#abusive remus
ddejavvu · 10 months
Do you think you could do Sirius Black with the “I hate everyone but you.” Personality.
James is immediately alerted to your glum mood when you sit down without so much as a greeting, and he leans across the table with narrowed eyes.
"What's'a matter, Y/L/N?"
"Sirius is mad at me." You reveal drearily, wrapping your hand around the fork set at your place even if you don't feel like eating.
"Oh," James's brow scrunches, "Don't take it personal, babe. He's having a shit day, he heard from his mum. Nothing nice, I bet. Wouldn't let me see it. Just- he's grouchy with everyone today, don't let it bother you."
"But he told me to come back tomorrow," You recount, "Like he can't stand seeing me for the entire day! What am I supposed to do, James, we're set to study in the library at three. And- and I could help him! I could be there for him, but he's pushing me away instead."
James's brows raise, and a pitying smile works its way over his face, "Love. You're the kind of person that wants to be around people all the time. You seek comfort out when you're sad; Sirius doesn't. If you love him, y'gotta let him sulk for a bit. Then he'll come to you. And-" His nose scrunches, his brows wrinkled, "And all he said was 'come back tomorrow'? That's nothing. He told me to get my bespectacled arse out of the room before he shut the window on my head."
Your face contorts in horror, "James! James, that's so mean, are you okay?"
"I'm fine, darling." He snickers, "That's what I mean, that's just what Sirius does."
"Not to me he doesn't," You frown, "That's not okay, James, he should treat you better than that."
"He's having a rough time," James shrugs, "Doesn't bother me. He's all talk, he'd never do any of it. Just needs to blow off steam, y'know? And I think we both know why he tones it down for you, Y/N."
"I'm not special," You snap, reigniting the age-old argument between you and James that Sirius totally does not have feelings for you, not one bit.
"Right," James gives you an overexaggerated roll of his eyes, curls bouncing as he does so, "That's why he threatened to behead me and all he did to you was kindly shoo you away."
"Maybe you just piss him off more than me," You stick your tongue out at him, and turn to Remus for support as the boy sits down beside you.
"Morning," James takes the lead, shooting you a smirk out of the corner of his eye, "Talk to Sirius today, Moony?"
"Little shit told me if I didn't stop talking to him - which I only tried once, by the way," Remus groans, "- he'd 'mess me up' so hard my transformations felt like reprieve."
James's eyes widen and he tries tamping down a snort, tucking into his breakfast instead. Remus turns to you and your once-more incredulous gaze, scoffing lightly, "And I suppose he just told you to come back tomorrow?"
"That's exactly it!" James slams a fist on the table, a chunk of egg flying from his mouth that Remus shakes off of his hand with a grimace, "Moony, tell her she's special."
"I'm not special," You desperately try deluding yourself, shoveling your own forkful of food into your mouth as soon as you're done speaking, so that you don't have to answer to their protests, "He just hates you both."
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blackoutbugza · 30 days
quick! show me your design for one of the sides as kids!
i’ll go first :)
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weird-obsessed-girl · 3 months
Harry dealing with abuse trauma/people finding out about Dursley’s treatment
Ok so I didn’t know exactly how to word this particular genre of Harry Potter fanfiction, but I have been reading some fanfics where either the teachers, Sirius or the golden trio find out that Harry has been abused by the Dursley’s and how Harry deals or heals from that trauma. #cupboardreveal
so therefore below is a list of fanfics that deal with this topic, this is pretty obvious but TW for child abuse, some of these I haven’t read yet so i don’t think any of them feature active abuse, more so past abuse.
All of these will be angst but many with a hopeful/happy ending. Organised by word count. If you would like some fic recs that don’t focus on Harrys abuse here’s the link to my master list Harry Potter Fic Rec (mostly Drarry)
How Each Weasley Found Out About The Dursleys - burnthebodiesandbedonewithit
What it says on the tin, Harry/Ginny (very light tho), protective Weasleys | G | 1k
Food For Thought - LoveHP
Snape notices some things throughout the years, have not read yet so IDK | T | 1.2k
Bottle It Up - mallfacee
Disabled Harry, Severitus, hurt/comfort, hiding medical issues, apart of a series | T | 2.1k
Aftermath - CreateImagineWrite
Post-final battle, Harry is dealing with trauma, Ron helps him and finds out, Trigger Warning for food issues and trauma responses | G | 3.1k
Disguised as something else - aloneintherain
Everybody lives, au war ends early, Wolfstar custody of Harry, hurt/comfort, THIS IS SO GOOD #cupboard reveal | T | 3.1k
Muggle Management - LadyWinterlight, NerdyKat
Hermione recognises the signs of abuse, part of a series, Hermione finessing the muggle system | G | 3.4K
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell - IamShadow21
Not focused on past abuse but is mentioned, Ron and Harry friendship through the years | T | 3.7K
The Cupboard - GreenEyesGreySkies
Drarry, panic attack, harmless prank that turns out to not be so | T | 4K
Bruised Hearts and Painted Skin - mikimouze16
Lupin, McGonagall and Snape find out, therapy, depression | G | 4.4K
Cascade - taradiane
Drarry, post-Hogwarts, Harry has nightmares, discussion about the Dursleys | PG | 4.7k
Claustrophobic- Annie1025
Summer at Spinner’s End, sevitus, 5th year, hurt/comfort, panic attacks | T | 4.8k
Where the Sunbeams Start - zedpm
Sirius/Severus, Soulmate au which leads to Severus getting Sirius freed, then they adopt Harry! T | 7.1k
Locked Cupboards - Lomonaaeren
Redemption, Draco is assigned to guard Dudley, Dudley talks about their childhood | T | 7.2k
Darker Than You Think - Lomonaaeren
Drarry, Draco is very much a psycho, bent on revenge, dubious consent | M (definitely should be E) | 7.8k
Fac Mihi Viam - MistressKat
Canon divergence, Harry stays at Grimmauld Plac, abuse not necessarily discussed but implied, Wolfstar | T | 7.9k
The Uncle - copprbadge
Wolfstar, gangsters au, Remus saves Harry from Dursley’s | T | 7.9k
Tugging Sleeves - Windschild178
Harry isn’t responding to Rons letters, POV Ron, Ron to the rescue | G | 8.1k
Harry Potter And The Summer At Grimmauld Place - Silver_Queen_DoS
What it says on the tin, Sirius is free, home renovation, book 3 | G | 8.6k
Listen - Marchling
Need to sign into Ao3, Sirius spies on Dursleys, hurt/comfort, misunderstandings, reconciliation | T | 10.9k
Finite Incantatem - skullcandy11
Rogue spell hits Harry and reveals some truths, manipulative Dumbledore, Harry joins the dark side | T | 12.3k currently, ongoing
Scars - pheonixgirl26
Some Gryffindor’s see some of Harry’s scar, and decide to help | M | 12.5k
Timeshare - astolat
Honestly i have not read this yet but it looks promising, Harry is spending summer at the Dursleys and then the Malfoy’s | M | 14.1k
Seven Plus One - ABlackRaven
Sirius adopts Harry, 7 times Sirius is called uncle and 1 time he’s called dad, Peter caught, hurt/comfort | T | 15.4K
What’s Left Unsaid - angel74
Post-Order of the Phoenix, Hermione and Ron look into Harry’s life at the Dursley’s, angst, hurt/comfort | T | 16.1k
A Hero - Celebony
Dudley begins to see his family in a different light | T | 18.1k
The Lioness - Aya_Diefair
Molly becomes suspicious of Harry’s relatives, she visits them, BAMF Molly, Sirius is freed | G | 18.3k
That’s Your Punishment? - slytherclaw7
Molly actually asks Harry questions, this is definitely a fix-it fic, Sirius is freed, Peter is caught, Dumbledore bashing, Tonks family taking Harry in | IDK how fanfiction.net ratings work | 19k
Pinky Promise - etymolodrarry, huffinglepuff
Remus is observant, angst with happy ending, Dumbledore bashing, implied self harm, Wolfstar | T | 19.5k
Listen Now - mrsfizzle
Harry confides in Remus, hurt/comfort, Wolfstar adopts Harry, moving into Grimmauld | G | 21.2k
Conquering the Dark - noeon (noe)
Healer!Harry and neuromagic!Draco, both work together, unearths trauma | E | 23.7k
The Chamber of Secrets and Half the Adults are Idiots - Des98
Apart of a series, Drarry, Harry recognises Lucius’ treatment of Draco, fix-it, inter-house friendships | M | 42.8k
The Article - LeeASherlook
outed by the Daily Prophet (not in the gay sense), 6th year, Drarry friendship | T | 43k ongoing
Burnt - lastcrazyhorn
Disabled Harry, Slytherin!Harry, have not read so refer to tags | T | 104.9k
Memories and Dreams - paganaidd
Series, one part Dudley’s POV | T | 140.3k
Malfoy Family Values - belana, Merry1978
This only really mentions Harry’s mistreatment but i thought it is an interesting fic to possibly explore, Malfoys adopt little Harry | G | 141.7k
Stronger At the Broken Places - enigmaticblue
More so focus’ on Sirius’ trauma, but it’s a whole Wolfstar family affair | T | 174.9k
Digging for the Bones - paganaidd
Hogwarts starts screening students for abuse, Snape conducts Harry’s screening, Snape is Harry’s bio dad, Severitus | M | 212.2k
The secret language of plants - Endrina
Severus/Remus, Sev rescues toddler Harry, this is a series of Severus/Remus being Harry’s parents, pre-Hogwarts to post, future Drarry | rating varies | 373k
Innocent - MarauderLover7
Ok so this does not focus on Harry’s abuse but Sirius gets freed and raises Harry when he’s 8 | M | 487.5k
A Year Like None Other - aspeninthesunlight
Disability, slightly Severitus, 6th year, canon divergence, Snape forces Harry to read letter from Dursleys | T | 789.5k
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 8 - Bodyswap AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 8, word count 1209
CW- Cronic Illness, Child Abuse (Not described, but you know what's happened).
