#there’s a better shot i wanted to use for the second pic but i refuse to rewatch s9 again lol !
maxbernini · 1 year
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vendredi 21:26 + mary oliver, october
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gumnut-logic · 4 months
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As Australia moves closer and closer to the new year, I just want to wish all of you a Happy New Year with a wonderful 2024 to you all.
Thank you for all your amazing support over the last five and a half years. Thunderfam is amazing and that is because of you.
Have a gorgeous Virgil pic and a little bit of fic from new years past :D
Ten...the match caught and flickered in the breeze. She caught it, wrapping it with her hands, nursing it to the candle, and letting out a breath as flared into life.
Module Four hit the surface of the North Pacific Ocean and immediately started rolling in the swell. Thunderbird Two’s heavy-duty spotlights tracked it as it was tossed about.
“Gordon, you okay?”
“Riding it out. Though I have to say, I’m glad I didn’t over indulge at dinner.” Virgil watched as all the module indicators flicked to green. “We are go for module deployment.”
“Make it fast. That swell is unpredictable.” He would have preferred to have lowered TB4 using the grapples, but the wind gusts were more problematic than the swell. As if to reassure him of his decision, TB2 was suddenly swiped sideways. He compensated hurriedly, bringing her back to stability, her lights once again training on the module. It was the better of two poor choices.
The undersea habitat didn’t have a choice, so here they were, in the pitch dark of the last hour of the year, attempting to fish more scientists out of the deep.
The weather was not cooperating.
Gordon lowered the ramp, and with a speed he would not usually deploy, shot off into the cold and turbulent water.
Virgil grunted as the wind caught his girl again.
Module retrieval was going to be a bitch.
Nine...she took the first candle from its holder and gently tilted it towards its brother. The two wicks touched and flickered. The two became one.
Space is silent, but it isn’t. There is always some kind of machinery functioning to keep life alive. Whether it be Thunderbird Three herself, or his own helmet, Alan was always accompanied by sound.
At this very moment, it was his own swearing.
“Goddamnit, move!”
But the airlock refused to obey. Likely fused shut by the explosion that had set the ship adrift, it was between him and the three remaining life signs. He had to get it open, their life support was failing.
“John, what are the chances of me cutting through this?”
“Not great. It is reinforced. Have you tried the Claw?”
The Claw, complete with a capital C, was a piece of equipment designed by Virgil based on his exo-suit. Virgil rarely made it out into space, but there was occasionally the need for heavy lifting out in the void. It used a grip attached to a thruster pack and could be deployed to create force in any direction.
“It was next on my list.”
“You’ve got nine minutes left.”
“Working on it.” He pulled in his equipment pack, tethered to his sled, and grabbed the Claw. Fastening the grip onto the airlock wheel, he deployed the thruster pack to give the correct directional push.
And the wheel refused to budge.
Eight...the first candle flickered haphazardly, once again teased by the breeze as she moved it to the second of its brethren. She smiled just slightly as it, too, caught and flared.
“How do they expect me to catch something I can’t see?!”
It was muttered at his instruments and he didn’t expect an answer. All his scanning equipment was trained ahead attempting to locate the hidden exhaust of an experimental plane deployed by the GDF. It would have been an interesting experiment, if the pilot wasn’t currently trapped inside. It was codenamed Nighthawk because the plane was designed to work best at night - apparently testing it during the day would have made Scott’s rescue attempt a little too easy. So here he was after dark, on New Year’s Eve of all nights, flying over the back end of New South Wales attempting to find an invisible plane.
Yet again, International Rescue was the only organisation with the mechanical guts to fix the GDF’s problems.
It pissed him off big time.
His sensors flickered, his arms moved, and Thunderbird One darted to starboard. For just a moment he had the craft clear as day in his sights.
Then it was gone again.
It was only a matter of time before it crashed. He could communicate with the pilot, but the signals were scrambled and misdirected and no use for locating anything. When the GDF screwed up, they screwed up big time.
“C’mon, c’mon!” He brought TB1 to a hover, every sensor combing the darkness around him.
A flicker.
A godawful metallic screech as something impacted his ‘bird’s hull on the port side. She swung around, spun on her axis, and suddenly Scott was in free fall.
Seven...the third candle wouldn’t catch. She bit her lip, and prayed just a little. The breeze threatened.
John Tracy wished he had more hands. Two were not enough when he had four brothers - one in space, one underwater, and two in the air.
“Scott! You need altitude! Impact in twenty seconds.”
His brother grunted as his hologram grimaced, fighting the controls of his ‘bird.
John didn’t need a damage report, TB5 provided him with all too much detail. Damage to Thunderbird One’s port side VTOL and flight stabiliser had her in a spin.
“She’s not responding.”
“You’ve got additional weight on your port side.” John’s fingers flew across the hologram, attempting to ascertain exactly what the readings were trying to tell him. Damn. “You have a mass embedded in her superstructure, despite the fact we can’t see it.” Calculations. “You’re going to have to attempt to land vertically. Use your rear thrusters to support the imbalance.”
It wasn’t going to be easy. Thunderbird One wasn’t designed to be anywhere vertical but on her gantry, but there was no way Scott would be able to sustain a horizontal landing.
“FAB, Thunderbird Five.” It was said through gritted teeth.
He couldn’t help but think that if Thunderbird Two had been sharing the same airspace as her sister, she could have pulled her out of her dive.
But she wasn’t.
And John was left to watch.
Six...the third wick absolutely refused to light and her heart clenched. Let it rest a moment. She moved onto the fourth candle and touched the flame to the waxed cotton.
Night rescues weren’t really out of the ordinary, but they could be eerie. As he left the reach of Thunderbird Two’s powerful spots, he had to rely on the illumination his own Thunderbird could emit. And Thunderbird Four could shine a considerable wattage.
Underwater nightlife was a whole different ocean full of fish in comparison to that under daylight. Despite being in the middle of open ocean, this particular spot was above the very top of a great undersea mountain, just high enough to support the beginnings of a temperate reef system. No doubt one of the reasons the mobile observatory was in the area.
“Undersea Habitat Victor-Two-Zero-Romeo, this is Thunderbird Four, do you read me?”
The line crackled a moment, but a female voice gasped and answered. “Oh, thank god. We are down to our last module. Please hurry.”
“FAB, ma’am. I’m on approach. Can you give me any further detail on the cause of the problem?”
“It won’t go away and keeps attacking.”
Gordon frowned. “What won’t go away?”
“The whale.”
“A whale?!” And his spots lit up the damaged habitat. It looked as if it had been pummelled with a giant baseball bat. Of the five interconnected modules, only one had any sign of life. “Why would a whale attack you?”
But he didn’t get a chance to listen to her answer as his spots lit up a giant mass of flesh, an eyeball, and suddenly Thunderbird Four was rolling.
Five...when the fourth candle refused to light, she took firmer measures and turned to the iron fire pot and touched the first candle to paper. It burst into flame.
“Alan, you’ve got incoming debris!”
But John didn’t need to repeat himself as the first of the projectiles tore through the space in front of his helmet and ricocheted off the hull of the space freighter, narrowly missing his arm.
“Take cover. Freighter’s starboard side. Now.”
Alan grabbed the Claw and flipped himself vertically to thrust in the right direction and tore around the engine compartment of the ship and hid in a crevice directly opposite the incoming stream. “Where the hell did that come from?”
“Apologies, Alan, I didn’t catch it early enough.”
Alan sighed. He knew his brother was stretched thin at the moment. Apparently dangerously thin. He should have been paying more attention himself.
“We’re down to five minutes.”
“I know.” Silent impacts thundered around him. “Is there any other way in that doesn’t require me to be swiss cheesed?”
“Only the maintenance hatch you dismissed earlier.”
“We may not have a choice.” Alan sighed. “I’ll see what I can do, but it is going to be tight. It wasn’t meant for ship access.” But he would make it work.
Grabbing the Claw and his laser cutter, Alan darted out from his crevice and along the length of the ship, hiding in its shadow. A snap of a carabiner and he was secured once again.
“Okay, you hunk of junk, I’m going to kick your ass.”
Four...The breeze was stronger and the first candle flickered out, leaving just the one burning, flickering sporadically. She added fuel to the fire pot.
The flash was blinding and Virgil swore.
Lightning wasn’t a problem, but the storm was. “Gordon, you need to make this quick, the weather is deteriorating faster than we anticipated. He swore again as a nasty downdraft attempted to shove the cargo plane into the turbulent ocean.
The module below was being thrown about like a cork. Virgil made the decision. “Thunderbird Four, I am submerging the module. You will need to dock underwater.” His fingers darted across controls as Thunderbird Two shuddered through another nasty downdraft. Below, the mechanics of Module Four started pumping water and it slipped beneath the waves to hover at a depth that would protect it from the turbulence.
“FAB, Virgil - Shit!”
“We have a pissed off whale down here!”
Virgil watched as his readouts tracked Thunderbird Four. She was darting, rolling and suddenly shoved sideways by massive lifesign. He grit his teeth, unable to do anything to help.
Three…she built up the fire pot until it was a massive towering flame.
Scott yanked the lever backwards and let off a prayer to the god of pilots.
Thunderbird One attempted to respond, and he grit his teeth. “C’mon.” Without her port thruster, getting her vertical was a challenge. “C’mon, damnit.” The extra weight dragged and she refused to stabilise.
The air was dark around him, but his instruments were screaming altitude loss and collision warnings, his cockpit lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Goddamnit, fly!”
Gordon swooped around the mass of angry whale. What the hell was his problem. And it was definitely a ‘he’, a full-on bull sperm whale, a very unhappy one.
He ran through whale behaviours in his head as he swooped and dove towards the habitat. A hand darted across his instruments, searching...
Alan hit the hatch with his fist in frustration. Grip, for crying out loud!
He was down to three minutes to get these guys out and he still hadn’t made it into the damn ship yet.
There was no sound in space, other than the scream in his own helmet as suddenly the entire side of the ship was torn away, a chunk of rock tearing through its hull.
The Claw spun off into space.
John bit through his lip, his concentration total on all four brothers. One hand played his holographic controls like Virgil played his piano, data shunted off to where it was desperately needed at the flick of a finger. The other spun between views, scans and acquired information at the full speed his highly advanced Thunderbird could manage.
“Virgil! Waterspout!” And the information was shunted directly to TB2.
“Waterspout?! What the hell!” Thunderbird Two groaned as he forced her sideways out of the path of the anomaly. The crosswinds were shit, and she dipped noseward. Damnit!
He kicked in her rear thrusters, killed the VTOL and tore across the ocean in an arc, circling around to return for pickup. She bucked like a rebellious mare.
Two...she grabbed all five doused candles in one fist.
Gordon swore again as the whale clipped him on one side. “Okay, I’ve had enough of this. Undersea Habitat Victor-Two-Zero-Romeo, I want you to kill all transmissions. All kinds. I want you silent as the grave.”
He spun TB4 on her axis. “Now. If I think what is happening is happening this is your own fault, do what I say!”
He sighed as all transmission bands went silent. He scanned the full spectrum. No....no...ah, damn there it was. “I said all of them!” And it finally disappeared.
Another dodge of a whale fluke and Gordon peeled off in a curve.
Alan tasted blood. He had bitten clean through his cheek. He spun slowly in space, the ship in front of him sporting a jagged hole in its side.
Just big enough for an astronaut to crawl through.
Two minutes and counting...
Thunderbird One bucked like a mule, but he finally managed to get her vertical enough to fire her rear thrusters. Their plummet slowed.
The holographic ground was still coming up fast.
Virgil homed in on the module’s signal, finding once again his place in space. Lightning flashed in warning.
John held his breath. Seconds ticked by...
One...with determination she thrust all five wicks into the roaring flame of the fire pot. Burn damn you.
Scott yelled as his thrusters made contact with solid ground.
Gordon flicked a control and Thunderbird Four sung into the darkness.
Alan dove into the ship, calling out in desperation.
Virgil swore yet again as Thunderbird Two bucked.
John wished he could close his eyes.
All five candles burst into vibrant flame, the five merging into one, defying the breeze, taking on the energy of the fire pot and burning strongly.
Just as midnight passed over Tracy Island, Sally Tracy separated out the five candles and placed each of them in their holders. She smiled just slightly as each eagerly leapt up brightly, dancing.
“Grandma? Have you heard anything from John?” Kayo walked across the comms room towards the balcony where Sally had set up the fire pot. The breeze tousled her hair as it lay loose around her shoulders.
“Not in the last ten minutes.”
Kayo came up close and hugged her. “Happy New Year, Grandma.”
She kissed her granddaughter on her cheek. “Happy New Year, honey.”
As dawn lit up the sky on Tracy Island, the sun was witness to five very tired brothers flying home. Thunderbird Two had Thunderbird One grasped under her undercarriage, the severely damaged craft sporting a massive dent in her port side. Her pilot sat very unhappily beside Virgil in the cockpit of TB2. Gordon was asleep in the seat behind them.
The sky roared as the great red rocket of Thunderbird Three tore out of re-entry and spun in for landing.
She was followed by the ever-silent drop of the elevator from Thunderbird Five.
Virgil lowered his brother’s ‘bird to the side of TB2’s runway. He and Brains, and no doubt Scott, would be out later to assess the damage and plan repairs. As fast as possible. Scott was intolerable when his ‘bird was down.
He rolled his shoulders as he brought his own ‘bird into land. There would be no shortage of checks to be done on Thunderbird Two, either. Gordon was already complaining about the work to be done on both TB4 and Module Four, and he wasn’t even fully awake.
Thunderbird Two spun in her hanger and he powered her down.
All three brothers sighed.
“Debrief in ten?”
Scott muttered an affirmative and while Virgil ran through post flight, his brothers crawled out of their seats and headed up to the villa.
In the distance, Thunderbird Three roared as she docked in her hanger.
“The idiots were emitting random noise on a frequency that could have been designed to piss off a sperm whale. Once I had them kill it off, I dug up something that would interest, but keep that same whale calm, and I led him off. When he was gone, it was easy to grab the three idiots. We docked with the module, surfaced, and then had wonder pilot over here do his retrieval magic. I have to say, Virgil, that was some damn fine manoeuvring.”
Virgil blinked at the unexpected praise. Gordon must be seriously tired. “Thank you. I admit it wasn’t easy, but we made it in one piece. Brains, I will need to do some thorough checks on the grapple launchers and the module connectors, they were put under some serious strain.”
The engineer nodded.
Scott blinked as if he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. “Good job, Gordon, Virgil.” He turned to their youngest brother and frowned. Virgil followed his gaze and found Alan asleep in the corner of the couch.
“I can report for Alan.” John looked as tired as Virgil felt. “All the crew of the freighter were saved. In spite of the unexpected debris storm Alan encountered. Virgil, he will need a new Claw. He might have some modification requests on that front as well. “John yawned. “Sorry, full report will be available as soon as I’ve had enough sleep.”
“Scott, your turn.” And despite himself, Virgil yawned as well.
“I’ll keep it short. Stop doing that.” And Virgil grinned as Scott caught the yawn bug. “The GDF night camouflage is pretty damn good. I had a lot of trouble locating their craft. That problem was solved by said ship colliding with Thunderbird One’s port side. You’ve seen the damage. She’s down for repairs. We’ll know for how long as soon as Brains has a chance to assess it. Pilot was a lucky bastard and survived with only minor injuries. Apparently, the camouflage works both ways and navigation from inside the ship is extremely difficult. It’s back to the drawing board for the GDF.” And he spat the acronym. “Brains, you might want to check out One’s logs on what she could detect. All I can say is that Thunderbird Shadow walks all over them.” There was no shortage of smugness in that statement either.
Accompanied by another yawn.
“Well done everyone.”
They all muttered something congratulatory, punctuated by another round of yawns.
“Oh, and Happy New Year.”
A couple of grunts followed that.
“Get some sleep and we’ll look at throwing some belated fireworks.”
More grunting.
Virgil stood up with creaking bones and stumbled towards the stairs.
And almost collided with his grandmother.
“Oh, so sorry, Grandma.” He steadied her with one hand, suddenly aware of four brothers lining up behind him. In the corner of his eye, Alan was wobbling with Gordon holding one of his arms to keep him steady.
Grandma grabbed him in a hug. “Happy New Year, Virgil.”
He startled and immediately returned the embrace, dropping his chin onto her head and holding her tight. “Happy New Year, Grandma.” He kissed her hair. His eyes darted to his brothers, all four frozen to the spot.
She let him go, but looked up at him and smiled, before darting to Scott and repeating the process.
Virgil frowned, staring just a little as she moved from one brother to another, wishing each of them a Happy New Year and hugging intensely.
His attention was suddenly drawn away, however, as, silent as always, Kayo appeared and wrapped her arms around him. “Happy New Year, Virgil.”
His eyes widened, but he hugged her and wished her the same. She smiled up at him and then, just like Grandma, moved onto Scott and, hugging him, wished him a Happy New Year.
Virgil simply stared.
Once all the brother hugging had been completed, both women stood back and Grandma started ushering them up the stairs. “Well, off to bed with you. We can celebrate later tonight.” She smiled at all of them.
Kayo’s smile was a little smaller, but just as genuine.
Virgil decided he was too tired to work out what the hell was going on. He turned and began to tackle the stairs. He would think after he had slept.
Sally watched her boys climb the stairs wearily.
They were home safe. Tired, but safe.
So far it had been a good year.
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mcdannoangelwolf · 1 year
THank you so much to @ellena-asg for this prompt. Their Pokemon number was Charizard. I took this in what I thought was a fun direction. Making it about a Shiny Charizard.
Like i said before I pulled A LOT of the technical stuff, (how pokeballs work and how Charizard flies, etc) out of the air or just made it up lol. I hope that everyone enjoys the story. This story has no connection to to my future Pokemon Fusion. Thought it might be the start of an entirely different one. I don't know yet. For now it is just a stand alone story.
Pics of the featured Pokemon, Charizard and Blissey, can be found at the end of the story.
Steve was wading through the shallows after his morning swim, water sloshing around his hips, when he spotted something glinting in the sun on the beach ahead of him. Quickening his pace, such as he could, Steve sped up. He wanted to get to the item before the water and sand buried it once more. Steve was always careful to keep his beach free of debris tossed up by the sea especially that made of metal and glass.
 His safety aside he frequently opened his private beach to Danny during his visitation with Grace and Charlie. He wouldn’t want them, or their pokes’ injured. Finally, a bit out of breath from jogging through the sand and surf, Steve managed to reach the spot where the light had been reflecting. Digging through the sand he was surprised to pull up an iron-gray pokeball. He couldn’t tell if the color had been worn away by the sand and seawater or if that was just how the ball was. When he clicked the ring it expanded, slowly, with a slight whine.
 As he went to press the switch though he hesitated. The ball appeared to be old and disused. Like every sailor, SEAL, and seafarer he knew ocean water could prematurely age things. There was a chance that the ball had only been in the water for a few months or even weeks. Most pokes’, after they were caught, weren’t too bad around strangers but there was always a chance that, if it was in use, the pokémon could lash out at him.
 It wasn’t like he had a poke' of his own to protect him, and he didn’t want to have to shoot it or something. Steve headed inside, thumb running over and over the smooth surface of the ball, as he debated opening it or leaving it closed.
 On the lanai, he set the ball down and shucked his trunks. He dunked the garment in a bucket of fresh water a few times before wringing them out and laying them across the back of the chair to dry. With one last glance at the ball, he headed inside for a shower, reasoning it would still be there when he came back.
 Once cleaned up and dressed for the day, and fortified with a cup of coffee in hand, he came back out and took up the ball. While showering he had decided it was best to see if the ball was even in use before wasting time taking it to the Pokemon Center. Chances were the thing was empty, trash improperly disposed of, and the entire “dilemma” was a moot point. The second greatest chance was that it was a smaller or weaker pokemon, something that wouldn’t pose much of a threat. Trainers, good or bad, tended to keep a better on their stronger or rarer species. On the off chance that it was something large or aggressive, Steve had his sidearm at his hip. He hoped a few air-shots would cow the possibly restless poke' long enough for him to trigger the Return Command.
 Setting his mostly empty coffee mug on the chair arm Steve took the ball and moved further into his yard. At the line where the grass met sand, one hand hovering over his weapon, Steve tapped the button.
 And nothing happened. Tapping it again, harder this time, Steve heard a faith whir from the ball but it still refused to open. After inspecting the seam and hinge for damage, and finding none, Steve tried a third time. Aside from the whir, a bit louder this time, nothing happened.
 Stuffing the ball in one of his cargo pockets Steve headed back to the house, silently chiding himself. Of course the ball wasn’t going to open. After being submerged in water for who knows how long, and probably being banged around as well, the mechanics were probably damaged. He just hoped that if it was active that the poke’ inside was safe.
 ‘Honestly,’ Steve thought as he snatched up his mug and headed for the kitchen, ‘Shouldn’t have tried to open it anyway. Should have taken it straight to the Center. Bad etiquette to try and open another trainer's ball.’
 ‘You’re not a trainer.’ A nagging voice in the back of his skull whispered back as he washed out his mug.
 Gritting his teeth against the sour feeling in his stomach Steve pushed the thought away. It was stupid to dwell on old issues, pointless issues. Setting his mug in the strainer to dry Steve headed out; grabbing his phone and keys as he went.
 He’d drop the ball at the Center on his way in and that would be the end of it. If it was active they’d be able to find the trainer, eventually, and could take care of its inhabitant until they did.
  Steve paced through the small waiting area while checking his watch. Again. He had arrived at the Center an hour ago and handed off the ball to the waiting Joy. She took one look at it, snatched it up, and ran to the back room, admonishing him to have a seat as she went. Steve had waited at the counter, confused, before turning to find a fuzzy pink Blissey standing behind him.
 “Bli bli.” She had intoned before grabbing his wrist in an iron grip and dragging him into the waiting area.
 “I was going to sit down, on my own.” Steve had told her as she shoved him onto a chair.
  Steve had texted Danny a sitrep and told him to hold down the fort. At half an hour he had gone to the counter to ask for an update only to find the Blissey there. After forty minutes he decided to leave his contact info and head to the office. He had left the note with the Blissey but when he tried to leave she had, in the blink of an eye, appeared to block his exit.
 “I need to work, just have the nurse call me and I’ll explain everything.” Steve had told her but the Blissey’s face clouded over and her eyes narrowed as she pointed to the waiting area. Not willing to be taken down by a giant walking egg Steve had gone back to the waiting room.
 At forty-five minutes he started to get nervous and started pacing. He was worried he had screwed up when he tried to open the ball. He hadn’t even held a Pokeball in over a decade. Glancing at the counter again, only to find it still manned by Blissey, Steve dropped back onto his chair.
 “Bli blee!” Steve jerked as Blissey once more showed up out of nowhere, if he hadn’t known better he’d swear she was Teleporting. Before he could say or do anything she once more grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him behind her.
 Knowing it was pointless to try and argue with the pokémon he let himself be dragged into the backroom. The pair washed up in a dim room filled with enough computer equipment to make Chin weak in the knees, as well as a large poke-incubator. The dark-haired Joy that had taken the Pokeball stood nearby with a man in a Jennies' Uniform.
 “Commander McGarrett,” The man held out his hand as he spoke, “I’m officer Makoa, and I’m with the Jennies. This is Kailani, one of the Joys here. Can you explain how came by this Pokeball?” Officer Makoa indicated the Nurse briefly before turning to the Pokeball.
 Steve’s hackles immediately went up. Officer Makoa’s tone was accusatory and suspicious.
 “I was swimming this morning and saw it half buried in the sand on the beach. Why?” Steve drew himself up to his full height and crossed his arms over his chest. Danny might have called this posturing but he was getting tired of the runaround.
 “Where were you swimming, which beach; were there any others?” The Officer asked, pulling out a small notepad and pen.
 “I was swimming at home. It’s my private beach, I’m not telling you my address, and no there weren’t any others. And I’m not answering any more questions until you tell me what the hell is going on here.” Steve stepped into Makoa’s space, towering over the shorter man. Makao, to his credit, didn’t look scared despite stepping back a pace.
 “Commander McGarrett, “ The Joy spoke up from where she was hooking the Pokeball up to…something, “I’m Kailani, a Joy here at the pokémon center. This isn’t a standard pokeball. This is an old Rocketball.”
 “A Rocketball, Team Rocket? They’ve been defunct for over a decade.” Steve stepped around Makoa to the nurses’ side.
 “Indeed, given the condition of the ball, I’d say that it’s been at sea for several years. In the last years of Team Rocket’s influence, they tried to relocate to Hawaii. They weren’t successful. I imagine this ball was on one of the freighters they used for smuggling.”
 “Can you tell if it is active,” Steve asked, attention now completely on Kailani and the Pokeball, “I tried to open it, see if anything was inside, but it wouldn’t budge.”
 Kailani, now typing on a laptop, nodded at Steve before gesturing to the ball.
 “It’s active yes. You couldn’t open it because this particular ball is what used to be called a Lock Ball. Lock Balls were designed to fit on a belt equipped with fingerprint recognition. Removing the ball without scanning the owners' print locked it, making it unusable.” As Kailani spoke the ring around the ball switch started to flash red.
 “Does that mean you can’t open it? The poke’ is trapped inside?” Steve questioned, stepping closer to the apparatus the ball was resting in.
“Of course I can,” Kailani replied with a laugh, “Fingerprint tech was in its infancy when this Ball was built. It’s easily bypassed with today’s tech. I do need your help, however.” At that, she moved away from the laptop and held out what Steve recognized as a fingerprint scanner. Steve just raised his eyebrows.
 “To open the balls system I need to reprogram it to a new trainer. Standard procedure, in recovering a pokémon from a criminal organization, is to transfer it to law enforcement for assessment and treatment.” Kailani explained but Steve shook his head.
 “I’ve had exactly one pokemon in my life, twenty years ago. I’m not a trainer. You should get someone else to do it.” Steve tried to step back but Officer Makoa spoke up.
 “Sadly there isn’t time Mr. McGarrett. Joy Kailani was explaining just before you came in, the Ball is starting to fail. The Pokemon inside needs to be transferred to a new trainer's biometrics as soon as possible. I have a full team registered to me and can’t take another, Joy Kailani isn’t law enforcement. It has to be you.”
 “Don’t worry Commander McGarrett,” Kailani spoke softly while glaring at Officer Makoa, “It is only a temporary transfer. If you wish once the Pokemon is stable it can be transferred to another handler. For now though, to open the ball, I need to place it under your care. You’re still listed as a trainer in the Hawaiian Database.” Kailani once more held out the scanner pad. With a deep breath, Steve pressed his thumb to it.
 The scanner glowed green for a moment while it took down his information. Once it was done the laptop pinged and Kailani set it aside to go back to typing away. Trying to ignore the pit in his stomach at having a poke’ registered to him Steve could only watch the ball. The indicator ring continued to lazily flash red. As he watched Steve realized that the flashes were slowing down and becoming dimmer and his worry increased. This time for the poke’ inside. Before he could say anything though the flashing stopped altogether and the ring turned a pale blue.
 “I’ve overlaid your fingerprint on the balls lock system,” Kaillani spoke as she moved to Steve’s side, handing him a white pokeball with a red seam. A Premier Ball, “The Lock Ball’s systems are failing so you need to initiate a Ball Transfer. I’ve programmed this one with your old trainer ID. Once transferred the pokémon should behave like a traded pokémon.”
 “Should,” Steve questioned as he took the ball from her, “You don’t sound very confident.” Kailani just shrugged.
“I can’t be one hundred percent certain Commander. We have no way of knowing what kind of pokémon is in the ball, or how long it had been with its previous trainer. There are a lot of factors that we just can’t account for. The best outcome, the pokémon inside will be obedient to you, to an undeterminable extent. Worst case, it rebels. We just don’t know. Won’t know until we know.” With that Kailani motioned to the Lock Ball.
 Ignoring the slight shaking in his hand Steve held up the Premier Ball until its switch pressed into the Lock Balls switch. The two balls popped open and, in a flash of pale blue light, the pokémon’s energy form transferred from the Lock Ball to the Premier ball.
“Now what?” Steve asked quietly. The weight of the pokeball hadn’t changed, of course, but it felt heavier in his hand.
 “Now we see what kind of condition the pokémon is in. Just put the ball in the incubator.” Kailani directed quietly.
 Steve followed her to the incubator and did as instructed. Kalani typed some commands into the incubators keypad and the Premier Ball shook a moment before opening. As the red light of the pokémon’s energy form took shape Steve felt his jaw drop.
 “Is that…” Officer Makoa started, voice trailing off into silence.
 “A black Charizard.” Steve finished as the hulking fire type, sleeping, completely took form.
 “I swear to god you spit another fireball at me, you overgrown fucking bottle rocket, and I’ll shove this extinguisher down your throat,” Steve growled, brandishing the single-hand extinguisher at the pissed-off Charizard.
 Charizard was sat on his beach, tail held high away from the surf, glaring at him over his scarred muzzle. It had been just over two weeks since he’d brought the Pokemon home. For the first few days, it had been alright. Charizard, who had been trapped in his ball for at least five years but likely more, had still been recovering from hibernation sickness. He’d been lethargic, but compliant. He’d rapidly regained his energy though and had since been a pain in Steve’s ass. In addition to hibernation sickness, Charizard needed physical therapy to get his strength back. Especially his flight muscles. Being in hibernation for so long left them too weak to lift him.
 While he may have needed the treatment the Pokemon refused to listen to Steve every time he tried to guide him through the exercises. Every day Charizard’s temper had gotten worse and worse, and Steve’s patience had worn thinner and thinner. Now they were here, a stalemate in his backyard, with Steve either dodging or extinguishing fireballs shot at him every time he tried to get close to him.
 “Listen,” Steve pitched his voice soft and cajoling, “You may not like the exercises, but you need them. If you’d just listen to me…” Steve took a few cautious steps forward as he spoke…and had to quickly duck to dodge a stream of fire shot at him.
 “You son of…overgrown…giant pain in…fucking sparkler.” Steve spat out half a dozen half-curses as he lay in the sand. Charizard wouldn’t try to hurt him, he was pretty sure, so he let himself lay on the ground and regain his composure.
 Once he was calmed down Steve got to his feet. Charizard was looking out at the ocean, his back turned to Steve. Not for the first time, Steve let his eyes scour over the pokémon. He had thin white scars scattered all around his black hide. Joy Kailani hadn’t been able to determine if they were left over from past battles…or something more sinister.
 Despite being thieves and criminals Team Rocket had been known, for the most part, to treat their pokémon fairly well. Pokémon Cruelty was one of the few things most members hadn’t been guilty of. Steve wasn’t so sure though. Some of the scars were jagged zigzags, others perfectly straight. Steve supposed they could have gone either way…but something in his gut didn’t sit right when he looked at them.
 Pokemon were tough creatures, tougher than normal animals, and rarely scarred. Either from battles or abuse. They weren’t questions Steve could answer today. Maybe not ever. With a sigh, he plucked the Premier ball off his belt and pointed it at Charizard.
 “Alright, asshole. I’m done with you for now. Return.” In a flash, Charizard returned to his ball, the only command he would follow. Once Charizard was safely tucked away on his belt Steve headed for the house. Only to find Danny standing on the lanai, two beers held by the necks in one hand and another single-hand extinguisher in the other.
 “How long have you been standing there?” Embarrassment crept up Steve’s spine as he spoke. He had been lucky thus far in that Danny, an accomplished League-level Trainer, hadn’t seen his floundering attempts to work with Charizard.
 “I got here around ‘candy ass roman candle’,” Danny replied, smiling slightly as he held out the beers.
 “So you pretty much got the whole show.” Steve sighed, taking the beer and dropping into one of the chairs.
 “If you say so, babe,” Danny replied, taking the other chair.
 “What the fuck am I doing Danny? I’m not a trainer. What in the hell made me think I could rehab a fucking Charizard?” Steve groaned, dropping his head into his hands, beer forgotten on the ground by his feet.
 “Charizards are considered one of the more stubborn fire types. But I have it good authority that you are far more stubborn than they are.” Danny replied quietly and Steve could hear the grin in his voice. Steve looked up from his hands to, indeed, find Danny smiling at him.
 “I’m serious Danny, I don’t know what I’m doing here. What do I do?” Steve didn’t expect Danny to have the answers but he didn’t know what else to do.
 “I’m gonna guess that the Center gave you all the technical information you needed. But left out the interpersonal info?” Danny guessed and Steve nodded.
 “They set me up with a Joy that specializes in rehabbing pokémon after extended hibernation, and another one for pokémon recovered from criminal organizations. Both are the mainland and neither has time to come out here for at least two months.”  Steve replied, finally cracking open his beer.
 “Have they been able to find out anything about him?” Danny asked, nodding at the ball on Steve’s belt.
 “The Jennies have been scouring their databases but they haven’t found any reports of a stolen shiny in the Charizard line. They figure that he was either a lucky find in the wild or part of one of their breeding programs. The data they pulled off the Lock Ball was pretty much useless, nothing about his origin or trainer. They know nothing about him. I’ve got Jerry looking at it just in case.” Steve offered.
 They were quiet long enough for Steve to recline back into his chair, eyes on the ocean, thoughts on the pokémon at his hip.
 “You’ve been with him for a few weeks now babe. What do you know about him,” Danny asked but Steve just shrugged his shoulders, “Come on babe, use your words.” Steve huffed and pulled Charizards ball off his belt.
 “I don’t know…He’s…he doesn’t like to follow orders, and he doesn’t seem to want me close to him…but…when he was sick and tired he didn’t seem to mind. As soon as he felt better he started acting out, hateful, and angry. He spits fire at me but I don’t think he actually wants to hurt me. He could if he wanted to, he’s a bit slow but he can get around on his feet just fine. The fire just keeps me at a distance.” Steve replied, gazing at the Premier Ball, rubbing his thumb over its smooth surface.
 “What’s that sound like to you?” Danny asked and once more Steve heard the grin in his voice. Danny glanced over at him and rolled his eyes as realization dawned on him.
 “He’s afraid,” Steve groaned out at his own stupidity, “The poor guy wakes up from hibernation and gets given to a guy he’s never met. One who starts barking orders at him the second he gets on his feet. How could I have been so stupid?” Steve felt like hitting his head on a tree. Danny just laughed.
 “Babe, you’re not stupid. You said it yourself, it’s been a long time since you had a ‘mon of your own. You guys weren’t together very long before…before you had to leave. Aside from that you’re used to military trained ‘mon, they never question an order.” Even though Danny wasn’t mocking or being a dick Steve still felt like a moron.
