#this gives me a fic idea!!
epickiya722 · 5 months
When you're caught up with the manga, decide to do a reread and get to this part...
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thekaiserroll · 2 months
It's nearly impossible to have a quiet and peaceful day with the crew, like the strawhats. Nami is mostly used to the noise on Going Merry but one day she gets fed up with Zoro and Sanji arguing. Not only are they extremely loud, but they've also already broken way too many things during their fights.
She decides that If they want to act like brats, then she's going to treat them as such. So she makes them apologize and hug each other in silence for an hour. None of them are happy about this punishment, but Nami threatened to raise Zoro's debt, and Sanji couldn't say no to her. It could be worse.
It's awkward enough for them to not incite any fight for a long time and Nami is quite proud of herself. She knows it won't last forever but at least now she knows how to handle them. It inevitably happens again. And again. And again.
Much to her surprise, those fights became more and more frequent. And what's even weirder is that she could see the way both Zoro and Sanji occasionally glanced at her to make sure she was nearby. It's almost as if they wanted someone to make them hug each other. As if they needed an excuse.... these idiots.
Soon, they don't even need Nami's help. When they aren't busy training, cooking or fighting, they cuddle together. Sometimes Luffy or Chopper would join them, but most of the crew knew it was their time.
After two years spent separately, they became extremely clingy. It's no surprise when they start sleeping in the same bed. What is surprising is that despite them behaving like a lovey-dovey couple, those oblivious idiots are STILL unaware of each other's feelings.
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boyfiejay · 7 months
Enhypen : When you wear their clothes
Warnings : All of them are written as lovesick, kisses, size difference mentioned
Author notes : I think I'm falling in love with these OT7 reactions more that actuals fic. They're so much more easier tbh.
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• He tries to be cool trust me HE DOES TRY.
• But you just look so cute basically drowning in his clothes with the sweater paws and all.
• He never used to think of himself as huge or something but you wearing his clothes suddenly made him aware of the height and proportional difference between you both.
• Purposefully gives you clothes that are oversized for him, they just make you look even cuter if that's even possible.
• You're a cutie patootie and he's whipped.
• This man, I genuinely believe he doesn't like to share clothes.
• Reluctantly once gave you his clothes and now he can't get over how you look in them.
• He always loved styling you but now his cuteness aggression went one step higher.
• He has the cutest smile while looking at you minding your business in his clothes, he just can't get enough.
• Sprays his cologne on his clothes before giving them because he knows you love it.
• The embodiment of happiness when you ask for his clothes.
• He always knew you would look cute in his clothes but you managed to fluster him still.
• Because what do you mean the first piece of clothing you worn of his was a plain white shirt (he's dying atp).
• If he had a tail it would be wagging non stop whenever you wore his clothes.
• The type to buy clothes for himself only for them to end up in your closet.
• Another one who doesn't like to share clothes but he folds the moment you ask him.
• He tries to act all nonchalant but he just wants to squeeze you (affectionately).
• He thinks he's doing a good job but his grin is saying otherwise.
• Loves spoiling you and knowing how much you love his clothes, he's gifting you his entire closet.
• Gives you a hoodie with his initials on it ( He can't help being possessive like LOOK AT YOU! ).
• He has an entire collection of clothes that he's giving you even before you ask.
• Unlike the others he doesn't stop gushing about how cute you look.
• He knows what looks good on you better than yourself and gives you very specific clothes.
• But if you ask for something else he's giving it to you, no question asked.
• Never ever asks them back, says it was meant for you (you don't know how much I love him >_< ).
• He loves it when you ask for his clothes and how you look in them.
• Honestly thought he wouldn't be the lovesick type but you proved him wrong.
• He has such a highschool girl reaction when you wear his clothes. Giggling in his sweater paws, kicking his feet and all 😭.
• His clothes are already oversized and you look like a toddler in them, but he loves the height difference.
• Kisses you a lot more often and loves your caught off guard reaction
• He thinks he's tough and all and is proven wrong the moment you give him those doe eyes and ask for his clothes.
• He just goes red when he sees you in his clothes. Like stuttering and avoiding your eye kind of shy.
• There is a noticeable (but not awkward) height difference between you both and he loves to tease you about it, but he always found it cute.
