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malditaastrologia · 5 months
"Si te pones como prioridad, prepárate para muchas despedidas"
- Leo, Sagitario, Escorpio, Capricornio, Libra, Acuario, Géminis, Aries.
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yourpsicodelicbitch · 11 months
transparent? placements pt2
as requested, part 2 🌝 hope you like it!!🫶🏼❤️
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Picture from Pinterest.
*Birth chart placements
Mars 8H
These ones don’t support the superficial, they can’t take it. They’re perseverant. They’re passionate. Don’t underestimate them, they have A LOT of power and inner strength. They don’t like it. When you’re acting, when you judge or you’re not speaking your mind, they just don’t like it. They hate it. They’re just them, you can’t ignore them, they can’t be ignored. They’re something else. Their self is full of confidence. My friend that have this placement DONT FUCK with people that says something and does another. HE CANT -stand them-. What he admires is honesty and free spirit non-judgmental people, bc this makes them be open to new experiences that could make them become or figure out their potential, passions and desires; what determines them and live without a fucking “what other people think/care” mindset. Also, this is what mars 8H struggles somehow the most. -That’s why?-They admire when they see someone that has become in tune with their potential. So yes, they’re transparent in a way they can’t stand with the ones they’re not.
Scorpio + Earth placements
All the fucking time I’ve met someone with these placements, they always makes it clear when they like a person or don’t. Water (pisces -not too much but yes- and cancer) + earth placement will hesitate and act like they do care about the person to not hurt their feelings, bc of empathy and whatever. HA. Earth placements + scorpio is completely opposite. They’re honest and direct, based on the perspective I have by being friends with them or their daughter🙄. They’ll tell you “I don’t like her”, “she hides something”, “a little weird, I see”. They be having INTUITION, but a intuition that frightens if it doesn’t benefits you and that reliefs if you’re by their side. They can see you. They can tell, what you hide. If you’re good or bad by their terms and morals, if you’re lying or if you want to. It could be that they get carried away by the relationship they have with their loved ones, the love and care they have for them that blinds them to not believe or to not listen to their intuition. But when the emotional is not persistent -when they don’t have a close relationship with you-, the rational side (earth) balance the emotional side (scorpio) to use their intuition to add arguments in their conclusion that’s made with evidence. Still, they always end up knowing. They’re transparent by making it clear if they like you or not, if you hide something or not and I can keep going.
(Example of a chart: scorpio moon, taurus ascendant with taurus degree, capricorn venus with scorpio degree, capricorn chiron, taurus lilith and etc.) (b chart: scorpio sun, moon and venus, neptune, Capricorn rising, virgo mars and etc.)
Lilith trine Moon
Such an interesting aspect. They can reveal what they truly feel without feeling shame, without a barrier. They feel comfortable talking about taboos, that not only mean sex, taboos for me also can mean to show your emotions, embracing them, let yourself feel. Like a river if you’ll like a metaphor. And in the right moment they show them -I’d they believe-. You can clearly see lilith trine moon has A LOT of introspection bc of pure desire of analyzing others🤪. They need it. They could be pretty obvious when they love someone, when they want to protect them. There’s full passion and determination that motivates them. They accept that not everything is logical and they let themselves be. Yet, they have to overcome their superficial feelings to enter that aspect and shi 😚
Sagittarius EVERYTHING
pass this part if you don’t want to read too much
I have to recall and specify -not everyone will agree- placements: Mercury and Venus. In my experience those are the ones that are TRANSPARENT -planets that are in big 6 and I’m only referring to signs and not houses (9H) and also not degrees (9° and 21°) but they count ALOT. I haven’t checked if I have known someone with sag rising but I have with sag moon and it scares me HAKDBSJD. clarifying☝️ they get bored easily and they can do something out of nowhere that you didn’t expect and that’s not kind of appropriate or can be uncomfortable. THIS WAS MY EXPERIENCE WITH 1 PERSON so don’t base yourself on it pls ty.
Obviously. wtf. these series weren’t going anywhere without the mention of Sagittarius. They think it, they say it. They don’t need to think about it, they don’t do it, THEY SPILL IT. Without a filter, without care until a moment later they be thinking if they were too rude, depending on the moon and etc. BUT WTF HAHA. For the weird and complexed ones, they can seem weird. The truth is that they’re jealous of the free spirit, soul and mind they have in front of them. They say it, you wanting it or not, they feel the need to. They’re the kid/sibling that haunts you bc they know too much and they can say something random that have to do with the secret you’ve told them. I’m not saying they can’t keep secrets, but they can speak without thinking. Even tho that, they speak their mind with help of their knowledge. They fucking know something and they say it. They are a little bit of a headache, they presume and talk and you want to cut their tongue. sometimes 🥰
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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deepmochi · 1 year
Understanding the 8th house in Astrology (Synastry and Natal)
Take what resonates. I don't own these images.
