#also pls no one take this as fishing for compliments or anything like that
dragonsbone · 1 year
Just want to say, your edits are some of the damn best of the whole sight. I am in love with your hotd oc and got oc edits and want to read those stories so badly! You really have some talent Joey. Rhaegor and Joanna are both really compelling just with the edits alone.
i’m not gonna lie, i did get a little emotional reading this. i am my worst enemy and my thoughts never fail to tell me the most self deprecating things in regards to my ocs, but especially with my writing. so it’s been extremely difficult for me to write anything, even if it’s just a quote to be used later on in a story or write a blurb for a post. so knowing people say they actually want to read my stories is always so tough for me to hear and to accept. because i want to write! god, i will LOVE to write something. but i seriously am so horrible to myself whenever i try to. i always end up giving up and result to only making edits because it’s what i’m good at and very familiar with. and i feel bad asking my close friends to read over my work because, ya know, we all have lives and are busy. also, mainly, because i’m very embarrassed, extremely insecure, and have no confidence in myself. but it does gladden me that you are interested into knowing more of my stories in the world of asoiaf! i am actually reading it now, finally, to have even more knowledge within this universe. at the moment, i am more than happy to answer any questions you may have about my ocs as a substitute for the lack of stories published if that makes any consolation. i do not know if i’ll ever gain the courage to post something i write, but i do hope one day i do. to end this on a lighter note: thank you for your kind words! i cannot begin to say how much they mean to me!! thank you for your support and enthusiasm of my ocs <33
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mochamvgz · 9 months
what they would save ur contact as
; i don't think this needs a synopsis? it's all in the title
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; ot7 enhypen x reader
; genre: hcs, non idol au, established relationship, fluff
; warnings: slight profanity, miraculous, some members being total simps, being called short by niki
; 0.5k words
; perm taglist: @inkelea @yuerki
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heeseung || ramyeon partner🍜💛
the two of you LOVE ramyeon so it's only fitting. your first date, all the way back when you guys were in uni, was having ramyeon at a local convenience store for crying out loud!
and OF COURSE you immediately fished out your phone from your pocket to change his contact to the same
jay || my pretty girl💐 (in a completely not possesive and absolutely unpatriarchal way!)
if you saw xander hawthorne you're a real one pls marry me
we already know this guy is THE ultimate green flag so this came as a surprise to no one
you and jay are also massive feminists and no sticklers for insecure masculinity hence the parenthesis
when you find out what you're saved as on his phone you can't help but fall in love with your boyfriend all over again
jake || bugaboo🐞❤️🖤
if you think miraculous is a kids show GET OUTTA HERE
"there's no way you saved me as that"
"why? is there a problem bugaboo?"
without a word you unlock your phone, open ur contacts, scroll down to find his and hold it up in front of him
jake raises his brow at you and directs his attention to your screen, his mouth immediately forming an 'o'
" ‘chat noir’ ? oh my god you're kidding!"
sunghoon || (name)
the guy first saved your number when you were paired up for a project which was 2 whole years ago mind you and for some reason it just never? occurred? to him? to change it??
of course you're mad when you find out
"seriously hoon?"
"i'm sor-"
"give me your phone"
he complies. you unlock and open his contacts going to ‘favourites’, clicking on your contact which is at the top of the list duh
you change your contact name from ‘(name)’ to ‘the love of my life💘’ and hand his phone back. he raises his brows when he sees what you did but doesn't say anything because it's true
sunoo || QWEEN🙌👑
"YES!!! GO QUEEN!!!"
you guys were hanging out at his place one day, all snuggled up watching a movie and the female lead just did something super badass making you jump up
sunoo doesn't waste a moment grabbing the opportunity
"but you're my queen"
you're surprised at the abruptness of the compliment but try to appear more ‘seriously dude?’ rather than a blushing mess
"what? it's true i even have your contact saved as that"
he brandishes his phone to show you
there's no stopping the blush now
jungwon || yang jungwon's girlfriend 😤💖💓
when you ask him why he's referring to himself in third person he'd say
"in case my phone ever gets stolen or something, the thief would still know you're mine"
you can't take it anymore and burst out laughing
"what?" he'd ask with his brows furrowed
"you're ridiculous"
"but you still love me" he's right about that
niki || shortie🙄
to be fair your height is above average but your boyfriend is a fucking giant and even then you're only like 2 cm shorter
he still can't leave it alone tho and teases you about it to no end
"are you for real?"
"what? it's true ya know"
"for fuck's sake it's only 2 cm"
and just like that the two of you are at it again
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; a/n: surprise surprise! my first hc yayyy! i hope this turned out okay bc i had no idea what i was doing lmao💀 ily if you got the reference in the jake one no i don't just mean miraculous
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© mochamvgz on tumblr | all rights reserved | do not plagiarise, repost or translate any of my works
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urfavslav · 1 year
simp!inui + male reader ! pls dni female readers !!!
while he may be quiet and reserved, he notices everything about your demeanor
people making you uncomfortable but you don't mention anything, he will make an excuse and get u outta there
"Excuse me, (name) and I need to leave, take our fish for a walk. He gets real antsy when we don't."
he grabs ur hand and starts walking away. with his stoic facial expressions, they just believe him for a minute before re-thinking what he said.
His good morning and good night messages always include poetry no matter if it's haiku or some paragraph about someone in love or something.
I think by default, he isn't a public pda person (he likes linking pinkies in crowds. makes him feel safe)
I think he really likes it, has a hand written piece under his clear phonecase. and also v pretty pen-manship
would randomly find himself babbling on and on to koko about you
but, he is v much a complimenter will compliment you out of no where
all the time it's "that looks really good on you (name) !" and he'd buy you a few more of whatever it was
"Hey love, you look so handsome today <3" a smooch on ur head before he leaves to a gang meeting.
if u two ever went on a school trip, I can definitely see him persuading you to sneak off to have alone time. <3
COLORED EYELINER !!! he will ask of he can practice on you. it always looks stunning and he's a perfectionist when it comes to this
or when ever you mention some meal you really like he learns how to cook it or takes you to that place u really like
also he likes taking you to this one café, I think he likes sweets but they can't be to sweet
all throughout high-school he wrote you letters; love letters, I miss you letters, checking on you letters,even when he left to go visit relatives he sends you letters.
(if u live together) one of his love languages is acts of service, he'd do certain house chores you don't like.
though when it's just you two he gets very affectionate, holding onto you, kissing the top of ur hand (like the prince he is 🤭), ur cheek. ur lips <3 when ur cuddling he likes to place delicate kisses on ur collar bone
his texts are short and consice but he loves smiley faces like :)
because his texts are short, he loves calling you, listening to you. falling asleep w/ u on call is his fav thing to do
if you fall asleep on him, he will trace your face with his finger and just mutter at how pretty you are.
★ all works belong to @urfavslav , do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. thank you !
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
JJK when they want attention
warning(s): none !
a/n: just smth sweet rq by my mf baby 🥳!! Hope you guys like hehehehe
characters: yuuji, megumi, gojo, nanami, inumaki, nobara, & maki
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Has literally no problem being bold faced about it I PROMISE. If he’s feeling cuddly and clingy and you guys are alone he’s whining and clinging onto you, doing any and everything in his power to convince you to come nap with him or cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. If you’re in public he has a ~method (which he definitely thinks is a total secret and he’s a genius mastermind but you’re 100% onto him and just thinks he’s so cute so you give in most of the time).
He’ll come up behind you, even if you’re taller than him, and hug you super tight around your midsection, mumbling about how tired he is and, oh gosh, how warm it would probably be under the covers if the two of you were cuddling right now. And, man, I don’t know, napping? When you giggle and give in he gets so giddy and holds your hand super tight all the way home.
Sometimes though he just wants your attention and praise so he’ll talk about things he did that day that he thinks you might be proud of him for 😭 and every time you say anything along the lines of “good job” or show your interest he gets so happy and lights up :)
Megumi is a starer sorry not sorry LOL. You’ll even be alone, in your own shared home, and you’ll feel a pair of eyes staring at you from the other end of the couch and when you turn your head to ask what’s up he’s looking away super fast hoping you didn’t notice, as if him not so secretly turning his head away from you doesn’t give it away. He just feels so weird asking for your attention - and not just cause he’s shy but he gets all in his head about it.
He doesn’t want to seem weird asking you for attention, maybe you’re not in the mood. What if it makes you uncomfortable? What if you feel like you have to say yes? Or what if you say no and it’s awkward? How would he even ask for attention? He’s just generally an over thinker and slightly embarrassed over how much he just wants you to pay attention to him.
Over the course of your relationship though you’ve picked up on his little signs and have learned how to coerce him into letting you know what he wants, as well as giving him attention when he needs it.
Ask him a few questions about anything and through the course of the conversation you’ve somehow brought his head to your lap and are now playing with his hair until he passes out, and he’s in heaven <3
He’s very lucky to have such an attentive s/o :)!
A WHINER. A LOUD BABY WHINER. He’ll often opt for making inappropriate comments too - even if you’re in public - to make it seem like ~that’s the reason he wants you in bed, but then he’s suddenly “super tired” and thinks cuddling is a better idea instead. Why he just can’t tell you he’s in the mood for cuddling you never know
He will blow your notifs up and not give af 😭 texting you endlessly like
I miss you :(
[1 photo attachment]
it’s my penis 😜
14 missed FaceTime calls from “gojo.”
I’m sorry I’m joking it’s not my penis don’t be mad :(
It’s actually not his penis
If you do answer one of his spontaneous calls though it’s just him smiling at the phone like “whatcha doingggg?” Cause he misses you and your face
He also is constantly sending you things while he’s away with work, postcards, gifts, treats, you name it. You cant blame him for missing you sm :(
And when he does get home from a trip he’s actually a bit quieter, looking forward to just wrapping you up in his arms and cuddling with you until you fall asleep. But he makes sure to stay awake so he can look at your face and think about how cute you look sleeping and probably drooling a little <3
No words, just sighs and hands. This was particularly common when he still had his boring office job - although now with gojo he just has to give you a look when he gets home that says, “this man is gonna kill me, please just hold me.”
He’s most clingy and cuddly when he’s tired/fatigued. It’s so easy for you to coerce him to bed or to relax when he’s visibly drained cause all it takes is some quick work of your hands on his sore muscles or running through his hair, or better yet undoing his tie for him, and he’s putty in your hands. He always watches so intently too when you take the time to take off his suit jacket and tie for him, even going so far as to unbutton his shirt. You know it’s been a long day when he lets you do this and after he’s decided he’s stared at you and basked in you long enough, he grabs your cheeks and leaves you a sweet sensual kiss. He always sighs deeply and then pulls you into a hug, every once in a while you even hear him mumble about how lucky he is.
If he ever just wants your attention though he kind of makes a fussy show about it 🤭 I’m talking sighing periodically and staring at you and once you look at him like ,, yes? He starts asking you random questions about your day or just in general. He just wants you to look at him and talk to him ok?
Ok he’s a very different person depending on whether you’re in public or in private:
In public it’s a lot more subtle cues. Like fidgeting with your hands a lot, tugging on your clothes even or sometimes staring at you really trying to work up the puppy dog act like :( cuddles please?? Or if you’re sitting down somewhere maybe he’ll rest his head on his shoulder to really signal to you he’s feeling cuddly. There was only one time where he had to take drastic measures and text you cause you just were NOT taking the hint.
You were busy listening to Yuuji and rambling back and forth with him when your phone suddenly went off and it was a text from Toge that just said “🤨 give me 10 reasons why I don’t have you in bed right now cuddling with me.😐 since when did yuuji talking about dogs suddenly become so interesting 🧐?” LIKE ABSJAJSJAA
In private it’s a very similar attitude at times he’s just physically more bold. Like he’s not above picking you up and carrying you somewhere he can hold you and kiss all over your cheeks <3 he’s a little less bratty about it when it comes to you two cause he knows you want affection just as much as he does at those times :) although he thinks making a show of things is very funny to him
Her favorite form of affection and attention from you is lowkey head pats or when you ruffle her hair. It all started when she did some trivial thing and as a joke you reached your hand over to ruffle her hair and tell her how good of a job she did, and sure it was funny but man what she wouldn’t give to have you do that again.
So now she often finds herself babbling on to you about all the things she’s done recently that she’s proud of when she wants your attention, hoping you’ll praise her again in any way. She especially loves when it’s unexpected though, when she’s not fishing for praise and she just gets it. Or rather any kind of compliment really. Something about it makes her heart soar <3
She also really likes when you do her makeup so she’ll often ask you to try things on her or to even do your makeup <3 even if you’re just playing around, it feels so soothing and she loves getting to stare at you so close I love her I gtg
She likes to pester when she’s feeling clingy. Checks in with you and any responsibilities you may have so she can immerse herself in them with you and just work on things with you :) like no matter what it is she’ll find a way to get herself involved 😭 she really just wants extra quality time with you and will find any way to do it without seeming too ~mushy, mushy just isn’t really her thing
When she wants to cuddle though she’ll try to trick you into thinking you need rest HSKJJAJA
“You seem tired, why don’t you rest. I’ll help you fall asleep.”
“Hmm you look pretty sore. I’ll go run you a bath, sit and wait here.”
Acts of service anyone?
Also, praise is actually kind of important from you, she never really received it much growing up having dealt with her family, and doesn’t feel like she needs it to feel proud of herself. But something about hearing you praise her over even the tiniest things has her feeling some type of way every single time.
Y’all just love and cherish each other what can I say <3
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Pls leave comments, flood my inbox, Rb, whatever u prefer I just love hearing your kind words :D love and miss these fools 😪 and as always I really hope you guys enjoyed my first jjk piece :)!
taglist: @plutowrites @aracynthos
if you wanna be added to any taglist just ask!
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
Four Lord’s with a ftm!S/O
a lot of ppl requested a ftm reader with the four lords so i tried to incorporate them all together here, i know everyone’s experiences are different and for people who are trans everyone is at different stages of transitioning so this may not be for everyone: to try and be as inclusive as possible the four lords talk about different areas of transitioning! As always pls enjoy!!
Alcina Dimitrescu
One would simply assume that because Alcina openly shows her distaste for men that she wouldn’t give you a second glance. But you’d be wrong about that.
She’s extremely overprotective of people that she loves and as a member of her family you hold a special place in her heart.
Alcina has been by your side the whole time you’ve transitioned, making sure you’re comfortable everyday and complimenting you every chance she gets.
She has the maidens make you the finest suits with all the expensive accessories like ties, pins and brooches. Everything has a gold inlay and while it may be overwhelming at times she says that you deserve to be treated like a king.
Alcina makes sure the maidens cut your hair every few weeks so that you’re always looking sharp for when you’re at family dinner with her and her daughters.
If anyone is transphobic or misgenders you she will not hesitate to cut them to ribbons on the spot, her long claws ready to kill whoever could’ve hurt you. She’ll never stand for anyone who offends her family.
“Here in House Dimitrescu, we support trans rights!”
The Castle is your sanctuary where you’re allowed to be yourself. Not only does Alcina love you for who you are but the girls adore you and see you as a fatherly figure to them, you’re the perfect addition to their family and they’d change nothing about you.
Donna Beneviento
Donna is your number one supporter. The minute you told her she wrapped her arms around you and said just how proud she was of you.
She’s quite the seamstress herself and so she always finds time to make you clothes for you to wear. Some of your favourite things to do together is explore the old Manor for fabrics that you might like.
It took her a few weeks to perfect but eventually she made you a binder that you could wear. She spent ages finding the right fabrics and threads to use, even taking trips to the duke to make sure the binder she made was safe for you to use.
She never forgot the smile you had on your face when you had it on for the first time looking in the mirror, a brand new shirt over the top. It was the first time in a long time where you saw yourself for who you are.
