#but its def just because i really like pat more and i wanted to keep it on a. one character per fandom thing ^_^
pineappical · 11 months
I never used the submit thing so this is a first.
I hope I'm not being a bother but I have liked your art of the mustachiod men of your life,all good ones may I add, some time ago (and unliked it and liked it again so I could keep it higher on my likes...is that normal?).
Anyways, what I wanted to ask is, could you draw more Pat Butcher? It's great to find other artists that like Ghosts! And maybe the other mustachiod man, the Captain? 👉👈 I don't want to ask for a lot, if you don't want to that's totally okay!
Have a nice day! 😊
THIS IS SO NICE THANK YOU AUH 🥺🥺🥺 also actually ive been planning on drawing more bbc ghosts fanart, im still really obsessed with it, but its def just because of how tight of a grip TL has on my brain rn that i keep putting off drawing other fanart for other fandoms i still cherish.. (also i do the whole, unlike-relike thing too all the time esp when i have 62k+ liked posts LOL)
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hereforthefunnyguys · 22 days
Is it too insane to ask for your nsfw Irateshipping HCs?
no no it’s not insane I just usually try to keep the blog more pg-13/R rated than x rated. However…. I really want to talk about Irateshipping more. So imma just put some stuff under the cut. Honestly I’m more worried about not having enough stuff or frankly anything thats particularly sexy than I am about having it at all lmao
(nsfw text under the cut! You have been Warned) (Hoping the cut actually. Cuts where its supposed to lmao)
-marik ishtar praise kink goes crazy I don’t make the rules. Joey once accidentally called him a "good boy" during their first time together and he literally stopped functioning. Like complete windows crash bluescreen. Only refocused when Joey sat up and shook him a little because what if he accidentally killed him with sex somehow
-Joey is actually the more experienced of the two, which was really disappointing to him because he was really counting on the idea of his sexy criminal femme fatale boyfriend that knows 5000 different sex positions and instead got stuck with a nervy little freak that does not even know what lube is
-marik doesn’t know what he’s doing but he’s very enthusiastic to try whatever sounds fun
-this is simultaneously contrasted with the fact that he cannot take much stimulation at once and gets nervous if he’s not in control (whether in a Sexy way or in a Panic Attack way is kind of a coin flip)
-Joey is kind of bad at sex the first few times tbh because he gets too nervous and ends up getting distracted and talking way too much and ruining the mood
-he seriously improves in focus and attractivenesss when marik is just like. Ok. You can do what you want physically but please. For the love of god. Stop talking in bed like that.
-Joey has a weird thing where the idea of losing control to marik is really hot but also simultaneously so absolutely terrifying and humiliating to him even in a private context that he’s just like “hmmmm stuffing that down to repress as well methinks”
-marik is perhaps a wee bit of a sadist, which does not mix well with the fact that he is also fairly submissive and wants to be cared for and cared about so bad it actually hurts
-def not a masochist though lmao
-“I want to make you feel good and make this very romantic and uh other stuff” Joey and “i have been working for 10 straight hours and just got yelled at by my dad and need to Destroy Something” Joey are two entirely different creatures in bed
-Joey, walking into the bedroom casually: Hey babe how's it go -
Marik, shaking visibly from stress: If you have sex with me right here right now and completely destroy my brain to the point i cannot think about the conversations i have had with my siblings today about what i will do with my life now that I am no longer a cult leader I swear I will literally give you whatever you want from me for at least three months
Joey, cautiously patting Marik on the head while sitting down next to him: Okay not that that's not an incredibly hot offer but maybe let's talk about it first plea-
Marik, gripping Joey's leg hard enough to leave fingerprints: I understand that but if I have one more serious conversation today I'll start killing people again
-Marik head game goes crazy because of that long tongue until he gets too worked up and starts getting Bitey
-Joey head game mediocre because he has too much of a gag reflex but is very enthusiastic and drools a fuckton
-Marik dick game meh because he neither has the enthusiasm nor the stamina for it tbh. Gets bonus points because he has fairly good rhythm
-Joey is better because he definitely has the enthusiasm for it as well as the strength for it (plus hes stubborn enough to keep pushing even when hes exhausted lmao) but tbf tends to get really excited or distracted and so tends to be kind of irrhythmic
-i tend to not bring top/bottom Disc Horse (tm) up much but I do think Joey probably wouldn't bottom much due to both a lot of internalized perceptions about it and also because it sounds like it fuckin hurts to him lmao
-Marik is simultaneously split in between "I love my weird little pathetic creature that i occasionally allow to be graced by my divine presence in bed" and "I NEED HIM TO CRUSH MY NECK IN BETWEEN HIS BICEP AND FOREARM WHILE I GET SHOVED IN BETWEEN HIS PECS FUCK"
-In terms of like strict Dynamics i think they're probably both switches that tend to fall back into pretty gentle/vanilla dom/sub dynamic when they aren't trying anything in particular
-Joey kind of likes getting bossed around in bed but tends to argue with it if marik does not just make him shut the Fuck up because sometimes the joey instinct is stronger than the horny instinct
-I post a lot about them having fucked up gay sex but in a domestic situation I think the sex is actually pretty intimate and honestly probably one of the healthier aspects of their relationship
-At multiple times in their lives I think its probably what helps get them through the day especially Joey when he was still living with his dad and working through his debts like. just five minutes more of worrying 24/7 and struggling to survive until my beautiful boyfriend shows up and straddles my lap while kissing my forehead and removes every single goddamn thought i have ever had that isn't about him. yay :)
-suffice to say they are making it work in the bedroom
-I forgot to mention that occasionally yami marik will show up if marik gets too freaked out and that there is nothing more terrifying to joey than turning around post-afterglow and seeing a demon with hair bigger than it’s shoulders looking at you like he wants to suck the inside of your skin out in place of your previously very pretty and vulnerable boyfriend
-bonus genderbend edition: fem marik is definitely a pillow princess and joey is completely willing to deal with putting in the work because quote "have you seen her recently have you seen my beautiful girlfriend just look at her I would do anything for this sexy sexy living identity crisis on stilts"
-fem marik: I want strap this is no longer a want nor a need but rather a Demand
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dunb123 · 6 months
(head cannons )if infinite darknesses leon and patrick were to fall for each other( my fav ship)
i feel like if they were gonna fall in it would and friends x lovers because after the white housev mission they would become acquaintances to work friends to friends to best friends then lovers
i feel as though when they start to catch feelings they would be in denial for a long ass time then as their friendship grows they would try to give each other hints but the other is too dense to notice the hints so they in their minds they both give up on hints
after months of suppressing their feelings for each other i feel it would only come out ( they don't tell each other feelings because they dont want to ruin there friendships). but as i was saying it would only come out if they got drunk and accidentally blurt it out then immediately regret it or one of them got jealous because the other was hanging out with someone else i also feel when patrick would get jealous he would get upset but keep his jealousy to himself on the other hand leon everyone can tell by his body language his tone his change in mood
there offical first date i feel would be at pat's house they wouldnt do a candle light dinner i feel as they would both prefer to be at home eat chinese or mexican take out watch tv shows or have movie marathons
they both have DEFINITELY love to build lego sets and have a seperate shelf after they build there sets they put it on the shelf
there first kiss would be awkward like leading up would be awkard because i feel patrick would be super nervous would have butterflies and then leon being the confident guy he is would intiate the kiss patrick would back out after a few moments of kissing but then would ease back into it and kisses back leon
now patrick has been updated from best friend to boyfriend status i feel leon would be more protective over patrick like since the white house mission patrick is has panic attacks becuse of what happened in the hallway that night so leon is super protective of his boyfriend
they wouldn't bring work into their relationship and try to avoid it i feel they would rarely argue only time they had a serious argument if patrick was being dumb and nearlt hurt himself and leon would worried and upset or if leon injured himself (eg. broke arm or leg ) pat would get upset and really worried about leon's safety and health alll over they would have health and happy relationship
affection i dont think they would super affectionate with each other in public they might hold hands outside of the dso office but would rather like to be alone and be more intimate and affectionate alone in each others apartment would definetly sleepover at each others house and would fall asleep cuddling
when they text i feel when they have conversations patrick would talk and talk and leon would listen to pat while smiling and looking at his boyfriends lovingly or when they text i feel pat would get a little annoyed with leons dry texts and replies and would get upset and be over dramatic and ignore leon and leon tries to improve his texting , when leon tells patrick dad jokes and patrick cringes a bit or doesnt understand but he laughs with leon to not hurt his feelings i feel like there text mainly are just sending memes to each other at ungodly hours on the night and sending each others memes that gen z kids would cringe at but pat and leon would laugh because they think its funny
patrick def becomes obsessed with Leon after leon saved his life in the white house mission obsessed leon and follows him around like a lost puppy and leon doesn't mind and lets him because he just likes keeping tabs on his boyfriend what his doing where he is making sure he isnt dead ( pat is more clingy to leon )
at the dso office they kinda only talk to each other and basically are each others only friend unless if they talk to claire
one time patrick cooked a random recipe he saw online and when it doesnt taste good leon laughs and makes fun of his boyfriend and pat gets upset and ignores leon and leon apologizes to pat when pat ignores his sorry leon bribes him with pats fav food
another time they try pet names (eg. sweetheart, bub, my love ) they both internally cringed and just stick to calling each other there names
they defintely share clothes like hoodies and shirts i feel like when pat sleeps over at leons he on purposely doesn't bring clothes over so he can wear leons clothes because he likes the way leon clothes smell and when leon sleeps over and goes to borrow something and finds his missing shirts and hoodies he interrogates patrick and some miracle gaslights leon into believing that leon left the clothes his clothes at pats house and pat was going to return his clothes but pat was never ever. gonna return leons hoodies and shirts cause he loves them (bestie is obsessed with his boyfriend)
when leon gets introduced to patricks friends he accidentally scares pats friends at first but leon grows on them
they have strict rule at the dso office they keep professional that was until leon gets ,desperate for some affection and yanks patrick into random places like his office , the bathroom , after a meeting in the meeting room and at random times when patrick isnt expecting it they had a couple times when they nearly get caught making out by there boss but make good excuses
patrick definitely got jealous of ada wong and got upset and told leon to distance himself for her or at least not talk to her as much during missions and leon obviously respects his boyfriends wishes and doesn't talk to her as much because he is in a committed relationship with patrick ( ada also backs off leon and doesn't flirt with leon as much as when he was single just because ada cant commit to leon does not mean my pookie bear ada is a homewrecker she a respectful girly )(Patrick just wants Leon all to him self)
ada also during patricks missions protects patrick from danger ( not to make him sound fragile or weak he can defend himself like when he kicked the zombie but in re4 she diverts the zombies attention away from leon to her so leon could save ashley) she only does this cause she knows how much patrick means to leon
i feel like claire and patrick get along and become best friends and claire would definitely embarrassed leon to patrick and claire and patrick are ✨besties✨
everyone in dso office knows that patrick and leon are dating but forgot because pat and leon act more like friends then ✨boyfriends✨ other agents are confused how pat and leon ended up dating because patrick hated leon then dated ? they dont really question it and let the couple be
overall there relationship would fun slightly chaotic definetyl healthl
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domsaysstuff · 2 years
BL Tag Game
Thank you @kpdeek for tagging me!!
Oh god fair warning not only have I not watched a lot of bls, my mind is full of Kinnporsche so it might show up a lot ssksnsk
All time favorite BL character and why:
So it's definitely a tie between Porsche and Kinn, because both of them have a special place in my heart but in so many different ways? Like I once said it before that loving Porsche came naturally like I saw him in the first scene and said "this is my emotional support disaster bisexual and i will love him till i die" but Kinn? The way the show made me fall in love with Kinn alongside Porsche was just ahh, like I love what they did with his character and how soft and caring and goofy he also gets to be with people he cares abt. So yeah it's def between them two.
What's your one character from a BL you wanted to punt into the stratosphere?
That bitch Khai from "Theory of Love" and also Gene from "Lovely Writer"
Like Khai is just walking red flag on its own and through the first half i screamed how i hated him and through the second half of the show i just screamed "YEAH AND THAT'S ON CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR OWN ACTIONS" so like even if there were moments i felt bad for him, like truly he doesn't deserve my sympathy
And Gene oh god I was just so irritated with his character? And idk he just seemed so useless to everything and he was the main character, I don't know he just annoyed me because sometimes the potential was there and then suddenly he was just?? So stripped of his own agency by the plot that it frustrated me
Best music moment from a BL:
Definitely the beach episode one from Bad Buddy, I cried when Pran was singing that song to Pat and it was just overall lovely and bittersweet and everything I needed
A popular het text you'd like to see adapted into a BL:
Ohhh, that's a nice question. I feel like to All the Boys I've loved before would be actually a fun mindless watch bl
A scene from a BL that always makes you laugh:
Definitely the one where Pete, Arm and Pol are gossiping and Arm says that Kinn and Porsche are definitely a thing and Pete gets that look™ on his face, my poor boi
Biggest disappointment:
Lovely Writer. I think the potential was there and it wanted to bring up so many interesting discussions but idk the romance felt kinda flat most of the time for me (except the piano scene at the end, god that piano scene was so lovely and nice??) And some issues that were brought in lacked nuance in how they were represented?? At least I felt like that
What 2 random BL characters would make hilarious exes?
I'm honestly blank at that
Who would be the funniest person to watch a BL in its entirety and which one would you make them watch?
