#Like. it was nice of the guy to see me today since hes on hospital rotation on Saturdays. but idk something for the nausea wouldve been nice
pennylanefics · 1 day
Photographs - Quinn Hughes
a/n: this one is a bit personal, since i recently lost my grandpa and this is kind of what i did with my mom when my aunt needed photos for the video she was making. but i hope you enjoy <3 also this is terrible writing 😭
summary: quinn helps you through the death of your grandfather
word count: ~1.4k
Warnings: grandparent death
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“I’m here, baby, everything will be alright,” Quinn whispers to you, holding you close against his chest. You just got the news that your grandfather, who had been in the hospital for a few days, had unfortunately passed away early in the evening. 
Quinn was out of the house during the time, having dinner with a few friends that were in town, but when he got back, he was by your side in an instant. You spent most of the time talking to your mom over the phone, then taking time to call each family member you could think of, like your aunts and uncles, and a few cousins
Quinn’s hands caress your hair as your face is hidden in his shoulder, your tears soaking his dress shirt, but he doesn’t care one bit; his focus is comforting you, nothing else matters in this moment.
“Shh,” he coos, beginning to rock you from side to side a little, moving his hands down to rub your back soothingly. “You’re safe.”
The rest of the night, Quinn continues to comfort you, holding you close and wiping your tears away every time they fell from your eyes again. You fell asleep in his arms, exhausted and worn down, while he stayed awake for a little while longer, making sure you were going to be okay through the night and weren’t going to wake up until morning.
The days following were especially hard, but you and Quinn eventually made your way a couple hours awa to see your family and stay there for a few days. He didn’t want to have you deal with all of this alone, even though you’d have your family for a majority of the time, he wanted to be with you at night, to hold you and help you through this all.
“Do you guys have any plans for the day?” Quinn asks, returning from getting breakfast from the hotel lobby. He hands you a plate of your favorites, as well as a cup of water.
“I think we’re going to look through pictures today,” you state, pouring syrup over the waffle he made you, with chocolate chips inside and blueberries on top. “Kind of boring so you can stay here or take the car somewhere.”
“I’ll come with you,” he says, shrugging. “There’s nothing boring about that. Unless you’d prefer to have that time with your family.”
You hold your hand out for him to take and he gladly does, smiling softly.
“I want you there. I just don’t want you to feel out of place or anything.”
“Not at all, I think it’ll be nice to hear stories about him and others in your family,” he replies, squeezing your hand softly, leaning forward to place a kiss softly on your cheek.
You drive Quinn over to your aunt’s house, where everyone was gathering for the day, going through countless physical photo albums and files on her laptop. As you step in, you greet everyone, your uncles shaking Quinn’s hand and greet him, only having met for the first time the other day.
Quinn was glued to your side the entire time, wanting to provided you comfort if you need it. You sit on the loveseat with him, a photo album in your lap as you look through photos from when your mom and her siblings were younger.
“Here’s one of me with my cousin,” you say, pointing to one on the page closest to Quinn. He sits up a little and adjusts the page to rid the glare from the bright light overhead. A smile stretches on his lips as he examines it.
“You were so adorable,” he comments, nudging your arm a little. 
“Were?” You tease, playing the role even further by letting out a surprised gasp. Quinn blushes at the slight slip up, and shakes his head.
“You still are adorable, baby. But you were a cute kid.”
“Well, thank you, honey.” 
You continue looking through photos, every once in a while a family member would rattle off some story about a particular picture they found. Quinn just listened and laughed when it was warranted, keeping his own space to give you guys time to grieve.
“What’s this one from?” He turns back a page and points to one of you, your cousins, and your grandpa.
“I think that was a Christmas, I’m not sure what year. Had to be over ten years ago.” He nods and grins at your words. You slide the photo from the sleeve and hand it to him, since he was in charge of keeping the photos to save for the boards your aunt was making.
“Oh! Look at this one!” Your cousin, Eliza, speaks up from across where you and Quinn are sitting.
She shows you the photo and it’s a photo of you and her, looking pissed off at the camera. You gasp as Quinn laughs, looking over at you.
“Why so angry, huh?” He teases, taking the picture from her to look at it closer.
“It was when we lost that soccer ball in the sewer, and our uncle tried getting it but he just pushed it further away.”
“That was the best ball, too,” you sigh dramatically.
“What was so special about it?” Quinn wonders, handing the photo back to Eliza, looking between the two of you, waiting to hear the story.
“We grew up playing with it. There’s at least one picture of every single one of us, meaning me and my cousins, with it. It was a part of our family, in a way. Some core memories were created with it, like playing in the backyard during the summer, getting scrapes from the grass and ground, kicking it while waiting for fireworks on the Fourth of July.”
“Remember that time Mallory got hit in the face with it?” Eliza cuts in.
“Seriously?!” Quinn’s eyes widen with shock. He knows his fair share of sports injuries, and he’s gotten struck in the stomach plenty of times with a soccer ball while messing around with the guys before games, but the face?
“Oh yeah! It was like a family graduation, I think, for Erika, when she graduated college, so we were around, what, eight? Nine?”
“I think it was ten, maybe. We’ll ask her at dinner later.”
“That’s probably right. Anyways, we were all kicking the ball around and I kicked it to Eliza, she then kicked it against the house, and it ricocheted off and went directly to Mallory’s face,” you finish the story.
“Was she okay? Did she get a concussion?” Quinn wonders, concern evident on his face.
“It did break her nose, there was blood everywhere, but I think that was the worst of it. She didn’t get a concussion because it wasn’t a direct hit, it just landed on her face wrong.”
“Well, the fact that it landed on her face to begin with was not right,” Eliza chuckles, sliding the photo back into its place.
“She’s right, (Y/N),” Quinn murmurs from beside you, winking playfully. You let out a chuckle as well and close the photo book, picking up another one while Quinn gets up to hand the stack of pictures to your aunt, also getting a small snack that has been provided for everyone. 
He returns with a water bottle for you, resting his head against your shoulder just as you begin to flip through the second photo book. This one had a majority of older pictures, from before you were born, but it was still neat getting to see them again, or for some, seeing them for the first time.
Everyone that was available decided to go to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant, the conversations changing from plans for your grandfather’s funeral and memorial service to things going on in everyone’s lives. Quinn had a conversation with your uncles across the table, talking about hockey scores and how things are with him and the Canucks.
After a joy-filled and emotional night, Quinn drives the both of you back to the hotel, since your eyes were far too heavy to drive in the dark of the night. His hand remained entwined with yours, his thumb rubbing against the back of your hand ever so lightly. 
A couple quick showers and night time routines later, you are curled up in Quinn’s arms, your face nuzzling against his shirt.
“Thank you for everything,” you whisper against his neck, planting a few kisses to his exposed skin. He kisses your forehead in return, his cheek resting on the space after he does.
“I’ll always be here for you, through anything. I promise, my love.”
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taglist: @petite-potato4
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bitchfitch · 15 days
I finally got to see a gut doctor today to try to figure out why I've been spitting up blood for two months. after looking at all the (clean) labs and my general medical history, his diagnosis was "stress and anxiety"
I am. very tired.
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danurso · 6 months
NWN Challenge
*At a nice bar in Atlas*
Ruby: You’re still dealing with the fallout of that mess?
Blake: Of course. As the head of the white fang I can't just clean up a mess and ignore what caused it and who was affected by it…..*sigh* The last thing I want is people thinking we’re slipping back into what we used to be years back.
Yang: Good thing your pops is really good at de-escalating, well that and Weiss’ PR team.
Blake: Yeah. Where is her by the way? I wanted to thank her personally for all the help.
Ruby: She said she was coming, something came up during work.
Yang: Or someone. If Jaune went to visit she might be an hour or so late.
Blake: That. . . . . . probably isn't the case.
Yang: Why?
Blake: *nods* Because she doesn't look like she just had a good time.
The trio then turned to see a familiar heiress coming in, looking like she was about to murder someone.
Weiss: *sits down on the table*
Bartender: What will it be mi-
Weiss: Vodka. Pure. And make it a triple.
Yang: Yeesh. Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed today.
Ruby: What happened?
Blake: Who did you kill?
Weiss: He's not dead, the doctors said just broke a few bones.
R_BY: . . . . . . . .
Weiss: . . . .what?
Blake: . . . . .i was joking.
Weiss: Oh. . . .right. . . . .
Ruby: Wait, wait, you tried to kill someone!?
Weiss: I didn't! I just exaggerated a bit while dealing with a jerk.
Yang: What happened?
Weiss: . . . . .*sigh* I was venting to Winter about some private things about Jaune, as soon as she left an associate came in, he must've heard something about what we're talking, because as soon as we were done talking business he tried asking me out.
Yang: Doesn't everyone at the company know you just married?
Weiss: They do and he knew about it. But he insisted saying we could do something “fun” and that he could “Give me what i needed” since my husband wasn't doing so.
Ruby: Oh gods. . . . . .
Yang: Hah!
Blake: Like, I understand why that made you angry, but did you have to send the guy to the hospital?
Weiss: Not really, but i’ve been having a really stressful week and even after i said no multiple times, he kept pushing, and the moment he got too close i catapulted him out of the room with a glyph, though because of everything i miscalculated and sent him through a wall instead of the door.
Yang: *laughs* Please send me the video whenever you can! I wanna see that.
Ruby: Well, jerk aside, is everything okay? You sound like there's been stress even before that.
Bartender: Here miss. *Puts down her drink*
Weiss: Thanks.
Blake: Is everything okay at home? You said you were venting about Jaune, is everything okay between you two?
Weiss: No! The last three weeks been awful! HE has been awful!
Blake: Wait what?
Yang: Wow, That's a surprise.
Ruby: But why? What's wrong with Jaune?
Weiss: He’s been the worst! I keep having to deal with issues at the company! Cleaning the mess my father made! And then, after an awful day of work, what am I greeted with!?
Yang: A blown up house?
Blake: Another woman?
Ruby: Jaune wouldn't do that blake! Geez. . . . .Oh! Was it maybe a dead body?
Weiss: No! As soon as I come in he greets me with that stupid! Bright! And warm smile! He hugs me tight goes on about missing me soooo much! He covers me in kisses! Takes me in to show the warm bath he prepared for me! The house which is basically spotless and the dinner which was my favorite! Aaaarggh! Just thinking about it makes my blood boil! *Chugs the drink*
Ruby: . . . . . . . .
Yang: . . . . . . . .
Blake: . . . . . . . . . .that's it?
Weiss: Oh no. No no no, it gets worse. After dinner he brings me a whole cheesecake! Freshly made! And after we ate he took me to the living room and massaged every corner of my stressed body! I felt like I was melting! Oh gods the nerve of that man!!!
Yang: Wow, sounds like a nightmare.
Weiss: I know! Because it is!
Blake: *deadpan* Is it though?
Ruby: Err, Weiss? Are you sure there's a problem there? Because you make it sound like he's doing something bad but apparently he's been really sweet to you.
Weiss: I know! And it's unbearable!
Ruby: But why?
R_BY: Ohhhh. . . . .
Blake: He’s doing that dumb challenge too? I thought it was just Sun.
Ruby: *sigh* Nah, Oscar was doing it too.
Yang: Sounds like a headache. Lucky me and Arslan don't struggle with that stuff.
Blake: Yes, because she's not a guy, they tend to be incredibly stubborn about the stupidest things. Well, as stubborn as you can be with someone who knows all your weaknesses.
Ruby: Got him to give up?
Blake: Around a week in, would’ve been sooner if i wasn't busy with the fang. Oscar giving you trouble?
Ruby: Nope. He went for ten days straight, then he walked in on me coming out of the shower and he snapped. *Chuckles* I wasn't even trying to make him lose.
Weiss: *eyebrow twitching* Good to know I'm the only one suffering here.
Yang: Come on ice cream. You know that guy is basically addicted to you, if you give him a push in the right direction I'm pretty sure he’ll just crumble.
Weiss: And you think I haven't tried!? Skimpy swimsuits, Lingeries, Nudes throughout the day, dirty comments, cosplaying his favorite characters, offering to do the most questionable things! I used every last trick in the book and he STILL didn't cave in!
Yang: Oh, wow.
Blake: I knew he had a strong will but this is still surprising to hear.
Weiss: It's so frustrating! I get to come back home every day to the most wonderful husband in the world, who pampers and looks after me, doing everything I wish and making me the happiest woman in Remnant! And you tell me I can't ride him to oblivion after all that!? It's unfair!!! Utter Injustice!!! I wished I knew who came up with this challenge so I could strangle them until they're blue!!!
Yang: *chuckles* I can't tell if you're angrier at not getting laid for three weeks now or at him for not falling for your charms.
Weiss: BOTH!!!
Ruby: I mean, you said you tried everything but it doesn't sound like it.
Weiss: I did Ruby. I most certainly did! And wore basically anything you could imagine, I went as far as to wear things that, if images were leaked online, my life would be ruined and Blake would never talk to me again.
Yang: . . . . . . .you wore a-
Blake: *covers her mouth* Please don't, I’d rather our friendship still exist by the end of the night. For once in my life i do NOT wanna know.
Yang: *pushes her out* Wow. You really pulled all the stops.
Weiss: And it did nothing to him!!! *Depressed sigh*
Ruby: I mean, so far it sounds like all you did was dress up and act sexy to try and make him cave in.
Weiss: What else was I supposed to do!?
Ruby: Did you forget who you're married to? It's pretty easy to get him to bend and do what you want once you pin his weakness down.
Weiss: . . . . . .that sounded very wrong, especially being about my husband.
Ruby: What? I never abused that weakness mind you! He's my best friend, I could never!
Yang: Unless he has your favorite cookies.
Ruby: *pink* That's different!
Weiss: Spit it out already!
Ruby: *sigh* . . . . .fine. but he ever asks, you didn't learn this from me.
Weiss: *walks in* I’m home.
Jaune: *wearing pajamas* Hey, how was your night? *Hugs her* Everyone doing well?
Weiss: Yeah. *Kisses him* Everyone is doing well.
Jaune: I left some food for you in the microwave, wasn’t sure if you would eat out so i made something.
Weiss: It's fine, we got something to eat on the way back.
Jaune: I’ll pack it up for tomorrow then. *Walking to the kitchen* By the way, Whitley called. He said something about a guy you sent to the hospital. Is everything okay at work?
Weiss: Yeah, someone tried hitting on me earlier, and I accidentally used too much force to push him off when he tried to get too close.
Jaune: *storing the food* Ouch. Almost makes me feel bad for him. . . . .almost. *feels a pair of arms wrapping around his torso from behind.* . . . . . .Weiss?
Weiss: *inhale* . . . . . .*deep exhale*
Jaune: *serious* Weiss. . . . .that guy didn't hurt you, did he?
Weiss: *chuckles* Good to know my knight is still there to protect me if I ever need, I thought he ended up buried under my cute husband.
Jaune: Weiss-
Weiss: He did nothing, just a few sweet words which I already forgot. I just wanted to hug you.
Jaune: If you say so, then I believe you. What do you wanna do now?
Weiss: Bed. I’m tired, could you come with me though?
Jaune didn't answer, he only turned around and picked her up in his arms, making her chuckle in response, he took her to the bedroom and helped her out of her clothes and into her nightgown, and soon enough, they were both in bed cuddling.
Weiss: *Chuckling*
Jaune: What’s so funny?
Weiss: Nothing. I’m just happy.
Jaune: That's good to hear. You seemed a little stressed these last few days.
Weiss: Yeah. . . .but I'm fine now. In fact, I couldn't be happier.
Jaune: Really?
Weiss: Of course. *Hugs him closer* I’ve got a nice house, a good job, great friends and above all else *Looks up to him* the most wonderful husband in the world.
Jaune: *pink, scratching his cheek* Hehehe, I’m just doing what I can. It's not a big deal.
Weiss: It is for me. . . .for someone who grew up in a cold house, surrounded by people I couldn't trust, having someone that I can trust and love this much is everything.
Jaune: Weiss. . . . .
Weiss: You never ignore me, you always know when I'm not okay, you look after my every need, you go above and beyond to make me happy, and you know me even better than I do myself. I must've been a saint in a past life to be blessed with someone so wonderful as you are. I wanna stay like this and hold on to you for the rest of my life. *Angelic smile* Thank you for marrying me, my love.
Jaune: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jaune: *naked on the bed and spooning her* God damnit. . . . .
Weiss: *sweaty and giggling*
Jaune: I can't believe I fell for that.
Weiss: Fell for what~? I was being honest, you know?
Jaune: I know! And that makes it even more of a dirty move!
Weiss: My heart bleeds for you.
Jaune: *groan* I was just a week away. I resisted everything you threw at me and this is how I lost?
Weiss: Yep. I thought there was no way out until a certain someone reminded me how weak you are to someone being genuinely emotional with you.
Jaune: It was Ruby wasn't it? Every time i have her favorite cookies she'll go on this emotional speech about how much it matters to her that i’m her best friend and all we went through, and when i realize i already gave her the cookies.
Weiss: I won't confirm nor deny anything.
Jaune: Ugh, figures.
Weiss: *turns to him* Oh please, you say it as if you didn't like it.
Jaune: Of course I did, I've been craving you for weeks.
Weiss: Good to hear, I felt the same.
Jaune: Just don't do that next year or I'm telling Blake about your secret costumes.
Weiss: You’re doing that again next year!?
Jaune: *chuckles* That's your main concern?
Weiss: Of course I am! These last three weeks have been hell!
Jaune: If that's the case. . . .*on top of her* Then let me take you to paradise.
Weiss: *pink* That wasn't enough for you?
Jaune: Nowhere near enough to make up for these three weeks. You gotta work Tomorrow?
Weiss: Not really, they have to fix the wall in my office so. . . . .
Jaune: Good. You won't have to make up an excuse then. Might need one for after tomorrow though.
Weiss: *red* . . . . . . .I’m in danger aren't i?
Jaune: The plan was to win the challenge and slowly ease back into routine. You tricked me into losing so now I’m giving you what you want, all of it.
Weiss: *redder* C-can we talk about this for a mome-AAHHHH~!?!?
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Could you do one where Ruby is dating someone and she really likes him and Charles approves of him but Ruby finds out that he was only with her to get to her dad and she blames her dad for the fame and hates that he’s famous but they make up :)) Sorry it’s long i love your writing❤️
don’t fall in love | charles leclerc
ruby defender until i dieeeee‼️‼️
Ruby adored her boyfriend, Mason, with her whole heart. At just sixteen years old, Ruby had declared Mason the love of her life. Y/n thought that was a bit too early for her to even think that, but Ruby was convinced that she and Mason were going to end up married. She was blinded by love. She couldn’t tell that their relationship was always a one sided love, that Mason saw her as just Charles Leclerc’s daughter. Even her twelve year old brother, Mathéo, could see that Mason only cared about one thing and that was fame.
