#age list
Cat Ages Based on Human Milestones
Warrior cats age equivalents has always been a very sketchy and confusing thing. Many people often just do a linear cat to human age, ex.: 1 month = 1 year, but I've always believed it isn't so straight forward and that warrior cats' age physically and mentally different.
I think the best way to determine a cat's age in relation to a human's age is based on milestones, such as when a toddler takes their first steps, or a kitten first starts eating wet food.
But, as you'll see, there are discrepancies in doing this. For example, humans are often walking better before they're weaned off milk/baby food, while kittens can often be weaned off milk before they're walking without wobbling. Additionally, cats can become sexually mature very young (child age), while that is more rare in humans (though not impossible).
Cat maturity has a different "system" than human maturity, so this is just a close equivalent to help some people visual the ages better.
Cat age = Human age
3 weeks = 2 years - 3 weeks is when weaning off of milk and onto wet food often begins. Similarly, 2 years is considered the "cut-off" for babies breastfeeding. Capable of talking at this point, though communitive abilities differentiate
4 moons = 10* years - cats can become sexually mature at 4 months of age. Generally, afab persons can start puberty at 10 years and technically be "sexually mature"
6 moons = 6* years - when apprenticeship starts is akin to when first grade starts, but I'd personally say 6 moons old feels more akin to a 9-10 year old (4th grader) to me and 4 moons old are the 1st graders, especially considering the next age and context of "sexual maturity"
7 moons = 12 years - most places consider cats "adults" when they are seven months old, as they are mostly done growing. 12 years is generally when puberty begins, so it's technically the opposite (start growing)... but in ye olden days, you could be considered an adult at 12 so. It's the closest equivalent if we are keeping 12 moons = 18 years.
12 moons (1 year) = 18 years - both are when they are considered independent "adults" in their societies
84 moons (7 years) = 40-50 years - 7 years is the "senior" status for cats, when they're "old" adults. Most people call 40 year old's old
120 moons (10 years) = 60-70 years - the "retirement" ages
216 moons (18 years) = 100-110 years - 18 years for a cat is like living past 100 years for a human. Though it should be noted wild/stray cats do not tend to live as long as indoor cats, so this is especially a "rare" age for warrior cats
Based on these milestones, I would put the warrior cats aging as....
Orange, aging rapidly, at a 1 month = 1.5 year rate
0-1 moon = 0-2 years (newborn-toddler)
2 moons = 3 years (toddler)
3 moons = 4-5 years (child)
4 moons = 6 years (child)
5 moons = 7-8 years (child)
6 moons (.5 year) = 9-10 years (pre-teen)
7 moons = 11-12 years (pre-teen)
8 moons = 13-14 years (teen)
Green, aging cools down to 1 month = +1 year equivalent
9 moons = 15 years (teen)
10 moons = 16 years (teen)
11 moons = 17 years (senior teen)
12 moons (1 year) = 18 years (senior teen)
13-16 moons = 19-22 years (young adult)
17-24 moons (2 years) = 23-30 years (young adult)
25-30 moons= 31-36 years (adult)
Red, aging slows down
31-40 moons = 37-38 years (adult)
41-50 moons = 39-40 years (adult)
51-60 moons = 41-43 years (adult)
61-70 moons = 44-46 years (adult)
71-80 moons = 47-49 years (senior adult)
81-90 moons = 50-52 years (senior adult)
91-100 moons = 52-59 years (senior adult)
101-110 moons = 60-64 years (young senior)
111-120 moons = 65-74 years (young senior)
Blue, elder age is hit, aging is still slow, depends on health of cat
121-130 moons (10 years) = 75-81 years (senior)
131-140 moons = 82-88 years (senior)
141-150 moons = 90-94 years (senior)
151-160 moons (12 years) = 95-99 years (senior)
161-215 moons = 100-109 years (centurion)
216+ moons (18 years) = 110+ years (centurion)
Please note that this is just a best guess estimate. Cats age physically and mentally different than humans, which makes it hard to "exact" their ages.
In general, it is accepted that 0-6 moons is a child, 7-12 is a teen, and 13+ is an adult, with some age around 90-100 moons being the elder age.
Thistlestar was around 29-30 moons when Spottedleaf at 12 moons gave birth to Firestar+. Thistlestar would be a 35-36 old adult and Spottedleaf an 18 year old who was impregnated at 17 years. Thistlestar first began grooming/showing interest in her when she was 2-3 years old, and they entered a relationship when she was around 10 human years old and he 23-25 years old.
