#and the couples therapy? the soul gazing?
bubbles-for-all-of-us · 8 months
Always have but never hold
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a/n Welcome to the tenth and final part. Do tell me if you think this should go on. I'm at the crossroads. Not too fully sure where to go on with this from here. These two have had a journey so had I. Thank you for everyone who tagged along. 🤍✨
warnings: nightmares, overwhelming feelings, past trauma, miscommunication (should have been a warning from the start lol).
Parts in cursive are flashbacks.
How surreal is the concept of meeting someone and having them change your life forever? Finding a soul that radiates the same energy, or at least the energy that attracts you. Feeling drawn to them. Craving to bask in the warmth of their presence because it just feels right. Because it feels true. Because it feels safe. And you can't help it. No matter what. No matter the obstacles. No matter the fears. That person's soul is there, and all you want to do and think about is how you can't let them go. It was weird. Everything still felt so confusing. It was surreal at times when you would wake up in your old bed, cuddled up between the sheets that you both used to lay under. All the what-ifs and why-not, questioning the choice of staying. Choosing to grow and forgive to allow someone to stay.
Carmen walked through the door. A neatly wrapped package of food was in his hands. He started doing that a lot—bringing food home from family. And not just leftovers, not just something that someone didn't eat. A whole, fully intentional meal. The apartment seemed too silent, and at first, anxiety kicked in—that same anxiety of losing. But the dull light from the living room soon chased those thoughts away. And that's when he saw you. A knitted blanket over your body. Book in your hands, the smell of the scented candles filling the room. And then there were your eyes. The gaze that found him. And Carmen was smiling, soaking up the sight in front of him.
"You're home early", you said as Carmen quickly shrugged off his jacket. "Yeah, not much we could do today. Plus, I had a meeting with the doctor". You close the book, sit up, and allow Carmen some space on the sofa. "How did it go?", the past couple of weeks have felt pretty much like a daze. After an endless amount of tears and conversations, you agreed to move back in with Carmen. Marcus had flown back to Copenhagen alongside Luca. Meaning that you would have to pay for the place you had been renting on your own. And that wasn't an option because you were already tight on money. Was Luca excited to leave you alone in Chicago? No, he was not, but he chose to not fight your choice too much.
"Just be sensible", he said, "Both with your choice and yourself", you hugged him tightly. Letting go of your lifeline felt weird. It left you vulnerable. Fully exposed to the cold world around you. But you knew that you couldn't hide behind Luca forever. "You know that I love you, right?", he muttered, pulling away slightly. "Us against the world forever", you looked at him. Truly look at the man in front of you. The person who jumped in to save you so many times. Who took the hit meant for you. Who drove for hours to get to you. Who sat in the doctor's office with you. "Do you think this is a mistake?", you asked him, but there was no suggestive reaction on Luca's face as he said, "Listen to your heart and then consult with your brain just in case", you had chuckled at his words before you pulled away.
And now you are here with Carmen. Unsure of what status you two held. Partners? Lovers? Exes? Strangers? Sitting in the apartment, which had been clear evidence of Carmen's pain. The distraction painted the apartment in a heap of mess. "I didn't like it. I mean, I never do", Carmen ran his hands through his hair. "It still feels strange. But people... like, I don't know, do they eventually stop finding it weird?", he asked you. Considering that you both were in therapy now, recapping and running through your conversations with doctors was something you did a lot. Strangely, you found comfort in it.
"I don't think you do", you whispered after a moment. "Picture it like this. Does it ever get easier to tell strangers that something in your life fucked you over so much that now you need to see a doctor?", you both snickered, and Carmen moved to open up the boxed food. It felt almost as if you were roommates once again. Just differently from that time in New York, you didn't want one to move out. You were fighting to make this work. To keep one another. To grow the roots that would hold you together.
"How was the art gallery?", you looked up at him in a way surprised that he even remembered. "Exciting. They want me to work on a project with them", you said as if it was nothing. But Carmen's eyes were big, and you could feel true joy in them. "Wait! That's awesome. That's... I'm proud of you", he muttered. You watched him. His sparkly eyes now reminded you of the time he sneaked into an art tour you were doing back in New York. Asking just the right questions. Making the lazy tourists roll their eyes. But your heart had been so full. "I'm meeting with them this Friday for dinner", you said. "Maybe they'll change their minds till then", you shrugged, reaching for the pasta in front of you. "They won't", Carmen said, making you chuckle, "You don't know that", "I know that you're awesome", you sucked in a breath as you watched him for a moment. Letting his words truly sink in.
Carmen's been watching you for a while now. Not in a creepy way, though. He was just mesmerized by how someone was capable of looking so beautiful even while fast asleep. You two had decided to watch a show after dinner. He knew you wouldn't last long. You never did. Getting sleepy almost immediately. The distance between you two seemed astronomical, yet you were only a couple of feet away. Sat at the other end of the sofa. Carmen wished he could hug you. No, he would have settled for anything. But then he at least wanted to feel your body heat. Anything to let him know that this wasn't just all in his head. That you weren't just a cruel joke of his imagination. Carmen watched your eyebrows crinkling up—another bad dream, he thought. And within moments, even while still asleep, you looked so much smaller. So much more powerless as the demons lurking in the shadows took over. Carmen wasted no time scooting closer to you, his fingers brushing the hair away from your face. A scared cry left your lips, and it was as if Carmen's body was working on autopilot. His arms sneaked around your middle as he pressed his chest against your back, bringing you closer to him. Your fingers reach out to grasp his arms. "I've got you", he muttered, "You're safe here. I'll keep you safe". His face was nuzzled in your hair as he spoke. A loud gasp filled the room as your body jerked up, only to fall against Carmen's chest. You let out a shaky breath as you tightened Carmen's hold around you. Afraid you might fall. Afraid you might crumble if he lets go. "Stay", you whispered, holding onto him even tighter. "I was not planning on going anywhere", Carmen muttered, kissing your shoulder.
"I like the black plates. He, of course, has zero opinion until he suddenly has so many opinions that I feel like I will have a whiplash", Sydney said in frustration over the phone. You giggled slightly at how she never failed to call you every time Carmen got on her nerves. "Do the gray one and meet him in the middle", you suggest, dunking your brush into the paint before adding new strokes to the canvas. "Grey, they only have grey with blue", Sydney growls, "I give up". You drop the brush into the water jug. "You want me to come down? Look through it?", you ask her softly. You've been away from the restaurant ever since the fire. Well, not fully away considering that Sydney had turned to your daily reporter, but still. You hadn't put your foot down on that property. "I... You're busy. I don't want to bother you", she dragged out. "I'll be down in a bit. Hold the front line till then, Syd", you told her before hanging up.
It felt almost like a flashback as you made your way down to the restaurant. Flashbacks of your heading there with Carmy right after the funeral. The times you ran up and down the street for nearby deliveries. The times you stood outside with him, just holding his hands and breathing. The times you smoked outside trying to fight your own overwhelming emotions. You never hated the concept of the restaurant. Quite the opposite; it was an interesting little bubble. You valued Carmy's love for food, even if it wasn't your own. Well, a lie. You learned to love food from him.
"Okay, hold it like this", he said, standing right behind you and guiding your hands. Showing you how to cut properly. "Don't use the tips of your fingers to hold", he said, carefully moving your fingers to a proper position. "And then you do that fast shit? Chop, chop, chop", Carmy lets out a low laugh at your impression. Turning to kiss the side of your head, "Maybe no chop, chop just yet. Get used to cutting veggies like this first. The speed of it will come with practice". You made a sad face before saying, "You do it then; it's captivating", you handed Carmen the knife, resting your face in your hands as you watched him do his thing with a light smirk on his face.
Carmen was feeling his anxiety beating right into his ribcage. The people around him were too loud. Too demanding. He felt like the sounds around him were slowly suffocating him. Ruthlessly dunking his head under the water. Keeping him under even as his lungs ran out of oxygen. All he heard was Carmy this and Carmy that. It felt like one of those torture techniques where your libs were tight to different horses, each pulling you to all four different sides. Carmen didn't have answers to the questions people were demanding. He simply didn't know, and now...
"What's all the shouting for?", and that's all it takes. It feels as if everything around him dies down. His lungs now easily welcomed the air around him. Mind slowing down. He lets out a deep sigh as his eyes fall over your frame. Hair up in a messy bun, the one that he loved so much, with loose pieces framing your face. You have one of Carmy's old shirts on. There's a paint stain on it, and for some reason, that makes him smile a little. His salvation. His love. His home.
"My girl", Tina rushes forward, wrapping you up in a tight embrace. "It's been weeks; let me look at you", she cups your face, looking you all over. You can't help but smile at her. Without a doubt, you missed her presence during your weeks away. "You look pale as paper", she says, shaking her head. "I'll make you my mama's soup. I will get you back on your feet", At this point, you're almost convinced that her eyes will not leave you, no matter where you go. "It's not necessarily, Ti", you move to squeeze her hands, but she only huffs, "It's a must, Mi Nino. With a man like that you have to run around", she scoffed Carmy's way, but he only clenched his jaw. Choosing to stay silent. "I'll steal Carmen for a moment and then be out to help", you glance at Sydney reassuringly, watching as her hands full of plates sag at her sides, but you don't let yourself think about it much as you step forward, brushing your fingers against Carmen's wrist before dragging him towards the office.
"You're okay?", you breathed out once the door closed behind you two. It was silent for a moment. Just Carmen's irregular breathing. Your fingers were still intertwined with his, and from the grip Carmy had on them, you knew he had no intention of letting go. "It's just... I just... don't know shit", his voice was barely a whisper. You nod. "Talk to me about it", you mutter. His eyes find you. Talk. Such an easy thing, right? Not to your two lately. But you've both been trying. Trying to not only listen but also hear. See without being asked to. "Yeah, I think I can do that", he says, nodding his head. You brush your fingers through his messy hair, nodding alongside him.
When you emerge from the office, it's a solid hour later. You have sketches in your hands. The idea of the restaurant. Visuals for plating and a whole Pinterest board just for the restaurant vibe itself. Sydney is sitting by the table, her head resting on the surface. A lot had changed while you were away. The place had been closed. At least three walls were missing. There was a mold issue. But mole issues no more... You'll get to that eventually.
"Right, so he wants a classy, sophisticated look. Something that would be good for plating different dishes in", you plop your sketchbook to the table. Reaching for the plate closest to you. "And he couldn't just tell me that?", Sydney huffed, "How do you meet his brain waves?" You let out a chuckle. Oddly enough, you had learned to read Carmy's mind as if it was a book. "So what did he say no to?", you asked her once more. "Amm, let me see. Fucking everything", Sydney gives you a fake smile, and you bit your lip, suppressing a laugh.
With your phone on the side, the mood board opened, you glance from the plaits to the visuals. Quickly making a yes and no line. Sorting everything into different plating arrangements. Mixing pricier pieces with more affordable ones. Pulling up a color palette for different napkin options. Once you were satisfied, you drew your eyes back to Sydney, who stood there with her mouth slightly open. "That's some dark magic shit", she breathed out. "Be careful; it might turn you into a frog", you shimmy your fingers in front of her face before pulling her closer. "This is... This is perfect", her eyes scanned the table in front of her. "Get everyone to vote for what they like best", you suggest; "Carmy will like this", you point to the third option. The contrasting plate colors and clean-edged dishes were something that no doubt would bring him back to Michelin-class places.
