#being like just Some Guy that tends to be my forte and it might be kind of what i want to go for. but also have you heard of nerites
axellis-archv-2 · 1 year
(reading wikipedia pages and going oh my god)
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
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The TADC cast with a reader who’s a fluffy droopy eared bunny like the picture above.
Those eyes have absolutely no thoughts behind them just vibes (that may or may not include various types of cake)
Readers just a little fella,an absolute pal.they give soft plush hugs but the catch is that their like 7’5 tall.their super kind and patient and somehow always know what to say or do to help the cast.
(Also…JAX FIDGET HC!! He totally flops their ears about)
TADC cast x big soft silly plushie bunny!reader!!!!!
uueueueue the macarons i made earlier ended up so good!! easily some of the nicest and prettiest ones i made recently; not like bakery level pretty but none of them collapsed or cracked! main issue is that some of them kind of have a tip or bump on the top from the piping!! otherwise theyre solid!! gonna answer some stuff then i might go draw then hit the sack
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i like to think that he took one of your ears in each of his hands and lifted them up, messing with them a bit before letting them flop down to your sides. has probably tried to blow you away with spectacles and grand gestures only for you to blink dully at him... oh... was he saying something..? you werent really paying attention... always reties your bow/bowtie when it comes undone, he cant have you not being ... not presentable..! very much endeared by your sweet demeanor and very loudly asks for hugs every now and then
has probably waved her hand in front of your face to see if you were awake and/or alive, genuinely thought that you were a real normal plushie the first time she saw you. got jumpscared when you slowly moved your head to look at her. oh dear! please reassure her that everything is fine!
since shes new you have taken to hovering around her during IHAs to make sure shes safe.. you have probably picked her up to your chest and made a run for it. like literally just pomni held flat to you and you just running with her. silly, i think
one of my favorite ragatha headcannons that lowkey becoming a given and my go to; she makes you accessories to go on your ears! bows and ribbons and the like! she thinks you look so so cute; vaguely reminds her of a bunny doll she used to have in her childhood, at least thats her guess judging by the warped and murky memories of her old life in the real world. has accidentally left you behind because you were spacing out and thinking about whatever it is that goes on in your head... thinks youre as sweet as can be, probably calls you "carrot cake" or something along the lines
"sweetie bell"
messes with your long droopy ears. not uncommon for him to just grab one and run his thumb over you false fur and fabric. he thinks youre too soft; literally and metaphorically. you make a great cuddle buddy and give great hugs, but youre just too nice for your own good. and on the off chance that youre actually paying attention when hes setting up a prank for someone, you put a stop to it. pulling pranks is mean, especially jax's style of pranks! you cant have that!
jax definitely pouts off to the side when you sabotage him.. youd think the two bunny folk would get along with one another!
well its not like you guys dont get along, youre too nice for that and sometimes i feel like jax's conscious would step in at least once and he would try to be nicer to you, at least for a day
sometimes he likes snuggling into you within the pillow fort, your body is just so soft and warm and comforting, youre literally just a giant teddy bear- er... bunny! stuffed bunny! honestly he probably hangs around you more than he would hang around a normal reader simply because youre just so sweet and soft, as well as inviting. you both tend to space out together.. do you think he accidentally put you in the walls of his pillow fort, before he realized you were a whole person ? like do i think kinger is that dense? no, but i do think that the thought it really really funny and silly and i can definitely see it as a gag
tries to pretend that theyre not into how soft and comfy you are.... but they find themselves subtly leaning into you when youre nearby. i would say that they would be blunt with wanting to be held or wanting a hug like they are with everything else.. but i think when it comes to affection, zooble can be a little... eh... like theyre bad at saying what they want when they want it, at least verbally.. your softness makes up for the fact that they feel like those hard plastic kids toys
sometimes get a little annoyed by your... empty eyed look... because sometimes its really hard to tell when youre paying attention or not
love love loves snuggling into you after a rough day, bonus if youre fixing up her comedy mask while she presses her other masked-face into your fluff and venting about her day. oh that jax is so so mean! please rub her back... her.. ribbons, actually. honestly hugs from you are s tier and the very best because as said several times before, youre really soft and comfortable. you guys tend to lock yourselves up in gangles room and hang out when a IHA isnt going on; and thats just fine with the both of you because you have one anothers company
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
The legacy characters reacting to mc/you kissing them?
A/n: I assumed you meant the first kiss...if I am wrong please let me know! I really liked this one, fluff is my forte. If you guys would like a girls version, let me know! This just got waaay too long lol.
Sebastian Sallow:
Alright. To go in order, he is surprised, flustered, and then overjoyed.
I imagine you're trampling through the woods in search of some potion ingredients. After all, Sebastian despises paying for things he can easily grab from the wild.
So the two of you are searching for a white flower with a blue and pink center. It's harder than it looks but you're having the time of your life being so far away from anyone but each other.
Sebastian thought that maybe this would become a patronus memory. He wasn't wrong!
"There it is!" You exclaim out of nowhere. He turns to see your outstretched hand reaching for a clearing in the cliffs. A cave. The flower is in a small, narrow cave.
Magic is forbidden outside of Hogwarts grounds, and somewhere long ago you had passed the border. So a summoning charm is out of question.
Sebastian hoists you on his shoulders so you can wriggle into the small space. And, of course, you do. There is a small moment of panick where you thought that you might be stuck, but he helped you out smoothly.
Of course, you have to thank him with a kiss. So yeah, you stand on your toes and plant a small kiss on his lips. The two of you had been dating for less than two weeks and you were tired of him not making a move to kiss you.
Unbeknownst to you, he was going to kiss you as a little reward to himself for saving you.
His arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer to him. He wouldn't let you off with ONE kiss!
On the outside he is calm and collected but on the inside, he is so giddy it's almost contagious. The most amazing person at Hogwarts just kissed him? And he's kissing them again? Yeah, he smiles into the kiss and has to bite down a happy giggle.
Ominis gets SUCH an earful that night!!
Ominis Gaunt:
Mans is the definition of "Pining."
Everything you do has him absolutely enamored, willing for more. And when I mean everything, I mean he's listening you tend to a flobberworm with a HUGE grin. But, he never makes a move because, well, you're the hero of hogwarts! Surely you could do better than a blind, cold, Gaunt.
He agreed to spend the afternoon with you in your Vivarium. After all, he loves animals! Maybe not as much as Poppy, but he definitely is in his happy place. Warm grass, sunshine, a Mooncalf laying it's head on his stomach, and most of all, you!
His smile grows impossibly larger once he hears you laugh. "Ominis, he just rolled over! The worm!" There wasn't much incredible about worms in his opinion, but you were excited and that made it worth it.
"That's incredible! Maybe you can train them like dogs!" You flopped down on the grass beside him and smiled at his comment. "I bet I could learn to make leashes for them. Considering they don't have necks, it would be a challenge."
You were close. So close. Was that new perfume? Ominis went into overdrive, subtly scooting away from you. He couldn't stomach the thought of you hearing his heart beat out of his chest after all.
"Ominis?" He craned his head in your direction. Was he blushing? Oh merlin, he hoped not.
"I was just talking about Hogsmeade, are you alright? Usually you jump to go to Honeydukes." Genuine concern laced your voice and he smiled. You always were just too kind.
"Fine, sorry. Go on."
But you were silent. It wasn't until he felt a weight against his arm that he realized you had moved closer.
"Ominis, has anyone told you that you're gorgeous?" You laughed at his guffaw. "No...?"
"You are. Beautiful, even. Handsome if I do say so myself."
Your breath tickled his ear. How fast does a heart have to beat in order to explode? He dreaded to find out.
"MC..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say.
"Can I kiss you?" You offered instead.
His mind was screaming at him to decline, screaming that he would somehow hurt you, but his heart took charge and he found himself nodding.
If he thought you smelled sweet, you tasted sweeter. And he sighed at a gentle kiss. His heart calmed down, everything seemed to calm when you were touching him.
Carefully he placed a hand on the back of your head and pulled you in for another kiss.
As he felt you smile into the kiss, all his worries about not being good enough went away.
You were here, with him, and that's all that matters.
Garreth Weasley
Golden retriever boyfriend!!
Technically (and I use technically very loosely here,) You guys aren't dating.