(This is assuming my cat age for Thistlestar is correct - I'm currently reworking all cats' ages.)
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byoldervine · 14 days
Ages Of Some Of My Byoldervine WIP Characters
Gonna try to order this from youngest to oldest. Ages are relevant to 2025, when the story takes place
Mullo Cantor: 17, born 2008
Connor Warden: 19, born 2006
Persephone Foster: 20, born April 28th 2005
Clay Acaron: 20, born 2005 (older than Persephone)
Angelus, in theory: Confirmed himself to be older than Persephone, but not by much. Theoretically around 20-23, putting his date of birth between 2005-2002 if correct
Sy Cantor: 21, born 2004
Lazulai Cantor: 23, born 2002
Layni Warden: 24, born 2001
Anessa Cantor: 25, born 2000
Kennedy, in theory: Believed to be around her mid-twenties, which would mean she was born roughly between 2001-1998 if it’s correct (But I’ll give you that she was definitely born before Byoldervine’s passing at the start of 2000, and she’s the only one here who can say that)
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themetalhiro · 11 months
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Get this guy home. He’s had too much.
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rebelsafoot · 4 months
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 179
“Pa, there’s a weird lookin’ cat outside!” 
 -Said by a sleep deprived Danny Phantom while in Clockwork’s Lair, about a hero displaced in time. Clockwork is in fact amused. Batman is simply confused about the entire situation.  
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weergang · 17 days
Ship (aka Full-rigged): All three masts square-rigged.
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Barque: First two masts square-rigged, the mizzen fore-and-aft rigged
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Barquentine (Schooner barque): Fore mast square-rigged, main and mizzen fore-and-aft.
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Topsail schooner: All masts fore-and-aft rigged, but with topsails on the foremast
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Schooner: All masts fore-and-aft rigged
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socialprawn · 6 months
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a merry band of misfits 🦅
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super-lovely-star · 28 days
Summer/Hot Weather Things for Middle Regressors and Dreamers
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Make some lemonade and freeze it in molds to make lemonade popsicles. These are super tasty and refreshing after a long hot day!
Water gun or nerf blaster battles with friends. If you’re using nerf or another toy that shoots foam darts, remember to protect your eyes with goggles.
Temporary glitter tattoos! You can get them done at some boardwalks or you can buy a kit online.
Body glitter, now that it’s tank top weather! I bought some at claire’s and it smells like strawberries :D
Just chilling outside in the evenings now that the days are longer. Bring a plushie with you and enjoy the nice weather.
Once it gets dark, you can play games like flashlight tag!
Thrifting summer clothes can be fun and affordable!
Dressing up dolls in summer clothes and swimsuits, or pinning flower hair clips to your plushies’ ears.
Summer playlists! I have to admit I always tell myself I’m going to make one and then forget, but remembering will be worth it.
If you have someone to drive you, take a summer day trip to somewhere you don’t usually go. Now’s a good time for that summer playlist.
Friendship bracelets! You can make kandi, rainbow loom, or traditional woven bracelets and give them to the people close to you.
On that note, miniature friendship bracelets or collars for your plushies.
Make a summer bucket list of all the fun things you want to do this summer, and check them off as you complete them!
Last but not least, remember to wear your sunscreen!
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Make sure to keep cool and stay hydrated <3
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this is the funniest fucking shit to me
this is how half the clan is related (biologically, adoption/other excluded) to Firestar lmaoo
Dappletail is Firestar's paternal aunt; she is Thistlestar's sister who is Firestar's father
Whitestorm is Firestar's paternal half-brother; he is Thistlestar's son who is Firestar's father, but they do not share a mother
Spottedleaf is Firestar's mother
Willowpelt is Firestar's maternal aunt; she is Spottedleaf's aunt who is Firestar's mother
Darkstripe is Firestar's maternal first cousin; he is Willowpelt's son who is Spottedleaf's aunt who is Firestar's mother
Creekflower is Firestar's full-sister; she is Spottedleaf and Thistlestar's daughter, who are Firestar's parents
Graystripe is Firestar's maternal first cousin; he is Willowpelt's son who is Spottedleaf's aunt who is Firestar's mother
Feathercloud is Firestar's paternal first cousin; he is Dappletail's son who is Thistlestar's brother who is Firestar's father
Missingheart is Firestar's maternal first cousin; he is Patchpelt's son who is Spottedleaf's brother who is Firestar's mother
Cloudtail is Firestar's full-nephew; he is Creekflower's son who is Firestar's full-sister
Ashpaw, Fernpaw, Tulippaw, and Elderpaw are Firestar's paternal half-niblings; they are Whitestorm's children who is Thistlestar's son, but they do not share a mother
Bramblepaw is Firestar's maternal second cousin; he is Tigerstar's son who is Leopardfoot's son who is Spottedleaf's sister who is Firestar's mother
Sorrelkit, Rainkit, and Sootkit are Firestar's maternal first cousins; they are Willowpelt's children who is Spottedleaf's sister who is Firestar's mother
and Sorrelkit, Rainkit, and Sootkit are Firestar's paternal half-niblings; they are Whitestorm's children who is Thistlestar's son, but they do not share a mother
Redkit, Sweetkit, and Spotkit are Firestar's children
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mizgnomer · 4 months
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Parallels - Good Omens & Staged
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hedgehog-moss · 10 months
"rn I feel like reading about someone's quiet daily life, maybe a diary or letters, set in a place or context I don't know much about, without turmoil or tragedy" oh! do you have any recommendations for books like this?
