alabama Slammer. I make things with juice and froth. The Pink Squirrel, the 3-Toed Sloth. I make drinks so sweet and snazzy. The Iced Tea, the Kamikaze, the Orgasm, the Death Spasm, the Singapore Sling, the Ding-a-ling.”
Thankfully, if you can’t quite settle on any of the above, Cruise’s character has mercy on us at the end of his recital: “America you’re just devoted to every flavor I got. But if you want to get loaded, why don’t you just order a shot?”
7. The Frat Party: Animal House and Old School
“Old School” and “Animal House” together represent the classic new and, well, old school takes on the frat movie. You’re probably never going to agree with your dad on which is better, either. It’s a generational preference whether you lean into the John Belushi-powered 1978 film, or the 2003 flick with Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, and Luke Wilson.
What everyone can agree on is that you’re drinking beer for this movie-drinks pairing; there’s no way around that. And not a 4-pack of your favorite triple dry-hopped, semi-naturally fermented, seasonal farmhouse hazy IPA, either. This calls for a case of your cheap, collegiate, macro beer standby. Maybe it’s Schlitz, maybe it’s PBR. You do you.
6. The Hangover (Three-Part Series)
We’ve all been there. A night gets a little out of hand. Memories are foggy. Everything hurts. Of course, this doesn’t usually involve tigers, Mike Tyson, potential kidnappings, and hastily arranged marriages. The antics only continue in later films, from Tyson-style face tattoos in Thailand to hasty trips to Tijuana. That’s what makes “The Hangover” great: It’s hilarious and relatable while still letting you off the hook, in an “at least my friends and I aren’t that bad” kind of way.
The truth is, you’re most likely watching this while nursing your own hangover. So mix up a Bloody Mary or something low-ABV with fresh juice to bring yourself back up to speed.
5. Swingers
“Swingers” sports the classic scene of Jon Favreau ordering a Scotch, “A Scotch on the rocks, please. Any Scotch will do, as long as it’s not a blend, of course. A single malt. Glenlivet, Glenfiddich perhaps. Maybe a Glengow… any Glen.”
The movie is also a favorite of the drinks industry today. “I love the movie ‘Swingers,‘” says Elayne Duff, a consultant and strategist with Duff On The Rocks. For her, the 1996 movie brings back memories of the era. “We had a very cool version of this secret bar with a swing band [in the Lower East Side of New York]. I went there almost every Saturday night and drank Cosmopolitans; it was the ’90s, after all. This movie was money, as they like to say, so many great lines and Vince Vaughn was at his best.”
“Maybe I’ve been incepted by all the movie posters I’ve seen with Vince Vaughn, Martini in hand, or maybe it’s the way I can relate to both Mike and Trent at different times in my life, but I don’t think I’ve ever watched that movie without some form of drink in hand,” says Trevor Frye, the president of Wash Line LLC, who has also been running the B.A.R.E. SolidariT-shirt fundraising project, selling shirts and stickers to provide donations to hospitality professionals.
So drink a Cosmo, a Martini, any Glen you can find, or, in Frye’s case, just the whiskey of your choice. “I’d sip on a whiskey with some bite to it. E.H. Taylor Barrel Proof and Noah’s Mill are currently open on my desk, and either would do just fine,” Frye says. “And water; like a deli quart’s worth of water.”
4. Casablanca
If you asked any film buff to name the most famous movies, “Casablanca” would likely be on the list. This Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman vehicle happened to be set, predominantly, in a nightclub and casino, Rick’s Café Américain. (Word to wise: Don’t bother if you and when you find yourself in Morocco; the actual establishment may fall short of what you’ve envisioned).
There’s plenty of drinking in the movie, as you’d expect, and much of it is centered around Champagne. You’ll want to drink some bubbles yourself while watching, ideally out of a coupe glass to match the stylish, classic vibes. Intersperse that with the occasional French 75 or Champagne Cocktail, both of which are mentioned, to keep the mood going all night long.
3. Lost in Translation
What does Bill Murray whisper to Scarlett Johansson in the final scene of “Lost in Translation”? We may never know. What we do know is the line he says over and over again while filming his character’s television commercial, “For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.”