But he calls you pet names and you kiss his cheek, one of you is always sneaking the other into your dorm for cuddles, and hand holding is almost a second reflex.
So yeah. Other than not being labeled as partners, you guys are dating.
And it's after quidditch that you guys...make it official.
It was the house cup and you both were playing. Whether it be both for Gryffindor or Gryffindor versus your house, the two of you are up in the air.
After not having Quidditch fifth year, it's a warm welcome to be up and fighting for your house!
The game was intense, and you could hear your friends screaming for your victory in the stands.
A large number of people had gathered outside of the pitch as well. The house cup always drew former students back to watch their old house win.
All the attention must have gone to your ego, because you were playing amazing!! Even your rivals were gawking at you. Of course you were good at quidditch before, but the extra attention makes you a superstar!
And so when the snitch is caught and the crowd goes wild, the pure Euphoria washes over you in a wild wave.
You had won, and you had won in a landslide.
Garreth is spotted and you don't think twice before jumping from your broom to his, laughing at his confused expression.
"We won!!" You exclaimed, grabbing onto his shoulders and smiling so wide it hurt. "We won the house cup!"
"I kno-" Garreth is cut off by you grabbing his face by the cheeks and kissing him hard. His face goes almost as red as his hair!
The broom stutters underneath you and he quickly calms it down, grabbing onto your waist and kissing you back just as passionately.
Well, Natty catches you guys, noticing you aren't on the ground celebrating and her laugh is what makes you break apart. With embarrassed glances, the two of you follow Natty back down to the pitch.
Leander Prewitt:
Boy is too confident in his mistakes.
By that, I mean, he asked you on a date to the three broomsticks. It went well and you were feeling all fuzzy...until he tried to kiss you.
Of course you didn't mind being kissed by him but he goes in with all his confidence and smashes his forehead against your nose, causing it to bleed. So he goes to grab a napkin but knocks his chair over and it lands on your foot. Then, picking it up, he bumped into the table and spilled your butterbeer. The hot liquid went right into the woman at the adjacent table's lap.
So, naturally, he helped you stop the bleeding and then he ran. He's been avoiding you since then and your feeble attempts at finding him don't work.
He's...a mess.
Garreth comes and finds you a couple days later and he can't even keep the irritation out of his tone while he tells you that Leander would like to speak to you. Meet him at the DADA tower tonight.
He walks away before you can ask him what time.
You waited for three hours and your annoyance grew by every moment. Of course you didn't blame Leander, Garreth didn't tell you what time! To your knowledge anyway. No, Leander CHOSE not to give a time because he heard Sebastian talking about how feelings intensify after a waiting period.
Welp. Not exactly what he meant, Leander, but okay.
When Leander peeks around the corner, he thinks you don't notice him, but oh boy, you do.
"Can you BELIEVE Garreth didn't give me a time? I have been waiting for three bloody hours! Gah!" You slammed your book shut and stood to face him. "It's okay. What would you like to talk to me about?"
He's too busy mentally beating himself up to answer you immediately. "Oh, uh," He stutters after a few seconds. "I just wanted to say that I am so, so very sorry for how our date went."
"It's not your fault, Leander, don't worry! And Nurse Blainey fixed my nose. No worries."
He still didn't look convinced. Even though you had to stand on your toes, you stood and kissed him lightly on the lips. "It's all alright, Lee."
Okay he malfunctioned. Mans just stopped working.
Slowly his face goes pink and his smile grows. He might be a loser sometimes, but hey. He's your loser.
Amit Thakkar.
So, so Awkward.
Yes, he likes you. Alot. But you don't like him that way, and that's fine! He values your friendship anyway. Well, he thought you didn't like him that way.
Truth be told, you were absolutely smitten with him!
Who doesn't love a handsome and smart, not to mention sweet boy?
The only person who knows this is your best friend, Poppy.
And of course, she is determined to get the two of you together. Because if she heard you ramble on about liking him but knowing he doesn't feel the same one more time, she might just lose it.
So in History of Magic one day, she notices Amit isn't glued to the board. He's scribbling in his notebook, but- wait. He's blushing.
She takes the seat next to him, leaving both you and Amit confused. He's quick to turn the page. This doesn't discourage your friend whatsoever. Instead, she just smiles to herself. When Amit isn't looking, she switches their notebooks and comes back to her normal seat next to you.
"I have something for you."
You can only blink at her. After all, she was acting very strange. "O-okay?"
And she hands you his notebook, flips a page, and wow you are face to face with a page of love poems. Mostly original ones too. Written in your house colors, describing someone who could only be you.
"I told you!!" Poppy hisses at you with a triumphant smirk on her face.
After class, Amit stayed behind to look for his notebook. You stayed behind to give it to him.
"Poppy had this." You can't meet his eyes.
Oh no. He knows what you read.
"Mc! It's not- I didn't mean to- Oh merlin MC, I'm sorry you had to read that."
His face is PALE because he is convinced you think he's weird and want nothing to do with him now.
"No, no, Amit don't apologize! I thought they were incredibly sweet."
Oh great, now they're trying to make him feel better.
"Really, I did." You continued. "I- I have my own Poems actually. I mean I didn't write them myself but I like Poetry. Alot. I guess what I want to say-am trying to say I mean- is that I feel the same way about you."
Amit went from pale to flushed in record time. "You do? I-wow, okay-wow."
An awkward silence filled the room before your enchanted watch dinged, letting you know that you were late to Charms. "I have to go...will you meet me at the Astronomy tower tonight? After dinner?"
He is still blushing as you lean in to kiss his cheek. With a shy half smile you leave the classroom, smiling to yourself. He is left standing in place, a hand over where you kissed his cheek and a shy but ecstatic grin on his face.
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I think its time some of the creeps got some fluff :D
Puppeteer, Hobo, and Kate experiencing some wholesomeness with their S/Os? Mayhaps? Snuggles and cuddles oh my!
I tried to make it winter themed because it's that time of year :)
Listen, he's already pretty clingy over you, but once winter hits you basically never get rid of him. He always gets worried that you're gonna get too cold out there and get sick, and so he tends to hover over you, making sure you're dressing well and that you're staying warm enough in all of this winter weather. Winter is also the time of year when he starts (insisting) suggesting that you wear his clothes because they'll keep you warmer. He'll bundle you up in his sweaters, or a scarf of his, or a nice thick jacket, claiming it's totally necessary when really half of it is just that he thinks you look incredibly adorable when you're wearing his clothes, and so he gets super excited whenever you do so during the colder months. If you ever tease him and say that if you wear all his clothes he won't have any left for himself he will go out and buy doubles of his outfits so that you can't use that excuse anymore. Also, Pup never wants to let you out of bed in the mornings. He just wants to stay curled up beside you, cuddling with you, and spending the day resting with you because he feels much weaker and more tired because of the cold, so his solution to that problem is to get a good grip on you and just cuddle you until you can somehow manage to escape him about an hour later than normal.
Hobo is probably one of the cuddliest creeps, and you'll find that could pretty early on in your relationship with him. Nothing makes this poor touch starved bird boy happier than being able to get some love and affection from you, and luckily you're always happy to provide it. Nothing beats lazy mornings with you both sprawled out in bed, your body wrapped up in his arms and wings, the two of you content to lay there for as long as you'd like, in no rush to do anything else. Although, with it being winter, sometimes Hobo likes to get outside with you and spend some time exploring in the cold. He's never gotten to have fun with people out there before, and you're always excited to give him a chance to experience that. He's often entranced by the falling snow, spending hours just watching it fall. He'll sit out there with you, a wing protectively draped over you so you don't have to worry about it soaking into and chilling you. After you've spent some time outside, head in and make the two of you some hot chocolate, curl up in front of the fire or on the couch, put something on the TV, and just relax together underneath a blanket, and you'll have Hobo thinking he must be in heaven with how relaxed and content he feels beside you. He's a simple guy, and it doesn't take much for him to feel fully cheery and at ease beside you.