Sirius and Remus regularly bickered. It drove their other friends mad. Remus thought Sirius was a spoilt rich boy brat, and Sirius thought Remus put on how sick he felt because he loved the attention that came with it. 
The bickering got so bad one day that Remus shoved Sirius, and Sirius shoved him back. James had to come between them and break up the fight. Remus’s eye was swelling shut, and Sirius’s lip had burst open. 
“I wish you two could walk in each other’s shoes for a day. Maybe then you wouldn’t bicker so much.” They scowled at each other until it was time to go home. 
Remus awoke the following morning feeling better than he’d ever felt before. He stretched, and nothing hurt. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open onto an elegantly decorated room. 
“You are late for breakfast. If you are not presentable at the table in five minutes, there will be consequences!” A woman who wasn’t his mother screeched through the door. 
He got up and opened the ornately carved wardrobe. The clothes inside were not his and most definitely wouldn’t fit his tall frame. He rubbed his eyes, grabbed a perfectly ironed shirt and held it up to his body. He used the mirror on the back of the door to see how it looked. He dropped it on the floor. The reflection staring back at him was not his own. 
Sirius had never slept worse in his life. He felt like he had the flu. His joints ached no matter what position he slept in. The sun shone through too-thin curtains, stopping him from falling back to sleep. A gentle knock came at the door as it slowly opened. 
“Good morning, darling,” A sweet honey-haired woman cooed at him. “I’ve got you tablets and some toast. When you’re ready, I’ve got porridge keeping warm for you. Don’t rush, though, my love.” She opened the curtains and planted a kiss in his hair before she walked back out, closing the door behind her. 
Sirius panicked. Pills? What pills could he possibly need? He jumped out of the unfamiliar bed and rushed into the little bathroom across the hall. He stared at the boy in the mirror above the sink, higher up than he was used to. His hands came to his face, and so did the reflections. He pinched himself hard. It hurt a lot. So he wasn’t dreaming. 
“Sweetheart, there’s a phone call for you.” The woman’s sweet voice called through the door. 
“C-c-coming,” He stuttered as he stumbled to the door. He took the portable house phone from her and put it to his ear. “Hello?” He said into the receiver. 
“What the hell is going on?” They said together. 
“Are you in my house?” Remus asked.
“I think so. Do you have blue striped bedding and a yellow lamp?” 
“Yes! And do you have a ridiculous wardrobe and an insanely gigantic bed?”
“Does it have green bedding?”
“Oh my god, Remus! What the actual.” Sirius ran his hand through his hair. His fingers came away too quickly. Remus’s hair was a lot shorter than Sirius’s. 
“Your mum seems like a lot,” Remus tried to make light of it like he always did. “Apparently, I was late for breakfast. I didn’t even know that was a thing. Now, I’m meant to be self-studying. Then there’s a Latin tutor. Sirius, I don’t speak Latin!”
“Yeah, she doesn’t abide laziness. Your mum seems lovely, though. She brought me toast and some pills. What are they for?” Sirius followed Remus’s example. 
“Oh, you need to take them. Believe me. You’ll regret it if you don’t.” Remus warned. 
“Sirius, where have you gone?!” Sirius heard his mother’s voice over the phone and flinched. 
“Remus, you need to hang up now and go do whatever it is you were meant to be doing.” He couldn’t help the touch of panic in his voice. 
“What are you on about? I’m only on the phone.” Remus chuckled back at him. Sirius heard his mother’s heels click against the hardwood flooring. 
“Remus,” He whispered in a shaky voice. The line went dead. 
Sirius knew what was about to happen to Remus, and he wished he could take his place. He snatched up the pills off the bedside table and swallowed the lot. This he could do for Remus, at least.
Mrs Lupin beamed at him when he walked into the kitchen. 
“Oh, love. You look a bit pale. Why don’t you go snuggle up on the sofa, and I’ll get you some tea? She fussed over him all day, making sure he was comfortable. He had full control over what they watched on the TV, and she never uttered the word homework. He was glad he didn’t have to do too much, as his body felt so delicate. Plus, with the bad night’s sleep, he was exhausted. “How do you feel about pizza for dinner?” She asked when it began to get late. 
“Yeah, Mrs—Er, yeah, mum. That sounds perfect.” He smiled at her.
He asked to go up to his room after they’d finished eating. 
“Of course, you can silly. I don’t know why you’re even asking. Oh, don’t forget to take your evening pills before you go up,” Sirius did as he was told. The stairs were hard to get up. He was out of breath before he’d gotten halfway up. 
He spent the next hour doing all of Remus’s homework for him. By the end, he just got into bed and passed out. 
When he woke again, it was morning. His alarm was blaring next to his head, and his emerald sheets were wrapped around him in a tight ball. He could feel the bruises. She’d proper walloped him this time. He wondered if Remus had talked back at her. 
He got ready for breakfast, but before he could leave his room. Regulus came in. And for the first time in years. He hugged Sirius and hurried back out when Walburga’s shoes clacked across the hallway floor. Monday couldn’t come quickly enough.
Remus, for once, got up early and arrived at school before any of his friends. He watched the town car pull up and deposit Sirius and Regulus onto the curb. 
Regulus hugged Sirius and disappeared off into the building. Sirius and Remus stared at each other. Sirius moved first and gently wrapped his arms around Remus, knowing now how much that body ached and why he needed the extra care the school gave him. Remus gripped him as tight as he could. He’d had no idea how bad Sirius had it. His parents made their lives look so perfect. 
Sirius sucked in a breath when Remus squeezed against one of the bruises. 
“Oh, shit, Sirius. I’m so sorry.” Remus panicked, loosening his hug. 
“No, no. It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” Sirius knew how much effort Remus was putting into that hug. 
“Aww, isn’t this sweet?” James smirked as he walked up to them. “Nice to see you hugging rather than fighting.” Sirius and Remus looked at each other, smiling happily at each other. Finally, they realised there was so much more to each other than they ever could have guessed.     
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acewitch-writes · 2 months
Fandom decided to make Remus a hyper-masculine dom, and for some reason, this involved stripping him of all of his kindness and softness in the process. Because I guess a character cannot be gentle and kind AND masculine. Only fem characters are allowed to have a character trait as soft as kindness.
If that wasn't bad enough, they also stripped him of any flaw that could be perceived as emasculating. His well-established avoidance and cowardice? His insecurity and passivity? His people pleasing tendencies and self-loathing? His devotion to Dumbledore and his deep admiration (and perhaps envy) for James and Sirius? All gone. Doesn't exist. Fanon Remus is the coolest, smartest, bravest, and most capable of all the Marauders.
Even his appearance was completely altered to ensure that Fanon Remus is just oozing with raw, unfiltered masculinity. This is a topic I am especially heated about as someone who is chronically ill. I relate deeply to Remus because I see my own struggles in the ways his Lycanthropy affects him. It makes him sickly and pallid, he is described as thin and worn down, both from the effects of the disease itself and later from the struggle of keeping himself fed and housed due to the stigma surrounding it.
But Fanon Remus? He's huge. He's buff. He towers over everyone else around him, intimidating and aloof with a cigarette hanging idly between his lips for optimum sex appeal. He is so strong, with his broad shoulders and his rock hard abs, and his Lycanthropy just makes him super fucking aggressive and horny around the full moon. He can lift Sirius up over his head with one arm. He's the Casanova, everyone wants him because he's just so hot and so cool. The fact that he is a werewolf only serves to elevate his primal, masculine allure.
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gardenoflupins · 2 months
Dark AU / @wolfstarmicrofic / 312 words
CW: violence, cruel characters
Remus watches without feeling as Sirius is forced onto his knees, wrists tied behind his back. He breathes heavily, blood dripping down his nose. The corner of his mouth was stained with blood.
“Bring him with us,” Remus’s voice calls out and Sirius snarls silently at the other werewolves who move towards him. He directs his expression towards Remus who is standing next to Greyback.
Their expressions are carbon copies of each other and Sirius lets out a sharp, cruel laugh. He had trained Remus well.