You slipped outside for a quick smoke. Enjoying the little breeze of the evening. Needing a little moment to yourself. You breathed out the smoke carelessly before realizing that you were not alone. "Oh, sorry", you quickly chase the cloud away, adding, "You're okay?". The greenish-pale face was clear evidence of nausea. "Just... It's really warm inside", you only nodded in agreement. And then the silence falls, but the insane kind. The one that you know holds a lot of unsaid feelings. You try to ignore it but fail miserably, "Just say what's on your mind, Natalie".
The woman shakes her head. "I feel guilty", she admits, about the whole Claire situation". That name itself sends a shiver down your back. "Don't waste your breath on it; Richie already told me everything", you take another drag from your cigarette but blow out a smoke away from Nat, not wanting to make her feel any sicker. "I never had a girl friend in the family. Boys had been shit with ladies", she breathed out. "But then you came, and there were so many emotions, and I didn't know you, and maybe I got jealous", you turned to look at her once her words died down. "So... you decided to break me and Carmy apart because you were jealous?", you ask her. "Wow, this family is truly insane", you breathed out, shaking your head.
"I just needed someone familiar; we all needed someone familiar,", Natalie said, but you only shook your head. "That's very hypocritical of you. Carmy already knew me very well, may I add. You could have gotten to know me too". She falls silent for a moment. "Did Richie tell you about the letter?", she asked, not meeting your eyes. "What letter?", you breathed out. Nat nods her head as if reassuring herself before saying, "Michael wrote a letter. It didn't say anything about me and Richie besides the general love you all", she said, "But he mentioned Carmy so many times, and...", her voice died down. She looked like a frozen statue for a moment. "Your name was there too. Mikey felt like an ass that he won't get to meet Carmen's future wife. Won't get to tell you embarrassing stories. Won't hold your kids", those words make your own eyes sting. Breath hitching in your throat. You were not sure of what to say.
"I'm pregnant, you know, and he didn't say anything about my kids", she said through gritted teeth. She moved to wipe her tears away quickly. "Oh, Natalie", you said, dropping the cigarette to the side before stepping closer to her. "It was so fucking petty, and I've been feeling so guilty, but I just wanted something to finally be about me", she crocked out as more tears came rushing down her cheeks. You quickly embraced her, bringing her hiccuping body closer to your chest.
"I've never wanted to...", she cried, but you shook your head. "I was never here to take your space and take your brothers away from you. They both love you a lot, believe me", you reassured her. "You stood up for Carmy at the funeral. No one had been so direct with our mother... I just wanted", she whispered, and all you could do was nod because you knew very well what she wanted. Something that you too had been wanting for so long. Someone who could protect her. To always have her back. To turn into a shield against the harsh world around her. That's what Luca was to you. That's what you were to Carmen. "I'm so sorry", she pulled away slightly, looking into your eyes. "I know, Nat, and I forgive you", you muttered, brushing your sleeve over her damp cheeks, "Now come on, you'll get a cold here, and we need to get you something to drink".
Everyone had eventually gone home. But not before eating the soup that Tina had made while sitting on cardboard boxes together. Only now did you realize how much you had missed this in some way. The little gathering after the day. Something warming to look forward to. Sydney put Marcus on the phone, and to see his beaming face was one of the most rewarding things. You knew you had Luca to thank for that. For bringing back the passion and excitement that used to bubble in Marcus. Richie had pulled into a little side hug before he too stepped out of the place. "I'm glad to see you back", he muttered. You didn't say anything; you just squeezed his hand in return.
"What are you doing here?", Carmy's voice brought you back to the room. You had slipped away to look at the wall facing the entrance. A big white wall that was staring right at you. "Just looking", you muttered. Carmen sat down beside you, following your gaze. He didn't say anything for a while. The silence felt like a warm blanket. "You should paint this wall, or we could hand one of your paintings", Carmy said, and you quickly turned to face him. "That's the main wall", you breathed out. "Exactly why it should be painted by you. If you want to, of course", Carmen stated firmly.
He gazed at you, catching your eyes already on him. "You were thinking about it yourself, weren't you?", Carmen asked, knowing the answer right away when your checks went pink. "I was...but with everything", you breathed out, "It's weird because I love you so much, but I still feel like there are so many things that we need to rebuild".
Carmen reached for your hand, lifting it to his lips before kissing your delicate skin a couple of times. "There's no rush", he breathed out, turning the ring on your finger, "I know where I want to get to. I know what the final destination looks like". You crook your head to the side. Reaching up to brush your fingers through his hair. "Do you want to share?", you ask shyly. Carmy pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist. "It's nothing complicated. You and me. That's all I need", he breathes out, his eyes darting from your eyes to your lips. You reached up, brushing your fingers across Carmy's cheek, and he instantly leaned into your touch. "I think I like that kind of future", you breathed out. His big blue eyes seize you once more. And there's a shy smile on his face. "You do?", he asks, and you nod your head. You run your thumb over his lips a couple of times, and then he's brushing his lips against your own, and it feels like the first time all over again. The same heat rushes to your cheeks. And it's nothing but slow love that you can promise each other now. Patient love that grows alongside you both. One that doesn't put labels. Just promises to keep you both warm. All you need to do is to promise to hold onto one another.
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jongseongsnudes · 1 year
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warning; ✨smut✨ 2.6k words.
your hands gripped onto your poor dress as you watched the numbers on the elevator screen increase floor by floor, gradually inching closer to the very top. floor 50, penthouse.
it felt like your first time all over again, that same nerve wracking feeling in your stomach. one you can’t seem to control.
it had been a jam packed couple of weeks for you, surely. from becoming the step daughter of one of the most affluent families in the country, to dealing with park sunghoon, to getting engaged to choi beomgyu.
you’re not sure how everything played out the way it did but you’ve decided to just accept it, to go with what everyone else wanted.
after the lunch, beomgyu had flown you back home where you both spent the day doing retail therapy. so he calls it. you call it a waste of money, but who’s listening.
new clothes, new shoes, new accessories, everything new so you could move in with your new fiancé. mr park’s arrangement, of course.
the doors open out to a seemingly empty apartment, the dim lighting and silence the reason why you believe so. making your way into the living room, you’re suddenly greeted with the view of your step brother coming down the glass staircase in his silk robe and a pair of boxers, in his hand a glass of what you assume is whisky.
just like the very first time.
the man took your breath away. like every time. but it’s his darkened gaze that has your body immediately feeling weird, the way his eyes underneath his slightly damp hair stayed focus on you as he got to you.
“my step sis, you’re home.”
“i’m... i’m home to pack my stuff,” you mutter, eyes glued onto the ground, “i’m moving in with beomgyu tomorrow.”
a familiar scent fills the air around you, the scent of sunghoon’s shampoo. it’s a scent you’ve become so addicted to in the past few weeks, a scent that would give you immediate butterflies without even seeing the owner.
“oh really?” the man says with questionable smile as he sips from his glass. you don’t know what’s on his mind but his presence alone is enough to make you tense, “so you’re here for one more night?”
“yeah but... but i can leave now if you want me to-”
“no need,” his voice was like a whisper in your ear as he makes himself comfortable in front of you. he’s definitely standing too close, his body almost touching yours but you don’t say a thing, neither do you step away.
“well- well i need to pack-”
“look at me when i talk to you,” he grasps your chin with one hand, forcing it up so you look at him. the man laughs at your confused state, evidently enjoying the way he could so easily make you nervous. and to your surprise, sunghoon brings his whisky glass up, pressing the coldness against your lower lip, “have some. you need it.”
without much thought, you part your lips just enough for the man to pour the remaining liquid into your mouth. the whisky immediately burns on its way down your throat, a taste you’ve never experienced but can’t deny that it’s nice.
placing the glass down, sunghoon then makes his way back to you, this time cupping both of your cheeks and kissing you. no second thoughts, no hesitations, just his lips entirely on yours. his actions catches you off guard, an explosion already going off inside your chest.
you find a comfortable spot on his robe to hold, the expensive material feels so unbelievably soft underneath your fingertips but it’s his soft lips that drives you insane. those lips that you’ve thought about endlessly these past few days, those lips that you wanted to kiss so badly.
he pulls away a little, just enough for you to catch your breath as he presses his forehead against yours. it’s like he’s staring into your soul, like he knows exactly what you’re feeling and thinking. and that frightened you. so you take the chance and slip out of his hold, stepping away from him and towards the staircase. he doesn’t look one bit bothered by it, the man just watching you literally running away from him.
“i- i need to grab my things from upstairs,” and you were gone before sunghoon could respond and to be honest, you just didn’t want to wait. you just needed to get away from him. now. or else who knows what’ll happen.
after practically sprinting up the staircase and into the spare room, you quickly retrieve your suitcase. it felt rather amusing now, knowing that even with three massive bedrooms in this penthouse apartment, you slept on the couch this whole time. thanks to sunghoon.
“why are you running from me?”
his voice from somewhere behind is enough to send a shiver through your body, causing you to naturally whip around. and there the man stood, in his thin boxers.
gulp. shit.
“i- i wasn’t running away,” you don’t dare to stare straight ahead, instead opting for the ground again as you spoke, “it’s getting late and i need to pack. he’s picking me up early tomorrow, beomg-”
his lips were on yours before you could even finish your fiancé's name, kissing with so much force compared to the last. he tastes like an expensive, strong alcoholic drink, one you would never dare have. the bitterness on his lips tells you that perhaps he had too much to drink already, the questionable amount most likely why he was acting the way he was.
the thought has you pushing against his chest, successfully pulling away from but he wraps both his arms around you instead, pulling you even closer.
and in that moment, you didn’t know what to do. all the effort, all the denying, all the reminders that park sunghoon was your step brother was crumbling right before your eyes. all these hidden feelings you’ve had for sunghoon was coming out.
you wanted him, you’ve always wanted him.
you’ve just never wanted to admit it.
“say my name like that again and i’m going to lose it,” his words though threatening is making you feel things, making you see white all over. he steps closer when you continue staying quiet, the man now leaning down a little to your level.
he carries you up into his arms in a swift move and you let him, like an obedient pet to its owner. he holds you with such ease, like you weighed nothing to him, like you belonged there in his arms.
your arms wrap around his neck, like your legs that were already around his waist. it felt all too natural and this truly scared you, how comfortable you felt being this close to him.
you were so entranced by the man’s eyes to realise where you were, until you feel your back pressing down onto something soft, your body now laying amongst unfamiliar sheets and pillows in a dark room. this was his bedroom, somewhere you never dared to enter.
your dazed out mind had barely registered the situation before you felt the man hover over your body, pressing his own onto yours as he kissed you yet again. he kisses you like he’s desperate, like he’s hungry for more and more of you. like he can’t get enough.
like he wanted you.
a sound you didn’t even know you could make slips when his lips stray away from yours, making a straight beeline for the exposed skin on your neck. his breath feels so warm on your skin, a stark contrast from the coldness of his finger tips that had crept their way underneath your shirt.
“tell me you don’t want this and i’ll stop.”
“sunghoon i...”
“tell me.”
“kiss me, please,” you’re not sure why you’re suddenly so brave but you’re thankful that he complies almost immediately, not leaving much time for you to overthink anyway. because you know you will.
everything happens so quickly that your poor mind can’t seem to keep up. one second he’s kissing you, the next his hands are grasping your waist, then your outfit is gone, leaving you in just your undergarments.
the realisation of being almost bare underneath your step brother scared the living daylight out of you, your cheeks heating up and your eyes immediately shuts to the mere thought.