 “I just…I saw the problem but I didn’t see the bigger picture.” Steve replied quietly. This was what Danny was always telling him about. Not rushing in head first.
 “Your heart was in the right place Steve,” Danny rested a hand on his shoulder, Steve hadn’t realized he was standing up, “You just didn’t have all the intel. Now you do, now you can do better.” Steve lifted the hand that wasn’t holding Charizard’s ball to rest over Dannys.
 “You honestly think I can do this Danno?” Steve asked, not able to help how small his voice sounded.
 “I know you can babe, and if you need help all you have to do is call me,” Danny replied before leaning down to kiss his forehead.
 Steve's breath caught in his chest and his stomach swooped. This thing between him and Danny was new; delicate. After Danny’s disastrous affair with Rachel, and his own false imprisonment, the two of them pulled their heads out of their asses and started seeing one another. It had only been a few months but Steve liked to think they were doing well.
 “You uh…you wanna spend the night?” Steve asked as Danny straightened up. Despite sharing a bed numerous times they hadn’t done anything more than some heavy petting. Both of them were too inexperienced with male-on-male relationships to be comfortable with more just yet.
 “I’d love to babe, but I’ve got court in the morning. The drug bust from up on the North Shore.” Danny replied and Steve groaned again, he had forgotten about that. Danny and Kono were testifying.
 “This weekend?” Steve asked, stalling. He didn’t want Danny to go just yet.
 “Sounds good babe,” Danny replied with a squeeze of Steve’s shoulder, “I gotta go make sure my good jacket is pressed. I just wanted to stop in and check on you. I’ll see you tomorrow after court.” With that Danny let his hand fall from Steve’s shoulder and Steve watched him walk away.
Steve stayed outside, mulling over his recent revelation, as afternoon turned into the early evening. Leaving off his brooding about dinner time Steve headed inside and warmed up some leftover fish from the day before and mixed up a quick salad. With his food prepped Steve set about whipping something up for Charizard. The poke’ in question was still, mostly, on a Poke-Chow diet but Steve had recently started adding fresh berries and a grilled Magikarp fillet as well.
 The world, Steve thought, was a weird place. Pokémon fed on pokémon and animals fed on animals. They didn’t prey on each other and they didn’t interbreed, though would share territory. He wasn’t a zoologist, pokémon, or otherwise, so he wasn’t going to try to figure it out. Instead, he loaded up a tray with both of their food, a beer for him and grabbed a jug of fresh water for Charizard, and headed back outside.
  Sitting his food on the picnic table and Charizards on the ground nearby, he grabbed the pokes’ ball and triggered it. In a flash of white light, Charizard was standing before him, neck arched high as he prepared to pull in air.
 “Hold on, hold on. I just…I want to talk to you. Nothing else.” Steve rushed, hoping to forestall the oncoming fireball. He hadn’t brought his extinguisher with him, hoping to foster some trust. To his surprise, Charizard relaxed, a bit, but kept a wary eye on Steve.
 “Look…we got off on the wrong foot,” Steve started. He knew most pokémon understood, mostly, whatever human language they were brought up around but no one was ever sure how much, “And that’s my fault. I…I can’t imagine what you felt when you saw me. I’m not the trainer you knew. You wake up, sick, tired, and probably in pain; and a stranger starts barking orders at you the minute you feel better.
“I fucked up…and I apologize. What do you say that we calm down, have a bite to eat, and try to go from there?” Steve motioned to the big bowl of Poke-Chow, Berries, and Magikarp and the gallon jug of water nearby.
 Charizard moved to the food carefully, walking sideways so he didn’t turn his back to Steve, while Steve sat down at the picnic table. Steve watched, out of the corner of his eye, as the pokémon picked up the large metal bowl and sniffed at the contents. After a moment Charizard open his maw and breathed a small stream of fire onto the food, giving it a light char, before slowly digging in.
 As they ate Steve kept a surreptitious eye on the poke’. He was delighted that Charizard had stayed where Steve had placed the food, about six feet from the picnic table, as it was the closest the poke’ had allowed them to be in nearly a week. He was even more delighted when, after a few bites, Charizard sat down to eat instead of standing. It was small but Steve took it as a win. 
 The two of them finished their food at roughly the same time and Steve decided now would be a good time to talk, instead of waiting as he had planned.
 “I’m not much of a trainer,” Steve started quietly, looking past Charizard and out to the ocean, “I was gonna be when I was a kid. Had my starter pokémon. A Totadile. They aren’t native to the islands but…I wanted one so much my parents jumped through all the hoops needed to get me one. I loved that little guy. He was my best friend. I...I thought we were gonna be together forever.” A lump caught in Steve’s throat as he brought up the memories. He didn’t know what he was doing…he hadn’t even told Danny about this and here he was spilling his guts to an abused and ill Charizard that hated his guts.
 “Chaaar.” Charizard, who had been sitting with his head turned up; looking at the darkening sky, vocalized as he turned to look at Steve. Steve didn’t understand Pokémon but he felt like the question was clear.
 “I trained him solo for a few years, I wanted us to have a real connection before I formed a team. Just when I thought we were good enough to start including others…something happened and I got sent away. I…I couldn’t take him with me, so I left him here…with my Dad. I planned to have him sent to me later…but my dad ended up getting rid of him before I could. I dunno if he released him or gave him away. I never asked…I was too mad…too everything. I should have found out. But I never did.
“I don’t know how much of this you're getting. How much you understand. I just…I just wanted you to understand why I’m so bad at this. I never trained another pokémon after that. Never planned to. But then I found your ball on my beach, right out there.” Steve pointed out to the area where Charizard’s ball had been buried in the sand and the poke’s head snapped over to stare at the area. Steve realized then that he had never told Charizard how he came to be in Steve's possession.
 ‘I’m so fucking bad at this.’ Steve berated himself silently. Steve left off his story and told Charizard everything. How he had found his ball buried in the sand, taking it to the Center, finding out that it had once belonged to Team Rocket, (at the mention of the defunct criminal organization Charizard let out a low hiss Steve had, until now, only heard directed himself), and how they had to transfer him to a new ball to save him.
 “Your old ball was failing. They had to transfer you to a new one, to a new trainer, to save you. I was the only guy available,” Steve explained and Charizard once more turned to look at him, “I hadn’t planned to keep you. It was just going to be temporary, till we got you out of the ball and squared away. But when you materialized in the incubator, when I heard how sick you were and saw how weak you had gotten after being in hibernation for so long…I wanted to be the one to help you out. Help you get better. I should have known better. I’m not a trainer. I should have had them find someone better…or at least asked what you wanted.” Once more emotion choked Steve of words. He was fucking babbling and he hated it. He didn’t even know what he was trying to accomplish anymore. Every time he opened his mouth more words just spewed out, out of his control.
 “Char chaaaar.” Steve, having been staring down at his empty plate, looked up at Charizards vocalization. Charizard had moved close to the table and was looking between the bench and Steve pointedly. Swallowing his nerves Steve scooted closer to the fiery pokémon bit by bit. Once he was just outside touching distance Charizard gave a short huff. Steve got the message; close enough.
“As my Danno would say, big guy, we both have a truckload of issues,” Steve smiled and Charizard gave a short snort, “Why don’t we just...start over? I’ll stop barking orders at you like I’m your trainer, ‘cause I’m not, and you stop trying to roast me alive. Instead… let's just focus on getting you better. I see how you look at the sky, you wanna fly again, and I want to help you. Let's work together to get you there…and then we’ll find someone to take care of you...someone better than me. Sound like a plan?” Steve offered, though the idea of Charizard leaving soured his stomach, holding out his closed fist.
 Charizard just stared for a moment, looking between him, his outstretched fist, and the sky above.
 “Char.” Charizard vocalized with a nod after what had to be at least five minutes. Steve smiled and nodded in return. Before he could drop his fist Charizard reached out with one curled clawed foreleg and bumped it against Steve’s knuckles.
 “I dunno why I even did that,” Steve offered, feeling stupid, “Just felt right I guess.” Charizard didn’t respond, not that Steve expected him to, so Steve scooted away a bit before standing up and grabbing his dishes. He was surprised when Charizard picked up his bowl and started to follow Steve to the house.
 “The Center said it do you good to stay out of your ball as much as you can...you want to hangout out here for a bit while I clean up? You can go back in your ball when I head to bed.  Maybe this weekend we can set you up a nest if you wanna sleep out here.” Steve offered and Charizard gave a short nod. The pokémon sat his bowl on the ground between them before turning and lumbering back toward the surf.
 Danny stood at the door of the lanai and watched as Charizard and Steve worked out. Charizard, understandably, wasn’t keen on new people. Even more understandably he didn’t like crowds. Given those issues the traditional rehab facilities on the islands were non-starters. So, in true Steve fashion, his partner had turned his backyard into a treatment area. Most of the ‘mons issues were general muscle weakness and a more pronounced weakness in the shoulder area and flight muscles.
 There was an area with pokémon grade weights and resistance bands, another with stackable benches for Charizard to do decline pushups, (Danny had been there when Steve showed the ‘mon how to do them. The look on Charzards face had been priceless), and a long section of the beach would never be the same after Charizard pounding it down as his ran laps back and forth near the water line. 
 As he watched, evening rehab was coming to an end. Charizard was laid out in the nest that he had helped Steve and the ‘mon set up a few weeks ago with Steve massaging the area around the base of his wings.
 Danny had caught the tail end of the rehab session. Steve had waved him over but he had elected to stay in the doorframe, watching. After the first few weeks of insane aggression, during which Danny had feared for both Steve and Charizard’s safety, the pair of them were now getting along famously.
 They still had their moments. Steve, by order of the Governor, was largely office-bound until the “Charizard Situation” as she called it was settled. The knowledge that the head of Five-0 had come into possession of a shiny Charizard had, so far, remained quiet. Shiny Pokemon were rare and sought after and a shiny Charizard would be a crown jewel for any crook, being worth at least five times its weight in cash. If not more.
 Which was another reason the normal rehab facilities wouldn’t have worked. No one wanted it out that Charizard existed until they were sure that the ‘mon could take care of itself. Or, barring that, be cleared to spend Steve’s work days in his ball. As it was the ‘mon was still only cleared to spend about four hours at a time inside its ball, with at least another four hours outside between. They got around the rule in the office by clearing out one of the larger storage areas in the basement for the pokémon to nest in.
 Charizard’s easy acceptance of the dark, dank, and windowless room, had had a souring effect on Steve’s mood. Danny could understand, back in Jersey he had broken up his fair share of Pokemon gangster dens. He had seen innocent ‘mons and animals in some of the worst conditions imaginable. So when Steve asked him to help spruce the area up for Charizard Danny readily accepted.
 “Yo Danno, give me hand,” Steve’s voice pulled Danny out of his thoughts, “Help me clean up so Princess here can rest.” Steve motioned at the yard, then at the Charizard. The ‘mon in question gave a half-hearted growl at Steve’s choice of nicknames but remained cozy in his nest.
 As Danny helped Steve pick up and organize the equipment he couldn’t help the bittersweet feeling in his chest. Charizard was progressing by leaps and bounds under Steve’s attention. Danny knew it wouldn’t be long before Charizard was flying again. On one hand, it was great. It’s what Steve had been working on for the better part of a month. Danny knew Steve would be ecstatic to see his, and Charizards’, hard work pay off. On the other hand, it meant Charizard wouldn’t be around much longer.
 Steve had told him all about the deal he had made with Charizard, about finding Charizard a place he could be safe and taken care of. Danny knew Steve had been relentlessly searching for just such a place. The current front runners were the Charicific Valley or one of the Lental Islands. Steve preferred these areas because Charizard could live free. In the valley, he’d be surrounded by his own kind and since the Lental Islands were No-Catch zones he’d never have to worry about humans again. He knew Steve had put out feelers to certain Professors and Researchers about trustworthy trainers as well, just in case Charizard didn’t want to live wild.
 Much to Danny’s upset Steve had, apparently, never considered that Charizard was already in a safe place with a trainer that could take care of him.
 Steve had told him time and again since they met that he wasn’t a trainer, but Danny knew that he had been. He had seen Steve’s files. Before the Navy, before his mother, before being sent away; Steve had been training a Totadile. And, according to the files, he had been doing a damn good job. Danny didn’t know what had happened to the ‘mon when Steve had been sent away…but whatever happened had been enough to turn Steve off the idea of raising another Pokemon.
 Danny wished Steve could see himself how he saw him, how their friends saw him. Steve, contrary to his own beliefs, was a trainer. Pokemon, wild or trained, tended to flock to Steve and hang on his words. Danny’s own team, all stubborn bastards (just like him) listened to Steve just as well as they did him. That alone was proof enough for Danny that he was in the right, of Steve being a natural-born trainer as well as his decision to date the SEAL. Danny’s ‘mon had never, ever responded to any of his girlfriends, or Rachel, with more than cool politeness.
 (He had briefly feared for his life during his ill-considered affair with Rachel. His team hadn’t been happy with him.)
 With the yard picked up the two of them headed inside, leaving Charizard to snooze in his nest. Once in the kitchen, Steve washed up and immediately started pulling together ingredients for Charizard’s supper. Being outside of his ball so often meant he needed to eat more so it was a good thing Berries and Magikarp were plentiful on the islands. Danny couldn’t help but smile as Steve bobbed around the kitchen with ease. His partner was humming along to a song in his head, nodding along with it as well, with a small grin on his face. Couple with the sweat shorts riding low on his hips and the soft worn and faded NAVY tank he was wearing Steve cut an attractive and achingly endearing figure.
 “Why don’t you just keep him?” The words were out of his mouth before Danny was even conscious of forming them and their effect of immediate. The relaxed and light atmosphere immediately became tense and filled with the kind of silence that was heavy and oppressive. Danny could have kicked himself as Steve’s posture became tense and the humming and head bopping stopped. He had, mostly, been able to keep his opinions of Steve’s “I’m not a Trainer” attitude to himself. Seeing every evidence to the contrary with Charizard though had made it harder and harder to keep his tongue. Especially when he saw the forced smile Steve glued on whenever he talked about Charizard leaving.
 “I’m not a Trainer, Danny. I dunno what I would do a poke’ of my own.” Steve gave the same tired answer Danny had heard a dozen times before. The monotone edged with defeat frustrated Danny so much he wanted to rip out his hair.
 Or maybe shove John McGarrett’s corpse in a Fossil Reviver just so he could punch him, (Danny pointedly ignored the fact that it wouldn’t work. The fantasy was too captivating).
 “Steven,” Danny began after taking a deep breath and counting to ten in his head, “You are my best friend. My Partner. My boyfriend, (Steve cringed at the “B word” he always said it made them sound like high schoolers), and I care about you deeply. So I say this will all respect and gentility that I can muster. That statement is bullshit.”
 “You care about me deeply Danno?” Steve’s posture relaxed a bit as he grinned over at Danny. Danny rolled his eyes before crossing to Steve’s side and pressing a kiss to the goof's cheek.
 “You know I do, you goober,” Danny replied as he hopped up on the counter next to Steve’s workspace, “That’s why I want you to hear me and consider what I’m saying. You’re rehabbing; and doing a stellar job of it, a Charizard. One of the most stubborn pokémon species in existence. And that is without being in hibernation for at least a decade, having been trained by a criminal organization, and being unable to fly. All those issues combined with a Charizard’s naturally prickly disposition? A trained professional couldn’t have done better.”
“You do know something about pokes’ with prickly dispositions Danno.” Danny had to admire Steve’s attempt at deflection as he nodded at the balls on Danny’s belt.
“I do,” Danny nodded with a smile, Steve had walked right into that one, “and my team likes you almost more than they do me. You are the only person they take orders from other than me. And that was before we started dating.”
 “Danny,” Steve sighed, setting aside the Berries and Magikarp fillets he had been dicing to face him fully, “Even if I wanted to keep him, and even if he wanted to stay with me; which he doesn’t, Hawaii isn’t safe for him. I’m not safe for him. As soon as it got out that the head of 5-0 had black Charizard, the crooks and gangsters would be out in full force.”
 “More than they already are?” Danny interrupted and it was Steve’s turn to roll his eyes.
 “My point is, Danno, that it wouldn’t be safe for him. I promised him somewhere he could be safe. Not somewhere he’d be under constant threat of theft or poaching. He isn’t safe with me.” At that Steve went back to prepping said pokémon’s food.
 It tore Danny up to hear Steve be so down on himself. Once again he found himself wishing that he knew what happened to Steve’s first pokémon to make him so hard on himself. He had some theories but he didn’t want to either snoop behind his partner’s back or push him to tell him something he clearly didn’t want to talk about.
 Danny did have some tact after all. Still, he couldn’t leave things how they were. He just had to do it carefully.
 “Look, Steve,” Danny pitched quietly, “I don’t know what happened to make you think less of yourself as a trainer, but you’re great with pokémon and you’re great with Charizard. I’m not gonna bug you about this anymore, but I’m gonna say one last thing first. I think you should consider keeping him. There’d be no safer place on the island than with you. With 5-0.” Steve smiled over at him as he spoke before looking back at his meal prep.
 “I will think about it Danno, for you. Despite you ignoring the fact that the big asshole doesn’t want to stay here. Charizard only puts up with me barking orders at him so he can fly again and get out of here.”
Steve went back to his prep, changing the topic to different types of Berries, and Danny looked out into the backyard.
 It was amazing how someone as smart as Steve could be such an unobservant dumbass.
Steve paced around the Pokemon Center’s waiting room, ignoring the looks of the other trainers, as he waited for Charizards' exam to finish. It had been a month since he and Charizard had started working together and the pokémon had recovered phenomenally fast. It was a testament to the pokes’ hardy nature and the exercises that the Center had given Steve to follow. Despite his progress though, despite their progress, Charizard still wasn’t flying.
 Danny, and everyone else, had been telling him not to worry about it. And he had been trying, really he had, but he couldn’t help but feel like he had screwed up somewhere along the line.
 “Commander McGarrett,” Joy Kailani called and Steve halted his pacing, “Charizard is all done. He’s perfectly healthy.” She held out Charizards' ball to him as she spoke.
 “That can’t be. You had to have missed something. Check him over again.” Steve demanded, not taking CHarizard’s ball.
 “Bliiiiseeeeey.” The Center’s Blissey, once again, appeared from nowhere at Steve’s side.
 “Can you put a fucking bell on her?” Steve asked as the fluffy pink poke’ glared at him in a frankly murderous way while turning an alarming shade of hot pink. Joy Kailani ignored him.
 “Commander, I checked Charizard over twice already. Frankly, I’m astounded at how quickly he recovered. I expected months of rehab. Whatever you did worked wonders. You should be extremely proud.” Steve finally took Charizard’s ball back, staring down at it as he spoke up.
“He’s not flying, if he’s perfectly healthy then why isn’t he flying?” Joy Kailani motioned to a pair of nearby chairs and Steve followed her to sit. Blissey toddled off to terrorize someone else. Steve wasn’t sorry to see her go.
“I saw the note about your concerns before I checked him over. To be honest with you, I don’t know why he isn’t flying. His wings and flight muscles are in perfect health, his biochemical levels are stable, and his flight bladder is perfectly functional. He may be afraid or nervous to fly after so long, or he might not even want to. Whatever the reason though, it isn’t physical. It’s nothing that you did.” Joy Kailani assured him softly but Steve just shook his head.
 That wasn’t it. Steve didn’t know jack about pokémon, not really, but he knew about longing. Charizard stared at the sky the same way Steve stared at the ocean when he went too long without a swim, the way Danny did every time New Jersey was brought up. Charizard wanted back in the air.
 “Where do we go from here? We can’t risk releasing him into the wild if he can’t fly and no Trainer is gonna take on a flightless Charizard.” Steve questioned and Joy Kailani gave him confused look.
“I…I was under the impression that Charizard was staying with you…permanently?” She asked and Steve had to sigh. Why did everyone keep thinking or insisting that Charizard was or should stay with him? He wasn’t a trainer. Despite what Danny, and apparently Joy Kailani thought, any idiot could follow the rehab guidelines. In fact, if Charizard wasn’t flying he obviously hadn’t done it correctly.
“Just…where do we go from here?” Steve asked again, he wasn’t getting into this debate. Again. Joy Kailani looked like she wanted to protest but eventually nodded.
 “I’ll look over his test result again, as well as his physical results. I’ll also reach out to some Joys I know that specialize in flying pokémon as well as those with trauma issues. The best thing I can advise you to do now though is to keep doing what you’ve been doing. It’s worked wonders so far.” With that she got up and walked away, leaving Steve unable to argue back.
 “Not wonderfully enough,” Steve murmured to the ball in his hand.
 “Bli bli.” Blissey’s soft, sweet vocalization nearly made Steve shoot out of the chair. Seriously, a fucking bell. Two bells. Ten bells.
 “I don’t speak demented-nurse-pokemon,” Steve told her. Blissey momentarily glared at him again before softening.
 “Bli bli.” She intoned once more, this time tapping Charizard’s ball before tapping him on the knee.
 “Yea still got nothing,” Steve replied, shaking his head.
 “Bli bli.” The Blissey vocalized again, tapping the ball and his knee more forcefully.
 “Hey, watch it. He pops out and he’s gonna cause a scene.” Steve held Charizard’s ball away from the pink pain in the ass.
 “Blis bli.” She huffed, giving him a glare that put him in mind of Danny, before turning and toddling away.
  Steve decided to beat a hasty retreat before she came back.
 Steve lay in the cool darkness of his room, Danny snoring slightly at his side, as he stared into the darkness of his ceiling. It had been two weeks since his last appointment with Charizard and the pokémon still wasn’t flying. Joy Kailani had gone back over all the info and still couldn’t find anything physically wrong. The people she had put him in touch with that dealt with trauma-based issues insisted Charizard would need to be transferred to them, on the mainland, before they could treat him.
 Steve had nixed that in the ass as soon as it had been mentioned. He wasn’t letting Charizard out of his sight until he knew the poke’ could take care of itself. If the Pokemon head shrinks wanted to treat him they could come to Hawaii.
 Since the last appointment though Charizard had regressed some. He was distant and snappish. Not as aggressive as he had been when they first started  out but he was definitely aggrieved. He didn’t know what to do. For now, Charizard was still going through the rehab routine and exercises but if he kept regressing, attitude-wise, it was only a matter before he refused to work with Steve. If he did that…Steve had no idea what to do. With a frustrated sigh Steve, gently, disentangled himself from Danny and sat up.
“Waz happ’nin? We getta call?” Danny’s sleep-slurred question made Steve grin.
“No Danno, just getting some water. Go back to sleep, I’ll be back soon.” Steve hushed his partner as he stood, pulling a pair of shorts on over his boxers. Danny just grumbled at him and pulled Steve’s pillow close so he could bury his face in it. Steve smiled and his heart swelled. He was briefly tempted to just crawl back into bed and scoop Danny into his arms, frustration forgotten. Now that he was up though he realized he really was thirsty.
 After a quick piss, Steve washed his hands and headed down to the kitchen. After a long drink, he filled up the glass again, deciding to take it upstairs in case he or Danny wanted a sip before morning.  Glancing out of the window before heading back upstairs Steve stopped short. He couldn’t see Charizards tail flame. Scanning what he could see of the backyard, knowing Charizard liked to go down to the beach, Steve still couldn’t see him.
 Steve grabbed Charizards ball from the counter near the door, and one of the tac knives he had hidden in the kitchen and headed outside. Distantly he knew he should wake Danny, in case of hostiles, but he didn’t want to overreact. He’d do a quick sweep, chances were Charizard was just out of sight of the window, and if he couldn’t find him he’d come back for Danny.
 The light from the lanai didn’t reach very far, and he had yet to get the solar light stakes that Danny had been harping about, but the sky was clear and the moon was mostly full. The yard outside of the lanai light was cast in a dim blue glow and, another time, Steve might have thought it was nice. Now though, pokeball clutched in one hand and tac-knife at the ready, he wished it was brighter. After doing a sweep of the immediate area Steve headed toward the beach. When grass gave way to sand Steve saw Charizards tracks and he followed them down to the water’s edge, where they disappeared into the surf.
 There was no sign of a struggle and Steve knew damn well that the poke’ wouldn’t get close enough to the water to get swept out by the tide. As Steve turned to head back, intent on waking up Danny, when he heard a roar overhead.
 Steve turned back to the water and snapped his gaze up to the sky. A shadow, with a bright spot of flame at its end, streaked across the moon and Steve’s heart leapt. Charizard was flying! Elation turned quickly to dread though as the shadow, as Charizard suddenly plummeted toward the water.
 ‘Fuck, he tried too much too fast,’ Steve’s mind raced, ‘If he hits the water at the speed...if his tail-flame goes out.’ Steve was ankle-deep in the water, intent on swimming out to Charizard despite knowing he couldn’t do anything, when the pokémon pulled up at the last moment. He watched in amazement as Charizard skimmed the surface of the water, heading straight toward Steve. Steve watched as Charizard slowed his approach, then pulled up to hover. Steve shielded his eyes from sand from Charizards wing flaps as the poke’ landed.
 “Charizard…this is great. You’re flying!” Steve cheered as he started toward the pokémon. Charizard though stepped back, eyeing him warily. Steve realized he was still holding his tac knife.
 “No, no don’t be afraid. Shit. Sorry,” Steve whipped the knife to the ground behind him, burying the blade in the sand before turning back to Charizard, “I didn’t see you and thought someone might have snatched you. I came to look for you. You should have waited till tomorrow to try your wings, that way I could have been here if you needed me.” Steve chided the big pokémon as he moved closer to him.
 Charizard still eyed him a bit but otherwise didn’t move as Steve came into arm's distance.
 “Are you feeling ok? It’s late but do you need a rub down? If you strained yourself it’ll set your progress back.” Steve rambled, feeling oddly like Danny. Charizard just gave a soft huff and gave a soft slap of his wings. Steve got the meaning, he was fine.
“Alright, alright, big guy. You’re fine. I get it. Can you at least wait till tomorrow morning to do any more flying?” Steve asked and Charizard gave another gentle huff before moving past toward his nest. Steve fell into step behind the pokémon, only then noticing the Wishiwashi dangling feebly from Charizards claws.
 “Midnight snack?” Steve questioned as they walked. Charizard halted briefly, holding up the wriggling fish pokémon as though he had forgotten he had it. Steve watched, slightly grossed out, as Charizard brought Wishiwashi to his maw before biting it in half and then swallowing both pieces.
 “I could have lived without seeing that at two in the morning,” Steve remarked.
 “What, and I can’t stress this enough, in the hell are you two doing out here?” Danny’s voice had Steve’s gaze snapping to the house. Danny was standing by the door in nothing but his black boxer briefs with Steve’s backup sidearm pointed at the ground.
 Steve really should not have found that visual as hot as he did.
 “Earth to McGarrett, come in McGarrett!” Steve snapped out of a brief fantasy he’d have to remember for later to answer Danny.
 “I was getting water and didn’t see Charizard, so I came out to check. He’s flying Danny! Flying well! How awesome is that?” Steve explained moving to, carefully, wrap Danny in a hug. Danny patted his back with one hand as he held Steve’s gun out to the side.
 “That’s great. Also, why the fuck would you hug a guy holding a goddamn gun?!” Danny exclaimed, pushing Steve back and setting the gun on the small table by the door.
 “I couldn’t help it. I was too excited,” Steve turned back to Charizard, “Now we can finalize plans to find you a permanent place!” At those words, Charizard whipped his head toward Steve and let out a menacing growl.
 “What the problem big guy, you hurt?” Steve made to move toward Charizard but Danny grabbed his arm, holding him in place.
 “I don’t think he’s hurt, not physically,” Danny replied but before Steve could ask what he meant Steve’s focus was pulled back to Charizard as the pokémon stomped over to them.
“CHAR!” Charizard growled out once he was about a yard away from him and Danny.
 “What’s wrong with you? This is what we’ve been working for, getting you healthy so we could find a safe place for you. Or a good trainer if you don’t want to live wild.” Steve offered, confused.
 “Babe, think about it.” Danny admonished from behind him. Steve glanced over his shoulder briefly but Danny’s eyes were on Charizard. Steve pulled his arm carefully from Danny’s grip and moved a few feet closer to the aggrieved pokémon.
 “I don’t understand.” Steve offered, not getting why Charizard was suddenly pissed at him. Charizard moved a bit closer and Steve moved to meet him, putting himself between the pokémon and Danny. Just in case. Charizard though halted and stared at Steve for a moment before lowering his head and jabbing Steve, gently, in his shoulder with his snout.
 Steve stood in shock. It was the first contact the pokemon had ever initiated. Charizard did it twice more, in rapid succession, each time a little stronger. On the fourth nudge, Steve raised his hand on instinct, only then realizing he was still clutching Charizard Ball in his hand.
 “I..I..what..” Steve trailed off, realization starting to dawn on him.
 “I think that’s his way of saying he’s already got a safe place, and a good trainer.” Danny offered, appearing at his side, taking his free hand.
 “Chaaaar.” Charizard let out a pleased rumble, almost a purr, and straightened up.
Steve stared between Danny, Charizard, and the Pokeball in his hand for several moments before speaking up.
 “But…I’m not a-“
 “Yes Babe, you are.” Danny interrupted just as Charizard let out a hissed “Zaaaar.”
 “I’m gonna fuck up, you need to know that,” Steve said quietly, looking from the Pokeball in his hand up to Charizard. He could feel the wetness at the corner of his eyes but ignored it for now, “I’ve not been with a poke’ in a long time. I’m gonna screw something up along the way. So if you change your mind, now or later, I’ll get it.” At that Charizard cocked his head to the side before turning and lumbering back toward his nest, stopping once to look over his shoulder at them.
 “Come’n babe, I wanna get back to bed.” Danny tugged at his arm, toward Charizards nest, not back to the house. Once at Charizards side the pokémon reached in and swept the brush piled at the back to the side, then turned and tipped his tail flame to illuminate the inside. Once his eyes adjusted Steve realized what the pokémon was showing him.
 Bones, charred and broken bones. Steve's pokenatomy was rusty but he was pretty sure he was looking at Magikarp bones.
 “What the” Steve started as realization dawned on him, “You’ve been flying before tonight, haven’t you?!” Steve demanded, staring over at Charizard.
 “Chaar char.” Charizard vocalized in what Steve was sure was a completely unrepentant growl.
 “Why the hell didn’t you show me before?” Steve growled out but Charizard just looked away. Danny, however, started laughing.
 “What's so funny,” Steve demanded as he turned to his partner, “I’ve been worried about him for weeks.” Danny continued to laugh for several seconds before he answered.
 “He didn’t want to leave, you dumbass. He’d probably been faking for weeks, hiding that he could fly, so he could stay here. With you.” Danny finally explained, gently, and Steve once more felt tears prick the corner of his eyes as he turned back to Charizard. Charizard was looking at him, head ducked and wings folded in.
 “I…I’d be really happy if you stayed,” Steve managed after a moment, “You’ll have to start meeting my team's pokes’, you’ll have to be able to get along with them. But you don’t have to be a Police Pokemon, you can just be my Partner.” Charizard perked up as Steve rambled. He looked; if Steve was reading it right, happy.
 “Why don’t we hash this all out tomorrow, after some sleep? I dunno about you two but it’s almost three am and I’m tired.” Danny spoke up and Steve was shocked when Charizard threw his head back and let out what could only be a raspy laugh.
 “Yea..yea that sounds good. I’ll make us all a big breakfast,” Steve offered as he looked between his partner and…his new pokémon, “Do you need help to fix your nest?” Steve asked, motioning the destroyed back side. Charizard though leaned his head forward and bopped his snout against Steve’s shoulder again.
 “You…you want in your ball?” Steve questioned, holding it up hesitantly. Charizard bobbed his head in a nod and Steve mirrored it.
 “R..return.” Steve managed around the lump in his throat.
 “Char…ZAR!” Charizard roared out as he dematerialized into the Premier Ball. Steve swallowed hard as he gazed at the pokeball. It somehow felt heavier in his hand, even though he knew it wasn’t.
 “Come on, babe. Let's get some sleep.” Steve let Danny take him by the arm, spin him around, and guide him back into the house. Steve was so overwhelmed with the enormity of the last few minutes that, if Danny hadn’t been leading him by the elbow, he’d have been bumping into walls and tripping over furniture. If he had been able to leave the backyard at all.
 Steve wasn’t able to pull himself together until Danny pulled Charizard’s ball from his hand, placing it on the bedside table, and tugged his shorts off; letting them fall to his ankles.
 “What, Danno, this ain’t the time.” Steve yelped, immediately feeling stupid when Danny laughed and pushed him back onto the bed.
 “Believe me, I know,” Danny smirked as he climbed over Steve to settle back on his side of the bed, “Our first-time nookie isn’t going to be in the wake of your Trainer Epiphany. I just want to go back to sleep and am trying to speed up the process by getting you into bed.”
 Steve wiggled and slid around until he was able to crawl back under the cover with Danny. Instead of pulling Danny back to him he instead shuffled a bit till he could rest his head on Danny’s shoulder, arm around his furry torso, and leg slatted between Dannys'.
 “I…I don’t even know what to say Danno.” Steve whispered into the dark.
 “You don’t have to babe. Not tonight, and not tomorrow. You just have to go with it. I’ll help you figure it out. We all will. For now, just accept you’ve got your own partner ‘mon. Tomorrow morning, after we sleep, shower, and have breakfast, we’ll figure out more.” Danny responded, warm stroking over his skin. Steve could tell by his voice that Danno was already starting to drift back off.
 “You’re right Danno. Sleep. You’re too chatty, keeping me up all night.” Steve joked, only to yelp when Danny pinched the back of his arm, near his armpit.
 “Go to sleep, you schmuck,” Danny ordered him quietly. Steve decided not to poke any more fun. Instead, he nuzzled into Danny’s hairy chest with a sigh and just let go.
 He needed his rest, after all. He was a Trainer now.
