#*every one hops in the car u and Steve sit in the front well u hold hand*
nancywheelergungirl · 2 years
This is was on my old account but I'll make part 2 soon
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nancywheeler-rper · 2 years
The make out session part 1
So are u almost ready, bc I'm paying for ice cream and if u kids aren't ready I'm leaving with out u! Steve's gonna be here any minute.
*Dustin walk out with some clothes on and look like a kid and not a kid that have been through some shit*
ok and Robin is gonna be there working with Vicky, so be nice she still hasn't confirmed their relationship but don't bother them.
*door bell rings*
Oh, that must be steve, come on.
Steve:Hey Dustin how u doing and ur hair looks umm... great.....
*every one hops in the car u and Steve sit in the front well u hold hand*
Dustin: so u guys like a thing or what bc it's seems this has been going on for forever with out a confirmed we are or a yes we are dating or is this just like a friend boy and girl thing?
Steve: yes shit head we are dating is that better!!
can u to stop fight I have a headache and that makes it worse!
Steve: oh sorry kitten didn't know that. how bout I get u a chocolate smoothie when we get the chips ahoya?
Dustin:hey what about me, do I get something!
Here have $20.00 now shut up please and let my head cool off with the Air conditioner.
Part 2 coming soon!!!!
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mmimagine-40 · 3 years
Birthday Girl
Avengers x Reader
A request from @maximeevansblog. I hope you like this!
Warnings: Cussing, talk of a lost one, and very long! (Sorry I got a little to carried away.)
Y/n groaned as the alarm on her phone started to go off. She blindly reached for it, turning the alarm off. Before turning to the other side of the bed, letting sleep take over her once again. Only to be scared awake by her door being busted open and being jumped on. “Wakey, Wakey, birthday girl!”. Sam yells. Bucky jumps on top of him. “Happy birthday, Y/N!”. Y/n groaned , being crushed from the two avengers. “Get off! You’re fat!”. “Wow, that's just rude! Are you going to take that from her , Buck.”. Sam asked, looking back at him. Bucky scoffs. “She was obviously talking about you.”. “I was talking about you both! Now get the fuck off!”. Y/n groans , trying to hit the two to get them off of her. Bucky and Sam finally get off her only to lay next to her, caging her in between them. “So what are the plans today , birthday girl?”. Bucky asked, poking at Y/n’s cheek. “For you two to get the fuck out of my room and let me sleep!”. Y/n groans , slapping at Bucky's hand. “Oh, come on! You know you want to spend your day with your favorite heroes.”. Sam says squeezing her into a hug. Y/n looked up. “Stevie and Nat are here?”. Bucky and Sam both gasp , ‘hurt’. Falling back , grabbing their chest. Acting like they were hurt. Y/n tried to use this to her advantage and get up , away from them. But the two grabbed her before she could. Pulling her back down and into a sandwich. Y/n groaned trying to hit and kick them off of her. But it was no use. “Hey birthday girl, Breakfast is ready.”. Steve says coming into her room. “Stevie! Save me!”. Y/n puts a hand out. Begging for Steve to help her. Steve sighed, shaking his head. “You guys were just supposed to wake her, not suffocate her.”. “Well this is just payment. She called us fat and that we aren't her favorite!”. Sam says. Steve shakes his head at the kindness of the two grown ass adults. He walked over grabbing Y/ns hand and trying to help her out of the death trap. “ You guys know that if the birthday girl doesn’t get her plate first , no one eats right?”. Both Sam and Bucky boo before finally letting her go before making their way out of her room. “Thank you , Stevie.”. Steve nodded heading out to. “Hurry up we are waiting on you...oh and Happy birthday.”. Y/n said a quick thanks as he leaves. Jumping up right after. Throwing on a bar and some slippers. Staying in her pjs as she makes her way down to the dinning hall. “Happy Birthday!”, everyone yelled , as soon as she walked through the door. Y/n jumped a bit. Still in a sleepy mind set. “Blow out your candles.”. Wanda said , laughing. Holding a plate out to her. With pancakes, the top one has a smiley face made out of fruits and whip cream. The nose was a lit candle. Y/n giggled softly. This was something that her and Wanda always made each other for their birthdays. Y/n closes her eyes thinking for a bit , before blowing out the candle. Everyone clapped and cheered as she did. Y/n smiled with a slight blush. Taking the plate from Wanda and making her way with everyone else to the table to sit and eat. Y/n took her normal seat in between her dad , Bruce, and Steve. And in front of Nat. “Happy birthday, Sweetheart.”, Bruce says. Pulling her into a side hug and kissing her forehead. “Thanks dad.”. Y/n says. Starting to dig in as did everyone else. This was a tradition for at least Y/n’s birthday. To spend breakfast with those who live in the building and just hang out for the day. Then having dinner with everyone. ( the only different people at dinner were Clint and Lauren, Pepper and Morgan, Peter, and some others who can come.). “SO I was thinking , for your birthday Y/n. That Nat and Wanda take you out to go and take you out to get your hair done and go shopping and whatever you want. My treat.”. Tony says. Y/n cuts her eyes at him. “That sounds great, but why are you trying to get me out of the building.”. Tony groans as his shoulders fall. “Just once I would like you not to be able to read through me and know what's happening.”. Tony says, pointing his fork at her, eyes narrow at her. “I’m the daughter of Bruce Banner.
One of the top scientists. Pulse I grew up a big part of my life in a super building with a bunch of super geniuses. What do you expect?”. y/n says shrugging. “Pulse Tony, she grew up around you. She knows all your tricks.”. Nat says , rolling her eyes at him. Tony just huffs. Making everyone laugh. The rest of breakfast went like that. Talking about the day and random things. Laughing and joking. Many jabs being thrown back and forth between Sam and Y/n. All in the name of friendly love and jokes. After everyone was done, Most everyone went to some meeting they had. Minus Wanda and Nat. Who told Y/n to go get dressed while they cleaned up. ( They were already dressed and ready. Knowing of the plan since yesterday.). Y/n ran up to her room , looking into the closet to figure out what to wear. Once she was almost ready , when a knock on the door interrupted her. “Come in.”. Y/n yelled, as she was getting her bag together. She turns to meet with her father coming into her room. “Hi dad.”. “Hey, Sweetheart. I just wanted to come give you your gift before you leave.”. Bruce says handing her a neatly wrapped small box. Y/n smiled in thanks, rolling her eyes playfully. “Dad , I told you I don’t want or even need anything.”. “I know but this is not just from me.”. Bruce says. Y/n looks at him confused as she opens it. Mouth dropping as she looked at the old looking necklace. With a single , simple diamond. “It's also from your mom. It was hers, passed down to her from her mother. Who got it from her mother. She wanted you to have it.”. Bruce says, explaining. Y/n nodded as she wiped her face from the tears that fell. Quickly wrapping her arms around her father. “Thank you, dad.”. “Your welcome sweetheart. I love you and I'm so proud of how you have come. And I know your mom is too. We both love you so much.”. Bruce says , holding her tight. Kissing her hair as he strokes her back. “I love you too, dad.”. Y/n says as they pull back. Bruce smiles at her wiping her face. “I’ve to get to a meeting. You should be going too. Have fun.”. Bruce says kissing her forehead one last time before leaving for the meeting. Not wanting her to see him cry. She really turned out to be just like her mom. Y/n wiped her face , clean of the tears. She carefully put the necklace on and grabbed her things. Heading down to meet up with Nat and Wanda. They all meet at the entrance of the building and head out in Nat's car.
The first stopped at the hair salon. Nat and Wanda also decided to get theirs done. You know since Tony’s paying. Y/n decided to get her hair dyed a dark , reddish/purple color. (Plus whatever else you’d like. Cut and so forth.) She smiled as the hair dresser finished really loving how it came out. After they were all done , they headed out to the mall. Doing so shopping but mainly goofing around. Just having some fun. At one point Nat broke off from them disappearing. Only to come back about an hour later. “Nat, where’d you go?”. Y/n asked as Nat met back with them at the Starbucks in the mall , getting drinks. Y/n’s face dropped as she noticed the smirk on Nat's face. Never a good thing when it came to her. “Natalia.”. Y/n said , starting to not trust her. Nat just smirked as she held out the thing that she was hiding. Which was a build - a - bear box. “Just a little gift for you, Y/n/n.”. Y/n narrowed her eyes at Nat as she took the box. Walking over to one of the small tables to see what she got her. “NAt”. Y/n groaned as she pulled out the Captain America bear from the box. She turns to Nat and Wanda. Who were both dying of laughter. When y/n first met the avengers and moved into the building. Tony asked her who her favorite avenger was. Thinking that she would say him , iron man, or her dad. Not expecting her to say Cap. Since then everyone teases her about it. Getting her Captain American themed things. Which even Steve found funny , mainly because it still bugged Tony that he was her favorite and not him. “Aw now you can cuddle Cap every night. Almost like cuddling Steve.”. Wanda said, The last part to Nat. “I’m sure she’ll like that.”. Nat whispers back. Y/n glared at them , still hearing what they said. She rolled her eyes at them. Nat and Wanda are convinced that Y/n liked the said Captain. “I hate you both.”. Y/n stuffed the bear back in the box as Wanda and Nat still laughed behind her. “Can we just get something to eat and head home? Please?”. Y/n asked , pouting. Crossing her arms. Nat giggled as she hooked her arm with Y/ns nodding. Leading them to the car. “Oh come on. It's funny. Pulse, I bet cap himself will think it's cute you have a stuffed bear of him.”. Wanda hummed in agreeing. “For the last time , I don't have a crush on him!”. Y/n pushes Nat off of her as she groans. Nat and Wanda look at each other , as Y/n walks off without them. Both breaking out to a fit of laughter. Y/n pouts as she stands next to the car. Waiting for Nat to unlock it. “Aw come on Y/n/n. We’re just playing with you.”. Wanda says as she walks over to her. Pinching her cheek lightly. Making Y/n break out into a smile as she pushed Wanda’s hand away, softly. They all hopped into the car. Getting something to eat and then heading back to the building.
Once they walked into the tower. They all went their separate ways. Heading to their rooms to put their things away , as well as Wanda and Nat where needed for something. So Y/n just heads to her room to put her things away. When she got the bear , Y/n smiled, shaking her head at it. Going over to lay it on her bed on her pillows. After which she sat on the bean bag , playing on her phone. Waiting till she was called down. Knowing that it was going to be the same like every year. Everyone set up a little get together down stairs like it was a surprise for Y/n. As she waited she out as facetime from Peter. “Hi, Pete!”. Y/n said , as she answered the phone. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!!”. Peter yelled as he came on screen. Y/n smiled , thanking him. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there!”. Peter said pouting. He was gone on a school trip. “It’s okay , Pete. We can hang out and do something when you get back.”. Y/n said. They went on to talk about their day and random things. They talked for hours , till Friday informed Y/n she was needed in the common room. “I got to go. I’ll talk to you later, Peter.”. “Bye, Y/n!”. Peter yelled. “Bye Peter!”. Y/n yelled back, before hanging up. She sighed as she stood up putting her phone in her pocket and heading down to the common room. Again, as she walked through the elevator into the room , everyone yelled ‘happy birthday’. Y/n smiled as she saw everyone there. (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Tony , Bruce, Nat, Wanda, James, Pepper, Morgan, Vision, Pietro , Clint and Laura. Thor and Loki.) “Y/n!” Morgan yells running over to her. “Morgan!”. Y/n yelled back as she opened her arms and embraced the little girl. “I got you something.”. Morgan said, pulling away from her and grabbing her hand. “You did?”. Y/n asked. Morgan nodded as she dragged Y/n over to her Mom who handed her the note and little box. Which she gave Y/n. Which was a happy birthday letter and the box held a handmade bracelet. “Did you make these?”. Y/n asked. Morgan smiled and nodded. “Aw I love them. Thank you, Morgan.”. Y/n pulled her into another hug , before putting the bracelet on. “Look I made a matching one for me and I made one for Peter.”. Morgan explains showing Y/n her bracelet.
The rest of the night was spent just talking and joking. Eating so snacks Wanda made, some cake and also gifts. It was one of y/n favorite nights. Not because of the gifts but just getting to hang out with everyone. With her family. (Even if not everyone was able to be there.)
Nat: A beautiful set of Kunai's (Which Y/n always wanted since Nat showed her how to use them and showed her , hers. Bruce wasn’t too happy about it)
Authors Note: Kunai's are Asian throwing's knifes
Wanda and Vision: They both made you some of your favorite treats
Pietro: Random things that you show him and bonded over (Mostly music stuff like vinyl's and things like that).
Tony and Pepper: Pepper tried to stop tony but there was no stopping the man. He got you so many things. Shoes , bracelets , clothing. anything and everything he thought you might like.
Bucky: Put together a little box of things from the 40s like snacks and chips (You are always asking him about the 40s and what it was like)
Sam: A drone that looked like his redwing (Because you and Bucky always try to steal it and use it)
James: a bouget of your favorite things and gift cards
Thor: A beautiful golden goddess arm cuff
Loki: A book from Asgard (One of his personal favorite from when he was younger)
Peter: (He gave his to Tony to give to you) Lego set of your favorite show or movie
As it got later some people started to slowly leave, first of which were Pepper, Tony and Morgan and Clint and Laura. Then shortly after Steve left. Which was a little unusual of him. He was one who usually stayed the latest with Y/n. It was there thing to be some of the last few and as they head off to bed , he would walk her to her room and they would talk about everything and anything. Some nights the talk went over into Y/n's room. A few hours after Steve left, Y/n stood up yawning and stitching. Saying good night to everyone and thanking them for the amazing birthday , before heading to bed. She stopped by Steve's room to wish him a goodnight but found it empty. Y/n tried to shrug it off as she headed to her room. Y/n sighed as she walked into her room , putting everything everyone got her down. She had an amazing day , but she was really exhausted. Y/n turned to get ready for bed when she noticed a certain Captain sitting on the edge of her bed. Holding the bear . He was looking down at it. He turned his head to look at her , feeling her eyes on him, with an amused smile and eyebrow cocked. “Really?”. He asked, holding the bear up. Y/n laughed , rolling her eyes as she walked over to him snatching the bear from him. “One it was a gift from Nat. Secondly , don’t be rude to Captain Beary.”. Y/n said. Fixing the helmet on the bear. Steve laughed , shaking his head at her. “Captain Beary?”. Steve asked. Y/n took a seat neck to Steve , holding the bear close to her. Steve just laughed, shaking his head at her. He turned to the side where her night stand was and grabbed something. Handing it to her. “Here. I figured it was best to give you this to you when we were alone so Sam or Bucky didn’t get a hold of it. Or deal with Nat's teasing.”. Y/n smiles at him as she takes the beautifully wrapped gift. It was wrapped in a dark blue paper. “What is this that we would get teased?”. Y/n asked, smirking as she cocked an eyebrow at Steve. Steve laughed as he stood up. “Well I guess you're just going to need to open it and see.”. Steve made his way to her door. “Happy birthday , Y/n. “. Y/n smiled giving a nod to him. “Night, Steve.”. “Night, Doll.”. With that Steve walked out of her room , closing the door behind him. Y/n bit her lip as a small blush came over her at the nickname. She turned back to the gift. Carefully she opened it. It was a brown , leather notebook. The size of a book. Y/n opened it looking through the pages. All filled with drawings made by Steve. Somewhere drawing from times where they would hang out and Y/n would describe something and see if Steve can draw what she describes. Somewhere from the 40s and time of Steve growing up. Those ones Steve wrote on the back of the page explaining what it was or a small story that involved it. Something Y/n loved. She loved to hear stories like these from Steve and Bucky. Somewhere random drawings that Steve drew of her or things she told him. Y/n smiled softly looking through all the pages. But as she turned to the last page she became speechless. Mouth opening as she looked at the page. Tears started to form in her eyes as she looked at it. The last page , Steve drew a picture of her and her mom together if she was still here. Y/n hugged the book to her as tears started to run down her face. “Thank you, Steve.”. Y/n whispered knowing he’s probably within distance to hear her , with his super hearing and all. Steve smiled softly hearing her thank you.
I hope you enjoyed this! And if anyone else wants to request something don't be shy to ask! The next part of Pup will be up shortly. I'm just finishing up some editing on it. But on a different note how do you guys feel about maybe a Mob boss! Steve rogers or Chris Evans story? -MM
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Hi! I love your blog and i check daily for updates because your fics/drabbles make my days! I wanted to request (if you're up to it) something with steve going deaf after the concussion in s2? Thank you so much! I hope you feel better soon and have a great day❤
So, I’ve broken my eardrums several times and that causes temporary hearing loss, so I based what Steve experiences on that as well as some stuff I read written by folks that lost their hearing.
I also wanna rec this fic, which has a similar idea, but Steve begins the story hard of hearing, so I tried to make them different!
Read on Ao3
Billy doesn’t know what happened when the kids drugged him and left him there.
All he knows is that he was startled awake by the sounds of Maxine driving his own car and the kids fucking screaming.
Something about Harrington being bitten?
And they dragged Steve out of his car, and he was bloody, and unconscious, and had a big gash in the back of his head.
Billy helped them bring him to the couch, using Steve’s jacket to pillow his head, trying to staunch the bleeding from the wound there.
“Why the fuck didn’t you take him to the hospital?”
Everyone was quiet as Steve groaned, shifting slightly.
His eyes fluttered open.
They were hazy and unfocused, looking slowly around the room.
“Hey, buddy. How are ya feeling?” Steve stared blankly at Dustin.
“I, what?”
Steve felt like he was underwater.
The world was moving too slowly around him, everything was hazy and muffled and he didn’t know which way was up, which part of his body hurt more.
He barely remembers being in those tunnels, the ‘dogs rushing them, getting tossed against the cave wall.
And then, nothing.
Nothing but blue eyes and rough hands.
And Dustin asked him something, but he was too far away, or maybe he was being quiet for once in his life, but Steve just heard ay-u are-a ee.
And then Billy said something, and Steve could pick up osital before Billy was picking him up like he weighed nothing and putting him back in that car.
And Steve could sort of make out the sound of the engine through his underwater brain.
But it didn’t sound anything like it did that first day when Billy roared into the high school parking lot, didn’t even sound like when Max was driving earlier.
And Billy fucking knew something was wrong.
Every time he spoke, Steve didn’t acknowledge him. And he would chalk it up to Steve just fucking hating him, but he figured he’d get some kind of response, even if it was just a glare.
He took him to the emergency room, helping him out of the car.
“My friend hit his head. He’s bleeding and he’s really spaced out.”
Steve let the nurses and the doctors examine him.
He felt like he was only going deeper under water.
“I’m sorry, I can’t, I can’t hear you.”
He couldn’t even hear his own voice.
The nurse’s smile slid right off her face.
And then there was another doctor, and he was wheeled into a new room, and had to lay very still in a large cream colored tube.
Billy hadn’t been allowed to accompany Steve back. No familial relation, and all that.
But he was getting regular updates as they performed new tests.
Last he heard, Steve was being taken for a scan, which Billy didn’t like the sound of.
“Our imaging has presented us with the cause of his loss of hearing. It appears that-”
“Sorry, loss of hearing?” And it made sense, it really did, but it also sent a fucking chill down Billy’s spine. Moreso than the unexplained animal bite that was oozing blood and puss from Steve’s leg.
“Yes, it appears Mr. Harrington has suffered a severe enough concussion we have classified it as a traumatic brain injury. Due to the location of the blow, his auditory processing has been affected. We believe he has lost approximately 90% of his hearing.”
“But this is like, just temporary, right? He’ll be fine?”
“It’s rare to lose hearing due to damage to the brainstem, so unfortunately, we don’t know.”
“You don’t, you don’t know? He could be fucking deaf forever, and you don’t know?” She gave him an unimpressed look, stared him down until he deflated, mumbled a sorry.
“Look, his injury is uncommon, not unprecedented. We hope for a full recovery, but at this point, it’s unlikely.” She gave him a half smile as he thanked her, and turned on her heel.
They gave Steve a notepad.
He didn’t like talking.
Felt like he sounded stupid.
Couldn’t hear himself to know otherwise.
And of course, he didn’t know sign language. Never had put much thought into learning it.
The nurses would give him pitying smiles, would write down their questions for him. They mostly kept to yes or no’s, allowing him to nod or shake his head.