• His hoodies are oversized and they almost reach your knees.
• He acts the opposite but he is so down bad for you, it's almost cringy.
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lbhslefttiddie · 2 months
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youve heard of sex flowers get ready for the flower that makes you into a celestial shoujo herione complete with particle effects you cannot turn the fuck off and creates a wifebeam so powerful it can incapacitate and maim and keeps making you burst into tears and fall on your ass which makes the wifebeam More Powerful and you also cannot turn this off either. and is also still, sort of, a sex flower
from one of my favorite fanfictions, Celestial Afterglow by elanor_pam, a fic that defies description in the best possible way
#arts#shen qingqiu#svsss#listen im not saying that ive spent a cumulative half a year reading this fic and then trying to make an arts for it#and then getting frustrated and stopping because i couldn't figure out how to make sqq shimmery enough#but like. im not NOT saying that#this is the FOURTH time ive started something for this bitch it haunts my fucking dreams and yet the opalescent glittery sqq evades me#perhaps you o unlearned fool look at this and say hmm that's too many colour layers and glowy effects but oh how wrong you are#if it doesnt make you literally fall over yourself at how otherworldly and radiant he is then there is room for improvement yet#perhaps you look at this and you think Wow!!! this gives me literally NO ideas what this fic is about#well Let Me Tell You. i have no fucking idea how to summarize this fic#its not often the tags in a fic give me pause but i saw this and as i read the tags i was increasingly just like What#but i have no idea how to describe it. the tags arent NOT accurate but i was SO unprepared for what happened in like an extremely pos way#if i were tagging this i think i would give it the no archive warnings apply label if that matters to you#the author seemed they wanted to leaned towards over caution rather than risk missing anything re tags because This Is A Weird Fic#but oh my fucking god#i am gripping you by the shoulders i cannot stress enough how charming it is#brilliant characterization especially with airplane in the first scene#and also so much fucking funnier than i thought possible for the general setting summary tags and buildup#its just. ough. its good
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localvigilante · 13 days
On this fine Sunday, I gift all of you: Kurt in a speedo
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Courtesy of Excalibur (vol 1) #33
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somestorythoughts · 3 months
So there's posts and fics with Alpha-17 as an Arc trainer.
Echo probably had to do a lot pf physical therapy/training after he was rescued. Alpha-17 from what I've picked up of the comics probably had to do the same.
So how about Alpha-17 looking at this trooper and he remembers training him and his brother, who's gone now, and knows the two of them were competent as fuck even if he's not gonna tell them that, can't let the younger vod get cocky, and he's all too familiar with grieving and recovering SO the day after Echo and the Batch land on Kamino he shows up in the training room they're using just like "come on you little shit time to get you back into shape."
And Echo just turns to Tech and goes "Maybe you should have left me in that stasis chamber."
The Batch just kinda blinks at that cause they haven't heard him joke much and Alpha-17 just goes "still a little shit. good. now get your ass over here before I have to come get you."
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
I know I've talked about bull and bear hybrid Bakugou, but has anyone ever talked about lion hybrid Bakugou???? I thought about this concept when I was still half asleep this morning but like,,,,
lion hybrid bakugou with his big ole head and even bigger mane of hair, all soft, colored like the sand you'd dig your toes into at the beach. he has a little scruff on his chin, but he never grows it out because he hates the upkeep of it.
he's always loud, growly yawns whenever you see him, his canines sharp and pointy when he opens his maw wide enough for you to peek in. he's so big and soft where it matters, lazes around all day everyday, and gets these big bursts of energy at the most random of moments. he's basically an overgrown cat basically
omg and he has this complex where he's just sooo high and mighty, like he's some king meant to be worshipped. but all you have to do is kiss his cheeks and rub a hand through his hair when he lays his big dumb head in your lap, and he's purring up a storm.
and and and lion hybrid bakugou whose tongue can feel so rough when he's feeling lazy about it, but somehow knows how to work it just right whenever he wants to lounge between your legs. gets so huffy and growly when you mumble that you can't cum anymore, just nudges your thighs a little wider with his shoulder as he nuzzles his nose against your mound. doesn't care to hear any of your complaining, because he's still eating and doesn't intend on finishing until he's ready.