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Let's talk about the eighth house and its meaning in astrology. Only the meaning, description. I will try to do another post with the signs.
⇢ Many people love to idealize the "good" sides of the 8th like "steamy relationship" or "an alluring person". However, traumas shouldn't be glamorize; they should be healed. The 8th house is like a closet, and inside of that closet we find fears, doubts, traumas, vulnerability, and so much more.
⇢For instance, the energy of the eighth house represents how obsessive you are, and which are your obsessions? What are your secrets? Can you keep secrets? How you view intimacy? How you approach sex? How you view a sexual partner? How you view sexuality? What turns you on or off? What is your sexual orientation? How you perceive death? What are your fears? What is your generational heritage or traumas? What you inheritance? How mysterious you are? In what areas you hide things? How you investigate, your inner detective? How good you lie? What are your inner goals?
Following with death, it is not exactly physical death; it explains about your transformations. How you process your own "death" in order to advance to the next stage, how you grieve or mourn. Continuing, the 8th house is opposite of the 2nd house, so how you share your possessions or inner fears? How we emerge with others? What is your relationship with taxes and gambling? How you lend or owe money, even pros and cons? What are your partner's resources? What you offers to others (partners) ? Why others give you money? How you share money resources with your partner? Do you have limits or you should draw new limits, too? What are you hiding? Your shadow self face.
The sign, aspect and planets in your 8th houses can reveal of this info. In some chart, some themes are more prominent than others. Next time, reevaluate your 8th house closely, it will reveal a lot of you that's hidden.
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In natal
Depending on the planet, this closet (your 8th house) can have a password, or even be blocked by a chair or a desk (another planet or more). The sign will try to be the digits/ words you use to decode the password, and you can try to guess it. No matter the planet, the impact of the house is monumental. It's hard to describe the confuse energy, especially because the 8th is extreme, all or nothing.
The native may use it for its benefit after knowing the painful side. Transformations are a journey and not so pretty or easy.
Someone with this placement knows that they are changing constantly, so they either take responsibility or blame others.
If they blame others, they will never advance truly from the turmoil. This lead to vengeance, resentment or anger issues as result self-destruction: addictions. Nonetheless, they should trust the process, but trust is not simple after many betrayals and letdowns, even from themselves. This native needs to learn that they can't control everything; you just need to learn the lesson and keep moving like the eagle and reborn like a Phoenix. The biggest recommendation for every person with a 8th placement is let your pain talk. What are you shutting down your emotions? What are you afraid? It's time to be vulnerable. It's time love and accept that part that everyone hurts.
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In synastry
This house is not only about hot sex or an enigmatic couple only. It's about remembering to open yourself and let the other do the same. Are you ready? Perhaps, nobody is ready for it. Sharing your inner fears to someone else,it is a difficult task.
The 8th house energy is scorpionic, have you seen Scorpions in love?? I don't think so. I think, the less dramatic representation of Scorpio is the eagle, yet they are usually alone or typically known for that, don't they?! To love someone with the 8th house energy means to learn that you cannot control them, and still love them. The obsessive energy of this house makes things steamy and creates mysterious, even an addictive effect. Being addicted is not good, though.
In synastry, the challenge for the 8th person is acknowledge how their partner is a person, not a possession. Change should come without other's imposition. Each person has their own demons and fears. For this reason, this house synastry can be difficult. Obssesion over someone is not love. If the individual' love perspective is rooted in pain; they will add more pain to others, stinking their venom like a true Scorpion. Love in the 8th should be transformative not destructive, where both are fine with changing and emerging together.
Overall, this house is not easy. if you have any planet or a stellium in the 8th house, I understand your confusion and anger. People ignore how hard is to be transforming yourself constantly. Because these changes are constant, Scorpio energy is always renewing itself. Any placement with Scorpionic energy proves it. You aren't the same person you were yesterday.
This is a reminder to take things slowly, bb, you are doing well. Take care, mochis.