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Anon Asked : "You know how some twst fan artists like to draw Yuu with their face blocked out, usually by Grim? I have this headcanon that in the Twisted Wonderland universe, it’s impossible to get a picture of Yuu, there’s always someone standing in front of them, a piece of paper floating by, or they’re just out of frame, but no one noticed until after the picture was taken. No one knows why, Rook even tried to draw them once but a Pomefiore first year spilled nail polish on the picture when he finished. " I do like that idea! I did see one artist who just had a mickey shaped head with blank eyes and it really looked cool! Now as for the scenario or story i will only do Dorm leaders for this situation, if anyone wishes for more i will provide ! BUT i have a small twist :) Warnings: Cursing Riddle
Riddle wasn't sure why but he it really irritated him how whenever they did civil group pictures, you always end up blocked or something happens to you in your part of the picture
It's not your fault really but it bugs him
he made it a goal to get a perfect picture , such as asking for a selfie
He actually wasn't a fan of it but he wanted at least ONE good picture of you because he cherishes his friends
He's frustrated to no end
He eventually gave up and just accepted fate
he even tried to draw you and it somehow got ruined which made his mood worst
At one point , you came to him with a strawberry tart to cheer him up but he was really pouty
You asked if he wanted to try the selfie again but you hold the phone , which he reluctantly agreed to
afterwards when you left , he went to see the picture and he couldn't believe his damn eyes
a perfect picture of you and him
" i don't know if i want to cry of joy or behead them . "
He stilled loved the photo and refused to show anyone else in case it somehow got ruined or deleted
He wasn't too interested in photos but in your case it caught his interest slightly
he noticed from school activity photos that your face was always somehow ruined.
he thought it was funny but rare
so he tasked ruggie to take a picture for a small amount , mainly because he thought it would be easy
plus it's not like he wants a photo of you for anything psssshh
but when ruggie returned , he was frustrated and tired
confused leona questioned him
"Leona san. i loved getting money from you but i might just not even try anymore ..."
he got baffled that Ruggie had given up money for any easy task. or so he thought was easy
So thinking ruggie was being lazy , he went to do it himself
as a predator, he knows how to be sneaky and hide well , so once he locked you in , he took a snap
he looks ats the photo completely ruined
he took another , ruined. once again , it was ruined
he repeats many tries after and it all ends the same
" ahh fuck it ... " and went for a nap
later on you wanted a selfie with leona
being smug he said " would you even get the picture right ?~"
with a pout " of course i can!" you posed for the picture and snapped
he took a glance and he'll be damned ,, it was perfect
" don't talk to me for the next few day, herbivore."
azul didn't like photos , much at least because of certain ones of his past
though he took note of a particular incident
(Event after chapter 3) when you all took a picture at the museum , he noticed that your part of the picture , floyd's arm covered your face
He thought nothing of it until he noticed it often
Ace took a photo of you and deuce and somehow grim flew in front of your face
Cater took a selfie but it ended up blurred
it was pointless but hard to ignore so he assigned Jade and floyd into getting the perfect picture of you
after a couple hours, jade and floyd came back frustrated
even jade looked visibly irritated which was VERY rare to the point it scared Azul
they showed him nothing but blurry pics, he knew something was up because even jade wouldn't fail this bad
He knew he couldn't stand the chance if the tweels failed
but later on , you wanted to take a selfie with him
he refused immediately but you promised to keep the photo private , then he did agree , reculantantly
His immediate thought was that the picture would of been ruined anyways but was shocked to see a cute selfie of him and you
"....send me that picture . " you turned to him "what???" "SEN ME THAT PICTURE"
We all know this absolute dork would love to take pictures , possibly from Cater's influence , because he sees it as a fun thing to do
So you , being one of his favorite people, he obviously wants a good photo of you
but to his disappointment, when he wanted to take a pic of you while you were at the gardens, it turned out super blurry
he thought nothing of it , just might of moved a bit , until the next one came blurry
he was getting semi frustrated and you had already left , so for once, he was actually grumpy to the point where he just asked Jamil to take a good picture for him
he felt lowkey bad of course but he was a tiny bit frustrated
Jamil didn't care until he had the same issue
Jamil tried a it but gave up when he kept getting the same result
then kalim was just sad , he just wanted a cute picture of you
you visited one day and he was his usual self but you here reminded him of the picture incident
you offered to try again , he was hard for him to say no to you
but after looking..you took a perfect photo
he wanted to cry and you were just so confused
hug him he needs it
Vil is a perfectionist of course, which includes photos too
you , him and a few others went on a small trip , you wanting to take a photo to remember the trip
you're one of the only people he's allowed for a picture minus fans because he's aware you just want a genuine picture and knows you won't share/ brag about it
Rook offered to take the photo
you two posed and rook took the shot but Vil automatically saw Rook's confused face
"Rook?.. is there a problem?" "non non roi du poison! I must of moved a little fast, part of it came blurry
he didn't think on it , just a small mistake no biggy
that was until the problem kept repeating itself
Irrigated , he took the camera and looked at the photos , each and every one of them was blurred of were you were at while vil looked completely fine
he slowly looked at you while you just stood there worried that we weren't going to get a picture
"Vil senpai? maybe i can just take a selfie? Rook's camera's probably broken"
sighing in defeat , he agreed ,after getting in a cute pose , you snapped a photo
he took a look and he was legit about to burst
It was an absolute beautiful picture
He was stunned that you did an even better job then rook
might make you his photographer
we all know for a fact, he hates pictures , at least mainly of himself
though he doesn't mind pictures of you
of course , he doesn't take pics of you willy nilly , he asks you first because he'd be hypocrite to take a picture of someone who didn't want a photo
You often cosplayed as some of his favorite characters and of course he'd want a picture of it but he was in for a surprise
The first time you cosplayed in front of him , he asked and you agreed
he snapped the photo , it blurred
he got irritated but thought nothing of it and tried again
still failed
he has plenty of cameras ( I dunno it's for the story make up your own reason XD ) and used a different one to get a photo
it failed and he tried many times , it was too a point he built up the courage *cough*two hours*cough to ask rook to help
he was dumbfounded when rook couldn't do well
you later went home , while idia was sad , he really wnated to take a good pic
soon after, you sent him a text
"I'm sorry you couldn't get a cute picture earlier, so i took a shot at it with a selfie!"
and there he saw the perfect picture
"...what the f**k is this voodoo magic- "
he of course loved it but he was so confused
oh boy here we go-
he was still confused on the idea of photos
but he thought it was similar to a painting but it's instant
so of course he wants one with you
he attempts to use an old style camera (hey be lucky he made it this far)
he sets it up to where it takes a picture with a timer and you both pose
After it was done, he looked at the photo and somehow it blurred
he just thought it was a small mistake and tried again
second time, same result
this is where his temper slowly rises and it's shown every time it fails
and after about the 20th time , he smashes the camera
you attempt to calm him down and offered to use your phone
he agrees because he trusts you more than a dumb camera
after you took the photo, he was very happy , it looked wonderful
he didn't care about the camera anymore, he just cared that he got a good photo
I hope you enjoyed!
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Five)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader, slight Taehyung x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 12.1k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (?) sad oc, mentions of sex, kind of over the clothes action, drama, heated dance session lol, slight memory of sex, hair pulling, back scratching, mention of boner, second chances (?)
Notes: Okay, first of all THAT 1st TEASER PIC!!! DID WE SEE THAT? *chefs kiss*. Anyway thanks for comments you guys leave I really love reading them!!! Remember to send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist or just want to chat about the story:) have a great week everyone!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch
© taestefully-in-luv
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Gloomy: The dictionary may describe it as hopeless and despairing but really it should just be a picture of your sad, sad face.
1 month…yes, one whole month has passed since you last spoke to Jungkook. No text, no calls, no random show ups, nothing. Gloom. Gloom. Gloom. Graduation came and gone so quickly…you walked the stage with your friends minus two but honestly you can hardly remember the event. You tried your hardest to be as excited as everyone else but the feeling of gloom stayed with you.
By the end of the month you finally started accepting he isn’t coming back and right around that time you actually heard from him—Jungkook that is. He sent you a pathetic text that he’s moving out and will be by to retrieve his things. More gloom.
The next couple weeks after that are a blur, you recall the sound of movers throughout your apartment. You didn’t have the courage to speak to him…you didn’t have the courage to even leave your room if you didn’t have to. You were so wrapped up in everything you didn’t even consider that fact that you will have to find a new roommate to cover the other half of the rent.
Every day just dragged on, every day a repeat of the last. Wake up, drown in black coffee, scroll mindlessly through your phone and work your full time job. You called in sick too many days already so you have to go or you’re at risk at getting fired. The same day, every day. The same gloomy fucking day.
Jimin tried to call or text every day to make sure you were like, alive. He apologized over and over for not telling you as soon as he found out about the Taehyung situation but he felt that if Taehyung was going to tell you then it is best it comes from him and not Jimin. You can understand that. He also frequently would show up at your apartment to surprise you but you rarely let him in. You did feel bad though, he’s just trying to be there for you.
Jimin 6:04pm
Please let me in?
Jimin 6:05pm
Well…I have some take out for you babe, ill leave it on the doorstep.
Jimin 6:05pm
Call me sometime ok? Love you
Guilt would consume your body but you just couldn’t deal with human contact right now.
Around month 2 you finally felt okay to see people again—your close people that is—aka Jimin was finally allowed in, he made you take a hot bath while he cleaned up for you and made you a proper meal. The amount of instant ramen containers lying around the place was by far one of the grossest things he’s seen. The shit that was growing…he shudders just thinking about it.
He would come over every day after work in the evenings. He left day time babysitting to Trina.
“Girl…all this over a boy?” she would constantly say.
You also tried applying for job after job, but the postgraduation life is harder than you thought…at least for you. Jimin landed a job as a kids choreographer, Trina starts up at one of the local elementary schools as a kindergartner teacher and you? You’re still working at the bakery down the street. You applied for many entry level positions in the marketing field but failed miserably in interviews…which only further discouraged you and worsened your mood.
It was also around this time you decided to finally delete Jungkook off all social media and block his number. You refuse to hear from him at this point…not that he was reaching out or anything. You wonder what he’s up to postgraduation? No, you don’t want to know or care. You considered hanging up a picture of his face on your wall so you could throw darts at it but you decided that was maybe on the crazy side. Taehyung sends you weekly texts, asking about how your day/week is going. He updates you on his life as well, apparently he got the curator assistant position at the museum that he wanted. You still feel hurt over everything but you are happy for him. It’s funny, you feel so betrayed over that but Jungkook is the cause of your gloom.
Every day just drags on, you feel heavy everywhere you go. Even when you’re just at home in bed.
By the end of the month your friends somehow convinced you to go on a date—a horrible date at that.
He was awkward as hell, a bad kisser and would lightly…tap your ass in attempt to be sexy. It was a disaster, you don’t even remember what the two of you even talked about at dinner. You just remember his tongue being horribly shoved down your throat and his weird ass tapping habit.
Then month 3 finally came around. A month where the weeks went by breathing became just a bit easier. Yes, any and everything still reminded you of Jungkook but it didn’t hurt as terribly as the previous months. By the end of the month you even agreed to your first real social outing. You are hesitant, but you agreed…
“I don’t know guys…a birthday party? We like, don’t even know the girl?” you frown, nibbling on the flesh of your bottom lip.
You are sitting in the middle of your bedroom floor, clothes piling all around you as you try to decide on what to wear.
“You need to get out babe…plus it’s a friend of a friend, so it’s cool.” Jimin says holding up a rose colored crop top, motioning for you to nod yes or no to his suggestion. You cock your head to the side, deciding what pants to go with it.
“I have to say I agree with Jimin, y/n.” your new roommate Holly chips in, “Since I’ve moved in I don’t think I’ve seen you go out even once.”
“Also a party is the best place to find some easy dick.” Of course that’s what Trina has to offer.
“Yes to the crop top Jimin.” You point your head towards the shirt, “Okay don’t have to call me out like that Holly.” You glare at your roomie, “And Trina, we both know I ain’t ready for no type of dick.”
“So we’re looking for some pussy tonight?” Trina smirks, “Nice.”
You rolls your eyes, a chuckle escaping your lips, “Shut up.” you throw a pair of shorts at her face.
“But seriously y/n…Maybe Trina is on to something…” Jimin sits down next to you, crossing his legs in front of him, “Maybe this is a good chance to like—”
“If you say move on I will literally kill you.” You cut in, “There’s nothing to move on from!” you throw your hands up dramatically. “Taehyung used me, Jungkook wants nothing to do with me. And—”
“Then why aren’t you ready for any type of dick?” Holly puts in her 2 fucking cents.
“Because I don’t want to be associated with any boys! Jimin is the exception.”
“Somehow I don’t feel flattered by that…” Jimin puts a hand on your shoulder.
“When’s the last time you got off?” Trina abruptly asks. You turn your head in shock at her shamelessness.
“Answer her, I’m curious too.” Jimin squints at you trying not to laugh.
“It’s…” your eyes slide to the side, “It’s been a while.”
Trina shakes her in disapproval, “Damn girl, really? My fingers constantly playing DJ, you know what I’m sayin?” Trina goes in for a fist bump but you just push her hand away.
“You’re gross.” You laugh out loud, and it sounds like music to everyone’s ears.
“I’m just real babey.” She flicks her hair back with a proud smile on her face.
Having these 3 around has no doubt helped you deal with the loss you feel. You feel like you are still mourning the dead. How’s Jungkook even doing? You’re too afraid to ask Jimin. Too afraid that he’s doing amazing without you. He must of realized how much better off he is without you around and that makes you feel small.
“Fine…” you mutter under your breath…Jimin snaps his head to look at you, his sly smile growing as he watches you fiddle with a short mini skirt.
“Fine what?” Trina asks with a smirk.
“Let’s find me some dick tonight.”
“Hell fucking yeah.” Jimin claps his hands together, “Tonight is about you!”
“y/n makes her debut tonight! She’s hot, she’s single and she is ready to mingle!”
You can’t help but giggle, your hands bunching up the material of the mini skirt as you look down at it, making your decision.
“Let me get ready and we can get this night started!” you rush to your feet, all the sudden feeling excited for tonight. You are going to actually do your hair and your makeup—you even shaved. You are definitely breathing easier tonight and you have to take advantage of that!
“Let’s do shots as we wait girlies,” Holly shows a bottle of rum she had hiding behind her back, shaking it in excitement.
“Naughty girl.” Jimin winks, standing to his feet, heading towards the kitchen to grab some shot glasses.
You get ready quickly, but taking your time where it counts. You give yourself a once over in the mirror and you have to say you are impressed. Your black jean mini skirt sits right below your ass, while your tits pop in this rose crop top. You wear short heels, and simple jewelry with just the right amount of makeup that makes your features stand out, and you have to say you would kiss yourself if you could—you look fucking good.
“woooooo” Jimin and Trina whistle out at the same time as they walk back in your bedroom.
“I’d fuck.” Jimin says plainly.
“Same as fuck.” Trina says bluntly as she swallows down a shot.
“Yeah you look pretty y/n!” Holly smiles, not really on the same level of honestly as your other two friends.
You burst into giggles, throwing your head back in approval. “Thanks guys…..Lets fucking do this.” You walk towards Trina and grab her shot glass, and you take the bottle from Holly, pouring yourself a shot.
“Ready to fucking mingle.” You gulp down the rum, the burn only encouraging you, the warmth stinging your entire chest and you couldn’t feel more content.
This house was one of the bigger ones, it was full of people and more people and like, more people. You managed to swallow down 3 or 4 shots back at your apartment and the alcohol is definitely working its magic on you, the world just a little nicer.
The amount of people doesn’t even bother you like it usually would, instead you find yourself barging through the front door and making your way to the dance floor with your 3 friends trialing behind you.
The heat of the living room is already intoxicating you, the amount of bodies rolling and grinding makes you feel loose and free. Before you know it Jimin is pushing a drink into your hands and you hug him gratefully as you begin chugging it back.
“Woah slow down, we have all night—actually fuck it, I like your spirit tonight!” he chuckles lightly, his hands going to your waist, rocking you to the beat of the blaring music. Trina and Holly disappear into the kitchen to grab more drinks while you and Jimin dance to whatever b…t…ah, forget it, you forgot the band’s name.
“Are you having fun?” Jimin slurs out, his eyes barely visible as he laughs at nothing.
“So much fun!” you yell out over the music then you lean down into his ear and whisper, “Thanks so much Jiminie…I know I was a little difficult…”
“A little?” he teases.
Jimin’s eyes travel behind you before they are widening. You notice, of course. You are about to turn your head to take a look at whatever he is seeing when his snaps back to you in panic, his troubled smile growing.
“Let’s go find Trina and Holly, yeah?” he tries to usher you toward the kitchen and you oblige. Too drunk and feeling too good that his odd behavior goes ignored by you.
“Kay!” you smile, hooking your arm with his. “Letsa go!” you say like you’re fucking Mario.
The two of you walk to the kitchen, finding Trina and Holly playing a game of beer pong with two random guys.
“Hello my bitches!” Trina hollers over the thumping bass, as she scores a cup of pong, her other hand on Hollys lower back.
“Wait, gotta use the bathroom, be right back!” you slur into Jimin’s ear, he just nods distractedly as he watches the game, laughter erupting his body for probably no drunken reason.
You walk back into the living room and start heading towards the other side where the bathroom is. The journey to the bathroom is fun, you accidently bump into a lot of people but they don’t seem to mind as they will just drunkenly smile at you and you would smile back in your own drunken daze. You skim the room with a dopey smile on your face, just admiring the crowd. You are shocked with yourself…you missed people and you cannot believe it. You continue to observe when your eyes land on tattooed hands. The hands are grabbing a handful of ass on the dance floor. You know these hands. Your eyes travel from his hands to his strong arms to his face…it is hiding in the nook of some girls neck and you feel like someone knocked the wind out of you. Jungkook.
He is kissing on some girl, no doubt leaving bruises behind from his attack on her neck. His hands cupping this girls ass so tightly, he guides her hips into his. You watch as she throws her head back in pleasure and you see him smirk. All his signature moves. You are left speechless. What could you even say? Why does this hurt? Why does this make you feel fucking sick? Why does it feel like you aren’t supposed to be witnessing this? Well, you know why but god, why?!
“y/n!!” It’s Jimin, jogging up behind you, “Fuck, I was trying to avoid you seeing this…” he admit softly, “I swear I didn’t think he was going to be here tonight…he didn’t seem that interested when I asked him about it…”
“It’s fine Jimin…” you mumble.
“Does it feel weird? Seeing him with this girl…?” Jimin is obviously trying to get you to admit something right now but you are not in the right head space to even give it a second thought.
“Why should it? Plus I’m used to this…she’s just some random girl for one night.” You twirl the ends of your hair between your fingers.
“Oh babe…” Jimin glances down at the ground, “This girl…she…he’s brought her to every party for the last month…” Jimin sounds as sorry as you feel.
The same girl? That’s impossible, you scoff. There’s no way Jungkook is actually seeing someone. But that doesn’t stop your stomach from twisting and turning and making you feel fucking sick.
“What do you mean?” you finally slur out, leaning your frame on Jimin.
“He brings her and they leave together too…” Jimin holds on to you, “I haven’t really asked him about her though.”
“Whatever. Fuck him, right? I won’t let this ruin my night.” You smile coyly, draping your arms around your friend. “Bathroom please.” You pout theatrically, pointing your head towards the bathroom.
“Okay let’s get you peeing in peace.” Jimin laughs, guiding you towards the door.
Once at the door, you knock a couple times to find that it is empty, “I’ll wait for you out here.” Jimin assures you.
Once inside the small room, you bunch up your skirt and pull down your panties, squatting on the toilet. You sigh in relief as you pee, but the relief you feel in your body stops when you recall the way Jungkook held and kissed this random but not so random girl.
Why should it bother you? It’s about time Jungkook got serious! But why did he have to dump you to achieve that? And why did It have to be with someone el…
You reach for the toilet paper, ripping it after a few sheets and wipe yourself as you drunkenly sing a tune. So what? You can easily replace Jungkook too!
You stand up, pulling your panties up and your skirt down and take a long good look in the mirror. Your hair is still intact, your makeup is only a little smeared—quick fix, and your tits are still poppin’. This night is just beginning, you decide. A whole new wave of confidence begins washing over you.
“Ready!” You pounce on Jimin’s back, he stumbles forward while laughing wholeheartedly.
“Should we look for Trina and Holly again? They’re probably still playing beer pong!”
“Sure.” You smile, walking hand in hand with Jimin as you make your way back to the kitchen.
Hours pass and you are now outside on the back porch piss drunk with your 3 friends and a couple new friends. Nick and his pal that you can’t remember the name of—but you remember Nick. He’s really tall and has nice muscles covering his body, his light hair is messy and looks like you would have fun pulling it.
“And that’s why I think aliens are already here bro, like they are probably here at this fucking party bro.” No name friend finishes his point. Nick holds in his chuckle as his drunk friend rambles.
“Totally bro.” Then his eyes land on you. Fuck, were you staring? Oh well, it’s best to get to the point. You two have been making eyes at each other all night and it’s time to make the next move.
“Hey Nick, wanna grab a drink with me in the kitchen?” you inquire with a sly smile.
Jimin’s eyes widen before he’s smirking “Don’t be silly, wrap that willy.”
Trina and Holly laugh at Jimin’s words while you turn fucking red with embarrassment.
“Sorry about him…” You excuse Jimin, but you continue to smile slyly.
Nick grins with all his teeth as he takes your hand and leads you back inside the house. His hand is much larger than yours and you are already imagining what his beefy fingers will do to your vagina. God, what’s his dick like???
You enter the kitchen and you and him walk towards the cooler full of beers, he lets you stand to the side as he goes to grab them.
“Nick!!!!” you hear a familiar voice and you wince. Jungkook stands next to the cooler, his hand wrapped around the girls hand, but he briefly lets go of it to dap up your fuck for the night.
“What’s up bro!” Nick returns the handshake, a wide smile on his face.
They know each other?
“I thought you said you weren’t coming tonight?” Jungkook’s hand goes back to holding on to the girl.
“I wasn’t going to but,” he nods towards you, “Glad I did.” He winks. Jungkook’s eyes follow Nicks nod and when he sees you stand there awkwardly he goes completely pale. Your eyes meet uncomfortably, Jungkook let’s go of the girls hand without a second thought.
“y/n?” he questions with a pained expression.
“You know her?” Nick asks, totally out of the loop.
You shift from one foot to the other, not really sure what to do or say. So you settle for his name. “Jungkook.” It feels foreign on your tongue. Like if you said it 3 times in a mirror a sinister ghost would come to murder you.
Jungkook opens his mouth then closes it then opens it then closes it again.
“Baaaaabe,” the girl next to him whines, “let’s get out of here already.” She says, not even acknowledging your existence.
Jungkook shamelessly eyes you up and down, his shock is very evident as he looks at you.
You can’t help but smile a little, knowing you look damn good.
“Let’s go too, Nick.” You saunter to his side, grabbing a hold of his bicep.
That’s when Jungkook knocks out of daze, his brows crease as he looks between the two of you.
“Wait—you and Nick?” he asks, completely amused.
“Is that a problem?”
“Nope.” Jungkook looks fucking smug as he smiles, his hand going to grab the girls hand again. “See you later?” he asks you. You of all people! “Uh? Probably not?”
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that.” Jungkook winks, turning around to leave as he leads his girl out.
Nick just continues to smile, completely oblivious, “So cool that we all know each other!” he grips on to your waist.
“Wait, how do you know Jungkook?”
“Wait, it honestly doesn’t matter. Let’s just get out of here.”
“My place?” Nick breathes into your ear, he pushes your hips into his crotch so you can feel his half hard cock.
“Why are you already getting hard?” you tease, leaning up to kiss his neck.
“Honestly, I can’t stop staring at your tits. And I am imagining all the things I want to do to them.” He confesses hotly.
The uber ride to his place is short, only 10 minutes and it goes by quickly as you two have one another’s tongues down each others throats. His hands traveling all around your body, he even manages to slip his fingers past your panties to feel how wet you are.
“Fuck I can’t wait to get you inside…” his rapid breaths fan across your face as you nibble on his neck.
“Gonna fuck me?” you whisper quietly, not trying to get heard by the Uber driver, but you could also hardly care if he hears you or not, he gets 5 stars.
“Want you to ride me.” He palms his cock through his pants as he imagines you bouncing on his cock for him.
“If you deserve it like a good boy.” You replace his hand with your own, rubbing him ferociously over his jeans. You haven’t felt dick in months and the feeling is driving you absolutely wild, you haven’t felt this needy in a long time.
The Uber comes to a stop, parking in front of an apartment building. He lets the two of you know you reached your destination. You and Nick giggle as you thank him and stumble out of the car as you follow him to his apartment. He would stop every few seconds to plant kisses on your lips and grab your ass with a tight squeeze. He groans and rolls his eyes back as he explores your body.
“Wait til we’re inside,” you breathe out, your voice silky as hell.
Finally, after a short, kiss filled elevator ride later you arrive at his front door. His lips never leaving yours as he pulls out his keys, fumbling with them until he finds the right one.
He pulls away for a second to unlock the door and desperately pushes it open to let the two of you inside. Your lips are already back on his as you two trip into the entry way of the apartment, you walk him backwards, until his back is against a wall.
The apartment is dark besides the living room TV, you take a second to pull back and admire Nick’s fucked out expression, the blue glow of the TV making everything feel surreal.
You dive back in to kiss him, he prods his tongue into your mouth, swirling it around with yours making you moan into his mouth.
“Hi guys!”
Your eyes shoot open, mouth still attached to Nicks. You push your head back, disconnecting from Nick and yank your head to the left where you see a wild Jungkook sitting on the living room sofa, his mouth full of the cereal he is eating. He is wearing the most shit eating grin you have ever seen on him.
“Jungkook?! What the fuck?” You spit out, totally fucking shocked. Like, obviously.
“Hey man…” Nick breathes out heavily, trying to speak properly, “I thought you would be at Vanessa’s tonight?”
“Nah,” Jungkook smiles, “Dropped her off and came home.”
“H-Home?” You look between the two guys, what the fuck does he mean by that. This is Nicks place, right?
“Oh you didn’t know?” Jungkook nods his head toward Nick, “Nick here is my beloved roommate.”
“What the fuck…” you mutter under your breath, trying to understand the mother fucking situation. Were you about to fuck Jungkook’s roommate? Are you still going to is the real question?
“Wait, how do you two even know each other?” Nick starts to look antsy, “Don’t tell me she’s one of the girls you’ve fucked…come on bro, leave some for the rest of us.” He chuckles somewhat bitterly.
“No!” you’re quick to say. You begin smoothing out your skirt, then your hair. “We just…”
“y/n is my bestie!” Jungkook grins, putting the cereal down and standing up. He walks forward until he is making a triangle with you and Nick.
“Was.” You spit out harshly, crossing your arms across your chest. Nick just stands there confused as hell, looking between the two of you.
“Anyway, I should get going.” You turn your body to Nick, a look of apology on your face.
“What? We can just go to my room?” he slurs, tugging on his pants uncomfortably, his boner still apparent.
“Sorry, no longer in the mood.”
You pull out your phone to order an Uber when Jungkook takes your phone from you.
“I’m not drunk, I can drive you.” He offers. You push your head back in disbelief, how does Jungkook have the AUDACITY to offer that to you?
“Why the fuck would I want that?”
“So we can…” His eyes slide over to the ever growing confused Nick, “Talk.”
You haven’t spoken to Jungkook in 3 months and today is finally the day you are able to breathe a little easier and he just has to barge back in.
“Like I said,” You snatch your phone back from him, “Why the fuck would I want that?”
Nick shifts around uncomfortably, his eyes darting from you to Jungkook.
“Well, I am gonna head to my room…uh, bye y/n…it was nice meeting you…I guess…”
You and Jungkook both turn your heads toward Nick at the same time, eyes shooting daggers at him.
“Yeah, bye.” Jungkook dismisses his roommate, his jaw clenching.
“Nice to meet you too…”
Nick walks backward until his back meets his bedroom room, he looks at the two of you one last time before turning around to disappear into his room.
“I said, let me drive you home.”
“And I said, why the fuck would I want that?”
“y/n don’t choose now to be difficult.” Jungkook takes a step closer to you, his hands running through his dark, messy hair. His eyes shut in frustration, “I just want to talk to you.”
“And I don’t want to talk to you.” You take a step back, “Plus, how would your girlfriend feel if you took me home?”
Jungkook’s eyes narrow, his mouth setting in a firm line.
“She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Could of fooled me and like, everyone else.” You scoff.
Jungkook bites down on his bottom lip, not knowing what to say. While she’s not his girlfriend she’s also not not his girlfriend. It’s complicated.
“Can I please, just please, can I take you home?”
“No, Jungkook. The fucking audacity,” you scoff again, “You haven’t spoken to me in 3 months,” your voice fucking cracks and you feel like dying. “Don’t start now.”
“y/n…” he runs another frustrated hand down his tired face, “I didn’t mean for it to go this long…” “I don’t fucking care, Jungkook.”
You feel your chest begin to burn, and your eyes begin to gloss over but you won’t cry. You won’t give him the satisfaction.
“I want nothing to do with you.”
You stare at the phone in your hands as you begin ordering your Uber when he yanks it from your hands once again, he hides the phone in his back pocket and you snarl.
“What the hell Jeon?”
“I said I am driving you home so we can talk so that’s what we are gonna fucking do, okay?” he grabs your hand and begins walking you towards the front door. There’s something about Jungkook...you decide to listen. You watch silently as he puts on his shoes and grabs his wallet and keys.
“Okay…” you finally answer, your voice timid.
He said you guys are going to talk but the car ride has been mostly silent save the low radio playing in the background. Maybe it’s better this way, you think. You aren’t sober, that’s for sure but you also don’t think you are drunk enough to handle this properly. You decide maybe that’s also for the best.
“You sir, are a fucking asshole.” You speak up, your fingers playing with the zipper of your purse. The car smells like it always does, his fresh laundry car freshener and you get sucked into a million memories linked with this scent.
“I know.” Jungkook eyes you from the driver seat, you shiver from the running AC and so he turns it down, “There’s a blanket in the back if you want to grab it.”
“No thanks, don’t know where that’s been.”
“It’s clean, I promise.”
Your eyes go wide as you recall his last promise to you…”Just a few days. I promise.”
“Yeah, I don’t actually believe in your promises anymore.” You continue to pick at the zipper of your purse, your eyes never leaving the zig and zag of the material.
“I needed space y/n, fucking sue me.” He groans out, his fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly.
“Oh I wish I could.” You snap back.
You feel your chest burn and tighten again, your eyes slightly watering. You have to force them shut to keep from any tears growing.
“I called and texted you every day.” You whisper, his grip getting tighter on the steering wheel.
“I gave you a few days Jungkook. But I never heard from you until 11 at night one night telling me you are fucking moving out.”
“I know, that was…fucked up, I admit. But I had to do what I had to do and I just wish you would let me explain that—”
“No.” you cut him off, “You don’t deserve to explain anything.”
“You mean so much to me y/n…”
Jungkook pulls over on the side of the road, turning off the ignition.
“What are you doing?” you sputter out.
He clicks his seatbelt off his body and turns to face you, “Getting comfortable.”
“Will you look at me?” Jungkook tilts his head towards you, “Will you please look at me?”
“No.” you stay facing forward, your hands folded in your lap.
“y/n…please.” His voice sounds strained and you almost feel bad. Almost, but not quite.
You don’t need this…you don’t need him. Ouch, you feel pain in your chest as you think that…oh, the lies you tell yourself.
“Say what you need to say Jungkook, so you can take me home.” Your face stays neutral.
Jungkook sighs out, feeling almost defeated, but not quite.
“I…I am so sorry.” He finally says.
“About what?”
“Everything y/n.” his voice cracks and somehow you feel satisfied.
“You’ll have to be more specific if you ever want my acceptance”
“I know…the first thing I am sorry for is not telling you about Taehyung. That was…that was wrong of me—”
“No shit, but go on.” Your voice stays steady as you speak.
“I was worried about other shit, I was selfish and it’s taking me a long time to forgive myself…but I’ve thought a lot about it these last few months and—and…”
“Oh? You’re worried about you forgiving yourself? Shouldn’t you be a little more concerned about I don’t know, me?”
Jungkook frowns at your words, because well, you’re right. And he’s getting to that part but you keep interrupting him. But he lets you.
“Yes. I am most worried about you, of course.” He breathes out. “You have no idea what these 3 months without you have felt like…”
“Really Jungkook? If anyone knows its fucking me. I went 3 months without you too. You left me!” you start to lose your composure as you speak, your hands gripping on to your poor purse. “When I was going through a really hard time you straight up left me.” You whisper.
“Please believe me…I had my reasons. It was truly for the best y/n.”
“For the best?” you scoff. “You’re such an asshole.”
Jungkook winces at your words, he knows you mean them and that hurts him even more.
“Can you just trust me?” Jungkook blurts out.
Huh? You shake your head, disappointed he would say something so …well, ridiculous.
“Just stop, Jungkook.” You hesitantly roll your eyes, still shaking your head.
Jungkook licks his lips over and over, trying to figure out his next words.
“I really really,” he begins to lose it, his eyes darting all around the car. “just need you to trust me.” He blinks repeatedly, his eyes not focusing on anything in particular.
You, of course, do not believe your ears. Trust him? How could you possibly trust him?
“I just really…I really had my reasons y/n. And I’m sorry, but I just need you to just trust me, that I had my reasons and that I do care about you.” His voice is shaky and you’re uncertain how to take this information.
“I’m confused…” you begin, you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “You want me to trust you? Even after you left me? Even after I ‘threw myself’ at you?!”
“You weren’t in the right head space y/n…you were vulnerable and…and you didn’t actually want me. You just were feeling used and rejected and needed something to make you feel wanted. To feel better. You wanted to use me for that and I couldn’t let you. But how much could I handle? You liked one of my friends, dated him…sort of, even slept with him and I had to be your shoulder to cry on when,” his breathing picks up heavily as he tries to speak, “it doesn’t matter.” He grits out.
You sit there…speechless. He wasn’t wrong, was he? You were feeling lost and rejected and used and you just wanted something or someone to feel better and who better than your best friend? But it’s also his fault you needed things to work out with Taehyung in the first place!
“I’m not done.” He breathes out, his hot breath reaching your skin.
“I needed some space to think. But I realized I couldn’t properly think things through if I saw you every day, so yeah, I moved out. I’m sorry…” He runs a hand through his hair, a light chuckle makes it way past his lips “Then I met Vanessa.”
“I don’t want to talk about your little girlfriend.” You turn to face forward in your seat, your eyes glancing at the stop sign ahead.
“I told you, she’s not my girlfriend. But it is complicated.”
You continue to look straight ahead, your heart racing in your chest. The subject of “Vanessa” making you feel anxious.
“Complicated how?” you gulp.
“Don’t worry about it.” He laughs to himself, you turn your head to look at him.
“Are you serious, Jungkook?”
“We fuck y/n.”
“But it’s more than that right?”
“Yeah…” Jungkook bites down on his lip.
