#dumbledore is ofc no help
expectopatronum81 · 22 days
I feel like Narcissa Malfoy is rather overhyped(when she isn't being forgotten completely) as a character. She is the perfect example of 'the aristocratic wife' until the real world hits her in the face (and even then it takes a while).
Coz in the books she doesn't do shit. We have no indication that she has any sort of job(not that she'd need one). You could say she raised Draco but I don't count that because she did such a bad job at it; Draco turned out to be a spoilt, entitled bully (tho ofc Lucius equally shares the blame for this). She was pretty, came from money and a respectable family, and had no real valuable contribution of her own (unlike bellatrix who had the first 2 things too but was voldemort's right hand DE). Lucius has a constant presence in the books, we see different ways in which he subtly exercises his power and influence (ranging from donations to cozy up to fudge to threatening the other board governors that he'll curse their families if the don't remove dumbledore from the position of headmaster), plus his whole arc from one of voldemort's most trusted DEs (he was entrusted with a horcrux) to the pathetic situation we see him in in DH. Narcissa, however, has nothing of this sort. She's briefly introduced during the Qudditch world cup, not mentioned at all in book 5, and is an absolute dumbass in book 6.
Ik tht last one is controversial, but i was with bellatrix the whole time, coming to snape was fucking stupid. I get tht she thought he was on their side, especially considering he was with the DEs during the first war too, but y tf would u trust a double agent? Him convincingly answering all of bellatrix's questions means nothing, its obvious that he'll hv similarly tailored answers for dumbledore. I get that she was terrified and desperate, but it always struck me as odd that she never volunteered to take her 16 y/o son's place to get the task done (or at least we don't get any mention of this, and at any rate i don't think voldy wud hv oblidged considering this was punishment for lucius's failures), or if she already knew that this wasn't a viable option, she doesn't even try to help him out herself. Instead she runs straight to snape and weeps on his floor. This is so unlike, say, lily, who stood in btw her baby boy and voldemort. Mind u, the whole thing worked out only because dumbledore put on the ring and was going to die in a yr, she got lucky( imo this is lyk remus getting lucky with keeping sirius being an animagus as a secret coz he didn't turn out to be a mass murderer after all). U couldn't even say she was using snape too because she's clearly too distraught in tht scene to be doing any kind of manipulation. It all falls on the shoulder of her 16 y/o son to keep his family safe from voldemort.
She doesn't do anything throughout book 7 until the very end, where she lies to voldemort just to know if her son's alive or not, which inadvertently leads to voldemort being defeated by harry. This is only thing of substance she does in the entire series(and likewise i ll give her the credit, it was ballsy asf). As much as i appreciate her for what she did in the end, i think the fact that it took her roughly 40 years to do something of value is heavily ignored.
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atlasdoe · 1 month
The Tortured Poets Department as The Marauders Era (part one)
grab a drink, i'm about to talk your ear off
Fortnight - Regulus Black & James Potter
From Regulus' POV
I headcannon that for a short period James and Regulus were together in secret where only Sirius, Pandora and Alice knew about their relationship. They broke up during James sixth year and Regulus' fifth after Regulus started ignoring James because he was mad at James for "helping" Sirius run away. (he has a bit of a victim complex)
To me this song is Regulus looking back on his relationship with James. "I was a functioning alcoholic, til nobody noticed my new aesthetic" feels like something Regulus would definitely do. He puts on this big show just to see if anyone would notice but nobody ever does. It's the youngest sibling in him.
"All this to say I hope you're okay, but you're the reason, and no one here's to blame, but what about your quiet treason," is Regulus referring to Sirius running away. Regulus saw it as James choosing Sirius over him and although James didn't want to choose, if he had to, he would choose Sirius.
The chorus i think speaks for itself. "And for a fortnight there, we were forever, run into you sometimes, as about the weather, now you're in my backyard, turned into good neighbours, your wife waters flowers, i want to kill her" being Regulus' thoughts on the relationship. They thought they could've been forver but was quickly reminded of who they were and where they were. Now they hardly speak but because of circumstances (the war, the small small wizarding world) still have tabs on each other. And ofc Lily being James' wife and Regulus hating her. Possibly not only because she married James and because James loves her more then he ever loved him, but also because she's muggleborn.
In the second chorus it changes slightly to "My husband is cheating, I want to kill him" Regulus' "husband" is Voldemort and he's cheating in the war with the horcruxes. And ofc Regulus wants to kill him for bringing Kreacher into it.
Despite the fact that James moved on I don't think Regulus ever did. I think he tried, but what he had with James was the closest thing he had to having it all.
"I love you, it's ruining my life, i touched you for only a fortnight"
The Tortured Poets Department - Emmeline Vance & Remus Lupin after 1987
From Emmelines POV.
I am the only person who thinks this because I am the only person with this headcannon but I stand by this with my entire soul.
To give you the short version, in my headcannons Emmeline and Remus spend the majority of the 80s together because Emmeline is a talented healer and is asked by Dumbledore to take care of Remus after the full moons
They have a really solid friendship for the first half of the eighties until something happened in 1987 (which i won't bore you with) and it makes their entire relationship crumble
I am obviously looking at this song from a platonic prospective here. Lyrics such as "You smokes then age seven bars of chocolate, We declared Charlie Puth should be a bigger artist" reflects the late night conversations they had and the meaningless of it all. They weren't friends because they got along, they were friends because they were the only ones left from the younger ones of the Order. But the "who's going to hold you like me?" is also true. They were all each other had and it was enough and without it they were empty.
They were putting up with every demon in each others heads because it had to be worth it because if it wasn't then where would they be?
My Boy Only Breaks His Favourite Toys - Pandora Lovegood and Regulus Black
From Pandoras POV.
I feel like not many people speak about how damaging their friendship could've been for Pandora. Keeping in mind that Regulus had always been a purist and believed in Voldemort enough to keep photos and arrivals about him and his followers hung in his bedroom.
I think Pandora loved Regulus but Regulus was a hard person to love. There was only one way for Regulus to go and he was dragging Pandora down with him.
I think lines like "here we go again, voices in his head, called the rain the end our days of wild" could reflect how Pandora felt once Regulus got the mark or was close to getting the mark. I don't think Regulus would've ever told Pandora straight up that he was a death eater but I definitely think she knew anyway.
Regulus had a phase where he kept trying to get Pandora to leave. He didn't want to drag her down with him but it was either that or she goes. Without telling her why exactly he no longer wanted her around he was pulling her back and forth. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to go back to the time when they were best friends without consequences which i think shows with the outro. "Just say when, Id play again, he was my best friend down at the sandbox, i felt more when we played pretend"
Down Bad - Remus Lupin after 1981
I think this is very obvious but I will go into detail anyway
I don't think this is just about Remus' thoughts towards Sirius but also to James, Lily and Peter.
Remus (as much as he didn't want to) felt resentment towards his friends for what happened. He was gone with the werewolves and risking everything for them just for them to die anyway! It wasn't right for him to be mad at them but he was anyway. "Tell me I was the chosen one, showed me that this world is bigger than us, then send me back where i came from" is how i think he was feeling in terms of them. Remus spent the majority of his childhood thinking that he would never have any friends other then his parents. He meets the Marauders and is silly enough to think that everything would be okay just for him to end up friendless again at the age of 21
And then we have Sirius which... of corse this is about him.
"I loved your hostile take-overs, encounters closer and closer, all your indecent exposers, how dare you say that it's? I'll build you a fort on some planet, where they can all understand it, how dare you think it's romantic, leaving me safe and stranded? Cause fuck it i was in love, so fuck you if i can't have us"
The words kinda speak for themselves
So Long, London - Mary MacDonald leaving the wizarding world
I don't think Mary is speaking/thinking about one particular person here but the entire wizarding world as a whole. Those she loved and didn't.
Being a Muggleborns would be hard enough to to be one of the only ones in your house must’ve been worse. Lily had Severus to help her navigate the wizarding world while Mary had no one and while also being friends with Sirius, James, Peter and Remus who all were from wizarding families it was easy for her to feel left out in the world.
With such events such as Mulciber’s attack on her and seeing the constant attacks on muggle families she felt unwelcomed. “I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist, I kept calm and carried the weight of the riff” is Mary putting up with all of the bigotry from her classmates because she saw the magic that the world had to offer. She loves her friends and loves being a witch. She loves Hogwarts and Quidditch and she wants the world to accept her but no matter what she does they won't
I think it also sucked for her to see her muggleborn friends thrive. Lily became head girl and married James and had Harry. Dirk also found love and became quidditch captain. Dahlia found a way to incorporate magic into her muggle job (preforming) and also found love. Meanwhile Mary couldn't seem to get a break. The lyrics "you swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? i died on the altar waitin for the proof" isn't her speaking to someone but more so like a wizard god (not dumbledore) She's saying "where's my reason for staying? where's the love of my life? where's the passion that's going to make this worth it?"
The Bridge is her as she leaves. In my hcs she leaves right before everyone joins the Order. She was considering it but decided against it and left while leaving five letters behind. One to James & Lily, Dirk, Marlene, Remus and Dahlia & Camelia explaining herself.
"And you say I abandoned the ship, but i was going down with it"
"my friends said it isn't right to be scared"
and the chorus
"how much sad did you think i had, did you think i had in me? how much tragedy? just how low did you, think i'd go fore id self-implode? fore i'd have to go be free?"
But Daddy I Love Him - Andromeda Black & Ted Tonks
From Andromedas POV
Do I even need to explain this?
I feel like I should just for the sake of the post but I'll just feel like I'm mansplaining (says the person who isn't even a man)
"I just learned these people only raise you, to cage you" is sooooo the black family
"Dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid" "Growinf up precocious sometimes means, not growing up at all" LIKE HELLO???? ANDY IS THAT YOU???
"stay away from her, the saboteurs protested too much" being Bellatrix trying to stop them because she knew how bad it could end but Andy not caring
The only thing that doesn't match is that Andromedas family does not come around at all (looking at you Bellatrix "let me kill my niece" Lestrange
Fresh Out The Slammer - Sirius Black & Harry Potter
Listennnnn, I know we were all thinking wolfstar and trust me i was half finished writing about them to this song but this is Sirius and Harry.
"Now pretty baby, im running back home to you, fresh out the slammer i know who my first call will be to" speaks for itself i think. One of the first things Sirius did after escaping Azkaban was seeing Harry at private drive. He didn't need to be there, he knew Peter wasn't there. He was there because he had to see Harry. He had to remember who he was doing this all for
The pre-chorus being Sirius while he was locked up. "In the shade of how he was feeling" could represent Sirius spending a big part of his time in Azkaban thinking about what Harry must think of him.
"As i said in my letters, now that I know better, I will never lost my baby again" Sirius always being there for Harry even while on the run. He continued sending letters and even stayed in a cave just to be close to him
And "My friends tried but i wouldn't hear it, watch me daily disappearing, for just one glimpse of his smile" could be so many instances. Sirius going to Harry's Quidditch games, Sirius going to king's cross, Sirius staying in the cave, Sirius going to the Dursleys
"Now we're at the starting line, I did my time," being Sirius and Harry both thinking that the worse was behind them once they were reunited. Sirius offering Harry to live with him and Harry accepting immediately. All they wanted was each other and the family that they brought to each other.
The entire song is Sirius anticipating the life he could now have with Harry after Azkaban. After killing Peter all Sirius wanted to be was a good Godfather to Harry and he was ready to take it the first moment he got.
"No matter what i've done, it wouldn't matter anyway, ain't no way i'm gonna screw up now that i know what's at stake here."
"It's going to be alright, I did my time"
Florida!!! - Lucinda Talkalot leaving the wizarding world
This is going to be another one that only I think
Florida!!! is about escaping your issues and having a fresh start. I can see Mary being for this song also but I think it suits Lucinda's mindset a lot more
For anyone who doesn't know, Lucinda Talkalot was the Slytherin Quidditch Captain during 1976 and everything Im about to say is purely based on my own headcannons. But let me cook
In my headcannons Lucinda is a muggleborn and quickly gets tired of the wizarding world. She's sick of the bigotry and drama of it all and preferred her life as a muggle much more. Therefore she moves to America and doesn't look back, loving the rest of her life as a Muggle
Unlike Mary, Lucinda isn't doing this sadly. Mary didn't want to leave but felt the need to to keep herself and her family safe while Lucinda just doesn't want to be a witch anymore
I have a hc where it's common in the wizarding world to get married and start families early because of how small the wizarding population actually is. Unless you marry a muggle, someone from a different country (sometimes continent) or someone who is either 7 years older or younger then you in the wizarding world it's expected that you'll meet your future spouse while at school. The line "my friends all smell like weed or little babies" to me indicates that from Lucindas POV where her muggle friends are being young while her wizard friends are growing up too fast and making her feel unbalanced
Lucinda just needed a new start as many of us do but felt trapped in her life with the wizarding world attached to her. "yes in haunted, but i'm feeling just fine, all my girls got their lace and their crimes, and your cheating husband disappeared, well, no one asks any questions here" is her basking in the idea that no one is going to know anything about her once she leaves. While Mary was running away from something, Lucinda was running towards.
Despite being a muggleborn, i don't think Lucinda cares too much about the war. I think she had the mindset of "so long as they're not doing anything to me i don't care" She justified this mindset through her being in Slytherin and deciding that being quiet about the war was her best chance of survival. Because of this I don't think she properly digested the war for what it was. She left seeing the war as nothing but "wizard drama"
The bridge "I need to forget so take me to florida, i've got some regrets, i'll bury them in florida. tell me i'm despicable, say it's unforgivable, at least the dolls are beautiful, fuck me up, florida" Is her buried down guilt for leaving whatever friends she did have in a war Lucinda never let herself know how bad but she can't find it in her to go back. She just didn't want to.
Guilty as Sin? - Amelia Bones & Pandora Lovegood
Amelias POV
Oh closeted Amelia Bones who is deeply in love with Pandora Lovegood but never tells anyone other then her brother because she grew up in such a strict household in the 70s my beloved <3
But seriously we did all hear the queer undertones right? right?????