Okay so I can't really settle on like one definite person bc I think it depends on like funny as watch their reaction (bad) vs hear their commentary
Bc if the second then it must be my sister and I would have her sit with me through the whole of "Cutie Pie" because I think the amount of rich people bullshit that is happening there would throw us in laughing fits by itself but even more so when we will add our jokes
Best wardrobe moment or character wardrobe from a BL:
Okay listen I love Tankhun and his outfits, I love the red suit Kinn, I love them, I adore them
Vegas and his fucking red velvet shirt own me, LIKE WHERE DID HE FUCKING GET IT, SPILL THE WARDROBE GOSS PLEASE
Like look at him
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I don't care abt the rest, like that shirt with that chain keeps me up at night. I want it.
I'm tagging @layvendar @yilingbee and @i-am-church-the-cat
Have fun xx
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mugenloopdalove · 6 months
oh nice, you probably have a good idea what it's like then. sometimes i feel bad for the people just getting into overnight work because you really don't know what it's like until you're on shift. anyways, you probably know this stuff already but the best advice i can give is that, like, sometimes you're going to have to force yourself to go outside and touch grass. not in the tumblr way, but in the "i accidentally haven't seen the sun in 3 days and now my brain is melting" kind of way. basically, even if you think you don't need it, you need to see the light of day every few days or your brain turns to soup. and if your brain starts to feel like it's on fire, it's probably time to go sit in the sun for a few hours.
some other things i've noticed/tips: overnight work can get really boring, so i started playing a bunch of games that scratch my brain but are short. i think idol games are probably good for this but i personally took up word games, crosswords, and solitaire. it also helps me to keep a list of things to do when i get bored out of my mind on shift. loneliness is also a really big problem for overnight workers, so i recommend finding something in your off time where you're seeing people face to face. i volunteer, but sometimes i just wander around main st of my town so i can see people in real life, even if i don't talk to them. i've found that a lot of little things like that help, even if i don't think they will.
i also want to say that balancing time can be a nightmare in a way that day shift workers don't understand. having all of your 'personal time' before work can actually really suck, so please make sure to build in at least an hour of downtime before you go to bed after shift. going to bed directly after work sucks in so many ways. people are also gonna be shitty about it, particular people you make appointments with or talk to on the phone. i had to record a very blunt phone message saying not to call me before 1 pm because my family was giving me so much shit about not being up in the mornings. it was a little rudely worded, but it worked. i recommend just being firm with anyone who tries to say anything (ie "I won't be there, it's before my wake up time, that's final")
that's all i got for now (actually about to get off of my shift rn l o l) but i really wish you the best of luck. i think of you as a friend even though we don't talk much and i hope this works for you. i hope you're able to get this job if you want it and i hope working overnights works out for you if that's what you'd like to do. (also i know you have kitties so pls give one a pat from me, your strange rambly anon? ty)
OH YEAH FOR SURE, i had a bit of whiplash when i first started even tho ive always been the kind of person that stays up til the sun is up lol. and my husband was the same (it was even worse for them bc they used to be more of a morning person before starting overnight and literally went from working 6:30am-6:30pm to doing the opposite)
YEP i struggle w this anyway and my husband drags me places so i can get out. my husband themself goes on hikes w our dog sometimes, i dont rlly think i could manage that bc walking hard but maybe if i brought my cane and we found some short trails :) but even just like. going to the store while its still light out would probably work (even though thats near impossible this time of year. love winter but why do they turn off the lights so early)
oh yeah, when i worked overnight i was usually like, playin lil puzzle games and stuff, or reading. i got a LOT of reading done back then. this job is kind of a cleaning job from what i can tell so i might not have time for that kind of stuff, but who knows, ill probably have some downtime. it also sounds like ill have coworkers but i def felt the loneliness when i was at the gas station. luckily my brother was enough and im sure my husband will be, and i know ill at the very least have a supervisor (my husband is lucky they have lots of coworkers, many of wish they consider friends on their shift lol)
yeah, hubby sometimes goes to bed right after if theyre like. on their 3rd shift in a row, but they usually make time to chat. i usually would stay up and scroll tumblr for a bit after work, i can't sleep right after work either unless im just TIRED tired.
OH DONT GET ME STARTED ON PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTANDING YOURE NOT AVAILABLE DURING THE DAY i think my PARENTS would at least know because theyre used to it from me working overnight a year+ when i lived there, and my brother doing overnight work as well, but like. in general my husband has such a hard time getting people, their parents included, to understand "hey i am not available during the day" (but since when did my in laws understand a fuckin thing in the world)
thank you very much!!! i hope u have a good shift friend ^^
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junjiie · 9 months
ASSHSSHS YOU LIKE JAEWON! YAYY ٩(^ᗜ^ )و your special (ily bestie westie) i'm just gonna give you a bunch of random jaewon lore fact thingies because your his no.1 fan (real!!)
um number one!!! jaewon was like a super controversial figure during produce x 101 because this man literally says ANYTHING and he cursed like every two seconds (me) and he was SUCH a controversial figure that most korean netizens hated him and started a petition to get him kicked off the show 😭 his controversy was mostly the reason he didn't win 2nd place and was instead booted down to sixth
number two!!! jaewon dated one of his former x1 members and when they broke up the two of them.. well— they kind of got into an ugly argument 🤗! idk if you know anything about x1 but i wont give any hints because i wanna keep that a mystery!! oh and hanbin is pretty jealous because now the two of them are mending their relationship haha drama!!
number three!!! jaewon's parents like- suck ass, i'm not even joking, like they're so horrible that he ran away not once, not twice, but FIVE TIMES just to get away from them cause they really are that bad 😭 (these people should've not had kids), he successfully ran away for good in 2017 when he joined cube entertainment and he hasn't talked to them at all ever since then, they still leave a longlasting mental affect on him because of their emotional abuse though (sorry but trauma!)
number four!!! jaewon and hanbin are a thing…? or are they…? trust me atp they have absolutely no idea what they are 😭 literally EVERYONE knows they like each other but they kinda just let shit happen..? do they like each other? 100%. but they just kinda sit by and just.. go with the flow. will they ever confess? eh.
and lastly, number five!!! a much cuter one that isnt as confusing, jaewon was nicknamed "sleeping koala" because he often clings onto people when he sleeps, like whenever he falls asleep he'll reach out at the first person literally unconsciously and just cling onto them while he sleeps. (he was a stuffed animal kid can you tell?)
um…… yeah! i'll probably make a longer thing abt jaewon facts because theres actually SO MUCH MORE i have to explain when it comes to jaewon because hes a mess (and is currently having a sexuality crisis) so there'll def be a longer post about jaewon 😭
ik you didnt ask for this but anyway ily bestie westie have a great day <333 (i have school tmrw save me)
I AM HIS #1 UR SO RIGHT.. and omg thank u for these HELLO??! eating them all up in three bites and patting my tummy and shit
one - SOOOO REAL OF HIM TBH!!!! an idgaf warrior since the start!!! he went to uni and graduated with honours as a dpmo major!!!! no media training in sight!!!! LOVE THAT 4 HIM!!!! i support all jaewon rights AND wrongs
two - omg drama hii i love that.. ur right ik jack shit ab x1 BYR . let me look them up and make a guess at who it is though........... hyeongjun ? ! ? Am i right
three - EWW BEATS THEM UP AND SETS THEM ON FIRE AND KILLS THEM??! at least he got away though good for him omg . Pats him on the head ☹️
four - Aww gay opeple ❤️ Locks them in a room 4 ever. jaebin 5th generation it couple-not-couple
five - UEE😭🥺💧Eu💧💧E E😭😭E EUE🥺😭UUUE HOLDING HIM RIGHT NWO.......... i will cling onto HIM!!! and then he will call security and they will drag me away kicking and screaming and crying
I WILL LISTEN TO EVERY WORD U EXPLAIN AB HIM I SWEAR HE IS SO . got me wanting to share silly facts now too 😢😢 but def more algorhythm than slow motion......... they are a MESS! and its great
THANK U AGAIN 4 THESE I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM I LOVE THEM SM <3 i went back to school today!!! i hope it doesnt go too bad for u tmr :( gl bsf
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suguruverse · 3 years
hi angel! i recently read your “being best friends with oikawa and iwaizumi” and i was wondering if you could do one for kuroo and kenma? thanks in advance, i love ur blog !!🥺
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includes - kuroo tetsurou and kozume kenma
a/n - hi my love!! thank you so much for this request <33 i hope you like it!! also two post in one day who tf am i 
published date - 21/03/21
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- i swear you and kenma bout to make kuroo feel like a single dad to 2 kids
- Mr. kuroo is def the type to bring extra water bottles and lunches for you and kenma
- he texts the gc every morning and night to ask if you and kenma has eaten breakfast, dinner or drank any water
- both of these men keep and hoodie or sweatshirt in their locker and bag, just in case you need one
- you guys take the train together when going to school and back and kuroo always sits in the middle to let you and kenma rest on his big shoulders 
- cuddling with kenma when you’ve had a bad day
- you’re normally buried into his chest and his arms go over your shoulders to he can keep playing games and give you little head pats every 4 minutes
- sometimes when you just wanna have a chill day with kenma without kuroo, he will burst in kenma’s room and start yelling about how he demands to be more loved in the friendship
- you and kuroo have roasting battles all day everyday
- even if kenma is more reserved and distant than kuroo, that doesn’t mean that he won’t pick up your call at 3am because you couldn’t sleep, because he will
- they are the kings of giving head pats
- kenma cares and worries about you in a very silent way, so silent that you may not even realise, but he cares about you more than anyone
- the sleepovers are terrible and ill tell you why
- first because kenma doesn’t even sleep, he plays all night and doesn’t stop until you curl up next to him and snatch the game away
- secondly, kuroo snores, kicks, and talks so much in his sleep that you want to hit him every time
- one time you tried to cuddle him because you were cold and he full on kicked you in the stomach and it hurt so bad that you cried
- kenma just watched you kick around in pain, not really knowing what to do, so he slapped kuroo in the face to wake him up to deal with you
- you didn’t talk to kuroo for like a week
- when you guys hang out, it’s normally at someone’s house since kenma isn’t too fond of crowds
- but if you guys happen to go shopping or to the movies, kenma is the type of person to grab onto the hem of your shirt or sleeve so he doesn’t lose you
- but one time kenma disappeared into a gaming store and didn’t tell you or kuroo so ya’ll had to make an announcement for you and kuroo’s “baby”
- kenma was not amused
- copying of kuroo’s homework is more common than you think
- ya’ll literally don’t have any other friends except for the people on the volleyball team
- one time you complained to them that you wanted more girl friends and they laughed in your face
- i feel like kenma can’t really sleep without hearing you or kuroo’s voice so you guys always facetime before bed
- and if you can sing, kenma ‘forced’ you to sing a song/lullaby for him to sleep to
- kuroo also has moods were he HAS to see you and kenma like at all costs because he starts to get a little anxious without either one of you with him
- kuroo also has the habit to run up to you, pick you up and swing you around in a tight hug whenever he sees you
- you HAVE to go to their games. it’s basically a rule
- kenma acts like he doesn’t care whether or not you come to their games but he always tries a little bit harder when he see you in the crowd
- kenma loves it when you play games with him
- the volleyball team sees you a lot thanks to kuroo and kenma so the team is always trying to be your friend but kenma will kick them away and say that they’re annoying
- when you guys were little, a pact was made so that if you guys were still single by 30, you guys had to get married to each other
- you actually have a lot of matching things with kenma (because he like you more than kuroo)
- but once again, kuroo didn’t feel included so ya’ll went out and bought a bunch of matching things
- kuroo definitely calls your princess or ‘my love’ and kenma makes fun of him because he says that kuroo is so single that he has to call his best friend cheesy nicknames
- kenma just calls you by your name
gc name: bestie vibes only + kuroo
kenma: where’s y/n
kuroo: idk go find her
kenma: shut up i asked a question
kuroo: and i said that i dont know
kenma: missed you
kenma: i can’t believe you left me alone
kuroo: im right here
you: sorry ken, i got caught up in something
you: you guys ready to go now?
kuroo: you smell different
kenma: you smell different
you: what do you mean? i didn’t do anything
kuroo: you smell like mens cologne 
kenma: its gross
kuroo: who have you been hanging out with????
you: no-one??? i dont think i smell any different
kenma: smells like axe 
kuroo: nah y/n, you’ve got to be kidding me
you: guys what?? stop being dramatic.
kenma: have you been hanging out with tora?
kenma: wouldn’t recommend it 
kenma: spending time with me is better
kuroo: us*
kenma: right. us
kuroo: anyways take your shirt off
you: okay stop stop. no. i don’t care if i stink. i’ll change when we get to kenma’s house
kenma: no, you ain’t coming into my house smelling like another guy
kenma: plus me and kuroo are busy rn
you: doing what?
kuroo: murder
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ushiwakaout · 3 years
I-bRO your what the Haikyuu bois would say is so awesome! Could I request that but for Kuroo? I'm literally such a simp for the roosterhead! Thanks so much ♡
Thank you 🥺 that means a lot.
i love kuroo 😖 i hate fannon kuroo ngl, so many people think he’s a sex god (well even cannon kuroo is probably a sex god once he figures out how to work his willy but u know) and he’s honestly just a dumb chem nerd.
