#character introductions for my webcomic!
nevarroes · 1 year
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Jacques Latour is a name associated with the dark underbelly of Tal, an elusive figure whose path many prefer to avoid crossing. But among the select few who pay attention, rumors circulate that he is held in high regard by the Emperor himself, operating as his right hand.
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Hello everybody, Welcome to the circus! A big round of applause for Mike and Pocus! I've been itching to work on personal comics ever since I stopped drawing my long-form webcomic "going home" in late august last year due to wrist injuries and burnout. So, I decided to start Welcome To The Circus, a project I first conceptualized for an assignment about a year ago. These comics will be for fun, so don't expect a consistent upload schedule, I'll post strips whenever I have an idea and feel like drawing it out. I hope you will enjoy them non the less. I can't wait to explore these characters with you guys!
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toomieowo · 3 months
hello! -- its time for an intro post ☽。⋆ ·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
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you can call me toomie, and I use he/him pronouns + anything neutral. i'm agender+aromantic, aswell as neurodivergent ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
i am a comic and character artist, and my passion is my webcomic hurt people hurt people 🔞 (WIP!!!)
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I also have a youtube channel, where I post speedpaints and art tutorials!! follow that here ✭∞∞∞∞✷∞∞∞∞✭
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i post updates about my comic, art, ocs, and anything else i think is fun ! ¸.☆.¸
so if you like pretty boy ocs and social commentary, this is the blog for you :)!
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krossen · 2 years
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was also wondering if this loose style would work in a webcomic , i keep seeing lots of people also using colours but i always thought colour would have a bigger impact in key plot moments you know ? Anyway my babys :(((( look at them snapping a little bit , taken over the edge
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leaphia · 2 years
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Shelter & Thorn | Page 1 + 2
The first two pages for my superhero comic! (excited squealing) This will tell the story of Sookie and Noah, two college students who receive super powers and fight the crimes in their city. Meet Sookie and her best friend Jayden in the first Chapter! :3
I’m still a beginner comic creator! I just want to have fun and improve my skills while working on this project :D
You can read this story also on:
- - [Tapas] - -
Reblogs are very appreciated!
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rivkaotailor · 1 year
Hello, everybody! My name is Rivka and I’m a digital artist who loves making characters, original worlds, and stories. You can check out most of my old work on Twitter (@Rubytailors), but I intend to post here often as well.
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I also have a webcomic that updates every Thursday at 10:28PM EST. I hope you enjoy it!
I hope to sort out my original stories/worlds into hashtags on Tumblr because the way the app arranges posts actually interests me. So you should be seeing some cool concepts soon, if I’m able to adequately plan them.
So yeah! Check out my Twitter and have a good day!
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okanra · 11 months
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That’s the intro of the Reboot.
Then comes this.
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And with that, this project got kickstarted again. It’s an art project that even if it takes up years off my life and no one or veeeery few people support it, I would still commit to it until the end.
Remember its name everyone 🤟🏼 This webcomic’s original name was “Trunks and Goten in High school AU”, but it got a proper name now and it’s “The UNSPOKEN”, alright?
- For read-only peeps, you may wanna visit this Tapas link: you know what embed link in here has some problems on my side again, i’ll try it later. Just search the name of the comic and it’ll appear on Tapas.
(i also haven’t finish uploading everything, and haven’t created a Webtoon link neither lol)
- For someone who want to support the project, come join my lovely patreon gang: http://www.patreon.com/kahnguyen (embed link in here sucks…)
Every single cent that you support will all being used to help this project, not me of course, I just use it as an excuse to have a small community where I share intimate stuff with👌 This patreon site will remain opened until this project is finished.
The next post will be some proper character introductions I guess, maybe a very brief artist bio as well.