“it’s not like i haven’t seen it before,” he scoffs, his hand brushing through his messy hair as he sits up completely. his eyes however, stay glued onto your body, watching you as if you were some piece of meat. the awkwardness causes you to slightly squirm beneath him but the man only smirks at the view, obviously enjoying it a little too much.
“stop... stop staring at me like that...”
“and what? are you going to stop me?”
his hands were quick to rid of your bra, unhooking it with such ease. but of course the man was an expert in that area, you’re not even surprised. your arms naturally crosses over your chest in a weak attempt of covering them but the way he’s already gawking at your body tells you that it’s too late to shy away anyway.
“sunghoon... i’ve never...”
you could hear him chuckling into your skin at the admission and you internally slap yourself because as if he didn’t know already. just look at the way your body reacts to everything he does. complete chaos.
“i’ll take care of you princess,” he leans down as he says the pet name so casually, his lips engulfing your nipple while his hand kneads your other breast. the new sensation of having his wet tongue lap away at your skin is driving you insane, your mind a complete mush.
and god was he good at it.
“oh my god- sunghoon...”
“you don’t know what you do to me,” he looks up at you through his messy bangs, his lips evidently swollen from what he had just been doing, “i want to make you cry princess.”
that pet name, again. 
you think you might just cum from that alone.
but what he does next, definitely does the job.
he cups your clothed pussy with his palm, grabbing you so roughly despite him telling you a moment ago that “he’d take care of you”. but you want to scream, to cry for the man to do more to your body.
“you’re dripping and i haven’t done anything yet,” he laughs manically, his fingers pulling down your flimsy panties with such ease, “you don’t even need my fingers.”
the feeling of his erection rubbing against your clit elicits something from you, the feeling so intense that your body physically shakes. you have no idea when or how his boxers disappeared, but like every time, the man distracts you almost immediately by rubbing himself up and down, coating himself with your juices.
your fingers tangle with his hair as sunghoon kisses down your chin, leaving behind a trail of harsh marks you know will be visible tomorrow on your neck. but then he suddenly pauses, causing worry to wash over you.
did you do something wrong?
without an explanation, he slips the diamond ring off your finger and throws it into a random corner, the small clinking noise that it makes tells you it had hit a wall somewhere. you’re not sure of his intentions, neither can you read the look in his eyes.
sunghoon leans down to press his lips on yours again, kissing you just as his hips thrust forward at the same time, filling you up completely. your back arches from the abrupt move, your eyes instantly closing at having to stretch so much around him. the man was evidently big, much bigger than what you had expected and thank the heavens that you were indeed that wet.
“sung- sunghoon- oh shit-”
the smirk on his lips tells you just how pleased he is with how whiny you are because of him. how pathetic and dishevelled you looked while he’s fucking you, with hair already messy and with tears in your eyes.
you were already a complete mess for him and he absolutely loved this.
tears fall down your cheeks as he snaps his hips, thrusting his entire length into you. moans pour from you, your nails now digging into the man’s shoulders, almost ripping his poor skin. as if a sign to continue, sunghoon quickens his pace without warning, immediately hitting a specific spot that had you seeing white. never in your life have you felt this way, to have someone pounding so roughly into you, to have him so deeply inside of you, using your body however he wanted.
“sunghoon ah-” 
“look at you,” sunghoon mumbles into the kiss, slightly nibbling at your bottom lips. his grip on your waist tightens when you begin squirming about, holding you down on the bed so he could push even deeper into you, “look at how well you take me.”
moans and the sound of the rough love making continues to fill the bedroom as he continues working you, his thrusts growing more and more erratic. it’s as if he’s desperate, the view of the pure determination in his face to fill you, to feel everything inside of you, to break you only adds to the growing heat in your pussy.
every part of you already feels weak, your arms barely holding onto him anymore but it feels so good.
“i want to ruin you so bad princess,” he smiles into your skin as he says so, his lips sucking down extra hard on your jaw, “ruin you over and over so all you’ll know, is me.”
the pet names, the dirty talk, the manhandling. all is proven too much for your poor body to handle, an unfamiliar knot now brewing in the pit of your stomach, screaming to be released.
“sunghoon i- i- please-”
he leans in to whisper something, his voice so soft that you almost melt right into his hold. you watch him slightly kiss at your dampened cheeks, kissing you as if he wasn’t the reason to your tears.
a mixture of profanities and his name spills from your lips as white washes over you, your body becoming entirely undone beneath him. you could feel your walls desperately clenching around him, his grunt that follows, a clear indication that he appreciated the move. it’s obvious that he was also nearing his end, his thrusts fast and desperate, his grip on your body so harsh that you’re sure it’ll bruise by tomorrow.
quick breaths and low grunts fill your ears as he also finishes inside of you, his thick cum filling you to your brim. your tired arms gradually slip off the man and onto the soft sheets, just like sunghoon who had moved to lie beside you. he holds you close to his body, arms around your bare waist as he pulls the blanket over to cover you.
“you’re such a good girl, my little good girl.”
you’re past the point of exhaustion but you fight it. you don’t want to sleep, knowing that all of this will be over by the morning. the soft whispers in your ears, the protective grasp on your waist, the sweet kisses on your shoulder... this sunghoon. all will be gone.
“sleep. you need rest for tomorrow,” sunghoon says into your neck, kissing you softly one more time. his voice is barely audible but before you completely knock out, you manage to hear him say one last thing that breaks your heart.
“goodnight, mrs choi.”
taglist; @i-dalso @wony6ung @jeonjungkookkk @j4yluvr @soobsbby @astra-line​ @drunkanddazedalways @shine-your-light​ @02zprotector​ @yabukkura​ @sonmil @byunhoebaek​ @artgukkx​ @nowrosesaredead​ @lhsng @abdiitcryy​​ @y4wnjunz​ @uuvjungwon @dehydratedami @enhasengene​ @enhacolor @my5colors @kyutiepeachy​​ @miiiwaa @miixsh @vantxx95​ @1115phile​ @outrologist @9900z @axartia​ @yuakagi @bunhoons​​​ @3nh4luvr​ @duckieanon​ @manaswi-madhusudan @skylaryoung2002 @lix-freckle3​ @uuwonnie​​​ @emoworu​​​ @kyoyangwon​ @sunshine-skz​ @paolennenicole​ @cherryblushtzy @carateum1 @ahnneyong​ @hhganyu​ @duolingofanaccount​ @hseungi​​​ @omgjwon​ @jays-blue​ @jaykedpotato @gobighee​ @jiawji​ @taekbokki​​​ @wonwon-ie @mavlogist​@thedemonundernikisbed ​ @rosie-is-everywhere​​​ @kuleo26 @ii4enha-jwn​ @thejjrl​ @taytaymuse @cococake​​​ @sunooslover​ @inlovewsimjaeyun @muffinminnie​ @sashamifasolla @yoonjin96 @choibeomgogi​ @flower-lise @princesjy​​​ @she-is-dreaming @n-wjns​ @simksl @love-enhaa @mimikittysblog​ @letapostropheesgo​​​ @f0rlov3rs ​  
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mickimomo · 1 year
Banished from Wakanda
A continuation of my late night chaos, where M'Baku has banned Attuma and Okoye from Wakanda for a week.
Note: Okoye isn't pregnant. Yet. This is happening in the sun and the sky multiverse, lol. So she can get tipsy.
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So, Attuma and Okoye were "banished" from Wakanda for a week and expected to apologize and help the owners of the restaurant they had been intimate in.
It had all started with a petty argument when they were getting ready for dinner.
Neither of them knew why they were arguing.
Perhaps the lack of intimacy had them a little more fired up than usual.
Either way, Attuma and Okoye weren't backing down and they were both too stubborn to stay home. So, they went out and joined their friends for dinner.
It probably would have gone well if so many women hadn't been looking at Attuma. Typically the attention wouldn't bother Okoye. He was a handsome man. Of course he'd get looked at. But after arguing with him all night, she found herself mentally spiraling with a few things she was still unpacking in therapy, thanks to her ex-husband.
She was mature.
So fucking mature, most of the time.
But after downing three glasses of something that could get her blood flowing, she was definitely moving into demon time.
"Uh..." Oni looked the couple over skeptically from behind her veil. "...Something is off about you two."
Attuma only shrugged.
And that shrug made Okoye roll her eyes.
"I bet women are easier to handle than men." She smiled.
That was enough to get Attuma to down his own drink now.
Oni blinked at her sister. "Uh... I doubt that. It's more so the soul in the body that makes life easier than the body itself."
"Really?" Okoye mused. "Have you ever been with a man before?"
Oni stiffened at the question.
Namora frowned. "Her former lovers do not matter."
"Well, technically, she shouldn't have any."
"I didn't break any vows." Oni waved off Okoye's gaze.
"I didn't."
"Right. Then I don't think you can really give me any input."
"Fine." Oni raised her hands up in surrender before refocusing on her appetizer.
Namora arched a brow. "If you were not drunk and dear to my wife, I would have run my spear through you for speaking to her in such a manner."
"If Oni can kick your ass, I don't think you're capable of landing a hit."
"I have never tried to kill Oni." Namora's eyes darkened. "Would you like to test that theory?"
Okoye only shrugged before looking away from the table.
"Okay. Well..." Shuri started. "...let's just all take a breath and talk things out like adults."
Okoye snorted. "Attuma doesn't want to talk."
Attuma frowned. "I tried, but you do not listen."
Okoye scoffed. "I listened, but it sounded like you were still missing the point."
"You are always fighting with your words. They do not always mean the same thing. I do not always understand you. How would you feel if I did the same thing to you?"
"That's not even why we're arguing right now."
"We are arguing because you won't forgive me for what I said. I did not mean it!"
"So the entire argument is my fault?"
Attuma let out a groan of frustration before grabbing the bottle of liquor. "Are men easier than women?"
Namor shook his head. "No. Oni was right."
Shuri nodded in agreement with her partner before plucking the bottle from the warrior's hand. "And drinking away your anger is not going to squash your rage."
Aneka lifted an index finger. "Alcohol makes being reckless easier. You're not able to think as well."
The couple both shot her a glare, and she raised her hands in surrender.
Ayo shook her head. "Hey. If they wish to start sparring, I will not interfere."
Meanwhile, M'Baku and Ross continued to read their menus and decide what they were eating. They were not participating in martial drama.
M'Baku didn't want to get punched again and Ross never felt like it was his place to give input without being asked first. At least, not in spaces where he was the outlier.
With all the hostility in the air, he knew better than to speak.
And he was wise not to.
All it took was for their beautiful waiter to return to their table and say. "Are you ready to order?" To get the ball rolling.
Okoye stared up at her and offered a warm smile. "I am." She looked over the menu. "But I'm afraid you're not on it."
Namora choked on her drink and Aneka laughed as they all watched Attuma lift his wife up and drop her on the empty table behind them.
"Attuma no!" Namora snapped. "We are in a public establishment!"
He ignored her as he began to snarl at Okoye in xhosa while pinning her to the fabric.
"You wouldn't dare!" Okoye bared her teeth at him before she began to curse him out in xhosa.
Shuri looked up at the waitress. "Please screen off that area. The public doesn't need to see them."
