#damian sees a lost animal
finemealprompt · 28 days
DP x DC Prompt #43
Cujo was a good boy. He was! He promises! He just didn't want to sit still when Danny asked him to. How could he! There were so many scents to explore, so many spirits around, too many things to do to sit still!
Unfortunately, Cujo got lost. And scared. It's a big city, and he was told he wasn't allowed to turn big and go on a rampage or else he wouldn't get to go on trips with Danny anymore. So he wanders, trying to get back to where he was.
Then, a young boy runs across Cujo. He speaks softly, is kind, and doesn't seem off put by his abnormal coloring. So, Cujo decides to go with the boy! Danny won't be that mad ... right?
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rapplesart · 13 days
Random fic idea
Tim drake but instead of loosing his spleen he lost part of his leg.
Tim thought it was obvious he was missing his right leg from the knee down. It was a whole leg that was missing after all. Sure he was wearing a prosthetic made by Ra's' best people.
One he painfully earned after that crazy fucker made him fight a bunch of his assassins one legged in order to "proof himself as the true heir of the bat he saw in him" or something. So sure, the leg might be more advanced than most, and it imitated natural steps a lot easier and even made it possible to easily run without switching to a different leg. Truly it was a perfect leg be vigilante with. But he never even bothered to give it human like appearances.
But apparently the Fam didn't notice. When he returned with Bruce everyone was too reliefed to give Tim a closer look and it just never came up afterwards.
Tim thought they just didn't want to ask about it in a weird attempt of being polite or even caring. Bruce surely did enough research on how it happened on his own. The man spend the whole travel back to Gotham with Tim after all. Tim truly believed the world's greatest detective would have noticed his missing leg.
Except he didn't. Not if he interpreted the way they looked so incredibly disturbed by is nonchalant way of handlinh the boiling hot chemicals that landed on his metal leg. He just brushed it off, the battle continued and since nothing seemed to be injured no one pressed him when he said "Must've missed me after all"
Now, how do you deal with a family that didn't notice you're missing a leg? That's right you fuck with them.
First thing he did was buy himself a few more realistic looking prosthetic leg. It had to be custom made to fit his stump so it took a whole but it was a worthwhile investment.
The first one was Jason. Call it a twisted revenge for trying to kill him but Tim just really wanted him to be messed with the most. So one day when he knew it was only Jason and him on patrol he strategically set himself down to fall. Crunching some spaghettis to ass in a sickening way only to stand up and walk away as if nothing ever happened.... With his foot toned the wrong way around. Insisting on nothing being wrong and Jason being delusional whenever the older boy tried to get him to get medical treatment. He switched it up the whole evening, whenever he was out of sight he turned the fool right and wrong. Driving the guy insane.
Jason did not sleep well that night. He was also top weirded out and unsure if what he saw was real to talk about it with anyone else.
Then, he challenged dick to a flexibility contest seeing how far they han bend their knees and feet. Even Mr bones are a social construct gymnast Richard Grayson looked horrified as Tim stood there, food bend almost in half, knee twisted to the impossible and what looked lihe a bend in the middle of his leg. Dick claimed cheating except the thing that greeted him when he demanded Tim to puch up his pant leg to expose his trick was a normal looking leg. The first Robin did lots of stretches in the following weeks. His pride was hurt after all.
Finding a way to mess with Damian was a bit more difficult. The brat still made a bunch of harsh comments again and again and he really wasn't close enough with Tim to be easily gaslit. The kid was a trained assassin and was probably used to a bunch of weird shit considering everything Ra's. So Tim decided he could go a bit more gory on Robin than the others. So one night he sat in front of Damians room, in the dark hallway and waited till one of his pets passed him. Once Alfred the Cat came along he made some louder coping noise that would Definetly make the kid look out to check on his animals. It worked just as planned, Damian peeked out his door to see Tim, crosslegged and barefoot on the floor, seemingly cutting off his toe to feed the cat. In reality it was nothing more than a cat treat and carefully picked, animal safe food coloring.
The kid scremed at him, threatened to stab him, punched him real good for harming his cat and took off with said cat to find Alfred so the older man could check on the poor kitten. Of course not beforeaking sure Tim was in an adequate amount of pain on the floor, with his 'injured' food secured to the floor with another knife. Only to return with a worried Alfred on tow to see Tim, standing two whole bare feet with a confused expression and a bag of cat treats in the hall.
Tim got a broken nose for it but it surely was worth it. Especially once he quietly whispered a 'no one will ever belief you' to the kid in passing. He might have traumatised the boy a little but Tim fought it justified for all the attempted murder he suffered.
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Tim and all the young justice are now babysitting the supersons for the day, how bad this can go?
[at the zoo]
Bart: Timmy, we have a Code Ligma.
Tim: Kon got his hair stuck in the toaster?
Bart: Is that what it is now? I need a new handbook.
Cassie: Kon's hair is fine, but we lost Damian and Jon. He's flying over searching as we speak.
Tim: Damnit. Where did you last see them?
Bart: We just finished the Antarctic exhibit and went to the gift shop when I needed to use the bathroom. I was only gone a millisecond!
Tim: A millisecond too long, unfortunately. Did they leave any clues at the scene?
Cassie: They ditched their safety leashes. Damian must've loosened them when we weren't looking.
Tim: According to Find My Assassin-Trained Siblings, Damian got to the savannah section before he turned off his location.
Kon, flying over: The rhinoceros fence is broken. Like, ripped out of the ground.
Tim: We'll just follow the trail of animal prints then. Young Justice, assemble!
Cassie: Pretty sure that's copyright.
Tim: Nothing a little cash can't handle. Now, spread out and start searching. If we find them, the codeword is "neoexistentialism."
The team: *split up*
Damian and Jon: *right behind them on a rhino*
Jon: Should we tell them?
Damian, with a timer: I want to see where this goes.
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minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt #136 part 1
Danny felt disgruntled as he slowly came back into consciousness. He was in the middle of the Observants going over some of the new factions that have been growing since he became King. A sudden surge of power flung Danny through a portal and he tried to escape or make sense of what happened but he lost consciousness soon after. 
Coming too Danny was a lot smaller than what he thought he should be. His body had a different feel to it and he could tell he was turned into something that walked on all fours. He lifted his head and took in his surroundings. He was in a field, a field of wheat. He couldn’t even see anything besides the wheat and the sky. The portal that dumped him here was no where to be found either. He was going to have a hard time getting back home, especially in his new form. He could still feel his core but the transformation had done a number on him and he felt exhausted.
Suddenly he heard the wheat snap to his left and he whipped his head around to find a person carefully leaning down a few yards away from him. They seemed to analyze his body movements a little bit before he held out his hand that had a small piece of sausage in it. Danny knew not to take food from strangers but it honestly smelled heavenly and he doubted Sam would ever find out, so he hesitantly walked over and gave it a sniff. After he had taken it from them, they started petting Danny on the head. 
“You're an adorable little puppy aren’t you!” Ah so Danny was apparently a puppy, he probably should try to find a way back home but maybe being a dog for a while wouldn’t be too bad. He hasn’t had a break in a while and the Observants are so damn pushy sometimes. The stranger continued, “I’m going to take you to Damian, he knows a lot about pets. I feel like him and I got off on the wrong foot the other day and I think you’d be the perfect gift.” 
Danny wasn’t sure about being given away as a present but he supposed he had no where else to be and if Damian knew his pets as well as this guy said then Danny would be well cared for.
He was picked up and after a bit of walking they arrived at a farm house. Danny was better able to assess the size of the person holding him and they seemed around 10-12 years old. The kid ran excitedly into the kitchen of the house holding Danny out to an adult that, much like the kid, had black hair and blue eyes. 
“Dad! Look I found a puppy!! Can we bring him tonight to the Watchtower meeting so I can give him to Damian? I think he needs a friend and I want to apologize for how I acted the other day.” The kids dad seemed to give Danny a once over before responding.
“It’s probably fine but let me talk with Bruce first and make sure everything’s OK. We don’t want to force a pet on them even if Damian is good with animals.” He finally responded, he gave the kid a hair tussle and then continued, “Jon, why don’t you give him a bath upstairs while I give him a call, I think I still have some dog shampoo from last time I gave Krypto one.” 
The kid apparently named Jon ran up the stairs with Danny clutched against his chest. Soon he found himself wet in a bathtub, and then he was dried. He was finally able to get a good look at himself in the mirror, he looked like a miniature husky with white fur and dark black patches along his tail, back, and head. His icy blue eyes were piercing and he could see why someone would think he were cute, in fact he was down right adorable. 
After that Jon brought him to a bedroom he assumed belonged to Jon. It was a very basic kid’s bedroom and Danny found himself sprawled on the bed along with Jon. Jon spoke very fondly about Damian and the more he spoke the more Danny got the feeling Jon had a little crush.
Soon Jon’s dad came into the room to tell him that Danny could be given to Damian at the meeting tonight. Danny didn’t know what sort of work Jon's dad did but it sounded like Jon’s and Damian’s dads worked together. He wondered what kind of place the watchtower would be but he didn’t have to wonder for long. 
He also realized how different this world was from his own. Jon and his dad could fly and they wore these skin tight suits, honestly they looked like superheroes which was probably exactly what they were. They flew through the air and eventually they were in front of these tubes Danny honestly didn’t know what they were. Jon and his dad did though, and apparently it was teleportation. Danny was awestruck at the site in front of him, the Watchtower was in space and he could hardly keep in his excitement. 
Master Post:
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 22 - "Who takes care of you?"
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
A/N: Originally Cass was supposed to be the one picking up Danny... but I was not confident enough in that deleted part and so Dick's part ended up getting changed and being the last one instead.
Damian blinked at the child sitting at the playpen of the rescued kittens. He was sure there hadn't been anyone before besides this was a restricted area. Only volunteers and the actual workers of the animal shelter were allowed here. He looked around the area, hoping to see someone that could identify as the child's guardian but he was alone in the room with the child and kittens.