Growing up, Ruby’s every move was captured by the paparazzi. It was the downside of having a famous father. She learned to ignore it, but sometime it was just too much. Mason saw it as an opportunity to ‘make a name for himself’. He was counting down the days for when he went from ‘Ruby Leclerc’s boyfriend’ to ‘Mason, Charles Leclerc’s son in law’ or something like that. For him, it would be a dream to be part of the Leclerc family, so when he was finally invited to his first F1 race, he posted it all over social media.
It was during the British Grand Prix that Ruby finally found out the horrible truth.
She had picked out a cute outfit wanting to impress Mason. The boy didn’t bother giving her one compliment all day. She brushed it off thinking he was tired from the flight. Mason’s ‘tiredness’ was long gone once they entered the paddock. Photographers recognized Ruby and called her name out. Mason took the opportunity to put his arm around her shoulder and fake a smile.
“Where’s your dad?” Mason asked as they walked towards the Ferrari hospitality.
“I’m not sure. I think he’s in the garage.” Ruby replied.
“Let’s go say hi. I want to wish him good luck before the race.” Mason practically dragged Ruby towards the Ferrari garage.
Ruby said hello to the Ferrari engineers while Mason dragged her by her hand to where Charles was. He was talking with Y/n, who held Mathéo’s hand since he was shy when it came to race days.
“Papa!” Ruby greeted her father with a kiss on both cheeks.
“Hey, man. Good luck. I’m sure you’ll get your points today.” Mason said to Charles.
Charles liked Mason. He was responsible, nice and most of all, he was respectful to his little girl. Good qualities for Ruby’s first boyfriend.
Y/n had noticed that Ruby tried to talk with Charles, but Mason kept cutting her off. She was 50/50 on Mason. He seemed like a nice guy, but as Y/n got to know him better, his true colors started showing.
“Maman, can we got to the roof? I like it better there.” Mathéo asked.
“Of course, my beautiful boy. Ruby, want to join your brother and i on the roof?” Y/n asked her daughter.
“Uh, let me ask Mason if he wants to go.” Ruby replied, but she could barely get Mason’s attention. He was too busy talking about tyres with Charles. Ruby felt embarrassed. She couldn’t even get her own boyfriend’s attention.
“We’ll be on the roof,” Y/n said to Ruby. She turned to Charles, who definitely payed attention to his wife. “Good luck, love. I love you.” Y/n kissed Charles’ lips then kissed his cheek.
“Thank you, Mon amour. And where are you going, mon petit garçon?” (My little boy) Charles looked at his son. “Take care of your maman, okay?” He kissed Mathéo’s forehead. Mathéo nodded and hugged his father. Soon, the mom and son were on the way to the paddock roof.
“My mom and brother are going up to the roof. Would you like to go? It’s a great view. You get to see the pitstop-” Mason cut off Ruby.
“Can’t we stay in the garage?” Mason asked.
“We can, but-”
“Great. Hey, so what’s your next helmet design?” Mason went back to talking with Charles.
Ruby nodded. She looked around the garage she had been in a million times. Same team, same car, same tyres, same everything. At least she had Mason. (For now)
When the race started, she and Mason were handed their headsets. They watched as Charles had started on pole with Max right behind him.
Ruby had enough of racing. She had seen it on tv and in real life many times so she was a bit bored. Mason, on the other hand, was enjoying every second of it. When Charles almost made contact with Max, he shouted as if he was the team principal. Some Ferrari team members were even looking at him funny.
“It’s his first race.” Ruby whispered to them. She then looked at Mason. “Calm down. You’re getting weird looks.”
“Babe, it’s f1. You can’t calm down when f1 is involved.” Mason replied.
Ruby sighed. She took her headset off and walked to her father’s drivers room. She sat on the small bed and took out her phone. As she scrolled through instagram, she got a message from a school friend.
‘Isn’t this your boyfriend?’ They had sent a screenshots of Mason’s close friends list.
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Team redbull? Secured paddock passes for life? Ruby had enough.
‘Ex-boyfriend. We broke up.’ She texted back.
‘Ok queen. Drag him’
And that’s exactly what Ruby did.
She knew Mason wouldn’t leave the garage mid race so she thought of the perfect way to get him out.
‘Hey, babe! Lewis Hamilton is outside! He says he wants to meet you.’
Lewis had retired from racing so using him was perfect. It didn’t take long for Mason to be right outside the garage wondering where Lewis Hamilton was.
“Hey, where’s Lewis? I want him to sign my phone case.” Mason said when he saw Ruby.
“He’s not here and he’s sure as hell not signing any of your shit.” Ruby glared.
“Okay we’ll I’m going back to watch the race.” Mason tried walking back into the garage, but Ruby stepped infront of him. “Babe, move. Your dad is still p1. We’ve got to support him.”
“You’re not going in. This is for the Ferrari family only, which you’re not apart of. Go see if that redbull girl will let you into their garage.”
Mason started laughing. “That’s what you’re mad about? Baby, I was joking! I’m a Ferrari fan all the way. Now, come on, let’s go watch your dad win.”
“No. You’re not welcome here or at any race ever again.” Ruby said. “Give me the pass and get out.”
“You don’t mean that, babe. You’re just tired from the flight. Take a nap and we’ll talk later.” Mason was about to put a hand on her shoulder, but she quickly punched his face. “What the fuck! Shit!” He held his bloody nose.
“I said get out!” Ruby yelled then ripped the paddock pass from his neck.
“You’re a fucking bitch anyways!” Mason yelled back as he walked away to the exit.
Ruby kept an eye on him until he actually left the paddock. She then noticed a few photographers and team members from Aston Martin and Alpine looking at her. “What?” She asked them harshly. They continued walking, afraid that Ruby might punch them next.
“Stupid boys.” She muttered as she walked to the paddock roof where she finally joined her mother and brother. She spent the rest of the race wishing she never let Mason make her fall in love. She hated herself for that.
“Papa! He won!” Mathéo jumped from his mother’s lap. “We need to see the ceremony! Let’s go!” The boy whined.
“You saw the ceremony last week, Mathéo! Nothing changed.” Ruby coldly said.
“Ruby Jules, apologize to your brother. Don’t be mad at him for being excited.” Y/n scolded the teen girl.
“What? It’s the truth. Dad is on the podium every race with uncle Max and uncle Carlos. It’s a stupid ceremony anyways with stupid trophies and stupid Ferrari.” Ruby mumbled. When she had enough, she got up and walked back down.
“She said stupid three times, maman.” Mathéo said.
“I know and don’t say that. You know grand-mère doesn’t like those kind of words.”
After the ceremony, Y/n had told Charles what had happened with Ruby so he told his wife he would talk to Ruby.
“It has to do with Mason so please don’t say anything . . . stupid.” Y/n whispered the last part since Mathéo was around and if she said it she would look like the world biggest hypocrite.
“Okay, I won’t. I’ll meet you at the teams hospitality.” Charles said and kissed his wife once more before leaving to find his daughter.
He was told by Fred that he saw Ruby enter his driver’s room so he headed towards the said room. He knocked three times before he opened the door. Charles saw Ruby sitting on a chair scrolling on her phone. She remained silent, clearly angry at everything.
“I saw you weren’t at the ceremony.” Charles said. “I didn’t see Mason either.”
“Mason can go to hell.”
“Okay, what did he do to my little girl?”
Ruby groaned. “He wouldn’t have done anything if it weren’t for you! Why did you have to be a f1 driver! You could’ve been an architect or a stay at home dad. Mason was only with me to get to you, dad. And not just Mason, so many people at school want to be ‘friends’ because of my last name. I should’ve taken mom’s last name.”
Charles watched as Ruby stormed out of the room, leaving the door open. He knew how being in the spotlight was for her. He tried to keep her away from the media, but it was impossible now that she was grown.
“Hey, Y/n is asking for you.” He heard an engineer tell him.
“Thank you.” He mumbled as he exited his driver’s room. He could feel a couple of stares from the team, but he ignored them. He spotted Y/n and Mathéo by his car since Charles had promised the boy he could sit in it. “She hates me. Again.” Charles told Y/n. “She said she’d rather have your last name than mine.”
“I’ll talk to her. Théo wants you.” Y/n sighed. She left Charles and Théo as she went to look for Ruby. An Alpine engineer had told her Ruby’s location, which was their teams hospitality. She entered and saw Ruby sitting by herself eating ice cream.
“Your father told me that you don’t like being a Leclerc.” Y/n sat beside Ruby.
“I didn’t mean it. I just . . . I just want something normal. Mason was only with me because of my famous dad.”
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry. Boys are jerks, believe me.” Y/n comforted the girl.
“Even dad?”
“Sometimes.” Y/n lightly chuckled.
“Isn’t this the part where you’re supposed to tell me not to tell him?”
“No, he knows.”
Ruby cracked a smile. “I feel like a jerk. I love being a Leclerc. I love my family, maman. What if dad hates me forever and then I can’t go back home and I have to live on the street?”
“You’re so dramatic, Ruby Jules, I can’t tell if you get that from me or your father.” Y/n said.
“Definitely both of you, but Charles is extremely dramatic.” She heard Pierre say as he placed a kiss on Ruby’s temple. “At least you don’t need a dna test for this one.”
“Why are you here?”
“You’re in the Alpine hospitality and you’re asking why I’m here?”
“Bye, Pierre!” Y/n practically pushed him away so she could continue her talk with Ruby. “Your father knows how much you love him and he would never put you on the street.”
“He might.”
“He won’t.”
“But he could.”
“He’s not.”
“You kids are going to be the death of me,” Y/n rolled her eyes.
“Sorry, force of habit, you know how uncle Arthur and I are.” Ruby apologized. “I have to find dad.”
Eventually Ruby did apologize to Charles for saying she wished she wasn’t a Leclerc. In the end, the family agreed that Mason was an asshole and Charles even managed to ban him from any race from both f1 and f2. Nobody was mean to his kids and Mason had crossed the line.
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matchingbatbites · 1 year
2112 Days | Ao3 link
tw: memory loss
When Steve wakes up in the morning, he doesn't know where he is. The last thing he remembers from the night before is the party all piled up in his living room, everyone too anxious to sleep, and now he's in a bedroom that he has absolutely no memory of.
He looks around the unfamiliar room, tries to get a sense of what the fuck is going on, and on the nightstand next to him, he finds a tape recorder sitting on top of a photo album. On the tape recorder is a sticky note, with the words 'play me' written across the yellow paper in scratchy handwriting.
Steve is so confused and frustrated, he doesn't have time for this, they have a plan to carry out. But something deep inside him keeps him in place. Tells him to play it. He picks up the device and sees another note on the album, this one reading 'open me', and he presses play on the tape recorder before grabbing the book. 
There's a little bit of sound fuzz before a voice says "Good morning, Stevie!" and Steve blinks, because that's Eddie's voice. 
"Today is Saturday, August 29th, 1992, and it's been 5 years, 9 months, and 12 days since we killed Vecna and closed the gates permanently." 
Steve's hand jerks out and stops the tape, his breathing picks up because what the fuck? That can't be right, they're supposed to fight Vecna today. That's why they all stayed at Steve's house. One more sleepover, one more chance to be there for each other before they have to split up, before they have to finish the job.
He takes a moment to just breathe, lets the words sink in as he opens the photo album. It takes him a second to realize it, but the first picture is of himself, in a hospital bed, bandages wrapped around his head and a tube down his throat. He looks bad, and he doesn't remember a single second of it. 
There's more of that scratchy writing just below it. ‘November 20, 1986. Taken by one of Owen’s guys.’ The next page has a doctor's report, and Steve sees the words 'brain injury' and 'short term memory loss' before he continues. 
He flips through the album, sees more pictures of himself that he doesn't remember being taken. Each one has a date next to it, and some have a little description to give him context. There are photos of him with the party, with Robin and Eddie and Nancy, and there are news articles scattered amongst them, important things he should remember, that make his head hurt when he tries too hard to do so.
There are pictures of Nancy and Robin's graduation from college, Wayne's wedding to some woman named Cynthia, the grand opening of Jonathan and Argyle's pizza shop.
A photo of him and Eddie, wearing tacky sweaters and kissing under mistletoe, with the description '1987, Our first Christmas together', and oh, that's something that sends tingles up his spine. He'd had more than a crush on Eddie before their second run in with Vecna, but he hadn't had the courage to do anything about it before they ran head first into danger, again.
Are he and Eddie together now? Like, together together? 
The answer seems to be yes, because the next few pages are just more photos of him and Eddie, most taken by Eddie himself, his arm stretching out to capture the moment. Pictures of their first apartment, multiple anniversaries, the day they got their cat (Lucy is written next to this one in Steve’s handwriting, along with a little heart).
And then a photo that makes Steve's heart stop. It's them again, standing on a beach, hand in hand as they face each other. They're both barefoot, wearing slacks and nice shirts, Eddie's a deep, wine red, and Steve's a soft baby blue, and the love on their faces is blinding.
The description says 'June 15, 1991, Our wedding. Not legal, but very, very real.'
And Steve looks at his hand, for the first time sees the gold ring on his finger, like it's perfectly happy at home there, and he thinks he might start crying.
On the bottom of the page is his own handwriting, a small addition that just says 'play the tape.' Steve glances over, presses play again with a shaky hand, and Eddie's voice starts up once more.
"You got pretty banged up during the fight, and your many knocks to the head finally caught up with you. You have some extensive brain trauma, and your short term memory is basically non-existent.
"It's okay, though. You're not alone, you've got tons of people that care about you, baby. The Upside Down stuff is all over, there haven't been any blips on the radar or anything. The kids are all okay - scattered to the wind, but okay.
"Robin's in town today, we're meeting her for lunch at noon, but you've got plenty of time before then. Finish looking through the album, and as soon as you're ready, come find me in the house. Just follow the sound of music, baby. I love you."
The tape ends, and Steve takes a minute to process. He flips through the rest of the album, pictures dated all the way up to a month ago, when he and Eddie had apparently visited Nancy in New York.
It hits him that this is real, this is his reality. He looks at the tape recorder, thinks that this must be an everyday thing for Eddie, and he's suddenly overcome with emotion for the other man.
He climbs out of bed and grabs the tape recorder before he heads out of the room, hears music coming from somewhere, and follows it to a kitchen. 
And there's Eddie, with his hair pulled up into a messy bun, wearing sweatpants and humming along to the tape that's playing on a nearby stereo. There are more tattoos inked into his skin, more piercings in his ears, and Steve can see that yeah, he has aged a little. 
"Eddie?" he says softly, and the older man turns to look at him with a bright smile. 
"Morning, Stevie. How are you feeling today?"
Overwhelmed, Steve thinks, but he swallows hard and holds up the tape recorder. "Do you record these for me every day?" 
Eddie's smile softens at the question and he motions Steve closer. "You ask me that too often, like you just can't believe I'd do something like that for you."
Steve goes over to him, sets the device on the counter as one of Eddie's hands settles on Steve's waist, the other moving up to cup his cheek. "I can't believe it, it's so-" Kind? Selfless? 
Steve doesn't have the proper word to describe it, and it only adds to that overwhelmed feeling. Eddie's thumb strokes over his cheekbone and he hums softly.
"It's worth it for you, sweetheart. After all the shit we’ve been though, that you’ve been through, you deserve a normal life, and I swore do everything in my fucking power to make sure that happens."
And Steve is definitely crying now. The fact that Eddie has been doing this for almost six years, that he's stayed by Steve through it and hasn't given up on him? The effort he’s put into helping Steve feel somewhat normal? It's too much for Steve to comprehend, and Eddie pulls him into a tight hug, mutters softly softly into his ear as he starts to sob.
"I know, baby. It's okay." 
They stay like that for a while, until Steve's tears slow, then stop, and he's able to breathe normally again. "Sorry," he mutters and scrubs a hand over his face, and Eddie shakes his head. 
"Don't apologize, Steve. This happens sometimes, and it's perfectly okay. It's a lot to process all at once, and we just take it a day at a time, yeah?"
"Yeah, okay," Steve says, and takes another deep breath. He thinks back to the album, to the photos of him and Eddie, and he knows exactly what he wants in this moment. "Will you kiss me, please?" 
And Eddie smiles, says "Of course, honey." 
It feels right when Eddie kisses him, and it's weird, because he doesn't remember ever kissing Eddie before now, but it's like his body does, like it knows all of the steps to this dance that his brain can't remember. 
They stay in the kitchen for a while just kissing and talking, Eddie answering all of Steve's questions with such patience, until it's time to go meet Robin.
Later that night, just as Steve is dozing off, he feels Eddie pull away before getting out of the bed. 
"Where 're you goin'?" he mutters, and Eddie cards a hand through his hair. 
"Gotta go record your tape for tomorrow. Just go back to sleep, baby." 
Steve hums his disapproval and hears Eddie chuckle, before a kiss is pressed to his forehead. "I'll see you in the morning, gorgeous."
When Steve wakes up in the morning, he doesn't know where he is.
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scar-lie · 5 months
Their First Love [Natasha]
Summary : What happens when someone come back to get what's them.
Pairing : Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader, Natasha Romsnoff x Bucky Barnes
Warning : None, I guess
Word Count : 2,642
A/N : Hi everyone so sorry that I didn't post the chap 9 of Omega and the crossover oneshot, my school ends right before Christmas eve, then my Mom got admited to the hospital and well next is new year so it's kinda busy, sorry again but this oneshot is in my draft for over a month or week now so this is my sorry token for you all
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know.
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You sigh, getting off the elevator in the compound to visit Natasha. You two have been friends for over two years now. You two met in the coffee shop nearby your company building. She sat at your table with your permission because, at that time, the shop didn’t have any vacant seats left. Since then, you two have hit it off and become friends. After a year, you started to date, and you courted her until today.
But once you get off the elevator and pass the two doors that lead into a common room of the Avengers quarters, you frown at seeing everyone gather around and see Natasha clinging to a guy.
“What’s happening? "You question walking forward; everybody looks at you.
“Oh, Bucky, the winter soldier, Steve’s pal back in the days, and the Bucky I’ve been talking about—uhm, he's back and sided with us,” Natasha explains, giving you a hug and a kiss on your cheek.
“Hi, Y/N, nice to meet you.” You offer him a hand, but he just looks at it without emotion, so you take your hand back.
"Ok,” you mumble, and sit down on the couch and just look at them, especially Nat and Steve, who have pampered this new guy with questions and appreciation that he’s here now.
You just let them have fun and enjoy their time. You understand why, especially Steve and Nat. I mean, that’s Steve's pal or brother, and that’s Natasha’s first love, the love she found in the red room and KGB, where torture and killing grow, where she trains to be a black widow. But you’re not going to hide the fact that you’re jealous and scared that what you and Nat have will end soon.
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You let it slide the first few weeks, where Natasha was constantly clinging to Bucky and having quality time, and set you aside, but when the 5th week struck, you confronted her, where she just got home from a 2-day mission with Bucky, Tony, and Sam.
She’s tired and exhausted. Their mission goes south, which comprises a lot of people's lives, and all she wanted to do was go home, get the dirt and blood off of her body, and hope the frustration and self-blame will go down the drain too with the rest of the dirt, and sleep the night off.