The waitress nodded before running off. She was fast to get three screens and close the section off. Fortunately, Attuma had half the mind to not begin tearing off clothes until they were properly hidden.
But that grip he had on Okoye's neck had the warrior panting in ways that did not come from exhaustion.
No one in the group was particularly surprised by this, considering that Attuma had been away on a mission for almost two weeks and recently returned. But to lay Okoye out on a table in a restaurant? That was new.
Namora rubbed her temples before noticing her wife was sulking.
"My heart?" She gently touched her shoulder. "What troubles you?"
"Why don't we ever do that, Amora?"
Namora felt like the sun had bounced off her face at the question.
"In yakunaj, if you need to be pleasured, we will do it at home."
Oni huffed before bowing her head in prayer. "Why couldn't it be me, Bast?"
Namora knew she was purple now.
The next day, Okoye woke up at home, tangled up in the arms of her husband.
She couldn't recall much of the night before.
All she could recall was being dropped onto a table. Attempting to fight Attuma until he grabbed her neck and them getting nasty while he pumped two fingers in her mouth to keep her quiet.
She clutched her head and inhaled sharply as the memories came crashing down.
She was going to kill Attuma if they got punished.
And when they did get punished, she failed to carry through.
They both left for Talokan after M'Baku made his decree and settled into their second home.
Attuma spent a few hours tidying up the area and retrieving food for her, but Okoye's anger did not diminish.
If anything, it brewed and got stronger with each minute.
She was a volcano who would erupt if he was not careful.
Attuma knew she would come around eventually. He'd just have to get sunburned a little.
After two days of giving her space, he began to leave small gifts as offerings.
First, it was her favorite food.
Then, it was her favorite dessert.
He'd bring her earrings.
Extravagant gowns.
Once he noticed she was interacting with his gifts, he began to sing songs for her.
Pouring out a heartfelt apology into the first few songs before moving on to more spirit lifting songs.
Once her anger had mellowed out, she allowed them to start sparring together again.
She even allowed him to give massages that didn't result in her becoming one with the mattress ten seconds later.
By the sixth day of their punishment, Okoye was petting Pakal and acknowledging Attuma as her husband again.
She had been spoiled rotten and pampered like royalty.
Her friends had visited her a few times, too, to lift her spirits.
There was never a dull moment, and for a moment, Okoye could honestly say she didn't miss the pressure of Wakanda.
She never actually felt secure there since the late Queen Mother had denounced her as General of the Dora Milaje. And honestly, she was only trying to stick things out for Shuri.
Talokan hadn't felt like much of a home before, but this somehow felt better than her home back in Wakanda.
The people were very welcoming.
In contrast to Wakanda, nudity was not frowned upon. Which could be affirmed by their king who wore small shorts while amidst his people and not on the throne.
Their garments came in many styles.
Varying from the elaborate gowns, Namora loved to wear to the simple tube tops and short loin cloths some warrior's wore while harvesting food.
It was all a matter of what felt best and the formality of the event.
But even then.
No one would curse their king if they saw him bare.
Or anyone really.
Which I'd why Attuma was praised by some people when he explained why he was banned.
Some people, however, preferred to be private.
Like Namora. (Although we all know she gets nasty behind closed doors. 🤣)
It brought her some peace to not be looked down on in Talokan.
To be seen as a General and revered in a world she had only visited a few times made her want to never leave.
There's wasn't a stupid council or anything.
Maybe she could stay here for a little longer.
Attuma's head popped out of the water before he crawled out and dried off. "Good morning, K'iin. I brought you breakfast." He beamed as he carried a sealed container towards her.
Okoye blinked away her thoughts before looking at her husband, offering a warm smile.
"Thank you, my love."
Maybe she could get used to this.
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theacedragon0w0 · 29 days
Food for Thought
Sage having some reflection in cannibal town plus some Willow×Iris for the soul
Willow and Hazel belongs to the fabulous @puffymucher
Rosalina cameo for @mirconreadzztuff22
And Iris ofc belongs to the pookie @helluvadyke
Sage was excited to hang out with Iris and Willow today, there was a new bakery that recently opened up and Sage volunteered to scope it out for her wives, Hazel begged Velvette to let her go with Sage but Velvette reminded her that she will absolutely buy the store clean. Rosalina was away on a business trip with Ozzie so Sage asked Iris if they can meet up, with the deal that if there is any trouble that Sage will contact Velvette asap.
Sage spotted Iris at the front entrance and called the bloodhound for her attention, both bouncing as they hugged each other.
"Sagey it has been way too long!"
"We were literally escorting our bosses for a meeting last week," Sage chuckled.
"That doesn't count! That was strictly business, we definitely need to hang out that doesn't involve us standing behind our bosses."
"Like that ever is a complaint," Sage teased, looking behind Iris to see another hellhound that stood silent. The Doberman guard nodded along to the conversation, smiling whenever Iris looked over her shoulder to exchange glances.
Willow reminded Sage of Hazel, she was intimidating at first but seeing how she acted around Iris reassured Sage of the new addition to Rosie's security. The soft touches the two would exchange, not to mention that Sage saw the two split one of Sage's packed snacks which sealed Sage's approval. Honestly, Sage thought, those two were one of the cutest couples in hell.
The three entered the bakery, what caught Sage's eye was the large display case of the numerous types of pastries and cakes. Sage's gaze stopped at the sample plate, it holding carefully decorated hors d'oeuvres, with each one having a finger sticking out.
Iris waved her hand in front of Sage, "Hey SageCake, you alright?" With both already been trying out the free snacks on the plate.
"How do fingers taste?"
Iris was taken aback from the quick question, "well it depends on the demon who's finger is being eaten, the most common flavor is pork, the second one being chicken-"
Willow nudged Iris on her side, cutting off Iris' rant, pointing to Sage's prosthetic, "We can go to a different bakery if seeing these samples is bugging you."
Iris' face lost some of it's color as she realized the full weight of that statement, "Fuck me i forgot your whole hand thing, Willy's right we can go somewhere else with better tastes,"
Sage lifted her right hand, stopping the bloodhounds sentence, Sage looked at their prosthetic, the robotic fingers bending and flexing at her will, "To be honest, I am not bothered by it, maybe a little less than I should."
Sage then remembered all the events that came after that night, how they sought sanctuary at the hotel, getting their first prosthetic by Sir Pentious, being recruited by Velvette, nearly dying by holy arms, the physical therapy that their partner's helped them through, the rough nights that ended in a warm embrace.
They also remembered the look on the squads face when they gave her back her denim jacket, the one they were currently wearing.
Sage took a deep sigh, "Look, that chapter in my life is far behind me, and even if we found out where they sold my hand, it's pretty much a waste of time. Honestly the only thing that I think about it is how I would taste,"
"Oh I could help with that~" Iris smirked, wiggling her eyebrows that caused a snorting fit from Sage.
"I don't doubt that, now let me order some of these cakes for Hazel, and save me a sample too! I can see you guys nearly cleaning off the plate!"
The sillies ever your honor
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kindheart525 · 5 months
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Warning: Discussions of Disordered Eating Behavior
Triple Threat sat across from her therapist, seated in the same armchair where she had gone through tense family therapy sessions and difficult retellings of moments from her past. For the past few weeks she had to go through quite a bit of deep reflection, which was very uncomfortable despite her understanding that it was good for her in the long run.
Today her therapist was in a chipper mood, which meant there was either really good news or more soul-searching in store for TT. 
“I’ve been looking at your nutrition charts and you’ve made remarkable progress since you were admitted!”
She pulled out a few charts and TT instantly started to feel a bit hesitant. Not repulsed like she had a few weeks ago, but food was still a touchy subject.
It wasn’t that her therapist didn’t see this, but they both knew TT couldn’t dance around it any longer. But she was positive as she directed her client’s gaze towards some specific charts.
“Your doctors have reported your vitals are much better than when you were admitted. Your heart rate and blood pressure are much closer to normal. Your muscle and body mass is recovering nicely too.”
TT looked at the chart labeled “weight” and had to consciously stop herself from feeling badly about it when she noticed the line going up. But still she pointed at it and uttered,
“This is good, right?”
“Yes, all of it is good. Very good.”
Her therapist smiled comfortingly, sensing her concern.
“You should be very proud of yourself, Triple Threat.”
As they sat there for a moment, TT had to admit to herself that this was true. From what she’d heard from other patients, she could have been a lot worse off, but still it was a big deal for her when she once thought she’d never get better at all. Now she was more confident she would make it through, like she already was starting to.
Then the therapist leaned back and started digging through her bags.
“Your doctors can tell you a lot more than I can. I’m just repeating what’s on the charts. We’re going to try something new today.”
She pulled a new form from one of her folders and attached it to a clipboard, holding it out to the young mare.
“What’s this?”
“This is a little rating game, so to speak. Just note whether you think each of these foods is good or bad, by circling the green check or red X. Don’t overthink it too much.”
She passed TT a pen and the young mare obliged.
The first few seemed obvious to her.
Ice cream? Bad.
Salad? Good, if you didn’t count what they served at the cafeteria.
Cake? Definitely bad.
She then took the clipboard from her therapist’s outstretched hoof so she could concentrate more on her answers.
Mangoes? Like all fruits, they had a lot of sugar, but she had been taught that it was a good kind of sugar.
Soda? Definitely bad. Easy.
Bread? It was made of wheat and grain which were good, but it also had an awful lot of carbs. That one was tricky.
After mulling over her answers for a bit she finally finished and passed the clipboard back over to her therapist.
“I’m done.”
“You were very thorough with that,”
Her therapist mused as she read over the answers.
Now what?
She waited for a moment until her therapist spoke up again.
“Why did you circle X for ice cream?”
TT was a little perplexed by this question, it seemed like the answer should have been obvious.
“Well, it’s got a lot of sugar, not to mention too much fat and cholesterol. Especially if you count it with everything else…”
She started to feel like she was failing some sort of test, talking about food this way. Even if she did believe what she was saying. So she added,
“It’s okay for special occasions like birthdays, right? But I wouldn’t make a habit out of it. I’d really watch my intake of those types of things, it’d only be a ‘couple times a year’ situation.”
She gestured towards the clipboard.
“Which is also why I circled those other things. If I wasn’t careful it could really damage my health in…multiple ways.”
Triple Threat was trying not to fall back into the cycle of worrying about her weight, especially now that she knew how it felt to not have eaten enough for too long. So that’s why she focused so much on her overall health, though deep down it was about her weight as well.
“Do you find yourself thinking about that a lot?”
“Yes—especially more recently, but like I’ve said before I was also very aware of it as a filly. I was definitely too young to worry as much as I did, and even now I know I really shouldn’t have just stopped eating. But you’ve got to think about your choices a little bit, don’t you?”
"In your opinion, how much of your time spent thinking about what you eat, is too much?"
This question changed everything, TT was downright surprised to hear it framed like this. It was true but she had never thought about it that way.
Her silence was enough of an answer for her therapist to go on.
“Of course it’s important to include all of the food groups in your diet. You can enjoy everything in moderation—but moderation doesn’t mean severely restricting certain foods to once or twice a year. You’re even writing off foods that are perfectly normal and not considered ‘junk food,’ like bread.” 
“Maybe I did exaggerate a bit,” 
TT admitted.
“But what was wrong with my answer to bread?” 
