#was watching youtube & wasn't sure if anyone's figure this out yet
r0semultiverse · 7 months
We've seen Candy Queen's outfit before
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diatomaceous-worth · 3 months
More on the youtuber au... (from this art)
Ok don't kill me but it's also a soulmate au. and because I've been drafting it for a long time and it might be good while before anything finished sees the light of day, here a detailed synopsis.
So...we can start with Alfred. He lives with his brother who is getting fed up that he's late on rent each month. It's been months since Alfred's graduated high school and maybe he'll enroll in the community college but he doesn't really know what he wants to do. He's just been working odd jobs. The best he can do now is at the pizza joint, which is always sure to never give him enough hours to go full time. But it's ok, because when he's not doing that he's making youtube videos.
He and Kiku would make them as kids, and now he's giving it his all, trying the cinnamon challenge, posting videos of him playing minecraft and crazy Dota moments. He's really hoping something will take off. But it's hard. None of his shit gets any views. Not nearly as much as the most fucking annoying youtuber: Arthur Kirkland.
He makes the most basic ass lifestyle videos like "my boyfriend does my makeup" and "going to high tea" or "animal crossing house tour" shit. Why millions of people care about that pip pip cheerio fuck is beyond him.
Something about him just irrationally ticks him off. Maybe it's because he doesn't seem deserving of fame. Maybe because Arthur has many times been petty and gotten involved in twitter spats that just make him look bad. Maybe it's because he's weird. In every video, he always wears gloves. He never takes them off, and he always dodges questions about it.
On r/KirklandSnark some people have picked up that he always wears long sleeves, too. The leading theory on the sub, which became such an often repeated and heated topic that Alfred banned discussion on it, is that he's hiding his soulmate mark. That it extends from his hands onto his arm. (Alfred's theory however is that he does it to seem eccentric for views)
But maybe it's true, maybe it's not. Alfred's gut tells him that Francis is not Arthur's soulmate. Alfred has noticed Arthur does share a lot about his life but he is also closed off in a lot of ways. Yet making a video on the topic of soulmates would only benefit Arthur. Youtubers talking about which soulmate mechanism they have, or how they met their soulmate; people eat that shit up. Because all the unmatched young people want to imagine themselves meeting their soulmate and how magical it could be, or they want to figure out which soulmate mechanism they will have.
Alfred doesn't openly admit it but he has spent way too much time watching videos like that. Can you blame him though? For being nineteen and never having felt any connection to his soulmate? If they even exist?? He has never woken up with words on his skin nor felt any sensation that wasn't his. Never seen a glimmer of a red thread out of the corner of his eye nor found any mark on his body that might tie him to another.
Meanwhile he has to sit on the bus and bear witness to strangers bumping into each other and freaking the fuck out about it because they said each other's words. They don't even carry barf bags on buses did you know that?
But Alfred doesn't want to give up hope. Someone is out there for him.
Arthur Kirkland on the other hand?
The topic of soulmates brings him misery. Soulmates are a blight. They are bloody inconvenient. Why should he be destined to anyone? Doesn't he have a choice? Will his dense as bricks soulmate every stop cheating on tests?
He was ten when the first ink appeared on his skin. He remembered how profound it felt. To watch the scribbles bloom over his arms and palms. He knew what it was, and he wrote back a simple reply. An introduction, his name.
The lack of response was the first step to his disillusionment with the whole thing. By the time he was in year 10 he resolved to stop looking. It was easier to cover up his hands to avoid catching whatever drivel his soulmate wrote or drew. They seemed dead set on ignoring him, and Arthur grew tired of wondering why his messages didn't seem to go through.
Occasionally he wouldn't be able to avoid it. The year Arthur tried uni was when the cheating started. First it was chemistry formulas and the next year it was math equations, all crammed under his navel in an absurd number of rows. Sometimes he caught the to-do lists written on the back of his hands. Things like "ch.2 east of eden" or "socks 4 matt". He tried to avoid catching those things, knowing that going down that path of trying to figure out who Matt was would drive him insane. But based on the spellings, he was sure he was American. And that was enough to put Arthur at ease.
His soulmate was far far away, and Arthur could be free to live his life and tend to his overly massive youtube channel (the one that afforded him a flat in London, dates with Francis, and even a meeting with the queen. (Never mind that the meeting with the queen was almost a disaster, that in the car before they set foot on the grounds he watched Francis's eyes grow in horror as they stayed glued to his brow, watching a crude sharpie penis appear on his forehead. Francis tried to scrub it off even, despite Arthur's protests (soap never worked, ever), but in the end an obscene amount of makeup saved the day.)
It was a lot to ignore, but continuing on despite it all was all he ever knew. So he entertains himself with his channel, savors the good moments with Francis, and occasionally indulges in the strange people who try to start drama with him online.
And this is where Alfred's "Why Arthur Kirkland SUCKS" video comes into play. Because Alfred's finally had enough of the mediocrity. And he just goes for it. Buys a stupid fake fancy hat and suit from party city (And of course his stupid gloves!), and rants to the camera about everything that annoys him about the guy.
"All his fans just like him for his stupid accent. Being hot and british is not an excuse for a personality! Look at me! I'm Arthur Kirkland and blimey the other day I had the spiciest cracker! Think they might have put salt on it!"
And Arthur has no qualms about ripping back into Alfred. It's only fair because Alfred certainly didn't hold back. Arthur's response video is fairly successful, and Arthur moves on from it, happy with the chatter it generated and satisfied that he out-roasted that git, while Alfred is so extremely shocked that Arthur responded to him that a week goes by in the blink of an eye and when he finally goes to check out the subreddit he's been neglecting, he locks every post discussing the video and finally approves the guy who had been bugging him to be the second moderator (some guy named Peter). It's simply too weird to see discussions about himself, and maybe the whole dedicated subreddit was a little too much...?
But back to Arthur, part of his decision to make the video came from its convenience. It was easy to make while he was moving. He moves to the US for Francis's career, settling in Chicago (and you'll never guess where Matt and Al live). They break up when Francis wants to move on (Arthur thought it was perfect to be with someone whose soulmate was dead, because then he could never complain about his own situation, but here's another thing that didn't work out).
Arthur finds himself living out of hotel, drinking too much, and on one night, ordering pizza. Alfred isn't normally the guy who delivers, but after the normal driver clocks out early, his boss forces him to deliver this order some asshole put in ten minutes before close.
It's very strange when he knocks on the hotel door, and Arthur Kirkland answers, fully clothed and gloved, staring back at him with a similar shocked recognition in his eyes.
crazy right. not going to say what happens in the hotel but I'll say that Alfred goes back home to his couch, dreams a peaceful dream instead of his frequent nightmares, and Arthur finds himself surprised that he wants to see his internet hater again.
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kidrunaway · 7 months
I'm surprised that as the number one rk fan I haven't posted a small analysis of him yet but here we go
So what we know from RK so far is barely anything at all but it's clear he wants to escape with people together rather than alone.
of course if that wasn't clarified I would most likely interpret it as him using the nomes to get further without giving 2 shits about them, but because it's canon, thats not rhe case. that doesn't mean he doesn't defend himself though. He will kill/harm others in order to defend himself (n this is why a lot of the times where I see comics of him getting bullied i get pissed because thats NOT him.) he does seem to defend himself several times throughout the game and will harm others in order to protect himself. What's unique about him is that not only do we get a view of what's happening all the way down at the maw, but his story compared to the other stories has a much more different vibe to it. With mono and six it was very hectic. RK seems to be the only kid that doesn't outright have a chasing scene the same way Six or Mono does (The guests, The doctor, the teacher, that kind of chasing scene.) The only thing we really have is the little battles of him defending himself. he gets chased by the lady for the last bit, and I think that part truly shows WHY he didn't have any chase scenes. I'm sure he was panicking when the lady was chasing him, and when you're panicking, it's very common for people to get impatient. So when he gets caught by the lady, he desperately tries to get away, having the lady basically haunt him from each corner. he goes into a room at some point with a broken mirror and you know if he stood hidden in there or was patient enough to just wait a few seconds or avoid going to the door that opened for him, he would've most likely lived. but being the kid he is, out of curiosity, he goes to where the lady opened the door from. He seems to be a curious little guy. I also wanna mention that he is really smart and it's overseen by the Fandom a lot. We know that Six is smart that's canon, but let's not forget that RK literally solved THE LADYS PUZZLES. I'm sure the lady wanted her puzzles hard enough for not anyone else to figure out, prior to the figures being placed in odd places to take and put on a statue, and extreme puzzles that were even hard for me, he figured it out. it's amazing. And he's invaded the lady's space so much that not only did he finish all her puzzles but ALSO find out her secret. So RK is pretty curious, gets impatient when panicking, and smart on top of that.
Could be a stretch, but truly, in this fandom everything gets stretched so why not 🤷‍♂️
One thing about his story that makes me think a lot are the shadow kids. Although you can usually hear giggles and whispers in the game, if you listen close enough, they will say actual things! (What upsets me though is someone figured this out way before I did and while I went on YouTube to find voice clips I saw the video of the girl that posted this 😭 its only fair if I credit her she's called SPILLTHETHEORIES, watch her video its informative!)
Here's what they say just in case you're curious.
"But there was a difference before."
"You're a goner. Goner."
"Hello there"
"Do you hear her singing?"
"Her intentions were to follow"
"Of course they were/yes she does (?)"
"But that can't be right"
"Its about time it was talking."
"Its looking with Its sight."
"Until six..."
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olivieraa · 12 days
and you know what, I always have to pat myself on the back for two things.
critical thinking and questioning everything.
there are posts on my blog that go back as far as 2014 that were very pro what I happen to be anti now. some I reblogged and said nothing, and some I reblogged and voiced my confusion in the tags. I dont plan on finding them and deleting them bc they're a part of the past.
when you're friends on here with a bunch of people who all had, not even similar mindsets but the exact same mindsets, and you were the only one who thought differently, it was kinda difficult to figure out how to think for yourself. questioning things got me in trouble. I was supposed to think the exact way everyone else did or I was wrong and a bad person.
the pro-porn posts, the pro-prostitution posts, some very specific pro-trans posts, and a lot more, I'd be questioning some of what was said in those posts down in the tags and people either sent me anons or pm's and it was less so about like educating me, and more so "how dare you even question this post". very... hostile.