You and Angie get on like a house on fire, causing mischief where you can and Donna can’t help but smile when she sees you both return from some adventure in the lycan den, covered in blood and chuckling. Donna and Angie couldn’t be happier to have you in their lives.
Donna loves you so much and is always there for you through your dysphoria. She’s always patient and will listen to you for hours while you get everything off your chest. She’ll sit with you and rub slow circles on you shoulder, an arm wrapped around you as she tells you how amazing and handsome you are.
If Donna so much as hears someone misgender you or provoke you, Angie is coming at them with a pair of scissors and a mini army of dolls behind her. Hearing those things about you makes her blood boil and it’s one of the few times she gets truly angry.
What you love about her is how she sees you for yourself and doesn’t define you for being trans but instead sees it as something that builds to someone who she already loves regardless.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore has the biggest heart when it comes to you. He understands what it feels like to be rejected and to feel like you don’t belong anywhere but he could never imagine what it’d feel like to be a stranger to your own body. That’s why he’s always thought you were so brave for being who you are, no matter how hard it can get sometimes.
He does a lot of research, trying to find ways that he can comfort you and support you. Of course as a physician he’s got some medical background and that’s why he’s never failed to support you through your medical transition, whether it’s hormones or surgery it’s something Sal can understand and wants to be there for you.
If you have scars, he loves them. He’s constantly complimenting your body and telling you just how perfect you are to him knowing that it helps with your dysphoria. If you don’t have scars it’s still the same, he’s still your biggest supporter and doesn’t love you any less.
You love taking walks together or doing activities on the lake like fishing or swimming. There’s been times when you’ve protected him from lycans and other creatures to which he always refers to you as his “knight”, a nickname which has stuck with you.
One thing Salvatore hates is when people are transphobic towards you. He hates to yell and get angry but he won’t hesitate to turn into a giant fish and spit venom back onto anyone who tried to do it to you. Maybe he loses his cool from time to time but you mean the world to him and you bring out his protective side.
Salvatore just wants to see you happy at all costs and he’ll do anything to make you feel more like yourself. Sometimes that involves running to the top of the hill behind the reservoir and announcing to all who’s near that you’re the man and that you’re the most amazing person. And sometimes it means you’re curled up on the couch in front of the television with a warm cup of hot chocolate in your hand and a cheese platter for you to share and cuddle up together afterwards.
Karl Heisenberg
Karl is super supportive and understanding when it comes to you being trans. He’s always chill and makes you feel comfortable but in his softer moments will make you feel loved beyond imagination.
He makes you armour, teaches you how to fight, lets you pick out weapons you like until you’re more skilled and cunning to defeat even him. He’s so proud of you and is always by your side through all your transitions.
The two of you often get up to a lot of mischief together, sneaking into Alcina’s castle for good wine or taking on the giants near House Beneviento. It’s a way for you to be care free and allows you to be who you are without judgment.
If he sees you’re feeling dysphoric about your scars, he won’t hesitate to show you the array of scars he’s obtained from the battlefield. He’ll tell you about how you should be proud of them; they show how far you’ve come and how much you’ve fought for who you are. Of course Karl will also boost your ego by telling you just how tough scars make you look.
You and Karl spend your nights working away on new designs for armour and weapons, welding long into the night and modifying the machinery on Strum. It ends up with you both passed out on the couch, covered in grime and sweat far too exhausted for a shower.
Alcina called it the behaviour of “man-things” and that you and Karl could at least make the effort to bathe but it ended up with you both bursting into laughter and getting right back to work, wearing your boyish behaviour with pride.
Regardless of the fun you had with Karl, he truly cared for you and understood what it was like to have bad days. That’s why he’s always been supportive and does his best to show you that he loves you no matter who you are.
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kozumebunny · 3 years
Seijoh + Shiratorizawa + Maid Dress
Consider supporting me!
uhh flirting that has some implications? mostly gn reader
has: oikawa Tooru, iwaizumi Hajime, matsukawa issei, hanamaki takahiro, kyotani kentaro, ushijima wakatoshi, tendou satori, semi eita, goshiki tsutomu
Oikawa Tooru
>he's wearing the maid dress because a) he lost a bet with Seijoh 4, b) you asked him to wear it or d)he wants to tease you for having a maid kink
>there's no other possible reason he's wearing it
>he'd bake milk bread with you and he's such a flirt omfg
>"are you having trouble kneading the dough, my mistress? let me put my hands over yours and show you how it's done"
>ok bitch
>he doesn't really clean
>believes he is above cleaning
>thinks he should just be eye candy and not do any actual work
>kind of the worst maid for that reason
>idk why he thought bragging to Hanamki and Matsukawa about wearing a maid dress was a good idea but he did
>now everyone knows
>Hanamaki got real oh you haven't heard energy
>so yeah now his fan club wants him to wear the maid dress for them
Iwaizumi Hajime
>no he won't wear it for you
>it's heartbreaking
>even when he loses a bet he says the only way they can get him in it is if they forcefully do it
>they tried and failed
>mildly upset about him not wearing the maid dress
>but it's okay because he later on tells you "I don't need to wear a stupid maid dress to take care of you. Besides, I thought you liked my muscle tank tops."
>ok mr. heartthrob you right about that
>(don't admit to him he will hold it over your head and wear muscle tops to fish for compliments from you. don't give him the power)
Matsukawa Issei
>you just come to his house one day and he's like "what's up" as if he isn't even wearing a maid dress that hangs loosely on him?? clearly one or two sizes too big
>"amazon said to size up. amazons a fucking liar"
>will not do anything you ask of him
>won't call you mistress or master or anything like that that puts you in the position of power
>He'll make food for the both of you and do his cleaning chores and that's it
>just sits on the couch watching tv with you in the maid dress.
Hanamaki Takahiro
>he'll wear it but if anyone asks him about it directly he denies it
>doesn't care if you tell everyone. he still denies it
>he can't cook but he can clean
>will do what you tell him to, but there is a limit to how much he'll do for you so don't push it
>is also probably wearing a maid outfit that isn't like. meant to be a maid outfit
>it's a sex shop type maid outfit lmfao
>"what maid outfit was I supposed to get?" pls he's so clueless on this shit
Kyotani Kentaro
>the only person who can convince him to wear one is Iwaizumi
>you're not getting him in the maid dress otherwise
>f in the chat
>I really need to stop saying that
>I think he might go for a lacy or more delicate looking one. Not because he feels like he's good looking in it, but he associates maids overall as very like. prim and proper delicate things. like pink floral porcelain things
>can't cook. if you ask him to clean he will immediately stop doing it. he's a stubborn dick
>will just straight up leave your house if you push him to do stuff for you too much
>won't ever admit to wearing it. iwaizumi won't tell anyone that Kyotani wore one either
Ushijima Wakatoshi
>this reeks tendou mischief
>he had a hand in it
>semi could not stop him
>either tendou knows that you like boys in maid dresses or he thinks Ushijima in a maid dress would be the perfect thing for you
>Tendou may or may not have such a hard time finding a dress size for Ushijima
>dude is 6 foot and built y'all idk how he would even find one
>power of god and anime on his side I suppose
>he also wears one that is really basic
>black and white with an apron
>"an apron is good so I can stay clean while doing my chores."
>"Waka-chan we want to go for looks and beauty with maid outfits not practicality"
>wears the maid dress for you but he's still a little clueless
>he doesn't get that he should be calling you master or mistress so you have to explicitly tell him. treats it as a more boss/worker relationship than maid/master relationship
>like yes he understands do as he's told, do what you ask, be efficient about it, all around take care of you
>proud of the fact that he can take care of you
>he will give you healthy snacks and cook a healthy dinner
>won't give you candy
>"it's not good to eat so much candy so let's eat healthier snacks"
>you have to give in cause he's such a sweetheart
>wants you to watch him cook cause he does all sorts of fancy tricks to impress you
>may or may not have learned said tricks from Tendou
Semi Eita
>oh good god he will only wear it for you in private and deny it if ever asked
>no photos or videos allowed!!
>he's so blushy and nervous in it it's not something to laugh about
>put the cat ears and tail on him. you know you want to
>but he will wear it for you
>wears it cause you express interest in it
>blushing when he calls you mistress/master
>very sweet
>cuts fruit for you and even hand feeds it to you
>a sweetheart
>calls you sweet pet names in between like "of course, my puppy"
>will do what you ask of him so don't take advantage of him!!
>his love language is acts of service so really, him wearing a maid dress is just. him in a maid dress going out his normal routine with you
>10/10 would date him in a heart beat
Tendou Satori
>wears it for you of his own volition
>if he even has a sneaking suspicion you're into it bam he's already on a cosplay website
>probably cosplaying an anime character
>like he's wearing ram or rem's maid dress (from re:zero)
>can't cook. don't trust him with it. he will accidentally kill you
>can clean but does it super fast so he can spend more time with you
>so not really a good job
>calls you all the master/mistress/pet names he can
>oh he's soaking this shit up
>he's expecting you to wear the maid dress in return for him
Goshiki Tsutomu
>I feel like he would have a very traditional approach with the maid dress
>might wear one that's like a kimono or yukata base style?
>will only wear it if you explicitly ask him to
>Tendou probably riles him up into it
>"but what if she wants you to Goshiki? Don't you want to be the best boyfriend possible?"
>will bow when you come to his home
>always yes thank you with a sir/maam at the end
>Does his best
>when he cuts fruit for you he even cuts them out into little shapes
>its honestly so sweet
>Will even give you a massage
>brushes your teeth, dresses you in the morning
>very proud of himself because he knows he can take care of you for a fact now
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All your fault [Sirius Black x Reader] - Requested
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Title: All your fault Pairing: Sirius Black x Gryffindor!Reader Word count: 1.9k Published: 16 February, 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Summary: Sirius’ boredom causes you to end up in detention. Or so you think, but he has a different perspective on the events and you clearly can’t find the golden middle. Request: [x] I have combined two requests. One from Tumblr and one from Wattpad. I took the liberty to change some things, but overall it’s the same. 
“Hey Talented! Could you write a Sirius x Gryffindor!reader where the reader is jock with intense emotions and a chaser in Quidditch team? Also Is exceptionally talented at DADA and that make sirius jealous and turned-on too? please?” - @marauders-hogwarts​​ 
“Hey, I was just reading your marauders x reader one shots and I had an idea for one. Could you pls make one where Sirius gets into an argument with you and at the end grabs your hand to turn you around and abruptly smashes his lips against yours and asks you to be his girl. And the next day he comes up to you and tell you that ther is something wrong with your hand untill he picks it up and puts his own hand in yours and says that's better. Please? Thanks so much. I am a huge fan of your work.” - @Tamarakyra [Wattpad]
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Sirius Black had never been one to question things. He was very stubborn much to his professors’ dismay. Doing what he wanted regardless of consequences has become his personal motto. Swaying him seemed impossible, he always knew what he wanted, how he wanted it and when he wanted it.
However, on a rainy dull Saturday afternoon as he was watching you up in the air, flying across the quidditch pitch on your broomstick, your hair flat against your face, your uniform drenched in water, your eyes covered with a pair of goggles, something has changed within him. For a mere moment he felt as if time had stopped as you screamed at James for not being able to catch the snitch and win against Ravenclaw. His eyes focused only on you, even forgetting about the ongoing match.
The way you sat on your broomstick leaning forward to speed up, the way you tucked the quaffle under your arm and secured it, the sheer amount of energy you projected and the bold tone you used against his best friend all hit him right in the chest, forcing him to fall back onto the bench of the bleachers. He didn’t know where his sudden feelings came from, but the unexpected warmness filling him up from the inside made him smile at the simple sight of you. From then on, he knew the friendship you had has become more on his side.
You sat right beside Sirius at Defence Against the Dark Arts, doodling on the parchment in front of you as he kept nudging you, trying to get your attention.
“What now?” you asked for the 10th time in the past 10 minutes. “Perhaps you could focus more on the lesson. You need it more than I do,” you hissed angrily, feeling fed up with his childish behaviour.
“I’m bored,” he whined in a silent whisper.
“I can see that,” you scoffed as you drew another random pattern on your paper. Closing out the lesson, you focused completely on your drawing, finding it more interesting than whatever your professor was talking about. That was until Sirius started nudging you again.
“What now?” you hissed in anger, slightly raising your voice, but you quickly silenced yourself as you looked around, every pair of eyes focusing on you, including your professor’s. “I’m so sorry,” you apologised, hunching your back, trying to hide away from embarrassment.
“Since you have already graced us with your attention, why don’t you answer the question?” he asked in a pompous tone, clearly trying to make you feel even more awkward. However, as the new teacher, he couldn’t have known about your exceptional knowledge and talent on the subject. It took you a good second to recall the memory from the darkest and deepest part of your mind, before you were ready to answer.
“The Tongue-tying curse prevents people from being able to form a coherent sentence, therefore stopping them from being able to incantate further spells. Although Langlock its sibling curse also prevents people from being able to speak, in this spell’s case the tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth, whilst when using Silencio it causes the victim to be temporarily muted,” you explained proudly. The professor didn’t compliment you, nor did he scold you. He offered you a deadpan expression and cleared his throat.
Sirius snickered beside you with a proud grin across his face, knowing the professor didn’t expect your reply. Years ago, he would have told you off for being a know it all, but now he found it comical. He didn’t know if it was because his feelings had changed or because it was you who did it, but in the end it didn’t matter. You could have done anything and he would have supported you like a loyal puppy. At times he couldn’t even believe how easily affected he was by you.
“Khm- smartass,” you heard a cough from the side as Evan Rosier was trying to cover his words in an obvious manner. You were not one to let others walk over you nor did you plan to be one in that moment. You felt anger bubbling up inside you, the boy’s mere presence irritating you.
“Let me show the spell in practice, professor,” you grinned proudly as he turned around with a shocked expression across his face, ready to stop you in mid-spell. However, he was slower than he wished to be and before he could have said anything, the word left your lips. “Silencio,” you lifted your hand and pointed your wand at the boy, watching as he grabbed his throat, desperately trying to speak, gaping like a fish, but no words leaving his mouth.
Sirius watched as the scenario unfolded in front of him. His initial surprise quickly disappeared as he saw a smirk appear across your face, pure pride taking over your stance. He always admired your can-do attitude and bold personality, possibly one of the reasons you have been such good friends. He wasn’t lacking any of those personality traits, but when he saw you standing up for yourself, being strong and independent, it just drove him crazy. It made him feel like there was an invisible string between the two of you, pulling him closer and closer to you.
Since he realised his own feelings for you, he was watching every little move of yours, trying to protect you from everything and anything that could possibly hurt you. But before he could ever intervene and show you how much he cared for you, you took care of it, proving once again how independent you were. He didn’t mind though, he loved the strength you harboured, he just wished to be able to show you that you could rely on him.
You watched as the professor rushed up to Rosier, pulling his wand out of the inner pocket of his robe and quickly using the counter spell on him, before rushing up to your table, his index finger pointing right between your eyes. “Detention! How dare you? Detention after classes!” he shouted at you, veins popping on the side of his neck and temple, his face turning red in anger. If he had time, he would have probably embarrassed you in front of the whole class, but as the bell rang, indicating the end of your class, he had no choice, but to let you go.
Quickly collecting your belongings, you hurried out of the classroom with Sirius right behind you, calling your name relentlessly as you were about to cross the Courtyard.
“What do you want?” you asked angrily as you halted. You didn’t want to sound rude, being around Sirius was the highlight of your day, but at that moment he was a pain in your backside.
“Woah, calm down,” he gestured with his hands, but if anything, it made you angrier.
“Calm down? Calm down? It was all your fault to begin with. If you didn’t nag me about being bored, I would have kept drawing and kept my mouth shut. But you just couldn’t find anything better to do so you decided to get on my nerves and now of course it’s me who has to go to detention,” you rambled, annoyed, trying to take deep breaths to calm yourself.