Kate absolutely loves wintertime, and she loves it even more when she gets to spend it with you, her favorite person in the entire world. I'm talking about building snowmen together, having snowball fights, making snow angels, fuck it, she might even ask if you want to put in the time and energy to build an igloo together. Kate just absolutely loves being outside and fucking around and exploring, and all of that is even more fun when you're out there with her. If you get too cold she's more than happy to go in with you, but she loves spending as much time as possible with you running around in the snow. When you finally go back in, she'll make the two of you some of her famous homemade hot chocolate, complete with marshmallows and whipped cream if you'd like it, and she'll sit by the mansion fireplace with you, laughing and telling jokes and stories with you to pass the time while you warm up together. After that is a nice warm shower, and then throwing on your pajamas and jumping into bed to snuggle up together. She'll make a blanket fort or just drown the two of you in a big pile of blankets, snuggle up to you, and just lay there and relax with you in utter bliss until both of you are too sleepy to stay awake any longer. Kate never thought she'd be lucky enough to have someone to do things like this with, so it makes her so incredibly happy to be able to have you by her side. 
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m0stlygh0st · 2 months
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Alright, another sona drop! This time for my TADC s/i, Rubi!
Based off the dancing show ponies some circuses have. :3 Despite not having a mouth, she can talk perfectly fine, but she tends to gesture and talk a lot with her hooves or by making wild gestures.
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… And of course, I ship her with the anxious monarch lmao.
Now then… are ya’ll ready for some sad pining? Some boo hoo ship lore? >w> 💕
Okay, okay, okay. SO, this is all being said with the full knowledge that the show can go in any which way-- the plot I have outlined for my silly little self ship is purely just headcanon fodder for funsies. Sometimes you can enjoy sad fluff. As a treat!
Alright, as a really basic overview, Rubi ends up feeling an odd sense of wanting to protect Kinger pretty quickly off the bat and in turn, he appreciates someone taking him at least somewhat seriously-- she calls him 'your majesty' as a term of endearment over all else, but Kinger sees it as reverence, whoops-- and she ends up falling into line as an un-official knight for him. Even if that means just giving the poor guy a comforting pat or helping to guard his little pillow fort.
Okay, so that being said: Knights, in chess, can be used to protect King and Queen pieces equally. A Knight is a powerful piece but the one piece it can't take is a King. :3
The way I see their relationship filling out is like... Rubi knows that Kinger will probably-- hopefully, even-- end up reunited with Queenie somehow. She knows the two are a pair and she can't interfere with that, regardless of how she feels. So, even with Kinger feeling affectionate towards Rubi, and Rubi feeling the same towards Kinger, it won’t go much farther than unofficial cuddle buddies at most. Exchanged glances that last a little longer than intended, sitting a little closer than normal at the dinner table, falling asleep in a heap together in Kinger’s pillow fort, things like that. She wants Kinger to be happy-- whether that's with her, or with Queenie, in the end. And even when someone brings that up– the fact that Kinger might end up with Queenie in the end if they can reverse the abstraction, or that he’s still kind of hung up on losing Queenie in the first place– she’s quick to say “I know” with a bittersweet look. No other arguments, no excuses or defenses on her own part unless someone asks for specifics. Just a solemn little “Yep.”
So.... yeah! Unrequited love is a hell of a thing!!! :D I don't know why this was the way my head took the ship initially but that's just how the chips fall I guess lmao. It’s very reminiscent of like, the relationship Victor, Emily and Victoria had at the end of the Corpse Bride— “I love you, but you’re not mine” kinda style. :3
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thelostgirl21 · 9 months
How to solve the whole situation once they've found Ciri...
Jaskier: I think Ciri should marry Radovid.
Geralt: Are you insane? He's way too old for -
Radovid: If I may, he's talking about a purely political alliance. I can assure you I'm gay, and I've got absolutely no matrimonial interest in your daughter. I do, however, so happen to have a kingdom that I'd very much love to abdicate from in favor of a queen that might actually have an interest in running it.
Ciri: I could use a kingdom! One that would treat elves, dwarves and humans as equals...
Jaskier: See? She'd make a great queen! They get married, Radovid renounces the throne, they divorce, Ciri inherits Redania - and with it the most powerful army in the North to keep her safe... Oooh! And Yennefer could be her mage adviser!
Yennefer: You sound like you've been giving this way too much thought...
Geralt: Wait. Redania legalized divorce?
Jaskier: And gay marriage, too. *Tries to sound casual about it.* Not that this is, you know, at all relevant to the the current situation.
Geralt: And why should we believe the King of Redania would be keen on giving up power so easily?
Radovid: Look, all I really wanted was a pretty song...
Geralt: *Eyes him suspiciously*
Jaskier: No, he's being honest. Had my doubts, too, but turns out all he really wanted, at first, was a pretty song.
Geralt: *Slowly realizes what this is about, an amused glint in his eyes as he looks back at him.* I thought you didn't do pretty?
Jaskier: *Dramatically throws his arms in the air, slightly annoyed.* Well, apparently I do now, don't I?
Radovid: *Smirking smuggly* I'm "pretty".
Ciri: *Totally missing the innuendo* You really are!
Radovid: *Delighted and preening* Thank you.
Yennefer: *Snorts*
Yarpen: *Points to Jaskier and Radovid* Wait. Has the lute-playing walloper been fucking a King?
Geralt: *Groans and sighs* Again, real subtle, Yarpen.
Yarpen: *Whisling while looking at Jaskier, somewhat impressed.* Didn't think you'd have it in you, friend!
Radovid: Well, technically -
Jaskier: Aaand on that note! I'll also need Ciri to divorce him, so I can marry him after.
Ciri: *Excitedly* You two are getting married?
Jaskier: Only if you are! Which, I'm aware, makes very little sense...
Radovid: I actually did offer to marry him first - and have Redania become the first kingdom to have two kings - but that triggered a bit of a panic attack.
Jaskier: Look, I stopped using that viscount title and left nobility behind for a reason. If Ciri can make room in the castle for a retired king and his traveling bard, I'd be fine spending a few weeks or even months living at court from time to time. Especially at first, so Radovid can help her get settled and update her on the most important issues that need to be addressed and resolved in the kingdom.
Ciri: Of course you'd always have a home here, and I wouldn't just kick Radovid out! Actually, would it be okay for me to let him keep his prince title? Just in case anything happens to me, and -
Yennefer: *Firmly* Nothing's going to happen to you.
Ciri: Yeah but -
Geralt: No buts. We won't allow it.
Ciri: What if I accidentally portal myself to another dimension? Wouldn't want to force me to leave the Kingdom unattended until I get back, would you?
Jaskier: Hate to say it, but she does have a point.
Radovid: Look, if that would give the Princess some peace of mind to have someone willing to be holding the fort in case of emergencies... But, if that were to happen, I'd be needing Jaskier's help.
Jaskier: *Shrugs* I mean, I guess that would work. It's not that I don't want to get involved in making people's lives better in the kingdom, or share in any of those responsibilities. It's just that, no matter how much I love any of you guys - and I really do love you - I tend to get quite antsy and unpleasant confined to a single location for too long.
Radovid: And personally, I've always wanted to travel, meet different people, and experience some of the tales that have inspired Jaskier's songs for myself.
Geralt: You know he makes a lot of those things up, right?
Radovid: *Shrugs* I think Jaskier's always told those stories the way he sees them - for what they are or mean to him according to his own emotional truth, rather than facts. For example, I've always thought that "Toss a Coin to Your Witcher" was about how the world tends to forget that, behind every larger-than-life heroic figure, there's often just someone that needs to be looked after, too, offered a drink from time to time, listened to, and treated as a friend. If accuracy or factually reporting events had been his goal, then he'd have become a historian, not a bard.
Yennefer: That's... surprisingly insightful.
Jaskier: *Swooning* I know... *Sighs happily* He really is quite brilliant, isn't he?
Radovid: *Blushes brightly* I take it my humble interpretation's not too far off?
Jaskier: *Leans in to whisper into his ear.* I'll let you know just how close you got later...
Geralt: *Confused* Okay, what's actually happening here?
Ciri: *Chuckles* It's called poetry.
Jaskier: *Dreamily, mostly to himself* You'd have to be a spoon to get it...
Radovid: *Now also confused* Wait. What? Now I don't get it.
Jaskier: *Winces slightly* Sorry. That one's on me, you're missing context. You're a spoon, Geralt's a hammer - just...
Radovid: ...different tools for different purposes?
Jaskier: *Makes a half strangled noise, as his legs threaten to give up on him.*
Yarpen: *Motioning to Jaskier while looking at Yennefer, bit puzzled* Does your bard usually do that?
