#and i have been wearing my pajama to go out for 5 days straight
barbwalken · 3 months
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vegasicilia · 5 months
My bad, I forgot I had autism.
So, big f*cking week at work. Very f**king big week. I crushed it. I rose to the opportunity and finished better than anyone thought a project of mine at work. Boss huged me. Parents said they were proud. My LinkedIn was soaring. I was happy. I'm still happy.
I spent a whole week being more social, more hyperactive, more organized and more talkative than ever. I met people after people and made small talk. I f*cking orchestrated, directed and executed an event I had been planning for since May. Working 13 hours a day for 3 days. I FREAKING KILLED IT. All while going to the gym, keeping my diet in check and taking care of myself (bedroom clean, teeth brushed, nails clean, beard shaven).
Side note, for you my readers (is anyone reading this?). There's a thing I haven't told you officially, my dear Tumblr blog, and that is that I have a big fat autistic brain with ADHD sprinkles on top. And since I didn't know about any of this since I was 20, years have passed and my subconscious stil thinks I don't have autism and ADHD and that I can just function as a normal human being.
Back to the main story, an hour after the event was done and everyone was going home, it hit me. Like a train. My regular delusion that I can be a normal person for extended periods of time came to an end faster than I can say "autism". Like a freaking tsunami had reached my shore, I broke down at a friends house and slept for 12h straight. My brain had had enough. Dopamine wasn't flowing. Adrenaline rush was gone. My frontal cortex announced early retirement as I said goodbye to the few people who stayed until the very end.
I was down on my friends's sofa for about half a day. I thought that would be it, that I would get home and go to work the next day and everything would be fine. But it was not. I've spent the last few days as a zombie, walking around the office as if anything around me had anything to do with me. I came home at the end of my 9 to 5 to have dinner at 7 and be in bed by 8-9 every day. I stopped going to the gym, I couldn't care less about my diet and my skincare has stopped. And I can't do anything about it. I just don't care. I can't make myself care.
I have to stand aside as my brain repeats the cycle again: work hard & play hard until you can't take it anymore. And it's not something I can't really control. My roomates don't understand why I'm home so much and I'm not out and about all day like always. My friends reach out to hang but I just wanna wear my new pajamas and watch the new Doctor Who special (it was awesome btw, love you David Tennant)
I need recharging, but it feels like the world is made only for Duracell AA batteries I'm a potato in salt water trying to power a Tesla in the highway.
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fangirlfrom-hell · 6 months
October 1st and Traditions Gone Wrong || Jay and Will Halstead x Halstead Sister
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠
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Becca wants to follow the Halstead's tradition, but looks like everything is againt it.
Jay abruptly opned his eyes when a hand moved his shoulder with a shout of "HEY!".
"What the--"
"DON'T YOU REMEMBER WHAT DAY IS TODAY?" Becca was on top of his bed, jumping with excitement.
"Um, it's 5:00am on Sunday, that's all I know", her brother answered turning to his side, trying to go back to sleep.
"IT'S OCTOBER 1ST, SILLY! THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR HAS BEGUN!" She was smiling from ear to ear, extreme happiness could be heard in her voice.
Jay, feeling a bit defeated, reluctantly opened his eyes and gazed at his sister, who was dressed in a pajama adorned with little ghost designs. Despite his initial exhaustion, he couldn't help but break into a warm smile as he turned his eyes to her, feeling a surge of affection and happiness.
"Well, you certainly know how to wake someone up with a bang!" He rubbed his face with his hands. "What's the plan for today, Becca?"
The girl changed her tone to a more serious one. "You're joking, right? It's tradition: we watch 'The Night Before Christmas' while having a Halloween-themed breakfast, silly..."
Then, she switched back to her excited tone: "I ordered these Jack O' Lantern molds to make pancakes..."
"What? How did you order that? With what money?"
"I used your card, but that's not the point! I'll call Will, in case he forgot. He should be the one cooking today." And she hurriedly left the room.
"Sure, he'll be delighted to be woken up," Jay muttered to himself and chuckled.
After a tiring night call, Jay struggled to break free from his bed. He knew Becca wouldn't allow him to go back to sleep. Besides, she was brimming with energy; this date was significant to her, and he didn't want to disappoint her. They had followed this tradition since they were kids, but it had halted when Jay went to war and Will pursued his studies. Jay had resumed it when their mother passed away, primarily for Becca's sake. Will had rekindled his involvement in the tradition only a couple of years ago when he came back to Chicago.
Jay stepped out into the hallway, wearing his own ghost-themed shirt to match his little sister's. He made his way straight to the kitchen to brew some coffee. As he prepared the coffee, a smile crept onto his face when he spotted the box of Jack O'Lantern molds she had bought, fully aware of how much she had been anticipating this moment.
The room remained dimly lit, with most of the lights turned off, but Jay could discern Becca's silhouette on the sofa. She appeared deeply engrossed in a phone call, and Jay couldn't help but sense a tinge of concern. Was she crying? He continued to watch her intently while tending to his coffee, quietly trying to gauge her emotions from a distance.
"..sure, I understand. Yeah, no problem, I already told you I get it. See you later". she said into the phone before hanging up.
A few seconds of tense silence filled the air. Jay waited for her to say something, but she didn't budge from her spot.
"Is everything alright?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.
"Yes," she replied tersely.
"Is Will going to make it?" Jay inquired, though he already knew the answer.
Becca struggled to conceal her emotions, her voice quivering as she responded, "No."
Jay let out a deep sigh and sat down next to her. She was gazing into the abyss with her arms crossed.
"He just got back home from his shift; that's what he said," Becca explained, immitating her brother's voice. "He said he would be here later. I know. He's working, he's tired...but he forgot about it! And now everythingi s ruined! Just for the record, I'm not mad at him, I'm just...sad, I guess."
"Hey! Nothing is ruined, I'm still here!" Jay reassured her.
"But the tradition is with the three of us! We can't do it with minus one!"
"Well, sometimes traditions change, and that's all right, Becc. We used to do this without him, remember? Then he came back, and it evolved to what we have now..." Jay reassured her, understanding the sentimental value of their tradition, but also the way it had adapted over time.
"I guess you are right."
"What I'm trying to say it that if he said he'll come later, and his precense it's so important for you, maybe we can adapt to it. We'll watch 'The Night Before Christmas' in the evening, no big deal. Meanwhile, you and I can select another movie and savor those Jack O'Lantern pancakes. What do you say?"
"Yeah, I like that!" Becca replied with a hopeful smile.
The two Halstead siblings got to work. Together, they cooked the Jack O'Lantern pancakes and prepared hot chocolate for the special occasion. They shared hearty laughter, engaging in playful banter, and soon, Becca's spirits began to lift. Occasionally, Jay would stifle a yawn, and it was impossible for Becca not to notice the dark circles under his eyes; he appeared incredibly tired.
"Thank you for doing this with me," the girl said as they settled back on the sofa. "I know you're exhausted too."
"No problem," he replied sincerely. "There's nothing I'd rather do than celebrate October 1st with you," he winked. "Now, what are we watching?" Jay added, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten.
"Ghostbusters?" Becca suggested with a grin.
Will arrived at Jay's place around 5:00 pm, carrying two big bags filled with Halloween-themed treats and snacks. "This is my way to say I'm sorry," he explained.
"Apology accepted," Becca said, taking the bags.
Everyhting was going well, the Halstead siblings were now together, preparing everything to finally watch the movie. The initial credits appeared: "The Night Before Christmas" and Becca, Jay, and Will started to sing along: Boys and girls of every age. Wouldn't you like to see something strange? Come with us and you will see. This, our town of Halloween...
"Oh, geez! I'm so happy we made it!" The girl said and hugged her bothers.
But like a bad omen, Jay's phone began to ring. Becca turned to him, but he initially decided to ignore the call. It was probably nothing, as it was his day off, and he had explicitly asked not to be bothered, considering the Halstead's celebration. However, the phone rang again, three times in a row, and he couldn't ignore it any longer.
"Halstead", he sighed as he answered the call.
"Oh, God. I should have kept my mouth shout", Becca reproached herself as she paused the movie.
"I'll be there in 15", the detective brother finished the call with an agry tone.
"It's your day off!" Becca stood up, "This is not fair!"
"I know, I know, Beccs. I'm really sorry, but I gotta go to this crime scene".
"Ugh, this day is cursed. It's a stupid tradition, anyway. Who cares?" She stormed off to her room and slammed the door shut.
Becca's heart sank, but not as much as Jay's. He called out, "I'll try my best to be back soon, Becca! I promise!" as he hurried away, his voice filled with regret and determination.
"I'll take care of this, don't worry," Will reassured his brother with a comforting pat on the shoulder before Jay left the place.
Becca's door was opened and when Will peeked his head in, she was sitting at the edge of the bed, weeping the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.
"Hey, munchkin", he slowly approached to her "You know this is not Jay's foult..."
"I know," she turned to face him, her expression troubled. Her voice quivered with a hint of sadness. "But it doesn't make me feel better. I... I always wait for this day because it brings us together. We used to do this with Mom and Dad, and... I don't know." Tears welled up in her eyes as she continued, her voice choked with emotion. "Things started going wrong since this morning. I should have listened to the signs. You two are adults now, with your own lives and jobs, so, of course, you wouldn't have time for these things."
Her words carried a deep sense of disappointment and longing, and her eyes glistened with the memories of cherished family moments that seemed to slip further away with each passing year.
"It's not nonsense," Will assured her, his tone gentle. "You're right. We're not kids anymore, and we have other things to attend to, but nothing, not even work, will ever be more important than you, Becca. You are our priority, and if this tradition is important to you, it's important to us too." He sighed and reached out to hug her by the shoulder. "I apologize for forgetting it; I wanted to make amends by coming in the afternoon. I didn't think it would cause so many problems."
"No, it's not your fault. It is what it is, that's all."
"You waited for me the whole day," Will observed. "May I ask why it's so important that the three of us watch it together?" He inquired, genuinely curious about the significance of their tradition for her.
Becca frowned for a moment, lost in thought, and then she smiled warmly. "It was Mom's favorite spooky movie," she explained. "Somehow, it feels like she's still around when it's the three of us." Her eyes held a mixture of nostalgia and comfort as she shared her toughts.
Will and Becca spent the evening playing board games until they decided to watch another film while waiting for Jay.
"You haven't seen 'Gremlins'?" Will asked incredulously. "How come? Geez, that's it! That's what we're watching now!"
Hours passed by, and Becca's eyes were beginning to close. After all, she had woken up very early to start the day. She realized Jay was not coming back on time, but she still wanted to wait until the very end.
"You should rest," her brother encouraged her.
"It's 10:00 pm. If he gets home, we can still honor the tradition."
"Tell you what: close your eyes and sleep; you look tired. If Jay comes back, I'll wake you up."
"Hmm, will you really wake me up?" She asked, sounding suspicious.
"It's a promise!" he assured her.
As soon as she place her head on her brother's shoulder, she fall asleep.
"We shouldn't," murmurs echoed in the distance, almost as if they were part of her dream. "I promised her," another voice chimed in. "Give it a try," someone suggested. "If she doesn't wake up at first, we let her rest."
"Hey, Becc!" Will's voice was now clear and bright. Becca opened her eyes to see her red-haired brother's face in front of her. "Jay's back."
She turned her head and spotted him standing right next to the couch. Her smile was bright, and suddenly, a rush of energy filled her tiny body as she stood up quickly.
"Um, 11:30."
Becca couldn't contain her happiness. It was true; the tradition hadn't gone as usual, but at this very moment, surrounded by her brothers, she felt a warmth that overshadowed any disappointment.
It was true what Jay had said: traditions change with time, and that's perfectly okay. In this case, they had even added two more movies to the celebration. Her brothers had made the effort to be with her on this important day, and she couldn't have been more grateful for their presence. She hugged both of them tightly, cherishing this moment of togetherness and the bonds that meant the world to her.
"I'm glad you both made it".
By the time the movie finished, the clock struck 1:00 am. Becca couldn't stifle a tired yawn, feeling the exhaustion wash over her. She turned to her brothers and was surprised to see both of them fast asleep, their peaceful expressions illuminated by the soft glow of the TV.
A warm, fond smile crept across Becca's face. She stretched her tired limbs, feeling a sense of contentment in this moment. With a gentle sigh, she snuggled up between the two Halstead brothers, her heart filled with love for her family. It had been an unconventional but truly special day, and now, as she closed her eyes, she was ready to join them in a well-deserved slumber, cherishing the bonds that meant the world to her.
Thanks for reading. If you liked it, it would help my soul if you give it a like, comment or share 😌♡
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singular-braincells · 2 years
genshin characters (diluc, thoma, albedo) + gender neutral convenience shop owner reader 
or my funnier alternative title: when i agreed to temporarily take over my grandparents’ shop i did not agree to meet hot men
tw: some swearing and not proof read
uh six month hiatus? nah i wouldn’t know her even if i tried.
anyways, if anyone wants a continuation of this or has a brain rot of this too do shoot it in my ask. i’d love to brain rot together <333 have a good day y’all. if anything in this is weird or doesn’t make sense sorry brain juice isn’t flowing
your grandparents have been running their small cosy convenience shop for as long as you and your parents know
you’ve decided that for a year you would run the shop while they went out on a well needed vacation (to visit your parents, go sight seeing, etc.)
they’ve left instructions in a big 4 inch binder for handling shipment, closing shop, opening shop, dealing with problematic customers, stocking shelves, taking inventory, etc.
anyways, the locals who always see your grandparents are very surprised to find a new face running the store. they’re understanding when it takes you a just a tad bit longer to bag their belongings or giving back their change
after that week, there is a buzz around the neighborhood (or shop plaza if you will) about a new face running the small family grocery mart run by your grandparents. now people are going to the shop at least once to sneak a peak at you, after all it’s not very often that they see new faces
you first met when he saw you struggling to lift two large boxes of snacks and juice at six in the morning
it didn’t help that you happened to be in bed by one am and actually went to sleep at two am
you just received a several notifications at 5 am of your delivery of chips, granola bars, and orange juice. how wonderful
cue you having to wake up even earlier than normal to move a bunch of heavy boxes in the middle of the dark
a tall figure approaches you. they come closer. you recognize the uniform as the ones the coffee bar, next to the shop, that the employees wear. ��do you need help?” the person asks. you look at the other nine large boxes and then glance at the granola bars you just dropped earlier. “if you wouldn’t mind. help would be greatly appreciated.”
you were able to move half of the boxes before you arms start to burn from all that lifting. you weren’t sure how your grandparents were able to carry all these heavy boxes when they were running the store
carrying the 8th box of granola bars, you hasn’t noticed the box started to slip from your hands and they make a very loud “thud” on the ground. you let out a stream of curse words before trying to pick the box back up
you hope only a couple of the bars would be broken and not the entire box of granola. you hear someone calling out to you, but with the wind being as harsh and loud you couldn’t really hear them
the guy gets close to you and effortlessly carries the box that you had dropped. “be careful. wouldn’t want you getting hurt.” he carries the box of granola away and leaves you low key flustered
you notice that the man looks really buff. like not to be creepy (you definitely weren’t staring 👀 but like you kinda were), but he made moving 4 boxes of orange juice look like it was nothing. absolutely weightless??
wait... now that you’re looking at him, he looks super hot??? his bright red hair tied into an effortless high pony tail?? the way his dress shirt is rolled up that show his forearms?? you can see some of his biceps when he lifts another big ass box of juice?? dude, this man looks like a male lead straight out of a Korean romance drama?? you on the other hand had rolled out in your crusty pajamas with bright pink slides that your grandma gifted you
talk about unfortunate. anyways, you tried to assist with carrying the smaller boxes to the inside of your shop. you two work on moving the boxes with only the buzzing of the bright white fluorescent lights coming from inside the store
you thank him vigorously for the help. you try to straighten out any bed head hair strands, but not gonna lie you look like ass at this point
“you work next door right? are you sure the owner won’t get mad at you for being late for your shift or something? i would hate for you to get in trouble for helping me out.”
“no? what makes you say that?”
“well if they fire you for being late, you’re more than welcome work here. I’m sure your boss is ass anyways.”
“i’m the owner?”
you ended up giving him a cold bottle of grape juice and a milk bread bun as a “sorry I mistook you as an employee and not the owner” and for being delicious eye candy at six am helping you out so early in the morning
every now and then he occasionally stops by the store with a warm cup of tea for you whenever he’s there to pick up dairy products for his coffee bar. in return, you give him a bottle of grape juice (at first he tried to pay for it but now he’s learned to just take it)
you and diluc are pretty good friends? well you can’t really tell... he’s not very good at sharing things about himself but that’s okay! you can understand and respect it
in general, i think the two of you enjoy each other’s company? i would hope so because you don’t really see him hang around anyone else...
he's a regular to your grandparents shop. in fact, your grandparents like him so much that they said specifically in their guide to give him a discount. always
he was there on your first day running the shop. you weren’t quite used to waking up at 6am and opening the store at 7am so naturally, you overslept 
you wake up at 7:05 am and you’re shitting bricks. you hastily change out of your pajamas and into normal clothes. you go to the bathroom and quickly brush your teeth while washing your face. by 7:15, you’re out the door with your work apron and with the keys to the store. 
you arrive at the store five minutes later and see a tall man with blond hair tied into a low pony tail. he has a red jacket on and he turns to see you. 
you greet him as nice as possible considering you just woke up and you were sure that the grogginess in your voice didn’t help. he waves back at you with a bright smile on his face 
“good morning! i’m not sure where the owners are, but i’m sure they’ll be here soon. they’re a lovely old couple so i’m sure there’s a reason to why they’re late.” you cough as you fish out the keys from your apron pocket
“ah, they are my grandparents.” you move towards the locked door and unlock it with ease. “i’m their grandchild, (y/n). i offered to run the shop while they take a long and overdue vacation.” you explain as you open the door for the tall man
you flick the lights on and allow the blond to gather whatever things he needed
while waiting at the cash register, you notice how handsome the guy looks while opening the fridges to access the whole milk. the white fluorescent lights highlight how soft his features are, the way his green eyes are focused when they’re glued to the different price labels, how he has a confident stride with the way he’s walking towards you
wait he’s walking towards you
oh shit and he has definitely noticed the way your eyes were glued to him
quick look at something else! it can literally be anything else... cat food?
you cough into your sleeve. “you find everything okay, sir?” he places his basket of goods onto the counter and nods. “oh, i didn’t even realize i hadn’t introduced myself.” he extends his hand out to yours. “my name is thoma, nice to meet you.” you extend your hands as well and take his hand. thoma has a very firm handshake and not to mention how incredibly warm his hands are 
“again, i’d like to apologize for being late this morning. my grandparents would kill me knowing that i made their favorite customer wait outside. that and being tardy on my first day.” you quickly scan the goods trying to get him out of the store as soon as possible so you could go into the janitors closet to cry
“oh no it’s quite alright! i think you’re doing a fantastic job for your first day. don’t worry i won’t tell a soul.” he registers what you said for a moment. “wait, i’m their favorite customer?” you laugh at the blond
“yes you are. they describe you as the perfect grandchild.” they’ve also said that you and him should go out on a date but do you really need that kind of complication in your life? absolutely not
“anyways, this is yours.” you hastily hand thoma his receipt. “have a good day! do come again.” you wave goodbye as thoma leaves the store. he waves back as the bells on top of the door jingle to signal his leave
thoma is a frequent customer of the shop and so far you can see why your grandparents want to set you up with him
he is single handedly saving the cat food industry with the amount he buys every time he visits
you ask him once if he has lots of cats with all the cat food he’s buying. “i don’t have any pets unfortunately, but i do use all the cat food to feed all the stray cats i see just outside of town.”
so he’s nice, polite, hot, and he’s caring towards animals??? how is he still single???
you and thoma are pretty good friends. small talk with him is not like the small talk you have with customers just to be polite. he shares things about him and in return you feel comfortable enough sharing some things from your old town with him
 overall, a 10/10 friend. you enjoy his company and vice versa. now, if only if you had the time to hang out with him outside the store :/
albedo works at the flower shop right across from your grandparents shop and every now and then you see him with a sketch book out
he looks ethereal. heavenly. delicately created from the gods themselves with the perfect hot to cute ratio
you always see him with a sketchbook out and he’s always sketching flowers or the different types of birds that perch on the flowers right above the entrance to the shop
honestly, you could watch albedo for hours. the way he cuts the thorns off of roses and places them with the bunches of brightly colored lavenders and how he arranges each basket and bouquet very thoughtfully 
your grandfather on more than one occasion he’s bought flowers from albedo for your grandmother for her birthday or on their anniversary
your grandmother always sends pictures of said flowers in the family group chat and they look lovely every single time
when the first holiday comes around you see the shop swamped with people and you feel kinda bad for albedo
so when the crowds of people died down at the flower shop, you grabbed a bottle of water and a bag of fruit snacks and headed out of your store. surely it couldn’t hurt to leave it for 5 minutes to give him water and a small snack... right?
you quickly rush over to the store while trying to keep an eye on the store. albedo is working at the counter and greets you as you walk in.