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deacblues · 2 years
dave strider is essentially homestuck’s tutorial npc character. before i elaborate i need to establish some stuff;
homestuck isn’t just a webcomic that imitates videogame imagery, it is a game pretending to be a webcomic. at least until andrew hussie drops the reader commands in act four.
john egbert is the reader’s point of view character. he is the method through which we learn how to play both homestuck and sburb. we tend to learn things as he does, and he is most interesting when there is an audience to direct him places (in my opinion, anyways).
with that in mind, i can continue. until his introduction in act two, dave strider is an npc by definition, and he spends a good chunk of his time teaching john how the world works and giving him objectives. here are some examples of that from the first 40 pages:
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he’s also the tutorial character in the sense that he’s introducing you to how homestuck’s dialogue delivery works as a series of meandering and occasionally humorous chatlogs. dave as the tutorial npc is formalized when dave becomes davesprite, since sprites are sburb’s skaia-designated tutorial npc figure. and, as soon as he becomes davesprite, he tracks john down to impart some brotherly wisdom
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i mean, hell, he pretty much outlines his whole “i am the tutorial character” thing in his letter to john
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i think people don’t really recognize this part of his character because for one thing, dave stops being a tutorial npc when you get to order him around in act two, but also because it’s hidden pretty well. i certainly had friends like this who had to teach me how to play video games and bail me out of jams. in some ways, dave is sort of like john’s older brother, trying to nudge him in the right direction and wise up. i guess the rest of the beta kids are like his older siblings too, since he is the youngest and the one who knows the least about homestuck’s inner-workings. he is you, after all.
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seeminglydark · 5 days
Mini Comic Masterpost
Thought it would be fun to round up all the mini comics I've done with John and Caro around this site, so they are easy to find all in one place! They will go in canonical (or not) order, not creation order. Here we go!
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The Main Projects
Starting this off with the mini-comic about my main webcomic Project, Seemingly Dark
And an introduction to John and Caro's comic, Mil-Liminal
Next up: Teenager things
A silly story about two kids in love, not canon, just cute. I drew this before i knew how their highschool story really went.
First kiss! (canon), sketch only
Schoolyard flirtin' (canon), sketch only
A reminder their story is a horror story, and a teaser from Mil-Liminal (canon)
Homecoming Queen (not canon cuz Caros hair was never short in highschool, one panel)
Punk Rock Princess (canon, one panel)
A teaser and a link to Prom Night, (canon)
Unidentified Flying Objects part 1 (2 coming soon, canon)
The Punk and the Cheerleader (canon)
Tokens of affection (canon)
Not exactly a comic, but a round up of their teenage years right up until they lose eachother (canon)
Teaser for a story about Johns life after prison (canon)
Caro's back (canon)
Caro gets sick, John, who doesnt know them yet very well as adults, takes them back to his house, they wake up and hes at work, shenanigans ensue (canon)
First kiss as adults (canon)
Ace of Hearts link (canon, johns story as an asexual)
I love you (not canon)
Coffee Maker (canon)
Then and Now (canon, mild spice in the sense they are shirtless)
Menace (Canon, Spicy/suggestive, nothing intense)
Halloween Interruption 1: The Void Motel (future canon, linked)
Background and Compilation of their story minis
Look How Far We've Come: intro to Mil-Liminal (canon)
Who are John and Caro (canon, character introduction)
And Finally, AU Stuff, not canon
Werewolf (non spicy)
Werewolf part 1 (suggestive)
Werewolf part 2 (suggestive)
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nellasbookplanet · 11 months
Book recs: merpeople
Everything from pretty, magical sirens and selkies to eldritch monstrosities and murderous, scientifically plausible fish-people, merpeople as a whole have a special allure and surprising versatility to them. Allow me to share with you some books!
(Also, did you know that a lot of mermaid books are very queer? If not, you're about to find out!)
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Continue under the readmore for details and my thoughts on the books!
Other book rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding
Really cool sci-fi worldbuilding
Dark sapphic romances
Vampire books
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The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Toro & Daniel Krauss
Surely this one needs no introduction on tumblr dot com, the monsterfucker site? In 1960s America, Elisa works as a cleaner in a government laboratory when a strange fish creature is brought in to be studied, and an immediate connection sparks between the two.
Black Sun (Between Earth and Sky trilogy) by Rebecca Roanhorse
This isn't so much a mermaid book as a fantasy book in which one of the main characters is of merpeople heritage. In a pre-columbian inspired world, sea captain Xiala travels with a mysterious scarred passenger toward a dangerous goal. Also features bisexual and nonbinary leads!