I was experiencing two different worlds. the online world aka tumblr's brand of feminism, and facebook and youtubes pro-mra bullcrap. and then the real world, with my real friends, who were just... normal. and coming on here was like... going to work. in a job I hated. wondering what I'll be "taught" today. what's the right way to think.
but throughout 2016 I was liking a lot of posts that just made sense. common sense. like normal humans were actually writing these posts. but I never reblogged them.
by the end of 2016 and start of 2017 I'd had enough. and I finally started reblogging them. not even in bulk, just here and there. and exactly what I thought would happen, happened. the sensitive Americans go bye-bye.
it was eye opening bc it justified so many things for me, but also, when I'm close to my friends I'll do anything for them. but never for a friend I could never be myself around. that the friendship was a lie bc I held my tongue. that a conversation could never happen bc I'm wrong and they're right and if I dont agree then end of friendship. no discussions, just... the end.
the unfollows were so immediate, and yet it felt like I could breathe again. and so I continued watching anime at the time, but then I started working, and then moved away, and so tumblr slowly drifted away from me.
and then I'd come back here and there.
but I was always, always wondering, and still do. "was I wrong?", "are the things I reblog actually wrong?", "if 10 people unfollowed me over very specific opinions that they all agree on and I'm here with the opposite opinion, am I wrong?"
but I basically answer my own question every time.
in that, its not about being right or wrong. its about questioning everything. questioning why you think that way. being able to justify why you think that way. being able to use critical thinking and have discussions, not have a fucking cult ass way of thinking and just point at someone and tell them they're straight up wrong for having a different opinion than yours.
and that's why I'll never regret the friendships that died on here. bc they are all still stuck that way, whereas I grow and learn and change.
I'm not telling anyone what's right or wrong.
I defo have a couple of boundaries for sure. there's a few things I have solid ass opinions on that I am adamant about. but for anyone that ever wanted to talk, not argue/want to fight, I'm always open to hearing the other side.
but with people like that, from back in the day, that wasn't possible.
and so if the things I reblog make sense to me, I'm gonna keep doing it. cause unlike the earlier years of tumblr where I'd reblog things with questioning thoughts, I'm finally seeing posts that just make sense.
and its amazing
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metatronhateblog · 6 months
The Nightmare of our Dreams?
Okay so I watched a video a week or so ago on Youtube by @sendarya while falling down a rabbit hole working on the Angelic Language a bit. And I had some thoughts after i that I was going to add onto a reblog of this post and then it got all spirally and I had a lot to say all of the sudden, so I'm making this a ✨separate post✨ instead of adding a huge ass reblog. I'm tagging @sendarya anyways because it was their post to begin with and I like to give credit to the people who say things that make my gears start turning.
That being said, enough of this rambling and it's time to move on to the other rambling.
I don't know if anyone has speculated this yet, because weirdly enough I haven't seen much going around about the 'nightmare sequence' Neil talked about. I think my sister sent me a post about it, and I was like 'oh cool neat' then forgot about it and didn't give it a second thought.
So then I was looking to find a transcript or something about Peter Anderson mentioning the Angelic language can be solved (these people word things in the trickiest way and I want to know exactly what was said....because I still don't know) I stumbled instead upon this video of someone (sendarya that's you) talking about Ineffable Con. And that's where I saw it. That's the moment I saw the pictures of the bookshop surrounded by destruction for the first time.
I sat there staring at it for a bit, trying to process it, my sister explained it to me, and then I continued the video and got a bit more explanation.
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So when it comes down to it, this post is ENTIRELY about speculation, and my thoughts on it. I have nothing to back this up, and for all I know it contradicts what Neil says about wanting it to be the ending of the episode.
I feel like this image induces a looming dread on its own, especially when paired with the ending of Season 2 (RIP my boys but you're on separate sides again.) But I'm not talking about the end of Season 2.
I'm talking about the end of Episode 2 'The Clue ft the minisode A Companion to Owls.' That's a mouthful.
Neil said that he wishes he would've put this nightmare sequence at the end of that episode, because it didn't have a proper ending. And so I was sitting here thunking about it, trying to figure out how a nightmare sequence would fit in after Bildad and Aziraphale have their silly little moment where they sit on the rock together staring out at the sea. And I realized how jarring it would be from a writing stand point, unless of course there was a scene that segued into it so that it wasn't just BAM them on the rocks then BAM Nightmare time.
Then it hit me. The scene where Aziraphale zones out then comes to only for Jim to tell him Crowley left a while ago. Here's the first shot of his face as soon as we see him again in present day.
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I'm not even sure how to describe this look? Pensive? Little bit of pouty girl? Brow furrowed? I don't know, it's just weird.
But then he starts to speak, trying to get Crowley's attention....and something in his eyes...
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He also looks to the side and back several times
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It's just...there's this look about him that feels like he could maybe be doing more than remembering the happenings with Job.
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And Jim says to him 'He went away...while you were thinking' and I KNOW that he's remembering the Job stuff here, because he whips around and follows it up with 'You know you really used to be awful.'
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And like...after remembering the Job thing it seems like a perfectly valid reaction.
And I'm aware this scene IS NOT coming out of 'a nightmare sequence' like Neil described. Not to mention we don't even know WHO had the nightmare sequence. But I just personally think this would be the perfect scene to place after a sequence like that.
Think about it, Aziraphale is seemingly all in on the ball, like HE KNOWS it's his last chance. This man is determined to get everyone in the bookshop, telling Maggie and Nina they're safe and I think even telling Crowley such at some point 'We're perfectly safe in here.'
Safe from what, babygirl? Presumably whatever that scene with the bookshop sitting on a destroyed Earth. But also what if Crowley saw a nightmare sequence? It'd make sense for him to have seen it too! I mean like...we obviously don't know who would've been seeing the nightmare sequence.
But maybe Crowley would've going out to try and do something about it. It would make him being uncomfortable in the bookshop with Gabriel all the more emphasized. It would make him willing to go into Heaven and use Muriel to do it make all the more sense. So he can figure out what's going on.
It would make the Metatron telling Aziraphale that 'it's this thing we like to call the second coming' hit all the harder. Because this is something Aziraphale's worried about after having a vision like that. Could you imagine if Aziraphale was the one who had the nightmare sequence, and Metatron says that to him and he realizes how badly he fucked up SPECIFICALLY because he can't make sure the people he cares about (really just Crowley) are safe in the bookshop when that does happen? Could you imagine his newfound determination to go to Heaven and stop the second coming to prevent that from happening.
Could you imagine if Aziraphale came back from Heaven to find the only thing left was his bookshop?
I just, have a lot of thoughts and speculation on this nightmare sequence and it makes my brain go brrrrrr. So just imagine how impactful it would've been if that moment had taken place right before Aziraphale comes to after his long zoning out only to find out that he's been zoning out for a while. And Crowley is gone.
Anyways thank you for coming to my speculation post in which I have to live with these thoughts in my head and now so do you.
But that's just a theory---
Anyways keep an eye out for more posts on the opening sequence and the various other things that have been plaguing the minds of me and my sister.
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con2ad · 8 months
NOTE: this takes place in my main affiliated verse, featuring a rewrite by me after plotting with @be1ly + @jer3miah because we did not vibe with how the funeral went down in canon.
conrad was numb. he didn't feel anything anymore. he spent so long feeling everything all at once, shouldering all of the hurt and the pain so no one else had to. he made sure jeremiah didn't have to deal with it as much. his dad didn't care. no, that wasn't true. he did care, but not enough. never enough. the only person who really understood what conrad was going through was laurel. they were a team, sharing the responsibility of taking care of susannah and keeping her secret when she didn't want anyone else to know. she didn't even want conrad to know, but he figured it out on his own. susannah beck fisher wanted to spend her entire life living in the fantasy land that was the summer house where nothing bad ever happened. that was her happy place. she called it magic. what she didn't realize was that the magic was always in her. she took it with her, leaving the rest of them behind without any to share.
he went through all the motions, but only out of necessity. he didn't eat that morning, but he made sure jeremiah had his favorite cereal. the brothers helped each other get ready, tying each others ties. susannah picked out their suits before she died. that was just the kind of person she was. when he saw the casket for the first time, his knees almost gave out. it was the worst one yet. jeremiah was the one who realized something was happening and called for help. steven told him about the panic attacks, and they were able to calm conrad down and get his breathing under control.
sitting in the front row between adam and jeremiah felt wrong, and he would have gotten in a fight with his father if he had any fight left in him. but he didn't. it should have been the conkin's sitting there with him in jeremiah. he glanced over his shoulder just in time to see belly walk in with steven and laurel, like some divine force was telling him belly was there and he was going to be okay. even though she broke up with him, even though they weren't really on speaking terms any more. she was still his person. his rock. she was wearing an old dress, one that looked like it didn't fit her anymore. he recognized it as one of susannah's favorites. he tried to smile at her, but it ended up being more of a grimace, all sad edges. they sat in the row behind the fishers instead of sitting with them.
the song conrad played was one of susannah's favorites, she asked him to play it for her all the time. oh where or where could my baby be by pearl jam. he wasn't great at guitar, he was completely self taught and couldn't play music but any time she requested a song, conrad pulled up youtube tutorials and watched them until he knew a song well enough to play it. he was faking it most of the time, but she didn't care. conrad did anything he could to make his mom smile, especially towards the end when things got really bad. his voice cracked, and his fingers were shaky, and it was probably the worst he had ever sounded, but he was barely holding it together.
he was so focused on playing, that he didn't realize belly had moved. he was confused at first when he looked where she had been before and saw that steven had scooted closer to laurel, but then he saw her. she was sitting in the same seat he had vacated minutes before, right next to jeremiah. any other day that would have annoyed him, but not at the funeral. he placed his guitar back onto the stand, walked back to the pew and slid into adam's seat as his father got up to make a speech. conrad didn't want to hear it. he was so close to belly that their legs pressed against each other's. his leg started bouncing anxiously until her hand rested on it. and for the first time all day, conrad felt peaceful. like someone was watching over him and everything was going to be okay. like it was susannah's hand comforting him, not belly's. he nodded once in thanks, then slid his hand into hers, lacing their fingers together. she was holding jeremiah's too, and for one day only, that was okay.