“good afternoon. I’ve never seen you around town before. are you new here?” You explain that you are temporarily running the convenience store across from his shop.
“it looked like hell from where i was. that rush of people looked really stressful not gonna lie.” you hand him the fruit snack and water bottle in your hands. “anyways, my name is (y/n) and if you ever need a break you’re more than welcome to crash at my store.”
“um, good luck with the rest of the holiday. see you ‘round” you wave good bye to him. you see some elementary kids enter the store and you make your way back to the shop.
later that evening you find a pot of the brightest yellow lilies right on the porch of the shop with a note attached to the terra-cotta pot
i think that you and albedo are friends but the amount of times that you stare at him makes you feel like a stalker than a friend. YOU FEEL REALLY BAD ABOUT IT but how could the gods make someone so pretty and how could you not just stare at them for hours on end ;-;
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longeyelashedtragedy · 3 months
oooh modric?
(i'm already both struggling with the concept of finding just one favorite photo of him, but at the same time i have a very classic go-to hahaha)
favorite thing about them: uh literally everything? if i was raising or helping to raise a boy, i would use luka as a positive role model for non-toxic masculinity. i just adore him in every way. he's not perfect, but he seems like such a good person who operates with intelligence and humility--at the same time he's tough and no pushover! i love his floofy hair and elf face combined with his Manly Voice and best abs in football (and 3rd nipple vibes hahaha...he has a birthmark on his Tits.). plus, his wife Vanja is the queen of wags and in the family photos they seem to be raising their kids to be normal kids--they're not always posed in instagram ready outfits and express their own senses of style instead of wearing cutesy matching outfits (looking at you rakitic family your kids are TOO OLD for that). his football is so sexy and exciting to watch. i will watch his rm highlights and it's just so!!! imagine a lukita & lamps midfield linkup!
also the #old #man #way he #UsesHashtags #😎
also also i like that he is older than i am...i feel like footballers are all 5 years old these days lol
least favorite thing about them: he plays for one of my least favorite teams :( so i never watch him play, lol. but at least rm (as far as i know) treats him decently as an Ancient Player
favorite line: omg...maybe when he cursed out a slovenian ref, "jebem ti mater slovensku u pičku" (def spelled that wrong) ORRR uh the classic when he wrote "I am fucked" in the comments of his ancient insta post
brotp: like...everyone he meets? luka and kova, luka and carli (tho luka ćorluka is def a valid OTP), luka and MARCELO...idk he just seems to bring joy and sunshine to everyone he meets. no wonder his mom called him "my sun" at one of his awards ceremonies.
notp: with messi
otp: i mean....i mean...
R A K I D R I Ć. my first otp of two footballers. it's everything. after all these years i think it still might be my favorite football ship. it gives lamperry in a sense (though lamperry also gives šejan...Interesting) the way Luka makes ivan feel so good and bright and happy and like he belongs (until it all went to shit.). i wish they could have been together somehow, even though vanja is the rare wag i 100% love lol.
(runnerup: modramos)
random headcanon: uhh...lukita is one of those guys who i think is pretty straight, but has some exceptions.
unpopular opinion: STOP CALLING HIM A FUCKING LESBIAN/DYKE i will literally. what the fuck. it ain't cute and saying a man isn't a man bc he has qualities you like? or somehow associate with femininity? is...don't contribute to the problem guys. thank god i haven't seen much of this recently but like...gurguhg it gets my blood Boiling
song i associate with them: ok this is weird...but the only song that makes me think of lukita is "sin pijama" by becky g/natti natasha, and this is only because dejan had an insta video where he's driving to see luka and singing that song into the camera...apparently he wants to see luka in his bedroom without pajamas? modren agenda
favorite picture of them: actually. i'm going into my Archives and posting two random ones
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feat. ms VANJA BOSNIĆ herself
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moralesispunk · 2 years
A Bad Day (Marcus Pike x Wife! Reader)
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Summary: Marcus has a bad day at work and there is only one thing on his mind
Warnings: established relationship, smut, oral (f receiving), kissing, mentions of alcohol and food, one ass slap, Marcus lifts reader - as usual if I miss anything then please let me know and, as with the rest of my blog, this is 18+ so minors dni
Today was a Friday and that was at least half of the reason that you were having a good day. 
The other half was a mix of waking up in your husband’s arms, his warmth surrounding you as he leaned across to silence your alarm for five more minutes of peace before you started your day; sharing a drive into work with Marcus where you brought up the crossword on your phone and managed to finish it together all in the midst of DC traffic on the journey to work; finishing up the case you had been working on at 4:45 and being able to leave at 5 on the dot - placing a note for Marcus on his desk saying you were getting a lift from a colleague so could go home and get a start on dinner. 
It was because all of this that you had a slight skip in your step as you walked into your apartment, your heels slipped off by the door and a trail of clothes and bags left between the hall and the bathroom that you would pick up before Marcus arrived home. 
You couldn't help but sing in the shower, even though no music was playing, and when you walked back out into the bedroom you ignored your drawer of pajamas, mostly filled with Marcus's old college t-shirts, and headed straight to his side of the wardrobe. You had already decided to make his favorite dinner to try and get him in on your good mood, and so what was a nice little outfit to go with it. 
Marcus had made it terribly clear, though not through words at first, that he really liked seeing you in his clothes. After your first night staying at his apartment, when you woke up to the smell of breakfast, you had slipped on his white shirt and made your way to meet him in his kitchen. The way his eyes had gone wide and how he had backed you up against the wall, his excitement clear in the way his cock was already half-hard and pressing against your hip, told you enough. 
You picked out a light blue one, all but skipping over to your underwear drawer to find a matching white lace set to wear underneath, and finally made your way to start dinner. 
You checked the time as you pulled out all the ingredients - 6pm - and you guessed that Marcus would be finding your note on his desk about now, packing up his briefcase and making his way to the car just late enough to miss the evening rush. 
The next forty minutes passed with you dancing barefoot around the kitchen, the songs from the radio filling the room and soon the smell of the creamy chicken pasta with it. You didn't break out your trance until you heard the front door open, waiting until you had swallowed your sip of wine and placed the glass back on the counter before you called out for him.  
“Honey, how was your day?”
You didn't even turn to face the door, shouting loud enough for your voice to carry through the halls as you guessed he would take his usual time to get un-ready by the door; his suit jacket patiently folded and over his arm and briefcase left by the door to his office before he made his way to the kitchen. 
Instead of a response being called back, his usual “hello, my dear,” “my love,” or “darling” - whatever he was in the mood for today, you felt his hands firmly grip your waist and your whole body jumped before you turned to face him. 
“I had a bad day,” he stopped you before you could go on. 
He was still in his suit jacket, his shoulders tense and jaw set as his dark eyes bore into yours. Usually by this time on a Friday his whole body was relaxed, an almost giddy smile on his face as he pulled you into his arms and danced around the kitchen, but there was no sign of it today. 
Before you could ask him why, his arms wrapped around you - one settling on the bottom of your back and the other gripping your waist as he pulled you against him - his mouth crashing against yours and swallowing your surprised gasp. 
A needy groan fought its way up his throat and he breathed out of his nose against your cheek, your body only just reacting and reaching to grab his arms as he began to kiss down your jaw and neck, sucking on the point just below your ear that made your knees grow weak. You gasped his name, your hands sliding up his arms that were still covered in his suit jacket, but before you could reach his shoulders he stood back. 
Your mouth chased after his, your eyes still shut but opening when you heard him breathe out a laugh as he stepped back two paces, his eyes running down your body. They settled on your chest a second too long to be accidental and you realized how heavy you were breathing, the shirt having slipped down just enough for him to get a peek at the white lace bra. 
“My meeting didn't go well,” he explained, once again before you could ask. 
You were at a loss for words and he shrugged off his jacket, placing it carefully over the back of a chair all the while his eyes never left yours. His fingers reached up to his top shirt button, undoing it as he tilted his head to the side, and he loosened his tie ever so slightly with it - enough for you to get a glimpse at the skin where there was a mark at the hollow of his neck from the night before and your thighs automatically tensed together. 
“All I could think about was coming home to my pretty wife,” he went on, his arm lifting in front of him and his fingers working to unclasp the button of his shirt by his wrist. He began to roll his sleeves up, revealing inch by inch his beautifully strong forearms, and you felt your fingers dig in even harder to the countertop as you fought for each breath. 
“Do you know what I was thinking about?” He asked, raising an eyebrow and taking one step, and then another, until his nose was brushing against yours as he spoke barely above a whisper. 
You shook your head, unconsciously tipping it towards his and seeking his lips to press against yours. 
“I was thinking,” he whispered even quieter, his lips almost touching yours, “that I know at least one thing I can make go right today.”
You leant forward again and tried to kiss him but he tilted his head away. Again, before you could ask, he began to kiss down your jaw and neck; one of his hands holding your jaw steady so he could nip and suck bruises against your skin while the other began to unbutton the few done on his shirt you were wearing. 
As soon as the shirt was open his hands settled on your waist, his warmth running down to your hips as he kissed down your chest. He stopped when the reached the lace of the bra, his tongue licking across the skin that was spilling out of the material and then suddenly he wrapped his mouth over your nipple, the thin material still a barrier between the feeling of his tongue against your skin but the wet warmth making you arch your back into his touch. 
Just as you began to moan his name he stopped, kissing down the skin of your stomach as his fingers hooked under the band of your underwear and began to drag them down your legs, one final kiss pressed below your navel as he settled on his knees. 
“Will you let me? Do one thing right?”
You nodded again, all words lost in the back of your throat as he smiled up at you, his hair no longer neat from how he had styled it that morning but now messy from having run his fingers through it a hundred times today. His fingers dug into your thighs, lifting one to settle over his shoulder as he kept one palm against your bare skin and the other came up to settle between your legs, using two fingers to spread you open to him. 
You knew what he was thinking, you were already so wet for him that you could practically see the teasing that weighed on the tip of his tongue, and while usually you would shy away you couldn't help but stare into his eyes when he tilted his head up to you. 
“Even when everything goes wrong,” his voice softened, “even when I have the worst day, I always have you?”
You knew there was a question there at the end and so you whispered a yes, watching as his soft smile turned back into a smirk. 
“You…” he shook his head, “you live in my mind, my heart, every second of every day.”
Your hand brushed the curls back from his forehead and as you did he moved forward, a kiss pressed to the crease between your thigh and center before he slowly trailed his tongue up. Your whole body shivered and the counter was digging into your back but he only gripped your thigh tighter. You had the mind to turn off the cooker, his teeth biting the soft skin of your thigh straight after and your hand slapping against the counter to catch yourself. You wouldn't fall - you knew he would never let you - but your hands still gripped the counter to keep yourself upright. 
He licked, kissed and dragged his teeth across everywhere but where you needed him the most and soon the kitchen was filled with sounds of your gasps, your hips rocking and seeking more friction but that was quickly stopped with his palm laying flat on your stomach. 
You sighed, forcing your body to relax and closing your eyes, but then his tongue licked slowly through your folds and his mouth settled around your clit, his tongue flicking back and forth. 
“Marcus!” You gasped, one hand flying to tangle into his curls as he buried himself deeper against you. 
He didn't stop, he didn't slow down or ease up, as he buried his face between your thighs and pushed your body that was already so close to the edge over it devastatingly quickly. 
You were so worked up that you couldn't do anything but open your mouth in a silent scream, your body shaking as your hand came to settle on his shoulder and you began to lean forward away from the counter. He kept you steady, his mouth eventually slowing down as he kissed back and forth between your thighs, finally making his way to stand back in front of you. 
His shoulders were no longer as tense, his jaw not set as tight as a smile began to pull at the corner of his mouth where his lips and chin were still glistening from your slick, but his eyes… they were still as dark. 
His mouth slanted against yours and this kiss wasn't as harsh or desperate as the one earlier but still as needy, his weight pressing against yours and his hands roaming across your body until he stood back, his knees bending slightly as he lifted you over his shoulder. 
The tension that had filled the room was soon gone and replaced by something lighter, his whole body relaxed beneath yours as his shoes clicked against the hard floor.
“Marcus!” You screamed and he laughed, his shoulders shaking as he began to walk you out of the kitchen. 
“Marcus, put me down!” You tried to scold but you could hear the laughter brimming below your words. 
He landed one slap to the tops of your thighs, turning his head enough to kiss the skin there as you lifted your head enough to notice he was carrying you towards the bedroom.
“Oh, you didn't think I was done with you yet, did you?”//
@phoenixhalliwell @asta-lily @hb8301 @princess76179 @sarahjkl82-blog @spideysimpossiblegirl @blackmarketmummy @bison-writes  @queridopascal @sfr99 @rosiefridayrogersunday @tintinn16 @pilothusband @voteforpedro09  @dihra-vesa @frankiecatfish @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage @transias @peoniarose @pjkimrn @fangirl-316 @niki-xie @potted–ivy @phandoz @janebby @athalien @xocalliexo @amneris21 @lavenderluna10 @iamskyereads @spacenerdpascal @mswarriorbabe80 @dumplinshee @jitterbugs927 @gracie7209 @lovesbiggerthanpride @lowlights @notabotiswear @alexxavicry @harriedandharassed @bport76 @fangirl-316​ @hb8301​ @agingerindenial​ @adriiibell​ @darnitdraco​ @nolanell​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @quicksilvermad​ @kirsteng42​ @dins-cyare​ 
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neufer · 2 years
Things that stuck out to me on my who-knows-what-number-it-is reread of TSS (warning: loooong post)
I’ve decided to do my yearly reread of Lockwood and Co. so here are some parts that stuck out to me during The Screaming Staircase!
1. As mentioned in my last post, the second mention/description of George is “Yes, but George has a nasty, gruesome little mind.” (said by Lockwood)
2. The first of many arguments between Lucy and George: “‘Ooh,’ George said. ‘Feisty.’ ‘That’s right. Step over here, and I’ll show you exactly how feisty I am.’ ‘I might just do that.’ ‘I don’t see you moving.’ ‘Well, it’s a deep sofa. It’s taking me a while to get out of it.’”
3. For some reason this reread really made me love me George even more. A good example is this piece of dialogue between Lockwood and Lucy. “George dislikes hypocrites -you know, people who say nice things to your face and criticize you behind your back. He takes pride in being the reverse. Besides, he’s an excellent agent. He had a job at Fittes once. They value courtesy, secrecy, and discretion there. Know how long he lasted?” “I should think about twenty minutes.” “Six months. That’s how good he is.”
4. When Stroud backtracks and tells us Lucy’s backstory, he ends with a conversation between Lucy and Lockwood a few days after Lucy joined the company. The very last sentence, which is said by Lockwood, is, “There’s no ‘hope’ about it. With our combined talents, what can possibly go wrong?” The next chapter picks up with Lucy and Lockwood after jumping out of a window, having burned down the Hopes’s house. The first sentence of this chapter? “It’s amazing how quickly a fire can spread through an average suburban house,” showing precisely what can go wrong for Lockwood and Co. 
5. Lucy’s descriptions are straight up brutal. Example: her first meeting with Inspector Barnes. “His age was uncertain; perhaps he was a lived-in fifty. To me he seemed inexpressibly old, one short step from becoming a Visitor himself. He had a melancholy, drawn expression, as if all light and joy had been surgically removed from his person under local anesthesia, leaving his skin loose and saggy beneath the eyes. These eyes, however, were shrewd and keen.”
6. Another iconic George Moment™: When Annie Ward’s ghost gets free in Lucy’s room and George is just absolutely decked out with spare equipment from his room. “A few moments later, George returned, wearing a gaucho-style shoulder belt bristling with magnesium flares, salt-bombs, and canisters of iron. An empty silver-glass box hung beneath it on a string. He carried a coil of chain, and a long, ornate-handled rapier, and had a flashlight poking nonchalantly from the waistband of his pajamas. His feet were encased in enormous boots.”
7. I forgot how good the scene where Lucy meets Kipps for the first time is. It’s much too long to type out, so I’ll summarize: They’re in the Archives, Kipps makes a cryptic remark about Lockwood’s dead family (he really is just a big asshole in the beginning, isn’t he?), George steps in and roasts Kipps, and Lockwood causes Kipps’s rapier to shoot from his hand and stick in the ceiling. Amazing. 
8. It’s often mentioned in reviews, but Stroud’s ability to balance teenage humor and the horrors of the Lockwood and Co. universe is superb. In this specific instance, Lucy just saw Hugo Blake and is convinced he’ll come after them. Lockwood’s reply: “. . .so what that he’s got strange eyes? George’s are pretty odd too, and we don’t hold it against him.” “Thanks for that, I thought they were my best feature.” “They are -that’s the tragedy of it.”
9. Lucy’s so fucking cool. I could just leave it at that, but I won’t. Her Talent and the level of her sensitivity is just so unique, and she’s completely nonchalant about it. It’s really cool to go back and reread this first book and see how she sort of knows she’s special, but won’t fully realize it until later in the series. Also, when she just pulls the necklace out of her shirt, revealing that it wasn’t in fact stolen by Fairfax’s henchman? Iconic. When she releases the ghost of Annie Ward, allowing justice to finally be served? Again, iconic.
10. Stroud is such an incredible author. Evidence: Lockwood regaining consciousness after they destroyed the well in Combe Carey Hall. “Awareness returned. I saw bafflement first, then gradual recognition. ‘Oh. . . Lucy. Lucy. For a moment I thought you were. . . It doesn’t matter.’” This. This. A full freaking book before we get the Jessica reveal and Stroud does this? It hurt me to read this.
11. I’ve talked about George and Lucy, now it’s time for some Anthony Lockwood appreciation. However, I do need to acknowledge that there’s no pedestal we as a fandom could put him on, that’s high enough to ignore what a dumb, 15(ish) year-old boy his is. I love Lockwood, but, forgetting the chains for the Hopes’s house and then agreeing to Fairfax’s job without consulting Lucy and George? So not cool. But sneaking flares into Combe Carey Hall? I was impressed years ago when I first read it and still am now. Knowing that Fairfax was up to something and convincing Barnes to essentially come to their rescue? Genius. Also, I would like to point out this quote, which is said when they’re trying to get out of the secret room with the well. “What do I think? I think that’s twice now we’ve nearly died. I think that we’re very lucky to be alive. I think that I’ve been far too slow on the uptake and have severely underestimated our enemy. It’s been an unforgivable lapse in a leader, and I’m sorry for it. However”-his voice grew harsh; he spoke between clenched teeth-“all that ends now.” I know that as the series goes on, it’s generally accepted that Lockwood is reckless and throws himself into danger for others because of his weak connection to life. However, this passage made me think that his disregard for his own safety might stem from this instance as well
12. Barnes has two really good quotes at the end, let me share them with you now. First he refers to Lucy and George as “these two idiots who follow you around” when talking to Lockwood. Second, “[Lockwood] switched on his fullest, most radiant smile. Barnes winced. ‘Put those teeth away. It’s too early in the morning and I haven’t had my breakfast.’”
