#anyways this whole scene had me giggling like a little girl
moonkhao · 1 month
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From now on, can I call you babe? Uh-huh. Babe. Oh, I’m shy. I’m going crazy. Crazy. I’m blushing.
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leahsgirl · 4 months
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homemade love | leah williamson x reader
why am i getting attached to a fake scenario i made up in my head i need help.
anyways happy valentine’s day & enjoy this blurb of pure fluff !
"do you want mamma to pour the flour or is wren doing it?" the blonde asked the nearly three year old next to her as she made sure to get the measurements right.
"wren do it!" taking the measuring cup that leah held out for her she dumped the contents in the bowl, being a little off target and some ending up on the counter instead. "good job beautiful."
leah had decided to surprise you, her fiancé, with breakfast in bed. it was valentines day after all and she loved to treat you in any way possible. she roped your daughter in of course, jumping at any opportunity to have the extra bonding time with her mini-me.
today was one of the rare instances where leah was actually awake before you considering it was often you having to pull the defender out of bed which was not an easy task could you just say.
"okay crack an egg into the mixture." she read from the cookbook open in front of her. "watch these skills kiddo." leah smirked as she took the egg and attempted to break it with one hand only for her to fail miserably and have the shell fall into the batter. wren giggled "silly mamma."
"shh don't tell anyone." she picked out the unwanted bits and booped her toddler's nose, leaving a flour mark on it.
eventually the pair finished the pancake mix after a quick flour fight and leah poured the mixture into the pan, flipping it with ease much to wrens amusement shown by her excited claps.
the skipper plated them up and let wren take control of the cream "okay! that's enough darlin." grabbing the bottle off of her after seeing what was practically a mountain of the whipped substance. finishing off the meal with a few strawberries and blueberries leah moved it all onto a tray.
"lets take this to mummy shall we?"
you stirred in your sleep as you felt a weight press onto your stomach. "mummy! mummy! wake up." the infant babbled as she continued to climb all over you.
"morning bubba." you gave her a weak smile while adjusting to the light coming through the window. "i made you bekfast!"
“oo did you now?”
"i'd say it was more a joint effort but i suppose she was the better chef." you looked up to see leah stood there with a goofy smile on her face holding a tray just above her waist.
"happy valentine's day baby." she placed the food down onto your lap, bending down and planting a sweet kiss on your lips.
"oh my, thank you guys." your heart swelled at the gesture - just picturing the behind the scenes you wished you were awake to see. "eat it?" wren who had now cuddled into your side looked up expectantly.
"hm i think wrenny should have first taste, considering she did make it after all." cutting a triangular piece out the stack you fed it to the young girl watching as her eyes lit up from the taste of sugar. "is it good?"
wren nodded vigorously and gave a thumbs up making both you and leah chuckle. you had to admit, they were good pancakes, almost too good considering leah's cooking history, she was by far not the designated chef of the family.
"wait hang on i forgot your present." leah suddenly realised as she dashed out of the room.
you look quizzically at your toddler "what's she got up her sleeve now?" only getting a shrug in return.
your fiancé now came back with her guitar she had been learning to play for a couple of months in her hand. "may i present to you ‘you are in love’ leah williamson version."
you couldn't help but laugh when you figured out what she was about to do. playing the chords to the song she began singing looking directly at you the whole time.
''cause you can hear it in the silence you can feel it on the way home you can see it with the lights out you are in love, true love you are in love'
you loved seeing leah like this; all cheesy and goofy, a complete 180 to how she was on the pitch. she may not be fully in tune but she did have a good voice that you could happily sit and listen to all day long.
wrapping the song up she took a bow as you and wren applauded her. "surprised it wasn't 'our song'." you say knowing how that was the older girl's favourite taylor song.
"thought i'd be a little spontaneous gorgeous." she winked as she now plonked herself on the bed so wren was in between the both of you.
"well i guess it's my turn now huh." rooting through your bedside table drawer. "i don't know if I'm going to beat the pancakes and serenades but here." you passed both wren and leah neatly wrapped gifts. "princess open yours first." you didn't have to tell wren twice before wrapping paper was flying everywhere revealing a baby doll wearing an arsenal shirt with the number 24 on it.
you looked at leah for any form of reaction but she clearly hadn't caught on yet simply sharing wrens excitement at the new toy "you can bring her to mummy and mamma's games."
"okay leah open yours." anticipation was bubbling inside the both of you.
the blondes mouth dropped open when she picked up the items at hand. "are ya serious?" doing a double take at the pregnancy scan photos and test she was holding in her hand. "it worked?"
nodding she rushed off the bed to your side, picking you up and twirling you around. "okay okay put me down! i don't want to start being sick before i have to."
she did as requested and held the scan right in front her face still in disbelief. "september 2024, twins.`' casually slipping it into conversation.
"fuck off." she said incredulously which earned her a glare off you, reminding her there is a child in the room.
"wren your going to be a big sister!" now shifting attention to her daughter - it being her turn to be picked up and bounced around.
"sister?" the little girl questioned. you pointed at your stomach "there's two babies in mummy's tummy." wren reached her small arms out to touch your belly "hello!"
"they can't talk yet love, they've gotta grow for a while in there, make sure they're strong and healthy just like you." the centre-back explained.
you smiled at the interaction. leah was such a good mum. you couldn't wait to make your family even bigger in a few months time. "good valentines day gift then?"
leah pulled you in to her side with her free arm. "the best. i love you." she pressed her lips onto yours, conveying every emotion possible. little laughs coming from the small body in the older girl's arms as she watched her grossly in love mothers.
"oh you find it funny when we kiss do you?" you quirked an eyebrow and watched as she nodded.
you pecked leah's mouth again..and again, hearing the giggles make a return.
"i think it's someone else's turn now." the defender smiled smugly and you quickly caught on, both bombarding your daughter with kisses on the face as she squealed happily.
god you loved your valentines.
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temptress-writes · 1 year
📺 Sugar
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A/N: Welcome to The Tonight Show with Harry Styles. The year is 1964, and you are his assistant. He's a bit of a shit. So this is a fun one.
C.W: sexual content: kinda rough— choking, spanking, degradation, slapping, spitting, squirting.
18+ ONLY.
New York City, 1964.
"Red leather, yellow leather, red leather, yellow leather."
The bright lights heated him even from behind the curtain. A warmth that coasted alongside his adrenaline. He struggled to keep his body cool underneath his designer sweater, felt his feet tapping restlessly in his leather oxfords.
This was his favourite part.
The cheers, the introduction, the attention.
You ran the lint roller over his shoulders as he sipped steaming tea from a paper cup. You made sure the collar of his plaid shirt was straight as it peeked out from his red sweater.
Another sip of steaming tea, another tongue twister.
"She sells..." You coached.
He took in a deep breath, watching you as you made sure he appeared perfect, rearranging the groomed curls on his head. Your green dress stood brightly against the black of the stage, the white cuffs of it framing your wrists as you fussed over his hair.
"She sells seashells by the seashore."
"One minute till curtain!" The stage manager yelled as he breezed by. "How're you feeling, Mr. Styles?"
"Like a million bucks, Sal!"
"That's the spirit!" Sal chuckled, running towards the side of the stage, probably chasing after an intern who wasn't doing their job properly.
"Remember, you're meeting your parents for dinner after this." You reminded, ticking off the mental to-do list that was really his. It was clogging your mind but after all, it was your job.
"I haven't forgotten." He rolled his eyes. Yes, you were his assistant, but he found you controlling at times and he had little patience for women who tried to control him. He preferred to be the one in charge.
"But you'll still find a way to be late, anyway." You stepped back with a huff. He really did make your job a living hell.
"I'm taking a refreshment in my dressing room after the show."
You scrunched up your face in disgust. Refreshment. You hated that you knew it was code for a visit from a desperate groupie. You remember when he told you how he chose which girl he liked the best. You'd been watching the audience file in and he appeared behind you, chewing gum with a confident pop of his jaw.
"Let me scope it out."
"Like to see who's gonna join me for a post-show soirée. See those girls?" He pointed to a group of overdressed girls, all giggling and excited for the show to start. "Bingo."
"How do you know which one to pick?"
He shot you a look, clicking his tongue. "The tits, sugar. I always pick the girl with the biggest tits."
"Ugh." You rolled your eyes. "You're disgusting."
"I'm just messin'," He tilted his head. "I'm an ass man, too."
You shuddered at the recollection.
"Yes, Mr. Styles." Your voice was laced with a seething sarcasm that he raised a brow at.
He didn't seem to conceptualise that you talked that way because that's how he talked to you. He couldn't see past his blinding, misogynistic ego.
You were purely volleying it right back at him. In hindsight, it wasn't the smartest move because you really needed this job and he had a tendency to fire staff with a snap of his jeweled fingers. He'd made the past six months hard on you and he really made your blood boil.
Who knew becoming Harry Styles' assistant would be akin to babysitting a grumpy toddler?
The Tonight Show with Harry Styles.
Hilarious with guests, a major flirt, and entertaining — even when reading out news segments.
He was well-loved by everyone. For his fun fashion statements, for his guests, his charm, his whole fantasy world on his show. Worldwide, he was adored as the most entertaining and handsome talk show host.
But you knew what happened behind the scenes.
Poised and perfect on camera, but as soon as the director called cut, you had trouble convincing yourself it wasn't a joke. People of the television world had a different sort of ego and you struggled to breathe among it all. Harry hated mingling with guests before and after the show more than he had to, he hated when the crew bothered him, he hated being approached by fans for autographs because he had a headache — or whatever excuse he was offering that day.
Don't get it twisted — he loved the attention he got from being so famous. You were surprised his head wasn't bigger. The one thing he loved most about being so popular was the fact that he could have anyone on his knees for him, be between their legs, and have them at their disposal. And he treated them like that was their only use.
The charming and cheerful Harry Styles.
Purely a falsity of a man.
The crew fled from the stage as the band started playing the introduction theme music and you swept the cup from his hand. You replaced it with two certs breath mints that he chewed on routinely.
"Wish me good luck." He demanded as you gave him a once over.
You beamed. "Break a leg."
"Thanks, sugar."
"No, like trip and fall."
His smile dropped into an unamused glare. "Oh, bite me."
The music ensued, getting louder with an abundant cheer from the live crowd, the curtain preparing to lift to reveal him. You rushed off stage, your Mary Janes clicking on the floor before nodding to Sal who gave you two thumbs up.
"Filmed before a live studio audience..."
"...All the way from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire..."
Harry took a deep breath, already bathing in the adoration he garnered from simply existing.
"...Give it up for your host, the one, the only..."
You rolled your eyes as he mouthed along with the words as they were spoken.
"...Mr. Harry Styles!"
The curtain parted and he stepped forward, his hands waving to the crowd before clasping them together as he took a small bow. He blew kisses, thanking them for coming and welcoming them. He egged on the drummer of the band while the crowd cheered for him.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!"
More cheers that he absolutely cherished and bathed in, letting them fuel his ego.
"We've got a great show for you tonight, we have special guests The Everly Brothers joining us!"
Your job while Harry was doing his magic spiel on stage was to check in with him during commercial breaks, smooth his hair, offer him mints, refill his water. Also to make sure everything was perfect for him when he wrapped up. He was extremely demanding, and while you were warned of that when you first took the job, you were still so surprised just how needy he was.
He liked ham and tomato sandwiches exactly fifteen minutes before he was put into his hair and makeup chair. He liked a cup of hot tea right before air time, alongside a few tongue twisters. He went through packets of Certs breath mints faster than you thought humanly possible. He also wanted a cup of black coffee waiting for him directly after he got off stage.
He didn't like to talk to anyone on his way to his dressing room unless it was Sal congratulating him and inflaming his already huge ego. Or security telling him about a waiting groupie in his dressing room. Or you, running over his schedule or helping him memorise his script. Well, he didn't like talking to you. He more or less answered in grunts or irritated comments.
As Harry settled in for his show post the joke segment, you ran around backstage. Ordering his coffee and one for yourself because you couldn't keep up with his demands without your own shot of caffeine. You were due within minutes to refresh him during the breed.
It really was an exciting job, aside from being a woman in a man's world. You were treated as such but you were lucky enough to be given the job in the first place. At first, you were nervous around Harry. It took him a second to warm up to you.
The first time you met was when he found you in his dressing room before a show, bent over the vanity as you watered his flowers. He thought you were there for a completely different reason and had quickly started to unbuckle his belt.
"Alright, let's make this quick."
You then spotted him in the mirror and turned with a gasp. "What are you-"
And before it could have got any more awkward, before Harry could even fully unbuckle his belt, Sal stormed in with a shocked laugh.
"Oh!" His amused gaze flickered between the two of you. "Harry, I see you've met your new assistant."
"I don't need an assistant, Sal. We've been through this. Why do you think I got rid of the last one?"
"Well, of course, you do! She's just here to help you perform at your best, Styles. Try not to scare this one off."
And while he'd probably never admit it to you, you actually were very helpful to have around. Once you'd stopped being so awkward and nervous and jittery around him, you found a dynamic that worked. One where he could be a condescending male and you could be just as snappy right back to him.
Past assistants had stuck to him like a bad smell and only irritated him. You did what was expected of you. Nothing more, nothing less. You kept your little purse stocked with certs breath mints, lint rollers and kept that fact that he fucked fans in his dressing rooms after and sometimes before shows quiet.
But after all, everyone was well aware. They even congratulated him on his sexual success. Nothing grossed you out more.
Aside from Harry being a mildly misogynistic, cocky, well-dressed thorn in your side, you loved your job. You met exciting guests whom you only dreamed of meeting. Stars you had posters of in your apartment, musicians whose vinyls you span on your turntable.
In your first week on the job, you met Santo and Johnny. They'd just finished a performance of Sugar Song and they flirted with you until you were a blushing mess.
Harry had watched the interaction, grumbling about professionalism and waiting for them to leave so he could torment you about it.
"Got the hots do ya, little sugar?"
"Kiss off, Styles."
That was the most colourful thing you'd ever said to him. The shock of it raised his brows and sent a singeing pang of arousal directly to his crotch.
There was a part of Harry that wanted to hate you. Because you were a woman bossing him around and because you got on his nerves. But the more rational part of him knew he could never hate you. You were too helpful and he'd be lying if he said you weren't one of the prettiest girls he'd ever seen. And he'd seen a lot of girls.
But he knew you were disgusted by his habits, how he slept with so many people. In his own sick way, he used it to his advantage, to keep you at arm's length. That and endless comments he knew would rile you up. And boy, did he rile you up. He'd finessed the art of it.
The show ran smoothly tonight, but by no means were you any less busy. You raced around with your clipboard tucked under your arm and two cups of coffee in either hand. You sipped on yours, grateful for the kick it gave. Harry was saying his goodnight to the crowd, his cup steaming in your left hand as you rushed to meet him.
"Thank you for spending the night with me, New York!"
His classic closing catchphrase. Cheeky and risky, but it was him and he got away with everything.
Thunderous applause overpowered the sound of your heels clicking as you turned a corner, beelining towards the stage exit. You were late. He'd be off stage by now, demanding things and barking orders like the diva he was.
As if you weren't going to hear an earful from him as it was, an intern bumped into you. The crash caused your two cups of coffee to spill all down the front of your dress. You barely noticed the burn.
"Seriously?" You seethed, holding your now empty cups out in exasperation.
"I-I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching-"
"You don't say."
You could hear Harry asking where you were and you groaned, absolutely vexed. You turned in the exact opposite direction of him and back to grab more coffee. You knew he'd especially need it tonight if he was meeting with his parents.
"What happened to you?" Sal guffawed and you rolled your eyes.
"If you see Harry, tell him that his coffee is coming."
"Bit hard getting it to him when you're wearing it."
"Not funny."
A few minutes later, you held a single coffee cup. Steaming, black. You wrapped both your hands around it, holding it steady and keeping far away from anyone who could bump you. Your dress had seen better days and the stain was obvious and uncomfortably wet.
You found your way back to his dressing room, where he'd no doubt holed himself up in to freshen up. You knocked, hoping he was alone and waiting for you before continuing on with his post-show... rituals.
"Come in!" You heard from the other side and you slipped inside quickly.
"So sorry, Mr. Styles, I had an accid- oh, my god!"
You took in the scene before you. Harry. With a girl on his knees in front of him. His jeweled fingers clenching a fistful of the girl's hair as she sucked him off. His brows were turned down in the middle but his eyes... his eyes were on you. And he was enjoying it. Enjoying the girl, and enjoying you watching.
"Alright, sugar?"
"I-" You didn't know what to say, and the girl didn't stop. You didn't know if that was her doing or if Harry was holding her down. You turned, and idiotically turned back around, taking the few steps towards him, and handed him his cup of coffee. You didn't meet his eyes, like a bumbling idiot.
You left the room, but not before hearing Harry take a hefty sip of his coffee and letting out a soft moan, "Oh, that's so good."
Vexed by his antics, and the fact that he made it his mission to throw you off like that, you signed out and went home. It was as vulnerable as you'd ever seen him and you felt an odd sense of jealously wash over you. Maybe you were jealous of past you, because she hadn't witnessed it. Or maybe there was a bit of jealousy there because you wanted to be the one on your knees for him.
As delightful as the thought was for a margin of a second, you felt ill knowing you'd be another Harry Styles groupie. And it would make your job more difficult which you didn't think was even possible.
But you couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the night. His blissful expression, the way he directed it at you as opposed to the mouth wrapped around him. He had told you to enter his dressing room so that you could see it.
The next night, you planned on fully avoiding him and pretending the whole thing never happened. Which was hard considering, you know, you were to follow him around and listen to his demands. And especially hard because you just wished he'd command you onto your knees already.
Sure, you found him extremely attractive — everyone did. You may have even had a little crush when you first met him. But then you got to know him, and his habits and his ways. Last night grossed you out just as much as it turned you on. You felt so thrown off and now you weren't sure how to act around him.
You arrived at the studio not too long before showtime, Harry's cup of tea in hand. You were a little bit late today but you figured he could survive fifteen minutes without you. He was in hair and wardrobe, getting his curls perfected and his forehead powered.
He sat in the chair with his legs spread, a pair of black dress pants and a white singlet, his inked arms on display. You focused on staying professional and met his eyes for a brief moment as you greeted him and handed him his cup of tea. No milk, and don't be shy with the honey, he'd told you when you first started.
His eyes scanned your attire, a pink dress with long sleeves but a shorter hem than usual, he noticed. He didn't hate having to look at your legs, your plump thighs, and the intrigue of what was between them ran rampant in his thoughts.
You had a soft yellow ribbon in your hair, keeping it swept away from your face in a high ponytail. He clenched his jaw, wishing it was his hand fisting your hair. He'd tie your hands up with the ribbon so you'd have to behave for him.
"Thanks. Dig pink on ya." He took a sip, his eyes full with mischief as he watched you over the rim of his cup. "Enjoy the show last night?"
You knew he was referring to you seeing him get blown by some random groupie so you ignored him, looking at your clipboard. "So Sal wants to see you in five, and we're reconfiguring some set pieces before airtime. So be on stage straight after you've seen him, okay?"
The hairstylist finished up, and you were left alone with him in the room. You were a lot stiffer tonight, more reserved than usual and he picked up on it right away. You raised a brow, wondering if he'd heard a single word you said.
He smirked. "Why did you come in last night? You know I have post-show celebrations in my dressing room."
"I was bringing you coffee! You told me to come in!" This man was exasperating. He knew that he'd asked you for coffee and told you to enter his dressing room after you'd knocked. He wanted you to see and now he was just winding you up.
He raised a brow. "Did I?"
"Five minutes." You reaffirmed. You tried to hide the way that his tone crept down your spine in slow, hot trickles.
He sat up in the chair, his hand reaching to cup the back of your lower thigh. You stopped breathing at the sudden touch and he pulled you towards him. His gaze was searing on yours, his eyes wondering and daring.
"You wanted to stay, didn't you? Watch me get my dick sucked while I watched you."
"No, I didn't." You whispered, letting him pull you forward until you were standing between his spread legs.
"No." Even you weren't convinced by your answer.
"Hmm... you wanted to be the one on your knees for me. Is that it?"
You took a deep, shaky breath. His question fired something off in your brain. A realisation perhaps. You did want to be on your knees for him, being the reason for his pleasure, be at his command, make him feel good, make him fucking fall apart because of you.
"So pretty in this tiny fuckin' dress." He cooed. His hand came up, cupping your cheek. Your eyeshadow was a pretty soft blue and he adored it. His fingers trailed down, tracing your lower lip. "You'd look so perfect with my cock in your mouth."
You couldn't even suppress the whimper that ensued. Did you thank him? Slap him? Get on your knees and prove his point?
He didn't seem fazed by the fact that you weren't saying much. You were responding to him in other ways. Leaning right into him with your eyes lulled, your hands resting on his broad shoulders. Your chest heaving beneath that fucking pink dress. You were driving him crazy with how badly he wanted you.
The night before had been his own sick little test. Either, you'd be game, or you'd pull away from him completely. Regardless, he'd know where you stood and accept all that accompanied him. He knew how fucked up it was but you really seemed to enjoy the game.
His other hand squeezed the back of your thigh, inching higher. "What colour are your panties?"
You gasped at the question, so turned on by him and how bold he was. It used to scare you, but now being on the receiving end was a completely different ballpark.
"Blue." You breathed out.
"What shade of blue?" He pressed on. "Like your eyeshadow?"
You twisted your lips in thought. "Do you want to see?"
Harry released a shocked laugh, but his mind was fucking reeling. Did you really just ask if he wanted to see your panties?
"A peek couldn't hurt."
He gripped your hips and lifted you up onto the vanity behind you. You were shocked that he could lift you so effortlessly and smoothly. You crossed your legs, more to tease him than anything else. Your expression was sultry, and he felt lightheaded at the sight of you. Slowly, you unfolded your legs but didn't open them.
"Don't be shy, sugar. Show me and I'll make it up to you."
You let out a slow exhale, mustering up all of your courage. You were shaking, but it wasn't nerves. He had you so worked up and he had barely done anything. He'd riled you up and talked to you, and you were already fucking saturated.
Your legs parted, feet resting on either side of his thighs on the chair. Harry's eyes stayed on yours, his hands reaching to slide up your thighs, pushing the hem of your pink press up so he could get a good view of you, finally looking down.
And what a fucking view it was. Your thighs were soft, and he let his hands squeeze at them. Sky blue lace covered the area he'd been dreaming about for six months. He let out a soft groan and let his fingertip brush over the skin where your abdomen met the panties.
"Lace? Did you wear these for me?"
"I had you in mind."
"Naughty girl." He smirked, shuffling forward. His thumb brushed over your clothed clit and you let out a whimper, biting your lip to quell anything louder than might to escape. "Can I taste you? Please? Been wantin' to for months."
You nodded, your mouth dry. You'd let this man do anything to you, and hearing him tell you he'd been wanting this for months left you in a frenzy.
"Words, sugar. Let's hear 'em."
"Please," You whispered. "taste me."
"Good girl, that's it." He pulled your panties to the side, desperate to see you and taste you. You were glistening, so wet and plump for him. He sighed, running his thumb along your clit before venturing between your folds to feel how wet you were. Your thighs jolted as he slipped his thumb to collect your excitement and spread it up to your clit.
"Why are you so wet, hm?" He wondered aloud, his eyes meeting yours again.
"Because of you, Harry."
"Me?" Cocky little shit.
"Are you always this wet for me, sugar?"
You hesitated, not sure if you wanted to give him this. He would never forget it, probably remind you that he knew every day. Probably slip his hand up your dress just to appease his own curiosity.
"Only when you're nice to me."
"But you like me mean, don't you?"
"You're an asshole."
"Gets you wet, though."