“Okay, I accept that I was nagging you, but I didn’t curse my classmate,” he scoffed with a hidden smile in the corner of his lips.
“It’s not funny! If you didn’t nag me, the professor wouldn’t have questioned me, which means Rosier would have never insulted me, hence the reason you are at fault,” you groaned as you turned around and started walking away.
“Hey, stop already,” he whined, but you didn’t halt your steps, if anything, you sped up. “I’m sorry,” he tried to break the ice, but it seemed to just fire you up even more. You turned on your heel, stopping right in front of the boy.
“Sorry? That’s it? You just have to say sorry and I’m supposed to forget about it?” you scoffed in disbelief. “You must be joking,” you looked up at him in clear astonishment, but after seemingly waiting for an eternity Sirius still didn’t reply.
He wanted to, he was about to defend himself, but as he watched you getting worked up about such a minor issue, at least minor for him, he could only think about how adorable you looked when you were upset. Not that he ever wanted to see you angry or sad, but for some reason it just caught his eyes that instead of being threatening, you seemed as if you were slightly pouting.
You groaned, annoyed as the silence grew between the two of you and a small smile started appearing on Sirius’ face. “I hate you!” you shouted at him as you left him behind, stomping across the Courtyard, heavy and loud steps following you.
“Do you?” he shouted after you, silently chuckling, finding your behaviour quite funny and somewhat cute.
“I do!” you replied sulking, your steps becoming quicker.
Sirius couldn’t just let you walk away, he jogged after you and grabbed your wrist, halting your steps, pulling you back against his chest. For a second even the air stuck in your lungs as you realised how close you were to him, his breath fanning your face, his pink lips almost touching yours. You were completely engulfed by his aura, his warm hold on your wrist sending shivers through your body as his other arm sneaked around your waist.
You could swear he felt your dangerously racing heart against his chest, your lips quivering in anticipation, wanting nothing but to feel his mouth on yours. As if he could read your mind, he leaned closer and closed the gap between the two of you, kissing you slowly, sensually. You expected him to be slightly aggressive, maybe dominating, but his kiss was more passionate, gentle instead, causing you a delightful surprise.
“Why?” you breathed against his lips as you parted, your eyes still closed, completely lost in the moment.
“Because I wanted to do it for a long time,” he whispered.
“Why would you?” you chuckled awkwardly. He was always your closest friend and now that you kissed, knowing the friendship you have had was gone, you didn’t know what to do.
“Do I really need to say it?” he scratched the back of his neck, pulling a face, feeling embarrassed about the words you waited for so impatiently.
“If you don’t say it out loud, how do you expect me to understand?” you questioned, and Sirius knew how right you were.
“I- khm,” he cleared his throat awkwardly. “I- I have liked you for a while,” his words were silent and unsure, making you question it.
“Are you sure?” you asked, making him feel even more awkward.
“Of course, I’m,” he groaned, slightly sulking. “It’s just not easy to say.”
“Is it easier if I say I like you too?” you giggled happily, watching as his embarrassed expression slowly changed into a proud grin.
“I knew it, I felt it,” he chuckled happily, earning a deadpan look from you as you slapped his chest gently, before your lips curved into a small smile.
“Right, you did,” you scoffed as you peeled his hands off you and started walking to your next class with a hidden smile in the corner of your lips.
“Wait, wait,” he called after you as he tried to catch up to you.
“What now?” you asked, rolling your eyes as Sirius joined beside you.
“There’s something wrong with your hand,” he stated with a deep frown. You looked down at your hand, lifting it up, looking at it curiously, turning it up and down, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
“What do you mean? It seems alright to me,” you replied in confusion, but you couldn’t take a closer look at it as Sirius took it in his hand, interlocking your fingers.
“Now, it’s better,” he grinned playfully, making you giggle.
“Sirius Orion Black, you have a horrible sense of humour,” you scoffed, but you couldn’t fool him. He knew his little joke made you happy and even if it didn’t, the warm feeling of each other's touch, your small hands engulfed by his big palm made up for his silly joke.
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390 notes · View notes
bopbopstyles · 4 years
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RATING: R/smut (cw: emotional and mild physical abuse mentioned) 
WORD COUNT: 8.5k eek
CATEGORIES: friends to lovers, camping!harry (?), sleeping in the same bed
NOTE: this is for the Sex Bucket List Fic Challenge from @berrynarrybanana​ - prompt was in a tent while camping with friends....and then I just kind of created this mess. check out the other fics and the amazing creators!!!!
I ENDED UP WRITING A PT.2! Read Endlessly here.
pls reblog and share with your friends 💕
“When are you going to tell Y/N?”
Harry looked down at his feet. His boots were scuffed from walking through the rocky terrain to the lake earlier when they’d gone swimming. The image of you in her bikini flashed through his mind, and he restrained from groaning--he’d known you for years, swam with you for years, and yet seeing you in that bikini still did things to him, no matter how much he tried to tell himself you didn’t feel the same way about him. “She doesn’t feel the same way.”
Mitch let out a heavy sigh and stood up. “You can be so fucking daft sometimes, you know.”
“Y/N tells me all the time.”
“Well, she’s right,” he replied. “Tell her how you feel, Harry. She feels the same way.”
Harry looked up and met his friend’s eyes. “How do you know?”
“I can see it in how she looks at you. You’re blind if you don’t see it too.”
Harry paused. “How…”
“It’s the same way you look at her.”
Harry and Y/N go camping with their friends and the fact that they’ve been in love with each other comes out
The drive out to the country was peaceful. Harry put on a podcast about music on the way and you listened as they analyzed Beyoncé’s Lemonade, pausing it occasionally to ask Harry questions about the technical parts. With the sunshine and Harry’s commentary once the podcast episode ended, the drive to the campgrounds in West Sussex passed quickly. 
Harry had booked your camp site last weekend, their trip a last-minute decision. You, Mitch, Sarah, and Nick had all been at Harry’s for a cookout and he’d mentioned wanting to get out in nature before the tour started, and Mitch threw out going camping. Nick took some convincing, but eventually he agreed. You and Nick had managed to get the time off from work, although Nick had to head back a day earlier, and it was settled. You had all left the particulars to Harry and when he texted a link to the campground in their group chat, you had fallen in love. Wooded, no power, cooking over an open fire--it reminded you of camping with your family when you were young. 
“Excited?” You asked Harry when you pulled into the parking lot at the front office. You threw the car in park and turned off the ignition, looking over at your best friend. 
He grinned back at you, eyes gleaming. You knew he’d been looking forward to this ever since you had first talked about it--he’d been calling you every day to go over the plans and picking out their meals for the weekend. “Psyched.”
You both climbed out of your car, stretching from the drive, and you inhaled the sweet smell of English oak trees, the sound of birds chirping making you smile as widely as Harry. Nick, Sarah, and Mitch were waiting by their cars, and Nick seemed to be animatedly telling a story about who knows what. 
“Is Nick being annoying?” You asked, throwing your arm around Nick’s shoulders and ruffling his hair. 
“He’s telling the story about the Brits. Again,” Sarah said, reaching out to hug you. “Save us, please.”
“Oi, you’re being mean.” Nick said and Sarah just laughed and shook her head. 
Mitch gave you a quick hug and you smiled at him--they’d all been working a lot lately in preparation for the tour. You had barely seen him, Sarah, and Harry, and you missed their presences more than you had realized. “Let’s go see what Harry got us,” you said.
“Spoiled you lot rotten,” Harry said, sliding a pair of sunglasses onto his nose. 
“I’d hoped so,” you replied, and Harry chuckled softly before leading the group inside the office. 
“Reservation for Y/N,” Harry said to the receptionist and you looked at him in confusion. “Didn’t want anyone finding us,” he explained and you nodded immediately in understanding. After years of friendship, you were used to it, though it always tugged on your heart. You wanted, more than anything, for him to be able to be normal at some point. You knew he craved it too--anonymity. 
The receptionist clicked some buttons on her computer before pulling some folders out of a drawer and turning back to you all. “I’ve got three yurts reserved for you all--is that correct?”
Harry’s eyebrows crinkled in confusion. “I had requested four over the phone.”
The receptionist--Martha, according to her badge, frowned. “Oh, I’m so sorry about that. Unfortunately, though, we’re all booked up this weekend. Is there any way three could be made to work?”
That meant someone was going to have to share. Harry looked at you, and then at Nick. “Nick, you good to bunk, mate?”
Nick groaned and you rolled your eyes at him. “Fine, but if you kick me in your sleep I’ll lock you out.”
“I don’t think they have doors, Nick,” you told him.
He looked at you and grimaced. “Zip him out then.”
“How threatening,” Harry said, before looking back to the receptionist. “That’ll be fine.” She nodded and explained the rest of the check-in and check-out policies and the amenities on the site. It seemed perfect--a pub not too far from the grounds, camp fires you was most definitely going to take advantage of, and actual showers. He truly was spoiling you all. 
You walked back to the car with Harry to drive to their yurts, swinging your keys around your finger in thought. “H,” you said when you sat down in the driver’s seat.
“Thanks for bunking with Nick. I know you like your own space, so I appreciate it.”
He gave you a wide smile and you couldn’t help it--it warmed every part of you. It was moments like these you struggled to remember that Harry was just your friend. Nothing more. You’d dated people, he’d dated people, and you two were just friends. But then he’d look at you like this and you wanted more. “‘Course, love.” He reached across the console and gave your hand a quick squeeze, and your heart flopped in your chest. 
You were starved for touch--it’d been months since you broke up with your asshole of an ex and you were desperate to be touched, even if it was someone holding your hand. Usually you could count on Harry for some cuddles and tight hugs, but he’d been so busy practicing for tour that you hadn’t seen him much. Just FaceTime and the occasional meet-up at the café by your office on your lunch break and it seemed to be showing. 
You started the engine and prayed to the Gods that they would help you get through this weekend in one piece. 
The yurts were in a quiet part of the campground, secluded and in a thicket of trees. All you could hear was the sound of wind whistling through the leaves and the chirping of birds. After living in London for the past two years and barely leaving, it was a relief to be able to hear nothing but nature. 
Nick let out a whoop when he opened the door to his car. “God, this is gorgeous, isn’t it?” Sarah and Mitch pulled up a second later and you all wandered around the campground, deciding where you would put your chairs (around the campfire, obviously) and what you wanted to eat for dinner. Then, you started to unpack. You claimed the tent closer to the woods, wanting not to be awoken in the middle of the night if cars drove by and to get away from the group if you went to bed early, something that you had a tendency towards when Nick and Harry were together. 
The sound of the yurt being zipped open caused you to look up from where you were checking to see if there were bed bugs. After getting them when you were 13 on a family trip, you always checked. “This going to be okay for you?” Harry stood hunched over, his head poking into your yurt. His shirt was unbuttoned, the beige linen flowing in the soft breeze, and his hair flopped into his face. His green eyes were gleaming, a look he only got on break or on holiday, and it was your favorite look on him. He looked just unperturbed and blissfully happy. 
“Come in, silly,” you said, turning around and flopping down onto the bed. “It’s perfect, H.”
Harry grinned and dropped down next to you. “Comfy, eh?”
“I should plan every holiday at this rate.”
You whacked him with the pillow. The last holiday you had planned and the hotel had ended up being bad and their reservation for their yacht trip fully did not exist when they showed up. It was a disaster and Harry had yet to let you live it down. “Now you’re just fishing for compliments.”
“What? I like planning!”
“And you like being complimented.”
Harry huffed and you just smiled at him. After knowing one another for years, not only did you know everything important about Harry, you also knew how to push his buttons. Calling him out for what you had longed believed to be some kind of praise kink (you’d asked him about if while drunk and he’d looked so confused and embarrassed you dropped it) was the number one way to get him riled up. 
“How’s your tent with Grimmy?”
“He’s already asleep.”
“It’s noon.”
“Apparently he didn’t sleep last night.”
You laughed because it was classic Nick. It happened on almost every holiday you went on together, of which there had been a few. He’d get to wherever you were staying and immediately fall asleep for usually the rest of the day. You all usually just left him where he was and went about your business, but he also usually had his own room. “Were you able to put your stuff down at least?”
Harry shrugged. “Just dropped my suitcase on the ground and left him. I’ll wake him up eventually.” He turned his head and looked at you, his head so close that if you turned your head up ever so slightly, you could probably kiss him. 
“Fancy a swim?” You asked him, sitting up suddenly and trying to push the thought away. 
“Fuck yes,” he replied. “Let me change into my suit.”
The sun was out in full force when you jumped into the lake, your towels and clothes abandoned on the edge of the water. You were lying on your back, eyes closed, basking in the feeling of sun on your skin. Mitch and Sarah were swimming around--you could hear them chattering about how Sarah wanted a dog and Mitch wasn’t into the idea--but you didn’t know where Harry was. You couldn’t hear him. Maybe he’d swam a little further away?
You pushed the thoughts from your mind and focused on not thinking about anything, which somehow took a significant amount of effort. Work kept trying to drift into your head--had the office finished the pitch that you had left for them on Thursday? It was a big account and you had put your all into it, but you hadn’t finished the final touches on Thursday before you had to leave the office, so you left it for your coworkers to wrap up on your behalf. Hopefully they didn’t half-ass it. 
Suddenly, fingers wrapped around your waist and you were being flipped onto your stomach, water immediately filling your nose and mouth. You snapped up, water flicking from the ends of your hair, and blinked the droplets away so you could see who had done it. 
“You bastard!” You screeched, shoving him. His skin was slick from the sunscreen and water, and you tried not to focus on the feeling of his arm muscles under your palms. “I could’ve drowned!”
“You were a competitive swimmer, Y/N,” he reminded you, chuckling. “You weren’t going to drown.”
You sputtered, slicking your hair back, and then gave him a death stare. “Still. You’re an ass.”
“That’s not news,” Sarah piped up from where she and Mitch were treading water and laughing at what had just happened. 
“This is true.” You gave Harry another look before shoving a wave of water in his direction, splashing water into his face. 
Harry gasped, wiping water from his face, his hair, which had grown longer in the past few weeks while he’d been on break, sticking to his forehead. He looked like a little kid, despite how muscular he’d become in the past year or so. You tried to not linger on it, but when he was in front of you without a shirt on, sun-kissed skin just begging to be looked it, it was quite difficult. “This is war.”
He shoved water at you, and suddenly you were splashing one another like children, both of you screeching as water got into your eyes. Your feet collided underwater, arms hitting each other as you twirled around each other in the water, trying to surprise one another. 
It was all fun and games until Harry’s hand reached out and accidentally hit you right in the boob.
“Harry!” You called out, swatting him. “You just hit me in the boob.”
“Fuck, sorry,” he said. “You okay?”
“Just sore,” you said, swimming a bit farther away from him. “Meanie.”
Harry gave you his puppy dog eyes, lashes blinking at you, plump lips sticking out ever so slightly. You hated when he did this because you always fell for it. Years of friendship and you still couldn’t hold anything against him when he did this because he just looked so goddamn gorgeous. You hated it. “Sorry?”
“Fine,” you said, “but you’re carrying me the whole way back to the campsite.”
You all ended up grilling burgers over the fire, Harry surprising you with some hidden skills over the open fire, and together the four of you drank beers as the fire glowed between them. Nick had never surfaced and Harry didn’t have it in him to wake him, so he let him be. Harry, Sarah, and Mitch had started playing music after dinner and you kept yourself entertained by requesting old One Direction songs, which made Harry stare daggers at you but amused you, Sarah, and Mitch to no end.
It was a chilly summer night and you were cuddled up in a sweatshirt of Harry’s, having forgotten yours at home, and a pair of leggings. You could feel your eyes drooping, your entire concept of time gone without the ability to check your phone. It could’ve been 9pm for all you knew. After a rendition of Landslide, you yawned and stretched your arms above your head, and decided to call it a night. 
