huntertheblackwolf · 1 year
They always make Link look so serious in promo art and for what?
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huntertheblackwolf · 1 year
So in the 9/10's au, I get the vibe that Nezu is also possessive, that why he gets along with/was able to help Aizawa. This is where my brain went with that.
Nezu hears that His Shouta is interested in someone. Naturally, Nezu must run an in-depth check on this person. He then discovers that a)Izuku is a very intelligent analyst and b) is not treated great by his coworkers. Nezu, being Nezu, decides that a teacher for analysis would benefit UA, and would also make His Shouta happy to see His Izuku every day. Cue Izuku having a new job he never applied to, and Hisashi, Nemuri and Tensei freaking out about Nezu also claiming Izuku.
Nedzu is absolutely a possessive individual.
Because look, Nedzu might very well be the smartest individual on the planet but he's not human.
He's an animal.
And for all of his intelligence, there are still some things, some traits and proclivities, of a more animalistic nature that linger on in him. He masks many of them of course, not out of shame, Nedzu does not actually experience shame (that's another quaint human train he's thankfully been spared), but out of pragmatism.
Weaknesses should be guarded, should be shored up and protected, unless and until exposing them is absolutely necessary or advantageous.
But, all of that being said, Nedzu is still on some level prone to falling prey to the most ancient of animalistic drives.
The urge to procreate.
Which is, for a number of reasons, one thing that Nedzu knows he will never actually be able to do. At least not biologically.
In the deepest recesses of his mind, beneath his plans and his schemes and his machinations, that drive is one of the reasons why he'd seized his place as Principal of UA.
Nedzu spends many a year with at least one eye open and searching amongst his students. Keeps his senses and his cameras alert for any whisper or hint of potential.
Then, just when he'd begun to consider looking elsewhere, or perhaps shelving the search for some time, it finally happened.
Potential of a very specific kind walked into his domain.
Aizawa Shouta clawed his way into the Heroics Course, cold fire in his eyes and a snarl just barely hidden behind an impassive face.
The injury rate for 1-A rose.
The class number dropped.
And Nedzu knew.
So he called Aizawa to his office and took the boy firmly in hand.
It wasn't long before his dream goal was realized.
Aizawa became his precious Shouta-kun, the closest Nedzu would likely ever get to a pup of his own. Someone he could directly teach, directly mold on a much more personal level than any he'd ever taught in a classroom.
So that's what Nedzu did. He taught Shouta-kun. Molded him like eager clay, showed him when it was best to stalk and best to strike. He taught him patience, taught him tactics, taught him how to refine that natural viciousness into something much more useful than aimless violence as Nedzu helped him grow into his baby fangs and claws.
And then, when the time came, he'd allowed Shouta-kun to leave the den, to venture out from the burrow for a while to carve out his own territory, confident that he would return to where he belonged in the end.
And he did of course, with two of his three remaining pets firmly in tow.
Nedzu was content for a time after that, pleased with what he'd built and those he'd accumulated at his side.
But eventually, a certain part of him began to shift and stir anew.
Only this time it was not his own legacy of sorts he was concerned with.
No, this time it was his Shouta-kun who grabbed his attention.
His Shouta-kun who is still young and strong and delightfully, bitingly, clever. His Shouta-kun who should attempt to find the true pair bonding that Nedzu himself will, more likely than not, never be able to achieve.
But Nedzu is smart. Far too smart to push too hard or prob too deep. At least not at first. Now that the matter has lodged itself in his attention pool he's willing to give Shouta-kun some time before Nedzu starts making moves of his own.
Which is why he's so deeply delighted when his Shouta-kun chooses a mate all on his own.
Midoriya Izuku.
Nedzu wastes no time in diving into every aspect of Midoriya-kun's (not Izuku-kun, not yet, not so soon, not until Shouta-kun is settled and secure in his claim) and what he finds is absolutely fascinating.
The puzzle pieces click rapidly into place and Nedzu whiskers twitch and his paws tremble in delight as the absolute treasure Shouta-kun has discovered.
Nedzu has to resist the urge to step in, has to resist the urge to immediately start moving pieces and pulling strings.
He can't overstep. Not with Shouta-kun, not in this.
But, well, he can prepare, can plan and subtly shift a few things here and there so that, when the time comes, there will be a comfortable, worthy place in Nedzu's domain for Shouta-kun's chosen to slot into.
That is, after all, a father's prerogative.
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huntertheblackwolf · 1 year
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I made the first page so long ago but hey, I finished.