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whostoleallthecookies · 3 months
ok as promised here's the post about botw-adjacent hyrule castle's theorized main entrance
so: as anyone who's explored the castle in breath of the wild or tears of the kingdom knows, there are limited entrances to the interior of the castle. there's the docks, some tunnels, the balcony of the observation room, etc. then there are a couple of side doors, like the ones to the guards' chambers, the library door that leads outside, the door(s) to zelda's room, etc. but like, none of those is a *main entrance*. you'd think it's obvious, duh, it's the door to the sanctum!
but here's the kicker. the sanctum doesn't lead anywhere.
you can't actually get anywhere else from the sanctum. you can get on top of the sanctum, sure, and you can get outside, but it does not connect to any other parts of the castle. There aren't even rubble filled doorways that would indicate that you could! (this is Very Likely so that you wouldn't accidentally end up in the boss fight in botw while exploring the rest of the castle, and like, that makes sense from a dungeon design point of view, but not from a *liveable castle* point of view.) this is ESPECIALLY frustrating because Creating a Champion literally states that Zelda's room is where it is so that she could get to the sanctum in less than 5 minutes without going outside. SHE CAN'T, NINTENDO, BECAUSE YOU REMOVED ALL INNER THE DOORS TO THE SANCTUM!!
so this creates the question: where was the main entrance before calamity then?
well, youtuber banan039 has an answer: under the observation room balcony! genious, i thought, that makes so much sense omg why wasn't that in there in botw. (by the way i'm in love with banan039's pre-calamity mod's progress videos they give me so much strength on my harrowing journey to trying to figure out intact hyrule castle's layout please go watch them and support the creator if you have the means.)
but uh yeah anyway turns out the door isn't there in botw because there's a cliff like right in front of it. well that's inconvenient, i thought, but idk, maybe the calamity caused it and collapsed the door.
NOPE! that door was never in there even pre-calamity in breath of the wild canon!
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this screenshot is from the cutscene in champion's ballad where king rhoam appoints the champions. if you look closely, you can see that the area underneath the observation room (right above the castle gates) is the same texture as the cliffs around it, and you can see the bit of grass there, yeah, that would block the front door.
(also, minor spoilers for tears of the kingdom: you couldn't have anything under the observation room anyway because of the royal secret passage.)
and actually then i got to thinking: if the front door was under the observation room, what would be the purpose of the gatehouses??? and, as a friend pointed out, the narrow winding path that would be difficult to climb, heightening the castle's defenses????
so what makes the most sense is that the main entrance would be in the sanctum after all, especially since it was said in creating a champion that it would have had an indoors access to zelda's room. my current working theory is that there was a spiral staircase in one of the corner towers of the sanctum's lowest floor, but i have not yet been able to explore that area in depth enough to confirm that it could have been possible. however, it seems... plausible, likely even if i happen to find a spot with a lot of rubble on the floor, because that could be a staircase hole filled up. it's not the most conventional castle architecture but eh, it makes more sense than the front door being before either of the gatehouses, straight on the line of attack after the castle gate gets broken.
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(https://nintendo.fandom.com/wiki/Hyrule_Castle?file=Hyrule_Castle.jpg) (and a bunch of aoc cutscenes, though i wasn't able to find the one this screenshot is from.)
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losttinwritings · 2 years
because i had you
[cc!Quackity x Fem!Reader] [chpt.5]
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SUMMARY: In which Quackity is left reminiscing about his past relationship with his ex-girlfriend after their breakup.
WARNINGS: mainly angst, um crying and mentions of moving on? there's like no fluff here sorry guys
A-N: gonna be completely honest, i literally just wrote whatever popped into my head at the time of writing this. So sorry, if some parts don't make much sense or match the lyrics lol. Also I'm back to writing from my tablet again now :) as I now have a keyboard for it so it's easier than my phone lol
[series masterlist]
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Quackity sat cooped up in a corner booth of a diner he'd found when wandering through random streets with no real place in mind. He felt tired as he sat there, awaiting the hot drink the wait staff had yet to bring out to him. His thoughts were jumbled, a mess if you will. He couldn't focus on something for one moment without drawing it back to you somehow. God, he missed you a lot. He missed when he could rely on you to help him with ideas for his streams or just plain youtube videos for his channel, when he hadn't any clue what to do himself.
Maybe it was some pretty unfortunate timing for him, when he suddenly heard the sound of laughter of two people coming closer and closer. He knew he definitely couldn't mistake for anyone else. It was so familiar to him, that he could easily remember the last time, he'd heard it directed towards him. He knew he probably shouldn't look up from where he had rested his eyes upon the table before him. It was surely a completely bad idea, it would most likely hurt him more. But yet, it was like some part of him told him to and without warning his eyes lifted up and to the sudden familiar sound.
Fuck, he wished he didn't. As stood right at the very entrance, just about to enter the small, yet busy cafe he resided in, was you. But you were not alone, in fact he briefly glanced behind you to the quite attractive person behind you. Who were they? Was one of the many questions that flew through his thoughts just then. Surely, it wasn't a date right? Quackity wouldn't admit it but he did feel a little bit of hope that maybe you were just there as friends. Yet, as he examined you two further, that bit of hope died and he felt his heart sink a little in his chest. He watched as the person beside you, carefully grabbed your hand and pulled you inside to a table on the opposite side of the diner.
To be honest, Quackity had no clue why he still felt sad when he silently observed you on your date with another person, that wasn't him, might he add. The fight/breakup was a month or two ago, he knew that you were allowed to see other people now and go on dates with them. He knew he should probably move on now too, if you were so clearly doing so. Then again, he couldn't help the next things to flood into his thoughts. Did you even love him? Did you even regret storming out of that door that day? Hell, were you even heartbroken over the fact that you had lost what you had with him? All these sudden thoughts, he desperately wanted answers too, and yet he had simply had none.
The raven-haired boy only snapped back to reality when he heard the footsteps of someone approaching his table. He felt his eyes suddenly move from where they were previously locked onto you, and drift to the figure near him now. It was only the waitress, bringing him his hot beverage. He murmured a quick 'thank you' towards her, and watched her scurry off in a hurry to collect more orders. He grabbed the warm mug and brought it closer towards himself. Perhaps, he should be glad that the waitress arrived when she did. He didn't want to risk you feeling someone staring, and turning around to find him there looking in your direction. That would be embarrassing on his part, and he didn't want to come off as a total creep or stalker.
Alex wasn't sure if he could keep sitting there, a few booths down from where you and your date now sat. He couldn't help but frown at the sounds of laughter that spilled from your lips, making his heart carefully ache. What was stopping him from simply getting up from his seat? What was stopping him from going up to the counter and asking for his drink in a takeaway cup? Genuinely, he didn't even know himself. Clearly, he didn't think he was ready to be in the same proximity to you. If he left right now, he knew it would save him from a whole lot more heartbreak. But, as he sat there and slowly took small sips of the beverage that was currently situated between his fingers and heating up his palms. The sun's rays of light gently beaming in through the large window to the side of him, he couldn't help but allow his thoughts to continue to roam.
He couldn't compare to whoever that was sat opposite you, making you smile like that. Making you smile and laugh, just like how he used to do. Atleast, he fully believed and thought that he couldn't. Eventually, he had enough of carefully observing the couple from afar and slowly taking sips of his drink. He just wanted to leave, and so he did. He got up from where he was seated, discarding the now half-empty mug of what he had been drinking. He needed to get home anyways, he did plan on appearing on one of his friends' twitch streams later today. Carefully, adjusting the beanie that most oftenly sat upon his head of raven hair, he moved through the aisle of diner booths and towards the exit.
His actions suddenly having caught the attention, of you who had peeked up from your meal that had just arrived now. You felt a brief look of sadness flash across your face as you saw him there, about to leave the cafe. Yet, it was gone in an instant when you remembered who you were still with. Did you even really want to engage with Alex? You knew you did miss him, of course you did. Wouldn't talking to him though bring up old feelings and reopen those wounds from that night? probably, so you didn't risk it. You both would be on the road to healing from that relationship, so talking to him right now you doubted would change anything between you two. So you sat there, attempting to fight the urge to call his name and go after him, while he slowly exited the building and onto the street.
You're with somebody I can't be, yeah
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r0siep0sey · 2 years
Reunited//ONE Au
The ONE finale broke me and left me shocked and confused so I've decided to make an Au or more like a continuation of what happens after ONE 18 because I did it with amphibia and I'll do it again with ONE for anyone who isn't familiar with ONE it's an object show created by Cheesey hfj on YouTube if you haven't watched it I highly recommend watching ONE it's incredible
Part 1: I'm Here
Liam sat in front of the computer trying his best to figure out how it worked but it was just so confusing he was afraid of he did something wrong he could do more harm than good he looked over at the microphone sitting on the desk this must be how Airy talked to the contestants maybe he could at least reassure them he turned the mic towards him and turned it on
What were they going to do now? There was no answer from Airy in 2 days Bryce was sitting in silence it was hopeless he would probably never see Liam again and now he would die here with everyone else Amelia was still crying she hadn't stopped ever since Airy disappeared...Airy...that name infuriated him if he ever got out of here he would make Airy pay for the torture he put everyone through but something snapped him out of his thoughts...the sound of the mic Airy used had turned on but to everyone's shock Airy wasn't the voice that came through the mic "Hey...uh I don't know if you guys can hear me but...I'm here I-I don't know how to get you guys back yet but I'll find a way to....I promise..." Bryce almost thought he was hearing things until he saw Amelia had stopped crying and everyone else had stood up very surprised and were looking up at where the voice came from "Liam?" Bryce asked in a shakey voice "I-Is...is that really you?"
Liam spent hours figuring out how the computer worked he used a different planet to test on afraid of making the same mistake Airy had made in the first season nothing he typed in seemed to work he searched through everything on the computer hoping there was something that would help him to figure out how to get everyone back while he searched he talked with Bryce and Amelia it was reassuring for everyone to be able to communicate with someone outside of the plain other than Airy it took a couple more days but Liam was able to find a window that looked like some sort of command bar there was faded text there that said "type / to activate a command" Liam picked up a rock and sat it on the desk he typed in a command and the rock vanished and appeared on the planet he was testing on once he tested the commands a few more times just to be safe he typed in a command "Ok I think I've got this working" Liam said he entered the command and sure enough all the contestants were teleported from the plain to the cave Liam was so overwhelmed by relief all he could do was sit down on the floor of the cave letting the makeshift crutch he was holding fall over Bryce and Amelia ran over to him immediately but their voices felt muffled and distant all Liam could think of was that it was finally over he wasn't going to die here alone he saved his friends and the other contests they were all finally reunited
End of part 1
I'll probably continue this if people like it and if I can get more ideas of how I should continue this Au
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keefwho · 3 months
January 22 - 2024 Monday
This morning I picked up a few things around the room and vacuumed. I made sure to weigh myself and feed the dog at the same time like I'm trying to get into the habit of. For breakfast I tried making pasta shells in chicken stock and then buttering them like usual, it wasn't anything special. I also had a packet of oatmeal. I watched an episode of Bojack while eating, I'm on the final season now.