"How did you get in here?" He bluntly asked but the child was apparently ignoring him. The boy's back was turned to him and Damian's eyes narrowed. The child was wearing a slightly oversized NASA shirt as well as ratty looking shorts. He had black hair that appeared to be slightly unkempt with a length just enough to prevent Damian from seeing the child's eyes. He stepped over the knee high kitten fence towards the child but then stopped.
The boy was holding one of their smallest kittens they had rescued two days ago. The kitten had refused any milk or food they had offered it. Damian had planned to try and convince it to eat something before the workers would be forced to attempt force feeding. But the boy was holding it and one of the milk bottles was only used for the youngest of kittens. It was eating.
The small child was mumbling something to the kitten and Damian believed he picked up some of the words being: 'You're safe now.', 'I know it hurts but you gotta eat.', 'Being lost is always scary.', 'I am sure everyone is worried.'.
Under normal circumstances Damian would be suspicious of this boy but right now he was more relieved that the little one they all had been worried about was finally eating something. He would have to thank this little boy and his guardian. Maybe the boy even planned to give that little kitten a home with him.
With a small fond smile Damian decided to let the boy be and turned to feet the other kittens that were already excitingly climbing up his leg for their meal in his hands. He hadn't watched the child for less than five minutes but when he turned back to ask that child about his guardian.
The boy was gone. The feeding bottle was propped onto the fence in a way that allowed the little kittens to still feed off it. It was like the boy had never been there. Damian hadn't heard the door of the room open and close either. Nor the typical rustling of clothes when one stands up. He narrowed his eyes at the spot where the child had been.
Even when asking the other volunteers and workers. No one else appeared to have seen the child he had described to them.
Tim blinked at the boy that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Or maybe Tim had been too tired to realize that he had sat down into a booth that was already taken when he had ordered his coffee. The child didn't appear to pay him any mind, to focus on a piece of paper they were drawing on with green crayons.
Tim looked around the coffee shop trying to spot who this child belonged to but found no one. Now the most responsible thing would probably be to alert one of the store workers about a possible abandoned child, get in contact with the authorities and make sure the child would be returned to his rightful guardians or parents.
The problem was, Tim was sleep deprived and had his own fair share of abandoned child issues as well as having seen enough corrupted authorities trafficking children like that.
"Hey there, what are you doing?" He asked the kid instead, black shaggy hair hung into the kids eyes and the head moved only so slightly indicating that the child had heard him.
"Drawing a blueprint." The boy mumbled and Tim arched an eyebrow.
"With crayons?"
"This is the only shop that gave me this for free so I wouldn't have to attempt to steal a pen and paper."
Tim hummed studying the boy more closely and his drawing more closely now. He arched an eyebrow when among the barely readable scribes he noticed something that looked a lot like a mathematical equation.
Letting his eyes wander around the store once more before resting them on the child Tim thought about it. A child seemingly alone in a coffee shop, the only place according to the kid that had willingly given him paper and crayons to draw with. The drawing being a 'blueprint' for something and among the scribbles were some actual calculations that might make sense. He would need to take a closer look to really judge that.
"Don't you have things like that at home?"
Before he could receive an answer Tim's number got called out, telling him that his order was ready. Glancing at the kid he got up to quickly retrieve it. But when he turned back to the table to continue questioning the child he found the booth empty with no indication that anyone had been there before.
Partially Tim thought his mind might have hallucinated the boy in his sleep deprived state but a broken piece of green crayon left on the floor by the place where the boy had sat was his indication that he hadn't. Strangely enough, when he tried to check for video evidence, Tim found that all surveillance videos were corrupted.
Jason was just done dealing with this drug deal when he heard rustling behind some of the warehouse crates. Instinctively he pulled out his gun. It appeared like one of these goons tried to sneak away. Well not on his watch.
But once he had silently made his way over to the crates he did not find a left over underling like he expected. No when he kicked the crate and pointed his gun it was not a grown ass man trying to hide from Red Hoods wrath, no a goddamn child rolled out of the crate clutching some metal pieces and electric cables to his chest.
"Fuck!" His first thought was that these assholes he had just beat up were not only trafficking drugs but also children, it made him want to beat the ever living daylight out of them a second time. But then the child's head tilted ever so slightly, eyes covered by his shaggy looking hair but Jason thought he saw blue peeking out between the strands of hair.
"Shit." He cursed once more hurrying to put his gun away so as not to scare the kid, before he crouched in front of the boy. "Hey there, you okay?"
His hands hovered above the boy's shoulders, close enough to catch the kid should he fall over but not too close to make the boy feel threatened. Looking the kid up and down, Jason tried to see if there were any injuries on the boy.
"No! The circuit board I found is now cracked! What a waste!" The boy held up a clearly cracked and broken piece of electronics with one hand, his other arm was still clutching some cables and metal to his chest.
Not the reaction he was expecting but Jason could find a way to roll with it. "Bummer huh? Want me to show you a place where we could get a perfectly good one?"
The boy was grumbling something inaudible and threw the piece of broken electronics to the side, instead picking up something else that had rolled out with the boy from the crate. Jason watched how the boy, clearly ignoring his question, picked up what looked like a piece of surveillance equipment and inspected it.
"I guess that thing will do. No one will miss it if one of them is gone, right?"
"One of them?" Jason questioned looking at the little transmitter in the kids hands. The boy appeared to finally pay attention to him, turning his head ever so lightly up to look at Jasons. "Yea there are a bunch of these in all the boxes."
He narrowed his eyes and looked over his shoulder and shouted at his men. "HEY! Get someone to look at this stuff! They bugged the place!"
When he turned back towards the boy he found kid gone. Jason blinked in disbelief, his hands which had been hovering over the kids shoulder were now above an empty spot.
"Where the fuck…?!" He stood looking around the warehouse and around all the boxes and crates. But the kid was nowhere to be found. He cursed several times and had his men looking in the surrounding area but there was no trace of the child.
All that was left from his encounter with he child was that piece of broken electronic the kid had thrown to the side. Not even his helmet had retained any footage. The video one loaded onto his laptop to review it, turned out to be corrupted. So now he couldn't even print out a picture or something of the boy.
By now the meetings of his siblings with a small black haired boy had made the rounds in their family. While Damian, Tim and Jason appeared to have had the biggest meetings with the child they weren't the only ones. Once the topic has come up, Steph, Duke and even Cass shared small stories of having met a child with the same description.
Dick had then pouted a little, lamenting that he was the only one that hadn't gotten to meet this strange kid that appeared out of nowhere and then also disappeared like he never had been there. His siblings had only stared at him unimpressed.
Well either way it looked like Dick was getting his wish after all. If Damian hadn't mentioned what the kid was wearing and Jason hadn't added that the kid appeared to be collecting electronics Dick might have overlooked it when he had jumped from roof to roof.
But as it was he caught a little boy trying to drag an old washing machine tied with rope into an empty building. It had made Dick pause and stare at the situation long enough to realize that the kid fit the description his siblings had given him before perfectly.
On instinct he wanted to jump down and talk with the little bugger but he was also curious of what the boy was doing so he watched a little more and he was quite impressed. The child must possess some strength because after a while the kid had dragged the washing machine into the building.
Spotting an open window Dick decided to sneak in that way to continue to observe. Once in though he blinked at what he saw. The kid had built a lab out of scrap metal. There was also something that looked like an arch the boy was clearly working on but holy moly. Tim probably wasn't too far off with his boy genius on the run theory.
But looking around more Dick also noticed that the place did not look lived in. Sure there was this giant self made lab area but everything else looked very much abandoned. He glanced around and snuck into another area finding a mattress, bedding and a backpack with a thermos as well as a couple of packs of snacks but no actual food.
Dick frowned at this. Even if the boy was a child genius, this was no way to life for someone his age. He looked over his shoulder towards the entrance of the area he was in. In the distance he could hear metal clanging. Looks like the kid was already working on dismantling the washing machine he had dragged in.
He reached out to the backpack, looking into it carefully but found nothing but a second set of spare clothes and what looked like an old self made flip phone. He should feel guilty but he wanted to make sure of things, so Dick flipped the phone open, checking if it was on. What greeted him was the image of a teenage boy that held similarities to the child getting hugged by what appeared to be the teenager's friends with a red haired girl behind them.
Frowning more, dick decided enough was enough. He openly walked to the lap area where the child was currently sticking his head into the washing drum. "Hey there kid!"
He winced hearing how the boy apparently banged his head on something and let out a storm of curses that would probably make Jason proud or all of his siblings frown. Leaning over the washing machine he smiled at the kid as the boy glared up at him rubbing his forehead. Ouch there really was a bump forming. He will ice it later.
"You're one of Gotham's vigilantes, Nightwing." The kid muttered but Dick caught the hand sneaking to the side reaching for a heavy looking wrench.
"That I am and you're a little kid working in a self made lab. Where are your parents and or guardian?"
"Don't have any here." The kid was now full on glaring at him. Why was he getting the not as friendly treatment? Sure that's better than the way his siblings had described the boy ignoring them but he hadn't done anything bad to the kid yet.
"If you don't have any, who takes care of you?" He then asked, still all smiles and friendly despite internally being very worried about this child's wellbeing.
"I take care of myself. I am not doing anything illegally. Everything I got here was thrown away by other people! You can't arrest me!" The boy hissed and hadn't Jason and Cass said they saw the child's eyes being blue? Why did he just see green peek through the bangs of the kid?
"Hey, hey, hey! I am not here to arrest anyone! I promise!" He held his hands up but the boy still glared at him. "But if you are alone here, you know I can't just let you be right?"
"No, you can!" The boy sprang up holding the wrench like a weapon in front of him. "I am perfectly fine on my own and working on a way back home! You can just leave me alone and act like you never saw me!"
Dick shook his head. The boy appeared to be stubborn and set on not having anyone interfere with whatever he was building. But Dick, in good consciousness, couldn't just leave like nothing was going on. His siblings had also voiced worry for this child. So he was going to try to negotiate something with the kid, and if that didn't work… Well Dick could always pull a Bruce and bring the kid home and into his care anyway. "Sorry little guy. No can do, but if you tell me more about your situation maybe I can help you get home?"
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damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
hello, can you write about damian priest x reader where she just got into the main roster on RAW and she felt left out in the women's lockerroom (except becky and liv) and a impossible crush with the archer of infamy but he is the one who ask her out
love this request!