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huntertheblackwolf · 1 year
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artgift for a special friend 🤍 [miss u!]
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huntertheblackwolf · 1 year
🐆!🍰 × 🐏!🥦
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huntertheblackwolf · 1 year
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Quirkless support course deku my beloved <3
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huntertheblackwolf · 1 year
the languages in black are canon and the languages in red are my headcanon!
japanese (fluent)
british english (fluent)
esperanto (fluent)
metropolitan french (fluent)
mitteldeutsch/middle german (fluent)
emirati arabic (knows enough to get around, cannot read or write it — he owns a hotel in dubai, after all)
japanese (fluent)
british english (fluent)
cantonese (fluent)
mandarin (fluent)
metropolitan french (can read just fine, has a hard time speaking and writing — he probably studied it as a second language in school, also i can see him learning the language so that he can read crime novels in french)
japanese (fluent)
american/british english (fluent)
italian (fluent)
castilian spanish (speaks enough to get around, can read it okay, has a hard time writing — probably learnt it for work, or just so he could flirt with spanish women)
metropolitan french (knows basic phrases, can’t really read or write it — probably learnt it so he could swoon women with pick up lines in french)
sicilian (can hold a very slowed down conversation, can read it but has a hard time writing — he lived in italy for a bit, it wouldn’t surprise me if he ventured into sicily)
japanese (fluent)
american english (fluent)
italian (almost fluent)
metropolitan french (speaks enough to get around, can read and write some words — i can see him travelling to france a lot for work or inspiration)
emirati arabic (could hold a very basic, slowed down conversation, cannot read or write it — he works in dubai in his season 2 story, so i’d assume he learned the language at least a little bit)
japanese (fluent)
american english (almost fluent)
modern standard arabic/msa (speaks enough to hold a decent conversation, has a hard time reading and writing — if you’ve read his stories, you might understand why i think he speaks arabic)
japanese (fluent)
british english (fluent)
emirati arabic (fluent)
metropolitan french (fluent)
mitteldeutsch/middle german (almost fluent)
castilian spanish (almost fluent)
hollandic dutch (enough to hold a basic conversation, can read it but has a hard time writing)
russian (can hold a decent conversation, can read some words, can’t write it)
cantonese (knows a few words, cannot read or write it)
european portuguese (can understand it just fine, has a hard time speaking it, can read some words, cannot write it — he learned all of these languages for the same reason: he’s a diplomat)
japanese (fluent)
british english (fluent)
metropolitan french (fluent)
castilian spanish (fluent)
italian (fluent)
emirati arabic (almost fluent — he worked at the tres spade in dubai)
mitteldeutsch/middle german (knows basic phrases, cannot read or write it — probably learnt it for work)
japanese (fluent)
british english (fluent)
modern standard arabic/msa and/or emirati arabic (fluent)
mitteldeutsch/middle german (fluent)
persian/farsi (fluent)
russian (almost fluent — i can just imagine him speaking russian, is that weird?)
castilian spanish (almost fluent — to communicate with patients better)
metropolitan french (almost fluent — to read medicine text books in french)
modern standard hindi (almost fluent — to read medical text books in hindi)
cantonese and/or mandarin (can hold a decent conversation, can read most characters but has a hard time writing — i feel like he’d learn it to read ancient chinese medicine text books, since the translation isn’t always reliable or correct)
japanese (fluent)
british english (fluent)
metropolitan french (almost fluent — i can just see it, rhion speaking french with the cutest english accent)
if i forgot any languages, let me know!
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huntertheblackwolf · 2 years
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some yugiohs for the void
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huntertheblackwolf · 2 years
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huntertheblackwolf · 2 years
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huntertheblackwolf · 2 years
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Breath of the Wild’s sequel is officially titled “Tears of the Kingdom”, releases May 12th, 2023
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SNF4M_v7wc
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huntertheblackwolf · 2 years
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huntertheblackwolf · 2 years
Even though Tiffany G. has (thankfully) lost, and AO3 is now protected from censorship as it should be, I still see some people who believe censorship is a good thing, because “censorship will get rid of CP and other illegal or morally wrong contents that you deem shouldn’t be on AO3”. So I would like to educate you why:
censorship will not solve any of these problems mentioned above (CP and other illegal or morally wrong contents that you deem shouldn’t be on AO3)
it is impossible/unrealistic to get rid of any of the problematic or illegal or morally wrong contents
Censorship will not solve any of these problems: CP and other illegal or morally wrong contents, which you deem shouldn’t be on AO3
You might think, “Why wouldn’t it help? It would ban all these contents so it should be a good thing”, but you forget one important thing: for these contents to be banned, someone will have to report it. And for someone to be able to report it, it would mean that someone will have to read the content, in order for them to know “oh my gosh! this is bad! this is wrong!”