Yennefer: *Looking deep in thoughts, seemingly analysing the situation* Not that I've ever been aware of.
Geralt: Yeah, no. That's new.
Ciri: *Incredulously* You've been travelling with him for, like, over 20 years, and you're telling me you've never seen him have a crush before?
Yennefer: Oh! Oh. Yeah, that's um - okay. I think you're right - I mean, I can see the nuance.
Jaskier (*slowly coming back to himself*) & Geralt: What nuance?
Yennefer: *Innocently* Nothing! Just enjoy your spoon, bard. I'll explain it to the hammer later.
Geralt: *Huffs thoughtfully*
Jaskier: *Still looking unsure* Alright...
Yarpen: You know what, I think it's safer if I don't know.
Radovid: I'm actually not entirely sure I follow...
Yennefer: *Uses magic to telepathically communicate with Radovid, making him blush even brighter.*
Radovid: No, I mean, that seems...
Yennever: *Continues to telepathically communicate with him, looking fondly amused, and just the slightest bit smug.*
Radovid: *Bashfully* I'll ah, I'll take your word for it, and thank you...
Jaskier: What did she just say?
Radovid: Nothing bad, and I'll tell you one day, when the time's right, I promise.
Jaskier: *Doesn't look quite convinced.*
Yennefer: *Rolls eyes* I promise it's fine, Pankratz. Now stop pouting!
Jaskier: *Sighs dramatically* Fine!
Radovid: But,to go back to the whole political royal union thing, I did look to see if I could just hand the kingdom over to Ciri - simply name a successor and step down. Sadly, changing the laws of succession would appear to be a complete nightmare!
Geralt: Meaning we have to trust that you'll honor your end of the agreement, and -
Yarpen: What? You really think that King's going to attempt to stay married to your kid with the amount of eye fucking that's been happening between him and your bard?
Geralt: *Groans* Yarpen, for fuck's sake!
Yennefer: That's a bit of a crude way to put it, but he's got a point.
Geralt: You know Dijsktra and Philippa won't be happy about this, right?
Jaskier: Yeah, well, good thing you and Yennefer are scarier than Dijsktra and Philippa.
Ciri: *Crosses arms on her chest, pointedly looking at Jaskier* Why are you overlooking the fact that I'd totally rip their spines out if they tried to come after you and hurt my family?
Jaskier: Gods, I love you kid! *Pulls Ciri into a tight hug*
Radovid: Didn't you say Yennefer was the scary one?
Jaskier: Like mother, like daughter.
Yarpen: *Proudly* I actually taught the cub how to rip out spines.
Geralt: *Gives two vigorous pats on Radovid's shoulder, almost making him fall over* Welcome to the family, Radovid! *Whispering omninously* But, should you ever try to hurt Jaskier or Ciri, trust me, you'll be wishing she ripped out your spine.
Yennefer: Yes, because I know how to eternally trap souls into an infernal dimension.
Radovid: *Hesitating* That's... oddly reassuring. *Visibly relaxing while looking at Jaskier* You were right, love - Dijsktra and Philippa aren't so scary after all, are they?
Jaskier: *Smuggly* Told you!
Yennefer: Are we sure we shouldn't have been warning Jaskier not to hurt him?
Geralt: Hmm... I was just thinking that, too.
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lucifersglasses · 2 years
Obey Me Brothers Sleeping Headcanon!!
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   Lucifer -This only happens if you can get this workaholic in bed in the first place.. And usually he will give in since he wants to big spoon you. Yes. He’s a big spoon. He wants to be the dominant one and protect you (But sometimes will let you spoon him but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) -His voice.. *Chefs Kiss* is sooooooo soothing, you can practically fall asleep in less than a minute. (I’m sorry his voice is just so calming and attractive- SORRY LMAOOO) -He tends to be very still when he sleeps, I mean STiLL (You wonder if he’s dead or something) -Your sleeping position is either A: He will hug you from behind and breathe in your neck all night, or B: He will lay down flat on his back like usual and have his arm out and keep you in place, while your head is on his chest. -Mutters nonsense in his sleep sometimes, he muttered something about you in his sleep one time and it was so sweet..~ -He doesn’t know, but you somehow recorded it for yourself only. (He did like a whole speech, hmmmm wonder what his dream was about) -The temperature in his room.. I feel like his preferred temperature would be the cold. His room gives huge cold vibes, so bring extra blankets!!! -Usually falls asleep after you do, but if it was a harsh day he will automatically pass out. -Your the only person he will show being vulnerable to, he trusts you and is so soft for you :) Mammon -You IN HIS BED!? WHAT A DREAM COME TRUE! -In with the idea but super flustered and nervous of you both sharing a bed for the first time. -Just letting you know, he is a huge cuddle bug, and his temperature is warmmmm so you probably won’t need any blankets.. unless he somehow hoards them all -_- -His room would be cold, so MAKE SURE HE DOESN’T HOARD!! -Oh he loves the big spoon yes.. but might want to be the little spoon some if he had a rough day.. poor baby always getting insulted by his brothers ;-; -Warning 1 y’all aren’t waking up in the same position ur sleeping in, you will both be scattered on the bed by morning, or on the floor LMAOOO -Warning 2 he drools.. so maybe try not to have him near your hair or whatever lol -Warning 3 he may snore too, so bring earplugs just in case. -Other than that, he loves to cuddle you, and talk to you while you both fall asleep, it’s like a fantasy he’s wanted forever. -You both like to talk before going to bed and it's usually for a couple hours or more since you both really enjoy eachothers company. -He falls asleep first, don’t ask, he just falls asleep first for some reason. -Also pillow fights occur usually before going to bed XDDD Levi -’AHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY S/O IS SLEEPING WITH ME-’ //////// -This man is flustered and rambling all over the place.. -First: he has never slept in the same bed bathtub with someone before- -Second: He is nervous about messing up and you think he is weird or creepy. -And Finally: He is scared about his appearance. -We all know he is super insecure and wants the best for you, REASSURE HIM EVERYTHING IS A-OKKKK. -He sleeps in a damn bathtub.. so at best yall cuddling all night. (Guys imma be honest, his room looks really cool to sleep in, the aquarium and the jellyfish) -Levi would be such a switch between spooning or you spooning him, it's honestly your call if you want to be a small or big spoon. -Last to go to bed, he plays games all night and you best be joining him half of the time. -But he will try to be quiet and play more of a chill game if you had a bad day or just cuddle with you to make sure your ok ;-; -You both have definitely built a pillow fort for a little game date night, maybe more ;) -Pillow Fights occur too! - Overall one of the best cuddlers or best for you to cuddle with since our Otaku is adorable. Satan -Probably one of the most chill to sleep with out of everyone besides Belphie. -He is a bit flustered, but has always wanted to sleep with you and hold you. -Always last to go to bed since he reads for about an hour before he does so, unless you're a bookworm like he is. -Satan loves being a big spoon and having you in his arms.Yall’s sleeping position would definitely be you on top of him with your head in his chest. OMG- I bet he also loves to stroke/ play with your hair before going to sleep- ^^^ -I see his room to be cold, so.. BLANKETS! - He definitely snuck some cats to sleep with and cuddle amongst you both and the blankets and pillows. - And half of the time, you wake up with a book on your head XD -If you had a bad day, he is always there to listen to you, and will read to you if you’d like. -Honestly, the sweetest most considerate partner to sleep with, and will always respect you and big spoon you. Asmo -”Oh MC~ your in for a treat” -Oh you were.. This man has plans before going to bed, going to bed, and waking up- -He already had this  planned. I bet you both do some pedicures, facemasks, paint yalls nails, etc, before going to bed, and he will make sure of it. (Unless you had a bad day) -He is such a big spoon, will cuddle into your chest, may give a few pecks there too. -He adores you and loves sleeping with you, he has many fantasies on what he wants to do and try out. -He puffs while he sleeps and it's very cute ^^, but might snore- rarely tho and do not tell him because he will always deny it. -I feel like you both would do pajama runway, if you're both too tired then just face masks and watch a rom com. -Likes room temperature at exactly 71. I don't know why but he says it's the perfect temperature but it is. -You both love pillows, stuffed animals, and wearing onesies. XDD -He wants you to feel good and feel amazing around him, he just wants the best for you and cuddle with you <3. Beel -Doesn’t even blush, he is just excited and has a cute grin on his face- awwwwww ^^. -He is a cuddler, so make sure he doesn’t squeeze the life out of you. XD -You both definitely watch movies and eat snacks before going to bed. If not then you both just cuddle and talk for a little bit about the day and tomorrow and much more! -He loves pillows so you both have lots of pillows in bed, and most of them are food pillows LMAO- -Sleeping position would probably be him big spooning you with his face in your hair, he loves the shampoo scent in your hair, it's calming to him. -He is very warm, so make sure the room temperature is pretty cold so you don’t overheat LMAO- -Sometimes Belphie will join you too and sleep with yall since you both are fun to cuddle with or be near, it's comforting to him. -Beel loves cuddling and sleeping with you overall, very sweet and such a cuddler. Belphie -YeS.. literally wanted this since the beginning. -Right when you even mention the idea he grabs you and cuddles you like his life depends on it. -He loves big spooning you and being spooned at the same time- -CuDDLes are his favorite thing in all of devildom, the celestial realm, human world, please give him the best cuddles. ^^ -You both have definitely used dream potions to be in each other's dreams and explore around them together. -NO ALARM CLOCKS ALLOWED, JUST NO.. Wake up late so you both can be in each others arms still and not be disturbed. -Don’t even ask, yall have done basically everything, pillow forts, onesies, pillow and blanket marathon, you name it. -He likes the temperature cold, meaning A: Having you closer in his arms, and B: More blankets and pillows. -He really doesn’t care what position yall sleep in, he just wants to be at least touching you. -There’s one warning though, he drools. -Overall, Loves sleeping with you, it's his favorite activity and time of day ever.