“I’m going to turn in,” you said, standing up from the chair you’d been in for the past few hours. “Which way’s the bathrooms?” 
Sarah pointed to the right, and you nodded. You had to brush your teeth and pee before you could go to sleep, and you had no desire to traipse through the woods at night to pee in the brush, so you started off in the direction of the bathrooms, your toiletries bag tucked under your arm.
“Wait!” You turned to see Harry walking after you, his own bag tucked under his arm. “Didn’t want you to walk alone.”
You gave him a sweet smile and waited for him to catch up with you. “You ready for sleep too?”
He shrugged. “Probably be up for a little while longer, if that’s not too disruptive? Mitch and I thought we’d work on a song I’ve been thinking about. Thought I’d go ahead and brush my teeth, though.”
“I like listening to you play as I go to bed,” you said, the words leaving your mouth before you thought about them. 
Harry’s eyebrows knit together and he studied you. “Never told me that before.”
Probably because it’s embarrassing, you thought to yourself. You loved listening to his music before you went to bed, especially the voice memos he’d sent you over the years of bits of songs he was working on before they were fully mastered. They were more raw, less produced, the stripped down Harry that you loved. “You never asked.”
He filed that information away for later and you climbed the steps to the bathrooms, both heading into the same free stall. You’d stopped caring about peeing in front of one another a long time ago. You went first, listening to Harry prattle on about a book he was reading that he thought you’d like as he washed his face. When you finished up, you switched places and you started brushing your teeth, stealing his toothpaste because it tasted nicer. 
“You should just buy some for yourself,” he commented.
“But I can use yours for free.”
He didn’t reply, just let you be, and you brushed your teeth next to one another, Harry knocking his hip against yours to make you smile. 
“Glad you came,” he told you when you exited the bathrooms. 
“Me too. Needed this, I think.”
“Same. Missed you, too.” 
You studied his face, barely visible in the moonlight. His stubble was growing in, but he had a peaceful expression you rarely saw in him. You saw it in moments on tour, sometimes--when you were cuddled up on his sofa watching a film after a show, or after a morning run on a day off. But here, this was the purest form and one you wished you saw more often. You didn’t tell him, though. You’d had that conversation before--how you were worried he was overworking himself, believing that he was able to work so much after years in 1D, working with barely any breaks. You wanted his solo career to be different, but Harry had a tendency to find work even when he wasn’t touring or recording. He loved it so much that it was all he wanted to do. “Missed you too,” you replied simply, and leaned into him when he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. 
Mitch set down his guitar and looked at Harry across the fire from him.
“When are you going to tell Y/N?”
Harry looked down at his feet. His boots were scuffed from walking through the rocky terrain to the lake earlier when they’d gone swimming. The image of you in her bikini flashed through his mind, and he restrained from groaning--he’d known you for years, swam with you for years, and yet seeing you in that bikini still did things to him, no matter how much he tried to tell himself you didn’t feel the same way about him. “She doesn’t feel the same way.”
Mitch let out a heavy sigh and stood up. “You can be so fucking daft sometimes, you know.”
“Y/N tells me all the time.”
“Well, she’s right,” he replied. “Tell her how you feel, Harry. She feels the same way.”
Harry looked up and met his friend’s eyes. “How do you know?”
“I can see it in how she looks at you. You’re blind if you don’t see it too.”
Harry paused. “How…”
“It’s the same way you look at her.”
With that, Mitch turned and went to where Sarah waited for him in their yurt, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts. It was quiet, aside from the crinkle of the fire. Harry couldn’t remember when he fell in love with Y/N--there wasn’t some specific moment like they say in the books. It just...happened. The more time he spent with you, the closer you got, the more Harry hated leaving you. And when you dated other guys, it made his stomach turn to be around them. He tried to pretend like it didn’t, he tried to be nice and polite as you were to the girls he tried to date, but he knew he never was. He hated the way you would look at him when he’d make some snide remark, and he could feel the disappointment radiating from your stare. And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to let you go.
He’d tried to bury himself in work, in touring, in women. He’d lived in LA for months to try and get over you, he’d even dated Kendall fucking Jenner to try and get over you. Nothing helped. Camille had been the closest he’d gotten, but there had always been something holding him back. When he’d found out she cheated on him, it was a relief more than heartbreak--he didn’t have to be the one to break up with her this time. And he always went back to you, pretending to be more broken hearted than he was just to get you to spend days on end by his side, eating ice cream and watching films that you thought helped him. In actuality, it was you who helped him. It was being by your side, it was laughing with you, going on walks, even fucking gardening with you at his house in Hampstead. Anything with you healed him. 
And he knew it wasn’t fair, using you like he did. But he couldn’t help himself--it was the time when he could almost pretend you were his. It was when you ignored everything else and focused on only him and that attention is what he craved. You, together, no distractions. It’s what he wanted this weekend to be, but then you suggested inviting friends, and how could he say no to you? How could he tell you he just wanted to be with you for the whole weekend, the rest of the world forgotten?
Mitch’s words, though, were a stab in his heart. He’d always convinced himself that there was no way you could feel the same. You had fallen in love, you’d told him. With Tom. Bloody Tom. You’d met at some networking dinner and he’d asked you out, and from then on it was Tom, Tom, Tom. You had dated for a little over a year and Harry despised every second of it. Tom treated you like dirt--belittling you in front of your friends, in front of Harry, even, controlled your time and your friends. Boxed you in like you were some animal just there to please him, no life to speak of. It had happened while Harry was on tour and then in LA, so he hadn’t been there in person for most of it, and when he had been around you two together--whe he came home for the holidays and saw you, you had played it off. Said it was nothing, just a joke. 
But then her college roommate Jordan had called Harry, worried out of her mind about you. Told him how Tom treated you, all the things he’d done, how he’d manipulated you--hit you one time. Jordan was in New York City and work wouldn’t let her leave, but she knew Harry could go. She told him it was getting bad and he had to get you out. And so he did. He took the next flight out, barely packed a suitcase, and went. He went to your apartment and told you that Jordan had told him what happened, and you two had a massive fight over it, you defending Tom, Harry trying to convince you he had manipulated your thoughts, your emotions, your feelings, and you both ended up in tears before you finally let him take you to his house to stay for a few weeks. And together, you’d pieced his fierce Y/N back together. 
And all that time, he had never thought...He never thought you’d loved him. Not as he did, at least. You’d told him so many times that you loved him, but it was just as a friend. You’d made that clear in the ways you touched him and introduced him to people. He was your Harry, but just your friend. Your best friend, but friend all the same. It broke him, as much as he tried not to let it show. But for you to feel the same way? All this time?
And what did Mitch expect him to do? Bust into your tent and admit his undying love for you, you to admit you felt the same way, and for you to ride off into the night together? This wasn’t some romance novel (which Harrry knew Mitch read, even though he tried to hide them). This was reality, and in reality, it was just Harry, writing songs about you that you’d never understand the true meaning of, and a yurt shared with Grimmy. 
He stood up, his guitar held tightly in his hand, and put out the fire before heading into the yurt. Nick was spread eagle on the bed, still somehow asleep--Harry had never understood his ability to sleep literally all day--and snoring. Loudly. Harry sighed and went over to his suitcase, tugging off his jeans and sweatshirt and folding them neatly into the case. He pulled a henley and pajama pants on, knowing if Nick woke up to a half naked Harry in his bed he’d most definitely not let him hear the end of it, and walked over to the bed. He tried to shove Nick over and make space for himself, but the man was most definitely stronger than Harry had realized. 
Had he been working out lately?
Harry gave his arm another shove, but Nick didn’t even flinch. “Fuck you, Nick,” Harry said. “Do you have to seriously sleep like the dead?”
He looked around the room, trying to see if there was anything he could fashion a makeshift bed with. But there wasn’t even a spare fucking blanket. 
Maybe Sarah and Mitch would have one? Then he pictured walking into the couple’s yurt and immediately decided against that idea. That left you. You’d slept in the same bed before, albeit usually while drunk--maybe you’d let him sleep with you? Just for the night? 
Harry slipped on his flip flops, grabbed his flashlight and made his way over to your yurt. It was quiet except for the sound of your soft breathing and he immediately felt at peace, despite what his mind told him. He unzipped the front of your yurt and stuck his head in. It was dark and he could barely make out your figure, curled up tightly under the covers, hair strewn across the pillow. 
After a beat, he saw your body shift and your head stick up from the pillow. “Harry?”
“Can I sleep with you? Nick’s taking up the whole bed and snoring like a train.”
You giggled--and Harry’s heart started racing--and then said, “Of course. C’mere.” You lifted the edge of the blanket and Harry toed off his flip flops before walking over to the bed. “What time is it?”
He laid down next to you carefully, not wanting to brush up against you and make you uncomfortable. “Dunno. Late.”
You reached out for him, fingers brushing against his henley right over his stomach, and Harry’s heart seized. Did you know what you were doing to him right now? “Why are you lying there straight as a rod? I don’t bite, you know.” Probably not, he realized. You had no idea what the mere touch of your skin did to his heart. 
“Don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he said, his voice quiet in the silence of the yurt. 
“You don’t, silly. Now c’mere.” 
He moved closer to you and you turned onto your side so that your back rested against his chest, and he wound his arm around your stomach loosely, holding you to him. You’d laid like this before, after your birthday earlier in the year when you’d gotten quite drunk and he’d brought you home so you didn’t choke in your own vomit. You’d snuggled into him then, just like you did now, and he tried to think of anything to get his dick to stop from plumping up under his pants. 
“What was your song about?”
His breath caught in his throat. Had you heard it? It was so obviously about you, so unabashedly telling you how he felt. God, every song was about you. Even when he tried to make them less specific, when he tried to remove the details that would make it about you, you still left a residue. 
“Harry?” Your voice broke his thoughts, so sweet in his ears. He opened his eyes, which had closed while he thought, and looked into your hair. He could smell the remnants of your perfume mixed with the fresh smell of oak from the woods and the essence of smoke from the fire. He wanted to bury himself in your smell, in you. 
He should tell you. He knew he should. It was the perfect time--you were giving him the prompting. But he didn’t have the courage. “Did we wake you up?”
You rolled over and suddenly your face was mere inches from his. He could see your eyes in the dark, bright blue in the night. The ones that were painted in his dreams, echoes of you that never let him go. “Thought I heard something in the woods. Heard you instead.”
How much had you heard, he wondered. Had you heard his conversation with Mitch? You had been asleep when he had come into the yurt, so you had to have fallen back asleep. “What’d you think of it?”
You stared at him, your gaze searing through the protections he tried and struggled to keep up. “It was sad,” you said simply. 
“Hmm?” He mumbled, not really knowing what else to say to that. Of course it was sad, he was in love with his best friend and he didn’t have the balls to tell her. 
“The opening lines,” you whispered. “Put a price on emotion/I'm looking for something to buy/You've got my devotion/But man, I can hate you sometimes,” you sang it, perfectly in tune, hitting every note as he had around the campfire with Mitch. Your voice singing his words broke him in two, for some reason. They were the most honest ones of the whole song, he thought to himself, and the ones he was least likely to change. “Who is it about?”
Her question had changed. When you asked the first time, it was what. Now it was who. He studied you in the dark, searching himself. Could he muster the courage?
“No,” he said, his words immediate. “No, not Camille.”
There was a rustle of the trees, but your eyes didn’t leave his. “Are you seeing someone new?”
“Then who?”
He took a deep breath, and then, he pulled the words from the depths of his heart. “It’s about you.”
It was silent in the yurt. He couldn’t even tell if you were breathing. But your eyes didn’t leave his. He watched as your brain processed his words, pieced them together, matched them up with the song. 
“Test of my patience/There's things that we'll never know/You sunshine, you temptress/My hand's at risk, I fold.” You said the words, no song to them, just words, flowing from your lips as poetry, not lyrics. “You...Me. Things we’ll never know--that’s us?” 
He nodded, resisting the urge to reach out and brush a strand of hair behind your ear that had come loose. 
“You've got my devotion,” you whispered, the opening lines coming back around. “That’s about me?”
“Yes,” he said, the word simple, soft, quiet in the dark. But it took every ounce of his courage. It was worse than when he’d decided to go solo, it was worse than going out on stage alone for the first time, worse than stepping on the X-Factor stage. The hardest words he’d had to say. “Y/N,” he whispered, summoning the last of his courage, “the songs are all about you.”
That made you go quiet for longer. You stared at him, taking inventory of every part of his face. He could feel your eyes and he didn’t even squirm--it felt different than it did when you usually looked at him. It felt like you were seeing him for the first time. Like a veil had been lifted between them. 
And yet, you said nothing.
“Do you want me to go?” He asked, the words breaking him. “I--I can go.”
But you pressed your fingers to his chin, instead. “Don’t go,” you whispered and this time it was him who stared at you. “I--I’m scared.”
“I know.” Your eyes blinked at him, eye level, so close he could see nothing but the rim of the blue, your long eyelashes he’d always admired. “I just...I can’t pretend anymore, love.” The nickname, long used between them, suddenly took on a new meaning in this moment. He could feel the shift in the air, the way the word landed between them. It slipped from his lips without him thinking about it, but he meant it in every which way. 
You ran your forefinger along the edge of his jaw and Harry’s breath caught in his chest. “Me either.”
And then, you pulled his lips down to meet yours and it was like Harry’s world bottomed out. Your lips were soft, just like he’d imagined them, and you tasted like sugar and the watermelons they’d had for a snack after dinner. The hint of toothpaste lingered and it made him smile, remembering how you’d spoken in the bathroom. His fingers wound their way into your hair and you let out a soft moan that set Harry’s skin on fire. 
Your teeth tugged on his bottom lip and Harry rolled you onto you back with a groan, begging for more, for anything you would give him. The kiss was deep, passionate, without end. You barely pulled away to breathe, wanting to never stop touching him. Your fingers crawled up his arms, across his collarbones, fire left in their wake. 
Harry balanced above you on his forearms, head dipping to meet your lips over and over again, his fingers curled into your hair that was spread out on the pillow. Your legs tugged apart, letting him slot himself between them, leaning into you. It was like a dream he didn’t want to wake up from. 
“Y/N,” he said, pulling back from your lips just an inch so he could speak. “I--I don’t want to do anything if you don’t--”
“I want you,” you said, your hands drifting from his shoulders to cup his face between them. He leaned into your touch and you smoothed your fingers across his cheekbones. “I’ve always wanted you. H, you’re everything to me.”
His lips found yours again without a second beat, and you pulled every ounce of his heart from his chest with your lips. The sheets rustled under their bodies as they moved, begging to get more and more of each other. Your hands wound under his shirt, tugging as he leaned back, pulling it off, the chilly night air nipping at his skin. You sat up, Harry balanced precariously on your lap, and pressed kisses to his skin, licking over his swallows. 
Harry let out a moan, not being able to hold it in, but didn’t stop her as you made your way across his skin, claiming it as your own. He couldn’t hear anything but you--it was consuming, the feeling of being this close to you. Your teeth bit into the skin on his collarbones, sucking a bruise he knew would be there tomorrow, and he couldn’t find it in himself to care. He wanted the world to know he was yours, that he loved you with every fiber of his being, unashamedly. 
“I’m yours,” he said, his voice edging on a moan as you licked across his nipples. “Yours, Y/N, I’m yours.”
“And I’m yours,” you replied, and leaned back, tugging off his sweatshirt, which you’d worn to bed. You were bare underneath, and you could feel Harry’s eyes on your skin, learning you. Usually, you felt studied under the gaze of a man, but now, with Harry, you felt admired, adored, loved. His hands kneaded circles into your breasts and you arched into him, moans leaving your mouth in breaths. 