Does it still hurt? Has your hearing improved? Do you need more pain killers?
He slept through the rest of the night, but he chalks that up to the morphine they pumped him with, the adrenaline draining from his body.
The next morning he woke up to a sweet looking nurse, writing him a note that he had visitors, and he was welcome to tell them no.
He sighed, and nodded, giving a vague come in gesture.
It was Joyce and Hop.
And Steve realized he was relieved the kids weren’t there.
Joyce scribbled something on his pad.
They told us everything. I’m so sorry, Honey.
And Steve stared crying. Started sobbing, because Joyce’s hugs were warm but her soft voice was gone.
Billy had never left the emergency room.
He had curled in one of the uncomfortable chairs, and dozed off until morning, when the Police Chief rolled in with the gaggle of kids and a short woman that gave him a shockingly tight hug, and thanked him for taking care of Steve.
“He’s deaf.” Billy’s throat felt raw. “They told me last night. Scanned his brain and the injury was real bad. They don’t know if he’ll ever hear again.”
“But they, there’s nothing they can do?” Dustin was pale.
“Not really. They said, it’s rare for how he was injured to result in hearing loss, so they just don’t know.”
The chief took that woman back to see Steve, told the kids they didn’t know if he was up for visitors just yet.
Dustin had an odd look on his face.
He set his jaw, rolled his shoulders back, planted himself in front of Billy.
“Take me to the library.” Billy raised an eyebrow.
“Not a chance.”
“Take me to the library.”
“Kid, no.”
“Yes! I need to do research! If I learn sign language, I can help Steve so we can communicate!” Lucas stood behind him.
“Take us to the library.” When Maxine stood as well, Billy sighed.
“Fine. Get in the car.”
Apparently Nancy and Jonathan broke into his house.
Nancy still remembered where he kept the spare key.
She had an odd look on her face as she passed Steve some sweats, a clean shirt. Jonathan scribbled a note and gestured to the bag he placed on one of the chairs.
We brought more clothes, didn’t know how long you’re staying.
He didn’t know either.
He told them thanks. One word was easy enough, and he’s pretty sure he saw Nancy’s eyes go a little teary at the sound of his voice.
Billy ushered the kids into the building, going over to chat with the librarian.
He had spent a decent amount of time here since moving to Hawkins. They had a decent selection, and plenty of the classics he liked to read.
He was too tired to flirt, but kept polite conversation as the kids rushed around.
“We need all the books you have on American Sign Language, deafness, and anything else on the subject.” She gave Dustin a pointed look.
“Mr. Henderson, you have five books checked out, as well as five you stole-”
“I’ll bring those back. This is urgent.” Billy put on his best tragic look.
“Marissa, the kid’s best friend has a, well he’s just gone deaf. Had a terrible accident. They just wanna be there for him, you know?” She looked at him. Her resolve was slipping. “You know, use my card for ‘em. You know I’m reliable.”
He checked out very few books, opted to read them in the library instead.
She sighed.
“I’ll show you what we’ve got.” And she grumbled all the way to the stack.
Steve was staring out the window when he received a note about more visitors.
He knew he’d have to face the kids at some point, he was just hoping to put it off.
He smiled as warmly as he could when they came in, his eyes going wide when Billy trailed in behind them.
He looked like shit.
Dustin scribbled something on the notepad.
Billy took us to the library and we got books on sign language and we’re all going to learn together so that we can all still communicate.
He wrote like he talked, run on sentences with rushed, sloppy, handwriting.
Everyone was staring at him weird, and he realized he had laughed. He took notepad scribbling on it quickly.
Thank you guys. Means a lot. Dustin smiled at him, nodding. He cast a glance over to Billy, leaning against the wall, staring out the window. Dustin took the pad.
He hasn’t left since he brought you here he slept out in the waiting room and took us to the library to get all the books AND let us check them out on his library card.
Steve nodded, clearing his throat. Billy’s jaw tightened at the sound.
“Billy.” His head whipped around, his eyes wide at Steve’s voice. Not too loud. He held up what Dustin had written down. “Thank you.” Billy just nodded at him.
The kids were picked up one by one, giving Steve tight hugs before they left.
Until it was Max asleep in a chair, Billy sitting in the other.
Steve watched as Billy took off his jacket, draping it over Max like a blanket.
He gave Steve a tight smile. Steve picked up the pad.
Why have you stayed? You didn’t have to.
Billy shrugged. Worried about you.
Steve flushed.
I’m okay.
Billy gave him a look.
Well, I will be. Billy gave him a little half smile. You really took them to the library?
The little mouthy one bullied me into it.
Steve laughed. Billy tried to stifle his own smile.
Love the image of Dustin bullying you into doing something.
Yeah well, it was humiliating. Steve smiled at him again.
So, are you learning sign language too?
Just the important shit. Princess, Pretty Boy, pain in my ass. The three P’s. Steve laughed again.
Right. Important shit. Remind me to learn asshole and piece of trash.
Steve had never really taken much notice to the way Billy laughed. But now that he couldn’t hear it, he studied Billy’s face. His eyes scrunched up, and had his teeth always been that white, and that straight? His Adam’s apple bobbed when he laughed and Steve didn’t even think, reached out and pressed his fingers softly against his throat, his palm flat on his chest.
Billy went still. Steve recoiled.
Sorry. Wanted to see if I could feel your laugh. Billy smiled sheepishly at him, taking his hand and bringing it back to his throat.
Steve could feel the vibrations in his throat, the way the air made his neck shift, his Adam’s apple moving.
He didn’t know what Billy was saying, just liked the way his lips moved, the way he could feel the words in his fingertips.
Steve’s face was soft as Billy spoke, his eyes big, his fingers soft against Billy’s throat.
“I guess I can say this now. Since you’re not ever gonna hear me say it, but I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything I said to you, did to you. You just, you scare the shit outta me, Pretty Boy. I’m not, not allowed to feel this way about you. About, about any boy. Neil’s made that really fucking clear. But I saw you, and I wanted to be near you, to hear you laugh, be the, the cause of all your damn smiles, and I’ve made you laugh twice today. And that’s the best damn feelin’ in the world.”
Steve’s eyes flicked up to his face when he couldn’t feel words anymore, and those soft fingers retreated again.
Steve took the notepad.
Billy liked his handwriting.
I like the way it feels when you talk. He smiled all bright and Steve Harrington pretty. Never thought about feeling someone speaking like that before. And then Billy’s heart sank. What did you say.
Talkin’ shit on you.
That’s rude. I’m a deaf person now. That’s bigamy.
I’m going to assume you meant bigotry. Steve flushed.
Yeah, whatever.  Steve was all huffy. It was adorable.
Sorry, I’ll only talk shit in sign once we all earn it.
Thank you. I appreciate it. Steve reached out, slapping playfully at Billy’s chest. Billy had the overwhelming urge to take his hand, kiss his knuckles.
He was too scared.
When do you get out of here? I got an idea.
Billy was there to pick him and take him home.
Steve had been in the hospital for over two weeks, as they wanted to monitor the injury.
He had completely lost his hearing, and had given up hope of it returning.
But Billy had been by everyday, usually bringing Dustin and some of the library books, and they had all mastered the sign language alphabet, and had all learned a few words.
Steve had a few bags of things people had brought to him, everything fitting nicely in the trunk of the Camaro.
Billy had offered to drive him own, wanted to see something.
He made a beeline to the quarry, finding a spot overlooking the water.
He took the pad from Steve’s lap, writing I have an idea, tell me when you can feel it.
He rifled through the cardboard box in the backseat, holding up the tape for Steve to see.
It was KISS, Dynasty.
Steve made a face.
Billy rolled his eyes, pushing the tape in. He turned up the bass, cranking the volume.
The first song, I Was Made For Lovin’ You, had one of Billy’s favorite bass lines ever.
He turned up the bass some more, until his speakers sounded like shit, the song completely distorted.
But Steve’s eyes were wide, his hand on his chest. Billy stole the pad.
At concerts, sometimes you can feel the bass in your body. I thought that might work for you. Can still listen to music. I got a lot of bass heavy stuff.
Steve’s bottom lip trembled.
He sniffed, wiping at his eyes.
Billy doesn’t know what he had done wrong, if maybe it was insensitive, this whole music thing.
He went to turn down the music, but Steve grabbed his wrist. He took the notepad.
Thank you, Billy. You’re really nice. Not listening to music anymore was really making me sad. This was a good idea.
Steve smiled at him, his eyes still wide and gooey wet.
Billy didn’t think about.
Just put one hand on the back of Steve’s neck, and pulled him forward, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
Steve was stiff against him, and Billy was about to pull back, scribble an apology on the pad, put then Steve sighed, and melted against Billy.
They pulled away from one another, and Steve was biting his lip, made Billy kiss him again.
Been wanting to do that for a while. Billy had tossed the pad onto his lap. Steve scoffed at it.
Why didn’t you?
Too scared. Steve just looked at him. The song clicked to the next, the steady kick drum of 2,000 Man made Steve’s hand flutter back to his chest. You like this one?
This album is good. Now that I can’t actually hear it. Billy shoved him. Steve huffed a little laugh.
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skullrock · 4 years
the confessions - Steve x Reader
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gif by @harringtown
pairing: Steve x Reader
request: hey! can u write a fic where steve and reader go to a party and reader gets shitfaced but steve stays sober and she’s pretty much hitting on him the entire night cause the alcohol gave her courage, and when steve takes her home she’s like super handsy with him and saying sweet things to him (also saying suggestive themes things to him that makes him go 😳) and steve’s super sad cause he loves her and thinks it’s drunk talk. but its not!! so they talk about it the next day. thank you
warnings: swearin’ and angst! some suggestive content if ya squint
word count: 2k
Steve watched as you downed shot after shot, regret running through him with each glass of vodka. He brought you here to have fun - he didn’t anticipate having to babysit you. He knew you were stressed, but he didn’t know you were this stressed. As he watched you head for the punch bowl again, he went to intervene.
“Hey!” you sing, happy to see him. You throw your arms around his neck and pull him in for an awkward hug. “What’s up, buddy!”
“I think you need to go home,” he says, pulling away from you gently. His stomach flipped every time you touched him, but he wanted to swallow those feelings. You were his friend, after all. Nothing more and nothing less.
“Me?” you ask, pointing to yourself. “You think… I think you need to go home!”
“Okay,” he says smoothly. “Let’s go home together, what about that?”
You gasp and throw a hand up to your heart. “Why, Mister Harrington, are you inviting me to your house?”
Steve’s cheeks turn red, but he attempts to act unfazed. “No, I’m taking you to your house, okay?” He gently takes your cup from you and puts his arm around your waist to support you as he took you to his car.
The thing is, you had drank so much because you wanted to hit on him. You needed that extra courage to get you to actually make a move. Did you overdo it? Yes. Did the alcohol work? Also yes. Maybe it worked a little too well.
When you step outside, you pull Steve into you, pressing into his chest. “You look so good tonight, Stevie, you know that?”
Steve’s ears turn pink. “Since when do you call me that?” he asks, gently pushing you away from him.
“Do you like it?” you ask. “It’s cute, like you.”
“Okay,” Steve says, clearing his throat. “Um, thanks.”
“Do I look cute?” you ask, leaning on him heavily as he continues to guide you to his car.
“You always look cute.”
You gasp. “You mean it?”
Steve’s heart twists painfully. “Of course I mean it.”
As he sits you in the passenger seat and leans over to buckle you up, you wrap your fingers in his hair. Steve’s cheeks turn red-hot and he pulls back, a moan escaping his lips as your fingers tug in his hair. He takes your hands and takes a deep breath. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Vodka,” you smile, and Steve rolls his eyes.
“Keep your hands to yourself during the ride, okay?” he jokes, and you pout.
“But what if I don’t want to keep them to myself?”
“Those are the rules of the ride,” Steve says, clicking his tongue sympathetically. “You have to follow them.”
“You’re such a dork,” you say, reaching out for him again, but he moves before your fingertips can touch him.
Steve shuts the door and shakes his head, mumbling, “Jesus Christ,” before climbing into the front seat. “You okay, Y/N?”
You nod and look over at him, sending a wink that sent a chill down his spine. Focus, Steve, he thinks to himself, white-knuckling the steering wheel as he starts for your house. Steve turns on the radio - Can’t Fight this Feeling comes on. The tension in the car while the song is playing can be cut with a knife. You sit and play with your skirt, slowly moving it up your thighs in an attempt to entice Steve. Steve sees in his peripheral, but keeps his eyes on the road in an attempt to not crash the car in a fit of passion.
Steve gets pulled into his own thoughts as he drives. He’s loved you for a while now - totally, completely loved you. Every day brought more adoration, and it was getting to be a bit painful. You’d never let on any signs that you were into him until tonight. The whole thing was confusing and heartbreaking. You probably thought he was someone else. Someone cooler, more charming, more handsome. You could never say this stuff to him sober, which solidified his theory that you weren’t into him at all.
He pulls into your driveway and climbs out, sighing as he heads over to your side. When he tries to help you out, you offer him your foot first.
“Wrong end,” he says.
“Oops!” You hand him your hand and he pulls you up, steadying you as you stumble into his chest again. You look up at him with big eyes. To you, they’re full of love; to him, they’re full of shit.
“How do we keep ending up like this?” you slur.
“Because you’re drunk,” Steve breathes, forcing himself not to lean down and kiss you.
“Maybe you’re drunk.”
“I’m not drunk, Y/N.”
Steve laughs a bit and keeps guiding you to your door and into your bedroom. He sits you on your bed and starts going through your wardrobe to find you some pajamas. When he turns around, you’re up and naked, making Steve drop the clothes and cover his eyes.
“Uh - hey - what are you doing?”
“Changing,” you respond, walking over to where he dropped the clothes. You pick them up and start putting them on, allowing Steve to relax.
“Don’t be such a prude, Steve,” you say, shrugging on your sweater. “It’s not like you’ve never seen a naked girl before.”
“But you’re my friend,” Steve says. “That’s not the same.”
“What if I don’t want to be friends?”
Steve’s hand drops to his side, revealing a fully clothed you. Your eyes look serious, and you look shy. Steve’s brows furrow. “You know who I am, right?”
“I know who you are, Steve.”
Steve’s stuck. He’s not sure if you’re just shitting him or if you’re serious. It’s hard to tell when you’re slurring and hunched over like Quasimodo, hardly able to walk. He bites his lip and your eyes train on how perfect he is, how beautiful he looks as the moon comes through your window. He takes a step towards you, and you think that maybe he’s going to embrace you like the lovers do in movies. But instead, he guides you to the bed, tucking you under the covers.
“I’m going to get you some water and pain pills, okay?” he says. “You’re going to have a hell of a hangover tomorrow.” You’re probably going to forget all of this, too, he thinks.
You nod and he gets water and medicine from your kitchen, bringing it back to you quietly. He sits it on the nightstand. “Can I get you anything else?”
“Come here,” you beckon, sitting up out of the carefully tucked sheets. Steve blinks as you undo his gentle tucking, but he sits down beside you. You grab his hand and look at it carefully, closely. Then you grab the other one.
“You reading my fortune, or something?” Steve jokes, a tinge of sadness in his voice.
“You have nice hands,” you mumble. You look up at his face and run a hand gently down one of his cheeks. “You have a pretty face, too.”
Steve decides to indulge himself, just a bit. “What else do I have?”
“You have nice arms,” you continue, running your hands up them, feeling Steve’s flesh become riddled with goosebumps. “So strong and toned.” You move your hands to his chest. “Nice broad chest. Nice shoulders.”
Steve shifts nervously, swallowing hard as your hands ghost down his shirt, going dangerously close to his belt. Your hands take a detour to his sides, though, gripping his hips gently. “Such nice hips, too.”
“Hips?” he laughs. “Is that something girls look for?”
“They just fit you so perfectly,” you say quietly. Your hands then move to his thighs and you lick your lips. “Your thighs are nice too, Steve.” You squeeze them and smile. “So is your ass.”
Steve blushes but rolls his eyes. “My ass is not nice.”
You shrug, bringing your hands up to his shoulders to rest. “I like it.”
He swallows again. “Do you like anything else?”
“I like your laugh. It’s always so pretty,” you whisper. “It makes me happy. So does your smile. And your eyes are always so warm, even when you’re mad.”
Steve realizes how closely you both are leaning in, so he pulls back slightly. “You’re full of compliments when you’re drunk, huh?”
You frown, letting your hands fall into your lap. “Guess I am.”
Steve clears his throat. “I guess - while we’re on the subject - I should tell you that I think you’re very pretty.”
“Yeah,” he says with a slight shrug. “Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Prettier than Nancy?”
Steve feels the sadness envelop him, crashing over him like a wave. To be sitting in front of a person so beautiful while being reminded of his shit luck - it’s a lot to handle. But he forces out, “Prettier than Nancy.”
You seem pleased, laying down again and beckoning him to cover you. Steve’s throat feels wickedly painful, and he pushes his tongue to the roof of his mouth to stop himself from crying. He ruffles your hair and whispers, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Won’t you stay?”
Steve laughs a bit. “I have work in the morning.”
“With Keith?”
“Yeah, with Keith.”
“Yeah, pretty gross,” he agrees. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”
“Tomorrow,” you repeat, and you fall asleep soon after, leaving Steve with his thoughts as he heads to his car.
Tomorrow comes, and you’re painfully aware of how much you had to drink last night. You groan and sit up to find the painkillers and water Steve had left.
“Oh, thank God,” you whisper, taking them swiftly and laying back down. You hug one of your pillows and attempt to go back to sleep before last night comes back to you at lightning speed. How much you drank so that you’d have the courage to talk to him; how you put your hands in his hair; how you kept touching him; how you undressed right in front of him; and then everything you said. Embarrassment grips you tightly, making you groan and bury your head in your pillow. You hop up quickly, though, staggering to the phone and phonebook.
Steve stops stacking tapes to get the phone, droning out, “Thanks for calling Family Video, this is Steve, how can I help you?”
Steve gasps and almost drops the phone. “Y/N?” he hisses. “What - are you okay?”
“I gotta talk to you about last night,” you say. “Can we talk?”
Steve looks around for Keith. “I’m - I’m at work.”
“I have to tell you something and it can’t wait.”
Steve looks around again and sighs, taking the phone with him into the break room and shutting the door on the cable. “Okay, what’s up?”
“Last night, I got super shitfaced.”
“I’m aware.”
“Well, I got so drunk because I wanted to talk to you - like, tell you how I feel -”
Steve’s breath hitches and his heart speeds up. “About what?”
You take a deep breath. It’s now or never. “Steve, I love you.”
Steve almost drops the phone again.
“Bullshit,” he breathes. “You can’t -”
“I do, Steve,” you say. “I love you, and I know I do.”
There’s a quick, loud knock on the door. “Uh, what’s going on in there?”
Steve jerks the door open, holding the phone tightly to his chest. “Keith, I swear to Christ, if you ruin this moment for me, I’m going to shove a VHS right up your -”
“Steve!” you gasp on the phone.
Steve slams the door shut again and puts the phone up to his ear. “You’re not gonna believe this, but I love you, too.”
You beam brightly. “You mean it?”
“I never thought you’d say that to me,” Steve says softly. “But I’ve loved you for so long.”
“I’ve loved you for a long time, too.”
Steve smiles brightly, feeling like a new man as happiness replaces the sadness and emptiness in his chest.
Keith knocks on the door again. “Harrington, you better get out here -”
“Shut up, Keith!” Steve shouts. “I guess I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Come over after work, will you?”
“I will,” Steve promises. “God, I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
taglist (join here!):  @harrington-ofhawkins @comedy-witch @gothackedalready @wolfish-willow @sassisaluxury @willowrose99 @harringtown @m-blasterrr @whimsicalwoodlands @anerroroccurrrrred​ @marvels-gurl​ @the-almond-dinger @ssanjuniperoo @darth-el @sourapplebaby @yall-wildin-like-siriusly @andyl394 @astil-be​ @troop-scoop​ @ilovebucketbarnes @mybestfriendthedingus @unknownherelm @metuel18 @magnitude101999 @simplesammyx @lukeskisses​
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magniloquent-raven · 4 years
for fluff: "one more chapter" or "there's enough room for both of us"
it’s been 84 years............ but here u go lmao tysm for the prompts!!!!!! i used both!