On stream I warmed up with figure sketches since I'd be starting the Venus comic commission again. I made decent progress on it.
After stream I did my workout even though my body was screaming at me not to. I watched Bojack while doing that too. Afterwards I was originally going to make soup or something else long to cook since I had the time but I did something that broke my back instead. Since I ended up with less time, I made a can of spaghettios and a granola bar for lunch and watched a 3rd Bojack.
During afternoon work I was going to hang out in the server my high school friend frequents but no one was in there and I wasn't sure I was in the mood for such important, first impression-like communication so I went to Ena's server instead since she was working on her game. I did today's request good and quickly and then worked on her concept art for an hour, making good progress. She said she actually really likes it, I don't think she liked what I had before and neither did I tbh. I don't have a firm grasp on drawing humanoid heads yet. This time I gave it a very toony Adventure Time style look.
I left to do my yoga which I did in VR today. I missed 4 days this month which makes me feel a little bad and like I have a good excuse not to do it some days but I'll try to keep at it. I may need to reaffirm the benefit I'm getting from it because I have no obligation to do this yoga to anyone but myself. Today I used it to try and clear my head before working on my very important project which worked. When project time came around, I once again found a new way to proceed that I think will work this time.
When work was all done I sat down with a Youtube video until Daisy was free. I watched her play Minish Cap for a couple more relaxing hours today. Perfect time to not think for awhile and give my brain a rest. In bed I played Kingdom Hearts for her and beat the Aladdin world.
Today was good and productive. A little bit daunting at first but as usual, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and I was very proficient in my work. Today I worked the most I have any other day all month and it doesn't even feel like I went hard. I was also able to focus like I wanted because I've been noticing how often I keep myself in stressful thought loops and how usually I just have to be brave enough to step back from them to realize everything is fine.
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thenotsohottopic · 3 years
Hey 🍄 annon here Ik im annoying but anyone with a kid who just can't take care of themself they suck at it but they can provide for thier fanbase(let's say they stream or do YouTube or make music you choose okay) dispite suffering they just want to make others and thier fanbase happy
[lmao I'm sick but I hope you're doing well]
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Go To Sleep
character(s): Cc!Nihachu + cc!Karl & teen!reader
genre: hurt/comfort
warning(s): swearing, mentions of sleeping troubles, mentions of lack of self care
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You were spending the night with at Niki's house since your parents were out of town for the night. The two of you have been sitting on the floor infront of her bed for a while, she was watching a movie while you were trying to figure out a plan for your upcoming video.
Though her attention wasn't on the show, "Y/n are you ok? you seem awfully tired," Niki asked as she stared at you with a worried expression.
"Hm?" You asked as you looked away from the notebook that was in your hands.
"are you ok?" Nihachu asked once more as she moved her hand to your shoulder. "there's bags under your eyes, have you been sleeping properly?"
"Oh, no it's ok." You brushed her off, adding a smile into it. "I didn't sleep too well last night, that's all."
Niki nodded and stood up, holding her hand out for you to take. "Well let get you to sleep then. You're a growing child, you need sleep."
"I can't sleep yet, I have to get this planned out and stuff." you explained when holding up your notebook.
Niki sighed and took the notes out of your hands, "it can wait. you're health is more important."
"but I promised eve-"
"no! sleep." she ordered and you hugged in slight annoyance. However, on the inside you were happy that she cared.
You groaned as you tried to get the one chord right. You've been trying for hours but you couldn't quite get it and it was starting to annoy the shit out of you.
Your schedule was fucked.
You barely ever slept anymore, getting an average of about 4 hours each night, and that if you even fell asleep. You were so busy with school work and trying to get this song prepared you hadn't been able to take care of yourself the way you should've from all tee stress. Plus you cried for at least an hour each day out of frustration.
Your phone started ringing, having reached for it you saw Karl's caller ID.
"Hello?" you said, your voice much more hoarse than you wanted it to be.
"You ok there, Bug?" Karl asked with concernaced in his voice. You smiled at the nickname he gave you. You weren't sure as to why, but Karl had practically adopted you. You weren't complaining though you felt safe around him. Of course you would never tell him this, you wouldn't have the guts to express how much you looked up to the man.
"ya, I'm fine." you answered, trying to hide the extreme tiredness evident in their voice.
Karl frowned, "you sound awful, what's wrong?"
You signed, "nothing. I just havent been able to get a good amount of sleep lately with school and me trying to get my new song out."
"Thats not nothing, have you eaten today? drank water?"
"I'm not sure-" you yawned, trying to rub the tirness out of your eyes.
"I'm coming over." Karl stated, and before you could tell him no he hung up.
That day, Karl spent the day getting you to rest and eat. No matter how hard you tryed to stop him it didn't work. He wanted t care for you, having he felt responsible for your health.
That night when he tucked you in you actually told him how thankful you were to have him as a role model, having made that night the best for him.
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NO 🍄 ANON ILY SM! you are not annoying and I hope any other person that said this to you chokes on thumbtacks <3
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rhysismydaddy · 3 years
Prisoner's Game Pt. 1 (Rowaelin)
Synopsis: Aelin Galathynius never thought of herself as a vengeful woman. Until her boyfriend not only testifies, but leads a case against her that lands her in prison for the rest of her life. Post I-Love-You's. He didn't believe her, and she's about to show him that not only is she innocent, he made the worst mistake of his life betting against her. To a woman with nothing but time, life's just a game, after all.
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The cinderblock wall dug into her back uncomfortably as she reclined against it, the air in the room was stale, and she hadn't showered in two days. By any measurement, Aelin Galathynius was far from her best.
And yet she somehow managed to look perfectly at ease--happy even--as she lounged in her cell, toying with the ends of her too-long hair.
It was a ruse, of course, just a little trick to piss off the man currently stomping into her space. By the flare of Rowan Whitehorn's eyes, it worked.
"Hello, Rowan," she greeted pleasantly, giving him a little smile and acting like it wasn't taking everything in her not to use the makeshift knife under her pillow to gut him like the spineless coward he was.
She could tell, even across her 8x12 cell, that he was gritting his teeth and fighting a similar action.
The heel of his expensive Italian loafers clicked as he walked across the space to the small table and took a seat at the steel chair in front of it. He tried to push it out further, but stopped when he realized it was bolted to the floor.
"Aelin," he said back, none of the so-obvious anger he was feeling present in his voice. "Been a long time."
Eight years, six months, three weeks, two days, and thirteen hours.
Not that she was counting or anything.
She nodded her agreement, reclining further on the bed and crossing her legs as if she was in the finest dress she owned, not a faded orange jumpsuit.
"What brings you to my side of town, Rowan? Here to finally switch sides and represent me?"
Dressed in a two-thousand dollar suit and tie, hair perfectly gelled back, he looked like he was successful a lawyer meeting with a wealthy client, but they both knew the last thing he'd ever do was work for her.
"You know why I'm here."
She did indeed, but she still said, "I must be exceptionally smart to know why you've come all the way here-"
"Cut the shit," he snapped, finally losing a bit of his cool. He regained it quickly, though, and continued, "I want to know how you did it."
She frowned at her split ends. "Did what?"
Rowan waited until she looked at him to respond. "You know what."
Sighing so deeply it should've rattled the walls, she said, "I can't believe I've spent the last eight years thinking you underestimated my intelligence. You clearly think I'm some sort of oracle genius."
Rowan mimicked her sigh, and she bit her lip to stifle a laugh.
Probably trying to stall, he spent a moment looking at her cell, at the completely bare walls and lack of photographs. All she had was the tally marks drawn in pencil on one wall and a dusty chess set sitting on the table.
When he'd taken inventory of those two things, he sat and just looked at her.
It was clear she wouldn't admit to knowing exactly why he sat in front of her, and he was simply putting off being the one to fold.
Predictable, proud little man.
Eventually, he took his loss and said, "I want to know how you managed to rob me from inside the most secure prison in Rifthold."
She smiled, a full, undulated smile she hadn't used in a long time.
She'd been planning this moment since the day the bars had locked behind her, and it felt damn good to finally see it come to fruition.
According to what she'd heard, definitely not what she knew from personal experience, the private vault in Rowan's apartment had been broken into. Apparently, only one thing was missing: an antique dagger that had been handed down in the family and was now worth over a million bucks.
"Why do you think it was me?" she asked, still smiling.
He gritted his teeth some more, and she internally snickered at the idea he'd have permanent tooth damage because of her. Something else to remember her by.
Green eyes spitting flames at her, he growled, "You left a goddamn business card."
Aelin forced her eyes up to the empty bed above her head, trying her hardest not to laugh. "Maybe I'm being framed?"
"Your fingerprints were on it."
She did laugh then, then laughed some more when his eyes narrowed. He looked like he was about to strangle her. "Rowan, in case you haven't noticed, I'm incarcerated."
She gestured around them to her cell to prove her point.
The bastard just smiled.
Of course he knows that, she thought bitterly, forcing her hand back to her lap and away from where it'd started to creep toward the pillow.
"So how would I rob you?" she asked, getting her mind back on track.
"That's what you're going to tell me," he demanded angrily. "I want to know how you got out of here, got all the way across Rifthold, broke into my apartment, and stole from me without any surveillance camera picking it up."
Aelin ran a hand through her hair, fluffing it just right. When she caught sight of the impatience on his face, she fluffed it some more and readjusted the thin jacket on her shoulders.
It was always too damn cold in this place. She hadn't been warm in almost nine years.
Because of him.
Just for that, she fluffed her hair some more.
Then she said simply, "I didn't."
"Stop lying!" he shouted at her, eyes flashing.
She wasn't, but that was besides the point.
"Fine." She rolled her eyes like he'd won. "I got my cousin to-"
"Aedion spent the night in Wendlyn. His travel is verified, and there are at least a hundred eye witnesses that witnessed him singing karaoke all night. Stop. Fucking. Lying."