And the religious language that's used throughout the song??? y'all HAVE to be seeing the vision
And this is another headcannon that only I seem to have and I think I explained it enough (it isn't that complex tbh) but let me go into some more detail if that's okay with you
So i hc Amelia and Edgar Bones to be from a very well respected family but their grandfather nearly lost everything for the Bones family by being a deadbeat and an alcoholic. Because of this their parents are extremely strict on their children. They're obsessed with being the perfect family and "succeeding" as parents by having their children be and do great things
Their older brother Jamie gets eveything right. He becomes a healer, marries his "highschool sweetheart", has three daughters, all that jazz. Edgar (who is Amelias twin and seven minuets younger) is a mess. He fails so badly that his parents have to lie to everyone about how he died for damage control (but that's another story) And Amelia is somewhere in the middle. She becomes Head Girl, she's very smart, she starts working for the Ministry but shes a lesbian and her parents would not like that one bit
Amelia is just as obsessed as being perfect as her parents are. She wants to make them proud and be the daughter they wanted and knows the fact that she's a lesbian will make them turn on her. It doesn't matter how perfect she is.
Amelia falls in love with Pandora while they're at school and never falls in love with anyone else and it kills her that they can't be together
Guilty as Sin? is Amelias guilt when it comes to loving Pandora. Not only does she have them guilt of loving her best friend who is with someone else (Xenophilius) but also a girl
"I dream of crackin locks, throwin my life to the wolves or ocean rocks" is Amelia considering what would happen if she was to be honest with her feelings. If she told Pandora how she felt she would risk throwing everything away
"Someone told me there's no such thing as bad thoughts, only your actions talk" reminds me of something i learnt while at school. I went to a Catholic school and while there we talked about how the church views gay people. We were told that The Catholic Church has no problem with people being gay so long as they don't act on it. Here Amelia could be repeating that statement to herself as a safety net. So long as she doesn't do anything she's still perfect.
All this being said, she's still just a girl who's in love with her best friend and she spends her entire life waiting for it to be okay; for Pandora to come to her. "If it's make-believe, why does it feel like a vow we'll both uphold somehow?" Is Amelia still hoping and still waiting for Pandora to want her back
The bridge "If long suffering propriety is what they want from me, they don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly, i choose you and me religiously" reminds me of something i wrote for Amelia and Pandora a while ago. Here's a little part of it:
Tell her, the voice in her mind screamed. Tell her everything. That this is more than friendship for you. That you love her the way she loves Xenophilius. Tell her every single thing your rotten mind thinks. Tell her that she’s the only reason why you’re still alive. Tell her that she’s kind and caring and beautiful. Tell her that she brightens your day just by smiling and that everytime you see her sad you feel like carving out a hole in your heart. Tell her about all the things you would do for her if only she’d give you the chance. Tell her about all of the times you fell harder and harder for her eyes. Tell her that she is loved. Tell her that you love her and that you will always love her no matter what she does. She could scream at you, she could ignore you, she could kill someone, or hurt someone, or burn the entire world to the ground and you wouldn’t even blink. Tell her that she could choose every single slytherin, every single boy over you and you would still run whenever she came calling. Tell her that no matter what she is loved, because she is Pandora Lovegood and you are Amelia Bones and there is not one universe where she is not the love of your life, even if there isn’t one where you are the love of hers.
And essentially that bridge is exactly what I was trying to come across with that. In the end, she'll choose Pandora if only Pandora would let her.
And ofc the chorus speaks for itself
"What if he's written mind on my upper thigh only in my mind? one slip and fallin back into the hedge maze, oh what a way to die, i keep recalling things we never did, messy top lip kiss, how i long for our trysts, without ever touchin my skin, how can i be guilty as sin?"
Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me? - Severus Snape
There are so many people who this song could've been for in my mind so let's go through some honorable mentions before we get to Severus
My first thought while listening was Juliette Wilkes and how dangerous she could be behind the scenes. To me Juliette was a complete bitch. She was heartless but her reason for being was her desire to be loved. For whoever reason she knew she wasn't getting the happily ever after she was promised at childhood so she gave people a reason to hate her. She fought and bit and bitched and laughed.
I next went to Peter Pettigrew. Peter who was constantly overlooked by his peers and teachers, who pulled off the perfect betrayal because "who would be afraid of little old Peter?" I once compared Peter to the Earth in my writing and u stand by that statement wholeheartedly. Peter, like the earth, was collapsing in on himself because of the lack of care from others. I think the beginning of the bridge speaks the most for Peter.
We also have the obvious choice of Sirius Black speaking mostly to his family. Sirius being mad at what they did and who they made him.
There was also Dorcas Meadowes going on a killing spree after the death of Marlene. To me this song could've easily been Dorcas speaking to Regulus, Evan and Barty. Asking the question of if they only were friends with her because they thought she'd do nothing. Did they think she would sit by and let them get away with it? She's a very close second.
Finally theres Lily Evans, the muggleborn who killed The Dark Lord and ended the first wizarding world. Do I even need to say anything else?
It even could've been Remus Lupin if he had embraced his villain origin story
But despite all of that I think Severus takes the cake with this one and I think the best way to explain myself is to tell you exactly what I relate some of the lyrics to in a fast and speedy way.
"If you wanted me dead, you should've just said, nothing makes me feel more alive" Snape knowing more dark curses in his first year then the seventh years. I don't see Snape as a helpless victim to the Marauders. He fought back and I believed he liked that. He armed himself with the spells he created.
"The Scandal was contained, the bullet had just grazed, at all costs, keep your good name" The Prank. I've ranted and raved about how the prank meant nothing to The Marauders and how everything stayed the same for them but for Snape? Dude was nearly murdered by a werewolf and things just carried on as normal!! Would you be normal after that?
"Is it a wonder I broke? Let's hear one more joke" they didn't call him Snivellus Snape with affection
"I was tame, I was gentle til the circus life made me mean" "the circus life" being the wizarding world. the Marauders jokes, the friendship with Lily dissolving, the pressure of the death eaters and Malfoy
"Don't you worry folks, we took out all her teeth" Dumbledore constantly telling people during the second war that Snapes no longer a death eater. "don't worry, voldemort killed the women he loves so he ain't going back lol" (he didn't say it like that but you get my point)
"So tell me everything is not about me, but what if it is?" Severus being a spy for both sides while really just being a spy for Dumbledore. Severus the one who killed Dumbledore. Severus the one who led Hogwarts during its darkest days. Severus who was there when Pettigrew got away. Severus who taught the chosen one occlemancy (idk if i spelt that right) Severus who died willingly to "help" The Dark Lord. Severus who gave the chosen one the right information at the right time while on his death bed
"Say they didn't do it to hurt me, but what if they did?" Voldemort, Dumbledore, Lily, Lucius, The Marauders (tho they definitely meant to hurt him), i could go on.
"I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me" Save Charity and let your self go. Fight McGonagall or you'll be found out. You have to put whatever you had with James aside for the sake of the world. Don't actually fight in the battle of the seven potters!! you can't let them know who's side you're on. Betray everyone you've ever known for the sake of the greater good. And when Voldemort is about to kill you don't tell him everything, don't kill him first. you cant. your job is to die for the cause. you don't get closure.
"You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me" His abusive father. Slytherin house.
"Isn't that what they all said? that i'll sue you if you step on my lawn, that i'm fearsome and i'm wretched and i'm wrong" Severus' life as a teacher. I don't think there was one kid who actually liked him.
"Put narcotics into all of my songs, and what's why you're still singin along" to be reflects everyone constantly going to him for help. Bellatrix and Narcissa. Voldemort. Dumbledore. Even Harry trusted Snape enough to tell him about Sirius in his desperation. When worse comes to worse they're all willing to put their pride aside.
"Who's afraid of little old me? you should be" From a poor halfblood boy with no friends to the right hand man of both Dumbledore and Voldemort
The best way to explain why I picked Snape over everyone else is because while for the them I can relate certain parts of the song to them, with Severus the entire song screams him.
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) - Dorcas Meadowes friendship with Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr & Evan Rosier
From Dorcas' POV
Y'all ever had a friend who you've known since you were young and while you were growing up they just kept getting worse and worse? Dorcas Meadowes has
Similar to Pandora I don't think we talk enough about how Dorcas' must've been feeling as Regulus, Barty and Evan got closer to the dark side
While i hc that Pandora happily let go of Barty and Evan and came to terms with them becoming Death Eaters quickly with Dorcas it was a much different story.
I think Dorcas would've wanted to hold onto them a lot more. In my headcannons Pandora is the eldest of the skittles and is a year above Dorcas and Evan. Barty and Regulus are a year below them. I think Pandora had other friends besides just them. (Amelia, Edgar, Fabian, Gideon, Benjy and Caradoc who were all in the same year as her) but Dorcas didn't. Those boys were her closest friends and although she knew the path they were going down she was still holding onto the fact that they might change their minds
"The jokes that he told across the bar, were revolting and far too loud" being anytime Dorcas heard them say anything against muggles or muggleborns. When he heard Evan in class agreeing with Bruce Mulciber a little too much for her liking
During the time where Evan, Barty and Regulus were becoming more and more bad I also hc the time where Dorcas and Marlene get together. So Dorcas starts hanging out with Marlene and her friends a little more. "They shake their heads sayin God help her, when i tell em he's my man, but your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger, I can fix him, no really, I can" is Dorcas defending the boys whenever they become the topic of conversation. She goes through a phase of "you don't know them like i do"
The bridge is Dorcas' hope, thinking that what she was doing and saying (though i don't think she did/said a lot tbh) was working. "Good boy, that's right, come close" is her inner monologue when they do anything right and "Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man" is her response to people showing genuine concern for her.
The ending "Woah, maybe I cant" is the realisation and to me the exact thought that went through her mind when she found out that they joined Voldemort.
loml - Emmeline Vance & Edgar Bones
From Emmelines POV
There are a total of 5 Edgarline shippers and i live to serve them and them only
And this song just screamsssss them after Edgar dies
In my hcs Emmeline and Edgar break up before Edgar dies but they do so with the intention of getting back together once the war is over and they're both in better places. Their survivors guilt and the pressure of Edgar being an auror and Emmeline being a healer was getting too much for them and when they started taking their grief out on each other they decided to hit pause.
To me the beginning perfectly represents their break up. "Who's gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames" being their desperation to be together again. "We were just kiss babe, I said "I don't mind, it takes time" i thought i was better safe than starry eyed" is their reasoning for breaking up. Putting themselves and the war before their relationship
The line "you blew in with the winds of fate" could be interpreted two way and both of them i think match Edgar during the war. The first one is the effects of drinking as "the winds of fate" can be utilised as british slang for "a strong drink" I hc that Edgar struggled with alcoholism during the war and especially after the death of his two best friends Fabian and Gideon Prewett.
The second one is that the person is fading or being taken away by the power of destiny which I also hc Edgar to have struggled with. As I said while speaking about Amelia, the Bones parents were very strict on who they wanted their children to be and although Edgar was terrible at keeping up to his parents expectations he was still constantly trying. The only reason he joined the Order was because he felt it was his responsibility to as an auror and the only reason he became an auror was to please his parents.
The bridge is Emmeline thinking on their relationship after Edgar had died. "You shit talked me under the table, talkin rings and talkin cradles, I wish I could unrecall, how we almost had it all" reflects on how they really thought that they would be together in the end. At not one point after breaking up did either of them consider the fact that it was truly over.
"Dancing phantoms on the terrace, are they second hand embarrassed, that i can't get out of bed, cause something counterfeits dead?" The phantoms are the past versions of Emmeline and Edgar, looking at their future selves and seeing how their "fake breakup" is now dead. the break is permanent and Edgar died without Emmeline as his partner. Emmelines wonders if their past selves would be embarrassed that they let their relationship end the way it did
The first chorus is Emmeline looking back on them after his death. "If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary, you and I go from one kiss to getting married," is their relationship while it was good. "still alive, killing time at the cemetery, never quite buried," is them during the war before their breakup while they were still clinging on. "In your suit and tie, in the nick of time, you low down boy, you stand up guy, your holy ghost, you told me in the love of your life,"
In cannon, when Edgar is mentioned it's said that "they got him and his family." We know that by this Moody couldn't mean Edgars parents and siblings like we hc with Marlene because Amelia is still alive at the point. To get around this I make the ending of Edgars life way too complicated and messy but good for the plot.
As I mentioned before both Emmeline and Edgar are suffering with their mental health and Edgar is not handling himself well at all and is drinking a lot. One night after Edgar and Emmeline had broken up Amelia takes him out but has to leave early because she got called into work. Edgar stays, get smashed and meets a muggle women. Long story short he gets her pregnant during a one night stand. She doesn't know if she wants to keep it or not but Edgar tells her that no matter what he'll support her decision. If she chooses to keep the child, he would be in their life.
He tells Emmeline all about this as soon as he can and makes sure that she knows that he doesn't want it to change anything between them and for the most part Emmeline agrees. I bring this up because I think this moment is represented in the second chorus. "All those plot twists and dynamite, Mr Steal Your Girl, then make her grey, you said i'm the love of your life"
The ending is Emmeline never being able to let go of their relationship because of the lack of closure. I do hc that Emmeline finds love again, and in her lifetime will find herself a wife and step mother a child. But even up to her death she will always be thinking of him because they weren't supposed to end. Edgar was killed, taken from her before they got to reach their full potential. Their story wasn't over but half of the chapters were ripped out.