Abruptly, as if impatient, he lowered his head and attached his mouth to your clit. The scorching heat of it was intense, and you grabbed a fistful of his freshly tamed curls to hold him to you.
His tongue ran over your entirety. From your entrance right back up to your clit, tasting you fully as his mouth closed around the sensitive bundle of nerves. You threw your head back, rolling your cunt towards his face as he softly ate you with a passion that had you shaking.
Before anything more could occur, Sal knocked on the door, demanding that Harry meet with him. He knew better than to enter any room that was hidden behind a closed door when it came to Harry. But if he'd known it was you behind that door with him, that would be another issue entirely.
You shot up, pushing him out of the way and righting your dress. You were tingling and you could still feel his tongue between your legs. His eyes were dark as he watched you from his seat, amused by your fumbling.
"Go before Sal comes back." You were flustered, your body felt electric and all he'd given you was his mouth for what — ten seconds?
He was too relaxed, and it only pissed you off further. He stood, sauntering towards you to press you against the vanity. His hand cupped your jaw, his rings kissing your skin.
"Funny that you're making demands when I'm the boss."
You breathed heavily, unsure of how to reply so you just held eye contact with him. Your lips parted as his head tilted, inching closer. His hand loosened, melting to your cheek so he could rub it with his thumb.
"Who's in charge, hm?"
"You are."
"That's right." He crooned, his lips brushing yours. "And who's gonna give you his cock later?"
The air was stripped from your lungs, the depth behind his question clear. Would you submit to him? Venture into this connection you had with him? You got on each other's nerves but fuck if there wasn't the most incredible sexual tension between you.
"You are, Harry."
He hummed, gripping your hand and bringing it down to cup his cock. He was hard, and pulsed in your hand when you gave him a squeeze. You just about crumbled when he moaned, his eyes lulling as you did it again. Harder.
"There's my good girl."
Sal knocked again, clearly impatient tonight. Harry smirked and could feel his lips curl against yours before he pulled away. He left the room with a confident strut while you were left shaking. You took a second to catch your breath, willing the arousal between your legs to simmer down before heading back out towards the stage.
You grabbed your purse and kept busy doing your job while Harry caught up with Sal. He was doted over, like always, and Sal told him how his viewings were skyrocketing. After he'd finished up his tasks on stage, he was whisked back to wardrobe so he could be styled.
Because Harry was busy chatting with tonight's guest and getting ready, all you had to do was wait for him to come to you. You peeked through the curtains at the set. The audience was being brought in and you were watching the seats fill from the side of the stage.
A piercing whistle sounded out from behind you and you twirled on the spot. He looked phenomenal. His suit was a sky blue, not too dissimilar to the shade of your panties. His shirt was a crisp white, his chain peeking through where it was unbuttoned, sat between his pecs and the light dusting of hair.
His eyes looked greener when he was dressed in blue, his lips more raspberry. He approached you and your eyes flew down to his shiny black oxfords.
"Whaddya think huh?" He spun on his heels, showing off. "Matchin'."
"Blue suits you."
"Suits you, too." Harry winked, standing close to you before nodding towards the audience. "How's it looking out there?"
Was he... trying to make casual conversation? After his face was between your thighs and all the talk that proceeded it? "Full house, like always. Did you... was that on purpose?"
"The blue suit."
"Why else would I ask what colour your panties were, hm?"
"Because you're nosy."
"You know... every time you insult me, I get hard."
"Good thing I have plenty of them, then."
"Come on," He pressed you tight against the wall. "Gimme another one."
He chuckled, amused by how freely you were cursing. "That all you got?"
"You're the cockiest son a bitch I've ever met." You breathed out. His hands pressed to the wall on either side of your head, caging you in.
"Alright." He was crowding your space, the spicy-sweet vanilla of his cologne clouding your senses. He checked to see if anyone was around before clicking his tongue. "Take your panties off."
"What?" You were well aware that any crew member could walk by, and you weren't about to be caught slipping your panties down your legs.
"You heard me. Just lemme hold onto 'em until the show's over."
"Are you bent? I'm not giving you my panties. I need them and someone could walk by at any moment."
"Mellow out, no one's gonna see."
You deliberated in your head, genuinely considering it. His head tilted to the side, gauging your thoughts. This was so... exhilarating. Exciting. You were so out of it for him, and glad that you finally both agreed on something. You were both attracted to each other physically and that was about it.
Fuck it. Your hands reached beneath your dress, and Harry took a step back to give you room, keeping a lookout. You stepped out of those pretty little panties and held them out to him on your index finger. He snatched them up, eyeing how delicate they looked in his hand.
"Far out." He laughed, in shock that you actually did it.
You were a bundle of surprises tonight. He was throwing stuff at you that was pretty out there and you were throwing it right back. Sweet little sugar had a little more spice than he had anticipated.
"Cheers, sugar." He twirled them around on his finger and you slapped his shoulder.
"Don't just wave them around!" You hissed, looking around to make sure no one had seen the whole interaction.
Harry shoved them in his pants pocket and you smoothed out the bump they left, always a perfectionist. The guest of the night turned the corner and almost bumped into the two of you. You jumped apart, letting Harry chat to the guest on his own. He rarely enjoyed it and you looked back to see the subtle hints of irritation on his face. You knew he'd flash that charming smile and those adorable dimples as soon as the cameras came on.
With only a few minutes until the show was due to start, you bumbled around and made sure everything was perfect for him. You were very aware of the fact that you didn't have your panties on, and with your dress being shorter than usual, you had to be careful.
Sal breezed past you, beelining towards Harry and the guest with a huge grin. He greeted them loudly and you did your part by waiting to the side for further instruction. The guest was led to their spot for showtime, one of the stage managers with them to keep them entertained and to give their cues. Harry shook Sal's hand, hearing Sal's usual encouraging words before making his way towards you.
"Feeling okay?" You checked in, handing him a couple of Certs breath mints. You walked side by side towards center stage, and he wasn't shy about his stare on you. It felt different — the air around you. Usually filled with annoyance, was something else. Hotter, dreamier, sensual.
"Snazzy." He nodded, chucking the mints into his mouth. "Little foreplay always gets me goin'."
You huffed out a breath at his response, resisting the urge to retort something cheeky as the stagehand came to run through the show one more time. You righted his outfit, his eyes not leaving you as you made sure he looked smooth and perfect.
As the stagehand left, you grabbed your round brush from your purse and went over his curls. You began adding a little volume while he hummed and oohed and aahed to exercise and prepare his voice.
"You know New York..." You guided.
"You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York."
He sighed, closing his eyes so he could focus. "You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York."
"Lesser leather..." You hinted at another tongue twister. You ran the lint roller across the lapels of his suit jacket and over his shoulders, catching his eyes and not missing the glint in them. "...never weathered..."
"It's funny," He smirked. "you're a tongue twister master right now, but you won't be able to say your own name by the time I'm done with you later."
"Oh my-"
"Yeah, I'm gonna fuckin' ruin you."
"One minute till curtain, everyone!" Sal's voice boomed. "Look alive, look alive!"
The crowd was roaring with applause as the show began, but all you could hear was your pulse in your ears as your heart thudded in your chest. Harry, who usually thrived off of the cheers, was only focused on you. On your sweet voice asking if he wanted to see your panties, on your feisty insults.
"Filmed before a live studio audience..."
You called him a cocky son of a bitch and all he could think about was bending you over his knee and seeing how much shit you talked while his hand was marking your ass with its imprint.
Everyone fled the stage, but you were stood completely still in front of him. Frozen.
His lips brushed yours again and your ears started ringing.
"...All the way from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire..."
"Look at you," He crooned. "Runnin' round with no panties with that pretty ribbon in your hair. Dirty little thing, aren't you, sugar?"
You could feel how slick you were between your thighs and your eyes fluttered as his hand ventured beneath your skirt from behind, cupping your ass cheek with a strong hand before venturing further. His fingertips found your cunt and you almost collapsed against him.
He hummed lowly, rumbling in his chest. He pulled his hand away, very aware that the curtain was close to pulling up. He held his index and middle fingers in front of you, glistening with your arousal, and ran them along your lower lip.
You didn't even hesitate to suck his fingers into your mouth, not losing eye contact. Harry's brows turned down, his mouth dropping as he drawled out a slow fuuuck. And then he kissed you. It was messy and wet and quick. His lips were so soft against your own before he sucked deftly on your tongue, tasting you and your cunt at the same time.
"...Give it up for your host, the one, the only..."
"Fuck, can we cancel the show?" He growled, holding you to him with a grip on the nape of your neck.
"N-No. I have to go."
"...Mr. Harry Styles!"
You fled from the stage, walking backwards, not wanting to take your eyes off him. His expression was one of longing, his eyes not leaving you either. The curtain lifted, igniting him in the warmth of the stage lighting and the eruption of cheers.
He turned and faced the crowd, waving and blowing kisses. His smile was dazzling, and his blue suit was celestial under the bright glow. He was wrapped in success and adoration. You could see it radiating off him as he found centre stage and bowed.
"Good evening, New York!" He waited for applaud to finish. "How are we?"
You rounded the backstage area, checking in with crew and chatting to the guest.
"Can I just say..." Harry continued, clasping his hands together. "you look ravishing tonight, New York." More praise from the audience. "It's true, you do."
You rolled your eyes at the excited yells and cheers from the crowd. You watched him in a totally new light tonight. He was on a level that no one could reach. He was born to be on stage, to entertain.
He introduced the guest and brought them onstage, talking about their upcoming music and chatting them up. During the commercial breaks you checked in with the guest, and made sure Harry's appearance was on point.
His eyes were on you the whole time, and you could see him fighting the urge to make some kind of questionable comment. His eyes veered south and stayed on where the hem of your dress brushed your thighs.
"Need anything else?" You asked him politely, aware of the audiences stare on your back.
"I won't need coffee tonight." He educated softly and you nodded.
"We're back in fifteen seconds." The cameraman alerted and you gathered your things and went to leave. The guest was busy fixing their hair with the stylist. Harry's hand on your wrist stopped you, pulling you back.
"Actually, there is one more thing." He back peddled, and you raised an expectant brow, leaning in close to hear him. "Stay right over there, okay? Wanna be able to see you."
He pointed to a spot off stage, where only guests and select members of crew like Sal or the director were allowed to stand during air time. And he wanted you there. So he could look over and see you and know you were watching.
"I- Yeah, okay."
You rushed off stage, standing exactly where he told you to. He watched you right until the advertisement break ended.
"And we're back in three... two... one..."
His eyes switched back to the camera, his expression slipping into the charm that came so naturally to him once he was live on air.
He was a star. Delightful and eccentric and unapologetic.
He exchanged more jokes with the guest, who as an up and coming musician, was gearing up for their performance. You stayed to watch the show exactly where Harry wanted you, and you were pleased that you didn't get any slack from Sal. You rarely got to actually enjoy the show like this, and in a way, it felt like Harry had done you a favour.
His eyes often flicked to you after he'd told a joke or said something cheeky. Like he was directed it at you, or maybe he was checking to see if you found him as funny as the crowd did. When you didn't laugh as hard as he thought the joke deserved, he'd try extra hard to get you to laugh at the following one.
It was odd that he was trying to seek validation from you when he had millions at his feet.
As the show wrapped up, you couldn't have applauded him louder. You were proud, you felt giddy and bubbly inside. He was born for this, there was no denying it.
And then there was the realisation of what was to come once the show had finished. You became nervous. And insanely wet. The anticipation rattled yet excited you and you weren't sure what to make of it.
You rounded towards his exit, a crowd of crew and groupies waiting for him. He came to you first, as you were closest. He shot polite smiles to everyone but his attention was on you.
"How'd I do?"
"Did you like my jokes?"
You side-eyed a few people waiting for a shred of his attention and felt the need to rush this interaction between you along. You didn't want to raise suspicions and you also didn't want to take away any attention he could be giving to these people who were clearly waiting for him.
"My tummy laughs from hurting so much." You whispered. His grin was contagious, dimples and his bunny teeth on full display. His eyes were warm as he stared down at you.
A throat cleared behind you and Harry looked up to shoot them a reassuring wink and then looked back at you. "Wait for me in my dressing room."
It was an order, even with the softness in his tone. You licked your lips, not missing when his eyes caught it. You backed away, slowly pulling your ribbon out of your hair. His jaw clenched as your hair fell free.
"Yes, Mr. Styles. Right away."
His dressing room felt alien to you as you slipped inside, a familiar place with such a different atmosphere now. How quickly the dynamic had changed between you was dizzying. You always knew you were attracted to him, but you never thought you'd act on it.
And you certainly never thought he'd have his mouth on your cunt minutes before a show.
How long were you meant to wait? You checked your appearance in the mirror, your cheeks flushed with excitement. Your dress was pristine, as was your makeup and you wondered how long that would last.
You were riffling through Harry's pile of books when he came in. Your spine straightened, every nerve tingling. He closed the door behind him, leaning back against it.
His gaze was one that had you clenching your thighs together. An intimidating hunger, a deep lust. His eyes were dark, void of the bright glint they usually offered. He didn't say anything and that only made the tension thicker.
And then he locked the door with a click.
He took one single step towards you and you inhaled a sharp breath at the slow, torturous pace of it. Like he was taunting and teasing you. He shoved one hand in his pocket, the other reaching up. He gripped his lower lip between his thumb and index finger, his eyes finding your feet in your Mary Janes and trailing up your legs.
He was slow with that as well as if to keep you on your toes. He had always been so rushed and spontaneous with a lot of what he did. But this.... this he'd been thinking about for a long time. He'd had months to plan this through.
Plan how he was going to play with you, make you beg for him, make you feel good.
He really enjoyed the secrecy of it. And all that would come after. He liked the idea of meeting your eyes at work, both of you exchanging knowing looks because you both knew what it took to pleasure each other.
Fuck. His sex life wasn't complicated. He fucked fans because the likelihood of seeing them ever again was slim. But you were close to home, dangerously so. He saw you all the time. And somehow that just made him want you even more.
He produced your panties from his pocket and came to stand in front of you.
"Now," He began, lowering his head to meet your eyes. "are you going to need help keeping quiet?"
He fucking knew he'd have you screaming for him. He was just being precautious, knowing that on the other side of the door, the studio was littered with crew members.
You shook your head. "No."
"Are you sure?"
"I don't think you're that good."
He rolled his tongue along the inside of his cheek, huffing out a humourless laugh before pocketing your panties again. You were so snappy and cheeky with him and he'd be lying if he said it didn't make his dick so fucking hard in his pants. You were winding him up. Trying to poke at him and provoke him. Well, it was fucking working.
"Oh, you don't think so?"
"I think that's why your ego's as big as it is. Because you can't fuck."
He did what he wanted to do earlier that day; he grabbed your hair in his fist. You gasped through a surprised smile, and he brought you close until you were pressed against him.
"What did I tell you?" His voice was low, thick with arousal. You'd never heard his voice that deep and you felt it between your legs. "Hm?"
"That you won't need coffee tonight?"
He gripped your hair harder and his cock throbbed when you smiled.
"I told you," His eyes were burning. "that I'm going to ruin you."
The way he pronounced every word was electrifying. As if he was really trying to get his message across. How was this the same man that had asked if you laughed at his jokes after his show?
You flicked your tongue against his lower lip. "Do your worst."
His kiss was far harsher this time. Still just as messy, and you figured that was just how he liked it. He wasn't shy about it. He used his teeth, nibbling on your lower lip, biting on your tongue. He used his free hand to fist your dress at the small of your back.
You were pressed tight against him and fuck, he was so hard for you. Even through his pants, you were impressed with his size. You wanted to feel more, experience him fully. You didn't have all the time in the world, locked away in his dressing room. You were both painfully aware.
He pushed you back, landing you in the chair next to the vanity. He stripped off his suit jacket and rolled up his shirt sleeves. You watched as he pushed your dress out of the way, clearly annoyed that the fabric was disrupting him from his goal. Your center was still so wet for him and he couldn't even suppress the low grown at the sight.
"Pretty little pussy," He gripped your inner thighs, holding them apart. "still so fucking drenched for me. You enjoyed watching me onstage tonight, didn't you? Hearing everyone fawn over me but you know you're the one I want."
"I want you, too. So bad, please fuck me." You whined, your hips rocking up restlessly.
"I wanna have a play first."
"Fuck, please just-"
He spat directly between your legs, coating your pussy in his spit. His eyes flickered up to the clock on the wall before he attached his mouth to you with a deep moan. He licked along your entrance and then right up to the sensitive bundle of nerves, fully tasting you again.
He dipped his tongue inside you, fucking you with it before pulling away with a pop and sucking your clit back into his mouth. He trapped it between his teeth and flicked and twirled delicious patterns against it that had your muscles clenching.
He ate you as if he enjoyed it more than you did. He targeted your clit perfectly, able to read your body and its responses so well.
He held eye contact while had his mouth on your cunt, burying his face against you like he couldn't get close enough. Your legs shook on either side of his head, and he kept them spread with his wide hands. You could feel how cold his rings were against your skin.
Your hands reached down, tangling themselves into his curls. You held him against you, his mouth so scorching on you that you felt lightheaded with the tingling heat.
He pulled away momentarily, slipping his index and middle finger in his mouth, all the way until he drew back so teeth were peeling off his rings. He grabbed your hand, taking two of your fingers one by one and replacing the rings on them. They were huge on you but you admired how his jewelry looked on you, the ones he wore while he was on air. Glistening and extravagant.
Now he'd removed them so he could feel you properly.
Deciding that you were wet enough, he ran the pads of his fingers along your entrance. They veered up, circling your clit slowly before heading south again. You cried out softly as his fingers slipped inside you. It was an exquisite sensation and you stared down at him in wonder, mouth agape as you moaned out.
He curled them up, your spine melting as they pressed against a spot inside of you that had before now never been discovered. It was a blinding pressure, tight and full and so fucking good.
Harry smirked at the apparent shock on your face before he moved his fingers, curling them against your g-spot. As he found a rhythm, he brought his mouth back to your clit.
You arched your back, gasping for air as he worked you. He pumped his fingers hard, bringing you higher and higher to an elevation you'd never known. His mouth left your clit and before you could complain at the loss, he was spitting on it once more before giving it a mild slap with his free hand.
You screamed out, not expecting the harshness to feel that enticing. You were being far too loud for him to continue this comfortably. He didn't want anyone to interrupt and moreover, he didn't want you to get in trouble. He wanted to make you come over and over without a care in the world.
The same hand that slapped you retrieved your panties from his pocket before he shoved the lace into your mouth.
If you weren't so blissed out, you may have even be shocked by it. But at that moment, it was so hot and dirty. You trusted him to know best and look after you.
His fingers pulsed against your g-spot and you felt an intensity building in your abdomen and you rolled your hips towards his face. His mouth was relentless on your clit, desperate to get you zoned out with pleasure.
Your walls clenched and ballooned around his fingers and he pulled away, his eyes on you. They were full of lust and hunger, piercing right through you.
"Eyes on me sugar, don't look away." He wanted to watch you. To stare into your eyes, to see your orgasm shatter you.
He pumped his fingers, his pace blinding. He knew exactly what he was doing, knew exactly what to do to get you there. He grunted with the exertion, the tendons in his arm flexing and bulging with how hard he worked you.
And then he smirked, almost pleased with himself. "Have you ever squirted before?"
With your mouth full of lace, you weren't able to verbally answer. You shook your head and he thought the confused frown on your face was fucking adorable.
Before you could even think about what he was asking, the most euphoric explosion of bliss rocked through you. You cried out into the lace, your entire body shaking as you came harder than you ever had before. It was fucking annihilating. You did as you were told, your eyes not leaving his. It was hard, of course. You wanted to shut your eyes and bask in the hot sensation that was taking over every nerve in your body.
But he wanted to watch you. And he wanted you to see the burst of fluid that erupted from your cunt, past his fingers. "Thaaat's it. Good fucking girl, come all over my fingers. Just like that."
You writhed in the chair, grateful for his grip on you. You didn't stop shaking, tremors of pleasure rocking you. He helped you as you came down, your chest heaving and your body trembling with the aftershocks of your orgasm. You didn't think it was possible for you to come that way, and you could feel yourself becoming addicted to him.
Harry stood, his hand running up and down your thighs, squeezing them. He removed your panties from your mouth, leaning down to kiss you deeply. You blushed as you tasted yourself on his tongue and curiously ran a hand between your legs to feel the aftermath of your orgasm.
He watched, thinking it was so hot to see your fingers venture between your folds and along your dripping thighs.
"Feel nice?" He hummed, chuckling at your curious expression.
"So nice, I've never... I didn't think I could do that."
"You got me all wet, messy girl." He smiled, kissing you again.
He stood and helped you out of your dress, peeling off your bra so he could play with your tits. He sucked and bit at your nipples, feeling the fullness of your breasts in his palm.
"You're delicious all over, sugar." He admired your fully naked body. "Can't wait to feel you properly. See what that tight little cunt feels like around my cock."
He palmed himself as he spoke, so desperate to feel you. His expression was one of lustful longing, and you could feel it resonate between your legs as if you hadn't just had an earth-shattering climax.
"Take your clothes off." You whined, going to sit up and pouting when he stopped you.
He started to unbutton his shirt, revealing the white singlet underneath. "Stay just like that. Wanna give you my cock while you're sitting in my chair."
The chair where he sat before every show. Reciting jokes in the mirror while his hair was fussed over. The vanity where he'd first seen you, bent over it watering his flowers.
He got rid of his shirt, clearly impatient. He peeled off the white singlet too and you could have drooled at the sight of him. His broad torso and shoulders, his toned tummy, his strong pecs. The ink decorating him. Fuck, you probably did drool.
He caught the leg of the chair on his foot and dragged you closer, undoing his pants at the same time. You shifted forward, your hand reaching out to boldly cup his cock. He groaned, lulling his head back on his neck. His hand came over yours and urged you to squeeze him harder.
"You're so hard." You mewled, humming as he watched you feel him. His jaw dropped as you moved your hand expertly.
"I've been hard for you all night."
He was hyper-aware of the position you were both in and that you were on limited time. The studio was due to lock up soon, left only to after-hours security and the cleaners.
You leaned closer, pulling his pants down with his help. You ran your lips along his length over his briefs, letting your tongue flick out. He could feel the heat of your mouth seep through the material and he was losing his mind over the fact that only his briefs separated your mouth from his cock.
You peered up at him through your lashes, grabbing the band of his underwear to pull them down. You'd always been so reserved and controlled but the look on your face when you finally saw his cock had him fucking spiraling. Intimidation, thirst, determination.
With his pants and briefs pooled at his ankles, he guided you to take a hold of him. You obeyed, wanting to please him just as much as he pleased you. You pumped him slowly in your hand, loving how he felt in your fist.
"Your cock is so..."
Harry laughed, cupping your cheek and staring down at you expectantly. "What?"
"Pretty." It wasn't the word you were going for, but it wasn't the wrong word, either. He had a gorgeous cock, so thick and long. It was silky and hot and pulsed in your hand. You were impressed and intrigued.
"Pretty?" His voice was so soft as he regarded you.
Pretty. He could deal with pretty. His thumb trailed across your lips. "Mm, and how's it taste?"
You pulled away marginally, grabbing his free hand and urging him to grab your hair in his tight first once more. You laid out your tongue and licked the tip of his dick, glistening with precum. You hummed at his taste and took him deeper, using your hand to spread your spit down his shaft.
Harry moaned deeply, taking a solid step forward so that you took more of him past your lips.
"Swallow me."
"Make me."
He narrowed his eyes at you, watching as you opened wide and held still, waiting for him to make you take it. With his hold on your hair, he guided you to swallow his cock. You were able to take about half, your hand working what you couldn't yet fit.