But that’s not what’s waiting for her; instead, you’re in her bed, sitting and looking at the wall in front of you. When Natasha enters her room, she sighs and comes to kiss your forehead, then goes off to go to the bathroom.
“Be honest with me, Natasha... Are we still dating, or will you and Bucky go back together? "You asked before she could close the door, not looking at her form, which was frozen in her spot.
Natasha frowns, slowly turning back at you with a confused look. She doesn’t know how to answer it, and she herself doesn’t know either. All she knows is that Bucky is here; she wants to spend time with him, but at the same time, she’s building a relationship with another person, which is you. She just sighs, trying to look into your eyes, but you keep your eyes straight.
“I-uhmm….I don’t know…I-” You didn’t let her finish her sentence; you already heard enough, so you stood up, took your bag on the sofa, and headed out to her front door. Natasha quickly followed you.
“Call me if you already have an answer,” you mumbled enough for her to hear, but Natasha never let you get out that easily.
"Hey, hey, hey! No, you’re not going to walk out on me; we’re going to talk this out like a mature adult.” She pulls you inside and closes the door of her room.
“Ok, I admit that I spend more time with Bucky and that I’m putting you aside, but that doesn’t mean that I will end things between us.” She started searching for your eyes to look back at her too.
“And there’s a "but" coming, right? "You look at her; you already know how this is going. Well, you should have known better.
“But I don’t know, I... I still yearn for him... I don’t know, ok, please understand,” she whispered, and you just nodded. You can’t do anything about it, though. I mean, you two don’t put a label on who you both are, so she’s still free to choose him over you.
"Ok.” That’s all you said, and you walked past her.
“That’s all you’re going to say? "You sigh again and turn around, giving her a small, tight smile.
"Yeah, what do you want me to say? Do you want me to be angry or what? I mean, we’re not together, Nat; we’re just dating. I’m your suitor, Nat, so I don’t have the right to be angry or tell you to distance yourself from your first love, so yeah, that’s all I have to say.” With that, you leave her room and go back to your house as soon as possible to sleep it off and get ready for your endless meeting tomorrow, but God has other plans because you met Bucky on the way.
“Hi…..Y/N right? "Bucky, stop you before you can leave the two doors in the lounge where he sat, with snacks in his hand and a coffee table, so you stop and turn around to look at him tiredly.
“Yeah, that’s me. Why? "You sigh when he stands up and stands in front of you, trying to intimidate you, but honestly, if you’re not tired and don’t give a fuck, you’re probably intimidating him too.
“I don’t appreciate you getting close to Natasha, so could you please distance yourself? "I scuff at him, standing straight, grasping my handbag in front of me with my two hands.
“Maybe I should be the one telling you that, because before you come along, we’re dating,” you calmly said, giving him a tight smile.
“Well, are you two together? "He challenges you, and you clench your jaw, looking up at him.
"No.” You didn’t back down, and he smirked, satisfied at your answer.
“I suggest you start moving on, because I’m courting her.” He gives you a sly look and pats your shoulder, then leaves.
You clench your jaw and give him a dirty finger, leaving the building with irritation and annoyance, and go straight home to wash away all the stress and tiredness in your body since this morning, when your day started to go south.
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You didn’t bother to go to the compound for a week now because of a hectic workload, meetings here and there, and some dumbass who can’t do their jobs properly. Even though you missed Natasha and wanted her hugs and cuddles, you couldn’t visit her, so you just kept gifting Natasha food or flowers and texting her, but most of the time she ignored you, and you just rolled your eyes at that, thinking they were probably having their time together, so today you’re going to visit her.
But once you get to the compounds quarter, your mood quickly drops seeing Natasha leaning toward Bucky while watching some movies, but you put your jealousy and irritation aside and great her.
"Hey, Nat,” you say. She looks at you and quickly stands up and greets you with a hug and a kiss in the check that makes Bucky look at you dirty.
“Hi, how are you? You haven’t been here for a week now.” You give her a smile and show her the Chinese takeout you brought.
“Just busy in the office, that's all. Are you hungry? "You asked, taking her hand to drag her into the kitchen to eat.
"Sorry, but she’s full; we just got home to eat lunch.” He smirked at you, and you gave him a glare while he stood up and took Natasha off of you.
“So if you wouldn’t mind, we’re watching a movie," he says, then guides her back to the couch while Natasha just looks back at you, looking for your reassurance, but you keep neutral, which makes Natasha worried.
"Uhm, wait, Buck, actually, I’m-” Before she can get out of Bucky's grasp, you walk straight back to the kitchen, putting down the paper bag, and go back to leave the building.
“In case you..." you point to them with a tight smile.
“Get hungry or just give it to someone who wants it; I’ll be heading out now.” Then you leave with a sigh; you’re losing hope; well, he’s her first love; you can’t fight with that; that’s her greatest love; and now the only option you have is to accept it, because sooner or later, you’re expecting Natasha to talk to you and end things between you two.
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And you’re not wrong, because the next time you visited, you saw them together in the gym, sparing, well, more intimately; they kissed passionately, savoring their time together, and that broke your heart completely into pieces.
And you don’t have the heart to ruin it for her, so you just give yourself a smile, nod, and turn back, going to her room to get some of your stuff you left there, and well, wait for her there to have a talk. You know she’s not going to say it to you right away, so you’ll confront her.
Once Natasha entered the room with a big smile on her face and a tint of red in her check, saying goodbye to Bucky, you didn’t look up at her; you just looked at her waist until you heard her gasp, shocked to see you sitting on the edge of her bed.
"Y/N," she mumbles, not moving a single inch in her spot until she clears her throat, having the courage to tell you something.
“Glad to see you here, cause I need to talk to you too,” she carefully said, reading your dementor, but she failed, so she just gulped the lump on her throat and just blurted out.
“I need to end things between us because I know it’s not fair to you if I keep this hidden, but... I'm getting back with Bucky.” Her heart beat faster. Looking at you, you scuffed and nodded. At least she had the courage to tell you.
Natasha quickly became tense and gasped when she saw a few bags already packed. You looked up at her with a neutral dementor, the one you always wore before you met Natasha, and this made Natasha feel uneasy.
"Well, I guess it is my cue to leave now, since you already dropped the elephant in the room.” You stand up, taking your bag, and walk past her.
“I’m sorry,” she shouts, running to you. She feels guilty and hurt, even wanting you to look back at the eyes that she’s been searching for.
“Don’t be; you don’t owe me an apology or explanation…..and so do I, when I'll make no exception to anyone, including you, and when you don't have the same privilege you had before.” This makes Natasha’s eyes go wide; she knows how you are around in your company; you’re cold, strict, and scary.
“Excuse me, Miss. Romanoff, I still have a company that needs someone to run with.” With that, you leave the building and sulk yourself to work, declining every call and knocking on the door, letting your assistant be the only one who can come and go in your office, and rescheduling all your meetings for a week.
If you will move on, Natasha is no exception. You need to distance yourself from her and treat her like everyone else around you, even though she’s still your friend.
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This doesn’t settle Natasha very well; sure, she’s happy that she’s with her first love that the KGB ripped out of her, but the unsettling feeling deep in her bothers her.
Sure, she’s happy going on dates, cuddling, spending time together, and having sex with Bucky, but it still feels wrong to her. It feels wrong deep inside her, and she tries to set it aside, but the feeling keeps building and building up, like she’s going to explode one day.
"Hey, are you ok? "Bucky asked her with concern. He just got out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, while Natahsa just lay down in the bed, lost in her thoughts, and only the covers were covering her naked body while the morning sun started to rise.
"Yeah, yeah, I’m ok, just thinking.” Natasha looked at Bucky with a smile, so Bucky quickly lay beside her and buried his face in her neck.
“You’re thinking about her, do you? "Bucky whispers, looking up at her while she scuffs and shakes her head.
“What are you talking about, and who’s “her” you’re referring to? "Natasha, just look at him for a few seconds and go look somewhere else.
“You know what I’m talking about; I can feel it, Nat. You want her; you’re looking for her even though you keep saying to yourself that you’re okay." Natasha didn’t answer right away, thinking carefully.
"No, you're wrong,” Natasha just said and stood up, taking the cover with her.
“I already have what I want,” she said, trying to convince Bucky, but the truth is, she’s trying to convince herself more than Bucky.
Bucky didn’t argue with her; he knows Natasha is a stubborn one. Sure, he doesn’t know her very well now; things change, and he doesn’t want to push it.
But Natasha thought of it all day, and Bucky observed her the whole time, accepting that sooner or later Natasha would need to talk to him.
That day, Natasha went out to walk, think, and clear her head, letting her feet take her wherever they took her. That said, now she’s standing in the cafe shop where she first saw you, your memories of her flash in her mind, missing how you smiled and how soft you were to her, how you looked intimidating the first time you two met.
Then Natasha went to your favorite flower shop, where she most likely saw you before you courted her, buying different flowers every 3 times a week or maybe 4, then she visited the fast food chain you always whined to go to because you loved their onion rings and twisted fries there, then she went to your favorite burger food chain until she went around the town buying things that you always whined about.
Until she’s standing in front of your company building, frozen in her spot while looking up to the high tower where you are probably in and on one of the floors at the top, this makes her heartache, and she misses going here ever so often to visit you and spend time with you.
She sighs and decides to go in. Reasons? to give you the stuff she bought from different stores around the town, and she hopes that you will let her in or meet her.
But once she got inside, the receptionist wouldn't let her in with the reason—Ms. Y/L/N is busy and doesn’t want any visitors—she closed her eyes, cursing to herself, knowing she couldn't just walk past security or make her way around to get to you. She knows you already hate her, and doing the dirty job to get to you will fuel you more.
Natasha started to walk back, but not until someone screamed your name. That’s when she turned around and saw you, looking beautifully in your sexy business suit that shows all your assets with three bodyguards, and let the woman in your right arm. This broke Natasha, especially seeing who the woman is—it's the woman you talked about to her, your first love.
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
Texas State Fair
TF 141 + Alejandro going to the Texas State fair with Gigs
Just me on my Crack Head Shit again! Don't take anything seriously
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• After a far too hard of a mission you decided the guys all needed to lay low and get a fun treat- So you took them to your home to stay till their flights back over the pond.
• Back at your home you had them set up in your guest rooms and livingroom.
• Of course treated them with the upmost hospitality you decided to let them have a little fun.
• Starting of course with a hearty breakfast for the bunch
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• "Fucking Hell-" Simon grumbled as he saw the damn platters of food. Eggs, Hashbrown, Grits, Biscuits, Pancakes, bacon, sausage, sausage gravy and some fruits you had lying around.
• "This is a scone-" Gaz said as he held the buttermilk biscuit in hand, Earning a hard glare from you.
• "Just eat the dam' thing" You shot back at him with a glare, the man grumbling before taking a bite and freezing.
• A hint of a smile going over his lips as he finished off the pastry quickly-
• Fucking thought so-
• Each one of them tucking into the hearty breakfast at hand and clearly had favorites.
• Alejandro enjoyed the hashbrowns with over easy eggs
• Price enjoying the grits quite a bit with scrambled
• Gaz dogging out the Biscuits and Gravy.
• Soap ate his stack of Pancakes in delight along side the mountain of Aunt Jemima syrup
• And Simon ate essentially everything but you noticed he liked to make sandwiches with his food using the biscuits.
• "Alright boys, ready to be tourist today?"
• You say cheerfully and watch their eyes get big-
• This was going to be fun - For you
• Maybe lucky was just on your side but you'd taken them to the Texas State Fair. Getting them civilian clothes from Walmart which they had a trip going through.
• Ending up at the Fair after a nice drive in your old truck you smile as the guys get hit with the wave of people and games laid before them. It was absolutely massive
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• Deciding to just get the christening over with you take them to the Pits- Getting them to try that years contestants and pit masters specialties from each stall.
• Them almost losing their minds when they saw the prices-
• You of course needing to flex your home so it wasn't a problem as you handed them the paper plates.
• Simon took a peice of the meat and slipped it under his mask first. You see his eyes widen at the taste as he continued to pick through the damn thing at quick speeds. The rest following suite.
• Price Having a damn good time with the smoked sausages as he acted like he hadnt had breakfast. Even if you knew the poor old man would have some heartburn after this.
• Drifting through the fair you showed them all the fusions in for the big contest- which had defiently been hit or miss by your guys standards.
• Alejandro speaking to some stall members as they gave him some stuff to try free and trying different fusions of some things he grew up on.
• A Froot Loop Shrimp doing Gaz in as he damn near lost his Breakfast and BBQ after a bite.
• The favorites among the men being a smothered Torta which they all demolished.
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• Which you were greatful for since your wallet was defiently starting to burn-
• Soaps eyes however handed on the Funnel Cake stand and you of course bought him one.
• Soap had the biggest sweet tooth out of the bunch and looked at the Funnel Cake like it was the second coming of God.
• "Ay Fuc ya thats good-" Soap said as he took a bite of the Funnel Cake and gave laugh. You could practically see the sugar rush setting into the Scotsman.
• After a few hours of running you get to the drink stands, Deciding some liquor was in order.
• "Bitc' about it an I'll clock y'u" You warned pointedly at them. Which made him shut up and drink the beers provided.
• From some shots, to Margaritas and then of course a river of beer ready for you all.
• " 'merican Beer is disgustin" Soap grumbled as he looked at the light colored liquid set infront of him by you.
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• After the drinks, the alcohol clearly getting to the men as they went to play some games.
• Releasing highly trained soldiers out to kiddy Fair games was probably the worse decision ever- Like setting a Olympian to a athletic competition.
• Winning time and time again each game, getting the biggest prizes or even cash at times.
• By the end of night the men were full and ready to sleep for the next 3 days. You driving them all the way back to your home and smiling as you saw the pile of hardened soilders passed out in the back of your truck like children.
• Sharp shooting, Darts, Ring Ross, Test of Strength-
• Every. GOD. DAMN. GAME.
• By the end each man had a clear plastic bag full to the brim with shit and most was offered to you. The giant bull stuffed animal as big as you being as much evidence-
• This leading to more drinks of course-
• When the rides came however they were well drunk- You feeling like you were watching a group of 6ft+ Toddlers wreck havoc over the fair as they dragged their prizes and went on Faris wheels and mini rides.
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usagikookiejams · 5 months
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Haitani Ran, Ryuguji Ken (Draken), Hanemiya Kazutora, Haruchiyo Sanzu
Warning: angst no comfort, cheating, NOT PROOFREAD, cursing, mentioned about abusive relationship, drug usage, harsh words
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Haitani Ran
It has been 3 months since your relationship with Ran ended in a bad term. Deciding to move from Roppongi to Okinawa to avoid meeting up with him again.
Unbeknownst to you, a guy was following behind while you're doing grocery shopping. After failed attempts to reach the product in the higher rack, suddenly a guy was helping you out.
"Thank you so much-," you were left silent after seeing that the guy was actually your ex; Ran. He looks handsome as always. But, you could see the obvious eyebag.
"How you doing?," he smiled, trying to start a conversation with you but, you just ignored him and pushed your cart forward.
He didn't stop pestering you, until you has had enough and slapped his face. "Don't you feel ashamed? Showing your face after you cheated on me with that 'work-wife' of yours?!," you glared at him.
He explained that he was drunk at that time. However, he paused his words after seeing the disgusted look in your face.
"I couldn't bear looking at you. It reminds me how stupid I am to trust you. Hah, my friends were right about you; you indeed couldn't keep your dick in your pants," you smirked and walked away.
Ran felt like his world started to collapse. Witnessing your hostile behaviour towards him has proven how you don't wanna get back with him no matter what.
Ryuguji Ken (Draken)
You and Draken started dating after 3 years of Emma's death. Motivating him daily has led to him starting to open his heart to you.
But things weren't always nice and easy. It indeed was very hard for someone to move on from his past lover.
That's why, after only about 2 years of dating, you decided to broke things off with Draken after you has had enough of him comparing you with Emma.
Emma this, Emma that; you were tired of hearing his complaints.
Though he looked like he didn't care back then, but why is he always reaching out to you now?
He looks so desperate trying to win you back. Showing his effort by buying you flowers every week, which ended up disposed in the dustbin at your office.
Today remains the same routine of his. But you decided to give him your piece of mind once you saw him walking towards the receptionist counter.
You dragged him outside the building where your co-workers couldn't see you. "Can you stop all this nonsense?," you sighed.
"But baby-," he couldn't finish his words when you suddenly took the flowers and placed it on his motorbike.
"I am not your baby, and I don't need your flowers. Why not giving them to Emma, considering she may need them more to decorate her grave?," you couldn't help but saying deep and harsh words.
There, Draken was left heartbroken. He realized how all of his action of comparing you and Emma has led to you hating both of them.
Oh lord, how he wish you would care for him one more time.
Hanemiya Kazutora
Being in a relationship with Kazutora was challenging, he always scold you for things that are even miniscule; blaming you for it. Thus, you decided it was best to separate with him, as he tend to get physical with you.
Visiting the hospital for how many times now, that you don't even remember; getting psychology treatment to treat your mental health from past abusive relationship.
You were busy listening to music that you didn't notice that you has bumped into someone. The person sighed in annoyance, that is, when you heard your name being called in shocked tone, "Y/N?."
You frozed in place, looking up at the person. Oh, it's Kazutora. You got up and said sorry as quickly as possible before getting away.
You felt your hand being pulled, and you couldn't help but flinch. "Hey, hey sweetheart, it's okay. I won't hurt you." You still your position, didn't dare to look at the man who had inflicted pain upon you before.
Kazutora felt a pang of hurt in his heart, looking at how you're terrified of him. He felt tears running down his cheeks, profusely saying sorry while saying he missed you so much and how his mental health is declining.
You looked at him dead in the eyes. Though feeling scared but you tried to stood your ground. "Yeah? And what about me? What about all the things that you said, and pain that you inflicted on me before huh? Answer me Hanemiya," you said in heavy tone.
Kazutora didn't like how you're saying his first name. It was always Kazu or baby; anything but Hanemiya. Nevertheless, he tried to reason with you how he never intended to do those things, saying that he wasn't in the right state of mind.
You scoffed and warned him how if he still loves you, he should just leave you alone. Kazutora was about to say something but you dismissed him, and just walk forward leaving your past behind.
After that encounter, Kazutora still trying to reach out to you by visiting you at home or workplace. That is until one day, he was forced to stop his action once knowing that you has moved to another country with no one knowing your whereabouts.
Haruchiyo Sanzu
Dating Sanzu was never a boring experience. He's wild and loves to party, which at last causing you to not being able to keep up with his behavior.
Lucky for you, the break up was easy as Sanzu too thinks that you're too boring, and always acting like a 'nagging bitch'. Thus, deciding to also let you go.
Despite the break up only took place less than a month ago, you're suprisingly doing great as you are now start to prioritize yourself. Spending time to learn new hobby; that is photography.
Currently you're in the park, capturing panoramas and birds that flew over the horizon. Click! You went to check the picture but noticed a familiar pink hair in the photo.
The pink-haired-person looked over his shoulder as he heard the clicking sound. He couldn't believe his eyes when seeing you, thus started to run towards you, "Y/N!."