CW for some brief suicidal ideation, just in case. it’s v mild but pls be careful yall (i know, this fic was supposed to be fluffy 😅)
posted on ao3
Billy’s life had changed a lot in the past two years. 
So much that some days he barely recognizes himself in the mirror. The scars, the state of his hair—which he hasn’t cut since last summer and generally just throws back for convenience’ sake—the stubble he doesn’t bother with most days. Small things, in the grander scheme of what’s different about his life, but it adds up.
And it’s Friday night, he’s curled up at home, and perfectly content to be there. 
There’s a steaming mug of cider on the coffee table (a scratched-up old thing that Hop left him when he officially handed off ownership of his trailer to Billy), and wind rattling the windows, and Max is asleep in the next room. It’s...cozy. 
El stopped by earlier that afternoon, Max in tow, demanding Billy let them stay because Mike was being a dick or a DnD campaign was going on too long and El’s character died a while back so she was bored, or...something. Possibly Mike was being a dick about her character being dead. Max kept chiming in with her own two cents worth but it really just made the whole thing harder to follow.
But it didn’t really matter why they stopped by, they’re always coming up with reasons to invade his living room and eat all his food and nag him about teaching them how to do fancy braids. And Max usually wanders off to nap in his room when El starts asking Billy to read to her.
Which is what he’s doing now. 
Last month he read her Jane Eyre (her idea). A week ago they started The Hobbit. 
It’s been slow going, considering how often El interrupts to ask questions, and every time there’s a song they have the same argument about him not actually singing, but they’re making progress. 
He’s reading through the weird goblin song as monotone as possible just so he can laugh at El’s disgruntled scrunchy face, and putting up with her poking his thigh with her toes when he rolls his eyes at her, and honestly having the time of his fucking life, because, yeah, saying things have changed in the past two years is the understatement of the decade.
When he gets to the end of Over Hill and Under Hill and closes the book she gasps dramatically, sitting up and pulling the ugly orange throw blanket (gift from Mrs. Byers) she’d been snuggled up in tighter around her shoulders.
“Billy, no!” 
He drops the book in his lap and raises his eyebrows at her. “It’s the end of the chapter.”
“Yeah, it definitely is.”
El frowns at him, her whole face going pinched. “But you can’t stop there.”
It’s moments like this that almost make Billy forget she can kill people with her brain. Moments when she just looks like a kid, all wrapped up in her favourite blanket and pouting. 
And it’s like she knows that’s his goddamn kryptonite. Because those moments also remind him that she deserves this. More than anyone he knows, she deserves all the childish crap she wants, and more. It won’t ever replace the childhood that was taken from her, but it’s a start.
So, needless to say, Billy has a hard time saying no to her.
He drops his head back against the cushion behind him, staring at the ceiling for a moment—pretending to contemplate, while she glowers at him—and sighs loudly. 
“One more chapter.” 
She beams.
They’re only a few pages into Riddles in the Dark when a car pulls up, and Billy doesn’t even have time to put the book down before the front door bursts open. 
“El! Will thought he—is that The Hobbit?” Dustin comes to an abrupt halt two paces into the room, blinking at the book in Billy’s hands. All his little friends nearly collide with his back, and there’s suddenly a gaggle of obnoxious teenagers huddled in Billy’s doorway. 
“Who cares,” Lucas scoffs, pushing him out of the way so he, Wheeler, and Will, can shuffle the rest of the way inside. “Get out of the way!”
Billy is still trying to figure out what the fuck’s even happening when Steve goddamn Harrington walks in behind his pack of brats. Because of course he was the one who drove them here. Him being a fine upstanding citizen and all that. With nothing better to do, apparently. (Not that Billy has room to judge anymore.)
Suddenly the bickering kids are mostly background noise. Billy always did have a hard time concentrating on anything else when Steve’s in the room. Especially when he’s looking like that, warm brown eyes lit up with interest, and the corner of his mouth pulling upwards in a half-smile. His cheeks are pink from the chill outside, his hair a mess from the wind, and locking eyes with him makes Billy’s heart pound. 
They’ve been on good terms these past few months and it’s a special kind of torture that Billy wouldn’t give up for the fucking world.
But he doesn’t get to enjoy the view for long because—
“—the Mind Flayer might be back!”
Billy stiffens. “What?” He glances at El. She’s sitting up straight now, her eyes dark, expression closed off. 
Mike sighs irritably. “Weren’t you listening? Will thinks he might have sensed the Mind Flayer, so we needed to make sure El’s okay.” He crosses his arms, glaring at Billy. “Because the stupid thing wants her dead, remember?”
“Wheeler,” Steve hisses, and smacks the kid’s shoulder.
“Yeah.” Billy grits his teeth, cold fingers trailing down his spine. “I remember.” 
The room is silent for several agonizing seconds, the kids all exchanging glances. Until Billy’s bedroom door opens and Max shuffles out, rubbing her eyes. 
“What’s everyone doing here?” 
They’d all been hanging out at Steve’s when Will had a bad feeling. The same kind of prickling bone-deep chill he’d gotten two summers ago. Needless to say, ignoring it until people started dying didn’t seem like the way to go this time, hence the home invasion.
Which had been Steve’s idea, apparently. Or. His initial reaction had been to blurt out does this mean Billy’s possessed again, and it had spiraled from there. To Mike freaking out about El not being safe because she was here, to Lucas reminding him that Billy had only gotten the better of her when she didn’t have powers, to Dustin yelling about checking in with her either way because she might have The Facts. 
And so they’d broken a couple traffic laws to get here.
Billy suspects Steve feels guilty about suggesting he might be possessed, because he got very awkward when it was brought up. And he stepped in several times when Wheeler and Sinclair’s interrogation got a little too intense (there were threats of hot pokers involved).
It should have felt condescending—Billy’s a grown-ass adult, he doesn’t need someone defending him from lanky teenagers—but he can’t help feeling a little warm when it’s Steve coming to his defense. 
The discussion overall is a mess. El doesn’t have any answers, Billy hasn’t felt anything odd lately, and the lack of anything to go on beyond Will having a momentary freakout is putting everyone on edge. 
Max, who squished herself onto the couch between Billy and El, cuts through the cyclical arguing after the third dramatic eye-roll from Mike. “Guys, can you cool it for a second. We’re getting nowhere.” Her protest is punctuated by a yawn, which makes El giggle. 
“She’s right,” Steve sighs, mussing with his hair absentmindedly. “Billy and El are fine, everyone’s fine, we should all get some sleep.”
“Dude, are you sure you’re good to drive?” Dustin asks, squinting appraisingly at Steve. It’s a fair question, it’s late and Steve looks like he’s about to keel over, but Billy’s not sure he likes where this is going.
“Who said anything about driving?” Max snorts, glancing at Billy. 
Damnit Max.
“Is there even space for everyone here? This place is tiny.”
“Fuck you, Wheeler, not all of us can live in goddamn mansions.”
The kid opens his mouth to retort, bristling with indignation, but Will interjects, stuttering a little in his haste, “I, um, I’d feel a little safer if everyone, you know, stayed in one place? At least for tonight?”
And that pretty much settles it. 
Once everyone mumbles their (in some cases reluctant) agreement, El crows “Sleepover!” and drags Max off to find spare blankets, leaving Billy sitting on the couch alone and wondering where the hell Steve is gonna sleep. For...no particular reason...other than…
It’s not like Mike was wrong, the trailer wasn’t built to house six teenagers and two twenty-somethings. Most of them are going to end up squished on the living room floor, and Max and El already called dibs on the couch, and...well, unless Steve wants to crash in the fucking kitchen there really isn’t anywhere else for him to go other than Billy’s room. He doesn’t even have a goddamn tub the guy could curl up in. 
And just because he’s wanted Steve Harrington in his bed since minute one, doesn’t mean he wants it right now. Not like this. 
Because like this he has to deal with Max’s side-eye, and El’s knowing look (the girl has been in his head, she literally knows everything about him), and Will’s weird wide-eyed interest, and worst of all, Steve not doing this because he wants to. 
In fact, judging by the way he blanches when Max suggests it, Billy’s room is the last place he’d like to be. Which is not really something Billy ever really wanted hard proof of, thanks. 
He’s dealt with enough in his life, he didn’t need to know exactly how repulsive Steve finds the idea of sleeping in the same room as him. 
“You’re welcome to sleep in your goddamn car if my floor isn’t good enough for you, Harrington,” he bites out, probably harsher than was warranted. 
Steve blinks at him, mouth falling open, eyebrows raised. 
“Oh my god, it’s too cold to sleep outside, Billy,” Max says, rolling her eyes. “Stop being such a dick.”
“Whatever,” he mutters. “Figure your shit out, I’m going to bed.” 
The silence he leaves behind is tense and awkward. 
He’s been laying in bed staring at the ceiling, moping and berating himself, for about ten minutes when the door creaks open.
“Hey, uh,” Steve’s voice is soft, uncertain, and Billy feels like even more of an asshole for snapping at him. “I’m just...gonna...crash on the floor. Um. Good night.”
This is punishment isn’t it. For being such a douche for so long. Now he gets to try and fall asleep knowing Steve fucking Harrington is laying nearby, sleepy and warm and out of reach. He listens to Steve shuffle around, getting situated, laying out blankets and trying to find a soft bit of carpet to lay on. Has to bite his tongue to keep from saying something stupid. Like offering up his bed. Or poking fun at how much Steve sighs when he’s getting comfortable (Because it’s dumb, not cute. Definitely not cute.).
It’s unclear how long they lay there in the dark, Billy watching moonlight cast the outlines of skeletal trees across the wall, listening to Steve’s quiet breathing to remind himself he’s not alone. That the shadows are just shadows and there’s no reason to be tense and sweating and—
Billy’s pretty sure it’s been long enough that Steve should be asleep, considering how tired he looked, so he tosses his blanket off and swipes the pack of cigarettes off his bedside table, hoping to god the floor doesn’t creak when he pads across the room. There’s no noise coming from the other room, so either the kids are asleep too or a miracle has occurred and they’re all just being really quiet. 
He slips out the side door, and takes a breath. The lake is too still, despite the wind. No self-respecting body of water doesn’t have waves. But it’s pretty enough, he supposes. Enough to make for a decent view while he smokes a cigarette.
Takes a couple tries to light up. His hands aren’t what they used to be, especially in the cold. Holding off a thirty-foot meat puppet bare-handed does that to a person, tears shit up that doesn’t heal right afterwards.
He’s about halfway through his cig when Steve joins him. Billy’s shoulders stiffen at the sound of footsteps, and he doesn’t relax at all when he realizes who it is. 
Out of the corner of his eye Billy watches Steve lean against the porch railing beside him. He takes another drag before he looks over properly, keeping his expression as neutral as possible. “Fancy meeting you here.” 
“Couldn’t sleep?”
Billy raises his eyebrows. Gestures with his cigarette and turns away again. “No shit.”
He can feel Steve’s eyes on him, and he resolutely ignores it. Stares out at the water and flicks cigarette ash over the railing. The wind picks up again and cuts through his thin shirt. Should’ve grabbed a fucking sweater. Not because the cold bothers him at all, but...well, because it doesn’t anymore.
He shivers when a completely-unrelated-to-the-weather chill runs down his spine.
“Soo…” Steve fidgets, and trails off awkwardly, his nonchalance painfully fake.
The corner of Billy’s mouth twitches, and he raises his cigarette to his lips, a flimsy excuse to hide his smile. 
“Did, uh. Did El choose the book, or…?”
He chokes on a mouthful of smoke. Doc Owens did tell him he shouldn’t have taken up smoking again. Though he was probably more concerned about Billy’s scarred lungs and than Steve Harrington-related hazards. 
Coughing definitely does hurt a lot more than it used to though. 
He flinches when Steve touches his shoulder, pats it, rubs a little—trying to help with the coughing, presumably—making Billy’s heart trip over itself. 
Once he’s no longer wheezing he wipes his eyes, and waves off Steve’s apologies, hoping the embarrassed flush on his cheeks isn’t too visible in the dim light. 
Steve’s hand stays where it is.
For several quiet moments Billy waits for him to withdraw but he doesn’t, and Billy finally meets his eyes. Which was probably a mistake. His heart skips again. He’s still not used to Steve looking at him like that. Soft and wide-eyed and concerned and…
God, he’s so fucking beautiful. Billy used to dream about getting this close without needing pretense, without having to pretend, getting to bask in the warmth coming off him and feel his breath on his skin and see something other than indifference—or worse, the hatred that came later—looking back at him. What he has now is...not quite what he wants. It lights him up but leaves him wanting. 
Another gust of wind makes a mess of Steve’s hair, locks falling into his eyes and sticking up in all directions, and Billy itches. Clenches his fist to stop himself from fixing it.
“Her dweeby little friends kept talking about it, and she couldn’t get through it herself. So...” Billy trails off, scratching his cheek and glancing away. “I may have had a copy laying around.”
Steve’s hand finally leaves its perch on his shoulder—both a disappointment and a relief—to brush the stray locks of hair out of his face. He grins at Billy, whole face lit up and stupidly pretty even as his fingers get stuck in tangles. “Really?” 
“Yeah.” Billy bites the inside of his cheek. “My mom used to read it to me.” 
It’s easier to talk about her now. Mostly with El, who’s still the only person who knows the full story, but, well, he’s pretty sure at least Max and Steve have guessed the bits they weren’t told. Or, hell, maybe El told everyone everything during those months he was out of commission and everyone thought he was dead, and no one’s brought it up to his face because it would be awkward as hell. 
In any case, Steve’s expression softens. 
“Oh,” he says quietly. “So, you and her were pretty close, huh?”
If asked Billy would have blamed the sudden sting of tears in his eyes on the wind. “I guess.” A pause. “Not enough for her to take me when she left,” he mumbles, chewing his thumbnail and frowning out at the lake.
His cigarette hangs between two fingers in his other hand. 
“Don’t. I’ve heard every condolence in the book, okay. It’s...it’s fine.”
For several long moments the only sounds are the dry rustle of leaves in the wind and Billy’s nail-biting. 
Then Steve slips his fingers around Billy’s wrist and tugs gently. Too surprised to resist, Billy lets him. Lets his hand be pulled away from his face, thumb pressed to his pulsepoint, lets him hold on for a beat longer than necessary before letting go. And Billy stares at him the whole time, lips parted, shoulders tense, waiting to see what Steve will do next.
What he does next is smile a little sad, and tilt his head. “It’s a bad habit, you know. Biting your nails.” 
“I don’t have any other kind of habit.”
“Hm,” Steve hums, “I don’t think that’s true.” 
Which is a weird thing to say, and a weird thing to get emotional over, and yet Billy kind of feels like he’s been punched in the chest.
He rubs at the knotted scar tissue that spiderwebs across his whole torso, and can’t help but wonder—not for the first time—if Steve’s perception of him might be a little blinded by the one good thing he’s ever done. He’s tried to be better since then, atone a little, but Steve’s confidence in him still feels unearned.
And all the work he’s put into getting his shit together might all be for nothing anyways, if some fucking slime monster decides to crawl down his throat again. If Will’s right and that thing is back...for all he knows the thing has it out for him too, after the shit he pulled at Starcourt. He thought he’d end up dead, he wasn’t exactly worried about making himself a target in the long run. 
But now...
Billy exhales slowly through his nose, eyes falling shut for a moment before he grits out, “I can’t do it again.” Steve blinks at him, nonplussed. “This,” he taps his scars, “The fucking. Mind Flayer bullshit. I can’t.”
“You…” Steve folds his arms across his stomach, hands clutching his elbows. It’s a nervous tic that makes Billy ache. Always makes his heart clench, but tonight that gets lost in the black hole of anxiety already twisting up his insides  “You won’t have to, I—we’ll protect you. If we stick together—”
“It’s not a guarantee.”
“No, but—”
“We don’t know anything about this alien shit, for all we know I was never really free of it, and—I just—promise you won’t let it use me again,” Billy’s voice breaks, and he clenches his jaw to try and hold it all back, the taste of bile in the back of his throat, the crushing weight of existential panic pressing in. 
Steve’s eyes widen, “What do you mean by that?”
“You know what I mean. Crash another car into me. Let your ex shoot me in the fucking head. I don’t care how, I need you to stop me.” He needs to understand, Billy’s eyes bore into him, willing him to understand.
But he shakes his head, face twisted up with horror, “I don’t think I can do that.”
Billy takes a step towards him, desperation bleeding into his voice, “Steve.” He blinks back tears. “Please.” 
“Don’t—” Steve looks away, curling in on himself, “Don’t do that.”
“Do what, ask you to perform a public fucking service?” Billy spits, eyes stinging, face burning. He regrets the words once they’re spoken, but there’s no taking them back now. He’s talked with Owens about this sort of shit and he thought he was past it. 
Apparently not.
He deflates. Like a slap in the face, it stops him dead, turns his agonizing back inward where it fucking belongs. Wiping his eyes, he sighs. 
It’s too late to stop the puppy-dog eyes Steve’s giving him now though. The unreserved sadness in the way he’s looking at Billy is so overwhelming it’s almost palpable. “Is that really how you feel?”
Is it? He’s not sure anymore. It was for a long time. Long enough that he couldn’t remember feeling any other kind of way until El reminded him. But now…
He shrugs. “It’s...complicated. I—ah, shit!” His hand jerks, and the cigarette he’d been holding falls to the ground. That never used to hurt so fucking much. “Damn thing burnt me.” 
He sucks on the stinging knuckle, waiting for the pain to subside, tasting salt and ash, and looks back up at Steve.
They lock eyes.
Steve’s expression has closed off, his gaze still heavy, but with something else, sliding down Billy’s face with an intensity Billy’s not quite sure what to make of. He’s struck dumb by the attention (not something he usually has a problem handling), lips still wrapped around his finger but his mouth has gone slack.
It feels like a static shock, one crackling jolt of a moment, something sharp lancing through him, and then it’s over. Steve’s blinking, glancing away. Billy’s hand falls to his side. It would be like it never happened except he still feels charged, pent up, heart full to bursting and stomach in knots. 
Billy sighs, and rubs his eyes. “Let’s just...go back to bed.”
Wording, Billy. Wording. His cheeks warm a little, but he manages to keep his expression neutral as he turns and heads back inside.
He practically throws himself into his bed, curling up on his side and pulling the blankets around him, back turned to Steve. Sleep seems like a pipe dream at this point, but doing anything other than pretending to get some rest would involve talking to and/or looking at Steve, so. Not an option. 
But after he listens to Steve settle back into his little pile of blankets, the minutes crawl by, and Billy gets twitchy. Wants so badly to move, toss and turn and fidget, and say something, but doesn’t know where to start and doesn’t want to draw Steve’s attention, and—
God, this is so fucking stupid.
Billy rolls over. “Steve.”
The room is silent for a beat. He shuffles around a little and the sheets rustle loudly in the quiet.  
“Would you get up here,” he says suddenly, all at once, demanding, scarcely believing what the fuck is coming out of his mouth. 
“...What?” Steve sounds a little breathless and it makes Billy’s stomach clench.
“Just...there’s enough room for both of us, alright.” Jesus christ. 
The lump of Steve and blankets on the floor doesn’t move. He doesn’t speak, for what seems like an eternity, and Billy’s about to brush it off, turn it into a joke, take it back, something, when—
Oh god, he’s getting up. This is happening. Billy stares at his silhouette, the tense line of his shoulders, his awkward gait, and wonders why he’s agreeing to this if he’s so goddamn uncomfortable. 
Guess the floor is officially less comfortable than being in bed with Billy. Joy.
But then he’s sliding under the covers and Billy forgets to be bitter because his brain is mostly static at this point. White noise and his heartbeat thundering in his ears and the deafening creak of boxspring groaning under unexpected weight.
And Steve’s doing that thing again, sighing, little hums as he wiggles around getting himself situated, and Billy is dying. He thought he was being punished before, but now he’s sure, because this is ridiculous. No grown man should be that adorable. 
By the time he’s gotten himself comfy Billy is about ready to combust. 
It doesn’t help that he’s decided to lay down extremely close and facing Billy. It’s so intimate it hurts.
“Do you think you’ll actually sleep?”
Billy shrugs noncommittally. “Maybe.” He tries to make it sound more casual than it is. Like it’s a choice and not the sad fact that he’s too fucking anxious to relax. 