Remus’s brow twitches at the abrupt laugh. “Don’t make this harder for yourself. You’ve already lost.”
“Go to hell.” Sirius spits blood onto the ground.
Remus gives one curt nod in response.
When someone tries to haul him up, Sirius sinks his teeth into their arm. They cry out in anger and reel their fist back to strike Sirius in the nose again and again. Sirius chokes on another bloody laugh.
Remus does nothing. Sirius knew. He knew something had changed in Remus in the two years that he’d been missing. When they found each other again, he was a shadow of his past self. He kept the same face but the detached expression wasn’t his. Those empty, soulless eyes weren’t his. Not his Remus’s.
And now the pack was hunting down the purebloods, destroying them one family at a time.
“Don’t be difficult, Padfoot.”
“No.” Sirius shakes his head, struggling to breathe on the ground. “No. You don’t get to call me that anymore. You will never be allowed to call me that again.” His eyes sting and burn with emotion. With betrayal. With grief. With anger. With hatred. With remnants of love.
Remus doesn’t even bat an eye. Feels nothing. “Alright, Sirius.”
Greyback places a hand on his arm and Remus turns to walk away. The signal to be silent. His little pet dog.
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Star-crossed lovers (May 9th)
tw mention of abuse
word count: 590
“We can’t, Remus. I’m sorry,” Sirius says and he hates himself. He told himself he wouldn’t cry but he’s crying and he hates himself. 
Remus looks lost, like he really can’t believe or understand what Sirius is saying. “I– Sirius, love, are you okay? Did something happen?” he reaches out to touch Sirius’ face but Sirius steps away and shakes his head. He has to do this. He reminds himself that he has to do this, for Remus. 
Sirius suddenly wishes they were anywhere but here, on top of the Astronomy Tower. This is where Sirius kissed Remus for the first time. Sirius hates himself. “I– we–” Sirius breathes out steadily and tries to summon every last bit of feigned courage and overwhelming love he has for Remus. He says, “This isn’t working out. Between us, I mean. We work better as friends, Remus.” His voice is harsh and he’s no longer crying. Sirius finds pretending to be cruel as easy as breathing. He’s worked so hard for that not to be true but it is. Being cruel is easy for him.
Remus takes a step back. Sirius wishes he’d stop looking at him like that. Remus is looking at him like he’s just put out all the stars in the night sky. 
Remus blinks and a single tear escapes, streaming down his face. Sirius wants to look away but he can’t. Remus is crying because of him. Remus looks completely heartbroken, and Sirius is responsible. Sirius doesn’t deserve to look away.
Remus smiles, and his miserable smile is the last blow that makes Sirius’ heart shatter into a million horrible pieces. “Sirius, that’s– you don’t have to apologize for that. I value–” Remus’ voice breaks. Sirius wants to scream. But he can’t. “You’re my friend before anything else, Sirius. If that’s what you want.”
It isn’t what he wants. It’s the last thing he wants.  “It is. I’m sorry, Remus.”
Remus shakes his head, chuckling humorlessly. “Please, stop apologizing. You have nothing to be sorry for, Sirius. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel–”
“No. No, you did nothing wrong, Remus,” Sirius says because he couldn’t help himself. “Remus, you’re– this is not what–” Sirius tries to breathe but he can’t. He closes his eyes and remembers why he’s doing this in the first place. He remembers Walburga storming into his room on the last day of Christmas break with an open letter in her hand. 
Walburga Black is a lot of things– bigoted, boring, cruel, horrible– the list goes on and on. But more than anything she is honest. She doesn’t bluff. Her warnings are more promises than threats and–
Sirius blinks and really looks at Remus. There is no way Walburga Black is going to hurt anyone Sirius loves. Especially not Remus. Not while Sirius is alive. No way. If only Walburga had taken it out on him. If only she’d done anything else. Anything but hitting Sirius where it hurts, twisting his arm and forcing him to give up the most important thing in his life. Sirius can’t say anything. He’s just staring at Remus. He doesn’t have it in him to continue lying at this point. 
Remus stares back, and his eyes are the most beautiful thing in the universe. He smiles, again. “That’s– it’s okay, Sirius. I’ll see you at dinner, yeah?”
Sirius nods. He can’t speak, he can barely breathe. He nods again. 
Remus leaves, and Sirius is alone. But Remus is safe, and that’s what matters, Sirius’ heart be damned.    
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‼️ Please read ‼️
If you are active in fandom spaces— Especially Sander Sides or Hazbin Hotel, I encourage you to read this thread for your own safety!!
There is a user you may know as they have been called out before, that goes by the name Roman Calvary System, Calvary or Roman Calvary, they were previously known as The Trojan Horse Collective or The Trojan Horse System but has since separated that identity from themselves as a Sub-System although I doubt the validity of that claim because they have previously admitted It was simply to seperate themselves from their past.
Calvarys previous partner, Atlas, somebody who also came forward about Calvary and their repeated abuse, has also been allegedly exposed for inappropriate and gross behaviours regarding children and also saying the n word as a white person. While I cannot speak much on the situation regarding Atlas due to my lack of knowledge, I can bring forward evidence I have seen regarding the claims.
However, this post will probably focus more on Calvary as I have been involved with the drama regarding them personally and I know more about it.
Calvary has already got themselves a reputation amongst the Sander Sides community for various abusive and disgusting behaviours- Just some of them being inappropriate exchanges with children (As young as fourteen) Telling people to kill themselves, wishing death upon peoples mother, being racist/racially insensitive. I wish that was the end of the list but It sadly is not. Calvary has also been condemned by Thomas himself personally which there is evidence of in a seperate call out post that I will be linking below, along with all the other evidence of their behaviour.
Something I would like to close down before it gets brought up as an excuse is the infamous ‘I’ve changed’ tactic. Calvary recently made a post on their X (formerly known as Twitter) claiming that they have changed as a person and the drama is from when they were fifteen and they have since bettered their behaviour- This is not true. Calvary has not changed and has not bettered themselves at all and the drama is not just old things from when they were fifteen. These incidents are recent and from this year.
One of these instances being Calvary (Or one of their alters, Remus- An alter you will probably see a lot of here as he is the main perpetrator of most inappropriate exchanges regarding children) attempting to SRP with a literal fourteen year old- Instead of doing the logical thing and refusing to SRP with a minor, they pulled the typical ‘If you’re okay with it’ card, and I mean, sure- Maybe an uninformed minor would be okay with it but why are YOU okay with it as the older person? ‘As long as you’re okay with it’ Why are YOU? That is very creepy and gross behaviour and any decent person would have refused to SRP with a minor, people under the AOC.. cannot consent.. It is your responsibility as the older person to have known better and said no. You should not try to SRP with minors and you shouldn’t be okay with it either.
Another instance regarding their Remus would be an instance where another one of their alters blatantly admitted that Remus finds it funny to make inappropriate comments about people and even FUNNIER when it’s a minor- You know what that makes Remus? A predator, finding it funny to walk all over peoples boundaries and even more so when It is a child is absolutely horrific and taking pleasure in making children uncomfortable is not only disgusting but also blatantly predatory.
Remus has also been harassing, threatening, and finding out personal information about a minor because they came forward about Atlas dating them when they were *eleven* and Atlas was fourteen, I am sure we can all agree that that is not okay and that the age gap is obviously a problem, minors can very well hurt other minors and be in appropriate towards other minors, Atlas should not have gotten into a relationship with an eleven year old at fourteen years old, children are capable of taking advantage of other children, I’m not sure if that was the case here but regardless, you should not date an eleven year old at the age of fourteen. You also shouldn’t call black people the n word. You also shouldn’t say sexual things to minors.
I will be attaching screenshots of these instances below and potentially reblogging with more to the story because there is a LOT! If you see these users, please be cautious of them, especially if you are a minor!
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Celestial Beings
Chapter Two: Talking it Out
Characters: Reader, Molly Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Summary: After many, many days of dealing with Moody's visits, (y/n) get two new visitors, who seem to be much much nicer.
Word Count: 2,285
Warnings: Torture Mention, SA Mention (it's mostly glossed over, no major details), Child Abuse Mention
A/N: Just in case I forgot to mention previously, this is not completely canon-compliant. I also have made Moody more of an a-hole, if anyone wants to know my thought process on that matter go ahead in send in a quick ask. Actually, feel free to send in an ask about anything, I would love to answer! I'm enjoying writing this, and I hope that at least some people are enjoying reading this.
Torture and pain were nothing new to (y/n), actually, it rather reminded her of home. She wasn’t sure how long she had been in the small room, nor how many times she’d had her “visits” with Moody. They rarely lasted longer than a few hours. The longest time, from what little sense of it she had, was somewhere around 8 hours.
Speaking of home, she missed it quite a bit. Malfoy Manor was a lot more cruel on the inside than most people could even guess. Not particularly any fault of Mrs. Malfoy or Draco, but rather Lucius. The head of the household, and loyal follower of her father, obeyed any and every command given. Of course, most of those orders were on how to best “raise and properly train” (y/n), which typically involved some form of torture.