13. And finally, I know there’s minimum Locklyle in this book, it’s too early. But, I’ll be damed if this part didn’t make me smile. It’s right at the end, when Lucy goes down to the basement to get more donuts. “Halfway up, I heard Lockwood roaring with laughter in the kitchen. . . Lockwood laughed again. Really laughed, I mean. He’d thrown his head back. I could tell.” Not even a year into her employment and she can tell when he is laughing so hard he throws his head back. *sobs because we got the perfect slow-burn romance*
Anyway, those are my thoughts. Perhaps I’ll do this for each book? I hope I can, it’s nice to have this documented. 
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jkbunny2001 · 1 year
Play with me: Draco x Reader
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Pairing: Draco x y/n reader
Genre: friends to lovers
Rating: 21+
Summary: You and Draco have been friends for a very long time. Growing up together, you’ve played countless games ranging from wizards chess to shoots and ladders… but lately the phrase “games” has had a whole other meaning to the both of you.
Warnings: mature, unprotected sex, bondage, blindfolding, spanking, daddy kink, breeding kink, possessive Draco (honestly not a surprise), teasing
“Draco, come on! I won far and square!”
After a round of playing video games in Draco’s dorm room, he was convinced you somehow cheated in a game of Mario Cart 8. Last minute of him being in first, you struck him with a blue shelling putting him in last.
“Absolutely not! Stupid blue shell! I never get it and you always do!” He half laughed, not really being seriously mad. It was all fun and games to him, so majority of the time he didn’t mind losing, as long as he got to see you smile. You giggled along with him, happy that you got something he never could, oddly enough.
“It’s not my fault, the game likes me better.” He rolled his eyes and he put his controller down to head to his closet. “I’m changing into pajamas. Are you spending the night again?” He asked taking his shirt off. You quickly looked away, blushing uncontrollably at how confident he was in just stripping off his clothes.
“U-Um.. i don’t know yet… but let’s play one more round! I’m not tired yet!” You pleaded with your eyes still off of Draco and his muscular body. “Y/n, it’s midnight and we have exams tomorrow. You’re not gonna be able to wake up on time.” He walked back over to you, wearing nothing but a pair of dark green sweatpants and a black wife beater. You tried to act cool but you couldn’t help but blush and look away from your crush of 5 years.
Growing up with him, it was very obvious that Draco was growing into his looks. He went from a snarky little punk that no one could put up with, to a very handsome, still snarky punk. “That’s not true! And if I spend the night you could always wake me up.” You got up and walked over to his drawers, taken one of his over sized shirts before heading to the bathroom.
“Yeah right! I’m not doing that again!” He laughed, referring to the time that you almost broke his nose, angry someone was waking you up. You rolled your eyes as you came out with nothing but underwear and his shirt on. This time it was Draco’s turn to look away. He always had a crush on you. The day your family came over for dinner, and saw you for the first time, Draco thought you were an angel sent from heaven. Watching you grow into a young woman, he saw the changes to your body, from your size C chest, to the curves in your body.
You noticed how red his face turned compared to his pale skin. You started to giggle. “Is Draco Malfoy shy!? Playboy Malfoy getting red??” You teased him, knowing how much he hated being called a playboy. He sighed and rolled his eyes at your comment. “Yeah like you weren’t red a few minutes ago, eyeing me up.” He smirked. You gasped at his clap back. “You get way more red than me!”
He laid back and smirked, you can tell that an idea popped into his head. “If you think that’s the case, then let’s play a game. If you can go the whole time without blushing or getting flustered, then you win. But if I win, you have to let me do whatever I want.” You narrowed your eyes at him. You didn’t know what he was gonna do but you definitely wanted to prove him wrong. “Fine,” you gave in sitting next to him. “What do you wanna play?”
This was a huge mistake… within minutes Draco had you laying on your back, his trapping you in his arms with his shirt off. You tried your hardest to keep a straight face but it wasn’t working. “Give up yet princess?” He sneered, bringing his face closer to you. You shake your head, not trusting your voice to sound convincing. He smirked and brought his face down closer, his scent getting stronger. You kept staring him in the eyes… there’s no way he would.. he doesn’t think of you that way… right?
Your noses were now touching, Draco’s bright green eyes staring into your (e/c) ones. You saw his eyes drop down to your lips. You start panicking, was he actually gonna kiss you? You wanted him to but not like this.. “Draco, wait-!” You held him back, putting your hand in his chest. He looked back up at you and smirked. “I win..”
You snap out of your panic and sigh. “Fuucckk!” You throw your head back on the pillow in irritation. Draco sat up and laughed. “Maybe next time princess. Now you gotta do what I want.” You roll your eyes and sit up on your elbows. “Fine, what do you want Malfoy?”
“Let me fuck you..”
You blinked, thinking you heard him wrong. “What..?” Draco’s glare was getting darker by the minute, crawling back over you. “Let me fuck you, y/n.. you have no idea how long I’ve been dreaming for the opportunity to finally make you mine. Watching you walk down the halls in that tiny ass skirt..” his fingers started going up your thigh under the shirt. “You chest barely fitting in that damn shirt.. I’ve been wanting you for a long time… wanting to take you, make you mine and making sure everyone knew that you belong to me…” By now, his face was back in your, his eyes never leaving yours.
Your face was getting redder by the minute. You had no idea Draco felt this way about you. The closer he got to your face, the heavier your breathing was. You stared at his lips for a minute before matching his stare. “What are you saying Draco..?” He looked you dead in the eyes. “I want you to finally be mine. I want to take what is MINE, and that’s you. I see you staring at me as well. Looking at me in the great hall, biting your lips, squeezing your legs together.. especially that night in your room, moaning my name..”
Your eyes widen. You thought you were alone that night. “How did you-“ “I went to see you and before I could knock, I hear every moan, every whimper with my name.” You could feel how hard he was getting next to your thigh, making you wetter than you already were. “Does this mean you had feelings for me this whole time, and you didn’t think to tell me?” You scoffed looking down at his erection in his sweatpants. He smirked and put your hand on his cock, making you gasp at how big he felt. “I figured you’d tell me, but since you didn’t… I decided to have my fun.. so,” he crept his face closer, damn nearing kissing you, “let me make you mine.”
You smiled and gave a small nod, wrapping your arms around his neck. Almost immediately, his lips smashed into yours. Nothing felt more right in your life than this. Your arms wrapped tighter around his neck, kissing harder into his mouth. He licked your lips, begging you to open and, happily, you obliged. He tongue was huge compared to yours, immediately taking over and making you submit to his desires. As he took over, you could feel his hand slide closer to your underwear. You whimpered in his mouth, making him damn near growl at the sound.
He pulled away sitting up. “I have rules..” he got up and collected a couple of his ties that sat on his dresser, “you only cum when I say you can, you answer me when I ask you a question, and you will refer to me as sir, daddy or master..” he grabbed your face bringing it closer to him. “Do you understand?”
You whimpered again, nodding your head. “Use your words.” He snapped, tugging at the back of your hair. You let out a slight moan. “Yes, Daddy..” he smirked at how submissive you became in a matter of a few minutes. “Sit on your knees, and put your hands on your lap.” Immediately you got to your knees. You never seen Draco like this before. It didn’t scare you, in fact, you never felt more exhilarated in your life. You wanted to see more.
As you sat there, Draco came behind you and tied on of his ties around your eyes, blindfolding you from seeing anything. It made your heart race. He made sure it was tight before he got off the bed. He could see how your breathing got heavier, squeezing your thighs at how turned on you were. He started to slide his sweatpants down, grabbing your hand and putting it on his cock. “Stroke it.”
You licked your lips and did as he said. The noises he was making was better than you imagined. Husky, deep, and just for you. You moved your hand back and forth and you thought you’d be a little braver, leaning forward and licked his tip. “Fuck..” he moaned gripping onto your hair. You opened your mouth and gave his tip a good suck before sliding the whole thing in your mouth.
Draco was any but small. He was so long not all of you could fit in your mouth, barely making half of it go full in. He rolled his eyes, dropping his head back in pleasure. “Fuck just like that baby girl..” You beamed in satisfaction, knowing that you were pleasing him exactly how he needs. You felt him pull tighter on your hair, moving your head for you. You tried your hardest to breathe through your nose, feeling the tip starting to reach the back of your throat.
“Sure hope that gag reflex of yours comes in handy.” He pushed even further into your throat, holding your head in place as he fucks your throat. Thankfully you didn’t have much of a gag reflex but even his length was a lot. He finally pulled out, nothing connecting but a long, thick string of saliva hanging off your tongue.
He groaned at the sight of your face looking completely fucked. “Lay on your back. Spread your legs.” He took of your blindfold, letting you blink the light away. You laid on your back, Draco straddled your waist stripping you of your shirt. You gasped at the cold air, making your nipples perk up.
Draco chuckled and grabs the tie again, tying your hands to the bed frame. You whimpered, wanting to feel him. “Don’t start, be a good girl and I’ll reward you.” He spoke so harsh and so cold, but it was comforting at the same time. Draco slowly traced his hands down your body, goosebumps rising al up and down your torso. You whimpered slightly, as Draco flicked your nipples, making them more hard than they were. You take deep breaths, trying not to get overly worked up.
¨Is it too much for you, baby girl? Do you need daddy yet?” He smirked, knowing how much he’s teasing you. You narrow your eyes at him, “You’re trying? I didn’t notice.” You smirked, knowing that you’re antagonizing him. He smacked your tits, making you yelp in pleasurable pain. “Watch yourself. You’re under my control.” He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. You never felt so submissive in your life. It made you feel so horny and wet, that you could feel it run down your thigh. “Draco, please-“ He smacked your ass, harder than he did with your chest. “That’s not my name. Say it right.”
Whimpering, you replied. “Daddy please… I need it..” He smirked knowing exactly how much power he had over you right now. He fully pulled his pants off, and pushed your legs open. But instead of giving you what you asked for, he dips his head down to your pussy, and gives one big lick, making you scream out in pleasure. “Holy fuck!” He licked slowly, but so rough at the same time. It was a lot all at once and so intense at the same time, making your legs shake. “Poor baby, I’m barely doing anything and you’re already shaking for me?” You were too into the pleasure, you couldn’t see his smirk while his face was in your pussy, but you knew. He licked the tip of your clit before sucking on it hard, making you arch your back. “Fuck daddy please! I want it!”
He looks up at you, “what do you want baby? Tell me right.” You whimper even more, hating that he’s not giving you what you want right away. He spanks you again. “Say it, now!” He says, sternly and harshly. “Daddy I want you in me please! I want your big cock in my pussy please.” He smiles and sits upright, rubbing his tip on you. “You ready for this babygirl?” You nod at him, licking your lips while staring at him in the eyes. As he slowly pushes his head in, you both gasp at the pleasure running through your bodies. You knew he was big, but fuck he was big. You could feel him stretch your virgin cunt, making you feel so full that you could feel him in your stomach.
Draco looked down on you, “You okay? Do you need a minute?” You looked back at him, and nodded. Even if it felt good, it was still intense. Your heart throbbed at his subtle affection, making sure you were okay to continue, while he rubbed your sides. Once you got your breath under control, you looked him in the eye and nodded at him, letting him know that it was okay to continue. He took a deep breath and smirked. “I’m gonna fuck you up baby girl.” You giggled and bit your lip, as he slowly started to push in and out of you. “Oh my god…” As he slowly picked up the pace, your eyes rolled to the back of your head. It all felt too good. You involuntarily tugged at the tie, your body was reacting in a way that even your toys couldn’t make you react.
“Fuck you feel so good…” he growled, clearly feeling an over abundance of pleasure from your cunt. “So tight for me baby girl.” He began to go even faster than before, putting your legs on his shoulders. You scream out, now knowing that would make him go even deeper. “Fuck, Draco wa-ahh!” You couldn’t even talk, it was too much pleasure. “Draco was moaning, deep and rough, throwing his head back as well. He leaned forward, bending you even further, pushing him deeper. With him right in your ear, you hear every breath, every moan, every growl coming out of this man’s mouth. He pushes harder and harder, moaning louder, as he kisses the side of your neck.
At this point, you couldn’t control how loud you were moaning. You couldn’t even think, it all felt too good. “That’s it baby, don’t hold back.. show me how good you feel.” God, even his dirty talk was way too much. You were so sensitive that you could feel everything, and you knew you were so close to cumming. And Draco can tell. He went even faster, hitting your g-spot dead on every single time. “Fuck I’m so close..” he groaned. You couldn’t even tell him how close you were, not that you even needed to. After a few more thrusts, you scream out,your body spamming off the bed as you came all over his cock, intense pleasure overcoming your entire body.
“Fuck… fuck!” He kept thrusting, making you so much more sensitive, as he chased his own high. Milking both of your highs, he slows down ever so slowly, making sure you both feel every movement. He slowly pulled himself out, making you moan at the movement, still being complete overly stimulated, your entire body shaking from the pleasure Draco just gave you. He unties your hands from the headboard and covers you both with the green wool covers. He held you close to his chest, rubbing your back as you started to cam down. You looked up at him, meeting each others gaze, closing in slowly for a very passionate kiss. He grabbed your neck, very softly. “You’re mine.. you will always be mine.” You smiled. “And your mine, Draco Malloy.”
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dreamcrow · 2 years
Character Headcanon Ask Meme: Skrael
(from here; thank you for the ask!)
1: sexuality headcanon
i think i have always fairly comfortably thought of him as "bi?" 🤔 or at least: "interested in his own + other genders," a definition i have seen used often by bi bloggers.
2: otp
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baby's absolute first artisanal rarepair, hand crafted, with love :') i have to (mostly) feed myself for the first time in my adult fandom life and i'm suffering. i absolutely genuinely love it here
(THIS GOT LONG; tossing the rest under a cut!)
3: brotp
not 2 continue 2 b like "THE ORDER ARE A SET, DO NOT SEPARATE" but... listen... bellroc is in the order to balance out the sheer chaotic potential of an unmitigated skrael + nari teamup. also:
skrael 🤝 nari NECROMANCY PALS!!!
4: notp
skrerlin lmao. no yuck if that's anyone's yum here but uh... even in jest: A Polite But Firm No Thanks
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
ohhh i can't find the post that inspired this thought, but basically—for the past few days i've been kicking around this idea about the intersection of "a growl might be frightening, but at least it's a warning. a beast that doesn't growl will straight up kill you" + "what on earth kind of person wears pajamas to the fuckoff giant wizard fight?" (the kind of person who knows he's going to win.)
6: favorite line from this character
(i absolutely cosign your thought that he was practicing in the car the entire ride over)
7: one way in which i relate to this character
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8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
the sheer energies of that pristine all-covering goth poncho + miniskirt ensemble. "do not the hell perceive me but please god think i'm cool." respect, solidarity, absolute "oh god, who found these myspace photos of me,"
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
baby boy. baby. evil. (problematic fave. i never disliked him, but neither did i ever expect to become so fond of him as i am now.)
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the--morning--room · 1 year
RESURGAM (Arthur Harrow x F!Reader) Chapter 8: Your station is in my heart
"'I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh—it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal—as we are!" -Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15
As you may be aware, reader, in the tradition of human storytelling, warnings often come in threes. And too often, these warnings fall on deaf ears until it is too late. Consider, for example, the tragic case of one of my own former avatars. He was one of my best avatars—I daresay my favorite avatar of them all—until the fateful day of his defeat. The warnings he received could not have been clearer, in my opinion: First, an uncharacteristically spooked horse weeping tears of blood, then a cup of wine similarly turned to blood, and finally, the sight of a woman washing his own armor of its blood and saying to herself "I am washing the armor of Cúchulainn, who is to die today." Cúchulainn ignored all three warnings, and went on to meet death later that day. I grieve for him still, reader.
The Thorn, as you know, had so far received two warnings against involving herself emotionally with Arthur Harrow: One from Bobbi Kennedy, and the other from Steven Grant. The third was given to her on the morning after Wendy Spector's shiva. The Thorn woke up in her childhood bedroom to the sight of her mother sitting on the carpeted floor, surrounded by the scattered entrails of the Thorn's suitcase.
"I know you only came homoe to try and see Marc," the Mother said by way of explanation, "so I figured after the shiva you'd want to fly back to London as soon as possible. I went ahead and packed for you. You're welcome."
This, reader, was a lie. The Mother had been going through the Thorn's suitcase out of pure nosiness.
The Thorn knew this. "Thanks." However, she was a strong believer in Picking Her Battles.
"I don't recognize this." The Mother held up Harrow's shirt. "It's not exactly your size. Not really your style, either. I would have guessed it was a nightshirt, but you're in your pajamas right now, so that can't be it.
Horror seized the Thorn. It was wrong, seeing the Mother hold that shirt. Unnatural. A sacrilege.
"Do girls in London usually carry men's ratty old shirts around with them? Is that one of those weird British trends I wouldn't understand?"
The threat of bile stung at the bottom of the Thorn's throat.
"You know, come to think of it, here's something interesting: After we got home yesterday and you were acting all loopy and ignoring me, I googled your tattoo. 'Symbol of scales with crocodile heads,' something like that. It took a while to find anything helpful about it; I ended up in some pretty dark alleyways of the internet, but eventually I found a well-hidden website about a group of people who worship some Egyptian crocodile demon. I remembered you saying you were studying modern-day worshippers of the Egyptian gods, and that you were going to London to do some on-site research, so I kept reading. And you know what? There was a picture on the front page of that website, of a man with a tattoo just like yours, wearing a shirt just like this one."
The Thorn considered plucking her eyes from her head and hiding them in her closed fists, so that she wouldn't have to look at the Mother.
"Just tell it to me straight," said the Mother. "Are you fucking this cult leader?"
"But you want to."
"Why else would you sleep with his shirt?"
"It's none of your business."
"How old is this guy anyway? He looks at least fifty."
"Mom, I'm not going to talk with you about this."
"This is a new low for you, you know that? Pining after a man old enough to be your father, that's such a cliché, honey. I'd like to say I'm disappointed in you, but that would imply I had expected better."
The Thorn imagined holding her eyeballs, one in each hand, slick and slimy and delicate.
"When you told me you were going to grad school, I thought you were finally getting your shit together. I was actually proud of you for once. But it seems you've taken this great opportunity for real success, and turned it into just another embarrassing failure."
The eyeballs would roll back and forth of their own volition, and the motion would create a slight buzzing sensation on her hands.
The Mother sat on the edge of the bed, suddenly confidential. "Is this about your father? Some Freudian thing, you know? Trying to 'replace' him with this cult guy so you can feel loved?"
"Do you have one of those 'Electric' complexes? Because that would certainly explain why you hate me so much."
"I don't hate you. I never hated you. All I ever did was try my best to make you love me, and the more I tried to, the more you told me I was the spawn of Satan and would never amount to anything. I can't remember the last time you said something nice about me. You don't even hug me. It's clear that you're the one who hates me, Mom, and I just want to know why."
The Mother responded with an icy stare, then applauded slowly, each clap of her hands ringing with venomous sarcasm.
"Are you going to answer my question?"
She stopped clapping. "Being a single mother is hard, you know," she said. "Have you ever stopped to think about what getting pregnant with you did to my life? My career was ruined, I went into all kinds of debt, your father walked out on me, and you know what? If you had been a different kind of kid, I might be able to say it was all worth it. But I can't say that, because you were a fucking nightmare. Even before you were born, you used to kick me so hard that the doctor made a dumb joke about my baby being a Rockette. Easy for her to laugh about it, she wasn't forced to raise you for the next eighteen years.
"Would it have hurt you to at least try being a normal, happy little girl? You seemed so miserable all the time. All you did for fun was read about mythology and watch that stupid 'Tomb Buster' movie over and over, and when you weren't doing that you were moping around feeling sorry for yourself. God forbid we go and, I dunno, get manicures together like a normal mother and daughter. God forbid you crack a smile sometimes. But I guess I'm the bad guy here, right? I'm the villain because I wasn't a perfect mother. You know what? You try it. You try raising a kid like you, see how you feel about me then."
There was a time, not long before this, when the Thorn would simply have nodded and accepted the Mother's words. However, that was before she had found the community hall covered in blood and seen a woman die at her feet. It was before she knelt beside Marc in the street and watched him suffer as old wounds in his heart reopened and bled out in the form of Steven Grant. She had been useless in those moments, a mere witness to pain she could neither prevent nor understand.