“I’m sure you’re thinking about the carbs, as many do, but carbs are not the only reflection of health—bread also contains plenty of essential vitamins and minerals, some of which are important for maintaining your eyes, hair, and hooves.” 
This was true. It really didn’t make her healthier or thinner at all to cut certain foods out, TT realized upon reflection. In all truthfulness, all along she had been more concerned with being skinny than being healthy.
“In fact, research has shown that identifying certain foods as ‘bad’ will make you crave them more, kind of like a forbidden fruit. If you approach everything with neutrality or even positivity, you could develop a more balanced relationship with it.”
“That does make sense…I’ve always loved ice cream sandwiches, but I love the berries that grow in the spring just as much. But I think about the ice cream sandwiches a lot more, I really miss when I could just eat them without a care.”
“You can again, in time.”
“But what if I end up eating too much?”
“Obsessing over your meals will not help you. Beating yourself down after every dessert or snack won’t do anything other than make you feel bad about yourself.”
Her therapist paused and pondered a bit.
“Also, your diet is not the only thing that can determine your health. Exercising has plenty of benefits, such as stronger muscles, a healthier heart, sharper mind, improved sleep, and so much more. Even just a few minutes of dancing can do wonders. And I’ll bet you’ve done plenty of that on the stage, right?”
The stage.
It had been so long since she set hoof in the theatre, since she even thought of it beyond how much it tore her down. But she had to admit she did feel a certain euphoria after dancing her heart out in a show she was passionate about. 
Suddenly she longed to get back to that.
“And you needn’t worry about eating too much.”
Her therapist continued.
“Your body will tell you when it’s full.”
“But how am I going to get to that point?”
TT could feel the pressure mounting on her as she thought of just how much recovery was left.
“How am I going to undo an issue I’ve been dealing with for years? It’s just so much, I can’t even begin to think about my career or whatever I’ll do after getting discharged when I’m dealing with this.” 
“We’ll break it down. We can develop some coping strategies and mindful exercises for you to do long after you leave here. You’ll get there, I promise.”
Triple Threat started to feel reassured knowing that it wasn’t so impossible after all.
“Just one step at a time.”
Previous: Oh Honey Next: Maudsley Method
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Can Rentals Cabins Provide the Perfect Escape from Modern Life?
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In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced modern lives, the need for an escape, a retreat into nature's embrace, has never been greater. The incessant digital noise, the never-ending to-do lists, and the daily stresses can take a toll on our well-being. Amid this chaos, there's a timeless solution that offers solace and rejuvenation: cabins. Whether nestled in the heart of Yellowstone National Park or in other locations, cabins have the power to provide the perfect escape from the demands of modern life. In this article, we'll take you on a journey from start to finish, exploring how cabins can be your haven of tranquility and why they are the ultimate remedy for the modern soul. Discovering Yellowstone National Park Cabins Yellowstone National Park, and other places known for its breathtaking natural beauty and diverse wildlife, is the perfect place for those who want to escape from the busy modern world. The cabins in Yellowstone, as well as in another place offer a way to experience the beauty of nature and get away from constant digital distractions. Staying in Yellowstone national park Cabins or else where gives you a unique opportunity to be close to one of the world's most famous natural wonders. These cabins are located right in the heart of the park, so you'll feel like you're part of the untamed wilderness. You'll be just a short walk away from the park's stunning landscapes, geysers, waterfalls, and abundant wildlife. A Return to Simplicity Modern life often bombards us with complexities. Cabins, on the other hand, epitomize simplicity. They offer a retreat where you can disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with the simplicity of life. Imagine waking up to the sound of birdsong instead of smartphone notifications, or gazing at the starlit sky unspoiled by city lights. Cabins provide an environment where you can embrace a slower, more deliberate pace of life. Cabins transport you to a world where simplicity reigns supreme. Unplugging and Reconnecting One of the defining features of cabins is their limited connectivity to the outside world. While it may initially feel like a challenge, this disconnection from digital devices is a blessing in disguise. It allows you to unplug from the constant stream of information and reconnect with yourself and your loved ones. It's a chance to engage in meaningful conversations, play board games by the fireplace, or simply savor a cup of hot cocoa while listening to the crackling of the wood stove. Nature's Therapy Nature has a special way of making us feel better and more alive. Whether you're in Yellowstone cabins or another beautiful location are strategically placed to give you incredible views of the natural world. Nature's therapy is right outside your door, ready to help you feel refreshed and revitalized. When you stay in cabins surrounded by Yellowstone's or anywhere elses untouched wilderness or in another lovely place, you can escape from the stresses of modern life. Conclusion In conclusion, cabins, whether in Yellowstone National Park or elsewhere, hold the promise of providing the perfect escape from the whirlwind of modern life. They offer a return to simplicity, a reconnection with nature, and a chance to unplug and reset. They We satisfy needs of all kind of travelers, from families with kids, couples to solo travelers. And for an unforgettable cabin escape in the heart of Yellowstone and others, we invite you to explore the offerings of Yellowstone's Treasure Cabins. Your cabin escape awaits, and visit their website to know more ytcabins.com.
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lavenderfloower · 6 months
Leon x Therapist!Reader
Leon realized he needed therapy because the title of champion isn't easy. It's a lot of stress. The league pays for therapy for some of it's high ranking competitors and gym leaders. The league sent Leon to a therapist named Y/n L/n. Leon was riding his Charizard to the address he was given. He got lost in the woods. He was walking around until he heard a woman's voice and started walking towards it.
"Hello?" She called out and Leon stepped into her gaze
"Hey umm I'm kinda lost I'm looking for a person named Y/n L/n do you happen to know who she is and where I can find her?" Leon asked
"Oh! That's me I saw your Charizard fly over and your purple hair and I also happen to know you don't have the best sense of direction" Y/n put out her hand for Leon to shake and Leon gave her a firm handshake.
"How did you know?" Leon asked
"My brother talks about you a lot" Y/n explained
"Oh now I remember where I've seen your face you're Raihan's sister" Leon remembered her and Raihan talking at their battle a few weeks ago.
"So he invited you too the battle a while back" Leon asked
"Yeah we're really close, I'm glad to have a brother like him but he is a bit competitive" Y/n told him smiling
"Trust me I know" Leon deadpanned
"We should probably go inside and get started" Y/n suggested
Y/n led Leon to her little cottage that was surrounded by a vivasous garden and tons of pokemon.
"Are these pokemon yours?" Leon asked
"Nope they just hang out around my place and I feed them but they're wild" Y/n explained
Y/n let him in and asked him to sit down. She got him tea and sat down in another chair.
"So Leon the reason you're here is completely between me and you and only you can change that and eventually I want you to feel comfortable enough to talk to me openly" Y/n started explaining things to him
"Alright" Leon complied
"So if I may ask why you felt the need to come her" Y/n asked
"Oh well being champion is sometimes stressful and I feel like I can't talk to anybody about it because they wouldn't understand. I'm number 1 in the world and it scares me a bit" Leon ranted to Y/n and Y/n began taking notes
"Are you scared because you don't know how to get stronger because there's no one you know of ahead of you that you can surpass?"
"Yeah that's exactly how I feel!" Leon exclaimed
Y/n softly laughed at his reaction.
"Man you must be really good at this therapist thing" Leon complimented
"Why thank you Leon that's very sweet of you" Y/n thanked him for his kind compliment and smiled at him.
Something about Y/n's smile just made Leon want to see more of her.
"So Leon want to go play with the pokemon in the garden?" Y/n asked
"Of course"
The two walked out to the garden and all the pokemon immediately flocked around Y/n. Leon slightly laughed because she looked cute surrounded by pokemon. (im sure all my readers are cute cant change my mind dont try).
"Are all pokemon this fond of you miss Y/n" Leon asked
"Well no... ive been attacked a handful of times trying to help an injured pokemon but nothing too bad" Y/n said moving her way to Leon with the wild pokemon still at her feet making her trip into him. Luckily he caught her.
"I'm so sorry Leon" Y/n apologized
"Oh no its fine I understand and no one was hurt right?" Leon said making Y/n look down at her feet to check for any injured pokemon
"I dont think so" Y/n smiled
Y/n and Leon spent the rest of the day playing around. In the end Leon wanted to see more of her and he felt so much better just from being around her. Leon eventually had to leave.
"See you next time Leon please be safe going home" Y/n told him
"Thanks Y/n"
The next couple of months Leon went to therapy and he felt better and better each time. Y/n was a kind and caring soul and Leon loved that. So he was going to confess his love for her. He somehow remembered the way to her house. When he landed Y/n was already outside watering plants.
"Hey Y/n" Leon greeted
"Hi Leon" Y/n replied walking up to him and his Charizard
"Its nice to see you again" Leon smiled
"Yesh it's nice to see you too it's always nice to see you" Y/n said
"I'm glad to hear that because I have an important question for you" Leon said while getting off of his Charizard
"Y/n the fee months we've known each other have been absolutely amazing and learning more about myself and you have been really fun. So what I'm asking is if maybe you'd be my girlfriend?" Leon asked taking his cap off
"Oh of course Leon I'm actually really glad you asked because I feel the exact same" Y/n replied taking one of his hands in hers.
Leon and Y/n gave each other a tight hug until they heard a loud gasp.
"Y/n! what on earth are you doing?!" Raihan exclaimed walking out of her cottage
"I told you I had a patient today Raihan" Y/n told Raihan
"Not that Leon just asked you out and you didn't say a word to me?" Raihan said in a very jokingly sassy tone
Y/n laughed at Raihan and smiled at Leon
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bhvna · 7 months
 Unveiling the Pinnacle of Comfort in Luxury Stay in chikmagalur
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Nestled amidst the lush coffee plantations and verdant hills of Karnataka, Chikmagalur is a picturesque haven for nature enthusiasts and those seeking a luxurious escape. This charming destination has carved a niche for itself in the world of opulent hospitality, offering visitors a taste of extravagant living amidst the tranquility of nature. Let’s unravel the opulence and serenity that a luxury stay in Chikmagalur promises.
Embracing Nature’s Splendor in Luxury
Chikmagalur is renowned for its sprawling coffee estates and mesmerizing landscapes, making it a prime location for luxurious retreats that seamlessly blend with nature. Imagine waking up to the melodious chirping of birds, surrounded by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee — an experience synonymous with a luxury stay here.
1. Opulent Accommodations
Luxury resorts and boutique hotels in Chikmagalur offer a range of lavish accommodations, from well-appointed rooms to private villas and cottages. These are designed to provide a harmonious blend of modern comforts and a rustic ambiance, allowing guests to immerse themselves in the natural beauty that surrounds them.
2. Infinity Pools with a View
Picture lounging by an infinity pool, gazing at the lush hills stretching into the horizon. Many luxury stays in Chikmagalur boast infinity pools that seem to merge seamlessly with the landscape, offering a tranquil setting for relaxation and rejuvenation.
3. Exclusive Spa & Wellness Services
Indulge in holistic wellness experiences offered by spas within these luxurious retreats. The serene surroundings make for an ideal backdrop to unwind with rejuvenating massages, yoga sessions, and wellness therapies.
Culinary Delights: A Gourmet Journey
Chikmagalur doesn’t just treat your eyes and soul; it’s a haven for food enthusiasts as well. The gastronomic delights served in luxury Stay in chikmagalur are a testament to the region’s rich culinary heritage.