(Y/n) of course, followed along as well, it was easier than dealing with the consequences. Out of everything, waterboarding was the worst. Followed closely behind spending any nights with a few perverted men, less as a consequence, more so as a reward for their loyalty to You-Know-Who. She had the scars to prove the ordeals she went through, as much as she would prefer to forget.
Even though she acted nonchalant about it all, she was still a person. She just couldn’t afford to be seen that way. In her opinion, it was better to be seen as an object or a weapon, a mere pawn on a chessboard. Then at least she herself could pretend to have no weaknesses, no breaking point. She preferred that people believed the rumors and lies, that she was as deadly as her father and as crazed as Bellatrix Lestrange.
Mrs.Weasley opened the cell door, a tired look on her face and a plate in hand. She gave (y/n) a sad smile as she set it down near the entrance.
“Couldn’t you just give him something to go off of?” Mrs. Weasley pleaded with her. “Anything so you could have a break from it all? You look downright awful, I’m worried for you.”
“What could I give him that he would believe?” (Y/n) asked, slowly grabbing the sandwich from the plate and taking a bite. “After all, I imagine it’s been at least a few weeks if not a month or so? I haven’t uttered a single thing he’s believed, including that his curses and beatings won’t work. I’m used to it, it’s what I’ve been molded to be.”
“What about something small, something that no one knows about, well You-Know-Who?” Mrs. Weasley tries, leaning against the door frame. “From what I’ve gathered he hasn’t exactly been the most caring of-”
“Don’t.” (Y/n) said flatly, meeting the older woman’s eyes. “Truly don’t go there. He cares, just in his own way.”
Mrs. Weasley is quiet after that, unsure as to what to say. She sighs, picking up the plate and turning to leave. Once the door was shut (y/n) sits back against the cold wall, no longer having the appetite for her sandwich.
“He does care. I just don’t know if it’s about me or the results I give him.” she gathers up the blanket, draping it over her legs. “No, he cares about me, what father wouldn’t care about their children? Even Lucius cares about Draco, and he doesn’t care about much else than impressing my father.” (Y/n) sat in the dark, with nothing but her own thoughts to keep her company and the occasional bug scurrying across the floor.
This time when the door opened it was someone (y/n) had not seen before. Or rather two someones she hadn’t seen. Both men were tall, one with dark, long curly hair and the other with light brown, short-combed hair. (Y/n) recognized one of them as Sirius Black, the first person to escape Azkaban prison. The other took her a few seconds to place, it wasn’t until the light hit his face, revealing the scars that she knew it was Remus Lupin, a werewolf known to be heavily against her father.
“Well, isn’t this a treat?” She said, slowly getting to her feet. “A blood-traitor and a half-breed? What did I do to have you grace my presence?” Remus flinched at the mention of half-breed.
“I came down here to see who could possibly have Moody stumped,” Sirius growled, stepping in front of Remus ever so slightly. “Imagine my surprise when I see you’re nothing more than another idiot, too stubborn and ignorant for your own good.”
“I’m the idiot?” (Y/n) laughed. “Am I the one torturing the same person the same 20 ways over and over in the hopes something will give? No, I’m the one who is with-standing it because the consequences of giving in are worse than dealing with a little more pain.”
“What could be worse than everything Moody has put you through?” Remus mused. “He’s told us some of what he’s done, none of which we agreed with. The real reason we’re down here is because we took a vote.”
“A vote?” She took a step back, unsure now of the situation she was in. “A vote for what? Who gets first dibs?”
“What?” Sirius looked taken aback, holding up his hands innocently. “No, we took a vote over if Moody should be down here with you anymore.”
“We decided against it. You don’t have to deal with him anymore.” Remus conjured up a lantern and hung it on the ceiling. “From now on we’re just going to talk.”
“So we’ve moved on from physical torture to psychological, understood.” (Y/n)’s shoulder relaxed slightly. “I can handle that too.”
“No, no, no. I think you’re still not understanding.” Remus smiled, looking at Sirius. “That’s all we’re going to do from now on. Sirius has enlightened us on what you’ve probably grown used to growing up.”
“Enlightened? What would he know about any of that?” she sneered, feeling even more vulnerable than before. Somehow talking seemed more daunting than hours of Cruciatous curses and water-boarding.
“You’re forgetting what family I, regrettably, belong to,” Sirius grumbled, shutting the door. “I have a feeling your upbringing was at least somewhat similar to my own, if not worse. Your father seems to pay you the same amount of care my mother gave me, which is to say nothing unless you are their perfect doll.”
“I don’t know what you could possibly be-”
“Don’t lie, it doesn’t suit you.” Sirius glared at her, arms crossed. “Besides, you can give everyone else the whole “He cares for me, just in a different way” b.s. like you gave Molly, but it won’t work on me. I tried that too, now I realize how bloody wrong I was.”
“Sirius, we came to talk, not to therapise,” Remus warned, putting his hand on Sirius’s chest. “How about we start small, like cornish pixie small?” he glanced at (y/n) almost asking her for permission.
“Right, apologies.” Sirius took a deep breath. “Let’s just start small, right?” Remus dropped his hand and turned back to (y/n).
“I don’t see what actual choice I have,” (Y/n) sat down on top of her sleeping bag, bringing her knees to her chest. “What’s the rules then?”
“No rules, just talk.” Remus once again said, conjuring up some wooden chairs. “Would you like a chair as well, or are you okay there?”
“I’m fine.” (Y/n) watched as the two men sat down. “So, what would you like to talk about? The weather? To me, it seems the same every day to me.”
“Funny,” Sirius rolled his eyes. “But, to be completely honest I haven’t a clue.”
“What’s your favorite color?” Remus asks. “I prefer blue myself.”
“I like gold a lot,” Sirius mutters, still seemingly uninterested in the conversation. “It’s one of the few colors I can see both in my animagus form and human form.”
“It may seem cliche, but I like green.” (Y/n) admits after sitting in silence for a moment. “Not any green though, I enjoy deep greens, phthalo green is a good one, and so is forest green, and juniper.”
“You seem to know quite a bit about different shades of greens, is there any particular reason?” Sirius asked, sitting up more in his chair.
“Not really, it just comes in handy when it comes to potions and herbology.” she shrugged. The three of them were silent for a moment. “So, did either of you ever, um, I don’t know, did either of you ever find a way to sneak into the headmaster’s quarters? Because I did, plenty of times.”
“And you never tried to kill him for your dad?” Sirius seemed confused. “I feel like if you wanted his approval as bad as you seem to, you would’ve, well you know.”
“Answer my question first and then I’ll answer yours.” (Y/n) responded. “Have either of you snuck into Dumbledore’s quarters?”
“I, well, I tried to once, but not while I was still at the school,” Sirius smiled to himself. “It was after I escaped prison. I snuck into the castle looking for Peter and saw a rat head that way. Turned out to be a normal rat.”
“I never really even thought of the idea. I mean, he’s someone I imagine has a lot of security and spells cast around him to protect him from that sort of thing.” Remus admitted. “Your turn, answer Sirius’s question.”
“No, I never tried to kill him.” (Y/n) smirks. “The idea is quite intriguing though. Could you imagine how funny it’d be, if the daughter of the all and powerful Dark Lord, age 13, manages to murder the one person he fears above all else? Besides I liked school.”
“Why did you sneak in then?” Remus prodded, leaning forwards, studying her as she toyed with her fingers. “If not to kill Dumbledore, why bother?”
“To be completely and totally honest? I wanted to be the best at potions, and Dumbledore just so happened to be very close friends with a certain Nicholas Flammel. In order to be able to make a Philosopher’s Stone one would have to excel in both alchemy and potion-making.” she stood up, leaning against the wall. “He had a portrait of him in there, I would sneak in, ask him a million and one questions about potions, and then by the next time I came back I had tested and confirmed what he told me. I took great joy in Snape watching me get better at his own craft than he was.”
Sirius let out a gruff chuckle, which soon became a hollering laugh. Even Remus couldn’t contain himself, joining in with his own chorus of giggles. (Y/n) didn’t quite understand what was so funny, but watching the two of them laugh as hard as they were made her let out a giggle or two. The three of them talked, just talked for a time.
When the knock came at the door (y/n) stiffened, eyeing Sirius as he opened it. Much to her relief, it was Mrs. Weasley bringing dinner along with a small pillow. Sirius thanked her, taking the food from her arms and holding it out to (y/n), offering it to her. She cautiously took it, careful to not get too close as she retreated to her corner of the cell. Mrs. Weasley smiled and held up the pillow.
“It’s not much, but it’s better than what Alastor was giving you.” The older woman set it next to the door. “Whenever you’re ready for it you can grab it. No rush, dear.”
(Y/n) nodded, whispering a small thank you under her breath as Mrs.Weasley left. The soup and bread she had been given more than filled her up. Remus and Sirius continued talking to one another as she ate, everyone now slightly more comfortable with each other.