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©️ deepmochi, 2022
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atlasofearth · 25 days
astrologia chapter 5!! gasp!!
it’s 8am and i haven’t slept yet LOL but i just HAD to upload this chapter b4 i slept
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caminodelermitano · 1 year
La brujería es lo mejor que puedes aprender este año. 
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La magia es una recopilación de técnicas que han existido desde los primeros humanos hasta hoy en día por una simple razón: Arroja resultados. Te contaré todos los beneficios que trae aprender brujería, para que este 2023 sea el año más mágico y poderoso que hayas vivido. 
“La Magia es la Ciencia y el Arte de provocar cambio en conformidad a nuestra voluntad” - Magick in theory and practice, Aleister Crowely
La magia es una habilidad que trae consigo una gran cantidad de beneficios, ya depende mucho de nuestros gustos, preferencias y habilidades naturales, sin embargo, cómo vemos en la frase anterior lo esencial de la magia es poder generar cambios, por ende es inevitable que en nuestra práctica de transmutar, nosotros mismos cambiemos. Para poder cambiar nuestra realidad física tenemos que cambiar nuestro mundo interior. A través de la magia nos conectamos de una manera profunda con nuestro poder personal, esto hace que tengamos mayor autoestima porque entendemos que nosotros somos capaces con todo lo que traiga la vida. Con nuestras herramientas mágicas y nuestra voluntad podremos sobrellevar cualquier obstáculo. Esto hace que navegar nuestras vidas sea desde un lugar de poder, donde no nos victimizamos sino que tomamos todas nuestras circunstancias en nuestras manos y vemos cómo podemos transmutarlas. 
Cuando estamos alineados con las fuerzas y energías del universo, entendemos las cosas desde una perspectiva más profunda y transformadora. Entendemos que hay otras consciencias por encima de la nuestra que también afectan nuestra realidad, y cuando estamos en contacto con ellas se nos facilita entender las circunstancias que nos rodean y cómo llevarlas con mayor sabiduría y sensibilidad. Estas fuerzas superiores (o espíritus) cuando estamos en una comunión saludable con ellas, harán todo lo posible para guiarnos, protegernos y también darnos regalos. 
La brujería existe y ha existido en todas las culturas, por ello aprenderás una cantidad de prácticas milenarias. Que la magia siga existiendo aun con los avances de la ciencia y que esté en un auge especial en los últimos años tiene una razón. Las prácticas esotéricas y espirituales que conllevan a la magia se han transmutado y siguen existiendo porque siguen arrojando resultados en la vida de los practicantes y de sus clientes. Aunque la magia tuvo mucha importancia y fue un aspecto principal dentro del antiguo Egipto, la magia se puede trazar hasta Mesopotamia (que data de los siglos 6000 y 5000 a. C) y para realmente entender su antigüedad, también hay trazos de magia en las prácticas de los humanos cuando principalmente se vivía en cuevas. 
Las brujas, magos y ocultistas suelen encontrarse en las periferias por alguna razón. La magia nos lleva a cuestionarnos las cosas que hacemos y cómo las grandes corporaciones, sistemas políticos y de poder, mueven sus fichas para su propio bienestar. Por ende se suele ser rebelde y en contra de las normas establecidas. La brujería nos enseña a ser sabios y no creer en nada solo porque alguien lo dijo, sino en buscar las respuestas y sacar nuestras propias conclusiones de todo. Dentro de la brujería no hay una biblia o un dogma que se tiene que seguir, algunos dictan algunas recomendaciones o formas de pensar las cosas, y cada uno las lee, las entiende y ve qué resuena en su corazón. Esta libertad puede ser liberadora para algunos, pero para otros preocupante, puesto que sentir que hay falta de estructura (sin embargo no es así). Entre más adentramos en las diferentes prácticas entendemos que cada una tiene su propia estructura que funciona para ellas, ya cada persona pone en praxis estas estructuras y ve cuales les sirve o les arroja resultados. No hacemos las cosas por hacer, las probamos y si vemos que han hecho un cambio en nuestras vidas seguimos usando esas técnicas o estructuras.
Algunos tienen miedo de ser curioso y acercarse al mundo de la brujería, pensando que ya quedan marcados de por vida, o que tendrán que seguir con estas prácticas por el resto de su existencia. Evidentemente no es así, y está bien solo tener curiosidad por aprender y ver si es algo que realmente quieres poner en práctica. No dejes que el miedo te ahuyente de este mundo tan maravilloso, explota esa curiosidad, ponte a leer y practicar algunos de los aspectos de la magia que te llamen la atención.