1. Farm-to-Table Dining
Many luxury resorts in Chikmagalur emphasize farm-to-table dining experiences. They use organic, locally sourced ingredients to create delectable dishes that capture the essence of the region’s cuisine.
2. Private Dining Experiences
For a truly exclusive dining affair, some accommodations offer private dining experiences. Imagine a candlelit dinner under the stars, surrounded by the sounds of nature — a romantic and memorable evening for any couple.
Adventures in Extravagance
While Chikmagalur is renowned for its tranquility, adventure is not far behind. Luxury stays here offer a plethora of adventurous activities that promise an adrenaline rush.
1. Helicopter Rides and Hot Air Balloon Tours
Explore the sprawling coffee plantations and the Western Ghats from the skies with a private helicopter ride or a hot air balloon tour — an experience that combines adventure with luxury.
2. Guided Treks and Nature Walks
Discover the diverse flora and fauna of Chikmagalur with guided treks and nature walks. Knowledgeable guides enhance the experience by sharing insights about the region’s biodiversity.
Chikmagalur, with its blend of luxury and nature, provides an unforgettable retreat for those seeking a lavish escape. From sumptuous accommodations to gourmet dining and thrilling adventures, the opulence of luxury Stay in chikmagalur promises a holiday to remember. Immerse yourself in the lap of luxury amidst the serene embrace of nature in this idyllic destination
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thirdrootwriting · 1 year
Fics I want to Write - FFVII edition
Babysitting AU
Cloud and Aerith time-travel back into their 6/7 year old selves, WITH the caveat that though they have their adult memories, they have the planning skills, abilities, and emotional regulation of a 6/7 year old. (i.e. not great)
Note: still willing and able to cause SO many problems, but unable to actually fix anything with their short arms and baby brains.
Should feature: Vincent (no memories) actually solving all plot points in the bg by going off what the these weird babies and Chaos are saying
Tseng freaking out, bc he think aerith has been kidnapped. Possibly teaming up with Vince, recognizing him, and freaking out more.
Genesis freaking out bc a DEMON dropped off BABIES in Wutai, told him and his friends to babysit, and now Angeal is getting bossed around by the tiny brunnette while Sephiroth refuses to put down the tiny blonde that keeps threatening to stab him.
Here’s how Healthy Polyamory Representation Could Have Saved the Timeline
Fudging Crisis Core timeline a bit, but Zack starts dating Cloud and Aerith back b4 shit hits the fan re: Crisis Core. Obviously bc, he loves and looks up to Angeal, he introduces his new bf and gf to his mentor. Zack also mentions how nice it was to have, like, a good role model also in a poly relationship.
Angeal (aware on some level that his personal relationships are trash fire disaster): haha, thanks.
Later, that day angeal bursts into his apartment ready to drag his husband and boyfriend to couple’s therapy by the roots of their over-producted hair if he must.
Genesis: we don’t need that. We have a perfectly healthy relationship with great communication
Sephiroth (genuinely surprised): We’re dating?
Genesis: .... fine, we might need it a little.
IDK, these three idiots get kicked out of a LOT of therapists’ offices. but they do eventually communicate and problem solve. meanwhile zakurith(?) are cute in the bg.
Time Travel for the Temporally Orientated
Sephiroth, time travels back to pre-Crisis Core; he is too busy dealing with severe mental whiplash (can’t decide if Jenova’d him was right or if now-him was right; really disorientating to be un-hiveminded and not kinda-dead) to solve or cause any problems. Fortunately(?) he is acting so goddamn weird anyway that he accidentally makes the timeline better whilst navel-gazing. A comedy of errors featuring:
Picks up cloud as an apprentice, but makes zack train him because 1 of the few things Seph can make up his mind about is that he respects/misses older cloud and thier fights. To literally everyone else though, it looks like Seph picked an apprentice he dislikes? why? thoughts vary
Genesis is DETERMINED to get to the bottom of this. he does not. But he does (1) make friends with cloud, (2) become Intense Magic Rivals with Aerith, (3) become frenemies with Zack, much to Angeal’s displeasure
Tifa and Zack become frenemies too, via being pseudo pen-pals to best friends in law. This version has Tension though, bc they kinda want to smooch each other’s SO
Side note, Aerith is having a great (and very bi) time; she is constantly texting Cloud pics of Zack and Tifa’s latest arm-wrestling/lifting/pull-up battles with heart emojis and thirst captions
Zack is putting off having a bisexual crisis, bc he dislikes Genesis too much to admit he’s hot and Cloud is busy being taken. He’s. putting. it. off.
The great saga of what seph’s phone background should be
Who is more Tired (TM) at any given time?: angeal vs. cloud
My take on Remake Fic
Sephiroth and Aerith argue from the lifestream / great-beyond via changes to the timeline.
Zack chapters: Saving a soul via compassion / Dying alone bc you couldn’t save anyone
Genesis chapters: Almost a good person, after a knock on the head (ft. cloud does in fact bite) / So much rage, I’m burning the world down around me
Tifa Chapters: Courage to Believe in Promises / Fear to Lies to Hatred
Cloud Chapters: Let me fully elaborate on my 2 am thoughts that Aerith and Seph mean parallel things to Cloud on an X axis and Tifa and Zack mean parallel things to Cloud on a Y axis
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akaraboonline · 1 year
3 Sexless Ways To Rekindle Romance Right Away
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Couples might rekindle the passion they once shared by concentrating on a set of reconnection tools and perhaps with some advice from a professional counselor. 3 Sexless Ways To Rekindle Romance Right Away The spark is frequently referred to as "romantic love." Your brain produces a cocktail of chemicals known as a reward system, which is what causes you to feel "romantic love" in reality. When couples are in control of their love impulses, they can also control the chemical reactions that cause those sensations, both within and between themselves. The principles of the Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy (PACT), created by family and relationship therapists Stan Tatkin and Tracey Boldemann-Tatkin, are described in the sections that follow. The most recent findings in brain biology, adult attachment patterns, and couples therapy are all incorporated into this kind of therapy.
Here are three unsexy ways to immediately rekindle romance in your relationship:
1. Practice the 'lovers gaze' According to biology, when we look passionately into one other's eyes, our internal brain chemicals, particularly dopamine, are amplified or "get high" in turn. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter found in the brain's reward region that has a role in addiction. The proverb "the eyes are the window to the soul" is something we have all heard. For instance, when my husband and I share a meaningful stare, our brains trigger a chain of positive chemical reactions that make us both feel happy. Did you look at each other more frequently than you do now when you think back to the beginning of your relationship? I'm going to assume you did. If you're like my husband and I, you both forgot to look at each other with affection since you were too busy going through life. Looking each other in the eyes and expressing affection and love, though, might help you revive desire and well-being.
2. Pay joint attention to a third object
Realistically, we can't just stand there and stare at our partner. Therefore, focusing on a third item or person is another method we might choose to direct our attention. The key function of this tool is for you and your spouse to engage as you both look at the third. Participation and group activity are included. For instance, my spouse and I enjoy each other's company while preparing a salad in the kitchen. We both contribute equally to the planning and conversation. We could talk about the plot and cuddle while watching television together. Beware of what is referred to as parallel play. When two people are in the same space, engaged in the same or different activities, but each emotionally in their own world, that is called parallel play. It appears that they are passively watching television while seated on the couch, with no touching, chatting, or other interactions. The aim of this tool is not being served by everyone playing independently of one another. 3. Share your excitement and joy This strategy entails exchanging personal enthusiasm, such as witnessing a stunning sunset, enjoying a cleverly made video, or other enjoyable experiences that made you feel good. Then, make a statement your spouse can hear using that good sensation. For instance, while we go out strolling, my spouse enjoys seeing little creatures like squirrels. We both feel terrific if he uses his happiness to tell me, "I love you so much" or "I'm so lucky to be married to you." My husband translated his excitement into my language so that I could "hear" and "catch" it. Both of us profit from this. I may be irritated if my husband, for instance, took his joy over spotting a squirrel and yelled, "Check out that squirrel" to me while not paying attention to me or participating in our conversation. The secret to using this tool effectively is to translate your excitement into something that your spouse can share. Read the full article
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theboysfromaustin · 2 years
August 15, 2025
"We'll come get you in an hour." "Alright," Wade said, sounding miserable as he stared at the entrance of the VA. Gav and Kazuo, his boyfriends of a couple months drove off to do shopping. With a deep sigh, he walked in, checking in at the front desk.
Wade hated hospitals, and he hated his therapy at the VA - both physical and psychiatric. Psychiatric therapy was today. Ever since the IED that had taken his leg and nearly gutted him, he'd been in therapy.
He settled down in the waiting room with a sigh, nodding in acknowledgement to the other veterans waiting in the lobby with him. He wished Gav or Kazuo could go in with him. It would make talking to his therapist a lot easier.
"Mr. Thompson?"
He looked up. His therapist Erica was there. He stood, feeling miserable. They went back into the room, where he settled in on the couch, arms crossed, gaze averted.
"How've you been?" "Good. Gav, Kazuo and I are getting on well." "Now, Wade, I know you don't like doing therapy, but we've started a new program that might help." The door opened, and a woman brought in a dog - a small, red and white pit bull. Wade sat up. The woman unleashed the dog, who immediately went and sat at Wade's feet, staring up at him, tail sweeping from side to side. The woman nodded at Erica, and left.
Wade leaned down, gently stroking the dog's head. "This is Tillamook. She's part of our new therapy dog program." Tillamook jumped up onto the couch next to Wade, resting her head on top of his prosthetic leg. He continued stroking her head, beginning to relax.
"Our hope is that these dogs will put people at ease, and allow them to open up more." Wade looked down. The pit was watching him, tail still wagging. "Well…." He began, feeling nervous, "It's been over 10 years." "You mean since your injury?"
"Yeah…" He said softly. Tillamook licked his hand. "How do you feel about that?" "I….I…" He blinked back tears. The dog sat up, licking his face, and he put one arm around her. “I feel….so helpless when I think about it. I was the only one who lived through the attack. The driver, the injured soldier, and…” A teardrop worked its way down his face. He put his other arm around Tillamook, bringing the dog into his lap.
“You still miss him, don’t you?” “Yeah, I do. I lost him so horribly and suddenly, that, I guess...I guess that fear carries over to Gav and Kazuo. With Rick, I…..I watched him die, completely unable to do anything about it because of my own injuries. If I hadn’t been injured, maybe I could have saved his life! But, even so, I….I should have….I should have pulled my leg free and tried to save him! But I just laid there! I should have tried to help him, even if it cost me my own life! I’m a coward. I didn’t deserve Rick ,and I don’t deserve Kazuo and Gav!” He bowed his head, sobbing. Tillamook whined, pawing at his shoulder, and he buried his face into the dog’s neck.
“You’re not a coward, Wade, that was a very difficult situation. You did deserve Rick, and you do deserve Gav and Kazuo. They’ve both loved you very, very much.” He whimpered, shutting his eyes more tightly, “But….but….Look at me! I’m a….I’m a….a…..a freak! I'm so scarred up, and the leg…." Wade sighed, “Kazuo and Gav are the best things to happened to me since Rick died, and I don’t know what I’d do without them…And they're...they're still grieving...”