omg and and lion hybrid bakugou whose favorite position is, of course, doggy style. but only because he gets to wrap your little dainty neck up in his powerful jaws and pin you there, likes how you whimper and shiver but go limp either way because you trust him with your life. he pins your arms beside your head and grunts so loud into your nape when he finally sinks his cock inside of you. he practically lays flat on top of you, just rutting his hips against your ass over and over until he knots you.
which is his favorite part because you two get to just lay there for what feel like hours, and you keep coming intermitally because he can't help but rut his hips a few more times, and hiss at the way his knot tugs at your clenching lips. sigh just lion hybrid bakugou who looks so mean and intimidating but he just loves you so much and can't get enough of you
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tcfactory · 3 months
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Broken System
I love it when the System breaks and gets shut down permanently, but what if it left its marks on its main user? Shang Qinghua won't be able to get out of explaining this even if he really, really wanted to.
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hypewinter · 10 months
Has anyone ever down a dpxdc story set in the Battinson universe? I'm genuinely asking because the thought won't leave me alone and it's absolutely hilarious.
Just the thought of Bruce "I don't like people" Wayne interacting with Danny "people don't like me" Fenton is sending me. Give me these two feeding off of each other's negative energy while Alfred and a newly adopted Dick are shaking their heads off to the side. Now they have to take care of two moody teenagers, fantastic.
Heck, let's throw in the Nasty Burger incident for some angst. Danny is going through a whole tornado of emotions and Bruce in all of his awkward glory is speed reading as many books about grief that he can get his hands on. How is Danny more complicated to deal with than Dick? He thought dealing with Dick was the most complicated things could get.
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idk-bruh-20 · 10 months
Irondad fic ideas #154
CW: this one's pretty gruesome. read at your own risk 
Peter is a young child who's been kidnapped. His parents and/or his aunt and uncle were killed and he was taken. Along with a bunch of other little kids, he's been held captive and experimented on.
When the Avengers suddenly bust the kidnapping operation, the kidnappers try at the last second to destroy their research. They gas the small room where the kids are being held.
It's Iron Man who ends up blasting through. What he finds is horrifying. All but one of the children are dead.
The one who's left is just sitting among the bodies, crying, shocked, terrified. Iron Man carries him out of there, then once they're safe from the gas Tony steps out of the suit to comfort the kid while he's given oxygen.
Little 5-year-old Peter Parker imprints on his savior hard.
He just went through an unimaginable amount of trauma, then Iron Man burst through like an avenging angel. This is the first time he's ever felt protected in his memory. Tony holds the crying kid, and the kid can tolerate no one else near him.
This becomes a slight problem when they get back to base. But Tony can't find it in him to let SHIELD take the kid away, let them strip him of this one tiny bit of comfort. He keeps seeing all those other kids when he closes his eyes.
This one needs him right now. And if "right now" eventually becomes "this is my son," well. Who could've predicted that.
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max-nico · 8 months
Sonic has been called an "overprotective big brother" over the years many times. Not his fault that Tails is small, impressionable, and reckless. He's known the kid since he was a toddler, if anyone else had been around that long they would understand too.
Or at least he thought they would, but it seems he was wrong because his own two best friends–Amy and Knuckles–are the ones who call him overprotective the most. This is a huge betrayal on their part, especially when they bring up valid points like Tails' intelligence and skill, because how could he disagree. Sonic has the coolest, most awesome and amazing, little brother ever. 
With that being said, Sonic is pretty sure he has the right to interrogate the little fox this time. He's like 90% sure his panic is warranted when he sees his little brother load and cock a very real and deadly gun. Because that kid is 9. He is 9, and he is putting on his watch and his plane gear to leave, and for some reason he needs a weapon wherever he's going. Sonic thinks he has a right to exercise at least a little big brother privilege here, honestly it would be negligent to not at least question him. 
"Hey bud. Whatcha up to?"
Tails' ear flicks toward him as he packs a few things into the Tornado. "You remember that hard drive that GUN thought they stole from me, but I actually knew they wanted it so I lowered a few of my defense systems so that they could grab it and leave me alone?"
The answer is no, Sonic has no recollection of that happening at all. Though he supposes it's his own fault for only half listening when Tails was talking. He's really gotta break that habit.