"Oh, what a valiant roar, what a bland goodbye, the coward claimed he was a lion, Im combing through the braids of lord, "I'll never leave" "Never mind" our field of dreams, engulfed in fire, your arsons match, your somber eyes, and i'll still see it until i die, you're the loss of my life"
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - James Potter after his breakup with Regulus Black
As I said earlier, I do headcannon that they were together at some point. In my headcannons James and Regulus start secretly dating in their 4/5th year and nobody knows apart from Sirius and Pandora (who were told) and Alice (who found out)
They broke up during James' sixth year and Regulus' fifth. Regulus got mad at James for "helping" Sirius leave and basically just started ignoring him. They had a few slip ups (make out sessions instead of talking) but ultimately broke up
James was obviously upset but considering nobody but Sirius, Pandora and Alice even knew they were dating he had to continue as if nothing ever happened
This song was actually hard to match with someone but I think the overall vibe screams James even if it isn't about Regulus but something else (for this example i will be referring to their breakup tho)
The line "Breaking down, I hit the floor, all the prices of me shattered as the crowd was chanting, "more"" reminds me of Quidditch or just the overall appearance of him and how he carried himself
"I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me" is James' entire personality while Regulus was refusing to speak to him and the line "I keep finding his things in drawers, crucial evidence i didn't imagine the whole thing," is James reminding himself that they actually did have a relationship as there's little to no evidence of it
There isn't much more detail to go into this song. It's pretty straight forward
The Smallest Man To Ever Live - Lily Evans & Severus Snape
From Lilys POV
oh snily... i will never be able to figure out how i feel about you
You can see this song as romantic or platonic snily but personally I will be referring to them as friends only as I don't think that Lily ever had any romantic feelings for Snape. I also don't think we talk enough about the FRIENDSHIP. y'all they were best friends😭😭 why does the marauders fandom act like they never were???
Starting from the top we have "Was any of it true?" being Lily asking Severus what if their friendship was real. We really never talk enough about how Snape always knew that Lily was a muggleborn yet still joined Voldemort, knowing how he felt about muggles and muggleborns
I do not believe that Lily would forgive Severus. I don't think he's a bad person but for Lily I feel like everything was a bit too personal. So the chorus "I don't even want you back, i just want to know, if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal, and i don't miss what we had, but could someone give, a message to the smallest man who ever lived?" is Lily wanting closure for their friendship and wanting answers but that only. All Severus could do was apologise but she didn't want that. After he called her a mid blood it was past apologies for her
The bridge is what reminds me of them the most. Oh the bridge... let's go through it together
"Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead?" and "Were you writing a book? were you a sleeper cell spy?" being Lily asking Severus why he told Voldemort about the prophecy
"In fifty years, will all this be disclassified?" More like in 17 years. Will she ever know what his true intentions were?
"It wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden" is Severus thinking that Lily was different to other muggleborns. Lily asking if her being muggleborn and his feeling of superiority over her one of the reasons why he liked her
"I would've died for your sins, instead i just died inside" and outside. Like Dorcas, Lily had a "you don't know him like I do" phase.
"And you deserve prison, but you won't get time, you'll slide into inboxes and slip through the bars" How Severus never went to Azkaban for being a death eater because of Dumbledore
"You said normal girls were boring" normal girls being muggles
"And in plain sight you hid, but you are what you did, and i'll forget you, but i'll never forgive, the smallest man who ever lived" being Lily in the afterlife after finding out the truth
The Alchemy - Marlene McKinnon & Dorcas Meadowes
From Dorcas' POV
Dorlene my favourite sports rivals to lovers <3
This song has a lot of american football references in it and today we are going to pretend that they're about Quidditch.
In my hcs Dorcas has "hated" Marlene since their first day of school where when waiting tj be sorted Dorcas thought that she was going to be called up but Marlene was instead (since McKinnon is before Meadowes in the alphabet) and ever since Dorcas had been bitter because Marlene had always been so unpredictable
To me this is Dorcas as she realises that she's in love with Marlene which is represented in the second verse "Hey, you, what if i told you we're cool? that child's play back in school, is forgiven under my rule"
I have no proof but i am so certain that "He jokes that it's heroin, but this time with an E" is something that Marlene McKinnon has said. I'm so confident.
I headcannon Marlene as a Ravenclaw and that she became the captain of her Quidditch team during her fifth year, won the cup and in her sixth year captioned Hogwarts first all women's Quidditch team. I have this whole story of the Quidditch season during their sixth year (which you can read btw it's called the epic highs and lows of hogwarts quidditch on ao3 by atlasdoe) and although it doesn't have a happy ending the bridge is what would've happened if they did from Dorcas pov. "Shirts off and your friends lift you up over their heads, beer stickin to the floor, chris chanted cause they said, "there was no chance tehing to be the greatest in the league" where's the trophy? he just comes runnin over to me"
"Cause the sign on your heart, said it's still reserved for me, honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?" is soooo dorlene i could cry. This song is just the right amount of happiness that they deserve
Clara Bow - Harry Potter
Oh Harry, being in the Marauders fandom has made you so much more tragic for me
The poor orphan boy who in the span of a day went from a nobody to the chosen one.
"You look like Clara Bow," "You look like Stevie Nicks" "You look like Taylor Swift" is Harry constantly being told he looks like his father but with his mothers eyes
The first verse saying "In this light, remarkable, All your life, did you know, you'd be picked like a rose?" reminds me of Harry entering the Leaky Caldron for the first time and having all those strangers be so eager to shake his hand. Being "picked like a rose" is him being the chosen one but even before he was known as it.
The second verse, "In '75, the hair and lips, crowd goes wild at her fingertips, half moonshine, a full eclipse" is Harry being told about his parents while they were at school. Him listening to Sirius and Remus sing his parents praises and only dreaming to be as loved as they were
The outro, "In this light, we're lovin it, you've got edge. she never did, the futures bright, dazzling" is Harry after winning the war. The "edge" that his parents never had allowed him to survive. His future is bright now that they know he has one
The Chorus is the repeated expectations that Harry has to live up to "This town is fake but you're the real thing, breath of fresh air through smoke rings, take the glory, give everything, promise to be dazzling" is what he was told during his first few years at Hogwarts while. "The crown is stained, but you're the real queen, flesh and blood amongst war machine, you're the new god we're worshipping, promise to be dazzling" is what he was told as the war became more serious.
I did not expect to write this much but oh well. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!! <3
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quillinhand · 1 year
It's very hard being a snape fan and a marauders fan. I love Severus and I love James, Sirius, Lupin(Peter is Peter and I think it's perfectly acceptable to dislike the little rat) I love how complicated all their characters are. How they not perfect people and they both have done horrible and good things. Part of the blame is on themselves but the school and the adults in their lives certainly didn't. The stupid feud didn't either. I'm of the opinion that you can love both. That James and Severus both did change as people. What's your take on it? Also I find it rather hilarious that Lily and James best friend and person they chose to watch over their son is a lot a like.
It's very hard being a Snape fan and a marauders fan.
I definitely think so. So much of both communities; both the snapedom and the marauders fandom is defined by a hatred of another, and though you do get some people with a middle ground; they are few and far in between. as someone who LOVES the snapedom with all my heart, a part of me wants to say that we totally are open with any opinion towards the marauders, but then again I have seen hate comments on many neutral/pro marauder posts, so that would be completely false. and ofc, the marauder's fandom is very much hostile towards any opinion that doesn't fall into their cookie cutter version of perfect(i must admit I am very much biased on that side of the fandom, so).
Personally, I like to think I fall in the middle. I've liked Snape and the potential of his character for a long time, and I like individual members of the Marauders(Sirius and Remus are my blorbos and I will die on this hill). Peter, I really don't have an opinion other than pity. James, well, I'll get into that later on in the post.
How they not perfect people and they both have done horrible and good things. Part of the blame is on themselves but the school and the adults in their lives certainly didn't.
This, a million times. I think everybody, regardless of who you like, can agree that the prominent characters from Marauder's era were all set up to fail. James grew up around yes men, with parents who spoiled him and friends and teachers who adored him too much to nip his arrogance in the bud. Sirius grew up in an unstable home, withstanding abuse and no helpful assistance for his issues(again, the yes men problem). Remus was literally assaulted at age 5, and cursed to become a bloodthirsty monster once a month, with little to no rights and a very diminished sense of self worth(then feeling like he was beholden to dumbledore/marauders for a place at hogwarts and friendship, thus resulting in his cowardice.) Peter idolized friends who saw him as lesser and then was later fighting in a war he didn't have a hope of winning. Lily was a muggleborn with one significant friendship and little to no social status. Snape was an abused, socially disadvantaged boy who got into all the wrong things in the middle of a war. they've all made so many mistakes and done horrible things, but I think you can pinpoint each and every reason and cause for each thing they did.
The stupid feud didn't either.
and ofc, their hatred of each other just added to the shitshow.
I'm of the opinion that you can love both.
absolutely. same. :)
That James and Severus both did change as people. What's your take on it?
ooh, this is going to be fun. ok so:
let's start with snape. 19-20 year old snape is very different from 31 year old snape, and this snape is much different from 38 year old snape. In his teens and youth, he's very much edgy bad boy/kylo ren, with all of the boxes checked, sad backstory, interest in villainy, and that one person who believed in him. he's not as composed or as ... posh, let's say. he's emotional, very dramatic(this doesn't change) and character wise, he's very much evil/grey.
fast forward to late 20s, early thirties snape, this one actually has a life that isn't angst. he gets a kick out of being an abysmal teacher, he's a certified dick, he was batman in an other life, he's badass with an emphasis on ass. i believe this period in snape's life is the least dramatic. he's just living his life. he had all that redemption shit in his past- but no, wait
because harry potter is in town, and though we don't see it, snape's changing. gone is his 'i don't give a fuck' persona; now he's forced to give one by dumbledore and later, voldemort. he's got antihero shit to do, and he does it. he's the plot device now, the one that's evil but not actually. thats him in book one, in book two he's the comic relief/background character, in book three he's the kinda sorta villain- and this is the game changer book in terms of his character. til now, snape doesn't necessarily like dumbledore, but he trusted him. with dumbledore once again supporting the (remaining) marauders, that trust, however feeble it had been, is now gone. which puts him and dumbledore in a precarious position throughout GOF, and an even worse position when voldemort returns.
see, snape likes to think he's very good at pretending he doesn't care/doesn't show his emotions. and though he's right on a superficial level, it's almost comically easy to read him. basically, the angrier he is- the more emotional he is. and throughout the last three books, he's in this weird balance of being oddly guarded and absolutely furious. behind walls of hostility and mystery was a man who's furious, terrified, sad, resigned, and trying his damn hardest to stay alive. he's back to where and who he was at 21 years old, except he knows what he didn't know then, and this is the pivotal change in his morality. He used to be a guy who realized that the movement he supported was hurting people he cared about, but now he's becoming a person who doesn't want anyone to get hurt, because he's 37 years old and he's fucking exhausted of lying and killing and fighting for a world that truly doesn't give a fuck. 'lately, only those whom I could not save,' is an underrated line for this reason alone; severus snape wasn't a man redeemed on a hilltop pledging his alliance to Dumbledore to fix his wrongs, he was redeemed more than a decade later, fighting in a pointless war and realizing that if he can't fix his wrongs, at least he can fight against the causes of it.
now james, on the other hand is a totally different bean. I'm not saying he isn't a good guy, but I most definitely don't think he changed, and here's why.
see, james potter is and will always be a good guytm. his world is black and white; where the heroes are like him and the villains are less than. and for the most part, this was never directly challenged. but it was indirectly challenged many times, and i'll talk about the ones that affected him the most.
first: the train scene and Sirius. A boy from a dark family who's kinda uncomfortable with the painfully light ideas he's spewing, but still buying it because the alternative is so much worse to him. James adjusts with this one remarkably quickly, he's a quick thinker, and in his eyes, Sirius is good because he agrees with him. it doesn't challenge him significantly, and besides, he likes this boy, so it's fine. who cares if he's a black. he's sirius!
second: Remus and the werewolf thing. Again, much of the same thing happens, and James still takes it in stride, because it's his friend and he would've died rather than turn on his friend. this is the defining and redeeming quality of james potter's character; he's loyal to those whom he deems deserving of it. and sirius, remus, peter have joined that list. James is a good guy, and he thinks remus couldn't possibly be like the other werewolves, because he's remus!
third: Lily. Lily challenges him throughout their years at Hogwarts- about his opinions, about his character, about his actions. but at the end of the day, she falls in line with his opinions(she cuts snape off), she still is attracted to him pre-7th year, which was when he supposedly changed, his actions(even when they were together, she didn't know that he was still getting into fights with snape). at the end of the day, even Lily affirms James.
see the trend here? james potter doesn't change how he thinks. he just makes exceptions/he rejects the challenge. sirius can't be bad, because he's sirius and sirius is his friend. remus can't be bad because he's remus and remus is his friend. and the same logic applied to peter when he was offered as the choice for secret keeper. his opinions can't possibly wrong because- look, he's right!
this is not me saying james potter was a bad person. of course not! some of the best people I know have this mentality. but he started out a bully, and tbh, best case scenario, he became a judgmental person. that is the farthest I think he changed.
again, I don't think he's a bad guy. teenagers are dumb, cruel people. james potter did bad shit as a teenager, but so did Snape, and as much as we point to his abuse as a reason why, being spoiled and encouraged on despite everything is still abuse, just a different kind.
the only reason I don't like James Potter when I do like Snape is because nearly everything I mentioned was reading between the lines and other headcanons. And even then, though he had the potential to be, he wasn't a dynamic character. he doesn't change, despite every opportunity to do so, and his misbeliefs are affirmed again and again.
At the end of the day, James the character exists to push Snape's character forward. And that isn't a very attractive thing to like.
I find it rather hilarious that Lily and James best friend and person they chose to watch over their son is a lot a like.
Sirius and Severus are both two extremes of the same story, and that's something that's incredibly interesting to explore, but this post is too long already, so I'll stop now. Thanks again for the ask!