Unless you’re sitting on a secret cache of Yamazaki 18 year-old or Hakushu 18 year-old — in which case, we’ll be right over — a Highball is the way to go here, deploying a blended whisky like Suntory Toki and your favorite high-carbonation soda water.
2. Sideways
We all remember Paul Giamatti’s infamous quote: “I am NOT drinking any f*cking Merlot!” So devastating was the impact, that a decade and a half after the release of “Sideways,” California Merlot is only recently rebounding in the mind of consumers.
When you watch, consider doing the opposite of Giamatti and finding an excellent bottle of Merlot to accompany the film. There’s no shortage of serious, truly delicious Merlots coming out of California right now.
1. The Big Lebowski
The Dude and a White Russian. Name a more iconic duo; we’ll wait. The comedy classic from the Coen brothers is the perfect excuse to wear your pajamas all day long while steadfastly maintaining a drink in one hand.
The cocktail is easy to make, too: Just pour two ounces vodka and one ounce coffee liqueur over ice in a rocks glass. Top with an ounce of heavy cream. A flick of your wrist is the only stirring you really need. Up for an epic drinking-game challenge? Drink not only when The Dude drinks, but when the word “dude,” is spoken, which is apparently 160 times. Good luck!
The article The 10 Best Drinks Movies of All Time (and What to Sip While Watching) appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/10-best-drinks-movies/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/618095375287517184
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my-abibliophobia · 7 years
Favorite Yu-gi-oh! Quotes (anime dub)
Grandpa: "You do know what a trap card is, don't you?" Joey: "yeah, uh...kinda...uh...I have no idea." Tea: I've given this friendship speech a thousand times already. Hasn't it sunk in yet? Joey: Now why does all these weird stuff always happen to us? (Yugi silent) You hava gotta to admit, it's true. Yugi: "Let's just sit here, put our heads together and think." Tristan: "Just remember one of those heads is Joey's so that's like subtracting one mind." Joey: "Ha ha. Very funny Tristan." Tristan: "Don't worry, we still have my Great Outdoor survival Guide!" Joey: "G'head, Tristan, eat all the pages ya like."
Mai: "I'm no cartoon expert, but exploding volcano biceps? That's bad, right?" Yugi: "Wow, there's chips ..." Joey: "Dibs on the chips." Yugi: "Candy bars ..." Joey: "Dibs on the candy bars." Yugi: "Fruit ..." (silence) Yugi: "Soda." Joey: "Dibs on the soda." Yugi: "Uhh ... Joey ... I don't think you should be cooking the candy bars ..." Joey: "Back off! I know what I'm doing!" Yami Bakura: "Present day humans are so fun to terrorize, don't you think?" Tristan: "No I don’t, but then again I am a present day human. What the heck are you?" Yami Marik: "Let's check the damage, and cause some more." Yami Marik: "I will not be destroyed!" (guess what happens 10 seconds later)
Joey: Whoever designed this game has a thing for walking into bright light. Tristan: Well you got to admit, it is quite dramatic.
Rex: "Does the grim reaper know you've raided his wardrobe?" Rex: "Note to self, seatbelts were invented for a reason."
Rex: That card is useless to you!(Joey reveals Hermos) (Shaken) That, on the other hand, might help you...
Weevil: "Name the last time one of my ideas didn't work!" Rex: "Every time! Just once I'd like to get my revenge without looking like a dork!" Tristan: (about Duke’s driving) "Maybe we're safer on foot." Joey: "Give me a piggyback, and you got a deal." Tristan: "Are you sure that's Atlantis?" Joey: "Hmm, big ancient city looking thing rising out of the ocean? Yeah, looks about right." Kaiba: "Don't you have someone else to annoy?" Joey: "No, not at the moment." Joey: "I'm sure there's some other folk trying to take over the world back home!" Tristan: "You know, the scary thing is he's probably right.” 
Joey: Are we goin' or what? Kaiba: What do you think, genius? Joey: I'm detectin' some sarcasm, rich boy. Kaiba: Really?