You look at him bewildered.
“Do you like her? Love her?”
You grip your purse in your lap, waiting for his answer. How would you feel if he answers yes? Are you brave enough to endure that answer? And if he says no? should you be happy? Should you feel relieved?
“No.” he closes his eyes, he folds his hands in front of him. “It’s complicated.”
You sign in relief—oh. Relief is the emotion you are feeling. Why? Why should it matter?
“Why are you telling me all of this?” you whisper.
“I want to be friends again, y/n.” he says softly, his eyes searching yours.
This is madness, how the hell could you save this friendship? Your face scrunches up and the first couple of tears slide down your cheeks, you shake your head as they continue to fall.
“You don’t know how this makes me feel…” you cry out. “I don’t even know how it makes me feel.”
You miss him, so fucking much and he’s right here offering himself to you. But you ‘re so hurt.
“y/n…I know I hurt you. But you gotta believe me when I say it is the hardest thing I have had to do…you understand that right? I had to do it…you understand right?” he begs.
“You were so quick to abandon me, Jungkook.” You drop your head into your hands, the tears uncontrollable now.
“I…” Jungkook begins to panic, his own eyes glossing over. “Fuck, I’m so sorry. Please y/n…I can make it up to you.”
“Things would never be the same, you get that right?” you bawl into your lap, your words coming out broken.
“Please baby, I just need you in my life again…” Jungkook admits, his own words choppy. He reaches his hand to touch you, to his surprise you don’t flinch. His hand cups the back of your head and he begins to massage it softly.
“I have missed you so much and nothing I mean nothing can replace you.” He hesitates to continue, “trust me…I have tried.”
You sob into your hands harder, the weight of his words crushing you.
“I’m sorry Jungkook but I…I don’t believe you.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen as he absorbs your words, his mouth falls open in shock. Don’t believe him?
“What—what do you mean? What are you saying?” his panic filled voice makes your stomach churn.
“I reject your offer. Now please take me home.” You lift your head and stare straight ahead. “I’m serious.”
Jungkook face twists into a bewildered expression, he doesn’t believe his ears. You…reject him?
“I said take me home now.” This time you snap your face in his direction, the cold look in your eyes piercing his very soul.
Hopeless: the dictionary describes it as without hope ; despairing. But in reality, it’s just a picture of Jungkook’s poor, poor face.
Jungkook parks in his designated spot in the lot of his apartment complex, he reverses in because why the hell not. So extra. His drive home was silent… not even the radio on a low volume keeping him company, just complete silence. He turns the car off but doesn’t make a move to get out, he just continues to sit here in his car and sigh out dramatically every 5 seconds.
He’s so confused and lost on what to do. He bangs his head against the steering wheel a few times just for the hell of it, he just…he didn’t think you would reject him. But honestly? Can he blame you? All he’s done lately is be selfish and mess up over and over again. But he wishes you could just trust him but he also wishes he could just tell you the truth. Maybe then you could understand his position and you wouldn’t be mad at him anymore. But he has to wait.
Jungkook’s head is still banging against the steering wheel when more thoughts of you bombard his mind. His breathing picks up and he starts to sniffle, he doesn’t want to cry but you just…you don’t want anything to do with him. He balls his hands into fists and hit the steering wheel over and over causing the horn to go off a few times but he doesn’t care he’s so upset, he just….
When Jungkook saw you tonight for the first time in 3 months he swears his heart actually stopped. He swears it raced so quickly that it just stopped. He let go of Vanessa’s hand so quickly because he wanted to rush to you and hug you close, he wanted to just feel you. Not having touched your skin for the last 3 months…he doesn’t want to imagine even another day.
A few tears slip past his closed lids, he chuckles darkly as he recalls you and Nick. He thought, wow, the universe is cruel and also hilarious. His fucking roommate? He shakes his head, laughing again but his lips remain downward. He feels so fucking helpless right now. But he deserves this, he deserves to feel this pain. He did this to himself and he’s fully aware of that.
Jungkook thinks of your face, he thinks of your smile, he thinks of your eyes and he cries harder, his tears landing on the steering wheel and sliding down landing on to his lap. Yes, he feels like all hope is lost but he knows he cannot give up. He will win you over again one day. He lifts his head and wipes his tear streaked cheeks with the back of his hand and breathes out steadily.
“y/n…” he whispers to himself. Your name leaves his mouth in frustration. He won’t give up. He can’t.
“And they were roommates?!” Jimin shouts, a banana half sticking out of his mouth, Trina gasps and whispers “Oh my god they were roommates.”
“Yeah, it was a total shit show.” You bang your head against your breakfast table. Holly rubs your back as she sits next to you.
“Then what happened?” she pries further.
“Yeah what the hell happened y/n!” Jimin yells out.
“He asked to be friends again…and I totally rejected him. Maybe I was too harsh? He was so sad guys…it makes me think…I might agree to kind of being…friends?”
Jimin shuts his eyes as a frown decorates his face, he places a hand on his hip and he inhales a sharp breath, “Listen…you’re both my friends and of course I want you to be good again…but he hurt you …bad.”
“I know Jiminie, but his reasons…” you bite your lip, “Never mind.”
“Well, I don’t like it.” Trina butts in. “He fucking left you, remember?”
“Yes Trina, I fucking remember—”
“Then fucking act like it!”
“Trina relax,” Holly intervenes. “They have a long history, right? It’s hard to just forget about everything…”
Jimin stands from his chair, hands on both hips. “Fine, if we are doing this…then you better actually try. Don’t half ass shit, if you’re going to be friends then don’t be an asshole to him, don’t make snarky remarks…I know your ass.”
Jimin has a good point, you haven’t actually thought about how you will act.
“I’ll be a good girl.” You raise your right arm to salute him.
“Fucking smart ass.” He rolls his eyes.
“Are we serious right now?” Trina shakes her head, “You moped around for 3 fucking months y/n. You cried every time you even thought of Jungkook…which was a fucking lot.” She points out, “Listen, you stayed strong when you talked to him in the car. Don’t break just because you feel bad for the dude because he’s fucking pitiful. He doesn’t deserve your pity girl. He’s an asshole!”
“Trina, be nice.” Holly says sternly, reaching forward to grab on to Trina’s hand. Trina visibly relaxes and nods her head towards Holly and smiles softly.
You and Jimin share a look. Are they….?
“You…” You slam your eyes shut, Trina’s words ringing loudly in your ears. You know she’s right. “I’ll think about it some more. For now, I gotta get ready for work.”
“Doesn’t Hazel look so pretty here?” Adam shoves his phone in your face as he gushes about his girlfriend.
“Yes dude, she’s so pretty.” You deadpan. “Now can you please put the brownies in the oven? We’re low.”
“Wait wait…here’s one of us together at the park.” He nudges his phone in your hands, you roll your eyes but you take it.
The two of them are sitting on a park bench, she’s leaning into his frame and they both have wide smiles on their faces. They seem so in love. And you know they are because fucking Adam reminds you every 20 seconds.
“Their love makes me sick.” Jade walks over, her hands patting down on her work apron, her tone is bland but she still tries to smile. “Like, we get it.”
“Who loves who more?” you begin with a toothy grin, “Adam to Hazel or Lenny to the sugar cookies?” you laugh while pointing at said Lenny stuffing his face with the reject cookies. Jade and Adam chuckle while they stare at him.
“Hey guys, really?” Lenny says with his mouth full. “You know I feel bad when we throw them away.” He pouts, crumbs decorating his lips.
“Lenny I catch you eating fresh ones all the time!” Adam points out.
“Sometimes they’re a little ugly…” Lenny reasons, “So I…”
“You don’t have to explain my guy, you just really love your cookies.” You hand Adam back his phone as you head towards the walk in freezer to take out the brownies yourself. You load up a tray and stick those suckers in the oven.
“You’re useless Adam.” Jade sticks a piece of gum in her mouth and chews obnoxiously “U-s-e-l-e-s-s. Useless.”
“You’re always so mean to me Jade what did I ever do to you?”
All 4 of you shoot your heads up when you hear the bell go off on the door of the bakery, its loud chime signaling the arrival of a customer.
“Oh.” Jade says while popping a bubble. “It’s your usual customer y/n.”
You tilt your head towards the front of the store to get a look at who she is talking about, and yup its him. Your most consistent customer who orders the same damn thing every single day. 2 oatmeal raisin cookies and that’s it.
“Can someone else just take care of him today?” you whine, “I’m not in the mood to argue.”
“You know he’s just going to ask for you…” Lenny says stuffing his face with another cookie.
“God damn it.” You huff out, you grab two gloves from the box on the counter and begin walking towards the front of the store.
You reach the front counter and take in your enemy—you mean, your customer.
“And what do I owe the pleasure Mister Oatmeal Raisin?” you raise a brow towards the man. He’s only a few inches taller than you, his hair is a sandy color today and you hate to admit it looks good on him.
“You know you could just call me by name.” the man sways side to side with a smirk on his face.
“I like Mister Oatmeal Raisin.”
He has been coming to this store for the last couple of months and you two…don’t necessarily get along swimmingly. He complains a lot and is a total smart ass. And you? Well, you’re not much better.
“Well, I’ll have my usual.” He smiles, “And you know the drill, please make sure there is a normal amount of raisins and not a million, I don’t want 8 raisins a bite. But one every now and then.”
You roll your eyes extremely dramatically, pressing the buttons on the screen for his order.
“Sir yes sir.” You salute towards him, “How could I not know the drill?”
“That’s the spirit.”
You spin on your heels and head towards the back to heat up his two cookies. You carefully select one cookie with barely any raisins and one cookie with a million, just like he didn’t want. You cackle to yourself as you place them in the baggy, feeling beyond satisfied.
“How haven’t you gotten fired?” Adam crosses his arms over his chest as he watches you, “And how hasn’t he complained about you? You do this every time I don’t get it.”
“He likes her.” Jade says plainly while scrolling through her phone.
“As fucking if!” you scoff, “He wants nothing but to annoy me!” But you can’t help but smile.
“He literally only asks for you every time you’re in.” Lenny reasons, “but you shouldn’t like him back…he likes the worst cookie on the menu. Sugar is where it’s at.”
You laugh at your coworker while walking back up towards the front of the store, reaching the counter.
“Your cookies!” you hand him the baggy with an evil smirk, “I hope you enjoy them.” You wink.
The man opens the baggy and inspects each cookie and with his own evil smirk he winks back at you, “Are we serious right now?” his sly smile doesn’t leave his face as he begins to complain, “You are such a brat.”
“$4 Mister Oatmeal Raisin.”
He hands you the cash, you put it away quickly and with a wide smile you gesture towards the door for him to leave.
“Min Yoongi.” He shakes the bag of cookies in front of him, “Not Mister Oatmeal Raisin.” He turns around and starts walking towards the door but before he exits he tilts his head to look at you one last time, “See you tomorrow…y/n.”
You feel a harsh blush creep up on your cheeks, or your whole face actually. Maybe your whole body. You feel taken aback he knows your name but then you remember you have a god damn name tag.
“See you tomorrow…y/n.” all 3 of your coworkers mock in a deep voice.
“Shut up guys!” you whine into your hands, “Can we please just get back to work!”
A few weeks later
The drive to Jimin’s is a quick 7 minutes but you did take a little detour. You decided to stop at the pizzeria that’s on the way and grab a hot pizza for the two of you.
“Hehe.” You look over to the steamy food sitting in the passenger seat.
Jimin has been such a great friend to you all this time and you feel like you’ve never really thanked him…so, tonight you two are going to have a fun night in—he just doesn’t know it yet.
Who doesn’t love being surprised with food?
You pull up to Jimin’s apartment complex and after driving in circles you finally find a parking spot. You grab your purse, your backpack, and the pizza and make your way up to his apartment.
You knock on his front door a few times but get no answer. Maybe he’s not home? No, you definitely hear music coming from the other side…so, you decide to call him.
“Jimin~ let me in!” you sing into the phone.
“You’re—you’re here?”
“Let me in already!” and with that you hang up and wait patiently outside the door.
A few moments pass before the door is opening up, when Jimin really registers that it’s you he’s kind of closing the door until only his face is shown through the crack.
You quirk a brow at the boy, “What do you mean ‘yes?’ let me in!” you begin walking forward when a panicked Jimin opens the door wider to let himself outside and shut the door behind him.
“y/n…why are you here? Did we have plans tonight?” he looks down at the pizza in your hands.
“Not exactly…” you admit, “But I figured we could have a night in.”
Jimin frowns. Fucking frowns!
“Or not?” you say awkwardly.
You hear some sort of banging on the other side of the door and then it clicks.
“Oh? You have someone over?” you smirk.
“Uhhh…no. Nothing like that.” Jimin’s eyes slide to the side as he tries to think of what to say next.
The door is being swung wide open and your eyes travel from some horrendous toes socks to some tight jeans to a striped t shirt to yes, Jungkook’s surprised face.
“Oh.” You both say at the same time.
You and Jungkook stare at one another for a few moments, neither of your eyes leaving the other when Jimin clears his throat.
“Sorry y/n. Jungkook is already over…” he gives you an apologetic smile.
“Is it just you two?” you ask quietly.
“Huh? Uh, yeah.”
You glance down at the pizza and think to yourself. You and Jungkook may not be friends but you can be civil? Yeah, totally! You can definitely be civil! You already bought this fucking pizza so you and Jimin are going to eat it! And you guess, Jungkook too.
“Okay, let me in.” you start shoving your way past Jimin, you watch as his and Jungkook’s eyes go wide.
“Maybe you didn’t hear him, but I am already hanging out with him?” Jungkook sputters out. He awkwardly moves to the side anyway to let you through.
“I can be civil with you Jungkook. Plus, I don’t want this pizza to go to waste. So let’s eat.” You walk through, nudging the pizza box into Jungkook’s hands, he takes it while looking at Jimin with shocked eyes.
Jimin just shrugs and follows you inside.
“Yeah, let’s eat.” He says nonchalantly.
Jungkook is left at the door with the pizza in his hands as he is left completely dumbfounded. He is malfunctioning.
“Jungkook?” you call out over your shoulder, “Hurry up, I’m hungry!”
“Yeah, Jungkook hurry up!” Jimin smirks, he isn’t totally sure what’s going on but he kind of likes it.
“So what were you guys doing before I got here?” you shove an entire slice of pizza down your throat, the sauce getting left behind on your lips.
“I was teaching Jungkook some of my dance moves…we made a bet that he couldn’t learn the entire routine in 3 times…and—”
“Let me guess, he fucking learned it.” You laugh.
Jimin groans, his head thrown back as he begins nodding his head ‘yes.’
“So annoying! What can’t he do!” Jimin throws the pizza crust in the box and Jungkook immediately picks it up and eats it.
“Pshh, I could name a few things.” You point out bitterly. “But we won’t get into that.”
“Yeah, please don’t.” Jimin pleads.
“I’m curious…what is it you think I cant do?” Jungkook quirks a brow at you and your eyes darken in his direction.
“You really want me to?” you take a napkin and wipe your lips, “It’s nothing nice.” You admit.
“Oh then yes, please don’t.” Jungkook is quick to say.
“Yes, please don’t.” Jimin begs again.
The 3 of you are sitting on the living room floor, maybe only 30 minutes or so has passed by and it’s not too awkward. But it’s not necessarily comfortable either. Jimin looks between you and Jungkook constantly, waiting for someone to crack but neither of you really speak to each other. Both of you really only communicating with Jimin.
“So Jimin, are you going to show me another routine?”
“Why? So you can prove you’re the master of everything again? No thanks.”
“Jimin, maybe you can show me a few steps?”
Jimin smiles awkwardly while Jungkook is quick to burst out laughing. You snap your head towards Jungkook and raise your brows at him.
“Why is Jungkook laughing, Jimin?”
“Umm…” Jimin smiles softly, “You aren’t the most…”
Jungkook laughs harder as he watches Jimin trying to explain.
“Aren’t the most…?” You tilt your head towards the boy.
“C’mon y/n don’t make me say it…” Jimin drags out his words in a whine, he plays with his fingers, looking around the room awkwardly.
“Just say it Jimin.” Jungkook chuckles out.
“If you’re trying to say I’m a bad dancer, we all know that’s not true!” you defend once you catch on, you pout at the boys.
“You have both told me I am a good dancer!”
“Well, you know how to move. But steps…following a routine…that’s different. You aren’t very coordinated.” Jimin finally admits, a sheepish grin on his face.
“He means you can roll your hips but your feet are clumsy as fuck.” Jungkook says, still laughing at the situation.
“Shut up.” You glare at Jungkook.
“No, he’s right.” Jimin begins laughing as well, he looks at you and smiles. Well, if Jimin is saying it…maybe it might be true. It’s not like you didn’t kind of know. But still!
“Fine, whatever. Don’t teach me then.”
Suddenly, Jimin’s phone is going off and he rushes to the kitchen to answer it. You and Jungkook eat your pizza in silence, awkwardly catching one another’s gaze.
“Don’t talk to me.” You cut in. Jimin isn’t here so it’s not like you have to be totally social with Jungkook.
“Oh.” Jungkook dramatically slumps his shoulders and pouts. You watch him as he throws a silent fit like the baby he is. “Okay.”
Jimin walks back into the living room looking annoyed, he stands between you two and throws a hand on his hip.
“I have to go down to the front office, there was a mix up in packages…I shouldn’t take too long…” he bites down on his plump bottom lip, “Please be civil while I’m gone. Jungkook…” he looks at the boy then at you, “y/n…” he warns.
“Sir yes sir!” you salute towards your friend with a straight face.
Jimin only narrows his eyes as he looks between you two.
“I’m serious…” he says.
Then he is putting on some shoes and heading out the front door, the soft click making you shudder. You’re alone with Jungkook.
A few minutes pass and you both awkwardly just sit there, sometimes catching the other looking. You finally huff out and accidentally giggle.
“What’s funny?” Jungkook’s curiosity getting the best of him.
“It’s just…I feel like we’re Jimin’s divorced parents and we’re trying to be civil for our child.”
Jungkook stares at you with scrunched brows, then looks away while a chuckle escapes his lips.
“Yeah. You’re right.”
You only nod your head in response. You two go back to the awkward silence.
You aren’t used to this…this awkward and odd silence that lingers between you two. It feels so fucking suffocating you almost wish you were on total talking terms so you didn’t have to endure this shit show.
“You know I could…no, forget it.” Jungkook bites his nails as he speaks, “I…”
“What?” you don’t mean to snap at him, but somehow even talking with an attitude feels better than not talking at all.
“I was going to say…I could teach you some steps…then you could surprise Jimin. He’s been working on a salsa piece…I can teach you some? Then maybe he will stop talking shit on your dancing.” Jungkook laughs awkwardly.
“Wait—he talks shit?!” somehow this doesn’t surprise you in the least.
“Only a little.” Jungkook shows you how little with his pointer finger and thumb. “But uh, want me to show you?”
“I don’t even want to talk to you, you think I want to dance with you?” you raise a brow in amusement. You forget this boy has all the audacity.
“Dancing doesn’t have to have any talking.” Jungkook states with a sly smile.
“So you’re just going to show me the steps?”
You don’t know why, but this sounds better than actually speaking and/or just sitting in miserable silence. And maybe, just maybe you have a desire to be close to him.
“You think I could learn in time before Jimin gets back?”
“With me as your teacher? Definitely.” He fucking smirks at you and you can’t help but feel that feeling in your stomach. Not necessarily a bad feeling but a fucking feeling.
Jungkook stands to his feet and extends his hand out to you for you to take.
“Here, stand up.”
Your eyes travel from his hands to his eyes and you blink lazily at him…wait, you’re really doing this? He stares down at you and he smiles softly and it creates a warmth in your chest that you’re trying so hard to ignore. You can’t.
Even so, you hesitantly begin to reach up to grab on to his hand, once your skin touches his you feel it. The burning. You should be used to it but right now, the fire is raging and the heat is almost too much. But you let him close his hand over yours as he helps you up.
You’re now standing in front of one another, in complete silence again. But this time it’s not awkward—no, it’s a different type of tension. Your hand lingers in his, neither of you brave enough to let go of the other. Jungkook looks down at you and you up at him, and you feel a million things. But the number one thing you feel is pain. You slowly pull your hand back and break eye contact with him, your head dropping low.
“Show me already.” You whisper.
“Shh, no talking.” Jungkook quietly demands. “Only speak with your body.” He puts some music on the speakers and smirks at you.
Jungkook steps closer to you and you stay grounded in your spot, you can feel the heat of his body begin to radiate and warm you. One of his hands find yours, he weaves his fingers through your own and puts one hand on your hip, he looks down at you to warn you this is how he will guide you.
“Just follow me.”
“You said no talking Mr.Jeon.” you say almost under your breath as you stare into his eyes. Jungkook rolls his head back with a smirk on his face, he looks at you and nods.
He puts his left foot forward and steps with his right foot in the same place at center, then puts his left foot back again. You try to copy his moves but even with such simple steps you step on his feet. He looks up at you disapprovingly. You only smile at him.
You two continue to try these steps until you finally manage to understand them even just a little bit. Jungkook brings your body closer to his as you two move your hips to the music while following the simple steps. His chest flush against your own, his heart beating so loudly you can feel it. Your heart isn’t any better. You start to finally get the hang of it, the music slowly taking you to another place. Jungkook moves his hips to the beat so flawlessly and honestly? You’re doing pretty fucking good if you do say so yourself.
Jungkook’s grip on your hip tightens as he grinds himself closer to you, you feel lightheaded as you two dance to the song. Your breathing getting just a little heavier and you feel lost and pathetic but you’re too immersed in the dance to care. Jungkook finds his head falling into the crook of your neck, his hot breaths fanning against your sensitive skin and you find your hand skimming up his back until you have a handful of his hair. You lightly tug on his locks and Jungkook quietly groans. You don’t know if you’re even doing the right steps anymore, your feet moving all around the place, but somehow it’s working. You’re still following his lead and you’re sure the dance looks somewhat okay. All you care about is how both of your hips move to the beat of the music and into each other. You two are so in sync its driving you nuts.
Jungkook lifts his head and watches as you close your eyes and he closes his own eyes, his head falling forward, your foreheads close to touching. You feel so dizzy, so light and airy, so fucking great like you’re floating. You can’t help but feel the heat creep up your entire body, you feel sweat start to build as you two move. You tighten your hands around Jungkook’s neck and pull him down impossibly close, until his forehead is touching yours. Your harsh breaths mingling with his. You get dragged into the memory of when he had you pinned to his dorms mattress, you recall how his lips left kisses all along your throat, his hot breath reminding you of the past. You think of how he rolled his hips into you effortlessly then as well, you think of how you scraped your nails down his back as he thrusted into you. God, you need to think of something else but Jungkook is filling your mind.
Jungkook’s breathing picks up again, as does yours. Your memories making this dance that much more sensual. You remember the way Jungkook nibbled on your ear as he let filthy words spill from his mouth when he fucked you. God, you should not be thinking this but his body feels so good. God, you should think of anything…literally anything else. You remember how he held you close much like how he is right now. You two continue dancing to the song that is soon coming to an end. You know exactly how it feels to have Jungkook inside you, moving and stilling. You know exactly what it feels like to come all around his cock. God, you need to stop. You need to slow your breathing. God, you…you…you...he continues to guide you along to the music when you feel something hard poke against you. Oh. Oh. OH. Hard. He’s hard.
Immediately, you pull back and take several clumsy steps backward. You blink at him with wide eyes when you realize that maybe he was recalling the same memories as you. Your wide eyes concerning Jungkook.
“Okay, that’s enough lessons for today.” Your harsh breaths don’t go unnoticed by Jungkook, his own breathing quite unsteady.
“Right.” Jungkook mumbles.
You two stand around for a few moments, just taking in the experience you just shared.
You still feel…how do you feel? You just shared a hot dance with your best friend? Wait—ex best friend? You don’t know. The memory of his body moving with yours, his skin touching your skin, his breaths on your neck, his hair balled up in your hands. God, it felt so good.
But so wrong.
“Umm…thanks.” You finally say.
Jungkook perks up at the gratitude, even if it’s somewhat forced. His frown turns into a small smile and you can’t help but smile back.
“I miss you y/n.” Jungkook instantly regrets it by the look on your face. Your expression turning hard. “Sorry I—”
“No, I miss you too.” You answer honestly. “But this doesn’t change anything.”
“But why not? Do you really not want me in your life for like, ever?”
Jungkook’s questions settle deep within you. The depth they hold…it’s too much. You wonder? Is this anti-Jungkook thing permanent? Or are you just trying to teach him a lesson?
Jungkook rubs his temples as he thinks, he sighs out instead of talking more.
“Not forever.” You finally say. Jungkook looks at you, a sliver of hope flashes across his face.
“But when?” he asks softly.
Yeah y/n. When? You know you both can’t go back to how things use to be but maybe starting over? God, you don’t know what to do! You know someone like Trina will be disappointed you became friends with Jungkook again so quickly, but you know someone like Jimin would be happy his two friends are back to being on okay terms. Why are you trying to please everybody? What do you want?
“Will you ever give up?” you say a little more lightly.
“No…” he says under his breath, his eyes focusing on the TV. “Not until you agree to be my friend again.”
You look at Jungkook with disbelief written all over your face, this boy has the fucking audacity once again. You’re amused though.
“Excuse me?” you say, cleaning your ear out with your point finger. “I didn’t catch that.”
Jungkook looks into your eyes, his eyes are large and doe like and it brings you back to every moment ever that he has given you this look.
“You’re stuck with me until you love me again.” He says more firmly.
“Who said,” you look at him with soft eyes, “That I ever stopped loving you?”
Jungkook smiles, he fucking smiles. His adorable bunny smile that makes your heart race.
“You still love me?”
“Only a little.” You jut your lip out, “I mostly hate you.”
Jungkook only frowns for a second before he is smiling again, “That’s fair.”
The two of you stand in comfortable silence for a few minutes, you sway back and forth wondering what you want to say to him—you miss him, of course but…
“Let’s take it slow.” You finally break the silence. You miss him more than anything and it might be worth it to have him in your life again, “You aren’t going to be a priority in my life anymore.” You crack you knuckles, the sound filling up the room.
“I know,” Jungkook feels his heart twist at your words but at least it’s something. “We can go however slow you want y/n.”
“You are on—”
“Thin fucking ice, buddy. I know.”
You exhale a shaky breath, thinking about how to go about this, “We can text every now and then, I’m not sure I want to hang out with you quite yet.”
“Maybe a group hang out first…”
“I’d like that.”
Jungkook reaches over to grab your hand but you pull back, “That’s a no from me for the affection.”
Hurt flashes across Jungkook’s features but he softens up as he nods his head. “Noted.”
You wonder if you’re making the right decision. This wasn’t easy, you know? This actually felt quite hard. But somehow you feel like some weight has been lifted off your shoulders, like things maybe just maybe will be okay.
“I won’t push myself on you, I promise.” Jungkook sits back down on the floor, crossing his legs.
“Just be yourself, Jungkook.”
“If I wanted to be myself I would be hugging you right now but that’s apparently off limits.” He jokes.
“One hug.” You open your arms timidly. You feel one hug can’t be too bad?
Jungkook widens his eyes in pleasant surprise. He stands to his feet again and opens his own arms.
You watch in disbelief as he grins with his arms wide open, expecting you to go to him! And you do. You fucking do.
His arms wrap around you, he pushes you into his chest and you feel so fucking good. So warm, so cozy. His scent making you feel dizzy again, his warmth causing you to heat up. You lean back and look at his content face, he honestly looks so fucking content. Like, this hug is everything to him. And maybe it is, but you don’t know that.
“Uh, am I interrupting something?” you both snap your heads toward the front door to see Jimin standing there with a package in his hands.
“I can come back later?” he smirks at you two.
“No no no no!” you drop your arms from hugging Jungkook and take a few steps back, “We were just—”
“We made up, Jimin.” Jungkook says calmly with the softest smile you’ve ever seen on him.
“We’re taking it slow!” you rush to say.
“Oh?” Jimin winks, he walks forward until he’s in the living room joining you two. “Does this mean you will be joining us this Thursday at Jungkook and Nick’s place?”
Jungkook shifts on his feet, “Yeah, uh, me and Nick are having a small get together on Thursday…you can bring whoever you want…but you’re definitely invited.”
“Before I answer that…Jimin how did you not know about Nick and him being Jungkook’s roommate?”
“Listen! Jungkook is always HERE! I never go over there! The few times I was there Nick was never home okay?!” Jimin whines obnoxiously.
“Okay, whatever. And Jungkook, I said—”
“You said group hang outs.” Jungkook pouts.
Oh. You did say that. But this soon? And is she going to be there?
You chew on your lips before answering, “Okay. But I’m bringing Trina and Holly.”
“Oh bro, Trina is not your biggest fan.” Jimin cuts in.
“Yeah, I know how she is I already anticipated that.” Jungkook shrugs, he looks at you with a small smile.
Okay, starting over? Taking it slow? Can you and Jungkook do this? You look between the boys and smile,
“Okay. See you boys on Thursday.”
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kirschteinsj · 3 years
Pinky Promises
Nanami x fem! reader
Warnings: nothing too much! maybe language but overall just a bunch of fluff and lovey dovey stuff 
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: Domestic Nanami and reader, just thinking about how much they love each other. sappy and cute stuff.
A/N: Hi! ^_^ Second time posting, I’ve had this one shot saved for a bit now! finally posting it lolz. I've noticed a lot of people have written domestic Nanami pics or drawn art, very glad society as a whole has this perception of him. it truly heals the soul I think. anyway, I hope u like this and sorry if there’s any grammar errors I wasnt able to catch U_U im thinking of doing a hc post next.... unsure hm, we’ll see ^_^!!
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“I’m hooooome.” He says loudly as he steps through the apartment door, setting his briefcase down and taking off his beige coat. Putting down the grand kitchen knife she was using to chop up spinach, she rushed to the door with a smile and engulfed the tall blonde into a tight hug, saying hello. She took a deep breath, inhaling the soft scent of his cologne, the smell of something sour and musty soon taking over. Her face scrunched up and she let out a giggle.
“Oh god, Nanami, you stink, what did you go against today?”
“Nothing too bad. Just a grade 3,” He sighed “A smelly grade 3.” He sounded disappointed, probably because he knew he stunk too. Though the smell was horrendous, she still remained in his arms and he still held on just as tight.
“Are you tired? I was thinking of making dinner with you tonight but if you’re too tired I can-”
“No no. I’m fine. Just let me wash up and I’ll help out.”
“You sure?” She asked looking up towards him, questioning once more to reassure. He looked down and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
“I’m sure, dear.”
While he showers upstairs, she gets back to readying the ingredients so they could begin cooking their masterpiece as soon as possible. Tonight she had chosen chicken alfredo with a tossed salad; One could say it was her favourite, but saying that would imply that she would eat it when cooked and served by whomever. But to her, she would only eat it when it was him who had made it for her.
Y/n adored him. He adored her. To her, he was her light. She could simply not imagine life without him, not after he had come in and changed her in such a way. She never in a million years would have thought to be so in love with someone. To have known someone who cared enough to hear all about her day or listen to all her tangents, whether they made sense or not. Who listened to her talk forever about anything just so he could see the faint glow of passion in her eyes. Someone who remembered the small details in regards to the things she loved and the things she despised; Like how she hated the feeling of peanut butter on her fingers and how she absolutely admired the scent of fresh pages in a new book. Sometimes, she felt undeserving of him.
He admired her like no other. Never did he believe he’d be capable of opening up to anyone in such a way, at least not until she walked into his life. He could write a million lists, all full of everything he loved about her. The way she smiled cheekily at him after a witty remark, how she'd give every hug as if it was the last, the way she was oh so patient with him. It took him time to become vulnerable in the slightest, he just didn’t know how to do so without burdening her. She knew his job was hard, he’d told her. But rather than running away like he expected, she stayed with him right by his side. She refused to leave him over that. If anything, it made her want to stay more since she felt the need to be there for him. It felt like a punch to the gut but a good one. “So, is this love?” He had asked himself then. Nanami had someone who brought out the much more joyful side to him. At the end of the day, he knew he’d walk through the front door only to see her, arms wide open and with a big smile offering a cozy hug. She was his home. Sometimes, he felt undeserving of her.
Putting the final piece of broccoli into the container, she tidies any clutter and went back to their shared bedroom. Sinking into the bed and falling on it with a plush thump, she lets out a deep sigh mixed with some sort of a groan. She herself was exhausted from work too to say the least. She didn’t deal with curses or anything like that, but she did teach a class of 9 year olds which one could consider just as frustrating. Yawning, she checks her phone to read the time: 6:15 PM. Nanami hadn’t been in the shower for too long, a small nap wouldn’t hurt. Quickly, she settled for a little 30 minute nap. That way, she could get up soon enough to help him out in the kitchen and not abandon him to do everything on his own. She turns her phone off and slowly, her eyes shut.
Y/n slowly opens her eyes and notices a grey throw blanket placed on her, something that she doesn’t recall going to bed with earlier. “Must’ve been Nanami.” Grabbing her phone, she turns the screen on, wincing at the incredible blue light piercing into her skull. “Fuck.” she mumbles. Once her eyes adjust, she glances back at the screen for the time: 7:30.
“FUCK,” she says, voice croaking “I overslept.” With the speed of light, she leaves bed and runs down the hall to the bathroom to freshen up. She soon makes her way over to the kitchen silently, slightly ashamed and guilty. Y/n mumbles a whine with a frown, “He’s probably done making things now. I could have helped.”
The kitchen is filled with the delicate scents of sauces, cheese and herbs. She watches him from the door frame, admiring her boyfriend. He stood in front of the stove mixing at the sauce for the alfredo, which scent alone made her mouth water. Nanami seems to be in his own world, as he stands humming to himself softly, stirring the pot of sauce and adding in the broccoli and spinach, not seeming to notice y/n. With a final stir, he carefully sets the lid and turns to rinse his hands. Her gaze sits upon his figure, how his grey oversized shirt slightly clings to his shoulders and loosens as it goes down his body. Looking down, she noticed the bright red christmas pyjamas he had on, the ones with adorable little reindeers all over them. Grinning, she remembers how she had bought those for him. She purchased a matching set for the two of them and insisted on wearing them all day on Christmas last year. Nanami had responded to the idea with a stern “No” which left y/n in shambles. She didn’t expect him to agree, but hey, a girl can dream. However, on Christmas day, lo and behold, she had woken up to find Nanami sitting on the couch, watching the news with his reindeer PJs on. Immediately, she had attacked him with hugs and kisses and all Nanami did was sit there and accept them, secretly loving it the whole time.