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hiddenmoonbeam · 2 months
Okay let's kick the dog, and I want to suggest that he gets lured into a feeling of safety by someone who then does him more harm yk? Idk who though
Oooooh yes this is deliciously painful!! And with lots of options I feel, both as AUs and canonverse. I don't know who it would be either, but I'm considering at what points this person would have a chance to actually trick him like this, considering he has such strong friendships (especially ofc with James). So my thoughts:
Three points at which I feel like he'd be very vulnerable:
-when he's a teen dealing with the abuse from his family, if he for some reason can't talk to James or their other friends about it, maybe out of shame, maybe because they just don't get it because they have nice families. And there's no physical proof, so is it really that bad? He can't explain it. So if he starts pulling away from them, a new friendship or a relationship might form here. Or a teacher who notices something is wrong? And it takes time to make Sirius trust, especially an adult probably. And so fucking crushing when the person later makes him feel even worse.
-if he doesn't have James when running away from home, but ends up with someone else he does trust then but that turns out to be awful to him later on in some way, friendship, relationship, either works.
-if he never goes to Azkaban, or gets out much sooner, but now James is gone, and he's raising a baby/child all alone (because Remus didn't go to Hogwarts? Or the war and loss broke their friendship so much Remus left) and he's struggling with grief and trauma. Someone new could enter the picture here too, insisting on staying when everyone else have left him. And Sirius is so exhausted, so desperate to feel safe again.
I also came to think of "quicker" betrayals such as
-first war mission where he gets in trouble but manages to escape, finds someone who insists they're on the same side and can help him, but then betrays him. Canon divergence with other/more spies? Or maybe right before Halloween 81 and it's Peter tricking him.
-Peter in general actually, which isn't quick since they've been friends for years, but making Sirius feel safe with the intent to harm/betray him wouldn't take long when Sirius already trusts him.
-Sirius on the run after Halloween 81, maybe he actually got to Harry first and knows he must protect him, he doesn’t know Voldemort is gone, and either way the Death Eaters are still around. Sirius can't trust anyone. If we go an extreme Dumbledore-is-horrible route, he finds Sirius eventually and promises he believes him, but then still lets him be imprisoned.
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soloorganaas · 18 days
💗 Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love! 💗
I kept this to just finished works and it was still so so hard?? there are so many oneshots I’ve written with actual plot that I love so much
A grave mistake - wolfstar au where Sirius comes back from the veil to find Remus is married to Tonks and they end up falling into a messy affair. my most beloved fic always and forever ❤️
red lips and rosy cheeks - wolfstar au where Sirius and Remus meet studying at a summer school in Rome. I had soooo much fun writing about the nervousness and hesitancy of falling in love when you’ve got a lot of baggage, creating full characters out of Lily, James and the others, and ofc throwing myself into Rome and languages and philosophy and art and food and history
the madness within - wolfstar oneshot exploring the prank in the context of bipolar Sirius. this is probably the hardest fic I’ve ever had to write? but this is a really important headcanon to me and I also loved writing Sirius growing and healing
Nyctophobia - I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH. it’s a dark Bella/Lily au where a very morally grey Lily is running her own resistance against Voldemort away from the order. it was such a different style of writing for me and I loved creating all this magic and digging a little into the classist elements of Dumbledore’s oligarchy. and I’m obsessed with Bella + Lily
Inked - this is a silly little oneshot in my long series of SW au everyone lives fics set after the sequels which are basically about Han, Leia and their found family. in this one Rey gets a new tattoo to cover up one she got for Kyle Ron and it’s very silly and fun, but it’s also a little about how fucked up reylo was and Leia raising the (adult) kids and found family building a life together in the aftermath of war
honorary mention to these two fics bc I felt so bad for excluding them: just say that you belong to me (nitearmor smutty oneshot partly about the Armorer falling in love with Bo and partly about her fucking Bo senseless in the forge) and two imperfect souls might touch perfection (long post-first war au oneshot about Remus and Sirius figuring out their sexuality and getting together whilst healing through helping disadvantaged + marginalised kids)
thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about these 🥹🫶🏻
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sunnyie-eve · 8 months
2 | Your House
Series: Little Things
Paring: Mattheo Riddle x OFC Potter!
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: Might be a few mistakes
"Blimey, is that the time? Sorry. I'm gonna have to leave you both. Dumbledore will be wantin his, uh... well, he'll be wantin to see me. Now, your train leaves in 10 minutes. Here's your ticket. Stick to it. That's very important. Stick to your ticket." Hagrid hands us our tickets so we look at them.
"Platform 9 3/4? Umm Hagrid... there's no such thing as this platform." I look up and he was gone. "Now what?" I ask Harry.
"Guess we find the platform." He says and we go on our way to look for the platform.
"There is no such thing, Harry." I say as I see no platform 9 3/4.
"Excuse me, Sir." Harry goes over to a man to ask for help but he thinks we are joking.
"It's the same every year packed with Muggles, of course. Come on." We hear a lady so we go follow her and her family.
We watch as one by one run into one of the pillars and no one takes notice to it happening. Harry and I go over asking how did they do that.
"How to get into the platform? Not to worry dear, it's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well. Now, all you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." The woman explains to us.
"I'll go first and wait on the other side for you." Harry tells me then runs through.
"Your turn dear." The woman smiles at me so I then run through.
"Wow." I say joining Harry, who nods his head.
On the train Harry and I find an empty cart and take a seat. "Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full." The red head from the platform, Ron asks us.
"Not at all." Harry tells him so he joins us.
"I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley." He introduces himself.
"I'm Harry, I'm Hazel. Harry and Hazel Potter." We do the same.
"So-so it's true. I mean, do you really have the-the the scar." Ron asks Harry so he shows it.
When the trolley comes by Harry says we'll take the lot so we do. As they pig out and talk I just look out the window. "I'm gonna go for a walk." I get up leaving the car.
"Be back soon." Harry says as I walk out.
"Excuse me, have you seen a toad. A boy lost one." A girl asks as I walk down the train.
"Nope, sorry haven't seen one." I let her know. "I'm Hermione Granger." She introduces herself.
"Hazel Potter." I smile and her jaw drops.
"It's nice to meet you. Now, excuse me." She walks past me and I continue.
"Did I here you say you're a Potter?" A girl with a bob haircut pops out of a car.
"Yeah, you are?" I ask her.
"Pansy Parkinson." She puts a hand out so I shake it.
"Hazel Potter."
She smiles then pokes her head into the car she come out of, "Draco, It's one of the Potter Twins." She tells someone then pulls me in.
Inside there was two bigger boys sitting next to each and across from them was a bleach blonde boy.
"Wow, the Potter's at Hogwarts. I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. This is Crabbe and Goyle." He introduces himself and his friends.
"Hello." I nod my head at them. "I should go change into my robes." I back out of the cart.
"Hopefully we end up in the same house." Pansy smiles as I leave.
"You're back." Harry smiles as I join them again and get my robes to go change into.
When we get off the train all of us students are met with Hagrid. "Hello, Harry, Hazel." Hagrid tells us so we say hey back to him.
Hagrid leads all of us to the boats towards the school. It was just an amazing sight to see. Once inside we are met with an older lady who tells us about being sorted into our houses. "They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." She names them then explains that our houses will be like our families.
"Trevor!" A boy shouts grabbing his toad making some of us giggle.
"I still can't believe it's true. The Potter twins have come to Hogwarts." We look over to see Draco and others gasp. "This is Crabbe and Goyle... And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He introduces himself to Harry this time and Ron snickers. "Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask you yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley." Draco glares at him and it makes me mad. "Soon you will realize that some Wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." Draco puts a hand out.
"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks." Harry tells him making me giggle and get a dirty look too.
When she comes back we are escorted into the great hall. Dumbledore gives a few reminders before we start the sorting.
"There's not a Witch or Wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin." Ron tells Harry and me.
"Harry Potter." He looks at me.
"You'll be fine." I pat his back as he goes.
"Hmm. Difficult, very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent- oh, yes- and a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you? Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It's all here in your head. And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness. There's no doubt about that. No? Well, if you're sure... better be... Gryffindor!" The sorting hat shouts.
"Hazel Potter." I'm called up so I take a seat.
"Ahh difficult just like your brother. Very very difficult. You have courage and determination but your ambition with your determination. Where to put you?" The hat thinks.
To be honest I didn't care if I really got Slytherin but part of me didn't only because of what Ron said and I didn't want to lose Harry.
"Well, lets see what happens with a Potter in... Slytherin!" Only Slytherin's cheer and a teacher.
Harry looks at me upset then gives me a smile, "You will be fine."
As I take a seat Pansy pats my back giving me a smile, "We have a Potter." Draco eyes me then rolls his eyes.
While I eat I stay quiet watching Harry chat away. "Wish you were with your brother?" A girl across me asks.
"Well yeah... he's my brother. We're pretty close." I say eating my food.
"Well if you're pretty close your relationship shouldn't change because the house you got put in. I'm Willow." She gives me a smile.
"Nice to meet you Willow." I smile back.
"Oh and this is my best friend Sienna." She motions to the girl next to her.
"Hi, and this is my brother Lorenzo but he prefers Enzo." She rolls her eyes and he hits her.
"It's shorter." He huffs.
"I do the same thing. I use Theo instead of Theodore. Also hi, I'm Theo Nott." A boy next to him says.
"You all know my name." I laugh and so do they.
"Of course we do. Everyone knows the Potters." Theo chuckles.
"The twins that lived." Enzo adds.
"Technically Harry survived the curse... I died first but then came back." I let know know.
"How is that possible?" Willow asks confused with everyone else.
"I don't know. I was just told the other day and they couldn't explain it either." I shrug my shoulders looking away and see a boy with his head down playing with his food.
"He's weird... We all introduced ourselves and he just stared at us." Pansy looks at who I was looking at.
"Maybe he nervous and scared to meet new people." I say as we keep eating.
I get to know everyone a little more and they were nice but at the same time I couldn't stand them because hearing their beliefs about pureblood wizards made me uncomfortable.
After dinner we are escorted to our common room and are told about our password to get in then go to our dorms. My dorm mates were Pansy, Willow, Sienna, and a girl named Daphne.
"I gotta ask... How do you feel about the password being pureblood when you aren't?" Pansy asks me.
"This might ruin the mood but I find it stupid. The whole purebloods being better." I say making the girls look at me.
"We can still be friends if we just ignore our different beliefs." She gets ready for bed and I go down to the common room.
I see the boy that was quite at dinner sitting alone so I walk over to him. "Hi, I'm Hazel, Hazel Potter but you probably knew that." I put a hand out and he just looks at it. "You're not used to making friends? I'm not. I grew up living in a closet being treated badly." I take a seat at the table with him.
"The family I live with told me to just keep my head down and stay quiet." He tells me.
"If you don't mind me asking... What happened to your parents?" I ask him.
"My father is dead and my mother is in Azkaban." He looks at the table.
"I'm sorry... I know how it is growing up with no parents since both of my are dead. But the family you grew up with shouldn't tell you not to make friends. If you ever need a friend, I'll be there." I smile getting up.
"Name's Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle." He tells me.
"Goodnight Mattheo." I go back to my dorm to go to bed.
The next morning I get dressed for the day and make sure I have everything in gonna need for all my classes. "Hey about last night... Me and Sienna don't care for the whole purebloods are better thing as well. I think we're the only pureblood Slytherin's that disagree with that belief." Willow tells me.
"My brother on the other hand does believe it. We are all raised that way because of our parents but we know different." Sienna adds before we all go to the common room.
"Morning." I smile to Mattheo as we pass him.
"Morning." He smiles back. "You got the quite boy to talk to you last night?" Pansy joins us. "Yeah." I say as we all head to class. First thing we had this morning was transfiguration. As we were working Harry and Ron rush in late. They said they got lost so she told them they should get a map.
"Really Harry, the first day?"
Harry looks back at me and glares, Do you know how far the Gryffindor room is. You would've been lost too. He turns back around. 
As we all walk to our next class, which was potions, I walk with Ron and Harry. "How is it being a Slytherin?" Harry asks. 
"Not terrible just the others... Pureblood this, pureblood that." I huff. 
"But you're not a pureblood." Ron looks at us and I nod my head. "You remember how I said about no good comes out of Slytherin? Well... I don't think you will go bad. I mean why would you go to a bad side that killed your parents?" Ron says then realizes how he said that. "I didn't mean it that way. I rant at times." He pouts. 
"It's okay, Ron." I laugh at him. 
"Why do you only have red hair?" Ron asks me. 
"Our Aunt Petunia says I take after our mother. So I guess Harry takes after our father." I nod my head.
"You look nice with red hair." Ron smiles making me smile too while Harry gives him a look. 
As we walk I see Mattheo glance back at us. "Who is that?" Harry asks. 
"Mattheo. I'm the first person he's talk to." I tell them as we enter the classroom and Pansy pulls me over to sit with her and the girls. 
"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However, for those select few... who possess the prediction... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities of formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention." I see Snape glaring at Harry.
"Mr. Potter. Our new celebrity... along with his sister." He looks at him then glances at me before narrowing his eyes in Harry again. He then starts to quiz him and Harry has no clue because we know nothing about this world. "Miss Potter, did you know any of that?" Snape turns to me. 
"No Professor." I shake my head. 
"Why not?" He asks. 
"Harry and I grew up knowing nothing about the wizarding world. Our Aunt and Uncle keep it a secret from us." I tell him the truth before he starts the class.
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dracomort · 2 months
In TTC what does Dumbledore thinks about Tom's relationship with Draco? And about Draco himself? The greengrass incident must've been quite something but it doesn't seems that he particularly bothers with both of them overall? We get a few glimpses of what an outsider see about them, but it's generally from those who are more positively biased about them so from someone who is more negatively biased it must be confusing
Dumbledore doesn't develop that clear vision of Tom Riddle as someone incapable of love until Tom is much older in this universe. He knows that he's trouble, that he murdered a girl and framed another student, and that he exerts a dangerous kind of influence over younger students, but the idea of Tom marrying and settling down at this stage wouldn't seem odd to Dumbledore.
He assumes Tom married Draco for some dubious purpose (not entirely wrong considering they married so they could commit financial fraud), though he's unsure what that purpose is. He's somewhat concerned about Draco's well being, though he ofc does little to interfere. It's only when Tom actually comes to him for help with protecting Draco before the start of Chapter 3 of Bluebeard that he begins to realise that there's something more to their relationship.