Ice Massacre (Mermaids of Eriana Kwai trilogy) by Tiana Warner
Young Adult. A small island is forced to defend itself against intruding forces of vicious mermaids. As all men trying to fight them get lured in by their siren song, a ship filled with warrior girls is sent instead. However one of them, Meela, had a complicated past with one of the mermaids, which is brought back to life when the two reunite on the battlefield. Sapphic romance. This one is also available as an ongoing webcomic.
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Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant
A research vessel heads towards the Mariana Trench in search of answers of what happened to a ship which mysteriously lost all its crew some time earlier. In the deep dark, something intelligent and hungry awaits them. Very much mermaids of the horror variety. Sequel to a novella. Also contains a sapphic romance, however that is a pretty small part of the plot as a whole.
Our Bloody Pearl (These Treacherous Tides series) by D.N. Bryn
A siren who's been held captive by a pirate is freed, but too injured to survive on their own as their tail has become paralyzed. Another pirate captain decides to help them out and has to work to win their trust. Fairly fluffy and light on worldbuilding and plot (though there is a bit of a revenge story in there), with a focus on character and recovery. m/nb romance with an asexual love interest.
The Deep by Rivers Solomon
Novella. Yetu holds the memories of her people, descendants of pregnant African slave women who were thrown overboard, a past forgotten by everyone but her. But holding the memories alone is slowly destroying her, and she flees to the surface. A look at inter-generational trauma and the scars it leaves.
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The Mermaid's Daughter by Ann Claycomb
A continuation on the classical fairy tale. Kathleen, up and coming opera singer, has suffered from a lifelong and unexplainable stabbing pain in her feet. As both her mother and grandmother died from suicide, possibly due to a similar condition, Kathleen's girlfriend convinces her to try and find out more of her family history. More of a magical realism than a full on fantasy (with a lot of focus on the intricacies of opera) but very beautiful.
Winter Tide by Ruthanna Emrys
Lovecraftian fishpeople! Aphra and her brother are the only survivors after the government raided their home, Innsmouth. Their only living family are the amphibian people of the deep, whom they will one day join, but until then they are bound to land where they struggle to build new lives for themselves after the great loss of their home and loved ones. Then rumors start to spread of a russian agent seeking dangerous and ancient magic, forcing Aphra to involve herself as they try to stop it. Does contain horror elements but is generally a much more optimistic look on cosmic horror than most lovecraftian stories, told from the perspective of one of his monsters. Lots of focus on found family and rebuilding of community. Asexual main character (however I don't think that becomes in-text confirmed until the sequel).
Eelgrass by Tori Curtis
When Bettan, a selkie, has her skin stolen by a man and gets forced into marriage, her best friend Efa is determined to save her. The other selkies however refuse to help, and so Efa seek out the help of dangerous mermaids in the hopes of rescuing her friend. Atmospheric and beautiful, with a very nice balance of platonic love between friends and a (sapphic) romance, both portrayed as equally important.
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The Moon and the Sun by Vonda N. McIntyre
You can't go wrong with a Vonda McIntyre novel just, like, in general. This one is set in 17th century France, where a young woman and her brother travel to live at the royal court, where they are to care for and study a strange captured sea monster fabled to have the ability to grant eternal life. A lot of focus on court politics as well as the cultural and biological differences between the humans and the mermaid. Also available as a movie (but it's not very good, please just read the book).
Sommaren 1985 by John Ajvide Lindqvist
Including this on the list feels a little mean because it's not yet available in english, but all of the author's other works have been translated (fun fact, he's the writer of internationally acclaimed vampire novel Let the Right One In!) so odds are this one will be as well. It follows a group of young teens in 1985 finding a mermaid tied up on a beach and hiding her in a bathtub in a shed. While the mermaid is important, it's more of a coming-of-age story with few supernatural elements. The author generally writes horror, and while I wouldn't classify this as such it certainly has an ominous atmosphere throughout. Gay main character but no romance (other than sideplots involving other characters).
The Girl from the Sea by Molly Knox Ostertag
Young adult graphic novel. Morgan, a young girl living on an island, meets a selkie with whom she quickly sparks a connection. But Morgan has yet to tell anyone about her feelings about girls, and the selkie has secret motives of her own as to why she chose to come on land. Sapphic romance with enviromental themes. Very pretty art.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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The Mermaid the Witch and the Sea by Maggie Tokuda-Hall
Young adult sapphic fantasy featuring not only mermaids but also pirates!