Once again, she wasn't lying.
Aedion sure as hell hadn't been in Wendlyn last night. She'd just wanted to make sure his alibi was air-tight as planned.
Sighing again, she asked, "Rowan, even if I did do it, why the hell would I tell you about it?"
His jaw worked for a moment, and she could tell whatever he was about to say was difficult for him. "I'll get time off your sentence if you tell me what you've done with it."
She tried not to laugh, but she couldn't help it.
It burst out of her, full and uncontrollable, and she flopped over on the dirty mattress and howled for a good few minutes.
He glared at her, looking for all the world like he was experiencing a portion of the rage she was made of, but regardless of the threat in his eyes, she took her time composing herself.
"I'm serving ten consecutive life sentences, you idiot."
One for each and every one of her "victims."
"I'll make it nine," he offered generously.
"Even if I was a cat, that'd still leave me dying in a prison cell. Offer me something else."
He just glared at her, unwilling to give her anything she could actually use or want. Just like she'd expected.
"That's what I thought. So no, Rowan Whitehorn, I'm not accepting your little deal. You can think I robbed you all you want; hell, you can even know, in your famous gut, that I did it." She tilted her head, a cruel smile filling her lips. "But it isn't about what you believe, it's about what you can prove. Isn't that right?"
His eyes shuttered at the words, and just like that, they were sucked into the memory of all those years ago.
~Eight years ago~
Rowan rolled over, edging away from the woman next to him carefully as to not wake her.
Her hair was spread out on his chest, her soft hand was on his stomach, and her leg was draped over his. By all accounts, she was all over him.
And it felt so fucking good.
He'd never met anyone like Aelin before. Anyone so full of life, so hilariously open.
It was like she was constantly on fire, flitting from one place to the next with endless energy and jabs about him being too old and slow.
"What are you going?" she murmured, nails digging in slightly to keep him where he was.
"To get some water. Go back to sleep."
He leaned down and kissed her brow, and she sighed happily and rolled over. Like a total cliché, he watched her sleep for a moment, trying to get his feelings under control.
They'd been seeing each other for less than a year, but he couldn't imagine his life without her. He was in love with her, and if the way she acted and smiled around him was any indication, she loved him, too.
He ran a thumb over her cheekbone, smiling when she tilted her face into his touch.
He was whipped, and he didn't even care.
Rowan shook his head at himself, pulled on a pair of boxers, padded to the kitchen, and held a glass under the faucet.
Then frowned as it sputtered.
He figured he'd at least make himself useful, knowing damn well she would never agree to call the plumber when she could "figure out how to fix it herself on Youtube."
So he knelt down in her kitchen and opened the cabinet door, trying to see what the problem with the pipe was.
Except he never got that far.
His eyes got stuck on the piece of paper sticking out under a false piece of wood covering the back panel.
Knowing it was wrong to pry but somehow unable to stop himself, he tugged the paper loose.
Then fell backwards to his ass, heart hammering and brain spinning as he read it over and over again.
The list of names wasn't long, but all ten of the people on it were highly distinguished members of society.
And they were all dead.
He wouldn't know that, since the death of the last person on the list wasn't even public record yet, but he was the attorney working with the police to find the killer.
Why did she have this list?
And what did the numbers next to the names mean?
One way or another, he knew he had to find out. He also knew he couldn't ask her. He was in too deep, too unbiased to know whether or not she was lying.
He didn't trust himself with her, so he'd have to go the traditional route.
He took a picture of the paper quickly, tucking it back where he'd found it. He snuck back in the room to get dressed, leaving her a note he had to go to work.
He thought he was going to be sick as he left her apartment, a feeling suspiciously similar to dread coiling in his stomach.
There was only one way she could know that last name, only one explanation that made sense.
But he had to know for sure. Had to know if he'd been an idiot this past year; an idiot who'd spent almost every night sleeping next to the killer he'd been searching for.
So he started investigating his girlfriend.
Six days later, he found the security deposit boxes and the murder weapons inside, still covered in dried blood that would be matched to the victims. All with Aelin's prints on them.
Two days after that, the woman he'd thought was the love of his life was arrested on ten counts of murder.
Despite the tears she shed, despite the promises she made to him, despite the love she claimed to have for him, Rowan told the cops everything.
Even though he couldn't imagine her killing anyone.
"It doesn't matter what I believe, it matters what I can prove."
That was the last thing he'd said to her, right as she was being dragged out of the court room and yelling at him to believe her.
The truth of the matter was that when it came down to it, he didn't trust her enough. The facts were against her, everyone on the jury had been against her, and in the end, Rowan was too.
Rowan shook his head, almost like he needed to clear it from the memory they'd obviously both been immersed in, and she smiled.
She hoped what happened all those years ago still haunted him, hoped he went to sleep at night thinking about her and the betrayal he'd served to her on a silver platter.
The first year of her sentence, she was so lost in emotion--in the rage and confusion and deep, deep hurt--that she couldn't bring herself to do anything.
He hadn't even bothered to ask her first. That's what had hurt the worst.
He'd seen that stupid, stupid list and had jumped to the first conclusion possible.
She knew it had looked bad, had looked like she was guilty, but she'd thought that if the worst happened, he'd at least ask her to explain before slapping the cuffs on her.
But he hadn't. She'd gone to prison, and his career had exploded into stardom from the success of the case.
"See, Rowan, when you refused to accept any other explanation other than the easy one, you made a mistake. Because I didn't kill those people."
He rolled his eyes. "Aelin-"
"And I'm not only going to prove it," she continued as if he hadn't spoken, "I'm going to ruin your precious little life while I do it. Just like you did mine."
She stood, put a hand on the steel table, and leaned over him.
"If you want it to stop, all you have to do is drop these bullshit murder charges and issue a public apology for locking me up in the first place."
He stood too, so close his loafers brushed the toe of her dusty, prison issued sneakers.
"That's never going to happen," he promised, voice uncompromising and angry.
Aelin smiled, having predicted his reaction down to the facial expression.
His pride, she'd decided, would be the first thing to go.
She reached around him to slide the pawn on the chess board forward, leaned in even further, and whispered, "Let the game begin, then."
Part 2
@perseusannabeth @cursebreaker29 @a-bit-of-a-cactus @elriel4life @girl-who-reads-the-books @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @live-the-fangirl-life @ireallyshouldsleeprn @highqueenofelfhame @gracie-rosee @rowaelinismyotp @nahthanks @ghostlyrose2 @lovemollywho @inardour @tillyrubes10 @claralady @tswaney17 @rowanisahunk @superspiritfestival @thegoddessofyou @awesomelena555 @booksofthemoon @greerlunna @jlinez @studyliketate @over300books @justgiu12 @maastrash @aesthetics-11 @bamchickawowow @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @musicmaam @hizqueen4life @maybekindasortaace
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Id love to hear your thoughts on Return of the Obra Dinn, if you have any youd like to share!
i really enjoyed return of the obra dinn!! when i started off it kinda made me feel weird and sad lol. but once i got into it that feeling went away and i was just enjoying the puzzle. i found the game because i'd seen it recommended for people who like outer wilds, and i have to say it definitely does scratch that itch of discovery and putting things together. i love finding things out of order and slowly but surely piecing together what happened. it was very satisfying to play and finish.
i'm gonna put a cut for spoiler-y talk, in case anyone hasn't played yet and may in the future. this is definitely a game you shouldn't be spoiled for if you want to enjoy it.
i did get stuck at one point, and blue @travismatagot helped me out. thank you blue!! i fully would have never found the body hanging outside the window without their help. that was what i needed to wrap up exploring everything. i DID then proceed to make a big oopsie. so i got every fate except the four people that escaped. i'd identified them and i figured they were alive but i was like. how the fuck am i supposed to know where they went?? this is because i fully did not pay attention to the name of the man who gave you the logbook and did not realize it was the fucking surgeon from the obra dinn who said he was living in morocco. i guess i thought my character was sent a logbook from someone who knew about the obra dinn but somehow wasn't on it?? makes no fucking sense in retrospect lol i was just not thinking. so because i couldn't figure out where these four people had escaped to, i assumed maybe it was something i would find out later along with the bargain chapter after i left the ship. so i left and signed the insurance form and then a year later i get a letter from one of the survivors being like "yeah the doctor died sorry you didn't figure out what happened anyway don't contact us again." and that was the end of the game. so i fucked that up a bit! and of course it auto saved after i'd left the obra dinn so i couldn't just go back to right before i left. so i started a new game and speed ran that shit as much as i could while being forced to sit through every death cut scene again lol. i had it muted and just watched youtube on my other monitor. then i did the fates for the four escapees correctly and and got the bargain chapter and beat the game properly.
i am proud to say i got almost all the fates on my own! some of them i did fully guess on tho. basically i would wait till i had two fates that i was pretty sure were right, and then for one i was stuck on i would just swap names around (usually narrowed down to a crew position or nationality) until it was right. i didn't have to do that on a lot of them, but some. i also had a hard time with the cause of death sometimes (miss lim? lovingly caressed to death?? "strangled" ending up working but apparently "clawed" also is accepted). the dude who died in the port walk was the hardest, mainly because the bosun's mate was one of the last people i identified. i could see this guy was probably getting shot by this bald dude but i could not figure out who it was for the longest time lol. also i completely lucked out on the fate of the dude who dies by firing line. there's four guys firing and i assumed you could pick any of them. i picked brennan, since he was the one guy i knew the name of at that point. turns out three of the four bullets miss and you have to pick the person whose bullet hit, which was brennan. so i got lucky there. if it had been wrong i probably would've gotten frustrated trying to figure it out.
anyway. sorry this got rambly but i really liked this game!! cool story cool puzzle cool graphics cool concept!! i've already told some of my friends about it and they are talking about maybe playing it so i'm excited to see what they think.
also fuck second mate nichols all my homies hate second mate nichols
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Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 13
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 7,224
Warnings: angst, some unreliable narrator, and… closure.
A/N: this is the last chapter of the series (besides the epilogue) and so the secret message of the song will not be at the top of the post but rather at the bottom. A perfect closer. Thank you so much for reading this, I worked so hard to write it and I am so happy that I get to finish it with you guys. I am so emotional right now.