For Tom to set aside his pride and put his trust in Dumbledore is almost unthinkable, yet he did it for another human being. It would shake up the entire way that Dumbledore saw him. That doesn't mean that he doesn't still think that 1) Tom should be in Azkaban, and 2) that Tom should not be around young, impressionable children. But it would certainly be good for thought.
Still, Dumbledore would be far more focused on the intimidating show of strength demonstrated by Tom against Grindelwald's followers. This would be the first time he'd actually see what Tom is capable of outside of a classroom setting.
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What if…. there’s like a Ghostface in Hogwarts during the marauders era??? Like everyone thinks there is this person going around 🔪ing people but in reality it’s just a mega prank?
Like Remus gets back at Sirius by becoming GhostFace and enlisting Regulus’s help who becomes the second Ghostface. He honestly doesn’t have a reason - just wants to mess with Sirius.
Pandora’s in on the plan and her and Mary are the first to 💀 (they’re actually just hiding somewhere in Hogwarts). McGonagall and Pompfrey are in on it to get back at Dumbledore - who is STRESSING.
Evan and Barty are the second victims. They found out about the true plan after being chased and caught - Regulus wanted to scare them a bit before letting them in on the plan.
Then there is ofc the huge party scene arranged by Lily (who’s also a part of the plan). Sirius feels like the main character who’s destined to figure things out. James already figured out the truth cuz he is smart af, but is just going along with it pretending he never knew. Everyone is pretending to💀 left right and centre in the party. Sirius is now being chased by two Ghostfaces.
Finally he gets caught and pinned to the ground. When he looks up, he removes the mask from the Ghostface sitting on him only to see that it’s Remus. “Why moony?” Sirius asks on the verge of tears.
Remus leans in, “this is what you get for eating my ducking chocolates”
And then everyone pops out alive and scaring the life out of Sirius. Regulus is laughing so hard that he probably needs to go to Pompfrey after.
They don’t tell Dumbledore anything and he’s currently going mad because “No, Minerva, I saw Mary’s corpse and you told me she 💀 but she was in class today and there was supposed to be this masked 🔪ers and-”
“Albus, how high are you? What masked 🔪ers?”
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saiilorstars · 6 months
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Ch. 30: Break-out
Fandom: Harry Potter (Hogwarts years 1-7) Pairing: Draco x OFC
taglist:@ocappreciationtag @arrthurpendragon @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet @foxesandmagic @kmc1989
​​​​Story Masterlist // Romina’s Masterlist
Fanfic • Ao3 • Wattpad
If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know!
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The next time Harry knew anything, he was flanked by two girls on either side of him. It took him several minutes to figure out he was in a hospital wing bed and that both Hermione and Romina were scared out of their minds for him. Ron was on the bed right next to him with his foot bandaged up.
"You shouldn't have run off like that," Romina said with a relieved sigh. They'd been waiting anxiously waiting for him to wake up. "You were lucky the dementors didn't get you! Stupid!" She smacked his arm, ignoring Hermione's reprimand.
Dementors! Harry snapped upright on the bed. Everything was coming back to him now. The lake, the dementor, Sirus... "I saw my Dad!"
Romina, Hermione and Ron exchanged similar puzzled looks. They hadn't really known what happened down at the lake. Professor Snape would not tell them a single word except for the fact they all had detention until they graduated — if they weren't suspended first, of course.
"He sent the Dementors away…" Harry went on, not really noticing the faces of his friends, "I saw him. Across the lake…"
Everybody wanted to tell Harry that he probably just imagined it after everything, but they didn't have the heart. He seemed so animated about the idea that it seemed cruel to take it away from him. Plus, there were more pressing matters at the moment.
"Listen, Harry," Hermione inched closer to his bedside, "They've captured Sirius. Any minute the Dementors are going to perform the Kiss."
"The Kiss...?" Harry said slowly, confused.
Romina felt awful having to explain it, especially now that they knew Sirus was a completely innocent man. "It's the Dementors' biggest ability. Their most terrible act, really. They clamp their jaws over the victim's mouth and...suck out his soul." She wasn't proud of why she knew exact detail either. She'd known it even before Hogwarts explained it to them. She was guilty of asking her aunt and uncle about the place where Elora and Caplan were imprisoned and how they were kept there. She only learned of the Dementors and their abilities after badgering her uncle for answers. In her darkest moments, she was guilty of wondering why the Dementors hadn't applied the Kiss to the imprisoned Oswells already.
Harry had a very small moment to be horrified before Dumbledore entered the wing. Hermione didn't waste a second in telling him they had the wrong man captive.
"It's Scabbers who did it!" Ron's input didn't exactly help them make a strong case in the beginning.
Dumbledore sent the redhead an odd, slightly concerned, look. "Scabbers?"
"My rat, sir. Only he's not really Well, he was a rat. You a rat. See, he used to be my brother Percy's but he got an owl—"
"Ron, stop talking," Romina waved him off before they were all declared insane because of him. "What we're trying to say, sir, is that we know the truth. You need to believe us here. Sirius Black is not the man we thought he was. He's innocent. He's being framed!"
"I do," Dumbledore surprised them all, "But I'm sorry to say the word of four thirteen-year-old wizards will convince few others. A child's voice, however honest and true, is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen. Mysterious thing, time. Powerful. And, when meddled with… dangerous. Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower." Hermione straightened when Dumbledore's gaze landed on her. "You know the laws, Miss Granger. You must not be seen. And you would, I feel, do well to return before this last chime. If not... well, the consequences are really too ghastly to discuss. Three turns should do it, I think. If you succeed, more than one innocent life may be spared tonight. By the way, when in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin…"
Romina, Harry and Ron watched the Headmaster leave with the same dumbfounded faces.
"What the hell?" Romina said in the end. "I rarely understand what that man says but did anyone else get that this time?"
"Nope," Ron said flatly. "What in bloody hell was all that about?"
Harry was getting out of bed when he noticed Hermione was tinkering with a necklace around her neck. "What are you doing?" His question made Romina turn around to see the same thing.
Hermione reached for Romina and Harry, slipping the chain of her necklace over their heads. "Sorry, Ron. But seeing as you can't walk…"
"What?" Ron's one-worded response was the last thing Harry and Romina heard before things got...weird.
Everything around them became blurred. Things spun and Romina felt like she might be losing it the quicker things got. When it finally stopped, it was daytime out.
"What just happened!?" Harry spun around the room that was now completely empty. "And where's Ron!?"
Because Ron was not in his bed either.
"And why is it day time?" Romina whispered, her eyes glued to the shiny windows.
Hermione paid their questions no attention. "Seven-thirty. Where were we at seven-thirty?"
"Huh? Dunno... going to Hagrid's?" Harry glanced at Romina to see what she thought, or remembered. The girl shrugged her shoulders.
Hermione grabbed both their arms and ran out the hospital wing. "We can't be seen!" She warned them.
"Be seen?" Romina said incredulously on their run. "You really think I want people to see me like this!?" She made a gesture to her uneven choppy hair that Hermione left her with.
"Hermione, what is going on!?" Harry started demanding again and soon Romina was too.
It was a god-right talent of Hermione's to be able to ignore the repetitive questions about what was going on. She didn't say anything all the way down to the monoliths, right where they had been before Buckbeak's execution. The only reason the questions stopped was because Romina and Harry seen the impossible: themselves.
Well, all Romina saw were them having what she assumed was a spectacular disagreement with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. "What is this?" she whispered to Hermione. "How are we...what?" She was tired. So, so tired.
Hermione finally held up her chain to show them the hourglass pendant at bottom. "This is a Time-Turner. McGonagall gave it to me first term. This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year."
"You mean, we've gone back in time?" Harry's widened. "This whole time!?"
"You pulled a Back to the Future," Romina chuckled. "You know, in reverse!" Her smile soon dropped when she thought about what Hermione had said. "Hey wait a minute, that's not fair!"
"Romina," Harry said wearily. This was really not the time to discuss about what was fair and what wasn't.
Romina didn't agree. "What? It's not! Look, Hermione you are stupid smart but that time-turner thingy gives you an unfair advantage over the rest of us! Your grades will be excellent because you got a chance at all of the class!"
"I didn't get it so easily, Romina," said Hermione defensively. "And I didn't ask for it either. Like I said, I got it from Professor McGonagall on our first day back. She made me swear I wouldn't tell anyone. She had to write all sorts of letters to the Ministry of Magic so I could have one. She had to tell them that I was a model student, and that I'd never, ever use it for anything except my studies..."
"Seriously unfair," Romina reiterated. "But whatever. So what are we supposed to do now?"
"Well..." Hermione looked around, unsure, "Dumbledore wanted us to return to this moment. Clearly something happened that he wants us to change."
They heard a distinctive smack in the distance. Draco had landed against the monolith with a bloody nose.
"Huh," Romina cocked her head, "So that's what happened."
"Nice punch," Harry said with nothing but admiration for Hermione.
Hermione smiled rather proudly. She still couldn't believe she did that. She stiffened, however, when Draco and his cronies started coming their way. "Oh no! Malfoy's coming! C'mon!" She pulled Harry and Romina with her to hide while they passed.
"Oh wait…" Romina said once something struck her, "We should go the other—"
"Shh!" Hermione clamped a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. Romina's eyes narrowed on the brunette. She wasn't liking today at all!
"Argh! Watch it—Oswell!"
Romina pushed Hermione's hand off her and then hissed: "That's what I was trying to tell you! Now I'm here too! And we're wasting time!"
"We have to wait it out," Hermione hissed right back. "Nobody can see us."
"Rom, what the hell are you doing?" Harry had been far more preoccupied watching Romina from three hours ago having a small conversation with Draco.
Romina watched the moment in which her past self realigned Draco's nose with a hard push. "Well...I was fixing his damn nose, don't you see?"
"Yes, why?" said Harry irritably. "He deserved it."
"No quarrels there."
Harry threw her a look.
"What?" Romina frowned.
Hermione suddenly wished she wasn't in-between them.
"Wait a minute," Harry paused all of a sudden, "I thought you said you were talking to Diggory and that's why it took you longer to catch up with us."
Romina's eyebrows raised. Yup, that is what she had said. "Um…well, I was...at one point..."
Hermione really wished she wasn't in the middle right now.
Harry was outright horrified to see Romina and Draco impossibly close all of a sudden. Then, Romina was touching Draco's face. "Rom…"
Romina's eyes had widened with both fear and embarrassment. The warmth blossoming over her face didn't help. "So...it's not what it looks like…I was just...you see, his nose and..."
Harry turned his head slightly at her, his eyes blazing with disbelief and anger. "Seriously? Right now it looks like you and Malfoy are staring into each other's eyes!"
"I wasn't…" Romina laughed lightly out of sheer nerves, "His nose—I was trying to fix it! I told you!"
"He deserved it!"
"Again, not arguing that he didn't! But, c'mon, that was all I did!"
"Really? Cos you're still staring at each other!"
"Shhhh!" Hermione had enough and put her hands on either side of her. "They're going to hear us!"
"Oh, well, far be it from me to ruin their moment!" Harry exclaimed.
"I don't think this should be our priority right now!" Romina argued. She snuck a look, however, to her past self and saw that Harry was indeed right. Had she really stared at Draco so much? To be fair, he was staring right back at her. And her hands—they were definitely touching his nose. And he allowed it. He must have not thought bad of it because he never even asked her to stop.
The heat on her cheeks got worse.
"Romina, I cannot believe—"
"Oh my god — shhh!" Hermione cut in again to keep them from arguing out loud and getting them caught. She wouldn't deny that the scene before them was quite troubling but they had more pressing matters right now. She thanked the heavens when the past versions of Romina and Draco started going back and forth again. She wouldn't put it behind Harry to forget about the rules and march over there to tear Romina away from Draco.
"I'm going to get her back," Draco was warning Romina.
"No you're not because then I'll break your nose again," Romina promptly said back. She flashed him a smile and moved around him.
Hermione glanced at Romina with a small smile. "Thanks for that."
"Course," Romina bumped shoulders with her. "If he ever asks for it again, break his nose."
Harry was the only one not remotely amused with the scene and the entire situation for that matter. Romina could still feel his burning look and she did not like it one bit. She coughed awkwardly and happened to look back down to Hagrid's hut. "Oh hey, Buckbeak's still alive." She had it said mostly to get things moving but Hermione clung to it with a gasp.
"Of course! Of course! Remember what Dumbledore said. If we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared!"
"Buckbeak? But... how will saving Buckbeak help Sirius?"
"We'll see!" Hermione shrugged. As soon as the coast was clear, she led the way down for the hut.
~ 0 ~
Getting Buckbeak to follow them out of the pumpkin patch had been an interesting task but not impossible. From their hiding spot behind the trees, they witnessed their past versions, save for Romina who didn't show up on time, sneak out of Hagrid's hut through the backdoor before they could be spotted by the adults. From there, the trio and Buckbeak were forced to retreat further into the forest.
"Now what?" Harry called once they found a safe spot to rest.
"We save Sirius," Hermione responded like it should've been obvious that it was their next move.
"Great, how do we do that?" Romina promptly asked her.
Hermione bit on her bottom lip. "I have no idea."
That was promising, alright. As night grew closer, they had to move closer to their past selves near the Whomping Willow. It was the only way to hopefully interject and save Sirius. They had already seen Ron get dragged in by Sirius, then themselves getting swung around by the Whomping Willow, and finally Lupin showed up.
They spotted their professor coming up to the tree carefully and as was its nature, the tree began to thrash when Lupin drew too close. However, the professor grabbed a broken branch from the ground and easily froze the tree's movements by poking a knot on its trunk.
Romina's mouth fell open at the sight. "You're telling me I could've avoided this!?" Her hand flapped at her choppy hair.
"Wait until Fred and George hear about this," Harry remarked. For a moment, they shared a light laugh. The twins would surely take advantage of that trick.