“I have to admit, she makes good food. Great food actually, Mrs. Malfoy has never been adept in the kitchen department, nor has anyone she’s hired either.” (Y/n) told them, licking the sides of the bowl as she finished her soup. “And as enjoyable as this has been today, I do have a serious question to pose.”
“What question?” Remus asked, stiffening in his seat. Sirius’s eyes seemed to darken as he looked at her as if he was ready to pounce if needed.
“Well, if I’m not to be tortured or forced to divulge any information, what do you expect to do with me then?” setting down the bowl she met their eyes. “You can’t possibly keep me in here forever, but you also can’t just let me out of here either. Which leaves very little option other than killing me or me somehow escaping and taking as many of you with me as I can.”
The men look both shocked and hurt, perhaps a dash of anger in Sirius’s eyes. Neither of them says a thing as they stand up and walk towards the door. (Y/n) smiles at them, pushing their now empty plate and bowl towards them.
“It’s only a matter of time as to which happens first. Personally, I’ve accepted dying in here. No resources will be wasted on a rescue for me, nor will there be anyone to mourn me. I suggest you make the decision soon before I find a way to slaughter the lot of you in your sleep.” she threatens, meeting Remus’s gaze. “Because you were right, Dumbledore does have plenty of security in his quarters, much more so than the barrier spells that get weaker day by day in here.”
~~{𝘌𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘛𝘸𝘰}~~
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pascaloverx · 1 month
To Begin Again
Summary: You're a new teacher at a large and influential school. It's a risky step for you, as you've been running from your ex for almost two years. But when Dumbledore asks you to take on a class at the renowned Hogwarts, you can't refuse. However, your life as a newly arrived teacher won't be easy. Especially when the other teachers don't seem eager to make friends. Or rather, two teachers in particular: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Author's Note: Welcome, dear readers. Please leave your comments if you enjoy fanfiction. This fanfic takes place almost in the real world (with the addition of werewolves) and is not a wizarding fanfic. There will be some differences and changes in things from the Harry Potter story or other fanfics in the HP universe, but I promise to do my best writing this fanfic. There will be a love triangle coming in this fanfic.
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To flee is easier than to face your problems, than to confront the demons you left behind long ago. And your life has become an eternal escape. Not only moving from place to place, teaching from school to school, you were living a temporary life each time.  Until one day, a letter arrived, yes, a letter for you from London. It said that you were invited to teach temporarily at Hogwarts Academy. Dumbledore needed you. He was a great friend of your father. They even taught at the same time, but when you were born, your father and mother decided to move to the United States for some undisclosed reason. But Dumbledore's letter comes to you as a good excuse to cover your tracks. Restart.
"What a piece of crap. My cell phone is out of battery and I'm lost in the middle of nowhere." You mumble to yourself. No one is listening anyway. A beautiful full moon night is in front of you, lighting your way. Hogwarts, despite being influential, seems to be located in the middle of nowhere. You jump back when you hear a loud howl. Are there wolves near a school? Isn't that dangerous? 
You look at your phone wishing there was some battery left so you could call someone. Noticing that it might be dangerous, you walk towards what you think might be the path. One step hurriedly each time. But the howls get closer and closer. Until you see a sign saying that Hogwarts is nearby. But as soon as you look ahead you see a dog. I mean, something similar to a dog but bigger. Or will it be a very hairy man?
"Leave or I'll throw my suitcase at you. Whatever you are." You say threatening the furry creature with your suitcase. The creature seems to stare at you, but not understand you. At that moment you laugh at your foolishness. Now who in their right mind would try to reason with a creature that doesn't seem to reason?
"Listen, I don't want to hurt you. I'm against animal abuse and I've participated in campaigns to rescue many from the streets. But if you come any closer, I won't have any other choice." You speak and while the canine creature or something looks like it's ready to attack you. When the creature gets a little closer, you throw your suitcase at it. With all the strength and aim possible. And then you run. Run as fast as possible, hitting some trees along the way but maintaining your speed. You hear the creature's grunts of pain. Then everything is silent, you rest a little. Your legs hurt, your arms are sore and bruised. And then you hear a long howl that alerts you that the creature is coming. And then you run again, as fast as you can. 
"I can't believe I'm going to die here, like this." You mumble as you run. You're so distracted that you don't notice a stranger in front of you. Until you bump into him. Making you both fall.
"Fuck. Don't you watch where you're going?" The stranger speaks in a rude tone and you look at him in confusion.Isn't he noticing that you're running from death? Or is he not hearing the furry creature's noises?
"Shut up and follow me." You say, holding the stranger's hand and asking him to follow you. Why you helped him, you don't know. But you wouldn't be able to sleep with guilty conscience if he died. Strangely, he follows you a little further into the forest. But who designed a school that has a forest with ferocious animals on the loose? 
"Come here." The stranger pulls you close to a hiding place. Hideout that actually seems designed for this type of situation. It's a small hut covered in bushes. You think about saying something but the stranger covers your mouth and points outside. Your eyes follow the stranger's fingers and you observe the creature outside. From a distance this creature looks like something from another world, from a fantasy world. A werewolf better said.  The creature sniffs for a while and then disappears into the forest.
"You saw that?" You ask the stranger who is currently adjusting his somewhat long, silky, and slightly wavy hair. Sweat is dripping down his forehead, but he seems fine. I mean, he's attractive. I mean, what the hell are you thinking?
"I did see it, still got the ability to see after some lunatic knocked me down out of nowhere. And you're welcome, by the way." The man says as he rummages through a closet. You look at him indignantly. What do you mean you should be grateful to him?
"Sorry to wake you up from that illusion you're in, but it's you who should be thanking me. That creature was about to attack both of us, and I pulled you to come with me. So, Prince Charming, get off your imaginary horse and thank me yourself." You respond proudly, starting to feel the pain of the bruises you accumulated along the way. 
"If that's how you feel, would you prefer to go out into the forest right now and try your luck?" The man says mockingly, and you glare at him angrily. What an idiot.
"Look, I'm new around here, and I don't want to sound presumptuous, but you seem like a jerk. But unlike you, I'm going to appreciate your help. Thank you for helping me escape from the big hairy creature out there. Satisfied?" You say, swallowing your pride, and then you extend your hand to the stranger. He gives a smirk, almost charming. What a jerk.
"Very satisfied. But now that we're here, would you mind telling me your name? I find it strange to spend the night with someone whose name I don't even know." The man says, sitting on the wooden chair next to you. You, who are sitting in an armchair, look at him, feeling strange about the idea of spending the night together.
"My name is Y/N. And yours?" You speak to avoid seeming rude, but the truth is, you want to know the reason why you'll have to spend the night together.
"Sirius. Sirius Black." He pauses before continuing, "And before you wonder, we have to spend the night here because it's still out there. But don't worry, as soon as dawn breaks, I'll take you to Hogwarts." Sirius speaks, squeezing your hand firmly. You shake hands, and he looks at you as if trying to unravel all your secrets.
"How do you know I want to go to Hogwarts?" You ask, and he smiles as if he finds it amusing.
"Let's just say I have a good sixth sense. Now, I suggest you rest. Tomorrow will be quite a day for you." Sirius says, handing you a pillow and a blanket. You thank him softly as you watch him grab another pillow and lie down on the floor. It looks uncomfortable, but you're too tired to be polite and offer to sleep on the floor instead.
"Hey, Sirius. Thank you so much for today. I might not be alive without you." You say sweetly and sleepily as you settle into the armchair. Sirius lifts his head and looks in your direction. Wow, he's handsome.
"I echo your words. The only difference is that I'd be alive with or without you. But I'm grateful for the company. It tends to be pretty boring around here." Sirius replies before turning over to sleep. You try not to dwell too much on what he said and then let sleep finally take hold of you. When morning comes, Sirius seems a bit more grumpy than before. You deduce that he might not be a morning person. You both leave the cabin early and walk for a while towards Hogwarts. The journey feels almost endless, but when you finally arrive, you're dazzled. The beauty of the architecture almost makes it worth almost dying to get in here.
"Well, princess, you're delivered. I won't be able to come in with you because I need to go check on something, but I'm sure we'll see each other again soon. Until then, take care. I won't always be here to save you." Sirius says, kissing the palm of your hand before leaving without giving you a chance to respond. You find him presumptuous but decide to move on.
Walking through the corridors of Hogwarts, you observe children playing from side to side. A boy with glasses and dark hair is hitting another boy with white hair on the ground, which startles you. You immediately run towards them. As you approach, you manage to separate the two, pulling the dark-haired one off the light-haired one. They both seem a bit bruised, and as you separate them, you realize that the effort has caused you significant pain in your back.
"You shouldn't be fighting. At least I think so." You say with some difficulty as you feel the pain growing. It's strange that despite the dark-haired one being the aggressor, he seems to take you more seriously. Meanwhile, the light-haired one is smiling mockingly with his arms crossed.
"And who are you to say anything?" Asks the child, around eleven or twelve years old, with a bruised face but intact hair. He's the one with the light hair.
"You must be thick, Malfoy, if you didn't notice that she must be our new teacher. Or maybe I hit you too hard." The dark-haired boy responds, already angry again. He seems both fearless and temperamental.