But he was helping you, not pushing you too far but doing it inch by inch. Your eyes began to water and you gagged when he pushed in deep. Your other hand was pressed against his thigh to keep yourself steady.
"Good girl." He praised, his voice low. "Take my cock so fucking well, don't you?"
He couldn't wrap his head around what was happening. He'd imagined this day far too many times to count, and it was always blurred by the unpleasant dynamic you two shared. But here you were, sucking him off after he'd made you explode around his fingers.
You loved having him down your throat. You enjoyed the challenge. He was so big and when you were able to take all of him, it was a feeling of satisfaction. He held you down until you were choking and your nose was buried in the hair around the base of his cock.
He wiped a tiny bit of smudged mascara from under your eye, admiring the blue of your eyeshadow and the colour of your lips as they wrapped around his cock. Fuck, he needed to be inside you. He was desperate for it.
He slipped you back onto the chair, angling you so that you were open to him. It happened so quickly and your mind was reeling at the sudden change. He was in full control and had no issue putting you where he wanted you. And you trusted him. He was so arrogant and you wanted to see if his bite was just as harsh as his bite. Considering the wet mess you'd made, it definitely was.
"Fuck, can't wait to feel you properly." He sighed, grabbing his cock at the base and running his tip between your legs.
Your gripped his arms, absentmindedly smoothing your fingers over some of his tattoos. "Beg me."
"What?" He raised a brow, his tone perplexed.
"Beg me to let you fuck me. You're an asshole, tell me you're sorry and beg me. Then I'll let you fuck me."
You didn't miss the way his cock throbbed when you called him an asshole, the flex in his jaw as he took in your words. Beg? Apologise?
He scoffed. "That's cute. As if you don't get so fucking wet when I'm an asshole to you. Just like how hard I get when you call me shit like that with that filthy mouth of yours."
You rolled your hips up, gripping his hip to pull him closer to you. "Please, baby. I wanna hear you beg."
The very tip of him slipped inside of you and you both moaned at the sensation. You were so wet and tight and he knew he could step forward and be inside you fully. But the expectant look you were giving him stopped him.
He gripped your throat, leaning down so he could bend over you. He gritted his teeth, his eyes hard on yours. "Please let me fuck you, sugar. Get you gushing on my cock over and over, fuckin' drown in your wet little pussy."
"Are you going to be nice?"
"But it's better when I'm mean." He crooned. "I'll make you take my cock, fuck you so hard, and won't stop until you cry."
Your eyes fluttered as he inched forward a little, sliding himself in further. The head of his cock was so snug inside of you and the way he stretched you had your toes curling. You brought your legs higher, hitching them up to his sides.
"Please," You mewled.
"Tell me, sugar." He needed to hear you say it. "Tell me you want me to fuck this dreamy cunt."
"Fuck me, Harry. Please."
His hand tightened around your throat as he rolled his hips forward. He stretched you, so fucking big that he had to take his time to push past your tightness. His gaze narrowed as he pressed in tight, his hips flush against you. As he became fully buried inside of you, your vision tunneled on him and him only. On how good he felt, how his eyes were trained on yours.
He'd thought about what you'd look like stuffed full of his cock but he could never have imagined you being this perfect. Whimpering and moaning so fucking sweet while his hand was wrapped around your throat.
"Please move." You begged, feeling so overwhelmed with him being so thick inside of you but not moving.
He slowly retracted his hips, your pussy trembling to keep him there. He slowly pushed his hips forward again, groaning lowly as you clenched around him. He started out slow as first, wanting to ease you into it, his hands holding onto your sides. But you were desperate.
"You call that hard, baby?"
He shook his head, smiling at the bite in your tone. "You sure you can handle it?"
"What did I tell you about that ego of yours-"
He growled, seeing that you were toying with him again. He didn't want you to have the upper hand. So he started fucking you. Hard and relentless and strong. You cried out at his strength, his cock pumping against your g-spot so perfectly.
"Fuck yes, take my cock. Good fucking girl."
It was electrical. You were saturated from your orgasm he'd given you, he hit so deep, pushing against your front wall. He gripped your breasts, admiring as they bounced while he fucked you. He spat on them, unashamed in his desires to be so fucking dirty with you.
"Love your tits." He grunted. "Let me fuck them one day, sugar. Wanna see them fuckin' dripping in my cum."
"Yes, take whatever you want." You gasped.
You'd let him. He was cheeky and an asshole but he fucked you far better than anyone else ever could and he was just getting started. And you could find ways to keep his mouth busy when it started spouting nonsense.
"Yeah?" He hung over you, his curls dangling down. "Will you let me have you again, hm? Let me fuck your throat, your tight cunt, fuck- make you my plaything?"
"I want to be your plaything." You sighed, his necklace swinging in your face, glistening silver.
"You do, don't you? I'll have this pussy on my tongue while I memorise my script. Carry your panties around in my pocket and give them back to you when you've earned them."
The pressure was blinding and he brought your legs up over his shoulders so he could take you even harder. The legs of the chair scraped obnoxiously against the ground as he fucked you into it. He was brutal, making you take his cock with each harsh thrust.
You cried out, sobbing his name. He was so deep and you knew you'd be feeling him for days after. He picked you up, sitting you on the vanity. You leaned back against the mirror, icy against your back. He hauled your hips towards him, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He took his cock in his hand and fisted your hair with the other, holding you still so he could slide inside of you again. You clenched around him mercilessly, and he had to flex his hips harder so he could take you properly.
The vanity jolted on its legs under the force of him. Your hand wraps around his neck, trying to stabilise yourself against the onslaught of his thrusts.
"Call me an asshole again."
"Harry-" You jolted underneath him. "Fuck, you're an asshole."
"Yeah? Wanna hit me?"
"Fucking do it. Slap me like I know you've been wanting to for the past six months."
Your hands clutched at his curls. Hitting him was the last thing on your mind right now while he was inside you. Until he'd brought it up, that is. You'd wanted to slap him on a daily basis and you wondered if he'd been reading your mind.
Mustering up courage enough to do so, you raised your hand and slapped his cheek. Not as hard as you could have, but the groan he emitted told you that you weren't gentle, either.
"So good." He grinned, his cheek reddening from your hand. You gripped his jaw harshly, licking your handprint before kissing him.
Your kisses moved to his neck and he tilted his head to give you more access to the skin. He flicked his eyes to his reflection in the mirror, finding his lustful expression, his cheek red, His eyes were alight with danger and arousal, driving his hips into you as he stared at himself. You moaned loudly as he pounded into you, unrelenting. Wanting you so out of it so that you could never look at him the same way again.
He imagined you looking at him during rehearsals, looking down at your Mary Janes with flushed cheeks. Your soft cadence as you asked him when he would fuck you next. Your surprised gasp when he'd pull you into a supply closet to fuck you hard and quick before anyone noticed your absence.
Just as you grew accustomed to the position, he flipped you, brushes and hair products flying off the top as you found balance on it. Your eyes met his in the mirror and they blazed through yours as he pushed himself into your warmth again.
"Fuck," He hissed, throwing his head back as you gripped him tightly. He held onto your shoulder and fucked you, near on slamming you into the furniture. His hand crept up to cup your throat, the other doing the same as he found a rhythm.
"Right there, don't stop." You gasped.
"Gonna think of this every time I'm in this room." He grunted. "Sit in that chair before a show and think about your perfect cunt around me. How you smile when I wrap my hands around your throat, how much you love having my cock to choke on."
"I want you to fuck me on this vanity every day, Harry."
"Every day, Sugar." He was breathless. "So much I wanna do to you. Play with you, make your pussy cream for me. Fuck, how did we go so long without this?"
He started using his height to his advantage, screwing down into you. You struggled to grasp clarity, your senses clouding as pleasure took over. His hands tightened around your throat and he took you harder when a ghost of a smile touched your lips.
He slipped two of his fingers in your mouth, hooking them into your cheek and pulling. He hissed at how fucking submissive you were and how you were willing to be just as dirty as him.
Letting go of your neck entirely, one hand moved to your hip and the other to your hair. He pulled you up, forcing you to look into the mirror.
"I'm an asshole but I fuck you good, don't I?"
You wanted to slap the smirk off his face. He could sense your annoyance at how cocky he was. He took you harder and you eyed him in the reflection, not wanting to give him an answer. And that didn't work for him.
He gripped your hair tight, pulling you back until his lips met your ear.
"Don't I?" He spat.
He spanked your ass. Hard. Twice. "Yes, what?"
"Yes, you fuck me good."
Pleased, Harry reached in front of you, getting you to wet his fingers with your tongue before rubbing fast circles on your clit. Your legs turned to jelly, your body melting against him as he took you hard and played with your clit.
You felt the rush of pleasure wrap around you and grow in every nerve ending. He watched you in the mirror, intent on seeing you come again. He held you up while you writhed in his arms, his hips unyielding as he split you in half with his cock.
Your hands flew out, pushing various things off the vanity top as your orgasm barrelled towards you. Harry gritted his teeth, bending his knees to follow you as you moved so he could keep fucking you.
"You gonna come? Hm? Dirty fucking girl. Running around the studio with no panties on. This cunt was so wet for me from the start, wasn't it? Tiny dress, bossy little heels, and that fucking clipboard."
This climax was more intense than the first, but no less wet. You exploded around his cock, crying out his name before his hand came over your mouth to keep you quiet.
"Shhh. Good girl. Keep coming on my cock, don't stop, don't stop." He was feral at how good you felt around him, rubbing your clit until you were trembling at the overstimulation. His hips slowed, faltering. He was losing composure the tighter your pussy clenched around him.
He picked you up, not wasting any time in settling back on the small couch in the room. He laid flat on his back, while you straddled his hips. Your hands ran over his chest, nails digging into the skin as he gripped your ass and moved your hips.
His cock sat snuggly between your folds and you shamelessly rolled yourself along his length. You felt empty without him inside you and you lifted up, grabbing his length with a shaking hand, and slid him back into your warmth.
You both moaned out softly, his cock throbbing inside you. He could feel how close he was, as could you. Your hot and wet and dreamy cunt wasn't helping him stave it off. His vision was trained on you sitting on top of him like a fucking angel. Your tits, red from his teeth, your full hips, and your blissed-out expression.
He rolled his hips up softly, encouraging you to move. "Ride me, sugar."
You found a rhythm that had you shaking, so sensitive from your orgasms His cock pressed deliciously tight against your g-spot with every roll forward. With your hands flat on his chest, you started to bounce on him. You were so wet and the sound of it was making him crumble. The wet slaps and the way your pussy was drenching him.
His gaze met yours and he just about came. Your eyes lulled, cheeks flushed and your mouth agape as you fucked him. The most beautiful sight he'd ever seen. He grabbed your tits, playing and pulling your nipples with deft fingers. He strained his neck, moaning as you picked up your pace.
You wanted him to finish. To feel the toe-curling euphoria he'd given you. The one given when a connection like the one you had was this electric.
"Ooh, shit. Just like that." He praised, squeezing your hips so hard you knew they'd bruise.
"Yeah? You love watching me bounce on your cock, don't you?"
You'd thrown his own tactic right back in his face. The sweet voice with the daring question. Of course, he loved it. He was addicted.
"Fuck yes."
Your hand trailed up, lightly wrapping around his throat. He could feel the rings he'd given you to wear against his skin and he snarled, holding your hips and screwing up into you, meeting your thrusts. Having you fuck him with your hand around his throat had him fucking spiraling into another dimension.
"You're close," You mewled, his cock throbbing hard inside you. "I can feel it."
"Yeah? Go on, make me cum. I'm gonna cum so fucking hard for you, sugar. Gonna fill you right up, fucking take it. Take all my cum- fuck."
He let you take him while his orgasm hit. It was white-hot intense, his grip on you not lessening as he moaned out your name. He pumped you full of his cum, the thick white ropes painting your walls. His brow turned down in the middle, his lips parted a little and you could see the whites of his teeth. The thick cords in his neck protruded under your hand.
He was stunning and animalistic and brazen, even in a time when one is most vulnerable.
The muscles and tendons in his arms flexed as he held you down on top of him, humming out lowly as the flames of his orgasm dimmed into embers.
And while neither of you was sure how it would feel post the explosion, you'd expected at the very least that it would be awkward. You didn't have the fondest attachment towards each other but fuck if you weren't addicted to each other's bodies now.
He sighed, reeling in his climax. His hands crawled up your sides, encasing you and encouraging you to come down to him. He hugged you, sighing in your neck before kissing the skin. You could hear a commotion in the hallway of the crew leaving and it suddenly sunk in that you'd just fucked your boss.
And neither of you could wait to do it again.
"Should we get out of here?" He asked after a few minutes.
"Mm. Head back to mine if you want. Got the new Sam Cooke vinyl we can jam out to."
You grinned, trailing your finger along his lips. "Can we fuck again?"
His expression mirrored yours. "We are definitely fucking again. Don't have to be as quiet at mine, wanna hear how loud you get."
You rolled your hips, feeling his cock softening and his release beginning to trickle out of you. He hummed, squeezing you as if to warn you.
"Behave, sugar."
"But that's no fun."
He couldn't disagree with that. He checked the clock and knew there was only a slim window of time for you both to leave the studio without raising any brows.
"Come on." He slapped your ass. "Let's clean up and cut out."
You slipped into the bathroom, your legs shaky from how hard he'd taken you. You cleaned up, as he'd told you to. Your reflection in the mirror was a sight for sore eyes and you tried your best to look presentable and not freshly fucked.
As you entered the dressing room again and gathered your things. Harry had dressed in his more casual clothes, a pair of mint dress pants and a t-shirt, throwing his fur coat over his shoulders. He noticed the way you slipped on your dress and smoothed out your hair, touching up your lipstick. He approached you, wrapping his arms around you as you stood in front of the vanity.
"You know I'm just gonna get you all messy again, don't you?"
"I'm counting on it."
He smirked, kissing your neck and fisting the hem of that tiny dress. You pulled away, eyeing the time. You bent over, going to pick up your panties and frowning when he snatched them up before you could.
"Hey, I need those."
"What'd I say, hm? You'll get them back when you earn them." He slipped the blue lace in his pants pocket, straightening his fur coat and holding out his hand.
"Jerk." You walked towards him, nudging his hand away and leaving the dressing room. A showcase that the feisty dynamic between you was here to stay. The lights were off in the studio now, aside from a few dim ones high up on the walls. He scoffed, racing after you. He lagged behind a few steps, wanting to watch your legs as you walked. You turned, throwing him a dubious look and he smiled innocently as he was caught checking you out. "What are you-"
A gleam of a security guard's flashlight lit up the wall next to you. Harry swore, pulling you towards the exit before you were spotted. You wouldn't get in trouble per se, but being sneaky was so much more exciting than sticking around.
"Shit- let's haul ass, sugar. Wanna play with you all night."
The warmth and adoration he felt on stage, under those lights with every pair of eyes set on him. It was a dimmed sensation compared to how he felt with you. His sugar. Saccharine yet equally as fervent, gooey and thrilling and sticking to him as if magnetised to his cells. 
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jellyluvr · 1 year
Tastes delicious
- Peter maximoff x fem!reader ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
So I'm making peter sub in this one cuz y not. Plus he's definitely not the type to become some daddy so we're going for a sub Peter. No mommy stuff, but there's like typical nicknames. Kinda slow burn
Warnings: sub peter, Dom reader, oral sex, kissing, and actually a little mommy action
Summary: peter is watching a movie with you and there's a scene that gives him a boner.
Word count: 1.6k
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(Got gif off pinterest)
Peter was sitting on the couch in the mansion, the lights turned low. It looked pretty gloomy, but your invisibility helped you hide. Peter was watching a 'spicy' movie, which caught your eye. Peter seemed to be enjoying all the kissing and grinding, the bright flashing lights also showing the sexual scenes.
You creeped behind the couch, it sitting in the middle of the lounge, the tv on the wall, a fireplace under it, obviously not lit.
You wanted to stay in there as a secret. You wanted to see what was going to happen, and while peter chomped on his popcorn loudly, the tv also got loud.
But, in a millisecond, peter appeared with a popsicle while he sucked on it. It was about to make you giggle, the way he decided to eat his popsicle.
But now, the scenes were getting a little too much, and it was obvious that peter liked it, a slight, but obvious bulge appearing in his overly tight pants.
You, still hidden in the shadows, finally decided to lean on the couch, it making a squeak noise from it being leather. Peter turned his head immediately, seeing the indent in the couch, no person.
He immediately knew it was you, you were the only one that had invisibility. His face turned a pink color while he looked at you, the movie still playing.
"Hey y/n..." he smiled sheepishly while you showed yourself finally.
"Hi Peter." You smiled back before finding a place on the couch next to him. It was clearly too close for comfort, but peter didn't say anything. Bless his innocent soul.
You were aware of his boner. His very obvious boner. But, it became even more noticeable when you sat down next to him. He didn't do much, he just sat there and continued to watch the movie, you watching his pants instead.
You were wearing a skimpy skirt, 'small as a belt' and a camisole with white lace. You liked wearing white, it brought out the whole invisibility thing. Plus it gave you the nickname ghost. Or ghosty.
But, unfortunately for peter, your skirt was too much for him. For his little goofy brain to comprehend. Yeah, he watched porny movies, but he never tried to do things with girls. It wasn't like he had a chance anyway.
The silence was thick. The only thing in the room making noise was the tv, oddly lewd noises coming from it.
But, the silence broke with you.
"Can you pass me the popcorn please?" You fluttered your eyes at him. Why did you sound so.. seductive..? It was all peter could think about. He didn't even register what you had asked.
"Or don't.. that's okay too." You chuckled lightly before moving your hand over his lap, purposely touching his sensitive boner. He let out a whimper in response. And a cute plea.
"H-hey!..." he said, looking down at your hand. You just giggled slightly.. "what?" You knew exactly what, but it was better to act clueless.
Peter was clearly flustered by this, his face red and his boner almost twitching. The tight restraints of his pants held that back, only making his boner more painful.
Grabbing the popcorn, you placed it on your lap before eating some, making sure to keep peter in view the whole time. You took peice by peice, placing it in your mouth slowly.
"What are you watching anyway? This movie sucks." You reached over to take the remote, not touching his boner this time. He was obviously flustered, he needed touch. His hips even jolted up when you reached your hand over again.
"It's uhm.. nothing. Just change it.. it's fine.." he said, his voice soft and quiet. That was unusual for him. Most of the time he'd be beaming with pride. Now his pride was the equivalent to a squashed berry. Or bug.
"Nothing? Really?" You teased, poking him jokingly. He didn't react, he was still hot, his body acting like a furnace.
"Mhm. Maybe we just shouldn't watch a movie.." he said, still acting like he had been traumatized or something.
"So what do you suggest?" You placed the remote down, also moving the popcorn over.
"No.. I know just the thing actually." You smiled, peter now even more afraid.
And it all made sense when you moved over right onto his lap. He let out a soft gasp, your clothed cunt rubbing right on his boner.
"What..?" He asked his hands staying on the couch, gripping into them slightly.
"What?" You teased again before grabbing one of peters large hands and placing it right on your chest.
"This is okay, right?" You asked. Even though this had all been really sudden, you still asked for his consent even though you knew it'd be yes.
He only nodded, his eyes staring at your chest. You giggled a bit, putting your hands on his shoulders before kissing him lightly.
It had started out sweet and slow, but over the time peter got comfortable and let his tongue enter your mouth. The two of you pulled from the breathy kiss, you smiling and peter just panting, his face a cherry red.
Your hands traveled down his chest before stopping right at the button of his jeans. Before you could even say anything, he said it first.
"Y-yes.." he pushed out, his hands moving down to your waist and rubbing slightly there.
Your smile stayed while you unbuttoned his restraints, his baggy boxers popping out. You pulled his pants down to his knees before placing your fingertips over the little wet spot, stained with precum on his boxers.
"Such a pretty boy.." you rubbed his tip through the fabric while he squirmed a bit, his grip on your waist tightening.
He hummed while you teased him, his hips rolling into your thumb and finger.
"Patience hun.." you purred, letting your fingers travel along his length. He jolted his hips up again, whimpering as you touched him.
"Please..." he cried and you finally moved your hand up to the waistband of his boxers.
"Please what? Use your words, baby." You looked up at him, your finger playing with the waistband. Peters fingers rubbed into your waist while he looked down, huffing a breath.
"Please, momma.." he was desperate for touch clearly. And you had to be good to him, he deserved a little reward, after all.
"Good boy." You praised, letting your fingers go down to touch his rough silver bush, then to his piping hot shaft.
You moved the boxers down more, letting his cock spring free, it letting some pre cum drip out. His tip was a rosey pink, his veins active.
He let out little moans when you touched him, them being perfect in every way. The sounds he let out when you rubbed your thumb over his tip made you feel a little spark in your stomach.
"Mmm.." he moaned, his hips rolling a bit to feel more of your touch. You didn't mind, you just wanted him to feel good.
Your hand slipped down his length, feeling every vein and pulse in him, hearing ever moan and whimper.
All of it got you worked up too, but peter was more worked up.
You moved your hand up and down at a steady pace, his pre cum acting as a sweet lubricant.
But, your hand went quicker with no warning. Peter bit his lip but noises still seeped out.
And peter became a mess. Like melting butter in your hands.
His hips jolted up again, but went down as you pulled your hand off. He was about to say something before you stuck your mouth on his tip, your tongue swirling around skillfully.
His breath hitched and whatever he was about to say became letters on a fridge. All scrambled and incoherent.
He couldn't help but let a moan slip when you tucked your tongue under his shaft and began bobbing your head. His tip hit the back of your throat, you gagging a little.
Drool seeped down his shaft, it making him squirm a bit more.
"OooOoh!~" he moaned, his hands grabbing onto your hair tight. His short fingernails dug into your scalp as you sucked, pulling off and slurping a bit before returning to your previous position.
It drove peter crazy. The way you moved your tongue, the way you felt on his cock.. he loved it. It was like a drug he couldn't get enough of.
He moved his hips into your mouth, making you gag some more.
"Fuck- I'm gonna cum.. I'm gonna cum.." he said breathlessly, his eyes shut while he took a few deep breaths.
You pulled up, your mouth secure on his tip while you looked up at him. Your tongue continued to assault his slit while your hands went to his shaft, moving with no mercy.
He let out a loud moan, squirming a bit. You sucked harder, your cheeks hallowed while he became a moaning mess infront of you.
"F-fuck!!~" he said, just under a shout. Then, warm thick cum filled your mouth, it landing right on your tongue.
You pulled off, swallowing what he left in your mouth before standing up and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
His chest rose frantically while his mouth stayed slightly open, his dick finally softening up a bit.
"Tastes delicious." You smiled at him while he just tried to calm down. His face was still hot, and you were still extremely horny.
"W-wait..." he said, his head turning to you, his eyes half lidded.
"Hm?" You hummed, that cheeky smile still on your face.
"Can I return the favor..?"