‼️a little angst and rhea’s a little mean, sorry
damian priest x reader
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my birdie
you were a shy person.
always been. but when it came to wrestling, you were an animal, everyone knew about your abilities and they loved you for it. that’s why you went from nxt to smackdown and from smackdown to raw in less than two years.
people wanted to see you doing big things and big things came when hunter placed you in a completely different roaster.
you made some friends in nxt, you’ve been there the most so your colleagues got to know you better. it’s not that you were rude, you didn’t like being on your own either but you were shy.
some of your colleagues got to know this side of you and tried to involve you in more activities together, others didn’t care as they all wanted to focus on themselves.
when you spent a few months on smackdown, everyone apart from bayley ignored you. she immediately understood what you were feeling. fear of being alone and starting in a roaster where you didn’t know anybody and the fact that you weren’t talkative at all was making it 100% harder.
you were grateful for bayley and for her patience with you, that’s why you cried to her when you were being shifted on raw.
you wanted to be on raw, you were just scared of how you were going to be treated. it wasn’t easy on smackdown but at least you made a friend.
the first two weeks were hard. bayley was constantly checking on you, making sure you were okay and doing good. she even said to the other girls that you were shy and needed a little time to open up but it felt like they didn’t care.
liv and becky were the only two people who never made you feel unwanted. they took times to introduce you to the rest of the raw squad.
basically, everyone was ignoring you.
shayna tried to get to know you, and in fact she liked your shy and calm persona but she was too focused on her goals to have time to get to know you better. still, you appreciated her efforts. she still spent time eating lunch with you and you were really grateful for that.
but, apart from the three girls, it was clear that you were unwanted. other girls saw you as a threat.
especially rhea. you would describe the meeting with the judgment day “the most scary day of your life”. liv introduced you to them and you felt like an animal in a cage when you felt all of their eyes on you.
dom and finn didn’t really care about you. rhea ignored you but kept watching you. damian, well, damian had the audacity to make some stupid jokes about your shy persona.
“what is a scared birdie like you doing in a place like this?” he joked making everyone but liv laugh “cat really got your tongue birdie? be safe out there, you’re a little bird in a room full of cats ready to eat you alive”
“and the one right here” dom said pointing at rhea “is the scariest cat you’ll ever meet” and with that they all left.
you remember crying that night.
you also knew that becky and liv had a conversation with them because they stopped poking at you. they just watched you from afar. especially damian. who you got a little crush on but could never tell him. you couldn’t really understand why he was constantly watching you. when you were training. when you were on live television. when you were basically doing nothing. he was watching you and his beautiful but firm eyes made you a little scared.
“what is she doing here?” you heard rhea saying to finn, one time you were all training together. she didn’t know you were listening but you were. and her words hurt you “she looks like a lost princess from disneyland” she said making finn laugh.
you excused yourself from training with becky and seth and they immediately knew something was wrong. they took you under their protective wing, training with you and teaching you new moves.
“jeez rhea, was that necessary?” becky said with an angry look on her face.
“what?” she said like nothing happened.
“why do you all hate her so much? what has she ever done to you?” seth said to finn and the rest of the judgment day.
they had no reason to hate her “like i thought” seth said.
“she’s in the wrong place” rhea said, not making eye contact with becky.
“wrong place? she kicked your ass last week” becky said laughing “just because she’s shy doesn’t mean she isn’t capable, she’s just as smart and strong as you rhea…she just has more difficulty to open up to people…you guys should help her instead of making fun of her, or at least, if you don’t feel that kind to get to know her, ignore her…for her own sake, stop making fun of her” becky said very annoyed before leaving with seth.
that night you kept thinking about rhea’s words. maybe you really were in the wrong place. maybe you didn’t belong with them. maybe you really should be doing something different. and those thoughts made you cry because wrestling was all you ever wanted to do in your entire life.
but before you could overthink again, a soft knock on your hotel room awaked you from your wandering mind.
you weren’t definitely expecting to see damian priest in front of you.
“hey…” he smiled at you.
“you should at least wait until tomorrow to make fun of me” you said, looking at the ground “again…”
damian felt guilty.
he saw how you quickly wiped your tears away. he also knew he fucked up.
he felt guilty because in reality he was in love with you. you caught his attention the moment liv introduced you to them. he was watching every move you made, making sure you were being safe but he didn’t want to let you know what he was feeling.
“i’m here to apologise…”
“sure” you still weren’t looking at him.
“i’m serious y/n…i’m so sorry for how i made you feel, for how me and my team made you feel…” he began apologising and you let him in the room before you could catch other’s attention “we thought it was funny at first but…we clearly weren’t thinking and for that i’m so sorry, we didn’t mean to hurt you” he said truthfully but still you weren’t looking at him.
his eyes had a different effect on you.
“can you please look at me?” he said moving closer to your body “are you scared of me birdie?”
“i’m not scared…” you said raising your eyes.
now you were both looking into each other’s eyes.
“i’m sorry…really, so so sorry for hurting you…” he apologised again.
“it’s okay damian…thank you for your apology, uhm…it’s okay now i guess” you shyly smiled at him.
“and if you’re okay…i would like to get to know you a little bit more…only if you’re okay with that” he said a little awkwardly.
“yes…it’s okay for me”
“perfect” he smiled “what about tomorrow? i’ll take you somewhere nice for lunch, if you’re free of course” he rambled.
“i’m free” you smiled, seeing how funny he was being.
“then i’ll see you tomorrow birdie” he smirked before leaving your room.
“would you ever stop calling me that?” you asked him.
“i don’t think so” he smiled at you closing your hotel door.
you looked at the door for about ten minutes before moving into your bed, smiling like a teen who just got asked out.
now, all you had to do was to get a nice sleep and waiting for tomorrow to come.
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You know what mixture of AUs i havent seen here yet? Danny x Bruce with de-aged clones!
Bruce and danny are near the same age and meet pretty early in batman's career, maybe even before dick was adopted. Danny is a single dad of infant/toddler twins ellie and dante. (To make them young and at the same age, i imagine they were rescued after both taking serious damage and retreated to their cores, and remerged as newborns about the same time, but i also want to leave this open for others to flesh out.) Timeline-wise, that would probably make them somewhere around jason or tim's age.
So now we have an au where the bat kids are collected into a stable home where bruce and danny are also raising ellie and dante. Bruce is much closer to WFA characterization right from the get-go because danny would whip him into shape.
Tim probably gets adopted because one of the phantoms sniff him out, either living alone in the neighboring mansion, or following the bats and ghosts on patrol.
Talia either stole bruce's (and/or danny's) dna or drugged bruce (it didnt work on danny) to create damian. If bruce was drugged, danny is on a warpath and might even find and rescue damian at a much younger age.
Jason's timeline is the most difficult to predict, and i will forever simp halfa jason, so he's gotta die no matter what changes. I dont think that's terribly difficult because the joker specifically targeted him to lure him out (assuming i understand canon correctly - also this is definitely true in the UtRH animated movie canon). If jason isnt interested in finding his biomom in this au, joker will just find a different bait. Would be cool if danny is able to track down jason's ghost during the six-month down time and brings him home, and a potential point of angst if he revives without his memories as a ghost (and is lost for a while before danny tracks him down again.)
(Danny probably doesn't have the no-killing rule like bruce, so he'd have no qualms killing the joker and detaining/destroying his ghost. If not danny, then jazz would. Bruce conveniently looks the other way.)
Batman mythology in this universe is inexorably linked to phantom mythology. They both help each other out with vigilante stuff. Danny's team (sam/tucker/val/jazz) visit often and are considered aunts/uncle to the batkids. Batfam is highly liminal because they are part of danny's fraid. They might even develop liminal powers, if that's your kind of headcanon.
Danny may or may not be ghost king, but i like the idea that he's the crown prince and wont be coronated for several more decades. He's got time and all the resources that position affords him. Danny still gets hounded by the observants, but the batkids have made a game of pranking the annoying eyeballs.
Danny is a founding member of the justice league and of jld (the rest of his team might be as well). Batman is much more knowledgeable of the supernatural because of danny. I like the idea of constantine being more terrified of phantom than batman. He still gets called on for advice because he's the demonology and magic expert, while danny specializes more in ghosts and Realms technology.
Ellie and dante are not allowed to join the vigilante scene until they turn 12 (they managed to argue it down from 14), but because of their powers (and potentially retaining memories and experience) there are numerous occasions before then that they functioned as a sort of vigilante retrevial unit - zooming out and retrieving anyone who was injured or otherwise hit their emergency beacon and bringing them straight back to the cave. They might have even done this once or twice during justice league emergencies.
I'll leave their vigilante identities open to discussion, but im partial toward a really old drawing i remember seeing here on tumblr, someone designed a pink batsuit for ellie with exaggerated bat ears, and a sort of glider cloak that attached to her belt or her wrists to disguise her flight as gliding. (If someone knows the post im talking about, please leave a link so the artist can be credited!)
As for danny's old team...
Jazz works at arkham, helping to reform the place and causing many of batman's rogues to reform a bit earlier. She is the expert called in by the justice league to formulate ways to both detain and to help various rogues globally. She especially likes the flash because of the friendly attitude he has towards his own rogues.
Sam is a humanitarian. If she has plant powers, she's using them to establish food stability in poorer nations, helping the people there become more self-sustaining, as well as providing relief for disaster-stricken areas whose farms need to be completely rebuilt and regrown. Jazz introduces her to poison ivy, and the two end up joined at the hip, helping to reform ivy much earlier. (Would it be weird to make this au have sam x ivy and jazz x harley?)
Valerie probably stays in Amity Park to be its designated hero since danny moved out. If the fentons are good, she works alongside them as the fentons also develop tech for the justice league. If they arent, im gonna assume theyre the reason dante and ellie got de-aged, danny absconded with their cores to keep them safe, and the rest of team phantom descended on the fenton parents like hungry wolves. When the dust settled, valerie and her dad were left in charge of protecting amity and with ownership of fentonworks.