Joey: [panting while carrying Rex] Why...are we...carrying this guy...that we don't even like...all over civilization? Tristan: Because we’re the good guys. Joey: So Yugi, about that Underdog card... you said it reminds you of someone... Yami: [surprised] I did? Yes, well...Um, [to Yugi] a little help here? [winks and switches with a blushing Yugi] Yugi: Huh?...Oh, that's real mature, Pharaoh! [Still blushing and Sees Joey] Er... Joey: [Playfully locks Yugi's head in his arms] So, Yuge, everyone else seems to think that Underdog card reminds you of me. Yugi: Well, um, let me put this in the best way possible, [^^ and fingers ><] the card reminded me of you because when the odds are against you, you always pulls through. Tristan: I can see it on your business cards right now, Joey Wheeler, Executive Underdog. Joey: [angered] Hey!! Kaiba: Any duelist late for registration will be disqualified. Mokuba, make sure Wheeler's late. Joey: Hey! I know an insult when I hear one! Look at me when I'm yelling at ya'! Tristan: Don't worry about it, Joey! This tournament was just a cheap way for Kaiba to promote Kaibaland! Mokuba: [raises his fist] You know I'm standin' right here, right?! Yugi: "Is that a Blue Eyes arena?" Joey: "We're not dealing with normal people here." Duke: "No, we're not." Ziegfried:(summons 3 goddesses) "Now it's one underdog against three divas." Joey: "You mean four divas."
::Slifer the sky dragon emerges from the palace, following Pharaoh Atem and Bakura:: Bombasa: "And that is a big, red dragon!" Joey: "This sort of thing used to surprise me, but now ... not so much." Yugi: (running for his poor dear life) Tristan and Joey: (in unison) "Yugi!?" Yugi: (runs past them) "TALK LATER! RUN NOW!" Joey: "What's with him?" (He and Tristan turn around to see a gang of mummies running towards them) Tristan and Joey: "ZOINKS!" (Both run away) Pegasus: "What did I do to inspire such hatred?" Kaiba: "It's a long list, and I don't have a lot of time." Pegasus: Anubis is gone. No one could return from a defeat so thoroughly devastating as that!! Well ... no one but Kaiba that is ... I'm sorry, did I say that out loud? 
Kaiba: When are you geeks gonna stop giving that lame friendship speech? Tristan: I'd say... when you stop pretending everything's a magic trick.
Tristan: (After the tomb collapsed) So this is the end? Feels weird. Joey: Yeah. Seto: What were you geeks expecting? Joey: Fireworks, sappy music, something... At least make up one of your wrap-up speeches, Yug. Yugi: Well, sometimes the end of one adventure is the beginning of another. Joey: Ahh, much better.
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carolnein · 7 years
here’s the other thing i already wrote for the esports girls i posted last night
this one also has an issue with game stuff between america and japan, where i spent more time trying to look up details of a specific event pokemon distribution in japan than actually writing the whole thing, before giving up and using the american distribution as a stand-in
under the cut
The nearest game store was a little out of the way of Aiko’s usual daily routine, but she finally had a day off work and only morning classes. She just had to go to the register and pick up a card with the serial code from the promotional distribution, and then she could get udon for lunch at a great place she rarely had an excuse to go to, which was the real reason she was driving to the other side of town for a game she barely had the time to play.
She didn’t particularly need to make the trip, but she had been playing Pokémon for a long time and was never able to get a Mew in the newer games. There was no guarantee she’d be able to get everything from the year-long event, so she might as well do what she can.
The trip went as usual; the store wasn’t particularly busy on a weekday, and the only sound that stood out over the speakers was a loud girl with a stack of used games in her hands, asking another girl out on a date.
“I’m not…like that,” the cornered girl responded, backing away in palpable discomfort as she picked up a game box off the shelf.
“Ah, really?” The louder one raised an eyebrow and looked her up and down quickly like she didn’t believe her, but shrugged. “Can’t blame me for trying, right?”
She didn’t get a response, and Aiko ignored the pair to ask the employee at the counter for the code. She’d only just turned away from the counter to leave the store when someone blocked her way. The loud girl, just spurned, was now standing in front of her with a cocky smile. When Aiko tried to move out of her way, she was met with, “Hey, wait.”