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Welcome to... I dunno, some bullshit? Look, I mostly am making this to do some shameless self promotion, and explain some gimmicks.
Let's start with the side blogs
This is Eivel, an OC who, as the url suggests, is the forgotten god of spite. He is, despite barely being at a tenth of his former power, more powerful than some gods.
Then we have @plushiemonstervoid
This lil baby man is a OC known as Monster apples (the naming conventions will be explained after the side blogs). He is a he/they babyboy who exists only to be optimistic and eldritch. Did I mention he eats people's souls and absorbs their personalities? He is the wholesome one, in case it wasn't obvious
Then, @the-fort-official
This is all the other OC's I have made. Some have their own blogs, but 99% are there. It's basically a shared account between most of my OC's, or at least the ones who live in the F.O.R.T.. (send an ask asking for one from... well, basically any fictional universe, and you will probably meet a citizen. But watch out!)
Also: @themothtoyourflame
One of the fine citizens of the F.O.R.T. actually managed to get a date. With mothman, but still. He got his own account. Sadly, mothman-fucker apples still has to use the f.o.r.t. account
Well, let's just say, in some alternate timelines, the villains decide to stop pulling punches. So everyone dies. Almost, that is. One survived. One escaped. And is doing a AMA!
My rant blog has become a writing blog. See the blogs pinned post for more, because I'm tired of writing. Go there for fanfics and also sometimes saying things about my different characters.
The text Beekeeper. He sure is a guy. Too bad he barely knows anything about himself, is a kleptomaniac, and in denial of being gay. Oh, also, he is very not ok. Because I like him as a character
Music? Animations? Fanart? You want it, we got it. As long as you have enough reblogs!
The context bits for lore and stuff:
The fort is a base of operations for all the variations of apples from across the multiverse. They took over a whole universe just to build it
Naming conventions: most versions are named after where they are from, or their gimmick, as most are named some variation of Nicolas, or apples (if the former, then will probably have a nickname regarding the latter). Examples: bioshock apples, crusader apples, monster apples, looper apples, prime apples, ect
The multiverse I go with is a bit complicated, but the barest of bones is that all fiction is a alternate universe, and there are "teirs" of multiverse, which is basically a bunch of bubbles that get harder and harder to travel between.
There is a void. It tends to mix whatever gets thrown in and spit out amalgamations. Or, if you have enough plot armor, make your own nemesis (see prime apples and evil apples)
There are villains, and they might be hunted towards. Sadly, they are not interested in talking to you. Exept the seduction twins, but I try to keep this place at least mostly sfw, so... no.
More to be added when I remember
The obligatory dni's:
Transphobes, homophobes, radfems, terfs, nazis, racists, Karen's, creeps, weirdos, and other unsavory persons. (If you think a specific type of person is worse for one of their attributes, then you probably are not allowed.)
Sadly, nobody cares about the lore, so... enjoy seeing all the random posts that gave my brain the happy chemicals
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indiehorrorgamemovie · 7 months
isthefnafmovieout reviews the fnaf movie (SPOILERS)
Pre-movie thoughts (written 10/25):
I get to see it a day early! YAY!
I might have hyped this movie up in my brain a little too much, because I'm SUPER anxious.
The polarizing reviews i was seeing throughout the day were definitely a little nerve wracking! Lots of good and bad reviews, lots of weird contridicting statements. I saw lots of people complaining about the lore being "wrong" or whatever but... Eh. It has already been established that this movie won't have the same lore as the games, so I won't mind any lore changes. They're like the Silver Eyes books, in their own seperate canon but with similarities to the games.
Overall Im keeping my hopes reasonably high. Horror films and video game adaptations tend to get a bad wrap from even the fairest critics. I'm a die-heard fnaf fan, have been for all 9 years of its existence. If Dawko loves it then I will love it I think 🫡
Okay, now with that out of the way...
Spoiler free review, posted on my letterboxd:
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Post-movie thoughts (written 10/26):
The way they incorporated Mike's dream sequences into the narrative was really interesting, how he tries to use his dreams to find out who took his brother. He and Abby were really sweet :) I like how their relationship drives the plot along, with how they befriend Abby but only as a front because they want her to "be like them," and how Mike is caught up in the past and realizes that he needs to focus on protecting Abby, not bringing his brother back. Its surprisingly emotional, i really resonated with their story. Josh Hutcherson and Piper Rubio both did well!
It's basically everything I expected, and I liked it! I think it's story was good, with its focus on childhood innocence.
Vanessa is great too! Different from her game counterpart, but thats okay! And the twist that she's actually William aftons daughter? Holy shit I gasped like I was watching a soap. Thats so interesting!! I loved how she just FELT suspicious. I know it's very different from the game lore, but I expected the movie to be, and I liked what they did! I got chills when Vanessa showed the picture of her and William to Mike and you could see her holding the plane that Mike's brother used to have.... my dad thought that was the creepiest part. Speaking of william btw...
Matthew Lillard, man. wow. What a great William Afton. They do some subtle implications that hes William in the beginning and if i didnt know it was him already i would've been surprised. He hams it up like he did with Stu Macher and it's great! I wish he was in it a little more, and they expanded a little more on Williams character through Vanessa, but yeah, he was good! I hope to see more of him in any sequels!
I wish the animatronics showed up a little more, thats probably my biggest critique or whatever. But they are so well made and cute. I liked how they befriended Abby, and that they rlly honed in on the animatronics being possessed by kids and that their violence is from William Aftons influence. I wish they went more into depth about how William influenced them though, and why it's all the pictures drawn of what happened that control their vision of what happened. What we did get from them though was so cool! Jim Henson did so well with these guys, they're so cute yet can be so scary.
The kills were pretty tame on the surface, as I expected, but some of the implications were quite disturbing to a point where it didn't rlly take away from it for me. Especially Max's, it gave me a "Ada in the laser room in the re4 seperate ways remake" vibes. Same with the security guards death to the faz-trap in the beginning.
There were some pacing issues, theyve definitely cut some things i wouldve liked to see, there was some goofiness (that fort making scene made me laugh so hard im sorry, it was cute though), and some story elements that needed a touch more expanding upon, but this movie was still really fun! For non-fans, honestly i dont know how they'reresponding as a whole besides those really weird reviews im seeing on rotten tomatoes and such, but I saw it with my dad, who knew very little going into it, and he liked it, especially the story with the missing kids! For fans... well, If you like fnaf, are are willing to forgive some lore changes for the sake of telling a coherent story, then you'll love it!
Also why was Matpat there lol. isthefnafmovieout, out. See you on the flipside.