Over the next hour, he poured out his soul, keeping Tillamook on his lap, the dog licking him and wagging her tail. By the end of the session, he was sitting completely relaxed, something he’d never been during therapy. “Are you feeling better, Wade?” “Yeah….a lot better, actually. I…..I don’t think I’ve said that much in 10 years of seeing you.” “You’ve never opened up to me as much as you did today, Wade. I think Tillamook’s really helped you today.” “She….she really has…”
He stroked the dog gently, and she licked his chin. “If….If she could be with me when I do my therapy….” “She can, definitely. That’s what this program’s for.” He scratched the dog under her chin, “You’re a good girl, and you’re gonna help me heal.” “I hate to say it, Wade, but our time’s up. But she’ll be here when you have physical therapy in a couple weeks, I’ll make sure of it.” “Thank you!”
He hugged the pit bull again, and left the office, a smile on his face. Gav was just pulling up outside, Kazuo lounging in the back, and Wade got into the car. “How was therapy today?” “Really great, actually!” “Really?! I’ve never heard you describe therapy as ‘great’.” ”Well, they started a new program, with therapy dogs! My dog’s a pit bull named Tillamook, and she’s just the sweetest dog, and...why are you grinning at me like that?”
“Because I’m glad they’ve found something that works for you! You never look this happy when you’re done with therapy.” “She really helped me open up. I told Erica more than I’ve told her in all these years of therapy. I’m….I’m actually looking forward to therapy now!” “That’s great! Guess I’ll be meeting her when I bring you in for therapy next.” “You’re gonna love her.” Gav put one hand on Wade’s knee. “You wanna go to Waffle House, celebrate?” “Hell yes!” Gav grinned, leaning in to kiss him. “Love you, Wade.” “Love you, Gav," He turned back in his seat, "Love you Kazuo.” "Roger dodger, medic man." He looked out his window at the VA hospital.
Thanks for helping me today, Tillamook.
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fallenfanangel · 3 years
What ever happens in the rest of the season, I refuse to let Marvel take away the secret The Falcon and The Winter Soldier I’m watching in my head where Torres, upon first seeing Sam and Bucky interact, comes to the obvious conclusion that they are exes who still like each other and decides it’s his mission to get them back together.
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tofandomhellandback · 3 years
Just leaving this here
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has anyone ever looked into what the purpose of the soul gazing exercise is? I’ll save you the trouble. 
Helps you recognize emotions
Builds trust
Increases intimacy
Increases connection
so, take that how you will. bUT LIKE SERIOUSLY. THAT ENTIRE THERAPY SCENE WAS FORESHADOWING EP 5 AND 6. LIKE WHAT. disney can deny all they want. but my sambucky essay is 13 pages long and im at ep 3. sooooooooo
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Courts of Green Pt.1
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Bucky Barnes x Fem reader
Requested by: None
Warnings: fluff, mentions of pain, mention of slight sexual....I don't know what the fuck to call it....Bucky feels some sexual tension! If you want a part 2 don't hesitate to just ring me up and say "Hello Hello! I've changed my mind! I wanna be a star!"
Summary: Bucky and Y/n are in therapy after buck gets out of jail, Y/n and him have tension so the doc had to force it out of them.
The doc opened a note pad and clicked her pen, she wrote down both of their names and set it on the table.
"Alright, first off. We're gonna do an exercise, it's something I do with couples. It goes like this....if a miracle were to happen while you were sleeping, what would one of you like to be changed about the other?"
She pointed at Bucky.
He shrugged and began.
"In my miracle, Y/n would talk less."
"If I talked any less, I would be a fuckin mute."
"Then that would be perfect."
That hit Y/n like a brick, her body suddenly felt cold and tears threatened to fill her eyes. She furrowed her brows in an attempt to keep from crying.
"Now, Y/n. I can see that hurt."
"I don't need you examining me, doc." Y/n said through gritted teeth.
"I see this isn't working, let's do the soul gazing exercise. I want you to turn and face each other."
"Oh I like this one." Bucky said.
They turned and faced each other, they sat close so their knees were touching.
"Get closer." Doc said.
"If I sit any closer, I'll be in him." Y/n replied.
"Get closer."
They did so, Bucky's knee was between Y/n's legs and hers was between his. Buck couldn't help but feel some sexual tension between them, he laced his hands together and placed them in his lap.
"Alright, now relax and gaze into each others eyes."
Y/n sat back and looked into his eyes while Buck literally stared into hers.
"Now....Y/n. Why does James aggravate you?"
Y/n crosses her arms over her chest...
"He never talks to me."
The doc nods...
"He was talking to you right now."
"That's not what I mean."
"Alright, Y/n. You're looking at him, but you're focused on me....tell him how you feel."
"You never tell me shit, Buck. I see you every day and something is gnawing at you. You're in pain, Buck and you want to tell someone what's up, I see it. But you never do." She leaned forward. "I'm right here....I always am. You don't tell me anything, I've seen what you were, I've been a victim of it. I'll understand if you just talk to me, you don't have to be alone....just let me in and give me something."
His eyes became glossy at her words, his breathing shaky. Y/n reached over and gently took his hands, he leaned forward in the same position she was in.
"I'm afraid." He started. "I have nightmares, I kill you in all of them. I came so close when I turned that one time and it haunts me."
Y/n cupped his cheek, he leaned into her touch. Neither of them noticed the doc had left the room. Y/n looked at his lips, then at his eyes, and back at his lips..
"Bucky, that's not you anymore. The soldier is gone, you need to forgive yourself, you aren't going to hurt me anymore." She whispered.
He gently gripped her wrist and closed his eyes, she pressed her lips to his and rested their foreheads together.
"Just please, stop pushing me away, Buck." She whispered again.
Sam walked over to the Doc, his hands in his pockets...
"So what's going on in there? They confessing their love for each other?"
"Yes." The Doc replied, she then walked away.
"No shit." Sam quietly said to himself.
He opened the door of the interrogation room, Bucky and Y/n held each other close whispering 'I love you'.
Sam closed the door, eyes wide and looking at the ground...
Part 2?
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faintblueivy · 4 years
So Imagine...
A world where Bruce Wayne died as a child in that alley that day, Martha and Thomas Wayne grieve as normal parents. They DO NOT BECOME BATMAN AND JOKER. 
Nothing ever remains the same after losing their little boy. So, Thomas buries himself in his work and Martha drowns herself in depression and pain. They do therapy and it works a little and life becomes bearable but...not happy.
One day, Alfred badgers the couple to go out and relax a little and buys them tickets for a circus - Haly’s circus. Everything was going nice and dandy and Martha was in awe of this little acrobat as much as the rest of the crowd when suddenly the rope snaps and the boy’s parents fall to their deaths - right in front of him and the gathering. Thomas is quick to jump in to see if he could help them in any way but Martha can see it in his eyes that they are as dead as they can be. 
They return to home with heavy hearts and Martha can’t get the image of the little boy out of her head. His skin was a light shade of bronze but his dark hair and bright cerulean blue eyes reminded her so much of Bruce that her heart wouldn’t rest. So a few days later she uses her connections to know if the child is safe and well cared for, when to her immense horror, she is replied that he was shipped to Gotham Juvie due to the lack of foster homes. She is enraged.
She calls Thomas and Alfred and lets them know about the little acrobat’s situation and declares that she was going to adopt him. They hesitate a little but she is not to be deterred as she goes ahead and brings the little boy home. 
Richard John Grayson - Wayne. Or Dick, as he likes to call himself. 
He is adamant that he wants no parents and Martha is fine because not only that she is old enough to be not his mother but also because no child can ever be her Bruce.
“You can just call me Grandma then.” She tells him.
His eyes are wide but he nods and then smiles and Martha, in a long while, has never felt this happy. 
Her new Grandson, despite losing his parents, is a ray of sunshine with unlimited supply of energy and the cold and empty manor is warm and happy again. 
Dick is a little charmer and even after Thomas and Alfred’s initial reluctance, they immediately fall in love with the boy and one day, when Martha comes down to the morning breakfast, she hears a happy, deep rumble - one she has not heard in many years. Thomas is laughing. 
There on the dining table, seated beside Dick, was Thomas laughing. Her eyes water at the scene and Alfred, who is standing beside her offers her a handkerchief. None of them mention how his own eyes are wet too.
Dick is sixteen, a brilliant boy in academics as much as they disinterest him but an invincible athlete. Martha has been told time and time again that her grandson is undoubtedly a international level gymnast. But he is a teenager.
And teenagers steal their grandparent’s ‘coolest’ car and rush off into the night. But they don’t come back with a little battered and bruised, homeless kid tucked under their arm.
“He had jacked three tires off your car. When I confronted him, he tried to hit me with a tire iron.” He says, amused, as Thomas tries to convince the child to show him his injuries.
“I didn’t do nothin’! He’s a fuckin’ big boob liar!” They boy screams, his blue green eyes glaring daggers at Dick.
“Language.” Both her and Alfred warn simultaneously.
After hours of struggle, interrogation and fuck you’s, Martha learns that the child’s name is Jason. He is twelve. Mother died form drug overdosing and Dad is a petty henchman of some crime lord. He ran away from multiple foster homes because they are so abusive that the child feels safer on streets. 
Martha goes on a rampage over Gotham’s foster care after that. She did not donate millions of dollars annually for children to feel safer on streets. After of lot of talks and reassurances and promises, Martha acquires her second grandchild.
Jason Peter Todd - Wayne. 
Jason is tiny. Malnourished like Leslie said. But he is sharp, observant and hungry for knowledge. Martha and Alfred joke that Jason is Thomas' soul child. Where Dick had loved activity and movement, Jason liked quiet and stability - Martha thinks that running and fighting for survival on streets every single day does that you. So evenings often found her and Dick in the garden but Thomas and Jason in the library pouring over as many books as they can.
And to nobody's surprise, despite their rocky start, the boys become inseparable. They are outwardly different, with clashing interests and behaviors but Martha can see that they both carry the same cores of light.  
When the morning of Dick’s Parent’s death anniversary comes around, both her and Thomas find Jason on Dick’s bed, arms curled protectively around his big brother. For the first time in so many years, Dick wakes up to warmth surrounding him, not nightmares. 
Both her grandsons attend Gotham Academy so when she receives a phone call from the Principal, she is half surprised and half not. When she enters the Principal’s office, both her boys are standing on one side, Jason with his head hung in shame and Dick glaring daggers at the other side. The boy who seems to be injured is being coddled by his mother who is shooting nasty glares at her grandchildren periodically. 
Then she notices another small boy standing beside her boys, trying to melt into the wall.
Tim Drake. The only son of Jack and Janet Drake of Drake Industries.    
She arches a questioning eyebrow at Dick who shakes his head and then she turns to the Principal. 
“What happened here?”
“Glad to see you’re here Mrs. Wayne.” The Principal says, pushing his glasses up his nose, “I regret to inform you that your ward Jason Peter Todd attacked this young man here.” He gestures to the other boy. 
“Madam, Gotham Academy is a prestigious school and we do not encourage physical violence here. Yes, it might have been acceptable from where he came from but it won’t be, here. I hope you give us the right to punish Mr. Todd here appropriately.” 
Martha inwardly bristles at the jab at her grandson and says crisply, “Mr. Wayne.”
“He’s not just Todd. He is a Wayne. Please remember that.”
“Principal Sir.” Dick cuts in and Martha is confused because as hyperactive as Dick is, he is a mannerly child and knows better than to cut in a conversation like this but what draws her attention is the chilling tone which Dick almost never uses. Dick continues, “Why don’t you tell our grandmother more of your regrets? Or the prestigious Gotham Academy believes that bullying is acceptable.” 
