eyelidsoftheworld · 4 years
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Ripple Dedicated to Anthony Brown, and all those whose lights were snuffed out far too soon. Let's honor their memory by reaching for hope instead of hate.
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eyelidsoftheworld · 6 years
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Dedicated to my mind-bogglingly amazing friends
Who have stood by me through it all
I love you endlessly
When did we move
through just known
into ever known?
can i cherry pick
the thoughtbeat
i looked at you
you looked at me
and we became more
than just two people
we became a purpose
a power
a promise
that your back
would never be unguarded
that you don’t have to pretend
to be someone else
that adversity will never
drive me away
we both know that
spite-soaked barbs
brain-flayed outrage +
heartbreak hatreds
will always
haunt the world’s footprints
forcing even you to falter
but i will be there
my shoulder braces yours
my smile reminds you of your own
my hand keeps yours level
i am your souldier
as you are mine
This poem is dedicated to my mind-bogglingly amazing friends who have stood by me through it all. I love you endlessly Dedicated to my mind-bogglingly amazing friends Who have stood by me through it all I love you endlessly…
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eyelidsoftheworld · 6 years
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Ruiseñor Childhood fragments curl in abrazando el día cuando you first graced the earth. Ya me acuerdo…
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eyelidsoftheworld · 7 years
part of me yet seeks to be
without soulclawing for air
in a pain-murmuring body
holding itself hostage.
daily, i hunt armistice,
for tenuous relief
from this sisyphean shell,
forever roiling with
ebbs + echoes
of bonerooted pain-
newly validated
by nodding white coats.
the nightmare breathes inside my skin
i feel it
before my eyelids even flutter open
it whispers me awake
an agony…
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eyelidsoftheworld · 7 years
where there is darkness, you seek hope
where there is division, you spark unity
where there is pain, you share strength
you may be an inspiration to others
but that doesn’t neon blaze from your forehead
it’s not a badge you can flash merrily
or a “get out of jail free” card to chase away demons
sometimes you can’t look your reflection in the eyes
sometimes you despair of ever being a whole self,
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eyelidsoftheworld · 7 years
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Image credit goes to Jim Bourg at Reuters
when the light dims
and hate from the shadows
explodes into rancor headlines
man reveals beast 
our true colors, warped 
painting promises of a dark Prometheus 
they seek rabid rapture in oppression
hollow edged fists bear torches
obscuring our triumph, our passion, our poignancy
illuminating our savagery, our inhumanity, our bloodlust
the racism coiling…
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eyelidsoftheworld · 7 years
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unfamiliar Deja vu 
reverbs like a wraith boomerang
surfacing from untapped depths 
i haven’t been here before
this time 
this place
this person
so why does recognition lurk
hesitantly by blurred borders?
why do i feel 
i have made this choice 
exiled within my own skin 
i exist like an 
unstrung Rumpelstiltskin
cursed with memory loss
certain there is something
i must recognize
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eyelidsoftheworld · 7 years
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Linger Morning dangles from my fingertips as I wake still half-submerged in Dream's disruptive cocoon. Although the sun…
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eyelidsoftheworld · 7 years
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Potential Prospects stir within me peeking through the murk of disarming doubts and missed opportunities to eye tomorrow speculatively…
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eyelidsoftheworld · 7 years
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Endure Escher has trapped me in his sadistic staircase cornered me like a cage burst animal his indifferent hand…
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eyelidsoftheworld · 8 years
United We Stand
I usually don’t mix politics with poetry, especially not in this blog. But after the shame, the tears, the horrors and despair I’ve both witnessed and suffered this week, I had to speak out. WordPress community, I hope you all feel the same!
#Trump does not represent my United States. No matter what the future holds, his voice is #notourvoice— especially considering half our country didn’t vote.…
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eyelidsoftheworld · 8 years
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Beautiful He told me i was ugly so I knew i was beautiful i wish that applied to only one man in my life…
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eyelidsoftheworld · 8 years
10 Seconds
For Lucy & Cory
I met you in a strange land
Full of fireworks, bing long and awed faces
Thrown together, our sanctuary grew
An island of foreigners in a sea of locals
We could easily have become friends
Conveniently losing touch when we returned
To our western reality
Instead, we chose to become family
Playing Phase 10 on your porch
— Not at all competitively, of course —
While peeking through…
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eyelidsoftheworld · 8 years
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lines drip bald-faced
down a seemingly empty page
after a daring jailbreak
from an unfiltered unconscious
angels & angles
demons & dreams
while memories insidiously
waltz their way
around the edges
masquerading as mothballs
dipping & clinging
to paper particles
how can a bronze beveled vowel
a crooning consonant curve
possibly hope to convey the bottomless
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eyelidsoftheworld · 8 years
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Speak consonants cause traffic jams in the rush to escape their white ridged confines elbowing aside luckless scowling vowels…
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eyelidsoftheworld · 9 years
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Recollect i can't stop spending the mishmash currency of coin-cast moments stacked neatly on an unevenly varnished…
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eyelidsoftheworld · 9 years
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Mama's girls welcoming Mama's boy! #thecutest #love #mamascrew (at St. John's Episcopal Church, North Haven, CT)
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