Let us just say that you work for him as a personal assisten 
“Hey, honey... Breakfast is ready.” (5:00 am)
“No dont worry, i didnt make it... You know I cant cook to save my life.”
“I just went down the street to buy you a coffee and some sweet bread.”
“You always wake up earlier than I do to get me something, so i just thought to repay you back...”
“Why do you always think there is a catch?”
“Fine, you caught me... I need you to help me make an itinerarie for our upcoming not-so-vacation, vacation.”
“I would have told you yesterday but we where, busy~”
“Ow! Do not hit me, I’m your boss.”
You: “More the reason!”
“More the reason my ass, hurry up and get ready, we gotta get to the office.”
“Oh yeah, we also have meetings all day today so wear something comfortable.”
“You ready to go?” (6:30 am)
“Give me a little twirl baby.”
*will slap you ass when you pass him to leave your home*
*he is def laughing past you and you’re like alright bet*
you: “Hey baby come here, give me a kiss”
“Oh now you wanna give me a kiss, you gotta reach for it, honey ~ ”
*you pull on his tie so he’s at level for a kiss but you only give him a peck before giving his ass a good smack and running to the passanger side of his car*
“Hey! Get back here, I want a decent kiss!”
“Who tought you how to smack so hard?”
“Me? I would never~”
“Come on give me a good kiss.”
“I’m gonna park the car, you go ahead and get a head start without me.”(7:30 am)
you: “What took you so long?”
“What do you mean what took me so long, I was getting you flowers”  
*gives you the bouque of flowers and kiss on the cheek*
“Duh honey~”
“Stop blushing and lets get to work.” (8:00 am)
“Have you seen my pen?”
“Can you go get me some water?”
“Come on give me a kiss before we get to the next meeting.”
“Hey, just because their an assistant doesn’t mean you get to boss them around like that.”
“Says who? You ’re fucking boss and her husband you dibshit- get out my office and I want you to apologize, but don’t you dare look in their eyes because a low life like you doesn’t deserve to.” 
“Oh and ask her to come back in, will you?”
“Hey honey, is it lunch yet?”
you: “You did not have to be so rude...”
“Didn’t have to be rude, my ass. No one gets to talk down to you like that- not even me... Well, I do... But only if you want me too~”
*he do be leaning in for a kiss but you shove your hand onto his face*
you: “Whatchu want for lunch Testu and do not say me because I will quit.” 
“Awe.. Honey you’re no fun...”
“Just order me something and get it to go because we don’t have time to go out right now, I’ll make it up to you next time tho.”
“It’s just Y/n with my lunch. Let them in will ya?” (1:00 pm)
“Hey, honey...*whispers* book me an appointment with my chiro will ya? My back is definetly gonna need it... Do it for friday night since we have the weekend off.”
“You’re dismissed.”
*will pat you your thigh before you walk out the door*
*is a very firm believer of not teasing you around co-workers. no pda around the office unless it’s his and the blinds are shut and the door is locked*
“Honey~ let me take a nap on your lap.I’ve got thirty minutes and I’m tired.” (2:30 pm)
“Hey- We have a dinner meeting so I need you to go home, freshen up and get me a new suit- I’ll get ready in the gym bathrooms, I’ll be fine.”
“Let me know when you’re on the way so I can just take a quick wash- hold on give me a kiss before you go.” (3:20 pm)
“You’re on the way back? Pick me up some iced coffee, yeah?”
“You here? Hold on let me put on a towel.” (6:00 pm)
“What you lookin’ at?”
“Oh? Sorry- I’ll cover up~”
“You look real sexy by the way... Give me a kiss.”
“Mmm, if I keep kissing you, were gonna have to head home right now baby~”
you: “Tetsuro, this meeting is literraly about keeping your company and making it a bigger establishment... We are not gonna drop it to go fuck.”
“But honey~”
*smaking the back of his head*
you: “I will leave you high and dry next time you try it.”
*Kuroo def becomes a little pouty after you say that*
*while at dinner a conversation about you breaks through while youre in the restroom*
“So, you’re married to your assistant... How’s that like?” The man in front of him asked, with his own wife absent at the moment. “Oh, um... They’re really great- Y/n a great partner and theirs nothing more I could ask for.” He man scoffs before taking a drink, “Did they work for you before you got marries?” Kuroo nods, “I met them a fem years ago during a one on one interview, they have been working with me ever since.” The executive nodded, clearing his throat. “They a good fuck?” He asked, shocking Kuroo. “Excuse me?” He asked, making sure he didn’t hear him incorrectly. “I asked, are they a good fuck. Someone like that seems too good for our work, bet their probably a sleazy bitch who-” Kuroo go up from his seat a reached over to grab the mans collar. “Speak of my spouse with that manner ever again and i wont hesitate to ruin your life. You know what they learned about you before we got here. They found out that you’re having an affair- and they just happen to be pregnant... Seems to me that your hush money wasn’t enough. How about we tell your wife and kids that you just happened to start a new, hidden, life without them.” Little to Kuroos knowledge you where a few steps behind the table and happen to hear everything your husband had just threatened to spill. “Tetsuro...” You mumbled, setting your hand on his shoulder. “Sit down...” You looked back at the executive and smiled sadisticly, “You heard my husband... Finding about your second life wasn’t so hard.. Maybe I could send it to your wife in a matter of seconds if you don’t get up from this table, agree to our side of the contract and then leave. We’d like to enjoy our dinner in peace.”
“How much did you hear?”
“Right... Let’s just forget this ever happened and enjoy the dinner we deserve.”
“That was so, so, delicious” (8:00 pm)
“Did you enjoy your dinner?”
“Good, let’s get a bottle to go, yeah?”
“Home, sweet fucking home.”
“Come here, we’ll open the bottle later.”
*ya’ll accidentally fall asleep on the couch bc you guys work so hard together... its a cute sight*
you: “Kuroo wake up, someones trying to get in.”
“No one is trying to break in.”
Kenma: “No she’s right I was trying to break in... I forgot my switch charger here and I need it.”
More of Husband Kuroo: here
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arminssseashell · 3 years
Aot characters and their reactions to you with a new cat/dog
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Desc: The Aot cast and what they do when you come home with a new cat/dog
Warnings: none
Pairings: Eren x gn!reader, Armin x gn!reader, Levi x gn!reader, Jean x gn!reader, Mikasa x gn!reader, Annie x gn!reader
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•He might freak out— but in a good way
•He won’t even let you sit down or anything, he would just snatch it away from you
•After they warm up to each other, that’s when he will ask you the questions
•“When did you get him/her? Did she cost a lot?”
•If it’s a cat then he might not be very attached to it because he’s more of a dog person imo
•But if it’s a dog— that ain’t your guys’ pet, that’s 𝘩𝘪𝘴
•He would let it warm up to him of course but despite the type of animal, it’s gonna be his new favorite thing
•If you two don’t sleep together, he’s obv gonna snatch that thing and keep it in his bed, along with it’s food because he loves it so much
•But it’s gonna be your job to take it outside, no matter how many times you both argue about it (if it’s a dog)
•The pet will end up hating him at some point tbh
•Like it would just be laying down and Eren would get all up in its face
•It probably bit him at some point, too
•But other than that, Eren would be overjoyed!
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•Like Eren, Armin would be very excited!
•Although instead of Eren, he would let you get everything situated before he meets the new pet
•I hc him as a cat person, so if you brought home a cat he would probably love it even more than a dog
•But either way he would still let you be it’s favorite because he would get too attached otherwise
•If you both sleep in different beds, he would let the pet sleep with you as well unless you aren’t home. Then he would most likely let it sleep on his floor or in the living room
•He offers to take the pet outside for you most of the time (if it’s a dog) because “his s/o shouldn’t have to do things like that”
•Armin also offers to wash the pet for you because he actually kind of enjoys it??
•Sometimes you would come home to him and see him asleep on the couch/in his bed and snuggling with the pet
•He then gets mad because you took pictures
•But he secretly likes it
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•Like Armin, he’s probably better being called a cat person. He’s more fond of cats because they’re elegant and that’s kind of his style
•So, if you happen to come home to him with a cat, he won’t seem very excited, but he’s actually quite happy about it
•At first he’d hesitate to show any affection, but when it’s just with you or by himself he’d smile at it and give it a few pats
•But if it’s a dog, he won’t really be fazed
•Dogs tend to be messy so he might “hate” you afterwards
•Not because he’s a total clean freak, which he kind of is, but because they require a lot of attention which he doesn’t really want to show
•If you get a pet cat, he might be a bit more delighted if it didn’t have much fur so it doesn’t shed. If it’s a dog, the same goes for it
•If you happen to get a dog, though, chances are that the only way he would give it the tiniest of love is if it was a chill dog
•Other than that, he may help you take care of it, like feeding it and bathing it, but other than that you’re on your own
•But he wouldn’t completely hate the pet despite the type, he isn’t that type of person
•What he 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 do, though, is scold you for bringing home a pet without him knowing
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•Okay, I wasn’t really ever attracted to him enough to write about him but whatever
•He would be more excited if it were a bigger dog rather than a small one
•Same goes for if it’s an adult dog rather than a puppy
•He wants someone to be rough with, so if you brought home a smaller pet then his hopes would go down the drain
•He would give you the same look as when he rubbed his hand on Connie’s back in that one scene
•But later on he would still try to give the pet the love it deserves because who doesn’t love a nice pet?
•He might help take it out on walks and stuff because he wants to see if it would play— if it doesn’t then he just wants it to get familiar with him
•He would also do almost all of the pet work until it finally likes him to the point where it follows him around
•But yeah, he wouldn’t be too disappointed if you brought home a new pet!
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•She would stay calm and collected about it
•She wouldn’t rush to meet the new pet— she would just let it go to her
•I hc that she used to have a pet when she was younger, so she already knows what to do and what not to do with one
•Since I see her more as a cat person, she would be a bit disappointed if you brought home a dog
•She would probably steer clear of it
•But then one day you’d just see her come home with sunglasses on, dog in her purse with it’s own pair of sunglasses, and just struttin down the hallway (bc she’s a queen obv)
•You may be a bit confused at first, but just let her do her thing. This is a rare you see her have fun
•She would suggest taking turns caring for the pet so it’s fair, and so it gets equally amount of attention from both of you
•She might post it on Instagram and be like “new child” or sum
•But yeah, she would be more calm about it
•But like Levi, she might confront you about it
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•Pretty much like Mikasa except she would take longer to warm up to the pet
•I hc that she also used to have a pet when she was younger— a cat— and so she would be a bit more familiar if you happened to bring home one
•She wouldn’t mind a dog, but she might not give it much attention
•It’s def sleeping with you, regardless of the animal
•I feel like she might actually try to avoid it because she’s just kinda shy and awkward like that
•It’s like handing a baby to someone— you don’t really know what to do with it
•So you just sit there with the baby in your arms, awkwardly looking around the room
•Yeah that’s how Annie is with a pet
•Basically she wouldn’t be happy or sad about it— she’s just… neutral
•I don’t really know what else to put about Annie but yeah, that’s about it lmao
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A/n: thanks for reading!! Making my masterlist rn
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miracleonice87 · 4 years
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a Tyler Seguin one shot
a/n: I’m back! Last week was busy for me and this one is, too, but I have three other WIPs coming up after this one within the next little bit, so stay tuned. also idk if anyone else watches One Tree Hill (I know Tyler does 😉) but his family gives me major Nathan, Haley, Jamie, and Lydia Scott vibes in this one.
summary: still playing for the Stars, Tyler is recognized for his 1,000th career game and celebrates with his wife (the reader), family and team.
warnings: husband and dad Tyler being cute with his family and becoming a slightly silver fox (I think that def deserves a warning); hint of a daddy kink lollll
February 22, 2025
“Mama! Can I wear my new jersey from Uncle Jamie? Please?”
You pursed your lips, fastening the back onto your emerald earring as you looked at your five-year-old son’s reflection behind you in the mirror. You turned away from your vanity to meet him at eye level.
“Baby, you should wear Daddy’s jersey tonight,” you told him gently, rubbing his back. “We’re celebrating a really big milestone for him, so he’s gonna be recognized out on the ice, and we’re gonna be there with him, remember? I know it would mean a lot to him if you wore his jersey.”
Luca pushed his bottom lip out just a smidge, pouting just like Tyler was famous for doing. You bit your own bottom lip to hold back a laugh.
“Okay. Well, can I wear Uncle Jamie’s next game?” Luca bargained.  
You smiled at his tenacity and smoothed your hand over his crisp white dress shirt that you’d laid out for him. You put your forehead to his and assured, “Absolutely.”
Luca perked up and stood a little straighter at your promise.
“Thanks, Mama,” he said. You kissed his cheek and said, “You’re welcome, baby. Thank you for understanding.” He nodded and turned to leave the room, presumably to pull a 91 jersey from the ever-growing collection in his closet. He stopped short and turned back to look at you.
“Hey, Mama?” he began. “Hmmm?” you prompted, trying to fasten your necklace and suddenly wishing you’d had Tyler put it on you before leaving — not only was he much more capable, but the way he always kissed the nape of your neck after securing the clasp made you melt each time.
Luca paused, smiling down at his sock feet before lifting his gaze to you again.
“I’m really happy for Daddy,” Luca said with a smile so sincere it made you melt. You were such a sap for these Seguin boys.
You nodded, choking back tears. “That’s sweet, baby,” you said. “I’m really happy for him, too.”