"Oh shoot..," you whispered to yourself and started walking faster. Albeit he was fast enough to grab your shoulder. "Baby, how you been? I wasn't able to contact you for a month. Did you change your contact number?," the person said.
"So what if I did, Sanzu?," you put on confident look. "It's not like we're going to contact each other anymore, is it?," you continued.
"But-," Sanzu was about to speak but you just shook your head. "I wish to never meet you again. Now that I look back, I realized how dumb I am to love some maniac like you. You didn't even consider my feelings, always gaslighting me and even calling me names. So don't be suprised when I decided to move on from you," you scoffed and walked away without looking back.
At that moment, Sanzu knew he fucked up real bad by messing up the relationship you guys had before.
Later on, he started to indulge himself in more drugs, as it's the only way he could be free from the hurting feelings.
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keerysfreckles · 6 months
breaking the silence — steve harrington
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pairing: steve harrington x nurse!fem!reader
warnings: s4 spoilers, canon s4 events, use of y/n and she/her pronouns, mentions of death, long fic (i got carried away oopsies)
a/n: thanks to my wifey @keerysbrowneyes for the idea :) <3
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"can we go to the cafeteria?"
"what if she wakes up soon?"
"can we play dnd now?"
steve groans for the hundredth time today. the kids were on his last nerve.
"guys!" steve interjects all their questions. "yes, you all can go to the cafeteria. i'll stay with max in case she wakes up. and no will, you can't play dnd."
dustin smiles, along with lucas and erica, as will frowns. the party makes their way out of the room and down the hall, all will empty stomachs.
steve can finally relax as he sits in one of the chairs placed in the room. he stares at max. her eyes are still shut, the blood has now faded to a light pink color around her eyes. she still had all the casts on her body.
steve couldn't stare at her for long, or else he'd breakdown right then and there. instead, he chose to fiddle with his calloused fingers.
however his head picked up once the door opened, revealing a nurse he hasn't seen before.
usually the nurse was male, who was much older with his grey hair. this nurse looked younger, and was a woman.
"oh hi, i didn't think anyone would be in here right now," the nurse explains.
steve stands from the chair, "i can leave if you want?"
the nurse only smiles, "don't be silly. i'm just checking her vitals."
steve nods, before sitting back down. "do you know how much longer she'll be like this?" he asks.
"well she's taking all the medicine nicely, and getting the rest she needs. so i'd say give her one more month at most."
steve runs his fingers through his hair. it's been two months since the upside down incident. all he hoped for was for max to get better as quick as possible.
"are you her primary care-taker?" the nurse asks.
steve shakes his head.
"i just figured since you're here everyday to see her," the nurse explains.
"no uh- her mom checks on her sometimes. at least that's what she tells me."
the nurse nods, as she finishes taking max's vitals, and writing down any changes.
"thank you," steve gestures towards max, "for doing all this?"
the nurse laughs, "for doing my job? you're welcome," she puases, not knowing the man's name.
the nurse smiles, "steve."
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
twenty four hours pass and steve finds himself in the hospitals visiting max again. the only difference being robin sitting next to him.
keith agreed to let robin go with steve, as family video wasn't busy on tuesdays.
robin was in the middle of telling steve about her and vickie's date from last week, until a knock on the door interrupted the girl.
steve noticed the nurse that walked in. it was the same nurse as yesterday, and today she had a cart filled with medical supplies.
"oh hi steve," the nurse smiles, "who's this?" she gestures to robin.
robin waves, "i'm robin, steve's friend."
steve nods, "yeah she agreed to come with me today, instead of the kids."
"you knew those kids in the cafeteria yesterday?" the nurse asks.
steve nods again, "well they were friends with max before me, but yeah i guess i-" robin hits steve's shoulder. "we look after them now."
"that's sweet of you guys," the nurse smiles.
robin turns to steve once the nurse starts checking on max. steve turns to robin as well, confused once he gets a look from her.
robin gestures her head towards the nurse. steve on the other hand just dismisses it. she was totally asking about it later.
robin's seen steve with this same look on his face before. whenever he looked at a breathtaking girl walking into scoops or family video. it was the same way he looked at nancy.
robin smirked to herself while getting out of her chair, "do you want anything from the vending machine?" she asks steve.
he shakes his head, and sends her a narrow look, knowing why she was leaving the room so suddenly.
in five seconds, it was just steve and the nurse in max's room again.
"i never got your name yesterday," steve breaks the silence.
"it's y/n," she looks over at steve.
"that really suits you," he smiles, and notices her cheeks turning pink.
the very sweet moment was cut short when robin re-entered the room, with three bags of chips in hand. steve gave her a look.
"what? i'm hungry," robin answered, before sitting back down in the seat next to steve.
y/n finished filling out the paperwork for max, and took the iv out of her arm she put in earlier.
she then walked over to steve with a few papers in her hand. she first hands him two papers, "these are the improvements she's made since last week, and the negatives."
steve gets handed another paper, and tries to ignore how his fingers touched y/n's.
"this is for her care-taker, so either for you, or if you're lucky to find a legal guardian."
steve and robin both look over the papers, happy once they read max is finally starting to have bigger improvements.
a device on the medical cart beeps twice, making y/n have to leave the room quickly to get to another patient. once steve and robin are alone, robin's curiosity gets the best of her.
"you like her don't you?"
steve whips his head to face robin, "what kind of question is that? we just met yesterday."
"i'm not hearing a no steven."
"rob, come on, don't be ridiculous."
"all i'm saying is, maybe it's good that you finally moved on from nancy. she's with jonathan in california anyways. maybe it's time to hop off that train."
steve shakes his head, "gee thanks for reminding me robin."
steve knew robin had a point. all the unnecessary pining for a girl he couldn't have. it just weighed him down most of the time.
an announcement was emitted over the speakers of the hospital, stating that visiting hours were over. steve and robin get their belongings before leaving the room. they pass the cafeteria, making steve stop in his tracks.
"do you want to get food before we head home?" steve points to the food court like area.
"no, vickie's actually picking me up for a date," robin nonchalantly answers.
steve's eyes widen, "wow, and you didn't tell me?" he laughs.
robin shoves him, before she starts walking to the lobby, "i was going to tell you eventually."
the pair shares a wave, knowing they were probably going to see each other again by the end of the week.
steve was quick to grab food, knowing exactly what he was in the mood for. a sandwich, a drink and a chocolate chip cookie were on the white tray.
he turned, and look around the tables. some were filled with parents. others had just one person, and some were empty with a few crumbs littered on top. steve however noticed on table in particular.
he recognized the purple scrubs of the nurse who he saw less than thirty minutes ago.
several thoughts flooded his mind as he walked over to the table y/n was sitting at.
what if she doesn't want to see me again? maybe she can't sit with visitors. what if she wants to eat alone?
however the thoughts don't stop him from standing in front of the table.
y/n picks her head up from her food, and sees a familiar grey jacket. her eyes reach the eyes of the person standing in front of her. she smiles, once she notices it's steve.
"hi steve," her smile never falters.
steve points to the empty chair across from her, "can i sit?"
y/n nods, "be my guest. i was feeling kind of lonely anyway."
steve and y/n both smile as he sits down across from her. they both eat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before steve breaks the silence for the second time today.
"what made you become a nurse?"
y/n takes in a short breath, which doesn't go unnoticed by steve. she wasn't sure why she was about to tell him the real reason, but she felt like she could trust him.
"before my dad passed away, i felt like i wasn't doing enough when he was in the hopsital. so when he passed, i made this like, promise to myself to help everyone else since i couldn't help him."
steve's heart breaks for the girl in front of him, "i'm so sorry y/n."
y/n can tell his voice is nothing but sincere. she only smiles, her own voice now feeling lost.
steve, trying his best to change the subject, asks another question.
"is this your first job?"
y/n nods, "yeah, i was going to work at the mall after high school, but decided this is what i want to do for a while."
"i used to work at the mall," steve laughs, making y/n gasp slightly.
"seriously? which store did you work at?"
"scoops ahoy, you know it?"
y/n nods, "i walked by it probably hundreds of times while me and my friends were out shopping," she laughs, now remembering seeing steve in that stupid sailor uniform whenever she passed by.
"but then the mall got destroyed from that fire," steve continued, "so now i work at family video. next to the arcade."
"i've been meaning to get some movies from there. but with school and work i've just been too busy," y/n sighs. don't get her wrong, she loves everything about her job, and the opportunities she's been given at such a young age. she only misses the amount of free time she used to have.
"i have a shift tomorrow, if you want to stop by whenever your shift ends, i can recommend some great movies," steve offers, in hope to be able to see her again tomorrow.
"i'll have to see how late i'm working tomorrow. i'd love to see you again," y/n catches onto to what she just said, which made steve raise his eyebrows and laugh quietly.
"i mean, i'd love to see you recommend me some movies. not that i won't be happy to see you again."
steve chuckles again at y/n's rambling, which instantly reminds him of robin.
"i know what you mean y/n, don't worry."
y/n's shoulder relax, as her and steve both finish their meals.
y/n takes both her and steve's white trays to the trash bins, and dumps the containers inside. steve grabs his car keys and wallet, along with y/n's jacket draped over the back of the chair and her purse.
y/n thanks steve while putting on her jacket. the two of them walk down the hallway together, and make their way through the lobby and out into the parking lot.
"you know you didn't have to walk me to my car right?" y/n lets out a giggle, which steve finds adorable.
"i know, just thought it'd be the chivalrous thing to do," steve chuckles, as he remembers dustin using that word a lot.
"well thank you steve," y/n sends him a smile, before reaching in her pockets, looking for her car keys.
steve realizes he's still holding her purse. he lets out a small 'oh' before handing it to her, making her thank him again.
steve waves to her as she turns her car on. he makes sure she leaves the parking lot safely, before he starts walking over to his own.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
steve's shift at family video the next day was uneventful and slow. only three customers have come in since steve's shift started. was it slow because he wanted to leave? maybe. did he want to leave only so he could see y/n again? absolutely.
robin noticed how bored steve looked as he played with the slinky on the counter.
"keith won't care if you leave ten minutes early ya know?" robin states, "we've been slow all day."
"you're telling me this why?" steve turns to face robin, who's stocking one of the shelves.
"you and i both know you just want to see that hot nurse from yesterday, who you obviously have chemistry with."
"i did not call her hot," steve dismisses.
"no, but you're thinking it," robin smirks.
steve just sends her a look, which makes robin laugh as she continues working.
steve contemplates on leaving early. he knew keith wouldn't care, just like robin said a moment ago.
"screw it."
steve walks into the small break room in the back of the store and clocks out. he grabs his keys and wallet, and a can of coke for the drive there, then jogs slightly through the store to get to his car.
"bye romeo!" robin yells as the store door closes.
steve's thankful the hopsital is close to fanily video, making him only have to deal with a twenty three minute drive.
he's lucky to find a parking spot. he takes notice of all the cars in the parking lot, knowing how busy it must be inside.
steve walked in and his assumption was correct. the lobby was almost filled to the brim with visitors, incoming patients, and doctors coming in and out through every door.
he walked to the front desk, and was surprised how quick he got his visitor sticker.
while walking through the hallway to get down to max's room, steve was passed by many doctors, nurses and patients. one nurse he wasn't expecting to see run by was y/n.
y/n, two doctors, and two others nurses were running by steve at the same time. he heard a certain code from the speakers as they all ran by, as well as calls from their moniters.
steve stopped walking for a moment, as he turned to see the group of five running back with a little girl on a stretcher. she looked maybe six or seven, and was as white as a ghost. her cries could be heard throughout the lower level of the hospital, even with the mask on her face.
steve got back to his original task, once the hallway had calmed down. he finally made it to max's room. he smiled when he saw the familiar room number.
"what are you guys doing here?" steve thinks out loud, as he's met with the whole party in max's room.
lucas, erica, will, mike and eleven all stood beside the bed near the window, while nancy and jonathan sat in the seats.
"mike, nancy and jonathan all came back from california this morning. we thought they should come see max," will explains.
just as steve is about to ask another question, a knock on the door makes him turn. a nurse comes in, who isn't y/n.
"oh wow, a lot of visitors in here," she smiles.
the nurse starts to take max's vitals, just like any other day. with all of the people in the room, steve's face grows hot as he starts to feel claustrophobic. he tells nancy he'll be outside the room if any of them need him.
less than ten minutes pass as everyone walks out of max's room, besides the nurse.
they all walk past steve and go down the hallway, after nancy tells steve that all the kids are getting antsy and need to get out of the hospital. steve nodded in understanding, knowing they could only handle it for so long.
steve debates on going back inside to check on max, but decides not to.
whenever he goes into that room, all he can think of is it being his fault for her condition. he always feels as if he could've done more to protect her from vecna.
steve stands from the chair and starts walking to the cafeteria. might as well get free food before i leave.
his plans change however, once he turns the corner and sees y/n sitting on the floor. her elbows are resting on her bent knees while her hands are in her hair. steve hears the soft cries coming from the girl.
he jogs towards her, before kneeling down besides her.
"hey hey, are you okay?" his voice is gentle, as he rests his hand on her shoulder.
y/n's head turns. she definitely wasn't expecting to see steve at the hospital today. "what are you doing here?" her voice was raspy.
"i was visiting max, but then was going to get food, and i found you here. are you alright?"
y/n only shakes her head, after sniffling and wiping her eyes. "a little girl passed away, not long after she came in from an ambulance."
steve listens, keeping a hand on her shoulder as he rubs his thumb along the bone.
"i've dealt with patients passing before, but this one felt so different. her parents were in the room," y/n hiccups as she tries to catch her breath, "they were in the room while her time of death was announced."
steve didn't say anything in return. he simply stood up and held his hand out, which y/n instantly took. he helped her stand up, and was quick to open his arms. of course y/n complied.
steve's arms were wrapped loosely around her neck, while her own were around his waist. the action only made her break down more, making her grip onto steve's grey jacket. he gently swayed the two back and forth, in efforts of calming y/n down.
steve kissed the top of y/n's head once he heard her cries starting to die down.
"how would french fries and milkshakes make you feel right now?" steve asks, not moving from his current position.
y/n giggles before sniffling again, "i wouldn't hate it."
steve reluctanly pulls away from the hug, "when does your shift end?"
y/n checks her watch and chuckles, "two minutes ago actually. let me grab my things and i'll meet you in the lobby?"
steve nods, watching y/n walk away from him.
just as promised, steve's waiting in the lobby when y/n walks through the double doors.
they both walk out to the parking lot, and before y/n can walk to her own car, steve grabs y/n's shoulder.
she turns with her eyebrows furrowed.
"we can just take my car," steve offers, "we can go to the diner, and if you want to you can stay at mine for the night."
y/n's heart melts at steve's offer, as he starts to ramble.
"i mean you've probably had a long day, and i know if i were you i wouldn't want to be alone right now. i know we just met so it-"
"steve," y/n cuts him off.
"i'd love to," she smiles, making steve send one back to her.
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steve stuck to his word as he took himself and y/n to the diner nearby. they got a large order of fries, as steve got a chocolate milkshake and y/n got a strawberry one.
now the pair was at steve's house. his parents were out of town, which didn't surprise steve. which meant they had the house to themselves.
steve noticed y/n was still in her purple scrubs, which prompted him to ask, "do you want some comfortable clothes to change into?" he chuckles.
y/n nods, "if you don't mind, that'd be great."
steve motions for her to follow him up the stairs, which she does.
y/n looks around steve's room once they both enter, as steve goes over to his dresser. y/n sees the different trophies placed around the room, as well as multiple picture frames of what seems to be of himself and friends.
steve comes back to the girl, and hands her an old t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.
"bathroom's right across the hall," he smiles. he hears a small 'thank you' as y/n walks out of his room.
he takes the time to change out of his jeans and polo shirt, and into a pair of pajama pants and old high school t-shirt.
he turns once he hears the bathroom door opening, and smiles at the sight of y/n wearing his own clothes.
"thank you steve," she places her old clothes by the wall, before standing in front of steve.
"thank you for everything actually," she admits.
"you're very welcome," steve smiles, "i just want to make sure you're okay after today."
y/n nods, "yeah, i think i'll be okay."
after a moment, steve breaks the silence, "do you want to go downstairs and watch a movie? or we could go outside and just talk?"
"i'm okay with a movie."
once y/n and steve make their way back downstairs and into the living room, a thought pops into y/n's head.
"do you mind if i call my mom first? just in case she calls and i'm not home, i'll tell her why."
steve points in the direction of the phone, "yeah of course, phone's in the kitchen by the fridge."
steve chuckles to himself when he hears another 'thank you' coming from y/n before she's in the kitchen.
steve can't help but look at the girl from the living room. he's able to see from her waist up, and still think she looks perfect in his clothes.
y/n hangs up the phone after a short conversation with her mom. she puts her head in her hands and takes in a deep breath. the last thing she wanted to do was breakdown in front of steve again.
"are you okay?"
speak of the devil. y/n saw steve standing right outside the kitchen. she simply nodded before walking over to him.
"today was just a lot," she sighs.
"i get that," steve agrees.
just by the look on y/n's face, he can tell a million different thoughts are going through her mind. he grabs her chin in his hand to make her look up at him, and then moves his hand to cup her cheek.
"are you sure your okay?" his voice is softer than before.
once again, y/n only nods.
steve and y/n mantain their eye contact, completely getting lost in each other's eyes.
y/n noticed how soft and gentle his eyes look. she believes there's a whole story underneath his eyes, but decided against asking.
as steve is doing the same thing to y/n, the girl leans up and kisses him on the lips quickly.
her heartbeat only picked up once he didn't say anything. she feared she had messed up the relationship the two had just started.
steve didn't move his hand from y/n's cheek, and he smirked slightly.
before y/n could start profusely apologizing, steve beat her to it.
"why'd you stop?"
the question immediately caught y/n off gaurd, "what?"
"why'd you stop kissing me?" steve asks again.
y/n can only stutter in response and before a full sentence can be formed, steve pulls her to him and kisses her on the lips.
his other hand moves to her waist, gripping at the skin peaking out from under the shirt.
y/n quickly responds by kissing him back, as both of her hands go to his waist.
y/n gasps slightly as steve turns to hold her against the wall that he was previously leaning on. the gasp gives steve the chance to slip his tongue into her mouth, making the two's tongues have to fight for dominance.
"screw the movie," steve mumbles against y/n's lips, making her giggle before she wraps both of her arms around steve's neck.
y/n giggles again after steve grabs her hand, and pulls her back upstairs to his bedroom.
to say robin would be getting a very interesting call from steve the next morning would be an understatement.
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elizabethwritesmen · 4 months
The Devil Wears Lace
chapter 5 : July 4, 2023
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pairing: simon “ghost” riley x reader
summary: it’s 4th of july and your favorite soldier shows up at the firework show. you spend a little time with him and get a little drunk, resulting in some bad decision. everything is ok though, as long as he’s there with you.
warnings: 18+ for eventual smut, pining, no use of y/n, reader is almost forced into a pool, angry simon, possessive simon, fireworks, someone flirts with reader, i think that’s all but let me know if i missed anything!
series masterlist
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July 4, 2023
A year had passed since my kidnapping.