But she hadn't always been useless, had she? She'd saved someone's life—nervously, clumsily, but still. "Don't think I've forgotten," Harrow had said. "I owe you my life. I had a feeling I wouldn't regret welcoming you here." And when he read her scales: "You have nothing to hide. Ammit sees only goodness, in your past as well as your future."
"Do you think I wanted to mope around and be miserable?" the Thorn said. "Did you ever stop to think there might be a reason I acted like that? You made me miserable. You made me hate myself for no good reason, just because I wasn't the picture-perfect daughter you wanted. And I wanted to be that perfect daughter. You just never gave me a chance. I think you wanted to resent me for some reason—maybe because my dad left you, maybe because I ruined your career, I don't know and I don't really care. I'm done caring about this—about you. I think I've given you more than enough chances to change, and it's clear you're not going to, so that's it. I don't want you to be in my life anymore."
The Mother's face was no longer ice, but blank. "Is that all?"
"You do know I'm the only family you have, don't you? Cut me off, and you don't have anyone else."
"I have the closest thing to a family now that I've ever had."
"What, that cult?" the Mother scoffed. "That's what you think a family is?" She got up, shaking her head, and went to the door. "You're a lost cause."
She paused and turned around, leaning on the doorframe with her arms crossed. "You say I've never said anything nice to you? Well, savor this then, because I'm about to say something nice to you now, something I wish my mother had said to me before it was too late. You can mess around with—sorry, research—this cult as much as you want, I couldn't care less about that. You can lust after their leader as much as you want—
"Oh, please. Don't you dare try and deny it. Anyway, I can't stop you sleeping with his shirt. I can't stop you sleeping with him, for that matter. What I can do is warn you. Don't trust him. Don't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth. Even if it's what you want to hear."
"You don't even know him."
"I don't need to. I've known men like him, and trust me, all they do is lie and cheat and manipulate. They trick you into believing they care about you, then you trust them with your secrets and they turn around and use those secrets to stab you in the back."
"Are you sure that's not your 'daddy issues' talking?" asked the Thorn, the words like venom in her mouth.
If only the Mother had loved her daughter more, or at least tried to. If only she'd nurtured her in childhood and respected her in adulthood, then maybe the Thorn would have heeded this warning. Maybe she would have at least considered the Mother's words before returning to London.
But instead, she kept her promise to Harrow and arrived back to the commune less than three days after her departure. Harrow, however, was not there to greet her. Instead, she was met by Billy Fitzgerald and his obnoxious small airplane, and carted off without warning or explanation to a chalky green-and-white nowhere of a village in (she would find out later) Northern Ireland. I have fond memories of Ireland, reader, and of Ulster County in particular; its only great flaw is that it plays host to a branch of the Followers of Ammit.
It was early morning when she found him. The air was heavy with life, and the rusty red of Harrow's clothing stood out like a splash of blood against the lightening horizon. They were just outside the village, and he was standing with his back to her, resting against his cane. He could have been a statue, but for the silver crown of hair blowing softly behind him.
She approached carefully, her shoes brushing whispers over the tall grass.
"You came back to me," Harrow said, turning to face her with a smile, "like the good little lamb you are."
"I'm not a lamb," she replied, aching for his touch. He supplied it, folding her into his arms and placing a kiss on her cheek. She had never wanted him more, and she hated herself for what she knew she must say to him, what she had come here to say. "We're close to releasing Ammit, aren't we?"
A horrible smile cut across Harrow's face. "I believe we are, yes. The scarab is in our possession, and our contingent in Cairo is prepared to assist us when we arrive."
She reluctantly pulled away from him. "I promised to help you find Ammit, so I will. But I never promised you anything after that, so once we've released her I'm leaving the community." The moment the words left her mouth, she longed to take them back.
He didn't look surprised or hurt, as she'd feared and hoped he would. Instead, he simply nodded and said, "I've been thinking along the same lines. Once Ammit is resurrected, I intend to stay by her side as long as she permits. My duty to her will be the sole focus of my life. You, on the other hand, have a long and illustrious career ahead of you, which shouldn't be hindered by even the noblest of causes. As hard as it will be to say goodbye to you, my dear little friend, it's for the best.
"This village houses a branch of our community. They can offer you everything we have in London—albeit with a much lovelier view. You will stay here and finish your research, and I will follow my goddess, and we will forget each other."
"I'll never forget you," she said in a broken voice.
"It feels that way now," he said. "I understand. I must confess, I feel an affinity to you that is unmatched by any of my hundreds of wonderful disciples around the world. With you, I feel the closest thing to joy I've ever known in my life. In an ideal world, I would keep you close to me and never let that connection between us break. But this is not an ideal world, which is exactly why we need Ammit. And besides," he stroked her cheek, which shuddered under his touch and erupted in silent tears, "this is what you said you wanted, isn't it?"
"Then why are you crying?"
"Because I'll miss you!" The dam broke, and she was consumed by sobs. "You're the most incredible person I've ever met. You treat me with respect, you support my career, you tell me I'm a good person. You're my family. I don't want to leave you, it's the last thing I want, but I have to, okay?"
"Because it's all an illusion. That's what you do, isn't it? You take lonely, pathetic people like me, and you manipulate them into thinking you care for them. I can't be just another disciple to you. I can't let you use me as a pawn anymore, not even for Ammit. I'm worth more than that, Arthur. And you know what? According to Ammit's own criteria, my scales balance and yours don't. So that means you should be the one begging me to stay with you! You'd be lucky to have me around forever, don't forget that."
Harrow was smiling. "Well said, my love," he told her, and in one sweeping gesture he took her in his arms and claimed her lips with his own. Reader, you should be grateful that you were not there to see it. No one makes romantic passion look grotesque and repulsive quite like Arthur Harrow. The Thorn, however, had her eyes closed and was therefore ignorant of the intensely unsettling look of manic rapture on Harrow's face. All she knew in that moment was a complete and perfect bliss—and yet, less than a second later she found herself breaking away from him and staggering backward.
"What was that?" she cried in a panic. "Why did you do that?"
"Lamb," Harrow said quickly, stretching out a hand, "sweetheart, come here."
"You said you wanted me gone, you were sending me away, and then—"
"It was unforgivable of me. I apologize. Now please, come and let me hold you. I won't kiss you again—not yet—just let me hold you. It's cold; I'll keep you warm. Come to me."
"I can't."
"Then just listen." He knelt before her.
"Please, don't," she whimpered as a fresh cascade of tears fell from her eyes.
"Why not?" Harrow pleaded, taking her hand in both of his, caressing it, kissing her fingers, laying his cheek against it and closing his eyes in reverence.
"You already have a goddess to worship."
"The woman I worship is here. She is more precious than any goddess, for she is the best of humanity. She is beauty and goodness incarnate, and I offer myself to her knowing I am unworthy of her love."
"'Offer' yourself? Do you mean…"
"I am asking you to marry me. Please, my darling, my treasure, please say yes."
His words rung in her ears. I am asking you to marry me. It was too perfect to be real.
"Do you love me?" The question escaped her lips.
"I love you, I adore you, and I vow to protect, cherish, nurture and honor you, sweet lamb, my precious jewel, to the end of my life—and beyond even that."
"Are you telling the truth?"
"Everything I have ever told you before today has been true. Why would this be any different?" Arthur Harrow, master of the loophole—now, there's something about him that even I can begrudgingly admire.
"You don't believe me, do you?" Harrow asked.
She shook her head. A knife was twisting and untwisting itself in the depths of her stomach. "I want to. You have no idea how much I want to."
"Then say yes. Say you'll be my wife, and let me prove to you how much I adore you."
"Why me, though? I'm nothing special. I don't have anything to offer you."
"You have yourself, and your love. Those are the only things I need from you."
She tried to think. There was no other answer but yes, right? She loved him. He was all she ever thought about, night and day. If she were to picture a perfect life for herself, a "happily ever after" if you will, it could only exist with him beside her.
"Stand up," she said. "I don't like you kneeling like that."
He stood, retrieving his cane from the grass and clutching it with a strange—nervous?—grip.
"Okay," said the Thorn. "I'll marry you."
Rapture blossomed across his face. "Oh, my love," he growled, taking her in his arms again. He pressed his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes. "You will marry me?"
"Yes," she breathed.
"Say my name."
"Arthur, I will marry you."
"Do you love me?"
"I love you, Arthur."
They kissed. Now she felt joy in its purest form. She let herself give in to his body, tasting his lips, his jaw, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his shoulder to inhale the scent of his neck—no longer just his shirt, but him.
"Are you happy, my love?" Harrow asked her.
"Yes," she whispered, nuzzling his shoulder. And she was happy, reader, though she couldn't ignore the faint metallic chill of the crocodile's head held against the small of her back.
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inactive02939 · 2 years
Physical appearance- I'm around 5 foot 3 inches and I have straight (kind of fluffy if its just been washed) split dyed pink and black hair that goes just past my shoulders (wanna cut it and dye it all black though) I have hazel eyes and I'm really small in general-
Personality- I'm super shy when you first meet me. Like I'll probably give you little to no response but if you keep talking to me consistently and a lot then I'll get comfy enough to give you my actual responses. I'm really awkward and don't know how to express myself in words (i can over text but not in real life) so I'm mostly better at offering physical affection or gifts or actions. I'm super sarcastic but I can be serious in serious situations. I hate being in control of almost anything. I'm really stubborn and pessimistic and super persistent when I really want something. I'm also a really caring and nice person (and a people pleaser which isnt always good for me-) Uhh idk what else-
Identity: My name's JJ, Im genderfluid (all pronouns), and bisexual!!
I have anxiety and depression
Style: I really love cute outfits but I have no sense of style so I don't even try- I mostly wear leggings, sweatpants and hoodies out and around the house I wear those plus pajama pants and oversized shirts. For shoes I like Converse or Adidas
Ummm, if you could give me an MHA character and if it could be a boy I'd really appreciate that!! (i like girls too but I like mha boys more than the girls in a romantic way for the most part) thank you if you get around to doing this :)) Make sure you take care of yourself <3
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you've been matched with kaminari denki!!
he didn't really care about your shyness at first
actually, he thought you were playing hard to get.
eventually he broke your shell and you two started having conversations together during training
and for him, it wasn't a sudden realization. he knew he liked you from the start.
WILL give you his hoodie if you lose yours. this guy is boyfriend material
didn't really understand what genderfluid meant but you explained it to him and he went "oh.. what?"
he still supports you and won't hesitate to come to your defense when it comes to your sexual orientation and gender.
in summary he's a super supportive idiot who's hopelessly in love.
"J, that was awesome!" he beamed at the clever nickname for you and fistbumped you. you two had just finished your training session together, and it was time to go home-- some kids had plans with their families or friends, and some just wanted to continue training, but denki knew he was going to ask you out to prom. today was the day. he took a breath.
shock slowly creeps over you. he's asking you to what? you must have heard him wrong. you shift uncomfortably in your clothes and look at him again, searching his daffodil eyes for whatever he said. "um.. what?" you mutter back to him as you watch his face gradually contort into a scared expression.
"to prom. with me. we could dance! it'll be totally cool." once he realized you were just confused, his confidence boosted by a million times what it had been just half a minute ago. he gently took one of your hands and spun you around. you laugh.
"so what's your answer, JJ?" he got a bit close to your face for your comfort, but you could feel the excitement on him.
"yeah, sure!"
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
288 of 2022
1. I love the new Phantom of the Opera with Gerard Butler 2. I don’t own any soundtracks 3. I hate to say it, but I feel lonely without a boyfriend. 4. I feel loved all the time. 5. People know how to cheer me up 6. I cover up my anger/depression 7. I know how to cheer people up. 8. I find offensive things funny 9. Like dead baby jokes 10. I love the Princess Diaries 2 11. I cry a lot 12. I’m wearing a shirt with sleeves 13. I’m not wearing a shirt 14. I’m still in my pajamas 15. I think whoever made this survey up is good 16. That last question was shameless self promotion (lol) 17. I like pop music 18. I participate in clubs at school 19. And sports 20. I don’t give people a chance 21. I want to change something about my personality 22. I’ve gone without a shower for more than two weeks 23. I’m afraid of total darkness 24. The movie Darkness Falls was the stupidest thing I’d ever seen 25. I want to see the Ring Two 26. I’m going to turn 16 27. I’ve gotten drunk on St. Patricks Day 28. I’ve gotten pinched for not wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day. 29. I’ve made an altar in homage to something I love 30. I’m going somewhere over Spring Break 31. My best friend is younger than me 32. I buy a new item of clothing every week 33. I love affection 34. I hate affection 35. I freak out when people I don’t know touch me 36. I’ve been harassed or beaten up 37. I’ve gotten over depression without counseling 38. I hate whining 39. I used to collect Pokemon cards 40. I don’t like boys 41. I can’t count the times I’ve smoked weed 42. Or done speed 43. Or dropped acid 44. Or done heroin 45. Or cocaine 46. Or Aderol 47. Or Oxycontin 48. I think movies are too expensive nowadays 49. I gossip 50. I’ve seen a Broadway show before 51. And it’s been in New York 52. I love Count the Stars, even though they’re not together anymore 53. I don’t know who Count the Stars is 54. I knew before reading this question that 4/4 of the Ramones are dead 55. I didn’t know that, but now I do. 56. I wear perfume every day 57. I hate an overabundance of perfume 58. I’ve almost blacked out because of the heat/dehydration 59. I’ve gotten a sunburn 60. I love dancing with boys. 61. I watch TRL every day 62. I have homework 63. I love being a sap 64. I own a pair of stilettos 65. And wear them regularly. 66. I knew before reading this question that Nike bought out Converse. 67. I didn’t know that. 68. Therefore, I don’t buy Converse anymore 69. I like the Locust 70. I want to fall in love 71. Because I never have been 72. Stadium food is gross 73. Icees suck 74. I remember my dreams every night 75. My favorite place to be kissed is the neck 76. My favorite place to kiss is the lips 77. I enjoy recieving oral sex 78. I enjoy giving oral sex 79. I want to be the vocalist for a band 80. I am an optimist 81. I am a pessimist 82. People often label me as “hardcore” 83. I know what band wrote the song “Straight Edge” 84. I do not know what straight edge means 85. I have more than five birthmarks 86. I have freckles 87. I’ve never seen snow 88. I’ve never been on a roller coaster 89. I’ve never been to a fair 90. I’ve never seen a cactus in real life 91. I’ve never been on a plane 92. I went to the WTC towers before they were attacked 93. I have never had a Krispy Kreme doughnut. 94. I’m part Irish 95. And I drink like it. 96. I’ve had sex while inebriated. 97. I wish I was more sociable 98. I’ve seen Green Day live 99. I hate the radio. 100. I want to be held right now.
0 notes
getcooler · 3 years
“Pft! Who needs sleep?” //Lee Donghyuck//
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Pairing: Haechan (NCT) x Reader (she/her pronouns)
Genre: College!AU, BFF to Lovers!AU // fluff and crackfic in one
Word Count: 11,8k
Content warnings: strong language
Synopsis: On a quest to fix your sleep schedules, you and your best friend/crush, Donghyuck, stayed up for 29 hours straight. 
Caution! Please do not attempt staying up 29 hours, or really anywhere over 20 hours, without good reason. Please sleep like a normal person. The only reason this fic exists is because I have a very unhealthy coping mechanism when it comes to my own messy sleep schedule and this seemed like a fun way to destress.
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If there was such a thing as soulmates, yours had to be Lee Donghyuck. That’s what many of your friends told you when they saw you together with your best friend. 
The two of you always seem to be on the same wavelength, whether it was choosing dinner or pranking your common friends or even your most peculiar interests. You were essentially the same person split in two and it was becoming more and more apparent as months went by and you became even closer.
Beside all the seemingly normal things you two had in common, you two also shared a sleeping schedule. It wasn’t that you had agreed to both go until sleep at 4, or god forbid, 5 am and then wake up at 3 pm the same day. It simply happened this way. 
Donghyuck, an avid gamer and too competitive for his own sake, spent most of his nights gaming. His roommate, Jaemin, often complained about the sound of Donghyuck’s gaming computer whirring and screeching and clicking at godforsaken hours of the night. The same roommate also gladly used said issue as an excuse for his caffeine addiction: “I can’t sleep in the same room as that computer. Coffee is the only thing giving me energy!”
You, on the other hand, simply couldn’t sleep at night. Not everyone has been blessed with the ability to fall asleep in the blink of an eye; not everyone feels sleepy at night. While you struggled until sleep during the night hours, you had no trouble taking naps in the middle of the day. 
Needless to say: your sleep schedules were messy and needed fixing. 
You begrudgingly arrived at that conclusion when you opened your eyes on a Saturday afternoon. The clock on your wall revealed it was already 5 pm, meaning you had actually slept even later than usual. That was the last straw. 
When you stumbled to the kitchen to get a coffee, you found Na Jaemin blinking up at you from his spot at the dining table. He tilted his head, raised an eyebrow, and then lowly remarked, “You too? This is becoming inscrutable.”
You glared at him. “Learnt a new word again?”
“I have to do something while Donghyuck snores the day away instead going to get coffee with me,” he joked and took a sip of his darker-than-Renjun’s-humour Americano. “Did you just wake up?”
“What gave it away?” 
You reached up to get a mug for your own coffee. It remained a mystery how even after sleeping for ten hours in a row, you were still as sleepy as you were. Coffee was starting to become a staple food for you and this realization scared you. You were just a few espresso shots away from becoming Na Jaemin.
Jaemin hummed, his eyes running up and down your figure as he attempted to word his answer. “Your hair is a mess, you’re wearing pajamas in the common area, and—” he smirked, “—your forehead has pillow creases in it.”
You cursed his inspection skills and the distraction they provided; now how would you know how many sugars you had already put in your coffee? You had lost count at two spoonfuls and now you had no idea if your coffee was just sweet enough or way too sugary.
Before you could taste it to check, the familiar figure of your best friend dragged itself into the kitchen and grabbed the precious red mug he himself had bought for your personal use. Without a second of hesitation, he took a sip of the liquid inside. It took him barely a second to spit it out into the sink and glare at you. 
“Why are you putting salt in your coffee?” he raised his voice while slamming your mug back on the counter. With a mutter, he shuffled over to get himself a different cup and started his own coffee. 
Jaemin watched in absolute amusement as you peeked into your cup like a little kid afraid of getting reprimanded. You dared to take a small sip of the drink. Then you followed Donghyuck’s earlier actions by spitting the coffee into the sink and slamming your mug down. To Jaemin’s worry, you proceeded to just stand in the middle of the kitchen and glare at your salted coffee.
You only snapped out of your disappointed daze when Donghyuck stumbled over to you and gently smoothed out your frown with his finger. He rested his head on your shoulder. “Not your day, huh?”
“She’s been awake for five minutes, if even that. It hasn’t been much of a day,” Jaemin quipped, taking a sip of his own perfect Americano and humming in appreciation as you and your best friend glared at him. “What? Just because you screwed up your coffee doesn’t mean I have to suffer as well.”
“I’d prefer it did,” Donghyuck mumbled and hid his face in your shoulder. When you reached up to pat his hoodie-covered head, he let out a quiet sigh of appreciation. His hands naturally wrapped around your waist to pull you closer.
The sound of the kettle finishing its job had your best friend perking up again. He walked back over to the opposite counter to pour the water into his cup. You followed suit, rinsing the salty substance out of your mug before starting a new coffee. 
“Have you two considered going until sleep and waking up on time?” Jaemin wondered after a while of watching you. “Maybe then you wouldn’t be such zombies at 5 pm.”
“We’ve tried,” you whined and sat down across from him at the table. “Even when I go to bed at 9 pm, I still won’t fall asleep until 4 am.”
“Tiring yourself out?” Jaemin suggested, raising an eyebrow.
Donghyuck sat down next to him and placed his head on the coffee-addict’s shoulder. His eyes closed and his body limp, he spoke, “Tried it. Last week I spent the entire day at the gym taking random group classes.”
“Any progress there?”
Your best friend opened one of his eyes as if to search the room for answers. He then joked, “Well, the group instructors now think I am a lunatic because I took three yoga classes in one day. But other than that? None. Still fell asleep at 4 am.”