Seems he’s not the only one though, Steve keeps fidgeting, his face doing something weird Billy can’t quite see in the gloom. But he doesn’t have to see to recognize Steve’s tics.
“Spit it out,” Billy sighs.
“What did you mean. When you said it’s complicated?” Steve asks softly.
“You really wanna get into this?” He sure doesn’t, but Steve nods and Billy’s fucking weak when it comes to giving Steve what he wants. “I meant that...I...used to feel like that. All the time. It was fucking relentless.” He thinks about rolling onto his back so he won’t have to look at Steve for this, but finds himself stuck, drawn in by the faint starlight reflected in Steve’s eyes. “But nowadays I’ve got...shit to hang on for, I guess. Doesn’t make it all go away, but it makes it easier.”
“Oh.” Steve wriggles a little closer, his hand landing in the space between their pillows. Right next to Billy’s hand. Close enough that he can feel him there, but not quite touching.
He doesn’t say anything else, which Billy’s grateful for. He’s got Doc Owens for the big speeches about how life is worth living, and it’s grating enough getting them from someone who’s literal job is to say that kind of shit. 
It helps. It does. But he can only handle so much.
Speaking of which.
“I’m sorry,” Billy says quietly. He’s keeping his hand too still for it to come across as casual, trembling with the effort. If he moved his pinky just a little they’d be touching, and he’s painfully aware of this fact.
“What for?”
“Earlier, when I...I was asking for a lot.”
“Oh.” Steve shifts, the blankets rustling as he shuffles around, but as much as he fidgets, his hand stays where it is. “Billy...I don’t want you to have to go through that again, but…”
Billy, on an impulse—with a feeling somewhat akin to stepping off a ledge without a parachute—hooks his pinky over Steve’s. In the dark he hears a soft intake of breath, can just barely make out the way Steve’s mouth falls open, moonlight casting shadows when his tongue darts out to lick his lips. 
“I know. It wasn’t fair to—”
“No, no,” Steve flips his palm upward and laces their fingers together, squeezing Billy’s hand. “It’s not that. You have every right to be scared, and...look, this whole thing is batshit crazy, none of us know how to deal with it.” 
Billy runs his thumb along the length of Steve’s index finger, marvelling at the contact, and the way his pulse flutters when the gesture is returned. It takes him a second to find his voice, “True, but you’ve never asked me to mercy kill you.”
Steve exhales, the ghost of a laugh, and it warms the back of Billy’s hand. He shivers, his whole arm tingling. “Billy, I haven’t gone through half the shit you have.” A pause. “I want to help. Anything you need, just...not that.” 
Anything. It catches in Billy’s throat, stops his heart for just a second, reminds him that they’re inches apart, in bed together. For the second time tonight he feels like he’s been punched in the sternum, and he goes rigid, relaxing only minutely when Steve squeezes his hand again.
“Careful, pretty boy. Saying shit like that might give a guy ideas,” he murmurs, gaze searching, wandering Steve’s face, the shadows cast by the soft fall of hair across his forehead.
“Oh yeah?” Steve pulls their clasped hands to his chest. His heart is racing, but his voice is steady, “Well, have enough ideas with no follow-through and a guy might think you’re all talk.”
Billy’s breath catches. The world stops. “You...you don’t want me to follow through.” 
The reality of the situation hits him like a train. Flirting is one thing, he’s always had a hard time keeping his mouth shut around Steve, but this is something he’d only ever regretted letting himself imagine because he knew he’d never have it. And now that it’s within reach...
“See, the thing is…” Steve slides a little closer. His knee brushes Billy’s thigh. “I really, really do.”
“I—” his voice breaks, mouth dry, throat closing up as he tries to swallow past the lump making it hard to breathe. 
“Billy,” Steve whispers, a hot puff of air against Billy’s lips. “Please.”
He surges forward—hard enough that their teeth click together—and his mouth muffles Steve’s gasp. The hand not cradled against Steve’s chest comes up to touch his cheek, fingertips caressing his jaw, coaxing him closer, sliding back to thread into his hair. 
Steve’s lips are plush and warm against his, curved into a smile that leaves Billy tingling, dizzy and drunk on sensations. The way his mouth tastes, the softness of his skin under Billy’s scarred palm, the way his heart twists when Steve reaches out to touch his chest.
He pulls back, and rests his forehead against Steve’s. His eyes stay shut and he just breathes. Soaks up the moment. 
“God,” Steve sighs, nuzzling their noses together. “Always knew you’d be good at that.”
“Yeah?” Billy asks quietly, fiddling with the stray locks of hair behind Steve’s ear. He’s feeling...raw. Vulnerable. It’s a fragile state of being, one wrong word away from breaking. Or a few right words away from fucking bliss, but that never seems to be how it goes for him. 
“Yeah, even when we didn’t like each other I wondered. Annoyed the hell outta me.”
“Steve…” He pauses, choosing his words carefully, “I always liked you.”  If his heart wasn’t already racing, it sure would be now. He braces himself for the worst.
But it doesn’t come. There’s a pause. Steve’s fingers curl into the front of his shirt. “Oh.” He presses a chaste kiss to Billy’s lips, lingering, before chuckling lightly. “That explains a lot actually.”
Billy’s cheeks burn. Yeah, he supposes it would. “You’re not...freaked out?” he ventures, hesitant. 
“Mm, nope.” He reaches up, brushes a stray curl out of Billy’s face. “Definitely okay with this.”
I love you.
The thought doesn’t shock him but the desire to say it out loud does. The way it lodges itself in his throat and sticks. He hasn’t said it to anyone—hasn’t wanted to say it to anyone—since his mother left. The precedent is intimidating, but…
Steve smells like honey and clean air, laying in bed with Billy, warm and pliant next to him tracing patterns in Billy’s scars, his gaze is fond, his smile is soft, and...and Billy’s in love.
He swallows. Pushes it down for now. 
He kisses Steve again. Slower. A gentle press of mouths, and another. Takes his time deepening it, teasing with his tongue. He waits for Steve to pull away, to decide that this thing is one thing too far, but it never happens. Steve lets him escalate, and gives as good as he gets. 
They’re both breathless and flushed and Billy’s riding high on the bubbling warmth in his chest, lightheaded from it. He slides his leg over Steve’s, straddling his thigh, pressing down, seeking friction. 
He shifts, rocking forward a little, and Steve moans, low and deep right in Billy’s ear.
They both freeze. Steve’s breath coming in ragged little bursts against the side of Billy’s face. 
“Pretty boy, as much as I’d love to hear more of that, no one else in the house does.”
“Jesus christ.”
“No need to bring him into it.”
“Shut up,” Steve laughs and buries his face in Billy’s shoulder. “Just give me a minute.”
“Aw, I get you all riled up, baby?” 
Steve slides a hand down, down, and palms Billy’s cock, drawing a short gasp from him. “Yes.”
They stay entangled the rest of the night, dozing in and out of consciousness, Steve pressing the occasional sleepy kiss to Billy’s collarbone. And...Billy’s not sure what will happen after tonight, but he knows it’ll be easier to deal with if he gets to keep this. Whatever this is. He doesn’t have the heart to ask, not yet, but for the first time in a while, he has hope.
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onegayastronaut · 5 years
Savior Of My Universe (Carol Danvers x Reader)
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Requested by anon: Here for the smut and this amazing blog that never fails to turn me on <3 So what about the reader is a bratty bottom who loves to tease Carol and make her jealous?? Carol being her possessive daddy self has to teach the reader who she belongs to (rough baby). A lot of fucking, the avengers knowing only Carol touches you Thank u author xx
Words: 1551
Ever since you and Carol had started dating, it seemed like you two had gone on one adventure after another. At first, things had been hard with Carol being gone all the time, but everything seemed to be settling down and she had been at home more. Things in the galaxy have been peaceful long enough for the two of you to look for an apartment together, and you could not be happier with the way that things have turned out. The main benefit of living together was that you were able to hop on Carol’s lap pretty much whenever you were horny (which was all the time), and Carol can top you and make you feel good. 
Both you and Carol were going to an event that Tony was hosting later tonight, and you were excited about seeing the rest of the Avengers again. The main downside was seeing your girlfriend all dressed up because you felt a sudden rush of warmth between your legs and you had to resist rubbing your legs together. Carol seemed to notice a change in your posture and immediately stepped closer to you.
“Babe, what’s going on? Are you okay?”
“Would it be okay for us to maybe show up to the party a little bit late?” Your fingers brushed the lapels of Carol’s suit as you pressed your body against her. It was like she didn’t know that her hands on your hips were driving you crazy and all you wanted was for her to put her hands elsewhere on your body.
Carol could see how turned on you were for her, and she decided to tease you for as long as she could. There was nothing like having you wait for her, and she will take advantage of every opportunity that came her way. “Not yet, babe. Now get dressed or we’re going to be late.” You gave her a pout as you went to the bedroom to change, but Carol seemed to be insistent that you show up on time, What you didn’t see as you changed was that your girlfriend was watching you and had to control herself from just throwing you on the bed and having you all to herself for the rest of the night. Having a little patience was going to do both of you nicely later on.
As the two of you drove to Tony’s mansion, you couldn’t help but start to tease Carol a little bit. Just because she told you to wait doesn’t mean you couldn’t tease her as much as you wanted, so you casually put your hand on her thigh. You could feel Carol’s leg tensing as you put your hand on her leg, and you couldn’t resist letting out a little snicker. Tonight was going to turn out better than you thought. You could tell what an effect you had on Carol as she clenched her jaw and kept her eyes straight ahead on the road. If she only pulled over and made you come a few times in the backseat, none of this would be happening. But instead she chose to hold out on you and you had to resort to teasing her.
It didn’t take you long to reach Tony’s mansion, but to Carol it seemed to take you forever. All she wanted to do was to throw you onto the back of her car and rail you until you couldn’t walk straight, but you had to be taught a lesson in patience. She could see the pout on your face as you got out of the car, but that only insured that you were going to be wet as hell for her when you got home. You swayed your hips a little bit as you walked up the stairs leading to Tony’s mansion, and you smirked as you caught a reflection of Carol with her jaw clenched and her eyes fixed on your ass as you walked inside.
Tony’s “get-together” with the Avengers went as expected -- everyone was sitting around talking, having fun, and maybe getting a little bit drunk. You were at the bar talking to Pepper and Natasha about the new tech that you were working on with Tony, and Bruce looked like he was bursting to ask questions about the tech you were developing for Stark Industries. As you were talking, you couldn’t help but steal glances over at your girlfriend to see how she was doing. Carol seemed to be having fun as she played pool with Steve and Rhodey, and you decided to make a move. Walking over to the group, you put a hand on Carol’s arm and innocently asked, “Do you mind if I take this shot for you?” Carol’s eyes narrowed as she looked at you, and she handed you the stick wordlessly. You smiled inwardly as you took the skick and bent over a little bit, purposefully grinding your ass into Carol’s lap. It didn’t take superhearing to notice the hitch in Carol’s breathing as you took your shot and landed a perfect shot. After you straightened up, you winked at your girlfriend mischievously as you made your way back to Pepper and Natasha.
“I don’t want to know what that was about, do I?” Pepper raised an eyebrow at you. The “disappointed mom” look was definitely something that she could pull off with little to no effort. However, you were too horny to feel embarrassed about your actions, and you were definitely not going to stop until Carol pushed you against a surface somewhere and fucked you until you couldn’t walk right.
After playing pool, you noticed that Carol was sitting on a couch talking to Wanda and Thor. You decided that this would be as good a time as ever to make your intentions as clear as possible. Making your way over, you sat on Carol’s lap and immediately started making little grinding motions with your hips. In part it was to tease your girlfriend, but most importantly you needed to do something to relieve the tension that was building in between your legs. Carol’s hands flew to your hips to keep you still which only served to make you more wet. You were pretty sure that if you took off your pants you’d be wet enough to have fluid go down your thigh.
You pressed yourself on Carol’s thigh as you talked to Steve. Her hands went up to your waist and held them in place as she went to kiss your neck. It wasn’t a secret that you were feeling particularly horny, but she was holding out on you because she wanted to do things “later”. Well, doing things at a later time didn’t mean that you couldn’t tease her until then. Flirting with Captain America would definitely make her jealous, and then maybe you could get what you want. You couldn’t take it anymore and told everyone that you were going to the restroom. Carol’s narrowed eyes told you that she knew it was bullshit, but she decided not to say anything.
As soon as you got into the restroom, you closed the door behind you and took off your pants, As expected, your underwear was almost soaked through, and you quickly moved to touch yourself. The door slammed open just as you were about to touch yourself. Through half-closed eyes, you could see Carol standing in front of you with her jaw clenched as she saw you with your pants down and your fingers buried inside of you.
“Babygirl, what did we say about touching yourself?”
“No touching unless you’re watching.”
“That’s right. Now what are you doing here, all by yourself?”
“I wouldn’t be here, by myself, if my daddy would have given me the relief I needed earlier.” There was just something about the look in Carol’s face that turned you on beyond belief, and you continued working your fingers inside yourself. It didn’t take you long to find that special spot inside yourself, and your hips twitched forward involuntarily. Seeing this is what broke Carol’s resolve, and before you knew it she was right in front of you with her hand wrapped around your throat.
“That’s enough, babygirl. Let me take care of the rest.” Her fingers inserted themselves inside of you as you eagerly wrapped your legs around her hips. Carol thrust her fingers deep into you, and you were so turned on that you were pretty sure you came more than once on her fingers when she finally let you down. Carol couldn’t help but leave hickeys all over your neck, just to make sure everyone knows that you belong to her when you step out of the bathroom. You watched your girlfriend lick her fingers before giving you a smirk.
“Now, before we go out again, I want to make sure you’ll behave yourself.”
“No promises.” You could tell that your cheeky attitude was going to make Carol top you all night long as soon as you got home, which was exactly what you wanted. Getting topped by your girlfriend was worth the stares that you got from Natasha and Steve, and Thor pursed his lips thoughtfully as he looked at you. Maybe (Y/N) wasn’t the innocent lesbian he thought you were when you first met.
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kohanayaki · 5 years
Caught in the Middle (Steve Harrington x Reader x Billy Hargrove) Ch 4
Links: Ch 1   Ch 2   Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7
Ch 4 .:A Date?:.
Sunlight streamed in through your window, ribbons of light cascading across your bed sheets. You could hear the faint sound of birds chirping as the morning greeted you.
And you felt like complete and utter shit. 
You groaned, your head pounding, as you tried to block out some of the light with your pillow. You'd gotten home last night at 2:00 on the dot, feeling fine. In fact, you even caught up on some homework before you went to sleep. Now you just felt like you'd been hit by a truck.
You looked over at the time, reluctantly getting out of bed when you saw how late in the morning it was. The kids were biking over in half an hour to go to the mall and you looked like hell.
You padded down the hallway, mustering up a weak laugh when you saw your brother passed out in his room, knowing he'd probably wake up to the same fate as you. 
As you made your way downstairs the smell of breakfast food made your stomach rumble on instinct. You were 'hydrated' plenty last night, but there wasn't much actual food. Your eyes lit up as you rounded the corner and saw your dad plating up some eggs, bacon, and pancakes. He grinned as he saw you, setting the plate down on the table in front of you. 
“And how is my daughter doing this fine morning?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“Swell,” you said sarcastically.
He laughed, walking over to the cabinet to get you some Tylenol and a glass of water. 
“Trust me, I know the feeling,” he said, “I can't really say anything on this one, I'd be lying if I said I haven't done worse when I was your age. That hangover is punishment enough. Just drink water throughout the day, and go on and eat something greasy while you're at the mall too. But get your blood sugar up right now, I don't want you back in that car until your head's clear, you understand?”
“Will do,” you said, already stuffing your face, “Thanks, dad.”
“You're welcome,” he smiled, “Love you, drive safe.”
“Love you too,” you said through a mouthful of bacon. 
As he retreated back into his office you savored the taste of the feast he made for you. You smiled fondly as you did. Your dad didn't really cook until he became a single parent. When he took on the full responsibility of raising you and your brother, he tried his best to fill your mom's role, following the old recipe books she'd left behind. His first attempts were a general health hazard, but as time went on he actually turned out to be a great cook.
The sudden ringing of bicycle bells outside your house made you scarf down the rest of your plate, snatching your car keys off the table. 
You opened the front door to see the whole gang waiting for you.
“I swear, the only time you guys are on time for anything is when you're leeching off of me,” you said, unlocking the car and leaving them to figure out the seating.
“You know us so well,” Dustin said, hopping into the shotgun seat before anyone else could take it. 
“I forgot to ask earlier, but how was that summer camp you went to, Dustin?” you asked, turning on the engine.
“It was so cool,” he beamed, “Our counselor taught us how to make all kinds of inventions. I made a self-nailing hammer, a wind powered clock, and a radio tower so I can talk to my girlfriend whenever I want since her parents monitor her phone calls.”
“Girlfriend?” you turned to look at him. He smiled back at you, bright as anything.
“Yeah, we were surprised too,” Max said from the back.
“Although we're not sure she actually exists,” Mike chimed in, “Apparently she's as hot as Phoebe Cates.”
“Hotter than Phoebe Cates,” Dustin corrected, “And she's a genius too.”
“Riiight,” Lucas said. 
“Well I think she sounds great, Dusty,” you said, “It's pretty romantic you built that radio tower just to talk to her.”
“It's the strongest communications network in Hawkins across 150 channels,” he said proudly.
“Well, that's certainly impressive,” you grinned, ruffling his hair. 
Soon you pulled up to one of the many entrances to the mall, stopping at the curb. 
“Well, this is your stop, guys,” you said, “What are you gonna see?”
“The Stuff,” Mike said excitedly. 
“Isn't that rated R?” you questioned, a brow raised. 
All of them looked at each other, slightly panicked.
“Well, we'll see you later, (Y/n)!” Lucas said, flinging open the back door and getting out as fast as he could. Everyone else quickly fled after him, running towards the theater. You shook your head. They got themselves into a lot of shenanigans, but admittedly you were the one instigating it most of the time when you were younger, even if you were the babysitter. 
However, as soon as the kids left for the movie you were painfully reminded of the throbbing headache you had. You groaned as one of the strobe lights around the movie theater glared in your face, not helping matters in the slightest. 
You knew eating a bunch of greasy food technically didn't do anything for a hangover, but it sure made you feel a hell of a lot better emotionally. With that in mind you decided to walk over to the Burger Chef located inside the mall for a little pick me up. 
Luckily for you there wasn't much of a line. Only a few people were scattered around the seating area at the food court. You were looking over the menu hanging on the wall when a familiar voice broke your train of thought.
You looked around at the sound of your name to see Steve looking back at you, just as surprised. 
“Hey,” you said. You took a moment to look over him. He looked just as awful as you did, if you were honest. The deep-set bags under his tired eyes aged him an eternity, and he looked a bit green as well. 
“You too, huh?” You bit back a grin as you gave him a short laugh through your nose.
“Yeah,” he admitted, “In hind sight I probably shouldn't have mixed liquors, but hey, there's nothing I can do about it now. Figured some fries might help.”
“They always do,” you said, “What are you doing here, anyways? Aren't you on your shift at Scoops?” You noticed he was still in his work uniform.
“Lunch break,” he explained, “I don't really have long, but we can grab a table if you want.”
“I'd like that,” you smiled.
Steve was a little surprised at his own forwardness. Apparently he was hungover enough to not overthink everything that came out of his mouth. However he was even even more surprised at you agreeing to sit down with him. He didn't know why his brain was making such a big deal out of this; you ate lunch with him every day and hung out together all the time, but then again that was also including a group of other people. You and Steve had never really spent time together when it was just the two of you, except for when you iced his busted face after the basketball stunt, which hardly counted as a first date. 
He felt uncharacteristically nervous as he slid into the booth next to you. A year ago he would have been pulling out all the stops to make you his, but now he just wasn't so sure anymore. He was never afraid of rejection before, but when he thought of you as the one rejecting him he figured it would be better to not say anything at all. 
'Get yourself together,' Steve thought to himself, 'It's just lunch with a friend. Friends do that!'
“Penny for your thoughts, Popeye?” you said, flicking the fabric of his sailor hat. 