A deep voice throws her out of her thoughts. “You know, it’s rude to stare, right?”
Y/n chuckles quietly and makes her way over, wrapping her arms around him from behind, snuggling into his back.
“I like to stare at you, you’re cute,” she breathes in his scent once again, “ah, you smell so much better now. Like the nami I know.”
“I am not cute. I am a grown man.”
“C’mon, you can’t possibly be saying that right now. Not while you’re wearing these pants.” She coos, gently patting his butt. He goes silent, refusing to rebuttal knowing that he’s lost. He leans against the counter, his front facing her. Though he didn’t say anything, y/n sees this as an open invite to his arms. The rope of his arms finds her waist this time, her arms in an embrace around his neck.
“Whatever, tell me, how was your day, hm?” He posed, changing the subject.
“Same old, yenno. The kids and I had a discussion today about drugs and safety. It was cute, hearing them rat out their neighbours for smoking cigs and talk about how yucky they thought alcohol is. It was… sweet. How was work for you, hon?”
“Shit.” He retorts, closing his eyes, “Work is shit.”
“Oh come ON, I’m sure it’s not always that bad, right? Say, how’s your friend doing, you know, the one who kinda looks like one of my makeup brushes! Isn’t he good company?”
“Yeah, if good company means having to deal with a nuisance to society on a daily basis then by all means, yes, Gojo is wonderful company.” He joked, loosening his grip on her and making his way over to the stove to check on his sauce. She follows, opening the first drawer and pulling out a silver spoon, “You’re so mean sometimes. I think he’s a great guy to be around! I met him once, such a flirt.”
He teases calmly, “If you love him so much, why don’t you get with him?”
Taking her spoon, she lowers it into the pot and brings it back up to her face, blowing on it carefully before she puts it to her lips to taste. “Hmm, I would. But I don’t think he’s as big as you. I’ll have to pass.” She smirked, putting the spoon into her mouth as he watched and sighed in disappointment.
He glares,“God, you’re something else.”
“I’m just kidding, babe.” Bringing her spoon down for another taste. He swats at her hand and she retreats it with a whine. “Don’t do that. You’ve tried it already, and will again when we get to eat.” He scolded tenderly, “Plus, you shouldn’t be given these privileges anyway. It’s not like you helped out or anything.” He smiled, teasing her.
“Nanamiiii, I’m sorry,” she whines, half laughing, “I promise, I was going to help! I just got a little bit sleepy and sort of lost track of time…” He turned over to her and lifted her face with a finger under her chin. Laughing, he delicately caresses her cheek, tapping it admirably with a curled finger. The blonde chuckles and looks her in the eyes, “I’m just joking with you, love. I know you’ve been tired lately, I can tell. Why haven’t you been resting?”
Her smile falls and she sighs. Y/n wrapped her arms around his waist and brought him into her, hiding her face into his chest. It was true, she was exhausted but she didn’t deem it to be anything so serious. Work was just heavy this past week from having to grade her students’ work in time for report cards. All she wanted was the best for her kids and was finding ways to get the kids out of their comfort zones enough to do well in class. That reminded her, Nanami also mentioned having a student of his own.
She takes her face out of his chest and glances upwards. “It’s just this week of work, I promise I’ll be back to normal soon. I’ve just been busy with lesson plans and activities, yenno. Anyway, speaking of students, how’s the one you’ve been assigned to?” She posed in a soft tone. Half smiling, he turned around to add the strained pasta to the sauce, scattering it into the pot.
“He’s special. Quite lively. And cheerful. He reminds me of you sometimes,” his voice strains as he stretches to grab the bowl of cooked chicken to finally add into the pot, finishing the meal, “He’s got potential.” Y/n beamed with happiness. Nanami really seemed to like this kid and if he thought you had potential, then it sure as hell meant you had it.
She lets out a squeal, “EEEEEEK!!! That sounds amazing! I’m so happy for you!” Nanami suppressed a laugh and rolled his eyes, “It’s not that-”
“This calls for a drink, don’t you think?” She babbled with excitement, “We should have some wine! Right?”
Grabbing her wrist as she skipped her way over to the bottle, he reminded her, “You have school tomorrow. You always end up having more than needed and struggle to wake up in the morning.” Y/n frowned at his words, to which he noticed and tried to fix, “Tomorrow’s Friday, you can drink plenty tomorrow, hm? I’ll drink with you.”
“Ugh, fine. You’re right. But you have to promise.”
“I promise you ca-”
“No! You have to pinky-promise.” She demanded, pouting as he stuck out her pinky finger.
His heart skips a beat. Was she always this cute? Her angelic eyes stare into his tired ones. Bottom lip poking out, awaiting Nanami’s pinky to interlock with her own. He knew she took pinky-promises very seriously despite her grown age. It was among one of the many petty details that he cherished. Something about this pinky-promise was enough for her to ensure trust onto someone, it made him laugh. Her naivety is what made her so kind hearted, what allowed her to see the best in people. He felt that this naivety is why they’re together to begin with. He didn’t ever think she’d give him a chance. He reminisced of their first few encounters. The way she did her hair back then, the way she dressed, her shy smile and how she’d look at the floor whenever she’d blush. Maybe it was her timid nature that made him fall head over heels for her. Or maybe it was her generosity. Perhaps her beauty. He was unable to simply confine the reasoning for his infatuation with just a few traits. She grew overtime, more comfortable and less shy, she was more confident around him but he knew he could still make her blush so badly that she’d have to hide her face from him. He enjoyed their banter, her company. He felt it was luck. Or maybe it was fate. Who knows. He didn’t want to think so much about it. He wanted to live in the moment, adore her in this present time. In that instance, he felt the strong urge to kiss her. And so he did.
The kiss was short and sweet, yet full of an unfathomable amount of love. It took her aback, she didn’t quite see it coming. She too stood in the present moment, then and there, cherishing the man she loved.
His lips leave hers and he extends the smallest finger on his hand, declaring, “I pinky-promise.” And a ginormous grin washes over her face. In a whisper, she squeals and scoops her arms around his torso, resting her head onto his chest. They stay like this for a while, not too long really, but to them it felt like an eternity being in each other’s affectionate embrace. He goes to speak and she feels the vibrating boom of his voice make his way up from his chest.
“I love you.”
She sighs, “I love you too.”
Turning her head, y/n smoothly gets on her tip toes and clasps her arms around his neck, giving it a tender kiss and attempting to make a trail leading up to his sharp jaw. Catching onto her tactics he laughs, putting his big hand against her face and pushing her back.
“Seriously?” He chuckles, “You couldn’t wait till after dinner? Come on, take out the plates.”
“Wait for what? I was just kissing you! You’re so dramatic, Nami.” She lies, playing innocent. She knew damn well what she was trying to do. She wasn’t going to admit to it though. Taking out the plates and utensils, she readied the table.
After dinner and meaningless conversation, the two lovers tidied and headed towards their room. “Do yo wana wah a mohee tomowwow nie?” Y/n proposed from the bathroom as she brushed her teeth. He perks his head up, confused, “Do I want to what?” She spat into the sink and rinsed her mouth, repeating her question.
“I said, do you wanna watch a movie tomorrow night? Like at home? There’s this documentary I saw on Netflix, it looks really good! It’s crime related.”
“That sounds fine with me. Though, that’s only possible if you don’t end up drinking too much. I always have to get you to sleep early when you drink.” He states nonchalantly, nose poked into a thick book. She rolls her eyes and smiles, “I promise I won’t drink all that much.” Shifting his book to the opposing hand, Nanami silently takes his pinky finger and holds it out to y/n. She snickers and reciprocates.
“You’ve now pinky-promised. Don’t break it, y/n.”
“I never do.”
The nightstand lamp illuminates the room with a soft yellow glow. Shadows of objects on the nightstand hang on the walls. Laying in bed on her phone, y/n turns over to Nanami, who was still reading his book. “Nami, come lay next to me, I wanna cuddle. Please?” Her voice faint. He looks down at her and puts his book away immediately. He could use a cuddle too. Bringing himself down, he lays on his back, y/n closing the gap between the two. Their legs intertwine, her arm and head resting on his chest while one of his hands rested on her bum, the other dotingly playing with her hair. Neither of them spoke a word for a while. Until y/n broke the silence.
“So, were there no other pairs of pants you had left to wear or-”
“Please, be quiet.”
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queenofhearts7378 · 3 years
Secret Quartet Pride One Shot sequel?
Maybe not the sequel you were expecting, but I could not get this put of my head
Danny picked up first, "Okay KitKat, what could possibly be so important that you panic text us during lunch and then refuse to answer other than a vague keysmash and shocked cat emojis, and then FaceTime us."
Jake's face popped up on the screen, "You're lucky we know the difference between your 'I'm a mess and panicking' texting, and your 'serious emergency' texting….oh."
Nino waved.
"Sup Nino!" Randy greeted, "Where's Adrien?"
Nino snorted and tilted the phone down. Adrien was currently facedown in Nino's lap and making various distressed noises as Nino petted him.
He tilted the phone back up, "It’s not as bad as my dude's making it out to be. He came out to the class today.”
“That’s….good? Bad? WTJ, I don’t know y’all’s class!” Randy threw his hands in the hair, accidentally throwing is phone in the air.
“”Y’all’s.’” Danny repeated.
“Nah it wasn’t bad. Totally valid. Just….” Nino snickered, “Embarrassing for him.”
“So what happened?”
“Madame Bustier had stepped out for a little bit, and we were all chatting. And we got to talking about superheroes.”
"Ladybug is not the Captain America of Paris."
"Totally is!"
Alya hummed, "I just don't see it? I mean she's totally all for punching nazis and terrorists, Hawkmoth anybody? But personality and power wise?? Nah."
"Marvel or DC?" Nathaniel asked, "Cause if we're talking heroes in general; power and personality wise she's totally Wonder Woman."
"I wonder what superhero I'd be," Alix mused.
"Flash." The whole class said in a once in a lifetime synchronization. 
"Gotta go fast." Nathaniel smirked at her and she threw a paper ball at him.
"Max is clearly Iron Man." Kim spoke up, "But he'd be better."
Max tilted his head, "That would be the most probable hero identity going off skill set only. Personality wise however?"
"I'd be Batman." Juleka said, "That'd be awesome."
"An emo everyone has a healthy amount of fear of that's secretly a softie underneath and in love with a cute blonde." Alix nodded. "I can see it."
"Are you implying Rose is Catwoman?"
"If anyone in here is Catwoman, it's Marinette." Alya said, ignoring said girl's splutters.
"That's legit….I'd totally be a Ninja Turtle." Nino said.
Half the class booed at him.
"Stick to Marvel or DC!" Alya tossed her pencil at him.
He caught it laughing, "Fine! I'd be Hawkeye. Dude doesn't get enough respect in the hero biz."
He turned to Adrien, who was focusing on finishing up some homework. "Bro what about you? Who'd you be?"
Alya snorted at the ready-to-go answer, "Spider-Man seriously? Why?"
"I swing both ways like him."
Adrien didn't notice the class go dead quiet after that as he finished the last few problems. Then he froze.
"I didn't mean to say that out loud." He breathed to himself, though everyone could hear it in the silence.
Adrien groaned into Nino's lap again. Danny was absolutely losing it on his screen.
"Are you telling me-" Jake snickered, "Are you telling me you came out early to your class, because you couldn't resist making a pun?"
Adrien just groaned again.
"How'd the rest of the class take it?"
"Bout the same as you guys." Nino said with a grin.
Alix was the first one to absolutely lose it, Kim following her seconds later.
Rose squealed, "Bi buddies! We finally have five! It rhymes now!"
"That was an embarrassing way to come out to us." Chloe sniffed, "Thought you'd do one of your little heartfelt speeches."
Alya had a hand over her mouth trying to hide her laughter while Marinette just looked like her soul left her body.
Nino was snickering, but he pulled Adrien into a one armed hug, "Bro, you're so valid. But you doing okay?"
"That wasn't how I wanted to come out to you guys!" Adrien whined, tucking himself into Nino's side.
Mylene took pity on him and said, "It's okay Adrien! We're glad you're comfortable enough with us to be yourself!"
Alya controlled herself enough to ask, "Wait, how did you want to come out to us?"
Adrien flushed, "I was just gonna put 'It's me:' in the class chat followed by a pic of the bisexual flag."
That set everybody off laughing like crazy again. Alya shrieked with laughter while Matinette's head hit her desk with a quiet thunk. Alix had slid from her chair and was laying flat on the floor as she howled with laughter.
Mrs. Bustier finally came back only to find her class in absolute hysterics.
"Adrien, buddy," Randy snickered, "You dumb cat that was how you came out to us!"
"So I knew it worked."
Nino ruffled his hair, "It's alright. We know you're a hot mess and we love you anyways."
Adrien sat up just to hit him with a pillow.
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queenmuzz · 4 years
It’s a Date
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@shiranyaaww​ shared this pic, and said that it would be perfect for a Dante x Reader fic, so who am I to refuse?
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You’re not going to cry, you tell yourself.  There’s a tonne of reasons you shouldn’t.  Your makeup, that you spent a good half hour applying, will get smeared.  Your dress, which you had spent days picking out the cutest ensemble, will get ruined by tears.
And you definitely don’t want the patrons and waitstaff of an out of the way cozy restaurant you’d heard rave reviews about to see you blubbering like a beached whale.
“Pardon me miss,  would you like to order now?”  The waiter asks, the concern on his face now slipping past his professional veneer.
You fake a smile, “Just more water please, he shouldn’t be much longer.”  A lie, and he knows it, the patrons giving you pitiful glances know it, and worst of all, you know it.
But, whether out of denial, or a vain attempt to prolong the charade, you make a great show of picking up your phone and checking your texts.
5:32 PM: Hey there, I’m at Figaroni’s now.  A bit early, so I’ll just reserve us a table.  Can’t wait to see you!😘
5:56 PM: Still waiting!  Are you lost?  It’s kinda out of the way, if you need directions, I can send them to you.
6:22 PM: Could you please text me?  I just want to know if something came up, and you can’t make it.  I’m not upset, just worried.
And underneath each text is the cold line:  READ.
You scroll through your social media, attempting to see where he might be.  You had been so excited for tonight, your first and second dates had gone so well, you thought this one would be the one that would make you two an official couple.  But now, posted just a few minutes ago, is a pic of him and a few friends at the bar, taking a group selfie, with the caption.  
Bored, so went out to hang out with the buddies, gonna wake up with a horrible hangover for work but... #YOLO
You quickly turn your phone off, trying to pretend you hadn’t seen it.  He was just running late, that’s it.   It couldn’t be that he had just ghosted you and the date, so he could hang out with his buddies.  No, because that would mean you’d dressed up, primped up, and got all excited...for nothing.  And if it was for nothing, you had just been made a fool, a goddamn lovesick fool, all in front of everyone.  If you broke down now, you’d just confirm what they thought.  The best thing to do was to leave the waiter a nice tip for dealing with your behaviour, and run out of the restaurant, and try to not think about the conversations they’ll have about you.
But you’re just frozen on the spot, knowing that the moment you stand up, you’ve accepted to yourself that you’ve been strung along, treated like the fool that you are, and you can’t just handle it.  You’re between a rock and a hard place, emotionally.  The tears spill out…
“Hey, sorry about being late, babe traffic was absolutely disgusting!”  
A man sits down in front of you, and for the briefest moment, your heart leaps out of your chest hoping that you had been wrong, your boyfriend just posted a photo of an old party he went to a week or so ago.  But then, your heart falls.  It’s not him, in fact, it’s nothing like him.  He’s wearing a red leather coat, a casual shirt with what you hope aren’t blood stains on it, and worn finger-less gloves.  He looks completely out of place in this restaurant, and yet as you look through his silver white bangs into his blue eyes, he feels like he’s meant to sit in front of you all along.
But still, you’re emotionally guarded.  You don’t know this guy, never ever seen him in your life, and for all you know, he could be just out for a free meal, under the guise of pretending to be your absent boyfriend.
He notices your shocked expression, peeks around the nearby tables and then lowers his voice. 
“Name’s Dante.  I couldn’t see a pretty lil’ thing like you looking so sad and alone, so I decided to fix that. So, let’s just play it by ear.”
You want to say something, but then the waiter comes up, looking rather relieved, and asks you if you’re ready to order.  Despite having nearly an hour to peruse the menu, the sudden appearance of this man has thrown you off.
“I’ll have the Pizza Prosciutto e Funghi” he says, his pronunciation perfect, not even looking over the menu.  
The waiter nods, “Would you like it cooked your usual way, sir?”  
Dante smiles, and winks at you,  “Extra crispy?  You bet.”
The waiter turns to you, and you barely are able to blurt out what you would like, your voice cracking, your carefully prepared pronunciation mangled.  Neither the waiter, with his professionalism, nor your replacement date seems to notice.  The man does a bow and turns toward the kitchen.
“Don’t worry about paying,” your mysterious saviour says as he pulls out some bills from his coat pocket.  “Got paid today, and I have time to spend it before my brother starts complaining about what I do with it. So,” he says as he reaches out for a piece of bread out of the basket, “Let’s get to know each other.”
So over pizza and pasta, you and him traded your backgrounds.  You had told him about your job, your family life, your interests.  And unlike the guy he replaced, he listens intently, never interrupting, unless it was to ask for more info about something you said. And as you spoke, the pain, the self consciousness melted off of you.  By the time you started asking him, as he wolfed down yet another slice, about his life, you had felt the familiar flutter of butterflies in your stomach.
“I work for myself, it’s actually just become a family business.” He says, as he wipes his face and hands off with the napkin. “My nephew runs a mobile branch, smart kid, runs it better than I run my own business.”  His smile deepens as he reminisces, and his eyes seem to sparkle more in the candlelight. “My brother recently joined too, and although he can be a pain in the ass…” for one brief moment, a flash of regret passes over his face, before it's replaced back by his beautiful smile, “but I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for having him back.”  In the now dim evening light, you no longer notice his out of place clothes, his face is all that matters, from the whiskers on his chin, to that mane of white hair that you have to resist the urge to reach over and run your hands through.  So engrossed in him,  you’re actually a bit startled when the waiter comes to take your empty plates away.
“Try the strawberry gelato,” Dante suggests, “They make it right here, and it’s to die for.”  
His eyes light up at your expression as you try the delicious concoction,  “There, that’s what I like to see, a beautiful girl like you shouldn’t be made to cry.” He grins as he sneaks a spoonful of your dessert, “Don’t know what the douche bag thought was more important than spending time with you, but trust me, it wasn’t worth it by a long shot.”  You silently thank the candlelight for hiding your rapidly growing blush.
He pays the bill, leaving a hefty tip, (and compliments the waiter and the chef, you notice) and helps you put on your coat before escorting you outside.
“Thank you,” you murmur as you walk to your car.  It’s such a meager word to express what he’s done for you.  The dinner was the smallest bit, it was the way he saved you from social embarrassment, and turned a mortifying situation into an experience that you would treasure for a lifetime.  Your only regret is that this will be a one time thing.  You shouldn’t get your hopes up, he only did it because he pitie-
“Here,” he smiles as he hands you a piece of credit card sized paper.  “I know it’s my business card, but it’s also my home phone number.  Call, and just ask to speak to Dante and say the password.  I’d love to do this again, if you want.  I know this place that makes some mouthwatering burgers…”
And with that, he walks off to his bike, hops on, and with a click of his tongue and a dashing smile, he pulls out with a squeal of tires into the night.
Only when he’s out of sight, do you read the card with trembling hands in the dim light of a nearby streetlamp.
Devil May Cry
And written hastily on the bottom, is a messy scrawl of words:
Password: It’s a date.
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killian-whump · 4 years
10 things people like
So judging by the TRS promo photos released recently, as well as the trailer we got before that, I feel like NatGeo and/or Disney are really clued in to what appeals to people in a general sense - particularly the kind of people who might be planning to tune in to their upcoming astronaut show. So without further ado, I’d like to present 10 Things People Like™ 
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Colin O’Donoghue
People like Colin O’Donoghue. He’s a likeable kind of guy. Colin O’Donoghue fans, rather unsurprisingly, are very fond of Colin O’Donoghue. If they could sprinkle little tiny Colin O’Donoghues on their breakfast cereal, they probably would. Then they would cry and refuse to eat it, because they wouldn’t want to engage in Colin O’Donoghue abuse. On second thought, this is a bad idea and no one should actually do it. Just... leave him out of your breakfast entirely and enjoy him in wholesome ways, like appreciating this photo.
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Men in Suits
Well, who doesn’t like a nice looking man in a tidy suit? Nobody, that’s who! And since people don’t make television programs for nobody to watch them, that means putting handsome men in suits in your TV program is just a plain all-around good idea. For added fun, each suit is unique in its own different way. One of them is brown. One is very gray (not just sort of gray!). One has a bow tie. One is worn by Colin O’Donoghue, which seems like a concerted effort to appeal to Colin O’Donoghue fans who like men in suits...
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Men in Uniform
Yes, please! Everyone likes a good uniform, don’t they? Heck, there’s even romance novels that feature army men, firefighters, police men, you name it... all basically just to have an excuse to put a man in uniform on the cover. They’re not fooling anybody, you know. Anyhow, this particular uniform is being worn by Colin O’Donoghue, who looks really, really good in one. I’m starting to sense a theme here, and I’m starting to think this entire article may just be a thinly veiled attempt to list things Colin O’Donoghue fans like. In which case, we may as well throw all pretense aside and call it what it is...
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Colin O’Donoghue in Uniform
I mean, when you have a good thing, you gotta get as many miles as you can out of it, so you should probably put it in the trailer and in the promo pics, and maybe even on the side of buses or the backs of park benches. These are just suggestions, of course. You’re welcome to put Colin O’Donoghue’s handsome face anywhere you damn well please (within reason), and doubly so if he’s in uniform when you’re doing it.
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Colin O’Donoghue Doing Things™
If there’s one thing Colin O’Donoghue fans like, it’s Colin O’Donoghue. If there’s another thing Colin O’Donoghue fans like, it’s Colin O’Donoghue doing things. You might ask yourself, “What things do Colin O’Donoghue fans like to watch Colin O’Donoghue doing?” and to that, I will answer: “Pretty much anything at all, but especially things they haven’t already seen him do.” Knowing this, NatGeo and Disney have provided us with some truly amazing footage of Colin O’Donoghue Doing Things™ - things like this great shot of him spinning all around in a gyroscopey freefall simulator. Oooooh!
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Colin O’Donoghue’s Smile
Colin O’Donoghue has the world’s most perfect and endearing smile. This is a scientific fact, and totally not a wild claim I’m making out of nowhere just because I really, really believe it to be true. When someone sees Colin O’Donoghue smile, their day just gets a little bit brighter. Their problems seem a little bit more manageable. Their skin clears up. Their crops are watered. They can’t help but smile, themselves. In fact, I’m pretty sure Colin O’Donoghue’s smile is a key part in the secret to attaining world peace. If it turns out to be, just remember you all heard it here first.
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Colin O’Donoghue Punching People
Now, I hear a lot of you saying, “But wait! Doesn’t Colin get punched in almost everything he does?” and the answer to that is, of course, YES. Yes, he does. Colin O’Donoghue has a very handsome, but apparently very punchable, face. Showrunners know everyone is expecting that precious, gorgeous face to get belted at some point - and thus, they know better than to show that in promotional materials. If they show us Colin O’Donoghue punching someone else, instead, they are essentially teasing us all with what we know will inevitably follow - someone punching Colin O’Donoghue right back.
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Colin O’Donoghue Smooching
Look. We Colin O’Donoghue fans are simple people. We like simple things. Colin O’Donoghue. Colin O’Donoghue wearing things. Colin O’Donoghue doing things. Colin O’Donoghue existing. Really, we’re pretty easy to please. So it should come as no surprise that we also enjoy it when Colin O’Donoghue’s face runs into someone else’s face and things happen. Smoochy things. Things with the lips and the tongue and the... smooches. Hee hee.
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Colin O’Donoghue Sporting (Fake) Injuries
We all know they’re out there. Wild Colin O’Donoghue fans who call themselves “whumpers” and who love seeing Colin play parts that involve his characters getting tied up or beaten up, or even just tripping over a bear trap someone thoughtlessly left in a field somewhere so he has to limp through an entire film. Some of these fans even have crazy blog names composed of his most well-known character’s name followed not-at-all-cleverly by “-whump”. Naturally, these strange individuals never want to see Colin hurt, but they sure do like it when his characters are! The Right Stuff was long expected to be rather light on the kind of content these fans crave, but the powers that be seem to have decided to bless us all - I mean them all - with this adorable hand bandage, anyway. Bless <3
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Everything About Whatever This Is
If there’s one winning combination in the world, it’s Colin O’Donoghue + Water. It’s sort of like that other combination of Mogwais + Water, except instead of spawning additional mogwais, this combo just spawns incredibly hot shots of Colin O’Donoghue. The Rite did it. Once Upon a Time did it. The Dust Storm did it. The Words did it. What Still Remains did it. JJ Sneed did it. And The Right Stuff is going to do it, too. How do we know? Well, that’s Colin O’Donoghue right there, running barefoot at the other fellow and tackling him into a pool. Are they fighting? Is this foreplay? What’s happening here? We don’t know, but we’re all pretty much 100% ready for it, whatever it is, and eager to see it. After all, the only thing better than Colin O’Donoghue is Wet Colin O’Donoghue.
[images and gifs are not mine, except the one or two that are mine]
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There’s going to be a part three to benefits right? Like I don’t think I can live without knowing the end of the story.
Conclusions? - C. Hood
Final part of the ‘Benefits?’ Series.
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I had planned to release this when my hiatus ended but I have made y’all wait too long, and I was far too excited. This is my fav set of fics that I have done and I’m so glad that people liked them!
I hope you enjoy! Thank you all for reading, you have my love.
Xoxo - Cas
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
Against her better judgement, Y/N had listened to Youngblood as an album on repeat for weeks after it dropped. The songs were powerful, perfect even. She had relished in the sound of their voices, the way they worked their instruments perfectly. She longed for her friends every time she listened, and the pain became addictive. Yet, she found comfort in ‘Moving Along’.
Things had been extra tense since her conversation with Calum. Another week had passed, and they were in another state, the men jumping around on stage, singing their hearts out, putting on a show for all of the people who came to see them.
But... Calum wasn’t himself. He shied away from the flashes of the camera. He still sounded perfect in all of the songs, yet he was dejected. Turned in on himself almost. Shy, hurt.
Per the fans requests, she snapped many shots of Calum, adding them to the plethora of shots of the other guys. She was paid to take photos, after all. She may as well earn her money, even if she struggled to look at Calum without feeling hot tears burn at her eyes.
Moving Along started and she smiled slightly. She especially enjoyed the song, moving her feet to the high energy chorus, ignoring the sting the lyrics left in her heart.
What she didn’t expect, was to turn to take another shot of Calum, and have his eyes staring straight at her.
His verse came, and he tore his eyes away from her faster than expected, and her photo turned blurry.
“Is it bad that I’m hoping that you’re broken? Is it bad that I’m wishing you’re so broken?” His voice broke, crackling as the words danced off of his tongue.
It was subtle, not noticeable to those who didn’t know Calum. Who didn’t know his little quirks, the little aspects of his being that alluded the general public. Y/N knew.
From her position at the front of the stage, she could even see the tears threatening to fall from his eyes, and the way he rubbed his face on his shoulder, disguising it as an adjustment of his ear piece.
It was the second last song of their set, the collaboration with the Chainsmokers being their last, and then Calum would be off stage.
Watching Calum sing the lyrics struck a chord inside of her. The first verse was full of such anger, but as it progressed, Luke’s verse portrayed sadness. Regret. Everything Calum had been trying to tell her the other day.
The feelings were overwhelming. She was furious. She knew that there was another song for Calum to write, having heard many parts of the other songs the guys were working on, but the pieces worked themselves together in her mind.
She had her speculations, but chose to divert her thought pattern. Every time she cast her eyes on him, she felt a ache in her stomach.
For so long, she had near constant emotion flooding her eyes. She couldn’t disregard her anger.
The songs moved quickly, and she climbed on stage to get photos of the group performance to close the pre-show. Andy had already agreed to take the pics for the Chainsmokers, knowing the tenseness of the past week for her. Y/N was looking forward to escaping to her hotel room and mulling over her thoughts.
For 5 days she had been contemplating whether or not she should stay on the tour. She had savings, enough to rent an apartment in another state. She could find photography work elsewhere.
But, she also couldn’t stand to be away from Calum again. There was a sense of hopefulness existing between them. She was far too scared to grace the topic again, and history had told her enough that Calum wouldn’t attempt to converse with her about it again, but still - she had hope that she would work up the courage to move past her anger and the sadness of her broken heart.
She was looking for a new excuse to forgive him every day, and she found them. Yet, she couldn’t bring herself to talk to him. To tell him that she was sorry for leaving.
She couldn’t bring herself to apologise, when he pushed her away.
She worked up the courage and booked a flight. It was a week away. They had no concerts scheduled for the next two weeks, taking a small break in between states.
She had only told Andy, Alex and Drew about her news so far, knowing they would be the most relaxed. Her relationship with Drew had been near non-existent. She had been using him, but when Calum came back into her life, she could barely be in Drew’s arms without comparing them to Calum.
It was cruel of her to do so, so she made the shift to simply friends. Neither of them missed the benefits connection all too much, and their relationship was already friendly enough.
The days moved along faster than expected until she was three day’s out from leaving.
She had planned to break the news to everybody the next day, but she found that the hardest part was already done when a knock sounded on her door.
Calum was bleary eyed. It had been rare for him to be seen without blood vessels visible in his sclera, and he looked no less worse for wear now as he stood at her door.
She stood in shock when the opening revealed his figure. He looked heartbroken, the same as he did in Ashton’s hotel room a few weeks back.
She fought with herself not to embrace him.
“D’you mind if I come in?” His voice was small, making her heart feel smaller.
Her voice wouldn’t work, instead she moved her body aside to make way for his large frame. He was shrunken. His shoulders sagged slightly, his hands clasped together. A clear sign of his nervousness, to Y/N.
She could often read him like a book, and she could see that he was hurting.
She had been looking for a resolution before she left, and she couldn’t help but think that this could be it. Her stomach was vibrating from the force of butterfly wings, and she watched Calum sit carefully on the edge of her bed.
She watched how his eyes fell over the bed, settling on a familiar green blanket. He had gifted it to her a few years back, knowing she hated to use hotel linen. She adored the soft fabric, taking it everywhere when she was in unfamiliar dwellings.
She forced her eyes away from him, clearing her throat to kick her voice box into the right gear.
“What do you need-“
“You’re leaving.” He said, more of a statement than a question. Her eyes grew in size slightly. She had planned to tell them all the next day, so she couldn’t understand how he had come upon the information. “Andy is a big mouth. He can’t keep a secret to save his life. You should see how he acts when he has content that he can share. He’s as giddy as a kid on Christmas.”
He refused to meet her eyes.
“I was planning to tell you all tomorrow. My planes booked for a few days time.” She hadn’t realised that she had folded her arms, her right hand rubbing along her left elbow. “I didn’t want to leave without telling anybody. Without telling you...”
“Like you did last time?” The words were intended to be venomous, but the sniff that followed told her exactly how he was feelings.
However, her anger still flared, “You know why I did what I did.”
He nodded softly, pawing at his eyes gently, turning his head to look out the window of her room. The sun was setting, the horizon mesmerizing.
“When you first left, I was so angry.” His hands were wringing together again. “I started to hate you. I wanted you to be as broken as I was - as I am. But then...” he blinked, a tear slipping down his face as the light of golden hour washed over his sun kissed skin. “Then I wanted you back. I would get drunk, I would sit there with my phone in my hand and want to call you. I wanted to apologize every day that you were gone, but, I didn’t deserve you. Hell, I still don’t deserve you. I’m the one who said those horrible things to you.”
She stepped closer, watching the way his eyes locked on the scenery outside of her window. The picture in front of her was reminiscent of the night in Ashton’s room, except this time Calum is the one who can’t bear to look at her, for fear of breaking.
“I wanted to talk to you before I left.” She spoke honestly, brushing hair away from her eyes. No matter how hard she fought herself, she wouldn’t look away. Who knew when she would see him again, and she was falling in love with the lines of his face all over again. “I wanted to tell you why I was leaving, but... I don’t know, I was scared of telling you why I can’t stay, and finish discussing what we did that night. I couldn’t start the conversation. I guess I am now, because I can’t keep fighting with myself anymore.”
His brows furrowed, his head slowly turning towards her. “What do you mean, Y/N? What conversation?”
Surprising herself, Y/N felt the butterflies disperse. The man in front of her was Calum. Her Calum. Her best friend for years, the man who knew her inside and out. The man who broke her heart, and who pushed her away.
The pain she felt couldn’t be amplified any more. She knew she could live without Calum, but she also knew that every day would be a new kind of pain. She had decided in that moment that she couldn’t make their situation any worse than it was.
“I mean, I love you, Calum. I love you so much that being around you hurts me.” There were no tears, and her eyes were locked on his. The way his face contorted in pain, and the droplets that’s fell down his round cheeks broke her heart, but she couldn’t let her facade fall. She needed to get this out before she left. “What you said the other night, about loving me - I have wanted nothing more than to hear that for so long. But when I finally told you, you rejected me. You did more than that - you made fun of me.”
He was on his feet, face red, eyes bloodshot. “If I could take back every word I said that day, I would in a heartbeat.” His voice was cracking again, she could feel the emotion dripping from him. “Nothing hurts more than when you’re not around. Everyday since we met up again, I wake up and hope that I can do right by you but I know I can never take back what I did. The things I said to you... I hate what I did. I hate that I destroyed something so perfect. Somebody so perfect.”
She felt tears prick at her eyes once again. She wanted to fight it. She didn’t want to spend another night crying over Calum, but the tears weren’t for Calum. They were for the loss she felt. The way she sobbed at night when she wanted nothing more than his presence.
“Don’t, Cal.” She cleared her throat, stepped back. She was retreating in on herself. “Being here, with everyone, it hurts. I spent so long looking for you in somebody else, and now that you’re here, I can barely focus. Every day is like an old wound being reopened. I hear the words you said to me, remember how much it hurt. I just- I can’t be around it anymore,” her voice was a bit higher than a whisper. Neither of them dared to look at the other any longer.
“Moving Along is about you, Y/N,” He sobbed.
It was agony to see him so broken.