"Stop. Both of you! I don't want to hear insults or nonsense in my presence. You, with the white hair, I am your new teacher, so I suggest you change your tone when speaking. And you, with the dark hair, violence is not a solution to anything, not even insolence. Both of you, go far away from each other and think about how to be better." You speak calmly but very seriously. Despite their reluctance, both boys stop fighting and move on.
You feel the pain in your back get worse and walk to the first place you see an adult. Until you find a room, which seems almost abandoned. There is no one inside. You observe the room that has some old books scattered around and appears to be someone's room. 
"Can I help you?" A male voice speaks from behind you. You turn around nervously thinking it's rude to enter someone else's room. 
"I need help..." You were going to say more, but you were startled when you noticed a mark on the face of the man in front of you. You figured he must be in pain.
"There's no need to be afraid. I got involved in a mess last night and was a little injured." The man says getting closer and you feel like you're being rude.
"I'm sorry, I imagine it hurts. I'm sorry for my rudeness." You say, getting a little closer and looking deep into the man's eyes. Eyes you felt you've seen before.
"No need to apologize. It really hurts. My name is Remus and this is my room." Remus speaks as you watch him and before you can say anything, you simply pass out. 
 To be continued...
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it will always be sirius > remus for me
not because sirius is "cooler" or "funnier" or whatever. not because remus is "too boring" or "too cold".
but because of their reactions regarding harry's home situation.
Remus left Harry alone for 13 years. He acknowledged that Harry's relatives were bad in the ootp and still did nothing when Harry was sent back. He didn't bother staying in contact or popping by at all (even before poa, he never reached out to harry) despite the fact that he had the ability to.
Harry was Sirius's number one priority- ALWAYS. Sirius broke out of a prison for him. He sent him multiple gifts and letters, and even offered him a place to stay. He made numerous attempts to stay in contact (if not by letters, then by Floo). He would've gone and plucked Harry from the Dursleys himself had he not been in hiding and wanted for mass murder.
idk. maybe sirius could understand harry, given that he had a similar childhood- but that doesn't excuse remus's behavior. i find it unforgivable that he at the very least never stayed in contact the way sirius did. he was absent for most of harry's life.
to me, leaving him alone was the worst thing to do.
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themanfromeire · 1 month
Would y'all be interested if I wrote a fic about either James or Sirius being in a toxic relationship before meeting their s/o? (definitely not a vent fic based on my own experiences) and they just try to heal?
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hi! Im not quite sure if your requests are open at the moment, but I was wondering if you could possibly write a Poly! Marauders x reader? Maybe where the reader talks a lot and is ignored by parents and friends of is yelled at often for small nervous habits they do unconsciously? You don't have to ofc!
Love ur work!!
hi guys! i've been inactive for a while, trying to focus on schoolwork and things, but now i have some time so i thought i would write something! i'm sorry if i didn't respond to any requests, ill try to get those done asap. thanks so much! love u guys<3
to anon: ofc! hope i did this one right:) i kind of did it more hurt/comfort cause you guys know i love my comfort trope<3 also if you didn't want it like this, don't hesitate to send me another req if this was too over the top with the hurt, or you didn't like the tropes:)
warnings: implied and referenced abuse, mention of sirius's past trauma & abuse, feeling not good enough, insecurity, shy!reader, introverted!reader, bruises, hurt/comfort, crying
"(y/n!)" you snapped out of your daydream, blinking your eyes lazily as your focus adjusted to your surroundings. "ignoring us is not okay, (y/n). you need to tell us why you are behind in your classes. you're not doing good enough. we need you to stop getting distracted and focus on your work." your dad scolded you.
"argus, don't you think you're being a bit too rough on her?" your mother said quietly. "i'm sure she's doing her-"
"eleanor, don't interrupt me," your dad said quietly. that shut your mother up, and she said nothing else. you felt for her in that moment, being trapped in a relationship where she couldn't say anything, couldn't voice her own opinions because they would get shut down every single time.
it scared you to think of ever being in a marriage like theirs. because of your parents, you had trust issues, and you didn't think you could let anyone into your heart because of how your parents ended up.
they were high school sweethearts, fell in love at the young age of 16. as a kid, you would look through old boxes in cupboards, filled with old pictures of your mother and father at your age. it was crazy to think that they too fell in love, just like you.
but how their love ended up petrified you. how they thought their love would never end but it did, when you were born. you'd never seen your parents happy, let alone happy together.
playing with your fingers to try and distract yourself from the conversation you were having, you thought of your own relationship with your boyfriends. it was the complete opposite of your parents. they were comforting, respectful, caring and they always loved you no matter what.
your thoughts were interrupted by your father's voice. "for god's sake, stop fidgeting like that!" he yelled, and grabbed your wrists tightly, making you flinch. you could already feel the bruises forming.
"i'm sorry. i'll work harder," you murmured, eyes focused on the floor. you couldn't meet their eyes. you knew you were a disappointment to them. it just hurt too much to even look at them.
hogwarts was made for gifted witches and wizards. although you were relatively smart, you had to work really hard to get good grades, as opposed to some of your friends who barely studied and still managed to get exceptional grades. it infuriated you.
you had managed to convince two of your friends to help you study, as they were really good at astronomy.
at the library, you were excitedly telling your friends about a new book you were reading. you continued, a huge smile on your face, saying, "and so then, the she finally gets together with him, and it's just so dreamy and i-"
"oh my god, (y/n)! are you done?" your friend snapped at you. she looked extremely annoyed at you, and once you glanced at the clock you saw that you'd only been speaking for a few minutes. you didn't get why she had to be so annoyed with you. you didn't do anything wrong, did you?
your smile dissolved, and you quietly said, "yeah."
your friend then proceeded to tell you guys about her new relationship with cedric, who you didn't care about in the least. "i'm just gonna go up to the dormitories," you said quietly, excusing yourself. your friends didn't even notice your departure.
what kind of friends were they? they hurt your feelings, always making you feel worthless, just like your parents. your boyfriends had told you they were both wastes of time but you had ignored them.
'where are they, anyways?' you thought to yourself as you looked around for your boyfriends. you needed them right now. tears pooled behind your lash line as you thought about what had happened.
you felt almost guilty for wanting to see your boyfriends. you didn't want them to pity you, and so you went up to your dormitory, which was completely empty at this early hour. falling face flat onto your bed, you finally let your tears fall.
a few minutes later, you heard a knock at the door, then a soft, "baby? are you in there?" it sounded like james, and you sobbed quietly at his voice, at the comfort it brought you even without seeing him.
"c'mon, let us in," remus said through the door.
"please?" sirius chimed in. "if you don't, we'll feed you to the rats."
"pads!" james whisper-screamed. "why would you say that?"
you smiled. they could easily cheer you up, even just their voices.
you grabbed your wand off the bedside and undid the lock on the door. your boyfriends came bursting in, not expecting the sudden movement, and they caught sight of you on your bed.
"oh, sweetheart," rem said softly.
making his way over to you, he pulled you into his lap and your legs encircled his waist. you let your head fall into his chest and his hand came up to smooth your hair. "shhh," he cooed into your ear. "it's okay."
jamie was already on the other side of you, thumb stroking your palm, already warming you up. you winced slightly as his thumb pressed on your bruise from yesterday.
siri sat on the bed opposite you, and his eyes darkened protectively when he saw the bruises lining your wrists. "pup, what's this?"
for a second you were confused, then you realised what he was talking about. your eyes grew wide as you said, "it's nothing, siri, I promise." you knew about his past, you didn't want to bring it up and have him do something he would regret.
"no, sweetheart," sirius put a finger under your chin, tilting your head so your eyes could meet his. "who did this to you?"
your eyes filled with tears and the anger on his face softened, but he was still inquisitive. "dad," you mumbled under your breath. "but it wasn't his fault, i was being a brat, and-" your tears came back full force, and you whispered, "and i'm not good enough for them." you laughed wetly, then continued. "my friends ignore me. they probably think I'm stupid and useless. i don't deserve to be here. it's all my fault for being friends with them. it's my fault for not working hard enough for my parents."
the boys exchanged a look over your head. their princess, believing she wasn't good enough? well, they couldn't have that.
sirius lifted his hand from your chin to cup your cheek. you leaned against the warmth radiating from his palm, tears still silently flowing down your face. "it's not your fault," he murmured. "it's never your fault. please remember that, baby."
"you deserve everything and more," james said softly.
remus hugged you tightly against his chest. "don't let anyone ever tell you different, princess."
you cried into remus's sweater, letting out everything you'd felt the past few days. they let you cry, knowing it'd be useless to try and get you to stop. you needed a good cry.
"i'm so-"
"don't you dare apologise." sirius's eyes grew serious. "otherwise we're truly feeding you to the rats."
you giggled, hand coming up to wipe your tears but james did it for you himself. they really treated you like their princess.
"i love you guys," you mumbled, sniffling quietly.
their faces softened. "love you too, bug."