“Huh?” Steve said, snapping out of it, “Oh, nothing, just, uh. . .” he quickly picked up a menu, hoping to cover the majority of his reddening face with it, “Looking at the XXL Supreme. 2Lb beef patty with bbq sauce, ranch, fried pickles, beer cheese and. . . yeah, that sounds pretty gross.”
“I'll probably stick to a regular burger,” you laughed, glancing at the menu over his shoulder. 
You were so close he could feel the heat coming off your body and smell the sweet scent of your perfume. He scolded himself for being so weak, forcing himself to concentrate only on the food. 
Right at that moment a waiter strolled up to you, writing pad in hand. 
“Hi. Welcome to Burger Chef,” he said, sounding just as dead inside as he looked, “How may I serve you today?”
“A double patty melt with cheddar,” Steve said, “And a coke, please.”
“I'm trying to decide between-” you stopped yourself as you looked up, staring at the waiter. You thought he looked familiar and it was then that you realized he was one of the guys that bullied your brother in middle school. Your eyes narrowed as you recalled how he and his friends cut the strings on Kyle's guitar when he brought it to school one day. 
You saw a flash of recognition in his eyes and your lips curved upwards.
“The classic burger, simple,” you said, the fakest smile you could muster on your face, “But on a sesame bun instead of the brioche, no mayo, extra mustard, add caramelized onions and extra cheese, and don't forget the pickles. If you could add shredded lettuce instead of the whole leaf that'd be great. Oh, and a Neapolitan shake with chocolate syrup and no whipped cream.”
“We don't have a Neapolitan shake,” he said irritably and slightly panicked, trying to write everything down. 
“Well I heard in your commercial if you just ask, an employee would be happy to mix any of the milkshake flavors together,” you said, your smirk widening. What could you say? Being a bitch was fun sometimes- especially when the person on the receiving end was a total dickhead. 
“Coming right up,” the waiter said through his teeth.
Steve looked between the two of you before the waiter stormed off to the kitchen window, slamming his hand down on the bell with more force than necessary.
“So, what'd he do?” Steve chuckled.
“Bullied my brother really bad in school,” you said, “What goes around comes around, though. In a few years Kyle will be off to LA to start touring with his band and this guy will still be here covered in fry grease wearing a burger shaped hat.”
“Well I hope that's not my fate,” Steve said, only half joking as he took his uniform hat off, twirling it in his hands. 
You could tell even though he tried to hide behind the humor it was something he really was concerned about. 
“Hey, don't worry about it,” you said, nudging his shoulder lightly, “You're not an asshole. . . anymore.”
You managed to get a laugh out of him at the end and you smiled, glad you were at least able to cheer him up some.
“Seriously, though, it's fine to not know what you want to do with your life yet,” you said, “Hell, I know grown ass men who still don't know what they're doing. You don't have to go to some fancy college to do something great.”
Steve looked at you, thinking over your words. He thought it was crazy how you were his age but you were so much more mature and optimistic than he was. The way you thought was unlike anyone he's met before in Hawkins, and it only further intensified his wanting to get to know you.
“Thanks, (Y/n),” he smiled.
Meanwhile, your little crew of gremlins had finished their film, now making their way to the food court for lunch.
“What do you think The Stuff tastes like?” Lucas asked to no one in particular.
“I bet it's like Betty Crocker frosting,” Dustin said dreamily.   
“Um can we not talk about how sentient parasitic goo tastes? Because we're literally about to go eat,” Max said.
Suddenly Dustin stopped in his tracks, making Will run into his back. 
“Dustin, what the hell?” Mike said, screeching to a halt before he could collide with Will. 
“No way,” Dustin said, staring far off some place the others couldn't see.
“What's wrong?” El asked, confused. 
Dustin pulled his friends behind the shrubbery next to the fountain, ducking in the cover as he peeked his head out slightly. 
“They're on a date!” Dustin said, a little too loudly. He ignored the stares he got from passersby as he continued to watch you and Steve laugh over your burgers in your shared booth.
“(Y/n) and Steve?” Mike said, “I thought he was still hung up over Nancy breaking up with him.”
“Well clearly the man's moved on,” Lucas said.
Max rolled her eyes, hitting him on the arm.
“Ow!” Lucas exclaimed, turning to her, “What was that for?”
“Just because a guy and a girl are hanging out doesn't mean it's a 'date',” she pointed out, “Maybe they're just good friends. I've seen them around each other a lot at school.”
“I think he finally worked up the courage to ask her out for real,” Dustin started theorizing, ignoring Max completely. 
“What do you mean for real?” Will asked.
“It's so obvious he's into her but he's scared of striking out,” Dustin said, “That whole Nancy situation really struck a blow to his self confidence.”
Mike tried to get a better look at what you two were doing, leaning over El's shoulder and squinting at the burger place. Suddenly his footing slipped from under him as he accidentally took a step on the wet tile near the fountain and fell on his ass into a bush. 
You and Steve stopped eating your burgers and turned around at the sudden noise, but saw nothing but a ruffle in the plants nearby. 
“That was weird,” you said, looking around. 
“Yeah,” Steve said, “Well, it's bear season, you never know when they'll sneak up on you.”
You laughed at that, the sound making Steve's heart flutter. He loved your laugh, even more so when he knew he was the cause of it. 
Suddenly Steve remembered his shift was probably starting, his lunch break was less than an hour long.
“Shit, I should've been back ten minutes ago,” Steve said, looking down at his watch, “My shift already started.”
“Oh, sorry,” you said, “I didn't mean for this to go on for so long.”
Steve looked surprised, shaking his head vigorously. 
“No, no, I liked it,” he said, not fully registering how the sentence sounded out loud until your cheeks flushed.
“I-I mean-”
“I get it,” you laughed softly, “I liked it too.”
Steve felt like his heart was just shot through with cupid's arrow as you smiled up at him and offered to walk him back to Scoops. He hadn't felt this way since Nancy. After she broke his heart he was convinced he would never get over her, but now you were here, occupying all the free space in his mind despite only knowing you for a short while. What the hell was going on with him?
His mental debate came to an unceremonious stop when he realized you were already in front of the ice cream shop.
Steve turned to you and did his best to sound indifferent. He had a really good time, but he didn't know if you felt the same way.
“Well, I better get back to it,” he said, clearing his throat awkwardly, “You know, suit up, sling ice cream, appease the masses-”
“We should do this again sometime,” you said, effectively flipping the 'off' switch on his rambling. 
Steve seemed to freeze in this plane of existence, staring at you with wide eyes.
“Yeah! I mean, that's what I was gonna ask you, but I didn't know if you wanted to, and. . .” he trailed off, kicking himself again.   
'When you talk you just make it worse,' he mentally scolded himself.
You laughed a bit at his flushed face.
'Adorable,' you thought. For being the former king of Hawkins High, he was still a giant dork.
“Well I'll definitely see you around this time, then,” you smiled, reminded of your first day back. Things were different between you two now, but that wasn't a bad thing at all.
You walked out of Scoops Ahoy feeling lighter, a smile on your face and your headache long forgotten. With your disastrous dating history, maybe Steve Harrington was the kind of guy who could be good for you right now.
The very thought made you feel giddy inside, but as you said yourself before, life had a funny way of changing your plans completely.
Read Chapter 5 here!
Taglist: @in-my-dreams-2000 @ggclarissa @iris1697 @5sosxgrethan @ohnoniella @sarcasticalphaofthelooserspack @aspiring-fangirls-world @wow-im-so-tired @hopesxxhigh @justanothercrazyassfangirl @too-many-lanes @whimsylavender @bish-ima-clown @amarachoren @mosiacbrokenheartstf @mcuvlxgs @xapham @metuel18 @immirandaq @nellaphine @multi-madison @gingertalksshit @jojo-buttercup @kyberhearts @mvdelaine @minnie-marvel @caitlin-rose28 @zandaleekrz @r3inventedd @void-fire-rose @macymafia @wanna-be-idle @newtsshelbys @kimmydespell @weyheyokay @r4ttusr4ttus @cynthianokamaria
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diinofayce · 6 years
Compound Interest (3/3)
@nowayitzaarya asked “Can u do a fanfic with Bucky and Reader meeting at the Tower and they start to hate each other but gradually fall in love? And Bucky proceeds to ask reader to go on a motorcycle ride with him in the city with lots of lights?” So I’m going to do this in two (maybe three) parts because I think that’s how much my brain needs for this.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader | Word Count: 3014 | Warnings: fluff. pure fucking fluff. 
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You woke the morning after your spar with Bucky confused on how you had gotten to your bed and how it seemed to suddenly be the next day. You turned and propped yourself up on your forearms, grunting in pain and plopping back down into your pillows. Letting out a frustrated huff of air you closed your eyes and slowly fought through the drug addled fog to replay yesterday memories. You lifted your arms over you and took a hard look at them, the purple and green splotches mottling your skin, small capillaries burst in angry red spiderwebs in some of the more condensed bruising around the point of impact. Groaning in exertion as you used your core muscles to sit yourself upright without the use of your arms, only having to kick your legs a little for momentum, you managed to get yourself upright and looking around your room. A bright burst of color on you bed side table caught your eyes and you smiled softly at the red, white, and blue daisies sitting in a cup of water next to your braces. There was a note under the flowers and you slid to the head of your bed so you could read it.
“If you need help getting the braces on have FRIDAY call me. I put your pain medication in your bathroom if you need it. I put your ‘Steve Flowers’ in water like you demanded, rude by the way, to name flowers a man got you after someone else.
X Bucky”
You read the note over twice more, brows furrowed, before looking back up at the flowers and frowning then looking at the little ‘x’ in his signature and frowning deeper. Well, they were red white and blue, you could understand how your drug addled brain would name them after Steve. What you couldn’t wrap your head around why Bucky brought you flowers in the first place, he had never felt bad about kicking you to next Sunday in the sparring ring before. You reached out and picked up a brace and slid it on, hissing in pain as the metal inserts pressed against your bruised flesh. You smiled softly at the note and would have to remember to thank Bucky when you saw him next. In the mean time it was all about not going crazy for two weeks while you were stuck in these braces.
You made your way into the kitchen, following the smells of brewed coffee and cooking bacon with rapt attention. Your heart stopped dead at the sight of Bucky in a black tank top and gray sweatpants hung low on his hips, his hair tied half up in a knot on the top of his head. He looked up at the sound of your footsteps and smiled softly, his blue eyes crinkling in the corners.
“Mornin’, doll. I made sure to leave you coffee,” Bucky greeted, nodding his head to the new coffee maker that he must have installed. “I also made sure that only the sugar was left out for you.”
You let out a sarcastic bark of laughter and rolled your eyes as you came back to your senses and walked passed him to the coffee counter. Struggling a little with your bracers you swore softly, almost dropping a mug. A sudden heat on your back made you freeze as the smell of Bucky’s cologne washed over you as he reached around you to pour the mug of coffee for you, adding in two tea spoons of sugar like you liked.
“Um, thanks,” you whispered softly as you grasped the mug with both hands. “And thanks for the flowers. They’re really pretty.” The warmth of his body left your back as he returned to the bacon on the stove, transferring it onto a plate and turning the heat down before cracking a few eggs into the bacon greased pan.
“Of course,” Bucky answered. He poked at the eggs gently with his spatula before casting you a sideways look. He noticed you peeking around him at the plate of bacon and he smirked, grabbing a piece and holding it out to you. You looked at him reproachfully for a second before opening your mouth and letting him set the slice of bacon on your tongue.
Bucky tried to keep a straight face and stayed focused on the eggs as you tried to eat your slice of bacon with a little bit of grace. The reminder that he was the reason you were temporarily handicapped ringing in the front of his mind. He still thought you were gorgeous, even fresh rolled out of bed. Your hair was tousled and tangled, obviously trying to brush had gone by the wayside and you were still in the oversized sleep shirt and pajama pants he had asked Nat to help you into last night. He hadn’t been surprised that you didn’t call for his assistance, but he was admittedly a little disappointed. Bucky wanted to help, to make up for him being such an ass.
“Hey, so. Um. Do you like music?” Bucky asked suddenly, feeling heat creep up the back of his neck and flush his ears with embarrassment.
You raised an eyebrow at him and set your coffee down so you could actually eat your slice of bacon like a normal person. “I mean. What kind of question is that? Yes, Bucky, I like music.”
“Good. Because, well, there’s this outdoor concert I wanted to check out tonight. Steve said he had things to do and I really don’t want to ask Sam. Clint’s deaf and I don’t think I’ve even gained clearance to Tony’s labs yet. So, um. Do you want to go with me?” Bucky asked very rushed.
You blinked at him a few times, replaying his ramble in your head once more trying to piece it out. “So you want me as a last resort date?” You asked slowly seeking clarification.
“No, I want Sam as a last resort date. I’m asking you to save me from that,” Bucky asked gaining a little bit of his swagger back at the lack of your immediate refusal.
You blinked again and licked your lips, trying to mask the confusion on your face but you could feel you were failing. “What about that Marie girl you’re seeing?” You ask, trying not to sound too obvious. You both didn’t want Bucky to know that you knew so much about his personal life, but also wanted him to think that you cared just enough.
Bucky shook his head, flipping the eggs over without breaking the yolks that were still runny in the middle. “Were seeing,” he corrected. “She liked the superhero part, but didn’t really care for the baggage that came with it.” He didn’t want to tell you the real reason. That every time he talked with Marie he wished he was talking with you instead.
You nod in understanding. “And that is why I don’t date civilians. Yeah, okay, I could do with a concert. Wouldn’t want to torture you with having to go with Sam.”
Bucky smiled happily and tipped the eggs onto two plates, setting one down in front of you. “I appreciate that. Show starts at eight.”
You got a text from Bucky at seven to meet him in the garage in fifteen minutes. You had been clumsily trying to curl your hair for the last hour, eventually giving up and pulling the braces off to do it since no one was there to yell at you about it. Your forearms were sore and tender so you took a couple of Advil in anticipation of being crammed against a bunch of bodies like all the other concerts you’ve been too. Sliding your bracers back on while wincing and letting out a soft hiss of pain, you finish by slipping on a pair of white Converses and checking in the mirror that you looked okay. Bucky didn’t tell you what concert he was taking you to so you opted for a pair of dark jeans, a dove gray tank top, and a red leather motorcycle jacket. You often saw Bucky in leather and thought going with the jacket might make you seem a little more appealing, plus the sleeves had zippers which let your braces fit easier.
Checking the time on your phone you bounded out of your room and down to the garage in the compound. You found Bucky in light blue jeans, a black shirt, and black motorcycle jacket leaning against his Harley Davidson. He was twirling a helmet in one hand while looking at something on his phone with his other. He looked up through his dark brown locks when he heard the door open and smiled when he saw you.
“I was just about to text you to bring a jacket,” He said and holding the helmet out for you. “I know you know how to ride, but since I broke you I was hoping you wouldn’t mind playing passenger. It’s way too nice out to take a car.”
You cast Bucky a playful smirk and took the helmet from him. “Okay, but if you’re going to force me to wreck my hair you’re going to have to do the same.”
Bucky groaned and jutted his bottom lip out slightly, but when you raised your eyebrows he let out a huff and grabbed Steve’s helmet from his bike next to them and put it on. Swinging his leg over the side of the bike, you bit your bottom lip at how his jeans tightened around his thick thighs and tried not to groan in appreciation at his ass as he pushed the bike backwards so you could hop on behind him. Tying your hair back loosely you slid the helmet on and hopped on behind Bucky, your hands resting on his shoulders to help you get situated before ghosting down his broad back to rest on his hips. Bucky pushed a button on the side of his helmet and you copied.
“You good back there?” Bucky asked, his voice coming from a small speaker in your helmet.
“All set,” you said, wiggling slightly in excitement. You heard Bucky’s chuckle in your ear as your movements forced him to replant his feet on the ground to steady the both of you.
He kicked the bike to life and revved it a few times to let it warm up before accelerating you both forward into the late evening. You always loved the compound grounds, the long road that twisted through the trees just out of the city bounds. Your favourite part was always when the tree line broke and suddenly you were on the bridge back into New York city proper, when the soft wilderness gave way to the concrete jungle of city lights. As Bucky opened the bike up on the clear road you hugged yourself tighter to his back, resting your chin as best as you could on his shoulder. The mixed sensations of the vibrating bike against your core and the heat of Bucky’s back pressed into your chest were making you light headed and you tried to focus on the lights of the city. The sun was lost behind all the buildings and the street lamps were all lit up, apartment lights glowed as people settled in for family dinners, and lights lit up the marquee business fronts.
Bucky took a sharp left that had you gripping him a little tighter. “Sorry, almost missed the turn,” Bucky said and you softly clunked your helmet into his in acknowledgment, forgetting in your rapture of the experience that you could talk to him and he’d hear you just fine. You loved driving your own bike, you had done it so often that you forgot what it felt like to not have to focus on the road and other cars around you and just enjoy the experience of the wind rushing past you.
The two of you zipped back out the other side of the city, Bucky wound the bike up and then let her go, winding through the cars with acute precision. You squealed in delight at the acceleration and straightened up a little to look back behind you.
“Where is the concert?” You ask, not sure where he was driving you.
“We’ll be there shortly,” Bucky responded and turned onto a side road. The trees were back, but you could still see the reflection of the city lights on the back of Bucky’s helmet. The road went up a hill and Bucky pulled off to the side, carefully and slowly driving through the grass and trees. You sat back away from him, the slight chill of the night making you shiver as you look around more. You could hear music over the rumble of the bike but it still seemed a ways off.
Bucky slowed to a stop and put his feet on the ground, turning the bike off and holding steady so you could disembark. Bucky got off the bike and pulled his helmet off, taking yours from you as well and hanging them on the handlebars. Opening the side box he pulled out a blanket and a six pack of beer and led you over to the crest of the hill. Looking down you could see a stage and swarms of people, the music just loud enough to be heard but not obnoxious. Bucky laid the blanket out of the grass and sat down, patting the spot next to him. You sat down and he handed you an opened beer.
“So I can see why you didn’t want to bring Sam,” you laugh and take a sip of your beer.
Bucky looked at you, the city lights behind the two of you illuminating his face. “Yeah, well, a guy like Sam you need to wine and dine. This is a little too rustic for a guy like him.” Bucky laughed jovially.
You tilted your head to the side and really took him in. You never denied that Bucky was handsome, but his tendency to give you such a hard time overlapped any desire you had for him. But the last couple days, he’d shown you a whole different side of himself. You couldn’t remember ever seeing Bucky without the harsh lines creasing his forehead and the dark bags under his eyes, but now sitting here in the late evening surrounded by the soft rock music from below the hill and covered in the glow from the city in the background he seemed so happy and at peace.
Your face broke out in a wide grin and you chuckled softly before turning your attention to the band below. “They’re pretty good,” you comment absently, taking another drink of your beer.
Bucky hummed in agreement, his eyes never leaving your face. He watched as the wind lifted your hair up around your face and flutter around your shoulders, accentuating the long curve from your jaw to your neck to the swell of your breasts pushed up under your tank top. He tore his eyes away from the small goosebumps that were smattered across them and back up to your face. The slope of your nose to the curve of your lips to the soft lilt of your chin. Everything about you was soft and curved and perfect and he couldn’t remember what about you had made him so irritated for so long.
You must have felt him staring and when you turned to lock your eyes with his he felt his heart stop. Oh yeah, that’s what annoyed him so much. The way he felt like you could see through all his walls, the way you made it obvious that all of his bravado and falsehoods were the act they were. It took the breath from his lungs and made him feel light headed. You looked at him and smiled brightly and it made his chest constrict again.
“You okay, Bucky?” you ask with a giggle. “You’re freaking me out, starin’ like that.”
“You’re beautiful, Y/N,” Bucky responded, his voice barely a whisper. But you heard and it made you pause, a soft blush caressing your cheeks.
“Yeah?” you ask with trepidation.
Bucky’s tongue flicks out to wet his lips. “Yeah,” he reassured reaching out and wrapping his flesh hand around the back of your neck before pulling your mouth to his. He kissed you hard and with a frantic desperation that made you squeak, your hand flew up to the arm that was holding onto your head and squeezed it gently. Bucky pulled back quickly, sensing your surprise and confusion.
“I’m sorry,” Bucky huffed out quickly, he retracted his arm but you caught his hand entwining your fingers with his.