A moment later, they witnessed Snape following through the same gap. They then prepared themselves for the wait until the group would come out of the gap.
"You know…" Harry started in the midst of their silence, "Before...down in the lake, when I was with Sirius, I did see someone... that someone made the Dementors go away…"
"With a Patronus," Hermione finished and startled him with her knowledge. "We heard Snape telling Dumbledore when we were taken to the hospital. According to him, only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it."
"It was my Dad," Harry said without the faintest of doubts. "It was my Dad who conjured the Patronus."
"But Harry, how?" Romina softly asked him. "He's…"
"I know," Harry nodded, "But I'm just telling you what I saw."
Eyes can be deceiving, thought Romina. She just didn't want to press Harry about it anymore. She felt like she didn't have much of a right to talk about them considering what Elora and Caplan did.
"Here we come," Hermione nudged Harry who then prompted Romina to look forwards.
They watched what they did which, unfortunately, was a little slow.
"You see Sirius talking to me?" Harry asked the pair. "He's asking me to come live with him."
"Really?" Hermione blinked.
"When we free him, I'll never have to go back to the Dursley's. I'm going to tell him I'd like to live someplace in the country," Harry said, eyes filling with excitement the more thought he put into the idea. "I think he'd like that, after all those years in Azkaban. We don't need a big place and I can help him…"
"I think that'll be wonderful, Harry," Romina smiled softly at him. If anybody deserved that kind of life, it was Harry.
When they heard the howl, they knew that things were about to begin.
"Lupin's transformed," Hermione said.
"Which means Pettigrew is slipping safely into the night. While we just stand here…" Harry muttered. For cautionary reasons, both Hermione and Romina held onto his arms. He just couldn't run towards the scene no matter what.
They witnessed the fight between the wolf and dog and even when Harry from the past interjected. Since the wolf was now gaining on Harry, Hermioen decided to act out a wolf howl.
"Hermione!" Romina hissed after the brunette's second howl. "You can't do that!"
"Why not? I'm saving his life!" Hermione continued to howl like a wolf.
"Yeah, thanks, but now we have to run for it!" Romina flapped a hand forwards. The wolf had caught onto the howl and was coming to the source.
"Yeeeah," Harry said, patting Hermione's arm as gratitude for saving his life despite now facing danger.
"Didn't think about that—go!" Hermione exclaimed.
The trio ran for their lives as the werewolf gained on them. They had to take refuge behind a tree in hopes that it would pass them by instead.
"Where's Buckbeak?" Romina's eyes wandered through the dark forest. They had just run without even remembering the enormous creature they'd saved.
"We've got to find him," Hermione said, deciding to leave their hiding spot.
Big mistake.
Three steps away from the tree and now they had the wolf a couple inches from them. Just as it prepared to launch itself at them, Buckbeak came charging into the clearing. It took the wolf into a fight.
Hermione winced after one particular scratch Buckbeak landed on the wolf. "Poor Professor Lupin is having a really tough night…"
Suddenly, the air gained a chilly tinge to it. The leaves around them rustled with the sudden pick of the wind. When the trio looked up, they saw shadows flying in the sky.
"The dementors!" Harry said, memories of the lake flashing in his head. He led the way to the lake, which turned out to be right across from where his past self and Sirius were.
The past Harry was desperately trying to conjure up a Patronus against the imminent dementors.
The current Harry held onto his faith because he knew what would eventually happen. "Don't worry. My Dad will come... Right there... you'll see... he'll come... any minute... he'll conjure the Patronus…"
But nothing was happening.
"No one's coming, Harry…" Hermione tried to say but Harry was adamant.
"HE WILL! He will come!"
Romina couldn't take the scene ahead of them. Harry's Patronus wasn't showing up no matter how many times he tried. "You're dying over there," she said, "You and Sirius...no one's coming."
Harry's face hardened. It had to be wrong. Someone had come, they did. It was how he survived. Before he knew it, before either girl knew it, he had gotten up from their hiding spot and ran forwards.
"Harry, no!" Hermione cried with horror.
Harry ignored her and ran as fast as he could. He brandished his wan forwards and with the biggest scream of his life, he went: "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"
Silver emanated from his wand to envelope the entire lake. Dementors were thrown back before they disappeared completely.
~ 0 ~
Harry was filled with exhilaration on their ride back to the castle. Buckbeak had them soaring through the sky at amazing speed. "You guys were right! It wasn't my dad I saw earlier. It was... me. I saw myself conjuring the Patronus before. I knew I could do it this time, because...because I'd already done it. Does that make sense?"
"It's a time loop!" Romina laughed. "Wizard's edition! Right, Hermione?"
Hermione wasn't listening to anything right now. Her heart was pounding with the horrific flying and she let out a huge scream when Buckbeak plunged down. They came straight to the cell in which Sirius was being kept in the meantime. Once Hermione was on actual ground, she remembered everything. With confidence, she found a way to release Sirius from the cell.
"Remind me to stay on her good side," Romina whispered to Harry after the cell door went flying with an exploding spell.
From there, they took Sirius away before anyone came. They couldn't risk doing goodbyes there with the impending sentencing. They landed in another part of the castle.
"I'll be forever grateful for this," Sirius said as he helped Hermione get off Buckbeak, "To all three of you," he added, giving Romina a particular look.
She perked up. "Thanks. And...I know it's worth nothing but I'm sorry for, um—" she swallowed hard, "—what my — what Elora and Caplan did to you."
Sirius could see just how much it meant to her to be able to apologize. He acknowledged the apology with a nod first, then smiled. "Thank you, but it wasn't your fault. You don't have to feel guilt about what your family does. Believe me, I know what that's like. You may share the name but that means nothing in comparison to what you do with your life."
Romina softened at his words but after a moment, she wondered what he meant when he said he could understand her. Before she could think of asking, Harry moved up to Sirius.
"I want to go with you," he said.
Sirius expected as much. "One day perhaps. For some time...life will be too... unpredictable. Besides, you're meant to be here." He clapped Harry on the shoulder and bent down enough to be on the same eye-level. "But promise me something, Harry."
"Trust yourself. No matter the challenges you face - and I fear they will be many - you'll be surprised how many times you can find the answers...here." Sirius gave a light tap over Harry's heart, making the boy smile.
The trio watched him make his escape on Buckbeak through the sky. They would've stayed there had they not heard the loud ding of the clock tower.
"We have to go!" Hermione said, jumping into the lead.
It was a whirlwind making it back to where they started: the nightwing. They reached the doors just as Dumbledore was exiting the room.
"Well?" he stared at the trio.
All out of breath, Harry managed to give a response. "He's free—Sirius. We-we did it!"
"Did what?" Dumbledore said innocently as they rushed in so he could lock the doors.
Romina barely held her laughter in when they were finally closed into the room, just barely catching a glimpse of herself, Harry and Hermione disappearing inside. Poor Ron was left wide eyed and terribly confused when the trio walked in.
"How'd you two get over there? I was just talking to you... over there!" He was a stuttering mess which just made them laugh.
"Honestly Ron, how could we be in two places at the same time?" Hermione had the nerve to say, causing a whole new round of laughter amongst them.
Madam Pomfrey strode out of her office demanding what the noise was all about. She was happy that the adults were leaving because, as she said, she was finally allowed to look after her patients.
She sat Romina, Harry and Hermione down and gave them pieces of chocolate to eat. She stood right in front of them making sure they ate all of it. Then, she took Romina to a separate bed and finally got to her hair.
"What in god's name were you doing when this happened?" she gave a light tug at one of the ends of Romina's hair.
Hermione flushed and ate her chocolate with her head down. It didn't help that Ron was also curious because the last time he knew, Romina's hair was still long as ever with brilliant red streaks.
"I, um, accident...in all the mess..." Romina muttered, "But can you fix it?" She looked up hopefully at Madame Pomfrey. "I really don't want people to see me like this. They already talk about me enough. I'll be the laughing stock of everyone."
"Yes, yes, of course I can fix it," Madame Pomfrey patted the girl's shoulder. "But I won't be able to recreate the, uh..." she pointed at one of the strands that still had a bit of shiny red.
"That's okay," Romina said, "I, um, I think I'm done with the ombre style. I just want my old hair back now."
"Well then, that should be no problem at all." Madame Pomfrey headed into her storage cabinets for what she needed.
"I really am sorry," Hermione whispered to Romina.
"You did that to her?" Ron's eyes widened when he heard. "Blimey, what'd she ever do to you?"
"Cut it out, Ron," Romina said promptly. She reached up to the tips of her hair. "I think it's what I needed. Tough love."
"Why did you change it so much anyways?" Ron asked, ignoring the looks from Hermione and Harry.
"Because I was dumb," Romina said with a watery smile. "Because I thought if I changed my hair I would look less like the woman who birthed me."
"Your mum?"
"She's not my mother," Romina retorted with a hard voice. "I do not have parents. I utterly refuse to ever call them my parents ever again."
"That's your choice, Rom, but you're not like them. Not even close," Harry said with a soft smile. "So I think that you should start leaving your hair — and everything else about you — just the way it is. You're Romina. Nothing more, nothing less."
Romina nodded fervently, fully intending on believing it this time. She was more than happy when Madam Pomfrey returned with a potion for her. She did have to confess that she had changed her hair on her own using transfiguration.
"Well, I've never...heard of such a thing," Madam Pomfrey said, "While I'm sure Minerva will be immensely proud to hear this, I don't condone this usage of transfiguration. You are much too young and you could seriously injure yourself if anything goes wrong. You are not to use that again, do you understand?"
"Yes, ma'am," Romina nodded obediently.
"Honestly, you remind me a lot of your uncle," Madame Pomfrey muttered as she got to work.
"Uncle Lyonel?" Romina mused at the idea of his uncle being a troublemaker like her.
"No, no, the other one," Madame Pomfrey said as gave Romina the potion to drink.
"Other one? What other—"
Romina quickly did as told and drank it all down. It wasn't the most delightful of tastes but if it was what she needed to get her hair back to normal, so be it. In a few minutes, she felt the tips of her hair begin to grow again, to and past her shoulders. After a bit of touch-up from Madame Pomfrey's wand, it was more or less back to the length she had it long ago. Madame Pomfrey offered Romina a mirror so she could see for herself.
"Wow..." Romina gripped the sides of the mirror as she stared at her reflection. "It feels like...like forever since I've been...just me."
"You look wonderful," Hermione said with a wide smile. "And I can help you brush out the knots and we can put this nice tonic that I put on my hair and — we'll just make a whole day out of it!"
Romina suspected it was Hermione's guilt speaking again. She still laughed. "I'd like that."
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zazzander · 6 months
Wizarding Watches
Inspired by Dumbledore's Pocket Watch, among other things.
"It was a very odd watch. It had twelve hands but no numbers; instead, little planets were moving around the edge."
So I've been writing Marauders fics and it has me thinking about wizards & their interesting relationship between time and the stars. The Black family, ofc, names their kids after the stars. But there's a lot more too. So, even though JKR didn't care about worldbuilding, I do, so I really wanted to know how their clocks worked! Because obviously, based on the above description its very different from the ones we use!
So here's a post about how wizards tell time.
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This is some official art of Dumbledore's pocket watch and it frankly looks unusable. And that's probably the point, but! As I said, I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could come up with something that would concievably tell time.
To begin, we know that young wizards and witches need to spend 5 years studying Astronomy. This is considered a core class, up there with history, potions, charms etc. That implies to me that its extremely relevant to the workings of magic. Not just the planets, but the moon, the stars etc.
We also know that watches are the traditional "coming of age" gift for young wizards and witches. I imagine this is all tied to the need for magic users to be aware of the celestial bodies and familiar with how they affect their magic. Carrying around a mini star chart, moon chart, and clock would be instrumental but also very expensive. Hence, why it became customary to give it as a gift for such an important milestone.
For this, I collected a bunch of inspo pics but these two are the most relevant (mostly because they looked the coolest):
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These gave me the idea to include the position of the constellations on the watch + the moon phases. Even though they aren't mentioned in the description, they could help add to the crazy number of handles this watch has!
I also found out that you can tell the time based on the position of the stars, with some recalibration needed depending on the month. So that's how this watch tracks time.
It's the sort of convoluted option wizards would pick (lol).
So what did the watch look like in the early morning of Nov 2? (I think this is the day Dumbledore drops off Harry). Probably something a bit like this:
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The grey hands show which planets are visible. All the planets are aligned on an axis, showing where they can be found relavant to the sun, in this case they are pretty close together.
The moon is a crescent. November has just begun. It's a Monday. And its about 6:45am. Directly above are several constellations including Draco, Auriga, Cygnus and Serpens.
(You may notice that one of the hands is too long for the watch, yes, it is resized with a charm inbedded in the metal. In March it is the size of the month circle itself!).
Bonus! The watch on Harry's Birthday:
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(please note these positions aren't going to entirely accurate because I don't know anything about astronomy, the planets, certainly not the stars - this is just what I could come up with).
What do y'all think?
P.S. The clock is 24 hour time read backwards / anti-clockwise!! The top most prong is midnight.
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expectopatronum81 · 2 months
Why do people get so offended with fics that hv lily copying from Snape in potions instead of having the innate ability to do it herself?(hear me out)
Obvs, its annoying when its used to show lily as satan reincarnate against poor uwu sev, but imo there's nothing inherently wrong with the idea itself. Because we get absolutely no evidence from the source material attributing to her abilities apart from Slughorn's word. For example, we get evidence of james being skilled at transfiguration because he literally turned into an animagus at 15 (smthng Mcgonagall needed Dumbledore's help for) and even helped a fellow student do the same (albeit with Sirius). Ollivander also says in book 1 that his wand was good for transfiguration (actually, he also says that lily's wand was great for charms, but this is either forgotten or massively slept on by both the fandom and the source material itself). We get nothing of this sort about lily's supposed prowess in potions. In fact, Slughorn keeps saying that Harry's inherited his mother's abilities literally every single time he follows the Prince's instructions, which honestly makes me see this as the more plausible option.
