#French study
frenchlitclub · 1 year
(masc. "un/le" pl. trottoirs)
-> sidewalk
~Le trottoir est trop étroit pour deux personnes.
~ The sidewalk is too narrow for two people.
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dalstudy · 1 year
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Ce mercredi, j'ai étudié français!
I studied French today, and this language caught me off guard by how much I have enjoyed it. My grammar is always my weakest point in my studying journey; even if it has never stopped me. I think once you move past caring if you get something wrong, it becomes so fun. Learn, work, and get better each study session. It's important to remind ourselves that in our own languages we say things grammatically incorrect everyday. It's supposed to be fun, so make sure it is!
🎵 Anna Karina - Sous le soleil exactement
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baradragon · 5 months
give me the state if you're comfy and what languages were offered
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brookheimer · 1 year
favorite thing ab chatgpt is that if it doesn’t know something it’ll just start fucking lying. like blatantly fucking lying.
my dad teaches english classes and he just got a final paper with this sentence: “In terms of style, both poets are known for their use of imagery, but O'Hara's tends to be more straightforward and concrete, while Stevens' is often more abstract and metaphorical — for example, in O'Hara's poem "The French / Window," he writes: "A cat walks along the garden wall / and the tree waves its branches / The French / windows are blah" (lines 1-4).”
the thing about “The French / Window” is that it is not a poem that exists. at all. like, it was literally just written by chatgpt then inexplicably named as a famous frank o’hara poem. and it’s so. fucking. funny. sooo basically heads up for finals season — those of you who use chatgpt, be warned, because you will quite literally be citing nonexistent texts and your professors will show it to their daughters and together they will laugh at you endlessly and you will deserve it
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egophiliac · 16 days
i love your riddle design so much, he's so pointy and british. so gracious. do you think he would enjoy a brazilian goiabada
thank you! ❤️🖤❤️ it's just. important to me on a level I can't explain that Riddle have an extremely pointy nose that he can stick into everyone else's business.
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also goiabada is sweet and fruity and red, I think he would like it very much indeed!
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not me stealth-editing because I forgot his antenna whoops
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the-evil-clergyman · 3 months
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Study for Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel (1846)
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ninyard · 16 days
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exy fans on Twitter + the hypothetical leaking of Jean’s freshman year
(thank you anon for the idea)
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learnelle · 8 months
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life update: at the start of September I was told I couldn’t study psychology anymore (after 2 part-time years!!) due to changes in my course structure. After crying literally all day, I enrolled in a Parisian university to study B2 level French, and studied hard for the entrance exam. I passed, and then my psych uni got back to me, saying they will make an exception, so I can continue to major in psych again. I’m not sure how I’ll balance 15 psych and 35+ french credits this year between 3 universities, but it seems like everything works out in the end.❤️
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larstudy · 17 days
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⛈️ 20.05.2024 // I studied a bit today (2 hours) and I did a lesson about the ophthalmic dosage form! There was a storm while I was doing it so it was just perfect to study with some real thunder noise!!
I also cooked some pizzas (like we choose the ingredients and all) and they were really good!! :))
I try to get back into studying, my exams are in a month so I really really have to study more!!!
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mels-notes · 6 months
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la neige sur campus est magnifique jusqu'à ce qu'il faille grimper une grande colline pour se rendre en classe :’)
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sculppp · 5 months
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French School, mid 19th century
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frenchlitclub · 2 years
-> verb. to be picky about something, to care about details that seem insignificant to others. negative connotation as it's usually used by a person to describe someone else, not themselves.
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Pierre-Paul Prud'hon (French, 1758-1823) Etude de femme nue debout, les bras appuyés à une branche, n.d. Musée du Louvre
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lostfeb · 8 months
one thing about learning languages is that yes, learning in itself is fun but what’s even greater is the fact that all your other interests and hobbies can be looked at with another shade of light. I personally love philosophy and to be able to read another language’s nuances and concepts and understand it more than you ever could with a translation? incredible.
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la prima notte di quiete (1972)
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frenchiepal · 1 year
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love that i have more time for language learning and reading now 💫
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