#those drops are at ages 16
I counted my VKs and AKs (mainly OCs) for funsies and there‘s just like?? Three visible drops in population on the isle while it remains relatively consistent in Auradon?? Like those weren‘t on purpose and now I just have an awesome space for pandemics and famines
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valkyrielevitt · 9 months
Hogwarts Fashion During Hogwarts Legacy
A cheat-sheet for making your writing/art historically accurate, and some inspiration for your MC - women's addition.
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Victorian fashion was complicated, both in terms of the construction and the rules that dictated when certain garments could be worn. Age played an important role in what a person was permitted to wear, so lets break it down that way:
Younger Students (Roughly years 1-4)
Generally speaking, girls dressed in similar styles to their mothers, but with altered hemline lengths. Up until roughly 13-14 years old (exact ages were decided by the girl's family) her hemline would fall around the knee. At 14 it would be lowered to the middle of the shins.
At this age girls would wear dresses, and so you could suggest that Hogwarts uniforms for girls at this age would not consist of the shirt and skirt combo that MC and various NPCs wear.
Most schools in the 1890s did not have set uniforms, but instead girls were expected to wear an apron to protect their clothes from ink and chalk dust.
At this age it was still considered socially acceptable for girls to wear their hair down, or in more simple hairstyles like braids. Popular hair accessories included ribbons and straw hats.
Time for some examples:
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This is an example of a day dress (casual clothes) from 1893. Smocking (the embroidery technique used at the collar, waist and cuffs) was popular in young girls clothes.
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Another example of children in day dress. The girl on the far left is probably about 13-14, the older girl on the right is closer to 15.
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An example of the aprons worn by younger students.
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Details of the dresses worn underneath (technically from 1897 but the styles are fairly similar)
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Details of the aprons worn
Older Students (Roughly years 5-7)
Around the time that the MC joins at Hogwarts, she would, depending on her personal preferences, have kept her skirt at her mid shin or dropped the hem to her ankles. Around the age of 17, girls would be expected to fully let down their hems to the floor, signifying their shift to adulthood.
At this point dresses would become less popular during the day, and were replaced by blouses (complete with very large sleeves) and a skirt. Men's tailoring and sports clothes shaped women's fashion at the time, and greatly influenced what girls wore at this age.
Girls would also typically stop wearing their hair down during the day, resorting to simple up-dos instead.
The time at which each girl made these changes depended on her and her family. While some girls had no choice but to listen to their parents, often they were able to bargain for an extra few months if they so wished.
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An example of two girls around the age of 15 in very typical day outfits.
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A selection of school girls - those sitting are no older than 14, those standing are no older than 16.
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At the age of 15-16 girls would begin to attend more family functions and required new styles of clothes. These paintings show the same tea gown. These were made to be worn at home, never in public, when the family was hosted guests or a less formal dinner. They could be worn at all times of the day.
Day clothes for students who dressed as adults (17+):
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A British Upper VI class (age 17-18) and some teachers in 1894. All girls now wear dresses with their hems on the ground, and hair tied up.
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Middle class girls fashion in the 1890s
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A Woman's sweater from 1895
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Walking outfit from 1894 - essentially a more substantial outfit for spending time outdoors.
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A more expensive version of a day outfit.
Tea gowns:
Generally identified by their loose fit, high neckline, and a train that falls from the shoulders. Additionally they may also be made with a large coat over the top. The shape was inspired by medieval fashion and so they're a good source of inspiration for the wizarding world imo.
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Evening gowns:
Worn for the most formal evening events, and generally expose more skin than day clothes. Staple accessories included fans, opera gloves, and (if you're that way inclined) tiaras were coming into popularity at this time.
Rule of thumb for all fashion at this time, the sleeves get largest in the middle of the decade, and shrink back down again towards the end.
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yanderenightmare · 3 months
L "Lawliet"
rewatched Death Note and just couldn't resist...
TW: strict schooling ig, orphan reader, creepy behavior
gn reader
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You were placed in Wammy’s House at an age you don’t remember. To you and most of the orphans here, it’s been your entire lives. Birthdays aren’t celebrated. The days are cold, the residents even colder. There was a time when you’d consider them brothers and sisters, but that’s also long ago now. No one is close to each other in this house.
It’s a rather stale existence with boring conditions unfit for normal children – the solitude, the competition, the games, always a ploy to make each other feel worthless. And for what… more riddles to solve?
You’d long lost interest in proving yourself among the prodigies. When you were given puzzles, you always played with them differently than the rest. They’d tell you to fill out the sheets, and you ended up making origami swans instead.
Looking around at the others, you knew you would never understand them – all blank faces staring into space. They all make you uneasy. You don’t know if it’s you or them that’s missing something, but you recognize it’s a rather pointless question to be begged. 
So you leave your paper flock on the floor and walk away.
You’d started putting the chisel of a black marker to the library books in your spare time – trying to make something else out of the boring pages. Something more palatable than the droning of law and policy you’d already read ten times over.
You had blacked out the word doppelganger when there came a disturbance.
“You had 84% of them right.”
You peeked up from the book, lowering your knees from where you had them tucked close for privacy – sitting on the floor between two bookshelves – a little nook you’d discovered to hide yourself from the rest of the busy readers in the usually crowded library.
It was empty now. Everyone was otherwise busy with the test still.
And yet, a mess of black hair was crouched down in front of you, shadowing his equally dark eyes. He held your swans unfolded in his hands. It was a disturbing sight for some reason – as though he’d dissected their guts. 
“You left 16% unanswered. Most people would test their luck and guess.”
L must have been the least creative alias born in the dull walls of Wammy’s House, and yet, he’s supposed to be the brightest of all those living there. He always finishes your tests early and leaves in favor of his own devices. Much like you, you suppose. You don’t think you’ve ever heard him speak before.
Suppose it’s only courtesy you pay him the same effort even when what you really want is to tell him to leave you alone…
You narrowed your eyes a bit, looking at him.
You sensed foul play in a game you had no wish to partake in but moved across the board like a sacrificial pawn anyway. That’s how you play these things, after all – never show your cards.
“There’s nothing to guess.” You sigh – despite knowing he already knows all this. “The blanks are trick questions.”
“So you noticed, too?” His eyes are like inkblots – much like those spills you’ve made in your book when you let the marker rest too long. He dropped your papers between you in favor of gripping his knees, leaning forward. “We’re the only ones.”
You purse your lips at his eagerness. You should have played dumb from the start – should have said you swiped the answer sheet from the headmaster’s office. He’d only spoken all but four sentences, and you were already exhausted. Any conversation with any one of your peers was like an interrogation.
“You started folding paper cranes when I was 94% done. Easy logistics would put you 6% ahead of me. But, unlike me, it didn’t seem you were filling out the answer sheets in any hurry. In fact… you seemed bored. And in that case, I’d put you around 16%, no... 18% ahead of me.”
You allowed the following silence to inform him that his ramblings were boring you. But it didn't seem he took the hint – showing no signs he planned on leaving.
Your eyes grew more jaded.
“Paper swans.” You corrected blandly. “You know my alias is Swan.”
You clapped your book together and sighed again.
“And we both know you were finished long before I started folding them.” 
He had a small smile on his face. It looked as if you’d drawn it on with your marker.
“You can state all the percentages in the world to try and confuse me, but your mind games won’t get under my skin for one single simple reason, L…” You got up and brushed off the dust, then walked away while saying, “I’m not interested in playing – not with you or anyone else in this miserable place. So do me a favor and leave me alone.”
L watches you leave and taps his lips with his pointer.
Puzzles and answer sheets have bored him for a while. Maybe he ought to play with you instead…
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norrisleclercf1 · 11 months
You’re My Love Story
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Horner!Reader
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2.9K
Requested: Yes/No
Warnings: Time Jumps, Angst, Fluff, Christian Horner is an ass in this, Gerri is team you and Charles, Happy Ending, I promise
A/N: I've been listening to my favorite Taylor Swift songs a lot while I study and couldn't help but put each one to a driver, this one is for Charles
Poll Winner
Synopsis: Love Stories are meant to be heartbreaking, but would yours be the opposite?
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2014, Ages: 17 and 16
You hated these parties, boring and stuffy. You're forced to wear a dress far too fancy for your taste, but your mother just wanted you to look nice. A party in the Monaco summer air had you wishing you could be swimming in the ocean than smiling and faking remembrance of people you don't know.
Your father was moving from person to person, shaking hands, laughing at crude jokes that had your mother giving him multiple looks. He's quick to stop, clearing his throat as he introduces you.
"My daughter, Y/N Horner. Sweetie, this is-" You zone out, giving a picturesque smile and faking interest in the conversation. "Mama, can I go take a breather? It's hot in the dress." You whisper. Firey hair turns, giving you her approval and whispering for you to not go far. "I won't, just on the balcony." Pointing to the double doors open, exposing the sparkling lights of Monte Carlo.
Floating through the crowd, stepping out on the balcony, you suck in the tinge of cold air clinging to the night. Your posture drops when you don't feel your mother's eyes on you, leaning over the railing. Laughter draws your attention to the people below as they dance around each other, talking loudly and freely.
Your heart yearns for that to be you, to escape this place and have some real fun. But, your father would refuse, saying you had to uphold your family name. The name, you sometimes hated being a Horner. Anytime someone would hear that last name, it was always followed by the same question.
"You're Christian Horner's daughter? Team Principle of Red Bull?" Like a broken record, you smile, nod, and give the infamous one-liner back. "Yes, and I fully support the F1 Team. They're definitely going to win." Everyone getting hyped hearing those words.
And why wouldn't they? You had the ultimate powerhouse Sebastian Vettel and the up-and-coming Australian driver Daniel Ricciardo. Speaking of which, turning around your eyes and scan the crowd, not hearing the familiar groups of laughter around Daniel.
Not seeing Daniel, you notice a boy make his way through the crowd instead. He was new. You could tell from how no one talked to him, say a few people but not enough for him to be somebody. His suit was nice, hair stringy as he looked around before darting onto the balcony with you.
"Oh, hello." His eyes widened, finally noticing that he wasn't alone out here. "Hi." Giving a curt answer and moving to leave. "Wait, you don't have to leave!" His hand grabs your wrist, making you turn, shocked that someone would touch you.
"Sorry." Hand-dropping as he fidgets, you clock in quick that he has never done something like this. "Have you ever been to one of these parties?" Hazel-green eyes pinch, hating that it was noticeable. "No," He trails off, playing with a ring on his finger. "Okay, yes. I'm a driver. But, just for Formula Renault. I'm driving for a British team called Fortec Motorsports," He looks up, sees your bored face, and sighs. "And you clearly don't care." Huffing, he leans on the railing missing your growing smile.
Laughing, you move closer. "No, I know the team. Daddy talks about all the younger teams all the time." The boy looks at you, his body more relaxed as he smiles. "Really? If you're here, you must be a daughter of a retired driver or worker, right?" He asks, teasing you.
Instead, you feel that familiar dread. Does he know who you are? Pretending to approach you and be nice just to meet your father? It won't surprise you if that is true.
"Yeah, I am." Back straight, wrapping yourself back in that perfect media daughter cover. "Oh, that's cool. My godfather is a driver. Made me come along and try to mingle. You see how well it's going. You're the first person to actually talk to me." Your heart picks up, seeing that smile directed at you.
The two of you talk away the rest of the night; laughter and blushes pass between you. Only for your bubble to be popped when your father's voice cuts through.
"Y/n? Are you ready to le-" You and the boy jump back, having been very close. Looks of guilt on both your faces have your father freezing. "Y/n, go to your mother now." Voice stern, no room for argument. With a nod, head down, you slip past your father. "Wait! I didn't tell you my name; I'm Charles. Charles Leclerc." A blush spreads over your cheeks, seeing that heart-stopping smile again.
"Nice to meet you, Charles. I'm Y/n Horner." Your introduction is ended when your father grabs your arm, dragging you away from Charles, the balcony boy.
2017, Ages 20 & 19
"Charles, stop throwing pebbles." Giggles as you poke your head out the window, seeing a red and white shirt in the dark. "What? You weren't answering my texts." He whispers, yelling up to your window. "I was studying. Shouldn't you be getting ready for your last F2 race?" Leaning out the window, your heart still beating fast in your chest, seeing that smile.
"Wanted to see you." He admits, scanning the wall, trying to figure a way up to you. "Charles, if Daddy knows you're here, we're dead." It's been 3 years since you met Charles on that balcony and 1 year since your father gave you strict order for Charles to stay away from you.
At that time, the two of you couldn't stay apart. Your mother caught you more than once sneaking out. With a smile, she'd just nod, kiss you on the cheek and tell you to be careful. "So? I wanted to tell you some exciting news. So, you either come down here, or I come up." Dropping your head, you have to cover your laughter. "Wait." He nods, watching the outline of your body dip back in the window.
You curse as the bedroom door creeks, and you whisper that you'll get it fixed. The hallway plunged into darkness, with no light from your parent's bedroom. Score. Sliding out of the doorway, you tiptoe like clouds are under your feet. On the steps, your body freezes when a step groans under pressure.
Taking a moment to ensure no one woke you wait before darting down the hallway to the kitchen's back door. Charles jumps, worried that it's your father, but instead, you close the door and stop staring at one another.
"Hello." Smiles pull on both your lips, darting forward. He opens his arms gathering you in them. "Hi." You gasp, arms and legs wrapped tight around him. "I've missed you." You don't need to repeat it back, kissing him as a way to say it. Smiling, he kisses you back, but it ends earlier, pulling a slight whine of protest out of you.
"I'm driving for Sauber next year." The words have your brain stutter to a stop. Sauber? As in the Formula 1 Sauber team? "What?" He chuckles, putting you down, and looking at you, his smile drops. "Oh my god, Charles. That's….I'm so proud of you." The two of you mold into each other as Charles tells you everything.
You laugh, seeing him so happy, something he's needed for a long time. Finally able to uphold his promise to his father so long ago. A light in a window flicks on, having you two freeze. "Fuck, that's my parent's room. Go!" You whisper yell. Charles scales the garden wall, stopping as he leans, kissing you. "See you on the track." Dropping down the wall, lips tingling.
But you have to forget that, rushing back into the house quick and quiet steps and into your room. Placing yourself back at your desk, studying. A knock has you jumping, your father's head poking in. "I heard something? Are you okay?" Faking concern, you knew he was suspicious from how his eyebrows knitted together, and eyes were drawn.
"Yep, all good." Trying to hide your hard breathing, he looks over you before disappearing and clicking your door closed.
2019 Ages 21 & 20
"I knew it! I fucking knew it!" Something slams on the table, flinching. You try hard not to look up. You'll only be met with articles and newspapers of you and Charles kissing. Your father's furious face, your mother's worried one. That's all you'll see if you look up.
"Christian, you need to calm down. She's an adult." Your mother tries to reason, but he refuses to see reason. "I told you AND him to stay away from each other. And did you LISTEN? NO!" He roars. Tears slip down your face, and hurried hands wipe them away. "I love him." A confession you haven't even said to him.
"Love him? You love him? He's the enemy, Y/n. How could you betray me? This family? The team?" Each word is a stab to your heart, just wanting to run away into Charles's arms. "I'm sorry, Daddy. But I do. I love him!" Head whipping up, you meet your father's eyes. Yours blurry from the tears running down. He just shakes his head.
"If you ever see him again. I'm shipping you back to London, where you'll never see him again. Understand?" Voice steady, he was past angry. Now in the stage of silent fury. "Answer your father, Y/n." Gasping on a sob, you nod, stumbling out of the chair and rushing upstairs.
You knew time had passed when your Mama knocked on the door, the sun dipping into the sea. "Y/n?" A sniffle is the only reply you can give her. Throat and eyes are raw from all the crying you've done.
"Sweetie, he's here to see you." Sitting up, you are shocked and scared by those words. "Your father isn't here. Had business to attend to." She leaves your door cracked. All you can see is her red hair bouncing down the stairs.
Checking the mirror, you know it's pointless trying to fix yourself as you head downstairs. His back is to you, staring out the door that gives you a look at the Monaco docks filled with fancy boats.
"Charles?" Voice cracks, and he turns, wearing sunglasses. He doesn't even remove them to look at you. "I was told by everyone that we need to call this off." White noise fills buzzes in your ears, tears all gone, you just slip down the steps sitting on them.