Now obvs, there is the possibility that snape could have taken lily's work, but imo this is highly unlikely as we do hv evidence of him being good at the subject (brewing wolfsbane, becoming the potions professor only a few yrs after graduating, theatrics on the subject in his very first class with 11 y/os, etc. Also I don't think someone who names himself 'the halfblood prince' would be very ok with just copying from someone, snape is too proud for that).
This isn't canon ofc. They could have helped each other, had their own individual abilities, or whatever, but i just don't see why this possibility should be frowned upon so much. Maybe he was just helping her as a friend. Or maybe she was profiting off of him ( imo that would be an improvement to the perfect godlike figure we get in canon, and even so she wouldn't be half as flawed as the others in tht generation). Even if she did, it wouldn't mean she's stupid or incompetent overall, she was probably just bad at one subject and got help for it/ conveniently used the most easily available resource. Who knows, the possibilities are endless.
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unadulterated-syd · 2 years
You Stupid Bitch
Ginny Weasley x fem!reader
Warnings; Cussing ofc, but nothing else
Synopsis: Y/n is hurt, watching Ginny go through lovers. However, every dam breaks eventually.
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you let the wrong people love you
You watched anxiously as Ginny and Harry got closer, as the twins ranted about Ron's obsession in keeping them from dating.
Not that Harry had ever done anything wrong, you'd simply known you were a better match for Ginny than he was. You had always been her number 1.
But you don't see that do you?
You'd grown so close to Ginny you'd come to learn how caring and brave she was. You also knew Ginny didn't know when to stop, and she didn't know how to lose.
Regardless of how much they love one another, they weren't right for one another. Harry was prepared for a war, and Ginny would join that war for him.
And that war could be the death of them both, or worse, the death of one and guilt of another. They were wrong for each other, because it could never work right.
When you cry and need my comfort
I drop everything and come over
Harry wasn't one to ignore feelings, he was empathetic and compassionate. He cared deeply for those around him, but Ginny was like a stone. It took ages to break apart the walls around her heart, and the chains on her mind.
So, when things went bad, Dumbledores Army being found out, Harry's crush on Cho, everything, she found herself at your doorstep.
Don’t bite your lip, or grit your teeth
Just count to ten and try to breathe.
You stupid bitch, can't you see
The perfect one for you is me?
You watched once again, as they fell for each other harder. You watched every time he took her breath away, everytime his eyes lit up as she spoke. Everything you wish you shared with her.
You took deep breaths, you held you tongue, they didn't deserve your malaise, because they hadn't done anything wrong. They were young and in love, and even Romeo and Juliet were destined to stay away.
Though even they shared the outcome you feared the most.
You don’t know what you deserve
And that’s why you end up hurt.
You'd watched as Dean cheated on her, you held her at night whilst she cried about him standing her up. You were the friend she deserved when she failed to see for herself what she deserved.
You sat in the bleachers at every practice, you'd cheer her one no matter win or loss. You took her for butter-beer when the team refused to invite a girl, and you joined everytime they took her after she proved herself worthy.
But you never listen
Take my advice as criticism
Then make the worst decisions.
You had sat with her one night as she sobbed, the twins having noticed her sadness as of late and mentioned it. The last night you bit your tongue.
"Ginny.. love. You can't keep letting him treat you like this, everyone around you sees your suffering.. you deserve so much better."
But alas, she had taken it to heart. She was strong, she forced herself to put up a barrier between herself and the world so roughly that any outside help made her feel weak.
She'd ran off, and the next day every whisper and murmer that fell upon your ears was that precious Ginny Weasley had given herself to Dean Thomas in the room of requirements.
Don’t bite your lip, or grit your teeth
Just count to ten and try to breathe.
You stupid bitch, can’t you see
The perfect one for you is me?
And when Ginny came to you to inform you that Harry and her had broken up, you realized you had to take your shot.
You couldn't let yourself hurt her if she began to love again. And you knew you could only bite back you bark for so long.
"Ginny.. uhm.. perhaps we can talk. You don't have to uh.. give me an answer anytime soon, but I owe this too you. Because friends don't keep secrets, and this is important."
Ginny looked at you intently, setting a hand on yours, "Go on.." You could tell she was building her walls back up, the ones she'd always taken down for you. She was scared. And it was your doing.
"I know I always say I love you, but I might've lied a little.. I'm in love with you Ginny, I have been since I saw you with Dean and realized how envious I was of him... I've just been so scared of how that'd change us."
"You stupid bitch, Y/n." She groaned, pulling her hand off of yours as her walls dissolved. She was her, but was she mad?
All your questions were answered when she grabbed your face and kissed you, god she was a gorgeous kisser. Her lips were cold, and she smelt of grass and butter-beer.
When she pulled away from you, she kept her hands on your cheeks as she pressed your forehead to hers, "You're so bloody smart Y/n, but sometimes you're just so daft. I've loved you since you told me how much I stood out, since you noticed me before Harry."
She sighed, breathing in your scent just as well, "Darling I've loved you since the day I realized I could never replace you, not with Dean, nor Harry, nor a million women. I love you."
"I love you too."
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jegulushouse · 11 months
The Day After
This is half properly written and half bullet point ideas. I don't have a lot of experience writing with omegaverse dynamics so it may be a bit… I dunno.. clunky and rough in some spots as I learn and smooth out wrinkles… stick with me. Also, it's not front and centre.
⦁     Sirius brought Remus back to their apartment the morning after, which was routine when they were together post-moon. James used to be there and help until he went into hiding.
⦁     When they get to their place, Aberforth is standing in their kitchen. He informed them that Albus required their presences at St. Mungo's as soon as they were able to be there.
⦁     His alpha was in fairly rough condition so Sirius took the message and sent Aberforth on his merry way. He settled Lupin into their bed and healed his wounds as best as possible. He put a charmed meal, a few labeled potions and a note telling Remus that Dumbledore called and he'd be home as soon as possible on the nightstand.
⦁     Their bed is a four poster with thick curtains on the outside and thinner, partially translucent inner ones which allows privacy in light or darkness. It gives Remus a den aspect while Sirius can nest on the mattress.
⦁     Unfortunately, waking up to a missing pack- or bonded-mate and a note or message of some sort containing a vague description of what was happening and when it will or has occurred wasn't uncommon for lots of people, including Sirius and Remus. Full moons always ended up this way, if Remus was around and usually it was the barely functional werewolf being called away.
⦁     Remus knew that Sirius would fight until it killed him or they won and he loved this about his omega but Sirius being in less danger than him was something that pleased him. He also knew the only way that Sirius would never be called on for a dangerous mission was to win the war. If he wasn't already 1000% invested, he was for this objective.
⦁     Jokes on him, I can see rule-breaking Sirius becoming a law-enforcing auror provided the freedom to do so. Which has its risks ofc.
⦁     Sirius apparitated on the street outside and the first thing Sirius noticed that was off was the amount of celebrating wizards in the street; enough for muggles to take notice too. It didn't settle his growing panic, the panic which was always just under the surface these days.
⦁     The ever-present panic stilled his hyperactive restlessness to a sad, emptiness. Nobody has the time nor energy to cry and hyperventilate or crack a joke, Sirius included.
⦁     He was met in the lobby by Dumbledore, on his way out (to meet up with Regulus), and Lily. The alpha was crying. The sight of her made his stomach drop.
⦁     At first, he figured he must've made a face because the first thing Lily did was hug him too tight for him to breathe, her face in his neck. It occurred to him that she could smell him when he realized her alpha was trying to sooth his omega with her pheromones. Given her own state, she was failing to soothe him.
⦁     "We're fine. We all are." She said, "It's been a rollercoaster." He didn't ask what a rollercoaster was. A muggle thing.
⦁     Lily brought Sirius to James' room and began catching him up along the way. James was asleep. "He was awake earlier but he overexerted himself with Harry. Harry's," She stopped dead in her tracks and began crying again.
⦁     Seeing her child get hit with a killing curse is unimaginable and she saw it. He shouldn't've survived. She knows this.
⦁     "Lily?"
⦁     She pulled back after a moment and pushed her hair from her face as she regained her composure somewhat.
⦁     "Harry's fine. He's completely fine." She said, "Just a scratch." She whispered the last bit, more to herself than him. She began walking again and Sirius followed, finally processing what all of them being at St. Mungo's meant.
⦁     "What about James? Why are we here?" His brain and body made a connection for the first time since arriving and the questions began tumbling out his mouth. "You guys should be in--? Peter! Where is Pete? He's okay, right?"
⦁     They arrived in James' room and Lily sat down in a pre-positioned chair. She was already used to him being there but Sirius froze in the doorway.
⦁     James looked like he was asleep and he was just sleeping but part of Sirius needed convincing that he was only sleeping.
⦁     He could see it. James, who was hyperactive (bc panic didn't calm him like it did Sirius) and who could rarely stay still and talked in his sleep throughout their years at Hogwarts, was entirely still and a bit pale and the hospital scent blockers didn't help.
⦁     There was a bandage around his head but the dried blood that seeped through above his left eye told him where the injury was.
⦁     He could see it, a world where James wasn't breathing.
⦁     He pictured it all the time. More so since Peter was made their secret keeper 10 days prior. It started after the McKinnons died; Marlene was so peaceful looking like she was only asleep.
⦁     Marlene's death hit them all different; no longer were the victims people known by people they knew. It solidified that they weren't immune to this war, that their loved ones really could die, that they all really might die.
⦁     It hit them all different but Sirius found their bodies.
⦁     There were many nights after that where Sirius would shake Remus awake late into the night to hear him talk. To see that he was really alive. Or call Lily on the muggle phone to talk to her and James.
⦁     One time he made Peter floo over at 3 AM bc Peter was that nightmare's victim. The beta and his pregnant mate spent the night in Remus' den with the mated pair.
⦁     Yes, I gave peter a mate and child. They likely met right out of school and had a fast-paced romance (not unusual during war times; people don't know how much life they really have left). Guy or gal, any second gender as long as they can get pregnant bc they had a child.  
⦁     "He's okay. Sirius." Lily said, while summoning a chair and gesturing for Sirius to sit. "He was blown into a wall but the healers say he'll make a quick, full recovery. Harry has a mark on his head. It'll likely scar but he's truly okay. He's in the baby unit right now. James insists that Harry's here whenever he's awake and gets all worked up so Harry sleeps when James sleeps right now." She huffed in a hollow laugh. "Roles reversed."
⦁     "Lily." Sirius said slowly as he processed. "Lily, what happened? Did you leave Godric's Hollow? I know James is going stir-crazy but Peter's risking himself to protect--"
⦁     "We're not that stupid, Sirius Black." She snapped. Sirius flinched slightly and glanced at James.
⦁     Lily's face and tone softened. Sirius' glance to James was one downward and she recognized the submission even if the omega didn't notice himself. Sirius didn't submit to her quick-temper; it's not about dominance. This bothered her immediately.
⦁     Then she whispered. "Peter told. He told him, Sirius. He was in with Voldemort."
⦁     Was. Peter is dead. He couldn't breathe. Peter died.
⦁     Later he will feel guilty for grieving Peter's death before he even registered that Peter betrayed their pack first.
⦁     "Peter, he- he-- okay. No. No way. Peter, he- he wouldn't. He-" But he did. He was the only one who could. "Oh. Oh god no. No, no, no. I let him talk me into--"
⦁     "No. Sirius, you don't blame yourself." Lily cut his uncharacteristic stutter off. She should've known Sirius would blame himself. "We agreed, James and I. We trusted him too. You aren't to blame, okay?"
⦁     "Okay?" She repeated when Sirius didn't. "Sirius, I'm okay. My boys are fine."
⦁     "Yeah, okay." Sirius said. Lily nodded. She knew she wouldn't get more.
⦁     They were silent for a moment and watched James together. Lily wanted to put his glasses back on. Then he would look more like himself.
⦁     "You said 'was'. How did Pete die?" Sirius asked.
⦁     Lily startled out of her head and turned to Sirius. "No. Voldemort died." She sat back again. "Mal-- They captured Peter but he escaped."
⦁     That was what people were celebrating outside. He figured if he lived to see it that he would be with them but all he wanted was to see Harry now that he'd seen James. Lily and James were attacked. By Voldemort. Because Peter was a traitor. But they were okay. Lily, James and Harry were fine and Voldemort was dead.
⦁     "Also, the Malfoys are on our side. And Nott; a Slytherin a few years ahead of us."
⦁     "What!?" He hooked his foot around the leg of her chair and turned her bodily. She was sagging back against the plastic. Double agents were the least important bit of information she'd received in the last 24 hours.
⦁     Dumbledore brought Lily in on the spy statuses of the Malfoys and Nott which she shared with James. Voldemort died upstairs in the Potter house without seeing the Malfoys and Nott in the lower parts of the house and stairs (so he, too, is unaware).
⦁     "Y'know. Your cousin and her husband. They showed up with Dumbledore; I think they ratted Peter out to save us." Neither had it in them to laugh at the unintentional pun. "They have a little guy around Harry's age."
⦁     Lily would eventually explain how Dumbledore, Nott and the Malfoys showed up not even five minutes after Voldemort. How Voldemort died via back-firing curse meant for Harry and how Harry didn't die.  She would take him to see Harry and promise to floo him the moment James was up again. Then he would have to go and repeat the news to Remus.
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Sigh… you assholes will never learn that wishing death on people you hate is absolutely stupid. No matter how much you say that you wish her misery and angst, JKR will always be known to all the world as an amazing woman who stood up for the rights of both genders, all races, all sexualities, and the validity of biological sex 🥰 You’ll never shut up about your shit opinion of her and you’ll harass her amazing supporters and HP fans. Bye bye you’re invalid 😘
Jesus Christ the terfs are after me now lmao
No one said that ‘biological sex’ was invalid, it very much is a real thing and is also much more flexible than you likely think, it’s driven by a wide range of biological factors (not JUST chromosomes as many will have you believe, but rather a myriad of different biological factors, such as hormones. See intersex ppl lmao).