Tucker is a freelance hacker slash tech expert, and will kit out any vigilante's tech and security free of charge. His unique blend of magitech is very difficult to counter, making it all-the-more sought after. He probably helped set oracle up and maybe even trained/mentored barb to some extent.
There are lots of other potential changes, but ill stop here.
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l0vergirls · 9 months
omg i love your yandere batfam sm!!!! may i request a part 2 where they end up kidnapping the reader? id love if it was gender neutral reader but if not thats ok!!
hi anon!!! tysm for the love on the yandere batfam post !!<33
to be honest, i was planning on making the reader more willing in this au, but i haven't elaborated enough on their character yet! i was planning on the brothers slowly easing into the reader's life, as seen with dick, jason, and tim. then once the batfam feels that reader's relationship with tim has developed enough, he'll make his way into their heart— aka be the perfect boyfriend!
from there, the reader would be invited to the mansion a lot more often, also spending many nights there, as the reader would be feeling lonelier in their small, dingy apartment compared to a big mansion seemingly full of life. jason, dick, and damian would be introduced to the reader as tim's brothers, with the reader being mostly amused with the fact that they're already familiar with 2 of tim's older brothers. they'd write it off as a coincidence. at first.
bruce always seems to be too busy when you come over, so you've seen only fleeting glances of the man, with the way he disappears into the shadows feeling far too familiar.
but let's say the batfam is more impatient, and they're just itching to get to you already.
they're tired of watching you from the shadows, and through the cameras (where you always seem so close yet so far). so they make a plan: they'll take you in your sleep, all precautions taken of course, and settle you into your very own room at the wayne mansion.
they don't tie you to the bedpost of anything like that, no, you're not an animal! they'll all keep their distance, watching from cameras they've planted (again) as you gain consciousness.
you're a lot calmer than they expected, carefully looking around the unfamiliar room. they've rearranged the furniture to nearly mirror your own room in your apartment. nearly.
they've arranged some things for maximum comfort, that you've failed to do so in your place.
they can barely see your hand shaking as you reach to open the door.
they decide that tim should be the first one you see.
as you head down the corridor, you bump into your friend. you can barely make out signs of nervousness coming from him; his cheeks are flushed, and you can see a light sheen of sweat across his hairline. you choose to ignore how his eyes have almost lost all colour, with his dark pupils heavily dilated.
their goal here is to not freak you out and risk your running away. given what they know about you, there's a chance you'll stay, even with great hesitance.
so, they'll act slow and steady.
your heart races in your chest, threatening to jump out. if you're being honest, you can't even comprehend what had happened.
why were you in a strange room, in a strange house? you fell asleep in your bed, in your apartment.
so, how did you get here?
why is tim here?
what were you doing here?
you ask him as much, but your voice is no louder than a whisper.
it's a miracle he even heard you, but tim is always willing to strain his ears, to earnestly listen to you.
"why don't we tell you over breakfast?" he says, in his oh so kind voice.
you don't get a chance to answer before he's guiding you to the kitchen with a tight grip on your hand.
on your way there, you realise it's a house that was bigger than you thought. a lot bigger.
the enticing smell of breakfast reaches you before you get there. your steps only quicken by a beat, but tim notices.
as you turn a corner, you're surprised to see a few familiar faces. jason, your sweet neighbour, and dick, the funny detective that happens to be a regular at your work.
there are three other strangers in the kitchen.
bruce wayne, who isn't technically a stranger, you can't live in gotham and not know who he is, but a stranger nonetheless. his dark, dark eyes seem to pierce your very being and see right through you.
a boy, younger than you by just a few years. he's got a tan to his skin, and eyes that seem eerily similar to bruce wayne's.
lastly, an older man, in a tuxedo only befitting a butler. considering bruce wayne was in this house, you think he is a butler.
a look of recognition must have been present in your face, as dick, bless his heart, smiles gently at you, taking your hand from tim's and sitting you next to him.
his toothy smile does nothing to calm you, unlike many other times before.
your eyes snap to bruce wayne's as he clears his throat. a sign that he demands your attention.
you stay silent.
the familiar faces and smiles have done nothing to appease you, but why? why do they unsettle you, when you have turned to those same smiles for comfort?
"i'm sure you have a lot of questions, (y/n)."
usually, bruce wayne saying your name would be an occasion any other person would celebrate. though you can't find it in yourself to feel flattered, not when he says it with such ease... such intimacy, as if he had uttered your name many times before.
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ok i didnt know how to end this but i will elaborate on reader's character more next time !!! swear !!!! i have thought most of it out so please look forward to it! <33
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mochinek0 · 5 months
Daminette December 2023: 17-Bodyguard
Damian had heard the whispers and rumors when he first moved to Paris. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the baker's daughter and fashion designer had been head over heels for Adrien Agreste, the model. That had been years ago. Some of their friends refused to believe she moved on from her gigantic crush. He had heard the whispers of how she babbled and froze with just a glance. How she had memorized his schedule and planned their future together. He had heard how she had fallen for him with a simple gesture of giving her his umbrella in the rain. The only thing that had ever stopped them from getting together was how blind Adrien was. He never saw Marinette was anything more than a friend and everyone knew it. That might have been true; all of it. Damian knew that Marinette no longer felt like that, if it had ever been true.
From what he observed, Adrien was the one now persuing the baker's daughter. If any of it had been true, Marinette had long moved on. Adrien was constantly trying to get her attention and would search the halls for her. If anything, the roles had reversed. Adrien Agreste now stalked Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Adrien Agreste was still 'blind' in his book. The model took zero notice how Marinette reacted to being around him. He noticed the subtle flinches when Adrien called her name from down the hall. He noticed the terror in her eyes, before putting a smile on her face to greet a friend.
Damian froze the moment he saw her.
'Marinette? What is she doing here? I thought she couldn't have a pet in the bakery. Why is she in the pet store?'
His eyes followed her as she moved away from the front and towards the middle. She was almost hidden by the shelves.
"Marinette!" Adrien shouted, "Do you like hamsters, too?"
"Uh, sort of." she answered, weakly.
"They're amazing!" he cried back, getting closer to her and the hamsters.
Even from where Damian stood, he could see Marinette's eyes were searching for a way out; an exit. He quickly put down the giant bag of dog food and rushed over.
"There you are Marinette." he spoke, pulling her towards him.
"Damian!" Mari exclaimed, surprised.
"Did you get lost?" he asked, "I apologize for getting so busy."
"You work here?" Adrien asked, "Why?"
"I volunteer." Damian answered, "I donate to several animal charities nd I like to make sure all the equipment is up to date."
"We can go see the puppies on files now." The Wayne heir suggested, "You said you were looking for a guard dog?"
Marinette lit up quickly, realizing Damian was giving her a way out.
"I'm so glad you remembered." she smiled.
"A dog?" Adrien asked, confused, "What about the hamster?"
"Oh." Mari spoke, "Well, I do think hamsters are cute, but with how scattered brain I get, I might forget instantly. I could forget to feed it or accidentally kill it with a giant roll of fabric." causing the model to wince.
"A dog is better." Marinette stated, "Their routine would be my routine."
"But why a guard dog?" he questioned.
"Why do you have a bodyguard?" Damian asked.
"Huh?" confusing the model.
"Guard dogs keep their owners safe." the Wayne heir answered, "They are loyal to a fault and will attack, if necessary." pulling Marinette closer to him.
Marinette blushed at the closeness. She quickly placed a hand on his chest to get his attention.
"We should go look at those files." She suggested, "You mentioned....training and I wan to make sure they are trained before university."
"Of course." Damian replied, leading Marinette to the back room and away from Adrien's prying eyes.
Damian picked up a radio to give the other workers a warning about Agreste. On the security cameras, he watched as the blonde model turned away and walk out the store.
'Seemed Marinette was his only goal here.'
Marinette sighed in relief as Damian placed the radio down.
"Thank you, Damian." Marinette spoke.
He nodded his head in understanding.
"But how did you know?" Mari asked.
"You are uncomfortable with him." Damian stated.
Marinette nodded her head.
"You look scared when you hear him call out your name in school." Damian spoke, "Sometimes, you turn pale. Doesn't seem like he notices."
"I thought no one noticed." Marinette answered, with a smile, "Thank you so much."
Damian chuckled, "Now, would you actually like a guard dog?"
"I would love one," Mari sighed, "but since I still live with my parents-"
"The bakery." The Wayne heir concluded.
She nodded her head and gave a shrug. Damian went over to a drawer and pulled out some files for an adoption event taking place soon. Marinette looked at him confused.
"It would not matter if I brought another dog home. At this point, it's expected. You would just have to wait." Damian stated.
Marinette smiled happily, "Really?"
"Only if you do not mind coing over to bond with your dog." he declared.
Marinette hugged him and quickly felt him flinch.
"Sorry!" she cried, pulling away from him, "Um, I'll just look at these."
Marinette browsed over the files he had handed her. Damian could tell she was seriously considering the guard dog idea. She started by ruling out the smaller dogs, he expected someone like her to own. By the end of her selection, she had five folders left.
"What do you think, Damian?" Mari asked, "Is there any of them I should rule out?"
Damian looked over the folders. There was a Labrador, Golden Retriever, German Shepard, Doberman, and an Akita.
"Two of these would make great pets, but not guard dogs." He spoke, "I believe you should look online and learn more about them before deciding. You need to make sure you can take care of them. I don't just mean their diet and health. There are many people who return animals because they have gotten bored or because they didn't expect how much time they would have to use to train it."
Marinette smiled, "Thank you. I can tell you really care about these animals. I can let you know by the end of the week."
Mari stood up, ready to leave. She bit her lip in hesitation.
"Are you alright?" He questioned.
"Um." She began, "Nevermind. It's stupid."
"What is it?" Damian asked, "You clearly think it is important. Why do you hesitate?"
Marinette blushed, "Do you think, until I get a guard dog- Can you be my guard dog? Bodyguard! I meant bodyguard; not guard dog! At school! Keep Adrien away from me?"
Damian chuckled, "I wouldn't mind at all."
Mari lit up at his response, "Oh! I can bring you breakfast! Are there any pastries you prefer?"
"I prefer savory over sweets." he answered.
"I can make savory tarts for you." She replied.