This is one of my favourite types of books! Here are 30(ish) recs...
May Sarton's The House by the Sea or Plant Dreaming Deep
Gyrðir Elíasson's Suðurglugginn / La fenêtre au sud (not translated into English unfortunately!), also Bergsveinn Birgisson's Landslag er aldrei asnalegt / Du temps qu'il fait (exists in German too)
Gretel Ehrlich's The Solace of Open Spaces, which iirc was originally written as journal entries and letters before being adapted into a book
Kenneth White's House of Tides: Letters from Brittany and Other Lands of the West
Sei Shonagon's Pillow Book
The Diary of a Provincial Lady, E. M. Delafield
Growing Up with the Impressionists: The Diary of Julie Manet
Elizabeth and Her German Garden by Elizabeth von Arnim (do not read if you don't like flowers)
The Road Through Miyama by Leila Philip (I've mentioned it before, it feels like this gif)
The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating, I keep recommending this one but it's so nice and I love snails
Epicurean Simplicity, Stephanie Mills
The Light in the Dark: A winter journal by Horatio Clare
The Letters of Rachel Henning
The letters of Tove Jansson, also The Summer Book and Fair Play
The diary of Sylvia Townsend Warner—here's an entry where she describes some big cats at the zoo. "Frank and forthcoming, flirtatious carnivores, [...] guttersnipishly loveable"
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The Letters of Rachel Carson & Dorothy Freeman were very sweet and a little bit gay. I mostly remember from this long book I read years ago that Rachel Carson once described herself as "retiring into her shell like a periwinkle at low tide" and once apologised to Dorothy because she had run out of apple-themed stationery.
Jane Austen's letters (quoting the synopsis, "Wiser than her critics, who were disappointed that her correspondence dwelt on gossip and the minutiae of everyday living, Austen understood the importance of "Little Matters," of the emotional and material details of individual lives shared with friends and family")
Madame de Sévigné's letters because obviously, and from the same time period, the letters of the Princess Palatine, Louis XIV's sister-in-law. I read them a long time ago and mostly I remember that I enjoyed her priorities. There's a letter where she complains that she hasn't received the sausages she was promised, and then in the next paragraph, mentions the plot to assassinate the King of England and also, the Tartars are walking on Vienna currently.
Wait I found it:
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R.C. Sherriff's The Fortnight in September (quoting the author, "I wanted to write about simple, uncomplicated people doing normal things")
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Betty Smith
Pond, Claire-Louise Bennett
Rules for Visiting, Jessica Francis Kane
The following aren't or aren't yet available in English, though some have already been translated in 5-6 languages:
ツバキ文具店 / La papeterie Tsubaki by ito Ogawa
半島へ / La péninsule aux 24 saisons by Mayumi Inaba
Giù la piazza non c'è nessuno, Dolores Prato (for a slightly more conceptual take on the "someone's everyday life" theme—I remember it as quite Proustian in its meticulousness, a bit like Nous les filles by Marie Rouanet which is much shorter and more lighthearted but shows the same extreme attention to childhood details)
Journal d'un homme heureux, Philippe Delerm, my favourite thing about this book is that the goodreads commenter who gave it the lowest rating complained that Delerm misidentified a wine as a grenache when actually it's a cabernet sauvignon. Important review!
Un automne à Kyôto, Corinne Atlan (I find her writing style so lovely)
oh and 西の魔女が死んだ / L’été de la sorcière by Kaho Nashiki —such a little Ghibli film of a book. There's a goodreads review that points out that Japanese slice-of-life films and books have "a certain way of describing small, everyday actions in a soothing, flawless manner that can either wear you out, or make you look at the world with a temporary glaze of calm contentment and introspective understanding [...]"