"Sure do." Sonic lies.
"Well, I actually have a little bit of data on there that I forgot to back up to another hard drive since I didn't think I needed it, so I'm going to go get it."
"And you need a weapon for that? Why don't you just ask Shadow?"
Tails finally turns to face Sonic, floating down off the Tornado and in front of Sonic. He stands with his hands on his hips, leaning just a little into his personal space. He takes the chance to absentmindedly scratch behind his little brother's ears, making him push his head into his hand.
"I did, actually. He's the one who told me to bring some weapons, he said he wants to help me improve my stealth techniques."
"Huh, and he didn't even bother to text me about it." Sonic huffs. It comes out playfully, but he won't deny being a little peeved that Shadow didn't message him. Tails is a genius and can make his own decisions, sure, but he's also not even in double digits. Sonic is literally his guardian, he feels like he should've been consulted about this. "I find that quite rude."
Tails smacks Sonic with one of his tails. The fur gets trapped in the small quills on his face, which makes his brother giggle.
"Then how do you find that, hm?"
"I find that the person who did it has another thing coming."
Sonic is so gonna fill his pillows with quills and shaving cream again. The fox constantly complains about not being able to get his quills out of any furniture, but he also got his fur stuck on Sonic's face, he figures this is pretty good retribution.
"Sure I do."
This is what Sonic means. Where did his wholesome brother go? Ignoring the fact that he has been a little menace since they first met, this is obviously team Dark's fault. Their devious ways are corrupting his little brother, who has obviously only learned nice things from him, like dad jokes and spindashing.
Tails has been constantly hanging out with team Dark for a few months now. After spending time with Rouge on Amy's last birthday he seemed to acquire a sort of childish fascination with them. Honestly, Sonic didn't really see it as a bad thing at first. They got Tails to spend more time out of his lab, and they always seemed to take care of him so Sonic had no qualms as long as Tails was having fun.
Then the habits came. Habits that Sonic had managed to completely purge a couple years back. Sure, he's not building bombs willy nilly anymore (as far as he knows anyway), but a few weeks ago Tails showed him the Empire nuclear launch codes just because he could.
Just yesterday they were having a conversation about a grocery store in station square. Amy had apparently told him that the cashier was kind of rude, so he asked if she wanted him to "blow up the entire store". She laughed and said no thanks, but when Sonic just shook his head at him Tails had the audacity to say "he'll make sure there's no one in it", as if that was the problem with what he said.
Sonic will not claim to have clean hands. He will not say he's never killed anybody on purpose or on accident, but is it so much to want to spare his brother from the same fate? Sonic still has nightmares over things like that, and even if his little brother is joking, he just can't find it in himself to laugh.
It's obvious Sonic will have to talk to Shadow and Rouge soon, he would talk to Omega as well but the robot honestly just does whatever he wants. Sonic can respect it. He cannot, however, respect Shadow and Rouge teaching his kid brother bad stuff, like how to get away with murder and other things of the like.
"I'll be back before you know it, Sonic, I swear!"
It's obvious Sonic has just missed most of the one sided conversation Tails was just having with him, he zoned out again. Damn it.
"And I'll have my communicator on me so if anything goes wrong, you'll be the first to know! I'll stay safe, Shadow will be with me."
Tails says that as if it's any comfort to Sonic. He may trust Shadow with his life but he does not trust him with children. He's sure Tails will come out physically unscathed, but mentally? This is going to be a trainwreck.
Sonic sighs. He already knows he won't be able to convince him not to go, at least not in the small timeframe he has, so he just pulls the kid in for a hug instead. "Call me as soon as you're able, okay?"
"I will, promise!"
"And if you're not back and not answering in 24 hours, I'm coming to find you myself."
"Yes, Sonic." Tails says, pulling away.
"And I'll give Shadow a piece of my mind if I have to, you know I will."
"I'm leaving now."
"And so will Knuckles and Amy!"
"Remember what I said about calling!"
"I can't hear you anymore!"