“What is it?” Aiko didn’t have the time or patience to deal with someone desperate enough to hit on every girl she saw if she wasn’t at work, even if she was tall and pretty.
“You’re picking up the Mew code, right?”
“I already did, and that’s all I came here to do.” She took a step to the side, but the opposing girl took a few steps back to meet her.
“You know, most girls who play Pokémon should be pretty interested in me,” she told her, grinning obnoxiously.
“Why’s that?” Aiko asked, deciding her chances of a clean escape were better if she humored her.
“I’ve been told I must be part Lickitung,” she boasted, licked her lips suggestively.
With a disgusted groan, Aiko turned on her heel and left the store, not looking back to make sure she wasn’t being followed but listening for the lack of footsteps behind her. She made it to her car without incident, reassured in the knowledge that at least her lunch wasn’t going to check her out.
Late shifts ending at almost midnight didn’t leave much time to cook dinner, especially with a stack of homework to finish. Aiko kept her bitter thoughts about the coworker she was expected to cover to herself, and with the extra hours she could at least afford to splurge on a premade bento to save time for studying.
She was at this particular Family Mart between work and home at least twice a week because of work, and even more often when school became particularly rigorous. The occasional bento or rice bowl was a nice break from instant noodle cups, when she dared treat herself.
The only other person in the store was another girl with an armful of sodas and snack foods; she was familiar, but it wasn’t a feeling so strong Aiko could place her memory anywhere, nor did she care to try when it was this late. However she was struck with realization when the other girl grinned smugly and asked, “Have I seen you somewhere?”
“Doubt it,” Aiko lied, not wanting a repeat of their last meeting at the game store.
“Hmm.” She bit the inside of her cheek in thought before her face lit up. “Ah! You were the little Pokémon master getting Mew, right? I don’t easily forget cute girls that don’t tell me no.”
“Then I’m telling you right now I’m not interested,” she said firmly, ready to tell the store attendant she was being harassed.
“Ah?” She looked confused, but then shrugged. “Alright.”
Aiko looked at her suspiciously, but she only smiled. At her silence, she finally introduced herself. “I’m Ren, by the way.”
“Alright.” She didn’t offer her name in return.
“What are you doing here so late, anyways? Long night planned?” Ren wasn’t aggressively flirting anymore, but she wasn’t leaving her alone, either.
“Yeah, studying,” she said, making a point to emphasize she was doing something important. “You?”
She’d only asked out of the forced habit of indulging a customer in conversation, and winced when Ren started speaking, now engaged. “My little sister wanted to marathon some older games, I’m on a snack run.”
There was a lot in that sentence that didn’t match the impression Aiko had of Ren. “Your sister?”
“Yeah, she’s probably just sneaking a nap while I’m out, we started yesterday so she’s tired.” Despite her words, she didn’t look like someone who had been awake for about 36 hours. All-nighters for Aiko meant an even grumpier disposition than usual, dragging her feet and spacing out when she wasn’t buried in work. “But she doesn’t want to get caught sleeping before I do, thinks it’ll make her look weak.”
“Sleeping is weak?” Aiko asked this skeptically, almost judgmentally, at the statement.
“Eh, she’s 16, let her think what she thinks for now.” Ren grinned again. “And she’ll never get through the Castlevania games if she doesn’t refresh her mind a bit.”
“I can’t even remember the last platformer I played,” she said absently. If a game didn’t have a save function, she was guaranteed to not have the time to finish it, and the platformers she grew up with were intended to be beaten in one long session.
“Wanna skip the books and come over?” Ren’s smile turned hungry. “I was hoping to invite someone over for an excuse to sneak off into my room, catch a nap myself.”
Aiko decided that was definitely enough socializing with Ren for the rest of her life, and placed her bento on the check-out counter, ignoring that she was there before her. “Good luck staying awake for your sister.”
The thought of old-school platformers had stuck to Aiko’s mind even weeks after her last meeting with Ren. Maybe she didn’t have the time for one she grew up with, but a quick Google search assured her that the modern games in classic series had save functions. The Wii U she’d received as a gift a long while back had barely gotten used, but there were Mario games for the console. She could find the time for a level or two now and then.