With a nod, Marinette left the back room and quickly left the store.
'Guard dog, huh?'
Adrien looked around and spotted Marinette already at school. He couldn't wait to see her and talk to her more about hamsters. As he made his way towards her, he watched as she made her way over to Damian. To his surprise, and likely everyone's surprise, Marinette latched onto his arm. Damian didn't seem to mind and led her away.
Damian smirked as Marinette latched onto his arm. He had seen Adrien arrive and watched as Marinette quickly made her way over to him. He hadn't expected the physical contact, but after he initiated it yesterday, she likely expected it. Damian quickly led her away from prying eyes and hushed whispers. As they walked away, he leaned down to her ear.
"Woof." he barked.
He hadn't expected her to squeak, let alone blush. He chuckled as Marinette puffed up her cheeks and let go of his arm. Cheeks still flushed, she hurried into the school. Damian turned back and caught Adrien staring at them in shock. Damian sent a glare his way before following after Marinette.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
Bruce Wayne at WE meetings except every 5 minutes a random Batkid crashes the meeting just to pester Bruce with the most unnecessary stuff.
Bruce, in front of multiple top tier investors: So you'll see the uptick in our city's-
[Dick barging in and dramatically throwing himself over one of the chairs]: OK, so turns out that hoodie you said that I lost 5 years ago was actually stolen by JASON. What do you have to say for yourself?
Bruce, clearly annoyed: Dick, why-
Bruce: And I feel that this new floor plan for the Gotham Child hospital wing would greatly-
Tim walking through the doors, sitting down and immediately chugging all of Bruce's coffee in one go: The kitchen is on fire.
Bruce: What?? How on EARTH did you-
Tim completely deadpan: Dick came over to raid the kitchen for food, but we were running low on groceries so Alfred went out to get more, then Jason came over and decided to cook with the remaining stuff we had left and Dick saw him and tried to take a bite out of his food and Jason got mad and told him if he wanted a share then he would have to contribute to the making of the meal, but he ended it off by saying Dick can't even boil an egg if his life depended on it, and Dick took it as a challenge, grabbed the first thing in the fridge he could find, said, "fucking watch me" then proceeded to burn down the entire stove because he overheated the oil.
Bruce, incredulous: You don't even need oil to cook an egg!
Tim: It wasn't even an egg. He grabbed a kiwi.
Bruce, making sure all the doors are locked this time: So continuing with our discussion on the investments towards Arkham's security system-
[Cue Damian crawling through the window, wordlessly dumping a box of baby squirrels on the floor before silently leaving through the same way.]
Bruce, frantically trying to follow Damian by crawling out the window, only to remember he's being watched by a group of business partners and investors: Damian yOU GET BACK HERE YOUNG MAN I WILL NOT BE TAKING CARE OF YOUR STRAY ANIMALS SO HELP ME GOD-
Jason strolling into the room after lock picking the door: Hey-
Bruce, no energy left, done with everything and just wants a nap: What do you want.
[Jason, without breaking eye contact, places a black, charred, spherical object on the table]
Bruce: What.
Jason: It's the kiwi :)
Jason: The one Dick used to almost burn down the Manor
Jason: For good luck :)
Bruce: Get out.
[30 mins later]
Multiple high end business CEOs:
Random CEO: Um. Why the fuck is there a crime lord in our conference room??
Jason again, but in full Red Hood gear: Yo
Bruce, sighing: Just ignore him.
CEO: ???
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starry-bi-sky · 10 months
part five of "clone danny"
Danny returns home later that night with a dislocated shoulder from Skulker and his fair share of scrapes and bruises after facing off with a handful of ectoplasmic animal shades. (All of them stuffed inside his thermos with Skulker that he'll toss in the Zone tomorrow after school.)
He shoves his mask back into his pocket, and hides his bat in the bushes at the side of his house under his window, then rounds back around the front to go through the door.
...Mainly because if Bruce Wayne was still awake, it'd be suspicious if Danny made it home without ever using the front door. He sneaks back in, and slooowly starts closing the door.
"You're back late." Says a surly, young voice that startles Danny into slamming the door instead.
"Fucking--!" He cuts himself and breathes in slowly, trying to slow his elevated heart rate before looking over his shoulder to see who the hell scared him.
Glaring at him like an upset parent would, with eyes cutting like sea glass, is Wayne the Sequel... or perhaps he was the seventh sequel. Danny is silent for a moment. "...You're up early." He says, maybe a bit petulant. "Does your dad know you're up this late?"
"Father permitted me to stay up and wait for your return, actually." Damian sniffs, and if anyone could make 'scowling' into a vocal tone, Danny would have thought it'd be Sam. But Damian beat her to it.
Danny turns around slowly to face him, arms crossing. "Yeah, uh-huh." He nods slowly, "Like I'm gonna believe that. Do you normally sit in a random stranger's kitchen and interrogate them when they get home?" He tilts his head for good measure.
"No." Damian says. (He is, in fact, lying.) His eyes narrow at Danny as if he had committed a terrible crime by being in his presence. He looks down to Danny's hands. "Father said you left with a bat. Where is it?"
"I lost it." Danny replies, biting the inside of his lip to prevent himself from smiling.
"You... lost it?"
"Yup." He says blandly. "Whoops."
Danny goes up to his room immediately after that and collapses on his mattress to pass out for the next three hours until his alarm goes off.
Much to Danny's luck, Bruce and his son are literally only there for a few days, and he spends as much time during it to avoid them like a plague (while also dealing with his dislocated shoulder, which should reliably heal in half the time thanks to his ectocontamination). Damian does whatever during the day since he doesn't go to Casper High.
Something to note as we get out of the 'fic'-y part of this post -- Daniel J. Fenton was, largely, the sexual awakening to many people in his grade in Casper High School, including many A-Listers. However he is still "Daniel Fenton" so many of his classmates will take that fact to their grave. And to their personal friend groups.
Does this have any impact going forward? Not really so far, no.
Dodging a Wayne-sized bullet doesn't mean that Danny can dodge the Wes-sized bullet, and finds himself nearly nose-to-nose with an irate Wes Weston who demands to know where he was last nice.
Of which Danny, not needing to drop his smartass comments in front of the guy who already knows his ID, responds by calling him a jealous ex and sidestepping him completely. following up with if Wes isn't careful, then Danny might just think that Wes has a crush on him
(Wes does, in fact, have a crush on Daniel J. Fenton. He will take this secret to his grave.)
Ellie shows up in his kitchen, sitting on the table with her legs crossed while chatting amiably with Bruce Wayne a few days later when Danny returns from school. When Danny asks how she got inside (the door is typically locked), Ellie smiles toothily and fangily, and happily tells him that she came in through the window. And that he needs to tell his parents to invest in locks. She has long hair the same length as him. It's like looking into a mirror, one he is welcome to see into.
It is endearingly Ellie-like to know that she all but broke into his house, and seeing his sister-clone-twin relieves some of his tension. Only a little though when Bruce Wayne was still in his house.
Normally he sits and talks for hours with Ellie. But instead he takes it to the stairs, telling Ellie that he'll be in his room when she's done talking to Mister Wayne. He is a stubborn ass who doesn't even bother to ask where Wayne the Sevquel is.
(He runs into Wayne a one or two more times the following nights. Wayne asks him where his bat is on the second night, his son says he lost it. Danny agrees with him, and Wayne asks with a touch of concern what he'll do if he comes across a ghost.)
(Danny shrugs and says he hasn't before. And comes back home with a bruise the size of a large cat on his hip and a couple more along his torso and legs. his knees hurt from rough jumps with poor landings. Damian is waiting when he gets home. They exchange a few barbs and Danny hightails it up to his room.)
(Danny's face is obscured by the lack of lights and the shadows in the corner. Its the only reason he feels even a modicum of comfort in exchanging a few words with Wayne.)
(Ellie is waiting outside for him the day she meets Wayne, and asks him if Wayne knows. Danny says he wouldn't be avoiding him if he did. Wayne probably wouldn't be as nice as he was now if he knew.)
("You don't know he won't be nice after finding out." Ellie points out while he's digging his bat out from the neighbor's bushes this time.)
("He's not me, Ell." He says, frowning. "We don't know that.")
(Ellie sighs sadly, and Danny feels a tinge of guilt. "You can tell him if you want," he offers, "you don't have to hold back on my behalf.")
("I want to tell him with you, though. C'mon, we're twins.")
(That night Danny avoids breaking his other arm after a run in with a large ecto-serpent. Ellie nearly rips out its tongue for it. She's more ghost-like than he is. Possessive and violent and very, very passionate. As if he wouldn't do the same if pressed.)
(Ellie gives Danny a piggyback ride home, the wind filtering through the grills of his mask and force-feeding him the taste of freedom. Damian is there while they sneak back in, stifling their laughter under the meat of their palms.)
(Danny may or may not have reached out and ruffled his hair in his joviality when he passed him by. Grinning painfully when Damian bats at his hand like a disgruntled kitten. His hair feels like feathers and the sensation sinks itself deep into Danny's star-in-the-sky sized core-obsession like a suggestion.)
(He might regret it in the morning. It will fade in time after the Waynes leave.)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 4.5 (Dani interlude) Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 7.5 (Dan Interlude) Part 8
Taglist: @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @gin2212 @youracearocroatneighbour
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igotanidea · 11 months
Bonding: Damian Wayne x sister!reader
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Request: from the prompt list : 4: "Didn't know you liked being pinned to the ground this much
Warning: nothing, it;s just fun and fluff, most likely set in the WFA universe.
„What happened to you two?” Dick could barely hold back the terror in his voice upon watching his younger siblings. Jason however was not so considerate and  straight forward started laughing at Y/N and Damian, the former with the nose swollen and red like a Rudolf and the latter with childish patches all over his forearms.
“Have you two escaped the circus? Sure as hell with such look you would fit there!” he let out a laugh so loud it captured the attention of no one else than Bruce, who became alerted in an instant. It wasn’t usual for Jason to be this happy and chuckling and it was …. suspicious. 
Similar to Dick’s, his face dropped upon seeing his kids in such damaged state and just sighed deeply.