“I’m confused,” you admitted. “But not upset.” Your lips were still tingling from his, you flicked your tongue out over them to taste what remained of him on your skin, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth as you looked at him with hopes for an explanation.
Bucky opened and closed his mouth a few times before focusing on your linked hands, bringing his vibranium fingers over to lightly trace at your knuckles. Your hand was so little in his and yet it fit so perfectly that he couldn’t imagine a time where he wasn’t holding your hand.
“Okay, yeah,” Bucky started unsure how to explain everything he was feeling. He thought back to Natasha’s commentary in the training room and decided to go with that. “So, you know how…like kids…on the playground pick on each other because they like each other?”
You raised an eyebrow and blinked at him slowly. “James Barnes, are you telling me you’ve been pulling my hair because you like me?” you teased gently.
“Subconsciously?” Bucky said it more like a question, wincing slightly.
You threw your head back with laughter and reached out with your free hand to gently stroke the scruff along Bucky’s jaw. “You’re an idiot,” you whisper, pulling him into you and capturing his mouth with yours.
The two of you spent the rest of the evening making out slowly, exchanging giggles and whispers against the background of music and city lights.
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blurryhoney · 6 years
Take A Chance ( Steve Harrington x Reader)
Summary: The group tries to convince Steve to ask the Reader out on a date.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Settings: Hawkins High School, The Wheeler Home, Readers House.
Request: hey I was just wondering if I could request an imagine in which the party tries to convince Steve into asking the reader out thank u and keep up the good work 💗💖💖
Warnings: Cursing
Author: Joy
Note: This story was written by my lovely younger sister who will be making appearances on this page with her writing! I hope you guys enjoy this entire story was written by her I just gave her the request because I knew she would have a perfect idea for it, enjoy! NO GIFS USED THROUGHOUT THE STORY ARE MINE.
Requests are open! Don’t be shy to message me or ask anonymously. :)
Word Count: 3317
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I walk into school with thoughts of y/n in my mind. I just.. Can’t stop thinking of her. Her amazing personality, friendship with the kids… plus her cute face is a nice bonus. I’ve been wanting to ask her out for a few days but.. Fuck, i’m too nervous. What if she rejects me..? Or worse, calls me ‘buddy’. I can’t help but sigh out loud as I think to myself, i’ve never had this much of an intense crush. I mean… Nancy… yeah… but, y/n is different. I’ve known her for a while now, and I’ve been crushing on her for a while too. I can’t stop thinking about her, she’s all that has mattered to me recently. Suddenly I feel a hand grasp onto my shoulder and hug me from behind.
“Wha-!” I turn around quickly and see the smiling face of… her. y/n, as beautiful as ever. My heart felt like it was going to burst every time that I saw her. Her eyes seemed to shine, her hair fell perfectly, and… god that smile of hers.
“Sorry for scaring you, Steve. How are you?” she said happily with a happy smirk on her face.
“I was doing alright, but now i’m feeling..” I bring my hand up to my chin and act as if i’m thinking intensely. I hold up a few fingers, “three times better, thanks to you showing up”
She widens her eyes slightly, “Aw! I didn’t know a walking can of hair gel could be so sweet!”
“I’m just kidding~! That was super.. Super sweet, Steve” she says joyfully, I see her cheeks swell up with a light pink.
My heart is going to erupt. That’s the first… first… ANYTHING i’d ever said to her that didn’t come out completely awful. I feel myself start to sweat, and quickly wipe my forehead. I turn around quickly, “Aha! Well- y/n we better get going, right?”
“Oh- oh God, yeah, I didn’t see the time”
“Pfft. Alright, let’s go” I say as calmly as I can. I.. I’ve made my decision.. I’m going to ask her out tomorrow after school! I just have to before some undeserving hound-dog of a boy asks her out. I can do this!
I walk out of school, the thought of y/n still clinging onto my thoughts. I look around the sea of students leaving to see if I can find her. I quickly find Dustin and y/n chatting it up near the parking lot. Mike, Will, Lucas, and Max behind him. I smile when I see y/n, and start jogging over to them. They all quickly turn to me, Dustin giving me a weird.. Glare?
“Hey, you guys” I say as I step up to them, smiling even bigger as I see y/n’s face. y/n blushes and turns to Dustin,
“Ok, Dusty, I’ve gotta go now~” she says waving her hand a little bit, she looks to me for a split second, “Sorry Steve, we can talk tomorrow!” she quickly runs of not saying another word.
Wha..? What was that about… Did I do something wrong earlier? I look over to Dustin whose glare hasn’t failed to weaken. “Hey bud..?” I say quietly. He steps closer to me and pats my arm gently,
“Hey.. pal’ he says smiling
“Uh..? What’s up with the smile?”
Max chimes in with a smug smirk on her face,
“y/n told us about how you’ve been acting lately! Do you have like a crush on her or something?” she steps closer “She said you’ve been acting kinda off! And she told us what you said earlier this morning! Gosh- she said it so calmly too! Like she doesn’t see what that means~” Mike pats her shoulder
“Max, calm down on lover boy” he says quietly.
I feel my heart stop. Have I SERIOUSLY been acting that obvious lately? I open my mouth to defend myself but Dustin speaks up before I can,
“Steve.. How about you come with us back to Mike’s house. We were going to play some games. But I think we have something else to do now” I look behind his shoulder and see the other three chattering with excitement behind him, I sigh and nod. It’s not like I can just not go with them. Knowing the four, one of them would probably blab to y/n about my feelings by tomorrow afternoon if I don’t oblige.
“Ok-ok but, you can’t tell y/n. I can’t let her know yet---” Dustin hushes me and purses his lips.
“Shh.. I know you’ve got a mega boner for y/n”
“A MEGA HEART BONER” lucas says loudly. I see some weird stares come from some ongoing students, I step closer to them.
“Okokok- shut up, you guys” I say with panic in my voice. “Let’s just go” I see all their eyes light up, and they all begin simultaneously giggling. I sigh yet again, and start stomping over to my car.
“Wait!” Mike yells out to me, I turn around and stare at them like they’re insane.
“What about our bikes!” he said with an annoyed tone in his voice
I stop for a second, looking at my car then back to the four bikes.
“Grab my rope from the trunk”
“Why the hell do you have rope, Steve” Dustin asks
“To tie things to the roof”
I park the car in front of Mike's house, “Alright, we’re here” I grumble as I hop out of the car. They all jump out almost immediately, and they all start heading towards the house. Dustin stops and turns to me and looks at the car. There are three bikes being held onto the roof of the car by two ropes. Barely.
“Are the bikes gonna be alright?”
“Yeah. Mike’s is in the trunk. We can come back out and get them later.. I guess”
Dustin shrugs and guides me into the house. We’re greeted by Karen, AKA Mike’s mom, who’s starting dinner. She smiles at the kids and greets then and turns her head at me.
“Steven? What are you doing here?” she says tilting her head to the side.
I chuckle nervously, slowly following the kids. “Ha.. Just dropping off the group.. Lucas’ bike was actin’ wonky so they asked me to just pick ‘em up.” I give her a cheesy grin. “So now i’m just gonna hang out with them for a bit because they invited me to play dungeons and dragons!” She narrows her eyes at me.
“Oh..?” she looks out to my car and stares at the bikes that are being held onto the roof.
“O..kay” she nods “Oh- and Hopper dropped off Jane a little bit ago.”
“We still call her Eleven” Mike mumbles to himself as he starts going down the stairs into the basement.
I start following Mike down to the basement. They all start chatting away as I sit down uncomfortably in the corner. I see them greet Eleven, she’s just hanging out in the corner alone. Suddenly, she looks over to me and then over to Mike.
“Why is he here..?” she says quietly to the group.
“MEGA BONER” Will half yells, a playful punch quickly coming from Lucas.
“Steve-man here, has a crush on y/n!” Mike says proudly, as he delivers the ‘exciting’ news to her. Elevens eyes widen as she looks over to me quickly,
“Lucas explained to me what ‘Crushes’ are, once.” she says looking over to Lucas and Max. “Lucas your crush is M-” Lucas hushes her almost instantly and looks towards me.
“Yeah! Steve has a crush on y/n” he says, changing the subject. All of them except for Dustin start cackling quietly at the words.
“Come on guys, stop! We need to talk business” Dustin says silencing them.
“Yes, Steven. Business” Dustin whispers as he steps towards me. He motions for the others to come sit down and they do. Dustin clears her throat,
“So you gonna ask her out?” Max says leaning into the table, staring me dead in the eyes. I feel myself start to sweat waterfalls. Hell. I clear my throat in a panic and put my elbow onto the table.
“What do you mean no?” Will asks leaning into the table, as Max did a few moments ago.
“I mean- I.. I just don’t know?” I say pathetically as I slump back into my chair. “I wanna but.. I don’t know if i’m going to.. I just have so much to th-”
“Stop with this bullshit, Steve” Dustin says, the others quickly turning to him.
“Bullshit” I hear Eleven whisper under her breath.
“You know you like y/n. You know you want y/n. You gonna GET y/n” Dustin runs his hand through his hair and sighs dramatically. “Ask. her. Out” he says tapping his finger onto the table with every word. The others all nod in agreement and shoot daggers over to me after a few moments.
“Come on! She’s so awesome!” Max shouts, nearly jumping out of her chair. “She’s super cool! And so are you! She can settle for a guy like you! Hell- she’s out of your league, even!” Dustin nudges her shoulder, silencing her.
“Nice way to give him that confidence, Max” he mutters, she sits down and sulks silently. Will leans forward and attention is guided to him.
“I agree with Dustin. If you want her, you’ve gotta go after her, Steve” his eyes are lit with ambition, a look I haven’t seen from him in a while. “You don’t have much time, anyways”
“What do you mean.. time?” I ask
“I mean. Isn’t y/n one of the most praised girls at the high school? Pretty, smart, good personality, AND gets along with us? Like.. a total-”
“BABE” I nearly shout
“Steve. Shut up.” Dustin huffs as he looks back over to Will.
“... a total catch.” he finishes. The whole group lets out a series of ‘Oh’s as he concludes.
My mind has ten million thoughts crashing around, and they’re all screaming at me. I know I have a crush on y/n, I don’t need a group of middle schoolers telling me to act on it. I will… once i’m mentally prepared.
“Steve- if it helps you ask her out quicker…” lucas leans closer into the table, and whispers. “I saw a few guys checking out y/n as she left.” An exaggerated gasp comes from Dustin almost immediately after.
“STEVE. Did you hear that?” Dustin yells, slamming his hand onto the table. “Other men were checking out y/n!” he sits back into his chair and looks at the others like they’re insane for not reacting the same way. “Steve- you HAVE to ask her out tonight” he proposes, surprising me and the others with his the idea.
“Dustin- maybe tonight is too soon?” Mike says leaning closer to Dustin, Dustin rolls his eyes in response.
“No. The ladies LOVE romantic and out-of-the-blue gestures, Mike”
“I’m not sure if that’s always true, love-expert-Dustin” Max says with a smug expression.
“Pfsh.. Listen. I have a game plan..” Dustin stands up and looks at each of us for a moment, “Mike has an old boombox. We have some good ol’ you know.. ‘Foreigner’.. To romance her” he says while motioning towards a boombox that's sitting in the corner with a bunch of crap thrown around it. Wait.. Wait a minute..
“Wait a minute Dustin- What says I want to do this? And- and a boombox? Foreigner?” I sigh with an annoyed tone in my voice, “I guess it is a good song..”
“Yes, Steven, It is a good song” he starts walking over to the boombox, “Your gonna show her what love is” he mumbles under his breath. He picks it up and stomps back over to the table, nearly slamming it onto the table. “Even if you don’t wanna go through with this plan, you’re gonna” he sits down again. “Just play the song, get into her house through the window, then..”
“Then?” Eleven asks as Dustin’s plan seems to crumble
“THEN.. you tell her.. ‘y/n.. Can you show me what love is?’.. She’ll be yours”
The whole group seems to gag in sync. Dustin groans, “Fine, fine. Then.. you just.. Do whatever seems right?” he grumbles. They all nod and then look over to me, as if they want my criticism.
“Uh.. ok.. Ok..ok..okok..”  I say anxiously, “But i’m only doing this because I know for a fact if I don’t you’re all gonna go running to y/n’s house and blab about it” they all seem to light up at my words.
“Ok! Let’s all get going the-” Dustin starts but I quickly stand up and grab the boombox
“No, Dustin. I never said you could come. This is my moment, alright?” I say sternly, looking Dustin in the eyes. He sighs with a hint of disappointment within it, and nods. They all start whispering to one another and I stand up shakily to go confess to.. Her. Just the thought of asking her makes my heart skip a beat, not only because of the thought of her accepting. Because i’m also so damn worried she’ll reject me.. That she’ll feel awkward around me if she rejects me. I hear the kids yelling shouts of encouragement as I leave. I wave goodbye to Karen, and walked out to my car. Shit the bikes. I take about ten minutes to get the bikes off and out of my car, leaving them at Mike’s door.
I stomp back over to my car, grabbing the boombox off of the roof of the car, and speed off to see y/n. My heart is racing miles per minute, and I feel my head fill with excitement and unease as I get closer. I pull into her neighborhood and stop a few houses down from y/n’s. I grab the boombox and run to her house, sneaking around the back. I set the boombox down into the wet grass and look up to her rooms window. The light is on.. I take a deep breath and look down to the boombox. I pick it up gently… and toss it a few feet away. I don’t need foreigner to intrigue y/n. I look around and see a small pile of pebbles near the back door.. Perfect. I go and pick a few up, and glance back over to her bedroom door. It isn’t that high up… I think? I toss a pebble up to her window and wait to see if she heard it, and she doesn’t. I toss a few more, and I finally see a shadow appear at the window. Shit. Should I REALLY have done this tonight..? God..
“Steven~?” She says in a surprised tone as she looks down to me. “What are you doing here..? It’s like.. Nine now” she looks around me and tilts her head as she makes eye contact again. I take another deep breath and take a step forward,
“y/n.. I really need to talk with you. Now” I say as confidently as I can possibly manage. She gives me a concerned look and nods a few moments later.
“Okay.. we can talk but.. I don’t have any rope or anything. I don’t even know if we own a ladder..” She leans out of the window and looks towards the back door. “Oh! You can sneak through the back door. The stairs are right next to-” I immediately begin striding towards the door, I’m determined to tell her how I feel. It didn’t hit me as intensely as it did now but… she really is something amazing. I just can’t wait and expect for other guys to not ask her out, and I know that eventually she’d accept one of them. I can’t let that happen; I can’t let this opportunity slip out of my fingers. I open the door, surprised its unlocked, and step in quietly. I sneakily step towards the stairs… and begin sprinting up them as silently as I can. I reach the top and head towards the door at the end of the hall as quickly and hushed as I could. I quickly open the door and close it softly behind me, y/n walks over to me with a puzzled expression plastered onto her face.
“Steve- can you please explain to me now why you had to be here so.. Unexpectedly?” she says with deep concern within her words. I take a deep look into her eyes, and walk over to her bed to sit down. She follows me and sits beside me, never taking her eyes away from my gaze.
“y/n.. I.. i’ve really been wanting to talk to you about this for months now.. And- well.. A group of munchkins gave me the courage to talk to you about this earlier..” I gently take her hand and hold it softly. “y/n.. You’ve helped me learn so much over the past months we’ve known each other. You’re kind.. Brave.. Smart.. Creative.. And so much more. And I just.. Feel like you should know something”
She stares at me silently for a moment, before gasping and gripping my hand tightly,
“Steve- are you dying?!” she says with anxiousness swelling in her voice and gleaming eyes. Wha.. what?  I tilt my head and raise one of my eyebrows,
“y/n, i’m not dying. I.. I think I love you” her eyes widen and she loosens her grip on my hand.
“y/n. I love you, so much. I need you to know that, and I need you to know that now. Tonight, so that even if you don’t return the feelings i’ll know that I at least told you” I lean closer to her, and grab onto her hand with a slight grip. “I wanted to ask you.. If-” I feel myself choke for a moment. I want her to be mine so badly, I want her to return these feelings and to let me protect her. I gulp down my nerves, “I wanted to ask you if you’d be okay with going on a date with me..?” I see her expression relax and her shoulders slump down, she gives me a warm smile.
“My walking hair gel..” she chuckles and rolls her eyes playfully, “I mean- Steve.. Of course I’d go on a date with you”
I feel my heart skip a solid 3 beats. I smile brightly and grasp onto her hand tighter, “Really?” I ask, with disbelief. She laughs and nods, God, that beautiful laugh.
“Yes, Steve. I’d love to.. I actually can’t believe you’d ask me..” she says, blushing an intense shade of pink. I smile and practically feel the joy oozing out of me, I lean closer to her and bring her hand up to my chest.
“y/n.. Can.. can I kiss you..?” I brush loose strands of hair away from her eyes. She smiles and nods a small nod. I lean closer to her and kiss her gently. Her face is warm and I feel my heart burst at the seam with pure joy. She leans away after a moment and smiles warmly,
“y/n.. I love you”
“I love you too, Steve. So… does that mean you’ll buy my popcorn if we go to a movie as a date?”
“What?” I raise my eyebrow and smirk, “is that all this is to you? You only want my popcorn money?” I say acting as if i’m offended.
“Pffft! No~ Steve I was kidding stop~”
I chuckle and kiss her forehead, “I know.. y/n… I love you”
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Constructive  criticism is appreciated! Let us know what you think! :) xx  
Tag List: @devintagekids @beautifulbri26 @jems8241 @suzumebailey
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ugh-supersoldiers · 7 years
Birthday Girl
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Anonymous said: 
Hey hey hey do ya think you can do a bucky x reader where it's the readers birthday and Bucky spoils and pampers her and takes her to Coney Island for the day and it's super fluffy and shit and maybe leads to some smut at the end ;-)) thank u!!
Characters: Bucky x reader
Summary: Birthdays aren’t something you enjoy, but when your most adored super soldier makes a point of celebrating with you for the day, you just might learn to change your mind.
Warnings: Fluffiest of fluffs, no smut (I’m not exactly 100% comfortable writing that stuff regularly yet sorry nonnie), bad editing
Words: 3173
A/N: Fluffy Bucky is the best Bucky. I apologize for my inactivity and to anyone who has requested something but not gotten a fic. Uni is killing me, but I haven’t forgotten about you, I promise. 
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You never liked Birthdays, they’d always seemed so trivial to you. The idea that everyone felt as though they needed to be nice to you and shower you in gifts on one oh so special day of the year made you feel strange. It felt fake, completely disingenuous, and you made it your mission every year to hide your birthday. This year was, of course, no different.
“Morning.” Steve nodded at you as you made your way into the common area of the Avengers compound.
You smiled, offering a good morning in return, and moved towards the coffee pot that he’d just brewed, sighing contently at the sight of it still half full.
An unintentional birthday gift, you thought as you poured the piping hot liquid into your mug, the best kind.
“Sleep well?” He asked you with a tired smile.
“I did, actually.” You said, taking a sip of your coffee, “What about you, Stevie?”
He laughed at the name, “No better than normal.” He shrugged.
“Well, I suppose it could definitely be worse.”
The same sleepy smile returned to his lips, and you knew that signaled the end of your brief morning conversation. Steve retreated back into the recesses of the compound, going God knows where to do God knows what, and leaving you to your own devices in the common room.
You sat at the bar stool near the island, enjoying the sunlight pouring into the windows around you as it hit your skin. A delicious warmth spread through you as another sigh came from your mouth.
“Well, good morning.” A voice came from behind you.
That was a voice you would recognize anywhere, because that was the voice of Bucky Barnes. It was no secret that you were utterly enamored with him, at least you were fairly certain it wasn’t. You and him had become fast friends, and your feelings never got the memo to stop growing.
“Morning, Buck.” You smiled as you swiveled around on the stool to face him, your back resting on the island counter.
His hair was messy, waves sticking out, torso graced with a red sweater, a pair of flannel pyjama bottoms on his lower half. All you wanted to do was snuggle up next to him and waste the morning away.
“Y’know,” He began as he strode over to you, “A little birdie told me that it just might be my best girl’s birthday today.”
Your face heated up, partially flustered by his use of ‘best girl’ and partially because he’d somehow figured out that it was your birthday even though you’d done almost everything to ensure no one knew.