I'd be happy to get recommendations in this 'genre' as well :)
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xxcherrycherixx · 7 months
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cupid's gals meet
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groenendaze · 4 months
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these make me feel emotions i dont quite understand
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bakubunny · 5 months
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daddy katsuki x bunny reader drabble. it’s longer than i expected it to be, but it’s been on my mind for a little while now. i’m still very new to piss play and i’ve never written pet play so? here’s smth new ig. idk. >.< have some daddy kats food. i’ll see you with the next one. ♡
this lovely little fic by @neon-gothicc came to mind when i went back for some editing, so i wanted to share it!
tw: f!reader, aged up characters, daddy kink, heavy pet play, piss play, d/s dynamics, olfactophilia, sex toys, humiliation, pet names: sweetie, bunny, baby bunny, little bun, etc., katsuki swears a lot (ig), being a top pro hero means a top tier private office, sry this one’s out there
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thinkin abt daddy katsuki and his pretty pet he’s trained so well…. don’t be mistaken, you’re still a dumb bunny, you can’t do that much, being one so easily bored or distracted. but you’re obedient; he knows how how much his baby bun just wants to be good and please him.
instead of being on patrol, it’s a slow day in the office for him, and you’re lucky enough to be kneeling by his side. he’s been exceptionally generous today, giving you a soft princess pillow for your knees and kneeling stool to keep you comfortable as long as possible. your head is resting on his thigh as he types away, his hand drifting down to pet your head occasionally.
there was, however, one issue that had a cold sweat forming on your back. katsuki had you drinking water all morning with not a single chance to relieve yourself. you nudged his thigh with your nose. he looked down to see your pleading eyes.
“i told ya, after this report, daddy can take you to go potty. not til then,” he said.
the slightest whine left your throat.
“keep it up, and you’ll wait longer, bun.”
katsuki pushed his chair back. he gave a sweeping motion of two fingers toward the open space. you left the comfort of your stool and crawled under his desk. he pulled himself back in, legs spread.
despite the discomfort filling your body, you obeyed, fingers curling tightly around the hem of the short skirt flowing down from your waist, the bottoms of your feet pressing into the fat of your bare ass. you nuzzled your face into katsuki’s soft, warm bulge, resting in the space he created. even through his pants, his scent was overwhelming, intoxicating as you breathed him in. he watched your eyes roll and flutter shut as he reached down to pet your head.
“‘s a good girl. gimme just a little more time,” he said. “n’ don’t you dare make a mess on this damn floor. you’ll regret it.”
you nearly jolted as the vibrator he’d left in your cunt that morning turned on again. another whimper escaped your lips. but katsuki was gracious.
“what did i just say, hmm? you can wait.”
your body felt so full as your head swirled with pleasure, spinning from the pressure of the vibrator inside and the fight you had with your body to keep from relieving yourself. after what felt like ages but was really only ten minutes, katsuki closed his laptop and pulled back once more, met with the same sad, glossy eyes.
“don’t look so pathetic. you’re fine. ass up,” he said.
not one to hesitate with release in sight, you crawled out and put your ass in the air, face pressed into the pillow before you as your skirt fell forward, exposing yourself fully to him. katsuki administered a few painful smacks to your ass as your toes curled, and you swallowed hard. you mewled as he pulled out the slick covered vibrator and dropped it by your face, a string of arousal clinging to it before it hit the pillow. your cheeks grew hot.
“tch. can’t tell if you need to piss or cum.” katsuki slid two fingers into your heat.
you bit back a cry as he fingered your cunt hard, feeling you clench around him erratically.
“‘s this what ya really wanted? want me to make you cum?” he asked.
the rough pad of katsuki’s fingers rubbed circles into your aching clit. a small trickle of piss escaped as your orgasm drew closer.
katsuki gave your ass a harsh smack. “what did i fuckin’ say about makin’ a mess on the floor, huh? answer me.”
“daddy i'm sorry, i needa go so bad,” you cried. “please, i wanna be good.”
“cum without pissin’ everywhere n’ maybe you can be,” he sneered.
tears streamed across your face. a quiet moan slipped from you as katsuki’s fingers curled a little more. a shudder ran down your spine.
“you can do it, show me you can be a good girl,” he continued. you could hear the smirk in his tone. “i’ll even walk ya to the litter box n’ hold your hand.”
heat flooded your face. you whimpered. your legs shook when his thick, callous fingers pumped deep into your cunt as his pace increased.