“What did you do?” he rubbed his forehead, looking up to the sky probably wondering what mistake did he make (well, the question should have been – what mistake didn’t he make?). Never before had he looked so fatherly, like when Y/N and Damian started their mischief.
Y/N was the middle child, younger than Dick and Jason, but older than Tim and Damian, but Bruce could swear that sometimes she acted like a literal five year old. Especially when any of her brothers started messing up with her things. Especially when Damian did. No one could ever tell what atrocities she could resort to when he grabbed something that wasn’t his.
“It was all his fault!” Y/N cried out, her voice muffled by the swollen nose and she sounded more like a wounded animal rather than a human being.
“I am beyond your level, Y/N and cannot be blamed for…..”
“SIT!” Bruce growled in desperation, but neither of his kids listened. If anything they started bantering even more.
“Not many parental successes on your account, right Bruce?” Jason mocked, but the oldest Wayne didn’t bother answering. Instead he grabbed Damian by the collar and yanked him back and in the air so his feet started dangling above the ground. Luckily Y/N was too tall to do that to her as well.
“This is derogatory” Damian crossed his arms and pouted, the funniest look of her brother making Y/N laugh loudly “put me down, father so I can kick her ass again and….”
“Again?” Bruce eyes focused on his youngest son “what do you mean, again?”
“Nothing!” Y/N chimed in, desperate to keep some kind of secret
“Oh, are you ashamed to admit you got beaten by me in the combat, dear sister?”
“Shut up you little rascal!” Y/N threw herself at him, but this time it was Dick who grabbed her and hold her back
“What did he do?” Grayson asked, knowing well enough how much of a menace Damian could be
“NOTHING!” the boy struggled against his father’s grip
“Who’s afraid to admit what now?!” Y/N smirked at him.
“Ok, that’s it” clearly it was Jason who lost patience first “talk or I’ll draw blood.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” His sister threw him a daring gaze
“Wanna try me, sis? You already got a swollen nose and I can bet that this guy you like…..”
“wait, there’s a guy?” Bruce was confused “who is he? Why didn’t I met him? How much does he know about us?”
“Not the time, Bruce!”
“Sorry, sunshine can’t really do that. Unless you tell us what happened.”
“fine!” she hissed “fine! I’ll tell you!”
An hour ago
“DAMIAN WAYNE!”  her voice echoed through the whole Wayne Manor and made the glassed windows shake. Honestly, how could no one in the family of vigilante hear that was beyond her. “you little piece of shit, where the hell are you!?”
“Have you called me sister?” Damian emerged from his room, looking nothing but innocent with the play-pretend smile. But Y/N knew better. She was fairly aware that he was skillful in using that Wayne gene trying to charm people. Too bad his eyes were glistening with mischief.
“You can’t play me, you demon.”
“Did something happened?” he titled his head in curiosity, observing his sister getting more and more angry. Oh, how entertaining it was to see her face get red, her fist clench. Fascinating how girl’s hormones worked.
But clearly, he underestimated Y/N. Yes, she was an emotional young woman surrounded by no less than four brothers, but she was also an adopted Wayne. And the realization of that fact made her calm down. Damian wanted her to get mad. Which meant he had some sort of plan.
“My little, sweet, wonderful, lovely brother.” She quickly changed the method of acting
“Huh?” Damian frowned, still not used to people acting nice towards him. This was…. unexpected. Y/N was clearly cunning and he had to be prepared.
“Tell me, did you happen to see my phone somewhere around?”
“No.” the answer was clearly too fast to be convincing.
“Really?” she smiled and looked over his shoulder inside his room. The perks of being taller and seeing more. “Then what is lying there on your desk?”
“That’s mine.”
“Damian…..” her voice became serious, her posture tensing “give it back to me. Now.”
“No.” he crossed arms, mimicking her position. Oh, they were both preparing for a fight, neither even beginning to consider the option of relenting. “does father know about your little crush?”
“Do you even realize in how much danger you put us because of your silly little….”
“AH!!” he did not get to finish the sentence when she went at him taking him by surprise. However, not enough of a surprise that he didn’t manage to step back. Instead of pining him to the ground she tripped and dashed into his room, immediately reaching towards the bed to grab her mobile, but Damian grabbed her arm and yanked her back.
“You little rascal!” she yelled, when they started a real Batman-style fight. “It’s mine!”
“it’s a violation of the rules!” he spat back “we’re not supposed to be in a relationship with civilians!”
“what would you know about relationships?!” Y/N blocked his punch, turning around and tripping him up. “you were raised by freaking assassins!”
“How bad we don’t get to choose family, right?” he hissed, falling on his back on the ground but immediately getting up and attacking her again.
Y/N was good, skilled and intuitive, but Damian was smaller and maybe a bit faster and that’s why she did not see it coming when he glanced off the mattress and landed on her back, trying to tackle her to the ground
“GET OFF ME!” she yelled trying to untangle his arms from her neck
“Not a chance!”
They were struggling so hard that at one point this fight moved towards the corridor and with just one wrong step they started falling down the stairs, still doing their best to damage one another. Damian was pulling at Y/N hair, while she covered his eyes in an attempt to blind him. It took a few minutes of weltering, grunting and dapping before they ended up at the base of the stairs.
“Auch…..” they both moaned in unison, their bones and bones already bruised and damaged. It really did hurt.
“HAHA! I won!” Damian yelled as he realized that the position in which they landed allowed him to sit on top of her sister, his weight holding her down.
“Get off me you idiot…..” she whined trying to push him away, but not succeeding at all.
“Didn't know you liked being pinned to the ground this much, Y/N” Damian laughed at her poor, week attempt to get rid of him.
“AH!” she cried out again and started waving her hands at him, Damian instantly started the same and now they were laying on the floor, with him still on top of her, acting like toddlers and emitting battle cries.
The butler just sighed deeply, too used to many very strange views and behaviors around the manor. Too many to care and ask questions.
“Please get up from the floor. Miss Y/N, your nose is bleeding and as for you, Master Damian you got bloody scratches all over your arms.”
“Sorry Alfred.” They followed every word Alfred said to them and stood beside him with their heads hanging low.
“Let’s patch you two up.” Alfred motioned them towards the living room, gathering medical supplied on the way.
“And he gave you a animal shaped patch!” Jason laughed so hard he had to grab his belly, almost rolling of the couch
“Didn’t you hear a word, Jace? He took her phone! She had every right to be angry and act irrational…” Dick took his sister’s site
“Hm.” Bruce grunted
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but good job on being stealthy” Jason chucked towards Damian “normally it would be Tim to try and do such thing.”
“Are you taking his side now?” Y/N’s eyes went wide “I can’t believe….. ah!” sudden outburst made her nose bleed even more and she held the nearby cloth tighter to the bruised part of her face. “mhmmmhmhm” she mumbled grumpily
“Hm” Bruce grunted again
“Aren’t you gonna say something?” Dick turned towards his father in a bit of shock. Normally Bruce would be the one to punish them  both for disobeying the rules of the Manor but now he was just sitting on the couch, his mind wondering elsewhere.
“What?!” four pair of surprised eyes landed on him in pure disbelief of how he acted.
“Wouldn’t make any difference. Another day another fight. Just…. apologize to each other. I’m going to the batcave. Dick, Jason come with me.”
“The hell I’m going to ….” Jason started but the look in Bruce eyes made him relent. And that was how Y/N and Damian ended up alone in the living room, sitting next to each other, eyes on the floor.
“Does it hurt much?” he asked
“Not much more than yesterday. I’ll be fine. “ she shrugged like nothing happened  “Do you think they know?”
“About what? Our secret plan to make them all crazy and take over the manor?”
“Pretty much, yes.”
“Not sure. Might need some more observation on the matter.”
“So….. we do it again tomorrow?” she smirked
“Oh, absolutely” he smiled back at her, eyes sparkling. It was always fun to fight with her.
“Then can I have my phone back?”
“Sure, I’ve seen all there was to see. “
“I hate you, Damian.” Y/N grinned looking at him
“I hate you too, sis.” He replied with a smirk
And just like that, they bumped their fists. All was good between them.
Meanwhile, Tim was hidden in the batcave, glued to the computer, not realizing anything of the events happening upstairs. He only raised his head once he heard Bruce, Dick and Jason entering.
“Did they do it again?” he asked seeing Bruce’s harrowed face, being enough of an answer “Ha! Life never gets boring with those two troublemakers around!”
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rainybyday · 2 years
Twin au but they meet at the worst time
Maybe it was a team-up, maybe it was a solo mission. Whatever the case, it was Damian who was in charge of sneaking into the vents and to the control room to extract all of this new government-funded research that the batfam was tracking. They recently have moved their sights into Gotham and had made movement into capturing Hood which set the whole family off much to Jason’s annoyance. 
Nevertheless, no one messes with the family. 
What was supposed to be an easy extraction mission became something more when, as Damian was going back, caught sight of a boy strapped across an operating table. 
At first, all Robin could see was the clear sight of dismembering and the gory sight of blood and what appeared to suspiciously look like Lazarus water all around the room. The tools were unethically dirty and the boy was faced away with a y-shape scar across his chest. 
There was a live experimentation right under their noses. 
Angered but silent, Damian jumped from the vents down into the room. The lack of security was one of the reasons why Damian was allowed to go in alone so he wasn’t worried about being caught. He could only press his lips once he felt the skin of the teen and testing for his pulse. There was none and Robin was too late.  
However, it was when he turned the victim to face him was when the world turned silent.
In the League Damina remembered of a sibling he once had, a younger twin to be exact. For their first few years, they were together, both learning how to properly run, and speak and how to understand the history of their bloodlines together, to understand the future they both take responsibility for. It was when they both reach a certain age did they both got separated. 
Damian was supposed to be the heir of the Bat while Danyal was supposed to be the heir of the al Ghul. That was their birthright. 
Of course, it upset him when they had to be kept apart. No more star gazing or animal watching or late-night cuddles as they fight for more heat in the suffocating cold. It became more and more difficult as months pass by and the only form of communication that Damian had with his twin were the few bits that his Mother gave him about his twin's training.
“Danyal is working hard to become our next heir Damian, don’t distract yourself.”