Out of the Blue by Jason June
A young merperson must leave the sea to undergo a coming-of-age journey - and risk getting stuck on land forever.
Teeth by Hannah Moskowitz
A boy living on an isolated island befriends a merperson with dangerous secrets.
Honorary mentions AKA these didn't quite work for me but maybe you guys will like them:
The Seafarer's Kiss by Julia Ember (sapphic little mermaid retelling from Ursula's perspective), Weird Fishes by Rae Mariz (enviromental novella), The Fate of Stars by S.D. Simper (fantasy, sapphic enemies to lovers)
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hurt-over-comfort · 2 months
Whump introduction!
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I figured I was due for a blog introduction!
Welcome, call me J or Jay! I had this blog for quite some time, but it was dormant for most of its lifespan. Well, time for a change! I want to be more active in the community and I would love to show you some of the things I’m working on. :) 
I both write and draw, but you’re going to see me post my drawings more often than my drabbles because I don’t feel too confident in my writing yet. (but it’s getting better!)
As for the actual content, I have two main whump stories that I will be posting about, one of which I'm hoping to turn into a webcomic/book in the future. (hopeful thinking…) I also have several related AUs because I cannot be helped. 
If I were to describe my whump taste, I would say it’s for the impulsive, visceral and emotional. My focus is usually on realism, mutually abusive and obsessive relationships, love mixed with hatred, emotional torture, and so on! I love to write stories about toxic, doomed, all consuming love, where both parties make each other worse but cannot resist the pull of each other. 
Some of my favorite tropes include: 
emotional whump
whumper turned whumpee  and whumpee turned whumper 
hurt no comfort (as you might have guessed)
defiant whumpee
masochistic whumpees
whumper caretakers
unhealthy devotion to whumper
drowning, choking 
Lastly: not all, but some of my content will be NSFW and might include noncon, which I will tag!
That’s all for now! The next thing I post will be an OC introduction post where I delve a bit deeper into the specifics of my characters and the story they inhabit, so stay tuned! Thank you for reading and have a good day <3
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Pocus has made Felipe return (and made apologize for stealing) people's lunches more times than you can count.
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olivescales3 · 11 months
Writeblr Introduction
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Please reblog!
Hello Writeblr! I'm oliveScales, and I'm currently writing and illustrating my webcomic named "The Forgotten Legends of Chima", or TFLOC for short.
I'm a fan of mythology and folklore, and I'm trying to study a few of them for my worldbuilding. Worldbuildings with focus on culture are my favorite! I also really like stories with animals and anthropomorphic characters. I'm an american who enjoys studying other cultures, and am currently studying the Portuguese language!
The Forgotten Legends of Chima is a fantasy science fiction story about the land of Chima, home to eight animal tribes. Here, you'll learn about their cultures, witness intriguing and complex relationships between them, and understand the importance of diversity.
TFLOC is an interpretation of Legends of Chima's storyline, which means that worldbuilding and characters are going to be developed alongside new content to add further depth into the story, such as unimportant/secondary characters becoming important and vital to the story.
In a world where civilizations clash for Chi in order to survive, Laval, prince of the Lion Tribe, strives to overcome every war and all injustice without ever gripping a sword. It all started when Laval witnessed evil and inequality with his own eyes. Since then, he has promised himself to protect anyone, no matter who they are, from suffering and that he will restore peace in the land of Chima. These are the Forgotten Legends of Chima.
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Chapter 1
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Chapter 2
Coming soon :)
Sneak Peeks
TFLOC Full Sneak Peek
TFLOC Episode 2 Sneak Peek
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 1)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 2)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 3)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 4)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 5)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 6)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 7)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 8)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 9)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 10)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 11)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 12)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 13)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 14)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 15)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 16)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 17)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 18)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 19)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 20)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 21)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 22)
TFLOC Sneak Peek 2 (part 1)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 23)
TFLOC Sneak Peek (part 24)
TFLOC Sneak Peek 2 (part 2)
(Check the #tfloc tag to see everything TFLOC related!)