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iheartchv · 1 year
Hello, love! I hope you're doing well and your day is going great! I would like to request a match up from your Christmas event! 🌿🍒
I would like to be match up with one of the turtle gang. ^^
I'm strawberry blonde, have blue eyes and I'm not really skinny but not too big either. I am quite short to some (5'3") and people tend to think I'm younger than I already am. 😅 I like to wear t-shirts, jeans, and vans/converses but I don't mind dressing up every once in a awhile. (No to dresses though!)
My interests and hobbies? I enjoy watching anime, listen to music, writing stories, reading, and sometimes do some creative crafts (I made some Christmas decor for my family a few times, think of me as the artist of the family). I enjoy playing video games but I'm picky on what I play (Genshin Impact, Sonic games, and horror games). I enjoy learning new things and make theories, especially if it's on games. I would love to cosplay, but I'm too insecure to actually participate. I love to cook things, especially baking. I used to work at a bakery, so decorating cakes is my forte.
My personality? There's a lot with my personality 😂 One minute I could be happy, then I could be depressed within seconds if a certain topic triggers me. I could be fun and laid back, but I get serious when something has been on my mind a lot. I care so much for people (maybe a little too much) and I want what's best for them, but when someone hurts me I cut them off completely. I won't mistreat them but I won't hangout with you like we used to. I am an introvert and I prefer to not go anywhere and be around large crowds, unless you want me to have an anxiety attack. I guess you can say I have trust issues but I always have some grace, if that makes sense. I knew I can be confusing to people because of how my mood will switch so fast. Maybe that's the reason I don't have much friends 😅
What I like in a partner? I know I like someone who has a lot of patience and is mature. Considering how my mood can switch so fast, I need them to know when is the right time to do certain things. I like them to be fun, too. To be silly whenever I'm feeling down, or give me advice/listen when I need it. I like to have them to have some of the same interests as me. I don't really care on what they look like, I only care about how they treat me. I really love tall guys. I say I don't like being short but that's a lie, especially when he could lean down and give me a forehead kiss 💞
I apologize if this is too much! >.< I enjoy your writing and I'm glad I could be part of the fandom. I hope you're having a good day/night, and please take care of yourself! 🥰
Im 5'3" as well, and people think im younger than my actual age,too so i feel ya 😂👍
Hmmm you'd be matched with... Donatello💜
Possible matches: Leo, April, Splinter
Donnie ends up falling for you
You've bonded over music, what animes youve watched, video games and theories surrounding them
Your baked goods are to die for
Loves them with his coffee (morning or night)
He understands you and will not make you do something youre uncomfortable with
He is patient, he is mature, and will be silly just to make you smile
Forehead kisses included
He will be whatever and give you whatever you need
And he's been a wonderful sweet boyfriend
For Christmas you baked a tiramisu/cake for Donnie
He ate the first bite and fed you some bites
"Have I ever told you I love you?"
"Many times" you smiled at him
"I love you, turtle dove, and I appreciate everything you do for me"
He kisses you on your forehead, your eyes lids, nose, cheeks, and then your lips
It might be cold outside but with you he's never felt warmer
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Hope you like your match 👉💜👈
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ifidiedinadream · 2 years
I know you have a lot of requests, but if you ever find the time or feel in the mood, could you maybe write some hurt/comfort for a reader insert and one of the BC guys (your choice I love them all).
The reader is dealing with a lot of pressure from outside, finding a new job, parents blaming them and other stuff and they get a little overwhelmed, so their parent just pulls them into a hug and lets them lay on their chest til they calmed down.
Doesn't have to be long, I just need some comfort rn 👉👈😔
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decided to combine these two requests since they're similar, hope it's okay <3 i love writing hurt/comfort, it's one of my favorites!
You're sad, frustrated, exhausted.
It's been another of those days. And it would be normal and bearable if only it hadn't been the umpteenth day like this in a row.
You're starting to think you can't do this anymore. Nothing ever goes right - work, family, studies, and you just wish you could quit everything. Why bother, after all? You're failing. You're a failure. You might as well stop trying. It's only prolonging your frustration, and it's definitely taking a toll on you.
You close the front door behind you, barely manage to take your jacket off and hang it on the coat rack before tears start running down your cheeks. You don't want them to but they don't care, and now that they started, they're impossible to stop. You take your face in your hands and let out a loud sob, finally allowing yourself to break down.
You needed this. As you let yourself sink to the floor, you feel some of the pent up stress and anxiety being released, but it's not enough. It's like this stress and anxiety are an endless pit, and no amount of crying will ever grant you deliverance from them.
It's still better than bottling them up, pretending everything is fine. That was killing you, you know that now.
Another unrestrained sob and Joel appears from the living room, standing in the doorway and watching you from across the hallway. You perceive his presence more than see it, since you're holding your gaze low and the tears obscure your vision.
"Hey," he says softly. He's getting closer, his steps unsure. You don't look at him when he sits down beside you, don't really feel like having him see how the crying ruined your face. You close your eyes instead. It feels good having him by your side, but you can't help thinking you're burdening him. He already has his own things to think about… and here you are being a pathetic mess on the floor. Instead of helping him out. Instead of being a good partner.
"It's nothing," you say, sniffling. "Sorry."
But Joel doesn't leave. He reaches out his hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, and you shudder at the sudden touch. You feel yourself relax, the tears recede.
"You don't have to do this," you say, voice feeble. You don't want to feel guilty for being a liability on top of being stressed out of your mind. Joel surely has more important stuff to tend to, doesn't he?
"But I want to," he says quietly. "Come here."
He opens his arms, looking at you with big, serious eyes. Words have never been his forte, not in situations like this, but it's amazing how he can make you feel just by holding so much tenderness in his gaze. You can tell he cares, for him it's serious, and you just feel so seen and so loved.
You let him take you into his arms and relax against him, his warmth instantly soothing. His chest heaving against your back guides your breathing until it's slower and deeper, matching his own. His thumb comes to wipe a tear away from under your eye; then, he wraps his arms around your middle and holds you close. You start tracing the tattoos on his arms with your fingertips, loving to see the hairs stand on end in their wake.
Soon you don't feel like crying anymore.
Neither of you says anything for a while - it doesn't feel necessary. Joel gives you little kisses on your head occasionally and they make you smile and, honestly, there's nothing else you need.
You turn around in his embrace so you can face him, and you're met with the same gentle yet concerned eyes as before.
"Better?" he asks.
You nod and dive into him again, burying your face in his chest. He lets out a soft snort and brings a hand to your hair to stroke it.
"Thank you."
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Some basic info for people just getting started with DF with the steam version; I’m not super far into it yet so no commentary on the new UI, but if they did it right it should be much easier to parse!
Important to actually enjoying your first game of dwarf fortress
- don’t forget the anvil; your embark starts with one, don’t take it out and if you do put it back in because it’s required for everything that has anything to do with metal.
- Embark in an area with soil so you’ll have an easier time starting a farm. Making a farm on stone is a whole process of wetting the rock, usually with water sourced from a river, installing floodgates, etc and while it’s not super difficult, I’d imagine it can be a little rough if you’re struggling with the basics.
- Embark in an area without an aquifer. They’re all over but they are a royal pain to get through and offer comparatively little benefit if tamed. There’s a way to mod them out (on the not steam version anyway; I don’t know why steam would be any different as I saw it loading RAWs when I started but a disclaimer as I haven’t actually fussed with the files yet so I Dunno Man.)
- A drawbridge is a way to completely lock out the outside world in most cases. It’s worth installing one on your main entrance once you get your feet under you, even if they’re sort’ve finnicky. Close it if trouble rears its ugly head and you will (probably) be safe, and with any luck the trouble will walk off on its own time.
Meta Talk Nonsense, feel free to ignore these but if you’re looking for a bit more additional guidance then here you go; though I stress that the game is more about the journey then anything so completely removing any sort of personal element from the game is a great way to ruin it.
- if you’re bringing gear and a military dwarf on your initial embark, bronze is a good pick; it’s roughly equivalent to iron military wise (slightly worse, I think?) and it’s half the price. Iron might be fine, but it’ll take most if not all of your embark points, so if you want to bring anything extra (like animals!) then bronze is probably the way to go. The benefit from iron is significant, but not significant enough to warrant not being prepared for fort development.
- combat actually uses some skills not in the combat tab; notably teacher. Teacher will improve the rate dwarves learn skills from their militia captain. I’ll usually bring a 5 fighter/dodger 5 teacher with me as my starter militia dwarf, just so military dwarves can get some basic education.