Sorry if it's kinda choppy. I tried tho! 🤧
And should I make a taglist? 😭
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saleeba · 3 months
the baby-making manual ; william saliba
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summary ♡ baby fever hits the salibas full force.
pairing ♡ william saliba x fem!reader
content ♡ 18+, smut, husband!william, kissing, p in v sex, cunnilingus, reader & wilo are so broody & so in love with each other, missionary, doggystyle, riding, lotus position (yes i’m fucking depraved don’t look at me like that 🤕), soft romantic vibes, breeding kink, praise, body worship, size kink ofccc, clitoral stimulation, titplay, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it unless ur name is y/n and ur starring in this fic 🥸), creampie(s), a smidgen of cockwarming, blink and u miss the one french word in here, talks about having kids, aftercare included !!
a/n ♡ the title is so goofy & nobody asked for this but the concept has been eating at my mind since the end of summer + i've had this in the drafts since oct so i gotta put me first lucius 😫😩😫😩😫 anyway this is day one of converting you all into wilo girlies hehe WAKE UP WORLD‼️ pls lmk how u all find this fic btw!! ik it won’t get as much attention as my jude ones bc there prob aren’t as many fans but i rlly would appreciate anything u have to say about it !!! 🫶🏽🥰 enjoyyyy mes chéris!! 😌❤️
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an unexpectedly warm spring’s saturday had given cause to an impromptu barbecue held by your parents, and you and william had found yourselves in the company of most of your relatives for the day. how your mother had convinced half the family tree to be present on such short notice you will never know but you were grateful nonetheless, extremely happy to especially see the loved ones you haven’t seen since getting married to your now-husband a couple of years ago.
it’s close to eleven in the night now, your arrival at home being so belated due to the clash between your insistence that you and william had to go home as he had training the next morning and your father’s greater insistence that the two of you stay a little longer for another cup of tea, another plate of food, even the whole night if you wanted to. in the end, you had to put a politely firm foot down, more for william’s sake who can’t say no to your parents for the life of him, and who was on his way to accepting your dad’s invitation to stay the night before you spoke up. you knew the events of last night would repeat for the morning, your parents in a tug-of-war with you to make you guys stay for breakfast but you supported your case with the argument of the long drive home and the fact that mikel wouldn’t appreciate william’s tardiness the next day, especially at such a significant time in the season. 
you’re sitting in bed by yourself right now with a novel in hand – william having gone to take a much-needed relaxing shower – inwardly laughing to yourself over your husband’s people-pleasing antics and your mind meanders to the scenes of this afternoon, the sounds of children’s laughter and adults’ gossip in the air accompanied with the smokey scent of grilled food taking over your senses. you reencounter images of william chasing your little cousins, nieces and nephews around the garden — small, sweet giggles mixed with william’s deeper chuckles as they’re all engaged in an exhilarating game of tag, little feet and large padding around the property. 
your thoughts are pulled back into reality when the ensuite door clicks open, a cloud of steam puffing into the bedroom before it reveals your husband clad in nothing but a white towel around his waist, droplets of water dotted on his toned chest and abdomen. it’s a sheer sight for sore eyes and one that you will never tire of so you shamelessly watch as he smiles at you before gliding across the room, moving to his vanity to apply generous amounts of body lotion to bring back moisture to his skin, the action making his skin glow so prettily under the warm lighting of the bedroom. 
it’s these moments of silent appreciation that have you feeling like the luckiest girl in the universe; an adonis of a lover in your bedroom, one that would move heaven and earth at your beck and call, and there’s denying that you would do the same for him. 
in all your daydreaming, william’s moved on to pulling his pajamas on for bedtime, a pair of dark grey boxer shorts acting as said pajamas as he opts to go shirtless in fear of overheating on such a toasty night. you place your novel down, the previously read page distinguished with a bookmark, as william places a soft kiss on your forehead before tucking you both in under the thin sheets. 
“mum was really bad with the baby talk this time, wasn’t she?” you turn your body on its spot, head propped up by a bend of your arm as you face william who lifts his head at your rhetoric question. “i mean, you did look so fucking adorable with the kids today so i don’t know if i should say sorry on her behalf.” 
“not at all,” he only lets out a breathy laugh, now mirroring you in the shift of his own body. “i’ve had most people asking me about it now.”
you’re quite shocked to learn that there are indeed a lot of people who are eager to see william and yourself have a family of your own and that it’s not just pestering from your mother in particular, who has asked about when she will be seeing grandchildren from her daughter and “favourite son-in-law” from the moment the two of you had just about exchanged rings. you’ve grown accustomed to answering with the same old ‘we want to focus on us/our careers/our freedom’ response but there’s a little curious something that’s pulling the two of you to consider everyone’s requests.
“mmhm, i think i could count the number of people at the club that have asked me about it using my hands and my feet,” the pair of you laugh at this, a shake of your head over how believable that comment is despite it sounding so silly since the environment of your husband’s workplace is so close-knit and everyone is comfortable with each other. “it’s not just that, though, is it?” 
“no?” you question his tone turned serious now.
“when i see the guys and their kids, i can’t help wondering what i might be like in those sorts of situations, y’know?” you sit up at his words, heart racing a little faster with the way he looks at you; looks into you as he again copies your movements, taking your hands in his after leaning his shoulder against the headboard. “can’t help wondering what it would be like seeing you and a mini version of us in the stands during a match… wanna see our baby matching shirts with their papa, wanna hear their tiny voice cheer my name…”
you swear you feel your heart stop as soon as his lips form the words ‘our baby’. 
“oh, william,” you sigh over his thoughts spoken aloud, a slight pang of guilt hitting at your heartstrings and causing your eyes to tear up just a little. “why didn’t you tell me about all this, hm?”
you had no idea of his desire to have children, always assuming his response to everyone’s questions to be the same as yours and believing that he wanted to prioritise football over starting a family with you for at least a couple more years. 
“it’s not your fault, sweetheart, not at all.” his fingers swipe under your eyes in precaution against any spilt tears. “having a baby, hell, even wanting a baby... it’s a big deal; it’s hard to just drop it into a conversation if that makes sense.”
“of course, that makes plenty of sense,” his hands grip yours in a tight embrace, placing a kiss on the slightly trembling digits in an attempt to soothe you. “you really want to have a baby with me?”
william laughs softly at your words and the way you sit with your mouth gaping, starry-eyed with a million thoughts racing through your mind. 
“no, i want to have a baby with mrs khan next door.” he deadpans, referring to your elderly neighbour, before you shove at his shoulder, a blush overcoming your cheeks as you realise how daft your question is, disbelief over how much william wants to be a dad seeping into the way you’re thinking right now. “you’re the only woman that i want as the mother of my children, y/n, the only one.”
his eyes look even more beautiful in the peek of moonlight through the curtains and you fear your heart may give out tonight, squeezing so hard in your chest with the love that you feel for your husband.
“can i kiss you, baby?” he asks so politely, thumb running over the plumpness of your bottom lip. even after so many years together, he’s always the gentleman but still, you tell him that he doesn’t need to ask anymore — you are his to have as he is yours.
his lips descend upon yours with a gentle force, hands clasping over your waist where the black silk material of your short nightdress stops him from touching the warmth of your soft skin. instead, william decides to pick you up and place you on his lap, the urge to feel your body as close to his as possible controlling his actions, your knees dropping to either side of him as your clothed chest meets his bare one. 
as the kiss deepens on what seems like its own accord, you feel yourself growing wetter, thankful for your earlier decision to forgo underwear for the night as you grind down onto william’s lap, the cotton of his boxers creating delicious friction on where you need it the most. 
breathless sighs turn into light moans from the two of you as william tightens his grip on your waist with the same strength your core presses down onto his hardening length before he turns you both over to have you on your back, his form hovering over yours, lips ghosting over the nook where your neck meets your shoulders, leaving an eruption of goosebumps in its trail. 
in the pleasured shutting of your eyes, you can feel william’s hands pull down the loose straps of your nightdress, then a kiss on each shoulder and then the heat of his breath over your exposed breasts. 
“so beautiful, darling,” he looks up to your blushing face, the compliment painting a shy smile on it before his lips wrap around your left nipple with wasting any time. a whine is pulled from your lungs over the way william suckles on the nub, a tiny tug of it between his teeth causing you to arch your chest further into his mouth. of course, he doesn’t forget to pay attention to your right boob, taking his sweet time in kissing and swirling his tongue around the stiffness of the other side. “how did i get so lucky, hmm?”
you whimper in response as he brushes his lips down your body over your nightdress; from under your breasts, over your navel and arriving at the base of your tummy, where he places the firmest kiss of them all atop of the lustrous material. 
“gonna take care of you, baby, i promise.”
his hands now come down to your thighs, where the inner parts are sticky with arousal, and he hoists the hem of your dress up past your bellybutton, the pressing together of your legs to soothe the ache of your core as a light breeze hits it inciting your husband to part them and find home in the self-made gap. his head lowers to where your pussy lays nearly leaking onto the sheets and your breaths quicken, reaching an all-time rapid high when william plants a kiss on your clit, one so soft that it would’ve been deemed innocent had it not been in the midst of an action so filthy. 
in the ‘o’-shapedness of your mouth, amorous sighs escape as he starts his attack on your wetness — mouth open, tongue out, lapping at your juices as you sing his praises in the form of high-pitched moans. his tongue slips past your drenched folds to find your sopping hole, the tip of it poking past your entrance as he’s full-on eating you out now, open-mouthed moans from the simple pleasure of your pussy on his lips almost drowning out your sounds. 
there’s a particularly lusty moan from you when his thumb finds your tense clit, a couple of rubs on it releasing a string of cries out of the confines of your lips as your legs tremble from their position on his shoulders. from the very beginning of your married life, william had made it his mission to become well-acquainted with you in the bedroom, and you think he’s succeeded as the way he knows which buttons to press to get you to cum at his mercy is very telling, fingers working expertly in toying with your sensitive nub as your walls clench around nothing but the conjured-up image of cumming all over his mouth and pretty face. 
“william… i-” you start but are soon interrupted by the intense sucking of your already pounding clit between his moistened lips. the wail you let leave your body is almost pitiful, the feeling so fucking good but so sudden and unexpected that you fall head-first into your orgasm, crashing into it with a spasm of your thighs around william’s head, pawing at his dark hair for some inkling of relief and grounding since you truly believe you’re about to lose all sense of reality with how strong this orgasm has hit you. 
william doesn’t relent despite your convulsions, placing kisses over your clenching pussy and shaky abdomen. you manage to still your involuntary motions to catch a glimpse of his face in all its glory; his lips glistening wet with your release and his eyes darker than ever, impossible to distinguish the colour of his pupils from the colour of his irises, an unfolding plan of what’s to come for you both behind his soft gaze.
“did so, so good for me, my love,” he praises, kissing you through panting breaths from the both of you. “want to feel you around me, fuck, need to feel you around me, baby.” 
you go to deny him at first, nestling your hand against the bulge of his boxers but he’s quick to deny you in turn. 
“no, baby, tonight’s for you, ok? just wanna take care of everything— take care of you.” 
you nod in acceptance, knowing that arguing with him would be futile, a gentle flame in his eyes telling you of his determination to do nothing but be at your service until the sun comes up.
“how do you want me first, amour?” 
you almost swoon at the question, unable to believe that you essentially have this man at your mercy now, getting dizzy over choosing whether you want to ride him into oblivion first or save that for later and have him take you from behind to start with. either way, you know that tonight was no night for a meagre one round.  
“how about as we are right now?” you suggest, the current arrangement of you on your back and william on top proving perfectly convenient for you guys to start with your favourite position in bed.
“sounds perfect, baby,” he smiles before getting up to rid his body of those grey boxers and then almost leaning over you to pull a condom from the nightstand before he stops himself midway, the both of you realising that this is a habit that will need to be unlearnt now. a pair of giggles erupts between you and a silent agreement to forget the condom for the whole purpose of tonight is sealed with a rerouted kiss from william. he then prompts you to lift your hips so he can slot a pillow underneath them and have you as comfortable as you can get. you can’t resist biting your bottom lip at the pulsating anticipation between the two of you, the sight of his bare cock admittedly making your mouth water. 
now back on the bed and parting your legs, william resituates himself in between, this time with his cock in his hand running down your increasingly dripping slit, the occasional dip past your folds making you wince in an addictive combination of overstimulation and urgency. 
“shit, angel, i’m sorry,” his apology is sincere as he searches your eyes for signs of discomfort. “we don’t have to do this right now, we can take a break, do you want me to ge–”
“babe, i’m fine, okay?” you huff out a laugh, your husband’s honestly innocent face tickling your tummy and making your core ache even more. “j-just fuck me, will, please?” 
his answer comes in the guise of an assured smooch against your swollen lips, taking the quiet opportunity to sink into your wetness, completely raw for the first time, with a loud deep groan that makes your stomach feel like it’s gloriously folding in on itself. you revel in finally having the naked thickness of his cock inside you, experiencing every ridge, vein and inch of smoothness directly between your gummy walls with a hushed fuck before he gets to work on setting a moderate pace — slow and savouring it seems, his way of saying that he wants this to last as long as it possibly can. 
"william… so big..." no matter how many times you've been under him and how many times you say it, it will always ring true; the initial stretch and burn that his cock creates for you will always light a fire of delicious friction, tonight being a million times more special than every previous encounter put together. and no matter how many times william hears it, it will always set his mind ablaze, hips now pistoning at an unfathomable speed as he can’t hold back anymore, moaning and groaning about how good you feel uninterrupted around him, how there'll be no one else for him, how you're everything to him. it all has your pussy gushing around him to no end. 
your whimpers warn him of another impending orgasm, the tightening clasp of your cunt and the way you’re clawing at the softness of his lower tummy in sheer desperation make william’s movements falter just the slightest, a whine leaving his throat as he can feel his own climax catching up to him.
“close, baby,” he warns in sentences incomplete, brain whirring on pure pleasure and nothing else but the desire to have you cumming around him. he’s afraid that he may finish a fraction too soon and leave you disappointed so his fingers find your stiffened clit again, the caressing of his thumb a little harsher this time around as part of an effort to get you both to cum at the same time.
the pleasure you’re receiving from the touch of his thumb and the stroke of his dick is almost too much, hands willing their way to pull his off of you but the speed at which your second orgasm hits you beats any other competition to the finish line, pussy barely squeezing to trigger william’s first orgasm of the night; your lover climaxes inside of you with a sound so guttural, it has him almost collapsing against your shaking form but you invite him to do so, a tender hand on the back of his head guiding him to a safe haven in the crook of your neck as the strangely comforting feeling of thick, white liquid streams down your inner thighs. heavy breaths saturate the dimly lit room as you lay with your lover for a moment, warm bodies basking in the aftermath of a shared orgasm.
after a comfortable minute or two, william speaks up, his voice dropped to an octave so deep it relights the fire in your seeping cunt before your head can even process his words. 
“how does round two sound to you?” he’s asking amidst the plotting of a few kisses up your jawline.
you’re ready to jump his bones again on your own accord so when you hear the request fall from your husband’s lips, it’s an immediate “yes please” from you, not even bothered to feel shameful about the reeking desperation of your response.
a knowing chuckle and another kiss seal the deal, william pulling your now-creased nightdress over your outstretched arms, leaving you completely bare but free; accessible to his every touch. he asks you to turn around onto your hands and knees, setting the pillow down underneath your lower abdomen as a precaution. 
“there we go, angel,” he places a tender kiss at the bottom of your spine, running a hand up the natural curve of your back while you anticipate his next action. “gonna make my pretty girl feel so good tonight, she deserves it all.” your thighs divide instinctively in response to his voice and the sight of his cum glistening on your skin has william choking on a moan, needing to stroke his cock on the white-stained slipperiness.
“william, don’t tease,” you beg with a shake of your ass against his crotch to get him to hurry and slip his length inside of you. “can’t wait anymore.”
your husband obliges immediately, having lubricated his dick enough with his own release off your thighs, pushing into your hole with so much more ease and a filthy squelch as the realisation that the majority of his cum from the previous round is still inside of you hits him. oh, it sends william’s entire being into a lustful frenzy. 
“f-fuck, baby, listen to how well i filled you up,” he gasps out, mouth forming an ‘o’ shape as the dirtiest noises he has ever heard emits from where his cock is connected to your pussy. 
you’ve done this position more times than you can count but the raw state of his dick plus the way it definitely plunges deeper from all the lubrication william has created inside you has you growing wetter beyond belief, another layer of arousal helping him reach damn near a whole new dimension of your cunt. you don’t want to lend your name to porno-fuelled incorrect biology but you swear he’s in your cervix right now, the pillow now playing its part in hoisting your bottom half up, back arching so beautifully, making it the perfect setup for william to split you in half with every thrust of his length.   
between a melody of cries of his name from your worn lips and his deeper moans, you surprisingly cum without a word of warning; it’s fast and it’s hard and it’s white-hot, almost launching your body off the bed entirely. it’s not so surprising, actually, given the speed of william’s pounding inside of your creaming pussy and the resulting splat-splat-splat noise his actions make, all of it way too much, way too depraved and addicting to try and avoid. 
“good fucking girl,” your husband grunts out at the sensation of yet another round of your pussy walls spasming around him, another round of hot cum spurting into your hole as he fills you up with an animalistic fuck! marking the round so differently from the last one, which was so full of love, this one in a tone that is much more lewd and untamed. 
you’re still on all fours, moaning softly at the flood of cum that spills out of you from around william’s dick and onto the sheets below, cunt still clenching his shaft which doesn’t seem to get any softer despite the two of you having been at it for nearly two hours without a break. your husband, sheathed still in your core, runs a series of kisses up your back, reaching the back of your ear to leave praises of how good you were for him just then and how pretty you look while he’s balls deep inside of you. eventually, he pulls out with a throaty moan, leaving you panting as you fall onto your back to look up at his fucked out expression.
william’s standing there with his hands on his hips, chest heaving, face all smiley and flushed, an image not too dissimilar to one where he’s fresh off a victory on the pitch. you wish you could take a picture of the scenery in front of you but you trust your memory to sear it into place for you instead.
“fucking hell, if i’m not pregnant by now then i don’t even know what to say!” you laugh out at the mess you’ve both made of the sheets and yourselves, and william joins in before quipping in with a “hmm, we should make sure, just in case, of course.” a cheeky tone in his voice as he snuggles his mouth against your neck, the hair on his chin tickling your skin as you squirm on the bed out of ecstatic amusement.
“okay, okay, but first we have to take a break, babe!” you manage to squeal out before william ceases his tickle attack on you, letting you go to the bathroom while he fetches a glass of water from the kitchen. 
by the time you’re finished and clean, william has the bed remade and the glass of water held out by the hand upon your return to the bedroom. you shake your head at him, bemused at this butler act he’s now performing.
“your refreshment, mrs. saliba,” he mocks what you assume to be a posh british accent, his own french one adding so much charm to it. 
“i thank you, mr. y/l/n,” you smirk back and take a sip, careful not to choke as william pushes your shoulder in jest with an oi before sitting down on the edge of the bed and watching you set the empty glass down on the nightstand. 
“so, about that making sure thing,” you pounce on his lap within a split second, settling your hands on the warmed skin of his shoulders.
william throws his head back in a hearty chuckle. “fucking hell, what was in that water?!”
“shut up and kiss me, saliba.” you command and he doesn’t dare to do anything but oblige, lips catching yours in a heated kiss that reinstalls all elements of hunger and lust inside of the pair of you. running your hands down and over the expanse of his chest has william parting his lips in a low groan, you taking the opportunity to slip your tongue inside his mouth and swallow all of his sugary sweet sounds, not wanting any ears other than your own to hear them. the resumed grinding of your naked crotch on william’s has him hardening quickly, another order from you to go lay himself down on the pillows moving scenes on as rapidly as you like. 
“good boy,” you admire the way he’s displayed himself for you, long athletic body sprawled out in all its glory, the moonlight a little brighter now that the night has really settled in. “you look so good like this, william, fuck, need to have you inside me now, baby.” a couple of tugs on his stiff cock and you’re sliding down onto it, william’s hands – slightly sweaty from excitement – holding you in place as you begin to rock and raise your body. 
there’s a harmonised whine from the two of you as you’re filled with his thickness once again, william encased in your snug, plush walls, and the swivel of your hips atop him makes his teeth grit in euphoria. seeing this spurs you on more, momentum picked up from the way william throws his head back, leaving his neck at your mercy and you of course can’t help but nip and kiss and lick over it, the sounds being pulled from his throat so saccharine and tuneful. 
he pants out with a vice-like grip on your hips, the skin white with the extreme grasp his fingers have on it. “s-slow, baby, slow…” he pleads while you rock and grind and bump into his crotch like a woman gone mad, chasing a high that is just at the tips of your fingers… just a little more. 
you whine out his name, scratching at his chest where you had previously been resting your hands for leverage, and he finds a little leeway before taking a gulp of courage and sitting up to meet the stirring of your pelvis with his, cock sputtering up into your cunt as he supports you with his large hands behind your back.
the position is possibly the most intimate you’ve been in — naked chest to naked chest, your nipples rubbing against the softness of his pecs, your knees on either side of him as his are crossed underneath you, body so much smaller than his, lips so close to touching with every jerk and bump but never really kissing, always teasing. it’s all so fucking hot and there’s nothing you want more than for him to fill you up once more. 
the knock-knock-knock of another orgasm has you pulling him so close against you, practically forcing him to shift his entire weight on top of you. you feel the need to bury him inside your skin. to be bound entirely and irrefutably. his lips, just now attached to the mounds on your chest, start rambling in his native tongue. you're not quite fluent in french but you've been with william long enough to pick up some things; the important things. through his wanton panting and sighing, he's spilling all his desires to you — telling you that he can't wait to see you swollen with his child, can’t wait to see if they’ll have his hair or your smile, can’t wait for you both to finally be the parents you had dreamed of being. there’s a fire in his words and it sets your whole body alight, scratching down his back in vicious streaks that will surely be present for the next week.
“w-william, please,” you wail, legs burning in their effort to capture your awaiting high. “put a baby in me, fuck, please, fuck a baby into me.” freshly hot tears are fully spilling down your cheeks now, the ecstasy of his cock pounding into you and the promises he’s made to you proving too much and you need relief from it all, desperately.
“gonna do just that, angel, gonna fill you up nice and good,” he moans out, pulling you in closer to his gyrating form. “gonna fill you up over and over until we get that baby.”  
and that’s the tipping point for you, your husband’s words, so sincerely sweet yet sinful, being the thing to push you over and have you cumming with a thunderous scream of his name. your pussy gushes around his rigid length, walls fluttering around it so forcefully you’re scared they’ll be stuck like this forever. william soon follows with his own orgasm, a few throaty moans that sound so pretty coming from his plump limps as they match the rhythm with which he spurts his sticky cum into you. your legs tremble in both exhaustion and bliss around william, and he’s quick to soothe them over with his hands, mouth landing kisses over your face and your chest. 
there’s only a symphony of heavy panting from you both now, and the occasional whimper or soft moan, as william lays on his back with you on top of him, large hands running up and down your back to steady your breathing, his dick still firmly in you. you're pretty sure you've forgotten what it feels like to be empty and without him.
“you okay?” he mumbles into your hair, a loving kiss left on your forehead before he tilts your chin up to look at him, your eyes weary and ready to doze off. you can only muster up an mmhmm but william is determined to end the night perfectly for you.
“hang on, baby, okay?” he requests before slowly pulling out of your heat and dashing to the bathroom where you can hear the din of him rummaging through cupboards and running the bathtub’s taps, leaving you to laze around with a pool of cum leaking out of you. the sudden crash of something metal followed by a shit! is enough to pull you out of the clasps of sleep, however.
your husband reappears swiftly, a boyishly guilty look on his face to which you raise an eyebrow. 
“everything’s fine!” he assures your silent questioning. “i want to take care of you right now, though. please?”
you flash him a tired but teasing smile in affirmation and he picks you up bridal-style, giving a quick kiss to your lips before walking you over to the bathtub and gently placing you in the comfortably warm and bubbly water where you feel your muscles instantly relax. the calmingly fragrant scent of chamomile fills your nostrils as you sigh up at your lover. 
“thank you, honey,” you speak, a slight croak to your voice from honest exhaustion. william nods at you before plotting another sweet kiss on your temple. 
“room for a little one?” he asks with a beautiful grin on his face, teeth all out in his signature style.