TFLOC Snippet 1
TFLOC Snippet 2
TFLOC Snippet 3
TFLOC Snippet 4
TFLOC Snippet 5
TFLOC Snippet 6
TFLOC Snippet 7
TFLOC Snippet 8
TFLOC Snippet 9
Laval and Lagravis
Worriz and Gorzan
Sir Fangar
Found Family (Tormak and Li'ella)
Heads Up Seven Up 1
Are there any proverbs [in Chima]?
When and why did you start writing?
Laval's purpose
Laval and Cragger
Storytelling Saturday
Character Ask (Laval)
WBW Chi Market
STS Halloween Party
Cragger character ask
Muse Monday Ask (Laval)
WBW ghost stories
The Forgotten Legends of Chima Carrd
oliveScales' Carrd
oliveScales' Cohost
oliveScales' Toyhouse
oliveScales' Bluesky
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rockandroar · 4 months
I adore the Steel Stampede! How did you come up with the appropriate animal designs? What are their characters? How do they act? Are they nice? They look very intimidating, and scary, like Clash!
That’s all! I’m quite excited to see their introduction and Clash’s introduction in the webcomic!
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Thank you! :) Two of my lifelong obsessions are music and animals, so I guess it was inevitable that I'd end up caricaturing music genres as species or groups of animals. It's the premise that gave way to the entire Rock & Roar story, so I went wild with it. So with metal, we've got this loud, fast, heavy genre with chugging guitar riffs and drums doing blast beats, and all of that reminds me of powerful, charging animals and their thundering hoofbeats. Top that with the sign of "the horns" being a hand gesture associated with metal since the heyday of Black Sabbath, and it seemed clear to me that metal musicians and fans would be horned and hooved animals like the ones above.
I first drew Grant Ruffalo more than ten years ago and he was a buffalo/bison from the beginning. It's just the animal that intuitively felt right for this character. To his left is Onyx Slater, and I chose an oryx because their white face with black markings reminded me of the corpse paint some black metal bands wear.
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To Grant's right are Billy Kidd the goat, and Gunnar Ramsey the black sheep. No specific reason for choosing those animals in particular, I just thought it'd be funny.
Steel Stampede became a band in the late 60s. These four guys take their music very seriously and are intimidating, for sure. They command respect and they don't mess around, at least not publicly. They're very much regarded as musicians of a very high caliber, a band that is cited as influential by virtually everyone else in the metal scene.
Grant is known for his short temper, Onyx is more restrained and keeps to himself, Billy is the funny guy of the bunch but also very brave for his small stature, and Gunnar is the most down to earth and easiest to talk to. None of them are actually mean though - that's more of an image they keep up. They're not going to go out of their way to bully anyone around or intentionally hurt someone. They just won't tolerate anyone messing around with them, or their gear, or their live performances. And frankly, I think they've earned that level of respect.
But backstage, if you're on a friendship basis with these guys, they're pretty cool. If Grant is in a good mood, he'll regale you with stories of all that he's experienced throughout his music career, and will enjoy listening to your own stories too. He might even pass on some of his wisdom, in the form of a guitar technique, or advice on stage presence. He wants his beloved music genre to live on and have a strong future beyond him and his band, and even if he won't outwardly show it, it really warms his heart to see young musicians pursuing their craft with passion and discipline the way he did. He wants small bands to succeed, and every once in a while he is known to publicly give a shout out to unknown bands whose future he believes in.
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xyxofspades · 1 month
Laurence Zvhal Classpect Analysis
Hello everyone and welcome to “Xyx mashes the mythos of their first fandom with the characters of their other first fandom because they’re so normal.” Wherein I classpect the characters of MCD to better analyze them, their actions, their relations to other characters, and their individual values, as well as their place within the canon. Classpecting is a typology originating from a webcomic called Homestuck. It is a wildly complex and intriguing system and can be learned standalone, meaning you do not actually have to read Homestuck to learn how to classpect yourself. I highly encourage anyone who loves character analysis to look into the intricacies of classpecting. This is a good document to start with, giving a general overview, but some nuances and teeny tiny minute details are left out. You can find more by doing a quick Google search and there’s tons of videos on YouTube. Introductions aside, let’s get into it-
Why not start with a fanatical fan favorite? You know him. You love him.