He had taken steps towards her and refused to pull her eyes from his face. She wanted to check for any semblance of a lie in his facade. She could read him like a book, and she needed to know his intentions before she chose her next words.
“I have loved you for as long as I have known you, Y/N. I love the way you know nothing about Star Wars, how you’re not afraid to speak your mind. I love you so much that I write countless songs about you. I cant even fucking sleep without thinking of you before. I can’t do anything without remembering the way you smell, the way you smile, the way you fucking do any little thing,” he sobbed again, breathing between his words. “I would do anything, if it means I could have you back in my arms. I would give up all I had, just to see you smile at me again, to tell me that you love me too.”
He walked up to her, hands on either side of her face, forehead against hers. Their heaving breath mixed together, and Y/N fought to keep her cries in.
“Please, Calum,” he felt her tears fall onto his hands. “You can’t want this.”
“I would give up everything, I would leave the band, the public eye, the fans for you. Y/N I would do anything you asked, just to prove to you how much I need you.” He opened his eyes, gauging her reaction. She had pulled back slightly to look into his eyes.
She knew it was a horrible decision, but she kept the thought in her mind that she couldn’t make things worse and she pressed her lips against his.
Their tears fell still, the kiss soft and sad. Calum held her face as if he would slip away if not for the feeling if her skin. Her fingers clung onto his shirt so tightly, afraid that he would push her away again.
He pulled away first, eyes still closed. “If you want to leave, then I don’t want to stand in your way. I just need you to know that I have loved you for so long, Y/N, and I will love you for the rest of my life. Nobody will ever mean as much to me as you do, even if you’re not with me.”
It was as if all of the pieces fell into place. She knew what she wanted, and she knew that they had the time to do it. Once again she reminded herself, what could go wrong?
“Come with me.” She stated, more than asked.
“Sweetheart, I can’t-“
“I’m going back home. There’s just over a week until the next show. Come with me, spend some time, just us. If things go well... I’ll one back.”
“And if they don’t? What happens if we can’t get back to us?” He looked hopeful but the fear was hiding deep beneath his chocolate eyes. “I can’t lose you again, Y/N.”
She offered a small smile, raising her smaller hands to wipe the tears still on his cheeks. “Then I guess we will have to make things go well.”
Despite the comfort they shared in her hotel room, the first few days in L.A. were odd. Tense, but Y/N had never felt more at ease than she did in Calum’s house, her spirits hopeful and a smile on his face whenever his eyes fell on her.
By the fifth day, they were dreading returning to the tour. Y/N had decided that she would go back. They had already booked their flights to Chicago, their next stop.
For now, Y/N sat on Calum’s lounge, her eyes glued to the television as she finally allowed herself to watch Star Wars. They were on the third prequel, and Y/N was fighting back tears as she watched Anakin surrender to the dark side.
Calum was laying on his back, his head resting in Y/N’s lap, his gaze focused on her face.
He was following the curve of his nose, the slight swell of her lips as she unconsciously poured at the television. She was mesmerizing.
He couldn’t bring his eyes off of her. He knew that she was going back to the tour with him, but the thought of losing her again was terrifying. She was his oxygen, and he had spent almost a year struggling to breathe.
“If you keep starting at me, I’ll poke you in the eye. This movie is actually decent, stop distracting me.” She grumbled, pouting further when Obi-Wan and Anakin we’re battling.
“I can’t help it. I’ve missed you,” he said without thinking. The past few days had been about honestly, rekindling and catching up. He saw no reason to hold the truth back now.
His words elicited a smile from her, a slight blush peppering her cheeks. “Suck a dick, hood.”
He snorted, “But that’s your job.”
Her fingers were running through his hair absentmindedly; her heart beating fast. This was Calum. Her Calum. The same Calum that knew her inside and out, yet, he still made her nervous.
The last year has been a rollercoaster, but now, she loved him, and he knew, and he loved her as well. He was free from his fear, knowing that nobody else could amount to the woman that Y/N is.
“I love you,” she whispered, casting her eyes down on him. Her smile was small, adorable and it forced a grin to split across Calum’s face.
“I love you,” he answered. He pulled her hand from his head, pressing a kiss to her fingers. “What do you say to getting some Mexican food and binge watching Friday the 13th with your favourite guy tonight?”
She deadpanned, blinking at the tv screen. “How can I do that? Ashton isn’t in L.A.”
“Fine, no Mexican food for you,” Calum huffed, sitting up and crossing his arms in protest.
Y/N pouted, latching onto him like a koala and peppering kisses onto his cheeks. “Baby, I’m sorry! I need Mexican food!”
It was safe to say, Y/n got Mexican food that night.
Friends with benefits relationships are always the most dangerous. It is so easy to develop feelings, sharing such an intimate part of yourself with a person, both as a friend and a lover.
Sometimes things are rocky; but other times, the benefits outweigh the negatives.
Tag list: @starshonerose @mantlereid @another-lonely-heart @theanswertoeverythingisl0v3 @poetnstuff @snookiebrookie @oyesmendes
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Firebug and Freezer Burn
My entry for @tilltheendwilliwrite​ ‘s 7.7k follower (covid sucks) writing challenge. 
Clearly my time management (and mental health management) is lacking, but I figured I would post this anyway. 
The pic on the right was my prompt, I added the one on the left.
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WC: 3276
Warnings: Fire, cursing, panic, being ill, fluff who the fuck knows
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The small suburban neighborhood evening was shattered by the fire engine sirens screaming toward the pillar of fire that had once been a family home. Neighbors who had called 911 huddled outside, speaking to responders as they arrived. The three person family living in the burning house hadn't been seen since the fire started, but as far as anyone knew, they had been at home earlier. The parents had picked up the little girl after school, and returned home like usual. On a normal night, they would have all been in bed by now, if not for the noisy terrier up the street, the fire may have spread farther. Tears burned in throats, and sobs were barely contained as smoke and ash stung sleepy eyes. Lucky. The neighbors were lucky, and they all felt it, the feeling increasing in strength as the minutes ticked by with no sign of the family.
There was practically nothing left of the house now. The supporting structural pieces were still standing, but drywall had been all but disintegrated, leaving an empty shell, filled with smoldering ash. Nothing could have survived a blaze that hot.
An impossible shout came from a firefighter in the house. Firefighters converged on their brother and all blinked in surprise at what they saw. A small body, unconscious but unharmed, wrapped in an equally small blanket. The little girl, she was untouched by fire, though it was clear it had burned through the room around her. Her bed was ash beneath her, and nothing of her room remained standing. She seemed asleep, snoring softly as her dreams went undisturbed by the chaos around her.
The only thing odder still was her skin. It was tinged gray. That could have just been the smoke, if not for the cracks. Like lava creating fissures in soft volcanic stone, lines glowed red-orange all across her skin, visible even underneath her nightgown. The stunned firemen didn’t seem to know how to react, but one of the EMTs on sight already had their phone up to their ear, 
“Phil, you need to get here. There’s someone you’re gonna want to see.”
...Years Later
Having been raised by Phil Coulson, your life was fairly heavily impacted by SHIELD (and the tales of Captain America), it wasn’t a surprise that you became an agent. Though Phil actually wasn’t too happy about his little girl being put into dangerous situations, you gained his approval after pointing out that you would probably involve yourself in dangerous situations whether or not you had the training or backup that SHIELD provided. Working with the Avengers probably shouldn’t have surprised you either, but all you knew you had was your immunity to fire. Turned out that ability, in combination with your martial arts and weapons training from SHIELD, was actually incredibly useful to the Avengers. One mission became several more, and before you knew it, you were living with them.
Phil was a pretty constant visitor, he wasn’t “checking on you”, he was “touching base with the team”, or fanboy-ing over Cap. Mmmmhmm, sure thing. You knew better, but you generally didn’t call him on it, though it got you a lot of shit from Tony Stark. Honestly, Tony would have found something to tease you about either way. Being called “kid” was probably pretty tame, especially considering Tony’s other name for you: “Glow-Stick”. Clint called you “kid” all the time anyway.
The two members of the team who could have called everyone “kid” were usually the most respectful. Steve never called you anything other than your name, Bucky had called you a few different names, but none of them pejorative. Natasha tended to refer to everyone but Clint by their last name, and Sam, well Sam just called you an idiot, but that was for a different reason.
“Well you are an idiot. Seriously, you oughtta man-up and tell him already.” You and Sam were in the lounge area, having reached a commercial break during the game you were watching. He was leaning back against the arm of the sofa opposite you, rolling his eyes.
“First of all, ‘man-up’? Really? You wanna have that discussion again?” you gave him a significant look, eyebrow raised in indignation. He scoffed and waved you off, you continued, “second of all, mind your own business.”
“He’s gonna die in his sleep before you say anything at this point,” Sam’s voice was mocking.
“Stay in your own lane Wilson,” you growled.
“I’m just saying-”
“Nothing. You’re just saying nothing. The game’s back on.”
“C’mon , you gotta -”
“No, Sam.”
“What’s he up to now?” Natasha asked as she walked into the room, dropping into a seat with a bowl of popcorn.
“Nuh-uh, I’m not saying shit to you.” You knew better than to even give a kernel of information to a master spy.
“Pft, I probably know whatever it is already,” she shrugged. She wasn’t wrong, but as long as she didn’t realize Sam was pushing you to admit it, Natasha wouldn’t interfere. 
You turned to watch the game, missing the glint in Sam’s eye as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.
You weren’t going to say shit. The only reason Sam knew about your adolescent crush was that he had hung out with Phil for too damn long one night, and Phil had been a little too open with your story. Years of hearing about Captain America’s exploits had been a basis of your childhood, but Steve wasn’t the character who fascinated you. That was James Buchanan Barnes. Unlike your father figure, your interest lay in the Commando’s sniper, not its leader. Originally, you had wanted to specialize in long-range shooting, but now, having more intimate knowledge of just how involved sniping was, you were even more impressed with Bucky. There were way too many calculations involved in what he did, and he did it so well. 
He had been the yardstick you’d used to measure every romantic partner you’d had, and most of them fell short. That was before you knew he was alive. What was funny was that the Bucky you knew now beat the yardstick you’d made of his past self. 
He was sweet, and mindful of everyone around him, and when he wasn’t too deep in his own head, he was really funny. From the first night you had accidentally stumbled upon him on the roof after a nightmare, you’d been fast friends. Though he was the member of the team you worked with the least, he was the one you spent the most downtime with. Hence, why you put up with all his nicknames. Doll, Sugar, Sweetheart, Darlin’.
When a tennis ball bounced off your head, startling you out of the unintentional mental tangent, you realized that not only had more of the team entered the room, they had clearly been talking to you. 
A blush rapidly heated your face. “Sorry. What?”
“Where’s your head at, kid?” Tony asked. He was sprawled across the loveseat, looking more at you than at the TV.
“Nowhere important; zoned out a little. Guess I’m just tired.”
“Suuuuure you are,” Sam drawled, exchanging looks with Natasha. Your brow furrowed, but you said nothing. 
The topic changed back to the game, as Bucky came into the room. Steve was already seated in the armchair next to Natasha, but instead of crossing to his best friend, Bucky settled on the arm of the sofa, right beside you. Sam cleared his throat, and you shot him a threatening look. 
“Jesus Sam, what did you do to get her looking at you like that?” Steve asked. He sounded almost worried. You would have laughed at his concerned look, but you had to keep an eye on Sam. You let the silence stretch out, not answering Steve and not looking away from Sam, until you were reasonably sure he would keep his mouth shut.
“It’s nothing Steve. Sam just needs to mind his own business.”
“He is nosy as hell,” Bucky grumbled behind you, his arm going to the back of the couch and essentially around your shoulders.
“Aw, you’re just mad cause he’s bugging you about your secrets.”
“Natasha, I don’t care how hard it’ll be, I will kill you.” There was no inflection in your voice, nothing to give away how angry and scared you were. Maybe you should have given a little emotion for the team to read. Maybe then they would have let it go.
As it was, they collectively ganged up on you, grilling you, and refusing to be redirected until you snapped. 
“Just fucking drop it!” you shouted, throwing the tennis ball that was still in your hands at the last team member to pry, Tony.
Everyone was staring. And it took you a moment to process exactly why.
The tennis ball had been on fire.
It hadn’t been on fire before you threw it, and yet it was flaming when it almost hit Tony in the head.
Silence, and slow blinks all around. 
“Holy shit.” Sam was staring open mouthed.
“FRIDAY, when was the last time we checked the fire protocols?” Tony asked, his face still showing surprise, but his voice calm.
“I- I-... That-” you couldn’t seem to form a sentence. Your body seemed frozen to the spot.
“Well that’s interesting,” Natasha mused.
“Is this- is this new?” Clint asked from his seat on the floor in front of Natasha’s chair.
You didn’t know what to say. Was this new? You’d never done it before. You would have known if you had… right?
The only fire you’d ever been in was… oh god.
And just like that, your body was no longer frozen. You shot up out of your seat and sprinted down the hall. You ran into your room and passed through to the attached bathroom without checking if the door was closed, too intent on reaching your destination. Your knees hit the floor in front of the toilet just in time. 
Tears poured from your eyes as you retched. Panic had your chest and gut constricting, making you struggle to breathe. The room would have spun if your head weren’t resting on the cool porcelain of the toilet. As it was, your ears were ringing so much that you couldn't hear your own panting breaths, let alone someone entering the room behind you. You wouldn’t have known Bucky was there if he hadn’t slid his cool metal hand to the back of your neck.
“Shh, doll. It’s okay. It’s just me,” he soothed when you jumped.
You hiccuped in response, taking several minutes to calm to the point that he was able to usher you out of the bathroom. 
Sitting you on the edge of your bed, Bucky stepped back into your bathroom, flushing the toilet and wetting a soft washcloth before coming back to you. He held out the cloth, but when you failed to take it, he began to gently wipe at your face. 
“You know none of the team is upset or freaked out, so what made you run outta there?” Bucky asked quietly.
“What if I did it?” you asked in response, your voice so low Bucky almost missed it.
“Did what, doll?”
“The fire, my parents-” you cut off, unable to say anything more, as fresh tears filled your eyes.
Phil Coulson had been a fantastic foster dad, no doubt about it, but your child’s brain took a long time to adjust to his parenting style. You had missed your parents. Phil had done his best not to erase your parents from your memories. He didn’t know much about them, but your old neighbors had been happy to share stories with you, and you’d created an idealistic version of them in your head. You couldn’t understand why you had survived and they hadn’t, and the nightmares that had followed you into adulthood were still traumatic. What if you had been the cause of the mysterious fire that had killed them. 
“Doll. Hey. Hey Sugar, look at me okay?” Bucky’s hands were on either side of your face. When you met his eyes you got the feeling he had been trying to get your attention for a while. His thumbs softly rubbed your cheekbones as he spoke. “It wasn’t you, doll. It wasn’t your fault.”
“How- how can you possibly know,” you asked in a whisper, trying to pull your face out of his grip, but his fingers tightened slightly. 
“You’ve never done that before. And you’ve only been in one mystery fire.”
“Yeah but-” you started, but Bucky talked right over you.
“If you had been able to start fires as a kid, you would have had it happen around you frequently. When you were angry, when you were scared; it would have happened all the time when you were little, but it didn’t.” He brushed a tear from the corner of your eye and his voice softened. “It wasn’t you honey. I’m sure of it.”
That was a sentiment that he repeated with a few minor variations for several minutes until you calmed down. Once you did, you realized that the position you were in was a little close for comfort. At some point, Bucky had moved from kneeling in front of you, to sitting on the bed beside you, to holding you in his lap. He had his arms around you and your head tucked under his chin. 
However, when you squirmed slightly, embarrassed by your behavior and more than ready to put some space between you and the super soldier you had a giant crush on, Bucky did not let you go.
“Buck,” you said, your voice was a little gravely from crying, “I’m okay.”
“Yeah?” He replied, not sounding convinced.
“Yeah, you can let me go now.” You were fairly certain he could feel the heat in your face through his shirt.
“I can, but I don’t want to.”
“I- what?” you stuttered.
“I happen to like holding you, never got to do it before, but I’ve decided I like it and I’m not ready to let you go yet.” Bucky said it in such a matter of fact tone, it sounded reasonable.
The fuck? Did you hear that right? Uh….
Before you could formulate any kind of response, Bucky’s phone started to ring. He managed to get it from his pocket and answer it without releasing you.
“Hello Agent Coulson, thank you for calling me back. Yes, she’s right here, hold on,” he held the phone out to you.
Still in a sort of shock, you took the phone without question. “Papa?” You used the name you called him when you were little. He was never “Dad” or “Daddy” you could remember calling your father that. No, Phil Coulson was “Papa”.
“Hey sweetie. I heard you had a little scare.” You almost burst into fresh tears, but Phil continued. “You never really asked me about the fire, so I never made it a point to tell you about it. It wasn’t you sweetheart.” As Bucky continued to hold you, occasionally rubbing your back, or rocking you slightly, Phil told you about your father’s business, and the intense and hostile relationship he had with his rival. A rival who had decided that killing your father and your family was the best way to enable a hostile takeover of your father’s much more successful business.
An entire amusement park’s worth of emotions rolled through you as you listened to the tale. Anger so intense you could feel smoke all but coming out your ears.
“Doll,” Bucky softly drew your attention, his fingers ever so lightly grazing your arm. When you looked down, you almost jerked out of his hold.
“Holy fuck!” The lava fissures were glowing across your skin. You knew you let off heat when you were like that. You’d burned plenty of bad guys, guards, and assholes as soon as they made skin contact. “Bucky, let me up.” He did, but he didn’t leave the room as you finished your call with Phil.
Phil felt guilty for not telling you all this earlier, but you shook your head, forgetting he couldn’t see you. “It’s not your fault, Papa. I didn’t know this was even a possibility for me to do, I never questioned the fire before. There’s no reason for you to tell me, I didn't ask.” After reassuring him a few more times, and promising to visit him soon and showing him what you’d done, assuming you could repeat the stunt, you said your goodbyes. “Love you, Papa.”
“Love you too sweetheart. See you soon.”
You handed Bucky his phone back, not getting too close to him. But he took his phone and then quickly grabbed your wrist, pulling you close to him again.
“Bucky, you're gonna get burnt!” “No I won’t. You haven’t burned me before, and I’ve been near you like this before. It’s okay.”
“You’ve what?! Why would you do that?!”
“Why would you let me get anywhere near you?”
“Huh?” Well that was a topic change.
“I’m just as dangerous as you. More so actually, I’ve hurt and killed way more people than you probably ever will. You never hesitated to get near me.” Bucky held up his metal arm, drawing attention to it.
“That’s different Bucky, I don’t have control of this. You have control, you would never choose to hurt me.”
“It’s not different to me. I’m not afraid of you. You wouldn’t intentionally hurt me, and I trust you to keep me safe.” You shook your head, incredulous. “You’ve never burned your clothes. You have burned the shit out of people before, but you’ve never burned your clothes.” When you didn’t respond, Bucky said, “you’re in control, Sugar, and I trust you.”
Too many revelations in one day. That was your explanation. A second after Bucky stopped speaking, you registered what he was saying, and dropped your forehead to his, all the fight leaving your body, as your eyes closed. He settled you more comfortably on his lap but kept your foreheads together.
You sighed. “It’s been a hell of a day,” you said with a laugh.
“You’ve had a few shocks alright,” Bucky agreed. After a short pause, he spoke again. “Think you can handle one more?”
You hummed, “probably,” and soft lips pressed against yours. 
A quick intake of breath and your eyes shot open, but you didn’t pull away. “Bucky?”
It was his turn to hum. A small smile slowly spreading across lips that had just pulled back from yours.
“What- why?”
“Been wanting to do that for a while. And if you don’t want to tell me to fuck off, I’m gonna want to do it again. You gonna tell me to fuck off?”
Hesitantly, you shook your head and the smile on his lips stretched. When he pulled back from your second kiss, you could feel a matching smile on your own lips.
Hours later, the two of you emerged from your room, a plan in place to test your new ability. Another plan for how to explore your relationship with both of you being Avengers and having very little privacy. And most importantly, a plan in place to fuck with your nosy, annoying teammates. 
“Hey there, Matches,” Tony called as he spotted you from down the hall.
“Seems I’ve got a new name,” you grumbled. 
“At least you’re not ‘Manchurian Candidate’,” Bucky grouched, pressing a kiss to your temple. A kiss Tony did not miss.
“OH MY GOD! Firebug and Freezer Burn are kissy-face!” Tony Stark, a 12 year old. You rolled your eyes and prepared yourself for handling your teammates.
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nereol · 3 years
In Your Arms (2/2)
Part 2 of a Val / Saul two shot (1843 words).
You can read this on AO3 or on my WorldAnvil page (with pics, music and other stuff).
"You okay?" She whispers against his shoulder. "How are you feeling?" "Free." Saul sighs. "No better feeling in the world." His fingers drawing circles on her skin and sending shivers down her spine. "Can't remember the last time I slept so well." He mumbles in her hair and Val bites down on her lip.
Morning cuddles and morning wood.
Something's off when Val wakes up. It is silent, complete silence. Silence, expect for the steady breath of the person lying behind her, holding her in muscular arms. She opens her eyes, blinks a few times. It's almost dark, just some diffused light of a lamp, and the first thing that comes in her view are rugs of a ladder. Bunk bed. She remembers and closes her eyes again. The sandstorm. Saul.
"Saul?" Val walks down the stairs in the dark basement. But even in dimmed light she can see bruises and bloodstains on his naked arms and shoulders. He sits on a chair, slumped over. "Do-do-d'you... have my goddamn cigar?" "Y-your cigar...?" Val looks down at him with a confused frown. "I told you sons of bitches... A cigar... Some ice-cold hooch... And a couple of ladies to keep me company. Either that... or you can kiss my keister." She grins and squats down in front of Saul. "Well, I could keep ya company." She winks at him. "How about a lap dance, since you're sitting already?" Val smirks up at him and he's looking at her for the first time now, frowning. "I'm here with Panam." Val adds seriously with a calm voice. "Panam...?" He looks confused. "But... she left." "Not forever." Val shakes her head. "Gonna get you out." "You, I remember..." Saul's eyeing her. "You're that merc..."
Val sighs and shifts a little, Saul's arm still under her neck. When she moves, Saul mumbles something in her hair and holds her a little tighter. Now her back is pressed against his chest and her ass against his groin. Val winces a little but doesn't move. 'It's okay... morning wood... totally normal...' She bites her lower lip. Normal, yeah... But the feeling of him hard against her butt causes her mind going places.
She can't stand it and turns around, slow and careful not to wake him. Lying on her back now, his left arm still behind her head and his right at her waist. Her tank top, which was tucked into the hot pants before, went out and up overnight, and Saul's fingers linger on her naked skin. Val turns her head to the right to look at him. There are just a few inches in between their faces. He looks so peaceful and relaxed, unlike last night when she woke him up from his nightmares.
Without even thinking about it, Val raises her left hand to brush some dark hair from his forehead. She studies his face while her hand lingers in his hair. He looks better than last night, getting some sleep in a bed pays off. But he still looks worn out - he'll need some good food and medical care, of course. But he's still good looking. Sure he's not a young man anymore. But Val doesn't care about age in the same way she doesn't care about sex or gender. Either she thinks a person is attractive or not.
Saul opens his eyes, blinking a few times. "Sorry..." Val's voice is almost a whisper, still thick from sleep. "I didn't mean to wake ya." She smiles at him, her hand still in his hair. He says nothing, just looking at her with a soft expression and green eyes still tired. Then he pulls her closer with both arms, rolling over on his back so that Val's lying half on top of him now. She chuckles low in surprise. Her head rests on his left shoulder now and her hand fell down from his hair to his other.
Saul holds her close with both arms, one around her shoulders, the other on her waist. Her top slipped up even more and the feeling of his big calloused hand on her naked skin gives her goosebumps. She shifts a little to make herself comfortable, bends her left leg which lies on top of Saul's. That's when she can feel him again, hard against her thigh. Val bites down on her lip, but Saul doesn't react at all, so she tries to relax. 'Just a morning wood.'
She closes her eyes again while his chest under her rises and falls with each breath. "Mhmm..." He sighs contentedly and leans his head against hers. Again silence, except for their breath. The sandstorm settled over night. After some time Val speaks with a low voice. "Guess we should get up soon." A deep sigh from Saul, rising Val up with his chest. "Nah... don't want to." His voice is low and deep, thick from sleep and even huskier than normal. Val chuckles low and breathes hot air against his skin. When his fingers caress the naked skin at her waist, Val sighs with satisfaction.
"You okay?" She whispers against his shoulder. "How are you feeling?" "Free." Saul sighs. "No better feeling in the world." His fingers drawing circles on her skin and sending shivers down her spine. "Can't remember the last time I slept so well." He mumbles in her hair and Val bites down on her lip. His deep, low, husky voice. The way he holds her in his muscular arms and his fingers on her skin. And his dick, hard against her thigh. Fuck. No matter what he was going to do to her now - she would be up for everything! "And I'm not talking about compared to the last few nights I spent kinda conscious on a chair." Saul adds. Val giggles again. "Yeah, it was a good idea. I slept pretty well, too."
In every other situation Val would have taken the initiative, wouldn't have hesitated for a second. But Panam is a friend sleeping in the room next door, without a door separating them and probably waking up soon. And then some other Aldecaldos will come and pick them up. Saul is the clan leader. It would be weird if he'd reject her - or if he'd disagree with Val's attitude afterwards. The relationship between Val and the clan is already tense enough because of what happened to Scorpion and the others.
But thinking about it. Saul's the one holding her in his arms, caressing her naked skin. And if she can feel his morning wood against her thigh, he can feel the touch, too. So maybe... Val let her left hand, which was resting on his shoulder, slide up his neck and into his hair. "Mhmm." A deep satisfied sound from Saul and he leans in her touch. His own hand slides up her back, under her top.
Val pushes herself up with her other hand, just a few inches so she can look at him. Her dark green eyes meet his lighter ones and she moves her hand down, cups his jaw in her hand, her fingers in his beard. His hand, which held her by the shoulders, slides up to her neck. Saul's gaze falls down to her lips, purple with almost ever-lasting lipstick, and he raises his head a little, leans in...
"V?" Panam's sleepy voice from the next room. Saul winces and Val can feel his grip tensing for a brief moment, while she closes her eyes and drops her hand from his beard to the mattress with a sigh. "V!" Panam's voice again, a bit louder now and Val opens her eyes again, pushes herself up and Saul lets go of her with a frown. She gets out of the bunk bed, careful not to hit her head and without looking at Saul again she walks to the door, pulling her top down.
"I'm here, stop shouting." Val's voice is still thick with sleep. Panam stands at the front door and moves around to look at Val, who's walking over to the couch. Then Panam's gaze is at the bedroom door before she looks back at Val, confused. "You..?" Val doesn't look at Panam. She sits on the couch and shakes some sand out of a steel-toe boot before putting it on. "Neither of us could sleep." She shrugs while looking up at Panam for a moment before she looks down to put on the other boot. "You were sleeping soundly. We... I didn't wanna wake you up."
"Okay." That's all Panam can think of in response while she's looking at Val with a frown. Saul, who has heard the women's conversation in the lack of a bedroom door, walks in the livingroom. "Mornin'." He greets Panam with a nod, but doesn't look at Val while walking over to the front door. Val looks up to look at Panam. What she must be thinking? First Val made a move on Panam and when she refused she climbed into bed with Saul? "Since when do ya care what people think 'bout you and your... lifestyle?" Johnny appears with a glitch, sitting in the armchair. "Good mornin' to ya, too." Val answers him in her mind without looking at him while she ties her shoelaces.
The sound of two bikes breaks the kinda awkward silence and Saul and Panam leaving through the front door. "Well." Johnny looks at her with a shit-eating grin. "That was what you call bad timing." She can't see his eyes behind the aviators, but he sounds smug. She sighs while pulling her googles over her head, so that they hang around her neck. "Gleeful, 'cause we got interrupted?" She raises her eyebrows. Johnny's just grinning while he lights a cig. Val pulls on the button up she's wearing instead of one of her thick bomber jackets in the Badlands before she leaves the small house.
Val talks to Panam for a while. She doesn't behave any differently towards Val than she did before, which Val is pretty happy about. Panam gives her the promised sniper rifle and even hugs her goodbye before she rides away on a bike. Val sighs in relief.
Then she walks over to the van. One of the nomads lies under the car, Val doesn't know who and she doesn't bother to scan to find out, while Cassidy stands beside it. Saul sits at the back in the open door. "I... uh..." Fuck, this situation is weird. She's usually not shy, but there are two other people listening. She looks down at Saul with a small smile curling her lips. "Better start headin' out." "Yeah, same goes for us." Saul nods and eyes her while Cassidy turns around to look at them. "Only one the radiator gets a breather." Then Saul looks her in the eyes. "Thanks, V." He sounds sincere with a soft expression at his face. "What you did for me, I'll never forget it." "My pleasure." Val gives him a cheeky grin before she turns around.
As she passes, Val pats Cassidy on the shoulder. "Thanks for bringing my..." She looks at the Apollo. "...Scorpion's bike." He only nods in response. She really is thankful for that. This way, she doesn't have to drive back to the Aldecaldos' camp first and can get back to her place faster. So, faster in the shower to get rid of all the sand.
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yoonjinkooked · 5 years
On Call  | part 1
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moodboard by the lovely and amazing @flajka
Pairing: Y/N / Jungkook
Rating: 18+
Genre: Strangers to lovers / Rom-Com / Humor / Smut
Warnings for part 1: ranting, mentions of blood and injuries, good ass flirting, lots of good looking doctors, mentions of sex. The explicit stuff is saved for part two. 
General warnings:  (explicit sex, cursing, more to be added)
Word Count: 5147 +
Summary: After a catastrophic first date, you end up leaving the hospital angry, tired and date-less. Hoping to have a drink or five, you end up in a nearby bar, sitting next to the same doctor who caught your eye earlier.
A/N: I had to split it into two parts. I REALLY did not want to do that but I am absolutely not happy with how I wrote a large chunk of this, so I am writing it all over again. I can’t keep you waiting anymore so I’ll split this one. The smutty stuff comes in the next chapter. 
I’m sorry for the long wait, life got in the way. I will have a day off before the weekend so I think I’ll manage to finish it then. To make it more specific - Part 2 by Sunday!
Let me know what you guys think! :)
First dates are horrible.
Even if they’re going well, even if you end up meeting the love of your life, that first date is always going to be horrible, at least just a little bit.
You’ve had shitty first dates and some not so shitty first dates but you’ve never had something that you’d call a traumatic first date. Until today.
Giving Tinder a shot wasn’t something that you really wanted to do. Dating apps were always something you were skeptical about, despite having a good friend who had met his current fiancé over one of said apps. A place for horny people who want easy sex – that’s what those dating apps were for you.
You have refused to install one, until you have become just that – a horny person who wants easy sex. Two glasses of wine and three dick pics later, you have actually managed to find someone who seemed… okay. Good looking, but not loud about it. No dick pics – big bonus. And he actually managed to avoid cheesy pickup lines and just… asked you to meet up for coffee. So, you have decided to give Adam a shot. Why not? What’s the worst that could happen? Save from horror movie scenarios, of course.
What’s the worst that could happen?
Well, Adam could turn out to be an idiot who doesn’t watch where he’s walking and he could end up stepping into an open manhole in the middle of the street, grabbing you by the hand as he fell, knocking you on the ground in the process, all while still managing to break his leg.
But what kind of bad luck would you need to have for that to happen?
Apparently, the amount of bad luck you have is sufficient. Adam did indeed fall into a manhole but not before grabbing hold of you while trying to keep himself balanced – you were too surprised to react in any way, so not only did he end up falling but so did you, hitting your head on the pavement and scratching your arm on concrete.
All you can remember clearly are his yells and blood. The rest is a blur, from the point of you calling 911 to you sitting here, in a hospital, waiting to be checked by a doctor.
In the history of bad first dates, this has to be the runner-up, at the very least. All of that before the biggest plot twist of the night – the arrival of Adam’s girlfriend. The girl was worried sick and the moment you saw her throw herself onto a broken Adam, you silently decided to not go into his room after all.
At least the cut on your hand isn’t too bad – it stopped bleeding over the last few minutes and other than a light headache and an immense feeling of embarrassment, you’re doing pretty okay. Well, you’re also annoyed with waiting in a very crowded waiting room – apparently your situation is not serious enough to earn you a room, bed or even a simple chair.
“Taehyung, go check on him,” the voice belongs to a doctor walking past you, obviously giving some instructions. He’s handsome as hell, tall and with dark hair – much better looking than Adam. He probably watches where he’s walking too. “Check back with me when you’re done, okay?”
“Excuse me,” he turns around when you call him, finally deciding to no longer wait in silence. “Can someone tell me where to go or what to do? I have been waiting for more than an hour.”
“What are you here for?” he ask as his eyes go over you quickly, narrowing down on your arm. “Bad fall?”
“Yes,” you confirm. “I hit my head a bit too. I feel okay though.”
“Any pain?” he asks, walking closer to you. Close enough to make you swallow a lump because holy fuck, he is really good looking.
“Just a regular headache kind of pain,” you explain. “And my arm does hurt a bit too.”
“I’ll have a nurse clean that up,” he tells me. “What’s your name?” he asks.
“Y/N,” you force a smile. “Y/L/N Y/N.”
“Okay Y/N, please do what I say. Lift your right arm up,” he instructs and you do as he said. “Put it down. Now please stick your tongue out,” you follow his lead, even though you feel like a bit like an idiot, sticking your tongue out in the middle of a hospital waiting room. “Good. Now please follow my finger – just with your eyes, don’t move your head. Okay?” you follow his finger left to right, gulping yet again as you become aware of very direct eye contact. You repeat a mantra in your head, reminding yourself that it’s literally his job to look at you.
“Just a weak headache you say?”
“Well, if we ignore the growing death wish, yes,” he frowns at your tragic joke, causing you to smile and shake your head. It’s too complicated to explain anyways.
“You seem to be doing just fine, Y/N,” he reassures you. “If you feel any pain, just a regular pain medication should help. If your headache doesn’t leave you by tomorrow night, I’d advise you to come back here for a checkup. But for now, you don’t need a CT. I’ll just have… Jimin!” he calls for someone. And boy oh boy, it’s someone alright - a very good looking, blonde young man in blue scrubs walks towards us. “Jimin, please clean up her wound and see if stitches are needed,” he tells him.
“Sure thing, Dr. Kim,” Jimin smiles at the doctor.