Con el pasar de los años vienen consigo una infinidad de técnicas, practicas y posibilidades, por ello se puede especializar y probar cosas completamente diferentes todos los días, no recomiendo mucho esto porque es bueno tomar en serio algunas de las ramificaciones por un buen tiempo antes de determinar si realmente te gusta. Mientras uno más aprende puede observar que hay miles de maneras de hacer una sola cosa, esto da una sensación de emoción saber que hay infinitas formas de aprender e infinita practicas y habilidades que podemos perfeccionar.
Estas son algunas de las razones de por qué aprender magia este año podría transformar tu vida, espero que les haya gustado y que alguno se haya impulsado a aprender alguna técnica de brujería. Si deseas clases personalizadas, y más contenido mágico recuerda seguir el camino del ermitaño:
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mythicdeeds · 1 year
Mercury in Scorpio ♏️
People with Mercury in Scorpio have a way with words that are able to get them whatever they set their sights on
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luizaknd · 7 months
Saturno e júpiter part I
O que ele fez comigo? Depois de algum tempo comecei a gostar, me acostumar... Agora já fazem 10 meses e ele tem a senha do meu coração e eu tenho um amor intenso acumulado. Essa espécie de conexão já me machucou, me fez chorar, me fez rir, me fez pensar. Penso se todos os outros homens foram só outros, já que agora só ele me importa. Penso também se tudo isso é uma grande perda de tempo.
Ele é de algum jeito diferente de todos os homens que já conheci, e pode até parecer que todo mundo fala isso da boca pra fora pra pessoa se sentir "especial". Mas não é o caso, eu realmente não preciso disso até porque ele é mesmo diferente.
Ele não está nem perto do padrão perfeito de beleza, gosta de arte e astrologia, é adepto de lugares calmos e isso foge do comum. Talvez tudo isso tenha me conquistado.
O fato dele ser diferente o faz tão lindo quanto os outros. Eu fico pensando nele todos os dias, toda hora, e me questionando se isso é recíproco ou se isso virou uma obsessão doentia.
A verdade é que ele é meu maior problema e ao mesmo tempo meu remédio, é o único que eu queria ter até o fim. Queria tê-lo nem que fosse por 1 minuto, abraço-lo, beija-lo, sentir seu cheiro e seu corpo no meu...
Ele sente e sabe de mim, assim como eu sinto e sei dele. Eu cheguei ao nível de amar tanto ao ponto de DOER e essa dor foi o que deixou tudo tão tóxico. Sei que nunca daria certo, pois ao mesmo tempo que tem tanto amor, também tem medo, incerteza, ciúmes e loucura.
Ana Luiza
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astrovida · 9 months
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Luna y Sol se oponen en el grado 9 de Acuario-Leo para dar forma a la primera Luna llena de este mes (ya que habrá dos, la segunda será en Piscis el 31 de agosto).
Urano, regente moderno de Acuario, se encuentra en el signo de Tauro y forma un trígono a Plutón retrógrado en Capricornio, por lo que podrá favorecer eventos inesperados que sacudirán viejas u obsoletas estructuras para dar lugar a los cambios que ya se están manifestando: nuevas tecnologías e innovaciones, nuevas necesidades y demandas sociales, cambios de paradigmas sociales y políticos. La era de Acuario.
Al mismo tiempo, Urano forma una cuadratura a Venus retrógrado y Lilith en Leo, lo que pone en tensión las relaciones, vínculos, afectos y valores. Podremos sentir disgustos, expresar caprichos, hacer desplantes o sentirnos ofendidos. Nuestro ego podrá estar algo resentido. Debemos aprender a ceder y calmar el deseo de ser únicos. Venus en trígono a Quirón en Aries, junto a Eris y el Nodo Norte -todos retrógrados- facilitan la posibilidad de repensar nuestro impulso egocéntrico para sanar, remediar discordias, dejar de sentirnos excluidos, empoderarnos de nuestro talento interno y seguir adelante.
Saturno, regente antiguo de Acuario, se encuentra retrógrado en Piscis y forma una oposición a Mercurio domiciliado en Virgo. Esto podrá generar una tensión entre nuestro intelecto y nuestra consciencia espiritual. Estaremos muy mentales, podremos analizar la realidad con precisión pero no debemos descuidar el aprendizaje que se da detrás de cada situación. El maestro del dolor nos pide revisar nuestro compromiso espiritual, empatía y compasión.