The Casanova of Meteli, The Mage of Rage, Laurence Zvahl
In Laurence’s introduction the very first thing he ever does in the series is try and flirt with Aphmau. Confused and taken aback, Aphmau immediately screeches for him to cool his jets, after which he introduces himself properly. His flirtatiousness is a behaviour he keeps up throughout the series. However, he himself identifies it as a mask. A character he puts on rather than himself, telling Aphmau “I guess I act this way because I’m not really interested in any of them. I just don’t know how else to conduct myself.” There is a common theme within the Rage aspect of the theatre. Alongside this mask he’s created for himself, Laurence often uses flowery, performance-like language. He uses pretty words like “alas” and waxes poetic almost as if it’s a part of him rather than an extension. He is a person who lies for the greater good. When Cadenza goes missing he says, “We’ll come up with some kind of story to keep everyone safe from the wrath of a father and lover.” He even uses the word story himself as though he’d rather put on some semblance of a stage play than tell the people nothing. 
The Ragebound are defined as bringers of chaos but in Laurence’s case, I don’t think he does it on purpose. The Ragebound are known to be “bringers of confusion and doubt.” While Laurence’s first ever action was to flirt with Aphmau his first words to her were actually “Oh my.” That is such a non-specific statement but it dredges up a sort of confusion and sinking feeling deep in your stomach if a man you had never met were to start a conversation with “Oh my.” It could be a good thing, maybe you look especially nice today. Or it could be a bad thing, what if there’s something stuck in your hair you didn’t know about. It turns out to be a positive comment when Laurence then proceeds to liken Aphmau’s beauty to a pearl of Atlantis, but for a split second, you’re unsure. 
The Extended Zodiac states that the Ragebound can be “frustratingly difficult to convince otherwise when they have attached themselves to an idea”. Laurence is a shining example of this trait. He attaches himself to the idea of Aphmau to haul himself through the process of becoming a Shadow Knight. He latches on to the idea of Aphmau so hard that when forced to say he does not love her by the king of the South-Eastern Wolf Tribe, he is physically incapable of doing so, leading to the order of his execution. 
The Ragebound also deal in absolutes. The way Laurence perceives Aphmau’s love for him is an absolute. He knows she will never love him the way he loves her. The way Laurence decided it was immoral for Garroth to keep his relation to O’Khasis a secret was absolute. You either tell her or I will, which resulted in a fight. His absolute conviction to staying by Aphmau’s side. The absolute madness of The Calling and the slaughtering of the wolf tribe. All of these things are things that Laurence cannot comprehend being undefined, uncertain, or ideas that need compromise. To him they are all solid entities, not necessarily easy to define, but most certainly definable. 
There is a common idea that the Rage aspect is when you add limitations to yourself and your decisions through fear, anger, or skepticism, and are prone to paranoia. Laurence does this constantly with his thinking of “No, I can’t be around these people. I’ll hurt them.” Laurence consistently and constantly lets his status as a Shadow Knight define what he can and/or cannot do. It’s honestly frustrating to watch. He pushes everyone to a distance because he believes that he has fundamentally become a pretty bomb. The Calling ready to take him at any given moment and him fearing that he’ll let it. 
But Xyx, doesn’t Laurence have a lot of Time-bound traits? Yes, he sure does!
Following the theory of overwriting aspects (such as Rose’s Light being infected with an overcharge of Void in the Homestuck source material) it can be theorized that the Shadow Knights all suffer from an overload of Time thanks to Shad practically pouring it down their throats like motor oil into an engine. Time is just as much an aspect of… well, time, as it is an aspect of death. The steady clockwork of one's heartbeat or the decaying of a body over infinite hours. 
