imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Advent Calendar : Day 23 Marvel
Imagine :
Spending the afternoon with Peter as spiderman while he gives a visit to the kids of New York for Christmas
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imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Advent Calendar : Day 22
Imagine :
Spending Christmas with your favourite fictional characters
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imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Advent Calendar : Day 21 Teen Wolf
Imagine :
Going ice skating with the pack
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imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Advent Calendar : Day 20 Supernatural
Imagine :
Having a snowball fight with Sam, Dean and Castiel
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imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Advent Calendar : Day 19
Imagine :
Being Clint's daughter and spending Christmas with your family
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imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Advent Calendar : Day 18 Auston Matthews
Imagine :
Annoucing Auston you are pregnant on Christmas day
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Auston : I'm gonna cry !
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imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Advent Calendar : Day 17 Supernatural
Imagine :
Spending Christmas with Team Free Will
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imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Advent Calendar : Day 16 Tom Holland
Imagine :
Spending Christmas with Tom and his family
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imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Going to Stanford to see your Brother Sam before Christmas
Advent Calendar : Day 15 Supernatural
winchester!reader x Sam and Dean (gender neutral)
Summary : The only thing Y/N wants for Christmas is to see their older brother.
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Being a Winchester of course you were stubborn, like your brothers and father when you had something in mind nothing could stop you. And this year you wanted to see Sam for Christmas and you were going to do everything possible to make that happen. Since he left for Stanford, you hadn’t talked to him. It would have been too suspicious, your Dad knows everything. The only way you had to see him was to go there.
It was nearly Christmas and you needed a plan, a perfect one, so that neither Dean or your Dad would find out. A few days back, you had gotten hurt during a hunt, since then you were not allowed to go on hunts for several days. So you already had an excuse to stay at the motel, the only problem was to find an interesting case close to Stanford or at least California. You were currently in Nevada, it is close but not close enough, you had to convince your dad to drive to California by finding several weird events that had happened in the state. You feared that he would become suspicious of your action, but when you told him that you had found a case that seems important enough to check out, he did not think twice and got in the car along with Dean. 
For now, it was easy, too easy indeed. You had hitched a ride quite easily, with a nice girl who was also studying at Stanford. It was rare to find nice people like her, it was usually creepy old men who were picking you up. You talked to her the whole ride and told her the name of a coffee place close to Sam’s address. Even if she seemed lovely, you did not trust her enough to let her drop you off at the right address. The sun was already gone when you arrived and the small light provided by the street lights along with the christmas lights were making it complicated for you to read names of avenue and neighbourhood. Eventually you got there, you stopped at the doorstep decorated with mistletoe. Your hand stayed in the air, ready to knock but your heart was racing in your chest while your mind imagined the worst. What if he did not want to see you ? He ran out of the family to be free but did he still love you ? Was his promise to always be by your side no matter what broken ?
You chased the thoughts wandering in your head, and slightly knocked three times. You waited in the dark, your knock was so soft that you thought it may have been too silent, but when you went to lift your fist once again the door opened. 
A gorgeous blonde haired young woman stood in the doorway. “Hi, what is it for ? “ she asked nicely. You stood there with all your muscles frozen. Maybe you were not at the right place you thought. “Hello ?” she said a bit worried as she got no answer. “Eh...hi... I  think I am at the wrong address” you started to excuse yourself, when you heard a familiar voice behind her. “Jess who is it” “Oh nothing, wrong place” the blonde girl answered, closing the door. But the man caught your figure in the darkness “Y/N ? Y/N wait !” you heard your brother say. You did not even have the time to register what happened, he hugged you as you turned around. You could finally smell his familiar and reassuring scent while his arms wrapped around you.
After Sam told a bit more about you to Jess and you learned a bit about her, you were sitting at the table having dinner. You felt bad for inviting yourself but you did not have any other way to see him, moreover Jess seems happy to know some more about Sam’s family she had never seen. The night was going smoothly, with a lot of storytelling and laughs, when you heard a knock at the door. You saw Sam standing up and opening the door, and discovered with fear that it was Dean. As soon as you heard his voice, you discreetly ran to hide in the bathroom while Jessica watched you in confusion. From the small room you could hear them arguing. Dean knew you were here and Sam was trying to convince him otherwise knowing you would get in trouble. “C’mon Sam they can trick Dad but not me, I know they’re in there.” Your brother said in a autoritary voice. After a few words, Sam let Dean enter knowing he could not resist and lie any longer. With a small introduction of Dean to Jess who was still confused and was looking at the door of the bathroom, Dean approached the door. “Y/N it’s okay I know you’re in here, you can get out.” “I don’t want to, if you’re here it means dad knows and I don’t think he is too happy about it so I’d rather stay here thanks” You answered in a shaky almost childish voice as if you were being punished for something. “I can assure you Dad doesn’t know any of this and he will never, I came here alone I swear.” he said resulting in you opening the door and throwing yourself in his arms as you let go of tears you did not even know you were holding back. “I’m sorry Dean I should’ve told you, that’s not because I don’t trust it’s because I couldn’t take the risk of dad finding out and-” “It’s okay sweetheart, I understand” your brother answered as you rumbled way to fast for him to understand properly and as your voice was muffled by his chest. 