“Calculus?” The rise in Jaemin’s voice was one of the many key indicators of his panic and worry for you two, right up there with his eyes widening and his arms flying around. 
You and Donghyuck took the chance to glare at him. He shrunk under your deadly stares, eyes widening for a whole other reason now. 
“You don’t think we hate ourselves enough yet?” you scoffed and took a sip of your coffee. Thankfully, this one tasted exactly how you liked it. 
“What other options are there other than getting someone to shoot us with tranquilizer guns at exactly 10 pm?” Donghyuck wondered to himself. “Should I just join Jeno’s all-nighter and let him bore me until sleep?”
Then an idea struck you. You glanced at Donghyuck who had also sat up a bit straighter, staring right back at you with wide eyes. Quirking your head, you wondered if you were thinking the same thing.
“I don’t like the look that you’re sharing,” Jaemin sang nervously. “What are you two planning now?”
“All-nighter? We go until sleep tomorrow night instead of tonight.” Donghyuck raised the question, leaning towards you.
You took out your phone and checked the time, counting the hours on your fingers. It was 5 pm still. “If we don’t go until sleep until tomorrow evening at 9 or 10, we have twenty-eight to twenty-nine hours to fill.”
Donghyuck narrowed his eyes and glanced at the clock on the wall. “That should be enough to tire us out, right?”
“I should report you two to the nurse,” Jaemin announced with a horror-struck expression on his face. “What are you two? Insane?”
“Not yet,” Donghyuck joked, “but hopefully we’ll reach that point of exhaustion by 9 pm tomorrow!”
Jaemin sighed and slammed his palms down on the table. “Right. So, I’m gonna go and stay over at Jeno’s for the night. Do not call me or text me or anything. I want nothing to do with this. If one of you dies, call Mark.”
“Alright, roomie!” Donghyuck called out cheerfully and cutely as Jaemin walked out of the room. “I’ll see you soon, roomie!”
You took a deep breath before asking, “So, your room or mine?”
Donghyuck raised an eyebrow. “Are you kidding me? Jaemin just moved out for the night. My room, of course!”
“Alright,” you agreed and set the timer for 29 hours, “let the torture begin.”
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>>> 6:34 pm // 27 and a half hours until sleep <<<
Donghyuck sighed loudly from his spot on his bed. After his third theatrical sigh, you picked you head off Jaemin’s pillow (which Jaemin gently reminded you to change the case of when he came to pack up his things) and looked at him. Your best friend was spread across his bed like a starfish, staring up at the ceiling with wide eyes, his phone long forgotten on his belly. 
“What’s up?” you asked him after a moment, just as he took a deep breath to, no doubt, force out another loud sigh. 
He glanced at you in surprise before sitting up. He smiled at you brightly. “Let’s do something!”
“Sick of your phone already?” you wondered, locking your own device and putting it down on Jaemin’s bedside table. “Really thought it would take you longer than that.”
He scoffed. “You’re one to speak. You’ve refreshed your Instagram feed at least 30 times in the past minute.”
“Alright,” you sighed and checked the timer on your phone. “So what do you want to do? We have 27 more hours to fill.”
He took a moment to think. “Well, I am a bit hungry right now.”
You raised an eyebrow before sitting up. “Alright, but you’re paying. This was your idea.”
“You had the exact same idea though?” he laughed before pushing himself to his feet and shuffling over to his closet.  He pulled out a green hoodie a few shades lighter than the one he was wearing and threw it at you. “Put it on and let’s get going. I am desperately craving tangerines.”
As realization hit, you let out a groan. “This isn’t going to be a short trip to the convenience store, is it?”
“Of course not,” he sang. “We have to supply ourselves for 27 whole hours. I don’t plan on leaving this room again until tomorrow.”
“Should we make a shopping list?”
He waved off your suggestion. “Shopping lists are for the weak and the Renjun. Let’s just go with our gut. You want Cheetos? We’re getting Cheetos.”
“We’re going to regret this,” you mumbled.”
“If we’re going to be regretful, might as well go the whole way,” Donghyuck stated before tugging you towards the door.
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>>> 6:59 pm // 27 hours until sleep <<<
You had laughed to the point of hiccups just watching his expression. 
Donghyuck stood in front of the cash register, his card in his hand and his eyes glazed over. His jaw had dropped the moment he read the numbers on the display. 
Gently, you nudged his shoulder. “Feeling the regret yet?”
“Yup,” he replied after a deep sigh and pushing his card into the terminal. He pointed at the total sum before telling you, “Since I am paying this much for our food, you should be the one to carry it.”
As he punched his code in a bit too aggressively, you began bagging the various snacks you had bought. Once you were done, you sighed at the sight of three paper bags waiting to be carried back to the dormitory. 
Donghyuck joined your side and smiled. “Feeling the regret yet?”
“Oh, yes.” You nodded and began picking up the bags, one by one. It became really difficult by the time you reached for the third bag. He laughed at your struggle for a while before teasing you, “Alright, just this once I am going to be nice to you. Give me one of the bags.”
Before you could reply, he took the lightest bag from you and began making his way back to the dormitory. You stared after him, feeling flabbergasted. He turned back and chuckled at the sight. “You coming, slowpoke?”
“Fight me!” you snapped, rushing after him as his laughter echoed in the parking lot.
“Maybe later. We’ve got the time.”
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>>> 8:18 pm // 25 and a half hours until sleep <<<
“The battery of this thing is just—Ugh!” you expressed your frustration loudly while struggling to plug in your laptop. Your arm burned at the stretch of you attempting to reach the outlet beside Jaemin’s bedside table without getting off of Donghyuck’s bed. 
Donghyuck stared at you in amusement. “Maybe you should invest in a new laptop with a battery that doesn’t run from 40 to 3 percent in the runtime of a single episode.”
You glared at him over your shoulder before continuing your pursuit of momentary happiness. “Do I look rich enough for that?”
“No, but I’m sure finding a sugar daddy wouldn’t be difficult for you,” he stated without any remorse or hesitation while unwrapping a chocolate bar, not even bothering to look at you anymore. 
Whether it was the sugar daddy bit as a whole or just the implication that he thought you were pretty enough for a sugar daddy, you weren’t sure, but his wording caught you off-guard and had you fall flat on your face from his bed. You let out a whimper as your fingers just barely grazed the outlet—so close, but so far away.
Hearing your little noise, Donghyuck glanced at you over his chocolate bar. Assuming you had simply run out of energy or motivation, he cheered you on in his cutest voice: “You can do this! Hwaiting! I believe in you!”
“Fight me!” is what you were trying to say, but the carpet of his room muffled it into an incomprehensible mumble that your dear best friend seemed to translate into the complete opposite of its original meaning. 
“I love you too,” he called out softly and took a bit of his chocolate. “Now hurry up and plug this thing in. Your laptop’s about to die.”
You groaned.
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>>> 11:01 pm // 23 hours until sleep <<< 
You and Donghyuck sat side by side, your arms touching and your head pressed against his shoulder. Your eyes were wide in disappointment and realization hit you: the universe hated you more than you hated yourself.
“Well, that’s just rude,” Donghyuck suddenly spoke up, his voice full of disbelief and offense. He sat up a bit too fast for you to react, leading to you not only getting your chin hurt but also falling, but he barely took notice of that as he clicked through the settings on your laptop. 
He then proceeded to glare at the router Jaemin had placed on their window, only to find it blinking red. The wi-fi was officially down. 
“How are we supposed to entertain ourselves now?” he wondered, slamming your laptop shut and placing it on his bedside table. He sighed deeply, staring at the wall across the room. Without breaking his imaginary and rage-fuelled staring contest with the dusty yellow wallpaper, he asked you, “How many hours do we have left?”
You unlocked your phone to check. Then you groaned. “Twenty-three.”
“Why is the wi-fi down anyway?” He clicked his tongue in frustration and stumbled to Jaemin’s bed, picking up the router and glaring at its blinking lights. He turned it off before turning it on again before asking you to check the wi-fi. His efforts proved useless. 
He sighed. “How about the dormitory wi-fi? Maybe it’s just Jaemin’s wi-fi that’s weird.”
Before you could reply, Jaemin and Jeno all but burst into your room. While the former had his face set in a frown, you found that the latter looked less worried and more amused. Jeno offered you one of his objectively adorable smiles before asking, “Do you guys have wi-fi? Because we don’t.”
“You don’t?” Donghyuck sounded scandalized before letting out a sound akin to crying. He slumped against the wall and rested his head against the white router in his lap. Faintly, you could hear him mumble, “Of all the nights in the year…”
“Oi, Felix!” Jaemin called out, peeking out the door. A deep hum sounded from the hall. “Is your wi-fi down too?”
“The dormitory wi-fi is down, my wi-fi is down, everyone’s wi-fi is down,” Felix’s voice could be heard saying. “I guess the internet provider is having some issues.”
Jeno clicked his tongue, his smile finally dropping. “Well, there goes my plan of finishing my essay early.”
“There go everyone’s plans,” Jaemin sighed and rubbed his temples.
As the four of you sat and stood there in silence, marinating in your immense collective disappointment, Donghyuck glanced around the room. He was sure there had to be something to do to pass the time. 
His eyes lit up at the sight of a familiar small red box on the shelf above your head and his bed. Without another thought, he smiled and stood up. “Light bulb moment! I have an idea.”
“An idea?” Jaemin groaned and nearly hit his head as he leaned back against the door. “The last time you had one of those, you decided to stay awake for thirty hours straight.”
Donghyuck rolled his eyes. “First, it’s twenty-nine hours.”—Jeno raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything—“Second, we’re already six hours in. Thirdly, I think you will like this idea more than I do.”
He then reached up and grabbed the little red box—a game of UNO—, waving it in his hand before settling down on the floor. He motioned for the others to join him and, unlike the hesitant Jeno and Jaemin, you were more than happy to comply. 
Once you were safely sitting down, you looked up at Jaemin and Jeno expectantly. You assumed Donghyuck was looking at them in a similar way. To make the matters even more uncomfortable for the two, Donghyuck sang in a high-pitched tone even for him, “Come play with us.”
“You know what?” Jaemin plopped down across from you after a minute of doubting his life choices. “Game on. Loser pays for for the winner’s breakfast tomorrow.”
“What about second and third place?” Jeno wondered as he sat down between you and grabbed the stack of cards from Donghyuck’s hand, expertly shuffling them. You could only watch in awe as his hands moved smoothly as if this was his day job; Donghyuck took notice of that and nudged you with a pout.
“Second and third place are mediocre and don’t deserve to be punished or celebrated.” Donghyuck grabbed a notebook from under his bed (what a horrid place that must be), caught the pen Jaemin threw his way and drew a table on a random page. “I’m making the scoreboard.”
Jaemin smiled. “Friday Game Night rules?”
“What are those?” Jeno asked, turning to you for answers. In his eyes, you were the second most sane person in the room, right after himself. He awaited your response as he dealt the cards.
As an expert Friday Game Night participant, you rolled back your shoulders and explained, “Two points for every win. One point if you come second. The last two to hold cards get no points and have to shuffle and deal the cards for the next round.”
“It’s no fun for the last two standing, you know,” Donghyuck pointed out without looking at any of you, completely focused on creating the score board. “But watching them play is no fun for the winners either, so we made these rules.” After writing down your names, he glanced up from the notebook. “How long will we play?”
“Until we get sleepy,” Jaemin decided and grabbed the cards dealt to him. Looking at his cards, he smirked. “Game on.”
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>>> 11:56 pm // 22 hours until sleep <<<
“I trusted you!” Jaemin cried out, looking at Jeno with hurt-filled eyes. You honestly didn’t even think his eyes could hold so much emotion. There seemed to be actual tears glistening in there.
Jeno chuckled nervously from your side. “Sorry.”
Jaemin gasped theatrically, squeezing his eyes shut as if to force back tears. He placed his hand over his heart and pretended to sob before reaching to the middle of the circle. 
On your other side, Donghyuck cackled maniacally as Jaemin picked up card after card. There were tears in his eyes from the force of his joy and cheer, his body rolling on the floor as his laughter echoed in the room. The sight and sound brought joy to your heart and made you smile along.
“There.” Jaemin sighed after a while, holding his fan of cards up for everyone to see. He pointed to each card as he counted, “Sixteen cards. I hope you psychopaths are happy.”
“We only made you pick up ten though,” you teased, earning a glare from him. 
Before he could retaliate, Donghyuck spoke up, though his voice was just barely regretful. “(Y/n), know that I love you.” 
Your heart dropped as he picked one of the cards from his fan. You anxiously watched as he wiped a tear from his cheek with the sleeve of the same hand he held the card in. You began shaking your head as he hesitated before placing the card down.
“I’m sorry, I truly had no other cards to play,” he apologized with a slight smile as he moved his hand so you could see the card. You whimpered. “Pick up four. Jeno, I need the colour blue.”
Defeated, you sighed and reached for the cards.
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>>> 1:07 am // 21 hours until sleep <<<
“That was fun, but I am in a desperate need of schleep. No wait. Sleep,” Jaemin yawned and lazily gathered the cards up from the middle of the circle. “Who’s gonna tally up the scores?”
“Working on it,” Donghyuck mumbled, a frown on his face as he intensely focused on counting the points. 
You couldn’t help but find the way his tongue poked out adorable. Mentally, you slapped yourself for the thought. You had twenty-one more hours to spend with this guy and developing an even stronger crush on him was not the ideal way to do so.
Finally, after half a minute, he straightened up and cleared his throat. “The results have arrived. It was a tough and difficult competition. Counting up the scores… Dare I say, it was even more difficult.”
“Hurry it up a little,” Jaemin ushered him drowsily. “I want to go to bed before sunrise.”
Donghyuck rolled his eyes before continuing in a much more casual tone. “Alright, so, in third place is Jeno with 11 points. Second place, 12 points, Donghyuck. Woo!” 
You glared at him for his noisiness before locking your eyes with Jaemin. With a smirk on his face, he leaned forward to keep your stare, his eyebrow quirking as if to challenge you. One of you was the winner, the other one the loser. 
Always one for the dramatics, Donghyuck smiled brightly as he watched your little stand-off. After half a minute, he began again, “In the first place… This person got a total of 15 points.” He paused. “This person is… Drum roll, please.” Jeno began patting his thighs rhythmically, much to Donghyuck’s happiness. Finally, the young announcer declared, “Jaemin! Congratulations!”
Jaemin burst into cheers, pulling Jeno and Donghyuck into a hug before sticking his tongue out at you. “And that’s how it’s done!”
Donghyuck, struggling in Jaemin’s unexpected iron grip, choked out, “I thought you were tired.”
“I am. But I also happy.” The winner smiled as though his life dream and world peace had been achieved at once. You had never seen such serenity in this man. “Very happy.”
“Alright, Happy,” your best friend sighed, “go sleep. (Y/n)’ll buy you your breakfast tomorrow morning. Just come and let us know when you’re ready.”
Jaemin turned to smile at you brighty. “You can’t go back on the deal. Bring your wallet.”
“I’ll be sure to remind her to do so,” Donghyuck quipped before nudging him towards the door. “Now go. We still have hours to go.”
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>>> 1:41 am // 20 and a half hours until sleep <<<
Donghyuck hummed a song, looking up from his phone where he had taken numerous photos of himself and you (but mostly you, as much as he refused to admit that to even himself). He glanced at you sitting across the room in Jaemin’s bed, your face illuminated by the light of your laptop. Behind your head, the router’s indicator light was still blinking red for no wi-fi.
Wordlessly, he pushed himself off his bed and shuffled to your side. Once he felt he was close enough, he rested his head on your shoulder and stared up at you. When you looked down to catch his eye, he blinked lazily and smiled. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you replied with a slight chuckle before turning back to your laptop, trying to hide the way your heartbeat picked up at the proximity. 
He mirrored your actions. Then scoffed. “Solitaire? Really?”
“It was either that or Minecraft,” you told him, focusing on the screen to find a place for that two of spades that was blocking you from succeeding. Donghyuck sighed and you replied the same way. “Dude, it’s not like this old thing can run any better games. Not my fault.”
“I mean, sort of,” he teased, laughing when you shoved him by his shoulder. He then quieted down and wistfully glanced at his own gaming computer perched on his desk. “I can’t play anything on mine either.”
“Everything’s online?” you queried with a knowing smile.
“Everything’s online,” he confirmed with a sigh and leaned on you even more.
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>>> 3:28 am // 18 and a half hours until sleep <<<
As it appeared, if there was one thing where you two were not on the same wavelength, it was guessing games. An hour into the intense game of pictionary, only two drawings had successfully been guessed, both drawn by you and pinpointed only thanks to Donghyuck’s ridiculously amazing guessing abilities.
“Is it a squirrel?” Donghyuck guessed, eyes wide and focused on the drawing pad in your hand. You shook your head and added more details to your drawing of an animal. He stared at it helplessly, a frown teasing at his brows and confused sounds echoing from his throat. 
From the drawing, he could tell it was an animal with a furry tail and pointy ears. The box-like figure you had drawn next to it in a desperate attempt to get him to guess the animal suggested it had to be a small being. Still, he was at a loss.
Finally, as the timer on his phone rang to signal a minute had passed, you dropped your enthusiastic act and glared at him. You told him, “It was a raccoon.”
He blinked once, he blinked twice, he blinked three times more for good measure. He then burst out, “Have you ever seen a raccoon? That is not a raccoon!”
“It is!” 
“It is not. Seriously.” 
“How is it not a raccoon?”
“In every way possible. Don’t even argue with me.”
He stood up and gently shoved you onto Jaemin’s bed, taking the drawing pad and marker from your hands. He picked an Alias card from the stack on Jaemin’s desk and clicked his tongue. Quietly, he read over the words before nodding and placing the card down in another pile. 
He smirked. “Let me show you how it’s done.”
You raised an eyebrow and counted down, “Your time starts in 3… 2… 1… Go.”
Without any time to lose, he drew a rectangle, adding some volume to it. 
You tilted your head in thought. “A box.”
He shook his head, smiling a bit. He then drew a stick, then another over it, and another, and another until the lines resembled a star, before gesturing at his drawing again. 
“A box and a star?” You raised an eyebrow. “A box of fragile items? Glass?”
Donghyuck’s stare—one that screamed that you had disappointed him in ways a person’s brain could never comprehend—said you were on the wrong track. So you took a step back and frowned. 
As you tilted your head side to side and muttered questions to yourself, Donghyuck continued drawing little asterixes. In the last 20 seconds left, he snapped and drew a figure that could only resemble a penguin next to the box. Frantically, he pointed at it, willing you to guess right.
“Oh!” you realized, sparking hope in him, “is it ice?”
He gestured for you to continue, biting his lip and bouncing in his spot like an excited kid. You snapped your fingers, trying to find the answer, before shouting out “Ice cube!” just as the timer ran out.
Donghyuck let out a deep breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding in. He slumped a bit as he laughed and reached over to pat your head. “Good job. I was worried you and your slow brain wouldn’t get it in time.”
“Hey! My brain’s not that slow!” you whined, crossing your arms over your chest.
While shoving the drawing pad and marker back into your hands, he offered an apologetic smile that said otherwise. He threw himself onto the bed before sighing. “Your turn.”
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>>> 4:07 am // 18 hours until sleep <<<
“I only have, like, four songs, but hey,” he laughed to himself, feeling almost pathetic, as he set up his Bluetooth speaker and pressed play on his phone, “it’s better than silence and snores.”
You snorted and agreed, focused on the drawing pad in your lap. Slowly, the blank page was being filled with pencil and marker doodles, some more nonsensical than others—a testament to your boredom and unwillingness to go until sleep. 
As you thought of things to doodle, the music filled your ears. The more you listened to it, the more you wanted to laugh. When he looked at you curiously, you voiced your thoughts, “You have four songs on your phone and one of them is Shinee’s ‘Sherlock’?”
“... It wouldn’t help my case if I said the second one’s ‘Catallena’, would it?” he asked no one in particular, chuckling to himself. 
You burst into laughter. “When was the last time you updated your music library?”
“Long ago,” he told you before he began humming.