Júpiter en Tauro forma una doble cuadratura al Sol y la Luna, y Plutón forma una cuadratura al Nodo Norte en Aries y el Nodo Sur en Libra. Estas posiciones kármicas o de destino colectivo nos permiten pensar que las demandas del colectivo, los nuevos proyectos e innovaciones, las nuevas ideas sociales y políticas deberán estar en sintonía con formas de explotación de los recursos que sean más sustentables y amigables con el planeta. La abundancia es infinita si sólo tomamos lo necesario. La lógica de la acumulación llegará a su fin inevitablemente.
Por último, Neptuno retrógrado y domiciliado en Piscis forma un sextil a Plutón retrógrado en Capricornio, y la desilusión de lo que antes nos daba seguridad podrá sentirse a nivel colectivo y espiritual. El desamparo y la desolación de un sistema que no nos incluye a todos.
Este mes, todos los planetas, excepto Júpiter y Marte, y los Nodos lunares estarán en fase de retrogradación, por lo que posiblemente sentiremos que todo se vuelve lento, que las cosas no avanzan o que surgen imprevistos, dificultades o bloqueos. Podemos valernos de la paciencia saturnina, que, en el signo de Piscis, nos pide tener más fe que nunca en que lo que viene será mejor para todos. Podemos refugiarnos en la felicidad de las pequeñas cosas y creer en que cada pequeña acción es un gesto de servicio hacia la vida.
Feliz y bendecida Luna llena en Acuario.
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astropsychickid · 2 years
Astro Prediction: Mars in Taurus
Soon we will have Mars in Taurus, and I feel like this placement will give a push to global finances overall. People will put more attention on the subject, and i feel like macroeconomics will be a big subject. Not only we have USA recession, but we also have Bitcoin fall, China and USA tension, and of course, the ongoing Russia-Ukrain. Mars will put the attention on finances, global finances, and how money is moving so far. Maybe we will see news about fed and the tax rate, and news media will definitely focus on how this is manage. I wonder if Mars focus will give a push into some growth? However, i see it difficult because by the end of July we will have a conjuction of Mars-Uranus. This can be a world-shaking events regarding finances, and something that will be difficult to ignore or cover. Mars-Uranus is a power combination that definitely feels like tarot Tower moment.
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crystalsenergy · 11 days
A inveja.
_ultrapassando os obstáculos comuns à evolução humana (projeto de textos, insights & reflexões).
a inveja e a comparação são sentimentos gerados pelo foco demasiado no externo (aparências, o que parece ser, o que é mostrado),
e pouco no interno (você, o que você tem, o que você quer, o que você sente que precisa e o que fazer em relação a isso).
a comparação e a inveja são fruto da desconexão de você consigo mesma, mesmo.
evite se comparar, se projetar, e caso se perceba nesse processo, tente trazer o foco para dentro,
perguntando-se constantemente:
"eu preciso viver assim?" "fazer isso me agrega em quê?" "o que faço com o meu poder pessoal, que existe em alguma medida, quando ignoro o que já possuo para querer o que o outro possui?"
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malditaastrologia · 21 days
"Algunos me aman por ser como soy, otros me odian por la misma razón, pero yo vine a esta vida a tratar de ser feliz, no a complacer a nadie"
- Virgo, Libra, Leo, Capricornio, Sagitario, Escorpio, Piscis, Cáncer, Acuario.
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atlasofearth · 1 month
oomfies (do ppl say oomf on tumblr??) i shld upload astrologia chapter 4 as one LONG chapter tmrw OR separate it into two chapters (one today and one in 1-3 days) bc i wanted to finish it and upload a long one rn but im sleepy as shit
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lecturasporhaly · 3 months
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Energías para Leo del 19 al 25 febrero 🪬
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mythicdeeds · 1 year
Mercury in Aquarius ♒️
People with this placement might talk very fast and either very often or not at all depending on their day or mood they had that particular day, a bit unstable 7/10
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zodiacpictures · 7 months
Aries, es probable que pienses que extrañas a cierta persona y que debes dar un paso atras; no te gustará leerlo pero ESTAS EQUIVODX. Con la energia del reciente eclipse solar es necesario que aproveches para desechar cualquier recuerdo que ahora te lastime o cause incomodidad. Aprovecha la segunda mitad del mes para renovar tus habitos y tu armario.
Numero de la suerte: 16 Color del mes: Blanco Compatibilidad del mes: Geminis Alejate este mes: Libra
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