"Don't, not you too. Please, don't." Charles flinches, unable to read him properly, his sunglasses blocking all his emotions. "Y/n," His own voice breaks. He has to clear his throat, keeping a reasonable distance. Charles knew if he stepped forward, he'd gather you up and never let go. "Please don't go. Charles, you can't. I'll leave. I'll go with you. We can…we can run away and never look back. Let's just run. I can't keep being told how I'm supposed to feel." Eyes burn, and tears drip down your cheeks.
"I love you. I love you, Charles Leclerc." Sunglasses taken off, he pinches his eyes, trying to keep his tears at bay. "We can't. I'm sorry, Y/n." The front door opens and closes. "Oh, oh god." You sob, holding your chest. "Y/n? Oh, my baby." You bury your head in your knees, not wanting to hear your mother's voice.
Current, Ages 26 & 25
"Are you okay?" If you could groan out loud right now, you would. It was thoughtful the first couple of times your mother asked, but now it was annoying you. "Mama, for the last time. I'm fine; my faith in us ever getting back together is long gone." You hiss, watching Charles with fans from the Red Bull hospitality.
"I was sure you two would get back together. Neither of you have dated since that day. Also, I think me kicking your father out for that month taught him a lesson." A chuckle passes your lips, painfully pulling your eyes away from Charles. "Yes, I think it did." She smiles, sipping on her tea.
A small wave to someone, you're too busy to look up, worried Charles would see you staring. "Who are you waving at now?" Your Mama is a social butterfly, always chatting and waving at someone. "Charles." She replies.
Eyes bludging, you whip around, seeing Charles still in the same spot. Eyes locking, the two of you look away at the same time. "Pity, you should go talk to him. You're clearly still in love with him."
"MAMA!" You gasp. She shrugs her shoulder, lifting her teacup to her lips and sipping. "Don't deny it. I know you cheered for him like crazy last year." Cheeks red, you grumble how you were just glad he was doing well.
"Okay, but he's staring at you. Again." You knew he was. Whenever his eyes are on you, your body heats up. Basically glows under his watch, cursing that you still loved him so much. "Oh, he's gone. Guess you can leave now." With a silent thanks, you leave the safety of the hospitality, walking back to your apartment.
The walk is longer than expected. Streets shut down in Monte Carlo due to the race. You can't help but shake the feeling someone is following you. With a slight turn, you notice many people behind you, all wearing regular clothes to Formula 1 gear. "Going crazy." You turn and pop out using a shortcut, slamming into a body.
"Ow, watch where you're going." Snapping, you lock eyes with the person, and blood runs cold. The last time you saw his eyes this close was years ago. You even forgot the exact color of his eyes. Honey green.
"Y/n." He breathes. That stupid heart-stopping smile is still the same, at least. "Excuse me, I have to go." He body blocks you, making sure you don't leave. "Don't go." Hearing those two words, you're pulled back to the memory of when you said that same exact thing to him.
"I'm sorry, I can't." Throwing his own words in his face. This time no sunglasses to hide the sorrow in his eyes. "I love you, I still love you." He confesses. "I had to walk away. I just joined Ferrari. Your father was making my life hell on and off the track. He said if I didn't stop seeing you, he'd make sure I'd lose the seat. Fuck, it was so stupid to pick a fucking seat over you. But all I could think about was my father, Jules, and you. I thought you'd be better without me. God, was I wrong." A sharp turn on your heel, you stare at him.
"Do you have any idea how lonely I've been? That I lost my best friend and the love of my life in one go? I shipped myself back to London to finish school cause everywhere I looked, you were there. Yet, with new faces, places, and everything else, I still looked and craved for you. My dumbass even thought you'd come running after me? But that was all in my head." Charles shakes his head no.
"I did come after you, but your fucking father found me and the ring and told me you hated me. Never wanted to see me again, so I flew back. I didn't learn how you still felt until 2 months ago. Gerri is a talker when drunk." You try to follow his words, but the word ring is all you can stay on. "And she was drunk, spilled everything to me. How you fell apart, kicking your father out for a month. All of it. Grew some balls and went to your father, talked to him, and told him I would marry you with or without his permission." Taking deep breaths, he calms down, leaving you two in silence.
"You have a ring?" He nods, pulling out a little black box. "I carry it with me everywhere." Neither of you says anything as you just stare at the box. "Ask me."
"What?" Eyes wide as you smile, eyes watery. "Ask me to marry you. Please?" He laughs, dropping his head. He gets down to one knee on the empty Monte Carlo street. "Y/n Horner, will you marry me?"
Laughing, you nod. They're happy tears as he slips the ring on your finger this time. "Yes, my balcony boy." His own laughter filled the quiet street.
2024 Ages 27 & 26
"Y/n? Come on, don't be late for our wedding rehearsal!" You smile, blinking out of the memories as you stare at that ugly dress you wore the first time you met Charles.
"Coming!" You stare at your rehearsal dress. A white dress hanging off the door. One dress you wore when you met the love of your life, the other you'd be wearing to promise yourself to him forever.
This was a love story that survived.
Turning, he stops fidgeting with his watch, mouth open. "Is that? Woah." He gasps, seeing you wearing the same dress he first meet you in.
"Yep, had it altered like crazy, but bringing back memories?" Charles can only nod as he moves to your side, kissing you.
"We were both so young when I first saw you." He whispers, kissing you again. "And I'm going to ensure we're never apart again." Placing a kiss on your ring.
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croimilis · 2 years
private show
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title: private show
characters: peter parker x stark!avenger!reader
rating: 18+
words: 8k
theme: smut, porn with minor plot, a little sweet moment between reader, shang-chi and america
warning: smut, filthy smut, alcohol. titty job, oral (m and f receiving),hair pulling, praise, thigh riding, fingering, nipple play, reader has nipple piercings, p in v sex, unprotected sex (please assume some type of other contraception is used), multiple orgasms (both m and f), cum swallowing, peters a bit of  perv, mentions of birth control, creampie, dom!peter, confident!peter, cum eating, cum play, peter calls reader ‘princess’ maybe a little too much, soft!peter, aftercare, a little bit of subdrop
summary:  “turn down the lights and watch my private show”
you notice peter has an obsession with your tits, so you offer to give him a private show
tags: @xoxabs88xox​
a/n: all characters are 18+ (specifically 21 as there is drinking mentioned), this was meant to be short and sweet, but i’m slowly learning i cannot do anything in moderation and it is most definitely the most filthy smut i have ever written
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He was staring again, his eyes following you throughout the room from the moment you entered. You could feel them burning into your skin as you walked, greeting various benefactors and members of the Avengers with you arm wrapped around Tony’s, to be specific you could feel them burning into the skin of the cleavage you had exposed in your deep cut dress where the ‘v’ almost reached your belly button.
It wasn’t the first time you had noticed Peter staring at your boobs, it was one of many over the last couple of months and you were sure he was staring long before it came to your attention and you don’t know how you didn’t notice sooner. After all, Peter Parker was not discreet in any way shape or form outside of his role as Spiderman.
When you first noticed it was soon after you had gotten your nipples pierced, much to your fathers horror and everyone else's amusement as Tony freaked out about his ‘sweet innocent little angel falling into temptations’ despite knowing you had not been innocent since the age of 16 when you asked him to go on birth control specifying why (he looked like he was ready to drop dead at that very second while Peper just looked on with an amused smile).
Given the pain of the piercings, you were reluctant to wear a bra for the first few days and instead floated about in loose tank tops and camis that were just tight enough to show your new piercings but not enough that it would hurt. This particular day, you were sitting at the kitchen island of the compound just scrolling on your phone as you waited for Tony and Bruce to be finished in the lab because you were supposed to be heading out to lunch with your dad.
As Peter walks into the kitchen, you flash him a smile and give a small “”hey” in greeting before turning your eyes back to your phone. Peter on the other hand could not keep his eyes off you no matter how hard he tried. In general, Peter thought you were stunning, this complete otherworldly creature that he could only describe as heavenly and he was completely and utterly infatuated from the moment he saw you all those years ago when he first joined the Avengers at the young of age of 16, that was 5 years ago now and he was still completely enamoured with you. Probably even more so now that he actually knew you as a person.
But recently Peter has become completely obsessed with a particular part of your body, he just couldn’t help himself. It seemed that every time you were around his eyes would drift towards your chest and stay there for much longer than was deemed polite, though he was sure that by even looking he was way past the point of politeness, and today was no different.
Especially with the way the bars of your new piercings were pushing against the fabric of your shirt, as if inviting him to have a look and he couldn’t look away, not as you greeted him, not as he leaned against the kitchen counter while eating the apple he had lifted, not as you tell him about the newest article about Spiderman and (hero name) and how there’s rumours the two are sleeping together or romantically involved and snort at some of the comments being made about the two of you, and not as Tony walks into the room to take you for your lunch. He prays to every god that could exist, including Thor and Loki, that you don’t notice the way his eyes suddenly snap up to your face as you give him a goodbye, like all the other times he stares he hopes you don’t notice.
But unlike all the other times before, you notice this time. You had actually looked up from your phone for a split second to try and read Peter’s expression as you tell him about the news article you were reading and had noticed that while he was listening, he was focused on something other than your voice and he was not being discreet about it with the way his eyes lingered and a light flush dusted his cheeks a lovely shade of pink.
Instead of questioning him, you simply smirk and look back down to your phone, a small blush spreading across your cheeks at the attention. After all, similar to Peter, you harboured an attraction to him from the first time you met at 16 years old but never thought it was reciprocated in any way but now you knew you were going to have fun with it.
After that you started noticing him staring more often.Like that one time after training with Natasha when you were in nothing but a sports bra and pair of athletic shorts, he seemed to be watching the way the sweat that had gathered on your body was dripping down between your cleavage with such intensity you could almost feel his gaze burning into our skin. That day you had to suppress a smirk and pretend like you were just getting a headache as Nat turned to you with a weird look and asked what was up, after all just because you knew didn’t mean everyone else had to know.
Or that time you were at an Avengers themed Halloween party some fraternity at your college was throwing and you had gone as Black Widow, taking one of Nats old cat suits and adjusting it to your body measurements to do so. Still, even with adjustments the suit was tight around your chest and squeezed your breasts together in a way that made sure they would be hard to miss. You had meet up with Peter (obviously dressed as Spiderman) and MJ (who refused to participate but still wore an Avengers t-shirt) at the party and immediately noticed how Peter’s eyes drifted to your chest before they bounced back to your eyes, a flush spreading across his cheeks as he stuttered out a greeting and practically choked on his own spit causing MJ to turn to him with a ‘wtf’ look and a “dude are you okay?”
You simply batted your eyelashes at him, inwardly grinning to yourself, and asked in your most innocent voice, “Yeah, Pete. You okay?” Peter swore he was going to die that very second had it not been for Flash (who was dressed up as Spiderman as well, though he claimed his looked more authentic despite the fact that Peter was simply wearing one of his old costumes) coming up and stealing your attention from Peter with a “(Y/N)! You’re looking great.”
There were moments like that scattered throughout the few months since you had noticed him staring for the first time, all of them leading up to this night and your choice of dress. Natasha and Wanda had helped you pick it out, a gorgeous black that hugged close to your figure and showed off all your curves beautifully with a deep deep ‘v’ neckline that showed of your tits like they were pieces of art to be shown off, Tony had nearly had heart failure when he had seen you in it for the first time a week earlier as he walked in on Pepper adjusting the length for you. Which to you, meant it was absolutely perfect for what you wanted it for.
Your eyes roam  around the room for a bit, your arms wrapped around Tonys as talks to another benefactor and Admiral Simpson or something like that, you had stopped caring three Admirals ago, looking for Peter. When your eyes finally meet his, you smile and excuse yourself from the conversation to go and join him at the large window showing off the lights of New York below.
Peter is standing by himself, occasionally bringing the beer in his hand to his mouth to take a sip. These events weren’t really his scene, while Peter loved a good party he hated the formality around the Avengers events and so he usually kept to himself and relegated himself to a corner of the room where he could nurse a beer the whole night and just watch as the party slipped by him. Sometimes you joined him in his corner, bringing cheesy jokes and conversations that kept his mind busy, other times the two of you would escape and he would take you swinging around the city and you would end up sitting on some random rooftop his suit jacket wrapped around your shoulders to fight of the cold as you ate some of the best pizza greasy New York had to offer.
It seemed this night you decided to just join him, lifting a champagne flute from the tray of a waiter as they passed you by and downing its contents in second leaving a red residue behind from your lipstick. You stand in front of him, a small smile on your face as you do so and greet him with a gentle “hey” that he reciprocated, though you have to stop your smile from turning into a smirk as his eyes moved down your face and across your body, fully taking you in, lingering a little too long on your chest.
As Peter greets you, eyes quickly snapping up to meet yours, you let out a small chuckle and reach a hand out, wrapping it gently around his wrist and slowly moving it up her arm as you lean close to his ear, your chest pressing against his lightly as you do so.
“If you like staring at my tits so much, why don’t I give you a private show?” You smirk to yourself and bite down on your bottom lip, you were so close you could feel the heat radiating off his cheeks as the blush spread across his face rapidly.
You remove your hand from his bicep, slowly trailing it up his shoulder as you walk behind Peter, your chest now very flush with his back, you keep going your hand now gently wrapped around Peter’s neck as you tilt his head upwards so he’s looking at ceiling and you lips are right beside his ear, “Meet me in my room in 30 minutes”
You would go now, but the party had only started and as the daughter of the host it would be rude of you to not make the rounds, have at least 1 drink and socialise a bit with the other avengers, and maybe just maybe you wanted to torment the poor soul just a little. You remove your hand from Peter's neck and fully turn away from him, instead facing the bar and you smile at Natasha, who was behind the bar as usual much preferring to work at these events than have to socialise and who was already preparing a (preferred drink) for you.
As you approach, she cocks and eyebrow and gives you a sly but questioning look as if she knew exactly what you were up to., placing the drink down on the counter in front of you. “What are you doing that poor boy?”
You simply roll your eyes and lift the drinking, bringing it to your lips, eyes ghosting over to where Peter now stood in shock with a bright blush spreading across his cheeks and his head whipping from side to side to make sure no one else had seen what had happened. “I have no idea what you’re talking about Nat.”
“Uh-uh, as if you couldn’t cut the sexual tension between the two of you with a butterknife.” You snort at her comment, leaning your back against the bar and placing your elbows on it as well for extra stability in your heels as Nat leans on the bar at your side, arms crossed over the counter and her head tilted towards you, “Just make safe choices, we don’t need any little Iron Spiderlings running around.”
This time you roll your eyes at her comment and down the rest of your drink, your eyes finding a very nervous looking Shang-chi and America being hounded by a bunch of benefactors who want to know simply everything about the pair, well more specifically about what they could do. You push yourself of the bar and turn to Nat to place a kiss to her cheek, “I always make safe choices Nat,” Natasha rolls her eyes at you as she leans into the kiss and you give her a cheeky smile as you make your way over to the nervous pair and the five or six benefactors surrounding them.
“Okay, why don’t we give them some space to breathe?” The benefactors all turn to look at you at the sound of your voice, your eyes are narrowed into a glare, your face hardened and arms crossed over your chest, even if they didn’t know what exactly you were capable off and the fact that you could kill them all twice over in just a few seconds they would still be intimidated from your look alone, after all your glare could rival Medusas and turned most people into living statues as they stared at you in fear, a skill you have to thank Natasha for. They all gulp down their fear, shuffling away from Shang-Chi and America with nervous looks on their face and all muttering some form of “of course Miss. Stark” or “sorry Miss.Stark.”, preferring to use your real name over your hero name as if refusing to address you as your hero name gave them some sort of power over you.
You kept the glare on your face until the last of them disappeared out of your sight, instead going to bother some other members of the Avengers (probably Sam and Bucky) who would have no problem either entertaining them or telling them to fuck right off. As the last one disappears, you drop the glare and turn to Shang-Chi and America with a soft smile and nothing but kindness in your eyes. “You guys okay?”
America says nothing and just nods her head as she wrings her hands together nervously and Shang-chi gulps down his nerves and answers you, “Yeah..we’re…we’re good.” With a chuckle you realise they were scared of you and you reach out a hand to take Americas, rubbing soft circles against her skin as you do so to try and ease her nerves, “Relax, that look is reserved for those vultures and the press.”