“H-how did you-?”
“You’ve got a big mouth when you’re drunk.”
Your hand instantly went to slap against your forehead. Of course you’d told him when you were drunk, how else would it have slipped. Tony’s parties were never kind to you.
“Shit.” You mumbled, “Please don’t tell anyone else, okay?”
He seemed taken aback, “I won’t, I know how much you hate birthdays.”
“Thank you.” You said, letting a breath of air pass your lips in relief.
“I won’t... On the grounds that you let me treat you to a day out today.” He said quickly.
“Bucky.” You whined.
“Look, doll, you’ve got two options,” He smirked, “You either come out with me today and let me make this the most adventurous birthday you’ve ever had, or you say no and I tell the entire team that it’s your special day and you deal with them planning some ridiculously extravagant night for you.”
You scowled up at him harder than you thought possible as he walked over to you, now standing in front of your body. He reached forward and caged you in his arms, his hands resting on either side of you on the countertop behind your back.
“What’s it gonna be?”
You sighed, “First one.”
The smile on his face was enough to make your knees weeks.
“Go get dressed, be ready in 15 minutes.” He turned on his heels and ventured back up the stairs from which he must come from.
“That’s barely even enough time to finish my coffee!” You protested.
“I’ll buy you a new one on our way.”
“On our way to where?!”
“You’ll see!”
With the slam of his door, he was gone. You groaned rather loudly, but hoisted yourself off of the stool anyways, gripping your mug perhaps a little too tight as you made your way into your room again.
You set the mug on your desk and ran your fingers through your hair to tame the morning mess that resided there. With a deep breath, you turned towards your closet, clutched the handle and thrust it open, ready to search for an outfit to wear.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t looking for something to impress Bucky with, it was going to be just the two of you - assuming he kept his word about not telling the team - so this was about as close to a ‘date’ as you figured you’d ever get with him. You hummed along quietly to a tune you couldn’t quite remember the name of as you sifted through your various skirts and dresses and tops, looking for the right combination that might spark something in your favourite super soldier.
You settle for a red knitted sweater, leggings, and blundstones. Red was Bucky’s favourite colour, after all.
Once you’d applied a little makeup and run a proper brush through your hair, you decided you looked as good as you were ever going to given the small time frame Bucky gave you, so you threw on a beige jacket and made your way back into the common room.
He was already waiting for you, his back turned so he was facing the large window that overlooked the lake.
Clad in a peacoat and scarf with hair fastened in a low bun, Bucky Barnes looked like a prince straight out of a fairytale, even from behind. You had to hold yourself back from wrapping yours arms around him from behind and snuggling into him.
“Ready?” You asked, perhaps a little to chipper.
He turned around to face you, a smile on his lips the moment his eyes landed on you, “You look beautiful.”
Although it didn’t answer your question, you couldn’t complain in the slightest. Bucky had always been affectionate with you, calling you sweet or cute - small things like that. But beautiful? Now that was a step up from the norm.
The crimson colour that painted its way onto your cheeks must’ve been enough of a response for him, because he only laughed, strode over to you and swung his arm over your shoulder so you were nestled into his side.
“C’mon, we got a whole day to get through.”
“Are you gonna tell me where the heck we’re going?” You laughed as he lead you out the door of the compound.
“Not if you keep asking.” He said with a smirk.
“Well how am I supposed to get an answer if I don’t ask?”
“You won’t.”
“Bucky Barnes, you’re an ass.”
He merely laughed at your words, and continued leading you down the path of the compound in the brisk air until you reached one of Tony’s many expensive cars.
“Think he’ll notice if it’s gone for a day?” Bucky mused.
“This is a horrible idea.”
“I seem to be full of those.” He laughed, pulling out the keys from his pocket, clearly having planned this out more than he was leading on, “Hop in.”
A small giggle escaped from your mouth, one of pure delight at the idea of hijacking Tony’s car for the day.
Still with Bucky’s arm around you, he lead you to the passenger’s side and opened the door for you. A blush decorated your face at his gesture, as you ever so quietly thanked him.
Once you were sitting in the seat, he closed your door and raced over to the driver’s side, getting in and starting the car.
The roar of the engine was soft and smooth, and you nearly purred at the feeling of the seat heater that turned on the moment the ignition was turned.
“First order of business,” He said when you’d cleared the gates of the compound, “Let’s get you another coffee.”
You hummed happily and smiled brightly at him, “Thank you.”
“Well, it’s your birthday after all.”
Instantly, your heart sunk a little bit in your chest. He was right, it was your birthday, that’s why he was doing it, not because there was anything more between the two of you.
Bucky was a sweetheart, and you appreciated everything that he was doing for you today, but you wanted there to be more behind his motivation aside from the fact that it was just your birthday. He’d become a victim of the very reason why you hated your birthday in the first place.
Bucky was quick to stop and get you another coffee, ordering himself one in the process too. The drive was short, the scenery out of your window not even holding a candle to the man sitting next to you.
There was something undeniably beautiful about Bucky Barnes, and you were never exactly sure what it was. Sometimes you would swear it was his voice, and how raspy and perfect it was in the mornings. Other days you’d be certain it was his laugh, the way his nose would crinkle up. Today you’d bet it was his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes that never failed to captivate you. Even when he was driving and you were limited to what you could see, every now and again there would be a flash of light through the windshield that would catch them perfectly, and your heart would melt at the view of them.
“I like your eyes.”
You were only aware that you were saying that a moment after it had left your mouth. Bucky momentarily tore his eyes away from the road to glance at you, a boyish grin on his lips.
“Thanks, (Y/N/N).”
You were certain you were the same shade as your shirt by this point, feeling the heat rise up on your cheeks like steam rising to the ceiling.
“Tell me a story.” You said, trying to get the topic to change as soon as humanly possible.
“‘Bout what?” Bucky asked.
“I wanna hear something from when you were younger.”
“You always do.” He laughed.
It was true, you were fascinated with Bucky’s life before the war, even if it meant enduring stories about him with other girls, which you shamefully would have to admit made you jealous.
There were many nights that the two of you would spend just talking the hours away with story after story after story. He captivated you every time.
“Just one more?” You pleaded.
“You seem to say that every time too, dollface.”
A pout registered on your face, exaggerated and completely ridiculous looking. It as just outlandish enough to catch his eye, and enough to make him laugh.
“Alright alright,” He said, “This one time, when Steve and I were maybe about 11...”
The drive went by quicker with Bucky’s story. You sat listening intently for its duration until he finished, and instructed you to close your eyes.
“Is the suspense not enough?” You giggled, setting your now empty coffee cup in the cup holder and putting your hands over your eyes.
“It’s supposed to be a surprise.”
You hummed a tune as you listened to the paved road change to gravel under the tires of the expensive car. You tried to hone in on any other clues, but couldn’t pick up on anything other than that.
The car slowed down, and eventually stopped.
“Keep em closed.” He said, before his car door opened and a flood of noise came into your ears.
Voices, children laughing, bells ringing, shouting of joy. You inhaled deeply the scent of cotton candy and fresh pretzels.
A carnival?
Your side of the car opened, and you felt a metal hand grasp your arm, leading you out of your seat.
Bucky lead you for a few steps, the echo of the door shutting long behind you before he finally stopped and let you go.
“Okay, open.”
You removed your hands from your face excitedly, allowing sunlight to filter in through your lashes. 
A ferris wheel stood tall in front of you, you craned your neck upwards to see its top. To your right, a rollercoaster and a bunch of different games to play. To your left, a sign that read ‘Coney Island’. 
You gasped, you’d heard so much about this place from Bucky before, it felt so foreign but so familiar all at once.
You turned to Bucky, a huge grin on your face. 
Sheepishly, he scratched the back of his neck.
“Figured you’d want the chance to see it for yourself instead of hearin’ me blab on about it.” He laughed quietly, his eyes cast down to the floor.
You ran to him and wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, “Thank you,” You whispered, “This is wonderful, Bucky, thank you.”
His arms were secured around your waist firmly, his chin resting on top of your head. You giggled happily before taking him by the hand and leading him immediately to the first game you saw.
And that was how you spent your birthday; laughing your head off and playing games and going on rides with arguably your favourite person on the entire planet. 
By the time night fell, you were walking on the LED lit pathway with Bucky, finishing off the last bit of the sweetest cotton candy you’d ever eaten. Passing a nearby trash can, you threw out the stick that had previously held up the sticky sweet pink fluff, and went to go shove your hand in your pocket, but something stopped you.
Bucky’s flesh hand quickly grabbed yours, interlocking each finger within his own firmly. Without making eye contact, he smirked.
“I’d hate for you to get lost.”
You bit your lip to suppress the giddy laughter that threatened to embarrass the living daylights out of you. There was absolutely no danger of you getting lost, and even if there were you’d be able to hold your own just fine. This meant Bucky just needed an excuse.
“Whatever you say, Buck.”
When your eyes landed on the single thing you hadn’t yet experienced at Coney Island, you knew exactly how you were going to end your day.
“Think we’ll get stuck at the top?” Bucky asked, eyeing the Ferris wheel that you approached with excited steps.
“I hope so.”
Bucky looked down at you, but your eyes were glued to the wheel ahead of you. The joy on your face warmed his heart, and he knew he could never admit to you how badly he wanted to tilt your chin up and kiss you right there. But he knew he couldn’t, not yet.
The line was long, and it discouraged you the moment you saw it, but Bucky lead you past it and behind the wheel instead.
“What are you-”
“Ah, Mr. Barnes.” A voice said.
You looked around until you saw the man from which the voice originated from. He was older, graying at the top, clad in a simple shirt and jeans. He must work here, you thought.
“Right this way,” He said, gesturing up the small staircase that lead to the carts from the otherside, “Alright folks outta the way, we got a special occasion on our hands.”
There were some protests, but for the most part everyone in the line was more focused on their own conversations then the line cutting that was happening in front of their very noses. 
“What did you do?” You whispered to Bucky, who had a mischievous grin cast upon his brow.
He lead you into the cart, made sure you were seated comfortably before he took his seat next to you, his arm resting along the back of the cart behind you.
The man shut the door firmly and quickly winked at Bucky before the wheel began to move. You dared to move further into Bucky’s warmth, nestling yourself under his shoulder and sighing happily as you looked at the beautiful city during the fall of night.
“It’s beautiful up here.” You whispered.
“I’m happy you like it.” Bucky said, and you turned your head to look back at him, your noses nearly touching.
“Like it? Bucky this entire day had been a dream.” You said truthfully.
Then that feeling came back, that knowledge that he was only doing it because it was your birthday, and tomorrow everything would go back to the status quo. You dropped your eyes from his, unable to look at him so romantically with those thoughts plaguing your mind. You turned back out to look at the scenery again.
The ferris wheel came to a halt, your cart swining slightly from front to back. You glanced around, looking at the carts below you, and realized you had stopped at the top. 
You whipped back around to Bucky, who was leaning over the end of the cart, giving a thumbs up to the operator below. 
“You planned this?” You asked.
“I did.”
Unable to speak you simply hugged him again, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
“Hey there, I still have one more thing to give you.”
“Gosh, Bucky I couldn’t possibly-”
“(Y/N) it’s nothing that big, and I’ve been meaning to give you this for a while.” He said as you pulled away from him, face to face with those beautiful blue eyes once again.
“Okay.” You said.
He let a deep exhale rumble out of his chest, and shut his eyes for a moment, before opening them and looking intensely into your own.
“My gift to you (Y/N) (Y/L/N), is the promise to - once and for all - stop acting like I’m not hopelessly in love with you.”
Your eyes blew wide, unable to process anything that he’d said.
Bucky. Promise. Hopelessly in love. With you.
“Doll?” He asked, his flesh hand reaching forward to cup your cheek, eyes searching yours for some sign of comprehension, but finding nothing. Your mouth was agape, breath uneven as you stared at him helplessly. 
“Bucky.” You gasped, in a state of disbelief.
His eyes shifted back and forth between yours desperately, hoping you’d show him anything that would lead him to believe that he hadn’t made the biggest mistake of his life.
As if acting purely on impulse, you reached for his face and pulled him onto your lips, kissing him when you failed to produce words to answer him.
So you sat at the very top of the ferris wheel at Coney Island, in the arms of the man you loved most in the entire world, kissing him feverishly, and thinking that perhaps birthdays weren’t so bad after all.
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caindoglover · 6 years
I listened to Pain by Three Days Grace as I wrote this. It is now permanently associated with Steve for me.
Tomorrow turns into next week and next week into two. Steve can’t figure out how to bring it up to Eli, not while they are in class and everyone can see, and since Eli hasn’t offered another study session since then he can’t use that time either. It would probably be fine to just start talking to Eli like normal again, but another part of him mocks the idea. As inconceivable as it is, Eli could still be upset and that is why he hasn’t spoken to Steve. The fear keeps him quiet.
Eli waits and waits and waits. He wants to talk to Steve again, sorely missing the camaraderie, but he wants Steve to be the one to come to him. One thing he has learned thanks to Steve is he doesn’t have to be a doormat friend. He doesn’t want to be the one to always come crawling back. So day after day he doesn’t speak. He tries to not even glance Steve’s way, but some days he just can’t help it. Near the end of the second week is one of those days, only this time Steve is different. He isn’t quietly sulking or lost in his thoughts like the few other times Eli looked. Today he appears rather restless, almost agitated.
Steve fidgets with his phone. He taps the screen every so often, making sure it stays lit up. His gaze is fixated on the text written in the message. ‘Take the back way.’ His heart beats a little faster. Take the back way. He scratches the back of his hands, one the other, one the other, only stopping when he waits too long to touch the screen and has to unlock it.
Eli eyes him curiously. He feels an urgency to say something, to at least ask if something is bothering Steve, but he decides against it. He holds his ground. He made it this long without caving, he can make it through a spell of Steve acting a bit off.
Lunch comes around and Eli takes notice of the fact that Coach Lawrence is nowhere to be found. Normally he is doing his daily rounds to keep the peace if anyone gets too rowdy during this most unstructured period. But not today. Eli wanders toward a familiar corner, his eye catching on Steve on the way. He pauses and frowns at the sight before him.
Steve stares dead ahead of him, his eyes wide and glassy and his face contorted with fear, like a deer in the headlights. His heart beats like a drum in his ears and each breath is a struggle. There was another text. ‘Don’t come home.’ Don’t. Come. ‘Stay with a friend.’ And now coach is gone. He’s gone. He isn’t sure he can keep it together for these last few hours.
Eli feels anxiety of his own rise up just looking at Steve. He may not be fidgeting anymore, but this is so much worse. Something is wrong. Very, very wrong. He needs to go over there. Deep in his bones he knows there is no other course of action. But this would break cover. Everyone would stare and wonder if Eli had lost his mind. And if Steve is barely keeping himself together, losing the safety of his cover might just drive him over the edge. So Eli keeps moving, but even though he leaves Steve, his thoughts never do.
The end of the day creeps ever closer and when the final bell rings, Eli rockets from his seat. He isn’t sure where to go, he just knows he has to find Steve. He looks into Steve’s last class, checks the bathrooms, and as a last ditch effort goes to the gym. There. He is sitting against the wall. Eli lets out a breath, but the relief is fleeting. Steve appears to be in the throes of a panic attack.
Steve shakes terribly, his hands most of all. He can’t get them under control, he never can. He can’t bring his heartbeat down either, it pounds mercilessly against his chest. He can’t get anything to do what he wants. He’s losing it. It’s unbearably hot, his body sleek with sweat, and with each second that passes the air becomes thinner and thinner until he is choking on air. All of it makes him so light headed.
Eli rushes over and skids to his knees. His eyes dart over Steve’s face. “Steve, it’s ok. I’m here.” He wants so badly to ask what exactly is causing this, but he remembers reading that a lot of the time there is no answer. Moreover, Steve doesn’t look in much of a state to answer period. He sees Steve’s phone on the floor beside him and grabs it. Steve couldn’t put the thing down earlier, so maybe there it something here. He flips through the texts and realization crushes him. His father.
He scrambles for his own phone and dials his mother’s number. He presses the receiver to his ear and taps his fingers in a flurry against his knee. “Come on, come on, pick up mother, pick up.” On the fifth ring she picks up and he nearly drops the phone. “Mother! Listen, I need you to pick me up early today.”
“I thought you had play practice today.”
“It was cancelled,” his answer is quick and he is surprised by how sure he sounds. Lying was once something he would never have even dreamed of doing.
“Give me ten minutes. I need to finish th-”
“No.” Eli clears his throat. “Sorry, mother, but I can’t wait ten minutes. You need to get here as fast as you can.”
“What? Why? Is something wrong?”
“Yes. Someone is after u-me. I think they are waiting outside the school for me to leave.” Probably by Steve’s Vespa, wherever he parked it. “And I’m scared.”
“I-I’ll be there immediately! Will you be at the front?”
Eli jumps to his feet and hurries to the gym exit, peeking through the tiny windows. He can’t see anyone from here. “No, I’ll be by the gym exit. Text me when you pull up. Okay?”
“Of course!”
The phone clicks and Eli rushes back to Steve’s side. He watches him carefully. “Steve.” He swallows hard and lays a tentative hand on his friend’s shoulder. “My mother is coming to get us, okay? It’s gonna be alright.”
The seconds click by with painful slowness. Each tick resounds in their heads with the strength and certainty of a death knell. Sixty. Sixty-one. Sixty-two. Even Eli finds it hard to keep cool. No, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Steve’s father isn’t even aware of his existence. Seventy-seven. Seventy-eight. It’s going to be okay. He meant what he said and he said what he meant.
His phone dings and he jumps a mile. He scrambles to hit the right button and when the screen lights up a weight is lifted. ‘Come out’. He lets out a heavy sigh. “Steve.” He looks dead into his eyes. “Can you stand? We can go to my house now, where no one can get us.” He only hopes this will be enough to get Steve to go along. A lot of the time people remain frozen during an attack. He won’t force Steve, but if his dad really is out there waiting for him then staying is less than ideal.
Steve wobbles to his feet and leans heavily against the wall. His thoughts scream to stay put. Hide. Hide! Hide. Moving targets only get hunted down…killed. Hide. Hide! Hide. Through the fog, his mind seizes on Eli’s presence. Eli is safety. Anywhere he goes is just as safe. He reaches out and clings to Eli’s arm.
Eli cringes at the strength in Steve’s grip, but he does not complain. “Okay, we’re going.” He leads Steve to the gym door and peeks out once more to be sure. Outside sits his mother’s car. He hurries out and flings open the back door. He hops in first and helps Steve in afterward, flinching against the outcry before it ever reaches his ears.
Angie twists around to check on Eli, her eyes widening at the sight of two people in her car. “What the-” Her expression lights with realization. “I knew it. You were still communicating with that carjacking little-”
“Yes!” Eli throws his hands in the air. “You were right, mother. You were so a hundred percent right all along forever. And we can talk all about it later, but not now.” He glares her way as he shuts the door. “Right now you drive.” He points ahead.
Angie starts and stares blankly for a long moment. “So he’s the one in trouble,” she says at last. Of course he would be.
Eli sighs. “Yes, mother. He’s scared and just needs to be somewhere safe. Okay?” He looks pleadingly at her. “You can ground me from now until the end of forever after this, but I just need you to do this for me.”
Angie truly takes in the condition the boy is in. He looks like a wreck and then some. “Alright.” She drives.
Eli turns his attention back to Steve and rubs his arm. “Breathe,” he encourages, “just breathe, Steve.” He tries to demonstrate, breathing in deeply and then out, hoping Steve will do just as he does.
By the time they reach the house, Steve has managed to get his breathing under control, but he is far from fine. Panic still shines clear in his brown eyes. The sight of the house stirs a sense of safety deep within him, but the fear kicks up again as it clicks in his mind that he is not quite there yet. He needs to get there. He needs it. Now. He throws the door open and runs across the yard, heading for the way he climbs the roof.
Eli yelps and scampers after him. “Steve!” He nearly reaches out to grab his friend, snapping his hand back as he remembers that night in the woods. Now the reaction would probably be even worse. Instead he works his way around so he is in front of Steve before saying, “You don’t have to go that way. Steve, you can walk in the front door.”
Angie stands back and stares incredulously. Has this kid seriously been sneaking up to her son’s room the whole time he was grounded? How did she not hear? Was he there the times she went up? Horror twists her face.