An hour later, after dressing yourself, your son, and your two-year-old daughter, you pulled into the private parking area within the gates, Luca bopping up and down in his car seat, ever anxious to get inside the arena. The moment you unloaded both kids, they took off for the door to the arena.
“Luca Paul Seguin, slow down, please!” you instructed in your best mom voice, fumbling to throw both your purse and the diaper bag over your shoulders. “Hold onto your sister’s hand, bub,” you requested.
Luca smiled brightly and turned toward Harper, extending his hand toward his toddling little sister, who took it with a giggle. You finally caught up to the two of them and scooped up your daughter as you stepped onto the elevator, headed to the front office floor. When the doors opened, you were greeted by Tom Holy, the Stars’ VP of communications who had become a close friend over the years.
“Here are the real stars of tonight’s show!” he exclaimed, clapping his hands once, making you laugh. Luca ran to him for a hug and Tom playfully dusted off Luca’s little shoulders that now donned his favorite black Seguin jersey.
“Nice jersey, Luc! Hey, I gotta tell you, though, we have something else for you and your sister to wear tonight — if you want to,” he said.
You shot Tom a warning look as he produced a black tote bag from the reception desk, telling him, “You did not.”
He gave you a wink and said, “Do you know us at all by now? Of course we did.”
Much to Luca’s delight, Tom pulled two home green jerseys from the bag, with white 91’s printed on the back and sleeves and the “A” adorning each chest. But the nameplate didn’t hold your last name — instead, it read “DADDY,” with “1,000” printed below the jersey number. Luca jumped up and down with the jersey in his hands, while Tom handed the smaller jersey for you to dress Harper in.
“And we got a little something for you, too,” he added, reaching his hand into the tote bag once more. Your eyebrows shot up, caught off guard.
“Why me?” you questioned, feeling completely undeserving.
“Because, he says it himself all the time — he wouldn’t be the person he is without you,” Tom told you earnestly. “Tonight we’re celebrating all of you.”
He handed you a small black box and you froze for a moment before he extended it further, insisting that you accept it. You slowly grasped the box and pulled it open. Inside lay a pin nearly mirroring the style of lettering on the back of the kids’ jerseys, but instead it read “Seguin - 91 - 1,000,” encrusted in diamonds and emeralds.
You covered your mouth with curled fingers, attempting to steel yourself so that the waterworks wouldn’t commence just yet. You warmed inside at the incredible kindness of the gesture, giving Tom a hug.
“Thank you, Tom,” you said softly. “You guys are always first class.” He waved you off as you retrieved the pin from its box and fastened it on the lapel of your long black blazer, paired with a lacy camisole, jeans and black heels. You propped Harper on the desk to switch out her jersey for the new one, Luca having already made his own outfit change.
In the tunnel, you had Harper on your hip and held tightly to Luca’s hand to prevent him from running to the ice and interrupting warm-ups. Your kids were used to standing at the boards where they could watch the guys drill and give their dad knuckles on the glass — where he could tap his blade in front of them each time he skated past. But not tonight. They might not realize it for years to come, but tonight would be even more special than watching their dad skate in front of them.
After a few minutes, you felt a hand come to rest on your shoulder — Jim Nill’s. You smiled at him and leaned in for a hug as he greeted you warmly and gave Luca a fist bump.
“And this little one…” he added, tapping Harper’s nose lightly as she grinned up at him. “She’s gotten so big. She’s too cute — you sure she really belongs to Segs?”
You laughed and remarked, “Pretty certain, yeah. If you saw her dramatic side, or how she is with the dogs, you’d see the resemblance.” It was Jim’s turn to chuckle.
Tom sidled up next to the two of you and advised you on how the presentation would go.
“So, we’ll roll out the carpet, and you guys will head all the way down to the end. Jim and Bones will follow. Tyler will come and stand next to you guys on the ice and then we’ll do the presentations,” he instructed. “That sound okay?”
You nodded and smiled at Tom. “Yeah, it sounds great. Honestly, I’m just a little nervous about holding onto these two so none of us fall on our asses,” you half-joked.
“Well, Gramma can help with that.”
At the sound of the familiar voice behind you, you spun around and gasped, while Luca exclaimed, “You’re here!”
There stood not only Jackie, but also Paul — the two were always willing to come together for momentous occasions in their children’s lives, especially now that you and Tyler had given them the gift of grandchildren, and you were grateful. You had had no idea that they were coming, even having spoken to Jackie the day before, asking her once more if she was sure she didn’t want you to book her a flight to Dallas.
Tears welled in your eyes as you shook your head, completely at a loss for word as they flanked you. You squeezed each of them tightly and whimpered, “Does Ty know?”
Paul shook his head. “He has no clue,” he responded. Jackie added, “And the girls are up in the suite already. They wanted to watch it all up there.”
You could only shake your head repeatedly, barely having time to recover before hearing the PA announcer ask the fans to turn their attention to the ice. You dabbed the corners of your eyes with your knuckle and passed Luca duty off to Jackie, keeping a hold on Harper yourself, as Tom smiled and winked at the five of you.
“Not even a warning, Tom?” you teased, sniffling. He chuckled and squeezed your shoulder.
“No way,” he remarked. “Your reaction was priceless.” You shared another smile before you saw Rick stepping onto the green carpet near the boards.
“Here we go,” you breathed, leading your in-laws out to the ice past Rick as directed, not without him stopping you to give you a kiss on the cheek, squeeze Harper’s hand, and pat Luca on the back.
You stepped carefully along the fabric-covered frozen surface, concentrating on a beaming Tyler before you, Harper already reaching her arms out for him as he waved at her. You knew immediately that there was no point in fighting her on wanting to be held by her daddy, so as soon as you reached the end of the carpet and gave Tyler a peck, you handed her off to him, Tyler kissing her rosy cheeks.
The crowd “awww’d,” but you could only concentrate on the dumbfounded expression Tyler wore upon looking up from Harper’s “Daddy 91” jersey to smile at you before noticing his parents only a few feet behind. Rarely, if ever, left speechless, Tyler was completely in shock.
Jackie came forward to reach for Tyler, singing, “Surprise!” as she threw her arms around his neck.
“Oh, my god. I can’t believe you guys are here,” Tyler finally said, his voice shaky. Jackie kissed his cheek and pulled away to wipe tears from her eyes.
“We wouldn’t have missed this for the world, son,” Paul assured as the two men embraced.
After thanking his parents, Tyler crouched down to greet his boy — practically his own self, in miniature.
“Cool jersey, bubba,” Tyler said, glowing with pride as he nudged Luca’s chest and squeezed his hand.
“It says ‘Daddy 91’ on it!” Luca pointed out. Tyler giggled boyishly and kissed Luca’s forehead. “It sure does, doesn’t it,” he said, Luca nodding.
Tyler stood upright once more, snaking an arm around your waist as you held onto Luca’s shoulders in front of you, smoothing his hair affectionately. Tyler then noticed your new pin, running the back of his index finger over it and commenting, “Wow. This is unbelievable.” You could only nod.
“You look beautiful, baby. But what, no ‘Daddy’ jersey for you?” he asked softly with an ornery grin, making your cheeks warm as you pushed your shoulder into his chest. You shared a quiet laugh and he kissed your temple, then the PA announcer turned over the floor to Jim.
“Stars fans, you all know better than most just how much this night means to our number 91,” Jim began. “We as an organization have watched him grow, both as a person and as a player, since his fourth year in the league. We have witnessed the way he has blossomed, from an outstanding young player into a seasoned veteran. Tyler Seguin has become one of the most prominent leaders of this franchise, and I know I can speak for all of us when I say that we could not be more proud to call him a member of our family.”
The crowd cheered, so loudly that Jim had to pause, Tyler blinking back tears as he squeezed your hand tightly and nodded to the fans appreciatively. Even Harper began to clap, making Tyler laugh and kiss her sweetly, sniffling when he looked back to the crowd.
“Tyler, we thank you for the role that you have played thus far during your time as a Dallas Star, we look forward to many years and celebrations to come, and we recognize you tonight for reaching another milestone in your career in the National Hockey League — 1,000 games. We are thrilled to have your lovely wife and your beautiful family here with us tonight to celebrate you. Now I invite our captain, your dear friend, Jamie Benn, to join us and present you with gifts from your teammates, then Rick and I will proudly present you with gifts on behalf of the organization.”
You had held your emotions together decently thus far, but when Jamie glided over to you with a huge bouquet of white roses in one arm and a small gift box in the other hand, you felt tears trickle down your cheek. Jamie stopped in front of your family, greeting you first. He gently grasped your shoulder and kissed your cheek as he placed the bouquet in your arms.
“For you,” he spoke. “Love you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for him — for all of us.” You nodded, reaching up on your tiptoes to wrap your arm around his neck and whisper a thank you of your own into his ear, Jamie smiling at you tenderly when he pulled away.
“And for this guy…” Jamie began, extending the black box, which you now could see was marked with the Rolex logo, Tyler’s way as Tyler wrapped his arm around Jamie, hugging him tightly, the two of them exchanging private words of gratitude. You swiped at your tears as you watched Jamie pull back to kiss Harper’s cheek, making her squeal with delight at the attention her favorite uncle was showing her.
You all laughed, and Jamie turned his attention next to his godson. He bent at the waist to look Luca in the face, his wide grin growing even bigger. Jamie held out his fist and the two engaged in their special shake and bake handshake, Jamie ruffling Luca’s chestnut brown curls atop his head as he stood straight again.
“Love you, buddy,” Jamie told Luca, extending his hand for a low-five. Luca slapped his palm and beamed up at his beloved uncle. “Love you, too,” he confirmed, Jamie winking at him.
Next, Rick approached and presented Tyler with a gorgeous crystal award, engraved with Tyler’s name, the Stars logo, and the date and statistics from his 1,000th game against St. Louis a few nights before. Jim gifted Tyler a silver hockey stick from the Stars organization to commemorate the occasion, and Tyler thanked them both profusely, hugging them as the PA announcer asked the crowd to now look to the scoreboard for a video tribute.
This was one part of the evening you had known was coming — Tom had arranged for you and the kids to be filmed congratulating Tyler on the actual night of his 1,000th game, in the wives and girlfriends suite. You had inquired about who else was being asked to be part of the video, and Tom rattled off the names of some of Tyler’s closest friends, current and former teammates, and most respected fellow athletes — his sisters, Freddy, Derrek, Marchy, Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski, Jordan Spieth, Dak Prescott, and many of the Stars he had played with for multiple seasons all made appearances, including Jamie, who smiled at you as he skated behind you to watch.
“1,000 games. Did you ever think we’d all be here?” Jamie asked you softly as the video started, glancing Tyler’s way.
You, too, looked toward your husband, his face lifted to the Jumbotron, and you noticed the way his handsome features had only become more distinguished with age and the few grey hairs sprinkled near his ears and in his beard. He always groaned when you jokingly pointed them out, but you loved them — in your eyes, they told the story of his life as a man, his life as a hockey player, his life as a dad, his life with you. This occasion was just another chapter of Tyler’s dream come true — your dream come true.
You glanced back at Jamie and nodded, smiling. “Actually... yeah,” you answered, a hint of surprise in your tone. “I think I did.”
Late that night, long after you’d put the kids to bed — with Luca having insisted on sleeping in his new jersey — you and Tyler lay cuddled up on the couch, wine glasses now empty on the end table, feet entangled on the ottoman. The gifts Tyler had received were propped on the mantle across from you, out of reach of children’s hands and dogs’ paws. Tyler kissed the top of your head, inhaling your scent deeply as you absentmindedly fiddled with the button on his loosened dress shirt collar.
“Are you happy?” you asked softly. Tyler breathed a chuckle. “I don’t think happy even begins to cover it,” he told you, smoothing his hands up and down your bare arms. “It’s more like… amazed. But it’s not even because of the 1,000th game.”
You rolled your head toward his to look up at him, meeting his gaze. “What do you mean, baby?” you asked.
He glanced at the new additions to his memorabilia collection and then back at you, the corners of his mouth twitching into a thoughtful smile.
“The ceremony was great. The best. I’ll remember that for the rest of my life,” he told you. “But what I’ll remember most is the way you looked, carrying the baby and just smiling at me walking onto the ice. And the moment I saw my parents with Luca between them.” Tyler’s voice quivered as he spoke, and you tightened your grip around his waist, laying your stomach against his to lean up and kiss his jaw. Tears shone in his eyes as he gave you a grateful look, pulling your hand to his lips to kiss your fingers.
“My career has been far better than I deserve,” Tyler added. “But what makes me the happiest is just getting to do life every day with you, and the babies. And my parents and sisters, too. I’m just really feeling blessed.”
As he sniffed, you pressed a kiss firmly to his lips and said, “Life with you is more than I could’ve ever wished for, Ty. Every day is like a celebration of the love you and I share. Everything else, like tonight — it’s just icing on the cake.” Tyler nodded, giving you one more kiss as he whispered his gratitude for you.
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Regained Passion -Harry Hook x reader - part 1 - The dance studio
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-canon deviant, after D2; Ben invites more vks over, including Harry and Gil-
Harry huffed in frustration as he forced himself to walk to the dance studio building, FG had made the newest set of VKs go to counselors and his had decided he needed something to burn off his energy, but it couldn’t be sword fighting or tourney as it ‘amplified his violent tendencies’ and he needed ‘a calm environment that tempered him’
“Dumb counselor, dumb FG, dumb dance class” he muttered to himself, shrugging the duffel back on his shoulder to sit correctly as it slid from its spot slightly. The studio was just off campus, being connected to a huge auditorium that had a large stage for their dancers to…well dance.