It was surreal, really. I liked to brush off the experience like it had been nothing but it took a week in the hospital to detox me from all the drugs those guys had pumped in me and two months for my leg to completely heal. It wasn’t the kind of thing you just… forget about. The trauma was gone, though, mostly, but what was left creeped in once I realized it was the anniversary of it.
And then the worst thought crept in. What if they came back? One failed attempt so they try again?
I shrugged off those thoughts, returning to my outfit search. I’d tried on a million options, and upon seeing them on me, decided they were awful and should burn. Because of this what can only be described as character flaw, most of my clothes were strewn across my bed and floor haphazardly after being ripped violently and angrily from my body. I sighed, accepting defeat, and found my safe choice. A cream colored American flag sweater, just thin enough to wear on the beach, and a pair of light wash daisy dukes with rips and exposed pockets. I yanked on my birk style sandals and called it a day.
I rushed out the door with my hair pulled messily into a white claw clip and my makeup done in a rush, mascara just barely smeared and a thin layer of lip balm. I jumped into my car, speeding to the beach where the firework show was to be held.
Normally, I would’ve had to work, but Sabrina’s husband’s family just happened to be the owners of the bar and he decided to close for the night so everybody could enjoy the holiday. This was mostly due to pestering from Sab and I, but that was fine, considering we got what we wanted in the end.
Once I got there, I parked right beside her husband, Dylan’s truck. Once they saw me, they climbed out and we all walked to find a spot together.
“There are a lot of people here already,” I commented as we found a free space at the end of the pier, right in front of the water.
“Probably trying to get good spots like the one we just got,” Sabrina wiggled her eyebrows.
“You know who might be coming?” Dylan asked me with a smirk that made me nervous. I stood, waiting for him to tell me, and he bit, “Connor.”
Connor worked with me when I first started at the bar, but he’d quit after a few months to take a job offer in another city. He was nice, adorable and likable. He was never immune to my charms but he was much more respectful than any of the other men I used them on. We’d hung out and, well, made out a few times before he moved away. I never really cared about him or anything, so his leaving was fine with me, but I did miss having a man around that wasn’t creepy or strange or icky in the slightest. Of course, now I had Ghost, but was he really around? Not much. So what harm could flirting with Connor for the evening do?
“You invited him?” I asked, brows furrowed, “I knew you guys were friends but I didn’t realize you kept in touch.”
“Yeah, he has plans with his family today and came here for them, but he said he’ll probably be done early and head here.”
“Interesting,” Sabrina grinned, “Sounds like a good chance for you to get laid.”
I threw my water bottle at her, “Not everything is about sex, Sab!”
“Well it sure hasn’t been for you lately.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I raised an eyebrow at her.
“You’ve been stuck on Ghost for a year, flirting around with him and waiting for him like an army wife or something. And in that time, have you had sex or even done anything with anyone at all?” I cast my eyes downward, the truth in her words hitting me like ice water. “Exactly. I’m just saying, you need to get out of this rut or you’re gonna be hung up on a man you’ll never have for the rest of your life.”
Sabrina was always one for tough love. She never lied, and she only ever said exactly what she thought a person needed to hear.
“You know, I never really slept around even before I met Ghost,” My contradiction was weak against her words.
“I know. But I also know that’s the only thing that might get him off your mind and turn you back into a man’s worst nightmare.”
“Fine. You’re right. Hopefully Connor will stop by.”
“Atta girl!” She grinned, high fiving me with both hands as we settled into the chairs Dylan had carried out for us.
“Not to, uh, ruin this moment for you ladies or anything, but who is Ghost?” Dylan asked, seeming thoroughly confused.
“The guy I told you about, that always wears the mask. The one who saved her last year.”
“Oh!” recognition flashed on his face, “Somehow I’ve missed him every time he’s been here.”
“Well then you’ve also missed the googly eyes she makes at him.”
“I’m sitting right here!” I huffed, crossing my arms.
We hung out there for a couple hours, chatting and drinking a little more than we really needed to. I was nice and buzzed by the time night fell, and I looked around, surveying all the people there.
What I wasn’t expecting to see was Ghost and his three buddies a little ways away from us. They hadn’t noticed me yet, and I didn’t know whether that was a blessing or a curse. Did I have it in me to ignore him and just have a good night with my friends?
Of course I didn’t.
“Sabrina!” I hissed, smacking her on the arm until she paid attention to me. When she finally looked up from whatever she was doing on her phone, I gestured aggressively with my head to the guys in question.
“Fuck, who’d have thought? You gonna go say hi?”
“I don’t know, they haven’t seen me yet. It would be weird for me to just-“
“They see you now,” she raised a brow and gave them a slight finger wave, and I turned to see that they were, in fact, looking at me. Even him.
“Do you think they even want me to walk over there?” I asked.
“Of course they do, stupid, those boys are wrapped around your finger. Go!”
“No,” I sighed, “If he wants to talk to me badly enough he’ll come over here.”
“You and your dumbass hoe rules,” she rolled her eyes at me.
“They’re not dumb and I’m not a hoe!”
“Wait,” Dylan furrowed his brows, “That’s the man? The myth? The legend?” I nodded, giggling. “He’s fucking huge!”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“Hell no, I’m guy crushing. Now I don’t resent Sabrina for telling me he’s hot.”
“You told your husband you think Ghost is hot?” I snorted at her, and she shrugged.
“He told me he thinks Angelina Jolie is hot. It was only fair.”
“So you guys just… share your gay crushes with each other? Any more you want to tell me about?”
“Well we’ve both agreed we’d have a threesome but only with you-“ Sabrina didn’t finish her statement, but I heard enough and reached my hand up to shut her up.
“I want to forget you told me that.”
“Fuck,” she gasped, “He’s coming over.”
“Really?” my tone was pathetic, too excited for my own good.
“You were right, I was wrong. Your hoe rules are not dumb!”
Before I could respond, he cleared his throat from behind me. I turned slowly, feeling his presence before I even saw him.
“Hey,” I grinned, and almost looked like he did too, under the mask.
“Wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he said, his voice the same rough melody as always.
“Well… I live here, and basically the entire town showed up, so..”
“That’s true.”
“What’s more weird is you being here. Considering this is a day to celebrate the US ditching England and you’re English.”
He shrugged, “I like American Independence Day. It’s interesting.”
“Interesting how?”
“Right now, the interesting part is you.”
I fought off the butterflies. Really and truly, I did, with everything I had in me.
“If you just came over here to flatter me, you can go ahead and go back to your friends,” I smirked, eyes narrow.
“Actually I came over to see if you’d wanna come say hi to them.”
“Awwww, so they sent you over here? And I thought you came over because you like me.”
Sabrina and Dylan had amused expressions on their faces, but neither said a word as they watched the exchange.
“They were just gonna wave you over but I told them I wanted to come ask you. Does that answer satisfy you?”
“I’m never satisfied,” I clicked my tongue, but I stood from my seat anyway, lightly grabbing his arm and letting him lead me away. “Be right back!” I called as I left, and my two friends waved goodbye to me, laughing.
“There she is!” Soap cheered as I approached, and a grin broke out over my face. “We started to think you didn’t wanna talk to us!”
“Was just waiting for Lieutenant Dan over here to notice me is all,” I hummed jokingly, getting on my tiptoes to pat Ghost on the head.
“Lieutenant… Dan?” he furrowed his brows, staring down at me, confused as ever.
“You’ve never seen Forrest Gump?” I practically shouted, mouth hanging open stupidly, and he shook his head. “That’s it, you guys are coming over to my place one of these days and we’re gonna watch it.”
“Fine with us,” Gaz shrugged, taking a sip of the drink in his hand.
Ghost still looked apprehensive and confused, so I told him in the sweetest voice I could manage, “Lieutenant Dan is super cool. I had a little crush on him the first time I watched the movie.” At that, his features relaxed, but they tensed again when the boys around us whistled.
“I think she’s got a little crush on you, Ghost,” Price laughed, and Ghost glared but I just giggled.
“I never said I didn’t,” I shrugged with a wink and the whistles got worse. “But I never said I did, either.”
We caught up, they told me as much as they could about what they had been up to but it wasn’t a lot at all. I noticed the more I saw them, the comfier they got speaking to me.
Then, I noticed Connor walking up the pier out of the corner of my eye, his own eyes already on me. A bright smile lit up his face and he picked up his pace to get to my side.
“Connor!” I squeaked as he pulled me into a huge hug, spinning me around in a circle and then waiting an extra second to let me go.
“Hey, sweet cheeks,” he winked, “You look good.”
“I look the same,” I scoffed.
“I know,” his voice was coy and I rolled my eyes, stepping back to put a tiny bit of distance between us, hyper aware of Ghost’s eyes burning into me.
“I can’t believe you made it,” I spoke, more tense than I normally would’ve been but I don’t think anyone picked up on it. I felt so awkward. I’d started the day with the intention of flirting with him, and doing anything I could to make him want me, and now I was a puddle for another man I didn’t even expect to see.
“Of course I made it,” he said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “You’re here. I’d never miss a chance to see you while I’m in town.”
“I seem to have that affect on men,” I snorted, sparing a glance to Ghost and instantly regretting it. His eyes were hot, and they just about set me on fire, making my whole body feel tense and preyed upon.
“You always have,” Connor looked me up and down then, clearly liking what he saw, “Where are the lovebirds?”
“Over there,” I pointed to the end of the pier and he nodded.
“You gonna come join us anytime soon?” he asked.
“If you stay on your best behavior, I’ll consider it,” I smirked and he laughed all the way down to Dylan and Sabrina.
“You two seemed familiar,” Soap hummed, tone playful but eyes wary.
“He used to work with me but he moved away. This is the first time I’ve seen him in a couple years or so.”
“Guess time didn’t make him like you any less.”
I laughed, shaking my head. “Why don’t you guys come down to the end, with us? The view is better, and I don’t wanna leave you but I can’t ditch them.”
“Fine by me,” Price shrugged, and the others agreed. Ghost didn’t want to, but they talked him into it, saying it was either hang out with me or stand there alone.
“Finally decided we were worth your time?” Sabrina jabbed as we approached, and I rolled my eyes.
“You’re always worth my time, baby girl,” I leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead, “I was just having a chat.”
“Get a room, you two,” Dylan joked at our girly display of affection.
“Can’t, you married her before I had the chance,” I pouted, and they both laughed. I was straight as they come, but I still liked to joke about being gay for her. She was my best friend. What girl doesn’t do that?
“If anyone is getting a room with this one, it’s gonna be me,” Connor leaned around me to kiss me on the cheek and I all but cringed, shying away from him.
“‘This one’ isn’t getting a room at all, so don’t go getting your hopes up,” I was stern, but tried to be nice and protect the peace. I’d expected him to flirt with me. It’s not his fault I have a very angry looking Ghost watching over me and making me feel dizzy with need, my tummy a little sick from all the butterflies in there flying against my rib cage.
“See your mouth hasn’t changed much,” he just laughed, turning back to the side of the pier and leaning on the railing.
I approached Ghost, opting to root myself by him instead of by Connor. I wanted him to know that he was the one I’d rather have. It was silly, really, I shouldn’t have cared, but I did. I wouldn’t risk doing anything that would make him not want to see me again. I needed him to want to see me again.
This action didn’t go unnoticed by everyone else, their eyebrows raised but they stayed silent. Ghost just grabbed my arm and pulled me half an inch closer, satisfied with my choice, and I half smiled.
“Hey hot stuff,” Sabrina began speaking to me, “After the fireworks we’re going back to mine and hanging out by the pool. You down?”
“Are we all invited?” I gestured to the four men beside me and she nodded.
“Of course! I wouldn’t leave anyone out,” her tone of voice was the same as all the times she joked about Ghost and I.
“Then yeah, that sounds good. You guys wanna come?”
“I’d rather hang out there than some crowded bar,” Gaz shrugged, and the others nodded. Once again, all except Ghost.
“Come on, Ghosty, you’re not gonna let me go all alone are you?” I spoke, only loud enough for him to hear.
“You’ll have Connor with you.” He spat the name out like it disgusted him.
“I don’t want him with me. I want you. Besides, all your boys are coming. Please?” That one word did him in, his eyes meeting mine in a heated gaze.
“I’ll come.”
I smiled victoriously as we all settled in to watch the fireworks that were about to start. He placed his hand on the small of my back and lead me to the edge so I’d have a better view, which was shockingly sweet for the gruff man.
An hour or so later, we were all doing our thing by Dylan and Sabrina’s pool. I was laying in a lawn chair, drink in hand, on the border between tipsy and drunk, a giggling mess. At some point, everyone became comfortable with each other. Or at least, everyone but Ghost. He sat right beside me in the other lawn chair, watching over me carefully.
“You’re weird,” I hummed out, reaching out to tap him.
“You’re drunk,” he countered.
“That’s why you’re watching me so close? Cause I’m drunk?”
He cast his eyes downward, “Guess so.”
I let out a laugh, the embarrassing kind that I would inevitably regret the next day, attempting to stand up but wobbling on my legs. I just about fell but he steadied me.
“I’m gonna go get another, you want anything, silly little Ghost?” the sentence came out a slurred string of words, but he understood.
“No thank you, love,” he sounded kind, like he thought it was nice I asked, “Are you sure you need another?”
“One more won’t hurt me,” I shrugged, turning away to stumble over to the cooler and pull out yet another bottle. I found my way back beside him and plopped back down.
I couldn’t manage to get the cap off, and it was making me increasingly angry. Finally, Ghost grabbed it from me with a chuckle and took it off for me.
“So sexy when you do stuff for me,” I hummed, taking it from him and taking a long sip.
“That needs to be your last one,” he ordered and I giggled again.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
“If you’d make the right choice on your own, I wouldn’t have to.”
I rolled my eyes, throwing the bottle back again. When I put it back down, Connor was in my line of sight, chuckling about something with Sabrina.
“Hey sweet cheeks, I got a real question for you,” he smirked at me, and I groaned.
“Oh God help me, what is it?”
“Will you jump in the pool with me like old times?” he implored, voice hopeful and I snorted.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Come on, you love bad ideas. You always have. Every time we’ve been here, we’ve jumped in the pool, don’t let this be the first time we don’t!” I still looked hesitant, and I was hesitant. I didn’t want to do it. Especially not with Simon right there, watching my every move, looking for any reason not to want anything to do with me. “Unless you’re scared?” Connor kept going. “You weren’t scared of anything when I knew you. Guess you’ve changed.”
His voice was a challenge and I knew it was a trap, but I fell right into it, indignantly arguing, “I am not scared.”
“Prove it, then. Strip.”
We got locked in a stare down before I huffed, standing from my seat, still wobbly but my determination giving me a boost. Simon helped steady me once again, still looking at me, assessing the situation.
“Fine,” I shrugged as I yanked my sweater over my head then unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down, leaving a trail of clothes on my way to the pool. Once I got there, all I had on was my lace bra and underwear, cute and purple. I didn’t even think before going for it, jumping haphazardly into the deep end, the rush of water hitting me like a train. I felt it shift around me and knew he’d jumped in right after me as I fought to get to the surface.
I finally broke through, and took a deep breath in, laughing the loudest I had all night. Sabrina and Dylan cheered for us, mumbling on about how familiar it was to see us in their pool. I risked a glance at Ghost. He was expressionless. Well, from what I could tell.
I made my way to the side of the pool, crossing my arms there and laying my head on them.
“You’re staring,” I hummed.
“You look fucked out. You need to go fix your makeup.”
I blushed, and I knew he saw it because his eyes perked up.
“Help me out, then,” I pleaded, reaching one hand out towards him and he stared at it for a moment before making his way towards me and grabbing it. He used it to tug me up while simultaneously wrapping his other arm around my middle and pulling me out.
“You’re not gonna swim with me?” Connor pouted from the pool, and I shrugged.
“I proved my point. Swim alone.”
Ghost’s glare shut him up after that, and we headed inside to the bathroom. He left the door open behind us but we still had a sense of privacy that had never been there before.
“Here,” he sighed, opening the bag of makeup wipes that Sab had on the counter and retrieving one then using it to wipe my face. “You feel good about what you just did?”
“Well I don’t feel bad about it, if that’s what you’re asking.” He grunted. “Everyone enjoyed it but you, Ghost.”
“Yeah because everyone out there wanted to see you half naked.”
“What, you didn’t? You don’t like what you see or something?”
“I didn’t say that,” his voice was deadly, as if he was chastising me. “That wasn’t smart. You’re drunk.”
“And you’re jealous.”
“I’m telling you that you made a dangerous decision and you’re accusing me of being jealous?”
“It wasn’t dangerous, first of all. I’ve done worse than that while I was drinking. And second of all, yeah. You’re jealous. You can admit it.” He stayed quiet, finishing up my face and going to walk out but I grabbed his wrist, tugging him back. “I’ve been rejecting him in the nicest way possible all night long.”
“Because I was scared if I didn’t, you’d decide I wasn’t worth coming back for again.”
“You can do what you want, it’s none of my business.”
“I know.”
“You can flirt back. You can damn near fuck him right in front of me and I’ll still seek you out the next time I’m here. You don’t have to worry one bit about that.”
“Is that a promise?” I asked, and he nodded, hand cupping my cheek. “I don’t wanna flirt with him. It’s pathetic is what it is. He came here tonight for me, thinking he was gonna get in these little lace panties, and the second I saw you he was an afterthought.”
His gaze was hotter than it ever had been, pupils a little wider when I risked those words. His voice was husky, going straight through me, “How rude of you.”
“You like me pathetic, huh? You like that I’m a little desperate?”
“You’re not desperate,” he chuckled.
“I am for you.”
He groaned, his masked face falling into the crook of my neck as his hands ghosted over my hips.
“Come on, let’s get back out there,” he pulled himself away and walked out, and I made no attempt to stop him that time, still trying to catch my breath.
A moment later I managed to compose myself, and I followed outside, laying back in my lawn chair. I was still a bit wet so I didn’t bother putting my clothes back on yet, but I was shivering slightly from the cold.
“Took you long enough,” Ghost mumbled from beside me and I rolled my eyes at him, leaning even further back, my eyes shutting. All the alcohol was getting to me, making me a little sleepy.
“You’re going to sleep?” The voice was Connor’s, and it was close. Before I could even respond, I was being picked up and held tightly in arms that didn’t feel like Ghost’s. My eyes shot open to see Connor carrying me towards the water.
“What’re you doing?” I asked loudly, squirming to get away. He just chuckled, clutching me tighter.
“Waking you up,” his voice was breathless as he laughed and I started struggling harder against him.
“Let me go! Please, let me go, fuck, God-!” I was full on wrestling him now to get away, not wanting to go back in the water. Thinking how wrong it was for him to throw me in there. He always used to do stuff like that when he’d lived close, and I hadn’t minded then, but I was drunk and it was late and-
My thoughts cut off there as he was yanked back from the edge by his shoulder.