The Extended Zodiac defines those bound to the aspect of Time as “fighters, full stop”, and that their lives are “often marked by struggle”. While this is true for Laurence, this is true for every Shadow Knight. The Timebound are also described as relentless problem solvers at their best and ruthless, defensive, and impulsive at their worst. Sure, these are all traits that can be applied to Laurence, but these are general traits that can be applied to plenty of characters. Laurence does not have the bigger traits of a Time player. Not without Shad’s influence. Laurence does not partake in any metamorphosis or reinvention. Not without Shad’s influence on him as a Shadow Knight. Laurence does not have a hand in death and decay without the death and decay Shad gives to all his Shadow Knights. The Timebound’s need to move to their own rhythm. For nearly all of season one Laurence crafts a persona to move deliberately to other people’s rhythm. Albeit his persona is different before and after his experiences in the Nether, he still creates one based on other’s view of him. First for the women of Meteli and then later as a strong, infallible protector when in reality he’s suffering through the confusion and frustration of what’s happened to him. 
I think we can sufficiently call Laurence a Hero of Rage. But what about his class? I think Laurence would best be described as a mage.
A mage is one who understands their aspect and who understands through their aspect. As such, mages experience their aspect differently than other classes. Unlike most classes who have to learn and fiddle with their aspect, mages just know. This is my biggest reasoning for the whole ‘Laurence doesn’t use Rage on purpose” argument. He’s so intrinsically locked into it that it’s a part of him. To him, the use of Rage is perfectly natural. 
Mages often suffer tragedy at the hand of their own aspect. In an incredibly small sense this is the confusion and bewilderment he causes everytime he flirts with Aphmau. It’s the turbulence from Garroth whenever he, again, flirts with Aphmau. In a more major sense this is the distress of Ungrth’s death and the unsettling choice Aphmau is forced to make when he comes back as a Shadow Knight and Garroth insists he upkeep the Guard’s Oath, putting Laurence’s life in her hands. 
Mages are also predisposed to be selfish. Laurence continues his advances towards Aphmau not because she reacts positively towards them, but because he finds them entertaining. He pokes at Garroth in Malachi’s castle because he wants Aphmau to know what Garroth is hiding. A mage is someone who uses their aspect to their own benefit and Laurence, for all intents and purposes, did benefit from those decisions. 
Classes are all connected to archetypes. The mage is connected to the archetype of the Prophet. This is the part where I remove us from MCD and into some real world connections. I’m talking about Laurence as The Blind Prophet. The Blind Prophet is a trope that shows up in many stories, the most popular of which being Tiresias in Greek mythology. 
Most of Tiresias’s mythology revolves around his sex change, which, hey. Trans Laurence? But putting that aside, Tiresias was a prophet of Apollo, who presides over music, song, dance, and poetry. So various aspects of the theatre? 
I am very confident in calling Laurence a Mage of Rage.
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There’s a missing third thing though, his lunar sway. 
Lunar sway is far easier to determine. It’s based in how you see the world. Whether you lean more pessimistic or optimistic. That’s a bit oversimplifying, but compared to what the hell is going on with everything else it’s allowed to be simple. 
Laurence is pretty easily dropped right into Prospit. He’s personable, intuitive, and incredibly trusting of those he’s close with. Extroverts are often Prospit dreamers and his default temperament is nonchalant and amiable. 
Laurence’s debut episode was posted on May 5th. We don’t have any canon birthdays so for all intents and purposes I’m going to be using their debut date as their “birthday” to determine their zodiac. 
The Extended Zodiac puts Laurence, a Ragebound Prospitian Taurus, under the label of Tauricorn, sign of the Gratified. I didn’t talk about blood castes because it doesn’t exactly translate cleanly into MCD, but for all intents and purposes I’ll relay some traits of the Bronze caste copy pasted from the web page itself. 
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“Bronze Signs have a warm and generous disposition, but you might not accuse them of it the first time you meet. They have a tendency toward being withdrawn and slow to open up with new people. This can make them come off as arrogant and cold, like they think they are too good for everyone, although the reality couldn't be further from the truth.They crave stability and safety, and if they have the means, their homes will be full of beautiful things. Some might accuse them of being hedonistic; they would probably just claim to know what they like. As lovers they can be quite needy, wanting assurances that the affection they feel is reciprocated.”
While a lot of these traits apply to Laurence, I wouldn’t call him withdrawn and cold upon introduction. That guy came in hot. I wouldn’t call him arrogant either. Also I wouldn’t quite know where to place the adjective “gratified” on him. 