He stopped in front of the building, grimacing up at the sign that hung off the front of the building “Esmerelda's dance hall” he read, sighing he looked back down at his clothes.
Evie had signed herself up to make some new clothes for him to dance in, and at the moment he was in a flowy white t-shirt, slightly baggy black sweatpants, and wearing his new converse. (he had a feeling he would have to change out of them though) “Let's get this over with” he muttered, walking up the steps and into the building.
He stepped through the doors and looked around, to the left was a reception desk, at least that’s what it looked like, and to the right was a café looking room, with vending machines and a mini kitchen. “Hello! Welcome to Esmerelda's dance hall! Are you a new student?” Harry turned back to look at the desk, now a middle-aged blonde woman sat in the chair behind it, a kind smile on her face.
“I guess” Harry muttered, walking up to the desk and handing her the paper the consular had given him to give to ‘Ms. Smith’ and the woman behind the desks nameplate read ‘Mira Smith’ so he guessed she was the person who he had to give the paper too. “I was told ta give this ta yeh” Mira nodded and took the paper, humming to herself and typing on her computer.
“Yep, got you right here, Harry Hook. You’ll be starting out in the beginners class for teens since we assumed you had no prior dance experience” Harry quirked his brow. He had dance experience just…not the type they did in this school probably. “The school is paying for your classes so you won't have to worry about any payments, follow me!” Mira stood and walked out from behind the desk, leading Harry down the long hallway of doors, each having a number and letter on the wood.
“Your classes, for now, will take place in D-A, with Mr. Bert. Hes our beginner teacher, all our students love him, they say he makes everything very fun and entertaining” Harry didn’t respond, looking at the walls and through the small windows to the rooms. “Well, here you are! Have fun Harry” Mira opened the door and gestured inside, where a good group of teens his age stood, all getting ready for the class. Some were stretching while others just talked to their friends.
Harry stepped through the door, pressing his lips together as some of the teens turned to look at him, brows raising bit. He could recognize some of them from Auradon prep. Harry held down a flinch as a hand clamped on his shoulder “You must be Harry, eh?!” Harry turned to look, seeing a kind-looking man with black hair and blue eyes, a smile on his face.
Harry wasn’t one to trust someone as soon as he saw them but this man just had odd energy that Harry felt like he could trust. Harry felt himself relax and nodded to the man, who held out his hand to Harry. “I’m Bert!” Bert had an odd Boston accent, which again, made Harry feel oddly safe. Harry shook his hand, yelping quietly as Burt pulled him into the group of teens “Now, grab a pair of those black ballet shoes, don’t worry they’re new and ya get ta keep ‘em, and get em all tied up on ya’, and the same ta’ the rest of ya’! get all ready and stretch!” Bert released Harry's hand and walked around the room, helping some of the younger teens stretch and put their shoes on.
Harry looked for his size in the shoes and found one pair left ‘how convenient’ he thought, grabbing the pair and moving over to the wall that had only one other teen sitting against it. He took off his bag and slid down the wall, taking off his converse and replacing it with the ballet shoes.
As Harry got his shoes changed, Bert announced to the new students that had also joined that day; that beginner classes were only an hour-long, and there was no lesson plan, for now, it was learning basics and just having fun with dance. He also said he would teach them to dance along to a song called ‘step in time’. But first, stretching.
Harry mindlessly followed along with the instruction; Harry didn’t want to be here in the first place so he didn’t really feel like trying. “uh, Harry?” Harry looked up, seeing Bert staring wide-eyed at him “have ya ever had any previous dance experience? Gymnastics even?” Harry shook his head, not knowing why Bert was asking “You’re about a half-foot away from a full side split” Harry looked down, raising his brows in slight shock.
It was true, Harry's legs were almost horizontal from his hips “well would yeh look at tha’” Harry muttered, leaning forward a bit, hearing some of the girls of the class gasp in slight jealously.
“How the heck is he doing that! I've been doing gymnastics since I was two and I can't even do that!” a black girl with Bantu knots whispered to her friend, who started starry-eyed at Harry.
“I know… it’s kinda hot” the friend whispered back, laughing slightly as the first girl gently tugged at her hair “I’m sorry it is!” the first girl smirked and smacked the second's thigh.
“You are such a simp” she chortled turning her attention back to Bert and Harry, to which Bert was testing Harry's flexibility, to Harry's slight embarrassment.
“Do you feel any pain like that?” Harry looked down at his almost full side spit and shook his head, he didn’t even realize he had done it. “Could you try to do a full one?” Harry stared at Bert for a moment then shrugged, spreading his legs further and now sitting in a full side split “Well butter my britches” Bert laughed, rubbing his head “and they told me ya were a full on beginner!”
Harry sniffed and moved his legs back into a normal position, now sitting cross-legged as Bert patted his head and went back to stand in the front of the group, clapping his hands to gain his attention “Alright! Now let's start with the basics!”
If Harry had been taking the class willingly? He would have enjoyed it wholeheartedly because Mira was right; Bert did make the class very fun. But due to Harry being forced to take the class, he had hated every second. Bert had seemed to realize Harry wasn’t into it and left harry alone most of the time, but he still checked on him during the hour of class.
“Remember to grab the schedule on your way out! Class is same time same place tomorrow! Have a good day!” Harry finished tying up his shoes and stood, shuffling his new dance shoes into his bag, and made his way out of the class, giving a halfhearted finger wave to Bert as he walked out.
He walked behind his class, not wanting to mingle with any of them. He stopped, looking to his right as he noticed an open door. He blinked in slight surprise, inside was a whole group, much more experienced than his class, practicing what seemed to be ballet, the girls wearing shoes that allowed them to stand on their toes.
His eyes locked onto a particular girl, wearing a light blue leotard and an even lighter blue sheer skirt that almost looked silver.  Her skirt flared as she performed a set of spins, her head almost sticking to one spot as she did.
Harry had never seen ballet before, at least in person, so he stood slightly mesmerized as she danced, she stopped her spin and moved gradually on her toes, moving about the room in a way that Harry could only describe as ‘flowing water’. The girl turned once more, bright (e/c) eyes locking with his.
Harry felt his breath hitch as a sudden rush of butterflies erupted in his gut, flying about his body and filling his mind. ‘wha-‘ Harry mentally stuttered, taking a step back from the class as he felt his face heat up. The girl still had her eyes on him, but they were filled with slight confusion and interest. ‘I-I I have to go’ Harry turned and ran for the exit, not noticing the girl's classmates walk over to the door and look after him, some of them giggling to themselves.
“Oh he’s pretty!” “Think he’s a new student?”
“Oh def, did you see his outfit!? Besides, I heard that Mr. Bert got a new student today from Auradon prep, I think that was him”
“(y/n), do you recognize him?” Anita Beaucop turned to you from the door, she wasn’t from Auradon prep so she couldn’t have known who Harry was.
“Yes,” you mumbled, resting against one of the beams against the wall. “Harry Hook, one of the new villain kids, Chad calls him a filthy pirate” Anita rolled her eyes and sauntered over to you, grabbing a water bottle from her bag and cracking it open.
“Well,” Anita huffed, her French accent strong as usual “your brother is an asshole, both of us know not to trust him, if Chad doesn’t like Harry, then you should make friends, piss him off and all that” you giggled at that, covering your mouth as Emma, another one of your class friends who didn’t go to Auradon prep, leaned into your space, her eyes drifting back toward the door.
“Do you know If Harry's single?” she purred, her smirk dropping as you shrugged.
“I don’t know, he hangs around Uma a lot, and from what I see he seems really into her” Emma pouted, and crossed her arms.
“I got no shot with that hunk then, Uma’s hot as fuck.” the entire room agreed, including Javis and Saki in the corner of the room, who were both very much into men. “See, even Javis agrees!”
“Just because I don’t like anything on the menu doesn’t mean I can’t apricate it” Javis snorted, downing a granola bar as he did a small stretch session. You snorted and rolled your eyes, fixing your skirt and getting back into the starting position as Esmerelda looked back up from her cd player.
“Okay! Let's run it from the top again! Last round ladies! Then we can all go home and relax” As the gentle music began to play and you started to dance, you couldn’t help but think about the striking ocean blue eyes that sent a spark through your soul.
-end of part 1-
Part one of a new series, not gonna be a long one, maybe 5 parts at least-most…dunno which it's gonna be but, yeah! If you couldn’t guess, (y/n) is Chad's sister (fraternal twin but since its x reader you look like you and not automatically a female version of Chad) and isn’t like him, takes more after her mom n stuff. And yeah we got some simps in (y/n)s class lol.
Hope you enjoyed and will enjoy the next parts (to which I have no clue where this fic is actually gonna go I had a beginning and ending part to it and that was all lol, so lets see how this turns out)
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @rintheemolion​
@imtryingthisout​ @verboetoperee​ @jatp-rules-my-life​
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kinkmaster3000 · 3 years
Excuse me, do you still take requests? Because I wanted to ask for a burping story regarding Golden Time's female protagonist, Kouko Kaga. Specifically about her feeling rather gassy after eating at a buffet with her boyfriend. If possible, I don't know if you could sneak a fart or two in there?
Sorry, I don't do any eprocto stuff. Everything else I can happily do, though. Also, I'm really glad to get an ask for this anime, it's def one of my favs, but it's also been a really long time since I watched it through so sorry if anything seems ooc 🙏
“Wow, you really were hungry, weren’t you?”
K.ouko stopped short, the noodles still ungracefully hanging from her mouth. She quickly swallowed them, trying to regain her composure. “I-it’s just because I haven’t eaten all day…”
“Ah, I didn’t mean anything by it, K.ouko. I’m glad you’re eating a lot now, it’s not good for you to skip meals.”
“I-I’m not really eating a lot, am I?” She looked at the table, realizing that she was on her third plate. “Oh…”
“Don’t sweat it, K.ouko!” He grabbed a forkful of his own pasta, shoving it into his mouth. “See? Now I’m eating a lot, too!”
“You’re talking with your mouth full, B.anri,” She giggled.
Embarrassed, he quickly swallowed. “O-oh, sorry…”
By the time they’d left the buffet, K.ouko felt beyond stuffed. The walk back to B.anri’s apartment was agonizing, and every other step brought a little bit of food into the back of her throat.
“Was everything good, K.ouko?”
She didn’t want to be rude after B.anri had treated her to a nice meal, but she was afraid that if she opened her mouth, the air (or worse, the food she had eaten) would come back up. So she simply nodded, not meeting his eyes. She could see him frowning in her peripheral vision and her heart dropped. ‘Now he’s going to think I’m ungrateful, isn’t he?’
“Ah, looks like we’re here, K.ouko. Be careful on the steps!”
She took them slowly, but it was still a great effort. She felt unbearably heavy and drowsy, and by the time they reached his door, she thought she might heave. She had intially been excited when B.anri had asked her to come over, but now, all she wanted to do was curl up in bed. She looked to B.anri to see if he was struggling in the same way, but he seemed alright, and was staring at her with clear concern on his face. “Are you cold? Let’s get you inside, okay?”
She nodded, following him in to his cozy yet somewhat minimalistic apartment. She felt a bit better in its warmth, but she was still heavily feeling the effects of her binge. She chided herself harshly, ‘Why did I have to do this in front of B.anri… this is something that a cute girlfriend definitely wouldn’t do…’
“K.ouko, are you okay? You’ve been really quiet, I’m starting to worry, a bit…”
K.ouko wanted to respond, to tell him that she was just fine, but suddenly felt a pocket of air rise up from the pit of her stomach. It was right at the top of her chest, and she felt like she couldn’t breathe around it. She stood up quickly, about to excuse herself to the restroom, but the upward motion brought everything up faster than she could stop it, and she let out a surprisingly loud burp.
She clapped her hands over her mouth, mortified. Some of the physical tension had been released, but the mental tension had increased tenfold. ‘Why did this have to happen now of all times… just when we finally have some alone time, too. He’s going to think I’m such a pig…’
She slowly looked over to him, hands still covering her flushed face, to gauge his reaction. To her surprise, he didn’t seem offended or grossed out at all. He simply smiled, and pushed out a longer, deeper belch of his own.
She let out a startled gasp. “B-B.anri! Mine was an accident, you did that on purpose!”
“Don’t be so embarrassed, it’s totally natural. I’m just glad you did it first, I’ve been holding that in this whole time!”
K.ouko sighed. “Geez… and here I was, worried about what you would think of me this whole time.”
“I thought I was the one who was worried about you… You’ve been so quiet, I thought that maybe I’d done something to make you upset or uncomfortable. I’m really glad you’re not angry with me, K.ouko.”
K.ouko blushed at his honesty. “Of course not, B.anri. I’d tell you if I was upset, I just… ate way too much.”
B.anri’s eyes moved to K.ouko’s stomach, visibly distended even through her shirt, and she quickly turned it away from view. “Please don’t stare at it!”
B.anri blushed, turning his head away. “Ah, sorry… Does it hurt?”
“...Yeah. It hurts a lot, actually. I really overdid it, I swear I don’t eat this much, usually. I was just really, really hungry.”
B.anri scooted backwards on the bed, with his back pressed against the wall, and patted his lap. “Come sit… I-if you want, that is…” He said shyly.