Now you may think, “Okay, but how about we report these contents without reading it? We could do so, if the creators tagged it as underage”, which is also where another problem lays: if the creators tagged it as underage. Because… if Tiffany G won (the results are out, and she did not) that would mean people would stop tagging their works as anything problematic/illegal/morally-wrong. It won’t mean people will ‘stop making these kind of works, and that these kind of works will disappear from AO3’. It will mean people will now ‘continue making these kind of works, but they will stop labeling their works as anything problematic/illegal/morally-wrong in order for their works to not be flagged’.
Which will also mean the kind of contents, you deem as wrong and shouldn’t be on AO3, will still be on AO3, just without proper labeling — meaning it’s more difficult for people, who don’t want to see these kind of contents, to avoid these kind of contents, because there’s no way for them to know when nothing is properly tagged anymore.
It will means there are higher chances of children, you claimed to want to protect, browsing through AO3 and being exposed to contents they shouldn’t be exposed to, because said contents are no longer properly tagged like how they used to, before the censorship.
It will mean there are higher chances of people, who are triggered by some specific contents, being exposed to contents that are triggering to them half-way through reading what was rated as ‘General Audiences’ but is in fact Mature, since the creator decided against tagging their work as Mature in order to avoid getting flagged.
It is impossible/unrealistic to get rid of problematic or illegal or morally wrong contents on AO3.
We’ve been through this before. And I’m not talking about CP (because yes, that is a thousand percent wrong), what I’m talking about, is morally grey contents like “two main characters of the story have a toxic relationship where they’re both abusive”, abuse is wrong. However, this is a fictional work we’re talking about. But I’m not here for that discourse (about whether or not the romanticization of abuse in fiction should be accepted), my point is, it is unrealistic/impossible to determine if this piece of work that contains morally grey contents should be banned, because a.) it’s fiction, b.) to try to determine if it should be banned, you will have to try to figure out the intention of the work: if it was written to glorify problematic stuff, or if the problematic stuff was written as a trauma of a character. And most of the time a piece of work, as well as the meaning behind it, isn’t outright Black or White. What you see as a Romanticization of Problematic Stuff can be seen by other people as the means for a character to grow and overcome the trauma they went through.
I said, “We’ve been through this before,” because we have. The censorship thing happened to fanfiction.net, Tumblr, and other platforms where they center around fandoms. At first they said, “Don’t worry, we’re only banning CP and other stuff that are harmful to children”, but I promise you they will not stop there. Yes, CP should be banned, absolutely. What I’m talking about here, is what they will do after that. To make it as simple as possible, they will definitely ban queer contents next and will use excuse like “queer contents are explicit and are harmful to children, even if it’s just two women holding hands or two men kissing”. I said this because it has happened before. So many times.
Censorship will not stop at CP where it should stop. It starts there, and once it does, the next contents it will get are Mature contents that are properly tagged and are not for children, then anything Explicit that are properly tagged and are not for children, then eventually it will get queer contents. And their excuse will be, “These are all harmful to children.”
Censorship will not solve any problems, and it is impossible/unrealistic to get rid of problematic or illegal or morally wrong contents, because it won’t make contents that are triggering disappear. It will only make contents that are triggering harder for viewers — who do not want to see these contents — to filter them out, because now they are no longer tagged as such, and viewers have no way to know they’re being exposed to said content until they are half way through their reading and are already being exposed to said content.
Censorship will only harm creators and drive people away from the platform.
AO3 already has tagging systems that are almost flawless. Viewers can freely choose to include or exclude contents they want or don’t want to see. But that would no longer be the case, if censorship did happen and people stopped tagging and rating their works properly.
I am glad Tiffany lost, really. But I also wanted to bring these awareness into attention, especially when there’re people who still think censorship is a good thing. And I hope we can prevent something like this, if it were to happen in the future.
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huntertheblackwolf · 2 years
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★ 【ALZi米 / twitter】 「 回到温暖的地方 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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huntertheblackwolf · 2 years
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huntertheblackwolf · 2 years
AO3 has gone down
sirs. that is my emotional support.
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huntertheblackwolf · 2 years
It’s pretty homophonic of ao3 to crash during pride month. 😤
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