It was nice listening to Donghyuck sing along passionately but just quietly enough to avoid noise complaints from other students. His voice grew louder as he shuffled closer to you and rested his head on your shoulder. Soon it felt like having your personal little speaker right at your ear. 
“What are you drawing?” he asked when the song changed, a ballad coming on. 
“I don’t know,” you told him honestly and continued drawing circles on the paper, hoping that perhaps one will inspire you to draw something a bit more creative. 
Watching you struggle was entertaining, but Donghyuck soon decided that more was needed. He took the drawing pad from you, flipping the page before taking a pencil from you.
You stared at him quizzically as he drew a big square and some smaller ones connected to its sides. When he looked up, he smiled. “You said we should get an apartment of our own next year, right? Since dorm life sucks.”
“So, let’s plan our apartment,” he spoke casually, as if he couldn’t be bothered to understand the implications behind his words. “Let’s say this is the living room. What should we have in the living room?”
You took a moment to hesitate. As all kinds of thoughts raced through your head, you finally gathered to courage to speak up again. “A couch.”
“And a TV!” he added cheerfully before drawing the two items into the square in what you assumed to be a bird’s point of view. “For movie nights. And a small table, for snacks.”
A smile tugged at your lips as he continued rambling about the furniture. The things you’d do for that apartment to come to life…
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>>> 4:21 am // 17 and a half hours until sleep <<<
“I’ve always wanted to watch the sunrise with a friend,” you pointed out as the two of you opened the window and settled down on Jaemin’s bed. “This is great.”
“I can’t believe the things I am doing for your happiness,” Donghyuck grumbled. 
He then proceeded to wrap Jaemin’s throw blanket around your shoulders, worried you might catch a cold from the chilly morning air. 
He couldn’t help but smile when you leaned a bit further out of the window, attempting to see the sun. He’d have to have a talk with the person who allowed you to be this cute—he had to thank them for this adorable view.
“Wait,” you suddenly sat up and looked at him with wide eyes, “which way does the sun rise?”
Donghyuck snorted. “You’re a college student and you don’t know this?”
“I have a very selective memory.”
He shook his head and clicked his tongue. “Listen up and remember well, my dear little (Y/n), the sun rises from the east, shines from the south and then goes down in the west.”
“And which way is east?”
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>>> 4:58 am // 17 hours until sleep <<<
Donghyuck stood in the middle of the hallway, hands on his hips in an attempt at a superhero pose, Jaemin’s royal blue throw blanket wrapped around his shoulders like a cape. 
You stood a few metres away from him, his phone in your hand (he claimed his phone camera had a better photo quality than yours) as you snapped photo after photo while counting down from five to one repeatedly. He changed his pose every time you said “One.”
“Do I look like Superman?” he wondered, posing once again. 
You chuckled. “Kind of. I think Superman’s a tiny bit taller.”
His murderous glare even managed to send a shiver down your spine through the camera lens and his phone screen. You grimaced but snapped a picture of it anyway. 
“Whatever,” he sighed dramatically before striking a different pose, his hand lifting the blanket up in a similar manner to Batman. Only his eyes shone in the dim hallway light. 
You quietly cheered him on from your spot, lying down on the carpeted floor for a better angle. He almost laughed at the sight. And another pose change.
Focused on your photoshoot, you and Donghyuck failed to notice a third presence. When you finally did, it was because the intruder, if you could call him that, cleared his throat.
Glancing up, you were met with a very confused Osaki Shotaro, sleep still heavy in his eyes. He looked down at you before quietly asking, “Are you okay? Why are you on the floor?”
“We’re just having a photoshoot,” Donghyuck informed him with a smile, dropping his poses just for this conversation but expecting to get back to the shoot in less than a minute.
Shotaro blinked, or at least it seemed like he did. His eyes were refusing to open fully because of his exhaustion so it was a bit hard to tell. The frown and small smile on his face were pretty easily readable though. “Why? It’s barely morning.”
Though you would never admit it out loud, the gravelly undertone of his voice was a nice change from Donghyuck’s high pitch and constant babbling. It took you a lot of self control to keep from tugging at on Shotaro’s sleeve and begging him to stay and speak to you for a while. 
“We’re trying to stay awake until tomorrow—” Donghyuck grimaced. “Well, until tonight evening. Is that a thing?”
At that, Shotaro giggled and rubbed at his eyes. “I can still barely tell formal and informal speech from each other. Don’t ask me for words.”
“(Y/n)? Your verdict?” 
The two boys turned to look at you, your form still lying on the floor. You laughed nervously. “I am just as exhausted as you are. I don’t know.”
Donghyuck sighed and shrugged. “If it wasn’t before, it is a thing now: tonight evening.”
“Have you slept at all?” Shotaro wondered. 
“Not since 5 in the afternoon,” Donghyuck notified him a bit too cheerfully. 
The Japanese boy next to you sighed. “Why not?”
“We’re trying to fix our sleep schedules,” you told him. “We’ve been sleeping at really weird hours and it got annoying.”
“So we’re hoping this twenty-nine hour no-sleep marathon will exhaust us to the point of fixing our sleep schedules,” Donghyuck added. 
Shotaro sat down next to you on the floor and pushed back his hair, chuckling. “I could understand only, like, six words you said.”
“Dude,” Donghyuck shook his head and placed his hands on his hips like a disappointed mother and you couldn’t help but sneak a photo or two, “you need sleep.”
“I can’t join your photoshoot?” the Japanese boy wondered, tilting his head to the side a little and pouting. To this day, you swear you heard Donghyuck go “Aw.” at the sight—you couldn’t blame him.
You smiled up at the boy and nudged his shoulder. “Do you want to? We could include you in a couple of photos.”
“Cozy friendship photoshoot!” Donghyuck called out, earning a curse from a nearby room. He cringed and tensed up, looking at the door of the room fearfully. When no more movement or sound came out, he breathed in relief and relaxed again. “Damn it, I forgot Renjun is a light sleeper.”
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>>> 5:21 am // 16 and a half hours until sleep <<<
You rolled over in Donghyuck’s bed to face him but didn’t say a word. It didn’t take long before he rolled over to face you the same way, quirking an eyebrow. 
For a moment, you glanced at his lips, so pouty and plush and kissable-looking. He seemed to have a similar train of thought, leaning closer to you with a soft look in his eyes.
But you decided that these thoughts were probably induced by your lack of sleep. Haechan had never before looked at you with such disappointment as he did when you suddenly asked, “Shouldn’t we at least try to catch up on our assignments?”
He rolled his eyes and pushed your face away. “Not a chance in hell. I do not hate myself that much.”
“What if I do though?”
“No, you don’t.”
“... You’re no help.”
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>>> 5:55 am // 16 hours until sleep <<<
Donghyuck was tugging at your (well, actually his) hoodie like a little kid or a puppy begging for attention. He whined and let out several noises as you attempted to find your phone and keys. 
“Hurry up!” he begged, ready to go out already. The curfew had lifted half an hour ago and he was desperate to go outside and get some fresh air, sick and tired of sitting in the dorms. You, however, seemed to be taking your sweet time, even if the panic on your face stated otherwise.
Finally, you let out a sigh of relief, finding your phone, wallet and keys on the floor beside Jaemin’s bedside table. You picked them up as Donghyuck cheered and began tugging you outside. “Let’s go!”
As you walked down the stairs of the building, a faint memory of a past UNO game echoed in your head. You cursed a bit before looking back up the stairs. 
Donghyuck stopped beside you and stared at you in clear disappointment again. “What is it now?”
You turned to him and asked, “What time does Jaemin wake up? I have to buy him breakfast.”
Your best friend frowned. “Fuck if I know! I sleep past noon.”
“Let’s hope he’ll text me when he wakes up.” 
“Knowing him, he’ll facetime,” Donghyuck sighed before intertwining your fingers and leading you down the stairs. 
As you walked past the front desk, you could feel the doorkeeper’s curious stare. You flashed her a smile and greeted her, Donghyuck following your lead and bowing her way, before walking out of the door. 
The moment fresh air reached your lungs, your smile brightened. It was Sunday morning and not a lot of people were walking or driving around. For once, you didn’t mind being outside. Donghyuck seemed to share your sentiment. 
“This is great,” he nearly moaned, closing his eyes as he took another deep breath. Then he shivered, prompting a giggle from you. He offered you a side-glance before sighing. “It’s colder than I thought it would be.”
“I know a way to warm you up.” You nudged him with your entire body. “Race you to the cafe two houses down.”
“Are they open at this hour?” he wondered.
You chuckled and began slowly jogging towards the cafe, giving Donghyuck some time to catch up for the fairness of the challenge. “We’ll find out when we get there. Come on!”
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>>> 6:19 am // 15 and a half hours until sleep <<<
Sat on a park bench by a pond, Donghyuck leaned into your warmth and sighed happily. He held up the to-go cup in his hand and noted, “This is the best coffee I’ve ever had.”
“It certainly is,” you agreed and took a sip of your preference of a warm beverage. “Feels nice, the warm drink and the chilly morning air.”
“The contrast is refreshing. I feel more awake all of a sudden.” 
He drank his coffee and looked around to watch the people passing by. There were only a few of them, most of them on their morning run or walking their dogs. Despite the park’s proximity to the college and the dormitories, you didn’t see a single familiar face. 
Suddenly, Donghyuck tugged at your sleeve. You turned to find him discreetly pointing at a person walking on the other side of the pond. “I bet that guy has a crush on a barista.”
“What?” You chuckled, looking at him weird.
He smiled at you. “I bet. I also bet that the only reason he’s up at this hour is to go and see said barista and order his usual coffee. What do you think he drinks?”
Catching onto his little game, you hummed in thought and narrowed your eyes. “My gut says he’s a cappuccino guy.”
“With cinnamon,” Donghyuck added to your little idea. 
“Maybe he’ll order a cinnamon roll to go with it, just to have an excuse to talk to the barista some more.”
Donghyuck snorted. “Is that what you do?”
“I don’t have a crush on a barista!” you screeched and laughed. 
“You sure? Because, you know,” he attempted to play nonchalant and you could easily tell by the way he lifted his eyebrows and avoided eye contact, “Shotaro works in a coffee shop.”
You hummed. “He does? I didn’t know.”
“Really? I thought you liked him.”
“I really, and I do mean really, do not,” you emphasized and patted his head. “I promise.” To cheer him up further, you threw in a quick, “Besides, you’re the only significant guy in my life right now.”
As he nudged you with his shoulder, Donghyuck laughed at that. “I feel honoured.”
“You should,” you teased, nudging him back. Then you nodded towards a woman walking on the other side of the pond, clad in a red coat. “What do you think she does for a living?”
“Modeling,” Donghyuck replied without hesitation, taking a sip of his drink. “Either that or she’s an actress.”
You scrunched your face up in thought. “I think she could be a spy.”
“... Is it because she kind of looks like Carmen Sandiago in that outfit?” 
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>>> 6:56 am // 15 hours until sleep <<<
You offered Donghyuck a hesitant look, holding a pan and a spoon in your hands. The two of you were stood right outside Renjun’s room, ready to barge in at any moment now. 
“Are we sure about this?” you asked him when he seemed to not notice your hesitation. “Won’t he kill us?”
Donghyuck pursed his lips before grimacing. “Probably. But to be honest, he has this wake-up call coming after he shoved a whole bucket of ice cubes into my shirt and pants last week.”
“In his defence, you were sleeping in and about to miss your history class,” Jaemin pointed out from his spot on a couch near the kitchen. He had settled there just a minute ago, his eyelids still heavy and hair a mess, his whole body still in the process of waking up and getting ready for the day.
“Maybe the first three ice cubes were justified,” Donghyuck agreed before his glare hardened, “but the rest of that bucket? I’m going to make him regret.”
You chuckled and agreed. “On the count of three?”
“On the count of three.” He rolled his shoulders and neck before reaching for the doorknob. “Ready? One…”
You leaned forward a little, ready to run in.
“Two…” He took a deep breath and quirked his eyebrows. 
“Three!” You burst in through the door, going straight towards Renjun’s bed. It was at that moment that you realized that the lucky boy didn’t have a roommate. This only fueled you to wake him up.
Renjun’s eyes shot open as the noise of pots and pans being hit with spoons and Donghyuck’s loud attempt at yodelling registered. It was incredibly loud and he was sure the whole building could hear the commotion. He cursed and rubbed at his eyes before covering his ears and glaring at you in turns.
Donghyuck kept a close eye on him while dancing around the room. As he noticed the boy’s emotions flash from confusion to rage, he dropped his pot and grabbed you by the sleeve. Giggling like a giddy schoolgirl, he led you away from the room, the both of you running down the hallways to avoid Renjun’s anger. 
“Get back here, you—!” Renjun’s voice and footsteps echoed after you. You had no doubt he had picked up the wooden spoon Donghyuck had used and was planning on murdering you with it. 
“(Y/n), this way!” Donghyuck called through your shared laughter, hand gripping yours as he directed you towards an empty bathroom on the second floor. The moment you were inside, he slammed the door closed and locked it, pushing his back against it for extra safety.
Through the door, you could Renjun cursing in various languages. This only made the two of you laugh harder. Donghyuck quit attempting to hold back his laughter and folded over, tears in his eyes and his cheeks hurting from the violent giggles.
“When you come out from there, I swear I will—” Renjun continued cursing in Mandarin and you couldn’t be bothered to listen to him. 
Instead, you sat down on the floor and leaned against Donghyuck’s laughing body, joining his glee. Instinctively, your hands wrapped around the soft fabric of your best friend’s hoodie as you continued cackling at your friend’s anger.
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>>> 8:37 am // 13 and a half hours until sleep <<<
Sitting in a cafe with you and Donghyuck and Jeno, Jaemin chuckled. “You really hid in the bathroom for an hour?”
“We did,” Donghyuck confessed with a sigh. “It was a bit cramped and could’ve used some cleaning, but fuck, it was fun.”
“The bathroom or Renjun’s anger?” Jaemin narrowed his eyes.
Donghyuck and you raised your eyebrows at him, both clearly disappointed in his dumb joke. He seemed unbothered, chuckling nevertheless. 
“Renjun seemed pretty pissed. I wouldn’t even make eye contact with him for a few days, if I were you,” Jeno pointed out, stirring his drink with a straw. “Just a warning.”
“Wasn’t planning on it anyway,” Donghyuck promised earnestly before leaning back in his chair. He picked a strawberry off your plate and ate it. You listened as he let out a hum of appreciation and mumbled about the berry being just right.
“How long until you two are going to sleep?” Jaemin then wondered. “It’s been a long while already.”
“Not sure,” you sang and pulled out your phone. With a proud smile, you announced, “Only a bit over thirteen hours to go.”
“So,” Jeno frowned, “like a whole normal day.”
“Yeah,” Donghyuck agreed and straightened up with a smile that screamed regret, “except we’ve already been awake for 16 hours.”
“You’re insane,” Jeno whispered, staring at the two of you with wide eyes. “Seriously insane.”
Jaemin kissed his teeth before lifting his coffee cup. “That’s what I told them.”
“To be honest, I am slowly starting to feel the insanity seeping in, yeah,” your best friend mumbled and took a sip of his coffee. “But breakfast helps.” 
He then proceeded to look at you with a pout and his eyes adorably wide. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what he wanted. 
You shook your head. “I am already paying for my and Jaemin’s breakfast. If I pay for yours as well, I’ll be broke before next weekend rolls in.”
“Oh come on,” he whined, pinching your arm gently, “I bought us three bags of snacks last night. The least you could do is pay me back with breakfast.”
“What am I? Your boyfriend? Girlfriend? Sugar mommy?” you asked, in a state of disbelief.
“I mean, you could be,” he wiggled his eyebrows rather suggestively. If you had any thought of paying for him earlier, the thought now vanished. 
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>>> 9:17 am // 13 hours until sleep <<<
“Okay, but no, it’s not okay! I worked my ass off for that essay and she just—” Jaemin stopped mid-sentence, his gaze switching from annoyance to absolute adoration as he stared at something ahead of you. He placed his Americano in Jeno’s hands. “Hold on a sec.”
While he did so, and you and Jeno stared at him in clear confusion, Donghyuck let out a squeal before dashing forward. “Puppy!”
As the puzzle pieces fit into their places, you began laughing at the two boys’ cute reactions. “They’re so weird.”
“They love dogs,” Jeno sighed, almost taking a sip out of Jaemin’s coffee but managing to stop himself somehow. He glanced towards you, a smile appearing on his lips as he nudged you gently. “And you love him.”
“Who?” you panicked, almost snapping your own neck from the speed at which you turned your head. Your eyes wide and heartbeat going insane, you defended yourself, “I don’t even like Donghyuck like that.”
Jeno smirked and brought a coffee cup to his lips. “I didn’t say a name.” 
He then sputtered and coughed as the bitter liquid of Jaemin’s coffee instead of a creamy and sweet hot chocolate met his tongue. You didn’t say anything, but silently thanked karma.
“(Y/n)!” Donghyuck screamed, his fingers knuckle-deep in a Malamute’s fur. “Come and pet this dog! Her fur is so soft! And she’s so friendly! Yes, she is! Yes, she is!”
Recovering from his coffee mistake, Jeno nudged you once again with a smile. He mumbled, “He likes you too.”
It took every ounce of your self-control to keep from telling Jeno a choice of non-child-appropriate words. You just glared at him instead before heading towards Donghyuck and the dog. How dare he give you hope like that!?
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>>> 11:03 am // 11 hours until sleep <<<
“Not gonna lie,” Donghyuck spoke, his head peeking out of your room (since Jaemin had kicked you two out of theirs for a cleaning session the moment you got back to the dorms), “I’m a bit surprised Renjun hasn’t attempted to murder us yet.”
At his comment, you looked up from your homework sheets, an eyebrow raised. After a moment of consideration, you asked, “You were counting on getting murdered?”
Donghyuck ducked back into your room and shrugged, “I was feeling some hatred towards myself when I came up with that plan, so yeah.”
You chose not to reply. Instead, you squeezed your mouth shut and focused back on your homework. 
Your determination to study was broken again when you felt him lean his head on your shoulder once again. Though he didn’t say anything, you still found it hard to focus back on your work, his proximity making your mind hazy.
“Why are you doing homework on Sunday morning?” Donghyuck wondered, tilting his head from side to side as he stared at the sheets in your lap. You shrugged and he chuckled. “Let’s do something more fun.”
“These are due tomorrow morning though,” you pointed out somewhat begrudgingly and leaned back against his chest. 
With your mind sleepier than ever before, you kept finding yourself thinking thoughts  and asking questions you never had before: for example, since when was his chest so well-built? You shook the thought out your mind and tried to continue your work instead.
Donghyuck let out a whine. When you looked back at him, he was sporting a confused frown and his lips were adorably pouted. He made eye-contact with you and you almost melted. “Do you want some help?”
“Why?” you teased, simultaneously making the mistake of pushing your face closer to his. “Are you jealous of this worksheet.”
Now. There were a million ways your sleep-deprived brain imagined this going. You could imagine him pushing you away and denying. You could imagine him scoffing in your face. You could even imagine Renjun interrupting the moment with a slam of the door and a chainsaw in hand, a murderous glare in his eyes. 
Never in a million years could you have imagined the reality.
Closing his eyes, he closed the small distance left between your faces to rub his nose against your own, nuzzling his face into your own in an attempt of showing affection, before mumbling, “And if I say yes?”
Your mind, your heart, and your body were going into a frenzy, desperately trying to figure out the meaning behind his actions. Did he like you back? Was Jeno right? Were you hallucinating? Was he just teasing?
Before you could make sense of your feelings, the door opened and revealed Renjun glaring at him. Donghyuck was up and off your bed within the span of  a second, already dashing towards the door. Renjun caught him before he could leave, dragging him out in a chokehold and leaving you behind to ponder your existence.
Gasping for air, you shook your head and turned back to your homework. As you grabbed your pen, you mumbled, “Dear Classic Literature 101, provide me with the distraction I need.”
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>>> 1:02 pm // 9 hours until sleep <<<
Your daydreams and a desperate situational analysis were interrupted by the cause of it all walking back into your room, face flushed and his hair a complete mess. Donghyuck stood in front of your door for a bit, resting his hands on his hips, before sighing and smiling and trudging over to your figure.