A/N: a special thank you @chrissquares for the amazing dividers she made me, and to @nacho-bucky for beta reading all of this!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
Song on Spotify and YouTube
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Loki sat in his room on his soft bed; he used the soft delicate covers under his fingers to ground himself as he drifted into his thoughts.
He loved you, he loves you, he will always love you. He knew that, there was no hiding it. There was no hiding the feeling that erupts within him whenever he sees you smile at him, or when you touched him and everything else faded away but your touch, or even the feeling thumping in his chest when he spent the day without you.
He was in love- it was as simple as that.
You loved him, you love him. He knew that, you never let him doubt it when you saw him doubt himself at the very beginning of the relationship. He was clever enough to know that you never lied to him.
Will you continue loving him when you will give it all up? When this is all over?
"You what?" Loki was sitting on your couch and you were curled up against him, you fiddled with your shiny new necklace, a bright smile on your face as you looked up at him through your lashes.
"I love you, Loki." You straightened up a bit more so you could get a better look at him. "I really do."
"You love the necklace I got you," He stated, looking at the empty box on the table and then back at your passionate eyes. He was scared of what he saw there, he must have heard you wrong because you made no sense to him. You always surprised him like that.
"Yes, I do love the necklace." You chuckled a bit and then you took his hand in yours, forcing him to look at you. "But I was talking about you. I love you. It's as simple as that."
But it was not simple, not to him.
"No but. I just love you. I loved you even before we got together." You held both of his hands now. Understanding flashed in your eyes as you saw what lay behind his. "Don't you ever doubt that."
He squeezed your hands and leaned in to kiss you softly. He knew he loved you. But when he pulled back the words died in his throat. He opened his mouth only to close it shut. Emotions like the ones you introduced him to never came easy to him.
"I know." You said. And of course you know- you always do.
He sighed in thankfulness and you brought him to you again with your hand on his cold cheek.
He will find a way to tell you someday.
So why would you want to leave him- forget his trace on your life? He wondered to himself. People fleeting from his life wasn't something unfamiliar to him, but he has never been so sure of someone staying than you, ever since he found you on that fateful rainy day and every day that has passed since he never thought you would leave him out of your own will.
Being wrong about people did not happen often to him, he could read everyone but you didn't make sense to him now.
A shutting of the door knocked him out of his own head and of course there you were, studying him before you quietly approached him and sat on the bed.
Silence spread as you looked around the room, noting the various large bookshelves with the clearly well loved books.
"Your room is nice, it's very you," you commented over the deafening silence, you couldn't bear it.
"I always figured you'd like my book collection, and the balcony. I thought I could read to you while we are drinking your favourite tea and sitting out there. We could laugh at all the oafs that passed right below us." He let out a humorless chuckle.
"That sounds like a perfect day." You bit your lip nervously.
"Then why would you give that up?" now you turned to face him, you failed to notice the unshed tears on his face.
"Loki," you choked on your words. "I don't plan to give that up, I don't plan on giving you up!"
"But you heard what he said! And you want to go through with that nonsense, when I told you that I will figure out a way for him to leave you alone." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Do you really want to get rid of your powers that bad that you don't mind losing me, or even your Avengers family?"
"I don't want to lose anyone, I just can't stay with these powers inside of me when now for the first time I know exactly how they feel and what they do- I don't want that poisoning me. It's like a wine stained dress and I don't want to- I can't wear it anymore. I can't Loki." You went to take his hand but he slipped beyond your reaches. You scoffed and went and this time took his hands to get him to look at you. "But just like you said, I believe that you can and will find a way out of this, I know you will find a way for me to get all of my memories back- I don't doubt it one bit because you are brilliant and more so determined. So this is the way that I can lose my powers but keep everything else that I love so so deeply."
"No, no but- I love you, Loki, and I would never give you up out of will especially after all those times you got taken from me and even when you left me. I will never let you go away. I know you can do this- and that is why I want to go through with this. I want to lose my powers, you called it ever since we met again at the tower- that is not my life, and these powers aren't mine. And that is my decision. Which is why I need you to understand me right now, I need you to understand that I'm not going to lose you, and that I still love you forever and always."
Loki couldn't help then, but remember you in your favourite dress standing with him and staring at the sunset, he told you he would always remember that moment-and he did, but it wasn't until now that he realized what you were asking him.
You never took your eyes away from his. You could see the battle inside of him when he finally relaxed in your grasp and pulled you tightly into a hug. But sometimes a hug is just an excuse to hide your face. You didn't see the tear that slipped from his eye.
"As you wish, darling."
"You're insane, you are completely insane." Steve shook his head and looked between you and Loki, before talking to the god. "How come you are okay with this? No, this is insane."
"Steve, I understand you're scared but Loki will find a way to bring me back- it will all be okay. It might take some time but I will be back here making sassy jokes at you in no time." You walked to him and wrapped your arms around him.
"Punk it'll be alright, just think of it like when you put me under again in Wakanda." Bucky chimed in and he wasn't wrong- but for Steve it only made it worse, first Bucky couldn't remember him and he lost him for a long time and now if you go through with your plan then you won't remember him either. How can he be okay with it?
"Loki, don't you have anything to say here?" The captain walked away from your hug. The god averted his eyes to the floor; he opened his mouth calculating his words.
"It's her choice captain, I had my own reservations regarding it," Loki now looked directly at the captain. "But all I want is what's best for her, I will do what is needed."
"What about Odin, huh? He can't just do whatever he wants- so what if he wants to take away your powers! I will fight him if I have to, he can't force you to do anything."
"Well Steve, my father might actually send an-"
"I never knew that was an option, I never thought I would be able to live like I used to- without my powers. I know you can get me out of this, I know Loki can get me out of it but I want this. I agree to this." You cut Thor off and brought the attention back to you. Tony rose up then.
"How do you know that you can bring her memories back, mischief?"
Loki scoffed.
"I only lost the battle of New York because I wanted to so give me and my magic more credit." Then Loki surprised you and walked towards the door. "Captain, if I may?"
Loki gestured outside and you were surprised at how Steve went without any issue. The door closed behind the two of them.
It was a while later that they came back and you could see Steve's eyes were red.
"Why don't we order pizza and you can pick a movie to watch?" he suggested. You nodded at him and you could say that you didn't tear up then but that would be a lie.
So there you sat with your friends- with your family, and you ate pizza and laughed at the movie. You talked about everything and nothing. You lay against Steve's chest and he hugged you as the movie kept playing.
You treasured every second with them. You knew you will come back to them soon enough but it didn't make you any less emotional during the entire night.
Just because you will not remember forgetting anyone of them, just because you won't feel the lack, doesn't mean you won't miss them.
You fidgeted with Loki besides you as you got ready to enter the room that will end all of this.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" Loki rubbed your back and took both of your hands to stop you from fidgeting.
"Yes, I don't know why I'm so nervous."
"It's okay to be nervous my love, but I will take care of you."
"I know you will." You shyly smiled up at him and returned his hug. "I trust you."
Loki opened the doors and walked with you inside. The throne room looked the same and yet for you it felt the difference all the same. Walking with a different form of dread into the cold room and a loud beating heart- you couldn't deny the fear that still lingered there.
"So, you finally came. Step to the side my son." You scoffed at that when Odin rose from the throne, stepped down, and raised his long staff.
"Wait!" you yelled and grabbed Loki into a hug. "I'm going to miss you, even if I won't know it. Promise you'll get me back Loki, promise you will set it all back to normal." You didn't look at him.
"I love you, more than I ever thought I could. I know I claimed it impossible but I have fallen in love with you all over and over again." He pulled back to cup your face and whispered in a weak voice. "I don't know how to say goodbye to you."
"There's only one way I'd accept it." You smiled at him through the tears, "If you've ever loved me, say it like you are going to come back."
That brought a small chuckle out of Loki.
"Well then my love, it really was enchanting to meet you." he held your hand and bowed before you. "I'll see you around, my love."
You smiled widely as you curtsied and brought him back for a kiss. It was slow, delicate, and yet it held every emotion you needed to show and every ounce of love you needed to feel.
"I'll see you in a minute, Loki."
With a soft smile he stepped back from you, his own smile faded though when his father raised the staff and he heard a chant in the background and he sent an old ancient extortion spell your way. You kept your eyes on Loki, smiling at him and memorizing him. He will get you back, you will get him back. You had no doubt about it.
His eyes teared up but he watched you.
You watched him until the pain hit you and settled in your brain, until your eyes felt foggy when you looked on at the man in front of you, until white blinded your vision and everything turned black.
Opening your eyes slowly you saw the golden sun rays seep into the room from your window as you woke up. You stretched out on the bed and reached your hand out to your side and it was cold. You looked at your hand and at the space next to you, why would you reach out there? Something at the back of your mind felt odd but you shook your head- who was for some reason aching, and got out of the bed in your apartment.
You mind felt foggy, you couldn't remember even getting to bed but you must still be tired- you just need to wake up fully. It'll all focus up in a minute surely- you had no doubt about it.
You smiled to yourself as you heated water for your tea; the routine was familiar to you and helped you clear your head. You took the time to look around your apartment, it wasn't much but it was yours. You still remembered when you first moved to New York- it was so loud and foreign but you refused to let it take over you and so instead you let it be a new chapter, a new beginning, you let it change you into who you wanted to be.
You snapped out of your thought and made your tea like you always did, it was a Saturday morning and you couldn't wait to have a chill day in, reaching out into the cabinet for another glass, but you faltered- you must have forgotten that you already made your tea.
Sitting on the couch you saw the flowers on the table they were dying of thirst- you were never good with flowers, which is why you never got any. It was probably time to throw the flowers away, so you groaned before getting up and discarding them in the bin.
Finally settling on the comfortable couch you turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until you found your favourite show. Sighing, you sipped on the tea and enjoyed the content feeling this warm moment gave you.
Loki lay on the headrest of the bed in his bedroom. It was morning now, it's been a day since you disappeared. By morning gone was any trace of you from his life, and yet you still were all over him, he couldn't find a part of him that you didn't touch. He could never wash you away.
He saw you all around his bedroom now, with countless books open and scattered on his desk, his bed, and the entire floor. He searched all of them, trying to find what you told him he would.
But now all he found was an answer he did not want to think about. So he sat and stared at the wall.
The knock on the door hardly startled him, and he was not surprised when Thor closed the door behind him and leaned against it.
"How are you doing, brother?" Thor stayed put, noticing the blank look in his brother's eyes and the books that seemed to block his way forward. "Were you up all night?"