Contrary to what you thought this evening ended in a positive way. You learned that Dean had lied to your father and said that you had called him because one of your stitches from the previous hunt was not healing properly. It was not that creative but it was enough not to be suspected by your Dad. The night ended and you had to say goodbye. Sam gave you a small and old phone with a new card so that you could call him. It was risky, at any moment your Dad could find out about it, but you were willing to risk it. Your two brothers said goodbye, you could feel the tension between the two but they acted like there was nothing. You hugged Jess and got in the Impala, and went off to make in time right before your Dad got home.  
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imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Being Harry’s sister and spending Christmas with your family
Advent Calendar : Day 14
A/N Of course in this story Lily and James are still alive
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What it would be like :
Christmas would always be simple but nice, you would have a nice meal with your parents and brother.
You would dress up for the occasion in order to make it feel special.
Your uncle Remus and uncle Sirius would probably join you.
You and Harry would fight over small things when you were little, like where you were sitting at the table or who would help your parents the most   who has more presents.
But your parents always treated you equally and of course no one was more spoiled than the other.
You would have a silly or strange tradition, only your family would do.
Or have a special dish you’d only eat on Christmas eve.
Your uncle Sirius would spoil you with presents.
Your father and him would tell you and your brother with some dad and uncle jokes.
You and Harry would laugh even if they were not funny to make them happy.
While your mother and Remus would be completely desperate.
You would probably finish the night by playing board games or cards
And would fall asleep with Harry on the sofa
No matter if you were older, younger or even twins, he would hug you and walk you to your bedroom for goodnight.
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imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Advent Calendar : Day 13
Imagine :
Spending Christmas with Thor in Asgard while you are pregnant
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imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Advent Calendar : Day 12
Imagine :
Spending Christmas with the pack
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imaginesxfandoms · 3 years
Advent Calendar : Day 11 Harry Potter
Imagine :
Being Charlie's girlfriend and going to the Burrow for Christmas
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imaginesxfandoms · 4 years
Advent Calendar : Day 10
Imagine :
Being Tony's daughter and spending Christmas with the Avengers
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imaginesxfandoms · 4 years
Advent Calendar : Day 9 Narnia
Imagine :
Spending Christmas in Narnia with the Pevensie siblings
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imaginesxfandoms · 4 years
Advent Calendar : Day 8 Hockey
Imagine :
Freddie offering you a puppy for Christmas
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imaginesxfandoms · 4 years
Spending Christmas at Hogwarts
Advent Calendar : Day 7 Harry Potter
gender neutral reader
Summary : Every student has to spend Christmas at Hogwarts because of corona virus.
A/N : I know this Christmas is going to be hard for some of you, not being able to see your family but it is for your safety. Hope you will still have a great Christmas, take care ! 
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This year will be the first one every student in Hogwarts will spend in school and not at home like they usually do. Because of everything that has been going on over the past months, nobody was allowed to go home in order to prevent the spreading of the virus. The announcement of the Headmaster created different reactions among the students. There were the ones who were disappointed and sad, the ones who were excited to spend their first Christmas at Hogwarts and the ones who were already supposed to spend Christmas here and were enthusiastic to have more friends to spend it with. You did not really know which one you were but at last you decided to take it as a chance to celebrate Christmas with your friends.
The snow came early this year and the castle had been covered in white for weeks now. Everyone was in a good mood, waiting impatiently for Christmas to arrive. Since school was over, students had found various ways to spend their spare days of vacacion. Your days were mostly made of snowball fights with George and Fred, reading with Hermione and eating chocolate with Ron, however your favorite part of the day was the evening you will spend gossiping and talking, sitting by the fire in the Gryffindor common room.
When Christmas finally came, all students were invited to a nice dinner in the Great Hall, everything was decorated and the smell of food disposed on the table was spreading in the room making everyone hungry. This was the best meal you have ever had, not only because of the dishes but also thanks to you friends at the table who made you tear up from laughing.That night, houses did not matter. Every student was hanging out with each other, dancing, laughing or singing at the top of their lungs. A party was organised in the Gryffindor common room where everyone was welcome, it lasted till dawn and was one of the best parties in Hogwarts.
In the morning, students had found presents and letters from their family who could not wait to see them again but knew it was better for them to stay at school. No one will ever forget about this Christmas which did not start well but in the end it was the best way to celebrate they could have asked for. 
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