“always.” you scoot forwards to make room for him and he slips his much larger frame behind you, instantaneously pulling your back into his chest, hands delicately soothing over your tummy as he delivers a bunch of kisses across the plane of your shoulders. 
“sounds stupid but i already have a list of names that i wanna go over with you.” he says shyly after a moment of quiet.
you giggle and set a devoted kiss to the wedding band on his ring finger. 
“i’m all ears.” 
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mulansaucey · 1 month
Azriel x Reader
I had a little scenario playing out in my head and so I decided to write the scene. If y’all want me to write the full story just let me know. Anyways this is so for fun so enjoy!
I waited for my drink at the counter of the small tavern. I look around, soaking it all in as I think of my mate spending his youth here.
As I’m lost in thoughts of Azriel I feel a presence beside me.
“I know you’re not from around here. What brings a beautiful stranger to this part of Illyria?” A male with shoulder length curls and bronze skin marked with dirt and sweat says to me.
I look him over and can’t help but see the major superiority complex and possible daddy issues oozing out of him. I give him a polite smile and reply, “I’m here with my mate, just visiting his childhood home.”
I turn away as to dismiss him and end the conversation. Hoping the deterrent that Azriel is just across the room would help. But nope.
“That’s what they all say. I don’t see a male claiming you. In fact,” he leans in to whisper into my ear.
“It’s actually quite dangerous for a girl like you. Anyone could just pick you up and walk out of here.” He leans away with a smirk.
The skin on my neck stands up with the subtle threat of danger. I can tell he doesn’t hear “No” often. And if he does then he doesn’t take it as a valid answer. I smile sweetly at him and say, “Touch a hair on my fucking head and don’t even worry about my mate killing you. Because you’d be trapped with me.”
My drinks make their way to me as soon as I’m done speaking and I turn to walk away when the brute grabs my forearm making my drinks crash to the floor with the force he turns me towards him.
“You bit-“ he doesn’t even have time to finish the insult before Azriel appears through the shadows, grabs the arm gripping me, twists it behind the unfortunate Illyrian and slams his body onto the counter.
His screams make the whole tavern go quiet. Everyone waiting on bated breath to see what the Shadowsinger would do.
“I didn’t know she was yours! I’m sorry!”
Azriel leans down low, making sure the stupid brute hears every word.
“ONE word from her and I break your arm.”
Before I can even stop myself I say, “Word.”
Az looks up at me for confirmation and I take pity at the scene before me. The Illyrian being pinned to the counter looks like he’s about to piss himself.
I sigh before replying, “Let’s not ruin the night. But he’s buying me new drinks.”
And that was that. Az released him and told me to go sit down and not worry myself. I keep an eye on him but can’t help but giggle as the scared shitless man pulls out money and throws it on the counter to the barmaid, Az looming directly behind him. She smirks as she remakes our drinks and I just know she’ll be telling all her girlfriends what happened tonight. It’s not often a stupid drunk gets put in his place like this.
Aaaannd that’s all I got. I was thinking about Azriel having a mate who helps him learn to love himself, and that starts by addressing his childhood trauma and his inner racism (it’s canon he hates Illyrians) towards himself and his people. If I were to write more of this then that’s basically what it would be about. I don’t believe a romantic partner can just magically fix someone, it takes time and a lot of self reflection but having a stable support person can help. I want to see Azriel in a healthy and stable relationship and that means working on himself. Anyway if you like it let me know, thanks for reading!!
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elizabethsnuts · 15 days
So I don't know if you've seen spy kids 3, but basically there's a scene where the mum has to go on a mission with her baby because she has no baby sitter and she just carries her in a baby carrier. The scene is low-key badass. Anyway, I was wondering if you could do something like that for winterwidows daughter. Like they have no one to babysit her and she has to go on the mission with her parents.
P.S. I love your work.
Family Mission
WinterWidow x Daughter!Reader
Summary: Natasha and Bucky have no babysitter for you so they have no choice but to bring you on a mission to take down a HYDRA base.
A/N: Thank you for all the support on my work! It really means a lot to me that others enjoy reading it. It was my one year posting on tumblr a couple days ago, happy late tumblr birthday to me!
The morning sun filtered through the Avengers kitchen, casting a warm glow around the room where Bucky was finishing his coffee. Natasha, who was already dressed in her black tactical suit, was adjusting the baby carrier strapped to her chest, inside the carrier was you, gazing up at your mother with wide, curious eyes, cooing softly.
Bucky approached the two of you, his metal arm glinting in the sunlight. "Are you sure about this, Nat? Bringing Y/N along on a mission?"
Natasha gave him a reassuring smile. "We don't have much choice, do we? We can’t just keep her here by herself. Besides she’ll be looking at me the whole time."
Bucky leaned down to kiss you on the forehead. "Alright, we’ll keep her safe."
You all quickly boarded the Quinjet, where Tony was pacing the floor. Steve and Clint were gathered around a large holographic display of their mission target: a HYDRA base nestled in the Siberian wilderness.
Tony glanced up as Bucky and Natasha entered, you looked over to Tony with your little legs swinging in the carrier. "Well, look who's here. And they brought a little guest." His tone was a mix of amusement and surprise.
Steve raised an eyebrow. "Y/N? Are you sure about this?"
"We don't have a babysitter," Natasha said with a hint of defiance. "We'll manage."
You were secured in your carrier, staring at the flashing lights and buttons inside the jet, your tiny hands reaching out to grab at the air. Natasha couldn't help but smile at your innocence. Bucky sat beside the two of you, keeping a watchful eye on both his family and the surroundings.
The Quinjet hummed as it sliced through the sky, descending towards the snow-covered landscape of Siberia. As they approached the drop zone, Tony ran through the plan one last time. "Alright, Natasha, Bucky, you're with me. Clint, Steve, Thor, you take the north entrance."
The team split into their assigned groups. Natasha and Bucky, with you securely strapped to Natasha's chest, moved stealthily through the forest. The snow crunched softly under their boots as they approached the base's southern entrance.
You played with the little beanie on your head, giggling quietly as you touched the fuzzy pom-pom. Natasha looked down and smiled at your happy mood, though her face had a hint of worry.
The team were able to hack into the security system, disabling the cameras and unlocking the doors.
"We're in," Steve whispered through the comms.
"Okay, Malyshka," Natasha whispered, adjusting the sound-dampening headphones over your little ears. "Time to be a good girl for Mama and Daddy."
You giggled and waved your tiny hands around as if you were part of the mission. You had no idea what was going on but you liked going on an adventure with your parents.
The three of you slipped into the shadows, Bucky’s eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. Natasha moved silently, her skills honed from years of time in the Red Room. Your presence, surprisingly, didn’t hinder her. Instead, it seemed to sharpen her focus, giving her a greater purpose which was to keep you safe.
Inside the base, the corridors were eerily quiet while dimly lit. The team had done their job well, creating diversions and taking out patrols. Bucky and Natasha moved methodically, their silent communication seamless.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Natasha whispered to you, her lips curving into a smile.
As the central control room became closer into view, you began to babble softly, your eyes wide with curiosity. Natasha glanced down and smiled. "Almost there, Dorogoy," she whispered.
Bucky placed a small charge on the door, and they waited for the soft beep indicating it was ready. With a nod, the door blew open, and they rushed inside.
Alarms blared throughout the base. HYDRA reinforcements were closing in fast. Natasha and Bucky moved swiftly, taking down enemies with a coordinated dance of skill and precision. You in your carrier, just watched Natasha with a smile on your little face, your tiny hands clapping at the flashes of movement, oblivious to the danger.
With the last of the Hydra agents taken down, Natasha and Bucky quickly began gathering data from the computers. Steve’s voice crackled over the comms. "Status?"
"All clear," Natasha replied, her fingers flying over the keyboard. "We’ve got the data."
Navigating through the maze of corridors, they reached the exit quickly and ran back into the snowy forest.
“Mama!” You giggled, your little fingers tangled in her hair as flakes of snow hit your little pink cheeks.
Natasha laughed and kissed your head. “You did your first mission! You did so well!”
Back on the Quinjet, as they soared towards home, Natasha leaned back in her seat, exhausted but relieved. You, now sleepy, nestled against your mother's chest, your tiny hand gripping Natasha's suit.
"You did great today, baby," Natasha whispered, kissing the top of your head.
You babbled sleepily and closed your eyes, now feeling all warm in safe in Natasha’s arms. You loved the little adventure you had today.
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psycho-killer-writer · 6 months
Dom!Draco Malfoy smut pls?? (u can ignore ofc)
my first story with smut lets be nice. Also didn't edit it I got lazy so if grammar errors or mistakes... oops.
summary: after accusing draco of cheating, you confront him and realize your were all wrong he must punish you for that ridiculous accusation.
Dom! Draco x fem reader
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"THAT STUPID ASSHOLE! I fucking hate him, I'll kill him, how dare he... breath" I say in rushed breath trying to catch my breath. "really breath is that why your like going crazy" I love pansy like a sister but I'm gonna punch her in the fucking throat, "of course not but I'm angry so I can say what I want"
Pansy looked with complete confusion "how about you just tell me the problem". Oh yeah the problem kinda forgot what I was complaining about, that's what men do I guess. "That albino looking mother fucker had the audacity to take Astoria grass green or green glass, whatever who cares what her name is" I sneered.
pansy rolled her eyes giggling "you know what her name is"
"of course I know what her name is, Its fucking Astoria Greengrass for christ sake I have oddly sexually confusing dreams about her" I rant then pause hoping I didn't sound so crazy, pansy's just stares then shrugs "who hasn't".
"anyways like I was saying, he took her to meet his mom! who does that people that date and commit that's who" I was seething I thought what we had was passionate, animalistic, even say love but hey to early to tell.
pansy snorted "what are you gonna do go up to his room and demand he stop seeing Astoria, and tell him to stop existing around her."
I scrunch in disgust "oh god no im not some tacky pick me girl".
No thoughts just anger and a little bit of delusion I walk up to his stupid door and bang on that stupid door, so loud that it rattles the hallway. Then the stupid door is ripped open and his stupid anger face is in front of me.
"who the he- oh hey" he says in sudden softness once he realizes who is causing the scene. "miss me that much the whole hallway can hear how wet you ar-"
he is suddenly caught off once I slap him across the face his face is suddenly whipped to the side, and he looks ahead past me in shock... then anger.... then he smirks at me and licks the inside of his cheek
I didn't even let him speak when I push past him and turn around to face him while he close the door.
I just start unloading all the crap (mostly insecurities, but pride ) I have been holding in. "how dare you I gave you my virginity, does it look like im one of those people who pass it around letting everyone get in here.. don't answer that. Then you bring that tall drink of water I have dreamt her kissing all over this body, to your mothers house. YOUR MOTHERS HOUSE! I doubt that prude can do the things and I can do and let you do the things to me that are disturbing but weirdly make me horny."
Don't know where I am going with this but I feel this heat and I'm just going to keep yelling and not know where this is going to go.
" so I guess I was nothing but a body to you, im not good enough to be yours, to meet your mother, and maybe in the future I won't be married to you that I sometimes fantasize about, and your mother won't love me so much that she gives me all her clothes in her will, and I'm getting off track again SEE THIS IS WHAT YOU DO TO M-"
I don't even get to finish my speech because he yanks me from the back of the neck and kisses me hard on the mouth I almost couldn't breathe
after a while we both gasp for air and he keeps are nose touching "God the things I should do to that mouth". dammit he knows how to make me drip.
I looks at him in confusion and heartache how can he ask for this knowing the pain he is causing me.
"One, I don't know how you found out and I don't want to know, all I know your kinda crazy and to never hide anything from you" he chuckled and I was about to kick him in the ball when that smart son of a bitch block my leg.
"I took Astoria to the manor to tell my mother that we are not going to be committed to each other, since we were kids we were supposed to be married at 20, but I met you and there is no one I would rather be with then the insane girl that turns me on when she giggles, or my heart that skips a beat when you look at me or touch me." we both chuckle and I have a tear going down my eye.
god I feel like an idiot.... I win... wrong moment
"I feel like an idiot" I am embarrassed
he smiles pushing my hair away from my face "don't be it just shows your the one... I love you " he expresses
I gasp I forget ho to breathe, fucking suck it Astoria " you what?"
"I love you" he repeats
"one more time didn't quite catch you"
he chuckles and throws his head back "im gonna take it back"
"to late mister its out there forever"
" as much as I love make up sex I gotta punish you for acting like a spoiled brat" he said gripping the back of my head with my hair "ima fuck you so hard it's gonna feel like I hate you"
he rips my shirt wide open tearing it right down the middle and tearing it to pieces throwing it across the room. Leaving me in just my skirt and white bra.
He places his hands on my breast and squeezes with suck adoration "God these thing are so beautiful, and so goddamn sexy" he grips them tight then reaches behind and break the clip. Ripping of my bra
" that was my favorite one " I whimper, your so lucky i'm turned on jerkface
" what did i just fucking say" he seethed grabbing my jaw "you wanna run your mouth, then I wanna hear you scream"
He yanks my head toward him and kisses me with such love and anger at the same time. "Get on the bed and turn around on your hands and knees."
Fucking finally... holy shit i'm such a slut
I climb on the bed sightly nervous and very excited for what he is about to unleash on me. there I sit only in a skirt and my garter stockings, my boobs completely open and sensitive.
ready to be used
I feel his presence right behind me and his cold deadly hand riding up my leg to the ends of my skirt pushing it up to mu hips, only to reveal that I 'forgot' my underwear.
"ohh fuck" he seethed and gripping my flesh tightly "you knew what you were doing, you wanted to be in this position didn't you, you filthy little slut" feeling his grip tighten only shows how wet he is making me.
"oh sorry, I guess I left my underwear in Potters room after he fucked my brains out... oops" I look over my shoulder and give him a sadistic smile. Of course im lying I just like to poke the dragon a little bit.. or the ferret if we are getting technical.
I don't even get the chance to to process before he gathers all his strength and completely rips the skirt off of me
dam he is on a roll, my big mouth is going to make me run out of clothes
"please keep fucking talking let me punish you more, cause after this you won't be able to even speak."
i'm to fucking insane for this to turn me on
"oh fuck yes please punish me, I dererve it im a bad girl" I whimper. He simply smiles and groans out "oh yeah baby you are I say the punishment fits the crime"
He then slaps my ass, and I let out a slight gasp. "fuck your practically dripping, you like that don't you" he demands while slapping the other cheek.
"Count slut" he says while he spanks my right bum.
"three" I whimper how can pain fee; so good
"five" im tearing up from the intense feeling
Draco put all his force in the last one I couldn't help but cry out and moan at the same time.
he messages my red flesh and leans down to kiss it "fuck baby you did so good, you take my punishment like a good girl.
he then proceeds to reach down my heat and feels how wet I am I let out an involuntary moan and my thighs tremble lightly .
all of a sudden im flipped on my back and he then proceeds to kiss me, we are both turned on we are making out without a care in the world its messy and hot and we don't care, I gasp for air and he then starts to kiss done my body while kissing each breast with such determination, I forget how to breath. "Draco please, I can't I need to feel you" I gasp
"you will baby soon, I gotta make sure your nice and prepped" he says while kissing the inside of my thighs
he grips my my thighs that are placed over his shoulders and I can see the dents in my skin his long fingers are doing.
I feel a long wet lick going up making me shiver and right when he licks my clit and sucks hard, so roughly nibbling on it. Giving me a sense of pain and pleasure at the same time not able to control myself I let out shrieks and moan; trying so hard to keep it in.
he can easily charm the room, but something about someone hearing the sounds of pleasure rattles Draco in a way that challenges him to challenge me. I can't take the pleasure the way his lips suck my clit then enters his tongue in and out of my pussy makes me gasp.
"yes, yess, ohhhhh fuck " I moaned out in high pitch
ohh yes, yes don't stop, ohh fuuu-" I became inherent too focused on my pleasure to even
next thing I know he enters his long cold fingers once again and curls them which makes me gasp and wither . "ahhhhh yess, fuck yes" I can't stop screaming
he looks up with is cold grey eyes and smiles.
" you like that dont you. oh fuck yes look at you its like your begging for it. ima fuck you so good, for that little stunt you pulled" he seethed
I couldn't take it anymore I couldn't hold it I came so hard. "ohhh fuccc, ahhhhh" i couldn't control it my juices sprayed Dracos hands, he would stop he kept curling his fingers in me. I was so sensitive my legs were shaking I was shivering with over stimulation.
he crawls up toward me looking into my eyes and smiles and kisses me hard with love and compassion, we break apart nose touching.
he keeps eye contact and tells me " your such a good fucking girl you know that, merlin you come too good." he exhales with such satisfaction.
"you know I love you right" he looks at me with adoration
"of course, I made you repeat it like three times" I giggled
"good because im going to fuck you like I hate you" he says dropping his smile into something sadistic
he quickly pulls away and flips me on my stomach again picking up my legs to balance myself. He slaps my ass and enters me slow to accommodate his huge size and after a while he pulls out and and pounds into to me with no mercy.
my eyes cross as the sudden intrusion draco grabs my hips and continues to pound me from behind the room filling with skin slapping and moaning. thrusting into me with such determination and ruthlessness I can't stop screaming
"holy fucking shit take my cock you dirty girl" he tells me groping my hips hard where my skin starts to tingle and pound into me relentlessly.
"ohh yes , yes fuck me I deserve it" I grip him so hard having his cock enter my pussy nonstop.
draco then grabs my hair by the roots and pulls my head back and puts his face above mine "you like being treated this way being used like some possession a slut just for me, now open that goddamn mouth" as I obeyed his order he spat in my mouth and I swallowed it with delight then kissed me it was messy and wet but we didn't care all we focused on is the pleasure of him fucking me roughly.
"holy fuck i'm gonna come, i'm so close" I screamed he then spared me hard and pulled away. I shivered from the emptiness
"you better hold it cause i'm not done" he whispered in my ear, suddenly he flips me on my back and grabs me by my thighs and hooks his hand under by leg onto hip and enters me again with more passion and fill me up all the way I can feel the warmth of his cock invading me while he controls me moving ui and down due to his hands moving me on his cock he groans and huffs from the squeezing of my walls.
"yes- yes -yes" I say in high voice small tears forming my eyes from the pleasure and I can't handle it "hell yeah baby cry those happy tears for me milk me like a good girl". h go forward and puts his weight on his hand on my throat and goes at a faster pace pounding me while squeezing my throat I couldn't handle this amount of pleasure
"fuck mee yesss ahhhhh" I come hard around his cock I can't take it y eyes roll to the back of my head while he lowers his pace but takes deep thrust while he comes in me.
"look at me while I come in you dirty girl, fuck yes you like that, me filling your pussy take it like a good girl" he says as he empties out inside me as I calm down from my high .
he pulls out and I whimper from the emptiness he kisses the side of my calf and sides at me as he relaxes my legs and joins me next to the bed and we look up at the ceiling in exhaustion.
draco is the first to look at me he Tuens his head "you should slap me more often" I laugh at his comment "the way you act there would probably be plenty" I say turning my body and lean top to look down at his beautiful face "I guess its only fair that I should apologize to you"
"uhh yeah sounds reasonable" he smiles at me twirling the end of my hair
"good then"
"waiting for my apology"he looks at me with a smug face, and I look at him confused "I just did, didn't you hear me."
"what you said you should apologize but you didn't do the action" he says smugly
" take it or leave it ferret" I say and I wrinkle my nose in his face and he does it back reaches up and kisses me. "oh you love testing my patience don't you babygirl"
"all joking aside I really am sorry for invading your privacy and going all phyco" I admit with guilt and embarrassment
"I will admit it was kinda a turn on especially your little rant about us getting married" he snickered
"please forget about that I was seething I don't know why I was saying all that.... out loud" I added and he pulled me down to lay on his chest underneath the covers and made me look in his eyes "that all I think about and dream every night darling, because I love you" he confessed and I swear to merlin I came a third time.
"good because I love you too" I respond and all was right I put my head on his chest and basked in each others company
" So in this vision do we have a dog: draco asked and you always loved his soft spot for animals and remembered he was never allowed to have a pet.
" No, but there is a ferret" and si felt a smack on my ass I laughed " of Course there is a dog, you couldn't pick one so you chose both"
"good" he said and smiled pecked my lips and held me as we fell into the night slumber.
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romantichomicide95 · 1 year
Could you do something where Gojo is jealous? Possibly smut? Or whatever you want.
Gojo x Reader Jealousy
I wanted to make this more fluff but maybe I’m bad at fluff? I hope you like it either way.
“Fuck.” Was the first thought that sprang into your mind when you saw him from across the room. Even though you couldn’t see Satoru’s eyes you knew him well enough to know that anger was written all over his face. Not that it was your doing, you couldn’t help if some random dumb guy was gunna flirt with you. You definitely weren’t reciprocating. However, you really didn’t want him to cause a scene. And knowing your boyfriend, there was a strong possibility that could happen”
“Hey babeeee.” Satoru says, drawing out his words. He’s come up beside you and immediately puts his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him. “Who’s your friend.” He asks, eyeing this guy over his sunglasses.
“Names Takami.” The irritation in Takami’s vpice wasn’t a good sign. If he knew better, if he knew Satoru Gojo, he would know not to piss him off. But he didn’t. He wasn’t a part of your world.
“Well, Takami.” Satoru was in his face now. “This is MY girl you’re trying to talk to. I’ll be nice and give you one chance to fuck off.” You look at Takami with pleading eyes, you couldn’t handle Satoru starting a scene.
“I was just being nice. She was all alone, just wanted to offer her a drink.” Takami says, puffing out his chest. Why were men like this? You thought.
“Interesting, considering she already has one. That I bought her. Now didn’t I tell you to fuck off.” Satoru was in his face now. Which wasn’t good. He was probably at the least 5 inches taller than this guy. You looked at Takami with pleading eyes. “Whatever. I don’t need to deal with this.” He said as he grabbed his drink and walked away.
“Let’s go home. This bar sucks anyway.” Satoru said grabbing your hand in his and leading you to the door. The car ride home was quiet. Music was blaring and Satoru was singing along to every song, like he always did.
“Toruuu why you gotta get all macho man like you did” you ask once you’ve settled into his apartment, throwing a hoodie of his over your head.
“Because baby I was jealous. I don’t like seeing other guys try to hit on you.” He gives you a sad look, peering over his sunglasses at you and pouting. “You’re too pretty, I have to keep them away somehow.”
You roll your eyes. He was such a baby sometimes, a big man baby. But you had to admit, whenever he got jealous or territorial like this you couldn’t help but internally enjoy it, not that you’d ever tell him.
“I could handle it. I respectfully told him thank you and I had a boyfriend when he asked to buy me a drink.” It truly was a small interaction, took less time than Satoru was in the bathroom for.
“I know you can handle it. But I want to handle things for you, you’re my precious little pumpkin can’t let anyone else have you.” he smirks.
“You’re such a…” you start to say.
“Wonderful boyfriend who protects you from asshole creeps and is super handsome?” he cuts you off, fluttering his eyelashes at you. You hit him with a couch pillow and giggle.
“Oh Toru, you definitely are all those things. I can’t ever stay annoyed at you.”
“I know. You could never! It’s impossible to resist my charms.” he pulls you in closer, wrapping you up his big arms. You lay your head on his chest, listening to the litter patter of his heartbeat.
“Yeah. Oh how charming you are Saturo Gojo.” You reach up to give him a peck on the lips. “You’re my knight in shining armor. Protecting me from all the evil doer men at all the bars.” You laugh, snuggling in closer to his chest. Feeling the warmth of him and inhaling the all too familiar but comforting scent. “Let’s watch a movie Toru.”
“Let’s. But only if you let me cuddle you the whole time.” He says leaning down and placing kisses all over your face.
“Of course Toru. I couldn’t think of anything better to do.”