Sonic smiles as Tails starts his plane, the kid will be fine, he knows it. After all, he's sure Shadow and Rouge know the consequences if he's not.
woe, the brothers be upon ye I wrote this in like two sittings and its barely been edited, I'll probably put this on ao3 later after I've looked at it again lol. you're welcome to hit me up in my dms or askbox, but if it's a request I would prefer my ask box lol. Remember you have to be nice to me forever and ever and ever if you decide to talk to me btw
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goosegooserevolution · 2 months
spinneraki fic where they become roommates and it sparks the most insane "Am I the Asshole?" reddit story hero society has ever seen.
It starts with Kurogiri being captured before the canon story starts and AFO sends Shigaraki to a safe house out in the boonies. Giran owns the safe house, and since he never thought it would be used he rented it out to one of the locals, Spinner.
Shigaraki enters, already pissed, and there's just some guy there.
Spinner is innocently playing GTA when a villain breaks into his house and starts screaming about how he shouldn't be there. He takes to the internet asking for advice, and if he's the asshole for staying in the villain's house unknowingly. He is met with a myriad of responses, most of which consisting of "what the fuck dude call the police", but Spinner ignores these sane responses because "actually i think hes pretty cool for being a terrorist."
Shigaraki and Spinner slowly learn how to live with each other, and the original reddit post is given plenty of updates. People especially freak out when Spinner reveals that Shigaraki has been attacking him, but Spinner theorizes that "he's testing my strength and skill set". This theory ends up having merit when Spinner gets the drop on Shigaraki, and he says he's proud of Spinner.
So, they're sort of friends?
Spinner notices Shigaraki is a bit sheltered and hasn't experienced tons of the outside world. Spinner takes him out to arcades, festivals, all sorts of things with the intention of broadening his sort-of-friend's horizons, but any outsider would think they're on a date.
While spinneraki is learning how to tolerate each other, Kurogiri was spilling AFO's secrets. His DNA was matched with Shirakumo's, and Eraserhead and Present Mic have stuck by his side as he's been deprogrammed. The result of this is AFO flailing around trying to keep his villain organization together but failing miserably. He's been rather sparse with keeping in touch with Shigaraki, so Shigaraki has unlocked free thinking.
This comes to a head when Shigaraki is playing Minecraft and has a moral crisis over killing a baby sheep. He ends up naming the sheep "Red Pill" and firmly decides that murder is bad, actually.
Spinneraki share their first kiss when Spinner wins Shigaraki a stuffed Minecraft sheep from a claw machine. Spinner's now large reddit fanbase goes insane over the update.
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judasgot-it · 4 months
Dad! Jouno headcanons...
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He just looks like a stressed as hell father here. Someone help him.
Before ->
To be totally honest, I don't think Jouno would ever plan to be a father. He would never plan to be one simply because he is completely aware of how horrible of a person he is
Why would he bring someone into the world who could be exactly like him? Or worse, he would end up being a horrible parent?
He would just avoid any topic about it.
So parenthood is 100% an accident. Also, this guy would probably try to convince his gf to get an abortion at some point, cause he probably thinks he would make a child that's just that horrible
I feel like the best chance of him becoming a parent would be him not knowing about it when he got arrested and was forced into being a hunting dog. Can't tell your gf to abort when you're in jail ig. Also now he is legally obligated to pay child support. GOTTEM!
Personal theory tho.
He probably wouldn't be jumping for joy at the thought of parenthood tbh. If anything, he is freaking out. I feel like he's in between denial and freaking out. Probably gave some weird rant about the government.
During pregnancy ->
If he's miraculously there (I think the last part is more plausible. This would be his #felonera) then he would be stressed as hell
Dude knows that it's inevitable (unless he throws her down the stairs. or smothers the baby. He probably thinks some weird shit it's Jouno sorry) so now he has to prepare for a very near future of being a father
He can't have sex for what might be the next few years. He has to learn how to take care of a baby. He's made Tecchou-like food combo's now. His life is hell.
Jouno I think would only be dramatic for a month and then get over it quickly -> he has two people relying on him now. Even past his kid being born, he will inevitably have to take care of his baby mom for a while after and will have to provide. Like a dad.