"How could I sleep?" he let out a bitter chuckle.
"Did you manage to find something?" Loki rubbed his eyes, he didn't know how to answer that question. His lonely heart was already starting to grow colder with each hollowed hour that passed through him. He sank into his mind again.
The captain followed him outside of the room you were in. he could feel his frustration and it matched his- just almost.
"What, Loki?" Loki continued walking forward until he found a vacant room where no one will see the two of them. The soldier stopped at the door for a moment, but once he stepped through then Loki closed the door shut behind him.
"I want to show you something, captain." Loki turned to him. Steve stood taller, his blue eyes were questioning when he saw what laid in Loki's eyes, it was the first time he was sure what he saw in the trickster was real. "But you are not going to like it."
"I suppose I did find an answer." He replied to Thor, remembering back to two nights ago, when he found the way out. Just not for him.
"Well, that is tremendous news!" Thor's smile dropped when Loki did not smile with him. "What is wrong then?"
"What do you want to show me?" Loki walked to Steve with two arms open and up in the air. "Did you manage to find something?"
"I want to show you a time from before you knew her, you see, I have always loved her- but I want you to see this before we talk." Loki asked him a silent question and Steve nodded when Loki put his hands on his temples and he felt a buzz course through him before he found himself sitting in an apartment he had never seen before and there you were sitting next to Loki- you looked so much younger, so did the god.
Steve continued watching the intimate moment between the two of you, he watched the way you looked at the god and the way Loki in turn looked at you when you didn't face him.
He almost felt uncomfortable, knowing that Loki out of all people was letting him look through his own mind and memories. And then he heard you.
"I could never be a hero." His look of confusion matched that of Loki who was talking to you on the couch. He could only assume that you did not know about Loki being a god back then.
That was when he really looked at you- seeing you. He opened his mouth and closed it, his heart sank when he realized what he saw in you that was so different. You were so… light, rather than heavy. Your eyes were brighter, and more innocent- more hopeful. And mostly you were just-clean. Clean of all the blood that you have seen with your powers, clean of all the guilt and hatred. He knew you were happy with them-he knew you felt the same way as he did- but you were different here, there was no weight above your shoulders and you were clean of it all and all that was left was peace and calm inside of you. He never saw that in you. As happy as you were with him and the rest of the avengers, and as much as he knew you, he never knew you like that- he never saw who you were before.
He took a moment to look at you again, promising to himself he will remember you like this- he knew now why Loki showed him this.
"Loki, get me out." He whispered with a defeated look on his face. A moment later he was back in a vacant room with Loki. "Is that what you want?"
"Do you understand me now, Captain?" Loki nodded and lowered his eyes a bit.
"I do." Steve refused to shed the tears he felt behind his eyes.
"I have decided to let her go." He struggled with getting the words out, but he knew he would follow through with his decision- it's what's best for you.
"You what? Loki, what do you mean you are letting her go?"
"I am not going to chase after her and get her back to me- that will only lead to bad things." Loki stood up from the bed and started to whisk the books away and back on their shelves. The night was long but he knew all that he needed to know now.
"Brother, she counted on you getting her back! She trusted you with that!" Thor has seen his brother act without a thought in rare times, but now it is clear that he has thought of it for a while and yet despite of all of its nonsense he still decided to act on that.
"She trusted me to protect her, so I am. Don't you think she deserves a life free of dangers and worries?"
Thor looked at his brother and shook his head, looking down.
"Perhaps she does, but perhaps you deserve a life full of love too. Perhaps you will get that once you stop self sabotaging any good thing that comes your way."
Thor walked out the door, leaving Loki in that empty room.
The rain kept pouring all around you as you walked through the park in the dark. You didn't know what it was about the rain, but somehow you found your peace in the middle of the storm, the more the rain gushed around, dancing with the wind, the more you felt calm surrounding you. You let yourself drown in the rain that surrounded you now until you could breathe again- standing there with your umbrella you decided to sit on a bench you found up ahead, you often found yourself sitting there all alone when you felt something was missing from your life.
You sat there in silence, letting the rain soak through you without it ever touching you. You opened your coat pocket and looked at the letter that was inside the open envelope. You've had to make up your mind at some point, every part of you should say yes and you knew that it did with every time you reread the message that was written inside. You were still a bit nervous, it was exciting so of course you were a bit nervous. You knew you would not say no to this opportunity, no matter where it came from. With a small secret smile you put it back inside of your coat. You brushed the place on your neck where a necklace should be and got up to head home, and as you looked up to the stars you could almost see a twinkle in the sky, from the brightest star in the sky.
"Do you think it's a wise idea, Tony?" Steve sat in the genius' office. Tony shrugged at that.
"It's been two months Steve, I can't take it and I know you can't too!" he took off his glasses. "Don't you want her back?"
"Of course I do Tony, but I saw her- she seemed really happy."
"She was happy with us too!" Tony threw back the whiskey in his glass before filling up another one.
"Pour me one too," Steve said and ignored Tony's look. He was too tired, they all were. "But I think maybe Loki was right to choose what he did."
"Then call this a loophole! As long as we keep it up, she won't notice a thing and then we will all get what we want. We can keep an act up and soon enough it will be like nothing's changed." Tony raised an eyebrow at him before drinking from his glass. Steve downed his- it didn't faze him at all but he wished it would.
"Okay then, do it."
"Already did." Tony smirked and Steve just groaned at his friend.
"Of course you did."
"Now we just wait, my letter was pretty convincing so I am sure she will get here soon, and then she will be home in no time." Steve clucked his glass with Tony's before walking out of his office and getting on with the stuff he had to do that day.
He took the elevator down to the ground floor and looked through the paperwork he had in his hands when the doors opened. He stepped outside only to see you walking to the receptionist's desk. He stood there staring at you as if he hadn't been tracking you for months, he noticed all the ticks you had when you were nervous. That's when he snapped out of it and went to get you before the Stark worker could talk or, even worse, recognize you. He could feel his own emotions bursting inside of him and he held himself back from taking you into his arms and hugging you.
When you looked into his eye and he saw that you didn't recognize him- not really- it hurt him more than he thought it would.
"Hi." Was all he managed to let out.
"Hi, Captain Rogers," you smiled at him and he found himself returning the smile. "It's an honour to meet you."
"Please call me Steve." He rushed out and then bit his tongue.
"Steve," you repeated and you were about to turn your head to talk to the Stark Industries worker when Steve stopped you.
"You're Y/N, right? You have a meeting with Pepper."
"Yeah I am, how did you-"
"I will take you to her." He turned to the worker and nodded briefly, "it's fine."
"Captain, I need her to sign in first-"
"The captain said we are okay here." You looked behind you to find a blonde agent that you recognized from the TV as Sharon. She looked at you for a moment, looked behind you, and then she sent you a small smile.
"I'll walk you up, is that okay?" you looked back at him again and you nodded, you didn't know why but those blue eyes seemed so… kind. Your nerves were already put at bay because he started talking to you.
"Yes, thank you Steve." You smiled at him again before he walked you back to the elevator.
When the doors closed you broke the silence, for some reason you could feel his nerves rise- you could see it in him, in the small ticks. "Don't you have other stuff you should do?"
He laughed a bit at that and you called that a win. Steve thought back to the day he met you.
"Yeah, but you seem much nicer."
"How can you tell if I'm nice or not? I never said I was nice, maybe I am mean and evil."
"No offence, kid, but you don't seem too threatening to me," You scoffed at him, and you didn't know why the chemistry between you was so natural, but you didn't care.
"How can you be so sure? I could be threatening, or I could even be a spy!" you raised an eyebrow at him when he laughed again, this time harder.
"I could still take you down if you are, it's easy." He had a shit eating grin on his face that you didn't like. Steve was waiting for you to retort back.
"Oh just fuck off!" you shook your head but then you burst out laughing when Steve replied, you were so much brighter and he loved it.
He missed you so much.
You felt a bit lightheaded as Steve walked you through the halls, you walked with him as he told you that he will take you to the kitchen. It was eerily empty. The couches seemed so inviting and the floor to ceiling windows showed a stunning view that you could stand there and watch all day, now you wished that you didn't have the interview because all you wanted to do was stay right where you were.
Steve was worried about you though.
"Hey, are you okay? Is this too much for you?" He asked and you furrowed your eyebrows when you saw the concern in his eyes.
"It's fine, I am probably just worried about the meeting with Mrs. Potts, that must be why I have a headache." You ignored his other question and while it did seem odd to you how easy he interacted with you, you didn't question it- he always seemed kind on TV.
"Come on, I will get you some water from the kitchen."
When you entered the kitchen you realized where you actually were.
"Is this the Avengers' private quarters?" Steve faltered for a bit and when words failed him he decided to just nod. He cleared his throat before turning to you with a glass of water.
"You really didn't have to bring me here, I would hate to waste your time and intrude!" you took a sip. "I also don't want to be late for my meeting, which I already am…"
At the cringe in your voice he pulled out his phone and texted Tony about your situation, making sure no one will be around you just yet in case you will get overwhelmed. He couldn't know how the spell Odin put on you would respond to that.
"I talked to Pepper, don't worry about that, you don't need to worry when you are with me." He looked serious enough that you nodded and continued sipping on the water, you could already feel the headache fade away, Steve continued. "And you can feel comfortable here, I'm sure you will get the job so you will be here a lot- if you want, that is."
"Why would I be here?" Steve wanted to curse at himself for saying too much, of course you didn't know that detail- you shouldn't know that. Hell, you probably didn't know the details of what you will do- Tony could have bullshitted anything to get you to come here even when you had no reason for being chosen.
He couldn't help himself, he felt as if nothing has changed by the way you act and talk around him, but it was hard to remember that a lot has changed for him.
"Well, umm you see- it's in the job description- working for Pepper and all, it just makes sense that you will be here too because she is here a lot." He stuttered when you still had a look of confusion on your face, your head tilting a bit, you couldn't quite place him. "And also- Tony, they are husband and wife of course and- and he might need help too. Stark Industries is his after all so, that is what I meant, that's all."
"Okay…" you tentatively replied, noticing the blush that came up his flustered cheeks. He was trustworthy, so it is probably true. "I guess that I don't actually know why I am here- but this is an opportunity that I couldn't miss out on. I don’t know why he chose me or how he even knows me but- I want to be here, I just do."