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danikamariewrites · 10 months
hi ! i’m the anon who requested the feysand smut & it was soooo good ! i loved every single moment of it, it was just *chef’s kiss* 💜🤌🏻
i have a new idea for you. could you possibly do something along the lines of rhys or feyre, possibly both becoming jealous of reader’s fictional crush?
thank you, and ily ! 🫶🏻
Better Than Books
Feysand x f!reader
A/n: Aahhh hi anon! That makes me so happy and thank you for requesting again 💜
Warnings: suggestive
If there was one thing Rhys loved it was seeing you and Feyre spending time together. Watching you two snuggled up on the couch, snacking, giggling, and reading always brought a big smile to his face.
Lately Rhys realized you had been taking book recommendations from Nesta. You had usually stuck to light romance books so he was surprised to see you reading a rather smutty novel one day. Rhys had caught you and Feyre reading said smutty books together, giggling like school girls to each other over steamy scenes.
When Rhys would ask you two what you were fawning over you’d quickly shut the book. Both saying nothing and laughing. This bothered Rhys. Not in a bad way, more like he wanted to know so he could bring your and Feyre’s sexual fantasies to life. And maybe he was a little jealous of these so called “book boyfriends” you two and the Valkyries talked about.
One day, on his break, Rhys heard you and Feyre laughing in the living room. He stopped just outside the doorway so you wouldn’t see him. He knew you were talking about one of your smutty books again. “You think Rhys would do this to us?” You asked, eliciting a giggle from both of you.
“And what, exactly, would Rhys do?” He asked, leaning casually against the door frame. You two freeze, looking to each other then to Rhys, your faces looking like you had been caught doing something you shouldn’t have been. “Err, nothing.” Feyre said, a fierce blush appears on both your cheeks. Rhys crossed his arms and huffed.
“Aww,” Feyre coos at him, padding across the room to his rigid frame. You follow her and both wrapped your arms around him. “Our poor Illyrian baby. Don’t be mad.” “Yeah Rhysie. You know we love you.” You added.
The next day Rhys was still a little peeved that you and Feyre wouldn’t tell him what you were reading about. This did not go unnoticed by his brothers. When Rhys snapped his second pen from how tense he was Cassian finally asked him what was wrong. “It’s those stupid smutty books Nesta told them about. Usually Feyre and y/n talk to me about sexual stuff so I’m just confused as to why they won’t talk to me about this.”
Cassian and Azriel told him not to force it with you two. They took slow with with Nesta and Gwyn when they ran into the same problem. “I told Az this and now I’m going to tell you. Start. Reading. The. Books. You don’t have to read the whole thing, but read the good stuff. Then one night just…do it. Then talk about it.” Az rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement.
Rhys takes their advice and starts reading the books for the spicy parts. He would never admit it to his brothers, but he found some of them very entertaining. He got invested in a series or two. After a month of reading through your collection Rhys was confident he’d read your and Feyre’s favorite parts.
He decided he was ready to make his move. You and Feyre were sitting in bed as Rhys was finishing up his skin care in the bathroom. As he stared at you two through the door way a loving smile played at his lips. Part of him felt that reading your books and then acting them out with you before discussing it was an invasion of your privacy.
Rhys decided to completely ignore Cassian’s advice and do things his way. Padding over to the bed, he sunk down on the soft mattress in his usual spot. Rhys had decided to just wear his boxers to bed since he was going to be taking them off anyway. He always slept naked while you and Feyre favored the occasional matching sleep set.
Feyre looks at Rhys, noticing his tense shoulders. “Rhys, is something wrong?” Concern laced her tone, making your head snap toward him. “Err…” he mumbled and scratched the back of his neck. Why couldn’t he get his words out? Your look matches Feyre’s now, “You can tell us. No judgement, promise.”
He hangs his head, staring at his hands in his lap. “I’ve been reading your books lately.” As he looked up he saw the shocked smirks on your faces. “I was a little jealous and I had heard you talking about them so many times. I felt a little left out and wanted to see what you were interested in.”
You and Feyre look at each other then turn back to Rhys with faux pouts. “Aww baby. I’m sorry we made you feel left out.” You open your arms to him and he wraps himself up in you. Feyre rubs his back soothingly. “That’s honestly kind of sweet Rhys.” His head pearks up, “Really?” “Yeah.” You say in unison.
“Most males wouldn’t care about these things, but you cared enough to read them.” You say, pulling away from him slightly to cup his jaw as Feyre runs her fingers through his short inky hair. Your smirk turns mischievous as you look to Feyre, calling out for her in your mind. “Yes lovely?” “He read them for us, should we finally ask him?” “You read my mind.”
Feyre takes Rhys’ face in her hands, lifting him to face her. “Do you want to try some of the stuff you’ve read about Rhysie?” His eyes went wide along with the grin on his face as he nods eagerly. Rhys tackles you and Feyre to the bed kissing your faces, “You two are in for a very, very long night my loves.”
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane @aroseinvelaris @twsssmlmaa
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yellowbunnydreams · 6 months
Bunny Ears (Part 17) ~William Afton X F! Reader~
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Want more or something different? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tag List: @ruh--roh-raggy @h4nluv @sleepy---head @do-double-g @confiscated-peaches-main @dij-ology @viviennemuerte @robin-the-enby @shari-berri @randymeeksisafinalgirl @hallow1090 @aponia-yue @likoplays @dilflover-3 @oak-leafs @phd-in-fuckery @weirdoartist21 @nicolezghostz @fauine
Sorry if I missed you on the tag-list!
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, legal age gap (Reader- 20's, William - 30's), divorce/processing divorce, Afton being a sarcastic hot ass, Henry being such a dad, grumpy x sunshine . Faz-Fuck TM. Cringe scenes ft. Henry.
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The ringing phone turned your peaceful sleep into a groan and soft 'thwump' as you rolled out of bed, swearing as you picked yourself up out of bed and padded through to your phone. Rubbing at your eyes as you took a moment to yawn before glancing at the clock on the wall that you'd finally gotten round to mounting. It wasn't too early you supposed, but you wanted to sleep in on one of your days off at least.
You heard your name being chuckled through the phone, the gravelly voice sending shivers down your spine as you woke up a little more. Rubbing at your face as you tried to listen to the familiar voice.
"Good morning, bunny. It sounds like I woke you up." His own voice was deep in a way you hadn't heard before, making you smile as your finger twisted the phone cord idly whilst you talked, making an approving hum.
"You sound pretty tired yourself this morning, Will." Making him chuckle and you could faintly hear the rustle of cloth in the background as it took him a moment to answer.
"Well I did just wake up myself. I haven't even left my bed yet." Your cheeks flooding with heat at the image that flashed in your mind of William. Laid in bed and sprawled out, holding the phone to his ear and talking to you in his half-asleep voice. The thought made you wish you had a mobile so that you could say the same thing back to him. "I'm shirtless too, if that helps your little daydream." Practically hearing the smirk in his voice.
"I-I wasn't- I... You..." It was too early to have your boyfriend fluster you in such a way, hearing him chuckling as you stumbled over your words and hearing the rustle of cloth that you now assumed was his comforter being moved as he shifted in the bed. Wondering what colour it was. You could totally see him rocking black satin sheets somehow.
"Sorry bunny, I couldn't resist. You sound so adorable all sleepy and flustered like this. I'm now far more tempted to make these calls a regular thing." The thought made your knees weak and suddenly you were all to eager for the mornings if he followed through with it. Giggling as you bit your lip and tightened your grip on your phone cord.
"Don't threaten me with a good time, Afton." Hearing his chuckle before he made a little noise that you tried to imagine was him stretching, letting out a satisfied sigh afterwards as if to confirm your theory. Wondering if he understood that he kept finding new ways to surprise you and make you even more smitten with him, if you had the same effect on him despite not being as experienced in the whole 'dating' thing.
"Oh I'd say worse if I wanted to do that, honey." A slight scratching sound making you think he'd run his hand over his beard, perhaps wiping the sleep from his face just like you were doing. "Anyway, I wanted to call and ask if you wanted to go out together today? Henry texted me last night that him and Sarah are going to a new mall that opened and apparently she's eager to spend some more 'girl time' together."
It was sweet to you that Henry's wife clearly thought to highly of you, your cheeks flushed and looking at the clock, nodding to yourself despite the fact that he couldn't see you. Freeing your hand from the cord and touching your hair, wondering if you should shower that morning before you went out and deciding that it was probably for the best.
"Sure, I'd love that William. Are you up for socialising today?" Teasing him as you heard a slight grunt and shifting cloth again, a low hum before he answered you in that deep gravel that made your knees weak and body ache.
"Got at least one thing to sort before I'm acceptable to be out in public, but I'll always make exceptions to 'no socialising' if I get to spend more time with you sweetheart." You giggled at his affectionate use of nicknames for you, wondering if he would only ever use your name if you were in trouble or in a professional setting. Chewing on your lip as he yawned down the phone, building the image of him in your mind during the call. "Oh, and I want to ask something."
"Sure Will, what is it?"
"Can you not wear my hoodie today? Not that I don't love seeing you in it, I just...have a present to give you and now seems like a good time. But it requires you to be jacketless." He explained, voice somewhat sheepish as you smiled into the phone. Raising an eyebrow as you tried to figure out what it was that he was going to give you.
"You don't have to get me anything Will." Speaking softly and hearing him chuckle as he spoke again, speaking lowly as he stretched again on the other side.
"No, I know. But what else am I supposed to do with this money I've saved aside from treat you, my beautiful girlfriend?" Making you blush as you shrugged your shoulders and thought for a moment before speaking again.
"Pay off your mortgage? Pay off your car? Spoil Vanessa rotten?" Hearing that chuckle become more awake as you talked, making you smile wider as you heard what sounded like him turning over in bed.
"Baby-girl, bunny, I own my own house and my own car. I already spoil her rotten, so what if I want to spoil the other girl in my life too?"
"Owning your own home and car is probably the sexiest thing I've ever heard." You joke, pulling your phone away from your ear as William laughed loudly into the landline, making you beam with pride that you'd made him laugh like that.
Sarah and Henry had picked you up a few hours later, dressed in a black skirt and a baggy t-shirt from a metal band you'd forgotten you even purchased a few years ago. Deciding to apply a little lip-gloss and mascara, as well as some eyeliner like how Sarah had showed you, although yours wasn't perhaps as skilled as hers had been. The pack of used make-up wipes and the slightly red skin around your eyes from the what felt like hundreds of attempts attested to your practise however.
"You look like the kind of girl we would have tried to set Will up with in college." Sarah laughed when she saw you, making you blush as you'd climbed into the car.
"Is that a good thing?"
"Absolutely. He's going to faint when he sees you." Henry confirmed, grinning at you before heading out. The drive had been a little long, but when you finally arrived, you found yourself scanning the lot to try and spot William's car.
Walking just behind the couple as you all headed inside, scanning the bright banners that advertised the grand-opening and the sales going on inside because of it. Smiling as you saw Sarah practically vibrating with excitement at the prospect of a bargain, Henry staring at his pager for a moment before waving his hand to get you to follow him. Sarah linking arms with you and letting him lead as Henry looked at the mall map and tried to figure out where to go, presumably from a text from William.
"He's in the food court, wanted to get coffee and some food before we spend hours in here." Henry laughed, making Sarah roll her eyes and scoff at the thought, looking around at how busy it was since it was the opening week of the mall.
"We're going to miss out on the best sales!"
"Babe, I love you, my darling wife, but they are aware that a lot of people would be coming so probably over-stocked a lot of the shops." He explained, looking at her with a gentle smile, receiving one back from his wife before he moved off.
It was pretty quick to spot William in the food court, sat at a table, one leg brought up to rest on his knee, leaning back into the chair did little to hide his tall stature and he was broader than most of the chairs were seemingly designed for. A purple bag sat on the floor besides him as he drummed his fingers idly against the metal table, expression a slight frown as he waited.
You couldn't help but blink and admire him in a lighter colour pair of jeans and another tight t-shirt, black with some design that had faded but you could recognise as some punk bank you'd vaguely heard of. He looked good. His glasses perched on the end of his nose as he reached up to adjust them, seemingly lost in his own little world and failing to notice your approach.
Grinning widely, you broke away from the group and ran up to him. Throwing your arms around his neck and bringing him into a hug as he grunted from the slight impact, his arms wrapping around you and one hand landing on your thigh just because of the fact he was sitting whilst you ran at him. Hearing laughter behind you, you assumed his expression was mildly confused. Taking a second to register who was holding onto him before he turned his head and let his stubble scratch across your cheek and planting a kiss along your neck. Pulling you tighter to him and his large hand pressing into your back and his other one moved from your thigh.
"Well hello to you too, bunny." He laughed into your neck, making you shudder as the hot air brushed your skin. Planting a soft kiss to the top of his head before pulling back to grin at him.
"I couldn't help it, I wanted to hug you." Playfully pouting at him, watching the lopsided smile grow before he planted a firm kiss on your lip, humming into it and licking his lips when he pulled away, the slightly sheen on your gloss visible on his lips and making you giggle.
"Well I'm never going to say no to that now, am I? And I approve of that cherry flavour, I quite like cherry." William grinned as he went in for another kiss, waving off Henry as he wolf whistled whilst taking a seat at the table.
"Get a room love-birds!" He teased, earning a smack on the arm from his wife as you parted from William's lips again, both smiling as he ran his hand up and down your back soothingly. Finally seeing what you were wearing and pausing, blinking and eyes widening as he saw you in the skirt, boots and metal t-shirt. Seemingly processing what was before him as Sarah laughed.
"Told you he'd break a bit." William seemed to snap out of the comment, shooting a sideways scowl before smiling at you again, taking a barely perceptible shuddering breath. Resuming the path of his hand on your back and making you feel relaxed under his touch.
Reaching down, he brought up the bag with a smile, waggling it in front of you and kicking out a chair for you to sit on. Making you raise an eyebrow curiously before you opened it. Glancing at the matching bracelets that both of you constantly wore with a smile before untying the little ribbon at the top of the bag. Brow furrowed in concentration as you undid it and looked inside. Gently taking out the material inside and thumbs brushing over it. Something faintly spicy hitting your senses before you let the material unfold, revealing a large hoodie that would surely look baggy on Afton even. Black with a zip down the front, eyes widening as you realised there was a little embroidered part in black thread over the breast. A little leaping bunny, looking closer at it as you saw a speck of purple. Grinning wider as you realised it was wearing a tiny purple bow-tie.
"Thank you Will, I love it!" Throwing your arms around him and his arms came up automatically to wrap around you this time, holding you close and planting a kiss on your cheek as he laughed slightly at the second over the top hug you'd put him through for the day.
"You're more than welcome, bunny. I know it's subtle, but I thought you'd get a kick out of it." He whispered to you, planting another kiss and taking a deep breath, squeezing you slightly before he let you go. Allowing you to slip the massive sleeves on and shrug it onto your shoulders, the size absolutely drowning you as you felt the soft material against your skin. Realising that the spicy smell was his cologne that he always wore, you came to the conclusion that either he'd drowned it in the stuff, or that he'd secretly been wearing it for a few days to get the scent there. Either one made you incredibly happy and made your chest tighten and flutter.
"Good job you got a zippered one Wills, she might look she might have nothing else on otherwise!" Henry laughed, earning an eyeroll from Sarah as she all but dragged him up to go and get coffee and some food since that was what you'd gone there for. Leaving William to take your hand and stroke his thumb over the knuckles before planting a kiss there, your cheeks flushing as he raked his gaze across your body before meeting your curious eyes.
"Oh, trust me. She's already been occupying my thoughts with such delicious ideas today." Whispering it as Henry was clearly intended not to hear it. Making you shudder and feel your thighs press together slightly as he held your gaze hungrily, placing a conversely chaste kiss against your knuckles again.
Henry and William had gone off to look at some of the stores that took their interest, and you and Sarah had split off. Chatting together idly and Sarah making you laugh and blush as you talked about various things together, her teasing you about breaking your boyfriend with your outfit. You hadn't been in many stores. more following Sarah until your eyes drifted to a dark store-front, brow furrowing as you tried to figure out why the windows were darkened with minimal branding on it, but the door was propped open to welcome people inside.
Sarah noticed your gaze with a wicked grin, practically sprinting and dragging you behind her to go inside despite your protests that you weren't sure it was even open. Blinking as you adjusted to the low light inside and felt your cheeks heating up as you realised that it was a discreet lingerie store. Eyes flickering over racks of lace and satin, cheeks burning as you tried to avoid looking anywhere in particular but feeling yourself curiously looking at certain pieces.
"Don't tell me you've never been in a lingerie store before?" Sarah teased as she noticed your burning cheeks, your eyes widening as she seemed to say it all too loudly over the quiet music playing in the store.
Shaking your head slowly and making the older woman squeal in delight that she got to introduce you to another new thing, taking your arm and walking you through the racks. Grinning widely as she thumbed through the racks and occasionally glancing at you. "So, do you have any big dates planned with William?" Her voice sing-song as she pried and clearly fished for a reason for you to remain in the store for a bit longer.
"I-I mean, I'm going to his house on Friday?" You stammered out, making Sarah pause and raise an eyebrow at you. Checking you were serious before her jaw dropped and her eyes widened, suddenly squealing happily and seizing you by the arms, jumping up and down slightly, catching you off guard.
"Girl! Dear! He didn't even invite his ex-wife around his house until they were engaged. Even then it took her suggesting it for a month before he reluctantly agreed. Did he ask you?"
"Oh my god, he's probably cooking for you too then! I bet it's going to be such a cute date!!" The blonde squealed in excitement and made you feel a little self-conscious as other patrons of the store threw questioning glances your way before returning to their own browsing. Planting a kiss on your cheek before she looked about conspicuously, taking you to some back corner away from the most prying eyes and speaking quietly to you. "Have you thought about..you know?"
"About what Sarah, there have been a lot of thoughts recently." Crossing your arms over your chest, fiddling with the sleeves to help calm your nerves, William's cologne helping to relax you despite your nervousness.
"Have you thought about...Well, no delicate way to put this...Whether you want to have sex with him?"
You were sure your cheeks couldn't get any hotter, but somehow you were proven wrong as they increased in temperature again. Shoulders tensing as your mind froze and then began to race. Feeling embarrassed that Sarah had asked you so blunty, but then you supposed that this was the same woman who had told you your boyfriend was a player in college in a restaurant bathroom whilst reapplying her lipgloss.
"I um...Maybe? A-A few times maybe...I mean...That's normal, right?"
"Of course it's natural sweetie. But, I was thinking you probably want to feel sexy and cute for that time, so why don't we shop for something for you and you can wear it when the time feels right? Men love this shit, and it can make you feel like a million dollars too." She suggested, returning to her normal, calming voice once she saw how nervous you were. Nodding your head slowly and playing with the sleeves more on your hoodie, letting Sarah gently take your arm and guide you around to look at various styles.
She talked lowly and slowly for you, whispering to you about the pros and cons of each style and material and after a few minutes of her patiently walking you through everything, you felt glad you had a friend who seemed to know about all these sorts of things. Relaxing a little more as she talked you through the various bits and pieces that you were clueless about.
Eventually, something caught your eye and your fingers reached out to brush the delicate chiffon fabric. Picking up the hanger and fingers moving over the lace cups, the slight strap that went down the front. It looked almost like a see-through slip, and Sarah hummed over your shoulder as you looked over the item.
"That's a baby-doll set. They're super comfy and breezy, plus they offer a little more cover than some types, whilst still being revealing." She explained lowly, making you nod in understanding as you bit your lip. Chewing it slightly as you admired the sheer black fabric, the details on the cups forming flowers and leaves. A small vine-like design moving from between the cups and forming a sort of halter-neck strap alongside the two shoulder straps. You guessed it had something to do with lines and how people tended to let their eyes move over a person.
"I-I think I like this one." Blushing as Sarah nodded and squeezed your arm lightly, leading you towards the cashiers with a few selections of her own, after she made sure you had the right size for yourself. Letting you pay for it and beaming with pride as you took the bag, the discreet branding of it meaning you didn't quite feel a burning guilt that everybody would know where you'd been.
"Let's go find something pretty to put over the top of it now. We've got some time before the boys come back after all." Sarah giggled, taking your arm and leading you again. "And I think you chose well. William, from what Henry has said, is a man of...tastes."
You raised an eyebrow at her, but she refused to elaborate, only grinning at you wickedly and focusing on her hunt for an appropriate shop for her purposes, woman on a mission as she tried to guide you through the art of feeling sexy for yourself.
Suddenly, you couldn't wait for Friday. Even more than you had been before.
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valentoru · 6 months
|| Tōru Oikawa x Reader ||
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Type: Oneshot, fluff.
Synopsis: Winter days dating Oikawa Tōru.
Warnings: Minor angst, Language.
Authors Note: this is so crap but I just wanted to post, start to get into the gist of things🤗
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Something you loved but also hated. You hated the way it bit at your fingers but you loved the way it made for some beautiful moments.
You especially loved how clingy it made your boyfriend, Tōru Oikawa, the infamous setter of Seijoh, known for his gorgeous looks and mean attitude on court was actually a softy pants. Especially when it came to you.
However, there was one thing he wouldn’t do, and that was give you any sort of affection in public, not yet anyway, though your relationship wasn’t exactly “new” it was unknown to many and until he was ready to tell people that you were dating, it would remain a secret.
It wasn’t because he was embarrassed, or anything to do with you, it wasn’t even anything to do with him, no, it was to do with his fans. Though Tōru loved the attention and fawning he received from his fans he was also deathly afraid of them. After the time they attempted to get Iwaizumi expelled for being “too close” to him he thought better of telling people about you, to protect you.
However, there were still people who knew, like Iwaizumi, Matsukawa and Hanamaki, since you often times showed up to many hang out sessions, Tōru thought telling them would be just fine.
And it was.
Except, it wasn’t. This whole secretive things was driving you a little nuts. You understood why Oikawa wanted to do it, if anything you were grateful but at times like these you cursed him to hell and back. All you wanted to do was warm up in your boyfriend’s embrace and yet, you couldn’t. Because he would say the same snobby thing that he does every time you try to so much as hold his hand anywhere other than the comfort of each other’s privacy.
“Now now, Y/N little eager?” Dick. You loved him but he’s still a dick.
You had half a mind to give him a piece of your mind when you finally arrived to school.
You were walking as quickly as you could, trying to get to school as fast as you could to be out of this cold. You had your thickest scarf and your puffiest coat on and yet it still wasn’t enough. Your poor legs were freezing off.
When you got to the front gates of the school you were met with a seemingly pissed Iwaizumi, bringing your borderline jog to a halt.
“Iwa?” He startled and looked at you. Some of that sour mood of his dissipating from his features upon seeing you.
“You look extremely pissed for so early in the morning, what’sup?” You moved so you were a little closer to him, trying your absolute hardest to not shiver.
“Crappykawas fans girls.” He sighed and rolled his eyes, gesturing towards the scene behind him, the same scene you were seeing for the umpteenth time this week. “You know, they don’t usually piss me off this bad, but today, they’re really pissing me off. I’m so cold and shittykawa won’t hurry the hell up.”
“Well then why didn’t you just leave him?”
“Because, you know how it is with him, you should know better than me. His shitty ass would whine like a damn baby if I left him.”
You giggled to yourself, it was true, Tōru had a tendency to whine about things like that. “He can suck it up.” You smiled, bitterly. Sure, you loved your boyfriend all the world but he did piss you off with this stuff.
“I’ll never hear the end of it. Why don’t you step in?”
“Why would I? It’s not like people know we’re—” you moved an inch closer checking your surroundings and lowered your voice. “—dating.”
“Yeah, but still, people know you’re his friend, and they’re all afraid of you.”