He probably loves the attention and the title it gives him. Probably starts owning it and is thinking 'yeah, actually, I'm going to be an awesome dad' because he gets brownie points for doing the bare minimum as a man
Dude would be kinda ridiculous and do lots of shit just so he can get praise. He's going to be a great dad, so yea, ofc he's going to buy weird useless shit no one would actually use. It's what good dad's do (he's not even pregnant and is suffering from baby brain I think)
Is probably terrified of touching his gf because he is more than aware that his child is in there and it unnerves him. Probably is super freakish about the most random shit, like drinking coffee or going up and down stairs since he can hear whats going on.
His normal level of anxiety goes through the roof during this time. I feel like they won't ever go back down again.
During the birth he would probably be supportive although I think the sounds and smells would be so horrific for him that he would vomit and be kicked out by nursing staff
I feel like the birth was so bad for him to hear (sensitive hearing would be terrible. and smell) that he would be crying as if he pushed a baby out of his hole
Raising that Child (early years) ->
The early years are the worst for him. He still is in a stage between "I want to be a good dad" and "I'm a horrible person I literally have fucking killed people. He doesn't know I have killed people and enjoyed it"
Would have this crisis with a literal baby btw. Probably has full on very serious conversations with his kid about morality when his kid still drinks from the tit
I don't think he'd enjoy being around his kid fully until he starts actually forming full thoughts. Obviously, he loves him, but he enjoys weird kid questions much more than a baby who shits himself
Eggs him on too, tries to make him think until his brain hurts. He thinks it's funny, making a seven-year-old wrap his head around the concept of global shipping and LLCs.
He wouldn't give his kid normal child entertainment. It's all educational and weird shit. Also is very picky about their toys, he's basically a beige mom but its about noises and smells. NEVER give his kid something like slime, he'll go insane.
I think he's 100% the 'bad cop' parent because he would have a lot of rules that a little kid wouldn't get. I feel like the other Hunting Dogs would get on his ass about it
I think Jouno probably worries a lot about giving his kid a good childhood since I doubt his was good - he was alive during the great war as a kid, he turned into a criminal, and he's an ability user. not the best circumstances.
100% has been forced to bring his kid to his job, but he doesn't actually introduce him to any of his actual duties. Torturing? He can't know about that.
Jouno lets his kid hang out with his colleagues -> probably Tachihara, who I think would play the best 'uncle' role out of all of them
Later years ->
Personally, I think Jouno would have a son, but I don't think its a curse. I think it would actually be a sort of blessing, because Jouno was probably a lot nicer of a person before whatever fucked up shit happened that made him the way he is now.
Mentioning this cause I think his son would probably be a direct reflection of who he could have been -> more happy and carefree, and less on the offensive about everything
So when his kid gets older, Jouno is probably some weird guy who tries to tell his kid everything he 'wished he knew at that age'
Probably got his son to have a sex talk from one of the hunting dogs doctors. it was a traumatic bonding experience for the both of them.
He definitely fake kidnapped his kid like 3 times in case something happened. Jouno is a super soldier, but his son is not. He needs to learn how to stab people.
Gave his son a gun/knife. Insists he brings it school, no he does not care if it's against the rules - he literally is the law. His son is also a target, so it is necessary in his eyes.
God please someone stop him he thinks someone is going to murder his son every second of every day
I'm pretty sure his son is some dweeb that Jouno is almost jealous of - like he never got the opportunity to be a dork who cries about homework. he was too busy killing people in his gang at that age
Jouno definitely drops the most insane dad lore. "I killed werewolves in Kenya once" while in the middle of a PTA meeting
Worst PTA mom btw. He WILL interrogate his sons teachers and pull up their records, he is the worst parent. He really shouldn't be allowed there actually
Is a lot nicer to his kid when his son is older.
He isn't his 'best friend' but he tries to do everything he can to be a good dad -> he lives everyday thinking that it'd be his last one with his family, so he tries not to leave with a bad impression
Jouno probably lies awake at night with the thought of what his last words could be to his family
The bitchy teen years would be the worst cause Jouno would probably have the best comebacks, so any sort of argument would be shot down immediately.
i dont think he lets arguments fly at dinner. If he's even there. He would be very busy, so I think his schedule would be erratic. Although I think his son would be the same and stay up at 3 am and get a lecture from him
The hunting dogs all try to teach his son about basic things like shooting and self-defense -> Teruko definitely shot at him once or twice so he knows how to avoid an assassination attempt.