Martha has been told what she needs to know. 
“Jason?” she calls out to her youngest grandson softly, “What happened?”
Jason is quiet when suddenly Tim Drake moves forward. She can see he is scared the way his hands shake but determination shines in his blue eyes. She likes him.
“I want to say something.”
He narrates the tale of how he was being bullied and how the boy on the other side with his mother threw his science project model away and broke it and physically tried to attack him when Jason stepped in to save him. Martha felt nothing but pride at Jason’s righteous indignation. 
Tim also explained that Jason exercised immense control even after these bullies called him ‘street rat’, but the verbal spar intensified after Dick was insulted for his Romani heritage, but it came to fist fight after Thomas and Martha were insulted, and Bruce’s death was made fun of.
Her gaze snaps to the other three occupants of the room and they are all in various shades of pale. Apparently, the Principal had not done his homework.
“Principal” She says icily, “Yes, I give you the authority to punish Jason appropriately but only when this young man here”, she gestures to the boy who was now cowering behind his mother, “Is dealt with in the same way.”
After threatening the Principal in soft words but harsh tone about not tolerating to having her grandsons bullied the next time, she grabs Jason’s hand to drag him away from these people who don’t deserve his company, when her eyes fall on the little trembling Tim. 
She offers him her hand.
He stares at it, shocked but after an encouraging smile from Dick and a small shove from Jason, he takes it shyly.
And since that day, Tim becomes a member of Martha’s family. The boys stay together so much that even Thomas forgets that Tim is not theirs. 
Tim’s upbringing sends Martha’s grandmother instincts on a haywire and she resents the Drakes for their criminal neglect towards Tim. 
It is rewarding that Tim flourishes in their attention. 
She learns that his hobby is Photography and he is excellent at it. And he is a genius when it comes to science, computers and gadgets. He likes crime thrillers movies and books and often picks them apart with his scarily good knowledge about forensics that leave the rest of the family in awe and slightly disturbed. 
The dam breaks when one day Jason and Dick return back from school telling her that Tim was absent today and they are worried about him. When they later sneak into the Drake mansion in the evening, Thomas receives a frantic call from their oldest grandchild that Tim was burning with fever. Because Thomas is a doctor, they save Tim before anything serious happens.
This time, it is Thomas who sues the Drakes for Tim’s custody after him and Jason had, had enough of ‘Timbo’s shitty parents’.
“Timothy?” Martha brushes his sweat soaked forehead gently. “Would you like to be a member of our family legally?"
Tim is hesitant about this but he admits that he likes Wayne manor much better than he ever liked Drake mansion. He confesses that he loves Jason and Dick as brothers and sees Martha, Thomas and Alfred as his grandparents as well.
The long custody battle ends with both Jack and Janet Drake dying at the hands of two different tragedies, leaving Tim an orphan, but also with a loving family consisting of three grandparents and two brothers by his side. 
Timothy Jackson Drake - Wayne is adopted into the Wayne family as her and Thomas’ third grandson.
A year after they adopt Tim, Thomas comes home with a small girl on his side. She is clearly an east Asian in heritage with dark hair and dark eyes and is speech deprived. Thomas is clearly distressed after Cassandra - her name is Cassandra - is safely secured in warm bed in a nice room across Jason’s. He calls her, the three boys and Alfred to his study to explain about the small girl. 
He talks about how Gordon brought the girl to him and after hours of wordless, signed and clumsily sketched on paper conversations with the little girl they were able to determine that Cassandra was hiding from her father who was an assassin and wanted to drag the little girl down the same path before she ran away. The more he talks about the damage and abuse the girl had experienced at the hands on her own father, the more furious Martha becomes. When Thomas’ explanations ends, Jason slams a punch into the wall making a dent but no one has the heart to reprimand him for that. 
The following morning, Martha can see that her three boys have unanimously decided that they are adopting Cassandra as their sister. She is treated like a Princess, and given the nick name ‘Cass’. 
Slowly but surely, Cass learns what it means to love through Dick’s bright kindness, Jason’s quiet protection and Tim’s infinite patience. After her father is finally apprehended, the family celebrates.
Cassandra Wayne, soon after, becomes the beloved Wayne Princess of Gotham. 
Martha and Thomas often accompany their only granddaughter to her speech therapy lessons, so after six months of her adoption, at dinner, she places a kiss on everyone’s forehead - her three brothers and three grandparents, stands at the head of the table and croaks out, slowly, “Thank...thank you.” All of them stare at her flabbergasted, but it appears that she was planning to shock them even more.
“You...Love. Love you...”
The silence that follows her broken but sure words is deafening. Surprisingly it is Tim who breaks it as he scrambles out of his chair and launches himself at Cass, wrapping his arms around her and both Jason and Dick follow him, grabbing both their youngest siblings fiercely.
A quiet sob breaks her out of the trance and she smiles when she watches Thomas furiously wiping his tears from the sleeve of his shirt. The last time he     had cried was at Bruce’s funeral. And Martha is infinitely grateful that this time these are happy tears. 
Sometimes Martha wonders what would have happened if Bruce had lived. If these children are her grandchildren then does that mean they are Bruce’s kids? Had Bruce lived, would he have accepted these gaggle of kids that her and Thomas have collected over the years as his own? Would he have kids of his own? 
Her questions are answered when one day she hears a slight commotion in the entrance is surprised to see a young woman with a sword threatening Alfred.
“I want to meet the Master of this house. Let them know immediately.” She demands in an authoritative but silky voice, and Martha suddenly sees the Toddler clutched in her arm. 
“What is it?” Martha speaks as soon as she can when the woman notices her. She looks surprised for a second but immediately schools her features as the baby fusses.
“You’re alive.” She whispers and before any of them could make an indignant comment about her wordings, she says, “It appears that I might have traveled in to the wrong universe.”
Now that is interesting. Martha lives in a world where they are protected by aliens...so, it is certainly worth hearing for. 
Martha offers the young lady an invitation for tea which she accepts. She notices how the woman carries herself with lethal grace and dignity as if she was a Princess but much more. As they sit and Alfred leaves to bring the promised team Martha notices how the woman’s eyes sweep over the place. 
“How may I help you?”
Her voice attracts the attention of the toddler and this time, he is not clutched tightly enough to his mother’s chest to turn his small head and look at her. Martha gasps. Because the child looks too much like Toddler Bruce. But instead of the blue eyes like her son, this child has glowing green ones, like his mother. But still, the resemblance is uncanny. 
“Yes, he is your son’s.” The woman answers the unasked question.
She is explained the existence of Multiverse, and it’s workings and how Bruce survived instead of them in that world, met Talia (the woman’s name is Talia Al Ghul) and had a child but had to leave. Talia mentions the reason she came here was because her son’s life was in danger and Talia’s father wanted to raise her son as an assassin Prince and a tool for him to use. Talia’s solution to protect her son was for her to give her son to the Bruce of this world to raise, since the Bruce of that world had gone missing.   
“I can raise him.” Martha suddenly declares and the woman looks at him shocked. “I will not raise him into a life of violence but I can certainly protect him and give him a happy civilian life.”
Talia looks unsure, hesitant, but says, “I...have been a warrior since the day I can remember. Never once have I ever thought of my son not being a warrior. He was...born to be one.” 
Martha smiles. “He doesn’t have to be one. Yes, his life will be infinitely different than the one you imagined but...he will be well loved and protected. I can assure you of that.”
“Damian.” Talia whispers as he deposits the baby in her arms after a lot of consideration. “His name is Damian.”
She looks at her son tenderly one last time and places a kiss on his forehead and Martha’s heart breaks a little for the young mother. 
“Will you return back for him?” Martha asks as she follows the Talia to the door.
“No.” Talia whispers, her voice strained. “I will not. Any action taken by me is monitored by my father closely. If I return back, then he might know that I have left Damian here and I cannot let that happen. He is yours, forever.”
Martha gives her a sad smile. “You’re a brave and good mother Talia. Thank you for doing what is best for your son.”
She nods, not turning to look at Damian one last time as she leaves the manor grounds, never to return. 
Martha looks at the baby secure in her arms and her lips quirk up into a grin at the sight of two curious green eyes watching her with interest. 
“Welcome to the family, little Damian.”
When she introduces the new addition to the family, Thomas is dumbfounded. Dick is ecstatic at the prospect of having a new baby brother, Jason is secretly pleased, Cass is happiest and Tim looks unsure.
That’s how Damian Wayne - Al Ghul joins the family.
Damian fits in their home spectacularly. After few days of hesitation, like he had with Dick, Thomas takes to Damian quickly. He has an epic competition going on with their eldest grandson to become the baby’s favorite. Damian refuses to sleep without Thomas but his tantrums are only controlled and won over by Dick. Damian loves Jason manhandling him and giggles happily when the older boy throws him in the air or swings him around. Damian loves Cassandra because she knows what he wants before any of them do. And Cass loves to carry her little brother around to watch birds and animals in the manor grounds.
The only person Damian seems to not get along with is Tim and the older boy seems not be fond of him either. Because Damian wants everything Tim does and the older brother has to compromise for Damian every time. But Martha has to bite laughs a lot now a days because almost everytime Damian falls asleep, it is with Tim in vicinity. And she has caught the older boy tenderly covering Damian in his favorite blanket more often than not. Martha thinks that this is kind of cute but keeps her opinion to herself. 
Her little grandson is quite protective of his siblings though. Anytime someone upsets any of his siblings, they are threatened with scowls, growls and even bites and stabbings in extreme cases.
Like last time when Mrs. Park made fun of Cassandra’s  speech impairment, Damian almost bit her finger off. Damian hates one of Dick’s racist colleague (they all do) so much that anytime the man enters his field of vision, the first thing Damian gets his hand on is thrown at the guy’s head. With deadly precision. And last time when Mr. Link had called Jason ‘street rat’ for personally volunteering charity work for poor and homeless, Damian had smeared his juice and drool covered hands on the Man’s thousand dollars suit. And when one time, a reporter had infiltrated a Gala and chased Tim around to ask uncomfortable questions about his parent’s death and the Wayne’s involvement in it, Damian, noticing Tim’s distress had stabbed the reporter with a fork with no hesitation. 
Martha is still not sure if she should encourage or reprimand Damian for that.
As she sits on the head of the table with Thomas on her side and Alfred on the other end, she wonders how miraculous it is for her to have all these children in her life. 
Dick is engaged in an animated conversation with Stephanie who was introduced to the family as Tim’s girlfriend. Barbara, the daughter of James Gordon and Dick’s girlfirend/or not was helping Cass pile up food on her plate. Damian and Tim were bickering over something as usual but Jason trying to hide his snickers in guise of drinking water which made Martha sure that the something was Jason’s doing.
These people were her family. The ones she had gained after losing Bruce. She wonders, if there was a universe where Bruce got to meet her grandchildren. 
Would he accept them? As family? 
Would he love them? As family? 
She brightly smiles when the multiple sets of eyes turn to her waiting for her to blow the candle.
“Happy Birthday Martha.”
Thomas says warmly, his voice thick with emotion and she meets his gaze and sees the love, affection and thankfulness in his eyes for this family that they had created after their earth shattering loss. She knows what she wants as she blows the candle on the cake flickering in front of her.
I wish for us to be family in every universe.
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