“No they’re afraid of you.”
“Yes, that’s why they wanted you expelled because they were too scared of going near Tōru when you were around.” You snickered to yourself at the sheer memory of the chaos that unfolded last year, all due to Oikawas silly little fan girls.
He scoffed. “Yeah right. It’s whatever anyway, they’re scared of you so do something.” He started to push you in the direction of Oikawa. Surely Tōru would get mad at you for this but, it was starting to piss you off the way they were all over him.
Besides, it just so happens you just caught one of them grabbing his bicep.
At the sound of your voice, Tōru span on his heel. There was no wrath he feared more than yours, Iwaizumis a close second .
“Ah, Y/N. Ahah. To what do I owe the honour.” Oh, so he was trying the flattery game.
“Let’s go.”
“Yes yes, right sorry ladies but I must go!” There was an uproar of “awwwhs” until one girl shouted,
“Why would you listen to her, is she like, your girlfriend?”
Both of your heads span in the direction of the girl, you cheeks burnt with heat, a shocking contrast the the temperature of your body.
“N-no! He just-he-he needs to go he can’t be catching a cold in this weather or else you won’t be able to watch him play!” nice save, you thought to yourself. Now, you had the perfect excuse you grab him by the sleeve and start dragging him inside. Iwaizumi in tow.
You let go of Oikawa when your got the gym, letting him walk inside by himself. You whined and looked at your fingers, they were bright red from the nipping cold outside.
“Tōruuu!” You whined again and reached your hands out to Oikawa. “Please help me warm my hands up.” He grabbed them, span you around and put his hands over your hands in your pockets, warming you up immediately.
He did this a lot, didn’t say a single word but did exactly what you needed.
“Sorry about that Iwa.” Tōrus voice was as bashful as ever.
“No you’re not. Shittykawa, you’re egos too big and they fuel it. If you just told them you were dating someone, especially Y/N they would just leave you alone then I wouldn’t have to half freeze to death. All those girls are mildly afraid of Y/N I don’t see why the hell you can’t just say you’re dating her and have done with it, seriously, it’s almost been a year.”
Iwa made a good point, and a good opening for you to give him a piece of your mind. “Yeah, Tōru why can’t we tell people now? I wanna be able to do this type of stuff wherever not just in private. Also, I’m sick of seeing those girls touching you so much…you are mine after all.”
“You’re both right. I just worry they may try to hurt you and thats just the last thing I want.”
“Pleaseeeee, I can look after myself!” you looked at him, batting your eyelashes in that way you knew he couldn’t resist.
“Thank GOD.” Iwaizumi span on his heel and left the gym letting the cold winter air flood in, except this time, your boyfriend would protect you from the cold.
From now on, you loved it.
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© valentoru all rights reserved - do not publish my work on other platforms, plagiarise or translate.
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guqwrvte · 1 year
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make it three | four
⨽ summary: everything made sense to you, until it didn’t. you expected the name of your soulmate to appear on your shoulder the day you turned twenty one. and on the day of your twenty first birthday, that happened, but instead of one name, there were three.
⨽ pairing: vminkook x reader
⨽ genre: fluff , soulmate au , poly!au , slow burn (?)
⨽ warnings: strong language
⨽ word count: 3.1k
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"Damn, we did a good job, didn't we?" Yeonjun asked, examining your figure, and Yuna hummed in response.
"Fuck yeah. Your soulmates are going to fold when they see you."
"Why are you guys are acting as if you dressed me in some fancy clothing and shit like that?" You asked with a chuckle.
Thursday had come. Meaning today, you'd see Jimin again and meet your other soulmates.
"You look good, babe," Yeonjun told you. "Is it wrong for us to hype you up?" Yeonjun asked.
You shook your head and smiled. "Thanks, you guys."
"Anyway, when are your soulmates going to come and pick you up?" Yuna asked, looking at the clock sitting on your pedestal.
"Anytime from now. It's almost five, right?" Yuna hummed in response. "It's like three minutes till five. So you two finished just in time."
"How are you feeling? Nervous? Excited? Both?" Yeonjun asked, fixing your hair.
"Mix of both. I'm super excited, but I'm also feeling super nervous," you sighed, playing with one of the rings on your finger. "But you two seem more excited them I am."
"How could we not be excited for you? I can't believe our little y/n is already going on her first date!" Yuna said, causing you to send her a playful glare.
"I'm older than you," you warned.
"So? I said little y/n, not younger y/n," she said, rolling her eyes.
"Hey, watch-" You were cut off by a knocking on your door. "No way they're already here," you muttered, causing Yeonjun to giggle.
"Seems like they're just as excited as you were. They couldn't wait, huh?"
And your friend was right. Your soulmates couldn't wait.
"Why did we get ready so early?" Jimin muttered, looking up at your apartment building through the tinted window. "We're here twenty minutes before the time we're supposed to be."
"And whose fault is that?" Jungkook muttered, causing the older male to glare at him.
"Don't blame this all on me. You were just eager to leave the house as we were," Jimin said.
"It's better to be early than late," Taehyung told them. "Although we're going to look a little excited… it's whatever."
"Let's go up five minutes before the time, okay?" Jimin said.
"No, we can't do that. We're going to be at y/n's door after five," Jungkook whispered. "Then our early arrival is going to be pointless.
"Ten minutes before?" Taehyung asked. "Yeah, ten minutes before."
The guys waited outside your door for five minutes before Jungkook knocked on your apartment door.
"Why did you knock at exactly five?" Taehyung whispered-yelled, and he shrugged.
"I don't know!"
Jimin shook his head. "We-"
"Well, hello, gentlemen." The three males turned to the door with wide eyes. They expected to see you, but instead, they were greeted by a girl who looked nothing like you.
"Uh…" Jungkook said.
"You don't think y/n gave us the wrong address, right? Are you sure the text said apart 276?" Taehyung whispered to Jimin.
"Don't worry, you guys knocked on the right door. Hi, my name is Yuna, one of y/n's best friends," she introduced herself before stepping aside. "And this Yeonjun, her other bestie."
"Damn, even though you're masked up, you guys look even better in real life," Yeonjun said, eyeing the men at the door.
"Uh, hello," Jungkook said, giving them an awkward wave.
"Junnie, you've got a lovely soulmate waiting for you at home," you told him as you squeezed past their bodies. "Will you please move? Oh my gosh?"
"What're you doing? We were supposed to step aside and let you walk towards the door. The entire point was to reveal you-"
"Yeah, yeah. That's too extra. This is not a movie scene where the leading actress gets a whole slow-mo walk as her outfit for her date is revealed," you grumbled before turning to face your soulmates.
"So-" you cut yourself off as soon as you looked at them. The guys looked good. Like… really good.
Although they were dressed in all black, they dressed differently from each other.
Jungkook wore a sweatshirt, baggy sweatpants, chunky sneakers and a black cap.
Taehyung wore a polar neck, trench coat, pants, dress shoes and a beret.
Jimin wore a long sleeve t-shirt, a leather jacket, skinny jeans, dress shoes and glasses. He was dressed similarly to the way he was when you first met him.
"It's a good thing we decided to go with dark colours with this outfit," Yeonjun whispered to Yuna, who silently agreed.
"Hi…" you breathed once you snapped out of your slight trance.
"Awe, look at her," Yuna cooed. "She's so memorised she can't say anything else.
You wanted to glare at Yuna, but you kept your composure.
"It's nice to see you again, y/n," Jimin said.
"Yeah, funny how this is the second time we meet in person, and I see you're still in your mask," you chuckled.
"Yeah… we'll remove our masks when we're alone in the car," he told you.
"Wait, do they know we are?" Jungkook suddenly asked, referring to your two friends.
"Of course we do."
"As in who we are?" Jungkook asked again, emphasising the part "who we are".
"Yeah, we know exactly who you three are," Yuna told them with a smile.
"These two googled you guys with me," you told them.
"Ah, I'm guessing they're the two who convinced you to go to the club to find me?" Jimin asked, and you nodded.
"Yes, sir~" Yuna sang, causing you to playfully roll your eyes.
"Alright, let us not keep you any longer. Please bring our y/n back on time and- Ow, what the fuck, Yuna?"
"Stop sounding like one of her dads," she hissed. "Anyways, you guys… just keep her safe, alright? Have fun but remember to be cautious of who might have their eyes on you."
"Don't worry. We will."
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"You can take off your mask, y/n. The windows are tinted, so it's okay," Taehyung said before sliding the door closed.
Jungkook sat with you at the back while Jimin and Taehyung took the two seats in front.
"We're heading to G-Plex first," Jimin said, starting the car. "I hope you don't mind that we decided to do the games and stuff first. We figured it's better to eat after."
"No, it's okay. I had some food not too long, so I don't think I'll feel hungry soon."
"Ah, that's good then," Jimin nodded. "Anyway, tell us about your day?"
"Mmm, it's been pretty uneventful so far. I mean, I did the same thing I do almost daily."
"Ooh, and what's that?" Taehyung asked.
"Wake up, go to school, attend lessons, eat lunch, attend more lectures, go home, study, and sleep. Well… I didn't study today because I'm here with you three."
"Are we taking away your study time?" You quickly shook your head.
"No, not at all!" You said. "I study so much because I don't have much to do. Yeonjun and Yuna sometimes come over but rarely stay the night."
"By the way, your friends seem interesting," Jimin said. "Those two are opposites, right? I'm only asking because the girl was dressed in bright colours while the guy was dressed in dark colours."
"They are opposites. Not only are their styles different, but their personalities too. It makes me wonder how those two even became friends," you giggled, thinking of the day Yeonjun dragged a whiney Yuna to your lunch table.
While you were talking to the other two, Jungkook was admiring you. He couldn't help but think about how beautiful you were.
'Pictures don't do you justice,' he thought, remembering how long he spent looking at a selfie you sent them when they added you to the group chat.
"You're so pretty, y/n," he suddenly said, surprising you.
Your cheeks turned pink, and you bit your bottom lip to prevent a shy smile from growing.
"You look cute when you blush, too," Taehyung chuckled.
You mumbled a soft thank you before turning away and looking out the window.
"You guys can't be making her flustered already." Jimin couldn't help but chuckle when you cleared your throat and watched you steal glances at them. "But you're right. y/n does look pretty cute."
You playfully huffed before putting on your mask to hide your almost-red face.
"Awe, come on. Why are you hiding your face?" Jungkook whined. "I just told you were pretty! So there's no reason to hide it."
"Yeah! It'll be hidden for a lot of the night. Can't you let us admire you when we still have the chance?" Taehyung asked with a pout.
'This is going to be a long evening,' you thought.
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"Alright, everyone. Masks on and caps down or hats down," Jimin said, pulling down his cap once the car was parked.
"For a Thursday night, this place looks busier than I thought it'd be," Jungkook muttered as he looked out the window. "Maybe we should've rented out the place."
"It's too late for that, now. Don't stress, guys. We'll be fine!" Taehyung chuckled. 'At least I think so.'
"Alright, G-Plex isn't a long distance for here. We're going to play some games and then eat. If we still have time, we can do something else, but I doubt we will," Jimin said.
"Let's go!" Taehyung said before opening the car door and hopping out.
"Unfortunately, the only parking spot available is a bit far from G-Plex," Jimin sighed, pulling down a cap he put on in the car. "So we'll have to walk and try not to get recognised."
"So we need to fit in, right?" Jungkook asked, also pulling down his cap.
You sighed and shook your head. 'These men don't know anything about fitting in.'
You stood in front of Jimin before gently pulling up his cap. "Having it this low will make you look suspicious, and then you'll stand out even more."
"Be a bit natural, guys," you chuckled, turning to fix Jungkook's cap too. "Being in all black, mask up to your eyes and cap down to your nose, and you're bound to get noticed."
"So, should they ditch the caps?" Taehyung asked, and you shook your head.
"They just shouldn't wear them like that," you smiled. "There we go. We can go now."
"I don't remember the last time I went out like this," Jungkook said. "It's a weekday, but they're so many people out."
"Well, it's almost six," Jimin said. "People are going home from work, and students are probably coming from their extra lessons."
The four of you began to walk to G-PLEX, and you eventually arrived.
"This seems to be a hotspot for school kids," you muttered as you looked around the place. There were a couple of adults, but most people standing in front of the games were dressed in school uniforms.
"You've never been here before?" Jungkook asked, and you shook your head. "Nope. I've been to many other arcades, just not this one."
"If you come here on weekends, it's filled with more adults than kids. You could say it's a hotspot for kids on weekdays, but during the weekend, the grownups come," Taehyung told you.
"Let's get tokens, shall we?" Jimin said, and the four of you walked over to the machine to get your game tokens. "How many should we buy?"
"A lot. We'll be here for a while, right?" Jungkook asked.
While Jimin paid for the tokens, you turned to look around the place.
You liked arcades. They seemed to radiate happiness and good vibes with the neon LED lights and the sounds that came from the games. The distant chatter, the sound of whines when a game is lost, or the shouting and cheering when one is won.
Despite how loud it was, everything in here made you happy. And you felt happier because you were here with your soulmates.
"Alright, now that we have enough tokens to last us an hour or two, what do you guys wanna do first?" Jimin asked, looking at the plastic tubs full of tokens.
"Claw machines?" Taehyung said.
"And waste a bunch of tokens trying to get a stuffed animal?" Jungkook asked, taking a tub from Jimin. "Maybe when we're about to leave and are trying to finish the tokens."
"y/n… what do you want to do first?" Taehyung asked.
"Hm… how about I challenge you guys to a dance-off?" You said, looking at the Dance Dance Revolution machine. "We can do a couple of rounds. Whoever wins each match will verse the winner of the other one until we have an ultimate winner."
"Will that be fair, though? We dance almost daily," Jungkook asked with a smirk, causing you to playfully roll your eyes.
"There's a difference between proper and professional dancing and this. May the best man win."
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"You dance on a daily, hey?" You joked as they glared at you. "Told you this was different from your guys dancing."
The final match was between you and Jungkook, and in the end, you won.
"You have experience in this, don't you?" Taehyung huffed, causing you to giggle.
"Maybe," you shrugged with a smile. You had a fair share of visiting arcades and playing this game in particular.
"Let's play something else," Jimin exclaimed. "How about some shooting or fighting games? Or some other two-player games?"
"Some other games," Jungkook said. "And it doesn't have to be two-player games. We can play that basketball game or that game where we try to knock those things down."
"We can play every game if you want," Taehyung smiled. "But let's start there!"
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"Pull down your mask for a second. Let's snap a quick selfie," Jimin said, eyeing your surroundings. There weren't many people around, and luckily those who were didn't pay attention to you or the boys.
All of you had slightly pulled down your masks. Jungkook linked his arms with Jimin while Taehyung wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer before he held up a peace sign.
It wasn't like he was embracing you, but you felt your beat quicken because of the sudden closeness. Despite being with them the entire time, you never got physically close to them. Well, until now.
"Is this okay?" Taehyung whispered, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Huh? Y-yeah… it's okay."
"Everyone smile!" Jimin softly sang before snapping a pic. "I wish I could post these," he muttered before turning off his phone and putting it in his back pocket.
"Alright, so we still have half an hour left. Let's use the rest of our tokens at the claw machines? Then we can go find some food," Jimin said.
"Oh, gosh, yes. I've been craving dakgangjeong. Can't wait to eat some!"
*dakgangjeong: Sweet Crispy Korean Fried Chicken
"I've been craving eomuk. I don't remember the last time I had some," Jungkook said, licking his lips. *eomuk: Korean Fish Cake
"Then let's finish our tokens as soon as possible! So we can get some food. I wanna get some bungeo," Taehyung said. "We should buy a lot, too. To share with the others, too." *bungeoppang: Korean Fish-shaped Pastry.
Most of your remaining tokens were wasted as the boys miserably tried to win a stuffed animal. You couldn't bear to watch them fail, so you took over.
If you hadn't decided to try, you would've walked out empty-handed.
"You guys suck at claw games," you joked as you walked out of the arcade. "Consider these my gift for taking me out today. It's been a while since I've had some fun," you told your soulmates.
"It's not our fault those claws don't grip on the stuffed animals," Jimin whined.
"I was too hungry to pay proper attention," Jungkook huffed. "But thank you."
You hummed in response. "Now, let's get some food. All that has made me hungry."
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The four of you took sat in the car with a sigh.
"It's after eight. You'll be home a little later than planned, y/n," Jungkook, who was going to drive this time, told you.
"That's okay," you said. "I get to spend more time with you guys, anyway," you whispered, a small smile coming to your face.
You had fun today. And you were a little upset it was coming to an end.
"Damn, this eomuk is delicious," Jungkook groaned, taking a bite before handing it to Jimin so he could start the car.
"We know, Kook. You've been saying that the entire way here," Jimin chuckled. "But let me take a bite to taste how good it is."
"I wanna taste too!" Taehyung playfully whined.
"Take a bite. And when I say bite, I don't mean a mouthful!" He warned.
"Yeah, yeah," Taehyung mumbled before taking it from Jimin and taking a bite. "Do you want some, too?" he asked you.
Before you could decline the offer, the treat was already by your mouth. "Here, take a bite," Taehyung smiled.
You hesitantly took a bite. "It tastes great!"
"You should Tae how to take bites," Jimin chuckled.
"Hey! She took such a small bite because she was hesitant! Did you not see it yourself?"
You grew slightly embarrassed. "Look, you're making y/n feel embarrassed!" Jungkook said, looking at you from the rearview mirror.
"She's just shy. Get used to it, princess. It'll be like this and a lot worse majority of the time," Taehyung said, taking your hand in his.
You looked at your joint hands with pink cheeks. 'Princess?'
"Look at her turning red because you called her princess," Jimin chuckled.
"I think it's the hand," Taehyung smiled.
How were you going to survive with all this teasing?
You looked away from them and out the window,, just like you did earlier.
By now, Jungkook was already on the road to your house.
"You know what I just realised?" Jimin suddenly asked, causing you to grow curious. "You haven't told us much about yourself. Well, you sorta did over text and at the club, but I wanna know more!"
"Oh, I wanna know more about you, too! Tell us more about yourself, y/n," Jungkook said.
You lowkey hated when people asked you to tell them about yourself. Your mind would become blank, and you'd temporarily forget who you were and what you liked.
"What do you guys want to know?" You asked. "Ah, but wait. I'll only tell you about myself if you guys do the same. I know I can just google, but I want to know the real you," you said. "Not the Jimin, V and Jungkook of BTS."
"Yes, of course. Anything you want to know, and we'll answer."
You couldn't describe how happy you were to be here. Sitting in the car with your soulmates, holding one of their hands as you got to know more about each other.
You didn't want to go home.
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elizabethwritesmen · 9 months
Notice - Part 4
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Curvy!Reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, Mature Themes, Self deprecation on both sides, Body image issues, Self hatred, Angst (That's basically all this chapter is sorry love you guys), Slow burn, Mutual Pining
Summary: Dean is gone. Until he's not.
Word Count:
AN: Hey guys! I'm so sorry it took so long for me to put this out. This past (almost) year has been ridiculous, and I haven't had much time to even think about writing. But I'm back at it now with lots of fresh ideas and chapters! And I snuck in a little something as an official apology (;.
The next chapter will be the last, and I might do a short epilogue.
Thanks so much for the continued support and enjoy!
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She pined after Dean left, just as she knew she would.
Every time she saw a man that looked like him at a bar, or a store, or anywhere, she fought the urge to say something. She knew deep down, though, that if Dean ever came back, she's the first person that would find out. He would knock on her door and let her know how long he was staying for, and maybe he would even spare her a kiss this time before disappearing.
She waited for that knock. A month passed and she waited, then two, then three. Eventually she grew cynical, her inner demons possessing her and her insecurities winning.
"Come on, Y/N. Please. If you want to wait forever for that guy to come back, more power to you, but can you at least rejoin the human race in the mean time?" Evelyn asked, her voice heavy through the phone speaker.
"I don't know, Evvy. I don't really like the whole bar scene anyway, I never have fun like you guys do."
"Yes, we've been over this. Ashley and I have tons of men all over us and you never have anybody. Did you ever stop to think that maybe that has nothing to do with how you look? Seriously, Y/N. You're hot. But you're quiet, and reserved, and you hang out in corners and read or peel labels off bottles. It's intimidating and off putting. What you need is to come out with us tonight and let your hair down! Have a good time!"
"I like corners and books and peeling labels," Y/N huffed.
"I know you do, but why don't you just take a break from the norm? You might have a good time, and it'll get your mind off of Dean."
The mention of his name was enough to make her second guess her decision. She did want to forget about him, at least for the night. She wanted to remember what it felt like to be human.
"Okay, fine. But you're driving. Come get me."
Evelyn cheered on the other line and hung up, leaving Y/N to wonder if she'd made the right decision. She shrugged off her doubt and wandered to her closet, picking through clothes until she found an outfit she was happy with.
An hour later, there was a knock on her door. Evelyn and Ashley stood on the other side, both with giddy smiles plastered onto their faces.
"Stop looking at me like that," Y/N furrowed her brows, letting them in and shutting the door behind them.
"Like what?"
"All smiley and weird. You look like the doodle bops. You're creeping me out."
The girls giggled, and Ashley explained, "We're just so happy to see you. It's been so long! It's like you forgot that we're all best friends."
"It hasn't been that long. Besides, I'm sure you guys have more fun without me, I am the lame one."
Evelyn huffed, "No you're not. You're like the coolest of all three of us. You're the funniest, and the smartest. It's not the same without you. We don't even really go out much anymore since you stopped coming with us."
"It's true," Ashley nodded, "You make us whole. I'm glad to have you back."
Y/N was taken aback. She always thought she was extra. She never realized how much she mattered to them.
"And by the way," Evenlyn raised her brows and blatantly checked her out, "You look hot."
Y/N blushed, smoothing out her yellow mini dress. Her white heels complimented it perfectly, and she paired the outfit with assorted gold jewelry and curled hair.
They walked into the bar, and Y/N let out a sigh when she noticed how packed it was.
"There are so many people here," she cringed.
"And you're about to flirt with one of them!" Ashley exclaimed, much to her dismay.
"I don't think she's gonna have to make the first move, either, with that dress on," Evelyn smirked.
They found a booth and Y/N volunteered to go to the bar and order them all drinks. Three beers.
"I love a girl in a good sundress," a voice came from behind her. She turned around to see a man, tall and handsome, but not quite Dean.
"Oh," she awkwardly spoke, "Thank you?"
"You're welcome," he laughed, "Why don't you let me buy you a drink?"
"I already ordered one, but thanks."
"Okay, then why don't you hang out with me while until you finish it and I'll buy your next one?"
He was persistent, she had to give him that.
"Okay," she sighed, figuring she had nothing to lose. At least it would be a short-lived distraction.
"Here you go, ma'am," the bartender handed her three bottles.
"Thanks," she smiled, grabbing them and turning to the man she'd been talking to, "I'll be right back."
She brought Evelyn and Ashley the beer and told them about him.
"Go for it, girl! He's been staring at you since we walked in, he totally wants some," Ashley spurred her on.
"Yeah, but I don't want some," she frowned.
"Okay, but he doesn't know that yet, so there's no harm in flirting. Just something to get over Dean and boost your self confidence," Evelyn inputted.
Y/N let out yet another exasperated sigh and silently agreed, walking back over to the man.
"There you are, hot stuff!" he smiled at her, all teeth.
"Yeah, sorry, I just had to bring my friends their drinks."
"No problem at all, sweetness, I knew you'd come back for more."
Internally, she was cringing. This dude was disgustingly cocky. He looked like a former frat boy who peaked in college.
They talked for a while, but she really wasn't interested at all. Even a conversation with him was a chore, and her energy levels weren't high enough to inflate his ego further.