“She said she wanted to be let go.” Ghost was standing there, looking as angry as ever.
“Chill, dude, this is our thing. We’ve always done stuff like this together, she’s fine,” Connor huffed incredulously.
“Does she look fine to you?”
They looked down at me, my lip trembling, fully uncomfortable in Connor’s arms.
“Connor, please put me down,” I tried one last time, “I don’t wanna be thrown in the water. I’m cold and drunk and-“
“Give her to me.” Ghost’s tone was not a playing one, sending shivers even down my spine and I could not imagine how Connor wasn’t cracking under that pressure. “Now.”
Connor sighed, nodding, setting me down next to Ghost who pulled me close into his chest, hand stroking my wet hair and wiping my cheeks where I hadn’t realized tears were falling.
“I’m sorry,” Connor looked at me and it sounded like he really meant it. “I just - we used to do shit like this all the time. I didn’t think you would care.”
“It’s ok,” I sniffled, snuggling closer into the broad expanse of man I was leaning against, soaking up the warmth for all it was worth.
“I’m gonna take her home, I think she’s had enough for one night.” I nodded as Ghost spoke, his arms even tighter than they’d been to begin with. “Get your clothes, come on,” he whispered into my hair and I did as asked, grabbing my shirt and shorts and slipping my shoes on. I gave Connor a quick goodbye hug and waved goodbye to the rest of my friends and his, who opted to stay for a while longer. They said they’d come pick Ghost up from wherever he needed, and he nodded as we left for the night.
He opened the passenger side door of my car for me and helped me in, frowning as I shivered against the biting night air. “Put your clothes on, sweetheart,” he suggested and I shook my head.
“Don’t feel - hiccup - like it,” my voice was practically a whine and he nodded, walking over to the driver’s side. On his way, be noticed a blanket in the back seat, and when he was situated in the car, he grabbed it and placed it over me. I cuddled into it, appreciating the gesture.
“Are you okay?” he asked me, as serious as I’d ever seen him.
“‘m fine,” my voice was weak, and I didn’t really understand why I was so upset. I’d been thrown into the water before. I never enjoyed it, but it never made me cry.
“Yeah? Doesn’t seem like it.”
“I don’t know why I’m so bothered,” I shrugged, “Guess with everything that’s happened to me I just felt scared. I don’t like… I don’t like feeling like I can’t get away from someone. Not if I don’t trust them.”
“You said you’ve known him for a long time, you don’t trust him?”
“Not like -“ I paused, wondering if I should say the next part, “Not like I trust you.”
He chuckled darkly, hand falling down to my stretched out knee and rubbing.
“You don’t know me at all,” he pointed out.
“I know you a little better than you think,” I huffed, “You’ve saved me three times now. You wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”
He clicked his tongue, turning the car on and pulling away, following my directions to my house. He was gentle with me the entire time until my tears stopped and I was half asleep in the seat, head slumped and eyes hazy.
He pulled in the driveway, slipping out of the car and picking me up, leaving the blanket and my clothes behind.
Once we got to the door, he took one arm off of me just long enough to unlock it with my key and walked me inside, barely caring to get a look at the place at all as he walked to the hallway in search of my bedroom.
“It’s the one at the end,” I offered and he nodded, finding it and letting himself in, laying me down on my bed.
“I’m sure you wanna get out of your wet…. clothes,” he vaguely gestured to me, “I’ll leave you to it.”
“Don’t leave me here,” I gasped out, reaching desperately for his hand, “Don’t leave me here alone. I’m not ready for you to go yet.”
His eyes widened and he leaned back into me, crowding me and promising, “I’m not goin’ anywhere, just leavin’ the room to give you privacy to clean up.”
“Oh,” I hummed, relief settling in.
“You could say please, though,” his voice had that husk in it again, and I grinned.
“I don’t think I have to, you’re gonna stay either way.”
He tutted, “Doesn’t mean I don’t wanna hear it.”
I thought for a moment. “Fine,” I smirked, then, in the most seductive voice I could manage, I leaned up and drawled, “Please.”
His pupils blew wide and he nodded, his hand exploring my face, cupping my cheek, squeezing my chin and making my lips pucker, and then it drifted into more dangerous territory, resting around my throat. My breath hitched and he chuckled, giving one small squeeze before his touch disappeared. He walked out of the room, laughing all the way.
I rolled my eyes, going to my dresser to get clothes. I was still too sleepy to shower or anything but I at least wanted to wear something that covered me and didn’t smell like chlorine. I pulled on a T shirt and a fresh pair of panties, not bothering with more. Ghost had already seen me in just my undies, why did it matter? Then I went to the bathroom and thoroughly cleaned my face and brushed my damp and stringy hair.
Once I was done, I left my room and searched for him, finding him in the living room, lounged back on the couch like he belonged there. Wordlessly, I sat beside him, and he hummed, pulling me into his side and tucking me there comfortably.
He was so warm, I couldn’t help but sigh, sinking into him. My mind drifted to places it shouldn’t be, imagining sinking into his arms all the time. Imagining having his warmth forever. I pushed that away. Those were not feelings I needed to unpack.
Finally, I glanced up at the TV to see he’d found Forrest Gump and it was ready to play.
“Really?” I asked, the ghost of a smile on my lips.
“Wanted to see what this Lieutenant Dan was all about,” he shrugged, clicking the button and starting it.
I couldn’t pay much attention, I was much too content to just relax into his hold. I checked my phone, seeing a few missed texts from Sabrina asking if I was okay, apologizing for Connor, and of course, some innuendos about Ghost and me.
“You two have an interesting friendship.” I looked up at him as he said it and laughed.
“How so?”
“Doesn’t seem like you like each other very much.”
“That’s just how we are,” I shrugged, “She’s my best friend, we just like being mean to each other.” He grunted in response, prompting me to turn back to the movie. It didn’t take long for me to drift off, snuggled deep into him and feeling more safe and taken care of than I ever had.
I woke up to the feeling of being carried and opened my eyes slowly just as Ghost laid me in bed.
“The team is here to pick me up. I’ve got to go.”
I pouted, not ready to let him go just yet.
“I wish you didn’t have to leave.”
“You shouldn’t drink so much, sweetheart, it makes you sappy,” he chuckled, but the look he gave me was pitiful and it only made me want him to stay more.
“I’m not being sappy, I’m being honest. I don’t do that a lot, be grateful for it.”
He sighed, sitting down beside me and stroking my hair. “I’ll be back. I don’t know when but I promise I will.”
I nodded, trying hard not to drift back to sleep, wanting those last few moments with him.
My eyes widened as he lifted his mask to his nose, exposing the stubble on his chin and cheeks. He leaned down, taking my cheeks in his hands and kissing my forehead.
Oh, I was fucked.
His lips felt so good, I was addicted and he hadn’t even kissed me properly. I felt myself getting a little closer to the edge of the cliff I was bound to fall off of.
He pulled away slightly, still close enough for me to feel his warmth, and I sighed, eyes on his lips.
“You gonna give me a real kiss, soldier?”
“Not when you’re all tired and drunk like this,” he shook his head, brushing his thumb across my lips then pulling away.
“Ghost,” I called as he made his way to the door, “Goodbye.”
“Bye, sweetheart. Get some sleep.”
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dark-frosted-heart · 18 days
Crown’s S Class Mission - Roger Barel (Bitter End)
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this.
Roger: Hold up. Not gonna let you kill my cute student. Now then, it’s time for Instructor Roger’s fun and exciting punishment.
Master of the estate: Oliver, shut that guy up!
Instructor Oliver: The one who needs to shut up is you.
Oliver grabbed the man and pinned him to the floor.
Master of the estate: *cough* Wha-what are you doing!
Instructor Oliver: I can’t lie to myself anymore. That’s all.
Roger: Capture everyone involved.
What awaited was an unimaginable scene.
Roger used rigorous muscle training to punish those involved.
When they were no longer able to stand, they were handed over to the police.
Kate: The Beauty Muscle Club has pretty much dissolved.
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Roger: That’s good. And all the hospitalized women will be compensated.
Kate: While money won’t fix their situation…I hope it’ll help, even if just a little.
Oliver the instructor also came forward as one of the accomplices.
After atoning for his crimes, he planned on running his own sports gym.
He wanted to establish a place for women to work out together.
???: Um, excuse me…
Kate: Emilia…
Emilia’s wise gaze caught mine when I turned around. 
(...If she overheard us, she knows that she got deceived, doesn't she?)
(...What can I say to her—)
Emilia: Um, thank you so much!
Kate: Huh?
Emilia winked and smiled.
Emilia: I’ve faced a series of disappointments, but I can’t let that get me down.
Her strength revealed how much she had gone through in her life.
Kate: …I’ve also faced a series of disappointments. I could only think about how useless and pathetic I was. But I can’t stay depressed.
Emilia: I agree. I’ll see you around. Take care of yourself, Kate.
While I waved goodbye to Emilia, I noticed Roger’s gaze on me.
Kate: What is it?
Roger: Nothing. Just thinking about how you’re growing into a fine woman.
Kate: D-don’t praise me out of the blue. Besides, it’s not like you raised…
Roger: Yeah, yeah. Anyway, as a reward for growing up well, I’m taking you out somewhere nice.
Roger took me to a restaurant by Big Ben.
Roger: Been coming here ever since Ellis told me about it. Basically, everything here’s pretty good.
(...Roger brought me to such a nice restaurant)
Alarms bells started going off in my head.
Kate: …Are you’re going to make me do something again?
Roger: What do you take me for?
Roger stifled back a laugh and stared straight at me.
Roger: Don’t worry. There’s nothing behind the reward today.
Emma: …Reward?
Roger: I saw how hard you’ve been working…Good job.
Hearing those words, it was clear that he brought me here as a reward.
Kate: Thank you…But, I don’t deserve it. I got too emotional to make rational decisions.
Roger: I suppose that’s true. But I would’ve slapped that guy myself if you didn’t. He deserved it. Getting angry for the sake of others is admirable.
Kate: …
Roger: Kate.
Kate: Yes?
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Roger: You’re strong enough.
(What do I do…I’m going to cry)
Roger’s carrot and stick method always disturbed my heart.
If he did this on purpose, then he’s pretty evil.
Roger: Oh it’s here. The roast beef here’s delicious. Here.
The simple look on Roger’s face when he looked at the meat blew my sentiments away.
Kate: Hehe…It really does look delicious…
Roger: … Hey, Kate.
Kate: Yes?
Roger: Being strong doesn’t mean doing things alone. Being able to rely on someone’s also a strength. So you can rely on me.
After saying that, Roger took a huge bite out of the meat.
Roger: Mmm, yum. Come on, it’s getting cold.
Kate: O-okay. Mmm…Wow, it’s really good! It’s so juicy and tender. It’s amazing.
Roger: …o_o Hahaha! You’re as restless as ever. Remember to chew. My family’s corgi used to eat so fast that they’d choke. They look just like you.
Kate: There you go again comparing me to a dog!
Roger: All that barking’s the same too.
Kate: Ugh…
We argued like usual, but my heart felt warmer.
Roger’s words made me feel really happy…and I kept arguing with him so that he wouldn’t notice.
Some time later, I joined Jude and Ellis on another mission.
Ellis: Kate, you’ve been moving pretty smoothly.
Kate: Thank you. I’ve been doing strength training.
Jude: Ya still lookin’ pretty soft.
Kate: I-I’m planning on gaining muscle!
Ellis: Good luck, I’ll be cheering you on.
Ellis smiled and put his lips close to my ear.
Kate: Ellis…?
Ellis: Kate, Roger’s going to be in the lounge tonight.
Kate: Huh?
Ellis: You want to report your hard work and get praised, don’t you?
Ellis smiled gently at my surprise.
(I didn’t say that…)
Ellis: Or do you want to go out to dinner?
Kate: I’m heading back. I…have things to do in the castle.
I wonder how Roger will react when I tell him how I did today.
I definitely didn’t want him to know that I was walking a little faster than usual.
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sebsbarnes · 2 months
letters to a loved one || tangerine
tangerine x reader
summary: the only form of communication you and tangerine can use when he is on a mission is email, however, as the weeks and months go by, your words have been left unanswered.
warnings: angst
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is a lot different than my normal works so i hope you enjoy this different format
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aug 5th, 2022: i know it's only been two days since you left but i miss you so much already! good luck today, kick some ass!! mwah! xoxo
aug 15th, 2022: hi honey. i hope the mission went well a few days ago! even though email is the safest way we can communicate while you're gone i know you can't always respond even if you're in a safe house. i'm not too worried, i know how skilled you and lemon are. tell him i say hi! i can't wait for you to be home, you estimated you'd be back on the 17th so i have a nice dinner planned. <3 love you so so much my sweet tang!
aug 27th, 2022: hey tang, i can't lie and say i'm not a tiny bit worried but i keep telling myself you've been gone longer before with zero communication. maybe it feels different now because of how long we've been together. i miss waking up to you and grabbing our keys and heading out for the day. if you see this message me back! even if you can't fully respond i'll settle with a smiley face if i must! haha. oh by the way i still cooked that dinner i had planned for us, it came out soooo yummy. but it took so long omg! you're lucky i love you and i'm willing to spend 8 hours in the kitchen again. it will probably taste better this time since you will be by my side. love you lots!
sept 12th, 2022: i only just saw the news of the bullet train derailment in japan on august 5th. that was your mission wasn't it? you said the 5th. i'm worried more now, i can't lie, but like i tell you every day i know how skilled you are. even though i never want to wish you are in a hospital i hope that's where you are recovering with lemon by your side. when you get the chance please email me back, okay? i love you.
sept 14th, 2022: tangerine if you see this please email or call me.
sept 30th, 2022: i wish i could talk to you just once. one word so i know you are okay. i can't reach lemon either. i wake up every day hoping you will be laying next to me. please, please give me something so i know you are alright? anything. where are you tangerine? i don't want to keep crying but that's all i can do. sit here in our empty house and cry. the walls feel like they are closing in on me. i went to our favorite breakfast spot the other day and i got that really sweet older lady with the grey curly hair as my waitress. she asked where you've been. i don't know how much longer i can keep saying you are gone for work and people believe it... i no longer believe it either. i hate typing it out. i don't want to believe something awful happened but something did, didn't it? i can feel it in my body. please reach out to me, i miss you so much and i love you so so much tangerine, please.
oct 26th, 2022: i love halloween, you know that more than anyone. decorations everywhere, piles of candy, and everyone dressing up pretending to be someone else for the night. now i feel bad about how much i bugged you about this year's halloween. my friends keep telling me to come out and join them, but if i'm being honest it's hard to do anything these days. it doesn't help that they think you just left me, ghosted me i guess. but they don't know what you do for work and i can't tell them. so i have to listen to them talk shit about you and i sit there trying to convince them you aren't this evil guy who ditched me and never looked back. maybe i should listen, maybe it's easier to believe you just left me than admitting to myself you're no longer here. i'm holding out, i'm trying so fucking hard to, tan. maybe in some sick joke you will pop up on halloween dressed in some stupid costume with a mask covering your face and in some grand reveal you will pull the mask off and i'll be in your arms again. it's wishful thinking. well, i have to go now, i'm meeting with a co-worker. love you.
dec 1st, 2022: i should be waking up this morning with your arms wrapped around me nearly crushing every bone in my body. but i didn't. and i haven't since the beginning of august. is it cruel now to admit i think you are gone. i really think you are and part of me has thought this since i saw the news of the bullet train. i feel scared. i'm starting to forget the little things about you. i can't play back the sound of your laugh in my head. i can't really picture the way your eyes crinkled. it makes me feel ill. i don't want to forget the small details about you. i crave to whisper goodnight and i love you to you. i crave just for your body next to mine. in the most innocent forms i crave you, like the way you'd absentmindedly play with my hair or pull out my chair or charge my phone when i always forget. the simple things i'm missing the most. i didn't realize i had so many forms of love until you've been gone. happy anniversary, dear.
jan 17th, 2023: tangerine, i'm not sure why i opened this email account. it's been over a month since i've checked it. maybe it was because i heard your favorite song earlier and thought of you a bit more than usual these days. i secretly hoped there would be a new message but that's foolish of me.
april 7th, 2023: Dear Tangerine, I know you won't read this email, but I felt as though I needed to explain what life has been like recently. My friends no longer bring you up in conversation which I am grateful for. I had to stop visiting our favorite breakfast place, each time I went they asked about you, even as recently as three weeks ago. I will miss their egg sandwich that you recommended to me on our third date but it is better off I no longer go there. Work has been great, a bit busy, but good. I removed your picture from my desk at the beginning of the new year. I saw the way my co-workers would stare a bit too long at it, I guess seeing it reminded them how I never mentioned you anymore. Speaking of co-workers, a few emails ago I mentioned I was meeting up with one of them. We've been seeing each other a lot outside of work, I enjoy their company. I can never say this to them but when they kiss me and hug me I sometimes think it's you. That's wrong to admit especially since I think I'm developing feelings for them, but they will never see this. They are kind and treat me well which I know you would be pleased to hear. I packed up your clothes in my house and put them in a box. I couldn't keep looking at them. I cried so much that I don't think I can cry again for years to come. I would hug your shirts and jackets so much that they lost your smell. I regret that a bit. I opened the box a few days ago and it smelled like me. Almost all signs of you are gone now that the remnants of your cologne is worn off the fabric. I think I might sell the house. It's too big for a single person now. It's too quiet in here and it almost feels like someone is watching me, it doesn't feel safe. Maybe that's because you provided me with safety. I'm not doing much today, it's actually pretty early right now, maybe I'll cook that dinner I never got to cook for you. I haven't since that day. I'm realizing how silly I sound in my own head as I type these words. Maybe I'll invest in a journal soon.
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lokisprettygirl · 9 months
Brokenhearted (Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon Modern AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 15 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 16
Summary : Daemon's love and care has made your life easier post accident, however you can't help but feel that he's not being entirely truthful to you.
Warning: 18+, Smut, violent thoughts, stalking, Discussion of mensuration and Pregnancy, bloodshed, kidnapping, Abusive relationship, mention of rape, ptsd, toxic masculinity, gender norms, sexual abuse, Samantha, traumatic distressing content, Daemon is a big time smoker so if it’s something triggering don’t read it, alcohol drinking, mention of past trauma and therapy, cigarette smoking, possessive behaviour, violence, baby needs therapy, baby is trying
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It had been two weeks since you returned home from the hospital. Daemon had practically moved in with you, and it felt like he had always been there. There was no official discussion, no grand gesture. You just found a luggage full of his stuff in your room one morning and none of you said anything about it. He was taking such good care of you that this whole traumatic incident didn't feel like the worst thing that had ever happened, even though it actually was the worst experience you had ever been through in your life.
You still had the recurring nightmares and you used to see a therapist before for anxiety issues so Daemon got in touch with her and she was visiting you as well to help you deal with the aftermath of the trauma the accident had left behind.
There was just one problem, just one tiny problem, you had this ugly sinking feeling in your gut that he was hiding something from you.