You felt his tongue on your nipples, just as you had done to him, and your fingers gripped into the curls of his hair. “Fuck, H.”
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, pressing kisses to your sternum. “So, utterly beautiful.”
You leaned back onto your hands, chest rising and falling as he made his way down your body, inching farther and farther back on the bed until he was on his stomach, lips hovering above the waistband of your sleep shorts. His eyes met yours in question, and you nodded, words failing you.
“Need to hear your words, love,” he said, kissing your bare skin just centimeters above the bow on her shorts. “Want to make sure that you’re sure.”
“Take them off,” you said, struggling to speak as he licked your skin. “Touch me, H, please.”
And he did. He tugged your shorts down your legs, underwear coming with them, and pressed kisses to the inside of your thighs, nipping love bites into the skin there. “You know, I dreamed of you last week,” he said against your skin. 
“What?” You squealed as he sucked on the sensitive skin at the crease of your thighs. 
“Of you, like this.” Then, he licked a stripe up her clit and you buried your hands in his hair, holding him there. “But in the dream, I couldn’t smell you.” He sucked on your clit, and you struggled not to scream his name. Your friends would hear and the last thing you wanted was to deal with that in the morning. “I couldn’t hear you,” he said, licking you again, and your head flailed to the side. “And I woke up before I could do this.”
And then, he dove his tongue inside of you, and you pressed a hand to your mouth, holding in the moans that begged to fly free. It was heaven, his tongue. Delving into her like it was made for you, curling inside of you and rubbing the front of your walls delicately. 
“Harry,” you said, trying to keep your voice quiet, “more, please.”
He wasted no time pressing his finger to your clit and rubbing you in circles, causing your chest to arch from the pleasure. You could feel a knot building in your belly, begging and begging for more. 
“Please, H,” you let out in a moan, and that’s when you felt his own moan against your skin, the vibration of the stubble on your skin causing you to shake against him. But his free hand anchored your hips to his lips, and he continued his work, licking in and out of you, then up and down your folds, drawing soft moans from your mouth over and over again. 
“Wanna hear you,” he said softly against your skin, “please, love, wanna hear you.”
“Don’t want to wake them,” you replied, struggling to look down at him. But when you did, the sight of his head between your thighs, hair a mess, eyes gleaming up at you in the dark, it ripped a moan from your chest that you couldn’t contain. 
“That’s it,” he said. “Don’t give a fuck about them. S’just us, yeah?” He kneaded circles into her skin with his hands and sucked harshly on her clit, your hips bucking in response, but he didn’t let go. “What d’ya want, love?”
His words were rough, broken from pleasure. You loved the way he sounded, having never had the opportunity to have him this way. “Fingers,” you said. “I’m close.”
“Yeah?” His one hand left her hips and circled your entrance, drawing your wetness around his fingers. “Fuck, love, you’re so wet.”
“H,” you breathed out, “please.”
That’s all he needed. He dipped his forefinger inside of you, your tight walls gripping him like a vice. But to him, you were virtue--you were everything to him, everything good in the world wrapped up in a single person. He curled his finger, brushing against a spot that made you squeak and he smiled before adding a second finger. “Come for me, love,” he said, sucking on your clit. “Wanna taste you.”
And that’s all it took. Your orgasm washed over you like a wave, your hands gripped in his hair, keeping his face there as he licked your clit softly, drawing shock waves from your body over and over again. You struggled to keep your eyes open, wanting to watch him as you came, and he held your eye contact as you did. When he pulled his fingers from you and sucked on them, you just stared at him, wondering if this was real. If he was real. 
“Taste sweet,” he said, crawling up your body, pushing you down onto the bed with the weight of him. You loved it, the feeling of his skin on yours, of his body on yours. “With an edge of sourness.” He pressed his lips to yours, and you licked into his mouth, tasting yourself on his tongue. You hadn’t been this turned on...ever, you realized. “Tastes good,” he said against your lips. 
You smiled, running your fingers through his hair. “Felt good too.”
“Yeah. You’re good at that, you know.” 
He chuckled at you and pressed a kiss to your cheeks. “Can’t wait to do it again.”
You captured his lips again, arms winding around his chest, pulling him into you, closer and closer until you couldn’t find the space between you. And then, you rolled, taking him with her, leaving him on his back and you flush to his chest. “Some other time,” you said softly, drawing back. “I want you.”
“Fuck,” he let out, gaze travelling up your body as you sat back on his hips, bare center brushing over his pajama pants. “Want you too, baby.”
You smirked at him. “Baby?”
He blushed. “Sorry, it just--”
“Shh.” You pressed a finger to his lips. “I like it.”
“Mhmm.” You rolled your hips over his erection and he bucked up into you, not being able to stop himself, drawing groans from both of them. “Wanna hear you, H,” you whispered, tossing his words back at him. “Hmm?”
“Take ‘em off.” He bucked his hips again, and you smiled down at him. Your fingers curled around his pants and his underwear, and crawled back, pulling them off together in one motion, just as he had done to you. 
You held him in your hand, brushing your thumb over his tip, the pre-cum slick against your skin. Your tongue licked a stripe up the underside of him, drawing a moan from his chest as you laved circles around the tip of his length. 
“Y/N,” he breathed, “Not gonna last if you keep doing that,” he said. “Need--”
“I know,” you replied. You pressed another kiss to him and clamored back up his body. “Wouldn’t have happened to bring condoms, would you?”
“Fuck,” he said, “no, wasn’t exactly planning this.”
You pressed a kiss to his chest, trying to calm the panicked look in his eyes. His hands ran up and down your thighs, his touch consuming you. “I’ve got the implant,” you said, “if that’s ok with you.”
“I’ll pull out,” he said, leaning up on his elbows. “Promise.” Then your lips found each other’s and you rocked your hips against him, the slick of you dripping down onto his length. He swallowed your moans and you did the same, the dark of the night wrapping around you, encasing you in a world that was just the two of you. 
You reached down and ran your fingertips along his length, brushing his tip against your slit, the feeling sending tingles down her spine.
“Please,” he begged beneath you, fingers digging into your hips to where there would probably be marks tomorrow, “please, Y/N.”
When you slid down his length, your eyes shut from the sensation of him stretching you. You didn’t stop until he had bottomed out, you hips flush against one another. You could feel his eyes watching as you adjusted to his size, to the burn of him inside of you. It was surreal to have him like this, to have him so close to that you couldn’t find where you ended and he began. To have his lips find yours as you began to rock back and forth on him, open mouths meeting like old friends, begging for more and more and more. It was heaven, you decided, this was heaven on earth, this feeling. Your head snapped back when he bucked up into you, hitting a deep spot that made your arms shake. And then he ran his tongue down your exposed neck, nipping and biting into your skin, whispers of your name like an echo around them. 
You wanted all of him. Every single part of him, you wanted to have his laughter and his smile and his words and his thoughts and his love. You wanted his body in the morning and the night and across the distance. You wanted him to hold you in his arms always, to care always. To you, he was hope, he was a bright spot in a sea of darkness. He was the antithesis of your exes, of Tom, of the men who had used you up and left you in a bed of nails. Harry built you up, stoking your fire with actions that showed you how much he cared, never wavering from your side, always running back when you called. No matter how far he went, the residue of him never left your mind, body, or soul. 
Harry’s arms caged you in and suddenly you were on your back and he was above you and inside of you and everywhere. His fingers danced across you skin as his hips snapped into you, moans drying in your throat because you could barely think from the pleasure zipping through your body. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he said, words darting through the fog, “I love you.” He was holding you so tightly in his arms that you wondered if he thought you would run. As if you wanted to be anywhere else but here, beneath him, close to him, breathing him in and out. 
“I love you too.” The words left you without hesitation and you pressed your lips back to his as you chased your highs together, his hips never stopping. He pulled one of your legs high on his hip, reaching a new depth inside of you, and you scrabbled at his back with your fingers, leaving marks in your wake. “Right there,” you whispered against his shoulder, biting softly into the skin there. 
He pistoned his hips in and out, hitting the spot over and over again. “Yeah? Right there, baby?” 
You had always joked he had a praise kink, but now that you had him, you knew you were right and good lord did you feed right into it. “So good,” you mumbled, “so good Harry, please don’t stop.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he replied, tongue darting to the spot under your ear when you turned hyourer head, choking on a moan when he thumbed your clit. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N. Gonna tell you every day. Never going to stop now that I have you. Finally.”
You dug into his ass with your heels, keeping him deep inside of you. Hands grabbed skin, and you basked in the heat that surrounded you, the sweat that stuck their skin together. It was perfect--he was perfect, he felt perfect, it was as if you were made for one another. Somehow, every movement he made was better, he navigated your body like he had the only compass and it was carved into his heart. 
Every part of you ached, ached for him and for release. You could feel it rising inside of you, taught like a string, begging. “Oh my god,” you whined, spasming around him. Your hand gripped the back of his neck and dragged his head back to you, fingers digging into his warm skin. Your lips met as he pumped into you over and over, drawing moans from them both that never stopped. You loved that he made noise in bed, that he told you how good you felt, that he made sure you knew how incredible it was. Every kiss pressed to your clammy skin was a reminder of how much he loved you.
“Fuck.” A guttural moan escaped him when you clamped down on his length, your orgasm threatening to rip through you. “Not going to last, baby.” His forehead rested against yours as he dug into the sheets with his fingers and toes, using every ounce of his energy to bring you both to the brink. Your fingers scratched against his shoulder blades, gripping him close as you arched into him. 
“I’m close,” you said, words ragged, “so close.”
“Come,” he breathed out, “please, Y/N.”
You pressed a kiss to his brow, the salt of his sweat against your lips. “Come inside me,” you whispered to his skin. “Want to feel you.”
His head turned, eyes meeting yours. “Sure?”
You dug your heels into his ass in response, gripping him like a vice to you. A moan ripped through him as he dug deep inside of you, pulling every piece of your love from her chest, just as you did to him. Then, he kissed you again, your name a mantra against your lips, and with that, your orgasm ripped through your body. 
He chased it with every brush of his hips, running after you as you soared and fell. You held him close as you came down, struggling to find your breath. But you didn’t want him to move. You wanted to feel him, to see him, to hear him finish. And when he did, it was the most beautiful sight you’d ever seen. His eyes bore into yours, teeth dug into his bottom lip so deep it probably drew blood, fingers curling tightly into the sheets on either side of your shoulders. Slowly, his hips came to a halt and you could feel his cum inside of you. The air was silent except for your breathing as he rested his body against you, not pulling out. 
You two laid there together, your arms wound around his waist, running your fingers up and down his back, his fingers threading through your hair. It was as if you were waiting for the words, because neither of you had them. What do you say after that? 
Harry moved to pull out of you, but you held him fast. “Please,” you whispered, “just…”
He shushed you, knowing what you meant. You wanted him close. After denying your feelings for so long it was like they were consuming every inch of you, overwhelming your brain and your heart. Having him close helped tether you to the ground and you couldn’t let go. Not yet. 
“Love you,” he said softly into your hair. “Love you so much, Y/N.”
You pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “Love you too.”
“Think they heard?”
You giggled against his skin and you could feel his smile. “Probably. Don’t care that much, though.”
“Me either.”
You were quiet for a second before mustering the courage to ask the question swirling through your brain. “You’re not going to leave in the morning, right?”
He lifted his head and looked at you. “Never.” Then, he pressed a soft kiss against your lips and tucked his head into the space between your shoulder and your neck, his breath even against your skin. 
And you both laid there, adjusting to what it felt like to finally have the one person you’d always wanted, praying that when the sun rose nothing would change.
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queen-yalo · 4 years
FF XV | Headcanons | Dating the Chocobros
Request: Some relationship headcanons with Chocobros? [by Anon]
A/N: I want all of them, okay? Okay. ALSO I’M SORRY THIS TOOK SOOOO LONG!! I’m slowly getting back into writing from my block. UGH writer’s block SUCKS! >_< Hope you enjoy!
Pairing(s): Gladiolus Amicitia x reader; Ignis Scientia x reader; Noctis Lucis Caelum x reader; Prompto Argentum x reader
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• Most protective boyfriendTM. Gladio always has his eyes on you, ready to defend you from anything and anyone that’s threatening you in anyway. It doesn’t even matter if you can actually fight for yourself or not - he’s gonna be there and kick some serious butt if you’re in danger or uncomfortable or whatever.
• Outdoor-dates are a must. As we know this man loooooves to be outside and he’d be thrilled if you would share this passion with him. If you’re not a huge fan of the outdoors, he appreciates it even more if you agree to go camping or hiking with him. 
• As we know, he trains a lot. And sometimes he just goes a little too far and gets some injuries. so, patching him up after training or after a day out with his friends becomes a normal thing for you. A scratch here, a torn muscle there... luckily enough, he never comes home with any serious injuries. 
• Gladio is a gentle giant - and actually very romantic. He’s not the type to take you out for dinner or prepare a fance candle light dinner himself. He’s more the type to build blanket forts and prepare everything for cuddly movie nights. 
• He loves physical affection. He’s always touching your hand, having an arm around your waist, kissing you... there’s no stopping him. Not even in public. He doesn’t mind the stares. He loves showing everybody that you belong to him. ♥
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• Ignis is such a gentleman. He always makes sure you are comfortable, he pampers and compliments you at every chance he gets. 
• He will prepare you three meals every day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner - no excuses, no discussions. Sometimes you’re allowed to join him in the kitchen and help him with preparing your meals - but usually when he’s cooking, the kitchen is off limits for you (or anybody for that matter). 
• He will get you a gift every week! It could be flowers, sweets, a book you wanted to read, a game you wanted to play, your favorite pastries (which he made himself of course), a new necklace, earrings... he will never fail to surprise you. 10/10 would marry, including me. 
• Ignis is - without a doubt - the best listener on the planet. Not only does he listen to your venting or rambling... but he also makes sure he understands why certain things bother you and asks before he gives you any kind of advice. He also doesn’t judge you. He wants to hear everything you have to say, encourages you to talk to him about anything you want and he wants you to trust him. 
• He’s a textbook-romantic. Long and hot baths after a stressful day, the tub surrounded by candles? Yup. Candle-light dinner (homemade of course!) for your anniversary? Got that. Cuddling on the couch for hours on end, in dim lighting, watching crappy movies and binge-eating snacks? Absolutey. Speaking of cuddles... he loves them. Doesn’t matter if it’s in the morning, at night or in a rare quiet minute of his day. No further explanation needed. 
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• Fishing dates! Fishing dates! Fishing dates! There’s nothing better than spending the day far away from any other human being, somewhere in the wilderness at a quiet lake, watching your boyfriend fish... is there? 
• Prepare for an endless array of events, galas, balls, ceremonies... you’re dating the Prince of Lucis and people expect you and him to get married sometime in the future. They basically already view you as their queen. 
• You definitely have your own personal guard(s). Noctis doesn’t want anything to happen to you so when you go out into the city, meet your friends, whatever - you will have at least one shadow following you at all times. 
• Regular tea dates with Regis! When Noctis is training with Gladio or working with Ignis on some paperwork, you and Regis will have tea (or coffee, whatever you prefer). Regis wants to get to know his son’s girlfriend aka future daughter-in-law. He likes you and he approves of your relationship. (And i also feel like having tea with Regis would be so much fun, he seems like a really nice man. ;-;)
• Sleeping in whenever possible. And cuddling while doing so. Noctis is a very heavy sleeper too, so once you’re in his arms there’s no escape. He will not let go of you unless you wake him up. Koala-mode level 499. He has almost perfected it. Almost. 
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• 10/10 supportive boyfriend. Doesn’t matter what it is that you’re doing - Prompto is there to support you and cheer you on. Whole-heartedly. He’s not faking it. He genuinly believes in you and wants to see you succeed. 