Without a single second of hesitation, he threw his body over yours, resting his head against your shoulder once again, his nose just barely grazing the side of your neck as he let out a noise of happiness.
Deciding to ignore the way your heart once again picked up its speed and your skin seemed to burn where he touched, you poked his shoulder and asked, “Where were you for so long?”
“Renjun threw me around for a bit,” Donghyuck half-joked tiredly, his eyes closing as he relished in the comfort of your embrace. “Had me in a chokehold, tickled me, beat my ass in Yu-Gi-Oh twice, and reported me to the RA,” he took a deep dramatic breath before continuing, “who then made me fill in some paperwork and made me write an explanation to my actions and threatened to kick me out if I do any of this ever again.” He sighed. “All in all, a perfect morning.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “Wait, does this mean I’m getting punished too?”
Donghyuck’s eyes opened abruptly. “Do you want to be?”
“No?” You raised an eyebrow. “I’m asking if I will be.”
He patted your head gently, almost off-handedly, before assuring you, “No, you’re not. I made a deal with Renjun. The RA has no idea you were involved. All he knows is you were an unwilling victim of my crime.”
“What kind of a deal?” you wondered. 
Donghyuck rolled his eyes before closing them once again. “Does it matter? Do you want to be punished so badly?”
“No, I don’t.”
“So, don’t worry.” He took a hold of your hand, intertwining your fingers. “Just trust me.”
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>>> 1:57 pm // 8 hours until sleep <<<
A feeling of déjà vu filled you as you watched the scene unfolding in front of you in Jaemin and Donghyuck’s bedroom.
“Why are we playing UNO again?” Jeno wondered, shuffling the cards like a professional and making you marvel at his skills all over again for the umpteenth time in the past 12 hours. As you watched his hands at work, you made a note to yourself that if you weren’t so head over heels for your best friend, you’d definitely consider dating Lee Jeno.
Donghyuck, once again busily drawing a table in his notebook, mumbled, “Because we live in a dorm where there is no wi-fi and the only board games are this and strip poker,” he closed the cap of his marker before looking up, “and I don’t know about you, but I personally have some body image issues which I am afraid would only get worse if I was shirtless in the same room as you two Greek gods.”
Jeno’s hands halted and a puzzled frown appeared on his face. It only lasted for a second before he shrugged and turned back to the cards. “Whatever you say.”
“What’s the prize this time?” Jaemin asked. Lying on his tummy and kicking his legs back and forth gently, he looked like a giddy schoolgirl about to gossip with her friends. You weren’t sure why your sleepy brain came up with that particular analogy, but judging by the amused look Donghyuck sent your way, your brain wasn’t the only one.
With the cards shuffled and dealt, you got ready for the brutal game that was about to start.
“Loser buys the winner a meal,” Donghyuck spoke as though it was obvious. “I’ll go first.”
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>>> 3:12 pm // 7 hours until sleep <<<
“How did you lose?” You still couldn’t believe it as Donghyuck put away the cards. Hungry for some proper food, Jeno and Jaemin had left just minutes ago, coming in second and third place respectively. 
Donghyuck shrugged nonchalantly. “Maybe my brain just isn’t built for UNO.”
With a loud sigh, he jumped onto the bed and lied down. You raised an eyebrow. “That’s a big lie. You’ve never lost at UNO before.”
“Maybe polarities switched?” he guessed half-heartedly, not even bothering to make sense. Even you could see through that facade.
“Whatever,” you scoffed before poking him between the ribs. “Now you owe me a meal.”
You almost missed the way his lips tugged into a tiny smile. “It’ll be my pleasure.” He pulled you closer before asking, “What do you want for dinner, oh dear winner?”
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>>> 4:10 pm // 6 hours until sleep <<<
Loud hollering interrupted your in-depth discussion about best dog breeds to own. You shared a confused look before jumping up and peeking out the door. To amplify your shock, the first face you saw was that of Na Jaemin, his face twisted in a nearly maniacal smile.
“What’s up with you?” Donghyuck asked lowly, stepping between you and Jaemin in a stance that you nearly dubbed protective in your sleepy haze.
Jaemin let out a squeal and pulled Donghyuck into a tight hug. “The wi-fi is back!”
“It’s back?” Donghyuck struggled out while pushing Jaemin away to his best ability. He glanced at you over his shoulder as you went to check the router. Indeed, instead of an annoying blinking red light there was a bright happy green. 
You pulled out your phone to connect to the network and gasped as notifications began rolling in. “Woah! It’s really back!”
“I told you!” Jaemin squealed once again, tightening his grip on Donghyuck who could only let out quiet whines and whimpers at his roommate’s strength. You guessed his tired state was making him slightly less physically strong. 
After what felt like a long while, Donghyuck pushed free from Jaemin’s giddy embrace and instead ran to give you a similar treatment. You groaned as he squeezed you and spun you around as if you were the sole cause for the return of wi-fi. As much as you loved being in his embrace, you shortly realized you also dearly loved to breathe and so you struggled out of his hug. He only laughed.
“Yeah, yeah,” you gasped out before leaning back on your best friend’s bed. “Ready to continue our drama?”
Donghyuck’s eyes lit up. “Oh my god! Yes! Wait,” he rushed over to his closet to pull a bag of snacks out before nearly dancing over to you again, “we have snacks, we have wi-fi, we have each other. Let’s see who that girl ends up with.”
“Can you hand me my laptop?” you asked sheepishly when he expectantly looked at you. He rolled his eyes but did so anyway. 
“You’re lucky I love you,” he grumbled. 
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>>> 6:29 pm // 3 and a half hours until sleep <<<
“Yah!” Donghyuck’s whiny voice woke you up from a slumber you hadn’t even realized you had fall in. You begrudgingly opened your eyes to find him glaring at you as if you had just insulted his very being. You gulped. “I thought we agreed to stay awake together! What are you doing?”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled and adjusted your position to chase sleep away, “I didn’t even realize I had fallen asleep.”
Theatrically, Donghyuck sighed in defeat. To your surprise, he then took your hand and placed a chocolate bar in your palm. “Eat up. Maybe you’ll get some energy. We can do this.”
“Hwaiting,” you chuckled weakly and unwrapped the snack while attempting to understand the plot of the drama. “Wait, what happened here? How long was I asleep?”
“A few minutes,” Donghyuck lied. It was closer to half an hour, really. “You didn’t miss much.”
You tilted your head. “It kinda feels like I did though.”
“Believe me,” he snorted and pulled you to rest under his arm, resting his head on top of yours, “you didn’t miss anything.”
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>>> 8:24 pm // 1 and a half hours until sleep <<<
“Wait what!?” you screeched, jumping up and waking Donghyuck from the little sleepy daze he had found himself in. He looked at you with suddenly wide and awake eyes as you frantically paused the drama and gestured. 
“What?” he asked.
You pointed at the screen. “The lead girl is related to the male lead’s half-sister!?”
“Yeah,” he yawned and tried to pull you back into his embrace, “they revealed it in the last episode already, I think. Or maybe a few episodes ago.”
You frowned. “I don’t remember that.”
“You don’t?” Donghyuck hummed. “I couldn’t sworn they revealed it then.”
You attempted to make sense of the situation. Surely your brain was remembering the drama selectively! Either that or…
As realization hit, you gasped. 
Donghyuck soon found himself at the end of a very accusatory pointer finger, his eyebrows shooting up. “What?”
“You lied!” 
“I didn’t.”
“You did!”
“When?” he raised his voice just a bit.
You pointed at the screen once again, as if it was key evidence, and accused your best friend, “You said I was only asleep for a few minutes and I didn’t miss anything!”
“You didn’t,” he chuckled sleepily. “See, you’re all caught up already.”
“That’s different!” you whined and let him pull you into a cuddle.
“Don’t be so dramatic and just watch the drama,” Donghyuck mumbled, half-consciously pressing a soft kiss to the crown of your head before pressing play on the drama once again. 
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>>> 9:54 pm // six minutes until sleep <<<
“The other guy was a much better choice,” he complained, eyes still glued to the laptop screen. “He knew her so well and was so sweet.”
“He reminded me of Shotaro a bit,” you pointed out while munching on a tangerine. 
Donghyuck’s eyes narrowed, finally tearing away from the screen just to glare at you. “What did you just say?”
“He reminded me of Shotaro?” Under his intense gaze, it was difficult to continue eating or even thinking. So you halted both actions and stared right back at him like a deer caught in headlights.
“How is he like Shotaro?” he whined after a while, switching from irritation to poutiness. “If anything, he’s like me.”
“Like you?” You snorted. “Please. He’s adorable. Plus, this guy knows everything about this girl, like Shotaro with his girlfriend.”
“I know everything about you too!” he pointed out and sat up straighter, though his face only appeared to lean closer to yours. “Don’t believe me? Try me.”
You weren’t one to back down from a challenge, so you asked, “What’s my least favourite subject?” 
You could barely finish the question before he had the answer ready. “You hate the professor of that subject because she always gives too much homework and uses outdated memes in her presentations. Try again.”
While swearing to yourself that he was getting closer to you physically, you asked, “My favourite clothing item?”
“Those trendy jeans you got for a cheap price at a second-hand store and have been wearing at least once every week,” Donghyuck replied without any hesitation. As you were about to pose another question, he added on, “You also love the green hoodie I gave you last night because it’s my softest and warmest one and it always smells like me. That’s why I borrow it to you every time without you even asking.”
You were a bit taken aback. He, on the other hand, seemed to not plan on stopping anytime soon. 
“I know all of your allergies, I know all of your likes and dislikes and loves and hatreds and I know you are oddly attracted to the way Jeno shuffles cards and how Renjun speaks Mandarin. I know you like the smell of fresh laundry and you have no idea how a compass works or which way is north. I know you better than anyone.” He sounded both bitter and infatuated as he listed. 
He also seemed to get closer to you with every word he said. If you hadn’t noticed that before in your state of awe, you definitely realized it when his nose pressed against your own and his eyes seemed so big you felt like you were watching at an ocean of hot chocolate swirl in them. 
After a beat of silence, he sighed and pulled back, looking away as he seemed almost upset. He ran a hand through his hair and mumbled, “And yet you’re into—”
You didn’t let him finish his sentence. Instead, your fingers wrapped around the collar of his worn black t-shirt and pulled him towards you until your lips met his. Instinctively, your fingers released his shirt to run up his neck and to his fluffy and soft hair that you knew smelled of pine trees and the ocean. His lips felt soft against yours and the hum of happiness that rumbled in his chest felt like you had finally found your reason for being. His hands on your waist left burning prints in their wake and you couldn’t help but lean closer to him. 
He pulled back after a moment, desperate for a breath of air as well as answers. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the way his eyes were glazed over with something akin to admiration. They seemed to shine. 
With a blissful and relieved smile on his face, he spoke, “So you’re not into—”
While chuckling, you pressed a hand to his lips to stop him from speaking. “I am not into Shotaro, or Jeno, or Jaemin, or Renjun, or even Felix Lee.”
“Then…” He leaned forward again, testing the waters. “Are you into…?”
“You? Why yes, Lee Donghyuck,” you replied pressing a quick kiss to his lips to reassure him, “I really am into you.”
Donghyuck kissed you again and you could feel the smile on his lips. He kept pulling you closer and closer and didn’t stop until you were positively in his lap and not even a sheet of paper could fit between your bodies. When he pulled away again, his grin widened. “We’re both idiots, then. I’ve been in love with you since Freshman year.”
“Seriously?” You giggled. “That’s long.”
“I know,” he sighed dreamily. 
You swore you had never seen his eyes shine like that before and yet you couldn’t imagine them looking any other way all of a sudden. You smiled. “I’ve loved you since—”
The alarm on your phone blared and forced you out of your little paradise. After shuffling off Donghyuck’s lap and to his bedside table to shut off the alarm, you found yourself quietly fearing you had dreamed this whole thing. It felt unreal. 
Yet, when you turned back to him, he was smiling at you the same way he had just a minute ago. With his eyes shining with galaxies in them and a dreamy tilt to his expression as he held out his arms, eager for your return. You felt just as eager and quickly found your way back to your best friends—your lover’s—arms. 
He pressed another kiss to your lips before hugging you tighter and falling to his back, head resting against his pillows. He hummed as you adjusted your position so you were cuddled into his side, head tilted just enough to be able to reach his lips again without much additional effort. 
“Stay the night?” he asked lazily, lips pressing to your temple for a peck before he pulled his blanket over the two of you. You smiled and nodded, breathing in his familiar scent as you closed your eyes. He chuckled a bit before pressing another kiss to your forehead and whispering, “We’re going to talk about this tomorrow, okay? No running from our feelings.”
“Why not now?” you teased, cracking an eye open just enough to gauge his reaction.
Donghyuck scoffed and lightly raised an eyebrow. “Sleep.”
“Pft!” You poked between his ribs affectionately, prompting him to catch your hand in his hand and giggle. “Who needs sleep?”
“Us,” he mumbled and tightened his embrace. “We need sleep. Desperately.”
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164 notes · View notes
wreckmetoji · 3 years
An ongoing fic in which you don't realize you have both Fushiguros at your feet.
↳ Toji Fushiguro/Reader ↳ Megumi Fushiguro/Reader
Part 7/?
Part 1, Part 2 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6
content warning. negative thoughts, self doubt, angst, slight fluff, poor megumi This is part seven of a several part story revolving around smut. **Minors DNI**
1.9k words
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You glared at him, only to be met with a shit-eating grin. "Looks like that smart mouth is good for something. Now get out of my car." The exchange was less than desirable. Nothing screams you're worthless more than pleasuring a man and then being told to promptly get out of his sight. There were no more words exchanged between the two of you, once you had gotten out of the car and slammed the door shut, Toji sped off without as much as a glance in your direction. It made you seethe, but at the same time you felt so incredibly disgusted that you let him degrade you like that. It took you a while to clean up, deciding to crumple your only half decent dress and throw it in your closet to be forgotten, and shower away the now dried cum sticking to your legs. You don't know why you were left feeling this way, you knew Toji wasn't a good man. You also knew that whatever you two had going on was supposed to be zero feelings involved. Still, it wouldn't have killed him to treat you decently. Sitting on your bed in nothing but a towel, you held your phone in both hands, staring at the bright screen in stark contrast to your nearly pitch-black room. You needed to talk to someone, you felt vulnerable. You knew Nobara had a date tonight, and Yuuji was taking night classes to make up for failing grades, that only left... A sigh fell from your lips, heart wrenching when your thumb pressed the call button, your heartbeat hammering in your ear as you brought the phone to it. It only rang two times before he answered, like he was already anticipating your call. "Hey," Megumi sounded tired, and you could hear the rustling of his sheets on the other end. It was nearly midnight, the realization that you must've disturbed his sleep making you feel even worse. "Hey..." You answered quietly, unsure what else to say. How were you going to get emotional support from him? It's not like you could say your dad fucked me stupid and made me feel used, I need someone to talk to. You heard his gentle voice call your name, once, then twice, before you placed your hand over your mouth and sniffled, trying to keep your tears at bay. You were human fucking garbage. "Hey, hey whats wrong? Are you okay?" Again, you heard the rustling of sheets, then a click followed by a long creak. "I'm gonna come over, wait for me, okay? I'll be ten minutes." You nodded, even though he couldn't see you, and the line went quiet. He never hung up, staying on the phone with you while he drove. Every time you sniffled, or whimpered, or quietly sobbed, he would croon it's okay, I'm almost there. In much less time than he said he'd take, you heard the phone go silent, followed by his frantic rapping at the door. He knew the code to get into your building, him being one of three people you trusted so dearly with it. You were suddenly very aware of your towel-clad body, but really unable to care at the moment. You just needed someone. Less than a second after the door was opened, Megumi was inside your apartment, kicking the door shut with his heel. When he quickly pulled you into a tight embrace, your hands balled into his chest, accepting the halo of warmth he provided as you quietly sobbed into his shirt. It didn't take long for you to stop crying, standing in the entryway in silence as Megumi held you with such care. Once he could tell you'd calmed slightly, he brought you back to your room, sitting you on the bed and going through your closet to find you something to wear. You didn't see that he noticed the dress you wore tonight so angrily discarded in the corner. He managed to find one of his old graphic shirts he gave you, and a pair of loose shorts, placing them on the bed beside you. "I'll give you a minute. Let me know when you're done." He stepped out of the room, making sure not to close the door completely behind him, letting the hallway light bleed into the dark room so you'd be able to see what you were doing. You softly smiled at his choice of clothes, the faded cartoon dog on the shirt was nostalgic. Once changed, you slowly opened the door, refusing to make eye contact. If he knew whatever was wrong was tied to him in some way, he didn't show it. You sat on the couch with him, legs bunched up, leaning into his side with his arm slung over your shoulders. The silence was comfortable, your tears and sniffles mostly subsided as the two of you absentmindedly watched whatever movie he decided to put on. "So," He broke the silence, taking a deep breath, "Do you want to talk about what's wrong?" This is the part you were dreading. How were you going to say this, if you could even say anything? There's nothing you could say that wouldn't give away who hurt you in what way. You could only imagine how disgusted he would be with you. "Shit, no," Megumi cursed, turning towards you on the couch when you started to cry again. "It's okay, you don't have to talk about it." His arm was still over the back of the couch, his other reaching out to grab yours, hesitating for a moment before he threaded his fingers between yours. "I feel like," You hiccuped, gripping his hand in both of yours. "I feel like if I talk about it, you'll end up hating me. I can't have you hate me, Gumi." You hung your head, tears falling onto your joined hands. Megumi remained quiet, scooting closer to you on the couch, his free hand coming to rub your back. "You know I could never hate you." You knew that was a lie, at least in this situation. "I'm just a pile of fucking garbage, I can't even get my life together for one fucking day! I just hurt everyone around me and–" Your words were caught in your throat, the hand that was previously holding yours now grasping your chin and forcing you to turn and look at him. Despite that, it was still gentle. "Don't say that shit, you know better than that." He firmly scolded, sapphire blue eyes boring into yours. The longer he stared, the more you cried. "I just feel... so disgusting. I feel like everyone would be happier if I weren't around. I feel worthless." Your tears slowed, watching his eyes as they scanned your face, settling on your lips a little longer than anticipated. You wanted to feel like you were worth something. In that moment, and that time, you wanted to feel loved. It didn't matter by who. Leaning into his touch, moving your face closer, your gaze moved between his eyes and his lips, watching them part ever so slightly. When he leaned back, even if just a centimeter, you stopped dead in your tracks. The tips of his ears were flushed, his breaths heavy and slow as they fanned over your lips. "I... I don't know what I'd do without you, so please..." Megumi swallowed, seeming unsure of what to do. His hand moved to the back of your head, cradling it when he closed the tiny gap between you two, kissing you so passionately, and so desperately. You returned the favor, hands fisting the fabric of his shirt, his other arm coming to wrap around your waist and pulling you impossibly close. This was wrong, you were horrible for using him like this, but he was the only one that made you feel wanted, needed. He was the first to pull back, keeping you in place as he rested his forehead against yours. Sapphire eyes were closed, and his brows were knitted together. When you leaned in for another kiss, he turned his head slightly. Your name fell from his lips in a pained whisper. "I don't think this is really what you want." He sounded sincere, but absolutely shattered. "I think you think this is what you want, and I'm sorry I took advantage of that but... I can't have you disappearing on me again because I'm selfish." If only he knew that you were the selfish one. You were quiet for a moment, hands loosening their grip on his shirt. "Please," You begged, tilting your head to kiss him again, only to have him lean back and look at you. His expression was doubtful, like he didn't believe what he was hearing. "Please, Gumi, I need you right now." With the way his jaw visibly clenched, you knew you wouldn't have to convince him anymore. He was weak to your requests and wide teary brimmed eyes, you'd put him in a position he just couldn't refuse. You moved forward again, this time successful in managing to kiss him, just as desperate as before. The feeling of his resolve crumbling made you sigh against his lips, both of his hands coming up and cupping your face. It was nothing like the treatment you'd experienced the last few times with his father, the two seemed like complete opposites in how they handled a partner. Perhaps it really all came down to whether or not they cared about who they were touching. Megumi moved his hands down, moving under your shirt just enough so the flats of his palms came in contact with the bare skin of your waist. He dared not go further than that, you knew he wouldn't even as he pulled you into his lap, never once breaking the needy, now crooked kiss. He had been the first to crack, hesitantly brushing his tongue against the lip of your slightly parted mouth, and you eagerly returned the favor. It was clear he wasn't thinking straight with how firmly he held you against him, chest heaving when he exhaled through his nose. His grip tightened, halting your movements after you had rocked forward on him, causing your clothed heat to rub up against the forming tent in his black pajama pants. Clearly, with how sensitive he was, he wasn't wearing underwear. He parted from you, cheeks flushed and irises blown. "I... we can't. Not yet." "You don't want to?" "No– fuck, I do. I want to, I want you– I just don't want you to regret it again." Maybe, you thought, the disappointed expression painting your face would tell him you wouldn't, but deep down you knew he wouldn't budge. He always had a good moral compass, at least when he was sober. You nodded, and he let out the breath he was holding, leaning up and giving you one, two, three kisses, the third lingering much longer than the others. "I'll stay with you tonight, if that's what you want, but if we're gonna do something like that, I want to do it proper this time." That was admirable, you thought with a bittersweet smile as he carried you to your room, settling you down on your queen bed and crawling in next to you. He didn't have to beckon you once he put his head down on the plush pillow, since you were already making your way over to his side. In this moment, and in this time, you felt loved. You felt needed. You felt respected. And you knew that come morning time, you'd probably regret that too. 