The words seemed distant from you, and you looked to the ground not noticing the small relaxed smile Steve let out.
"Well, I'm sure you will fit right in here. Let's get you to Pepper then."
His smile only prompted your own and you let him take you to her, hopefully this will be a new start for you, and hopefully it will also quiet the small tingles you started getting in your head ever since you got that letter.
A month later you woke up to an alarm clock. You turned to your side and stopped yourself when your hand went forward. The alarm drew you out of your thoughts and you twisted around again to turn it off. You got up to start your day before you had to go to work.
You looked at your wardrobe before you decided to try out the shirt you got yesterday you couldn't help but buy it. It was in this beautiful shade of green that you were compelled to get it. You paired it with a tight black skirt and walked to your dresser. Opening it, you noticed a glimmer shining from the daylight that came through your window. You got out all the boxes and stuff that was blocking whatever it was from your view- you really needed to clean all of it, but you didn't care- you just wanted to get to that small box.
Like you thought- it indeed was a box. It was old, the golden glaze of it darkened but it was still beautiful.
"Now where did you come from?" you wondered aloud and you sat on your bed when you decided to open the delicate box. It was a bit heavy in your hand, you didn't know what it was made of but it seemed unreal- it was so naturally out of place with its beauty. You opened it slowly and in there you found a necklace, it was golden and unlike the box it was still shining. The symbol engraved onto it seemed so familiar and yet you could not remember where it is from, it was different from anything you have seen before, you must have bought it ancients ago. You must have. It took your breath away when you picked it up, so you needed air. You went out into your living room and there you sat on the couch, staring at it. Your mind was racing, no- it was searching- you didn't know what for, and tingles spread throughout your whole body.
You put it on and fiddled with it, the light weight of it on your chest was comforting as it lay right next to your heart.
You didn't notice the smile that lit up your face until you looked into the mirror before getting out of the door and heading to the Avengers tower.
Loki prepared himself as he walked the Bifrost leading to where Heimdall stood. He tried to calm his breathing and his racing heart, he felt as if he was going to pass out from the nerves. He just needed to get this over with fast.
Heimdall did not acknowledge the solemn look on the prince's face as he got ready to go to earth. He barely bothered to hide the dark circles beneath his eyes that could only be described as numb. With the black suit he was wearing one would think he was grieving, and maybe in a way- he was.
Loki fixed himself to stand up straighter and got ready for his journey. All he planned to do was go to the Tower, just to check on how everything has wrapped up quickly before leaving, and maybe in a way he wanted to be there one last time and see other people who are also living a life without you.
He nodded briefly to Heimdall and in a few second he was in the Avengers Tower, right on the top of it. He took the elevator down and when he didn't see anyone in the living room he called out to the AI and asked for Steve's location. He was a few floors down rather than in the Avengers' quarters.
He took the stairs down. The hall room was fairly empty. Different elevators stopped at the floor that was a pass-through to the Avengers center from the Stark Industries. At the other end of the floor there was a balcony that looked over the skyline of the daylight, it will be easier to call for Heimdall from there- it will be faster.
He walked forward and saw Steve and Natasha leaning against the main desk of the security guard.
He nodded to Steve when he spotted him, but Steve's eyes only widened when he saw the god.
"Hello, Captain." He nodded to Natasha who had the same surprised look on her face. "Ms. Romanoff."
"Loki what are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to come here to check how you were dealing with the group that took the weapons." The group that took you. Loki smiled shortly.
"Loki you should probably go-" the blond suggested and went towards Loki to try and lead him backwards to where he came from. Before Loki could question him, the redhead spoke up.
"Y/N is here, she is on her way here." Loki looked at Natasha and then at Steve who was standing in front of him.
"What?" Loki stammered, "Does she-"
"No, she doesn't know a thing, I promise." The god studied the soldier, his eyes sharper now.
"Then why is she coming here?"
"We hired her a month ago, so she could work here and we will see her." Natasha explained simply, blunt as always. He was thankful for that right now but he sent daggers towards Steve.
"I thought we had an agreement- that you understood."
"We didn't know you were coming. I do understand, and I promise that she is still safe, and she is having a peaceful happy life- she works for Pepper, not with us directly." Steve was quick to reply. "It was just too hard to say goodbye."
"You were not the only one who had to say goodbye." Loki's eyes were blank and Steve could see the hurt that seeped through. "But well then, I should go. I'm happy you got her back."
Steve stopped him when Loki moved to walk towards the balcony at the other end of the floor.
"Loki, you can come back too." Steve sighed, trying to get the god to agree to come back- he saw you being happy, but he also saw how you were lost- just lacking something a bit, he knew Loki was that something.
"No, I cannot. I'm a god- I could never give her the peace she deserves." Loki shook his head and lowered his blue eyes. He passed Steve and walked ahead when the elevator dinged and he looked up at the same time as you got out of it and walked towards Steve. When your eyes met his you stopped in your place.
Loki always loved when you wore his colours and now here you were- wearing his colours when you did not even know him. Only a couple of feet away, you stood in front of him and the world stood still.
You got out of the elevator and were walking towards Steve when you saw the person that was just a few steps away, in front of you. You were in the middle of the hall and yet you couldn't move yourself away, you couldn't stop staring at him.
You knew him, how couldn't you? You knew he wasn't from here, but he was different- it wasn't because you knew he was a god, but rather the feeling that came along with him and it felt as if it sucked you in.
You tried to snap out of it and you could suddenly breathe again.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare," you looked up again at the god who kept staring at you. Loki's eyes were wide, scared, in awe of finally seeing you again. Of seeing you not recognizing him. Before your mind could catch up you continued. "I'm Y/N."
You stretched your hand and walked forward a bit, waiting for him to shake your hand as you now stood a mere step apart. You got nervous when he didn't shake it, why did you want to shake his hand in the first place? You did not know.
Before you could take your hand back, his cold hand squeezed yours and you relaxed again, smiling shyly at him.
"It's nice meeting you." It's like you could see it all inside the shade of blue in his eyes when he smiled back.
He caught sight of the necklace you were wearing and he looked back up at you.
"That's a beautiful necklace." He said and you blushed at the compliment, his voice affected you in a way it probably shouldn't. You then realized you were still holding his hand and you took it back and fiddled with the necklace instead. You didn't see the hurt and disappointment in Loki's eyes when he too lowered his hand.
"Yeah, it's really pretty- I found it and I guess I just forgot where it came from," you looked back up at Loki who had an unreadable expression on his face and you didn't know why but- "but I still love it."
Loki swallowed and tried to form words while your own words were affecting him in ways you didn't even know.
You didn't know why you were so affected by him, he was so beautiful and your heart was speeding up and yet you felt so calm now, so relaxed, so- whole? You didn't want to break whatever it was that you felt right now, too curious by this feeling to recognize the two avengers that stood a couple of feet behind Loki.
"I heard you were working here, do you like it here?" he looked at you fondly, he just had to ask- he had to know that you really were happy like this, even if he is not in your life.
"Yeah, I do. I am so happy that I get to work here with Pepper!" you smiled at him, tucking your hair behind your ears.
"I'm happy to hear that, then. It's good that you are happy."
"The job is amazing," you chuckled. "But if you decide to throw another invasion, I hope you will think of me, I'd love to be your right hand woman."
He laughed and you treasured that look, you liked his laugh.
"As you wish, darling." He needed to let you move on, but he didn't know how to say it. "I won't keep you any longer, and I should go, but- it was enchanting to meet you, love."
You frowned at that, not wanting him to go. But you still had a silver of hope left inside you that maybe he will come back again.
"I hope I'll see you again, Loki." You smiled at him and he returned the smile. He looked you up and down, smiling softly at you again, before he did the hardest thing he had to do and walked past you.
You turned to watch him go, yet your mind was screaming something incoherent at you as if he was slipping away from your reach.
Loki walked out into the balcony with a heavy heart, but at least he got to see you again one last time, at least he got to see you smile and hear you laugh one last time. At least he knew you were happy now, and at least he got to call you his love one last time. He looked back at you as he got taken away and he found comfort he hadn't gotten before in your smile. And he knew it will be okay.
You still looked at him when you saw him get taken away by the bifrost, and smiled when he sent you one last look.
Then you turned your head back, touching the golden necklace again you smiled to yourself and stepped forward.
"She lost him, but she found herself, and somehow that was everything."
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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Can you be demi and still have a celebrity crush?
I'm almost 15; I think I might be demi. It's been difficult for me to figure out because I'm homeschooled so I don't know a lot of people or a lot of things that would seem obvious about society. The other thing is I have a crush on a YouTuber, and have for a couple years now. But it wasn't just for looks, it took me 3 months to develop feelings after I started watching her. I also took over a year to become sexually attracted to her. I identify with a lot of demi experiences but this makes me feel like I can't be demi. Can I? Or am I just a sheltered lesbian?
Okay, I did some research on this. I'm going to have two options, because I have limited information about your experience.
You've only felt attraction to this one YouTuber and no one else in your personal life:
You may be proculsexual, or attracted to people you're sure you won't be able to be in a relationship with (celebrities, fictional characters, people you know wouldn't be able to reciprocate your feelings). As a general rule of thumb, you can usually add demi- at the front of different orientations, so you could be demiproculsexual. So, yay, you are ace-spec in two different ways. Basically, this is a broader version of fictosexual (I say because that one seems to be more well known). Fictosexual falls into the proculsexual umbrella. Also, if it's only ever been this YouTuber, you could choose to call yourself certissexual, which is basically proculsexual but there's only ever been one crush and you think it'll stay that way. And you can add on the prefix and be demicertissexual.
You've felt attraction to other real people before:
You might be a demisexual lesbian. I know it's probably hard to determine if you've been home schooled and haven't been around many people, but it is possible that you haven't felt attraction to others yet. I'll be honest, I get asks saying they didn't feel attraction until their mid-20's and they assumed they were aroace up to that point. You could be demiproculsexual and a demi lesbian as well, or even a demiproculsexual and a non-demi lesbian.
Really, you get to choose what to label yourself as. If you think you're demi, run with it! The biggest thing I can say is that it's important to be able to change your labels if you feel you need to. Maybe you're aroace to "real" people and demiproculsexual. Maybe you're demi lesbian. Who knows? And you're 15. You're very young, it could take a long time for you to figure things out if you're aspec.
As always, anyone else can answer as well in reblogs/notes.
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