#actually bdd
bpdpotato · 1 year
Being ugly actually ruins your whole mood, I can't even sit in peace without thinking about how disgusting I actually look.
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lesbianrustcohle · 1 year
that wasn't a joke! i did in fact get hypnotized yesterday to help treat my body dysmorphic disorder, and it worked
while i was in a light trance, we implanted these affirmations i drafted in ocd therapy and edited for a few days:
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at the end of the session i cried because "all these things are obviously true, so how could i have been so cruel to myself? 😭"
this morning when i looked in the mirror i cried with awe at how beautiful i was! twice (!)
so now we just need to work on my compulsions, but the feelings have already changed and that will make it easier
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desi-daydream · 1 month
lashes. eyeliner. elf halo glow foundation. tarte concealer. contour. primer. moisturizer. skincare. bio oil. threading. tea tree oil. olay firming night cream. eyebrow brush. matte lipstick. shiny lipgloss. curled eye lashes. dressed up. casual. street wear. hoodie and sweats. straightened hair. caramel balayage. natural hair colour. it doesn’t matter. bc at the end of it all, a girl like you can’t be looked at as pretty, or even attractive. you can’t even get a lame hello, a match back on a stupid app, an empty conversation, a look in your direction. so forget a relationship, marriage, or a husband for that matter.
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thenewbunnyblanc · 2 months
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emos-at-ihop · 2 years
I got annoyed that when looking for relatable body dysmorphia memes that I only ever see shit like “sometimes, I don’t like how I look in a photo,” so I made hyper-specific bdd memes to demonstrate what bdd can actually do to a person lmao
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beatheprincess · 2 months
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Thanks to my kind friend for calming my nerves today 💟 sometimes we need compliments, affirmations or reassurance from loved ones in order to feel better at times <3
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magnatrash · 4 months
When I don't feel pretty I feel subhuman
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whororhoe · 1 year
been awhile since i wanted to scream and shatter every mirror and make myself puke and run until i collapse and cut off my own skin with a knife and sew it together too tight and never dare eat again, but here we are.
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little-bloodied-angel · 4 months
I dunno, maybe I'm crazy, but if I had a kid with such severe body dysmorphia that it has driven them to self-harm, caused psychotic episodes where they tried to mutilate their body, and heavily influenced their chronic suicidal tendencies, and they found two harmless, non-invasive things that help alleviate it (gel nails and professionally done eyebrows, especially considering that left to their own devices they'll use the tweezers to destroy their face because they also have dermatillomania), I wouldn't deny them those things, tell them that they're going to get them and then ensure they don't, and call them a spoiled rotten brat the few times they manage to have them done, simply ask for them, or remind me that I made a promise. But like I said maybe it's just me? Everyone acts like my mother is perfect, so I must just be delusional.
Then again if I had a kid with body dysmorphic disorder and an ED, I also wouldn't constantly be making negative comments about their body, face, skin, hair, general appearance, makeup, preferred clothing or even their weight. Oh well.
(life in general and the holidays in particular are going just great, y'all)
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glitchsv3ntbl0g · 6 months
I'm actually about to cry rn-..
I decided to use a bmi calculator and I typed in my weight very slowly... I have to head to school in two hours and I just started thinking very su!c!d@/ looking at the results... whats the fucking point of this if I can't fucking lose anything?.. I'M TRYIBG MY GODDAMN BEST AND NOTHING IS FUCKING WORKING!...
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taughtsauce · 2 years
if i was pretty i genuinely don’t think i would be mentally ill
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bpdpotato · 1 year
I think people underestimate how absolutely shit it is to wake up everyday and look at yourself and be completely repulsed by what you see, constantly think about how awful you must look to other people around you, how your partner probably thinks your face and body is disgusting but they'll never tell you because they feel bad, how disgusting you are for simply eating like a normal person. It's exhausting having to feel guilty about the fact that you ate, even if it's the smallest meal, constantly buying your clothing a size or two bigger, because you hate seeing your body. Always thinking about losing weight, about getting surgery to change your face and body. I'm so tired of never enjoying myself, of not wanting to go to the beach/pool because I don't want my disgusting body to be seen in a swimsuit. This isn't living.
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worth a try ..
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desi-daydream · 1 month
is it my face?
is it my face? is my brain? is it my mind? bc why is it that I am 27 years old and not once has a guy on this earth 🌎 ever found me pretty. Not once. Not one guy. Ever. That is scary and sad. So of course, I can’t help but think, am I that ugly?
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bpd-annie · 2 years
Thought it was a teenage dream,
Just a fantasy,
But was it yours or was it mine?
19, 31.
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fatty-dreams · 2 years
Intro to Me
Hi. I’m Wonder (no that’s not my actual name but it’s what we’re going with for the purpose of this account). Im 16 years old, I use they/them pronouns and identify as trans-nonbinary (I’m a masculine nonbinary person who’s AFAB/has a female body). I’m also part of a dissociative system so I may refer to myself as “we”/“us” and my body as “the body”/“our body”.
If you don’t know what a system is then I don’t care. That’s not my problem - educate yourself. I won’t be answering any questions on that or bringing it up at all on this account unless it’s in a vent or it has something to do with our eating disorders (of which we have a few).
I want to preface this by saying that this account is definitely not for anyone who is in recovery. If you’re in recovery or are prone to being triggered by talk of weight, bmi, numbers, or just overall ED-related vent, then this is absolutely not the place for you. Unless you’re 100% already pro-ED, then please DNI. This community is toxic as fuck, and although I can thrive in it, I can admit that it isn’t making my EDs any better. I don’t want to get better but I also don’t want to drag down people that could or do. Unless you’re in the same mindset as I am, do not read any further and leave this blog.
Now, back to what I was saying:
For as long as I can remember, the body’s been tiny. “Naturally petite” as our friends put it. As I grew up, starting from a very young age, we got a lot of comments on our body and it’s appearance. Some good, most bad. This led us to practically cycling through eating disorders. We have Bulimia, Anorexia and Bigorexia/Binge-eating disorder. We’ve been part of the pro-eating disorder community on and off for the past 2-3 years.
This account is no different to any of the accounts we’ve had before. I want the body to be fat. I’m so sick of being a “twig” or a “stick” or another nickname people want to give me.
My current weight is 7 stone 0.1 ibs and I’m 5’3, which sets my BMI at 17.36 - underweight. This is going to be my journey with weight-gain.
If you also have Bigorexia or BDD then please feel free to get in contact - I’d love like-minded friends!
Until next time, lovelies ♡
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