• Prompto does that thing that animals do sometimes when they want attention. He pokes you with his nose. You’re reading a book and he wants cuddles. He gets reeeeeaaaal close, puts his head on your shoulder... and then rubs his nose on your cheek gently, until you get the hint. Don’t be mad at him pls, he’s just a very soft and shy boi. ;-;
• You’re his No. 1 Model! He constantly takes pictures of you. Whether you’re posing for him or just doing everyday things, it doesn’t matter. He thinks you look perfect on every single picture and he wants to keep them all. But - being the wonderful, loving, supportive boyfriend he is - he lets you look through all the pics and deletes the ones you really hate. 
• He teaches you how to properly use a gun. Just in case. He would never want you to go on hunts and he hopes you never have to use a gun. But... just in case something bad happens, he wants to make sure you can protect yourself if necessary. 
• He loooooves playing with your hair. Whether it’s short, long or a wig... it’s just so intimate and therapeutic for him, he can’t stop himself from reaching out and running his fingers through your hair (braiding it, if possible). Another thing that he really loves are imperfections. Whenever he feels like you struggle with something concerning your body, he makes sure to give some extra love to that bodypart. Kissing stretchmarks or scars, running his hands over “jiggly” areas, etc. He just.... loves you. So much. ALL of you. Including your imperfections. Or rather... especially your imperfections. 
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"Recipe for Disaster" sounds like a perfect title for MC and Mammon lmao
Human cooking channel youtuber AU! Hear me out!
Mammon's a model who made a YouTube channel to come across as more relatable and get more fans (earn more money). During his first ever video he makes a stew for lunch out of anything and everything he finds in the fridge while talking about what it's like to be a model etc. (Time is money and he's all about efficiency and that includes multitasking). And the concoction he creates is so bizarre that 90% of the comments are talking about his food rather than his actual modeling career.
Mammon has a nose for sniffing out the newest schemes business ideas if nothing else so his whole channel becomes dedicated to making bizarre food out of whatever ingredients he has at hand and feeding them to his less than willing brothers. His channel grows in popularity (it helps that not only do all his brothers look like super models they're also some of the weirdest people anyone has ever seen. Half his viewers are convinced they're all just characters that these guys are playing. Some of them have theories that all the brothers are based off a sin, kinda like that one spongebob theory. One of his subscribers swears that one of the brother's- Stan maybe? actual name is Satan and everyone else has just been hearing it wrong)
MC has a much smaller channel, at first they use it to talk about tips for photography (HC that MC is a photographer and all those professional pics of the brothers on Devilgram that could only have been taken by someone else was actually taken by MC) and then it pretty much becomes a vlog where they rant about one of their roommates (Solomon) and how he set the kitchen on fire three times during the last 5 days but still happily ate the burnt food (charcoal. It was charcoal at that point). It eventually evolves into a channel of them fixing Solomon's nightmare fuel food and making it something actually edible and this actually makes their channel grow somewhat. (And no it's not just people coming in to catch the occasional glimpse of their other roommate's shoulders)
Eventually Mammon gets a comment saying MC should fix Mammon's food.
He goes on a full rant about how there's nothing to fix and his food is good so what if it's so spicy one of his victims brothers passed out that one time that's just cause they have no taste.
He ends up watching MC's latest video then and ends up binge watching them all through the next few days and getting a stupid crush
Someone links MC to his rant video, and they make a video on how all his recipes seem really unique and how they'd never have thought of that by themself and they don't actually look hazardous to humanity as a whole like Solomon's food is but here's how you fix it so that it's actually edible and won't make you meet God
He sees this and isn't sure if he should be giddy because they praised him or pissed off because they tried to fix his creation. He obviously chooses the latter and rants about them while making something that looks suspiciously radioactive
MC replies with a video complimenting all the ingredients he chose and explaining them while simultaneously calling him an idiot for dipping his bare hand in boiling water to take out potatoes and ending it with a suggestion to get pot holders to drain the water and take the potatoes out after they cool
He replies with a video about how he's not gonna waste money on pot holders when his hand works just fine before he makes chocolate sauce and black licorice mashed potatoes and uses his bare hand to fish out the potatoes just to spite them.
MC replies with a video on how to fix the dish so the flavours won't clash while still keeping the essential ingredients but doesn't mention his hands
He gets a set of bright yellow pot holders and (to be on the safe side) oven mitts with little crows on them ("because your hair looks like a crow's nest") in his P.O. box.He uses them in his next video to make a batch of ketchup and peanut butter cookies
MC fixes another one of Solomon's messes that ended with something with the same consistency of glue stuck to their ceiling while happily snacking on ketchup and peanut butter cookies
This back and forth goes on for a bit, Mammon refuses to change his recipes but they still silently exchange gifts
Obviously their (now shared) viewers notice and start calling out for a collab
MC agrees immediately but Mammon refuses (he's shy fuck he couldn't imagine meeting them face to face) but the draw of money (not their puppy dog eyes in the last video!) makes him agree. They discuss the details over email and agree to do it at his house because he's got the bigger kitchen
They meet at his house and it's awkward at first because he's red af and can't meet their eyes and all his brothers are crowding the doorway to the kitchen and giggling but once the filming starts they fall into an easy routine. They riff off each other and move around the kitchen comfortably as if they've been working together for years. That doesn't mean they don't still argue though, but there's no hostility in it. Mammon gives out the idea of his latest recipe and MC plans out the specifics so that they can execute it. Since it's their first video they make something small and work together easily. Their spicy mayonnaise cupcakes turn out perfectly and are actually good considering none of the brothers are rushing out of the frame.
They are asked for more collabs and they do because they had fun in the first one. The viewers now have to watch two obviously pinning idiots being disasters in a kitchen together. (Just because MC can fix recipes doesn't mean they aren't a mess). They have to watch Mammon go from blushing and stuttering to casually offering MC his finger to lick when he gets icing on it. They have to watch MC going from lowkey flirting to pulling out brightly coloured clips and pinning back Mammon's bangs while his hands are kneading dough. They have to watch the brothers slowly warm up to MC until they're being treated like they've been part of the family from the very beginning (yes this includes viewers catching the first few seconds of an hours long lecture that MC gets from Lucifer). They still have their own channels but they also start up a new channel called 'Recipe for Disaster'. This channel also has vlogs of them randomly buying ingredients for their next cooking video.
Of course there are the rumours and speculation of whether or not they are actually dating, people shipping them, Levi comes up with a ship name, others saying how weird it is to ship real people. MC and Mammon neither confirm it or deny it. During the early days before they had a joint channel Mammon would loudly protest to any such claims while MC just fondly smiled in the background. And sure now he refers to MC as his partner a lot but he could easily mean partner in crime against the food pyramid.
Their viewers finally get their answer when MC one day walks out into one of Mammon's videos in sweatpants and one of his shirts, sleepily kisses him on the cheek and he doesn't even twitch as he says "Mornin' Babe" and continues with his monologue while they grab the milk and walk off frame. They don't even stop to think about whether they should edit it out because they've been dating for one and a half years now. But obviously everyone freaks out and just - Mammon reading the comments with MC looking over his shoulder:
"Heeeeey? Did people just not know we were, ya know, datin'?"
" ...that's weird."
"Wasn't our first video on Recipe for Disaster me tellin' them you were my partner?"
"Yeah weird...the Internet's full of freaks. Remember that time they all thought you were a demon and started mailing holy water?"
"Yeah, what the fuck was that 'bout? Stan got fuckin' pissed!"
I'm tired af & I'll do the rest later! Pls let me know what you think tho❤
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neptunesfullbuster · 4 years
Heyyy Can I request relationship headcanons about natsu and erza (separately) with a fem s/o pls? Thank you
- relationship headcanons
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characters ; natsu dragneel & erza scarlet
authors note ; omg i cant tell you how happy i was when i saw this!! thank you for requesting!
warnings / genre ; none, fluff + crack
gender ; fem!reader
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Natsu Dragneel
you mean the world to this boy let me just say
every time you smile or laugh at something he said or did, his heart would just explode
Natsu is a PDA monster, honestly does not give a flying fuck. He is always touching you, whether he has his arm around you or he just sits extremely close to you.
Would drop anything he’s doing for you if you needed him. Natsu’s fighting Gray, and you want a hug? Ends it immediately and goes over to you, leaving gray like this 0-0
Prepare to get dragged anywhere and everywhere; you are automatically a part of his team. If you’re small, he’ll just pick you up and does not care what you’re doing.
Every day is an adventure with him; Natsu is a big ball of energy and just loves taking you everywhere with him.
You always plan date nights because Natsu will just take you out on a job and say it’s a date.
If you’re missing something, Natsu probably has it. He will steal everything that you own; he loves having a part of you with him. If someone who didn’t know him saw his house, they’d think he was stalking you.
He will leave notes all over your house reminding you how much he loves you.
Natsu will bring you up in any conversation he has and will hype you up. Loves talking about you; it annoys the hell out of everyone, even you.
Natsu does get jealous but will have no idea.
He’s the type to pout and will walk over to you, wrapping his arms over your body without saying a word. Natsu will get extremely defensive if he notices you’re uncomfortable or if whoever you’re talking to gets a little too friendly.
Compliments for days.
“Y/n, you look so pretty today!”
“Did I ever tell you how beautiful I think you are?”
“You’re hair is very pretty.”
“I love your laugh, do it more!”
You fucking melt,
So helpful during your period, will go overboard in snacks
Since he is a human heater, if you use heating pads, he’ll put his hands over your stomach to make you feel better,
Happy absolutely adores you! he was so excited when you told the guild you were dating.
He would also make fun of Natsu, more than normal.
“How did someone like you get someone like Y/n?”
you give him fish all the time, and if you enjoy cooking, you bet these two will devour anything you make for them
One night Natsu was looking for Happy, and he decided to check your apartment, he found you both sleeping on the couch together while a book was lying on your chest, and he was curled up in your lap.
he was so happy his heart could have exploded
at that point, he knew you were perfect for him:)
Erza Scarlet
Erza as your girlfriend, is something else.
Since you are dating her, no one will fuck with you because they’ll have to go through her first
Before you started dating, Erza was becoming happier and nicer, which scared the shit out of everyone.
Natsu and Gray noticed she wasn’t breaking up their fights as much as she used to and would take a longer time to do so
She’d be too busy talking with you to notice or even care.
When you announced you’re relationship, no one dared to tease you in front of her, they’d get their ass beat.
Absolutely loves PDA and does not give a shit.
Erza will kiss you when she wants to and will cuddle you wherever and whenever because she said so.
Hug her. She’s touched starved, and loves the affection.
Major romantic adores anything involving romance.
You are being spoiled with love and gifts whether you like it or not.
Lots of dates, she plans all of them.
You had to tell her to slow down, or you’ll run out of things to do
She ignored you.
Very protective.
If someone even glances at you wrong, she will not hesitate to go over and kick their ass. This has happened before
You had to remind her that the little old lady that lived next door would not harm you and was not a secret assassin.
Erza loves giving gifts. Anytime she sees something she’ll know you’ll like she will buy it for you and give it to you next time you’re together.
She just loves you, and you have to treasure things, woman because she is such a softy
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pogueshomecoming · 4 years
you’ll always have a place here x john b routledge
requested? yes: Can I make a request pls? Perhaps something along the lines of John B meeting your family for the first time, you guys are pogues but slightly richer than the typical 'pogue' and when they ask him about his family even though its a touchy subject he opens up to them which then your family make it their mission to include him as much as possible and make him feel loved and part of the family as much as they can? (hello anon! this is such a cute idea, and i had fun writing it. thank you for sending it in.)
description: after meeting your boyfriend once, your parents make sure john b always feels welcome in their home
fill out this survey to join my taglist(s), here’s my masterlist, and requests are open
Warnings: i don’t think this is angst or fluff so,,,, there’s that.
word count: 1.6k
so if anyone would want it, i might make another part or two of john b actually spending time w the family? Idk, i feel like i didn’t fully answer the request
You hadn’t been dating John B for long when your parents requested you bring him over for dinner one night. They had always been protective of you, considering you’re their only child, but this put you and John B on edge. 
Not because your parents were bad people, but because sometimes they were too much. Overenthusiastic, as you liked to tell everyone on your front porch before they entered your house for the first time. 
Both John B and your parents had been given pep talks beforehand. John B had been warned not to get your dad started on anything political, and to compliment your mom on her vintage dishes she’d most likely pull out for the special occasion. She’d been collecting them for years. 
However, your parents were a little tougher. You were painfully aware of the way they liked to dig into your friend’s lives, whether they meant to or not. Honestly, they just wanted to know the background of their daughter’s friends, but for John B, you told them that wasn’t an option. Given John B’s family situation and everything he’d been through in the last year, you warned them to be careful. 
So when you hear the doorbell ring, you immediately jump up, beating your parents to the door by a split second. “Shoo, let me open the door in peace. Trust me, you have all night with him, and that’s plenty.”
After they’ve disappeared from behind you, you take a breath and have a moment to yourself. It’s going to be a good night. Everything will go smoothly. There’s no way this can be messed up. Well, there absolutely is a way, lots of ways actually, but maybe drilling the boundaries into their heads was effective this time. 
John B greets you with a hug and a kiss, trying to hold on to you for as long as he can. He’s nervous, you can already tell. With parent figures being absent in his life, this was a big deal. It felt like a make it or break it situation for him.
The first half of dinner was fine. You thought that things couldn’t have gone any better. When John B complimented your mother’s matching dishes, she talked about them for a whole twenty minutes, and it moved things along quite quickly. Things started spiraling when your dad said, “So, what’s your family like?”
You felt your breath catch in your throat, immediately shooting daggers with your eyes at your father. This was on the list of things he couldn’t ask about under any circumstance. John B notices you tense and squeezes your hand. 
“Don’t answer that if you don’t want to.” You lean over, intending for it to be a whisper, but when there are only two other people in the room, it’s hard to keep anything a secret.
John B clears his throat and shakes his head, throwing a side glance at you to let you know it’s okay. 
“I didn’t mean to overstep. If it’s an uncomfortable topic, we can find something else to talk about.” Your dad tries to make amends, more so for your sake, because John B doesn’t seem too bothered. You’re the only one at the table who knows that your boyfriend is very good at keeping his composure when he wants to. 
“No, sir, it’s fine. I want Y/N to be in my life for as long as possible, so it’s only fair that you know about me, right?” John B offers a small smile, turning towards you for just a second. You refrain from rolling your eyes at the fact that he could sweet-talk his way in or out of absolutely anything. 
It’s silent for just a beat before John B spills his life’s details. His mom leaving when he was young, and his dad spending a lot of time researching until it eventually leads to his death. Can’t forget the deadbeat uncle who left his nephew to the sharks that are also known as DCS. 
The shock on your parents’ faces as John B ends his spiel with, “So, pretty much I’m an orphan.” is evident. They’re not even trying to hide it. Your mom looks like she’s about to cry, and your dad just looks hugely uncomfortable. John B shifts in his chair, looking down at his plate like he’s ashamed. 
“Uhm,” Your mother clears her throat, gathering her plate in his hands, “We’re going to go get the dessert from the kitchen, alright?”
She gives your father a side glance, and he follows her into the kitchen. It’s your turn to let your jaw fall. First, your dad blatantly asks about something you told him not to, and then they just leave the room. What had gotten into them? 
John B is already looking at you when you finally look over to him. Your cheeks feel hot with embarrassment. “I am so sorry. That was ridiculous, and I’m embarrassed. I told them not to cross the boundaries. I don’t know why they’re so rude. Like, are you kidding me? I’m going in there to talk to them.”
As you angrily ramble, you start to get up, but John B pulls you back down. “Hey, it’s fine, Y/N. Maybe they didn’t know how to respond. I’m a little uncomfortable, but they probably are too. I get it.”