“And Y/N, remember, if you feel anything unusual, come back here. Okay?” Dr. Kim asks.
“Okay,” you nod obediently, knowing damn well you will already be on your way back to the hospital the second you feel anything out of the ordinary.
“Follow me, Miss Y/N,” Jimin instructs you with a smile and you follow him. As you do, you can’t help but wonder if every damn person in this hospital is good looking – both he and Dr. Kim could be supermodels if they really wanted to. Or maybe they aren’t that good looking and you’ve just hit my head a bit too hard.
“MOVE!” you jump up when a yell carries through the hallway. Before you can even react, Jimin is grabbing your intact hand and pulling you to the side. Backed up against the wall, you watch in shock the scene that unfolds before you. A group of people is literally running through the hallway with a stretcher between them. “Move, move, move!” you realize now who is yelling – it’s the doctor who is all but lying on the stretcher. You don’t see much as they pass you – it’s a blur of people, different colored scrubs and blood. What you do see is that a doctor is literally above the patient, who is lying on the stretcher, his hands too bloody for you to see and understand what the hell he is doing. And then they’re gone, taking a turn to the right at the end of the hallway. You can still hear him yelling commands, his voice fainter by the second.
“Holy shit.”
“Yes,” Jimin chuckles. “Just another day at the office,” he starts walking again and not knowing what else to do, you just follow him, avoiding stepping onto the droplets of blood that coat the floor. It looks like that’s also a part of their every day schedule.
“Isn’t that patient more important than I am?” you wonder. “I mean, this is just a scratch. I could probably even clean it up at home, he looks like he needs more help than I do.
“Miss Y/N, there were three nurses around that stretcher,” Jimin smiles back at you. “If I go there, I would do more harm than help. Doctor Jeon and the team can handle it.”
Agreeing with his subtle suggestion that this really is none of your business, you shut up and follow him. Finally, you have a chance to sit down when the two of you end up in a small office, equipped with what one would call basic doctor supplies. You wait as Jimin collects what he needs, before he turns on the light and takes a good look at your injured arm.
“Ouch, that’s not pretty. Did you fall?”
The snort that leaves you causes him to raise his eyebrows in confusion. “You could say that. My date fell into a manhole,” you almost chuckle when I see Jimin’s eyes go wide in surprise. Honestly, you would have laughed hard if Adam didn’t actually get seriously injured. “And nearly dragged me into it with him.”
“That sounds like… a bad date,” he comments.
“Yeah. First date too,” the grimace on Jimin’s face says it all. “We barely even shook hands before he was falling down. I guess I’m gonna go celibate now. Did I mention his girlfriend showed up at the hospital?”
“Ouch,” he comments. Before you could respond, the touch of an alcohol soaked swab makes your hand flinch as Jimin start’s cleaning your injurty. “You are having a rough night.”
“More like a rough year,” you mumble.
“Miss Y/N, you need to look at the bright side,” Jimin smiles at you. It’s easy for him to say – he strikes you as a big ball of fluff and positive. You, on the other hand, are a walking disaster. “After the rain comes the rainbow. Karma has her way of doing things.”
“If you say so.”
Jimin works in silence while you stare at the floor and contemplate your life, deciding to leave the hospital as soon as he is done with fixing you up. A part of you wanted to find Adam and his girl, cause a scene and tell her to get away from him. Hell, if you had more energy, you would have gone with that plan. Now you just want to leave and get yourself a drink. Or five. When Jimin finished with cleaning your arm and applying some cream, you smile and thank him, asking for directions to the nearest bar.  
 After spending a few minutes wondering whether or not you should call your best friend and ask him to join, you have reached the conclusion that Hoseok’s bright and cheerful personality is not something that you need tonight.
He would chuckle at the story, telling you to look on the bright side, to be glad your leg wasn’t broken and that you got out before you ended up being ‘the other woman’. And while all of that would be absolutely correct, you do not need a ‘cheer up, buddy’ tonight. What you need is a decent amount of time to be alone and gloomy, wallow in self-pity and maybe drown in alcohol. With the day you’ve had, you deserve it – all of it.
“You sure you want another one?” the bartender asks when you point to the almost empty glass of Long Island Iced Tea in front of you – that’s what he served when you asked for a ‘drink that may end up killing you’. “Those things are pretty strong. You’re not driving, are you?” he asks, forcing you to make a mental note to tip him well because he’s actually worried about my well-being, even if I’m not.
“Not driving. And trust me, these are not nearly as effective as I want them to be.”
“Drinking to forget?” he’s asking too many question but he is getting the drink ready, so you take it.
You have deleted Tinder the moment you sat down at the bar. It’s impossible to know when you’ll be ready to try again but one thing is certain - you won’t be trying on some cursed, shitty app. From this point on, you will go through my life without focusing on men and dick. You solemnly swear that you will not look for anything – in fact, you will wait for it to come on its own. And if it doesn’t, well, life goes on. With a job you like and a fairly cool group of friends, even an occasional hobby, you’ll have plenty of things to keep yourself occupied.
But. No. More. Men.
“Evening, doc!” the bartender’s cheerful voice snaps me you of a daze. “The usual?”
“Yep,” the voice next to you speaks up and against better judgment, you turn my head to look at him. As he sits down in the chair next to yours, you realize this is the same doctor that was yelling his way through the hallway earlier. Looking away from him, you decide not to draw attention to yourself. No particular reason why – attention is just the last thing on your mind now.
“Rough day today, doc?”
“No rougher than usual,” he chuckles. You focus on your drink, pushing the lemon around the glass with a straw, kind of pretending that it’s Adam and you are pushing him around. “You seem like you’ve had a worse day, what the heck happened to your arm?” it takes you a second to realize that the doctor is directing the question your way.
“I was dragged to the ground,” you mumble, not bothering to look his way. “Hurt my arm and hit my head.”
“Is your head okay?” he asks and even without looking at him, you know he is asking this as a doctor and not just a guy at the bar – there is literally a change in his tone, which suddenly turned serious.
“One of your colleagues checked it out and unfortunately, my head is okay,” you reply.
“You look way too young to sound so pessimistic,” he chuckles and you turn to him, slightly annoyed with his pestering. The earlier theory you had on how every employee of the hospital across the street is handsome is proven to be true because holy crap, he’s hot. You didn’t get a chance to notice it when he flew past on the stretcher earlier but now, even with the dim lights of the bar you’re at, you can see him much clearer. His face is gorgeous, flawless, with big brown eyes looking at me and a tiny smile on his lips. From what you can see, his physique is equally impressive. He is, simply put, hot as hell.
“I’m also way too sober for this conversation.”
If you had met him yesterday, who knows, maybe it would have ended with an offer to suck him off in the back alley – that’s how hot he is. But today sucks. Therefore, you won’t.
“Seems like you’re going to fix that soon enough,” he chuckles at you, probably because you are downing the drink much faster than one should down such a strong cocktail. “As a doctor, I’m obliged to tell you that you should hold back on your drinks if you’ve suffered a hit to the head.”
“How ‘bout a hit to my pride?” you turn on the stool to look at him, challenging him.  It’s evident that he is simply trying to have a conversation. His tone wasn’t condescending either – it was more of a good natured suggestion than a doctor’s advice. Still, it annoyed you, just a little. “That one can hurt just as hard as a hit to the head, can it not?”
“It can,” he nods his head. “But what can possibly be that bad?” he asks.
Do you speak up or keep your mouth shut?
To hell with it. You need to rant, are almost drunk and will never see him again.
“Had a date today,” you pause to take a sip of my drink. “First date. He fell into an open manhole.”
“Wait, is that the dude with the girlfriend?” he asks and you turn to him so fast, you think your neck muscle is strained. “Are you the girl who made a scene?”
“No I didn’t!” you gasp, shocked that he’d even suggest something like that. “I haven’t said a word to him! The girl showed up, I put two and two together, went to get my hand fixed and ended up here.”
“Who fixed your arm?” he asks, frowning in suspicion.
“A very hot blonde guy.”
“Jimin,” he chuckles and I nod my head, remembering the name now. “That explains a lot.”
“That explains what?” you ask, momentarily distracted when you notice the bartender serving the doctor his drink – mineral water. Sure, there’s ice and two slices of lemon in the glass but it is just mineral water. If that’s his regular drink, you don’t even want to know what he drinks when he’s feeling a bit tamer.
“Jimin has a habit of meddling into people’s lives a bit too often,” the doctor chuckles and a lump forms in your throat as you focus on his side profile – clear skin, chiseled jaw, cute nose and messy hair. Even his speech, now a bit slower than earlier, is hot. “He must have put two and two together because from what I’ve heard, he asked the dude where his date was, right in front of the girlfriend,” he tells you.
“Serves him right,” a dark chuckle leaves you as you realize just how thankful you are for the overly meddling nurse who did my work in your stead.
“The chick flipped and caused a ruckus,” the doctor continues. “With the way you’ve been sulking at the bar, I thought it might have been you. Stupid, I know – you even said it was a first date.”
“I’m just glad that’s behind me,” you mumble in response. “Or, will be, when I finish this drink.”
“The guy is a dick,” the bartender suddenly joins in, having obviously listened to your conversation. You can’t blame the guy – you’re sitting right in front of him. “You seem like a decent girl,” he tells you. “Why would you waste time on cheaters when you have nice guys like Doctor Jeon around?” he hits the doctor on the shoulder, hard, beaming down at him.
“You’ve always been a bad wing-man Chris, but I think you might have just outdone yourself.”
“Doctor Jeon isn’t even drinking,” you smile at the bartender. “I’m sure he’s not interested.”
“Doctor Jeon needs to drive home and hopefully get there in one piece,” the doctor laughs. “And please just call me Jungkook – the doctor thing is getting a bit weird,” he adds, obviously ignoring your comment that he isn’t interested. Could it mean that… no, probably not.
“Take a cab, Jungkook,” you tell him, turning around to stare at the shelves full of drinks, expensive and cheap, dark and colorful. Looking directly at him would be a very bad idea. “Life’s too short.”
“Mineral water is just fine,” you can hear the smile in his voice. “Besides, I might get called back to the hospital tonight. Probably not, but I never know. I’d rather be able to help someone than drunk.”
“Did you save that guy from today?” you ask, this time risking at all and looking at him, seeing the confusion on his heavenly face. “The one on the stretcher, the guy you were all but sitting on?”
“Ah,” he nods his head in understanding. “He’s in intensive care but most likely will make it through the night. He’s in good hands.”
“Doctor Jeon is a trauma surgeon,” the bartender, Chris as you now know, tells you with a knowing look. “Very big deal in the hospital.”
“Trauma surgeons or Doctor Jeon in particular?” you laugh.
“Chris, I think some glasses want to be polished,” Jungkook’s jaw clenches but you can still see a hint of a smile as he looks at his friend. “Don’t meddle, please. I can flirt just fine on my own.”
“Oh, is that what you were doing?” you laugh. This is becoming… very interesting.
“I’m about to, as soon as I find out your name,” he smirks your way. That one action, that one tiny smirk, made him 10 times more attractive than he was seconds ago.
“Y/N,” he repeats. Okay, it may be too soon to tell but you have an inkling of where this might end up going and at this point, you are ready to pray to god that it ends up going that way. More than once.
“He’s single,” the bartender suddenly pipes up.
“And the kindest guy I know,” Chris still continues, ignoring Jungkook’s glares.
“Will you stop?”
“No,” you laugh at Jungkook. “No, I like this, he’s telling me all I need to know. Tell me, Chris, how often does he flirt with lonely ladies at the bar?” you ask.
“First time I’ve seen him do it,” Chris replies without blinking. “Beats your guy from earlier today by a mile.”
“That he does,” you agree immediately. Just superficial conversation and one look at Jungkook was enough to reach the same conclusion. Granted, you haven’t really had the chance to properly talk to Adam but his girlfriend did and based from what you’ve heard, she doesn’t like him that much at the moment.
“How about you talk now, Y/N, before Chris here finds my birth certificate,” Jungkook turns to you.
“What do you want to know?”
“Whatever you’re willing to share.”
“I doubt you’d be interested in hearing my life story,” you chuckle. “I’m a real estate agent. I’m tired and not as drunk as I want to be.”
“That’s all you think I need to know?” he laughs, leaning just a tiny bit closer. “Tell me who you are when you’re not angry at some random dick. Tell me about your hobbies, your interests, the things you hate the most, your plans for the future.”
“Are you trying to flirt with me or are you scouting for a would-be wife?” you frown.
“Play your cards right and ask me that question later.”
It’s so fucking endearing – he laughs at himself as he delivers such a cheesy, yet somehow smooth line. He is literally laughing at himself and that makes you chuckle too – he’s not taking himself too seriously and is genuinely funny. Hell, if he plays his cards right, you might just ask him to marry you.
“I hate cucumbers,” is what you decide to tell him. “Tom Cruise too – he’s creepy. I don’t like people who waste my time. I’m a TV show addict, I could live on popcorn and I never wear high heels. Does that satisfy your curiosity?” your eyebrows are raised as you throw the ball over in his field.
“Not even close,” he responds. Judging by the little smirk on his face, he can definitely tell that your interest is peaked in all the right ways. “You’re just making me want to know more, Y/N.”
“Unfair,” you pretend to glare at him. “It’s your turn now – it’s only fair if I know as much as you do.”
“Alright,” he nods his head. “I’m a surgeon, as you already know. I’m… a pretty boring guy if I’m being honest. I work, workout, occasionally meet up with my friends and sleep. I like cucumbers but I can’t stand eggplants. I never really gave Tom Cruise much thought but you do have a point, he is a bit creepy,” Jungkook grimaces and you laugh, glad to hear you’re not the only one with that opinion. “I barely even have a life outside of work.”
You were goofing off at first but by the time he finishes, the humorous tone of the conversation isn’t really there anymore. He’s a doctor, a surgeon at that – it’s not hard for you to imagine just how big of a price his personal life had to pay in order for him to have a career like that. While it’s a shame, in your opinion, it was a decision he was very much aware of – as well as its consequences.
“Seems like maybe I’m not the only one who needs a drink tonight,” you give him a pointed look.
“Nah,” he smiles at you, shaking his head. “I still need to drive. Besides, you’ve had a bad day. This is just a regular day for me. Well, almost regular – I don’t usually talk to a pretty girl by the end of it.”
This time around, you stay silent.
It’s not something you can say and seeing as you do find him attractive it’s not the logical response either. You should smile at him, run fingers through your hair, try to appear as sensual and as flirty as possible – or as much as you can be, with dirty jeans and a big ass scratch on your arm. Doctor Jeon ticks off all the boxes, or at least all that you can think off, with your mind a little bit hazy, thanks to Chris’s mean cocktail. You should play the game and see where it’ll take you.
But you don’t. No, you stay silent and you look at the drink before you, ignoring the pair of eyes you feel on you. Perhaps you have had enough? Perhaps Adam was the last straw, your last chance before giving up completely? Maybe, maybe not. But for whatever reason, you decide to stay silent.
To his credit, Jungkook follows your lead. He doesn’t push you and that makes him look even better in your eyes. He was following your lead, pushing as far as you’d let him. Not all men have that ability, sadly. Jungkook does, he has something you can only describe as a peaceful aura. He strikes you as a laid back, everything is going to be okay, kind of guy. He’s not desperately trying to impress, nor is he trying to pull off a bad boy vibe. Thinking about it now, he seems like the most mature guy you were ever interested in, even in passing, even if you’ve only talked to him for a few minutes.
Now you want to speak up, say something, anything, but your mouth just opens and closes, as you find that as much as you want to, you’re not capable of forming words.
And why would you? Come to think of it, seriously, why would you? You barely even talked. You have had a day from hell, you are tired and there’s not much he could provide you with, other than a distraction. It would do it’s trick, you might get a good night and a few worthy memories but at the end of it all, you would probably never see his face again. At least outside of the emergency room.
Your brain is playing tennis with itself, throwing the ball from one side to another as you debate whether or not something should be done, mentally listing all the pros and cons to each option, asking yourself further questions that simply lead you nowhere. That’s the way overthinking works and you should know, since you do it all the damn time.
His glass hits the bar a bit too hard and you flinch, looking at it from the corner of your eye. It’s empty, the tennis match in your head is slowly coming to an end – no winner. You do nothing, don’t say a word, don’t look at him. You only look at the bartender as he tells Jungkook to keep an eye on the bar as he goes to get more tequila from the back.
“Y/N?” Jungkook asks and the moment your eyes meet, the beat of your heart turns frantic. You wish you could slow it down somehow, or at least ignore it and focus on other things. Nope, none of it could work even if you tried – your heart is going berserk and all you can look at is Jungkook’s face. His eyes really are a one hell of a sight. “I’m going home now,” he tells you, his eyes looking around your face, from your eyes to your lips, back to your eyes again. “I would very much like to take you there with me. You had a horrible day and you deserve something to keep your mind off it. I’d be happy to oblige. It would also be a nice change for me, to not go home alone once,” he adds.
Okay, it’s happening. The ball is on your side now. The problem is, Jungkook’s suggestion sounded more like a ‘let’s go steady’ than ‘do you want to fuck’ and that leaves you uneasy. Not a single thing about this screams one night stand to you, other than the fact that he is very much a stranger.
But you want to. God, do you want to. You want to suck him dry and run your hands through his hair as he fucks you – on a desk, on the floor, up against the wall, in the shower, on the bed – wherever it’s physically possible, really. You can’t remember the last time someone so stupidly handsome was offering you what Jungkook is offering now. Even if he makes it sound way more romantic than it should sound like, the hidden promise is there – you’d get dicked down.
Fuck it, you want it. Even more so, you need it.
“What kind of distraction are you suggesting, exactly?” you ask, praying to everyone and everything that your poker face is as stable as you want it to be.
“I think you know exactly what I’m suggesting, Y/N,” he mumbles, still keeping his eyes directly on you. It’s a little uncomfortable and your first instinct is to look away, to save yourself, but you can’t. With every word he says, he is drawing you in, deeper. “We can play coy, if that’s what you want, but you know very well how this is going to end.”
“And what about my head?” you do play coy, but you also throw in a subtle smirk, to make sure your intentions are clear, even though they are very much different than your words. “Weren’t you worried about me drinking after I’ve hit my head? How could a… distraction be healthy for me?”
“Oh, it could be,” he chuckles. “Healthy, enjoyable and dare I say, addictive. And just to settle your worries – nothing better than doctor supervision over the course of the night.”
You laugh because fuck it, it’s sold and you want him to know that.
“I trust I’ll be in good hands.”
“Oh, you will be,” it sounds both exciting and sinister and it stirs you in all the right ways. “Let’s go,” you are surprised with how quickly he takes out a couple of bills from his back pocket and throws them onto the bar, paying for both of your drinks and then some. He doesn’t wait for Chris to get back – he’s already on his feet and reaching for your hand. “Let’s go – I don’t want to waste more time.”
You let him drag you out of the bar, hoping that his dick is just as good as his game.
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tirorah · 3 years
’Minna’s Sky’ is Road to Berlin’s Crowning Achievement
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A long time ago, in a universe far, far away, three young girls met each other during a war: Minna, the caring leader; Gertrud, the stalwart defender; and Erica, the lazy prodigy who kept them smiling.
As the fighting continued, a friendship began to form. And now, years later, that friendship lies at the heart of something truly exceptional.
Minna’s Sky is the culmination of twelve-and-a-half years of relationship development, and it gives this special trio the sendoff it deserves. I was overcome with conflicting emotions while I watched this episode; when it finished, I was left shaken and almost lost for words.
…Which is why I wrote an essay on it! And that entire essay is contained under the cut, so you’d best buckle up and hold onto something, because today we’re diving into what I believe to be the pièce de résistance of Strike Witches.
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In a previous post speculating on what Minna’s Sky could hold—which, by the way, was thoroughly proven wrong—I took a moment to outline my love for Minna and my frustration with her neglect. Initially, this trend continued in Road to Berlin: in episodes 6 and 8, the characters were faced with circumstances that would’ve been greatly helped by a Witch with Space Understanding magic. Of course, I understand why the writers chose to exclude Minna from these events; having Minna there would’ve negated the drama of Trude thinking Erica was dead, and of Sanya and Eila clashing over conflicting sensory reports.
But Minna’s episode hit back hard. If RtB is Strike Witches’ magnum opus, then Minna’s Sky may well be RtB’s masterpiece among masterpieces. It combines the intensity and raw emotion of Hounds of Vengeance with a ticking time bomb that ratchets up the tension all the way through, finishing with a series of events that makes you feel like anything can happen.
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Role Reversal
Minna’s Sky starts with a surprise right away. In episode 8, Minna and Trude expressed anxiety over losing their magic. At this point they’re just under three months removed from their 20th birthdays, where decay will certainly start to set in. But in this episode, we learn Minna’s already feelings the effects. At first this confused me, as their birthdays are only nine days apart, but I do recall seeing something about how Trude’s magical reserves are pretty large, second only to Yoshika’s. I can’t find my source for that, but this could be an explanation for Minna’s earlier decline.
Trude notices Minna’s flagging strength, and at that point, a switching of roles takes place.
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Minna, who once held Mio at gunpoint for refusing to give up on flight, is now doing the same thing. She’s still herself, but she essentially slips into Mio’s previous role. She takes this burden upon herself and stops communicating with the others over it, even avoiding them during mealtime.
Last episode, we could see her mask starting to slip, and here, all her logic and serenity fades, replaced with a wholly emotional desire. She and her girls have worked so hard to get here, and she wants to uphold her vow of retaking Berlin, so she makes the decision to give this fight everything she has, despite the danger involved.
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This puts her at odds with Trude, who slides into the calm and perceptive role Minna used to fill.
You know, Trude may be my favorite character of all time, but she hasn’t always been handled well. In Season 1, she was a great balance of the calm and quiet supporter, and the stern disciplinarian who thought yelling at Erica would make her get up earlier. In Season 2, this equilibrium was lost; it leaned much more into her anger, and there were precious few moments of Trude being the gentle and tender woman I know she can be. The movie had the same problem, as it had to reintroduce eleven characters in one sitting. Operation Victory Arrow worked hard to remedy this problem, focusing on smaller casts which gave them time to show different sides of themselves—like Minna and Trude having breakfast like a married couple. Ahem.
This is one reason why RtB has been so gratifying for me. It knows what it’s doing with Trude and while she’s certainly had some angry moments, RtB has built her up as a more mature, level-headed executive officer. Consequently, it feels natural for her to take up the position Minna would usually hold in this type of situation.
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Even when she privately confronts Minna over her magic, there is no anger, only attempts to reason her friend out of her decision. But Minna doesn’t want Kiel to be lost, and at that moment, it’s made clear that she prioritizes Operation Southwind over her own well-being.
And this is entirely contradictory with what she usually tells her girls! Like I said before, the 501st is a circle of love, and while that love motivates them to fight for one another’s sakes, as Sanya did, it now leads Minna down a path of self-sacrifice that would’ve absolutely killed her if it was one of her girls doing it. Moreover, with Trude now filling Minna’s role, she’s the one pleading with Minna not to go, and like Minna once failed to stop Mio, Trude now fails to stop Minna.
This causes inner turmoil. Trude doesn’t want to lose Kiel, but if Minna perishes, she’d never forgive herself. Like she said in Hounds of Vengeance, when she thought Erica was dead, retaking Berlin would have no point if Minna wasn’t there to celebrate it with them.
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It says something, then, that Trude chooses to go along with Minna’s wishes, and even keeps her waning magic a secret from the others. Instead of declaring Minna unfit for battle—which I imagine she has every right to do—she instead becomes Minna’s most ardent protector, immediately volunteering for the high-risk operation. When Minna becomes anxious and nearly makes a mistake, Trude is there to rein her in and calm her down. Minna even comments on how this would usually be the other way around.
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Fortunately, Minna is better at this self-sacrificing stuff than Mio is. While she initially uses her desire to protect Kiel to justify her actions, a heartfelt campfire scene shows us that she’s aware of the ramifications her death would have. As Erica complains about their fake coffee, Minna promises to make her a proper batch when they return; Trude tells her not to make such promises, but Minna reassures her she’ll come back safe, and even proposes they go to a café together once Berlin is retaken. On the surface, they’re making plans for the future; but underneath, it’s an implied message to Trude: I understand. I’m not going out to die. I’ll come back.
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Isn’t that first pic just the cutest Trude shot ever, by the way?
And Trude is pacified. She places her trust in Minna and continues to support her as best she can.
Of course, things are never that simple. Minna succeeds at her objective, and just when the episode seems to be steering to a happy conclusion, the Hive screeches and loads up all its rockets at the same time. As Trude once again begs her to stop, she does the unthinkable: she cuts the line and dives into a suicide run, breaking one promise to keep another.
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The facial expressions and body language have been god-tier in RtB.
I must commend Tanaka Rie here. I’ve often complimented Sonozaki Mie (who voices Trude) for her impeccable delivery, but Tanaka Rie is equally excellent, possibly better in some departments (like range, just hear her role in Mai Otome for example). Here, as Negai no Tomoshibi starts playing in the background, the gravity of the scene rests entirely on Tanaka’s voice work. And boy, does she nail it! The exhaustion, the desperation, the sheer will, it’s all there. Her desperate pants and cries at the end are especially powerful, and they make this scene even more dramatic when she faints right after.
Trude manages to catch her—and only Trude was there, because 1: we only saw Trude catching her; 2: the hand we see is Minna’s left, and in the next shot, Trude is carrying her right arm instead; and 3: we only saw one blue dot in the Hive, and the episode previously established one dot was one Witch.
Ahem! Trude catches her and brings her back, and she…breaks down.
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Wow. Trude doesn’t cry easily, you know. We’ve seen her depressed, despondent, even heard her sob as she told Yoshika to leave her behind, but until Hounds of Vengeance, we’d never seen Trude cry. While that one ended in a victorious moment, here the emotion is allowed to run its course, and it’s heartbreaking. Trude doesn’t just cry, she weeps, and as she yells and screams at Minna that she could never follow an order that would involve leaving Minna behind, her facial expressions convey just how terrified she truly was.
I said earlier that Minna switched to Mio’s role, and while that’s true, there’s something even more poetic at work here: this episode mirrors Season 1’s Episode 4 in some places, to the point that I feel like it has to be on purpose. That’s one reason why I made this photoset. Just look at this:
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Oh look, more apologizing! These two are so emotionally responsible to one another. It’s always good to see.
The roles are shown as reversed, with Trude crying and reprimanding Minna, and Minna apologizing for her actions and agreeing on a better path forward.
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Sexy Gal
I also need to devote some space to Erica here. She wasn’t as prominent—Minna and Trude’s bond took center stage—but this episode is probably the best showcase of Erica’s qualities. We already saw her surviving in the woods and rationing her chocolate three episodes prior, but here, it’s clear more than ever what her role is in the Karlsland Trio’s support structure: the morale boost.
In the “Erica Hartmann 1941” manga, we’re shown how Erica becomes a ray of hope for everyone, and especially Minna and Trude, whom she begins to develop a friendship with at that time. It’s this aspect which is finally on full display here: while she’s not as overt with her support as Trude is, she helps in her own way, and her easy-going personality consistently puts a smile on her friends’ faces. That’s why it’s so important that it’s Erica who makes Minna laugh—not once, but twice. In a group where the other two members have their fair share of baggage, Erica is a breath of fresh air and equally important.
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Rising Tension
Okay, with the character work out of the way, let’s look at the episode’s story. Because holy crap, I felt like I was watching a movie! At first, I was a little annoyed by some of the stiff animation (especially for RtB’s standards). I was afraid they were going to half-ass Minna’s episode. But as the episode proceeded and absolutely everything got better and better, I realized I was in for a very special ride.
I’ve always had the opinion that Strike Witches is at its best when it plays its war drama straight, but it’s not as simple as striking the serious tone and having the characters fight for their lives. Strike Witches isn’t a pure action show; the stakes in battle often revolve around the characters overcoming their flaws, struggling to protect the world and those they hold dear. Thus, Strike Witches relies on its lighter moments to develop the cast so that when danger comes to them, your emotional investment in the characters helps to create additional tension.
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In general, RtB has been great at this, but for me personally, the most emotionally intense episode prior to Minna’s Sky was Episode 6: Hounds of Vengeance.
But that one was different. It started off with relatively low tension, then brought it up to full when Erica was left behind and Trude had a meltdown over it. But when it’s revealed that Trude isn’t just moping around, and that she’s working on a plan, the tension evens out. The central question goes from ‘Will Erica survive?’ to ‘How awesome will Trude be in this episode?’ The climactic action is triumphant, and although Trude’s reaction to Erica’s ‘body’ is heartbreakingly real, we as viewers know that Erica is fine; in fact, she hasn’t seemed that down at all, obviously having faith in her rescue.
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Episode 9 doesn’t do that. It immediately confronts you with Minna’s magic issue and her hiding it from her friends, then pretends to be innocent for a while, with Patton being an idiot and Ursula introducing her helmet gun. (“It’s a helmet, with a gun on it.” NO, REALLY?) But as soon as the Komet is introduced, the pressure builds and it never lets up.
It all comes to a head when the trio (plus Ursula) reaches the launch point. Minna’s been dropping death flags all episode, and now things go haywire over and over. An hour left? Nope, the Neuroi spotted you and moved up the rocket’s launch. Barely enough time to intercept the rocket? Hey, there’s that Neuroi that beat the two top aces of the world in single combat, and it’s coming to stop you. Thirty seconds to go for the fuel? The Neuroi gets past Trude and Erica and nearly destroys the Komet, hurts Ursula and blows up one of their trucks. Trude and Erica get it away from there? Oh look, the Hive’s about to launch!
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We then get an epic scene where Minna takes off, uses her magic, and destroys the rocket. Speaking of which, I didn’t say anything about this when I talked about episode 8, but I’m so happy we finally get to see some of the Witches’ magic from their point of view! Seeing Eila’s future sight was haunting, and Minna’s is awesome to see as well. Erica and Trude manage to finish off their quarry, showing their skill and adaptability; it seems their prior experience means they’re better prepared to deal with its unique movements this time around.
Erica asks for chocolate and grumbles when Trude tells her she’ll get some later. Minna laughs, but there’s still that tension because Minna’s fuel is almost up, and she’s hanging around that damn Hive.
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And then the Hive loads up all its rockets at once, and all hell breaks loose. Trude loses control of the situation as Minna goes on a suicide run, and then the insert song starts playing. It’s difficult to explain the impact of that song without simply showing you the episode. The moment that piano hits, it feels as though a veneer of tragedy descends upon the scene. The Komet nearly stops working, and Minna is on her last legs, and she’s reduced to nothing but cries and gasps. She faints moments after she destroys the last rocket.
And then the music gets louder as Minna plummets into the Hive, red slowly filling the screen. We’re treated to a long shot of Minna falling into the swirling, angry clouds, her tiny form fading into its mass. And at that point I freaked the fuck out.
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It was somewhere around Season 2’s finale and watching the movie that I realized Strike Witches doesn’t kill off characters. Let’s just say killing a beloved character probably wouldn’t work too well for future sales. (“Hey, look at this awesome figure of the girl who died! Don’t you just love her? We’ll accept your tears as interest.”) If Mio of all people can have plot armor rivaling the size of the planet, then Minna sure as hell won’t perish here.
And yet, for a fleeting moment, I was absolutely terrified she would. All because of the masterful tension of this episode, and this entire fight scene in particular.
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Fortunately, Trude manages to locate Minna in the clouds and brings her back, and the viewer can finally breathe easier as we head to the happy ending they deserve.
…Oh right, the ending.
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Yuri alert
Let me start off by saying this ending is complete bullshit. It feels shoehorned in—no, I don’t care what historical event it’s referencing—and it doesn’t fit the tone of the episode at all.
Having said that, as much as this made me laugh (even more than Trude’s literal asspull in Hounds of Vengeance) it did get one thing completely right: yes, Ursula, it IS very beautiful. The love between these three is great. What kind of love that exactly is, I’m not entirely sure anymore.
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Yes, you’re going to roll your eyes at this—oh no, she’s going to rant about Minna x Trude again—but…I was watching this ending, right, and I could almost hear the gears in my brain turn as I tried to process this image. Emotionally, I felt like this ending was communicating love of a different sort.
Look, for all I know they’re just best buds who’ve come to deeply rely on one another for emotional and psychological stability, but my god, this ending definitely felt like a ‘oh by the way, the three of them are married to each other’ signal to me. I’m not joking!
Does that make Minna x Trude canon, even as part of an OT3? No. In fact, for all the delightful Minna x Trude subtext this episode had…
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Deflection by way of flirtation. Oh là là~!
…Trude did all but confess to Erica in episode 6, and later this week, Mio might finally return in a big way and might have screen time with Minna. But my point is, in that moment, my ship felt realer than ever. In that respect, this episode gave me more than I ever thought I’d receive.
Insert clever ending header here
Right, so that’s my ramble on Minna’s Sky. I hope I’ve managed to get across why I believe it’s the best episode of the entire series. The character writing was top-notch, the tension was through the roof, the music was evocative and the animation was beautiful. Barring an absolutely spectacular final three episodes (and I wouldn’t put it past RtB to deliver that), I think this is as good as it gets. It’s not easy to beat emotional stakes that were established twelve years ago, after all.
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Minna’s Sky was absolutely the episode Minna deserved, and I was very happy to see the Karlsland Trio getting its spot in the limelight as we gradually draw closer to the ending. It’s their home they’re trying to take back, after all. And while I have no doubt Minna will continue to fly until the end of the season (she seems to be fine in the preview), Operation Southwind will most likely be the bookend to Minna and Trude’s careers.
I can only hope this won’t be the last we see of Minna and Trude. I’d love it if we got to see their lives after Karlsland’s liberation, either as supporting members of the Wing or trying to live normal lives after fighting a war for nearly a decade. (Shameless plug: I have a Minna x Trude fanfic which explores the latter.)
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But most of all, I don’t want Road to Berlin to end.
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jq37 · 4 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 11
The One With All the Lore (in which the Bad Kids do a Lot of Reading and we are Forcibly Reminded the Plot is Happening)
We are back in the Land of the Lomenelda where the Bad Kids and Co. are waking up (well, those who went to sleep anyway). Fig and Ayda wake from their sleepover that Fig decides to keep going into the day, confusing Ayda immensely in the process. 
Kristen decides to look at the research she found in Calethriel Tower and on a 22 religion check, she gets a lot of info which I will do my best to summarize here:
The information is older than what she read in the pirate book. It’s probably from 850-900 years ago--around the time of the last great Sylvan War.