K.ouko hesitantly eased herself onto his lap, holding her bloated stomach protectively. He reached under her shirt and she gasped slightly as she felt his icy fingers touch her bare stomach. “Ah, sorry, it was really cold outside. Do you want me to stop?”
“N-no, that’s okay… you can keep going.”
B.anri hummed, and began kneading her flesh slightly. “Let me know if I’m making it worse, okay?”
She nodded, and let more of her weight fall into him. Being held in his arms was very comforting, and the soft, kneading motions were loosening up the tightness in her stomach.
He pressed underneath her stomach with his knuckles, and she gasped sharply as a cramp shot through her abdomen.
B.anri started to apologize, but his words were drowned out by the long, growling belch that left K.ouko’s mouth. She instantly felt everything in her stomach shift into a more comfortable position. It would have been very satisfying, were she not currently cuddling with her boyfriend.
“E-excuse me!”
“It’s ok! That’s what I wanted you to do, K.ouko! I bet you feel better now, don’t you?”
“A little bit, but you can’t just decide to do that on your own! I’m your girlfriend, I don’t want you to think I’m gross! And please don’t be so rough! Or put your hands so low…”
“Ah, sorry, K.ouko, I didn’t mean it like that, and I would never think that you’re gross... I just thought that it would help to release some pressure.”
“Well, I guess it did.” K.ouko sighed in slight frustration. Scolding him had been a natural response, but one that she regretted. It really had helped, very much so, but she could still feel more air swirling around in her stomach uncomfortably. She tensed up her chest, hoping to let it all go at once and be done with this embarrassing situation. It only shifted the dense mass of food in a dangerous way, and she sighed in defeat. “Maybe we could… do that again?”
B.anri grunted affirmatively, and resumed rubbing with gusto. He seemed enthusiastic to be taking care of her, and K.ouko had to admit that she was smitten with this side of him. He was rough, but not too rough, and seemed to be hitting all of the right spots. He dislodged another pocket of air, and she let out a low, airy belch. “Mm. That feels a bit better…”
She shifted, trying to get more comfortable. As she moved, a deep, rumbling belch sounded, one that was actually not her own.
“B.anri! That was right in my ear!”
He chuckled, and she could feel it reverberating in his chest. “Sorry, K.ouko. It got pushed out when you shifted. I ate a lot of food, too.”
Before she could respond, he pressed her stomach harshly, and a sharp belch ripped from her throat. “*uURP!* Hey...”
“You’re not allowed to be mad!” He teased, “We’re both pigs today, okay?”
A soft, airy belch popped out of her effortlessly, and she sighed, giggling slightly. “Okay, B.anri.”
Encouraged by her acceptance, he started to press even harder, until she jolted with a sharp hiccup. “Ah, sorry, K.ouko!”
K.ouko sat up slightly as a wave of hiccups took her. She started burping after each one, getting larger each time as the hiccups got more violent, bringing more air up with them.
“I’m really sorry, K.ouko! You’re not going to be sick, are you?”
K.ouko simply shook her head. The burping felt good, but the hiccups were getting increasingly painful, so she tried holding her breath. Despite her efforts, she couldn’t hold back a particularly violent hiccup. She felt a large shift in her stomach, as if a switch had been flipped, and let out a massive, deep belch. She blinked in surprise. She had never belched like that in her entire life. She could barely believe that it had come from her own mouth, but the way that her stomach suddenly felt half as full reminded her that it, in fact, had.
“Excuse me…” She said, holding a fist to her lips. She was a bit dazed with relief, but the mortification was quickly taking hold of her.
B.anri burst out into laughter behind her, “Looks like you startled your own hiccups away!”
“Hey!” She stood up, pointing at him accusingly, “Don’t laugh at me! This is your fault, you kn- hic!” Her hiccups suddenly returned full force, and she groaned in frustration. “Ugh- *hic*, B.anriii…”
“I know, I know… I’m sorry, K.ouko.” He yawned, going horizontal on the bed. “Why don’t you come lay down with me? It might help if I rub your back.”
“... I think you’re just trying to come up with excuses to put your hands on me.”
“W-what?” It was now B.anri’s turn to be embarrassed. “You know I’m not that kind of guy, K.ouko! I just want you to feel better.”
“I know,” She laughed, settling down next to him, “I’m just teasing you.”
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scandeniall · 4 years
story of us
pairing: suna x reader
the story of ur relationship <3; alternatively (more) dating sunarin headcanons but this time is somewhat of an order and talks good and bad 2K+ worth lol
a/n: i had more planned but half of these have been sitting in my notes for months and its kinda fucking long already bc he lives rent free!!!
warnings: uh the usual aged up (in ur 20s time skip type beat), language, yeah
Now when y’all met suna was not looking to love at all. That man was just living his life and so where you. The two of you pretty much meet through komori. You’re a friend and it’s his birthday so him and a few of his friends go out for drinks bc why not. Young hot pretty financially stable v-ball players. Nah no ones there for any type of hookups literally just there celebrating a great guy.
They rent out a section at a relatively nice bar tbh. Not the cheapest and you can actually hear conversation. But also not a super expensive one where the patrons are middle aged with jazz music and the occasional track to relive “youth.” Komori’s a sweetie and will come outside to get you when you text that you’re there. You’ve met washio and ofc sakusa Before so you greet them casually then you turn and there’s Suna and a few others you haven’t met.
That greeting isn’t anything special I promise. Just “hey I’m so and so” and vice versa. It’s one of those meetings where you just think “he’s cute” but it’s such a fleeting thought. Y’all don’t even really talk that first night tbh. At the next practice Suna mentions offhandedly that he didn’t know komori was dating someone and komori is like: huh? Yeah sorry. I love (Y/N) and all but were just friends. Suna just shrugs not really caring to be honest until Komori just asks what did he think of you.
“Don’t really remember much man. Seemed cool though” he didn’t think he’d really see you again. Yeah you were close enough to have been at Komori’s birthday but if that was his first time ever meeting you, he figured you weren’t from around there are present very much. Yeah he was wrong.
Suddenly you were on Komori’s snap story more often, or maybe he’d just been noticing more. Too bad he couldn’t even remember your name 💀. Then it turned into you occasionally popping up where he was. He’d been told your name at least 5 times already but wouldn’t remember it the next day. Whenever he’d see you again he’d get a strained look like: “what is this mf name again” just laugh and tell him again bby.
That changed at some random house party by another mutual friend you two apparently had? You two were the only people just around the fire pit trying to catch some warmth in the chilly night. He’s probably just on his phone head bobbing his head to the muffled music from inside. And you’re just like “remember my name yet?” All jokingly. This sparks the tiniest bit of interest in him and he lets out a low chuckle and just admits “not at all.” I also feel like this is the first time he really looks at you and he’s like 🤨, wait you’re actually kinda cute.
That night y’all just kinda talk and vibe. The conversation comes easy as you two jump back and forth from talking about the music playing to sneakers which he brings up to stuff that you like. He’s actually really easy to talk to. So easy that u can forget about him not remembering your name despite meeting several times. You mention that you’d hung around komori before while they were gaming and that he seemed pretty cool. That leads him to asking “how do you know him anyways?”
“I used to date Sakusa”
Mentally he’s just like— ‘yeah I’m not getting involved in this. Time to go.’ Until you just start laughing.
“I’m kidding. He’s not really my type. We met after being paired together for a project in school.”
The two of you spend quite a bit of time just talking that night until you are joined again by some friends and it’s deadass like y’all weren’t just talking for almost an hour straight.
Getting Together
The process of getting together is like a cat and mouse game. You two start getting closer than friends and then something happens and you’re not talking for weeks. Whether it be life just getting busy, and then someone ending up on some random tinder date or so be it. Definitely one of those things were somehow someway y’all end up just hanging on one of your couches watching a movie. At some point there’s definitely a hint of sexual tension but neither of y’all act on it (later on you find on his finsta that he used to post several “i wont you 😔” memes  Folks can’t tell if hes joking or not (hes not))
You probably gotta tell that man you like him so if that ain’t you I’m sorry. Y’all not dating 😹. It’s something casual, y’all going to pick up some snacks for a movie night and why this mf keep looking at you out the side of his eyes instead of the road. You def texting the groupchat asking if you should confess. They tell you to boss up and just do it baby.
You literally end up confessing in that parking lot. Like right when he shuts the car off and starts swinging his keys on his finger and you kinda just blurt “I like you. Like like you.” He just kinda nods before his eyes widen. “Wait are you fr?” Like no you’re joking tf. It gets a lil awkward so you just go to get out the car and he’s like “I like like you too.”
I definitely don’t think either of you ever officially asked the other out it’s just at some point the understanding that you two are a couple. Like when you’re hanging out just you two hes more touchy, and then y’all start kissing and holding hands at some point. Then when you’re with friends he almost exclusively sits next to you and your friends notice the whispers in one another’s ears at the loud bar that seem just a hint too intimate for ppl who are just friends. Then y’all start arriving and leaving places together and people just at some point get the message (it’s later confirmed by you tweeting some shit like: I hate Rin why is that mf my boyfriend)
As far as anniversaries y’all draw straws to pick a day in the ballpark of the time y’all both think you became official. That’s the day you stick with even if it’s not true.
Relationship Flaws
A fault in the relationship is sunas kinda poor communication when it comes to things that matter. How he feels. Arguments. Love sure as hell don’t come east with anyone but when your partner won’t let you in? Yeah that’s like hell. That’s something you struggle with. And then on your end, it’s the impatience with him not letting you in. You try to wrongfully rush it.
 There’s definitely been arguments that stem from him just being upset about something unrelated to the relationship then coming to you for comfort without actually telling you what’s wrong. He kinda just wants to lay with his head on his chest but at some point that’s not enough. Y’all are in a relationship and should be able to talk about your bad days too.
You’re not innocent in this issue either because sometimes it comes off too pushy. Yes it’s from a place of care but sometimes that silent comfort is necessary. The walls will break in due time and y’all both know that deep in the back of your minds But then there’s a part that’s like— yeah we can’t let this become the norm
“Rin, can you please talk to me”
He will have literally told you “whatever” and that he “can’t deal with this rn” several times as he just shrugs and is like yeah “I’m gonna just go home. I’ll text you later” with an awkward ass pat on your shoulder if it really ruined his mood. If he’s leaving before he gets super upset and uncomfortable just some half assed kiss in your cheek
Another thing is I feel like he could be passive aggressive and let’s be real other folks doing it causes you to do it to. Y’all probably drag eachother on your finstas where you can both see it lol
But when it comes to making up he cracks first and apologizes when he started it. Or as y’all get more comfy with communication. If it’s not anything major he’ll just hit you with a text like “I’m bored come hang”
More Relationship Things
I feel like he love/hates driving. Likes the ride not always driving though. So if you ever proposed a late night drive he’d be down (if you offer to drive). He does let y’all take his car though. He reclines the seat pretty far back. Alternates between just closing his eyes vibing w/ the music or kinda just looking at you (he the type of bf that makes u nervous no matter how long y’all been together)The way he looks at you makes you nervous cause that man is fine as hell and you can just feel his eyes on you.
He films you on Snapchat and sends the video to you like “you look hot”
If he’s not ‘resting his eyes’ he’s mumbling along to the music because he has the aux. if y’all music tastes are different he occasionally throws in something you really like bc he likes how you perk up at one of your fav songs
Moving on. Y’all dap eachother up after s3x because it’s “modern romance” (boy stfu). You two came up with a sex playlist together and it’s on both of your phones. Sometimes one of you will add a troll song that the other doesn’t know and put it in the lineup. (Stole my heart by 1D has definitely played before and you were practically in tears laughing at his reaction. That was one of those songs he was like ‘yeah alright i think we’re done).
At some point you two develop your own handshake and it’s cute. Whenever either of you have to travel without the other that’s always the last thing you do before you leave eachother. There’s vids of your friends daring y’all to do your elaborate ass handshake drunk and doesn’t matter what’s in your system, you both know it like the back of your hand.
I think he values quality time a lot so there’s so many nights where you’re both just chilling in his room just doing your own things. He could just be at his desk watching some game highlights and you’re just doing hw on his bed with your own earbuds in work all spread out and he’s content. He’s also attentive so if he calculates that you’ve been working too long he’ll just take ur earbud like “hey let’s go get something to eat.”
People definitely think he’s the lazy one in the relationship but it’s 100% not true. Like stated above, he’s very attentive and can pretty much gauge how you’re feeling in the blink of an eye. He knows when you need alone time but won’t go without reassuring you that he’s here whenever you’re ready. When you do just need him he’s there without a second thought. If you’re more touchy he’ll have your head in his lap his arm running up and down your as you tell him what’s wrong. He knows when to joke about a minor inconvenience and over the course of your relationship knows when to cut the jokes and be serious with you.
He’d never admit it but he knows your coffee order by heart (he keeps up his image my asking wtf do you get everytime. Just let him LOL). He the type to peek at what you plan on wearing and ‘accidentally’ color coordinate then pull some shit like “why are you copying me”
Y’all def shit talk together. See someone doing something completely out of pocket in public— straight to ur phones you go (pack it up shade room). To the public it just looks like you aren’t paying any attention to one another on your dates but y’all are. Just over the phone so u don’t piss off ur target 😌
Y’all are very comfy in your relationship that you just say stuff. Y’all don’t even think.