Shang-Chi nods his head and you can see the tension leave his shoulders slightly, though not completely, and you can feel some of the tension leave America as she winds her fingers in with yours as a form of comfort. “Other then those guys, how are you guys?”
A shaky breath leaves Shang-Chi lips, “Nervous,” you nod along to him and hum softly in response, “Your first event is always the hardest, but you get used to them after a while and you learn how to tell those dicks to fuck off without feeling guilty about it.” America lets out a giggle at your words and you smile at her, she’s a sweet girl and being around the age you were when you first joined the Avengers you felt a sisterly need to look after her.
You spend the next 20 minutes just talking to the pair, calming their nerves and reassuring them that they were going to be fine. Every Avenger in the room had their backs and all it would take is one word and they would handle anyone giving them bother, especially Stephen Strange who had formed an attachment to America.
Once their nerves were calmed she started to get to know each other a little more, you talked about your mothers and how much you adored and missed them, Shang-Chi told you about Ta Lo and America told you about the Utopian parallel universe she was from and you spoke about the small cottage in the middle of nowhere your mother raised you in, surrounded by nothing but woods and nature, it was your perfect little corner of the world untouched by anyone else until she got sick. It was nice to talk about, most people you spoke to about your mother always showed sympathy and seemed to focus on the the loss rather than who she was as a person, but Shang-Chi and America wanted to know about her, about your life with her, not the grief, not the loss, but the good moments, the memories you shared with her and the love.
The conversation shifts quickly as Shang-Chi and America start to discuss some movie they had both seen that weekend, and you take that moment to excuse yourself from the pair as you notice Peter slip out of the room. You make your way towards the back of the room, skirting the edges and disappearing into the shadows as you do making it easy for you to slip out of the room without being noticed by most people, the only ones that do are Natasha and Bucky and they share a knowing look and small smirk before they turn back to their conversation.
As quickly as you slip into your room, you’re slammed against the cool metal of the door as it slides closed behind you with a hand roughly grabbing at your hips and another slamming against the door at the side of your face effectively trapping you against it. Your eyes instantly snap up to meet with Peter’s, his pupils blown wide and full of lust, you simply smirk up at him and bite down on your lip.
He’s so close, pressing his body against yours and you can feel the bulge that is barely contained by his dress pants pressing against you, can feel the rippling muscles of his abdomen as they press against your chest and his hot breath against your face as he leans in towards yu, yet still you want him impossibly closer to you. The desire that has been boiling away inside you these past few months finally bubbling over and igniting every nerve ending in your body, leaving you consumed by want, by need.
Your own breath starts to come out heavy and laboured as the desire begins to pull in your stomach, especially as Peter squeezes at your hips and slowly starts to move his hand upwards, ghosting over your torso and going higher and higher until his palm is barely touching the side of your breast while his fingers gently dug into your rips.
“I believe you owe me a show princess.”
You were used to the term ‘princess’ being thrown around when discussing you, usually by the press or by the people who thought you got everything handed to you by Tony since you were introduced to the world as his daughter at your 18 birthday. The people who called you princess used the word like a knife in an attempt to cut into you and see you bleed so they could inject their venom directly into your blood and turn you into the bitchy socialite they wanted you to be, that way they would be justified in their horribleness towards you.
But Peter’s tone did not hold any venom it, his voice had not be sharpened into a knife edge meant to dig into your skin, Instead it was honey rich and smooth and slipped off his tongue almost like a prayer, warming you from the inside and sending another pang of desire rolling through your bones.
Peter steps back from you, his arms moving from your side and waist but despite the absence you can still feel their lingering warmth through the fabric of your dress, and he sits himself down on the edge of your bed with his forearms against his thighs as he leans forward slightly and regards you with an intense, almost predatory gaze.
It sends a shiver down your spines and warmth to your core and the intensity of the look causes your hands to shake as you reach to the back of your dress and slowly pull down the zipper. You were deliberate with your speed, wanting to tease Peter just a little while longer and maybe a part of you was hoping he would jump to his feet and rip the zipper down himself. But he doesn’t.
Instead, as the slipper slowly moves down your back,you notice the vein in his jaw jump as he clenches it tighter and tighter. As the zip finally reaches the bottom, just above your ass, you let the sleeves of the dress fall from your arms which allows the fabric to pool at your feet, leaving you in only your heels. You stand there for a second, watching as Peter’s eyes widen at your bare form, after all the tightness of your dress did not leave room for panties or bra lines. His reaction causes a smirk to rise on your lips.
“You’re fucking stunning princess.”
You step out of the fabric at your feet, your heels clicking against the ground as you stalk towards him. As you reach him, his hands wrap around your bare thighs and he gives them a gentle squeeze as he stares up at you before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss against your hip. You cup your hands around his jaw, rubbing your thumb against his cheek as you bend down to place a gentle kiss against his lips.
The kiss starts soft but quickly turns heated as Peter grips at your thigh and causes a small gasp to leave your lips, which Peter uses to shove his tongue into your mouth. You moan into Peter’s mouth as he twirls his tongue around yours before pulling it back and biting down gently on your lip, one of his hands moves from your thigh and trails ever closer to where you need him most and he smirks into the kiss as he feels your wetness seeping down your  thigh, the effect he has on you fueling his ego.
Peter pulls away from the kiss and pulls his hand away from your thigh, a light residue from the wetness on your thigh coating his fingers, “This all for me baby?”
You nod, not knowing where this confident side of Peter had come from but loving it all the same, “Yes Peter, all for you.” He lets out a hum and sucks his fingers into his mouth, savouring the lingering taste of you as he looks up at your flushed cheeks through his long lashes. You gulp at the sight, moving your hands from his jaw line and down onto his shoulders, trailing down his arms as you lower yourself down onto your knees in front of him.
You rest your hands over his clothed thigh and look up at Peter with lightly veiled innocence, your big doe eyes lust blown to the point that the [colour] of your irises were almost completely gone, eclipsed by the blackness of your pupils, and slightly parted lips now imprinted in Peter's mind and locked away somewhere safe for those lonely nights in the future where he will most definitely be touching himself thinking about this night.  “Let me take care of you Peter, please?”
When you look at him like that and ask in that almost begging tone, who was he to tell you no, “Go ahead baby.”
With his permission, you’re moving your hand from his thigh and to the zipper of his pants pulling it down and then pulling down both his pants and boxers in on go, Peter lifting his hips slightly to make it easier for you, letting them pool around his ankles and you lick your lips at the sight of his cock bouncing against his stomach once its released from his boxers.
You keep your hands on high thighs and lean forward, your tongue making contact with the base of Peter’s cock and causing a groan to fall from Peter’s lip that only amplifies as you lick up to the tip and suck the tip into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it. The moan Peter lets out is like music to your ears and encourages you to do it again, running your tongue over the slit as you do, before starting to bob up and down on his length.
You do your best to take him all in your mouth, but you struggle to do so, gagging as he hits the back of your throat. Your inability to take all of him in your mouth sparks an idea in your mind, one you're sure Peter is going to love. Pushing yourself up on your knees so you’re just that little bit higher, you lean forward and slot Peter’s cock into the valley of your breasts and Peter nearly faints at the sight.
Your pretty lips all swollen from the kiss and from sucking his cock, your pretty little boobs wrapped around his cock, its another image seared into his mind and stored away for later use. As you press your hands into the side of your boobs, tightening their hold on his cock, and start moving them up and down, the moan Peter lets out can only be described as unholy and it adds fuel to the already raging fire inside you as you clench and unclench around nothing and rub your thighs together for just a little bit of friction or relief, though it offers none.
You continue your ministrations with your tits, watching through heavy lashes as Peter’s face contorts in pleasure and he struggles to hold in the moans and groans that are falling intermittently from his lips, between words of praise about how good you’re making him feel and being such a good girl for him, you would admit it to no one (not even Peter) but his words went straight to your core and caused you to clench even harder around nothing.
You reach your tongue out, giving kitten licks to the mushroom tip and over his slit as often as you could between the thrust of yours boobs, causing Peter to throw his head back and pleasure and reach a hand out to grab at the hair at the back of your head, “Shit , princess… you’re killing me here.”
That’s all the encouragement you need to keep going, darting your tongue out and swiping across Peters head almost every time it gets close to your mouth, licking up the precum leaking out of the tip, and squeezing your boobs even tighter around his cock as you do so, another groan forces itself out of Peters mouth as his hand tightens in your hair, causing a moan to fall from your own lips. “I’m so close, you gonna let me cum all over those pretty tits of yours princess?”
“Yes Peter, please cum all over my tits”
The desperation in your voice, the almost begging tone lacing it causes Peter to lose his composure and control as he shoots rope after rope of cum over your chest as you continue to move your boobs over him, the cum spreading down the valley and up onto your chest with some even landing in your mouth on your waiting tongue that you had stuck out when he started to cum.
Peter pants as you let go of your boobs and sit back, his hand leaves your hair and instead cups your jaw gently in a stark contrast with how hard he had been gripping at the roots where he runs a finger across your chin to swipe up the cum that had hit against it. He taps his thumb against your lips and you open, sucking his thumb into your mouth and moaning at the sensuality of it. It’s another image Peter will have seared in the back of his brain for the rest of his life.
As Peter focuses on the image of you, on your knees sucking on his thumb covered in his cum, you swipe some of the cum of your chest letting it cover your fingers before you pull back of his thumb and instead suck your own fingers into your mouth, swirling your tongue around them to get as much cum off them as you can. Your eyes are staring up at Peter’s through your eyelashes, watching as the irises almost completely disappear, existing as the smallest rings around the pitch blackness of the blown out pupil, when you pull your fingers from your mouth with a ‘pop’ Peter is quick to pull you into a rough kiss, instantly shoving his tongue into your mouth.
You moan at the sensation of his tongue massaging yours, reaching your hands up and wrapping them around his neck, rising back up so Peter’s not having to bend over as much, tangling your hands a little bit less than gently in his hair and giving it a gentle tug, which causes Peter to let put a deep almost animalistic growl that has you clenching your thighs together even tighter, the movement of which Peter notices and he’s pulls away from you, a cocky smirk on his face.
“You took such good care of me princess…” His hand ghosts across your thigh until he’s hovering over your core, so close you can feel the heat emanating from it, and then ever so slowly he runs a finger through your folds, pressing against your clit with the slightest pressure as he does so and causing a whine to fall from your lips because god was it the most heavenly thing you’ve felt recently but it just was not enough, “Now let me take care of you.”
He takes your arms in his hands, guiding you to standing before he strips himself of his blazer and dress shirt, throwing them to the ground somewhere in your room. He lets you go and sits back down on the bed, patting his thigh as an invitation for you to sit. It's one you take almost immediately, throwing on leg over and lowering yourself down so that the fabric of his trousers make contact with your bare cunt and rubbing so deliciously on your clit as you do, ripping a moan from your throat as you do. "You have such pretty moans, pretty girl."
Peter grips onto your hips, fingers digging in a way that was painful to the point you were sure they were going to leave bruises but also amplified the pleasure coursing through your veins. Peter starts to move you up and down his thigh, the friction of the fabric rubbing on your clit at a brutal pace sending shockwaves through you and causing you to throw your head back as moans continually fall from your lips.
“Does that feel good?” You nod your head and Peter tenses his thigh underneath you, bouncing his knee alongside it pulling another loud moan from your lips at pleasure overwhelms your senses, “Come on princess, you gotta use your words.”
You let out a whine at the sensation, the motion of the bounce putting delicious pressure and friction against your clit that has you almost seeing stars, “Fe-feels s’good Peter.” Your words slur together as pleasure overwhelms your senses. Peter’s grip tightens at your words as he moves you even quicker against his thigh, the coil in your stomach that had already been wound tight, tightens even further and can feel the cliff edge of your orgasm approaching so very quickly.
“Yeah baby? You gonna cum all over my thigh?” You nod your head, reaching your hand up to grip at Peter’s shoulders so tightly that you're sure you’ll leave behind crescent shapes from your nails or even draw blood. Peter groans at the sensation, his cock already semi-hard again from watching you unravel on his thigh, he never thought he would be in pain (he experience enough of it on a daily basis) but yet here you are proving him wrong with the way your hands had previously tugged at his hair and the way your nails are currently biting into his skin and causing his cock to twitch at the sensations.
“Go on then princess, cum for me.” There he goes again with that stupid pet name that you should hate but instead has you melting into him even further, your clit throbbing as it rolls of his tongue like liquid gold honey that seeps deep into your bones. Peter tenses his thigh once again and you feel every ridge of hard muscle under the cloth of his trousers and it sends you spiralling off the cliff edge you had been teetering on as your orgasm sends shockwaves through your body.
Peter watches your face as it contorts in pleasure from your orgasm wracking through your body, ignoring the wetness that had now gone through his pants and was coating his thigh, and he swears you’ve never looked more beautiful and another image is forever ingrained in his mind. His cock was now fully hard once again and twitching against his stomach begging for some kind of attention or friction, which he grants it by removing his hand from it and giving it a few pumps but it wasn’t enough, no, Peter was feeling greedy now. He already felt the bliss of your mouth and tits wrapped around him and now he wanted more, no he needed more. Needed to feel your pretty little pussy wrapped around him and squeezing him.
Peter makes a quick decision while you’re still coming down from your orgasm and wraps the hand still holding onto you around your waist and twists you both around so that you were now lying on the bed with your legs hanging of bed with your butt just on the edge and he was now kneeling down in front of you with both hands on your knees, holding your legs apart as he eyes up your soaking wet cunt.
It almost makes you feel self-conscious, almost has you trying to squeeze your legs closed but Peter's firm grip and his superhuman strength stops you no matter how hard you strain against him, you simply cannot win against Peter in a battle of pure strength. The self consciousness erodes away and the words of discontent that were forming on your tongue are replaced by a porn-staresque moan as Peter dives in and licks a stripe up your cunt and latches his mouth onto your clit. `The sound causes Peters dick to twitch against his abdomen.
He hums against your clit, the vibrations adding to the immense pleasure you were feeling, and slowly pushes a single digit into your weeping hole to start prepping you to take his cock. He pumps in and out of you, finger curling in and pressing against your gummy walls as he does, you moan at the combined movement and sensation of Peter sucking on your clit and feel the coil in your stomach already start to tighten once again.
Peters free hand trails up your abdomen with a featherlight touch that you barely feel over the pressure of him fucking his finger into you, you really only become aware of his other hand when he pinches at your nipple and pulls at the metal of the piercing, the pain melding in with the pleasure in such a way that your eyes are rolling to the back of your skull and you miss the way Peter stretched you out by entering a second and third finger into you.
The coil in your stomach is impossibly tight, tighter that it ever has been and yet you doesn’t snap as Peter releases your clit with a ‘pop’ but he continues the ministrations with his fingers, rubbing against your most sensitive spot with every thrust, “God princess, you taste absolutely amazing and feel so amazing clenching down on my fingers, I can’t wait to feel you clenching on my cock.”
The praise falling from Peter’s lips goes straight to your head and causes you to clench around his fingers even harder, he presses harder into your g-spot and pulls on your nipples once again causing a wanton moan to fall from your lips, the coil in your stomach starting to reach it’s breaking point. “You gonna cum again baby? Go on, cum all over my fingers and face.” Suddenly Peter’s sucking on your clit once again and your eyes are rolling back in pleasure as it overwhelms you and you see nothing but stars as your orgasm overwhelms your senses.
As you cum all over him, your juices squirting over his fingers and rolling down to his wrist, he removes his fingers and instead starts to lap up everything you have to give him, moving the hand on your nipple down to hold your waist against the bed as you begin to write in overstimulation of Peter tonguing your entrance.
The sound of a whine finally pulls Peter away from your pussy and he stands from where he was kneeling, your juices now coating his mouth from your explosive organism, you look angelic with your hair spread out in a halo around you and a blissed out expression on your face, eyes wide and chest rising up and down rapidly as you try and catch your breath. In between your breaths, you reach out to Peter and he gladly leans in, allowing you to wrap your arms around his shoulders and pull him down into a passionate kiss that is all teeth and tongue as you try and get as much of Peter as you can.
