#Prayer changes things
ruminate88 · 22 days
Better Me Now 🎶
Lyrics: Shedding old skin from the outfit I was in No longer hating myself I just never knew me that well
I always put others first taking them at their worst casting myself aside in dark shadows, I would hide
Now I want to feel alive Breathe in this clean air so long, I had to survive but I’m no longer there
I’ve gotta learn these lessons some how To be a better me now so much to figure out To be a better me now I wanna be a better me now A better me
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callmemrscarter · 1 year
No matter how big, or small, the Lord is always listening to your prayers!
As I’m nearing the end of pregnancy, I’d found myself tossing and turning a lot the past few nights. Some nights not sleeping at all 😅
Personally, I know it comes with the territory, so it wasn’t the end of the world. I did notice, however, how it was effecting my homemaking.
So in the middle of random conversations I was having with my husband last night, I prayed to God that He give me peace and rest so that I can wake up before 3 in the afternoon, and have the strength and energy to enjoy more of my day.
We went right back to talking about other things like I hadn’t just done that 🤣
But God, I fell asleep last night at about 3 am, & woke up this morning at 11 am (that’s a *major* accomplishment for pregnant me 💀)
I’m writing about this as I make our grocery list to tell you that He absolutely listens.
So just pray. Even when it feels silly or excessive 🤍
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dearjewels22 · 11 months
I want to be, “I see Jesus in her.”
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gospelboy · 2 years
What happens publicly merely manifests what has taken place privately in prayer.
Matt Cruz
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beblessedbybella · 20 days
"The Lord's Daily To Do List!"
BELIEVE...If you adhere strictly to the Lord's "Daily To Do List" featured below, I promise you, you will begin to witness an abundance of His blessings, love, mercy, healing, and grace manifesting in your life. Do your part, and watch in awe as the Lord does His part. BeBlessedByBella❤️
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jdlopes777-blog · 5 months
Lord , help me , because i cant help myself be better if it isnt you who gives me the power to do so.
I am realizing today and i can see better and understand better that if I DONT FEED MY SPIRIT the WORD OF GOD , anything and i mean everything i do in this life would be in VAIN !
Even the simple thought of wanting to be healed , made whole , and healthy in mind soul and spirit or even pursue a succesful life , even if i want to live to please You Lord , it is in VAIN if i ignore tue things of the SPIRIT
I am a spirit and i live inside this body of mine , this body of flesh and blood and bones is my HOUSE ,
help me Lord to take care of this HOUSE because if i don’t take care of it i will be CHECKED OUT , and once im checked out of this house 🏡 i cant come back.
So Lord help take care of this house because i have caused it great damaged and danger over the years
I have burned my house down so many times and YET LORD you have saved it from causing me to check out ,
Lord help me take care of my home and cause me by your Holy Spirit to have the veil taken away from eyes so that i cam see and no longer be subject to the Carnal appetites and desires of the past.
If it isnt you Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior that carves the paths and cause me to walk on it i then will be lost together.
I know NOW , Lord Jesus you mean even the worst things about to work for your GLORY . Lord i dont want to suffer amymore.
I place my TRUST in YOU that you will perform a MIRACLE in my life. I confess i have doubted and i confess i have lacked FAITH , but now is time for me TRUST , BELIEVE and EXERCISE FAITH.
In Jesus name i pray this AMEN 🙏
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ojosespanola · 11 months
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igate777 · 1 year
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A Powerful Prayer To God | Harness God’s Supernatural Power With This Simple Morning Prayer
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Love And Water Are Alike
Love And Water Are Alike; Both Give Life To The People!! Like, Shares and Follow Please don’t forget to comment
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ruminate88 · 6 months
Forgiving Your Enemies:
You MUST forgive people because it’s freeing to your life and it’s healthy to your heart and mind. It gives your mind space to focus on better things. You won’t always get the opportunity to forgive people to their faces and some times it’s safer to stay away from folks whom you’re aware they can only harm you. You can still forgive them in your heart!
I heard a youth pastor say one time how his father abandoned him as a child and he grew up holding hard feelings towards his dad but it always affected his life negatively. This pastor learned he had to forgive his father even though he never got to see him face to face. Once he forgave his father, he felt released from the hurt and disappointment. He felt as if he could start his life over with a clean start.
Forgiving someone in your heart, is choosing to accept the situation and then let it go. Stop carrying it with you everywhere and instead of harboring negative feelings towards that person, choose to just say “what happened is in the past and it’s over, can’t change it.” Let that person make mistakes and remind yourself you also make mistakes. If that person never changes and can only hurt you, don’t let them back in but pray for them to do better. Hope for their well-being. Seeking revenge only puts you down at their level. Be the bigger person and just live your best life with hope and peace. Don’t create drama against that person or continue to dwell on everything wrong that happened between you two.
I can only write this blog NOW because I myself am just now in a place where I understand forgiveness a little better and I’m learning to forgive people that hurt me. My ex Andrew was a narcissist and he used me, lied to me, cheated on me and broke me down in ways I was isolating myself and becoming a very cold person. Andrew almost stole all the love I had.. Took me years to understand him, the situation, I faced a lot of anger and bitterness but NOW I’m finally coming to a healthier mindset towards him. I’m praying for him more and trying to have more compassion for him.
You’re never gonna perfectly love every one on this earth and you’ll still make mistakes. It’s learning from your mistakes that is helpful to your future and your relationships. Forgiving someone is setting yourself free and allowing them room to grow too. If you constantly beat them up and hold the past over their heads, that’s as bad as whatever they did to you. I know it took me years to get here. Just a month or so ago I was struggling to get over how angry and frustrating my ex made me. He’s human though and I should feel sorry for him, be the bigger person and hope better for his life. I should want him to be healthy and happy!!! ❤️‍🩹 (even if he never would want the same for me, Jesus help us all please!)
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cjeastsblogs · 2 years
Sometimes we just have to let people go and it is during these times that is necessary to not lose hope and to continually pray perhaps more than at any other time in our lives. Jesus prayed! Jesus saw prayer as a spiritual necessity equivalent to our physical need for oxygen! Just as we cannot live without air, we have no spiritual life without prayer. That is why Jesus was teaching His…
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dearjewels22 · 5 months
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Goodbye, fear
Goodbye, shame
Goodbye, hate
Goodbye, doubt
Adiós muthafuckas!!! ✌🏾🖕🏾
Hello, peace
Hello, joy
Hello, love
Hello, courage
Hello, BIG faith!
Welcome to the party!
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gratitudejurnee · 2 years
Today I’m grateful for the progress. I’m trying hard to make things shake. I may not be where I want to be, but I’m not stagnant.
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beblessedbybella · 2 months
"The Power Of Prayer"
BELIEVE...If you allow the Lord to hold your right hand everywhere you go [you see, the Lord wants to be like your good #State Farm neighbor, who's ALWAYS there], and He will take your burdens. So, you can completely trust Him to do all the heavy lifting for you.🥰
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dwuerch-blog · 2 years
I'll Take the Turbo Boost Please
I’ll Take the Turbo Boost Please
On my SUV, there’s a button I rarely use. It was the first in the brand’s vehicles in 2021 with a turbocharged engine. It has enough get up and go for me without pushing that button. BUT, if I had a need for speed, with one push of that button, I could outpace the rest!And that’s what I know about prayer. Jesus went about doing good and with that good, He had super powers that He used…
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