“Rin, what if i crashed us in this car rn 😹”
“Do it. Might be fun”
When you two finally move in together it’s almost like how your relationship starts. Slowly more and more spares of stuff for you end up at his. He does sorta make the move near the end of your lease and is just like “you’re here more than me anyways.” (hes nervous but swears he’s not. Bby you’re literally shaking). Him moving you in is like hell. This mf takes sooooo long to help with boxes. Picks up 1 then sits for like 15 minutes. You ask for help the first few times and he’s just like “I got you” while continuing to scroll his phone.
Sleepy Shoulder kisses in the mornings. Only form a greeting you get but it’s ok
this is like my 100th dating suna hc and im still going this is SICK. it was so hard to not drop old refs bc i still believe in them 100% yes i do!!!!
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totallytododeku · 4 years
☁ studying together ( x reader hc's) ☁
characters: midoriya, bakugou, todoroki, kirishima, yaoyorozu, uraraka, + ashido
genre: fluff  <33
I. Midoriya 🌳🍀🌻
this poor boy is so excited to be spending time with you
but he will not take his nose out of his textbook
he can't help it
he's so happy to be in the hero course he takes his schoolwork a little too seriously
however, you can use this to your advantage ;)
normally you're almost as invested in his journey to becoming the next Symbol of Peace and achieving his dream as he is
and you would never dream of doing anything that could jeopardize it
So you were silently bouncing off the walls with glee when you realized he was impervious to distractions when it came to studying
literally anything is fair game
which is why studying with him is your new favorite time of day
pet his hair
kiss his cheeks
climb into his lap
pat his head
hold his non-dominant hand
hug him from behind his chair
rest your head on his shoulder and take a nap
do whatever you want
you can basically do anything to him while he's studying without having to worry about distracting him
he will blush a little bit of you kiss him but but you think it's adorable
lol turn on whatever tv or music you want
but only if you're done with your work!!
hes very adamant that you keep up with your work as best you can do you can graduate side by side and be pro heroes together someday
K. Bakugou 💣💥 📢
he would totally be the one to invite you to study and he would probably want to study in his dorm
it's super quiet and nobody will bother you guys because they know it's that spiky gremlin's room
overall his room just has a really relaxing atmosphere
you love being near him as much as possible
and he's much more affectionate in the comfort of his dorm room
but that doesn't mean he's gonna go easy on u ;-;
he still has his gruff attitude and will make sure you're studying every day
or else he will call u baka and force you to sit down and study until you know all your material
he's actually a great tutor tho
he writes out all the work for each problem and explains them thoroughly
all while holding in you in his arms while you sit in his lap
sometimes you can convince him to play a game with you where every time you get an answer right he gives you a kiss
but you whine when you get one wrong and he won't kiss you
he huffs before giving you a kiss while still trying to look annoyed
stupid girl he mutters
but he pulls you a bit closer to him to hide his blush and moves on to the next problem despite your giggles
S. Todoroki ❄🔥🍜
he doesn't really need to study but he doesn't know how to just .. relax
like he doesn't know how to not do what his dad tells him to do
and his dad wants him to study
it's just easier for Todoroki to do what his dad wants than to rebel
that is, it was
Until he met you and the dekusquad
obviously everyone cares about their homework and wants to graduate well and go Plus Ultra!
but study sessions with Todoroki usually end up just being you guys trying to help him be less hard on himself while you have him as a captive audience
he doesn't really mind, though, especially when it's just you two
the intimacy of studying together in comfortable silence and just
enjoying each other's company
makes his heart go (* ̄∇ ̄*)
like i said he doesn't really need to study so he'll just end up helping you review material
please just ... hold his hand :)
after you're done studying for the day just pull him into a hug and over to your bed
he needs a nap
you feel warm fuzzies inside from how caring he's been to sit with you while you finished your homework and bring you warm tea
you don't even think you just
Time for cuddles :3
it becomes your daily ritual to study together and then cuddle
he always falls asleep in your arms with a small smile
E. Kirishima 🗿🗿🗿
"Okay, Y/N, let's study hard and do our homework like men!" *fist-pumping the air and grinning like an idiot*
"...what's so funny? "
he doesn't care if you're not a man it's his trademark
he likes to study at his desk because he says it's "important to stay focused and work diligently"
generally he is the least focused person, ever. besides kaminari.
however, he's so energetic and enthusiastic that once you sit down and start studying he'll be able to keep your motivation up until you've finished all your homework
GREAT at studying for tests and quizzes (in theory)
he will never give up
like I said he could keep studying for hours once he sets his mind to it
So you have to compromise and get him to study in short bursts throughout the day to help him have a better chance of remembering anything ;-;
his memory is not great but it's kinda cute
you, being the smart cookie that u are, realized the best way to help him memorize things was to study with flashcards frequently throughout the weekend while doing other activities
so you plan to hang out together and do something fun every week while having your study material on index cards in your back pockets
it's a literal study date.
a weekly date out to the mall or the park or a little coffee shop but with math trivia thrown in randomly throughout the afternoon!! :D
Of course he was ready to turn it into a game he's a literal puppy
he just wants to show you you can be proud of him
you giggle lightly when you hear him say that and let him know that you'll always be proud of him, no matter what
M. Yaoyorozu 👑🏆☕
studyblr wants what u have.
studying in momo's room makes you feel like a Victorian young lady studying moral philosophy, writing poetry about the mourning doves outside the garden window, and waiting for her husband to come home from sailing the seven seas
it's your Belle moment where she's in the royal library except it's every day
stacks of beautiful, old books
the smell of the crisp, white pages
soft classical music floating through the air
the window cracked open slightly
and you are the luckiest student in all of UA because you get to study with the smartest girl in the whole school
she's also gorgeous and sweet and perfect which def doesn't hurt
u know that joke that ur teacher can spend a year explaining something and u never understand but then a random indian guy on YouTube explains it in 2 minutes and you finally get it
she is that random indian guy
you will never struggle with a single concept after you start studying with her
And she's so proud of you for every little question you answer correctly
(even thought she's the one that explained it all so well in the first place)
it's the definition of comfortable silence
she insists that neither of you study too hard and that you take lots of breaks to stretch
she says its to help you stay concentrated but really she just wants to feel your gentle hands on her shoulders as you massage out the knots
you take turns kneading the tension out of each other's shoulders
you feel a pleasant tingle down your spine at the feeling of her soft breath on the back of your neck
She pulls away and you share awkward smiles, neither of you realizing the other one of blushing, too
O. Uraraka 🌜🚀🙏
ur actually super productive study buddies
Like u started studying together and then all of a sudden you were almost at the top of your class
she's just so sweet that being with her gives you the energy you need to write that essay all in one sitting instead of procrastinating like a normal person
Shows up at your dorm with snacks and drinks to keep your energy up!! :D
even though she's still going to end up getting sleepy anyway later in the afternoon
You get most of your studying done at the beginning of your study date so it's not really a problem
you know she doesn't have a lot of money to be throwing around so you pay for dinner every night
It's usually takeout but sometimes you guys make your own dinner for fun!
it always turns out almost inedible and burned because neither of you were paying attention to the stove
don't let baku see it or he'll start screaming about how you need to try your best at everything so he can beat you fair and square and that includes cooking too
neither you nor uraraka can handle spicey food so you never eat what Bakugou cooks for the class
You grab a few bags of chips and some sushi and shut yourselves in your dorm to pull an all-nighter study session about once a month
it should make you tired but, again, studying with her is so enjoyable that you don't mind
u two enjoy each others company in studying so much that you sometimes read ahead in your textbooks just to be able to study more
overall, hanging out with her is just lighthearted and filled with giggles
and you just so happen to get all your homework done along the way
M. Ashido 👾👽🚿
"studying" with her is so much fun
Hanging out with Mina in general is so much fun
it's impossible not to smile when she's around so even if you have a huge exam tomorrow, all your worries fade away just from being with her
She is pretty distracting in cases where you actually wanted to get stuff done
But you don't care
Change of plans
you're doing mani pedi's with Mina
No more studying
it's not as bad as it sounds though
You're not slacking off or anything and you can still keep your grades up with help from your other friends like Momo and Iida
you guys are just goofing off in the privacy of your dorm room when you should be studying
"It's not a crime to be young, Y/ N ;)"
she's just so energetic and happy like a little pink ball of sunshine
you can't help but laugh at her silliness and cute antics after a long day of classes
she makes your heart beat faster like you're on a roller coaster but without the nerves
somehow you feel giddy and comfortable in her presence at the same time
it doesn't matter what you two are doing, you always have fun
make sure she goes to bed on time, though, or she might end up baking a seven-tier cake at 3 am and Bakugou will scream at you for waking him up
don't feed her after midnight lmao
i started writing this after i almost died of boredom in my online calc class. my senioritis is already kicking in and it's still September (。-ω-)  
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katierosefun · 3 years
well, even though literally no one asked, am i going to do a whole analysis on how the red album is also lowkey about tcw? sure. sh, let me indulge 12/13 year old me.
state of grace:
our wonderful opening track. the lyrics “just twin fire signs / four blue eyes”—from this line alone, i think a lot about anakin and ahsoka and obi-wan, just because what color are their eyes? blue. check and mate.
but on a more serious level: “and i never saw you coming / and i’ll never be the same” speaks to how each of these characters’ lives were interrupted by the presence of the other. obi-wan certainly didn’t expect anakin to come into his life, and i doubted anakin ever expected ahsoka to come into his life.
“love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right” and “these are the hands of fate / you’re my Achilles heel” speaks to how this whole theme of love and how both raw and burning and ruthless love can shine in this specific universe. specifically anakin’s kind of love. additionally, the idea of Achilles heel...i’ve already discussed the parallels between Achilles and anakin and don’t feel like rehashing, but it’s def. worth noting.
“this is the golden age of something good and right and real”...golden age. the war was messy and terrible and shouldn’t have ever happened, but also, i think for that brief moment, disaster lineage was at least together.
look me in the eye and lie to me about how this song doesn’t sum up the exhilarating rush that must have been being around someone like anakin skywalker.
“losing him was blue like i’ve ever known / missing him was dark grey all alone / forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met / but loving him was red”: this entire refrain is about that kind of ruthless, very fiery-seeing-red-everywhere kind of sensation that comes with love. (or, as the song alludes, a kind of dangerous love.)
and if we’re talking about dangerous kind of love—“fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there’s no right answer / regretting him was like wishing you never found out love could be that strong”...thinking thoughts about how there must have been all these times for the people around anakin to clash heads. bro. what even is that.
“remembering him comes in flashbacks, in echoes / told myself it’s time now, gotta let go”. ha ha. you ever think about the people who live after order 66 and wonder what the hell happened to the person they loved. ha.
alright, time to put on the anidala hat. this song is supposed to be all about loving someone and constantly feeling like you’re sliding down a slippery slope. a treacherous path—a reckless path—and yet, and yet, “i like it”.
the whole concept of these two being put in a whirlwind romance matches perfectly with these lyrics: “i can’t decide if it’s a choice / getting swept away / i hear the sound of my own voice / asking you to stay”. this mess of a relationship that probably shouldn’t have happened, but it happened, and now the only choice for these two is to hold on...bro.
i knew you were trouble.
ohhhh god, do i need to explain how this is an anidala song or—
“i was in your sights / you got me alone / you found me”,,,the fact that anakin skywalker really looked at padmé amidala after ten years and automatically went “i love her”. a part of me will always sigh and want to pat anakin’s head that please, please, please control yourself, but what am i supposed to do anyways—
but also, the way this song also addresses all the dangerous things that come with a love that probably shouldn’t have started / shouldn’t have been born with so many secrets. the damning / basically self-loathing lyrics like “the joke is on me” and “shame on me now” is honestly kind of sad, and while i don’t think padmé ever regretted loving anakin (and i’ve covered this so many times, but i think anakin and padmé genuinely loved each other), there was def. a sense of constant danger and fear that one day, all the secrets will come tumbling out / something’s going to happen. and all that ultimately bubbles over in revenge of the sith, right when padmé looks at anakin and just doesn’t see him anymore.
all too well
tbh, this song deserves a whole long post on its own, but i’ll try to be concise. i genuinely think this could be about any of the tcw characters / tcw pairings, but because it’s my post and my obsession, i’ll discuss the disaster lineage. there’s something so quietly sad about the line “but you still got [my scarf] in your drawer, even now” and how that speaks to how obi-wan has anakin’s lightsaber / how anakin has ahsoka’s lightsaber both as himself and as ahsoka after ahsoka left the order / after order 66. the fact that you still have a piece of someone you love(d), long after they’re gone...
the fact that this song is so full of memories and longing and aching and grief over a loved relationship. thinking about the lyrics “you tell me about your past, thinking your future was me” is especially sad because while i don’t think anakin was ever completely open about his childhood / past, i like to think he must have told some stories to obi-wan and padmé and ahsoka about happier moments—and you have to wonder what kind of future anakin saw for himself with his loved ones.
“maybe this thing was a masterpiece until you tore it all up” speaks to how for a rare, rare moment, we see anakin skywalker as the hero we’re all supposed to like—and we see how it all crumbles apart so fast.