Peter is the first to pull away from the kiss and starts to trail kisses down your neck, stopping occasionally to bite and suck on your skin leaving a trail of hickeys in his wake. The sensations have you whining, desperate for more as your needy cunt clenches around nothing, “Peter…” Peter smirks into your skin and places a gentle kiss on your collarbone before he rises and stares down at you with a raised eyebrow, “Need you…”
“Need me where princess? Come on baby use your words, tell me what you want”
“Please Peter…I need to feel you inside of me… please please fuck me” Your tone is begging, a whine falling from your lips at the end of the sentence, and who was Peter to deny you when you sounded so pretty begging for him inside you. Peter grips the base of his cock and rubs himself along your fold, coating himself in all your wonderful wetness as a lubricant, as the tip of his cock catches on your clit you let out another whine and Peter smirks at the sound. “Peter…please…enough teasing.”
Peter lines himself up with your entrance and looks up at you for confirmation and as you nod your head he slowly slides himself in, letting out a low groan at the sensation of you stretching and clenching around his cock. It's a groan that is drowned out completely by the moan you let out. Peter moves so slowly you can feel every part of his cock as it rubs inside of you, all the veins and ridges all piling onto the pleasure you’re experiencing and as he bottoms out inside you you let out a small, pleasurable whine.
You have never felt so full before in your life, no other partner you had filled you up just as much as Peter does, and it felt absolutely amazing. With Peter spending time prepping you to take him, you barely feel any pain and it takes only a second of Peter being fully sheathed inside you before you start beginning him to move, it’s a request he’s glad to fulfil as he slowly pulls out before slamming back into you and starting an almost brutal pace.
As Peter thrusts in and out of you at a rapid pace, you wrap your arms around his shoulder and dig your nails into the flesh, the pain of which combines with the pleasure of your cunt squeezing his cock and pulls a deep moan from Peter that has you dragging your nails down his back leaving red marks in your wake to hear it again and again. Your own moans join in with Peters as his cock hits against either your g-spot or your cervix with every thrust, driving you absolutely insane with pleasure to the point that black dots began to gather in your vision as another orgasm rocks through you unexpectedly, a result of combining the after effects of your previous orgasm and the pleasure currently coursing through every nerve in your body.
Peter lets out a deep groan as you clench around him, eyes moving to watch his cock piston in and out of you and at the white ring of your cum that had gathered around the base, “Fuck princess you feel so fucking amazing on my cock, squeezing me so good.” You try and form words, anything to show Peter just how amazing he’s making you feel, but you can’t. The words die in the back of your throat and are instead replaced simply by whines and moans but they’re still sounds that make Peter’s cock twitch inside of you.
Peter continues his assault on your pussy, chasing his own high, the pattern of his thrusts becoming irregular and scattered as he rapidly approaches his own orgasm. “Fuck…princes I’m going to cum” He was going to pull out and cum on your pussy and stomach, never had any intention of cumming inside of you until your soft voice quietly calls out an “inside.”
His eyes snapped up to meet yours and something feral reflected in them, “You want me to cum inside you princess? Want me to fill you up?” You nod your head as best you can and Peter slows down his thrust
“Oh God, yes Peter…please fill me with your cum.”
Peter speeds up his thrusts once again, hips slamming hard against your pelvis and balls slamming against your ass, the squelching sound of your pussy and the slapping of skin fills the air and joins the erotic symphony of your combined moans as Peter chases his high, the only thought in his head being how pretty you’re going to look with his cum dripping out of your pussy. It doesn’t take long until Peter trusts become sloppy and he sheathes himself completely inside you, tip of his cock pressed right against your cervix as he shoots rope after rope of hot cum inside of you with a loud groan.
Peter almost collapses on top of you, but he stops himself by placing his forearms by your head and using them to support his weight as his eyes move over your face, watching intently as you catch your breath and slowly come back to reality after three orgasms. He gently brushes one hand across your face in an attempt to ground you and as he cups your cheek to rub a thumb across the skin, you reach for his hand and cup your own around it. “You okay?”
You nod and turn your head to place gentle kisses on the palm of Peter’s hand, which has him smiling down at you gently and placing his own soft kisses against your forehead, “I’m going to pull out, okay?” You nod again, eyelids fluttering slightly and a small whine leaving your lips as Peter removes his cock from inside you, the stimulation a little too much. Peter whispers a gentle “sorry” and places more comforting kisses against your face and shoulders, the hand on your cheek continuing to rub against your skin to try and comfort you.
Peter places a gentle and loving kiss against your lips, the tenderness acting as such a juxtaposition to how deeply and roughly he had been fucking you moments before. You smile into the kiss, hand curling around the back of Peter’s neck to play with the baby hairs at the base. Peter pulls back from the kiss with a smile and pecks your nose gently, the cloudiness that had previously been in your eyes fading slightly as the skin to skin contact you have with him grounds you back to earth.
“Do you need anything? A shower, a bath, snacks?” You take a deep breath, pulling Peter down so he’s even closer and nuzzling into his neck, inhaling his scent as deep as you can and placing a light kiss against the skin, “A bath would be nice.” Your voice comes out soft and just above a whisper, had Peter not been deliberately paying attention he would have missed it.
“Okay princess, let’s run you a bath.” Peter goes to lift of you, but you keep him tight in your grip and wrap your legs around his waist, further restricting him from moving and going to draw you a bath. You let out a noise of discontent as he tries to pull away once again and Peter chuckles slightly at the sound. If you weren’t willing to let him go, then he was just going to have to carry you, which he did as he wrapped and arm around your waist for extra support and stood with you in his arms.
“Don’t worry princess, I’ll take good care of you”
Tony approaches Natasha at the bar, wanting a drink but also a little curious as to where you had disappeared too. You were on his arm when you both entered the party, though you quickly separated from him to go and socialise with people your own age after you had greeted all the necessary benefactors and he remembers seeing you with Parker briefly and then with America and Shang-Chi, it was their first Avengers formal event so he assumed you were reassuring them, but he hadn’t seen you since and he was getting just a little worried.
Nat, having seen Tony on his way towards her, places a glass of scotch, neat, on the bar top and smirks to herself as he grabs the glass and downs it in on go before he starts questioning her. “Have you seen my daughter?”
Natasha lets out a small hum and leans forward on the bar, using her forearms to support her weight as she does so, “I might have.” Tony rolls his eyes at the Widow and lets out a huff of air, placing his empty glass down with a little more force than necessary.  Natahsa’s smirk grows into a knowing smile as she glances to the door that both you and a certain spiderling had disappeared out of about 2 hours earlier and had yet to return from. Tony follows her gaze and he feels his heart tightening at the thought you had left with someone, “She left with someone?”
Natasha nods her head, “‘Bout 2 hours ago.” Horror slowly fills Tony, you would only be away for that long for one reason and one reason only and it was not one he was ready to consider for you. Despite being 21 years old, you were still hes sweet, little girl and the thought of you being sexually active was horrifying. Not only that, most people here that weren’t members of the Avengers were his age and older and he did not want you mixed up with them and there were very few members of the Avengers around your age, well specifically one and as the thought crossed his mind Tony started to glare at nothing, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he did so, “Parker”
Natasha laughed at Tony, a full belly laugh that had her throwing her head back as she did. After she settled down her laughter enough, she was able to grab onto Tony's shoulder to stop him from storming into your bedroom and seeing something he really did not want to see, “Oh come on. They’re young, let them have their fun.” Tony huffed out once again, as Pepper's voice filled his ears. He hadn’t even noticed her coming up beside him and taking his hand in hers to calm him down, though his temper flares again as Natasha speaks up once again.
“At least it’s not Barnes she’s running off with.”
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exhaslo · 8 months
Kinktober Day 16- Miguel x Villian!Reader (Bondage)
*Requested by reader ;) *
        The age of heroes was long gone, therefore you thought it was safe to play the part of a villain. Not really a villain, per se, you were a thief. Upon reading about how glorious the past thieves and villains were, you wanted to give your life a new thrill. Taking upon the name of, 'Black Cat', you dedicated your nights to stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, or sometimes to your pockets. Which ever gave you more of a high.
"Ohhhhhh, look at those earrings she is wearing! I'm sure she won't notice if I take them~"
"I'm sure she will,"
"No she-Ah!"
        You yelped away from the window, wondering who was talking to you. To your surprise, it was a tall muscular man in a suit. This must have been the big scary Spiderman that everyone was talking about. Your eyes wandered from his head to his toe. He was much finer than the stories you heard. Ain't no way a man like that was single. You swore a lightbulb appeared above your head. There was something new to steal now.
"Don't believe we've officially met, I'm Black Cat, but you can call me Kitty." You said with a wink.
"Gatita? (kitty?)" He repeated. 
        You nearly gasped. He was Spanish too, one of your many weaknesses in a man! Holding your chest, you nearly stumbled. What would happen if you just surrounded yourself to him? Spiderman was a hero, perhaps you can taint him!
"Wow, that just rolls right off the tongue-ahem, anyway, there's no way such a big hero like yourself is here to stop lil ol' me from stealing some earrings, right?"
"No. Just patrolling and saw a shady figure looking to break in."
"I am not shady!" You said with a huff and approached him, "But, I'll be a good kitty tonight and go home. Maybe if we meet again, I can be good to you~" You purred, trailing your finger against his chest.
        You quickly left with a wide grin against your lips. Oh he was so toned! You casually glanced back, hoping that your flirting was good enough. It had been a while since you did something so bold. Well, the mask sure helped.
        Miguel just stood there, wondering what had just happened. Normally he wouldn't let such petty thieves get away without teaching them a lesson, but then again, you didn't steal anything yet. That, and Miguel had not been flirted with in such a long time that he was in shock. Your casual touch against his skin made him tense. You called yourself a good kitty for him. That was something he was going to think about all night.
        As luck would have it, you kept bumping into Spiderman. It was always whenever you were going to steal something petty or for yourself. Never when it was for others. It made you wonder if he was watching what you were stealing. If so, where would he draw the line? It felt like your flirting was working because Spiderman had started to flirt back! Oh, you nearly dropped on your knees the first time he said something so proactive! You nearly folded right then and there for him!
"Not yet, (y/n)! You need to think!"
"(Y/n)? What a pretty name," Spiderman said with a hum. You let out a whine as your cat claws stroked down the wall you were about to climb,
"You're so mean to me!" You teased, facing the tall man, "Are you going to look me up when you get home, huh Spidey?"
"Now why would I want to look up criminals?" He drew closer to you, "Unless you want me too?"
"Tsk, tsk, this kitty won't like that. This game has to be fair."
"I don't play games with thieves." Spiderman hummed lowly, his hand pressed against the wall as he hovered over you, "Now what were you trying to steal this time?" He asked.
        You gave him your best pout, trying to act innocent. Why was this man so attractive!? If only you can match a face with that sexy voice of his. You bit you lower lip as you took notice of the position you were in. This was straight out of a comic book! Argh, if only you weren't restricted by his mask. You would totally kiss him!
"Why don't I let you guess?" You placed a hand against his chest, "If you guess correctly, I'll reward you~"
"I don't play games with-"
"Boo! Perhaps next time you can play with this kitty. I'm flexible~" You whispered in his ear before dashing off.
        Miguel inhaled deeply as he watched you scurry off. He kept saying that he did not play games with criminals, yet here he was, letting you run off. Like a game of cat and mouse, only he was a Spider. Miguel groaned lowly as your last words repeated in his mind. Next time he might want that reward you were tempting him with. Next time, he might stop playing games and catch you...Just to see how flexible you really were. It all depends on how you were going to be and what you were going to steal.
        This was it! This was really going to test your flirting skills with Spiderman. You might be going too far, but hell, this was for your own amusement. You wanted to steal Spiderman for yourself. Such a fine man deserved to be yours. You could not go to bed without thinking of him being intimate with you. You wanted him! Chuckling to yourself, you stared at the adult store in front of your, waiting for Spiderman to appear.
"What are you doing, gatita?" Spiderman said with a hesitant sigh. You smirked towards him,
"What? Can't even steal myself some relief? I'm tired of being a good kitty~"
"Rel-" Miguel stopped himself, feeling that thin line slowly breaking, "You don't need that."
"Awe~ Why not?" You slowly approached Spiderman, "Remember that game last time? Guess what I'm going to steal and I'll reward you? Well, it will be an extra sweet reward~"
"Fuck," Oh, you weren't expecting that, "I'm done playing games."
        Before you can whine, you yelped as Spiderman fired his webbing towards you. You gasped as both of your hands were stuck to the building. Spiderman drew closer to you, webbing your hands more firmly so your claws couldn't break you free.
"You've been a bad, gatita. I'm going to have to punish you after all," His voice was low and raspy. Did you actually succeed?
"Oh? And how are you-ah~"
        You gasped once more as Spiderman started to rub his fingers against your cunt. The fabric causing a burning friction. You tried to close your legs, but Spiderman raised them and webbed them to the wall as well. This was an embarrassing position! You were completely caught in his web.
"Miguel," He whispered, trailing his fingers against the rip of your pants, "(Y/N), if you want relief so badly, then I'll give it to you."
        Shit, this was actually happening. You felt yourself grow wetter just by him telling you his name. At least now you had something to yell out. Muffling a moan, you whined as Miguel lowered your pants. The bottom half of his mask disappeared as he brought his tongue to your wet pussy. Your eyes widen as your saw fangs. So those rumors were true. Before you could ask him about them, you let out a loud moan as he licked your folds.
"M-Miguel!" You yelped in shock. Miguel just looked up at you thru his mask, licking your wet folds in the process,
"You can't lick yourself here, gatita, so I will." His voice vibrated throughout your body, causing you to shiver in delight.
        You tried to arch your back as he wiggled his tongue all over your pussy. A burning sensation traveling all over your body to your cunt. His hands stroking your legs, making you more sensitive. Miguel raised his head slightly, sucking against your clit. You cried out, feeling your growing pleasure. You felt his smirk as he slid his hand over your cunt, sliding two of his large digits inside of you. That was your final straw as you cam against his hand.
        You whined once more as Miguel kept fucking his fingers into your throbbing pussy, not giving you a chance to rest. His tongue still against your clit, eagerly sucking and licking. This was actually happening. Spiderman was fucking you. Trembling as Miguel curled his finger's inside you, you started to grind your hips against his hand. This was much better than whatever toy you were going to steal. Another gasp came out of you as Miguel started to pump his fingers faster. You wanted these webs off.
"C-Come on, Spidey, I-I'll be a good, ah, kitty, lemme g-go~" You begged, feeling another orgasm forming. Miguel looked at you, freeing your abused clit,
"Don't like it when you're trapped in my web?" He asked, bringing his fangs against your neck, "Gotta tie up criminals. Including bad gatitas." He whispered, sucking against your neck.
        Your whines got tuned out by your moans since Miguel pumped his fingers into your g-spot. Your vision blurred for a second as you cam once more. Miguel removed his fingers, giving them a lick as he freed his large cock. Pre-cum already dripping from his tip. You were brought back to your senses once you laid eyes on it. How was that going to fit? There was no way you could move either.
"Awe, is my gatita scared?" Miguel teased, pressing the tip of his cock against your soaked pussy, "Why don't I give you a reward for not stealing anything?"
"Mhm-Miguel...It's...too hn...b-big," You stuttered, trembling as he slowly slid his cock inside your gummy walls, "D-Does y-your training...including...d-dick growth?" 
"Hah," Miguel almost let out a rare laugh. 
        You wanted to say you were joking, but you weren't. Miguel was so big and thick. You were shaking as you felt your pussy stretch like never before. It hurt at first, but this position was making you adjust quickly. You were spread out like a damn butterfly. Thank god there were no cameras or nearby people. You flung your head back, moaning as you felt his tip hit your cervix. Who knew Spiderman had such a big dick. Who knew it would even fit inside you!
"Fuck, look at that. What a good gatita." Miguel groaned lowly.
        You whined softly as you felt your walls squeeze him. Miguel leaned in to kiss you before beginning his rough thrusts. Your eyes widen as you moaned into the kiss, surprised by his strength. You felt him fuck the breathe right out of your throat. With each thrust, Miguel bruised your cervix. He held your hips, climbing onto the wall to fuck you deeper. If only you could hold onto him. You felt so vulnerable in this position, unable to move. It was like you were just his fuck toy.
        You swore you saw stars as Miguel made you cum again. He grunted as his cock started to get a white ring from your juices. He quicken his pace, causing you to moan from overstimulation. How many more orgasms' was this man going to draw out of you. You started to feel dizzy, but you didn't want him to stop. Hearing another grunt, Miguel held your waist tighter, almost piercing it with his talons. He slammed his dick into you harshly, pouring his cum into your womb.