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maybebabyplease · 2 years
a little remus and sirius rescue harry from the dursleys for the @wolfstarmicrofic prompt:
hang out space
Remus and Sirius are frantic when Harry disappears. When they find him, sadness and guilt cut through their relief. He’s curled up in his closet on a pile of pillows and blankets, holding a flashlight and a picture book, his fingers and mouth moving as he reads the words. Harry, startled to see them, tries to hide his book under a pillow.
Remus shoots Sirius a look. Sirius crouches down, puts a hand out like you might for a scared puppy. Harry shrinks away, at first, but after a minute, he puts his tiny hand in Sirius’. 
“Come on, Harry,” says Sirius, holding their hands tightly together. “Let’s make a blanket fort, yeah? Moony will help.” 
Harry smiles, small, and starts gathering up pillows. The three of them transform Harry’s bedroom into a giant blanket fort, and Remus spells little lights to float throughout. 
Harry plops down, tired but happy. “I can play here?” he asks, looking up at Remus.
Remus’ heart squeezes. “Yes, Harry. This is your space.”
Tilting his head, Harry thinks for a minute. “My hang out space?” he asks, worrying at the skin on his thumb.
“All yours,” says Sirius. He sits down next to Harry and wraps an arm around him. “But we’ll stay here with you as long as you like.”
Harry looks up at him, eyes wide. “Forever?”
“Yeah, peanut,” says Remus, messing up Harry’s hair. “All three of us, forever.”
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sliebman10 · 1 year
(cw: implied child abuse)
When Remus opened the door to the dorm, he noticed right away Sirius's curtains were closed. He went over, uncertainly.
"Sirius?" he said, tentatively. He could hear the other boy sniffling.
"Go away."
"No," Remus said.
"I don't want to talk."
Remus poked his head inside to see Sirius curled up tightly, facing away from him. He crawled into the other boy's bed and pulled him close.
The scene in class just a few minutes earlier had been bad. Sirius answered a question about the Cruciatus Curse, and Remus and James had exchanged a glance. He'd answered correctly, but also sounded as though he'd actually experienced this particular curse. Both boys were aware of Sirius's home life, but they didn't have all the details.
Of course it had to be bloody Snape to whisper, "You'd have to be pretty terrible for your own parents to curse you." Sirius snapped and pulled out his wand to hex him before the DADA teacher pulled them apart. They'd both gotten detention.
Remus didn't say anything more. He just held Sirius until he began to relax.
Word count: 182
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my-moony-and-padfoot · 3 months
We'll be okay, I promise
TW: nothing? Please do tell if there's something I should warn about with this one
Word count: 3 100
The idea for this fic was from a post by @breakmyheartwolfstar :)
He leaned against the cold wall, closing his eyes and taking in a sharp breath. It did nothing to help the pain, it never did, and he knew that, but at least he didn’t have to look his mother in the eyes when the next hit would come. Sirius whimpered quietly when the next wave of the piercing pain hit him directly onto the chest, he clutched at it, eventually falling to the ground from the force of the tremors and pain. Walburga had laughed. High-pitched and self-satisfied, it sounded like she was enjoying the view of watching her own son suffer. Maybe she did enjoy it.
The rest of the evening was a blur, he couldn’t really tell what was happening. There were flashing lights, incoherent words that he somehow through the fog recognized being the voices of his parents, possibly Regulus too? He couldn’t be entirely sure, Sirius wasn’t sure if he wanted to know. His head was spinning, and it was difficult to keep himself upright when he finally got the chance to stand up, though he was pushed right back down. Everything hurt, there wasn’t a single part of his body that didn’t, he was sure he was bleeding too, though he couldn’t tell where the blood could be coming from.
It felt like hours, days even until it stopped, and he was left alone, or at least he thought so. The voices around him had stopped, at least for a moment it was quiet. It was the type where you acknowledge all the smallest of sounds, making you on edge at all times, scared something might happen. There was only the quiet echo of his mother's laugh ringing in his ears, but Sirius was sure it wasn’t actually there; just his mind playing tricks on him. He hadn’t yet found the strength to open his eyes to check though, so they might just as well still be there, he hoped they weren’t, though.
“Leave,” The sudden sound of her voice made him jump, and his eyes snap open, barely seeing her through the blurriness of his vision, but he could somehow make out the outline of her figure standing in front of him, hovering over him in a way that made his whole body go rigid. Even though he could barely see or move, he still followed the command, slowly standing up, his legs barely carrying his weight. He didn’t want to know what would happen if he didn’t, something would. Something always happens. “And, don’t come back.”
Sirius didn’t even look at her, he had understood the message loud and clear. He gripped on every possible surface for support as he walked, the back of a chair, the railing on the stairs, his knuckles turning white as he took a break to gather strength to continue. He leaned against the walls, swaying from side to side in the narrow hallway, when he finally made his way outside, he collapsed at the front steps, leaning against the door, breathing heavily. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, hear it in his ears, and it drove him mad. He just wanted for the noise to stop. Even for a moment. He needed to get out, he had to leave; hopefully his wand was still in his pocket. He eventually managed to get up, though he still felt like he might fall over at any point as he walked.
It was raining, it felt refreshing on his burning skin as he made his way down the street. When he got to an underpass, he leaned against the cold stone wall, trying to think what he should do. Remus lived too far away, and he wasn’t even entirely sure if he was home at the moment. Peter lived closest, but he was away on a holiday, and he didn’t want to go there anyway, he knew Peter wouldn’t understand. James didn’t live close either, he had walked there a few times, but it had been summer, and he wasn’t tripping over his feet every other step.
He could apparate there, technically. It would put him at the risk of being expelled from school, but maybe the ministry would understand? Maybe he could somehow sort it out? Though that would mean he’d have to explain everything, and more people would know, maybe he could leave that part out? He’d have time to worry about that later. James was his only option though, unless he wanted to stay outside, which he really didn’t want to do either. Euphemia and Fleamont were nice, so maybe they would understand if he showed up at their doorstep in the middle of the night.
Apparating made him feel even more dizzy, almost losing his balance when he landed at the Potter’s driveway, taking some time to gather his balance again. No lights were on, at least from what he could see, which wasn’t that much. But still, he knocked onto the door once he got there, hoping it was loud enough for somebody to hear. It took a few minutes before the door opened, he must’ve been a pathetic sight to see, if Euphemia’s expression was anything to go by.
“Sirius, dear, what happened?” She asked, ushering him inside and immediately leading him to the living room sofa, afraid he would pass out. Just that simple question said with so much care and kindness made the floodgates open, tears streaming down his face as he sobbed. He wasn’t sure what he could even respond to that. There were no words that could explain the incredible pain he was feeling, nothing that could explain what had happened well enough for someone to understand what it all meant. He wasn’t even sure himself.
“No, no, no.” He found himself saying, glancing up only to see the confusion in her expression, but nothing coherent enough left his mouth. He found himself repeating the same sentences over and over again, as if it would start to make more sense if he repeated it. “T-they know, they know. I- They know. They can’t- It’s- no.”
“Shh, it’s okay.” Euphemia whispered, interrupting his anxious rambling. “That’s not important now, you can explain later.” Sirius just nodded feverishly, burying his face into his hands. “I’m going to get something to patch you up. You don’t look too good, I’ll be right back.”
Before she could get up, though, Sirius spoke. “Jamey, where-? I-”
“Upstairs. Monty went to get him, don’t worry, Sirius. He’ll come down soon.” Sirius nodded again, looking around confusedly before his eyes focused on James standing at the doorway, giving him a sad smile as he walked over.
“Couldn’t wait until the morning, could you?” He teased, adjusting his glasses and running a hand through his hair as he sat down next to Sirius on the sofa. Sirius apologized quietly, not fully catching the playful tone of voice, wiping his eyes as he looked at James. “Y’know, that’s not what I meant. C’mere, you look like you need a hug.”
“Who knows?” Remus asked quietly, leaning his head into his hands as he looked at Sirius who was sitting on the bed, while he was in the armchair in the corner of the guest bedroom at the Potters. Sirius shook his head after a moment of thinking. “Who knows, Sirius?”
“Is that important?” He asked, glancing up. Remus didn’t look annoyed or angry, but rather disappointed and upset, which somehow was even worse than just being yelled at. It made him feel even worse about what had happened, about what had led to this in the first place. It was all his fault. “After w-what happened, I-. That's all you wanna know? What the hell does that matter?”
“It does.”
“How?” He whispered, picking on his fingernails, trying his best not to cry, or start an argument because he really didn't want that, but it seemed like Remus didn't care, he was so focused that it made him ignore all the signs that usually tipped him off. For once, Sirius wished he’d notice. “I don't understand.”
“I don't understand how you could let this happen.” Remus answered, making him take a sharp breath in, though he didn't notice, or care. Sirius wasn't sure. “How could you possibly be so stupid? You promised t-”
“I didn't mean to.” He said, shaking his head. “Rem, I swear I didn't mean to. It was an accident. I'd never-”
“I don't believe you. How could that happen?” Sirius nodded slightly, mouth hanging open as he looked at the ground, swallowing past the lump in his throat trying to figure out something to say, but no words would come out, they just got stuck halfway. He could feel himself starting to shake even more; it wasn’t just the aftermath of the spells used the night before, it was something else too. He didn’t understand why Remus was acting this way, maybe he had done something seriously wrong? Maybe he had deserved everything that happened, maybe it was only fair.