You know that John B can pretty much see the steam coming from your ears, but before you can ask if he’s saying that for your sake, your parents come back. The apple pie your mother slaved over gets put in the middle of the table. A pin falling to the floor could be heard with how silent it is. 
Thankfully, your dad breaks the silence. If he’d waited for a second longer, you would’ve exploded with anger.
“John B, we apologize for walking out like that. It was just a little bit of a surprise is all, we aren’t here to judge you or think any less of you because of what you’ve been through. I’m sorry if I overstepped by asking.” Your dad slightly bows his head as a way to solidify his apology. 
“No, sir, there’s nothing to apologize for.” JB places his hand back on your thigh under the table, and you put one of yours over the top of it. 
“We also want you to know that we want you to feel like this is a second home to you. Anything you need, we’ll do what we can to help you. We’ve got an extra bedroom, even. It’s not an empty offer, either, so don’t be afraid to ask.” Your mom is already an emotional person, so by the time she’s done speaking, the tears have welled up so far in her eyes that you’re sure she can’t see anything. 
John B smiles, and so do you. It’s the last thing you would’ve expected them to say based on their previous reactions, but it makes your heart swell. They like John B enough to welcome him into the family already. Of course, you never had any doubts that they’d like him, but you hadn’t ever thought of this outcome. 
“I appreciate it. I really do. Thank you both for being so kind. This pie looks delicious, should we cut into it?” He switches the subject causing your father to laugh. 
“How about you cut the first slice?” He passes the knife over to John B, and you let out the breath you’d been holding. 
It was fine. Everything was okay. Maybe it wasn’t how you imagined the night to go, but as you watched John B joke with your dad while eating apple pie, you weren’t concerned anymore. Laughter from all four of you filled the room when John B accidentally dropped a piece of pie off the server. 
“That one can be mine.” John B shrugged, scooping it onto his plate before he placed a new slice onto yours. He sends you a wink, leaning over to place a soft kiss to your cheek. 
It’s not long before it’s time for John B has to leave. He promised JJ they’d go night fishing and you weren’t going to let him miss it. For a minute there, you thought you were going to have to drag him from the dining table yourself. JB stands up, reaching to shake your dad’s hand but is surprised when he pulls him in for a hug instead. Your mom is next. 
“Please, come back any time, John B. We loved having your company.” She kisses his cheek as she pulls away, and you groan. 
“Okay, mother, he’s going now. John B can’t be late.” You pull on his hand, and he lets his weight fall in your direction before he takes steps to follow you. 
“Thank you so much for having me!”
The two of you step outside onto your front porch. The yellow light by the front door casting a glow over both your faces. He takes a step down, so you’re closer to the same height.
“That went well, right?” John B asks, pulling you by the waist into his arms. 
“Better than I could’ve imagined, but I thought it was going to take a wrong turn there for a second.” You press your forehead to his and smile. 
“Do you think it’s too early to ask them to check in with Peterkin every now and then, so DCS isn’t on my case?” John B laughs, only a little bit joking. 
“I think we can make that happen.” You bring your chin forward, meeting his lips with yours. 
Suddenly the door opens, ruining the one moment you had alone with John B tonight. Your parents stick their heads out as you both turn to look at them. They’d probably been eavesdropping through the screen door, and you suspicions are confirmed when your mother says,
“You’ll always have a place here, John B.”
thanks for reading! don’t forget to reblog or send me feedback :)
john b taglist: john b taglist: @pogue-h , @shawnssongs , @hopelesswritingxd , @millie-753 , @thatsonobx , @jjtheangel , @ohbx , @babysbestlife , @psychicforest , @fanficscuziranout , @maebanks , @diverdown06, @thelocalpogue , @maybe-maybanks , @extratragic , @alexandracheers , @a-brooding-bird , @ughitslizz , @damonsalvawhore27 , @beth-winchester21 , @sunwardsss , @outerbanksbro , @collecting-stories , @yelyahryan ,
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coffeebeannate · 4 years
Possibly Nonsensical ToG Representation: Personal Perspective
Nate nobody wants to read six thousand paragraphs of your inane ramblings okay?
Well maybe that IS the case, maybe SO but maybe I’m going to ramble anyway. And maybe I’ll never ever undraft this post because well who knows.
I ended up not drafting it, I just posted. Because why not. Pls don’t regret this, future me.
I will say that, one thing that The Old Guard did that really stuck out to me, and has only continued to do so since reading others posts about it was, ironically, send my dysphoria sky-fucking-high.
(Not in a wholly bad way, that is!)
(For the record, I’m 29, and an AFAB pre-T trans guy, pre-T in like pre ANYTHING, I’m barely out publicly to anyone that isn’t a personal or really close friend, or like, my therapist, anywho)
In most cases, my dysphoria is on a very low simmer, there, but something I try to ignore because of circumstances, etc. It’s always a bother, sure, but well, I live, I guess.
So, I’m a Marvel fan, and in most cases..people I see on TV have been, well, lets be real-Chris Evans. Standard Hollywood types. I do have other examples of less ‘classically’ attractive actors on my list of things I like to watch, and absorb, and I’m a basic person who has basic ass thoughts sometimes. Those people are hot, those people appeal to the most innate feelings of people who feel things from attractive looking people.
But in my head, it’s ALWAYS been through the lens of ‘This is nice to look at. Utterly unrealistic, but nice.”
(I actually only recently learned about using dehydration to get those looks, and it further cements Hollywood shadiness, but anyway)
So for me, AMAB and men on TV have never really done much to my dysphoria. It’s not a look I’d ever have..so it never set off those bells in my head. I dislike having an AFAB body, sure, but it’s not like looking at the equivalent of a modified human art project on TV really did anything to it.
And then..the Old Guard
Fuck this is long, more under the cut.
So I want to point out that I LIKE action movies. I like things that blow up and gun fights on TV. I get a kick out of the dramatics and I’ve been in the Bond fandom since Craig Bond became a thing. I have some familiarity with the genre in general, on a low scale. And again, the Marvel fandom ofc. I also like comic books, and have for years. 
None of these things are new to me.
But what is new, I think, is seeing it done differently.
I’ve noticed a HUGE difference in reviews of the Old Guard. On sites like IMDB.com. YouTube, etc, it’s..not getting the best reviews. And I know now why that is-it wasn’t MADE for the audience action movies are usually made for. And if you compare the comic for the Old Guard to the movie, it’s VERY obvious where Gina Prince-Bythewood made changes with Greg Rucka (And possibly Leandro Fernandez) to give it a better appeal over all. (Especially with giving the characters more layers, even in two hours, and making the story have more of a family and emotional value, which is a great choice and I wholly applaud her and her team. The team feels so much more lived-in in the film than in the comics, though I’ve not read through Vol 2 yet)
Compared to Tumblr, where people are raving about the movie *myself included*, and people who NEVER see themselves in a movie, let alone in a movie done WELL are flipping over themselves over it. And I am in that group entirely.
It has been an absolute delight to see people raving about this. Maybe it’s not perfect, but it’s so incredibly important to people who don’t ever get any GOOD representation that isn’t terribly forced, overdone, stereotyped, etc.
Is Old Guard perfect? No, is it really nice to see yourself in a movie outside of your ‘assigned genre’ (alternative films, etc)
Have I watched it six goddamned times since it came out? Yes, I have. I’m down this rabbit hole, I am living here.
Which brings me back to the original point I was making before this spawned into something entirely different. 
“How did that make you dysphoric, then, Nate?”
Because, to be perfectly blunt, I want to link this post here, by @lindstrom2020 which hammered home why, and that point is that, there is virtually 0 sexualization of the characters. There is nothing gratuitous about bodies on screen here, nothing. And we never.ever.see.that.
And no, I’m not going to pretend like I don’t eyeball people on screen. I’m not devoid of sexuality, I am entirely pansexual. But that’s not what I’m trying to say here. I think that, well..seeing bodies that are still entirely masculine, and yet not..what’s the word I want..’done up’? Made all the difference in the world. For the first time, I saw, on TV, an average body, presented in a way that makes it look good, strong and almost achievable. Almost completely NORMAL in that way.
And no, none of the actors in the movie are unattractive. Not even a little bit. They’re still really goddamned pretty. But it was JARRING to see them as pretty but fairly average appearing.
And my brain..synapsed.
As a trans dude, I’m going to straight up say it’s VERY hard to envision what your post-transition body might appear as. It will never be entirely cis-looking (if you will) the way a body that’s biologically created will be, if you will. So you’re stuck working with so much imagination, so much of it relies on looking at post-transition bodies, those done after surgery and YEARS of hormones and even then not knowing.
And for me, well I’m tall, bulky and overweight. I’m also curved, and have a massive back, broad shoulders and long tree trunk like legs. (None of this is said to be a put down on my end, btw, I’m not fishing for compliments, this is the best way I can describe it)
(None of the characters are overweight, so obviously there’s still something there too that’s left to my own imagination, but I digress)
But! There is still something REALLY fucking validating about seeing men on screen who are still attractive without dehydrated abs and veined out skin because the flesh is crying out for sustenance.
I dunno..for me, it was just..strange to see. And there’s also something really really fucking NICE about queer people in the action genre that haven’t been shoved to the back of the movie, appear for five seconds and leave so the movie can scratch of ‘representation’ on it’s proverbial audience appealing points card.
And I’m sure if I watched more movies on my watch list, and stuff that’s been recommended to me I will find more! I know they’re out there, but for the Old Guard, it’s a genre I’d actually watch, something that APPEALED to me and was easy to get into because with my ADHD-Autism, it’s hard to get invested at times. So 2 hours was a good starting point.
Especially if I had to take breaks *but I didn’t need to, it was engaging enough for my wandering head*.
Wow this is messy, I stg I meant for this to be cleaner, but, anyway.
The overall thing is that the Old Guard makes me feel things I really do not usually feel watching movies. Sure it’s still a fantasy, sure it’s still got flaws, but wow if it isn’t just..really goddamned nice to connect to something outside of the box.
It’s not perfect, nothing is.
But Old Guard has done various forms of representation RIGHT, it has done extremely valid and important things. And since I’m old enough to remember the NONSENSE when Brokeback Mountain came out and it was called ‘career ending’ for it’s actors..to see this is just..
It’s nice.
And I KNOW that this movie and series is always going to hold a special place in my heart as a result.
A lot of others have made excellent representation posts, and I wasn’t going to publish my jumbled up nonsense thoughts, but feck it.
It’s not coherent really-my thoughts never are, and it’s long and rambling, but hell, so is my brain.
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bcbecitas · 4 years
💘 for the babies pls
send me 💘 + A SHIP and i’ll tell you—
where they first met and how
bo and cas met on a work trip so their real first meeting would be on their flight over to the island. cas and sienna met at si and kyler’s apartment when he brought cas over for the first time. sienna and bo met at that same apartment in just about that same way lol
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
sienna and cassie’s flirting phase was pretty long I feel like, same with bo and sienna. cas and bo was probably like two or three weeks or so, if that. they were a lot more fast paced than any of the other dynamics
who fell for who first ( if applicable )
cas for sienna first, I think cas and bo were mutual and around the same time and I can’t really say for si and bo but I feel like it was also mutual
where their first date was and what it was like
as a group, their first date was dinner at the girls’ apartment. idk if sienna would consider that a date but i think azibo and cassandra kinda did?? cassie and sienna’s first date was probably like a netflix and chill night when kyler was out, just very chill overall. I don’t think cassie and azibo have been on an official date yet but you could probably count dinner and cuddling in the tent. and sienna and azibo’s first date, I really can’t say
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
cas asks both of them out I think, seems like her energy.
who proposes first
I dont think they’ll do proposals bc it seems a little complicated for a trio
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
the girls are public as a duo, the trio is secret
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? )
n/a for the babes
if they adopt any pets together
I think maybe a fish or a turtle or other tiny animal? cassie could not handle a big messy animal, she’d be stress cleaning all day
who’s more dominant
cassandra 100% but they all have their moments
where their first kiss was and what it was like
cas and sienna’s was probably in the apartment, cas and azibo’s was probably under the stars on the island and I can’t say for sienna and azibo
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? )
ohhh totally mugs and sweaters, maybe blankets too
how into pda they are
for privacy reason, not too much but they are touchy people so they slip sometimes
who holds the umbrella when it rains
sienna bc she’s the tallest
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
the apartment I feel like, for privacy reasons mostly
who’s more protective
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’)
its gonna be awhile before the three of them fall asleep together and have sex, I think falling asleep happens first though and somewhat accidentally 
if they argue about anything
I do think they have little spats and stuff but they don’t necessarily argue all that much
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. )
cassandra methinks
who steals whose clothes and how often
also cassandra and you cou.d tell bc everything fits her big
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? )
spooning all in the same direction
what their favourite nonsexual activity is
cooking/baking! they’re all big foodies
how long they stay mad at each other
cassie can stay made for yearssss and I think that’s the strongest temper oof the bunch, I think azibo and sienna have more wiggle room and forgiveness
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
cassie: chamomile tea with almond milk and vanilla
sienna seems like both a tea and coffee girl, very versatile that one
azibo likes hazelnut with his coffee but I feel like he’s also just bougie about his type of coffee
if they ever have any children together
they will have nuggie! their little baby boy
if they have any special pet names for each other
they have little language specific nicknames which I think is adorable, like bebe and habibti 
if they ever split up and / or get back together
nah, once they’re solid, they’re in it for good
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
the girls would die if it was ever messy omg 
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like
idk if azibo celebrates christmas but I do think the girls love their decor so at the very least it’ll be a winter wonderland in the apartment and they can just cuddle up and eat their favorite foods and watch their favorite movies
what their names are in each other’s phones
cas has si as “baby” with a red heart and azibo as “  island hottie” with the heart eyes bc that’s how she originally saved it and never got to change it lol
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? )
oooo I like the baking one, also I feel like every time they find a new recipe, the other two are obligated to try it and compliment it all
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
bo is up first, sienna is asleep first methinks
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
it goes outer spoon: azibo, middle spoon: cassandra, little spoon: sienna
who hogs the bathroom
cassandra with all her getting dolled up
who kills the spiders / takes them outside
before bo, it was cassandra but she gladly hands that duty over to him
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space-------kid · 4 years
Anime/Manga: Kimetsu no Yaiba Pairing: Genya/fem!Reader Additional characters: mentions of Sanemi and the rest of the Shinazugawa family Warning: Is Genya being adorably shy and flustered considered as one? Additional tag: Modern day AU, adult!Genya and Reader (you’re both 20-something *wink* *wonk*) A/N: I should be working on my Garou/fem!Reader story + acad stuff but this one just won’t leave me be (and it’s been stuck in my head for days aaaaAAAAAHHHH)! It’s another dream-based fic - and it was really cute (to me, anyway *chuckles* *shrugs*)! Pls enjoy--
She was always singing that one song from a particular band whenever he passes by. Maybe it was just coincidence; Genya really didn’t know. But two things were for certain: He would never stop tossing any spare change he had in his pocket on her guitar case, nor would he cease passing by this street she chose to play at.
Man, if only he was brave enough to ask for your name (and hopefully your number).
You beat Genya to his goals, and he was more than shocked. Also exceedingly pleased (and flustered).
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“but i'm in so deep    you know i'm such a fool for you       you've got me wrapped around your finger          do you have to let it linger?             do you have to,                 do you have to,                    do you have to let it linger?”
                                                         linger/the cranberries
       “But I'm in so deep        You know I'm such a fool for you        You've got me wrapped around your finger        Do you have to let it linger?        Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?”
     Of course you were singing it again.