"That's right, good gatita's like their milk." Miguel panted softly. You just trembled,
"A-Ah~" You moaned lowly, feeling his hot load fill you.
        Miguel waited a moment before pulling out. He watched as a mixture of his cum and your juices rolled down your legs. He freed you from his webbing and fixed your suit. Glancing up at the building before you, he smirked under his mask,
"I'll let you steal just one thing from that store, but I'll have to punish you again." He whispered in your ear, holding your waist close to his. Your body leaned against his, unable to think straight,
"Do you like seeing this kitty all tied up?"
"I'd be lying if I said no."
"Then I'll reward my precious hero and grab more bondage...That doesn't involve sticky webs." You whined, still removing his webs from your suit. Miguel smirked, biting against your neck as he rubbed your pussy again,
"But you enjoy these sticky webs." He poked against your hole, causing you to melt under his touch,
"L-Lemme steal...mhm...something first."
"Yes, my good little gatita."
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the girl next door 16
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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You sit in another hard plastic chair, this time in an office. You can still hear the chaos of the hospital wing out the walls, a constant reminder of why you’re there. You sit with your elbow on the armrest, your chin in your hand as you bite your fingertips.
The nurse, or nurse practitioner, you don’t know the difference, sits across from you, making notes about your last response. Her questions are pointless. She’s asking about your day, well, it’s obvious that’s not going well. And your hobbies. What do those matter? You don’t do anything so you don’t have an answer for that.
She smiles across at you as she clears her throat. The sort of smile dripping in pity. You get it a lot from the old ladies at the grocery store when they see you helping your mother.
“Have you ever had a period where you felt down? Not just for a week or two but, in fact, for many weeks and, perhaps, months?” She asks.
You don’t answer right away. You push your shoulder up and sit back, dropping your hand to your lap. You frown and look at the ceiling.
“Hm, I guess. Sometimes... yeah.”
All the time.
“Along with that, did you find you had no energy, had no interest in things, and overall had great difficulty functioning?”
Functioning? In what way? Going outside? Smiling? Feeling anything but heavy dread? Not crying until your eyes are raw? Having friends?
“Sure, but uh, I take care of my mom. I don’t have time... sometimes...I get tired.”
"Right,” she scribbles noisily with her pen, “Has this ever happened to you before?”
“Has what happened?” You make yourself look at her.
“These bouts of sadness?”
“My mom is sick. It makes me sad.”
“What about today? You said that you... lost track of time.”
“I’m... my mom... I didn’t sleep well... I don’t know.”
She hums and nods. She pauses as she reads over her folder and puts the pen down. She crosses her arms over the desk.
“It’s normal for caretakers to suffer from depression. You’re taking on a lot so there’s no need to be ashamed. You did so well being so honest today. Really. It makes it easier for us to help you,” she smiles again. What about any of this is happy? “I’m going to write you a prescription. Just a few doses for now, okay? To help you through. And we’ll schedule a follow-up with a psychiatrist.”
“A psychiatrist?” You utter, your eyes hot with tear. “I’m not crazy.”
“That’s not... crazy, we don’t speak like that. And you’re not. You’re hurting and you need relief. That’s all,” she explains, “so, the pills I’m going to send you off with. I want you to be very careful, okay? No alcohol. They’re going to make you drowsy so no driving either.”
“But... my mom doesn’t drive. She can’t.”
“It’s just for a few days. You might want to consider looking into some of the local services. You can find a home nurse to come help out if you qualify,” she gets up and goes to a cabinet against the wall, “I have some pamphlets. You can take them with you and I’ll have someone find you with some samples of the pills. That way, you don’t need to pay, alright?”
Your lips trembles and you bite it to keep it still. You nod and stand as you flick the wetness from your eyes, “can I go?”
“Sure, I’m sure your mom will be ready to see you soon,” she approaches you with a handful of glossy leaflets. “I’ll walk you out.”
You take the pamphlets and she follows you to the door. You step into the hall as she stays close, “Mr. Rogers,” she calls over your shoulder as Steve sits in the hall waiting, “she’s all good. Got her sorted.”
“Great, uh, well, good news,” he stands, rubbing his lowers back, “your mom’s awake.” He announces, “can finally get off this stiff chair.”
“See, that’s wonderful,” the nurse nudges your arm, “I’ll have the medications brought to her room. Have a good day, hon.”
You clutch the pamphlets and stare at Steve’s chest. He points you down the hall and walks beside you.
“Everything go okay? What was that she said about medication?”
“Pills? For what?” He prompts as he leads you along the hallway.
You look down, “guess I might be. I don’t know.”
“You work really hard, sweetie. You’re not invincible,” he comforts and rubs your back. You wince at his unexpected touch, “all this stress...” he trails off and reaches for the pamphlets in your hands. You let him take one, “what’s this?”
He reads as he walks, unbothered by the nurses rushing by and the cleaners in their grey scrubs.
“Home nurse? Hm, that might be a good option,” he clucks, “or maybe... I wouldn’t mind helping out, you know? I know it’s early days but I think we’ve gotten really close.” He folds up the paper and hands it back, “me and your mom... us too, I think.”
You shrug and drag your soles on the floor. He reads the door number as you reach your mom’s room and he waves you in ahead of him. You keep your head down as you go past the curtain as he directs you from behind. You stand at the foot of the bed, too afraid to look up.
“I’m starving,” your mother snarls. She sounds like herself, just tired.
You peek up and your eyes round. She scowls at you as she lays tangled in tubes. You quiver in relief. She’s alive and she seems mostly okay.
“What’re you staring at?” She sneers, “I know I look like death. I feel like it too.”
“Holly,” Steve steps forward, “thank god.” He comes to her side, “we were so worried.”
“Heh,” she snorts.
“Really, when I found you...” he tries to block you out as he lowers his voice, “you never told me you weren’t supposed to drink.”
“Never bothered me much before,” she dismisses, “figured it was just a precaution.”
“Excuse me,” a voice comes from the doorway and you look over at a young man in blue scrubs. He says your name, “I have some samples for you.”
You turn and wave meekly, confirming your identity. He enters and hands you several boxes secured together with a thick elastic.
“Directives on the side,” he points to the folded paper also looped under the rubber band.
“Thanks,” you say and he leaves you just as quickly.
Your turn back to your mom as her eyes center on you. She looks horrible. Sickly. Worse than you’ve ever seen her.
“What’s all that then?” She scoffs.
You try to hide the boxes under your arm and shake your head.
“Typical. She’s gotta get her share of attention.”
“Holly,” Steve girds, disappointment harshening his tone, “she was sick with worry over you. The nurse gave her those to calm down.” He grips the bedrail until his knuckles pale, “she has depression, you know? All the stress--”
“Stress?” Your mom rolls her eyes, “I didn’t realise she was the sick one. She’s not depressed, she’s lazy.”
Silence. Stifling, suffocating silence. You lower your chin, “it’s... I probably won’t take any of it. I was just... in shock. I’m sure I’m fine.”
“But the nurse said--” Steve begins, “you’re going to at least try it. You never know, it could help. And if it doesn’t, it doesn’t.”
“Oh, don’t baby her. She’s grown,” your mom’s too out of it to filter her spite. You see the disgust in Steve’s expression as he looks at her.
“Holly, please, she’s your daughter.”
“I know who she is,” she snarls, “why are you taking her side anyway? She doesn’t need pills. It’s just another excuse.”
He closes his eyes and takes a breath, “I’m gonna chalk this up to whatever they’re pumping you full of. Holly, you’re not thinking straight. I know you would say all that to her.”
“Stop defending her. She’s not as innocent as she pretends.”
He shakes his head and glances over at you, “look, you just woke up, you’re out of it. I get it. Let’s just all calm down.”
“She’s a sniveling little brat,” she barks as she leans back. “This is all her fault. She knew I wasn’t supposed to drink. She didn’t stop me.”
Steve blanches and his eyes cling to you. You see the chagrin lined in his forehead. You look away in shame. You never wanted a witness to your mother’s wrath. That’s worse than facing her alone. It’s humiliating.
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is there anywhere that in game that says the Mc is the same age as the other first years?? I've been seeing a lot of discourse like "yuu can't do this/be shipped with that person bc they're like 16!!" (for ships this mostly refers to malleus, leona, and lilia)
but I don't remember anything that specifically indicates this? people argue its because they're in first year, but there are canon instances of people enrolling late/being older than their classmates. I was always under the impression that yuu was dropped with the first years regardless of age.
idk I've seen a lot of people get into stupid arguments lately, acting like other people's mc's are a crime bc they're like 17 or 18 (or god forbid 19, even though leona is 20 and there are other... complicated ages).
sorry, this ended up a lot longer than I meant for it to
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I think many do assume that Yuu is 16 since they’re in class 1-A and hang out primarily with first year students. However, there is nothing in the game that states Yuu is 16 or has to be (similar to the vagueness about their gender); it’s probably left open-ended so players can imagine their own “Yuus”. As mentioned by the asker, there is variation in the age of canon students (Leona, Lilia, Malleus, etc.)—and even in the Yuus featured in official TWST materials, such as 17 year old Yuuka Hirasaka from the Episode of Savanaclaw manga. I feel it’s pretty pointless to argue over Yuu being “canonically” 16 or which Yuus are and aren’t “allowed” to exist since the game itself is set up in a way that encourages using your imagination to come up with whatever kind of Yuu you want.
More likely, Yuu is lumped into a first year class for reasons other than age. Firstly, they are “half of a student” with Grim, who is starting out his magical studies as a first year student. The two need to stick together—they “complete” one another. Secondly, first year classes center on theory and are basically the only ones Yuu is able to take. The higher level classes require the practical application of magic. Grim is not to that level yet and Yuu is incapable of meeting those magical demands.
Mmm, I think that’s about all I have to say on this matter? I’m afraid I don’t care to delve too deeply into the shipping discourse mentioned—though I do understand being frustrated with fans policing and attacking others’ creations 💦 My advice is to just enjoy your own slice of the fandom rather than letting bad apples ruin your experience.
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burlowbeanie · 11 months
Locked Tomb Timeline, as far as I can tell
This is a long one, and a bit of a mess. I'll be making other posts about the fun date coincidences and my speculations about their implications, but I figured I should give some of the actual evidence in one solid chonky post so I can link to it and don't need to repeat myself later on.
(BD = before death of the earth; AR = after resurrection; BM = before millennium, AM = after millennium)
Unspecified Pre-Death of the earth: Foundation of Canaan house/the facility that Jod et al used for the cryogenic experiments. Establishment of Kuiper installation, Uranus platform, Mars installation w/ room for 5 million, the Lucifer Telescope, and fusion batteries (Ntn 14, Ntn 74, Ntn 189)
Now! Some pre-resurrection numbers!
Before 2 BD: C-- sides with the crew (Ntn 13)
1 BD: Governments shift away from the cyrogenics plan (Ntn 13)
0 BD: Jod destroys the world
Now, the most unclear section of the timeline: the resurrection and its immediate aftermath.
Augustine, from Htn 176: “Alfred and I were there early enough to found the Koniortos Court on the Fifth, but Lyctors like Cyth wouldn’t be born for years and years, and she spent her whole life suffering Seventh House woo-woo theories regarding the value of hereditary cancer … whereas Mercy is the oldest lag except for me, and she was out hammering at the Eighth House before the paint was even dry on the Resurrection.”
The resurrection occurs a few weeks after the death of the earth (Ntn 396). Then things get a bit hazy. We know the approximate order of the resurrections of the original ten disciples, but not how far apart they were staggered - was it minutes? Months? Years?
Similarly, Cyrus/Val and Anastasia/Samael are implied to have showed up before Cytherea/Loveday, when Cytherea was almost 30 years old. Both cavaliers have last names associated with their house, which suggests that either the third and ninth were established enough to at least have a small population by the time that they went to Canaan House, or that they took those names/were given those names later on.
Cytherea-as-Dulcinea says that she "dreamed of being a 9th nun" at age 13, and it's unclear if she's speaking as herself or as Dulcinea or how much she was lying as either persona (Gtn 104). Thus, we don't know if the ninth house was established by the time she went to Canaan House, though it seems like the sort of hint that both Cytherea and Muir would have had a fun time dropping.
Thus, while it is possible/seems probably many/most of the houses were established by the time that any of the newer disciples showed up, especially Cytherea, that is unconfirmed. However, it took until at least 30 years after the resurrection, probably more, for all 16 of the disciples to gather.
A rough order of events during this time, some of which may overlap:
Original disciples resurrected
New disciples arrive
Lyctors ascend; Anastasia fails
Alecto is put in the tomb and Cassiopeia dies
The lyctors and Jod flee to the Mithraeum, leaving the system
Particular questions that remain and would help clarify things:
Were Anastasia, Samael, Cyrus, Valancy, and Loveday born or resurrected? It seems like Cytherea was likely born.
When did Anastasia have a child and found the tombkeeper line?
When did Pyrrha (or G1deon!Pyrrha) paint a nursury? Was it the same time she visited Anastasia "before she got settled" (Ntn 85)? Was Anastasia's child the birth she assisted at (Ntn 121)?
When was the ninth founded? When was the prison installation founded? Was there anything on the ninth before Anastasia was told to prepare for Alecto's imprisonment? Samael seems to have been born or resurrected after the ninth was founded, unless he was given his name later?
After resurrection: Actual Numbers. Once we get like 100-200 years out from the resurrection, things start to get clearer. Not clear, but clearer.
100 AR: God names himself Gaius (Htn 521). Is this when Cytherea ascends, since she is given credit for the "naming oneself after one's cavalier" thing? Or was that some God bullshit?
200 AR: Alecto put in tomb (Htn 478)
4000 AR: source gram comes from sixth house to BOE (Htn 529)
5000 AR: BOE comes to the attention of jod and the lyctors; they may have existed beforehand but been unable to find the houses/be found (Htn 154). Augustine begins questioning the purpose of the empire (Htn 483).
Moving into the thousand years before the events of the series:
9000 AR/ 1000 BM: Matthias Nonius lives (Gtn 53)
750-700 BM: New Rho contract drawn up (Ntn 206)
519ish BM: beginning planning of dios apate major (Htn 474)
300 BM: Cyth gets angry (Gtn 402). Last contact between second and first houses (Gtn 456).
100 BM: Jod leaves the Mithraeum (Htn 81).
80 BM: Jod joins the Erebos (Htn 81)
40-39 BM: G1deon starts to really annoy Augustine, who speaking in 1 AM states: “He has caused me more pain over these last scant forty years than I dare to admit" (Htn 268). I think Wake makes the most sense as an explanation for this, though it's off by about five years.
34 BM: Wake reinvigorates BOE (Htn 154). Ortus born? That’s a fun coincidence that means nothing.
30 BM: Mercy thinks Jod should have returned to the Mithraeum then (Htn 81).
25-24 BM: BOE finds out about resurrection beasts (Htn 275) because Wake talks to G1deon (Ntn 155)
21 BM: G1 begins his (final) pursuit of wake (Htn 469)
Sometime after 300 BM, most likely 20 BM, Cytherea teaches BOE about steles and obelisks (Ntn 155)
20 BM approximately, presumably, could be earlier: Augustine and Mercy talk to BOE. BOE gets accurate fleet schematics for the first time in a hundred years and eventually the location of the mithraeum, though those were probably earlier with Cytherea and two decades later with Cytherea!Wake respectively (Ntn 155)
19 BM: Isaac’s dad killed by terrorists on [redacted], presumably BOE (Gtn 459). Mercy and Augustine are “talking” (Htn 87); Dios apate major. Mercy sees Cytherea for the last time and Cytherea laughs so much she insults Mercy (Htn 120), which is an understandable response given that Mercy may have described the dios apate major plan and/or requested her involvement. Mercy sees Sarpedon as a young soldier (about 20 years PM; close enough and matches up with dios apate) (Htn 81).
19–18 BM: Wake dies (Htn 88). Gideon born. Creche massacre.