It rested better on her conscience to buy a used copy, since she was putting an advance on her free-spending limit. The itch to play couldn’t wait another two weeks to be scratched.
One of the last people she expected – or wanted – to see was in the store already, browsing the Playstation shelf. Ren looked up and saw her, smiled, and Aiko’s stomach sunk in dread before Ren did absolutely nothing. She gave her a quick wave of recognition before turning back to the games display.
Aiko was more shocked at her inaction than her forward actions the previous meetings, and stayed on her toes on her way to the game, and then while in the line. She berated herself for the invasive thoughts – “she’s kinda tall,” “she’s pretty when her mouth is closed,” – and kept focused on the counter at the front of the line. Some yen and about three meters were all that was between her current position and leaving unscathed with the game.
Her self-control wavered at the counter when she paid, and was unable to not ask, “Can I borrow a pen?” She stepped aside while the next customer in line paid and scratched her email onto the back of the receipt.
Aiko called out, “Hey!” while walking up to Ren, catching her attention and shoving the receipt into her chest. She spoke over her before she could flirt and ruin her bold moment. “I’m not online until late most nights, don’t expect a response.”
Ren only managed a shaken, “Huh?” before Aiko turned on her heel and rushed out the door, heart pounding in anticipatory regret. She’d only given Ren her email, not her phone number or something else easily traceable. If she did regret this, it was easy to block and ignore her.
Thoughts of everything that could possibly go wrong, minor and major, weighed her mind down. She was almost nauseous with worry on her way home, and the ping! from her phone alerting her to an email did nothing but exacerbate it. In her rush to return to her apartment and check the message, Super Mario 3D World was forgotten in the car’s front passenger seat.
Aiko threw herself to the couch immediately, taking up every cushion in an effort to get as comfortable as possible before diving into risky territory. She opened the email, and read the short message. “Hey there Pokémon master, what made you change your mind?”
Her immediate reaction was to bitterly send back, “It’s Aiko.” It was too early in their...whatever stage of their acquaintanceship it was, for pet names. Before Ren – it was obvious that the unfamiliar address was her – replied, she sent a second message. “Changed my mind about what?”
It was a few seconds before the next message came. “You said you weren’t interested, and then you throw your email at me. Can’t stand not making the first move?”
Aiko paused to think about what it was that changed her mind. “Because you remembered that.” She didn’t have much more of an answer. What was most flattering wasn’t her efforts to get close to her, but that she remembered her, and more importantly, remembered what she’d said.
“Are your standards that low wwwww,” was her quick reply, and Aiko felt a twinge of irritation that she was taking her honest praise so lightly. It was followed with, “But I told you I remembered.”
“I didn’t expect you to remember, honestly.” She seemed too carefree, like she was spreading herself too thin to remember anyone for as long as the months between their initial meeting.
“It’s hard to forget a girl as cute as you, especially one who’s interested.” She punctuated it with a winking emoji.
“Or it’s easy to remember if your flirtatious gimmick drives them all away, and I’m the only one who didn’t shut you down.” She worried she sounded too annoyed; she was annoyed, but charmed by the brazen front that had some substance behind it.
“It worked on you, didn’t it?”
“What ‘worked’? Who said we’re anything?” Aiko had realized she was essentially accepting being asked out, but wanted to see what other depths she was hiding.
“So you don’t wanna be my girlfriend then?”
Aiko paused and considered the question. It sounded like a strong word for two people who were only just now emailing each other, but the thought didn’t turn her off either. “Maybe if you take me on a date first I’ll consider it.”
The next reply came quickly enough Aiko wondered if she used it before. “Get out your Pokémon and let’s battle. If I win, I get to take you out to dinner. You win, and I’ll treat you to dinner.”
It was cliché and corny, but Aiko let herself smile at the attention directed at her. She texted back, “Tonight is the only night I’m free this week.”
“Then I guess I’d better cancel my date with Zelda, I’ll see you at 7.” She followed it with a kissing emoji, and some options for restaurants that they could go to. Aiko slowly felt that free time rut veer away, with school work not on the table, and something more exciting than a game coming up in just hours.
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