So Damian could only cling to those words of his brother's health as he trained for another day, to become the next Bat.
At least, that was the point of his training until he turned seven.
Grandfather himself came to see him, he came to see Damian! Not the other way around! So Damian knew this was important as Grandfather wouldn’t have come to see Damian personally unless something happened. 
And happened it did.
Because Damian was supposed to be trained to be both the heir of the Bat and the al Ghul starting that day.
Which could only mean one thing. 
Danyal had failed or Danyal had died.
And judging by Grandfather’s expression it must be the second one. 
Danyal is dead.
Danyal is gone. 
His twin was gone.
Danyal, the twin he hopelessly thought and cursed fate about for leaving him to pass away was now in front of him. Danyal the twin he sometimes dreamt in the dark and would wonder if the person in the mirror would look exactly like him was lying across a table of metal being opened apart. His twin that he lost was being experimented on and tortured was right in front of him dead.
He lost his twin for the third and final time. 
Five minutes later, Robin came out of an exploding building with a body held close to his chest. 
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Danny big brother to damian
Danal is a prodigy, he can adapt to any situation, follow muscle movements with ease. He has a laid back, sassy and cheerful personality, and is the nicest person in the league, but you piss him off may god have mercy.
When damian was born Danal fell in love with him and became more of a caretaker than talia when it came to damian.
Whenever damian had trouble with a movement Danal patiently helped him, when he hit his 'why' phase as a child Danal was the only one who could be around him. He was the only one who could get damian to smile, damian adored Danal and wanted to be like him. Strong and deadly but that didnt stop him from being kind and helpful.
Ra saw that while yes Danal and him butt heads more often than not, he was far more perfect as an hair than damian and decided to use that.
He planned to execute damian in front of danny to break him. What he didnt expect was for Danal to interfear and take the killing blow for him.
Damian had to watch his big brother, the person who tought him what love is, cared for him, gave him the best training, and now Danal gave his life for his. Danal told him in his last words how much he was proud of him. How damian is stronger than he thinks and how loving him was worth it even if it got him killed.
Damian believes a peice of him died with Danal that day.
No one checked if danal was alive after the final blow, but if they did they wound see there was a little bit of life left on him, so when talia took Danals body to the Lazarus pit it did something else.
After Danals death damin became the most aggressive person in the league, attacking anyone who came to close or bad mouthed Danal
He has a box in his room with things Danal owned/ made together / gift from him
When Bruce took damian and introduced him as brothers to the rest of the batfam he lost it, started yelling saying that their not his brothers
Damian resents talia for not helping Danal or at least not stopping him
Damian hates Ra more than anything
After damian warmed up to the batfam he refused to call them brother, he called them family but not brother
Damian refuses to tell bruce that he had another son, as a form of punishment for not being there for him
Damian has a map of the stars because Danal loved space
Damian tries to incorporate Danals fighting style into his, but since he didnt learn much he failed alot of the time, whenever anyone asked about it they were met with a knife
Damian agreed with bruce on how to love and is more familiar with love, and it confuses everyone where he learned to love
Damian is fearsomely protective of anything to to with Danal
There are 2 days of the year that people leave damian alone no matter what Danals birthday and his death anniversary
Danal showed damiam pictures of different animals as a kid and thats why he loves them
After a few years damian learns to some-what accepts danals death
Damian refused to blam himself for danals death even if he believes it to be true, danal wouldnt want that
Danals last words ring in his ear " loving you is worth eveything little brother, even my life, I'll never stop loving you
Danal woke in the ghost Zone after talia put him in the Lazarus pit with no memory of before, but subsequent knowledge of everything before; knew how to fight/cook/write/read/ be assasin/ what the Lazarus pit is but dosent know how he knowes this or have any memories
Danny wanders around encouraging ghosts till he finds the perfect place for his lair and builds it
He finds the fenton portal and decides to go through it
He discovered his obssession was protecting people he cared about
He traveled between the ghost zome and human relm with a lot more subtlety than the other ghosts
During his years as amity park protector he discovered new powers, he can change into a human form, ice powers, duplicates, something similar to clockworks ability to see everything, ghostly wail and how to control it, how to make portals throught the infinite realms and alot more
He always felt like something was missing and after protecting amity for a while he made a truse with the other ghosts and decided to traved the infinite realms
For reasons he cant explain he continues to train his physical body in the martial art style he knowes
He loves animals for reasons he cant say and loves to play with them
He has more allies due to them knowing what his obssession is
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A DC X DP IDEA #8 A Pair
Imagine dis…
 It is always Damian having a secret twin, a presumed dead twin, or even a lost twin. But what about Tim Drake having a twin?
 Tim Drake always asked himself why would his parents willingly avoid and neglect him by taking trips around the globe and being left alone frequently. When Jack Drake woke up briefly from his coma, Tim asked the man who would have been his father why would they neglect him, is it he is a mistake? Or it is something else.
 Jack Drake looked at the painful eyes of his son and knowing that he doesn’t have much time, told him the truth. 
 The Drake family used to be between being rich and being in the middle class in Gotham. Both he and Janet were excited about the baby seeing that they were told that it would be twins. They got married early and when they went to the doctor to ask some questions about their planned pregnancy the doctor quickly shut down the idea as Janet’s tests revealed that she has severe infertility issues that make her chances of having kids near to zero. But that didn’t stop the two, after years of trying for a child, their prayers and efforts were answered a much more surprising is that they were having twins. They were excited about being careful and protective of them just when they were inside Janet’s womb, then the day of their birth came. They were happy and content as well feeling relief that both babies and mother survived the labor, two healthy boys greeted them loud and healthy. What they didn’t know there was someone lurking and waiting from the shadows. A longtime rival of the couple heard about their struggles in bearing children as well as the new addition, and as an act of revenge, he hired someone to take their child. What he didn’t know was that Ms. Drake gave birth to twins not a single child so when the hired kidnapper saw the last name of his target in the nursery, he didn’t even bother to look at the neighboring crib that contains the other child. Quickly snatching up the child and smuggling the newborn out of the hospital to be abandoned later in the middle somewhere in between the wildlife around him, to be left to die due to starvation or by wild animals.
 Both of the new parents were devastated at the loss of their youngest, they tracked and put the man behind bars of the one who was responsible but when the Gotham police tried to interrogate him on what he had done to the newborn he just laughed manically and answered no question. They can’t even track down the supposed hired kidnapper. Seeing that they cannot stay any longer as they have another child to take care of. In the early years of Tim’s life, he was loved and cared for but the moment he started growing to an age where he can remember things both parents acted cold. As to one maybe if those around them saw how they acted maybe they would not even think or do a thing into harming him seeing that the company is growing by the time more rivals and enemies that might befall them but the fact that their remaining son will be safe they will do anything. Everyone in Gotham is corrupt in some way and they could not trust any hired security for him as rogues are running rampant and might not be enough for Tim.
 It might be an F-ed up way, Jack confessed. But at the time they could not think straight as they didn’t have time to mourn for their other child and the fact that the remaining child they have was in constant danger just by having a growing company’s name as his last name.
 Tim was shocked, he had prepared himself for any hurtful words to be thrown at him but the fact that he has a brother that was snatched away just hours after they were born was.
 As Tim continue his silence Jack looked around at the hospital room he was in and immediately located his clothes and belonging that was folded up neatly in a corner, Jack forced himself to walk towards the pile of belongings to look for something.
 Tim tried to help Jack but he turned around holding a tin that was meant to hold cigars, a tin that Tim noticed that his father Jack always carried with him. Jack opened the tin and inside lays a single picture of the twins. In the picture, both parents who are both tired and exhausted look at the camera with warm smiles that Tim barely remembers, are holding a single child each around their arms, with only blankets of ocean blue and sky blue separating the two babies. Tim remembered the ocean blue blanket tucked safely in the Drake mansion’s attic. 
 It has been a few years since Timothy Drake learned about his twin, He began keeping an eye out, from one state to another country for any sign or lead to his twin for him to have a proper burial. 
 No one in the Bat-family knew his conversation with Jack that day nor that he now has the tin that contains the single photo of the Drake family all in all looking happy. At first, he just made an initial background of the investigation that had taken place but seeing the happy faces of the Wayne family made him envious of the bond they have including Damian.
 Now that learning of his supposed twin, he kept looking at his reflection. Would his supposed twin have the same interest as him? If he was here would they be polar opposites? Would they have clashing personalities or would they get along? These are the questions that kept swimming in his head ever since he noticed the Waynes.
 Don’t get him wrong he was grateful to Bruce, as he made Tim realize his parents Jack and Janet are supposed to neglect him, looking at the present he just transferred from one form of neglect to another.
 What he had done in his past life he may never know as all he ever wanted in life is to be loved and appreciated. To be acknowledged through his hard work, not chalking it up to him being a genius, it seems they have forgotten that hard work has always beaten a genius.
 He may now have a family but Tim doesn’t know if they are better or worse than where he was before.
 An instance Jason had tried to kill him multiple times not once he received an apology. He gets it. Being replaced by the man you once call father is painful but he tried multiple times to explain that he literally blackmailed Bruce for him to be Robin as Batman is getting more violent each passing day after his death and sooner or later he would have killed someone, and that is something Bruce would carry around like a boulder due to his guilt. He admired Robin; he was under the impression that he could never live the expectations of being Robin. He was just merely filling up the space when Batman found an official Robin. He could never replace Jason, at least Jason was picked and wanted by Bruce while Batman has no choice when it comes to Tim.
 Dick tried to treat him like brothers would, but Tim always saw through his façade, Tim saw how Dick kept him at arm’s length. He gets it he was replacing his brother whom he knew and grow up with, but the fact he kept getting hurt by the fact, he lies to himself every night.
 The way he gathers information they all assumed that to his insomnia, as well the way they come to him not to say hello or a hi but they needed something from him that needed his area of expertise. 
 Just like his biological father and mother who has the F-cked up way to cope and mourn their loss, it seems he has also inherited that particular bad habit to cope. Knowing that they go to him if they need information he began researching and investigating each crime, each suspicion as well as each piece of information, so that they go to him, just HIM for help. 
 If it weren’t for Alfred, he would have succumbed to hunger due to his research.