17 BM: Harrow born.
14 BM Gideon’s first escape attempt (Gtn 24)
13 BM: Gideon is not a necromancer confirmed (Gtn 24)
10 BM: Augustine sees Cytherea for the last time (Htn 120). Wake’s bones get put on rotation (Htn 476).
9-8 BM: Harrow is suicidal. Harrow opens the tomb. Harrow hears/sees the body. Onset of psychosis. Unclear in what order (Htn 49, 247).
7 BM: (Harrow is still suicidal but sees the body?). Harrow and Gideon fight (Htn 477). Gideon sees Harrow opening the tomb. Her parents kill themselves. Gideon gets nightmares about being in the tomb (Gtn 202).
5 BM: Harrow starts puppeting (?girl wtf?? What was going on in the intervening two years???) (Gtn 348). Last ninth house chaplains and adepts are lost in action (Htn 81).
2 BM: Gideon enters Drearburgh for the last time
1 BM: Number 7 estimated five years from the Mithraeum (Htn 125).
0 BM, with rough approximates:
Month 1-3: prepping for Canaan house
Month 4: Canaan house
Month 5: harrow throws up; Camilla nonverbal
Canaan house recovery missions from the emperor and BOE — what the fuck. Who got there first. How and why did they miss the other people. Seems like BOE got there, intentionally left H and I but took G’s body??????????
Month 6: Harrow and Ianthe arrive on the Mithraeum
Month 8: Harrow kills her 13th planet with Mercy. It’s desert and triple-sunned. Wake makes posthumous contact with BOE (Ntn 155).
Month 9-10: When Judith says she begins writing her report; she’s with BOE on a wooded double(potentially triple?)-sunned planet. At one point several weeks (or months?) later Mercy shows up. According to Judith, that is. Judith honey I might need to recuse your testimony for somehow being more of an unreliable narrator than the lobotomized traumatized psychotic unmedicated half-dead triple-haunted 201-souled Harrowhark Nonagesimus. Then I could bump this back to month 8 which would make more sense.
Month 10: Harrow catches G1d!Pyrrah with Cytherea!Wake
Between Month 10 and Month 12: Harrow turns 18. Harrow discovers G1d can drain thanergy. Harrow makes soup. Harrow makes Ianthe’s arm. Dios apate minor.
Month 12: Harrow finds Cam and Pal on a wooded planet and sees Judith. Judith tries to warn Harrow about Mercy’s involvement.
Mercy ditches her for unspecified business. I suspect this is when she meets with We Suffer? Was this when she heals Judith?
1 AM
Month 2: death of the emperor. Quick undeath of the emperor. Nona born(?)
Month 5: Station Red-As-Blood abandoned (Ntn 152). The demons show up on Antioch (Ntn 448).
Month (6?): Nona gets a job (Ntn 41).
Month 7: nona gets shot, cam/pal fusion reveal (Ntn 105 through the end of the chapter)
Month 8: events of Ntn
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Pairings: George Weasley x Fem!reader Summary: You fall for your best friend Warnings: mention of crying, snogging
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you only started to notice the tingly feeling you got when you around George at the beginning of your 6th year at Hogwarts.
the way your cheeks turned hot and palms turned sweaty when you around him. that never happened before.
you knew what was happening, it happened to a lot of best friends, it was a phase they go through, but you never thought if would happen to you, because it it were to happen, it wouldn't gone by now.
he's a very attractive bloke. but this year is different. he grew his hair long, his face is more defined, grew another inch taller and his arms seemed bigger and more toned, probably from quidditch. his posture straightened and his lips were more full.
he was hot, but he was your best friend
but how could you not like him? he was funny, playful, and just plain adorable.
"wicked" the twins whispered as Dumbledore announced the Triwizard tournament, you smiled at them and continued listening, your eyebrows furrowing at the mention of no one under the age of 17 can put their name in the cup.
you laughed as the twins stood up and booed "you don't know what you're doing!" they yelled
"god those two are loud" Angelina spoke to you, being dorm mates for the past 6 years have made you guys really close, you guys will stay up late talking and gossiping about merlin knows what
"tell me about it" you rolled your eyes playfully
you've heard a familiar voice call out your name and you smiled, your stomach feeling like it's going to explode. you turned around and saw him
"hi George, what do ya need?" you asked, he smiled brightly at you backing your cheeks turn red.
"Angie and Hermione were looking for you, there in the library" he told you.
"oh, ok, thanks!" you grinned
"i'll walk with you, c'mon" he placed his arm around your shoulder, you tensed up and felt your hands start to get clammy, he was always sort of touchy, but your newfound feelings make you nervous.
"so, me and Fred are thinking of putting own names down for the tournament" he said casually
"what? but you're only 16, you won't be able to do that" you raised your eyebrows
"ah, but that's where you are wrong, love" he always called you that, but now it made you want to cry.
"how so?"
he only smirked "guess you'll have to fine out"
"oh merlin's beard, please don't do anything stupid" you pleaded. he chuckled as he let go of your shoulders, dropping his arm and grabbing your hand instead. going ahead of you and walking backwards, pulling along with him
"do you even know me?" he tilted his head
"unfortunately" you grumbled
"oi, don't be annoyed at me, you love me" he furrowed his brows, narrowing his eyes to glare at you playfully
"I- I do not!" you agued pathetically, your words getting caught in your throught
"don't deny it, I know you do" he teased but you began to feel dizzy from the butterflies. a good dizzy.
you avoided George after that, you didn't want to embarrass yourself and ruin the friendship by letting something slip, you didn't want him to know your secret. you didn't want anyone to know, it was pathetic, falling for your best friend.
he noticed, how wouldn't he, he would look at you and you did your best to avert your eyes.
he would try talking to you and you would get up and leave or start a conversation with the person next to you.
he would go up to you and you would rush away.
he felt like he did something wrong
it's been 2 weeks and nothing
even after him and Fred's failed attempt at putting their names in the cup, you didn't go up to him and scold him, you didn't even laugh when they turned old. you just looked at them, looking disappointed
so when you were sat in muggle studies, 5 minutes into the lesson when he rushed in, the only empty seat was next to you. he smiled as he sat next to you, trying to get you to look at him
"hey, love" he whispered, you sighed, closing your eyes and you bit your lip
"hey" you mumbled
"you alright?" he asked you, leaning closer to you
you hummed at him and looked at the board, writing your notes
"what do you think the second task will be?" he questioned, the first task were brutal, how could they let kids fight dragons?
you almost smiled at his attempt to talk to you.
you only shrugged your shoulders in response
"why won't you talk to me?" he wondered out loud.
"silence Mister Weasley, not only did you arrive late but you are interrupting the class and disturbing miss Y/L/N" the Professor yelled at him
you and Angie stayed up late again, sitting in your beds talking to each other
"so, the yule ball huh?" she smirked
"i know, it sounds so fun!"
"what colour dress are you gonna wear, i was thinking purple" she informed you
"I haven't thought about it, but purple sounds great for you Ang" you grinned
"sooo, do you fancy anyone?" she interrogated suddenly
"no" you responded quickly
"I don't believe you" she glared at you with a smile
"do you?" you asked back, she shuffled in her seat
"you can't tell anyone, promise?" she raised her eyebrows, you nodded your head
"promise" you repeated
"I kind of Fancy Fred" she whispered, even though it was just you two in the room.
you gasped lightly "do you think he'll ask you?"
"probably not" she frowned "i mean, he's really popular, you could go with a girl from Beauxbatons"
"i bet he'll ask you, you would look really cute together" you pointed out
she giggled softly "speaking of a twin, I heard you were avoiding George, why? he's your best friend" she whined
you stayed silent to for a moment, your mouth slightly open, trying to fine the words
she let out a gasp and covered her mouth in shock
"oh merlin- do you fancy George?!" she stared at you wide eyed
you stayed silent again, there was no point denying, it's safe to say that ever since you found your new feelings for him, he was no longer your best friend, but your crush.
Angie was your best friend now.
"aw, that's so cuteee, you guys are perfect" she awed
"as friends" you mumbled
"hey, don't say that, he would be stupid to not like you back" she frowned again
"thanks Ang" you murmured, laying on your back on your bed
"let's get some rest, yeah?" she turned off her lamp and you went off to bed
it's been another week and you were sat next to Angie when a paper ball got thrown at her, she looked over and Fred was staring at her, signing at her to go to the ball with him, she nodded her head happily and looked back at you with a big smile
"we need to get you that purple dress of yours" you said quietly.
you both got up and heard footsteps behind you
"wait up" they called, you both turned around and saw George coming up to you, Angie nudged you as he got closer looking at you, you looked at the ground and avoided eye contact with him
"would you give us a minute Ang?" she stepped away to give you a bit of privacy
"i uh- i need your help with something" he looked at you
"with what" you took a deep breath, tapping your foot
"doesn't matter yet, just meet me outside of potions after dinner, alright?" he told you briefly.
even if you were trying to avoid him, you couldn't say no to him when he needed your help
"ok" you mumbled before turning away and walking back to Angie. George still felt like he had done something wrong, but it didn't matter, because he knew how to cheer you up.
"did he ask you?"
you shook your head no and continued walking with her.
you had told her everything about your feelings for him, how you didn't want him to know and that you don't want to like him because you didn't want to lose him
so she knew that you didn't want to talk about it anymore
you finished your dinner and saw that Fred was without his partner in crime, so you excused yourself and began walking to potions.
you turned a corner that led to the classroom and caught George snogging Alicia Spinnet
"George?" you said in shocked. they broke apart and he looked at you
"what do you want?" he grumbled angrily as you interrupted their session
"you told me to come here, you needed help" you spoke weakly
"no I didn't, just go away, I don't know why we're even friends anymore" your heart broke bit by bit as you saw them holding each others hand, she looked at him with such love, it made you jealous that she looked at him the same why you did
"i- I'm sorry" you said soflty
you rushed away, going to your dorm room.
it was pathetic, this whole situation, crying because he was with someone else, crying for a boy that wasn't even yours to begin with. it wasn't like he cheated on you, you're not that type of person, but it hurt to see him holding her waist so gently, so tenderly, kissing her with such passion and love.
Angie came into the room finding you sobbing, you told her what happened and she comforted you
"it's ok, there's always somebody else out there" she cooed
"but they're not him, Ang!"
"I know, I know"
"so do we all have dates to the ball?" Fred asked
Lee nodded and George sat there, next to Fred looking at you, but you refused to look at him, you were embarrassed and uncomfortable
"George and Y/n don't" Angie replied, looking at you
"I might" you interjected
her eyebrows raised as she stared intently at you
"who!" she interrogated
"doesn't matter, I don't know if I'll say yes yet" you blushed nervously, you saw him watching you.
"what house is he in?" Fred wondered
"none, he goes to Durmstrang, he's a seventh year, friends with Viktor Krum but he's super sweet" you smiled sheepishly
"when did this happen?" Lee talked curiously
"this morning when I walked in here, he said i could think about it"
"say yes! please say yes, we both need dates" Angie clapped her hands exitedly
"i'm still thinking, but i'm leaning towards a yes" you saw Fred look at George shortly and glare at him, they seemed to have a conversation with their eyes
"wait, I thought you were going with Spinnet?" Angie interrupted them
George looked confused "Alicia?" he huffed. Angie nodded her head "why would I go to the ball with Alicia Spinnet?" He continued
"Because you were snogging her in th-" you nudged her leg with yours to stop her from talking and she shut her mouth
"What? Where did you hear that from?" she glanced at you and then shrugged
He looked at you and you averted your eyes
George felt like he was about to burst. He was sick of you doing this to him. He had done nothing wrong and you just ignore him.
He looked at you with sad eyes and his began picking his nails under the table
"So you weren't snogging her?" Angie breaks the silence. Still curious
"No! I've talked to her once, where did you hear this Angie?" He shook his head
"Doesn't matter. Let's go. Y/n, we got to study" she stood up and waited for you
You got up and walked out of the hall with her to go study
"Are you sure it was him?" She asked
"Yes. I'm sure. It couldn't of been anyone else, it was him. Angie, trust me" you sighed
"I believe you but I don't get why he would deny it"
You hummed along with her. Wondering why yourself.
the yule ball was coming up and you had gotten your dress along with Angie's. but you didn't have a date, you were going to go up to the boy to say yes but he told you a girl from Beauxbatons asked him and he said yes, they were quite cute actually, so you weren't mad.
but that meant you were alone. even though Angie said she'll reserve a few dances with you, and Fred said he would save one for you, you continued to feel a bit embarrassed, I mean out of hundreds of guys in Hogwarts, absolutely no one wanted to go with you. not to say you were desperate- if a first year, second you or third year asked you, you would probably say no, probably a fourth year too, but no one through 5th to 7th didn't want to go with you? it sounded sad and pathetic.
"so you asked Spinnet, huh?" Angie chuckled, cutting her pork, glancing at George
"what?" he tilted his head
"right, I heard that, good on ya, finally got yourself a date, Georgie" Fred smiled, patting his twins back, making the younger red head tense
"i don't have a date." he denied, he made eye contact with you and you saw a glimpse of hurt in his eyes as you broke it, looking at Fred.
as much as you wanted to avoid him, Angie was always with Fred, and Fred was ALWAYS with George, so you didn't have a choice, because otherwise you would be alone, you had other friends, but you weren't as close, and it would be weird if you suddenly starting sitting with them out of know where. so this was your only option.
"but Alicia has been telling everyone about how you asked her, sounded pretty excited about it" Lee said, looking lost.
George rubbed his face roughly, looking tired and annoyed
"I've told you this, I have no ide-"
"Georgie!" Alicia cut the by off, walking up to him and ruffling his hair, he moved away from her hand and looked at her strangley
"why did you move away, you love when i play with your hair" she pouted. you all looked at him with the same look, a look that said "can't deny it anymore, can ya?"
"no, I really don't" he replied shortly
she giggled, hitting his shoulder softly, obviously flirting
"anyway, my dress for the ball is gonna be orange, in case you want to match your tie, although you're clearly already matching with your hair" she giggled again. you and Angie looked at each other, amused smiles planted on your faces
"I'm not going to the ball with you, Alicia" he spoke bluntly
"don't joke like that, Georgie, it's not funny" she laughed
"Alicia, I would really appreciate it if you left me alone and stop telling people we're going out" he rolled his eyes
"but what about us? you told me you loved me? remember? in the corridor, where Y/n interrupted us" she looked at you bitterly. George glanced at you as you stared down at your plate, the food looking more interesting than this conversation.
he looked back at Alicia
"no, I don't remember, because it didn't happen" he fought with the girl in front of him
"merlin's beard George, stop trying to deny it- I saw it, there's no point in pretending it didn't happen, she knows it, you know it and I know it, now stop" you but in, getting annoyed at his childish ways
he stared at you, looking hurt
"no you don't know it, that's the first time you've talked to me in weeks, Y/n! why have been ignoring me" he spat
you looked at the brunette who clung to George
"Spinnet, do you remember what George said to me when I saw you both that night?" you asked her, she thought back for a moment and replied
"he said he didn't want to be friends anymore"
you looked at George and held eye contact with him for the first time in a ages
he, however, looked disgusted, but it didn't seem like it was aimed at you
"I didn't say that" he shook his head
you sighed, picking up your bag
"I need to study, i'll see you guys later" you got up, walking away from the table
it was the day after the ball, you had a good time, and Angie helped you with that, she grabbed your hands danced with you, smiling brightly trying to motivate you to have fun the whole night.
but you couldn't help but notice George, alone, staring at you almost the whole time, he was without a date and was sat down the whole time that he seemed bored, so much so that he left half way through the ball, he looked handsome, he looked really handsome, it made you want to go up to him and ask to dance, but if he wanted it, he could do it himself.
you had gotten detention a week ago in Snape's class, and after a discussion with McGonagall, he was forced to not have it on the night of the ball. George was trying to prank you by messing with your work cause he thought it would get you to talk to him, but it only ended up in you both getting detention.
bringing you here
"you'll be cleaning the classroom while i run errands" he informed you
"it's already clean sir" George butted in
"then you will sort the books in alphabetical order and then scrape the gum underneath all the desks" he glared at the twin
"without your wands"
he walks out of the room, leaving you and George alone, for the first time in months
you walk to the shelves and begin sorting the books, letting the boy deal with the gum.
you knew that you couldn't escape him in this moment, stuck in this locked room with only him, so when he tried starting conversation, you knew he would wear you down and you'll end up cracking
"so uh- I want you to know that it really wasn't me, that you saw with Alicia" he started
you sighed quietly and took out books, looking at the titles, wondering if Snape wanted them by the titles or authors, you decided on titles because it was easier.