“but you keep my old scarf from that very first week / because it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me” hits especially hard when you think about how vader still has ahsoka’s lightsabers, or the fact that everything goes “back to when i loved you so / back before you lost the one real thing you’ve ever known”...thinking. a lot about anakin and how the love he felt / received from his friends were real, realer than anything that palpacreep could ever give him. it was all real, and now they’re all memories.
okay, this is just a fun song so i can’t really apply it anywhere, but i like to think there must have been a birthday somewhere along the line / some kind of happy event where there’s some chaotic tcw fam shenanigans. ditching the whole scene and “end[ing] up dreaming instead of sleeping”...i like to think they must have had some kind of happy moment like that.
i almost do
this song honestly reminds me the most of anakin and ahsoka. do you ever think that ahsoka might have wanted to reach out to anakin at some point? how “it takes everything in me not to call you”—how she might wish that she could talk to him again but every time she doesn’t, she almost does. (and ha. this makes their S7 reunion even more painful.)
the whole “i bet you think i either moved on or hate you” and “i bet it never ever occurred to you that i can’t say hello to you and risk another goodbye” speaks mostly to that very same reunion. the fact that ahsoka and anakin leave so many things unsaid—the fact that ahsoka restrains herself, cites that reason for the fact that they’ll just catch up another time...when that another time never happens.
we are never ever getting back together
hahaa, i can’t quite laugh about this but also i can because i kinda made a crack edit of disaster lineage + this song over the summer, and it really is just a joke but also...lol vader + ahsoka + obi-wan, but more specifically ahsoka and vader in their reunion in rebels lol. they’re never getting back together, geddit? they “used to think [they] were forever” and “[sigh] he calls me up again and is like i still love you and like,,,this is exhausting, you know?” yeah, me too sis. 🙄
stay stay stay
okay, okay, okay, maybe going a little bit into crack-y happy tcw feelings, but all i’m saying is that i love the image of these dorks staying for each other, you know? the whole “you took the time to memorize me” and “all those times that you didn’t leave / it’s been occurring to me i’d like to hang out with you for my whole life” and “no one else is gonna love me when i get mad” makes me kinda soft but also sad knowing that one of the tragedies of tcw fam is that no one really stays.
the last time
highkey the whole clovis arc in season 6. but anyways, especially the lines about “this is the last time i’m asking you this / put my name at the top of your list” speaks a lot to me about this hunger (yeah, this is @ anakin) to be someone’s first choice. it’s about the anger and jealousy and dull pain of knowing that everyone else’s priorities are elsewhere (and that’s not their fault, but you still feel like it is).
but if we’re thinking about the clovis arc especially, i think a whole lot about anakin + padmé, as well as anakin and obi-wan, esp. in these lyrics: “you wear your best apology / but i was there to watch you leave” and “all those times i let you in / just for you to go again”. we know anakin and padmé were...going through it in this arc, but specially anakin and obi-wan’s conversation—the one where obi-wan’s trying to reach anakin? we see obi-wan briefly open up (ie. about satine!) and anakin quickly shuts it down, and when obi-wan leaves, we see the pain on both of their faces because this wasn’t how the conversation was supposed to go.
but also, if we’re circling back to anakin and padmé’s relationship in this arc especially: the really, really painful lyrics about “this is the last time you tell me i’ve got it wrong” and “this is the last time i say it’s been you all along” and “this is the last time i let you in my door” and “this is the last time / i won’t hurt you anymore”...this arc truly explores just how deep the hurt can run when you have a secret relationship. how quickly love can blur into possession and jealousy and anger, and we see that in how anakin and padmé just...both crumble apart, especially in that one bit when padmé basically says she doesn’t want to see anakin for a little while. like. idk. it’s just sad, because this arc really showed just all the issues and problems within a relationship built on lies.
holy ground
oh god, what a fun song. but anyways, just to kick things off: “and darling, it was good / never looking down / and right there where we stood / was holy ground” speaks to a relationship that was good, even if it was wild and brief. which. disaster lineage.
the whole “i guess we fall apart in the usual way / and the story’s got dust on every page” and “i see your face in every crowd” vibe too—these idiots miss each other, and they probably see each other where they’re not supposed to. there was nothing unusual about their falling apart, of course, but something about this song compels me to think about how even in the grief and pain that ultimately drags ahsoka and obi-wan down especially, i think they still are fond of their happier memories with anakin.
also, “tonight i’m gonna dance for all we’ve been through” and “but i don’t wanna dance if i’m not dancing you” makes me a little sad because i think a lot about the fall of the empire and how the whole galaxy is out celebrating, but there’s a certain togruta woman who can’t completely celebrate because now she knows that. her whole family. really is gone.
sad beautiful tragic
this whole song is so tragic, but. anyways. more tragic disaster lineage vibes. the words “words, how little they mean / when you’re a little too late” makes me want to scream because i think a lot about how in rebels, ahsoka tells vader that she won’t leave him—not this time—and obi-wan crying that he loved anakin—the real tragedy here is that these were all words that anakin should have known deep down, but he didn’t, and they all felt late. their timing is terrible.
and “in dreams, i meet you in warm conversation” screams to me this one passage about how obi-wan dreams about anakin, although those dreams are anything but warm. but the idea of how obi-wan still dreams and how “time is taking its sweet time erasing you”—because in the kenobi novel especially, obi-wan explicitly struggles...a lot with anakin’s loss. he definitely gets...sad and tries to remember how the hell it all happened. he keeps pulling out anakin’s lightsaber and just. forcibly puts it away because he knows looking at it would cause just more grief and oh yikes.
the lucky one
ngl i forgot how fuckign good this song is,,,bro. anyways, i think this def. speaks to the og prequel trilogy trio especially, because i think they were all seriously going through with the whole...reputation thing. thinking mostly about how anakin, padmé, and obi-wan are all supposed to be these heroic / cool / beautiful figures who everyone’s supposed to look up to when in reality, they were all struggling with something. also lol the fact that obi-wan and anakin were both propped up as war propaganda figures in-universe because of palpacreep def. speaks to that whole “they’ll tell you now you’re the lucky one”.
and “they tell you that you’re lucky / but you’re so confused because you don’t feel pretty, you just feel used” and “you wonder if you’ll make it out alive” hurts the most, i think, just because how they apply to all those in prequel trilogy. anakin, obi-wan, and padmé—not to mention all the other jedi and the clones, oh god, the clones—were all fighting a war that ultimately didn’t matter, and they were all fighting a war that didn’t leave them as heroes. it just left them as pawns.
but i think if there’s any hope—any hope at all in this song, i think it’s in the last lyrics: “and they still tell the legend of how you disappeared / how you took the money and your dignity and got the hell out” reminds me the most of probably ahsoka and rex, or the people who survived the mess that was the clone wars. granted, rex didn’t exactly have the choice that ahsoka had, because she was the one who really made the big decision to look around herself and say “nope, i can’t be a part of this order”. she got the hell out.
everything has changed
hear me out, but i just think this makes for a cute anakin and ahsoka song, esp. their very cute beginnings. just like. as soon as they meet each other, both of them are ultimately changed. the fact that ahsoka has been noted to be the key to understanding who anakin is—the fact that it’s ahsoka’s relationship / interactions with anakin that ultimately makes him a better person because they’re siblings, your honor—yeah. very much the cute “all i know is we said hello”...the lyrics going on about “i just wanna know you better” and “your eyes look like coming home” makes me soft because. i think that while yes, they had their own rocky beginning, the difference between anakin and ahsoka’s relationship vs. anakin and obi-wan’s (rip i love anakin and obi-wan and i genuinely believe that obi-wan was the best teacher for anakin, and i think their bond is incredibly special, but.......boys please communicate better) is that i think anakin makes a really explicit effort to make sure ahsoka knows that like. he wants her around.
idk—i’m not saying obi-wan didn’t want anakin around! but i think one of the greatest tragedies of their relationship is that anakin always seemed to just. not click with obi-wan’s own demonstrations of love / i want you to be here messages. (the gambit duology goes a little more into this—only in those books, anakin and obi-wan actually talk a little about their feelings! which is nice!) but anyways, point being: anakin and ahsoka really looked at each other and were like “oh yeah. you’re my idiot now.” and i think that’s really cool of them.
oh god, this is kind of an anidala song but i also am tempted to say obitine song just because of that one line about “pretending to be a duchess and a prince” because,,,lol duchess geddit? and overall just think it’s really cute because. summer love!!!
but also, i do see this as an anidala song because “he was trying to skip rocks on the ocean, saying to me / don’t you dream impossible things?” because i see anakin as most certainly that dreamy-eyed boy who looks at padmé and is just. like that. (and we see a whole ton of that, esp. in aotc and how padmé initially is like “this is a terrible idea” and eventually winds up falling in love anyways, as one does.)
begin again
this song is odd because it doesn’t really give me overwhelming star wars feelings, but it does remind me a little bit of how ahsoka must have felt getting with the rebels crew. because i think ahsoka must have “watched it begin again” when she noted kanan and ezra’s interactions with each other, and i feel like when she’s with ezra, she sees a lot of the young padawan she used to be, and i think there must have been a point where she recognizes that “what’s past is past”. she’s watching everything begin again.
the moment i knew
this is another one of those songs that makes me sad about anidala because it seems like they’re always getting interrupted? the idea of being told that someone’s going to show but it might not happen because life (ie. war! there’s a war!),,,and still not being able to be really that sad about it in public makes me sad. just. i’m reminded of this one moment in tcw where anakin has to leave early because of something and just. the lyrics “what do you do when the one who means the most to you is the one who didn’t show”—like, of course, we see anakin sneaking off, but i def. think in that one tcw episode, we get a glimpse of. how lonely life might be if you’re just. waiting for someone to come home, only to realize that they might not show.
come back...be here
ha....hahahahaa weirdly both anakin and ahsoka and obitine feelings? give me a second.
okay, so as for anakin and ahsoka first: “i can’t help but wish you took me with you” hits hard just because of the time anakin tells ahsoka that he knows what it feels like to want to leave the order. just. oh god.
and then there’s this bit of “this is when the feeling sinks in / i don’t wanna miss you like this” hits hard, esp. considering the whole utapau arc where anakin accidentally slips in ahsoka’s name. he misses her, and i don’t think he really wanted to show that—but it sinks in so hard and fast for him, and it hurts so much oh god
also, the “right when i was just about to fall”: i know that in this context, fall is supposed to mean falling in love, but. the fact that anakin is literally about to fall like,,,a few days after his reunion with ahsoka. i cry now!
as for obitine: ahahahaha. pain, esp. considering how they probably separated after their year on the run? thinking about how that goodbye must have been like—mostly thinking about how there’s so much history between the two. how strange it is that they “didn’t know each other at all”, and how they might have had “the feeling they could know so much without knowing anything at all”, and now i think about how both of them could have “stumbled through the long goodbye”. i think a lot about those years of separation and how satine confesses how she had been in love with obi-wan for a long time—and how that in itself...wondering how or when satine knew for certain that she had fallen in love with the young jedi who came to her aid. thinking about how her “falling in love in the cruelest way” is how that whole falling in love—and realizing just how in love she was—is so cruel, because like. you know. when you’ve been in love / are loving someone for like...ten years....that’s kinda intense ngl
girl at home
lol this song doesn’t really fit with anything star wars related because i don’t think anyone in tcw would actually cheat on their loved ones? still 100000/10 a bop of a song though, and i still think it’s one of swift’s more mature songs, 10000/10 recommend.
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imagine-shenanigans · 3 years
Mammon Kissing and Affection headcanons
I just think he’s neat!
King of shy as fuck
He’s like. Tsundere Lite (tm) 
At first he’s EXTREMELY conflicted about kisses and according to my friend has distinct “kisses you on both cheeks energies” which is correct, but you KNOW that he’s going to cover your eyes when he goes in for a lip kiss so you can’t see how red he is
Kisses are always chaste and if you make a joke about hand holding being permitted only after marriage, expect him to push his hands on your face while flushing red
Absolutely loves every kiss, gets really jealous hehe greedy if you give anyone else forehead kisses or head pats (as he does state in canon that you’d better not do this for anyone else) and if you rile him up enough, he’ll dive in for a passionate liplock and then put his hands on your shoulders, bow his head, and take a few minutes to get over what he just did. 
If you give this man an IOTA of affection he’s going to follow you the rest of the day. as though he wouldn’t the rest of his life
He gets WAYYYY more flustered over pinky holding than hand holding, because he thinks its so cutesy
he loves hand holding don’t get me wrong
But Pinky Holding? chef’s kiss
He’s like a particularly volatile cat, and will absolutely go through your shit to take a shirt to sleep with, not for creepy reasons unless you want that but because he just misses you a lot when you’re not there okay like sure maybe he bought an extra bottle of your preferred cologne/perfume to spray the bed with because he’s lonely and MAYBE he cries a little when he thinks about how long you’ll be gone- 
He enjoys spooning, but he much prefers being face-to-face or rather face-to-chest because he likes to curl up around you and bury his face into your collarbone and listen to your heartbeat. He’ll lose his entire fucking mind if you laugh at him but he cools down really quickly as long as you keep petting his hair, and ends up melting into your touch like he’s never received affection before
He’s a lot more pliable and receives affection more gracefully when the two of you are in private, cuddling in bed, and he’s tired. You could get him to say damn near anything when he’s tired, and the moment you run your fingers through his hair its over for him. He loses the brain cell he found on the street and will absolutely fall asleep if you let him
Loves being taken care of, though he’ll def take care of you too! He enjoys being the little spoon, being taken care of, and being loved immensely, but he’s eager to kiss you, and hold you, and drape himself over you to keep you warm.
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