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thebookreader12345 · 3 years
Shouting Match
Pairing: Sean Roman x Halstead! reader
Summary: Y/N and Sean were in what seemed like the perfect relationship, but when a close friend gets hurt, the two realize there were many faults between them and an argument ensues
Requested: Yes, by anonymous
Warnings: slight swearing, mentions of alcohol and gunshot wounds
Word Count: 1,777 Words
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"Jay, for the last time, I'm not gonna break up with Sean just because you don't like him," I tell my older brother.
"Why not, Y/N? I'd say that's a pretty good reason," Jay retorted as he followed me out to my car.
We had just spent the past 2 hours hanging out at Molly's so that we could catch up because it had been a while since we'd spent time together. But of course, as soon as the topic of relationships came up, a debate started that I had not wanted to get into.
"Look, Jay. I get that he's got beef with Intelligence, and they're practically your second family, but Sean's a really great guy. And once you get over whatever the hell has you fixated on him being an asshole, you'll see that. Now, I've got an early shift at Med tomorrow, and if I'm late, Will is gonna have my head. I'll talk to you tomorrow," I say before climbing into my car.
The ride to the apartment was pretty short, 5 minutes tops, and I was just happy to be home. I climbed out of my car and entered the complex, taking the stairs to get to the second floor of the building. From there, it was only a matter of seconds before I got to my door and unlocked it.
"Hey," Sean greeted from the couch as I came through the door. It wasn't weird for Sean to be in my apartment when I got home. Occasionally he'd come over so we could spend a bit of time together before our next shifts.
"Hey," I return and set my things down before joining him on the couch. I took a seat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, placing a much needed kiss on his lips.
"How was work?" Sean asked and encircled my waist with his arms.
"You know, giving meds, checking in on patients, the usual," I reply, describing the everyday routine of my job as an ED Nurse at Chicago Med. "And then I got to spend some time with Jay at Molly's. It's always nice hanging out with him since I don't see him as often as Will. But what about you? How was patrol?"
"Fine. The only thing that happened was an attempted robbery, and we caught the guy," Sean responded. "Speaking of work, my partner's taking a day off tomorrow, so I'm gonna be partnered with Kim for the day."
I had no problem with Kim. Quite the opposite, actually. She was my best friend. However, she was also Sean's ex, so sometimes it made things weird between us. She assured me when Sean and I started dating that she was okay with it, and I believed that, but whenever the three of us were together, there was a bit of awkwardness in the room. We always got past it though, and Sean and Kim continued to be friends.
"All right. Keep each other safe, please," I plead and peck his lips before climbing off of his lap. "I've got an early shift tomorrow, so I'm gonna head to bed."
"Goodnight," Sean called after me. I ditched the clothes I was wearing, throwing them in the hamper with one toss. After I put on some pajamas, I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. Minutes later, I was fast asleep.
"Y/N, that's your second cup of coffee this morning," Maggie pointed out as she joined me at the nurses' station.
"Yeah. And...?" I trailed off, not seeing the problem.
"Late night?" Maggie questioned.
I shook my head. "No, actually. I made Jay promise not to keep me at Molly's past 10, and he stayed true to that. Today I'm just enjoying my caffeine." Just then, Maggie's pager beeped, and when she glanced down at it, she frowned.
"Incoming! Choi, you're up!" Maggie yelled into the ED. Ethan was the doctor I worked with the most, and I had no problem with it. We had grown to be close friends, and we worked quite well together. So, whenever it was his turn to accept an incoming trauma, I always followed to help him out. I thought today would be the same, but that all changed when the gurney was wheeled through the ambulance bay doors.
"Kim Burgess, late 20s, gunshot wound to the neck. Weak pulse. We intubated in the field," Courtney, the paramedic, informed us. My whole world seemed to stop as I watched my best friend get wheeled past me. And seeing her unconscious made things 100% worse.
"Y/N, you coming?" Ethan quizzed as he led the gurney into the nearest trauma room.
"I uh... Mags, c-can you...?" I stammer out, not even needing to finish my sentence for Maggie to understand what I was asking.
"I've got this," Maggie assured me and followed Ethan into the trauma room. Seconds after Kim was wheeled in, Sean entered the ED, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on me.
"Y/N!" Sean shouted and joined me by the nurses' station. "How's Kim doing?"
"I don't know," I confess and glance towards the trauma room she was situated in. "I make it a rule to not work on anyone I'm close with. What the hell happened? You guys were just supposed to be on a routine patrol."
"Intelligence called us up," Sean answered. "We were working a drug case and we ended up having to chase the guy down an alleyway."
"That's not what I'm talking about. You promised you'd keep Kim safe. You promised, Sean. So where were you when she was being shot at?" I implore harshly.
"I was taking cover like I was supposed to! We didn't have an eye so I ducked down behind a dumpster. What, you think this was my fault?" Sean asked.
"You're her partner, Sean. It's your job to protect her. Yet here she is with a bullet buried in her neck," I return.
"You're acting like I told her to make a move," Sean countered. "She put her own life in danger. I had nothing to do with that."
I scoffed. "You had everything to do with it."
"I don't think we should be having this argument here," Sean whispered.
"Well I think we should," I retort.
"Y/N," Sean started.
"Don't 'Y/N' me," I seethe. By now, the whole ED was staring at us, but I didn't care right now. "My best friend is dying because of you!"
"If it was me in there instead of Kim, would you be yelling at her?" Sean posed. "Cause I think you'd be trying to reassure her that none of it was her fault. So, what? Kim takes priority over me, your boyfriend?"
"At the moment, yeah," I reply and cross my arms over my chest.
"Just at the moment? I think she always has," Sean accused. "And if that doesn't speak to how our relationship is, then I don't know what does."
"What are you trying to say?" I ask.
"I'm not trying to say anything. I'm telling you that I'm through with this. I'm through with you," Sean emphasized. "We're done." As Sean stalked off back towards the lobby, everything he said really hit me.
We were done.
"Y/N? You okay?" Adam questioned once he noticed that I had practically froze in the middle of the ED.
"Excuse me," I murmur and push past him politely. My body was begging me for some fresh air to help calm myself down, so I made my way out of the ED, but that involved going through the lobby where Sean and the rest of the 21st district was waiting. I hoped that I wouldn't catch anyone's attention, but I should've known better.
"Y/N," Jay said and stood up when he saw me. However, instead of stopping to talk to him, I made a beeline straight for the exit. The automatic doors opened when I stepped near them, allowing a nice breeze to hit my face. My feet carried me to the front of the hospital where I took a seat against the side of the building and placed my head in my hands. That's when the tears began to flow, but I didn't stop them. Minutes later, I was joined by Jay, who took a seat next to me. For a few seconds, we sat in silence, but then Jay spoke up. "Natalie told me what happened."
"I don't want to talk about it," I mutter without removing my head from my arms.
"Well, as family, we're required to," Jay declared. "I told you Roman was an ass."
I laughed softly and picked my head up, resting it against the wall behind me. "I now see why you thought that. So everyone in the ED heard?"
Jay nodded. "Yeah. But don't worry. I'm sure they're all thinking the same thing as I am. Want me to have a talk with Roman?"
I shook my head. "No, but thank you for offering. I uh, I need to get back inside. We're low on nurses today. I'll talk to you later, Jay."
Jay's POV
A few hours later, Kim was awake and doing well, and I was just glad that she would be making a full recovery. As Adam and I were exiting her room, we just so happened to bump into Sean Roman, the girl who just, not even hours prior, broke my little sister's heart.
"Hey, guys," Sean greeted. "Is she awake?""
I crossed my arms over my chest. "Are you for real?"
Sean frowned. "What?"
"You broke up with my sister, that's what. Get the hell out of here!" I demand.
Adam cut Sean off. "Kim doesn't want to talk to you. Not after what happened between you and Y/N. And I'd advise you follow Jay's orders."
Sean hesitated, but sighed. "Fine." He then walked off, leaving Adam and I standing alone in front of Kim's hospital room.
"All right man, I'm gonna head out. I promised Y/N that Will and I would come over after her shift, which is ending in like 20 minutes, so I've gotta pick up some pizza and beers."
"Okay. I'm gonna stay and keep Kim company. Have a good night," Adam spoke.
"Yeah man. You too," I return. And with that, I left the hospital to go spend some much needed quality time with my sister. Y/N would probably be hurting for a few days, but Will and I agreed that we'd be there for her every step of the way because that's what big brothers were for.
Tag List:
@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @virtualreader @carnationworld​ @caitsymichelle13​ @dreamingmanip @campingmonkey @winterberryfox @nevertoofarfromivar @anotherfan07 @giagma @mrspeacem1nusone​ @i-like-sparkly-things​
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zegumi · 3 years
Ushijima Wakatoshi SFW alphabet
alphabet template here
fluff I sfw I gn reader I hcs
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
at first he's quite hesitant on showing affection, wondering if you're comfortable with him being that close to you. he starts off easy: holding hands, letting you rest on him... etc.
once he feels more comfortable with you, he starts placing his head in your lap and giving you little kisses here and there
his favourite forms of affection are: forehead/cheek kisses, back hugs, holding pinkies, and resting his head on your shoulder
when you’re not around he shows affection by talking to you to his closer teammates but subtly, he brings up your name once in a while and a teammate will tease "ooo somebody's in looove" and he starts blushing profusely, asking if they can go back to practice, but the thought of you never leaves
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
being best friends with ushijima seems very rare, he's pretty selective with letting people close enough to earn that title
with you it was unexpected, you weren't afraid or cautious of his stoic upfront. you sat next to him in class and tried to make conversation with him, making sure to include him in conversations and asking how he's doing once in a while. he lets his guard down a little and you guys get even closer, he even invites you over to help with some schoolwork and suddenly you guys are spending more time together outside of school
he's kind of hesitant to call you a best friend, but when he sees that you’re okay calling him yours, he adopts the same title
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
yes yes yes and yes
he is always behind you, resting your head on top of his. if not he'll be facing upwards, lying on his back, your head will be resting on his shoulder and he'll have his arm wrapped around your waist.
he's definitely 99% always the big spoon
but on the rare occasion he wants to be the little spoon, he has both his arms wrapped around your waist, with his head on your chest, your hand running through his hair while your legs are intertwined absolute bliss
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
hell yeah
he's a sucker for the domestic life, waking up with you in your sub-urban house, a train ride away from the city. making cakes with you in your green painted kitchen which took you way longer than it needed to bc you kept messing around
he can cook, oh my, he buys some cookbooks and you guys spend some time with each other
I feel like he wants kids, some mini him and you running around, if not he'll adopt some
him teaching his kids to play volleyball in the backyard, him brushing their teeth and reading them bedtime stories and them giving them a little kiss goodnight cuteness overload
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
definitely depends on the reason why you're breaking up, but in this scenario, let's say he hasn't been home enough and you guys feel like you're not with each other enough pain
he really dreads having to break up with you, but he knows you deserve more than someone who is barely home. he's not harsh about it, he sits you down at a time when you guys are both free and explains why, "maybe the time isn't right, right now"
even though he broke it off, he still thinks about it quite a lot, he really hopes that you guys will find your way back to each other one day even if he knows that it won't be possible bc right now you're happier with someone else :( i love angst
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
his volleyball career kinda gets in the way of him wanting to commit to you, but he wants to show you that you mean the world to him, so i think he proposes in his mid-late twenties
his proposal isn't really that over the top, but he takes you out first for a fancy dinner with the excuse 'can't i treat you once in a while'. it's quite dark outside and you guys are looking over the city, you turn around to ask him something and you see him down one knee lovely
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
he is very gentle... probably bc of his strict upbringing, but he makes sure not to hurt you in any way
he becomes so much more gentle with his words, careful of saying the wrong words because he can't stand the thought of losing you
physically, he tries to make sure not to accidentally knock into you bc this man is so big and if you get ill ushijima is doing anything in his power to get you better, he tries not to get sick in the process, but having you care for him doesn't seem like the worst idea
emotionally, he tries to support you, but he's not the greatest at dealing with emotions, but when supporting you he tries comforting you rather than trying to solve your problems
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
at the beginning of the relationship, i think his hugs are kind of stiff-ish, but once you guys get more comfortable he goes all in
he's such a good hugger. he doesn't do half-hugs, it's all of it or nothing, he engulfs you with his strong arms a little bit too tight but who needs air
if he feels extra clingy back hugs. he loves the feeling of having your figure pressing against his, sometimes his hands grip onto your waist and he'll sway you back and forth while humming to his favourite song
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
as I've mentioned before, you're the first one to say ily in the relationship, but he says it back straight after
i like to think this happens about 5/6 months into the relationship, just when you guys start getting really comfortable around each other
as for using the L-word, he doesn't really say it that often, he believes when something is overused it isn't as special. he only uses it when it needs to be said
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
he doesn't really get jealous easily bc he's kind of oblivious or chooses not to pay attention to it
but when he catches on to whatever's going on, his eyebrows furrow and he'll just give the stare, he'll come near you and put an arm around your waist and slyly try to join the conversation
he knows what he's doing and so does everyone else
the person you're talking to gets a bit intimidated and tries to end the conversation as quickly as possible
you'll try to tease him for his jealously and he'd just change the subject and starts blushing a little, if you try to bring it up later he'd be like 'huh what was that sorry i don't remember'
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
I'm not good with this type of stuff ahh
he's actually pretty good at kissing. he likes soft kisses and little pecks on the shoulder and forehead.
when he's rough or needy, he gets really handsy like hands cupping your cheeks, in your hair, hands pulling your waist in - just very intimate
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
lazy mornings bc who likes being productive all the time
he likes sleeping in on days he has nothing to do, so he’ll be behind you hugging your waist and his head resting on your back, you try to stand up so you can get breakfast done but he pulls you back and says 'come on, just a little more', you know that means another hour but you still get sucked back into his warm embrace
you end up falling asleep and wake up with noises coming from the kitchen. you walk in on him wearing just an apron and his pajama pants, dancing to the radio while making pancakes for breakfast
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
again lazy evening edition bc why not
he comes home early that day, brings home your favourite snacks and asks if you want to watch a movie with him
he grabs a few blankets from your room and you guys decide to watch 13 going on 30 one of my comfort movies
halfway through the movie, he places his head on your laps asking for you to play with his hair, he lies down and you throw some popcorn and skittles in his mouth every few minutes, you tried pouring water but he started choking and spat water all over your shirt
it gets pretty late and cold so he changes you into his hoodie and carries you over to the bedroom. you guys fall asleep to the hums of the city below
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
he's a very reserved person, and i think it's just the way he was raised, talking about feelings wasn't normal in his home growing up
i think with you it takes him some time to open up, he reveals a few things about him and his childhood here and there but nothing major
he doesn't talk about how he feels enough, so it kinda relies on you being able to notice a change in his behaviour which might I say seems extremely hard
i think if you start being more open to him, then he follows on
he gets more comfortable with his emotions around you first and then starts being more open to his team - just give him some time he gets there
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
oh he's so patient, so patient
it takes a LOT to anger him, i don't think you ever have or ever will see this man angry, tbh i don't think you would want to
if you ever lash out at him, he'd sit down and understand where you're coming from, he'd try to calm you down and give you a second to let it all out
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
he remembers everything, literally everything
you mentioned that you liked mangos yesterday, and boom you've got a lifetime supply in your kitchen /s
he keeps a little note in his notes app just making sure he doesn't forget anything, he has your favourite orders, skin/hair care products you use, and little stuff like your favourite show in there
he does this bc he loves how your eyes beam after realising he remembers the little details
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
this one hc is why this took so long, so I decided not to do bc my brain isn’t responding
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
ushijima isn't the overprotective type although he is protective
he doesn't care what you wear or how you present yourself, as long as you’re comfortable, you will have his full support
if he sees someone making you uncomfortable, he is always quick to jump in and say "you're making them uncomfortable can you please excuse yourself". if he sees a situation is making you feel uneasy he will take you and leave, to calm you down or to clear your mind, which ever one is the best choice in that moment
he doesn't feel the need to be protected, he believes that hes strong enough for the both of you sometimes he needs a little help so pls do step in
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
such a big try hard, he puts so much effort into dates, anniversaries, and even mundane everyday activities.
even far into your relationship he still pulls up at your door with a suit and a flower bouquet which he seems to never forget
he always wants everything to be perfect so you'll never forget
he enjoys surprising you with little gifts to remind you that he still cares. he seems like the type to buy you a promise ring, and oh my is it beautiful
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
this is hard bc in my eyes this man can't do any wrong, but its probably how he can't express his emotions very well
everyone gets in a bad mood once in a while, but for ushijima its different, the stress of volleyball gets to him and he just ends up shutting everyone out, including you. he was never taught how to properly talk abt how he feels so he just holds it in with never intending to let it out
if you try to ask him whats wrong then he just grunts and shrugs it off
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
he isn’t insecure for how he looks physically, he works out and maintains a healthy lifestyle, and he was blessed with that beautiful face of his *chefs' kiss
he's always hygienic (bare minimum), he cuts his hair regularly, keeps his hands nice and clean, with his nails well-trimmed
he likes to keep his appearance up and always looks like he should be on the front cover of a magazine but so effortlessly
bonus: he smells so good, he wears expensive cologne and zooweemama its so tasty, you'll hug him and never want to let go just because
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
he wouldn't necessarily feel incomplete with out you, he'd feel a bit empty
he forgets how much he misses you when he goes abroad for matches and he can't see you for a week straight. he makes sure to send videos and voice notes rather than texts so you can send some back. he video calls everyday, no matter the time difference just so he can see you in real time
if you guys take a break in the relationship, he finds his self drifting back into his stoic shell. he tries his best not to bc he knows how much he loves the person you've helped him become
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
doesn't know how to flirt hehe
he tries to use a smooth pick up line once in a while but they all end up with him in a flustered mess before he can even finish a sentence, i think we should leave the flirting to you
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
liars/dishonest people
he can't stand it when somebody lies to him, its agitating when someone he cares for feels the need to lie to him, it makes him feel like they don't trust him enough
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
he's a quite a light sleeper and wakes up pretty easily. he also looks dead when he sleeps, for example most days he sleeps pretty early bc he's worn out and you come into the bedroom and see him lying down on his back, his chest isn't even moving like it should be, but you'll get into bed with him and his first instinct is to wrap his arms around you and give you a kiss
i think he sleep talks, omg just imagine ushijima whispering about the weirdest things in his dreams. you recorded him once and showed him when he woke up and he got a bit embarrassed and started laughing
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here's the hcs for mornings with ushi
this took me so long omg >o< I really hope I portrayed his character well bc he’s such a lovely person
make sure to take care of yourselves :)
reblogs are very much appreciated <3
requests are open
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