"you can't ignore me forever, Love" he used the nickname, you could tell that wasn't doing the work by not even looking at him.
"love?" heat rose to your cheeks as the butterflies came back after a long time of ignoring them.
"it was Dylan, Dylan Trellweather, he's in Ravenclaw, I found out he was using Polyjuice potion, turns out Spinnet just likes me and he likes her so well, he wanted to be me so he just- yeah" he explained
you believed him, his confusion to the whole situation every time it was brought up seemed quite genuine, and he's supposed to be your best friend, he wouldn't lie.
"I was waiting for you that night, outside potions class. I waited two hours, thought you might of forgotten and were on your way because maybe you went to the common room" he spoke softly, you felt his presence behind you.
you felt his warmth as he stood there, waiting for your reply
you placed the books in their place and scratched your nose
"you should probably get to the desks, wouldn't wanna be here longer because you didn't do it" you said quietly
"please talk to me, what did I do?" he questioned standing beside you, leaning against the shelf, you glanced at him and refused to smile at him
you took a deep breath and took hold of more books, reading the titles and putting them in there place.
you went to get more but he grabbed your wrists gently, turning you to face him, pulling you closer to his tall body
he looked at you, his eyes pleading for you to talk, to tell him what's wrong, but you knew if you did, he would be the one not talking to you. you were saving yourself from embarrassment.
"I'm your best friend, Y/n, you can tell me anything" he reassured you.
you looked at him painfully, feeling yourself begin to cry, the tears forming in your eyes as he began he get worried
"hey, what's wrong, hey, hey it's ok," he pulled you in, bringing you in to his embrace "it's ok" he cooed and you began to cry
"shhh, please don't cry" he hushed, rocking you in his arms.
"I'm fine" you sniffled
"c'mon" he let go of you and held your hand, guiding you to a desk, pulling out a chair for you and making you sit down as you sobbed.
he knelt down in front of you and held your hands
"you looked pretty last night," he broke the silence, looking up at you.
"you always do but you looked really, really pretty" he smiled slightly
you stared at him, admiring the way his hair was in his face, long enough to reach to top of his collared shirt. you took a moment to appreciate his parents for raising this beautiful young man in front of you, who was looking up at you tenderly
"I was gonna ask you, you' know. if you showed up, I was gonna take you up to the astronomy tower- cause you love that spot, i was gonna take you up there, light a few fireworks and ask you to go with me" he admitted
you stopped crying and you wiped your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt
you didn't say anything- he was gonna ask you to the ball?
"this might not be something you want to hear, because of reasons i still don't know, but I love you, I have for quite some time now" he confessed, reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear, his hand resting on your cheek, you leaned in to his touch, letting your eyes close at the contact
"I'm sorry if that ruins things, but i thought you should know, because I don't wanna keep it a secret, I want you to know how much I love and care about you" he rambled
you looked at him knowingly, giving him a smile.
the butterflies came back again, stronger this time. he felt the same way, it seemed unbelievable, a popular, gorgeous boy like him? liking a girl like you? it had to be a dream.
it wasn't, it was too good to be a dream
"I didn't want you to know about my feelings for you," you began, sighing
"so you avoided me?" he finished for you, looking upset
"I thought you wouldn't talk to me if you found out, I thought I was doing myself a favour" you looked down at the ground
you heard him chuckle lowly, you looked at him, your eyebrows furrowed as you frowned
"I'm sorry" you apologised
he lifted you up off the chair, pulling you into another hug
"don't apologise" he rested his chin on your head, holding your hips gently.
he was always gentle with you, never rough, he would never grab you forcefully or pull you violently.
he always held you with such care and sincerity. and that never changed
"can I- can I kiss you?" he looked at your lips after pulling away slightly, you felt your heart flutter at the question, you nodded you heard, letting him bend down, cupping your cheeks and placing a delicate kiss on you lips.
he pulled away from your lips stared at you lovingly
"well then, wanna ditch?" he smirked mischievously
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myveryownfanfiction · 6 months
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Rickmas day 16: keep warm
tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen, @cassieuncaged, @deepperplexity
warnings: smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids)
I pulled my cloak tighter around me as I patrolled the dungeon. Why it was so cold down here I would never know. Severus was already waiting for me at the end of the hall, holding the door open. I smiled as he raised an eyebrow at home.
“and just like that my shift is over.” I laughed as I walked over to him. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I leaned in to kiss him. “Why dumbledore insists on nightly patrols when there are no students staying the holidays always amazes me.” Severus nodded as he smoothed his hands down my sides.
“I asked him once. Something about making sure the castle was still secure. I don’t know.” Severus said as he ghosted his nose down my jawline. “You look cold.” I nodded against him and pressed my nose against his throat. “Ah!” Severus hissed as he pulled back. “You’re freezing!” I nodded.
“it’s freezing down here in case you didn’t notice Severus.” I teased. “I’m just about ready to turn into an icicle.” Severus pressed a kiss to my cheek and pulled me into his chambers.
“well then we’ll just have to warm you up.” He smiled at me. I laughed as he pushed my cloak off. “And find a way to keep you warm.” We set about undressing each other, stealing kisses as we went. Before long I was buried under the blankets of Severus’ bed, Severus laying on top of me. He had slid into me as soon as the blankets hit his back. “Fuck.” He breathed out as I ground my hips against his.
“sev. Please.” I whined, watching a drop of sweat drip down his nose. Severus leaned down to kiss me, moaning as I lifted my hips to meet his.
“So close.” Severus moaned. “So damn close.” I nodded and buried my head in his shoulder. “(Y/N).”
“Severus I can’t…” I groaned. I held onto him tightly as my orgasm washed over me. Severus moaned as he twitched in me.
“fuck. (Y/N).” He breathed out as he came. We laid there, sweaty bodies stuck together as we came down from our highs. “Told you I would keep you warm.” Severus teased when he had caught his breath.
“I don’t know sev.” I laughed as he rolled onto his back, pulling me to his chest. “I can already feel the chill setting back in.” I winked up at him as he groaned and his hands started to explore again.
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WIBTA For Snitching On My Brother?
tl;dr at the end, the submissions a bit long. sorry if this sounds like stupid teen drama, but i needed outside opinions. (tw for mentions of attempted suicide)
so for a bit of context here, me (14nb) and my brother (14m) both have Parental RestrictionsTM on our phones. In my opinion they are way more severe than they need to be. i am not allowed to have any social media at all, my mother barely tolerates discord. I cannot text anyone who is not my direct sibling or parent from 9pm at night to noon the next day and i cant use any "nonessential" apps during that time frame too. my brother has the same restrictions on his phone, but he has safari removed because my mother said he was playing "random internet games". however, he has found ways around this and ways around the app restrictions. i know how he does it. i really dont have any intention of telling our mother, its none of my business and i honestly dont care that much.
I recently moved to a new school. My brother and i were homeschooled prior to this during covid. And it was fine. We went to a homeschool co-op twice a week. A year ago we were both enrolled in Local Community College as dual enrollment students. A semester into that i was Not Vibing Well and ended up having a breakdown and getting a therapist. I would talk to her directly about this but i havent been able to see her in weeks due to scheduling conflicts. The workload seemed too much to me, there was no longer a distinction between School and Home. i felt like i was constantly on the clock, and i barely saw my friends. In addition to other factors at my co-op, I got very lonely. At that time the limits on my phone were 9pm-3pm (it was later edited to 9am to noon) . I cant remember exactly what happened, but i asked my mother to at least change the communication limits so that i could talk to my friends during the day. She said no, stating that I Do Not Need to Communicate With Friends During The School Day. i do not have a real “school day” i am at home basically 5/7 days of the week. And normal kids see their friends every day at school. The argument got dropped then.
Fast forward half a year, i felt increasingly lonely, out of place, bothersome, etc, at my co-op and have decided to try going to Local Public Highschool. This meant leaving my best friend (14f)  whom i love dearly (for the purposes of this post i will call her Z). Z is one of my favorite people in the whole world, we got platonically married, I lovingly refer to her as “my wife”, and i would genuinely die for her. She got a phone over the summer which means we have a better way to communicate, replacing discord as the primary communication system. Also at that time one of my best online friends fucked up their discord account somehow and the whole online group moved to text. there's about four of them? J, Other J, B, and L (ages vary from 12-16). I believe only B is directly relevant to this story but the others are worth mentioning. Additional context (tw for mentions of suicide from now on), all of those four are varyingly suicidal. B has attempted before, at least twice I believe. out of the group i am probably the most mentally stable.
School starts! I am already feeling a bit lonely due to leaving Z but we stay positive. I wake up for school at like 530 and check my phone at like 6:45. Woohoo a message from B! It was sent at 4 am. This is concerning. There is a glitch that i can use in order to view texts for between half a second and four seconds, it depends, and i use it. B’s message reads “Bye”. theres no fucking reason that they would be texting me goodbye at 4am in the morning unless they were going to kill themselves. I cannot properly view or respond to that text until noon, so eight hours. I wait to know if my friend is ok for eight hours, and at noon i check my phone again. In that time i’ve received messages from the groupchat. J, Other J, and L all received “bye” texts from B at around the same time period. After a few messages, we know B is ok, i dmed them privately and they responded both in ims and the gc. So they are ok. But i had to wait for eight hours to know that. Later that day i asked my mom if she had considered my proposal (i asked her a day or two before if she would at least turn off communication limits because it is also rather embarrassing to be honest to have to tell other people that oh i cant respond to your message right now, sorry my mom has limits on my phone :D. In addition i get anxious when i send a message that im nervous abt and it doesnt get responded to for hours so i hate leaving messages for longer than two hours). Once again, she said no. it goes against her Views As A Parent for me to have “unrestricted access” to my phone. She offered to add only Z to the list of people i can contact during the limits. This is better than nothing but Z texts more in the groupchat than she does in private messages so it wouldn’t work that well. We argued, it didnt work out, i got pissed off and we both went to bed. i very strongly feel that for like my mental health i need to be able to communicate with my friends better than i can at the moment. And i dont want to wake up to a message from a friend, have it be the last one they ever send, and not be able to respond for hours. 
Heres where the part where i could be an asshole comes in. (so sorry that that was really long i didnt know what parts would be needed as context and what were not so i just typed everything i think might be relevant). This isnt something that i am very strongly considering, as i truly dont want to fuck up my relationship with my brother and i love him a lot. I just want opinions on whether it would like be going too far i guess. I am considering offering a trade. I tell my mother how my brother has found ways around his limits, and she turns off the communication limits on my phone. WIBTA if i did that?
TL;DR: would i be the asshole if i snitched on how my brother got around some restrictions in exchange for me being able to communicate with my friends?
What are these acronyms?
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
"Age doesn't matter" 15
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Dad!Bakugo x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
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It’s been days since Y/n started babysitting Kazui. After the administration suspended the class due to the villain attack, Y/n had to email every parent about what would happen and how can the children still catch up with their lessons, as well as mail them the day-to-day school activities. But for Kazui, instead of mailing Katsuki the manuscripts, she has Kazui’s daily school activity printed out and hands it to him personally.
No, she won't teach him at all. It may be part of her babysitting job but being his school instructor, she treats her pupils equally. That implies no special treatment for Kazui.
Although almost every day she can hear Katsuki lecturing Kazui whenever he sees him writing down the wrong answer. Sometimes she’ll catch him smacking his head which will earn him a lecture from her.
She remembered when she first did it in front of Eijiro. The guy was taken aback of course, but surprisingly, Katsuki behaved which made Eijiro taken back more.
“Did you just...- What?” The poor guy was confused.
Today, Katsuki’s on his daily pratol and you were working in the Dining area where you can keep an eye on Kazui who completed his homework and was just watching tv now.
All of a sudden you received an email from the school principal. Clicking it open, Y/n read the content. It was apparently an email about the new employee since some of the kindergarten teachers resigned after the incident. The principal is basically relying on her since she’s one of those who stayed.
“Another work, then.” Y/n mumbled but started responding to the email anyway. It’s not like she has a choice not to. But deep down, she wanted to leave her job as well, not because she was hired as a babysitter, it’s because of the workload which has been keeping her up till midnight.
And yes, Katsuki noticed this. He has very observant eyes, we all know that. He can see her strained smile whenever Kazui comes up to her to show anything he drew.
“Ah. I guess that’s it for now.” Y/n yawned as she stretched her limbs. Once done stretching, she checked the time to see it was almost dinner. Which means, he’ll be here anytime now.
“Time to make dinner, Kazui-chan.”
Kazui beamed once he heard Y/n. He always wanted to be a great good like his dad, so Y/n agreed that Kazui can help her or watch beside her.
“What will we be cooking today, Miss Y/n?” Kazui asked while rocking on his heels. A mannerism Y/n found out whenever he’s excited.
“Well, I always wanted to try something new. I just need to see if we have all the ingredients.” Y/n smiled as soon as she finished packing her things before proceeding to the kitchen.
Once she checked the fridge, “Huh. It seems like we’re missing one ingredient.” Y/n pouted. “I guess another dish, then.”
Very uneventful, is what in his mind. Katsuki groaned as he stepped in and set his boots aside.
Well, at least he got home unharmed.
“Hey, brat.” Katsuki grinned and picked up Kazui who dashed towards him.
“How was your day, papa? Miss Y/n is cooking dinner!” Kazui beamed while being carried by his father.
“What the hell? Again? I swear to God.” Katsuki tsked after knowing this. Careful, he put Kazui down and marched toward the kitchen where he saw you cooking.
“What did I tell you, hah?” He was pissed, alright.
By accident, you dropped the spatula you were using startled by his voice. You didn’t expect him to come home this early, way too early actually.
“W-what are you doing here?” You said while trying to use your body to cover the dish you were cooking from his view.
“What the hell do you mean? This is my house.” Katsuki pointed out, arms crossed over his chest with Kazui beside him, holding him by his pants. “Didn’t I tell you to not cook? That ain’t part of your job.” He groaned.
“If I didn’t cook us our meal, we won’t be able to eat supper and you’ll come home with an empty stomach.” You pouted while slowly picking up the spatula.
“I said you can order out. Didn’t I leave you enough money for that?”
“Well, I’m sorry but inside of ordering unhealthy food, I used the money to buy something healthy since Kazui is still a growing boy.” You said after successfully picking the spatula. “Besides, you should know this. You’re a hero. You need to maintain a proper diet and have a healthy meal.” You said before turning your back at him to focus on finishing your cooking.
Katsuki’s lips twitched at your response.
“Hey brat.”
Kazui looked up at him curiously. “Yes papa?”
“Take my bag to my room. Bring me a clean pair of comfortable clothes. I just need to talk to Miss Y/n.” Katsuki handed Kazui his bag without looking at him which he took, obviously struggling.
“E-eh?” Your attention was now focused on the struggling Kazui who was hauling his father’s obviously heavy bag.
“It’s alright. This is how I train him.” Katsuki said to you, but eyes still engaged on you.
“O-okay.” You responded still concerned.
“I can’t pay you more if you keep doing this.” Katsuki said out of nowhere when he heard Kazui reach the stairs. He doesn’t want his child to overhear this.
“I don’t care.” You responded to him as turned your attention back to the sizzling food in front of you.
“What do you-
“Look.” You started before slightly reducing the heat to prevent the food from burning and set your attention completely on him. “At this point, I don’t care about the extra stuff I don’t have to do. You are a hero and Kazui’s a kid. Both of you need something nutritious since, like I said, Kazui’s a growing kid, and you, for your diet.” You instructed. “You are a parent, and you should know this.”
Katsuki was outraged at your last statement.
“What the hell do you know about being a parent, huh.” He spat, taking Y/n aback. “You are not a mother, so stop nagging me.”
But you’re not backing down.
“I may not be a parent, but I know things about being a good one.” You responded calmly.
“What? You’re saying I’m not a good parent? Hah?” Katsuki dropped his crossed arms and took a step closer to Y/n who didn’t even flinch. “You know nothing, woman.”
Y/n even challenged him by stepping closer to him, almost nose to nose. “I know everything, Katsuki. I also know that you needed help.”
“I don’t.”
“You do. You’re just too prideful to accept one.” You said quietly, almost a whisper.