Personally, even though Laurence doesn’t necessarily strike me as a Libra, I would put him in the Teal caste. This would make him a Libicorn, sign of the Dismantler. Once again pasting in some teal traits from the web page;
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“Teal Signs are natural charmers. Social and flirtatious, they are great at parties and public speaking events. They aren't afraid to use their many engaging qualities in both personal and business ventures. They have a strong moral sense. Right and wrong are very obvious to a Teal Sign, and it can frustrate them that others don't see the world the same way they do. They have vibrant imaginations, and enjoy fiction and roleplaying, and often those games will resemble the lives they want to be living. Unfortunately, they have a tendency to get involved with people who are very obviously wrong for them out of a desire not to be alone.”
Laurence is an incredibly natural charmer. His strong moral sense drives a lot of his decisions. The way he interacts with Aphmau like it’s a game is a mockery of a life he would love to be living. If you have an interest in LaurGene then that last statement of getting involved with the wrong people is obviously for you. Lastly, dismantler is an adjective that is very easily applied to Laurence. I bring it up a lot, but again at Malachi’s castle, dismantling Garroth’s secrecy. Dismantling what it means to be a Shadow Knight. Hell, even his current plotline is whatever rebellion he’s got going on in the Nether to quite literally dismantle it. 
Laurence is a brilliant example of “not all Rage players are evil.” This is all speculation. If anybody has a different take on classpecting Laurence please hit me up on it! I would love to hear any counter arguments. I almost called him a Rogue.
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codemiracle · 7 months
I am so happy that i am the first one to ask👉👈♡(> ਊ <)♡
Btw i wanted to ask more about Tatsuya and Seth ...they look dangerous but so cool..and does yuuta have haemophilia ..i guess.. and your artstyle is so beautiful and you draw the expressions so intricately... (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤I became your fan...
(~ ̄³ ̄)~ i fell in love with almost all of them..
i am so much interested to know more about them..i will be waiting for other characters' introduction and likes dislikes too..and i found yotsuya cute due to his character introduction stuff but when you told me more about it that's he's not as good actually i was shocked now he's the most interesting character for me...i cant wait for the game ..when will it come out..i will even read a webtoon with these characters...btw don't take a burden i am just asking in a lighthearted manner ..take care of yourself too...thank you !
Btw can i be 🤍 anon???
Aww, you're too sweet!! Thank you so much for your kind words!! <3 (๑>◡<๑) You really boosted my self-esteem hehe. The game will come out probably in a demo maybe next year? it's going to be a really packed game with a lot of content (or so I hope) It's funny because Seth was going to be the protagonist of a webcomic I was planning but I ditched the idea because it really wasn't my thing (I like making short comics though!). But I'm planning to make an RPG maker game with him (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ I can give you some little silly details about Seth and Yotsuya just for the funsies! ✦ ┆・Seth enjoys taking care of flowers because he likes the feeling of caring for something alive (he'd like to get a puppy too.) His favorite flowers are Marigolds and Sunflowers. His least favorite is Roses (he hates the thorns.) ✦ ┆・Seth is really tall, about 1,97 c. m. (about 6,5 feet I think??) He can change his size though. ✦ ┆・Seth Likes to learn about anything and everything and thanks to him being a machine he has an extremely photographic memory, that can be a little dangerous, though he will remember anything you tell him, so you better not lie! ✦ ┆・Seth rarely stops smiling, he doesn't know very well about expressing his emotions. So he tries to smile all the time, it looks a little uncanny and to be honest he likes being a little creepy. When he's not smiling, that's not a good signal at all. ✦ ┆・Yotsuya like a good stressed office worker likes gambling... a lot. Don't worry he's not addicted or anything and he's pretty good at the games he plays, especially poker, his poker face is on point (*wink wink*) ✦ ┆・Yotsuya hates germs, he kinda hates using public transport like trains or buses just because he hates the feeling of being in the same space with other people. He doesn't mind you tough, you're not disgusting to him at all! ✦ ┆・Yotsuya knows a lot about cybersecurity, he worked as a programmer for a company for quite some while, quite dangerous knowledge for a stalker like him if you ask me. (And his house is pretty secure too, he has cameras around all the corners.) Take care of yourself too, anon! Hope you have a great day! <3
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