“M-mum and dad.” Sirius whispered, the events replaying clear as day in his mind as he thought back to it. “I-i don’t know how they- They know.” he said, reaching up to wipe his eyes on his sleeve before going back to hugging himself as tightly as he possibly could. He really wanted to be alone now. The one person he thought would make it all, at least a little better, made him want to just be alone.
“Mm, ‘cause they’re definitely the best people to know about this, aren’t they?” That felt like a stab in the heart, it hurt more than anything he had endured at the hands of his mother. It was a different kind of pain. “I guess Effie and fleamont know as well?” Sirius nodded quickly, still not daring to look at Remus. He didn’t want to be yelled at, again. Maybe he deserved it, though? “Do you realize how bad this is? Everyone’s gonna fucking know Sirius. Everyone. Does Regulus know?”
“I don’t know.” He cried, shaking his head. “I don’t- Remus, I-i really don’t know. I-” He was tripping over his words as he cried, breathing getting quicker as he tried to think. “I fucked up. I fucked up, I-i know. I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to, I promise. It w-was an accident. I swear. They- they. You don’t understand. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Rem. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.”
Shit. “No, Sirius. I'm sorry-” He said, trying to correct his behaviour, he should've reacted in a entirely different way. He didn't mean for this to happen, of course he didn't. Sirius slowly looked up, wiping his eyes and hiccuping as more tears continued to trail down.
“I didn't mean to…” Sirius whispered weakly, shattering Remus’ heart into pieces. “I promise.”
“I know.” He said, trying to get his voice to be as soft and gentle as he could. He didn’t want to make Sirius feel even worse. “I know you didn't mean to. I'm so sorry.”
“Can I have a hug?” Sirius asked quietly after a moment of silence, taking him by surprise. After all he had said, he still wanted to be closed. He still wanted Remus, even when it was part of the reason he was feeling so horrible. “Please, moons?”
“Baby.” He whispered, slowly standing up and wrapping his arms around Sirius when he got up as well. He hid his face into Remus' chest, clinging on as if he would just disappear. “I shouldn't have gotten mad at you. Not now. That could've waited. I'm so sorry.”
“ ‘s okay.” Sirius mumbled. “I get it.”
“No. It's not okay. Don't say it is.” Sirius only nodded. “It's- Sirius something really bad happened to you and I should've been there for you- I shouldn’t have said what I did, it’s not fair to you.” He cleared his throat as tears started to burn in his eyes and a breath got caught in his throat. “I'm sorry.”
They fell silent after that, it wasn't uncomfortable, both just taking a moment to calm down. Remus swayed them gently, rubbing Sirius back to try to comfort him the best he could. Sirius just let himself be wrapped in the warm embrace, feeling like everything was okay for a moment; the tremors were gone and so was all the pain, physically and mentally. He felt better, for a moment, forgetting everything that had happened. He always felt better with Remus.
He listened to Remus' calm breathing, finding comfort in the way his hand went up and down his back slowly in the same way it always did when he was with Remus. It was calm and gentle, a ghost of a touch compared to what other people did, it was so familiar and comforting. When he felt Remus' lips press against the top of his head, that too, soft and gentle, made him feel at home. It was a simple gesture, but it meant so much more, especially now. It was a simple expression of love, but it said all the things that were left unsaid for now.
I'm sorry Remus had whispered again, but Sirius just shook his head, pressing himself even closer to him, It's okay.
It took a long while until the pair pulled apart, only to look at each other, Sirius reached up to wipe away the tears with his sleeve. Remus smiled slightly, leaning down to rest his forehead against Sirius' who let his eyes flutter closed, feeling safe with him. He finally felt safe.
“Do you want to talk?” Remus asked after a moment, kissing his forehead before looking at him, Sirius opened his eyes, looking up at him.
“I don't know.” Remus nodded. “Wanna sleep.”
“Okay. Do you-”
“Stay.” He chuckled quietly, getting a smile out of Sirius, it was small, but it was a smile. Eventually, they broke the embrace to get settled in bed, Remus sat down with his back against the headboard, Sirius sat down next to him at first, resting his head on Remus' shoulder. But eventually ended up with his head resting on his chest, curled up to him the best he could. Remus played with his hair, twirling the curls around his fingers, holding his hand with the other. Sirius closed his eyes, he wanted to sleep. He hadn't slept last night, but he couldn't find himself to fall asleep. There was still so much on his mind, and the pain was starting to break through whatever bliss he had fallen to.
“What hurts, love?” Remus asked quietly, as if reading his mind.
“Everything,” Sirius whispered, sounding defeated. “My chest hurts, and I'm all shaky.” He said, and Remus nodded, shifting so he could rub at his side gently, prompting him to continue. “My head hurts too.”
“Have you slept at all?”
“Maybe an hour.”
“Okay.” He whispered into his hair. “Can I help, baby?” Sirius shrugged, rubbing his nose onto Remus' jumper for a moment. He wasn't sure if he was just getting rid of an itch or if it was an affectionate gesture, but he didn't mind either one.
“They all know.” Sirius whispered after a while of silence. “I'm sorry, Remus. I promised it wouldn't happen.”
“It's okay, Sirius.” He said, though he wasn't sure if it would be okay, he shouldn't be mad at Sirius for that. It wasn't his fault. “It'll be okay. We'll be okay.”
“What if we won't be? It's my fault. I don't- Re, I don't want anything to happen to us.”
“Me neither.”
“I fucked up again.” Remus shook his head. “I'm so sorry.”
“Shh, it's okay, love.” He didn't answer, but a tear fell down anyway, Remus just reached to wipe it away before continuing. “You didn't fuck up, nothing will happen to us, nothing, I promise.”
“But- People?” He said. “They're not supposed to know.”
“Maybe it'll be okay. Effie and Monty won't do anything, neither will James. They're good people, Siri.” Sirius nodded. “It'll be okay.”
“I'm so sorry I got mad at you.” Remus whispered quietly. “I panicked, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have.”
“It's okay moony.” He said. “It happens.”
“It shouldn't.” Sirius just shrugged. “Do you wanna talk about it? About what happened yesterday?” He tensed up slightly, but nodded anyway, slowly calming down. “If you don't want to, we don't have to talk. We can just sleep, whatever you want.”
“It's okay.” Remus nodded, waiting patiently as Sirius took a moment before he started. “I don't know how they- they found out. I really don't know… I might've slipped it, sorry.” He whispered, starting to draw shapes into Remus' side with his finger to distract himself. “She got really angry with me, so did dad.”
“They- um they used the spell on me. It hurts so much, rem. I hate it, and they just kept on doing it. I was so scared.” his voice wavered with unshed tears and fear, but he kept on. “They a-always threaten with it… I didn't think they'd actually do it. She told me to leave, if I wouldn't, s-something bad would happen.”
“That- that's horrible, love.” Sirius just nodded. “I don't know what to say.”
“Don't have to say anything.” He said. “It just hurts.” He said, wiping his eyes before taking Remus’ hand back into his. “I always fuck up.”
“You didn't fuck up.”
“Remus?” He hummed, running his hand through Sirius' hair, waiting for him to continue. “Do you promise…? That we'll be okay.”
“I do.” Remus whispered, kissing his head. “We'll be okay, Sirius.” He nodded, a small smile flashing on his features.
“Can we talk more tomorrow? I'm tired, Rem.” Remus nodded. “Thank you.”
They were quiet again for a long while, falling into that comfortable place wheqre it was just them, only them, with no worries about what was outside. They could just be, and not care about what had happened. Remus gently nudged his forehead with his nose, a silent ask for Sirius to look at him. He did, sleepy eyes gazing up at his boyfriend, smiling slightly as he leaned up to give him a kiss. It was soft and warm, just full of love. “I love you, moony.” Sirius whispered quietly, against his lips.
“I love you too.” He whispered back, giving him another kiss before Sirius rested his head back down, tucking it underneath his chin, getting as comfortable as he could. He closed his eyes, smiling as Remus pulled the blanket over them. “Sleep, baby. I'll be here to keep you safe, yeah? Nothing to worry about.”
Hello :)
Hopefully you enjoyed this one as much as I enjoyed writing it and that it all made sense at least somehow. Any weird things going and grammar mistakes we are blaming on writing this mostly at two am, okay? We're not blaming it on me
Also, I'm horrible at writing fighting scenes so I always try to resolve it quickly. I personally hate arguments so I avoid writing them, but I still hoped it worked out even tho it was quite short
I also have a small fic written for Remus' birthday 👀
Hopefully you're doing well :) If you aren't, I really hope it gets better soon <3. Have a good day/night/morning? Idk whatever time it is. Maybe probably see you around somewhere?
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