Everytime he left the center, he came home almost an hour later, which didn't make sense to you because it was merely a twenty minute drive. Viserys had told you that maybe he was going to his condo but when you had asked him the same he had denied doing so. He had told you that Samantha was there and he didn't want to see her under any condition.
The next evening you had your friends over at your apartment so when Daemon came back from work, he was already a bit distracted and seeing a group of ladies just lounging in your apartment was a bit of a surprise for him. You knew you had to introduce them to each other at some point so that's what you did. Once they left he sat down on the couch next to you and kissed you softly before he slumped onto the couch.
"Tired?" You asked him softly as you raised your right hand to caress his scalp,
"No..but that feels good…keep going" you smiled as he said that. You couldn't understand how he wasn't tired, he trained himself and the new guys that turned up at the center and he was basically your caretaker for the rest of the day, taking care of your diet and medicines that you needed and were too careless to take on time.
"You had fun i see" he mumbled, making you smile, it was nice to see your friends. You always enjoyed gushing about the guys you were seeing with them but Daemon was not just some guy, he was the love of your life.
Next day as he came home he found you in the kitchen trying to do whatever you can with one capable hand and you felt his eyes on the nurse Sally who was also a bit worried about the whole situation but more than that she feared his wrath for allowing you to do this.
"Stop glaring at her, I insisted, I practically forced her to let me do this" you told him so he sighed and rubbed his forehead with his hand before he spoke.
"You can leave for the day" he told Sally so she immediately scurried off as soon as she could.
"You scare people, you know that?"
"Good. What are you doing hmm? You're supposed to be resting so you could heal" he stood behind you and hugged you like that with his arm secured around your waist and chin down on your shoulder "You're making Cheese Burger"
"Yeah well i was going to surprise you but you are early today"
He didn't say anything for a few seconds and then he just placed a soft kiss on your cheek. He was early because he had decided to not feed Samantha today, she was difficult to break but he wasn't going to give up. He had come so far to take a step back now. He had left a candy bar on the bed yesterday though, even though he wanted to be as cruel as possible he couldn't actually bring himself to be that way.
"You are magnificent darling, if i could.. I'd just fuck you right about now" he mumbled in your ears and it made you feel all tingly.
"Well you absolutely can, you choose not to"
After eating while he was in the shower, you received a call from the owner of Cuisine waves telling you that they were hiring someone else in your place because they couldn't hold your job any longer. When Daemon stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and found you crying with your head smushed in the pillow he was immediately right next to you,
"What is it hmm?" He asked you firmly even though he was a bit terrified.
"I lost my job..they fired me" you mumbled between your sniffles and the sight made him tear up but there was also a small smile on his face
"That's it..that is what is making you bawl my silly girl?" He asked softly so you glared at him.
"I liked working there…I felt.. comfortable..i was there for four years for a reason" you sniffled again like a baby so he wiped your tears and kissed you.
"Yeah?? felt comfy there huh?" You nodded as he questioned you and then he pampered you all day long to comfort you.
Two days later you discovered that he had bought the diner and hired you back in your previous position. You didn't know whether to cry from the sweet sentimental gesture or be infuriated by his impulses. At the end you decided to cry indeed because you knew you'd never treat him the way Samantha did. He did something nice for you in the hope that it would make you happy and feel better so you weren't going to go all mommy on him and tell him that he needed to spend his money wisely. Also, he knew better about financial management than you did.
A week later while you were alone with Sally, she had received a call informing her about a family emergency and she asked you if she could leave so you didn't really think much of it and allowed her to go. When Daemon came home he was furious you could tell but he didn't really snap at you, no, he waited for a day, kept his anger bubbling until he saw Sally again and snapped at her instead.
However once he noticed the tears in her eyes he calmed down and strictly told her to not be so careless about your safety and inform him first if she had to go somewhere.
After she had left for the day, you were watching Daemon huffing and puffing still, cursing at every little inanimate object that seemed to have irked him somehow. He even had an argument with his hair brush for not being able to get rid of his tangles.
"Come here"
You mumbled softly so he grunted and then eventually walked towards you.
"What?" He asked you as he carefully got on top of you with one of his knees between your legs and the other on the left side of your thigh.
You curled your fingers around his neck and pulled him closer to kiss him, his body was stiff at first but soon he melted with your touch. As your hand wandered down he grabbed it swiftly and pulled away to look at you.
"What are you doing?"
"You know what I am doing"
You struggled against his hold so he allowed your hand to wander lower and you slipped it under the waistband of his trouser but he grabbed it again.
You halted in your tracks as he said that, you had to know what he was feeling, you had to be careful with him after everything he had been through.
"Is that a no in the sense that 'Stop it I'm uncomfortable' or no as in 'I want it but I'm scared I'm going to hurt you'
His brows crinkled as you said that and he placed his forehead down on yours,
"The latter ofcourse..I can't do this love..half of your limbs are broken and you know how I get when I'm fucking you" you bit on your lips as he said that. Your eyes were glittering with different emotions,
"When did you start to love me this much?" He narrowed his eyes at the question,
"Don't get too cocky"
"Okay but I never said anything about fucking now did i? Let me just.." You mumbled as you took his cock out and gave it a few strokes, he was already hard just from the close proximity and sexual whispering in his ear "You have been so grumpy.. let me fix that"
His breathing got heavier as you worked him up and down slowly.
"Look into my eyes" your tone was sharp so he glared at you and grabbed your chin with his fingers.
"Don't talk to me like that"
"Mmmm sorry..look at me dae pleaseee"
He kissed you deeply and passionately before he did what you had asked him to, his knee that was settled between your legs had inched closer to your heated core and as he pressed it right against your damp soaked clothed flesh you let out a loud gasp,
"You need this too don't you?" he snickered as your hips gyrated against his knee.
"Of Course i do ..it's been months, the last time I touched myself was night before the accident"
"And what were you thinking of when you pleasured yourself?"
"I thought about you and how good it would feel to have your fingers playing with me instead of mine"
His finger slipped under the waistband of your shorts and panties at once as he rubbed your wet dripping lips ,
"Mmm spread your leg darling, only one of them is broken..the other one works well" he commanded in an authoritative tone and the gravel in his voice made you moan,
"Gosh I miss this side of you Daemon "
"I know you do, pampering isn't enough for you is it? You need to be put in your place once in a while"
"Mmm yesss sir..I wish I could suck on your cock, drink all of the cum you're going to spill on me"
He moaned at your words and he really wanted to please you but the way you worked him up with your touch and your filthy words were making him lose all his inhibitions, he unbuttoned your shirt until your breasts were exposed and then his mouth sucked and nipped on the erect buds while his thumb rubbed in circles over your clit and middle finger curled inside your warmth.
You didn't really need much stimulation, you have been craving his touch for months now so when you came so suddenly he was only pleased with himself. His fingers were soaking wet as he pulled them out of you, looking right in your eyes he licked them all at once into his mouth, the way his full soft lips wrapped around his own digits was the most erotic sight you had ever witnessed in life.
The ecstatic look on his face gave you enough indication that he was close and you wanted to feel it all on you, you wanted to feel his warm cum on your skin.
"Cum all over me dae…please" your whiny begging voice pushed him over the edge and he aimed for your breasts as he let go, covering every inch of your tits in his glistening cum. The constant whisper of your name as he rode through his high was enough to turn you on again.
"Feeling better?" You asked him in a sheepish manner but he kissed you in response instead of answering and got off the bed to clean the mess he had made on you, once he was done he buttoned up your shirt.
"Was I too rough?" He asked you softly so you smiled,
"Noo come here" you opened your arms, well one arm to be precise, so he sighed before he leaned down and rested his head on your chest
"What's bothering you baby?"
"Nothing I'm just worried about you"
"I'm okay now..I'll be okay"
"I know I just…I'm being stupid'
"No you're not..you're adorable like this"
"Shut up"
When you woke up from the nap he wasn't there in the bed with you so you called out for him but when he didn't answer you picked up your phone and called him instead
"Darling you up?" He asked you
"Yess where are you?"
"At my condo..had to grab a few of my things" he said and you felt worried thinking about him being alone there with her.
"Ummmm okay..is she there?"
"Yeah" he mumbled as he looked at Samantha, all tied up in chains and bound on the bed still,
"Okay be careful baby and come back soon okay?"
Well he wasn't the one that had to be careful anymore.
"Will be there in a flash i promise"
"I love you" you mumbled softly so he smiled.
"I love you"
Once you hung up, he got up from the chair and walked towards Samantha to take the duct tape off her mouth and she immediately began to hurl verbal abuses towards him which didn't impress him at all, it's not that he hadn't heard her creative words before. He sat back down on the chair and glared at her for a moment before he spoke,
"All of this can end Samantha, you know that right? All you have to do is prove to me that you'd confess for your crime"
"I have given you my word you bastard" she yelled at him so he let out a sound of disapproval. He didn't trust her at all.
"But I don't believe you ..I don't trust you to not change your mind"
"Daemon if I die here you'd be in prison forever..is that what you want?"
"Well at least you'd be dead ey?" He smiled and her eyes welled up in tears of anger and hurt at the same time "Don't fret though, you think I'd let you get away so easily after what you have done to her? Just a slow torturous death? No no no no" He snickered as he leaned into his chair
"I want to watch you rot in prison sweetheart"
You were on the bed waiting for Daemon to come home, being almost bedridden wasn't fun to say the least, sure you were getting to spend plenty of time with him but when he wasn't there you felt absolutely alone.
"Where is the stuff?" You asked him as he entered the room all empty handed.
"In the car..ummm in the backseat of the car" he mumbled as he took his hoodie off and his shirt followed, you were only getting pudgier everyday while he only got hotter somehow. You wondered if Samantha said something to him but you decided to not bring her up.
"Once i recover I want you to train me back to shape"
He smiled as you said that and crawled into the bed to get on top of you, you could smell the cologne mixed with the aroma of freshly burnt cigarette on him.
"In shape you silly girl? You're all perfect but I'll help you get healthy if that's what you desire" he grabbed your chin and talked to you as if you were a petulant child.
"Yeahh ..that .."
"What do you want for dinner?"
"You had me ..no more exertion..what else?"
There was a smile on his face and it made you smile even wider.
"You seem..in a good mood"
"Yeah you put me there with your little stunt this afternoon" you couldn't help but giggle at his words but then your expressions turned somber.
"I'm bored Daemon..I'm losing my mind over here"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You're doing enough for me..I can't ask you to be here with me 24/7" he sighed before he got off the bed and quickly walked towards the closet to put his shirt on again.
"Let's go"
"Come on …I want to show you something "
He picked you up as carefully as he could and made you sit down on the couch as he went back in the room to grab the car keys, then he picked you up again and took you downstairs.
"Where are we going?"
You got quiet as he gave you the eyes, he really wanted to wait for your birthday but he figured this would brighten your mood. Halfway on the road he made you close your eyes and when you opened it you were right in front of the diner. From outside it looked different, he was getting the exteriors changed now that he owned it but that was not what took you by surprise, you gasped as you looked at the new name of the diner. It was no longer Cuisine waves.
"Silly's Cheeseburger" you read the name out loud so he looked at the diner,
"It's so fucking stupid I know..I just wanted you to have a place where you'd feel at home even when you're at work and perhaps think of me every time you see the name"
He chuckled as he looked your way and he was expecting you to laugh or give him eyes or something but he saw you sniffing and crying instead, those were the tears of happiness for a change. He immediately took his seat belt off and scooted closer to comfort you,
"Sentimental little thing aren't you?"
"Shut up ..this is ..the sweetest thing..i ..oh god"
"Hey hey hey okay no crying..no more yeah?" He cooed in your ears as he embraced you as tightly as he could without hurting you. Once you had calmed down a bit he stepped out and opened the door on your side to pick you up so he could take you inside, it was all empty in there due to the renovation. The diner was going through a complete transformation.
"Wait where are ..what about the other staff?"
"Don't worry, they're all off with pay..it will reopen a week later..on your birthday" you gasped again as he revealed that.
"Gosh Daemon i love this..i love you …but is this really the best use of your money? I don't want you to regret it in future"
He smiled as you said that and made you sit down on the bill counter, cupping your cheeks he made you look at him,
"This is not just a financial investment, this place is the reason why you were there in the alley that night, the reason why I met you..why I am no longer just living but alive. I'd never ever regret anything that involves you my love, now I'd shut up because you're going to cry again and I don't like little girls who cry all the time "
You bit on your cheeks as he said that and pulled him closer to kiss him as lovingly as you could.
"You know we are not far apart in age right?"
He chuckled as you said that.
"I'm jesting darling, you can cry all you want but –"
"You hate it I know" he nodded in affirmation.
"Want to see your favorite place?"
"Do you even have to ask?"
You giggled as he picked you up again and took you to the kitchen, it was newly furnished as well, you didn't even recognise it at first.
"New burners oh my gosh, we have been complaining for so long..wait a minute– " a look of realization flashed on your face so he raised his brows .
"Does that mean you're my boss now?"
"Technically yeah..don't look so shocked though ..you know I'm your boss any which ways"
"Haha funny..do you think people will hate me for fucking the boss?" He grimaced as you said that,
"You're so crude and no.. I think they'd suck up to you instead"
"I don't want that either"
"Are you happy?"
"I'm more than happy right now dae, you have no idea how amazing you are"
Only if you knew what he was capable of he thought.
While he was grabbing dinner you were in the car by yourself and something felt off but you couldn't put your finger on it, you had the same sinking feeling in your chest now but you didn't understand why. However as soon as you were back in your apartment suddenly it dawned on you.
You looked at him as he was taking the food out, contemplating whether to ask him the question or not. He seemed happy and relaxed for once and you didn't want to ruin that but then you didn't understand why he was lying to you.
There was nothing in the backseat of his car, none of his belongings, he went to his condo to bring his stuff but he came back empty handed and he told you that his things were in the backseat of his car but you had just been there and it was empty so why did he lie to you?
Where did he go? Was he still seeing Samantha or was he in some sort of trouble with her? Millions of questions bothered you and you knew you had to figure out the truth sooner than later.
Taglist (please check your setting if I’m not able to tag you)
@simbaaas-stuff @ajthefujoshi @witchybitch2 @hypocritic-trash-baby @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @thefallenangel21n @kmc1989
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holdmytesseract · 10 months
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Time To Get A Grip [EoH]
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
Summary: After returning home from a nightshift and finding your boyfriend stoned on the sofa, you lose it. Given the fact that he becomes a father soon, it's time for him to finally get a grip.
Warnings: Major trigger warning here! swear words, mentions of alcohol, drugs and smoking, drug consumption, pregnancy things, drama, a fight, angst, bit of blood, fluff, age gap
Gotta rate this story 18+, just in case!
Pre-Apocalypse Era!
Word Count: 3,2k
a/n: You chose and I am here to deliver! 😁 Well... I had this idea - and wrote it. It fitted perfectly into Daryl's, Y/N's and Teddy's story, so... But it's also quite a bit heavy. I never wrote something like this before.
Special thanks to @fictive-sl0th for encouraging me and loving my Daryl fics! Love ya, friend! 💕
Also, I apologise to all the Merle fans. Sorry, guys! 🙈
Tagging: @km-ffluv @stitchintimefan @sweetpeapod @loz-3 @peaches1958 @fictive-sl0th @lou12346789 @fuseburner @hotgirlsshareaccounts @in-this-minute @eddiemunsonsupremecy @mrbrownstne
Daryl Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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Releasing a big yawn; you closed the locker with the number thirteen painted on, and slipped the key - which was attached to a key ring, inside the pocket of your jeans. With a sigh you grabbed your bag and made your way towards the exit of the changing room. "By girls, see you on Monday!" You said goodbye to your coworkers; smiling. They bid their goodbyes as well; waving and smiling.
Taking a deep breath, you left the room and the big building behind yourself and stepped out on the streets of Gainesville; the bright morning sun almost blinding you.
Working as a nurse in a hospital wasn't always easy. Especially the night shift. But working as a nurse in a hospital at night, being almost eighteen weeks pregnant was even less easy - and so very exhausting. As soon as I'm five months in, I'm quitting this shit, you told yourself. Only day shifts from then on. The thing was, you told yourself that already from the start. From the very day you found out you were pregnant. It was a lie which repeated itself month after month. You knew that it wasn't good to work night shift after night shift. Not for you, nor for the baby. But you practically had no other chance. Being alive was expensive. Food was expensive. Having a roof over your head was expensive. Even if it was just a small apartment in one of the endless, old and quite ragged apartment blocks in downtown Gainesville. It was even more expensive, when you are the only one earning the needed money. And soon, you were going to have not only two mouths to feed, but three. Every day you hoped for a change to come - but it wasn't easy. Oh no.
You shook your head slightly and took another deep breath, in order to get yourself out of your thoughts and your sleepy brain to focus.
After you checked your surroundings, you crossed the front yard of the hospital and made your way to the bus station. All you wanted to do now was going home, crash on your bed and sleep at least until late afternoon. Your body wanted that as well. You knew that, of course. Hence, you had almost slept in on the bus and missed your stop! Luckily, your hazy brain reminded you to stand up in the last second.
Waiting until the bus rolled past you, you crossed the street and walked the last meters to the building in which your apartment was. It was just a few blocks down the road. At least the weather is nice today, you thought; looking up into the sky.
You unlocked the old main door, which led into the big staircase and started to climb the steps, leading up to the third floor. On your way, you met a familiar face - unfortunately. "Oh, good morning, Mrs. Jefferson."
Elsie Jefferson. The typical, critical bitter old lady next door, who everybody knew. Husband long dead and owner of at least ten cats. She was utterly nosy and curious about anything and everything. You couldn't stand her since the day she decided to interfere in your affairs. It was your life, not hers - but Mrs. Jefferson didn't care of course. And sometimes, you had the feeling that she did this all on purpose, because she liked you just as little.
"Ah, good morning, Y/N." She had just left her apartment; wearing those old slippers she always wore. A trash bag was in her hand. Apparently, she was just on her way to take out the trash - and you had the perfect timing to run straight into her. Great.
"Coming home from a night shift?" "Mhm, yep." You had absolutely no intention to talk to her, but you also couldn't be so rude to just walk away. The older woman shook her head. "Young lady, young lady... You should stop doing that. Now that you are pregnant." Not that again. "I know, but it's my decision. I'm okay with it. I'm used to it." Mrs. Jefferson shook her head again; rebukingly. You already wanted to walk past her; thinking that the conversation was over - but for her, it wasn't. You should've known. "Does your chaotic mess of a boyfriend still has no job?" You clenched your jaw. You hated it - absolutely hated it, when she brought Daryl up in those stupid conversations. All she wanted was to sting you and throw mud at him - just because he was how he was.