- A good general use weapon class is war hammers. They tend to bash through armor reasonably well and have a larger chance to break bones, causing debilitating pain to the other guy, which can essentially be thought of as a win.
- If you’re bringing livestock make sure they can graze, and make sure they’re assigned to a pasture, as they can and will starve to death following dwarves around underground where there’s nothing for them to eat.
- Traps are a great supplement to a military. Dwarves will not set them off on accident (unless they pass out on them), and a boulder to the head can do a surprising amount of damage even to an armored target.
So You Embarked On An Area Without Soil: you’ll need to dig into the side of a nearby river or pond and drain the water through the area where you want your crops. Your farm will have to be underground or at least below surface level as a result. You also need to dig out an area for the water to drain into, (because most dwarves cannot swim and as a result are terrified of walking through even shin high water) and install a floodgate and hook up a lever to the floodgate Before Breaching The Side Of The River Or Pond so you can turn off the water flow when it’s passed over the stone. You don’t need to dump a load of water onto it, you just want there to be a mud layer on the stone, which should happen after pretty much any water passes over it. After that you can make a farm on it.
If you ask me this is worth trying to do even if you have a soil farm just so you know how to do it; it’s a good exercise in how basic mechanisms and water flow works, and it’s hard to mess up so bad it ruins your fort once you have some lower levels dug out.
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madewithspice · 1 year
Hi! Can I please have a matchup for AOT?
Name- Eiji Age- 18, Height- 5’7” and slim, Gender- demi-boy / non-binary / boy, Pronouns- they / he, Sexuality- the guys, Mbti- INFP
Likes :D
Playing video games (games in general), stickers, dogs/puppies/kittens and other animals, flowers, sweets, long hot showers, cuddling, comfortable silence, feeling protected, sincerity, being wanted/needed, laughing, kisses, hugs (from behind especially omG), listening to music alone (metal/deathcore/pop/punk/alt/rock), giving/receiving gifts, good and smexy pefume/cologne scents, surprises, inside jokes, terms of endearment, pillow forts, assertiveness, sunsets, late night adventures, quiet nights at home, staying up late, good manners, massages, good sense of humour, being competitive, staying inside on rainy days, endless conversations, fun teasing, winning, babysitting/playing with cute kids (it’s my side thing aside from my part-time job haha), decorating and planning for birthdays, making others feel appreciated, amusement/theme/water parks, Halloween, cosplay/costumes, spending time alone.
Dislikes >:O
School/studying (but I do it anyway), deadlines, clinginess, feeling insecure/nervous, being talked over, super crowded places, experiencing gender dysphoria, feeling useless, fake people, awkward silences, arguing, weather that’s too hot, uncleanliness, small talk, being forced to do something I don't wanna do, being forced to spend time with people I don't like, being put under pressure, messes, being around people for too long, getting lost, being late, feeling bored, rejection, spoilers, socks with sandals, swearing too much, having my picture taken, pushovers, toxic masculinity, public speaking, cooking, douchebags, people who are too strict/serious, crying in front of anyone
Other :)
I would say that I’m kind, very empathetic and the type of person that people feel they are able to confide in. You’ll probably see me as quiet before you get to know me, and I am pretty shy to be honest, so it does take a minute for me to open up. But once you get to know me, it's different. Internally, I’m emotional and sensitive but I’m not used to expressing it outwardly, and I think that can cause me to sometimes be mistaken as aloof or unwelcoming from afar. I don’t think I’m very good at hiding my negative feelings around other people– I can be very moody and serious when I’m not mentally well. I just have the most intense and overwhelming emotions EVER, and it’s really difficult, but I just need to feel somewhat understood and given space to deal with the stuff in my head. I tend to have a few close friends, but most of the time I end up sticking with my one fave person. And I don't make friends often, but when I commit to someone, you know it's real and meaningful. You also don't want to get on my bad side. 😀 😑 If I don't like someone, I won't necessarily show It, but I won't exactly make the effort to hide it either. And I don't pretend to like someone if I just don't. Whether I like to get out and do stuff or not depends on the people and everything– but of course I love to have fun! I'm creative and have a lot of ideas for things. Some things I struggle with are: anxiety, feeling insecure, asking for help, perfectionistic tendencies, staying grounded, getting tired/low energy easily, getting side-tracked and getting caught up in my own head. I'm just a silly little ball of intensity and sweetness I guess haha
O and here's a picrew for fun :)
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Hi for AOT I match you with Reiner Braun.
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Reiner might look super macho and tough but really he’s the biggest softie. When you both meet for the first time, you’re instantly judging him and he’s doing the same to you. It starts off a little rocky but once Reiner starts talking, you start to open up and suddenly the two of you are inseparable. You’re at each other’s beck and call no matter how late it gets. Late night drive? Let’s go. In need of cuddles? Coming right up.
Your first date with Reiner was at an amusement park where Reiner spent a shit ton on one stall because he was determined to win you the giant bear and refused to leave for anything else. Highlight of the night was when you won the round on your first go leaving the giant man stumped and claiming the game was rigged.
Reiner needs someone to lean on occasionally and you need someone to keep you grounded so who more perfect than the simp master. If Reiner ever feels unwell then his first instinct is to call you. He just needs you to come over and be present with him. And when you need Reiner on those bad days, he’s already at your door because he noticed a change in how you text him. He’s very observant like that and it’s what keeps you both grounded together.
- Kiki.
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
hii i'd love to request a BoB ship if i can? i love reading through yours! i'm 5'3ish with curly red hair and glasses (she/her). i get too talkative one on one or in small groups but in large groups everyone thinks i'm quiet and awkward. i get attached to people really easily and tend to put other people's feelings ahead of my own. i love books and writing and i'm very conscientious and kind, though sometimes anxious. i have a long fuse but when i lose my temper i can explode at ppl unexpectedly. overall I am pretty lowkey and unflappable!
Yes of course!! Thank you so much for your request sweetie! 🩷
I ship you with…
Carwood Lipton !
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Song Recommendation: Come and Get Your Love - Redbone
- Okay so you guys would be so freaking cute together, like match made in heaven
- When he first met you he would find you so pretty and angelic, like you make his heart rate double so fast when you’re around 😭
- Both of you would be so sweet together, like always doing special little things for each other and just being so cute with one another
- I think when he met you he would be so kind to you, talking to you nicely, he’d be such a gentleman the whole night while getting to know you
- You guys would just sit and talk about almost anything with each other it’s so cute, he loves when you get talkative and you just spill out whatever comes to your mind in the moment, it definitely makes him feel so much more comfortable talking with you
- By the end of the night though he would definitely end up asking you out for some dinner or just a date with you one night, he just loved talking to you and plus the fact that you are superrr attractive, he couldn’t take up the chance of another guy asking you out
- Ugh but in all first impressions with a relationship, he thought you were absolutely beautiful, like for him it was love at first sight, he already knew he had eyes for only you the second you walked into the room
- He adores your writing so much, (if you show it to him ofc) but if you talk to him and say you’re writing, he’ll know to leave you alone and let you do your writing 🤣 but either way he thinks your so smart and articulate because you like write and read and just do “smart ppl stuff” in your free time LOL
- He loves how kind you are to others and how you just put everyone else before you, he will always make sure that you are taken care too and he just wants to show you how much he cares for you always!
- I think you guys are such a cute couple in general, like you and him are both so sweet and I could def see you guys being that type of couple that every other couple would come to for advice for SURE
- Like you guys would have such a healthy and token care of relationship that everyone else thinks you guys are so couple goals, plus I could just see you guys being that OG couple out of the friend group for sureeee
- His lowkey vibe matches yours so well, like both of you can just relax on the couch or make a little fort inside and that would be a cute little date night for you guys, both of you are nonchalant and so chill about everything so little fights happen between you guys luckily
- He understands how you can sometimes lose your temper when someone else is bothering you and he will be sure to tell them off if they are, he hates seeing you overwhelmed or just fed up with people being rude to you
- He is pretty protective over you, more so just like if someone is stressing you out or bothering you he’ll tell them to cut it out and to leave you alone, (mans can be pretty scary when you make him mad )
- Anyway tho, lip is the best boyfriend you could ever possibly think of, he’s so sweet and thoughtful and caring to you omg, he will literally do anything for you if you ask him too fr
- If there is a book you’ve really been wanting, or maybe something else you might really like, he’ll go out and get it for you! He’s so cute when he wants to surprise you with a gift, he’ll be all secretive about it, going off to get the gift. He just loves seeing the happy look on your face when he gives it too you
- Your guys go-to for dates are usually just to the movies, or maybe out on a picnic, either way though he will be such a gentlemen the whole time and so sweet! Honestly date nights are the best with him 🥺
- He hates seeing you get anxious, whenever you do, he’ll usually take you out of the situation and talk to you about it, trying to calm you down, he’ll be so reassuring the whole time and he would be such a good listener if you ever feel like venting to him
- Overall though he’s just such a good boyfriend and you’re such a good girlfriend! You guys would be absolutely adorable together omg omg!!!