Was actually really proud that his son graduated from school and is a relatively normal member of society. He never even killed someone, that's a high achievement!
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frownyalfred · 2 months
also expanding on Colonizer Kal, its less 'you humans ruin everything you touch and must be saved from yourselves' and more 'my planet is gone and although you are weaker and stupider, i know this will be a fine new krypton'
also also i have been having deep krypton thoughts lately because i find it weird that krytonians are human shaped like can very closely pass as human as opposed to say martian or tamaranians so why is that? idk if this was mentioned in a comic somewhere or its just the artists just didn't think on it too deeply but that brings the implication is that humans and kryptonians share an evolutionary ancestor somwhere or they can actually shift like martians do and since they have been at it longer and actually do hunt humans its an instinctual camoflage thing.
also also also Bruce is less a mafia don and more of a wirepuller. His connections and ways to getting the city to do what he wants would make Falcone/Sionis/Red Hood jealous. he would still be on the outside Brucie Wayne but he gives a minion a look and they are like 'ohshitohfuckided'
I really enjoy reading about wirepuller Bruce. He's so smart and well-connected and funded, that if he turned away from Batman and to something more grey, he would be dangerously effective. He would be the kind of person who'd look that kind of Kal-El in the eye and shrug, unimpressed. And Kal-El would enjoy that, because it would remind him that some humans have potential.
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raphwshere · 11 months
this concept art has miles in a leather jacket and i must say that this is the best thing that has ever happened for punkflower nation. already planning to make something abt it. (either a fic or a comic)
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petite-phthora · 1 year
Can I kiss you?
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 1]
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“—so sorry! I swear I didn’t mean to kill him! It was an accident! He just jumped me out of nowhere and I have had bad experiences with clowns in the past so when I saw it was a clown trying to kidnap me I kinda just panicked and punched him! I swear, dude, I didn’t mean to hit him so hard—“
Jason, much too calmly, likely in some form of shock, rises from the crouched-down position he had been in to check the clown corpse’s pulse.
He had seen the poor, still rambling, twink getting grabbed from a distance and was about to step in as Red Hood, not even having been aware it was the Joker who —shouldn’t he have been in Arkham? There has been no announcement of him breaking out yet— had grabbed the guy until he had run close enough to the scene.
Which was after the guy had already been startled so badly by the Joker trying to kidnap him that he sucker punched the Joker into the wall of the alley so hard the clown died.
Said twink then realized what he had done and that he had a witness, that witness being Red Hood himself, and had started his frenzied speech on how it was an accident and to please don’t take him to jail he’s only just started his scholarship at Gotham U. and he can’t have murder on his track record yet.
Breathless, Jason looks at the nervous twink in front of him, who's still trying to plead his case, and who just obliterated the Joker with a punch.
Before his brain can catch up to his mouth, he’s already cutting the distressed monologuing off.
“Can I kiss you?” He blurts out.
Danny, taken off guard, breaks out of his panicked—oh, Ancients, I just killed someone— stupor and lets out a startled laugh.
“Take me out to dinner first” came the automatic joking reply, Danny still largely in shock of what he did.
Jason, either not picking up on the joking tone or ignoring it, nods seriously, already trying to come up with the best place for a dinner date with the cute twink to thank him for his service to the city.
Danny, who has calmed down slightly by now, glances between the red-helmed vigilante and the clown corpse. His gaze lands on Red Hood and he hesitantly speaks up again.
“So, uh, what happens now? Do I need to go to the station to make a statement orrrr?” He pauses awkwardly.
Jason, who’s still trying to figure out whether the Bat Burger would be a good place for a first date or not, doesn’t reply.
“I’ve got school in the morning and I only have like,” he pauses to check his phone for the time, “3 more hours before I have to be up for my first lesson. Soooo, I’m just gonna go. That cool?”
Again, he waits for a reply. But it doesn’t come.
“Right. Cool cool. Uh, see you later? Mr. Red Hood dude sir?” Danny gives a clumsy and awkward salute before turning tail and speed-walking away.
It’s not until 30 minutes later, once Jason has finally decided on the perfect place to take the guy to dinner to, that he realizes the twink is gone.
Fuck, he forgot to ask for the guy’s name.
And number.
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