Gritting your jaw, you tried to smile at her. "He's at it." You didn't reveal more. While should you? "So no." She concluded, before stepping closer to you. "Chit... You should get rid of him." "I don't think so, ma'am. He's the father of my child." You tried to argue, but Mrs. Jefferson didn't even listen to you, just continued to speak ill of Daryl. "That man is not good for you and brings nothing but trouble. Just look at his messed-up family! His abusive, alcoholic father! His mother, who was a chain-smoker! And don't get me even started on his brother! Violence, alcohol, drugs... Wasn't he even in the prison only a few years back?" She exclaimed. "Daryl Dixon is toxic, Y/N - and way too old for you... Do you really think he's better than the rest of his family? Do you really think he can change? Turn into a better person?"
Hearing all those foul and judgemental words leaving the older lady's mouth, caused anger and sadness to flow your veins. How dare she? How dare? You had a hard time to keep yourself calm and not snap at her. The raging pregnancy hormones within your body didn't quite help the situation. Closing your eyes for a moment, you took a deep breath. "Yes, I believe exactly that. I love this man - and that's all that matters. Have a nice day, Mrs. Jefferson." With those words you walked past her; continuing to climb the stairs. But of course, she had one more bombshell to drop on you... "You should've never let him get yourself pregnant. Dixon isn't made to be a father." You ignored her and moved on; mumbling under your breath: "That's what mum said as well..."
You tried to calm yourself down on the rest of the way and erase what just happened from your memories. You didn't have the nerves to deal with that woman. Not today. Not after an exhausting night shift and three times of throwing up in the staff toilets - no.
You climbed the last few steps and headed straight for the quite rickety door, which led into yours - and somehow Daryl's apartment.
Relieved, you closed the door behind yourself. Finally at home. Thank god. Throwing your keys on the small shelf beside the main door, you took off your shoes and jacket. You didn't anticipated Daryl to be home. Not after he had told you Wednesday morning, that he'd go out with his brother. You knew exactly what 'go out' meant. But who were you to stop him? God knows you had tried. Several times. But well... Blood is thicker than water.
Given that fact, you were quite surprised, when you found him in the living room; passed out onto the couch. A smile crossed your face; knowing that he was here - but it faded quickly, when you noticed the condition he was in. Daryl was laying on his stomach; one arm dangling over the edge of the sofa. One sleeve of his yellow-black checkered shirt was ripped off, while the other was still intact. When you squatted down beside him, a wave of cold smoke hit you; coming undoubtedly from his clothes. Daryl's breathing was heavy; sweat dotted his face and presumably his whole body as you noticed further. Some dried, crusty blood was smeared across the skin underneath his nose - and you knew. You knew. You weren't blind. And a nurse. You could tell when somebody was stoned - or well, had been stoned.
It didn't happen often - luckily. It was already enough that Merle made him to consume alcohol way too often. Making him to take drugs was an entirely different story. And you hated Merle for it. Yes, he was strictly spoken family, but the impact he had on his little brother was way too big. The worst part of it was, that Daryl didn't even defend himself.
Seeing your boyfriend in this condition caused the anger, sadness and frustration you had just swallowed down to come up again. Twice as hard. You stood up and crossed your arms; looking down on him.
"Daryl. Wake up." No reaction. "Daryl." You nudged him softly with your knee, earning a low growl. Like already said... You didn't have the nerves to deal with shit like that today. "Daryl fucking Dixon!" You yelled then, causing the man to flinch and immediately wake up. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh?!" He groaned again and moved to sit up; pinching the bridge of his nose. His sweat soaked shirt on full display; short blonde-brown hair as messed up as it could be. "What'd ya mean, hon?" He slurred; still trying to wake up properly. "Oh no no, don't pull that card, Daryl. Don't 'hon' me. You know exactly what I'm talking about!"
Your boyfriend rubbed his face and ran a hand through his hair, before reddened eyes looked up to meet your Y/E/C ones. "Merle, uh, Merle's got this new, uh, dealer and-" "Forced you to try the 'good stuff', I know." You finished his sentence. "What was it." He didn't answer, just looked at the ground. "That wasn't a question, Daryl. It was a demand. Tell me." He still didn't talk. You stepped closer and rather harshly pushed his left shoulder. "Tell me! What did you snort?!" Daryl swallowed visibly; once again avoiding eye contact. "Jus' a bit Crystal Meth."
You gasped audibly; jaw dropping. "Crystal Meth? Crystal Meth?! Fucking hell, Daryl! That's one of the most dangerous drugs!" Sure, he wasn't stoned anymore, but undoubtedly dealing with the aftermath. And the drug caused his already quite short fuse to be even shorter. He was more irritable. You noticed. Therefore, he was quickly losing it. "Goddamn, woman! Calm down! It was jus' a little bit! I won't do it again!" He snapped - and you swallowed hard; already needing to suppress the tears. The drugs influenced Daryl and the hormones influenced you.
"I don't care if it was just a tiny bit! I don't care if you say you won't do it again, because you always break this promise! You'll do it again - and we both know it! You'll drink again. You'll smoke again. You'll toke again - and you'll take drugs again. Merle is bad for you! When do you finally realise that?!" "Nah, he's family, Y/N! He's the only one I got left!" You shook your head. He didn't even listen to a word you just said, did he? "That may be true, yes! But he's so far off track - and he's dragging you right with him! You could be so much, more, Daryl... But for that, you need to finally break free!" Your boyfriend clenched his hands into fists; was visibly angered as well. "I won't jus' leave Merle! Ya can't ask me to do tha'!" You frustratingly rolled your eyes. He really didn't understand. "I am not asking you to leave your brother! I told you again and again... I'm asking you to keep a healthy distance! Separate your life and his life! Stop acting so headless!" "'M not actin' headless!" You laughed almost maniacally at his ridiculous words. "Oh hell yes, you do! And you know it! Stop this! I need you to quit acting this way, because-" The anger coursing through your veins got suddenly replaced by fear and desperation.
"'Cause wha'?! Huh?! 'Cause what?!" Daryl's already not properly thinking brain thought even less logical as he spat out that question. "I don't know if it already slipped your notice, but..." You pulled the baggy t-shirt you wore aggressively down, causing the visible outlines of your baby bump to appear. "I'm fucking pregnant, Daryl! With your kid! You're going to be a father in not even six months! Do you even know what that means?! A child comes with great responsibilities! We are talking about a human being we need to look after! A baby isn't like a dog or a cat! I can't have you hanging somewhere around, drunk or stoned! That's reckless - and I thought you were aware of that. Apparently, I was wrong."
Daryl was unfortunately way too deep in his rage to understand. All he saw was red. Literally jumping up from the couch - his symptoms of the drug consumption forgotten for a moment, he took a few threatening steps closer, until he was hovering dangerously over you. "Well... Guess ya shoulda have listened to yer parents, girl... 'N dump me when ya still had the chance to. I told ya from the very beginnin' that this wouldn't work out. Us. This relationship was meant ta fail... But now's too late. Like ya said... Already knocked ya up with that bastard child."
You and Daryl had already quite a few fights in your relationship. That was normal and common. Hurtful and ugly words were sometimes exchanged - but he had never said something like this. It really hurt you. Deep. Despite the fact, that you knew that he probably didn't mean what he had just said. You knew that he was actually happy about this baby. Scared to death, but happy. But it hurt. So freaking much.
You were exhausted. So utterly exhausted - and yet sleep didn't find you. You laid awake, hour after hour; thinking about what had happened - and the possible consequences of it. Your brain just couldn't shut up and so you spent the rest of the day and even night with just staring at the wall or ceiling and crying. Sure, you could sleep a few hours, but it was not peaceful and certainly not restful. Anyways... It was way too less sleep, given the fact that you had a night shift behind yourself and were pregnant. Needless to say, you couldn't be any happier about the fact that Sunday was your day off.
You just stared at him, while tears started to trickle down your cheeks. "Go." Your voice was merely above a whisper, but your eyes told Daryl enough to realise, what he had just done. "Y/N, I-" "Leave." "Y/N-" "I told you to go!" You yelled, pushing him away from you. "Get out of my sight, before I do something I might regret!" Daryl grunted and ripped the other sleeve of his shirt off, before he walked to the door; "Fine! If ya want me ta go, I'll go!" and slammed it shut behind himself. Mere seconds later, you broke down crying.
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In the early morning hours, you heard the sound of your doorbell ringing. Cursing under your breath, you stood up and walked to the door. You had just been on the verge of dozing off again...
You already suspected that it was Mrs. Jefferson, one of your neighbours - or hence, even the postman, but you certainly didn't expect Daryl to stand in front of your door. Honestly, you expected anyone, but him. He never came back that fast after a fight. Never.
Well... Until now.
"Daryl?" You asked; totally stunned and also a bit confused. "What are you doing here?" He had both his hands stuffed into the pockets of his slightly ripped, grey jeans. A fresh tank top covered his body; not that ragged shirt anymore - and he had visibly showered. The man leaned against the door frame; biting his bottom lip nervously - a habit.
"I really fucked it up, didn't I?" "Yes. Yes, you did," you confirmed without even blinking. Daryl swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "'M sorry." You looked him in the eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. "You always say that. I always believe you. And you always fuck it up again." You paused; trying to find the right words. "I love you, Daryl - but honestly, I don't know how long I am able to play this game."  He swallowed hard; the harsh realisation of the possibility to lose you - and with that his child hitting him full force. "Y/N, I... I know. 'M an asshole. Always was. Most likely always going ta be. I don deserve you. And certainly not yer love - but please... Give me one last chance. Us." He sighed; desperately. Words weren't his strengths. "Fuck's sake, I can't live without ya. I need ya. You know that."
Now you were the one who had to swallow hard. Tears stung in your eyes; as you tried to figure out what to say. Yes, you were still angry at him for what he did - for what he said, but on the other hand... You loved this idiot so fucking much. Perhaps even too much for your own good. Not that you cared, though.
"Yes. And I need you, Daryl..." Your raging hormones caused your walls to break. "You're all I've got. I chose you above my family. I gave up my entire life for you. Please don't let this be for nothing. Please hold your promise this time." You choked out; tears staining the fabric of your sleep shirt. "Look for a job; get some distance between your life and Merle's life - and, for our child's sake, get a grip. There's not much time left for you to turn the tide." You took a shaky breath and cupped your baby bump. "I can't do this without you..."
Daryl nodded; his expression soft and full of love - and regret. "I know. I know." He stepped inside your apartment; closed the door and approached you, before he shyly - almost hesitantly placed his bigger hands on top of yours. "'M sorry. 'M so sorry. For what I did - 'n especially for what I said. I didn't mean it. I love that kid. Ya know I do. 'N I promise I'll try ta be a better man. For you and the baby."
You only nodded; unable to speak because of all the tears you shed. He leaned forward; pressed a kiss onto your forehead - and that was the moment you entirely caved. You threw your arms around his neck and hugged his body. Daryl accepted the hug, of course; placed both his hands on your hips and held you.
After a while, Daryl bent his knees and quickly swept you off your feet - much to your surprise, before he carried you into your bedroom. He set you down on the bed, quickly stripped off his top and jeans and joined you; wrapping you up in the tightest snuggle possible. It was almost like he sensed how tired and worn out you were. "Sleep, hon. 'M here. I won't go anywhere." You smiled tiredly up at him and couldn't resist the urge to kiss him. So, you did. "I love you." "I love ya, too."
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coolbanana44 · 1 year
Hello I just read The Curse, I loved it, would you be up for doing a part 2 please? Maybe where the rest of the grid find out why Charles retired his car, a time jump her going to the next race and all the fans seeing what happened ect and Charles being a protective boyfriend?
The Curse Pt. 2 - C.L
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AN: My first request! I am very happy you guys are liking my writing! I am thinking of maybe writing a Steve Harrington x reader next, so I would be grateful for ideas and what you would like to see! Thank you guys so much for the love!
The formula 1 world was going crazy about why Charles would retire his car and leave the race in a frenzy. Charles didn’t want the world to know yet that his girl was in a car wreck, he wanted to protect you from the world until you were better, knowing that mean and rude comments would happen. But you thought that eventually word would go around and you didn’t want his fans being left in the dark, so you convinced him to post something about what had happened once you were out of the hospital.`
You had been doing great and you can thank Charles for that as he was there everyday motivating you and helping you to get out of the small hospital bed. He would walk with you to the cafeteria to get food and would even help you in the shower since your arm was broken. He was truly the man you adored. When you heard that he had retired the car and rushed straight to you, your heart swelled and you couldn’t believe that he would do that for you, but a small part of you felt guilty and sad that he didn’t finish his home race. He assured you and smothered you in kisses and told you he would do it another 100 times for you, but joked and said he hopes this doesn’t happen again. 
Today was the day you can get out of the hospital and thankfully you were discharged on a Tuesday so you had a day at home in your apartment with Charles before you had to leave for Spain the next day for the race. Once Charles guided you into bed and made sure you took your painkillers, you and Charles decided it was time to tell the fans. So Charles took a picture of you both and posted the picture on Instagram with the caption, Hey guys, I know a lot of you are wondering what happened this past race. Y/N was in an accident on her way to the track and they had to rush her to emergency surgery, but thankfully the doctors did an amazing job and were able to help mon ange. She was discharged today and is doing great! She also convinced me to bring her to Spain, so if you see her there please be gentle! Thank you! You hit him on the arm when you read the last part, laughing at his protectiveness.
“Gotta make sure no one hurts you mon amour.” He was very sincere. 
After the post, you and Charles got a lot of calls from the other drivers, well more like the girlfriends called you and the drivers called Charles. After everyone’s words of love and happiness that you were okay, Charles decided to cook you his famous pasta. You thought this was the perfect time to check how the post was doing. One of your weaknesses was reading every single comment on any post Charles makes with you in it. You would think after you and Charles have been dating for 2 years you would learn not to take what other people would say or think at heart. You started reading the comments, some rude saying why would Charles give up a race for her, or with all the bruises she's even more ugly. But you tried to divert your focus on all the positive comments, Happy you are okay Y/N, Hoping for a speedy recovery. It was nice to know some fans cared and even supported your relationship. 
Charles and you decided it would be best if you stayed at the hotel for practice and qualifying to save your strength for race day. And after 4 days of staying in a way too fancy hotel with Lorenzo and Arthur being your only source of entertainment you were so glad to be out of that bed and stepping into the Paddock with Charles hand tightly wrapped around your one good hand. He was nervous having you here, worried that you would injure yourself further with anything and everything. If someone was walking too close on your right, he would ask the person to give you some room. If saw you wince while walking he would slow down and ask you if you wanted a wheelchair. You would tell him you were just a little sore and that you weren’t a baby. You were starting to get a little annoyed with  him being overprotective, but you wouldn’t tell him that as you know you would be the same way if it was the other way around. 
You guys were in the garage getting ready for the race. The engineers were running tests on the car when Charles brought you over to his brothers. 
“Alright I need to be in the car in five minutes, you two are in charge of Y/N. She has her medication in her purse, make sure she takes it in 30 minutes. If she needs anything, get it for her”. His brothers just nodded, but you snapped.
“Charles, I can take care of myself.” You didn’t want it to come out as rude, but you just needed a little break from him babying you. You instantly apologized.
“I’m sorry I-.” He cut you off
“It’s okay mon amour I understand.” He gives you a kiss on your forehead. You smiled and leaned into the kiss.
“Now I need that lucky handshake.” He said as he laughed. You finish the handshake, say you good luck and love you and he was off. 
Charles crossed the finish line in first and you couldn’t help yourself from screaming and jumping up and down, celebrating with everyone in the garage. You rushed with everyone to the gate just wanting to give him a kiss. Everyone was nice enough to give you space at the front of the gate (or just scared that Charles would be angry if you squished), and you all watched as Charles parked at the 1st place spot and jumped out of the car and ran over to you. He immediately gave you a kiss and hugged you over the gate, being careful not to squish you too tight. He whispered in your ear. 
“You are my good luck charm mon ange. This race is for you.” 
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ilythecolorpink · 10 months
Lovesick (Doctor Geto Suguru x reader)
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About three years have passed since you and Geto Suguru became friends, and throughout that period, you grew to like him more and more until you eventually began to have unusual feelings. …. ( reader is oblivious to their feelings lol)
It was a typical Saturday, but when you got out of bed today, you felt a fluttering in your chest, being unable to sleep, loss of appetite and you could feel your cheeks start to flush as you thought about your best friend Geto. Your mind only thinking about him was starting to drive you crazy. Why was I thinking about HIM out of all people? And what is this feeling?
So, you decided to go and see him at his work since he could tell you what the reason is for these strange new feelings that you have been having for the past week now. As you walk to the entrance of the hospital, you welcome the woman working at the front with her lovely long brown hair, eye bags, and warm brown eyes as you approach the hospital's entrance. "Welcome to South Valley General Hospital, how may I assist you, dear? " She replies with a soft grin as she answers.
"Hello, I'd like to make an appointment to see the doctor today, please," you reply with a smile. Yes, I'll be able to take care of that for you, sweetheart; please have a seat there till the doctor calls. Then she asks me, "Wait you're Geto's friend, right?” "Yeah, does he talk about me a lot?" I ask her as I stare at her in disbelief. "Yes, he does. Don't tell him this but I think he has a little crush on you," she chuckles, looking delighted.
I run to the seat and say "thank you" to her while I hide my face to prevent the blush from spreading to my cheeks. Then the door opens clearing my thoughts as I hear Geto calling my name. I stand up as I wave goodbye to the pleasant woman. “Hey Y/N, it's so nice to see you, you didn’t come just to see me, did you? he asks as he smiles at me. noticing that his comment made me blush, he starts laughing.
"I'm just kidding," he says while grinning. “Even though that blush on you is so very adorable, really how can I help you?” I sit down at the examination table; my heart is still thumping loudly in my chest. As I say “Well, I have been feeling really strange recently like a fluttering in my chest, loss of sleep, and loss of appetite.” He looks at me intrigued as he pulls out his stethoscope and places it on my chest while he listens to my heartbeat, noticing how quickly it beats as he gets close to me.
He then steps back and advises me to breathe softly in and out before placing it on my back. When he is finished, he laughs and appears amused to me. I question him “What’s so funny?” He keeps laughing at this and asks, "So who is the lucky guy or girl?" I turn my head to the side; I look at him with confusion as I say “Geto what are you talking about? Is this a joke?” He then calms down from laughing, he responds saying “You are in love darling, no doubt about it.
So, you gonna tell me who it is or what?” I then begin to flutter in my chest as I say, "I... I can't." Then, in a teasing tone, he continues, "Oh don't be shy now, just use those pretty words of yours." I start to go red completely as I say “Well, the only person that I have been thinking about is … you.” He then blinks and looks at me in full disbelief before replying, "I.. um, oh wow, give me a second."
He covered his face by reaching over and grabbing his clipboard. I approached him getting down to his level and setting down the clipboard to see Geto's deep crimson cheeks. Then with an innocent look, I say “ Suguru, are you okay?” He then pulls me by the collar as he kisses me roughly on the lips. He responds, “Fuck Y/N you have no idea how badly I have wanted to do this.” As I continue to kiss him, I hear the door knock as we push each other back as the woman from earlier says “Gosh, get a room lovebirds.” As she laughs. Geto now staring at her with embarrassment as he says “Shoko I swear to god you will be the death of me.”
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