 When Damian entered his life, he was more than happy to have a brother to care for. 
 Much to his horror, his new brother despise his very being and tried to kill him multiple times.
 When Bruce was lost in the time stream nobody in their family knew how to manage a multi-billionaire company aside from Alfred, but due to his age as well he was left with no choice. 
 Dick was left to fill in the shoes of Batman and offered Damian as Robin.
 Which hurt.
 He has grown to his role as Robin, he created his own legacy on the title.
 Dick started to be a partner to Batman as well creating a legacy. Known for his acrobatics as well as being the first one.
 Jason became the second Robin, a Robin who was known for his recklessness, strength, and brashness.
 Tim earned the acknowledgment of Ra Al Ghul aka the Demon’s Head, who is the greatest detective second to none other than Batman himself. Who had been trained by Lady Shiva herself? Who mastered a variety of weapons to a certain degree as well as being able to use them to their full potential?
 The role of Robin was ripped away from him without a second thought from Dick.
 Still, he made it through, creating another vigilante persona as well as managing the company so that they have a continuous supply of funds.
 When he managed to get evidence that their father figure lived, he was ignored and forgotten. When he only, managed to save Bruce from the Time stream, not a single Thank you had come out of their mouths nor did an apology for ignoring him.
 He continued this lifestyle, the continuous attempt of his life at those he likes to see as brothers to his life. Every time he defended himself, HE was the one scolded by either Bruce or Dick, they kept telling him to be the bigger man to be better. The amount of verbal abuse, calling him Inferior by Damián and Replacement by Jason added to the fact that Dick or Bruce never seemed to see no wrong with the two.
 Unappreciated and unloved is he, he still considers them as his family someone he can call to have his back but after a night it all went downhill.
 Another night another dinner, at the table he was being made fun of by both Jason and Damian, Bruce kept saying nothing as well as Dick. Other people namely Stephanie, Barbara, Cass, and Duke kept sending him worried glances as Alfred is glaring slightly at Bruce. An off-handed comment from Damian, as well as Jason about his birth father, made him snap.
 He yelled at them.
 His feelings, his anger, his resentment, his sadness, his stress.
 How could this family sit idly at his treatment?
 After yelling and having a breakdown in front of the table he quickly rushed towards his room and prepared to run.
 Gathering his things as well erasing his very identity in the Bat computer as well erasing his tracks, he escaped at the night.
 Using a car that he had stashed away he began to leave Gotham as he thinks it is time for him to start a new one.
 As Tim was crossing the border, he was ambushed by the same man who had kidnapped his brother. He had escaped and once he was released, he was left with nothing, his wife and child gone from his former home. He decided to blame the late Drake for his misfortunes but the moment he learned about their demise his revenge went to the remaining Drake.
 Tim knew he was better than this, crashing a car due to someone having spooked him was nothing but a rookie mistake. But the moment he laid eyes on the same man who took away his brother now inching to him with a knife in his hand his thoughts were not about Bruce and the others looking and finding him in a car crash but thoughts about his brother finally meeting him.
 Lady Gotham heard his final moments before he was stabbed and had his throat slit. She wailed and mourned at her favorite knight, who used his inheritance for the betterment of the Gotham citizens who uses his skills to protect whom she favored by wrapping her shadows around him to give him a sense of comfort and to better hide him at the dangers of the night. Seeing that he never crossed the border she dared to summon her king to aid her knight.
 Danny is enjoying his life he was accepted by his parents as Phantom, he had adopted Ellie as his daughter, and his sister is now able to go to college without the fear of him being rejected by their parents. His friends are going strong by each day, the ghost is now much more cooperative with the Amity citizens to fulfill their obsessions. Fruit loop had also changed into a new leaf and now tries to be a better godfather and father to Jazz, Danny, and Ellie. Dan had earned his parole and was now able to roam free as long there is someone to look at him.
 But life is not all full of rainbows and unicorns.
 GIW is now snatching up the locals' Amity Parkers as they are considered part of the Anti-Ecto entities as they have been contaminated in some way or another.
 He is now King of the Infinite Realms as he had defeated the previous one in combat.
 Seeing the aggressiveness of the GIW he transported the entire Amity Park to the Realms to protect ad create their own little island as part of the Realm. It didn’t take long for the locals to be used to their new appearance and abilities as they also have been noticing the way they act ever since the spike in ghost activity. 
 They are told to not leave for the mortal realm as they are still compromised. Removing Amity in both the map and record had been easy with the help of Technus and Tucker they manage to remove themselves and every database in the world.
 Without any work to be presented the GIW was seen as a scam in the government branch and thus being removed from any form of funding as well as being dismissed and dissolved in the government.
 It was one eventful day when he was summoned by one of his advisers. He was just merely signing paperwork when he felt someone summoning his rather sensing it was urgent he let himself be summoned to where he was.
 There he saw Lady Gotham cradling a bloodied teen, the moment Danny laid his eyes on the teen his core lurched at the amount of protectiveness. As he kept pumping out his own ectoplasm to heal or even revive the said teen, he began to look at the teen’s details.
 In his mind, he was wondering why would his core react such in a way but the moment he saw the teen's face his mind turn to a halt.
 He saw his own face reflecting on the teen which would be impossible unless one of the previous clones that Vlad had made had escaped and got out of his mind control.
 But he idly wonders how could this supposed clone of his have blood in him.
 After the initial confusion and panic, both brothers were able to get the whole story. 
 The Fenton couple were surprised that they have forgotten to tell Danny that he is adopted and had saved him from starving in the middle of the forest.
 Danny as well as the rest of the Fenton family wanted nothing more than to march toward where these Waynes were and rip them apart.
 Tim on the other hand was both saddened at the fact this brother had died and hopeful that maybe just maybe he could have the family he ever dreamed of.
 Turns out Tim was right, due to Danny trying to keep him alive by pumping pure ectoplasm aka the pits had turned him into a halfa whose core is equivalent to shadows due to Lady Gotham favoring him more.
 The family dinners where he faced running and fighting food maybe work out for him but the number of memories, he stored from Danny trying to beat the hotdogs to submission to broccolis, peas, and carrots starting a civil war on his plate on who is the best vegetable there is.
 He gained parents who are a bit of a screw loose but hey who says normal is sane.
 He gained 2 older siblings and a younger sister which made his jaw drop.
 Dan who is supposedly his twin in an alternate time where instead of being saved by Danny, Tim died and due to his grief and anger turned evil. Jazz whose mother hens Tim every second of the day and Dani/ Ellie who is twin brother’s clone turned daughter, who creates chaos in every sense.
 He became Lady Gotham’s heir and champion that one day she may move on but she will pass down her brooch as it is the symbol of her authority as well her seat as one of the advisers of the King. It may be a few centuries or so before that fateful day so Tim has all the time to be a child once again as well as training to become the heir worthy of Lady Gotham.
 When Tim asked who the King of the Infinite Realms all eyes turned to Danny as he nervously stated that he may have forgotten to tell Tim that particular detail.
 Overall, Tim is safe and happy in this new life in his, with a new family that cares and loves him for just being him as well as being with his brother while he had missed, he never thought would miss in his entire life and afterlife.
 It has been years since Tim had disappeared from the lives of the Wayne family and everything had gone downhill. Conner along with Cassie had flown from Metropolis and yelled at them for not being a good family to Tim. Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Damian are all silent and take the yells of anger silently as guilt in them keeps whispering to them about how they should have done better.
 They held a funeral, an empty casket, filled with minuscule things of Tim had loved like his old hobby of photography that also held the pictures that he had taken. They held his old uniform as both Robin and Red Robin in the cave protected by the bullet, fire, water, and explosion-proof glass.
 Bruce told himself that Tim was and never had been a replacement for Jason.
 Dick regrated on not knowing Tim enough, and that he failed another brother of his.
 Jason who too late saw Tim as a little brother who indulged his hobbies f reading works of literature that no one in his family found interesting enough to sit down and listen to.
 Damian saw Tim another older brother who was there to relate to him during his time in the League. Share his stories about when he trained under Lady Shiva, as well as being his predecessor.
 It is Tim’s 6th year anniversary of death when the boys had planned on going to a café that Tim frequently with. Their guilt did not disappear but grew with each passing day, the Batman as well the rest of his partners became more aggressive in handling crimes to the point even the rogues had been scared of facing them and would rather stay in Arkham, their last victim aka the Joker was beaten to near death by the Batman who had preached in not ending the Joker even though he had stuck out for the man when Red Hood had his hands on the Joker.
 It was bright as Gotham could get and they could feel that the sun is mocking them about their brother’s death.
 As they were sitting in one of the café’s booths as they saw a young man looking exactly like Tim. All eyes widened but looking at the stranger with more attention they saw a few details that Tim didn’t have. 
 Like faint freckles that were across the man’s face as well as the way, the young man’s hair is styled.
 Carrying a large tray that holds two large coffees and a plate of assorted treats and pastries the stranger went to both a bit far yet they can still stay visual on the man.
  What greeted them was not what they were expecting, on the supposed booth they saw a tall and healthy Tim on his phone, dressed in the simplest yet warm clothing they ever saw their brother in, the moment Tim saw his supposed look alike, helped him to take the large coffees off the tray and proceeded to chat as if they were old friends. 
 At that moment they didn’t care if the stranger look alike or the look in Tim’s eyes that screams fondness and joy towards this stranger, they only have one thing on their mind and that is their brother.
PS: If someone out there wants to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so don’t forget to tag me though.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Lmao now i just want to see what kind of shit did the batkids pull off to get harv called to the principal’s office
Dick: Dared his teacher to a dance battle and punched them when he lost
Jason: Cried hysterically for 2 hours because a girl called Jane Austen overrated
Tim: Hacked into the school system to sabotage his academic rivals. Got caught cause he signed off with his name backwards
Duke: Uses " you know I know Batman, right?" To get ahead at lunch time
Stephanie: Got dress coded and came to school the next day as Barney the Dinosaur
Cass: Being autistic while in neurotypical spaces
Damian: Drew anime boys kissing on the whiteboard with permanent marker/called his teacher a coloniser for annoying him
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