The text is by high elven clerics of the Moon Goddess Galakaya (Tracker’s goddess).
There used to another goddess worshiped in Sylvere--a goddess of night, mystery, and magic and the younger sister of Galakaya. This goddess was worshiped by all of the races in the forest (and it sounds like this is who all the oblique references in the earlier research was pointing to). Doubt and the unknown were parts of worship to her which Kristen is very into. Religious differences between the races about how to worship the mystery goddess was part of what sparked the war.
Some high elven clerics came in to help broker a truce which ended up leading to the invention of the “Sylverian Heresy”. Basically, the Moon clerics advised the Mystery clerics to “unmake” the name of their goddess because, “Hey, she’s a mystery goddess, right? So isn’t knowing anything about her a contradiction of her whole thing?” They think that sounds legit and proceed to do that but it seems that it wasn’t actually altruistic advice as much as a ploy by the high elven clerics to weaken the mystery goddess. 
Fabian has been dancing all night and he is feeling exhausted but super good. This becomes even more of a family affair when none other than Hilariel Seacaster shows up! She joins the dance! Cathilda joins the dance! Fig plays her bass! Riz is skanking? It’s one of those classic D&D moments where the plot utterly grinds to a halt while everyone takes turns describing the ridiculous nonsense they’re doing and it’s fantastic. Once that calms down a bit, Fabian goes on a walk with his mom and Cathilda where Hilariel tells him that the grapes 1000% do not work, which honestly checks out.
Shifting to the Abernant sisters, Aelwen (this is the canon spelling and I’m gonna try to use it for these recaps but we’ll see how that goes) has just regained her pre-torture memories. To be specific, she seems to have backed them up between being broken out of jail in Solace and the torture starting. They have a little bit of a standoff, not sure whether one of them is going to attack the other. Once it becomes clear that blasting each other isn’t on the top of their respective to-do lists, they settle into a semi civilized conversation. Adaine wants Aelwen to read her thoughts so she’ll have the memories of what happened to her and the past day (at least from Adaine’s P.O.V.) and not go back to working with their parents. Aelwen seems resistant to the prospect and asks Adaine to just tell her what happened. While they’re talking, Adaine rolls an Insight check of 10 which doesn’t net her any information (we’ll come back to this).
Aelwen tells Adaine that their parents are not on the same side but refuses to elaborate, much to Adaine’s annoyance and frustration. They kind of dissolve into almost normal sibling bickering except that it’s about stuff like, “Oh come on, I only tried to kill you one time. Don’t be dramatic.” When questioned, Aelwen says that she only joined up with Goldenhoard for fun and she didn’t really think he’d win against her and her friends. The argument ends with Adaine casting Tasha’s Hideous Laughter which knocks Aelwen out in one shot because she’s still three or four levels of exhaustion deep.
Fig goes to Telemein to ask if he knows Planeshift (which she needs to get Gorthalax out of the ruby he’s trapped in). He does not and she doesn’t trust him to figure it out in a timely manner (or to even know what a timely manner is). 
Kristen goes into the Van where Aelwen is to check on her (she’s fine, just trancing). Then, she helps out while Adaine tries to rifle through Aelwen’s brain for information on their Mom. Aelwen saves from the first Detect Thoughts but she’s sleeping so Adaine just tries again. Second time’s the charm. Her sleeping brain is a little hard to read but what Adaine sees is that when she failed her Insight check with a 10, what was happening was THE SHADOWCAT WAS STANDING BEHIND HER AND TALKING TO AELWEN. And I (roughly) quote, “Don’t keep looking at me. Look at your sister. Your mom is working for me. She has the crown and she’s taking it to Sylvere. Get away from Adaine so we can talk.” On an 18 Insight check, she can tell that Aelwen and Kalina have spoken before and seem familiar with each other.
Now that Adaine has seen Kalina through Aelwen’s memories, she decides to Scry on her. Oh, and she has a Nat 1 portent roll to give her. Eat your dice Brennan! The Scry goes really weird though. Instead of just showing one person, it cycles through a bunch of people, ending with Ragh, Tracker, Sandra-Lynn, that elf Ragh slept with, and Kristen. Then, it flashes to a creepy-ass forest where she sees a wood elf covered in festering wounds and claw marks. Vines are dripping with blood. The elf stands, grabs an old spear, and scratches into the ground, “Hello Adaine. Glad you could join me.” Then, it moves back to Kristen. Um, como se dice, CONCERNING. 
Adaine gets a 27 to Detect Magic on Kristen and pings nothing that shouldn’t be there. Gorgug (who is also there btw) gets the pic and asks Ragh’s hookup if he can see the tabaxi and he can. The group gets together and they realize that everyone who can all of a sudden see the Shadowcat either had sex or exhanged blood with someone who initially could (ie: Garthy got it from Sandra-Lynn, as did Tracker when she blood healed her and Kristen got it afte she hooked up with Tracker in Leviathan). Shout out to everyone who called that. And I guess the Thistlespring STD talk at the top of the season was less of a wild detour than it seemed (I wonder if it would have transferred if said people specified that they used protection). 
Fabian and Fig are very down to drink some blood so they can also see the picture but they are warned off with the idea that it very likely means Kalina can see through their eyes or something similar. After they all exchange their info, Riz theorizes that Kalina is not just a servant of the Nightmare King and rather the Mystery Goddess herself, powered down. Adaine starts a private message (w/ magic, not on their crystals) with the non-infected people.
Kristen recently learned the spell Hallow which can basically turn the Van into a permanent Moon Haven. She tells Tracker and on a 15 Persuasion check, Tracker seems to have warmed back up to her a bit and is down to help. Telemein offers his library which has zero useful books but lots of meditation guides and essential oils which Adaine and Kristen respectively grab.    
Having learned her lesson, Kristen tells Tracker EVERYTHING she learned from the religious texts (and Tracker notices what she’s doing). She feels weird about something that bad having been done in the name of her goddess and also she’s sorry she gave Kristen a magic STD. She does the head bump thing that dogs and wolves do and says that just cause she was mad at her, it didn’t mean she didn’t love her. She goes to talk to Sandra-Lynn and it seems like they’ve patched things up. 
The Bad Kids split up again to get some stuff done before they leave (which they want to do since they are dangerously close to the elves who are probably looking for them). Adaine and Gorgug (who was also given Aelwen’s spellbook to hold) work on fixing the Hangman. Riz wants to do some research/investigating. Kristen and Tracker work on the Hallow spell. Fig guards Aelwen. Fabian hangs out with his mom.
After spilling his guts about the past week to his mom, Fabian is given an uncharacteristically lucid and touching speech from Hilariel which basically boils down to: you’re your own person and being able to get through hardship is better than never facing hardship. She also drops the information that post-yesterday’s shenanigans (grabbing the sun and all that), Aguefort has lost a LOT of funding. They won’t be able to pay their hirelings. Also, she kinda sorta wants Cathilda back because she’s out of yogurt and cannot cook. Cathilda has a little sidebar heart-to-heart with Fabian where she gives him a choice on whether she stays or goes and he decides she should go home with Hilariel. Says Cathilda, “There’s only one Seacaster left to take care of and she’s out there in a kimono.”
Oh yeah. Hilariel showed up to the woods in a black kimono. As you do. 
Cathilda asks Fabian which sword he’s going to fight with now since he has two and he chooses the elven one he got last episode over the Sword of the Seacasters.
Riz, with a crazy 28 Investigation check gets a bunch of information from the stolen research which I will summarize below:
Ragh, who is also there, reminds Riz that he saw Adaine’s mom talking to Jace post-prom and then saw the Shadowcat after on his way home.
Adaine’s mom was looking for a way to pin down the Shadowcat and also how to rename the goddess of mystery. She pulled 200-300 year old records on the execution of a wood elf named Landryn Leer in the elven secret service (called the Third Court). 
Landryn was a cleric, ostensibly of Galakaya, but she was actually a cleric of the goddess of mystery and was killed for espionage. When she was supposed to be healing, she was also infecting people with some kind of virus--probably whatever magic STD that lets you see Kalina in the picture.
Mom Abernant was also researching Abyssal demonic texts while she was working for Falinel (which I think is connected to the next bullet but my notes are a little hectic here).
After the first fall of Kalvaxus, a group of infernal warlocks came to help the good guys by making a boundary around the forest of the Nightmare King so no one could get in or out. The devils helped because devils hate demons and demons were on the other side. 
This isn’t new information but we’re reminded that the Crown of the Nightmare King can be used to anchor a being to the material plane.
Pok, Riz’s dad, also checked out the same information (about the fall of Kalvaxus and stuff) for himself and Kalina earlier. 
(Riz wonders whether the Nightmare King and the Mystery goddess are opposed rather than allies).
Anyway, the only way to pass through the barrier the devils put up is by a high ranking devil allowing passage. Mom Abernant had notes about binding a devil into a gem (Ragh recognizes that bit because of his mom’s condition) and doing a ritual to put the devil in a freshly dead body. Riz realizes that this is what was happening with him and Fig and Gorthalax in the Hotel Cavalier. 
This is actually from research that Kristen does but I’ll put it here because it’s related. Apparently, only a certain kind of dead body would give the Shadowcat the gem.
Meanwhile, Fig is watching Aelwen. She hexes Aelwen (giving her disadvantage of Strength checks), disguises herself as her (Aelwen’s) mom, and smokes cloves. Ragh’s hookup shows up, recognizes Fig because she’s still carrying her bass, and asks for the hot goss on her and Ayda. He says the elves told Ayda that she’s a rockstar and therefore probably promiscuous which made Ayda teleport away. That pisses Fig right off and she gets Gorgug to take over watching Aelwen while she goes after Ayda (with a parting, “CHOKE ON GRAPES BITCH,” to Fathethriel or whatever his name is). 
Aelwen wakes up but Gorgug realizes after about a minute that he’s not talking to the real Aelwen, it’s a water elemental like the one she made in her S1 battle episode. A decoy. At about the same time, Fig goes to where she was told Ayda left through a door but the door isn’t there. Then, she’s made to roll a Wisdom saving throw. Dirty 20 passes and whatever spell was happening doesn’t land. She rolls initiative but, even with a 5 turned to a 17 (she took the Lucky feat) she can’t beat a 19. Another Wisdom saving throw and this one she fails with a 10. She’s frozen with a Hold Person spell. Someone invisible grabs Gorthalax’s gem from her pocket.
She breaks out of the Hold Persons spell and casts Bestow Curse on the person--clearly Aelwen--to give her wicked gas (which is a hilarious on its face but smart after a second of thought Axford Gambit--Invisible Aelwen w/ gas = trackable by scent). Aelwen (who has the gem and her spellbook because she was in the Van, invisible and snagged it from Gorgug) drops invisibility, tells Fig, “Sorry but goodbye for now,” rips a huge fart, then teleports out. Adaine isn’t mad at Fig and Gorgug. She says she should have been watching Aelwen. The group tracks down Fathethriel who tells them Aelwen bribed him with the promise of 10 gold (the promise, not the actual gold) to mess with Fig. Fabian and Riz backhand him. Fabian calls him mean which is somehow the worst thing he could have said. Fig is ready to straight up kill this dude with Booming Blade but ends up just doing non-lethal damage and knocking him unconscious. But even Telemein hates that dude so it’s probably fine. 
The group discusses the hireling situation now that school is no longer paying their stipend. Sandra-Lynn and Tracker are both willing to keep on with them without being paid but the Bad Kids insist that they’ll still pay them from their own money. Riz thinks Aelwen might be the new sacrifice and Adaine is kinda like, “Sure. Of course. Why wouldn’t this be happening.”
Cathilda has a nice goodbye with everyone. Adaine gets cookies. Fig isn’t suspicious of her anymore. Fabian puts his eyepatch back on and calls her the best surrogate mother a boy could ask for (while standing like two feet away from his actual mom who, though hurt, is like, “Valid.”) 
Once they’re back in Leviathan, Sandra-Lynn gives a speech that’s half pep-talk, half apology. Then she asks Ayda to use her Sending spell and Kristen can tell even without an Insight check that she’s gonna talk to Jawbone. 
After terrifying Fabian with the idea that they might track down Chungledown-Bim, they decide to talk to Garthy instead--they being Fabian, Fig and Ragh. We’ll get back to them in a second. First, Adaine goes to the Library to read over her research. Nat 20 arcana check so here comes another info-dump:
The info she found was written by mystics and shamans of wood elves, centaurs, treents, and sprites (the forest races). 
Before the name of the goddess was destroyed, there were clerics driven out as heretics because they were having dreams sent by the mystery goddess which were ignored by the clerics in Sylvere. She was trying to tell everyone not to do the whole un-naming thing because it would destroy her. 
There were 4 miracles called the 4 transubstantiations followed by 1 bigger transubstantiation that happened before the unmaking of the goddess’s name. 
The mystery goddess was not just a goddess of magic but specifically, a witch goddess. 
Anyway, the transubstantiations were these:
Her spellbook was turned into a coin.
Her familiar was turned into a plague.
Her sanctum was turned into a curse.
Her focus (a broomstick) was turned into a tree.
Her name was turned into something unknown before it could be unmade (this was the major transubstantiation).
Riz is also doing some investigation and on a 23 check, the main piece of new info he gets is that in the original alliance of Kalvaxus and the Nightmare King, the NK gave Kal a coin for his hoard to seal their alliance. They realize that they got Kal’s hoard but they don’t know if they got the exact coins he owned or just an equivalent amount of money. Riz also sees notes from the government of Falinel saying that Mom Abernant was doing this research for them with the promise that they would release Aelwen and restore their family to some level of prestige. When the government went back on their promise, she started looking into other people that could help her, like Garthy (and the government eventually found out).  
Speaking of Garthy, back to Fig, Fabian, and Ragh. They try to persuade Garthy to come with them to help but Garthy is staying put. They do have some news though. Mom Abernant actually isn’t Falinel bound. She’s on the way to a town close to Sylvere (which the group kinda already knew but now they have confirmation and more specifics). The town is called Arborly and Fig actually knows someone who has a mansion (called Hollyhill) there who, while she was on tour, said she could stay there any time. With teleportation, they should be able to get there before her. Fabian has Garthy check their coins for anything fishy (looking at the aforementioned transubstantiated coin) but nothing seems amiss.   
As they leave, they suddenly hear a weird rumbling and then something leaps onto Fabian and starts giving him rubber burn. It’s the Hangman! Gorgug continued working on him in Leviathan and we learn that he took a level in Artificer and was able to fix him with a 22, some help from Adaine, and a little of the wax Fabian got last season. He’s back! And he wants to shit in Chungledown-Bim’s mouth! 
The next day, Kristen finishes casting Hallow with Tracker. She taps into some of the mystery goddess energy which seems like a questionable thing to do so very on brand for her. Ayda wants to come with them but she has to look after the library. However, she plans to shrink down the entire library, book by book, so she can carry it around and continue adventuring with the Bad Kids. Until then, she teleports them all to Arborly and the gates of Hollyhill.  
Fathetriel for Being an Ass
Even Telemien thinks he sucks. Choke on grapes bitch.
Honor Roll
Gorgug for Fixing the Hangman
I’m going to be less than entirely predictable here any instead of giving Adaine this spot for the objectively clutch move of scrying on the Shadowcat by forcing a Nat 1 on her save, I’m going to give it to Gorgug for taking a level of Artificer and fixing the Hangman. It’s just such a sweet move. All this insanity going on around them and he took the time to figure out how to fix his friend’s bike/dog. He didn’t have to do that but he did, and in such an understated way. Plus, it totally makes sense for him being the son of two tinkers. I wonder if he can build that cell tower for Zelda now. This also seems like a good move story-wise because I feel like having these extra skills ups Gorgug’s potential for shenanigans/helpfulness out of combat a lot.  
Random Thoughts
What did I say? What did I say at the end of last recap? I KNEW we’d gone too long without a Shadowcat sighting. I KNEW we were about to get wrecked! 
Made a couple of oblique references to this in the recap but I’ll say it outright now. The gang is all level 9 now!
There was a LOT of lore in this episode so, if I got anything wrong and you notice, please tell me and I’ll fix it when I get the chance. 
Sad to see Ayda go but happy that the Hangman’s back! I hope The Bad Kids take a page from Jester’s book and Sending her all the time.
Good on Fabian/Lou for letting Cathilda go in a move that was right for the story but objectively worse for the inevitable coming battle. 
“I couldn’t have one nice day with my sister.”/”No.” (“He’s all the bad guys,” Siobhan says in a resigned tone.)
Speaking of the Abernants, I think Arianwyn is how you spell Adaine’s mom’s name which I am going to try and get used to before she shows up again and I have to type it 47 times. Also, very funny that Ally/Kristen learned the name Adaine and was like, “She is the only valid Abernant. I refuse to learn any more names.” Anyway, this campaign needs less elves and more goblins. Riz. Pok. Sklonda. Things I can spell. 
I question whether the Mystery goddess is actually going to be an antagonist. Both because it seems like she got majorly screwed over by a bunch of uptight high-elves who have been nothing but trouble so far (sans Adaine and Hilariel to a degree) so I’m inclined to be on the side they’re not on and also because this was clearly a plot point written with Kristen in mind. So I guess the question is, is this going to be a temptation for Kristen or a safe harbor? 
Did the curse on the NK’s crown get properly dispelled by Adaine’s mom? Wondering because of the whole sanctum being turned into a curse thing. Though, I guess breaking the curse could be what turned it back into the sanctum.
Lol at all the people in the comments questioning whether Brennan ripped his lore from My Little Pony when all the Moon goddess, sister goddesses stuff was being explained. 
Did Brennan say how Hilariel knew where Cathilda was? She doesn’t have magic, she’s some kind of Fighter. Does she have Cathilda Magic Lojacked?
“Yes, The Ball! Feel it! Yes, Ball, skank!”
Hilariel, like Jareth the Goblin King, can contact juggle, which checks out. 
I’m very curious about what Brennan has planned for Aelwen because I think Adaine offering to willingly fail a save so she could read her mind was a very clutch, “I had a week to think about this and you better believe I thought about it,” move from Siobhan and I don’t know why Aelwen would be hesitant to take that opportunity (besides maybe thinking it was a trap?) except for the meta reason that a quick reality check would joss some important story beats. I could be wrong but that’s just the vibe I got. Also if any of y’all are inclined to write the alt version of this scene where Aelwen *does* do that, def tag me so I can read it. 
The vibe that was going on when Adaine and Aelwen was talking was fascinating. I kinda loved it? Like, they were still fighting and Aelwen was still being a bitch and Adaine was still super annoyed but it felt almost blunted? Like they were shooting at each other but with Nerf guns instead of AK-47s for a change. My read on Aelwen is that she enjoys having a relationship with Adaine, even if it’s antagonistic. I think that Aelwen would much rather fighting with Adaine every day than for Adaine to not care about her at all. It’s like the horseshoe thing, you know? Love and hate are much closer to each other than they are to indifference. Better to have her care about you in the wrong direction than not at all. Anyway, this is so the vibe that I was expecting from them when they linked back up post-rescue. Wish we had gotten a little more before she escaped but I’m really liking this plot thread.
Also, curious about how truthful Aelwen was being when she said she only joined up with Kalvaxus for fun and was counting on Adaine and Co. to stop them. And, while we’re wondering about things, I’m curious about what Aelwen’s previous relationship with Kalina was. Like, besides creating a diversion to steal the crown, how do the events of this season hook up with the events of last season in a way that explains the relationship? Or is it not related? What is the timeline of events here?
And was Kalina actually there talking to her do you think or was it more of a projection type deal?
Sidenote: I think Brennan is taking liberties with what Detect Thoughts can do (in this and especially last episode) but I think it’s a very good creative choice and it makes things a lot more interesting.
Also, gotta say, the way the plot ended up turning out re: Aelwen’s Escape was just *chef’s kiss*. Like, you had Fig bring up the ruby, unprompted earlier in the episode--reestablishing it as a thing that exists. Then they gave the spellbook to Gorgug. Then, Fig was the one who took up guard duty and she happened to switch up with Gorgug, giving Aelwen and, by extension, Brennan a perfect series of events to get her out of there. Wild. 
This episode explains how the Shadowcat/picture thing is spreading but not where Riz and Sandra-Lynn got it from initially. Like, I assume Sklonda got it from Pok. And it’s very plausible Riz got it from one of them somehow but when would they have shared blood? That’s not a normal family thing to do. Did his dad give him a kidney or soemthing? I’m probably overthinking this. 
Emily, I’m begging you. Please keep bringing up those rock and roll babies until Brennan is forced to make it plot relevant.
Speaking of, I was getting so many Night Yorb vibes from that mystery goddess “don’t speak her name” conversation and if the Night Yorb becomes plot relevant I swear I’m gonna personally make Brennan eat his dice.
“I mention everything to Tracker from now on.” You know what that is? Growth 
I loved Fig saying “I don’t know enough about you to know if we wanna kill you,” to the Shadowcat by directly looking at Riz and him being like, “UMMMMMMMM.”
Gilear, wildly, was not mentioned once in this episode and you think he would have been since his girlfriend showed up.  
I wonder if Fandrangool has better stats than the Sword of the Seacasters. I also wonder if I’m spelling that correctly. Doubt it.
“My vices rule.”
One thing I didn’t recap but should have were the dreams in the first episode and I feel like I should go back and watch them because they feel like they could become relevant any time now but that sounds like a lot. I’ll try and watch them before next recap though so I can connect any obvious dots.
Is there anything more pure than Murph cracking up at Emily’s shenanigans. 
I have a note in my notes that says “Fig/Virgin” but it’s like that one gif. “Why am I gasping? I already knew that.”
We originally thought the Shadowcat didn’t want people to be able to see her but now it’s seeming like the opposite is the case. It looks like this is a systematic way to *force* people to be able to see her. If that’s what’s going on then that’s a brilliant reversal from Brennan.
Aelwen, when she gets her memories back, says something like, “Since I’m in a hot tub and you found what you found, I’m assuming you’re not gonna kill me this second.” And one, funny that she can’t even directly reference the one compliment she ever gave Adaine while in her right mind but also, the implication seems to be (at least partially) that she thought, “Let me say something nice about Adaine on this charm to buy me some goodwill so she doesn’t immediately kill me once she restores me,” which is so calculated and I kinda love it.
I had a conversation with drinkingdeadpeopletea while the ep was going on that basically went like: Me: They better watching Aelwen so she doesn’t escape. Her: lol she’s def gonna. 
“Does your mom smoke cloves?”
The goddess’s familiar being turned into a plague and the thing going on with Kalina and being able to see her being like an STD and Goldenhoard presenting as a dragonborn but being an actual dragon and Kalina being a tabaxi and cats being the most classic familiar for witches and the goddess being specifically a witch goddess all feel possibly related to me, but that could just be my brain playing the association game and connecting things that don’t necessarily connect. 
The fact that other characters (read: Fathethirel) read Fig and Ayda’s relationship as possibly romantic (in an attempt to mess with her of course, but still) and Fig reacted so strongly (well strongly and in that specific way because I have no doubt she’d also beat a dude within an inch of their life for messing with, say Gorgug or Adaine) is something I’m going to star for later. [Edit: Brennan clarified on the Discord recently that Ayda (or at least this version of her. Phoenix reincarnation and all) is 17 so y’all are all good to go shipping-wise). As is Tracker, by the by, but I think we were all pretty sure Brennan was keeping that above board.] 
Siobhan’s face when Fig says that she’s “straight edge except for hallucinogens.”
“I’m gonna buy you an orange.”
This episode, Adaine, with advantage, rolled a nat 20 (the other roll being 1). Brennan got one natural 1 (though it wasn’t rolled, it was a portent roll) and Gorgug also rolled one Nat 1 but it’s important that I note it was for giving the Hangman an ass to shit in Chungledown-Bim’s mouth.
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
Mercilessly Judging the Men of Fòdlan: The Empire
It’s been a long time coming, over eight months in fact, but now that it may be assumed that the last of the DLC has been released and the fandom as a whole has settled comfortably into its various camps I think there’s no better time than now to answer that burning question: how raunchily, outrageously gay can the male cast of Three Houses possibly be? For those unfamiliar with this fun little series of mine, I’ve been applying my extensive knowledge and experience of gay male sex and hookup culture to the men of Fire Emblem, originally as a way of reckoning with the refusal of the games themselves to provide me with any worthwhile self-insert M/M content. I stand by that premise for FE16 - you all know how absolutely nothing appeals to me about m!Byleth or his prospects on that score - but in the years since my first outing of merciless judgment with Awakening that idea has expanded into something broader, an imaginative modern AU of sorts where all these guys are into men (if not always exclusively) and willing to put themselves out there in the lewd and semi-anonymous world of hookup apps in search of their preferred carnal delights.
A note on organization before we begin, as this material is too long to cram into one post. Excluding Byleth (as Avatars and their spawn always are for this project) there are twenty-one playable male characters in Three Houses. This makes for an even threeway division to preserve the eponymous conceit of the game, but not a particularly neat one. Aligned with the Adrestian Empire I therefore have below the male Eagles, Crimson Flower-exclusive Jeritza, former Imperial noble Hanneman, and...Seteth, because he’s the closest thing to a non-self-insert lord figure in Silver Snow and because he had to end up somewhere. As I said, not very neat.
The Kingdom
The Alliance
His profile is sparsely filled out and his photo less than promising, but the select few who catch his eye will be treated to a courteous (if mildly acidic) barrage of introductory messages and polite requests to meet over coffee or a light lunch, no dick pics or requests for same in sight. It’s only after the exchange of small talk has passed that someone - could be you, could be him - brings up why he has kink as a listed interest, opening up a Pandora’s box of horrors as he casually shows you some of his photo collections. Asses red from whips and floggers, scrotums stuck through with pins, barbed cock rings, electrified nipple clamps, and ghastly shots of the man himself, his mouth dripping with blood over a fresh bite wound on his teary-eyed partner’s shoulder. He is, he explains, a Dom at heart - and the rougher the better. What he doesn’t explain and likely never will is that all that pain play and torture porn neatly covers for the fact that he’s less endowed and less skilled in that area than he’d be willing to admit, or that he harbors a secret longing to be Dommed himself, probably by someone close to him who has no interest whatsoever. He takes his career very seriously although you’ll never learn exactly what that entails, but you have a sneaking suspicion that whatever it is enables all those coldly violent impulses he displays in the bedroom.
Favorite erotic tea time subjects: CBT, vore, femdom
Favored gift: stiletto heels, for use on his face
Within a minute of talking to him you know his full name, what prominent public figure(s) he’s related to, and where he plans on going with his life, in an overwhelming display of lack of concern for keeping his private life private that would be worrying if he didn’t pair it with an indefatigable self-confidence. The type of gentleman who expects flowers and opened doors and one person to pay for a whole date and coy blushing about going back to his place for some tea, but what unfolds afterwards may be surprising to anyone who wasn’t picking up on the subtext during the night out: that you’re dealing with a toned and vigorous vers/bottom who longs to lie back and be taken care of but absolutely will never turn down a challenge or request no matter how much it demands of him or how expertly he will be able to rise to the occasion. Long practice and some truly enviable thighs (he’s a noted equestrian, and loves showing off his album of favorite horses) let him milk a cock for hours - nearly as long as the subsequent pillow talk will be. It’s little wonder more than one of his lovers has had the idea to gag him...or to fuck him somewhere outside his bedroom once they go in and find the walls plastered with posters of his favorite pop and stage divas staring at you. Prime trophy husband material, wealthy and well-connected and fetching on anyone’s arm, but there’s no question that he’ll only be truly happy if he’s with someone who can challenge him to step out of his unusually large comfort zone: socially, professionally, or sexually.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: edging, crossdressing, fisting
Favored gift: a horse cock dildo, for his much-lauded huge hole
A master at genuinely negligent ghosting, it’ll take a minor miracle to actually arrange a meeting with this guy. Either he never answers, or he does but only to snap at you because he’s busy and only even logged into the app because his mind wandered for a second. Still, he draws a lot of attention from those into geeky twinks. Is not into foreplay, and can scarcely be bothered to maintain interest long enough to even stay hard unless you get lucky enough to hit on one of his subjects of recent fascination. Never offers to do anything in bed, and will in fact pick up his phone to browse through Wikipedia and Reddit while he’s being penetrated. Calling him out for his appalling lack of manners will get nothing more than a wry snort and a quick summary of whatever’s currently got his attention. Never cums, doesn’t seem to want to cum, and guys creative enough to try to ride him are often disappointed that he’s more likely to grumble that all that bouncing on his pelvis is making it impossible for him to catch a power nap. Just about the only way to fully get him invested is to get really weird - introduce him to some fetish he’s never thought to try. Incest kink, breeding kink, role reversals, elaborate roleplay...the more cerebral the better, because the physical stuff tends to put him off (especially blood play, which is his hard limit). Needless to say most aren’t up to that task, and so he’s nonchalantly left a trail of frustrated and disappointed men in his wake.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: somnophilia, historical roleplay, mpreg
Favored gift: a long-lasting vibrator, so he can stick it in and let it work while he’s otherwise occupied
No amount of headless torso pics and carefully scaled dick pics will be enough for his ego, but encountering him in person will reveal that he’s not so much vain or delusional masc4masc as really, really compensating for something. This manifests as a deep-rooted resentment against guys taller than him or, ahem, better-proportioned, but his preference of sexual partners does not reflect his prejudices - which is fortunate for him given his measurements. Loud and energetic in all things, and it shocks no one that he’s a screamer in bed but also can’t last for very long once he really gets going. Lucky for everyone that his refractory period is unusually brief, although that leaves him deflecting odd inquiries into whatever substances he may be on (he’s clean and always has been, hard as that is for anyone to believe). Likes to top for the workout, but he won’t say no to riding a good dick. Has an unexpected sentimental side he’s not very good at expressing except indirectly, in the same way that he’s apparently oblivious to his casual innuendos. It will take someone very patient to put up with him, but the reward is (probably) worth it for the body alone provided he’s got a sufficient outlet for all that energy. Would be perfect for an active poly relationship or long-term FWB situation so no one guy has to manage him alone, but he’d have to be at the center of any such arrangement lest his numerous insecurities rear their heads. Is not into incest kink.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: post-workout sex, multiple orgasms, autofellatio (he wishes)
Favored gift: condoms a size too big for him, because even safe sex should be an opportunity for bragging
He doesn’t share nudes, and says upfront that he’ll block anyone who asks or opens conversation with one. Seems to be genuinely interested in friendship over anything else, although he’s not great at small talk in text and would rather chat over snacks on a park bench or at one of the numerous community events he likes to organize. Is a family man through and through: devoted to his loved ones, quiet in his hobbies, and unusually spiritual in an orthodox church-going way. You start to wonder if he’s even into men or if his presence on the apps was just a very strange fluke, but he holds his handshakes just a little too long and progresses quicker to hugs and quietly intimate arm touches. Discussion of his prior love life is strictly off limits, but many months down the road when you finally get invited into his bed it’s clear that he’s no blushing virgin and is adept in the use of fingers, tongue, and cock for fully satisfying his partner. He might even bottom, although he’ll blush about being long out of practice in that area which suggests a wealth of untold stories by itself. He also may be, somehow, the only man in existence who knows what intercrural is and how to do it. Blessed with stamina far beyond what might be suggested by his age (which he only reveals several weeks into your acquaintance, another point of embarrassment for him), your encounters are far more likely to end with a phone call from one of the innumerable people who look up to him and depend upon his reliable if fussy sense of duty than it is from him tiring out. Fond of fishing, and known to take dates out to cast a line and then maybe have some naughty fun afterward. Does not appreciate being called a daddy, but he’s been known to accept big bro as an occasional slip-up.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: discipline, incest kink, scalies
Favored gift: your STI testing history, because he doesn’t mess around with that stuff
A polite if unassuming silver daddy, with no sugar for the obvious escorts but the cushy professional post and generosity to make him appealing to a less openly mercantile sort of young man. His chosen field is not an easy subject for light conversation, but damned if he doesn’t try his best regardless. His favorite tactic might be finding some way of applying his work to something about his date, no matter how tenuous the connection or how unwelcome the observations. Not super fit and doesn’t get out much so as the night is winding down he’s not good for very much other than intermittent blowjobs and even more languid handjobs, although a truly dedicated partner might coax something more out of him with help from a little blue pill or two...and maybe some poppers, because he’s old enough to remember when everyone used those. Despite his reputation for mildly inappropriate perving on guys young enough to be his sons - some of which he acquired in a professional context, with some of his favorite anecdotes of past trysts involving junior lab techs/TAs/secretaries/others among his subordinates - he’s not actually averse to fooling around with men closer to his own age, although he’s more awkward about it since he’s a bit out of his element when he’s no longer the only experienced voice of wisdom in the room. Either way, if there’s one thing he hates it’s sloppiness, whether in one’s personal or professional life. As a result he avoids bars like the plague and has little patience for drunks. Contrary to this fastidiousness however his advances in his career are such that he may one day do something radical and ill-advised in the pursuit of knowledge; one only hopes that the various skeletons hiding in his closet don’t come back to haunt him - with regret or harassment lawsuits or who only knows what else.
Favored erotic tea time subjects: medical kink, teacher/student, cock milking
Favored gift: consent to video encounters, for future reference
The kind of rough trade all your friends warned you about...except he’s not rough trade, not really. Deeply troubled and disarmingly attractive is a deadly combination, and he thrives in a medium where one-word responses and explicit pics are considered perfectly commonplace. Encounters with him are quick and rough and nearly anonymous, always in the dark and with little opportunity to see or interact with him apart from the hands grasping you to him and the admittedly impressive cock jabbing into you from whatever angle he can manage. He’s had the threat of assault charges or worse thrown at him more than once, but it’s never made him any more considerate or careful. To the very rare individual who keeps returning for more the most explanation he’ll ever provide is that he becomes someone else when pursuing sex, someone hard and violent and not at all like the person he insists that he is. This is something he ties into some deep-seated trauma, but there’s something distinctly insincere about the underlying psychology as if it were only an excuse for an abuse fetish run wild. Pretty much all of his tricks ghost him at that point, wanting to get as far as away as possible from a true crime drama just waiting to happen. Curiously enough if he ever does find a long-term partner it won’t be with the expected extreme masochist - expect them only to show up in a police report one day, with extremely gory pictures - but with someone who can match his lustful bloodlust with more of the same and who is totally comfortable throwing around death threats that at some point transform into only moderately disturbing innuendos. 
Favored erotic tea time subjects: masks, blood play, asphyxiation
Favored gift: anything sweet he can lick off your body...because it’s either that or viscera
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