The space between both of you was enough for Katsuki to study your features. Your (e/c) eyes, your lashes, your nose, and your glossy lips that he’s tempted to touch with his own.
Screw it.
Following his thoughts, Katsuki wrapped his arm around you, taking you by surprise and pulled by your waist as he placed a finger under your chin, tilting your head upwards and as gently as possible, placed his lips onto yours.
He was right about your lips being soft and tender.
You on the other hand were still in shock. You didn’t expect this to happen. Never in your life did you expect Dynamight to kiss you.
When you felt him pull away, you were speechless. Your eyes were looking straight on his, as his to yours. As if everything around you was blurry.
Katsuki was the same as you are though. He was shocked by what he did. Hell, he didn’t even know why he did it. All he knew was your lips looked so glossy.
“Fuck.” He muttered.
“Papa. I hope this is okay.”
Kazui’s voice jolted both of you making you push him away, and him releasing you.
“I- That’s fine.” Katsuki said out loud as he glanced behind him. When he turns to look back at you, you were touching your lips, face flushed while your eyes stare into nothing. “I-“ he was trying, okay? He doesn’t know where to start.
“I-I’ll go back to cooking.” You stuttered and turned back to the stove.
“Y-yeah.” Katsuki agreed as he scratched the back of his head, slightly blushing. “I guess.”
It was finally time for Y/n to go back to her apartment and She was a glad about this.
After what happened earlier, the dinner was awkward. Both adults didn’t even glance at each other. Thankfully, Kazui was telling them stuff making the tension in the air light.
When Y/n finally got her things, a knock on the door caught her attention. “Who is it?” She called out. But before she could reach the door, it swung open, revealing Eijiro and Denki.
“Oh. Hey Miss Y/n!”
“Oh? Good evening.” You bowed and let them in the house.
“Were you about to leave?” Denki asked while eyeing your things lying on the ground.
“Oh. Yes. I was about to.” You smiled at them as you closed the door behind.
“What’re you two idiots doing here, hah.” Katsuki’s emerged from the kitchen while wiping his hands dry. He did the dishes, okay? “And keep it down, Kazui’s asleep.”
“We’re just stopping by. Kaminari here wanted to visit Kazui and have a little drink with you, so I joined him.” Eijiro grinned at Katsuki and sat on the couch.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit late to drink? We have an early patrol tomorrow, morons.” Katsuki said while hanging the wet towel on its rack and joining them in the living room.
“Come on, man. We drove all the here to see you.” Denki pouted. “I wanted to see the kid as well.”
“Tsk. Fine.” Katsuki agreed. “After I drop Y/n to her place, and don’t wake Kazui, got it.”
“I’m sorry?” You were obviously not listening.
“I said, I’ll drop you to your place.” Katsuki repeated as he grabbed his jacket from the bracket near the entrance and wore it. “As if I’d let you leave this house at this hour, idiot.”
“I can just ride a bus.” You said as you watched Katsuki pick your things and left. “Bakugo.” You called, only to get ignored.
“You can’t change his mind, Miss Y/n.” Eijiro chuckled as he watched you try. “He’s one stubborn man.”
“Its not bad to try, right?” You slightly pouted.
“And you’ll only go unnoticed.” Denki smiled at you.
“Sigh. Alright. H-have a great evening to you both.” Once again, you bowed and left the house. “Bakugo!”
Eijiro and Denki were smiling like idiots as they watched your figure disappear from their sight.
“What do you think about her?” Eijiro suddenly asked as he stood up and grab himself a drink.
“Miss Y/N?” Denki asked not making an effort to look at Eijiro. “She seems really nice to me, way too soft for Kacchan.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, bro. She seems like a gentle woman to me. Completely opposite to, you know.” Denki said, this time looking at Eijiro.
“I think they look good together.” Eijiro said as he handed Denki his drink.
“What did I say about formalities?” Katsuki tsked as he placed your things inside the car.
“You don’t have to-
“Sigh.” He was obviously tired of your attempts.
You watched him groan and put both his palm over his face.
“God you’re more stubborn than Kazui.” Katsuki groaned.
“I-I’m sorry.” You murmured to yourself as you play with your fingers.
“Do you want me to kiss you again?”
“W-what?!” “Relax, it’s a joke,” Katsuki smirked at you. “Get in the car.”
Hello, my lovelies! I am glad to be back. I am once again apologizing for disappearing like that. But here's part 15. I do hope you like this and stay tuned for 16. Thank you for all your patience.
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jessicaloons · 11 months
Masterlist - Invisible String
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Charles Leclerc. Lizzie Doetterer. Childhood best friends. But maybe even more
New Chapters every Sunday (or rather I try to upload every Sunday 🙈)!
I’m starting a taglist. If you want to be added to it, drop a comment!
Meet the characters down below!
1. Just to learn that my dreams aren’t rare…
2. Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you…
3. I have this thing where I get older, but just never wiser…
4. Saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts…
5. Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye, you were bigger than the whole sky…
6. Because these things will change, can you feel it now?
7. All that bloodshed, crimson clover…
8. I can tell that it’s gonna be a long road…
9. And when we go crashing down we come back every time…
10. You been stressed out lately. Yeah, me too…
11. ‘Cause it’s all over, it’s not meant to be…
12. They think that it’s over but it’s just begun…
13. But I come back stronger than a ‘90s trend…
14. And it’s coming over you like it’s all a big mistake…
15. You can see it with the lights out: You are in love…
16. The devil’s in the details, but you got a friend in me…
17. But there was one prize I’d cheat to win…
18. You learn my secrets and you figure out why I’m guarded…
19. Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain…
20.1 Ask me what I learned from all those years…
20.2 Ask me what I earned from all those tears…
21. I had the shiniest wheels, now they’re rusting…
22. ‘Cause baby, now we got bad blood, You know it used to be mad love…
23.1 Freedom felt like summer then, on the coast…
23.2 Freedom felt like summer then, on the coast…
24. Every time you call me crazy I get more crazy
25. The world moves on, another day another drama…
26. I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me…
27. But the story of us might be ending soon…
28. I can't find a pulse, my heart won't start anymore…
29. 'Cause you kiss me and it stops time…
30. It was the end of a decade, but the start of an age…
31. I watched it begin again…
32. Don’t say I didn’t, say I didn’t warn ya…
33. The rumours are terrible and cruel…
34. My knuckles were bruised like violets…
35. I’m standing on a tightrope, alone…
36. I can do it with a broken heart…
37. I think I am finally clean…
38. You gotta step into the daylight and let it go…
39. Don’t blame me, love made me crazy…
40. And some things you just can’t speak about…
41. I like shiny things, but I’d marry with Paper Rings…
42. Put it on the one people put wedding rings on
43. What if your eyes looked up and met mine, one more time?
44. Sometimes walking out is the one thing, that will find you the right thing
Meet the character’s of Invisible String:
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wildpeachfarm · 3 months
this reminds me explicitly of what drew me to being a dream team main in the first place. i’m the same age as tommy/tubbo/most of their friend group and i’m also from the uk so we were always at the same stage of education essentially. every day i’d wake up to go to school and i’d think ‘these people are my age and have millions already’ and of course i was jealous of that when i was younger but one day i woke up and thought ‘all of these people are going to freeze at this age if they make no move to better themselves’ they all dropped out, none of them have sought a higher education, and unsurprisingly i’ve watched the gap between our mindsets get bigger and bigger as i’ve carried on with my life. really most of the brighton ccs are eternally 16 and doomed to stay glued in that mindset until something happens that forces them to move forward because none of them are proactive enough to do it themselves.
oh I would absolutely agree I think especially with tommy's humor as of late it's very obvious they all stopped mentally maturing as soon as they got famous. I will die on the hill that highschool/college/job life experience matures you in unfathomable ways that are so crucial to being a functioning member of society and having critical thinking skills. Considering the uk group is lacking in most of those experiences, it's obvious why they are acting like children all the time.
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
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summary: ever since you stepped foot onto the land of his clan he couldn't help but feel drawn to you. everything about you he craved. but he couldn't have you. not while his son called you his.
contents: violence, swearing, suggestive stuff 16+, age gap, fem!sullyreader
authors note: part three!! we have finally got them!!! lowkey a filler but it IS VERY IMPORTANT
(reader is 21 and tonowari is around 40. when they came to the clan she was 20 so they've only been there a year!! all characters aged up)
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Ao’nung’s face screwed up in confusion. Fists tight as he loomed over you. His frame was still taller than you, intimidating the way he seethed.
“What did you just say?” His tone was sharp and rough. As if his words were piercing daggers through your skin.
“Nothing.” You whispered out. Avoiding eye contact with Ao’nung at all costs. You wouldn’t dare look into the eyes of that angry beast.
“No, no. Speak up.” He chuckled darkly, his fingers roughly holding your chin so that you were forced to stare into his crazed eyes. “You dare speak about my father?! Have you gone mad, little forest freak?”
“I didn’t. Let go of me.” A rough his erupts out of his throat as he holds you tighter. His hand squishing your face together so he could scoff at your stupid look. Fingers digging into your cheeks forming bruises under them.
He moved your face around with ease. “No. You did. You little bitch, never talk about my father again. You hear me?” He hissed, leaving spit in your face in the most degrading way possible.
You said nothing but a little whimper leaving your mouth. It was pathetic how terrified you were right now. To think the man holding you like this right now was once a man you trusted, one you loved.
“Do. You. Hear. Me?!” Ao’nung shouted ears flat against his skull, baring his teeth in your face.
“Yes! I’m sorry!” You cried out tears falling down your bruised cheeks. The mark on Ao’nung’s face was nothing compared to the dark purple and black marks now on you.
Ao’nung scoffed and threw you to the ground. Harshly, you plummeted to the harsh sand, landing on rough shells that left stinging cuts on your thighs. “Demons like you should never have been allowed here.” He spat once again. Kicking sand before he left with a stomp.
It was as if you could feel nothing and everything at the same time. The pain across your body thumped beneath you skin as you just stared. Not a sob, no more tear drops. You were frozen.
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Getting up was painful. Blood dripping down your legs as you rubbed your cheeks to try and soothe some of the pain. You weren’t thinking as you walked, hiding away from the village. Taking a route you knew no one else could see you.
Your face had unfrozen now, as tears rolled down your cheek like a majestic waterfall. Soft whimpers every couple steps as the pain from the cuts ran through your entire body. You were tired, wanted nothing more than to collapse into your bed and sob.
“What has happened?!” The loud voice brought you out of your distracted state.
Tonowari rushed over to his front door where you stood battered and bruised. His heart thumped with his protective instincts. He was immediately there examining your injuries. “Great mother…what happened to you?”
You barely even realised you were at the chiefs marui. Shivering in the cool night air as you sniffled away the snot that ran down your face. Looking up to see Tonowari’s wide eyes, boring into you with nothing but love and worry.
It made you want to sob. Because just before those eyes. Eyes that looked so similar had stared at you with nothing but contempt. So when soft whimpers and tears flowed down your cheeks once again, Tonowari gasped and immediately brought you into his home. Sitting you down on the cot you had woke up in that morning.
All worry about being too close to you was replaced with worry for you. He sat down next to you, a soothing hand on your shoulder as he watched you sob. “My sweet pearl…please tell me what is going on?”
You shook your head softly, only being able to scoot closer to Tonowari. He pulled you close. His muscular arms securing you in his lap as you cried into his chest. His heart ached seeing you like this. So upset, and he could still see the bleeding wounds on you. “Please…” He whispered slowly patting down your hair.
You sniffled hugging him close. All shame you had being this close to him erased. He was your one sense of comfort in this moment. Feeling safe in his embrace. “Nothing…it…it hurts ‘Wari”
He couldn’t deny how his heart fluttered slightly as you called him by a nickname. But not enough to make the sinking feeling in his chest go away as you whimpered in his embrace. This wasn’t the type of whimpering he wanted you to do.
“Shh…it’s okay. I’ll take care of you.” He brought you close, stopping himself from leaving a kiss on your forehead. “Tell me where it hurts okay? Then I’ll fix it.”
You nodded, pointing down at the dripping crimson on your leg. That had smeared against both you and Tonowari’s thighs. “A shell…cut me”
Tonowari squinted his eyes. “Is that right? Just a shell?” Tonowari had his suspicions, but he wouldn’t try and get anything out of you. Not in this state. He did however wish he knew what had happened, but that was just pure curiosity and concern.
“Mhm.” You mumbled out looking aware from his stare. Being so close made you feel bubbly inside. Even if Ao’nung had just burst all of them. It didn’t feel wrong like you thought it would have been.
Tonowari was gentle with his touches. Sliding out from under you so that he could stand above and examine your leg. His soft yet huge hands spread your legs apart as you hissed at the sting of the cut.
If it weren’t for the pain you were in, this compromising position would have you blushing like crazy. However, Tonowari was incredible aware of where he was touching you. How you were laying back on your elbows, head flung back as you hissed in pain.
He couldn’t deny the fact that the more he ‘examined’ the cut it was just so he could trace your inner thighs for a bit longer before he got to carried away. “This is deep pearl, how did you manage such a wound.”
Tonowari was slowly putting medicinal paste on your leg, but you only whimpered at the memory of Ao’nung shoving you to the ground. “I fell” Was all you could muster out.
“Hm, you’re a clumsy little one.” Tonowari said chuckling hiding his suspicion. He could see the bruises on your face, he saw the pained look in your eyes. He wasn’t an idiot.  
Tonowari continued to patch all of the shell cuts on your thighs. His large hands occasionally lingering too long on one spot.
“It is getting late. Should I walk you home?” Tonowari asked. Though he wanted nothing more than to keep you in his hut. He would always offer.
You sat there and pondered. Looking at the large man in front of you. You didn’t want to leave yet. You couldn’t bare being alone as the memories of your prior…confrontation lingered loudly in your mind.
“Do I have to go?” You said softly, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes.
Tonowari frowned shaking his head. “Of course you don’t have to pearl.” He whispered sitting in bed next to you. The both of you getting back into the position of you situated comfortably in his lap. “Would you like to lay down?”
“Wanna be here” You’d mumble into his chest. He rumbled and laid back onto the bedhead of his cot and let his hands tilt your face back so he could see you.
You flinched slightly from the previous bruises, but he was so gentle so tender. He noticed you flinch, he kept that in mind. “You can stay here as long as you like.” He whispered, his thumb caressing your cheek.
You melted into his touch, not being able to tear yourself away from his eyes now. You felt his hands start to move. So that his thumb started to play with your bottom lip, moving it slowly along the smooth surface.
Your breath was ridged against his fingers. He couldn’t stop himself. You were so small, so soft in his arms. His other hand wrapped around your waist, squeezing it gently.
“Wari…” You said breathily, hands laying on his chest.
“Yes? What is it?” He was alert. Staring you right in the eyes. Hands still lingering.
“…I want you…” It was a soft confession. One that you had to build up the courage for.
“Me?” He was surprised…was this wrong? What father would he be? But you were so beautiful, so gorgeous in his arms.
“Please.” It was a desperate whisper. Eywa you could cry if you didn’t feel more of him on you. You were desperate and hurting. And he was desperate and nothing but loving.
“Shh…its okay beautiful. I’m here.” It wasn’t long till he let his hands roam on your body, laying you down onto the plush mattress.
“Wari…please” You whimpered out as his hands ghosted your waist. Bringing you closer to him. You didn’t even know what you were begging for. You just needed him.
“I’m here my sweetness…shh its okay.” He peppered kisses down your chest and up your neck. His mind was foggy. He knew he’d regret this in the morning. Or maybe he wouldn’t. He didn’t care right now. He just wanted you to feel good. Needed you to feel good. “Look at me.” He whispered softly.
You looked up to meet his blue eyes as he smiled down at you. Soft kisses left on the bruises on his face. If only he knew he was kissing away the pain that his son inflicted.
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plz tell me what u think lolol, reblogs super duper appreciated!!!!!!!!!!
tags: @avatarkv@jakesullyfatjuicypeen@cyberfreaky@cinetrix@supercoolusernamesblog@gabrijelasworld @rebeccao03@sakura-onesan@neteyamsluvts @reinap06@totesnothere04 @imakms @thaliathewriter @rengokusmyboy @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @whereireid @laylasbunbunny
everything taglist: @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash @scntfrhs @dreamyescapesfromreality @fanboyluvr @neteyamzmate @neteyamyawne @neteyamssbaby
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