"Listen, Jordan, I'm gonna go back to my friends but it was nice to meet you," she interrupted him in the middle of his sentence, not caring what he had to say.
"Excuse me?" his confusion showed all over his face.
"Yeah, I'm sorry, I'd just rather be hanging out with them. There are a lot of other girls here you could talk to," she smiled politely, ejecting herself by turning away from him.
He grabbed her arm and pulled her back into him, growling through gritted teeth, "But I'm talking to you. You know, you big girls are good in bed but you're really all fucking bitches."
She tried to yank herself away from him, but it was to no avail. She yelled, "Let go of me!" He didn't listen, holding tighter and reaching down to her ass, giving it a squeeze.
"It's ok, hot stuff, I can take care of that. This ass needs me behind it, huh? Get rid of your attitude real quick."
She didn't even have time to respond, or spit on him, or punch him, or whatever else she planned to do because she was ripped from his grasp. It was a whirlwind, and she felt like she was spinning, but when she grounded herself, she was behind a solid wall of leather.
She recognized him by his smell alone. It was Dean. Her Dean.
"She told you to let her god damn go," he deadpanned, his voice low and deadly.
"Who the fuck are you, her dad? Get the fuck out of here, she's just some whore," Jordan huffed.
That was all it took for Dean to swing, sharp and quick, his fist landing square in the center of the other man's face. Jordan's nose instantly started leaking blood behind the hand he'd put over it.
"She is not a whore. She just doesn't fucking want you, asshole."
He grabbed her hand and lead her out of the bar before the owner even had a chance to kick them out. Evelyn and Ashley followed closely behind.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Evelyn asked, concern written on her face like a book.
"I am," the girl meekly assured, rubbing her arm where the creep had grabbed her.
"Um," Ashley started, glancing between Y/N and Dean pointedly, "We're gonna go. We'll call you later to check on you."
"Yeah," Evelyn agreed, sensing the mood. She turned to Dean as they walked to her car, "Get her home safe."
"Always," he promised, waving goodbye to the girls and turning to his favorite. "What the hell were you doing, talking to a guy like that, sweetheart?"
"I..." she stuttered. She didn't want to lay all her cards out on the table just yet. "I don't know. I liked him."
Dean cocked a brow, "Him? Really? See, I just don't believe that."
She rolled her eyes and stomped her foot petulantly, "I thought it would be a distraction, Dean."
"From what?" he asked, as if he really didn't know. Her eyes averted to the ground and she pursed her lips awkwardly. That told him everything. "From me?"
"I think about you more than I should. I just knew you would come back, so I've been waiting for you, but I didn't know when, so I wanted a distraction."
"How many distractions have you looked for?"
"He was the first one. And I didn't plan to sleep with him or anything. I just thought the conversation would be good for me. Turns out it wasn't."
"Well you don't have to answer to me, sweetheart. But you should know, I've been thinking about you, too."
"I've been trying to get back. It's just been impossible. We've been so busy with hunt after hunt, and there haven't been any here."
"If there's not a hunt here, then why are you here?"
"There was an easy one close to home. I sent Sam on it alone for a couple days and I drove here."
Her eyes met his, and she saw how worn down he was. The innocence in his eyes was dwindling every day. Her heart ached for him, wishing she could lighten the load. Wishing she could take some of it away for him.
"Take me home," she demanded, her voice sweeter than her words. He nodded, leading her to the impala and opening the passenger side door for her.
The car ride was silent. As was the walk up to her apartment. Neither of them knew what to say. All of the feelings from before were still there, in fact they were stronger than they'd been the first time.
They stood awkwardly at her door for a moment, and she cleared her throat to ease it, "You can stay here tonight, Dean. You don't have to find a cheap motel."
"I actually already have one. But I'd still rather stay here, if you're sure it's okay."
She let him in and he sat on her couch as she walked to her bedroom to change. She threw on a tank top and a pair of spandex shorts, rushing back to his side. She didn't want to be away from him for too long. Really, she didn't want to waste a moment of the time she had with him.
"How long are you here for?" she asked.
"Until tomorrow afternoon."
She couldn't stop the sorrow from creeping into her smile, "Well at least we have a little bit of time."
"I need more with you."
"I know," she sighed, "But this will do. Are you hungry? I'm gonna make something to eat."
"I'll help you," he offered, following her into the kitchen.
They threw together some burgers and fries, and she handed him the remote, instructing him to find a movie. He did, The Untouchables, mumbling something about it being his favorite of all time.
Before they knew it, they were sitting next to each other on the couch, plates empty and discarded, movie almost over.
"You were right. The movie was good," she mused as the credits began to roll.
"I’m always right,” he smirked, turning the TV off and carrying the plates to the kitchen, washing them before she could protest.
A loud yawn burst from her lips as she joined him, placing the newly clean plates in her cabinet.
“You should get some sleep, sweetheart. I’ll still be here in the morning,” he told her.
“I’m not ready to go to bed yet, I don’t want to let you out of my sight,” she whined in protest.
He chuckled, pulling her into his chest and squeezing. She took the moment to breathe him in,
“Hey Dean, why’d you go to the bar when you got to town instead of to my apartment?” she’d been wondering for hours but hadn’t had the chance to ask yet. Finally, she said fuck it and went for it.
“I came here first. You weren’t home, and it’s a Saturday night. I figured the bar was a good place to start looking for you.”
Her heart warmed, swelling in her chest.
“Let’s just have a living room sleepover and watch movies til we fall asleep,” she suggested, pulling just far enough away to look at him.
“Or, and feel free to say no or slap me or whatever you think is appropriate, I could sleep with you tonight? We don’t have to do anything. I just want to be next to you.”
And he meant it. He’d never been so eager to simply sleep in the company of a woman in his life. He wanted more, sure, but he was fine with just holding her. She was warm, and she smelled of vanilla and strawberries. She was comfort and she felt like he’d found a home. Hunting didn’t really allow him one of those, so he savored her.
“Come on,” her voice was barely over a whisper as she pulled him by his hand to her room.
He had to fight the urge to inhale as he walked in. Her scent was so heavy in the room he could wrap up in it like a blanket. He felt like he was becoming addicted, and he dreaded leaving the next day. She was just as perfect, if not more so, than he remembered, and he didn’t understand how she came so easily to him when nobody else ever had.
“You’re welcome to shower before you go to sleep. I have some extra boxers that I think might fit you,” she hummed as she flitted about, cleaning up as much as she could. She wasn’t expecting him, and her stomach was in knots, butterflies fluttering in there like she’d never felt.
“Why do you have boxers laying around?” he asked, brows furrowed, a twinge of jealousy tainting his voice.
“Evelyn stayed over a few months ago with her ex boyfriend and they forgot to bring his boxers, so they went to the store and got some. He only used one pair out of the pack, the other two are still in there. I’m pretty sure he left a T shirt too, but I’d have to look for it,” she explained. She felt empowered by his slight jealousy; it made her feel wanted.
“Just the boxers will do,” he smiled, and she reached into one of her dresser drawers to fish the package out for him.
He went to shower and while he was gone, her nerves got the best of her. She paced, almost frantic, heart beating out of her chest. What if he made a move? What if he didn’t make a move? She hadn’t become less insecure since he’d last been there, and she worried about whether or not he even liked her. Maybe it was just a friendship thing for him. Maybe it was a pity thing. Maybe he didn’t want to see her at all, and just stumbled into her at the bar by accident.
“You okay, sweetheart?” he asked, drawing her out of her panicked state. She stood frozen when she laid eyes on him, his hair wet and his chest bare. The boxers fit perfectly and her eyes widened when she noticed what they were hiding. It was…. intimidating, to say the least.
“Yes!” she squeaked out, jumping under the covers, willing the flush to leave her cheeks.
He climbed in beside her as she turned on her bedroom TV, putting on an old movie and turning the volume down for background noise.
“I can go to the couch if you’re uncomfortable,” he offered. His concern for her was evident.
“I’m not,” she said, all too quickly. “I just… I can’t believe you came back. Why did you come back?”
He sighed, heavy and thoughtful, “You’re all I’ve thought about since I met you. I talk about you all the time. I didn’t send Sammy on that hunt alone, he went without telling me and called me on the way. Told me to drive here and see you before he goes crazy.”
“Why are you so interested in me?”
“I guess for the same reason you’re so interested in me. It’s not something I can explain. It’s just something I feel.”
“Yeah,” she paused, “Tonight is the first night I’ve gone out since you left. I’ve been waiting for a knock at my door like an idiot. You’ve.. you’ve vexed me.”
“You vexed me first.”
She met his eyes, startled by how close he was to her.
“Close your eyes,” he whispered.
“Trust me. Close your eyes.”
She did as he asked. She hoped he’d kiss her, but she was only half expecting him to, doubt gnawing at her like a dog with a bone.
It let go of her, though, the second his lips met hers.
It was the kind of kiss a girl doesn’t forget. Heavy, and soft, and passionate, and desperate. And sweet. So sweet. His taste was burned into her memory and if she was ruined before, she was much worse for wear now.
He slipped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest, embracing her like he’d wanted to since the moment they met. She whined, needy and pliant, and he had to fight the urge to groan. He’d never felt want like he did with her. She made him feel like he could do anything.
She arched her back into him, wanting to be closer. She thought she’d die without more of him right that second. His bare skin taunted her, warm and hard and inviting. Her nipples hardened through her thin tank top, pushing against him, creating the most beautiful friction. She couldn’t hold back her moan when his tongue brushed against hers, and her leg found it’s way over his hip, her core meeting his in a fit of need.
The groan he’d been saving came out full force, his hand sliding over the curve of her ass, pulling her closer, wanting…. wanting…. wanting. Only then did the kiss slow, coming to a sweet and breathless end.
“Maybe we should wait,” he suggested.
“Did I do something wrong?” she asked.
“I’d rather work for you, sweetheart. I don’t want this to be something you regret. I want it to be perfect, like you deserve. And I just don’t think I deserve you quite yet.”
“Dean..” she breathed out, unsure of what to say. He was so… careful with her. It turned her into a puddle. “We can wait. But you deserve everything.”
“You are everything.”
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shaunashoochiebae · 2 months
You should totally write about👇
Shauna and Jackie’s first kiss because why not??And this did canonically happen just didn’t make the cut because they want us starved….yes? yes.
Girl Stuff
Word count: 898
Warnings: little smooch, jeff is not a factor
a/n: first time writing for a ship so sorry if it’s not exactly what you were hoping for!!!
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Shauna was sitting in Jackie’s living room, anxiously fiddling with her thumbs. She sat on the couch, watching whatever daytime show was on. Jackie came back from the kitchen, a bowl of popcorn in her hand and her signature smile plastered across her face. She sat beside Shauna and put the bowl onto the coffee table in front of them.
Jackie picked up the remote and started switching through the channels. Shauna let out a sigh of somewhat relief, glad Jackie had finally turned off that crap. “So,” Jackie started, “my dad bought Clueless on DVD, you wanna watch that?” She grabbed a few pieces of popcorn and started eating. Shauna shrugged, “I dunno, I saw that in the theatre when it came out. I literally saw it with you.” Jackie got up as she munched the popcorn, making her way over to the TV and the rack of DVDS next to it, “And? Did you not like it or something?” She scanned through the DVDS and eventually found the correct one. “Well, no, I did like it. I just,” she groaned, “I don’t see the point in watching something if you’ve already seen it, that’s all.” Jackie took out the DVD from the rack and opened it, “Well, we’re watching it whether you like it or not, Shipman.” She took out the disc and put it into the player.
She walked back over to the couch and grabbed the remote, pressed the play button and the movie started. Shauna reached over to the popcorn bowl and sat it on her lap, taking a few pieces into her mouth as she did so. “I don’t get why you like this movie so much,” Shauna began, “Cher literally ends up dating her ex-step brother. It’s so weird.” Jackie scoffs and glances at her, “Oh, yeah? Who else is she supposed to date? Josh is literally perfect for her, they’re cute together.” Shauna shrugs and mumbles, “Well, if I was the writer, I sure as hell wouldn’t make her date a dude like him. Or any dude.”
Jackie gives her a look as she grabs some popcorn, “Right, right. But, the whole movie is based on dating. It’s a romance, Shauna. If she’s not dating a guy she’s not dating anyone.” “Not necessarily,” the brown eyed girl chimed in. “What are you saying, Shipman?” Jackie asked carefully. Shauna sighed and looked at her, “I’m just saying, she could’ve dated D, or Tai. If this was an ‘all girls school’ situation she’d be dating one of them. I know these things.” “Mhm, and how exactly would you know these things?” Jackie asked her with a chuckle. Shauna answered simply, “I’ve seen enough movies.” Jackie scoffed and turned fully to face her, “You’re such a liar! So it’s totally not because you see yourself in Cher? Because you totally don’t wanna date one of your friends?” Jackie teased as she poked Shauna in the shoulder. “No, Jackie!” Shauna giggled out. “C’mon, you can tell me. You’re the best friend I’ve ever had,” Jackie pryed, looking at her expectantly.
“It’s not like she likes me back anyway, so it doesn’t matter,” Shauna quickly dismissed her. “You don’t know that. If you tried to get her wearing that boob dress I’m sure I’d have to clear my calendar for your wedding,” Jackie smiled at her supportively.
Shauna sighed heavily, her heartbeat quickly rising. “It’s you, Jackie. I like.. you.” She immediately looked away and back at the TV screen, now playing Cher’s breakfast scene. Jackie’s smile dropped and she gave a small nod, “Oh,” was all she said. “I’m sorry, Jackie. Uh, I think I’m gonna go,” She stated as she quickly stood up from the couch. “Thanks for having me over, I won’t call you, if that’s what you want,” she rambled on, picking up her belongings. Jackie stood up after her and grabbed her arm as she started walking away, “Shauna, c’mon. Don’t go.”
Shauna twisted around to meet her face again, “What?” In that second Jackie took her chance and stepped closer to her, forcing their lips to meet. Shauna’s eyes widened in shock, but she felt relieved, really. Jackie moved her hands to cup Shauna’s cheeks, deepening the kiss. Out of instinct, Shauna dropped her things and wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer.
The girls pulled away from each other, breathing heavy, cheeks flushed. They stared at each other for a moment before Shauna smiled at Jackie. “Sorry, that was kinda embarrassing,” Jackie chuckled out. “No, it’s.. fine,” Shauna responded, unsure what to say. Their loving gaze was broken by the sound of keys jingling. “Shit, that’s my mom.” Jackie said, sounding panicked. “Just, sit down and watch the movie, cool?” Shauna shook her head, “It’s not like we weren’t cool before,” she answered, sitting back down on the couch. Jackie gave her a look, “I mean as if we weren’t eating each others faces just then.” Shauna chuckled, “Barely eating.”
Jackie sat next to her once again, taking the popcorn that was placed onto the coffee table in Shauna’s panicked state. Jackie’s mom walks into the living room, smile on her face. “Hi, girls,” she says to the pair. “Hi, Mrs. Taylor,” Shauna replies. “You two get up to anything? I see you’re watching Clueless.” Jackie calls out to her mom, “Nothing much. Just girl stuff.”
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vivaladicamillo · 1 year
Okay so I don’t know why but I’m just so fixated this idea? I can imagine a female reader, being the first and only girl in the jackass crew and also being apart of wildboyz. Her, Chris, & Steve-O are all attached at the hips obviously and maybe one day after filming for Wildboyz they all go back to the hotel and clean up, have a big smoke sess and it just leads to these two tag teaming her while there all high as hell? (Which btw I feel like it’s very much a common occurrence 🤭 especially if they’re in like a poly relationship)
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im literally so obsessed with this idea, know that chris and steve-o were so close anyways it always makes me giggle. sorry i didnt get to do this sooner i have had a kidney stone and have been super sick bc of it, welp enjoy!! this is also my first ever like actual written out smut so sorry if its absolute shit but i have the writing skills of a idiot so….
WARNINGS: cursing, drinking, talks of drugs and alcohol, and smut
ok so u, steve-o and chris have always been pretty close
yall all met through the first season of jackass
u were good friends with steph so she invited u to go watch her and the guys do stupid shit
and ofc u wanted to participate
so u go onto set looking around for her
instead u see two half naked men just chillin, standing around
after some first awkward glances u meet with steph and watch everything unfold
everyone was in the middle of a type of field with a huge loop that ppl were trying to ride with skate boards and bikes and shit
it was actually super cool
after a few hours of filming in the hot sun u pretty much were beat
u walk over to ur friend to tell her u think ur gonna head out for today
but little do u know the two guys from earlier are also friends with steph
so the four of yall get to talking
and u learn that the one man whos tan, in pretty good shape and is now wearing bunny ears and a flower bra is chris pontius, and the other bald man wearing a cheetah speedo is steve-o
they both invited u to join them to get ihop after the shoot
and just like that a trio was born
the three of u were always together
either just chillin, partying, or filming
u guys were never apart
u were the only one out of the three who actually had an apartment
so the two mostly (basically) lived at ur house
after the seasons of jackass ended steve-o and chris ended up doing a spin off called “wildboyz”
obviously u were still gonna be with them
u do hella cameos in wildboyz
u do all the shit that the guys are too pussy to do
swimming with alligators, sharks, bears rlly anything
also when steveo didnt wanna jump off the bridge with wings on, u def did
so lets set the scene
after doing some filming in australia, the crew and u three decide to go out on the town in melborne
just doing some bar hopping
eventually the crew gets tired and drunk and go off back to the hotel room
not the three american idiots tho
u steveo and pontius are just having a grand ol’ time drinking, goofing around and just having fun
it seems awesome
until pontius ends up fist fighting with some random guys which leads to steveo also getting involved
that gets everyone kicked out the bar
after some mumbling and complaining from the two u bring up a solution
“hey lets just go back to my room, i brought some weed we could go smoke or something..”
it was a absolute yes
who says no to weed?
the three of u go back to ur hotel room and smoke 2 whole joints together
yall were HIGHHHHH
the three of u guys were just in a cluster on the cheap ass hotel rug, giggling and cracking jokes till way into the night
the thing is, when ur high, u tend to get a little touchy
so little touches on chris’ chest while laughing here and accidently touching steveos thigh there
totally innocent touches
things start to get a little intense tho
longer eye contact from chris, steve-o trying to make u laugh more
and just like that steve-o has u in a bear hug, ur back to his chest while chris is next to u guys
after u calm urself down from having a giggle attack
u look over at chris
“have i ever told u, u have a pretty face y/n” chris says
u kinda had to stop in ur tracks a bit, only bc ur surprised
“yea, ur right chris, i also never say how good u smell dude, its like heavenly” steveo chimes in
u start to get a little nervous
yea u thought ur two friends were super hot but u werent gonna tell THEM that
“yea its probably because i actually shower, unlike u two” u giggle trying to ease the tension
“im serious y/n, ur actually gorgeous, ive just never told u like out loud in person before” chris says
ur face starts to turn bright red
“guys wha-“
“aweee chris ur making them blush” steve-o chuckles
at this point ur beat red, and a little sweaty
ur just baffled bc u know all abt the type of ppl chris and steve-o go for, you the last person u would ever think they would even come close to saying that stuff too
“hey, lets put a proposal on the table” steveo says, snaking his hand around ur waist
“its been a hell of a night, why dont we end this shit off right, chris? y/n? u down?”
“LIKE SEX?” u blurt out in ur intoxicated state causing the two guys to burst out laughing
“yes y/n, like sex” chris says
welp who knew this was gonna happen
ur two best friends wanting to fuck u??? like what?? how did this happen
i mean u were already in steveos lap, having his hand wrap around ur waist as his head rests on ur shoulder and chris on the opposite side of u playing with ur hair, curling it in between his fingers
“fuck it” u say, turning to chris
chris leans in and starts kissing u
eh well not kissing
more like very drunkly making out
steve-o starts kissing and licking on ur neck
all this is making ur face bright red
and tbh making u hella turned on
u eventually crawl out of steveos lap straddling chris
he runs his hand up ur shirt and up the small of ur back, steveo then helps chris take off ur shirt and ur bra
steveo then starts massaging ur breasts while whispering sweet nothings into ur ear
u pull away from the two
“guys i really think we shouldnt do this on the gross ass hotel room floor, the room comes with a bed for a reason” you say
the two look at eachother then look at u and nod
chris throws u over his shoulder while steveo runs ahead and plops down on the bed
chris then puts u on the bed, leaving u in ur jean shorts from ur guys night on the town
chris then unzips ur shorts and looks up at ur for permission
u nod and he starts kissing down ur stomach, taking off ur jeans and panties as he does
chris starts to eat u out while u push ur back into steve-o
u go to tangle ur fingers into chris’ hair
steveo quickly takes ur wrists into one hand
“awee come one sweetheart ur giving him all the attention” he chuckles
u turn to him, not even able to make out a word bc of how good chris is doing
who knew that he could eat pussy like THAT
u lock lips with steveo and u both moan into the the kiss
chris pulls away from u
he gets up and crawls onto the bed with u and steveo
damn good thing u got a king bed with ur room
u turn to straddle steveo, grinding against him as u do causing u both to groan
u pull away helping steve-o get his pants off
u look over at chris and hes already intensely watching u too, dick in hand
bc thats just how he rolls
u take steve-os cock out of his boxers, lick up his shaft then get on top of him
u put his tip at ur entrance and slowly sink down onto him
u both moan at the feeling
as u start to ride him, u turn to chris once again and hes slowly stroking his dick, once u really get a look at it u realize how big he is
“hm what? u like what u see sweetheart?” chris mumbles in between moans
u nod, still riding steveo, feeling urself slowly creep towards release
steveo then pulls u off him
“i feel like this isnt fair, i shouldnt have to keep ur gorgeous body all to myself, thats just selfish.” he beckons chris over
“turn around” steve-o says
u do as he says, chris now on the bed in front of you
“whats wrong darling? u look like u want something, dont be shy” chris says caressing ur cheek to make u look him in his eyes
god u couldnt get enough of his big beautiful eyes
“yes..” u say lowly
“what was that? i cant hear u?”
“yes chris, please.” u say glancing down at his dick
while this is all happening steve-o is just groping ur ass
“ohh u wanna suck me off dont u?” he rubs his thumb across ur bottom lip “ofc u can, anything for u”
u lean down to his dick, putting it in ur hand and giving it small licks here and there
as ur ass is up in the air, right in front of steveos face, he pushes himself back into u, fucking u from behind
u start to take all of chris into ur mouth, moaning as u feel steveos hand reach for ur clit
the room was just filled with moans, groans, and the sound of skin slapping, steve-o and chris just making intense eye contact the whole time
“ah fuck y/n just like that” chris mumbles as u take his whole length down ur throat, gagging
steveos thrusts start to speed up quicker and u feel like ur going to cum and minute now
u pull off chris’ dick with a pop, jerking him off in place of ur mouth
“shit, im-“
u dont get to finish ur sentence before u feel urself cum all over steveos cock
steveos fucks u through ur high, pulls out and cums on ur back
then a few minutes later chris came onto ur face
after the three of u have calmed down from ur highs, chris gets up and grabs a towel from the bathroom to clean u guys up
well mainly u
after u three all get into bed and fall asleep, u cuddling into chris’ chest and steveo spooning u from behind
“man we should do that more often” steveo says
and u guys sure did
after that night u three all kinda agreed to be a thing, u recommend a poly relationship which they didnt know much about but were completely down for
they both are in love with u (and lowkey eachother) so it was a win for everyone involved
ok hope yall enjoyed! as u can tell i cant take smut srsly at all ive never rlly written smut before at this detail level so i just kinda went with it, hope its not too bad. im also way to lazy atm to read over this for mistakes so ima just got with it, please keep recommending stuff for me to write! its very fun!
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