“c’mon baby bunny, cum for me. cum on daddy’s hand. lemme see you fall apart,” katsuki said softly.
your mouth fell open in a pant as you clenched hard around his fingers, orgasm washing over your body in wave after wave with his encouragement.
"that's it, such good girl..." he cooed as he carried you through your climax. "fuck, you're so pretty when you cum, little bun."
katsuki pulled his hand from you, sucking his fingers clean with a small groan. "tch. you’re fuckin' lucky i got shit to get done today, or i'd be throwin' ya on that couch."
as the pressure in your bladder grew once more, you shifted uncomfortably.
"fine, fine." he gave you a playful swat on the ass. "go on."
you crawled across the floor of his office as katsuki trailed behind you, staring at your body on display, to an oversized, lined litter box next to his office bathroom. you looked back at him hesitantly.
"hop in. ya can't piss on the floor," katsuki said with a smirk.
you got in and faced him in a squat, body exposed. as promised, he knelt down and held your hands with a grin as your cheeks burned hot all over again.
"'s okay, sweetie. you can let go." he gave you a kiss on the hand, then on the knee. "you're doin' so well. let daddy see."
you willed your body to relax. relief hit as your warm stream hit the plastic beneath you. katsuki groaned as he watched and gave you a kiss on the forehead.
"that's my girl... my good little bunny."
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gremlins: @arlerts-angel @dcsiremc @darkstarlight82 @bookcluberror @zazter-den @breadandbutter33 @i-literally-cant-with-this @rinalouu @stvrfir3 @r4td0lll @emmab3mma @aria-chikage @mhadabiandhawks4eva @yazminetrahan @doumadono @dreamcastgirl99 @maddietries @jazzafayesworld @karebear5118 @unofficialmuilover @cherriluvs35 @erensslut @ruu-https @hana-yuri @keiva1000 @katsul0vr @trickster-kat @ayeohoh-blog @dinomeow @flamgosstuff @mistressreaper @angelltheninth @anonymously-ominous @amberexe2 @hisconsistency @nanamisbigassschlong @223princess @honeeslust @naughtygobbo @acenanxious @blumoonwisteria @chaos-gem @levizonlywife @kxtsxkii @katsuslover @nuttyunknowndetective @yooxverse @jjamiee21 @pastelbakugou
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ltwilliammowett · 1 month
Sea Shanty Books
For all those who are looking for books on the subject of sea shanties.
The Early Naval Ballads of England, by J.O. Halliwell, 1841 Naval Songs, by S.B. Luce, 1883 The Music of the Waters, by Laura A. Smith, 1888 Songs of Sea and Sail, by Thomas Fleming Day, 1898 Old Sea Chanties, by J. Bradford and A. Fagge, 1904 Sailors' Songs or Chanties, by Ferries Tozer and F.J. Davis, 1906 Sea Songs and Shanties, by Captain W.B. Whall, 1910 Shanties and Forebitters, by Mrs. Clifford Beckett, 1914 Songs of Sea Labour, by Frank T. Bullen and W.F. Arnold, 1915 King's Book of Chanties, by Stanton H. King, 1918 Capstan Chanteys, by Cecil K. Sharp, 1919 Pullings Chanteys, by Cecil K. Sharp, 1919 Deep Sea Chanties, by Owen Trevine, 1921 The Shanty Book, Part 1, R.R. Terry, 1921 Sea Songs and Ballads, by C. Fox Smith, 1923 Roll and Go: Songs of American Sailormen, by Joanna C. Colcord, 1924 Sea Chanties, by Geoffrey Toye, 1924 Songs of the Sea and Sailors Chanteys, by Robert Frothingham, 1924 Ballads and Songs of the Shanty- Boy, by Franz L. Rickaby, 1926 The Shanty Book Part II, R.R. Terry, 1926 The Seven Seas Shanty Book, by John Sampson, 1927 A Book of Shanties, by C. Fox Smith, 1927 Salt Sea Ballads, by R.R. Terry, 1931 American Sea Songs and Chanteys, by Frank Shay, 1948 Shantymen and Shantyboys: Songs of the Sailor and the Lumberman, by W.M. Doerflinger, 1951 The Shell Book of Shanties, 1952 Sea Songs of Sailing, Whaling and Fishing, by Burl Ives, 1956 Shanties from the Seven Seas: Shipboard Work- Songs from the Great Days of Sail, Stan Hugill, 1961 Sailo's Songs and Shanties, by Michael Hur, 1965 Shanties and Sailors's Songs, by Stan Hugill, 1969
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mojaves · 5 months
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