Without grabbing Steve, Eli does not have the power to stop him and can simply watch as he scales the building and enters his room just like it was a regular night. Well…at least he made it in. He grimaces as he turns, prepared to face his mother.
Angie stands with arms crossed. “We’re definitely talking about that later.” Her expression softens suddenly and worry passes over her features. “But is your friend going to be alright? He looked…like a caged animal.”
Eli is surprised by her shift, but it is a fleeting emotion that settles into heavy worry. “His parents…they aren’t as good as you and mom.” That’s as much as he feels comfortable giving. “I’m just going to stay with him until he feels better.”
Angie gasps. The truth is clear enough. “O-Okay. Go on.”
Eli nods and hurries into the house. He makes it to his room in record time, entering to find Steve pressed hard against the wall beneath the window. He almost expected Steve to be under the bed, but this is much better. He closes the distance and takes a seat next to Steve. “You’re safe here.” It’s all he can think to say.
Steve nods absently. “Yeah, safe…” He wraps his arms around himself. “Home.”
Eli blinks at Steve. Home? Does he really see this place like that? Even after so short a time. “Hey, what are your creepslayerz plans?” Steve is closer to coming down. A little conversation might be just enough to do it.
“Was thinking about going back to the woods.”
“Oh, did you hear some more rumors?” For once he wasn’t really listening to the whispers. He slacked on his duties because he was a bit preoccupied with Steve and wanting him to talk to him again.
Steve shakes his head. “It’s just…nice, quiet. I haven’t done much creepslaying since…” he leaves the thought hanging.
“Me either.” Now that Steve has admitted it, Eli more than gladly does the same. “I missed you.”
Steve leans his head back and clenches his eyes shut. The weight of the panic and uncertainty of Eli’s opinion of him roll off his back and the floodgates open. But for once he feels no shame in his tear stained face. “Thank you so much for this.”
“You’re my friend. I’m not going to abandon you just because we were fighting. Besides, it was stupid anyway.”
“No, it wasn’t.” Steve shakes his head. “If it’s that important to you, I won’t fight people anymore, not if it’s to make me feel better or to retaliate. Only to protect.” He opens his eyes to peer at Eli.
Eli smiles heartily up at him. “You’re the best.”
Steve smiles softly in return, a spark of life lighting in his eyes. “If you say so.” More like a mess.
��I do. And it’s true.” He holds a fist up.
Steve chuckles and bumps his fist against Eli’s. His cheer falters as another uncertainty creeps up on him. “I…I don’t wanna go home.” Maybe not for a few days honestly, but definitely not today. “Can I stay here tonight?” His mom will be alright, coach is there. But he just can’t go back.
Eli senses Steve’s fear and he has no reservations in answering, “Sure.” Now his mother shouldn’t have a problem with it, but even if she does there’s no way he is denying Steve. “You can even have my bed if you want.”
“That’s okay. The floor is enough.” He stretches out on the floor with his head by Eli, laying his hands beneath his head. “I just don’t want to be alone.”
Eli smiles. “Okay.” He lays a hand on Steve’s head. “I’ll be right here.”
Ok, I'll stop with the pain now I swear. It's just too much fun. Yes, I'm horrible, torturing poor Steve. At the very least the next one will be light. I honestly can't promise beyond that, I have no control. lol I'm a maniac who needs to be stopped. Also Steve a hundred percent has panic attacks. You can't convince me otherwise.
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ecotone99 · 4 years
The Factory
The Factory Across the Way
I’ll start by saying this is all true, I’ve changed the location names etc in order to protect anyone stupid enough to go looking for this place.
I grew up in the greater metropolitan area of NY/NJ and in one town we moved to we lived on a dead end street. Down the middle of the road were the town limits making across the street another town altogether. The area across the street was zoned for commercial use, so instead of houses we had a view of three factories, a car mechanic and a used car lot.
Most afternoons after school I’d hang out outside my house with a couple friends, either riding bikes or kicking a ball around. One day my friend JC kicked our ball into the bushes outside the sewing factory directly across from my house. It was a nearly dilapidated brick building with darkened windows and a steel door that creaked loudly each morning when employees would arrive to start their shifts. We never saw the employees but we’d hear the door in the predawn hours and figured it was when they’d arrive. From outside you could often hear the loud sounds of sewing machines, the banging of tools and the occasional scream and grunt. It was coupled with puffs of hot steam pumping non-stop into the air at all hours of the day and night and a stale smell that always reminded me of standing sewer water. None of us wanted to venture into the overgrown bushes but after losing best of three rounds of rock, paper, scissors I found myself begrudgingly digging through the stinging nettles and what I imagined was poison oak to find our ball had landed squarely on the rotting carcass of an animal.
I scrambled back, cussing up a storm. My friends ran over only to stumble back from the rotten stench of decay that waifed up into the air. The commotion resulted in two things, first the noise from the factory stopped. For the first time in ever, the endless sounds stopped. Secondly, the heavy steel door opened slowly in front of us, hot steam escaped into the late afternoon air and from inside, their stepped a tall man. I don’t know what we expected but it wasn’t what we saw. He was a white man with curly black hair in a half mullet, high waisted jeans and a crisp white over-starched shirt and shiny black dress shoes.
He didn’t look like anyone we’d see in our neighborhood let alone any factory foreman we’d ever seen. We lived in a very diverse working class neighborhood and this guy looked like someone straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting.
“Well...hello young people,” he said cocking his head to the side as he looked down on us. His voice was nasally and saccharine and his cadence was unlike anything I’d ever heard. It made listening to what he was saying difficult. He was clean shaven and his skin was so white it showed almost every blue vein in his forearms and face.
“Oh, I see you lost your ball...let me help you,” he said, his sing song cadence almost lulling me into a false sense of safety. It was only JC tugging on my to pull me up and away that broke the momentary spell. We didn’t wait for the ball, instead hopping on our bikes and riding away. Looking back I saw him standing at the center of the road watching us, ball in hand.
I couldn’t stay away forever and as the sun set, I rode back alone. There on my front stoop was a brand new soccer ball with a small note attached.
‘Your other ball had...something on it, your neighbor Steve.’
I dropped by bike onto the floor and looked at the note as well as the new ball. While very nice and a lot better than my old one, I still didn’t want it. Something about Steve gave me the creeps and my abuela had taught me that when the “creeps” talk, we listen. I kicked the ball back into the bushes and pocketed the note.
It was only a few days later that I’d discover just why I was right to have listened to my abuela.
It was during a game of touch football that our friend Carlos found himself atop a pile of garbage bags on the curb of the sewing factory. Sanitation had gone on strike and garbage pickup was disrupted. Garbage that would’ve previously been picked up in the early dawn hours was now sitting piled haphazardly on the curb. Our taunts of Carlos lasted only until we noticed the dark viscous fluid that seeped from the bags under Carlos.
“Oh that’s fucking nasty,” I can remember one of the girls saying as we moved closer to see what it was, it was then we got hit with a smell, some gagged, the rest wretched onto the street.
I ran up into my house and called my mother. She called the cops and soon they’d closed down the street and got a warrant to search the factory. Inside they found coolers filled with unidentifiable cuts of meat, a wall covered in wigs made with human hair and tanned skins being made into brand name purses and wallets. We watched as grown cops needed smelling salts, some looking green as they stumbled out of the factory, hand to mouth, covering their mouths.
In the office they found file folders full of employee paperwork that matched up with missing persons reports going back years. My dad told us most had been undocumented and likely not to be noticed if they went missing. I remember crying for hours with my mom and others that gathered at the candlelight vigil for all those lost.
It was only after the police tape was gone and that the fervor was forgotten that I once again saw our neighbor Steve...standing in the middle of the road looking up to my window, my soccer ball in hand as he waved.
submitted by /u/SnooDoubts9818 [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/shortscarystories/comments/inea59/the_factory/ via Blogger https://ift.tt/3h5OGxT
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gyrlversion · 5 years
CCTV captures Nipsey Hussle being shot dead in Los Angeles
Surveillance video has captured the terrifying moment a gunman fatally opened fire on rapper Nipsey Hussle in Los Angeles and sent multiple people fleeing for safety. 
The 33-year-old rapper was one of three men shot in broad daylight on Sunday outside Marathon Clothing, the store he founded to help rebuild his troubled South Los Angeles neighborhood.
Surveillance cameras from a nearby business captured a man in a dark shirt approaching Hussle and a group of men as they stood by a white car parked at the front of his store on Sunday afternoon. 
Seconds later, Hussle could be seen dropping to the ground while multiple men fled the scene as the gunfire rang out. The gunman could be seen firing from a distance before approaching and shooting multiple times at close range.  
Surveillance video captured a man in a red shirt (circled) approaching Nipsey Hussle and a group of men (right) outside his Marathon Clothing store in Los Angeles on Sunday just moments before the rapper was shot dead
The gunman appeared to kick Hussle before fleeing the same way he came. Eyewitness reported seeing a man fleeing in a vehicle after the shooting.
Sources told TMZ that the gunman had a ‘tense’ conversation with Hussle in the lead up to the shooting. The gunman supposedly left to retrieve a gun after feeling ‘disrespected’.  
Hussle, whose real name was Ermias Asghedom, was shot multiple times and was pronounced dead after being rushed to hospital. 
He suffered gunshot wounds to his head and torso, according to the L.A. County Medical Coroner. 
The two other men who were injured in the shooting remain in stable conditions. 
Investigators have not yet determined a motive or identified any suspects but they are reviewing the surveillance footage. They only said they were searching for a black male gunman. 
Hussle grew up in south Los Angeles and often talked about being in the Rollin 60s Neighborhood Crips gang in his teenage years. 
Hussle could be seen dropping to the ground (above) and multiple men fled the scene as the gunfire rang out. The rapper suffered fatal gunshot wounds to his head and chest, according to a coroner 
Multiple people could be seen running as gunshots rang out and Hussle dropped to the ground outside his clothing store
It is not clear if the gunman was among those caught on video running from the scene but eyewitness reported seeing a man fleeing in a vehicle after the shooting
Moments before the fatal shooting, Hussle had tweeted: ‘Having strong enemies is a blessing.’
A source close to the investigation told The Los Angeles Times they believe Hussle’s killer belonged to a gang. 
He was due to sit down with the LAPD in the coming weeks to discuss gang violence and how to prevent it.  
Some believe he was killed because he had been buying up property in south Los Angeles an effort to legitimize himself and the area. 
Last year, he opened a co-working space and STEM center aimed at bridging the gap between urban communities and Silicon Valley.  
Others believe his death is linked to a documentary he was working on about a herbalist who claimed to have cured AIDS. 
Just one day before he was killed, Hussle was pictured smiling and posing for photos at a March Madness game between Texas Tech and Gonzaga in Anaheim.
Nipsey Hussle was pictured on Saturday at a March Madness basketball game in Anaheim, California. The next day, he was shot dead outside his clothing store 
Hussle was seen socializing at the event with other spectators and smiling for cameras
The rapper, who was also on a mission to eradicate gang violence from the neighborhood where he grew up, was shot multiple times on Sunday. Police are yet to find his killer
Prior to being shot, Hussle also posed for a photo with a fan’s child just outside his store. 
Since his teen gang years, Hussle had become an entrepreneur and a community organizer in the area.
He was involved in the Destination Crenshaw arts project and opened a co-working space called Vector 90 in Crenshaw so young people could take classes in science, technology and math.
In recent years, he had been buying up real estate in the neighborhood to try become a legitimate real estate mogul. 
He and his business partner had plans to turn the plot where his clothing store was into a residential building and last year, he opened a co-working space and STEM center. 
He was eager to increase awareness and interest in the technology and science industries in south L.A., with some residents crediting him for ‘teaching us how to invest’.  
‘In our culture, there’s a narrative that says, ‘Follow the athletes, follow the entertainers.’ And that’s cool but there should be something that says, ‘Follow Elon Musk, follow [Mark] Zuckerberg.’ 
Rapper Nipsey Hussle was shot dead outside his clothing store in Los Angeles on Sunday. He is pictured above posing with a fan’s child just moments before the fatal shooting 
LA Police Commissioner Steve Soboroff said he was due to meet with Nipsey Hussle and chief of police Michel Moore today to discuss gang violence 
Blood stained bandages were spotted on the ground outside the rapper’s Marathon Store on Sunday afternoon following the fatal shooting 
The 33-year-old Grammy nominee, who was born Ermias Asghedom, was among three people shot outside the Marathon Store on Sunday afternoon 
‘I think that with me being influential as an artist and young and coming from the inner city, it makes sense for me to be one of the people that’s waving that flag,’ he told The Los Angeles Times last year.
Nipsey is survived by his two-year-old son Kross with Poinsettias for Christmas star Lauren London and his daughter Emani from a prior relationship.  
Michel Moore, LAPD chief of police who was due to meet Nipsey today, said there had been 10 murders over the last week.
He wrote on Twitter last night: ‘Tonight’s homicide in South LA represents the latest loss in a troubling surge in violence.
‘Since last Sunday 26 victims have been shot & 10 homicides—that’s 36 families left picking up the pieces. We will work aggressively with our community to quell this senseless loss of life.’ 
The rapper and his girlfriend of five years, Lauren London, had just quizzed each other about favorite colors and celebrity crushes in a GQ interview on Thursday. 
‘You. I don’t have a celebrity crush. I’m with my celebrity crush,’ the 34-year-old actress gushed.  
Tragic: Hussle is survived by his two-year-old son Kross (L) with Poinsettias for Christmas actress Lauren London as well as a daughter Emani (R) from a prior relationship
Lauren London, Diddy and Nipsey Hussle attend 2019 Roc Nation THE BRUNCH on February 9, 2019 in LA
Long part of the underground rap circuit, Hussle struggled to find fame but began selling his own mixtapes, which hip-hop royalty Jay-Z once bought 100 of for $100 each.
He was Grammy-nominated for Best Rap Album for ‘Victory Lap,’ his first formal album that finally dropped in February 2018 after six years of teasing, but lost out to rap’s woman of the moment Cardi B.
The heavily-tattooed hip-hop star was next scheduled to perform at the Kings of the West concert on September 14 at the SAP Center in San Jose. 
Tributes have been flowing in following news of his death from big names in the music industry, including Rihanna, Drake, and Snoop Dogg. 
Mayor Eric Garcetti also tweeted Sunday: ‘Our hearts are with the loved ones of Nipsey Hussle.’ 
‘This doesn’t make any sense! My spirit is shaken by this!,’ Rihanna wrote while posting photos of Hussle with his daughter and another with his fiance. ‘Dear God may His spirit Rest In Peace and May You grant divine comfort to all his loved ones! I’m so sorry this happened to you @nipseyhussle.’ 
Snoop Dogg posted a video of himself and Hussle together on Instagram, and posted a second clip sending prayers to the rapper’s family.
‘Prayers out to the whole family man. This (stuff has) got to stop man,’ he said in the second video. 
‘It’s f***ed up, man’: Nipsey’s tour mate Snoop Dogg (R) shared several social media tributes, and admitted he was ‘so sad right now’
‘I’m so sorry this happened to you’: Upon hearing the sad news, nine-time Grammy winner Rihanna tweeted a tribute to Hussle
‘Rest amongst the stars’: 12-time Grammy winner Pharrell Williams tweeted about how Nipsey was about being ‘positive and for your community in every chance you had to speak’
‘U have always been a good dude…I’m so sorry’: Grieving Grammy nominee Kevin Hart shared a snap of himself standing beside the late 6ft3in rapper
Los Angeles Lakers power forward LeBron James was also aghast tweeting: ‘@NipseyHussle! So so SAD man!! DAMN man this hurt’
Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry publicly prayed: ‘God please cover and restore @NipseyHussle right now!’ 
The post CCTV captures Nipsey Hussle being shot dead in Los Angeles appeared first on Gyrlversion.
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suethor · 7 years
HI for the five headcanons: audrey/pietro college au, bucky/emily coffee shop au, steve/eliza neighbours au and nova/luke nova is luke's bodyguard and luke is royalty au!!
thank you!  
audretro college au: 
audrey’s first day at culver, she gets roomed with this hip kid named wanda who wears like the coolest artsy jewelry and has perfectly applied eyeshadow and always wears this gigantic scarlet peacoat 
audrey is majoring in criminology, wanda in chemistry, and she tells audrey that she has a brother who is studying biology
audrey and pietro officially meet at a restaurant just off campus where audrey is a waitress.  pietro walks in drunk off his ass, and to avoid getting fired, audrey drags him back to her dorm
the next morning, wanda’s like “hey you met my brother!” and audrey’s like that is your brother? but you’re so cool how can he be related to u
pietro buys audrey coffee to thank her for not letting him act like a dumbass in front of everyone
but pietro’s got Game so when audrey’s like “sure”  he says “okay should we go now?” and turns it into a date 
wow i love my kids
bucky/emily coffee shop au: 
emily is rly good friends with sam, who is a barista
sam has been forced by steve to give steve��s friend bucky a job at the coffee shop, which he hates but like.  not really
emily is a grad student studying marketing and communications and bucky sees her studying allllll the time and he’s kind of into her so he suddenly starts reading the new york times so he can have an excuse to talk to her
bucky’s car breaks down, and so for a period of time his dates come to the coffee shop to pick him up before they go out, but like.  every single time they see him talking to emily so avidly and happily that they assume he’s into her (which he is, but he doesn’t know it yet)
emily sees it as bucky just dating a bunch of girls because he’s a fuckboy
eventually, it’s like 1 am during finals week and emily’s so exhausted she’s not even saying real words anymore and bucky just sits across from her even though his shift ended an hour ago and listens to her ramble about market politics and world journalism and current events with a small smile 
he lets her sleep on the couch in the shop, and just hangs by to make sure she’s safe, and when the sun rises and sam comes in for his shift, bucky leaves (he makes a flimsy excuse on the way out ofc that sam doesn’t believe bc sam’s not an idiot)
emily wakes up and finds a note folded up on top of her essays that says “coffee’s nice but maybe we should go on a real date sometime” 
steve/eliza neighbors au: 
everything is the same in this universe except for them being neighbors, tho now i wanna put it in the real universe lmao
steve’s been in 2012 for like 3 months and it’s already stressful.  his neighbor’s window is always opening and closing throughout the night, he keeps thinking he sees shadows outside his own window, and there’s apparently vigilantes now
steve hears his next-door neighbor scream one night and immediately hops up, prepared to fight any foe he encounters
when nobody answers, he opens the door and finds eliza sprawled across the floor in her vigilante costume trying to pull an arrow out of her side 
he’s like “wHOA what the fUCK im taking u to the hospital right fucking pronto” and eliza’s like “BRUH NO MY SECRET IDENTITY”  
so instead he calls a shield medic over to help him out really quick
after that night they don’t really talk except brief conversations in the mail room and such
until there’s an avengers call one night where steve is out fighting some wolf creatures attacking new york, and eliza just happens to be there in costume shooting force fields out of her goddamn hands 
it’s a weird dynamic because they’ll talk when they’re hiding behind masks but not when they’re themselves
anyways at some point after an exhausting battle they fought together in (but like, unofficially), she knocks on his door after they’ve both cleaned up and changed and are in their sweatpants and holds up a bag of takeout and offers to share
they end up watching movies on the couch all night, then they become best friends
and then they eventually start dating 
nova/luke bodyguard au: 
okay so i’m making this a modern royalty piece
after someone tries assassinating luke while he’s away at college, padme tries to get him more subtle security
enter nova.  she’s about luke’s age, extremely proficient in martial arts, and just unknown enough to be his fake girlfriend (whoops now it’s a fake dating au too oh well)
luke’s totally open to like being friends with her but nova’s like “nope it’s just a mission gotta focus”  
eventually there’s a point where luke’s just hanging out watching a movie but she won’t sit down because she’s gotta ~guard~ him
she eventually sits down and relaxes and from that moment on they become real friends
nova and luke start falling for each other, but they both think the other is just playing the part.  
they start pushing the limits a little, pecks on the cheek in public, a kiss at one of the royal events (”you really sold it, good job” “yeah yep totally 100% acting”)
it isn’t until luke and nova are alone in luke’s apartment, and he kisses her again that they realize their feelings are real
nova’s contact photo for luke is snow white and his for her is prince charming lmao what nerds
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