     Every single afternoon he would pass by Wisteria Avenue, Genya would find you standing in your little corner in front of a fountain, guitar in hand and its case on the pavement on your feet, a charming smile on your face while you serenade the passing crowd with your sweet, lilting voice. If he would be honest with himself, Genya would say that you were just one of the faces he had to ignore as he pushed his way past people, some street singer who was just trying to make a name for herself and wasn’t worth that much time listening to. But then he had to go and actually took just a little time to hear what made the crowd drop notes and coins in your guitar case, only to get absolutely floored by your talent he once so callously dismissed.
     It was shame for inwardly and thoughtlessly thinking a little low of you that made Genya shove a hand in his pockets and toss whatever amount of money he had in them, but more so out of awe at how lovely your voice were (you were also very good at playing your guitar, but could you blame him for being enthralled with your singing?).
     Guess he was really lucky that the fastest way to reach the apartment complex he lived in with Sanemi was Wisteria Avenue, huh?
     Because finally, after a long day at work and being annoyed by the throng of people he had to share the streets with, Genya found one good reason not to lose his temper whenever he had to reduce the speed of his usually swift pace because of slow walkers or - the most annoying of them all - couples getting all mushy together and walking as if they were traipsing on the surface of the moon.
     Genya wasn’t a fan of girl songs, but he made an exception for that one song you usually played and sang whenever he passed by - it was that song called “Linger” by The Cranberries (he listened to the lyrics and honest to god Googled what you were singing because he had no idea at the time). He wouldn’t go as far as to searching the internet what the song meant, but judging from what he heard he thought that it was about this one girl who fell in love with some jackass who wouldn’t even take her and their relationship seriously.
     What a jerk.
     But the way you sang it was just-
     Damn, he couldn’t even find a proper word to describe it. Was it nice? Was that the influence you had over the lyrics? That you make it sound so playful and innocent at the same time, as if it wasn’t about a hopeless girl and a dipshit who won’t take love seriously?
     Genya’s head hurt with how much he had thought about it, so he simply settled with listening to you sing and show his appreciation by giving you any spare change he could fish out from his pockets.
     Okay, this was increasingly becoming too dodgy to be considered an occurring coincidences.
     It was as if you were actively seeking him out from the hustle and bustle of people passing Wisteria Avenue, but Genya could swear that you would start playing “Linger” once you saw him so you would already be singing the chorus by the time he made it in front of you.
     Every afternoon the scenario would always be the same. And every afternoon he would be left feeling really shy and utterly flustered because you would smile sweetly at him while you sing - most especially on every chorus - and tilt your head to the side like an adorably cute puppy as thanks while he awkwardly searched his pockets for spare change to toss in your guitar case.
        “And I'm in so deep          You know I'm such a fool for you          You've got me wrapped around your finger          Do you have to let it linger?          Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?”
     Oh, dear merciful god above. Why did you have to be so cute, so pretty, and so angelic while you sing? Why did your voice have to be so fucking beautiful it sent pleasant shivers down Genya’s spine whenever you made eye contact with him as your lips formed the words of the song?
     And why did it always have to be THAT song with him?
     You made Genya feel as if he’s the lovestruck, hopeless girl in the song, goddamn it!
     (Not that he saw you as the jerkface in the song, though, Please don’t get him wrong.)
     Face bright red he could almost hear his younger siblings calling him a tomato, Genya hurriedly grabbed some coins and three crumpled notes, pulled them out of his pockets, and nearly hurled them in your guitar case in his hasty attempt to leave before you could finish the song and before he could say anything stupid.
     Oh, god. Why hadn’t he outgrown this stupid nervousness around girls that he had developed when he hit puberty? He was in his twenty-something now, a freaking adult! Why, god, why?
     “Thank you~!”
     Fuck on a fucking stick. Even your normal speaking voice was too darn cute! Impossibly so!
     Genya only managed an awkwardly shy wave before he practically ran through the oncoming mass of pedestrians to cross the street and increase the distance between the two of you.
     Tomorrow. Tomorrow he won’t chicken out and ask your name. Maybe even get your number.
     Maybe Sanemi could give him some tips on how to approach a girl.
     (Genya ditched the plan in getting his older brother’s help. Stupid ‘Nemi for laughing at him when he figured out judging from how red Genya’s face went before he could get a word in.)
     It’s official. Some of your usual listeners have already established that you would only sing “Linger” whenever that tall, muscular, mohawked guy with a scar on his face came within your field of vision.
    An elderly couple would look on knowingly as the young man seemed to shrink gingerly under your appreciative stare, his face red and filled with wonder and nervousness as he watched and listened to your performance. They had been on that awkward stage once, the elderly couple, and could instantly recognize something blooming between two people when they see one.
     A group of teenage girls, although intimidated by the height and facial features of the mohawked guy, couldn’t stop muffling their adoring giggles at how cute he looked as he watched you like a shy puppy. Disappointed ‘aawww’s would slip past their lips whenever mohawk guy hurriedly left the scene, sometimes not bothering to finish your song. The two of you have no idea that they have already began shipping the two of you. Hard.
     The rest of your listeners weren’t surprised at all that you would not play that one song whenever mohawk guy was absent for the day.
     None of them intervened between you and mohawk guy, however. But, man, they just wished that he would soon act on whatever his obvious intentions were. They knew for sure that he was getting - or already had - a crush on you.
     Might as well act on it, right? Before someone else could snag you-
     Alright. This afternoon, he would finally do it.
     Genya couldn’t believe how much he was stressing out with regards to asking your name (and number, fingers crossed). It was just simple, right? All he had to do was to be polite, be nice and most certainly not creepy nor intimidating towards you, and compliment you for your wonderful performances and ask for your name (and number!). What’s so difficult about it?
     Feeling uncharacteristically confident, Genya breezed past the crowd and smiled when he reached Wisteria Avenue. He immediately headed to your spot, only to stop on his tracks when he realized something.
     You weren’t playing his song.
     You were singing a different one.
     Genya’s brows furrowed with worry. Didn’t you see him approaching? Were you taking song requests now?
     He stopped behind the small crowd of your usual listeners, looking rather expectant. He unconsciously pursed and bit his lips when you looked at him and smiled, his face turning beet red faster than he could say ‘fuck’. Genya was unaware of the looks he had been receiving from the people as his attention remained focused at you and his not-song you were singing.
     Why weren’t you singing “Linger”? Did you change your playlist? Were you getting tired of it?
     Genya breathed a sigh of relief, mentally kicking himself for worrying too much and being a paranoid when you finished the song and began strumming the familiar introductory chords to The Cranberries’ song.
     Compliment her when she’s done, ask her name, and don’t forget her number, too, Genya told himself repeatedly as he watched you, trying to maintain his brain functions when you kept on looking and smiling at him while you sang. He couldn’t help but feel as if only the two of you existed in the avenue, the rest of the people reduced to nothing but cardboard cutouts that separated him from you. But he kept his ground, never wanting to disrupt your performance.
      Compliment her when she’s done, ask her name, and don’t forget her number, too.
      Compliment her when she’s done, ask her name, and don’t forget her number, too.
     Compliment her.
     Ask her name.
     Get her number-
     “Excuse me, what’s your name?”
     Genya had to snap himself back to awareness when he heard your question. He looked around, trying to find who made you stop halfway from singing to ask for their name, eyes widening in surprise when he saw the rest of the audience - all of them - were looking at him.
     He looked at you, dazed, and dumbly pointed a finger at himself to make sure if his hunch was right.
     You chuckled sweetly (Oh, mercy, mercy, god above!) at him and nodded your head.
     “Yeah, you, sweetheart. What’s your name?”
     If it was possible, Genya’s heart would be out of his chest right now with how fast and hard it was beating at the moment. You just called him sweetheart for fuck’s sake-
     “G-Genya,” he helplessly blurted out, face torn between despair and joy. He planned to ask you your name, not for you to ask his!
     With a grateful nod of your head, you repeated where you cut yourself off.
        “And I'm in so deep          You know I'm such a fool for you, Genya~          You've got me wrapped around your finger          Do you have to let it linger?          Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?”
     For the love of all that was blessed and holy. Did you just insert his name seamlessly in the lyrics?
     What the fuck kind of a power move was that?!
        “You know I'm such a fool for you          You've got me wrapped around your finger, Genya~          Do you have to let it linger?          Do you have to, do you have to, do you have to let it linger?”
     That’s it. There’s possibly no way he’s not gonna be able to get your name and number now.
     And Genya was so glad that he did. Not only did you let him have your name and number, he even lucked out when he snagged a date with you.
     (Sanemi could only gape in disbelief at how his shy and nervous little brother managed to ask a girl out. Well, shit. Looked like he got to catch up.)
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haikyupid · 4 years
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Order from Lunatrix B,
Hey there! First of all THIS IS SUCH A GOOD IDEA! I can only imagine the time and dedication it took you to think this through and make the orders! (Also I am lowkey so shy doing it off anon like AAAAH) May I please order a Dalgona Matchup Latte? (If it's possible to go with more than one drink then it would be nice to have the Strawberry hearts frappineccino as well!)
So I am an ENFP capricorn and my enneagram is 7w8! My behaviour with other really depends on my mood and on their personalities so other's image of me goes from "wow she is so friendly" to "wtf she is so conceited and manipulative". But most of the time people describe me as crazy, outgoing and bubbly! Since my height is on the shorter side and my cheeks are always red and freckly, I look younger and more innocent than I actually am.
I'm adaptable, super spontaneous and hate overthinking stuff. Also I am shortsighted lol but I don't really like wearing my glasses in public, they make me look so serious and studious when LOL no. I don't really care now but when I was younger I hated the 'honor student' label it gave me. I am a TROLL, super sarcastic and my sense of humor is hard to understand for some people since it's super ironic and kinda dark sometimes.
I have many hobbies and love learning new skills but the most important ones to me are definitely drawing/painting, cooking/baking, piano, reading, acting, swimming, travelling and learning new languages (I am fluent in 5 and learning 2 more). I used to be super passionate about martial arts and reached a black belt but had to stop due to health issues 😭. I'm ambitious, mischievious and cunning. I laugh super easily and smile a lot! I laugh at really inapropriate times, and since I don't cry easily my friends and family call me insensitive oupsii.
I have a super flirty personality but since I do it unknowingly or ironically sometimes, when people take it seriously I freak out and run away. I am hella oblivious to people flirting with me though like even if I notice I go nah there is no way they are serious, so when cute guys confront me about it and say it straight out all my confidence crumbles I BECOME SO SHY and speak in tiny font (and deny it like haha wow you're funny).
 I am really honest about my 'positive feelings', like I compliment people a lot and am the type of person to text others saying that I am happy to have them in my life, that I had a great time hanging out, etc. But I SUCK with my negative feelings?! Like I just ignore them and never voice them out. Friends and family sometimes blame me saying that since I never confide they feel like I put a wall between us and that our relationship is kinda unequal since they tell me everything (I am a really good listener) but I really don't do it on purpose... I kind of feel obligated to be the 'strong' one who does not really feel anything...
I am sorry this is so long, thank you for taking the time to read it! Good luck for all your other orders i'm sute you'll do great!)
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Thanks a lot for sending in your order here at Kyupid's Love Shop. One Dalgona Matchup Latte coming right up!....... where’d the side effec— oh, here it is! I matcha with ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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➞ this relationship thrives on the fact that you’ll both feel like you’re on top of the world when together; but honestly though, boring is not a part of this couple’s vocabulary like whew— (lemme be a part of this, ples, like i’ll third wheel)
➞ don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t mean that you and nishi are immature (it’s actually quite the contrary) it’s just that you both don’t feel that societal pressure that most do, you’re both just so free and that’s not something the majority of the population can afford
➞ so to say that you’re both beyond lucky to have found each other is a huge understatement; this be the type of relationship that iconic romance anime movies are based off on 
➞ nishi will be the first one to make a move for sure, like bby did not even hesitate for a second — i want it, i’m gonna try to get it typa man
➞ it won’t even matter if you push him away or if he has to court you for a year or so, he’ll only stop if you actually say that you’re not interested but i mean WHO in the world would reject him?! 
➞ your looks will definitely remind him of a tropical paradise he’s visited, which is what he feels whenever he’s around you, so best believe this man won’t let his walking paradise go; he’ll probably also call you his lil’ firework
➞ he values the fact that you both can view the world the same, but if there’s a difference in your viewpoints, it doesn’t lead to arguments like most do, but instead having each side doing their best to understand one another — nishi is the type to be very open-minded and always fights for what’s right, i also get that vibe from you
➞ nishi is up for anything; so when he found out about your abundance of hobbies, he will bombard you with questions about them, your advice to get the hang of them, and always asking if he’s doing them right 
“look babe, i tried to draw something for you!”
“aww, yuu, this cow looks so cute.” 
“...it’s a baby bear, but thank you so much, baby, it’s definitely an improvement from the last one. i love you!”
➞ he has a very innocent type of humour... maybe sometimes perverted, but that’s not the point— so if he does find one of your jokes to be too dark, he will ask if you’re okay, but he definitely won’t be like ‘wtf is wrong with this betch?’
➞ you two would always be traveling whenever your schedules allow you two; and you guys would always be learning something new! surfing, atv riding, bungee jumping, hunting, fishing (durh), learning some catch phrases in the place’s native language, cooking their national dishes, and so so much more
➞ with nishi, there’s never a time where you’ll be bored, everything will just be perfect when you’re with him; literally you’ll both be the couple who probably doesn’t even plan their days unless it’s like something so important
➞ ‘there are some flowers you only see when you take detours’ type of life motto/vibes
➞ oh, and you always complimenting him and telling him how much he means to you? mans could die from to much heart palpitations... uwu, just pure uwus
➞ he’s not very romantic all the time, so most of the compliments he’ll be giving you will be like:
“baby, you’re way cuter than this. you’re the most beautiful person i’ve ever laid my eyes on. you’re perfect!”
“...but you’re holding a fish i— y’know what, thank you... now can you throw it back in the water, please?”
➞ loves, and when i say loves i really mean it, when you wear your glasses, but he definitely will be cheeky and say, ‘oh, sorry, i didn’t know this was the library. i was looking for my very beautiful girlfriend... oh, that’s you? well you look a lil’ too gorgeous to be her’ but foreal, pls wear you glasses more often, he literally melts when you do
➞ he’s always telling you that he loves you; and when he’s in another country, expect photos and vids from him that look like those tinder fish-boys (idek if this’ll make sense to you) but he has the most beautiful smile a man could ever have and such a sincere paragraph of how much he misses and loves you to follow along with it, that it doesn’t even matter anymore that he looks like a dad
➞ a relationship that make the people around you, whether they’re strangers or not, go ‘they’re the main characters’ — to them you two were in your own beautiful world, and no one would ever dare to interfere with a love so magical and true
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Kyupid hopes that you enjoyed your Dalgona Matchup Latte! Here’s the view from the top of the world with your out-of-this-world relationship with Nishinoya Yuu: he always does things that end up turning you as red as a tomato, but he doesn’t even intend to, mans is just naturally smooth... so you either malfunction or just straight up push him away; when he wants you to listen to his 3 AM thoughts/honestly just some weird shet he probably does all the time with you; when he tries to make you talk about how you’re feeling when he knows your ‘i’m fine’ reply is a straight up lie; and when he finally comes back from one of his trips around the world, just wanting you to be safe in his arms again.
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Thanks very much for ordering — Kyupid hopes to see your cuteself again at the shop in the future! Have a magic-filled day ⁀➷
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an: henlo, i hope you didn’t mind too much that i bombarded your dm’s with questions 😅 thank you so much for being patient with me!
i didn’t know what to do about the url thing, so this was what i resorted to in a short amount of time, i hope that’s okay with you. i almost lost your submission twice, huhu. also, is the gif working??? tumblr’s being a bitch again, so idk if it’s working and i’m freakin out.
btw, now i can’t stop being jelly over this ship like— this is too cute and i feel like this kind of relationship only exists in movies 😔
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