Thank you again for your request lovely! Hope you enjoy! 💛🩶
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ssadumba55 · 3 years
Marvel Characters Comforting You (Headcanons)
A/n: I felt like making some headcanons with some of my favourite Marvel characters because no one's requested Marvel recently haha. This is my account I do what I want. These are just general headcanons btw they don't really tie into movie plots or show plots, the gifs I used are all over the place. Enjoy!
Tony Stark
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Tony will definitely be aware of when you're feeling down, mostly because you shut down and he knows what shutting down is like
Will ask if you're okay
When you don't respond, he will sit beside you
He won't say anything or hug you, just let you know that he's there if you do need him
Eventually you will lean into him and he'll wrap an arm around you
The two of you may sit there for hours or minutes, but it doesn't matter
You just appreciate being in his presence
Bruce Banner
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Bruce is a lot like Tony, he'll notice you're down before you even have to tell him
He'll make you something to drink/eat, because when you get upset you tend to stop self caring as much
Will try to cheer you up by telling you about Tony's lab antics
Will talk it out with you if you want to
If not, will distract you
Clint Barton
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Clint won't notice at first, but once he does he will be by your side until he deems you okay enough to not need him
Will take your phone so you don't have to deal with stressful notifications
Cuddles! He will cuddle you.
Might even give you an inspirational pep talk
He's a cheery guy, so just being around him will cheer you up a lot
Scott Lang
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Like Clint, he's just a cheery guy so just being around him will be enough to cheer you up
Will take you out to spend time with him and Cassie
Cassie herself will also cheer you up a lot
Ice cream!!!!
Cuddles and pillow forts!
He will tell you dumb jokes to make you smile
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Vision doesn't understand human emotions all too well
But he will definitely want to cheer you up
He will search his databases on ways to cheer you up
Does cliche things to cheer you up
Watches movies
Makes you food (but it turns out bad because he can't eat it)
Peter Quill
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He will listen to music with you
Definitely drag you up to dance with him when he realizes you're still upset
He will act more like a dumbass on purpose (if that's possible), just to see you smile
Let you drive the ship and go anywhere you want
Rocket: Why does Y/n get to drive the ship? None of us get to
"They're upset, Rocket. Cut them some slack?"
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Because of her empathic abilities will know immediately
She will use her abilities to cheer you up
The two of you will just sit and talk, about anything and nothing at the same time
More cuddles!!!
She will ask the other Guardians for advice on ways to cheer you up
And use their ideas
Which will cheer you up because they will all turn out horribly
Ava Starr
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She won't really know how to cheer you up
She doesn't have a lot of people in her life who she cares about and who cares about her so she won't entirely know how to cheer you up
But she knows what cheers her up!
So she'll try and tell you jokes
Hugs, she won't be a full on cuddler but she will definitely hug you
She'll do whatever you want her to do, watch a tv show, make you food, whatever you want
James 'Bucky' Barnes
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Okay, this man has been through a lot
Which means he'll definitely provide you with the best comfort to suit your needs
He won't pry
May stick magnets to his arm just to get a smile out of you
Will definitely do whatever you want
He's not a huge cuddler, but if that's what you want he'll do it
He just wants to see you smile
Wanda Maximoff
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Like Bucky, she's also been through a lot and will also be really good at comforting
Sitcoms and snacks?
She won't pry if you don't want her to, but she'll definitely let you know it's better to get it off your chest
Might have a little bit of fun with her magic, just to cheer you up
Constant reminders that you're not alone
She will hug you if you start crying
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emilycollins00 · 2 years
hiii~! can i request some banri x (s/o) bullet-point scenarios please!! have a wonderful day and stay hydrated!! (๑>◡<๑)
I will! Hagiii you cutiepie hope you are doing beautifully! 💕
Who would have told me Banri will be my last addition to 2021? Ah well, I guess for once it's okay/j
Please enjoy! 💕
Banri x S/O General Dating Headcanons
Banri is exactly the type of boy your parents and friends would warn you about.
He’s what some people would call a triple threat. He has the brains, the looks, and the skills, and one glance is enough to just know he could be bad news.
However, contrary to that first look -maybe second or fourth according to others- Banri is… well, normal.
Maybe even soft.
Because sure, he loves to endlessly poke fun at you and flirts more often than not.
But he’s also the one who mindlessly puts you on the inside part of the road when you two are walking and glances lazily to see if you have your jacket on when it’s gotten cold.
It’s the small gestures like those that let you know he cares, given that heart to heart talks aren’t really his forte yet -you can’t help but think being with everyone in Mankai has been a blessing in so many ways-.
So yeah, this guy will tease you, but he’s also preeeetty whipped for you.
Which means he doesn’t really care what others think. If he wants to kiss you he will, though he’s most likely to do it when you two are alone or when you show up during autumn troupe rehearshals because let’s be honest, Taichi and Azami do have the best reactions.
Aside from theatre and games, Banri is still quite lazy, so you better like to explore and try new things on your dates just as much as your usual coffee date ones.
Sometimes you two will also have study dates... though not a lot of studying goes on.
I like to think that Banri enjoys ruffling your hair when you do a good job quite often. It doesn't matter if you tell him to stop or frown at him, he will do it next time anyway.
Though he's not especially affectionate physically, he tends to put his weight on you and sling his arm around your shoulders a lot. If you are visiting the dorm, his eyes also follow you around, not that I think he himself notices.
Given the case, most people would think he’s overprotective or jealous, but Banri is pretty chill about the whole dating thing and being together full time. You gonna meet with some friends? Enjoy yourself. Too tired or busy to come to one of his plays? He’ll tell you if anything special happened, no rush.
He hears someone made you uncomfortable however and you might want to hold onto him because his hands like to get to the point quicker than his mouth.
If we talk about the downsides of the relationship, just like I believe he somehow manages to remember many small details about you, he also tends to forget mundane things like meeting with you somewhere if he has other things on his mind or is busy.
His arrogance also rises from time to time, which might cloud his vision if you two are having a discussion -probably making things escalate rather quickly due to his own lack of filter or not being used to admitting he’s wrong.
Muku low-key thinks you two do the best version of enemies to lovers he's ever seen. You two keep roasting each other any chance you get.
"Taichi, can you tell that selfish tacky leader of yours if he’s not going to watch anything he should stop changing the stupid channel?"
"Taichi tell that blockhead if they want to watch somethin’ they have their own fuckin’ house not too far from here."
"You two please make up I beg you!"
Putting those moments aside however, I do think Banri has matured since his beginnings and in general you two can pretty much talk about anything.
If there’s anything troubling you Banri will for suuuure know before you say anything to him. I believe he will wait or in any case will be subtle, waiting for a moment with you alone to nonchalantly ask if you have anything on your mind lately.
I think he’s a really good listener and probably will do his best to be there for you, even if it’s to just listen to you venting though I do think he will feel extremely over-challenged if you were to cry.
" -hey come on, I can steal some sweets from Hyodo if ya want somethin’ to eat somethin' real quick? My pleasure really."
On the other hand, it's not easy to have him open to you, and you soon find out that showing anything else other than perfection for him is the same as thinking he's lame.
I believe as much as he might want to, it reeeeeally would take a long time until he confides you his trouble. By that I mean his real troubles. What to do in the future, his work as a troupe leader or what's expected from him in general.
Because part of Banri still finds it strange to have someone that loves all of him. And while he's too prideful to say something cheesy, maybe you get the idea.
“You better marry me one day.”
Who am I lying to I adore this boy.
Wishing you all a wonderful day! 💕
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