Biological sex is of course a real thing, however when it comes to one’s own identity gender dysphoria is a phenomenon that occurs in many ppl and can only really be treated through transition, be it social, physical, etc. As someone who experiences a lot of gender dysphoria as well as clinical depression, I can tell you that before receiving any form of gender-affirming care my daily life was significantly harder to get through and my suicidal ideation considerably more frequent. (I would also like to note that many cisgender individuals also experience gender dysphoria related to not feeling like they comply to how ‘the idea man/woman’ looks or is, my god its common among gymbros, and very much tied to body dysmorphia that many of them face, a lot of the time.)
The concept of sex cannot be ‘erased’, as sex is real ofc?? Who told u it wasn’t?? (Though it does have much more nuance than many are lead to believe). But gender identity is a separate thing that is honestly more beneficial for you and everyone around you to respect.
JKR is also well-known for her inclusion of many antisemitic stereotypes in her books, movies, and carried through video game. This can be seen quite clearly through a basic examination of the characteristics of the ‘goblins’, with nasty caricatures of Jewish people echoing through. (My god just read about the ‘Goblin Rebellion’ in the game where you’re meant to suppress the uprising of the goblins from literal slave labour).
In terms of racism/classism in the HP series, I’d recommend giving this a read:
(She also very much falls into profiting off of gay rep without actually having any gay rep and very much using identity for profit - see the Dumbledore situation)
With her strange and continuous transphobic rants, and everything listed above, I know may be SUPER HARD to understand why I, queer, trans person (or really anyone with a shred of insight and empathy) may have a BIT of a problem with JKR.
Also, I do not wish death upon her, as I could never really find it in myself to wish harm upon anybody, however, I do wish that she would shut the fuck up.
Hope this helped =^}
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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This is Round Two of the Artist Claims for the 2023 round of WIPBB. You may claim up to three fics this round. If you want only one fic, please fill out the form once with your top choices. If you want two fics, fill out the form twice with your first choice in the first form submission with one unique ID and the second choice in another submission with a different unique ID.
The synopses are located at https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/172201.html
The form is located at https://forms.gle/ES2D3d2mTG1nU4Pk6.
Round two of the art claims will go on until July 1st.
Harry Potter
Title: Black House Will Rock
Pairing/Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange/Hermione Granger
Rating Explicit | E
Warnings/Tags: Non-con/Rape
Age Gap, Past Rape, Some Violence, Suicide, Self Harm
Bellatrix has always been the pinnacle of pureblood society, a quintessential example of everything the Black family stands for and against. Hermione attempts to help her leave and recover from being part of a hate group.
Title: Harry Potter and the Casual Dark Lord Vacancy
Pairing/Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy/Alastor Moody
Rating Teen | T
Warnings/Tags: Chooses not to use Warnings, Side Character Death (Lucius Malfoy), Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Torture, Implied/Referenced Rape by Deception
Slytherin Harry AU, Barty Crouch Jr. survives, childbirth, betrayal, stalking, revenge, found family, conflicted feelings over using dark magic for The Greater Good
Summary: When Harry meets the Malfoys at King's Cross, Narcissa seizes the opportunity to ingratiate her family with the new Dark Lord. Although Harry recognizes her manipulation, he's also starved for friendship and parental love. And Narcissa knows exactly which buttons to push: letters, care packages, stories about Lily, even adoption paperwork. Harry isn't sure he agrees that all Muggles are awful, nor that dark magic might sometimes be necessary for The Greater Good, but he grows fond of Narcissa nonetheless. By Harry's fourteenth birthday, everything seems to finally be working out for once for him.
But then, everything changes. Harry's nightmares return. Death Eaters invade the Quidditch World Cup. Narcissa has daily clandestine meetings and panic attacks. Lucius, paler than ever, forces Harry and Draco to learn the Unforgivable Curses "just in case."
When Narcissa's desperate efforts to protect her family finally blow up in her face, Harry is forced to choose between losing her or becoming the thing he most reviles: the Dark Lord.
Title: Repertum
Pairing/Characters: Harry Potter / Severus Snape, Harry Potter & OFC
Rating Mature | M
Warnings/Tags: Graphic Violence
References to mental illness, hospital setting with medical details
Summary: repertum, i, n
noun 1. discovery 2. finding again 3. invention
For Healer Harry Potter, the war is not over even years after Voldemort's defeat. As he finds himself recovering from an attack at his workplace, St Mungo's, familiar comfort flies in in the form of a kingfisher.
Harry Potter/CSI: LV/Hocus Pocus
Title: …And Now You’re Mine
Pairing/Characters: Harry Potter/Greg Sanders
Rating Explicit | E
Warnings/Tags: No Warnings apply
Character bashing (Ginny, Dumbledore, Binx)
Summary: After the war with Voldemort, Harry leaves magical Britain in order to avoid the machinations of the Order. He joins the police force in Las Vegas as an Auror/SWAT crossover and meets Greg Sanders, wizard, DNA tech in the CSI lab, and the descendent of Winnifred Sanderson of Salem. When the events of Hocus Pocus happen, Harry and Greg are called out to put things right.
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: Working and single parenting is not easy. Andy needs to find a nanny for his son Jacob. Annie, an education degree student at Lasell University, comes to their lives just in time for the big changes in Andy’s life.
Warnings: Language, I think that’s it.
A/N: The witch is back.
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
Word count: 1801
GIF not mine, if its yours, please let me know to give you credit :)  
Annie walked into the house a little past 4 p.m. after a girls’ day out with Sharon. She left the house around noon and let her boys by themselves. The house was in complete silence, the dining table was a complete mess, water colors and paper sheets scattered over it, dirty plates in the sink. She then walked to the living room that looked like a warzone, not better than the dining room. Andy was sleeping with Jake on his chest, paint and stickers all over their faces and clothes and messy hair. Annie just shook her head and smiled, she took Jake in her arms and took him to his room. She went back to the living room and touched Andy’s cheek with the back of her hand.
“Baby,” Andy hummed, “I’m home. Did you have fun?” Andy hummed again and she giggled. Annie leaned in and give him a small kiss “Great job, daddy.” Andy turned to his side and started snoring while Annie left the room to let him rest a bit more before waking him up to clean up their mess.
Saturday, August 20th, Jake’s birthday was finally here. Annie totally convinced Jake to have a Harry Potter team party and asked every guess to dress as one of the characters except the main character because of course Jake had to be dressed as Harry Potter.  It has been two weeks since Andy talked to Lynn and they agreed on letting Andy have the afternoons free to spend more time with Jake. They have seen progress, Jake’s nightmares were ceasing, and when he had them were not about the monster. The dynamic was definitely changing, Annie took care of Jake in the mornings so Andy could spend the whole afternoon with him, she would tag alone if Jake insisted but in the most part it was just the two of them. The bond Jake and Andy were creating was evident, Annie couldn’t be happier to see how Jake was enjoying the company of his dad. They played ball in the back yard, Andy read stories to him before bed, they went out by themselves, and Andy sometimes even share and explain his work to Jake, so he could understand what he did and why his job was important in helping people.
It was around noon when Annie was setting the tables ready in the back yard. His brother and sister in law had already arrived, baby Denisse dressed as dobby was the cutest thing ever with a little sock sewed to her costume.
“Andy?!” Annie called him, from the beginning of the stairs. “Our friends are here. Come on!” no response, she smiled “Be right back.”
Anthony and his wife were dress as some Gryffindor students, while Sharon and Seb of course were dressed as Bellatrix and a death eater. These two have been dating since they met at Alessandro’s, and to be honest they were perfect for each other. Mark and his boyfriend opted to be Neville and Draco.
Annie walked to their room, Andy was hidden in the bathroom and she knocked at the door.
“Come on big guy.”
“I look stupid!”
“I’m sure you don’t, come on, let me see you.”
“No! I’m not coming out!”
“Oh please! It’s Jake’s birthday! He is going to be sad if you don’t come down.”
“Why didn’t you rent a Dumbledore costume?!”Andy opened the door and came out, the beard was absolutely ridiculous, it looked like a dead animal, and she couldn’t help but laughed.
“Ok! I’m not coming down!” But Annie grabbed him by the arm.
“No, I’m sorry, is just that beard is too much! But you don’t look bad. Although the clothes are a bit loose on you.”
“Of course they are! We are talking about a giant!”
“Ok, Hagrid is not a full giant.” Annie looked for the bag were the costume was. “I thought this included a belly.”
“It does, but I don’t like it.” Andy walked in the bathroom and came out holding some kind of rounded pillow.
“Ok, let’s put it on, I wanna see.” Annie put the fake belly between Andy’s pants and his shirt. “Hmmm, looks good to me, sexy chubby man.” She hugged him and winked at him, “Next Christmas you’re gonna be Santa, can’t wait to sit on your lap daddy.”
“I look fucking ridiculous.”
“Tell you what. If you come out like this and use the costume the whole party, I’ll let you put it anywhere.”
“Anywhere?” Andy lifted his eyebrow.
“Yes, baby. Anywhere, and you know I am a woman of my word.”
“Alright! Let’s do this!” Andy walked out of the room and down the stairs. It was impossible for every adult to hold their laugh. “Yeah, ha-ha, very funny.”
“You look ridiculous man.” Anthony said while laughing.
“I hope you don’t look like that when you get older.” Seb commented.
“Shut up both of you, he looks adorable!”
“I don’t like adorable, honey.”
“Ok, how about fucking sexy?”
“My god! Now you shut up, I don’t want to hear my little sister talking like that to some Harry Potter character, is gross.”
“Fine, I’m going to help Jake with his costume, you can go to the back, and beers are on the fridge.”
Five minutes later, Jake and Annie walked out to the back yard, Some of Jake’s friends were already there, including his neighbor Luis. Jake was so excited to see his dad dressed as Hagrid, and Andy, once he saw his son’s reaction, knew every prank Anthony and Seb did today will be worth it. The magician came around 3 p.m. and all the kids were ecstatic when he did the tricks, he even put Jake to help him in one of his acts. Around 6, some of the kids and their moms started to leave, but the rest of their friends remain in the yard, drinking and hanging out.
“Can I take off my costume now, honey?”
“Sure, baby. My promise stands still.” She winked at him and he ran to his room to change into a t-shirt and sweets. He was coming out the bathroom when his phone dinged. A text of an unknown number.
“Hi, Andy. Long time without talking.”
“Who is this?”
“Oh, that’s right! I changed my number. How about if you call me and see who am I, after all it’s been 3 years since you last saw me. It will be nice to catch up.”
Andy’s blood froze. When he read those last words he knew exactly who this person was. He dial the number and she immediately answered.
“Hello, my love.”
“Don’t call me that!” The nickname she used to call him stunk deep. “The fuck you want Laurie?”
“Ouch! So rude!”
“Fuck you! You left three years ago! You left your own son alone! How do you want me to treat you?! He was one! What kind of mother does that?! Never mind, don’t say anything! I already know the answer.”
“Come out, and let’s talk.”
Andy walked to the window and saw her standing right across the street and she waved her hand.
“How do you know where I live?”
“Come down and I’ll tell you.”
“No, get the fuck back to New York. You won’t ruin Jake’s birthday.”
“Such a special day to come back and see my son. I am an excellent birthday present.”
“No, you’re not! And he is no longer your son, he is mine. You send me that letter resigning to your parent’s rights remember?! Leave my family alone Laurie, I’m warning you.”
“Family? Andy you don’t have a family. You wanted to play the big happy family with me when I was fucking miserable! But you were too fucking busy trying to impress your boss to notice! Who else do you got? Your mother is dead and your dad is in jail.” Andy’s breath hitched “What? You thought I didn’t know? I found out about your dad before I left you. Poor little Andy is all alone.”
“I’m not alone, I have friends, I have Jake and I have...”
“Who? The nanny? So plain, certainly not better than me. Thought you had better taste.”
“Don’t you dare to talk about her! She is more of a mother than you ever were to Jake!”
“Yeah, whatever. But tell me, does your precious little nanny know about your dad? Does Jake know he has a grandfather?”
“If he doesn’t know about your existence, trust me he doesn’t know about my so called father.”
“Oh but I could tell him! Families don’t have secrets Andy, and you have been hiding so much shit just for everyone to think you are not fucked up.”
“What do you want?”
“I want my son back, and either we can do this the easy way or the hard way, you choose.” And she hang off the phone. Andy looked back again outside the window the phone still against his ear and saw her living in a white Audi.
“Baby! Why are you taking so long?”
“What?” Andy turned to see Annie.
“Oh, you’re on the phone, I’m sorry.”
“No, I just finish.” He put the phone in the pocket of his sweats.
“Great! Guess what? Sam’s mom told me Jake’s school is looking for a teacher assistant, I have to go there next Monday and give a sample class.”
“That’s amazing honey, I’m sure you’ll do great.” Andy turned to see once more to the window and made sure Laurie was no longer there.
“Wanna come with me? Our friends still down stairs, we are planning to play charades.”
“Are you ok?”
“You sure? You look pale. Who were you talking to?”
“Ammm Lynn, it was Lynn, she was telling me about this case I have to take care of next Monday.”
“Oh! Is it bad? You seem disturbed.”
“It’s fucking messed up.”
“I’m sorry baby,” She went to hug him and give him a kiss, “I’m sure you’ll do great.” Andy still seemed off, “Do you want me to tell everyone to leave? It can be just us, watch a movie, or we can play charades with Jake. And later I can help you relax, remember my offer.”
“I’m not in the mood honey. Not tonight.” He took a deep breath, “Let’s go play” He gave her a tight smile and walked towards the door.
“Andy,” she reached for his arm, “You know you can talk to me about anything right?”
“Yes, I know honey. Just a though case, nothing to worry about, ok?”
She nodded and walked together to meet their friends. The game of charades making Andy forget for a while Laurie’s call, but knowing very well she was not going to leave town that easily.
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